Ticket ID Status Issue Type Date Identified Description Priority Assigned To Expected Resolution Date Require Escalation Impact Summary Actual Resolution Date Final Resolution & Rationale Logged By Logged Email Logged Phone Entered By
#00024882Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024881Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024880Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024879Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024878Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024877Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024876Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024875Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024874Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024873Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024872Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024871Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024870Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024869Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024868Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024867Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024866Closed2024-03-14179/03/24/DEBT PROFILE REQUEST/0101210183931MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-14NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 662158069001 Debt Repayment ₦40,659.34 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦1,659.34 M 2022-05-18 ₦39,000.00 2024-02-282024-03-14 agohabigail69@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024865Closed2024-03-14DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-14NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6361247589-01 Debt Repayment ₦93,310.43 ₦-25,040.48 ₦2,000.00 ₦25,269.95 M 2019-02-26 ₦43,000.00 2024-03-122024-03-14 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024864Closed2024-03-13KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-13No44000718666 55278368216862161819 35505017677055805734 44000721298 13332764942352243899 31272481763794668914 44000771137 65458675726830217249 36952144018466638180 44000719078 59418008825995410956 539371758174109736542024-03-13 sadikhmodibbo@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024863Closed2024-03-13Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-13NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 663124 Debt Repayment ₦121,305.62 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦44,805.62 M 2022-02-16 ₦76,500.00 2024-03-13 663124 Refund ₦48,263.38 ₦0.00 ₦402.19 ₦43,437.10 M 2023-03-13 ₦4,826.28 2024-03-132024-03-13 mustaphamaryam67@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024862Closed2024-03-13DEBT PROFILE: 0101200035455MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-13NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611149167701 Debt Repayment ₦338,852.29 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦336,852.29 M 2023-12-20 ₦2,000.00 2024-01-232024-03-13 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024861Closed2024-03-13DEBT PROFILE: 0101210034985MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-13NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 503958 Debt Repayment ₦253,082.69 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦247,082.69 M 2023-11-06 ₦6,000.00 2024-02-262024-03-13 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024860Closed2024-03-13Request for debt==62521035444MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-13NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 556818 Debt Repayment ₦10,594.28 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2022-08-24 ₦10,594.28 2023-02-03 Closed 556818 Loss of Revenue ₦123,250.00 ₦-51,500.00 ₦30,000.00 ₦-18,250.00 M 2023-03-10 ₦90,000.00 2023-06-21 Closed2024-03-13 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024859Closed2024-03-13#0053/03/24/0101210174674/REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE#MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-13NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 690019 Debt Repayment ₦57,935.14 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦23,935.14 M 2022-10-24 ₦34,000.00 2024-03-132024-03-13 samueldchun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024858Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024857Closed2024-03-13KRN requestMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-13No32189597647945085448 04802425498715297407 44940368249575865757 48618752787638438295 ----2024-03-13 onceinlife6464@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024856Closed2024-03-13163/03/24/DEBT PROFILE REQUEST/0101210165979Medium 2024-03-13NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 424805 Refund ₦63,061.32 ₦0.00 ₦525.51 ₦58,331.73 M 2023-03-13 ₦4,729.59 2023-12-17 424805 Debt Repayment ₦277,689.15 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦275,689.15 M 2023-11-29 ₦2,000.00 2023-12-172024-03-13 agohabigail69@gmail.com
#00024855In Progress2024-03-13REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPERMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-13No0101 1702 78085 6161 5108 0124 0283 6076 01500 0094 0075 1478 1257 2883 0612 18850000-00-00 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024854Closed2024-03-13REQUEST FOR KRN :44300051131MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-13No29548730645403380803 060641272617954189772024-03-13 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024853Closed2024-03-13Request for KrnMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-13No19562062518818180592 192812334353644175472024-03-13 thompsontor@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024852Closed2024-03-13#1794# REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE.....0101210192114MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-13NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 712156 Debt Repayment ₦7,409.13 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦1,409.13 M 2023-12-28 ₦6,000.00 2024-03-122024-03-13 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024851ClosedRequest2024-03-13REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPER IN RESPECT OF THIS ACCOUNT 0150000910391MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-13NoREQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPER IN RESPECT OF THIS ACCOUNT 01500009103912024-03-13 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024850Closed2024-03-13REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE #1791---95300220779MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-13NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 639471 Debt Repayment ₦67,056.28 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦27,056.28 M 2022-03-22 ₦40,000.00 2023-11-292024-03-13 umaymah1065@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024849Closed2024-03-13#1790# REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE..... 95300142304MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-13NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 651576 Debt Repayment ₦170,326.84 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦140,326.84 M 2022-10-19 ₦30,000.00 2024-01-302024-03-13 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024848Open0000-00-00REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPERIT Umar Auwal2024-03-13No0101 17018 5231 2591 5092 6565 9095 3234 0101 1704 59081 1869 0520 9073 7483 9143 0150 3000 2721.....INCORRECT 6232 1097 867 6475 7123 8571 1107 82382024-03-13 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024847Closed2024-03-13REQUEST FOR KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-13No02076687517835958823 616715569870841368232024-03-13 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024846Closed2024-03-13#0025/03/2024# 44000807832 REQUEST FOR KRN UPGRADEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-13No3853 7255 4445 9632 06292024-03-13 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024845ClosedKCT Request2024-03-13KCT/KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-13NoHello, find below. 33 To 1 1035 5162 9957 8088 1838 3231 9920 4037 7766 69152024-03-13 faithelisha1990@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024844Closed2024-03-13DEBT PROFILE: 0101185052616MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-13NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 579583 Debt Repayment ₦64,359.16 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦46,359.16 M 2023-05-21 ₦18,000.00 2024-02-282024-03-13 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024843Closed2024-03-13Debt 0150000982002MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-13NoHello, find below. 0150000982002 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 775343 Debt Repayment ₦32,038.09 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦7,038.09 M 2023-05-17 ₦25,000.00 2024-03-012024-03-13 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024842Closed2024-03-13#0615/03/24/0101200051965/Request for Debt profile #MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-13NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 570065 Debt Repayment ₦50,847.08 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦847.08 M 2022-02-25 ₦50,000.00 2024-03-132024-03-13 senenge.hungwa@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00024841Closed2024-03-13REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE---44000680965MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-13NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 644506101801 Debt Repayment ₦243,605.96 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦233,605.96 M 2022-06-07 ₦10,000.00 2022-11-212024-03-13 aleeyuibraheemahmad16@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024840Closed2024-03-13REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE---44000680965MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-13NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 716033 Debt Repayment ₦99,249.52 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦91,249.52 M 2023-11-20 ₦8,000.00 2024-03-082024-03-13 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024839Closed2024-03-13#0303/03/24# Request for debt profile 0101160181349MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-13NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 251393 Debt Repayment ₦135,255.28 ₦-35,995.69 ₦2,000.00 ₦31,259.59 M 2019-02-02 ₦68,000.00 2024-03-132024-03-13 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024838Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024837Closed2024-03-13REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE===44000570968MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-13NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 806770 Debt Repayment ₦16,017.98 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦12,017.98 M 2024-01-24 ₦4,000.00 2024-03-102024-03-13 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024836Closed2024-03-13169/03/24/DEBT PROFILE REQUEST/0101210183592MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-13NoHello, find below. Search: Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 533164 Debt Repayment ₦233,282.68 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦195,282.68 M 2022-07-18 ₦38,000.00 2024-02-092024-03-13 agohabigail69@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024835Closed2024-03-13REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE: 95300193620MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-13NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 527918 Debt Repayment ₦274,502.16 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦274,502.16 M 2022-04-25 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-03-13 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024834Closed2024-03-13164/03/24/DEBT PROFILE REQUEST/54161086290MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-13NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6621015090-01 Debt Repayment ₦170,912.18 ₦-87,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦15,912.18 M 2018-08-20 ₦68,000.00 2024-03-132024-03-13 agohabigail69@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024833Closed2024-03-13REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-13NoHello, find below. 0150000864648 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 511840 Debt Repayment ₦81,536.11 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦43,536.11 M 2022-07-29 ₦38,000.00 2024-02-29 0150000953516 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 663145 Debt Repayment ₦39,366.90 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦16,366.90 M 2022-07-29 ₦23,000.00 2023-08-312024-03-13 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024832Open0000-00-00167/03/24/DEBT PROFILE REQUEST/0101210150336MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-13NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 662154216301 Debt Repayment ₦211,089.08 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦171,089.08 M 2022-07-15 ₦40,000.00 2024-03-132024-03-13 agohabigail69@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024831Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024830Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024829Closed2024-03-13#607/03/24/44000602514 & 95300104387/Request for Debt Profile #MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-13NoHello, find below. 95300104387 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 658506006101 Debt Repayment ₦92,119.01 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦46,119.01 M 2022-04-06 ₦46,000.00 2024-03-11 44000602514 Search: Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 767965 Debt Repayment ₦60,687.79 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦44,687.79 M 2023-07-28 ₦16,000.00 2024-03-042024-03-13 senenge.hungwa@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00024828ClosedVending History2024-03-13VENDING HISTORYMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-13NoHello, find below. # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 5178171014498724 Transaction Date/Time: 2024-03-11 09:16:27 Meter No.: 44000813210 Account No.: 844121 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 13.56 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 5387 1561 1395 0979 3630 2 Transaction ID: 1671170712731724 Transaction Date/Time: 2024-02-05 11:01:57 Meter No.: 44000813210 Account No.: 844121 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 67.79 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 2772 4355 7982 1756 33522024-03-13 faizahtafida@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024827Closed2024-03-13Debt profile 0150000909070MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-13NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 650528 Debt Repayment ₦57,158.22 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦26,158.22 M 2022-08-02 ₦31,000.00 2023-09-292024-03-13 Debt profile 0150000909070 Umar Auwal
#00024826Closed2024-03-13Debt profile 0150000911811MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-13NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 643744 Debt Repayment ₦81,315.23 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦37,315.23 M 2022-05-25 ₦44,000.00 2024-03-132024-03-13 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024825Closed2024-03-13REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE----0101170205088MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-13NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 691466 Debt Repayment ₦8,566.68 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦4,566.68 M 2024-01-22 ₦4,000.00 2024-03-122024-03-13 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024824Closed2024-03-13REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE----44000503704MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-13NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 798994 Debt Repayment ₦8,202.13 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦4,202.13 M 2023-11-14 ₦4,000.00 2024-01-202024-03-13 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024823Closed2024-03-13Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-13NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611701159301 Debt Repayment ₦613,949.53 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦613,949.53 M 2023-04-04 ₦0.00 2023-04-172024-03-13 tkhadija028@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024822Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024821ClosedKCT Request2024-03-13KCT REQUEST: 0101200000848 (21 TO 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-13NoHello, find below. 21 To 1 5901 9807 0712 1053 5157 6079 8046 3725 3916 62902024-03-13 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024820ClosedKCT Request2024-03-13REQUEST FOR KCT FOR NEW METER: 0101215059524MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-13NoHello, find below. KCT1: 1905 9142 6270 0378 7529 KCT2: 2199 9003 3955 7018 92622024-03-13 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024819Closed2024-03-13Request for Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-13NoHello, find below. 62321092660 There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment. 44000574796 There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2024-03-13 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024818ClosedKCT Request2024-03-13KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-13NoHello, find below. 44000770196 1 To 55 0395 0103 3268 6234 3751 5718 0568 6743 2564 76312024-03-13 onceinlife6464@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024817Closed2024-03-13Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-13NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612645026801 Debt Repayment ₦112,595.41 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦64,595.41 M 2022-03-30 ₦48,000.00 2024-03-132024-03-13 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024816ClosedVending History2024-03-13VENDING HISTORYMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-13NoHello, find below. # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 5916170915485624 Transaction Date/Time: 2024-02-28 22:14:16 Meter No.: 44000511327 Account No.: 785442 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 135.58 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 3701 2686 0924 4311 4353 2 Transaction ID: 4369170854973424 Transaction Date/Time: 2024-02-21 22:08:54 Meter No.: 44000511327 Account No.: 785442 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 67.79 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 0977 5269 9399 1328 2510 3 Transaction ID: 9301170682290024 Transaction Date/Time: 2024-02-01 22:28:20 Meter No.: 44000511327 Account No.: 785442 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 135.58 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 0366 6745 0275 6403 8970 4 Transaction ID: 7107170674465024 Transaction Date/Time: 2024-02-01 00:44:11 Meter No.: 44000511327 Account No.: 641506108201 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 135.58 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 0129 9749 8514 5952 8625 5 Transaction ID: 9328170412372024 Transaction Date/Time: 2024-01-01 16:42:01 Meter No.: 44000511327 Account No.: 785442 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 135.58 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 3185 7207 4351 8743 8192 6 Transaction ID: 3905170312730024 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-12-21 03:55:01 Meter No.: 44000511327 Account No.: 785442 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 135.58 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 0070 3071 3352 0413 4080 7 Transaction ID: 7691170298237424 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-12-19 11:39:34 Meter No.: 44000511327 Account No.: 641506108201 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 147.05 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 3132 7049 8818 6221 9640 8 Transaction ID: 2380170266209524 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-12-15 18:41:36 Meter No.: 44000511327 Account No.: 785442 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 135.58 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 2407 0922 4157 5524 3408 9 Transaction ID: 5174170138855824 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-12-01 00:55:58 Meter No.: 44000511327 Account No.: 785442 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 135.58 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 2494 2177 3128 7426 5939 10 Transaction ID: 2302169965270324 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-11-10 22:45:03 Meter No.: 44000511327 Account No.: 641506108201 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 147.05 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 6610 9379 1203 6032 29862024-03-13 faizahtafida@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024815ClosedTamper Code2024-03-13REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPER CODEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-13No1623 4843 0934 3501 39372024-03-13 abdulsalamvio@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024814ClosedKCT Request2024-03-13KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-13NoHello, 28660319235141467475 200853624620845956112024-03-13 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024813Closed2024-03-13CLEAR TEMPER REQUEST AS AT 11/3/2024MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-13No0163213045434 0098 8679 2266 6115 8354 0101160012874 7053 5202 1386 8510 7925 44000395622 6273 2203 0290 8424 7513 54160957095 7277 0120 2720 7356 1569 44000314763 0285 1361 9112 7080 4037 54161155418 6193 9555 1107 5228 66302024-03-13 mnasir.suleiman@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00024812Closed2024-03-13#0042/03/24/0101210089427/REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE#MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-13NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 615109016301 Debt Repayment ₦217,100.84 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦183,100.84 M 2022-10-20 ₦34,000.00 2024-03-122024-03-13 samueldchun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024811Closed2024-03-13KRN REQUEST 0101210175747MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-13No58699585330454646189 312786295095424212952024-03-13 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024810ClosedTamper Code2024-03-13REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPERMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-13No54160912603 16984259542271766997 50684123828173180443 54160900574 07461638865220676487 19988923533770478324 54161044273 38172740794950802163 470537957344001000272024-03-13 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024809Closed2024-03-13KrnMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-13No73341759882218012311 204127833905691169232024-03-13 murijunior1244@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024808Closed2024-03-13Request for debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-13NohELLO, FIND BELOW. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 776487 Debt Repayment ₦8,508.29 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2023-10-06 ₦8,508.29 2024-03-12 Closed2024-03-13 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024807Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024806Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024805Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024804Closed2024-03-11Request for Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 511753 Debt Repayment ₦142,883.50 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦124,883.50 M 2022-06-21 ₦18,000.00 2023-05-31 511753 Loss of Revenue ₦82,000.00 ₦-30,000.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦52,000.00 M 2023-06-02 ₦0.00 2023-06-022024-03-11 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024803Closed2024-03-11Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612639116601 Debt Repayment ₦224,791.65 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦186,791.65 M 2022-08-18 ₦38,000.00 2024-03-09 -2024-03-11 mustaphamaryam67@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024802Closed2024-03-11Debt profile 0150000937998MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 677719 Debt Repayment ₦33,252.00 ₦0.00 ₦3,500.00 ₦16,752.00 V 2023-02-16 ₦16,500.00 2024-03-112024-03-11 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024801Closed2024-03-11DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-11NoHello, find below. 95300209129 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 609522 Debt Repayment ₦146,555.04 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦118,555.04 M 2022-10-21 ₦28,000.00 2024-03-04 44000676674 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 688198 Debt Repayment ₦49,575.01 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦45,575.01 M 2024-01-12 ₦4,000.00 2024-03-102024-03-11 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024800Closed2024-03-11DEBT PROFILE: 0101210032427MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 777243 Debt Repayment ₦11,025.68 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦9,025.68 M 2023-12-24 ₦2,000.00 2024-01-272024-03-11 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024799Closed2024-03-11107/03/24/DEPT PROFILE REQUEST/0101210102758MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-11NoHello, find below. Search: Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 591302 Debt Repayment ₦195,353.78 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦171,353.78 M 2023-03-30 ₦24,000.00 2024-03-112024-03-11 agohabigail69@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024798Closed2024-03-11total debtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 561124 Debt Repayment ₦158,219.13 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦129,219.13 M 2022-07-19 ₦29,000.00 2023-10-122024-03-11 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024797Closed2024-03-11DEBT profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 417393 Debt Repayment ₦439,079.32 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦423,079.32 M 2022-12-08 ₦16,000.00 2023-08-092024-03-11 rasheedatlawalaa7428@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024796Closed2024-03-11DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 567418 Debt Repayment ₦214,392.47 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦166,392.47 M 2022-03-22 ₦48,000.00 2024-03-112024-03-11 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024795Closed2024-03-11Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-11NoHello, find below. Search: Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 649291 Debt Repayment ₦26,838.21 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦22,838.21 M 2024-01-24 ₦4,000.00 2024-03-112024-03-11 maryamibrahim1300@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024794ClosedKCT Request2024-03-11REQUEST FOR KCT CODEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-11NoHello, find below. 1 To 99 0791 8603 9786 9703 4595 1709 6855 6403 6447 59742024-03-11 abdulsalamvio@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024793ClosedKCT Request2024-03-11KCT REQUEST FROM 7 TO 1 44000543544MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, find below. 7 To 1 0231 6374 8969 1717 3183 5106 8641 6539 9793 49292024-03-11 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024792Closed2024-03-11Request for debt profile----0101161070061MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 530796 Debt Repayment ₦112,509.11 ₦-42,695.09 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,814.02 M 2018-12-18 ₦64,000.00 2024-01-172024-03-11 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024791Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024790Closed2024-03-11Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-11NoHello. find below. 612851043601 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612851043601 Debt Repayment ₦57,478.03 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦33,478.03 M 2023-03-28 ₦24,000.00 2024-03-06 0101200048933 This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2024-03-11 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024789ClosedKCT Request2024-03-11Request for k c TMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-11NoHello, find below. 0150000850308 Tariff index 0 KCT1: 1345 0339 7412 3810 6750 KCT2: 4910 0394 0726 3013 2398 0150300021980 Tariff index 15 to 33 15 To 33 5588 7901 3700 0789 9800 2534 2415 9191 7682 6950 62321092108 Tariff index 1 to 99 1 To 99 2006 2676 4449 1812 9087 3652 9422 2754 4278 92282024-03-11 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024788Closed2024-03-11Request for Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 512611 Debt Repayment ₦122,652.94 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦98,652.94 M 2022-04-06 ₦24,000.00 2023-12-282024-03-11 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024787Closed2024-03-11Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612760116101 Debt Repayment ₦682,899.00 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦654,899.00 M 2023-01-19 ₦28,000.00 2024-03-01 ----2024-03-11 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024786Closed2024-03-11Request for KCT 44000323673MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-11NoHello, find below. 1 To 2 6596 5313 1920 6688 3400 4946 8033 6701 3800 5548 2 To 1 4498 4952 6084 4802 6177 2959 6192 1471 7249 50862024-03-11 soneatelectrical@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024785Closed2024-03-11Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612828184101 Debt Repayment ₦328,482.90 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦326,482.90 M 2023-12-26 ₦2,000.00 2024-01-202024-03-11 yakubaliyu82@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024784Closed2024-03-11Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612828184101 Debt Repayment ₦328,482.90 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦326,482.90 M 2023-12-26 ₦2,000.00 2024-01-202024-03-11 yakubaliyu82@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024783Closed2024-03-11Request for Debt profile,MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 379099 Debt Repayment ₦242,773.41 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦242,773.41 M 2023-12-25 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-03-11 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024782Closed2024-03-11Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-11NoHello, find below. 0101200097869 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611131080001 Debt Repayment ₦356,098.99 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦340,098.99 M 2023-04-11 ₦16,000.00 2023-12-25 0101200033773 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 715630 Debt Repayment ₦7,773.00 ₦0.00 ₦3,500.00 ₦7,773.00 V 2023-10-03 ₦0.00 2023-10-032024-03-11 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024781Closed2024-03-11Request for debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 646010211801 Debt Repayment ₦112,489.67 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦57,489.67 M 2022-05-12 ₦55,000.00 2024-03-112024-03-11 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024780ClosedKCT Request2024-03-11KCT 0101170381707MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-11No1 To 2 4059 6080 6086 6081 0559 0916 0331 2094 0942 98192024-03-11 mathewudahson@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024779ClosedKCT Request2024-03-11KCT REQUEST: 0101165037629 (INDEX: 28)MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-11NoHello, find below. 28 To 99 3641 0295 7091 1273 1001 6791 4064 4249 3954 67492024-03-11 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024778Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024777Closed2024-03-11DEBT PROFILE: 0101210018038, 44000636074MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-11NoHello, find below. 0101210018038, ​ Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 613108283401 Debt Repayment ₦88,290.33 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦60,790.33 M 2023-04-04 ₦27,500.00 2024-03-10 44000636074 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 787790 Debt Repayment ₦40,452.07 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦24,452.07 M 2023-06-01 ₦16,000.00 2024-02-172024-03-11 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024776Closed2024-03-11Debt 0101200124135MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 687950 Debt Repayment ₦18,279.65 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦18,279.65 M 2023-11-14 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-03-11 mathewudahson@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024775Closed2024-03-11Request for Debt ProfileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 750161 Debt Repayment ₦750,161.00 ₦-748,743.88 ₦2,000.00 ₦-8,582.88 M 2023-09-28 ₦10,000.00 2024-02-19 Closed 750161 Refund ₦8,582.88 ₦0.00 ₦8,582.88 ₦8,582.88 V 2024-03-06 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-03-11 senenge.hungwa@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00024774Closed2024-03-11Completed Clear Tamper Complaint Lodging FormsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-11No62420235541 3173 3405 0310 4548 3835 62420257057 4107 7219 8275 7672 1286 62122361066 7053 4426 5351 6715 7319 62521007021 4992 4652 5153 0583 1499 62521041566 0 7286 2942 9409 0437 6714 62420256661 6715 9440 7078 7051 6602 44000639524 1155 3136 8283 3023 0981 62221015894 6941 8294 6300 5414 3113 62521042200 0647 7537 8942 6222 9512 62420255010 0374 9858 6976 6306 0869 0101200080238 6356 5043 3773 8567 8968 62420234726 3919 4244 4596 7373 8405 62420138216 1257 6898 7245 6050 8047 44300012406 4607 6186 7895 7743 6165 62521026344 7253 0218 0049 6132 5374 44000716686 4071 3021 6675 3170 4048 44000714467 5323 8889 0684 0858 0346 62420214108 3006 9300 6006 3523 7604 44000697456 7185 7242 8983 1791 6227 44000713394 3464 5981 7321 2171 63342024-03-11 mnasir.suleiman@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00024773Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024772Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024771Closed2024-03-04DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 631121160001 Debt Repayment ₦254,740.90 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦244,740.90 M 2023-08-01 ₦10,000.00 2024-01-26 ---2024-03-04 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024770Closed2024-03-04KCTMedium 2024-03-04NoHello, Find below 1 To 99 3955 7881 9239 5292 3568 2221 4927 0464 0428 8597 99 To 1 0374 5750 7924 1614 6110 7363 3600 9326 2713 56322024-03-04 jubilant95@gmail.com
#00024769Closed2024-03-04007/02/24/0101210087991/REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE#MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 651595045101 Debt Repayment ₦387,864.35 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦353,864.35 M 2022-10-21 ₦34,000.00 2024-03-042024-03-04 florarumun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024768Closed2024-03-04DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 506257 Debt Repayment ₦57,322.37 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦13,322.37 M 2022-05-24 ₦44,000.00 2024-03-042024-03-04 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024767Closed2024-03-04REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE----44000742906MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 782081 Debt Repayment ₦32,825.69 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦21,825.69 M 2023-03-27 ₦11,000.00 2023-12-212024-03-04 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024766Closed2024-03-04JED/CCRM/GDB/#03/351 DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, Find below ​ Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612639138001 Debt Repayment ₦180,782.88 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦135,782.88 M 2022-08-12 ₦45,000.00 2024-02-12 ​2024-03-04 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024765Closed2024-03-04DEBT PROFILE 44000599488MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 783930 Debt Repayment ₦64,212.08 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦62,212.08 M 2023-07-29 ₦2,000.00 2023-08-302024-03-04 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024764Closed2024-03-04REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE---44000667533MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612208082201 Debt Repayment ₦74,092.64 ₦-38,532.97 ₦559.67 ₦559.67 M 2022-08-09 ₦35,000.00 2024-02-07 Hello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612208082201 Debt Repayment ₦74,092.64 ₦-38,532.97 ₦559.67 ₦559.67 M 2022-08-09 ₦35,000.00 2024-02-072024-03-04 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024763Closed2024-03-04DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 633829 Debt Repayment ₦146,249.53 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦108,249.53 M 2022-08-19 ₦38,000.00 2024-03-042024-03-04 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024762Closed2024-03-04#0071/02/24/54161038556/REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE#MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 711557 Debt Repayment ₦15,462.05 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦13,462.05 M 2022-02-15 ₦2,000.00 2022-03-192024-03-04 samueldchun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024761Closed2024-03-04DEBT PROFILE: 0101200115513MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 665406 Debt Repayment ₦60,345.14 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦60,345.14 M 2023-12-06 ₦0.00 2023-12-172024-03-04 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024760ClosedKCT Request2024-03-04KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, find below. 4 To 1 1787 3755 2257 2343 3735 4582 7141 9459 1940 12152024-03-04 Umar Auwal
#00024759Closed2024-03-04DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, find below. 0163213044908 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 621387 Debt Repayment ₦132,330.13 ₦-90,522.80 ₦2,500.00 ₦0.00 M 2019-06-02 ₦41,807.33 2022-10-01 Closed 621387 Refund ₦117,910.69 ₦0.00 ₦982.59 ₦106,119.61 M 2023-03-13 ₦11,791.08 2024-03-02 621387 Debt Repayment ₦112,368.36 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦110,368.36 M 2024-02-21 ₦2,000.00 2024-03-02 62321102113 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 811932 Debt Repayment ₦5,481.43 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,481.43 M 2023-08-01 ₦0.00 0000-00-00 Reply Reply All2024-03-04 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024758ClosedKCT Request2024-03-04KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 1186 4197 8714 2799 3068 6187 6551 5794 3155 3922 1 To 2 0325 8158 9532 5035 5045 0757 8559 6234 1401 86142024-03-04 mauwalu143@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024757Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024756Closed2024-03-04DEBT STATUSMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHelo, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 494784 Debt Repayment ₦220,195.28 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦210,195.28 M 2022-05-13 ₦10,000.00 2022-10-272024-03-04 ashanafagain@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024755Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024754Closed2024-03-04DEBT PROFILE JED/CCRM/JMR/03/802 95300195955LowIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 641931 Debt Repayment ₦5,844.39 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦5,844.39 M 2024-01-22 ₦0.00 2024-01-312024-03-04 mhauwa74@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024753Closed2024-03-04REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE #1415---0101210197501MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 752265 Debt Repayment ₦17,290.97 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦11,290.97 M 2023-07-29 ₦6,000.00 2023-10-212024-03-04 umaymah1065@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024752Closed2024-03-04REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE----44000667533MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612208082201 Debt Repayment ₦74,092.64 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦39,092.64 M 2022-08-09 ₦35,000.00 2024-02-072024-03-04 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024751Closed2024-03-04#0252/03/24# Request for debt profile 95300152105MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, Find Below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 417035 Debt Repayment ₦317,101.39 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦271,101.39 M 2022-03-10 ₦46,000.00 2024-02-022024-03-04 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024750ClosedKCT Request2024-03-04Request for KRN KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04No54160984016 index 21 03148222964059400707 35574285149770804388 54160926595 index 21 53653195029635791085 270685107248907669772024-03-04 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024749Closed2024-03-04Does not exist for KRN upgradeMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04No21026032263759847618 412044491664327486902024-03-04 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024748Closed2024-03-04REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE: 95300400082MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 702973 Refund ₦63,061.32 ₦0.00 ₦525.51 ₦56,755.20 M 2023-03-13 ₦6,306.12 2024-03-04 702973 Debt Repayment ₦221,969.17 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦219,969.17 M 2024-02-08 ₦2,000.00 2024-03-042024-03-04 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024747Closed2024-03-04MSN 44000613297 debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 631115815301 Debt Repayment ₦202,805.02 ₦0.00 ₦4,000.00 ₦164,805.02 V 2022-07-18 ₦38,000.00 2024-03-042024-03-04 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024746Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024745Closed2024-03-04#1413/4/3/24# REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE....44000605467MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 658106 Debt Repayment ₦146,082.20 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦138,082.20 M 2023-11-13 ₦8,000.00 2024-03-042024-03-04 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024744ClosedTamper Code2024-03-04REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPERMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04No0101178035214 1723 0734 8261 7348 8825 95500110887 1900 0396 6801 4588 1532 0101215004124 2213 6190 1163 0296 0745 0150300016618 3876 2437 7646 0751 2054 0101188028316 2311 0173 0479 6132 8680 0150000875750 1509 6523 1387 2564 3916 0150300015818 2047 2723 6164 1289 8103 0101175101563 6733 1069 5563 4610 97502024-03-04 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024743ClosedKCT Request2024-03-04Request for kct numberMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, Find below 4 To 1 4520 0605 6502 2161 0145 7211 6455 9616 2314 82102024-03-04 shehumyusuf51@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024742Closed2024-03-04REQUEST FOR DEBT =0101200040943MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611169391101 Debt Repayment ₦380,997.78 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦380,997.78 M 2023-11-06 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-03-04 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024741Closed2024-03-04DEBT PROFILE: 0101190035028MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612649305801 Debt Repayment ₦383,353.39 ₦0.00 ₦6,000.00 ₦381,353.39 V 2023-08-09 ₦2,000.00 2023-09-182024-03-04 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024740Closed2024-03-04KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04No64542103949433585172 301775402786225910832024-03-04 amibabs433@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024739Closed2024-03-0495300457686 debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHewllo, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 825293 Debt Repayment ₦6,093.10 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦4,093.10 M 2024-01-16 ₦2,000.00 2024-02-242024-03-04 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024738Closed2024-03-04Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6123552550-01 Debt Repayment ₦252,428.22 ₦-23,475.45 ₦2,000.00 ₦200,952.77 M 2019-01-21 ₦28,000.00 2024-03-042024-03-04 maryamibrahim1300@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024737Closed2024-03-04Debt statusMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 633187 Debt Repayment ₦74,499.61 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦30,499.61 M 2022-05-25 ₦44,000.00 2024-03-042024-03-04 aleeyuibraheemahmad16@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024736Closed2024-03-04#0071/02/24/54161038556/REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE#MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, find blow. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 711557 Debt Repayment ₦15,462.05 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦13,462.05 M 2022-02-15 ₦2,000.00 2022-03-192024-03-04 samueldchun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024735Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024734Closed2024-03-04DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 757815 Debt Repayment ₦16,583.21 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2023-01-24 ₦16,583.21 2024-03-042024-03-04 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024733Closed2024-03-04DEBT PROFILE: 0101200119697MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611922111301 Debt Repayment ₦338,370.10 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦324,370.10 M 2023-08-15 ₦14,000.00 2024-03-032024-03-04 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024732Closed2024-03-04JED/CCRM/GDB/#03/349# DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, Find below 0101170194530 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 463824 Debt Repayment ₦164,390.03 ₦-3,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦155,390.03 M 2019-08-25 ₦6,000.00 2021-08-25 0101170270785 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 435683 Debt Repayment ₦160,010.28 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦160,010.28 M 2020-03-14 ₦0.00 2021-05-312024-03-04 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024731Closed2024-03-04DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 615215204601 Debt Repayment ₦158,030.83 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦156,030.83 M 2022-10-05 ₦2,000.00 2022-11-162024-03-04 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024730Closed2024-03-04Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04No36985366830667644471 116037073773527470172024-03-04 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024729Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024728ClosedKCT Request2024-03-0495300182185 (0033 to 0001)MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, Find below 33 To 1 5312 1876 9503 0565 9658 1172 8809 0839 8010 13682024-03-04 abdulmalikakande@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024727Closed2024-03-04REQUEST FOR KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04No54160968670 T1 52565947523681144698 11492181625382343359 54160952237 T3 62788221067189882609 698110423803585696332024-03-04 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024726Closed2024-03-04Kindly asist with debt enquiry of 0150300016097 051300017517MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, Find below 0150300016097 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 592998 Debt Repayment ₦92,963.00 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦40,463.00 M 2022-04-05 ₦52,500.00 2024-01-112024-03-04 aliyasalihuibrahim@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024725Closed2024-03-04REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE: 95300404696MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6152155246/01 Debt Repayment ₦6,093.10 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦6,093.10 M 2024-02-01 ₦0.00 2024-02-172024-03-04 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024724ClosedKCT Request2024-03-04KCT REQUEST: 44000317402 (04 To 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, Find below 4 To 1 4082 5281 3350 5030 9702 4002 2973 0657 5637 78152024-03-04 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024723Closed2024-03-04DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 631213154901 Debt Repayment ₦111,311.09 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦97,311.09 M 2023-06-14 ₦14,000.00 2024-01-082024-03-04 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024722Closed2024-03-04Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04No55522920818423339960 651779815070226901642024-03-04 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024721Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024720Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024719ClosedKCT Request2024-03-04KCT REQUEST: 0101235004278 (02 TO 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, Find below 2 To 1 5263 7067 3202 0538 2773 7313 1624 1565 9000 07752024-03-04 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024718Closed2024-03-04DEBT PROFILE JED/CCRM/JMR/03/787 0101160408551MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 522641 Debt Repayment ₦159,352.25 ₦-36,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦73,352.25 M 2019-05-22 ₦50,000.00 2023-10-212024-03-04 mhauwa74@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024717Closed2024-03-04DEBT PROFILE: 0101160001877MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6116110604-01 Debt Repayment ₦170,860.43 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦145,860.43 M 2020-03-02 ₦25,000.00 2023-06-062024-03-04 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024716ClosedKCT Request2024-03-04KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, Find below 1 To 2 4942 1264 8112 8727 0228 3987 9786 4441 3313 0033 2 To 1 4012 0687 4172 8055 2639 0448 4721 4220 9508 21562024-03-04 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024715Closed2024-03-04DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 826108 Refund ₦117,910.69 ₦0.00 ₦982.59 ₦106,119.61 M 2023-03-13 ₦11,791.08 2024-03-03 826108 Debt Repayment ₦6,093.10 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦2,093.10 M 2024-01-16 ₦4,000.00 2024-03-032024-03-04 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024714Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024713Closed2024-03-04REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE- 0101160010019MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 512312 Debt Repayment ₦128,771.02 ₦-33,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦67,771.02 M 2019-04-03 ₦28,000.00 2024-01-022024-03-04 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024712ClosedVending History2024-03-04Vending historyMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, Find below # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 8813170946387524 Transaction Date/Time: 2024-03-03 12:04:35 Meter No.: 54160892474 Account No.: 6342052524-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 Debt Repayment: ₦2,000.00 KwH: 40.67 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 1679 3401 5139 6552 3179 2 Transaction ID: 7179170876171924 Transaction Date/Time: 2024-02-24 09:01:59 Meter No.: 54160892474 Account No.: 6342052524-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦202.33 Energy Cost: ₦2,697.67 Debt Repayment: ₦2,000.00 KwH: 39.32 Amount Tendered: ₦4,900.00 2655 5684 0643 8100 0889 3 Transaction ID: 7467170551987724 Transaction Date/Time: 2024-01-17 20:31:17 Meter No.: 54160892474 Account No.: 6342052524-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 Debt Repayment: ₦2,000.00 KwH: 27.12 Amount Tendered: ₦4,000.00 2766 5041 7243 8652 6554 4 Transaction ID: 7013170361037324 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-12-26 18:06:14 Meter No.: 54160892474 Account No.: 6342052524-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 Debt Repayment: ₦0.00 KwH: 27.12 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 3160 8573 3024 9895 9217 5 Transaction ID: 1775170240912924 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-12-12 20:25:29 Meter No.: 54160892474 Account No.: 6342052524-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 Debt Repayment: ₦4,000.00 KwH: 27.12 Amount Tendered: ₦6,000.00 2857 1509 1465 6980 1190 6 Transaction ID: 6839169787963324 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-10-21 10:13:53 Meter No.: 54160892474 Account No.: 6342052524-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 Debt Repayment: ₦2,000.00 KwH: 40.67 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 3168 2817 2297 9681 7570 7 Transaction ID: 3923169443480224 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-09-11 13:20:02 Meter No.: 54160892474 Account No.: 6342052524-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 Debt Repayment: ₦0.00 KwH: 67.79 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 5785 2840 2447 5961 2424 8 Transaction ID: 7173169358775724 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-09-01 18:02:37 Meter No.: 54160892474 Account No.: 6342052524-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦202.33 Energy Cost: ₦2,697.67 Debt Repayment: ₦2,000.00 KwH: 39.32 Amount Tendered: ₦4,900.00 5740 5352 3374 3882 9702 9 Transaction ID: 7076169203734424 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-08-14 19:22:24 Meter No.: 54160892474 Account No.: 6342052524-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦188.37 Energy Cost: ₦2,511.63 Debt Repayment: ₦2,000.00 KwH: 36.61 Amount Tendered: ₦4,700.00 0861 2839 4781 5303 6741 10 Transaction ID: 6379168927326624 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-07-13 19:34:26 Meter No.: 54160892474 Account No.: 6342052524-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 Debt Repayment: ₦2,000.00 KwH: 40.67 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 2566 9495 6662 8470 23672024-03-04 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024711Closed2024-03-04#00010/03/2024# 23102134501 and 0163211221284 REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, Find below 23102134501 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 621716197401 Debt Repayment ₦802,195.57 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦770,195.57 M 2022-08-25 ₦32,000.00 2023-12-11 0163211221284 Hello, There is no debt record on this meter.2024-03-04 awueseawunde@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024710Closed2024-03-04DEBT PROFILE 0101185053259MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6514900546-01 Debt Repayment ₦1,473,058.21 ₦0.00 ₦5,000.00 ₦1,348,058.21 M 2022-02-09 ₦125,000.00 2024-03-042024-03-04 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024709Closed2024-03-04DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 825344 Debt Repayment ₦6,093.10 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦2,093.10 M 2024-01-16 ₦4,000.00 2024-03-012024-03-04 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024708Closed2024-03-04DEBT PROFILE: 0101200111884MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 651928 Debt Repayment ₦133,000.39 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦129,000.39 M 2023-12-07 ₦4,000.00 2024-02-292024-03-04 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024707Closed2024-03-04DEBT PROFILE JED/CCRM/JMR/03/783 0101200093850MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 716767 Debt Repayment ₦39,472.58 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,472.58 M 2022-08-30 ₦34,000.00 2024-01-302024-03-04 mhauwa74@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024706Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024705Closed2024-03-04Request for Debt profile for 0101200121941MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 691746 Debt Repayment ₦7,371.66 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦3,371.66 M 2023-12-06 ₦4,000.00 2024-02-152024-03-04 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024704Closed2024-03-04DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6342052524-01 Debt Repayment ₦212,041.86 ₦-52,780.30 ₦2,000.00 ₦91,261.56 M 2019-01-29 ₦68,000.00 2024-03-032024-03-04 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024703ClosedKCT Request2024-03-04KCT REQUEST: 57100026533 (21 To 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, 58955985213787387405 086586257228395020092024-03-04 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024702Closed2024-03-04Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04No21569008600087815147 362717072285412050852024-03-04 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024701Closed2024-03-04Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04No49630237605793953763 345895618557832590042024-03-04 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024700Closed2024-03-04DOES NOT EXIST FOR KRN UPGRADEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04No01499257330206237549 657087714292184509892024-03-04 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024699Closed2024-03-04#0009/03/2024# REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 507232 Debt Repayment ₦147,829.47 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦62,829.47 M 2018-02-09 ₦85,000.00 2024-03-042024-03-04 abigailiyane@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024698Closed2024-03-04DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6312132742-01 Debt Repayment ₦237,966.19 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦237,966.19 M 2020-09-01 ₦0.00 2021-05-312024-03-04 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024697Closed2024-03-04DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 628986 Debt Repayment ₦181,104.00 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦143,104.00 M 2022-07-05 ₦38,000.00 2024-02-02024-03-04 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024696Closed2024-03-04DEBT ENQUIRYMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 431611 Debt Repayment ₦81,334.96 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦35,334.96 M 2022-03-28 ₦46,000.00 2024-02-072024-03-04 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024695Closed2024-03-04REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE: 0101210123978MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 579435 Debt Repayment ₦116,662.12 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦94,662.12 M 2022-10-07 ₦22,000.00 2023-09-272024-03-04 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024694Closed2024-03-04DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 561182 Debt Repayment ₦193,734.46 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦169,734.46 M 2022-03-30 ₦24,000.00 2024-02-162024-03-04 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024693ClosedKCT Request2024-03-04KCT REQUEST FOR NEW METER - 44000760577MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 6593 5205 0407 4975 9514 0154 7863 5770 8090 2154 1 To 2 1762 8627 3830 1165 0677 4391 9846 9743 0674 76492024-03-04 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024692Closed2024-03-04DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 459222 Debt Repayment ₦172,298.24 ₦-8,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦98,298.24 M 2020-10-14 ₦66,000.00 2024-02-19 459222 Refund ₦48,263.38 ₦0.00 ₦402.19 ₦43,839.29 M 2023-03-13 ₦4,424.09 2024-02-19 459222 Refund ₦63,061.32 ₦0.00 ₦525.51 ₦57,280.71 M 2023-03-13 ₦5,780.61 2024-02-192024-03-04 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024691Closed2024-03-04DEBT PROFILE JED/CCRM/JMR/03/778 95300404464MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 752619 Debt Repayment ₦27,183.52 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦21,183.52 M 2023-12-23 ₦6,000.00 2024-03-012024-03-04 mhauwa74@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024690Closed2024-03-04Request for Debt profile for 0101210023350MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, find below.. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 489090 Debt Repayment ₦152,907.15 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦142,907.15 M 2023-06-01 ₦10,000.00 2023-11-212024-03-04 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024689Closed2024-03-04: Debt 0101200082697MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 706635 Debt Repayment ₦29,594.03 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦29,594.03 M 2023-03-31 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-03-04 mathewudahson@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024688Closed2024-03-04DEBT ENQUIRYMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611180209001 Debt Repayment ₦391,127.49 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦391,127.49 M 2023-10-03 ₦0.00 2023-10-072024-03-04 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024687Closed2024-03-04REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 44000520997MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 795591 Debt Repayment ₦2,496.64 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦2,496.64 M 2024-02-05 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-03-04 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024686ClosedKCT Request2024-03-04JED CCRM#03#213# request for kct,MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, find below. 4 To 1 4625 9358 9960 7314 9280 6341 5617 9207 2353 32662024-03-04 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024685Closed2024-03-04#0492/03/24/44000542173 Request for Debt Profile#MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, find belw Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 788380 Debt Repayment ₦16,608.73 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦12,608.73 M 2024-01-23 ₦4,000.00 2024-03-042024-03-04 senenge.hungwa@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00024684Closed2024-03-04#0008/03/2024# 23102126382 REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 621434751601 Debt Repayment ₦299,114.45 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦254,114.45 M 2022-08-25 ₦45,000.00 2024-02-242024-03-04 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024683Closed2024-03-04024/03/24/KCT REQUEST/44000744316MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, find below. 1 To 55 2818 8006 6981 2068 0920 6055 5028 3622 8031 57292024-03-04 agohabigail69@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024682Closed2024-03-04REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE----0101205010156MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 688199 Debt Repayment ₦14,882.54 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦2,882.54 M 2023-09-29 ₦12,000.00 2024-03-032024-03-04 Umar Auwal
#00024681Closed2024-03-04DEBT PROFILE: 44000599025, 44000598886MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, find below. 44000599025, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 800486 Debt Repayment ₦12,856.45 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦8,856.45 M 2024-01-23 ₦4,000.00 2024-03-03 44000598886 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 800485 Debt Repayment ₦12,856.45 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦8,856.45 M 2024-01-23 ₦4,000.00 2024-03-032024-03-04 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024680Closed2024-03-04Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04No53673788012167806811 491308356298638352602024-03-04 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024679Closed2024-03-04Does not exist for KRN upgradeMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04No00559634716781000951 671811024855602731782024-03-04 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024678Closed2024-03-04KRN REQUEST: 0101160350464MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04No31327538872698681955 177199497286312767672024-03-04 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024677Closed2024-03-04Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04No41881432783877098905 430988873483881722322024-03-04 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024676Closed2024-03-04Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04No49208070468737105012 173030814849446117982024-03-04 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024675Closed2024-03-04Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04No06292799848344878449 268133657451263995232024-03-04 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024674Closed2024-03-04: Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04No19977018726821028998 299272955655108155342024-03-04 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024673ClosedKCT Request2024-03-04KRN / KCT REQUESTIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04No07111098529984411547 599535516492737258332024-03-04 joseph.tegwis@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00024672Closed2024-03-04Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04No54160952237 62788221067189882609 698110423803585696332024-03-04 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024671Closed2024-03-04Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04No49769649032732872975 128564767543172568992024-03-04 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024670Closed2024-03-04Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04No19977018726821028998 299272955655108155342024-03-04 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024669Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024668Closed2024-03-04Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04No54160952237 62788221067189882609 698110423803585696332024-03-04 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024667Closed2024-03-04Does not exist for KRN upgradeMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04No44940368249575865757 486187527876384382952024-03-04 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024666Closed2024-03-04KRN REQUEST 44000804219MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04No15594216468724905907 084446597673675182622024-03-04 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024665Closed2024-03-04DEBT PROFILE JED/CCRM/JMR/03/772 0101200101620MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 645673 Debt Repayment ₦19,918.83 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦13,918.83 M 2023-11-14 ₦6,000.00 2024-02-092024-03-04 mhauwa74@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024664Closed2024-03-04DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 477862 Debt Repayment ₦141,090.54 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦99,090.54 M 2022-05-25 ₦42,000.00 2024-02-142024-03-04 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024663Closed2024-03-04DEBT PROFILE 95300414034MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, find beow. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 658124055301 Refund ₦63,061.32 ₦0.00 ₦525.51 ₦57,280.71 M 2023-03-13 ₦5,780.61 2024-02-25 658124055301 Debt Repayment ₦106,919.16 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦100,919.16 M 2023-11-22 ₦6,000.00 2024-02-252024-03-04 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024662Closed2024-03-04Debt 0101200082697MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 706635 Debt Repayment ₦29,594.03 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦29,594.03 M 2023-03-31 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-03-04 mathewudahson@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024661ClosedKCT Request2024-03-04Request for kct in respect of this account 62122380421 from 02MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello find below. 2 To 1 3945 5773 8568 1727 1916 6376 3778 9257 7464 72802024-03-04 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024660ClosedKCT Request2024-03-04KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, find below. 3 To 1 4690 4086 8920 7883 5897 6492 3891 9837 2713 19072024-03-04 munirishaqjos@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024659ClosedKCT Request2024-03-04KCT REQUEST: 0101190023446 (04 TO 01), 0101200070007 (04 TO 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, find below. 0101190023446 (04 TO 01), 4 To 1 1627 0434 5034 1066 8987 1218 3227 9986 1486 8590 0101200070007 (04 TO 01) 4 To 1 4816 9674 6890 3959 3701 6862 7174 5783 1186 28852024-03-04 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024658Closed2024-03-040101161068826 KCT tariff:0021MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, find below. 21 To 1 3284 5956 7109 6839 3470 4818 2764 0797 5631 93242024-03-04 ennaandongauta9@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024657Closed2024-03-04DEBT PROFILE: 62321077489, 47000711789MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, find below. 62321077489, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 698632 Debt Repayment ₦13,310.45 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2022-07-19 ₦13,310.45 2023-11-30 Closed 47000711789 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 817065 Debt Repayment ₦21,846.44 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦17,846.44 M 2024-01-10 ₦4,000.00 2024-03-032024-03-04 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024656ClosedKCT Request2024-03-04KCT REQUEST: 0101185047731 (01 TO 02 AND 02 TO 01), 0101215016532 (08 TO 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, find below. 0101185047731 (01 TO 02 AND 02 TO 01), 1 To 2 6270 6288 1879 4947 2815 3577 1339 2462 6165 2343 2 To 1 0069 8558 1017 3040 0510 5502 1758 4245 7535 3225 0101215016532 (08 TO 01) This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2024-03-04 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024655Closed2024-03-04outstanding deptMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612816321301 Debt Repayment ₦326,262.33 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦326,262.33 M 2023-11-20 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-03-04 ennaandongauta9@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024654Closed2024-03-04DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 441068 Debt Repayment ₦325,738.00 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦321,738.00 M 2023-12-25 ₦4,000.00 2024-02-242024-03-04 aliyumuhammaddalhat59@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024653ClosedKCT Request2024-03-04REQUEST FOR KCTMedium 2024-03-04NoHello, find below. 1 To 2 4738 3680 5094 4238 2202 5432 2071 4295 9908 3638 2 To 1 3176 6138 6260 1203 4398 2791 7630 0058 9374 53082024-03-04 jenogah@gmail.com
#00024652ClosedKCT Request2024-03-04KCT REQUEST FROM 21 TO 1 44000326650MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, find below. 44000326650 21 To 1 1788 0671 8269 8632 1130 2218 3433 1073 7598 37372024-03-04 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024651Closed2024-03-04#0005/03/2024# 23100555780 REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 432505 Debt Repayment ₦755,051.82 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦729,051.82 M 2022-09-15 ₦26,000.00 2023-10-252024-03-04 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024650Closed2024-03-040101200026850 total outstanding deptMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-04NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612816321301 Debt Repayment ₦326,262.33 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦326,262.33 M 2023-11-20 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-03-04 ennaandongauta9@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024649Closed2024-03-01Debt StatusMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-01NoHello, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 757041 Debt Repayment ₦29,920.66 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦23,920.66 M 2023-12-31 ₦6,000.00 2024-03-012024-03-01 ashanafagain@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024648Closed2024-03-01Debt StatusMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-01NoHello, find below. 440006431122024-03-01 ashanafagain@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024647Closed2024-03-011388/1/3/24 REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE.....44000618726MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-01NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 779900 Debt Repayment ₦36,876.64 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦12,876.64 M 2023-03-28 ₦24,000.00 2024-03-012024-03-01 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024646ClosedKCT Request2024-03-01REQUEST FOR KCT----44000726859 (METER IS ON 03)MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-01NoHello, find below. 3 To 1 0833 2397 8258 0079 7651 4147 0432 9439 3368 24182024-03-01 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024645Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024644Closed2024-03-01#1388/1/3/24# REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE.... 0101210093320/ 0101210112120/ 44000637841MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-01NoHello, find below. 0101210093320/ Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 714521 Debt Repayment ₦13,365.39 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦9,365.39 M 2023-10-27 ₦4,000.00 2023-12-29 0101210112120/ Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 714522 Debt Repayment ₦18,558.42 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦10,558.42 M 2023-10-27 ₦8,000.00 2024-02-07 44000637841 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 775761 Debt Repayment ₦17,861.40 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,861.40 M 2023-08-07 ₦12,000.00 2024-02-262024-03-01 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024643ClosedKCT Request2024-03-01KCT REQUEST: 0101161063306 (21 TO 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-01NoHello, find below. 21 To 1 6577 7927 2908 3657 2454 3738 5715 4060 4888 73932024-03-01 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024642Closed2024-03-01REQUEST DEBT PROFILE - 0101210001547MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-01NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 773182 Debt Repayment ₦10,819.46 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦10,819.46 M 2023-11-28 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-03-01 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024641Closed2024-03-01DEBT PROFILE: 0101205001023MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-01NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 635299316701 Debt Repayment ₦490,173.73 ₦0.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦410,173.73 M 2023-03-22 ₦80,000.00 2023-10-302024-03-01 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024640Closed2024-03-01Debt StatusMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-01NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 746021 Debt Repayment ₦19,383.91 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦15,383.91 M 2023-12-31 ₦4,000.00 2024-02-262024-03-01 ashanafagain@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024639ClosedKCT Request2024-03-01KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-01NoHello, find below. 3 To 1 0396 8235 5469 8043 7958 7164 1180 1934 5109 94582024-03-01 mauwalu143@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024638Closed2024-03-01Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-01NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 600632 Debt Repayment ₦208,474.26 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦180,474.26 M 2022-08-26 ₦28,000.00 2023-10-222024-03-01 rasheedatlawalaa7428@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024637ClosedKCT Request2024-03-01KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-01No4036 6853 5527 4618 1270 7097 9240 8716 5835 29722024-03-01 jubilant95@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024636Closed2024-03-01KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-01No44000813293, 30828721927731177019 16820093374487509120 44000812709, 27783038811287705997 61093686204034532954 44000808558 20481763345775796418 362961631964581537442024-03-01 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024635Closed2024-03-01DEBT PROFILE: 0101215024965MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-01NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 782510 Debt Repayment ₦7,856.21 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦1,856.21 M 2023-11-29 ₦6,000.00 2024-02-142024-03-01 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024634Closed2024-03-01Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-01NoHello, find below. Search: Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 576352 Debt Repayment ₦54,571.96 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦4,571.96 M 2022-02-15 ₦50,000.00 2024-03-012024-03-01 toranyiinkator14@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024633Closed2024-03-01#0070/02/24/0101210119240/REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE#MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-01NoHello find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 661536 Debt Repayment ₦34,538.96 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦538.96 M 2022-10-14 ₦34,000.00 2024-03-012024-03-01 samueldchun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024632Closed2024-03-01#0001/03/2024# REQUEST FOR KRN UPGRADEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-01No44000805091 29741937428387241931 17037900547345128414 44000808731 39170707227114998602 70904599761922677894 44000805414 42673172574773421878 54895620721282363316 44000805430 31153380095333581727 024372679404233804702024-03-01 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024631Closed2024-03-01Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-01NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 715016 Debt Repayment ₦8,030.19 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦4,030.19 M 2024-01-22 ₦4,000.00 2024-03-012024-03-01 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024630Closed2024-03-01DEBT PROFILE: 0101200095723MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-01NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611701082701 Debt Repayment ₦522,564.45 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦499,564.45 M 2022-12-07 ₦23,000.00 2024-01-292024-03-01 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024629Closed2024-03-01KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-01No25149630615286843561 684946180705591678852024-03-01 mauwalu143@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024628ClosedKCT Request2024-03-01Kct for kRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-01No56516259963433954781 158041108000365389262024-03-01 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024627Closed2024-03-01#1383/1/3/24# REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE.... 0101170370015MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-01NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6123583591-01 Debt Repayment ₦122,195.75 ₦-35,995.69 ₦2,000.00 ₦20,200.06 M 2019-01-30 ₦66,000.00 2024-02-092024-03-01 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024626Closed2024-03-01Debt inquiryMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-01NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 675622 Debt Repayment ₦87,585.98 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦35,085.98 M 2022-06-08 ₦52,500.00 2024-03-012024-03-01 delishduds@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024625Closed2024-03-01REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE: 0101210142028MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-01NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 658503158701 Debt Repayment ₦85,518.50 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦67,518.50 M 2022-10-26 ₦18,000.00 2023-09-252024-03-01 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024624OpenKCT Request0000-00-0044000807733 kCT tariff:001MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-01NoHello, find below. 1 To 55 6252 7135 7760 7005 4556 3072 3926 6992 2166 33522024-03-01 ennaandongauta9@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024623Closed2024-03-01Debt statusMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-01NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 608516 Debt Repayment ₦100,265.61 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦70,265.61 M 2022-05-18 ₦30,000.00 2023-08-312024-03-01 aleeyuibraheemahmad16@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024622Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024621Closed2024-03-01003/03/24/DEBT PROFILE REQUEST/0101210181877MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-01NoHello, fnd below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 630412 Debt Repayment ₦90,513.18 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦64,513.18 M 2022-07-25 ₦26,000.00 2024-01-262024-03-01 agohabigail69@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024620Closed2024-03-01Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-01NoHello, find below. 0101210066128 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 717734 Debt Repayment ₦7,120.50 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦3,120.50 M 2024-01-22 ₦4,000.00 2024-03-012024-03-01 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024619Closed2024-03-01Request for debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-01NoHello, find below. 44000308864 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 646020165201 Debt Repayment ₦35,408.68 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,408.68 M 2022-05-17 ₦30,000.00 2023-08-302024-03-01 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024618Closed2024-03-01#1368/1/3/24# REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE.... 0101170275669MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-01NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 474802 Debt Repayment ₦196,455.44 ₦-27,422.24 ₦2,000.00 ₦101,033.20 M 2020-03-14 ₦68,000.00 2024-03-012024-03-01 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024617Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024616Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024615ClosedKCT Request2024-03-01K c t 33 to 1MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-01NoHello, find below. 33 To 1 1718 2758 0077 8209 8015 6656 4553 0694 3667 39842024-03-01 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024614ClosedKCT Request2024-03-01kctMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-01NoHello, Find below 99 To 1 3644 1659 3904 6940 1295 0917 4825 4140 4524 37002024-03-01 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024613Closed2024-03-010150000900624 debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-01NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 595824 Debt Repayment ₦104,096.68 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦60,096.68 M 2022-04-25 ₦44,000.00 2024-02-242024-03-01 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024612ClosedKCT Request2024-03-01KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-01NoHello, find below. 33 To 1 5062 8049 5791 6352 0076 3032 5397 1643 5073 13342024-03-01 ungwa14@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024611Closed2024-03-01REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE: 44000746766MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-01NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 669536 Debt Repayment ₦12,857.98 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦6,857.98 M 2023-12-18 ₦6,000.00 2024-03-012024-03-01 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024610Closed2024-03-01REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE: 0101210176638MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-01NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 658103375401 Debt Repayment ₦430,226.49 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦410,226.49 M 2022-10-05 ₦20,000.00 2023-06-082024-03-01 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024609ClosedKCT Request2024-03-01Request for KRN KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-01No35445774964697073967 313313573896892629232024-03-01 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024608Closed2024-03-0144000789350.......................incorrect 0101160173627 T04- krn 06930187681686343437 04550115435677831523MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-01No44000789350.......................incorrect 0101160173627 T04- krn 06930187681686343437 045501154356778315232024-03-01 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024607ClosedTamper Code2024-03-01REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPER CODEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-01No62420219206 4840 1901 1022 0912 5893 62421051368 3044 8394 9908 7063 4491 62420224784 1091 1425 9074 0257 6758 62420254609 6174 0693 3055 1376 6250 62420255259 4833 9673 7976 1768 4279 62122325871 0649 0050 1545 8058 5140 62221023468 4168 5711 1461 1138 9779 62420230716 7359 8053 1977 2077 1083 62420217804 7251 2696 4947 5055 74472024-03-01 mnasir.suleiman@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00024606ClosedTamper Code2024-03-01REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPER CODEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-01No1398 4904 4030 1949 46412024-03-01 abdulsalamvio@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024605Closed2024-02-29REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-29NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672101165601 Debt Repayment ₦53,712.90 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦28,712.90 M 2022-03-29 ₦25,000.00 2024-02-242024-02-29 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024604ClosedKCT Request2024-02-29REQUEST FOR KCT-----0101200070007 (METER IS ON 04)MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-29NoHello, Find below. 4 To 1 4816 9674 6890 3959 3701 6862 7174 5783 1186 28852024-02-29 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024603Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024602Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024601Closed2024-02-29REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-29NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672122207901 Debt Repayment ₦85,219.95 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦57,219.95 M 2022-04-08 ₦28,000.00 2023-06-302024-02-29 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024600Closed2024-02-29Request for debt profile---44000590404MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-29NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 679224 Debt Repayment ₦88,105.24 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦84,105.24 M 2023-11-13 ₦4,000.00 2024-01-312024-02-29 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024599Closed2024-02-29#0056/02/2024# 62521043968, 62420255010 REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-29NoHello, find below. 62521043968 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 679993 Debt Repayment ₦84,567.89 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦68,567.89 M 2022-08-30 ₦16,000.00 2023-04-29 62420255010 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 542508 Debt Repayment ₦255,458.00 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦255,458.00 M 2023-01-20 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-02-29 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024598Closed2024-02-29DEBT PROFILE:44000453926MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-29NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 641148013401 Debt Repayment ₦282,576.51 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦240,576.51 M 2022-05-17 ₦42,000.00 2024-02-282024-02-29 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024597Closed2024-03-07REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE: 0195000006310MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-29NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672190 Debt Repayment ₦62,095.91 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦18,095.91 M 2022-04-19 ₦44,000.00 2024-02-29 Hello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672190 Debt Repayment ₦62,095.91 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦18,095.91 M 2022-04-19 ₦44,000.00 2024-02-292024-02-29 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024596ClosedTamper Code2024-02-29REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPER CODEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-07No0401 7528 6611 9115 39582024-02-29 abdulsalamvio@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024595Closed2024-02-29DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-29NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 670496 Debt Repayment ₦312,646.99 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦296,646.99 M 2023-06-01 ₦16,000.00 2024-02-282024-02-29 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024594Closed2024-02-29Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-29NoHello, Find below 4 To 1 2270 0006 5939 2457 8282 1076 7384 8214 6966 24952024-02-29 Umar Auwal
#00024593Closed2024-02-29REQUEST FOR OUTSTANDING BALANCEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-29NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6621051569-01 Debt Repayment ₦274,554.70 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦226,554.70 M 2022-02-10 ₦48,000.00 2024-02-152024-02-29 sunnyochekwu@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024592ClosedKCT Request2024-02-29KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-29NoHello, Find below 21 To 1 1319 3580 7804 1540 7957 3238 5832 0252 0440 07782024-02-29 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024591Closed2024-02-29Detailed Debt Profile for MSN 44000686640MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-29NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 674162 Debt Repayment ₦119,761.47 ₦-64,735.63 ₦2,500.00 ₦55,025.84 M 2023-05-17 ₦0.00 2023-05-172024-02-29 isaacchijioke45@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024590Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024589Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024588Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024587ClosedKCT Request2024-02-29KCT / KRN REQUESTSMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-29NoHello, find below. 0101190013991 Tariff Index is on1 while KRN is on1 2 To 1 0102 4875 9139 8285 6244 5324 0256 6718 1785 0166 1 To 2 1660 2536 7898 8047 6367 4884 9493 0175 4457 9986 0101165015088 Tariff Index is on 55 while KRN is on 1 55 To 1 5812 2935 8385 1067 9851 5324 3158 2728 8921 0792 1 To 55 4796 3881 5609 2480 4428 6570 6501 8010 4395 54642024-02-29 joseph.tegwis@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00024586ClosedKCT Request2024-02-29Request for special KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-29NoHello, find below. 1) 0101210184830 12=0002 13=0001 2 To 1 0763 5554 3772 7598 3479 1914 5124 3927 4291 6014 1 To 2 0148 8528 5560 9786 4429 1519 5417 0376 0486 2301 2) 0101210175184 12=001 13=001 1 To 99 3879 1780 0727 5687 4091 5377 1764 5795 6392 2396 3)54161094179 81=1 82=11 21 To 1 0066 6928 8217 3052 0325 3775 0137 5984 4558 2721 4)62122244742 Index=1 1 To 99 6316 7504 0359 6318 2296 1438 6437 1669 3033 51632024-02-29 lukmanyak95@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024585Closed2024-02-29Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-29NoHello, find below. 44000583417 ​ Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 790391 Debt Repayment ₦36,183.65 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦20,183.65 M 2023-06-01 ₦16,000.00 2024-02-21 ​ 0101210156465 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 615214328901 Debt Repayment ₦158,554.25 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦123,554.25 M 2022-12-05 ₦35,000.00 2024-02-242024-02-29 maryamibrahim1300@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024584Closed2024-02-29Krn for newly installed meterMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-29No44000809945 32749074350388092221 04670540632650143396 44000810000 50423031165264371663 284070371715568073152024-02-29 moendoesuninnocent@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024583Closed2024-02-29DEBT PROFILE: 0101190152518, 0101210186058MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-29NoHello, find below. 0101190152518, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611209128801 Debt Repayment ₦601,236.75 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦581,236.75 M 2023-04-27 ₦20,000.00 2024-02-26 0101210186058 Hello, There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2024-02-29 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024582Closed2024-02-29Does not exist for KRN upgradeMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-29No26224908440481686406 004731861525325771832024-02-29 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024581Closed2024-02-29Request for debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-29NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 642563 Debt Repayment ₦131,659.64 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦97,659.64 M 2022-09-23 ₦34,000.00 2024-02-252024-02-29 zeelamido11@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024580Closed2024-02-29OutstandingMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-29NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612747029101 Debt Repayment ₦443,563.34 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦443,563.34 M 2023-12-19 ₦0.00 2023-12-252024-02-29 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024579Closed2024-02-29Request for debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-29NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 645015345201 Debt Repayment ₦227,544.81 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦185,544.81 M 2022-05-05 ₦42,000.00 2024-02-172024-02-29 zeelamido11@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024578Closed2024-02-29Debt 0150000886054MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-29NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 690450 Debt Repayment ₦11,410.64 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦9,410.64 M 2024-01-24 ₦2,000.00 2024-02-292024-02-29 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024577Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024576Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024575Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024574Closed2024-02-29359/02/24/DEBT PROFILE REQUEST/0101210344707MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-29NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 799726 Refund ₦63,061.32 ₦0.00 ₦525.51 ₦57,280.71 M 2023-03-13 ₦5,780.61 2024-02-28 799726 Debt Repayment ₦174,106.67 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦172,106.67 M 2024-01-18 ₦2,000.00 2024-02-282024-02-29 agohabigail69@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024573Closed2024-02-29KRN REQUEST: 44000760767MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-03-07No01368854954835263018 044980846454410244062024-02-29 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024572Closed2024-02-29KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-29NoDear Shuaibu, Find below, 66704757306996426452 00270964480210039857 Regard.2024-02-29 munirishaqjos@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024571Closed2024-02-29KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-29NoDear Aliyu, Find below, 67373207399904255128 70152085581946430003 Regard.2024-02-29 yakubaliyu82@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024570Closed2024-02-26REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILSMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 696236 Debt Repayment ₦36,922.37 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦18,922.37 M 2022-05-24 ₦18,000.00 2023-02-272024-02-26 abjaleel3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024569Closed2024-02-26JED/CCRM/GDB/#02/ 318# DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 463899 Debt Repayment ₦133,685.02 ₦-22,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦45,685.02 M 2020-02-09 ₦66,000.00 2024-02-262024-02-26 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024568ClosedKCT Request2024-02-26KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, find below. 21 To 1 3878 9896 6657 2810 9138 6784 7159 1809 5710 50462024-02-26 maryamibrahim1300@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024567ClosedKCT Request2024-02-26Request for KCT NEW METER#1256—-44000805695MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, Find below 1 To 2 5744 8148 6539 3346 4913 4852 2507 8318 5722 5246 2 To 1 6046 1090 0064 5566 9711 1128 4275 1708 7877 01562024-02-26 umaymah1065@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024566Closed2024-02-26JED/CCRM/GDB/#02/317# DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 810734 Debt Repayment ₦1,523.28 ₦0.00 ₦1,523.28 ₦0.00 M 2024-01-23 ₦1,523.28 2024-02-262024-02-26 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024565Closed2024-02-26DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 570000 Debt Repayment ₦114,522.53 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦68,522.53 M 2022-02-16 ₦46,000.00 2024-01-04 570000 Refund ₦48,263.38 ₦0.00 ₦402.19 ₦44,241.48 M 2023-03-13 ₦4,021.90 2024-01-042024-02-26 carolynterjime@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024564Closed2024-02-26DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 822391 Debt Repayment ₦5,668.48 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2023-11-24 ₦5,668.48 2024-02-202024-02-26 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024563Closed2024-02-26Request for KRN in respect of this account 0150000915572 from tariff index 33MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26No65644993850278501650 428872570734734584062024-02-26 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024562Closed2024-02-260101235002108 (krn 0001 to 0002)MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26No56071709295655486499 427666057190597798382024-02-26 abdulmalikakande@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024561Closed2024-02-26REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPERMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26No0150000886765 7356 9331 4447 5591 0530 54160889643......Incorrect 0101210204562 7035 1532 5985 0146 6937 0150000896491 6148 8192 1824 1093 8104 0150000934946 0673 1419 4846 8012 03132024-02-26 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024560Closed2024-02-26Request for debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 665552 Debt Repayment ₦103,175.93 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦69,175.93 M 2022-09-26 ₦34,000.00 2024-02-262024-02-26 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024559Closed2024-02-26#0047/02/2024# 62221022262 REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 621302200101 Debt Repayment ₦358,424.68 ₦0.00 ₦5,000.00 ₦293,424.68 M 2022-08-24 ₦65,000.00 2024-02-262024-02-26 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024558Closed2024-02-26KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26No18015879950404825546 586774942058735931312024-02-26 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024557Closed2024-02-26: KRN REQUEST 44000555688MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26No09875563044973712928 197968960276534565382024-02-26 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024556Closed2024-02-26DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 826118 Refund ₦63,061.32 ₦0.00 ₦525.51 ₦57,280.71 M 2023-03-13 ₦5,780.61 2024-02-22 826118 Debt Repayment ₦6,093.10 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦4,093.10 M 2024-01-16 ₦2,000.00 2024-02-222024-02-26 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024555Closed2024-02-26Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26No44000807766 02502030501957185154 07196380502883176917 44000811842 52956290550735138984 679126971360538468272024-02-26 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024554Closed2024-02-26REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 44000596898MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 775229 Debt Repayment ₦30,578.30 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦2,578.30 M 2022-08-31 ₦28,000.00 2024-02-122024-02-26 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024553Closed2024-02-26REQIUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 95300223708MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 623908 Debt Repayment ₦101,769.19 ₦0.00 ₦20,000.00 ₦31,769.19 V 2023-04-05 ₦70,000.00 2024-02-262024-02-26 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024552ClosedKCT Request2024-02-26Request for kct,MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, Find below 4 To 1 0338 1025 0150 2958 8600 1750 9727 9334 7676 58202024-02-26 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024551ClosedKCT Request2024-02-26KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26No31517481829521297750 315174818295212977502024-02-26 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024550ClosedKCT Request2024-02-26#0067/02/24# KRN GENERATION 44300011556MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26No02869890664755940648 598177768989285935012024-02-26 kinretluka@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024549Closed2024-02-26#0046/02/2024# REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 792452 Debt Repayment ₦29,678.95 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦27,678.95 M 2023-11-28 ₦2,000.00 2023-12-232024-02-26 abigailiyane@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024548ClosedKCT Request2024-02-26Request for KRN in respect of this account 0150000930852 from tariff index 04MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26No43377974092974836822 084818532097924857612024-02-26 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024547ClosedKCT Request2024-02-26KCT REQUEST FOR NEW MD METER - 0101188027110MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26No73618238317312620202 261296576697648587012024-02-26 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024546Closed2024-02-26REQUEST FOR KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26No11913756110640099781 673843448777947094782024-02-26 abjaleel3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024545ClosedKCT Request2024-02-26Kct&K KRnMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26No52606358173590179164 526063581735901791642024-02-26 ismailbalaonline@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024544Closed2024-02-26KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26No12794194708763018952 512562806484885272092024-02-26 mauwalu143@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024543Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024542Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024541Closed2024-02-26DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 435470 Debt Repayment ₦280,129.51 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦274,129.51 M 2022-09-12 ₦6,000.00 2022-12-312024-02-26 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024540ClosedKCT Request2024-02-26KCT FOR NEW MD METER - 0101188027110Medium 2024-02-26NoHello, Find below 1 To 99 4108 0223 5987 3189 0408 6993 1352 0539 8135 6071 99 To 1 0415 3863 1868 2889 3028 1829 0366 1391 4314 18872024-02-26 longpuan@gmail.com
#00024539In Progress2024-02-26Request for debt==44000676724MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 626257 Debt Repayment ₦248,424.08 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦235,924.08 M 2023-09-19 ₦12,500.00 2024-02-230000-00-00 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024538Closed2024-02-26#0044/02/2024# 62521036616, 62221019334 REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, Find below 62521036616 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 510964 Debt Repayment ₦143,621.33 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦109,621.33 M 2022-09-05 ₦34,000.00 2024-02-24 62221019334 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 804846 Debt Repayment ₦18,971.99 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦10,971.99 M 2023-10-04 ₦8,000.00 2024-02-212024-02-26 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024537Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024536Closed2024-02-26DEBT PEOFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 530874 Debt Repayment ₦125,773.49 ₦-5,500.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦54,273.49 M 2020-02-28 ₦66,000.00 2024-02-262024-02-26 carolynterjime@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024535Closed2024-02-26: #0045/02/2024# 0101161033135 REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 658359 Debt Repayment ₦47,802.44 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦18,802.44 M 2022-02-11 ₦29,000.00 2024-02-242024-02-26 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024534Closed2024-02-26REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILSMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 676435 Debt Repayment ₦45,425.00 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦11,425.00 M 2022-05-18 ₦34,000.00 2024-02-262024-02-26 abjaleel3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024533Closed2024-02-26Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 665745 Debt Repayment ₦281,893.00 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦273,893.00 M 2023-08-16 ₦8,000.00 2023-12-302024-02-26 mustaphamaryam67@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024532Closed2024-02-26DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 54160859127MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 431360 Debt Repayment ₦160,524.10 ₦-99,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2018-02-14 ₦61,524.10 2023-12-062024-02-26 joseph.tegwis@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00024531ClosedVending History2024-02-26Request for vending historyMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, Find below # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 2530170127703824 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-11-29 17:57:18 Meter No.: 0101170388900 Account No.: ANG6573301225-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 13.56 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 2056 8784 2764 8032 8248 2 Transaction ID: 5119169270114124 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-08-22 11:45:41 Meter No.: 0101170388900 Account No.: ANG6573301225-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 20.34 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 0643 1064 7774 0580 6604 3 Transaction ID: 9376167302720024 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-01-06 18:46:40 Meter No.: 0101170388900 Account No.: ANG6573301225-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 13.56 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 2518 1308 8690 0697 4155 4 Transaction ID: 3418163586136624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-02 14:56:06 Meter No.: 0101170388900 Account No.: ANG6573301225-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 17.64 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 4504 3505 2612 2123 6850 5 Transaction ID: 2988162650918424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-07-17 09:06:24 Meter No.: 0101170388900 Account No.: ANG6573301225-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 18.34 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 5614 0309 2990 6119 93452024-02-26 mustaphamaryam67@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024530ClosedKCT Request2024-02-26Request for kctMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, Find below KCT 2 To 1 4399 9891 7573 5180 6313 6539 3666 8914 1002 47692024-02-26 mustaphamaryam67@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024529Closed2024-02-26Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 688369 Debt Repayment ₦25,914.17 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦9,914.17 M 2023-06-01 ₦16,000.00 2024-02-212024-02-26 rasheedatlawalaa7428@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024528Closed2024-02-26Request for debt statusMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 808286 Refund ₦63,061.32 ₦0.00 ₦525.51 ₦57,280.71 M 2023-03-13 ₦5,780.61 2024-02-23 808286 Debt Repayment ₦67,521.88 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦67,521.88 M 2024-02-07 ₦0.00 2024-02-232024-02-26 fauzee.fh@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024527Closed2024-02-26DEBT PROFILE JED/CCRM/JMR/02/2024 0101190028015MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 684348 Debt Repayment ₦6,989.20 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦989.20 M 2023-11-10 ₦6,000.00 2024-02-262024-02-26 mhauwa74@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024526Closed2024-02-26Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, Find below 0101190140802 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 716410 Debt Repayment ₦7,907.44 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2023-08-21 ₦7,907.44 2023-12-26 0101190145553 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 585199 Debt Repayment ₦106,242.98 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦58,242.98 M 2022-02-28 ₦48,000.00 2024-02-262024-02-26 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024525ClosedKCT Request2024-02-26KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, Find below 1 To 55 5403 8776 4831 5919 3325 4863 3432 8956 8006 49462024-02-26 amibabs433@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024524Closed2024-02-26DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 631132344501 Debt Repayment ₦162,096.11 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦162,096.11 M 2022-07-13 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-02-26 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024523Closed2024-02-26Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 716410 Debt Repayment ₦7,907.44 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2023-08-21 ₦7,907.44 2023-12-262024-02-26 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024522Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024521Closed2024-02-26KRN REQUEST 44000522399MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26No44000522399 29306641476614939091 298451507113436483122024-02-26 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024520Closed2024-02-26Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26No60495637439182356387 437693725550450678192024-02-26 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024519Closed2024-02-26KrnMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26No55311532502114626421 153466355110758544842024-02-26 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024518ClosedKCT Request2024-02-26Request for KRN KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26No39868584636385952018 565745412663182791422024-02-26 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024517Closed2024-02-26312/02/24/DEBT PROFILE REQUEST/54160910110MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6624024046-01 Debt Repayment ₦106,862.63 ₦-21,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦21,862.63 M 2020-03-12 ₦64,000.00 2024-01-182024-02-26 agohabigail69@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024516Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024515Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024514Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024513Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024512Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024511Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024510Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024509Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024508Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024507ClosedKCT Request2024-02-26KCT REQUEST: 95300465564 (01 To 02 and 02 To 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 2782 4751 8761 2505 5102 6042 2745 8306 3309 1856 1 To 2 6005 9727 6667 7954 0738 6824 9275 2825 5704 33822024-02-26 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024506Closed2024-02-26Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611703075801 Debt Repayment ₦411,469.10 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦409,469.10 M 2023-03-28 ₦2,000.00 2023-04-282024-02-26 tkhadija028@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024505Closed2024-02-26Request for debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 646001447101 Debt Repayment ₦988,840.57 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦984,840.57 M 2023-12-31 ₦4,000.00 2024-02-252024-02-26 fauzee.fh@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024504ClosedKCT Request2024-02-26REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, find below. 4 To 1 5525 2980 9267 3795 4537 5521 4802 8893 5567 38082024-02-26 yusufibrahimbaba440@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024503Closed2024-02-26Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 615119200001 Debt Repayment ₦255,188.91 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦207,188.91 M 2022-02-28 ₦48,000.00 2024-02-262024-02-26 mustaphamaryam67@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024502Closed2024-02-26DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 745647 Debt Repayment ₦18,203.87 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦16,203.87 M 2024-01-18 ₦2,000.00 2024-02-092024-02-26 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024501Closed2024-02-26Debt profile 0150000933021MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 681410 Debt Repayment ₦45,115.39 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦21,115.39 M 2022-12-09 ₦24,000.00 2023-12-292024-02-26 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024500Closed2024-02-26Debt statusMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 717482 Debt Repayment ₦9,110.92 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦0.00 M 2022-08-25 ₦9,110.92 2022-12-01 Closed2024-02-26 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024499ClosedKCT Request2024-02-26This Generate an Incomplete KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26No35798332248110677883 684485194479200901732024-02-26 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024498Closed2024-02-26Request for debt statusMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 693942 Debt Repayment ₦1,602.29 ₦0.00 ₦1,602.29 ₦0.00 M 2022-06-02 ₦1,602.29 2022-09-21 Closed 693942 Refund ₦48,263.38 ₦0.00 ₦402.19 ₦45,045.86 M 2023-03-13 ₦3,217.52 2023-11-082024-02-26 fauzee.fh@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024497Closed2024-02-26KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26No00154537894479296891 717596420014675793242024-02-26 amibabs433@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024496Closed2024-02-26Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, find below. 0101170361436 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6151082965-01 Debt Repayment ₦233,560.55 ₦-19,565.03 ₦2,000.00 ₦203,995.52 M 2018-11-28 ₦10,000.00 2021-10-27 0101170460998 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 663124 Debt Repayment ₦121,305.62 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦93,305.62 M 2022-02-16 ₦28,000.00 2023-04-15 663124 Refund ₦48,263.38 ₦0.00 ₦402.19 ₦48,263.38 M 2023-03-13 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-02-26 mustaphamaryam67@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024495Closed2024-02-26DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 217199 Debt Repayment ₦172,453.06 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦132,453.06 M 2022-06-15 ₦40,000.00 2024-02-192024-02-26 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024494Closed2024-02-26#0039/02/2024# 62420228413 REQUEST DEBT PROFILESMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 668889 Debt Repayment ₦46,883.28 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦24,883.28 M 2023-03-30 ₦22,000.00 2024-02-092024-02-26 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024493Closed2024-02-26REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE=====0101200031850MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 542013 Debt Repayment ₦64,366.44 ₦0.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦48,366.44 V 2022-07-19 ₦16,000.00 2023-03-222024-02-26 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024492Closed2024-02-26REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 0557 4951 0726 1540 5542 5272 2336 6083 7430 3365 1 To 2 6247 8664 3455 1570 9752 5206 4519 0349 6342 71062024-02-26 abdulsalamvio@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024491Closed2024-02-26DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 589157 Debt Repayment ₦228,779.72 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦228,779.72 M 2022-07-22 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-02-26 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024490Closed2024-02-26Request for debt profile - 44000364446MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 696094 Debt Repayment ₦35,372.36 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2022-05-17 ₦35,372.36 2024-01-30 Closed2024-02-26 lucky.akpobi@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00024489Closed2024-02-26DEBT ENQUIRYMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, find below 0101200030126 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611215167201 Debt Repayment ₦622,491.17 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦622,491.17 M 2024-02-07 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-02-26 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024488Closed2024-02-26#0056/02/24/44000465557/REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE#MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 506648 Debt Repayment ₦196,448.54 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦182,448.54 M 2023-07-28 ₦14,000.00 2024-02-132024-02-26 samueldchun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024487Closed2024-02-26Request for debt profile=54161033458MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 546544 Debt Repayment ₦83,803.16 ₦-72,882.94 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2020-03-05 ₦10,920.22 2021-11-03 Closed 546544 Debt Repayment ₦35,093.29 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2022-07-19 ₦35,093.29 2024-01-31 Closed2024-02-26 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024486Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024485Closed2024-02-26DEBT ENQUIRYMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 706317 Debt Repayment ₦49,687.95 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦2,187.95 M 2022-02-25 ₦47,500.00 2023-09-292024-02-26 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024484Closed2024-02-26Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 615218270401 Debt Repayment ₦153,293.90 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦139,293.90 M 2023-01-13 ₦14,000.00 2023-08-082024-02-26 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024483ClosedKCT Request2024-02-2662221020423 KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, find below. 62221020423 99 To 1 1911 2734 0531 2686 8080 5778 2561 4465 4091 14392024-02-26 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024482Closed2024-02-26DEBT PROFILE: 0101200000764, 0101210110363MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, find below. 0101200000764, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 680066 Debt Repayment ₦27,050.16 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦27,050.16 M 2024-01-15 ₦0.00 0000-00-00 0101210110363 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 515212 Debt Repayment ₦209,262.66 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦207,262.66 M 2023-03-31 ₦2,000.00 2023-04-202024-02-26 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024481Closed2024-02-26DEBT PEOPLE JED/CCRM/JMR/02/654 0101190151932MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 698174 Debt Repayment ₦8,590.23 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦6,590.23 M 2023-11-21 ₦2,000.00 2023-12-282024-02-26 mhauwa74@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024480Closed2024-02-26Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 751643 Debt Repayment ₦2,553.45 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦553.45 M 2024-01-18 ₦2,000.00 2024-02-242024-02-26 tkhadija028@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024479Closed2024-02-26Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 676055 Debt Repayment ₦16,229.95 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦13,729.95 M 2024-01-25 ₦2,500.00 2024-02-262024-02-26 mustaphamaryam67@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024478ClosedKCT Request2024-02-26KCT REQUEST: 0101165015484 (21 TO 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, find below. 21 To 1 1682 8554 3371 8986 1158 6195 3090 5123 5248 54102024-02-26 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024477ClosedKCT Request2024-02-26REQUEST FOR KCT 21 TO 1 : 57100002963MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, find below. 21 To 1 2449 1458 0045 0063 2603 2364 6520 3309 2254 71262024-02-26 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024476ClosedKCT Request2024-02-26REQUEST FOR KCT 21 TO 1 : 57100002963MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, find below. 57100002963 21 To 1 2449 1458 0045 0063 2603 2364 6520 3309 2254 71262024-02-26 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024475ClosedKCT Request2024-02-260150300027599 KCT Tariff 31MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, find below. 31 To 1 4921 3469 5578 1073 8141 2720 4966 4454 3766 28852024-02-26 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024474ClosedKCT Request2024-02-260150000889678 KCT Tariff 15MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, find below. 15 To 1 5714 9551 1716 1859 2534 0569 4596 7077 7710 79522024-02-26 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024473Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024472Closed2024-02-26#1232/26/2/2024# REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE..... 0101200121511MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 642501 Debt Repayment ₦18,695.50 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦16,695.50 M 2023-11-23 ₦2,000.00 2023-12-072024-02-26 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024471Closed2024-02-26#0055/02/24/44000556520/REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE#MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 783300 Debt Repayment ₦8,923.79 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦2,923.79 M 2023-11-14 ₦6,000.00 2024-02-252024-02-26 samueldchun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024470Closed2024-02-26DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6312423060-01 Debt Repayment ₦273,726.40 ₦-43,000.00 ₦5,000.00 ₦100,726.40 M 2020-01-14 ₦130,000.00 2024-01-292024-02-26 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024469Closed2024-02-26Debt profile 0150001000457MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 408019 Debt Repayment ₦110,147.55 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦64,147.55 M 2022-03-11 ₦46,000.00 2024-02-122024-02-26 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024468Closed2024-02-26Total depthMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 615218270401 Debt Repayment ₦153,293.90 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦139,293.90 M 2023-01-13 ₦14,000.00 2023-08-082024-02-26 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024467Closed2024-02-26Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612628156701 Debt Repayment ₦107,596.93 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦105,596.93 M 2023-08-16 ₦2,000.00 2023-09-282024-02-26 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024466Closed2024-02-26DEBT PROFILE 0101170412452MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6151232296-01 Debt Repayment ₦138,673.74 ₦-48,500.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦7,673.74 M 2019-04-27 ₦82,500.00 2024-02-092024-02-26 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024465Closed2024-02-26DEBT PROFILE: 0101170427351MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-26NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 431776 Debt Repayment ₦228,582.39 ₦-38,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦190,582.39 M 2019-04-03 ₦0.00 2021-05-312024-02-26 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024464Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024463Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024462Closed2024-02-23REQUEST FOR KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23No62321045213 T1 38754953262301509909 31634953285680059192 62420144503 T1 03383871279130038256 239288017086712748422024-02-23 abjaleel3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024461ClosedKCT Request2024-02-23Request for KRN KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23No08344679525245842402 679896276705199323972024-02-23 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024460Closed2024-02-23REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPER IN RESPECT OF THESE ACCOUNT 0163211258047 & 54160914443MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23No0163211258047 0163211258047 Clear Tamper 0 4715 5851 7030 5529 7006 & 54160914443 5609 7603 9905 8062 71822024-02-23 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024459Closed2024-02-23Request for debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 669226 Debt Repayment ₦14,489.26 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦14,489.26 M 2023-12-07 ₦0.00 2023-12-232024-02-23 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024458Closed2024-02-23Request for Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672163144301 Debt Repayment ₦371,792.75 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦325,792.75 M 2022-03-21 ₦46,000.00 2024-02-142024-02-23 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024457ClosedKCT Request2024-02-23KCT REQUEST: 0101170290965 (04 TO 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23NoHello, Find below 4 To 1 3246 7714 7843 6349 6418 2860 8461 7735 7145 47072024-02-23 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024456Closed2024-02-23DEBT PROFILE: 0101190018792MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 669563 Debt Repayment ₦60,938.01 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦12,938.01 M 2022-02-15 ₦48,000.00 2024-02-23 669563 Refund ₦48,263.38 ₦0.00 ₦402.19 ₦43,839.29 M 2023-03-13 ₦4,424.09 2024-02-232024-02-23 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024455Closed2024-02-23299/02/24/DEBT PROFILE REQUEST/0101210317695MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23NoHello, find below. Search: Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 816072 Refund ₦63,061.32 ₦0.00 ₦525.51 ₦57,280.71 M 2023-03-13 ₦5,780.61 2024-02-22 816072 Debt Repayment ₦11,583.40 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,583.40 M 2023-11-29 ₦6,000.00 2024-02-222024-02-23 agohabigail69@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024454Closed2024-02-23DEBT PROFILE 0195000007284MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 564856 Debt Repayment ₦133,649.43 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦107,649.43 M 2022-03-10 ₦26,000.00 2023-04-292024-02-23 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024453Closed2024-02-23KRN requestMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23No13096790288602449637 445662650413061573522024-02-23 onceinlife6464@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024452Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024451Closed2024-02-23KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23No38754953262301509909 316349532856800591922024-02-23 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024450ClosedKCT Request2024-02-23KRN/KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23No11402647161968058835 311611677660094386262024-02-23 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024449Closed2024-02-23KRN requestMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23No13096790288602449637 445662650413061573522024-02-23 onceinlife6464@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024448Closed2024-02-23REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE----0101210123820MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 506026 Debt Repayment ₦334,770.67 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦304,770.67 M 2022-10-17 ₦30,000.00 2024-01-312024-02-23 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024447Closed2024-02-23KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23No03383871279130038256 239288017086712748422024-02-23 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024446Closed2024-02-23REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE----44000481257MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 665630 Debt Repayment ₦55,926.36 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦35,926.36 M 2022-07-28 ₦20,000.00 2023-03-302024-02-23 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024445Closed2024-02-23DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23NoHell, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6190012265-01 Debt Repayment ₦1,523.28 ₦0.00 ₦1,523.28 ₦1,523.28 M 2024-01-14 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-02-23 carolynterjime@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024444Closed2024-02-23#0038/02/2024# 62223012964 REQUEST FOR KCT TI 02MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23NoHello, find below. 2 To 99 4249 5266 9612 4894 5310 6827 2401 6639 5642 13812024-02-23 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024443Closed2024-02-23#0039/02/2024# 62521006833 REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23NoHell, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 621808234701 Debt Repayment ₦457,640.90 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦447,640.90 M 2023-08-06 ₦10,000.00 2024-01-302024-02-23 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024442Closed2024-02-23REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE : 95300223708MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 623908 Debt Repayment ₦101,769.19 ₦0.00 ₦20,000.00 ₦51,769.19 V 2023-04-05 ₦50,000.00 2023-12-062024-02-23 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024441Closed2024-02-23REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPER IN RESPECT OF THESE ACCOUNTS 0101170436337 & 44300055496MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23NoDear Benjamin, find below, 0101170436337 Clear Tamper 0 6981 0134 1178 2876 8388 44300055496 Clear Tamper 0 7048 9855 4519 5351 65952024-02-23 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024440Closed2024-02-23Total outstandingMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6190012265-01 Debt Repayment ₦1,523.28 ₦0.00 ₦1,523.28 ₦1,523.28 M 2024-01-14 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-02-23 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024439Closed2024-02-23DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 44000537942 / 6190012265-01MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23NoHello, find below. 44000537942 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6190012265-01 Debt Repayment ₦1,523.28 ₦0.00 ₦1,523.28 ₦1,523.28 M 2024-01-14 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-02-23 joseph.tegwis@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00024438Closed2024-02-23: DEBT PROFILE JED/CCRM/JMR/02/648 0101160182610MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23NoHello, find below. 0101160182610 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 495318 Debt Repayment ₦119,537.96 ₦-30,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦23,537.96 M 2020-01-15 ₦66,000.00 2024-02-162024-02-23 mhauwa74@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024437ClosedKCT Request2024-02-23Request for kct in respect of this account 0150300015735MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23NoHello, find below. 1 To 99 3517 2758 7209 9647 2053 3285 8227 8626 0181 55542024-02-23 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024436ClosedKCT Request2024-02-23REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23NoHello, find below. 99 To 1 2422 1763 5132 1425 1616 1864 3612 1523 1679 9065 1 To 99 4819 2061 9537 0351 5760 1298 3383 1948 7520 19342024-02-23 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024435ClosedKCT Request2024-02-23REQUEST FOR KCT NEW METER....44000811842MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 0940 4003 3829 5220 0266 2230 3160 6877 5566 6309 1 To 2 6110 5272 9381 2799 7026 2440 0718 7006 8643 34232024-02-23 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024434Closed2024-02-23REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE: 95300459237Medium 2024-02-23NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 818283 Refund ₦63,061.32 ₦0.00 ₦525.51 ₦57,280.71 M 2023-03-13 ₦5,780.61 2024-02-23 818283 Debt Repayment ₦48,472.91 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦46,472.91 M 2024-01-23 ₦2,000.00 2024-02-232024-02-23 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com
#00024433Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024432Closed2024-02-2344000681351MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 643815 Debt Repayment ₦116,446.20 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦116,446.20 M 2022-06-08 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-02-23 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024431Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024430Closed2024-02-23Debt statusMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 646021589801 Debt Repayment ₦128,541.83 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦90,541.83 M 2022-06-10 ₦38,000.00 2024-01-222024-02-23 aleeyuibraheemahmad16@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024429ClosedKCT Request2024-02-23REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23NoHello, find below. 44000523165 4 To 1 4317 5993 2066 1934 9132 5250 7095 6795 0707 8521 0101205008804 ​ 2 To 99 1928 0965 7703 7774 8898 2786 5002 0832 3927 8396 ​2024-02-23 abdulsalamvio@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024428Closed2024-02-23#0054/02/24/44000623395/REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE#MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 788774 Debt Repayment ₦38,885.74 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦7,885.74 M 2022-08-31 ₦31,000.00 2024-02-052024-02-23 samueldchun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024427Closed2024-02-23Request for debt statusMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 494998 Debt Repayment ₦190,405.53 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦190,405.53 M 2022-05-25 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-02-23 fauzee.fh@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024426Closed2024-02-23JED/CCRM/GDB/#02/304# DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 529325 Debt Repayment ₦128,038.18 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦122,038.18 M 2023-11-02 ₦6,000.00 2024-02-082024-02-23 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024425ClosedKCT Request2024-02-23Request for KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23NoHello, find below. 1 To 21 1259 4795 6954 1076 1477 5673 9130 4351 0946 5601 21 To 1 0782 0765 7548 9769 0639 3303 3256 0553 1527 42862024-02-23 yilkatamos@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024424Closed2024-02-23Request for Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23NoHello, find below. 62321074585 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 487090 Debt Repayment ₦22,370.21 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦22,370.21 M 2023-08-02 ₦0.00 0000-00-00 0150000970346 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 735248 Debt Repayment ₦60,263.18 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦30,263.18 M 2022-03-23 ₦30,000.00 2024-02-22 0150000951361 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672872 Debt Repayment ₦66,375.50 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦20,375.50 M 2022-03-21 ₦46,000.00 2024-02-222024-02-23 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024423Closed2024-02-23#1217/23/2/24# REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE ...0101161055807MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6582101091-01 Debt Repayment ₦256,093.45 ₦-53,351.61 ₦2,000.00 ₦188,741.84 M 2019-06-07 ₦14,000.00 2021-12-162024-02-23 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024422Closed2024-02-23REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILSMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 679014 Debt Repayment ₦22,500.23 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦4,500.23 M 2022-05-17 ₦18,000.00 2024-01-292024-02-23 abjaleel3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024421Closed2024-02-23REQUEST FOR DEB ==0101215018611MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 378985 Debt Repayment ₦81,397.44 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦69,397.44 M 2023-08-16 ₦12,000.00 2024-02-232024-02-23 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024420Closed2024-02-23#0038/02/2024# 54160917651 REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6217220094-01 Debt Repayment ₦160,345.25 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦150,345.25 M 2020-11-03 ₦10,000.00 2021-10-272024-02-23 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024419ClosedKCT Request2024-02-23KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23NoHello, Find below 2 To 99 1477 9068 3893 1856 0071 3287 6154 6008 1614 31582024-02-23 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024418Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024417Closed2024-02-23REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 796232 Debt Repayment ₦80,816.06 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦68,816.06 M 2023-08-18 ₦12,000.00 2024-02-112024-02-23 mabmusaid88@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024416Closed2024-02-23Request for debt statusMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 757408 Debt Repayment ₦27,641.58 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2022-05-06 ₦27,641.58 2023-08-28 Closed2024-02-23 fauzee.fh@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024415Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024414Closed2024-02-23Request for debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6411162962-01 Debt Repayment ₦173,956.33 ₦-89,500.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦26,456.33 M 2019-09-25 ₦58,000.00 2023-10-312024-02-23 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024413Closed2024-02-23DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 624242101801 Debt Repayment ₦78,289.40 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦78,289.40 M 2023-08-16 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-02-23 toranyiinkator14@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024412Closed2024-02-23Request for debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 641186994801 Debt Repayment ₦385,614.82 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦353,614.82 M 2022-10-13 ₦32,000.00 2024-02-042024-02-23 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024411Closed2024-02-23Request for debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 651017 Debt Repayment ₦62,941.51 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦30,941.51 M 2022-10-13 ₦32,000.00 2024-02-092024-02-23 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024410Closed2024-02-23Request for KRN KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23No62521002261 1440 8910 6740 2688 9310 54160993116 1904 3114 8011 4170 6853 62321207854 4060 8852 7543 4871 8041 62122399074 5648 0326 2677 7970 9544 62420235541 0746 6347 6316 2704 6347 62420144065 3428 3302 3944 8382 0087 62420223745 2586 8813 8862 1605 9791 62221023252 2148 2071 5890 0437 0967 0101210321614 2093 0902 6466 0426 75452024-02-23 mnasir.suleiman@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00024409ClosedKCT Request2024-02-23Request for KRN KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23No62321045213 38754953262301509909 316349532856800591922024-02-23 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024408ClosedKCT Request2024-02-23Request for KRN KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23No62223012105 index 01 05029087913750424708 04265918258684607774 62223012519 index 01 59402682544957583307 502933847874409182742024-02-23 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024407Closed2024-02-23Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23No45294657204229135351 222859546982793392382024-02-23 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024406Closed2024-02-23Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23No03222086273967891348 221177957270263879882024-02-23 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024405Closed2024-02-23REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE #1213----44000321529MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 636664 Debt Repayment ₦67,410.24 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦33,410.24 M 2022-08-16 ₦34,000.00 2024-01-302024-02-23 umaymah1065@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024404Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024403Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024402Closed2024-02-23Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 614630 Debt Repayment ₦89,902.80 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦89,902.80 M 2023-12-25 ₦0.00 2023-12-252024-02-23 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024401Closed2024-02-23Request for debt profile #1211——0101170183269MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 697913 Debt Repayment ₦9,157.06 ₦0.00 ₦7,157.06 ₦0.00 V 2023-11-27 ₦9,157.06 2024-02-23 Closed2024-02-23 umaymah1065@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024400Closed2024-02-2344000655397 total outstanding dept pleaseMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 530403 Debt Repayment ₦16,064.30 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2022-08-31 ₦16,064.30 2023-05-102024-02-23 ennaandongauta9@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024399Closed2024-02-23#1212/23/2/24# REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE ... 0101210085516MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 615118089501 Debt Repayment ₦223,322.91 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦207,322.91 M 2022-10-21 ₦16,000.00 2023-06-282024-02-23 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024398Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024397Closed2024-02-23JED/CCRM/GDB/#02/402# DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 784153 Debt Repayment ₦15,448.66 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦13,448.66 M 2024-01-17 ₦2,000.00 2024-02-112024-02-23 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024396Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024395Closed2024-02-23Request for debt profile #1211——0101170183269MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 697913 Debt Repayment ₦9,157.06 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦7,157.06 M 2023-11-27 ₦2,000.00 2023-12-112024-02-23 umaymah1065@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024394ClosedKCT Request2024-02-23KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23NoHello, find below. 1 To 55 4794 1631 5370 0059 0185 0313 5171 4963 5662 02752024-02-23 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024393ClosedKCT Request2024-02-23KCT REQUEST 1 0101195005000MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23No43367617169553947854 007534866832198482612024-02-23 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024392Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024391Closed2024-02-23Request for kct in respect of this account 62223011719MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23NoHello, Find below 2 To 1 3110 0920 4874 6663 4099 6717 9876 4339 3981 1941 1 To 2 4859 5161 9190 7605 3949 0278 8306 0596 4867 00132024-02-23 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024390Closed2024-02-23#0001/02/2024# DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-23NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 797771 Debt Repayment ₦6,142.24 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦4,142.24 M 2024-01-17 ₦2,000.00 2024-02-232024-02-23 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024389Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024388Closed2024-02-22Kindly assist with debt enquiry of 44000479103MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-22NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 646004111001 Debt Repayment ₦234,930.30 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦194,930.30 M 2022-06-20 ₦40,000.00 2024-02-212024-02-22 aliyasalihuibrahim@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024387Closed2024-02-22Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-22NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 569293 Debt Repayment ₦143,550.62 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦111,550.62 M 2022-10-13 ₦32,000.00 2024-02-042024-02-22 ibroatbuth@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024386ClosedTamper Code2024-02-22Completed Clear Tamper complaint Lodging FormsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-22NoDear Benjamin, find below, 62221005648 Clear Tamper 0 2850 2063 1786 1289 0149 62321074932 Clear Tamper 0 2181 9174 8086 8785 0156 62321074901 62521043547 Clear Tamper 0 7326 9529 5542 9744 5756 62420214280 Clear Tamper 0 1001 3587 1491 2400 6408 62420250227 Clear Tamper 0 1551 9571 4870 6827 0989 62420220030 Clear Tamper 0 3124 0324 3009 9078 1750 62420251886 Clear Tamper 0 0034 9462 4238 5362 0481 62421054974 Clear Tamper 0 3240 3928 4286 4529 2127 62221002132 Clear Tamper 0 3527 5916 1994 6100 5210 62420226151 Clear Tamper 0 0809 1747 2740 1217 3626 62521002261 Clear Tamper 0 6601 8981 1813 2543 18632024-02-22 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024385Closed2024-02-22Request for debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-22NoHello, find below. 62321206823 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 818461 Debt Repayment ₦5,668.48 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦1,668.48 M 2023-12-26 ₦4,000.00 2024-02-19 62321148009There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2024-02-22 zeelamido11@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024384Closed2024-02-22Kindly assist with debt enquiry of 44000482925MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-22NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 660132 Debt Repayment ₦48,421.39 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦48,421.39 M 2022-04-14 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-02-22 aliyasalihuibrahim@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024383ClosedKCT Request2024-02-22REQUEST FOR KCT..... 62223011719 NEW METERMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-22NoHello, find below. 62223011719 2 To 1 3110 0920 4874 6663 4099 6717 9876 4339 3981 1941 ​ 1 To 2 4859 5161 9190 7605 3949 0278 8306 0596 4867 00132024-02-22 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024382Closed2024-02-22Kindly assist with debt enquiry of 95300240728MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-22NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 746480 Debt Repayment ₦53,390.13 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦53,390.13 M 2022-09-14 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-02-22 aliyasalihuibrahim@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024381Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024380ClosedKCT Request2024-02-22KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-22NoHello, find below. 33 To 1 1212 6704 5952 6451 3539 6426 8951 2315 6720 29992024-02-22 dogoreuben@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024379Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024378Closed2024-02-22Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-22NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 720223 Debt Repayment ₦20,117.20 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦16,117.20 M 2023-12-19 ₦4,000.00 2024-02-222024-02-22 tkhadija028@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024377Closed2024-02-22284/02/24/DEBT PROFILE REQUEST/0101210194094MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-22NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 662158036901 Debt Repayment ₦111,694.75 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦91,694.75 M 2023-04-05 ₦20,000.00 2024-02-212024-02-22 agohabigail69@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024376Closed2024-02-22Request for debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-22NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 762049 Debt Repayment ₦60,810.54 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦56,810.54 M 2023-12-31 ₦4,000.00 2024-02-202024-02-22 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024375Closed2024-02-22Request for debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-22NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 605600 Debt Repayment ₦87,155.34 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦67,155.34 M 2022-07-04 ₦20,000.00 2023-05-312024-02-22 zeelamido11@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024374Closed2024-02-22Request for debt profile - 23100551896MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-22NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 621721049001 Debt Repayment ₦176,260.34 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦148,260.34 M 2022-09-06 ₦28,000.00 2023-11-302024-02-22 lucky.akpobi@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00024373Closed2024-02-220033/02/2024# 62521035436 REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-22NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 621438052001 Debt Repayment ₦295,995.76 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦261,995.76 M 2022-09-15 ₦34,000.00 2024-02-202024-02-22 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024372Closed2024-02-220032/02/2024# 62321070708 REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-22NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 644209 Debt Repayment ₦134,505.30 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦126,505.30 M 2023-10-03 ₦8,000.00 2024-02-162024-02-22 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024371Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024370Closed2024-02-22#0281/02/24#REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE/0101210113888MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-22NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 424922 Debt Repayment ₦229,325.96 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦207,325.96 M 2022-07-21 ₦22,000.00 2023-06-302024-02-22 georgesamben123@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024369ClosedKCT Request2024-02-22KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-22NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 2757 4780 1522 0214 6434 1679 9798 7053 9363 0075 1 To 2 1988 8852 1277 5665 9782 1096 5050 8981 6926 61732024-02-22 mauwalu143@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024368Closed2024-02-22Request for Debt profile for 62321148140MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-22NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 793800 Debt Repayment ₦15,056.44 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦13,056.44 M 2024-01-24 ₦2,000.00 2024-02-222024-02-22 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024367Closed2024-02-22REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101210160855MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-22NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672139 Debt Repayment ₦62,302.15 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦42,302.15 M 2022-09-15 ₦20,000.00 2023-07-272024-02-22 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024366ClosedKCT Request2024-02-22REQUEST FOR KCT-----571000099389 (FROM 21-1)MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-22NoHello, find below the correct meter number and the kct thank you. 57100009380 21 To 1 1051 5173 2050 0643 0093 6137 4205 7867 5151 32132024-02-22 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024365Closed2024-02-22REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101210045007MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-22NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 636259 Debt Repayment ₦89,884.38 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦75,884.38 M 2023-05-23 ₦14,000.00 2023-12-162024-02-22 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024364Closed2024-02-220031/02/2024# 62521040329 REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-22NoHello, find below. 62521040329 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 550579 Debt Repayment ₦201,752.12 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦167,752.12 M 2022-09-26 ₦34,000.00 2024-02-222024-02-22 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024363Closed2024-02-22JED/CCRM/GDB/#02/307# DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-22NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 379038 Debt Repayment ₦113,945.07 ₦-17,500.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦56,445.07 M 2018-01-11 ₦40,000.00 2023-01-172024-02-22 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024362Closed2024-02-22Request for debt profile,MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-22NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 712624 Debt Repayment ₦6,408.46 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦4,408.46 M 2023-05-22 ₦2,000.00 2023-06-052024-02-22 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024361ClosedKCT Request2024-02-22Request for K C TMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-22NoHello, find below. KCT1: 0849 2568 0841 8061 7265 KCT2: 0805 8833 9286 4569 58382024-02-22 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024360Closed2024-02-22Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-22NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 463929 Debt Repayment ₦225,193.51 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦199,193.51 M 2023-01-24 ₦26,000.00 2024-02-102024-02-22 maryamibrahim1300@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024359Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024358Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024357Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024356Closed2024-02-22#0030/02/2024# 54160940323 REQUEST DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-22No2024-02-22 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024355Closed2024-02-22DEBT PROFILE 44000363935MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-22NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 811560 Debt Repayment ₦117,388.08 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦117,388.08 M 2024-01-24 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-02-22 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024354ClosedKCT Request2024-02-22KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-22NoHello, find below. 9 To 1 1440 9360 3796 8241 3539 2164 4263 4751 6895 0087 1 To 9 4887 0469 1219 2518 8521 6773 8718 1819 2644 67562024-02-22 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024353Closed2024-02-22REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILSMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-22NoHllo, find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 604575 Debt Repayment ₦170,533.93 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦128,533.93 M 2022-05-25 ₦42,000.00 2024-02-222024-02-22 abjaleel3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024352Closed2024-02-22REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILSMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-22NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 816238 Refund ₦63,100.00 ₦0.00 ₦525.83 ₦57,315.87 M 2023-03-13 ₦5,784.13 2024-02-10 816238 Debt Repayment ₦114,488.76 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦112,488.76 M 2024-01-17 ₦2,000.00 2024-02-102024-02-22 abjaleel3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024351Closed2024-02-22REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILSMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-22NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6450032332-01 Debt Repayment ₦149,565.13 ₦-29,260.10 ₦2,000.00 ₦54,305.03 M 2018-11-27 ₦66,000.00 2024-02-102024-02-22 abjaleel3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024350Closed2024-02-22Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-22NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 615205202301 Debt Repayment ₦138,689.00 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦92,689.00 M 2022-03-10 ₦46,000.00 2024-02-222024-02-22 mustaphamaryam67@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024349Closed2024-02-22DEBT PROFILE JED/CCRM/JMR/02/637 54160997869. JED/CCRM/JMR/02/638 95300230547MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-22NoHello, find below. 54160997869 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6573420752-01 Debt Repayment ₦129,462.22 ₦-38,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦25,462.22 M 2019-06-17 ₦66,000.00 2024-02-22 95300230547 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 657342586401 Debt Repayment ₦59,111.73 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦37,111.73 M 2023-01-26 ₦22,000.00 2023-12-312024-02-22 mhauwa74@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024348Closed2024-02-22Request for Debt profile for 0101200085021MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-22NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612208240601 Debt Repayment ₦753,604.66 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦747,604.66 M 2023-11-24 ₦6,000.00 2024-02-222024-02-22 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024347Closed2024-02-22DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-22NoHello, find below. 54160997869 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6573420752-01 Debt Repayment ₦129,462.22 ₦-38,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦25,462.22 M 2019-06-17 ₦66,000.00 2024-02-22 95300230547 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 657342586401 Debt Repayment ₦59,111.73 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦37,111.73 M 2023-01-26 ₦22,000.00 2023-12-312024-02-22 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024346Closed2024-02-22Debt profile Jed/vom/0179/Feb/24MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-22NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 666711 Debt Repayment ₦19,955.44 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,955.44 M 2023-07-26 ₦14,000.00 2024-02-21 72024-02-22 mupeejay12@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024345Closed2024-02-22DEBT DETAILSMedium 2024-02-22NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 637440 Debt Repayment ₦94,886.48 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦90,886.48 M 2023-12-31 ₦4,000.00 2024-02-082024-02-22 faizahtafida@gmail.com
#00024344Closed2024-02-22Debt profile 0150000929128MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-22NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 651389 Debt Repayment ₦55,752.25 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦17,752.25 M 2022-05-24 ₦38,000.00 2023-12-292024-02-22 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024343ClosedKCT Request2024-02-22REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-22NoHello, find below. 1 To 99 5793 0011 2402 7889 7413 3890 5177 3767 0789 30622024-02-22 jenogah@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024342Closed2024-02-22REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILSMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-22NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 738633 Debt Repayment ₦42,550.18 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦8,550.18 M 2022-09-12 ₦34,000.00 2024-02-172024-02-22 abjaleel3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024341Closed2024-02-22#0277/02/24#REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE/62321072357MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-22No2024-02-22 georgesamben123@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024340ClosedKCT Request2024-02-22KCT REQUEST: 0101200023139 (04 To 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-22NoHello, find below. 0101200023139 4 To 1 3705 1765 3703 7418 5363 2129 5622 5226 9236 3358 -2024-02-22 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024339Closed2024-02-22Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-22NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 634362 Debt Repayment ₦164,103.24 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦154,103.24 M 2023-09-26 ₦10,000.00 2024-02-222024-02-22 rasheedatlawalaa7428@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024338Closed2024-02-22DEBT PROFILE: 0101210040255, 0101170383364MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-22NoHello, find below. 0101210040255, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 716888 Debt Repayment ₦67,331.79 ₦0.00 ₦5,000.00 ₦37,331.79 M 2023-08-15 ₦30,000.00 2024-02-21 0101170383364 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6114050927-01 Debt Repayment ₦164,871.68 ₦-31,196.09 ₦2,000.00 ₦133,675.59 M 2019-01-27 ₦0.00 2021-05-312024-02-22 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024337Closed2024-02-22DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-22NoHello, find below. 0101200039325 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 619394 Debt Repayment ₦8,957.92 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦6,957.92 M 2023-12-25 ₦2,000.00 2024-01-24 0101210127714 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611442 Debt Repayment ₦141,838.00 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦115,838.00 M 2023-01-11 ₦26,000.00 2024-02-192024-02-22 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024336Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024335Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024334Closed2024-02-22Request for debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-22No2024-02-22 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024333Closed2024-02-22Total DeptMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-22NoHello, find below. 0101210127714 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611442 Debt Repayment ₦141,838.00 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦115,838.00 M 2023-01-11 ₦26,000.00 2024-02-192024-02-22 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024332Closed2024-02-22Request for debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-22NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 605570 Debt Repayment ₦50,842.33 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦8,842.33 M 2022-05-05 ₦42,000.00 2024-02-132024-02-22 zeelamido11@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024331ClosedKCT Request2024-02-22REQUEST FOR KCT 4 -1 : 54161009763MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-22NoHello, Find below 4 To 1 2141 9935 0907 6194 4816 5654 4499 8512 7926 67512024-02-22 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024330Closed2024-02-22Debt profile 44000430486MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-22NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 631244091801 Debt Repayment ₦375,244.31 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦375,244.31 M 2022-06-07 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-02-22 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024329Closed2024-02-22DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-22NoHello find below. 44000428845 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 593625 Debt Repayment ₦85,424.18 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦41,424.18 M 2022-04-14 ₦44,000.00 2024-02-162024-02-22 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024328Closed2024-02-22DEBT PROFILE: 0101200124713MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-22NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 720177 Debt Repayment ₦26,375.32 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦26,375.32 M 2023-04-04 ₦0.00 2023-04-232024-02-22 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024327ClosedKCT Request2024-02-22KCT REQUEST FROM 2 TO 1 95300150760MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-22NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 6590 0197 3968 4224 4846 7314 9069 1761 1521 14902024-02-22 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024326Closed2024-02-22DEBT PROFILE: 0101210051609MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-22NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 691981 Debt Repayment ₦55,616.53 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦7,616.53 M 2022-02-28 ₦48,000.00 2024-02-172024-02-22 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024325ClosedKCT Request2024-02-22KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-22NoHello, Find below 0101200050363 2 To 1 5572 8434 3872 2954 6222 1484 1127 1717 6828 7219 57100052885 4 To 1 3120 4051 0199 0450 5319 2225 6332 6862 2260 89742024-02-22 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024324In Progress2024-02-22REQUEST FOR OUTSTANDING BALANCEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-22NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 662164146501 Debt Repayment ₦119,795.81 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦119,795.81 V 2023-05-17 ₦0.00 2023-05-170000-00-00 jenogah@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024323Closed2024-02-22Request for debt profile==0195000006815MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-22NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 665468 Debt Repayment ₦86,789.64 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦86,789.64 M 2022-12-06 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-02-22 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024322Closed2024-02-22Dept balanceMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-22NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 498682 Debt Repayment ₦263,025.65 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦231,025.65 M 2022-10-13 ₦32,000.00 2024-02-162024-02-22 sadeeqismail2020@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024321Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024320Closed2024-02-21KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21No04612929727507634643 403869031154774163812024-02-21 okadonyesimona@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024319Closed2024-02-21Krn on 0033MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21No04569128385026362086 374325713425877236722024-02-21 ungwa14@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024318ClosedKCT Request2024-02-21Request for KRN KCTMedium 2024-02-21No34966870289568937453 553653861183110038752024-02-21 benji.osas24@yahoo.com
#00024317Closed2024-02-21KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21No47738421450988159998 094240093931864562892024-02-21 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024316Closed2024-02-21Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21No01027474163541647944 192607681975804667432024-02-21 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024315ClosedKCT Request2024-02-21KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21NoHello, find below. 4 To 1 4082 5281 3350 5030 9702 4002 2973 0657 5637 78152024-02-21 yuzarsif331122@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024314ClosedKCT Request2024-02-21REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPERMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21No0163211285677 0329 4234 5364 3984 3442 0150300023507 7078 7601 2170 8512 5073 0150000945728 5118 0405 5549 4426 17032024-02-21 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024313Closed2024-02-21KRN FOR 44000317402 TARIFF 04MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21No38516683750103131270 465195835038171743432024-02-21 yuzarsif331122@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024312Closed2024-02-21Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21No24108435295956421207 042831812527309611522024-02-21 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024311Closed2024-02-21debtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21NoHello find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 432545 Debt Repayment ₦23,025.69 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦9,025.69 M 2023-05-31 ₦14,000.00 2023-12-062024-02-21 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024310Closed2024-02-21Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21No44000583094 30096912637793881839 68868624986695917410 44000808327 01019144072307297398 56815092450216215686 47000589326 51653524660561969999 22164610925300291757 0101200050363 tr 02 25711139317854506660 57303157462232529219 57100052885 tr 04 00522115306284363131 241652595865060125732024-02-21 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024309Closed2024-02-21Request for debt profile---95300177128MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 697271 Debt Repayment ₦45,752.56 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2022-03-10 ₦45,752.56 2024-02-18 Closed2024-02-21 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024308Closed2024-02-21REQUEST FOR KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21No08213805533970284257 323941687511103481652024-02-21 abjaleel3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024307Closed2024-02-21Does not exist for KRN upgradeMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21No55502420813337523421 315830289880896729202024-02-21 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024306Closed2024-02-21Request for debt profile - 0101170458208MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid ​ 781372 Debt Repayment ₦62,237.34 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦48,237.34 M 2023-07-26 ₦14,000.00 2024-02-122024-02-21 lucky.akpobi@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00024305ClosedKCT Request2024-02-21KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 5572 8434 3872 2954 6222 1484 1127 1717 6828 72192024-02-21 amibabs433@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024304Closed2024-02-21Request for Debt profile for 54161067597MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 781372 Debt Repayment ₦62,237.34 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦48,237.34 M 2023-07-26 ₦14,000.00 2024-02-122024-02-21 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024303Closed2024-02-21DEBT PROFILE: 0101210190654MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 657835 Debt Repayment ₦22,298.96 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦16,298.96 M 2023-07-28 ₦6,000.00 2023-10-19 Hello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 657835 Debt Repayment ₦22,298.96 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦16,298.96 M 2023-07-28 ₦6,000.00 2023-10-192024-02-21 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024302Closed2024-02-21Total outstandingMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6190012265-01 Debt Repayment ₦1,523.28 ₦0.00 ₦1,523.28 ₦1,523.28 M 2024-01-14 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-02-21 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024301Closed2024-02-21REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE:0101210000838MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 702784 Debt Repayment ₦77,378.67 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦69,378.67 M 2023-08-08 ₦8,000.00 2023-12-212024-02-21 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024300ClosedKCT Request2024-02-21Request for kctMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 1615 7301 7480 9495 7343 0824 8829 1443 4622 0796 1 To 2 4927 8219 8747 9996 9015 0450 7391 2023 3031 48852024-02-21 mustaphamaryam67@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024299Closed2024-02-21REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE #1172----62321069627MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 768070 Debt Repayment ₦74,993.33 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦62,993.33 M 2023-08-08 ₦12,000.00 2024-02-152024-02-21 umaymah1065@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024298Closed2024-02-21Request for Debt profile for 57100029909MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6122086637-01 Debt Repayment ₦187,530.00 ₦-3,150.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦184,380.00 M 2016-10-13 ₦0.00 2021-05-312024-02-21 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024297Closed2024-02-21Request for KRN in respect of this account 62321070872MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21No39452219797697280914 492715200861024433452024-02-21 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024296Closed2024-02-21266/02/24/DEBT PROFILE REQUEST/0101210145112MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 662159073001 Debt Repayment ₦9,740.42 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦9,740.42 M 2023-05-16 ₦0.00 2023-05-302024-02-21 agohabigail69@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024295Closed2024-02-21REQUEST FOR KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21No62321070872 KRN 39452219797697280914 49271520086102443345 0150000893803 Tariff 45 13448101882928700594 571146054424771440552024-02-21 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024294Closed2024-02-21Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21No15410719265335590924 022343451012799064132024-02-21 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024293Closed2024-02-21KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21No47314910215226135571 501720151093596276882024-02-21 amibabs433@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024292Closed2024-02-21KRN REQUEST 62223017294MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21No11717225275872811013 511275663198216760932024-02-21 joseph.tegwis@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00024291Closed2024-02-21REQUEST FOR KRN TARRIFF INDEX 21 : 57100050525MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21No34605067784486282656 27614956252290259580 0096 8423 8059 6614 0077 2759 5344 0411 8159 69702024-02-21 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024290Closed2024-02-21Does not exist for KRN upgradeMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21No44000733491 65932970395466433893 12061625386338274072 44000752715 55376735954830204761 23084418142898063937 44000731545 25689333610561468780 55364525950699589975 44000731578 46493334119195832581 68123700584090423946 44000731578 46493334119195832581 681237005840904239462024-02-21 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024289Closed2024-02-21REQUEST FOR KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21No34966870289568937453 553653861183110038752024-02-21 thompsontor@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024288Closed2024-02-21debtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 823880 Refund ₦63,061.32 ₦0.00 ₦525.51 ₦57,280.71 M 2023-03-13 ₦5,780.61 2024-02-152024-02-21 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024287Closed2024-02-21REQUEST FOR KRN FOR NEW METER: 0101235004278MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21No44013237798118039757 416778016562920011042024-02-21 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024286Closed2024-02-21Request for KrnMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21No43746056444081397020 315800901690003549202024-02-21 thompsontor@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024285Closed2024-02-21REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPER CODEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21NoGood morning, Dear Abdulsalam, kindly obtain the clear audit stamp on the forms. find below, 0150000955966 Clear Tamper 0 2845 4187 4669 2056 0186 62122399306 Clear Tamper 0 4949 1102 5326 9746 30482024-02-21 abdulsalamvio@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024284Closed2024-02-21DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6573333076-01 Debt Repayment ₦181,400.53 ₦-34,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦97,400.53 M 2019-08-22 ₦50,000.00 2024-01-182024-02-21 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024283Closed2024-02-21DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21NoHello, There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2024-02-21 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024282Closed2024-02-21DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 767811 Debt Repayment ₦768.41 ₦0.00 ₦768.41 ₦768.41 M 2023-12-10 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-02-21 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024281ClosedVending History2024-02-21VENDING HISTORYMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21NoHello, Find below Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 5001170845040024 Transaction Date/Time: 2024-02-20 18:33:20 Meter No.: 0101170118166 Account No.: 442977 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦418.60 Energy Cost: ₦5,581.40 KwH: 81.35 Amount Tendered: ₦6,000.00 5763 1281 0184 9533 8582 2 Transaction ID: 6448170592345024 Transaction Date/Time: 2024-01-22 12:37:30 Meter No.: 0101170118166 Account No.: 442977 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦558.14 Energy Cost: ₦7,441.86 KwH: 108.47 Amount Tendered: ₦8,000.00 7188 5935 1870 1163 8320 3 Transaction ID: 4653170413033524 Transaction Date/Time: 2024-01-01 18:32:15 Meter No.: 0101170118166 Account No.: 442977 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 135.58 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 1982 0579 8734 1568 5275 4 Transaction ID: 7812170205152224 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-12-08 17:05:22 Meter No.: 0101170118166 Account No.: 442977 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 67.79 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 2674 8641 3687 7537 7440 5 Transaction ID: 4669167049893824 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-12-08 12:28:58 Meter No.: 0101170118166 Account No.: 442977 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 80.26 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 2721 7706 7129 8420 5384 6 Transaction ID: 1912166514077824 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-10-07 12:06:18 Meter No.: 0101170118166 Account No.: 442977 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 48.16 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 7333 3527 2763 2831 8117 7 Transaction ID: 6172165995772824 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-08-08 12:22:08 Meter No.: 0101170118166 Account No.: 442977 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 80.26 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 3190 9443 0545 5698 5362 8 Transaction ID: 9258165451192824 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-06-06 11:38:48 Meter No.: 0101170118166 Account No.: 442977 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 82.06 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 6229 0120 7941 1538 1419 9 Transaction ID: 6791164941174224 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-08 10:55:42 Meter No.: 0101170118166 Account No.: 442977 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 82.06 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 1716 4597 1962 1071 6714 10 Transaction ID: 2563164423135724 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-07 11:56:05 Meter No.: 0101170118166 Account No.: 442977 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦279.07 Energy Cost: ₦3,720.93 KwH: 68.84 Amount Tendered: ₦4,000.00 4328 8944 6486 5648 95012024-02-21 faizahtafida@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024280Closed2024-02-21Request for Debt profile for 0101200113757MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21NoHewllo, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 504874 Debt Repayment ₦321,985.94 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦266,985.94 M 2022-04-05 ₦55,000.00 2024-02-162024-02-21 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024279Closed2024-02-21REQUEST FOR KRN FOR NEW METER: 0163213045616MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21NoHello, 21282150077249118552 632437601635349472782024-02-21 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024278Closed2024-02-21#0046/02/24/0101210096208/REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE#MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 658105289301 Debt Repayment ₦31,258.68 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦21,258.68 M 2022-10-21 ₦10,000.00 2023-03-042024-02-21 samueldchun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024277Closed2024-02-21REQUEST FOR KRN FOR NEW METER: 44300011556MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21NoHello, 02869890664755940648 598177768989285935012024-02-21 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024276ClosedKCT Request2024-02-21#1168/21/2/2024# REQUEST FOR KCT...... 44000726859 NEW METERMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21No2 To 1 3035 8694 3444 3520 4487 2635 2961 0478 4636 55612024-02-21 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024275Closed2024-02-21#1168/21/2/24# REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE ..... 0101190141628MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611215008601 Debt Repayment ₦298,484.33 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦243,484.33 M 2022-03-18 ₦55,000.00 2024-01-282024-02-21 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024274Closed2024-02-21DEBT PROFILE: 95500092861MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 658107023901 Debt Repayment ₦242,837.98 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦177,837.98 M 2020-04-14 ₦65,000.00 2023-07-172024-02-21 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024273Closed2024-02-21REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILES----0101170395079 & 0101170317180 IT Support 10:15 AM SENT Re: REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILES----0101170395079 & 0101170317180 - Hello, find below. 0101170395079 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 489054 Debt Repayment ₦304,947.02 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦279,947.02 M IT Support 10:15 AM INBOX nuwaira danjuma,Jedplc Support,Austin Lucky,naomi tegwi,Aliyuumaymah Umar,Inemesit Hope,Joseph Tegwis Hello, find below. 0101170395079 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 489054 Debt Repayment ₦304,947.02 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦279,947.02 M 2020-03-11 ₦25,000.00 2023-12-30 & 0101170317180vMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21No2024-02-21 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024272Closed2024-02-21#1159/21/2/2024# REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE... 0101170286112MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 409488 Debt Repayment ₦88,692.86 ₦-32,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2019-08-23 ₦56,692.86 2023-10-30 Closed2024-02-21 Umar Auwal
#00024271Closed2024-02-21DebtsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612818043801 Debt Repayment ₦352,237.35 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦334,237.35 M 2023-04-04 ₦18,000.00 2024-01-122024-02-21 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024270ClosedKCT Request2024-02-21KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21NoHello, find below. 24 To 1 6960 3110 5624 7255 8860 6729 7396 7786 2710 17822024-02-21 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024269Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024268Closed2024-02-21REQUEST FOR OUTSTANDING BALANCEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21NoHello find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 542648 Debt Repayment ₦119,796.95 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦77,796.95 M 2022-04-25 ₦42,000.00 2024-01-302024-02-21 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024267Closed2024-02-21DEBT PROFILE: 0101210047573MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 625653 Debt Repayment ₦20,859.16 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦2,859.16 M 2023-05-16 ₦18,000.00 2024-02-182024-02-21 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024266Closed2024-02-21DeptMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 683471 Debt Repayment ₦202,712.19 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦192,712.19 M 2023-08-02 ₦10,000.00 2024-01-272024-02-21 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024265Closed2024-02-21Request for Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21NoHello, find below. 0150000951122 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 655286 Debt Repayment ₦50,860.87 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦12,860.87 M 2022-06-21 ₦38,000.00 2024-01-28 44000529865 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 764549 Debt Repayment ₦61,888.50 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦49,888.50 M 2023-08-18 ₦12,000.00 2024-02-192024-02-21 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024264ClosedKCT Request2024-02-21REQUEST FOR KCT FOR NEW METER: 0101235004278Medium 2024-02-21NoHello, find below. 1 To 99 6902 5538 8492 6003 0267 4606 2794 5838 7600 87542024-02-21 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com
#00024263Closed2024-02-21DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 475254 Debt Repayment ₦112,804.32 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦110,804.32 M 2024-01-18 ₦2,000.00 2024-02-192024-02-21 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024262Closed2024-02-21: REQUEST FOR KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21No50069996331953693850 182160138019816655862024-02-21 thompsontor@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024261ClosedKCT Request2024-02-21Request for KRN KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21No36982652122418507273 382229648991487791332024-02-21 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024260Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024259Closed2024-02-21#0026/02/2024# REQUEST FOR KRN UPGRADEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21No44000806958 36922031871765960302 37439662673428527200 62321141897 34434669407726148607 730094085546388837042024-02-21 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024258Closed2024-02-210027/02/2024# 0101175077946 KRN on 05MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21No59874147218407228239 439454278161886316322024-02-21 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024257Closed2024-02-21Request for KRN in respect of this account 0101160352528 from tariff index 34MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21No38365321858590188282 501983466374384626582024-02-21 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024256Closed2024-02-21KRN requestMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21No11402647161968058835 311611677660094386262024-02-21 onceinlife6464@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024255ClosedTamper Code2024-02-21REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPERMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21No0150000980071 1412 2900 3466 1807 9162 0150000916638 1505 7955 6160 7769 57592024-02-21 abdulsalamvio@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024254Closed2024-02-21#0261/02/24#REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE/44000556801MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 799598 Debt Repayment ₦15,896.30 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦9,896.30 M 2023-11-28 ₦6,000.00 2024-02-202024-02-21 georgesamben123@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024253Closed2024-02-21DEBT PROFILE: 0101210110041MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 599765 Debt Repayment ₦23,792.56 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦3,792.56 M 2023-04-04 ₦20,000.00 2024-02-212024-02-21 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024252Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024251Closed2024-02-21Request for Debt profile for 0101210045544MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 762349 Debt Repayment ₦7,363.34 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦3,363.34 M 2023-12-20 ₦4,000.00 2024-02-182024-02-21 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024250In Progress2024-02-21Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 803104 Debt Repayment ₦22,352.28 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦22,352.28 M 2023-03-22 ₦0.00 0000-00-000000-00-00 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024249Closed2024-02-21DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 634403022201 Debt Repayment ₦38,699.74 ₦-41,021.92 ₦5,000.00 ₦-12,322.18 M 2023-05-23 ₦10,000.00 2023-07-17 Closed 634403022201 Debt Repayment ₦63,943.62 ₦0.00 ₦5,000.00 ₦48,943.62 M 2023-07-28 ₦15,000.00 2023-10-242024-02-21 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024248Closed2024-02-21DEBT PROFILE 44000313393MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-21NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 596382 Debt Repayment ₦67,893.77 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦67,893.77 M 2023-08-16 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-02-21 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024247Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024246Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024245Closed2024-02-19DEBT PROFILE 44000313393MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 596382 Debt Repayment ₦67,893.77 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦67,893.77 M 2023-08-16 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-02-19 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024244Closed2024-02-19DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 763866 Debt Repayment ₦7,363.34 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,363.34 M 2023-12-31 ₦2,000.00 2024-01-202024-02-19 rasheedatlawalaa7428@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024243Closed2024-02-19Request for debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 471996 Debt Repayment ₦58,955.70 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦18,955.70 M 2022-06-29 ₦40,000.00 2024-02-192024-02-19 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024242Closed2024-02-19DOES NOT EXIST FOR KRN UPGRADEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19No44000752715 55376735954830204761 23084418142898063937 44000731545 25689333610561468780 55364525950699589975 44000731578 46493334119195832581 681237005840904239462024-02-19 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024241ClosedKCT Request2024-02-19Request for KRN KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19No56399223011897554905 293190340399093219672024-02-19 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024240Closed2024-02-19Request for KrnMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19No01351134851 61710710531790915214 71546804306584563959 62122388044 09988072487338744954 70455383786729311239 62223017294 11717225275872811013 51127566319821676093 62221005416 43746056444081397020 31580090169000354920 62223007667 46656221625692998864 58261314178037814777 01321541300 20843642280791863219 055450471630446737722024-02-19 thompsontor@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024239ClosedKCT Request2024-02-19REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19NoHello, Find below 0150000850308 KCT1: 1345 0339 7412 3810 6750 KCT2: 4910 0394 0726 3013 2398 ​44000757458 1 To 55 2495 9326 9630 0152 4961 6627 0671 1697 6360 4004 ​ 55 To 1 3118 9202 7322 5051 0795 4519 1270 6622 9758 02602024-02-19 abdulsalamvio@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024238Closed2024-02-19Does not exist for KRN upgradeMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19No44000764355 T1 17566981929993861017 44270840560030903926 44000733491 T1 65932970395466433893 120616253863382740722024-02-19 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024237Closed2024-02-19Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612629215901 Debt Repayment ₦109,544.01 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦103,544.01 M 2023-11-13 ₦6,000.00 2024-02-172024-02-19 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024236Closed2024-02-19Debt profile 0150000874894MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 636196133301 Debt Repayment ₦96,803.40 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦58,803.40 M 2022-07-29 ₦38,000.00 2024-02-192024-02-19 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024235Closed2024-02-19DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19NoHello, There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2024-02-19 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024234Closed2024-02-19Debts statusMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 780102 Debt Repayment ₦30,044.70 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦9,044.70 M 2022-08-30 ₦21,000.00 2024-02-182024-02-19 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024233Closed2024-02-19JED CCRM TFB#02#167# request for kct,MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 4966 4321 5798 9475 5016 2604 5233 7363 6983 94522024-02-19 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024232Closed2024-02-19DEBT PROFILE JED/CCRM/JMR/02/600 0101210102634MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 758965 Debt Repayment ₦4,068.19 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦4,068.19 M 2024-01-23 ₦0.00 2024-01-262024-02-19 mhauwa74@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024231Closed2024-02-19DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 744385 Debt Repayment ₦35,593.10 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦15,593.10 M 2023-04-05 ₦20,000.00 2024-02-192024-02-19 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024230Closed2024-02-19JED/CCRM/GDB/#02/271# DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 579706 Debt Repayment ₦33,919.10 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦17,919.10 M 2023-03-30 ₦16,000.00 2023-11-302024-02-19 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024229ClosedKCT Request2024-02-19KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19NoHello, find below. 0101185048242.55 to 01 55 To 1 0760 5890 7094 8098 1299 5753 2187 4260 1185 0986 0101190006011.04 to 01 4 To 1 4008 5544 9775 5882 0526 1128 2097 0404 6857 9139 54160885791.024 to 01 24 To 1 6960 3110 5624 7255 8860 6729 7396 7786 2710 1782 0101160348450.55 to 01 also 01 to 55 55 To 1 0614 6111 9318 7450 7084 5433 4167 7781 8358 2689 1 To 55 0273 8400 8316 6210 0356 0550 2895 8107 8837 18602024-02-19 umarmacy35@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024228Closed2024-02-19Request for debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 671558 Debt Repayment ₦93,849.57 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦93,849.57 M 2022-06-14 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-02-19 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024227Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024226Closed2024-02-19Request for debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 650411 Debt Repayment ₦650,411.00 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦648,411.00 M 2023-12-07 ₦2,000.00 2024-01-252024-02-19 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024225Closed2024-02-19Request for debt profile - 0101170378653MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 549269 Debt Repayment ₦173,205.28 ₦-26,000.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦147,205.28 M 2019-08-14 ₦0.00 2021-05-312024-02-19 lucky.akpobi@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00024224Closed2024-02-19Request for Debt profile for 0101200046213MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 586582 Debt Repayment ₦81,750.02 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦43,750.02 M 2022-03-30 ₦38,000.00 2023-10-082024-02-19 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.comcaraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024223Closed2024-02-19Debt profile 0150000924814MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 627760 Debt Repayment ₦80,567.14 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦56,567.14 M 2023-01-12 ₦24,000.00 2024-01-122024-02-19 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024222Closed2024-02-19JED/CCRM/GDB/#02/270# DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 416558 Debt Repayment ₦400,899.03 ₦0.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦400,899.03 M 2019-09-26 ₦0.00 2021-05-312024-02-19 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024221Closed2024-02-19Request debt profile---0101200102917MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 464061 Debt Repayment ₦123,951.76 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦77,951.76 M 2022-03-29 ₦46,000.00 2024-02-162024-02-19 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024220ClosedKCT Request2024-02-19KCT REQUEST: 95300211216 (01 To 02 and 02 To 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19NoHello, Find below 1 To 2 1059 8516 6964 3486 6938 5920 8350 3436 6157 0396 2 To 1 5816 0485 1693 4932 4649 4065 9590 6460 5247 81852024-02-19 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024219Closed2024-02-19DEBT PROFILE: 0101170372805MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 618035 Loss of Revenue ₦56,500.00 ₦-16,500.00 ₦11,500.00 ₦28,500.00 M 2023-03-10 ₦11,500.00 2023-04-272024-02-19 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024218Closed2024-02-19Debt profile 44000472801MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 693720 Debt Repayment ₦23,061.52 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦7,061.52 M 2022-04-21 ₦16,000.00 2022-12-282024-02-19 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024217Closed2024-02-19Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 644812 Debt Repayment ₦133,304.74 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦123,304.74 M 2023-09-20 ₦10,000.00 2024-02-192024-02-19 mustaphamaryam67@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024216Closed2024-02-19JED/CCRM/#02/269# DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612360411101 Debt Repayment ₦569,260.14 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦533,260.14 M 2022-08-09 ₦36,000.00 2024-02-152024-02-19 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024215Closed2024-02-19217/02/24/DEBT PROFILE REQUEST/0101210133811Medium 2024-02-19NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 579061 Debt Repayment ₦61,553.09 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦41,553.09 V 2022-07-15 ₦20,000.00 2023-12-272024-02-19 agohabigail69@gmail.com
#00024214ClosedKCT Request2024-02-19REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19NoHello, find below. KCT1: 1345 0339 7412 3810 6750 KCT2: 4910 0394 0726 3013 2398 44000757458 1 To 55 2495 9326 9630 0152 4961 6627 0671 1697 6360 40042024-02-19 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024213Closed2024-02-19Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 670511 Debt Repayment ₦80,230.15 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦35,230.15 M 2022-08-25 ₦45,000.00 2024-02-192024-02-19 rasheedatlawalaa7428@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024212OpenKCT Request0000-00-00: 0101195008822 KCT Tariff 2 To 1MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 2826 2962 8420 4547 4768 2297 5133 0425 6824 38232024-02-19 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024211Closed2024-02-19DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 766250 Debt Repayment ₦55,300.62 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦23,300.62 M 2022-10-18 ₦32,000.00 2024-02-192024-02-19 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024210Closed2024-02-19JED CCRM TFB#02#160# request for Debt profile,MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 782267 Debt Repayment ₦782,267.00 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦782,267.00 M 2023-08-20 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-02-19 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024209Closed2024-02-19DEBT PROFILE JED/CCRM/JMR/02/594 0101200034094MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 530719 Debt Repayment ₦105,129.68 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦61,129.68 M 2022-03-30 ₦44,000.00 2024-01-102024-02-19 mhauwa74@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024208ClosedKCT Request2024-02-19KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 3740 4161 1148 5076 4184 1181 2073 9657 8095 19912024-02-19 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024207Closed2024-02-19DEBT PROFILE JED/CCRM/JMR/02/594 0101200034094MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 530719 Debt Repayment ₦105,129.68 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦61,129.68 M 2022-03-30 ₦44,000.00 2024-01-102024-02-19 mhauwa74@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024206Closed2024-02-19Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19NoHello, find below. 0101205012582 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 658127291101 Debt Repayment ₦426,726.86 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦408,726.86 M 2022-10-20 ₦18,000.00 2023-07-22 0101205013481 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 417058 Debt Repayment ₦522,870.83 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦518,870.83 M 2022-10-18 ₦4,000.00 2022-12-212024-02-19 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024205ClosedKCT Request2024-02-19KCT REQUEST: 44000374502 (01 TO 02 AND 02 TO 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19NoHello, Find below 1 To 2 4576 8401 6898 4206 4724 3618 2402 2570 7690 5529 2 To 1 2357 1353 1756 8849 4427 7307 1592 0543 6386 66782024-02-19 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024204Closed2024-02-19Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19No04284814590076050785 679558933009361505232024-02-19 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024203Closed2024-02-19Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19No57489346047324536650 165152388173510053082024-02-19 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024202Closed2024-02-19KRN REQUESTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19No64307549938338392343 679875357729815140292024-02-19 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024201Closed2024-02-19Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19No06889790530416803290 350898991300797200822024-02-19 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024200Closed2024-02-19Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19No57489346047324536650 165152388173510053082024-02-19 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024199Closed2024-02-19Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19No26462880396743100071 403811641571502065092024-02-19 Request for KRN Umar Auwal
#00024198Closed2024-02-19Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19No44000752715 55376735954830204761 23084418142898063937 44000731545 25689333610561468780 55364525950699589975 44000731578 46493334119195832581 681237005840904239462024-02-19 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024197ClosedKCT Request2024-02-19This Generate an Incomplete KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19No57489346047324536650 165152388173510053082024-02-19 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024196ClosedKCT Request2024-02-19This Generate an Incomplete KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19No21266158587910342199 679509086901703120052024-02-19 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024195Closed2024-02-19205/02/24/DEBT PROFILE REQUEST/44000543320MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 688291 Debt Repayment ₦11,851.05 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦9,851.05 M 2024-01-24 ₦2,000.00 2024-02-152024-02-19 agohabigail69@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024194Closed2024-02-19KrnMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19No0101185048242. Is 055 40032865827113947633 20517400295159744522 54160885791. Is on 024 13206626268449587552 48659729355908545761 0101190006011.is on 04 14243813814175299130 278400340806136895802024-02-19 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024193ClosedKCT Request2024-02-19REQUEST FOR KRN AND KCT CODEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19No62321098931 - rejecting the one on the link 20746259556023963435 16601198437760433249 62321042442 - rejecting the one on the link 41858296438204548586 54542420882302742281 62321070740 - rejecting the one on the link 71715722127695391621 12436632808033380969 62321070756 - KCT REQUEST from Tarrif 1 - 55.2024-02-19 abdulsalamvio@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024192Closed2024-02-19REQUEST FOR KRN; 57100069798MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19No72620015238863742375 041216859688551262582024-02-19 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024191Closed2024-02-19REQUEST FOR KRN : 54150649710MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19No39687959677224697887 509384547178863989592024-02-19 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024190Closed2024-02-19Request for debt profile #1097——-44000392983MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 380297 Debt Repayment ₦151,526.69 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦115,526.69 M 2022-08-16 ₦36,000.00 2024-02-172024-02-19 Umar Auwal
#00024189Closed2024-02-19Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 658218 Debt Repayment ₦109,399.45 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦89,399.45 M 2023-04-26 ₦20,000.00 2024-02-072024-02-19 rasheedatlawalaa7428@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024188Closed2024-02-19Request for debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 645015484201 Debt Repayment ₦366,506.77 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦340,506.77 M 2022-05-23 ₦26,000.00 2023-06-242024-02-19 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024187Closed2024-02-19207/02/24/DEBT PROFILE REQUEST/0101210165516MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 662161336301 Debt Repayment ₦58,873.18 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦38,873.18 M 2023-04-20 ₦20,000.00 2024-02-172024-02-19 agohabigail69@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024186Closed2024-02-19Request for debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19NoHello, find below. Search: Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 791638 Debt Repayment ₦22,830.35 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦20,830.35 M 2024-01-17 ₦2,000.00 2024-02-042024-02-19 Umar Auwal
#00024185Closed2024-02-19Request for debt profile: 62321078560MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 746263 Debt Repayment ₦175,003.05 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦173,003.05 M 2024-01-19 ₦2,000.00 2024-02-192024-02-19 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024184Closed2024-02-19Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 557677 Debt Repayment ₦201,750.55 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦197,750.55 M 2023-12-23 ₦4,000.00 2024-02-182024-02-19 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024183ClosedKCT Request2024-02-19KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19NoHello, find below. 44300012000 1 To 2 3413 9624 7534 8196 0583 4632 6485 6439 1245 3575 ​ 2 To 1 4243 6316 3720 2850 2796 0284 3381 0056 2232 46022024-02-19 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024182ClosedKCT Request2024-02-190101161038837IT Umar Auwal2024-02-19NoHello, find below 21 To 1 4993 9808 8970 0740 5754 5929 3103 1738 1571 09232024-02-19 kabirukhalidumar@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024181ClosedKCT Request2024-02-19KCT REQUEST FROM 99 TO 1 0101210199341MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19NoHello, find below. 1 To 99 3806 8493 5233 1863 8030 6610 1206 1182 7747 4181 99 To 1 4532 8035 9188 9908 6166 2460 4108 3512 4869 29912024-02-19 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024180Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024179Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024178Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024177Closed2024-02-19DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19NoHello, find below. 0101170452532 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6573531456-01 Debt Repayment ₦196,571.63 ₦-13,240.84 ₦2,000.00 ₦183,330.79 M 2020-03-02 ₦0.00 2021-05-31 0101161017435 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 567302 Debt Repayment ₦99,657.42 ₦-6,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦93,657.42 M 2020-03-10 ₦0.00 2021-05-31 0101160012809 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6573532355-01 Debt Repayment ₦900,606.13 ₦-36,000.00 ₦5,000.00 ₦709,606.13 M 2020-02-09 ₦155,000.00 2024-02-102024-02-19 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024176Closed2024-02-19DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-19NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 522657 Debt Repayment ₦174,885.74 ₦-13,500.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦97,385.74 M 2020-03-03 ₦64,000.00 2024-01-202024-02-19 abdullahif44@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024175ClosedKCT Request2024-02-19REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal0000-00-00NoHello, Find below 0150000850308 KCT1: 1345 0339 7412 3810 6750 KCT2: 4910 0394 0726 3013 2398 44000757458 1 To 55 2495 9326 9630 0152 4961 6627 0671 1697 6360 4004 55 To 1 3118 9202 7322 5051 0795 4519 1270 6622 9758 02602024-02-19 abdulsalamvio@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024174Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024173Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024172ClosedKCT Request2024-02-16#0050/02/24# KCT GENERATIONMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-16NoHello, find below. 55 To 1 2092 6641 8451 3589 1654 0545 0336 0050 6637 15472024-02-16 kinretluka@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024171Closed2024-02-16Debt profile 44000436210MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 429476 Debt Repayment ₦198,586.79 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦192,586.79 M 2022-04-20 ₦6,000.00 2022-07-252024-02-16 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024170Closed2024-02-16#0015/02/2024# 23102132554 REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 507617 Debt Repayment ₦426,379.84 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦394,379.84 M 2022-09-06 ₦32,000.00 2024-01-302024-02-16 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024169Closed2024-02-16REQUEST FOR KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-16No11911008491744141600 641725473055638545082024-02-16 thompsontor@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024168Closed2024-02-16Request for krn in respect of this account 0101170449413 from tariff index 04MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-16No08802756902618127820 679011225706259988122024-02-16 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024167Closed2024-02-16#1074/16/2/2024# REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE.... 0101210019093MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 763685 Debt Repayment ₦21,137.93 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦7,137.93 M 2023-07-29 ₦14,000.00 2024-02-152024-02-16 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024166Closed2024-02-16#0013/02/2024# REQUEST FOR KRN UPGRADE NEW CAPTUREDMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-16No44000808301 55812796778035132855 38298621574322991146 44000808418 03612893503805544378 723205330362311695612024-02-16 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024165Closed2024-02-16Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-16NoHello, There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2024-02-16 yakubaliyu82@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024164Closed2024-02-16#0034/02/24/0101210176505/REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE#MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 651595118101 Debt Repayment ₦413,640.80 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦406,140.80 M 2023-06-14 ₦7,500.00 2023-09-152024-02-16 samueldchun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024163ClosedKCT Request2024-02-16KCT REQUEST.MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-16NoHello, find below. 1 To 2 1661 6703 3395 7670 1434 6722 7876 5954 7250 3074 2 To 1 0164 6430 2376 6738 7483 7087 5303 0656 8112 57322024-02-16 faizahtafida@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024162ClosedKCT Request2024-02-1644000655389/KCT FROM 33 To 01MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-16NoHello, find below. 33 To 1 0799 5601 7611 1499 2796 5927 9561 5693 4600 44762024-02-16 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024161Closed2024-02-16REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE #0675/2/24# : 44000652063MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 649229 Debt Repayment ₦95,687.89 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦79,687.89 M 2023-04-04 ₦16,000.00 2023-12-222024-02-16 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024160Closed2024-02-16#0014/02/2024# 62521026963 REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEIT Umar Auwal2024-02-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 621720356601 Debt Repayment ₦469,460.53 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦469,460.53 M 2022-08-31 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-02-16 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024159ClosedKCT Request2024-02-16REQUEST FOR KCT CODEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-16Nofind below 000887045 Tariff index 1 to 2, 2-1 This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 0150000850332 Tariff index 1 to 2,2-1 2 To 1 2899 6492 1294 0639 7294 4408 0589 7094 2721 6404 1 To 2 3709 2445 1955 0330 1449 6085 2440 9479 2172 61362024-02-16 abdulsalamvio@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024158ClosedKCT Request2024-02-16JED/CCRM/GDB/#02/262# 263# REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-16NoHello, find below. 44000634343(21) 21 To 1 1075 4997 4448 1964 9821 4932 0103 9374 5907 5413 54161027047(33) 33 To 1 4160 4470 0025 5071 9155 4228 5992 6578 4573 32162024-02-16 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024157Closed2024-02-1644000694859 debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-16NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 726931 Debt Repayment ₦67,369.74 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦22,369.74 M 2022-06-07 ₦45,000.00 2023-12-302024-02-16 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024156Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024155Closed2024-02-16Request for debt profile #1071—44000600245MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 799325 Debt Repayment ₦12,797.48 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦10,797.48 M 2024-01-23 ₦2,000.00 2024-02-12 ---2024-02-16 umaymah1065@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024154Closed2024-02-16JED/CCRM/GDB/#02/259# DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-16NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 634116 Debt Repayment ₦48,335.53 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦30,335.53 M 2022-04-05 ₦18,000.00 2023-01-262024-02-16 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024153Closed2024-02-16Does not exist for KRN upgradeMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-16No41813527449779303404 570660749803056283802024-02-16 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024152Closed2024-02-16Request for KRN - 44000674349MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-16No35026605845241224044 623420329409180321732024-02-16 lucky.akpobi@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00024151Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024150Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024149Closed2024-02-16#0013/02/2024# REQUEST FOR KRN UPGRADE NEW CAPTUREDMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-16No62122382187 48670923493978702959 57901020428429725376 44000805869 31837188507527450843 04647389683488990689 44000808301 44000808418 44000808111 55812796778035132855 38298621574322991146 44000808467 18494506289517281241 56172779555937412909 44000813962 56829964026340446424 151946921995787408272024-02-16 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024148Closed2024-02-16Request for KrnMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-16No05558845781735047888 689163008089147806152024-02-16 Umar Auwal
#00024147Closed2024-02-16Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-16No41813527449779303404 570660749803056283802024-02-16 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024146Closed2024-02-16Request for KrnMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-16No05558845781735047888 689163008089147806152024-02-16 thompsontor@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024145Closed2024-02-16Does not exist for KRN upgradeMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-16No44000764355 T1 17566981929993861017 44270840560030903926 44000730984 T1 16470324267829331891 40812326434304035510 44000749970 T1.......incorrect2024-02-16 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024144Closed2024-02-16Request for KrnIT Umar Auwal2024-02-16No05558845781735047888 689163008089147806152024-02-16 thompsontor@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024143Closed2024-02-16KRN requestMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-16No09301249393478810802 264908047305570529962024-02-16 onceinlife6464@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024142Closed2024-02-16DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-16NoHello, This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2024-02-16 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024141Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024140Closed2024-02-14KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-14No11655408387649266412 247121057924310148562024-02-14 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024139Closed2024-02-14#1032/13/2/24# REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE..... 0101161016346MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-14NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 527940 Debt Repayment ₦90,309.88 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦24,309.88 M 2019-10-05 ₦66,000.00 2024-02-032024-02-14 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024138ClosedKCT Request2024-02-14REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-14NoHello, find below. KCT1: 1806 0513 6322 0821 6315 KCT2: 3484 1218 6714 5290 35922024-02-14 jenogah@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024137Closed2024-02-14REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE #0651/2/24# : 62321099681MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-14NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6581702719/01 Debt Repayment ₦5,668.48 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2023-11-14 ₦5,668.48 2024-02-122024-02-14 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024136Closed2024-02-14Debt inquiryMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-14NoHello, find below. 44000427003 ​ Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 644306364901 Debt Repayment ₦479,147.27 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦479,147.27 M 2022-06-14 ₦0.00 0000-00-00 ​ 44000462638 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 660166 Debt Repayment ₦65,563.86 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦23,563.86 M 2022-04-07 ₦42,000.00 2024-01-242024-02-14 delishduds@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024135Closed2024-02-14#0200/02/24# Request for debt profile 0101200091102#MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-14NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612819256301 Debt Repayment ₦178,904.74 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦160,904.74 M 2023-04-03 ₦18,000.00 2024-01-302024-02-14 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024134Closed2024-02-14Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-14NoHello, find below. 44000605277 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 650347 Debt Repayment ₦61,281.58 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦46,281.58 M 2022-07-14 ₦15,000.00 2023-12-30 44000575116 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 671640116601 Debt Repayment ₦164,838.27 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦161,838.27 M 2022-07-25 ₦3,000.00 2023-06-17 0150000955420 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672102072601 Debt Repayment ₦203,627.46 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦159,627.46 M 2022-04-19 ₦44,000.00 2024-02-142024-02-14 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024133Closed2024-02-14Request for debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-14NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 774997 Debt Repayment ₦12,022.10 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦12,022.10 M 2023-12-14 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-02-14 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024132Closed2024-02-14#0173/02/24#REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE/0101210192007MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-14NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 525732 Debt Repayment ₦73,918.81 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦73,918.81 M 2023-05-17 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-02-14 georgesamben123@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024131Closed2024-02-14#1024/14/2/2024# REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE..... 44000685550MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-14NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 658121555001 Debt Repayment ₦129,223.78 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦119,223.78 M 2023-08-16 ₦10,000.00 2024-01-222024-02-14 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024130Closed2024-02-14DEBT PROFILE: 0101210028292MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-14NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 752133 Debt Repayment ₦12,015.67 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦10,015.67 M 2024-01-24 ₦2,000.00 2024-02-102024-02-14 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024129Closed2024-02-14Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-14NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 777147 Debt Repayment ₦15,075.63 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦7,075.63 M 2023-10-03 ₦8,000.00 2024-02-142024-02-14 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024128Closed2024-02-14Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-14NoHello, find below. ​ Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 762269 Debt Repayment ₦13,302.51 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦13,302.51 M 2023-12-19 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-02-14 rasheedatlawalaa7428@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024127Closed2024-02-14Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal0000-00-00NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 670514 Debt Repayment ₦55,894.13 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦55,894.13 M 2024-01-16 ₦0.00 2024-01-162024-02-14 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024126Closed2024-02-14Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-14NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 791837 Debt Repayment ₦38,353.78 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦22,353.78 M 2023-06-01 ₦16,000.00 2024-02-142024-02-14 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024125ClosedKCT Request2024-02-14Kct requestMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-14NoHello, find below. 45 To 1 3302 5006 9446 2769 8720 6735 6044 2467 3685 43352024-02-14 onceinlife6464@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024124Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024123Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024122Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024121ClosedEvend Access2024-02-14Account to be capture on E-VEND JED/VOM/0146/Feb/24MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-14NoHello, Captured2024-02-14 mupeejay12@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024120Closed2024-02-14Request for debt profile #1009—44000575249MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-14NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 669748 Debt Repayment ₦42,874.32 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦36,874.32 M 2023-11-07 ₦6,000.00 2024-02-072024-02-14 umaymah1065@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024119Closed2024-02-14Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-14NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 785968 Debt Repayment ₦15,951.51 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦15,951.51 M 2024-01-17 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-02-14 maryamibrahim1300@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024118Closed2024-02-14Debt profile 44000705747MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-14NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 798676 Debt Repayment ₦50,339.30 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦40,339.30 M 2023-08-19 ₦10,000.00 2024-01-272024-02-14 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024117Closed2024-02-14DEBT PROFILE: 62223012998MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-14NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 664180 Debt Repayment ₦387,241.34 ₦-373,778.34 ₦2,000.00 ₦7,463.00 M 2023-09-29 ₦6,000.00 2023-12-202024-02-14 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024116Closed2024-02-14Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-14NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 785968 Debt Repayment ₦15,951.51 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦15,951.51 M 2024-01-17 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-02-14 maryamibrahim1300@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024115Closed2024-02-14DEBT PROFILE JED/CCRM/JMR/02/593 0101200113070MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-14NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 715280 Debt Repayment ₦19,328.54 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦4,328.54 M 2023-05-17 ₦15,000.00 2023-11-302024-02-14 mhauwa74@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024114Closed2024-02-14Request for debt profile of this account 0150000905037MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-14NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 664444 Debt Repayment ₦25,686.00 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦11,686.00 M 2023-01-19 ₦14,000.00 2023-08-012024-02-14 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024113Closed2024-02-14DEBT PROFILE 0101210100984IT Umar Auwal2024-02-14NoHello, find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611803005601 Debt Repayment ₦26,288.42 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦26,288.42 M 2024-01-23 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-02-14 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024112Closed2024-02-14DEBT PROFILE 0101200001325MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-14NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 680070 Debt Repayment ₦18,888.32 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦18,888.32 M 2024-01-15 ₦0.00 2024-01-202024-02-14 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024111Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024110Closed2024-02-14Request for outstanding debtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-14NoHello, Find below 0101160010662 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 583637 Debt Repayment ₦83,678.25 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦41,678.25 M 2022-05-18 ₦42,000.00 2024-02-09 060021080690 Hello, This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2024-02-14 fauzee.fh@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024109Closed2024-02-140101170183269MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-14NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 697913 Debt Repayment ₦9,157.06 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦7,157.06 M 2023-11-27 ₦2,000.00 2023-12-112024-02-14 johnny007emmanuel@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024108ClosedKCT Request2024-02-14REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-14NoHello, Find below 1 To 99 4997 1136 6280 1312 1223 3905 6053 0252 4457 67982024-02-14 yusufibrahimbaba440@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024107Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024106Closed2024-02-14DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-14NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6234021700-01 Debt Repayment ₦181,123.81 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦177,123.81 M 2020-03-05 ₦4,000.00 2021-07-062024-02-14 toranyiinkator14@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024105Closed2024-02-14Request for krn upgrade kct sirMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-14No50189490043877135974 420780920182021483302024-02-14 ameduajonye1@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024104Closed2024-02-14DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-14NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 500530 Debt Repayment ₦252,428.29 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦246,428.29 M 2023-10-06 ₦6,000.00 2024-01-282024-02-14 toranyiinkator14@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024103Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024102Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024101Closed2024-02-13DEBT PROFILE 0101210346199MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-13NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 810167 Refund ₦63,061.32 ₦0.00 ₦525.51 ₦57,280.71 M 2023-03-13 ₦5,780.61 2024-02-08 810167 Debt Repayment ₦1,218.62 ₦0.00 ₦1,218.62 ₦0.00 M 2024-01-24 ₦1,218.62 2024-02-08 Closed2024-02-13 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024100Closed2024-02-13Does not exist for KRN upgradeMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-13NoDear Yamusa, Find below, 44000764215 T1 44000831998197587821 05980845572870069929 44000751816 T1 36683160927792815857 016905152539930940762024-02-13 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024099Closed2024-02-13Debt profile 44000515971MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-13NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 796105 Debt Repayment ₦40,165.81 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦24,165.81 M 2023-06-15 ₦16,000.00 2024-02-112024-02-13 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024098Closed2024-02-13REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 95300151503MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-13NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 643022 Debt Repayment ₦37,255.07 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦19,255.07 M 2023-04-04 ₦18,000.00 2024-01-302024-02-13 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024097Closed2024-02-13KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-13NoDear Yamusa, Find below, 51005955341937203977 560006374234850011342024-02-13 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024096Closed2024-02-13K r nMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-13NoDear Hamza, Find below, 01231811733248012493 482533604560941849472024-02-13 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024095Closed2024-02-13K r nMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-13NoDear Hamza, Find below, 73618343398500353667 344022739753716936722024-02-13 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024094ClosedEvend Access2024-02-13REQUEST TO CAPTURE ACCOUNT ON E-VEND----846522MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-13NoHello, Treated2024-02-13 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024093ClosedKCT Request2024-02-13REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-13NoHello, find below. 1 To 99 2637 1182 5539 7273 4934 1037 1555 3617 4146 22022024-02-13 jenogah@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024092ClosedTamper Code2024-02-13Completed Clear tamper Complaint Lodging FormsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-13No62420227142 7222 8844 7588 5844 9203 62521010348 5967 7915 9651 6020 7581 0101205000298 2720 6415 7199 4854 8552 62521004853 1329 6354 1649 0768 0244 62420220691 1723 5021 6866 9547 9771 62521039750 4652 3740 7170 4896 0981 62221005606 4507 5930 2372 6386 0577 54160932791 4614 8132 6704 1095 59782024-02-13 mnasir.suleiman@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00024091ClosedTamper Code2024-02-13Debt profile 44000463958MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-13NoGood morning, find below, 44300017744 Clear Tamper 0 6326 2539 6894 3632 4101 0101170437582 Clear Tamper 0 2387 4057 2544 8547 9222 0150000902406 Clear Tamper 0 1419 8600 9028 6707 0837 0150000940778 Clear Tamper 0 2777 7454 0335 1825 4633 0150000945470 Clear Tamper 0 5192 9197 2642 3591 11362024-02-13 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024090Closed2024-02-13Debt profile 44000463958MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-13NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 636146014401 Debt Repayment ₦216,998.06 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦214,998.06 M 2024-01-16 ₦2,000.00 2024-02-122024-02-13 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024089Closed2024-02-13REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILES----0101200020408 & 0101200015812MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-13NoHello, find below. 0101200020408 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 716118 Debt Repayment ₦8,825.63 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦8,825.63 M 2023-08-02 ₦0.00 2023-08-24 & 0101200015812 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 716457 Debt Repayment ₦22,842.01 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦22,842.01 M 2022-02-25 ₦0.00 2022-02-252024-02-13 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024088ClosedVending History2024-02-130101190006623 vending history pleaseMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-13NoHello, find below. # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 0715170748006124 Transaction Date/Time: 2024-02-09 13:01:01 Meter No.: 0101190006623 Account No.: 697145 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 Refund: ₦0.00 KwH: 135.58 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 3931 8379 7339 2644 3848 2 Transaction ID: 0118170689671024 Transaction Date/Time: 2024-02-02 18:58:30 Meter No.: 0101190006623 Account No.: 697145 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦690.85 Energy Cost: ₦9,211.34 Refund: ₦-402.19 KwH: 134.26 Amount Tendered: ₦9,500.00 3668 7593 0910 5817 6868 3 Transaction ID: 1430170582926524 Transaction Date/Time: 2024-01-21 10:27:46 Meter No.: 0101190006623 Account No.: 697145 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦627.91 Energy Cost: ₦8,372.09 Refund: ₦0.00 KwH: 122.02 Amount Tendered: ₦9,000.00 6868 6572 4761 6096 5199 4 Transaction ID: 7899170443998724 Transaction Date/Time: 2024-01-05 08:33:08 Meter No.: 0101190006623 Account No.: 697145 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦725.73 Energy Cost: ₦9,676.46 Refund: ₦-402.19 KwH: 141.04 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 0420 7597 8343 6756 9809 5 Transaction ID: 1237170323274724 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-12-22 09:12:27 Meter No.: 0101190006623 Account No.: 697145 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 Refund: ₦0.00 KwH: 135.58 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 5954 6589 0569 1665 3404 6 Transaction ID: 3520170197420524 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-12-07 19:36:45 Meter No.: 0101190006623 Account No.: 697145 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 Refund: ₦0.00 KwH: 135.58 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 3664 9174 5484 8204 3638 7 Transaction ID: 3381170143583324 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-12-01 14:03:53 Meter No.: 0101190006623 Account No.: 697145 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦376.90 Energy Cost: ₦5,025.29 Refund: ₦-402.19 KwH: 73.24 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 0254 0121 7994 0621 2741 8 Transaction ID: 7159170115091724 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-11-28 06:55:17 Meter No.: 0101190006623 Account No.: 697145 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 Refund: ₦0.00 KwH: 27.12 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 6534 5946 2638 1348 4102 9 Transaction ID: 3941170046938224 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-11-20 09:36:22 Meter No.: 0101190006623 Account No.: 697145 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 Refund: ₦0.00 KwH: 67.79 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 0507 0154 1251 5647 6284 10 Transaction ID: 3577170032464724 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-11-18 17:24:08 Meter No.: 0101190006623 Account No.: 697145 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 Refund: ₦0.00 KwH: 27.12 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 0479 1687 8278 6410 1525 11 Transaction ID: 0717170016317324 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-11-16 20:32:53 Meter No.: 0101190006623 Account No.: 697145 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 Refund: ₦0.00 KwH: 27.12 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 4249 5290 3212 5381 8381 12 Transaction ID: 5670169908606224 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-11-04 09:21:02 Meter No.: 0101190006623 Account No.: 697145 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦866.03 Energy Cost: ₦11,547.11 Refund: ₦-2,413.14 KwH: 168.30 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 3746 6509 4014 1179 3869 13 Transaction ID: 7985169770758524 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-10-19 10:26:25 Meter No.: 0101190006623 Account No.: 697145 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 Refund: ₦0.00 KwH: 135.58 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 6126 3893 8078 2772 5667 14 Transaction ID: 8743169657810624 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-10-06 08:41:46 Meter No.: 0101190006623 Account No.: 697145 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦725.73 Energy Cost: ₦9,676.46 Refund: ₦-402.19 KwH: 141.04 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 3590 9202 0762 1318 3402 15 Transaction ID: 6298169563285524 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-09-25 10:07:36 Meter No.: 0101190006623 Account No.: 697145 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦516.43 Energy Cost: ₦6,885.76 Refund: ₦-402.19 KwH: 100.36 Amount Tendered: ₦7,000.00 2035 8769 1353 1283 9946 16 Transaction ID: 8411169410856424 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-09-07 18:42:44 Meter No.: 0101190006623 Account No.: 697145 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 135.58 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 6498 0014 9217 7931 6499 17 Transaction ID: 6811169122121924 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-08-05 08:40:19 Meter No.: 0101190006623 Account No.: 697145 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 135.58 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 5623 9551 7506 0826 1492 18 Transaction ID: 0698168717648024 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-06-19 13:08:01 Meter No.: 0101190006623 Account No.: 697145 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 67.79 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 6914 1312 5152 7711 9716 19 Transaction ID: 1316168416091324 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-05-15 15:28:33 Meter No.: 0101190006623 Account No.: 697145 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 135.58 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 0294 0063 3177 2145 6833 20 Transaction ID: 9365167959402324 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-03-23 18:53:43 Meter No.: 0101190006623 Account No.: 697145 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 135.58 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 3707 1515 9254 3053 7737 21 Transaction ID: 1730167509129124 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-01-30 16:08:11 Meter No.: 0101190006623 Account No.: 697145 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 135.58 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 0130 4551 3060 5362 9121 22 Transaction ID: 3346167345029324 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-01-11 16:18:14 Meter No.: 0101190006623 Account No.: 697145 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 135.58 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 0363 5854 0288 7581 0093 23 Transaction ID: 2163167273077324 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-01-03 08:26:13 Meter No.: 0101190006623 Account No.: 697145 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 135.58 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 3541 5968 1893 0988 9789 24 Transaction ID: 4374167268437924 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-01-02 19:32:59 Meter No.: 0101190006623 Account No.: 697145 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 13.56 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 3613 7857 2096 4664 4114 25 Transaction ID: 6417167181081624 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-12-23 16:53:36 Meter No.: 0101190006623 Account No.: 697145 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 135.58 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 4082 0011 6949 5942 6828 26 Transaction ID: 8717167050787824 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-12-08 14:57:58 Meter No.: 0101190006623 Account No.: 697145 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 80.26 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 4382 6707 6183 6147 1284 27 Transaction ID: 6114166797815224 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-11-09 08:15:52 Meter No.: 0101190006623 Account No.: 697145 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 80.26 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 6202 5767 6760 4620 7842 28 Transaction ID: 4768166446878324 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-09-29 17:26:23 Meter No.: 0101190006623 Account No.: 697145 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 160.52 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 0739 0864 4718 9984 9233 29 Transaction ID: 6671166274078424 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-09-09 17:26:24 Meter No.: 0101190006623 Account No.: 697145 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 80.26 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 5109 6890 8020 1874 1284 30 Transaction ID: 4676166066113524 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-08-16 15:45:35 Meter No.: 0101190006623 Account No.: 697145 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 80.26 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 1794 6489 1870 9769 4362 31 Transaction ID: 5512165856146224 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-07-23 08:31:02 Meter No.: 0101190006623 Account No.: 697145 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 80.26 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 3741 9641 4179 7958 2876 32 Transaction ID: 8590165700552724 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-07-05 08:18:47 Meter No.: 0101190006623 Account No.: 697145 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 80.26 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 3198 3486 2124 8136 14222024-02-13 ennaandongauta9@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024087Closed2024-02-13Request for debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-13NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 644223102701 Debt Repayment ₦329,519.93 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦289,519.93 M 2022-06-29 ₦40,000.00 2024-02-082024-02-13 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024086Closed2024-02-13REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE----------------------95300408499MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-13NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6122086962/01 Debt Repayment ₦3,842.05 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2023-12-25 ₦3,842.05 2024-02-06 Closed2024-02-13 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024085Closed2024-02-13DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-13NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 665467 Debt Repayment ₦72,271.61 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦26,271.61 M 2022-03-10 ₦46,000.00 2024-02-122024-02-13 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024084Closed2024-02-13Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-13NoHello, Your mail has been received, and will be treated shortly.2024-02-13 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024083Closed2024-02-13REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE---0101200033559MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-13NoHello, find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 815466 Debt Repayment ₦22,247.81 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦22,247.81 M 2024-01-18 ₦0.00 2024-01-272024-02-13 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024082ClosedKCT Request2024-02-13KCT REQUEST: 0101205012061 (49 TO 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-13NoHello, 49 To 1 1296 7100 6625 2281 4909 4220 2290 4507 6401 05032024-02-13 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024081Closed2024-02-13DEBT PROFILE 95300119856MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-13NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 746693 Debt Repayment ₦50,445.05 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦6,445.05 M 2022-03-01 ₦44,000.00 2024-01-132024-02-13 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024080Closed2024-02-13Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-13NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612634136201 Debt Repayment ₦117,489.65 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦111,489.65 M 2023-11-13 ₦6,000.00 2024-02-082024-02-13 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024079Closed2024-02-13Request for debt profile - 0101170252247MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-13NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6132144566-01 Debt Repayment ₦356,200.59 ₦-31,411.50 ₦2,000.00 ₦258,789.09 M 2020-04-13 ₦66,000.00 2024-02-112024-02-13 lucky.akpobi@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00024078Closed2024-02-1344000447498 Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-13NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 690041 Debt Repayment ₦56,930.63 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦34,930.63 M 2022-06-14 ₦22,000.00 2023-05-202024-02-13 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024077ClosedTamper Code2024-02-13REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPERMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-13NoGood morning, find below, 54160904907 Clear Tamper 0 5889 4176 3608 8231 0771 0150000972748 Clear Tamper 0 4278 0112 2342 6889 0661 0150000861024 Clear Tamper 0 4528 9494 2664 9553 3636 0163211288358 Clear Tamper 0 4542 4245 4014 9572 9095 62122038144 Clear Tamper 0 5738 1877 3236 1580 91312024-02-13 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024076ClosedKCT Request2024-02-13JED CCRM TFB#02#151# requesting for kct,Medium 2024-02-13NoHello, find below. 1 To 2 4700 1636 5134 6240 7553 1004 1491 3008 4053 3383 2 To 1 2456 2420 5369 7191 7116 6248 1750 4170 2282 23912024-02-13 ummilois2@gmail.com
#00024075Closed2024-02-13DEBT PROFILE 0101170420125MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-13NoHello, find below. ​Hello, There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment. ​2024-02-13 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024074Closed2024-02-13REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE #979----44000666469MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-13NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 720333 Debt Repayment ₦10,261.43 ₦0.00 ₦10,261.43 ₦10,261.43 M 2024-01-14 ₦0.00 2024-01-252024-02-13 umaymah1065@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024073Closed2024-02-13Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-13NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 716740 Debt Repayment ₦2,545.91 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2023-12-28 ₦2,545.91 2024-02-072024-02-13 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024072Closed2024-02-13DEBT PROFILE REQUESTSMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-13NoHello, Find below 0101170252247 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6132144566-01 Debt Repayment ₦356,200.59 ₦-31,411.50 ₦2,000.00 ₦258,789.09 M 2020-04-13 ₦66,000.00 2024-02-11 0101150178420 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 435328 Debt Repayment ₦232,755.97 ₦-53,772.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦96,483.97 M 2018-11-28 ₦82,500.00 2024-02-12 0101165038627 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6218920842-01 Debt Repayment ₦1,196,553.88 ₦-19.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦866,534.88 M 2018-08-29 ₦330,000.00 2024-02-092024-02-13 joseph.tegwis@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00024071Closed2024-02-13Debt profile Jed/vom/0137/Feb/24MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-13NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 816703 Debt Repayment ₦35,957.58 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦33,957.58 M 2024-01-11 ₦2,000.00 2024-02-092024-02-13 mupeejay12@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024070Closed2024-02-13Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-13NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612622039501 Debt Repayment ₦521,290.17 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦483,790.17 M 2022-08-11 ₦37,500.00 2023-11-112024-02-13 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024069Closed2024-02-13JED/CCRM/JMR/02/584 DEBT PROFILE: 62223012998Medium 2024-02-13NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 664180 Debt Repayment ₦387,241.34 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦381,241.34 M 2023-09-29 ₦6,000.00 2023-12-202024-02-13 ademugeorge@gmail.com
#00024068Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024067Closed2024-02-13Debt profile 44000429603MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-13NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 636146600201 Debt Repayment ₦129,556.33 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦109,556.33 M 2023-04-06 ₦20,000.00 2024-02-122024-02-13 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024066ClosedKCT Request2024-02-13#980/13/2/24# REQUEST FOR KCT 0163211284829..... NEW METERMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-13NoHello, Find below 2 To 1 6678 4870 1450 5446 4920 7082 0585 1318 2969 1885 1 To 2 2876 5635 1450 6621 2367 5652 8037 6474 9396 93602024-02-13 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024065Closed2024-02-13Request for debt profile - 0101200100622MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-13NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 689172 Debt Repayment ₦44,711.59 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦16,711.59 M 2022-12-09 ₦28,000.00 2024-02-122024-02-13 lucky.akpobi@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00024064Closed2024-02-13Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-13NoHello, find below. 54160856917 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 379633 Debt Repayment ₦263,502.99 ₦-170,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦27,502.99 M 2018-02-06 ₦66,000.00 2024-02-07 44000671972 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 504116 Debt Repayment ₦313,645.53 ₦-55,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦192,645.53 M 2019-09-18 ₦66,000.00 2024-02-092024-02-13 mustaphamaryam67@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024063Closed2024-02-13Debt profile 44000628394MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-13NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 668927 Debt Repayment ₦55,273.00 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦31,273.00 M 2023-01-12 ₦24,000.00 2024-01-292024-02-13 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024062Open0000-00-00Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-13NoHello, find below. 54160856917 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 379633 Debt Repayment ₦263,502.99 ₦-170,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦27,502.99 M 2018-02-06 ₦66,000.00 2024-02-07 44000671972 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 504116 Debt Repayment ₦313,645.53 ₦-55,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦192,645.53 M 2019-09-18 ₦66,000.00 2024-02-092024-02-13 mustaphamaryam67@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024061Closed2024-02-13Request for debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-13NoHello, find below. 44000658003 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 818655 Refund ₦63,061.32 ₦0.00 ₦525.51 ₦57,280.71 M 2023-03-13 ₦5,780.61 2024-02-06 818655 Debt Repayment ₦10,262.05 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦6,262.05 M 2023-12-26 ₦4,000.00 2024-02-06 44000657872 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 818656 Refund ₦63,061.32 ₦0.00 ₦525.51 ₦57,806.22 M 2023-03-13 ₦5,255.10 2024-01-22 818656 Debt Repayment ₦10,262.05 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦8,262.05 M 2023-12-26 ₦2,000.00 2024-01-22 44000657997 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 818654 Refund ₦63,061.32 ₦0.00 ₦525.51 ₦57,280.71 M 2023-03-13 ₦5,780.61 2024-02-11 818654 Debt Repayment ₦10,262.05 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦6,262.05 M 2023-12-26 ₦4,000.00 2024-02-112024-02-13 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024060Closed2024-02-13Debt profile:JED/CCRM/JMR/02/586MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-13NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 582435 Debt Repayment ₦250,357.29 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦230,357.29 M 2023-04-26 ₦20,000.00 2024-02-112024-02-13 tkhadija028@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024059Closed2024-02-13Debt profile 0150000993512MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-13NoHello, find below. Search: Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 631113078001 Debt Repayment ₦293,719.08 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦281,719.08 M 2023-07-26 ₦12,000.00 2024-01-122024-02-13 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024058Closed2024-02-13Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-13NoDear Yamusa, Find below, 35281923796303494390 374842714381526383172024-02-13 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024057Closed2024-02-13REQUEST FOR KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-13NoDear Thompson, Find below, 62223008228 00062537081504999216 35541890861433022089 44000814028 15316801422056225530 330396964134876870602024-02-13 thompsontor@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024056Closed2024-02-13#0191/02/24# Request for debt profile 0101161006602/613139273701MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-13NoHello, find below. 0101161006602 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6131392737-01 Debt Repayment ₦132,011.44 ₦-28,500.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦37,511.44 M 2020-03-23 ₦66,000.00 2024-02-122024-02-13 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024055ClosedEvend Access2024-02-13REQUEST FOR ASSIGNING DT TO EVENDMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-13NoDear Kani, Treated. Regard.2024-02-13 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024054Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024053Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00024052Closed2024-02-12Request for KrnMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoDear Thompson, Wrong meter number or not captured. Regard.2024-02-12 thompsontor@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024051Closed2024-02-12Does not exist for KRN upgradeMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoDear Yamusa, Find below, 36683160927792815857 016905152539930940762024-02-12 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024050Closed2024-02-12Request for KrnMedium 2024-02-12NoDear Thompson, Find below, 44000722270 08890131643458693324 17967330818424365618 44000808145 39624287265351240462 38256987965223000508 44000812386 52733010648901022812 18834116208888462867 44000806727 27164993185846733648 28390672967102480731 44000805885 53593221155326763870 606714614140103220312024-02-12 thompsontor@gmail.com
#00024049Closed2024-02-12Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoDear Bangis, Find below, 63564514467815675430 578804558882679877822024-02-12 muhammad.usman@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00024048Closed2024-02-12Does not exist for KRN upgradeMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoDear Yamusa, Find below, 37237764727893945430 576492947107391350382024-02-12 muhammad.usman@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00024047Closed2024-02-12Does not exist for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoDear Yamusa, Find below, 44000751816 T1 36683160927792815857 01690515253993094076 44000760734 T1 55502420813337523421 315830289880896729202024-02-12 E:abdullahiyamusa@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024046Closed2024-02-12REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE: 44000608990MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 797768 Debt Repayment ₦18,516.81 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦14,516.81 M 2023-11-20 ₦4,000.00 2024-01-102024-02-12 Umar Auwal
#00024045Closed2024-02-12Debt profile 62321104465Medium 2024-02-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 631277420401 Debt Repayment ₦578,510.54 ₦0.00 ₦5,000.00 ₦578,510.54 M 2024-01-16 ₦0.00 2024-01-232024-02-12 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com
#00024044Closed2024-02-12DEBT PROFILE JED/CCRM/JMR/02/575 0101210068439MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 479232 Debt Repayment ₦329,309.77 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦323,309.77 M 2023-07-26 ₦6,000.00 2023-10-282024-02-12 mhauwa74@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024043Closed2024-02-12Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672165026001 Debt Repayment ₦232,655.31 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦210,655.31 M 2022-08-10 ₦22,000.00 2024-01-302024-02-12 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024042Closed2024-02-12Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672165026001 Debt Repayment ₦232,655.31 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦210,655.31 M 2022-08-10 ₦22,000.00 2024-01-302024-02-12 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024041Closed2024-02-12REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILSMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6461123853-01 Debt Repayment ₦175,143.51 ₦-27,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦84,143.51 M 2019-12-08 ₦64,000.00 2024-01-292024-02-12 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024040Closed2024-02-120150000987241 debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 541837 Debt Repayment ₦80,673.69 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦80,673.69 M 2022-07-21 ₦0.00 2022-07-212024-02-12 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024039Closed2024-02-12Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 635665 Debt Repayment ₦31,041.85 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦7,041.85 M 2023-01-13 ₦24,000.00 2024-01-312024-02-12 onceinlife6464@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024038ClosedKCT Request2024-02-12KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoHello, find below. 0101235024235 from 02 2 To 1 0805 1135 0285 4760 6249 2547 4112 1346 7271 1469 0101160449977 from 01 to 02 and 02 to 01 1 To 2 3950 1544 4562 2880 8183 1761 4901 6505 9150 4874 2 To 1 6089 7854 0042 7607 0008 3763 4871 5366 5685 48202024-02-12 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024037Closed2024-02-12JED/CCRM/GDB/#02/234# 236# 240# DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoHello, find below. 44000746469 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 379202 Debt Repayment ₦82,741.73 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦76,741.73 M 2023-11-02 ₦6,000.00 2024-02-05 44000422913 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 416552 Debt Repayment ₦176,094.85 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦128,094.85 M 2022-02-28 ₦48,000.00 2024-02-10 01012100042022024-02-12 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024036Closed2024-02-12REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILSMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoHello, find below. : Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 660901 Debt Repayment ₦41,484.77 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦1,484.77 M 2022-06-07 ₦40,000.00 2024-02-122024-02-12 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024035Closed2024-02-12#0142/02/24#REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE/0101210102840MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 662155436901 Debt Repayment ₦324,564.69 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦306,564.69 M 2023-05-10 ₦18,000.00 2024-02-112024-02-12 georgesamben123@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024034Closed2024-02-12Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 715256 Debt Repayment ₦7,954.94 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2023-03-31 ₦7,954.94 2024-02-02 Closed2024-02-12 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024033ClosedKCT Request2024-02-12JED/CCRM/GDB/#02/239# REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 6306 9750 0123 0473 1718 7156 2569 5563 9524 1002 1 To 2 6541 1205 0746 9971 7124 5765 6592 9581 7605 83142024-02-12 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024032Closed2024-02-12Request for debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 826567 Debt Repayment ₦29,486.76 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦27,486.76 M 2024-01-17 ₦2,000.00 2024-02-122024-02-12 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024031ClosedKCT Request2024-02-12JED/ CCRM/JMR/02/565 KCT REQUEST: 0101185054893 (02 TO 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 5354 4392 1918 9153 5332 6025 0417 1838 6800 11212024-02-12 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024030ClosedKCT Request2024-02-12NEW METER KCT REQUEST - 0101220162495 #0345/2/24#MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoHello, find below KCT1: 4650 9572 8331 6686 1746 KCT2: 0728 1575 8081 0470 24702024-02-12 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024029Closed2024-02-12Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoHello, find below. 0150000866445 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672163214601 Debt Repayment ₦266,291.41 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦228,291.41 M 2022-07-05 ₦38,000.00 2024-02-10 0150000956386 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672105239901 Debt Repayment ₦251,019.35 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦209,019.35 M 2022-04-19 ₦42,000.00 2024-01-192024-02-12 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024028ClosedVending History2024-02-12Request vending historyMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoHello, find below. Search: # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 4218170617779524 Transaction Date/Time: 2024-01-25 11:16:35 Meter No.: 0101205000355 Account No.: 623191136901 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 25.56 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 6105 8214 3533 9718 2699 2 Transaction ID: 0521170549171124 Transaction Date/Time: 2024-01-17 12:41:51 Meter No.: 0101205000355 Account No.: 623191136901 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 25.56 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 5057 0406 7191 8631 7366 3 Transaction ID: 7826170254599624 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-12-14 10:26:36 Meter No.: 0101205000355 Account No.: 623191136901 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 25.56 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 7316 2323 2124 4194 8391 4 Transaction ID: 3095170153569724 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-12-02 17:48:18 Meter No.: 0101205000355 Account No.: 623191136901 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 25.56 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 1666 6131 8597 8178 8769 5 Transaction ID: 0150170073840524 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-11-23 12:20:05 Meter No.: 0101205000355 Account No.: 623191136901 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 38.34 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 2215 6333 2276 1387 9247 6 Transaction ID: 6725170022023624 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-11-17 12:23:56 Meter No.: 0101205000355 Account No.: 623191136901 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 38.34 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 1179 1926 2969 7367 5404 7 Transaction ID: 5463169943681124 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-11-08 10:46:51 Meter No.: 0101205000355 Account No.: 623191136901 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 38.34 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 5158 8434 5650 8075 7024 8 Transaction ID: 6325169851953624 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-10-28 19:58:57 Meter No.: 0101205000355 Account No.: 623191136901 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 25.56 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 4878 8876 3448 2222 9366 9 Transaction ID: 8765169815727724 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-10-24 15:21:17 Meter No.: 0101205000355 Account No.: 623191136901 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 25.56 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 1967 4238 3250 6992 7815 10 Transaction ID: 9062169686490724 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-10-09 16:21:47 Meter No.: 0101205000355 Account No.: 623191136901 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 38.34 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 1893 0483 3138 5418 59332024-02-12 okadonyesimona@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024027Closed2024-02-12DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoHello,find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6242241832-01 Debt Repayment ₦170,534.96 ₦-50,000.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦38,034.96 M 2019-09-18 ₦82,500.00 2024-02-122024-02-12 toranyiinkator14@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024026Closed2024-02-12REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE #938---0101190135174MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 791839 Debt Repayment ₦25,281.72 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2022-09-06 ₦25,281.72 2024-01-22 Closed2024-02-12 umaymah1065@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024025Closed2024-02-12DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 653083 Debt Repayment ₦32,862.43 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦862.43 M 2022-10-18 ₦32,000.00 2024-02-042024-02-12 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024024Closed2024-02-12#937/12/2/24# REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE..... 44000401040MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 626856 Debt Repayment ₦102,910.14 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦94,910.14 M 2023-09-20 ₦8,000.00 2024-01-272024-02-12 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024023Closed2024-02-12Debt InquiryMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoHello, find below. 44000349033 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 645015067501 Debt Repayment ₦299,669.55 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦259,669.55 M 2022-05-25 ₦40,000.00 2024-01-31 44000464626 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 769159 Debt Repayment ₦4,818.67 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2022-09-16 ₦4,818.67 2022-12-14 Closed 44000423184 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 644302016201 Debt Repayment ₦365,165.63 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦331,165.63 M 2022-05-13 ₦34,000.00 2023-12-182024-02-12 abdulbakibbd@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024022Closed2024-02-12REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE ==44000401321MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612903254801 Debt Repayment ₦539,880.91 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦505,880.91 M 2022-08-18 ₦34,000.00 2024-01-262024-02-12 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024021Closed2024-02-12REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILSMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoHello, find below. 44000415271 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 641139088601 Debt Repayment ₦248,845.07 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦222,845.07 M 2022-05-05 ₦26,000.00 2023-06-092024-02-12 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024020Closed2024-02-12T/NO.934 REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE ==62420213662MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 680941 Loss of Revenue ₦156,500.00 ₦-51,500.00 ₦30,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2023-03-10 ₦105,000.00 2023-07-01 Closed 680941 Debt Repayment ₦20,153.16 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦4,153.16 M 2023-06-02 ₦16,000.00 2024-02-062024-02-12 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024019Closed2024-02-12Debt profile 44000436921MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 562468 Debt Repayment ₦83,478.32 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦43,478.32 M 2022-05-16 ₦40,000.00 2024-01-302024-02-12 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024018ClosedVending History2024-02-12Request for vending historyRequest for vending historyMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoHello, find below. 44000734788 # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 8747170750489224 Transaction Date/Time: 2024-02-09 19:54:52 Meter No.: 44000734788 Account No.: 809174 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 13.56 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 2458 2595 7890 7240 5016 2 Transaction ID: 1083170739986024 Transaction Date/Time: 2024-02-08 14:44:20 Meter No.: 44000734788 Account No.: 809174 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 13.56 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 5344 3581 6098 7539 7060 3 Transaction ID: 1677170680713224 Transaction Date/Time: 2024-02-01 18:05:32 Meter No.: 44000734788 Account No.: 809174 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 13.56 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 0494 1552 0153 4911 0912 4 Transaction ID: 1253170670156424 Transaction Date/Time: 2024-01-31 12:46:04 Meter No.: 44000734788 Account No.: 787199 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 27.12 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 3265 7593 2969 3264 5348 5 Transaction ID: 2320170629748424 Transaction Date/Time: 2024-01-26 20:31:24 Meter No.: 44000734788 Account No.: 809174 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 13.56 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 3007 2330 7615 3682 2646 6 Transaction ID: 7289170586924924 Transaction Date/Time: 2024-01-21 21:34:09 Meter No.: 44000734788 Account No.: 809174 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 13.56 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 0455 2546 2113 3113 7177 7 Transaction ID: 5972170533982624 Transaction Date/Time: 2024-01-15 18:30:26 Meter No.: 44000734788 Account No.: 809174 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 13.56 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 4936 2473 1367 1068 5891 8 Transaction ID: 1415170533036124 Transaction Date/Time: 2024-01-15 15:52:42 Meter No.: 44000734788 Account No.: 787199 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 27.12 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 0212 0560 6353 5072 8818 9 Transaction ID: 1694170472530224 Transaction Date/Time: 2024-01-08 15:48:22 Meter No.: 44000734788 Account No.: 809174 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 13.56 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 6269 7097 4912 8834 2925 10 Transaction ID: 6171170421564624 Transaction Date/Time: 2024-01-02 18:14:06 Meter No.: 44000734788 Account No.: 809174 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 13.56 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 5842 2411 9264 2401 32882024-02-12 yilkatamos@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024017Closed2024-02-12Request for total debtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 777888 Debt Repayment ₦1,133.70 ₦0.00 ₦1,133.70 ₦1,133.70 M 2023-12-18 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-02-12 yilkatamos@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024016Closed2024-02-120150001004368 debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 537102 Debt Repayment ₦79,189.60 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦79,189.60 M 2023-08-07 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-02-12 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024015Closed2024-02-12Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoHello, This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2024-02-12 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024014Closed2024-02-12REQUEST For OUTSTANDING BALANCE METER 0101210162562MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 662251242701 Debt Repayment ₦25,357.81 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦3,357.81 M 2023-03-29 ₦22,000.00 2024-02-112024-02-12 ladimercyben12@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024013Closed2024-02-12DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6125020668-01 Debt Repayment ₦389,595.08 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦389,595.08 M 2017-12-21 ₦0.00 2021-05-312024-02-12 abdullahif44@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024012Closed2024-02-12DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6242291832-01 Debt Repayment ₦171,796.62 ₦-101,001.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦48,795.62 M 2017-03-28 ₦22,000.00 2022-04-202024-02-12 toranyiinkator14@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024011Closed2024-02-12REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILSMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 757038 Debt Repayment ₦57,172.37 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦55,172.37 M 2023-12-31 ₦2,000.00 2024-01-272024-02-12 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024010OpenKCT Request0000-00-00kctMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoHello, please meter number2024-02-12 murijunior1244@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024009Closed2024-02-12Debt profile 0150001004368MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoHello, This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2024-02-12 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024008Closed2024-02-12#930/12/2/24# Request for debt profile..... 0101210069726MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612714020701 Debt Repayment ₦338,733.45 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦336,733.45 M 2024-01-19 ₦2,000.00 2024-02-032024-02-12 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024007Closed2024-02-12REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE : 95300176294MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 440514 Debt Repayment ₦368,793.99 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦364,793.99 M 2023-01-26 ₦4,000.00 2023-03-302024-02-12 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024006Closed2024-02-12Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 715589 Debt Repayment ₦6,773.76 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦773.76 M 2023-11-06 ₦6,000.00 2024-02-102024-02-12 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00024005Closed2024-02-12DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoHello, find below. 95300190469 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 409885 Debt Repayment ₦323,949.27 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦279,949.27 M 2022-04-06 ₦44,000.00 2024-02-02​ 44000370013 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612903197001 Debt Repayment ₦319,618.64 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦297,618.64 M 2022-08-17 ₦22,000.00 2023-07-282024-02-12 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024004Closed2024-02-12REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILSMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 511360 Debt Repayment ₦39,007.11 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2022-02-11 ₦39,007.11 2023-10-02 Closed 511360 Debt Repayment ₦34,383.20 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦34,383.20 M 2024-01-22 ₦0.00 2024-01-222024-02-12 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024003Closed2024-02-12REQIEST FOR DEBT PROFILE-0101210092355MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 715589 Debt Repayment ₦6,773.76 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦773.76 M 2023-11-06 ₦6,000.00 2024-02-102024-02-12 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024002Closed2024-02-12Debt profile: JED/CCRM/JMR/02/558MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611912217901 Debt Repayment ₦473,937.78 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦453,937.78 M 2023-04-01 ₦20,000.00 2024-02-042024-02-12 tkhadija028@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024001Closed2024-02-12#0132/02/24#REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE/0101210185282MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 662139009801 Debt Repayment ₦280,218.48 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦260,218.48 M 2023-05-17 ₦20,000.00 2024-02-052024-02-12 georgesamben123@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00024000Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023999ClosedKCT Request2024-02-12KCT REQUEST: 44300008677 (01 TO 02 AND 02 TO 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoHello, find below. 1 To 2 3264 6482 4987 2940 3131 3448 9078 2498 8501 1129 2 To 1 0006 4193 6703 5627 2207 0923 0575 7098 4602 59042024-02-12 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023998Closed2024-02-12REQUEST FOR KCT 45 TO 1 #0609/2/24#: 95300152642MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12No45 To 1 3561 3039 5416 6557 7012 3333 0457 2861 5494 97152024-02-12 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023997ClosedKCT Request2024-02-12REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 3485 3946 5724 2467 7720 5074 7574 1644 3582 7554 1 To 2 3893 2078 9816 5404 4373 1150 8960 3876 3455 11132024-02-12 jenogah@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023996Closed2024-02-120150000978141 debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 674163 Debt Repayment ₦43,458.20 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦3,458.20 M 2022-05-24 ₦40,000.00 2024-01-212024-02-12 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023995Open0000-00-00REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILSMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 663721 Debt Repayment ₦69,496.45 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦65,496.45 M 2022-09-09 ₦4,000.00 2022-11-162024-02-12 Umar Auwal
#00023994ClosedKCT Request2024-02-12KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoHello, find below. 99 To 1 1934 9291 7830 1761 2746 2421 8493 5092 2550 4980 1 To 99 3541 6111 5019 0639 4942 5983 2680 9750 5995 81972024-02-12 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023993Closed2024-02-12DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 62420213672MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoHello, This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2024-02-12 joseph.tegwis@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023992ClosedKCT Request2024-02-1254161035016IT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoHello, find below. 4 To 1 2145 2457 5119 6646 1358 5922 2648 1518 6572 99772024-02-12 kabirukhalidumar@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023991Closed2024-02-12DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 658591 Debt Repayment ₦39,585.25 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦7,585.25 M 2022-10-24 ₦32,000.00 2024-02-102024-02-12 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023990Closed2024-02-12DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-12NoHello, find below. 0150000858954 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 438302 Debt Repayment ₦437,670.56 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦435,670.56 M 2024-01-22 ₦2,000.00 2024-02-102024-02-12 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023989Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023988Closed2024-02-09Debt statusMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 596844 Debt Repayment ₦233,027.10 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦217,027.10 M 2022-06-15 ₦16,000.00 2023-08-312024-02-09 aleeyuibraheemahmad16@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023987Closed2024-02-09Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal0000-00-00NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 775591 Debt Repayment ₦7,370.76 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦7,370.76 M 2023-12-26 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-02-09 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023986Closed2024-02-09Debt profile 44000389252MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 556877 Debt Repayment ₦99,646.17 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦99,646.17 M 2022-05-23 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-02-09 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023985Closed2024-02-09REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE---0101170238709MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 634130 Debt Repayment ₦74,074.98 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦41,074.98 M 2022-02-10 ₦33,000.00 2023-10-242024-02-09 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023984ClosedKCT Request2024-02-09Request for KCT - 0150000856651MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, find below. KCT1: 5501 0554 1638 1350 2377 KCT2: 4819 1227 5286 4309 94082024-02-09 lucky.akpobi@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023983Closed2024-02-09Request for debt profile - 0150000856651MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 698420 Debt Repayment ₦15,462.23 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦15,462.23 M 2024-01-24 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-02-09 lucky.akpobi@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023982Closed2024-02-09DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 506235 Debt Repayment ₦66,192.67 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦38,192.67 M 2022-04-06 ₦28,000.00 2024-01-302024-02-09 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023981Closed2024-02-09JED/CCRM/JMR/02/553 DEBT PROFILE: 54160745649MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 431766 Debt Repayment ₦119,537.00 ₦-60,000.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦59,537.00 M 2016-09-20 ₦0.00 2021-05-312024-02-09 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023980Closed2024-02-09Request for debt profile.... 0101200124416MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 720234 Debt Repayment ₦26,375.32 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦6,375.32 M 2023-03-30 ₦20,000.00 2024-01-182024-02-09 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023979Closed2024-02-09JED/CCRM/JMR/02/551 DEBT PROFILE: 44000621241MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 762843 Debt Repayment ₦47,983.14 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦27,983.14 M 2023-03-28 ₦20,000.00 2024-01-302024-02-09 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023978Closed2024-02-09DEBT DETAILMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 816238 Refund ₦63,100.00 ₦0.00 ₦525.83 ₦57,841.70 M 2023-03-13 ₦5,258.30 2024-01-07 816238 Debt Repayment ₦114,488.76 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦114,488.76 M 2024-01-17 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-02-09 faizahtafida@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023977Closed2024-02-09Debt statusMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 766506 Refund ₦63,061.32 ₦0.00 ₦525.51 ₦57,280.71 M 2023-03-13 ₦5,780.61 2024-02-09 766506 Debt Repayment ₦29,057.47 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦25,057.47 M 2023-12-26 ₦4,000.00 2024-02-092024-02-09 aleeyuibraheemahmad16@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023976Closed2024-02-09DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 436197 Debt Repayment ₦71,929.96 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦27,929.96 M 2022-04-20 ₦44,000.00 2024-02-052024-02-09 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023975Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023974ClosedKCT Request2024-02-09REQUEST FOR KCT----0101220152918 (FIRST RECHARGE)MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, Find below KCT1: 6447 1394 7770 2112 8937 KCT2: 3349 4200 8596 9125 09932024-02-09 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023973Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023972Closed2024-02-09#0120/02/24#REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE/0101210152233MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 550157 Debt Repayment ₦120,397.70 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦98,397.70 M 2023-03-30 ₦22,000.00 2024-02-052024-02-09 georgesamben123@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023971Closed2024-02-09Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 379633 Debt Repayment ₦263,502.99 ₦-170,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦27,502.99 M 2018-02-06 ₦66,000.00 2024-02-072024-02-09 mustaphamaryam67@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023970Closed2024-02-09DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, find below. 0150000987217 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 692069 Debt Repayment ₦78,071.74 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦66,071.74 M 2023-08-07 ₦12,000.00 2024-02-08 0150001002396 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 642133 Debt Repayment ₦92,391.23 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦76,391.23 M 2023-06-13 ₦16,000.00 2024-02-082024-02-09 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023969Closed2024-02-09DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, find below. ​ Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 656348 Debt Repayment ₦12,234.11 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦234.11 M 2023-08-07 ₦12,000.00 2024-02-05 ​2024-02-09 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023968Closed2024-02-09DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, find below. 0150000987217 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 692069 Debt Repayment ₦78,071.74 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦66,071.74 M 2023-08-07 ₦12,000.00 2024-02-08 0150001002396 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 642133 Debt Repayment ₦92,391.23 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦76,391.23 M 2023-06-13 ₦16,000.00 2024-02-082024-02-09 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023967Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023966Closed2024-02-09REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, find below. 0150000955925 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 372075 Debt Repayment ₦162,853.09 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦126,853.09 M 2022-03-17 ₦36,000.00 2023-09-27 0150000952641 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 508412 Debt Repayment ₦37,876.70 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2022-07-15 ₦37,876.70 2024-02-07 Closed2024-02-09 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023965Closed2024-02-09JED CCRM TFB#02#141# request for kctMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, find below. 33 To 1 0676 5757 3311 2378 5862 4844 8758 3847 4397 97252024-02-09 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023964Closed2024-02-09JED/CCRM/JMR/02/549 DEBT PROFILE: 0101200103410MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 720023 Debt Repayment ₦9,904.15 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦1,904.15 M 2022-08-10 ₦8,000.00 2024-01-122024-02-09 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023963Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023962Closed2024-02-09#917/9/2/24# REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE..... 0101161001306MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6118062165-01 Debt Repayment ₦124,311.52 ₦-14,000.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦110,311.52 M 2019-02-15 ₦0.00 2021-05-312024-02-09 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023961Closed2024-02-09Request for debt detailsMedium 2024-02-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 666293 Debt Repayment ₦74,851.96 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦36,851.96 M 2022-06-21 ₦38,000.00 2024-01-292024-02-09 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com
#00023960Closed2024-02-09Debt profile Jed/vom/0130/Feb/24MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 550720 Debt Repayment ₦109,167.78 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦109,167.78 M 2024-01-15 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-02-09 mupeejay12@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023959Closed2024-02-09Request for debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 378813 Debt Repayment ₦311,779.38 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦273,279.38 M 2022-04-05 ₦38,500.00 2024-01-242024-02-09 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023958Closed2024-02-09DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 80786 Debt Repayment ₦318,363.71 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦293,363.71 M 2022-06-09 ₦25,000.00 2024-02-092024-02-09 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023957Closed2024-02-09#0319/02/24/0101190133054/REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE#MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 751487 Debt Repayment ₦1,218.62 ₦0.00 ₦1,218.62 ₦0.00 M 2024-01-19 ₦1,218.62 2024-02-05 Closed2024-02-09 samueldchun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023956Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023955Closed2024-02-09REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 671647023201 Debt Repayment ₦16,194,395.11 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦16,158,395.11 M 2022-07-25 ₦36,000.00 2024-01-252024-02-09 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023954In ProgressKCT Request2024-02-09KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, KCT1: 1906 8033 6720 7926 7376 KCT2: 2151 4584 6331 1508 10820000-00-00 faithelisha1990@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023953Closed2024-02-09Request for debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 578689 Debt Repayment ₦75,328.62 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦54,328.62 M 2022-06-22 ₦21,000.00 2023-12-192024-02-09 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023952Closed2024-02-09Request for debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 642590 Debt Repayment ₦148,029.69 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦146,029.69 M 2023-12-31 ₦2,000.00 2024-01-162024-02-09 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023951Closed2024-02-09#915/9/2/24# REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE... 0101190035929MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 606988 Debt Repayment ₦239,097.33 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦239,097.33 M 2023-11-06 ₦0.00 2023-11-212024-02-09 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023950ClosedKCT Request2024-02-09JED CCRM TFB#02#144# request for kctMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, find below. ​ 33 To 1 5332 1869 1936 8433 8239 2878 1706 7801 6298 6049 ​2024-02-09 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023949Closed2024-02-09Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672125390301 Debt Repayment ₦122,307.30 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦84,307.30 M 2022-07-19 ₦38,000.00 2024-02-072024-02-09 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023948Closed2024-02-09DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, find below. 0101210106254 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 440481 Debt Repayment ₦379,851.26 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦347,851.26 M 2022-10-18 ₦32,000.00 2024-02-08 44000706240 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 780941 Debt Repayment ₦20,160.13 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦18,160.13 M 2024-01-11 ₦2,000.00 2024-02-082024-02-09 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023947Closed2024-02-09JED CCRM TFB#02#142# request for kct,MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, find below. 33 To 1 0877 3411 1070 3311 0095 4074 8410 9428 3455 73442024-02-09 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023946Closed2024-02-09Debt profile 54161045957MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 525159 Debt Repayment ₦98,532.29 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦84,532.29 M 2019-09-02 ₦14,000.00 2024-02-092024-02-09 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023945Closed2024-02-09DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, find below. ​ Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 591724 Debt Repayment ₦141,733.06 ₦0.00 ₦3,500.00 ₦111,733.06 V 2022-08-30 ₦30,000.00 2023-11-16 ​2024-02-09 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023944ClosedKCT Request2024-02-09Request for K C TMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, find below. ​ 33 To 1 2166 1982 8786 6624 0482 6078 6008 4253 3028 4661 ​2024-02-09 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023943Closed2024-02-09Debt statusMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 650430 Debt Repayment ₦74,689.36 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦74,689.36 M 2022-07-28 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-02-09 aleeyuibraheemahmad16@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023942Closed2024-02-09DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, find below. ​ Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 656348 Debt Repayment ₦12,234.11 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦234.11 M 2023-08-07 ₦12,000.00 2024-02-05 ​2024-02-09 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023941ClosedKCT Request2024-02-09REQUEST FOR KCT 4 TO 1: 0101210158420MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, find below. 4 To 1 5794 8139 8591 8001 2139 3994 6004 1503 0586 50942024-02-09 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023940Closed2024-02-09Debt statusMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 641403105301 Debt Repayment ₦103,561.72 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦65,561.72 M 2022-06-10 ₦38,000.00 2024-01-312024-02-09 aleeyuibraheemahmad16@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023939Closed2024-02-09Request for debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 746467 Debt Repayment ₦20,677.08 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2022-06-15 ₦20,677.08 2023-05-06 Closed 746467 Debt Repayment ₦17,633.22 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦13,633.22 M 2023-12-11 ₦4,000.00 2024-02-012024-02-09 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023938Closed2024-02-09DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 787664 Debt Repayment ₦6,351.47 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦4,351.47 M 2023-11-27 ₦2,000.00 2023-12-092024-02-09 carolynterjime@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023937Closed2024-02-09Request for debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6461126210-01 Debt Repayment ₦204,380.12 ₦-20,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦120,380.12 M 2020-02-28 ₦64,000.00 2024-01-302024-02-09 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023936Closed2024-02-09JED/CCRM/JMR/02/547 DEBT PROFILE: 0101160184988MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6122087634-01 Loss of Revenue ₦65,500.00 ₦-25,000.00 ₦20,250.00 ₦40,500.00 M 2023-03-10 ₦0.00 2023-03-102024-02-09 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023935Closed2024-02-09Debts profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 698587 Debt Repayment ₦32,534.00 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦18,534.00 M 2023-01-19 ₦14,000.00 2023-08-312024-02-09 moendoesuninnocent@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023934Closed2024-02-09DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, find below. 0150000987217 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 692069 Debt Repayment ₦78,071.74 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦66,071.74 M 2023-08-07 ₦12,000.00 2024-02-08 01500010023962024-02-09 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023933Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023932Closed2024-02-09DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, find below. ​ Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 656348 Debt Repayment ₦12,234.11 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦234.11 M 2023-08-07 ₦12,000.00 2024-02-05 ​2024-02-09 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023931Closed2024-02-09Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09No44000740785 01231811733248012493 48253360456094184947 44000812154 25565926340456410698 206140824318789952582024-02-09 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023930Closed2024-02-09Request for KRN for new meter - 62521005041MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09No64111035852331369691 482804731044494447542024-02-09 lucky.akpobi@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023929Closed2024-02-09Request for debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 646003193601 Debt Repayment ₦26,919.16 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦6,919.16 M 2023-04-05 ₦20,000.00 2024-02-072024-02-09 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023928Closed2024-02-09Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 715555 Debt Repayment ₦14,135.53 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦10,135.53 M 2023-10-03 ₦4,000.00 2023-12-182024-02-09 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023927Closed2024-02-09DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello There is no debt record on this meter.2024-02-09 toranyiinkator14@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023926Closed2024-02-09Ticket: #0912# DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 0101200036131 / 432103MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 432103 Debt Repayment ₦283,908.56 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦239,908.56 M 2022-03-15 ₦44,000.00 2024-01-292024-02-09 joseph.tegwis@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023925Closed2024-02-09DEBT ENQUIRYMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 669584 Debt Repayment ₦93,080.86 ₦-53,037.17 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2020-08-25 ₦40,043.69 2023-02-02 Closed 669584 Refund ₦48,263.38 ₦0.00 ₦402.19 ₦44,241.48 M 2023-03-13 ₦4,021.90 2024-01-122024-02-09 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023924Closed2024-02-09Debt profile: JED/CCRM/JMR/02/544MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 700541 Debt Repayment ₦155,285.00 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦119,285.00 M 2022-08-31 ₦36,000.00 2024-02-062024-02-09 tkhadija028@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023923Closed2024-02-09JED/CCRM/JMR/02/543 DEBT PROFILE: 0101200126866MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611129010701 Debt Repayment ₦456,011.33 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦443,511.33 M 2022-04-05 ₦12,500.00 2022-09-232024-02-09 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023922Closed2024-02-09DEBT PROFILE 0101190155149MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 669575 Debt Repayment ₦70,689.91 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦68,689.91 M 2024-01-16 ₦2,000.00 2024-02-082024-02-09 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023921Closed2024-02-09Request for debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 602291 Debt Repayment ₦79,272.24 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦48,772.24 M 2022-07-14 ₦30,500.00 2024-02-082024-02-09 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023920Closed2024-02-09JED/CCRM/GDB/#02/226# DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2024-02-09 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023919Closed2024-02-09110/02/24/DEBT PROFILE REQUEST/0101210117020MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 662158039601 Debt Repayment ₦218,907.36 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦176,907.36 M 2022-04-21 ₦42,000.00 2024-01-242024-02-09 agohabigail69@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023918Closed2024-02-09REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILSMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 769105 Debt Repayment ₦21,181.58 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦0.00 M 2022-09-14 ₦21,181.58 2024-02-092024-02-09 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023917Closed2024-02-09DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 764131 Debt Repayment ₦25,323.59 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦3,323.59 M 2022-12-06 ₦22,000.00 2024-01-262024-02-09 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023916ClosedKCT Request2024-02-09Pls help me generate kct for 33 to 01 for this customerMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, find below. 33 To 1 3476 1749 1266 6660 0593 2761 8992 4274 8595 43982024-02-09 achovulaondofa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023915Open0000-00-00Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, find below. 0150000913213 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 679136 Debt Repayment ₦58,541.68 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦12,541.68 M 2022-03-21 ₦46,000.00 2024-02-06 0150000881089 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 700357 Debt Repayment ₦50,092.75 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦4,092.75 M 2022-03-22 ₦46,000.00 2024-02-072024-02-09 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023914Closed2024-02-09Debt inquiryMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 757058 Debt Repayment ₦46,151.79 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦42,151.79 M 2023-12-31 ₦4,000.00 2024-02-032024-02-09 delishduds@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023913ClosedKCT Request2024-02-09#0020/02/24/0101190013447/KCT REQUEST#MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-09NoHello, find below. 1 To 2 4574 1072 6019 6709 1178 6083 4463 4244 2186 5780 2 To 1 4084 3510 0668 9244 9402 3457 3971 5286 7011 48742024-02-09 samueldchun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023912Closed2024-02-08REQUEST FOR KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08No02173135291637031328 051462575131222660202024-02-08 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023911Closed2024-02-08Request for Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08NoHello, find below 0150000850308 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 670210 Debt Repayment ₦77,425.44 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦73,425.44 M 2022-07-22 ₦4,000.00 2022-09-13 0150000948771 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 372092 Debt Repayment ₦214,917.27 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦168,917.27 M 2022-03-23 ₦46,000.00 2024-02-07 44000988509 There is no debt record on this meter.2024-02-08 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023910Closed2024-02-08Request for debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 798357 Refund ₦63,061.32 ₦0.00 ₦525.51 ₦57,806.22 M 2023-03-13 ₦5,255.10 2024-01-29 798357 Debt Repayment ₦184,912.55 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦180,912.55 M 2023-11-30 ₦4,000.00 2024-01-292024-02-08 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023909ClosedKCT Request2024-02-08KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08NoHello, Find below 0101220186361 KCT1: 3037 4016 9924 9206 4434 KCT2: 1311 0602 8460 3878 0047 0101220193474 KCT1: 1884 7030 7626 8825 3644 KCT2: 1319 7042 8080 0799 36602024-02-08 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023908Closed2024-02-08DEBT ENQUIRYMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08NoHello, Find below 0101210066128 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 717734 Debt Repayment ₦7,120.50 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,120.50 M 2024-01-22 ₦2,000.00 2024-02-06 44300009014 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 818017 Debt Repayment ₦68,759.97 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦66,759.97 M 2024-01-24 ₦2,000.00 2024-02-072024-02-08 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023907Closed2024-02-08Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612818002701 Debt Repayment ₦38,763.38 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦32,763.38 M 2023-11-16 ₦6,000.00 2024-02-062024-02-08 yakubaliyu82@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023906Closed2024-02-08Request for debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 776642 Debt Repayment ₦20,932.08 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦20,932.08 M 2023-12-31 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-02-08 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023905Closed2024-02-08Request for debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 442184 Debt Repayment ₦244,922.05 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦214,922.05 M 2022-05-18 ₦30,000.00 2023-08-312024-02-08 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023904ClosedKCT Request2024-02-08JED/ CCRM/JMR/02/537 KCT REQUEST: 0101215006657 (02 TO 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08NoHello, Find below 2 To 1 1793 2945 3832 6613 3667 5190 8774 5594 3242 51462024-02-08 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023903Closed2024-02-08DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 634107432001 Debt Repayment ₦308,471.36 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦302,471.36 M 2022-04-22 ₦6,000.00 2022-07-302024-02-08 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023902Closed2024-02-08georgesamben123@gmail.comMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 662321761801 Debt Repayment ₦140,662.61 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦130,662.61 M 2023-09-29 ₦10,000.00 2024-02-082024-02-08 georgesamben123@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023901Closed2024-02-08Request for debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08NoHello, Find below 44000456739 Hello, there is no debt record on this meter. 44000450890 Hello, This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 44000392066 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 650270 Debt Repayment ₦93,653.05 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦51,653.05 M 2022-05-05 ₦42,000.00 2024-02-062024-02-08 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023900ClosedKCT Request2024-02-08KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08NoHello, Find below 2 To 99 4265 6623 5390 6660 3548 3134 2776 3547 7480 02862024-02-08 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023899Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023898Closed2024-02-08REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE #901---0101200061717MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08NoDear Umaimah, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 630960 Debt Repayment ₦58,851.06 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦36,351.06 M 2022-10-12 ₦22,500.00 2023-07-102024-02-08 umaymah1065@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023897Closed2024-02-08REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE #901---0101200061717MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 630960 Debt Repayment ₦58,851.06 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦36,351.06 M 2022-10-12 ₦22,500.00 2023-07-102024-02-08 umaymah1065@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023896OpenTamper Code0000-00-00REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPER CODEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08NoDear Abdulsalam, find below, 0150000989908 Clear Tamper 0 3595 2137 6254 9402 7991 62122356215 Clear Tamper 0 2998 7154 9245 9430 88952024-02-08 abdulsalamvio@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023895Closed2024-02-08DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 824524 Debt Repayment ₦22,370.11 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦20,370.11 M 2024-01-16 ₦2,000.00 2024-02-072024-02-08 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023894Closed2024-02-08DEBT PROFILEMedium 2024-02-08NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 763651 Debt Repayment ₦63,539.01 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦47,539.01 M 2023-06-01 ₦16,000.00 2024-02-082024-02-08 uduhaleje@gmail.com
#00023893ClosedKCT Request2024-02-08KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08No66783413381252263320 479727604076483393792024-02-08 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023892Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023891ClosedKCT Request2024-02-08KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08No66783413381252263320 479727604076483393792024-02-08 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023890Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023889ClosedKCT Request2024-02-08KctMedium 2024-02-08No66783413381252263320 479727604076483393792024-02-08 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com
#00023888Closed2024-02-08Request for debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 677238 Debt Repayment ₦56,049.05 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦20,049.05 M 2022-07-04 ₦36,000.00 2024-01-292024-02-08 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023887Closed2024-02-08Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08No38027114374911837305 057102753774390201612024-02-08 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023886Closed2024-02-08KRN FROM 01 TO 02MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08NoMSN - 44000806883 33144808713608340587 16962215775654237490 MSN - 44000806750 54948571275055471934 482507927898731094432024-02-08 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023885Closed2024-02-08DOES NOT EXIST FOR KRN UPGRADEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08No05146257513122266020 021731352916370313282024-02-08 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023884Closed2024-02-08Request for Debt profile for 0163211259458MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 490412 Refund ₦63,061.32 ₦0.00 ₦525.51 ₦57,280.71 M 2023-03-13 ₦5,780.61 2024-02-07 490412 Debt Repayment ₦6,093.10 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦4,093.10 M 2024-01-24 ₦2,000.00 2024-02-072024-02-08 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023883Closed2024-02-08REQUIST FOR DEDT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 671640061401 Debt Repayment ₦34,028.78 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦28.78 M 2022-08-02 ₦34,000.00 2024-01-162024-02-08 ajempire.com@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023882Closed2024-02-08Debt profile 0150000864846MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 544433 Debt Repayment ₦125,927.75 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦101,927.75 M 2022-08-02 ₦24,000.00 2023-12-282024-02-08 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023881Closed2024-02-08Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08No20889995501706643572 511465320997630041472024-02-08 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023880Closed2024-02-08Request for debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08No55100535616237769223 547641657610597056942024-02-08 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023879Closed2024-02-08Does not exist for KRN upgradeMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08No57437812726044447607 549996128441368488802024-02-08 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023878ClosedKCT Request2024-02-08Request for KNR kctMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08No60576165358235025301 476759453298864301122024-02-08 maryamibrahim1300@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023877ClosedKCT Request2024-02-08Request for kctMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08NoHello, Find below 2 To 1 4045 4977 9080 8329 4938 6939 7390 5281 6202 99262024-02-08 mustaphamaryam67@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023876Closed2024-02-08Request for KrnMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08No12289419440490811077 629374897070268161972024-02-08 thompsontor@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023875Closed2024-02-08REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE GOMBE LGCMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08NoHello, Find below 646031001201 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 646031001201 Debt Repayment ₦3,601,148.67 ₦0.00 ₦5,000.00 ₦3,601,148.67 M 2022-02-09 ₦0.00 0000-00-00 54161098568 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 646031001201 Debt Repayment ₦3,601,148.67 ₦0.00 ₦5,000.00 ₦3,601,148.67 M 2022-02-09 ₦0.00 0000-00-00 646031000301 There is no debt record on this meter. 0101195005018 There is no debt record on this meter. 646031002101 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 646031002101 Debt Repayment ₦3,227,755.75 ₦0.00 ₦5,000.00 ₦3,227,755.75 M 2022-02-09 ₦0.00 0000-00-00 54161007528 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 646031002101 Debt Repayment ₦3,227,755.75 ₦0.00 ₦5,000.00 ₦3,227,755.75 M 2022-02-09 ₦0.00 0000-00-00 646031003001 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 646031003001 Debt Repayment ₦3,313,162.37 ₦0.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦3,313,159.37 M 2022-02-09 ₦3.00 2022-03-01 0101200076277 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 707099 Debt Repayment ₦24,594.58 ₦0.00 ₦17,000.00 ₦7,594.58 V 2022-08-12 ₦17,000.00 2024-02-08 644699012501 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 644699012501 Debt Repayment ₦1,270,979.66 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦1,230,979.66 M 2022-10-05 ₦40,000.00 2024-02-03 95300250966 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 644699012501 Debt Repayment ₦1,270,979.66 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦1,230,979.66 M 2022-10-05 ₦40,000.00 2024-02-03 644699009001 There is no debt record on this meter. 44000978112 There is no debt record on this meter.2024-02-08 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023874Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023873Closed2024-02-08Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08No33091680216709246122 725962352644071210632024-02-08 Umar Auwal
#00023872Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023871Closed2024-02-08REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 540662 Debt Repayment ₦234,253.14 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦206,253.14 M 2022-12-07 ₦28,000.00 2024-02-082024-02-08 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023870Closed2024-02-08REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE----0101200056279MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 671184 Debt Repayment ₦22,344.03 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦4,344.03 M 2023-05-21 ₦18,000.00 2024-02-052024-02-08 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023869Closed2024-02-08Debt profile 62321070112MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 815841 Debt Repayment ₦6,093.10 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦4,093.10 M 2024-01-18 ₦2,000.00 2024-02-012024-02-08 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023868Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023867Closed2024-02-08Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08No36427840087301430400 489994282245265686252024-02-08 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023866Closed2024-02-08DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08NoHello, find below. 0101200025605 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 693915 Debt Repayment ₦44,237.69 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦12,237.69 M 2022-10-18 ₦32,000.00 2024-02-062024-02-08 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023865Closed2024-02-08DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 543946 Debt Repayment ₦343,260.13 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦288,260.13 M 2022-04-05 ₦55,000.00 2024-02-082024-02-08 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023864ClosedKCT Request2024-02-08Request for kct in respect of this account 0101160357501 from 02MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 6016 7190 6894 2626 6517 4528 4524 0916 4180 19222024-02-08 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023863Closed2024-02-08Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 693521 Debt Repayment ₦2,154.00 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦154.00 M 2024-01-12 ₦2,000.00 2024-02-082024-02-08 mustaphamaryam67@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023862Closed2024-02-08Request for debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 545644 Debt Repayment ₦244,272.02 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦204,272.02 M 2022-06-15 ₦40,000.00 2024-02-02 ---2024-02-08 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023861Closed2024-02-08DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 801861 Debt Repayment ₦17,733.30 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,733.30 M 2023-08-08 ₦12,000.00 2024-02-082024-02-08 carolynterjime@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023860ClosedVending History2024-02-08VENDING HISTORYMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08NoHello, # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 5214170716551024 Transaction Date/Time: 2024-02-05 21:38:30 Meter No.: 0101160188591 Account No.: 627942 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 40.67 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 6857 8749 2399 3856 1240 2 Transaction ID: 7174170679300124 Transaction Date/Time: 2024-02-01 14:10:02 Meter No.: 0101160188591 Account No.: 627942 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 13.56 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 2892 7414 4779 0008 6591 3 Transaction ID: 3192170617989324 Transaction Date/Time: 2024-01-25 11:51:33 Meter No.: 0101160188591 Account No.: 627942 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 27.12 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 0273 8638 2871 2207 3388 4 Transaction ID: 1366170357569624 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-12-26 08:28:17 Meter No.: 0101160188591 Account No.: 627942 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 13.56 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 4748 2183 4747 7216 7727 5 Transaction ID: 7531170351442924 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-12-25 15:27:09 Meter No.: 0101160188591 Account No.: 627942 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 20.34 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 2008 9624 8631 0855 8342 6 Transaction ID: 9457170238442724 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-12-12 13:33:48 Meter No.: 0101160188591 Account No.: 627942 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 20.34 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 4763 4363 3009 0626 3547 7 Transaction ID: 2013170076430824 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-11-23 19:31:48 Meter No.: 0101160188591 Account No.: 627942 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 13.56 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 2556 0811 2542 5125 4995 8 Transaction ID: 8696169902869624 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-11-03 17:24:56 Meter No.: 0101160188591 Account No.: 627942 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 13.56 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 1700 4237 0948 7152 3934 9 Transaction ID: 1936169847900524 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-10-28 08:43:25 Meter No.: 0101160188591 Account No.: 627942 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦132.56 Energy Cost: ₦1,767.44 KwH: 25.76 Amount Tendered: ₦1,900.00 3945 1019 8646 3243 3563 10 Transaction ID: 1560169761805924 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-10-18 09:34:19 Meter No.: 0101160188591 Account No.: 627942 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 13.56 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 4669 9667 6833 2219 31792024-02-08 faizahtafida@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023859Closed2024-02-08Request for debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6460217945-01 Debt Repayment ₦248,137.54 ₦-73,500.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦112,637.54 M 2019-04-19 ₦62,000.00 2024-01-182024-02-08 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023858ClosedKCT Request2024-02-08K c t please index 1MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08NoHello, find below. KCT1: 5246 0911 2491 7703 2420 KCT2: 2977 5800 5111 7042 08472024-02-08 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023857Closed2024-02-08Request for Debt profile for 0101215005865MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 503110 Debt Repayment ₦214,889.17 ₦0.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦34,889.17 M 2022-08-09 ₦180,000.00 2024-02-072024-02-08 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023856Closed2024-02-08Request for Debt profile for 44000539427MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 619376 Debt Repayment ₦73,421.50 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦63,421.50 M 2023-03-29 ₦10,000.00 2023-11-232024-02-08 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023855ClosedKCT Request2024-02-08KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08NoHello, find below. 0101210036766 1 To 2 5738 9152 8769 0716 8076 3413 8354 8948 0529 2128 2 To 1 2091 5919 0496 7832 7852 2074 7241 1529 7385 4739 0101200055792 (1 to 2)(2 to 1) 2 To 1 3266 7331 3012 6454 0061 2042 0363 2792 0427 4368 1 To 2 3175 7787 4229 4430 7868 0770 3215 2418 3925 31262024-02-08 ismailbalaonline@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023854Closed2024-02-08REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE GOMBE LCG ACCOUNTSMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08NoHello, find below. 0101195005018 Hello, There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment. 44000311249 There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment. 44000484103 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 644699002701 Debt Repayment ₦755,344.52 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦719,344.52 M 2022-06-10 ₦36,000.00 2023-12-04 44000651545 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 644699014301 Debt Repayment ₦7,225,405.74 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦7,225,405.74 M 2023-12-11 ₦0.00 2023-12-112024-02-08 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023853Closed2024-02-08Request for debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08NoHello, This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number2024-02-08 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023852Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023851Closed2024-02-08DEBT DETAILSMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 642633 Debt Repayment ₦250,023.39 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦248,023.39 M 2024-01-23 ₦2,000.00 2024-02-022024-02-08 faizahtafida@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023850Closed2024-02-08Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08NoHello, find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612634136201 Debt Repayment ₦117,489.65 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦113,489.65 M 2023-11-13 ₦4,000.00 2024-01-202024-02-08 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023849Closed2024-02-08DEPTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612625030201 Debt Repayment ₦446,593.75 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦404,093.75 M 2022-08-11 ₦42,500.00 2024-01-132024-02-08 mauwalu143@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023848Closed2024-02-08Debt profile:JED/CCRM/JMR/02/528MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 767682 Debt Repayment ₦5,921.70 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦3,921.70 M 2023-12-14 ₦2,000.00 2024-01-232024-02-08 tkhadija028@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023847Closed2024-02-08KRN requestMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08No66774245607587385681 596821752293826831742024-02-08 onceinlife6464@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023846Closed2024-02-08Does not exist for KRN upgradeMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08No66774245607587385681 596821752293826831742024-02-08 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023845Closed2024-02-08Request for debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 627657 Debt Repayment ₦45,635.83 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦13,135.83 M 2022-07-14 ₦32,500.00 2023-08-272024-02-08 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023844Closed2024-02-08Request for debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08NoHello, This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2024-02-08 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023843Closed2024-02-08DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 634107295101 Debt Repayment ₦212,368.25 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦176,368.25 M 2022-06-09 ₦36,000.00 2023-12-212024-02-08 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023842Closed2024-02-08Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 815647 Debt Repayment ₦5,668.48 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦1,668.48 M 2023-12-01 ₦4,000.00 2024-02-022024-02-08 maryamibrahim1300@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023841Closed2024-02-08#885/8/2/24# REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE... 0101190031134MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 649258 Debt Repayment ₦50,680.46 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦46,680.46 M 2023-11-06 ₦4,000.00 2024-01-242024-02-08 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023840Closed2024-02-08#884/8/2/24# REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE.... 0101210085607MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 701172 Debt Repayment ₦36,394.20 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦6,394.20 M 2022-10-18 ₦30,000.00 2024-01-312024-02-08 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023839Closed2024-02-08DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08NoHello, find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 818768 Refund ₦63,061.32 ₦0.00 ₦525.51 ₦57,806.22 M 2023-03-13 ₦5,255.10 2024-01-16 818768 Debt Repayment ₦18,992.41 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦18,992.41 M 2024-01-16 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-02-08 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023838Closed2024-02-08REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE..... 0101210037210/714610MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08NoHello, There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2024-02-08 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023837ClosedKCT Request2024-02-08kctMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08No3402 4185 9126 3041 5704 6715 1960 7914 3655 82402024-02-08 Umar Auwal
#00023836Closed2024-02-08Request for debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 646101041301 Debt Repayment ₦96,099.63 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦62,099.63 M 2022-09-13 ₦34,000.00 2024-02-082024-02-08 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023835ClosedKCT Request2024-02-08Request for KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08NoKCT1: 6817 0087 9167 3209 3948 KCT2: 2250 9917 3355 6934 95112024-02-08 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023834Closed2024-02-08Request for KRN KCTIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08No31574240500343875595 683377126890093211382024-02-08 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023833Closed2024-02-080167/02/24#Request for krn 44000809507/842849 new installedMedium 2024-02-08No56739605654469556185 689546295592823234892024-02-08 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com
#00023832Closed2024-02-08#0165/02/24#Request for krn 44000808426/842844 new installedMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08No52774206650813362231 157400509053669657442024-02-08 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023831Closed2024-02-08#0168/02/24#Request for krn 44000811578/842848 new installedMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08No16670530272265287816 560228246844184468302024-02-08 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023830Closed2024-02-08Debt profile 0150300009589MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 631267048901 Debt Repayment ₦192,339.67 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦150,339.67 M 2022-05-25 ₦42,000.00 2024-02-082024-02-08 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023829Closed2024-02-08#0159/02/24# Request for krn 44000806719/842847 new installedMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08No42023587299933198074 054456541820804258832024-02-08 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023828Closed2024-02-08#0168/02/24#Request for krn 44000811578/842848 new installedMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08NoHello, find below. 1 To 2 5515 3887 7708 0018 6395 7176 7459 4803 3026 3260 2 To 1 1239 5560 0346 7643 4836 5148 6487 5470 9139 61142024-02-08 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023827Closed2024-02-08REQUEST FOR OUTSTANDING BALANCEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-08NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 811344 Refund ₦63,061.32 ₦0.00 ₦525.51 ₦58,857.24 M 2023-03-13 ₦4,204.08 2023-11-21 811344 Debt Repayment ₦11,885.92 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦11,885.92 M 2023-11-30 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-02-08 jenogah@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023826Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023825In Progress2024-02-07KRN from 01 to 02MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-07No40025919939374093896 662524795072076784160000-00-00 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023824Closed2024-02-07KRN from 01 to 02MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-07No2024-02-07 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023823Closed2024-02-07Request for krnMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-07No36427840087301430400 489994282245265686252024-02-07 mauleed3346.mi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023822Closed2024-02-07Ticket: #0874# DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 0101160407561 / 6115120339-01MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-07NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6115120339-01 Debt Repayment ₦153,490.75 ₦-27,500.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦61,990.75 M 2020-02-28 ₦64,000.00 2024-01-302024-02-07 Umar Auwal
#00023821Closed2024-02-07Request for debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-07NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6461106932-01 Debt Repayment ₦220,654.40 ₦-55,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦105,654.40 M 2019-03-29 ₦60,000.00 2023-11-242024-02-07 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023820Closed2024-02-07CLEAR TEMPER REQUEST AS AT 7/2/2024MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-07No0101178034480 2496 9479 6407 4288 8354 44000363372 0986 7765 1002 0871 9074 0163213045434 4360 2673 3181 2228 03492024-02-07 mnasir.suleiman@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023819Closed2024-02-07REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE #875---0101200101158MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-07NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611807118201 Debt Repayment ₦564,916.16 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦512,416.16 M 2022-03-28 ₦52,500.00 2023-12-282024-02-07 umaymah1065@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023818Closed2024-02-07DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-07NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 817846 Refund ₦63,061.32 ₦0.00 ₦525.51 ₦57,280.71 M 2023-03-13 ₦5,780.61 2024-02-06 817846 Debt Repayment ₦5,668.48 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2023-11-27 ₦5,668.48 2024-02-06 Closed2024-02-07 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023817Closed2024-02-07#870/7/2/24# REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE...0101170196956MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-07NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6114020465-01 Debt Repayment ₦124,005.80 ₦-28,500.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦35,505.80 M 2019-08-03 ₦60,000.00 2023-12-222024-02-07 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023816Closed2024-02-07Request for debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-07NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6460110898-01 Debt Repayment ₦220,071.15 ₦-60,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦116,071.15 M 2019-05-27 ₦44,000.00 2023-03-10 6460110898-01 Loss of Revenue ₦75,000.00 ₦-20,000.00 ₦11,000.00 ₦44,000.00 M 2023-02-14 ₦11,000.00 2023-03-102024-02-07 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023815Closed2024-02-07DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-07NoHelle, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 728123 Debt Repayment ₦13,809.79 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦13,809.79 M 2024-01-24 ₦0.00 2024-01-242024-02-07 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023814Closed2024-02-07Request for debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-07NoHello, There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2024-02-07 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023813Closed2024-02-07DEBT PROFILE 0101210110736MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-07NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 733934 Debt Repayment ₦31,929.05 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦1,929.05 M 2022-10-18 ₦30,000.00 2024-01-312024-02-07 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023812Closed2024-02-07#867/7/2/24# REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE...... 0101160052367MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-07NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 523909 Debt Repayment ₦173,946.97 ₦-50,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦59,946.97 M 2019-05-22 ₦64,000.00 2024-01-222024-02-07 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023811Closed2024-02-07REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE #867--54160861776MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-07NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 379219 Debt Repayment ₦105,716.73 ₦-38,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦13,716.73 M 2017-02-14 ₦54,000.00 2023-08-312024-02-07 umaymah1065@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023810Closed2024-02-07REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILSMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-07NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 531270 Debt Repayment ₦232,127.89 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦230,127.89 M 2023-12-15 ₦2,000.00 2024-01-272024-02-07 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023809Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023808Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023807Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023806Closed2024-02-07DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-07NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611135338701 Debt Repayment ₦119,911.36 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦115,911.36 M 2023-08-09 ₦4,000.00 2023-10-082024-02-07 rasheedatlawalaa7428@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023805Closed2024-02-07#0015/02/24/0101200005490/MRA PART PAYMENT#MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-07NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 691952 Debt Repayment ₦59,940.99 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦37,440.99 M 2022-03-10 ₦22,500.00 2022-12-162024-02-07 samueldchun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023804Closed2024-02-07Request for debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-07NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 645019333001 Debt Repayment ₦56,270.89 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦30,270.89 M 2022-03-23 ₦26,000.00 2023-04-282024-02-07 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023803Closed2024-02-07CTsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-07NoApologies: 0101210325920 Clear Credit 0 3579 1660 5593 1342 9371 0101210325920 Clear Tamper 0 4468 6365 6414 1392 88632024-02-07 yusuphzainab52@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023802Closed2024-02-07REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILSMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-07NoHello, find below. 44000696482 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 776475 Debt Repayment ₦7,151.52 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦3,151.52 M 2023-12-14 ₦4,000.00 2024-02-07 44000478394 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 645696 Debt Repayment ₦66,719.06 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦22,719.06 M 2022-04-25 ₦44,000.00 2024-02-072024-02-07 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023801Closed2024-02-07REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILSMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-07NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 642542 Debt Repayment ₦112,870.75 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦80,870.75 M 2022-09-12 ₦32,000.00 2024-01-312024-02-07 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023800Closed2024-02-07Request for debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-07NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 754620 Debt Repayment ₦59,113.93 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦27,113.93 M 2022-09-14 ₦32,000.00 2024-01-262024-02-07 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023799Closed2024-02-07DEBT PPROFILE REQUEST 44000495372/ 645113023901MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-07NoHello, There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2024-02-07 joseph.tegwis@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023798Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023797Closed2024-02-07Debt statusMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-07NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 641403163301 Debt Repayment ₦362,048.85 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦362,048.85 M 2022-12-12 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-02-07 aleeyuibraheemahmad16@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023796Closed2024-02-07Request for KRN in respect of this account 0150001003584MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-07No61761793362630202289 294257677944554441782024-02-07 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023795Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023794In Progress2024-02-07KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-07No03956581377136026441 115604214380086491650000-00-00 mauwalu143@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023793Closed2024-02-07KrnMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-07No30427520550575468910 461176850545993609442024-02-07 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023792Closed2024-02-07#849/7/2/24# REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE..... 0101161058918MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-07NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6131624510-01 Debt Repayment ₦198,595.81 ₦-21,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦111,595.81 M 2020-01-15 ₦66,000.00 2024-02-062024-02-07 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023791Closed2024-02-07JED CCRM TFB/#02#136# request for Debt profile,MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-07NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 379116 Debt Repayment ₦219,189.40 ₦-58,260.12 ₦2,000.00 ₦98,929.28 M 2019-01-29 ₦62,000.00 2024-01-292024-02-07 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023790Closed2024-02-07DEBT PROFILE JED/CCRM/JMR/02/505 0101210105033MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-07NohELLO, FIND BELOW. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611135338701 Debt Repayment ₦119,911.36 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦115,911.36 M 2023-08-09 ₦4,000.00 2023-10-082024-02-07 mhauwa74@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023789ClosedKCT Request2024-02-07#0165/02/24#Request for kct 44000809267/842851 new installedMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-07NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 3045 8929 0853 7820 3529 3327 2491 9769 3565 5170 1 To 2 1356 0997 4170 7996 9487 0766 1983 5090 9110 31722024-02-07 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023788ClosedKCT Request2024-02-07#0166/02/24#Request for kct 44000809507/842849 new installedMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-07NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 6297 8123 1701 4767 8682 1627 4227 4614 5648 3190 1 To 2 2352 0666 4944 4562 8219 0514 2588 9426 6746 35002024-02-07 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023787ClosedKCT Request2024-02-07#0167/02/24# Request for kct 44000811578/842848 new installedMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-07NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 1239 5560 0346 7643 4836 5148 6487 5470 9139 6114 1 To 2 5515 3887 7708 0018 6395 7176 7459 4803 3026 32602024-02-07 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023786Closed2024-02-07#0289/02/24/0101161010596 & 54160902323/REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE#MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-07NoHello, find below. 0101161010596 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 510767 Debt Repayment ₦97,548.23 ₦-34,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2019-08-05 ₦63,548.23 2024-01-03 Closed & 54160902323 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 454279 Debt Repayment ₦248,368.52 ₦-76,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦108,368.52 M 2019-03-28 ₦64,000.00 2024-01-262024-02-07 samueldchun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023785ClosedKCT Request2024-02-07#0161/02/24# Request for kct 44000806917/842846 new installedMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-07NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 6425 3237 0559 0415 2215 5952 2261 8942 2192 9979 1 To 2 0346 5944 2557 8376 3505 4848 1265 2849 7808 54102024-02-07 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023784Closed2024-02-06Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-06No66251005248974584753 213806917598255908762024-02-06 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023783Closed2024-02-06Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-06No41656537695166920226 052878202354557201692024-02-06 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023782Closed2024-02-06REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-06NoHello, Find below 0150000962251 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 540051 Debt Repayment ₦71,924.74 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦37,924.74 M 2022-08-02 ₦34,000.00 2024-01-23 0150000947195 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 651231 Debt Repayment ₦82,750.66 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦66,750.66 M 2022-03-22 ₦16,000.00 2024-01-30 44000715662 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672101174501 Debt Repayment ₦84,210.25 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦76,210.25 M 2022-03-30 ₦8,000.00 2024-02-062024-02-06 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023781Closed2024-02-06REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE #0559/2/24#: 44000329506MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-06NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 701340 Debt Repayment ₦32,348.32 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦32,348.32 M 2023-12-25 ₦0.00 2024-01-052024-02-06 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023780Closed2024-02-06069/02/24/DEBT PROFILE REQUEST/0101210187189MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-06NoHello, find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 772645 Debt Repayment ₦15,818.03 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦9,818.03 M 2023-11-08 ₦6,000.00 2024-02-062024-02-06 agohabigail69@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023779Closed2024-02-06REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE #0557/2/24#: 0101210173015MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-06NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 529255 Debt Repayment ₦154,736.01 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦122,736.01 M 2022-10-25 ₦32,000.00 2024-02-052024-02-06 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023778Closed2024-02-06DEBT PROFILE JED/CCRM/JMR/02/497 0101170236844MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-06NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 421086 Debt Repayment ₦181,227.82 ₦-60,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦55,227.82 M 2019-05-03 ₦66,000.00 2024-02-032024-02-06 mhauwa74@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023777Closed2024-02-06DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-06NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 703393 Debt Repayment ₦27,125.78 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦27,125.78 M 2022-06-08 ₦0.00 2022-06-182024-02-06 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023776ClosedEvend Access2024-02-06Request for Acct No 843203 to be captured on evendMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-06NoHello, Treated2024-02-06 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023775Closed2024-02-06Debt profile: JED/CCRM/JMR/02/495MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-06NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611129058101 Debt Repayment ₦308,519.13 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦280,519.13 M 2022-12-07 ₦28,000.00 2024-02-052024-02-06 Umar Auwal
#00023774Closed2024-02-06DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-06NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 634410048901 Debt Repayment ₦440,732.43 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦440,732.43 M 2022-06-06 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-02-06 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023773Closed2024-02-06DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-06NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 478286 Debt Repayment ₦151,650.00 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦125,650.00 M 2023-01-25 ₦26,000.00 2024-02-062024-02-06 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023772Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023771Closed2024-02-06DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-06NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 435465 Debt Repayment ₦282,623.71 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦250,623.71 M 2022-10-24 ₦32,000.00 2024-02-062024-02-06 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023770Closed2024-02-06068/02/24/DEBT PROFILE REQUEST/0101210133449MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-06NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 692923 Debt Repayment ₦6,858.56 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2022-05-06 ₦6,858.56 2022-09-16 Closed2024-02-06 agohabigail69@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023769Closed2024-02-06Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-06NoHello, find below. 0101210082570 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 435127 Debt Repayment ₦269,610.64 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦247,610.64 M 2022-10-21 ₦22,000.00 2023-09-292024-02-06 addilelgi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023768Closed2024-02-06Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-06NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 650866 Debt Repayment ₦44,505.67 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦40,505.67 M 2022-03-30 ₦4,000.00 2022-05-222024-02-06 rasheedatlawalaa7428@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023767Closed2024-02-06#0014/02/24/0101210104184/REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE#MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-06NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 579432 Debt Repayment ₦114,992.43 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦82,992.43 M 2022-10-21 ₦32,000.00 2024-02-062024-02-06 samueldchun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023766Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023765Closed2024-02-06REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE #0554/2/24#: 95300226529MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-06NoHello, find below. 95300226529 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 655994 Debt Repayment ₦7,181.05 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦7,181.05 M 2023-06-14 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-02-06 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023764Closed2024-02-06REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE #826-----0101200085088MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-06NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 603784 Debt Repayment ₦62,120.41 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦58,120.41 M 2023-11-27 ₦4,000.00 2024-01-312024-02-06 umaymah1065@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023763Closed2024-02-06#0065/02/24#REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE/62321145575MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-06NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 803261 Debt Repayment ₦12,472.67 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦2,472.67 M 2023-09-29 ₦10,000.00 2024-02-062024-02-06 georgesamben123@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023762Closed2024-02-06Request for debt profile----#819/2/24----0101161015116MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-06NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 571541 Debt Repayment ₦126,584.61 ₦-27,500.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦39,084.61 M 2020-02-09 ₦60,000.00 2023-12-282024-02-06 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023761Closed2024-02-06REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-06NoHello, find below. 0150000958259 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 735220 Debt Repayment ₦49,642.31 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦3,642.31 M 2022-03-22 ₦46,000.00 2024-02-04 0150000957152 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672127019101 Debt Repayment ₦189,413.35 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦159,413.35 M 2022-08-19 ₦30,000.00 2023-11-14 0150000882889 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 493974 Debt Repayment ₦201,579.76 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦160,579.76 M 2022-03-22 ₦41,000.00 2024-02-032024-02-06 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023760ClosedKCT Request2024-02-06kctMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-06NoHello, find below. 1 To 2 6026 9057 3886 0517 0145 5567 9697 0547 4580 3777 2 To 1 7003 3016 7550 1093 3739 0014 2069 0617 5754 16552024-02-06 umarnasiruabdullahi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023759Closed2024-02-06DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-06NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 662676 Debt Repayment ₦97,088.68 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦37,088.68 M 2022-02-25 ₦60,000.00 2024-02-062024-02-06 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023758Closed2024-02-06Ticket: #0815# DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 0101170198713 / 6111840045-01MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-06NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6111840045-01 Debt Repayment ₦100,938.93 ₦-9,390.18 ₦2,000.00 ₦56,548.75 M 2019-01-17 ₦35,000.00 2024-02-062024-02-06 joseph.tegwis@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023757ClosedKCT Request2024-02-06REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-06NoHello, find below. KCT1: 3756 2310 3372 1227 6596 KCT2: 4556 6653 6637 6786 08002024-02-06 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023756Closed2024-02-06DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-06NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 538410 Debt Repayment ₦199,579.37 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦177,579.37 M 2023-01-11 ₦22,000.00 2023-12-222024-02-06 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023755Closed2024-02-06JED/CCRM/GDB/#02/203# DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-06NoHello, find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 634922 Debt Repayment ₦50,001.25 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦38,001.25 M 2023-08-01 ₦12,000.00 2024-02-062024-02-06 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023754ClosedKCT Request2024-02-06Request for KCT codeMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-06NoHello, find below. Kindly generate KCT code for the customers below sir 1) 0101205000546. Index= 0050, 99 To 1 6413 9766 8556 9652 5348 3712 6978 0339 3490 5259 3974 1241 0760 1893 2943 4907 6993 3770 3975 3907 krn=0001. 2) 0101210125973. Index=0045, krn=0001 45 To 1 2490 7918 3561 4206 5856 5841 3912 8773 8338 34492024-02-06 lukmanyak95@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023753Closed2024-02-06JED/CCRM/JMR/02/481 DEBT PROFILE: 0101210109456MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-06NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 600631 Debt Repayment ₦155,624.79 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦153,624.79 M 2024-01-23 ₦2,000.00 2024-02-022024-02-06 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023752Closed2024-02-06Debt 0150001003972MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-06NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 680665 Debt Repayment ₦40,115.00 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦22,115.00 M 2023-01-24 ₦18,000.00 2023-10-222024-02-06 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023751Closed2024-02-06REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILSMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-06NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 710729 Debt Repayment ₦40,566.60 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦566.60 M 2022-05-17 ₦40,000.00 2024-01-232024-02-06 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023750Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023749Closed2024-02-06Debt profile 0150001003972MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-06NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 680665 Debt Repayment ₦40,115.00 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦22,115.00 M 2023-01-24 ₦18,000.00 2023-10-222024-02-06 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023748Closed2024-02-06REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE.... 0101170363564MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-06NoHello, Apology please this is the corrct reply for ur request, There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment. thank you.2024-02-06 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023747Closed2024-02-06JED/CCRM/GDB/#01/180# REQUEST FOR KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-06No49478921831496931176 565893512305341308182024-02-06 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023746Closed2024-02-062NOS. DEBT PROFILE REQUESTSMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-06NoHello, find below. 0101190149209 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 713259 Debt Repayment ₦16,062.21 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦2,062.21 M 2023-01-11 ₦14,000.00 2024-01-21 0101200066732 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 684345 Debt Repayment ₦26,929.21 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦4,929.21 M 2023-03-31 ₦22,000.00 2024-02-042024-02-06 joseph.tegwis@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023745Closed2024-02-06Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-06NoHello, find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 561803 Debt Repayment ₦79,721.00 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦71,721.00 M 2023-10-27 ₦8,000.00 2024-02-052024-02-06 rasheedatlawalaa7428@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023744Closed2024-02-06JED/CCRM/JMR/02/479 DEBT PROFILE: 0101190132353MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-06NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 693026 Debt Repayment ₦25,705.13 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦23,705.13 M 2023-12-28 ₦2,000.00 2024-01-202024-02-06 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023743Closed2024-02-06Debt profileMedium 2024-02-06NoHello, find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 561803 Debt Repayment ₦79,721.00 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦71,721.00 M 2023-10-27 ₦8,000.00 2024-02-052024-02-06 rasheedatlawalaa7428@gmail.com
#00023742Closed2024-02-06JED/CCRM/JMR/02/474 DEBT PROFILE: 44000401065MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-06NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 637025 Debt Repayment ₦126,058.66 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦120,058.66 M 2022-08-16 ₦6,000.00 2022-11-30 821690 Debt Repayment ₦2,498.76 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦2,498.76 M 2024-01-24 ₦0.00 2024-01-282024-02-06 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023741Closed2024-02-06Debt profile:JED/CCRM/JMR/02/477MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-06NoHello, Find below 0101200089239 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 498058 Debt Repayment ₦249,957.54 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦229,957.54 M 2023-04-19 ₦20,000.00 2024-02-05 44000741692 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 754805 Debt Repayment ₦180,483.32 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦146,483.32 M 2022-08-11 ₦34,000.00 2024-01-122024-02-06 tkhadija028@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023740Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023739ClosedKCT Request2024-02-06KCT REQUEST: 0101170432526 (04 To 01)IT Umar Auwal2024-02-06NoHello, find below. 4 To 1 0813 7177 7474 5421 1759 2599 0251 5530 4149 53482024-02-06 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023738Closed2024-02-06JED/CCRM/JMR/02/ 475 and JED/CCRM/JMR/02/ 476 DEBT PROFILE: 0101190149209, 0101200066732MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-06NoHello, find below. 0101190149209, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 713259 Debt Repayment ₦16,062.21 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦2,062.21 M 2023-01-11 ₦14,000.00 2024-01-21 0101200066732 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 684345 Debt Repayment ₦26,929.21 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦4,929.21 M 2023-03-31 ₦22,000.00 2024-02-042024-02-06 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023737Closed2024-02-06UPDATED CLEAR TEMPER REQUEST AS AT 4/2/2024MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-06No0101175078803 0536 7789 6698 0923 9877 54160873391 2102 0843 6211 1673 0245 0101200072128 0270 6502 4358 5337 4960 57300015807 3702 6950 1714 4723 9895 0101238000588 1154 6213 5729 3551 45812024-02-06 mnasir.suleiman@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023736Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023735Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023734Closed2024-02-05798/5/2/2024#REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE..... 0101210170870MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-05NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 609638 Debt Repayment ₦137,592.04 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦109,592.04 M 2022-10-21 ₦28,000.00 2024-02-052024-02-05 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023733Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023732Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023731Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023730Closed2024-02-05#0043/02/24#REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE/0101210134116MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-05NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 591375 Debt Repayment ₦71,015.06 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦36,015.06 M 2022-05-17 ₦35,000.00 2024-02-052024-02-05 georgesamben123@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023729Closed2024-02-050044/02/24/REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE/0101210120792MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-05NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 658574 Debt Repayment ₦72,274.08 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦52,274.08 M 2023-03-28 ₦20,000.00 2024-01-182024-02-05 georgesamben123@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023728Closed2024-02-05047/02/24/DEBT PROFILE/0101210218935MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-05NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 574119 Refund ₦63,061.32 ₦0.00 ₦525.51 ₦57,806.22 M 2023-03-13 ₦5,255.10 2024-01-21 574119 Debt Repayment ₦574,119.00 ₦-333,497.06 ₦2,000.00 ₦240,621.94 M 2024-01-18 ₦0.00 2024-01-212024-02-05 agohabigail69@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023727Closed2024-02-05786/787/05/02/2024 REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-05NoHello find below. 0101210049777 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 713392 Debt Repayment ₦9,879.87 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦9,879.87 M 2023-12-06 ₦0.00 0000-00-00 0101210069783 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 440996 Debt Repayment ₦506,833.93 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦504,833.93 M 2023-12-06 ₦2,000.00 2024-01-102024-02-05 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023726Closed2024-02-05REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 54160861750MediumIT Umar Auwal0000-00-00NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6585062715-01 Debt Repayment ₦98,498.63 ₦-30,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦2,498.63 M 2019-04-27 ₦66,000.00 2024-02-052024-02-05 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023725Closed2024-02-05REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE #0530/2/24# : 0101170420927MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-05NoHelllo, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 479426 Debt Repayment ₦141,225.92 ₦-61,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦18,225.92 M 2019-01-30 ₦62,000.00 2024-01-292024-02-05 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023724Closed2024-02-05REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE----0101200086052MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-05NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 440876 Debt Repayment ₦352,984.25 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦320,984.25 M 2022-07-25 ₦32,000.00 2023-11-202024-02-05 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023723Closed2024-02-050101170422519MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-05NoHello, find below. 21 To 1 5090 5589 4655 2713 8664 5593 6003 4387 6206 13472024-02-05 johnny007emmanuel@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023722Closed2024-02-05Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-05NoHello, find below. 44000665073 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 775901 Debt Repayment ₦37,542.40 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦25,542.40 M 2023-08-20 ₦12,000.00 2024-02-02 0101210085607 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 701172 Debt Repayment ₦36,394.20 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦6,394.20 M 2022-10-18 ₦30,000.00 2024-01-31 0101210009375 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 784147 Debt Repayment ₦19,675.10 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦13,675.10 M 2023-11-27 ₦6,000.00 2024-02-02 0101170128595 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 474808 Debt Repayment ₦212,859.22 ₦-40,500.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦108,359.22 M 2020-03-27 ₦64,000.00 2024-01-22 0101170205922 There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2024-02-05 mustaphamaryam67@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023721Closed2024-02-05DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-05NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 667400 Debt Repayment ₦40,405.25 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦10,405.25 M 2022-09-12 ₦30,000.00 2024-01-082024-02-05 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023720ClosedKCT Request2024-02-05Request for KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-05NoHello, find below. 1 To 2 2778 6646 7383 5814 5234 2527 0373 7253 1037 5514 2 To 1 6035 6069 9191 8280 2240 4804 7424 8353 1584 82792024-02-05 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023719Closed2024-02-05REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE.. .54161027047MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-02-05NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 440427 Debt Repayment ₦118,220.83 ₦-13,000.00 ₦15,000.00 ₦105,220.83 V 2017-10-26 ₦0.00 2021-05-312024-02-05 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023718Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023717Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023716Closed2024-01-23KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-23No02247543005964258250 716457824410014209362024-01-23 jubilant95@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023715Closed2024-01-23K r nMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-23No00698249068064573878 133552684358327833212024-01-23 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023714Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023713Closed2024-01-19DEBT PROFILE 62122003775 #0322/01/24#MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-19NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 677936 Refund ₦63,061.32 ₦0.00 ₦525.51 ₦57,806.22 M 2023-03-13 ₦5,255.10 2024-01-19 677936 Debt Repayment ₦77,165.47 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦73,165.47 M 2023-11-22 ₦4,000.00 2024-01-192024-01-19 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023712Closed2024-01-19REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-19NoHello, find below. 0150000967417 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 735270 Debt Repayment ₦46,386.77 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦2,386.77 M 2022-03-11 ₦44,000.00 2024-01-11 0150000954837 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 658757 Debt Repayment ₦54,706.59 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦10,706.59 M 2022-03-10 ₦44,000.00 2024-01-14 0150000972553 This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2024-01-19 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023711Closed2024-01-19Request for Debt profile for 0101190154779MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-19NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 745352 Debt Repayment ₦18,975.35 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2023-03-29 ₦18,975.35 2024-01-18 Closed2024-01-19 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023710ClosedKCT Request2024-01-19Kct 21to1MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-19NoHello, find below. 21 To 1 5500 1131 0376 7005 4364 3755 7182 6584 6092 12612024-01-19 musbahuzakari080@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023709Closed2024-01-19#0080/01/24# Request for debt profile 95300217007 / 54843MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-19NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 59843 Debt Repayment ₦422,000.18 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦392,000.18 M 2022-10-14 ₦30,000.00 2024-01-182024-01-19 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023708Closed2024-01-19#0004/01/2024# REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 62420214561MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-19NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6214200410-01 Debt Repayment ₦229,219.18 ₦-159,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦6,219.18 M 2017-03-01 ₦64,000.00 2024-01-122024-01-19 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023707ClosedKCT Request2024-01-19Kct requestMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-19NoHello, 0101178020489 1 To 2 1958 5588 7701 5491 5697 6362 9077 7674 8135 3206 2 To 1 2638 2199 8268 5524 0994 5757 0110 1806 8094 37122024-01-19 rasheedatlawalaa7428@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023706Closed2024-01-19Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-19NoHello, There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2024-01-19 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023705Closed2024-01-19Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-19NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612634040901 Debt Repayment ₦142,443.51 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦124,443.51 M 2023-04-27 ₦18,000.00 2024-01-102024-01-19 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023704Closed2024-01-19JED/CCRM/JMR/01/246 DEBT PROFILE : 0101180035046MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-19NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 680802 Debt Repayment ₦8,474.82 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2022-02-11 ₦8,474.82 2022-11-17 Closed 680802 Refund ₦48,263.38 ₦0.00 ₦402.19 ₦45,448.05 M 2023-03-13 ₦2,815.33 2023-10-262024-01-19 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023703Closed2024-01-19OutstandingMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-19NohELLO, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611803980801 Debt Repayment ₦959,951.39 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦951,951.39 M 2023-09-26 ₦8,000.00 2024-01-172024-01-19 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023702Closed2024-01-19KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-19NoDear Gata, Find below, 47944363215651715931 044597390646383869932024-01-19 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023701Closed2024-01-19Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-19NoDear Bangis, Find below, 57300002623 tr 02 15960782546249083602 34421283290586679562 0101190003703 tr 04 25259986306124781003 61207135830779907626 44000353639 tr 04 01001009245650468210 61552465611645459619 0101210047953 tr 45 42175522253902450833 16486616611536843901 0101161022252 tr 02 59625493004603070320 12931767577722028150 Regard.2024-01-19 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023700Closed2024-01-19Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-19NoDear Bangis, Find below, 62321138638 tr 21 54406816928255761799 14492279248515355715 44000360774 tr 01 00015697405224497163 250434717498056103112024-01-19 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023699Closed2024-01-19Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-19NoDear Bangis, Find below, 11208896869659047828 007456327134132633542024-01-19 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023698Closed2024-01-19Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-19NoDear Bangis, Find below, 11208896869659047828 007456327134132633542024-01-19 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023697Closed2024-01-19Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-19NoDear Yamusa, Find below, 15702779192637197849 386163301573811127472024-01-19 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023696Closed2024-01-19KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-19NoDear Gata, Find below, 61495376280828806679 139195388248664782642024-01-19 muhammad.usman@jedplc.comv Umar Auwal
#00023695Closed2024-01-19Request for Debt profile for 0101180035046MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-19NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 680802 Debt Repayment ₦8,474.82 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2022-02-11 ₦8,474.82 2022-11-17 Closed 680802 Refund ₦48,263.38 ₦0.00 ₦402.19 ₦45,448.05 M 2023-03-13 ₦2,815.33 2023-10-262024-01-19 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023694Closed2024-01-19#0003/01/24#DEBT PROFILE /0101170275990.MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-19NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 578021 Debt Repayment ₦166,772.77 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦148,772.77 M 2023-04-04 ₦18,000.00 2024-01-162024-01-19 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023693ClosedKCT Request2024-01-19Request for KRN KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-19No55900722928123746456 261561443513813649072024-01-19 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023692Closed2024-01-19Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-19NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 615115249901 Debt Repayment ₦169,190.51 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦127,190.51 M 2022-04-06 ₦42,000.00 2024-01-192024-01-19 maryamibrahim1300@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023691Closed2024-01-19Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-19NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 651593182101 Debt Repayment ₦753,253.62 ₦0.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦723,253.62 M 2023-08-18 ₦30,000.00 2023-11-232024-01-19 mupeejay12@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023690Closed2024-01-19Request for debt details for 62321103129MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-19NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 636196055001 Debt Repayment ₦787,215.95 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦787,215.95 M 2023-08-01 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-01-19 shukrah55@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023689Closed2024-01-19REQUESTING FOR DEBT PROFILE OF THOSE MSN: 54161011884 AND 44000568202MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-19NoHello, find below. 54161011884 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6126015947-01 Debt Repayment ₦157,008.11 ₦-89,500.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,508.11 M 2018-02-14 ₦62,000.00 2023-12-08 AND 44000568202 ​ Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 679031 Debt Repayment ₦81,156.91 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦75,156.91 M 2023-09-25 ₦6,000.00 2023-12-16 ​2024-01-19 yuzarsif331122@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023688Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023687Closed2024-01-19REQUEST FOR KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-19No04052574824378596183 243087600380728780462024-01-19 thompsontor@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023686Closed2024-01-19Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-19NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 699223 Debt Repayment ₦73,724.56 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦73,724.56 M 2023-11-20 ₦0.00 2023-11-272024-01-19 tkhadija028@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023685Closed2024-01-19REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 0101190031365MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-19NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 516798 Debt Repayment ₦300,104.69 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦257,604.69 M 2022-08-24 ₦42,500.00 2024-01-162024-01-19 umaymah1065@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023684Closed2024-01-19Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-19NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 662161418201 Debt Repayment ₦249,154.74 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦213,154.74 M 2022-07-22 ₦36,000.00 2024-01-162024-01-19 georgesamben123@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023683Closed2024-01-19Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-19NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612657002301 Debt Repayment ₦526,617.57 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦516,617.57 M 2023-07-28 ₦10,000.00 2023-12-302024-01-19 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023682Closed2024-01-19Request for debt statusMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-19NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 650270 Debt Repayment ₦93,653.05 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦53,653.05 M 2022-05-05 ₦40,000.00 2024-01-022024-01-19 fauzee.fh@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023681Closed2024-01-19Request For outstanding Balance meter no 0101210163784MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-19NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 662251330801 Debt Repayment ₦261,270.01 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦245,270.01 M 2023-04-26 ₦16,000.00 2023-12-222024-01-19 benmercyladi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023680Closed2024-01-19Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-19NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 61319103709-01 Debt Repayment ₦2,544,563.61 ₦-1,980,002.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦254,561.61 M 2017-11-16 ₦310,000.00 2024-01-162024-01-19 maryamibrahim1300@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023679Closed2024-01-19Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-19No44000811495 35877508091708671731 16965417833676933626 44000813269 67662417941886293186 36525036224841306018 010117039507938959315817452646455 554850280619823489962024-01-19 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023678Closed2024-01-19DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-19NoHello, There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2024-01-19 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023677Closed2024-01-19DEBT PROFILE: 0101210148157, 0101210081283MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-19NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 752245 Debt Repayment ₦22,136.86 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦22,136.86 M 2023-06-01 ₦0.00 0000-00-00 0101210081283 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 488072 Debt Repayment ₦257,938.14 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦251,938.14 M 2023-08-07 ₦6,000.00 2023-11-302024-01-19 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023676Closed2024-01-19REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE........ 0101210331159MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-19NoHello, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 675502 Refund ₦63,061.32 ₦0.00 ₦525.51 ₦57,806.22 M 2023-03-13 ₦5,255.10 2024-01-182024-01-19 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023675ClosedKCT Request2024-01-19Request for kct in respect of this account 62321102121 from tariff index 01MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-19NoHello, find below. 1 To 55 4511 6161 0483 8760 6673 2984 7632 7569 4195 80752024-01-19 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023674ClosedVending History2024-01-19Vendor historyMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-19NoHello, find below. # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 1883168725698124 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-06-20 11:29:41 Meter No.: 0101210003659 Account No.: 623818081701 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦418.60 Energy Cost: ₦5,581.40 KwH: 81.35 Amount Tendered: ₦6,000.00 3988 9985 3044 3590 5562 2 Transaction ID: 4616168373276624 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-05-10 16:32:46 Meter No.: 0101210003659 Account No.: 623818081701 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦418.60 Energy Cost: ₦5,581.40 KwH: 81.35 Amount Tendered: ₦6,000.00 6486 8372 1529 7246 6390 3 Transaction ID: 9142168122249824 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-04-11 15:14:58 Meter No.: 0101210003659 Account No.: 623818081701 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦418.60 Energy Cost: ₦5,581.40 KwH: 81.35 Amount Tendered: ₦6,000.00 3492 3881 7082 6021 3038 4 Transaction ID: 4866167880496824 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-03-14 15:42:48 Meter No.: 0101210003659 Account No.: 623818081701 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦418.60 Energy Cost: ₦5,581.40 KwH: 81.35 Amount Tendered: ₦6,000.00 1146 6034 1208 2399 3903 5 Transaction ID: 3487167595438824 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-02-09 15:53:08 Meter No.: 0101210003659 Account No.: 623818081701 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦418.60 Energy Cost: ₦5,581.40 KwH: 81.35 Amount Tendered: ₦6,000.00 1873 8461 5832 5089 5876 6 Transaction ID: 7875167327628424 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-01-09 15:58:04 Meter No.: 0101210003659 Account No.: 623818081701 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦418.60 Energy Cost: ₦5,581.40 KwH: 81.35 Amount Tendered: ₦6,000.00 1591 5288 1182 1581 2004 7 Transaction ID: 5681166160868124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-08-27 14:58:01 Meter No.: 0101210003659 Account No.: 623818081701 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 33.67 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 6249 2902 6031 7666 1938 8 Transaction ID: 9871163671484924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-12 12:00:49 Meter No.: 0101210003659 Account No.: 623818081701 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 36.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 6267 8643 7895 6211 85472024-01-19 avalumundestiny651@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023673Closed2024-01-19DEBT PROFILE: 95300159191, 0101190023537MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-19NoHello, find below. 95300159191, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 705663 Debt Repayment ₦56,157.57 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦56,157.57 M 2022-03-10 ₦0.00 0000-00-00 0101190023537 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 717581 Debt Repayment ₦9,137.53 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2023-08-09 ₦9,137.53 2024-01-10 Closed2024-01-19 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023672OpenKCT Request0000-00-00KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-19No99 To 1 4977 9579 2692 7518 9398 0051 6447 7919 6017 71332024-01-19 Umar Auwal
#00023671Closed2024-01-19#0010/01/24# DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 0101200078794 / 645320MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-19NoHello, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 645320 Debt Repayment ₦78,582.55 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦32,582.55 M 2022-02-28 ₦46,000.00 2024-01-152024-01-19 joseph.tegwis@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023670Closed2024-01-19REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE----0101200084180MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-19NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611131031901 Debt Repayment ₦506,876.87 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦504,876.87 M 2023-11-24 ₦2,000.00 2023-12-142024-01-19 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023669Closed2024-01-19KRN REQUEST 44000523942MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-19No69261210801114655284 268158568781305081492024-01-19 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023668ClosedKCT Request2024-01-19Kindly assist with debt enquiry of 44000329084MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-19NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 650363 Debt Repayment ₦27,802.85 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦27,802.85 M 2022-06-10 ₦0.00 2022-06-202024-01-19 aliyasalihuibrahim@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023667ClosedKCT Request2024-01-19KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-19NoHello, 1 To 2 6926 4628 1740 6729 9903 6513 8616 0073 1614 5727 2 To 1 2287 5073 8631 6899 5005 1011 5041 6822 4308 14832024-01-19 yakubaliyu82@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023666Closed2024-01-19Request for debt statusMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-19NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 583637 Debt Repayment ₦83,678.25 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦43,678.25 M 2022-05-18 ₦40,000.00 2024-01-112024-01-19 fauzee.fh@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023665Closed2024-01-19Request for debt profile 0101170385088MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-19NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6129013776-01 Debt Repayment ₦289,269.12 ₦-4,477.20 ₦2,500.00 ₦204,791.92 M 2019-01-17 ₦80,000.00 2024-01-092024-01-19 umaymah1065@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023664In ProgressKCT Request2024-01-19REQUEST FOR K C TMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-19NoHello, find below. 1 To 2 6081 3987 3053 3401 4634 5143 3204 1340 2202 1375 2 To 1 5674 1606 7323 1227 8126 2066 6489 5858 1534 96670000-00-00 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023663Closed2024-01-19DEBT PROFILE 0101210172728MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-19NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 585601 Debt Repayment ₦270,083.94 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦252,083.94 M 2022-10-19 ₦18,000.00 2023-07-122024-01-19 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023662Closed2024-01-19REQUESTING FOR DEBT PROFILE OF 44000400760MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-19NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612901158501 Debt Repayment ₦291,868.66 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦291,868.66 M 2022-08-11 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-01-19 yuzarsif331122@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023661Closed2024-01-19Request for debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-19NoIT Support THU JAN 18 12:10 PM INBOX aishatu mahmoud,support,fauzee.FH,ZAINAB ABUBAKAR,abjaleel3 Hello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 675625 Debt Repayment ₦96,102.67 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦54,102.67 M 2022-04-21 ₦42,000.00 2024-01-182024-01-19 Umar Auwal
#00023660Closed2024-01-19DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-19NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612630041401 Debt Repayment ₦215,145.89 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦199,145.89 M 2023-05-18 ₦16,000.00 2024-01-182024-01-19 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023659Closed2024-01-19REQUEST FOR KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-19No46123152367470877883 432286235045690613772024-01-19 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023658ClosedKCT Request2024-01-19KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-19NoKCT1: 0323 3429 2176 9751 8015 KCT2: 2991 7664 0363 6264 53352024-01-19 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023657Closed2024-01-19Request for KRN 54150629217MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-19No63920057500413377567 716376838227876274552024-01-19 mupeejay12@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023656Closed2024-01-19Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-19No65905769528466323271 004305039352545463252024-01-19 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023655Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023654Closed2024-01-19REQUEST FOR KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-19No52478738947174045102 609479557797047094382024-01-19 thompsontor@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023653Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023652Closed2024-01-18DEBT PROFILE: 0101190151551MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 530648 Debt Repayment ₦188,465.28 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦170,465.28 M 2023-03-31 ₦18,000.00 2023-12-272024-01-18 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023651Closed2024-01-18Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18No06488324141338677239 424307105608328768192024-01-18 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023650Closed2024-01-18Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18No37225795288687061057 581099405344406365082024-01-18 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023649Closed2024-01-18CLEAR TEMPER REQUEST AS AT 15/12/2023MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoFind below, 54160956378 Clear Tamper 0 5423 5192 5794 1252 2009 54160952237 Clear Tamper 0 0350 2320 2419 1429 0066 0101160002321 Clear Tamper 0 2941 8583 9085 7916 1148 0101175077029 Clear Tamper 0 5789 9432 4019 0696 8789 0101170133165 Clear Tamper 0 3616 2546 3321 9443 70112024-01-18 mnasir.suleiman@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023648Closed2024-01-18Request for debt profile 44000623759Medium 2024-01-18NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 790982 Debt Repayment ₦10,338.57 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦2,338.57 M 2023-08-20 ₦8,000.00 2023-12-232024-01-18 lucky.akpobi@jedplc.com
#00023647Closed2024-01-18Request for debt profile 44000623759MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 790982 Debt Repayment ₦10,338.57 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦2,338.57 M 2023-08-20 ₦8,000.00 2023-12-232024-01-18 lucky.akpobi@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023646ClosedKCT Request2024-01-18Request for KCT- 0101161058512MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, KCT1: 0020 1611 5457 5100 1832 KCT2: 0301 3102 1412 4087 23112024-01-18 lucky.akpobi@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023645ClosedKCT Request2024-01-18Request for kct,MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below 21 To 1 6037 5687 0546 0268 4382 4290 2031 2316 2446 43762024-01-18 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023644Closed2024-01-18Total outstandingMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 594862 Debt Repayment ₦105,902.05 ₦-30,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦69,902.05 M 2020-03-06 ₦6,000.00 2021-08-062024-01-18 mauwalu143@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023643ClosedKCT Request2024-01-18KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below 21 To 1 7068 3423 8486 2543 1084 6852 9217 3306 4641 63582024-01-18 mauwalu143@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023642Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023641ClosedKCT Request2024-01-18KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below. 1 To 2 6430 6489 6821 7221 7827 0604 1940 0754 8453 7399 2 To 1 3328 7251 2529 8214 2194 0805 2521 7736 3534 37002024-01-18 yakubaliyu82@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023640Closed2024-01-18Tariff index 33MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below. 33 To 1 6210 9132 6489 8864 7574 3772 1389 9408 8392 15632024-01-18 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023639Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023638Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023637Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023636Closed2024-01-18Request for debt profile---44000578110MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 802012 Debt Repayment ₦20,854.11 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦2,854.11 M 2023-03-27 ₦18,000.00 2023-12-222024-01-18 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023635Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023634Closed2024-01-18DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 0101190133674MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612208892601 Debt Repayment ₦671,834.12 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦653,834.12 M 2023-03-29 ₦18,000.00 2023-12-172024-01-18 joseph.tegwis@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023633ClosedKCT Request2024-01-18Request for kct,MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 5334 4297 9269 0765 1550 0338 7508 3400 2576 47032024-01-18 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023632Closed2024-01-18REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPER FOR THIS ACCOUNT 54161169237MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18No54161169237Clear Tamper06035 1674 2311 6038 85922024-01-18 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023631Closed2024-01-18REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPERMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18No4000414852 Clear Tamper 0 0579 4599 0845 8916 0407 0150000933724Clear Tamper 3092 7647 8149 0974 9525 0150000942105 Clear Tamper 0 1863 1695 9743 1396 11592024-01-18 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023630Closed2024-01-18REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 824667 Refund ₦63,061.32 ₦0.00 ₦525.51 ₦58,331.73 M 2023-03-13 ₦4,729.59 2023-12-21 824667 Refund ₦63,061.32 ₦0.00 ₦525.51 ₦58,331.73 M 2023-03-13 ₦4,729.59 2023-12-212024-01-18 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023629ClosedKCT Request2024-01-18K c tMedium 2024-01-18No0150000859895 index 2 2 To 1 6481 6903 8151 7312 3659 0773 0633 0143 2058 3560 0150300009936 index 36 36 To 1 3342 6215 7939 4542 9246 7171 9767 8568 8621 90332024-01-18 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com
#00023628Closed2024-01-18K r n tariff index 1MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18No54816854446380799909 729199873043927749942024-01-18 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023627Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023626Closed2024-01-18KRN REQUEST: 44000583060MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18No01657662728702376871 427486331261297041002024-01-18 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023625ClosedKCT Request2024-01-18KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below. 21 To 1 2942 7574 8101 3053 4054 4729 0529 6604 1234 44592024-01-18 mauwalu143@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023624Closed2024-01-18Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 475829 Debt Repayment ₦102,600.69 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦64,600.69 M 2022-05-04 ₦38,000.00 2023-12-272024-01-18 georgesamben123@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023623Closed2024-01-18REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE: 0101210096661MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 491295 Debt Repayment ₦53,650.34 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦41,650.34 M 2022-10-18 ₦12,000.00 2023-05-242024-01-18 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023622ClosedKCT Request2024-01-18KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find velow. 21 To 1 5870 8296 4545 3854 4574 0958 6162 5457 4825 75952024-01-18 mauwalu143@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023621ClosedKCT Request2024-01-18KCT REQUEST: 0101215015286 (21 TO 01)vMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below. 21 To 1 1435 3134 3721 5040 0923 2168 8792 1793 8132 40002024-01-18 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023620ClosedKCT Request2024-01-18KCT REQUEST 44000376135 from 4 TO 1MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below. 4 To 1 2892 6516 8015 2707 1809 6118 0160 8495 7885 62502024-01-18 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023619Closed2024-01-18Request for debt profile 95300218773MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 510833 Debt Repayment ₦360,964.66 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦344,964.66 M 2022-04-08 ₦16,000.00 2022-12-312024-01-18 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023618ClosedKCT Request2024-01-18KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below. 1 To 55 4187 5213 8816 0308 2770 3267 5358 2745 6863 9497 55 To 1 4857 3916 9261 4305 6033 5472 0925 5121 8741 09022024-01-18 yuzarsif331122@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023617Closed2024-01-18REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE.MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672178200701 Debt Repayment ₦44,429.57 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦20,429.57 M 2022-07-29 ₦24,000.00 2023-12-232024-01-18 mabmusaid88@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023616ClosedKCT Request2024-01-18KctIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, 08122625481176455689 669966043458354712002024-01-18 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023615Closed2024-01-18Request for krnMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18No44000808145 39624287265351240462 38256987965223000508 44000811958 29944697928412803534 195161857332651312042024-01-18 thompsontor@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023614Closed2024-01-18Does not exist for KRN upgradeMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18No11500032276388588929 467737253049001272082024-01-18 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023613Closed2024-01-18KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18No47147850782443565611 307589784555992665542024-01-18 mauwalu143@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023612Closed2024-01-18KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18No37148640840285479085 591336119637093846492024-01-18 mauwalu143@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023611Closed2024-01-18Request for debt details for 0150300015062MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2024-01-18 shukrah55@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023610Closed2024-01-18Request for outstanding debtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 437362 Debt Repayment ₦322,738.47 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦288,738.47 M 2022-07-22 ₦34,000.00 2023-12-262024-01-18 fauzee.fh@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023609ClosedKCT Request2024-01-18REQUEST FOR KCT FIRST RECHARGE - 0101220155812MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NohELLO, KCT1: 2112 7218 8548 1349 2393 KCT2: 3781 8569 1272 6060 62442024-01-18 phartiemah12@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023608Closed2024-01-18Request for debt details for 0150300012062MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 636114297201 Debt Repayment ₦88,635.25 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦53,635.25 M 2022-06-21 ₦35,000.00 2023-08-062024-01-18 shukrah55@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023607ClosedKCT Request2024-01-18REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below. 44300053012 = tariff index (1) KCT1: 0546 8347 8927 3761 4717 KCT2: 4731 1259 5832 2952 0238 44300053939 = tariff index (1) KCT1: 3201 7480 6582 6319 9219 KCT2: 1148 0189 7679 7685 18502024-01-18 hamzaadamu64@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023606ClosedKCT Request2024-01-18KCT: 0101170389346 (21 TO 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below. 21 To 1 2287 9195 4974 0506 3083 7057 3529 1243 7148 71452024-01-18 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023605Closed2024-01-18DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 645844 Debt Repayment ₦43,720.00 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦21,720.00 M 2023-01-25 ₦22,000.00 2023-12-112024-01-18 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023604ClosedKCT Request2024-01-18KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below 0101215002979 2 To 1 6859 0651 1438 2105 0076 6832 5691 8910 1686 0821 0101215140167 2 To 1 3973 2013 0316 8340 7796 0569 4898 0969 2763 26732024-01-18 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023603Closed2024-01-18Does not exist for KRN upgradeMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18No61842515398665212616 351644026827973700002024-01-18 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023602Closed2024-01-18Does not exist for KRN upgradeMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18No46514248480661087121 493128767760774706972024-01-18 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023601Closed2024-01-18Request for KRN New metersMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18No44000759850 T1 38424031283816447662 65035338790427700448 44000764413 T1 12681631367853683046 34973526655128331595 44000762003 T1 35976951526314470484 59057723357048379287 44000752111 T1 63241699882678728747 17476758968342484200 44000763456 T1 19639902152955482577 437535238943444000602024-01-18 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023600Closed2024-01-18Request for KRN New metersMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18No44000747608 T1 44000758738 T1 37717451358730325269 07858427959054091262 44000740504 T1 66481457976931433304 07752590252446977540 44000754968 T1 43888498747778666089 08305317687616717657 44000740389 T1 71340947869530893707 341480470426015530812024-01-18 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023599Closed2024-01-18Request for KRN New metersMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18No44000751105 48864381196958060258 28946022437977096920 44000767408 36726937238669326468 044621109383748274762024-01-18 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023598ClosedKCT Request2024-01-18Required for krn kct numberMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18No07402338935702743700 514394312879645197802024-01-18 shehumyusuf51@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023597Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023596Closed2024-01-18Debt statusMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 771195 Debt Repayment ₦4,936.92 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦4,936.92 M 2023-12-11 ₦0.00 2023-12-252024-01-18 ashanafagain@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023595Closed2024-01-18Request for debt profile,MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, Search: Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 697196 Debt Repayment ₦3,512.87 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦-487.13 M 2020-10-10 ₦4,000.00 2021-07-12 Closed 697196 Debt Repayment ₦1,602.29 ₦0.00 ₦1,602.29 ₦0.00 M 2022-06-01 ₦1,602.29 2022-07-20 Closed 697196 Refund ₦48,263.38 ₦0.00 ₦402.19 ₦44,241.48 M 2023-03-13 ₦4,021.90 2024-01-182024-01-18 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023594Closed2024-01-18Debt statusMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 745995 Debt Repayment ₦68,256.95 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦36,256.95 M 2022-09-19 ₦32,000.00 2024-01-162024-01-18 ashanafagain@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023593Closed2024-01-18#0361/01/24# DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 0101200086649 / 716941MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 716941 Debt Repayment ₦12,857.43 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦12,857.43 M 2023-12-07 ₦0.00 2023-12-292024-01-18 joseph.tegwis@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023592Closed2024-01-18Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 658214 Debt Repayment ₦110,967.18 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦90,967.18 M 2023-03-30 ₦20,000.00 2024-01-182024-01-18 tkhadija028@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023591Closed2024-01-18KRN REQUEST: 0101210091266MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18No72760702896402676196 322628638705309028562024-01-18 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023590Closed2024-01-18Debt profile 44000592798MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello,find below. ​ Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 653267 Debt Repayment ₦74,825.27 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦64,825.27 M 2023-06-15 ₦10,000.00 2023-11-15 ​2024-01-18 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023589Closed2024-01-18REQUEST FOR KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18No42053271414051870742 419774221986944580992024-01-18 thompsontor@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023588ClosedKCT Request2024-01-18KCtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below. 3 To 1 0664 3277 7487 3134 5423 4240 3829 5169 9887 73912024-01-18 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023587Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023586Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023585Closed2024-01-18REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE---0101200094395,0101161014659 & 0101170302216MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below. 0101200094395 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611245127501 Debt Repayment ₦98,319.99 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦65,319.99 M 2022-04-11 ₦33,000.00 2023-12-19 ,0101161014659 This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number 0101170302216 ​ Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 440768 Debt Repayment ₦188,428.91 ₦-43,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦83,428.91 M 2019-11-05 ₦62,000.00 2023-12-23 ​2024-01-18 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023584Closed2024-01-18REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE----0101200034193MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 536141 Debt Repayment ₦177,013.97 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦157,013.97 M 2022-03-30 ₦20,000.00 2023-01-052024-01-18 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023583Closed2024-01-18K r n tariff index 33MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18No23578924759074859187 643181223977097653342024-01-18 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023582ClosedKCT Request2024-01-18KCT REQUESTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below. 44000984862 tariff index 1 KCT1: 5772 1922 5492 2587 4211 KCT2: 1049 1467 0133 0475 7897 44000984789 tariff index 1 KCT1: 6325 1728 3424 8332 0887 KCT2: 7353 4057 0098 6605 4285 44000981827 tariff index 1 KCT1: 6135 7981 9418 8933 7608 KCT2: 1577 2843 1385 0663 0665 44000981264 tariff index 1 KCT1: 2756 3508 2161 8790 0456 KCT2: 3879 4237 9891 1131 5590 0101205008234 tariff index 2 KCT1: 0736 9280 5772 9763 5615 KCT2: 2088 9029 6880 4592 8718 44000982445 tariff index 1 KCT1: 5609 9925 3442 0440 2817 KCT2: 2834 8199 7316 9004 3708 44000572832 tariff index 1 2 To 1 3120 5889 9257 5615 8445 5645 6267 8001 9500 7350 1 To 2 6896 6321 1785 4062 2078 1062 4903 6902 2180 7260 44000690154 tariff index 1 to 99 1 To 99 0635 6694 6938 6570 1718 1886 8952 5850 4505 15442024-01-18 aliyu.difa@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023581Closed2024-01-18DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 647173 Debt Repayment ₦42,284.18 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦42,284.18 M 2022-05-16 ₦0.00 2022-05-242024-01-18 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023580Closed2024-01-18DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 489672 Debt Repayment ₦117,261.27 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦83,261.27 M 2022-07-04 ₦34,000.00 2023-12-232024-01-18 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023579ClosedKCT Request2024-01-18Request for kct 0163211093535MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2024-01-18 lucky.akpobi@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023578ClosedKCT Request2024-01-18REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below. 44000984805 = tariff index (1) KCT1: 0445 4787 6320 5841 8163 KCT2: 4337 8514 0019 9183 8549 44000984862 = tariff index (1 ) KCT1: 5772 1922 5492 2587 4211 KCT2: 1049 1467 0133 0475 78972024-01-18 hamzaadamu64@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023577Closed2024-01-18Request for Debt profile for 0101190011730MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 691068 Debt Repayment ₦1,602.29 ₦0.00 ₦1,602.29 ₦0.00 M 2022-02-11 ₦1,602.29 2022-03-04 Closed 691068 Refund ₦48,263.38 ₦0.00 ₦402.19 ₦48,263.38 M 2023-03-13 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-01-18 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023576ClosedKCT Request2024-01-18K c t new meterMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 5615 0013 4869 0245 7916 0335 1492 9626 9174 4469 1 To 2 6164 1508 3694 0390 5837 3771 2870 5420 1514 02252024-01-18 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023575Closed2024-01-18REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 62420222986MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 462223 Debt Repayment ₦111,977.37 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦81,977.37 M 2022-09-15 ₦30,000.00 2023-12-192024-01-18 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023574Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023573ClosedKCT Request2024-01-18K c tMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 5615 0013 4869 0245 7916 0335 1492 9626 9174 4469 1 To 2 6164 1508 3694 0390 5837 3771 2870 5420 1514 02252024-01-18 Umar Auwal
#00023572Closed2024-01-18Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 772249 Debt Repayment ₦12,704.32 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2023-05-17 ₦12,704.32 2023-12-28 Closed2024-01-18 georgesamben123@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023571Closed2024-01-18REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 62321070146MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 782296 Debt Repayment ₦25,244.70 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦25,244.70 M 2023-07-28 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-01-18 umaymah1065@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023570Closed2024-01-18Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 772249 Debt Repayment ₦12,704.32 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2023-05-17 ₦12,704.32 2023-12-28 Closed2024-01-18 georgesamben123@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023569Closed2024-01-18REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 54161086936MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below/ Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6218310846-01 Debt Repayment ₦117,770.37 ₦-63,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2019-02-12 ₦54,770.37 2023-09-28 Closed2024-01-18 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023568Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023567Closed2024-01-18DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6242251285-01 Debt Repayment ₦196,312.64 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦118,812.64 M 2020-03-19 ₦77,500.00 2023-12-262024-01-18 toranyiinkator14@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023566Closed2024-01-18Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below. 95300411857 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 819854 Debt Repayment ₦5,668.48 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦3,668.48 M 2023-12-26 ₦2,000.00 2024-01-16 0101170307439 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 501942 Debt Repayment ₦231,147.92 ₦-53,130.06 ₦2,000.00 ₦114,017.86 M 2019-03-11 ₦64,000.00 2024-01-132024-01-18 maryamibrahim1300@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023565Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023564Closed2024-01-18DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 0101205019785MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 440399 Debt Repayment ₦366,656.35 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦311,656.35 M 2022-03-10 ₦55,000.00 2024-01-122024-01-18 joseph.tegwis@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023563Closed2024-01-18Debt Profile RequestMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello,find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 662251111701 Debt Repayment ₦96,022.72 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦60,022.72 M 2022-07-22 ₦36,000.00 2024-01-152024-01-18 agohabigail69@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023562ClosedKCT Request2024-01-18Kct requestMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 6765 5476 8575 8117 3157 6345 7031 5179 8562 9669 1 To 2 6116 0817 6633 8721 7525 0600 0228 5595 6250 69832024-01-18 rasheedatlawalaa7428@gmail.comrasheedatlawalaa7428@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023561ClosedKCT Request2024-01-18KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below. 45 To 1 5669 3236 0263 4016 8102 6677 4779 9445 3724 27032024-01-18 mauwalu143@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023560Closed2024-01-18Request for debt statusMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 646016069201 Debt Repayment ₦59,948.13 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦29,948.13 M 2022-09-19 ₦30,000.00 2023-12-202024-01-18 fauzee.fh@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023559Closed2024-01-18DEBT PROFILE 0101210118200MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 692089 Debt Repayment ₦47,401.60 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦17,401.60 M 2022-10-18 ₦30,000.00 2024-01-182024-01-18 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023558ClosedKCT Request2024-01-18Request for KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below. 0101170275792 T21 21 To 1 4357 1997 2213 4482 3663 6678 9268 2059 5989 3039 0101170275792 T33 33 To 1 4133 9877 2339 5110 7065 1001 1511 2668 5796 83202024-01-18 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023557Closed2024-01-18Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 715465 Debt Repayment ₦24,666.56 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦22,166.56 M 2023-04-02 ₦2,500.00 2023-05-272024-01-18 yakubaliyu82@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023556Closed2024-01-18REQUEST FOR OUTSTANDING BALANCEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 662154375901 Debt Repayment ₦490,977.52 ₦0.00 ₦5,000.00 ₦485,977.52 M 2022-07-14 ₦5,000.00 2022-08-052024-01-18 jenogah@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023555Closed2024-01-18DEBT PROFILE: 0101170292151MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6128112092-01 Debt Repayment ₦224,860.03 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦224,860.03 M 2019-05-22 ₦0.00 2021-05-31 Hello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6128112092-01 Debt Repayment ₦224,860.03 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦224,860.03 M 2019-05-22 ₦0.00 2021-05-312024-01-18 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023554Closed2024-01-18Request for krnMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18No49201405644217751820 346331487971097141092024-01-18 thompsontor@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023553Closed2024-01-18KrnMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18No69261210801114655284 268158568781305081492024-01-18 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023552Closed2024-01-18Does not exist for KRN upgradeMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18No70178099499322467262 207669617332750802082024-01-18 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023551Closed2024-01-18KRN REQUESTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18No0101190011359 58670323923323766657 35476008987477772314 44300014386 41668085914068861410 38693141775478094882 44300002779 45033482789355698403 430552371436590541202024-01-18 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023550ClosedVending History2024-01-18Vending historyMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below. # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 9740170552090524 Transaction Date/Time: 2024-01-17 20:48:25 Meter No.: 54161004178 Account No.: 6239110864-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 27.12 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 6309 3385 5225 5980 5410 2 Transaction ID: 2306169840266824 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-10-27 11:31:08 Meter No.: 54161004178 Account No.: 6239110864-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 67.79 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 6968 1230 3436 8039 5145 3 Transaction ID: 7568169452160724 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-09-12 13:26:47 Meter No.: 54161004178 Account No.: 6239110864-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 67.79 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 4479 3771 5214 0449 1820 4 Transaction ID: 0123169323100724 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-08-28 14:56:47 Meter No.: 54161004178 Account No.: 6239110864-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 67.79 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 3923 0205 5162 8062 7952 5 Transaction ID: 6989168925969524 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-07-13 15:48:15 Meter No.: 54161004178 Account No.: 6239110864-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 135.58 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 0101 8770 3873 7921 6941 6 Transaction ID: 2396168786924724 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-06-27 13:34:07 Meter No.: 54161004178 Account No.: 6239110864-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 67.79 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 4913 5597 7185 5071 2656 7 Transaction ID: 2180168562501024 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-06-01 14:10:10 Meter No.: 54161004178 Account No.: 6239110864-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 67.79 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 1916 9301 0978 7694 6544 8 Transaction ID: 3177168397335424 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-05-13 11:22:34 Meter No.: 54161004178 Account No.: 6239110864-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 67.79 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 4610 9163 0494 1036 5405 9 Transaction ID: 6158168173417824 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-04-17 13:22:58 Meter No.: 54161004178 Account No.: 6239110864-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 67.79 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 2362 1786 7371 3825 8026 10 Transaction ID: 4456168034624424 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-04-01 11:50:44 Meter No.: 54161004178 Account No.: 6239110864-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 67.79 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 4916 8463 9277 3428 77312024-01-18 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023549ClosedKCT Request2024-01-18KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below. 1 To 2 0083 8072 0425 1694 8790 2501 5275 8075 3879 66522024-01-18 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023548ClosedKCT Request2024-01-18KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below. 1 To 2 7229 8525 3821 1761 1700 5443 0111 0276 3444 58482024-01-18 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023547Closed2024-01-18REQUEST FOR KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18No10939257238086690231 376401199039683782392024-01-18 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023546Closed2024-01-18REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 802851 Debt Repayment ₦21,126.02 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦15,126.02 M 2023-10-09 ₦6,000.00 2024-01-162024-01-18 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023545Closed2024-01-18DEBT PROFILE 0101160047789MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6115120348-01 Debt Repayment ₦216,858.26 ₦-48,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦134,858.26 M 2019-09-04 ₦34,000.00 2022-10-162024-01-18 mhauwa74@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023544ClosedVending History2024-01-18Request for vending historyMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2024-01-18 yilkatamos@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023543ClosedKCT Request2024-01-18KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-18NoHello, find below. 1 To 2 0747 6743 2671 4265 4426 2717 5861 9409 7349 5187 2 To 1 5781 6164 3591 6235 9837 5662 9197 6253 2084 21892024-01-18 mimsicle22@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023542Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023541Closed2024-01-17DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 653913 Debt Repayment ₦56,337.19 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦18,337.19 M 2022-05-31 ₦38,000.00 2023-12-292024-01-17 toranyiinkator14@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023540Closed2024-01-17REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17NoHello, find below. 0150000891393 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672163049101 Debt Repayment ₦115,657.18 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦95,657.18 M 2022-06-30 ₦20,000.00 2023-04-30 0150000968423 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 418067 Debt Repayment ₦67,325.02 ₦200,863.98 ₦2,500.00 ₦215,689.00 M 2022-03-10 ₦52,500.00 2023-12-29 0150000984800 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 534266 Debt Repayment ₦168,654.69 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦168,654.69 M 2023-08-07 ₦0.00 0000-00-00 0150000953862 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 632819 Debt Repayment ₦45,461.34 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦11,461.34 M 2022-07-19 ₦34,000.00 2023-12-242024-01-17 hamzaadamu64@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023539Closed2024-01-17Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17NoHello, find below. ​ Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 645359 Debt Repayment ₦135,961.92 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦123,961.92 M 2022-10-21 ₦12,000.00 2023-04-272024-01-17 mustaphamaryam67@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023538Closed2024-01-17REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE---0101210097198MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 582247 Debt Repayment ₦111,071.94 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦83,071.94 M 2022-10-20 ₦28,000.00 2023-12-292024-01-17 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023537Closed2024-01-17REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 54160872658MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 476785 Debt Repayment ₦136,861.74 ₦-3,130.05 ₦2,000.00 ₦133,731.69 M 2018-12-13 ₦0.00 2021-05-312024-01-24 umaymah1065@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023536Closed2024-01-17DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 44000623759MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 790982 Debt Repayment ₦10,338.57 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦2,338.57 M 2023-08-20 ₦8,000.00 2023-12-232024-01-17 joseph.tegwis@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023535Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023534Closed2024-01-17DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672491 Debt Repayment ₦47,974.04 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦12,974.04 M 2022-06-23 ₦35,000.00 2023-12-102024-01-17 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023533Closed2024-01-17REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE----0101200108948MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611145320201 Debt Repayment ₦578,918.44 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦538,918.44 M 2022-04-11 ₦40,000.00 2023-12-292024-01-17 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023532Closed2024-01-17Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17NoHello, find below. 01011900108 This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 010120001911 This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2024-01-17 yakubaliyu82@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023531Closed2024-01-17REQUEST FOR OUTSTANDING BALANCEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 662155865201 Debt Repayment ₦291,813.85 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦257,813.85 M 2022-07-18 ₦34,000.00 2023-12-272024-01-17 sunnyochekwu@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023530Closed2024-01-17REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE: 95300403151MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 817678 Refund ₦63,061.32 ₦0.00 ₦525.51 ₦59,382.75 M 2023-03-13 ₦3,678.57 2023-10-26 817678 Debt Repayment ₦5,668.48 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,668.48 M 2023-11-28 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-01-17 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023529Closed2024-01-17K r nMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17No48719067901356327798 04511516101250261154 5141 7459 7207 1067 1646 3466 8760 5823 3120 76122024-01-17 mauwalu143@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023528Closed2024-01-17K r nMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17No35866847150289300646 710393074060316832742024-01-17 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023527Closed2024-01-17K r nMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17No0161000051516 51718543498898820837 16816841684833908757 0161000051607 18199682088446453976 52461805399193718211 0161000051516 16816841684833908757 51718543498898820837 0161000051524 21439480674094315798 239752903364641904602024-01-17 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023526Closed2024-01-17Krn requestMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17No58670323923323766657 354760089874777723142024-01-17 onceinlife6464@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023525ClosedComplaint2024-01-17Fwd: ComplaintMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17NoWho asked him to buy through remitta? he should contact them to refund his money.2024-01-17 joseph.tegwis@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023524Closed2024-01-17REQUEST FOR KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17No0101235011083 21510623268276031750 34358697326751030046 0101235028574 04374130791410865632 47567590615580214447 0101235029135 34737348417841357441 11476868032750067112 0101235028525 04381109303587103167 65448987802647972373 62321134520 63657005341290498826 26690995757948713391 0101235025612 09411293609986920755 563881025121513140172024-01-17 thompsontor@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023523Closed2024-01-17KRN 0161000020255MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17No59735846485567949130 410055811876949715182024-01-17 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023522Closed2024-01-17Request for KRN in respect of this account 44000988608MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17No07288148910799926595 155757771476847245292024-01-17 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023521Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023520Closed2024-01-17KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17No29473409273560777968 477855276435279969182024-01-17 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023519ClosedRequest2024-01-17REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPERMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17No0101170421982 0101170421982 Clear Tamper 0 5729 0704 3860 4067 1559 0101185055296 Clear Tamper 0 5781 0611 2498 2792 3337 0101185055296 0150000886955 0150000886955 Clear Tamper 0 3058 9452 1315 7051 50582024-01-17 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023518Closed2024-01-17DEBT PROFILE: 0101210110298MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 410137 Debt Repayment ₦470,152.11 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦470,152.11 M 2023-03-31 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-01-17 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023517Closed2024-01-17DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 44000709640 / 743405MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 743405 Debt Repayment ₦32,446.08 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦30,446.08 M 2023-12-31 ₦2,000.00 2024-01-172024-01-17 joseph.tegwis@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023516Closed2024-01-17Request for debt profile 0101210096273MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 596635 Debt Repayment ₦1,315.35 ₦0.00 ₦1,315.35 ₦0.00 M 2023-08-01 ₦1,315.35 2023-10-06 Closed2024-01-17 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023515Closed2024-01-17REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE...... 54160980311MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 440428 Debt Repayment ₦91,278.31 ₦-23,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦4,278.31 M 2017-02-01 ₦64,000.00 2024-01-142024-01-17 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023514Closed2024-01-17DEBT PROFILE: 62321000861MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612702153801 Debt Repayment ₦269,897.74 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦257,897.74 M 2023-07-28 ₦12,000.00 2024-01-132024-01-17 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023513Closed2024-01-17Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17No29210715937507008859 346379137079430974762024-01-17 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023512Closed2024-01-17Krn requestMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17No58670323923323766657 354760089874777723142024-01-17 onceinlife6464@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023511ClosedKCT Request2024-01-17KCT REQUEST: 57300007879 (01 TO 02 AND 02 TO 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17NoHello, find below. 57300007879 1 To 2 2048 4481 0443 1591 5575 1389 4968 2940 8373 4737 2 To 1 3122 5568 3669 8027 7442 2291 6766 7342 9572 25002024-01-17 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023510Closed2024-01-17Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 751290 Debt Repayment ₦2,876.59 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦876.59 M 2023-12-06 ₦2,000.00 2024-01-162024-01-17 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023509Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023508ClosedKCT Request2024-01-17KCT REQUEST: 57300007879 (01 TO 02 AND 02 TO 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17NoHello, find below. 57300007879 1 To 2 2048 4481 0443 1591 5575 1389 4968 2940 8373 4737 2 To 1 3122 5568 3669 8027 7442 2291 6766 7342 9572 25002024-01-17 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023507Closed2024-01-17Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 751290 Debt Repayment ₦2,876.59 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦876.59 M 2023-12-06 ₦2,000.00 2024-01-162024-01-17 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023506Closed2024-01-17Request for Debt profile for 0101185059926MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6126502365-01 Debt Repayment ₦183,091.23 ₦-50,000.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦60,591.23 M 2020-01-14 ₦72,500.00 2023-10-282024-01-17 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023505Closed2024-01-17DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 658515090701 Debt Repayment ₦455,472.96 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦455,472.96 M 2022-03-01 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-01-17 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023504Closed2024-01-17DEBT ENQUIRYMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 803082 Debt Repayment ₦77,112.02 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦57,112.02 M 2023-03-22 ₦20,000.00 2024-01-052024-01-17 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023503Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023502Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023501Closed2024-01-17REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE----44000701829MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 771190 Debt Repayment ₦71,015.00 ₦-45,978.60 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2022-01-31 ₦25,036.40 2023-02-13 Closed 771190 Debt Repayment ₦64,298.69 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦64,298.69 M 2023-09-19 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-01-17 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023500Closed2024-01-17Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 783575 Debt Repayment ₦76,832.07 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦65,332.07 M 2023-06-01 ₦11,500.00 2023-11-292024-01-17 maryamibrahim1300@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023499Closed2024-01-17Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 607034 Debt Repayment ₦185,175.01 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦141,175.01 M 2019-07-26 ₦44,000.00 2023-03-062024-01-17 mupeejay12@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023498Closed2024-01-17DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17NohELLO, FIND BELOW. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 775914 Debt Repayment ₦62,636.66 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦48,636.66 M 2023-05-15 ₦14,000.00 2023-12-302024-01-17 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023497Closed2024-01-17DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17NohELLO, FIND BELOW. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 775914 Debt Repayment ₦62,636.66 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦48,636.66 M 2023-05-15 ₦14,000.00 2023-12-302024-01-17 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023496Closed2024-01-17DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17NoHello, find below. 0101210170664 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 616324 Debt Repayment ₦69,279.59 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦39,279.59 M 2022-10-11 ₦30,000.00 2024-01-17 0101170313833 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 568506 Debt Repayment ₦125,696.96 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦86,696.96 M 2019-09-26 ₦39,000.00 2024-01-092024-01-17 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023495Closed2024-01-17REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE..... 44000385649MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 641728 Debt Repayment ₦22,330.35 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦17,330.35 M 2022-08-12 ₦5,000.00 2022-10-272024-01-17 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023494Closed2024-01-17Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 663642 Debt Repayment ₦80,867.96 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦38,867.96 M 2022-03-30 ₦42,000.00 2023-12-192024-01-17 tkhadija028@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023493Closed2024-01-17Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17No53700911761398580114 685441878702623135062024-01-17 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023492Closed2024-01-17Does not exist for KRN upgradeMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17No53043284410098323255 391329148001271971732024-01-17 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023491Closed2024-01-17Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17No44000806933 56514869847397728646 49221109813900979061 44000811495 35877508091708671731 16965417833676933626 44000813269 67662417941886293186 36525036224841306018 0101190017778 13435058125179838819 02041781589583165771 44000332559 tr 21 33753073183882122034 38850447456720212942 54160980410 tr 74 10413141841639472594 71762331267889931066 0101170428797 tr 02 72294764741008433811 144791733700669667312024-01-17 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023490Closed2024-01-17Request for KRNMedium 2024-01-17No33423322014505745886 189031240637069587242024-01-17 ummilois2@gmail.com
#00023489Closed2024-01-17Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17No33423322014505745886 189031240637069587242024-01-17 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023488Closed2024-01-17Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17NoHello, find below. 95300406097 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 797960 Refund ₦63,061.32 ₦0.00 ₦525.51 ₦58,331.73 M 2023-03-13 ₦4,729.59 2023-12-30 797960 Debt Repayment ₦117,888.65 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦115,888.65 M 2023-11-28 ₦2,000.00 2023-12-30 44000654200 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 658143349601 Debt Repayment ₦283,541.15 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦283,541.15 M 2023-08-01 ₦0.00 2023-08-162024-01-17 mupeejay12@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023487Closed2024-01-17Request for KRN in respect of this account 54160908973MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17No47735718111559222907 386937803715961563412024-01-17 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023486Closed2024-01-17DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17NoHello, There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2024-01-17 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023485ClosedKCT Request2024-01-17Kct requestMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 2723 9733 2710 4404 5149 1285 1267 3970 3525 5860 1 To 2 5604 9123 1266 7555 3692 3817 4954 7556 1813 50432024-01-17 onceinlife6464@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023484Closed2024-01-17DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 633904 Debt Repayment ₦65,069.08 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦31,069.08 M 2022-07-05 ₦34,000.00 2023-12-082024-01-17 Debt Umar Auwal
#00023483Closed2024-01-17Request for KRN in respect of this account 0101160350670 from Tariff index 02MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17No19564528373334010875 319545728767380321602024-01-17 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023482Closed2024-01-17REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 540471 Debt Repayment ₦31,100.83 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦1,100.83 M 2022-08-19 ₦30,000.00 2023-11-242024-01-17 hamzaadamu64@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023481ClosedKCT Request2024-01-17Request for KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17NoHello, find below. 99 To 2 6101 0462 1728 6526 1507 6476 2913 2953 4757 99482024-01-17 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023480ClosedKCT Request2024-01-17KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17NoHello, find below. 44300053921 2 To 1 3573 9953 8319 0292 2222 4729 6986 4453 7899 6972 1 To 2 6676 5388 3440 6363 5585 5304 3139 8736 1788 15512024-01-17 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023479ClosedKCT Request2024-01-17KCT REQUEST: 0101190003703 (04 To 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17NoHello, find below. 4 To 1 1087 8071 8866 6605 8284 3559 6376 7070 0680 94212024-01-17 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023478Closed2024-01-17DEBT PROFILE: 0101170317958, 0101161004789MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17NoHello, find below. 0101170317958 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 670338 Debt Repayment ₦111,530.00 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦109,530.00 M 2023-07-28 ₦2,000.00 2023-08-27 , 0101161004789 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6131280634-01 Debt Repayment ₦420,062.47 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦420,062.47 M 2019-08-27 ₦0.00 2021-05-312024-01-17 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023477ClosedKCT Request2024-01-17KCT REQUEST: 44000813269 (01 TO 02 AND 02 TO 01), 44000811495 (01 TO 02 AND 02 TO 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17NoHello, find below. 44000813269 (01 TO 02 AND 02 TO 01), 1 To 2 6891 2485 6822 5656 6544 3590 6780 5728 6020 9994 2 To 1 2126 0589 1873 1826 3856 7197 1797 2641 7371 2728 44000811495 (01 TO 02 AND 02 TO 01) 1 To 2 2201 5225 0880 7020 5246 2167 4743 6731 6029 6203 2 To 1 1486 7094 6401 6256 6327 3975 5351 5414 7074 38332024-01-17 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023476Closed2024-01-17Request for debt profile for this account 0150000985641MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 723943 Debt Repayment ₦4,192.80 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2022-05-04 ₦4,192.80 2022-08-03 Closed2024-01-17 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023475Closed2024-01-17Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 579034 Debt Repayment ₦97,164.66 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦61,164.66 M 2022-07-25 ₦36,000.00 2024-01-162024-01-17 georgesamben123@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023474Closed2024-01-17DEBT STATUS REQUESTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 446685 Debt Repayment ₦106,524.96 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦70,524.96 M 2022-07-20 ₦36,000.00 2024-01-132024-01-17 ajempire.com@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023473Closed2024-01-17DEBT PROFILE 0101195006925MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 749456 Debt Repayment ₦110,401.50 ₦0.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦60,401.50 M 2023-08-18 ₦50,000.00 2024-01-152024-01-17 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023472ClosedKCT Request2024-01-17K c t for new meter index 0002MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 7171 8447 5324 2188 7459 4506 0119 0937 1953 77372024-01-17 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023471ClosedKCT Request2024-01-17Request for kct 62122246861 new installedMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17NoHello, find below. KCT1: 1727 8445 9278 3950 2063 KCT2: 4773 1318 9064 8836 14122024-01-17 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023470ClosedKCT Request2024-01-17Request for kct index 02 44000567444MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 3633 0889 6306 3219 6698 6021 0609 0378 8862 28242024-01-17 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023469Closed2024-01-17Debt Profile RequestMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 770504 Debt Repayment ₦10,036.94 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦2,036.94 M 2023-09-29 ₦8,000.00 2024-01-172024-01-17 agohabigail69@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023468Closed2024-01-17DEBT PROFILE: 0101200122345MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 431666 Debt Repayment ₦293,232.32 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦291,232.32 M 2023-12-21 ₦2,000.00 2024-01-162024-01-17 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023467Closed2024-01-17DEBT PROFILE 0101195006925MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-17NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 749456 Debt Repayment ₦110,401.50 ₦0.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦60,401.50 M 2023-08-18 ₦50,000.00 2024-01-152024-01-17 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023466Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023465Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023464Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023463Closed2024-01-16REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE---44000700086MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NohELLO, FIND BELOW. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 743409 Debt Repayment ₦38,617.93 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦36,617.93 M 2023-12-31 ₦2,000.00 2024-01-112024-01-16 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023462Closed2024-01-16K r n tariff index 21MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. 21 To 1 5348 1040 8003 3082 7124 0177 8188 3769 3736 92202024-01-16 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023461Closed2024-01-16DEBT PROFILEDEBT PROFILEDEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 592564 Debt Repayment ₦162,627.13 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦142,627.13 M 2023-03-29 ₦20,000.00 2024-01-122024-01-16 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023460Closed2024-01-16Debt Profile RequestMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. 0101210182404 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 563963 Debt Repayment ₦84,347.97 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦68,347.97 M 2023-05-12 ₦16,000.00 2024-01-112024-01-16 agohabigail69@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023459Closed2024-01-16Debt inquiryMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 743312 Debt Repayment ₦54,690.33 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦28,690.33 M 2022-09-16 ₦26,000.00 2023-10-132024-01-16 delishduds@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023458ClosedKCT Request2024-01-16REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. 0101205008770 tariff index 2 2 To 1 3117 8022 6392 0080 1612 6829 0800 1211 0259 7456 0101205005248 tariff index 99 This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2024-01-16 abdulsalamvio@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023457Closed2024-01-16REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 95300217205MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 632309 Debt Repayment ₦56,703.83 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦14,703.83 M 2022-03-23 ₦42,000.00 2023-12-312024-01-16 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023456Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023455Closed2024-01-16Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 662155605001 Debt Repayment ₦257,888.01 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦221,888.01 M 2022-07-18 ₦36,000.00 2024-01-122024-01-16 georgesamben123@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023454Closed2024-01-16REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE...... 44000384360MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 682868 Debt Repayment ₦35,394.06 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦3,394.06 M 2022-08-12 ₦32,000.00 2023-12-182024-01-16 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023453Closed2024-01-16REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE..... 621121126001MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2024-01-16 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023452ClosedEvend Access2024-01-16Migration of Account to evendMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, treated2024-01-16 muhammadhussein2016@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023451Closed2024-01-16REQUEST FOR CLEAR MINUS IN RESPECT OF THIS ACCOUNT 0101200048755MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16No1913 1953 0434 0010 46552024-01-16 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023450Closed2024-01-16REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPER IN RESPECT OF THESE ACCOUNTS 0161000004705 & 54160736648MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16No0161000004705 0179 6762 5046 6247 3405 54160736648 1682 0429 1700 5778 68482024-01-16 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023449ClosedKCT Request2024-01-16Request for krn and kctMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoDear Mustapha, Find below, 0101210176760 tariff 1 KRN 1 71187494428243531744 31549676215569389661 0101210096901 tariff 1 KRN 1 38182145085401579482 34907441471888172887 0101200064968 tariff 1 KRN 4 63417873285947995186 47965761304356476317 0101210164725 tariff 4 KRN 1 22658111372930468193 475223889290233550652024-01-16 mustaphamaryam67@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023448Closed2024-01-16Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoDear Yamusa, Find below, 54160970684 T2 22179143793323362672 63725697399583087982 54160954357 T2 43342320201438564404 339317698273105059732024-01-16 muhammad.usman@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023447Closed2024-01-16Krn requestMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoDear Ibrahim, Find below, 07792962248099724271 238743199680400382442024-01-16 muhammad.usman@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023446Closed2024-01-16REQUEST FOR KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoDear Kani, Find below, 10815848433095852284 526726619443398643682024-01-16 muhammad.usman@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023445Closed2024-01-16KINDLY ASSIST KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoDear Bello, Find below, 08601635993969836322 435499846860302939032024-01-16 muhammad.usman@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023444Closed2024-01-16KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoDear Musa, Find below, 70202550682105472523 24332079434060285336 Regard.2024-01-16 muhammad.usman@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023443Closed2024-01-16REQUEST FOR KRN UPGRADEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoDear Timothy, Find below, 44000812766 04726216686156659965 62264165510321777378 44000812949 56963847307952486397 073528029449311918942024-01-16 muhammad.usman@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023442Closed2024-01-16KRN REQUESTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoDear Tanimu, Find below, 58263167425316170279 055948139654447995472024-01-16 muhammad.usman@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023441ClosedKCT Request2024-01-16Request for KRN KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoDear Osas, Find below, 46450605768005075192 129636924879193940302024-01-16 muhammad.usman@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023440Closed2024-01-16DEBT PROFILE: 0150000863921, 0101190147187, 0101190137204MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, 0150000863921, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 653375 Debt Repayment ₦76,234.28 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦39,234.28 M 2022-04-22 ₦37,000.00 2024-01-07 0101190147187, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 380612 Debt Repayment ₦352,094.87 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦350,094.87 M 2023-12-28 ₦2,000.00 2024-01-14 0101190137204 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 713070 Debt Repayment ₦6,863.31 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦4,863.31 M 2023-12-28 ₦2,000.00 2024-01-112024-01-16 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023439Closed2024-01-16Request for debt profile - 62321099897MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 728635 Debt Repayment ₦13,780.20 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦3,780.20 M 2023-08-01 ₦10,000.00 2024-01-142024-01-16 lucky.akpobi@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023438Closed2024-01-16REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. 54161102402 There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment. 54161084352 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6123441267-01 Debt Repayment ₦201,434.22 ₦-37,500.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦103,934.22 M 2020-02-06 ₦60,000.00 2023-11-282024-01-16 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023437Closed2024-01-16Debt Profile RequestMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 804622 Refund ₦63,061.32 ₦0.00 ₦525.51 ₦57,806.22 M 2023-03-13 ₦5,255.10 2024-01-13 804622 Debt Repayment ₦72,265.00 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦68,265.00 M 2023-11-29 ₦4,000.00 2024-01-132024-01-16 agohabigail69@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023436Closed2024-01-16Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 594819 Debt Repayment ₦81,733.46 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦39,733.46 M 2022-03-21 ₦42,000.00 2023-12-302024-01-16 tkhadija028@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023435Closed2024-01-16Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 662254005601 Debt Repayment ₦283,007.73 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦265,007.73 M 2023-04-26 ₦18,000.00 2024-01-022024-01-16 georgesamben123@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023434ClosedKCT Request2024-01-16kct 0101190017778MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, 21 To 1 4009 0295 3755 9842 3211 6783 8966 5964 3395 37782024-01-16 kabirukhalidumar@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023433ClosedVending History2024-01-16Vending historyMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 2181170518315124 Transaction Date/Time: 2024-01-13 22:59:11 Meter No.: 62321153355 Account No.: 695250 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 12.78 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 4656 1542 5530 5157 3288 2 Transaction ID: 0586170500080124 Transaction Date/Time: 2024-01-11 20:20:01 Meter No.: 62321153355 Account No.: 695250 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 25.56 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 3081 3986 8630 9408 0063 3 Transaction ID: 4737170405874824 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-12-31 22:39:09 Meter No.: 62321153355 Account No.: 695250 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦341.86 Energy Cost: ₦4,558.14 KwH: 62.63 Amount Tendered: ₦4,900.00 4401 2926 7289 1138 7031 4 Transaction ID: 6135170370541224 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-12-27 20:30:12 Meter No.: 62321153355 Account No.: 695250 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 12.78 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 7199 9389 0379 2227 1730 5 Transaction ID: 1423170338458024 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-12-24 03:23:01 Meter No.: 62321153355 Account No.: 695250 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 25.56 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 6212 6783 5142 7914 0511 6 Transaction ID: 0134170310457824 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-12-20 21:36:18 Meter No.: 62321153355 Account No.: 695250 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 25.56 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 2108 9781 0988 2582 5496 7 Transaction ID: 7368170229714324 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-12-11 13:19:03 Meter No.: 62321153355 Account No.: 695250 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦341.86 Energy Cost: ₦4,558.14 KwH: 62.63 Amount Tendered: ₦4,900.00 5899 7755 8078 9412 6130 8 Transaction ID: 9452170165346724 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-12-04 02:31:07 Meter No.: 62321153355 Account No.: 695250 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 25.56 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 4951 1396 6480 5964 6026 9 Transaction ID: 7952170128817224 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-11-29 21:02:53 Meter No.: 62321153355 Account No.: 695250 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 38.34 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 2040 9489 9024 6337 4469 10 Transaction ID: 5549170056599724 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-11-21 12:26:37 Meter No.: 62321153355 Account No.: 695250 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 63.91 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 2612 5408 9884 8102 01172024-01-16 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023432Closed2024-01-16DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 693770 Debt Repayment ₦10,605.32 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦605.32 M 2023-07-26 ₦10,000.00 2023-12-312024-01-16 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023431Closed2024-01-16Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 686475 Debt Repayment ₦52,531.14 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦36,531.14 M 2023-05-16 ₦16,000.00 2024-01-122024-01-16 georgesamben123@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023430Closed2024-01-16Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612622003701 Debt Repayment ₦327,244.46 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦297,244.46 M 2022-08-12 ₦30,000.00 2023-08-242024-01-16 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023429Closed2024-01-16Debt Profile RequestMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. 0101210155624 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 662101159201 Debt Repayment ₦283,487.07 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦257,487.07 M 2022-04-19 ₦26,000.00 2023-05-092024-01-16 agohabigail69@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023428Closed2024-01-16Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 679749 Debt Repayment ₦208,977.51 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦202,977.51 M 2023-08-16 ₦6,000.00 2023-11-232024-01-16 maryamibrahim1300@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023427Closed2024-01-16Request for Debt profile,MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612613039601 Debt Repayment ₦339,598.68 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦307,598.68 M 2022-08-18 ₦32,000.00 2023-12-222024-01-16 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023426Closed2024-01-16Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 561131 Debt Repayment ₦181,273.64 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦141,273.64 M 2022-04-11 ₦40,000.00 2023-12-192024-01-16 Debt profile Umar Auwal
#00023425Closed2024-01-16DEBT PROFILE 0101210043960MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611604070501 Debt Repayment ₦331,461.46 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦331,461.46 M 2023-12-25 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-01-16 mhauwa74@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023424Closed2024-01-16Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 660638 Debt Repayment ₦81,105.39 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦48,105.39 M 2022-04-08 ₦33,000.00 2023-12-302024-01-16 rasheedatlawalaa7428@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023423Closed2024-01-16Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 658138102201 Debt Repayment ₦422,319.14 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦422,319.14 M 2022-10-12 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-01-16 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023422Closed2024-01-16REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE....... 0101190140281MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. ​ Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612752008101 Debt Repayment ₦232,616.74 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦232,616.74 M 2022-02-28 ₦0.00 0000-00-00 ​2024-01-16 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023421ClosedKCT Request2024-01-16REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. 0101205008770 tariff index 2 2 To 1 3117 8022 6392 0080 1612 6829 0800 1211 0259 7456 0101205005248 tariff index 99 99 To 1 0072 9279 9861 6982 9594 5048 1869 5700 0808 4921 44000653863 tariff index 99 to 1 99 To 1 1015 7265 5206 8163 9251 7128 4935 4008 6500 15772024-01-16 abdulsalamvio@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023420Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023419Closed2024-01-16Debt profile 0150000867294MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 553164 Debt Repayment ₦35,616.35 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦1,616.35 M 2022-08-03 ₦34,000.00 2024-01-052024-01-16 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023418Closed2024-01-16Debt profile 0150000977846MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 459861 Debt Repayment ₦108,315.00 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦63,315.00 M 2022-06-29 ₦45,000.00 2023-12-292024-01-16 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023417Closed2024-01-16Debt profile 44000408821MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 708360 Debt Repayment ₦84,129.72 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦78,129.72 M 2023-01-11 ₦6,000.00 2023-05-042024-01-16 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023416Closed2024-01-16DEBT PROFILE 0101210199986MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 655977 Debt Repayment ₦36,292.28 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦6,292.28 M 2022-10-20 ₦30,000.00 2024-01-152024-01-16 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023415Closed2024-01-16DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 44000449601 / 769004MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 769004 Debt Repayment ₦2,232.56 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦232.56 M 2023-12-30 ₦2,000.00 2024-01-132024-01-16 joseph.tegwis@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023414Closed2024-01-16DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6123524127-01 Debt Repayment ₦86,597.06 ₦-8,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦18,597.06 M 2019-07-27 ₦60,000.00 2023-11-142024-01-16 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023413ClosedKCT Request2024-01-16K c t tariff index 26MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. KCT1: 2138 4235 3230 7747 1484 KCT2: 6962 5684 0461 8886 81922024-01-16 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023412ClosedKCT Request2024-01-16KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 5224 8526 5955 5537 7965 4091 4657 9471 7136 0169 1 To 2 0083 8072 0425 1694 8790 2501 5275 8075 3879 66522024-01-16 mauwalu143@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023411Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023410Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023409Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023408Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023407Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023406Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023405Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023404Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023403Closed2024-01-16REQUEST FOR DEBT ==44000575108/435395MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 435395 Debt Repayment ₦24,037.91 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦24,037.91 M 2023-12-18 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-01-16 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023402Closed2024-01-16Request for Debt profile 57100020312MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2024-01-16 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023401Closed2024-01-16Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 792213 Debt Repayment ₦12,640.70 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦10,640.70 M 2023-12-19 ₦2,000.00 2024-01-152024-01-16 maryamibrahim1300@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023400Closed2024-01-16OutstandingMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 720249 Debt Repayment ₦23,898.90 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦21,898.90 M 2023-12-25 ₦2,000.00 2024-01-132024-01-16 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023399Closed2024-01-16REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE===0101210172215MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 758791 Debt Repayment ₦24,308.20 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2022-10-12 ₦24,308.20 2024-01-14 Closed2024-01-16 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023398Closed2024-01-16Completed Clear Tamper Complaint Lodging FormsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoFind below, 62420235244 Clear Tamper 0 6327 4498 3741 4759 2173 62420226375 Clear Tamper 0 4448 5442 2340 3944 4570 62221004534 Clear Tamper 0 4256 1337 2935 5409 3596 0101235013311 Clear Tamper 0 1714 9855 2861 2268 3432 0101235013311 Clear Tamper 0 1714 9855 2861 2268 3432 62420214777 Clear Tamper 0 1044 9751 5244 0541 1147 44000813541 Clear Tamper 0 3321 0893 8656 9925 5316 62321137523 Clear Tamper 0 4719 4843 0139 1830 1110 62420221889 Clear Tamper 0 3327 1684 7103 9848 4300 62122009418 Clear Tamper 0 0836 1100 8936 1885 1531 62122356850 Clear Tamper 0 1281 4351 9459 8715 6114 62521000901 Clear Tamper 0 6698 4346 4704 9322 71912024-01-16 mnasir.suleiman@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023397ClosedRequest2024-01-16REQUEST FOR CLEAR MINUS IN RESPECT OF THIS ACCOUNT 0101200048755MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16No0101200048755Clear Credit03977 5959 7023 1030 17052024-01-16 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023396ClosedTamper Code2024-01-16REQUEST FOR CLEAR TAMPER CODESMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16No44000987642 Clear Tamper 0 4932 8401 0406 2691 3047 0101205008770 Clear Tamper 0 2597 0994 8669 6604 8437 57300008943Clear Tamper 1987 3225 5523 1753 15072024-01-16 aliyu.difa@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023395ClosedTamper Code2024-01-16CLEAR TEMPER REQUEST AS AT 12/1/2024MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoFind below, 47000699372 Clear Tamper 0 2872 0564 1931 6723 2161 57300011061 Clear Tamper 0 5117 2592 0113 6305 0480 54160923154 Clear Tamper 0 5882 6879 0600 5872 6657 0101160058448 Clear Tamper 0 2198 6980 1102 6555 3722 0101238000232 44000414761 Clear Tamper 0 4302 1897 4026 2595 6836 54160950215 Clear Tamper 0 4024 1823 1452 1035 8664 54160915283 Clear Tamper 0 6692 3719 8223 2870 0808 0101178034829 Clear Tamper 0 5751 8065 3142 1143 93622024-01-16 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023394Closed2024-01-16Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16No0150300028464 30151015066834983562 20693251199483242335 0101170120543 30385440075928864265 277751240761001162402024-01-16 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023393Closed2024-01-16Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16No62788221067189882609 698110423803585696332024-01-16 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023392Closed2024-01-16Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16No67008261743306533931 208718442686526664592024-01-16 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023391Closed2024-01-16: Does not exist for KRN upgradeMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16No08042389992449112058 624563171341357112622024-01-16 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023390Closed2024-01-16KrnMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16No27108571493267396009 053676233671012977542024-01-16 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023389Closed2024-01-16Does not exist for KRN upgradeMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16No41165785230324694057 667453368130567478702024-01-16 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023388Closed2024-01-16: Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16No00452074836097528455 724999409594173849442024-01-16 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023387ClosedKCT Request2024-01-16This Generate an Incomplete KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16No20708671606345828836 255135849360686683962024-01-16 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023386Closed2024-01-16REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE...... 0101200015044MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, Find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612811140601 Debt Repayment ₦266,330.76 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦250,330.76 M 2023-04-01 ₦16,000.00 2023-12-292024-01-16 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023385ClosedKCT Request2024-01-16KCT REQUEST: 0101161055054 (21 TO 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, Find below 21 To 1 0483 2187 6576 4013 9395 2344 4273 1041 3780 97082024-01-16 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023384Closed2024-01-16REQUEST FOR KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16No44000808459 60047483437654399279 18569091484175080593 44000808707 32300364168946681132 397873846030834873282024-01-16 thompsontor@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023383Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023382Closed2024-01-16REQUEST FOR DEBT RROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, Find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 595313 Debt Repayment ₦50,055.02 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦8,055.02 M 2022-03-22 ₦42,000.00 2023-12-292024-01-16 hamzaadamu64@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023381Closed2024-01-16DEBT PROFILE 95300400587MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 816686 Refund ₦63,061.32 ₦0.00 ₦525.51 ₦58,331.73 M 2023-03-13 ₦4,729.59 2023-12-29 816686 Refund ₦63,061.32 ₦0.00 ₦525.51 ₦58,331.73 M 2023-03-13 ₦4,729.59 2023-12-29 816686 Debt Repayment ₦5,668.48 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦3,668.48 M 2023-11-27 ₦2,000.00 2023-12-292024-01-16 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023380Closed2024-01-16DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612326036001 Debt Repayment ₦964,932.88 ₦0.00 ₦5,000.00 ₦959,932.88 M 2023-04-19 ₦5,000.00 2023-05-242024-01-16 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023379Closed2024-01-16REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE.... 54161073488MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6123526603-01 Debt Repayment ₦249,127.96 ₦-60,910.35 ₦2,000.00 ₦124,217.61 M 2019-04-23 ₦64,000.00 2024-01-15 ----2024-01-16 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023378ClosedKCT Request2024-01-16REQUEST FOR KCT.... 44000761229 NEW METERMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. KCT1: 0516 9141 3819 2482 4980 KCT2: 2145 9242 2072 7932 96672024-01-16 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023377Closed2024-01-16REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE...... 62321099194MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 799389 Debt Repayment ₦20,591.86 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦8,591.86 M 2023-07-28 ₦12,000.00 2024-01-152024-01-16 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023376Closed2024-01-16DEBT PROFILE 0101210036402MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611246178001 Debt Repayment ₦282,600.04 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦282,600.04 M 2023-12-28 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-01-16 mhauwa74@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023375Closed2024-01-16REQUEST FOR DEBTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. 0101200051072 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 719752 Debt Repayment ₦12,340.28 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦12,340.28 M 2023-09-26 ₦0.00 0000-00-00 0101200034177 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 719791 Debt Repayment ₦8,591.72 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦591.72 M 2023-09-26 ₦8,000.00 2024-01-13 0101200038780 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 719753 Debt Repayment ₦12,340.28 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦4,340.28 M 2023-09-26 ₦8,000.00 2024-01-09 0101200031165 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 719792 Debt Repayment ₦8,591.72 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦591.72 M 2023-09-26 ₦8,000.00 2024-01-122024-01-16 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023374Closed2024-01-16REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE----0101210027211MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 712288 Debt Repayment ₦32,127.87 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦1,127.87 M 2022-03-01 ₦31,000.00 2024-01-132024-01-16 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023373ClosedKCT Request2024-01-16REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. 0101170392639(4) 4 To 1 7098 9348 8447 3867 8150 6880 2740 2517 3850 2508 44000331114(4 to 1) 4 To 1 1861 8273 6486 4343 5416 2803 9459 7275 3968 76222024-01-16 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023372Closed2024-01-16REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE----0101161072984MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6114050365-01 Debt Repayment ₦190,774.97 ₦-26,130.06 ₦2,000.00 ₦104,644.91 M 2018-12-17 ₦60,000.00 2023-12-292024-01-16 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023371Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023370Closed2024-01-16DEBT PROFILE: 44000313773MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 641148 Debt Repayment ₦5,173.18 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2023-08-16 ₦5,173.18 2024-01-15 Closed2024-01-16 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023369Closed2024-01-16DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 647065 Debt Repayment ₦52,893.42 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦18,893.42 M 2022-08-19 ₦34,000.00 2024-01-082024-01-16 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023368Closed2024-01-16REQUEST FOR DEBT STATUSMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672907022801 Debt Repayment ₦59,849.81 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦25,849.81 M 2022-08-03 ₦34,000.00 2024-01-152024-01-16 ibrahim.ishaku@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023367Closed2024-01-16Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 681655 Debt Repayment ₦53,960.75 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦17,960.75 M 2022-07-22 ₦36,000.00 2024-01-152024-01-16 georgesamben123@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023366Closed2024-01-16DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find be;low. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 660664 Debt Repayment ₦85,062.59 ₦0.00 ₦11,000.00 ₦74,062.59 V 2022-04-19 ₦11,000.00 2023-03-302024-01-16 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023365Closed2024-01-16Debt profile 57100069525MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6361171311-01 Debt Repayment ₦160,997.10 ₦-36,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦60,997.10 M 2020-01-14 ₦64,000.00 2024-01-102024-01-16 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023364Closed2024-01-16DEBT PROFILE: 0101210128555MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 410214 Debt Repayment ₦217,390.52 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦187,390.52 M 2022-10-07 ₦30,000.00 2024-01-082024-01-16 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023363ClosedKCT Request2024-01-16KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, 0101215018603 2 To 1 4573 2153 3963 5365 0952 1171 9726 5021 3965 98322024-01-16 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023362Closed2024-01-16Debt InquiryMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. 44000380046 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 696069 Debt Repayment ₦38,558.38 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦8,558.38 M 2022-06-29 ₦30,000.00 2023-09-172024-01-16 abdulbakibbd@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023361Closed2024-01-16Request Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. 54161061053 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 150799 Debt Repayment ₦156,413.71 ₦-65,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦27,413.71 M 2019-06-02 ₦64,000.00 2024-01-03 44000520070 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 785953 Debt Repayment ₦105,902.41 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦97,902.41 M 2023-08-18 ₦8,000.00 2023-12-31 0150000849854 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 512607 Debt Repayment ₦119,072.38 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦107,072.38 M 2022-04-22 ₦12,000.00 2022-10-29 0150000966104 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672178225801 Debt Repayment ₦134,025.62 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦98,025.62 M 2022-07-15 ₦36,000.00 2024-01-132024-01-16 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023360Closed2024-01-16Debt profile for MSN 0101170295154MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 522648 Debt Repayment ₦107,700.84 ₦-40,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦19,700.84 M 2019-05-02 ₦48,000.00 2023-05-312024-01-16 isaacchijioke45@gmail.comv Umar Auwal
#00023359ClosedEvend Access2024-01-16Request for Acct No 843237 and 843254 to be captured on evendMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, treated2024-01-16 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023358Closed2024-01-16DEBT PROFILE 0101200074835MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 513940 Debt Repayment ₦394,648.78 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦389,648.78 M 2023-04-04 ₦5,000.00 2023-06-212024-01-16 mhauwa74@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023357Closed2024-01-16Request for Debt ProfileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2024-01-16 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023356Closed2024-01-16DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 715073 Debt Repayment ₦10,411.29 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦10,411.29 M 2023-03-28 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-01-16 carolynterjime@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023355Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023354Closed2024-01-16Debt inquiryMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 663729 Debt Repayment ₦110,559.06 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦80,559.06 M 2022-10-14 ₦30,000.00 2024-01-152024-01-16 delishduds@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023353Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023352Open0000-00-00Request for Debt profile,MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. 0101205010958 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 466390 Debt Repayment ₦143,883.37 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦133,883.37 M 2023-04-19 ₦10,000.00 2023-09-052024-01-16 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023351Closed2024-01-16REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE...... 95300211455MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 622980 Debt Repayment ₦114,895.87 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦92,895.87 M 2023-01-26 ₦22,000.00 2023-12-302024-01-16 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023350Closed2024-01-16Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 590511 Debt Repayment ₦164,292.86 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦160,292.86 M 2023-11-06 ₦4,000.00 2024-01-152024-01-16 tkhadija028@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023349ClosedKCT Request2024-01-16KCT REQUEST: 0101210160921 (01 TO 04 AND 04 TO 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. 4 To 1 3989 1030 8048 8839 2150 5208 2934 7225 1058 0297 1 To 4 4180 4131 0304 0632 6295 6353 4553 2955 7382 82372024-01-16 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023348Closed2024-01-16DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 432616 Debt Repayment ₦115,337.17 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦93,337.17 M 2022-08-11 ₦22,000.00 2023-07-302024-01-16 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023347Closed2024-01-16Debt InquiryMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 744979 Debt Repayment ₦72,840.37 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦32,840.37 M 2022-09-14 ₦40,000.00 2024-01-152024-01-16 abdulbakibbd@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023346Closed2024-01-16Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 492410 Debt Repayment ₦70,684.36 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦34,684.36 M 2022-07-20 ₦36,000.00 2024-01-062024-01-16 georgesamben123@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023345Closed2024-01-16DEBT PROFILE: 0101210107518MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 567816 Debt Repayment ₦165,482.60 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦159,482.60 M 2023-10-27 ₦6,000.00 2024-01-152024-01-16 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023344Closed2024-01-16REQUEST FOR DEBT==0195000005650MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 679405 Debt Repayment ₦31,106.94 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦22,106.94 M 2022-04-07 ₦9,000.00 2023-01-112024-01-16 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023343Closed2024-01-16REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE...... 95300408119MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 619658 Refund ₦63,061.32 ₦0.00 ₦525.51 ₦58,331.73 M 2023-03-13 ₦4,729.59 2023-12-082024-01-16 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023342Closed2024-01-16REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE..... 44000643188MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2024-01-16 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023341Closed2024-01-16REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE....... 44000643138MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 693509 Debt Repayment ₦56,158.35 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦22,158.35 M 2022-08-31 ₦34,000.00 2024-01-042024-01-16 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023340Closed2024-01-16Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 782510 Debt Repayment ₦7,856.21 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦3,856.21 M 2023-11-29 ₦4,000.00 2024-01-142024-01-16 Umar Auwal
#00023339Closed2024-01-16REQUEST FOR KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16No33673809945278030567 308315839087494509062024-01-16 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023338Closed2024-01-16KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16No60033953656643842616 649913504193389417892024-01-16 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023337Closed2024-01-16Krn requestMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16No08601635993969836322 435499846860302939032024-01-16 delishduds@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023336Closed2024-01-16DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 567065 Debt Repayment ₦149,857.94 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦135,857.94 M 2022-04-25 ₦14,000.00 2024-01-11 646039 Debt Repayment ₦61.00 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2023-08-15 ₦61.00 2023-10-06 Closed2024-01-16 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023335Closed2024-01-16Debt profile 62321200602MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 587900 Debt Repayment ₦128,408.06 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦116,408.06 M 2023-05-31 ₦12,000.00 2023-11-212024-01-16 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023334Closed2024-01-16Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 658570 Debt Repayment ₦70,056.68 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦70,056.68 V 2022-07-20 ₦0.00 2022-07-202024-01-16 georgesamben123@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023333ClosedKCT Request2024-01-16REQUEST FOR KCT & KRN-----95300177409 (TARIFF IS ON 34)MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16No0764 8286 7080 3296 3371 2522 4139 8572 4659 86562024-01-16 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023332Closed2024-01-16Krn requestMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16No40852751789116419209 325127028310818881002024-01-16 onceinlife6464@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023331Closed2024-01-16Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16No58303103054016728842 579279780800591686862024-01-16 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023330Closed2024-01-16Does not exist for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16No04829367183751523991 029897525446107238072024-01-16 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023329Closed2024-01-16REQUEST FOR KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16No32372404350035980574 571470518378980557072024-01-16 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023328Closed2024-01-16Krn requestMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-16No40852751789116419209 325127028310818881002024-01-16 onceinlife6464@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023327Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023326ClosedKCT Request2024-01-12KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 5394 4869 4230 1913 2354 3563 6627 7732 1521 71292024-01-12 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023325Closed2024-01-12Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6125010813-01 Debt Repayment ₦251,478.83 ₦-2,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦249,478.83 M 2018-03-05 ₦0.00 2021-05-312024-01-12 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023324Closed2024-01-12Request for debt detailsMedium 2024-01-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 776478 Debt Repayment ₦11,070.48 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦11,070.48 M 2023-12-18 ₦0.00 2023-12-302024-01-12 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com
#00023323Closed2024-01-12Debt profile 54161147985MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 572972 Debt Repayment ₦86,505.32 ₦-22,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦505.32 M 2020-01-16 ₦64,000.00 2024-01-062024-01-12 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023322Closed2024-01-12Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 651590097901 Debt Repayment ₦567,578.04 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦567,578.04 M 2022-10-05 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-01-12 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023321ClosedKCT Request2024-01-12REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 3117 8022 6392 0080 1612 6829 0800 1211 0259 74562024-01-12 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023320Closed2024-01-12Prepaid Meter outstanding balance check.MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, 54161118176 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6623163222-01 Debt Repayment ₦171,424.52 ₦-30,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦80,224.52 M 2020-02-29 ₦61,200.00 2024-01-112024-01-12 joseph.tegwis@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023319Closed2024-01-12REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE---54161044679MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, There are no debt records found for this meter at the momen2024-01-12 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023318Closed2024-01-12DEBT PROFILE 0195000002566MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 658506059701 Debt Repayment ₦204,043.67 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦170,043.67 M 2022-07-21 ₦34,000.00 2023-12-232024-01-12 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023317Closed2024-01-12DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 762147 Debt Repayment ₦42,810.19 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦40,810.19 M 2023-12-21 ₦2,000.00 2024-01-052024-01-12 delishduds@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023316Closed2024-01-12KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12No44000807030 44000808640 42352042329217672492 56157006414130857428 44000806073 00804579706005867962 64875765990369843170 44000806248 63092834781790724220 14475495599273324763 44000808749 10641504196766813761 20513741299726062689 44000808517 71748164387994135607 41908612472880819840 44000812972 66851961185456906185 209241431303228840252024-01-12 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023315Closed2024-01-12KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12No55819011285391184361 282260969268555747172024-01-12 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023314Closed2024-01-12DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 010122003933MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2024-01-12 joseph.tegwis@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023313Closed2024-01-12DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 713245 Debt Repayment ₦6,863.31 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦6,863.31 M 2023-12-28 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-01-12 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023312ClosedRequest2024-01-12REQUEST FOR CLEAR TAMPAR CODESMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12No0101205001122 Clear Tamper 0 2539 9424 7568 1768 5351 0101205009067Clear Tamper01394 2712 5248 4190 91902024-01-12 ismailsaumar72@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023311Closed2024-01-12KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12No44000807030 44000808640 42352042329217672492 56157006414130857428 44000806073 00804579706005867962 64875765990369843170 44000806248 63092834781790724220 14475495599273324763 44000808749 10641504196766813761 20513741299726062689 44000808517 71748164387994135607 41908612472880819840 44000812972 66851961185456906185 209241431303228840252024-01-12 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023310Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023309Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023308Closed2024-01-12Request for debt profile 44000327716, 0101170397000, 0101190154068MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, find below. 44000327716 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 639269 Debt Repayment ₦14,532.03 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦4,532.03 M 2023-08-21 ₦10,000.00 2024-01-01 0101170397000 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 435515 Debt Repayment ₦101,170,397,000.00 ₦-101,170,244,387.09 ₦2,000.00 ₦92,610.91 M 2019-08-28 ₦60,002.00 2023-12-12 0101190154068 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 650280 Debt Repayment ₦52,492.32 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦52,492.32 M 2022-07-19 ₦0.00 0000-00-00 ​2024-01-12 umaymah1065@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023307Closed2024-01-12Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 528052 Debt Repayment ₦60,084.30 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦38,084.30 M 2023-01-24 ₦22,000.00 2023-12-302024-01-12 mustaphamaryam67@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023306Closed2024-01-12REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 95300403839MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 816681 Refund ₦63,061.32 ₦0.00 ₦525.51 ₦57,806.22 M 2023-03-13 ₦5,255.10 2024-01-10 816681 Debt Repayment ₦35,660.89 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦31,660.89 M 2023-11-27 ₦4,000.00 2024-01-102024-01-12 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023305Closed2024-01-12Request for debt profile,MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 807813 Refund ₦63,061.32 ₦0.00 ₦525.51 ₦63,061.32 M 2023-03-13 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-01-12 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023304Closed2024-01-12Debt statusMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2024-01-12 aleeyuibraheemahmad16@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023303ClosedKCT Request2024-01-12REQUEST FOR KCT 46 TO 1 - 0101180108538MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, find below. 46 To 1 0909 8885 8718 0859 8793 6623 6951 4405 9887 29722024-01-12 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023302Closed2024-01-12Request for Debt profile for 0101200118186MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612355216701 Debt Repayment ₦369,452.55 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦351,452.55 M 2023-04-01 ₦18,000.00 2024-01-2024-01-12 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023301Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023300Closed2024-01-12DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 748888 Debt Repayment ₦3,688.92 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2023-11-05 ₦3,688.92 2024-01-10 Closed2024-01-12 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023299ClosedKCT Request2024-01-12KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, find below. 0101235027477 tr 02 2 To 55 5603 7175 9149 3770 8051 1524 0950 7116 0417 5745 0101235029234 TR 02 This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2024-01-12 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023298Closed2024-01-12Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12No26543787178209843806 617651476455936921532024-01-12 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023297Closed2024-01-12Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 705936 Debt Repayment ₦42,609.01 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦20,109.01 M 2023-03-27 ₦22,500.00 2023-12-082024-01-12 tkhadija028@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023296Closed2024-01-12REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101180148203MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 693731 Debt Repayment ₦7,495.01 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2022-02-16 ₦7,495.01 2022-08-29 Closed 693731 Refund ₦48,263.38 ₦0.00 ₦402.19 ₦48,263.38 M 2023-03-13 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-01-12 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023295ClosedVending History2024-01-1244000379402 vending history pleaseMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, find below. # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 1116170496711924 Transaction Date/Time: 2024-01-11 10:58:39 Meter No.: 44000379402 Account No.: 745381 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦279.07 Energy Cost: ₦3,720.93 KwH: 54.23 Amount Tendered: ₦4,000.00 1532 6476 9974 8666 2558 2 Transaction ID: 6942170496624924 Transaction Date/Time: 2024-01-11 10:44:09 Meter No.: 44000379402 Account No.: 745381 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 13.56 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 5828 3727 6052 5739 4520 3 Transaction ID: 4799170446108924 Transaction Date/Time: 2024-01-05 14:24:50 Meter No.: 44000379402 Account No.: 745381 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 67.79 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 1671 5086 6513 1129 9049 4 Transaction ID: 0977170238470724 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-12-12 13:38:28 Meter No.: 44000379402 Account No.: 745381 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦249.97 Energy Cost: ₦3,332.91 Debt Repayment: ₦1,417.12 KwH: 48.58 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 5751 8160 1902 2585 6384 5 Transaction ID: 4191169124452724 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-08-05 15:08:47 Meter No.: 44000379402 Account No.: 745381 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦279.07 Energy Cost: ₦3,720.93 KwH: 54.23 Amount Tendered: ₦4,000.00 4226 5325 2728 5959 2187 6 Transaction ID: 0199169010568624 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-07-23 10:48:07 Meter No.: 44000379402 Account No.: 745381 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 40.67 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 4809 1928 3633 7269 4336 7 Transaction ID: 7137168934732424 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-07-14 16:08:44 Meter No.: 44000379402 Account No.: 745381 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 27.12 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 0419 4416 0091 0963 4080 8 Transaction ID: 3315168848535824 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-07-04 16:42:38 Meter No.: 44000379402 Account No.: 745381 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 13.56 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 1416 4529 0408 6091 5818 9 Transaction ID: 8856168832979824 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-07-02 21:29:58 Meter No.: 44000379402 Account No.: 745381 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 13.56 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 1470 5481 9805 7221 6231 10 Transaction ID: 1689168811006424 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-06-30 08:27:45 Meter No.: 44000379402 Account No.: 745381 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 13.56 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 2238 3057 2835 0488 94732024-01-12 ennaandongauta9@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023294Closed2024-01-12Request for debt profile 44000369270MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 755533 Debt Repayment ₦1,370.36 ₦0.00 ₦1,370.36 ₦0.00 M 2022-05-17 ₦1,370.36 2023-08-30 Closed2024-01-12 lucky.akpobi@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023293Closed2024-01-12Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 561872 Debt Repayment ₦97,340.30 ₦-5,000.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦14,840.30 M 2019-06-25 ₦77,500.00 2023-12-312024-01-12 addilelgi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023292Closed2024-01-12REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12No2024-01-12 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023291Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023290Closed2024-01-12Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 770682 Debt Repayment ₦2,525.02 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2022-10-24 ₦2,525.02 2023-01-17 Closed 770682 Debt Repayment ₦2,647.14 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2023-11-28 ₦2,647.14 2024-01-11 Closed2024-01-12 mustaphamaryam67@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023289Closed2024-01-12Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 702994 Refund ₦48,263.38 ₦0.00 ₦402.19 ₦44,241.48 M 2023-03-13 ₦4,021.90 2024-01-11 702994 Debt Repayment ₦20,812.96 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦16,812.96 M 2023-11-28 ₦4,000.00 2024-01-112024-01-12 georgesamben123@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023288Closed2024-01-12Debt profile for MSN 44300010905MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 793716 Debt Repayment ₦22,887.21 ₦0.00 ₦10,887.21 ₦0.00 V 2023-05-18 ₦22,887.21 2024-01-032024-01-12 isaacchijioke45@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023287ClosedKCT Request2024-01-12Request for KRN KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12No62321003071 index 01 43101397550507571121 56283607264543075586 62321079493 index 01 08166639088950308571 04016432789526266189 62421199647 index 01 33320861990933955287 56619905050661756521 62421200397 index 01.....incorrect 62421199571 index 01 39365436677482867616 17695368833053244484 62421206483 index 01 42240452824365655193 386840348545515293192024-01-12 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023286Closed2024-01-12REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 54161021305MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6581820855-01 Debt Repayment ₦118,789.51 ₦-18,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦36,789.51 M 2019-05-16 ₦64,000.00 2024-01-052024-01-12 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023285Closed2024-01-12Request for KrnMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12No05599409443094342100 577109130973910570762024-01-12 thompsontor@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023284Closed2024-01-12Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12No11639585886534530519 429525690057695610172024-01-12 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023283Closed2024-01-1257100036607MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, find below. 33 To 1 0966 9332 1677 4744 2313 5917 4830 4716 1044 35552024-01-12 johnny007emmanuel@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023282Closed2024-01-12DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHe has no debt2024-01-12 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023281ClosedKCT Request2024-01-12Request for krn kctMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12No57135607434159187989 210346666550654266232024-01-12 shehumyusuf51@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023280ClosedKCT Request2024-01-12KRN AND KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12No21947349875222198778 12313422804240630306 0276 4052 0577 9344 9012 0566 5545 2038 4019 28122024-01-12 jubilant95@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023279ClosedTamper Code2024-01-12REQUEST FOR CLEAR TAMPER CODESMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12No0150000897887 0150000897887 Clear Tamper 0 4812 0863 9764 5124 8614 44000988038 44000988038 Clear Tamper 0 3452 8781 4720 2273 1116 0150000964513 0150000964513 Clear Tamper 0 0466 2914 4919 6108 2141 0150000979230 Clear Tamper 0 4808 4399 6172 0639 6567 440000984797....incorrect2024-01-12 aliyu.difa@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023278Closed2024-01-12REQUEST FOR KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12No31148560303878465900 219404780661557257552024-01-12 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023277Closed2024-01-12Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12No55354241427203013896 508643563417498108962024-01-12 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023276Closed2024-01-12KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12No54161019275 58757394132043011004 465421278999272566982024-01-12 mauwalu143@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023275Closed2024-01-12Debt statusMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6414031893-01 Debt Repayment ₦147,343.00 ₦-128,442.27 ₦2,500.00 ₦0.00 M 2016-08-02 ₦18,900.73 2022-02-16 Closed2024-01-12 aleeyuibraheemahmad16@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023274Closed2024-01-12Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12No26543787178209843806 617651476455936921532024-01-12 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023273Closed2024-01-12Request for KRN in respect of this account 0101215019197 from tariff index 02MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12No02789981093703521856 201428746447061190882024-01-12 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023272Closed2024-01-12KRN REQUEST: 0101210164329MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12No20584042992017227403 558320609675145559802024-01-12 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023271Closed2024-01-12KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12No08158648740970400306 000740238868397309132024-01-12 mauwalu143@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023270Closed2024-01-12Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12No33320861990933955287 566199050506617565212024-01-12 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023269Closed2024-01-12Request for KRN in respect of this account 54160911894 tariff index 03MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12No40742647947106061994 337257465645650615242024-01-12 Umar Auwal
#00023268Closed2024-01-12REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILR - 57100059559MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2024-01-12 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023267Closed2024-01-12KRN REQUEST: 0101185050594MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12No08450915509684350035 022949697479982102552024-01-12 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023266Closed2024-01-12DEBT PROFILE: 0101200112668MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 421800 Debt Repayment ₦254,743.07 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦220,743.07 M 2022-08-19 ₦34,000.00 2024-01-102024-01-12 Umar Auwal
#00023265Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023264ClosedKCT Request2024-01-12KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, find below. 1 To 2 6528 4003 7372 5061 3056 4315 5431 6444 6079 0346 2 To 1 4659 3904 7947 1040 7023 0428 2105 1599 6722 32732024-01-12 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023263Closed2024-01-12Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 662254110601 Debt Repayment ₦185,663.04 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦185,663.04 M 2023-09-29 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-01-12 georgesamben123@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023262Closed2024-01-12Request for debt profile--0101170371195MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, find below. Hello, There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2024-01-12 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023261Closed2024-01-12REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101180148203MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 693731 Debt Repayment ₦7,495.01 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2022-02-16 ₦7,495.01 2022-08-29 Closed 693731 Refund ₦48,263.38 ₦0.00 ₦402.19 ₦48,263.38 M 2023-03-13 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-01-12 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023260ClosedVending History2024-01-1244000379402 vending history pleaseMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, find below. # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 1116170496711924 Transaction Date/Time: 2024-01-11 10:58:39 Meter No.: 44000379402 Account No.: 745381 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦279.07 Energy Cost: ₦3,720.93 KwH: 54.23 Amount Tendered: ₦4,000.00 1532 6476 9974 8666 2558 2 Transaction ID: 6942170496624924 Transaction Date/Time: 2024-01-11 10:44:09 Meter No.: 44000379402 Account No.: 745381 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 13.56 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 5828 3727 6052 5739 4520 3 Transaction ID: 4799170446108924 Transaction Date/Time: 2024-01-05 14:24:50 Meter No.: 44000379402 Account No.: 745381 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 67.79 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 1671 5086 6513 1129 9049 4 Transaction ID: 0977170238470724 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-12-12 13:38:28 Meter No.: 44000379402 Account No.: 745381 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦249.97 Energy Cost: ₦3,332.91 Debt Repayment: ₦1,417.12 KwH: 48.58 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 5751 8160 1902 2585 6384 5 Transaction ID: 4191169124452724 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-08-05 15:08:47 Meter No.: 44000379402 Account No.: 745381 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦279.07 Energy Cost: ₦3,720.93 KwH: 54.23 Amount Tendered: ₦4,000.00 4226 5325 2728 5959 2187 6 Transaction ID: 0199169010568624 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-07-23 10:48:07 Meter No.: 44000379402 Account No.: 745381 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 40.67 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 4809 1928 3633 7269 4336 7 Transaction ID: 7137168934732424 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-07-14 16:08:44 Meter No.: 44000379402 Account No.: 745381 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 27.12 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 0419 4416 0091 0963 4080 8 Transaction ID: 3315168848535824 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-07-04 16:42:38 Meter No.: 44000379402 Account No.: 745381 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 13.56 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 1416 4529 0408 6091 5818 9 Transaction ID: 8856168832979824 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-07-02 21:29:58 Meter No.: 44000379402 Account No.: 745381 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 13.56 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 1470 5481 9805 7221 6231 10 Transaction ID: 1689168811006424 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-06-30 08:27:45 Meter No.: 44000379402 Account No.: 745381 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 13.56 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 2238 3057 2835 0488 94732024-01-12 ennaandongauta9@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023259Closed2024-01-12Request for debt profile 44000369270MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 755533 Debt Repayment ₦1,370.36 ₦0.00 ₦1,370.36 ₦0.00 M 2022-05-17 ₦1,370.36 2023-08-30 Closed2024-01-12 lucky.akpobi@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023258Closed2024-01-12Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 561872 Debt Repayment ₦97,340.30 ₦-5,000.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦14,840.30 M 2019-06-25 ₦77,500.00 2023-12-312024-01-12 addilelgi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023257Closed2024-01-12REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, find below. 0150000867344 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 638759 Debt Repayment ₦171,171.92 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦147,171.92 M 2022-03-23 ₦24,000.00 2024-01-11 0150000949175 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 688397 Debt Repayment ₦44,787.47 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦787.47 M 2022-03-10 ₦44,000.00 2024-01-092024-01-12 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023256Closed2024-01-12Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 770682 Debt Repayment ₦2,525.02 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2022-10-24 ₦2,525.02 2023-01-17 Closed 770682 Debt Repayment ₦2,647.14 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2023-11-28 ₦2,647.14 2024-01-11 Closed2024-01-12 mustaphamaryam67@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023255Closed2024-01-12Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 702994 Refund ₦48,263.38 ₦0.00 ₦402.19 ₦44,241.48 M 2023-03-13 ₦4,021.90 2024-01-11 702994 Debt Repayment ₦20,812.96 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦16,812.96 M 2023-11-28 ₦4,000.00 2024-01-112024-01-12 georgesamben123@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023254Closed2024-01-12Debt inquiryMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 774993 Debt Repayment ₦14,819.40 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦14,819.40 M 2023-12-07 ₦0.00 2023-12-252024-01-12 delishduds@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023253Closed2024-01-12REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE...... 0101210062176MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 514672 Debt Repayment ₦34,556.28 ₦-25,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,556.28 M 2023-09-29 ₦4,000.00 2023-11-282024-01-12 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023252Closed2024-01-12REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2024-01-12 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023251Closed2024-01-12REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE...... 44000494664MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 801724 Debt Repayment ₦41,520.89 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦35,520.89 M 2023-03-29 ₦6,000.00 2023-06-042024-01-12 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023250Closed2024-01-12REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE..... 010120005477MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, Hello, This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2024-01-12 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023249Closed2024-01-12DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, find below. ​ Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 529384 Debt Repayment ₦102,916.88 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦102,916.88 M 2023-12-24 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-01-12 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023248Closed2024-01-12REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE....... 0101200056477MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 619666 Debt Repayment ₦66,000.13 ₦0.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦42,000.13 V 2022-03-30 ₦24,000.00 2023-03-162024-01-12 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023247Closed2024-01-12Debts statusMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2024-01-12 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023246Closed2024-01-12Debt inquiryMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 776448 Debt Repayment ₦4,070.48 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦4,070.48 M 2023-12-14 ₦0.00 2023-12-212024-01-12 delishduds@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023245Closed2024-01-12REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE...... 54161043564MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6573181590-01 Debt Repayment ₦228,102.03 ₦-153,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦13,102.03 M 2017-02-27 ₦62,000.00 2023-12-312024-01-12 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023244Closed2024-01-12Debt inquiryMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 776176 Debt Repayment ₦16,332.91 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦16,332.91 M 2023-12-14 ₦0.00 2023-12-222024-01-12 delishduds@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023243Closed2024-01-12Debt statusMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2024-01-12 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023242Closed2024-01-12REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 44000523744MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 702994 Refund ₦48,263.38 ₦0.00 ₦402.19 ₦44,241.48 M 2023-03-13 ₦4,021.90 2024-01-11 702994 Debt Repayment ₦20,812.96 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦16,812.96 M 2023-11-28 ₦4,000.00 2024-01-112024-01-12 umaymah1065@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023241Closed2024-01-12DEBT PROFILE 44000381051MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 639441 Debt Repayment ₦83,123.99 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦75,123.99 M 2023-09-20 ₦8,000.00 2024-01-102024-01-12 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023240Closed2024-01-12REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 44000460715MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 461793 Debt Repayment ₦79,996.62 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦55,996.62 M 2022-05-06 ₦24,000.00 2023-05-182024-01-12 umaymah1065@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023239ClosedKCT Request2024-01-12REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2024-01-12 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023238ClosedKCT Request2024-01-12KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, find below. 21 To 1 0935 5084 2488 1928 0075 7256 3786 9426 5413 29242024-01-12 mauwalu143@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023237ClosedKCT Request2024-01-12REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, find below. 1 To 99 5233 7179 0262 5832 0493 0322 4529 4328 4605 84062024-01-12 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023236Closed2024-01-12Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 817708 Refund ₦63,061.32 ₦0.00 ₦525.51 ₦57,806.22 M 2023-03-13 ₦5,255.10 2024-01-05 817708 Debt Repayment ₦5,668.48 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦1,668.48 M 2023-11-28 ₦4,000.00 2024-01-052024-01-12 mustaphamaryam67@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023235Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023234Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023233Closed2024-01-12Debt 0101210118762MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 380476 Debt Repayment ₦209,859.07 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦203,859.07 M 2023-08-01 ₦6,000.00 2023-11-172024-01-12 mathewudahson@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023232ClosedKCT Request2024-01-12Kct requestMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, find below. 1 To 99 3009 6721 0838 8653 7461 4735 9141 6014 8519 57382024-01-12 onceinlife6464@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023231Closed2024-01-12REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE.... 44000523744MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 702994 Refund ₦48,263.38 ₦0.00 ₦402.19 ₦44,241.48 M 2023-03-13 ₦4,021.90 2024-01-11 702994 Debt Repayment ₦20,812.96 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦16,812.96 M 2023-11-28 ₦4,000.00 2024-01-112024-01-12 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023230Closed2024-01-12DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 623216184501 Debt Repayment ₦57,863.83 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦17,863.83 M 2022-05-31 ₦40,000.00 2024-01-022024-01-12 toranyiinkator14@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023229Closed2024-01-12DEBT PROFILE: 0101210031569MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611244393301 Debt Repayment ₦300,596.59 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦294,596.59 M 2023-10-03 ₦6,000.00 2024-01-022024-01-12 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023228Closed2024-01-12Completed Clear Tamper Complaint Lodging FormsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-12NoFind beloe, 62122360886 Clear Tamper 0 0576 6726 6553 7119 5970 62420227498 Clear Tamper 0 2693 1842 7872 5896 2354 62521014787 Clear Tamper 0 4485 7371 8366 2581 8794 62420250227 Clear Tamper 0 1152 2366 2953 6931 1788 62421050725 Clear Tamper 0 6385 5835 4862 3535 6066 62420220923 Clear Tamper 0 5832 6805 7313 1010 94142024-01-12 mnasir.suleiman@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023227Closed2024-01-11DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6117020378-01 Debt Repayment ₦511,089.74 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦449,089.74 M 2019-04-25 ₦62,000.00 2023-12-282024-01-11 abdullahif44@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023226Closed2024-01-11REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 0101190030649MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 720086 Debt Repayment ₦23,704.32 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦23,704.32 M 2023-03-29 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-01-11 umaymah1065@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023225Closed2024-01-11DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 615216193801 Debt Repayment ₦270,803.55 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦226,803.55 M 2022-03-23 ₦44,000.00 2024-01-032024-01-11 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023224Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023223Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023222Closed2024-01-11Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 676086 Debt Repayment ₦26,996.40 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦18,996.40 M 2023-08-21 ₦8,000.00 2023-12-092024-01-11 mustaphamaryam67@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023221Closed2024-01-11REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 95300163235MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 658506094401 Debt Repayment ₦324,401.51 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦288,401.51 M 2022-07-21 ₦36,000.00 2024-01-112024-01-11 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023220Closed2024-01-11DEBT PROFILE 95300153095MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 679259 Debt Repayment ₦50,200.22 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦24,200.22 M 2022-03-11 ₦26,000.00 2023-09-122024-01-11 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023219Closed2024-01-11Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 794403 Debt Repayment ₦26,923.17 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦26,923.17 M 2023-07-28 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-01-11 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023218ClosedKCT Request2024-01-11KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-11NoHello, find below. 1 To 2 6815 7036 1708 6225 5660 1984 9403 9468 6210 90042024-01-11 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023217ClosedKCT Request2024-01-11REQUEST FOR K C TMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-11NoHello, find below. 1 To 2 7268 4381 3640 9242 2295 2630 2242 8855 6700 2442 2 To 1 2387 5102 1911 4515 3842 5539 1838 5947 7756 62212024-01-11 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023216ClosedKCT Request2024-01-11REQUEST FOR K C TMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-11NoHello, find below. 44000653863 Tariff index 55 to 99 55 To 99 4545 6668 7919 4020 1224 1802 7588 6340 8174 3450 0163211266974 Tariff index 1 1 To 99 3773 2751 7609 8408 0126 3057 0265 1743 6752 4281 44000718807 Tariff index 1 1 To 66 1922 1125 2741 1541 8003 2496 5929 4304 2233 38522024-01-11 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023215Closed2024-01-11REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-11NoHello, find below. 44000700375 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 671604201401 Debt Repayment ₦55,083.96 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦19,083.96 M 2022-07-18 ₦36,000.00 2024-01-11 0150000852403 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 540246 Debt Repayment ₦50,899.97 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦10,899.97 M 2022-04-08 ₦40,000.00 2023-12-032024-01-11 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023214Closed2024-01-11Debt inquiryMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 774993 Debt Repayment ₦14,819.40 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦14,819.40 M 2023-12-07 ₦0.00 2023-12-252024-01-11 delishduds@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023213Closed2024-01-11REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE...... 0101210062176MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 514672 Debt Repayment ₦34,556.28 ₦-25,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,556.28 M 2023-09-29 ₦4,000.00 2023-11-282024-01-11 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023212Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023211In Progress2024-01-11REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE..... 010120005477MediumIT Umar Auwal0000-00-00NoHello, Hello, This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.0000-00-00 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023210Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023209Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023208Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023207Closed2024-01-09DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 44000525558MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 758321 Debt Repayment ₦14,482.32 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦2,482.32 M 2023-05-15 ₦12,000.00 2023-11-222024-01-09 joseph.tegwis@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023206Closed2024-01-09Request for debt profile - 0150000888944MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672163345601 Debt Repayment ₦342,378.10 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦306,378.10 M 2022-06-30 ₦36,000.00 2023-12-282024-01-09 lucky.akpobi@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023205Closed2024-01-09Request for debt profile - 0150000899925MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09NoHello, find below. 0150000899925 Search: Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672163291301 Debt Repayment ₦252,859.80 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦216,859.80 M 2022-06-21 ₦36,000.00 2023-12-312024-01-09 lucky.akpobi@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023204Closed2024-01-09Debt profile RequestMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09NoHello, find below. There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2024-01-09 agohabigail69@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023203Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023202Closed2024-01-09DEBT PROFILEMedium 2024-01-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 720069 Debt Repayment ₦26,463.54 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦8,463.54 M 2023-03-29 ₦18,000.00 2023-12-282024-01-09 abdullahif44@gmail.com
#00023201Closed2024-01-09Request for total and outstanding debt for 0150001004830MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 636103040401 Debt Repayment ₦447,017.66 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦447,017.66 M 2023-06-16 ₦0.00 2023-06-192024-01-09 shukrah55@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023200Closed2024-01-09K c t tariff index 1MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09NoHello, find below. KCT1: 1206 1804 6169 4603 2640 KCT2: 7015 0847 2934 5275 43932024-01-09 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023199ClosedKCT Request2024-01-09KCT REQUEST FROM 2 TO 1 0195000005601MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 0507 0884 1635 8977 7202 6687 2836 2887 2455 34852024-01-09 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023198Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023197Closed2024-01-09DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 0101210315129.MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 802514 Refund ₦63,061.32 ₦0.00 ₦525.51 ₦62,010.30 M 2023-03-13 ₦1,051.02 2023-05-012024-01-16 joseph.tegwis@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023196Closed2024-01-09DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 735186 Debt Repayment ₦81,229.06 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦71,229.06 M 2023-08-18 ₦10,000.00 2024-01-062024-01-09 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023195Closed2024-01-09REQUEST FOR DEBT ==0101170307751MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 550895 Debt Repayment ₦98,181.54 ₦-34,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦181.54 M 2019-07-27 ₦64,000.00 2024-01-062024-01-09 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023194Closed2024-01-09DEBT PROFILE 0101200066906MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 589343 Debt Repayment ₦122,316.12 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦122,316.12 M 2023-04-01 ₦0.00 2023-04-092024-01-09 Umar Auwal
#00023193Closed2024-01-09REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE-----44000528883MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 787473 Debt Repayment ₦62,389.75 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦60,389.75 M 2023-12-05 ₦2,000.00 2024-01-082024-01-09 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023192ClosedKCT Request2024-01-09REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09NoHello, find below. 1 To 2 0491 4554 9502 2357 6522 5900 0994 0878 3207 7917 2 To 1 1149 1335 8496 8833 1150 6304 4337 7560 0863 3778 1 To 2 0491 4554 9502 2357 6522 5900 0994 0878 3207 7917 ---- On Mon, 08 Jan 2024 13:37:08 +0100 Babangida Bangis wrote ---2024-01-09 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023191Closed2024-01-09REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09NoHello, find below. 0150000968761 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 472446 Debt Repayment ₦212,726.10 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦178,726.10 M 2022-07-04 ₦34,000.00 2023-12-27 0150000949985 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 562012 Debt Repayment ₦95,757.79 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦59,757.79 M 2022-07-19 ₦36,000.00 2024-01-08 44000985620 There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment 44000499143 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 693989 Debt Repayment ₦22,331.04 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦16,331.04 M 2023-10-09 ₦6,000.00 2024-01-052024-01-09 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023190Closed2024-01-09DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 620827 Debt Repayment ₦50,406.03 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦32,406.03 M 2023-03-31 ₦18,000.00 2023-12-212024-01-09 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023189Closed2024-01-09DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6127240168-01 Debt Repayment ₦215,491.13 ₦-72,179.37 ₦2,000.00 ₦79,311.76 M 2019-08-21 ₦64,000.00 2024-01-082024-01-09 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023188Closed2024-01-09Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 720052 Debt Repayment ₦20,757.93 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦20,757.93 M 2023-12-19 ₦0.00 2023-12-252024-01-09 rasheedatlawalaa7428@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023187ClosedKCT Request2024-01-09KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09NoHello, find below. 4 To 1 5113 4366 6531 8669 4236 3688 9736 0701 8487 28452024-01-09 yakubaliyu82@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023186Closed2024-01-09Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 658212 Debt Repayment ₦76,389.63 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦74,389.63 M 2023-11-06 ₦2,000.00 2023-12-242024-01-09 tkhadija028@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023185Closed2024-01-09DEBT PROFILE 0101210124364MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 658103317401 Debt Repayment ₦231,647.93 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦212,647.93 M 2022-10-21 ₦19,000.00 2023-09-132024-01-09 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023184Closed2024-01-09DEBT PROFILE: 0101190147666MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 713089 Debt Repayment ₦7,409.13 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦7,409.13 M 2023-12-23 ₦0.00 2023-12-282024-01-09 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023183Closed2024-01-09REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09NoHello, find below. 44000985620 There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment 62321003782 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 734471 Debt Repayment ₦32,722.58 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦22,722.58 M 2023-08-18 ₦10,000.00 2024-01-032024-01-09 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023182Closed2024-01-09DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 54160981871 / 6573421704-01MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09NoHello, find below. 6573421704 This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 54160981871 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6573421704-01 Debt Repayment ₦235,844.50 ₦-122,002.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦51,842.50 M 2018-01-25 ₦62,000.00 2023-12-272024-01-09 joseph.tegwis@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023181Closed2024-01-09DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 631213219901 Debt Repayment ₦431,808.37 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦411,808.37 M 2023-01-10 ₦20,000.00 2023-11-232024-01-09 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023180Closed2024-01-09DEBT PROFILE: 54160735061MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 783171 Debt Repayment ₦9,626.28 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦7,626.28 M 2023-11-27 ₦2,000.00 2023-12-182024-01-09 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023179ClosedKCT Request2024-01-09KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09NoHello, find below. 99 To 1 0221 8122 6779 7362 3146 6051 4212 1418 2554 80002024-01-09 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023178Open0000-00-00REQUEST FOR DEBT =44000683522MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 787050 Debt Repayment ₦4,957.63 ₦0.00 ₦4,957.63 ₦4,957.63 V 2023-11-07 ₦0.00 2023-11-072024-01-09 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023177Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023176Closed2024-01-09DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 443099 Debt Repayment ₦119,026.53 ₦-26,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦29,026.53 M 2019-12-20 ₦64,000.00 2024-01-082024-01-09 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023175Closed2024-01-09KRN REQUEST: 44000775443MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09No72553949728181843839 385359158598945295512024-01-09 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023174Closed2024-01-09KRN REQUESTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09No55875050019441133763 678321214009885889922024-01-09 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023173Closed2024-01-09KRN REQUESTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09No51963935289927907496 292531006194243247192024-01-09 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023172Closed2024-01-09Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09No64871514605170433558 389343557293018872552024-01-09 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023171Closed2024-01-09Does not exist for KRN upgradeMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09No09400189728982464969 157848133729108845762024-01-09 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023170Closed2024-01-09Does not exist for KRN upgradeMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09No59741817191265520522 024776058551196179112024-01-09 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023169Closed2024-01-09Does not exist for KRN upgradeMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09No47502550012325161935 524661829672980058272024-01-09 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023168Closed2024-01-09REQUEST FOR KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09No30298394988394235872 268407987174506911422024-01-09 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023167ClosedKCT Request2024-01-09Request for KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09No0163211196759 1 To 2 3610 8528 1560 0637 5683 3026 1247 5929 3218 1285 2 To 1 4784 4547 8267 0681 9993 2674 3079 0133 2355 9711 0163211198789 1 To 2 0789 1728 8210 6699 4296 1694 0770 6463 2874 8609 2 To 1 6899 7235 4361 5598 4668 2996 6060 6883 5757 73162024-01-09 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023166Closed2024-01-09REQUEST FOR KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09No43482920833932793264 540500338962194675682024-01-09 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023165Closed2024-01-090161000020222 KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09No20494719727623294968 262425716045306370912024-01-09 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023164Closed2024-01-090161000051607 KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09No18199682088446453976 524618053991937182112024-01-09 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023163Closed2024-01-09Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09No03154805365351368978 271194055799892619032024-01-09 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023162Closed2024-01-09K r nMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09No20494719727623294968 262425716045306370912024-01-09 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023161Closed2024-01-09KRN REQUEST 0101170451492MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09No37732056962435507022 291239625078048848042024-01-09 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023160Closed2024-01-09Request for krnMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09No03802081326422972995 362627767878915149752024-01-09 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023159Closed2024-01-09KRN 44000983666 TARIFF 01MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09No41843361628934911610 312802063714411273472024-01-09 yuzarsif331122@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023158Closed2024-01-09Does not exist for KRN upgradeMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09No00631754036517350901 056830518808719868342024-01-09 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023157Closed2024-01-09REQUEST FOR DEBT ==44000571032MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 655138065101 Debt Repayment ₦115,606.81 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦103,606.81 M 2023-07-28 ₦12,000.00 2024-01-042024-01-09 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023156Closed2024-01-09KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09No44000978500, check th link .44000807774 31993237310545906421 332860492757797493872024-01-09 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023155ClosedKCT Request2024-01-09KCT REQUEST 0101270162594MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09NoHello, This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2024-01-09 joseph.tegwis@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023154ClosedRequest2024-01-09REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPER IN RESPECT OF THIS ACCOUNT 0150000894876MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09No1762 9661 9209 3379 33502024-01-09 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023153Closed2024-01-09REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 95300146800MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 664536 Debt Repayment ₦33,815.50 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦17,815.50 M 2022-03-11 ₦16,000.00 2022-11-062024-01-09 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023152Closed2024-01-09DEBT PROFILE 0101210195596MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 617362 Debt Repayment ₦65,812.10 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦21,812.10 M 2022-02-16 ₦44,000.00 2023-12-202024-01-09 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023151Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023150Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023149Closed2024-01-08Request for debt details for 44000424414MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-08NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 567191 Debt Repayment ₦69,108.30 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦27,108.30 M 2022-04-19 ₦42,000.00 2024-01-062024-01-08 shukrah55@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023148Closed2024-01-09Request for KRN KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09No15432141653757942289 088898721994570023702024-01-09 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023147Closed2024-01-09KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09No0101170441303 from 21 70399864179604940490 13670831725044536892 54161088775 from 21 52791202897842370630 707237831307047905982024-01-09 mauwalu143@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023146Closed2024-01-09KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09No14480467239682607064 119776785512523521442024-01-09 mauwalu143@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023145Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023144Closed2024-01-09Does not exist for KRN upgradeMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09No47502550012325161935 524661829672980058272024-01-09 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023143Closed2024-01-09REQUEST FOR KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09No30298394988394235872 268407987174506911422024-01-09 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023142ClosedKCT Request2024-01-09Request for KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09No0163211196759 1 To 2 3610 8528 1560 0637 5683 3026 1247 5929 3218 1285 2 To 1 4784 4547 8267 0681 9993 2674 3079 0133 2355 9711 0163211198789 1 To 2 0789 1728 8210 6699 4296 1694 0770 6463 2874 8609 2 To 1 6899 7235 4361 5598 4668 2996 6060 6883 5757 73162024-01-09 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023141Closed2024-01-09REQUEST FOR KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09No43482920833932793264 540500338962194675682024-01-09 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023140Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023139Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023138Closed2024-01-090161000051607 KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09No18199682088446453976 524618053991937182112024-01-09 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023137Closed2024-01-09Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09No03154805365351368978 271194055799892619032024-01-09 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023136Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023135Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023134Closed2024-01-09K r nMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09No20494719727623294968 262425716045306370912024-01-09 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023133Closed2024-01-09KRN REQUEST 0101170451492MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09No37732056962435507022 291239625078048848042024-01-09 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023132Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023131Closed2024-01-09Request for krnMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09No03802081326422972995 362627767878915149752024-01-09 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023130Closed2024-01-09KRN 44000983666 TARIFF 01MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09No41843361628934911610 312802063714411273472024-01-09 yuzarsif331122@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023129Closed2024-01-09Does not exist for KRN upgradeMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09No00631754036517350901 056830518808719868342024-01-09 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023128Closed2024-01-09REQUEST FOR DEBT ==44000571032MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 655138065101 Debt Repayment ₦115,606.81 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦103,606.81 M 2023-07-28 ₦12,000.00 2024-01-042024-01-09 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023127Closed2024-01-09KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09No44000978500, check th link .44000807774 31993237310545906421 332860492757797493872024-01-09 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023126ClosedKCT Request2024-01-09KCT REQUEST 0101270162594MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09NoHello, This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2024-01-09 joseph.tegwis@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023125ClosedTamper Code2024-01-09REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPER IN RESPECT OF THIS ACCOUNT 0150000894876MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09No1762 9661 9209 3379 33502024-01-09 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023124Closed2024-01-09DEBT PROFILE 0101210195596MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 617362 Debt Repayment ₦65,812.10 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦21,812.10 M 2022-02-16 ₦44,000.00 2023-12-202024-01-09 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023123Closed2024-01-09Request for KRN on tariff index 02 - 54161028367MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09No53592095925453357458 395699654166178843062024-01-09 lucky.akpobi@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023122Closed2024-01-09Request for debt details for 44000424414MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 567191 Debt Repayment ₦69,108.30 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦27,108.30 M 2022-04-19 ₦42,000.00 2024-01-062024-01-09 shukrah55@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023121Closed2024-01-09Request for KRN KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09No15432141653757942289 088898721994570023702024-01-09 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023120Closed2024-01-09KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09No70399864179604940490 13670831725044536892 54161088775 from 21 52791202897842370630 707237831307047905982024-01-09 mauwalu143@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023119Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023118Closed2024-01-09KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09No14480467239682607064 119776785512523521442024-01-09 mauwalu143@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023117Closed2024-01-09KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09No66822169833577512446 132753439182042629782024-01-09 toranyiinkator14@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023116Closed2024-01-09REQUEST FOR KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09No54160913197 Tariff index is 1. 23649164266119020345 55119863957943703113 54160896715 Tariffs index 1 12061804616946032640 701508472934527543932024-01-09 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023115Closed2024-01-09Request for debt profile 44000327716, 0101170397000, 0101190154068MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09NoHello, find below. 44000327716 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 639269 Debt Repayment ₦14,532.03 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦4,532.03 M 2023-08-21 ₦10,000.00 2024-01-01 0101170397000 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 435515 Debt Repayment ₦101,170,397,000.00 ₦-101,170,244,387.09 ₦2,000.00 ₦92,610.91 M 2019-08-28 ₦60,002.00 2023-12-12 0101190154068 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 650280 Debt Repayment ₦52,492.32 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦52,492.32 M 2022-07-19 ₦0.00 0000-00-00 ​2024-01-09 umaymah1065@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023114Closed2024-01-09Kindly assist with debt enquiry 44000336394MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 656480 Debt Repayment ₦78,256.24 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦44,256.24 M 2022-08-19 ₦34,000.00 2024-01-082024-01-09 aliyasalihuibrahim@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023113Closed2024-01-09Debt statusMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09NoHello, find below. 44000607729 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 758592 Debt Repayment ₦57,471.35 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦48,471.35 M 2023-03-28 ₦9,000.00 2024-01-02 0101200043616 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 599796 Debt Repayment ₦63,827.12 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦30,827.12 M 2022-03-30 ₦33,000.00 2023-12-312024-01-09 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023112Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023111ClosedKCT Request2024-01-09REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09NoHello, find below. 4 To 1 3323 7769 3616 1901 3250 4446 3327 9897 2477 21162024-01-09 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023110Closed2024-01-09Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6129013776-01 Debt Repayment ₦289,269.12 ₦-4,477.20 ₦2,500.00 ₦212,291.92 M 2019-01-17 ₦72,500.00 2023-10-312024-01-09 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023109Closed2024-01-09DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6123536458-01 Debt Repayment ₦147,425.71 ₦-28,170.54 ₦2,000.00 ₦67,255.17 M 2019-01-19 ₦52,000.00 2023-07-132024-01-09 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023108Closed2024-01-09DEBT PROFILE 44000654200MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 658143349601 Debt Repayment ₦283,541.15 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦283,541.15 M 2023-08-01 ₦0.00 2023-08-12024-01-09 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023107ClosedKCT Request2024-01-09K c t tariff index 1MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 7009 5507 5203 6400 3773 5766 4533 6745 9727 8304 1 To 2 2705 1717 2492 8371 6893 5592 8974 7521 7285 42152024-01-09 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023106Closed2024-01-09REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101215032232MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 658109139001 Debt Repayment ₦123,138.45 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦90,638.45 M 2022-12-06 ₦32,500.00 2024-01-082024-01-09 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023105Closed2024-01-09DEBT PROFILE: 0101210051849MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611911208401 Debt Repayment ₦249,330.55 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦249,330.55 M 2023-12-21 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-01-09 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023104Closed2024-01-09REQUEST FOR DEBT STATUS - 54161122780MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 564812 Debt Repayment ₦102,774.58 ₦-22,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦18,774.58 M 2020-01-08 ₦62,000.00 2023-12-072024-01-09 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023103Closed2024-01-09DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 0101210124190MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 657340290501 Debt Repayment ₦221,914.24 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦193,914.24 M 2022-10-25 ₦28,000.00 2023-12-102024-01-09 joseph.tegwis@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023102Closed2024-01-09REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09NoHello, find below. 0150000951106 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672163423901 Debt Repayment ₦187,599.75 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦157,599.75 M 2022-07-21 ₦30,000.00 2023-10-10 44000499184 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 778043 Debt Repayment ₦23,738.05 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦19,738.05 M 2023-10-06 ₦4,000.00 2023-12-272024-01-09 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023101Closed2024-01-09DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09NoHello, There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2024-01-09 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023100OpenRequest0000-00-00Request for assigning of metersMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09NoDear Pwol, 0101190151957 ............ Captured by Rakiya Shehu 0101210318693 ............ pool2024-01-09 muhammad.usman@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023099Closed2024-01-09Request for debt profile - 95300237476MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 704966 Debt Repayment ₦102,596.72 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦100,596.72 M 2023-12-28 ₦2,000.00 2024-01-082024-01-09 lucky.akpobi@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023098Closed2024-01-09REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 762924 Debt Repayment ₦20,968.58 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2022-07-25 ₦20,968.58 2023-12-13 Closed2024-01-09 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023097Closed2024-01-09Request for debt profile 95300410262MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09NoHello, This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2024-01-09 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023096Closed2024-01-09Request for debt profile 95300401262MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 817846 Refund ₦63,061.32 ₦0.00 ₦525.51 ₦57,806.22 M 2023-03-13 ₦5,255.10 2024-01-08 817846 Debt Repayment ₦5,668.48 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦1,668.48 M 2023-11-27 ₦4,000.00 2024-01-082024-01-09 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023095Closed2024-01-09Completed Clear Tamper Complaint lodging FormsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09No62521022194 Clear Tamper 0 3742 5850 1687 0783 9653 0101215074754 Clear Tamper 0 6676 0088 6180 4859 8637 0101200075568 Clear Tamper 0 1073 1428 2056 7778 3367 62221007404 Clear Tamper 0 1474 7120 6804 7883 6523 62420251597 Clear Tamper 0 6651 4500 5342 5481 4496 62221007115 Clear Tamper 0 5013 8649 2806 2485 6298 62221004377 Clear Tamper 0 0254 2132 7629 6126 4578 62521035436 Clear Tamper 0 5316 4593 0806 9614 8585 62221024250 Clear Tamper 0 3579 0799 8435 2116 2629 62221021710 Clear Tamper 0 6604 1436 2743 0832 85292024-01-09 mnasir.suleiman@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023094Closed2024-01-09REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE----44000535375MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 783366 Debt Repayment ₦26,102.36 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦24,102.36 M 2023-05-31 ₦2,000.00 2023-06-272024-01-09 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023093ClosedKCT Request2024-01-09KCT REQUEST FROM 21 TO 1 95300162328MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09NoHello, find below. 21 To 1 5185 6496 2523 8212 9033 6934 5410 1523 0126 43622024-01-09 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023092Closed2024-01-09DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 811706 Debt Repayment ₦5,730.78 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦3,730.78 M 2023-08-18 ₦2,000.00 2023-09-252024-01-09 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023091Closed2024-01-09Request for debt profile 0101170198713MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-09No2024-01-09 umaymah1065@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023090Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023089Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023088Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023087Closed2024-01-05REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE---0101200109748MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-05NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611510308901 Debt Repayment ₦632,517.18 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦632,517.18 M 2022-08-25 ₦0.00 0000-00-002024-01-05 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023086Closed2024-01-05Request for kct in respect of this account 44300055496MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-05NoHello, find below. KCT1: 6725 4604 8572 1898 0486 KCT2: 2156 0836 0106 4569 54162024-01-05 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023085Closed2024-01-05DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-05NoHello, find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 544269 Debt Repayment ₦84,920.63 ₦0.00 ₦5,000.00 ₦62,920.63 V 2022-09-06 ₦22,000.00 2024-01-052024-01-05 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023084Closed2024-01-05REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE...... 612344316301MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-05NoHello find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612344316301 Debt Repayment ₦436,894.94 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦434,894.94 M 2023-12-18 ₦2,000.00 2024-01-052024-01-05 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023083Closed2024-01-05DEBT PROFILE: 0101190138238MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-05NoHello, This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2024-01-05 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023082Closed2024-01-05DEBT PROFILE: 0101190138236MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-05NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 514063 Debt Repayment ₦204,163.32 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦162,163.32 M 2022-04-06 ₦42,000.00 2024-01-012024-01-05 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023081ClosedKCT Request2024-01-05KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-05NoHello, find below. 0101170441303 from 21 21 To 1 2482 0679 7336 9689 4609 2869 8951 4818 7108 0907 54161088775 from 21 21 To 1 6200 4438 9841 6338 2073 5909 1205 4810 6853 08412024-01-05 mauwalu143@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023080Closed2024-01-05REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE..... 0101210067688MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-05NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612344316301 Debt Repayment ₦436,894.94 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦434,894.94 M 2023-12-18 ₦2,000.00 2024-01-052024-01-05 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023079ClosedKCT Request2024-01-05REQUEST FOR K C TMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-05NoHello, find below. Tariff index 4 4 To 1 4494 9039 4363 1905 3602 2610 9487 8843 7273 6742 0150300021980 Tariff index 17 17 To 1 7014 4337 1516 4764 2504 0457 0274 1948 1671 75382024-01-05 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023078Closed2024-01-05DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-05NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 728792 Debt Repayment ₦22,994.74 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦994.74 M 2022-04-14 ₦22,000.00 2024-01-052024-01-05 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023077Closed2024-01-05Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-05NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 485511 Debt Repayment ₦66,472.89 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦24,472.89 M 2022-04-19 ₦42,000.00 2024-01-052024-01-05 georgesamben123@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023076Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023075Closed2024-01-05DEBT PROFILE REQUESTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-05NoHello, find below. 0150000888944 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672163345601 Debt Repayment ₦342,378.10 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦306,378.10 M 2022-06-30 ₦36,000.00 2023-12-28 ​ 0150000899925 This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number2024-01-05 joseph.tegwis@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023074Closed2024-01-05DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-05NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 658608 Debt Repayment ₦44,271.19 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦4,271.19 M 2022-05-25 ₦40,000.00 2024-01-022024-01-05 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023073ClosedKCT Request2024-01-05Reversal KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-05NoHello, fin below. 1 To 2 2769 3754 0298 3834 5008 5517 8727 5779 1148 9961 2 To 1 6663 1990 1231 7752 3292 1893 8666 6011 4374 17862024-01-05 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023072ClosedKCT Request2024-01-05Reversal KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-05NoHello, fin below. 1 To 2 2769 3754 0298 3834 5008 5517 8727 5779 1148 9961 2 To 1 6663 1990 1231 7752 3292 1893 8666 6011 4374 17862024-01-05 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023071Closed2024-01-05Completed Clear Tamper Complaint Lodging FormsMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-05No62420227142 Clear Tamper 0 7013 8271 8536 6493 5420 62420256950 Clear Tamper 0 4586 3103 4864 0038 9866 62221007776 Clear Tamper 0 2261 9915 9394 9980 2069 62420224313 Clear Tamper 0 5564 5922 6769 4758 4757 62420219958 Clear Tamper 0 4416 2586 4103 0227 4566 62521005975 Clear Tamper 0 1494 1340 3058 5130 4437 62420225161 Clear Tamper 0 1662 9768 2988 4346 8279 62221000391 Clear Tamper 0 1047 5656 7995 3884 2193 62420250631 Clear Tamper 0 4724 8393 0984 1610 5237 62420234775 Clear Tamper 0 2392 3747 1571 1609 9320 62221021728 Clear Tamper 0 1118 9590 2749 5875 3478 23102135441 Clear Tamper 0 3609 6008 6345 2820 9690 0101215072774 Clear Tamper 0 5347 6292 2093 9304 5977 62221008121 Clear Tamper 0 3015 8135 0225 4036 8123 62420233850 Clear Tamper 0 2285 5452 9256 9365 5303 62521011114 Clear Tamper 0 0297 7895 0552 8654 3712 62221006174 Clear Tamper 0 2902 5620 4714 5930 3473 62221002116 Clear Tamper 0 6084 1344 5607 1206 9435 0101235013311 Clear Tamper 0 6791 9905 4977 3812 95822024-01-05 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023070Closed2024-01-05Request for KRN in respect of this account 0161000051557MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-05No00816994690160146526 156209924368196224082024-01-05 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023069Closed2024-01-05Krn code on 0033MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-05No29002136675819122405 308673862960311776792024-01-05 ungwa14@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023068Closed2024-01-05Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-05NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 766931 Debt Repayment ₦32,483.29 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦26,483.29 M 2023-08-08 ₦6,000.00 2023-11-162024-01-05 tkhadija028@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023067Closed2024-01-05REQUEST FOR KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-05No03364959142733341497 451100557255112170452024-01-05 abjaleel3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023066Closed2024-01-05KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-05No08121172667215960439 483403741414824154582024-01-05 mauwalu143@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023065Closed2024-01-05REQUEST FOR KRN UPGRADE 44000811867MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-05No41083885110444708774 232539801219743297322024-01-05 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023064Closed2024-01-05KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-05No25569359002338719678 109826033772741043932024-01-05 amibabs433@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023063Closed2024-01-05K r nMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-05No31353765454258887494 053240781974277837792024-01-05 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023062ClosedKCT Request2024-01-05Request for krn kct numberMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-05No0101170123976 12 is on 33 and 13 is on 01 05250473133702844159 49351269475909615244 0101170401059 12 is 04 and 13 is on 01 32313076606397171420 47808571659214602853 0101215013117 12 is on 21 and 13 is on 01 26216255710236117155 101234726375645895832024-01-05 shehumyusuf51@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023061Closed2024-01-05REQUEST FOR KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-05No41834371629965172594 661038836025234767942024-01-05 abjaleel3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023060Closed2024-01-05KRN REQUEST FROM 1 TO 2 44000376135Medium 2024-01-05Nocheck the link2024-01-05 maryambashir4645@gmail.com
#00023059Closed2024-01-05DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-05NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 432609 Debt Repayment ₦39,433.12 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦3,433.12 M 2022-06-10 ₦36,000.00 2023-12-232024-01-05 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023058ClosedKCT Request2024-01-05KCT REQUEST: 0101170226548 (34 To 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-05NoHello,] find below. 34 To 1 2436 6291 8920 9639 0383 0011 8753 0860 7011 61892024-01-05 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023057Closed2024-01-05REQUEST FOR KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-05No55571695350716703500 720619648488108667492024-01-05 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023056Closed2024-01-05DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-05NoHello, find below. 44000611002 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 631276423501 Debt Repayment ₦383,138.84 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦355,138.84 M 2022-06-30 ₦28,000.00 2023-12-1 54160885254 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6361460180-01 Debt Repayment ₦150,089.79 ₦-22,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦66,089.79 M 2020-02-05 ₦62,000.00 2023-12-302024-01-05 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023055Closed2024-01-05REQUEST FOR KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-05No54160924517(4) 49286358720874159089 04045795112799002472 0101210021479(33) 56260004558488751660 59775603144527888234 44000763514(1)...check the link2024-01-05 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023054ClosedTamper Code2024-01-05REQUEST FOR CLEAR TAMPAR CODESMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-05No0150000955412 6652 3453 4215 3675 1400 0150000847866 2801 6283 8112 6145 88982024-01-05 ismailsaumar72@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023053In Progress2024-01-05Request for krnMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-05No02929831164505050131 417929223855130606960000-00-00 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023052ClosedRequest2024-01-05Reminder, New accounts to activateMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-05NoHello, treated2024-01-05 ahmadmiltonfairaskira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023051Closed2024-01-05Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-05No44000492668 63013457673871612581 63013457673871612581 44000623940 60590103291615895607 731845109412425950412024-01-05 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023050Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023049Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023048Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023047Closed2024-01-05REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 54160997521MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-05NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 577978 Debt Repayment ₦108,101.20 ₦-38,601.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦7,500.20 M 2019-06-02 ₦62,000.00 2023-12-312024-01-05 umaymah1065@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023046In Progress2024-01-05DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal0000-00-00NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 565748 Debt Repayment ₦210,474.72 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦173,974.72 M 2022-06-21 ₦36,500.00 2023-11-210000-00-00 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023045ClosedKCT Request2024-01-05KCT REQUEST: 0101205014844 (04 To 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-05NoHello, find below. 4 To 1 5113 4366 6531 8669 4236 3688 9736 0701 8487 28452024-01-05 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023044Closed2024-01-05Request for debt profile -MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-05NoHello, find below. ​ Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 743405 Debt Repayment ₦32,446.08 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦30,446.08 M 2023-12-31 ₦2,000.00 2024-01-04 ​2024-01-05 lucky.akpobi@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023043Closed2024-01-05DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-05NoHello, This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2024-01-05 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023042Closed2024-01-05DEBT ENQUIRYMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-05NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 627700 Debt Repayment ₦88,882.42 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦46,882.42 M 2022-03-29 ₦42,000.00 2023-12-312024-01-05 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023041Closed2024-01-05Request for debt profile - 62321137689MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-05NoHello, find below. Search: Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 645593 Debt Repayment ₦54,683.36 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦50,683.36 M 2023-11-27 ₦4,000.00 2024-01-052024-01-05 lucky.akpobi@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023040ClosedKCT Request2024-01-05KCT REQUEST: 0101210021198 (01 To 02 and 02 To 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-05NoHello, find below. 1 To 2 0645 8715 0738 5394 4939 2721 3840 1264 8111 3593 2 To 1 0383 3743 1182 9831 8616 2020 8078 3116 7162 07832024-01-05 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023039ClosedKCT Request2024-01-05REQUEST FOR KCT 57100002450, TARIFF INDEX SHOWING 21,KRN INDEX 1MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-05NoHello, find below. 21 To 1 4482 9771 2128 4267 6860 2177 4814 7914 2798 18582024-01-05 umaymah1065@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023038Closed2024-01-05Request for Debt profile for 0101215023736MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-05NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 790165 Debt Repayment ₦21,175.49 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦17,175.49 M 2023-11-14 ₦4,000.00 2024-01-052024-01-05 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023037Closed2024-01-05REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-05NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 499251 Debt Repayment ₦89,631.16 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦57,631.16 M 2022-08-10 ₦32,000.00 2023-12-232024-01-05 hamzaadamu64@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023036Closed2024-01-05Request for Debt profile for 0101170229005MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-05NoHello, There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2024-01-05 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023035Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023034Closed2024-01-05DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-05NoHello, There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2024-01-05 toranyiinkator14@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023033Closed2024-01-05Request for debt profile - 62321137689MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-05NoHello, find below. Search: Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 645593 Debt Repayment ₦54,683.36 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦50,683.36 M 2023-11-27 ₦4,000.00 2024-01-052024-01-05 lucky.akpobi@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023032Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023031Closed2024-01-05Request for debt profile...... 62321073918MediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-05NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 766931 Debt Repayment ₦32,483.29 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦26,483.29 M 2023-08-08 ₦6,000.00 2023-11-162024-01-05 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023030Closed2024-01-05DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2024-01-05NoHello, This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2024-01-05 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023029Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023028Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023027Closed2023-12-15Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 627324 Debt Repayment ₦100,486.07 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦94,486.07 M 2023-07-28 ₦6,000.00 2023-10-262023-12-15 tkhadija028@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023026ClosedKCT Request2023-12-15Request for kct sirMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15Nocheck the link2023-12-15 yilkatamos@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023025Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00023024Closed2023-12-15REQUEST FOR K R NMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15No44000697258 krn 1 to 2 26600454421001806191 03276215668463851152 44000679389 krn 1 to 2 62594628706760526839 09041536485137285396 44000704096 krn 1 to 2 70429369823771264277 35373421571891287405 44000737732 krn 1 to 2 00847588524432251413 57347323038304708435 44000713592 krn 1 to 2 51920022177958915253 67661641257727784103 44000690881 krn 1 to 2 08254210812008764754 39674468536916737496 44000689479 krn 1 to 2 63936702801848108773 06966497209042412133 44000716736 krn 1 to 2 03471670879061108725 38024750248834819119 44000680007 krn 1 to 2 67091377490396004237 28093289349460308499 44000711968 krn 1 to 2 12283317940600918677 17594555564268910894 44000713827 krn 1 to 2 ...............incorrect 44000718898 krn 1 to 2 57984585398479990549 42850938500264409032 44000691863 krn 1 to 2 34429275341646759105 73273255831331392857 44000680148 krn 1 to 2 61669272508056672960 39720639261351286483 44000735900 krn 1 to 2 70421005635874978660 23259394872095528954 44000675775 krn 1 to 2 19862093307466454390 10278579372253525592 44000674695 krn 1 to 2 53344104116998126647 32906305737800297678 44000704195 Krn 1 to 2 18337681782106786351 42990342460886453774 44000682859 krn 1 to 2 .....incorrect 44000688208 krn 1 to 2 10526773495646632330 41886822963524591446 44000678746 krn 1 to 2 69390094972215072647 51374301493790538666 44000692283 krn 1 to 2 44906450431602116496a 43374389499189270368 44000697258 krn 1 to 2 26600454421001806191 03276215668463851152 44000679389 krn 1 to 2 62594628706760526839 09041536485137285396 44000704096 krn 1 to 2 70429369823771264277 35373421571891287405 44000737732 krn 1 to 2 00847588524432251413 57347323038304708435 44000713592 krn 1 to 2 51920022177958915253 67661641257727784103 44000690881 krn 1 to 2 08254210812008764754 39674468536916737496 44000689479 krn 1 to 2 63936702801848108773 06966497209042412133 44000716736 krn 1 to 2 03471670879061108725 38024750248834819119 44000680007 krn 1 to 2 67091377490396004237 28093289349460308499 44000711968 krn 1 to 2 12283317940600918677 17594555564268910894 44000713827 krn 1 to 2 ...............incorrect 44000718898 krn 1 to 2 57984585398479990549 42850938500264409032 44000691863 krn 1 to 2 34429275341646759105 73273255831331392857 44000680148 krn 1 to 2 61669272508056672960 39720639261351286483 44000735900 krn 1 to 2 70421005635874978660 23259394872095528954 44000675775 krn 1 to 2 19862093307466454390 10278579372253525592 44000674695 krn 1 to 2 53344104116998126647 32906305737800297678 44000704195 Krn 1 to 2 18337681782106786351 42990342460886453774 44000682859 krn 1 to 2 .....incorrect 44000688208 krn 1 to 2 10526773495646632330 41886822963524591446 44000678746 krn 1 to 2 69390094972215072647 51374301493790538666 44000692283 krn 1 to 2 44906450431602116496a 433743894991892703682023-12-15 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023023Closed2023-12-15DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 631267070101 Debt Repayment ₦220,067.45 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦182,067.45 M 2022-05-23 ₦38,000.00 2023-12-142023-12-15 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023022Closed2023-12-15Request for debt profile 0101210116790MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 701107 Debt Repayment ₦195,129.99 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦167,129.99 M 2022-10-25 ₦28,000.00 2023-12-152023-12-15 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023021Closed2023-12-15DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 636146733001 Debt Repayment ₦193,563.69 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦191,563.69 M 2023-04-06 ₦2,000.00 2023-05-312023-12-15 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023020Closed2023-12-15Request for debt profile for this account 44000428407MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 636146733001 Debt Repayment ₦193,563.69 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦191,563.69 M 2023-04-06 ₦2,000.00 2023-05-312023-12-15 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023019Closed2023-12-15Request for debt profile for this account 44000428407MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 636146733001 Debt Repayment ₦193,563.69 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦191,563.69 M 2023-04-06 ₦2,000.00 2023-05-312023-12-15 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023018Closed2023-12-15Request for debt profile- 0101200108237MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612501148101 Debt Repayment ₦93,135.54 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦43,135.54 M 2022-04-05 ₦50,000.00 2023-12-082023-12-15 lucky.akpobi@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023017Closed2023-12-15Request for debt profile- 0101200108237MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612501148101 Debt Repayment ₦93,135.54 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦43,135.54 M 2022-04-05 ₦50,000.00 2023-12-082023-12-15 lucky.akpobi@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023016Closed2023-12-15Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 627324 Debt Repayment ₦100,486.07 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦90,486.07 M 2023-07-28 ₦10,000.00 2023-12-152023-12-15 tkhadija028@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023015Closed2023-12-15CLEAR TEMPER REQUEST AS AT 15/12/2023MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15NoFind below, 54160956378 Clear Tamper 0 2682 3982 4349 8249 2987 54160952237 Clear Tamper 0 4168 3191 6308 5056 9983 0101160002321 Clear Tamper 0 6592 9711 1929 3973 0810 0101175077029 Clear Tamper 0 5919 8345 3488 5589 3205 0101170133165 Clear Tamper 0 1731 7551 9984 8023 26412023-12-15 mnasir.suleiman@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00023014ClosedTamper Code2023-12-15REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPERMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15No54160902745 Clear Tamper 0 5477 4434 6655 9602 1056 44300055124 Clear Tamper 0 6032 5059 8687 7999 50102023-12-15 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023013ClosedKCT Request2023-12-15REQUEST FOR K C TMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15No44000697258........the meter is on 01 on the system Tariff index 1 to 99 44000653988 0272 8346 8129 9928 9016 5865 9203 6393 8512 18862023-12-15 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023012Closed2023-12-15REQUEST FOR KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15No44000331114(4) 03520726961465613427 52554382903258541020 54160924517(21) 44989287131981391932 20266431175113184035 0101215012382(1) 12532579226545147443 442230032294375482652023-12-15 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023011Closed2023-12-15REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15NoHello, find below. 0150000947930 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 417997 Debt Repayment ₦100,058.36 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦70,058.36 M 2022-08-10 ₦30,000.00 2023-11-30 0150000970296 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 418066 Debt Repayment ₦215,163.73 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦173,163.73 M 2022-03-11 ₦42,000.00 2023-12-11 0150000967381 This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 0150000954589 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 535781 Debt Repayment ₦42,218.32 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦0.00 M 2022-07-28 ₦42,218.32 2023-12-15 Closed2023-12-15 hamzaadamu64@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023010Closed2023-12-15Debt profile for MSN 0101210023277MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 561848 Debt Repayment ₦175,931.34 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦175,931.34 M 2022-12-07 ₦0.00 2022-12-232023-12-15 isaacchijioke45@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023009ClosedRequest2023-12-15REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPER IN RESPECT OF THIS ACCOUNT 0150000977804MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15NoFind below, 0150000977804Clear Tamper 1170 2563 3399 4187 40722023-12-15 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023008Closed2023-12-15Request for debt profile......0101170312421MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 409834 Debt Repayment ₦279,258.29 ₦-75,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦142,258.29 M 2019-09-26 ₦62,000.00 2023-12-082023-12-15 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023007Closed2023-12-15Request for debt profile==0101170259077MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 417306 Debt Repayment ₦250,402.36 ₦-25,000.00 ₦4,000.00 ₦167,402.36 V 2019-08-29 ₦58,000.00 2023-12-152023-12-15 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023006Closed2023-12-15Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612644076201 Debt Repayment ₦242,797.50 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦230,797.50 M 2022-03-23 ₦12,000.00 2022-09-302023-12-15 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00023005Closed2023-12-15Request for debt profile........0101161053166MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 510669 Debt Repayment ₦141,230.33 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦131,230.33 M 2022-08-22 ₦10,000.00 2023-01-312023-12-15 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023004Closed2023-12-15Request for debt profile....... 0101161004169MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6123061081-01 Debt Repayment ₦114,759.40 ₦-42,500.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦10,259.40 M 2019-08-26 ₦62,000.00 2023-12-102023-12-15 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023003Closed2023-12-15Request for debt profile...... 0101161004169MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6123061081-01 Debt Repayment ₦114,759.40 ₦-42,500.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦10,259.40 M 2019-08-26 ₦62,000.00 2023-12-102023-12-15 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023002Closed2023-12-15DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 818812 Refund ₦63,061.32 ₦0.00 ₦525.51 ₦58,331.73 M 2023-03-13 ₦4,729.59 2023-12-15 818812 Debt Repayment ₦5,668.48 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦3,668.48 M 2023-11-28 ₦2,000.00 2023-12-152023-12-15 samueldchun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023001Closed2023-12-15Request for debt profile........0101161004169MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6123061081-01 Debt Repayment ₦114,759.40 ₦-42,500.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦10,259.40 M 2019-08-26 ₦62,000.00 2023-12-102023-12-15 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00023000Closed2023-12-15DEBT PROFILE: 0101190142774MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 441163 Debt Repayment ₦270,916.13 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦266,916.13 M 2023-10-03 ₦4,000.00 2023-12-122023-12-15 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022999Closed2023-12-15Request for debt profile--44000314326MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 583467 Debt Repayment ₦44,296.85 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦40,296.85 M 2022-08-16 ₦4,000.00 2022-10-182023-12-15 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022998Closed2023-12-15DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 372687 Debt Repayment ₦50,966.46 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦34,966.46 M 2023-04-04 ₦16,000.00 2023-12-142023-12-15 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022997Closed2023-12-15DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 634403132701 Debt Repayment ₦99,107.03 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦65,107.03 M 2022-07-29 ₦34,000.00 2023-12-152023-12-15 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022996ClosedKCT Request2023-12-15KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15NoHello, find below. 1 To 2 3460 4383 2064 4824 9352 6119 5474 6113 6113 5252 2 To 1 4029 5356 9366 8313 0416 3977 4300 1537 8835 35972023-12-15 jubilant95@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022995Closed2023-12-15Debt statusMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 604605 Debt Repayment ₦111,481.63 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦73,481.63 M 2022-05-13 ₦38,000.00 2023-12-152023-12-15 aleeyuibraheemahmad16@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022994Closed2023-12-15Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 485312 Debt Repayment ₦153,442.76 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦141,442.76 M 2023-04-26 ₦12,000.00 2023-10-032023-12-15 georgesamben123@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022993Closed2023-12-15Debt Profile RequestMedium 2023-12-15NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 816387 Refund ₦63,061.32 ₦0.00 ₦525.51 ₦58,331.73 M 2023-03-13 ₦4,729.59 2023-12-152023-12-15 agohabigail69@gmail.com
#00022992Closed2023-12-15DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6127250735-01 Debt Repayment ₦90,931.28 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦52,931.28 M 2017-02-07 ₦38,000.00 2023-05-262023-12-15 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022991Open0000-00-00MIGRATION OF NEW ACCOUNTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15NoHello, account activated2023-12-15 Umar Auwal
#00022990Closed2023-12-15: Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 705897 Debt Repayment ₦35,741.08 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦35,741.08 M 2023-08-15 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-12-15 tkhadija028@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022989In Progress2023-12-15DEBT PROFILE: 44000385433MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 616053 Debt Repayment ₦85,579.45 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦55,579.45 M 2022-07-19 ₦30,000.00 2023-10-040000-00-00 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022988Closed2023-12-15DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15NoHello, There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2023-12-15 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022987Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022986Closed2023-12-15DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 755023 Debt Repayment ₦5,373.98 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦3,373.98 M 2023-10-27 ₦2,000.00 2023-11-092023-12-15 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022985Closed2023-12-15DEBT PROFILE: 0101200078570MediumIT Umar Auwal0000-00-00NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 587281 Debt Repayment ₦81,303.76 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦81,303.76 M 2023-05-17 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-12-15 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022984ClosedKCT Request2023-12-15KCT REQUESTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15NoHello, find below. 21 To 1 6876 5970 1427 6608 1139 5858 8172 6498 8436 83952023-12-15 faizahtafida@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022983Closed2023-12-15DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611468 Debt Repayment ₦137,313.08 ₦-45,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦32,313.08 M 2019-07-26 ₦60,000.00 2023-11-292023-12-15 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022982Closed2023-12-15REQUEST FOR KRN UPGRADEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15No62321044463 53384546406360711145 13660868877344303974 62321049652 29247136572466673991 39332775583637546450 44000808954 35270415468963436557 008961795945841218442023-12-15 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022981Closed2023-12-15Request for Debt profile for 0101200127013MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 666687 Debt Repayment ₦20,554.70 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦10,554.70 M 2023-07-28 ₦10,000.00 2023-12-112023-12-15 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022980Closed2023-12-15Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15No61703632321011166297 506474649208177585562023-12-15 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022979Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022978Closed2023-12-15REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE: 0101210125494MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 156621 Debt Repayment ₦257,053.71 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦229,053.71 M 2022-10-06 ₦28,000.00 2023-12-142023-12-15 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022977Closed2023-12-15Request for debt profile----0101210129405MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 650958 Debt Repayment ₦56,463.14 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦40,463.14 M 2023-03-30 ₦16,000.00 2023-11-292023-12-15 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022976Closed2023-12-15Request for debt profile----0101210129405MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 650958 Debt Repayment ₦56,463.14 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦40,463.14 M 2023-03-30 ₦16,000.00 2023-11-292023-12-15 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022975ClosedKCT Request2023-12-15KCT from 21 To 01MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15NoHello, find below. 21 To 1 3878 9896 6657 2810 9138 6784 7159 1809 5710 50462023-12-15 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022974Closed2023-12-15DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15NoHello, find below. 44000612505 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 513426 Debt Repayment ₦122,195.90 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦100,195.90 M 2022-06-30 ₦22,000.00 2023-05-31 44000677243 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 766365 Debt Repayment ₦35,733.08 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦1,733.08 M 2022-06-14 ₦34,000.00 2023-11-242023-12-15 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022973Closed2023-12-15Request for Debt profile for 0101170375667MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 435326 Debt Repayment ₦222,894.42 ₦-35,995.69 ₦2,000.00 ₦126,898.73 M 2019-02-02 ₦60,000.00 2023-12-142023-12-15 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022972Closed2023-12-15Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 662254002901 Debt Repayment ₦235,518.11 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦201,518.11 M 2022-07-21 ₦34,000.00 2023-12-062023-12-15 georgesamben123@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022971Closed2023-12-15Activate those accountsMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15NoHello, Account activated.2023-12-15 ahmadmiltonfairaskira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022970Closed2023-12-15Request for debt profile 44000524650MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 801836 Debt Repayment ₦22,493.37 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦10,493.37 M 2023-05-18 ₦12,000.00 2023-11-232023-12-15 umaymah1065@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022969Closed2023-12-15Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 662108126301 Debt Repayment ₦165,443.87 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦165,443.87 M 2023-11-08 ₦0.00 2023-11-112023-12-15 georgesamben123@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022968Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022967Closed2023-12-15Kindly assist with debt enquiry of 95300240066MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 651031 Debt Repayment ₦86,393.40 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦72,393.40 M 2022-09-06 ₦14,000.00 2023-04-072023-12-15 aliyasalihuibrahim@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022966Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022965Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022964Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022963Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022962ClosedKCT Request2023-12-15REQUEST FOR KCT 1 TO 2 AND 2 TO 1: 95300159704MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15NoHello, find below. 1 To 2 2137 3833 3831 1948 9773 6341 4633 2195 0762 8977 2 To 1 2266 4131 5862 7461 2058 0517 9292 4935 5090 92562023-12-15 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022961ClosedKCT Request2023-12-15REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 3946 8982 8425 3072 2553 5664 8150 0302 4289 7755 1 To 2 5846 0206 9087 0281 6201 0215 8476 0851 5701 45362023-12-15 samueldchun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022960ClosedKCT Request2023-12-15REQUEST FOR KCT 4 TO 1: 0101200026876MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15NoHello, find below. 4 To 1 4188 5774 4797 6982 6695 0599 9242 6492 5129 98202023-12-15 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022959ClosedKCT Request2023-12-15KCT RejectIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15NoHello, find below. 33 To 1 3637 3970 5347 0371 8640 5244 1937 8398 1789 96792023-12-15 haakoorngu@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022958Closed2023-12-15DEBT ENQUIRYMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611210071901 Debt Repayment ₦221,368.22 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦181,368.22 M 2022-04-11 ₦40,000.00 2023-12-142023-12-15 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022957Closed2023-12-15DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 591703 Debt Repayment ₦84,307.95 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦46,307.95 M 2022-05-24 ₦38,000.00 2023-12-092023-12-15 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022956Closed2023-12-15DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 0101210273880MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 801544 Refund ₦63,061.32 ₦0.00 ₦525.51 ₦58,331.73 M 2023-03-13 ₦4,729.59 2023-12-14 801544 Debt Repayment ₦130,595.19 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦128,595.19 M 2023-11-29 ₦2,000.00 2023-12-142023-12-15 joseph.tegwis@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00022955Closed2023-12-15DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 591703 Debt Repayment ₦84,307.95 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦46,307.95 M 2022-05-24 ₦38,000.00 2023-12-092023-12-15 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022954Closed2023-12-15DEBT PROFILE: 0101210023608MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-15NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 656194 Debt Repayment ₦67,623.58 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦65,623.58 M 2023-08-03 ₦2,000.00 2023-09-122023-12-15 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022953Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022952Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022951Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022950ClosedKCT Request2023-12-14KCT REQUEST: 0101200067128 (07 To 01), 0101170384479 (33 to 01)Medium 2023-12-14NoHello, find below. 0101200067128 (07 To 01), 7 To 1 5282 1884 2447 5283 5769 0388 1090 4753 4649 9877 0101170384479 (33 to 01) 33 To 1 5491 3369 7451 1136 2505 6570 2464 7449 0501 79852023-12-14 ademugeorge@gmail.com
#00022949Closed2023-12-14REQUEST FOR DEBT ==0101190138673MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHe;llo, sorry this is the correct one Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 615119050601 Debt Repayment ₦115,997.61 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦73,997.61 M 2022-03-01 ₦42,000.00 2023-12-042023-12-14 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022948Closed2023-12-14DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 768445 Debt Repayment ₦18,201.74 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦4,201.74 M 2023-05-19 ₦14,000.00 2023-12-132023-12-14 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022947Closed2023-12-14Request for debt details for 44000654978MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, find below. Search: Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 751196 Debt Repayment ₦23,526.40 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦19,526.40 M 2022-06-15 ₦4,000.00 2022-08-052023-12-14 shukrah55@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022946ClosedKCT Request2023-12-14KCT REQUEST FROM 2 TO 1 0101215055852MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 2677 2546 0350 2204 4091 6355 1029 7887 2642 90422023-12-14 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022945ClosedKCT Request2023-12-14KCT REQUEST FROM 1 TO 99 AND FROM 99 TO 1 1 0101210050809MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello,find below. 1 To 99 5112 7635 8655 4371 1548 1703 4180 4813 6008 8319 99 To 1 3509 4307 6794 3213 5937 3818 9118 7814 3151 36322023-12-14 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022944Closed2023-12-14KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, find below. 4 To 1 6468 7547 1291 1385 6415 0669 2573 5171 9694 66062023-12-14 yuzarsif331122@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022943Closed2023-12-14REQUEST FOR DEBT ==0101170295006MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 675107 Debt Repayment ₦23,568.78 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,568.78 M 2022-02-15 ₦18,000.00 2023-12-142023-12-14 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022942Closed2023-12-14: Request for Debt profile for 010119013257 and 44000382380MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, find below. 010119013257 This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 44000382380 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 379053 Debt Repayment ₦184,844.40 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦154,844.40 M 2022-08-15 ₦30,000.00 2023-11-302023-12-14 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022941Closed2023-12-14DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 631285322801 Debt Repayment ₦267,076.89 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦247,076.89 M 2022-04-21 ₦20,000.00 2023-02-282023-12-14 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022940Closed2023-12-14Request for Debt profile for 0101190132957MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 671299 Debt Repayment ₦39,847.14 ₦0.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦15,847.14 V 2022-10-17 ₦24,000.00 2023-12-142023-12-14 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022939ClosedKCT Request2023-12-14KRN 0101160407769 TARIFF 04MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NohELLO, 26048938720073219238 117774410335921290862023-12-14 yuzarsif331122@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022938ClosedKCT Request2023-12-14KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, find below. 44000683944 from 45 45 To 1 0067 8429 7804 3459 7185 1673 1552 5378 3449 2136 44000634343 from 21 21 To 1 1075 4997 4448 1964 9821 4932 0103 9374 5907 5413 44000353639 from 04 4 To 1 6009 2556 1939 6288 3746 0774 4209 9637 4607 1607 95500091988 from 02 2 To 1 6406 6758 1594 7382 7836 7083 0416 5628 2083 25642023-12-14 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022937Closed2023-12-14Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14No27572067748829732502 342538134292839896002023-12-14 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022936Closed2023-12-14Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14No72875819747342672234 052920893540988258852023-12-14 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022935Closed2023-12-14Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14No53530938158980979163 621258730764754823012023-12-14 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022934Closed2023-12-14DEBT PROFILE: 0101200078364MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 648830 Debt Repayment ₦44,263.69 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦2,263.69 M 2022-02-11 ₦42,000.00 2023-11-30 648830 Refund ₦48,263.38 ₦0.00 ₦402.19 ₦45,045.86 M 2023-03-13 ₦3,217.52 2023-11-302023-12-14 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022933ClosedRequest2023-12-14Request For customers statement of account and billing history.MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoThe JCS is not going as such we cannot provide such data for now.2023-12-14 conselfaruk@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022932Closed2023-12-14Request for KRN: 0150000905748MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 476310 Debt Repayment ₦32,218.26 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦19,718.26 M 2022-08-09 ₦12,500.00 2023-10-042023-12-14 mahmudwaziri@hotmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022931Closed2023-12-14DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 808631 Debt Repayment ₦8,222.87 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2023-05-31 ₦8,222.87 2023-12-12 Closed2023-12-14 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022930Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022929Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022928Closed2023-12-14Request for KRN in respect of this account 44000408003 from Tariff index 33MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14No65931550168474917084 657060662032335178712023-12-14 Umar Auwal
#00022927ClosedEvend Access2023-12-14Request for Acct No 835417 to be captured on evendMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, Account activated.2023-12-14 Umar Auwal
#00022926ClosedEvend Access2023-12-14Account to be capture on E-VENDMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, Account activated2023-12-14 mupeejay12@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022925Closed2023-12-14K r nMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14No28567433329733128303 305476263968947479122023-12-14 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022924Closed2023-12-14Request for SGC CODEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14No28109267246823437036 500622832492168385392023-12-14 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022923Closed2023-12-14Debt Profile RequestMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, find below. 0101210120727 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 686496 Debt Repayment ₦19,104.25 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,104.25 M 2023-05-17 ₦14,000.00 2023-12-142023-12-14 agohabigail69@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022922Closed2023-12-14Debts statusMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, find below. 0101170370312 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 559549 Debt Repayment ₦130,037.62 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦130,037.62 M 2019-01-25 ₦0.00 2021-05-31 0101210055048 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 717749 Debt Repayment ₦6,408.47 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦2,408.47 M 2023-10-03 ₦4,000.00 2023-12-03 44000393734 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 561949 Debt Repayment ₦435,869.65 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦395,869.65 M 2022-08-12 ₦40,000.00 2023-12-13 0101200041081 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 585345 Debt Repayment ₦100,419.51 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦84,419.51 M 2023-04-20 ₦16,000.00 2023-12-092023-12-14 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022921Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022920ClosedKCT Request2023-12-14KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, find below. 1 To 2 1087 1907 1885 0722 3981 4183 6650 7956 6670 2394 2 To 1 0470 9153 8333 1520 4713 0973 6520 7044 3535 28922023-12-14 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022919Closed2023-12-14Debt Balance and activation of new billsMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, please send it differently not to two subject at the same time. thank you.2023-12-14 hauwahabugarba1@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022918Closed2023-12-14DEBT PROFILE: 44000311991MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612613243401 Debt Repayment ₦240,306.36 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦240,306.36 M 2022-08-18 ₦0.00 2022-08-272023-12-14 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022917Closed2023-12-14Request for Debt ProfileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 750161 Debt Repayment ₦750,161.00 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦746,161.00 M 2023-09-28 ₦4,000.00 2023-11-192023-12-14 senenge.hungwa@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00022916Closed2023-12-14Debt RequestMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 644504374301 Debt Repayment ₦171,280.31 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦135,280.31 M 2022-04-26 ₦36,000.00 2023-10-252023-12-14 sadikhmodibbo@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022915Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022914Closed2023-12-14Request debt profile,MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 571572 Debt Repayment ₦103,950.55 ₦-6,000.55 ₦2,000.00 ₦34,950.00 M 2021-07-08 ₦63,000.00 2023-12-07 0101170382390 This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2023-12-14 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022913Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022912Closed2023-12-14Request for debt==0101190138673MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 615119050601 Debt Repayment ₦115,997.61 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦73,997.61 M 2022-03-01 ₦42,000.00 2023-12-042023-12-14 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022911Closed2023-12-14Request for debt==0101190138673MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 615119050601 Debt Repayment ₦115,997.61 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦73,997.61 M 2022-03-01 ₦42,000.00 2023-12-042023-12-14 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022910Closed2023-12-14Request for debt 44000391183MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612623045301 Debt Repayment ₦507,396.18 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦484,896.18 M 2022-08-12 ₦22,500.00 2023-05-052023-12-14 umaymah1065@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022909Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022908Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022907Closed2023-12-14Debt profile 0150000864382MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 506234 Debt Repayment ₦86,314.13 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦52,314.13 M 2022-07-29 ₦34,000.00 2023-12-112023-12-14 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022906Closed2023-12-14REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2023-12-14 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022905Closed2023-12-14REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 812141 Refund ₦117,910.69 ₦0.00 ₦982.59 ₦109,067.38 M 2023-03-13 ₦8,843.31 2023-12-032023-12-14 conselfaruk@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022904Closed2023-12-14DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612343301401 Debt Repayment ₦164,474.93 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦152,474.93 M 2023-05-15 ₦12,000.00 2023-11-082023-12-14 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022903Closed2023-12-14Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 714209 Debt Repayment ₦19,624.11 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦0.00 M 2023-04-03 ₦19,624.11 2023-12-14 Closed2023-12-14 tkhadija028@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022902Closed2023-12-14Request For Debt ProfileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2023-12-14 conselfaruk@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022901Closed2023-12-14Debt Profile RequestMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 776368 Debt Repayment ₦29,895.06 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦27,895.06 M 2023-11-30 ₦2,000.00 2023-12-132023-12-14 agohabigail69@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022900Closed2023-12-14ACCOUNT FOR VALIDATIONMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, Account activated.2023-12-14 nshirgba@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022899Closed2023-12-14Request for debt profile - 0101210265639, 0101210267783, 0101210269953, 0101210261190MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, find below. 0101210265639 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 808911 Refund ₦63,061.32 ₦0.00 ₦525.51 ₦59,382.75 M 2023-03-13 ₦3,678.57 2023-10-24 0101210267783 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 808915 Refund ₦63,061.32 ₦0.00 ₦525.51 ₦58,331.73 M 2023-03-13 ₦4,729.59 2023-12-11 0101210269953 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 808914 Refund ₦63,061.32 ₦0.00 ₦525.51 ₦59,382.75 M 2023-03-13 ₦3,678.57 2023-10-21 0101210261190 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 808913 Refund ₦63,061.32 ₦0.00 ₦525.51 ₦58,857.24 M 2023-03-13 ₦4,204.08 2023-11-142023-12-14 lucky.akpobi@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00022898Closed2023-12-14DEBT PROFILE: 0101210076374IT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 557708 Debt Repayment ₦214,953.70 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦206,953.70 M 2023-08-15 ₦8,000.00 2023-12-112023-12-14 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022897ClosedKCT Request2023-12-14KCT REQUEST: 0101190153268 (02 TO 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 4687 3804 9358 3008 0243 3050 9843 8562 7015 89952023-12-14 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022896ClosedKCT Request2023-12-14REQUEST FOR K C TMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, find below. KCT1: 2756 3508 2161 8790 0456 KCT2: 3879 4237 9891 1131 55902023-12-14 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022895Closed2023-12-14DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6361961191-01 Debt Repayment ₦396,192.60 ₦-66,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦268,192.60 M 2019-03-26 ₦62,000.00 2023-12-132023-12-14 Umar Auwal
#00022894ClosedKCT Request2023-12-14KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, find below. KCT1: 1792 1792 7866 4559 2364 KCT2: 0236 5361 2516 8430 36012023-12-14 tyohembajo@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022893ClosedKCT Request2023-12-14KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, find below. KCT1: 1036 5475 0152 4825 9466 KCT2: 2557 3926 7333 8963 0255 33 To 1 1472 9150 5957 7886 1127 1991 2029 1269 3244 60282023-12-14 ungwa14@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022892Closed2023-12-14Total outstandingMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, fiond below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 717931 Debt Repayment ₦6,773.76 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2023-08-05 ₦6,773.76 2023-12-04 Closed2023-12-14 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022891ClosedKCT Request2023-12-140101210157976 tariff:0045 kCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, find below. 45 To 1 1591 2433 7487 3396 5416 2136 2989 9077 5037 27432023-12-14 Umar Auwal
#00022890ClosedEvend Access2023-12-14Request for Acct No 838581 to be captured on evendMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, account activated.2023-12-14 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022889ClosedEvend Access2023-12-14Request for Acct No 841775 to be captured on evendMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, account activated.2023-12-14 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022888Closed2023-12-14Debt Profile RequestMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 810727 Debt Repayment ₦35,289.33 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦31,289.33 M 2023-10-09 ₦4,000.00 2023-12-132023-12-14 agohabigail69@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022887ClosedRequest2023-12-14REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPER IN RESPECT OF THIS ACCOUNT 57300010345 & 0101215001195MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14No57300010345 Clear Tamper 0371 9548 4493 9868 7928 0101215001195 Clear Tamper 5909 4997 7176 2358 08702023-12-14 Umar Auwal
#00022886Closed2023-12-14Request for debt profile........44000494623MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 771877 Debt Repayment ₦71,033.27 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦69,033.27 M 2023-11-14 ₦2,000.00 2023-12-042023-12-14 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022885Closed2023-12-14DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 693166 Debt Repayment ₦1,602.29 ₦0.00 ₦1,602.29 ₦0.00 M 2022-06-01 ₦1,602.29 2022-07-11 Closed 693166 Refund ₦48,263.38 ₦0.00 ₦402.19 ₦44,643.67 M 2023-03-13 ₦3,619.71 2023-12-122023-12-14 samueldchun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022884Closed2023-12-14REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 0101170296376MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6131093980-01 Debt Repayment ₦257,276.11 ₦-63,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦134,276.11 M 2019-05-25 ₦60,000.00 2023-11-102023-12-14 umaymah1065@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022883Closed2023-12-14Request for Debt ProfileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2023-12-14 abdulrahman.abdullahi@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00022882Closed2023-12-14DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, find below. 0101190142865 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 490381 Debt Repayment ₦166,271.26 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦164,271.26 M 2023-11-14 ₦2,000.00 2023-12-10 44000600260 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 768818 Debt Repayment ₦99,307.33 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦89,307.33 M 2023-04-04 ₦10,000.00 2023-09-282023-12-14 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022881ClosedKCT Request2023-12-14KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, find below. KCT1: 2899 8732 4816 0785 5639 KCT2: 0440 9888 9463 4562 50982023-12-14 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022880ClosedKCT Request2023-12-14KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, find below. 45 To 1 2227 1010 2409 1728 0865 6372 3466 2746 6874 57142023-12-14 onceinlife6464@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022879Closed2023-12-14Request for debt profile........44000497519MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 771894 Debt Repayment ₦75,033.27 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦73,033.27 M 2023-11-14 ₦2,000.00 2023-12-082023-12-14 Umar Auwal
#00022878Closed2023-12-14DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 418435 Debt Repayment ₦159,286.20 ₦-72,111.28 ₦2,000.00 ₦27,174.92 M 2019-04-03 ₦60,000.00 2023-11-192023-12-14 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022877ClosedEvend Access2023-12-14REQUEST FOR CAPTURING INTO EVENDMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, Account activated2023-12-14 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022876Closed2023-12-14Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14No49202370942514550723 590325807822837944782023-12-14 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022875Closed2023-12-14krn requestMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14No03310032267411864782 304321177896537518912023-12-14 thompsontor@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022874Closed2023-12-14krn requestMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14No64068319004299678349 166253241136840446692023-12-14 onceinlife6464@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022873Closed2023-12-14Request for KRN PPM 44000458115MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello,find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 582158 Debt Repayment ₦265,797.00 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦245,797.00 M 2023-01-25 ₦20,000.00 2023-11-132023-12-14 mahmudwaziri@hotmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022872ClosedRequest2023-12-14Re: REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPER IN RESPECT OF THIS ACCOUNT 54160898653MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoFind below, 54160898653 Clear Tamper 0 7011 5777 0172 4489 79992023-12-14 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022871ClosedRequest2023-12-14REQUEST FOR CLEAR MINUS IN RESPECT OF THIS ACCOUNT 54161033565Medium 2023-12-14No54161033565 Clear Credit 0 2635 9451 4719 2530 56012023-12-14 benjamintitus03@gmail.com
#00022870ClosedRequest2023-12-14REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPERMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoFind below, 0150000909104 Clear Tamper 0 7229 7026 6807 6026 0342 0101210206039 Clear Tamper 0 2387 6080 6565 5581 0822 0150000909104 Clear Tamper 0 0896 1953 0523 1415 0198 0101160357873 Clear Tamper 0 5959 1193 5987 0077 6453 0150000980824 Clear Tamper 0 4074 7710 9319 4602 10352023-12-14 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022869ClosedKCT Request2023-12-14KCT REQUEST: 62321078354 (21 TO 01), 62321002958 (01 TO 02 AND 02 TO 01) , 0101190017778 (21 TO 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14No62321078354 21 To 1 0544 1612 6355 6874 4058 1558 6434 9158 0499 0050 ​ 62321002958 1 To 2 4039 4139 5915 3355 3753 2983 1958 8621 0282 4697 ​ 62321002958 2 To 1 5569 0127 0005 2865 6950 0579 7355 9634 2270 8508 ​2023-12-14 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022868Closed2023-12-14DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 474610 Debt Repayment ₦107,234.41 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦83,234.41 M 2022-06-07 ₦24,000.00 2023-06-302023-12-14 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022867Closed2023-12-14REQUEST FOR KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14No44000722452(1) 46689627449231427191 59703947367350376166 0101200056840(1) 44636647867126487772 25057035900222658070 0101170127761(21) 65879746565444466656 216441469446534474912023-12-14 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022866ClosedKCT Request2023-12-14REQUEST FOR K C TMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, find below. 44000679959 Tariff index 1 1 To 99 5877 5509 6857 3541 1848 5840 2120 1539 7625 0281 44000722080 Tariff index 55 to 99 55 To 99 0183 1410 7881 1375 9684 2281 1053 8199 3107 59522023-12-14 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022865Closed2023-12-14KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14No09899578210175850051 055704375279917316382023-12-14 mauwalu143@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022864Closed2023-12-14KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14No35533183379484141116 391108679195614787842023-12-14 mauwalu143@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022863Closed2023-12-14REQUEST FOR KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14No35146923071592191353 233649085493224202962023-12-14 thompsontor@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022862ClosedKCT Request2023-12-14KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, find below. KCT1: 6308 0801 0565 6141 1119 KCT2: 3601 5940 9156 6059 75722023-12-14 muhammmadmusa722@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022861Closed2023-12-14Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14No2303 2473 6321 3230 7226 1966 0838 7296 5659 38292023-12-14 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022860Closed2023-12-14Request for SGC CODEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14Noincorrect2023-12-14 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022859Closed2023-12-14Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14No55993770264643704366 63863383907479472657 55993770264643704366 638633839074794726572023-12-14 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022858Closed2023-12-14Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14No58125153782201375604 528779405107087644442023-12-14 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022857ClosedKCT Request2023-12-14Request for KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14No0163211214933 T1 37510051403728325567 04432675483049071095 016321120443 T1....incorret 0163211189945 T1 14061667316674836517 04314869966530602419 0163213045434 T1 49549731013305851067 568197953895383105462023-12-14 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022856Closed2023-12-14REQUEST FOR DEBT =44000711158MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6573160975-01 Loss of Revenue ₦340,607.00 ₦-176,000.00 ₦79,202.36 ₦164,607.00 M 2023-03-15 ₦0.00 2023-03-152023-12-14 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022855Closed2023-12-14REQUEST FOR DEBT ==0101180147221MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 636833 Debt Repayment ₦156,772.64 ₦-62,444.50 ₦2,000.00 ₦10,328.14 M 2022-02-16 ₦84,000.00 2023-12-01 636833 Refund ₦48,263.38 ₦0.00 ₦402.19 ₦44,643.67 M 2023-03-13 ₦3,619.71 2023-12-01 636833 Refund ₦48,263.38 ₦0.00 ₦402.19 ₦44,643.67 M 2023-03-13 ₦3,619.71 2023-12-012023-12-14 support@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00022854Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022853Closed2023-12-14Request for debt profile - 0101210301285, 0101210069973MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, find below. 0101210301285 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 808910 Refund ₦63,061.32 ₦0.00 ₦525.51 ₦58,331.73 M 2023-03-13 ₦4,729.59 2023-12-12 0101210069973 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 808912 Refund ₦63,061.32 ₦0.00 ₦525.51 ₦58,331.73 M 2023-03-13 ₦4,729.59 2023-12-112023-12-14 lucky.akpobi@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00022852Closed2023-12-1444000523892MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 705899 Debt Repayment ₦98,836.40 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦96,836.40 M 2023-05-18 ₦2,000.00 2023-06-022023-12-14 johnny007emmanuel@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022851Closed2023-12-14REQUEST FOR DEBT PROBILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672170239401 Debt Repayment ₦131,160.85 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦99,160.85 M 2022-08-22 ₦32,000.00 2023-12-012023-12-14 conselfaruk@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022850ClosedKCT Request2023-12-14REQUEST FOR K C TMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello, find below. KCT1: 3378 1254 8539 8795 9204 KCT2: 5699 9742 4337 7725 63712023-12-14 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022849Closed2023-12-14REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 01011200098792MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-14NoHello. This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2023-12-14 umaymah1065@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022848Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022847Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022846Closed2023-12-13Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-13No2303 2473 6321 3230 7226 1966 0838 7296 5659 38292023-12-13 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022845ClosedKCT Request2023-12-13Request for KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-13No11544458543578542118 183021167889497528892023-12-13 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022844Closed2023-12-13Request for SGC CODEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-13Noincorrect2023-12-13 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022843Closed2023-12-13Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-13No55993770264643704366 638633839074794726572023-12-13 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022842Closed2023-12-13Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-13No58125153782201375604 528779405107087644442023-12-13 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022841ClosedKCT Request2023-12-13Request for KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-13No0163211214933 T1 37510051403728325567 04432675483049071095 016321120443 T1....incorret 0163211189945 T1 14061667316674836517 04314869966530602419 0163213045434 T1 49549731013305851067 568197953895383105462023-12-13 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022840Closed2023-12-13Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-13No18013086258785058435 173373673363604169152023-12-13 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022839Closed2023-12-13kRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-13No07529335684509403773 64409402689560947224 2303 2473 6321 3230 7226 1966 0838 7296 5659 38292023-12-13 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022838Closed2023-12-13REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE==MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-13NoHello, find below. .... 0101122146884 2.... 0101180148344 ​ Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 636832 Debt Repayment ₦161,772.68 ₦0.00 ₦47,772.68 ₦0.00 V 2022-05-31 ₦161,772.68 2023-12-11 Closed ​ 3..... 0101180147221 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 636833 Debt Repayment ₦156,772.64 ₦-62,444.50 ₦2,000.00 ₦10,328.14 M 2022-02-16 ₦84,000.00 2023-12-01 636833 Refund ₦48,263.38 ₦0.00 ₦402.19 ₦44,643.67 M 2023-03-13 ₦3,619.71 2023-12-01 636833 Refund ₦48,263.38 ₦0.00 ₦402.19 ₦44,643.67 M 2023-03-13 ₦3,619.71 2023-12-012023-12-13 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022837Closed2023-12-13REQUEST FOR KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-13No18302116788949752889 249170150497170724552023-12-13 thompsontor@gmail.comthompsontor@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022836Closed2023-12-13Request for KRN---0101170114637MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-13No71752644564576377454 544195754786609299852023-12-13 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022835Closed2023-12-13DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-13NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 634404004001 Debt Repayment ₦171,956.92 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦135,956.92 M 2022-06-20 ₦36,000.00 2023-12-122023-12-13 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022834Closed2023-12-13REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 44000741718MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-13NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 798894 Debt Repayment ₦26,459.76 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦10,459.76 M 2023-03-22 ₦16,000.00 2023-11-142023-12-13 umaymah1065@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022833Closed2023-12-13DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-13NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 600887 Debt Repayment ₦193,791.20 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦171,791.20 M 2022-04-20 ₦22,000.00 2023-03-292023-12-13 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022832Closed2023-12-13Debt Profile RequestMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-13NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 662115182201 Debt Repayment ₦3,573.09 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦1,573.09 M 2023-11-28 ₦2,000.00 2023-12-112023-12-13 agohabigail69@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022831ClosedKCT Request2023-12-13REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-13NoHello, find below. 1 To 2 5630 9900 7725 5736 8033 4284 5859 1930 4935 9389 2 To 1 5883 0590 6994 6357 9830 1541 8398 5863 3549 49222023-12-13 samueldchun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022830Closed2023-12-13Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-13NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 662317168001 Refund ₦63,061.32 ₦0.00 ₦525.51 ₦58,331.73 M 2023-03-13 ₦4,729.59 2023-12-132023-12-13 georgesamben123@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022829Closed2023-12-13DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-13NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 802172 Debt Repayment ₦9,758.99 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2023-07-28 ₦9,758.99 2023-12-12 Closed2023-12-13 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022828Closed2023-12-13DEBT PROFILE: 44000375541MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-13NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 641739 Debt Repayment ₦33,225.17 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦33,225.17 M 2022-08-16 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-12-13 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022827Closed2023-12-13Request for KRN PPM 54161033920 and PPM 010117044273MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-13NoHello,find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 582158 Debt Repayment ₦265,797.00 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦245,797.00 M 2023-01-25 ₦20,000.00 2023-11-132023-12-13 mahmudwaziri@hotmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022826Closed2023-12-13REQUEST FOR OUTSTANDING BALANCEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-13NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 662393078701 Debt Repayment ₦375,348.41 ₦0.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦375,348.41 M 2023-05-17 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-12-13 sunnyochekwu@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022825Open0000-00-00DEBT PROFILE: 0101210025660MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-13NoHello, Find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611605066701 Debt Repayment ₦294,615.89 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦284,615.89 M 2023-07-28 ₦10,000.00 2023-12-05 ​2023-12-13 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022824Closed2023-12-13Debt 0150000906977MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-13NoHello. Find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 690555 Debt Repayment ₦33,175.51 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦1,175.51 M 2022-08-02 ₦32,000.00 2023-12-132023-12-13 gyangelizabeth1995@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022823Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022822Closed2023-12-13REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-13NoHello, Find below. 0150000846074 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 473627 Debt Repayment ₦109,055.72 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦77,055.72 M 2022-07-22 ₦32,000.00 2023-11-30 0150000882806 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672131035001 Debt Repayment ₦192,800.57 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦168,800.57 M 2022-07-29 ₦24,000.00 2023-07-29 0150000901788 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672163271701 Debt Repayment ₦223,339.45 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦189,339.45 M 2022-07-21 ₦34,000.00 2023-12-09 0150000889132 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 613489 Debt Repayment ₦117,918.86 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦85,918.86 M 2022-08-19 ₦32,000.00 2023-12-12 0150000964661 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672125152501 Debt Repayment ₦197,338.44 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦189,338.44 M 2022-07-19 ₦8,000.00 2022-11-282023-12-13 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022821Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022820Closed2023-12-13Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-13NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 788772 Debt Repayment ₦10,548.12 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦10,548.12 M 2022-08-26 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-12-13 mustaphamaryam67@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022819Closed2023-12-13DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-13NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 495373 Debt Repayment ₦161,423.89 ₦0.00 ₦5,000.00 ₦116,423.89 M 2022-11-29 ₦45,000.00 2023-08-202023-12-13 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022818ClosedKCT Request2023-12-13KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-13NoHello find below. 0101210157976 1 To 2 4091 5734 9927 9051 1696 7269 8808 5076 6244 4699 ​ 2 To 1 0531 6925 7223 9669 8975 2343 9277 0461 8182 49532023-12-13 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022817ClosedKCT Request2023-12-13KCT RejectMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-13NoHello, find below. 33 To 1 3637 3970 5347 0371 8640 5244 1937 8398 1789 96792023-12-13 haakoorngu@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022816Closed2023-12-13Request For Debt ProfileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-13NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 433240 Refund ₦63,061.32 ₦0.00 ₦525.51 ₦58,331.73 M 2023-03-13 ₦4,729.59 2023-12-032023-12-13 conselfaruk@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022815Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022814Closed2023-12-13Request for KRN in respect of this account 0101235000177MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-13No16939829566916858978 259534407100963548262023-12-13 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022813Closed2023-12-13Request for SGCMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-13No67930020890323288834 305863819242025065792023-12-13 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022812Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022811Closed2023-12-13REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPERMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-13NoFind below, 0150000911274 Clear Tamper 0 5401 9668 1708 9013 1333 0150001000952 Clear Tamper 0 7127 6796 7132 9463 4502 0150000851314 Clear Tamper 0 2401 2069 5964 0126 0322 0101178035271 Clear Tamper 0 0081 0893 1318 7317 7240 62321093148 Clear Tamper 0 5907 4863 9842 1081 75412023-12-13 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022810Closed2023-12-13KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-13No72294852091982864586 042772403975570356472023-12-13 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022809Closed2023-12-13KrnMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-13No55459462000174112501 664404282988682250432023-12-13 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022808Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022807Closed2023-12-13DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-13NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612355027001 Debt Repayment ₦105,411.93 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦63,411.93 M 2022-03-29 ₦42,000.00 2023-12-122023-12-13 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022806Closed2023-12-13Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-13NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 615113220001 Debt Repayment ₦450,087.03 ₦0.00 ₦9,000.00 ₦419,087.03 V 2022-04-25 ₦31,000.00 2023-12-132023-12-13 mustaphamaryam67@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022805Closed2023-12-13DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-13NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 372729 Debt Repayment ₦92,970.22 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦58,970.22 M 2022-06-30 ₦34,000.00 2023-11-012023-12-13 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022804ClosedKCT Request2023-12-13Request for kctMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-13NoHello, find below. 21 To 1 1229 1642 8790 2341 7784 6782 5085 9745 9181 33562023-12-13 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022803ClosedKCT Request2023-12-13KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-13NoHello, find below. 0101161010588. 04 to 01 4 To 1 5988 9844 4309 5556 7078 5564 7879 3174 8615 5143 54150633755.21 to 01 3100 9480 0829 4853 0938 0667 8605 2592 0560 71512023-12-13 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022802Closed2023-12-13Request for debt profile 44000567444MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-13NoHello, find below. Search: Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 767898 Debt Repayment ₦129,620.38 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦97,620.38 M 2022-08-31 ₦32,000.00 2023-12-082023-12-13 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022801Closed2023-12-13DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-13NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 769595 Debt Repayment ₦5,542.64 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,542.64 M 2023-08-07 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-12-13 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022800ClosedKCT Request2023-12-13REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-13NoJHello, find below. 21 To 1 3291 2269 1216 2300 6086 5149 2329 7393 5805 14802023-12-13 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022799ClosedKCT Request2023-12-13KCT REQUEST: 62321078354 (21 TO 01), 62321002958 (01 TO 02 AND 02 TO 01) , 0101190017778 (21 TO 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-13NoHello, find below. 62321078354 (21 TO 01), 21 To 1 0544 1612 6355 6874 4058 1558 6434 9158 0499 0050 62321002958 (01 TO 02 AND 02 TO 01) , 1 To 2 4039 4139 5915 3355 3753 2983 1958 8621 0282 4697 ​ 2 To 1 5569 0127 0005 2865 6950 0579 7355 9634 2270 8508 0101190017778 (21 TO 01) 21 To 1 4009 0295 3755 9842 3211 6783 8966 5964 3395 37782023-12-13 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022798ClosedKCT Request2023-12-1344300012703 (0002 to 0001)MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-13NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 3195 8075 0204 2401 1140 4891 5762 1666 1347 36112023-12-13 abdulmalikakande@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022797Closed2023-12-13Request for debt profile- 44000498939MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-13NoHello, find below. 44000498939 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 661158 Debt Repayment ₦221,315.51 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦219,315.51 M 2023-11-07 ₦2,000.00 2023-12-122023-12-13 lucky.akpobi@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00022796Closed2023-12-13DebtMedium 2023-12-13NoHello,This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 01500008792532023-12-13 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com
#00022795Closed2023-12-13DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-13NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 642710 Debt Repayment ₦38,002.67 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦6,002.67 M 2022-08-16 ₦32,000.00 2023-12-092023-12-13 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022794Closed2023-12-13Debt enquiry 44000343531MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-13NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 646027265101 Debt Repayment ₦378,992.17 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦362,992.17 M 2023-04-11 ₦16,000.00 2023-12-122023-12-13 Umar Auwal
#00022793Closed2023-12-13Bill ActivationMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-13NoHello, activated2023-12-13 maryamhabu36@gmail.commaryamhabu36@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022792Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022791Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022790Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022789Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022788Closed2023-12-12Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12No01503000150800 T4.......incorrect 0101170177543 T33 46092337616823556148 029950869836934240152023-12-12 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022787Closed2023-12-120150000997885 debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 768467 Debt Repayment ₦768.41 ₦0.00 ₦768.41 ₦0.00 M 2022-04-22 ₦768.41 2022-07-15 Closed2023-12-12 Umar Auwal
#00022786ClosedKCT Request2023-12-12KCT REQUESTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoHello, find below. 1 To 99 2678 8238 1575 3498 9817 1128 0528 6108 3609 5778 7 To 1 5282 1884 2447 5283 5769 0388 1090 4753 4649 98772023-12-12 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022785Closed2023-12-12REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 679271 Debt Repayment ₦34,945.92 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦18,945.92 M 2023-04-04 ₦16,000.00 2023-12-122023-12-12 florarumun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022784ClosedKCT Request2023-12-12REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 5517 1050 0302 0333 0460 5443 2280 7683 1362 2732 1 To 2 6933 8864 3864 6285 7408 3221 7349 0186 8585 93022023-12-12 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022783Closed2023-12-12Request for debt profile----44000313591MediumIT Umar Auwal0000-00-00NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612610173301 Debt Repayment ₦402,060.42 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦392,060.42 M 2022-08-12 ₦10,000.00 2023-04-182023-12-12 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022782Closed2023-12-12Request for debt profile----54160961238MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 419821 Debt Repayment ₦270,358.86 ₦-39,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦171,358.86 M 2019-12-27 ₦60,000.00 2023-11-302023-12-12 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022781Closed2023-12-12Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6582110803-01 Debt Repayment ₦227,911.26 ₦-51,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦114,911.26 M 2019-08-27 ₦62,000.00 2023-12-122023-12-12 mupeejay12@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022780Closed2023-12-12REQUEST FOR OUTSTANDING BALANCEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 768694 Debt Repayment ₦14,383.24 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦12,383.24 M 2023-11-08 ₦2,000.00 2023-12-102023-12-12 sunnyochekwu@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022779ClosedKCT Request2023-12-12kCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoHello, find below. 33 To 1 3637 3970 5347 0371 8640 5244 1937 8398 1789 96792023-12-12 faithelisha1990@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022778Closed2023-12-12DEBT PROFILE: 0101215001344MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoHello, This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2023-12-12 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022777Closed2023-12-12DEBT PROFILE: 44000594018MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoHello find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612748071501 Debt Repayment ₦193,819.61 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦181,819.61 M 2023-03-29 ₦12,000.00 2023-09-102023-12-12 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022776Closed2023-12-12KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12No16590311505300024867 621595166773429515832023-12-12 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022775Closed2023-12-12Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12No08825001439164267774 087575149053287298502023-12-12 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022774Closed2023-12-12DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 452618 Debt Repayment ₦173,877.17 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦163,877.17 M 2023-07-26 ₦10,000.00 2023-12-09 553266 Debt Repayment ₦130,575.00 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦130,575.00 M 2022-07-28 ₦0.00 2022-07-282023-12-12 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022773Closed2023-12-12DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 416842 Debt Repayment ₦254,673.14 ₦-46,000.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦208,673.14 M 2020-01-20 ₦0.00 2021-05-312023-12-12 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022772Closed2023-12-12REQUEST FOR KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12No12197036353365957276 002623594761283633482023-12-12 thompsontor@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022771Closed2023-12-12REQUEST FOR KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12No12653183206874944165 543261839306915119292023-12-12 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022770Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022769Closed2023-12-12Request for KrnMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12No44000813871 37428204624665088931 61205767732852007238 44000811503 37063904773821107241 465938235017850301302023-12-12 thompsontor@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022768Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022767Closed2023-12-12Request for debt profile 0101210168130MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 741380 Debt Repayment ₦34,871.13 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦6,871.13 M 2022-09-13 ₦28,000.00 2023-11-272023-12-12 umaymah1065@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022766Closed2023-12-12DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 717878 Debt Repayment ₦8,391.72 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦2,391.72 M 2023-08-09 ₦6,000.00 2023-11-272023-12-12 carolynterjime@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022765Closed2023-12-12Request for debt profile 54161123952MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6128192018-01 Debt Repayment ₦133,765.49 ₦-71,475.55 ₦2,000.00 ₦289.94 M 2020-02-03 ₦62,000.00 2023-12-112023-12-12 umaymah1065@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022764Closed2023-12-12Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoHello, find below. 0101210090516 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 431862 Debt Repayment ₦323,259.19 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦323,259.19 M 2023-11-10 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-12-12 tkhadija028@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022763Closed2023-12-12REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoHello, find below. 0150000995129 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 700350 Debt Repayment ₦25,401.83 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦401.83 M 2022-07-21 ₦25,000.00 2023-12-11 0150000989940 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672102248001 Debt Repayment ₦105,852.88 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦73,852.88 M 2022-07-28 ₦32,000.00 2023-11-082023-12-12 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022762ClosedKCT Request2023-12-12Request for kct index 33 0101161012600MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoHello, find below. 33 To 1 1817 5270 0360 5765 1181 0117 0437 7962 9138 23232023-12-12 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022761Closed2023-12-12REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE: 0101210141897MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 559136 Debt Repayment ₦138,692.00 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦138,692.00 M 2022-10-24 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-12-12 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022760Closed2023-12-12DEBT PROFILE: 0101190034534MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 719982 Debt Repayment ₦26,971.15 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦18,971.15 M 2023-08-09 ₦8,000.00 2023-12-082023-12-12 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022759Closed2023-12-12DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 621047 Debt Repayment ₦19,811.35 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,811.35 M 2023-01-18 ₦14,000.00 2023-08-282023-12-12 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022758Closed2023-12-12DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 652258 Debt Repayment ₦65,008.11 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦35,008.11 M 2022-07-05 ₦30,000.00 2023-10-172023-12-12 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022757Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022756Closed2023-12-12DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 652258 Debt Repayment ₦65,008.11 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦35,008.11 M 2022-07-05 ₦30,000.00 2023-10-172023-12-12 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022755Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022754Closed2023-12-12Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 816073 Refund ₦63,061.32 ₦0.00 ₦525.51 ₦58,331.73 M 2023-03-13 ₦4,729.59 2023-12-07 816073 Debt Repayment ₦11,583.40 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,583.40 M 2023-09-26 ₦6,000.00 2023-12-072023-12-12 georgesamben123@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022753Closed2023-12-12DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoHello, find below. 0150000912066 ​ Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 663731 Debt Repayment ₦67,957.36 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦67,957.36 M 2022-08-09 ₦0.00 0000-00-00 ​ 44000612075 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 631280110801 Debt Repayment ₦310,816.96 ₦0.00 ₦6,000.00 ₦280,816.96 V 2022-06-15 ₦30,000.00 2023-12-092023-12-12 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022752Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022751Closed2023-12-12REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE: 0101160048274MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6581113355-01 Debt Repayment ₦219,966.22 ₦-32,865.63 ₦2,000.00 ₦125,100.59 M 2019-02-20 ₦62,000.00 2023-12-122023-12-12 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022750Closed2023-12-12REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE: 0101160048274MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6581113355-01 Debt Repayment ₦219,966.22 ₦-32,865.63 ₦2,000.00 ₦125,100.59 M 2019-02-20 ₦62,000.00 2023-12-122023-12-12 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022749Closed2023-12-12DEBT PROFILE: 0101215024841MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 495270 Debt Repayment ₦24,760.57 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦20,760.57 M 2023-08-16 ₦4,000.00 2023-10-292023-12-12 Umar Auwal
#00022748Closed2023-12-12Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoHello, find below. 0101200008452 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612808089901 Debt Repayment ₦71,583.62 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦31,583.62 M 2022-04-11 ₦40,000.00 2023-12-022023-12-12 mauwalu143@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022747ClosedKCT Request2023-12-12KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoHello, find below. 0993 9768 5223 8979 7632 0139 6007 7471 6808 40152023-12-12 mauwalu143@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022746ClosedVending History2023-12-12Request for vending historyMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoHello, find below. 44300014055 # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 0361168236809024 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-04-24 21:28:10 Meter No.: 44300014055 Account No.: 615201026701 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 Debt Repayment: ₦2,000.00 KwH: 147.05 Amount Tendered: ₦12,000.00 6063 5593 0950 0037 3139 2 Transaction ID: 6656167805695124 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-03-05 23:55:51 Meter No.: 44300014055 Account No.: 615201026701 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 147.05 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 6807 6845 3794 8051 9251 3 Transaction ID: 5431167543921624 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-02-03 16:46:56 Meter No.: 44300014055 Account No.: 615201026701 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 147.05 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 0404 2537 3771 5486 1319 4 Transaction ID: 3766167316943224 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-01-08 10:17:12 Meter No.: 44300014055 Account No.: 615201026701 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 73.52 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 1105 5127 7002 6779 0055 5 Transaction ID: 8732167250719224 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-12-31 18:19:52 Meter No.: 44300014055 Account No.: 615201026701 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 147.05 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 3328 6030 6890 1602 9718 6 Transaction ID: 6388167173336824 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-12-22 19:22:48 Meter No.: 44300014055 Account No.: 615201026701 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 147.05 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 1929 4673 6381 9114 3371 7 Transaction ID: 8987167048977824 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-12-08 09:56:18 Meter No.: 44300014055 Account No.: 615201026701 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 84.17 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 0619 7030 7012 1116 4493 8 Transaction ID: 8696166953839824 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-11-27 09:39:58 Meter No.: 44300014055 Account No.: 615201026701 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 33.67 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 4991 8226 6244 3966 2833 9 Transaction ID: 5717166879116424 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-11-18 18:06:04 Meter No.: 44300014055 Account No.: 615201026701 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 84.17 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 1025 2670 7580 4157 1493 10 Transaction ID: 9245166721099824 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-10-31 11:09:58 Meter No.: 44300014055 Account No.: 615201026701 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 34.78 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 1021 6150 1179 5688 4970 44000402543 # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 2549170229627524 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-12-11 13:04:35 Meter No.: 44000402543 Account No.: 758838 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 13.56 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 5496 5814 0995 7149 6924 2 Transaction ID: 3054170223802524 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-12-10 20:53:45 Meter No.: 44000402543 Account No.: 758838 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 135.58 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 6453 1466 1097 2075 0484 3 Transaction ID: 2817168234408924 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-04-24 14:48:09 Meter No.: 44000402543 Account No.: 758838 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 67.79 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 0882 1760 0588 0745 3405 4 Transaction ID: 6017167847220724 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-03-10 19:16:47 Meter No.: 44000402543 Account No.: 758838 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 67.79 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 3283 5141 5713 7177 3368 5 Transaction ID: 1924167612511224 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-02-11 15:18:32 Meter No.: 44000402543 Account No.: 758838 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 67.79 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 3460 0485 1684 5614 1191 6 Transaction ID: 7883167362159824 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-01-13 15:53:18 Meter No.: 44000402543 Account No.: 758838 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 67.79 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 1485 5713 5955 2338 5483 7 Transaction ID: 3273163532963624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-10-27 11:13:56 Meter No.: 44000402543 Account No.: 758838 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 182.43 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 5505 3840 8936 3489 2909 8 Transaction ID: 5453162859754124 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-08-10 13:12:21 Meter No.: 44000402543 Account No.: 758838 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 189.88 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 3557 4272 4782 7505 4999 9 Transaction ID: 0418162505964824 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-06-30 14:27:28 Meter No.: 44000402543 Account No.: 758838 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦313.95 Energy Cost: ₦4,186.05 KwH: 85.45 Amount Tendered: ₦4,500.00 4149 3521 1621 2943 1347 10 Transaction ID: 9291162316795824 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-06-08 16:59:18 Meter No.: 44000402543 Account No.: 758838 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦418.60 Energy Cost: ₦5,581.40 KwH: 113.93 Amount Tendered: ₦6,000.00 2537 3699 2333 6979 79642023-12-12 mustaphamaryam67@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022745Closed2023-12-12Request for debt profile....... 0101170248013MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6123670722-01 Debt Repayment ₦197,690.21 ₦-117,749.67 ₦4,940.54 ₦0.00 V 2019-07-24 ₦79,940.54 2023-12-12 Closed2023-12-12 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022744Closed2023-12-12DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoHello, find below. 0150000985732 ​ Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 631132106701 Debt Repayment ₦143,712.58 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦139,712.58 M 2023-08-07 ₦4,000.00 2023-10-27 ​ 0150000978612 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 634205245301 Debt Repayment ₦311,353.23 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦293,353.23 M 2023-03-31 ₦18,000.00 2023-12-092023-12-12 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022743ClosedKCT Request2023-12-12Need for key change token (kCT)MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoHello, find below. KCT1: 1853 9160 3381 7090 1137 KCT2: 6978 0864 3258 0570 63802023-12-12 gungkutbalmun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022742Closed2023-12-12DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 601921 Debt Repayment ₦85,104.09 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦53,104.09 M 2022-08-22 ₦32,000.00 2023-12-102023-12-12 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022741ClosedKCT Request2023-12-12Need for key change token (kCT)MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoHello, find below. KCT1: 1853 9160 3381 7090 1137 KCT2: 6978 0864 3258 0570 63802023-12-12 gungkutbalmun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022740Closed2023-12-12ACCOUNT VALIDATIONMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoHello, ACTIVATED ALREADY2023-12-12 nshirgba@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022739Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022738Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022737Closed2023-12-12DEBT PROFILE: 0101200020945MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612816052501 Debt Repayment ₦181,330.44 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦149,330.44 M 2022-04-11 ₦32,000.00 2023-11-212023-12-12 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022736Closed2023-12-12Request for debt profile....... 0101210040586MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 749502 Debt Repayment ₦13,031.92 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦13,031.92 M 2023-08-09 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-12-12 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022735ClosedKCT Request2023-12-12Request for kct,MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoHello, find below. 45 To 1 0067 8429 7804 3459 7185 1673 1552 5378 3449 21362023-12-12 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022734ClosedKCT Request2023-12-12kctMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoHello, find below. 33 To 1 3842 3376 9525 2547 0888 2092 2825 8215 2457 11862023-12-12 muhammadrabiu714@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022733Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022732Closed2023-12-12Request for debt profile...... 0101170248013MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6123670722-01 Debt Repayment ₦197,690.21 ₦-117,749.67 ₦2,500.00 ₦4,940.54 M 2019-07-24 ₦75,000.00 2023-11-072023-12-12 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022731Closed2023-12-12DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoHello, There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2023-12-12 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022730Closed2023-12-12DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 631117149601 Debt Repayment ₦381,087.47 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦381,087.47 M 2022-06-07 ₦0.00 2022-06-282023-12-12 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022729Closed2023-12-12Request for debt details for 44000515716MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 631204165701 Debt Repayment ₦35,227.66 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦21,227.66 M 2023-05-22 ₦14,000.00 2023-12-122023-12-12 shukrah55@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022728Closed2023-12-12DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 567048 Debt Repayment ₦35,723.00 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦35,723.00 M 2023-01-24 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-12-12 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022727Closed2023-12-12DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoHello, find below. Search: Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672957 Debt Repayment ₦10,784.93 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦4,784.93 M 2023-08-01 ₦6,000.00 2023-11-092023-12-12 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022726ClosedVending History2023-12-12VENDING HISTORYMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoHello, find below. # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 1456170194076424 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-12-07 10:19:24 Meter No.: 54160951825 Account No.: 442692 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 67.79 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 3245 1847 5389 8272 2103 2 Transaction ID: 7411170153263824 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-12-02 16:57:18 Meter No.: 54160951825 Account No.: 442692 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 27.12 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 1891 6819 8412 0214 2342 3 Transaction ID: 7059170102200924 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-11-26 19:06:49 Meter No.: 54160951825 Account No.: 442692 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 27.12 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 4943 2966 8499 5052 8088 4 Transaction ID: 4318169900553024 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-11-03 10:58:50 Meter No.: 54160951825 Account No.: 442692 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 67.79 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 2600 4118 3610 1398 2622 5 Transaction ID: 2179169643329024 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-10-04 16:28:10 Meter No.: 54160951825 Account No.: 442692 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 67.79 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 2338 9952 3638 2798 6429 6 Transaction ID: 6397169383307524 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-09-04 14:11:15 Meter No.: 54160951825 Account No.: 442692 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 67.79 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 5893 5595 7834 1809 5617 7 Transaction ID: 0182169088402524 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-08-01 11:00:25 Meter No.: 54160951825 Account No.: 442692 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 67.79 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 5670 9850 8396 2559 1428 8 Transaction ID: 2958168787901124 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-06-27 16:16:51 Meter No.: 54160951825 Account No.: 442692 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 135.58 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 6819 5064 2173 9673 0090 9 Transaction ID: 9856168494584624 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-05-24 17:30:46 Meter No.: 54160951825 Account No.: 442692 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 13.56 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 3529 8047 4194 9032 4185 10 Transaction ID: 1122168482709124 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-05-23 08:31:32 Meter No.: 54160951825 Account No.: 442692 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 67.79 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 4200 0385 9213 2428 74292023-12-12 faizahtafida@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022725ClosedKCT Request2023-12-12KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoHello, find below. KCT1: 2313 6961 6753 3879 2957 KCT2: 6012 4880 3031 1200 03552023-12-12 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022724Closed2023-12-12DEBT PROFILE: 0150300017046MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 636120217901 Debt Repayment ₦57,263.67 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦19,263.67 M 2022-05-24 ₦38,000.00 2023-12-102023-12-12 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022723Closed2023-12-12KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoDear Husaini, Find below, KRN 39804097191145866087 01645416512619265991 KCT 6421 1708 6402 8720 9084 2941 5895 8195 9066 46272023-12-12 muhammad.usman@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00022722Closed2023-12-12Debt profile for MSN 0101161036864MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NohELLO, FIND BELOW. ​ Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 493017 Debt Repayment ₦109,031.11 ₦-49,011.31 ₦2,000.00 ₦9,019.80 M 2019-07-25 ₦51,000.00 2023-12-11 ​2023-12-12 isaacchijioke45@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022721Closed2023-12-12Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 495279 Debt Repayment ₦44,457.91 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦32,457.91 M 2023-06-02 ₦12,000.00 2023-12-112023-12-19 rasheedatlawalaa7428@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022720ClosedKCT Request2023-12-12KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoHello, find below. 33 To 1 2251 9841 1543 9813 3397 7370 8255 6440 2623 51462023-12-12 mimsicle22@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022719Closed2023-12-12Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 633706 Debt Repayment ₦101,316.19 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦26,316.19 M 2020-10-15 ₦75,000.00 2023-11-112023-12-12 tkhadija028@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022718Closed2023-12-12REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoHello, find below. 44000575785 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 562144 Debt Repayment ₦145,538.31 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦139,538.31 V 2022-07-22 ₦6,000.00 2022-10-31 0150000913361 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 613487 Debt Repayment ₦42,820.32 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦10,820.32 M 2022-07-05 ₦32,000.00 2023-12-082023-12-12 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022717ClosedRequest2023-12-12Request for debt profile 0101210199663MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 752571 Debt Repayment ₦37,768.63 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦20,768.63 M 2022-09-02 ₦17,000.00 2023-08-212023-12-12 umaymah1065@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022716Closed2023-12-12DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 692388 Debt Repayment ₦32,943.70 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦9,943.70 M 2022-06-16 ₦23,000.00 2023-12-082023-12-12 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022715ClosedRequest2023-12-12REQUEST FOR OUTSTANDING BALANCEIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 662155794001 Debt Repayment ₦475,329.73 ₦0.00 ₦5,000.00 ₦390,329.73 M 2022-07-13 ₦85,000.00 2023-12-112023-12-12 sunnyochekwu@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022714Closed2023-12-12DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12No44000629012 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 476018 Debt Repayment ₦40,811.19 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦6,811.19 M 2022-06-15 ₦34,000.00 2023-11-152023-12-12 support@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00022713Closed2023-12-12Please activation of this account to access paymentMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-12NoHello, account activated2023-12-12 saniadamu6390@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022712Closed2023-12-11Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11No12590889524672586498 360674759743619079492023-12-11 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022711ClosedKCT Request2023-12-11REQUEST FOR KCT NEW METER - 0101220169177MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 5928 8926 3793 9839 8764 1127 0670 7621 6546 1682 1 To 2 0447 5090 2344 6836 7357 2463 3721 9339 2205 96742023-12-11 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022710Closed2023-12-11DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 631278206401 Debt Repayment ₦456,497.61 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦456,497.61 M 2022-08-22 ₦0.00 2022-08-232023-12-11 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022709Closed2023-12-11Request for debt profile 62420213282MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 693166 Debt Repayment ₦1,602.29 ₦0.00 ₦1,602.29 ₦0.00 M 2022-06-01 ₦1,602.29 2022-07-11 Closed 693166 Refund ₦48,263.38 ₦0.00 ₦402.19 ₦44,643.67 M 2023-03-13 ₦3,619.71 2023-12-102023-12-11 tsavsarmngu@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022708Closed2023-12-11Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. Search: Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 551445 Debt Repayment ₦151,070.78 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦117,070.78 M 2022-04-08 ₦34,000.00 2023-09-302023-12-11 yakubaliyu82@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022707Closed2023-12-11DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 439932 Debt Repayment ₦10,684.92 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦10,684.92 M 2023-07-28 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-12-11 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022706Closed2023-12-11REQUEST FOR K R NMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11No44000697258 krn 1 to 2 26600454421001806191 03276215668463851152 44000679389 krn 1 to 2 09041536485137285396 62594628706760526839 44000704096 krn 1 to 2 70429369823771264277 35373421571891287405 44000737732 krn 1 to 2 00847588524432251413 57347323038304708435 44000713592 krn 1 to 2 51920022177958915253 67661641257727784103 44000690881 krn 1 to 2 08254210812008764754 39674468536916737496 44000689479 krn 1 to 2 63936702801848108773 06966497209042412133 44000716736 krn 1 to 2 03471670879061108725 38024750248834819119 44000680007 krn 1 to 2 67091377490396004237 28093289349460308499 44000711968 krn 1 to 2 12283317940600918677 17594555564268910894 44000713827 krn 1 to 2 .........incorrect 44000718898 krn 1 to 2 57984585398479990549 42850938500264409032 44000691863 krn 1 to 2 34429275341646759105 73273255831331392857 44000680148 krn 1 to 2 61669272508056672960 39720639261351286483 44000735900 krn 1 to 2 70421005635874978660 23259394872095528954 44000675775 krn 1 to 2 19862093307466454390 10278579372253525592 44000674695 krn 1 to 2 53344104116998126647 32906305737800297678 44000704195 Krn 1 to 2 18337681782106786351 42990342460886453774 44000682859 krn 1 to 2 ....incorrect 44000688208 krn 1 to 2 10526773495646632330 41886822963524591446 44000678746 krn 1 to 2 69390094972215072647 51374301493790538666 44000692283 krn 1 to 2 44906450431602116496 433743894991892703682023-12-11 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022705Closed2023-12-11Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11No44424869370690822300 127312149194977498422023-12-11 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022704Closed2023-12-11REQUEST FOR DEBT STATUSMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 539958 Debt Repayment ₦81,463.98 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦76,463.98 M 2023-08-16 ₦5,000.00 2023-10-262023-12-11 ibrahim.ishaku@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00022703ClosedKCT Request2023-12-11KCT REQUEST: 0101235009061 (02 to 01), 0101200067128 (07 to 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. 0101235009061 (02 to 01), 2 To 1 0174 0551 6922 6128 0560 6397 9513 2394 2212 1164 0101200067128 (07 to 01) 7 To 1 5282 1884 2447 5283 5769 0388 1090 4753 4649 98772023-12-11 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022702Closed2023-12-11Request debt profile 62321096901MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 636277 Debt Repayment ₦63,770.59 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦33,770.59 M 2022-08-26 ₦30,000.00 2023-11-032023-12-11 tsavsarmngu@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022701Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022700Closed2023-12-11DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 418532 Debt Repayment ₦28,511.93 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦16,511.93 M 2022-04-08 ₦12,000.00 2023-05-042023-12-11 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022699ClosedKCT Request2023-12-11Request kct index 2 to 1 0101215061090MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 1132 7427 3913 2532 4344 4406 6799 7527 3593 3604 Hello, find below. 2 To 1 1132 7427 3913 2532 4344 4406 6799 7527 3593 36042023-12-11 tsavsarmngu@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022698Closed2023-12-11DEBT PROFILE: 0101210033516MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 627585 Debt Repayment ₦65,740.53 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦49,740.53 M 2023-04-01 ₦16,000.00 2023-12-092023-12-11 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022697Closed2023-12-11Debt details pleaseMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 644399339301 Debt Repayment ₦55,304.20 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦15,304.20 M 2022-04-08 ₦40,000.00 2023-12-092023-12-11 sadikhmodibbo@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022696Closed2023-12-11DEBT PROFILE: 44000525608MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 779767 Debt Repayment ₦45,277.20 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦41,277.20 M 2023-05-17 ₦4,000.00 2023-07-222023-12-11 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022695Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022694Closed2023-12-11Token number 54160889611MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 9431170198635024 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-12-07 22:59:10 Meter No.: 54160889611 Account No.: 6361521599-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 27.12 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 6461 7202 9931 5010 1190 2 Transaction ID: 2459170198475324 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-12-07 22:32:33 Meter No.: 54160889611 Account No.: 6361521599-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 67.79 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 2115 0088 2476 0864 1528 3 Transaction ID: 5696170077697824 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-11-23 23:02:58 Meter No.: 54160889611 Account No.: 6361521599-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 67.79 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 4105 7885 6416 3226 7046 4 Transaction ID: 1983169919884924 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-11-05 16:40:50 Meter No.: 54160889611 Account No.: 6361521599-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 67.79 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 4749 0034 2879 2563 1575 5 Transaction ID: 6178169877205424 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-10-31 18:07:34 Meter No.: 54160889611 Account No.: 6361521599-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 27.12 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 3735 7808 6479 8866 2612 6 Transaction ID: 8973169769087624 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-10-19 05:47:56 Meter No.: 54160889611 Account No.: 6361521599-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 67.79 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 3737 3476 4444 0760 8220 7 Transaction ID: 3961169712990124 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-10-12 17:58:21 Meter No.: 54160889611 Account No.: 6361521599-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 27.12 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 5280 8277 8062 2194 8312 8 Transaction ID: 8252169583624224 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-09-27 18:37:22 Meter No.: 54160889611 Account No.: 6361521599-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 67.79 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 2585 8589 6636 8881 3537 9 Transaction ID: 7851169455038824 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-09-12 21:26:28 Meter No.: 54160889611 Account No.: 6361521599-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 67.79 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 5549 6871 9221 2357 1114 10 Transaction ID: 2174169375224924 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-09-03 15:44:09 Meter No.: 54160889611 Account No.: 6361521599-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦195.35 Energy Cost: ₦2,604.65 KwH: 37.96 Amount Tendered: ₦2,800.00 0234 4739 3160 0708 44932023-12-11 gyangelizabeth1995@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022693ClosedKCT Request2023-12-11REQUEST FOR KCT 0101215061090 TI 02MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 1132 7427 3913 2532 4344 4406 6799 7527 3593 36042023-12-11 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022692Closed2023-12-11REQUEST DEBT PROFILE 62321139636Medium 2023-12-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 804058 Debt Repayment ₦22,768.47 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦20,768.47 M 2023-11-27 ₦2,000.00 2023-12-042023-12-11 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com
#00022691Closed2023-12-11DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 705679 Debt Repayment ₦49,227.34 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦23,227.34 M 2022-09-12 ₦26,000.00 2023-10-232023-12-11 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022690Closed2023-12-11DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 44000685675 / 758243MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 758243 Debt Repayment ₦32,105.59 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦30,105.59 M 2023-11-07 ₦2,000.00 2023-12-08 Hello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 758243 Debt Repayment ₦32,105.59 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦30,105.59 M 2023-11-07 ₦2,000.00 2023-12-082023-12-11 joseph.tegwis@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00022689Closed2023-12-11DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2023-12-11 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022688Closed2023-12-11DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 773823 Debt Repayment ₦25,226.83 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦11,226.83 M 2023-05-22 ₦14,000.00 2023-12-112023-12-11 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022687Closed2023-12-11REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. 0150000957111 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 372060 Debt Repayment ₦33,967.59 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦1,967.59 M 2022-08-03 ₦32,000.00 2023-12-11 0150000890320 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 700351 Debt Repayment ₦40,037.12 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦8,037.12 M 2022-07-21 ₦32,000.00 2023-11-24 0150000966146 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672117015001 Debt Repayment ₦73,046.33 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦39,046.33 M 2022-07-25 ₦34,000.00 2023-12-08 0150000883457 Search: Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 472355 Debt Repayment ₦36,388.32 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦2,388.32 M 2022-07-29 ₦34,000.00 2023-12-112023-12-11 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022686Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022685Closed2023-12-11DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6342063349-01 Debt Repayment ₦187,703.61 ₦-119,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦6,703.61 M 2018-02-12 ₦62,000.00 2023-12-112023-12-11 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022684Closed2023-12-11Bill activationMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, treated2023-12-11 maryamhabu36@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022683Closed2023-12-11Bill activationIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, treated2023-12-11 maryamhabu36@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022682Closed2023-12-11DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 553151 Debt Repayment ₦108,665.14 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦74,665.14 M 2022-07-20 ₦34,000.00 2023-12-112023-12-11 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022681ClosedKCT Request2023-12-11K c t tariff index 0002MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 4872 4663 8926 5302 4936 4855 6611 1467 7950 22482023-12-11 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022680Closed2023-12-11Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. 44000537355 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 586568 Debt Repayment ₦9,433.03 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦7,433.03 M 2023-11-13 ₦2,000.00 2023-12-09 44000360881 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612901272401 Debt Repayment ₦274,905.57 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦260,905.57 M 2022-08-12 ₦14,000.00 2023-03-312023-12-11 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022679Closed2023-12-11REQUEST FOR KEY CHANGE TOKENMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 0176 3829 7675 8665 4376 6044 8969 6827 2027 8701 1 To 2 3405 5940 3490 9265 0999 3044 6185 7724 0881 88772023-12-11 sunnyochekwu@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022678Closed2023-12-11Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. 44000537355 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 586568 Debt Repayment ₦9,433.03 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦7,433.03 M 2023-11-13 ₦2,000.00 2023-12-09 44000360881 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612901272401 Debt Repayment ₦274,905.57 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦260,905.57 M 2022-08-12 ₦14,000.00 2023-03-312023-12-11 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022677Closed2023-12-11Request for debt profile,MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 511649 Debt Repayment ₦135,739.29 ₦-21,910.35 ₦2,000.00 ₦55,828.94 M 2019-01-25 ₦58,000.00 2023-10-102023-12-11 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022676Closed2023-12-11DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 634502140501 Debt Repayment ₦382,983.91 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦350,983.91 M 2022-06-09 ₦32,000.00 2023-10-212023-12-11 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022675Closed2023-12-11KRN REQUEST FOR NEWLY INSTALLEDMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11No44000808020 50750293137510632137 34085089741214244061 0101235020670 54978939095802507814 725305567684190031242023-12-11 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022674Closed2023-12-11Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. 44000604650 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 643282 Debt Repayment ₦239,246.63 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦221,246.63 M 2023-03-22 ₦18,000.00 2023-12-08 0163211199175 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 492826 Debt Repayment ₦97,508.81 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦67,508.81 M 2022-09-05 ₦30,000.00 2023-12-082023-12-11 mupeejay12@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022673Closed2023-12-11Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 586568 Debt Repayment ₦9,433.03 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦7,433.03 M 2023-11-13 ₦2,000.00 2023-12-092023-12-11 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022672ClosedKCT Request2023-12-11KCT REQUEST FROM 21 TO 1 0101170282053MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. 21 To 1 5853 2147 6861 4351 6397 5255 1139 3896 4978 99852023-12-11 Umar Auwal
#00022671ClosedKCT Request2023-12-11KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11No65329510860816727348 625809708830828274112023-12-11 senenge.hungwa@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00022670ClosedKCT Request2023-12-11REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101235020670MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 0542 3053 4505 4995 5506 5698 7936 8754 0500 3334 1 To 2 4612 2491 3721 2774 5769 4386 7329 2915 1646 12262023-12-11 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022669Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022668Closed2023-12-11Kct for kRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11No44300009444 36901723518876614653 10131803455134164944 44000635134 0101161001588.is on 04 index ......incorrect 54160927841 is on 21 index 59666485995773728333 257767894374982075242023-12-11 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022667Closed2023-12-11Migration of account,MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, treated2023-12-11 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022666Closed2023-12-11Debt profile for MSN 44000306561MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612640060601 Debt Repayment ₦249,208.40 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦226,208.40 M 2022-08-17 ₦23,000.00 2023-12-092023-12-11 isaacchijioke45@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022665Closed2023-12-11REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE: 0101220018713MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. 0101220018713 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 744081 Debt Repayment ₦14,892.35 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦14,892.35 M 2023-08-16 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-12-11 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022664Closed2023-12-11KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11No65329510860816727348 625809708830828274112023-12-11 amibabs433@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022663ClosedKCT Request2023-12-11Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. 21 To 1 2609 4463 1641 9626 6568 4755 0158 9328 8590 14962023-12-11 tkhadija028@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022662Closed2023-12-11Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11No31642896131891216830 122660021401161337692023-12-11 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022661Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022660Closed2023-12-11KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11No33511058578870773710 494840888692938135882023-12-11 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022659Closed2023-12-11DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. 54161166951 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 523135 Debt Repayment ₦88,369.66 ₦-20,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦6,369.66 M 2020-01-13 ₦62,000.00 2023-12-11 0101210097875 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 498377 Debt Repayment ₦247,503.06 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦225,503.06 M 2022-09-12 ₦22,000.00 2023-10-302023-12-11 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022658Closed2023-12-11REQUEST FOR KRN 1 TO 2 AND 2 TO 1: 95300217494MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11No3382 1788 7483 9294 3925 0596 6330 5880 4809 16932023-12-11 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022657Closed2023-12-11Request for Debt profile,MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612208397601 Debt Repayment ₦588,772.00 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦575,772.00 M 2023-01-10 ₦13,000.00 2023-12-092023-12-11 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022656Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022655Open0000-00-00DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 549572 Debt Repayment ₦62,705.40 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦24,705.40 M 2022-05-16 ₦38,000.00 2023-12-112023-12-11 Umar Auwal
#00022654Closed2023-12-11KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11No44000805703 28262125382004167140 46597832069283876884 , 44000808904,.....incorrect 44000806305 60155607695757775003 730152581063940094752023-12-11 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022653Closed2023-12-11REQUEST FOR K R NMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11No44000689925 krn 1 to 2 60308229476722261734 53066690174102041354 44000677581 krn 1 to 2 09991417228515737462 09013795270933821542 44000676138 krn 1 to 2 43880508284289931082 698790337952136413682023-12-11 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022652ClosedKCT Request2023-12-11kctMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. 45 To 1 2303 2473 6321 3230 7226 1966 0838 7296 5659 38292023-12-11 muhammadrabiu714@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022651Closed2023-12-11DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672976 Debt Repayment ₦41,835.98 ₦0.00 ₦5,000.00 ₦10,835.98 V 2022-06-09 ₦31,000.00 2023-12-112023-12-11 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022650Closed2023-12-11REQUEST FOR KRN: 0101235002314MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11No48740973395869600329 651760971796918900892023-12-11 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022649Closed2023-12-11REQUEST FOR KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11No28735040704190036709 636958505330778775062023-12-11 florarumun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022648Closed2023-12-11KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11No21375557602055709254 03640064280879589252 5839 2565 9202 9955 9408 1884 4716 8576 4875 03412023-12-11 mauwalu143@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022647Closed2023-12-11DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 506150 Debt Repayment ₦305,597.36 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦289,597.36 M 2022-08-15 ₦16,000.00 2023-04-042023-12-18 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022646Closed2023-12-11DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 753675 Debt Repayment ₦11,193.53 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦7,193.53 M 2023-09-20 ₦4,000.00 2023-11-102023-12-11 toranyiinkator14@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022645Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022644Closed2023-12-110150000861388 debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 746178 Debt Repayment ₦12,846.10 ₦0.00 ₦6,423.05 ₦6,423.05 V 2022-08-19 ₦6,423.05 2023-03-272023-12-11 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022643Closed2023-12-11Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 788775 Debt Repayment ₦57,364.97 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦43,364.97 M 2023-04-05 ₦14,000.00 2023-11-162023-12-11 mustaphamaryam67@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022642Closed2023-12-11Request for debt profile........54150624960MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 803664 Debt Repayment ₦8,481.46 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2023-03-22 ₦8,481.46 2023-08-28 Closed 803664 Debt Repayment ₦5,668.48 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,668.48 M 2023-10-27 ₦0.00 0000-00-00 BK-41-219-01-0039 Debt Repayment ₦801.14 ₦0.00 ₦801.14 ₦0.00 M 2022-02-28 ₦801.14 2022-03-02 Closed2023-12-11 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022641ClosedKCT Request2023-12-11REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. 1 To 55 2071 2894 8954 7340 8902 4554 9960 0735 6067 0585 55 To 1 6635 5217 4135 9182 7086 6958 8388 5485 4668 80962023-12-11 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022640ClosedKCT Request2023-12-11KCT from 21 To 01MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NohELLO, FIND BELOW. 21 To 1 1718 2876 9364 4496 8546 0937 1214 7591 4516 70462023-12-11 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022639In ProgressKCT Request2023-12-11REQUEST FOR K C TMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. 44000720753 Tariff index 1 to 99 1 To 99 5769 8225 5755 8974 8379 7215 2031 6578 9940 2467 0101220100818 Tariff index 1 to 99 1 To 99 6624 4802 1033 5287 4116 6440 7734 0899 4298 13000000-00-00 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022638Closed2023-12-11REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101210042327MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 760046 Debt Repayment ₦20,709.18 ₦0.00 ₦18,209.18 ₦18,209.18 V 2023-08-15 ₦2,500.00 2023-09-232023-12-11 phartiemah12@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022637Closed2023-12-11Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 615109050101 Debt Repayment ₦217,463.03 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦189,463.03 M 2022-10-19 ₦28,000.00 2023-12-112023-12-11 Umar Auwal
#00022636Closed2023-12-11DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 677701 Debt Repayment ₦57,910.26 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦21,910.26 M 2022-05-24 ₦36,000.00 2023-11-222023-12-11 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022635ClosedKCT Request2023-12-11Required for kct numberMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. KCT1: 7164 8639 6642 3498 5847 KCT2: 3484 1315 9803 8854 10212023-12-11 shehumyusuf51@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022634Closed2023-12-11Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal0000-00-00NoHello, find below. 44000537355 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 586568 Debt Repayment ₦9,433.03 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦7,433.03 M 2023-11-13 ₦2,000.00 2023-12-09 44000360881 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612901272401 Debt Repayment ₦274,905.57 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦260,905.57 M 2022-08-12 ₦14,000.00 2023-03-312023-12-11 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022633Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022632Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022631ClosedRequest2023-12-11Request for informationMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoDear Thompson, 62321160251 Captured by: PETER TYOVER on 2022-02-15 Detached by: Tor Terna Thompson on 2023-08-11 Regard.2023-12-11 muhammad.usman@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00022630ClosedKCT Request2023-12-11Request for KCT for Newly installed meter - 0163211119579MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 4868 3560 9848 6381 5533 0059 3615 2052 4639 1949 1 To 2 1652 0332 2089 6008 6310 4361 5625 7782 7533 25152023-12-11 lucky.akpobi@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00022629Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022628Closed2023-12-11REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, 0150000692283 This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 0150000966146 There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2023-12-11 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022627Closed2023-12-11DebtMedium 2023-12-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 436716 Debt Repayment ₦126,131.28 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦126,131.28 M 2022-05-24 ₦0.00 2022-05-312023-12-11 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com
#00022626Closed2023-12-11Debt statusMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 646017245001 Debt Repayment ₦20,995.30 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2022-04-22 ₦20,995.30 2023-03-04 Closed 646017245001 Loss of Revenue ₦228,000.00 ₦-103,000.00 ₦12,500.00 ₦12,500.00 M 2023-03-29 ₦112,500.00 2023-12-092023-12-11 aleeyuibraheemahmad16@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022625Closed2023-12-11DEBT DETAILSMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 646004233101 Debt Repayment ₦396,015.13 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦362,015.13 M 2022-07-28 ₦34,000.00 2023-12-092023-12-11 faizahtafida@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022624Closed2023-12-11Debt statusMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 646017245001 Debt Repayment ₦20,995.30 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2022-04-22 ₦20,995.30 2023-03-04 Closed 646017245001 Loss of Revenue ₦228,000.00 ₦-103,000.00 ₦12,500.00 ₦12,500.00 M 2023-03-29 ₦112,500.00 2023-12-092023-12-11 aleeyuibraheemahmad16@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022623Open0000-00-00DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 661270 Debt Repayment ₦32,210.20 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦210.20 M 2022-08-18 ₦32,000.00 2023-12-042023-12-11 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022622Closed2023-12-11DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 746178 Debt Repayment ₦12,846.10 ₦0.00 ₦6,423.05 ₦6,423.05 V 2022-08-19 ₦6,423.05 2023-03-272023-12-11 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022621Closed2023-12-11Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612901272401 Debt Repayment ₦274,905.57 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦260,905.57 M 2022-08-12 ₦14,000.00 2023-03-312023-12-11 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022620Closed2023-12-11Request for debt profile,MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 683172 Debt Repayment ₦14,512.10 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2022-07-19 ₦14,512.10 2023-04-18 Closed 683172 Debt Repayment ₦611,943.12 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦611,943.12 M 2023-10-04 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-12-11 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022619Closed2023-12-11DEBT DETAILSMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 646004233101 Debt Repayment ₦396,015.13 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦362,015.13 M 2022-07-28 ₦34,000.00 2023-12-092023-12-11 faizahtafida@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022618Closed2023-12-11REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE: 44000525384MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 775228 Debt Repayment ₦30,578.30 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦4,578.30 M 2022-08-31 ₦26,000.00 2023-12-112023-12-11 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022617Closed2023-12-11DEBT ENQUIRYMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. 0101200021794 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 551445 Debt Repayment ₦151,070.78 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦117,070.78 M 2022-04-08 ₦34,000.00 2023-09-30 0163211260480 There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2023-12-11 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022616Closed2023-12-110101210039323MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. 33 To 1 3052 2667 0797 3177 1296 0959 4134 5950 7764 75782023-12-11 johnny007emmanuel@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022615Closed2023-12-11DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 44000671782MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 679774 Debt Repayment ₦150,306.05 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦148,306.05 M 2023-11-07 ₦2,000.00 2023-12-052023-12-11 joseph.tegwis@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00022614ClosedKCT Request2023-12-11REQUEST FOR KCT 1 TO 66 AND 66 TO 1: 95300161833MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, KCT1: 3431 4300 9300 7193 8852 KCT2: 7017 7487 6801 4640 08682023-12-11 support@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00022613Closed2023-12-11DEBT PROFILE: 0101210096380MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2023-12-11 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022612Closed2023-12-11DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 95300401882 / 814144MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 814144 Refund ₦63,061.32 ₦0.00 ₦525.51 ₦58,331.73 M 2023-03-13 ₦4,729.59 2023-12-06 814144 Debt Repayment ₦97,785.57 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦95,785.57 M 2023-11-28 ₦2,000.00 2023-12-062023-12-11 joseph.tegwis@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00022611Closed2023-12-11Request for profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 769721 Debt Repayment ₦1,133.70 ₦0.00 ₦1,133.70 ₦0.00 M 2022-10-11 ₦1,133.70 2023-05-31 Closed2023-12-11 senenge.hungwa@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00022610Closed2023-12-11DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-11NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 506258 Debt Repayment ₦59,716.53 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦21,716.53 M 2022-05-24 ₦38,000.00 2023-12-102023-12-11 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022609ClosedKCT Request2023-12-08KCT REQUEST: 0101170310797 (33 To 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-08NoHello, find below. 33 To 1 6724 5400 4930 9838 5514 2213 3085 3006 3153 01722023-12-08 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022608Closed2023-12-08DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-08NoHello, find below. 95300411261 ​ Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 821467 Refund ₦63,061.32 ₦0.00 ₦525.51 ₦58,331.73 M 2023-03-13 ₦4,729.59 2023-12-07 821467 Debt Repayment ₦27,081.43 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦25,081.43 M 2023-11-24 ₦2,000.00 2023-12-07 ​ 0150000910904 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 708007 Debt Repayment ₦18,226.40 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦8,226.40 M 2022-07-04 ₦10,000.00 2022-12-172023-12-08 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022607ClosedKCT Request2023-12-08KCT REQUEST: 0101170310797 (33 To 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-08NoHello, find below. 33 To 1 6724 5400 4930 9838 5514 2213 3085 3006 3153 01722023-12-08 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022606Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022605ClosedKCT Request2023-12-08Request for kct in respect of this account 44000715613 from 02MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-08NoHello, find below. 2 To 99 5525 4652 9633 0168 9112 7249 1587 1363 6797 94062023-12-08 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022604ClosedKCT Request2023-12-08kCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-08NoHello, find below. 95300249760 T33- krn 33 To 1 0113 5903 4335 7866 9061 6405 8926 1292 1523 2580 0161000004222 T01- krn No data available in table 0101170207290 T04 krn 4 To 1 3839 1528 3542 9010 7319 4625 5813 2735 2468 5887 44000462695 T04- krn 4 To 1 7371 3090 1273 9254 6880 1269 4199 1465 2288 6998 0101160004657 tr33- krn 33 To 1 2803 0605 9203 2704 5512 5449 0786 8481 9916 1987 0101210047953 tr 45 45 To 1 6300 2871 8282 9187 6820 6146 9894 4691 2537 31912023-12-08 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022603Closed2023-12-08KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-08No36640327459460222343 311965996564035822592023-12-08 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022602Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022601Closed2023-12-08Request for KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-08No016321120443......incorrect 0163211214933 T1 37510051403728325567 044326754830490710952023-12-08 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022600Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022599Closed2023-12-08Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-08No37189598812884615752 079626783022746453612023-12-08 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022598Closed2023-12-08Request for KRN in respect of this account 44000715613MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-08No47303864282426277860 687458661412574284912023-12-08 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022597Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022596Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022595Closed2023-12-08Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-08No57100007954 T21 69446097698203949508 26943854491261793744 57100015965 T1 61550198328943379425 502731005695047126452023-12-08 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022594Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022593Closed2023-12-08Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-08No016321120443 T1.....incorrect 0163211214933 T1 37510051403728325567 044326754830490710952023-12-08 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022592Closed2023-12-08Request for KRN KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-08No55906415408614224173 491049433926212832862023-12-08 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022591ClosedKCT Request2023-12-08Request for KRN KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-08No54638883069916155236 093563356953557647192023-12-08 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022590Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022589Closed2023-12-08Request for debt profile..... 0101170245480MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-08NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 606426 Debt Repayment ₦2,808.78 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦808.78 M 2023-11-27 ₦2,000.00 2023-12-072023-12-08 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022588Closed2023-12-08Request for debt details for 0150000935372MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-08NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 745645 Debt Repayment ₦74,048.43 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦50,048.43 M 2022-06-14 ₦24,000.00 2023-06-302023-12-08 shukrah55@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022587Closed2023-12-08Debt profile.MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-08NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612634119301 Debt Repayment ₦270,878.54 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦268,878.54 M 2023-03-29 ₦2,000.00 2023-04-142023-12-08 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022586Closed2023-12-08REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-08NoHello, find below. 0150000878531 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 735282 Debt Repayment ₦45,674.95 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦25,674.95 M 2022-07-04 ₦20,000.00 2023-05-26 0150000946676 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 512003 Debt Repayment ₦46,137.87 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦6,137.87 M 2022-04-14 ₦40,000.00 2023-12-07 0150000960941 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 540065 Debt Repayment ₦69,164.19 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦35,164.19 M 2022-07-18 ₦34,000.00 2023-12-07 0150000968837 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 372095 Debt Repayment ₦22,029.83 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2022-03-22 ₦22,029.83 2023-11-19 Closed 44000713493 There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2023-12-08 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022585Closed2023-12-08Request for debt profile..... 44000590677MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-08NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 744787 Debt Repayment ₦18,199.04 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦16,199.04 M 2023-11-14 ₦2,000.00 2023-12-052023-12-08 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022584Closed2023-12-08DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-08NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 648527 Debt Repayment ₦41,837.63 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦41,837.63 M 2023-08-17 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-12-08 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022583Closed2023-12-08Request for debt profile - 0101170241125MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-08NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 479250 Debt Repayment ₦191,862.39 ₦-30,000.00 ₦5,000.00 ₦89,362.39 V 2020-03-15 ₦72,500.00 2023-12-082023-12-08 Umar Auwal
#00022582Closed2023-12-08Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-08NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 615119053301 Debt Repayment ₦30,180.25 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦8,180.25 M 2022-07-01 ₦22,000.00 2023-06-302023-12-08 mustaphamaryam67@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022581Closed2023-12-08DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-08NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 634330 Debt Repayment ₦95,998.31 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦95,998.31 M 2023-09-26 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-12-08 carolynterjime@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022580Closed2023-12-08Request for debt profile.........0101161063611MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-08NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6131520713-01 Debt Repayment ₦232,982.72 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦192,982.72 M 2019-06-07 ₦40,000.00 2023-11-302023-12-08 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022579ClosedKCT Request2023-12-08REQUEST FOR K C TMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-08NoHello, find below. 1 To 55 4845 3536 0972 9186 2015 7077 0170 7489 0954 98182023-12-08 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022578Closed2023-12-08REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-08NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 790206 Debt Repayment ₦70,325.39 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦64,325.39 M 2023-08-18 ₦6,000.00 2023-11-302023-12-08 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022577Closed2023-12-08Debt profile for MSN 44000306579MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-08NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 520717 Debt Repayment ₦192,443.22 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦164,443.22 M 2022-08-15 ₦28,000.00 2023-11-302023-12-08 isaacchijioke45@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022576ClosedKCT Request2023-12-08KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-08NoHello, find below. 22 To 1 5839 2565 9202 9955 9408 1884 4716 8576 4875 03412023-12-08 mauwalu143@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022575Closed2023-12-08DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-08NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612644042201 Debt Repayment ₦333,100.00 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦323,100.00 M 2023-01-25 ₦10,000.00 2023-06-302023-12-08 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022574Closed2023-12-08DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-08NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 536176 Debt Repayment ₦96,000.21 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦96,000.21 M 2022-04-11 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-12-08 carolynterjime@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022573Closed2023-12-08DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-08NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 636146356501 Debt Repayment ₦21,408.00 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦1,408.00 M 2023-01-11 ₦20,000.00 2023-11-292023-12-08 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022572Closed2023-12-08Request for debt profile...... 44000671964MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-08NoHello, find below. 44000671964 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 787825 Debt Repayment ₦5,463.42 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦3,463.42 M 2023-10-27 ₦2,000.00 2023-11-102023-12-08 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022571Closed2023-12-08Request for debt profile - 44000364545MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-08NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 646021436401 Debt Repayment ₦168,547.22 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦130,547.22 M 2022-05-18 ₦38,000.00 2023-12-01a2023-12-08 lucky.akpobi@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00022570Closed2023-12-08DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-08NoHello, find below. 0150000968423 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 418067 Debt Repayment ₦67,325.02 ₦200,863.98 ₦2,500.00 ₦218,189.00 M 2022-03-10 ₦50,000.00 2023-11-30 62321090557 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 728862 Debt Repayment ₦8,970.06 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦970.06 M 2023-08-20 ₦8,000.00 2023-12-062023-12-08 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022569Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022568ClosedKCT Request2023-12-08REQUEST FOR KCT 1 To 99 AND 99 TO 1: 95300161833MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-08NoHello, find below. 99 To 1 0818 7789 9318 7489 7545 2166 0325 1125 7691 6056 1 To 99 2430 2174 5936 9114 6391 5098 5299 1364 5720 51412023-12-08 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022567Closed2023-12-08DEBT Profile for MSN 0101190018560MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-08NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 648844 Debt Repayment ₦39,153.00 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦1,153.00 M 2022-02-17 ₦38,000.00 2023-09-27 648844 Refund ₦48,263.38 ₦0.00 ₦402.19 ₦47,861.19 M 2023-03-13 ₦402.19 2023-04-012023-12-08 isaacchijioke45@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022566Closed2023-12-08REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 62321133704MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-08NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 789497 Debt Repayment ₦23,428.11 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦23,428.11 M 2023-09-20 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-12-08 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022565Closed2023-12-08Debt profile RequestMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-08NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 662108039101 Debt Repayment ₦87,156.42 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦69,156.42 M 2023-03-30 ₦18,000.00 2023-12-062023-12-08 agohabigail69@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022564ClosedKCT Request2023-12-08K c t 0002MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-08NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 3910 7836 7024 2448 6477 3034 8131 0591 8742 7447 1 To 2 2500 8851 3847 7941 8797 3080 0973 5908 9169 41242023-12-08 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022563Closed2023-12-08DEBT PROFILE: 0101190134961, 0101210186801MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-08NoHello, find below. 0101190134961, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 712988 Debt Repayment ₦7,136.22 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,136.22 M 2023-11-20 ₦2,000.00 2023-12-06 0101210186801 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 582769 Debt Repayment ₦54,281.73 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦26,281.73 M 2022-10-24 ₦28,000.00 2023-12-072023-12-08 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022562Closed2023-12-08Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-08NoHello, find below. 44300003819 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612695133101 Debt Repayment ₦384,418.16 ₦0.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦244,418.16 M 2022-10-04 ₦140,000.00 2023-12-04 0101190032884 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 646789 Debt Repayment ₦73,562.85 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦59,562.85 M 2023-05-17 ₦14,000.00 2023-12-05 54150624960 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 803664 Debt Repayment ₦8,481.46 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2023-03-22 ₦8,481.46 2023-08-28 Closed 803664 Debt Repayment ₦5,668.48 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,668.48 M 2023-10-27 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-12-08 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022561Closed2023-12-08REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE: 0101210124745MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-08NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 658505442801 Debt Repayment ₦509,141.29 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦481,141.29 M 2022-09-15 ₦28,000.00 2023-11-262023-12-08 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022560Closed2023-12-08Debt profile requestMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-08NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 745198 Debt Repayment ₦8,185.02 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦6,185.02 M 2023-09-29 ₦2,000.00 2023-10-312023-12-08 agohabigail69@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022559Closed2023-12-08DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-08NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 661523 Debt Repayment ₦94,661.81 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦52,661.81 M 2022-03-10 ₦42,000.00 2023-12-082023-12-08 samueldchun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022558Closed2023-12-08DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 44000671782MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-08NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 679774 Debt Repayment ₦150,306.05 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦148,306.05 M 2023-11-07 ₦2,000.00 2023-12-052023-12-08 joseph.tegwis@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00022557Closed2023-12-08REQUEST FOR DEBT==44000525467MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-08NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 757282 Debt Repayment ₦42,581.46 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦10,581.46 M 2022-08-26 ₦32,000.00 2023-12-062023-12-08 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022556Closed2023-12-08REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPERMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-08NoGood morning, find below, 54160901085 Clear Tamper 0 0550 3023 2236 6960 7104 0150300014506 Clear Tamper 0 6610 3966 9308 9120 1380 0101215108495 Clear Tamper 0 3568 8114 9091 5113 27492023-12-08 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022555Closed2023-12-08Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-08NoHello, find below. 0101170366120 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 464939 Debt Repayment ₦133,111.88 ₦-53,600.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦79,511.88 M 2019-06-10 ₦0.00 2021-05-312023-12-08 rasheedatlawalaa7428@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022554Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022553Closed2023-12-08DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-08NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 615216452801 Debt Repayment ₦466,542.16 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦424,542.16 M 2022-03-23 ₦42,000.00 2023-12-082023-12-08 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022552Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022551Closed2023-12-08DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 54160867542MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-08NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 600304 Debt Repayment ₦5,668.48 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦3,668.48 M 2023-11-27 ₦2,000.00 2023-12-072023-12-08 joseph.tegwis@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00022550Closed2023-12-08Request for debt profile- 62321101156MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-08NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672957 Debt Repayment ₦10,784.93 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦4,784.93 M 2023-08-01 ₦6,000.00 2023-11-092023-12-08 lucky.akpobi@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00022549Closed2023-12-07REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE AND KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07NoHello, find below. 44000667780 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 790540 Debt Repayment ₦28,797.32 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦26,797.32 M 2023-11-20 ₦2,000.00 2023-12-0195300194271 95300194271 KCT1: 4936 4143 0986 6311 4393 KCT2: 1667 3211 8511 1682 92342023-12-07 florarumun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022548Closed2023-11-30REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE--------44000402188MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07NoHello, fiond below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 683172 Debt Repayment ₦14,512.10 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2022-07-19 ₦14,512.10 2023-04-18 Closed 683172 Debt Repayment ₦611,943.12 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦611,943.12 M 2023-10-04 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-12-07 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022547Closed2023-12-07DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 0101210089567 / 658138145101MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 658138145101 Debt Repayment ₦380,717.72 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦376,717.72 M 2022-10-18 ₦4,000.00 2022-12-292023-12-07 joseph.tegwis@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00022546Closed2023-12-07DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07Noello, find below. ​ Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 452794 Debt Repayment ₦105,495.25 ₦-38,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,495.25 M 2019-06-16 ₦62,000.00 2023-12-07 ​2023-12-07 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022545Closed2023-12-07DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 698429 Debt Repayment ₦44,274.30 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦1,774.30 M 2022-07-28 ₦42,500.00 2023-12-072023-12-07 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022544Closed2023-12-07REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE-------------54161143463MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 195096 Debt Repayment ₦257,584.74 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦233,584.74 M 2022-12-08 ₦24,000.00 2023-12-072023-12-07 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022543Closed2023-12-07Request for debt profile 44000575983MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07NoHello, Find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 782880 Debt Repayment ₦99,696.73 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦99,696.73 M 2022-09-02 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-12-07 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022542Closed2023-12-07Request for debt profile 0101200087654MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07NoHello, Find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 629355 Debt Repayment ₦120,415.33 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦116,415.33 M 2023-09-26 ₦4,000.00 2023-11-152023-12-07 umaymah1065@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022541Closed2023-12-07DEBT PROFILE 0101190021713MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07NoHello, Find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611803186601 Debt Repayment ₦461,205.96 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦461,205.96 M 2023-11-06 ₦0.00 2023-11-292023-12-07 mhauwa74@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022540Closed2023-12-07Request for Debt profile for 0101200108799MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07NoHello, Find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 636890 Debt Repayment ₦71,779.80 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦69,779.80 M 2022-03-30 ₦2,000.00 2022-04-292023-12-07 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022539Closed2023-12-07DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07NoHello, Find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 634501030401 Debt Repayment ₦415,836.34 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦410,836.34 M 2023-10-23 ₦5,000.00 2023-12-022023-12-07 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022538Closed2023-12-07DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07No2023-12-07 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022537ClosedKCT Request2023-12-07KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07NoHelo, find below. 0572 1241 6659 5224 7219 0625 5068 0162 2891 05462023-11-30 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022536Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022535Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022534Closed2023-12-07Request for debt profile 0101210172074MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07NoHello, Find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 615119037301 Debt Repayment ₦188,232.05 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦160,232.05 M 2022-09-14 ₦28,000.00 2023-11-302023-12-07 umaymah1065@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022533ClosedKCT Request2023-12-07Request for Kct in respect of this account 54161051245 from 33MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07NoHello, find below. 33 To 1 7063 4223 5255 2114 7143 4764 7248 9476 8473 31872023-12-07 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022532Closed2023-12-07Request for debt profile..... 44000402188MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 683172 Debt Repayment ₦14,512.10 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2022-07-19 ₦14,512.10 2023-04-18 Closed 683172 Debt Repayment ₦611,943.12 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦611,943.12 M 2023-10-04 ₦0.00 0000-00-00 Hello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 683172 Debt Repayment ₦14,512.10 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2022-07-19 ₦14,512.10 2023-04-18 Closed 683172 Debt Repayment ₦611,943.12 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦611,943.12 M 2023-10-04 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-12-07 inemesithope46@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022531Closed2023-12-07Request for Debt profile for 0101210025835MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612208178501 Debt Repayment ₦414,974.64 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦414,974.64 M 2023-07-28 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-12-07 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022530Closed2023-12-07DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07NoHello, find below. 5416114344 8 ​ Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 569389 Debt Repayment ₦87,376.30 ₦-23,408.42 ₦2,000.00 ₦1,967.88 M 2019-12-28 ₦62,000.00 2023-12-07 ​ 0101161031170 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6125020748-01 Debt Repayment ₦545,704.76 ₦-48,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦437,704.76 M 2017-12-29 ₦60,000.00 2023-11-302023-12-07 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022529Closed2023-12-07Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07NoHello, find below. 0101161055757 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6582101055-01 Debt Repayment ₦301,754.79 ₦-29,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦210,754.79 M 2019-09-10 ₦62,000.00 2023-12-07 0101160019051 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6582111739-01 Debt Repayment ₦231,804.56 ₦-66,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦103,804.56 M 2019-03-28 ₦62,000.00 2023-12-072023-12-07 mupeejay12@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022528Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022527OpenKCT Request0000-00-00KctIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07NoHello, find below. 1 To 2 3553 0093 1693 2632 4996 2012 3109 6331 3365 5984 2 To 1 6236 2293 6380 0011 5693 4323 0106 8009 6873 65082023-12-07 amibabs433@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022526ClosedKCT Request2023-12-07REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07NoHello, find below. KCT1: 0827 7016 1573 9653 4685 KCT2: 0282 0451 2871 4822 70202023-12-07 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022525ClosedKCT Request2023-12-07KCT FROM 21 TO 01MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07NoHello, find below. 21 To 1 4616 9963 1366 5113 4575 1470 8792 2903 3800 27882023-12-07 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022524ClosedKCT Request2023-12-07Request for KRN KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07No50629190361707581439 621716949127446024692023-12-07 Umar Auwal
#00022523Closed2023-12-07KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07No01790755676143241910 025895219831204642392023-12-07 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022522Closed2023-12-07Does not exist for KRN upgradeMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07No00883674570103155043 726525116802436183462023-12-07 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022521Closed2023-12-07DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 630397004701 Debt Repayment ₦10,000,716.91 ₦0.00 ₦5,000.00 ₦10,000,716.91 M 2022-06-06 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-12-07 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022520Closed2023-12-07DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 587794 Debt Repayment ₦200,665.51 ₦0.00 ₦5,000.00 ₦135,665.51 M 2022-11-29 ₦65,000.00 2023-12-062023-12-07 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022519ClosedKCT Request2023-12-07KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07NoHello, find below. 1 To 99 2678 8238 1575 3498 9817 1128 0528 6108 3609 5778 99 To 1 6480 1895 0214 8211 6963 2228 6059 2092 9583 70632023-12-07 yakubaliyu82@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022518Closed2023-12-07Krn code on 033MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07No0101210004467 55242748611116354636 45602347010958947599 0101210060915, 14124165420660238350 466476989223494783042023-12-07 ungwa14@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022517ClosedKCT Request2023-12-07K c t tariff index 2MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07No61073104399774573520 701805936781262464232023-12-07 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022516Closed2023-12-07KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07No1. 62321049264. 02596818565038050636 57995501032587531660 2. 62421198094. 24416599514133708520 714342740868180254472023-12-07 faizahtafida@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022515Closed2023-12-07Request for KrnMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07No70896299144853320497 039650719873873161942023-12-07 thompsontor@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022514Closed2023-12-07ACCOUNT FOR VALIDATIONMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07NoHello, treated2023-12-07 nshirgba@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022513ClosedKCT Request2023-12-07CT REQUEST: 0101170401059 (04 TO 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07NoHello, find below. 0101170401059 4 To 1 6491 1325 4586 6721 5549 3518 9340 5154 0397 31422023-12-07 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022512ClosedKCT Request2023-12-07KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07NoHello, find below. 1 To 2 1043 0603 5471 8822 2421 3830 8593 4098 1080 2197 2 To 1 5552 7561 0151 7365 5587 2630 3004 0283 5533 62452023-12-07 muhammadrabiu714@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022511Closed2023-12-07Kindly assist with debt enquiry of 44000392017MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07NoHello, find below. ​ Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 644218209201 Debt Repayment ₦182,759.66 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦166,759.66 M 2023-04-13 ₦16,000.00 2023-12-07 ​2023-12-07 aliyasalihuibrahim@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022510Closed2023-12-07Kindly assist with debt enquiry of 44000326312MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 646027371001 Debt Repayment ₦352,743.06 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦340,743.06 M 2022-05-24 ₦12,000.00 2022-11-222023-12-07 aliyasalihuibrahim@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022509Closed2023-12-07Kindly assist with debt enquiry of 44000392018 44000326312MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07NoHello, find below. 44000392018 There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment. 44000326312 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 646027371001 Debt Repayment ₦352,743.06 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦340,743.06 M 2022-05-242023-12-07 aliyasalihuibrahim@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022508Closed2023-12-07Kindly assist with debt of 44000392017 44000326312MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07NoHello, find below. 44000392017 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 644218209201 Debt Repayment ₦182,759.66 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦166,759.66 M 2023-04-13 ₦16,000.00 2023-12-07 44000326312 ​ Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 646027371001 Debt Repayment ₦352,743.06 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦340,743.06 M 2022-05-24 ₦12,000.00 2022-11-22 ​2023-12-07 aliyasalihuibrahim@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022507ClosedKCT Request2023-12-07KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07No1 To 99 0363 7659 9845 2518 6348 4674 1859 9621 7967 17702023-12-07 muhammadrabiu714@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022506ClosedKCT Request2023-12-07Request for kct,MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07NoHello, find below. 21 To 1 1075 4997 4448 1964 9821 4932 0103 9374 5907 54132023-12-07 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022505Closed2023-12-07Activation of new accountsMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07NoHello, treated.2023-12-07 ahmadmiltonfairaskira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022504Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022503Closed2023-12-07DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 818949 Refund ₦63,061.32 ₦0.00 ₦525.51 ₦58,331.73 M 2023-03-13 ₦4,729.59 2023-12-05 818949 Debt Repayment ₦5,668.48 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦3,668.48 M 2023-11-28 ₦2,000.00 2023-12-052023-12-07 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022502Closed2023-12-07Kindly assist with debt of 95300250750MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07NoHelo, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 616531 Debt Repayment ₦132,470.66 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦102,470.66 M 2022-09-16 ₦30,000.00 2023-12-072023-12-07 aliyasalihuibrahim@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022501Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022500Closed2023-12-07Request for debt profile 44000519288MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612325722901 Debt Repayment ₦17,510.63 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦3,510.63 M 2023-05-15 ₦14,000.00 2023-12-072023-12-07 umaymah1065@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022499ClosedKCT Request2023-12-07KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07NoHello, find below. 21 To 1 3692 9923 1332 3509 3301 5952 7138 3388 8666 95422023-12-07 mauwalu143@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022498ClosedKCT Request2023-12-07REQUEST FOR K C TMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07NoHello, find below. 44300017207 Tariff index 1 to 99 No data available in table 44300016878 Tariff index 1 to 99 1 To 99 0882 6696 9816 5769 9433 5545 6523 2176 8493 7117 44000707032 Tariff index 1 to 55 1 To 55 7009 2369 1399 7190 9507 4432 1900 9051 4926 8657 44000558328 Tariff index 4 to 1 4 To 1 2309 7647 5258 2576 3127 2122 2225 3567 4511 2126 44000988038 Tariff index 55 to 99 3732 3923 2874 1206 9138 6766 4152 5400 4361 5638 44000717023 Tariff index 1 to 55 2515 9693 4418 9261 0469 7134 6244 6287 8583 21982023-12-07 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022497ClosedKCT Request2023-12-07KCTIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07No1 To 99 0363 7659 9845 2518 6348 4674 1859 9621 7967 17702023-12-07 muhammadrabiu714@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022496Closed2023-12-07DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 668076 Debt Repayment ₦82,965.26 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦37,965.26 M 2022-06-08 ₦45,000.00 2023-12-062023-12-07 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022495Closed2023-12-07request for krn upgradeMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07NoHello, find below. KCT1: 5135 0944 5302 1906 8145 KCT2: 5533 7957 3400 1905 55122023-12-07 Umar Auwal
#00022494Closed2023-12-07Request for debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6461053445-01 Debt Repayment ₦166,809.02 ₦-66,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦40,809.02 M 2018-03-11 ₦60,000.00 2023-11-222023-12-07 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022493Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022492ClosedEvend Access2023-12-07ACCOUNT NOT MIGRATED ON E-VEND ACCOUNT NOT MIGRATED ON E-VENDMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07NoACCOUNT NOT MIGRATED ON E-VEND2023-12-07 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022491Closed2023-12-07DebtMedium 2023-12-14NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 690854 Debt Repayment ₦37,616.58 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,616.58 M 2022-08-02 ₦32,000.00 2023-12-062023-12-07 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com
#00022490ClosedEvend Access2023-12-07Request for Acct No 839918 to be captured on evendMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07NoHello, treated2023-12-07 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022489ClosedKCT Request2023-12-07KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07NoHello, find below. 4412 2180 4585 1068 8383 4598 6295 3150 0430 05312023-12-07 mauwalu143@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022488Closed2023-12-07REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE: 0101210115651MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 738212 Debt Repayment ₦28,542.60 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦542.60 M 2022-10-13 ₦28,000.00 2023-12-062023-12-07 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022487ClosedKCT Request2023-12-07KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07NoHello, find below. ​KCT1: 3018 8455 3404 4781 2730 KCT2: 2280 9855 7775 6389 27092023-12-07 mimsicle22@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022486Closed2023-12-07DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07NoHello, find below. 62321071391 ​ Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 636133399101 Debt Repayment ₦140,791.00 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦130,791.00 M 2023-07-28 ₦10,000.00 2023-12-02 ​ 54160886799 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6119130537-01 Debt Repayment ₦236,491.43 ₦-117,934.88 ₦2,000.00 ₦87,556.55 M 2019-08-21 ₦31,000.00 2023-07-162023-12-07 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022485Closed2023-12-07Debt profileMedium 2023-12-07NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611129076901 Debt Repayment ₦183,372.05 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦179,372.05 M 2023-10-04 ₦4,000.00 2023-12-012023-12-07 tkhadija028@gmail.com
#00022484ClosedKCT Request2023-12-07REQUEST FOR KCT FOR NEW METER: 0101220136460MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07NoHello, Invalid STS2023-12-07 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022483Closed2023-12-07REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE:44000385417MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 746211 Debt Repayment ₦21,928.94 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,928.94 M 2023-04-04 ₦16,000.00 2023-12-052023-12-07 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022482Closed2023-12-07Total DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 549590 Debt Repayment ₦146,369.77 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦114,369.77 M 2022-05-25 ₦32,000.00 2023-09-272023-12-07 hauwahabugarba1@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022481Closed2023-12-07Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07NoHello, find below. 44300003819 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612695133101 Debt Repayment ₦384,418.16 ₦0.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦244,418.16 M 2022-10-04 ₦140,000.00 2023-12-04 0101190032884 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 646789 Debt Repayment ₦73,562.85 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦59,562.85 M 2023-05-17 ₦14,000.00 2023-12-05 54150624960 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 646789 Debt Repayment ₦73,562.85 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦59,562.85 M 2023-05-17 ₦14,000.00 2023-12-052023-12-07 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022480Closed2023-12-07REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE: 44000463545MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07NoHellok, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 631114314301 Debt Repayment ₦422,393.33 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦422,393.33 M 2022-07-01 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-12-07 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022479Closed2023-12-07DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 0101170390575MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07NoHello, There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2023-12-07 joseph.tegwis@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00022478ClosedKCT Request2023-12-07K c t tariff index 1MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07NoHello, find below. KCT1: 6173 3181 1194 2028 8807 KCT2: 6817 4508 8016 7010 23752023-12-07 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022477Closed2023-12-07DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-07NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6344030688-01 Debt Repayment ₦345,473.86 ₦-60,000.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦473.86 M 2020-01-15 ₦285,000.00 2023-12-022023-12-07 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022476Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022475Closed2023-12-06Request for Debt profile for 0101215007440MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612195231001 Debt Repayment ₦920,039.64 ₦0.00 ₦5,000.00 ₦900,039.64 M 2023-08-04 ₦20,000.00 2023-12-062023-12-06 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022474Closed2023-12-06Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06No0101235028442 T2 07800357545087927353 07658428836342576086 44000360550 T33 68696456289781279452 222197952566488285392023-12-06 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022473Closed2023-12-06REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILSMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 460444 Debt Repayment ₦102,758.10 ₦-31,673.17 ₦2,000.00 ₦9,084.93 M 2019-09-17 ₦62,000.00 2023-12-062023-12-06 abjaleel3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022472Closed2023-12-06DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06NoHello, find below. 0150000875032 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 699334 Debt Repayment ₦42,865.00 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦22,865.00 M 2023-01-25 ₦20,000.00 2023-11-282023-12-06 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022471Closed2023-12-06Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06NoHello, There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2023-12-06 addilelgi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022470Closed2023-12-06Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06NoHello, There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2023-12-06 addilelgi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022469Closed2023-12-06MIGRATION OF NEW ACCOUNTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06NoHello, treated2023-12-06 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022468Closed2023-12-06DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06NoHello, find below. 0150000864762 ​ Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 476230 Debt Repayment ₦255,194.84 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦235,194.84 M 2022-08-18 ₦20,000.00 2023-06-10 ​ 95000002608 No data available in table2023-12-06 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022467Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022466Closed2023-12-06REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06NoHello, find below. 0150000950900 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 632837 Debt Repayment ₦34,277.51 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦2,277.51 M 2022-08-02 ₦32,000.00 2023-12-06 0150300010934 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 734739 Debt Repayment ₦43,884.05 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦19,884.05 M 2022-03-29 ₦24,000.00 2023-03-312023-12-06 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022465ClosedKCT Request2023-12-06Request for kct in respect of this account 0101215019197 from 02MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06NoHello, find below. 5562 8027 8530 0023 3448 6669 5387 6941 6597 32922023-12-06 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022464Closed2023-12-06Request for Debt profile for 0101215007440MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612195231001 Debt Repayment ₦920,039.64 ₦0.00 ₦5,000.00 ₦900,039.64 M 2023-08-04 ₦20,000.00 2023-12-062023-12-06 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022463Closed2023-12-06Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06No0101235028442 T2 07800357545087927353 07658428836342576086 44000360550 T33 68696456289781279452 222197952566488285392023-12-06 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022462Closed2023-12-06REQUEST FOR KRN UPGRADE 62122252166MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06No42749800010233882477 483410576527046603812023-12-06 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022461Closed2023-12-06REQUEST FOR KRN UPGRADE 44000811453MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06No38873558592454816530 728144791876568540912023-12-06 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022460Closed2023-12-06Request for KRN in respect of this account 0150000903446 from Tariff index 23MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06No19742973762198307411 358795671119440207662023-12-06 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022459Closed2023-12-06REQUEST FOR KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06No0101170127761(1) 03358601977571189967 24757875448078646098 0101210036089(21) 19676087945535213668 296118911637614592852023-12-06 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022458Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022457Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022456Closed2023-12-06REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILSMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 646005013701 Debt Repayment ₦283,510.13 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦245,510.13 M 2022-04-20 ₦38,000.00 2023-11-232023-12-06 abjaleel3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022455ClosedKCT Request2023-12-06REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06NoHello, find below. 21 To 1 7332 3466 4498 9990 5769 3015 4717 2587 8795 10222023-12-06 abjaleel3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022454ClosedKCT Request2023-12-06Request for KRN KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06No03136224349072060415 715195238823070458682023-12-06 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022453Closed2023-12-06REQUEST FOR KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06NoIncorrect2023-12-06 abjaleel3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022452Closed2023-12-06Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06No64294288004884476353 114520104860069942152023-12-06 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022451ClosedKCT Request2023-12-06KCT RejectMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06NoHello, find below. 33 To 1 3637 3970 5347 0371 8640 5244 1937 8398 1789 96792023-12-06 haakoorngu@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022450Closed2023-12-06Request for Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 658510277801 Debt Repayment ₦324,806.61 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦324,806.61 M 2022-10-06 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-12-06 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022449Closed2023-12-06REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 95300223708MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 623908 Debt Repayment ₦101,769.19 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦101,769.19 M 2023-04-05 ₦0.00 2023-04-272023-12-06 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022448Closed2023-12-06Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6238043873-01 Debt Repayment ₦109,240.64 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦65,240.64 M 2022-02-15 ₦44,000.00 2023-12-062023-12-06 zakimimidoomaureen@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022447Closed2023-12-06Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 380406 Debt Repayment ₦544,392.36 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦544,392.36 M 2023-03-29 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-12-06 munirishaqjos@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022446Closed2023-12-06REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06NoHello, find below. 0101210145930 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 767915 Debt Repayment ₦67,025.00 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦45,025.00 M 2023-01-11 ₦22,000.00 2023-12-06 0101210081242 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 431423 Debt Repayment ₦238,475.80 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦222,475.80 M 2022-10-06 ₦16,000.00 2023-06-09 95300225240 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 741789 Debt Repayment ₦44,943.31 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦44,943.31 M 2023-04-13 ₦0.00 2023-04-222023-12-06 florarumun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022445Closed2023-12-06REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 543810 Debt Repayment ₦14,969.55 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦14,969.55 M 2023-11-06 ₦0.00 2023-11-222023-12-06 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022444Closed2023-12-06DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 95300223823 / 673530MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06NoHello, find below. 95300223823 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 673530 Debt Repayment ₦54,543.08 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦54,543.08 M 2022-12-08 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-12-06 joseph.tegwis@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00022443ClosedEvend Access2023-12-06Account to be capture on E-VENDMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06NoHello, treated2023-12-06 mupeejay12@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022442ClosedKCT Request2023-12-06KCT from 21 TO 01MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06NoHello, find below. 21 To 1 2236 5152 4289 6791 2072 2031 9483 3950 7069 26152023-12-06 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022441Closed2023-12-06Request for debt profile 95300408754MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 777411 Refund ₦63,061.32 ₦0.00 ₦525.51 ₦58,331.73 M 2023-03-13 ₦4,729.59 2023-12-05 777411 Debt Repayment ₦40,240.69 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦38,240.69 M 2023-11-28 ₦2,000.00 2023-12-052023-12-06 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022440Closed2023-12-06REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE: 44000672574MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 774221 Debt Repayment ₦73,266.04 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦43,266.04 M 2022-09-06 ₦30,000.00 2023-12-062023-12-06 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022439Closed2023-12-06DEBT PROFILE: 0101200104012MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 716946 Debt Repayment ₦36,739.30 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦4,739.30 M 2022-08-19 ₦32,000.00 2023-12-052023-12-06 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022438Closed2023-12-06REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILSMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 408561 Debt Repayment ₦168,273.05 ₦-52,500.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦53,773.05 M 2019-04-23 ₦62,000.00 2023-12-062023-12-06 abjaleel3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022437Closed2023-12-06REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE-------------62321071508MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 641225 Debt Repayment ₦136,237.49 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦136,237.49 M 2023-10-26 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-12-06 hopeinemesit3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022436Closed2023-12-06Debt Profile RequestMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06NoHello,find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 662306041301 Debt Repayment ₦4,497.79 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦4,497.79 M 2023-11-23 ₦0.00 2023-11-292023-12-06 agohabigail69@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022435Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022434Closed2023-12-06REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06NoHello, find below. 0150000964661 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672125152501 Debt Repayment ₦197,338.44 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦189,338.44 M 2022-07-19 ₦8,000.00 2022-11-28 0150000846537 This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 0150000976957 This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2023-12-06 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022433Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022432Closed2023-12-06DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06NoHello, find below. 0150000907199 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 634501056401 Debt Repayment ₦731,754.10 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦726,754.10 M 2023-10-23 ₦5,000.00 2023-12-062023-12-06 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022431Closed2023-12-13DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 95300152253MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 666970 Debt Repayment ₦294,686.24 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦252,686.24 M 2022-02-28 ₦42,000.00 2023-11-262023-12-06 joseph.tegwis@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00022430ClosedKCT Request2023-12-06REQUEST FOR K C TMediumIT Umar Auwal0000-00-00NoHello, 6500 3852 6273 2785 2979 1224 3930 8588 3595 00202023-12-06 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022429Closed2023-12-06Request for debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06NoHello, This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2023-12-06 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022428Closed2023-12-06DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 658171071001 Debt Repayment ₦1,417.12 ₦0.00 ₦1,417.12 ₦0.00 M 2023-11-07 ₦1,417.12 2023-12-06 Closed2023-12-06 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022427Closed2023-12-06REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILSMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06NoHelllo, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 644502265501 Debt Repayment ₦355,224.65 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦355,224.65 M 2022-06-16 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-12-06 abjaleel3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022426Closed2023-12-06DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06NoHello, find below. 44000694263 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 696356 Debt Repayment ₦46,279.45 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦32,279.45 M 2023-01-12 ₦14,000.00 2023-08-27 0150300025544 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 631105331301 Debt Repayment ₦316,446.84 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦273,946.84 M 2022-06-21 ₦42,500.00 2023-11-29 0150000924699 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 670802 Debt Repayment ₦29,682.27 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦16,682.27 M 2023-01-18 ₦13,000.00 2023-11-272023-12-06 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022425Closed2023-12-06DEBT Profile for MSN 44000674430MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 791979 Debt Repayment ₦21,210.09 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦17,210.09 M 2023-10-26 ₦4,000.00 2023-12-012023-12-06 isaacchijioke45@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022424Closed2023-12-06KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06No09140528041854251891 163162811484906288132023-12-06 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022423Closed2023-12-06Outstanding EnquiryMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 646020567801 Debt Repayment ₦320,810.62 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦284,810.62 M 2022-05-17 ₦36,000.00 2023-11-132023-12-06 abdulbakibbd@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022422Closed2023-12-06Request for debt profile,MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612621102901 Debt Repayment ₦245,959.04 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦213,959.04 M 2022-08-16 ₦32,000.00 2023-12-052023-12-06 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022421Closed2023-12-06DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06NoHello, No data available in table2023-12-06 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022420ClosedKCT Request2023-12-06KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06NoHello, find below. 3637 3970 5347 0371 8640 5244 1937 8398 1789 96792023-12-06 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022419Closed2023-12-06REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06NoHello, find below. 44000502037 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 708540 Debt Repayment ₦29,288.04 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2022-07-22 ₦29,288.04 2023-10-19 Closed 44000614469 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 539643 Debt Repayment ₦79,616.10 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦55,616.10 M 2022-07-22 ₦24,000.00 2023-07-31 44000678258 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 671604343101 Debt Repayment ₦94,329.67 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦62,329.67 M 2022-07-20 ₦32,000.00 2023-11-27 44000612133 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 655171 Debt Repayment ₦34,885.57 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦22,885.57 M 2022-07-18 ₦12,000.00 2023-11-10 44000745982 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 671604338801 Debt Repayment ₦69,449.99 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦35,449.99 M 2022-07-19 ₦34,000.00 2023-12-012023-12-06 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022418Closed2023-12-06Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 621441293801 Debt Repayment ₦213,542.43 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦211,542.43 M 2023-11-27 ₦2,000.00 2023-12-062023-12-06 zakimimidoomaureen@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022417Closed2023-12-06DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06NoHello, find below. This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2023-12-06 carolynterjime@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022416ClosedKCT Request2023-12-06REQUEST FOR K C TMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06NoHello, find below. 44000988038 tariff index 1 to 55 1 To 55 1338 6739 5016 2768 4601 2702 6617 0254 5208 8299 55 To 99 3732 3923 2874 1206 9138 6766 4152 5400 4361 5638 95500117304 tariff index 55 to 1 55 To 1 2585 8260 7253 3956 8135 4523 7948 0275 2504 77852023-12-06 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022415Closed2023-12-06REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE: 0101195006495MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06NoHelo, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 529007 Debt Repayment ₦99,991.23 ₦0.00 ₦7,000.00 ₦80,991.23 M 2023-08-18 ₦19,000.00 2023-11-302023-12-06 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022414Closed2023-12-06REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06NoHello, find below. 44000520369 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 735223 Debt Repayment ₦139,860.34 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦129,860.34 M 2023-08-18 ₦10,000.00 2023-12-05 44300004163 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 812141 Refund ₦117,910.69 ₦0.00 ₦982.59 ₦109,067.38 M 2023-03-13 ₦8,843.31 2023-12-03 44000645273 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 768867 Debt Repayment ₦53,096.66 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦19,096.66 M 2022-07-25 ₦34,000.00 2023-12-01 0150000968340 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672165009101 Debt Repayment ₦135,109.06 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦103,109.06 M 2022-04-19 ₦32,000.00 2023-08-262023-12-06 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022413Closed2023-12-06REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06NoHello, find below. 0150000968142 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672163608201 Debt Repayment ₦40,593.64 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2022-03-10 ₦40,593.64 2023-12-02 Closed 44000713493 There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment. 015000096094 There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment. 0150000960610 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672119129301 Debt Repayment ₦94,124.21 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦60,124.21 M 2022-07-29 ₦34,000.00 2023-12-02 0161000036053 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 804257 Refund ₦63,061.32 ₦0.00 ₦525.51 ₦58,331.73 M 2023-03-13 ₦4,729.59 2023-12-032023-12-06 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022412Closed2023-12-06REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06NoHello, find below. 0150000968142 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672163608201 Debt Repayment ₦40,593.64 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2022-03-10 ₦40,593.64 2023-12-02 Closed 44000713493 There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment. 015000096094 There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment. 0150000960610 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672119129301 Debt Repayment ₦94,124.21 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦60,124.21 M 2022-07-29 ₦34,000.00 2023-12-02 0161000036053 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 804257 Refund ₦63,061.32 ₦0.00 ₦525.51 ₦58,331.73 M 2023-03-13 ₦4,729.59 2023-12-032023-12-06 REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE Umar Auwal
#00022411ClosedKCT Request2023-12-06KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06NoHello, find below. 21 To 1 7154 3709 5040 0624 2242 2048 5751 0935 0227 39492023-12-06 mauwalu143@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022410Closed2023-12-06Request for debt=0101160008138MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 516655 Debt Repayment ₦122,735.44 ₦-35,995.69 ₦2,000.00 ₦86,739.75 M 2019-02-03 ₦0.00 2021-05-312023-12-06 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022409Closed2023-12-06Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612695133101 Debt Repayment ₦384,418.16 ₦0.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦244,418.16 M 2022-10-04 ₦140,000.00 2023-12-042023-12-06 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022408Closed2023-12-06REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 44000637213MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 621419591401 Debt Repayment ₦53,758.77 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦53,758.77 M 2022-08-25 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-12-06 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022407Closed2023-12-06REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE: 0163211090846MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06NoHello, find below. There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment2023-12-06 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022406Closed2023-12-06DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 669950 Debt Repayment ₦38,227.10 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦4,227.10 M 2022-06-08 ₦34,000.00 2023-11-272023-12-06 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022405ClosedVending History2023-12-06VENDING HISTORYMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06NoHello, 44000981611 There are no vending records found for this meter at the moment2023-12-06 faizahtafida@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022404ClosedKCT Request2023-12-06REQUEST FOR KCT FOR NEW METER: 44000664258MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-06NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 0399 7902 4881 2846 6405 1661 5267 4584 8286 3030 1 To 2 4153 1251 5041 5910 6661 2369 3781 0574 0266 81202023-12-06 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022403Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022402Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022401Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022400Closed2023-12-05Request for debt profile - 0101170441501MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-05NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6111150804-01 Debt Repayment ₦82,307.04 ₦-26,355.02 ₦2,000.00 ₦51,952.02 M 2021-08-05 ₦4,000.00 2023-09-062023-12-05 lucky.akpobi@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00022399ClosedEvend Access2023-12-05Accounts to be migrate to E-VENDMedium 2023-12-05NoHello, treated2023-12-05 mupeejay12@gmail.com
#00022398Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022397ClosedVending History2023-12-05Request for vending historyMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-05NoHello, find below. 62321049264 There are no vending records found for this meter at the moment. 62221023252 # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 6309169988630424 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-11-13 15:38:24 Meter No.: 62221023252 Account No.: 808826 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 67.79 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 5980 2942 5256 9087 5134 2 Transaction ID: 6157168751607424 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-06-23 11:27:54 Meter No.: 62221023252 Account No.: 808826 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 27.12 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 3925 1613 3968 8832 0198 3 Transaction ID: 6259168226166024 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-04-23 15:54:21 Meter No.: 62221023252 Account No.: 808826 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦341.86 Energy Cost: ₦4,558.14 KwH: 66.44 Amount Tendered: ₦4,900.00 3896 9117 5150 3600 2826 4 Transaction ID: 1793167637377124 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-02-14 12:22:51 Meter No.: 62221023252 Account No.: 808826 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 67.79 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 6423 1635 7581 1705 8620 5 Transaction ID: 7221167637264824 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-02-14 12:04:08 Meter No.: 62221023252 Account No.: 808826 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦341.86 Energy Cost: ₦4,558.14 KwH: 66.44 Amount Tendered: ₦4,900.00 2461 6790 4123 2722 6666 6 Transaction ID: 7519167220957324 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-12-28 07:39:33 Meter No.: 62221023252 Account No.: 808826 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦341.86 Energy Cost: ₦4,558.14 KwH: 66.44 Amount Tendered: ₦4,900.00 0000 6567 8345 2104 1850 7 Transaction ID: 1223166729386924 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-11-01 10:11:09 Meter No.: 62221023252 Account No.: 808826 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦341.86 Energy Cost: ₦4,558.14 KwH: 78.66 Amount Tendered: ₦4,900.00 6017 7834 9775 3133 3847 8 Transaction ID: 3732166638777324 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-10-21 22:29:33 Meter No.: 62221023252 Account No.: 808826 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦341.86 Energy Cost: ₦4,558.14 KwH: 78.66 Amount Tendered: ₦4,900.00 3213 3277 1085 9112 5593 9 Transaction ID: 7426166547229024 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-10-11 08:11:30 Meter No.: 62221023252 Account No.: 808826 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦341.86 Energy Cost: ₦4,558.14 KwH: 78.66 Amount Tendered: ₦4,900.00 1882 2118 8182 7899 0661 10 Transaction ID: 7146166434941624 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-09-28 08:16:57 Meter No.: 62221023252 Account No.: 808826 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution2023-12-05 tyoverpeter@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022396Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022395Closed2023-12-05Request for debt profile==44000321867MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-05NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 599881 Debt Repayment ₦178,666.25 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦138,666.25 M 2022-08-12 ₦40,000.00 2023-12-052023-12-05 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022394Closed2023-12-05Request for debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-05NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 641187052101 Debt Repayment ₦383,987.30 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦379,987.30 M 2022-09-26 ₦4,000.00 2022-11-252023-12-05 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022393Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022392Closed2023-12-05Request for debt profile 0101200087365, 44000568160MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-05NoHello, find below. 0101200087365 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612650057601 Debt Repayment ₦375,998.58 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦369,998.58 M 2023-08-09 ₦6,000.00 2023-11-22 , 44000568160 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 762491 Debt Repayment ₦24,274.25 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦18,274.25 M 2023-08-20 ₦6,000.00 2023-11-142023-12-05 umaymah1065@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022391Closed2023-12-05DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-05NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 776684 Debt Repayment ₦138,274.99 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦122,274.99 M 2023-03-29 ₦16,000.00 2023-11-292023-12-05 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022390Closed2023-12-05Krn tariff index 1MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-05No13920247928177136092 312086588869239014062023-12-05 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022389Closed2023-12-05Krn tariff index 1MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-05No13920247928177136092 312086588869239014062023-12-05 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022388Closed2023-12-05Hello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 801700 Debt Repayment ₦36,590.45 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦22,590.45 M 2023-05-18 ₦14,000.00 2023-12-02 DEBT PROFILE 44000502227MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-05NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 801700 Debt Repayment ₦36,590.45 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦22,590.45 M 2023-05-18 ₦14,000.00 2023-12-022023-12-05 mhauwa74@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022387ClosedTamper Code2023-12-05Completed Clear Tamper Complaint Lodging FormsMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-05No0101188026948 Clear Tamper 3001 0503 5994 7923 9043 44000709863 Clear Tamper 2725 0033 9280 9021 7312 0163211199175 Clear Tamper 6771 1236 5695 4733 4782 62221008196 Clear Tamper 4938 3005 3521 3373 3627 62521037838 Clear Tamper 5878 2290 4625 3016 0070 62521035469 Clear Tamper 6366 5718 3267 9724 4552 62321141855 Clear Tamper 6089 6669 8280 5311 9042 62420257842 Clear Tamper 2622 8885 5963 1079 6440 62521002857 Clear Tamper 5586 3585 6800 2836 62602023-12-05 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022386Closed2023-12-05DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-05NoHello, find below. 0150300023663 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 636120018401 Debt Repayment ₦689,251.19 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦671,251.19 M 2022-05-24 ₦18,000.00 2023-02-03 0150001004822 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 681446 Debt Repayment ₦26,543.51 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦26,543.51 M 2023-07-26 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-12-05 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022385Closed2023-12-05KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-05No56751515073256736537 665457060501876269112023-12-05 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022384Closed2023-12-05Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-05NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611131054201 Debt Repayment ₦37,883.39 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦23,883.39 M 2023-04-05 ₦14,000.00 2023-11-27 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 582323 Debt Repayment ₦136,637.95 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦122,637.95 M 2023-04-01 ₦14,000.00 2023-11-282023-12-05 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022383ClosedKCT Request2023-12-05KCT REQUEST: 54150626064(21 To 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-05NoHello, find below. 21 To 1 6018 5732 8379 7120 7094 6343 7098 7519 4213 10842023-12-05 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022382Closed2023-12-05Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-05NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 521248 Debt Repayment ₦229,553.73 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦199,553.73 M 2022-08-02 ₦30,000.00 2023-11-232023-12-05 toranyiinkator14@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022381Closed2023-12-05Debt Profile RequestMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-05NohELLO, FIND BELOW. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 750914 Debt Repayment ₦10,425.94 ₦0.00 ₦10,425.94 ₦10,425.94 M 2023-11-08 ₦0.00 2023-11-302023-12-05 agohabigail69@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022380Closed2023-12-05Debt Profile RequestMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-05NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 647487 Debt Repayment ₦67,994.39 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦33,994.39 M 2022-07-22 ₦34,000.00 2023-12-052023-12-05 agohabigail69@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022379ClosedKCT Request2023-12-05Request for KCTIT Umar Auwal2023-12-05NoHello, find below. KCT1: 0272 3878 9619 8637 6577 KCT2: 5835 2619 8468 6916 34792023-12-05 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022378Closed2023-12-05REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101210124208MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-05NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 490938 Debt Repayment ₦167,952.18 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦151,952.18 M 2022-10-25 ₦16,000.00 2023-06-062023-12-05 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022377Closed2023-12-05DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-05NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid AJ-40-177-01-0135 Debt Repayment ₦178,865.79 ₦-102,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦14,865.79 M 2017-12-28 ₦62,000.00 2023-12-052023-12-05 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022376Closed2023-12-05Request for Debt profile for 44000621142MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-05NoHello, Find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 676832 Debt Repayment ₦186,088.33 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦172,088.33 M 2023-05-18 ₦14,000.00 2023-12-042023-12-05 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022375Closed2023-12-05REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 62221021926MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-05NoDear Aor, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 662436 Debt Repayment ₦31,091.12 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦19,091.12 M 2023-06-02 ₦12,000.00 2023-12-042023-12-05 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022374Closed2023-12-05REQUEST FOR KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-05NoFind below as requested. 44000714715 05694964065544018840 37405826376201137458 44000715258 13282055088599017243 05688972124952406602 44000690287 38103407078280472902 59555505171429853213 44000690147 65591119684326388470 30442959826211401852 44000680189 12604996421526904406 42844466899492855677 44000712941 33403452597186105800 10463709369229618274 44000716645 61914658250540056289 32384740583323814260 44000689990 54769453659354820436 05419176200508495433 44000711794 13562994046463134885 52965505699470732479 44000711778 41577008330667552495 53425961458486686280 44000713485 18997388421048946582 33019661306421873638 44000724375 62091808921571939593 52728492735279613441 44000715290 59432657667745720520 55269000476569779973 44000678845 45101738245344850695 19084268163653861518 44000713543 25746979956156358709 63503255484474129580 44000713501 03130380032413274958 06659729909777075831 44000724268 18931769160813187721 05255669079957068368 44000713212 15879688838126626070 67939606230873022093 44000690113 09032525098848427630 51404601911533452951 44000695690 23924090895095598702 58693205120081171589 44000730307 56008369012523831213 53589685021230311430 44000690154 63582339363805497997 14409083167381207941 44000716348 34387739782375628706 00513724015030169192 44000718492 28429449954794499213 52514077905784262408 44000681062 53037629006412728117 35599635958593345230 44000697357 73725475394682592651 30425114701530452807 44000713493 25462327950273535384 55927524187081936314 44000718170....incorrect 44000724094 53201581476449429990 26839652463730616532 44000716777 24648449937787319138 67590788970563938482 44000722049 68400309523355518903 29706560512894304670 44000712958 56531231025391543378 06597742323406261264 44000690774 32252386857216496867 57104506858148656497 44000692168 68446125026197006513 42592811734033451231 44000723856 66455428396391237735 55456730388062575842 44000696078 65095982006410350229 220104373790882127022023-12-05 abdulsalamvio@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022373Closed2023-12-05DEBT PROFILE: 44000502227MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-05NoDear George, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 801700 Debt Repayment ₦36,590.45 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦22,590.45 M 2023-05-18 ₦14,000.00 2023-12-02 612331263601 Debt Repayment ₦43,680.14 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦35,680.14 M 2023-07-28 ₦8,000.00 2023-11-302023-12-05 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022372Closed2023-12-05Request for debt profile 95300223328MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-05NoDear aliyu, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 655655 Debt Repayment ₦77,461.28 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦39,461.28 M 2022-04-25 ₦38,000.00 2023-11-032023-12-05 umaymah1065@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022371Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022370Closed2023-12-05Request for debt profile - 44300001425MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-05NoDear HCCRM, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 802061 Debt Repayment ₦308,377.38 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦290,377.38 M 2023-03-27 ₦18,000.00 2023-12-042023-12-05 lucky.akpobi@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00022369Closed2023-12-05Request for debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-05NoDear Aisha, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 686144 Debt Repayment ₦55,676.64 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦21,676.64 M 2022-06-29 ₦34,000.00 2023-11-012023-12-05 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022368Closed2023-12-05Debt Profile RequestMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-05NoDear Agoh, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 662161778101 Debt Repayment ₦166,042.55 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦132,042.55 M 2022-07-25 ₦34,000.00 2023-12-04 Abbas Muhammad Guri Network Engineer / IT Support Tech. Jos Electricity Distribution Plc. www.jedplc.com ---- On Mon, 04 Dec 2023 15:19:43 +0100 Agoh Abigail wrote --- Agoh Abigail MON DEC 4 3:20 PM INBOX IT Support,Lucky Akpobi,Emmanuel Ameh,georgesamben123 Dear Support, Kindly assist with debt profile of the meter number below; 0101210154700 Thank you. Sent from my iPhone2023-12-05 agohabigail69@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022367Closed2023-12-05DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-05NoDear Abdul, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 726464 Debt Repayment ₦4,562.60 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦4,562.60 M 2023-07-26 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-12-05 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022366Closed2023-12-05REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILSMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-05NoDear Abdul, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 471556 Debt Repayment ₦229,474.10 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦201,974.10 M 2022-05-23 ₦27,500.00 2023-04-232023-12-05 abjaleel3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022365Closed2023-12-05REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILSMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-05NoDear Abdul, Please kindly confirm the meter number and revert.2023-12-05 abjaleel3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022364Closed2023-12-05REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-05NoDear Wuladi, Note that this customer does not have debt manage on the profile.2023-12-05 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022363Closed2023-12-05DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-05NoDear Wuladi, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 803140 Debt Repayment ₦23,789.21 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦13,789.21 M 2023-07-28 ₦10,000.00 2023-12-042023-12-05 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022362Closed2023-12-05Debt Profile RequestMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-05NoDear Agoh, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 698101 Debt Repayment ₦14,700.56 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦14,700.56 M 2023-11-28 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-12-05 agohabigail69@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022361ClosedKCT Request2023-12-05K c t index 33MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-05NoDear Abdul, find below, 33 To 1 7318 0790 1976 6638 8268 2070 9781 4065 6881 49322023-12-05 K c t index 33 Umar Auwal
#00022360Closed2023-12-05DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-05NoDear Abdul, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 632114101701 Debt Repayment ₦424,238.11 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦410,238.11 M 2023-05-17 ₦14,000.00 2023-12-042023-12-05 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022359Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022358Closed2023-12-05Debt enquiry of 44000356178MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-05NoDear Aliya, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 637928 Debt Repayment ₦145,338.67 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦102,838.67 M 2022-06-21 ₦42,500.00 2023-11-292023-12-05 aliyasalihuibrahim@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022357ClosedKCT Request2023-12-05KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-05NoHello, find below. 54161060725 21 To 1 4715 9331 9988 1558 3428 6850 6946 2331 0603 85502023-12-05 mauwalu143@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022356Closed2023-12-05REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-05NoHello, find below. 95300161338 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 749414 Debt Repayment ₦35,195.30 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦19,195.30 M 2022-02-25 ₦16,000.00 2023-10-30 0101210112005 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 657352342701 Debt Repayment ₦253,238.48 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦253,238.48 M 2022-10-18 ₦0.00 0000-00-00 95300196706 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 658133295801 Debt Repayment ₦336,886.70 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦336,886.70 M 2022-04-05 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-12-05 florarumun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022355Closed2023-12-05KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-05NoDear sir, The meter is on TI: 01. Meter No Account No Customer Type Name Address eMail Phone Tariff 44300001409 6573103176/02 Prepaid FOMWUL (RAYFIELD) 0 NON MD BAND A - NON MD (R2, C1) (01)2023-12-05 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022354Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022353Closed2023-12-05Request for debtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-05NoHello, find below; Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 707273 Debt Repayment ₦37,488.70 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦3,488.70 M 2022-07-13 ₦34,000.00 2023-12-032023-12-05 mauleed3346.mi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022352Closed2023-12-05DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-05NoMeter is incorrect.2023-12-05 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022351ClosedKCT Request2023-12-05KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-05NoHello, find below; 0101210074361 33 To 1 6126 3456 0681 7084 1806 5900 8007 8699 1432 69472023-12-05 bemnguterpaul11@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022350ClosedKCT Request2023-12-05KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-05NoHi, find below; 54161076762 2 To 1 6238 1606 0120 5539 7046 2219 5359 3730 9096 12362023-12-05 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022349Closed2023-12-05Request for debt profile,MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-05NoHI, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 536505 Debt Repayment ₦536,505.00 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦536,505.00 M 2023-11-28 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-12-05 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022348ClosedKCT Request2023-12-05KCT REQUEST 95300152915 TARIFF INDEX 1MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-05NoHi, the meter is already on 1; Meter No Account No Customer Type Name Address eMail Phone Tariff 95300152915 658506280401 Prepaid JOSEPH ANTHONY N NO.RAY ROAD 0 NON MD BAND A - NON MD (R2, C1) (01)2023-12-05 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022347ClosedKCT Request2023-12-05REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-05NoHi, find below; 44000449585 21 To 1 6657 0502 1150 9014 9497 4677 5453 9793 1825 0661 0101160046369 33 To 1 5762 9333 3150 2479 0050 5525 6293 2822 6310 57912023-12-05 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022346Closed2023-12-05Request for debt profile,MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-05NoHi, find below; Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 805938 Debt Repayment ₦39,461.92 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦35,461.92 M 2023-08-08 ₦4,000.00 2023-10-182023-12-05 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022345Closed2023-12-05Request for debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-05NoThere is no debt profile found.2023-12-05 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022344Closed2023-12-05Request for debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-05NoHi, find below; Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 478715 Debt Repayment ₦124,028.92 ₦-23,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦43,028.92 M 2019-02-24 ₦58,000.00 2023-10-262023-12-05 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022343Closed2023-12-05Total debt 0101190023701MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-05NoHi, find below; Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611918019901 Debt Repayment ₦1,084,397.99 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦1,072,397.99 M 2023-05-15 ₦12,000.00 2023-11-152023-12-05 mathewudahson@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022342Closed2023-12-05DEBT PROFILE: 0101200050090MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-05NoHi, find below; Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611918019901 Debt Repayment ₦1,084,397.99 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦1,072,397.99 M 2023-05-15 ₦12,000.00 2023-11-152023-12-05 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022341ClosedRequest2023-12-05REQUEST FOR KEY CHANGE TOKENMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-05NoHello, find below; 0101235015555 2 To 1 1002 7993 6058 7640 5477 2692 9525 1918 2778 56282023-12-05 sunnyochekwu@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022340Closed2023-12-05DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 0101190151973MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-05NoHi, find below; Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612763066201 Debt Repayment ₦36,077.37 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦34,077.37 M 2023-11-13 ₦2,000.00 2023-12-052023-12-05 joseph.tegwis@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00022339Closed2023-12-05Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-05NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611131054201 Debt Repayment ₦37,883.39 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦23,883.39 M 2023-04-05 ₦14,000.00 2023-11-272023-12-05 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022338Closed2023-12-04Request for debt profile 95300222957 & 95300226065MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04NoHello, find below. 95300222957 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 615116085701 Debt Repayment ₦72,677.85 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦52,677.85 M 2023-01-12 ₦20,000.00 2023-11-14 95300226065 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 664486 Debt Repayment ₦87,265.40 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦63,265.40 M 2022-10-12 ₦24,000.00 2023-10-172023-12-04 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022337ClosedKCT Request2023-12-04Request for kctMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04NoHello, find below. 62122395007 1 To 55 6491 2055 5408 1440 4410 5841 8333 1400 9039 4109 62122391766 1 To 55 6491 2055 5408 1440 4410 5841 8333 1400 9039 41092023-12-04 mauleed3346.mi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022336Closed2023-12-04Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04No19877380594941805103 332151746226063136672023-12-04 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022335ClosedKCT Request2023-12-04Request for KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04NoHekllo, find below. 6391 6518 1949 7395 3717 5625 6983 1821 8296 30312023-12-04 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022334Closed2023-12-04Request for debt profile -0101200048904MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 606950 Debt Repayment ₦108,244.82 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦108,244.82 M 2023-11-06 ₦0.00 2023-11-212023-12-04 lucky.akpobi@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00022333ClosedKCT Request2023-12-04KCT REQUEST 0101210199341MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04No09659577615772190529 136909762002817762232023-12-04 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022332Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022331Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022330Closed2023-12-04KRN REQUEST FOR NEWLY INSTALLEDMedium 2023-12-04No44000812311 09896337742767518054 57747653535649064576 44000808855 70025651005232068691 34675326282225927314 44000807741 67211646640972154755 219197107583298736142023-12-04 maryambashir4645@gmail.com
#00022329ClosedClear Credit2023-12-04REQUEST FOR CLEAR MINUS IN RESPECT OF THIS ACCOUNT 0101200063366MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04No0101200063366 Clear Credit 6958 5676 8521 0283 74322023-12-04 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022328Closed2023-12-04REQUEST FOR KRN UPGRADEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04No44000814085 70637143812898922236 01840592221238388049 44000813954 64627774992137164270 22786130456567640765 44000813954 44000814028 15316801422056225530 330396964134876870602023-12-04 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022327Closed2023-12-04KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04No33524255808748691439 683894543494737100762023-12-04 nasiruumarabdullahi95@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022326Closed2023-12-04KRN REQUEST 0101215023934MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04No40397228426252028353 269370641537618858582023-12-04 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022325Closed2023-12-04KRN requestMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04No32431738450340449991 433851383812490026562023-12-04 onceinlife6464@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022324ClosedKCT Request2023-12-04REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04No5291 6114 2976 0548 3688 6950 9786 7857 2910 95682023-12-04 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022323Closed2023-12-04Request for Debt profile for 0101190008223MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 657873 Debt Repayment ₦45,746.45 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦3,746.45 M 2022-02-14 ₦42,000.00 2023-11-29 657873 Refund ₦48,263.38 ₦0.00 ₦402.19 ₦45,045.86 M 2023-03-13 ₦3,217.52 2023-11-292023-12-04 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022322Closed2023-12-04DEBT DETAILSMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04NoHello, There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2023-12-04 faizahtafida@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022321Closed2023-12-04REQUEST FOR KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04No44000716777 24648449937787319138 67590788970563938482 44000509156 35792220705132839492 20799462146892474826 44000679900 21880206713779566684 056950952644531221352023-12-04 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022320Closed2023-12-04Request for krnMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04No42171766624500728201 338315737979199911372023-12-04 mauleed3346.mi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022319ClosedRequest2023-12-04REQUEST FOR KEY REVISION NUMBERMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04No64663562522054033000 716453892587764141492023-12-04 sunnyochekwu@gmail.comsunnyochekwu@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022318Closed2023-12-04REQUEST FOR KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04No0101220188482 57912369119904122799 43658411745361474650 62521024281 31667685269997938539 063761865025449716492023-12-04 thompsontor@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022317ClosedKCT Request2023-12-04KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04No6197 9086 0230 2606 9077 2025 6505 3602 2131 57842023-12-04 ungwa14@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022316ClosedKCT Request2023-12-04KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04NoIs on 012023-12-04 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022315Closed2023-11-27kRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04No58771935050400125842 036776176023252012292023-12-04 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022314ClosedKCT Request2023-12-04KCTMedium 2023-12-04No1866 7956 0881 7888 1713 3482 1222 8901 3663 78102023-12-04 bangisgarko@gmail.com
#00022313Closed2023-12-04REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILSMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 441828 Debt Repayment ₦129,129.80 ₦-21,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦74,129.80 M 2019-02-24 ₦34,000.00 2022-10-142023-12-04 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022312Closed2023-12-04DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 0101210089336 / 769230MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 680746 Debt Repayment ₦5,365.66 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,365.66 M 2022-10-06 ₦0.00 0000-00-00 769230 Debt Repayment ₦5,968.52 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2022-03-11 ₦5,968.52 2022-07-12 Closed2023-12-04 joseph.tegwis@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00022311ClosedVending History2023-12-04DEBT DETAILS AND VENDING HISTORYMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 460776 Debt Repayment ₦170,681.67 ₦-5,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦103,681.67 M 2020-06-10 ₦62,000.00 2023-12-01 # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 1630170143124824Transaction Date/Time: 2023-12-01 12:47:29Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35Debt Repayment: ₦2,000.00KwH: 20.34Amount Tendered: ₦3,500.00 3194 4249 5951 5658 8806 2 Transaction ID: 3215170032781824Transaction Date/Time: 2023-11-18 18:16:58Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 20.34Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 4563 9860 0362 5623 2361 3 Transaction ID: 9061169961464024Transaction Date/Time: 2023-11-10 12:10:41Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 13.56Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 4466 4807 7931 0185 1480 4 Transaction ID: 8998169893516724Transaction Date/Time: 2023-11-02 15:26:07Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦2,000.00KwH: 13.56Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 3846 1491 6635 0074 4443 5 Transaction ID: 8651169756613424Transaction Date/Time: 2023-10-17 19:08:55Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 40.67Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 3716 4275 2381 5662 3984 6 Transaction ID: 7698169686739224Transaction Date/Time: 2023-10-09 17:03:13Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 20.34Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 1447 9805 7623 6965 9071 7 Transaction ID: 6262169624282324Transaction Date/Time: 2023-10-02 11:33:43Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35Debt Repayment: ₦2,000.00KwH: 20.34Amount Tendered: ₦3,500.00 6562 5169 5105 2030 0363 8 Transaction ID: 2098169512704224Transaction Date/Time: 2023-09-19 13:37:22Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 20.34Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 5964 5504 9015 1449 1363 9 Transaction ID: 3841169408841024Transaction Date/Time: 2023-09-07 13:06:50Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 27.12Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 1817 4195 0129 8692 3339 10 Transaction ID: 5237169356276824Transaction Date/Time: 2023-09-01 11:06:08Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦2,000.00KwH: 13.56Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 4961 0013 3518 6069 9976 11 Transaction ID: 6259169295952224Transaction Date/Time: 2023-08-25 11:32:02Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 13.56Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 1533 9125 6922 1650 4573 12 Transaction ID: 6727169218702524Transaction Date/Time: 2023-08-16 12:57:05Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 20.34Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 5524 5777 7079 5702 2771 13 Transaction ID: 9188169168199624Transaction Date/Time: 2023-08-10 16:39:57Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 13.56Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 2965 8387 3482 3222 6906 14 Transaction ID: 5471169108774824Transaction Date/Time: 2023-08-03 19:35:48Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦2,000.00KwH: 13.56Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 0692 7538 8484 6954 1299 15 Transaction ID: 0309169054003724Transaction Date/Time: 2023-07-28 11:27:17Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 20.34Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 0124 5531 4428 2306 5811 16 Transaction ID: 6367168995712424Transaction Date/Time: 2023-07-21 17:32:04Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 20.34Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 6640 7050 2522 3245 1550 17 Transaction ID: 6758168959574824Transaction Date/Time: 2023-07-17 13:09:08Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 13.56Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 3351 3318 4976 0136 2109 18 Transaction ID: 0236168900449324Transaction Date/Time: 2023-07-10 16:54:53Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 13.56Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 3632 3212 6887 0794 3131 19 Transaction ID: 2216168848628824Transaction Date/Time: 2023-07-04 16:58:08Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 13.56Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 5704 1042 2822 4805 2806 20 Transaction ID: 5689168840286724Transaction Date/Time: 2023-07-03 17:47:47Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦2,000.00KwH: 13.56Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 7015 4684 8889 5979 4431 21 Transaction ID: 7571168787300724Transaction Date/Time: 2023-06-27 14:36:47Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 20.34Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 2168 3120 0021 5986 0711 22 Transaction ID: 3823168733263624Transaction Date/Time: 2023-06-21 08:30:36Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 13.56Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 2847 3023 9858 5708 8449 23 Transaction ID: 6731168632517124Transaction Date/Time: 2023-06-09 16:39:31Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35Debt Repayment: ₦2,000.00KwH: 20.34Amount Tendered: ₦3,500.00 5616 8683 1382 1545 2930 24 Transaction ID: 1880168545208124Transaction Date/Time: 2023-05-30 14:08:01Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 20.34Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 7235 4912 8082 0243 7261 25 Transaction ID: 8349168485867224Transaction Date/Time: 2023-05-23 17:17:52Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 13.56Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 3652 3814 2252 3997 0962 26 Transaction ID: 4203168390939224Transaction Date/Time: 2023-05-12 17:36:32Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 20.34Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 1310 5459 7850 6138 3011 27 Transaction ID: 6428168310840424Transaction Date/Time: 2023-05-03 11:06:44Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35Debt Repayment: ₦2,000.00KwH: 20.34Amount Tendered: ₦3,500.00 3985 5249 1830 5422 3238 28 Transaction ID: 2623168235372224Transaction Date/Time: 2023-04-24 17:28:42Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 20.34Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 2591 6080 2040 7079 2478 29 Transaction ID: 8939168139152224Transaction Date/Time: 2023-04-13 14:12:02Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 27.12Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 6693 2917 2534 7495 2979 30 Transaction ID: 8376168069768024Transaction Date/Time: 2023-04-05 13:28:00Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦2,000.00KwH: 13.56Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 1820 5369 9901 7596 6973 31 Transaction ID: 5968168000450224Transaction Date/Time: 2023-03-28 12:55:02Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 13.56Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 3062 7044 0344 2415 2085 32 Transaction ID: 1767167904519924Transaction Date/Time: 2023-03-17 10:26:39Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 13.56Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 6247 9915 7500 7360 1183 33 Transaction ID: 0664167855405624Transaction Date/Time: 2023-03-11 18:00:56Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 13.56Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 2756 8776 5896 9866 5271 34 Transaction ID: 2874167827014424Transaction Date/Time: 2023-03-08 11:09:04Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 13.56Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 6234 2260 1283 1577 5087 35 Transaction ID: 6298167812527224Transaction Date/Time: 2023-03-06 18:54:32Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦2,000.00KwH: 13.56Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 6952 0237 2118 7561 1887 36 Transaction ID: 1485167724001624Transaction Date/Time: 2023-02-24 13:00:16Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 20.34Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 1025 6397 9355 4533 1248 37 Transaction ID: 1268167682749424Transaction Date/Time: 2023-02-19 18:24:54Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 13.56Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 0758 2347 9157 5664 3811 38 Transaction ID: 4621167602850124Transaction Date/Time: 2023-02-10 12:28:21Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 13.56Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 1828 0324 0934 4745 7382 39 Transaction ID: 3926167596362124Transaction Date/Time: 2023-02-09 18:27:01Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 13.56Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 3514 5662 6486 6244 4668 40 Transaction ID: 6511167550184124Transaction Date/Time: 2023-02-04 10:10:41Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦2,000.00KwH: 13.56Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 6821 2273 3245 8637 1412 41 Transaction ID: 9381167518199824Transaction Date/Time: 2023-01-31 17:19:58Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 13.56Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 4478 2432 4765 6720 1854 42 Transaction ID: 7861167483581324Transaction Date/Time: 2023-01-27 17:10:13Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 13.56Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 6600 2340 9739 7397 1917 43 Transaction ID: 5347167455063624Transaction Date/Time: 2023-01-24 09:57:16Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 13.56Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 3785 5828 3729 9933 8410 44 Transaction ID: 3672167403872724Transaction Date/Time: 2023-01-18 11:45:27Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 13.56Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 4785 1019 6871 6653 7447 45 Transaction ID: 4165167371341924Transaction Date/Time: 2023-01-14 17:23:39Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 13.56Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 3876 2931 4536 8941 9462 46 Transaction ID: 2574167326451524Transaction Date/Time: 2023-01-09 12:41:55Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 13.56Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 0204 0833 0844 1179 5436 47 Transaction ID: 4314167326410024Transaction Date/Time: 2023-01-09 12:35:00Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 13.56Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 5996 0103 8840 7773 2225 48 Transaction ID: 3876167300733624Transaction Date/Time: 2023-01-06 13:15:36Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦2,000.00KwH: 13.56Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 4984 1432 1941 7350 6989 49 Transaction ID: 4782167205721424Transaction Date/Time: 2022-12-26 13:20:14Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 13.56Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 3711 7642 2716 7432 9571 50 Transaction ID: 1786167162307124Transaction Date/Time: 2022-12-21 12:44:31Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 27.12Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 1206 9987 1762 4316 3095 51 Transaction ID: 6021167120890524Transaction Date/Time: 2022-12-16 17:41:45Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 13.56Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 1450 8712 5362 0719 8924 52 Transaction ID: 9351167093554924Transaction Date/Time: 2022-12-13 13:45:49Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 16.05Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 0411 7078 1746 9719 9183 53 Transaction ID: 6110167032031224Transaction Date/Time: 2022-12-06 10:51:52Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 16.05Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 0327 4484 0081 5033 7377 54 Transaction ID: 6199166998476124Transaction Date/Time: 2022-12-02 13:39:21Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦2,000.00KwH: 16.05Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 6074 0701 6800 2560 7407 55 Transaction ID: 5271166955799424Transaction Date/Time: 2022-11-27 15:06:34Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 16.05Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 0942 3995 3495 3139 8420 56 Transaction ID: 8965166919754424Transaction Date/Time: 2022-11-23 10:59:04Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 16.05Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 4088 9895 6140 4925 7359 57 Transaction ID: 8186166877410824Transaction Date/Time: 2022-11-18 13:21:48Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 16.05Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 2878 6883 6628 5272 4823 58 Transaction ID: 4761166810205524Transaction Date/Time: 2022-11-10 18:40:55Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 16.05Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 6719 5131 6024 4128 6447 59 Transaction ID: 6796166764555624Transaction Date/Time: 2022-11-05 11:52:36Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35Debt Repayment: ₦2,000.00KwH: 24.08Amount Tendered: ₦3,500.00 2173 9926 3438 8976 7672 60 Transaction ID: 6622166695122724Transaction Date/Time: 2022-10-28 11:00:27Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 32.10Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 7085 6414 8070 0381 1951 61 Transaction ID: 6092166637160524Transaction Date/Time: 2022-10-21 18:00:05Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 16.05Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 0945 8685 3440 5922 6228 62 Transaction ID: 1963166602641524Transaction Date/Time: 2022-10-17 18:06:56Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 16.05Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 4108 3160 0031 8590 5605 63 Transaction ID: 8156166539757924Transaction Date/Time: 2022-10-10 11:26:19Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 16.05Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 5422 6699 7644 5816 5222 64 Transaction ID: 0266166506112224Transaction Date/Time: 2022-10-06 13:58:42Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 16.05Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 0628 8862 2348 9138 4432 65 Transaction ID: 6211166488295124Transaction Date/Time: 2022-10-04 12:29:12Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦2,000.00KwH: 16.05Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 6773 9283 2387 6349 8328 66 Transaction ID: 6273166452923824Transaction Date/Time: 2022-09-30 10:13:58Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 16.05Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 5316 6824 2043 1438 1531 67 Transaction ID: 4386166392748824Transaction Date/Time: 2022-09-23 11:04:48Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 16.05Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 0417 7972 2693 1878 3822 68 Transaction ID: 6152166298729024Transaction Date/Time: 2022-09-12 13:54:50Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 32.10Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 4766 0669 4317 9026 8833 69 Transaction ID: 7393166257302524Transaction Date/Time: 2022-09-07 18:50:25Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦2,000.00KwH: 16.05Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 6976 6795 5292 8238 7845 70 Transaction ID: 3163166143032224Transaction Date/Time: 2022-08-25 13:25:22Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 32.10Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 4445 5574 3079 9757 1946 71 Transaction ID: 4632166081920224Transaction Date/Time: 2022-08-18 11:40:02Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 16.05Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 0068 4564 3979 0335 6023 72 Transaction ID: 5450166041620524Transaction Date/Time: 2022-08-13 19:43:25Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 16.05Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 0689 3366 4580 9202 0008 73 Transaction ID: 4106165970646624Transaction Date/Time: 2022-08-05 14:34:26Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 16.05Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 2816 7290 2242 0518 7165 74 Transaction ID: 1599165953501924Transaction Date/Time: 2022-08-03 14:56:59Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦2,000.00KwH: 16.05Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 3989 7373 3116 5080 7934 75 Transaction ID: 3196165891869424Transaction Date/Time: 2022-07-27 11:44:54Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 16.05Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 3199 7586 3699 8890 6049 76 Transaction ID: 6284165823514124Transaction Date/Time: 2022-07-19 13:52:21Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 24.08Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 0342 1879 6611 4314 0448 77 Transaction ID: 2270165796952024Transaction Date/Time: 2022-07-16 12:05:20Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 16.05Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 7119 7904 5369 4405 0298 78 Transaction ID: 7765165782017724Transaction Date/Time: 2022-07-14 18:36:17Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 16.05Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 5457 0035 2480 3710 9011 79 Transaction ID: 9411165678746624Transaction Date/Time: 2022-07-02 19:44:26Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦279.07Energy Cost: ₦3,720.93Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 64.21Amount Tendered: ₦4,000.00 3374 8190 5145 3859 3403 80 Transaction ID: 6104165678508924Transaction Date/Time: 2022-07-02 19:04:50Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦2,000.00KwH: 16.05Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 2780 2767 3050 8198 6652 81 Transaction ID: 3411165633904324Transaction Date/Time: 2022-06-27 15:10:43Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 16.41Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 5224 3329 2499 0670 2593 82 Transaction ID: 0665165606801624Transaction Date/Time: 2022-06-24 11:53:36Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 16.41Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 7090 4855 4329 0318 2123 83 Transaction ID: 2231165511592924Transaction Date/Time: 2022-06-13 11:25:29Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 16.41Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 1148 0775 8900 8210 8162 84 Transaction ID: 5493165459229924Transaction Date/Time: 2022-06-07 09:58:19Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 16.41Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 4042 1169 4144 9723 9758 85 Transaction ID: 7864165435383924Transaction Date/Time: 2022-06-04 15:43:59Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦2,000.00KwH: 16.41Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 5058 8861 4103 6086 7899 86 Transaction ID: 3193165373428824Transaction Date/Time: 2022-05-28 11:38:08Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 16.41Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 0394 8716 6930 8249 8776 87 Transaction ID: 6507165313960224Transaction Date/Time: 2022-05-21 14:26:42Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 32.82Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 2501 3158 3218 4565 0364 88 Transaction ID: 2752165191908224Transaction Date/Time: 2022-05-07 11:24:42Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47Debt Repayment: ₦2,000.00KwH: 32.82Amount Tendered: ₦4,000.00 6533 3185 5196 9948 1342 89 Transaction ID: 0463165055995324Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-21 17:52:33Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 32.82Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 0046 4988 8748 6120 3132 90 Transaction ID: 1983165029298624Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-18 15:43:06Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 24.62Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 5641 4526 6362 5017 1482 91 Transaction ID: 9214164995737724Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-14 18:29:37Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 16.41Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 4277 1825 7205 7997 8297 92 Transaction ID: 4181164976295824Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-12 12:29:18Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 16.41Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 1935 8301 1332 4035 6895 93 Transaction ID: 4521164943249524Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-08 16:41:35Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦2,000.00KwH: 16.41Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 2790 8895 2577 3571 6270 94 Transaction ID: 4788164872848824Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-31 13:08:08Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 24.62Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 2471 3447 1846 1321 2234 95 Transaction ID: 7628164872778624Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-31 12:56:26Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 16.41Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 0806 9227 2380 8111 9434 96 Transaction ID: 6849164848748624Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-28 18:11:26Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 16.41Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 1168 4367 6370 9330 9829 97 Transaction ID: 2317164787325624Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-21 15:34:16Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 16.41Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 2839 4468 8729 0589 3487 98 Transaction ID: 9134164771115724Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-19 18:32:37Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 16.41Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 2956 8890 3315 4869 3139 99 Transaction ID: 2763164724453924Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-14 08:55:39Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 16.41Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 4920 8698 1935 2342 6463 100 Transaction ID: 6251164698693524Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-11 09:22:15Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 17.21Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 2200 7407 5623 9284 7994 101 Transaction ID: 8974164650032424Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-05 18:12:04Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 17.21Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 5088 3171 5913 7503 0180 102 Transaction ID: 4621164630523224Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-03 12:00:32Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88Energy Cost: ₦465.12Debt Repayment: ₦2,000.00KwH: 8.61Amount Tendered: ₦2,500.00 0965 5715 7902 6408 5793 103 Transaction ID: 7153164573233224Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-24 20:52:12Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 17.21Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 3724 7642 0088 5214 9820 104 Transaction ID: 9492164493244324Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-15 14:40:43Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦97.67Energy Cost: ₦1,302.33Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 24.09Amount Tendered: ₦1,400.00 1005 3196 4619 7823 9811 105 Transaction ID: 0251164425077224Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-07 17:19:32Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 17.21Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 0988 3276 6900 0413 0326 106 Transaction ID: 9393164390191324Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-03 16:25:13Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦2,000.00KwH: 17.21Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 6182 5678 1887 1981 6782 107 Transaction ID: 7153164319701624Transaction Date/Time: 2022-01-26 12:36:56Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88Energy Cost: ₦465.12Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 9.12Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 3985 0269 4696 4732 5432 108 Transaction ID: 7727164225027724Transaction Date/Time: 2022-01-15 13:37:57Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88Energy Cost: ₦465.12Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 9.12Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 6605 7927 1354 0121 6620 109 Transaction ID: 8482164198242724Transaction Date/Time: 2022-01-12 11:13:47Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦2,000.00KwH: 18.24Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 3857 4759 5874 1438 5915 110 Transaction ID: 3109164079011724Transaction Date/Time: 2021-12-29 16:01:57Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 27.37Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 0345 9069 1231 3053 7738 111 Transaction ID: 1234164018292124Transaction Date/Time: 2021-12-22 15:22:01Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 27.37Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 2227 7629 9362 5591 7673 112 Transaction ID: 4375163983438424Transaction Date/Time: 2021-12-18 14:33:04Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88Energy Cost: ₦465.12Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 9.12Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 3585 4451 3643 9913 9923 113 Transaction ID: 4786163947855524Transaction Date/Time: 2021-12-14 11:42:35Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 18.24Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 0239 7617 3539 4405 5614 114 Transaction ID: 4971163922175424Transaction Date/Time: 2021-12-11 12:22:34Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88Energy Cost: ₦465.12Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 9.12Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 5418 1327 3337 3702 7150 115 Transaction ID: 5619163897659924Transaction Date/Time: 2021-12-08 16:16:39Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88Energy Cost: ₦465.12Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 9.12Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 2618 6797 1155 6523 8452 116 Transaction ID: 0189163880025624Transaction Date/Time: 2021-12-06 15:17:47Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88Energy Cost: ₦465.12Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 9.12Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 2085 2280 2666 5388 2533 117 Transaction ID: 8091163861059524Transaction Date/Time: 2021-12-04 10:36:35Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88Energy Cost: ₦465.12Debt Repayment: ₦2,000.00KwH: 9.12Amount Tendered: ₦2,500.00 2649 1875 9515 2516 6969 118 Transaction ID: 5184163802597424Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-27 16:12:54Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 18.24Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 1155 8481 0800 3022 8291 119 Transaction ID: 8124163792024024Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-26 10:50:40Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88Energy Cost: ₦465.12Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 9.12Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 2277 1045 3001 0557 4393 120 Transaction ID: 7867163742602424Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-20 17:33:44Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 18.24Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 5310 1542 7940 8168 8091 121 Transaction ID: 6164163731868324Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-19 11:44:43Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88Energy Cost: ₦465.12Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 9.12Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 0666 0203 9273 7122 9144 122 Transaction ID: 6385163708295724Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-16 18:15:57Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88Energy Cost: ₦465.12Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 9.12Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 0918 9850 5027 2495 6734 123 Transaction ID: 2463163663245624Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-11 13:07:36Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 18.24Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 3309 1190 0850 4406 4127 124 Transaction ID: 9716163638487924Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-08 16:21:19Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 18.24Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 4196 3780 4583 7894 3186 125 Transaction ID: 5792163593448924Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-03 11:14:49Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦2,000.00KwH: 18.24Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 0087 4939 8932 5990 0436 126 Transaction ID: 1165163524351624Transaction Date/Time: 2021-10-26 11:18:36Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88Energy Cost: ₦465.12Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 9.12Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 1699 7316 2624 6473 7742 127 Transaction ID: 2418163517488124Transaction Date/Time: 2021-10-25 16:14:41Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 18.24Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 2264 6167 4638 3599 2638 128 Transaction ID: 5447163473614524Transaction Date/Time: 2021-10-20 14:22:25Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 18.24Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 0665 4767 9879 8930 9239 129 Transaction ID: 7399163429556824Transaction Date/Time: 2021-10-15 11:59:28Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 18.24Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 3934 9630 0625 5998 3629 130 Transaction ID: 2336163351432724Transaction Date/Time: 2021-10-06 10:58:47Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 18.24Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 0651 3034 1773 0943 1742 131 Transaction ID: 0321163350944424Transaction Date/Time: 2021-10-06 09:37:24Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 18.24Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 2597 2012 3373 9575 3303 132 Transaction ID: 7682163318745024Transaction Date/Time: 2021-10-02 16:10:50Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88Energy Cost: ₦465.12Debt Repayment: ₦2,000.00KwH: 9.12Amount Tendered: ₦2,500.00 5248 3547 4230 6530 3108 133 Transaction ID: 9238163240417224Transaction Date/Time: 2021-09-23 14:36:12Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 18.24Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 4721 1185 2037 4196 6441 134 Transaction ID: 8653163180850424Transaction Date/Time: 2021-09-16 17:08:24Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦62.79Energy Cost: ₦837.21Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 16.42Amount Tendered: ₦900.00 4360 0642 0647 1634 6155 135 Transaction ID: 6361163101153424Transaction Date/Time: 2021-09-07 11:45:34Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦125.58Energy Cost: ₦1,674.42Debt Repayment: ₦0.00KwH: 32.84Amount Tendered: ₦1,800.00 7368 8737 2503 0857 2967 136 Transaction ID: 1407163075646424Transaction Date/Time: 2021-09-04 12:54:25Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦2,000.00KwH: 18.24Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 4114 4826 5075 4971 3067 137 Transaction ID: 4015162980064624Transaction Date/Time: 2021-08-24 11:24:06Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦62.79Energy Cost: ₦837.21KwH: 17.09Amount Tendered: ₦900.00 2551 1398 0522 8825 5797 138 Transaction ID: 6935162979749624Transaction Date/Time: 2021-08-24 10:31:36Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23KwH: 18.99Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 2861 2113 6971 3299 5308 139 Transaction ID: 8179162824205824Transaction Date/Time: 2021-08-06 10:27:38Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦160.47Energy Cost: ₦2,139.53KwH: 43.67Amount Tendered: ₦2,300.00 3170 4737 6455 0461 6167 140 Transaction ID: 3698162816313524Transaction Date/Time: 2021-08-05 12:32:15Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦2,000.00KwH: 18.99Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 5883 6901 3359 4026 1110 141 Transaction ID: 3981162772431024Transaction Date/Time: 2021-07-31 10:38:30Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦27.91Energy Cost: ₦372.09KwH: 7.60Amount Tendered: ₦400.00 3716 6940 2176 9408 4563 142 Transaction ID: 4629162731183724Transaction Date/Time: 2021-07-26 16:03:57Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23KwH: 18.99Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 2114 4869 7183 6947 2314 143 Transaction ID: 9341162730825924Transaction Date/Time: 2021-07-26 15:04:19Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23VAT: ₦-69.77Energy Cost: ₦-930.23KwH: 0.00Amount Tendered: ₦0.00 144 Transaction ID: 2741162685616724Transaction Date/Time: 2021-07-21 09:29:27Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23KwH: 18.99Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 4885 6040 5510 9214 6509 145 Transaction ID: 5922162651431924Transaction Date/Time: 2021-07-17 10:31:59Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23KwH: 18.99Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 6013 9510 0657 7714 9187 146 Transaction ID: 1289162619100524Transaction Date/Time: 2021-07-13 16:43:25Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23KwH: 18.99Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 5049 4583 3525 5750 6921 147 Transaction ID: 7382162592849724Transaction Date/Time: 2021-07-10 15:48:17Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Debt Repayment: ₦4,000.00KwH: 18.99Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 2164 7951 7098 7294 0137 148 Transaction ID: 9118162471402324Transaction Date/Time: 2021-06-26 14:27:03Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88Energy Cost: ₦465.12KwH: 9.49Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 4254 5244 6579 8882 5155 149 Transaction ID: 9594162427992924Transaction Date/Time: 2021-06-21 13:52:09Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦62.79Energy Cost: ₦837.21KwH: 17.09Amount Tendered: ₦900.00 6569 6143 3671 6932 9533 150 Transaction ID: 7421162426724924Transaction Date/Time: 2021-06-21 10:20:49Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23KwH: 18.99Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 5493 1404 0552 9939 1038 151 Transaction ID: 6236162395331524Transaction Date/Time: 2021-06-17 19:08:35Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦27.91Energy Cost: ₦372.09KwH: 7.60Amount Tendered: ₦400.00 5969 4346 4084 2822 8000 152 Transaction ID: 8715162331826824Transaction Date/Time: 2021-06-10 10:44:28Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦167.44Energy Cost: ₦2,232.56KwH: 45.57Amount Tendered: ₦2,400.00 2416 0366 1140 9331 8170 153 Transaction ID: 2375162273821224Transaction Date/Time: 2021-06-03 17:36:52Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦97.67Energy Cost: ₦1,302.33KwH: 26.58Amount Tendered: ₦1,400.00 7121 2290 4112 2822 4472 154 Transaction ID: 7877162273800724Transaction Date/Time: 2021-06-03 17:33:27Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦62.79Energy Cost: ₦837.21KwH: 17.09Amount Tendered: ₦900.00 5405 6278 3822 1263 2724 155 Transaction ID: 1621162271211224Transaction Date/Time: 2021-06-03 10:21:52Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88Energy Cost: ₦465.12KwH: 9.49Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 3646 8864 2875 2576 2257 156 Transaction ID: 2256162228673124Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-29 12:12:11Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23KwH: 18.99Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 0773 8542 8507 4390 5726 157 Transaction ID: 5861162204438224Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-26 16:53:02Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦62.79Energy Cost: ₦837.21KwH: 17.09Amount Tendered: ₦900.00 1266 4135 6684 5632 7111 158 Transaction ID: 9971162195779824Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-25 16:49:58Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88Energy Cost: ₦465.12KwH: 9.49Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 2946 2987 0706 7266 9833 159 Transaction ID: 6722162169907924Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-22 16:57:59Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88Energy Cost: ₦465.12KwH: 9.49Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 3261 2514 4535 9347 8797 160 Transaction ID: 9015162159028724Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-21 10:44:47Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88Energy Cost: ₦465.12KwH: 9.49Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 2990 1810 8082 5815 6887 161 Transaction ID: 6792162141967124Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-19 11:21:11Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88Energy Cost: ₦465.12KwH: 9.49Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 7039 0011 5817 8801 5761 162 Transaction ID: 3171162127315524Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-17 18:39:15Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦27.91Energy Cost: ₦372.09KwH: 7.60Amount Tendered: ₦400.00 3990 6541 5609 2462 1668 163 Transaction ID: 6935162107920824Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-15 12:46:48Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88Energy Cost: ₦465.12KwH: 9.49Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 7138 5906 7053 4936 8939 164 Transaction ID: 9945162098821424Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-14 11:30:14Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦27.91Energy Cost: ₦372.09KwH: 7.60Amount Tendered: ₦400.00 6406 7374 2625 7365 9926 165 Transaction ID: 4292162090344924Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-13 11:57:29Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88Energy Cost: ₦465.12KwH: 9.49Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 2677 3437 5410 9212 5770 166 Transaction ID: 5852162075688824Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-11 19:14:48Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88Energy Cost: ₦465.12KwH: 9.49Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 4447 0697 1933 7901 5709 167 Transaction ID: 4667162048308324Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-08 15:11:23Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23KwH: 18.99Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 1290 3849 4207 8556 0037 168 Transaction ID: 2789162021850024Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-05 13:41:40Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23KwH: 18.99Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 3725 6666 1244 5789 9838 169 Transaction ID: 6939162011924524Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-04 10:07:25Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88Energy Cost: ₦465.12KwH: 9.49Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 3119 3698 0272 5575 0014 170 Transaction ID: 9666161986063824Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-01 10:17:18Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88Energy Cost: ₦465.12KwH: 9.49Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 2928 2787 6848 3685 4915 171 Transaction ID: 8673161971456024Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-29 17:42:40Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23KwH: 18.99Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 4435 0766 5559 1161 3651 172 Transaction ID: 1534161945855224Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-26 18:35:52Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23KwH: 18.99Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 4983 3702 7106 0942 2704 173 Transaction ID: 4516161919124124Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-23 16:20:41Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦62.79Energy Cost: ₦837.21KwH: 17.09Amount Tendered: ₦900.00 3680 7564 2075 5879 5846 174 Transaction ID: 5061161900837524Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-21 13:32:55Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦62.79Energy Cost: ₦837.21KwH: 17.09Amount Tendered: ₦900.00 3972 1659 9256 9962 2513 175 Transaction ID: 8481161875665824Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-18 15:37:38Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦60.70Energy Cost: ₦809.30KwH: 16.52Amount Tendered: ₦870.00 4774 1610 3866 5886 1645 176 Transaction ID: 6816161841565724Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-14 16:54:17Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦62.79Energy Cost: ₦837.21KwH: 17.09Amount Tendered: ₦900.00 5486 4143 0072 3023 5584 177 Transaction ID: 6680161797460324Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-09 14:23:23Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35KwH: 28.48Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 5703 6677 2802 0571 3805 178 Transaction ID: 1189161770418424Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-06 11:16:24Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦90.70Energy Cost: ₦1,209.30KwH: 24.68Amount Tendered: ₦1,300.00 3667 9787 5689 9185 2776 179 Transaction ID: 1796161747098724Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-03 18:29:47Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88Energy Cost: ₦465.12KwH: 9.49Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 6855 2852 9671 7110 8299 180 Transaction ID: 0196161701177824Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-29 10:56:18Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35KwH: 28.48Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 4329 6254 2357 6403 6806 181 Transaction ID: 2258161658113224Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-24 11:18:52Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88Energy Cost: ₦465.12KwH: 9.49Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 6373 4940 9017 6236 1277 182 Transaction ID: 3168161613618824Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-19 07:43:08Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35KwH: 28.48Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 1083 6704 1851 6737 0604 183 Transaction ID: 6821161563992124Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-13 13:52:01Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23KwH: 18.99Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 6626 6628 3130 4165 4778 184 Transaction ID: 5041161556407324Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-12 16:47:53Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88Energy Cost: ₦465.12KwH: 9.49Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 0929 2965 8342 2091 5429 185 Transaction ID: 7517161530207924Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-09 16:01:19Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23KwH: 18.99Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 4426 5779 3375 4710 1751 186 Transaction ID: 0547161442018024Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-27 11:03:00Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23KwH: 18.99Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 0832 1486 6994 8794 3251 187 Transaction ID: 2348161384161024Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-20 18:20:10Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23KwH: 18.99Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 2276 9409 0947 7525 3093 188 Transaction ID: 8896161287118824Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-09 12:46:28Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23KwH: 18.99Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 3740 9947 2048 9626 5886 189 Transaction ID: 2225161225701824Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-02 10:10:18Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88Energy Cost: ₦465.12KwH: 9.49Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 5068 5690 8349 8543 4072 190 Transaction ID: 5271161192025924Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-29 12:37:39Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88Energy Cost: ₦465.12KwH: 9.49Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 5627 3674 6064 2585 5765 191 Transaction ID: 4570161132083924Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-22 14:07:19Meter No.: 0101170145441Account No.: 460776Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23KwH: 18.99Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 6895 7775 4196 9017 42052023-12-04 faizahtafida@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022310Closed2023-12-04KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04No65454265366139726606 02371131401787892699 2592 8557 6452 7214 4011 7142 4213 7357 9519 54222023-12-04 ismailbalaonline@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022309Closed2023-12-04REQUEST FOR KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04No0101235013311 60318051734659787123 53629461749471909400 0101215018181 31680926003588207266 029491400806164248842023-12-04 umaymah1065@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022308Closed2023-12-04Request for debt profile 44000502250MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 801965 Debt Repayment ₦29,993.76 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦29,993.76 M 2023-11-02 ₦0.00 2023-11-032023-12-04 umaymah1065@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022307Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022306Closed2023-12-04Kct on Tariff 33 and Index KRN 001MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04No0101210074759 6932 9153 1448 3156 2528 7322 8316 3317 0692 1198 0101210022360 6197 9086 0230 2606 9077 2025 6505 3602 2131 57842023-12-04 faithelisha1990@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022305Closed2023-12-04DEBT PROFILE: 0101200038608MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 380626 Debt Repayment ₦312,415.48 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦312,415.48 M 2023-11-20 ₦0.00 2023-11-232023-12-04 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022304Closed2023-12-04DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 44000610426 / 782336MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 782336 Debt Repayment ₦97,013.51 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦75,013.51 M 2022-08-11 ₦22,000.00 2023-09-252023-12-04 joseph.tegwis@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00022303Closed2023-12-04REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04No0150000968142 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672163608201 Debt Repayment ₦40,593.64 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2022-03-10 ₦40,593.64 2023-12-02 Closed 0150000968969 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 651216 Debt Repayment ₦85,566.19 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦47,566.19 M 2022-03-17 ₦38,000.00 2023-12-04 44000645265 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 768880 Debt Repayment ₦58,096.66 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦40,096.66 M 2022-07-25 ₦18,000.00 2023-04-302023-12-04 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022302Closed2023-12-04REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE==0101200072821MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 601227 Debt Repayment ₦123,564.58 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦93,564.58 M 2022-08-12 ₦30,000.00 2023-11-232023-12-04 tegwinaomi@gmail.comtegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022301Closed2023-12-04REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE: 0101170238543MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04NoHello, There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2023-12-04 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022300Closed2023-12-04Request for debt profile 0101210129306MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 698588 Debt Repayment ₦29,477.30 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦3,477.30 M 2022-10-18 ₦26,000.00 2023-11-102023-12-04 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022299Closed2023-12-04Debt enquiry of 95300239621MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 596853 Debt Repayment ₦67,108.78 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦37,108.78 M 2022-09-14 ₦30,000.00 2023-12-042023-12-04 aliyasalihuibrahim@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022298Closed2023-12-04DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 753170 Debt Repayment ₦32,022.08 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦22.08 M 2022-07-01 ₦32,000.00 2023-11-292023-12-04 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022297Closed2023-12-04Debt enquiry of 44000367035MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 644220211501 Debt Repayment ₦185,136.38 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦149,136.38 M 2022-05-24 ₦36,000.00 2023-11-252023-12-04 aliyasalihuibrahim@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022296Closed2023-12-04Request for debt profile 0101205001221MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 658898 Debt Repayment ₦128,332.56 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦75,832.56 M 2022-03-28 ₦52,500.00 2023-12-022023-12-04 umaymah1065@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022295Closed2023-12-04Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 746777 Debt Repayment ₦12,174.81 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦10,174.81 M 2023-09-29 ₦2,000.00 2023-10-202023-12-04 tkhadija028@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022294Closed2023-12-04DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04NoHello, find b elow. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 816212 Debt Repayment ₦5,668.48 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦3,668.48 M 2023-11-28 ₦2,000.00 2023-12-022023-12-04 samueldchun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022293Closed2023-12-04Debt enquiry of 44000337749MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 654170 Debt Repayment ₦72,181.27 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦38,181.27 M 2022-06-21 ₦34,000.00 2023-11-242023-12-04 aliyasalihuibrahim@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022292Closed2023-12-04Request for debt profile - 44300001425MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 802061 Debt Repayment ₦308,377.38 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦290,377.38 M 2023-03-27 ₦18,000.00 2023-12-042023-12-04 lucky.akpobi@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00022291Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022290Closed2023-12-04Request for debt profile - 62321135659MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 561358 Debt Repayment ₦78,908.44 ₦-73,239.97 ₦2,000.00 ₦1,668.47 M 2023-10-04 ₦4,000.00 2023-12-012023-12-04 lucky.akpobi@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00022289Closed2023-12-04REQUEST FOR DEBT ==62321002974MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 803654 Debt Repayment ₦74,825.17 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦64,825.17 M 2023-07-28 ₦10,000.00 2023-12-022023-12-04 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022288Closed2023-12-04DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 670464 Debt Repayment ₦40,084.65 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦2,084.65 M 2022-05-23 ₦38,000.00 2023-12-042023-12-04 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022287ClosedKCT Request2023-12-04Request for kctMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04NoHello, find below. 21 To 1 6784 4683 9876 6812 9420 0755 7056 8465 0926 86012023-12-04 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022286Closed2023-12-04REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04NoHello, find below. 44000715290 There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment. 44000977809 There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment. 0150000908684 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 735331 Debt Repayment ₦51,226.61 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦8,726.61 M 2022-06-21 ₦42,500.00 2023-11-30 0150000959315 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 734411 Debt Repayment ₦32,170.44 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦170.442023-12-04 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022285Closed2023-11-27Request for debtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 657727 Debt Repayment ₦101,623.98 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦75,623.98 M 2022-09-12 ₦26,000.00 2023-10-042023-12-04 mauleed3346.mi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022284Closed2023-12-04KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04NoMeter 1: 44000810802 64111025150424771935 52536645820673965578 Meter 2: 44000804821 45342264488543779383 44531442526106125355 Meter 3: 44000810653 54728656403300178318 145796511669422501432023-12-04 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022283Closed2023-12-04REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE: 0101210199986MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 655977 Debt Repayment ₦36,292.28 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦10,292.28 M 2022-10-20 ₦26,000.00 2023-11-302023-12-04 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022282Closed2023-12-04Request for debt profile 0101190136529MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611912206201 Debt Repayment ₦372,523.70 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦370,523.70 M 2023-10-06 ₦2,000.00 2023-11-242023-12-04 umaymah1065@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022281Closed2023-12-04Request for debt profile 0101170128066MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6152171210-01 Debt Repayment ₦138,632.90 ₦-25,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦51,632.90 M 2020-03-12 ₦62,000.00 2023-12-012023-12-04 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022280Closed2023-12-04KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04No51283343724446653190 331838965784991028872023-12-04 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022279Closed2023-12-04REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE: 0101210170128MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 738209 Debt Repayment ₦28,093.46 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦6,093.46 M 2022-10-24 ₦22,000.00 2023-09-252023-12-04 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022278Closed2023-12-04KCT FROM 02 TO 01MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04No5726 1933 8695 4105 9379 1501 7172 1598 6623 15892023-12-04 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022277Closed2023-12-04KRN FROM 01 To 02MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04No5726 1933 8695 4105 9379 1501 7172 1598 6623 15892023-12-04 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022276Closed2023-12-04Good afternoon sir please Sir KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04Noincorrect meter number2023-12-04 muhammmadmusa722@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022275Closed2023-12-04Request for KRN in respect of this account 0150300027573 from Tariff index 33MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04No62913396741125787342 282106782031946991452023-12-04 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022274Closed2023-12-04DEBT PROFILE: 0101200005391MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612813356401 Debt Repayment ₦361,701.27 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦355,701.27 M 2022-04-11 ₦6,000.00 2022-07-192023-12-04 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022273Closed2023-12-05DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 687697 Debt Repayment ₦11,595.21 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2022-02-11 ₦11,595.21 2022-08-16 Closed 687697 Refund ₦48,263.38 ₦0.00 ₦402.19 ₦47,459.00 M 2023-03-13 ₦804.38 2023-05-012023-12-04 abdulsalamvio@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022272ClosedTamper Code2023-12-04REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPER CODEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04NoHello Team; 0150000969967 Clear Tamper 0 5822 3262 7800 0935 9564 0150000955958 Clear Tamper 0 1097 7153 9039 4184 52622023-12-04 abdulsalamvio@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022271ClosedKCT Request2023-12-04REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04No34128141583465264122 316087544290743038272023-12-04 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022270ClosedTamper Code2023-12-04REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPERIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04No0150000861354 Clear Tamper 0 1331 7913 8719 9458 9811 0150000938558 Clear Tamper 0 2617 0268 0522 0888 7672 0150000861628 Clear Tamper 0 6850 9516 0827 1797 9031 57300004397 Clear Tamper 0 2685 8659 7749 7646 7662 0150000939622 Clear Tamper 0 3062 7609 7883 1255 74152023-12-04 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022269ClosedTamper Code2023-12-04clear tamperMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04No0101210146904 Clear Tamper 0 3504 0185 5032 1851 92162023-12-04 tyohembajo@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022268Closed2023-11-27REQUEST FOR KRN UPGRADEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04No44000813913 02168798481763233247 36590630285479812560 44000814044 41416027029916779362 077199233017972164952023-12-04 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022267Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022266Closed2023-12-04REQUEST FOR KRN UPGRADEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04No44000813913 02168798481763233247 36590630285479812560 44000814044 41416027029916779362 077199233017972164952023-12-04 Umar Auwal
#00022265ClosedKCT Request2023-12-04Request for kctIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04No4469 3800 6640 7201 0751 0036 0209 8112 9490 86502023-12-04 mustaphamaryam67@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022264ClosedKCT Request2023-12-04Request for kct in respect of this account 62321000697 from 01MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04NoHello team: 62321000697 1 To 99 5830 6540 4542 8663 3897 4124 1143 2340 1212 78372023-12-04 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022263Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022262Closed2023-12-04Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04No0101210050809 tr 99 00422491997501796670 44997303673409040130 0101215020351 tr 01 47054697991064581452 558860132933133631322023-12-04 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022261Closed2023-12-04DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04NoHello team; Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 781341 Debt Repayment ₦49,918.30 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦39,918.30 M 2023-06-15 ₦10,000.00 2023-11-272023-12-04 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022260ClosedKCT Request2023-12-04KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04No10051252118684119607 495726527496884355992023-12-04 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022259Closed2023-12-04DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 584718 Debt Repayment ₦88,112.03 ₦0.00 ₦6,000.00 ₦76,112.03 V 2023-01-18 ₦12,000.00 2023-12-012023-12-04 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022258Closed2023-11-27Request for debt profile 0101200081483MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611918224601 Debt Repayment ₦725,345.39 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦725,345.39 M 2023-08-03 ₦0.00 0000-00-00 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611918224601 Debt Repayment ₦725,345.39 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦725,345.39 M 2023-08-03 ₦0.00 0000-00-2023-12-04 umaymah1065@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022257Closed2023-12-04REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 0101200081483MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611918224601 Debt Repayment ₦725,345.39 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦725,345.39 M 2023-08-03 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-12-04 umaymah1065@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022256ClosedKCT Request2023-12-04KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04No1092 8506 4419 9628 5756 3807 6654 2279 1997 16062023-12-04 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022255Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022254ClosedKCT Request2023-12-04Request for KCT 0101235013253MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04NoDisregard the initial response and provide the current index tariff on the meter2023-12-04 soneatelectrical@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022253ClosedKCT Request2023-12-04REQUEST FOR K C TMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04No0150000950918 Tariff index 21 2510 8697 0042 8153 9828 2849 8078 2665 5445 7619 0150000955743 Tariff index 21 2461 6216 5238 9348 8510 0365 6068 3484 5943 6913 4400962536......incorrect K R N 1 to 2 44000725141 K R N 1 to 2 14298359128520497672 135710492221801839252023-12-04 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022252Closed2023-12-04KRN from 02 To 01MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04NoWe cant generate krn 2-1, I assumed you mean krn 1-2 and you can get it from the link.2023-12-04 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022251Closed2023-12-04Request for KRN in respect of this account 54161030306 from tariff index 33MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04No35954285647633000819 420748227185892898492023-12-04 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022250ClosedKCT Request2023-12-04KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04No6932 9153 1448 3156 2528 7322 8316 3317 0692 11982023-12-04 faithelisha1990@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022249Closed2023-12-04REQUEST FOR KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04No29385280692481014241 177273981215582488092023-12-04 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022248Closed2023-12-04REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILSMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04NoHello find below; Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 757023 Debt Repayment ₦39,573.57 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,573.57 M 2022-06-09 ₦34,000.00 2023-11-292023-12-04 zeelamido11@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022247Closed2023-12-04Request for Debt profile for 0101210040750MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04NoHello Team; Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 760004 Debt Repayment ₦34,335.31 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦31,335.31 V 2023-08-15 ₦3,000.00 2023-10-242023-12-04 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022246ClosedKCT Request2023-12-04KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04NoFind below; 44300002076 1 To 2 1076 9666 5206 5544 3171 3423 0375 8609 2139 1243 44300002076 2 To 1 4371 2757 9857 3023 0434 5543 7489 9541 6262 18742023-12-04 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022245ClosedKCT Request2023-12-04KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04NoHello Team; 0150300027573 3 To 1 1125 9278 3366 3278 8039 5039 1722 0530 7136 4510 0150300013821 3 To 1 2121 7063 8668 4886 4072 7074 2499 2446 5444 1234 54161074122 21 To 1 4559 8568 4083 7197 3287 0134 6358 5088 3717 5050 54160886088 31 To 1 0458 6694 5644 6811 6414 4936 7800 9751 3771 0023 54161146839 21 To 1 6740 9202 4278 2009 9455 2451 7617 3140 4180 86112023-12-04 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022244Closed2023-12-04KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-04No39556478913324588709 525200488450398182652023-12-04 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022243Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022242Closed2023-12-01DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-01NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 544403 Debt Repayment ₦98,453.81 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦60,453.81 M 2022-05-24 ₦38,000.00 2023-12-012023-12-01 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022241Closed2023-12-01DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 54160940414MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-01NoHello, There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2023-12-01 joseph.tegwis@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00022240Closed2023-12-01KRN REQUEST FOR NEWLY INSTALLEDMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-01No44000813582 33635309606075153764 37966794146987707777 44000638799 09855632804900477416 26906938715295614004 44000809606 53485317146870854431 724140259175957296362023-12-01 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022239Closed2023-12-01KRnMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-01Nocheck the link2023-12-01 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022238Closed2023-12-01Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-08No65524033429561911500 364848235970899045162023-12-01 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022237Closed2023-12-01Does not exist for KRN upgradeMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-01No00033613961166653611 505023841994177667032023-12-01 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022236Closed2023-12-01Request for debt profile 0101200071807MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-01NoFind below; Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 634360 Debt Repayment ₦88,049.49 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦82,049.49 M 2023-03-29 ₦6,000.00 2023-06-30 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 634360 Debt Repayment ₦88,049.49 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦82,049.49 M 2023-03-29 ₦6,000.00 2023-06-302023-12-01 umaymah1065@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022235Closed2023-12-01Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-01No0101160043639 T33..........incorrect 0101160004657 T33 51343651183485706364 109628838101521609652023-12-01 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022234Closed2023-12-01Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-01No32553014646279050418 266007710138438067232023-12-01 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022233Closed2023-12-01Total debtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-01NoFind below; Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 749474 Debt Repayment ₦39,363.96 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦9,363.96 M 2022-03-11 ₦30,000.00 2023-10-312023-12-01 stretch07036828277@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022232ClosedKCT Request2023-12-01REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-01NoFind below; 0101161057795 21 To 1 1229 1642 8790 2341 7784 6782 5085 9745 9181 33562023-12-01 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022231Closed2023-12-01Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-01No0101190026316 tr 04 12316300001648409649 09225347567561592931 0101160354219 tr 02 57555086481695589258 26494518967268894036 0101235013089 tr 02 38460865099982377329 12766824448235148621 54150640438 tr 74 67327116690675052176 015062527121131163062023-12-01 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022230Closed2023-12-01Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-01NoKCT1: 1561 0782 9114 3024 7215 KCT2: 4524 4267 7943 6472 23692023-12-01 sadikhmodibbo@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022229Closed2023-12-01Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-01No23116898214563296147 315993230857072680222023-12-01 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022228Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022227Closed2023-12-01REQUEST FOR KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-01No34128141583465264122 316087544290743038272023-12-01 mwuladi@yahoo.commwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022226Closed2023-12-01Request for krnMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-01No44000813913 02168798481763233247 36590630285479812560 44000814044 41416027029916779362 077199233017972164952023-12-01 thompsontor@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022225Closed2023-12-01Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-01No71970093430318485437 075597646312528901852023-12-01 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022224Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022223Closed2023-12-01Confirm the meter and revert.MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-01NoConfirm the meter and revert.2023-12-01 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022222Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022221Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022220ClosedKCT Request2023-12-01REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-01NoHello Team, find below; 0150000967169: * on index 01 0150000888969: *on index 01 44000962536: Not found. 0150000967169 33 To 1 6537 9292 1662 6076 3786 6618 8552 4822 8502 6793 0150000950918 21 To 1 2510 8697 0042 8153 9828 2849 8078 2665 5445 7619 0150000955743 21 To 1 2461 6216 5238 9348 85102023-12-01 abdulsalamvio@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022219Closed2023-12-01Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-01No55683180168571975699 500951204823488665222023-12-01 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022218Closed2023-12-01REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 62321070963MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-01NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 434208 Debt Repayment ₦425,828.54 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦423,828.54 M 2023-10-04 ₦2,000.00 2023-11-172023-12-01 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022217Closed2023-12-01Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-01NoHello, find below. ​ Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611180012101 Debt Repayment ₦246,159.91 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦242,159.91 M 2023-09-29 ₦4,000.00 2023-11-292023-12-01 tkhadija028@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022216Closed2023-12-01DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-01NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 656262 Debt Repayment ₦25,895.97 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2022-08-15 ₦25,895.97 2023-09-11 Closed2023-12-01 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.comabdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022215Closed2023-12-01REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-01NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 658723 Debt Repayment ₦61,232.73 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦47,232.73 M 2022-07-20 ₦14,000.00 2023-02-272023-12-01 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022214Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022213Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022212Closed2023-12-01REQUEST FOR DEBTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-01NoHello, find below. 95300206281 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 658111350601 Debt Repayment ₦158,759.03 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦118,759.03 M 2022-03-29 ₦40,000.00 2023-11-23 95300225109 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 658111343501 Debt Repayment ₦405,222.00 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦387,222.00 M 2023-01-26 ₦18,000.00 2023-10-27 95300230232 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 658111001401 Debt Repayment ₦310,459.78 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦270,459.78 M 2022-03-29 ₦40,000.00 2023-11-272023-12-01 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022211Closed2023-12-01DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 95300184959MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-01NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 766034 Debt Repayment ₦1,133.70 ₦0.00 ₦1,133.70 ₦0.00 M 2023-01-26 ₦1,133.70 2023-02-12 Closed2023-12-01 joseph.tegwis@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00022210Closed2023-12-01Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-01NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 514808 Debt Repayment ₦117,929.88 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦111,929.88 M 2023-05-15 ₦6,000.00 2023-08-302023-12-01 tkhadija028@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022209ClosedTamper Code2023-12-01REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPER CODEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-01NoHello Team; 0150000992019 Clear Tamper 0 5808 8711 9671 6707 36612023-12-01 abdulsalamvio@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022208Closed2023-12-01Clear Credit and TamperMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-01NoHello Team, 0101210143562 Clear Tamper 0 4256 8860 1591 0479 2909 0101210143562 Clear Credit 0 4774 3174 9984 2633 37562023-12-01 tyohembajo@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022207Closed2023-12-01REQUEST FOR DEBT==0101180149490MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-01NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 703487 Debt Repayment ₦1,602.29 ₦0.00 ₦1,602.29 ₦0.00 M 2022-05-31 ₦1,602.29 2022-06-05 Closed 703487 Refund ₦48,263.38 ₦0.00 ₦402.19 ₦44,643.67 M 2023-03-13 ₦3,619.71 2023-12-012023-12-01 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022206Closed2023-12-01Debt inquiryMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-01NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 644301626601 Debt Repayment ₦222,257.17 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦194,757.17 M 2022-06-08 ₦27,500.00 2023-05-012023-12-01 delishduds@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022205ClosedVending History2023-12-01Vending historyMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-12-01NoHello, find below. # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 2159169972631524 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-11-11 19:11:55 Meter No.: 54161129314 Account No.: 635326 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 27.12 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 3835 9055 2277 8080 5009 2 Transaction ID: 6776169875476624 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-10-31 13:19:27 Meter No.: 54161129314 Account No.: 635326 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 20.34 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 6088 9843 6811 8165 5134 3 Transaction ID: 1534169798052624 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-10-22 14:15:26 Meter No.: 54161129314 Account No.: 635326 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 27.12 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 6025 9061 4291 1003 3621 4 Transaction ID: 4944169726498424 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-10-14 07:29:44 Meter No.: 54161129314 Account No.: 635326 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 20.34 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 1664 7157 0395 1418 7289 5 Transaction ID: 6836169686643724 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-10-09 16:47:17 Meter No.: 54161129314 Account No.: 635326 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 20.34 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 4679 0763 3286 9462 7808 6 Transaction ID: 8576169666334124 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-10-07 08:22:21 Meter No.: 54161129314 Account No.: 635326 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 27.12 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 0503 4336 4531 7894 6968 7 Transaction ID: 6496169600611224 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-09-29 17:48:32 Meter No.: 54161129314 Account No.: 635326 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 27.12 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 5561 3538 8132 6653 7877 8 Transaction ID: 8252169520679924 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-09-20 11:46:39 Meter No.: 54161129314 Account No.: 635326 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 27.12 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 2972 7380 8105 9248 7333 9 Transaction ID: 9764169442703624 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-09-11 11:10:36 Meter No.: 54161129314 Account No.: 635326 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 20.34 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 2541 4219 0463 5752 5202 10 Transaction ID: 5692169367877224 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-09-02 19:19:32 Meter No.: 54161129314 Account No.: 635326 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution2023-12-01 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022204Closed2023-11-30Request for KRN in respect of this account 54161051245 from tariff index 33MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-30No50350056560385986649 405351630050401820682023-11-30 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022203Closed2023-11-30DEBT PROFILE: 0101190148508MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-30NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 689156 Debt Repayment ₦14,024.96 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦6,024.96 M 2023-01-10 ₦8,000.00 2023-05-242023-11-30 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022202Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022201ClosedKCT Request2023-11-30KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-30No67521516855471621325 243881598324831159382023-11-30 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022200Closed2023-11-30Request for KRN in respect of this account 54160912405 from tariff index 04MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-30NoRequest for KRN in respect of this account 54160912405 from tariff index 042023-11-30 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022199ClosedVending History2023-11-30Vending historyMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-30No# Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 1861169878155324Transaction Date/Time: 2023-10-31 20:45:53Meter No.: 62121673743Account No.: 373814Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦253.08Energy Cost: ₦3,374.47Refund: ₦-2,627.55KwH: 49.18Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 1262 7169 8873 7110 8299 2 Transaction ID: 4996169773191424Transaction Date/Time: 2023-10-19 17:11:54Meter No.: 62121673743Account No.: 373814Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦202.33Energy Cost: ₦2,697.67Refund: ₦0.00KwH: 39.32Amount Tendered: ₦2,900.00 5450 9299 8411 8808 1292 3 Transaction ID: 3706169739110124Transaction Date/Time: 2023-10-15 18:31:41Meter No.: 62121673743Account No.: 373814Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Refund: ₦0.00KwH: 13.56Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 3150 4130 6758 2035 7631 4 Transaction ID: 6869169697319324Transaction Date/Time: 2023-10-10 22:26:33Meter No.: 62121673743Account No.: 373814Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦97.67Energy Cost: ₦1,302.33Refund: ₦0.00KwH: 18.98Amount Tendered: ₦1,400.00 5022 1869 6791 8647 6636 5 Transaction ID: 8796169633967824Transaction Date/Time: 2023-10-03 14:27:58Meter No.: 62121673743Account No.: 373814Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦141.31Energy Cost: ₦1,884.20Refund: ₦-525.51KwH: 27.46Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 4225 6373 8512 8378 9268 6 Transaction ID: 3312169607623324Transaction Date/Time: 2023-09-30 13:17:13Meter No.: 62121673743Account No.: 373814Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦76.74Energy Cost: ₦1,023.26Refund: ₦0.00KwH: 14.91Amount Tendered: ₦1,100.00 4291 1728 4953 7289 1178 7 Transaction ID: 7969169591774224Transaction Date/Time: 2023-09-28 17:15:42Meter No.: 62121673743Account No.: 373814Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦118.60Energy Cost: ₦1,581.40Refund: ₦0.00KwH: 23.05Amount Tendered: ₦1,700.00 6972 8302 6359 7336 2394 8 Transaction ID: 7855169575418224Transaction Date/Time: 2023-09-26 19:49:42Meter No.: 62121673743Account No.: 373814Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23Refund: ₦0.00KwH: 13.56Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 1656 9266 3301 7207 5525 9 Transaction ID: 9166169500982524Transaction Date/Time: 2023-09-18 05:03:45Meter No.: 62121673743Account No.: 373814Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦378.52Energy Cost: ₦5,046.99Refund: ₦-525.51KwH: 73.56Amount Tendered: ₦4,900.00 6228 6155 2336 0355 9376 10 Transaction ID: 6387169401334424Transaction Date/Time: 2023-09-06 16:15:44Meter No.: 62121673743Account No.: 373814Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦467.44Energy Cost: ₦6,232.56KwH: 90.84Amount Tendered: ₦6,700.00 6514 8272 1693 8264 9360 11 Transaction ID: 3118169338214724Transaction Date/Time: 2023-08-30 08:55:47Meter No.: 62121673743Account No.: 373814Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23KwH: 13.56Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 2386 0274 9747 7805 6513 12 Transaction ID: 9896169286816024Transaction Date/Time: 2023-08-24 10:09:20Meter No.: 62121673743Account No.: 373814Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23KwH: 13.56Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 6379 4147 7383 3389 2072 13 Transaction ID: 9724169115724224Transaction Date/Time: 2023-08-04 14:54:02Meter No.: 62121673743Account No.: 373814Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦558.84Energy Cost: ₦7,451.16KwH: 108.60Amount Tendered: ₦8,010.00 5842 8846 0494 1671 3866 14 Transaction ID: 8319169115709124Transaction Date/Time: 2023-08-04 14:51:31Meter No.: 62121673743Account No.: 373814Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦558.14Energy Cost: ₦7,441.86KwH: 108.47Amount Tendered: ₦8,000.00 0679 9925 1324 0087 8494 15 Transaction ID: 2892168354295224Transaction Date/Time: 2023-05-08 11:49:12Meter No.: 62121673743Account No.: 373814Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦488.37Energy Cost: ₦6,511.63KwH: 94.91Amount Tendered: ₦7,000.00 4091 0228 6485 3450 0428 16 Transaction ID: 8516168249709124Transaction Date/Time: 2023-04-26 09:18:11Meter No.: 62121673743Account No.: 373814Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930.23KwH: 13.56Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 3899 0300 2227 9969 9464 17 Transaction ID: 5026167783309524Transaction Date/Time: 2023-03-03 09:44:55Meter No.: 62121673743Account No.: 373814Transaction Type: PostpaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦10,000.00KwH: 0.00Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 18 Transaction ID: 4888167118881024Transaction Date/Time: 2022-12-16 12:06:51Meter No.: 62121673743Account No.: 373814Transaction Type: PostpaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦9,000.00KwH: 0.00Amount Tendered: ₦9,000.00 19 Transaction ID: 0794166324940924Transaction Date/Time: 2022-09-15 14:43:29Meter No.: 62121673743Account No.: 373814Transaction Type: PostpaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦10,000.00KwH: 0.00Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 20 Transaction ID: 1356165772062424Transaction Date/Time: 2022-07-13 14:57:04Meter No.: 62121673743Account No.: 373814Transaction Type: PostpaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦15,000.00KwH: 0.00Amount Tendered: ₦15,000.00 21 Transaction ID: 5194165399866524Transaction Date/Time: 2022-05-31 13:04:25Meter No.: 62121673743Account No.: 373814Transaction Type: PostpaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦10,000.00KwH: 0.00Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 22 Transaction ID: 3656165106352824Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-27 13:45:28Meter No.: 62121673743Account No.: 373814Transaction Type: PostpaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦9,000.00KwH: 0.00Amount Tendered: ₦9,000.00 23 Transaction ID: 8712164821756924Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-25 15:12:49Meter No.: 62121673743Account No.: 373814Transaction Type: PostpaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦10,000.00KwH: 0.00Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 24 Transaction ID: 6761164466607224Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-12 12:41:12Meter No.: 62121673743Account No.: 373814Transaction Type: PostpaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦10,000.00KwH: 0.00Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 25 Transaction ID: 6811164165387724Transaction Date/Time: 2022-01-08 15:57:57Meter No.: 62121673743Account No.: 373814Transaction Type: PostpaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦10,000.00KwH: 0.00Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 26 Transaction ID: 4113163757314024Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-22 10:25:40Meter No.: 62121673743Account No.: 373814Transaction Type: PostpaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦8,000.00KwH: 0.00Amount Tendered: ₦8,000.00 27 Transaction ID: 6174163542687024Transaction Date/Time: 2021-10-28 14:14:30Meter No.: 62121673743Account No.: 373814Transaction Type: PostpaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦10,000.00KwH: 0.00Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 28 Transaction ID: 2416163197130024Transaction Date/Time: 2021-09-18 14:21:40Meter No.: 62121673743Account No.: 373814Transaction Type: PostpaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦18,200.00KwH: 0.00Amount Tendered: ₦18,200.00 29 Transaction ID: 0928162618309024Transaction Date/Time: 2021-07-13 14:31:30Meter No.: 62121673743Account No.: 373814Transaction Type: PostpaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦8,000.00KwH: 0.00Amount Tendered: ₦8,000.00 30 Transaction ID: 6576162316388524Transaction Date/Time: 2021-06-08 15:51:25Meter No.: 62121673743Account No.: 373814Transaction Type: PostpaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦8,000.00KwH: 0.00Amount Tendered: ₦8,000.00 31 Transaction ID: 5818161615376824Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-19 12:36:08Meter No.: 62121673743Account No.: 373814Transaction Type: PostpaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦8,000.00KwH: 0.00Amount Tendered: ₦8,000.00 32 Transaction ID: 1113161581370324Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-15 14:08:23Meter No.: 62121673743Account No.: 373814Transaction Type: PostpaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦10,000.00KwH: 0.00Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 33 Transaction ID: 1715161167551124Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-26 16:38:31Meter No.: 62121673743Account No.: 373814Transaction Type: PostpaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦7,000.00KwH: 0.00Amount Tendered: ₦7,000.00 34 Transaction ID: 0991161071069924Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-15 12:38:19Meter No.: 62121673743Account No.: 373814Transaction Type: PostpaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦10,000.00KwH: 0.00Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.002023-11-30 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022198Closed2023-11-30Request for KRN in respect of this account 0101235028954 and 0101235026271MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-30No0101235028954 56096347313758967555 58681309476901034425 and 0101235026271 18011035019953949268 364694000479728737132023-11-30 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022197Closed2023-12-070101235004997 KRN Tariff 2 0101235004997 KRN Tariff 2MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-30No18816388089812836023 482827109316491176972023-11-30 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022196ClosedKCT Request2023-11-30REQUEST FOR K C TMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-30No44000982536 Tariff index 1 61843543556982725658 20495531359418916218 0150000888969 Tariff index 1 43672045666473038598 22220532543100844836 0150000967169 09998467674446849792 529051497341472912722023-11-30 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022195Closed2023-11-30Request for KRN in respect of this account 0101235007032MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-30No61928262820351974315 250335199348015219612023-11-30 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022194Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022193Closed2023-11-30REQUEST FOR KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-30No18816388089812836023 482827109316491176972023-11-30 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022192Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022191Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022190Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022189ClosedKCT Request2023-11-28REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-28NoGood morning, find below, 5930 2730 2576 7578 9385 0763 3822 3452 8417 76652023-11-28 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022188ClosedKCT Request2023-11-28KCT REQUEST: 0101190026324 (01 TO 04 & 04 TO 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-28NoGood morning, find below, 01-04 35125494426434965756 17598188162730200753 4 To 1 0447 6069 7038 5403 9538 1740 1030 4931 1735 75632023-11-28 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022187Closed2023-11-28Request for Debt profile for 0101190028130 and 0101200110530MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-28NoGood morning, find below, 0101190028130 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611505070701 Debt Repayment ₦319,282.85 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦313,282.85 M 2023-07-29 ₦6,000.00 2023-10-11 0101200110530 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 671275 Debt Repayment ₦9,578.55 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦9,578.55 M 2022-03-29 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-11-28 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022186Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022185Closed2023-11-28Request for krnMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-28No57570253117111903083 529232365329748962322023-11-28 thompsontor@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022184Closed2023-11-28Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-28No05171038364212811356 015535475894850359242023-11-28 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022183ClosedKCT Request2023-11-28REQUEST FOR KCT NEW METERMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-28No0101220165078......INCORRECT 0101220169102 25930477400718524731 52661315736406023747 0101210354672 19093776241431084811 231862654631595120072023-11-28 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022182Closed2023-11-28DEBT PROFILE: 0101205010875MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-28NoGood morning, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611901042301 Debt Repayment ₦954,950.61 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦954,950.61 M 2022-02-25 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-11-28 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022181Closed2023-11-28Debts statusMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-28NoGood morning, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 657356020601 Debt Repayment ₦425,596.33 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦420,596.33 M 2022-10-05 ₦5,000.00 2022-12-022023-11-28 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022180Closed2023-11-28REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE: 95300193653MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-28NoGood morning, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 620000 Debt Repayment ₦23,577.58 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦9,577.58 M 2023-04-20 ₦14,000.00 2023-11-262023-11-28 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022179Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022178Closed2023-11-27REQUEST FOR DEBT ENQUIRY----------0101190028536MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-27NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 515175 Debt Repayment ₦222,274.36 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦219,274.36 M 2022-10-18 ₦3,000.00 2023-01-312023-11-27 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022177Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022176Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022175ClosedVending History2023-11-27Vending historyMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-27NoHello, find below. # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 1545169470549224 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-09-14 16:31:32 Meter No.: 57300012077 Account No.: 6242350309-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 40.67 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 5682 8565 4923 6043 0327 2 Transaction ID: 1451167795375824 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-03-04 19:15:58 Meter No.: 57300012077 Account No.: 6242350309-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 67.79 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 4173 3981 7995 9831 6510 3 Transaction ID: 1316167311973624 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-01-07 20:28:56 Meter No.: 57300012077 Account No.: 6242350309-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 67.79 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 0644 3152 2924 2848 3172 4 Transaction ID: 6751167233503724 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-12-29 18:30:37 Meter No.: 57300012077 Account No.: 6242350309-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 67.79 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 2667 4888 4663 1671 8835 5 Transaction ID: 8121167189172124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-12-24 15:22:01 Meter No.: 57300012077 Account No.: 6242350309-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 67.79 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 3033 3636 9965 6681 0698 6 Transaction ID: 6751167152445824 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-12-20 09:20:58 Meter No.: 57300012077 Account No.: 6242350309-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 27.12 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 0824 0397 5520 9677 4985 7 Transaction ID: 3318166393019624 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-09-23 11:49:56 Meter No.: 57300012077 Account No.: 6242350309-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 33.67 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 0258 4341 1409 8596 7459 8 Transaction ID: 6896166063250624 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-08-16 07:48:26 Meter No.: 57300012077 Account No.: 6242350309-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 33.67 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 1650 2870 1445 3684 6856 9 Transaction ID: 1562165945466524 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-08-02 16:37:45 Meter No.: 57300012077 Account No.: 6242350309-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 33.67 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 0490 3311 9012 6286 7841 10 Transaction ID: 6211165410192724 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-06-01 17:45:27 Meter No.: 57300012077 Account No.: 6242350309-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 51.63 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 6251 7015 4288 9303 50562023-11-27 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022174Closed2023-11-27Debt inquiryMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-27NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 577681 Debt Repayment ₦104,135.67 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦74,135.67 M 2022-05-13 ₦30,000.00 2023-08-122023-11-27 delishduds@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022173Closed2023-11-27DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-27NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 803140 Debt Repayment ₦23,789.21 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦17,789.21 M 2023-07-28 ₦6,000.00 2023-10-252023-11-27 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022172Closed2023-11-27DEBT ENQUIRYMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-27NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611131141401 Debt Repayment ₦28,300.87 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦6,300.87 M 2022-12-07 ₦22,000.00 2023-11-232023-12-03 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022171ClosedRequest2023-11-27REQUEST FOR OUTSTANDING BALANCEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-27NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 662321840001 Debt Repayment ₦115,027.70 ₦-5,000.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦35,027.70 M 2017-04-20 ₦75,000.00 2023-11-27 662321840001 Loss of Revenue ₦126,500.00 ₦-81,500.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2023-02-16 ₦45,000.00 2023-10-26 Closed2023-11-27 sunnyochekwu@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022170Closed2023-11-27REQUEST FOR DEBT=44000604932MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-27NoHello, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 799119 Debt Repayment ₦15,071.50 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦9,071.50 M 2023-08-21 ₦6,000.00 2023-11-232023-11-27 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022169ClosedVending History2023-11-27Vending history 0101170194969MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-27NoHello, find below. # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 6784170075488124 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-11-23 16:54:41 Meter No.: 0101170194969 Account No.: 698772 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 27.12 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 5516 9984 5338 4320 4711 2 Transaction ID: 8763169454234224 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-09-12 19:12:22 Meter No.: 0101170194969 Account No.: 698772 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 67.79 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 5633 0027 0679 7316 1161 3 Transaction ID: 5150168546062224 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-05-30 16:30:22 Meter No.: 0101170194969 Account No.: 698772 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 67.79 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 6372 2744 5351 5731 8802 4 Transaction ID: 6882168277442824 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-04-29 14:20:28 Meter No.: 0101170194969 Account No.: 698772 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 67.79 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 2812 7670 2252 4504 5853 5 Transaction ID: 3156167932334824 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-03-20 15:42:28 Meter No.: 0101170194969 Account No.: 698772 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 67.79 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 4221 6407 5216 1503 6553 6 Transaction ID: 8584167526888724 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-02-01 17:28:07 Meter No.: 0101170194969 Account No.: 698772 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 13.56 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 6773 4917 3599 6894 9107 7 Transaction ID: 9238167287076324 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-01-04 23:19:23 Meter No.: 0101170194969 Account No.: 698772 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 40.67 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 2911 4360 5814 5334 1249 8 Transaction ID: 4866167247326624 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-12-31 08:54:26 Meter No.: 0101170194969 Account No.: 698772 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 40.67 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 3156 9813 4190 5897 0931 9 Transaction ID: 1236167164388424 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-12-21 18:31:24 Meter No.: 0101170194969 Account No.: 698772 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 27.12 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 5029 5498 1268 0315 0157 10 Transaction ID: 7911167109079424 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-12-15 08:53:14 Meter No.: 0101170194969 Account No.: 698772 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution2023-11-27 mathewudahson@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022168ClosedVending History2023-11-27Vending history 0101170194969MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-27NoHello, find below. # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 6784170075488124 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-11-23 16:54:41 Meter No.: 0101170194969 Account No.: 698772 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 27.12 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 5516 9984 5338 4320 4711 2 Transaction ID: 8763169454234224 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-09-12 19:12:22 Meter No.: 0101170194969 Account No.: 698772 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 67.79 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 5633 0027 0679 7316 1161 3 Transaction ID: 5150168546062224 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-05-30 16:30:22 Meter No.: 0101170194969 Account No.: 698772 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 67.79 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 6372 2744 5351 5731 8802 4 Transaction ID: 6882168277442824 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-04-29 14:20:28 Meter No.: 0101170194969 Account No.: 698772 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 67.79 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 2812 7670 2252 4504 5853 5 Transaction ID: 3156167932334824 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-03-20 15:42:28 Meter No.: 0101170194969 Account No.: 698772 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 67.79 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 4221 6407 5216 1503 6553 6 Transaction ID: 8584167526888724 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-02-01 17:28:07 Meter No.: 0101170194969 Account No.: 698772 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 13.56 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 6773 4917 3599 6894 9107 7 Transaction ID: 9238167287076324 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-01-04 23:19:23 Meter No.: 0101170194969 Account No.: 698772 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 40.67 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 2911 4360 5814 5334 1249 8 Transaction ID: 4866167247326624 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-12-31 08:54:26 Meter No.: 0101170194969 Account No.: 698772 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 40.67 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 3156 9813 4190 5897 0931 9 Transaction ID: 1236167164388424 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-12-21 18:31:24 Meter No.: 0101170194969 Account No.: 698772 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 27.12 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 5029 5498 1268 0315 0157 10 Transaction ID: 7911167109079424 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-12-15 08:53:14 Meter No.: 0101170194969 Account No.: 698772 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution2023-11-27 mathewudahson@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022167Closed2023-11-27REQUEST FOR KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-27No61067269225439302632 135906056728384689832023-11-27 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022166Closed2023-11-27OutstandingMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-27NoHello, There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2023-12-27 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022165Closed2023-11-27DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-27NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 601355 Debt Repayment ₦267,393.55 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦229,893.55 M 2022-08-12 ₦37,500.00 2023-11-272023-11-27 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022164Closed2023-11-27Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-27NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 615210070201 Debt Repayment ₦116,607.40 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦86,607.40 M 2022-08-15 ₦30,000.00 2023-11-152023-11-27 mustaphamaryam67@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022163Closed2023-11-27Request for debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-27NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 641147011001 Debt Repayment ₦227,637.00 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦191,637.00 M 2022-05-17 ₦36,000.00 2023-11-262023-11-27 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022162ClosedKCT Request2023-11-27Kct 21to1MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-27NoHello, find below. 22 To 1 4074 2424 8692 5150 4842 4590 2526 8157 0339 31672023-11-27 musbahuzakari080@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022161Closed2023-11-27DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-27NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 791757 Debt Repayment ₦68,946.31 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦68,946.31 M 2023-05-23 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-11-27 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022160Closed2023-11-27REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE: 44000535334MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-27NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 630747 Debt Repayment ₦104,283.07 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦92,283.07 M 2023-05-31 ₦12,000.00 2023-11-232023-11-27 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022159Closed2023-11-27DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-27NoHello, find below. 0101190023701 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611918019901 Debt Repayment ₦1,084,397.99 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦1,072,397.99 M 2023-05-15 ₦12,000.00 2023-11-15 0101200091870 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 714189 Debt Repayment ₦35,313.30 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦21,313.30 M 2023-04-27 ₦14,000.00 2023-11-21 0101190031407 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 684336 Debt Repayment ₦28,881.77 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦4,881.77 M 2022-10-18 ₦24,000.00 2023-11-252023-11-27 abdullahif44@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022158Closed2023-11-27DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-27NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 634501088601 Debt Repayment ₦237,782.87 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦202,782.87 M 2022-07-28 ₦35,000.00 2023-09-252023-11-27 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022157Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022156Closed2023-11-23DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-23NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 634501088601 Debt Repayment ₦237,782.87 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦202,782.87 M 2022-07-28 ₦35,000.00 2023-09-252023-11-23 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022155ClosedKCT Request2023-11-23Request for kct in respect of this account 0101235003015 from 02MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-23NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 1376 4070 6321 4425 3775 1790 9475 3181 7822 54792023-11-23 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022154Closed2023-11-23DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-23NoHello, find below. 54161102865 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 645976 Debt Repayment ₦71,851.00 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦51,851.00 M 2023-01-13 ₦20,000.00 2023-11-232023-11-23 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022153Closed2023-11-23REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 0101200065692MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-23NohELLO, FIND BELOW. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 613124197701 Debt Repayment ₦85,070.12 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦77,070.12 M 2022-02-15 ₦8,000.00 2022-06-13 613124197701 Refund ₦48,263.38 ₦0.00 ₦402.19 ₦48,263.38 M 2023-03-13 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-11-23 umaymah1065@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022152Closed2023-11-23REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 62321075467MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-23NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 423880 Debt Repayment ₦411,061.04 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦409,061.04 M 2023-10-05 ₦2,000.00 2023-11-152023-11-23 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022151Closed2023-11-23REQUEST FOR KRN UPGRADE NEW CAPTURED METERSMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-23No62221008220 03847882979051938142 58178893969401370694 62321142341 70422587133546002167 22992183529636966926 44000805182 20171902029806111036 47393787740491070029 44000808210 44141098028586432150 307117254390850420802023-11-23 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022150Closed2023-11-23Debt profile 44000447167MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-23NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 474610 Debt Repayment ₦107,234.41 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦83,234.41 M 2022-06-07 ₦24,000.00 2023-06-302023-11-23 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022149Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022148Closed2023-11-23Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-23NoHello, find below. ​ Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612659051601 Debt Repayment ₦433,376.96 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦403,376.96 M 2022-08-26 ₦30,000.00 2023-11-232023-11-23 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022147Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022146ClosedKCT Request2023-11-23KCT REQUEST FROM 1 TO 2 AND FROM 2 TO 1 95500088927MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-23NoHello, find below. 1 To 99 1002 6912 3451 8220 7456 1577 3846 8455 8827 3006 99 To 1 6873 0233 5012 3674 3916 3446 0744 8821 9149 21682023-11-23 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022145Closed2023-11-23DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-23NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 593478 Debt Repayment ₦141,853.84 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦134,853.84 M 2023-05-31 ₦7,000.00 2023-11-222023-11-23 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022144ClosedTamper Code2023-11-23Completed Clear Tamper Complaint Lodging FormsMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-23NoDear Osas, Find below as requested, 54161084550 Clear Tamper 7373 8202 7207 0353 2545 62420233900 Clear Tamper 0037 6187 2935 3735 0158 62521027649 Clear Tamper 4895 1738 0652 3633 1746 163211221284 Clear Tamper 1832 3918 1492 7007 2219 62321100695 Clear Tamper 5159 0802 7523 8012 6112 62420262388 Clear Tamper 6206 8005 1530 0867 3917 62420222754 Clear Tamper 5476 2222 0543 1652 8878 62420234189 Clear Tamper 0406 6643 6436 6354 0142 62521032938 Clear Tamper 2128 7426 9943 0255 7820 62122354467 Clear Tamper 5925 1395 8748 8972 1847 62521006049 Clear Tamper 3434 9862 8722 4470 9654 62221000383 Clear Tamper 1749 6860 4621 4513 0653 62521000190 Clear Tamper 7065 9550 8559 5863 4254 101210326902 Clear Tamper 7149 6421 0727 6153 2977 62420229775 Clear Tamper 6615 7799 3277 8737 8300 62521015776 Clear Tamper 1615 4935 1029 7807 7633 62180140600 Clear Tamper 0861 0283 5036 2309 4605 62420259384 Clear Tamper 0281 0977 2141 6879 6557 62521023671 Clear Tamper 0693 3497 1435 2955 5597 62221006042 Clear Tamper 4589 6128 7049 1656 84292023-11-23 mnasir.suleiman@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00022143Closed2023-11-23Request for KRN KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-23No20206791382772165359 531442315303907721542023-11-23 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022142Closed2023-11-23REQUEST FOR KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-23No11189748867273158017 573671037114464171102023-11-23 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022141Closed2023-11-23Does not exist for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-23No03847882979051938142 581788939694013706942023-11-23 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022140ClosedKCT Request2023-11-23KCt 0101200028633MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-23NoHello, this is it KCT1: 1116 8682 5030 0243 8918 KCT2: 6615 2795 0895 1878 86072023-11-23 mathewudahson@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022139ClosedKCT Request2023-11-23Kct requestMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-23NoHello, find below. 21 To 1 7208 9620 5119 9062 0572 1706 5990 6932 0751 07462023-11-23 onceinlife6464@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022138ClosedKCT Request2023-11-23KCT REQUEST TARIFF INDEX 1 54150639463MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-23NoHello, find below 21 To 1 2482 2299 6810 3338 1546 4615 5211 6730 6881 87822023-11-23 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022137ClosedKCT Request2023-11-23KCT 57100057108MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-23NoHello, find below. KCT1: 5972 9185 7982 2474 5453 KCT2: 6107 8521 7965 9940 81382023-11-23 mathewudahson@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022136Closed2023-11-23Debt profile for MSN 44300010905MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-23NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 793716 Debt Repayment ₦22,887.21 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦12,887.21 M 2023-05-18 ₦10,000.00 2023-10-312023-11-23 isaacchijioke45@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022135ClosedKCT Request2023-11-23REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-23NoHello, find below. 0150300027029 Tariff index 1 to 99 1 To 99 5255 0445 8533 0575 3392 4095 3275 8099 6725 2978 0150300014035 Tariff index 24 to 99 24 To 99 3669 0371 1740 0158 4091 3963 4127 6259 8530 7234 0150000899263 Tariff index 1 to 55 1 To 55 1921 0733 8461 6623 8955 2710 8514 5238 6027 8127 0150000967169 Tariff index 1 to 55 1 To 55 0878 7795 8689 1875 2115 4339 6783 0109 5741 67332023-11-23 abdulsalamvio@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022134Closed2023-11-23Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-23NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 596047 Debt Repayment ₦133,047.00 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦113,047.00 M 2023-01-10 ₦20,000.00 2023-11-202023-11-23 rasheedatlawalaa7428@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022133Closed2023-11-23Request for KRN in respect of this account 0101185050297 from tariff index 33MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-23NoHello, find below. 33 To 99 0850 9676 5828 8134 0575 3068 6219 1600 7145 31992023-11-23 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022132Closed2023-11-23REQUESTING FOR DEBT PROFILE OF 44000320208MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-23NohELLO, FIND BELOW. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 718809 Debt Repayment ₦11,779.40 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦11,779.40 M 2022-08-18 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-11-23 Umar Auwal
#00022131ClosedKCT Request2023-11-23K c t index 3MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-23NoHello, find below. 3 To 1 2182 2110 1492 6613 8830 5614 3796 1304 1924 46572023-11-23 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022130ClosedKCT Request2023-11-23Kct requestMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-23NoHello, find below. KCT1: 6537 0057 8023 6936 7840 KCT2: 6504 2940 2920 5217 69662023-11-23 rasheedatlawalaa7428@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022129Closed2023-11-23REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-23NoHello, find below. 0150000969595 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 626738 Debt Repayment ₦104,809.86 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦64,809.86 M 2022-03-10 ₦40,000.00 2023-11-06 0150000879745 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672109099701 Debt Repayment ₦280,576.11 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦250,576.11 M 2022-08-03 ₦30,000.00 2023-11-20 0150000883721 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 700361 Debt Repayment ₦43,848.28 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦11,848.28 M 2022-07-21 ₦32,000.00 2023-11-162023-11-23 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022128ClosedKCT Request2023-11-23KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-23NoHello, find below. 57300000197 tr 05 5 To 1 4247 6993 7485 3586 8022 2785 8146 3893 3269 5146 0101215023934 tr 02 2 To 1 5726 1933 8695 4105 9379 1501 7172 1598 6623 1589 54161074122 tr 21 21 To 1 4559 8568 4083 7197 3287 0134 6358 5088 3717 50502023-11-23 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022127ClosedKCT Request2023-11-23REQUEST FOR K C TMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-23NoHello, find below. 0150300027029 99 To 55 0376 9664 4111 5064 2343 2275 0257 3016 4482 0550 Tariff index 99 to 55 44000979805 KCT1: 3544 3460 5769 1153 6778 KCT2: 1049 8273 1024 7334 92292023-11-23 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022126Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022125Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022124Closed2023-11-23Debt profile 0150000933518MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-23NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 677726 Debt Repayment ₦37,692.51 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦19,692.51 M 2023-01-10 ₦18,000.00 2023-10-312023-11-23 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022123Closed2023-11-23Request for debt profile 44000369270MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-23NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 755533 Debt Repayment ₦1,370.36 ₦0.00 ₦1,370.36 ₦0.00 M 2022-05-17 ₦1,370.36 2023-08-30 Closed2023-11-23 lucky.akpobi@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00022122Closed2023-11-21Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 662161696201 Debt Repayment ₦200,162.42 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦164,162.42 M 2022-05-06 ₦36,000.00 2023-11-212023-11-21 georgesamben123@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022121Closed2023-11-21DEBT ENQUIRYMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 777346 Debt Repayment ₦49,349.78 ₦0.00 ₦49,349.78 ₦49,349.78 M 2023-10-26 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-11-21 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022120ClosedKCT Request2023-11-21KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. 65932521649839597961 198192441920027295962023-11-21 mauwalu143@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022119Closed2023-11-21DEBT ENQUIRYMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 777346 Debt Repayment ₦49,349.78 ₦0.00 ₦49,349.78 ₦49,349.78 M 2023-10-26 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-11-21 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022118ClosedKCT Request2023-11-21REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2023-11-21 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022117Closed2023-11-21Debt statusMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello,find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 644216044301 Debt Repayment ₦325,641.67 ₦0.00 ₦15,000.00 ₦323,641.67 V 2022-07-05 ₦2,000.00 2022-08-232023-11-21 aleeyuibraheemahmad16@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022116ClosedKCT Request2023-11-21REQUEST FOR KCT FOR NEW METER: 0163211285651MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 0274 0020 9952 8154 3394 2178 5007 8106 9904 7717 1 To 2 4806 6859 7084 4318 7489 3666 1437 6597 1789 72962023-11-21 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022115ClosedKCT Request2023-11-21KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find b elow. 21 To 1 3703 9245 8810 9935 7493 6048 5396 5185 7202 27052023-11-21 mauwalu143@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022114Closed2023-11-21REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILSMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21Nofind below. 0101170243857 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 488477 Debt Repayment ₦123,043.90 ₦-26,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦37,043.90 M 2019-10-04 ₦60,000.00 2023-11-06 44000364412 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 621607 Debt Repayment ₦54,924.10 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦20,924.10 M 2022-06-10 ₦34,000.00 2023-11-212023-11-21 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022113Closed2023-11-21Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21No18208729365125548669 576587659334836705642023-11-21 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022112Closed2023-11-21REQUEST FOR KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21No32219715778009060025 689341532543694553022023-11-21 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022111Closed2023-11-21KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21No54160892912 from 21 67922042986489375789 22785362713488387232 54150600028 from 21 39457537190046507936 144343707230996293802023-11-21 mauwalu143@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022110Closed2023-11-21REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILES---------95300464393MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 823559 Refund ₦63,061.32 ₦0.00 ₦525.51 ₦59,382.75 M 2023-03-13 ₦3,678.57 2023-10-282023-11-21 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022109Closed2023-11-21DEBT PROFILE: 0163211197229MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 777346 Debt Repayment ₦49,349.78 ₦0.00 ₦49,349.78 ₦49,349.78 M 2023-10-26 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-11-21 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022108Closed2023-11-21DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 634601050401 Debt Repayment ₦288,921.03 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦257,921.03 M 2022-06-07 ₦31,000.00 2023-11-202023-11-21 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022107Closed2023-11-21Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 811342 Refund ₦63,061.32 ₦0.00 ₦525.51 ₦59,382.75 M 2023-03-13 ₦3,678.57 2023-10-242023-11-28 georgesamben123@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022106Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022105ClosedKCT Request2023-11-21KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. 1 To 99 7017 4409 3058 2620 7187 5917 4871 6228 3971 84782023-11-21 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022104Closed2023-11-21Kindly assist with the below meter number 44000346708MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21No440003467082023-11-21 aliyasalihuibrahim@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022103ClosedKCT Request2023-11-21KCT ON 99MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below, 1 To 99 5806 3315 0512 9922 7903 4589 2250 9298 1843 2400 99 To 1 1697 1349 0149 7325 6330 6980 8752 6577 0922 40802023-11-21 toranyiinkator14@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022102Closed2023-11-21REQUEST FOR KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21No36883467766194914829 542687322114751794282023-11-21 abdulsalamvio@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022101ClosedKCT Request2023-11-21KCT REQUEST FROM 21 TO 1 0101170391631MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. 21 To 1 4942 5674 3495 1858 8705 5267 0084 6251 7359 71212023-11-21 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022100ClosedKCT Request2023-11-21KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. 62321151532 1 To 99 5806 3315 0512 9922 7903 4589 2250 9298 1843 24002023-11-21 toranyiinkator14@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022099Closed2023-11-21DEBT PROFILE 0101210044265MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611601061801 Debt Repayment ₦262,809.28 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦256,809.28 M 2023-08-02 ₦6,000.00 2023-11-212023-11-21 mhauwa74@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022098Closed2023-11-21REQUEST FOR DEBT==44000675460MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. 44000675460 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 804726 Debt Repayment ₦37,061.75 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦25,061.75 M 2023-05-19 ₦12,000.00 2023-11-202023-11-21 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022097Closed2023-11-21REQUEST FOR KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21No35843959436492906810 314586975053904726882023-11-14 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022096Closed2023-11-21Debt profile 44000431575MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 636146490001 Debt Repayment ₦62,354.87 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦24,354.87 M 2022-04-20 ₦38,000.00 2023-11-132023-11-21 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022095Closed2023-11-210101200038780MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21No2023-11-21 johnny007emmanuel@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022094Closed2023-11-21Request for KRN KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21No56196397229362605584 460442607782856064442023-11-21 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022093Closed2023-11-21Required for krn kctMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoIncorrect meter number2023-11-21 shehumyusuf51@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022092Closed2023-11-21REQUEST FOR KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21No44000809697 15567879524738148872 05810607781635218625 44000599942. 31063765587664909925 027607491119414401052023-11-21 abigailiyane@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022091Closed2023-11-21KRN 0161000022665MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21No48418134946827839461 483290020484129154462023-11-21 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022090Closed2023-11-21Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21No57885104417859072827 653904650715655773492023-11-21 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022089Closed2023-11-21Krn requestMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21No19296503068546495806 317954138817241795042023-11-21 onceinlife6464@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022088Closed2023-11-21DEPT PROFILE REQUEST REMINDERMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, ​There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2023-11-21 idrisibrahim734@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022087Closed2023-11-21DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612601016601 Debt Repayment ₦127,140.52 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦114,640.52 M 2022-03-18 ₦12,500.00 2022-08-042023-11-21 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022086ClosedKCT Request2023-11-21REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. 0150000950918 Tariff index 21 21 To 1 2510 8697 0042 8153 9828 2849 8078 2665 5445 7619 0150000955743 Tariff index 21 21 To 1 2461 6216 5238 9348 8510 0365 6068 3484 5943 6913 0150000888969 Tariff index 1 0425 0574 5932 5961 1584 2989 8065 9131 6802 2287 44000644078 Tariff index 1 1 To 99 1630 2467 9580 6770 6197 3712 4618 3338 5831 15712023-11-21 abdulsalamvio@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022085ClosedKCT Request2023-11-21KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. 26183116426055520383 050494366200410901222023-11-21 mauwalu143@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022084Closed2023-11-21Debt profile 54161031213Medium 2023-11-21NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 451407 Debt Repayment ₦90,083.99 ₦-20,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦10,083.99 M 2020-03-01 ₦60,000.00 2023-11-052023-11-21 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com
#00022083Closed2023-11-21DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 744417 Debt Repayment ₦135,109.98 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦119,109.98 M 2023-03-28 ₦16,000.00 2023-11-142023-11-21 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022082Closed2023-11-21REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE: 0101210166720MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 646018124401 Debt Repayment ₦65,905.06 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦39,905.06 M 2022-10-14 ₦26,000.00 2023-11-202023-11-21 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022081Closed2023-11-21Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 646018124401 Debt Repayment ₦65,905.06 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦39,905.06 M 2022-10-14 ₦26,000.00 2023-11-202023-11-21 delishduds@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022080ClosedKCT Request2023-11-21KCT REQUEST: 0101190153268 (02 To 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 4687 3804 9358 3008 0243 3050 9843 8562 7015 89952023-11-21 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022079ClosedKCT Request2023-11-21KCT REQUEST: 0101190153268 (02 To 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 4687 3804 9358 3008 0243 3050 9843 8562 7015 89952023-11-21 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022078Closed2023-11-21Request for debt profile 0101205001304MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 536354 Debt Repayment ₦116,804.77 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦81,804.77 M 2022-04-05 ₦35,000.00 2023-06-272023-11-21 umaymah1065@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022077Closed2023-11-21Debt enquiry 95300237658Medium 2023-11-21NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 646015459601 Debt Repayment ₦302,811.22 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦274,811.22 M 2022-09-08 ₦28,000.00 2023-11-192023-11-21 aliyasalihuibrahim@gmail.com
#00022076ClosedKCT Request2023-11-21KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. 2 To 55 0597 2982 0020 4171 2779 6296 6882 3125 3861 53962023-11-21 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022075Closed2023-11-21Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 784289 Debt Repayment ₦37,924.85 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦35,924.85 M 2023-09-30 ₦2,000.00 2023-10-242023-11-21 georgesamben123@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022074Closed2023-11-21Debt statusMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 646018124401 Debt Repayment ₦65,905.06 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦39,905.06 M 2022-10-14 ₦26,000.00 2023-11-202023-11-21 aleeyuibraheemahmad16@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022073ClosedKCT Request2023-11-21KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. KCT1: 0787 5705 1135 7572 0857 KCT2: 5202 2483 7380 9891 24612023-11-21 faizahtafida@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022072ClosedKCT Request2023-11-21KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. 1 To 55 7268 4009 4579 8177 0522 6277 4616 7673 4191 0324 55 To 1 0456 9402 1156 4882 0913 4213 5245 1287 0395 90442023-11-21 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022071Closed2023-11-21Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21No0101215015658 73784564424561483284 67576173141534027867 0101235005820 27090158867541730150 63845773829580275444 0101188027060 all from 01 59960495522560551379 553750306510512442212023-11-21 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022070Closed2023-11-21Rejecting token/KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21No48853406798536952350 442864170605273822872023-11-21 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022069Closed2023-11-21REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE: 44000637841MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 775761 Debt Repayment ₦17,861.40 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦15,861.40 M 2023-08-07 ₦2,000.00 2023-09-122023-11-21 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022068Closed2023-11-21Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21No0101170111914 T33 60143696689524617325 66629100872368105901 0101170131078 T33 53882535691832364770 25823963479794296552023-11-21 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022067ClosedKCT Request2023-11-21KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. 21 To 1 6732 7633 5401 1157 6037 4167 4873 5134 9406 39252023-11-21 mauwalu143@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022066Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022065Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022064Closed2023-11-21REQUESTING FOR DEBT PROFILE 0101170283507MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6123352505-01 Debt Repayment ₦96,382.57 ₦-30,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦6,382.57 M 2019-09-10 ₦60,000.00 2023-11-152023-11-21 yuzarsif331122@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022063ClosedKCT Request2023-11-21REQUEST FOR K C TMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. 0150000950918 Tariff index 21 21 To 1 2510 8697 0042 8153 9828 2849 8078 2665 5445 7619 0150000955743 21 To 1 2461 6216 5238 9348 8510 0365 6068 3484 5943 6913 Tariff index 21 0150000888969 Tariff index 1 1 To 2 5551 8194 2627 4054 3402 5558 5495 7103 9939 1561 2 To 1 1015 5704 9658 5686 3970 5367 2553 9434 9520 26902023-11-21 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022062Closed2023-11-21Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6126210773-01 Debt Repayment ₦345,952.49 ₦-68,861.10 ₦2,000.00 ₦219,091.39 M 2019-03-04 ₦58,000.00 2023-10-092023-11-21 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022061Closed2023-11-21DEBT DETAILSMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 746528 Debt Repayment ₦36,859.93 ₦0.00 ₦7,000.00 ₦15,859.93 V 2022-09-23 ₦21,000.00 2023-11-212023-11-21 faizahtafida@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022060Closed2023-11-21Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 712135 Debt Repayment ₦35,265.08 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦29,265.08 M 2023-08-01 ₦6,000.00 2023-11-202023-11-21 rasheedatlawalaa7428@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022059Closed2023-11-21Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21No62321048381 T1 62597265222369837241 73451317274349872573 44000807667 T1 09404060173694479263 55951482432168091381 62421050949 T1 34375595512082210011 049131646993214056432023-11-21 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022058Closed2023-11-21Does not exist for KRN upgradeMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21No62597265222369837241 734513172743498725732023-11-21 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022057Closed2023-11-21Does not exist for KRN upgradeMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21No73764700844563733432 670834238143651134042023-11-21 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022056Closed2023-11-21Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21No31028918579367493160 146475672008748124172023-11-21 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022055Closed2023-11-21KRN REQUEST 0101235028798MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoIts already on krn 22023-11-21 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022054Closed2023-11-21Request for KRN in respect of this account 44000626422 from tariff index 33MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21No63147101367222098284 164830463925982623012023-11-21 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022053ClosedKCT Request2023-11-21Required for krn kctMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21No23538708028589144073 734706498026344638372023-11-21 shehumyusuf51@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022052ClosedKCT Request2023-11-21REQUEST FOR KEY CHANGE TOKENMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21No22844525082552183047 109836354408117120452023-11-21 sunnyochekwu@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022051ClosedKCT Request2023-11-21REQUEST FOR KCT FOR NEW METER: 0101215015658MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. 1 To 2 4535 4392 3159 4673 3746 1454 3765 7219 3656 7437 2 To 1 0697 0602 9481 8348 9436 5956 9260 1709 3736 81522023-11-21 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022050ClosedKCT Request2023-11-21Request for KRN KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21No69647616974774918202 142342122731444582982023-11-21 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022049Closed2023-11-21KrnMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21No54161043374 KRN 01 Tariff 01 Please sir help us with a KRN. Is rejecting this Thanks for your support. KCT1: 6510 5761 0605 9295 8400 KCT2: 4780 8659 8901 6528 02072023-11-21 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022048Closed2023-11-21DEBT ENQUIRYMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 775496 Debt Repayment ₦4,077.67 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦2,077.67 M 2023-09-29 ₦2,000.00 2023-10-162023-11-21 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022047Closed2023-11-21DEBT PROFILE: 0101200116834, 0101190037107MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. 0101200116834 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612404024601 Debt Repayment ₦184,314.66 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦134,314.66 M 2022-03-28 ₦50,000.00 2023-11-21 0101190037107 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611803039601 Debt Repayment ₦886,641.10 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦886,641.10 M 2023-03-28 ₦0.00 2023-03-282023-11-21 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022046Closed2023-11-21REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. 44000707966 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 446685 Debt Repayment ₦106,524.96 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦74,524.96 M 2022-07-20 ₦32,000.00 2023-11-10 44000501120 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 539661 Debt Repayment ₦77,016.78 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦71,016.78 M 2022-07-22 ₦6,000.00 2023-08-03 44000614980 ] Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 671604100801 Debt Repayment ₦62,364.28 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦30,364.28 M 2022-07-22 ₦32,000.00 2023-11-04 44000615367 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 418117 Debt Repayment ₦136,552.38 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦104,552.38 M 2022-07-19 ₦32,000.00 2023-11-20 44000700409 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 671604328001 Debt Repayment ₦32,613.49 ₦0.00 ₦14,613.49 ₦0.00 V 2022-07-15 ₦32,613.49 2023-11-082023-11-21 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022045Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022044Closed2023-11-21REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 623806026701 Debt Repayment ₦365,337.74 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦359,337.74 M 2023-08-19 ₦6,000.00 2023-11-152023-11-21 toranyiinkator14@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022043Closed2023-11-21Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 380566 Debt Repayment ₦226,178.75 ₦-35,995.69 ₦2,000.00 ₦142,183.06 M 2019-02-22 ₦48,000.00 2023-05-222023-11-21 rasheedatlawalaa7428@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022042ClosedKCT Request2023-11-21Check on indexMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. 1 To 2 5764 0782 5708 9158 7634 0457 9803 2825 7847 1830 2 To 1 2245 5504 3336 7012 7275 1193 4346 2037 6824 92552023-11-21 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022041Closed2023-11-21Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. 0101190001012 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 669577 Debt Repayment ₦24,978.23 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2022-02-15 ₦24,978.23 2023-09-18 Closed 669577 Refund ₦48,263.38 ₦0.00 ₦402.19 ₦45,045.86 M 2023-03-13 ₦3,217.52 2023-11-15 0101190001061 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 669578 Debt Repayment ₦84,106.78 ₦-66,513.56 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2022-02-15 ₦17,593.22 2023-09-18 Closed 669578 Refund ₦48,263.38 ₦0.00 ₦402.19 ₦45,045.86 M 2023-03-13 ₦3,217.52 2023-11-15 0101190001053 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 669579 Debt Repayment ₦84,105.78 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦42,105.78 M 2022-02-15 ₦42,000.00 2023-11-15 669579 Refund ₦48,263.38 ₦0.00 ₦402.19 ₦45,045.86 M 2023-03-13 ₦3,217.52 2023-11-152023-11-21 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022040Closed2023-11-21REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE: 953000193653MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2023-11-21 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022039Closed2023-11-21REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE: 54161013294MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 508690 Debt Repayment ₦167,716.35 ₦-39,130.05 ₦2,000.00 ₦80,586.30 M 2019-01-19 ₦48,000.00 2023-05-022023-11-21 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022038Closed2023-11-21DEBT PROFILE: 0101190027868MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 720067 Debt Repayment ₦26,791.42 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦10,791.42 M 2023-03-29 ₦16,000.00 2023-11-012023-11-21 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022037ClosedKCT Request2023-11-21KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. 44300000765.099 to 01 99 To 1 5764 1664 3674 6037 2640 2470 8369 7631 3944 3188 0101215031218.047 to 01 47 To 1 7253 3403 2477 6179 1738 2227 5526 2620 4434 17002023-11-21 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022036Closed2023-11-21Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612763056401 Debt Repayment ₦161,525.21 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦157,525.21 M 2022-04-06 ₦4,000.00 2022-06-182023-11-21 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022035Closed2023-11-21Debt profile 62321072100MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 372569 Debt Repayment ₦14,015.24 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦8,015.24 M 2023-08-08 ₦6,000.00 2023-11-172023-11-21 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022034ClosedTamper Code2023-11-21REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPERMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below; 0150001002768 Clear Tamper 0 4739 5474 9143 3382 2199 57300015039 Clear Tamper 0 5964 8274 9919 2418 7049 0150000950207 Clear Tamper 0 5303 6204 2304 7844 16522023-11-21 abdulsalamvio@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022033Closed2023-11-21Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2023-11-21 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022032Closed2023-11-21Request for debt profile 44000537264MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 794438 Debt Repayment ₦22,199.94 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦22,199.94 M 2023-05-23 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-11-21 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022031Closed2023-11-21DEBT PROFILE: 0101200065429MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 714272 Debt Repayment ₦31,388.18 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦18,888.18 M 2023-04-01 ₦12,500.00 2023-09-302023-11-21 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022030Closed2023-11-21REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101210168916MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 479500 Debt Repayment ₦232,946.06 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦216,946.06 M 2022-10-21 ₦16,000.00 2023-06-292023-11-21 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022029Closed2023-11-21DEBT PROFILE: 0101200065429MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 714272 Debt Repayment ₦31,388.18 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦18,888.18 M 2023-04-01 ₦12,500.00 2023-09-302023-11-21 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022028Closed2023-11-21Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. ​ Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 715545 Debt Repayment ₦12,751.17 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦12,751.17 M 2023-05-21 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-11-21 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022027Closed2023-11-21Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21Nofind below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 504707 Debt Repayment ₦150,887.87 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦118,887.87 M 2022-03-30 ₦32,000.00 2023-07-012023-11-21 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022026Closed2023-11-21Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 520662 Debt Repayment ₦289,443.37 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦273,443.37 M 2023-03-28 ₦16,000.00 2023-11-012023-11-21 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022025Closed2023-11-21Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. 0101200077853 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 717261 Debt Repayment ₦7,723.76 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,723.76 M 2023-10-03 ₦2,000.00 2023-11-202023-11-21 rasheedatlawalaa7428@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022024Closed2023-11-21Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 715678 Debt Repayment ₦13,479.11 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦13,479.11 M 2023-05-21 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-11-21 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00022023Closed2023-11-21Request for debt profile 0101200081178MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611916037501 Debt Repayment ₦314,983.49 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦310,983.49 M 2023-04-01 ₦4,000.00 2023-06-292023-11-21 umaymah1065@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022022ClosedKCT Request2023-11-21KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. 1 To 4 2527 5776 4381 7362 8379 4437 9987 3184 0666 3863 4 To 1 7326 7910 6350 0887 9233 4220 6708 1554 0787 57692023-11-21 faizahtafida@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022021Closed2023-11-21Outstanding debt IRO Sabo Garba/54160947443MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-21NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6450150522-01 Debt Repayment ₦101,500.60 ₦-27,932.72 ₦2,000.00 ₦13,567.88 M 2019-01-27 ₦60,000.00 2023-11-202023-11-21 ahmadutijjani914@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022020Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022019ClosedKCT Request2023-11-20KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20NoHello, find below. 1 To 99 5222 1144 6752 8630 4662 1372 9976 3023 3310 14262023-11-20 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022018Closed2023-11-20Krn requestMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20No56185181882217344534 455117535439173743602023-11-20 onceinlife6464@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022017Closed2023-11-20Does not exist for KRN upgradeMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20No21435048028964583232 709221711978713978432023-11-20 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022016Closed2023-11-20KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20No63563370995587481129 456097256316573701192023-11-20 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022015Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022014Closed2023-11-20Does not exist for KRN upgradeMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20No73503733057290640218 027687095261753829722023-11-20 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022013Closed2023-11-20Request for krnMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20No12292135485979713213 735775722022347160542023-11-20 thompsontor@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022012Closed2023-11-20Debt Profile RequestMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 772251 Debt Repayment ₦12,704.32 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦2,704.32 M 2023-05-17 ₦10,000.00 2023-10-292023-11-20 agohabigail69@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022011Closed2023-11-20DEBT PROFILE: 44000500544MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 792036 Debt Repayment ₦25,384.40 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦19,384.40 M 2023-03-29 ₦6,000.00 2023-06-042023-11-20 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022010Closed2023-11-20REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 657354052601 Debt Repayment ₦109,896.95 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦89,896.95 M 2022-10-18 ₦20,000.00 2023-08-302023-11-20 florarumun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022009Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022008Closed2023-11-20Debts statusMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 689000 Debt Repayment ₦10,777.07 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦6,777.07 M 2023-09-29 ₦4,000.00 2023-11-182023-11-20 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022007Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00022006Closed2023-11-20Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20NoHello, find below. 0101210127219 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 615226002501 Debt Repayment ₦15,966.00 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2023-01-11 ₦15,966.00 2023-11-20 Closed 95300222957 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 615116085701 Debt Repayment ₦72,677.85 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦52,677.85 M 2023-01-12 ₦20,000.00 2023-11-142023-11-20 mustaphamaryam67@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022005Closed2023-11-20REQUEST FOR DEBT ==0101200091748MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20Nofind below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 717109 Debt Repayment ₦40,315.69 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦26,315.69 M 2023-04-05 ₦14,000.00 2023-11-042023-11-20 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022004Closed2023-11-20DEBT PROFILE 0101210177982MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 757149 Debt Repayment ₦32,703.16 ₦0.00 ₦13,000.00 ₦32,703.16 V 2022-10-14 ₦0.00 2022-10-242023-11-20 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022003Closed2023-11-20DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 614110132801MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 614110132801 Debt Repayment ₦318,914.75 ₦-267,052.88 ₦10,000.00 ₦51,861.87 M 2023-07-13 ₦0.00 2023-11-032023-11-20 joseph.tegwis@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00022002Closed2023-11-20Request for Debt profile for 0101205014372MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 575314 Debt Repayment ₦343,342.92 ₦0.00 ₦5,000.00 ₦328,342.92 M 2023-08-05 ₦15,000.00 2023-11-202023-11-20 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022001Closed2023-11-20REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20NoHello, find below. 44000516839 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 792134 Debt Repayment ₦14,516.32 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦4,516.32 M 2023-06-01 ₦10,000.00 2023-11-072023-11-20 florarumun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00022000Closed2023-11-20Debt profile 0150000894280MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 478231 Debt Repayment ₦116,076.08 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦86,076.08 M 2022-08-17 ₦30,000.00 2023-11-202023-11-20 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021999ClosedKCT Request2023-11-20KCT REQUEST 44000327443MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20No1 To 2 2509 9658 3336 9015 0936 4891 8332 4952 1008 73692023-11-20 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021998ClosedKCT Request2023-11-20Request for kctMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20NoHello, This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2023-11-20 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021997Closed2023-11-20Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612903114901 Debt Repayment ₦177,844.47 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦157,344.47 M 2022-08-11 ₦20,500.00 2023-10-312023-11-20 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021996Closed2023-11-20REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20Nofind below. 0150000965361 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672171171301 Debt Repayment ₦404,936.00 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦364,936.00 M 2022-07-28 ₦40,000.00 2023-11-20 0150000876709 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 700398 Debt Repayment ₦63,895.47 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦31,895.47 M 2022-07-22 ₦32,000.00 2023-11-13 0150000866783 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 540367 Debt Repayment ₦47,928.48 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦17,928.48 M 2022-07-20 ₦30,000.00 2023-10-232023-11-20 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021995Closed2023-11-20Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 623812008001 Debt Repayment ₦375,675.42 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦369,675.42 M 2023-08-15 ₦6,000.00 2023-11-192023-11-20 toranyiinkator14@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021994Closed2023-11-20Debt profile 0150000877863MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 692555 Debt Repayment ₦10,958.61 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2023-03-31 ₦10,958.61 2023-11-20 Closed2023-11-20 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021993Closed2023-11-20REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20No0101210178436 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672777 Debt Repayment ₦55,328.33 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦29,328.33 M 2022-10-24 ₦26,000.00 2023-11-20 0101195006974 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 708878 Debt Repayment ₦39,136.82 ₦0.00 ₦5,000.00 ₦39,136.82 M 2022-04-05 ₦0.00 0000-00-00 44000516706 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 792136 Debt Repayment ₦16,783.71 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦6,783.71 M 2023-06-01 ₦10,000.00 2023-11-02 44000516714 This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.​ 440005166839 This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2023-11-20 florarumun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021992Closed2023-11-20REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 0101200085369MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 717144 Debt Repayment ₦10,254.44 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦10,254.44 M 2023-04-27 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-11-20 umaymah1065@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021991Closed2023-11-20Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 594796 Debt Repayment ₦87,571.26 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦51,571.26 M 2022-03-01 ₦36,000.00 2023-09-242023-11-20 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00021990Closed2023-11-20DEBT ENQUIRYMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 690304 Debt Repayment ₦20,998.06 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦6,998.06 M 2023-04-19 ₦14,000.00 2023-11-202023-11-20 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021989ClosedKCT Request2023-11-20KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20No95300457983 from 01 4 To 1 5526 1630 8721 6568 3136 7069 5762 3736 7244 9417 ​ 1 To 4 2299 6573 9739 5919 5304 7310 7406 4584 1616 9253 ​ 0150300026583 from 11 11 To 1 2386 4914 0626 0192 2925 5573 5850 7735 5615 71372023-11-20 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021988Closed2023-11-20Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6129011512-01 Debt Repayment ₦202,406.00 ₦-24,000.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦103,406.00 M 2020-03-05 ₦75,000.00 2023-11-172023-11-20 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021987Closed2023-11-20REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 44000370393MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612901250001 Debt Repayment ₦81,588.37 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦51,588.37 M 2022-08-18 ₦30,000.00 2023-11-132023-11-20 umaymah1065@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021986Closed2023-11-20REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE : 95300227618MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 619207 Debt Repayment ₦45,997.72 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,997.72 M 2022-03-29 ₦40,000.00 2023-11-202023-11-20 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021985ClosedKCT Request2023-11-20Kct requestMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20No4 To 1 6850 7241 1479 9531 2218 5927 9194 1831 9907 11592023-11-20 onceinlife6464@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021984Closed2023-11-20DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612341791201 Debt Repayment ₦234,274.81 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦204,274.81 M 2022-08-15 ₦30,000.00 2023-11-202023-11-20 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00021983Closed2023-11-20Request for Debt profile for 0101170298356 IT Support 1:23 PM SENT Re: Request for Debt profile for 0101170298356MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6123464322-01 Debt Repayment ₦295,805.07 ₦-63,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦172,805.07 M 2019-07-20 ₦60,000.00 2023-11-082023-11-20 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021982Closed2023-11-20REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILSMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 646023305601 Debt Repayment ₦79,310.75 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦41,310.75 M 2022-04-22 ₦38,000.00 2023-11-152023-11-20 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021981ClosedKCT Request2023-11-20KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20Nofind below. 62122332604 1 To 99 4224 0814 2942 4922 7920 4209 7256 0484 4251 23102023-11-20 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021980Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021979Closed2023-11-20DEBT PROFILE: 0101170375121MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6111162608-01 Debt Repayment ₦277,340.64 ₦-35,995.69 ₦2,000.00 ₦181,344.95 M 2019-02-10 ₦60,000.00 2023-11-162023-11-20 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021978Closed2023-11-20REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20Nofind below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 692178 Debt Repayment ₦4,583.80 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦0.00 M 2022-05-30 ₦4,583.80 2022-07-26 Closed 692178 Refund ₦86,069.33 ₦0.00 ₦717.24 ₦80,331.41 M 2023-03-13 ₦5,737.922023-11-20 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021977Closed2023-11-20REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20NoHello, find below. 0150000965361 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672171171301 Debt Repayment ₦404,936.00 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦364,936.00 M 2022-07-28 ₦40,000.00 2023-11-20 0150000876709 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 700398 Debt Repayment ₦63,895.47 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦31,895.47 M 2022-07-22 ₦32,000.00 2023-11-13 0150000866783 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 540367 Debt Repayment ₦47,928.48 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦17,928.48 M 2022-07-20 ₦30,000.00 2023-10-232023-11-20 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021976Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021975Closed2023-11-20Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20Nofind below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 691736 Debt Repayment ₦51,800.95 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦15,800.95 M 2022-04-08 ₦36,000.00 2023-10-242023-11-20 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021974Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021973Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021972Closed2023-11-20DEBT ENQUIRYMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 656244 Debt Repayment ₦335,920.99 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦333,920.99 M 2023-04-11 ₦2,000.00 2023-05-202023-11-20 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021971Closed2023-11-20Request for total outstanding balance of this customer pls 0101190026761MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20Nofind below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 698169 Debt Repayment ₦13,187.40 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦0.00 M 2023-04-04 ₦13,187.40 2023-10-09 Closed2023-11-20 abubakarumar4102@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021970ClosedKCT Request2023-11-20Kct 4 to 1MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20No4 To 1 2349 9187 5896 1671 2986 6563 1616 4525 5315 80682023-11-20 naziruhussaini1415@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021969Closed2023-11-20DEBT PROFILE: 62321070336, 0101190142568MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20NoHello, find below. 62321070336, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611511004801 Debt Repayment ₦374,412.19 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦372,412.19 M 2023-10-26 ₦2,000.00 2023-11-20 0101190142568 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 622358 Debt Repayment ₦71,917.04 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦31,917.04 M 2022-03-30 ₦40,000.00 2023-11-202023-11-20 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021968Closed2023-11-20DEBT PROFILE: 0101210026874MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20Nofind below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 752249 Debt Repayment ₦5,447.79 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦1,447.79 M 2023-09-29 ₦4,000.00 2023-11-112023-11-20 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021967Closed2023-11-20DEBT PROFILE: 0101190142568MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 622358 Debt Repayment ₦71,917.04 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦31,917.04 M 2022-03-30 ₦40,000.00 2023-11-202023-11-20 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021966Closed2023-11-20Debt inquiryMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20Nofind below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 775012 Debt Repayment ₦15,022.05 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦13,022.05 M 2023-10-06 ₦2,000.00 2023-11-18 ---- On Mon, 20 Nov 2023 11:35:41 +0100 Aisha Jada wrote --- Aisha Jada 11:35 AM INBOX Debt inquiry - 44000644797 find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 775012 Debt Repayment ₦15,022.05 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦13,022.05 M 2023-10-06 ₦2,000.00 2023-11-18 New2023-11-20 delishduds@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021965Closed2023-11-20DEBT ENQUIRYMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20Nofind below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 656244 Debt Repayment ₦335,920.99 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦333,920.99 M 2023-04-11 ₦2,000.00 2023-05-202023-11-20 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021964Closed2023-11-20Request for Debt StatusMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 791909 Debt Repayment ₦13,841.02 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦1,841.02 M 2023-03-28 ₦12,000.00 2023-09-292023-11-20 senenge.hungwa@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021963Closed2023-11-20DEBT PROFILE: 0101210018400MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 464664 Debt Repayment ₦309,912.50 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦307,912.50 M 2023-06-01 ₦2,000.00 2023-07-032023-11-20 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021962Closed2023-11-20Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 662165043701 Debt Repayment ₦117,802.33 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦81,802.33 M 2022-05-06 ₦36,000.00 2023-11-192023-11-20 georgesamben123@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021961Closed2023-11-20DEBT PROFILE: 0101190145819MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 657536 Debt Repayment ₦51,706.55 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦13,706.55 M 2022-03-21 ₦38,000.00 2023-10-262023-11-20 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021960ClosedKCT Request2023-11-20REQUEST FOR K C TMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20NoHello, find below. 1 To 99 2235 5644 4305 9353 8059 0794 6982 5424 2750 4266 99 To 1 3349 6048 4252 5848 2415 0826 0306 1608 6471 25572023-11-20 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021959Closed2023-11-20Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20NoHello, find below. 0101210141921 There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment. 0101210133613 There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment. 0101210195695 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 772660 Debt Repayment ₦1,011.58 ₦0.00 ₦1,011.58 ₦0.00 M 2022-05-18 ₦1,011.58 2022-07-12 Closed 0101210182551 This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2023-11-20 georgesamben123@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021958Closed2023-11-20Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20No95300181419 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 615114134301 Debt Repayment ₦303,789.57 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦281,789.57 M 2022-12-08 ₦22,000.00 2023-11-202023-11-20 mustaphamaryam67@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021957Closed2023-11-20DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 379933 Debt Repayment ₦514,737.96 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦496,737.96 M 2022-03-02 ₦18,000.00 2022-12-292023-11-20 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00021956Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021955Closed2023-11-20DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 657342167901 Debt Repayment ₦378,107.01 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦356,107.01 M 2022-03-22 ₦22,000.00 2023-02-272023-11-20 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021954Closed2023-11-20Request for debt profile 0101200040745MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611208070301 Debt Repayment ₦166,681.45 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦162,681.45 M 2023-08-16 ₦4,000.00 2023-10-142023-11-20 umaymah1065@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021953ClosedTamper Code2023-11-20REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPERMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20NoHello Team, find below; 0101210350050 Clear Tamper 0 6397 5262 9242 3062 8210 0163211124314 Clear Tamper 0 0125 2636 6407 5303 3737 57100073469 Clear Tamper 0 1732 3461 8649 2649 03712023-11-20 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021952ClosedKCT Request2023-11-20KCT 0101170149591MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20NoKCT1: 1182 5709 8985 2510 6785 KCT2: 3778 1131 3565 4511 44742023-11-20 mathewudahson@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021951ClosedKCT Request2023-11-20KCT 0101200012751MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20NoHello, find below. 1 To 2 5288 5807 8401 6353 6677 1995 7996 7923 8384 5693 2 To 1 5388 0486 4995 1611 0409 1902 9470 4394 8385 52952023-11-20 mathewudahson@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021950ClosedEvend Access2023-11-20Request for Acct No 838183 and 840490 to be captured on evendMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20Notreated.2023-11-20 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021949ClosedTamper Code2023-11-20Completed Clear Tamper Complaint Lodging FormsMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20No54160887078 Clear Tamper 0 0408 9040 8995 4149 8245 62521011387 Clear Tamper 0 5262 8662 8176 0707 02462023-11-20 mnasir.suleiman@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021948Closed2023-11-20DEBT PROFILE: 0101200054001MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 431867 Debt Repayment ₦506,179.13 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦499,179.13 M 2023-04-26 ₦7,000.00 2023-11-102023-11-20 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021947ClosedComplaint2023-11-20WHEN TRYING TO MAKE PAYMENT IT SHOWS CUSTOMER DOES NOT EXIST 813007MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20Notreated2023-11-20 toranyiinkator14@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021946Closed2023-11-20REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE----0101210109332MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 613108290501 Debt Repayment ₦153,803.63 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦141,803.63 M 2022-10-18 ₦12,000.00 2023-04-262023-11-20 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021945Closed2023-11-20Request for Debt StatusMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612359018501 Debt Repayment ₦202,243.88 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦162,243.88 M 2022-03-30 ₦40,000.00 2023-11-182023-11-20 senenge.hungwa@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021944Closed2023-11-20REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE----0101200049530MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612643152101 Debt Repayment ₦410,736.60 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦400,736.60 M 2022-04-11 ₦10,000.00 2022-09-232023-11-20 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021943Closed2023-11-20Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20No0101210118846 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 675229 Debt Repayment ₦40,251.56 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦36,251.56 M 2023-09-26 ₦4,000.00 2023-11-20 0101190140216 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612763113201 Debt Repayment ₦211,241.60 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦203,241.60 M 2023-01-13 ₦8,000.00 2023-05-22 44000400950 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612639135301 Debt Repayment ₦426,285.41 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦426,285.41 M 2022-08-09 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-11-20 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00021942Closed2023-11-20REQUEST FOR DEBT ENQUIRY : 0101210176836MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 408172 Debt Repayment ₦324,209.77 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦320,209.77 M 2022-09-14 ₦4,000.00 2022-11-212023-11-20 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021941Closed2023-11-20DEBT PROFILE 95300189545MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 767425 Debt Repayment ₦1,695.50 ₦0.00 ₦1,695.50 ₦0.00 M 2022-10-11 ₦1,695.50 2023-03-26 Closed2023-11-20 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021940Closed2023-11-20Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612903487301 Debt Repayment ₦634,334.97 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦613,334.97 M 2022-08-19 ₦21,000.00 2023-09-142023-11-20 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021939ClosedKCT Request2023-11-20KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20NoKCT1: 3546 5836 8927 1494 8317 KCT2: 4180 5795 7194 5600 62902023-11-20 faizahtafida@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021938Closed2023-11-20Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612639135301 Debt Repayment ₦426,285.41 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦426,285.41 M 2022-08-09 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-11-20 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00021937ClosedKCT Request2023-11-20KCT REQUEST: 57100080761 (21 TO 01), 0101160352429 (01 to 02 and 02 to 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20No57100080761 (21 TO 01), 21 To 1 5692 4906 7754 6576 1476 4165 6220 6777 6421 5871 0101160352429 (01 to 02 and 02 to 01) ​ 6192 2127 0069 7036 0547 4745 1861 7527 5609 7246 ​ 2528 3306 9241 0064 6782 1763 0975 7031 4055 11002023-11-20 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021936ClosedKCT Request2023-11-20KCT REQUEST: 95300459013 (01 TO 02 AND 02 TO 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20No1 To 2 2388 3221 3506 0220 4366 1794 1360 8048 0963 5957 2 To 1 4400 0894 6908 3445 7319 2762 4075 9110 3702 28512023-11-20 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021935Closed2023-11-20DEBT PROFILE: 0101190144424MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611126043001 Debt Repayment ₦173,814.56 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦173,814.56 M 2023-10-03 ₦0.00 2023-10-272023-11-20 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021934Closed2023-11-20DEBT ENQUIRYMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611126043001 Debt Repayment ₦173,814.56 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦173,814.56 M 2023-10-03 ₦0.00 2023-10-272023-11-20 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021933Closed2023-11-20DEBT PROFILE: 0101190148748MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 495368 Debt Repayment ₦165,666.32 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦153,666.32 M 2023-04-03 ₦12,000.00 2023-10-292023-11-20 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021932Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021931ClosedKCT Request2023-11-200101161063355MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20No4994 7413 6536 5986 6565 7304 0408 3862 7663 32242023-11-20 kabirukhalidumar@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021930Closed2023-11-20DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 647280 Debt Repayment ₦60,710.92 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦60,710.92 M 2023-08-16 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-11-20 toranyiinkator14@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021929ClosedKCT Request2023-11-20KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20No1 To 99 2534 3174 1816 2444 7337 1641 6750 3628 5164 94842023-11-20 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021928ClosedKCT Request2023-11-200101170364869MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20No0333 5063 0684 0580 0206 1592 0591 7910 6317 14782023-11-20 kabirukhalidumar@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021927Closed2023-11-20Request for debt profile - 0101238000885MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 573096 Debt Repayment ₦710,279.17 ₦-127,174.31 ₦10,000.00 ₦283,104.86 M 2017-11-16 ₦300,000.00 2023-11-192023-11-20 lucky.akpobi@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021926ClosedVending History2023-11-2054161089880 last vending history pleaseMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20No# Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 5281170032168924 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-11-18 16:34:49 Meter No.: 54161089880 Account No.: 6151150351-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 14.70 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 2217 9750 5226 3505 7018 2 Transaction ID: 5096169764069924 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-10-18 15:51:40 Meter No.: 54161089880 Account No.: 6151150351-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 44.11 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 2097 1419 5863 6985 7121 3 Transaction ID: 2164169547204424 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-09-23 13:27:24 Meter No.: 54161089880 Account No.: 6151150351-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 29.41 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 5869 8997 0275 8580 1361 4 Transaction ID: 4772169540742724 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-09-22 19:30:27 Meter No.: 54161089880 Account No.: 6151150351-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 14.70 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 5637 4007 7407 5528 5945 5 Transaction ID: 1279169286547324 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-08-24 09:24:33 Meter No.: 54161089880 Account No.: 6151150351-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 29.41 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 6924 4886 7178 8043 9184 6 Transaction ID: 2366169281636424 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-08-23 19:46:04 Meter No.: 54161089880 Account No.: 6151150351-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 14.70 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 5469 7803 3776 8146 2916 7 Transaction ID: 4622168950625224 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-07-16 12:17:32 Meter No.: 54161089880 Account No.: 6151150351-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 44.11 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 5429 2789 1375 3440 3700 8 Transaction ID: 4169168796397124 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-06-28 15:52:51 Meter No.: 54161089880 Account No.: 6151150351-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 44.11 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 1252 7165 1140 0369 9328 9 Transaction ID: 1110168606114824 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-06-06 15:19:09 Meter No.: 54161089880 Account No.: 6151150351-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 44.11 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 2395 0884 4518 8364 1176 10 Transaction ID: 1316168483418724 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-05-23 10:29:47 Meter No.: 54161089880 Account No.: 6151150351-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution2023-11-20 ennaandongauta9@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021925ClosedKCT Request2023-11-20KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20No62321132516 0779 6514 6262 8661 2466 4166 0096 7267 9576 69502023-11-20 avalumundestiny651@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021924Closed2023-11-20Total depthMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20NoThere are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2023-11-20 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021923Closed2023-11-20REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0195000001196MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 615216595401 Debt Repayment ₦481,933.08 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦481,933.08 M 2022-03-23 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-11-20 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021922ClosedKCT Request2023-11-20Request for KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20No2 To 1 5670 9086 4882 2278 8172 4356 2933 7434 5080 3253 1 To 2 6307 8841 6199 6593 3926 0053 5850 3991 7436 74632023-11-20 waziriyahaya007@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021921ClosedKCT Request2023-11-20Required for kct numberMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20No4988 7902 4182 4771 3504 1608 8832 6211 3978 43082023-11-20 shehumyusuf51@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021920Closed2023-11-20DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 520358 Debt Repayment ₦160,027.44 ₦0.00 ₦8,000.00 ₦138,027.44 V 2022-08-18 ₦22,000.00 2023-11-172023-11-20 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021919ClosedKCT Request2023-11-20KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-20No1725 5051 7154 9908 7415 5355 2398 2439 2846 00632023-11-20 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021918Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021917Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021916Closed2023-11-17KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-17No65589967568408053789 115710032463991799132023-11-24 mauwalu143@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021915Closed2023-11-17Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-17NoIts aalready on krn take note.2023-11-17 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021914Closed2023-11-17REQUEST FOR KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-17No04913060765380343593 273262002607909040802023-11-17 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00021913Closed2023-11-17KRN 0161000037325MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-17No24419814898367820233 273963053782103449972023-11-17 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021912Closed2023-11-17DEBT PROFILE: 0101200046288MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-17NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 441108 Debt Repayment ₦344,875.07 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦304,875.07 M 2022-03-23 ₦40,000.00 2023-11-172023-11-17 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021911ClosedKCT Request2023-11-17KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-17No99 To 1 4749 7442 4012 4312 1144 2583 8454 6646 2291 15612023-11-17 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021910Closed2023-11-17REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILSMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-17NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 673574 Debt Repayment ₦86,400.14 ₦-15,000.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦68,900.14 M 2019-04-22 ₦2,500.00 2021-06-292023-11-17 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021909Closed2023-11-17Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-17NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 615114280401 Debt Repayment ₦182,782.97 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦156,782.97 M 2022-10-25 ₦26,000.00 2023-11-172023-11-17 maryamibrahim1300@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021908Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021907Closed2023-11-17Request for debt profile---0101180107738MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-17NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 666696 Debt Repayment ₦26,972.33 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦8,972.33 M 2022-02-15 ₦18,000.00 2022-11-30 666696 Refund ₦48,263.38 ₦0.00 ₦402.19 ₦48,263.38 M 2023-03-13 ₦0.00 0000-00-00 ---- On Fri, 17 Nov 2023 11:31:18 +0100 nuwaira danjuma wrote --- nuwaira danjuma 11:31 AM INBOX Request for debt profile---0101180107738 New2023-11-17 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021906Closed2023-11-17Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-17NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 666970 Debt Repayment ₦294,686.24 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦252,686.24 M 2022-02-28 ₦42,000.00 2023-11-10 ---- On Fri, 17 Nov 2023 11:46:18 +0100 Maryam Ibrahim wrote --- Maryam Ibrahim 11:46 AM INBOX Request for debt profile - Debt profile95300152253 New2023-11-17 maryamibrahim1300@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021905Closed2023-11-17REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE -54150631601MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-17NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 379952 Debt Repayment ₦86,239.34 ₦-35,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦14,239.34 M 2017-02-24 ₦37,000.00 2023-10-282023-11-17 phartiemah12@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021904Closed2023-11-17DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-17NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 523349 Debt Repayment ₦101,884.29 ₦-15,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦32,884.29 M 2018-01-23 ₦54,000.00 2023-08-25 ---- On Fri, 17 Nov 2023 11:48:17 +0100 uduh Aleje wrote --- uduh Aleje 11:48 AM INBOX DEBT PROFILE - 0101161032640 New2023-11-17 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021903Closed2023-11-17Request for debt profile 0101215023991MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-17NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 756147 Debt Repayment ₦34,754.73 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦8,754.73 M 2022-10-07 ₦26,000.00 2023-11-062023-11-17 umaymah1065@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021902Closed2023-11-17Request for debt profile 0101210350001MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-17NoThere are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2023-11-17 umaymah1065@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021901Closed2023-11-17Request debt profile 62520001645MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-17NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 621444049601 Debt Repayment ₦253,067.74 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦215,567.74 M 2022-08-24 ₦37,500.00 2023-11-012023-11-17 tsavsarmngu@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021900Closed2023-11-17DEBT PROFILE: 0101200100325MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-17NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 516601 Debt Repayment ₦250,081.64 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦242,081.64 M 2023-06-01 ₦8,000.00 2023-10-312023-11-17 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021899Closed2023-11-17DEBT PROFILE: 0101210039877MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-17NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611239069701 Debt Repayment ₦436,264.62 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦407,264.62 M 2022-02-28 ₦29,000.00 2023-10-302023-11-17 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021898Closed2023-11-17DEBT PROFILE 0101210011116MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-17NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 714024 Debt Repayment ₦8,591.72 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦8,591.72 M 2023-09-29 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-11-17 Umar Auwal
#00021897ClosedKCT Request2023-11-17KCT 0101180111524MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-17NoKCT1: 2068 0503 5196 5319 2128 KCT2: 2895 6832 8680 1470 13642023-11-17 mathewudahson@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00021896ClosedKCT Request2023-11-17KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-17No4 To 1 4551 1696 6823 8260 3530 6575 0914 0704 0202 38532023-11-17 nasiruumarabdullahi95@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021895ClosedKCT Request2023-11-17KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-17No4551 1696 6823 8260 3530 6575 0914 0704 0202 38532023-11-17 umarnasiruabdullahi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021894ClosedKCT Request2023-11-17KCT from 34 to 01 for this MSN: 54160982457MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-17No34 To 1 2320 3172 1734 2439 9355 4446 2509 9111 3316 98452023-11-17 yuzarsif331122@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021893Closed2023-11-17DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-17NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 676848 Debt Repayment ₦670,719.85 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦650,719.85 M 2023-01-24 ₦20,000.00 2023-11-022023-11-17 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021892Closed2023-11-17Debt ProfileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-17NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612752002701 Debt Repayment ₦113,656.11 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦108,656.11 M 2023-08-15 ₦5,000.00 2023-10-252023-11-17 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00021891Closed2023-11-17Debt ProfileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-17NoNo data available in table2023-11-17 abdullahinaziru186@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021890Closed2023-11-17DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-17NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 720227 Debt Repayment ₦26,375.32 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦10,375.32 M 2023-03-30 ₦16,000.00 2023-11-162023-11-17 carolynterjime@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021889Closed2023-11-17Debt statusMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-17NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 826641 Refund ₦63,100.00 ₦0.00 ₦525.83 ₦58,893.36 M 2023-03-13 ₦4,206.64 2023-11-172023-11-17 aleeyuibraheemahmad16@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021888ClosedKCT Request2023-11-17This Generate an Incomplete KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-17No09124731984892569381 628572821312257389132023-11-17 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021887Closed2023-11-17: KRN 54160982457 TARIFF 34MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-17No39685592300313877932 294424633641872733202023-11-17 yuzarsif331122@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021886Closed2023-11-17Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-17NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612818205801 Debt Repayment ₦297,240.22 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦287,240.22 M 2022-03-30 ₦10,000.00 2022-08-302023-11-17 yakubaliyu82@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021885ClosedKCT Request2023-11-17REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-17No0941 8785 1008 2165 8652 6924 3338 3389 7554 36592023-11-17 abdulsalamvio@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021884Closed2023-11-17DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-17NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6242380405-01 Debt Repayment ₦321,073.52 ₦-62,601.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦202,472.52 M 2019-02-12 ₦56,000.00 2023-09-172023-11-17 toranyiinkator14@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021883ClosedKCT Request2023-11-17REQUEST FOR KCTMedium 2023-11-17No6911 7599 1539 0458 1853 5691 4228 3453 2105 4815 tariff index 1 to 55 44000645778 tariff index 99 to 1 7038 7078 8544 1262 9900 4071 8505 1328 6833 6993 44000980415 Tarff index 1 not captured2023-11-17 abdulsalamvio@gmail.com
#00021882Closed2023-11-17DEBT PROFILE: 0101160068413MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-17NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6126291241-01 Debt Repayment ₦164,663.91 ₦-14,000.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦150,663.91 M 2018-03-15 ₦0.00 2021-05-312023-11-17 mhauwa74@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021881Closed2023-11-17DEBT PROFILE: 0101160068413MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-17NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6126291241-01 Debt Repayment ₦164,663.91 ₦-14,000.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦150,663.91 M 2018-03-15 ₦0.00 2021-05-312023-11-17 toranyiinkator14@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021880Closed2023-11-17REQUEST FOR KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-17No0101215024016 Tariff 2........INCORRECT 0150000871437 Tariff 45 65242137279198692563 729094572842741927262023-11-17 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00021879Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021878Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021877Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021876ClosedKCT Request2023-11-17KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-17No4 To 1 5574 0591 3786 0507 6102 2629 4206 4637 8216 83202023-11-17 amibabs433@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021875Closed2023-11-17REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE: 0101170197889MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-17NoNo data available in table2023-11-17 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021874Closed2023-11-17DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-17NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 676189 Debt Repayment ₦63,608.49 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦33,608.49 M 2022-11-30 ₦30,000.00 2023-11-172023-11-17 samueldchun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021873Closed2023-11-17DEBT PROFILE: 0101200102891MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-17NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 495301 Debt Repayment ₦191,110.00 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦173,110.00 M 2022-04-11 ₦18,000.00 2023-01-112023-11-17 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021872Closed2023-11-17Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-17NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 615677 Debt Repayment ₦91,540.15 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦77,540.15 M 2023-04-02 ₦14,000.00 2023-11-062023-11-17 yakubaliyu82@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021871Closed2023-11-17Debt profileMedium 2023-11-17NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 421500 Debt Repayment ₦26,148.17 ₦0.00 ₦7,000.00 ₦15,148.17 V 2022-10-21 ₦11,000.00 2023-05-08 ---- On Fri, 17 Nov 2023 09:38:52 +0100 funke balogun wrote --- funke balogun 9:39 AM INBOX Debt profile - 0101210125874 Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android New2023-11-17 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com
#00021870Closed2023-11-17DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-17NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 705724 Debt Repayment ₦61,120.94 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦49,120.94 M 2023-04-20 ₦12,000.00 2023-10-162023-11-17 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021869Closed2023-11-17Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-17NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 816936 Refund ₦63,061.32 ₦0.00 ₦525.51 ₦63,061.32 M 2023-03-13 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-11-17 Umar Auwal
#00021868Closed2023-11-17Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-17NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 493395 Debt Repayment ₦250,495.22 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦246,495.22 M 2022-10-24 ₦4,000.00 2022-12-202023-11-17 maryamibrahim1300@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021867Closed2023-11-17DEBT PROFILE: 0101161036757MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-17No2023-11-10 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021866ClosedKCT Request2023-11-17REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-17No0161000036061 Tariff index 1 2 To 1 0453 7472 5433 5557 8967 0804 4808 2265 6742 2931 44000687465 Tariff index 1 KCT1: 4646 4823 7171 4883 9320 KCT2: 5878 7577 4346 6287 4021 0150000888969 Tariff index 1 KCT1: 4367 2045 6664 7303 8598 KCT2: 2222 0532 5431 0084 4836 44000644078 tariff index 1 to 55 1 To 55 3010 4660 6654 4326 0895 1439 0609 9933 9173 55202023-11-17 abdulsalamvio@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021865Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021864Closed2023-11-17Request for debt profile - 0101170125997MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-17NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6461053187-01 Debt Repayment ₦189,355.17 ₦-99,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦30,355.17 M 2018-03-21 ₦60,000.00 2023-11-142023-11-17 lucky.akpobi@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021863Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021862Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021861Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021860Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021859Closed2023-11-17Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-17NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 615117001301 Debt Repayment ₦183,909.73 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦163,909.73 M 2023-01-12 ₦20,000.00 2023-11-022023-11-17 maryamibrahim1300@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021858Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021857Closed2023-11-17DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-17NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 699324 Refund ₦48,263.38 ₦0.00 ₦402.19 ₦45,045.86 M 2023-03-13 ₦3,217.52 2023-11-172023-11-17 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00021856Closed2023-11-17Request for Debt Profile (0101170261883Medium 2023-11-17NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6573333076-01 Debt Repayment ₦181,400.53 ₦-34,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦107,400.53 M 2019-08-22 ₦40,000.00 2023-04-172023-11-17 muhammadhussein2016@gmail.com
#00021855Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021854ClosedKCT Request2023-11-17kct 0101190151338MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-17No1 To 99 4380 9306 0936 8900 6250 0702 8548 6239 9257 8559 3 To 1 5283 6603 6023 2619 1852 0666 7713 0401 0595 81242023-11-17 kabirukhalidumar@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021853ClosedTamper Code2023-11-17REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPERMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-17No44000722874 Clear Tamper 0 3897 0743 2709 5449 8164 54161012189 Clear Tamper 0 5950 8049 3180 9580 1359 54160900418 Clear Tamper 0 4897 5380 9282 2450 3577 54160909658 Clear Tamper 0 0190 1727 6645 5786 7577 54160854417 Clear Tamper 0 5438 8999 7375 0897 6707 0150000929284 Clear Tamper 0 0113 4978 9403 3287 5805 0101170454728 Clear Tamper 0 2216 3060 9118 8911 29822023-11-17 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021852Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021851ClosedTamper Code2023-11-16Clear TamperMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16No0101210155913 Clear Tamper 0 4788 7446 1205 5024 38112023-11-16 tyohembajo@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021850Closed2023-11-16REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16No0150000960461 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 574043 Debt Repayment ₦143,160.44 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦115,160.44 M 2022-08-02 ₦28,000.00 2023-10-31 0150000966328 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 735341 Debt Repayment ₦40,858.65 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦10,858.65 M 2022-08-19 ₦30,000.00 2023-11-062023-11-16 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021849ClosedKCT Request2023-11-16Required for kct numberMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16No1 To 99 4211 1190 6028 3721 4350 4143 8058 4141 4233 16032023-11-16 shehumyusuf51@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021848Closed2023-11-16Request for Debt StatusMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 379952 Debt Repayment ₦86,239.34 ₦-35,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦14,239.34 M 2017-02-24 ₦37,000.00 2023-10-282023-11-16 senenge.hungwa@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021847ClosedKCT Request2023-11-16Request for kctMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16No2 To 1 3236 2184 7911 4504 6906 2984 7563 3276 1858 8916 1 To 2 1838 7545 1385 2641 4644 6169 1955 1285 2461 27652023-11-16 Umar Auwal
#00021846Closed2023-11-16REQUEST FOR OUTSTANDING BALANCEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 456079 Debt Repayment ₦200,875.09 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦200,875.09 M 2022-07-25 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-11-16 jenogah@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021845Closed2023-11-16Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 563262 Debt Repayment ₦41,902.86 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦27,902.86 M 2022-05-25 ₦14,000.00 2022-12-262023-11-16 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021844Closed2023-11-16Request debt profile 62321137028MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 621221099001 Debt Repayment ₦296,143.88 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦286,143.88 M 2023-06-02 ₦10,000.00 2023-11-152023-11-16 tsavsarmngu@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021843Closed2023-11-16Request for debt profile 0101200095962MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 549333 Debt Repayment ₦202,402.73 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦162,402.73 M 2022-03-28 ₦40,000.00 2023-11-162023-11-16 Umar Auwal
#00021842Closed2023-11-16REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE: 0101210162141MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 658123124101 Debt Repayment ₦35,849.09 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦9,849.09 M 2022-10-19 ₦26,000.00 2023-11-16 ---- On Thu, 16 Nov 2023 14:53:50 +0100 Simzi Nicholas wrote --- Simzi Nicholas 2:54 PM INBOX REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE: 0101210162141 New2023-11-16 nicholassimzi15@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021841Closed2023-11-16REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE--95300188455MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 676847 Debt Repayment ₦62,099.87 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦17,099.87 M 2022-03-28 ₦45,000.00 2023-11-162023-11-16 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021840Closed2023-11-16Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16NoThere are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2023-11-16 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021839Closed2023-11-16Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 698603 Debt Repayment ₦16,001.00 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦1.00 M 2023-01-20 ₦16,000.00 2023-11-162023-11-16 senenge.hungwa@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021838Closed2023-11-16REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE ==0101185052665MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6124031069-01 Debt Repayment ₦154,432.24 ₦-10,101.52 ₦16,250.00 ₦85,580.72 V 2019-06-20 ₦58,750.00 2023-11-162023-11-16 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021837Closed2023-11-16REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE-----57100075563MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611803917-01 Debt Repayment ₦1,921.03 ₦0.00 ₦1,921.03 ₦1,921.03 M 2023-10-04 ₦0.00 2023-10-052023-11-16 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021836ClosedKCT Request2023-11-16REQUEST FOR K C TMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16No1 To 2 1564 8600 2568 5065 5669 7037 0083 1120 4527 4318 2 To 1 4518 4251 4325 9078 7806 2110 5443 1375 6303 95472023-11-16 Umar Auwal
#00021835ClosedRequest2023-11-16REQUEST FOR KRN UPGRADE NEW CAPTURED 0101235004153MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16No2023-11-16 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00021834Closed2023-11-16K r n for new meterMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16No69124367822200188594 140852475719663223462023-11-16 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021833Closed2023-11-16K r n for new meterMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16No57009547595497742596 553484859079286630752023-11-16 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021832ClosedKCT Request2023-11-16KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16No0101160352429 from 99 1 To 99 6192 2127 0069 7036 0547 4745 1861 7527 5609 7246 99 To 1 2528 3306 9241 0064 6782 1763 0975 7031 4055 1100 44300003918 from 01 to 02 6559 2874 8855 4843 2978 3223 2619 7877 4969 82812023-11-16 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021831ClosedKCT Request2023-11-16: Request for kct and krnMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16No54161096869 kct 6 to1 , and krn 1 to 2 10149684431061152732 60388965947784404929 4706 3230 1798 0228 6060 2767 0385 0849 0095 2690 54161127003 krn is on 1, 30198535370922850573 73002710927396409582 0101210090631 KCT1: 2682 9771 0249 6123 6009 KCT2: 4743 5624 8263 6092 36632023-11-16 okadonyesimona@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021830Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021829Closed2023-11-16DEBT PROFILE: 0101215023231MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16NoThere are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2023-11-16 Umar Auwal
#00021828Closed2023-11-16Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16No95300211307 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 752533 Debt Repayment ₦14,067.04 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦67.04 M 2023-04-05 ₦14,000.00 2023-11-15 44000686970 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 690281 Debt Repayment ₦9,813.11 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,813.11 M 2023-08-07 ₦4,000.00 2023-10-162023-11-16 maryamibrahim1300@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021827ClosedKCT Request2023-11-16REQUEST FOR KCT TARIFF INDEX 06 - 57100056860MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16No6 To 1 3647 2546 2425 0663 0595 2721 7135 6930 9521 23062023-11-16 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021826Closed2023-11-16Request for debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 661053 Debt Repayment ₦115,296.95 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦87,296.95 M 2022-09-23 ₦28,000.00 2023-11-162023-11-16 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021825Closed2023-11-16REQUEST FOR DEBT ==0101200054589MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 489148 Debt Repayment ₦141,678.75 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦137,678.75 M 2023-09-26 ₦4,000.00 2023-11-162023-11-16 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021824Closed2023-11-16REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101210072803MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 693214 Debt Repayment ₦28,066.61 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦18,066.61 M 2022-10-19 ₦10,000.00 2023-03-312023-11-16 phartiemah12@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021823ClosedKCT Request2023-11-16REQUEST FOR KCT 0101235004153 TI 01 -02 & TI 02 -01MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16No1 To 2 2255 2849 7255 7480 6481 0446 3779 2034 3192 4840 2 To 1 2671 4442 7214 5203 7517 1335 0387 2457 0121 16532023-11-16 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00021822Closed2023-11-16DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 552663 Debt Repayment ₦394,035.04 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦364,035.04 M 2022-08-25 ₦30,000.00 2023-11-162023-11-16 onceinlife6464@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021821ClosedKCT Request2023-11-16KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16No4 To 1 1207 4790 7119 9575 9975 6686 9023 2249 2408 02722023-11-16 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021820Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021819Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021818Closed2023-11-16KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16No62321095374.........link 62321101255 59645139715702885138 38078163613673192000 62421203936 57324573156505188993 71688889391432155190 62421204454 63121204884411035172 27430619424558437807 62421201849 23733671461686507650 395606068643835566282023-11-16 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021817Closed2023-11-16REQUEST FOR KRN CODEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16No07082760198299450706 391231431776922337322023-11-16 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021816Closed2023-11-16REQUEST FOR KRN CODEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16No42603624716393404288 486296668251362784822023-11-16 Umar Auwal
#00021815Closed2023-11-16Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16No44000805901 33021622299891780054 02355718881547009445 44000805919 34158856343574527507 07365330836804672598 44000807790 06509089514218957637 72551297246006488675 44000806636 27446515872216364753 071127308441833845472023-11-16 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021814Closed2023-11-16Request for KRNMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16No07082760198299450706 391231431776922337322023-11-16 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021813ClosedKCT Request2023-11-16Kct requestMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16No0101161001348 22 To 1 1615 1678 0564 0207 4176 5018 0761 7270 4338 11422023-11-16 onceinlife6464@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021812ClosedKCT Request2023-11-16Request for kctMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16No4 To 1 1207 4790 7119 9575 9975 6686 9023 2249 2408 02722023-11-16 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021811Closed2023-11-16Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16NoThere are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2023-11-16 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021810Closed2023-11-16REQUEST FOR OUTSTANDING BALANCEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 676902 Debt Repayment ₦7,036.19 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦7,036.19 M 2022-08-16 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-11-16 jenogah@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021809ClosedKCT Request2023-11-16KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16No2 To 1 6559 2874 8855 4843 2978 3223 2619 7877 4969 82812023-11-16 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021808Closed2023-11-16Request for Debt ProfileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6573631095/01 Debt Repayment ₦1,417.12 ₦0.00 ₦1,417.12 ₦0.00 M 2023-10-27 ₦1,417.12 2023-11-15 Closed2023-11-16 senenge.hungwa@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021807ClosedKCT Request2023-11-16REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16No1 To 99 7085 4104 8503 6900 4252 5884 8420 1463 7984 78092023-11-16 abdulsalamvio@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021806Closed2023-11-16REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 621811090801 Debt Repayment ₦79,603.54 ₦-54,500.00 ₦1,103.54 ₦1,103.54 M 2022-08-24 ₦24,000.00 2023-08-102023-11-16 abigailiyane@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021805Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021804Closed2023-11-16REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 95300197225MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 631172 Debt Repayment ₦79,626.56 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦55,626.56 M 2022-10-18 ₦24,000.00 2023-10-302023-11-16 phartiemah12@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021803Closed2023-11-16Request debt profile 0101205017524MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 673819 Debt Repayment ₦47,633.08 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦47,633.08 M 2023-01-12 ₦0.00 2023-01-282023-11-16 tsavsarmngu@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021802Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021801ClosedKCT Request2023-11-16REQUEST FOR KCT-----0101210335945 (FIRST RECHARGE)MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16NoKCT1: 0650 3152 3227 6213 4552 KCT2: 6483 6483 8420 5168 73512023-11-16 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021800Closed2023-11-16REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 95300197233MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 667376 Debt Repayment ₦65,831.40 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦39,831.40 M 2022-10-18 ₦26,000.00 2023-11-102023-11-16 phartiemah12@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021799Closed2023-11-16DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6573333076-01 Debt Repayment ₦181,400.53 ₦-34,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦107,400.53 M 2019-08-22 ₦40,000.00 2023-04-172023-11-16 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021798ClosedKCT Request2023-11-16Request for kctMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16No4 To 1 2072 9507 5225 0726 5058 1960 3143 0064 0996 47542023-11-16 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021797Closed2023-11-16KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16No99 To 1 2479 0810 3235 8385 0311 4421 5449 2284 9162 24982023-11-16 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021796Closed2023-11-16REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16No0150300028993 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672906167601 Debt Repayment ₦215,257.68 ₦0.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦25,257.68 M 2022-04-14 ₦190,000.00 2023-11-14 44000571610 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 770373 Debt Repayment ₦122,819.93 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦118,819.93 M 2023-08-18 ₦4,000.00 2023-10-282023-11-16 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021795Closed2023-11-16REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16No0150300028993 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672906167601 Debt Repayment ₦215,257.68 ₦0.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦25,257.68 M 2022-04-14 ₦190,000.00 2023-11-14 44000571610 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 770373 Debt Repayment ₦122,819.93 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦118,819.93 M 2023-08-18 ₦4,000.00 2023-10-282023-11-16 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021794Closed2023-11-16DEBT PROFILE: 0101170375378MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 565638 Debt Repayment ₦104,976.40 ₦-20,942.32 ₦2,000.00 ₦24,034.08 M 2020-01-11 ₦60,000.00 2023-11-012023-11-16 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021793ClosedKCT Request2023-11-16DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 44000366516 / 504806MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 504806 Debt Repayment ₦354,527.50 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦348,527.50 M 2022-08-15 ₦6,000.00 2022-11-072023-11-16 joseph.tegwis@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021792ClosedKCT Request2023-11-16KCT REQUEST:010210036535 (04 TO 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16No0101210036535 is the correct meter number. ​ 4 To 1 4551 1696 6823 8260 3530 6575 0914 0704 0202 38532023-11-16 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021791Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021790ClosedKCT Request2023-11-16REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101170232546MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16No1 To 2 6601 5973 7491 7476 6921 1951 1163 8159 0462 2337 ​ 2 To 1 3910 7343 9735 4449 4221 2148 3178 8202 5522 91322023-11-16 phartiemah12@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021789Closed2023-11-16Request debt profile 62420234981/ 62420226383MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16No62420234981 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 703210 Debt Repayment ₦61,533.61 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦39,533.61 M 2022-12-08 ₦22,000.00 2023-11-16 / 62420226383 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 743255 Debt Repayment ₦69,500.00 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦59,500.00 M 2023-01-12 ₦10,000.00 2023-06-302023-11-16 tsavsarmngu@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021788Closed2023-11-16DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 510669 Debt Repayment ₦141,230.33 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦131,230.33 M 2022-08-22 ₦10,000.00 2023-01-312023-11-16 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00021787Closed2023-11-16Request for debt profile - 44000671931MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 787566 Debt Repayment ₦104,831.24 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦92,831.24 M 2023-05-23 ₦12,000.00 2023-11-082023-11-16 lucky.akpobi@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021786Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021785Closed2023-11-16DEBT PROFILE: 0101190135885MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16NoThere are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2023-11-16 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021784Closed2023-11-16Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16No44000314912 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 682846 Debt Repayment ₦37,007.69 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦24,507.69 M 2022-08-12 ₦12,500.00 2023-01-252023-11-16 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00021783Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021782Closed2023-11-16DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 746933 Debt Repayment ₦5,301.40 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,301.40 M 2023-05-16 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-11-16 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00021781Closed2023-11-16Request for outstanding debtMediumIT Umar Auwal0000-00-00NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 621598 Debt Repayment ₦29,257.70 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦29,257.70 M 2023-07-29 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-11-16 fauzee.fh@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021780Closed2023-11-16DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 0101205004472 / 635205142201MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 635205142201 Debt Repayment ₦311,063.70 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦293,563.70 M 2023-04-03 ₦17,500.00 2023-11-042023-11-16 joseph.tegwis@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021779Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021778ClosedTamper Code2023-11-16Completed Clear Tamper Complaint Lodging FormsMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16No0101188027516 Clear Tamper 0 1253 4613 9441 7652 1883 54160983661 Clear Tamper 0 6293 6759 0203 4108 9042 0101188027516 Clear Tamper 0 1253 4613 9441 7652 1883 62221023369 Clear Tamper 0 2534 8144 5679 8108 3009 62521009555 Clear Tamper 0 1700 5481 5007 4712 6660 62321156945 Clear Tamper 0 5286 2627 4212 1311 6492 62521006049 Clear Tamper 0 1306 3079 0070 6490 3983 62122245210 Clear Tamper 0 0927 0398 3352 2320 5549 62420230641 Clear Tamper 0 2351 6027 0708 7239 0522 62521037853 Clear Tamper 0 2135 1630 0632 7835 91102023-11-16 mnasir.suleiman@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021777Closed2023-11-16REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16No0150000972037 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 418162 Debt Repayment ₦78,809.55 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦50,809.55 M 2022-08-17 ₦28,000.00 2023-10-18 0150000956196 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672139085801 Debt Repayment ₦259,418.03 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦245,418.03 M 2022-08-19 ₦14,000.00 2023-03-21 0150000979362 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672102099501 Debt Repayment ₦173,075.80 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦141,075.80 M 2022-07-28 ₦32,000.00 2023-11-032023-11-16 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021776ClosedKCT Request2023-11-16KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-16No21 To 1 6732 7633 5401 1157 6037 4167 4873 5134 9406 3925 21 To 1 6732 7633 5401 1157 6037 4167 4873 5134 9406 3925 21 To 1 6732 7633 5401 1157 6037 4167 4873 5134 9406 39252023-11-16 mauwalu143@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021775Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021774ClosedKCT Request2023-11-15KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-15No0163211212309 Tariff index 1 This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 0150300025411 Tariff index 1 KCT1: 6113 0194 3333 2755 7351 KCT2: 3714 8413 7003 2382 94642023-11-15 abdulsalamvio@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021773Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021772Closed2023-11-15Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-15NoThere are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2023-11-15 abdullahinaziru186@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021771ClosedKCT Request2023-11-15KCT REQUEST: 0101210070633 (01 TO 02 AND 02 TO 01), 0101170186486 (04 TO 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-15No0101210070633 (01 TO 02 AND 02 TO 01), 1 To 2 6400 8896 0008 6106 7241 6676 3240 9130 5840 5679 ​ 2 To 1 3813 1515 4552 8733 5642 6771 9332 1077 5733 1861 0101170186486 (04 TO 0 4 To 1 0873 5938 4821 4170 8636 0757 7172 8004 3868 83012023-11-15 Umar Auwal
#00021770Closed2023-11-15DEBT PROFILE: 0101210051468MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-15NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611238142901 Debt Repayment ₦794,082.95 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦776,082.95 M 2022-02-28 ₦18,000.00 2022-11-012023-11-15 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021769Closed2023-11-15Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-15NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 734015 Debt Repayment ₦230,627.27 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦230,627.27 M 2023-08-20 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-11-15 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021768ClosedKCT Request2023-11-15KCT REQUEST 0101170270736MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-15NoKCT1: 1102 8050 7020 0561 3216 KCT2: 2244 5993 8823 3322 92412023-11-15 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021767Closed2023-11-15Request for debt profile - 54160984149MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-15NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6232070750-01 Debt Repayment ₦119,111.81 ₦-25,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦34,111.81 M 2020-03-14 ₦60,000.00 2023-11-152023-11-15 lucky.akpobi@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021766ClosedKCT Request2023-11-15Request for kctMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-15No2 To 1 4459 0405 2572 0879 6401 2868 2251 8752 8864 88182023-11-15 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021765Closed2023-11-15Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-15No612901510901 Debt Repayment ₦51,797.11 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦45,797.11 M 2023-08-21 ₦6,000.00 2023-11-152023-11-15 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021764Closed2023-11-15Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-15NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612901510901 Debt Repayment ₦51,797.11 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦45,797.11 M 2023-08-21 ₦6,000.00 2023-11-152023-11-15 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021763ClosedKCT Request2023-11-15KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-15No2 To 1 6559 2874 8855 4843 2978 3223 2619 7877 4969 82812023-11-15 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021762ClosedKCT Request2023-11-15KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-15No4 To 1 1336 9434 8560 8996 1202 4299 5823 8748 3170 05512023-11-15 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021761Closed2023-11-15Request for Debt ProfileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-15NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 409603 Debt Repayment ₦202,220.19 ₦-3,653.26 ₦2,000.00 ₦140,566.93 M 2019-09-03 ₦58,000.00 2023-10-312023-11-08 muhammadhussein2016@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021760ClosedVending History2023-11-15Request for vending history 62521026336MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-15NoTransaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 2973169696438924 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-10-10 19:59:49 Meter No.: 62521026336 Account No.: 621441223201 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 67.79 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 7154 7147 5149 9470 6480 2 Transaction ID: 9621169022264424 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-07-24 19:17:24 Meter No.: 62521026336 Account No.: 621441223201 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦279.07 Energy Cost: ₦3,720.93 KwH: 54.23 Amount Tendered: ₦4,000.00 1422 7729 6510 0100 5963 3 Transaction ID: 9872168028801324 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-03-31 19:40:13 Meter No.: 62521026336 Account No.: 621441223201 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦279.07 Energy Cost: ₦3,720.93 KwH: 54.23 Amount Tendered: ₦4,000.00 2865 7072 2664 2160 8081 4 Transaction ID: 5472167950057924 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-03-22 16:56:19 Meter No.: 62521026336 Account No.: 621441223201 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 27.12 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 4808 0793 3793 0359 5688 5 Transaction ID: 6347167856331924 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-03-11 20:35:19 Meter No.: 62521026336 Account No.: 621441223201 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 40.67 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 7121 8371 6388 5288 7880 6 Transaction ID: 4699167793719124 Transaction Date/Time: 2023-03-04 14:39:51 Meter No.: 62521026336 Account No.: 621441223201 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 40.67 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 3942 1600 7291 3290 5488 7 Transaction ID: 0761167083071824 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-12-12 08:38:38 Meter No.: 62521026336 Account No.: 621441223201 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦6,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦6,000.00 8 Transaction ID: 6142166849623824 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-11-15 08:10:38 Meter No.: 62521026336 Account No.: 621441223201 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦10,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 9 Transaction ID: 9984166659764624 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-10-24 08:47:26 Meter No.: 62521026336 Account No.: 621441223201 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦6,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦6,000.00 10 Transaction ID: 3047166331650624 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-09-16 09:21:46 Meter No.: 62521026336 Account No.: 621441223201 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution2023-11-15 tyoverpeter@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00021759ClosedKCT Request2023-11-15Request for KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-15No2 To 1 7309 8617 6405 7945 3088 5735 5135 6192 0883 55592023-11-15 waziriyahaya007@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021758ClosedKCT Request2023-11-15KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-15No21 To 1 3446 4836 2475 7559 3750 4722 4294 3750 8272 56502023-11-15 mauwalu143@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021757ClosedKCT Request2023-11-15KCT REQUEST FROM 2TO 1 57100038702MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-15No2 To 1 0326 4791 1095 9455 0247 6493 6895 0738 9525 81672023-11-15 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021756Closed2023-11-15DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-15NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612746014201 Debt Repayment ₦514,710.24 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦514,710.24 M 2023-01-12 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-11-15 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021755Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021754Closed2023-11-15Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-15NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 716449 Debt Repayment ₦27,635.54 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,635.54 M 2022-03-23 ₦22,000.00 2023-09-252023-11-15 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00021753ClosedKCT Request2023-11-15KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-15No2 To 99 1011 2361 6864 3699 1760 1119 1355 5334 1955 57322023-11-15 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021752Closed2023-11-15DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-15NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611181116001 Debt Repayment ₦279,795.77 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦265,795.77 M 2023-03-28 ₦14,000.00 2023-10-302023-11-15 rasheedatlawalaa7428@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021751Closed2023-11-15Request for Debt profile for 0150000932817 and 54161121956MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-15No0150000932817 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 437839 Debt Repayment ₦154,713.70 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦118,713.70 M 2022-05-13 ₦36,000.00 2023-11-14 54161121956 There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2023-11-15 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021750ClosedKCT Request2023-11-15KCT REQUEST: 0101210073348 (45 to 01)Medium 2023-11-15No45 To 1 1977 0834 7973 5510 7351 0798 1986 0458 8942 55492023-11-15 ademugeorge@gmail.com
#00021749Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021748Closed2023-11-15DebtMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-15NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 713011 Debt Repayment ₦6,651.64 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦2,651.64 M 2023-04-03 ₦4,000.00 2023-06-20 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 713011 Debt Repayment ₦6,651.64 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦2,651.64 M 2023-04-03 ₦4,000.00 2023-06-202023-11-15 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021747ClosedKCT Request2023-11-150101215083367MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-15No4455 8681 6909 2669 9206 2627 6651 1741 7270 77402023-11-15 tonymaha343@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021746Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021745Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021744Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021743Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021742Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021741Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021740Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021739Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021738Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021737Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021736Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021735ClosedOutstanding Balance2023-11-09Request for outstanding debtLowIT Umar Auwal2023-11-09NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6461013450-01 Debt Repayment ₦129,781.46 ₦-27,500.00 ₦2,000.002023-11-09 fauzee.fh@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021734ClosedKCT Request2023-11-09kct requestLowIT Umar Auwal2023-11-09No33 To 2 6615 4760 2196 0197 5440 4402 4762 5032 5748 4654 2 To 33 1891 3267 2260 4867 9039 0935 6978 0077 2602 49022023-11-09 anasjedit@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021733ClosedComplaint2023-11-09Request for Regeneration of Unused Token on Meter number 01351693732MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-09No3456789045678902023-11-09 anajedit@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021732In ProgressKCT Request2023-11-09kctMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-09No0000-00-00 anasjedit@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021731ClosedComplaint2023-11-09kskxkxkxkkxxMediumIT Umar Auwal2023-11-09Noxnxnxnnx2023-11-09 anas.abubakar@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021730ClosedKCT Request2023-11-09sjsksjkskssLowIT Umar Auwal2023-11-10Nosjsjjsjsjjs2023-11-09 anas.abubakar@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021729ClosedOutstanding Balance2023-05-100101200104889IT Umar Auwal0000-00-00NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612404066601 Debt Repayment ₦284,876.26 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦282,376.26 M 2023-03-28 ₦2,500.00 2023-04-242023-05-10 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021728ClosedKCT Request2023-05-1057100047182IT Umar Auwal0000-00-00NoKCT1: 2999 0885 7212 0081 2338 KCT2: 3089 6086 5033 7054 43742023-05-10 toranyiinkator14@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021727Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021726Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021725ClosedOutstanding Balance2023-05-100101190132544IT Umar Auwal0000-00-00NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6123374805-01 Debt Repayment ₦129,720.64 ₦-30,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦83,720.64 M 2019-06-15 ₦16,000.00 2022-01-292023-05-10 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00021724ClosedOutstanding Balance2023-05-1044000377042IT Umar Auwal0000-00-00NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 513192 Debt Repayment ₦110,571.08 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦93,071.08 M 2022-08-11 ₦17,500.00 2023-03-212023-05-10 tkhadija028@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021723ClosedOutstanding Balance2023-05-0844000385748IT Umar Auwal0000-00-00NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 624756 Debt Repayment ₦35,828.74 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦19,828.74 M 2022-08-19 ₦16,000.00 2023-04-292023-05-08 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021722ClosedOutstanding Balance2023-05-0844000744795 44300009121 44000744787IT Umar Auwal0000-00-00NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 657335136901 Debt Repayment ₦26,446.74 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦22,446.74 M 2023-03-27 ₦4,000.00 2023-05-06 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 800795 Debt Repayment ₦13,909.43 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦9,909.43 M 2023-03-27 ₦4,000.00 2023-05-04 No data available in table2023-05-08 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021721ClosedKCT Request2023-05-0844300017520 0150000992092IT Umar Auwal0000-00-00No5254 7578 6953 3893 4195 5391 7124 0684 2617 1991 99 To 1 7301 0778 1328 3120 4929 2486 5525 1768 3420 92472023-05-08 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021720ClosedOutstanding Balance2023-05-080101190140679IT Umar Auwal0000-00-00NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 561083 Debt Repayment ₦79,420.87 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦53,420.87 M 2022-03-21 ₦26,000.00 2023-04-192023-05-08 phartiemah12@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021719ClosedOutstanding Balance2023-05-0854161150971IT Umar Auwal0000-00-00NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672246 Debt Repayment ₦27,729.16 ₦-19,251.96 ₦2,500.00 ₦8,477.20 M 2021-08-13 ₦0.00 2021-08-132023-05-08 mohammed.umar@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021718ClosedOutstanding Balance2023-05-080101200108294IT Umar Auwal0000-00-00NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611922124801 Debt Repayment ₦347,302.53 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦347,302.53 M 2023-04-05 ₦0.00 2023-04-282023-05-08 wyontochae@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021717ClosedKCT Request2023-05-0857300002706 0101210121600IT Umar Auwal0000-00-00No2 To 1 7011 9844 3737 2147 8641 2329 2145 5107 0340 8710 2 To 1 0767 9920 5508 5990 6700 5298 7306 3918 3923 05702023-05-08 yinknuga2002@yahoo.co.uk Umar Auwal
#00021716ClosedOutstanding Balance2023-05-0844000373660 44000499598 44000734713IT Umar Auwal0000-00-00NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 711390 Debt Repayment ₦18,683.18 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦18,683.18 M 2023-04-05 ₦0.00 2023-04-28 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 743955 Debt Repayment ₦21,904.69 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦15,904.69 M 2022-10-19 ₦6,000.00 2023-01-20 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 800780 Debt Repayment ₦18,721.52 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦14,721.52 M 2023-03-22 ₦4,000.00 2023-05-072023-05-08 samueldchun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021715ClosedOutstanding Balance2023-05-080101180109494IT Umar Auwal0000-00-00NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 661645 Debt Repayment ₦32,266.58 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦4,266.58 M 2022-02-15 ₦28,000.00 2023-04-062023-05-08 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021714Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021713ClosedKCT Request2023-05-080101170389163IT Umar Auwal0000-00-00NoKCT1: 2850 0081 6401 2114 9280 KCT2: 5532 0815 8881 6789 91412023-05-08 Umar Auwal
#00021712ClosedKCT Request2023-05-0854160900715IT Umar Auwal0000-00-00NoKCT1: 3299 1338 4167 0670 6352 KCT2: 7320 0404 4301 3242 59112023-05-08 lucky.akpobi@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021711Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021710Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021709Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021708Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021707ClosedKCT Request2023-05-0854160900715IT Umar Auwal0000-00-00NoKCT1: 3299 1338 4167 0670 6352 KCT2: 7320 0404 4301 3242 59112023-05-08 lucky.akpobi@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021706Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021705Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021704ClosedKCT Request2023-05-080150300019208IT Umar Auwal0000-00-00NoKCT1: 3250 2836 2410 2036 0096 KCT2: 6496 5694 5223 9069 66362023-05-08 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021703ClosedOutstanding Balance2023-05-080101190024188IT Umar Auwal0000-00-00NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 716728 Debt Repayment ₦13,013.06 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦11,013.06 M 2023-03-29 ₦2,000.00 2023-04-282023-05-08 mohammed.umar@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021702ClosedKCT Request2023-05-0854150641188IT Umar Auwal0000-00-00No2291 4684 1604 0509 9073 5827 2478 0516 2275 96562023-05-08 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021701Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021700ClosedKCT Request2023-05-050101210122046IT Umar Auwal0000-00-00NoKCT1: 2185 0814 6897 8354 4079 KCT2: 6306 6659 2018 8713 92112023-05-05 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021699ClosedOutstanding Balance2023-05-050150000914278IT Umar Auwal0000-00-00NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 477962 Debt Repayment ₦184,419.18 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦158,419.18 M 2022-04-25 ₦26,000.00 2023-05-052023-05-05 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021698ClosedKCT Request2023-05-050101210058737IT Umar Auwal0000-00-00NoKCT1: 7149 4252 7697 8876 6056 KCT2: 0998 6143 3791 4181 58602023-05-05 toranyiinkator14@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021697ClosedOutstanding Balance2023-05-0544000343143IT Umar Auwal0000-00-00NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 621480 Debt Repayment ₦100,952.61 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦88,952.61 M 2022-05-18 ₦12,000.00 2022-11-272023-05-05 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021696ClosedOutstanding Balance2023-05-0595300206141IT Umar Auwal0000-00-00NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 704665 Debt Repayment ₦39,462.74 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦35,462.74 M 2023-01-26 ₦4,000.00 2023-03-312023-05-05 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021695Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021694Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021693ClosedKCT Request2023-05-040101170115964IT Umar Auwal0000-00-00NoKCT1: 0124 0852 2066 0056 6937 KCT2: 4177 7260 2590 2899 62652023-05-04 abjaleel3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021692ClosedOutstanding Balance2023-05-040101170115964IT Umar Auwal0000-00-00NoKCT1: 0124 0852 2066 0056 6937 KCT2: 4177 7260 2590 2899 62652023-05-04 abjaleel3@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021691ClosedOutstanding Balance2023-05-040101180108728IT Umar Auwal0000-00-00NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 640861 Debt Repayment ₦23,833.60 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦23,833.60 M 2022-05-30 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-05-04 mathewudahson@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021690ClosedOutstanding Balance2023-05-040101180108728IT Umar Auwal0000-00-00NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 640861 Debt Repayment ₦23,833.60 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦23,833.60 M 2022-05-30 ₦0.00 0000-00-002023-05-04 phartiemah12@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021689ClosedKCT Request2023-05-040150000929391IT Umar Auwal0000-00-00No1 To 2 5125 0854 4764 6570 8378 2805 7214 4002 3476 6368 2 To 1 1088 6603 1454 6887 4789 4117 6011 5496 7274 83022023-05-04 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021688ClosedOutstanding Balance2023-05-0444000381689IT Umar Auwal0000-00-00NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 683182 Debt Repayment ₦22,205.89 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦4,205.89 M 2022-08-18 ₦18,000.00 2023-05-042023-05-04 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00021687ClosedKCT Request2023-05-040101200051312IT Umar Auwal0000-00-00NoKCT1: 6801 3823 3156 2652 2590 KCT2: 2629 4136 6807 3420 80552023-05-04 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021686ClosedKCT Request2023-05-0454160996242IT Umar Auwal0000-00-00NoKCT1: 3426 9476 8957 8791 0596 KCT2: 5781 6930 6891 3677 09202023-05-04 aishamahmoudabbamisau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021685ClosedKCT Request2023-05-0454160962111IT Umar Auwal0000-00-00NoKCT1: 6714 6786 8500 2142 9372 KCT2: 0818 3994 7458 6257 26812023-05-04 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021684ClosedOutstanding Balance2023-05-0447000590340IT Umar Auwal0000-00-00NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612294029801 Debt Repayment ₦83,766.41 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦65,766.41 M 2022-08-16 ₦18,000.00 2023-05-042023-05-04 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021683ClosedOutstanding Balance2023-05-040101200087993IT Umar Auwal0000-00-00NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 514702 Debt Repayment ₦317,564.17 ₦0.00 ₦4,000.00 ₦307,564.17 V 2022-04-11 ₦10,000.00 2023-02-272023-05-04 phartiemah12@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021682ClosedKCT Request2023-05-040101161023003IT Umar Auwal2023-05-04NoKCT1: 6189 1798 8567 4017 9104 KCT2: 3006 8411 0238 8143 12112023-05-04 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021681In ProgressKCT Request2023-05-04KCT1: 6437 2189 3142 6394 0494 KCT2: 3183 8582 8020 3676 3149IT Umar Auwal2023-05-04No0000-00-00 tandb4real@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00021680Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021679Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021678Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021677Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021676ClosedKCT Request2023-04-03Good morning sir,kinly want to assist me with kct of this meter no: 0101210009417.Thanks for your help.MediumIT Umar Auwal2023-04-03Nohello, find below. 1 To 2 1465 0178 2563 4160 5964 7333 6388 5794 9865 9618 2 To 1 3153 4141 5255 2556 6977 6710 6671 2219 1932 11362023-04-03 yahayaisa315@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021675ClosedRequest2022-11-02REQUEST FOR DEBT STATUS - 0101210030371MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoDear Roseline, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 772540 Debt Repayment ₦768.41 ₦0.00 ₦768.41 ₦0.00 M 2022-10-19 ₦768.41 2022-11-02 Closed2022-11-02 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021674ClosedKCT Request2022-11-02Re: KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoHello, find below. 44000746899 1 To 2 5046 3298 9028 4547 3937 5131 9882 9648 9149 2170 54160864580 TI21 3260 6128 6727 7747 9674 6093 8767 5443 4976 03602022-11-02 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021673ClosedKCT Request2022-11-02Re: KCT REQUEST: 44000632412 ( 99 to 01)Medium 2022-11-02NoHello, find below. 99 To 1 0375 4471 4330 2869 3867 3458 8278 3837 2162 67562022-11-02 ademugeorge@gmail.com
#00021672ClosedTamper Code2022-11-02TamperMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoDear Auwal, find below, 62321066870 Clear Tamper 0 4075 4484 6805 2945 4780 62221024722 Clear Tamper 0 5816 8570 2531 2062 71062022-11-02 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021671ClosedRequest2022-11-02DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 0101190140422 / 615119079301MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoDear Joseph, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 615119079301 Debt Repayment ₦213,358.43 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦198,358.43 M 2022-02-25 ₦15,000.00 2022-11-022022-11-02 wyontochae@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021670ClosedTamper Code2022-11-02TamperMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoDear Auwal, find below, 44300010053 Clear Tamper 0 3644 5779 8280 1606 6388 0101170241927 Clear Tamper 0 0859 1233 7860 9500 7003 0101210046773 Clear Tamper 0 4246 6709 4800 0141 8103 0101200059766 54161043705 Clear Tamper 0 0402 9153 7992 3683 62212022-11-02 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021669Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021668ClosedTamper Code2022-11-02REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPERMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoDear Maryam, find below, 0101170365429 Clear Tamper 0 4282 1650 4736 1126 2344 0101170445742 Clear Tamper 0 6938 8506 9826 0347 45172022-11-02 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021667ClosedTamper Code2022-11-02Request for clear tamper codeMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoSupport, Generate CT as requested. Regards.2022-11-02 sadiqabdullahi62@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021666ClosedTamper Code2022-11-02Request for clear tamper codeMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoDear Sadiq, find below, 0101210038424 Clear Tamper 0 3361 5830 8883 9703 0507 0101200078026 Clear Tamper 0 2179 7176 2981 5624 2953 0101215020864 Clear Tamper 0 7170 4412 7905 3807 2606 0101160185977 Clear Tamper 0 0064 3180 4206 9451 6212 0101210046773 Clear Tamper 0 2206 1839 9841 5551 8964 0101200056766 Clear Tamper 0 3441 2923 4577 9228 9627 0101205018712 Clear Tamper 0 1555 2280 1245 7753 9042 0101210018947 Clear Tamper 0 1795 8763 0984 7206 4323 0101200004287 Clear Tamper 0 0107 0289 8598 4538 4332 0101210079865 Clear Tamper 0 3031 1331 3573 6695 4478 0101210051955 Clear Tamper 0 5392 4233 0452 5552 8231 0101200041545 Clear Tamper 0 4751 8609 9753 0299 6358 0101200081764 Clear Tamper 0 2402 9093 2709 9168 1120 Upgrade 44000324119 Clear Tamper 0 4502 6625 9068 1841 8043 44000644698 Clear Tamper 0 6057 9870 7902 9883 4741 44000605814 Clear Tamper 0 5254 3172 7702 4399 5331 44000314201 Clear Tamper 0 2921 5908 4928 4348 3341 44000519406 44000644698 Clear Tamper 0 6140 7041 7904 9508 0387 95300142973 Clear Tamper 0 6325 7250 6224 0857 0015 57100066802 Clear Tamper 0 2740 3893 3865 8310 6575 62321076556 Clear Tamper 0 3623 1936 9309 2418 0023 62321066227 Clear Tamper 0 5103 8440 6524 5168 4345 62321069338 Clear Tamper 0 1371 5357 7568 3476 6899 62321066433 Clear Tamper 0 3788 2420 8877 3082 3578 62321093999 Clear Tamper 0 1064 8158 4975 5571 56132022-11-02 sadiqabdullahi62@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021665ClosedRequest2022-11-02DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 0101210143208 / 616375MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoFind below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 616375 Debt Repayment ₦203,775.84 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦201,775.84 M 2022-10-20 ₦2,000.00 2022-11-022022-11-02 wyontochae@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021664ClosedRequest2022-11-02REQUEST FOR DEBT STATUS - 0101210154064MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoFind below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 658123514101 Debt Repayment ₦525,804.20 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦525,804.20 M 2022-10-25 ₦0.00 2022-10-252022-11-02 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021663ClosedKCT Request2022-11-02This Generate an incomplete KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoFind below, 3867 9908 7799 3038 2317 7255 3954 2459 4220 03952022-11-02 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021662ClosedRequest2022-11-02Re: request for debt profile - 0101170461053MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 663564 Debt Repayment ₦22,850.53 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦16,850.53 M 2022-02-18 ₦6,000.00 2022-05-202022-11-02 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021661ClosedKCT Request2022-11-02: REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoHello, find below. 4543 1664 3405 9715 8914 2848 3526 1695 0809 55752022-11-02 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00021660ClosedRequest2022-11-02: Debt profile - 44000524247MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 784091 Debt Repayment ₦5,555.10 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,555.10 M 2022-08-31 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-11-02 mohammed.umar@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021659ClosedKCT Request2022-11-02Request for kct,Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-11-02NoFind below, 5419 5971 5286 6956 8977 0141 8996 7674 4879 57012022-11-02 ummilois2@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00021658ClosedVending History2022-11-02Vending historyMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoFind below, # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 1241166611322124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-10-18 18:13:41 Meter No.: 0101210072209 Account No.: 624216137501 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 25.25 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 2049 5768 2899 3165 7879 2 Transaction ID: 5764164805475524 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-23 17:59:15 Meter No.: 0101210072209 Account No.: 624216137501 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 17.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 6746 2168 9660 3146 2367 3 Transaction ID: 8615164681353824 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-09 09:12:18 Meter No.: 0101210072209 Account No.: 624216137501 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 25.82 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 5871 9697 6940 5358 1852 4 Transaction ID: 8437164589293524 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-26 17:28:55 Meter No.: 0101210072209 Account No.: 624216137501 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 51.63 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 2612 4326 8037 9686 1813 5 Transaction ID: 4482164485325624 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-14 16:40:56 Meter No.: 0101210072209 Account No.: 624216137501 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 34.42 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 1080 2627 3997 8965 3516 6 Transaction ID: 9283164364704324 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-01-31 17:37:23 Meter No.: 0101210072209 Account No.: 624216137501 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦174.42 Energy Cost: ₦2,325.58 KwH: 45.61 Amount Tendered: ₦2,500.00 0419 2310 4142 5331 1996 7 Transaction ID: 6370164225960024 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-01-15 16:13:20 Meter No.: 0101210072209 Account No.: 624216137501 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 27.37 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 1847 5602 0385 4507 0876 8 Transaction ID: 4161163955641124 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-12-15 09:20:12 Meter No.: 0101210072209 Account No.: 624216137501 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 36.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 5984 7468 0714 4445 8839 9 Transaction ID: 3241161183451124 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-28 12:48:31 Meter No.: 0101210072209 Account No.: 624216137501 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦1,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.002022-11-02 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021657Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021656Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021655ClosedVending History2022-11-02Request for vending historyMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoHello, find below. 0101210120602 # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 2165165355924324 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-05-26 11:00:43 Meter No.: 0101210120602 Account No.: 586908 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 Debt Repayment: ₦2,000.00 KwH: 51.63 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 6576 9369 1719 6216 2245 2 Transaction ID: 5829162852666524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-08-09 17:31:05 Meter No.: 0101210120602 Account No.: 586908 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦279.07 Energy Cost: ₦3,720.93 KwH: 116.97 Amount Tendered: ₦4,000.00 2092 1787 8270 0014 4348 3 Transaction ID: 7182162688600824 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-07-21 17:46:48 Meter No.: 0101210120602 Account No.: 586908 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦4,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦4,000.00 4 Transaction ID: 2809162410889324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-06-19 14:21:33 Meter No.: 0101210120602 Account No.: 586908 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦5,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 5 Transaction ID: 1187162162238724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-21 19:39:47 Meter No.: 0101210120602 Account No.: 586908 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦5,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 6 Transaction ID: 1516161901563024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-21 15:33:50 Meter No.: 0101210120602 Account No.: 586908 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦5,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 7 Transaction ID: 3437161598937724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-17 14:56:17 Meter No.: 0101210120602 Account No.: 586908 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦5,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 8 Transaction ID: 2113161469664324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-02 15:50:43 Meter No.: 0101210120602 Account No.: 586908 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦3,500.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦3,500.00 9 Transaction ID: 1163161245330524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-04 16:41:45 Meter No.: 0101210120602 Account No.: 586908 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦3,500.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦3,500.002022-11-02 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021654ClosedKCT Request2022-11-02KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02Nohello, find below. 34 To 1 4204 4450 3275 0902 6440 1717 6759 9302 5797 01752022-11-02 odohgeorge86@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021653Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021652ClosedRequest2022-11-02DEBT ENQUIRYMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611132197401 Debt Repayment ₦559,913.00 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦547,913.00 M 2022-03-29 ₦12,000.00 2022-09-262022-11-02 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021651ClosedKCT Request2022-11-02REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoHello, find below. 0101215013059 FROM 01 2 To 1 5419 5971 5286 6956 8977 0141 8996 7674 4879 57012022-11-02 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021650ClosedKCT Request2022-11-02KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoHello. find below. 4377 5684 4373 6247 5530 4002 9301 9216 7518 08982022-11-02 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021649ClosedKCT Request2022-11-02Re: KCT requestMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoHello, find below. 0101195002023 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly state clearly what the problem is so that we can do the needful.2022-11-02 yinknuga2002@yahoo.co.uk Umar Auwal
#00021648ClosedKCT Request2022-11-02KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoHello, find below. ​ 33 To 1 7071 2077 3899 9774 6163 2670 1800 5641 3069 15792022-11-02 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021647ClosedKCT Request2022-11-02Re: REQUEST FOR KCT FROM 34=====0101161052788Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-11-02NoHello, find below. 34 To 1 2861 2694 8316 5447 4089 2482 3335 8612 0931 06082022-11-02 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021646Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021645Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021644ClosedRequest2022-11-02DEBT PROFILE: 0101170381509MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoGood morning, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 578027 Debt Repayment ₦154,438.65 ₦-76,331.59 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2019-08-25 ₦78,107.06 2022-09-15 Closed2022-11-02 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021643ClosedRequest2022-11-02DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoHello, find below. 0101210119091 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 687464 Debt Repayment ₦27,743.98 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦27,743.98 M 2022-10-12 ₦0.00 2022-10-27 95300160413 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 609689 Debt Repayment ₦35,472.92 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦21,472.92 M 2022-03-15 ₦14,000.00 2022-10-31 0101210141988 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 584039 Debt Repayment ₦137,390.13 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦137,390.13 M 2022-10-18 ₦0.00 0000-00-00 0101210105835 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 657352090801 Debt Repayment ₦462,046.77 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦462,046.77 M 2022-10-24 ₦0.00 2022-10-262022-11-02 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021642ClosedKCT Request2022-11-02Request for kctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoHello, wrong meter number or not captured on our system.2022-11-02 kpaakpaphilip@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021641ClosedRequest2022-11-02Re: REQUEST FOR DEBT STATUS - 0101210121584MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoGood morning, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 658123024401 Debt Repayment ₦216,931.61 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦216,931.61 M 2022-10-20 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-11-02 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021640ClosedRequest2022-11-02Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoGood morning, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 632309 Debt Repayment ₦56,703.83 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦40,703.83 M 2022-03-23 ₦16,000.00 2022-11-022022-11-02 beediesarah5@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021639ClosedTamper Code2022-11-02Request for tamper,MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoGood morning, find below, 0101195005141 Clear Tamper 0 2466 1542 4616 1289 4527 (Due to power surge) 54161033565 Clear Tamper 0 1470 6894 3679 6916 2839 (Due to wire pullout) 62321097594 Clear Tamper 0 4570 7516 5893 5729 6006 (as a result of installation)2022-11-02 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021638ClosedKCT Request2022-11-02KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoDear Umar, find below, 0101195004276 .055 to 01 ​ 1640 5321 5419 7467 7825 5635 3953 6110 7492 7018 ​2022-11-02 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021637ClosedRequest2022-11-02REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoHello, find below. 0150000847841 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 753137 Debt Repayment ₦14,684.31 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦684.31 M 2022-04-06 ₦14,000.00 2022-11-01 0150000968449 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 735265 Debt Repayment ₦29,794.58 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦15,794.58 M 2022-03-11 ₦14,000.00 2022-10-28 0150000976863 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 708561 Debt Repayment ₦36,867.90 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦30,867.90 M 2022-07-28 ₦6,000.00 2022-10-31 0150000845308 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 628098 Debt Repayment ₦28,581.52 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦14,581.52 M 2022-04-22 ₦14,000.00 2022-11-01 0150000852080 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 372183 Debt Repayment ₦12,232.14 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦232.14 M 2022-04-06 ₦12,000.00 2022-10-312022-11-02 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021636ClosedRequest2022-11-02DEBT DETAILSMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoDear Faiza, Kindly confirm the meter number and revert.2022-11-02 faizahtafida@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021635ClosedKCT Request2022-11-02REQUEST FOR KCT FROM 04 - CURRENT TARIFF 54161127284MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoHello, find below. 4 To 1 0290 6302 2830 2243 3658 3203 6161 2276 8555 43052022-11-02 nmaisugar@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021634ClosedKCT Request2022-11-020101170369991MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoDear Kabiru, find below, 3511 5407 4304 6223 1703 1771 0041 5837 9785 36922022-11-02 kabirukhalidumar@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021633ClosedKCT Request2022-11-02REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoDear Wuladi, find below, 6981 4641 3004 5845 9731 7151 7214 5282 3300 6608 ​2022-11-02 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00021632Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021631ClosedRequest2022-11-02REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE---44000320521Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-11-02NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 682865 Debt Repayment ₦17,500.03 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦13,500.03 M 2022-08-17 ₦4,000.00 2022-10-272022-11-02 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021630ClosedRequest2022-11-02Re: REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE ===========0101210131690MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 514434 Debt Repayment ₦131,707.26 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦131,707.26 M 2022-10-24 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-11-02 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021629ClosedKCT Request2022-11-02REQUEST FOR KCT ====0101200101695MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02No1 To 4 5204 2462 1923 1012 0116 0007 8676 3971 4745 41032022-11-02 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021628ClosedRequest2022-11-02REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02No44000634764 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 506504 Debt Repayment ₦61,821.91 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦61,821.91 M 2022-08-02 ₦0.00 2022-08-08 44000703312 There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2022-11-02 babalemohammed2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021627ClosedKCT Request2022-11-02Re: KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoHello, find below. 1 To 4 4228 8926 8169 2184 2494 4109 5009 8269 0238 8311 4 To 1 0685 2594 3360 7538 1741 7146 3952 3103 1800 90692022-11-02 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021626ClosedKCT Request2022-11-02KCT REQUEST: 0101210028029 (99 to 01 and 01 to 99)MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoHello, find below. 1 To 99 6033 6610 2191 4994 0741 0075 8539 9238 2580 3185 99 To 1 3804 3389 8001 2662 4734 1908 6551 1046 2091 67832022-11-02 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021625ClosedRequest2022-11-02Re: REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 0101200093264MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 717495 Debt Repayment ₦6,408.47 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦408.47 M 2022-08-30 ₦6,000.00 2022-11-012022-11-02 nmaisugar@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021624ClosedKCT Request2022-11-02REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoHello, find below. 3490 4880 4580 5823 3269 1780 4052 3382 6281 70972022-11-02 babalemohammed2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021623ClosedRequest2022-11-02request for debt profile ============ 0101190141628MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611215008601 Debt Repayment ₦298,484.33 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦280,984.33 M 2022-03-18 ₦17,500.00 2022-10-272022-11-02 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021622ClosedKCT Request2022-11-02KctsMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoHello, find below. 33 To 1 7031 9882 6651 0981 6172 2161 2109 2244 8757 72022022-11-02 terpineemma@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021621ClosedKCT Request2022-11-02Re: Request for kct,MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoGood morning, find below, 4539 5243 8399 3678 9434 6556 4922 8598 9860 76112022-11-02 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021620ClosedRequest2022-11-02REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 44000676120MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 613371 Debt Repayment ₦21,222.73 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦15,222.73 M 2022-08-31 ₦6,000.00 2022-11-012022-11-02 nmaisugar@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021619ClosedKCT Request2022-11-02KCT please sirMedium 2022-11-02NoHello, find below. 1 To 55 2806 3852 2389 9526 9606 3986 6070 5434 5376 78202022-11-02 elijah.ishaya@gmail.com
#00021618ClosedRequest2022-11-02request for debt profile ============ 0101190141628MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611215008601 Debt Repayment ₦298,484.33 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦280,984.33 M 2022-03-18 ₦17,500.00 2022-10-272022-11-02 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021617ClosedKCT Request2022-11-02Request for KCT on tariff index 0005 - 0101205010784MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoGood morning, find below, 1624 0577 5910 1490 5611 3878 9620 3630 0083 9217 ​2022-11-02 lucky.akpobi@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021616ClosedKCT Request2022-11-02KCT REQUEST: 0101200075071 (01 to 04 and 04 to 01) , 0101200064018MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoHello, find below. 0101200075071 (01 to 04 and 04 to 01) ​ 4 To 1 0685 2594 3360 7538 1741 7146 3952 3103 1800 9069 ​ 1 To 4 4228 8926 8169 2184 2494 4109 5009 8269 0238 8311 , 0101200064018 1 To 33 0175 7761 9682 0654 9972 2270 1582 7265 8502 80852022-11-02 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021615ClosedRequest2022-11-02REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 44000399525MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612903363401 Debt Repayment ₦303,421.51 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦301,421.51 M 2022-08-19 ₦2,000.00 2022-09-072022-11-02 nmaisugar@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021614ClosedRequest2022-11-02Debt profile - 44000676120MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 613371 Debt Repayment ₦21,222.73 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦15,222.73 M 2022-08-31 ₦6,000.00 2022-11-012022-11-02 mohammed.umar@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021613ClosedRequest2022-11-02Debt profile,MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 589310 Debt Repayment ₦43,564.26 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦36,064.26 M 2022-08-11 ₦7,500.00 2022-11-022022-11-02 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021612ClosedVending History2022-11-02Re: Vending historyMedium1372 Abdallah mohammed2022-11-02NoHello, find below. # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 6832166357285424 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-09-19 08:34:14 Meter No.: 0101210020430 Account No.: 624234177501 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 33.67 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 5104 7094 4175 7697 3765 2 Transaction ID: 1667166236651224 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-09-05 09:28:32 Meter No.: 0101210020430 Account No.: 624234177501 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 33.67 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 4278 3469 5341 2536 9719 3 Transaction ID: 1614166180066224 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-08-29 20:17:43 Meter No.: 0101210020430 Account No.: 624234177501 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 33.67 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 0119 4065 4165 6323 9073 4 Transaction ID: 1876166091785424 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-08-19 15:04:14 Meter No.: 0101210020430 Account No.: 624234177501 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 33.67 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 3968 1076 1806 4428 3342 5 Transaction ID: 9164165840278924 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-07-21 12:26:29 Meter No.: 0101210020430 Account No.: 624234177501 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 33.67 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 3801 9749 9853 3387 3726 6 Transaction ID: 9584165721452524 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-07-07 18:22:05 Meter No.: 0101210020430 Account No.: 624234177501 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦132.56 Energy Cost: ₦1,767.44 KwH: 31.98 Amount Tendered: ₦1,900.00 2241 9081 6942 7856 4305 7 Transaction ID: 5512165520070424 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-06-14 10:58:24 Meter No.: 0101210020430 Account No.: 624234177501 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 34.42 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 0909 0745 8052 7282 5611 8 Transaction ID: 5941165314043524 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-05-21 14:40:35 Meter No.: 0101210020430 Account No.: 624234177501 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 34.42 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 4591 5418 3680 7150 7690 9 Transaction ID: 5191165069915524 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-23 08:32:35 Meter No.: 0101210020430 Account No.: 624234177501 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 34.42 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 5507 5110 6009 0686 3277 10 Transaction ID: 8586164908878924 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-04 17:13:09 Meter No.: 0101210020430 Account No.: 624234177501 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 17.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 6356 3840 2349 7451 40332022-11-02 achovulaondofa@gmail.com Abdallah mohammed
#00021611ClosedVending History2022-11-02Request for vending historyMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-11-02NoGood morning, find attach,2022-11-02 okadonyesimona@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021610ClosedKCT Request2022-11-02KCT REQUEST: 0101200064018Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-11-02NoGood morning, find below, 0175 7761 9682 0654 9972 2270 1582 7265 8502 8085 ​2022-11-02 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021609ClosedRequest2022-11-02DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 0101200043079 / 435304Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-11-02NoGood morning, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 435304 Debt Repayment ₦247,703.72 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦245,703.72 M 2022-07-19 ₦2,000.00 2022-08-112022-11-02 wyontochae@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021608ClosedKCT Request2022-11-02KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoGood morning, find below, 54055833241922081565 475141866572001152672022-11-02 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021607ClosedRequest2022-11-02Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoGood morning, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 759785 Debt Repayment ₦6,824.86 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦6,824.86 M 2022-10-11 ₦0.00 2022-10-212022-11-02 beediesarah5@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021606ClosedRequest2022-11-02DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoGood morning, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 657352090801 Debt Repayment ₦462,046.77 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦462,046.77 M 2022-10-24 ₦0.00 2022-10-262022-11-02 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021605ClosedTamper Code2022-11-02TamperMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoDear Auwal, find below, 44300003736 Clear Tamper 0 7046 5217 2593 1459 21512022-11-02 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021604ClosedTamper Code2022-11-02TamperMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoSupport, Pls treat. Regards.2022-11-02 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021603ClosedRequest2022-11-02Request for tamper,MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoSupport, Generate CT as requested. Regards.2022-11-02 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021602ClosedTamper Code2022-11-02Request for tamper,MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoDear Ummi, find below, 44000320240 Clear Tamper 0 4864 7645 0166 3599 1136 (Due to power surge) 44000467199 Clear Tamper 0 0350 1007 4947 8187 4022022-11-02 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021601ClosedRequest2022-11-02Debt Profile - 0101190006110MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoDear Umar, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 665405 Debt Repayment ₦43,234.93 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦33,234.93 M 2022-06-01 ₦10,000.00 2022-11-012022-11-02 mohammed.umar@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021600ClosedTamper Code2022-11-02REQUEST FOR CLEAR TAMPERMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoGood morning, find below, 95300146792 Clear Tamper 0 3540 9418 8422 0912 80282022-11-02 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021599ClosedTamper Code2022-11-02REQUEST FOR CLEAR TAMPERMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-11-02NoGood morning, find below, 95300146792 Clear Tamper 0 3540 9418 8422 0912 80282022-11-02 uduhaleje@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021598ClosedKCT Request2022-11-02REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoGood morning, find below, 0381 2172 0643 7610 2530 6242 0494 9652 8959 5762 ​2022-11-02 rayraymond497@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021597ClosedKCT Request2022-11-02Request for KCT elagbaMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoGood morning, find below, 5624 7076 1362 9927 4704 2740 2759 7418 7072 60942022-11-02 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021596ClosedTamper Code2022-11-02REQUEST FOR CLEAR TAMPERMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoGood morning, find below, 0101170207480 Clear Tamper 0 4171 8932 4051 3054 50112022-11-02 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021595ClosedTamper Code2022-11-02Re: Request for clear temper with Audit stampMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoGood morning, find below, 54161108557 Clear Tamper 0 4844 1089 6610 5635 94272022-11-02 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021594ClosedRequest2022-11-02Request for Debt profile for 0101188028217MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 440387 Debt Repayment ₦532,538.60 ₦0.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦532,538.60 M 2022-10-04 ₦0.00 2022-10-312022-11-02 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021593ClosedKCT Request2022-11-02KCT REQUEST: 0101210006819 (02 to 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02Nohello, find below, 2 To 1 7198 8047 4963 4723 5684 5318 4640 1916 7777 19962022-11-02 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021592ClosedKCT Request2022-11-02KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02Nohello, find below, 3 To 1 3980 0765 7353 3447 4255 0066 7055 0046 6692 68882022-11-02 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021591ClosedRequest2022-11-02Request for SGC 62421185653MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoDear Aor, find below, 05872837653565392401 124284327452774792622022-11-02 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00021590ClosedRequest2022-11-02Debt profile - 57100061944MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoDear Umar, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612647070601 Debt Repayment ₦120,112.00 ₦-89,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2016-07-19 ₦31,112.00 2022-10-05 Closed2022-11-02 mohammed.umar@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021589ClosedKCT Request2022-11-02Request for KCT for the following customersMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-02NoDear Owifirst, find below, Good afternoon Sir 1)meter number 54161113953....................already on 01. index =1 2)meter =54160965387 index =01 2999 7155 9615 7383 3660 3875 2630 6749 4656 1949 3)62321095275 index is 01 3845 9047 3592 4378 2327 4821 9783 7390 7758 4215 4)54161143604 Index=5 6054 9869 2760 1082 8832 3497 2119 2367 2519 25902022-11-02 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021588ClosedRequest2022-11-01Request for Debt profile for 0101188028217MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-01Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 440387 Debt Repayment ₦532,538.60 ₦0.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦532,538.60 M 2022-10-04 ₦0.00 2022-10-312022-11-01 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021587OpenTamper Code0000-00-00Fwd: Tamper CodeMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-01NoDear HCCU, find below, 0101190019832 Clear Tamper 0 3846 7687 1637 6289 24042022-11-01 lucky.akpobi@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021586ClosedTamper Code2022-11-01REQUEST FOR CLEAR TAMPERMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-01NoDear Uduh, find below, 95300146784 Clear Tamper 0 0232 2280 8296 7324 18522022-11-01 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021585ClosedTamper Code2022-11-01TamperMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-01NoDear Auwal, find below, 0101170368209 Clear Tamper 0 6650 5015 1483 5090 04102022-11-01 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021584ClosedTamper Code2022-11-01REQUEST FOR TEMPER CODEMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-01NoDear Ahmad, find below, 57300015401 Clear Tamper 0 4579 1474 8404 6088 11062022-11-01 bakoamusa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021583ClosedTamper Code2022-11-01REQUEST FOR TEMPER CODEMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-01NoSupport, Pls treat. Regards.2022-11-01 bakoamusa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021582ClosedKCT Request2022-11-01KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-01Nohello, find below, 2861 2694 8316 5447 4089 2482 3335 8612 0931 06082022-11-01 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021581ClosedTamper Code2022-11-01REQUEST FOR TEMPER CODEMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-01NoDear Ahmad, find below, 57300015401 Clear Tamper 0 4579 1474 8404 6088 11062022-11-01 bakoamusa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021580ClosedRequest2022-11-01DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-01Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 657352344501 Debt Repayment ₦56,174.70 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦56,174.70 M 2022-10-24 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-11-01 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021579ClosedKCT Request2022-11-01KctsMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-01Nohello, find below, 6797 8855 9865 8822 7866 2086 8572 7846 6976 05962022-11-01 avalumundestiny651@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021578ClosedKCT Request2022-11-01KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-01Nohello, find below, 1 To 74 5645 7523 2603 6098 0614 6910 7715 7539 3798 9932 74 To 1 6745 0332 1830 0278 5086 3903 0904 4337 2278 42802022-11-01 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021577ClosedTamper Code2022-11-01REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPERMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-01NoDear Maryam, find below, 0101210167926 Clear Tamper 0 1474 4530 2825 8202 2681 0101161025263 Clear Tamper 0 7194 5769 7619 1820 51372022-11-01 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021576ClosedRequest2022-11-01REQUEST FOR DEBT STATUS - 4400004221Medium 2022-11-01Nohello, find below, wrong meter number or not captured on our system.2022-11-01 longpuan@gmail.com
#00021575ClosedKCT Request2022-11-01REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-01Nohello, find below, wrong meter number or not captured on our system.2022-11-01 samueldchun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021574ClosedKCT Request2022-11-01REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-01Nohello, find below, 6413 1653 9083 6390 3378 0548 0799 5306 1777 25752022-11-01 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021573ClosedRequest2022-11-01Debt profile,MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-01Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612901078401 Debt Repayment ₦137,931.95 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦130,431.95 M 2022-08-12 ₦7,500.00 2022-11-012022-11-01 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021572In ProgressKCT Request2022-11-01KCT RequestMedium 0000-00-00No0000-00-00 yinknuga2002@yahoo.co.uk`
#00021571ClosedRequest2022-11-01REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101210171142MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-01NoHello, find below. 0101210171142 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 754907 Debt Repayment ₦1,133.70 ₦0.00 ₦1,133.70 ₦1,133.70 M 2022-10-13 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-11-01 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021570ClosedRequest2022-11-01Debt profile,MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-01NoHELLO, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 683163 Debt Repayment ₦19,088.81 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦15,088.81 M 2022-08-17 ₦4,000.00 2022-10-192022-11-01 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021569ClosedKCT Request2022-11-01Request for kct,MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-01NoHELLO, FIND BELOW. 33 To 1 4539 5243 8399 3678 9434 6556 4922 8598 9860 7612022-11-01 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021568ClosedKCT Request2022-11-01Rejection of KCT innocentMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-01NoHello, Please note that we generate the kct with the tariff index you sent. And this meter does not require any kct.2022-11-01 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021567ClosedRequest2022-11-01REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE---44000383511MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-01NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 718642 Debt Repayment ₦17,010.16 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦12,010.16 M 2022-08-12 ₦5,000.00 2022-10-172022-11-01 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021566ClosedRequest2022-11-01Debt profile,Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-11-01NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 683074 Debt Repayment ₦7,336.77 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦3,336.77 M 2022-08-16 ₦4,000.00 2022-10-282022-11-01 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021565ClosedRequest2022-11-01REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE----44000591782MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-01NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 788897 Debt Repayment ₦11,565.51 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,565.51 M 2022-08-26 ₦6,000.00 2022-11-012022-11-01 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021564ClosedKCT Request2022-11-010101185055528 (0001 to current tariff)MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-01NoHello, find below. 1676 4713 8348 1154 0018 0332 1953 5831 3925 46782022-11-01 abdulmalikakande@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021563ClosedRequest2022-11-01REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 54161106262MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-01NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6127520349-01 Debt Repayment ₦114,878.37 ₦-24,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦64,878.37 M 2020-01-13 ₦26,000.00 2022-06-032022-11-01 nmaisugar@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021562ClosedRequest2022-11-01DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-01NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 676258 Debt Repayment ₦28,907.42 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦28,907.42 M 2022-02-16 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-11-01 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021561ClosedRequest2022-11-01TAMPER CODEIT Umar Auwal2022-11-01NoGood morning, find below, 44000507598 Clear Tamper 0 0999 7109 4226 9986 66392022-11-01 kinretluka@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021560Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021559Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021558ClosedRequest2022-11-01REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 44000331056MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-01NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612621008601 Debt Repayment ₦508,924.67 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦503,924.67 M 2022-08-12 ₦5,000.00 2022-10-312022-11-01 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021557ClosedRequest2022-11-01DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 0101190018537 / 510735Medium 2022-11-01NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 510735 Debt Repayment ₦42,249.98 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦42,249.98 M 2022-02-18 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-11-01 wyontochae@gmail.com
#00021556ClosedKCT Request2022-11-01Request for KCT potterMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-01NoHello, find below. 5599 7759 6358 4118 7897 6725 4294 9999 1665 23332022-11-01 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021555ClosedKCT Request2022-11-01KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-01NoHell, find below. 4910 4726 1274 1011 1424 5692 3889 2203 7481 00212022-11-01 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021554ClosedRequest2022-11-01REQUEST FOR DEBT STATUS- 0101210103178MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-01NoHello, find below. 0101210103178 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 652769 Debt Repayment ₦81,677.04 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦79,677.04 M 2022-10-19 ₦2,000.00 2022-11-012022-11-01 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021553ClosedRequest2022-11-01Debt profile. 0101200123970MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-01NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 719619 Debt Repayment ₦42,766.73 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦27,766.73 M 2022-03-28 ₦15,000.00 2022-09-222022-11-01 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00021552ClosedTamper Code2022-11-01REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPERMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-01NoGood morning, find below, 44000667053 Clear Tamper 0 0359 1563 9226 8390 9431 0101210186710 Clear Tamper 0 6685 6653 5360 2126 1121 0101161015624............................................not captured.2022-11-01 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021551ClosedTamper Code2022-11-01REQUEST FOR TEMPER CODEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-11-01NoGood morning, find below, 0101170422287 Clear Tamper 0 3718 8047 3235 7321 70652022-11-01 bakoamusa@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021550ClosedTamper Code2022-11-01REQUEST FOR TAMPERMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-01NoGood morning, find below, 62321067399 Clear Tamper 0 3670 4972 7377 7556 2813 newly installed 0101150236913 Clear Tamper 0 1648 6940 3500 0554 6745 due to power surge 44000606747 Clear Tamper 0 1459 5377 6986 3269 7311 due to power surge 54161166084 Clear Tamper 0 1412 1082 6863 0269 1774 due to power surge2022-11-01 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00021549ClosedTamper Code2022-11-01Request for clear tamper codeMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-11-01NoSir. kindly assist in vetting for the clear tamper code, in respect of jos metro region for your further action. Regards. 0101170121811 0101210193591 0101170280891 0101210051955 0101200109185 0101210045700 0101200060842 0101200059760 0101210018624 0101210024994 0101210035784 0101190021879 0101210042129 0101170128140 0101170375881 0101210029233 0101210045700 Upgrade 62321093130 62321077380 44000668176 44000685469 44000685402 44000537983 High voltage2022-11-01 sadiqabdullahi62@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021548ClosedRequest2022-11-01DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-01Nohello, find below, ​ Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612747097901 Debt Repayment ₦721,687.01 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦715,687.01 M 2022-04-05 ₦6,000.00 2022-07-29 ​2022-11-01 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00021547ClosedKCT Request2022-11-01KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-01Nohello, find below, 0565 7354 9786 9790 4315 0433 9021 8404 8519 12232022-11-01 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021546ClosedRequest2022-11-01Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-01NoDear Beedie, Wrong meter number or not captured.2022-11-01 beediesarah5@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021545ClosedKCT Request2022-11-01Request for KCT for the following customersMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-01Nohello, find below, 1)Meter no.0101195003047 Index0005 to 0001 6894 9268 0866 4297 9025 7116 9751 0136 8488 96192022-11-01 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021544ClosedRequest2022-11-01Re: GOOD MORNING, REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 95300103256MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-01NoDear Maisugar, Find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 744686 Debt Repayment ₦36,087.70 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦36,087.70 M 2022-02-28 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-11-01 nmaisugar@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021543ClosedKCT Request2022-11-01This Generate an incomplete KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-01NoGood morning, find below, 44605095427344654866 723096873821102163992022-11-01 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021542ClosedTamper Code2022-11-01CLEAR TEMPERMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-01NoGood morning, find below, 57100035328 Clear Tamper 0 5988 5667 0674 8338 34212022-11-01 roland.james@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021541ClosedRequest2022-11-01Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-01Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 776983 Debt Repayment ₦10,439.95 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦10,439.95 M 2022-10-18 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-11-01 beediesarah5@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021540ClosedKCT Request2022-11-01KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-01Nohello, find below, 3680 8533 6500 1401 0964 1096 3599 1235 2532 82282022-11-01 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021539ClosedKCT Request2022-11-01KCT REQUEST: 62321003287 (02 to 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-01NoGood morning, find below, 46281396030433542478 093085907097014973232022-11-01 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021538ClosedKCT Request2022-11-01REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-11-01Nohello, find below, 3417 3384 1912 5929 6032 0534 6136 6513 1867 88502022-11-01 yusufibrahimbaba440@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021537ClosedKCT Request2022-11-01KctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-11-01Nohello, find below, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-11-02 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021536ClosedKCT Request2022-11-01KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-01Nohello, find below, It is also on 001 on our system. So, it does not require KCT. If they are facing any difficulties recharging, kindly dispatch maintenance team.2022-11-01 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021535ClosedKCT Request2022-11-01KctsMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-01Nohello, find below, 3528 2409 5833 3615 4445 0394 6875 0972 5075 68782022-11-01 avalumundestiny651@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021534ClosedKCT Request2022-11-01Fwd: KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-01Nohello, find below, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-11-01 ismailbalaonline@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021533ClosedKCT Request2022-11-01Active Meters as at 1-11-2022MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-01NoAcknowledged Thanks2022-11-01 muhammad.usman@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021532ClosedKCT Request2022-11-01Fwd: KctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-11-01Nohello, find below, 6707 4547 3603 0533 9267 5504 5254 2857 4587 59452022-11-01 ismailbalaonline@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021531ClosedKCT Request2022-11-01KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-01Nohello, find below, 2380 5605 3467 4192 5474 3211 3405 8842 8364 7287 hello, find below, 2380 5605 3467 4192 5474 3211 3405 8842 8364 72872022-11-01 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021530Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021529ClosedRequest2022-10-31REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE----0101200038665MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-31Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 678526 Debt Repayment ₦8,898.23 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦4,898.23 M 2022-07-01 ₦4,000.00 2022-09-302022-10-31 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021528ClosedKCT Request2022-10-31KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-31Nohello, find below, 1705 5978 7390 4646 0231 2763 9157 1657 1171 62282022-10-31 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021527ClosedRequest2022-10-31REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE ====0101215013323MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-31Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 771994 Debt Repayment ₦14,894.78 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦894.78 M 2022-03-01 ₦14,000.00 2022-10-222022-10-31 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021526ClosedRequest2022-10-31REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE ====== 44000315083 & 44000404036MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-31Nohello, find below, 44000315083 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 637624 Debt Repayment ₦106,121.92 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦101,121.92 M 2022-08-12 ₦5,000.00 2022-10-28 44000404036 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 682788 Debt Repayment ₦10,206.89 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦8,206.89 M 2022-08-16 ₦2,000.00 2022-09-292022-10-31 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021525ClosedKCT Request2022-10-31KCt. 0101170388199MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-31Nohello, find below, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-10-31 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00021524In ProgressKCT Request2022-10-31Request for kctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-31Nohello, find below, 6363 6782 5270 6715 8903 0841 2325 5694 0808 43200000-00-00 beediesarah5@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021523ClosedKCT Request2022-10-31KCT GENERATION from 02 to 01 0101210073165MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-31NoHello, find below. 5558 5338 3175 4957 4404 6901 3992 3294 5352 12412022-10-31 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021522ClosedKCT Request2022-10-31Request for KCT - 0101200035349MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-31NoHello, find below. 6814 4696 0496 3371 1681 1983 7143 0601 4066 00892022-10-31 lucky.akpobi@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021521ClosedRequest2022-10-31Request for debt profile - 44000314136MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-31Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 688587 Debt Repayment ₦17,756.67 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦11,756.67 M 2022-07-20 ₦6,000.00 2022-10-252022-10-31 lucky.akpobi@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021520ClosedKCT Request2022-10-31KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-31Nohello, find below, 3129 8435 3926 7912 7973 1243 9556 8818 6744 65802022-10-31 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021519ClosedKCT Request2022-10-31Request for KCT - 44000314136MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-31Nohello, find below, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-10-31 lucky.akpobi@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021518ClosedKCT Request2022-10-31KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-31NoDear Auwal, Kindly confirm the meter number and revert.2022-10-31 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021517ClosedTamper Code2022-10-31TamperMedium 2022-10-31NoDear Auwal, find below, 44000312015 Clear Tamper 0 2127 5963 5053 9851 6468 54150614938 Clear Tamper 0 0160 3464 1643 2812 80682022-10-31 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com
#00021516In ProgressRequest2022-10-31REQUEST FOR SGCMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-31NoDear Tor, find below, 51143540665790607402 365305817711988040270000-00-00 thompsontor@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021515ClosedRequest2022-10-31DEBT PROFILE 54161000838MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-31NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6573561445-01 Debt Repayment ₦182,477.14 ₦-12,000.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦72,477.14 M 2019-08-29 ₦98,000.00 2022-10-312022-10-31 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021514ClosedRequest2022-10-31Re: DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-31Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 550749 Debt Repayment ₦64,354.69 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦61,854.69 M 2022-05-30 ₦2,500.00 2022-06-302022-10-31 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00021513ClosedTamper Code2022-10-31REQUEST FOR TEMPERMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-31NoDear Huzaifa, find below, 0150000966765 Clear Tamper 0 4618 2172 8058 2282 1962 0150000950249 Clear Tamper 0 5514 0765 1372 1915 6583 62321071946 Clear Tamper 0 3952 0913 6254 3166 1166 0150000959364 Clear Tamper 0 6692 1280 3957 7598 40462022-10-31 roland.james@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021512ClosedTamper Code2022-10-31TamperMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-31NoDear Auwal, find below, 0101215025251 Clear Tamper 0 0015 7538 6083 2596 93972022-10-31 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021511ClosedTamper Code2022-10-31Temper.3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-31No0101170419226. Cover open 0101200006183. Cover open Thank you2022-10-31 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021510ClosedTamper Code2022-10-31TamperMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-31NoDear Auwal, find below, 0101200033351 Clear Tamper 0 0652 3467 8132 7704 82752022-10-31 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021509ClosedRequest2022-10-31CLEAR MINUSMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-31NoDear Mr. Roland, find below, 54161167686 Clear Tamper 0 0285 4828 2370 0561 22272022-10-31 roland.james@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021508ClosedRequest2022-10-31Debt profile 44000452555MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-31Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 766395 Debt Repayment ₦10,022.38 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦4,022.38 M 2022-07-13 ₦6,000.00 2022-10-282022-10-31 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021507ClosedRequest2022-10-31Request for debt profile 95300103256Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-31Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 744686 Debt Repayment ₦36,087.70 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦36,087.70 M 2022-02-28 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-10-31 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021506ClosedRequest2022-10-31: REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE---0101190153904MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-31Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 713162 Debt Repayment ₦99,933.77 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦95,933.77 M 2022-08-09 ₦4,000.00 2022-10-292022-10-31 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021505ClosedKCT Request2022-10-31: Request for KCT - 0101161055724MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-31Nohello, find below, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-10-31 lucky.akpobi@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021504ClosedRequest2022-10-31Re: REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-31Nohello, find below, 0150000953797 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672163068801 Debt Repayment ₦227,543.22 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦219,543.22 M 2022-06-21 ₦8,000.00 2022-10-30 0150000954472 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672171146401 Debt Repayment ₦176,902.91 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦172,902.91 M 2022-08-03 ₦4,000.00 2022-10-312022-10-31 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021503ClosedRequest2022-10-31REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101210179442MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-31Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 657352 Debt Repayment ₦20,362.52 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦18,362.52 M 2022-09-09 ₦2,000.00 2022-10-292022-10-31 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021502ClosedRequest2022-10-31Re: REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101160017170MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-31NoHello, find below. No data available in table2022-10-31 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021501ClosedKCT Request2022-10-31Re: KCT RequestMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-31Nohello, find below, 62321144214 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 44000537801 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-10-31 yinknuga2002@yahoo.co.uk Umar Auwal
#00021500ClosedKCT Request2022-10-31KCT REQUEST 44300019823MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-31Nohello, find below, 3059 8085 4474 9406 4983 2218 9338 0817 5494 43882022-10-31 wyontochae@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021499ClosedRequest2022-10-31DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-31Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6123292791-01 Debt Repayment ₦245,243.83 ₦-12,028.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦199,215.83 M 2019-04-03 ₦34,000.00 2022-10-252022-10-31 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00021498ClosedVending History2022-10-31Vending historyMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-31Nohello, find below, # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 3619166394871824 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-09-23 16:58:38 Meter No.: 44000703056 Account No.: 623907051601 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 33.67 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 5205 6698 8060 8295 3648 2 Transaction ID: 2786166055817024 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-08-15 11:09:30 Meter No.: 44000703056 Account No.: 623907051601 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 33.67 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 2204 2713 8487 1929 9577 3 Transaction ID: 6553165729382324 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-07-08 16:23:43 Meter No.: 44000703056 Account No.: 623907051601 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 33.67 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 3404 6030 9545 3548 5086 4 Transaction ID: 0265165566270524 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-06-19 19:18:25 Meter No.: 44000703056 Account No.: 623907051601 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 34.42 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 0057 7988 9012 3279 2490 5 Transaction ID: 5129164889111924 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-02 10:18:39 Meter No.: 44000703056 Account No.: 623907051601 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 17.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 0111 7049 1314 9869 4091 6 Transaction ID: 5910164578022924 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-25 10:10:29 Meter No.: 44000703056 Account No.: 623907051601 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 86.05 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 0042 1611 3431 6031 4932 7 Transaction ID: 7942164364647324 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-01-31 17:27:53 Meter No.: 44000703056 Account No.: 623907051601 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 18.24 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 5223 1859 7437 9692 0758 8 Transaction ID: 3260164002033024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-12-20 18:12:10 Meter No.: 44000703056 Account No.: 623907051601 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 27.37 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 2356 0433 0681 9114 6558 9 Transaction ID: 6216163793860124 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-26 15:56:41 Meter No.: 44000703056 Account No.: 623907051601 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88 Energy Cost: ₦465.12 KwH: 9.12 Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 0877 3247 2579 5353 4232 10 Transaction ID: 9651163612214624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-05 15:22:26 Meter No.: 44000703056 Account No.: 623907051601 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 18.24 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 2445 8158 9541 5725 2020 IT Support Jos Electricity Distribution Plc. E: support@jedplc.com www.jedplc.com ---- On Sat, 29 Oct 2022 13:47:40 +0100 shaagee jeremiah wrote --- The information contained in this electronic message and any attachments therein are intended for the designated recipient(s) only. The message may contain information that is confidential, privileged, and/or exempt from disclosure by you, according to applicable laws. If you are not the intended recipient, or received this message in error, kindly delete it and notify the sender immediately. Any opinions contained in this message are those of the author and are not given or endorsed by JED Plc, unless otherwise clearly indicated. JED Plc accepts no liability for any loss or damage resulting directly or indirectly from the transmission of this email message. Reduce Printing and Support the Environment. IT Support 8:39 AM SENT Re: Vending history - hello, find below, # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 3619166394871824 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-09-23 16:58:38 Meter No.: 44000703056 Account No.: 623907051601 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy So IT Support 8:39 AM IT SUPPORT shaagee jeremiah,support temporary,it support hello, find below, # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 3619166394871824 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-09-23 16:58:38 Meter No.: 44000703056 Account No.: 623907051601 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 33.67 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 5205 6698 8060 8295 3648 2 Transaction ID: 2786166055817024 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-08-15 11:09:30 Meter No.: 44000703056 Account No.: 623907051601 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 33.67 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 2204 2713 8487 1929 9577 3 Transaction ID: 6553165729382324 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-07-08 16:23:43 Meter No.: 44000703056 Account No.: 623907051601 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 33.67 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 3404 6030 9545 3548 5086 4 Transaction ID: 0265165566270524 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-06-19 19:18:25 Meter No.: 44000703056 Account No.: 623907051601 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 34.42 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 0057 7988 9012 3279 2490 5 Transaction ID: 5129164889111924 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-02 10:18:39 Meter No.: 44000703056 Account No.: 623907051601 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 17.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 0111 7049 1314 9869 4091 6 Transaction ID: 5910164578022924 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-25 10:10:29 Meter No.: 44000703056 Account No.: 623907051601 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 86.05 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 0042 1611 3431 6031 4932 7 Transaction ID: 7942164364647324 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-01-31 17:27:53 Meter No.: 44000703056 Account No.: 623907051601 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 18.24 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 5223 1859 7437 9692 0758 8 Transaction ID: 3260164002033024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-12-20 18:12:10 Meter No.: 44000703056 Account No.: 623907051601 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 27.37 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 2356 0433 0681 9114 6558 9 Transaction ID: 6216163793860124 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-26 15:56:41 Meter No.: 44000703056 Account No.: 623907051601 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88 Energy Cost: ₦465.12 KwH: 9.12 Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 0877 3247 2579 5353 4232 10 Transaction ID: 9651163612214624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-05 15:22:26 Meter No.: 44000703056 Account No.: 623907051601 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 18.24 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 2445 8158 9541 5725 20202022-10-31 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021497ClosedRequest2022-10-31Re: Debt balanceMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-31Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 571221 Debt Repayment ₦92,816.15 ₦-45,195.09 ₦2,000.00 ₦13,621.06 M 2019-02-18 ₦34,000.00 2022-10-292022-10-31 sadeeqismail2020@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021496ClosedKCT Request2022-10-31Re: Request for kctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-31Nohello, find below, 5491 0481 9712 6376 5579 1099 2760 3205 1831 44752022-10-31 beediesarah5@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021495ClosedKCT Request2022-10-28KctsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-28Nohello, find below, 0153 1051 8258 0861 2271 3845 7189 0911 5316 90632022-10-28 terpineemma@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021494ClosedRequest2022-10-28REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-28NoDear Mudassir, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672905129601 Debt Repayment ₦477,338.82 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦465,338.82 M 2022-04-19 ₦12,000.00 2022-10-242022-10-28 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021493ClosedKCT Request2022-10-280101200109466Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-28NoDear Umar, Please confirm tariff index on the meter before sending the request.2022-10-28 mohammed.umar@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021492ClosedKCT Request2022-10-28REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-28NoDear sir. Please kindly assist. 0150000947963 Tariff Index=39 Thanks. Dear Mudassir, find below, 3828 6682 0623 5422 0093 6770 3604 8808 2523 72062022-10-28 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021491ClosedKCT Request2022-10-28Kct tariff Index 1 mete numbers 54161110512.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-28NoDear Isiyaka, find below, 1864 7004 2358 2774 5663 5937 2963 8772 9908 72312022-10-28 akigaisiyaka@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021490ClosedKCT Request2022-10-28KctMedium 2022-10-28NoDear Nguter, find below, 0179 8689 3719 4789 4702 4828 4303 1620 1650 6380 ​2022-10-28 bemnguter10@gmail.com
#00021489ClosedKCT Request2022-10-28Request for kct,Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-28No0101215010238 (4) 57100075787(33) Please kindly treat thank you.2022-10-28 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021488Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021487Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021486ClosedKCT Request2022-10-28REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-28NoHello, find below. 22 To 1 3518 0249 8891 1306 9648 0042 1824 9669 4315 68922022-10-28 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00021485ClosedRequest2022-10-28Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-28NoHello, find below. 0101210150377 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 770696 Debt Repayment ₦12,219.48 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦12,219.48 M 2022-04-25 ₦0.00 0000-00-00 0101210179996 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 662154577101 Debt Repayment ₦261,482.46 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦249,482.46 M 2022-04-19 ₦12,000.00 2022-10-28 0101210138752 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 662138036901 Debt Repayment ₦235,975.26 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦220,975.26 M 2022-04-14 ₦15,000.00 2022-10-282022-10-28 yinknuga2002@yahoo.co.uk Umar Auwal
#00021484ClosedKCT Request2022-10-28Request for KCT ShehuMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-28NoHello, find below. 99 To 55 6219 2509 6802 9767 9250 0367 2816 0334 1947 60912022-10-28 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021483ClosedRequest2022-10-28REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-28NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 711531 Debt Repayment ₦29,630.88 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦12,130.88 M 2022-03-18 ₦17,500.00 2022-10-252022-10-28 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021482ClosedVending History2022-10-28Vending historyMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-28NoHello, find below. # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 9623166688259724 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-10-27 15:56:38 Meter No.: 0101210057853 Account No.: 576407 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 84.17 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 3701 9321 5871 5305 6106 2 Transaction ID: 9185166368428424 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-09-20 15:31:24 Meter No.: 0101210057853 Account No.: 576407 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 84.17 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 1604 9831 5782 3357 8089 3 Transaction ID: 7253166063521324 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-08-16 08:33:33 Meter No.: 0101210057853 Account No.: 576407 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 168.34 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 2586 0115 4503 4148 4743 4 Transaction ID: 8770164917408124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-05 16:54:41 Meter No.: 0101210057853 Account No.: 576407 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 17.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 4697 7162 8386 7658 2951 5 Transaction ID: 6782164846788624 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-28 12:44:46 Meter No.: 0101210057853 Account No.: 576407 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 17.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 4709 2129 0860 5061 4473 6 Transaction ID: 4491164674166224 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-08 13:14:22 Meter No.: 0101210057853 Account No.: 576407 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 34.42 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 3830 7804 5914 8188 7609 7 Transaction ID: 1765164432905724 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-08 15:04:17 Meter No.: 0101210057853 Account No.: 576407 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 51.63 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 1077 6847 2117 9328 3932 8 Transaction ID: 6471164372344324 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-01 14:50:43 Meter No.: 0101210057853 Account No.: 576407 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 17.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 1435 0465 5216 2960 0978 9 Transaction ID: 2341164249464224 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-01-18 09:30:42 Meter No.: 0101210057853 Account No.: 576407 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 36.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 5063 6305 2104 1962 3189 10 Transaction ID: 5183164138663224 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-01-05 13:43:52 Meter No.: 0101210057853 Account No.: 576407 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 36.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 0581 6440 9197 9957 20462022-10-28 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021481ClosedKCT Request2022-10-28KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-28NoHello, find below. 5110 5336 8183 5072 8442 2402 9748 9643 4367 37662022-10-28 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021480ClosedKCT Request2022-10-28Request for KCT for 62321040289Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-28NoHello, find below. 0805 9202 3702 6383 2438 4185 2497 1316 6671 62382022-10-28 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021479ClosedVending History2022-10-28vending historyMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-28NoHello, find below. 0101210077778 # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 1452166694878924 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-10-28 10:19:49 Meter No.: 0101210077778 Account No.: 593812 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 33.67 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 3829 5386 9735 6223 2893 2 Transaction ID: 9425164423513824 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-07 12:58:58 Meter No.: 0101210077778 Account No.: 593812 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 34.42 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 6074 3408 7259 5445 3639 3 Transaction ID: 2098164086210024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-12-30 12:01:40 Meter No.: 0101210077778 Account No.: 593812 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 36.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 4233 5761 4426 5130 3922 4 Transaction ID: 9465163704458924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-16 07:36:29 Meter No.: 0101210077778 Account No.: 593812 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 36.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 6564 6400 6628 7491 4697 5 Transaction ID: 3606162609489324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-07-12 14:01:33 Meter No.: 0101210077778 Account No.: 593812 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦2,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 6 Transaction ID: 4591162374919224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-06-15 10:26:32 Meter No.: 0101210077778 Account No.: 593812 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦1,500.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 7 Transaction ID: 3284162021488324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-05 12:41:23 Meter No.: 0101210077778 Account No.: 593812 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦25,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦25,000.00 8 Transaction ID: 1614161890988724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-20 10:11:27 Meter No.: 0101210077778 Account No.: 593812 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦2,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 9 Transaction ID: 3269161856222724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-16 09:37:07 Meter No.: 0101210077778 Account No.: 593812 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦2,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 10 Transaction ID: 7925161579532424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-15 09:02:04 Meter No.: 0101210077778 Account No.: 593812 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦2,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 0101210064412 # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 6721166681106524 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-10-26 20:04:25 Meter No.: 0101210064412 Account No.: 753682 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 168.34 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 3036 7990 0353 0527 7715 2 Transaction ID: 6987166637423224 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-10-21 18:43:52 Meter No.: 0101210064412 Account No.: 753682 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 50.50 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 6486 6694 0500 6889 9636 3 Transaction ID: 5679166534914624 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-10-09 21:59:06 Meter No.: 0101210064412 Account No.: 753682 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 84.17 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 5782 9280 7529 5828 6841 4 Transaction ID: 4561166428814824 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-09-27 15:15:48 Meter No.: 0101210064412 Account No.: 753682 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 84.17 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 6368 2292 5397 1159 9956 5 Transaction ID: 2168166236388224 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-09-05 08:44:42 Meter No.: 0101210064412 Account No.: 753682 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦1,046.51 Energy Cost: ₦13,953.49 KwH: 252.51 Amount Tendered: ₦15,000.00 0100 4038 5550 0243 2999 6 Transaction ID: 3863165944234324 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-08-02 13:12:23 Meter No.: 0101210064412 Account No.: 753682 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦1,046.51 Energy Cost: ₦13,953.49 KwH: 252.51 Amount Tendered: ₦15,000.00 6524 1184 0066 5643 9216 7 Transaction ID: 3702165649200724 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-06-29 09:40:07 Meter No.: 0101210064412 Account No.: 753682 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦1,046.51 Energy Cost: ₦13,953.49 KwH: 258.16 Amount Tendered: ₦15,000.00 3928 0225 3271 0018 5721 8 Transaction ID: 3378165635732424 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-06-27 20:15:24 Meter No.: 0101210064412 Account No.: 753682 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 17.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 5167 5090 4271 7203 7945 9 Transaction ID: 3849165578832024 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-06-21 06:12:00 Meter No.: 0101210064412 Account No.: 753682 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 172.11 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 0958 2720 7482 0088 8923 10 Transaction ID: 6810165400820024 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-05-31 15:43:20 Meter No.: 0101210064412 Account No.: 753682 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦837.21 Energy Cost: ₦11,162.79 KwH: 206.53 Amount Tendered: ₦12,000.00 3890 1682 4525 6491 2854 IT Support Jos Electricity Distribution Plc. E: support@jedplc.com www.jedplc.com ---- On Fri, 28 Oct 2022 15:38:16 +0100 Reuben Dogo wrote --- IT Support 4:08 PM IT SUPPORT Reuben Dogo,it support Hello, find below. 0101210077778 # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 1452166694878924 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-10-28 10:19:49 Meter No.: 0101210077778 Account No.: 593812 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 33.67 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 3829 5386 9735 6223 2893 2 Transaction ID: 9425164423513824 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-07 12:58:58 Meter No.: 0101210077778 Account No.: 593812 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 34.42 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 6074 3408 7259 5445 3639 3 Transaction ID: 2098164086210024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-12-30 12:01:40 Meter No.: 0101210077778 Account No.: 593812 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 36.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 4233 5761 4426 5130 3922 4 Transaction ID: 9465163704458924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-16 07:36:29 Meter No.: 0101210077778 Account No.: 593812 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 36.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 6564 6400 6628 7491 4697 5 Transaction ID: 3606162609489324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-07-12 14:01:33 Meter No.: 0101210077778 Account No.: 593812 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦2,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 6 Transaction ID: 4591162374919224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-06-15 10:26:32 Meter No.: 0101210077778 Account No.: 593812 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦1,500.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 7 Transaction ID: 3284162021488324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-05 12:41:23 Meter No.: 0101210077778 Account No.: 593812 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦25,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦25,000.00 8 Transaction ID: 1614161890988724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-20 10:11:27 Meter No.: 0101210077778 Account No.: 593812 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦2,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 9 Transaction ID: 3269161856222724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-16 09:37:07 Meter No.: 0101210077778 Account No.: 593812 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦2,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 10 Transaction ID: 7925161579532424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-15 09:02:04 Meter No.: 0101210077778 Account No.: 593812 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦2,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 0101210064412 # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 6721166681106524 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-10-26 20:04:25 Meter No.: 0101210064412 Account No.: 753682 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 168.34 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 3036 7990 0353 0527 7715 2 Transaction ID: 6987166637423224 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-10-21 18:43:52 Meter No.: 0101210064412 Account No.: 753682 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 50.50 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 6486 6694 0500 6889 9636 3 Transaction ID: 5679166534914624 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-10-09 21:59:06 Meter No.: 0101210064412 Account No.: 753682 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 84.17 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 5782 9280 7529 5828 6841 4 Transaction ID: 4561166428814824 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-09-27 15:15:48 Meter No.: 0101210064412 Account No.: 753682 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 84.17 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 6368 2292 5397 1159 9956 5 Transaction ID: 2168166236388224 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-09-05 08:44:42 Meter No.: 0101210064412 Account No.: 753682 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦1,046.51 Energy Cost: ₦13,953.49 KwH: 252.51 Amount Tendered: ₦15,000.00 0100 4038 5550 0243 2999 6 Transaction ID: 3863165944234324 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-08-02 13:12:23 Meter No.: 0101210064412 Account No.: 753682 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦1,046.51 Energy Cost: ₦13,953.49 KwH: 252.51 Amount Tendered: ₦15,000.00 6524 1184 0066 5643 9216 7 Transaction ID: 3702165649200724 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-06-29 09:40:07 Meter No.: 0101210064412 Account No.: 753682 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦1,046.51 Energy Cost: ₦13,953.49 KwH: 258.16 Amount Tendered: ₦15,000.00 3928 0225 3271 0018 5721 8 Transaction ID: 3378165635732424 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-06-27 20:15:24 Meter No.: 0101210064412 Account No.: 753682 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 17.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 5167 5090 4271 7203 7945 9 Transaction ID: 3849165578832024 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-06-21 06:12:00 Meter No.: 0101210064412 Account No.: 753682 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 172.11 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 0958 2720 7482 0088 8923 10 Transaction ID: 6810165400820024 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-05-31 15:43:20 Meter No.: 0101210064412 Account No.: 753682 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦837.21 Energy Cost: ₦11,162.79 KwH: 206.53 Amount Tendered: ₦12,000.00 3890 1682 4525 6491 28542022-10-28 dogoreuben@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021478ClosedRequest2022-10-28REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-28NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 762791 Debt Repayment ₦18,299.94 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦6,299.94 M 2022-04-22 ₦12,000.00 2022-10-262022-10-28 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021477ClosedKCT Request2022-10-28Request for kctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-28NoPlease find attached request for kct code, in respect of JMR for your further action. Regards.2022-10-28 sadiqabdullahi62@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021476ClosedKCT Request2022-10-28REQUEST FOR KCT =====0101210334807MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-28NoHello, find below. 33 To 1 1515 1502 0197 4621 2707 2111 1676 5841 6847 01542022-10-28 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021475ClosedRequest2022-10-28DEBT ENQUIRYMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-28NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611502415401 Debt Repayment ₦270,939.71 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦266,939.71 M 2022-08-16 ₦4,000.00 2022-10-262022-10-28 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021474ClosedKCT Request2022-10-28KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-28NoHello, Find below. No data available in table2022-10-28 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021473ClosedVending History2022-10-28vending historyMedium 0000-00-00NoHello, find bnelow. vending history RD Reuben Dogo 12:38 PM IT Support 0101210009276 # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 1131165571103824 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-06-20 08:43:58 Meter No.: 0101210009276 Account No.: 623811288201 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 172.11 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 6535 1226 5781 8192 7051 2 Transaction ID: 2347165446334424 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-06-05 22:09:04 Meter No.: 0101210009276 Account No.: 623811288201 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 25.82 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 4872 9112 3172 7804 4515 3 Transaction ID: 6157165376868024 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-05-28 21:11:20 Meter No.: 0101210009276 Account No.: 623811288201 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 25.82 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 5483 9266 5572 4243 8020 4 Transaction ID: 9618165376131624 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-05-28 19:08:36 Meter No.: 0101210009276 Account No.: 623811288201 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 17.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 6156 2198 1441 5845 8358 5 Transaction ID: 1418165281510924 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-05-17 20:18:29 Meter No.: 0101210009276 Account No.: 623811288201 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 17.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 0686 9141 5696 6183 3767 6 Transaction ID: 2765165114197624 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-28 11:32:56 Meter No.: 0101210009276 Account No.: 623811288201 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 34.42 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 0245 4871 9411 3261 0684 7 Transaction ID: 7285165026077124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-18 06:46:11 Meter No.: 0101210009276 Account No.: 623811288201 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 17.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 3993 0216 7473 5515 2507 8 Transaction ID: 5624164939561524 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-08 06:26:55 Meter No.: 0101210009276 Account No.: 623811288201 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 17.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 3278 0601 1897 9117 3264 9 Transaction ID: 2149164892014924 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-02 18:22:29 Meter No.: 0101210009276 Account No.: 623811288201 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 17.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 4761 9280 4430 2141 9153 10 Transaction ID: 5456164876595924 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-31 23:32:39 Meter No.: 0101210009276 Account No.: 623811288201 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 17.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 4000 7610 7480 4344 8868 0101210077778 #Transaction DetailsToken Details1Transaction ID: 1452166694878924 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-10-28 10:19:49 Meter No.: 0101210077778 Account No.: 593812 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionVAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 33.67 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 3829 5386 9735 6223 2893 2Transaction ID: 9425164423513824 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-07 12:58:58 Meter No.: 0101210077778 Account No.: 593812 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionVAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 34.42 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 6074 3408 7259 5445 3639 3Transaction ID: 2098164086210024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-12-30 12:01:40 Meter No.: 0101210077778 Account No.: 593812 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionVAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 36.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 4233 5761 4426 5130 3922 4Transaction ID: 9465163704458924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-16 07:36:29 Meter No.: 0101210077778 Account No.: 593812 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionVAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 36.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 6564 6400 6628 7491 4697 5Transaction ID: 3606162609489324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-07-12 14:01:33 Meter No.: 0101210077778 Account No.: 593812 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionEnergy Cost: ₦2,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 6Transaction ID: 4591162374919224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-06-15 10:26:32 Meter No.: 0101210077778 Account No.: 593812 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionEnergy Cost: ₦1,500.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 7Transaction ID: 3284162021488324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-05 12:41:23 Meter No.: 0101210077778 Account No.: 593812 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionEnergy Cost: ₦25,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦25,000.00 8Transaction ID: 1614161890988724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-20 10:11:27 Meter No.: 0101210077778 Account No.: 593812 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionEnergy Cost: ₦2,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 9Transaction ID: 3269161856222724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-16 09:37:07 Meter No.: 0101210077778 Account No.: 593812 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionEnergy Cost: ₦2,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 10Transaction ID: 7925161579532424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-15 09:02:04 Meter No.: 0101210077778 Account No.: 593812 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionEnergy Cost: ₦2,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 IT Support Jos Electricity Distribution Plc. E: support@jedplc.com www.jedplc.com ---- On Fri, 28 Oct 2022 12:38:26 +0100 Reuben Dogo wrote --- IT Support 12:48 PM IT SUPPORT Reuben Dogo,it support Hello, find bnelow. vending history RD Reuben Dogo 12:38 PM IT Support 0101210009276 # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 1131165571103824 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-06-20 08:43:58 Meter No.: 0101210009276 Account No.: 623811288201 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 172.11 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 6535 1226 5781 8192 7051 2 Transaction ID: 2347165446334424 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-06-05 22:09:04 Meter No.: 0101210009276 Account No.: 623811288201 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 25.82 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 4872 9112 3172 7804 4515 3 Transaction ID: 6157165376868024 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-05-28 21:11:20 Meter No.: 0101210009276 Account No.: 623811288201 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 25.82 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 5483 9266 5572 4243 8020 4 Transaction ID: 9618165376131624 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-05-28 19:08:36 Meter No.: 0101210009276 Account No.: 623811288201 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 17.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 6156 2198 1441 5845 8358 5 Transaction ID: 1418165281510924 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-05-17 20:18:29 Meter No.: 0101210009276 Account No.: 623811288201 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 17.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 0686 9141 5696 6183 3767 6 Transaction ID: 2765165114197624 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-28 11:32:56 Meter No.: 0101210009276 Account No.: 623811288201 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 34.42 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 0245 4871 9411 3261 0684 7 Transaction ID: 7285165026077124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-18 06:46:11 Meter No.: 0101210009276 Account No.: 623811288201 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 17.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 3993 0216 7473 5515 2507 8 Transaction ID: 5624164939561524 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-08 06:26:55 Meter No.: 0101210009276 Account No.: 623811288201 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 17.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 3278 0601 1897 9117 3264 9 Transaction ID: 2149164892014924 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-02 18:22:29 Meter No.: 0101210009276 Account No.: 623811288201 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 17.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 4761 9280 4430 2141 9153 10 Transaction ID: 5456164876595924 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-31 23:32:39 Meter No.: 0101210009276 Account No.: 623811288201 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 17.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 4000 7610 7480 4344 8868 0101210077778 #Transaction DetailsToken Details1Transaction ID: 1452166694878924 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-10-28 10:19:49 Meter No.: 0101210077778 Account No.: 593812 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionVAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 33.67 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 3829 5386 9735 6223 2893 2Transaction ID: 9425164423513824 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-07 12:58:58 Meter No.: 0101210077778 Account No.: 593812 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionVAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 34.42 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 6074 3408 7259 5445 3639 3Transaction ID: 2098164086210024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-12-30 12:01:40 Meter No.: 0101210077778 Account No.: 593812 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionVAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 36.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 4233 5761 4426 5130 3922 4Transaction ID: 9465163704458924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-16 07:36:29 Meter No.: 0101210077778 Account No.: 593812 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionVAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 36.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 6564 6400 6628 7491 4697 5Transaction ID: 3606162609489324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-07-12 14:01:33 Meter No.: 0101210077778 Account No.: 593812 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionEnergy Cost: ₦2,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 6Transaction ID: 4591162374919224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-06-15 10:26:32 Meter No.: 0101210077778 Account No.: 593812 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionEnergy Cost: ₦1,500.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 7Transaction ID: 3284162021488324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-05 12:41:23 Meter No.: 0101210077778 Account No.: 593812 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionEnergy Cost: ₦25,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦25,000.00 8Transaction ID: 1614161890988724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-20 10:11:27 Meter No.: 0101210077778 Account No.: 593812 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionEnergy Cost: ₦2,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 9Transaction ID: 3269161856222724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-16 09:37:07 Meter No.: 0101210077778 Account No.: 593812 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionEnergy Cost: ₦2,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 10Transaction ID: 7925161579532424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-15 09:02:04 Meter No.: 0101210077778 Account No.: 593812 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionEnergy Cost: ₦2,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.002022-10-28
#00021472ClosedRequest2022-10-28Debt Profile - 0101180147213MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-28NoHell, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 596114 Debt Repayment ₦82,454.02 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦66,454.02 M 2022-02-16 ₦16,000.00 2022-10-282022-10-28 mohammed.umar@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021471ClosedTamper Code2022-10-28REQUEST FOR TAMPERMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-28NoDear Wuladi, find below, 0101200067243 Clear Tamper 0 3887 6375 8842 6885 0142 due to power surge 54161100331 Clear Tamper 0 3769 7376 1565 5026 2030 due to power surge 0101160184566 Clear Tamper 0 0947 1055 5448 6042 1066 due to power surge2022-10-28 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00021470ClosedKCT Request2022-10-28KCT REQUEST: 44000681518 (01 to 02 and 02 to 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-28No1 To 2 7115 1533 8422 5645 6810 2427 8820 9768 2494 78692022-10-28 support@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021469ClosedKCT Request2022-10-28Fwd: REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-28Nohello, find below, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-10-28 mubby247@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021468ClosedKCT Request2022-10-28: REQUEST FOR KCT ===========0101210334807MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-28Nohello, find below, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-10-28 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021467ClosedRequest2022-10-28REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE ==54161020729 ,0101180147932 &0101190140059MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-28Nohello, find below, 54161020729 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 421696 Debt Repayment ₦179,353.88 ₦-32,293.06 ₦2,000.00 ₦137,060.82 M 2020-02-07 ₦10,000.00 2021-10-12 0101180147932 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 679401 Debt Repayment ₦7,242.35 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦7,242.35 M 2022-02-16 ₦0.00 0000-00-00 0101190140059 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 636485 Debt Repayment ₦69,175.51 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦59,175.51 M 2022-04-06 ₦10,000.00 2022-09-16 ​2022-10-28 nmaisugar@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021466ClosedRequest2022-10-28DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 0101170165431 / 632781MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-28Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 632781 Debt Repayment ₦77,954.17 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦61,954.17 M 2022-02-10 ₦16,000.00 2022-10-262022-10-28 wyontochae@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021465ClosedRequest2022-10-28Request for SGC 62421197948Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-28NoGood morning, find below, 42750428884674491843 593352466148930244302022-10-28 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021464ClosedTamper Code2022-10-28REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPERMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-28NoGood morning, find below, 95300152170 Clear Tamper 0 1804 7238 9072 9295 2345 44300016100 Clear Tamper 0 1837 4431 3208 1403 8931 95300224326 Clear Tamper 0 0034 6238 6911 3148 1441 0101170303651 Clear Tamper 0 0107 9733 6220 5821 4896 0101160058356 Clear Tamper 0 5991 2349 4154 4846 3251 0101161025263 Clear Tamper 0 5548 6729 6029 9129 52372022-10-28 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021463ClosedRequest2022-10-28REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE---0101205001692MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-28Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 635109150201 Debt Repayment ₦426,843.54 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦424,343.54 M 2022-04-05 ₦2,500.00 2022-05-122022-10-28 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021462ClosedKCT Request2022-10-28KCT REQUEST 0101165015807MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-28Nohello, find below, 2514 4886 3209 0368 4464 3453 4921 2705 9041 74362022-10-28 wyontochae@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021461ClosedKCT Request2022-10-28Re: kctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-28Nohello, find below, 49248456307751284988 571262332009206894682022-10-28 dogoreuben@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021460ClosedKCT Request2022-10-28Re: kctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-28Nohello, find below, 4119 0458 8076 3662 5011 2911 4061 1377 4587 57862022-10-28 dogoreuben@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021459ClosedTamper Code2022-10-28Request for clear tamper codeMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-28NoGood morning, find below, 0101170219816 Clear Tamper 0 3249 0181 0678 4560 6237 0101210059594 Clear Tamper 0 0226 8474 5655 3604 7032 0101210033565 Clear Tamper 0 6972 7768 6612 1613 2512 0101210098824 Clear Tamper 0 6573 3943 9416 2787 4585 0101210114365 Clear Tamper 0 4881 2293 7882 9831 4950 0101210013526 Clear Tamper 0 7050 4925 4512 7911 1737 0101210040099 Clear Tamper 0 2096 0711 0257 3460 1748 0101210014920 Clear Tamper 0 1428 2385 9018 4742 1428 0101210058828 Clear Tamper 0 5880 9758 8313 2753 2580 0101160174492 Clear Tamper 0 2132 8053 9334 3473 6600 0101210070344 Clear Tamper 0 5663 0777 7405 7238 7492 0101170219816 Clear Tamper 0 5265 1034 6203 6264 9695 0101210059594 Clear Tamper 0 4959 4139 6876 7071 4474 0101210033565 Clear Tamper 0 5176 6588 2819 1598 8873 0101210098824 Clear Tamper 0 6860 3816 3326 3414 8056 0101210114365 Clear Tamper 0 6284 8422 6122 7058 4840 0101210013526 Clear Tamper 0 4683 3352 0475 0061 7038 0101210040099 Clear Tamper 0 2096 5533 3527 9859 4225 0101210014920 Clear Tamper 0 3713 9123 3333 7427 2102 0101210058828 Clear Tamper 0 1858 5166 7919 2752 8974 0101160174492 Clear Tamper 0 2867 7640 8699 1222 3233 0101190136651 Clear Tamper 0 0197 3191 2264 9304 2651 Upgrade 62321068629 Clear Tamper 0 5915 4657 0483 8879 3163 44000605814 Clear Tamper 0 3027 0945 7756 5814 0647 44000369577 Clear Tamper 0 7040 1050 5869 7451 3368 44000568202 Clear Tamper 0 2276 9349 0416 6408 2535 44000542454 Clear Tamper 0 4587 3810 4699 1355 8093 44000618676 Clear Tamper 0 2686 8335 0917 6079 3965 ​ 54150625728 Clear Tamper 0 0148 2767 7933 5513 8308 ​ Lightning.2022-10-28 sadiqabdullahi62@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021458ClosedKCT Request2022-10-28Request for k c t the meter index is 033MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-28Nohello, find below, 4382 1685 0484 0996 5818 2414 5908 3245 9439 49882022-10-28 abubakarumar4102@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021457ClosedKCT Request2022-10-28REQUEST FOR KEY CHANGE TOKENMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-28Nohello, find below, 6680 7193 9515 3055 1119 1882 0435 1284 9488 59742022-10-28 sunnyochekwu@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021456ClosedVending History2022-10-28vending historyMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-28Nohello, find below, 0101210092108 # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 5201166322305324 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-09-15 07:24:13 Meter No.: 0101210092108 Account No.: 486706 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 168.34 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 1935 5516 8309 9529 3827 2 Transaction ID: 1625165942765524 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-08-02 09:07:35 Meter No.: 0101210092108 Account No.: 486706 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦1,046.51 Energy Cost: ₦13,953.49 KwH: 252.51 Amount Tendered: ₦15,000.00 6265 4683 4206 2046 7225 3 Transaction ID: 8185165892697724 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-07-27 14:02:57 Meter No.: 0101210092108 Account No.: 486706 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦453.49 Energy Cost: ₦6,046.51 KwH: 109.42 Amount Tendered: ₦6,500.00 3314 1546 6341 7505 9947 4 Transaction ID: 4386164404953124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-05 09:25:31 Meter No.: 0101210092108 Account No.: 486706 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦418.60 Energy Cost: ₦5,581.40 KwH: 103.26 Amount Tendered: ₦6,000.00 0770 8576 6197 3283 9013 5 Transaction ID: 6581163058108524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-09-02 12:11:25 Meter No.: 0101210092108 Account No.: 486706 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦383.72 Energy Cost: ₦5,116.28 KwH: 100.34 Amount Tendered: ₦5,500.00 0475 0785 7429 4205 3299 6 Transaction ID: 2429162938746324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-08-19 16:37:43 Meter No.: 0101210092108 Account No.: 486706 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦8,500.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦8,500.00 7 Transaction ID: 7219162644184924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-07-16 14:24:09 Meter No.: 0101210092108 Account No.: 486706 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦8,500.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦8,500.00 8 Transaction ID: 3197162446099524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-06-23 16:09:55 Meter No.: 0101210092108 Account No.: 486706 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦8,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦8,000.00 9 Transaction ID: 4175162135177624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-18 16:29:36 Meter No.: 0101210092108 Account No.: 486706 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦8,500.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦8,500.00 10 Transaction ID: 7012161884025724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-19 14:50:57 Meter No.: 0101210092108 Account No.: 486706 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦8,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦8,000.00 0101210077778 # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 9425164423513824 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-07 12:58:58 Meter No.: 0101210077778 Account No.: 593812 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 34.42 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 6074 3408 7259 5445 3639 2 Transaction ID: 2098164086210024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-12-30 12:01:40 Meter No.: 0101210077778 Account No.: 593812 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 36.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 4233 5761 4426 5130 3922 3 Transaction ID: 9465163704458924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-16 07:36:29 Meter No.: 0101210077778 Account No.: 593812 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 36.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 6564 6400 6628 7491 4697 4 Transaction ID: 3606162609489324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-07-12 14:01:33 Meter No.: 0101210077778 Account No.: 593812 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦2,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 5 Transaction ID: 4591162374919224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-06-15 10:26:32 Meter No.: 0101210077778 Account No.: 593812 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦1,500.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 6 Transaction ID: 3284162021488324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-05 12:41:23 Meter No.: 0101210077778 Account No.: 593812 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦25,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦25,000.00 7 Transaction ID: 1614161890988724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-20 10:11:27 Meter No.: 0101210077778 Account No.: 593812 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦2,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 8 Transaction ID: 3269161856222724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-16 09:37:07 Meter No.: 0101210077778 Account No.: 593812 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦2,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 9 Transaction ID: 7925161579532424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-15 09:02:04 Meter No.: 0101210077778 Account No.: 593812 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦2,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 10 Transaction ID: 6364161304326324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-11 12:34:23 Meter No.: 0101210077778 Account No.: 593812 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦2,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.002022-10-28 dogoreuben@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021455ClosedRequest2022-10-28: REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE--0101210097982MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-28Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 754337 Debt Repayment ₦1,011.58 ₦0.00 ₦1,011.58 ₦0.00 M 2022-09-14 ₦1,011.58 2022-10-27 Closed2022-10-28 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021454ClosedKCT Request2022-10-28: KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-28Nohello, find below, 4473 6091 8315 5008 6536 5064 4938 8025 8504 40312022-10-28 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021453ClosedKCT Request2022-10-28KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-28NoHello, find below. 0101160005613 ​ 1 To 33 5669 5036 7080 1244 9961 7139 0974 4550 9095 0956 ​ 33 To 1 2533 9505 8930 7147 6362 2760 4765 5704 8631 54872022-10-28 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021452ClosedKCT Request2022-10-28KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-28NoHello find below. 21 To 1 6244 5949 6865 3679 4698 7367 7379 4897 5466 91042022-10-28 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021451ClosedKCT Request2022-10-28Re: KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-28NoHello, find below. 49152828329941772563 144871672002151113922022-10-28 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021450ClosedTamper Code2022-10-27Request for temper code plsMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27NoDear Umar, find below, 54161103459 Clear Tamper 0 2557 8223 5501 4579 31242022-10-27 abubakarumar4102@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021449ClosedTamper Code2022-10-27Tamper/Clear CreditMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27NoDear Auwal, find below, 54150629431 Clear Tamper 0 2180 1590 5232 6816 0147 54150629431 Clear Credit 0 7376 3276 0734 4430 0536 54150633185 Clear Tamper 0 3596 2303 2579 6288 2845 54150633185 Clear Credit 0 4455 3353 0022 1808 47302022-10-27 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021448ClosedRequest2022-10-27Re: Debt Profile - 54161027906MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6581362286-01 Loss of Revenue ₦263,203.60 ₦-51,500.00 ₦16,170.00 ₦206,703.60 V 2022-09-16 ₦5,000.00 2022-10-132022-10-27 mohammed.umar@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021447ClosedRequest2022-10-27REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672125351001 Debt Repayment ₦180,105.77 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦176,105.77 M 2022-08-17 ₦4,000.00 2022-10-012022-10-27 hamzaadamu64@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021446ClosedKCT Request2022-10-27KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27Nohello, find below, It is also on 001 on our system. So, it does not require KCT. If they are facing any difficulties recharging, kindly dispatch maintenance team.2022-10-27 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021445ClosedKCT Request2022-10-27REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27Nohello, find below, 3828 6682 0623 5422 0093 6770 3604 8808 2523 72062022-10-27 hamzaadamu64@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021444ClosedKCT Request2022-10-27REQUEST FOR KCT 54150626304MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27NoHello, find below. 21 To 1 2790 7151 7815 0162 5942 5321 9286 3184 8843 74002022-10-27 nmaisugar@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021443ClosedRequest2022-10-28DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 657354021301 Debt Repayment ₦39,097.63 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦37,097.63 M 2022-09-12 ₦2,000.00 2022-10-262022-10-27 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00021442ClosedKCT Request2022-10-28REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27NoHell, find below. 5 To 1 6741 2225 3454 4216 4302 2965 8946 2794 5628 69042022-10-27 hamzaadamu64@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021441ClosedKCT Request2022-10-27KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 6614 0414 6111 2240 2894 1448 5058 3122 9173 99662022-10-27 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021440ClosedRequest2022-10-27REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE----0101170274746MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 409622 Debt Repayment ₦164,027.67 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦164,027.67 M 2019-10-06 ₦0.00 2021-05-312022-10-27 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021439ClosedKCT Request2022-10-27KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27Nohello, find below, 0989 1263 8261 4850 5545 4053 2953 1494 0480 10002022-10-27 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021438ClosedTamper Code2022-10-28REQUEST FOR TAMPERMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-28NoSupport, Generate CT as requested. Regards.2022-10-28 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00021437ClosedTamper Code2022-10-28TamperMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-28NoGood morning, find below, 0101215031853 Clear Tamper 0 6318 0321 1686 0013 78612022-10-28 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021436ClosedRequest2022-10-28request for debt profile. 0101210132771MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-28NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 658127264401 Debt Repayment ₦634,919.17 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦632,919.17 M 2022-09-30 ₦2,000.00 2022-10-282022-10-28 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021435ClosedKCT Request2022-10-28KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-28NoHello, find below, 33 To 1 1971 3020 7966 7250 3208 1796 5255 5316 3695 87422022-10-28 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021434ClosedKCT Request2022-10-28KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-28NoHello, find below. 1 To 33 5669 5036 7080 1244 9961 7139 0974 4550 9095 09562022-10-28 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021433ClosedRequest2022-10-28GOOD MORNING,REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE ==0101170300632MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-28Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6131094772-01 Debt Repayment ₦267,891.44 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦267,891.44 M 2020-03-13 ₦0.00 2021-05-312022-10-28 nmaisugar@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021432ClosedKCT Request2022-10-28KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-28Nohello, find below, 1 To 21 2855 2818 7403 1437 7915 7095 0704 5215 6142 9691 21 To 1 3399 1246 6750 1547 5291 6791 9620 2904 0156 52522022-10-21 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021431ClosedKCT Request2022-10-28KCT REQUEST: 0101210123507 (03 to 01)IT Umar Auwal2022-10-28Nohello, find below, 0339 4255 3890 1685 7705 0098 4282 3370 0856 12582022-10-28 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021430ClosedRequest2022-10-27DEBT PROFILE: 0101210139735MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 750255 Debt Repayment ₦7,187.18 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦7,187.18 M 2022-03-11 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-10-27 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021429ClosedKCT Request2022-10-27KCT 95300400769MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27Nohello, find below, 1 To 55 1714 6820 0332 1730 5284 4342 4807 6661 2750 3556 55 To 1 4908 7766 1567 8981 0050 5574 5679 6215 7671 65972022-10-27 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021428ClosedKCT Request2022-10-27Request for KCT shehuMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27Nohello, find below, 6296 2997 1645 6348 5801 4166 6427 4404 4601 95552022-10-27 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021427ClosedKCT Request2022-10-27KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27Nohello, find below, 2076 8883 9318 5176 4027 5240 6507 7483 1015 19872022-10-27 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021426ClosedTamper Code2022-10-27Temper ReqMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27NoDear Mr. Ibrahim, find below, 0101215031853 Clear Tamper 0 5417 6677 8788 6132 84192022-10-27 ibrahim.doggi@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021425ClosedRequest2022-10-28Total outstandingMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27NoHello, There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2022-10-27 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021424OpenKCT Request0000-00-00KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27NoHello, find below. 4 To 1 1723 3944 9255 0250 4035 3055 7669 2184 2930 69952022-10-28 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021423ClosedTamper Code2022-10-28TamperMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-28NoGood morning, find below, 44000373421 Clear Tamper 0 4788 2435 2987 2958 2628 57100053263 Clear Tamper 0 2636 7379 8264 6276 76142022-10-28 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021422Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021421ClosedRequest2022-10-27DEBT PROFILE: 0101200037238MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 607123 Debt Repayment ₦45,782.04 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦33,782.04 M 2022-03-30 ₦12,000.00 2022-09-302022-10-27 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021420ClosedRequest2022-10-27Re: DEBT PROFILE: 0101200016364MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-28NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611213312901 Debt Repayment ₦499,772.69 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦485,772.69 M 2022-03-30 ₦14,000.00 2022-10-272022-10-28 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021419ClosedKCT Request2022-10-28KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-28Nohello, find below, 44300009519 1-73 and 73-1 1 To 73 1343 0210 0246 2090 4515 3423 1383 9213 8528 9669 73 To 1 0942 2479 5522 5578 4275 4465 9506 1221 9473 4588 44300009519 1-74 and 74-1 1 To 74 3159 3789 8025 2994 9517 2900 1045 0153 8805 8577 74 To 1 6616 1409 2113 0014 4044 6153 1013 8219 5282 3043 44300009519 1-2 and 2-1 1 To 2 7055 7920 4604 8032 0704 0978 2545 8864 6257 9949 2 To 1 6756 8401 5908 8411 7858 3411 3456 1582 7191 27342022-10-28 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021418ClosedKCT Request2022-10-27KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27Nohello, find below, It is also on 001 on our system. So, it does not require KCT. If they are facing any difficulties recharging, kindly dispatch maintenance team.2022-10-27 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021417ClosedKCT Request2022-10-27KCT REQUEST: 0101210080509 (04 to 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27Nohello, find below, 4063 2514 6756 7379 2205 5203 6797 6840 6250 82832022-10-27 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021416ClosedKCT Request2022-10-28Request for kctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 0905 3452 9175 3219 7338 3551 3942 9122 7501 86452022-10-27 beediesarah5@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021415ClosedKCT Request2022-10-27REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27Nohello, find below, 0498 7617 2761 6519 7581 5617 4153 7967 8738 43602022-10-27 yusufibrahimbaba440@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021414ClosedKCT Request2022-10-27REQUEST FOR KCT 0101200046973MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27Nohello, find below, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-10-27 nmaisugar@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021413ClosedKCT Request2022-10-27Request for KCT JohnMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27Nohello, find below, 6131 0758 3040 2616 8281 3205 2128 3564 0894 88562022-10-27 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021412ClosedKCT Request2022-10-27KCT REQUEST 0101210010902MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27No1 To 21 6392 8978 2054 1213 9932 6705 6515 0732 8898 13462022-10-27 wyontochae@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021411ClosedRequest2022-10-27CLEAR MINUSMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-28NoDear Mr. Roland, find below, 54161006322 Clear Credit 0 3321 6074 5616 0758 71072022-10-28 roland.james@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021410ClosedKCT Request2022-10-27KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27NoHello, find below. 6201 8808 3356 9391 8933 5398 9918 3476 9460 37502022-10-27 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021409ClosedKCT Request2022-10-27Request for KCT - 54160942881MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27NoHello, find below. 21 To 1 6227 0197 2791 1714 4436 4146 9872 7514 3094 42022022-10-27 lucky.akpobi@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021408ClosedTamper Code2022-10-27Request for clear temper 0101170246470MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-20NoGood morning, find below, 0101170246470 Clear Tamper 0 4837 7819 7085 8791 35732022-10-27 roland.james@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021407ClosedKCT Request2022-10-27Request for k c t pls the meter index is 0004 0101190143012MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27NoHhello, find below. 4 To 1 6384 0302 7730 7947 8316 7248 7509 4299 4006 83182022-10-27 abubakarumar4102@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021406ClosedTamper Code2022-10-27: REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPER 44300016100MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27NoSupport, Pls treat. Regards.2022-10-27 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021405ClosedKCT Request2022-10-27KCT REQUEST: 0101205018126 (01 to 45 and 45 to 01MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27NoHello, find below. 0101205018126] ​21711157344343943203 20041537609625089638 ​ 45 To 1 4460 1515 7663 6547 6049 2603 5653 3716 1823 53512022-10-27 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021404ClosedKCT Request2022-10-28KCT GENERATIONMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-28NoDear Mohammed, Find below, 6583 5230 8394 8530 5381 4933 3464 7028 6351 06472022-10-28 bamangalk@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021403ClosedKCT Request2022-10-280101210023640 (0021 to 0001)MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-28NoDear Akande, Find below, 5865 0042 4623 6684 3779 3050 3415 1422 5265 92672022-10-28 abdulmalikakande@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021402ClosedKCT Request2022-10-28REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-28NoDear Bako, This meters are on 01 no KCT required. Kindly query the meter and let us know the tariff index its on.2022-10-28 bakoamusa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021401ClosedKCT Request2022-10-28KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-28NoDear Husaini, This meter its on 01 on our system no KCT required.2022-10-28 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021400ClosedKCT Request2022-10-28KctsMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-28NoDear Destiny, Find below, 7219 0171 9235 2533 0316 6991 8885 3552 4541 15362022-10-28 avalumundestiny651@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021399ClosedRequest2022-10-28Total outstandingMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-28NoDear Husaini, Find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 431626 Debt Repayment ₦126,485.14 ₦-32,539.35 ₦2,000.00 ₦61,945.79 M 2019-08-27 ₦32,000.00 2022-09-292022-10-28 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021398ClosedKCT Request2022-10-28KctsMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-28NoDear Emmanuel, Find below, 7219 0171 9235 2533 0316 6991 8885 3552 4541 15362022-10-28 terpineemma@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021397ClosedRequest2022-10-28Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-28NoDear Tanimu, Find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 530961 Debt Repayment ₦109,261.75 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦109,261.75 M 2022-08-22 ₦0.00 2022-08-242022-10-28 tkhadija028@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021396ClosedKCT Request2022-10-27KCT REQUEST: 0101210139735 ( 45 to 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27NoHello, find below. 0777 2716 6049 8259 6299 2231 2377 2967 3391 57812022-10-27 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021395ClosedKCT Request2022-10-27KCT please sirMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27Nohello, find below, 2133 8851 3980 2509 6497 2294 0115 9326 4957 14852022-10-27 elijah.ishaya@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021394ClosedKCT Request2022-10-27KCT REQUEST: 0101195005786 ( 02 to 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27Nohello, find below, 5813 7414 0341 8270 1306 2606 7129 6540 9815 90982022-10-27 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021393Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021392ClosedKCT Request2022-10-27KCT please sirMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27NoHello, find below. 21 To 1 1882 3360 9697 8558 2003 3303 2430 5856 2048 8566 Hello, find below. 21 To 1 1882 3360 9697 8558 2003 3303 2430 5856 2048 85662022-10-27 elijah.ishaya@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021391ClosedKCT Request2022-10-27Request for kctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27Nohello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on2022-10-27 okadonyesimona@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021390ClosedKCT Request2022-10-26KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-26NoHello, fins below. 4202 6716 4113 0129 2325 3961 7400 6477 6669 40522022-10-26 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021389ClosedRequest2022-10-27REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-26NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672163168501 Debt Repayment ₦225,680.58 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦213,680.58 M 2022-03-21 ₦12,000.00 2022-09-292022-10-26 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021388ClosedKCT Request2022-10-26Re: KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-26NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 6423 3051 9765 9666 8271 3208 2617 3494 1509 41482022-10-26 amibabs433@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021387ClosedKCT Request2022-10-26KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-26NoHello, find below. 99 To 1 6514 3232 6510 7432 7262 0787 4304 8265 5475 12292022-10-26 jubilant95@hotmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021386ClosedKCT Request2022-10-26KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-26Nohell, find below. 5387 2871 6009 2287 2020 6451 3379 1941 9551 03732022-10-26 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021385ClosedRequest2022-10-27REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27NoHello, find blow, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672163129201 Debt Repayment ₦400,870.87 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦386,870.87 M 2022-03-22 ₦14,000.00 2022-10-212022-10-27 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021384ClosedRequest2022-10-26DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-26NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 705543 Debt Repayment ₦5,304.69 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,304.69 M 2022-02-16 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-10-26 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00021383ClosedKCT Request2022-10-27KCT GENERATION From 45 to 01 0101210184574MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27NoHello, find below. 45 To 1 1609 3078 0287 8937 1156 6219 3179 5723 7062 42392022-10-20 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021382ClosedKCT Request2022-10-27KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 5387 2871 6009 2287 2020 6451 3379 1941 9551 03732022-10-27 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021381ClosedRequest2022-10-27DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672588 Debt Repayment ₦26,738.86 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦22,738.86 M 2022-03-01 ₦4,000.00 2022-05-282022-10-27 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00021380ClosedKCT Request2022-10-27Re: KCT REQUEST 0101161051764Medium 2022-10-27Nohello, find below, 0522 3291 3051 2011 8814 3795 2611 7278 6074 65542022-10-27 wyontochae@gmail.com
#00021379ClosedRequest2022-10-27REQUEST FOR DEBT STATUS - 54161142531MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6573105410-01 Debt Repayment ₦3,130.05 ₦-1,020.14 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2020-02-10 ₦2,109.91 2021-10-08 Closed 6573105410-01 Loss of Revenue ₦66,500.00 ₦0.00 ₦15,000.00 ₦66,500.00 M 2022-09-16 ₦0.00 2022-09-202022-10-27 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021378ClosedKCT Request2022-10-27KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27Nohello, find below, 99 To 1 3195 1348 6491 4655 9220 2625 6160 6733 4375 4565 9 To 99 6656 0644 1317 5874 3194 3606 2025 1014 7246 01662022-10-27 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021377ClosedRequest2022-10-27REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 95300121100MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27NoDear Nusaiba, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 673553 Debt Repayment ₦41,547.12 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦27,547.12 M 2022-02-25 ₦14,000.00 2022-09-282022-10-27 nmaisugar@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021376ClosedKCT Request2022-10-27TOKEN REQUESTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27NoDear George, Note that the system will automatically reverse the transaction after 24 hours.2022-10-27 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021375ClosedKCT Request2022-10-27REQUEST FOR KCT FROM 0004 TO PRESENT TARIFF 0101190014577MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27Nohello, find below, 5975 0968 1892 3651 2172 1595 0893 4726 0369 15532022-10-27 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021374ClosedKCT Request2022-10-27This Generate an incomplete KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27NoGood morning, find below, 60399520478223695758 020047802766122156672022-10-27 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021373ClosedKCT Request2022-10-27KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27Nohello, find below, 1224 2580 4974 6447 9978 6137 2496 8015 5034 96942022-10-27 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021372ClosedRequest2022-10-27REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27Nohello, find below, 0195000001915 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 699488 Debt Repayment ₦56,929.26 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦44,929.26 M 2022-04-20 ₦12,000.00 2022-10-27 95300160876 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 642954 Debt Repayment ₦121,873.89 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦119,873.89 M 2022-03-11 ₦2,000.00 2022-04-182022-10-27 florarumun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021371ClosedKCT Request2022-10-27REQUEST FOR TOKEN RETRIEVAL 0101170284752 / 6151142760-01MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27NoDear Joseph, Note that for any transaction the token was not generated the system will automatically reverse the transaction after 24 hours.2022-10-27 wyontochae@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021370ClosedKCT Request2022-10-27KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27Nohello, find below, It is also on 001 on our system. So, it does not require KCT. If they are facing any difficulties recharging, kindly dispatch maintenance team.2022-10-27 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021369ClosedKCT Request2022-10-27Requesting for KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27Nohello, find below, 6639 3558 6608 0004 1680 5045 4974 8745 2396 03102022-10-20 yuzarsif331122@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021368ClosedTamper Code2022-10-27REQUEST FOR TEMPER CODEMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27NoGood morning, find below, 0101200062541 Clear Tamper 0 2626 8024 6442 9669 35102022-10-27 bakoamusa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021367ClosedTamper Code2022-10-27Request for clear tamper codeMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27NoGood morning, find below, 0101210033755 Clear Tamper 0 2777 0981 5178 7260 4566 0101210059891 Clear Tamper 0 5101 8562 5221 2956 3718 0101210042012 Clear Tamper 0 1704 6956 5400 7203 9429 0101210139610 Clear Tamper 0 0462 4505 3241 9813 2885 0101210018855 Clear Tamper 0 6620 6953 5426 3896 6776 0101210073199 Clear Tamper 0 7334 9771 3539 9434 6390 0101190021879 Clear Tamper 0 4991 0444 2163 8261 7207 0101200090252 Clear Tamper 0 4470 8733 0831 6955 5908 0101210038663 Clear Tamper 0 1920 4619 0120 3721 0101 0101210035727 Clear Tamper 0 2338 2538 2084 7265 1697 0101210006918 Clear Tamper 0 5961 4027 1041 5220 8555 0101210063471 Clear Tamper 0 0596 3308 3028 2595 2614 0101205002096 Clear Tamper 0 0382 6485 1808 3996 6606 0101170257931 Clear Tamper 0 2984 2468 0114 0507 9539 0101200067730 Clear Tamper 0 5699 2378 7272 9655 9599 0101200042378 Clear Tamper 0 4811 9630 4834 1504 6556 0101210100084 0101200013031 Clear Tamper 0 2168 6872 8653 3041 3204 0101200029391 Clear Tamper 0 5482 7685 7960 8021 3785 0101170377523 Clear Tamper 0 4657 4974 3640 2700 8389 0101210047904 Clear Tamper 0 2165 5898 6708 7165 9411 0101200121883 Clear Tamper 0 5355 1691 1612 9970 1042 0101200082408 Clear Tamper 0 5449 8565 8467 5814 7600 Upgrade 4400060581 Lightning 62321068629 Clear Tamper 0 6053 3593 4684 5634 44582022-10-27 sadiqabdullahi62@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021366ClosedKCT Request2022-10-27REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27NoHello, find below. 44000330801 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-10-27 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00021365ClosedRequest2022-10-26Total outstandingMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-26NoHello, There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2022-10-26 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021364ClosedTamper Code2022-10-26REQUEST FOR TAMPERMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-26NoDear Wuladi, find below, 0101210077463 Clear Tamper 0 4967 2502 7018 3084 5766 due to power surge 0101170196907 Clear Tamper 0 5611 3143 1495 4334 3025 due to power surge 0101170416248 Clear Tamper 0 7288 3518 3087 1654 1169 due to wrong SGC2022-10-26 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021363ClosedKCT Request2022-10-26KCT REQUEST: 57100004951 (02 to 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-26NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 2886 7607 9884 5455 9003 3837 0117 0708 9649 57202022-10-26 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021362ClosedRequest2022-10-26DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-26NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6151172473-01 Debt Repayment ₦178,443.27 ₦-51,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦93,443.27 M 2019-05-16 ₦34,000.00 2022-10-262022-10-26 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00021361ClosedKCT Request2022-10-26Rejection of KCT ebaMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-26NoDear OWifirst, find below, 4376 9249 4382 1031 1381 4819 6230 8722 9770 13152022-10-26 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021360ClosedKCT Request2022-10-26KCT REQUEST: 0101170372144 ( 01 to 45 and 45 to 01)Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-26NoDear George, find below, 45 To 1 5244 8228 0400 7350 3155 2432 5284 8730 8338 0322 1 To 45 3273 6104 8076 4533 4034 0478 5386 0351 4104 17782022-10-26 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021359ClosedKCT Request2022-10-26Request for KCT for 0101200024434 on 002Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-26NoDear Caroaline, find below, 6423 3051 9765 9666 8271 3208 2617 3494 1509 4148 ​2022-10-26 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021358ClosedRequest2022-10-27REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE ====0101200101455MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 717648 Debt Repayment ₦15,195.18 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦1,195.18 M 2022-03-29 ₦14,000.00 2022-10-252022-10-27 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021357ClosedRequest2022-10-27: Debt Profile - 44000369254MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-26NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 497850 Debt Repayment ₦86,773.20 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦82,773.20 M 2022-08-17 ₦4,000.00 2022-10-262022-10-27 mohammed.umar@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021356ClosedRequest2022-10-27Debt Profile - 0101170272831Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-26NoDear Umar, No debt for this customer.2022-10-26 mohammed.umar@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021355ClosedKCT Request2022-10-26KCT REQUEST: 57100004951 (21 to 01)Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-26NoDear george, find below, 5847 1943 2998 8438 5995 2582 1610 8224 0098 35552022-10-26 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021354ClosedRequest2022-10-26REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101200124887Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-26NoDear Naomi, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611119327401 Debt Repayment ₦196,892.88 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦196,892.88 M 2022-08-30 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-10-26 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021353ClosedRequest2022-10-27DEBT PROFILE REQUESTSMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-26NoDear joseph, find below, 0101200039192 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 435295 Debt Repayment ₦339,445.04 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦333,445.04 M 2022-07-01 ₦6,000.00 2022-10-19 0101190134755 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 698961 Debt Repayment ₦15,267.31 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦9,267.31 M 2022-07-19 ₦6,000.00 2022-10-262022-10-26 wyontochae@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021352ClosedRequest2022-10-26REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-26NoDear Hamza, find below, 0150000913924 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 735324 Debt Repayment ₦55,067.47 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦55,067.47 V 2022-07-14 ₦0.00 2022-07-14 0101215025152 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672803137001 Debt Repayment ₦277,312.53 ₦0.00 ₦5,000.00 ₦277,312.53 M 2022-07-28 ₦0.00 2022-07-282022-10-26 hamzaadamu64@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021351OpenRequest0000-00-00Debt profile - 01012000438973840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-26NoDear Umar, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 691001 Debt Repayment ₦17,363.12 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,363.12 M 2022-03-28 ₦12,000.00 2022-09-302022-10-26 mohammed.umar@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021350ClosedKCT Request2022-10-26Request for KCT for 54160744683 on 45MediumIT Umar Auwal0000-00-00NoHello, find below. 5455 4212 2456 7029 4133 5868 2444 5272 2277 50292022-10-26 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021349ClosedKCT Request2022-10-27KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27NoDear Auwal, find below, 99 To 1 6514 3232 6510 7432 7262 0787 4304 8265 5475 1229 1 To 99 3722 9236 7680 5665 8375 6996 6265 7862 9661 49782022-10-27 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021348ClosedKCT Request2022-10-27KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27NoHello, find below. 33 To 1 3302 0235 1870 5840 7308 4329 2302 0344 5520 58902022-10-27 faithelisha1990@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021347ClosedRequest2022-10-27DEBT PROFILE: 95300103074, 0101170451211MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27NoDear Ademu, Find below, 95300103074, ​ Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 616557 Debt Repayment ₦199,758.22 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦199,758.22 M 2022-03-10 ₦0.00 0000-00-00 ​2022-10-27 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021346ClosedKCT Request2022-10-27KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27NoDear Umar, This meter its on 01 on our system no KCT required. However query the meter and let us know the tariff index its on.2022-10-27 amibabs433@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021345ClosedKCT Request2022-10-27REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27NoDear Myahwegi, Find below, 5412 8725 6820 3027 9699 5235 5888 1158 3066 30752022-10-27 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00021344ClosedKCT Request2022-10-27KCT - 54150599899MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27NoHello, find below. 54150599899 21 To 1 4384 6107 5209 6288 0012 1396 3576 0994 3770 28902022-10-27 mohammed.umar@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021343OpenKCT Request0000-00-00Requesting for KCTIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27NoDear Yusuf, Find below, 3378 0480 9776 0462 7242 3042 0792 0183 4539 71542022-10-27 yuzarsif331122@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021342ClosedKCT Request2022-10-27KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27NoHello, find below. 1675 3429 5378 0988 8609 0721 9427 3220 5484 8978 Hello, find below. 1675 3429 5378 0988 8609 0721 9427 3220 5484 89782022-10-27 faithelisha1990@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021341ClosedRequest2022-10-27NON REFLECTION OF MRAMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27NoDear Emily, The transaction has been reversed for this customer, attach is the vending history for this customer FYI.2022-10-27 creditriskmgt2018@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021340ClosedRequest2022-10-27REQUEST FOR DEB PROFILE - 0101195004508MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 651595006801 Debt Repayment ₦598,174.09 ₦0.00 ₦5,000.00 ₦558,174.09 M 2022-02-09 ₦40,000.00 2022-10-252022-10-27 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021339ClosedRequest2022-10-27Debt Profile - 54160858350MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 493463 Loss of Revenue ₦76,000.00 ₦0.00 ₦22,250.00 ₦76,000.00 M 2022-09-16 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-10-27 mohammed.umar@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021338ClosedRequest2022-10-27REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27Nohello, find below, 0150000982812 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 734114 Debt Repayment ₦4,455.35 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦4,455.35 M 2022-08-03 ₦0.00 2022-08-31 0150000982523 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 651257 Debt Repayment ₦12,100.74 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦6,100.74 M 2022-07-28 ₦6,000.00 2022-10-192022-10-27 hamzaadamu64@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021337ClosedKCT Request2022-10-27: REQUEST FOR KCT TARIFF INDEX 021 - 95300162625MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27Nohello, find below, 6409 4224 3528 4750 8339 3959 5190 0500 2372 41822022-10-27 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021336ClosedTamper Code2022-10-27TamperMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27NoGood morning, find below, 44000624336 Clear Tamper 0 4143 2264 8457 3894 66342022-10-27 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021335ClosedTamper Code2022-10-27TamperMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27NoGood morning, find below, 57300010808 Clear Tamper 0 2611 1568 1195 3950 01882022-10-27 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021334ClosedTamper Code2022-10-27REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPERMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27NoGood morning, find below, 0101170199828 Clear Tamper 0 3290 9016 7823 8916 1029 0195000004299 Clear Tamper 0 2832 6919 8002 1897 97502022-10-27 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021333ClosedRequest2022-10-27DEBT DEBTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27NoGood morning, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6461061581-01 Debt Repayment ₦149,747.03 ₦-47,500.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦68,247.03 M 2019-06-16 ₦34,000.00 2022-10-272022-10-27 faizahtafida@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021332ClosedTamper Code2022-10-27TamperMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27NoGood morning, find below, 0101200021968 Clear Tamper 0 2929 1054 6005 7998 0728 0101205004415 Clear Tamper 0 2830 1503 9897 7802 6307 44000609949 Clear Tamper 0 6453 1751 9083 7563 6711 57100044700 Clear Tamper 0 0805 5670 6422 8518 7839 62321074346 Clear Tamper 0 4689 7480 5660 7978 80162022-10-27 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021331ClosedTamper Code2022-10-27TamperMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27NoGood morning, find below, 95300217437 Clear Tamper 0 0406 5396 3185 8411 72952022-10-27 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021330ClosedRequest2022-10-27REQUEST FOR OUTSTANDING BALANCEMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 662138184801 Debt Repayment ₦181,163.97 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦173,163.97 M 2022-04-14 ₦8,000.00 2022-08-032022-10-27 sunnyochekwu@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021329ClosedTamper Code2022-10-27Request for temper code plsMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27NoGood morning, find below, 44000665727 Clear Tamper 0 7280 4303 0984 8941 61382022-10-27 roland.james@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021328ClosedKCT Request2022-10-27KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-20Nohello, find below, 4481 5558 2732 5110 2749 3297 3785 5173 8030 38662022-10-27 faithelisha1990@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021327ClosedTamper Code2022-10-27Request for clear Tampa code for 0101200095418MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27NoGood morning, find below, 0101200095418 Clear Tamper 0 4581 6144 9731 7440 66742022-10-27 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021326ClosedRequest2022-10-27MIGRATION OF NEW ACCOUNTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27NoHello, treated.2022-10-27 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00021325ClosedTamper Code2022-10-27TamperMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27NoGood morning, find below, 0101200021968 Clear Tamper 0 5706 1171 0263 6249 83622022-10-27 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021324ClosedRequest2022-10-27REQUEST FOR DEBT STATUS - 95300121100MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27NoGood morning, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 673553 Debt Repayment ₦41,547.12 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦27,547.12 M 2022-02-25 ₦14,000.00 2022-09-282022-10-27 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021323ClosedRequest2022-10-27REQUEST FOR DEBT STATUS - 95300162625MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27NoGood morning, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 658504038001 Debt Repayment ₦244,884.65 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦230,884.65 M 2022-03-02 ₦14,000.00 2022-10-222022-10-27 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021322ClosedComplaint2022-10-27Fwd: ComplainMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27NoGood morning, Dear HCCU, Note that the transaction will be reversed after 24 hours.2022-10-27 lucky.akpobi@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021321ClosedRequest2022-10-27GOOD MORNING, REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE==0101200002380MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 643130 Debt Repayment ₦76,313.88 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦71,313.88 M 2022-04-05 ₦5,000.00 2022-06-232022-10-27 nmaisugar@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021320ClosedTamper Code2022-10-27CLEAR CREDITMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27NoSupport, Generate Clear credit for MSN 54161006322. Regards.2022-10-27 roland.james@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021319ClosedKCT Request2022-10-27REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27Nohello, find below, ​This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-10-27 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00021318ClosedRequest2022-10-27Debt ProfileMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27Nohello, find below, 0101210182396 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 662252052701 Debt Repayment ₦20,118.91 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦14,118.91 M 2022-07-21 ₦6,000.00 2022-10-26 0101210153488 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 662158390401 Debt Repayment ₦154,394.95 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦148,394.95 M 2022-07-21 ₦6,000.00 2022-10-262022-10-27 yinknuga2002@yahoo.co.uk Umar Auwal
#00021317Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021316ClosedVending History2022-10-27Vending historyMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27Nohello, find below, # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 6616166618926924 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-10-19 15:21:09 Meter No.: 0101210016602 Account No.: 624232094501 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 33.67 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 2805 4695 3437 2074 5889 2 Transaction ID: 7955164874218524 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-31 16:56:25 Meter No.: 0101210016602 Account No.: 624232094501 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 51.63 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 4954 5341 8973 2854 8385 3 Transaction ID: 1266164615562924 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-01 18:27:09 Meter No.: 0101210016602 Account No.: 624232094501 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 25.82 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 3662 9549 9200 7036 8395 4 Transaction ID: 4192164287175724 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-01-22 18:15:57 Meter No.: 0101210016602 Account No.: 624232094501 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 36.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 1512 2537 6302 9275 5605 5 Transaction ID: 9827162970290024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-08-23 08:15:00 Meter No.: 0101210016602 Account No.: 624232094501 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦3,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 6 Transaction ID: 2126162712921024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-07-24 13:20:10 Meter No.: 0101210016602 Account No.: 624232094501 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦3,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 7 Transaction ID: 3742162214316824 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-27 20:19:28 Meter No.: 0101210016602 Account No.: 624232094501 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦3,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.002022-10-27 sasedonald0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021315ClosedKCT Request2022-10-27KctsMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27Nohello, find below, 4445 7410 6328 4336 8501 2253 9246 4253 9179 05322022-10-27 terpineemma@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021314ClosedKCT Request2022-10-27KCT REQUEST: 57100058361 (01 to 21 and 21 to 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27Nohello, find below, 1 To 21 4959 4170 5926 9679 1810 0075 2153 8212 4139 1595 21 To 1 1303 1876 8868 0261 0125 7291 2704 0642 8945 65032022-10-27 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021313ClosedKCT Request2022-10-27REQUEST FOR KEY CHANGE TOKENMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27Nohello, find below, 0714 1304 2206 1200 9195 1587 4833 8612 8185 46902022-10-27 sunnyochekwu@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021312ClosedRequest2022-10-27DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 691435 Debt Repayment ₦10,472.06 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦1,472.06 M 2022-02-11 ₦9,000.00 2022-10-272022-10-27 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00021311ClosedKCT Request2022-10-27KctsMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27Nohello, find below, 62321164683 from 01 to 99 5618 3310 7728 2391 0478 4749 2534 4728 4757 9167 62321209249 from 01 to 99 4148 0059 4737 0453 3009 3832 0726 2559 7287 82512022-10-27 terpineemma@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021310ClosedKCT Request2022-10-27KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27Nohello, find below. 2464 6002 5000 7598 8605 2973 7047 9838 9120 39382022-10-27 faithelisha1990@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021309ClosedKCT Request2022-10-27REQUEST FOR KCT FROM 01 TO PRESENT TARIFFMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-27NoHello, find below. 54160735442 4104 8007 1323 5362 8105 5716 1518 0511 8452 5511 44000734762 5633 3014 3796 1446 2229 1691 3542 3844 6710 05902022-10-27 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021308ClosedKCT Request2022-10-27KctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-26Nohello, find below, It is also on 001 on our system. So, it does not require KCT. If they are facing any difficulties recharging, kindly dispatch maintenance team.2022-10-26 amibabs433@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021307Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021306ClosedRequest2022-10-26REQUEST FOR DEBT PPROFILE==5416088538MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-26NoHello, find below. wrong meter number or not captured on our system.2022-10-26 nmaisugar@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021305ClosedKCT Request2022-10-26: KctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-26NoHello, find below. 1 To 99 3722 9236 7680 5665 8375 6996 6265 7862 9661 49782022-10-26 jubilant95@hotmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021304ClosedRequest2022-10-26REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-26NoHello, find below. 0150000970106 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672105283501 Debt Repayment ₦56,506.33 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦54,506.33 M 2022-04-19 ₦2,000.00 2022-05-04 0150000846728 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 627809 Debt Repayment ₦18,083.66 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦8,083.66 M 2022-04-08 ₦10,000.00 2022-09-30 0150000913924 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 735324 Debt Repayment ₦55,067.47 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦55,067.47 M 2022-07-14 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-10-26 hamzaadamu64@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021303ClosedKCT Request2022-10-26KCT REQUEST 0101170231043MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-26NoHello, find below. 4055 2954 6365 2787 9032 1718 9235 8181 5136 17052022-10-26 wyontochae@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021302ClosedKCT Request2022-10-26KctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-26NoHello, find below. 1 To 99 4297 4978 9027 7463 1939 6553 1423 0055 7743 99062022-10-26 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021301ClosedRequest2022-10-26Debt profile. 0101160000200, 0101190140034MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-26NoHello, find below. 0101160000200, ​ Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6127510549-01 Debt Repayment ₦113,643.19 ₦-9,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦76,643.19 M 2020-01-28 ₦28,000.00 2022-07-19 ​ 0101190140034 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612751047801 Debt Repayment ₦145,344.69 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦145,344.69 M 2022-04-06 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-10-26 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00021300ClosedKCT Request2022-10-26Request for Kct ccMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-26No2022-10-26 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021299ClosedKCT Request2022-10-260101161052283 (current tariff to 0001)MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-26Nohello, find below. 2 To 1 3482 7288 6375 7509 9429 5936 6005 7768 8474 19452022-10-26 abdulmalikakande@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021298ClosedRequest2022-10-26REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 54160956261MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-26NoHello, find below. There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2022-10-26 nmaisugar@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021297ClosedKCT Request2022-10-26KCT REQUEST: 0101180107811 (21 to 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-26Nohello, find below. 2856 3445 7306 5440 5780 3457 0404 9540 7223 71022022-10-26 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021296ClosedKCT Request2022-10-26KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-26NoHello, find below. 2897 1971 9077 0216 4335 4444 4492 2366 7766 11252022-10-26 toranyiinkator14@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021295ClosedKCT Request2022-10-26Request for kct tariff index 21 54161062309MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2022-10-26No2223 9865 5877 4313 3896 2721 5307 9868 8440 54402022-10-26 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00021294ClosedVending History2022-10-26Re: Vending historyMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-26NoHello, find below. 0101210056426 # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 1344163213404124 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-09-20 11:34:01 Meter No.: 0101210056426 Account No.: 576529 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88 Energy Cost: ₦465.12 KwH: 9.12 Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 3410 0996 5260 2960 9304 2 Transaction ID: 4236162402454824 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-06-18 14:55:48 Meter No.: 0101210056426 Account No.: 576529 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦2,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 0101210006826 No data available in table 0101210194987 # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 3165166253563024 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-09-07 08:27:10 Meter No.: 0101210194987 Account No.: 417726 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 168.34 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 5608 9497 9321 4143 5130 2 Transaction ID: 6711165046781124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-20 16:16:51 Meter No.: 0101210194987 Account No.: 417726 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 34.42 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 2909 6193 9591 3351 9157 3 Transaction ID: 1643165013345324 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-16 19:24:13 Meter No.: 0101210194987 Account No.: 417726 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 17.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 0278 9642 5393 9104 1675 4 Transaction ID: 7386164978548724 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-12 18:44:48 Meter No.: 0101210194987 Account No.: 417726 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 17.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 6888 7126 7219 7422 3450 5 Transaction ID: 1413164901163124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-03 19:47:11 Meter No.: 0101210194987 Account No.: 417726 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 17.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 6388 3104 5818 1613 4202 6 Transaction ID: 6551164865875624 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-30 17:45:56 Meter No.: 0101210194987 Account No.: 417726 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 17.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 0328 8194 6014 9266 8737 7 Transaction ID: 3617164830104724 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-26 14:24:07 Meter No.: 0101210194987 Account No.: 417726 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 17.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 0036 5334 2771 0390 2907 8 Transaction ID: 1865164750815024 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-17 10:09:10 Meter No.: 0101210194987 Account No.: 417726 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 17.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 0913 6055 2063 6694 1297 9 Transaction ID: 5196164736269624 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-15 17:44:56 Meter No.: 0101210194987 Account No.: 417726 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 17.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 0833 3753 9780 0949 9999 10 Transaction ID: 5613164693146624 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-10 17:57:46 Meter No.: 0101210194987 Account No.: 417726 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 17.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 3811 7478 3797 7322 8046 0101210076572 #Transaction DetailsToken Details1Transaction ID: 6196164931687224 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-07 08:34:32 Meter No.: 0101210076572 Account No.: 695553 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionVAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 34.42 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 4635 3784 4016 0011 9127 2Transaction ID: 6092164925250024 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-06 14:41:40 Meter No.: 0101210076572 Account No.: 695553 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionVAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 17.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 5865 7113 2022 2653 0060 3Transaction ID: 9747164614757124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-01 16:12:51 Meter No.: 0101210076572 Account No.: 695553 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionVAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 17.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 2381 4912 4256 9363 1760 4Transaction ID: 1492164406177524 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-05 12:49:35 Meter No.: 0101210076572 Account No.: 695553 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionVAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 17.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 3245 6421 9438 5350 4637 5Transaction ID: 7064163904074024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-12-09 10:05:40 Meter No.: 0101210076572 Account No.: 695553 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionVAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 27.37 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 0320 0482 7122 3231 9149 6Transaction ID: 3691163118131824 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-09-09 10:55:18 Meter No.: 0101210076572 Account No.: 695553 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionVAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 27.37 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 0701 5262 1407 4781 7615 7Transaction ID: 2618162883848224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-08-13 08:08:02 Meter No.: 0101210076572 Account No.: 695553 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionEnergy Cost: ₦4,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦4,000.00 8Transaction ID: 4652162436821424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-06-22 14:23:34 Meter No.: 0101210076572 Account No.: 695553 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionEnergy Cost: ₦6,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦6,000.00 9Transaction ID: 8114161364838024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-18 12:39:40 Meter No.: 0101210076572 Account No.: 695553 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionEnergy Cost: ₦5,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 10Transaction ID: 8116161115110024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-20 14:58:20 Meter No.: 0101210076572 Account No.: 695553 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionEnergy Cost: ₦6,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦6,000.00 0101210054850 # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 3937166309503324 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-09-13 19:50:33 Meter No.: 0101210054850 Account No.: 624242076201 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 16.83 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 7260 7576 6583 4242 2895 2 Transaction ID: 6169166219603124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-09-03 10:07:12 Meter No.: 0101210054850 Account No.: 624242076201 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 16.83 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 5557 5885 3895 8188 1203 3 Transaction ID: 0524165324745024 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-05-22 20:24:10 Meter No.: 0101210054850 Account No.: 624242076201 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 34.42 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 0759 1405 2029 8908 3956 4 Transaction ID: 6839165133109024 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-30 16:04:50 Meter No.: 0101210054850 Account No.: 624242076201 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 34.42 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 1655 0796 0885 4810 6739 5 Transaction ID: 9453165039798624 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-19 20:53:06 Meter No.: 0101210054850 Account No.: 624242076201 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 17.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 0532 1714 4559 8615 8326 6 Transaction ID: 6067164970386824 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-11 20:04:28 Meter No.: 0101210054850 Account No.: 624242076201 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 17.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 5114 1866 9506 5257 6277 7 Transaction ID: 3164164884390724 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-01 21:11:47 Meter No.: 0101210054850 Account No.: 624242076201 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 17.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 5944 4723 4696 2586 5227 8 Transaction ID: 6219164831051124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-26 17:01:51 Meter No.: 0101210054850 Account No.: 624242076201 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 17.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 3192 6283 6733 2970 4426 9 Transaction ID: 7198164754579824 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-17 20:36:39 Meter No.: 0101210054850 Account No.: 624242076201 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 17.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 1030 8752 7707 4657 4064 10 Transaction ID: 4464164684217524 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-09 17:09:35 Meter No.: 0101210054850 Account No.: 624242076201 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 17.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 0581 9840 3590 3306 2271 0101210010365 # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 8717164873176924 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-31 14:02:49 Meter No.: 0101210010365 Account No.: 643410 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 34.42 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 5322 7981 3758 7450 4655 2 Transaction ID: 6875164770477524 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-19 16:46:15 Meter No.: 0101210010365 Account No.: 643410 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 34.42 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 2891 6355 0042 9143 0026 3 Transaction ID: 1630164545003924 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-21 14:27:19 Meter No.: 0101210010365 Account No.: 643410 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 51.63 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 6606 7339 9771 7084 0485 4 Transaction ID: 5437164432716824 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-08 14:32:48 Meter No.: 0101210010365 Account No.: 643410 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 34.42 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 4588 7286 3381 4885 5703 5 Transaction ID: 4397164344736924 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-01-29 10:09:29 Meter No.: 0101210010365 Account No.: 643410 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 36.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 6706 2814 8150 7173 8341 6 Transaction ID: 5128164260449024 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-01-19 16:01:30 Meter No.: 0101210010365 Account No.: 643410 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 36.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 0159 6813 1730 8620 7018 7 Transaction ID: 1961164163463024 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-01-08 10:37:10 Meter No.: 0101210010365 Account No.: 643410 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 36.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 6797 4172 5794 1915 6280 8 Transaction ID: 6028164088378124 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-12-30 18:03:01 Meter No.: 0101210010365 Account No.: 643410 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 36.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 4382 6825 6049 2347 2030 9 Transaction ID: 6361163895160324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-12-08 09:20:03 Meter No.: 0101210010365 Account No.: 643410 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 54.73 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 5493 7982 0747 2852 3820 10 Transaction ID: 3941163757134724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-22 09:55:48 Meter No.: 0101210010365 Account No.: 643410 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 36.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 3668 3412 7274 7159 4461 0101210005084 # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 9641165409914424 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-06-01 16:59:04 Meter No.: 0101210005084 Account No.: 614165 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 51.63 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 3342 8987 6356 0476 1252 2 Transaction ID: 2216165392623624 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-05-30 16:57:16 Meter No.: 0101210005084 Account No.: 614165 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 34.42 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 2418 2961 7346 1020 6150 3 Transaction ID: 2567165314872324 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-05-21 16:58:43 Meter No.: 0101210005084 Account No.: 614165 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 34.42 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 0860 8852 3913 5806 5439 4 Transaction ID: 5623165270861224 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-05-16 14:43:33 Meter No.: 0101210005084 Account No.: 614165 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 17.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 6051 5908 5549 4271 3362 5 Transaction ID: 6678165211107624 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-05-09 16:44:36 Meter No.: 0101210005084 Account No.: 614165 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 34.42 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 0611 0113 5966 8629 0355 6 Transaction ID: 6648165038802624 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-19 18:07:06 Meter No.: 0101210005084 Account No.: 614165 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 34.42 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 0547 8638 8515 4575 6511 7 Transaction ID: 3528164821015124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-25 13:09:11 Meter No.: 0101210005084 Account No.: 614165 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 51.63 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 6122 7658 3841 5741 0805 8 Transaction ID: 6773164667102324 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-07 17:37:03 Meter No.: 0101210005084 Account No.: 614165 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 25.82 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 6763 8994 4730 0836 2197 9 Transaction ID: 2078164503037424 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-16 17:52:54 Meter No.: 0101210005084 Account No.: 614165 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 34.42 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 0040 8260 1672 7070 9008 10 Transaction ID: 7136164391087824 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-03 18:54:38 Meter No.: 0101210005084 Account No.: 614165 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 34.42 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 1616 4071 3055 1431 0920 0101210105421 # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 8987165142668124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-05-01 18:38:01 Meter No.: 0101210105421 Account No.: 576526 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 25.82 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 2033 2172 1283 4442 6945 2 Transaction ID: 9549164589500624 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-26 18:03:26 Meter No.: 0101210105421 Account No.: 576526 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 25.82 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 5767 0770 0006 6383 9517 3 Transaction ID: 2553163699025624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-15 16:30:56 Meter No.: 0101210105421 Account No.: 576526 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 18.24 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 2512 4546 6564 3364 4475 4 Transaction ID: 4233163577732424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-01 15:35:24 Meter No.: 0101210105421 Account No.: 576526 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 54.73 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 1815 8324 8236 9515 84512022-10-26 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021293ClosedRequest2022-10-26DEBT PROFILE: 0101200036479Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-26NoGood morning, No debt record was found for this customer.2022-10-26 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021292ClosedRequest2022-10-26DEBT PROFILEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-26NoGood morning, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 615107207601 Debt Repayment ₦131,612.04 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦127,612.04 M 2022-08-17 ₦4,000.00 2022-10-232022-10-26 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021291ClosedKCT Request2022-10-26KCT3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-26NoGood morning, find below, 54161142770 TI21 5350 2457 1318 8078 0310 4989 3223 0114 0046 3178 44000692945 1-74 and 74-1 74 To 1 4182 5976 1826 8171 9015 5678 9980 0755 8041 4449 1 To 74 7201 8066 8041 0650 3085 0981 0981 3837 5186 52482022-10-26 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021290Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021289ClosedRequest2022-10-26CTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-26NoDear Dalis, find below, 0101178020968 Clear Tamper 0 7301 4964 7311 0818 77332022-10-26 jubilant95@hotmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021288ClosedRequest2022-10-26DEBT PROFILEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-26Nohello, find below. 95300181872 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 657335176101 Debt Repayment ₦410,474.82 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦410,474.82 M 2022-04-05 ₦0.00 0000-00-00 0101210093031 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 657356010801 Debt Repayment ₦104,155.31 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦102,155.31 M 2022-09-12 ₦2,000.00 2022-10-21 54161167843 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 379980 Debt Repayment ₦123,301.28 ₦-83,666.09 ₦2,000.00 ₦11,635.19 M 2019-08-04 ₦28,000.00 2022-07-292022-10-26 uduhaleje@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021287Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021286ClosedKCT Request2022-10-26: REQUEST FOR KCT FORM 6 TO PRESENT TARIFF =====54161142523Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-25NoHello, find below. 54161142523 5432 6468 6741 3128 7650 4607 1223 9435 6762 35762022-10-25 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021285ClosedRequest2022-10-26Request for an Ems accessMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-26NoDear Gyang, find below your details,2022-10-26 gyangbotson@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021284ClosedKCT Request2022-10-26REQUEST FOR KCT FROM 21 ===== 95300158292Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-26NoGood morning, find below, 4039 0393 3175 6898 2048 0184 6011 0101 5944 7537 ​2022-10-26 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021283ClosedKCT Request2022-10-26KctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-26NoHello, find below. 21 To 1 6443 9755 9208 0339 7167 4254 2113 6614 5741 62432022-10-26 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021282ClosedRequest2022-10-26REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-25NoHello, find below. 0150000844731 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 627795 Debt Repayment ₦33,959.70 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦27,959.70 M 2022-07-22 ₦6,000.00 2022-10-23 0150000848211 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 760518 Debt Repayment ₦11,881.09 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦3,881.09 M 2022-04-07 ₦8,000.00 2022-08-12 0150000977691 No data available in table 0150000968423 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 418067 Debt Repayment ₦67,325.02 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦64,825.02 M 2022-03-10 ₦2,500.00 2022-04-262022-10-26 delukosam@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021281ClosedKCT Request2022-10-26Request for kct,Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-25NoHello, find below. 0312 4757 9373 3708 4140 1014 9354 9286 7791 87452022-10-25 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021280ClosedRequest2022-10-26REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101190018561Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-26NoHello, find below. No data available in table2022-10-26 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021279ClosedKCT Request2022-10-26Re: Request for kct tariff index 02 44000373421Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-26NoGood morning, find below, 4595 8500 0600 2589 7784 1445 0135 8789 7916 81912022-10-26 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021278ClosedKCT Request2022-10-26Request for KCT shehu 2Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-26NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 6169 8192 3798 9456 0694 6951 9702 1655 1566 06172022-10-26 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021277ClosedRequest2022-10-26MIGRATION OF NEW ACCOUNTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-26NoHello, treated2022-10-26 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021276ClosedKCT Request2022-10-26Re: REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-26NoGood morning, find below, 0101161019571 FROM 22 TO THE CURRENT TARIFF 6602 5911 4632 9912 2416 2518 7572 9710 9914 2565 54161142770 FROM 21 TO THE CURRENT TARIFF 5350 2457 1318 8078 0310 4989 3223 0114 0046 31782022-10-26 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021275ClosedRequest2022-10-25REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE--44000320174Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-25NoGood morning, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 607691 Debt Repayment ₦89,236.84 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦89,236.84 M 2022-08-16 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-10-25 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021274ClosedRequest2022-10-25REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE---0150000960503Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-25NoGood morning, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672905210401 Debt Repayment ₦297,893.46 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦297,893.46 M 2022-07-21 ₦0.00 2022-07-292022-10-25 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021273ClosedKCT Request2022-10-25Request for KCT ebahMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-25NoGood morning, find below, 6169 8192 3798 9456 0694 6951 9702 1655 1566 06172022-10-25 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021272ClosedRequest2022-10-25REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE -44000396927Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-25NoGood morning, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 682998 Debt Repayment ₦3,749.72 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2022-07-20 ₦3,749.72 2022-10-26 Closed2022-10-25 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021271ClosedRequest2022-10-26DEBT PROFILEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-26NoGood morning, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 487810 Debt Repayment ₦138,509.69 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦132,509.69 M 2022-07-19 ₦6,000.00 2022-10-262022-10-26 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021270ClosedRequest2022-10-25DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25Nohello, find below. 95300181872 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 657335176101 Debt Repayment ₦410,474.82 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦410,474.82 M 2022-04-05 ₦0.00 0000-00-00 0101210093031 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 657356010801 Debt Repayment ₦104,155.31 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦102,155.31 M 2022-09-12 ₦2,000.00 2022-10-21 54161167843 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 379980 Debt Repayment ₦123,301.28 ₦-83,666.09 ₦2,000.00 ₦11,635.19 M 2019-08-04 ₦28,000.00 2022-07-292022-10-25 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021269ClosedRequest2022-10-25DEBT PROFILE 0101170436113MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25Nohello find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6129060042-01 Debt Repayment ₦283,626.93 ₦-5,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦274,626.93 M 2020-02-04 ₦4,000.00 2021-07-142022-10-25 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021268ClosedRequest2022-10-25DEBT PROFILEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-25Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 626198 Debt Repayment ₦1,602.29 ₦0.00 ₦1,602.29 ₦0.00 M 2022-06-01 ₦1,602.29 2022-10-20 Closed2022-10-25 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021267ClosedRequest2022-10-25Request for Debt profile for 0101200109177MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 719605 Debt Repayment ₦26,694.55 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦14,694.55 M 2022-04-11 ₦12,000.00 2022-10-182022-10-25 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021266ClosedRequest2022-10-25DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 683202 Debt Repayment ₦22,319.58 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦8,319.58 M 2022-03-21 ₦14,000.00 2022-10-112022-10-25 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00021265ClosedKCT Request2022-10-25: REQUEST FOR KEY CHANGE TOKENMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-25Nohello, find below, 5366 3204 4696 2123 0174 5957 4698 2813 6881 15572022-10-25 sunnyochekwu@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021264ClosedRequest2022-10-25REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-25Nohello, find below, 0150000952336 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672125032201 Debt Repayment ₦269,397.65 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦261,897.65 M 2022-07-28 ₦7,500.00 2022-10-24 0150000970320 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 679536 Debt Repayment ₦41,856.42 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦27,856.42 M 2022-03-10 ₦14,000.00 2022-10-202022-10-25 delukosam@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021263ClosedKCT Request2022-10-25KctMediumIT Umar Auwal0000-00-00Nohello, find below. 6799 8821 4770 7716 3562 3694 4326 6132 3019 82532022-10-25 amibabs433@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021262ClosedTamper Code2022-10-25CLEAR TEMPERMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-25NoDear Roland, find below, 54161167686 Clear Tamper 0 3603 2282 3046 9293 87692022-10-25 roland.james@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021261Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021260Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021259ClosedRequest2022-10-25Re: EVEND CAPTUREMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25Nohello, treated2022-10-25 mimsicle22@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021258ClosedRequest2022-10-25GOOD MORNING, REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 0195000003408MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25NoGood morning, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 490929 Debt Repayment ₦124,826.01 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦122,826.01 M 2022-07-21 ₦2,000.00 2022-08-262022-10-25 nmaisugar@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021257ClosedRequest2022-10-25Request for debt profile 44000538353Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2022-10-25NoGood morning, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 755173 Debt Repayment ₦143,298.11 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦139,298.11 M 2022-08-31 ₦4,000.00 2022-10-112022-10-25 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00021256ClosedRequest2022-10-25DEBT STATUSMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25Nohello, find below. ​ Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 166330 Debt Repayment ₦133,015.16 ₦-50,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦49,015.16 M 2019-05-16 ₦34,000.00 2022-10-19 ​2022-10-25 samueldchun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021255ClosedRequest2022-10-25DEBTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25NoGood morning, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 531300 Debt Repayment ₦107,984.31 ₦-23,565.03 ₦2,000.00 ₦84,419.28 M 2018-12-14 ₦0.00 2021-05-312022-10-25 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021254ClosedRequest2022-10-25Re: I need total outstanding debt on this meterMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25NoGood morning, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 701468 Debt Repayment ₦1,602.29 ₦0.00 ₦1,602.29 ₦0.00 M 2022-06-02 ₦1,602.29 2022-08-25 Closed2022-10-25 obembetaye@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021253ClosedKCT Request2022-10-25KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25NoGood morning, find below, 6864 3639 2644 8607 2515 4798 3864 6188 2738 6779 ​2022-10-25 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021252ClosedKCT Request2022-10-25Rejection of KCT EmmaMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-26NoGood morning, find below, 3115 6648 7184 2257 0840 1726 3512 6524 0104 82492022-10-25 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021251ClosedKCT Request2022-10-25Kct 0101170312488MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25NoDear Mathew, Please confirm the meter number and revert.2022-10-25 mathewudahson@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00021250ClosedKCT Request2022-10-25Request for KCT ochola1Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-25Nohello, find below, 2565 1171 6363 5387 6556 2223 6534 2769 2070 28582022-10-25 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021249ClosedKCT Request2022-10-25REQUEST FOR KCT FROM 04 =======0101190014577MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25Nohello, find below, 5975 0968 1892 3651 2172 1595 0893 4726 0369 15532022-10-25 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00021248ClosedKCT Request2022-10-25KCT GENERATION 54150599725MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25NoHello, find below. 21 To 1 0649 2054 3006 9638 6786 0370 3435 0839 3202 81382022-10-25 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021247ClosedKCT Request2022-10-25REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-25Nohello, find below. 1036 6525 4847 6214 6038 1728 2885 1575 9261 25892022-10-25 rayraymond497@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021246ClosedRequest2022-10-25DEBT PROFILEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-25Nohello, find below. 54160996093 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6117061708-01 Debt Repayment ₦197,210.48 ₦-66,000.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦131,210.48 M 2018-02-09 ₦0.00 2021-05-312022-10-25 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021245ClosedKCT Request2022-10-25REQUEST FOR KEY CHANGE TOKENMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25Nohello, find below. 54160965387 6105 0686 8957 9764 8226 7076 1132 3836 6997 22652022-10-25 sunnyochekwu@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021244ClosedKCT Request2022-10-25Complete SGC KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25NoDear Auwal, find below, 01395456897244680641 174420054238237319732022-10-25 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021243ClosedRequest2022-10-25Regarding unitMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-26Nohello, find below. 0101200048326 2875 1146 5287 7534 4844 1040 8738 3932 0637 79562022-10-26 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021242ClosedTamper Code2022-10-25REQUEST FOR CLEAR TAMPER - 0101210077778Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-26NoDear Roseline, find below, 0101210077778 Clear Tamper 0 4081 9103 3283 8356 30292022-10-26 longpuan@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021241ClosedTamper Code2022-10-25REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPERMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-25NoDear Maryam, find below, 0101210191934 Clear Tamper 0 2690 5029 6436 6421 7685 0195000006484 Clear Tamper 0 3057 5935 3288 8145 0129 0195000002905 Clear Tamper 0 0255 9202 1564 1964 81762022-10-25 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021240ClosedTamper Code2022-10-25REQUEST FROM TEMPER CODEMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25NoSupport, Pls treat. Regards2022-10-25 bakoamusa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021239ClosedRequest2022-10-25REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE ===44000401271MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25Nohello, find below. 44000401271 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 682828 Debt Repayment ₦17,706.89 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦17,706.89 M 2022-08-16 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-10-25 nmaisugar@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021238Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021237ClosedTamper Code2022-10-25REQUEST FOR CLEAR TAMPERMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25NoDear Roseline, find below, 0195000004471 Clear Tamper 0 7214 7509 9769 7084 5300 0101188027573 Clear Tamper 0 2207 9323 2981 4331 20392022-10-25 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021236ClosedTamper Code2022-10-25Temper.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25NoSupport, Pls treat. Regards.2022-10-25 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00021235ClosedRequest2022-10-25Request for Debt profile for 0101215009818Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-25Nohello, find belowq, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 642478 Debt Repayment ₦75,807.61 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦61,807.61 M 2022-03-01 ₦14,000.00 2022-10-252022-10-25 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021234ClosedKCT Request2022-10-25KCT REQUEST: 44000679967 (45 to 01)Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-25Nohello, find below. 44000679967 1570 6179 3271 4701 6959 1512 1552 0929 0920 21392022-10-25 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021233ClosedKCT Request2022-10-25KCT REQUEST: 57300010808 (02 to 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 6043 9435 9714 8457 3795 2211 7172 5852 5621 11162022-10-25 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021232ClosedKCT Request2022-10-25KCT REQUEST: 57300010808 (02 to 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 6043 9435 9714 8457 3795 2211 7172 5852 5621 11162022-10-25 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021231ClosedRequest2022-10-25Re: Request for SGCMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25NoDear Thompson, Find below, 44079139237283266178 259082004124510266492022-10-25 thompsontor@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021230ClosedRequest2022-10-25REQUEST FOR KCT FRON 21 =====0101161031519Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-25Nohello, find below. 0202 9898 1205 3539 1316 4438 9700 7552 7954 00682022-10-25 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021229ClosedRequest2022-10-25REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-25NoHello, find below. No data available in table2022-10-25 florarumun@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021228ClosedKCT Request2022-10-25Kct requestMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25Nohello, find below, 4993 9584 1381 4515 1228 3685 1201 2365 5022 51222022-10-25 onceinlife6464@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021227ClosedRequest2022-10-25Debt Profile - 54161000705MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 567378 Debt Repayment ₦86,320.08 ₦-23,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦29,320.08 M 2019-02-14 ₦34,000.00 2022-10-202022-10-25 mohammed.umar@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021226ClosedRequest2022-10-25REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE ======0101161060252Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-25Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 609300 Loss of Revenue ₦123,913.00 ₦-51,500.00 ₦14,483.00 ₦72,413.00 M 2022-09-15 ₦0.00 2022-09-152022-10-25 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021225ClosedRequest2022-10-25REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE==44000334480Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-25Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 740957 Debt Repayment ₦7,872.07 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦7,872.07 M 2022-08-19 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-10-25 nmaisugar@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021224ClosedVending History2022-10-25REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORYMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25Nohello, find below, 44000682169. # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 3091165307076224 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-05-20 19:19:22 Meter No.: 44000682169 Account No.: 718589 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 16.41 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 0539 8863 9823 6005 4711 2 Transaction ID: 7578164987321524 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-13 19:06:55 Meter No.: 44000682169 Account No.: 718589 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 16.41 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 4851 7515 5881 9441 1735 3 Transaction ID: 4561164952186224 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-09 17:31:02 Meter No.: 44000682169 Account No.: 718589 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 16.41 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 5820 3688 6643 7140 0023 4 Transaction ID: 5664164926945524 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-06 19:24:15 Meter No.: 44000682169 Account No.: 718589 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 16.41 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 3216 1720 5901 5566 1309 5 Transaction ID: 9079164909773924 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-04 19:42:20 Meter No.: 44000682169 Account No.: 718589 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 16.41 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 5796 1458 3575 8189 9062 6 Transaction ID: 6532164892081424 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-02 18:33:34 Meter No.: 44000682169 Account No.: 718589 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 16.41 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 1002 5875 0024 7052 6184 7 Transaction ID: 2137164875202724 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-31 19:40:27 Meter No.: 44000682169 Account No.: 718589 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 16.41 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 3918 9463 7249 1937 3929 8 Transaction ID: 7846164857486724 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-29 18:27:47 Meter No.: 44000682169 Account No.: 718589 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 16.41 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 5054 5007 4084 7511 8972 9 Transaction ID: 8866164839723724 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-27 17:07:17 Meter No.: 44000682169 Account No.: 718589 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 16.41 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 5164 4304 5799 0181 3902 10 Transaction ID: 3594164814352824 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-24 18:38:48 Meter No.: 44000682169 Account No.: 718589 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 16.41 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 4690 7810 6445 9892 8465 44000328441. # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 8583166515333824 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-10-07 15:35:38 Meter No.: 44000328441 Account No.: 683029 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 16.05 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 5947 4520 2363 6185 2433 2 Transaction ID: 6354165519616524 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-06-14 09:42:45 Meter No.: 44000328441 Account No.: 683029 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 82.06 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 3039 6204 0421 9116 7470 3 Transaction ID: 7653164769527624 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-19 14:07:56 Meter No.: 44000328441 Account No.: 683029 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 16.41 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 2065 6932 4897 7917 9392 4 Transaction ID: 4680164521455024 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-18 21:02:30 Meter No.: 44000328441 Account No.: 683029 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 24.62 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 1474 1375 0609 2271 2085 5 Transaction ID: 8687164482607124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-14 09:07:51 Meter No.: 44000328441 Account No.: 683029 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 35.56 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 6593 6736 6574 1066 1988 6 Transaction ID: 6386164431199124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-08 10:19:51 Meter No.: 44000328441 Account No.: 683029 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 35.56 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 2971 6435 5148 4223 6639 7 Transaction ID: 1179164382311424 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-02 18:31:54 Meter No.: 44000328441 Account No.: 683029 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 35.56 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 2618 7889 8759 4498 6032 8 Transaction ID: 6341164331053724 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-01-27 20:08:57 Meter No.: 44000328441 Account No.: 683029 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 39.04 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 1046 8753 0350 4706 6319 9 Transaction ID: 4922164276033124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-01-21 11:18:51 Meter No.: 44000328441 Account No.: 683029 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 39.04 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 6584 2231 3948 7827 4928 10 Transaction ID: 1631164218008824 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-01-14 18:08:08 Meter No.: 44000328441 Account No.: 683029 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 39.04 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 6883 6004 6303 7631 3693 0101160068348. # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 8626166314933224 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-09-14 10:55:32 Meter No.: 0101160068348 Account No.: 6122921891-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 48.16 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 1052 2074 5439 5519 2038 2 Transaction ID: 8674165692081824 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-07-04 08:46:58 Meter No.: 0101160068348 Account No.: 6122921891-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 48.16 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 2096 5328 4100 7110 9376 3 Transaction ID: 9871164907573924 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-04 13:35:39 Meter No.: 0101160068348 Account No.: 6122921891-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 49.24 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 2900 0095 2791 9914 7032 4 Transaction ID: 0341164509974524 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-17 13:09:05 Meter No.: 0101160068348 Account No.: 6122921891-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 71.12 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 3744 5740 5985 4854 6013 5 Transaction ID: 8768161788385024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-08 13:10:50 Meter No.: 0101160068348 Account No.: 6122921891-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88 Energy Cost: ₦465.12 KwH: 10.42 Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 5359 4204 2778 9942 7590 6 Transaction ID: 4366161512063924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-07 13:37:19 Meter No.: 0101160068348 Account No.: 6122921891-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88 Energy Cost: ₦465.12 KwH: 10.91 Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 7134 1272 5043 6743 7821 7 Transaction ID: 5729161322058524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-13 13:49:45 Meter No.: 0101160068348 Account No.: 6122921891-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88 Energy Cost: ₦465.12 KwH: 10.91 Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 2966 0176 2594 6802 9254 44000374130. # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 6269166499766624 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-10-05 20:21:06 Meter No.: 44000374130 Account No.: 683021 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 80.26 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 5697 6312 4903 3756 1412 2 Transaction ID: 5606165036134924 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-19 10:42:29 Meter No.: 44000374130 Account No.: 683021 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 82.06 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 0818 8560 6452 8445 4829 3 Transaction ID: 5685164535585724 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-20 12:17:37 Meter No.: 44000374130 Account No.: 683021 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦237.21 Energy Cost: ₦3,162.79 KwH: 55.80 Amount Tendered: ₦3,400.00 1062 5734 8868 6421 6905 4 Transaction ID: 2868164278785724 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-01-21 18:57:37 Meter No.: 44000374130 Account No.: 683021 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 78.08 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 3154 4299 8224 3305 8440 5 Transaction ID: 7271162071853224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-11 08:35:32 Meter No.: 44000374130 Account No.: 683021 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88 Energy Cost: ₦465.12 KwH: 14.62 Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 0799 3928 5699 0780 5495 6 Transaction ID: 7394162055295224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-09 10:35:52 Meter No.: 44000374130 Account No.: 683021 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88 Energy Cost: ₦465.12 KwH: 14.62 Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 1923 9689 0974 6330 5894 7 Transaction ID: 2520162047124924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-08 11:54:09 Meter No.: 44000374130 Account No.: 683021 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88 Energy Cost: ₦465.12 KwH: 14.62 Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 0747 0034 6046 9149 3423 8 Transaction ID: 5216162004163124 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-03 12:33:51 Meter No.: 44000374130 Account No.: 683021 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88 Energy Cost: ₦465.12 KwH: 14.62 Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 5619 1193 6019 3059 2816 9 Transaction ID: 3895161989582524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-01 20:03:45 Meter No.: 44000374130 Account No.: 683021 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88 Energy Cost: ₦465.12 KwH: 14.62 Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 2582 8528 7538 8575 0713 10 Transaction ID: 9195161935967924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-25 15:07:59 Meter No.: 44000374130 Account No.: 683021 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88 Energy Cost: ₦465.12 KwH: 14.62 Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 2569 7186 7228 1949 3983 44000375384. # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 1866166602072824 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-10-17 16:32:08 Meter No.: 44000375384 Account No.: 612610022701 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 32.10 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 7109 6394 5143 7387 4605 2 Transaction ID: 8932165891563624 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-07-27 10:53:56 Meter No.: 44000375384 Account No.: 612610022701 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 80.26 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 0230 0426 4054 2485 7312 3 Transaction ID: 2004165074902924 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-23 22:23:49 Meter No.: 44000375384 Account No.: 612610022701 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦202.33 Energy Cost: ₦2,697.67 KwH: 47.59 Amount Tendered: ₦2,900.00 6078 0131 3432 8921 9026 4 Transaction ID: 9922164250975724 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-01-18 13:42:37 Meter No.: 44000375384 Account No.: 612610022701 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 26.03 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 0763 5237 3380 8432 6413 5 Transaction ID: 5143163584884324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-02 11:27:23 Meter No.: 44000375384 Account No.: 612610022701 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦66.28 Energy Cost: ₦883.72 KwH: 18.95 Amount Tendered: ₦950.00 0168 3753 3806 8248 2007 6 Transaction ID: 1631163527679224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-10-26 20:33:12 Meter No.: 44000375384 Account No.: 612610022701 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 19.94 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 2068 8664 7825 3180 9689 7 Transaction ID: 5346163473619824 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-10-20 14:23:18 Meter No.: 44000375384 Account No.: 612610022701 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 19.94 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 5286 8193 0998 8545 2419 8 Transaction ID: 5462163430564424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-10-15 14:47:24 Meter No.: 44000375384 Account No.: 612610022701 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 29.92 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 4900 0293 7590 3558 7105 9 Transaction ID: 1117163389185124 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-10-10 19:50:51 Meter No.: 44000375384 Account No.: 612610022701 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 29.92 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 5807 5788 1546 9542 8196 10 Transaction ID: 6516163363476324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-10-07 20:26:03 Meter No.: 44000375384 Account No.: 612610022701 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 19.94 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 1331 0076 5588 2453 8430 44000452860. # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 1836166619993124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-10-19 18:18:51 Meter No.: 44000452860 Account No.: 616536 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 48.16 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 2756 2264 2420 1284 8553 2 Transaction ID: 0469166542806024 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-10-10 19:54:20 Meter No.: 44000452860 Account No.: 616536 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 48.16 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 1240 3003 0366 2777 9795 3 Transaction ID: 1691166439586824 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-09-28 21:11:08 Meter No.: 44000452860 Account No.: 616536 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 48.16 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 6617 3122 8387 8923 3461 4 Transaction ID: 9315166387084524 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-09-22 19:20:45 Meter No.: 44000452860 Account No.: 616536 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 16.05 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 1275 7097 1561 8202 0507 5 Transaction ID: 1262166263725924 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-09-08 12:40:59 Meter No.: 44000452860 Account No.: 616536 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦111.63 Energy Cost: ₦1,488.37 KwH: 25.68 Amount Tendered: ₦1,600.00 4579 2652 8750 8760 5013 6 Transaction ID: 1625166117535224 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-08-22 14:35:52 Meter No.: 44000452860 Account No.: 616536 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 48.16 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 3375 5850 1843 7327 2520 7 Transaction ID: 6487165943238224 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-08-02 10:26:22 Meter No.: 44000452860 Account No.: 616536 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 48.16 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 0099 6752 6637 0741 3805 8 Transaction ID: 6962165791729224 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-07-15 21:34:52 Meter No.: 44000452860 Account No.: 616536 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 48.16 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 6015 3576 2474 3915 4091 9 Transaction ID: 6741165712496524 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-07-06 17:29:25 Meter No.: 44000452860 Account No.: 616536 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 48.16 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 5161 4816 3781 5192 8031 10 Transaction ID: 9145165608946524 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-06-24 17:51:05 Meter No.: 44000452860 Account No.: 616536 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 49.24 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 2661 5404 3380 8104 98392022-10-25 bakoamusa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021223ClosedKCT Request2022-10-25KCT REQUEST: 57300010808 (02 to 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 6043 9435 9714 8457 3795 2211 7172 5852 5621 11162022-10-25 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021222ClosedKCT Request2022-10-25KCT REQUEST: 57300010808 (02 to 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 6043 9435 9714 8457 3795 2211 7172 5852 5621 11162022-10-25 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021221ClosedKCT Request2022-10-25KCT REQUEST: 57300010808 (02 to 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 6043 9435 9714 8457 3795 2211 7172 5852 5621 11162022-10-25 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021220ClosedRequest2022-10-25Request for Debt profile for 44000728822MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25NoHello, find below. ​ ccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 692980 Debt Repayment ₦45,561.70 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦41,561.70 M 2022-08-11 ₦4,000.00 2022-10-25 ​2022-10-25 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021219ClosedKCT Request2022-10-18KCT REQUEST: 57300010808 (02 to 01MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25NoHello, find below. 2 To 1 6043 9435 9714 8457 3795 2211 7172 5852 5621 11162022-10-25 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021218ClosedKCT Request2022-10-25KCT REQUEST: 0101190146882 (01 to 33)Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-18Nohello, find below. 0101190146882 1 To 33 0467 6285 7467 5617 7099 0929 3331 7372 7835 01622022-10-25 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021217ClosedRequest2022-10-25DEBT PROFILE: 44000312296Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-25NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 679550 Debt Repayment ₦18,767.01 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦18,767.01 M 2022-08-17 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-10-25 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021216ClosedRequest2022-10-25DEBT PROFILE: 0101210081945MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25NoHello, find below. 0101210081945 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 697970 Debt Repayment ₦11,455.37 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦7,455.37 M 2022-08-30 ₦4,000.00 2022-10-122022-10-25 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021215Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021214ClosedTamper Code2022-10-25REQUEST FOR TEMPERMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-25NoDear Huzaifa, find below, 0150300021964 Clear Tamper 0 4284 9867 8304 6043 8490 0150000959362. 0150000848062 Clear Tamper 0 2135 1494 6209 6051 6862 62321071964 0150000961162 Clear Tamper 0 4880 1573 7238 4074 16212022-10-25 huzaifazumoo@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021213ClosedKCT Request2022-10-25KCT GENERATIONMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-25NoHello, find below. 0150000951593 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 760513 Debt Repayment ₦6,379.72 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦379.72 M 2022-07-20 ₦6,000.00 2022-10-152022-10-25 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021212ClosedTamper Code2022-10-25TamperMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-25NoDear Auwal, find below, 0101170289942 Clear Tamper 0 0768 8693 1751 1278 5443 44300007273 Clear Tamper 0 2757 2749 2624 2030 88212022-10-25 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021211ClosedRequest2022-10-25Request for debt profile 0101200076426MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25NoHEello, find below. 0101200076426 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 679306 Debt Repayment ₦17,056.42 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦17,056.42 M 2022-05-30 ₦0.00 2022-05-302022-10-25 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021210ClosedRequest2022-10-25DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 54161034928 / 702869MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25Nohello, find below, There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2022-10-25 wyontochae@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021209ClosedRequest2022-10-25DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612640069701 Debt Repayment ₦356,735.88 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦356,735.88 M 2022-08-17 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-10-25 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00021208ClosedRequest2022-10-25Request for an old account no of 0101150165450Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-25NoHello, find below. 5515452022-10-25 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021207ClosedRequest2022-10-25DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 0101190010450 / 632781Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-25Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6123420044-01 Debt Repayment ₦108,600.37 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦108,600.37 M 2022-02-11 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-10-25 wyontochae@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021206ClosedKCT Request2022-10-25KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25Nohello, find below, 5327 6670 8391 6480 9213 5025 2197 2675 5924 76662022-10-25 mimsicle22@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021205ClosedKCT Request2022-10-25KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25NoThis meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-10-25 yinknuga2002@yahoo.co.uk Umar Auwal
#00021204ClosedRequest2022-10-25CLEAR MINUSMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25NoDear Roland, find below, 54161002024 Clear Credit 0 3541 2188 8314 9134 17822022-10-25 roland.james@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021203ClosedTamper Code2022-10-25Request for tamper,Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-25NoDear Ummi, find below, 44000742039 Clear Tamper 0 0638 3868 0757 1567 1853 (Due to power surge) 62321091266 Clear Tamper 0 6908 0407 9385 2336 9056 (Due wire pullout) 54161072084 Clear Tamper 0 5779 8654 9971 7805 9275 (Due to burnt terminal) 0101200102958 Clear Tamper 0 2143 0824 0117 8468 0155 (Due to power surge) 57100023910 Clear Tamper 0 2293 1148 7612 8891 9603 (it was re-fixed burnt meter2022-10-25 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021202ClosedRequest2022-10-25DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 0101190010450 / 6123420044-01MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25Nohello, find below, 0101190010450 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6123420044-01 Debt Repayment ₦108,600.37 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦108,600.37 M 2022-02-11 ₦0.00 0000-00-00 6123420044 wrong meter number or not captured on our system.2022-10-25 wyontochae@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021201ClosedRequest2022-10-25REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE-44000399848MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-11-25Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 683152 Debt Repayment ₦13,629.69 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦9,629.69 M 2022-08-10 ₦4,000.00 2022-10-252022-10-25 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021200ClosedKCT Request2022-10-25Request for kct tariff index 01 95300400769MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25Nohello, find below, It is also on 001 on our system. So, it does not require KCT. If they are facing any difficulties recharging, kindly dispatch maintenance team.2022-10-25 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021199ClosedKCT Request2022-10-25KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25Nohello, find below, 7061 6848 3690 9775 9697 2136 4236 3378 0637 74762022-10-25 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021198ClosedKCT Request2022-10-25KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25Nohello, find below, It is also on 001 on our system. So, it does not require KCT. If they are facing any difficulties recharging, kindly dispatch maintenance team.2022-10-25 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021197ClosedRequest2022-10-25DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 734494 Debt Repayment ₦35,170.44 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦31,170.44 M 2022-08-10 ₦4,000.00 2022-10-232022-10-25 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021196ClosedRequest2022-10-25: Debt Profile - 54161020729MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 421696 Debt Repayment ₦179,353.88 ₦-32,293.06 ₦2,000.00 ₦137,060.82 M 2020-02-07 ₦10,000.00 2021-10-122022-10-25 mohammed.umar@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021195ClosedTamper Code2022-10-25Tamper/Clear CreditMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25NoGood morning, find below, 54161002024 Clear Credit 0 5556 6869 7311 6790 1261 54161002024 Clear Tamper 0 3882 0517 3355 1740 86212022-10-25 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021194ClosedTamper Code2022-10-25TamperMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25NoGood morning, find below, 0101161011107 Clear Tamper 0 5158 2142 1467 8113 63652022-10-25 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021193ClosedKCT Request2022-10-25Request for KCT AnebiMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25Nohello, find below, 6386 7523 5934 3443 7890 2561 7485 4895 2918 99482022-10-25 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021192ClosedKCT Request2022-10-25Re: KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25Nohello, find below. 5518 7033 4722 5896 3302 3210 6093 2789 1939 25292022-10-25 bemnguter10@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021191ClosedTamper Code2022-10-25TamperMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-18NoGood morning, find below, 54160993702 Clear Tamper 0 1115 0597 0791 6531 89232022-10-25 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021190ClosedRequest2022-10-25EVEND CAPTUREMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25Nohello, treated.2022-10-25 mimsicle22@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021189ClosedVending History2022-10-25Request for Vending historyMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25Nohello, find below. # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 4914165512497624 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-06-13 13:56:16 Meter No.: 0101205014034 Account No.: 698082 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 32.82 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 3747 6702 9125 5969 0572 2 Transaction ID: 9236165269778324 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-05-16 11:43:03 Meter No.: 0101205014034 Account No.: 698082 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 82.06 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 0549 5400 3006 7513 3725 3 Transaction ID: 6025165220095824 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-05-10 17:42:38 Meter No.: 0101205014034 Account No.: 698082 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 16.41 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 6406 1611 0956 5896 0593 4 Transaction ID: 5311165148363924 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-05-02 10:27:20 Meter No.: 0101205014034 Account No.: 698082 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 82.06 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 4357 7571 1635 4696 6825 5 Transaction ID: 0621162808022324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-08-04 13:30:23 Meter No.: 0101205014034 Account No.: 698082 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦25,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦25,000.00 6 Transaction ID: 8851162185585824 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-24 12:30:58 Meter No.: 0101205014034 Account No.: 698082 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦100,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦100,000.002022-10-25 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021188ClosedRequest2022-10-25REQUEST DEBT PROFILE - 0101190008843MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 592699 Debt Repayment ₦107,589.44 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦107,589.44 M 2022-06-01 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-10-25 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021187OpenRequest0000-00-00Re: REQUEST FOR DEBT PPROFILE ===44000392520MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25NoHello, find below. 44000392520 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612730106801 Debt Repayment ₦232,865.78 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦228,865.78 M 2022-08-19 ₦4,000.00 2022-10-21 IT2022-10-25 nmaisugar@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021186In ProgressKCT Request2022-10-25KctMediumIT Umar Auwal0000-00-00Nohello, find below. 54161141368 21 To 1 0720 8173 6003 5449 4766 1247 2799 2367 3823 4643 I0000-00-00 zakimimidoomaureen@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021185ClosedRequest2022-10-25REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE === 0101210139024MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 768030 Debt Repayment ₦2,806.08 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦2,806.08 M 2022-09-02 ₦0.00 0000-00-00 hello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 768030 Debt Repayment ₦2,806.08 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦2,806.08 M 2022-09-02 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-10-18 nmaisugar@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021184ClosedRequest2022-10-25REQUEST FOR DEBT DEBT PROFILE ===0101210099632MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25Nohello, find below, There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2022-10-25 nmaisugar@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021183ClosedRequest2022-10-25Request for Acct No 803677 to be captured on evendMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25NoIT Support 11:28 AM IT SUPPORT Caraoline Adesuwa,support,mr lucky h,anas abubakar Hello, treated. IT Support Jos Electricity Distribution Plc. E: support@jedplc.com www.jedplc.com ---- On Tue, 25 Oct 2022 10:56:51 +0100 Caraoline Adesuwa wrote --- The information contained in this electronic message and any attachments therein are intended for the designated recipient(s) only. The message may contain information that is confidential, privileged, and/or exempt from disclosure by you, according to applicable laws. If you are not the intended recipient, or received this message in error, kindly delete it and notify the sender immediately. Any opinions contained in this message are those of the author and are not given or endorsed by JED Plc, unless otherwise clearly indicated. JED Plc accepts no liability for any loss or damage resulting directly or indirectly from the transmission of this email message. Reduce Printing and Support the Environment. IT Support 11:28 AM SENT Caraoline Adesuwa,support,mr lucky h,anas abubakar Hello, treated.2022-10-25 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021182ClosedKCT Request2022-10-25KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25Nohello, find below. 1 To 33 5518 7033 4722 5896 3302 3210 6093 2789 1939 25292022-10-25 bemnguter10@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021181ClosedRequest2022-10-25CTT -54161124257MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25NoGood morning, find below, 54161124257 Clear Tamper 0 2172 0819 9395 2951 55702022-10-25 mohammed.umar@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021180ClosedTamper Code2022-10-25TamperMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25NoGood morning, find below, 0101170385294 Clear Tamper 0 0024 8742 6313 5642 40572022-10-25 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021179ClosedRequest2022-10-25Request for debt profile ≠=======44000330561MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 682821 Debt Repayment ₦29,316.80 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦24,316.80 M 2022-08-12 ₦5,000.00 2022-10-252022-10-25 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021178ClosedRequest2022-10-25Debt profile. 0101175103569MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 713929 Debt Repayment ₦12,546.12 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦12,546.12 M 2022-03-18 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-10-25 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00021177ClosedKCT Request2022-10-25KCT REQUEST: 0101215017241 (21 to 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25NoHello, find below. 0101215017241 21 To 1 7061 6848 3690 9775 9697 2136 4236 3378 0637 74762022-10-25 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021176ClosedKCT Request2022-10-25Request for kct,Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-25Nohello, find below. 21 To 1 5456 1012 4920 8058 0864 3529 4306 9852 5345 28652022-10-25 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021175ClosedKCT Request2022-10-25KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25Nohello, find below. 55 To 1 4653 5685 4108 7372 5775 0753 3845 6691 6148 15342022-10-25 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021174ClosedKCT Request2022-10-25REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25NoHello, find below. 44000582054 33 To 1 2687 7614 9940 4055 6162 2735 1734 1597 0389 51202022-10-25 samueldchun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021173ClosedVending History2022-10-25Vendor historyMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25Nohello, find below, # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 1704165555604024 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-06-18 13:40:40 Meter No.: 0101210057895 Account No.: 374205 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 172.11 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 2085 5742 2497 1172 2360 2 Transaction ID: 7321165443320124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-06-05 13:46:41 Meter No.: 0101210057895 Account No.: 374205 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 51.63 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 1004 1772 5592 1283 7641 3 Transaction ID: 1084165306874624 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-05-20 18:45:46 Meter No.: 0101210057895 Account No.: 374205 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 51.63 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 0003 5928 1423 3516 2831 4 Transaction ID: 4118165177184924 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-05-05 18:30:49 Meter No.: 0101210057895 Account No.: 374205 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 51.63 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 4003 4823 7166 3259 3113 5 Transaction ID: 7336165057361724 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-21 21:40:17 Meter No.: 0101210057895 Account No.: 374205 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 34.42 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 6864 6172 9556 6982 3311 6 Transaction ID: 3141164978304624 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-12 18:04:06 Meter No.: 0101210057895 Account No.: 374205 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 17.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 1662 7610 9740 5809 4510 7 Transaction ID: 3416164891230124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-02 16:11:41 Meter No.: 0101210057895 Account No.: 374205 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 17.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 3848 0039 3042 2850 7235 8 Transaction ID: 1843164829838824 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-26 13:39:48 Meter No.: 0101210057895 Account No.: 374205 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 25.82 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 1427 1255 3908 0981 9285 9 Transaction ID: 3142164771358624 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-19 19:13:06 Meter No.: 0101210057895 Account No.: 374205 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦76.74 Energy Cost: ₦1,023.26 KwH: 18.93 Amount Tendered: ₦1,100.00 0318 6995 1437 0001 8948 10 Transaction ID: 4191164649624424 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-05 17:04:04 Meter No.: 0101210057895 Account No.: 374205 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦97.67 Energy Cost: ₦1,302.33 KwH: 22.98 Amount Tendered: ₦1,400.00 1019 5028 8787 2006 89192022-10-25 terpineemma@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021172ClosedKCT Request2022-10-25Re: Request for KCT emmaMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25Nohello, find below. 3388 8517 2877 9338 6497 7342 6291 7260 5526 94702022-10-25 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021171ClosedKCT Request2022-10-25Request for kct tariff index 01 95300400769MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25Nohello, find below. This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly state clearly what the problem is so that we can do the needful.2022-10-25 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021170ClosedRequest2022-10-25DEBT DETAILSMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25Nohello, find below. 44000444750 ​ Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 651128 Debt Repayment ₦62,413.51 ₦0.00 ₦5,000.00 ₦47,413.51 M 2022-05-11 ₦15,000.00 2022-08-03 ​2022-10-25 faizahtafida@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021169ClosedKCT Request2022-10-25KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-25Nohello, find below. 1705 5978 7390 4646 0231 2763 9157 1657 1171 62282022-10-25 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021168Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021167ClosedKCT Request2022-10-25KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25Nohello, find below. 54160980097 : 04 4 To 1 6282 7315 9029 0491 8134 0945 3682 3918 6404 9695 0101161019571 22 To 1 6602 5911 4632 9912 2416 2518 7572 9710 9914 25652022-10-25 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021166ClosedRequest2022-10-25Request for Debt profile for 44000473957MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 597659 Debt Repayment ₦33,481.73 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦21,481.73 M 2022-04-14 ₦12,000.00 2022-10-252022-10-25 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021165ClosedRequest2022-10-25Request for Debt profile for 44000473957MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 597659 Debt Repayment ₦33,481.73 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦21,481.73 M 2022-04-14 ₦12,000.00 2022-10-252022-10-25 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021164ClosedRequest2022-10-25REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 0101161030115MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6125020220-01 Debt Repayment ₦171,895.80 ₦-44,001.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦105,894.80 M 2017-11-30 ₦22,000.00 2022-04-132022-10-25 nmaisugar@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021163ClosedVending History2022-10-25vending historyMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25Nohello, find below. 44000371707 No data available in table2022-10-25 dogoreuben@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021162ClosedRequest2022-10-25KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-24Nohello, find below. 4 To 1 0765 8224 0624 7001 6170 6155 7415 3922 6972 18862022-10-25 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021161ClosedRequest2022-10-25DEBT PROFILE.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25Nohello find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 679414 Debt Repayment ₦8,643.42 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦6,643.42 M 2022-09-02 ₦2,000.00 2022-10-212022-10-25 carolynterjime@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021160ClosedRequest2022-10-25Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 629348 Debt Repayment ₦237,221.82 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦219,721.82 M 2022-03-28 ₦17,500.00 2022-10-182022-10-25 tkhadija028@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021159ClosedKCT Request2022-10-25Re: KctsMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25Nohello, find below. No data available in table2022-10-25 terpineemma@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021158ClosedKCT Request2022-10-25KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25Nohello, find below, 0347 0844 5997 8476 8692 2494 0461 2407 5947 09462022-10-25 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021157ClosedKCT Request2022-10-25KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25Nohello, find below, 44300009519 1-74 and 74-1 1 To 74 3159 3789 8025 2994 9517 2900 1045 0153 8805 8577 74 To 1 6616 1409 2113 0014 4044 6153 1013 8219 5282 3043 62321042525 1-74 and 74-21 1 To 74 1828 3445 0156 6291 8328 2406 6571 0879 0466 7129 74 To 21 3078 7956 9435 7384 3675 4032 1004 1776 8362 51222022-10-25 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021156ClosedRequest2022-10-25Debt profile 0150300012567MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 631264050701 Debt Repayment ₦148,584.68 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦142,584.68 M 2022-06-23 ₦6,000.00 2022-09-052022-10-25 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021155ClosedRequest2022-10-25REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE---0101170309336MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6115071457-01 Debt Repayment ₦292,560.35 ₦-40,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦218,560.35 M 2019-10-02 ₦34,000.00 2022-10-112022-10-25 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021154ClosedKCT Request2022-10-25: KCT please sirMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25NoHELLO, FIND BELOW, 6591 4404 0985 8208 8448 0335 9601 3375 0229 58112022-10-25 elijah.ishaya@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021153ClosedKCT Request2022-10-25Request for kct tariff index 01 95300208329& 21 0101170420562MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25Nohello, find below, 95300208329 It is also on 001 on our system. So, it does not require KCT. If they are facing any difficulties recharging, kindly dispatch maintenance team. 0101170420562 ​ 5257 6743 9740 3840 3609 6324 6604 1137 0503 0028 ​2022-10-25 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021152ClosedRequest2022-10-25Debt 0101190009221MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 675429 Debt Repayment ₦49,712.00 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦33,712.00 M 2022-02-17 ₦16,000.00 2022-10-252022-10-25 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021151ClosedRequest2022-10-25REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25Nohello, find below, wrong meter number or not captured on our system.2022-10-25 hamzaadamu64@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021150ClosedKCT Request2022-10-25KCT 62321079279MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-18Nohello, find below, 2020 5818 6435 1398 7299 6258 8182 0188 0025 89882022-10-25 bubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021149ClosedKCT Request2022-10-25KCT 54160912009MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25Nohello, find below, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-10-25 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021148ClosedRequest2022-10-25Debt profile 0150000901275MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 459341 Debt Repayment ₦163,109.56 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦163,109.56 M 2022-07-28 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-10-25 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021147ClosedRequest2022-10-25Re: Debt profile 0150000896939MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 773387 Debt Repayment ₦50,602.69 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦50,602.69 M 2022-06-08 ₦0.00 2022-06-172022-10-25 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021146ClosedRequest2022-10-25REQUEST FOR SGC CODEMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25NoGood morning, find below, 68917492853395282366 260106185091200985192022-10-25 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021145ClosedTamper Code2022-10-25Request for clear tamper codeMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25NoGood morning, find below, 0101205008127 Clear Tamper 0 3366 9527 4317 0783 0377 0101205015510 Clear Tamper 0 6180 0094 8995 5425 0092 0101205010354 Clear Tamper 0 2803 9868 3093 8884 5374 0101200098784 Clear Tamper 0 6527 0985 1362 9472 4237 0101190015996 Clear Tamper 0 6242 0924 7518 3263 5361 0101175104997 Clear Tamper 0 3449 0377 4103 5090 8383 0101210060048 Clear Tamper 0 4681 7278 8433 1849 3589 0101190154431 Clear Tamper 0 1804 4907 4932 1462 7583 0101210037301 Clear Tamper 0 1174 1727 8667 6697 7726 0101215000577 Clear Tamper 0 0231 2278 8575 0954 6010 0101161024878 Clear Tamper 0 3640 1217 9478 3282 4850 0101170170407 Clear Tamper 0 1595 1033 9900 3095 9805 0101200015994 Clear Tamper 0 3878 0443 5340 0507 8441 0101200121883 Clear Tamper 0 5273 1725 2995 3011 9336 0101210038483 0101210037301 Clear Tamper 0 2617 1939 1381 2996 3060 0101210060048 Clear Tamper 0 4600 8955 5963 2858 4949 0101190015996 Clear Tamper 0 0972 2908 3429 9875 4952 0101190154431 Clear Tamper 0 0364 1165 2849 5218 9111 0101170416990 Clear Tamper 0 1137 4385 4337 0119 8794 0101170451617 Clear Tamper 0 4897 6458 2933 8354 3878 Upgrade 44000644680 Clear Tamper 0 1810 2729 5293 6200 5329 44000313633 Clear Tamper 0 4913 0663 3892 8867 9954 57300004843 Clear Tamper 0 4481 1878 7216 1302 0961 57300004025 Clear Tamper 0 6324 6592 3615 8567 1401 Lightning 62321090888 Clear Tamper 0 6604 8963 5384 6655 29142022-10-25 sadiqabdullahi62@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021144ClosedKCT Request2022-10-25equest for K CT swajiMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-24Nohello, find below, It is also on 001 on our system. So, it does not require KCT. If they are facing any difficulties recharging, kindly dispatch maintenance team.2022-10-24 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021143ClosedRequest2022-10-24DEBT PROFILE: 95300142387MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-24Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 619597 Debt Repayment ₦141,614.09 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦141,614.09 M 2022-03-10 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-10-24 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021142ClosedVending History2022-10-24Re: vending historyMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-24Nohello, find below, 0101190019535 # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 7357163013687624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-08-28 08:47:56 Meter No.: 0101190019535 Account No.: 676734 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88 Energy Cost: ₦465.12 KwH: 9.17 Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 4925 0876 9585 1282 1283 2 Transaction ID: 8160162441754024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-06-23 04:05:40 Meter No.: 0101190019535 Account No.: 676734 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 18.34 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 2618 8671 2916 1179 1266 3 Transaction ID: 0519161985190124 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-01 07:51:41 Meter No.: 0101190019535 Account No.: 676734 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88 Energy Cost: ₦465.12 KwH: 9.17 Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 7128 2890 0910 2086 5183 4 Transaction ID: 2714161790751124 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-08 19:45:11 Meter No.: 0101190019535 Account No.: 676734 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88 Energy Cost: ₦465.12 KwH: 9.17 Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 6737 9896 6780 7170 2812 5 Transaction ID: 2171161661516724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-24 20:46:07 Meter No.: 0101190019535 Account No.: 676734 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88 Energy Cost: ₦465.12 KwH: 9.17 Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 6784 5481 2980 5054 0908 6 Transaction ID: 1653161557332624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-12 19:22:06 Meter No.: 0101190019535 Account No.: 676734 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88 Energy Cost: ₦465.12 KwH: 9.17 Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 2919 4867 9981 3159 2803 7 Transaction ID: 1313161471137024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-02 19:56:10 Meter No.: 0101190019535 Account No.: 676734 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88 Energy Cost: ₦465.12 KwH: 9.17 Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 2885 5299 6481 5670 1137 8 Transaction ID: 3509161315876024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-12 20:39:20 Meter No.: 0101190019535 Account No.: 676734 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88 Energy Cost: ₦465.12 KwH: 9.17 Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 6476 0034 1438 6017 7253 9 Transaction ID: 8615161112578824 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-20 07:56:28 Meter No.: 0101190019535 Account No.: 676734 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 18.34 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 6980 7614 5071 1195 9016 0101170455253 # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 2450166319302124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-09-14 23:03:41 Meter No.: 0101170455253 Account No.: 693177 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦2,093.02 Energy Cost: ₦27,906.98 KwH: 481.57 Amount Tendered: ₦30,000.00 5348 6887 8198 8510 5551 2 Transaction ID: 6834165868699424 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-07-24 19:23:14 Meter No.: 0101170455253 Account No.: 693177 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦2,093.02 Energy Cost: ₦27,906.98 KwH: 481.57 Amount Tendered: ₦30,000.00 3345 1291 8088 0668 4206 3 Transaction ID: 4472165247779624 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-05-13 22:36:36 Meter No.: 0101170455253 Account No.: 693177 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦2,093.02 Energy Cost: ₦27,906.98 KwH: 492.36 Amount Tendered: ₦30,000.00 4717 7352 5738 1546 1679 4 Transaction ID: 1979164987979424 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-13 20:56:34 Meter No.: 0101170455253 Account No.: 693177 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦1,046.51 Energy Cost: ₦13,953.49 KwH: 246.18 Amount Tendered: ₦15,000.00 6477 8358 6679 9033 3721 5 Transaction ID: 8746164688758824 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-10 05:46:28 Meter No.: 0101170455253 Account No.: 693177 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 237.06 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 5340 6885 5445 4447 2876 6 Transaction ID: 1213164127411024 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-01-04 06:28:30 Meter No.: 0101170455253 Account No.: 693177 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 261.82 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 0275 1730 4797 6758 2857 7 Transaction ID: 7786163752807824 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-21 21:54:38 Meter No.: 0101170455253 Account No.: 693177 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦1,046.51 Energy Cost: ₦13,953.49 KwH: 412.70 Amount Tendered: ₦15,000.00 5416 3193 6565 6054 6350 8 Transaction ID: 2148163458143524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-10-18 19:23:55 Meter No.: 0101170455253 Account No.: 693177 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 275.14 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 1706 6443 2574 4683 2176 9 Transaction ID: 2638163235311924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-09-23 00:25:19 Meter No.: 0101170455253 Account No.: 693177 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 275.14 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 3524 5629 1083 0873 5022 10 Transaction ID: 9025162990996024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-08-25 17:46:00 Meter No.: 0101170455253 Account No.: 693177 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 292.43 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 4538 2728 7913 2565 52922022-10-24 dogoreuben@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021141ClosedRequest2022-10-24REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 44000553816MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-24Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 790124 Debt Repayment ₦5,385.05 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦3,385.05 M 2022-08-31 ₦2,000.00 2022-09-272022-10-24 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021140ClosedRequest2022-10-24REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 44000553816MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-24Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 790124 Debt Repayment ₦5,385.05 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦3,385.05 M 2022-08-31 ₦2,000.00 2022-09-272022-10-24 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021139ClosedRequest2022-10-24DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-24Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 629451 Debt Repayment ₦85,001.22 ₦-99,190.30 ₦2,000.00 ₦-16,189.08 M 2022-08-16 ₦2,000.00 2022-09-30 Closed 629451 Refund ₦16,189.08 ₦0.00 ₦16,189.08 ₦16,189.08 V 2022-10-19 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-10-24 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00021138ClosedKCT Request2022-10-24Request for KCT j jMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-24Nohello, find below. 4792 1442 4323 3095 7924 5947 2723 6980 3659 73162022-10-24 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021137ClosedKCT Request2022-10-25REQUEST FOR K C TMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-25Nohello, find below, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-10-25 delukosam@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021136ClosedKCT Request2022-10-24Request for KCT Joe 1MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-24Nohello, find below, wrong meter number or not captured on our system.2022-10-24 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021135ClosedKCT Request2022-10-24Request for KCT Joe2MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-24Nohello, find below, 2079 1762 8344 2770 6631 1617 5745 3371 9064 06052022-10-24 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021134ClosedRequest2022-10-25Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-24NoDear Khadija, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 380262 Debt Repayment ₦842,886.18 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦825,386.18 M 2022-03-28 ₦17,500.00 2022-10-242022-10-24 tkhadija028@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021133ClosedRequest2022-10-24Debt profile,MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-24Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 495416 Debt Repayment ₦152,018.80 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦146,018.80 M 2022-02-10 ₦6,000.00 2022-05-202022-10-24 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021132ClosedKCT Request2022-10-24Request for KCT jMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-24NoDear owifirst, find below, 5676 8319 3780 5995 5857 3156 4284 2802 3224 10152022-10-24 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021131ClosedTamper Code2022-10-24Request for clear Tampa code for 0101200103386MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-24NoDear Caroaline, find below, 0101200103386 Clear Tamper 0 4225 0083 6378 8663 99182022-10-24 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021130ClosedTamper Code2022-10-24Request for tamper,MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-24NoSupport, Pls treat. Regards.2022-10-24 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021129ClosedTamper Code2022-10-24TamperMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-24NoSupport, Pls treat. Regards2022-10-24 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021128ClosedKCT Request2022-10-24Request for refund of token or generate token - Failed transactionMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-24NoDear HCCU, Note that this is noted, and kindly exercise patience before it will be treated and reverted.2022-10-24 lucky.akpobi@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021127ClosedRequest2022-10-24DEBT PROFILE: 0101200073779Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-10-24Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 744714 Debt Repayment ₦331,981.74 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦329,481.74 M 2022-08-10 ₦2,500.00 2022-09-282022-10-24 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00021126ClosedRequest2022-10-24REQUEST TO CAPTURE ACOUNT ON E-VEND---810274MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-24Nohello, treated.2022-10-24 support@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021125ClosedRequest2022-10-24DEBT PROFILE: 0101200087928MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-24Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611123213201 Debt Repayment ₦605,054.08 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦600,054.08 M 2022-04-05 ₦5,000.00 2022-06-242022-10-24 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021124ClosedKCT Request2022-10-24Requesting for KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-24Nohello, find below, 5963 2543 7995 7363 5290 6622 4810 1349 1168 61182022-10-24 yuzarsif331122@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021123ClosedKCT Request2022-10-25KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-25Nohello, find below, 4895 9045 6402 0102 2386 4631 9912 1567 9521 68182022-10-25 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021122ClosedKCT Request2022-10-24KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-24Nohello, find below, 6900 8726 5584 5472 3199 2761 0121 5804 5356 59202022-10-24 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021121ClosedKCT Request2022-10-25GOOD MORNING, REQUEST FOR KCT 54161062275MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25Nohello, find below, There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2022-10-25 nmaisugar@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021120ClosedKCT Request2022-10-25KctsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-25Nohello, find below, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-10-25 terpineemma@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021119ClosedKCT Request2022-10-25Kct3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-25Nohello, find below, 5670 1778 1510 0866 2023 1796 4043 0704 1867 59582022-10-25 amibabs433@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021118ClosedRequest2022-10-25DEBT PROFILE 0101190013421MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-25Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 664572 Debt Repayment ₦53,816.57 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦45,816.57 M 2022-06-01 ₦8,000.00 2022-10-252022-10-25 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021117Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021116ClosedKCT Request2022-10-24REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-24Nohello, find below, 6699 6330 9201 2641 8585 3829 1488 6149 9826 12872022-10-25 yusufibrahimbaba440@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021115ClosedTamper Code2022-10-24TamperMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-24NoReminder Audit Team Thanks2022-10-24 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021114ClosedRequest2022-10-24CTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-24NoDear Mr. Roland, find below, 54161142770 Clear Tamper 0 2709 4454 1730 5899 0472 44000593705 Clear Tamper 0 1615 7264 8155 7805 32202022-10-24 roland.james@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021113ClosedTamper Code2022-10-24REQUEST FOR TAMPERMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-24NoDear Wuladi, find below, 0101210077463 Clear Tamper 0 6079 0221 9428 7296 4828 due to power surge 54161166084 Clear Tamper 0 3862 1832 3207 7225 5159 due to power surge 44000503555 Clear Tamper 0 6082 8512 5496 7313 1867 due to power surge 0101170417535 Clear Tamper 0 6673 6743 4779 1903 6948 due to power surge 0101170409805 Clear Tamper 0 2845 9473 3143 8980 6313 due to wrong SGC2022-10-24 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021112ClosedRequest2022-10-24REQUEST for Outstanding balance METER NO 0101210183592MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-24Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 533164 Debt Repayment ₦233,282.68 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦227,282.68 M 2022-07-18 ₦6,000.00 2022-10-242022-10-24 benmercyladi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021111ClosedKCT Request2022-10-24KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-24Nohello, find below, 6282 7315 9029 0491 8134 0945 3682 3918 6404 96952022-10-24 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021110ClosedTamper Code2022-10-24REQUEST FOR CLEAR TAMPERMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-24NoDear Roseline, find below, ​ 44000495497 Clear Tamper 0 4445 0052 5705 5041 1996 ​ 0195000003549 Clear Tamper 0 6905 0735 4407 9158 15732022-10-24 longpuan@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021109ClosedKCT Request2022-10-24KCT REQUESTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-24Nohello, find below, 5694 2210 8383 9843 2692 0374 9732 9496 8868 91262022-10-24 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021108ClosedTamper Code2022-10-24REQUEST FOR TEMPER CODEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-24NoDear Ahmad, find below, 0101161019571 Clear Tamper 0 6808 1327 4461 0540 33892022-10-24 bakoamusa@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021107ClosedRequest2022-10-24Debt Profile - 44000345171MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-24Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612627012601 Debt Repayment ₦608,117.60 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦606,117.60 M 2022-08-16 ₦2,000.00 2022-09-222022-10-24 mohammed.umar@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021106ClosedTamper Code2022-10-24REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPERMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-24NoDear Maryam, find below, 0101210170961 Clear Tamper 0 3661 9251 8665 6398 9508 57100009638 Clear Tamper 0 2244 7813 8608 4822 4278 0101210184574 Clear Tamper 0 2884 5272 4142 1586 9386 0195000003614 Clear Tamper 0 0274 2126 8407 9699 8146 44300002779 Clear Tamper 0 2852 8755 2186 3105 0383 44300019120 Clear Tamper 0 2649 8549 6362 0178 9789 0101210195950 Clear Tamper 0 1801 5906 6795 7745 4160 0101190029955 Clear Tamper 0 0552 2132 5826 9900 0988 0101210043903 Clear Tamper 0 4001 4715 3382 8566 9562 0195000003200 Clear Tamper 0 6335 1348 6163 7895 3331 0101210012429 Clear Tamper 0 5964 5457 5636 9756 98402022-10-24 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021105Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021104ClosedTamper Code2022-10-24Request for temper code plsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-24No0101170423087 0786 6459 9618 3196 3465 0101200020663 1608 4537 9357 0511 48042022-10-24 abubakarumar4102@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021103ClosedKCT Request2022-10-24Request for kct,Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-24Nohello, find below, 7020 1898 4885 8455 6239 0197 0676 2982 2791 57452022-10-24 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021102ClosedKCT Request2022-10-24KCT REQUEST 54150626213Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-24Nohello, find below, 5650 6277 6385 5507 8267 3611 9426 1222 2397 80902022-10-24 wyontochae@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021101ClosedKCT Request2022-10-24Request for kct tariff index 01 44000661890MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-24Nohello, find below, 3329 5660 5176 5824 8520 3259 8068 2920 6931 99772022-10-24 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021100ClosedKCT Request2022-10-24Request for KCT ihotu purwaterMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-24Nohello, find below, 1927 5456 2721 8661 1655 5982 3069 7256 9715 73432022-10-24 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021099ClosedRequest2022-10-24REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101161009309Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-24Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6131294683-01 Debt Repayment ₦201,897.05 ₦-6,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦172,897.05 M 2019-06-15 ₦23,000.00 2022-07-052022-10-24 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021098ClosedKCT Request2022-10-24REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-24Nohello, find below, 5521 6993 8676 3657 6848 2861 9730 0283 1940 92902022-10-24 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021097ClosedRequest2022-10-24KCT REQUEST 54160735343Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-24Nohello, find below, 6715 6035 2009 8408 5719 0810 5376 1033 6497 84222022-10-24 wyontochae@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021096ClosedKCT Request2022-10-24KCT GENERATION from 45 to 01 44000634210Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-24Nohello, find below. 44000634210 45 To 1 2027 1288 2848 8801 6334 6846 9166 8959 8826 77462022-10-24 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021095ClosedKCT Request2022-10-24REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-24Nohello, find below, 7332 1548 6964 3205 9899 4072 4527 1698 7732 10252022-10-24 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021094ClosedRequest2022-10-24EQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-24Nohello, find below, 0150000956485 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 671358 Debt Repayment ₦60,445.70 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦52,445.70 M 2022-03-10 ₦8,000.00 2022-07-26 0150000977911 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 764516 Debt Repayment ₦3,454.91 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦3,454.91 M 2022-08-17 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-10-24 delukosam@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021093ClosedRequest2022-10-24ACCOUNTS FOR UPLOAD ON E-VEND.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-24Nohello, treated.2022-10-24 dangaye1@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021092ClosedKCT Request2022-10-24KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-24Nohello, find below, 1 To 74 2097 7001 4528 9088 6193 5618 6017 2485 5234 5770 74 To 1 0928 8264 2288 2959 6029 0533 6121 0329 1808 67882022-10-24 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021091ClosedRequest2022-10-24REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE---0101210032807Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-24NoFind below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 771988 Debt Repayment ₦3,134.54 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦3,134.54 M 2022-08-22 ₦0.00 2022-08-242022-10-24 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021090ClosedKCT Request2022-10-24KCT REQUEST: 0101160053555 ( 21 to 01)Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-24Nohello, find below, 5199 2175 7101 6871 9121 5604 0431 1903 7716 77192022-10-24 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021089ClosedTamper Code2022-10-24TamperMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-24NoDear Auwal, find below, 44000330975 Clear Tamper 0 3549 5948 3065 5156 79862022-10-24 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021088ClosedRequest2022-10-24TamperMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-24NoDear Auwal, find below, 0195000006427 Clear Tamper 0 2118 0900 3196 3585 94842022-10-24 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021087ClosedRequest2022-10-24REQUEST FOR CLEAR TAMPERMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-24NoDear uduh, find below, 44000639052 Clear Tamper 0 0838 6965 9972 3304 43672022-10-24 roland.james@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021086ClosedRequest2022-10-24Request for CTT 0101200005409Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-24NoDear Umar, find below, 0101200005409 Clear Tamper 0 5208 0556 2147 4823 05982022-10-24 umar.daninna@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021085ClosedRequest2022-10-24Request For SGCMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-24NoDear Tor, find below, 22588345648675434415 028618013177882402222022-10-24 thompsontor@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021084ClosedKCT Request2022-10-24KCT REQUEST: 0101160053555 ( 21 to 01)Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-24NoDear George, find below, 5199 2175 7101 6871 9121 5604 0431 1903 7716 77192022-10-24 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021083ClosedRequest2022-10-24REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 4400028110Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-24Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612640100501 Debt Repayment ₦887,032.43 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦881,032.43 M 2022-02-28 ₦6,000.00 2022-05-142022-10-24 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021082ClosedRequest2022-10-24REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 0101170456673MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-24Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 669585 Debt Repayment ₦142,098.72 ₦-6,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦102,098.72 M 2020-11-02 ₦34,000.00 2022-10-102022-10-24 nmaisugar@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021081ClosedRequest2022-10-24REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE---0101190010468Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-24Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 658136 Debt Repayment ₦36,805.94 ₦-25,262.07 ₦2,500.00 ₦4,043.87 M 2022-02-10 ₦7,500.00 2022-08-102022-10-24 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021080OpenRequest0000-00-00Debt profile. 0101200069926IT Umar Auwal2022-10-24NoDebt profile. 01012000699262022-10-24 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00021079ClosedVending History2022-10-24Vending historyMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-24Nohello, find below. No data available in table2022-10-24 cyprianushahemba@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021078ClosedKCT Request2022-10-24KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-24Nohello, find below. 33 To 1 1684 7744 3938 2645 4082 3940 3520 8407 9416 26032022-10-24 faithelisha1990@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021077ClosedKCT Request2022-10-24kctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-24Nohello, find below. 0101210077778 1230 7831 1180 3479 8746 6584 5199 0274 9893 55882022-10-24 dogoreuben@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021076ClosedKCT Request2022-10-24REQUEST FOR KEY CHANGE TOKENMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-24Nohello, find below. 5422 3010 6530 6977 2177 5249 6251 1963 3761 02572022-10-24 sunnyochekwu@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021075Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021074ClosedRequest2022-10-21REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-21Nohello, find below, 0150000968589 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672163487301 Debt Repayment ₦208,226.38 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦194,226.38 M 2022-03-21 ₦14,000.00 2022-10-18 0150000852460 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672101168301 Debt Repayment ₦20,182.22 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦6,182.22 M 2022-03-29 ₦14,000.00 2022-10-212022-10-21 hamzaadamu64@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021073ClosedRequest2022-10-21DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 0101200008122 / 659564MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-21Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 659564 Debt Repayment ₦45,392.89 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦29,392.89 M 2022-02-25 ₦16,000.00 2022-10-212022-10-21 wyontochae@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021072ClosedRequest2022-10-21REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 0101161063447Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-21Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 510808 Debt Repayment ₦96,525.13 ₦-38,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦26,525.13 M 2019-06-15 ₦32,000.00 2022-09-252022-10-21 nmaisugar@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021071ClosedKCT Request2022-10-21KctsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-21Nohello, find below, 6151 5388 8908 3491 7838 2412 3648 0852 2178 57262022-10-21 avalumundestiny651@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021070ClosedRequest2022-10-24Debt profileMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-24Nohello, find below, 0101210121915 ​ Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 662321696001 Debt Repayment ₦18,416.58 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦12,416.58 M 2022-07-22 ₦6,000.00 2022-10-22 ​ 0101210140121 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 662321397801 Debt Repayment ₦97,171.61 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦85,171.61 M 2022-04-14 ₦12,000.00 2022-10-21 54160986201 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6621591353-01 Debt Repayment ₦203,388.96 ₦-40,000.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦43,388.96 M 2020-04-11 ₦120,000.00 2022-08-08 0101210192890 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 662158307501 Debt Repayment ₦108,410.51 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦102,410.51 M 2022-07-25 ₦6,000.00 2022-10-212022-10-24 yinknuga2002@yahoo.co.uk Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021069ClosedRequest2022-10-24DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-24Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 744124 Debt Repayment ₦8,956.86 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦6,456.86 M 2022-08-11 ₦2,500.00 2022-09-192022-10-24 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00021068ClosedRequest2022-10-21REQUEST FOR DEBT STATUS - 0101210154866Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-21Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 775291 Debt Repayment ₦3,879.00 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦1,379.00 M 2022-08-11 ₦2,500.00 2022-09-222022-10-21 longpuan@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021067ClosedKCT Request2022-10-21REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-21Nohello, find below, 2050 0217 7077 6876 6945 6880 4195 0661 0639 45952022-10-21 rayraymond497@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021066ClosedRequest2022-10-21REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-21Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 447335 Debt Repayment ₦13,658.15 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2022-03-29 ₦13,658.15 2022-10-05 Closed2022-10-21 hamzaadamu64@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021065ClosedRequest2022-10-21REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 0101150171862Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-21Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 504495 Debt Repayment ₦96,670.06 ₦-28,170.54 ₦2,000.00 ₦36,499.52 M 2019-02-01 ₦32,000.00 2022-09-292022-10-21 nmaisugar@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021064ClosedKCT Request2022-10-21KCT REQUEST: 0101200075725 ( 21 to 01) ,0101160052342 (21 to 01)Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-21Nohello, find below, 0101200075725 ( 21 to 01) 4337 5879 7777 8888 1227 2590 9427 6956 7793 4617 0101160052342 (21 to 01) 6993 0397 8497 0156 9433 0154 3079 4377 6150 98022022-10-21 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021063ClosedRequest2022-10-21Debt Profile - 44000701829Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-21Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 771190 Debt Repayment ₦71,015.00 ₦-45,978.60 ₦2,000.00 ₦9,036.40 M 2022-01-31 ₦16,000.00 2022-09-302022-10-21 mohammed.umar@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021062ClosedRequest2022-10-21REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-21Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 446299 Debt Repayment ₦120,218.13 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦116,218.13 M 2022-08-10 ₦4,000.00 2022-10-092022-10-21 hamzaadamu64@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021061ClosedKCT Request2022-10-21KCT REQUEST: 0101200030969 (02 to 01)Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-21Nohello, find below, 2109 7594 2856 1661 1011 1673 9060 5969 7247 23072022-10-21 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021060ClosedKCT Request2022-10-24KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-21Nohello, find below, 0101200075725 4337 5879 7777 8888 1227 2590 9427 6956 7793 46172022-10-21 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021059ClosedRequest2022-10-21REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE---54160976269Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-21NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6126570078-01 Debt Repayment ₦179,176.87 ₦-93,000.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦66,176.87 M 2018-02-14 ₦20,000.00 2022-01-312022-10-21 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021058Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021057ClosedRequest2022-10-24REQUEST FRO DEBT PROFILE 54160976269Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-24Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6126570078-01 Debt Repayment ₦179,176.87 ₦-93,000.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦66,176.87 M 2018-02-14 ₦20,000.00 2022-01-312022-10-24 nmaisugar@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021056ClosedVending History2022-10-17Vendor historyMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-21Nohello, find below, # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 9267166636027224 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-10-21 14:51:12 Meter No.: 0101210021412 Account No.: 500496 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 16.83 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 4403 6804 7407 7097 0117 2 Transaction ID: 3254166369523024 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-09-20 18:33:51 Meter No.: 0101210021412 Account No.: 500496 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 168.34 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 6928 9397 5449 1927 2050 3 Transaction ID: 7492165770741124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-07-13 11:16:51 Meter No.: 0101210021412 Account No.: 500496 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 168.34 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 1568 9611 6623 1390 2340 4 Transaction ID: 4617164724628224 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-14 09:24:42 Meter No.: 0101210021412 Account No.: 500496 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 34.42 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 7235 6789 4618 7107 9779 5 Transaction ID: 9465164580366924 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-25 16:41:09 Meter No.: 0101210021412 Account No.: 500496 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 51.63 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 4487 1708 3882 2231 9836 6 Transaction ID: 8966164395490424 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-04 07:08:24 Meter No.: 0101210021412 Account No.: 500496 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 34.42 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 2706 1194 3316 0511 0987 7 Transaction ID: 4714164223413424 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-01-15 09:08:54 Meter No.: 0101210021412 Account No.: 500496 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 36.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 6267 5359 5302 0043 6169 8 Transaction ID: 7062164058579724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-12-27 07:16:37 Meter No.: 0101210021412 Account No.: 500496 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦174.42 Energy Cost: ₦2,325.58 KwH: 45.61 Amount Tendered: ₦2,500.00 6935 4066 7601 3018 4623 9 Transaction ID: 3699163954940624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-12-15 07:23:26 Meter No.: 0101210021412 Account No.: 500496 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 36.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 7309 9864 8810 8316 9215 10 Transaction ID: 7563163773635824 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-24 07:45:58 Meter No.: 0101210021412 Account No.: 500496 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 36.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 2981 3127 9665 0600 55442022-10-21 terpineemma@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021055ClosedRequest2022-10-21REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE---54160996259Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-24Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6111823964-01 Debt Repayment ₦137,489.30 ₦-75,001.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦16,488.30 M 2017-11-22 ₦46,000.00 2022-10-212022-10-21 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021054ClosedRequest2022-10-24GOOD MORNING, REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 44000369239Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-24Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 522508 Debt Repayment ₦272,037.34 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦272,037.34 M 2022-08-11 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-10-24 nmaisugar@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021053ClosedRequest2022-10-24DEBT PROFILE: 0101200061113MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-24Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6152150882-01 Loss of Revenue ₦100,918.00 ₦0.00 ₦20,229.50 ₦100,918.00 M 2022-09-15 ₦0.00 2022-09-172022-10-24 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021052ClosedRequest2022-10-24KCT REQUEST: 0101160187965 ( 08 to 01)Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-24Nohello, find below, 5521 6993 8676 3657 6848 2861 9730 0283 1940 92902022-10-24 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021051ClosedRequest2022-10-24KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-21Nohello, find below. 5608 3002 6039 7096 5032 5013 6230 1452 3048 9867 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com2022-10-21 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021050ClosedKCT Request2022-10-24KctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-24Nohello, find below, 1366 6558 9385 5702 3852 2016 8266 2176 1181 72262022-10-24 jubilant95@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021049ClosedKCT Request2022-10-24KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-24Nohello, find below. 0710 0551 0942 7587 6233 3690 2530 1856 1344 01622022-10-24 yakubaliyu82@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021048ClosedKCT Request2022-10-24KctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-24Nohello, find below. No data available in table2022-10-24 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021047ClosedRequest2022-10-24DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 44000401834 / 744124Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-24Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 744124 Debt Repayment ₦8,956.86 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦6,456.86 M 2022-08-11 ₦2,500.00 2022-09-192022-10-24 wyontochae@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021046ClosedKCT Request2022-10-24his Generate an incomplete KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-24Nohello, find below. 07307038245111193586 430019535887780262002022-10-24 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021045ClosedRequest2022-10-24DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 44000639151 / 778957Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-24NoHELLO, FIND BEL;OW. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 778957 Debt Repayment ₦9,485.94 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,485.94 M 2022-08-17 ₦4,000.00 2022-10-212022-10-24 wyontochae@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021044ClosedKCT Request2022-10-21KctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-24Nohello, find below. 3327 7316 3423 5947 8461 5400 7559 0147 4069 66712022-10-24 denhamsalvation@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021043ClosedRequest2022-10-24Request for debt profile - 010118802758Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-24NoFind below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 454586 Debt Repayment ₦2,341,310.69 ₦-1,405,081.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦766,229.69 M 2018-09-13 ₦170,000.00 2022-10-202022-10-24 stynlucs@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021042ClosedRequest2022-10-24DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 44000668614 / 615123239401MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-21Nohello, find below, 44000668614 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 615123239401 Debt Repayment ₦372,353.57 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦368,353.57 M 2022-08-30 ₦4,000.00 2022-10-18 615123239401 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 615123239401 Debt Repayment ₦372,353.57 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦368,353.57 M 2022-08-30 ₦4,000.00 2022-10-18 ​2022-10-21 wyontochae@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021041ClosedRequest2022-10-24REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 95300160116MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-24Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 760275 Debt Repayment ₦5,133.70 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,133.70 M 2022-02-28 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-10-24 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021040ClosedKCT Request2022-10-24KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-24Nohello, find below. 0101215018140 6614 0414 6111 2240 2894 1448 5058 3122 9173 99662022-10-17 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021039ClosedRequest2022-10-24Request for kctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-24Nohello, find below. 2250 5374 8395 6867 6878 1383 6780 6118 2374 16162022-10-24 okadonyesimona@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021038ClosedKCT Request2022-10-24KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-24Nohello, find below. 54161131195 TI04 6707 4547 3603 0533 9267 5504 5254 2857 4587 5945 57100012699 TI21 4089 6514 7092 0734 9012 2794 6541 9643 5295 10322022-10-24 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021037ClosedKCT Request2022-10-24KCt. 62321076218Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-24Nohello, find below, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-10-24 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021036ClosedRequest2022-10-24Request for debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-24Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 421070 Debt Repayment ₦46,602.74 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦30,602.74 M 2022-02-11 ₦16,000.00 2022-10-18 421070 Loss of Revenue ₦57,612.78 ₦0.00 ₦15,870.93 ₦41,741.85 M 2022-09-15 ₦15,870.93 2022-10-182022-10-24 beediesarah5@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021035ClosedKCT Request2022-10-24KCT REQUEST: 44000495976 ( 02 to 21)Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-24Nohello, find below, 1557 0233 8541 0786 2685 5526 0771 6784 1597 80112022-10-24 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021034ClosedRequest2022-10-24DEBT PROFILE: 44000594026Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-24Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 746792 Debt Repayment ₦33,306.08 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦33,306.08 M 2022-08-10 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-10-24 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021033ClosedRequest2022-10-24Validation of account,Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-24Nohello, treated.2022-10-24 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021032ClosedRequest2022-10-24MIGRATION OF NEW ACCOUNTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-24Nohello, treated.2022-10-24 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00021031ClosedKCT Request2022-10-24KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-24No1392 9828 0149 1644 3439 0048 8810 7759 6786 8177 0101200069942. 01to 21 ​ 4928 6774 0967 9678 7551 4292 9523 6689 0911 4538 ​2022-10-24 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021030ClosedRequest2022-10-24DEBT PROFILE 0101210127797MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-24Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 658104264601 Debt Repayment ₦537,123.97 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦537,123.97 M 2022-09-09 ₦0.00 2022-09-16 hello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 658104264601 Debt Repayment ₦537,123.97 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦537,123.97 M 2022-09-09 ₦0.00 2022-09-162022-10-24 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021029ClosedVending History2022-10-24REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORYMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-24Nohello, find below, 44000329431. # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 4612165669046724 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-07-01 16:47:47 Meter No.: 44000329431 Account No.: 667103 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 82.06 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 4194 9851 9191 9411 5063 2 Transaction ID: 5184164149618324 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-01-06 20:09:43 Meter No.: 44000329431 Account No.: 667103 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 26.03 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 3186 6432 6533 8945 7638 3 Transaction ID: 1091164037110624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-12-24 19:38:26 Meter No.: 44000329431 Account No.: 667103 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88 Energy Cost: ₦465.12 KwH: 13.76 Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 5847 2617 6427 5678 2493 4 Transaction ID: 1631164019523224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-12-22 18:47:12 Meter No.: 44000329431 Account No.: 667103 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88 Energy Cost: ₦465.12 KwH: 13.76 Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 2658 7080 8395 8797 8215 5 Transaction ID: 1214163924189924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-12-11 17:58:19 Meter No.: 44000329431 Account No.: 667103 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 27.51 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 2225 8379 7488 8448 1538 6 Transaction ID: 8361163786805324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-25 20:20:53 Meter No.: 44000329431 Account No.: 667103 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 27.51 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 1260 6102 9573 6824 8342 7 Transaction ID: 5173163639871224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-08 20:11:52 Meter No.: 44000329431 Account No.: 667103 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 27.51 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 0365 0817 5591 3329 9908 8 Transaction ID: 2627163467226824 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-10-19 20:37:48 Meter No.: 44000329431 Account No.: 667103 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 27.51 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 2014 8083 1652 3207 2832 9 Transaction ID: 3663163422013624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-10-14 15:02:16 Meter No.: 44000329431 Account No.: 667103 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 27.51 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 6240 3165 0671 6419 7141 10 Transaction ID: 1246163225126824 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-09-21 20:07:48 Meter No.: 44000329431 Account No.: 667103 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 55.03 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 2659 9069 6099 6363 2539 44000388270. # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 1715165582692724 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-06-21 16:55:27 Meter No.: 44000388270 Account No.: 612495017601 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦1,046.51 Energy Cost: ₦13,953.49 KwH: 246.18 Amount Tendered: ₦15,000.00 1547 5356 9707 8379 0978 2 Transaction ID: 7509165028372024 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-18 13:08:40 Meter No.: 44000388270 Account No.: 612495017601 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦1,046.51 Energy Cost: ₦13,953.49 KwH: 246.18 Amount Tendered: ₦15,000.00 2214 4676 3460 1115 2258 3 Transaction ID: 1236164821492724 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-25 14:28:47 Meter No.: 44000388270 Account No.: 612495017601 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦1,046.51 Energy Cost: ₦13,953.49 KwH: 246.18 Amount Tendered: ₦15,000.00 3802 0943 5159 8381 1136 4 Transaction ID: 5433164017392324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-12-22 12:52:03 Meter No.: 44000388270 Account No.: 612495017601 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 187.74 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 1358 5421 8940 2899 8203 5 Transaction ID: 4947163758438824 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-22 13:33:08 Meter No.: 44000388270 Account No.: 612495017601 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 93.87 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 6249 4785 8652 1248 2279 6 Transaction ID: 4291163482443524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-10-21 14:53:55 Meter No.: 44000388270 Account No.: 612495017601 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 187.74 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 0957 9093 4400 4310 5447 7 Transaction ID: 5393163363868524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-10-07 21:31:25 Meter No.: 44000388270 Account No.: 612495017601 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 56.32 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 2880 6371 2244 8192 1538 8 Transaction ID: 3111163173534324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-09-15 20:49:03 Meter No.: 44000388270 Account No.: 612495017601 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 93.87 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 6002 7775 5052 8228 9406 9 Transaction ID: 9129162799810924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-08-03 14:41:49 Meter No.: 44000388270 Account No.: 612495017601 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 104.19 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 1983 2309 7490 0388 8463 10 Transaction ID: 2359162426902024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-06-21 10:50:20 Meter No.: 44000388270 Account No.: 612495017601 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 62.52 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 3131 8074 8701 2156 1795 44000314352. wrong meter number or not captured on our system. 44000383354. # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 2126163213619424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-09-20 12:09:54 Meter No.: 44000383354 Account No.: 612905041101 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦41.86 Energy Cost: ₦558.14 KwH: 11.97 Amount Tendered: ₦600.00 0532 4064 4919 9894 0783 2 Transaction ID: 3913163199722124 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-09-18 21:33:41 Meter No.: 44000383354 Account No.: 612905041101 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 19.94 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 3327 4033 3502 7753 7956 3 Transaction ID: 5312163173258924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-09-15 20:03:09 Meter No.: 44000383354 Account No.: 612905041101 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 19.94 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 2498 8994 8980 5633 1656 4 Transaction ID: 9154163034175424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-08-30 17:42:34 Meter No.: 44000383354 Account No.: 612905041101 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 20.84 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 5826 1048 0111 3822 2515 5 Transaction ID: 1662162870823624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-08-11 19:57:16 Meter No.: 44000383354 Account No.: 612905041101 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 20.84 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 6445 8576 8866 3655 9518 6 Transaction ID: 7696162662852124 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-07-18 18:15:21 Meter No.: 44000383354 Account No.: 612905041101 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 20.84 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 2241 6536 7780 7191 7463 7 Transaction ID: 0376162637302424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-07-15 19:17:04 Meter No.: 44000383354 Account No.: 612905041101 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88 Energy Cost: ₦465.12 KwH: 10.42 Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 5512 1438 1711 0669 8010 8 Transaction ID: 3616162611787324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-07-12 20:24:33 Meter No.: 44000383354 Account No.: 612905041101 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88 Energy Cost: ₦465.12 KwH: 10.42 Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 5042 9752 3314 7918 5673 9 Transaction ID: 6914162568261424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-07-07 19:30:14 Meter No.: 44000383354 Account No.: 612905041101 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 20.84 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 3711 3090 9081 7995 8588 10 Transaction ID: 8536162533338224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-07-03 18:29:42 Meter No.: 44000383354 Account No.: 612905041101 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦66.28 Energy Cost: ₦883.72 KwH: 19.80 Amount Tendered: ₦950.00 5004 9258 9543 9389 5634 0101200034052 # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 3565165823335524 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-07-19 13:22:35 Meter No.: 0101200034052 Account No.: 612730009801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 Debt Repayment: ₦0.00 KwH: 32.10 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 2001 9717 6980 4078 9139 2 Transaction ID: 6176165712180624 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-07-06 16:36:46 Meter No.: 0101200034052 Account No.: 612730009801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 Debt Repayment: ₦2,000.00 KwH: 16.05 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 3263 3659 5713 3484 7866 3 Transaction ID: 4257165519587224 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-06-14 09:37:52 Meter No.: 0101200034052 Account No.: 612730009801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 Debt Repayment: ₦6,000.00 KwH: 49.24 Amount Tendered: ₦9,000.00 4485 6542 8190 4478 0294 4 Transaction ID: 4929164743693724 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-16 14:22:17 Meter No.: 0101200034052 Account No.: 612730009801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦627.91 Energy Cost: ₦8,372.09 KwH: 147.71 Amount Tendered: ₦9,000.00 0801 4158 0812 1637 1072 5 Transaction ID: 5976164675795724 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-08 17:45:57 Meter No.: 0101200034052 Account No.: 612730009801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 32.82 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 7365 9901 2531 6086 3195 6 Transaction ID: 1438163698449324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-15 14:54:53 Meter No.: 0101200034052 Account No.: 612730009801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 99.72 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 6560 9766 7731 1190 8305 7 Transaction ID: 3669163292648724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-09-29 15:41:27 Meter No.: 0101200034052 Account No.: 612730009801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 99.72 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 0889 2983 3870 8701 6716 8 Transaction ID: 2638163283579124 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-09-28 14:29:51 Meter No.: 0101200034052 Account No.: 612730009801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 39.89 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 5096 3010 7244 7389 7264 9 Transaction ID: 2722162127342124 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-17 18:43:41 Meter No.: 0101200034052 Account No.: 612730009801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88 Energy Cost: ₦465.12 KwH: 10.42 Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 6341 7537 7896 9455 8244 10 Transaction ID: 9372162124610024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-17 11:08:20 Meter No.: 0101200034052 Account No.: 612730009801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 20.84 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 3323 4064 1751 8500 7494 11 Transaction ID: 6277162124357324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-17 10:26:13 Meter No.: 0101200034052 Account No.: 612730009801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 31.26 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 4232 2685 3975 3654 9105 12 Transaction ID: 5816162115770724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-16 10:35:07 Meter No.: 0101200034052 Account No.: 612730009801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 31.26 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 5313 8973 9934 9043 1708 13 Transaction ID: 2656162107416424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-15 11:22:44 Meter No.: 0101200034052 Account No.: 612730009801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 20.84 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 5318 4638 3751 6859 3994 14 Transaction ID: 2197162099819624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-14 14:16:36 Meter No.: 0101200034052 Account No.: 612730009801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 20.84 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 2800 9986 3201 1934 1925 15 Transaction ID: 5927162092159524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-13 16:59:55 Meter No.: 0101200034052 Account No.: 612730009801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 20.84 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 3154 0529 7694 3920 7772 16 Transaction ID: 7018162082548824 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-12 14:18:08 Meter No.: 0101200034052 Account No.: 612730009801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 20.84 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 3219 2122 0640 5480 3134 17 Transaction ID: 9761162075149724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-11 17:44:57 Meter No.: 0101200034052 Account No.: 612730009801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 20.84 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 6090 0926 3477 0617 4651 18 Transaction ID: 6648162066847924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-10 18:41:19 Meter No.: 0101200034052 Account No.: 612730009801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 20.84 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 6917 8138 2429 8311 6917 19 Transaction ID: 6503162056810624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-09 14:48:26 Meter No.: 0101200034052 Account No.: 612730009801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 20.84 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 3557 4985 0171 0735 1707 20 Transaction ID: 4010162040126024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-07 16:28:03 Meter No.: 0101200034052 Account No.: 612730009801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 20.84 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 3508 3576 0429 1835 4273 21 Transaction ID: 4029162040112224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-07 16:25:22 Meter No.: 0101200034052 Account No.: 612730009801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 20.84 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 5184 5908 0678 7704 4578 22 Transaction ID: 6958162032995324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-06 20:39:13 Meter No.: 0101200034052 Account No.: 612730009801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 20.84 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 6438 3946 9625 7229 5696 23 Transaction ID: 2527162022537924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-05 15:36:19 Meter No.: 0101200034052 Account No.: 612730009801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 20.84 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 2187 0371 8918 4089 4285 24 Transaction ID: 7339162013716024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-04 15:06:09 Meter No.: 0101200034052 Account No.: 612730009801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 20.84 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 0274 6862 4645 4755 5258 25 Transaction ID: 4138162005473324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-03 16:12:13 Meter No.: 0101200034052 Account No.: 612730009801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 20.84 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 5667 6053 1611 0376 5724 26 Transaction ID: 6279161996207624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-02 14:27:56 Meter No.: 0101200034052 Account No.: 612730009801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 31.26 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 6260 1639 6280 3742 6967 27 Transaction ID: 9672161988977624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-01 18:22:56 Meter No.: 0101200034052 Account No.: 612730009801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 20.84 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 3061 4475 5906 8165 0790 28 Transaction ID: 8782161981167224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-30 20:41:12 Meter No.: 0101200034052 Account No.: 612730009801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 20.84 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 5231 9406 7255 9129 9669 29 Transaction ID: 3776161977592724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-30 10:45:27 Meter No.: 0101200034052 Account No.: 612730009801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 20.84 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 6357 5255 4118 5949 5051 30 Transaction ID: 9683161963997124 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-28 20:59:31 Meter No.: 0101200034052 Account No.: 612730009801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 20.84 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 7256 6788 1598 2033 5425 31 Transaction ID: 1579161951914924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-27 11:25:49 Meter No.: 0101200034052 Account No.: 612730009801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88 Energy Cost: ₦465.12 KwH: 10.42 Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 1572 4782 0891 1340 2157 32 Transaction ID: 1903161936167024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-25 15:41:10 Meter No.: 0101200034052 Account No.: 612730009801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 31.26 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 5823 1639 1654 1298 8721 33 Transaction ID: 1837161848266124 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-15 11:31:01 Meter No.: 0101200034052 Account No.: 612730009801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 31.26 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 3266 5331 2818 0107 1220 34 Transaction ID: 2612161840022824 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-14 12:37:08 Meter No.: 0101200034052 Account No.: 612730009801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 31.26 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 5263 9771 2208 5035 2330 35 Transaction ID: 8645161832461124 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-13 15:36:51 Meter No.: 0101200034052 Account No.: 612730009801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 31.26 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 5964 3003 4250 2306 3849 36 Transaction ID: 9165161825065424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-12 19:04:14 Meter No.: 0101200034052 Account No.: 612730009801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 20.84 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 4668 6383 8729 8805 4196 37 Transaction ID: 1568161821516424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-12 09:12:44 Meter No.: 0101200034052 Account No.: 612730009801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 31.26 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 1551 5840 0606 0022 3758 38 Transaction ID: 1675161797657724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-09 14:56:17 Meter No.: 0101200034052 Account No.: 612730009801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 31.26 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 0581 3641 3613 2047 2535 39 Transaction ID: 6167161789796624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-08 17:06:06 Meter No.: 0101200034052 Account No.: 612730009801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦83.72 Energy Cost: ₦1,116.28 KwH: 25.01 Amount Tendered: ₦1,200.00 2310 8462 9635 1740 5589 40 Transaction ID: 7241161781919224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-07 19:13:12 Meter No.: 0101200034052 Account No.: 612730009801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 02022-10-24 bakoamusa@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021028ClosedKCT Request2022-10-24REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-24Nohello, find below, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-10-24 jenogah@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021027ClosedKCT Request2022-10-24KctsMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-24Nohello, find below, wrong meter number or not captured on our system.2022-10-24 avalumundestiny651@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021026ClosedTamper Code2022-10-24TamperMedium 2022-10-24NoGood morning, find below, 0101170201269 Clear Tamper 0 0313 5575 4192 3289 67952022-10-24 roland.james@jedplc.com
#00021025ClosedKCT Request2022-10-24Fwd: KctsMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-24Nohello, find below, wrong meter number or not captured on our system.2022-10-24 avalumundestiny651@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021024ClosedTamper Code2022-10-24TamperMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-24NoGood morning, find below, 44000639052 Clear Tamper 0 2732 8800 1746 6337 37452022-10-24 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021023ClosedTamper Code2022-10-24REQUEST FOR CLEAR TAMPER - 44000322915Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-24NoGood morning, find below, 44000322915 Clear Tamper 0 6864 0311 1346 7062 11802022-10-24 roland.james@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021022ClosedKCT Request2022-10-24Request for KCT for 0101180112399Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-24Nohello, find below, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-10-24 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021021ClosedTamper Code2022-10-24TamperMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-24NoGood morning, find below, 44000508372 Clear Tamper 0 6270 6459 1861 4052 14342022-10-24 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021020ClosedKCT Request2022-10-24KctsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-24Nohello, find below, 0909 6977 1551 4654 2003 4799 4388 0972 8011 82242022-10-24 avalumundestiny651@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021019ClosedKCT Request2022-10-24KctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-24NoGood morning, find below,2022-10-24 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00021018ClosedVending History2022-10-24: Fwd: Vending historyMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-24Nohello, find below, # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 9557166575132124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-10-14 13:42:01 Meter No.: 0101210065500 Account No.: 742561 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 84.17 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 0022 7129 4977 4147 5917 2 Transaction ID: 6241166490571624 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-10-04 18:48:36 Meter No.: 0101210065500 Account No.: 742561 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦167.44 Energy Cost: ₦2,232.56 KwH: 40.40 Amount Tendered: ₦2,400.00 3381 7524 1532 5677 0849 3 Transaction ID: 7657166369537624 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-09-20 18:36:16 Meter No.: 0101210065500 Account No.: 742561 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 50.50 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 6803 1537 7373 2219 3426 4 Transaction ID: 3606166283490824 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-09-10 19:35:08 Meter No.: 0101210065500 Account No.: 742561 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 50.50 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 7364 7481 6095 9271 3478 5 Transaction ID: 8979166179718924 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-08-29 19:19:49 Meter No.: 0101210065500 Account No.: 742561 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 50.50 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 6951 4000 6918 0864 0283 6 Transaction ID: 4582165998090124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-08-08 18:48:22 Meter No.: 0101210065500 Account No.: 742561 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 84.17 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 6357 0592 7062 7673 8138 7 Transaction ID: 1186165876718324 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-07-25 17:39:43 Meter No.: 0101210065500 Account No.: 742561 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦174.42 Energy Cost: ₦2,325.58 KwH: 42.08 Amount Tendered: ₦2,500.00 5877 1355 1200 0794 1396 8 Transaction ID: 9547165799351424 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-07-16 18:45:14 Meter No.: 0101210065500 Account No.: 742561 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 33.67 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 4297 5062 6372 3595 1020 9 Transaction ID: 6692165764212424 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-07-12 17:08:44 Meter No.: 0101210065500 Account No.: 742561 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 33.67 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 2006 1586 6954 9550 6656 10 Transaction ID: 3673165355802724 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-05-26 10:40:27 Meter No.: 0101210065500 Account No.: 742561 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 172.11 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 4940 8906 0769 4307 95752022-10-24 sasedonald0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021017ClosedKCT Request2022-10-24KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-24Nohello, find below, 6287 4165 8377 9990 7673 3168 9108 7123 6425 72732022-10-24 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021016OpenKCT Request0000-00-00KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-24Nohello, find below, 6287 4165 8377 9990 7673 3168 9108 7123 6425 72732022-10-24 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021015Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021014ClosedKCT Request2022-10-24KctsMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-24Nohello, find below, 1320 0337 7953 2956 6056 5265 7207 5208 2382 78872022-10-24 terpineemma@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021013ClosedKCT Request2022-10-24KCT REQUEST: 44000399210 (02 to 01) 0101200017586 (01 to 21)MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-24Nohello, find below, 44000399210 (02 to 01) 0344 8062 2523 0865 5230 5151 7885 4706 7558 3293 0101200017586 (01 to 21) 2624 8632 3451 3016 7427 2591 5281 6146 6705 5308 ​2022-10-24 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021012ClosedKCT Request2022-10-24KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-24Nohello, find below, 0382 3609 3747 8705 3419 0215 6709 4582 4072 57652022-10-24 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021011ClosedKCT Request2022-10-24Re: KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-24Nohello, find below, It is also on 001 on our system. So, it does not require KCT. If they are facing any difficulties recharging, kindly dispatch maintenance team.2022-10-24 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021010ClosedKCT Request2022-10-24Re: REQUEST for KCT METER NO 54161115149MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-24Nohello, find below, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-10-24 benmercyladi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021009ClosedKCT Request2022-10-24KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-24Nofind below, 44000467199 4539 5243 8399 3678 9434 6556 4922 8598 9860 7611 44000677946 2273 4964 1643 4422 0292 2738 5077 1761 6754 0338 ​2022-10-24 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021008ClosedKCT Request2022-10-24KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-24Nohello, find below, 4993 2715 3005 8938 4313 3236 7109 2325 8883 83802022-10-24 bemnguter10@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021007ClosedKCT Request2022-10-24KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-24Nohello, find below, wrong meter number or not captured on our system.2022-10-24 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00021006ClosedRequest2022-10-24Total outstandingMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-24Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6111450676-01 Debt Repayment ₦65,464.06 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦49,464.06 M 2022-02-16 ₦16,000.00 2022-10-222022-10-24 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021005ClosedKCT Request2022-10-24KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-24Nohello,l find below, 5618 3310 7728 2391 0478 4749 2534 4728 4757 91672022-10-24 kwaghbeeagee@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00021004Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00021003ClosedRequest2022-10-21DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 0101200069066 / 553528Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-10-21NoFind below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 553528 Debt Repayment ₦277,635.92 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦261,635.92 M 2022-02-25 ₦16,000.00 2022-10-21 612711179701 Debt Repayment ₦327,590.80 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦321,590.80 M 2022-07-01 ₦6,000.00 2022-10-192022-10-21 wyontochae@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00021002ClosedKCT Request2022-10-21Request for KCT - from 22 ===44000679967Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-10-21No2944 1960 9727 3908 0643 0470 1899 1289 6816 99782022-10-21 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00021001ClosedTamper Code2022-10-21Clear Tamper and Clear Credit 44300002779Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-10-21NoFidn below the clear credit, Meter No Token Type Reason Limit Amount Token Generated By 44300002779 Clear Credit 0 5008 1908 2567 9463 19502022-10-21 akigaisiyaka@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00021000ClosedRequest2022-10-21DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 95300218229 / 658111181501Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-21NoFind below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 658111181501 Debt Repayment ₦128,031.52 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦114,031.52 M 2022-03-23 ₦14,000.00 2022-10-182022-10-21 wyontochae@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020999Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020998Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020997In ProgressRequest2022-10-19DEBT PROFILEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri0000-00-00NoDear Uduh, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 649213 Debt Repayment ₦30,618.78 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦14,618.78 M 2022-02-16 ₦16,000.00 2022-10-190000-00-00 uduhaleje@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020996ClosedKCT Request2022-10-19KCT GENERATION from 02 to 01 0101195000456Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19NoDear Maryam, find below, 2919 3278 4599 3267 2800 1136 7939 1205 5967 41142022-10-19 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020995ClosedRequest2022-10-19Dear faith, find below, 1723 3879 3740 8356 0797 6955 4392 3801 4557 0729 ​Dear faith, find below, 1723 3879 3740 8356 0797 6955 4392 3801 4557 0729 DEBT PROFILEDEBT PROFILE ​MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-19NoDear Wuladi, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 750236 Debt Repayment ₦2,478.20 ₦0.00 ₦2,478.20 ₦2,478.20 M 2022-07-14 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-10-19 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00020994ClosedKCT Request2022-10-19KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-19NoDear faith, find below, 1723 3879 3740 8356 0797 6955 4392 3801 4557 0729 ​2022-10-19 faithelisha1990@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020993ClosedRequest2022-10-19Re: REQUEST FOR DEB PROFILE-====0101170293613Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19NoDear Naomi, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6114180171-01 Debt Repayment ₦85,561.18 ₦-32,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦21,561.18 M 2019-08-29 ₦32,000.00 2022-09-302022-10-19 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020992ClosedRequest2022-10-19REQUEST FOR DEBT STATUS - 44000497949Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19NoDear Roseline, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 775062 Debt Repayment ₦41,219.11 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦37,219.11 M 2022-08-29 ₦4,000.00 2022-10-192022-10-18 longpuan@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020991ClosedRequest2022-10-19DEBT PROFILEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19No44000575785 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 562144 Debt Repayment ₦145,538.31 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦145,538.31 M 2022-07-22 ₦0.00 0000-00-00 0150000909229 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 753133 Debt Repayment ₦4,917.62 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2022-07-15 ₦4,917.62 2022-10-11 Closed 0150000890114 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 418091 Debt Repayment ₦72,402.48 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦66,402.48 M 2022-07-21 ₦6,000.00 2022-10-152022-10-19 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020990ClosedRequest2022-10-19REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILES--Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19NoDear Nuwaira, find below, 44300014188 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611793085101 Debt Repayment ₦617,688.18 ₦0.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦597,688.18 M 2022-08-24 ₦20,000.00 2022-10-19 0101205005503 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611793013701 Debt Repayment ₦611,740.66 ₦0.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦591,740.66 M 2022-08-24 ₦20,000.00 2022-10-15 0101205005495 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611793007501 Debt Repayment ₦520,164.58 ₦0.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦500,164.58 M 2022-08-24 ₦20,000.00 2022-10-19 62321005480 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611793001101 Debt Repayment ₦359,418.11 ₦0.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦339,418.11 M 2022-08-24 ₦20,000.00 2022-10-19 0101205005164 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611793181201 Debt Repayment ₦561,013.70 ₦0.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦541,013.70 M 2022-08-24 ₦20,000.00 2022-10-18 44000398972 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612621060201 Debt Repayment ₦350,905.53 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦350,905.53 M 2022-08-11 ₦0.00 0000-00-00 0101205005339 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611793160701 Debt Repayment ₦430,344.22 ₦0.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦410,344.22 M 2022-08-24 ₦20,000.00 2022-10-192022-10-19 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020989ClosedRequest2022-10-19Debt Profile - 44000682177Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19NoDear Umar, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612903256601 Debt Repayment ₦4,985.38 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦985.38 M 2022-08-18 ₦4,000.00 2022-10-132022-10-19 mohammed.umar@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020988ClosedTamper Code2022-10-19TamperMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19NoDear Auwal, find below, 0101178022253 Clear Tamper 0 5313 8876 0690 3394 7639 44000571305 Clear Tamper 0 3587 7840 1234 0570 73472022-10-19 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020987ClosedRequest2022-10-19Re: REQUEST FOR DEBT STATUS - 95300197126Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-20NoDear Longpuan, Find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 658133272501 Debt Repayment ₦86,158.73 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦72,158.73 M 2022-03-23 ₦14,000.00 2022-10-192022-10-20 longpuan@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020986ClosedKCT Request2022-10-19KCT REQUEST: 0101160182255 (04 to 01 and 01 to 04)Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19NoDear Ademu, Find below, 4-1 1730 8767 2071 4102 3157 0166 4257 2155 4143 89492022-10-19 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020985ClosedTamper Code2022-10-19Request for clear tamper codeMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19NoDear Sadiq, find below, 0101210117152 Clear Tamper 0 6045 4372 2711 3402 7557 0101200115299 Clear Tamper 0 0795 4045 3230 3748 5297 0101200115299 Clear Tamper 0 0795 4045 3230 3748 5297 0101210033029 Clear Tamper 0 0050 6852 9901 9663 8806 0101200076509 Clear Tamper 0 3454 2489 6305 0806 3162 0101210008500 Clear Tamper 0 3536 4033 6077 2133 2919 0101200114235 Clear Tamper 0 5984 7305 0300 2225 9562 0101205016989 Clear Tamper 0 7176 3937 5126 9069 6897 0101190145694 Clear Tamper 0 5924 5460 4384 9562 3312 0101170305904 Clear Tamper 0 7275 1429 4478 5984 8186 0101161073354 Clear Tamper 0 0832 5082 1107 9083 1137 0101190147278 Clear Tamper 0 5065 4044 4692 9327 0676 0101200101406 Clear Tamper 0 5404 2065 8562 6865 7561 0150000997950 Clear Tamper 0 0407 1998 7867 0867 0884 0150000858632 Clear Tamper 0 0146 0818 5750 4223 8978 Upgrade 44000516235 Clear Tamper 0 0649 9073 5603 6568 5942 44000731115 Clear Tamper 0 5538 3376 2927 1497 4607 44000731800 Clear Tamper 0 5379 6504 5687 2177 1948 44000579365 Clear Tamper 0 2709 8138 0154 8351 7413 44300010624 Clear Tamper 0 0048 3874 5743 5041 3005 44000397743 Clear Tamper 0 7028 2965 2328 8279 2346 44000528768 Clear Tamper 0 1432 9468 1778 3778 8389 54160882590 Clear Tamper 0 0844 8832 1649 4584 2372 54161123341 Clear Tamper 0 1874 6045 3302 3983 4488 54160914283 54150639646 Clear Tamper 0 3346 3331 5042 6971 8226 54161018293 Clear Tamper 0 6763 8597 3386 7011 4299 57100008226 Clear Tamper 0 6828 9115 9752 9930 8944 57100006815 57100063718 Clear Tamper 0 3887 0519 8327 5826 7305 Lightning 62321069585 Clear Tamper 0 6422 4062 0415 6886 7871 62321077398 Clear Tamper 0 4758 8004 0716 2553 0023 62221023062 Clear Tamper 0 5107 1582 2076 1704 1117 62321071755 Clear Tamper 0 5470 1338 3932 2560 1464 62321068900 Clear Tamper 0 0704 2054 8262 0926 2880 ​ 62221023062 Clear Tamper 0 1169 4409 7611 4833 8119 ​2022-10-19 sadiqabdullahi62@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020984ClosedKCT Request2022-10-19KctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19NoDear Jeremiah, FInd below, 4264 4030 9564 4247 4140 1847 3977 2933 8172 84602022-10-19 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020983ClosedTamper Code2022-10-19REQUEST FOR TAMPERMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-19NoDear Wuladi, find below, 0101210077463 Clear Tamper 0 2776 8806 1174 6183 7883 due to power surge 0101170396176 Clear Tamper 0 6029 6707 4818 7252 6299 due to power surge2022-10-19 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00020982ClosedTamper Code2022-10-19REQUEST FOR TEMPER CODEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19NoDear Ahmad, find below, 44000365252 Clear Tamper 0 0696 4128 1550 2531 3770 44000357705 Clear Tamper 0 4985 5476 6531 8381 48312022-10-19 bakoamusa@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020981ClosedKCT Request2022-10-19Re: Request for kctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-19NoDear Lois, This meter its on 01 on our system, No KCT required.2022-10-19 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020980ClosedKCT Request2022-10-20KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-19NoDear Jeremiah, Find below, 0317 4400 9394 1677 5434 6312 7547 7904 3220 47192022-10-19 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020979ClosedTamper Code2022-10-19TAMPER CODEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19NoDear Maryam, find below, 44000364016 Clear Tamper 0 4738 8012 7747 9258 04662022-10-19 mimsicle22@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020978ClosedRequest2022-10-19REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101200104640Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19NoDear Tegwi, Find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 719898 Debt Repayment ₦17,137.05 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦1,137.05 M 2022-02-25 ₦16,000.00 2022-10-162022-10-19 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020977ClosedKCT Request2022-10-19REQUEST FOR KCT FROM 21 ====0101195002098Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19NoDear Tegwi, Find below, 2948 6056 5294 3755 0030 7078 9960 5489 3208 13162022-10-19 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020976ClosedKCT Request2022-10-19KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19NoDear Musa, Find below, 2178 4907 0487 1923 6946 1097 0931 6807 2457 07002022-10-19 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020975ClosedRequest2022-10-19DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 0101190134755 / 698961Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19NoDear Tegwis, Find below, ​ Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 698961 Debt Repayment ₦15,267.31 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦13,267.31 M 2022-07-19 ₦2,000.00 2022-08-25 ​2022-10-19 wyontochae@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020974ClosedRequest2022-10-19ACCOUNTS FOR VALIDATION ON JED E-VEND PLATFORMMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19NoDear Shirgba, Treated.2022-10-19 nshirgba@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020973ClosedKCT Request2022-10-19Re: KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19NoDear Musa, Find below, 2745 4985 7066 4190 4735 6109 1510 4407 8049 58132022-10-19 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020972ClosedKCT Request2022-10-19KctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19Nohello, find below, 1684 7744 3938 2645 4082 3940 3520 8407 9416 26032022-10-19 faithelisha1990@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020971ClosedRequest2022-10-19Re: REQUEST FOR DEBT STATUS - 95300170040Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19NoGood morning, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 699466 Debt Repayment ₦5,402.19 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,402.19 M 2022-04-06 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-10-19 longpuan@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020970ClosedRequest2022-10-19DEBT PROFILEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 409948 Debt Repayment ₦302,181.69 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦300,181.69 M 2022-09-12 ₦2,000.00 2022-10-192022-10-19 uduhaleje@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020969ClosedRequest2022-10-19Request for Debt profile for 43000731206Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19Nohello, find below, No data available in table2022-10-19 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020968ClosedRequest2022-10-19Re: Debt Profile - 44000706141Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 641691 Debt Repayment ₦121,400.04 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦117,400.04 M 2022-08-26 ₦4,000.00 2022-10-182022-10-19 mohammed.umar@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020967ClosedKCT Request2022-10-200101170427443 (0021 to to current tariff)Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19NoGood morning, find below, 5087 2217 1342 5362 2763 3669 0803 0646 2821 0845 ​2022-10-19 abdulmalikakande@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020966ClosedRequest2022-10-19Re: DEBT PROFILE: 0101200093918Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19NoGood morning, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611701073801 Debt Repayment ₦710,202.70 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦710,202.70 M 2022-08-26 ₦0.00 2022-08-302022-10-19 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020965ClosedRequest2022-10-19Request for the break down of debt on PPM 0150000872187Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 668080 Debt Repayment ₦36,267.74 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦31,267.74 M 2022-08-10 ₦5,000.00 2022-10-152022-10-19 mahmudwaziri@hotmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020964ClosedTamper Code2022-10-19Request for temper code plsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19NoGood morning, find below, 0101205018910 Clear Tamper 0 5225 6494 2720 1945 10042022-10-19 abubakarumar4102@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020963ClosedRequest2022-10-19DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 44000701696 / 781303Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19NoGood morning, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 781303 Debt Repayment ₦13,251.63 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦9,251.63 M 2022-08-26 ₦4,000.00 2022-10-192022-10-19 wyontochae@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020962ClosedTamper Code2022-10-19Re: REQUEST FOR CLEAR TAMPERMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19NoGood morning, find below, 44000322915 Clear Tamper 0 0838 6242 3629 5907 3834 62321035313 Clear Tamper 0 1280 5560 9333 6718 10042022-10-19 longpuan@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020961ClosedTamper Code2022-10-19Re: REQUEST FOR CLEAR TAMPERMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19NoGood morning, find below, 44000322915 Clear Tamper 0 0838 6242 3629 5907 3834 62321035313 Clear Tamper 0 1280 5560 9333 6718 10042022-10-19 longpuan@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020960ClosedRequest2022-10-19DEBT PROFILE: 0101730311365, 0101170246603Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19NoGood morning, find below, 0101730311365.................................wrong meter number. 0101170246603 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 651858 Debt Repayment ₦80,642.68 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦70,642.68 M 2022-02-10 ₦10,000.00 2022-07-152022-10-19 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020959ClosedKCT Request2022-10-19Re: KCT REQUEST; 54150631635 (01 to 02 and 02 to 01),Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19NoGood morning, George Note that what you requested was not what the meter requires, so kindly use the below kct to load the purchase unit, 2745 4985 7066 4190 4735 6109 1510 4407 8049 58132022-10-19 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020958ClosedTamper Code2022-10-19REQUEST FOR CLEAR TAMPER CODE 0101210128274Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19NoGood morning, find below,2022-10-19 roland.james@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020957ClosedRequest2022-10-19DEBT PROFILEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19NoGood morning, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 703492 Debt Repayment ₦34,055.85 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦30,055.85 M 2022-08-16 ₦4,000.00 2022-10-182022-10-19 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020956OpenKCT Request0000-00-00KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19NoGood morning, find below, 7204 5635 1291 7535 5414 6733 3858 2457 8541 8484 ​2022-10-19 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020955ClosedRequest2022-10-19REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 95300103967Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19NoGood morning, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 746717 Debt Repayment ₦45,698.57 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦31,698.57 M 2022-03-10 ₦14,000.00 2022-10-182022-10-19 longpuan@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020954ClosedKCT Request2022-10-19REQUEST FOR KCT---95300400736Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19NoGood morning, Kindly confirm the tariff index on the meter and revert.2022-10-19 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020953ClosedRequest2022-10-19REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE---0101210091951Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19NoGood morning, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 614108055701 Debt Repayment ₦375,735.25 ₦0.00 ₦5,000.00 ₦365,735.25 M 2022-02-09 ₦10,000.00 2022-04-262022-10-19 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020952ClosedKCT Request2022-10-19REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19NoGood morning, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 788425 Debt Repayment ₦4,957.63 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦4,957.63 M 2022-08-31 ₦0.00 0000-00-00 Good morning, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 788425 Debt Repayment ₦4,957.63 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦4,957.63 M 2022-08-31 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-10-19 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020951ClosedRequest2022-10-19REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE---44000675452Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19NoGood morning, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 783270 Debt Repayment ₦7,205.42 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,205.42 M 2022-08-17 ₦2,000.00 2022-09-302022-10-19 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020950ClosedRequest2022-10-19Request for SGCMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19NoGood morning, find below, 64755882299612701733 042364798769174906732022-10-19 thompsontor@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020949ClosedKCT Request2022-10-19kctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19NoGood morning, Dear Reuben, Note that we dont have tariff index 000, so kindly verify and revert.2022-10-19 dogoreuben@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020948In ProgressKCT Request2022-10-19KCTMedium 2022-10-19No54150649496 TI21 54150648597 TI21 54150616131 TI21 Thank you0000-00-00 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com
#00020947ClosedVending History2022-10-19REQUEST FOR DEBT STATUS - 95300103967Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 746717 Debt Repayment ₦45,698.57 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦31,698.57 M 2022-03-10 ₦14,000.00 2022-10-182022-10-19 longpuan@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020946ClosedRequest2022-10-19GOOD MORNING, REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 0101170263939Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6131073773-01 Loss of Revenue ₦72,500.00 ₦-30,000.00 ₦14,166.00 ₦42,500.00 M 2022-09-16 ₦0.00 2022-09-262022-10-19 nmaisugar@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020945ClosedRequest2022-10-19REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE--0101180147445Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 705532 Debt Repayment ₦2,291.90 ₦0.00 ₦2,291.90 ₦0.00 M 2022-05-30 ₦2,291.90 2022-10-19 Closed2022-10-19 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020944ClosedRequest2022-10-19KctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19No3826 6748 7283 3867 5126 6044 8202 6703 6908 54772022-10-19 faithelisha1990@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020943ClosedRequest2022-10-19DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 0101210104325 / 615118052801Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 615118052801 Debt Repayment ₦63,243.54 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦61,243.54 M 2022-09-14 ₦2,000.00 2022-10-112022-10-19 wyontochae@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020942ClosedKCT Request2022-10-19Request for kct tariff index 02 0101205003789Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19No3824 6767 0700 1989 4970 1588 6860 4382 0823 17882022-10-19 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020941ClosedTamper Code2022-10-19REQUEST FOR TEMPERMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19No0101205003540. 0101205003540 Clear Tamper 0 0485 3763 4897 6352 2619 0101205001098 0101205009067 0101205001098 Clear Tamper 0 2734 7099 2345 0092 6203 62321002131 62321002131 Clear Tamper 0 2716 6646 2731 6653 1885 . 44000652196. 44000652196 Clear Tamper 0 5018 4275 1644 5054 5537 01500000973266 ​ 0150000973266 Clear Tamper 0 1527 0162 0179 1300 5674 .2022-10-19 huzaifazumoo@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020940ClosedRequest2022-10-19Request for debt profileMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 628475 Debt Repayment ₦110,616.95 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦108,616.95 M 2022-09-30 ₦2,000.00 2022-10-182022-10-19 beediesarah5@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020939ClosedKCT Request2022-10-19kctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19Nois on 012022-10-19 dogoreuben@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020938ClosedKCT Request2022-10-19KctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19No7204 5635 1291 7535 5414 6733 3858 2457 8541 84842022-10-19 umarmacy35@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020937ClosedRequest2022-10-19DEBT PROFILE: 44000602837Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19NoGood morning, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 779881 Debt Repayment ₦14,308.74 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦14,308.74 M 2022-09-05 ₦0.00 2022-09-292022-10-19 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020936ClosedRequest2022-10-19DEBT PROFILE: 44000602837Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19NoGood morning, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 779881 Debt Repayment ₦14,308.74 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦14,308.74 M 2022-09-05 ₦0.00 2022-09-292022-10-19 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020935OpenRequest0000-00-00Good morning,3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19NoGood morning, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6115073826-01 Debt Repayment ₦154,443.81 ₦-39,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦81,443.81 M 2019-12-28 ₦34,000.00 2022-10-112022-10-19 tkhadija028@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020934ClosedVending History2022-10-19REQUESTING FOR 0101161032160 VENDING HISTORYMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19NoGood morning, find attach,2022-10-19 yuzarsif331122@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020933ClosedKCT Request2022-10-19KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19NoGood morning, find below, 0101195002072 TI21 6366 3492 6076 0753 3819 3154 6988 4506 8768 3305 0101200065841 TI2 5164 4040 9185 8291 1603 6188 3650 1704 4600 1860 ​ 44000363885..................on 01.2022-10-19 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020932ClosedKCT Request2022-10-19KCT REQUEST 54161017584Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19NoGood morning, find below, 0941 8075 8277 8434 0849 6033 5175 2897 7986 46512022-10-19 wyontochae@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020931ClosedRequest2022-10-19DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 0101200050538 / 645368Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19NoGood morning, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 645368 Debt Repayment ₦88,879.30 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦88,879.30 M 2022-07-19 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-10-19 wyontochae@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020930ClosedRequest2022-10-19Request for SGCMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-19NoGood morning, find below, 22228270355623919403 559156326740823366742022-10-12 thompsontor@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020929ClosedRequest2022-10-19Fwd: Lingering tokens to be transferred to the new meter installed at IHS_PLA_0844A_ Jowal.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-19NoDear Sir, There is no attachment in the mail, and for transfer of token it has to go through audit, CCO and to Credit risk management to generate the token.2022-10-19 wyontochae@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020928Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020927ClosedKCT Request2022-10-180101170427443 (0002 to 0001)MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-18Nohello, find below, 2905 0823 8071 2513 7840 5974 4113 8241 3605 75992022-10-18 abdulmalikakande@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020926ClosedRequest2022-10-18Re: MIGRATION OF NEW ACCOUNTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-18Nohello, treated.2022-10-18 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00020925ClosedKCT Request2022-10-18KCT REQUEST 0101210128274MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-18Nohello, find below, 4477 4303 3105 9204 7011 1704 3322 9129 8304 06752022-10-18 wyontochae@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020924ClosedKCT Request2022-10-18Re: REQUEST FOR KEY CHANGE TOKENMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-18Nohello, kindly dispatch maintenance team to troubleshoot the meter.2022-10-18 sunnyochekwu@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020923ClosedRequest2022-10-18DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-18Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 379623 Debt Repayment ₦182,408.78 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦182,408.78 M 2022-10-12 ₦0.00 2022-10-142022-10-18 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020922ClosedKCT Request2022-10-18REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-18Nohello, find below, 4169 7184 1301 4268 1778 5203 3685 3268 1774 20542022-10-18 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020921ClosedRequest2022-10-18DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-18Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 683194 Debt Repayment ₦22,621.07 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦18,621.07 M 2022-08-18 ₦4,000.00 2022-10-182022-10-18 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00020920ClosedRequest2022-10-18Vending historyMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-18Nohello, find below, # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 5543164855454824 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-29 12:49:08 Meter No.: 0101210060782 Account No.: 525086 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦1,046.51 Energy Cost: ₦13,953.49 KwH: 258.16 Amount Tendered: ₦15,000.00 0685 2060 8316 0959 2381 2 Transaction ID: 0253164002002624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-12-20 18:07:06 Meter No.: 0101210060782 Account No.: 525086 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 91.22 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 1176 6244 6297 0651 6727 3 Transaction ID: 5685163948795524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-12-14 14:19:15 Meter No.: 0101210060782 Account No.: 525086 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦244.19 Energy Cost: ₦3,255.81 KwH: 63.85 Amount Tendered: ₦3,500.00 2733 0191 3905 8427 9422 4 Transaction ID: 7819163855046024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-12-03 17:54:20 Meter No.: 0101210060782 Account No.: 525086 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 54.73 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 5112 7467 2577 8966 0501 5 Transaction ID: 4346163644356624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-09 08:39:26 Meter No.: 0101210060782 Account No.: 525086 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦383.72 Energy Cost: ₦5,116.28 KwH: 100.34 Amount Tendered: ₦5,500.00 0665 8889 2373 4096 9136 6 Transaction ID: 1566163310910624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-10-01 18:25:06 Meter No.: 0101210060782 Account No.: 525086 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦383.72 Energy Cost: ₦5,116.28 KwH: 100.34 Amount Tendered: ₦5,500.00 0692 9578 5879 7336 8310 7 Transaction ID: 9367161978819724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-30 14:09:57 Meter No.: 0101210060782 Account No.: 525086 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦5,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 8 Transaction ID: 0064160994417024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-06 15:42:50 Meter No.: 0101210060782 Account No.: 525086 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦2,500.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦2,500.002022-10-18 achovulaondofa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020919ClosedRequest2022-10-18Re: REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE---0101200021521 ,010120006381 & 0101200092787MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-18Nohello, find below, 0101200021521 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 715604 Debt Repayment ₦22,842.01 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦6,842.01 M 2022-02-25 ₦16,000.00 2022-10-12 010120006381 wrong meter number or not captured on our system. 0101200092787 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 437237 Debt Repayment ₦346,665.05 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦346,665.05 M 2022-08-12 ₦0.00 2022-08-202022-10-18 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020918ClosedRequest2022-10-18REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 0101210177008MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-18Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 615118024201 Debt Repayment ₦82,836.35 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦82,836.35 M 2022-09-30 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-10-18 wyontochae@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020917ClosedKCT Request2022-10-18: Request for kct codeMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-18Nohello, find below, 1210 9337 6787 3409 1388 6355 4512 4102 1926 94152022-10-18 sadiqabdullahi62@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020916ClosedKCT Request2022-10-18REQUEST FOR KCT FROM 03 TO THE CURRENT TARIFF---0101185055098MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-18Nohello, find below, 2616 3411 7473 6017 6608 4821 9743 8389 1424 16492022-10-18 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020915ClosedRequest2022-10-18REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-18Nohello, find below, 0150000852288 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 372101 Debt Repayment ₦214,500.74 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦202,500.74 M 2022-03-29 ₦12,000.00 2022-09-18 0150000960149 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 554301 Debt Repayment ₦21,942.56 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦19,942.56 M 2022-08-02 ₦2,000.00 2022-09-292022-10-18 delukosam@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020914ClosedKCT Request2022-10-18: KctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-18NoHello, find below. 0101205017433 1776 1863 3030 4852 1061 6401 4857 0745 6409 61772022-10-18 umarmacy35@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020913Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020912ClosedRequest2022-10-18Request for Debt profile for 0101200126924MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-18Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 642504 Debt Repayment ₦27,982.97 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦13,982.97 M 2022-03-29 ₦14,000.00 2022-10-182022-10-18 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020911ClosedTamper Code2022-10-18CLEAR TEMPERMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-18NoDear Mr. Roland, find below, 54150653175 Clear Tamper 0 5550 0354 8821 0281 6457 54161001430 Clear Tamper 0 3866 0237 3491 5594 1853 44300009329 Clear Tamper 0 4656 8523 3644 4455 8932 0101190038337 Clear Tamper 0 6238 5735 1641 6230 16452022-10-18 roland.james@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00020910ClosedKCT Request2022-10-18Re: KCT GENERATIONMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-18Nohello, find below. 57100044288 from 21 to 01 6651 1380 1165 2955 3913 1218 7011 2264 3059 5869 44000634210 5634 9131 8649 8283 5103 4559 2772 5625 4890 91582022-10-18 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020909ClosedKCT Request2022-10-18KCT REQUEST: 44000596708Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-10-18NoHello, ind below. 5598 4470 3483 7269 2626 2886 1038 7270 5223 38992022-10-18 ademugeorge@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00020908ClosedRequest2022-10-18REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE Meter No.: 0101160408627Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-18NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 492958 Debt Repayment ₦88,746.73 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦57,746.73 M 2019-06-25 ₦31,000.00 2022-09-282022-10-18 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020907ClosedRequest2022-10-18Request for tamper,Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-18NoDear Ummi, find below, ​ 0101170197871 Clear Tamper 0 2293 5668 1997 1724 3559 ( was re-fixed for wrong SGC) 0101160409179 Clear Tamper 0 6313 3136 9763 0128 1738 (due to power surge) 0101210337404 Clear Tamper 0 1257 9872 4368 8588 7514 (it was updated)2022-10-18 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020906ClosedKCT Request2022-10-18KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-18NoHello, find below. 6956 0024 2929 2264 6518 0671 5507 1435 2066 44682022-10-18 bumkengjoseph@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020905ClosedTamper Code2022-10-18REQUEST FOR TEMPERMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-18NoSupport, Pls treat. @Huzaifa. MSN 01012050009067 is not on eVend. Regards.​2022-10-18 huzaifazumoo@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020904ClosedTamper Code2022-10-18Request for clear tamper codeMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-18NoDear Sadiq, find below, 0101190145694 Clear Tamper 0 5738 0306 5740 9041 4056 0101170189024 0101170305904 Clear Tamper 0 5860 7720 3736 9259 5106 0101210068488 Clear Tamper 0 5102 4361 6170 9662 8580 0101161073354 Clear Tamper 0 2208 1819 7301 8856 5687 0101170113571 Clear Tamper 0 6251 6673 6630 4336 8641 0101170234179 Clear Tamper 0 3570 2811 0410 8635 7535 0101190022166 Clear Tamper 0 2157 0745 0307 0266 2110 0101210078222 Clear Tamper 0 3014 8827 0585 5059 8241 0101160350613 Clear Tamper 0 2692 3077 7119 6126 5256 0101190151197 Clear Tamper 0 4929 0432 4763 3479 2700 0101200120851 Clear Tamper 0 1042 8646 8910 6946 1253 0101170219816 Clear Tamper 0 6543 1881 9099 0675 7287 0101190154431 Clear Tamper 0 2807 3596 3080 4346 2074 0101170316174 Clear Tamper 0 4615 3159 9721 1339 5746 0101210069114 Clear Tamper 0 0641 0616 2280 1214 5528 0101170234179 Clear Tamper 0 0901 2326 9139 7721 4587 0101210059305 Clear Tamper 0 4327 8936 8130 2128 8157 0101210073306 Clear Tamper 0 3542 6253 2419 8597 6802 0101210082307 Clear Tamper 0 3464 1809 5895 2683 7484 0101205002096 Clear Tamper 0 2192 2955 0010 4692 6631 0101160350613 Clear Tamper 0 4860 0137 7980 7774 8737 0101200008155 Clear Tamper 0 2409 0561 0545 8756 6297 0101205017433 Clear Tamper 0 1537 4182 0928 1672 8013 0101200041545 Clear Tamper 0 2494 7574 1806 1001 2665 0101210047987 Clear Tamper 0 5528 9255 8205 1003 9435 0101200126957 Clear Tamper 0 5924 3303 0779 8313 2149 0101200070098 Clear Tamper 0 6258 2324 6992 9003 7559 0101210127938 Clear Tamper 0 3965 7075 0805 8722 2312 0101210040156 Clear Tamper 0 3401 3667 8872 5084 6885 0101210100083 Clear Tamper 0 4953 7179 4668 5440 0890 0101200068712 Clear Tamper 0 5903 8407 3466 6376 6702 0101170412163 Clear Tamper 0 4110 0033 2925 2332 8230 0101190145512 Clear Tamper 0 2636 3249 3097 2286 1910 0101190007829 Clear Tamper 0 0074 3561 1308 5695 1519 0101200002257 Clear Tamper 0 0407 8689 0378 9495 9752 0101210008506 0101170385088 Clear Tamper 0 5398 4384 3064 6722 8286 Upgrade 44000516235 Clear Tamper 0 5808 2391 9033 8261 6882 44000357705 Clear Tamper 0 6671 5255 2792 8408 8428 44000467199 Clear Tamper 0 4799 6384 6439 4240 4239 44000644680 Clear Tamper 0 4701 8197 8412 2800 9569 44000367431 Clear Tamper 0 0550 1306 8242 7648 6059 44000310258 Clear Tamper 0 5802 7876 6217 2582 1691 Lightning 62321069585 Clear Tamper 0 1226 2704 1146 9722 8400 62321075418 Clear Tamper 0 2578 9045 8375 8547 5393 62321071961 Clear Tamper 0 2046 2126 6977 9235 8262 62321070591 Clear Tamper 0 0267 7668 3345 9911 4138 62321078420 Clear Tamper 0 1014 6911 8277 0804 97712022-10-18 sadiqabdullahi62@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020903ClosedRequest2022-10-18REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE---0101190024840MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-18NoHello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 594907 Debt Repayment ₦30,411.72 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦26,411.72 M 2022-08-30 ₦4,000.00 2022-10-142022-10-18 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020902ClosedRequest2022-10-18DEBT PROFILE: 0101210162869MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-18Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 658511106201 Debt Repayment ₦112,646.26 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦110,646.26 M 2022-09-30 ₦2,000.00 2022-10-142022-10-18 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020901ClosedKCT Request2022-10-18KCT REQUEST: KCT REQUEST: 0101170380709 (33 to 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-18NoHello, find below. 0101170380709 0994 9233 0776 1798 7988 3823 9823 0613 7641 88532022-10-18 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020900ClosedRequest2022-10-18Re: REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE--0101160046096 & 0101190021796MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-18Nohello, find below, 0101160046096 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 634547 Debt Repayment ₦202,795.89 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦200,295.89 M 2022-08-24 ₦2,500.00 2022-09-24 0101190021796 ​ Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 683756 Debt Repayment ₦21,200.24 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦21,200.24 M 2022-06-01 ₦0.00 2022-06-272022-10-18 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020899ClosedTamper Code2022-10-18TamperMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-18NoDear Auwal, find below, 54150616131 Clear Tamper 0 0718 8014 9550 1720 60682022-10-18 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020898ClosedRequest2022-10-18CTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-18NoDear Dalis, find below, 0101178020877 Clear Tamper 0 6339 4147 8474 5879 5411 ​ ​ 0101180112795 Clear Tamper 0 2805 7446 3124 4263 37242022-10-18 jubilant95@hotmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020897ClosedRequest2022-10-18REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE---0101160055246MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-18Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 545772 Debt Repayment ₦116,014.67 ₦-12,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦100,014.67 M 2019-11-25 ₦4,000.00 2021-07-05 hello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 545772 Debt Repayment ₦116,014.67 ₦-12,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦100,014.67 M 2019-11-25 ₦4,000.00 2021-07-052022-10-18 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020896ClosedRequest2022-10-18REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101160000101MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-18Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6123324467-01 Debt Repayment ₦116,167.94 ₦-26,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦56,167.94 M 2019-09-12 ₦34,000.00 2022-10-102022-10-18 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020895ClosedKCT Request2022-10-18KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-18Nohello, find below, 3461 6871 3849 3179 5966 2113 7192 2541 3408 25502022-10-18 bumkengjoseph@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020894ClosedKCT Request2022-10-18Re: KCT GENERATION from 23 to 01 54160735343Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-18Nohello, find below, 6332 3298 5554 0111 9935 0762 4979 6991 4329 72522022-10-18 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020893ClosedKCT Request2022-10-18KctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-18Nohello, find below, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-10-18 munirishaqjos@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020892ClosedKCT Request2022-10-18KCT REQUEST 54160735343MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-18NoHello, find below 4857 6058 4108 4044 9930 1696 8567 7933 8054 25932022-10-18 wyontochae@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020891ClosedKCT Request2022-10-18KCT REQUEST: 0101205007558 ( 06 to 01)Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-18Nohello, find below, 4748 6837 2262 0818 0209 4604 9400 2016 6875 32422022-10-18 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020890ClosedRequest2022-10-18REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-18NoHello, find below 0150000910898 No data available in table 0150000948821 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672104224001 Debt Repayment ₦14,691.27 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦10,691.27 M 2022-08-02 ₦4,000.00 2022-10-162022-10-18 delukosam@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020889ClosedRequest2022-10-18DEBT PROFILE: 0101190140968Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-18Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 698192 Debt Repayment ₦12,502.21 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦6,502.21 M 2022-03-21 ₦6,000.00 2022-06-222022-10-18 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020888ClosedKCT Request2022-10-18KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-18Nohello, find below. 0101205017433 ​ 2 To 55 1776 1863 3030 4852 1061 6401 4857 0745 6409 6177 ​2022-10-18 umarmacy35@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020887ClosedRequest2022-10-18Debt Profile - 0101190021796MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-18Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 683756 Debt Repayment ₦21,200.24 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦21,200.24 M 2022-06-01 ₦0.00 2022-06-272022-10-18 mohammed.umar@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00020886ClosedRequest2022-10-18Debt Profile - 0101160000101Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-18Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6123324467-01 Debt Repayment ₦116,167.94 ₦-26,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦56,167.94 M 2019-09-12 ₦34,000.00 2022-10-102022-10-18 mohammed.umar@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020885ClosedKCT Request2022-10-18KCT REQUEST: 0101170274746 ( 21 to 01)Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-18Nohello, find below. 21 To 1 5311 3020 5012 1546 7662 5306 3627 3443 8857 00532022-10-18 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020884ClosedKCT Request2022-10-18REQUEST FOR KCT 57100015254Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-18Nohello, find below. 6777 4286 1251 8969 2867 5244 0299 3967 8723 07752022-10-18 nmaisugar@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020883ClosedRequest2022-10-18REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 0101160011199Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-18Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 631332 Loss of Revenue ₦61,500.00 ₦0.00 ₦15,000.00 ₦61,500.00 M 2022-09-16 ₦0.00 2022-09-292022-10-18 nmaisugar@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020882ClosedRequest2022-10-18DEBT PROFILE: 0101190021622Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-18Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 741911 Debt Repayment ₦17,577.63 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦17,577.63 M 2022-08-10 ₦0.00 2022-08-302022-10-18 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020881ClosedRequest2022-10-18DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 95300207016 / 657357129001Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-18Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 657357129001 Debt Repayment ₦72,025.59 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦60,025.59 M 2022-04-06 ₦12,000.00 2022-10-042022-10-18 wyontochae@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020880ClosedKCT Request2022-10-18KctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-18Nohello, find below, It is also on 001 on our system. So, it does not require KCT. If they are facing any difficulties recharging, kindly dispatch maintenance team.2022-10-18 jubilant95@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020879ClosedRequest2022-10-18KCT REQUEST: 44000375384 (04 to 01)Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-18Nohello, find below, 0734 0609 2686 9793 3092 2707 8425 2612 3054 13652022-10-18 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020878ClosedRequest2022-10-18Re: DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 95300207016 / 657357129001Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-18Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 657357129001 Debt Repayment ₦72,025.59 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦60,025.59 M 2022-04-06 ₦12,000.00 2022-10-042022-10-18 wyontochae@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020877OpenRequest0000-00-00Debt profile3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-18Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 701451 Debt Repayment ₦13,475.09 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦9,475.09 M 2022-08-16 ₦4,000.00 2022-10-152022-10-18 tkhadija028@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020876ClosedKCT Request2022-10-18KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-18Nohello, find below, 1293 7194 0273 3531 8358 3500 5191 1533 3530 29032022-10-18 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020875ClosedKCT Request2022-10-18KCT REQUEST: 0101170274746 ( 21 to 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-18Nohello, find below. 21 To 1 5311 3020 5012 1546 7662 5306 3627 3443 8857 00532022-10-18 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020874Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020873ClosedKCT Request2022-10-18kctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-18Nohello, find below. 1 To 55 5632 9698 3131 7632 2064 0676 3287 4280 5868 0097 55 To 1 3897 9012 4042 7378 5967 5435 8708 8686 9560 95522022-10-18 elijah.ishaya@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020872ClosedRequest2022-10-17REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 0195000005833Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-17Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 585960 Debt Repayment ₦285,352.45 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦275,352.45 M 2022-04-20 ₦10,000.00 2022-09-172022-10-17 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020871ClosedKCT Request2022-10-17KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-17Nohello, find below. 55 To 1 3897 9012 4042 7378 5967 5435 8708 8686 9560 95522022-10-17 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020870ClosedKCT Request2022-10-17KCT REQUEST: 0101215026572 (02 to 04) , 0101215074804 (02 to 01)Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-17Nohello, find below. 0101215026572 1293 7194 0273 3531 8358 3500 5191 1533 3530 2903 0101215074804 4851 6367 1003 1468 5385 2764 2320 6347 1327 93812022-10-17 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020869ClosedKCT Request2022-10-17Request for kctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-17Nohello, find below. 1345 5119 3961 4547 9063 1053 5044 8004 8904 79482022-10-17 abrahamujiuji@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020868ClosedKCT Request2022-10-17REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-17Nohello, find below. 2249 6809 1516 6095 1073 7057 2547 1391 8684 29452022-10-17 yusufibrahimbaba440@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020867ClosedRequest2022-10-17REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 44000385243Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-17Nohello, find below. 44000385243 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 705903 Debt Repayment ₦11,183.96 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦9,183.96 M 2022-08-22 ₦2,000.00 2022-09-162022-10-17 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020866ClosedRequest2022-10-17REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 95300161056Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-17NoHello, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 741381 Debt Repayment ₦41,692.20 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦27,692.20 M 2022-03-01 ₦14,000.00 2022-10-172022-10-17 longpuan@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020865ClosedVending History2022-10-17Vendor historyMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-17NoHello, # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 9150166127011224 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-08-23 16:55:12 Meter No.: 0101210056681 Account No.: 623818026401 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 84.17 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 6713 2900 5171 1378 2674 2 Transaction ID: 2136165848696124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-07-22 11:49:21 Meter No.: 0101210056681 Account No.: 623818026401 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 168.34 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 3140 0435 5473 5556 8763 3 Transaction ID: 9466165575054724 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-06-20 19:42:27 Meter No.: 0101210056681 Account No.: 623818026401 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦76.74 Energy Cost: ₦1,023.26 KwH: 18.93 Amount Tendered: ₦1,100.00 0717 3128 2942 1713 8877 4 Transaction ID: 1178165480073024 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-06-09 19:52:10 Meter No.: 0101210056681 Account No.: 623818026401 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦76.74 Energy Cost: ₦1,023.26 KwH: 18.93 Amount Tendered: ₦1,100.00 6601 5484 5746 6901 9769 5 Transaction ID: 8141165479637824 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-06-09 18:39:38 Meter No.: 0101210056681 Account No.: 623818026401 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦146.51 Energy Cost: ₦1,953.49 KwH: 36.14 Amount Tendered: ₦2,100.00 0189 0747 2067 1922 2865 6 Transaction ID: 0575165260450724 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-05-15 09:48:27 Meter No.: 0101210056681 Account No.: 623818026401 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦146.51 Energy Cost: ₦1,953.49 KwH: 36.14 Amount Tendered: ₦2,100.00 2873 1954 7860 4274 6221 7 Transaction ID: 1357165063916024 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-22 15:52:40 Meter No.: 0101210056681 Account No.: 623818026401 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 34.42 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 6071 3851 8385 3250 9623 8 Transaction ID: 6331165057593924 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-21 22:18:59 Meter No.: 0101210056681 Account No.: 623818026401 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 34.42 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 5110 3303 4319 4386 1015 9 Transaction ID: 1999164995796024 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-14 18:39:20 Meter No.: 0101210056681 Account No.: 623818026401 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦76.74 Energy Cost: ₦1,023.26 KwH: 18.93 Amount Tendered: ₦1,100.00 6734 6611 2308 1543 3008 10 Transaction ID: 6169164918411624 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-05 19:41:56 Meter No.: 0101210056681 Account No.: 623818026401 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦76.74 Energy Cost: ₦1,023.26 KwH: 18.93 Amount Tendered: ₦1,100.00 4763 9217 2705 2128 06002022-10-17 terpineemma@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020864ClosedRequest2022-10-17DEBT PROFILE: 0101200056659Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-17NoHello, find below. 0101200056659 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 536122 Debt Repayment ₦168,817.79 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦166,817.79 M2022-10-17 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020863ClosedKCT Request2022-10-17KCT REQUEST: 0101160407785 (34 to 01)Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-17NoHello, find below 2540 0844 9404 3102 8588 0736 7830 2871 1069 61622022-10-17 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020862ClosedRequest2022-10-17KCT please sirMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-17Nohello, find below. 0195000006369 2107 6241 9046 0281 1204 0424 5763 0766 8585 00282022-10-10 elijah.ishaya@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020861ClosedRequest2022-10-17DEBT PROFILEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-17Nofind below. 44000320430 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 658124048201 Debt Repayment ₦333,597.35 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦329,597.35 M 2022-08-22 ₦4,000.00 2022-10-08 44000381697 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 658124045501 Debt Repayment ₦447,241.11 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦443,241.11 M 2022-08-22 ₦4,000.00 2022-10-04 44000370807 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 658124046401 Debt Repayment ₦448,208.29 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦444,208.29 M 2022-08-22 ₦4,000.00 2022-10-09 44000339737 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 658124047301 Debt Repayment ₦108,689.05 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦104,689.05 M 2022-08-22 ₦4,000.00 2022-10-12 44000415818 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 658124254801 Debt Repayment ₦312,663.10 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦308,663.10 M 2022-08-22 ₦4,000.00 2022-10-072022-10-17 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020860ClosedKCT Request2022-10-17KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-17Nohello, find below, 0101210107922 TI01 It is also on 001 on our system. So, it does not require KCT. If they are facing any difficulties recharging, kindly dispatch maintenance team. 0101188028332 99-1 4548 3141 6760 5204 9981 5369 8270 3838 8048 8743 95300103074 2-1 7109 0969 7234 5650 4693 4719 4157 8883 3090 7165 0101188028332 99-1 4548 3141 6760 5204 9981 5369 8270 3838 8048 8743 44000375384 TI4 0734 0609 2686 9793 3092 2707 8425 2612 3054 1365 04223510969 TI21 5854 3226 3512 9090 2921 6272 9141 1662 4963 72772022-10-17 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020859ClosedRequest2022-10-17DEBT PROFILE: 44000385243Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-17Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 705903 Debt Repayment ₦11,183.96 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦9,183.96 M 2022-08-22 ₦2,000.00 2022-09-16 I2022-10-17 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020858ClosedRequest2022-10-17REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE---44000337897Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-17NoGood morning, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612631145301 Debt Repayment ₦14,147.46 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦12,147.46 M 2022-08-22 ₦2,000.00 2022-09-162022-10-17 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020857ClosedRequest2022-10-17Re: DEBT PROFILE: 4400385243Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-17NoHello, This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2022-10-17 demugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020856ClosedRequest2022-10-17DEBT PROFILE: 4400385243Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-17NoHello, This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2022-10-17 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020855ClosedKCT Request2022-10-17Re: KCT please sirMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-17Nohello, find below, 6454 3212 3055 0885 9146 4383 5986 2147 3809 99412022-10-17 elijah.ishaya@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020854ClosedRequest2022-10-17REQUEST FOE DEBT PROFILE 0101170414615Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-17Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 511676 Debt Repayment ₦114,772.48 ₦-38,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦42,772.48 M 2019-06-24 ₦34,000.00 2022-10-182022-10-17 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020853ClosedRequest2022-10-17REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-17NoHELLO, FIND BELOW, HELLO, FIND BELOW, 5808 7207 0965 3719 8640 1057 0318 3726 2290 39662022-10-17 yusufibrahimbaba440@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020852ClosedRequest2022-10-17REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101170267039Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-17NoHELLO, FIND BELOW. No data available in table2022-10-17 longpuan@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020851ClosedRequest2022-10-17REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-17Nohello, find below. 0150000947922 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 516209 Debt Repayment ₦72,462.80 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦72,462.80 M 2022-08-10 ₦0.00 2022-08-312022-10-17 hamzaadamu64@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020850ClosedKCT Request2022-10-17KCT GENERATION from 002 to 01 0101210166696Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-17Nohello, find below. 0912 0235 1804 3334 4350 3982 4286 0757 3178 17562022-10-17 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020849ClosedRequest2022-10-17DEVT PROFILEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-17Nohello, find below. ​ Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612639115701 Debt Repayment ₦217,789.43 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦213,789.43 M 2022-08-16 ₦4,000.00 2022-10-18 ​2022-10-17 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020848ClosedRequest2022-10-17Re: Debt profile . 54161001075Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-17Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 551454 Debt Repayment ₦194,809.81 ₦0.00 ₦5,000.00 ₦154,809.81 M 2022-02-09 ₦40,000.00 2022-10-112022-10-17 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020847ClosedRequest2022-10-17DEBT PROFILEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-17NoHello, find below 0101210135196 No data available in table 0101210162992 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 658106192701 Debt Repayment ₦290,195.80 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦290,195.80 M 2022-09-13 ₦0.00 2022-09-21 0101210177735 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 669482 Debt Repayment ₦52,067.28 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦52,067.28 M 2022-10-14 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-10-17 uduhaleje@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020846ClosedRequest2022-10-17Statement of account for one yearMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-17NoDear Isa, Find attached.2022-10-17 yahayaisa315@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020845ClosedVending History2022-10-17Vending history and KCT from 33 to 01Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-17Nohello, find below, 6829 2421 9350 9297 7768 2712 3725 7216 8865 8552 # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 9943166357827924 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-09-19 10:04:39 Meter No.: 0101210005241 Account No.: 572417 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 168.34 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 5170 7900 6841 4897 8904 2 Transaction ID: 9259165763499724 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-07-12 15:09:57 Meter No.: 0101210005241 Account No.: 572417 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦558.14 Energy Cost: ₦7,441.86 KwH: 134.67 Amount Tendered: ₦8,000.00 4020 1233 5393 3151 6311 3 Transaction ID: 4168164813188924 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-24 15:24:49 Meter No.: 0101210005241 Account No.: 572417 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 172.11 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 5738 2708 7468 5683 0082 4 Transaction ID: 9123164690892924 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-10 11:42:09 Meter No.: 0101210005241 Account No.: 572417 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 172.11 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 0896 3310 2359 7897 9601 5 Transaction ID: 4662164327441124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-01-27 10:06:52 Meter No.: 0101210005241 Account No.: 572417 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦837.21 Energy Cost: ₦11,162.79 KwH: 218.92 Amount Tendered: ₦12,000.00 7232 9810 9893 9423 6664 6 Transaction ID: 3675164217716524 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-01-14 17:19:25 Meter No.: 0101210005241 Account No.: 572417 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦48.84 Energy Cost: ₦651.16 KwH: 12.77 Amount Tendered: ₦700.00 7007 1643 2096 0454 0283 7 Transaction ID: 1936164190868024 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-01-11 14:44:40 Meter No.: 0101210005241 Account No.: 572417 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 54.73 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 0562 1760 9180 2077 4877 8 Transaction ID: 8568164138528324 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-01-05 13:21:23 Meter No.: 0101210005241 Account No.: 572417 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 36.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 3940 4434 7434 3123 0908 9 Transaction ID: 5333163975307424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-12-17 15:57:55 Meter No.: 0101210005241 Account No.: 572417 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦279.07 Energy Cost: ₦3,720.93 KwH: 72.97 Amount Tendered: ₦4,000.00 7201 9666 5518 3972 7233 10 Transaction ID: 3466163897832324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-12-08 16:45:23 Meter No.: 0101210005241 Account No.: 572417 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 36.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 6052 2587 0362 7280 78442022-10-17 achovulaondofa@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020844ClosedRequest2022-10-17Request for SGC 62420259384Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-17NoDear Timothy, Find below, 11122747600173038407 356550603748155126142022-10-17 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020843ClosedKCT Request2022-10-17Re: KctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-17NoHELLO, FIND BELOW. This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-10-17 amibabs433@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020842ClosedKCT Request2022-10-17KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-17Nohello, find belowm, 0865 1936 1308 5041 5190 5051 8039 7717 4761 16212022-10-17 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020841ClosedRequest2022-10-17Re: REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-17Nohello, find below, 0150000892052 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672163103201 Debt Repayment ₦548,782.34 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦546,782.34 M 2022-07-21 ₦2,000.00 2022-08-30 0150000973266 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 665980 Debt Repayment ₦30,878.56 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦24,878.56 M 2022-07-29 ₦6,000.00 2022-10-18 0150000844597 There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment. 0150000966930 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 540137 Debt Repayment ₦4,351.44 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦351.44 M 2022-08-02 ₦4,000.00 2022-10-122022-10-17 hamzaadamu64@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020840ClosedRequest2022-10-17Re: 2 Nos. DEBT PROFILE REQUESTS 0101210167454 / 615112032601MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-17Nohello, find below, 0101210104432 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 615195016401 Debt Repayment ₦1,005,318.06 ₦0.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦995,318.06 M 2022-09-14 ₦10,000.00 2022-10-12 0101210167454 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 615112032601 Debt Repayment ₦600,228.33 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦597,728.33 M 2022-09-15 ₦2,500.00 2022-10-062022-10-17 wyontochae@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020839Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020838Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020837Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020836Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020835ClosedKCT Request2022-10-17REQUEST FOR KEY CHANGE TOKENMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-17Nois on 012022-10-17 sunnyochekwu@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020834ClosedKCT Request2022-10-17Re: REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-17Nohello, find below, 95300103843 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 54161144883 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-10-17 florarumun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020833ClosedKCT Request2022-10-17KCT REQUEST: 62321065237 (02 to 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-17No0592 8525 2857 8002 2442 6573 9477 0915 3660 33732022-10-17 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020832Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020831Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020830ClosedKCT Request2022-10-17REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-17No95300103843.........is on 01 54161144883...........is on 012022-10-17 florarumun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020829ClosedRequest2022-10-17Request for SGCMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-17NoGood morning, find below, 48460140684233119313 173047862255853664342022-10-17 thompsontor@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020828ClosedRequest2022-10-17DEBT PROFILE 9530021623MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-17NoNo debt2022-10-17 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020827ClosedTamper Code2022-10-17TamperMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-17NoGood morning, find below, 54161163354 Clear Tamper 0 3727 9887 0548 8383 79822022-10-17 roland.james@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020826ClosedKCT Request2022-10-17KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-10No2560 5224 3623 9965 3099 3086 7786 9798 5334 65792022-10-17 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00020825ClosedRequest2022-10-17REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101190007126Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-17Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612757101501 Debt Repayment ₦129,841.17 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦113,841.17 M 2022-02-15 ₦16,000.00 2022-10-162022-10-17 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020824ClosedRequest2022-10-17DEBT PROFILE 95300220746Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-17NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 632306 Debt Repayment ₦36,188.41 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦22,188.41 M 2022-03-22 ₦14,000.00 2022-10-012022-10-17 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020823ClosedRequest2022-10-17DEBT PROFILEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-17NoGood morning, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612751078101 Debt2022-10-17 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020822ClosedRequest2022-10-17DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-17NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612639118401 Debt Repayment ₦801.14 ₦0.00 ₦801.14 ₦0.00 M 2022-02-28 ₦801.14 2022-03-03 Closed 612639118401 Debt Repayment ₦352,033.67 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦350,033.67 M 2022-07-19 ₦2,000.00 2022-08-012022-10-17 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00020821ClosedRequest2022-10-17Request for Debt profile for 44000623551MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-17NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 758134 Debt Repayment ₦60,548.59 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦56,548.59 M 2022-08-31 ₦4,000.00 2022-10-17 774594 Debt Repayment ₦7,869.87 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,869.87 M 2022-09-30 ₦2,000.00 2022-10-142022-10-17 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020820ClosedKCT Request2022-10-17KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-17No0101170222612 TI36 5212 6063 7571 2512 8184 0058 2101 2993 4063 2939 95300400918 5693 5368 6290 7958 4304 6563 5331 0554 4348 2064 0101210107922 TI01 ....is also on 01 0101170423087 TI04 7172 0176 7233 0348 5796 6336 5921 3072 6714 4169 0101210073959 TI33 4200 4450 9218 7853 2401 6285 3579 0050 4759 96652022-10-17 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020819ClosedTamper Code2022-10-17Request for tamper,Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-17NoGood morning, find below, 62321090193 Clear Tamper 0 6910 6043 8741 1412 6317 (due to power surge) 54161170136 Clear Tamper 0 3207 9478 5127 6494 6623 (due to wire twist)2022-10-17 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020818Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020817ClosedTamper Code2022-10-14REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPERMedium0020 Abubakar Umar2022-10-14NoFind below, 0101170431627 Meter No Token Type Reason Limit Amount Token Generated By 0101170431627 Clear Tamper 0 1302 8307 2079 9779 9962 0195000003549 Meter No Token Type Reason Limit Amount Token Generated By 0195000003549 Clear Tamper 0 0757 7005 4985 4866 2299 0101210157844 Meter No Token Type Reason Limit Amount Token Generated By 0101210157844 Clear Tamper 0 7346 8834 9244 2883 9231 54160864408 Meter No Token Type Reason Limit Amount Token Generated By 54160864408 Clear Tamper 0 4278 0103 0516 2494 0678 44000322907 Meter No Token Type Reason Limit Amount Token Generated By 44000322907 Clear Tamper 0 5531 0898 0458 4068 1611 44000322907 Clear Tamper 0 5561 4375 3711 3667 7087 0195000906732 This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2022-10-14 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abubakar Umar
#00020816ClosedTamper Code2022-10-14REQUEST FOR CLEAR TAMPERMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-14NoDear Roseline, find below, ​ 0101160012460 Clear Tamper 0 4394 3559 9455 7771 3761 ​ 0101210106932 Clear Tamper 0 2989 0559 4399 8890 73522022-10-14 longpuan@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020815ClosedKCT Request2022-10-14KCTMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-10-14NoFind below, 1 To 21 5854 7829 4862 9498 0189 0156 1210 1300 4392 4692 21 To 1 1266 1426 3297 8162 2169 3976 6668 5622 9382 20872022-10-14 yakubaliyu82@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00020814ClosedKCT Request2022-10-14KCT REQUEST: 0101161060781 ( 33 to 01)Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-10-14NoFind below, 6954 1590 8559 0616 8937 5330 8528 1497 1805 97492022-10-14 ademugeorge@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00020813ClosedRequest2022-10-14REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE---0101190008785Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-14NoFind below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 631493 Debt Repayment ₦164,773.06 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦144,773.06 M 2022-02-09 ₦20,000.00 2022-10-072022-10-14 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020812ClosedVending History2022-10-14VendingMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-14NoFind below, 0101210062259 # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 6768166385730524 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-09-22 15:35:05 Meter No.: 0101210062259 Account No.: 702213 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 168.34 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 4372 2201 6752 5147 5358 2 Transaction ID: 5349165849489024 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-07-22 14:01:30 Meter No.: 0101210062259 Account No.: 702213 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 168.34 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 6666 2848 4789 4590 1757 3 Transaction ID: 3416165571102124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-06-20 08:43:41 Meter No.: 0101210062259 Account No.: 702213 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 172.11 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 5864 9460 4783 6001 8560 4 Transaction ID: 4356164873396824 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-31 14:39:28 Meter No.: 0101210062259 Account No.: 702213 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 34.42 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 6951 8540 2482 8972 6262 5 Transaction ID: 3455164459286024 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-11 16:21:00 Meter No.: 0101210062259 Account No.: 702213 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 34.42 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 6441 9857 4515 2724 8986 6 Transaction ID: 1521163733518424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-19 16:19:44 Meter No.: 0101210062259 Account No.: 702213 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 36.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 0095 8591 5598 8061 1197 7 Transaction ID: 8469162894371924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-08-14 13:21:59 Meter No.: 0101210062259 Account No.: 702213 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦4,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦4,000.00 8 Transaction ID: 2538162697098724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-07-22 17:23:07 Meter No.: 0101210062259 Account No.: 702213 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦3,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 9 Transaction ID: 4641162428473824 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-06-21 15:12:18 Meter No.: 0101210062259 Account No.: 702213 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦3,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 10 Transaction ID: 3176162193741724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-25 11:10:17 Meter No.: 0101210062259 Account No.: 702213 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦3,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 # Transaction Details Token Details 11 Transaction ID: 1202161910302824 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-22 15:50:28 Meter No.: 0101210062259 Account No.: 702213 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦3,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 12 Transaction ID: 9758161596375824 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-17 07:49:18 Meter No.: 0101210062259 Account No.: 702213 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦2,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 13 Transaction ID: 6118161400286824 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-22 15:07:48 Meter No.: 0101210062259 Account No.: 702213 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦2,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 14 Transaction ID: 1541161155857224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-25 08:09:32 Meter No.: 0101210062259 Account No.: 702213 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦3,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 0101210066995 # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 1861166385734324 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-09-22 15:35:43 Meter No.: 0101210066995 Account No.: 702214 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦558.14 Energy Cost: ₦7,441.86 KwH: 134.67 Amount Tendered: ₦8,000.00 7171 2024 6243 2556 2974 2 Transaction ID: 0924164916590124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-05 14:38:21 Meter No.: 0101210066995 Account No.: 702214 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦558.14 Energy Cost: ₦7,441.86 KwH: 137.68 Amount Tendered: ₦8,000.00 4904 6165 8012 5915 3269 3 Transaction ID: 5774164821789324 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-25 15:18:13 Meter No.: 0101210066995 Account No.: 702214 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 17.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 1369 2391 7121 9260 3218 4 Transaction ID: 5597164683404524 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-09 14:54:05 Meter No.: 0101210066995 Account No.: 702214 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 51.63 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 1726 7911 0196 3454 8680 5 Transaction ID: 4637164406437624 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-05 13:32:56 Meter No.: 0101210066995 Account No.: 702214 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 34.42 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 7141 4311 0967 8167 5890 6 Transaction ID: 8361164301729024 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-01-24 10:41:30 Meter No.: 0101210066995 Account No.: 702214 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 36.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 2771 5822 2511 7909 9256 7 Transaction ID: 5574164035391624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-12-24 14:51:56 Meter No.: 0101210066995 Account No.: 702214 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 36.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 2608 2392 6399 3512 2732 8 Transaction ID: 8119163818523424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-29 12:27:14 Meter No.: 0101210066995 Account No.: 702214 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 36.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 2743 6754 1279 2306 4425 9 Transaction ID: 6161163160631324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-09-14 08:58:34 Meter No.: 0101210066995 Account No.: 702214 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 54.73 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 2855 1128 9931 6438 7205 10 Transaction ID: 0629162948230724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-08-20 18:58:27 Meter No.: 0101210066995 Account No.: 702214 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦3,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 # Transaction Details Token Details 11 Transaction ID: 4818162878792924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-08-12 18:05:29 Meter No.: 0101210066995 Account No.: 702214 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦7,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦7,000.00 12 Transaction ID: 8235162428282224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-06-21 14:40:22 Meter No.: 0101210066995 Account No.: 702214 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦3,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 13 Transaction ID: 6821162158908424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-21 10:24:53 Meter No.: 0101210066995 Account No.: 702214 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦3,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 14 Transaction ID: 5811161700381824 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-29 08:43:38 Meter No.: 0101210066995 Account No.: 702214 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦3,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 15 Transaction ID: 4231161434823724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-26 15:03:57 Meter No.: 0101210066995 Account No.: 702214 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦3,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 16 Transaction ID: 5712161175886424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-27 15:47:44 Meter No.: 0101210066995 Account No.: 702214 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦5,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.002022-10-14 achovulaondofa@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020811ClosedRequest2022-10-14REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-10-14NoFind below, 0150000848211 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 760518 Debt Repayment ₦11,881.09 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦3,881.09 M 2022-04-07 ₦8,000.00 2022-08-12 0150000960149 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 554301 Debt Repayment ₦21,942.56 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦19,942.56 M 2022-08-02 ₦2,000.00 2022-09-29 0150000972953 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672125307401 Debt Repayment ₦51,456.58 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦45,456.58 M 2022-07-28 ₦6,000.00 2022-10-14 0150000845043 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 473563 Refund ₦25,949.71 ₦0.00 ₦25,949.71 ₦0.00 V 2022-04-05 ₦25,949.71 2022-04-21 Closed 0150000948383 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 532899 Debt Repayment ₦15,851.40 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦11,851.40 M 2022-08-19 ₦4,000.00 2022-10-12 0150000962608 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672141322101 Debt Repayment ₦152,113.90 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦148,113.90 M 2022-08-19 ₦4,000.00 2022-10-072022-10-14 delukosam@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00020810ClosedKCT Request2022-10-14KCT GENERATION 0101160012460Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-10-14NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-10-14 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00020809ClosedTamper Code2022-10-14REQUEST FOR CLEAR TAMPER CODE 0101190134185Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-14NoDear Joseph, find below, 0101190134185 Clear Tamper 0 2601 4277 0670 4110 18712022-10-14 wyontochae@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020808ClosedVending History2022-10-14Request for vending historyMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-14NoFind below, 0101210011637 # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 9239164725029024 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-14 10:31:31 Meter No.: 0101210011637 Account No.: 624232088301 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦558.14 Energy Cost: ₦7,441.86 KwH: 137.68 Amount Tendered: ₦8,000.00 2575 3668 4782 9744 7964 2 Transaction ID: 7763164560736324 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-23 10:09:23 Meter No.: 0101210011637 Account No.: 624232088301 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 51.63 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 2588 1288 8971 3100 8903 3 Transaction ID: 5277164527276924 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-19 13:12:49 Meter No.: 0101210011637 Account No.: 624232088301 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 51.63 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 6655 8388 0194 6380 6237 4 Transaction ID: 2362164452312224 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-10 20:58:42 Meter No.: 0101210011637 Account No.: 624232088301 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 17.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 5527 3493 5039 2774 7758 5 Transaction ID: 3372164392023024 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-03 21:30:30 Meter No.: 0101210011637 Account No.: 624232088301 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 17.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 4794 1064 6870 0808 0873 6 Transaction ID: 4937164076772324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-12-29 09:48:43 Meter No.: 0101210011637 Account No.: 624232088301 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 54.73 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 3652 0734 8583 1312 2999 7 Transaction ID: 6235163793521924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-26 15:00:19 Meter No.: 0101210011637 Account No.: 624232088301 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 54.73 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 4618 8044 3747 2212 0806 8 Transaction ID: 1317163161415724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-09-14 11:09:17 Meter No.: 0101210011637 Account No.: 624232088301 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 54.73 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 1713 8798 7692 0318 1374 9 Transaction ID: 7041162974001824 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-08-23 18:33:38 Meter No.: 0101210011637 Account No.: 624232088301 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦3,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 10 Transaction ID: 5219161201658524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-30 15:23:05 Meter No.: 0101210011637 Account No.: 624232088301 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦3,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.002022-10-14 okadonyesimona@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020807ClosedTamper Code2022-10-14REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPERMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-14NoDear Maryam, find below, 0195000001394 Clear Tamper 0 4200 3841 0719 0369 2478 0101210162398 Clear Tamper 0 6151 0858 4283 1274 73962022-10-14 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020806ClosedTamper Code2022-10-14REQUEST FOR TAMPERMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-14NoDear Wuladi, find below, 44000670727 Clear Tamper 0 0980 9177 0733 7307 4589 due to power surge 0101200061378 Clear Tamper 0 7020 0510 4958 5070 6415 due to power surge 54161002024 Clear Tamper 0 3948 1176 2975 7046 4447 due to power surge 54161052771 Clear Tamper 0 3002 3439 3983 7140 7344 due to power surge2022-10-14 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020805ClosedTamper Code2022-10-14REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPERMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-14NoDear Maryam, find below, 0101178034381 Clear Tamper 0 1396 6355 6225 2951 7217 0195000004331 Clear Tamper 0 6229 0730 7489 1075 65662022-10-14 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020804ClosedTamper Code2022-10-14TamperMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-14NoDear Auwal, find below, 44300014709 Clear Tamper 0 5251 2158 8865 7145 27802022-10-14 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020803ClosedKCT Request2022-10-14Request for KCT for 57100070184 on 0021Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-14NoDear Caroaline, find below, 5379 5426 0761 9537 8925 1178 9650 0826 9430 8956 ​2022-10-14 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020802OpenRequest0000-00-00DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 0101210160681Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-14NoHello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 615114289501 Debt Repayment ₦193,082.98 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦191,082.98 M 2022-09-15 ₦2,000.00 2022-10-142022-10-14 wyontochae@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020801ClosedTamper Code2022-10-14TamperMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-14NoDear Auwal, find below, 0101188028829 Clear Tamper 0 4739 1657 1205 7950 38222022-10-14 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020800Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020799Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020798ClosedTamper Code2022-10-14TamperMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-10-14NoDear Aliyu, Find below, 0101200014195 Clear Tamper 0 3924 9812 3777 3147 13142022-10-14 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020798ClosedTamper Code2022-10-14TamperMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-10-14NoDear Aliyu, Find below, 0101200014195 Clear Tamper 0 3924 9812 3777 3147 13142022-10-14 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020797ClosedKCT Request2022-10-11KCT FOR NEW INSTALLATIONMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-11Nohello, find below. 6758 5566 0282 4650 5291 2505 0640 5006 8703 90782022-10-11 uduhaleje@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020796ClosedKCT Request2022-10-11KCT REQUEST 44000637981Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-12Nohello, find below, 44000637981 0194 4715 9997 4039 3964 4940 4282 0548 5504 68902022-10-11 wyontochae@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020795ClosedKCT Request2022-10-11Re: KCT REQUEST 44000637981Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-11No2022-10-11 wyontochae@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020794ClosedTamper Code2022-10-11CLEAR TEMPERMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-11NoDear Mr. Roland, find below, 0101200075618 Clear Tamper 0 2836 6767 0755 7812 12842022-10-11 Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020793ClosedTamper Code2022-10-11REQUEST FOR TEMPERMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-11NoDear Huzaifa, find below, 44000729754 Clear Tamper 0 6305 1789 9564 3543 8376 0150000956188 Clear Tamper 0 3815 9191 2071 5843 7447 . 0150000848237 Clear Tamper 0 1689 0680 6208 3876 8465 . 0150000973183 Clear Tamper 0 0611 2667 0381 7790 7474 . 0150000851868 Clear Tamper 0 2536 1162 1473 8945 9192 . 0150000845043 Clear Tamper 0 5338 5605 6263 7535 8592 . 0150000848054 Clear Tamper 0 7309 6833 1503 6020 4257 .2022-10-11 huzaifazumoo@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020792Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020791ClosedKCT Request2022-10-12KctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-11Nohello, find below. 1 To 99 6468 6543 0097 6580 4545 6420 2646 7901 7724 89032022-10-12 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020790ClosedKCT Request2022-10-12KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-12Nohello, find below. No data available in table2022-10-12 uduhaleje@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020789ClosedTamper Code2022-10-11TamperMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-11NoDear Auwal, Kindly confirm the meter number and revert.2022-10-11 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020788ClosedTamper Code2022-10-11Request for clear tamper code for 0101215014883Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-11NoDear Caraoline, find below, 0101215014883 Clear Tamper 0 4956 9282 9762 6718 07192022-10-11 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020787ClosedTamper Code2022-10-11TamperMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-11NoDear Auwal, find below, 44300015755 Clear Tamper 0 1839 9426 3962 4024 99632022-10-11 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020786ClosedTamper Code2022-10-11REQUEST FOR CLEAR TAMPER - 0101210080368Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-11NoDear Roseline, find below, 0101210080368 Clear Tamper 0 5770 3334 1498 8362 82982022-10-11 longpuan@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020785ClosedRequest2022-10-11DEBT STATUSMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-11Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 703521 Debt Repayment ₦703,521.00 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦695,521.00 M 2022-02-11 ₦8,000.00 2022-06-242022-10-11 samueldchun@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020784ClosedTamper Code2022-10-11REQUEST FOR TAMPERMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-11NoDear Wuladi, find below, 44000578060 Clear Tamper 0 2348 3548 6456 3286 0942 Due to power surge 0101160048571 Clear Tamper 0 2826 9922 8203 9592 0872 Due to power surge2022-10-11 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020783ClosedKCT Request2022-10-12KctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-11Nohello, find below. 3800 1061 9536 1642 9151 4759 5741 4692 0159 99332022-10-11 odohgeorge86@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020782ClosedTamper Code2022-10-11REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPERMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-11NoDear Maryam, find below, 95300211927 Clear Tamper 0 1397 2073 3411 6308 8124 95300152170 Clear Tamper 0 0272 8498 3201 1198 4225 95300209376 Clear Tamper 0 1947 0333 2621 9636 5988 95300192762 Clear Tamper 0 4279 7812 6169 0956 29342022-10-11 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020781ClosedRequest2022-10-11REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-11Nohello, find below. 44000313203 ​ Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 683083 Debt Repayment ₦2,388.03 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦388.03 M 2022-08-19 ₦2,000.00 2022-09-05 ​ 44000314037 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 683084 Debt Repayment ₦2,388.03 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦388.03 M 2022-08-19 ₦2,000.00 2022-09-032022-10-11 longpuan@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020780ClosedKCT Request2022-10-12Rejection of tokenMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-12Nohello, find below. 44000543197 It is also on 001 on our system. So, it does not require KCT. If they are facing any difficulties recharging, kindly dispatch maintenance team. 44000524809 It is also on 001 on our system. So, it does not require KCT. If they are facing any difficulties recharging, kindly dispatch maintenance team.2022-10-12 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020779Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020778ClosedRequest2022-10-12DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 0101190015400 / 650936Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-12Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 650936 Debt Repayment ₦76,659.36 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦60,659.36 M 2022-02-18 ₦16,000.00 2022-10-05 691099 Debt Repayment ₦1,602.29 ₦0.00 ₦1,602.29 ₦0.00 M 2022-02-18 ₦1,602.29 2022-03-042022-10-12 wyontochae@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020777ClosedRequest2022-10-12REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101190015145Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-12Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672772 Debt Repayment ₦36,773.11 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦34,773.11 M 2022-06-01 ₦2,000.00 2022-07-132022-10-12 longpuan@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020776ClosedRequest2022-10-12Debt Profile- 0101215031325MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-12Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 688338 Debt Repayment ₦19,525.49 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦14,525.49 M 2022-08-12 ₦5,000.00 2022-10-102022-10-12 mohammed.umar@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00020775ClosedKCT Request2022-10-12Request for KCT - 0101210038796Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-12Nohello, find below. 0101210038796 4501 0257 3591 3808 1014 7150 9568 3027 1797 93302022-10-12 stynlucs@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020774ClosedKCT Request2022-10-12Request for KCT - 0101210038796Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-12Nohello, find below. 0101210038796 4501 0257 3591 3808 1014 7150 9568 3027 1797 93302022-10-12 stynlucs@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020773ClosedKCT Request2022-10-12REQUEST FOR KCT - TARIFF INDEX 033 - 0101160068058Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-12Nohello, find below. 2425 9304 3577 4865 5354 1476 8551 5118 2817 15192022-10-12 longpuan@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020772ClosedKCT Request2022-10-12KCT- 0101170244251Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-12Nohello, find below. 0101170244251 2974 7843 9054 6019 6926 5547 6936 7945 2514 82132022-10-12 mohammed.umar@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020771ClosedKCT Request2022-10-12KctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-12Nohello, find below. 0101161014721 2020 4009 4422 4134 6020 6629 3220 7294 1349 31222022-10-12 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020770ClosedRequest2022-10-12REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101170420927Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-12Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 479426 Debt Repayment ₦141,225.92 ₦-61,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦50,225.92 M 2019-01-30 ₦30,000.00 2022-09-302022-10-12 longpuan@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020769ClosedKCT Request2022-10-11KctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-11Nohello, find below. 0101200087225 4485 7876 4823 6686 6591 4730 5957 5571 7737 33152022-10-11 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020768ClosedKCT Request2022-10-11KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri0000-00-00Nohello, find below. 54161140188 6109 8200 3129 5350 8304 1508 3226 6704 9767 63612022-10-11 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020767ClosedKCT Request2022-10-11REQUEST FOR KCT 95300400934Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-11Nohello, find below. 95300400934 ​This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly state clearly what the problem is so that we can do the needful.2022-10-11 nmaisugar@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020766ClosedRequest2022-10-11REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 95300216546Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-10-11Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 658133369701 Debt Repayment ₦108,092.23 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦96,092.23 M 2022-03-22 ₦12,000.00 2022-09-302022-10-11 Tukur Hamid
#00020765ClosedKCT Request2022-10-11REQUEST FOR KCT--62321093478Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-11Nohello, find below. 6626 0369 8984 1750 3539 7341 8238 4616 5050 82072022-10-11 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020764ClosedRequest2022-10-11REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-11Nohello, find below. 0150000890015 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 447045 Debt Repayment ₦8,590.72 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦4,590.72 M 2022-08-03 ₦4,000.00 2022-10-07 0150000844798 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 734413 Debt Repayment ₦7,024.95 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦1,024.95 M 2022-07-22 ₦6,000.00 2022-10-11 0150000955511 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 512584 Debt Repayment ₦49,836.02 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦43,836.02 M 2022-07-29 ₦6,000.00 2022-10-082022-10-11 delukosam@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020763ClosedRequest2022-10-11REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-10-11Nohello, find below. 62321093478 No data available in table2022-10-11 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00020762ClosedRequest2022-10-11REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101170419846Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-11Nohello, find below. There are no debt records found for this meter at the momen2022-10-11 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020761ClosedRequest2022-10-11DEBT PROFILEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-11Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612326925601 Debt Repayment ₦229,227.61 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦219,227.61 M 2022-05-30 ₦10,000.00 2022-10-122022-10-11 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020760ClosedRequest2022-10-11REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPERMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-11NoDear Maryam, find below, 95300218450 Clear Tamper 0 1403 1249 3650 8711 6134 62321209678 Clear Tamper 0 1950 3700 5195 0483 9114 44000404184 Clear Tamper 0 2780 5353 7626 2926 9631 44000651651 Clear Tamper 0 0501 1224 0131 1858 7256 44000402436 Clear Tamper 0 1900 6092 6157 9265 0720 44000397388 Clear Tamper 0 1714 7391 2585 7224 5079 44000322907 Clear Tamper 0 1237 8394 7018 6302 3526 0195000001253 Clear Tamper 0 2423 7941 3074 1668 4635 0101205014984 Clear Tamper 0 2335 2631 0293 0794 86022022-10-11 Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020759In ProgressRequest2022-10-11DEBT PROFILEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri0000-00-00Nohello, find below. 95300198066 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 657342045801 Debt Repayment ₦592,625.73 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦578,625.73 M 2022-03-29 ₦14,000.00 2022-10-12 44000681896 There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.0000-00-00 uduhaleje@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020758In ProgressKCT Request2022-10-11KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri0000-00-00Nohello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly state clearly what the problem is so that we can do the needful.0000-00-00 uduhaleje@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020757ClosedRequest2022-10-11REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE----44000368546Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-11Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612501189201 Debt Repayment ₦81,508.88 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦79,008.88 M 2022-08-10 ₦2,500.00 2022-09-16 hello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612501189201 Debt Repayment ₦81,508.88 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦79,008.88 M 2022-08-10 ₦2,500.00 2022-09-162022-10-11 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020756ClosedKCT Request2022-10-11KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-11Nohello, find below, It is also on 001 on our system. So, it does not require KCT. If they are facing any difficulties recharging, kindly dispatch maintenance team.2022-10-11 mimsicle22@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020755ClosedRequest2022-10-11REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-11Nohello, find below. 0150000972904 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 734110 Debt Repayment ₦24,683.76 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦19,683.76 M 2022-07-28 ₦5,000.00 2022-09-30 44000497857 There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2022-10-11 delukosam@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020754ClosedKCT Request2022-10-11REQUEST FOR KCT TARIFF INDEX 045- 57100051499Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-11Nohello, find below. 5947 1665 4057 4971 2140 5261 2519 8436 2971 14572022-10-11 longpuan@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020753ClosedKCT Request2022-10-11KCT REQUEST: 44000374692 (33 to 01)Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-11Nohello, find below, 2025 4028 8342 8915 9566 3979 8290 7711 9055 67372022-10-11 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020752ClosedRequest2022-10-11DEBT PROFILEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-11Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 379287 Debt Repayment ₦165,515.33 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦163,515.33 M 2022-09-02 ₦2,000.00 2022-10-112022-10-11 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020751ClosedRequest2022-10-11REQUEST FOR TAMPERMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-11NoDear Wuladi, find below, 44000729580 Clear Tamper 0 0489 8053 3115 8625 77252022-10-11 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020750ClosedTamper Code2022-10-11TamperMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-11NoDear Auwal, find below, 44000668846 Clear Tamper 0 0572 5961 6943 2287 71542022-10-11 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020749ClosedRequest2022-10-11DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-11Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 657342509701 Debt Repayment ₦13,730.02 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦13,730.02 M 2022-08-17 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-10-11 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020748ClosedTamper Code2022-10-11REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPERMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-11NoDear Maryam, find below, 0195000007839 Clear Tamper 0 4575 7077 6735 4175 0740 0195000007003 Clear Tamper 0 2320 2373 1618 2540 6731 44000666162 Clear Tamper 0 7048 0631 7911 5756 7009 0101210108581 Clear Tamper 0 5492 2706 5443 7403 5932 0101210186710 Clear Tamper 0 4584 3703 3848 4813 1797 62321074544 Clear Tamper 0 7362 1248 2475 4996 1405 0101160187981 Clear Tamper 0 2769 3665 2447 3164 4458 0101175104427 Clear Tamper 0 3887 4806 0098 9981 4406 0101210038416 Clear Tamper 0 4782 4821 9363 8119 7746 44000572220 Clear Tamper 0 1961 2061 1908 3574 87662022-10-11 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020747ClosedTamper Code2022-10-11Request for clear tamper codeMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-11NoDear Sadiq, find below, 0101200037386 Clear Tamper 0 5409 2836 6271 4526 6913 0101210025975 Clear Tamper 0 3481 2225 6617 0684 4572 0101210023293 Clear Tamper 0 2578 3517 7733 6808 4560 0101170386227 Clear Tamper 0 2329 7872 1500 3194 8196 0101190140174 Clear Tamper 0 5665 5428 2994 9233 9024 0101200016175...................................................not captured. 0101190149100 Clear Tamper 0 2529 3448 9534 9252 0904 0101200008486 Clear Tamper 0 4193 8297 0835 8677 1224 0101200081822 Clear Tamper 0 5773 4278 6375 3237 2440 0101210029068 Clear Tamper 0 0799 2291 4445 9227 9622 0101210065899..............................................not captured. 0101200013387 Clear Tamper 0 4884 2716 0622 5607 9958 0101170381194 Clear Tamper 0 3226 0502 3375 1078 8775 Upgrade 44000691400 Clear Tamper 0 3102 0045 8656 8826 0081 44000318962 Clear Tamper 0 0886 3726 1876 6979 4006 44000572030 Clear Tamper 0 5261 0331 5970 2142 6567 44000393320 Clear Tamper 0 1785 4956 2069 3676 0270 44000331957 Clear Tamper 0 0455 1024 8374 6182 8370 44000503308 Clear Tamper 0 2631 2346 4359 0951 3477 44000605483 Clear Tamper 0 1620 2975 6177 6483 7973 44000674190 Clear Tamper 0 0170 6818 3184 8794 0834 44000556694 Clear Tamper 0 5824 1961 3861 6528 4223 54160896202 Clear Tamper 0 2972 1789 7705 4917 2744 54160975592 Clear Tamper 0 6616 1617 9896 3378 3624 54160971567 Clear Tamper 0 0754 3575 9400 4787 1093 62321069627 Clear Tamper 0 3905 5114 7150 3435 6360 Lightning 62321069627 Clear Tamper 0 4094 9069 1730 0316 2719 62321034902 Clear Tamper 0 3058 3462 7503 7892 4218 62321067308 Clear Tamper 0 5608 8944 2596 4289 2682 62321099327 Clear Tamper 0 2843 5594 0557 9118 7574 62321093338 Clear Tamper 0 1295 8790 9632 7178 2243 62321095754 Clear Tamper 0 7052 8238 7710 2558 2876 62321003691 Clear Tamper 0 2592 8497 5162 9048 3062 ​ 62130222359 Clear Tamper 0 3876 1778 3448 1958 7948 ​2022-10-11 sadiqabdullahi62@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020746ClosedKCT Request2022-10-11KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-11Nohello, find below. 1325 9916 1487 2762 2828 0178 6886 6041 8643 97372022-10-11 uduhaleje@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020745ClosedKCT Request2022-10-11KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-11Nohello, find below. 5326 8470 2400 1451 7971 4097 0894 0772 4017 49942022-10-11 yakubaliyu82@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020744ClosedKCT Request2022-10-11KCT REQUEST : 57100020924 (21 to 01)Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-11Nohello, find below. 2049 7990 3162 6274 2334 2047 5154 3155 6409 29352022-10-11 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020743ClosedKCT Request2022-10-11KCT REQUEST : 57100020924 (21 to 01)Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-11Nohello, find below. 2049 7990 3162 6274 2334 2047 5154 3155 6409 29352022-10-11 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020742ClosedRequest2022-10-11Debt Profile - 0101180149698Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-11Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 676051 Debt Repayment ₦32,091.55 ₦-15,539.08 ₦2,500.00 ₦0.00 M 2022-02-10 ₦16,552.47 2022-09-03 Closed2022-10-11 omarllepps@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020741ClosedKCT Request2022-10-11REQUEST FOR KCT TARIFF INDEX 045 - 0101210081937Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-11Nohello, find below. 0490 2391 5410 5505 1162 4254 2570 4828 2290 50942022-10-11 longpuan@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020740ClosedKCT Request2022-10-11REQUEST FOR KCT TARIFF INDEX 045 - 0101210081937Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-11Nohello, find below. 0490 2391 5410 5505 1162 4254 2570 4828 2290 50942022-10-11 longpuan@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020739ClosedKCT Request2022-10-11REQUEST FOR KCT - 54161057630Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-11Nohello, find below. This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-10-11 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020738ClosedKCT Request2022-10-11REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-11NoDear support, Kindly generate KCT for 54160744733 Thank you 2022-10-11 jenogah@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020737ClosedKCT Request2022-10-11KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-11Nohello, find below. 1535 7648 7354 5369 3657 6827 8689 0917 1282 02632022-10-11 uduhaleje@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020736ClosedRequest2022-10-11REQUEST FOR DEBTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-11Nohello, find below. 0150000845613 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 473577 Debt Repayment ₦42,414.73 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦38,414.73 M 2022-07-22 ₦4,000.00 2022-09-06 44000645968 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672803121801 Debt Repayment ₦522,995.08 ₦0.00 ₦25,000.00 ₦522,995.08 M 2022-07-28 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-10-11 delukosam@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020735ClosedRequest2022-10-11: DEBT PROFILE 95300150034Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-11Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 756023 Debt Repayment ₦17,494.13 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦9,494.13 M 2022-04-05 ₦8,000.00 2022-08-242022-10-11 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020734ClosedRequest2022-10-11DEBT ENQUIRYMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-11Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611134177001 Debt Repayment ₦69,980.72 ₦0.00 ₦5,000.00 ₦69,980.72 M 2022-07-14 ₦0.00 2022-07-262022-10-11 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020733ClosedRequest2022-10-11TamperMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-11NoDear Auwal, find below, 44000319853 Clear Tamper 0 4679 9966 4759 3846 04542022-10-11 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020732ClosedTamper Code2022-10-11TamperMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-11NoDear Auwal, find below, 57100029891 Clear Tamper 0 0144 0027 7674 1886 46172022-10-11 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020731ClosedRequest2022-10-11REQUEST FOR OUTSTANDING BALANCEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-11Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6623061732-01 Debt Repayment ₦113,154.89 ₦-65,000.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦48,154.89 M 2017-04-27 ₦0.00 2021-05-312022-10-11 sunnyochekwu@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020730ClosedRequest2022-10-11DEBT PROFILEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-11Nohello, find below. 95300150026 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 756020 Debt Repayment ₦16,494.13 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦6,494.13 M 2022-04-05 ₦10,000.00 2022-09-06 95300150042 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 756022 Debt Repayment ₦17,494.13 ₦0.00 ₦15,494.13 ₦0.00 V 2022-04-05 ₦17,494.13 2022-06-01 Closed2022-10-11 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020729ClosedRequest2022-10-11REQUESTING FOR DEBT PROFILE 0101210027682Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-11Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611228189901 Debt Repayment ₦686,205.51 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦686,205.51 M 2022-02-25 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-10-11 omarllepps@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020728ClosedKCT Request2022-10-11KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-11Nohello, find below. 3158 3631 6122 3447 8899 3239 3184 7488 9321 24972022-10-11 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020727ClosedRequest2022-10-11REQUESTING FOR DEBT PROFILE 0101210074072Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-11Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 573162 Debt Repayment ₦399,573.09 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦399,573.09 M 2022-08-25 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-10-11 omarllepps@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020726ClosedKCT Request2022-10-11REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-10-11Nohello, find below. 1485 0250 4849 4746 5949 1230 7628 0901 5263 55412022-10-11 yusufibrahimbaba440@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00020725ClosedRequest2022-10-11REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101170295402MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-11Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6573121834-01 Debt Repayment ₦649,402.82 ₦-107,000.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦542,402.82 M 2019-08-31 ₦0.00 2021-05-312022-10-11 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020724ClosedKCT Request2022-10-11KCT REQUESTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-11Nohello, find below. 0101185054828 (02 to 01) 1043 8828 1630 6552 7446 4836 3393 6961 8961 5915 0101170116582 (33 to 01)2022-10-11 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020723ClosedKCT Request2022-10-12REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-11Nohello, find below. 54161138638 1415 2628 1496 1269 2426 6674 3463 6344 6257 29652022-10-11 jenogah@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020722ClosedKCT Request2022-10-12KCT GENERATION from 04 to 01 0101210120966Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-11Nohello, find below. 0101210120966 1721 2844 8732 6629 9672 6758 6701 4017 8818 69542022-10-11 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020721Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020720ClosedKCT Request2022-10-06KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-06No1966 3178 7239 4010 1013 4527 4044 0509 8918 07872022-10-06 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020719ClosedRequest2022-10-07Request for tamper,Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-06NoDear Lois, Find below, 0101170259598(Due to power surge) 0101170259598 Clear Tamper 0 1648 1073 0735 5998 1129 0101215012705(due to power surge) 0101215012705 Clear Tamper 0 6617 7573 4140 7276 28392022-10-06 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020718ClosedRequest2022-10-06Reissue TamperMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-06Nohello, find below. 0101200001689 Clear Tamper 0 1701 6346 3468 5895 46182022-10-06 roland.james@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020717ClosedRequest2022-10-06DEBT PROFILEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-06NoDear Babadiya, Find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 493693 Debt Repayment ₦20,442.92 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦10,442.92 M 2022-04-06 ₦10,000.00 2022-09-302022-10-06 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020716ClosedRequest2022-10-06REQUEST FOR TEMPERMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-06NoDear Suleiman, Kindly route your request to HQ Audit for approval.2022-10-06 huzaifazumoo@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020715ClosedKCT Request2022-10-06KCT please sirMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-06Nohello, find below. 4851 0176 6726 5559 9571 6756 7393 0139 6346 32192022-10-06 elijah.ishaya@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020714ClosedKCT Request2022-10-06KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-06Nohello, find below. This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly state clearly what the problem is so that we can do the needful.2022-10-06 yakubaliyu82@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020713ClosedRequest2022-10-06Rejecting uintMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-06Nohello, find below. 6627 4527 8350 8054 4172 1361 2292 3784 6688 46142022-10-06 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020712ClosedRequest2022-10-06REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 57100080902Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-06Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6123461483-01 Debt Repayment ₦150,702.00 ₦-43,001.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦75,701.00 M 2016-08-30 ₦32,000.00 2022-09-292022-10-06 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020711ClosedRequest2022-10-06DEBT PROFILEMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-10-06Nohello, find below. 0101170377291 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 488227 Debt Repayment ₦91,492.26 ₦-28,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦59,492.26 M 2019-08-29 ₦4,000.00 2021-07-082022-10-06 mwuladi@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00020710Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020709ClosedRequest2022-10-06Debt ProfileMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-06Nohello, find below. 0101210113938 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 662253036301 Debt Repayment ₦38,191.74 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦32,191.74 M 2022-07-21 ₦6,000.00 2022-10-06 0101210118986 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 574165 Debt Repayment ₦205,547.84 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦193,547.84 M 2022-04-19 ₦12,000.00 2022-10-01 0101210121964 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 662252159701 Debt Repayment ₦441,860.83 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦437,860.83 M 2022-07-21 ₦4,000.00 2022-09-192022-10-06 yinknuga2002@yahoo.co.uk Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020708ClosedRequest2022-10-06REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 0101161012527Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-06Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 510803 Debt Repayment ₦91,049.76 ₦-42,293.06 ₦2,000.00 ₦14,756.70 M 2019-05-16 ₦34,000.00 2022-10-062022-10-06 nmaisugar@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020707ClosedRequest2022-10-06REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 0101161012527Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-06No2022-10-06 nmaisugar@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020706ClosedKCT Request2022-10-07KctsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-29Nohello, find below. 1 To 55 0838 8340 5522 4466 8707 1930 2856 5942 7143 08702022-10-06 terpineemma@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020705ClosedRequest2022-10-06Request for Debt profile for 44000323855MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-06Nofind below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 675668 Debt Repayment ₦18,078.24 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦18,078.24 M 2022-08-18 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-10-06 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020704ClosedKCT Request2022-10-06REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-06Nohello, find below. 1 To 21 4768 8629 2401 1327 5424 4236 4581 5781 0244 66702022-10-06 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020703ClosedRequest2022-10-06Debt profileMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-29Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612828004001 Debt Repayment ₦294,072.33 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦282,072.33 M 2022-03-01 ₦12,000.00 2022-09-292022-10-06 tkhadija028@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020702ClosedKCT Request2022-10-06KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-06NoDear Godwin, Find below, 62321148314 6212 1779 2859 4544 4770 6908 7190 2400 7111 22202022-10-06 kpandegodwin09@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020701ClosedRequest2022-10-06REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 0101190134862Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-06NoDear Maisugar, Find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611925013201 Debt Repayment ₦537,306.52 ₦0.00 ₦5,000.00 ₦517,306.52 M 2022-06-29 ₦20,000.00 2022-10-052022-10-06 nmaisugar@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020700ClosedRequest2022-10-06REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 0101190140182Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-06No2022-10-06 nmaisugar@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020699ClosedRequest2022-10-06REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 0101190140182Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-06NoDear Maisugar, Find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 714200 Debt Repayment ₦37,164.30 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦25,164.30 M 2022-03-01 ₦12,000.00 2022-09-212022-10-06 nmaisugar@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020698ClosedRequest2022-10-06DEBT DETAILSMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-06NoDear Tafida, Find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 645002084101 Debt Repayment ₦383,425.34 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦379,425.34 M 2022-05-05 ₦4,000.00 2022-07-282022-10-07 faizahtafida@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020697ClosedRequest2022-10-06REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101170272468MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-06NoDear Tegwi, Find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6132242576-01 Debt Repayment ₦184,431.63 ₦-76,485.46 ₦2,000.00 ₦75,946.17 M 2019-06-16 ₦32,000.00 2022-09-302022-10-06 Umar Auwal
#00020696ClosedVending History2022-10-06REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 44000742211Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-10-06NoDear Tegwi, Find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 741871 Debt Repayment ₦7,594.84 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦3,594.84 M 2022-08-22 ₦4,000.00 2022-10-062022-10-06 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00020695ClosedKCT Request2022-10-06KCT please sirMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-10-06Nohello, find below. 2472 2575 8902 8052 3021 2262 6736 0393 3589 67532022-10-06 elijah.ishaya@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00020694ClosedRequest2022-10-06ClEAR TEMPERMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-06NoDear James, Find below, 57100055938 Clear Tamper 0 5466 2057 2558 1716 61492022-10-06 roland.james@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020693ClosedRequest2022-10-06REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 0101170276725Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-06No2022-10-06 nmaisugar@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020692ClosedRequest2022-10-06Debt profile,Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-06NoDear Lois, Find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 771945 Debt Repayment ₦29,262.16 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦29,262.16 M 2022-08-09 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-10-06 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020691ClosedVending History2022-10-06Debt profileMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-06NoDear Tanimu, Find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 590536 Debt Repayment ₦252,058.80 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦250,058.80 M 2022-08-26 ₦2,000.00 2022-09-132022-10-06 tkhadija028@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020690ClosedKCT Request2022-10-06REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-06NoDear Tegwi, Kindly provide the meter number.2022-10-06 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020689ClosedKCT Request2022-10-06KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-06NoDear Aliyu, This meter its on 01 no KCT required, however query the meter and let us know the tariff index its on.2022-10-06 yakubaliyu82@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020688ClosedKCT Request2022-10-07Request for KCT ocholaMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-07Nohello, find below. 52 To 99 5217 0227 7154 7299 0844 5459 5102 2144 9711 82232022-10-07 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020687ClosedKCT Request2022-10-06Request for kctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-06NoFind below, 44000320513 2966 3856 3638 2929 3680 5869 7480 7362 8892 11212022-10-06 beediesarah5@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020686ClosedRequest2022-10-06REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-06NoFind below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 676227 Debt Repayment ₦26,307.71 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦22,307.71 M 2022-08-10 ₦4,000.00 2022-10-062022-10-06 hamzaadamu64@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020685Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020684ClosedRequest2022-10-06Debt profileMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-05Nohello, find below. 54161081226 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 517819 Debt Repayment ₦89,592.25 ₦-40,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦17,592.25 M 2019-04-18 ₦32,000.00 2022-09-102022-10-05 tkhadija028@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020683ClosedKCT Request2022-10-05KCT GENERATIONMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-05Nohello, find below, 2 To 1 5435 8272 5622 9142 4299 1028 0756 8486 7287 85262022-10-05 kinretluka@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020682ClosedKCT Request2022-10-05DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 0101180148229 / 634513Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-05Nohello, find below. 0101180148229 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 634513 Debt Repayment ₦29,516.13 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦13,516.13 M 2022-02-11 ₦16,000.00 2022-10-052022-10-05 wyontochae@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020681Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020680ClosedRequest2022-10-06DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 95300159993 / 654288Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-06Nohello, find below. 95300159993 ​ Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 654288 Debt Repayment ₦140,661.23 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦140,661.23 M 2022-04-07 ₦0.00 0000-00-00 ​2022-10-06 wyontochae@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020679ClosedKCT Request2022-10-06hello, find below. 46 To 1 5418 8426 1993 0595 1427 4703 1401 1409 5203 1421Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-06Nohello, find below. 46 To 1 5418 8426 1993 0595 1427 4703 1401 1409 5203 14212022-10-06 elijah.ishaya@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020678ClosedRequest2022-10-06DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 95300159993 / 654288Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-06Nohello, find below. 95300159993 ​ Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 654288 Debt Repayment ₦140,661.23 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦140,661.23 M 2022-04-07 ₦0.00 0000-00-00 ​2022-10-06 wyontochae@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020677ClosedRequest2022-09-28REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE---0101190015863Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-06NoFind below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 648999 Debt2022-10-06 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020676ClosedRequest2022-10-06DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 95300159993 / 654288Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-06Nohello, find below. 95300159993 ​ Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 654288 Debt Repayment ₦140,661.23 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦140,661.23 M 2022-04-07 ₦0.00 0000-00-00 ​2022-10-06 wyontochae@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020675ClosedKCT Request2022-10-06KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-06NoFind below, 3806 4295 5830 7069 2910 4042 8371 0762 7167 88792022-10-06 roland.james@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020674Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020673Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020672ClosedRequest2022-10-05Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-05Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612740059301 Debt Repayment ₦563,464.06 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦550,964.06 M 2022-04-05 ₦12,500.00 2022-09-202022-10-05 tkhadija028@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020671ClosedRequest2022-10-05DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 44000668671MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-05Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 72022-10-05 wyontochae@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020670ClosedRequest2022-10-05KCT REQUEST: 0101175098157 (02 to 01)Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-05Nohello, find below. 0101175098157 2 To 1 6005 9363 6746 8826 0449 6163 3554 1421 3465 03442022-10-05 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020669ClosedRequest2022-10-05DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 0101170248831 / 609629Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-05Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 609629 Debt Repayment ₦139,837.40 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦131,837.40 M 2022-06-02 ₦8,000.00 2022-10-052022-10-05 wyontochae@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020668ClosedKCT Request2022-10-05KCT RequestMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-05Nohello, find below. 0101180146736 5889 7847 8391 2196 4571 5851 0485 9525 6052 15142022-10-05 yinknuga2002@yahoo.co.uk Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020667ClosedKCT Request2022-10-05KCtMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-05Nohello, find below 62321077521 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-10-05 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020666ClosedRequest2022-10-05DEBT PROFILE: 0101170253971Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-05Nohello, find below. 0101170253971 No data available in table2022-10-05 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020665ClosedRequest2022-10-05DEBT PROFILEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-05Nohello, find below. 44000335214 ccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 503026 Debt Repayment ₦202,919.14 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦202,919.14 M 2022-08-16 ₦0.00 0000-00-00 hello, find below. 44000335214 ccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 503026 Debt Repayment ₦202,919.14 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦202,919.14 M 2022-08-16 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-10-05 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020664ClosedRequest2022-10-05DEBT PROFILE: 0101170253971Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-05Nohello, find below. 0101170253971 No data available in table2022-10-05 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020663ClosedKCT Request2022-10-05REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-05Nohello, find below. 62186012332 1180 7940 1858 4935 5363 1402 3529 2236 5918 6478 62186007852 7258 5517 2292 7643 5898 2668 9927 1808 3393 20682022-10-05 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020662ClosedKCT Request2022-10-05KCT -95300219128Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-05Nohello, find below. This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-10-05 mohammed.umar@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020661ClosedKCT Request2022-10-05KCT -95300219128Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-05Nohello, find below. This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-10-05 mohammed.umar@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020660ClosedKCT Request2022-10-05REQUEST FOR K C TMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-05NoDear Usman, Find below, 2592 9934 0852 1756 9208 6376 0354 2042 0145 15822022-10-05 delukosam@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020659Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020658ClosedRequest2022-10-05REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE---0101200125272Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-05NoDear Danjumah, Find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 717149 Debt Repayment ₦12,383.38 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2022-03-29 ₦12,383.38 2022-10-05 Closed2022-10-05 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020657ClosedRequest2022-10-05REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-10-05NoDear Usman, Find below, 0150000954803 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 613493 Debt Repayment ₦33,278.88 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦19,278.88 M 2022-03-10 ₦14,000.00 2022-10-05 0150000948714 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 700414 Debt Repayment ₦63,067.01 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦51,067.01 M 2022-03-22 ₦12,000.00 2022-09-302022-10-05 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020656ClosedRequest2022-10-05DEBT PROFILE 44000334027Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-05Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 701449 Debt Repayment ₦12,136.77 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦10,136.77 M 2022-08-16 ₦2,000.00 2022-09-292022-10-05 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020655ClosedKCT Request2022-10-05REQUEST FOR K C TMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-05NoDear Usman, Find below, 2592 9934 0852 1756 9208 6376 0354 2042 0145 15822022-10-05 delukosam@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020654ClosedKCT Request2022-10-05Kct 0101178026213Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-05Nohello, find below. 2 To 55 5909 3922 7350 9975 2019 2205 1708 7887 1172 45392022-10-05 mathewudahson@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020653ClosedKCT Request2022-10-05KCT -95300219128Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-05Nohello, find below. This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-10-05 mohammed.umar@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020652ClosedKCT Request2022-10-05KctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-05Nohello, find below. 0101210148579 : 01 0101161022690 :21 21 To 1 5912 6133 2363 9189 3437 6198 2653 0985 6887 80602022-10-05 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020651ClosedVending History2022-10-05Reaquest for vending historyMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-10-05Nohello, find below. # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 6219165418782524 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-06-02 17:37:05 Meter No.: 0101210012742 Account No.: 623128094901 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 86.05 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 7349 0709 4926 9284 1282 2 Transaction ID: 1368165147460324 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-05-02 07:56:43 Meter No.: 0101210012742 Account No.: 623128094901 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 25.82 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 0828 4411 2591 2736 0255 3 Transaction ID: 2965165046925524 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-20 16:40:55 Meter No.: 0101210012742 Account No.: 623128094901 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦195.35 Energy Cost: ₦2,604.65 KwH: 48.19 Amount Tendered: ₦2,800.00 5174 1933 9485 4300 5765 4 Transaction ID: 9761164951877824 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-09 16:39:38 Meter No.: 0101210012742 Account No.: 623128094901 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦195.35 Energy Cost: ₦2,604.65 KwH: 48.19 Amount Tendered: ₦2,800.00 5517 0913 6002 5338 9641 5 Transaction ID: 6414164853496424 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-29 07:22:44 Meter No.: 0101210012742 Account No.: 623128094901 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦195.35 Energy Cost: ₦2,604.65 KwH: 48.19 Amount Tendered: ₦2,800.00 3955 6767 2175 6893 9266 6 Transaction ID: 1563164724107824 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-14 07:57:58 Meter No.: 0101210012742 Account No.: 623128094901 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦244.19 Energy Cost: ₦3,255.81 KwH: 60.24 Amount Tendered: ₦3,500.00 0385 9108 6751 8572 1634 7 Transaction ID: 6234164649934924 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-05 17:55:49 Meter No.: 0101210012742 Account No.: 623128094901 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 51.63 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 7313 6325 0940 6191 9404 8 Transaction ID: 9484164586187224 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-26 08:51:12 Meter No.: 0101210012742 Account No.: 623128094901 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 34.42 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 3199 6737 3155 4837 7829 9 Transaction ID: 9658164511584224 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-17 17:37:22 Meter No.: 0101210012742 Account No.: 623128094901 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 51.63 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 4101 5848 5939 8512 2523 10 Transaction ID: 4301164468043224 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-12 16:40:32 Meter No.: 0101210012742 Account No.: 623128094901 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 34.42 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 2199 7678 6711 4473 57222022-10-05 yusufibrahimbaba440@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020650ClosedRequest2022-09-30Request for Debt profile for 44000698017Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-30NoDear Adesuwa, Find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 743190 Debt Repayment ₦18,788.78 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦16,288.78 M 2022-08-24 ₦2,500.00 2022-09-302022-09-30 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020649ClosedRequest2022-09-30Request for vending historyMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-30NoDear Shows, Find attached.2022-09-30 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020648OpenKCT Request0000-00-00KCT GENERATION from 21 to 01 0101170374660 2022-09-29No2022-09-29
#00020647ClosedRequest2022-09-29Request for Temper codeMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-29NoDear Mr. Roland, This is a reminder for the use of official mail for official correspondence, we have been directed not to attend to any request sent with personal mail, kindly communicate your official mail address to people requesting for tamper code for compliance. Regards.2022-09-29 bakoamusa@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020646ClosedRequest2022-09-29DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-09-29Nohello, find below. 101210191538 ccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 681654 Debt Repayment ₦13,624.52 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦9,624.52 M 2022-07-21 ₦4,000.00 2022-09-13 0101210123135 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 507010 Debt Repayment ₦23,331.70 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦19,331.70 M 2022-07-22 ₦4,000.00 2022-09-27 0101210166928 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 705828 Debt Repayment ₦9,869.80 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,869.80 M 2022-05-18 ₦4,000.00 2022-07-21 0101210145211 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 692900 Debt Repayment ₦10,391.44 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦391.44 M 2022-04-20 ₦10,000.00 2022-09-28 0101210132979 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 681663 Debt Repayment ₦22,748.13 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦12,748.13 M 2022-04-19 ₦10,000.00 2022-09-29 0101180146736 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 660204 Debt Repayment ₦23,421.20 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦23,421.20 M 2022-02-10 ₦0.00 0000-00-00 0101210160467 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 647495 Debt Repayment ₦13,739.70 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦9,739.70 M 2022-07-25 ₦4,000.00 2022-09-292022-09-29 Umar Auwal
#00020645ClosedRequest2022-09-29REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-09-29Nohello, find below, 0150000882533 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 511719 Debt Repayment ₦35,996.40 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦31,996.40 M 2022-07-22 ₦4,000.00 2022-09-29 0150000946775 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672905043101 Debt Repayment ₦13,377.43 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦10,877.43 M 2022-07-28 ₦2,500.00 2022-08-25 0150000912926 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 511854 Debt Repayment ₦82,744.61 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦80,744.61 M 2022-08-02 ₦2,000.00 2022-09-29 0150000960412 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672125139201 Debt Repayment ₦187,742.94 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦185,742.94 M 2022-07-29 ₦2,000.00 2022-08-232022-09-29 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020644ClosedKCT Request2022-09-29REQUEST FOR KCT FRON - 21 TO PRESENT INDEX -0101161022690Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-29Nohello, find below, 5912 6133 2363 9189 3437 6198 2653 0985 6887 80602022-09-29 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020643ClosedRequest2022-09-29REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 44000423085Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-29Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 658242427701 Debt Repayment ₦5,350.57 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2022-06-30 ₦5,350.57 2022-09-22 Closed2022-09-29 longpuan@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020642ClosedKCT Request2022-09-29KctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-29Nohello, find below, 1 To 21 4682 3749 0868 9320 6383 6100 4951 8237 7788 4350 21 To 1 3076 4492 8860 4739 3397 4257 8459 1259 3297 49352022-09-29 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020641ClosedRequest2022-09-29REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE ====0101200082978Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-29NoFind below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612659048101 Debt Repayment ₦478,317.05 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦478,317.05 M 2022-08-12 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-09-29 nmaisugar@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020640ClosedRequest2022-09-29REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101150171862Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-29Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 504495 Debt Repayment ₦96,670.06 ₦-28,170.54 ₦2,000.00 ₦36,499.52 M 2019-02-01 ₦32,000.00 2022-09-292022-09-29 longpuan@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020639Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020638Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020637ClosedRequest2022-09-27DEBT PROFILEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-27NoDear Wuladi, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 632391 Debt Repayment ₦66,315.12 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦66,315.12 M 2022-07-19 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-09-27 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020636Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020635Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020634ClosedTamper Code2022-09-27REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPERMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-27NoGood morning, find below, 0101170383745 Clear Tamper 0 6737 4134 1170 1918 8872 44000402436 Clear Tamper 0 4102 7100 0808 1312 5375 44000404184 Clear Tamper 0 5953 6026 8230 8796 2757 44000399335 Clear Tamper 0 0723 7127 3649 7605 2987 57100068444 Clear Tamper 0 4322 3653 4875 3175 63162022-09-27 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020633ClosedTamper Code2022-09-27REQUEST FOR CLEAR TAMPERMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-27NoDear Uduh, find below, 44000665214 Clear Tamper 0 0295 8743 2904 0814 89792022-09-27 uduhaleje@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020632Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020631ClosedKCT Request2022-09-27REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-27Nohello, find below. 54150625264 2470 5118 7922 8546 1263 4905 4039 0499 7560 82652022-09-27 samueldchun@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020630ClosedTamper Code2022-09-27Request for clear temper 0101170231670 & 57100020676Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-27NoDear Didiwo, find below, ​ 0101170231670 Clear Tamper 0 2620 5647 0480 9794 7514 57100020676.......................not captured.2022-09-27 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020629ClosedKCT Request2022-09-27KctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-27Nohello, find below. 62321165508 3959 4818 4387 4896 9566 3146 1532 8033 8486 29742022-09-27 zakimimidoomaureen@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020628ClosedKCT Request2022-09-27KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-09-27Nohello, find below. 0101160355364 2 To 1 0314 4515 3398 8692 2987 6756 5368 1596 6856 27212022-09-27 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020627Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020626Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020625Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020624ClosedKCT Request2022-09-27Request for kct,MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-09-27Nohello, find below. 44000365419 5794 6649 0045 6738 5872 6381 6540 5475 0954 34082022-09-27 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020623Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020622ClosedKCT Request2022-09-23REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-23NoDear Jennifer, Please note that this meter is also on 99 on the system.2022-09-23 jenogah@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020621ClosedKCT Request2022-09-23KctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-23NoDear Umar, find below, 29252312910000100251 171406453933456578662022-09-23 umarmacy@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020620Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020619ClosedRequest2022-09-23Debt profile 0150000887748MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-09-23Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 553300 Debt Repayment ₦45,095.37 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦43,095.37 M 2022-08-16 ₦2,000.00 2022-09-232022-09-23 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020618ClosedKCT Request2022-09-23KCT REQUEST: 0101160355216 (99 to 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-09-23Nohello, find below. 0101160355216 2506 9167 0379 8656 0983 2168 9514 2445 0759 83022022-09-23 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020617ClosedRequest2022-09-23REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 44000368496MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-09-23Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612903165801 Debt Repayment ₦226,766.82 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦226,766.82 M 2022-08-12 ₦0.00 2022-08-302022-09-23 nmaisugar@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020616ClosedKCT Request2022-09-23KCT GENERATION from 02 to 01 95300197159Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-23Nohello, find below. 5702 0594 1085 6987 0608 1007 2292 8043 5275 32642022-09-23 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020615ClosedKCT Request2022-09-23REQUEST FOR KEY CHANGE TOKENMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-23Nohello, find below, It is also on 001 on our system. So, it does not require KCT. If they are facing any difficulties recharging, kindly dispatch maintenance team.2022-09-23 sunnyochekwu@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020614ClosedKCT Request2022-09-23KCT REQUEST: 0101160355216 (99 to 01)Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-23Nohello, find below. 0101160355216 2506 9167 0379 8656 0983 2168 9514 2445 0759 83022022-09-23 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020613ClosedKCT Request2022-09-23KCT RequestMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-23Nohello, find below. 62321206500 index 01-99 4282 8004 7021 0046 8516 1840 3731 3214 8940 3130 57100064518 5305 1055 5048 7164 5572 4683 1160 7778 4210 11192022-09-23 yinknuga2002@yahoo.co.uk Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020612ClosedRequest2022-09-23Debt profile 01500008887748Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-23Nohello, find below. There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment. hello, find below. There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2022-09-23 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020611ClosedRequest2022-09-23Debt profile 54161152837Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-22Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 592612 Debt Repayment ₦136,859.87 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦96,859.87 M 2020-08-27 ₦40,000.00 2022-09-23 ---- On Fri, 23 Sep 2022 12:20:21 +0100 Abubakar Bappa wrote --- Abubakar Bappa 12:20 PM SUPPORT Debt profile 54161152837 - Debt profile 54161152837 Abubakar Bappa CCRM Officer. Customer Care Relationship Management. JED Plc, Bauchi Region. E2: abubakabappa766@gmail.com.com E3: abubakar.bappa@jedplc.com W: www.jedpl.com Think of the environment before you print this mess hello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 592612 Debt Repayment ₦136,859.87 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦96,859.87 M 2020-08-27 ₦40,000.00 2022-09-23 ---- On Fri, 23 Sep 2022 12:20:21 +0100 Abubakar Bappa wrote --- Abubakar Bappa 12:20 PM SUPPORT Debt profile 54161152837 - Debt profile 54161152837 Abubakar Bappa CCRM Officer. Customer Care Relationship Management. JED Plc, Bauchi Region. E2: abubakabappa766@gmail.com.com E3: abubakar.bappa@jedplc.com W: www.jedpl.com Think of the environment before you print this mess2022-09-23 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020610OpenRequest0000-00-00Debt profile 541609130803840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-23Nohello, find below. 54160913080 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6341102570-01 Debt Repayment ₦94,019.82 ₦-36,001.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦38,018.82 M 2017-02-17 ₦20,000.00 2022-03-182022-09-23 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020609ClosedRequest2022-09-22Debt profile 0150000901077Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-23Nohello find below. ccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 634403174701 Debt Repayment ₦5,456.66 ₦0.00 ₦5,000.00 ₦5,456.66 M 2022-08-09 ₦0.00 2022-08-262022-09-23 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020608Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020607ClosedRequest2022-09-23Request for debt profile 54160739691Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-23Nohello, find below. No data available in table2022-09-23 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020606ClosedRequest2022-09-23Debt profile 44000410850Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-23Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 708130 Debt Repayment ₦84,658.54 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦76,658.54 M 2022-05-18 ₦8,000.00 2022-09-162022-09-23 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020605Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020604ClosedKCT Request2022-09-22KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-09-22Nohello, find below. It is also on 001 on our system. So, it does not require KCT. If they are facing any difficulties recharging, kindly dispatch maintenance.2022-09-22 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020603Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020602ClosedKCT Request2022-09-22KCT 44000425841Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-22Nohello, find below. This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-09-22 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020601ClosedRequest2022-09-22Debt ProfileMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri0000-00-00Nohello, find below. 0101210146748 ​ Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 681617 Debt Repayment ₦8,503.99 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦503.99 M 2022-05-18 ₦8,000.00 2022-09-22 ​ 0101210171472 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 550244 Debt Repayment ₦330,459.47 ₦0.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦320,459.47 M 2022-07-13 ₦10,000.00 2022-08-22 0101205011998 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 607443 Debt Repayment ₦42,444.26 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦34,444.26 M 2022-05-18 ₦8,000.00 2022-09-18 hello, find below. 0101210146748 ​ Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 681617 Debt Repayment ₦8,503.99 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦503.99 M 2022-05-18 ₦8,000.00 2022-09-22 ​ 0101210171472 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 550244 Debt Repayment ₦330,459.47 ₦0.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦320,459.47 M 2022-07-13 ₦10,000.00 2022-08-22 0101205011998 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 607443 Debt Repayment ₦42,444.26 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦34,444.26 M 2022-05-18 ₦8,000.00 2022-09-182022-09-22 Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020600ClosedVending History2022-09-22Vending historyMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-22Nohello, find attached.2022-09-22 faithelisha1990@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020599ClosedRequest2022-09-22Debt profileMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2022-09-22Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 708112 Debt Repayment ₦41,068.17 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦36,068.17 M 2022-06-06 ₦5,000.00 2022-08-282022-09-22 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00020598ClosedRequest2022-09-22REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 44000502946Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-22Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 778958 Debt Repayment ₦22,866.16 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦20,866.16 M 2022-08-17 ₦2,000.00 2022-09-012022-09-22 nmaisugar@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020597ClosedKCT Request2022-09-22KCT 0150000875156Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-22Nohello, find below. This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-09-22 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020596ClosedVending History2022-09-22VENDING HISTORYMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-22NoDear Emily, find attach,2022-09-22 emiliciousgrace@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020595Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020594ClosedRequest2022-09-20Debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-09-20Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 556744 Debt Repayment ₦24,993.06 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦20,993.06 M 2022-07-29 ₦4,000.00 2022-09-132022-09-20 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020593Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020592ClosedRequest2022-09-20DebtMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-20Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 582111 Debt Repayment ₦21,114.39 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦17,114.39 M 2022-07-28 ₦4,000.00 2022-09-202022-09-20 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020591ClosedRequest2022-09-20Request for Debt profile for 0101200124820Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-20Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612661066601 Debt Repayment ₦267,525.68 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦255,025.68 M 2022-04-05 ₦12,500.00 2022-09-052022-09-20 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020590ClosedKCT Request2022-09-20KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-20Nohello, find below. 44300009519 1-74 and 74=1 74 To 1 6616 1409 2113 0014 4044 6153 1013 8219 5282 3043 3159 3789 8025 2994 9517 2900 1045 0153 8805 8577 0101161000274 TI04 4 To 1 5975 6748 0014 6574 6535 2679 3459 7698 9474 93722022-09-20 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020589ClosedKCT Request2022-09-20REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-20Nohello, find below. 44000634376 5402 9689 1500 0887 0530 6187 5559 2298 9583 36812022-09-20 samueldchun@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020588ClosedRequest2022-09-20DEBT STATUSMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-20Nohello, find below. 1) 44000377240 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly state clearly what the problem is so that we can do the needful. 2) 54161008989 1908 1037 9670 6046 7253 6503 9312 5338 7394 56722022-09-20 samueldchun@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020587ClosedRequest2022-09-20REQUEST FOR DEBT STATUS- 95300211240Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-20Nohello,l find below. 95300211240 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 635650 Debt Repayment ₦6,112.05 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦2,112.052022-09-20 longpuan@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020586Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020585OpenKCT Request0000-00-00Request for KCT3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-20Nohello, It is also on 001 on our system. So, it does not require KCT. If they are facing any difficulties recharging, kindly dispatch maintenance team to troubleshoot the meter. hello, It is also on 001 on our system. So, it does not require KCT. If they are facing any difficulties recharging, kindly dispatch maintenance team to troubleshoot the meter. hello, It is also on 001 on our system. So, it does not require KCT. If they are facing any difficulties recharging, kindly dispatch maintenance team to troubleshoot the meter. hello, It is also on 001 on our system. So, it does not require KCT. If they are facing any difficulties recharging, kindly dispatch maintenance team to troubleshoot the meter. hello, It is also on 001 on our system. So, it does not require KCT. If they are facing any difficulties recharging, kindly dispatch maintenance team to troubleshoot the meter. hello, It is also on 001 on our system. So, it does not require KCT. If they are facing any difficulties recharging, kindly dispatch maintenance team to troubleshoot the meter.2022-09-20 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020584ClosedRequest2022-09-20REQUEST FOR DEBT HISTORYMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-20Nohello, find below. 0195000002053 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 709052 Debt Repayment ₦20,964.51 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦8,964.51 M 2022-03-01 ₦12,000.00 2022-09-202022-09-20 florarumun@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020583ClosedRequest2022-09-20REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 0101200011498Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-20Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 514519 Debt Repayment ₦96,786.15 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦90,786.15 M2022-09-20 nmaisugar@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020582ClosedKCT Request2022-09-20KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-20Nohello, find below. 44000445740 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly state clearly what the problem is so that we can do the needful.2022-09-20 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020581ClosedKCT Request2022-09-20KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-20NoGood morning, find below, 6690 8490 8358 1909 6802 2183 5679 7693 4889 7406 ​2022-09-20 yinknuga2002@yahoo.co.uk Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020580ClosedKCT Request2022-09-20KctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-20Nohello, find below. 5975 6748 0014 6574 6535 2679 3459 7698 9474 93722022-09-20 amibabs433@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020579Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020578ClosedRequest2022-09-20DEBT PROFILEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-20Nohello, find below. 0101160005977 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 584087 Debt Repayment ₦101,533.57 ₦-35,995.69 ₦2,000.00 ₦37,537.88 M 2019-02-13 ₦28,000.00 2022-08-17 95300105178 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 744689 Debt Repayment ₦32,996.32 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦18,996.32 M 2022-02-28 ₦14,000.00 2022-09-142022-09-20 uduhaleje@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020577ClosedRequest2022-09-20DEBT PROFILEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-20Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 453792 Debt Repayment ₦233,771.86 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦231,771.86 M 2022-08-15 ₦2,000.00 2022-09-072022-09-20 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020576ClosedRequest2022-09-20REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 44000306579Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-20Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 520717 Debt Repayment ₦192,443.22 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦190,443.22 M 2022-08-152022-09-20 nmaisugar@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020575ClosedKCT Request2022-09-20REQUEST FOR KCT 54161027542Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri0000-00-00Nohello, find below. 6306 1523 7938 0403 7500 3552 4712 4358 8252 95062022-09-20 wyontochae@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020574ClosedRequest2022-09-20Debt profile,Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-20Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 409146 Debt Repayment ₦280,678.34 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦278,678.34 M 2022-08-16 ₦2,000.00 2022-09-172022-09-20 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020573ClosedKCT Request2022-09-20REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-20Nohello, find below. 2006 0806 4407 8124 4563 4027 5748 2892 2955 09762022-09-20 florarumun@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020572ClosedRequest2022-09-20DEBT PROFILEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-20Nohello, find below. 0150000851132 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672116390401 Debt Repayment ₦62,499.20 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦52,499.20 M 2022-04-07 ₦10,000.00 2022-09-03 0150000980709 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 551516 Debt Repayment ₦9,559.29 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦9,559.29 M 2022-08-11 ₦0.00 2022-08-31 0150000845530 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672139127501 Debt Repayment ₦31,437.42 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦21,437.42 M 2022-04-08 ₦10,000.00 2022-09-19 hello, find below. 0150000851132 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672116390401 Debt Repayment ₦62,499.20 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦52,499.20 M 2022-04-07 ₦10,000.00 2022-09-03 0150000980709 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 551516 Debt Repayment ₦9,559.29 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦9,559.29 M 2022-08-11 ₦0.00 2022-08-31 0150000845530 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672139127501 Debt Repayment ₦31,437.42 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦21,437.42 M 2022-04-08 ₦10,000.00 2022-09-19 hello, find below. 0150000851132 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672116390401 Debt Repayment ₦62,499.20 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦52,499.20 M 2022-04-07 ₦10,000.00 2022-09-03 0150000980709 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 551516 Debt Repayment ₦9,559.29 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦9,559.29 M 2022-08-11 ₦0.00 2022-08-31 0150000845530 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672139127501 Debt Repayment ₦31,437.42 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦21,437.42 M 2022-04-08 ₦10,000.00 2022-09-19 hello, find below. 0150000851132 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672116390401 Debt Repayment ₦62,499.20 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦52,499.20 M 2022-04-07 ₦10,000.00 2022-09-03 0150000980709 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 551516 Debt Repayment ₦9,559.29 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦9,559.29 M 2022-08-11 ₦0.00 2022-08-31 0150000845530 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672139127501 Debt Repayment ₦31,437.42 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦21,437.42 M 2022-04-08 ₦10,000.00 2022-09-19 hello, find below. 0150000851132 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672116390401 Debt Repayment ₦62,499.20 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦52,499.20 M 2022-04-07 ₦10,000.00 2022-09-03 0150000980709 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 551516 Debt Repayment ₦9,559.29 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦9,559.29 M 2022-08-11 ₦0.00 2022-08-31 0150000845530 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672139127501 Debt Repayment ₦31,437.42 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦21,437.42 M 2022-04-08 ₦10,000.00 2022-09-192022-09-20 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020571Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020570ClosedKCT Request2022-09-20KCT REQUEST: 95300120433 (21 to 01)Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-20Nohello, find below. 4310 5291 3141 8431 0520 6442 8694 6567 4379 16392022-09-20 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020569ClosedRequest2022-09-20Request for debt profile 44000608966Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-20Nohello, find below. There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2022-09-20 tyoverpeter@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020568Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020567Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020566ClosedKCT Request2022-09-20REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-20Nohello, find below. 95300160561 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 95300152220 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. hello, find below. 95300160561 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 95300152220 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it2022-09-20 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020565ClosedRequest2022-09-20REQUEST DEBT PROFILE 95300181690/664484Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-20Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 664484 Debt Repayment ₦30,180.37 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦22,180.37 M 2022-04-05 ₦8,000.00 2022-08-242022-09-20 wyontochae@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020564ClosedKCT Request2022-09-20REQUEST FOR KCT---0101210236606Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-20Nohello, find below. 0101210236606 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-09-20 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020563ClosedKCT Request2022-09-20Request for kct tariff index 45 0101210169484Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-20Nohello, find below. 5090 6276 9104 8695 0262 6333 1740 4242 2857 17432022-09-20 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020562In ProgressKCT Request2022-09-20Request for kct tariff index 45 0101210169484Medium 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020561ClosedKCT Request2022-09-20Request for kctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-20NoGood morning, find below, 3473 4158 1886 6891 9139 0002 1996 4213 5100 81632022-09-20 okadonyesimona@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020560ClosedRequest2022-09-20Request for debt profile - 0101161059155Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-20NoGood morning, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 474771 Debt Repayment ₦129,838.43 ₦-91,879.18 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,959.25 M2022-09-20 stynlucs@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020559ClosedRequest2022-09-20REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 44000663664Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-20NoGood morning, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 659181 Debt Repayment ₦68,353.96 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦66,353.96 M2022-09-20 nmaisugar@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020558ClosedKCT Request2022-09-20KctsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-20NoGood morning, find below, 5576 7389 7121 3564 9019 5470 2150 6080 8214 91052022-09-20 terpineemma@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020557ClosedRequest2022-09-20DEBT PROFILEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri0000-00-00NoGood morning, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6152166782-01 Debt Repayment ₦543,456.02 ₦-92,671.25 ₦2,000.00 ₦418,784.77 M 2019-04-23 ₦32,000.00 2022-09-202022-09-20 uduhaleje@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020556ClosedTamper Code2022-09-20REQUEST FOR TEMPERMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-20NoGood morning, find below, 44000523181 Clear Tamper 0 6552 6113 6981 0104 6146 62321003782 Clear Tamper 0 1080 7274 8703 0226 8177 62321065963 Clear Tamper 0 5075 3188 8591 8166 8183 62321066888 Clear Tamper 0 2320 0713 2348 0710 1178 62321074494 Clear Tamper 0 3486 8020 6482 2676 9961 0101160059586 Clear Tamper 0 6776 2055 3317 6636 27782022-09-20 kabiru.ibrahim@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020555ClosedKCT Request2022-09-20Re: Request for kct tariff index 45 0101210111130Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-20NoGood morning, find below, 0188 3493 0239 7991 3945 5157 0728 9991 5795 1583 ​2022-09-19 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020554Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020553ClosedKCT Request2022-09-19Request for KCT IsaacMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19NoGood morning, find below, 2198 8759 7739 9248 2150 2897 8010 2215 5370 43192022-09-19 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020552ClosedVending History2022-09-19Request for vending historyMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19NoGood morning, find attach,2022-09-19 okadonyesimona@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020551In ProgressKCT Request2022-09-19KctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri0000-00-00Nohello, find below. This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.0000-00-00 munirishaqjos@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020550ClosedRequest2022-09-19REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE---0101200090955Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 665926 Debt Repayment ₦159,085.73 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦151,085.73 M 2022-04-06 ₦8,000.00 2022-08-302022-09-19 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020549ClosedKCT Request2022-09-19Re: REQUEST FOR KCT - 54160737406Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6131093113-01 Debt Repayment ₦139,117.00 ₦-120,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2016-10-04 ₦19,117.00 2022-09-13 Closed2022-09-19 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020548ClosedRequest2022-09-19REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 44000685196Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 733992 Debt Repayment ₦56,273.16 ₦0.00 ₦5,000.00 ₦56,273.16 M 2022-08-24 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-09-19 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020547Closed2022-09-19Re: KctsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. 1247 4010 7992 1094 2442 4853 7574 3103 9147 39952022-09-19 terpineemma@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020546ClosedKCT Request2022-09-19Request for KCT JohnMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. 6129 2473 1744 0096 0716 5832 9774 9930 4978 97342022-09-19 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020545Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020544ClosedRequest2022-09-19REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. 44000739811 There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment. 44000939928 wrong meter number or not captured on our system.2022-09-19 hamzaadamu64@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020543ClosedKCT Request2022-09-19KCT GENERATION from 33 to 01 54160997489Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. 5173 2192 1598 5894 6419 1417 5372 2267 5161 13312022-09-19 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020542ClosedRequest2022-09-19DEBT ENQUIRYMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. 44000377992 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611168321901 Debt Repayment ₦411,168.30 ₦0.00 ₦5,000.00 ₦411,168.30 M 2022-08-09 ₦0.00 2022-08-29 0101170221606 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6112061235-01 Debt Repayment ₦112,657.52 ₦0.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦112,657.52 M 2019-08-29 ₦0.00 2021-05-312022-09-19 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020541ClosedRequest2022-09-19REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. 0150000851561 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672162312901 Debt Repayment ₦78,432.46 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦78,432.46 M 2022-07-22 ₦0.00 2022-07-26 0150000846165 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 700464 Debt Repayment ₦22,695.88 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦18,695.88 M 2022-07-22 ₦4,000.00 2022-09-15 0150000850159 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672162306701 Debt Repayment ₦90,474.10 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦86,474.10 M 2022-07-22 ₦4,000.00 2022-09-12 hello, find below. 0150000851561 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672162312901 Debt Repayment ₦78,432.46 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦78,432.46 M 2022-07-22 ₦0.00 2022-07-26 0150000846165 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 700464 Debt Repayment ₦22,695.88 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦18,695.88 M 2022-07-22 ₦4,000.00 2022-09-15 0150000850159 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672162306701 Debt Repayment ₦90,474.10 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦86,474.10 M 2022-07-22 ₦4,000.00 2022-09-122022-09-19 hamzaadamu64@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020540ClosedRequest2022-09-19Request for debt profile 010119020293Medium 2022-09-19Nohello, find below. wrong meter number or not captured on our system.2022-09-19 nmaisugar@gmail.com
#00020539ClosedRequest2022-09-19REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101190007977Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 693493 Debt Repayment ₦7,970.10 ₦0.00 ₦1,970.10 ₦1,970.10 V 2022-06-01 ₦6,000.00 2022-09-17 hello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 693493 Debt Repayment ₦7,970.10 ₦0.00 ₦1,970.10 ₦1,970.10 V 2022-06-01 ₦6,000.00 2022-09-17 hello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 693493 Debt Repayment ₦7,970.10 ₦0.00 ₦1,970.10 ₦1,970.10 V 2022-06-01 ₦6,000.00 2022-09-17 hello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 693493 Debt Repayment ₦7,970.10 ₦0.00 ₦1,970.10 ₦1,970.10 V 2022-06-01 ₦6,000.00 2022-09-17 hello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 693493 Debt Repayment ₦7,970.10 ₦0.00 ₦1,970.10 ₦1,970.10 V 2022-06-01 ₦6,000.00 2022-09-17 hello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 693493 Debt Repayment ₦7,970.10 ₦0.00 ₦1,970.10 ₦1,970.10 V 2022-06-01 ₦6,000.00 2022-09-17 hello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 693493 Debt Repayment ₦7,970.10 ₦0.00 ₦1,970.10 ₦1,970.10 V 2022-06-01 ₦6,000.00 2022-09-17 hello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 693493 Debt Repayment ₦7,970.10 ₦0.00 ₦1,970.10 ₦1,970.10 V 2022-06-01 ₦6,000.00 2022-09-17 hello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 693493 Debt Repayment ₦7,970.10 ₦0.00 ₦1,970.10 ₦1,970.10 V 2022-06-01 ₦6,000.00 2022-09-17 hello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 693493 Debt Repayment ₦7,970.10 ₦0.00 ₦1,970.10 ₦1,970.10 V 2022-06-01 ₦6,000.00 2022-09-17 hello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 693493 Debt Repayment ₦7,970.10 ₦0.00 ₦1,970.10 ₦1,970.10 V 2022-06-01 ₦6,000.00 2022-09-17 hello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 693493 Debt Repayment ₦7,970.10 ₦0.00 ₦1,970.10 ₦1,970.10 V 2022-06-01 ₦6,000.00 2022-09-172022-09-19 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020538ClosedRequest2022-09-19REQUEST FOR DEBT STATUS - 95300217445Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 664542 Debt Repayment ₦55,034.32 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦43,034.32 M 2022-03-22 ₦12,000.00 2022-09-192022-09-19 longpuan@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020537ClosedKCT Request2022-09-19Request for kct tariff index 3 44000686285 & 1 54150618434Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. 44000686285 It is also on 003 on our system. So, it does not require KCT. If they are facing any difficulties recharging, kindly dispatch maintenance team. 54150618434 It is also on 001 on our system. So, it does not require KCT. If they are facing any difficulties recharging, kindly dispatch maintenance team.2022-09-19 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020536ClosedKCT Request2022-09-19: Request for KCT - 0150000870272Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19No1005 7383 2655 4814 2261 3091 4548 1561 4910 04422022-09-19 stynlucs@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020535ClosedRequest2022-09-19REQUEST FOR CLEAR TAMPER CODE 44000667327Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19NoDear Joseph, find below, 44000667327 Clear Tamper 0 6469 1559 7436 1440 70022022-09-19 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020534ClosedTamper Code2022-09-19REQUEST FOR TAMPER CODEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19NoDear Samuel, find below, 44300000757 Clear Tamper 0 5400 3733 0879 5975 47862022-09-19 samueldchun@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020533Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020532ClosedKCT Request2022-09-19REQUEST FOR KCT FROM 021 TO THE CURRENT TARIFF---95300105475Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. 2908 6659 8063 9606 6670 0743 9211 9960 4437 13472022-09-19 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020531ClosedKCT Request2022-09-19Re: KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19No0101210036683 6129 2473 1744 0096 0716 5832 9774 9930 4978 97342022-09-19 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020530Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020529ClosedRequest2022-09-19REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE- 0101170375014Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 567480 Debt Repayment ₦147,825.18 ₦-30,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦85,825.18 M 2020-01-21 ₦32,000.00 2022-2022-09-19 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020528ClosedKCT Request2022-09-19KCT REQUEST: 57300004017 (02 to 01)Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. 4171 9793 9750 7683 8341 1677 4687 7377 9225 40002022-09-19 demugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020527ClosedRequest2022-09-19REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE---0101195003088Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 504019 Debt Repayment ₦365,913.88 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦359,913.88 M 2022-06-30 ₦6,000.00 2022-09-192022-09-19 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020526ClosedRequest2022-09-19DEBT PROFILE: 0101200078349Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 679368 Debt Repayment ₦11,269.58 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦9,269.58 M 2022-06-01 ₦2,000.00 2022-07-182022-09-19 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020525ClosedKCT Request2022-09-19KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri0000-00-00Nohello, find below. 5307 6341 7436 3088 9606 1532 5401 4138 8818 07262022-09-19 yinknuga2002@yahoo.co.uk Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020524ClosedKCT Request2022-09-19KCT REQUEST: 57300004017 (02 to 01)Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. 6658 6688 8326 7810 6982 5553 5888 2991 7889 57412022-09-19 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020523ClosedRequest2022-09-19DEBT PROFILEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. 44000401479 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 683146 Debt Repayment ₦14,757.30 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦12,757.30 M 2022-08-10 ₦2,000.00 2022-09-192022-09-19 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020522ClosedKCT Request2022-09-19: Request for kct tariff index 1 44000736973Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. 44000736973 3362 8731 6414 5645 5979 4790 8396 4938 7256 64622022-09-19 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020521ClosedRequest2022-09-19Request for SGCMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19NoDear Tor, find below, 09124623382886020741 215269611144598816272022-09-19 thompsontor@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020520ClosedRequest2022-09-19DEBT PROFILEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2022-09-19 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020519ClosedTamper Code2022-09-19Request for Clear temper 44300000757Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19NoDear Didiwo, Samuel sent the same meter number with the same request and here you are also sending the same thing, please you and him should be communicating before sending the request.2022-09-19 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020518ClosedKCT Request2022-09-19REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. 4084 4688 8082 9503 7450 2921 2667 7515 4887 82692022-09-19 yusufibrahimbaba440@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020517ClosedRequest2022-09-19REQUEST FOR TAMPERMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19NoDear Wuladi, find below, 54161085177 Clear Tamper 0 4671 3841 7855 0387 6398 due to power surge 44000365195 Clear Tamper 0 1988 2315 3540 0609 0633 due to power surge 95300162351 Clear Tamper 0 1638 4116 3510 1588 0617 due to power surge 57100076280 Clear Tamper 0 5039 1979 7366 770 due to power surge 44000669273 Clear Tamper 0 0033 9947 0634 3883 9254 due to power surge 44000685766 Clear Tamper 0 1470 4648 3721 8573 1016 due to power surge ​ 44000365195 Clear Tamper 0 3267 7080 2423 8945 2706 due to power surge 0101200021133 Clear Tamper 0 2909 5245 4411 2681 0630 meter was was burnt and was taken for repairs. 44000365195 Clear Tamper 0 6264 9420 4887 6306 72782022-09-19 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020516ClosedKCT Request2022-09-19Re: REQUEST FOR KCT - FROM 22 - 01- 54161158875Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. 6331 7985 8393 5513 5039 2515 6138 5768 5013 73752022-09-19 longpuan@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020515ClosedKCT Request2022-09-19KctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. 62321144198 1468 5859 6893 7981 8866 5720 3707 7714 7485 5593 62321148025 2516 5184 2278 6917 6177 4706 7152 2500 1800 38572022-09-19 odohgeorge86@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020514In ProgressTamper Code2022-09-19REQUEST FOR CLEAR TAMPERMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri0000-00-00NoDear Uduh, find below, 0101170393470 Clear Tamper 0 1806 1062 7469 5983 5915 44300017108 Clear Tamper 0 5055 4745 0910 8805 12550000-00-00 uduhaleje@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020513ClosedRequest2022-09-19REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE---44000519577Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 781144 Debt Repayment ₦1,417.12 ₦0.00 ₦1,417.12 ₦0.00 M 2022-08-31 ₦1,417.12 2022-09-13 Closed2022-09-19 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020512ClosedRequest2022-09-19REQUEST FOR KCT - TARIFF INDEX 02 - 54161158875Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. 7305 1329 6108 5923 9823 0724 8050 2296 8121 38532022-09-19 longpuan@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020511ClosedRequest2022-09-19DEBT PROFILEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 747009 Debt Repayment ₦48,073.15 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦36,073.15 M 2022-03-22 ₦12,000.00 2022-09-192022-09-19 uduhaleje@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020510ClosedRequest2022-09-19DEBT PROFILEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri0000-00-00Nohello, find below. 0150000968449 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 735265 Debt Repayment ₦29,794.58 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦17,794.58 M 2022-03-11 ₦12,000.00 2022-09-17 0150000960594 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 688402 Debt Repayment ₦20,367.61 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦16,367.61 M 2022-07-19 ₦4,000.00 2022-09-122022-09-19 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020509ClosedKCT Request2022-09-19KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. 6658 6688 8326 7810 6982 5553 5888 2991 7889 57412022-09-19 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020508ClosedKCT Request2022-09-19EQUEST FOR KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. 23069074074804759550 506582008970239251132022-09-19 infortech4life@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020507ClosedRequest2022-09-19REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE---0101190152724MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2022-09-19Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611118265501 Debt Repayment ₦102,587.23 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦96,587.23 M 2022-03-29 ₦6,000.00 2022-06-182022-09-19 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00020506ClosedKCT Request2022-09-19REQUEST FOR KCT - 44300005327Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. 2598 0352 0378 5830 7014 5910 3501 3261 1066 22612022-09-20 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020505ClosedRequest2022-09-19: DEBT PROFILEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. 57300004892 There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment. 0101200117022 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 435400 Debt Repayment ₦280,714.19 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦278,714.19 M 2022-08-26 ₦2,000.00 2022-09-15 0101200099410 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 421398 Debt Repayment ₦398,378.22 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦395,878.22 M 2022-03-28 ₦2,500.00 2022-04-202022-09-19 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020504ClosedRequest2022-09-19DEBT PROFILE: 44000668333Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 786212 Debt Repayment ₦1,587.17 ₦0.00 ₦1,587.17 ₦0.00 M 2022-08-09 ₦1,587.17 2022-09-16 Closed2022-09-19 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020503ClosedRequest2022-09-19REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 0101210092868Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 762474 Debt Repayment ₦16,993.53 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦0.00 M 2022-02-25 ₦16,993.53 2022-09-18 Closed2022-09-19 nmaisugar@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020502ClosedRequest2022-09-19Request for debt profile---44000397354Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 380301 Debt Repayment ₦208,581.49 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦206,581.49 M 2022-08-19 ₦2,000.00 2022-09-172022-09-19 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020501ClosedRequest2022-09-19Request for SGCMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19NoDear IT Support Team Kindly Assist with SGC 62421184581 62421184581 62321143372 Dear IT Support Team Kindly Assist with SGC 62421184581 62421184581 62321143372 Good morning, Note that you are sending two the same meter number. 62421184581 39808347543986908841 34621994639370266730 62321143372 50632211656923128720 552736213562142624732022-09-19 thompsontor@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020500ClosedKCT Request2022-09-19KctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. 0101215024783 4231 4412 7775 0109 8850 6354 1278 2898 8400 3127 0101210059875 3386 5776 7087 6885 8791 3995 9164 2145 8198 73022022-09-19 umarmacy@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020499ClosedKCT Request2022-09-19Re: kctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. 6367 4141 8178 7083 2633 2114 2164 3192 8796 40592022-09-19 kpandegodwin09@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020498ClosedKCT Request2022-09-19Request for kct tariff index 45 0101210107773Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. 4283 2968 0414 3796 9912 6686 6631 7537 4308 33582022-09-19 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020497ClosedRequest2022-09-19DEBT DETAILSMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 671466 Debt Repayment ₦45,988.34 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦45,988.34 M 2022-05-23 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-09-19 faizahtafida@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020496ClosedKCT Request2022-09-19kctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. 0565 8051 3953 1074 5147 4371 3418 2627 9562 08962022-09-19 dogoreuben@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020495Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020494ClosedRequest2022-09-19Re: DEBT PROFILEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri0000-00-00Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 629444 Debt Repayment ₦60,317.59 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦57,817.59 M 2022-08-12 ₦2,500.00 2022-09-172022-09-19 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020493ClosedTamper Code2022-09-19REQUEST FOR CLEAR TAMPER- 0195000005239Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri0000-00-00Nohello, find below. 44000686285 & ​ 21 To 3 2165 9226 0385 1796 9638 0659 4243 0160 7199 1408 ​ 33 0101170402180 33 To 1 3896 0181 3499 8326 5943 6290 6303 2800 0362 72632022-09-19 longpuan@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020492ClosedRequest2022-09-19REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 95300148038Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 506602 Debt Repayment ₦481,166.84 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦468,666.84 M 2022-03-10 ₦12,500.00 2022-08-02 ---- On Mon, 19 Sep 2022 10:40:12 +0100 Nusaiba Maisugar wrote --- Nusaiba Maisugar MON SEP 19 10:40 AM SUPPORT hello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 506602 Debt Repayment ₦481,166.84 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦468,666.84 M 2022-03-10 ₦12,500.00 2022-08-02 ---- On Mon, 19 Sep 2022 10:40:12 +0100 Nusaiba Maisugar wrote --- Nusaiba Maisugar MON SEP 19 10:40 AM SUPPORT hello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 506602 Debt Repayment ₦481,166.84 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦468,666.84 M 2022-03-10 ₦12,500.00 2022-08-02 ---- On Mon, 19 Sep 2022 10:40:12 +0100 Nusaiba Maisugar wrote --- Nusaiba Maisugar MON SEP 19 10:40 AM SUPPORT hello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 506602 Debt Repayment ₦481,166.84 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦468,666.84 M 2022-03-10 ₦12,500.00 2022-08-02 ---- On Mon, 19 Sep 2022 10:40:12 +0100 Nusaiba Maisugar wrote --- Nusaiba Maisugar MON SEP 19 10:40 AM SUPPORT hello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 506602 Debt Repayment ₦481,166.84 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦468,666.84 M 2022-03-10 ₦12,500.00 2022-08-022022-09-19 nmaisugar@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020491Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020490ClosedKCT Request2022-09-19Request for KCT---0101210052730Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. 0101210052730 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-09-19 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020489ClosedKCT Request2022-09-19Request for KCT---57300007234Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. 57300007234 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-09-19 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020488ClosedRequest2022-09-19DEBT PROFILEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 488157 Debt Repayment ₦201,247.14 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦199,247.14 M 2022-08-15 ₦2,000.00 2022-09-172022-09-19 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020487OpenTamper Code0000-00-00REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPERMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19NoDear Auwal, find below, 95300218021 Clear Tamper 0 2584 7359 0245 7113 2395 0195000001253 Clear Tamper 0 5518 6732 5030 4661 1147 0195000004786 Clear Tamper 0 2142 2272 4269 5980 6467 44000521201 Clear Tamper 0 2301 2781 4417 1082 36862022-09-19 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020486ClosedTamper Code2022-09-19TamperMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19NoDear Auwal, find below, ​ 0101178022584 Clear Tamper 0 4246 6505 2371 3486 9745​​2022-09-19 decomauwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020485Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020484Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020483ClosedKCT Request2022-09-19KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Noello, find below. This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. ello, find below. This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. ello, find below. This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. hello, find below. This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-09-19 toranyiinkator14@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020482ClosedRequest2022-09-19DEBT PROFILEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-09-19 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020481ClosedRequest2022-09-19Re: DEBT PROFILEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, sorry find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 683166 Debt Repayment ₦6,911.14 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦6,911.14 M 2022-08-19 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-09-19 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020480ClosedTamper Code2022-09-19TamperMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri0000-00-00NoDear Auwal, find below, 54161019341 Clear Tamper 0 2472 3883 0593 4818 4932 0101200075410 Clear Tamper 0 3622 5936 2377 3582 02672022-09-19 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020479ClosedTamper Code2022-09-19Tamper/Clear CreditMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri0000-00-00NoDear Auwal, find below, 54161152704 Clear Credit 0 5468 4683 0447 7170 5840 54161152704 Clear Tamper 0 2529 1658 9040 5922 50302022-09-19 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020478ClosedTamper Code2022-09-19Request for temper code plsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19NoDear Umar, find below, ​ 54161137119 Clear Tamper 0 7356 1098 6173 5129 8702 ​ 44000627495 Clear Tamper 0 2198 9472 8905 3294 60622022-09-19 abubakarumar4102@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020477ClosedTamper Code2022-09-19Tamper/Clear CreditMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19NoDear Auwal, find below, 95300167897 Clear Tamper 0 0592 1587 5950 3930 4883 95300167897 Clear Credit Dear Auwal, find below, 95300167897 Clear Tamper 0 0592 1587 5950 3930 4883 95300167897 Clear Credit 0 5528 0755 0977 4381 74982022-09-19 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020476ClosedTamper Code2022-09-19TamperMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19No44000578060 3550 8376 3860 7969 8471 44000605178 Clear Tamper 0 1348 7589 7843 1824 75772022-09-19 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020475OpenRequest0000-00-00Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020474ClosedVending History2022-09-19Vending historyMedium 2022-09-19Nohell, find below. # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 6765166245725724 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-09-06 10:40:57 Meter No.: 54161070799 Account No.: 667847 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 16.83 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 0720 8771 5793 8022 4459 2 Transaction ID: 5619165962954224 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-08-04 17:12:22 Meter No.: 54161070799 Account No.: 667847 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 25.25 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 6082 7624 9112 1833 7728 3 Transaction ID: 0447164701079424 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-11 15:59:54 Meter No.: 54161070799 Account No.: 667847 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 32.82 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 4086 3199 7133 0148 6330 4 Transaction ID: 1549164449593324 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-10 13:25:33 Meter No.: 54161070799 Account No.: 667847 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 16.41 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 1675 1363 0510 7007 6791 5 Transaction ID: 8172164216910924 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-01-14 15:05:09 Meter No.: 54161070799 Account No.: 667847 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 17.64 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 2797 5984 9666 8576 5500 6 Transaction ID: 8013163922004324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-12-11 11:54:03 Meter No.: 54161070799 Account No.: 667847 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 17.64 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 4339 5337 9121 0400 1913 7 Transaction ID: 3519163603252624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-04 14:28:47 Meter No.: 54161070799 Account No.: 667847 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 35.28 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 1548 1601 8338 5220 0065 8 Transaction ID: 7416162575190824 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-07-08 14:45:08 Meter No.: 54161070799 Account No.: 667847 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 27.51 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 5473 1648 3899 7815 0511 9 Transaction ID: 6685161519741224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-08 10:56:52 Meter No.: 54161070799 Account No.: 667847 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 36.67 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 0069 3405 7819 0558 1779 10 Transaction ID: 6582161072581924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-15 16:50:19 Meter No.: 54161070799 Account No.: 667847 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 18.34 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 1201 7298 9591 4135 13592022-09-19 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com
#00020473ClosedKCT Request2022-09-19Request for KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. Airtel ID ATC ID Vendor DISCOM Meter No. Token Provided KCT Code GM0006 401776 Jowal Ass. JEDC 101185059397 6542-6235-2994-9042-1421 3473 7276 6779 2637 4466 1020 9318 0751 6935 5270 GM0008 401778 Jowal Ass. JEDC 0101 185056500 2743-5662-1207-2215-9460 4789 7701 1646 9326 4576 4467 6104 6772 4316 7940 GM0018 401787 Jowal Ass. JEDC 1011950 03971 2451-0911-7010-4815-1271 20708513254635503287 26341104032004637623 GM0010 401780 Jowal Ass. JEDC 101195002320 6044-3035-1592-0725-5872 2 To 55 3146 9528 3391 5036 1385 6662 6448 5303 5592 4075 hello, find below. Airtel ID ATC ID Vendor DISCOM Meter No. Token Provided KCT Code GM0006 401776 Jowal Ass. JEDC 101185059397 6542-6235-2994-9042-1421 3473 7276 6779 2637 4466 1020 9318 0751 6935 5270 GM0008 401778 Jowal Ass. JEDC 0101 185056500 2743-5662-1207-2215-9460 4789 7701 1646 9326 4576 4467 6104 6772 4316 7940 GM0018 401787 Jowal Ass. JEDC 1011950 03971 2451-0911-7010-4815-1271 20708513254635503287 26341104032004637623 GM0010 401780 Jowal Ass. JEDC 101195002320 6044-3035-1592-0725-5872 2 To 55 3146 9528 3391 5036 1385 6662 6448 5303 5592 4075 hello, find below. Airtel ID ATC ID Vendor DISCOM Meter No. Token Provided KCT Code GM0006 401776 Jowal Ass. JEDC 101185059397 6542-6235-2994-9042-1421 3473 7276 6779 2637 4466 1020 9318 0751 6935 5270 GM0008 401778 Jowal Ass. JEDC 0101 185056500 2743-5662-1207-2215-9460 4789 7701 1646 9326 4576 4467 6104 6772 4316 7940 GM0018 401787 Jowal Ass. JEDC 1011950 03971 2451-0911-7010-4815-1271 20708513254635503287 26341104032004637623 GM0010 401780 Jowal Ass. JEDC 101195002320 6044-3035-1592-0725-5872 2 To 55 3146 9528 3391 5036 1385 6662 6448 5303 5592 4075 hello, find below. Airtel ID ATC ID Vendor DISCOM Meter No. Token Provided KCT Code GM0006 401776 Jowal Ass. JEDC 101185059397 6542-6235-2994-9042-1421 3473 7276 6779 2637 4466 1020 9318 0751 6935 5270 GM0008 401778 Jowal Ass. JEDC 0101 185056500 2743-5662-1207-2215-9460 4789 7701 1646 9326 4576 4467 6104 6772 4316 7940 GM0018 401787 Jowal Ass. JEDC 1011950 03971 2451-0911-7010-4815-1271 20708513254635503287 26341104032004637623 GM0010 401780 Jowal Ass. JEDC 101195002320 6044-3035-1592-0725-5872 2 To 55 3146 9528 3391 5036 1385 6662 6448 5303 5592 4075 hello, find below. Airtel ID ATC ID Vendor DISCOM Meter No. Token Provided KCT Code GM0006 401776 Jowal Ass. JEDC 101185059397 6542-6235-2994-9042-1421 3473 7276 6779 2637 4466 1020 9318 0751 6935 5270 GM0008 401778 Jowal Ass. JEDC 0101 185056500 2743-5662-1207-2215-9460 4789 7701 1646 9326 4576 4467 6104 6772 4316 7940 GM0018 401787 Jowal Ass. JEDC 1011950 03971 2451-0911-7010-4815-1271 20708513254635503287 26341104032004637623 GM0010 401780 Jowal Ass. JEDC 101195002320 6044-3035-1592-0725-5872 2 To 55 3146 9528 3391 5036 1385 6662 6448 5303 5592 40752022-09-19 stynlucs@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020472ClosedTamper Code2022-09-19REQUEST FOR CLEAR TAMPER CODE 0101210102253Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19NoGood morning, find below, 0101210102253 Clear Tamper 0 6604 6377 0630 3325 8861 Good morning, find below, 0101210102253 Clear Tamper 0 6604 6377 0630 3325 8861 Good morning, find below, 0101210102253 Clear Tamper 0 6604 6377 0630 3325 88612022-09-19 wyontochae@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020471ClosedKCT Request2022-09-19KCT REQUEST: 0101200088876 (01 to 02 and 02 to 01)Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. 1 To 2 1334 3276 2948 8402 8156 1099 9921 8541 9685 6629 2 To 1 3102 7471 1924 7359 4271 0603 2851 6558 1524 42562022-09-19 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020470ClosedKCT Request2022-09-19REQUEST FOR KCT TARIFF INDEX - 05- 54160991318Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19NoGood morning, find below, 0890 8864 3746 6689 7196 0615 1523 8887 3253 98892022-09-19 longpuan@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020469ClosedRequest2022-09-19Request for SGCMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19NoGood morning, find below, 62521036954 48460140684233119313 17304786225585366434 62180096240 19547276232801498888 53722522736024846720 Good morning, find below, 62521036954 48460140684233119313 17304786225585366434 62180096240 19547276232801498888 53722522736024846720 Good morning, find below, 62521036954 48460140684233119313 17304786225585366434 62180096240 19547276232801498888 53722522736024846720 62521036954 621800962402022-09-19 thompsontor@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020468ClosedTamper Code2022-09-19TAMPER CODEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19NoGood morning, find below, 0101215019957 Clear Tamper 0 2051 7653 7471 1988 26392022-09-19 kinretluka@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020467ClosedVending History2022-09-19Vending historyMedium 2022-09-19Nohello, find attached. hello, find attached. hello, find attached. 541610707992022-09-19 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com
#00020466ClosedKCT Request2022-09-19KctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri0000-00-00Nohello, find below. 6503 1826 5127 0885 8119 2981 8928 0623 5018 06562022-09-19 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020465ClosedRequest2022-09-19REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101200049100Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 719967 Debt Repayment ₦22,401.24 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦7,401.24 M 2022-03-28 ₦15,000.00 2022-09-162022-09-19 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020464ClosedKCT Request2022-09-19KCT GENERATIONMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri0000-00-00Nohello, find below. It is also on 001 on our system. So, it does not require KCT. If they are facing any difficulties recharging, kindly dispatch maintenance team.2022-09-19 kinretluka@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020463ClosedKCT Request2022-09-19: KCT REQUESTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-09-19 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020462ClosedKCT Request2022-09-19Re: Request for kct tariff index 46 5710042209 & 1 44000721553Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. 5710042209 wrong meter number or not captured on our system. 44000721553 1472 4327 0029 3336 2439 4671 4587 7278 3147 69032022-09-19 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020461In ProgressTamper Code2022-09-19TamperMedium 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020460ClosedRequest2022-09-19DEBT PROFILEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. 0101200104095 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 527996 Debt Repayment ₦101,504.37 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦89,504.37 M 2022-03-28 ₦12,000.00 2022-09-182022-09-19 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020459Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020458ClosedRequest2022-09-19REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 44000728723Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 670016 Debt Repayment ₦28,252.73 ₦0.00 ₦14,252.73 ₦0.00 V 2022-05-31 ₦28,252.73 2022-08-05 Closed 670016 Debt Repayment ₦27,781.38 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦27,781.38 M 2022-08-31 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-09-19 nmaisugar@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020457ClosedTamper Code2022-09-19TamperMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19NoGood morning, find below, 54161037483 Clear Tamper 0 6070 7998 7447 9340 09682022-09-19 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020456ClosedRequest2022-09-19DEBT PROFILEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 409859 Debt Repayment ₦404,085.34 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦392,085.34 M 2022-03-21 ₦12,000.00 2022-09-192022-09-19 uduhaleje@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020455ClosedTamper Code2022-09-19TamperMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19NoGood morning, find below, 62221024722 Clear Tamper 0 4793 5142 7304 6054 33472022-09-19 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020454ClosedRequest2022-09-19REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE---62321092124Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. There are no debt records found for this meter at the moment.2022-09-19 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020453ClosedTamper Code2022-09-19TamperMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19NoGood morning, find below, 44000314730 Clear Tamper 0 0675 9844 7433 2438 55412022-09-19 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020452ClosedTamper Code2022-09-19Tamper/Clear CreditMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19NoGood morning, find below, 0101170188417 Clear Tamper 0 7369 4532 3860 6435 2278 0101170188417 Clear Credit 0 3118 4765 2466 8526 54342022-09-19 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020451ClosedRequest2022-09-19DEBT STATUSMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. 95300120342 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 658504063901 Debt Repayment ₦427,936.61 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦410,436.61 M 2022-02-25 ₦17,500.00 2022-09-192022-09-19 samueldchun@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020450ClosedKCT Request2022-09-19Re: KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. hello, find below. This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. hello, find below. This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. hello, find below. This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. Its Tariff index 5. Thank you.2022-09-19 yinknuga2002@yahoo.co.uk Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020449ClosedRequest2022-09-19DEBT PROFILE: 0101200082895Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri0000-00-00Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 608765 Debt Repayment ₦118,793.45 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦118,793.45 M 2022-08-12 ₦0.00 2022-08-292022-09-19 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020448ClosedRequest2022-09-19DEBT PROFILE 95300197159Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 708926 Debt Repayment ₦21,955.93 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦9,955.93 M 2022-03-29 ₦12,000.00 2022-09-152022-09-19 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020447ClosedRequest2022-09-19Request for temperMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19NoGood morning sir Reminder please2022-09-19 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020446Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020445ClosedRequest2022-09-19DEBT PROFILEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. 44000330363 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 526389 Debt Repayment ₦28,013.45 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦26,013.45 M 2022-08-15 ₦2,000.00 2022-09-15 54160975865 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 511067 Debt Repayment ₦93,403.75 ₦-33,088.59 ₦2,000.00 ₦28,315.16 M 2019-08-15 ₦32,000.00 2022-09-162022-09-19 uduhaleje@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020444ClosedRequest2022-09-19REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. 5348 0305 0542 7876 7918 5811 3377 6528 7478 60422022-09-19 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020443ClosedRequest2022-09-19REQUEST FOR DEBTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri0000-00-00Nohello, find below. 0150000961857 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 688381 Debt Repayment ₦48,184.56 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦48,184.56 M 2022-08-02 ₦0.00 0000-00-00 0150000965791 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 734248 Debt Repayment ₦20,684.30 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦18,684.30 M 2022-08-19 ₦2,000.00 2022-09-11 0150300010777 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 737169 Debt Repayment ₦16,219.66 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦14,219.66 M 2022-03-29 ₦2,000.00 2022-04-302022-09-19 delukosam@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020442ClosedRequest2022-09-19DEBT PROFILEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 629444 Debt Repayment ₦60,317.59 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦57,817.59 M 2022-08-12 ₦2,500.00 2022-09-172022-09-19 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020441ClosedRequest2022-09-19Request for debt profile 0101170375014Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 567480 Debt Repayment ₦147,825.18 ₦-30,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦85,825.18 M 2020-01-21 ₦32,000.00 2022-09-062022-09-19 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020440ClosedRequest2022-09-19REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE---44000667327Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri0000-00-00Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 786241 Debt Repayment ₦33,222.75 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦31,222.75 M2022-09-19 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020439ClosedKCT Request2022-09-19KCT RequestMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-09-19 yinknuga2002@yahoo.co.uk Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020438ClosedRequest2022-09-19Request for debt profileMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. kindly resend the meter number you request for.2022-09-19 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020437ClosedRequest2022-09-19REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE---44000555522Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 697914 Debt Repayment ₦27,867.22 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦25,867.22 M 2022-08-12 ₦2,000.00 2022-09-17 ---- On Mon, 19 Sep 2022 08:37:01 +0100 nuwaira danjuma wrote --- nuwaira danjuma MON SEP 19 8:37 AM SUPPORT REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE---44000555522 - Regards Nuwaira.D.Khalid CCRM ExecutiveJOS Electricity Distribution PlcE: danjumanuwaira@gmail.comW: www.jedplc.com hello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 697914 Debt Repayment ₦27,867.22 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦25,867.22 M 2022-08-12 ₦2,000.00 2022-09-17 ---- On Mon, 19 Sep 2022 08:37:01 +0100 nuwaira danjuma wrote --- nuwaira danjuma MON SEP 19 8:37 AM SUPPORT REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE---44000555522 - Regards Nuwaira.D.Khalid CCRM ExecutiveJOS Electricity Distribution PlcE: danjumanuwaira@gmail.comW: www.jedplc.com hello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 697914 Debt Repayment ₦27,867.22 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦25,867.22 M 2022-08-12 ₦2,000.00 2022-09-17 ---- On Mon, 19 Sep 2022 08:37:01 +0100 nuwaira danjuma wrote --- nuwaira danjuma MON SEP 19 8:37 AM SUPPORT REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE---44000555522 - Regards Nuwaira.D.Khalid CCRM ExecutiveJOS Electricity Distribution PlcE: danjumanuwaira@gmail.comW: www.jedplc.com hello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 697914 Debt Repayment ₦27,867.22 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦25,867.22 M 2022-08-12 ₦2,000.00 2022-09-17 ---- On Mon, 19 Sep 2022 08:37:01 +0100 nuwaira danjuma wrote --- nuwaira danjuma MON SEP 19 8:37 AM SUPPORT REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE---44000555522 - Regards Nuwaira.D.Khalid CCRM ExecutiveJOS Electricity Distribution PlcE: danjumanuwaira@gmail.comW: www.jedplc.com hello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 697914 Debt Repayment ₦27,867.22 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦25,867.22 M 2022-08-12 ₦2,000.00 2022-09-17 ---- On Mon, 19 Sep 2022 08:37:01 +0100 nuwaira danjuma wrote --- nuwaira danjuma MON SEP 19 8:37 AM SUPPORT REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE---44000555522 - Regards Nuwaira.D.Khalid CCRM ExecutiveJOS Electricity Distribution PlcE: danjumanuwaira@gmail.comW: www.jedplc.com hello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 697914 Debt Repayment ₦27,867.22 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦25,867.222022-09-19 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020436ClosedKCT Request2022-09-19equest for KCT - 0101170128231 - Tariff index 1 to 74Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. 1442 4891 9117 3747 1397 5102 8413 1246 5630 15482022-09-19 lucky.akpobi@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020435ClosedKCT Request2022-09-19REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. 3289 7246 6924 2360 9118 6785 7331 0540 2235 59402022-09-19 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020434ClosedRequest2022-09-19REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19Nohello, find below. 44000331890 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 682858 Debt Repayment ₦6,792.98 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦6,792.982022-09-19 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020433ClosedKCT Request2022-09-19Request for KCT from 33 to 01Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-09-19Nohello, find below. 0101210042954 3375 3543 4849 2583 8202 6783 1687 8004 1587 86592022-09-19 achovulaondofa@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00020432ClosedKCT Request2022-09-19KctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19NoHELLO, find below. 0101210318685 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-09-19 munirishaqjos@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020431Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020430Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020429ClosedRequest2022-09-21Incomplete Momas SGC KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19No44979865917685668287 471055012925920510672022-09-19 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020428ClosedKCT Request2022-09-19KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri0000-00-00No6614 0414 6111 2240 2894 1448 5058 3122 9173 99662022-09-19 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020427ClosedKCT Request2022-09-19KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19No62420229452 1 To 99 7255 5186 8897 1709 2562 6566 5212 9253 5002 2281 62420229452 99 To 1 4887 5433 9575 8806 0261 07818902002109577784 ---- On Sat, 17 Sep 2022 18:09:07 +0100 Auwal Aliyu wrote --- Auwal Aliyu SAT SEP 17 6:09 PM SUPPORT KCT - 62420229452 99-1 and 1-99 Thank you Auwalu Aliyu Musa JED HQ Smart Metering Administrator (M, M&E) Jos Electricity Distribution PlcE1: auwal.aliyu@jedplc.comE2: auwalmashall6@gmail.comW: www.jedplc.comNo: 08068197838 62420229452 1 To 99 7255 5186 8897 1709 2562 6566 5212 9253 5002 2281 62420229452 99 To 1 4887 5433 9575 8806 0261 07818902002109577784 ---- On Sat, 17 Sep 2022 18:09:07 +0100 Auwal Aliyu wrote --- Auwal Aliyu SAT SEP 17 6:09 PM SUPPORT KCT - 62420229452 99-1 and 1-99 Thank you Auwalu Aliyu Musa JED HQ Smart Metering Administrator (M, M&E) Jos Electricity Distribution PlcE1: auwal.aliyu@jedplc.comE2: auwalmashall6@gmail.comW: www.jedplc.comNo: 08068197838 62420229452 1 To 99 7255 5186 8897 1709 2562 6566 5212 9253 5002 2281 62420229452 99 To 1 4887 5433 9575 8806 0261 07818902002109577784 ---- On Sat, 17 Sep 2022 18:09:07 +0100 Auwal Aliyu wrote --- Auwal Aliyu SAT SEP 17 6:09 PM SUPPORT KCT - 62420229452 99-1 and 1-99 Thank you Auwalu Aliyu Musa JED HQ Smart Metering Administrator (M, M&E) Jos Electricity Distribution PlcE1: auwal.aliyu@jedplc.comE2: auwalmashall6@gmail.comW: www.jedplc.comNo: 08068197838 62420229452 1 To 99 7255 5186 8897 1709 2562 6566 5212 9253 5002 2281 62420229452 99 To 1 4887 5433 9575 8806 0261 07818902002109577784 ---- On Sat, 17 Sep 2022 18:09:07 +0100 Auwal Aliyu wrote --- Auwal Aliyu SAT SEP 17 6:09 PM SUPPORT KCT - 62420229452 99-1 and 1-99 Thank you Auwalu Aliyu Musa JED HQ Smart Metering Administrator (M, M&E) Jos Electricity Distribution PlcE1: auwal.aliyu@jedplc.comE2: auwalmashall6@gmail.comW: www.jedplc.comNo: 08068197838 62420229452 1 To 99 7255 5186 8897 1709 2562 6566 5212 9253 5002 2281 62420229452 99 To 1 4887 5433 9575 8806 0261 07818902002109577784 ---- On Sat, 17 Sep 2022 18:09:07 +0100 Auwal Aliyu wrote --- Auwal Aliyu SAT SEP 17 6:09 PM SUPPORT KCT - 62420229452 99-1 and 1-99 Thank you Auwalu Aliyu Musa JED HQ Smart Metering Administrator (M, M&E) Jos Electricity Distribution PlcE1: auwal.aliyu@jedplc.comE2: auwalmashall6@gmail.comW: www.jedplc.comNo: 08068197838 62420229452 1 To 99 7255 5186 8897 1709 2562 6566 5212 9253 5002 2281 62420229452 99 To 1 4887 5433 9575 8806 0261 07818902002109577784 ---- On Sat, 17 Sep 2022 18:09:07 +0100 Auwal Aliyu wrote --- Auwal Aliyu SAT SEP 17 6:09 PM SUPPORT KCT - 62420229452 99-1 and 1-99 Thank you Auwalu Aliyu Musa JED HQ Smart Metering Administrator (M, M&E) Jos Electricity Distribution PlcE1: auwal.aliyu@jedplc.comE2: auwalmashall6@gmail.comW: www.jedplc.comNo: 08068197838 62420229452 1 To 99 7255 5186 8897 1709 2562 6566 5212 9253 5002 2281 62420229452 99 To 1 4887 5433 9575 8806 0261 07818902002109577784 ---- On Sat, 17 Sep 2022 18:09:07 +0100 Auwal Aliyu wrote --- Auwal Aliyu SAT SEP 17 6:09 PM SUPPORT KCT - 62420229452 99-1 and 1-99 Thank you Auwalu Aliyu Musa JED HQ Smart Metering Administrator (M, M&E) Jos Electricity Distribution PlcE1: auwal.aliyu@jedplc.comE2: auwalmashall6@gmail.comW: www.jedplc.comNo: 08068197838 62420229452 1 To 99 7255 5186 8897 1709 2562 6566 5212 9253 5002 2281 62420229452 99 To 1 4887 5433 9575 8806 0261 07818902002109577784 ---- On Sat, 17 Sep 2022 18:09:07 +0100 Auwal Aliyu wrote --- Auwal Aliyu SAT SEP 17 6:09 PM SUPPORT KCT - 62420229452 99-1 and 1-99 Thank you Auwalu Aliyu Musa JED HQ Smart Metering Administrator (M, M&E) Jos Electricity Distribution PlcE1: auwal.aliyu@jedplc.comE2: auwalmashall6@gmail.comW: www.jedplc.comNo: 08068197838 62420229452 1 To 99 7255 5186 8897 1709 2562 6566 5212 9253 5002 2281 62420229452 99 To 1 4887 5433 9575 8806 0261 07818902002109577784 ---- On Sat, 17 Sep 2022 18:09:07 +0100 Auwal Aliyu wrote --- Auwal Aliyu SAT SEP 17 6:09 PM SUPPORT KCT - 62420229452 99-1 and 1-99 Thank you Auwalu Aliyu Musa JED HQ Smart Metering Administrator (M, M&E) Jos Electricity Distribution PlcE1: auwal.aliyu@jedplc.comE2: auwalmashall6@gmail.comW: www.jedplc.comNo: 08068197838 62420229452 1 To 99 7255 5186 8897 1709 2562 6566 5212 9253 5002 2281 62420229452 99 To 1 4887 5433 9575 8806 0261 078189020021095777842022-09-19 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020426ClosedKCT Request2022-09-19Re: KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri0000-00-00No4205 2748 1238 3569 4255 5781 5954 7657 3556 11572022-09-19 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020425ClosedKCT Request2022-09-19REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-19No62321144198 1468 5859 6893 7981 8866 5720 3707 7714 7485 5593 62321148025 from 01 to 99 tnk u. 2516 5184 2278 6917 6177 4706 7152 2500 1800 38572022-09-19 yusufibrahimbaba440@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020424ClosedKCT Request2022-09-20: KctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-20Nohello, find below. 3183 8039 1633 3140 2428 6429 2476 6878 7909 90642022-09-20 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020423ClosedKCT Request2022-09-20KctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-20NoDear Nasiru, find below, 0851 7041 9927 0530 8084 2085 1136 3125 8361 56572022-09-20 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020422ClosedRequest2022-09-20REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 0101170449728MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-09-20Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6127271369-01 Debt Repayment ₦623,938.75 ₦-35,003.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦576,935.75 M 2018-12-13 ₦12,000.002022-09-20 nmaisugar@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020421ClosedKCT Request2022-09-20Request for KCT for 0101200057392Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-20NoDear Caraoline, Kindly ask the customer to query the meter and revert with the index on the meter.2022-09-20 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020420ClosedKCT Request2022-09-20KctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-20Nohello, find below. 2330 3020 3216 2498 3361 1498 4280 6377 4296 58932022-09-20 amibabs433@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020419ClosedRequest2022-09-20Re: REQUEST FOR OUTSTANDING BALANCEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-20Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 662412233201 Debt Repayment ₦149,600.94 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦141,600.94 M 2020-04-14 ₦8,000.00 2021-09-302022-09-20 jenogah@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020418ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16KCT REQUEST: 0101161010257 (21 to 01)Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-16Nohello, find below. 2293 5440 3399 2854 0638 5802 5555 3459 5362 3802 hello, find below. 2293 5440 3399 2854 0638 5802 5555 3459 5362 3802 hello, find below. 2293 5440 3399 2854 0638 5802 5555 3459 5362 38022022-09-16 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020417ClosedTamper Code2022-09-16REQUEST FOR CLEAR TAMPER - 0101161011479Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-16NoGood morning, find below, 0101161011479 Clear Tamper 0 4264 6809 3267 1607 37492022-09-16 longpuan@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020416ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16: REQUEST FOR KEY CHANGE TOKENMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-16NoGood morning, find below, 4250 1487 8386 4080 5981 3111 2356 5159 4899 4204 Good morning, find below, 4250 1487 8386 4080 5981 3111 2356 5159 4899 4204 Good morning, find below, 4250 1487 8386 4080 5981 3111 2356 5159 4899 42042022-09-16 sunnyochekwu@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020415ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16REQUEST FOR K C TMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-16NoGood morning, Dear Hamza note that the meter is also on 01 on our system.2022-09-16 hamzaadamu64@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020414ClosedRequest2022-09-16Request for Debt profile for 0101160409179Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-16NoGood morning, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 522804 Debt Repayment ₦122,618.19 ₦-7,500.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦115,118.19 M 2020-02-28 ₦0.00 2021-05-312022-09-16 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020413ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16KctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri0000-00-00NoGood morning, find below, 4949 4488 7123 2368 3730 3892 1490 4376 7108 34642022-09-16 odohgeorge86@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020412ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16Request for kct tariff index 45 95300230471Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-16NoGood morning, find below, 4271 6332 8492 0757 1125 5193 8254 0993 0247 68752022-09-16 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020411ClosedRequest2022-09-16DEBT PROFILEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri0000-00-00NoGood morning, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 665474 Debt Repayment ₦55,367.97 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦42,867.97 M 2022-04-05 ₦12,500.00 2022-09-162022-09-16 uduhaleje@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020410ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16KctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-16NoGood morning, find below, 3380 7051 9076 3308 6048 0312 1261 2955 2892 34172022-09-16 amibabs433@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020409ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16: KctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-16NoFind below, 5827 8384 3553 7427 8840 6315 4699 3055 7737 36942022-09-16 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020408ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16Re: KctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-16NoGood morning, Please before sending the meter number confirm that are captured. Good morning, Please before sending the meter number confirm that are captured. Good morning, Please before sending the meter number confirm that are captured.2022-09-16 ayodelearemo8@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020407ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16KctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-16NoGood morning, find below, 2706 9811 0461 4403 0630 3819 9986 9427 9754 33042022-09-16 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020406ClosedKCT Request2022-09-19KctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-16NoGood morning, find below, 2706 9811 0461 4403 0630 3819 9986 9427 9754 33042022-09-16 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020405ClosedKCT Request2022-09-19KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-09-19Nohello , find below. It is also on 001 on our system. So, it does not require KCT. If they are facing any difficulties recharging, kindly dispatch maintenance team.2022-09-19 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020404ClosedRequest2022-09-19Re: Request for debt profile 0195000005650Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-19Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 679405 Debt Repayment ₦31,106.94 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦31,106.942022-09-19 maisugarnusaiba@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020404ClosedRequest2022-09-19Re: Request for debt profile 0195000005650Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-19Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 679405 Debt Repayment ₦31,106.94 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦31,106.942022-09-19 maisugarnusaiba@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020403ClosedKCT Request2022-09-19REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200003057Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-19NoPlease treat.2022-09-19 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020403ClosedKCT Request2022-09-19REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200003057Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-19NoPlease treat.2022-09-19 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020402ClosedKCT Request2022-09-19REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200003057Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-19NoPlease treat.2022-09-19 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020402ClosedKCT Request2022-09-19REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200003057Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-19NoPlease treat.2022-09-19 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020401ClosedKCT Request2022-09-19: KctMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-19Nohello, find below. 5614 3948 8916 6050 1837 6987 6807 1151 3012 71142022-09-19 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020401ClosedKCT Request2022-09-19: KctMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-19Nohello, find below. 5614 3948 8916 6050 1837 6987 6807 1151 3012 71142022-09-19 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020400ClosedKCT Request2022-09-19Re: kctMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-19Nohello, find below. 5380 9937 9664 3422 1167 5778 1975 3762 7294 87502022-09-19 kpandegodwin09@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020400ClosedKCT Request2022-09-19Re: kctMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-19Nohello, find below. 5380 9937 9664 3422 1167 5778 1975 3762 7294 87502022-09-19 kpandegodwin09@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020399ClosedKCT Request2022-09-19Re: KCT GENERATION from 21 to 01 95300151073Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-19Nohello, find below. 6680 0666 7904 1919 4543 1915 0680 2126 8323 81132022-09-19 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020399ClosedKCT Request2022-09-19Re: KCT GENERATION from 21 to 01 95300151073Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-19Nohello, find below. 6680 0666 7904 1919 4543 1915 0680 2126 8323 81132022-09-19 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020398Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020397ClosedRequest2022-09-16Re: CTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16NoDear Roland, This metre was not captured.2022-09-16 rolandjames750@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020397ClosedRequest2022-09-16Re: CTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16NoDear Roland, This metre was not captured.2022-09-16 rolandjames750@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020396ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16KctMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16NoDear Nasiru, Find below, 4605 8618 8341 3313 7001 0216 1131 9763 4107 23142022-09-16 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020396ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16KctMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16NoDear Nasiru, Find below, 4605 8618 8341 3313 7001 0216 1131 9763 4107 23142022-09-16 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020395ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16Request for KCT for 62321148959 on 01Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16NoDear Adesuwa, Find below, 7053 3110 7311 7724 5317 2510 1136 7366 1301 05432022-09-16 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020395ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16Request for KCT for 62321148959 on 01Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16NoDear Adesuwa, Find below, 7053 3110 7311 7724 5317 2510 1136 7366 1301 05432022-09-16 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020394ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16KctMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman0000-00-00NoDear Jeremiah, Find below, 0649 0665 7457 5814 9698 1428 9677 4748 3602 76932022-09-16 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020394ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16KctMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman0000-00-00NoDear Jeremiah, Find below, 0649 0665 7457 5814 9698 1428 9677 4748 3602 76932022-09-16 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020393ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16Re: KctMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16NoDear Jeremiah, This meter its on 01, Kindly query the meter and let us know the tariff index its on.2022-09-16 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020393ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16Re: KctMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16NoDear Jeremiah, This meter its on 01, Kindly query the meter and let us know the tariff index its on.2022-09-16 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020392ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16Request for kct tariff index 01 95300176047Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16NoDear Chrisnami, This meter its on 01, No KCR required.2022-09-16 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020392ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16Request for kct tariff index 01 95300176047Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16NoDear Chrisnami, This meter its on 01, No KCR required.2022-09-16 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020391Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020390ClosedRequest2022-09-16Urgent Request for Clear Credit Token 62521026500Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-16NoDear Mujtaba, Note that you should be attaching the temper/clear credit form with Audit stamp on it. 62521026500 Clear Credit 0 4004 9709 4052 1437 60682022-09-16 mujtabaumar01@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020389ClosedRequest2022-09-16REQUEST FOR CTT===44000493625Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-16NoDear Sadiq, find below, 0101210013096 Clear Tamper 0 2455 8024 2975 5976 8144 0101210022311 Clear Tamper 0 4587 5935 0538 9974 1580 0101210179046 Clear Tamper 0 0554 6773 1740 6799 6684 0101210041543 Clear Tamper 0 5193 1495 4363 0867 0442 0101210007155 Clear Tamper 0 1244 4558 3873 3994 2203 0101210007064 Clear Tamper 0 5426 5033 0725 8146 1552 0101200053078 Clear Tamper 0 1537 7968 6085 2722 1708 0101200032858 Clear Tamper 0 0989 5891 3254 4199 4731 0101170259291 Clear Tamper 0 6199 8254 0427 7571 8245 0101160405177 Clear Tamper 0 5605 1625 5776 4724 0072 0101210041980 Clear Tamper 0 6580 4532 7357 9514 7361 0101210059636 Clear Tamper 0 5937 6960 1162 2878 8166 0101210018236 Clear Tamper 0 1034 4622 7836 9815 9259 0101170297754 Clear Tamper 0 5491 5785 1493 4504 8160 0101175079587 Clear Tamper 0 6439 9785 4606 1632 5817 0101190143301 Clear Tamper 0 6788 1393 1864 1846 7070 Upgrade 62321065120 Clear Tamper 0 3290 3051 7561 6666 7682 62321069622 62321069650 Clear Tamper 0 4459 9415 4119 9802 6831 62321003600 Clear Tamper 0 4110 7367 6037 1860 7073 95300406360 Clear Tamper 0 4796 5147 1159 2453 8719 Relay Dear Sadiq, find below, 0101210013096 Clear Tamper 0 2455 8024 2975 5976 8144 0101210022311 Clear Tamper 0 4587 5935 0538 9974 1580 0101210179046 Clear Tamper 0 0554 6773 1740 6799 6684 0101210041543 Clear Tamper 0 5193 1495 4363 0867 0442 0101210007155 Clear Tamper 0 1244 4558 3873 3994 2203 0101210007064 Clear Tamper 0 5426 5033 0725 8146 1552 0101200053078 Clear Tamper 0 1537 7968 6085 2722 1708 0101200032858 Clear Tamper 0 0989 5891 3254 4199 4731 0101170259291 Clear Tamper 0 6199 8254 0427 7571 8245 0101160405177 Clear Tamper 0 5605 1625 5776 4724 0072 0101210041980 Clear Tamper 0 6580 4532 7357 9514 7361 0101210059636 Clear Tamper 0 5937 6960 1162 2878 8166 0101210018236 Clear Tamper 0 1034 4622 7836 9815 9259 0101170297754 Clear Tamper 0 5491 5785 1493 4504 8160 0101175079587 Clear Tamper 0 6439 9785 4606 1632 5817 0101190143301 Clear Tamper 0 6788 1393 1864 1846 7070 Upgrade 62321065120 Clear Tamper 0 3290 3051 7561 6666 7682 62321069622 62321069650 Clear Tamper 0 4459 9415 4119 9802 6831 62321003600 Clear Tamper 0 4110 7367 6037 1860 7073 95300406360 Clear Tamper 0 4796 5147 1159 2453 8719 Relay Dear Naomi, find below, 44000493625 Clear Tamper 0 0891 8490 3783 4701 06702022-09-16 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020388ClosedRequest2022-09-16INVALID ACCOUNTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-09-16Nohello, treated as requested.2022-09-16 apaaverem@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020387Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020386ClosedVending History2022-09-16Re: Vending historyMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16No571000651432022-09-16 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020386ClosedVending History2022-09-16Re: Vending historyMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16No571000651432022-09-16 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020385ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16REQUEST FOR KCT - 44000746501 & 44000747012Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16NoDear Tegwi, Find below, 44000746501 7243 6156 3158 6515 4534 5736 4426 7996 1577 7705 44000747012 3802 0684 5415 4234 3577 5768 4438 3724 3991 86372022-09-16 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020385ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16REQUEST FOR KCT - 44000746501 & 44000747012Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16NoDear Tegwi, Find below, 44000746501 7243 6156 3158 6515 4534 5736 4426 7996 1577 7705 44000747012 3802 0684 5415 4234 3577 5768 4438 3724 3991 86372022-09-16 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020384ClosedTamper Code2022-09-16REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPER 44000643658Medium 2022-09-16NoSupport, Pls treat. Support, Pls treat. Support, Pls treat. Support, Pls treat. Support, Pls treat. 440006436582022-09-16 maryambashir4645@gmail.com
#00020383ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16KctMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16NoDear Nasiru, Find below, 4605 8618 8341 3313 7001 0216 1131 9763 4107 23142022-09-16 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020383ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16KctMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16NoDear Nasiru, Find below, 4605 8618 8341 3313 7001 0216 1131 9763 4107 23142022-09-16 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020382ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16Request for KCT for 62321148959 on 01Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16NoDear Adesuwa, Find below, 7053 3110 7311 7724 5317 2510 1136 7366 1301 05432022-09-16 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020382ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16Request for KCT for 62321148959 on 01Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16NoDear Adesuwa, Find below, 7053 3110 7311 7724 5317 2510 1136 7366 1301 05432022-09-16 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020381ClosedRequest2022-09-16CTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16NoDear Mr. Roland, find below, 44000312023 Clear Tamper 0 6598 2950 0924 9398 33082022-09-16 rolandjames750@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020381ClosedRequest2022-09-16CTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16NoDear Mr. Roland, find below, 44000312023 Clear Tamper 0 6598 2950 0924 9398 33082022-09-16 rolandjames750@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020380ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16NoDear Myahwegi, Find below, 0858 0317 4105 6047 9260 2967 2581 8148 6561 54672022-09-16 mwuladi@yahoo.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020380ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16NoDear Myahwegi, Find below, 0858 0317 4105 6047 9260 2967 2581 8148 6561 54672022-09-16 mwuladi@yahoo.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020379ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16Request for kct tariff index 01 95300176047Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16NoThis meter its on 01, No KCR required.2022-09-16 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020379ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16Request for kct tariff index 01 95300176047Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16NoThis meter its on 01, No KCR required.2022-09-16 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020378ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16KCtMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16No3190 8191 3412 5319 2651 4680 2301 4161 7872 19922022-09-16 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020378ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16KCtMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16No3190 8191 3412 5319 2651 4680 2301 4161 7872 19922022-09-16 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020377ClosedRequest2022-09-16REQUEST FOR DEBTMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2022-09-16NoGood evening  Please kindly assist  0150000872575 0150000954290 0150000866478 Thank you for your assistance  Good evening  Please kindly assist  0150000872575 0150000954290 0150000866478 Thank you for your assistance  Good evening  Please kindly assist  0150000872575 0150000954290 0150000866478 Thank you for your assistance  Good evening  Please kindly assist  0150000872575 0150000954290 0150000866478 Thank you for your assistance  0150000872575 0150000954290 01500008664782022-09-16 delukosam@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00020376ClosedRequest2022-09-16CTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-16NoDear Mr. Roland, find below, 44000635530 Clear Tamper 0 1558 8679 9740 4112 0033 44000325132 Clear Tamper 0 6433 7517 0982 9325 7382 44300016720 Clear Tamper 0 5085 4607 1680 1729 89092022-09-16 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020375ClosedRequest2022-09-16REQUEST FOR CTT===44000493625Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-16NoDear Naomi, find below, 44000493625 Clear Tamper 0 0891 8490 3783 4701 06702022-09-16 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020374ClosedTamper Code2022-09-16REQUEST FOR TAMPERMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-16NoDear Wuladi, find below, 62321077596 Clear Tamper 0 5824 7611 3340 4239 92452022-09-16 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020373ClosedRequest2022-09-16Urgent Request for Clear Credit Token 62521026500Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-16Noear Mujtaba, Note that you should be attaching the temper/clear credit form with Audit stamp on it. 62521026500 Clear Credit 0 4004 9709 4052 1437 6068 ear Mujtaba, Note that you should be attaching the temper/clear credit form with Audit stamp on it. 62521026500 Clear Credit 0 4004 9709 4052 1437 6068 ear Mujtaba, Note that you should be attaching the temper/clear credit form with Audit stamp on it. 62521026500 Clear Credit 0 4004 9709 4052 1437 6068 ear Mujtaba, Note that you should be attaching the temper/clear credit form with Audit stamp on it. 62521026500 Clear Credit 0 4004 9709 4052 1437 6068 ear Mujtaba, Note that you should be attaching the temper/clear credit form with Audit stamp on it. 62521026500 Clear Credit 0 4004 9709 4052 1437 6068 ear Mujtaba, Note that you should be attaching the temper/clear credit form with Audit stamp on it. 62521026500 Clear Credit 0 4004 9709 4052 1437 6068 Dear Mujtaba, Note that you should be attaching the temper/clear credit form with Audit stamp on it. 62521026500 Clear Credit 0 4004 9709 4052 1437 60682022-09-16 mujtabaumar01@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020372ClosedTamper Code2022-09-16REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPERMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-16NoDear Maryam, find below, 44000366433 Clear Tamper 0 1552 7007 1804 4712 7494 54160878127 Clear Tamper 0 6626 5070 4019 8056 6481 54150938956 Clear Tamper 0 2085 0662 0493 9634 73382022-09-16 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020371ClosedTamper Code2022-09-16Request for Clear Tamper Token----0101200030340Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-16NoDear Nuwaira, find below, 0101200030340 Clear Tamper 0 2300 3732 6729 7907 79192022-09-16 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020370ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16Nohello, find below. # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 4818166213468024 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-09-02 17:04:40 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 77.49 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 6856 8826 0503 5565 7599 2 Transaction ID: 1689166064072924 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-08-16 10:05:29 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦279.07 Energy Cost: ₦3,720.93 KwH: 61.99 Amount Tendered: ₦4,000.00 1156 2167 8590 3880 7524 3 Transaction ID: 5394165331186324 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-05-23 14:17:43 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦7,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦7,000.00 4 Transaction ID: 5140165047059324 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-20 17:03:13 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦7,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦7,000.00 5 Transaction ID: 4682164787298124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-21 15:29:41 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦6,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦6,000.00 6 Transaction ID: 1810164510868124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-17 15:38:01 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦6,500.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦6,500.00 7 Transaction ID: 2463164243228124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-01-17 16:11:21 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦5,500.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦5,500.00 8 Transaction ID: 1371163947117224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-12-14 09:39:32 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦6,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦6,000.00 9 Transaction ID: 2315163731318624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-19 10:13:06 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦5,500.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦5,500.00 10 Transaction ID: 4262163421815724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-10-14 14:29:17 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦5,500.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦5,500.00 ---- On Fri, 16 Sep 2022 14:39:36 +0100 shaagee jeremiah wrote --- vhello, find below. # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 4818166213468024 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-09-02 17:04:40 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 77.49 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 6856 8826 0503 5565 7599 2 Transaction ID: 1689166064072924 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-08-16 10:05:29 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦279.07 Energy Cost: ₦3,720.93 KwH: 61.99 Amount Tendered: ₦4,000.00 1156 2167 8590 3880 7524 3 Transaction ID: 5394165331186324 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-05-23 14:17:43 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦7,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦7,000.00 4 Transaction ID: 5140165047059324 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-20 17:03:13 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦7,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦7,000.00 5 Transaction ID: 4682164787298124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-21 15:29:41 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦6,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦6,000.00 6 Transaction ID: 1810164510868124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-17 15:38:01 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦6,500.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦6,500.00 7 Transaction ID: 2463164243228124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-01-17 16:11:21 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦5,500.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦5,500.00 8 Transaction ID: 1371163947117224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-12-14 09:39:32 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦6,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦6,000.00 9 Transaction ID: 2315163731318624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-19 10:13:06 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦5,500.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦5,500.00 10 Transaction ID: 4262163421815724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-10-14 14:29:17 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦5,500.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦5,500.00 ---- On Fri, 16 Sep 2022 14:39:36 +0100 shaagee jeremiah wrote --- hello, find below. # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 4818166213468024 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-09-02 17:04:40 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 77.49 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 6856 8826 0503 5565 7599 2 Transaction ID: 1689166064072924 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-08-16 10:05:29 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦279.07 Energy Cost: ₦3,720.93 KwH: 61.99 Amount Tendered: ₦4,000.00 1156 2167 8590 3880 7524 3 Transaction ID: 5394165331186324 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-05-23 14:17:43 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦7,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦7,000.00 4 Transaction ID: 5140165047059324 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-20 17:03:13 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦7,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦7,000.00 5 Transaction ID: 4682164787298124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-21 15:29:41 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦6,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦6,000.00 6 Transaction ID: 1810164510868124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-17 15:38:01 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦6,500.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦6,500.00 7 Transaction ID: 2463164243228124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-01-17 16:11:21 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦5,500.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦5,500.00 8 Transaction ID: 1371163947117224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-12-14 09:39:32 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦6,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦6,000.00 9 Transaction ID: 2315163731318624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-19 10:13:06 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦5,500.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦5,500.00 10 Transaction ID: 4262163421815724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-10-14 14:29:17 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦5,500.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦5,500.00 ---- On Fri, 16 Sep 2022 14:39:36 +0100 shaagee jeremiah wrote --- hello, find below. # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 4818166213468024 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-09-02 17:04:40 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 77.49 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 6856 8826 0503 5565 7599 2 Transaction ID: 1689166064072924 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-08-16 10:05:29 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦279.07 Energy Cost: ₦3,720.93 KwH: 61.99 Amount Tendered: ₦4,000.00 1156 2167 8590 3880 7524 3 Transaction ID: 5394165331186324 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-05-23 14:17:43 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦7,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦7,000.00 4 Transaction ID: 5140165047059324 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-20 17:03:13 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦7,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦7,000.00 5 Transaction ID: 4682164787298124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-21 15:29:41 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦6,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦6,000.00 6 Transaction ID: 1810164510868124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-17 15:38:01 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦6,500.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦6,500.00 7 Transaction ID: 2463164243228124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-01-17 16:11:21 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦5,500.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦5,500.00 8 Transaction ID: 1371163947117224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-12-14 09:39:32 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦6,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦6,000.00 9 Transaction ID: 2315163731318624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-19 10:13:06 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦5,500.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦5,500.00 10 Transaction ID: 4262163421815724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-10-14 14:29:17 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦5,500.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦5,500.00 ---- On Fri, 16 Sep 2022 14:39:36 +0100 shaagee jeremiah wrote --- hello, find below. # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 4818166213468024 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-09-02 17:04:40 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 77.49 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 6856 8826 0503 5565 7599 2 Transaction ID: 1689166064072924 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-08-16 10:05:29 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦279.07 Energy Cost: ₦3,720.93 KwH: 61.99 Amount Tendered: ₦4,000.00 1156 2167 8590 3880 7524 3 Transaction ID: 5394165331186324 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-05-23 14:17:43 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦7,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦7,000.00 4 Transaction ID: 5140165047059324 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-20 17:03:13 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦7,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦7,000.00 5 Transaction ID: 4682164787298124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-21 15:29:41 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦6,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦6,000.00 6 Transaction ID: 1810164510868124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-17 15:38:01 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦6,500.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦6,500.00 7 Transaction ID: 2463164243228124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-01-17 16:11:21 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦5,500.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦5,500.00 8 Transaction ID: 1371163947117224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-12-14 09:39:32 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦6,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦6,000.00 9 Transaction ID: 2315163731318624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-19 10:13:06 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦5,500.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦5,500.00 10 Transaction ID: 4262163421815724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-10-14 14:29:17 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦5,500.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦5,500.00 ---- On Fri, 16 Sep 2022 14:39:36 +0100 shaagee jeremiah wrote --- HELLO FIND BELOW. 2797 7458 3098 1123 7537 2651 6404 6609 1646 78572022-09-16 wyontochae@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020370ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16Nohello, find below. # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 4818166213468024 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-09-02 17:04:40 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 77.49 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 6856 8826 0503 5565 7599 2 Transaction ID: 1689166064072924 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-08-16 10:05:29 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦279.07 Energy Cost: ₦3,720.93 KwH: 61.99 Amount Tendered: ₦4,000.00 1156 2167 8590 3880 7524 3 Transaction ID: 5394165331186324 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-05-23 14:17:43 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦7,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦7,000.00 4 Transaction ID: 5140165047059324 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-20 17:03:13 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦7,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦7,000.00 5 Transaction ID: 4682164787298124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-21 15:29:41 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦6,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦6,000.00 6 Transaction ID: 1810164510868124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-17 15:38:01 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦6,500.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦6,500.00 7 Transaction ID: 2463164243228124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-01-17 16:11:21 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦5,500.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦5,500.00 8 Transaction ID: 1371163947117224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-12-14 09:39:32 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦6,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦6,000.00 9 Transaction ID: 2315163731318624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-19 10:13:06 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦5,500.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦5,500.00 10 Transaction ID: 4262163421815724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-10-14 14:29:17 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦5,500.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦5,500.00 ---- On Fri, 16 Sep 2022 14:39:36 +0100 shaagee jeremiah wrote --- vhello, find below. # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 4818166213468024 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-09-02 17:04:40 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 77.49 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 6856 8826 0503 5565 7599 2 Transaction ID: 1689166064072924 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-08-16 10:05:29 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦279.07 Energy Cost: ₦3,720.93 KwH: 61.99 Amount Tendered: ₦4,000.00 1156 2167 8590 3880 7524 3 Transaction ID: 5394165331186324 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-05-23 14:17:43 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦7,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦7,000.00 4 Transaction ID: 5140165047059324 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-20 17:03:13 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦7,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦7,000.00 5 Transaction ID: 4682164787298124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-21 15:29:41 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦6,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦6,000.00 6 Transaction ID: 1810164510868124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-17 15:38:01 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦6,500.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦6,500.00 7 Transaction ID: 2463164243228124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-01-17 16:11:21 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦5,500.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦5,500.00 8 Transaction ID: 1371163947117224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-12-14 09:39:32 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦6,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦6,000.00 9 Transaction ID: 2315163731318624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-19 10:13:06 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦5,500.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦5,500.00 10 Transaction ID: 4262163421815724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-10-14 14:29:17 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦5,500.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦5,500.00 ---- On Fri, 16 Sep 2022 14:39:36 +0100 shaagee jeremiah wrote --- hello, find below. # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 4818166213468024 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-09-02 17:04:40 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 77.49 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 6856 8826 0503 5565 7599 2 Transaction ID: 1689166064072924 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-08-16 10:05:29 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦279.07 Energy Cost: ₦3,720.93 KwH: 61.99 Amount Tendered: ₦4,000.00 1156 2167 8590 3880 7524 3 Transaction ID: 5394165331186324 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-05-23 14:17:43 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦7,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦7,000.00 4 Transaction ID: 5140165047059324 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-20 17:03:13 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦7,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦7,000.00 5 Transaction ID: 4682164787298124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-21 15:29:41 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦6,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦6,000.00 6 Transaction ID: 1810164510868124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-17 15:38:01 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦6,500.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦6,500.00 7 Transaction ID: 2463164243228124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-01-17 16:11:21 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦5,500.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦5,500.00 8 Transaction ID: 1371163947117224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-12-14 09:39:32 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦6,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦6,000.00 9 Transaction ID: 2315163731318624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-19 10:13:06 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦5,500.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦5,500.00 10 Transaction ID: 4262163421815724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-10-14 14:29:17 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦5,500.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦5,500.00 ---- On Fri, 16 Sep 2022 14:39:36 +0100 shaagee jeremiah wrote --- hello, find below. # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 4818166213468024 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-09-02 17:04:40 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 77.49 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 6856 8826 0503 5565 7599 2 Transaction ID: 1689166064072924 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-08-16 10:05:29 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦279.07 Energy Cost: ₦3,720.93 KwH: 61.99 Amount Tendered: ₦4,000.00 1156 2167 8590 3880 7524 3 Transaction ID: 5394165331186324 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-05-23 14:17:43 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦7,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦7,000.00 4 Transaction ID: 5140165047059324 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-20 17:03:13 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦7,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦7,000.00 5 Transaction ID: 4682164787298124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-21 15:29:41 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦6,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦6,000.00 6 Transaction ID: 1810164510868124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-17 15:38:01 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦6,500.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦6,500.00 7 Transaction ID: 2463164243228124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-01-17 16:11:21 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦5,500.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦5,500.00 8 Transaction ID: 1371163947117224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-12-14 09:39:32 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦6,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦6,000.00 9 Transaction ID: 2315163731318624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-19 10:13:06 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦5,500.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦5,500.00 10 Transaction ID: 4262163421815724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-10-14 14:29:17 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦5,500.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦5,500.00 ---- On Fri, 16 Sep 2022 14:39:36 +0100 shaagee jeremiah wrote --- hello, find below. # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 4818166213468024 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-09-02 17:04:40 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 77.49 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 6856 8826 0503 5565 7599 2 Transaction ID: 1689166064072924 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-08-16 10:05:29 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦279.07 Energy Cost: ₦3,720.93 KwH: 61.99 Amount Tendered: ₦4,000.00 1156 2167 8590 3880 7524 3 Transaction ID: 5394165331186324 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-05-23 14:17:43 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦7,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦7,000.00 4 Transaction ID: 5140165047059324 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-04-20 17:03:13 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦7,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦7,000.00 5 Transaction ID: 4682164787298124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-21 15:29:41 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦6,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦6,000.00 6 Transaction ID: 1810164510868124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-17 15:38:01 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦6,500.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦6,500.00 7 Transaction ID: 2463164243228124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-01-17 16:11:21 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦5,500.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦5,500.00 8 Transaction ID: 1371163947117224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-12-14 09:39:32 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦6,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦6,000.00 9 Transaction ID: 2315163731318624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-19 10:13:06 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦5,500.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦5,500.00 10 Transaction ID: 4262163421815724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-10-14 14:29:17 Meter No.: 62321142606 Account No.: 555035 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦5,500.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦5,500.00 ---- On Fri, 16 Sep 2022 14:39:36 +0100 shaagee jeremiah wrote --- HELLO FIND BELOW. 2797 7458 3098 1123 7537 2651 6404 6609 1646 78572022-09-16 wyontochae@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020369ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16Nohello, find below. 6070 7299 0538 6244 8074 4127 9943 6341 0905 46702022-09-16 wyontochae@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020369ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16Nohello, find below. 6070 7299 0538 6244 8074 4127 9943 6341 0905 46702022-09-16 wyontochae@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020368ClosedRequest2022-09-16REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101200096002MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-09-16Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 435403 Debt Repayment ₦259,677.53 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦249,677.53 M 2022-03-282022-09-16 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00020367ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16: KCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16Nohello, find below. 4531 2348 9326 7368 9782 2590 1505 9532 3837 14312022-09-16 toranyiinkator14@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020367ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16: KCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16Nohello, find below. 4531 2348 9326 7368 9782 2590 1505 9532 3837 14312022-09-16 toranyiinkator14@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020366ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16: KCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16Nohello, find below. 4531 2348 9326 7368 9782 2590 1505 9532 3837 14312022-09-16 toranyiinkator14@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020366ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16: KCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16Nohello, find below. 4531 2348 9326 7368 9782 2590 1505 9532 3837 14312022-09-16 toranyiinkator14@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020365ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16Kct 0101178026213Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16Nohello, find below. 1 To 5 3243 1293 0069 4655 9610 1989 3681 3455 2540 1304 5 To 1 5283 3292 0895 7458 4856 1182 7247 6830 4206 12832022-09-16 mathewudahson@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020365ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16Kct 0101178026213Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16Nohello, find below. 1 To 5 3243 1293 0069 4655 9610 1989 3681 3455 2540 1304 5 To 1 5283 3292 0895 7458 4856 1182 7247 6830 4206 12832022-09-16 mathewudahson@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020364ClosedRequest2022-09-16REQUEST FOR DEBTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16Nohello, find below. 0150000961162 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672125143601 Debt Repayment ₦47,962.43 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦45,962.43 M 2022-08-25 ₦2,000.00 2022-09-13 0150000880800 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672178258901 Debt Repayment ₦135,611.78 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦131,611.78 M 2022-07-20 ₦4,000.00 2022-09-15 0150000983414 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 499175 Debt Repayment ₦203,656.32 ₦0.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦183,656.32 M 2022-07-28 ₦20,000.00 2022-09-15 hello, find below. 0150000961162 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672125143601 Debt Repayment ₦47,962.43 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦45,962.43 M 2022-08-25 ₦2,000.00 2022-09-13 0150000880800 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672178258901 Debt Repayment ₦135,611.78 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦131,611.78 M 2022-07-20 ₦4,000.00 2022-09-15 0150000983414 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 499175 Debt Repayment ₦203,656.32 ₦0.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦183,656.32 M 2022-07-28 ₦20,000.00 2022-09-15 hello, find below. 0150000961162 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672125143601 Debt Repayment ₦47,962.43 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦45,962.43 M 2022-08-25 ₦2,000.00 2022-09-13 0150000880800 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672178258901 Debt Repayment ₦135,611.78 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦131,611.78 M 2022-07-20 ₦4,000.00 2022-09-15 0150000983414 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 499175 Debt Repayment ₦203,656.32 ₦0.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦183,656.32 M 2022-07-28 ₦20,000.00 2022-09-15 hello, find below. 0150000961162 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672125143601 Debt Repayment ₦47,962.43 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦45,962.43 M 2022-08-25 ₦2,000.00 2022-09-13 0150000880800 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672178258901 Debt Repayment ₦135,611.78 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦131,611.78 M 2022-07-20 ₦4,000.00 2022-09-15 0150000983414 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 499175 Debt Repayment ₦203,656.32 ₦0.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦183,656.32 M 2022-07-28 ₦20,000.00 2022-09-15 hello, find below. 0150000961162 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672125143601 Debt Repayment ₦47,962.43 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦45,962.43 M 2022-08-25 ₦2,000.00 2022-09-13 0150000880800 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672178258901 Debt Repayment ₦135,611.78 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦131,611.78 M 2022-07-20 ₦4,000.00 2022-09-15 0150000983414 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 499175 Debt Repayment ₦203,656.32 ₦0.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦183,656.32 M 2022-07-28 ₦20,000.00 2022-09-15 ---- On Fri, 16 Sep 2022 15:14:31 +0100 IT Support wrote --- hello, find below. 0150000961162 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672125143601 Debt Repayment ₦47,962.43 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦45,962.43 M 2022-08-25 ₦2,000.00 2022-09-13 0150000880800 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672178258901 Debt Repayment ₦135,611.78 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦131,611.78 M 2022-07-20 ₦4,000.00 2022-09-15 0150000983414 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 499175 Debt Repayment ₦203,656.32 ₦0.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦183,656.32 M 2022-07-28 ₦20,000.00 2022-09-152022-09-16 delukosam@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020364ClosedRequest2022-09-16REQUEST FOR DEBTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16Nohello, find below. 0150000961162 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672125143601 Debt Repayment ₦47,962.43 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦45,962.43 M 2022-08-25 ₦2,000.00 2022-09-13 0150000880800 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672178258901 Debt Repayment ₦135,611.78 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦131,611.78 M 2022-07-20 ₦4,000.00 2022-09-15 0150000983414 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 499175 Debt Repayment ₦203,656.32 ₦0.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦183,656.32 M 2022-07-28 ₦20,000.00 2022-09-15 hello, find below. 0150000961162 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672125143601 Debt Repayment ₦47,962.43 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦45,962.43 M 2022-08-25 ₦2,000.00 2022-09-13 0150000880800 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672178258901 Debt Repayment ₦135,611.78 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦131,611.78 M 2022-07-20 ₦4,000.00 2022-09-15 0150000983414 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 499175 Debt Repayment ₦203,656.32 ₦0.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦183,656.32 M 2022-07-28 ₦20,000.00 2022-09-15 hello, find below. 0150000961162 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672125143601 Debt Repayment ₦47,962.43 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦45,962.43 M 2022-08-25 ₦2,000.00 2022-09-13 0150000880800 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672178258901 Debt Repayment ₦135,611.78 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦131,611.78 M 2022-07-20 ₦4,000.00 2022-09-15 0150000983414 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 499175 Debt Repayment ₦203,656.32 ₦0.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦183,656.32 M 2022-07-28 ₦20,000.00 2022-09-15 hello, find below. 0150000961162 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672125143601 Debt Repayment ₦47,962.43 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦45,962.43 M 2022-08-25 ₦2,000.00 2022-09-13 0150000880800 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672178258901 Debt Repayment ₦135,611.78 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦131,611.78 M 2022-07-20 ₦4,000.00 2022-09-15 0150000983414 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 499175 Debt Repayment ₦203,656.32 ₦0.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦183,656.32 M 2022-07-28 ₦20,000.00 2022-09-15 hello, find below. 0150000961162 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672125143601 Debt Repayment ₦47,962.43 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦45,962.43 M 2022-08-25 ₦2,000.00 2022-09-13 0150000880800 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672178258901 Debt Repayment ₦135,611.78 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦131,611.78 M 2022-07-20 ₦4,000.00 2022-09-15 0150000983414 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 499175 Debt Repayment ₦203,656.32 ₦0.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦183,656.32 M 2022-07-28 ₦20,000.00 2022-09-15 ---- On Fri, 16 Sep 2022 15:14:31 +0100 IT Support wrote --- hello, find below. 0150000961162 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672125143601 Debt Repayment ₦47,962.43 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦45,962.43 M 2022-08-25 ₦2,000.00 2022-09-13 0150000880800 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672178258901 Debt Repayment ₦135,611.78 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦131,611.78 M 2022-07-20 ₦4,000.00 2022-09-15 0150000983414 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 499175 Debt Repayment ₦203,656.32 ₦0.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦183,656.32 M 2022-07-28 ₦20,000.00 2022-09-152022-09-16 delukosam@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020363ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16Nohello, find below. 6070 7299 0538 6244 8074 4127 9943 6341 0905 46702022-09-16 wyontochae@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020363ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16Nohello, find below. 6070 7299 0538 6244 8074 4127 9943 6341 0905 46702022-09-16 wyontochae@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020362Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020361ClosedRequest2022-09-16DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16No440003983032022-09-16 uduhaleje@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020361ClosedRequest2022-09-16DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16No440003983032022-09-16 uduhaleje@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020360ClosedRequest2022-09-09DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16Nofind below. No data available in table2022-09-16 mwuladi@yahoo.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020360ClosedRequest2022-09-09DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16Nofind below. No data available in table2022-09-16 mwuladi@yahoo.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020359ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16Re: REQUEST FOR KCT---95300400819Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16Nohello, find below. 95300400819 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-09-16 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020359ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16Re: REQUEST FOR KCT---95300400819Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16Nohello, find below. 95300400819 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-09-16 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020358Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020357ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16KCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16NoHello Team, Kindly assist with the above-mentioned for the meter number below 44000333185 is 001 Best Regards, Halima Mujtaba Abdulrahman2022-09-16 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020357ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16KCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16NoHello Team, Kindly assist with the above-mentioned for the meter number below 44000333185 is 001 Best Regards, Halima Mujtaba Abdulrahman2022-09-16 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020356ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16Re: kctMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16No3139 5751 1052 8193 1850 5487 1307 9181 4469 54272022-09-16 dogoreuben@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020356ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16Re: kctMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16No3139 5751 1052 8193 1850 5487 1307 9181 4469 54272022-09-16 dogoreuben@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020355ClosedRequest2022-09-16Re: REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 95300153095Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16NoDear Longpuan, Find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 679259 Debt Repayment ₦50,200.22 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦38,200.22 M 2022-03-11 ₦12,000.00 2022-09-16 Muhammad Usman Database Engineer / IT Support Tech. Jos Electricity Distribution Plc. E: muhammad.usman@jedplc.com​ www.jedplc.com ---- On Fri, 16 Sep 2022 14:19:12 +0100 roseline longpuan wrote --- roseline longpuan 2:19 PM SUPPORT support,Austin Lucky,maryam bashir Dear Longpuan, Find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 679259 Debt Repayment ₦50,200.22 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦38,200.22 M 2022-03-11 ₦12,000.00 2022-09-16 Muhammad Usman Database Engineer / IT Support Tech. Jos Electricity Distribution Plc. E: muhammad.usman@jedplc.com​ www.jedplc.com ---- On Fri, 16 Sep 2022 14:19:12 +0100 roseline longpuan wrote --- roseline longpuan 2:19 PM SUPPORT support,Austin Lucky,maryam bashir Dear Longpuan, Find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 679259 Debt Repayment ₦50,200.22 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦38,200.22 M 2022-03-11 ₦12,000.00 2022-09-16 Muhammad Usman Database Engineer / IT Support Tech. Jos Electricity Distribution Plc. E: muhammad.usman@jedplc.com​ www.jedplc.com ---- On Fri, 16 Sep 2022 14:19:12 +0100 roseline longpuan wrote --- roseline longpuan 2:19 PM SUPPORT support,Austin Lucky,maryam bashir Dear Longpuan, Find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 679259 Debt Repayment ₦50,200.22 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦38,200.22 M 2022-03-11 ₦12,000.00 2022-09-16 Muhammad Usman Database Engineer / IT Support Tech. Jos Electricity Distribution Plc. E: muhammad.usman@jedplc.com​ www.jedplc.com ---- On Fri, 16 Sep 2022 14:19:12 +0100 roseline longpuan wrote --- roseline longpuan 2:19 PM SUPPORT support,Austin Lucky,maryam bashir Dear Longpuan, Find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 679259 Debt Repayment ₦50,200.22 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦38,200.22 M 2022-03-11 ₦12,000.00 2022-09-162022-09-16 longpuan@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020355ClosedRequest2022-09-16Re: REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 95300153095Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16NoDear Longpuan, Find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 679259 Debt Repayment ₦50,200.22 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦38,200.22 M 2022-03-11 ₦12,000.00 2022-09-16 Muhammad Usman Database Engineer / IT Support Tech. Jos Electricity Distribution Plc. E: muhammad.usman@jedplc.com​ www.jedplc.com ---- On Fri, 16 Sep 2022 14:19:12 +0100 roseline longpuan wrote --- roseline longpuan 2:19 PM SUPPORT support,Austin Lucky,maryam bashir Dear Longpuan, Find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 679259 Debt Repayment ₦50,200.22 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦38,200.22 M 2022-03-11 ₦12,000.00 2022-09-16 Muhammad Usman Database Engineer / IT Support Tech. Jos Electricity Distribution Plc. E: muhammad.usman@jedplc.com​ www.jedplc.com ---- On Fri, 16 Sep 2022 14:19:12 +0100 roseline longpuan wrote --- roseline longpuan 2:19 PM SUPPORT support,Austin Lucky,maryam bashir Dear Longpuan, Find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 679259 Debt Repayment ₦50,200.22 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦38,200.22 M 2022-03-11 ₦12,000.00 2022-09-16 Muhammad Usman Database Engineer / IT Support Tech. Jos Electricity Distribution Plc. E: muhammad.usman@jedplc.com​ www.jedplc.com ---- On Fri, 16 Sep 2022 14:19:12 +0100 roseline longpuan wrote --- roseline longpuan 2:19 PM SUPPORT support,Austin Lucky,maryam bashir Dear Longpuan, Find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 679259 Debt Repayment ₦50,200.22 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦38,200.22 M 2022-03-11 ₦12,000.00 2022-09-16 Muhammad Usman Database Engineer / IT Support Tech. Jos Electricity Distribution Plc. E: muhammad.usman@jedplc.com​ www.jedplc.com ---- On Fri, 16 Sep 2022 14:19:12 +0100 roseline longpuan wrote --- roseline longpuan 2:19 PM SUPPORT support,Austin Lucky,maryam bashir Dear Longpuan, Find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 679259 Debt Repayment ₦50,200.22 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦38,200.22 M 2022-03-11 ₦12,000.00 2022-09-162022-09-16 longpuan@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020354ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16Re: Request for KCT---0101215024049Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16No--01012150240492022-09-16 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020354ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16Re: Request for KCT---0101215024049Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16No--01012150240492022-09-16 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020353ClosedRequest2022-09-16Request for debt profile--0101200098677Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16NoDear Danjuma, Find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 720162 Debt Repayment ₦73,729.84 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦58,729.84 M 2022-03-28 ₦15,000.00 2022-09-162022-09-16 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020353ClosedRequest2022-09-16Request for debt profile--0101200098677Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16NoDear Danjuma, Find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 720162 Debt Repayment ₦73,729.84 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦58,729.84 M 2022-03-28 ₦15,000.00 2022-09-162022-09-16 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020352ClosedVending History2022-09-16Re: Request for vending historyMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16No5487 1307 9181 4469 54272022-09-16 okadonyesimona@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020352ClosedVending History2022-09-16Re: Request for vending historyMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16No5487 1307 9181 4469 54272022-09-16 okadonyesimona@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020351ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16kctMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16No3139 5751 1052 8193 1850 5487 1307 9181 4469 54272022-09-16 dogoreuben@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020351ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16kctMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16No3139 5751 1052 8193 1850 5487 1307 9181 4469 54272022-09-16 dogoreuben@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020350ClosedRequest2022-09-16REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE-95300147014Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16NoDear RLongpuan, Find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 762737 Debt Repayment ₦5,133.70 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,133.70 M 2022-03-02 ₦0.00 0000-00-00 Muhammad Usman Database Engineer / IT Support Tech. Jos Electricity Distribution Plc. E: muhammad.usman@jedplc.com​ www.jedplc.com ---- On Fri, 16 Sep 2022 13:38:33 +0100 roseline longpuan wrote --- roseline longpuan 1:38 PM SUPPORT support,Austin Lucky,maryam bashir Dear RLongpuan, Find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 762737 Debt Repayment ₦5,133.70 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,133.70 M 2022-03-02 ₦0.00 0000-00-00 Muhammad Usman Database Engineer / IT Support Tech. Jos Electricity Distribution Plc. E: muhammad.usman@jedplc.com​ www.jedplc.com ---- On Fri, 16 Sep 2022 13:38:33 +0100 roseline longpuan wrote --- roseline longpuan 1:38 PM SUPPORT support,Austin Lucky,maryam bashir Dear RLongpuan, Find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 762737 Debt Repayment ₦5,133.70 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,133.70 M 2022-03-02 ₦0.00 0000-00-00 Muhammad Usman Database Engineer / IT Support Tech. Jos Electricity Distribution Plc. E: muhammad.usman@jedplc.com​ www.jedplc.com ---- On Fri, 16 Sep 2022 13:38:33 +0100 roseline longpuan wrote --- roseline longpuan 1:38 PM SUPPORT support,Austin Lucky,maryam bashir2022-09-16 longpuan@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020350ClosedRequest2022-09-16REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE-95300147014Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16NoDear RLongpuan, Find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 762737 Debt Repayment ₦5,133.70 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,133.70 M 2022-03-02 ₦0.00 0000-00-00 Muhammad Usman Database Engineer / IT Support Tech. Jos Electricity Distribution Plc. E: muhammad.usman@jedplc.com​ www.jedplc.com ---- On Fri, 16 Sep 2022 13:38:33 +0100 roseline longpuan wrote --- roseline longpuan 1:38 PM SUPPORT support,Austin Lucky,maryam bashir Dear RLongpuan, Find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 762737 Debt Repayment ₦5,133.70 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,133.70 M 2022-03-02 ₦0.00 0000-00-00 Muhammad Usman Database Engineer / IT Support Tech. Jos Electricity Distribution Plc. E: muhammad.usman@jedplc.com​ www.jedplc.com ---- On Fri, 16 Sep 2022 13:38:33 +0100 roseline longpuan wrote --- roseline longpuan 1:38 PM SUPPORT support,Austin Lucky,maryam bashir Dear RLongpuan, Find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 762737 Debt Repayment ₦5,133.70 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,133.70 M 2022-03-02 ₦0.00 0000-00-00 Muhammad Usman Database Engineer / IT Support Tech. Jos Electricity Distribution Plc. E: muhammad.usman@jedplc.com​ www.jedplc.com ---- On Fri, 16 Sep 2022 13:38:33 +0100 roseline longpuan wrote --- roseline longpuan 1:38 PM SUPPORT support,Austin Lucky,maryam bashir2022-09-16 longpuan@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020349ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16kctMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16NoDear Dogo, Find below as request. 2599 0759 6702 1663 1537 4856 0628 4670 3627 50202022-09-16 dogoreuben@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020349ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16kctMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16NoDear Dogo, Find below as request. 2599 0759 6702 1663 1537 4856 0628 4670 3627 50202022-09-16 dogoreuben@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020348ClosedRequest2022-09-16Request for debt profile---44000392512 & 44000399087Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16NoDear Danjuma, Find below, 44000392512 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 682902 Debt Repayment ₦9,499.85 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦9,499.85 M 2022-08-11 ₦0.00 2022-08-30 44000399087 ​ Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 682903 Debt Repayment ₦12,309.84 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦12,309.84 M 2022-08-11 ₦0.00 2022-08-132022-09-16 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020348ClosedRequest2022-09-16Request for debt profile---44000392512 & 44000399087Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16NoDear Danjuma, Find below, 44000392512 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 682902 Debt Repayment ₦9,499.85 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦9,499.85 M 2022-08-11 ₦0.00 2022-08-30 44000399087 ​ Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 682903 Debt Repayment ₦12,309.84 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦12,309.84 M 2022-08-11 ₦0.00 2022-08-132022-09-16 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020347ClosedRequest2022-09-16Request for debt profile--95300161973Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16NoDear Danjuma, Find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 639516 Debt Repayment ₦83,846.10 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦71,846.10 M 2022-03-01 ₦12,000.00 2022-09-162022-09-16 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020347ClosedRequest2022-09-16Request for debt profile--95300161973Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16NoDear Danjuma, Find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 639516 Debt Repayment ₦83,846.10 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦71,846.10 M 2022-03-01 ₦12,000.00 2022-09-162022-09-16 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020346ClosedRequest2022-09-16Debt profileMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16NoDear Tanimu, Find below, 0101200090930 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612649464401 Debt Repayment ₦426,779.97 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦416,779.97 M 2022-04-11 ₦10,000.00 2022-09-16 0101200065007 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612727091501 Debt Repayment ₦114,812.92 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦114,812.92 M2022-09-16 tkhadija028@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020346ClosedRequest2022-09-16Debt profileMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16NoDear Tanimu, Find below, 0101200090930 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612649464401 Debt Repayment ₦426,779.97 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦416,779.97 M 2022-04-11 ₦10,000.00 2022-09-16 0101200065007 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612727091501 Debt Repayment ₦114,812.92 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦114,812.92 M2022-09-16 tkhadija028@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020345ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16KctMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-09-16NoDear Jeremiah, Find below, 1827 3062 4980 1497 3438 1726 4894 2993 5018 58292022-09-16 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00020344ClosedRequest2022-09-16REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101175104153Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16NoDear Tegwi, Find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 686259 Debt Repayment ₦23,878.12 ₦0.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦23,878.12 M 2022-08-09 ₦0.00 2022-08-272022-09-16 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020344ClosedRequest2022-09-16REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101175104153Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16NoDear Tegwi, Find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 686259 Debt Repayment ₦23,878.12 ₦0.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦23,878.12 M 2022-08-09 ₦0.00 2022-08-272022-09-16 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020343ClosedRequest2022-09-16REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE----44000392579Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16NoDear Danjuma, Find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 670279 Debt Repayment ₦15,330.19 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦15,330.19 M 2022-08-11 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-09-16 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020343ClosedRequest2022-09-16REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE----44000392579Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16NoDear Danjuma, Find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 670279 Debt Repayment ₦15,330.19 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦15,330.19 M 2022-08-11 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-09-16 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020342ClosedRequest2022-09-16REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101175104153Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-09-16NoDear Tegwi, Find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 686259 Debt Repayment ₦23,878.12 ₦0.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦23,878.12 M 2022-08-09 ₦0.00 2022-08-27 Muhammad Usman Database Engineer / IT Support Tech. Jos Electricity Distribution Plc. E: muhammad.usman@jedplc.com​ www.jedplc.com ---- On Fri, 16 Sep 2022 12:46:03 +0100 naomi tegwi wrote --- The information contained in this electronic message and any attachments therein are intended for the designated recipient(s) only. The message may contain information that is confidential, privileged, and/or exempt from disclosure by you, according to applicable laws. If you are not the intended recipient, or received this message in error, kindly delete it and notify the sender immediately. Any opinions contained in this message are those of the author and are not given or endorsed by JED Plc, unless otherwise clearly indicated. JED Plc accepts no liability for any loss or damage resulting directly or indirectly from the transmission of this email message. Reduce Printing and Support the Environment. IT Support 2:00 PM SUPPORT Re: REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101175104153 - Dear Tegwi, Find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 686259 Debt Repayment ₦23,878.12 ₦0.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦23,878.12 M 2022-08-0 naomi tegwi 12:46 PM SUPPORT REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101175104153 - Please treat. naomi tegwi 12:46 PM SUPPORT JED IT Support,anasjedit2,Austin Lucky,Nuwaira Danjuma,Umar Mohammed,nmaisugar Please treat. Dear Tegwi, Find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 686259 Debt Repayment ₦23,878.12 ₦0.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦23,878.12 M 2022-08-09 ₦0.00 2022-08-27 Muhammad Usman Database Engineer / IT Support Tech. Jos Electricity Distribution Plc. E: muhammad.usman@jedplc.com​ www.jedplc.com ---- On Fri, 16 Sep 2022 12:46:03 +0100 naomi tegwi wrote --- The information contained in this electronic message and any attachments therein are intended for the designated recipient(s) only. The message may contain information that is confidential, privileged, and/or exempt from disclosure by you, according to applicable laws. If you are not the intended recipient, or received this message in error, kindly delete it and notify the sender immediately. Any opinions contained in this message are those of the author and are not given or endorsed by JED Plc, unless otherwise clearly indicated. JED Plc accepts no liability for any loss or damage resulting directly or indirectly from the transmission of this email message. Reduce Printing and Support the Environment. IT Support 2:00 PM SUPPORT Re: REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101175104153 - Dear Tegwi, Find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 686259 Debt Repayment ₦23,878.12 ₦0.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦23,878.12 M 2022-08-0 naomi tegwi 12:46 PM SUPPORT REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101175104153 - Please treat. naomi tegwi 12:46 PM SUPPORT JED IT Support,anasjedit2,Austin Lucky,Nuwaira Danjuma,Umar Mohammed,nmaisugar Please treat. Dear Tegwi, Find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 686259 Debt Repayment ₦23,878.12 ₦0.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦23,878.12 M 2022-08-09 ₦0.00 2022-08-27 Muhammad Usman Database Engineer / IT Support Tech. Jos Electricity Distribution Plc. E: muhammad.usman@jedplc.com​ www.jedplc.com ---- On Fri, 16 Sep 2022 12:46:03 +0100 naomi tegwi wrote --- The information contained in this electronic message and any attachments therein are intended for the designated recipient(s) only. The message may contain information that is confidential, privileged, and/or exempt from disclosure by you, according to applicable laws. If you are not the intended recipient, or received this message in error, kindly delete it and notify the sender immediately. Any opinions contained in this message are those of the author and are not given or endorsed by JED Plc, unless otherwise clearly indicated. JED Plc accepts no liability for any loss or damage resulting directly or indirectly from the transmission of this email message. Reduce Printing and Support the Environment. IT Support 2:00 PM SUPPORT Re: REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101175104153 - Dear Tegwi, Find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 686259 Debt Repayment ₦23,878.12 ₦0.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦23,878.12 M 2022-08-0 naomi tegwi 12:46 PM SUPPORT REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101175104153 - Please treat. naomi tegwi 12:46 PM SUPPORT JED IT Support,anasjedit2,Austin Lucky,Nuwaira Danjuma,Umar Mohammed,nmaisugar Please treat. Dear Tegwi, Find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 686259 Debt Repayment ₦23,878.12 ₦0.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦23,878.12 M 2022-08-09 ₦0.00 2022-08-27 Muhammad Usman Database Engineer / IT Support Tech. Jos Electricity Distribution Plc. E: muhammad.usman@jedplc.com​ www.jedplc.com ---- On Fri, 16 Sep 2022 12:46:03 +0100 naomi tegwi wrote --- The information contained in this electronic message and any attachments therein are intended for the designated recipient(s) only. The message may contain information that is confidential, privileged, and/or exempt from disclosure by you, according to applicable laws. If you are not the intended recipient, or received this message in error, kindly delete it and notify the sender immediately. Any opinions contained in this message are those of the author and are not given or endorsed by JED Plc, unless otherwise clearly indicated. JED Plc accepts no liability for any loss or damage resulting directly or indirectly from the transmission of this email message. Reduce Printing and Support the Environment. IT Support 2:00 PM SUPPORT Re: REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101175104153 - Dear Tegwi, Find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 686259 Debt Repayment ₦23,878.12 ₦0.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦23,878.12 M 2022-08-0 naomi tegwi 12:46 PM SUPPORT REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101175104153 - Please treat. naomi tegwi 12:46 PM SUPPORT JED IT Support,anasjedit2,Austin Lucky,Nuwaira Danjuma,Umar Mohammed,nmaisugar Please treat. Dear Tegwi, Find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 686259 Debt Repayment ₦23,878.12 ₦0.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦23,878.12 M 2022-08-09 ₦0.00 2022-08-272022-09-16 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00020341ClosedRequest2022-09-16Request for SGCMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16NoDear Thompson, Find below, 62421199282 23782219929464358122 10953923725669389869 62421205790 70638369684671051709 538283665033932738582022-09-16 thompsontor@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020341ClosedRequest2022-09-16Request for SGCMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16NoDear Thompson, Find below, 62421199282 23782219929464358122 10953923725669389869 62421205790 70638369684671051709 538283665033932738582022-09-16 thompsontor@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020340Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020339ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16KctMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16Nohello, find below. 3835 5875 4947 1366 4679 2311 4238 9431 1645 12132022-09-16 umarmacy@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020339ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16KctMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-16Nohello, find below. 3835 5875 4947 1366 4679 2311 4238 9431 1645 12132022-09-16 umarmacy@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020338Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020337ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16Request for kct tariff index 00 62521022616MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-09-16Nohello, find below. 2147 9320 9673 0676 4220 7134 3918 9496 7032 16522022-09-16 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020336ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16REQUEST FOR KEY CHANGE TOKENMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-09-16Nohello, find below. 0101210343667 2509 2168 5334 9892 5086 2646 8963 3562 0325 06782022-09-16 sunnyochekwu@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020335ClosedRequest2022-09-16DEBT PROFILE REQUEST 95300217759 / 752507MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-09-16Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 752507 Debt Repayment ₦14,145.04 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦4,145.042022-09-16 wyontochae@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020334ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-09-16Nohello, find below. 0101170371260 3019 6171 6835 4210 0250 3151 6326 2706 8022 14622022-09-16 mimsicle22@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020333ClosedRequest2022-09-16Debt profile 0150000860950MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-09-16Nohello, finmd below. 0150000860950 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 777675 Debt Repayment ₦14,939.60 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦10,939.602022-09-16 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020332ClosedRequest2022-09-16Request for debt profile - 44000668077MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-09-16Nohello, find below. 44000668077 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 788397 Debt Repayment ₦26,698.52 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦24,698.522022-09-16 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020331ClosedRequest2022-09-16Re: REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2022-09-16Nohello, find below. 0150000866361 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 637271 Debt Repayment ₦30,086.05 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦26,086.05 M 2022-07-29 ₦4,000.00 2022-09-16 0150000946734 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 632840 Debt Repayment ₦45,157.80 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦41,157.80 M 2022-07-29 ₦4,000.00 2022-09-16 0150000913403 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672109257101 Debt Repayment ₦229,995.41 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦227,995.41 M 2022-08-02 ₦2,000.00 2022-09-092022-09-16 hamzaadamu64@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00020330ClosedRequest2022-09-16DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-09-16Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 416820 Debt Repayment ₦206,364.63 ₦-43,500.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦130,864.62022-09-16 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00020329Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020328ClosedRequest2022-09-16Re: REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE---44000706125MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-09-16Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 779953 Debt Repayment ₦14,498.12 ₦0.00 ₦12,498.12 ₦0.002022-09-16 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020327ClosedKCT Request2022-09-16KCT 0150000858665MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-09-16No01500008586652022-09-16 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020326Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020325ClosedRequest2022-09-15DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-09-15No440007646452022-09-15 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00020324ClosedKCT Request2022-09-15REQUEST FOR KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-09-15No4826 2420 4050 0513 1456 0873 8484 6310 4374 46202022-09-15 yusufibrahimbaba440@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020323ClosedRequest2022-09-15REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-09-15NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 641669 Debt Repayment ₦134,258.04 ₦-5,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦97,258.04 M 2020-11-02 ₦32,000.00 2022-09-112022-09-15 Umar Auwal
#00020322ClosedRequest2022-09-15DEBT PROFILE: 44000403285MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-09-15Nofind below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 683054 Debt Repayment ₦10,453.92 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦7,953.922022-09-15 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020321Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020320ClosedRequest2022-09-15Re: Debt profile -0101170387340Medium 2022-09-15No-01011703873402022-09-15 mohammed.umar@jedplc.com
#00020319ClosedRequest2022-09-15Re: Debt detailsMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-09-15No440003929832022-09-15 tkhadija028@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020318ClosedRequest2022-09-15Re: REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-09-15No01500009823252022-09-15 hamzaadamu64@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020317ClosedKCT Request2022-09-15Re: REQUEST FOR KCT---54161107203MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-09-15Nofind below. This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-09-08 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020316ClosedRequest2022-09-15DEBT PROFILE:44000595288Medium 2022-09-15Nohello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 718750 Debt Repayment ₦18,504.64 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦18,504.64 M 2022-08-11 ₦0.00 2022-08-30 hello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 718750 Debt Repayment ₦18,504.64 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦18,504.64 M 2022-08-11 ₦0.00 2022-08-30 hello, find below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 718750 Debt Repayment ₦18,504.64 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦18,504.64 M 2022-08-11 ₦0.00 2022-08-302022-09-15 ademugeorge@gmail.com
#00020315ClosedKCT Request2022-09-15REQUEST FOR KCTMedium 2022-09-15No57100062363(5)2022-09-15 mwuladi@yahoo.com
#00020314OpenKCT Request0000-00-00Kct1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-09-15No01011950060572022-09-15 jubilant95@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00020313ClosedKCT Request2022-09-15KCT REQUESTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-09-15No54161131948 541611436532022-09-15 yinknuga2002@yahoo.co.uk Umar Auwal
#00020312ClosedKCT Request2022-09-15KCT REQUESTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-15No54161131948 541611436532022-09-15 yinknuga2002@yahoo.co.uk Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020311ClosedKCT Request2022-09-15KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-09-15No01012101594772022-09-15 bemnguter10@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020310ClosedRequest2022-09-15REQUEST FOR CTTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-09-15No01011901345732022-09-15 nmaisugar@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020309ClosedKCT Request2022-09-15CLEAR TEMPERMedium 2022-09-15No54161142861. 54161142861. Pls generate Clear credit token for MSN 54161142861.2022-09-15 rolandjames750@gmail.com
#00020308ClosedRequest2022-09-15REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-09-15No440003811762022-09-15 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020307ClosedRequest2022-09-15REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-09-15No44000314755 440003229982022-09-15 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020306ClosedKCT Request2022-09-15KCT GENERATIONMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-09-15No01012101617542022-09-15 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020305ClosedKCT Request2022-09-15KCT REQUESTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-09-15No3226 3438 5521 1796 8902 0169 9872 0689 9530 41892022-09-15 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020304Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020303ClosedKCT Request2022-09-15KctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-09-15No623211519042022-09-15 ayodelearemo8@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020302ClosedKCT Request2022-09-15KctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-15No01012100475082022-09-15 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020301Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020300ClosedRequest2022-09-15Kindly assist with Debt details for this meter 44000392983Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-15No440003929832022-09-15 khadija028@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020299ClosedTamper Code2022-09-15REQUEST FOR TAMPERIT Umar Auwal2022-09-15No2022-09-15 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00020298ClosedRequest2022-09-15REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium 2022-09-15No01011801095512022-09-15 nmaisugar@gmail.com
#00020297ClosedKCT Request2022-09-15KCT GENERATIONMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-15No4648 5432 5856 1803 5238 3131 0188 8852 3201 88542022-09-15 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020296ClosedKCT Request2022-09-15KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-15No44000741999 44000508109 54160855638 TI21 01950000055102022-09-15 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020295ClosedKCT Request2022-09-15Request for kctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-15No2096 0736 8573 9224 7737 3700 6385 0289 2796 61022022-09-15 igbakaaterungwa@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020294ClosedKCT Request2022-09-15KctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-15No623211551292022-09-15 ayodelearemo8@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020293ClosedKCT Request2022-09-15Request for kct indexMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-15No3021 5331 4983 1647 7787 1771 4427 3310 9738 96422022-09-15 tyoverpeter@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020292ClosedRequest2022-09-15REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-09-15No01011601738332022-09-15 nmaisugar@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020291ClosedRequest2022-09-14REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-09-14No01011703039092022-09-14 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020290ClosedKCT Request2022-09-14KCTMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-09-14No5791 6588 0796 3571 5219 5751 1430 9523 2715 38102022-09-14 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00020289ClosedRequest2022-09-14REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-09-14No01012101532642022-09-14 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00020288ClosedKCT Request2022-09-15KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-09-15No953004008922022-09-15 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020287ClosedRequest2022-09-15REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-09-15No1012000692492022-09-15 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020286ClosedKCT Request2022-09-15Request for kctMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-09-15No541611177492022-09-15 okadonyesimona@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00020285ClosedKCT Request2022-09-15KctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-15No62321142267 From 01 to 992022-09-15 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020284ClosedKCT Request2022-09-15Request for kctMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-09-15No4156 8516 1435 7158 7080 3222 0682 2229 9285 85182022-09-15 okadonyesimona@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00020283ClosedTamper Code2022-09-15TamperMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-15No571000760662022-09-15 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020283ClosedTamper Code2022-09-15TamperMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-15No571000760662022-09-15 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020282ClosedKCT Request2022-09-15REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-15No2305 0499 2254 0424 8470 3911 9720 5219 6182 50862022-09-15 nmaisugar@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020281ClosedTamper Code2022-09-15TamperMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-15No62420180481 62321004624 440005720302022-09-15 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020281ClosedTamper Code2022-09-15TamperMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-15No62420180481 62321004624 440005720302022-09-15 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020280ClosedRequest2022-09-15REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE-Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-15No2022-09-15 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020279ClosedRequest2022-09-15DEBT STATUSMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-15No01012000738522022-09-15 samueldchun@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020278ClosedTamper Code2022-09-15CLEAR TEMPERMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-15No0101195006057 541611428612022-09-15 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020277ClosedRequest2022-09-14REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium 2022-09-14No440003611762022-09-14 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com
#00020276ClosedTamper Code2022-09-14TamperMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-14No62321065203 623211004972022-09-14 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020275ClosedRequest2022-09-14Debt ProfileMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14No01012101596752022-09-14 yinknuga2002@yahoo.co.uk Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020275ClosedRequest2022-09-14Debt ProfileMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14No01012101596752022-09-14 yinknuga2002@yahoo.co.uk Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020274ClosedKCT Request2022-09-14Request for kct tariff indexMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14No0564 9634 0539 5706 7355 0068 4857 7288 8140 03082022-09-14 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020274ClosedKCT Request2022-09-14Request for kct tariff indexMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14No0564 9634 0539 5706 7355 0068 4857 7288 8140 03082022-09-14 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020273ClosedKCT Request2022-09-14REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14No2022-09-14 wyontochae@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020273ClosedKCT Request2022-09-14REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14No2022-09-14 wyontochae@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020272ClosedKCT Request2022-09-14KCT REQUESTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14No3548 5408 7295 2442 8929 0321 7964 3611 2226 84422022-09-14 Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020272ClosedKCT Request2022-09-14KCT REQUESTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14No3548 5408 7295 2442 8929 0321 7964 3611 2226 84422022-09-14 Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020271ClosedRequest2022-09-14Request for SGCMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14No58259660092289344342 306989338233446325222022-09-14 thompsontor@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020271ClosedRequest2022-09-14Request for SGCMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14No58259660092289344342 306989338233446325222022-09-14 thompsontor@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020270ClosedRequest2022-09-14REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-09-14NoREQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE2022-09-14 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00020269ClosedRequest2022-09-14DEBT PROFILEMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-09-14NoDEBT PROFILE2022-09-14 rasheedatlawalaa7428@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00020268ClosedRequest2022-09-14REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoREQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE2022-09-14 Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020268ClosedRequest2022-09-14REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoREQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE2022-09-14 Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020267ClosedKCT Request2022-09-14KCT RequestMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoKCT Request2022-09-14 yinknuga2002@yahoo.co.uk Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020267ClosedKCT Request2022-09-14KCT RequestMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoKCT Request2022-09-14 yinknuga2002@yahoo.co.uk Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020266ClosedKCT Request2022-09-14REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoREQUEST FOR KCT2022-09-14 jenogah@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020266ClosedKCT Request2022-09-14REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoREQUEST FOR KCT2022-09-14 jenogah@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020265ClosedKCT Request2022-09-14KctMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoKct2022-09-14 faithelisha1990@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020265ClosedKCT Request2022-09-14KctMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoKct2022-09-14 faithelisha1990@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020264ClosedRequest2022-09-14DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoDEBT PROFILE2022-09-14 ademugeorge@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020264ClosedRequest2022-09-14DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoDEBT PROFILE2022-09-14 ademugeorge@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020263ClosedRequest2022-09-14REQUEST FOR DEBTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoREQUEST FOR DEBT2022-09-14 delukosam@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020263ClosedRequest2022-09-14REQUEST FOR DEBTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoREQUEST FOR DEBT2022-09-14 delukosam@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020262ClosedKCT Request2022-09-14REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoREQUEST FOR KCT2022-09-14 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020262ClosedKCT Request2022-09-14REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoREQUEST FOR KCT2022-09-14 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020261ClosedKCT Request2022-09-14KctMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoKct2022-09-14 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020261ClosedKCT Request2022-09-14KctMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoKct2022-09-14 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020260Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020259ClosedTamper Code2022-09-14TAMPER CODEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoTAMPER CODE2022-09-14 kinretluka@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020259ClosedTamper Code2022-09-14TAMPER CODEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoTAMPER CODE2022-09-14 kinretluka@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020258ClosedKCT Request2022-09-14KCT REQUESTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoKCT REQUEST2022-09-14 ademugeorge@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020258ClosedKCT Request2022-09-14KCT REQUESTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoKCT REQUEST2022-09-14 ademugeorge@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020257ClosedRequest2022-09-14REQUEST TO OFFSET DEBTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoREQUEST TO OFFSET DEBT2022-09-14 delukosam@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020257ClosedRequest2022-09-14REQUEST TO OFFSET DEBTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoREQUEST TO OFFSET DEBT2022-09-14 delukosam@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020256ClosedKCT Request2022-09-14KctMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoKct2022-09-14 odohgeorge86@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020256ClosedKCT Request2022-09-14KctMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoKct2022-09-14 odohgeorge86@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020255ClosedRequest2022-09-14Request for debt profileMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoRequest for debt profile2022-09-14 beediesarah5@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020255ClosedRequest2022-09-14Request for debt profileMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoRequest for debt profile2022-09-14 beediesarah5@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020254ClosedKCT Request2022-09-14REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoREQUEST FOR KCT2022-09-14 yusufibrahimbaba440@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020254ClosedKCT Request2022-09-14REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoREQUEST FOR KCT2022-09-14 yusufibrahimbaba440@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020253ClosedRequest2022-09-14DEBT ENQUIRYMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoDEBT ENQUIRY2022-09-14 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020253ClosedRequest2022-09-14DEBT ENQUIRYMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoDEBT ENQUIRY2022-09-14 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020252ClosedRequest2022-09-14DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoDEBT PROFILE2022-09-14 ademugeorge@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020252ClosedRequest2022-09-14DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoDEBT PROFILE2022-09-14 ademugeorge@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020251ClosedKCT Request2022-09-14REQUEST FOR K T CMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoREQUEST FOR K T C2022-09-14 hamzaadamu64@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020251ClosedKCT Request2022-09-14REQUEST FOR K T CMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoREQUEST FOR K T C2022-09-14 hamzaadamu64@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020250ClosedKCT Request2022-09-14KCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoKCT2022-09-14 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020250ClosedKCT Request2022-09-14KCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoKCT2022-09-14 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020249ClosedRequest2022-09-14CLEAR TEMPERMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoCLEAR TEMPER2022-09-14 rolandjames750@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020249ClosedRequest2022-09-14CLEAR TEMPERMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoCLEAR TEMPER2022-09-14 rolandjames750@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020248ClosedRequest2022-09-14REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE-Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoREQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE-2022-09-14 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020248ClosedRequest2022-09-14REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE-Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoREQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE-2022-09-14 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020247ClosedRequest2022-09-14Request for SGCMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoRequest for SGC2022-09-14 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020247ClosedRequest2022-09-14Request for SGCMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoRequest for SGC2022-09-14 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020246ClosedKCT Request2022-09-14Request for KCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-07NoRequest for KCT2022-09-14 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020246ClosedKCT Request2022-09-14Request for KCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-07NoRequest for KCT2022-09-14 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020245ClosedRequest2022-09-13Debt profileMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoDebt profile2022-09-14 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020245ClosedRequest2022-09-13Debt profileMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoDebt profile2022-09-14 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020244ClosedKCT Request2022-09-14REQUESTED FOR KCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoREQUESTED FOR KCT2022-09-14 mubby247@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020244ClosedKCT Request2022-09-14REQUESTED FOR KCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoREQUESTED FOR KCT2022-09-14 mubby247@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020243ClosedKCT Request2022-09-14KCT REQUESTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoKCT REQUEST2022-09-14 ademugeorge@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020243ClosedKCT Request2022-09-14KCT REQUESTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoKCT REQUEST2022-09-14 ademugeorge@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020242ClosedVending History2022-09-14Vending HistoryMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoVending History2022-09-14 bumkengjoseph@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020242ClosedVending History2022-09-14Vending HistoryMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoVending History2022-09-14 bumkengjoseph@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020241ClosedRequest2022-09-14DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoDEBT PROFILE2022-09-14 mwuladi@yahoo.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020241ClosedRequest2022-09-14DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoDEBT PROFILE2022-09-14 mwuladi@yahoo.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020240ClosedRequest2022-09-14DEBT PROFILEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-14NoDEBT PROFILE2022-09-14 uduhaleje@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020239ClosedRequest2022-09-14REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPERMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-14NoREQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPER2022-09-14 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020238ClosedRequest2022-09-14Debt profileMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoDebt profile2022-09-14 ummilois2@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020238ClosedRequest2022-09-14Debt profileMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoDebt profile2022-09-14 ummilois2@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020237ClosedRequest2022-09-14Request for Debt ProfileMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoRequest for Debt Profile2022-09-14 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020237ClosedRequest2022-09-14Request for Debt ProfileMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoRequest for Debt Profile2022-09-14 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020236ClosedKCT Request2022-09-14KCT RequestMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-09-14No2022-09-14 odohgeorge86@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00020235Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020234ClosedKCT Request2022-09-14REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoREQUEST FOR KCT2022-09-14 jenogah@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020234ClosedKCT Request2022-09-14REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoREQUEST FOR KCT2022-09-14 jenogah@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020233ClosedTamper Code2022-09-14REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPERMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoREQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPER2022-09-14 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020233ClosedTamper Code2022-09-14REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPERMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-14NoREQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPER2022-09-14 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020232ClosedTamper Code2022-09-14TamperMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-14NoTamper2022-09-14 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020231ClosedTamper Code2022-09-13REQUEST FOR CTT - 44000374122 & 0101210158594Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-14No​ 44000374122 Clear Tamper 0 3893 0246 2955 3172 1760 ​ 0101210158594 Clear Tamper 0 3552 7270 2403 8426 63942022-09-14 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020230ClosedTamper Code2022-09-13Request for tamper,Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman0000-00-00NoRequest for tamper,2022-09-13 ummilois2@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020230ClosedTamper Code2022-09-13Request for tamper,Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman0000-00-00NoRequest for tamper,2022-09-13 ummilois2@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020229ClosedVending History2022-09-13REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORYMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoREQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY2022-09-13 faizahtafida@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020229ClosedVending History2022-09-13REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORYMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoREQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY2022-09-13 faizahtafida@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020228Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020227Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020226ClosedKCT Request2022-09-13REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman0000-00-00NoREQUEST FOR KCT2022-09-13 jenogah@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020226ClosedKCT Request2022-09-13REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman0000-00-00NoREQUEST FOR KCT2022-09-13 jenogah@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020225Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020224ClosedRequest2022-09-13KCT GENERATIONMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13Nomaryambashir4645@gmail.com2022-09-13 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020224ClosedRequest2022-09-13KCT GENERATIONMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13Nomaryambashir4645@gmail.com2022-09-13 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020223ClosedRequest2022-09-13Re: REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoRe: REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE2022-09-13 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020223ClosedRequest2022-09-13Re: REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoRe: REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE2022-09-13 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020222ClosedKCT Request2022-09-13Request for KCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoRequest for KCT2022-09-13 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020222ClosedKCT Request2022-09-13Request for KCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoRequest for KCT2022-09-13 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020221ClosedRequest2022-09-13REQUEST FOR CLEAR TAMPERMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoREQUEST FOR CLEAR TAMPER2022-09-13 rolandjames750@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020221ClosedRequest2022-09-13REQUEST FOR CLEAR TAMPERMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoREQUEST FOR CLEAR TAMPER2022-09-13 rolandjames750@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020220ClosedRequest2022-09-13DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoDEBT PROFILE2022-09-13 ademugeorge@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020220ClosedRequest2022-09-13DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoDEBT PROFILE2022-09-13 ademugeorge@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020219ClosedRequest2022-09-13REQUEST FOR CTTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoREQUEST FOR CTT2022-09-13 nmaisugar@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020219ClosedRequest2022-09-13REQUEST FOR CTTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoREQUEST FOR CTT2022-09-13 nmaisugar@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020218ClosedRequest2022-09-13Request for debt profileMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoRequest for debt profile2022-09-13 beediesarah5@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020218ClosedRequest2022-09-13Request for debt profileMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoRequest for debt profile2022-09-13 beediesarah5@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020217ClosedKCT Request2022-09-13Request for KCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoRequest for KCT2022-09-13 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020217ClosedKCT Request2022-09-13Request for KCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoRequest for KCT2022-09-13 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020216ClosedKCT Request2022-09-13Request for KCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoRequest for KCT2022-09-13 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020216ClosedKCT Request2022-09-13Request for KCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoRequest for KCT2022-09-13 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020215Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020214ClosedRequest2022-09-13REQUEST FOR DEBTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoREQUEST FOR DEBT2022-09-13 delukosam@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020214ClosedRequest2022-09-13REQUEST FOR DEBTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoREQUEST FOR DEBT2022-09-13 delukosam@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020213ClosedKCT Request2022-09-13KCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoKCT2022-09-13 yakubaliyu82@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020213ClosedKCT Request2022-09-13KCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoKCT2022-09-13 yakubaliyu82@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020212ClosedRequest2022-09-13REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoREQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE2022-09-13 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020212ClosedRequest2022-09-13REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoREQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE2022-09-13 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020211ClosedKCT Request2022-09-13KCT REQUESTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-06NoKCT REQUEST2022-09-13 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020211ClosedKCT Request2022-09-13KCT REQUESTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-06NoKCT REQUEST2022-09-13 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020210ClosedRequest2022-09-13DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoDEBT PROFILE2022-09-13 ademugeorge@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020210ClosedRequest2022-09-13DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoDEBT PROFILE2022-09-13 ademugeorge@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020209ClosedKCT Request2022-09-13KCT REQUESTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoKCT REQUEST2022-09-13 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020209ClosedKCT Request2022-09-13KCT REQUESTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoKCT REQUEST2022-09-13 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020208Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020207ClosedRequest2022-09-13DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoDEBT PROFILE2022-09-13 uduhaleje@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020207ClosedRequest2022-09-13DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoDEBT PROFILE2022-09-13 uduhaleje@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020206ClosedRequest2022-09-13REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoREQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE2022-09-13 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020206ClosedRequest2022-09-13REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoREQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE2022-09-13 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020205ClosedKCT Request2022-09-13KCT REQUESTMedium 2022-09-13NoKCT REQUEST2022-09-13 ademugeorge@gmail.com
#00020204ClosedRequest2022-09-13DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoDEBT PROFILE2022-09-13 mwuladi@yahoo.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020204ClosedRequest2022-09-13DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoDEBT PROFILE2022-09-13 mwuladi@yahoo.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020203ClosedKCT Request2022-09-13KCT REQUESTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoKCT REQUEST2022-09-13 ademugeorge@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020203ClosedKCT Request2022-09-13KCT REQUESTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoKCT REQUEST2022-09-13 ademugeorge@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020202ClosedRequest2022-09-13REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoREQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE2022-09-13 delukosam@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020202ClosedRequest2022-09-13REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoREQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE2022-09-13 delukosam@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020201Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020200ClosedRequest2022-09-13REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoREQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE2022-09-13 nmaisugar@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020200ClosedRequest2022-09-13REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoREQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE2022-09-13 nmaisugar@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020199ClosedKCT Request2022-09-13DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoDEBT PROFILE2022-09-13 uduhaleje@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020199ClosedKCT Request2022-09-13DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoDEBT PROFILE2022-09-13 uduhaleje@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020198ClosedKCT Request2022-09-13REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoREQUEST FOR KCT2022-09-13 jenogah@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020198ClosedKCT Request2022-09-13REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoREQUEST FOR KCT2022-09-13 jenogah@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020197ClosedRequest2022-09-13REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoREQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE2022-09-13 Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020197ClosedRequest2022-09-13REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoREQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE2022-09-13 Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020196ClosedKCT Request2022-09-13KCT REQUESTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoKCT REQUEST2022-09-13 ademugeorge@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020196ClosedKCT Request2022-09-13KCT REQUESTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoKCT REQUEST2022-09-13 ademugeorge@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020195ClosedRequest2022-09-13REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoREQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE2022-09-13 longpuan@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020195ClosedRequest2022-09-13REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoREQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE2022-09-13 longpuan@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020194ClosedRequest2022-09-13REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoREQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE2022-09-13 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020194ClosedRequest2022-09-13REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoREQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE2022-09-13 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020193ClosedTamper Code2022-09-13Request for tamperMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoRequest for tamper2022-09-13 ummilois2@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020193ClosedTamper Code2022-09-13Request for tamperMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoRequest for tamper2022-09-13 ummilois2@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020192ClosedKCT Request2022-09-13KctMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoKct2022-09-13 faithelisha1990@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020192ClosedKCT Request2022-09-13KctMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoKct2022-09-13 faithelisha1990@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020191ClosedRequest2022-09-13DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoDEBT PROFILE2022-09-13 mwuladi@yahoo.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020191ClosedRequest2022-09-13DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoDEBT PROFILE2022-09-13 mwuladi@yahoo.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020190ClosedKCT Request2022-09-13KctMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoKct2022-09-13 zakimimidoomaureen@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020190ClosedKCT Request2022-09-13KctMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoKct2022-09-13 zakimimidoomaureen@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020189ClosedRequest2022-09-06REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoREQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE2022-09-13 longpuan@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020189ClosedRequest2022-09-06REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoREQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE2022-09-13 longpuan@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020188ClosedKCT Request2022-09-13KctMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoKct2022-09-13 bemnguter10@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020188ClosedKCT Request2022-09-13KctMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoKct2022-09-13 bemnguter10@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020187ClosedRequest2022-09-13REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoREQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE2022-09-13 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020187ClosedRequest2022-09-13REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoREQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE2022-09-13 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020186ClosedRequest2022-09-13REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoREQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE2022-09-13 longpuan@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020186ClosedRequest2022-09-13REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoREQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE2022-09-13 longpuan@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020185ClosedRequest2022-09-13REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoREQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE2022-09-13 hamzaadamu64@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020185ClosedRequest2022-09-13REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoREQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE2022-09-13 hamzaadamu64@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020184ClosedKCT Request2022-09-13Request for kCT3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoRequest for kCT2022-09-13 bakoamusa@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020184ClosedKCT Request2022-09-13Request for kCT3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoRequest for kCT2022-09-13 bakoamusa@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020183Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020182Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020181In ProgressKCT Request2022-09-13REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman0000-00-00NoREQUEST FOR KCT0000-00-00 jenogah@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020181In ProgressKCT Request2022-09-13REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman0000-00-00NoREQUEST FOR KCT0000-00-00 jenogah@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020180ClosedRequest2022-09-13REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoREQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE2022-09-13 nmaisugar@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020180ClosedRequest2022-09-13REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoREQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE2022-09-13 nmaisugar@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020179Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020178Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020177ClosedTamper Code2022-09-13REQUEST FOR TAMPERMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoREQUEST FOR TAMPER2022-09-13 mwuladi@yahoo.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020177ClosedTamper Code2022-09-13REQUEST FOR TAMPERMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoREQUEST FOR TAMPER2022-09-13 mwuladi@yahoo.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020176ClosedTamper Code2022-09-13Request for temperMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoRequest for temper2022-09-13 beediesarah5@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020176ClosedTamper Code2022-09-13Request for temperMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoRequest for temper2022-09-13 beediesarah5@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020175ClosedRequest2022-09-13DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoDEBT PROFILE2022-09-13 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020175ClosedRequest2022-09-13DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoDEBT PROFILE2022-09-13 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020174ClosedTamper Code2022-09-13TamperMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoTamper2022-09-13 ashalzim73@yahoo.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020174ClosedTamper Code2022-09-13TamperMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoTamper2022-09-13 ashalzim73@yahoo.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020173ClosedTamper Code2022-09-13TamperMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoTamper2022-09-13 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020173ClosedTamper Code2022-09-13TamperMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoTamper2022-09-13 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020172ClosedKCT Request2022-09-13kctMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13Nokct2022-09-13 dogoreuben@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020172ClosedKCT Request2022-09-13kctMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13Nokct2022-09-13 dogoreuben@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020171ClosedKCT Request2022-09-13kctMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13Nokct2022-09-13 dogoreuben@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020171ClosedKCT Request2022-09-13kctMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13Nokct2022-09-13 dogoreuben@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020170ClosedKCT Request2022-09-13KCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoKCT2022-09-13 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020170ClosedKCT Request2022-09-13KCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoKCT2022-09-13 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020169ClosedKCT Request2022-09-13REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoREQUEST FOR KCT2022-09-13 jenogah@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020169ClosedKCT Request2022-09-13REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoREQUEST FOR KCT2022-09-13 jenogah@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020168ClosedRequest2022-09-13DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoDEBT PROFILE2022-09-13 mwuladi@yahoo.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020168ClosedRequest2022-09-13DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoDEBT PROFILE2022-09-13 mwuladi@yahoo.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020167ClosedKCT Request2022-09-13Request for kCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoRequest for kCT2022-09-13 bakoamusa@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020167ClosedKCT Request2022-09-13Request for kCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoRequest for kCT2022-09-13 bakoamusa@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020166Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020165ClosedTamper Code2022-09-13TamperMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoTamper2022-09-13 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020165ClosedTamper Code2022-09-13TamperMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoTamper2022-09-13 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020164ClosedRequest2022-09-13REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoREQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE2022-09-13 delukosam@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020164ClosedRequest2022-09-13REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoREQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE2022-09-13 delukosam@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020163ClosedKCT Request2022-09-13KctMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13Nokct2022-09-06 bemnguter10@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020163ClosedKCT Request2022-09-13KctMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13Nokct2022-09-06 bemnguter10@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020162ClosedKCT Request2022-09-13kctMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13Nokct2022-09-13 dogoreuben@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020162ClosedKCT Request2022-09-13kctMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13Nokct2022-09-13 dogoreuben@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020161Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020160ClosedTamper Code2022-09-13: TamperMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-06No: Tamper2022-09-13 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020160ClosedTamper Code2022-09-13: TamperMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-06No: Tamper2022-09-13 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020159Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020158ClosedKCT Request2022-09-13REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoREQUEST FOR KCT2022-09-13 yusufibrahimbaba440@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020158ClosedKCT Request2022-09-13REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoREQUEST FOR KCT2022-09-13 yusufibrahimbaba440@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020157Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020156ClosedRequest2022-09-13DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoDEBT PROFILE2022-09-13 Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020156ClosedRequest2022-09-13DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoDEBT PROFILE2022-09-13 Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020155ClosedKCT Request2022-09-13KCT RequestMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoGood afternoon sir,  Please kindly assist  0150000963622 Tariff index 21  44000643708  Tariff index 21  44000509222  Tariff index 1  Thank you for support  KCT Request2022-09-13 enogah@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020155ClosedKCT Request2022-09-13KCT RequestMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-13NoGood afternoon sir,  Please kindly assist  0150000963622 Tariff index 21  44000643708  Tariff index 21  44000509222  Tariff index 1  Thank you for support  KCT Request2022-09-13 enogah@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020154Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020153Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020152ClosedKCT Request2022-09-12REQUEST FOR K C TMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-12NoGood afternoon sir, Please kindly assist 0150000963622 Tariff index 21 44000643708 Tariff index 21 44000509222 Tariff index 1 Thank you for support2022-09-12 delukosam@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020152ClosedKCT Request2022-09-12REQUEST FOR K C TMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-12NoGood afternoon sir, Please kindly assist 0150000963622 Tariff index 21 44000643708 Tariff index 21 44000509222 Tariff index 1 Thank you for support2022-09-12 delukosam@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020151ClosedRequest2022-09-12REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-12No440003853182022-09-12 nmaisugar@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020151ClosedRequest2022-09-12REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-12No440003853182022-09-12 nmaisugar@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020150ClosedRequest2022-09-12REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-12No440003878842022-09-12 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020150ClosedRequest2022-09-12REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-12No440003878842022-09-12 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020149ClosedRequest2022-09-12REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-12NoThe information contained in this electronic message and any attachments therein are intended for the designated recipient(s) only. The message may contain information that is confidential, privileged, and/or exempt from disclosure by you, according to applicable laws. If you are not the intended recipient, or received this message in error, kindly delete it and notify the sender immediately. Any opinions contained in this message are those of the author and are not given or endorsed by JED Plc, unless otherwise clearly indicated. JED Plc accepts no liability for any loss or damage resulting directly or indirectly from the transmission of this email message. Reduce Printing and Support the Environment. Please kindly assist me 0150000847536 Thank you The information contained in this electronic message and any attachments therein are intended for the designated recipient(s) only. The message may contain information that is confidential, privileged, and/or exempt from disclosure by you, according to applicable laws. If you are not the intended recipient, or received this message in error, kindly delete it and notify the sender immediately. Any opinions contained in this message are those of the author and are not given or endorsed by JED Plc, unless otherwise clearly indicated. JED Plc accepts no liability for any loss or damage resulting directly or indirectly from the transmission of this email message. Reduce Printing and Support the Environment. Please kindly assist me 0150000847536 Thank you 01500008475362022-09-12 hamzaadamu64@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020149ClosedRequest2022-09-12REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-12NoThe information contained in this electronic message and any attachments therein are intended for the designated recipient(s) only. The message may contain information that is confidential, privileged, and/or exempt from disclosure by you, according to applicable laws. If you are not the intended recipient, or received this message in error, kindly delete it and notify the sender immediately. Any opinions contained in this message are those of the author and are not given or endorsed by JED Plc, unless otherwise clearly indicated. JED Plc accepts no liability for any loss or damage resulting directly or indirectly from the transmission of this email message. Reduce Printing and Support the Environment. Please kindly assist me 0150000847536 Thank you The information contained in this electronic message and any attachments therein are intended for the designated recipient(s) only. The message may contain information that is confidential, privileged, and/or exempt from disclosure by you, according to applicable laws. If you are not the intended recipient, or received this message in error, kindly delete it and notify the sender immediately. Any opinions contained in this message are those of the author and are not given or endorsed by JED Plc, unless otherwise clearly indicated. JED Plc accepts no liability for any loss or damage resulting directly or indirectly from the transmission of this email message. Reduce Printing and Support the Environment. Please kindly assist me 0150000847536 Thank you 01500008475362022-09-12 hamzaadamu64@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020148ClosedRequest2022-09-12REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-12No953001208542022-09-12 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020148ClosedRequest2022-09-12REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-12No953001208542022-09-12 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020147Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020146ClosedKCT Request2022-09-12Re: REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-12Nofind below. This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. find below. This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 440005443362022-09-12 longpuan@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020146ClosedKCT Request2022-09-12Re: REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-12Nofind below. This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. find below. This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 440005443362022-09-12 longpuan@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020145In ProgressRequest2022-09-12DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-12No01500008653060000-00-00 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020145In ProgressRequest2022-09-12DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-12No01500008653060000-00-00 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020144ClosedRequest2022-09-12DEBT PROFILEMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-09-12NoDear sir, Please the above subject refers. Regards.2022-09-12 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00020143ClosedRequest2022-09-12request for debt profileMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-12No- 440003969922022-09-12 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020143ClosedRequest2022-09-12request for debt profileMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-12No- 440003969922022-09-12 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020142ClosedKCT Request2022-09-12KCT RequestMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-12No5975 5773 6713 9498 2713 0641 5293 3153 3713 71872022-09-12 yinknuga2002@yahoo.co.uk Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020142ClosedKCT Request2022-09-12KCT RequestMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-12No5975 5773 6713 9498 2713 0641 5293 3153 3713 71872022-09-12 yinknuga2002@yahoo.co.uk Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020141ClosedKCT Request2022-09-12REQUEST FOR K C TMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-12No---- On Mon, 12 Sep 2022 13:07:39 +0100 Yahya Usman wrote --- Good day sir,  Please kindly assist  0150000963622 Tariff index 21 44000643708 Tariff index 21 44000509222 Tariff index 1 Thank you for your assistance  ---- On Mon, 12 Sep 2022 13:07:39 +0100 Yahya Usman wrote --- Good day sir,  Please kindly assist  0150000963622 Tariff index 21 44000643708 Tariff index 21 44000509222 Tariff index 1 Thank you for your assistance  ---- On Mon, 12 Sep 2022 13:07:39 +0100 Yahya Usman wrote --- Good day sir,  Please kindly assist  0150000963622 Tariff index 21 44000643708 Tariff index 21 44000509222 Tariff index 1 Thank you for your assistance  --- On Mon, 12 Sep 2022 13:07:39 +0100 Yahya Usman wrote --- Good day sir,  Please kindly assist  0150000963622 Tariff index 21 44000643708 Tariff index 21 44000509222 Tariff index 1 Thank you for your assistance  0150000963622 Tariff index 21 44000643708 Tariff index 21 44000509222 Tariff index 12022-09-12 Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020141ClosedKCT Request2022-09-12REQUEST FOR K C TMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-12No---- On Mon, 12 Sep 2022 13:07:39 +0100 Yahya Usman wrote --- Good day sir,  Please kindly assist  0150000963622 Tariff index 21 44000643708 Tariff index 21 44000509222 Tariff index 1 Thank you for your assistance  ---- On Mon, 12 Sep 2022 13:07:39 +0100 Yahya Usman wrote --- Good day sir,  Please kindly assist  0150000963622 Tariff index 21 44000643708 Tariff index 21 44000509222 Tariff index 1 Thank you for your assistance  ---- On Mon, 12 Sep 2022 13:07:39 +0100 Yahya Usman wrote --- Good day sir,  Please kindly assist  0150000963622 Tariff index 21 44000643708 Tariff index 21 44000509222 Tariff index 1 Thank you for your assistance  --- On Mon, 12 Sep 2022 13:07:39 +0100 Yahya Usman wrote --- Good day sir,  Please kindly assist  0150000963622 Tariff index 21 44000643708 Tariff index 21 44000509222 Tariff index 1 Thank you for your assistance  0150000963622 Tariff index 21 44000643708 Tariff index 21 44000509222 Tariff index 12022-09-12 Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020140ClosedTamper Code2022-09-12TemperMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-12No-- On Mon, 12 Sep 2022 12:20:02 +0100 funke balogun wrote --- Good afternoon sir 0101215000221, cover open.  Kindly assist please. Thank you2022-09-12 Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020140ClosedTamper Code2022-09-12TemperMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-12No-- On Mon, 12 Sep 2022 12:20:02 +0100 funke balogun wrote --- Good afternoon sir 0101215000221, cover open.  Kindly assist please. Thank you2022-09-12 Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020139ClosedRequest2022-09-12REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-12No01011702858412022-09-12 support@jedplc.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020139ClosedRequest2022-09-12REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-12No01011702858412022-09-12 support@jedplc.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020138ClosedKCT Request2022-09-12REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-12No1106 1471 4654 9530 2497 1319 8349 7419 4259 96802022-09-12 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020138ClosedKCT Request2022-09-12REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-12No1106 1471 4654 9530 2497 1319 8349 7419 4259 96802022-09-12 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020137ClosedRequest2022-09-12REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-12No440006855682022-09-12 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020137ClosedRequest2022-09-12REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-12No440006855682022-09-12 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020136ClosedRequest2022-09-12DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-12No01012000162652022-09-12 ademugeorge@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020136ClosedRequest2022-09-12DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-12No01012000162652022-09-12 ademugeorge@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020135ClosedKCT Request2022-09-12KCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-12No44300006630 992022-09-12 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020135ClosedKCT Request2022-09-12KCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-12No44300006630 992022-09-12 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020134ClosedKCT Request2022-09-12KCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-12No541610072472022-09-12 uduhaleje@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020134ClosedKCT Request2022-09-12KCTMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-12No541610072472022-09-12 uduhaleje@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020133ClosedRequest2022-09-12DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-12No01011900022422022-09-12 uduhaleje@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020133ClosedRequest2022-09-12DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-12No01011900022422022-09-12 uduhaleje@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020132Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020131ClosedRequest2022-09-12DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-12No01011900022422022-09-12 uduhaleje@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020131ClosedRequest2022-09-12DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-12No01011900022422022-09-12 uduhaleje@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020130Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020129ClosedRequest2022-09-12KCT GENERATIONMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-12No440005255742022-09-12 support@jedplc.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020129ClosedRequest2022-09-12KCT GENERATIONMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-12No440005255742022-09-12 support@jedplc.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020128ClosedRequest2022-09-12REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-12NoKindly assist with the above please2022-09-12 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020128ClosedRequest2022-09-12REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-12NoKindly assist with the above please2022-09-12 tegwinaomi@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020127ClosedRequest2022-09-12REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 44000313278Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-12NoMuhammad Usman Database Engineer / IT Support Tech. Jos Electricity Distribution Plc. E: muhammad.usman@jedplc.com​2022-09-12 nmaisugar@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020127ClosedRequest2022-09-12REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 44000313278Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-12NoMuhammad Usman Database Engineer / IT Support Tech. Jos Electricity Distribution Plc. E: muhammad.usman@jedplc.com​2022-09-12 nmaisugar@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020126ClosedRequest2022-09-12REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-12No440003878842022-09-12 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020126ClosedRequest2022-09-12REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-12No440003878842022-09-12 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020125Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020124ClosedKCT Request2022-09-12KctMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-12No6534 2956 8288 1535 9452 5613 9689 3122 1607 18172022-09-12 smailbalaonline@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020124ClosedKCT Request2022-09-12KctMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-09-12No6534 2956 8288 1535 9452 5613 9689 3122 1607 18172022-09-12 smailbalaonline@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00020123ClosedKCT Request2022-09-09Request for kct tariff index 1 44000711034MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-09-09No4912 0295 4097 0376 2090 1368 3823 0058 0511 14962022-09-09 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020122ClosedKCT Request2022-09-09REQUEST FOR KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-09No1:59 PM INBOX JED IT Support,Anasjedit2,stynlucs@yahoo.com2022-09-09 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020121ClosedKCT Request2022-09-09Request for kct tariff index 1 44000711034Request for kct tariff index 1 44000711034Request for kct tariff index 1 44000711034Request for kct tariff index 1 44000711034Request for kct tariff index 1 44000711034Request for kct tariff index 1 44000711034Medium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2022-09-09NoPlease above subject refers Thank you.2022-09-09 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00020120Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020119Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020118Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020117Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020116Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020115Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020114ClosedKCT Request2022-09-06Request for KCT for 44000371268 on 022MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2022-09-06NoDear IT support, Pls kindly treat. Thank you.2022-09-06 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00020113ClosedKCT Request2022-09-06Re: KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-06NoAuwalu Aliyu Musa JED HQ Smart Metering Administrator (M, M&E) Jos Electricity Distribution Plc E1: auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com E2: auwalmashall6@gmail.com W: www.jedplc.com No: 080681978382022-09-06 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020112ClosedTamper Code2022-09-06Re: TemperMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-06NoAbbas Muhammad Network Engineer / IT Support Tech. Jos Electricity Distribution Plc. www.jedplc.com2022-09-06 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020111ClosedKCT Request2022-09-06Re: KctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-06NoDear it support, please kindly generate Kct Token following the meter number the meter is on 1 953001500592022-09-06 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020110Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020109ClosedKCT Request2022-09-06Re: KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-06No0101180035384.2022-09-06 uduhaleje@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020108Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020107Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020106Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020105ClosedKCT Request2022-09-050843 5729 2359 8752 6617 6665 5820 1822 8375 8079Medium 2022-09-05No0101210042608 002-001 Please Sir help us With a KCT Thanks For your support2022-09-05
#00020104ClosedKCT Request2022-09-05Re: Kct62321155129MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-09-05Nowrong meter number or not captured on our system.2022-09-05 ayodelearemo8@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020103ClosedKCT Request2022-09-0562321209587 from 01 to 99MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-09-05No0012 9191 8934 5688 2090 4753 0196 8161 4961 40202022-09-05 odohgeorge86@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020102ClosedVending History2022-09-05Request for vending history 54160901853MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-09-05No1 Transaction ID: 4713166145902324Transaction Date/Time: 2022- 08-25 21:23:43Meter No.: 54160901853Account No.: 6214202101- 01Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53Energy Cost: ₦1, 860.47Debt Repayment: ₦0. 00KwH: 32.10Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 6514 4288 7327 8300 1121 2 Transaction ID: 0623166082797324Transaction Date/Time: 2022- 08-18 14:06:13Meter No.: 54160901853Account No.: 6214202101- 01Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930. 23Debt Repayment: ₦2,000. 00KwH: 16.05Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 5486 0872 7364 3109 2677 3 Transaction ID: 9135165929373224Transaction Date/Time: 2022- 07-31 19:55:32Meter No.: 54160901853Account No.: 6214202101- 01Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦132.56Energy Cost: ₦1, 767.44Debt Repayment: ₦0. 00KwH: 30.50Amount Tendered: ₦1,900.00 0761 5959 1793 1659 6157 4 Transaction ID: 2171165851825524Transaction Date/Time: 2022- 07-22 20:30:55Meter No.: 54160901853Account No.: 6214202101- 01Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦174.42Energy Cost: ₦2, 325.58Debt Repayment: ₦0. 00KwH: 40.13Amount Tendered: ₦2,500.00 1407 4137 4474 9182 2968 5 Transaction ID: 4934165791463824Transaction Date/Time: 2022- 07-15 20:50:38Meter No.: 54160901853Account No.: 6214202101- 01Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930. 23Debt Repayment: ₦2,000. 00KwH: 16.05Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 6384 1815 8967 8797 6095 6 Transaction ID: 1764165660272624Transaction Date/Time: 2022- 06-30 16:25:26Meter No.: 54160901853Account No.: 6214202101- 01Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53Energy Cost: ₦1, 860.47Debt Repayment: ₦0. 00KwH: 32.82Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 3031 0453 5683 9005 8922 7 Transaction ID: 2785165583531124Transaction Date/Time: 2022- 06-21 19:15:11Meter No.: 54160901853Account No.: 6214202101- 01Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77Energy Cost: ₦930. 23Debt Repayment: ₦2,000. 00KwH: 16.41Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 0750 4477 1108 8108 0409 8 Transaction ID: 6915165339745624Transaction Date/Time: 2022- 05-24 14:04:16Meter No.: 54160901853Account No.: 6214202101- 01Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84Energy Cost: ₦4, 651.16Debt Repayment: ₦0. 00KwH: 82.06Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 0792 3779 3120 7567 2166 9 Transaction ID: 7522165175674224Transaction Date/Time: 2022- 05-05 14:19:02Meter No.: 54160901853Account No.: 6214202101- 01Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53Energy Cost: ₦1, 860.47Debt Repayment: ₦8, 000.00KwH: 32.82Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 6372 3629 5309 5843 8688 10 Transaction ID: 4642164364321724Transaction Date/Time: 2022- 01-31 16:33:37Meter No.: 54160901853Account No.: 6214202101- 01Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦48.84Energy Cost: ₦651. 16Debt Repayment: ₦0. 00KwH: 12.35Amount Tendered: ₦700.00 1810 6598 8602 3081 0454 11 Transaction ID: 1787164223079524Transaction Date/Time: 2022- 01-15 08:13:15Meter No.: 54160901853Account No.: 6214202101- 01Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦837.21Energy Cost: ₦11, 162.79Debt Repayment: ₦0. 00KwH: 211.70Amount Tendered: ₦12,000.00 3919 7091 7549 0184 9412 12 Transaction ID: 1121164113611924Transaction Date/Time: 2022- VAT: ₦139.53Energy Cost: ₦1, 0226 # Transaction Details Token Details 01-02 16:08:39Meter No.: 54160901853Account No.: 6214202101- 01Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution 860.47Debt Repayment: ₦2, 000.00KwH: 35.28Amount Tendered: ₦4,000.00 1921 2091 0336 8164 13 Transaction ID: 9444164052450524Transaction Date/Time: 2021- 12-26 14:15:05Meter No.: 54160901853Account No.: 6214202101- 01Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30Energy Cost: ₦2, 790.70Debt Repayment: ₦0. 00KwH: 52.92Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 0673 2061 8735 5117 2425 14 Transaction ID: 4869163942581824Transaction Date/Time: 2021- 12-13 21:03:38Meter No.: 54160901853Account No.: 6214202101- 01Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53Energy Cost: ₦1, 860.47Debt Repayment: ₦0. 00KwH: 35.28Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 0889 3005 0074 4510 3662 15 Transaction ID: 5830163839450324Transaction Date/Time: 2021- 12-01 22:35:03Meter No.: 54160901853Account No.: 6214202101- 01Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53Energy Cost: ₦1, 860.47Debt Repayment: ₦4, 000.00KwH: 35.28Amount Tendered: ₦6,000.00 1482 5208 6682 2726 8087 16 Transaction ID: 4833163449713124Transaction Date/Time: 2021- 10-17 19:58:51Meter No.: 54160901853Account No.: 6214202101- 01Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦279.07Energy Cost: ₦3, 720.93Debt Repayment: ₦2, 000.00KwH: 70.57Amount Tendered: ₦6,000.00 5893 6160 1851 8600 3916 17 Transaction ID: 2533163277724724Transaction Date/Time: 2021- 09-27 22:14:07Meter No.: 54160901853Account No.: 6214202101- 01Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30Energy Cost: ₦2, 790.70Debt Repayment: ₦0. 00KwH: 52.92Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 2697 3334 5221 3463 1269 18 Transaction ID: 2364163147624424Transaction Date/Time: 2021- 09-12 20:50:44Meter No.: 54160901853Account No.: 6214202101- 01Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30Energy Cost: ₦2, 790.70Debt Repayment: ₦4, 000.00KwH: 52.92Amount Tendered: ₦7,000.00 4338 3623 4902 5511 9771 19 Transaction ID: 8646162774169424Transaction Date/Time: 2021- 07-31 15:28:15Meter No.: 54160901853Account No.: 6214202101- 01Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30Energy Cost: ₦2, 790.70KwH: 55.01Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 1533 0682 1253 6687 2144 20 Transaction ID: 6691162619655924Transaction Date/Time: 2021- 07-13 18:16:00Meter No.: 54160901853Account No.: 6214202101- 01Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solu2022-09-05 tyoverpeter@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00020101ClosedTamper Code2022-09-05Request for temper code pls 44000733863Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-09-05No44000733863 Clear Tamper 0 6619 2702 1502 7997 32402022-09-05 abubakarumar4102@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020100ClosedKCT Request2022-09-05KCT GENERATION 44300013891 TARIFF INDEX 50MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-09-05No5654 6876 8644 3858 3188 3920 8750 4443 8260 89362022-09-05 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020099ClosedKCT Request2022-06-1462521038919MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-06-14No49857827216261197100 606304652516522355662022-06-14 thompsontor@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020098ClosedKCT Request2022-06-1462321003857MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-06-14No04685798811581830060 703010304145536472262022-06-14 abbaslawal360@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020097ClosedKCT Request2022-06-140101185054703Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-06-14Nothis meter number is a single phase residential meter and is on 01 on our system hence query the meter and revert with the correct tariff on the meter.2022-06-14 mubby247@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020096ClosedKCT Request2022-06-14this 0101205014034Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-06-14No6386 7523 5934 3443 7890 2561 7485 4895 2918 99482022-06-14 yuzarsif331122@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020095ClosedKCT Request2022-06-14: 44000503654MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-06-14No5708 4408 8969 1863 7152 5103 3028 0026 4041 64602022-06-14 timbwakphilip@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020094ClosedRequest2022-06-140101180034478Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-06-14NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 703519 Debt Repayment ₦1,602.29 ₦0.00 ₦1,602.29 ₦1,602.29 M 2022-05-31 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-06-07 samueldchun@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020093ClosedKCT Request2022-06-1462321078578MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-06-14NoYou send this mail already2022-06-14 wyontochae@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020092ClosedKCT Request2022-06-1462321078578MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-06-14No2 To 1 6048 3983 3470 8938 6914 6858 1789 3308 4744 8145 1 To 2 6732 2483 6278 8501 7420 3518 2696 0055 3864 07712022-06-14 wyontochae@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020091Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020090ClosedKCT Request2022-06-140101205002203 1-55 and 55-1 0150300017145 TI01 44000320166 21-1 0101160352437 22-1Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-06-14No0101205002203 1-55 and 55-1 55 To 1 0439 0245 5881 3511 4877 6193 2774 1466 0993 4461 1 To 55 1517 6776 0054 5961 4683 4582 4875 4530 4663 0086 0150300017145 TI01 1607 4806 8272 3417 5322 5624 9203 9366 3352 4595 44000320166 21-1 2119 2841 4948 2061 7133 2089 9807 7217 1709 9371 0101160352437 22-1 4727 2955 4799 4294 1174 4933 6704 0392 2425 70072022-06-14 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020089ClosedKCT Request2022-06-1462321078966 thanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-06-14No47683315765338531620 639545840144836406552022-06-14 beediesarah5@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020088ClosedKCT Request2022-06-145976 2441 2317 7733 0426 0674 1378 6221 2487 3142Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-06-14No440006066062022-06-14 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020087ClosedTamper Code2022-06-0662321074346 New installationMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-06-06No62321074346 Clear Tamper 0 7001 1142 0231 7166 15872022-06-06 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020086ClosedTamper Code2022-06-060101175077581Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-06-06No2022-06-06 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020085ClosedKCT Request2022-05-23Good Morning IT Support Team 44000582559 T1 TO T33MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-05-23No37110677108991420076 175200149229665053122022-05-23 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020084ClosedKCT Request2022-05-230101170128934 44000654200MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-05-23No0101170128934 6232 0783 4367 2581 0921 0904 6885 6113 8789 3811 44000654200 6975 9628 9568 3607 7196 0264 8513 9886 7721 74312022-05-23 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020083ClosedRequest2022-05-23010117015303MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-05-23NoNote that this is the wrong meter number.2022-05-23 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020082ClosedTamper Code2022-05-2362321094732.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-05-23No62321094732 Clear Tamper 0 3162 1901 3632 0358 98602022-05-23 rolandjames750@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020081ClosedRequest2022-05-230101170153031Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-05-23NoFind below as requested. ---2022-05-23 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00020080ClosedKCT Request2022-05-2354161116790Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-05-23NoDear Nusaiba, This meter is on TI 01 in our end.2022-05-23 maisugarnusaiba@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00020079ClosedKCT Request2022-05-2362321080285Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-05-23No10802391674999486987 277126327142559804332022-05-23 thompsontor@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020078ClosedKCT Request2022-05-2362321080285Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-05-23No10802391674999486987 277126327142559804332022-05-23 thompsontor@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020077ClosedRequest2022-05-23801901, 801903Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-05-23NoYour mail has been treated.2022-05-23 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020076ClosedKCT Request2022-05-23P Please think of the environment before you print this message and anyMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-05-23No22363235036897857434 024326682789787542002022-05-23 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020075ClosedKCT Request2022-05-2362221007883Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-05-23No01271460164961468597 200317566456328970842022-05-23 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020074ClosedKCT Request2022-05-2395300197258Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-05-23Nofind below, 6704 7195 7534 5159 9766 4961 7834 9315 5107 07982022-05-23 kabirukhalidumar@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020073ClosedKCT Request2022-05-2362221007883Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-05-23No01271460164961468597 200317566456328970842022-05-23 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020072ClosedKCT Request2022-05-230101210027625Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-05-23NoNote that this meter does not require kct.2022-05-23 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020071ClosedKCT Request2022-05-2362321042624Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-05-23No64297507473211043604 012913702637200529862022-05-23 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020070Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00020069ClosedRequest2022-05-1695300148186Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-05-16NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 697735 Debt Repayment ₦64,381.95 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦64,381.95 M 2022-03-10 ₦0.00 0000-00-00 --- Regards. Isah ABUBAKAR2022-05-16 longpuan@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00020068ClosedRequest2022-05-160101190148425Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-05-16NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 713185 Debt Repayment ₦6,408.47 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦6,408.47 M 2022-04-06 ₦0.00 2022-04-29 --- Regards.2022-05-16 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00020067ClosedRequest2022-05-16-0101200127047Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-05-16No01012001270472022-05-16 ibrahimkabir215@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00020066ClosedRequest2022-05-160101210145500Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-05-16NoNo debt was profiled associated with the MSN.2022-05-16 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00020065ClosedRequest2022-05-1657100003243Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-05-16NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 673661 Debt Repayment ₦6,986.92 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦6,986.92 M 2022-02-17 ₦0.00 2022-02-222022-05-16 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00020064ClosedRequest2022-05-16Please find new account for migration to evend. 802524Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-05-16NoRequest treated2022-05-16 Isah Abubakar
#00020063ClosedRequest2022-05-160101190017984Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-05-16NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 676690 Debt Repayment ₦5,602.29 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦3,602.29 M 2022-02-16 ₦2,000.00 2022-03-22 --- Regards.2022-05-16 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00020062ClosedRequest2022-05-1695300151164Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-05-16NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 760282 Debt Repayment ₦1,133.70 ₦0.00 ₦1,133.70 ₦0.00 M 2022-03-10 ₦1,133.70 2022-05-12 Closed2022-05-16 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00020061ClosedTamper Code2022-05-1654150600739Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-05-16No54150600739 Clear Tamper 0 4825 7163 9341 0788 3623 --- Regards.2022-05-16 rolandjames750@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00020060ClosedKCT Request2022-05-16Kindly generate from 74 to 01 on this meter number 54150625660. Thank youMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-05-16No0814 9873 3019 3950 1513 6675 3267 0074 4437 32862022-05-16 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00020059ClosedKCT Request2022-05-1662420228538Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-05-16NoFind below as requested.2022-05-16 thompsontor@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00020058ClosedKCT Request2022-05-160101190152831Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-05-16NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 711407 Debt Repayment ₦13,870.99 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦11,870.99 M 2022-03-01 ₦2,000.00 2022-04-012022-05-16 ademugeorge@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00020057ClosedRequest2022-05-13Find Attached in respect to your conversation on phone with Our Regional Manager.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-05-13NoRequest treated. You can now go ahead and upload the customers(s).2022-05-13 infortech4life@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00020056ClosedRequest2022-05-13801058 Please kindly validate for customer to make payment please Sent from my iPhoneMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-05-13NoRequested treated2022-05-13 obembetaye@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00020055ClosedKCT Request2022-05-090101200120588MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-05-09No0825 3637 9218 2156 7756 7096 0002 5094 0591 80792022-05-09 wyontochae@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020054ClosedRequest2022-05-090101170458059MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-05-09NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 679060 Debt Repayment ₦11,202.04 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦7,202.04 M 2022-02-18 ₦4,000.00 2022-04-192022-05-09 yuzarsif331122@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020053ClosedRequest2022-05-090101170362764MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-05-09NoYour request has been received and will reverse the money to the cashier wallet.2022-05-09 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020052ClosedKCT Request2022-05-0944000570141MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-05-09NoNot required.2022-05-09 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020051ClosedKCT Request2022-05-0962321150211MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-05-09No3904 3328 5822 7514 2459 4610 3076 6977 5933 93182022-05-09 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020050ClosedRequest2022-05-0654161130361Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-05-06NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 519299 Debt Repayment ₦134,657.01 ₦-25,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦89,657.01 M 2020-02-11 ₦20,000.00 2022-03-302022-05-06 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020049ClosedKCT Request2022-05-0604181532500.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-05-06No2557 2358 7771 3395 7702 3177 2814 7522 3409 43292022-05-06 uduhaleje@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020048ClosedRequest2022-05-0654160895998Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-05-06NoPlease be guided on how many to send the request as you have sent it earlier why are you resending it.2022-05-06 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00020047ClosedRequest2022-05-0695300180866Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-05-06NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 705635 Debt Repayment ₦36,571.47 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦34,571.47 M 2022-04-06 ₦2,000.00 2022-05-062022-05-06 uduhaleje@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020046ClosedKCT Request2022-05-060101210102063Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-05-06No3844 7125 2283 7769 1469 5526 8942 1853 2190 06622022-05-06 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020045ClosedKCT Request2022-05-060101215020153Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-05-06No5881 8329 5593 4211 1004 1264 2966 5314 5806 77362022-05-06 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020044ClosedKCT Request2022-05-0657100058627Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-05-06No57100058627 (0021 to current tariff) 6925 0369 4098 5535 6981 4595 5814 8931 2026 4798 62321078743 (0001 to 0002) 5062 9592 7425 9413 9000 0044 5008 2282 2596 16532022-05-06 abdulmalikakande@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020043ClosedTamper Code2022-05-0654161111825MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-05-06No54161111825 Clear Tamper 0 2113 8499 7233 5325 65932022-05-06 ibrahimkabir215@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00020042ClosedTamper Code2022-05-0644000530855 0101200047666 44000539872MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-05-06No44000530855 Clear Tamper 0 7210 5594 2824 0274 5390 0101200047666 Clear Tamper 0 3847 6767 3032 5711 4214 44000539872 Clear Tamper 0 4640 9874 9256 8211 11272022-05-06 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020041ClosedRequest2022-05-0654160895998MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-05-06NoPlease note that there is no debt yet for this customer.2022-05-06 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020040ClosedRequest2022-05-06-95300176351MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-05-06NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 644905 Debt Repayment ₦4,993.83 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦993.83 M 2022-03-23 ₦4,000.00 2022-05-05 On Fri, 6 May 2022 at 09:45, nuwaira danjuma2022-05-06 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020039ClosedRequest2022-05-060101200119069Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-05-06NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 719618 Debt Repayment ₦26,996.73 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦24,996.73 M 2022-03-29 ₦2,000.00 2022-04-242022-05-06 maisugarnusaiba@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020038ClosedKCT Request2022-05-0644000570406Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-05-06Nonote that this meter does not require kct.2022-05-06 longpuan@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020037ClosedRequest2022-05-0654160736861Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-05-06NoNo debt record was found.2022-05-06 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020036ClosedRequest2022-05-060101200087993Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-05-06NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 514702 Debt Repayment ₦317,564.17 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦317,564.17 M 2022-04-11 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-05-06 maisugarnusaiba@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020035ClosedRequest2022-05-060150000886872Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-05-06NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 728856 Debt Repayment ₦3,959.01 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦1,959.01 M 2022-04-06 ₦2,000.00 2022-05-012022-05-06 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020034ClosedKCT Request2022-05-06Kindly generate KCT for MSN 4400069823 onMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-05-06NoWrong meter number or not captured2022-05-06 kinretluka@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020033ClosedKCT Request2022-04-2854161097149.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-28No7063 8766 9572 3301 6753 7185 6140 9841 2025 2159 7275 9726 8892 7515 2185 0809 0563 9884 6282 12032022-04-28 jubilant95@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00020032ClosedRequest2022-04-28799104 803027 803028 803029 803030 803031 803032 803033 803034Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-28No799104 803027 803028 803029 803030 803031 803032 803033 8030342022-04-28 mwuladi@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00020031ClosedRequest2022-04-28801739 to be captured on evendMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-28NoNote that your mail has been treated.2022-04-28 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00020030ClosedRequest2022-04-280101170158964.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-28NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 675977 Debt Repayment ₦5,602.29 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦3,602.29 M 2022-02-17 ₦2,000.00 2022-03-212022-04-28 uduhaleje@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00020029ClosedKCT Request2022-04-2854160918568. From 02. To. 01Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-28No4287 2586 2822 8749 7453 1842 9534 7285 3491 91152022-04-28 uduhaleje@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00020028ClosedKCT Request2022-04-280101215031044Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-28No2807 9943 8203 8861 6046 4228 3074 4713 3426 99122022-04-28 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00020027ClosedKCT Request2022-04-280101170233163Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-28NoNote that this meter does not require kct.2022-04-28 nmaisugar@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00020026ClosedKCT Request2022-04-28SGC is 999962MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-28No39705143251303549404 596666720450808461472022-04-28 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00020025ClosedKCT Request2022-04-280101215032448Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-28No2771 1550 1994 3280 3565 6099 0867 7783 1993 08002022-04-28 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00020024ClosedKCT Request2022-04-2854160990096Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-28NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 512179 Debt Repayment ₦103,178.25 ₦-72,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦11,178.25 M 2017-12-14 ₦20,000.00 2022-03-26 On Thu, 28 Apr 2022 at 10:12, fatimah jimoh wrote:2022-04-28 phartiemah12@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00020023ClosedKCT Request2022-04-2862321094278Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-28NoNote that this meter does not require kct.2022-04-28 phartiemah12@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00020022ClosedKCT Request2022-04-2844000584357 44300009121MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-28No44000584357 0645 5897 4926 6432 5103 2660 5598 6434 0818 1438 44300009121 3776 5399 5376 3374 0367 6701 7021 4907 9360 9159 6574 1262 0934 7501 9262 6890 6997 6708 7362 05732022-04-28 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020021ClosedRequest2022-04-2854161042889MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-28NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 491067 Debt Repayment ₦100,662.97 ₦-20,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦58,662.97 M 2020-03-11 ₦22,000.00 2022-04-04 670028 Debt Repayment ₦33,116.46 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦33,116.46 M 2022-02-25 ₦0.00 0000-00-00 On Thu, 28 Apr 2022 at 09:44, Wuladi Myahwegi wrote:2022-04-28 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00020020ClosedKCT Request2022-04-280101170408260. From 74. To. 01 95300226305. 01MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-28No0101170408260. From 74. To. 01 5841 2599 0882 6145 6934 2659 6605 7528 6956 45842022-04-28 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00020019ClosedKCT Request2022-04-2895300184637 6 to 1Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-28No4924 5395 6221 6616 7999 1876 0374 2301 3232 92762022-04-28 sadiqabdullahi62@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020018ClosedKCT Request2022-04-2823102119965 2274-8842-3047-5552-3050-Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-28No22588345648675434415 028618013177882402222022-04-28 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020017ClosedKCT Request2022-04-2844300014295Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-28No3962 6211 5658 5404 3694 1014 4632 1933 7368 6943 2636 6398 8215 2050 9553 5271 5018 1590 7763 04822022-04-28 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020016ClosedKCT Request2022-04-2844300014295Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-28No3962 6211 5658 5404 36942022-04-28 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020015ClosedKCT Request2022-04-2844000606937Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-28No3366 9069 7208 3771 0705 2640 3721 5252 0620 37052022-04-28 nmaisugar@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020014ClosedKCT Request2022-04-2854160856537Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-28No4073 4248 7064 1527 7185 2855 9008 5892 5753 97272022-04-28 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020013ClosedKCT Request2022-04-28Please treat 04234002501Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-28NoNote that this meter does not require kct.2022-04-28 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020012ClosedKCT Request2022-04-2844000500171 from 21 to active.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-28No4256 3878 2691 9387 8560 0855 0649 7785 2352 96002022-04-28 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020011ClosedKCT Request2022-04-2862321078222Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-28No1834 2383 6379 2027 5457 1918 1296 7748 5193 98822022-04-28 stynlucs@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020010ClosedKCT Request2022-04-2862321105967 from 01 to 99Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-28No4241 0738 9608 5901 3905 0886 0170 1072 3689 39342022-04-28 yusufibrahimbaba440@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020009ClosedKCT Request2022-04-2654150632534 TI21Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-26No4128 2014 5282 6260 7470 5040 0890 2212 6810 86892022-04-26 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020008ClosedTamper Code2022-04-2644000618163 due to rainMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-04-26No44000618163 Clear Tamper 0 0959 3944 8310 3838 6792 ---2022-04-26 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00020007ClosedKCT Request2022-04-260101178034142 55-1 0101178022428 55-1 0101178022253 55-1 0101188028712 55-1 0101178035115 55-1 0101188005504 55-1 0101178034076 55-1 0101178026130 55-1 0101188005876 55-1Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-04-26No1281 6952 2757 7308 4035 5028 7172 8647 0101178022428 55-1 6821 0313 0776 2111 1033 2547 8453 2149 1761 0956 0101178022253 55-1 2604 5966 5753 3163 7781 0407 1639 9437 9936 4441 0101188028712 55-1 4552 1684 5847 7743 6448 7074 8650 7008 4534 7447 0101178035115 55-1 1284 0619 9084 6592 4542 4382 2347 3887 6693 7825 0101188005504 55-1 1203 2362 4759 1565 9952 6706 0608 5915 9364 2531 0101178034076 55-1 6553 4444 9258 6127 4727 0538 8365 0225 9270 3909 0101178026130 55-1 6643 6346 6153 3795 3010 4691 1106 6854 0667 9751 0101188005876 55-1 2497 3969 1373 4901 4247 1334 3729 2325 4759 16992022-04-26 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00020006ClosedKCT Request2022-04-2674 - 54160737638Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-04-26No1184 6242 3160 3148 9884 6488 6810 7108 4118 97562022-04-26 stynlucs@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00020005ClosedKCT Request2022-04-250101188028563. FROM 02. TO. 01Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-04-25No2 To 1 1149 8203 7660 6921 4256 5226 7443 3999 6673 75662022-04-25 uduhaleje@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00020004ClosedKCT Request2022-04-250101170171652. From. 33. To. 01Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-04-25No3726 5395 1323 8615 8307 2569 7323 3008 2880 70472022-04-25 uduhaleje@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00020003ClosedKCT Request2022-04-2544000370708Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-04-25No6914 5477 5815 3382 9826 7045 4971 8596 4993 16342022-04-25 nmaisugar@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00020002ClosedKCT Request2022-04-2554160875131Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-25NoPlease note that this meter does not require kct.2022-04-25 nmaisugar@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00020001ClosedRequest2022-04-250101170424689Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-25NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 543930 Debt Repayment ₦242,427.44 ₦-90,823.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦151,604.44 M 2019-05-13 ₦0.00 2021-12-292022-04-25 nmaisugar@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00020000ClosedKCT Request2022-04-250101160407751Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-25No0007 3516 4885 1167 2524 4694 7030 7110 5716 93292022-04-25 nmaisugar@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019999ClosedRequest2022-04-250101170302463Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-25NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 512342 Debt Repayment ₦115,305.13 ₦-36,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦57,305.13 M 2019-05-02 ₦22,000.00 2022-04-252022-04-25 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019998ClosedKCT Request2022-04-25KCT from previous to Current tariff : 0101170399105Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-25No1153 5271 8881 7262 6073 0949 4706 7716 2144 41572022-04-25 yuzarsif331122@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019997ClosedKCT Request2022-04-2501 95300218021Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-25No3211 1765 0177 4970 7866 6451 7966 0663 1164 78702022-04-25 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019996ClosedKCT Request2022-04-250101170368449Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-25NoPlease note that this meter is on 01 on our system no kct is requiredrequire.2022-04-25 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019995ClosedRequest2022-04-2554161146078Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-25NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 665912 Debt Repayment ₦36,552.13 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦36,552.13 M 2022-02-10 ₦0.00 2022-02-262022-04-25 ademugeorge@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019994ClosedRequest2022-04-25No data available in tableMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-25Nofind attached,2022-04-25 anasjedit2@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019993ClosedTamper Code2022-04-25. 0150000846850 2. 0150000852031 3. 0150000848252 4. 0150000846702 5. 0150000846280 6. 0150000852031 7. 0150000846900 8. 0150000952510Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-25No1. 0150000846850 Clear Tamper 0 4426 5127 0047 9922 2653 2. 0150000852031 Clear Tamper 0 7338 8099 3607 7665 6068 3. 0150000848252 Clear Tamper 0 5712 1956 9544 1854 7868 4. 0150000846702 Clear Tamper 0 5293 4638 3520 2797 6451 5. 0150000846280 Clear Tamper 0 3575 4779 3272 6039 2997 6. 0150000852031 Clear Tamper 0 4868 3383 4281 9710 1185 7. 0150000846900 Clear Tamper 0 5848 5390 7559 9878 4365 On Mon, 25 Apr 2022 at 13:49, Kabiru Ibrahim2022-04-25 ibrahimkabir215@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00019992ClosedKCT Request2022-04-25Please assist with below kct 0101195000084 from 0002 to active Thank you.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-25No5662 5077 7483 2824 0045 0776 6422 2429 3036 24142022-04-25 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019991ClosedKCT Request2022-04-2562321164360 from 01 to 99Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-25No3024 8228 8496 0391 1625 6194 0707 0676 5724 51622022-04-25 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019990ClosedKCT Request2022-04-25kindly Assist with SGC 23102121995Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-25No31651434432852021514 270668607251258188322022-04-25 thompsontor@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019989ClosedKCT Request2022-04-25-54160988777Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-25NoPlease note that this meter does not require kct.2022-04-25 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019988ClosedKCT Request2022-04-25Good afternoon Sir 0001, meter No ,0101210159717 Kind regardsMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-25NoPlease note that no kct is required for this meter.2022-04-25 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019987ClosedKCT Request2022-04-25Please treat 54160994353Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-25No0110 1667 2302 7633 8293 3236 7651 0121 0911 03522022-04-25 mwuladi@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00019986ClosedKCT Request2022-04-2562321164360 from 001 to 099 Thank youMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-25No3024 8228 8496 0391 1625 6194 0707 0676 5724 51622022-04-25 faithelisha1990@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019985ClosedRequest2022-04-250101190008223Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-25NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 657873 Debt Repayment ₦45,746.45 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦41,746.45 M 2022-02-14 ₦4,000.00 2022-04-252022-04-25 ummilois2@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019984ClosedRequest2022-04-250101200120166Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-25NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 492868 Debt Repayment ₦129,441.47 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦129,441.47 M 2022-03-30 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-04-25 nmaisugar@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019983ClosedKCT Request2022-04-2544000382919Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-04-25No44000382919 Clear Tamper 0 2250 6292 3697 1478 16482022-04-25 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019982Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00019981ClosedKCT Request2022-04-25rent tariff-0101170407577Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-04-25No3868 1784 4330 0292 7113 1562 2721 4070 8571 63272022-04-25 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019980ClosedKCT Request2022-04-2554161087066Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-04-25No4592 0315 0159 2027 8943 0069 1542 4584 4753 77682022-04-25 nmaisugar@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019979ClosedVending History2022-04-2562321148157 pls kindly Help meMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-25Nofind attached,2022-04-25 yusufibrahimbaba440@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019978ClosedKCT Request2022-04-250101190147880Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-25NoHow many times are you sending this please?2022-04-25 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019977ClosedKCT Request2022-04-2562321072373Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-25No13337682666943145243 277620011546312870862022-04-25 thompsontor@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019976ClosedKCT Request2022-04-25010121502170Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-04-25No1 To 2 5568 4037 4192 6050 0600 4453 8304 3318 5203 8644 2 To 1 5500 6704 8374 5959 3555 4894 6260 2854 6511 65002022-04-25 nmaisugar@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019975ClosedRequest2022-04-250101160008989Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-04-25NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6581095094-01 Debt Repayment ₦154,655.95 ₦-37,560.72 ₦2,000.00 ₦95,095.23 M 2019-01-29 ₦22,000.00 2022-04-25 ---2022-04-25 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019974ClosedKCT Request2022-04-2544000685188 44000545085 44000685188 44000545085Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-04-25No44000685188 440005450852022-04-25 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019973Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00019972Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00019971ClosedKCT Request2022-04-250101190019105Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-04-25NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 663755 Debt Repayment ₦27,202.38 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦27,202.38 M 2022-02-15 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-04-25 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019970ClosedRequest2022-04-2554160743123Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-25NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 697884 Debt Repayment ₦7,488.27 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦7,488.27 M 2022-02-15 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-04-25 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019969ClosedKCT Request2022-04-2562321206781Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-25NoNo kct is required for this meter.2022-04-25 yinknuga2002@yahoo.co.uk Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019968ClosedKCT Request2022-04-250101170268011.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-25No4179 0727 3544 5286 0987 2863 0760 7987 8858 25872022-04-25 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019967ClosedKCT Request2022-04-250101200110910(55) Please kindly treat thank you.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-25NoPlease note that this meter is also on 55 on our system no kct is required.2022-04-25 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019966ClosedKCT Request2022-04-2544000741353 01. 44000655345 01. 44000743375 01. 0101170410514 01MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-25NoPlease note that this meter does not require kct.2022-04-25 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019965ClosedRequest2022-04-250101200047302 95300148228 0101170424598 Regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-25No0101200047302 Clear Tamper 0 5207 9553 7699 2552 3304 95300148228 Clear Tamper 0 4629 1774 3302 5827 1790 0101170424598 Clear Tamper 0 5187 0717 4641 1366 48612022-04-25 ibrahimkabir215@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019964ClosedRequest2022-04-250101190013330Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-04-25NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 519158 Debt Repayment ₦153,004.12 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦153,004.12 M 2022-02-16 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-04-25 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019963ClosedRequest2022-04-2595300218393 95300160413. 54161005878Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-04-25No95300218393 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 596127 Debt Repayment ₦139,922.23 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦137,922.23 M 2022-03-21 ₦2,000.00 2022-04-21 95300160413. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 609689 Debt Repayment ₦35,472.92 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦33,472.92 M 2022-03-15 ₦2,000.00 2022-04-23 54161005878 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 501992 Debt Repayment ₦137,897.47 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦133,897.47 M 2022-02-17 ₦4,000.00 2022-04-20 --- Regards. Isah ABUBAKAR Network and IT Officer Jos Electricity Distribution Plc HQ On 25/04/2022 09:03:08, uduh Aleje2022-04-25 uduhaleje@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019962ClosedKCT Request2022-04-250101195000050Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-04-25No1030 5424 8479 0691 4276 1082 1989 0486 9340 97462022-04-25 kabirukhalidumar@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019961ClosedKCT Request2022-04-250101190132940(21)Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-04-25No3449 2262 7480 6888 6567 2489 6030 8396 7620 63232022-04-25 ummilois2@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019960ClosedRequest2022-04-2557100018423Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-25NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 686849 Debt Repayment ₦12,848.45 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦8,848.45 M 2022-02-15 ₦4,000.00 2022-04-182022-04-25 Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019959ClosedRequest2022-04-2295300166998Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-04-22NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 618544 Debt Repayment ₦208,985.02 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦206,985.02 M 2022-03-15 ₦2,000.00 2022-04-072022-04-22 uduhaleje@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019958ClosedRequest2022-04-22- 54160969611Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-04-22NoThe transaction was not successful and the said sum will be refund back to the cashiers wallet within 48 hours of transactions.2022-04-22 uduhaleje@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019957ClosedKCT Request2022-04-220101210137267Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-04-22NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 767956 Debt Repayment ₦8,656.69 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦6,656.69 M 2022-02-28 ₦2,000.00 2022-03-272022-04-22 ademugeorge@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019956ClosedKCT Request2022-04-2295300197050Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-04-22No0181 1176 4282 8057 6273 0144 2073 5826 7331 35792022-04-22 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019955ClosedKCT Request2022-04-22Please note token was bought on 20/12/2022 95302025604(1)Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-04-22NoWrong/not captured meter number.2022-04-22 mwuladi@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00019954ClosedKCT Request2022-04-2244000576197Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-04-22No1 To 74 3087 9719 5828 4896 6654 4380 7449 4630 5387 7115 74 To 1 4018 6524 2665 6993 5001 1613 4533 6748 6091 0765 ---2022-04-22 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019953ClosedKCT Request2022-04-2201 - CURRENT TARIFF 0101215021706Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-04-22No01012150267052022-04-22 nmaisugar@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019952ClosedKCT Request2022-04-220101215026705Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-04-22No5220 6062 5679 6308 3304 1201 8111 0760 6273 36602022-04-22 phartiemah12@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019951ClosedKCT Request2022-04-220101215032448 on 0074Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-22No2771 1550 1994 3280 3565 6099 0867 7783 1993 08002022-04-22 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019950ClosedKCT Request2022-04-2274 - 57100026053Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-22No1 To 74 3038 9859 4147 4999 1413 1886 2733 2888 2960 6241 74 To 1 1992 0591 2832 8934 4270 0213 1854 5038 9416 02172022-04-22 stynlucs@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019949ClosedRequest2022-04-220101170147918Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-22NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 669590 Debt Repayment ₦35,823.81 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦33,823.81 M 2022-02-15 ₦2,000.00 2022-03-272022-04-22 stynlucs@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019948ClosedKCT Request2022-04-2248 - 0101205009471Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-22No6732 6456 7845 9492 8766 1741 5682 0509 3352 33852022-04-22 stynlucs@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019947ClosedKCT Request2022-04-2144000734895Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-21No2634 1726 2144 0249 0093 6646 1827 5272 7751 29322022-04-21 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019946ClosedRequest2022-04-2154161040768Medium 2022-04-21NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 615116124701 Debt Repayment ₦74,780.51 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦70,780.51 M 2022-02-10 ₦4,000.00 2022-04-20 On Thu, 21 Apr 2022 at 13:50, Wuladi Myahwegi2022-04-21 mwuladi@yahoo.com
#00019945ClosedKCT Request2022-04-2144000741304Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-21No4671 2422 4909 4097 6383 2254 8923 5767 5886 74882022-04-21 nmaisugar@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019944ClosedRequest2022-04-210195000007284Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-21NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 564856 Debt Repayment ₦133,649.43 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦131,649.43 M 2022-03-10 ₦2,000.00 2022-04-192022-04-21 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019943ClosedRequest2022-04-210101190143269Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-04-21NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 666024 Debt Repayment ₦39,479.94 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦39,479.94 M 2022-03-21 ₦0.00 0000-00-00 ---2022-04-21 nmaisugar@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019942ClosedRequest2022-04-210101160395196Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-04-21NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6514920280-01 Debt Repayment ₦4,905,739.13 ₦0.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦4,905,739.13 M 2018-09-14 ₦0.00 2021-05-312022-04-21 phartiemah12@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019941ClosedRequest2022-04-210101190004065Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-04-21NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 568465 Debt Repayment ₦63,466.50 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦63,466.50 M 2022-02-15 ₦0.00 2022-02-25 ---2022-04-21 nmaisugar@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019940ClosedKCT Request2022-04-2162321077463 62321077737 62321079618MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-21NoPlease note that this meter does not require kct.2022-04-21 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019939ClosedRequest2022-04-21010119014811Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-04-21NoPlease kindly confirm the meter number before sending.2022-04-21 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00019938ClosedTamper Code2022-04-210101205012905Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-21No0101205012905 Clear Tamper 0 3570 7286 5644 8914 13442022-04-21 ibrahimkabir215@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019937ClosedRequest2022-04-210101200065130Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-21No0101200065130 Clear Tamper 0 4372 4467 8725 6724 71422022-04-21 ibrahimkabir215@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019936ClosedKCT Request2022-04-2144000314995Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-21No0682 4329 0945 3228 9594 0775 3467 9021 4099 74252022-04-21 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019935ClosedKCT Request2022-04-2162321079618Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-21NoThis meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-04-21 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019934Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00019933ClosedRequest2022-04-210101180109262Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-21NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 697567 Debt Repayment ₦3,524.17 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2022-02-16 ₦3,524.17 2022-04-14 Closed On Thu, 21 Apr 2022 at 08:22, maryam bashir wrote: Dear support, Please the above subject refers. Regards.2022-04-21 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019932ClosedRequest2022-04-210150000969116Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-21NoNot profile yet2022-04-21 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019931ClosedRequest2022-04-21profile 54161042400Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-21NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 705686 Debt Repayment ₦7,406.62 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,406.62 M 2022-02-10 ₦2,000.00 2022-03-312022-04-21 nmaisugar@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019930ClosedRequest2022-04-2144000523751 SGC=600419Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-21NoFind below, First: Enter this KCT 4235 9287 1417 8304 5728 6573 1430 3393 2588 3221 Then Enter this KCT 1393 9538 4329 8819 7053 6075 3601 9350 1180 51852022-04-21 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019929ClosedKCT Request2022-04-190101210156200 index 0001 0101205016112 index 0099Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-19No0101210156200 index 0001..................not required. 0101205016112 index 0099 0434 7823 0290 3167 0841 3974 7376 6348 5419 34162022-04-19 yinknuga2002@yahoo.co.uk Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019928ClosedKCT Request2022-04-2195300181773Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-21NoNot Required.2022-04-21 kabirukhalidumar@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019927ClosedTamper Code2022-04-19Please the above subject refers, fallen pole due to heavy rainfall on Sunday. 0101170373951 44000501914MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-19No0101170373951 Clear Tamper 0 1792 8888 5155 5432 9464 44000501914 Clear Tamper 0 2870 0468 7117 9045 00172022-04-19 ibrahimkabir215@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00019926ClosedRequest2022-04-19MSN: 0101161037987Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-19No01012000594552022-04-19 nmaisugar@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019925ClosedRequest2022-04-190101200059455Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-19Nofind below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 719886 Debt Repayment ₦7,561.09 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,561.09 M 2022-03-28 ₦2,000.00 2022-04-192022-04-19 stynlucs@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019924ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1921-44000555274Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-19No5972 2308 7191 4573 4743 0729 3024 1819 2063 43112022-04-19 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019923ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1944000684926MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-19No1 To 2 1457 0958 6486 6227 0958 4970 1432 3097 6064 0053 2 To 1 2784 3629 1309 4286 6502 3684 8938 2645 1074 15192022-04-19 kabirukhalidumar@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019922ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1904 TO 01 - 54161006256MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-19No0544 2237 1501 7794 4715 6047 1459 2417 2320 20312022-04-19 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019921ClosedRequest2022-04-190101190007399MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-19NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 693528 Debt Repayment ₦10,062.38 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦6,062.38 M 2022-02-14 ₦4,000.00 2022-04-18 On Tue, 19 Apr 2022 at 15:02, Ummi Lois2022-04-19 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019920ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1944000518157Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-04-19No6790 8492 5444 7272 7600 3943 0753 0803 2609 50382022-04-19 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019919ClosedRequest2022-04-190101170314245Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-04-19NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 523339 Debt Repayment ₦127,896.19 ₦-60,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦67,896.19 M 2019-07-25 ₦0.00 2021-05-31 759616 Debt Repayment ₦3,158.06 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦0.00 M 2022-02-28 ₦3,158.06 2022-04-19 Closed On Tue, 19 Apr 2022 at 14:03, fatimah jimoh wrote: Hello, Kindly assist with the above request.2022-04-19 phartiemah12@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019918ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1944000638500Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-19No6994 3952 3987 6902 9552 2491 3307 7084 9071 87432022-04-19 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019917ClosedRequest2022-04-190101170118539Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-19NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612326316501 Debt Repayment ₦72,416.58 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦68,416.58 M 2022-02-10 ₦4,000.00 2022-04-152022-04-19 nmaisugar@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019916ClosedRequest2022-04-1995300147246Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-19NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 658512080101 Debt Repayment ₦146,015.80 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦144,015.80 M 2022-03-11 ₦2,000.00 2022-04-192022-04-19 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019915ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1944300014618Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-19No1961 9951 7012 8377 7733 0914 1557 9187 1457 80482022-04-19 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019914ClosedRequest2022-04-190101190005930Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-19NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 602652 Debt Repayment ₦34,946.11 ₦0.00 ₦5,000.00 ₦29,946.11 M 2022-02-09 ₦5,000.00 2022-03-252022-04-19 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019913ClosedKCT Request2022-04-190101185054711 O21Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-19No72849791775766479028 391599871820032067362022-04-19 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019912ClosedRequest2022-04-190101160001208MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-19NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 712433 Debt Repayment ₦9,786.85 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,786.85 M 2022-02-15 ₦4,000.00 2022-04-132022-04-19 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019911ClosedKCT Request2022-04-19Good morning, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters. Thank you. Meter Numbers: 0101205009588 (02 to 01) 0101215031325 (02 to 01) 44000528768MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-19No0101205009588 (02 to 01) 6853 7340 0206 9161 5059 5891 2286 0507 8566 4997 0101215031325 (02 to 01) 4185 1036 6092 5533 9000 1589 8807 4050 9221 8951 44000528768 5817 7534 9047 6103 2775 2449 3418 3026 6532 06312022-04-19 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019910ClosedKCT Request2022-04-190101205002435(2)MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-19No7034 4992 0982 7157 3954 3485 1998 7612 0460 50992022-04-19 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019909ClosedVending History2022-04-1954160984115Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-19Nofind attached,2022-04-19 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019908ClosedRequest2022-04-190101210065179Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-19NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611911073101 Debt Repayment ₦795,481.71 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦791,481.71 M 2022-02-25 ₦4,000.00 2022-04-112022-04-19 omarllepps@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019907ClosedTamper Code2022-04-190101200054522 95300152691Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-19No0101200054522 Clear Tamper 0 5189 2092 6831 1721 3941 95300152691 Clear Tamper 0 0749 9911 7531 0346 22522022-04-19 ibrahimkabir215@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019906ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1944000731834Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-19NoThis meter is on 01 on our system.2022-04-19 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019905ClosedKCT Request2022-04-190101170416339Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-19No6707 8920 9013 5739 2685 1761 2768 5669 1696 56512022-04-19 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019904ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1904227930379Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-04-19No08891563354626557975 200911462669924728962022-04-19 nmaisugar@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019903ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1944000514883Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-04-19NoThis meter is on TI 01 in our end.2022-04-19 benmercyladi@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019902ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1904248777551Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-04-19No5126 4117 1304 9670 8676 5316 5649 1310 5771 59642022-04-19 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019901ClosedKCT Request2022-04-190101188028571 (2) Is on (MD1 band A)Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-04-19No5606 2117 4451 0643 0178 1606 7943 6847 9894 33512022-04-19 ummilois2@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019900ClosedRequest2022-04-19:0101200002463Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-04-19NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 715181 Debt Repayment ₦21,988.67 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦19,988.67 M 2022-02-25 ₦2,000.00 2022-03-26 --- Regards.2022-04-19 ademugeorge@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019899ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1944300018254Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-04-19NoDear Joseph, Find below as requested. 1179 0388 9125 5105 9167 3428 0158 7387 6389 67352022-04-19 wyontochae@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019898ClosedKCT Request2022-04-190101170448357Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-04-19No1561 6936 3062 1112 8847 5437 4138 9590 1490 11302022-04-19 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019897ClosedKCT Request2022-04-19Dear it support, please kindly send me the Kct Token following the meter number for 0021 to 0001 for 0001 to 0021 0101200066633Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-04-19No21 To 1 4763 7349 9537 4153 3236 4251 9734 2957 2672 2066 1 To 21 5764 2959 9931 7824 1943 6286 5816 3628 1898 71272022-04-19 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019896ClosedRequest2022-04-19Good morning sir Kindly assist please 0101200049506 0101200045744 0101150589188 612326054801 Thank youMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-04-19No0101200049506 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612645166701 Debt Repayment ₦204,414.63 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦202,414.63 M 2022-03-30 ₦2,000.00 2022-04-18 0101200045744.........no debt profile found 0101150589188 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 650868 Debt Repayment ₦15,688.31 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦11,688.31 M 2022-02-15 ₦4,000.00 2022-04-18 612326054801........no debt profile found --- Regards. Isah ABUBAKAR Network and IT Officer Jos Electricity Distribution Plc HQ On 19/04/2022 09:11:31, funke balogun wrote: Good morning sir Kindly assist please2022-04-19 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00019895ClosedRequest2022-04-19Dear support, Please the above subject refers. 0101190012134 0101190012142 Regards.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-04-19No0101190012134 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 679265 Debt Repayment ₦8,709.00 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦4,709.00 M 2022-02-18 ₦4,000.00 2022-04-18 0101190012142 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 679269 Debt Repayment ₦11,709.00 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦11,709.00 M 2022-02-18 ₦0.00 2022-02-28 --- Regards. Isah ABUBAKAR Network and IT Officer Jos Electricity Distribution Plc HQ On 19/04/2022 09:14:23, maryam bashir wrote:2022-04-19 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019894ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1933 to 01 57100045764Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-04-19No7215 7172 3391 2716 1107 4085 7704 0372 4145 28292022-04-19 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019893ClosedRequest2022-04-190101160009573Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-04-19NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6585083643-01 Debt Repayment ₦229,216.10 ₦-67,944.81 ₦2,000.00 ₦139,271.29 M 2019-03-17 ₦22,000.00 2022-04-142022-04-19 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019892ClosedRequest2022-04-19Request for debt profile 0101161038043Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-04-19NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 61240304428-01 Debt Repayment ₦226,360.29 ₦-109,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦95,360.29 M 2018-03-21 ₦22,000.00 2022-04-042022-04-19 nmaisugar@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019891ClosedTamper Code2022-04-1957300015914 Burnt terminalMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-19No57300015914 Clear Tamper 0 5456 1901 1412 3938 49082022-04-19 ibrahimkabir215@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019890ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1904 TO THE CURRENT TARIFF-54161006256Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-19No0544 2237 1501 7794 4715 6047 1459 2417 2320 20312022-04-19 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019889ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1962321148157 from 01 to 33Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-19No6729 0561 2710 7291 4167 4301 3731 8075 1502 54192022-04-19 yusufibrahimbaba440@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019888ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1944000681831Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-19No44000681831 Clear Tamper 0 1375 1713 8753 7775 52042022-04-19 ibrahimkabir215@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019887ClosedVending History2022-04-190101175079421 tankx sir.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-19Nofind attached,2022-04-19 felixaron37@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019886ClosedTamper Code2022-04-190150000850290 & 0101205005024Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-19No0150000850290 Clear Tamper 0 2229 0336 9956 8257 0207 0101205005024 Clear Tamper 0 0238 9429 5048 5238 39932022-04-19 ibrahimkabir215@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019885ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1944000602076Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-19No5043 0084 2860 3658 6697 2878 5175 0435 9548 12662022-04-19 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019884ClosedKCT Request2022-04-19The meter is on 01 kindly assist 44000591519. ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-19No3659 2498 1657 7584 9357 1065 8850 2538 1711 49052022-04-19 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019883ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1901 010117041633Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-19NoWrong meter number or not captured2022-04-19 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019882ClosedRequest2022-04-14- 0101170415471Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-14NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 511698 Debt Repayment ₦188,727.76 ₦-46,590.80 ₦2,000.00 ₦142,136.96 M 2019-12-08 ₦0.00 2021-05-312022-04-14 omarllepps@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00019881ClosedRequest2022-04-140101160068413Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-14NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6126291241-01 Debt Repayment ₦164,663.91 ₦-14,000.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦150,663.91 M 2018-03-15 ₦0.00 2021-05-312022-04-14 nmaisugar@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019880Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00019879ClosedTamper Code2022-04-14Kindly vette on the above meters for support to generate tamperMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-14No44000623189 Clear Tamper 0 2993 1333 5536 1191 6495 0101215018082 Clear Tamper 0 6833 3519 7410 6487 74952022-04-14 ibrahimkabir215@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00019878ClosedKCT Request2022-04-140101210069049 Tariff index is 0001Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-14Nofind below, 1 To 33 3597 5530 0859 5074 8321 1928 9884 4154 0963 04302022-04-14 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019877ClosedKCT Request2022-04-140101210069049Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-14Nofind below, 4986 8486 7210 8207 2633 7004 3459 6506 9638 62442022-04-14 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019876ClosedTamper Code2022-04-14Kindly generate temper for 62321004012. Thank youMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-14No62321004012 Clear Tamper 0 6771 4588 9761 7447 19842022-04-14 ibrahimkabir215@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00019875ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1444000665719 1-21Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-04-14NoFind below as requested. 3851 0580 9398 0871 9563 4694 1803 2547 5299 69022022-04-14 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019874ClosedKCT Request2022-04-14Please KCT for the following MSN 62321161903 INDEX 01 to 99 62321136806 INDEX 01 to 99 62321161905 INDEX 01 to 99Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-04-14No62321161903 INDEX 01 to 99 2008 6034 0102 7929 5550 2446 4685 8792 9128 1990 62321136806 INDEX 01 to 99 6313 5804 8371 6940 9402 0073 2410 6049 5556 09232022-04-14 yinknuga2002@yahoo.co.uk Isah Abubakar
#00019873ClosedKCT Request2022-04-140101170223065Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-04-14No5759 9143 6382 3442 6177 0665 1176 3975 2608 56042022-04-14 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019872ClosedKCT Request2022-04-140101215016607 02-01 & 01-02 Please Sir help us With a KCT Thanks for your supportMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-04-14NoFind below as requested. 2 To 1 2229 1526 0938 2442 9070 5120 2330 6918 9494 1358 1 To 2 5453 2388 4839 8597 3504 3953 9530 1300 6456 25452022-04-14 yakubaliyu82@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019871ClosedKCT Request2022-04-14Dear it support, please kindly generate Kct Token following the meters numbers Kct: 62321002552 44000741684.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-04-14No62321002552..........is on Ti 01 44000741684. 7053 8918 1996 6218 6803 0711 3337 6924 4893 22522022-04-14 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019870ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1444000520997Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-04-14NoDear Maryam, The meter is on TI 01 in our system2022-04-14 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019869ClosedKCT Request2022-04-14Dear it support, please kindly generate Kct Token following the meter number the meter is on 1 57300012267Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-04-14No2007 1073 5875 0883 7895 3973 3828 1412 8950 04442022-04-14 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019868ClosedRequest2022-04-140101161063041Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-04-14NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6111680414-01 Debt Repayment ₦90,797.50 ₦-17,293.06 ₦2,000.00 ₦55,504.44 M 2020-02-09 ₦18,000.00 2022-02-15 --- Regards.2022-04-14 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019867ClosedRequest2022-04-1454161054801Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-04-14NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle 675892 Debt Repayment ₦18,559.95 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦16,559.95 M2022-04-14 nmaisugar@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019866ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1457100028141. 01Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-14NoPlease every meter that is on 01 both on the system and meter no was required for it.2022-04-14 uduhaleje@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019865ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1457100028141. 01Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-14NoPlease every meter that is on 01 both on the system and meter no was required for it.2022-04-14 uduhaleje@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019864ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1444000501302(1-2)Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-14Nofind below, 1623 1907 2847 6310 9623 5387 5050 2762 0458 03632022-04-14 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019863ClosedKCT Request2022-04-140101210144594Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-14NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 656180 Debt Repayment ₦56,429.43 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦54,429.43 M 2022-03-01 ₦2,000.00 2022-04-142022-04-14 galadimatanko1@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019862ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1404181536642Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-14No1940 4524 7386 3658 1760 4290 4392 1665 4249 25622022-04-14 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019861ClosedRequest2022-04-14Please the above subject refers. 95300160108 95300157757Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-14No95300160108 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 760283 Debt Repayment ₦4,133.70 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦133.70 M 2022-02-25 ₦4,000.00 2022-04-13 95300157757 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 698142 Debt Repayment ₦10,151.34 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦10,151.34 M 2022-02-25 ₦0.00 0000-00-00 On Thu, 14 Apr 2022 at 08:29, maryam bashir2022-04-14 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019860ClosedRequest2022-04-1495300159662Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-14NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 760264 Debt Repayment ₦5,133.70 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,133.70 M 2022-02-25 ₦0.00 2022-02-282022-04-14 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019859ClosedRequest2022-04-1495300181492Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-14NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 639475 Debt Repayment ₦78,222.05 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦78,222.05 M 2022-03-18 ₦0.00 2022-03-222022-04-14 samueldchun@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019858ClosedRequest2022-04-1444000327591Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-14NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 757159 Debt Repayment ₦6,113.94 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦4,113.94 M 2022-03-01 ₦2,000.00 2022-04-062022-04-14 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019857ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1444000665719(1-21)Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-14No3851 0580 9398 0871 9563 4694 1803 2547 5299 69022022-04-14 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019856ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1457100027069 TI05Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-14No6328 0600 5208 1067 0481 4808 4245 1438 2028 67192022-04-14 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019855ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1444000450666Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-14Nofind below, 1 To 74 7350 8923 2268 6825 5568 0324 6981 5982 5048 0286 74 To 1 4974 1399 9923 1622 5960 5778 1424 6471 4939 10422022-04-14 stynlucs@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019854ClosedKCT Request2022-04-14Dear support kindly generate KCT for MSN: 54150600705. The TI on the meter is 1 , thank you.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-04-14Noplease note that this meter is on 01 on the system.2022-04-14 jubilant95@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019853ClosedKCT Request2022-04-12REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE-0101200062590Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-12NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 711412 Debt Repayment ₦10,222.60 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦8,222.60 M 2022-02-15 ₦2,000.00 2022-03-292022-04-12 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019852ClosedVending History2022-04-120101210016305 0101210062598Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-12Nofind attached,2022-04-12 yusufibrahimbaba440@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019851ClosedKCT Request2022-04-12REQUEST FOR KCT(UNITBOUGHT ON 16/02/22)-0101215001310Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-12No6559 5974 9967 3088 8357 0558 2246 0010 1047 9698 2069 7304 1920 8654 5285 3964 7959 3308 8976 80362022-04-12 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019850Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00019849ClosedKCT Request2022-04-120101170279083Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-12NoPlease note that this meter was on 01 on the system.2022-04-12 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019848ClosedKCT Request2022-04-120101215014370(25-1) 0101205018910(1) Please kindly treat thank you.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-12No0101215014370(25-1) 4386 3390 2417 4029 8396 4716 2962 0230 3592 0908 0101205018910(1) 1959 2107 6200 5885 4990 0097 6174 4260 7293 33252022-04-12 ummilois2@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019847ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1254161115487 Index =1 Kind regardsMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-12No0522 6751 8010 8390 9513 1143 0789 5701 0848 22782022-04-12 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019846ClosedKCT Request2022-04-12Good afternoon Sir 0101205016716 index =0002 Kind regardsMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-12Nofind below, 4711 8776 2391 7954 1642 6267 7155 5327 6969 0036 1378 7474 4972 9563 9522 5364 0991 5892 0268 72952022-04-12 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019845ClosedRequest2022-04-1295300176013Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-12NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 506147 Debt Repayment ₦305,046.15 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦303,046.15 M 2022-03-28 ₦2,000.00 2022-04-122022-04-12 uduhaleje@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019844ClosedRequest2022-04-120101200055859Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-12NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 514717 Debt Repayment ₦272,055.64 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦272,055.64 M 2022-03-23 ₦0.00 2022-03-292022-04-12 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019843ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1244000520559Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-12No0765 9561 9082 8979 5205 2281 8019 6223 3985 90332022-04-12 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019842ClosedRequest2022-04-120101190005732Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-12NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid2022-04-12 omarllepps@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00019841ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1295300224342Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-12NoPlease note that this meter does not require kct.2022-04-12 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019840ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1244000506970, 44000579290Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-12No44000506970.........not required. 44000579290.........not2022-04-12 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00019839ClosedKCT Request2022-04-12REQUEST FOR KCT (UNIT BOUGHT ON 23-12-21)-44300019427Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-12No6415 1649 8335 4951 3947 4003 5521 9561 3772 1287 5021 6303 8640 2051 7374 6427 5239 5988 8846 50842022-04-12 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019838ClosedRequest2022-04-120101180107175Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-12NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 656027 Debt Repayment ₦18,527.16 ₦-23,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦-4,472.84 M 2022-02-11 ₦0.00 2022-02-11 Closed 656027 Refund ₦4,472.84 ₦0.00 ₦4,472.84 ₦4,472.84 M 2022-03-10 ₦0.00 2022-03-142022-04-12 nmaisugar@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019837ClosedKCT Request2022-04-12[44300017785] [44000578409]Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-12No44300017785..............not required. 44000578409 1234 3865 1962 8136 8829 0236 1810 7235 4481 87902022-04-12 nmaisugar@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019836ClosedRequest2022-04-120101200097760Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-12NoNo debt record was found for this meter.2022-04-12 nmaisugar@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019835ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1257300009776 TI2 44300019872 99-1 and 1-99Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-12Nofind below, 57300009776 TI2 2856 0714 8552 7112 7903 0791 3246 0960 6654 8211 44300019872 99-1 and 1-99 99 To 1 7036 1216 2653 2706 1116 5401 7384 9287 0699 0154 1 To 99 2739 3955 2998 4246 0840 6748 7322 3451 1545 35882022-04-12 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019834ClosedTamper Code2022-04-12Kindly reissue this tamper 0101210046609Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-12No0101210046609 Clear Tamper 0 0975 9881 6039 4691 34582022-04-12 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019833ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1244000600260Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-12No1473 1218 6827 6614 4284 5637 4270 5131 4407 83482022-04-12 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019832ClosedKCT Request2022-04-120101170430611Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-12No1 To 74 0145 9679 3773 7880 8006 3740 8704 4901 4940 1657 74 To 1 3854 4602 2932 3079 3642 5923 0652 7167 7927 87772022-04-12 stynlucs@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019831ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1201 - CURRENT TARIFF 0101170279901Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-12No5943 8787 8439 6397 3102 5663 8556 7804 7135 2787 1749 8082 8088 5075 9969 3040 3969 5102 4850 08882022-04-12 nmaisugar@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019830ClosedKCT Request2022-04-120101170431809 44000679587Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-12Nofind below, 0101170431809...............not required. 44000679587..................this is on 01.2022-04-12 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019829ClosedRequest2022-04-1204181818495Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-12No5052 7723 4380 4098 3877 3840 6129 8456 5214 22112022-04-12 jatsong1@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019828Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00019827ClosedRequest2022-04-12The above meter has been duly captured and efforts to vend proves null. The payment has always shown successful by the agregator without dispensing the unit worth.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-12NoPlease note that this meter is an invalid STS meter, so kindly contact the metering team to replace the meter.2022-04-12 jatsong1@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019826ClosedKCT Request2022-04-12Please can you assist us with the KCT of this meter number 44000684488 on index 21. Thank you sirMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-12No6021 0375 3217 9175 1679 2459 7394 0954 7980 44102022-04-12 samueldchun@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019825ClosedRequest2022-04-1295300160553Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-12NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 251335 Debt Repayment ₦228,313.94 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦228,313.94 M 2022-03-10 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-04-12 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019824ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1262321105181Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-12No1083 3442 8820 3017 4052 0969 7902 7003 8059 28172022-04-12 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019823ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1244000577807(1-33)Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-12No7246 1319 1794 7650 7065 2298 5247 3018 4342 29912022-04-12 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019822ClosedRequest2022-04-120101200102859Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-12NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611906138601 Debt Repayment ₦340,456.17 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦340,456.17 M 2022-03-28 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-04-12 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019821ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1202 54150605142MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-12No7149 5852 0797 8991 2981 6160 5527 6358 1142 42362022-04-12 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019820ClosedRequest2022-04-1244000426054MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-12NoNo debt record was found for this meter number.2022-04-12 stynlucs@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00019819Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00019818ClosedKCT Request2022-04-12Sir kindly generate me 1-74&74-1 0101170236877 Tank uMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-12No1473 1218 6827 6614 4284 5637 4270 5131 4407 83482022-04-12 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019817In ProgressKCT Request2022-04-12Sir kindly generate me 1-74&74-1 0101170236877 Tank uMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-12No1 To 74 4249 5819 4062 3893 8027 2783 7159 7042 9127 2987 74 To 1 4539 7034 9749 4507 7538 6779 3992 2538 4804 48010000-00-00 felixaron37@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019816ClosedKCT Request2022-04-110101200006134MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-11No0556 9016 1407 3286 6291 5816 8865 0231 8031 53552022-04-11 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019815ClosedRequest2022-04-110101210127987MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-11NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 762475 Debt Repayment ₦16,993.53 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦14,493.53 M 2022-02-25 ₦2,500.00 2022-03-312022-04-11 nmaisugar@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019814ClosedRequest2022-04-110101170218859MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-11NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount 673673 Debt Repayment ₦6,570.702022-04-11 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019813ClosedRequest2022-04-11for 0101170218859MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-11NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 673673 Debt Repayment ₦6,570.70 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦2,570.70 M 2022-02-10 ₦4,000.00 2022-04-08 On Mon, 11 Apr 2022 at 14:11, Caraoline Adesuwa wrote: Dear IT support,2022-04-11 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019812ClosedRequest2022-04-1154161038382Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-11NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 692865 Debt Repayment ₦10,178.42 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦8,178.42 M 2022-02-11 ₦2,000.00 2022-03-262022-04-11 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019811ClosedTamper Code2022-04-110101210046609Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-11No0101210046609 Clear Tamper 0 6222 8373 0041 2742 48322022-04-11 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019810ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1145 to 01 04181539950MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-11No2199 7156 4656 5173 0876 5708 9645 0172 0789 59432022-04-11 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019809ClosedRequest2022-04-11-010120007301MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-11NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 688228 Debt Repayment ₦7,219.22 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦3,219.22 M 2022-02-16 ₦4,000.00 2022-04-092022-04-11 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019808ClosedRequest2022-04-11-010121002444MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-11NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 763312 Debt Repayment ₦14,678.98 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦9,678.98 M 2022-02-25 ₦5,000.00 2022-04-092022-04-11 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019807ClosedRequest2022-04-110101200101158MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-11NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611807118201 Debt Repayment ₦564,916.16 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦562,416.16 M 2022-03-28 ₦2,500.00 2022-04-112022-04-11 nmaisugar@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019806ClosedRequest2022-04-110101200043897MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-11NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 691001 Debt Repayment ₦17,363.12 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦15,363.12 M 2022-03-28 ₦2,000.00 2022-04-102022-04-11 nmaisugar@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019805ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1122-1 -57300012267MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-11No2334 6885 4073 1564 9540 2498 7401 6507 9156 86042022-04-11 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019804ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1144000575223(1) newly installed Please kindly treat thank you.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-11No2300 6340 8676 2169 8971 5891 7009 9011 2956 83452022-04-11 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019803ClosedKCT Request2022-04-11Dear it support, please kindly generate Kct Token following the meter number 0101170382606.01 to 21 0101210197253.01 to 21 0101200061451.01 to 21 54160856537.21 to 01 0101210051575.33 to 01.01 to 33MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-11No0101170382606 .01 to 21 2484 1989 6944 4595 3183 1113 1679 8533 8419 2708 0101210197253 .01 to 21 5571 9514 9942 4718 8003 0539 8478 0181 4439 1636 0101200061451 .01 to 21 1999 7433 2700 6543 4293 2808 9110 4568 0723 7581 54160856537 .21 to 01 4073 4248 7064 1527 7185 2855 9008 5892 5753 9727 0101210051575 .33 to 01.01 to 33 1 To 33 6756 3733 5413 2778 9268 1380 2466 7308 7982 4270 33 To 1 4192 7747 6087 2611 2259 4775 7511 8789 4050 26312022-04-11 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019802ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1162321152902 from 001 to 099MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-11No4514 1861 1711 2521 5825 1296 8538 5590 1305 40262022-04-11 faithelisha1990@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019801ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1144000675171 TI21MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-11No1 To 21 4009 1536 7709 1838 5179 4721 7755 6271 7143 1371 21 To 1 3315 0817 8894 0417 3593 3397 8726 6246 9498 75992022-04-11 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019800ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1144000575223, 44000536464 , 44000575355 , 44000575363 , 44000536548 , 4400053 7512 , 4000575272 , 44000575348. The TI on the meters is 1 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-11No4108 9194 2919 3992 9299 0598 5772 7061 9277 9873 44000536464 , 0599 9821 8164 0156 5610 0549 9177 5227 7824 6030 44000575355 , 1810 6213 7050 2754 6755 4767 6921 7337 6543 0899 44000575363 , 6745 4280 2156 4227 8317 4859 7962 2355 2947 8986 44000536548 , 2188 4592 3441 0659 6181 6987 8734 7580 9063 9100 44000537512 , 6061 2224 0171 4968 0908 1938 6987 9753 7495 5863 4000575272 , No data available in table 44000575348. 6787 8830 1303 1604 2970 5946 7910 5842 7884 54822022-04-11 jubilant95@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019799ClosedRequest2022-04-1154161170706MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-11NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 674784 Debt Repayment ₦24,887.97 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦24,887.97 M 2022-02-10 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-04-11 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019798ClosedRequest2022-04-110101170302455MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-11NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6129020780-01 Debt Repayment ₦169,828.98 ₦-18,715.80 ₦2,500.00 ₦141,113.18 M 2019-09-12 ₦10,000.00 2021-09-142022-04-11 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019797ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1144300018684 1-55 and 55-1MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-11Nofind below 1 To 55 3977 3596 2012 3847 5153 7263 5031 8864 6560 8262 55 To 1 4098 2426 8461 2927 5713 1409 5685 0151 8843 20832022-04-11 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019796ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1162321135105 from 34 to 37MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-11No4014 5702 8787 5436 2871 0234 3973 9675 2918 04202022-04-11 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019795ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1104 TO CURRENT TARIFF - 0101161039884MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-11No0734 9948 5010 7613 5416 2283 8297 2335 2194 35982022-04-11 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019794ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1162321135709 from 001 to 099MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-11No4338 3135 7057 3022 0573 7024 1933 0196 7673 09242022-04-11 faithelisha1990@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019793ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1104248778336 TI21MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-11No5934 6851 8125 0928 8101 2036 0243 8189 8568 43932022-04-11 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019792ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1162321135105 the meter is on 01 and the customer is on Non Md band B.though the customer boughtMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-11No0238 2624 3590 0060 2697 2145 5554 8183 9304 63672022-04-11 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019791ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1162321135105 from 01 to 34MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-11No0238 2624 3590 0060 2697 2145 5554 8183 9304 63672022-04-11 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019790ClosedRequest2022-04-110101200063507 Please kindly treat thank you.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-11NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 691452 Debt Repayment ₦18,742.14 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦14,742.14 M 2022-02-15 ₦4,000.00 2022-04-11 On Mon, 11 Apr 2022 at 12:21, Ummi Lois2022-04-11 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019789ClosedRequest2022-04-110101200057947 0101170459545MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-11No0101200057947 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 712411 Debt Repayment ₦2,161.09 ₦0.00 ₦2,161.09 ₦2,161.09 M 2022-03-28 ₦0.00 0000-00-00 0101170459545 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6127020255-01 Debt Repayment ₦228,452.10 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦228,452.10 M 2022-02-09 ₦0.00 2022-02-25 On Mon, 11 Apr 2022 at 12:17, Engr Yusuf JED wrote: Debt profile for the above meters2022-04-11 yuzarsif331122@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019788ClosedRequest2022-04-110101200044754MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-11NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 437198 Debt Repayment ₦773,286.41 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦773,286.41 M 2022-03-15 ₦0.00 2022-03-292022-04-11 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019787ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1144009508430. 01MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-11NoNo data available in table2022-04-11 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019786ClosedRequest2022-04-110101170439240MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-11Nosorry debt record not found on evend2022-04-11 omarllepps@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00019785ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1162321148470 index 01-99 62321100018 index 01-99 44000622736 INDEX 01 44000523751 INDEX 01MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-11No62321148470 index 01-99 6579 4562 4469 3057 5976 0399 3750 4595 3056 4514 62321100018 index 01-99 2376 6857 4773 9259 8716 5724 4178 6030 7863 9870 44000622736 INDEX 01 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 44000523751 INDEX This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-04-11 yinknuga2002@yahoo.co.uk Umar Auwal
#00019784ClosedRequest2022-04-11Good morning sir 0101210193252 Index =0001 Kind regardsMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-04-11NoDear Shows, Convert what?2022-04-11 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019783ClosedRequest2022-04-111. 790548- N50,000 on 8/3/2022 2. 795344- N50,000 on 5/4/2022 3. 795345- N50,000 on 5/4/2022 4. 772836- N30,000 on 4/4/2022Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-04-11NoFYI.2022-04-11 babankhalifa2005@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019782ClosedKCT Request2022-04-110101215008463 (46 to 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-11No4218 1412 6845 8302 1164 2380 1846 6372 8007 16092022-04-11 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019781ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1144000521383MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-11No6071 9332 2267 4357 2901 0457 0551 8231 4677 21622022-04-11 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019780ClosedKCT Request2022-04-110101170228429MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-11NoKCT1: 1115 5020 8541 4880 7669 KCT2: 6642 5693 7869 1823 43632022-04-11 abbaslawal360@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019779ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1154161109530 Please give us the vending history and the debt of the above meter account.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-04-11NoNo debt or vending status found associated with this MSN.2022-04-11 obembetaye@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019778ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1144000520088Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-04-11No6454 7121 1337 0671 7426 1202 7470 9876 0948 75092022-04-11 nmaisugar@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019777ClosedKCT Request2022-04-11Kindly generate KCT for MSN 44300019872 on tariff index - 99MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-11No2739 3955 2998 4246 0840 6748 7322 3451 1545 35882022-04-11 kinretluka@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019776ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1144000579118MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-11No4075 4165 3029 9779 2062 5191 0036 2135 3432 14152022-04-11 beediesarah5@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019775ClosedKCT Request2022-04-110101160005431MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-11NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 515337 Debt Repayment ₦167,154.30 ₦-25,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦120,154.30 M 2020-02-09 ₦22,000.00 2022-04-022022-04-11 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019774ClosedKCT Request2022-04-11Kindly generate KCT for MSN 44300005897 on tariff index - 1MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-11No6563 2698 7350 0099 2790 5848 9319 2133 9518 42662022-04-11 kinretluka@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019773ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1144000391233Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-11NoKCT GENERATION from 01 to 21 and from 21 to 01 623210774632022-04-11 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019772ClosedKCT Request2022-04-11KCT GENERATION from 01 to 21 and from 21 to 01 62321077463MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-11Nofind below 1 To 21 4629 6605 0829 2528 2447 3029 5996 5868 9316 0593 21 To 1 3580 4836 3737 2029 6808 4193 1193 2708 9681 34792022-04-11 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019771ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1162321152407 from 01 to 99Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-11No0594 5084 8854 6424 5842 2201 9578 9415 9241 71002022-04-11 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019770ClosedRequest2022-04-1195300211661 95300184678MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-11No95300211661 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 657312045301 Debt Repayment ₦1,203,486.01 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦1,201,486.01 M 2022-03-10 ₦2,000.00 2022-04-06 95300184678 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 657333077101 Debt Repayment ₦535,196.83 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦533,196.83 M 2022-03-22 ₦2,000.00 2022-04-09 On Mon, 11 Apr 2022 at 09:49, uduh Aleje wrote: 953002116612022-04-11 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019769ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1195300193273 01 0101170376004 21MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-11No95300193273 01 0872 0102 4496 8599 0115 5650 9857 7224 9019 5260 0101170376004 21 6052 1478 2559 4826 2854 2160 4755 3862 5133 63542022-04-11 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019768ClosedKCT Request2022-04-11REQUEST FOR KCT(UNIT BOUGHT ON 16TH FEB.,2022)-54161086605MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-11No1 To 74 2147 7175 2790 5169 3656 5723 8024 6847 8728 8710 74 To 1 0150 1260 2704 8295 0913 3839 7128 2872 1467 52302022-04-11 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019767ClosedRequest2022-04-110101200067607MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-11NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 697949 Debt Repayment ₦5,304.69 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦1,304.69 M 2022-02-15 ₦4,000.00 2022-04-092022-04-11 stynlucs@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00019766ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1157300004702MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-11No7057 9059 4960 6960 2624 3473 8027 8655 1137 04502022-04-11 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019765ClosedRequest2022-04-110195000004273MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-11NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 699436 Debt Repayment ₦4,594.64 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦4,594.64 M 2022-03-10 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-04-11 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019764ClosedRequest2022-04-11MSN 0101170426742MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-11Nofind below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6123441767-01 Debt Repayment ₦168,274.98 ₦-63,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦83,274.98 M 2019-03-29 ₦22,000.00 2022-04-112022-04-11 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00019763ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1174 and from 74 to 01 44300012745MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-11Nofind below 1 To 74 5619 1804 7809 3101 3613 4338 3023 5378 0846 5684 74 To 1 0570 0684 7047 2986 4864 3356 1496 3395 1897 60162022-04-11 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019762ClosedRequest2022-04-11Please treat MSN 0101190014403 0101190014387MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-11No0101190014403 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 691426 Debt Repayment ₦10,062.38 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦6,062.38 M 2022-02-18 ₦4,000.00 2022-04-03 01011900143872022-04-11 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00019761ClosedRequest2022-04-110101170430629MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-11NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 705917 Debt Repayment ₦8,165.95 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦6,165.95 M 2022-02-15 ₦2,000.00 2022-03-232022-04-11 omarllepps@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00019760ClosedKCT Request2022-04-11Please the above subject refers. 04181539950 from 05 to 01 95300150000 from 21 to 01 Regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-11No04181539950 from 05 to 01 1530 4153 3103 2067 4431 0523 0814 3763 6439 3419 95300150000 from 21 to 01 0978 6508 4640 6933 3437 4251 1411 4904 4266 17522022-04-11 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019759ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1154161058059Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-11NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 745129 Debt Repayment ₦7,204.58 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦3,204.58 M 2022-02-11 ₦4,000.00 2022-04-102022-04-11 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019758ClosedRequest2022-04-11-0101210107740Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-11NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 764435 Debt Repayment ₦2,834.24 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦834.24 M 2022-03-11 ₦2,000.00 2022-04-092022-04-11 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019757ClosedRequest2022-04-110101190002770Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-11NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 596666 Debt Repayment ₦42,770.72 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦38,770.72 M 2022-02-16 ₦4,000.00 2022-04-072022-04-11 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019756ClosedKCT Request2022-04-110101170250381 0101215008463 0101215014164 TI25 0101185054075 0101205025889 44000517555 54150641998 44000579118 44000522266 44000684280 57100025055 7-1 54150632294 54160875867 44000592491 44000532398 44000676609 54161145823 TI3Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-11No0101170250381 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101215008463 6455 3097 1077 7567 8077 0127 0177 4084 7609 8024 0101215014164 TI25 5377 0152 5634 4286 9072 4065 8036 0096 9674 8944 0101185054075 6201 5367 9735 6464 6821 6759 7098 8363 9930 2538 0101205025889 No data available in table 44000517555 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 54150641998 3722 5383 3487 0161 9331 4389 6933 8761 8047 5473 44000579118 4075 4165 3029 9779 2062 5191 0036 2135 3432 1415 44000522266 5195 4625 0839 5651 9814 6779 1451 8118 1959 8707 44000684280 5392 0809 8993 8301 4858 1619 2457 5166 9637 0071 57100025055 7-1 4933 3985 4204 3568 2094 6051 2110 7083 5570 3072 54150632294 6334 8523 6446 0137 6725 2542 3121 4432 9749 4207 54160875867 5465 9911 6995 3426 5107 0864 7014 1643 8923 0979 44000592491 5857 1809 0172 6610 7264 1634 5416 3296 8129 3368 44000532398 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 44000676609 No data available in table 54161145823 TI3 5893 8655 7009 5577 8827 6943 1372 6615 9426 15622022-04-11 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019755ClosedKCT Request2022-04-11034-44000324366Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-11No4268 0775 2826 2266 4574 2962 5598 6044 4265 24592022-04-11 stynlucs@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019754ClosedKCT Request2022-04-1104229806379Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-11No04229806379 5646 6182 2608 3712 2088 6223 3596 0182 6521 77672022-04-11 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019753ClosedKCT Request2022-04-11Dis meter is on 0001 but still rejecting token pls verify 95300206562Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-11No2652 2241 8306 7812 8760 6419 2395 7437 9698 69642022-04-11 felixaron37@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019752ClosedRequest2022-04-050101161007790MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-05NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6124012546-01 Debt Repayment ₦324,487.42 ₦-22,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦292,487.42 M 2019-06-13 ₦10,000.00 2021-11-292022-04-05 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00019751ClosedKCT Request2022-04-0544000571578Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-05No1399 0666 0548 7112 1251 2759 5192 1120 4777 6831 5440 0684 2615 0279 3509 5902 3048 7342 8768 55502022-04-05 nmaisugar@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019750ClosedRequest2022-04-0562321139487Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-05Nofind below, 16535720071137713407 280575709363209169792022-04-05 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019749ClosedRequest2022-04-05-0101190137212MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-05NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 698193 Debt Repayment ₦11,306.73 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦11,306.73 M 2022-03-15 ₦0.00 2022-03-252022-04-05 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019748ClosedKCT Request2022-04-05Please treat 0101180109791MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-05Nofind below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 589249 Debt Repayment ₦80,673.09 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦80,673.09 M 2022-02-16 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-04-05 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00019747ClosedKCT Request2022-04-05Meter no62420256448 on 45MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-05NoKCT1: 3952 1456 3251 2656 8236 KCT2: 6012 6913 0220 0464 56392022-04-05 thompsontor@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019746ClosedRequest2022-04-05:0101190140455MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-05NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 713121 Debt Repayment ₦7,561.09 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,561.09 M 2022-03-30 ₦2,000.00 2022-04-052022-04-05 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019745ClosedKCT Request2022-04-0501 0101170408013MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-05No3290 1503 3663 4853 8164 6375 9050 9833 3546 59102022-04-05 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019744ClosedRequest2022-04-0557100071968MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-05NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612403128301 Debt Repayment ₦409,672.92 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦409,672.92 M 2022-02-09 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-04-05 omarllepps@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00019743ClosedRequest2022-04-050101160180176 & 0101161032095MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-05No0101160180176 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6111810976-01 Debt Repayment ₦175,254.87 ₦-35,594.91 ₦2,000.00 ₦133,659.96 M 2019-02-25 ₦6,000.00 2021-09-24 0101161032095 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6125020391-01 Debt Repayment ₦104,372.29 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦94,372.29 M 2017-11-28 ₦10,000.00 2021-10-212022-04-05 omarllepps@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00019742ClosedRequest2022-04-050101178033243MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-05Nodebt record not found2022-04-05 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019741ClosedKCT Request2022-04-050101190036620 44000518694 (45 to 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-05No0101190036620 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 44000518694 (45 to 01) 0063 4652 3341 3521 7990 5899 6785 2668 7907 78522022-04-05 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019740ClosedKCT Request2022-04-0544300015649.tankx sirMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-05No3529 7853 4379 8858 2315 6416 7605 9800 5299 60822022-04-05 felixaron37@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019739ClosedKCT Request2022-04-050101170378091MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-05No6702 7830 7814 7096 7177 4178 9475 3189 2118 77192022-04-05 samueldchun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019738ClosedKCT Request2022-04-0562321077463MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-05NoThis is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-04-05 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019737ClosedRequest2022-04-0544000380665MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-05NoGentle reminder please2022-04-05 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019736ClosedRequest2022-04-050101200072995MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-05NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 596631 Debt Repayment ₦42,195.84 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦38,195.84 M 2022-02-15 ₦4,000.00 2022-04-022022-04-05 Umar Auwal
#00019735ClosedKCT Request2022-04-0544000620755MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-05No3813 9902 4435 6275 8902 0950 6728 7196 4813 07002022-04-05 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019734ClosedRequest2022-04-050101200080550MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-05NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611213380701 Debt Repayment ₦306,631.17 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦306,631.17 M 2022-03-29 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-04-05 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019733ClosedRequest2022-04-050101200118095MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-05NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 757214 Debt Repayment ₦5,921.03 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,921.03 M 2022-03-01 ₦0.00 2022-03-192022-04-05 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019732ClosedRequest2022-04-050101175020904MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-05Nodebt record not found2022-04-05 nmaisugar@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019731ClosedRequest2022-04-0595300162153MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-05NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 760297 Debt Repayment ₦5,133.70 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,133.70 M 2022-02-25 ₦0.00 2022-02-282022-04-05 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019730ClosedRequest2022-04-050101190005237MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-05NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 690268 Debt Repayment ₦1,602.29 ₦0.00 ₦1,602.29 ₦0.00 M 2022-02-18 ₦1,602.29 2022-04-042022-04-05 omarllepps@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00019729ClosedKCT Request2022-04-0544000398261 2-1 AND 1-2MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-05No1 To 2 1324 1125 8127 8819 7210 1810 5531 4999 7485 1017 2 To 1 0463 6937 8907 7232 6156 1338 7669 5332 9234 83552022-04-05 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019728Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00019727ClosedKCT Request2022-04-0544000543106 TI01MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-05No0227 0098 7713 2054 0656 3385 6106 5700 3983 23872022-04-05 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019726ClosedKCT Request2022-04-050101210135733 1-21 95300223054MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-05No0101210135733 1-21 4918 7052 5673 5108 6114 1408 2318 3667 3038 9959 95300223054 3001 6341 1515 7941 3203 6091 5857 9510 4128 93332022-04-05 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019725ClosedKCT Request2022-04-050101200053268MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-05NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 716315 Debt Repayment ₦8,561.74 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦8,561.74 M 2022-03-29 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-04-05 stynlucs@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00019724ClosedRequest2022-04-0595300192895MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-05NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 753079 Debt Repayment ₦29,941.94 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦27,441.94 M 2022-03-18 ₦2,500.00 2022-04-05 On Tue, 5 Apr 2022 at 12:30, uduh Aleje2022-04-05 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019723ClosedRequest2022-04-050101170220830MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-05NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 536265 Debt Repayment ₦151,400.49 ₦-22,500.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦108,900.49 M 2019-06-02 ₦20,000.00 2022-03-172022-04-05 wyontochae@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019722ClosedKCT Request2022-04-05082 TO THE CURRENT TARIFF-54161000986MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-05No1645 7954 9707 5327 0911 3632 4024 4668 3039 79502022-04-05 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019721ClosedKCT Request2022-04-0544000667228 TI01 44300017025 1-74 and 74-1 44000732352 1-21 44000676856 44300017322 1-74 and 74-1 44000682102 1-21MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-05Nofind below 44000667228 TI01 5460 2146 1848 1403 8832 5412 9931 0822 5784 7689 44300017025 1-74 and 74-1 1 To 74 5167 7002 8683 4607 2178 4974 8192 4713 2832 1597 74 To 1 5145 8816 2458 8702 5519 6767 7378 6100 4413 5829 44000732352 1-21 4401 8427 3013 5859 7402 4790 6030 1939 6487 7463 44000676856 2130 3907 7662 7837 5650 3623 3440 7943 8157 3585 44300017322 1-74 and 74-1 1 To 74 2941 8146 7481 1426 8044 3800 7007 8886 9283 1098 74 To 1 0217 7393 6368 9392 7535 2426 4805 6551 2121 0839 44000682102 1-21 4527 5475 7998 5794 1945 5024 6977 7871 4202 89892022-04-05 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019720ClosedRequest2022-04-050101190151015MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-05No0101190151015 Clear Tamper 0 1099 5129 8099 3907 01292022-04-05 adedejiabdulaziz@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019719ClosedKCT Request2022-04-05-0101180108470MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-05NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 590378 Debt Repayment ₦23,657.49 ₦0.00 ₦5,000.00 ₦18,657.49 M 2022-02-09 ₦5,000.00 2022-03-082022-04-05 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019718ClosedRequest2022-04-0554160989080MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-05NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612346190101 Debt Repayment ₦182,426.03 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦178,426.03 M 2022-02-17 ₦4,000.00 2022-04-022022-04-05 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019717ClosedRequest2022-04-0595300103090MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-05NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 756125 Debt Repayment ₦5,133.70 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,133.70 M 2022-02-25 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-04-05 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019716ClosedKCT Request2022-04-0595300185311 45 57100077296 01. 95300224599 76 44000497121 01 57100077296 01. 95300224599 76. 0101170266684 45. 44000497121 01Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-05No95300185311 45 1736 9340 8527 5393 9991 1958 2036 7533 5467 0605 57100077296 01. 5800 1242 0590 8429 6938 0466 3122 1991 6096 3094 95300224599 76 4083 0679 0603 8851 6115 5655 5201 7023 6382 2115 44000497121 012022-04-05 uduhaleje@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019715ClosedRequest2022-04-050101200065700MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-05No0101200065700 Clear Tamper 0 6046 0218 0501 2774 28342022-04-05 rolandjames750@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019714ClosedKCT Request2022-04-05Dear support kindly generate KCT for MSN 010188028563. Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-05NoNo data available in table2022-04-05 jubilant95@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019713ClosedRequest2022-04-050101190017711MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-05NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612326271101 Debt Repayment ₦130,237.54 ₦-15,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦93,237.54 M 2020-08-10 ₦22,000.00 2022-04-052022-04-05 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019712ClosedKCT Request2022-04-0504181736044MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-05NoThis is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-04-05 anasjedit2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019711ClosedKCT Request2022-04-0504181736044MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-05NoThis is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-04-05 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019710ClosedRequest2022-04-05: 0101170459545MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-05NoAccount No Ledger Type 6127020255-01 Debt Repayment2022-04-05 yuzarsif331122@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019709ClosedVending History2022-04-05Good morning sir pls help get they vending history for dis meter tnk u 0101210052334MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-05No# Transaction Details 1 Transaction ID: 1388164873713224 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-31 15:32:12 Meter No.: 0101210052334 Account No.: 695602 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution 2 Transaction ID: 6364164794967124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-22 12:47:51 Meter No.: 0101210052334 Account No.: 695602 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution 3 Transaction ID: 4576164666954824 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-07 17:12:29 Meter No.: 0101210052334 Account No.: 695602 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution 4 Transaction ID: 5746164588567924 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-26 15:27:59 Meter No.: 0101210052334 Account No.: 695602 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution 5 Transaction ID: 5349164511535524 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-17 17:29:15 Meter No.: 0101210052334 Account No.: 695602 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution 6 Transaction ID: 3344164335886924 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-01-28 09:34:29 Meter No.: 0101210052334 Account No.: 695602 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution 7 Transaction ID: 6765164181592724 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-01-10 12:58:47 Meter No.: 0101210052334 Account No.: 695602 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution 8 Transaction ID: 5942164059740324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-12-27 10:30:03 Meter No.: 0101210052334 Account No.: 695602 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution 9 Transaction ID: 6732163834201324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-12-01 08:00:13 Meter No.: 0101210052334 Account No.: 695602 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution 10 Transaction ID: 3198163638439124 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-08 16:13:11 Meter No.: 0101210052334 Account No.: 695602 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution2022-04-05 yusufibrahimbaba440@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019708ClosedRequest2022-03-290101200019681MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-05NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 716054 Debt Repayment ₦9,107.55 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦9,107.55 M 2022-03-30 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-04-05 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019707ClosedKCT Request2022-04-0501 54150629100MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-05No7028 4080 9515 9777 8110 2503 3246 2444 2071 16502022-04-05 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019706ClosedKCT Request2022-04-0554150629100MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-05No1217 9130 7399 2055 1724 5828 1919 3685 7533 19932022-04-05 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019705ClosedKCT Request2022-04-0544000327286MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-05No4057 9444 4222 7792 0936 5682 3105 6754 3770 22752022-04-05 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019704ClosedKCT Request2022-04-0544000678977MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-05No0323 4221 8710 1575 5764 2861 1516 6297 6212 03822022-04-05 stynlucs@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00019703ClosedKCT Request2022-04-0544000678977MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-05No1547 5062 0844 7563 9255 6622 2410 6280 4940 40152022-04-05 stynlucs@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00019702ClosedKCT Request2022-04-051 0101195MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-05No1047 2395 5412 2696 6538 2021 7641 6373 3155 61362022-04-05 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019701ClosedKCT Request2022-04-050101160406985 from 21 toMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-05No6117 4455 6958 1937 8346 0421 5594 3545 2517 72492022-04-05 omarllepps@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00019700ClosedRequest2022-04-05REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-05NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 691749 Debt Repayment ₦18,773.15 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦18,773.15 M 2022-03-01 ₦0.00 2022-03-092022-04-05 nmaisugar@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019699ClosedRequest2022-04-050101200095988MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-05NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 626227 Debt Repayment ₦42,751.48 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦40,751.48 M 2022-03-28 ₦2,000.00 2022-04-01 On Mon, 4 Apr 2022 at 13:41, Support Temporary wrote: Dear Nuwaira, find below,2022-04-05 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019698ClosedVending History2022-04-0554161012577Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-05Nofind attached,2022-04-05 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019697ClosedKCT Request2022-04-05good morning. please proving me with kct meter 0101210179103 from , 0054 toMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-05No1071 8373 3186 3677 6627 1849 1452 1071 0495 27532022-04-05 dogoreuben@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019696ClosedKCT Request2022-04-05Dear it support, please kindly generate Kct Token following the meter number the meter is on 99 0101215001039Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-05NoNote that this meter is also on 99 on the system2022-04-05 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019695ClosedKCT Request2022-04-050101200057467 pls kct 001Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-05No2503 0446 3933 3905 4218 5998 6985 9901 6785 68942022-04-05 hamidsalis835@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019694ClosedKCT Request2022-04-0544000655298Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-05Nothis meter is on 01 our system.2022-04-05 obembetaye@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019693ClosedKCT Request2022-04-0444300015847Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-04Nofind below, 5678 9998 3264 4486 7846 5119 9761 6061 6390 0846 4438 6851 5990 7529 2413 6666 8745 8793 9935 31152022-04-04 abdulmalikakande@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019692ClosedRequest2022-04-0495300157575Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-04Nofind below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 762740 Debt Repayment ₦4,133.70 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦4,133.70 M 2022-03-02 ₦0.00 2022-03-192022-04-04 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019691ClosedRequest2022-04-04Good afternoon, Kindly assist with the debt profile for this meter. Thank you. Meter Number: 0101190153334Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-04NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 543827 Debt Repayment ₦7,882.14 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦7,882.14 M 2022-03-01 ₦0.00 2022-03-112022-04-04 ademugeorge@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019690ClosedKCT Request2022-04-040101205004191 TI02Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-04Nofind below, 0602 3086 4671 8573 9005 6912 1853 7281 3377 84412022-04-04 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019689ClosedKCT Request2022-04-04- 95300151354Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-04NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 622982 Debt Repayment ₦134,982.19 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦134,982.19 M 2022-03-15 ₦0.00 2022-03-262022-04-04 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019688ClosedKCT Request2022-04-04MSN 0101215031739(2)Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-04No5642 8442 5120 0919 9680 6014 7644 0006 8471 28692022-04-04 mwuladi@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00019687ClosedKCT Request2022-04-04Please assist with this kct no below: 44000532810 Thank you.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-04Nofind below, 4602 4679 5419 5566 8723 5622 1082 2414 8959 09302022-04-04 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019686ClosedRequest2022-04-0444000321750Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-04NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 674767 Debt Repayment ₦31,621.13 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦31,621.13 M 2022-02-15 ₦0.00 2022-02-252022-04-04 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019685ClosedRequest2022-04-040101180147775Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-04NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6123591440-01 Debt Repayment ₦208,935.68 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦206,935.68 M 2022-02-16 ₦2,000.00 2022-03-07 On Mon, 4 Apr 2022 at 12:16, Umar Mohammed2022-04-04 omarllepps@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00019684ClosedRequest2022-04-0457100082684Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-04-04Nofind below, 57100082684 Clear Tamper 0 6277 6017 1189 7022 91022022-04-04 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019683ClosedKCT Request2022-04-04Please treat MSN 0101210186512(24)Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-04No5664 1099 0296 6786 3886 0344 2280 7018 9276 44832022-04-04 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019682ClosedKCT Request2022-04-0444000328078 TI01 44300014105 1-74 and 74-1MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-04No44000328078 TI01 2108 7223 3736 8560 8706 6863 8968 8150 5619 2636 44300014105 1-74 and 74-1 1 To 74 1820 6964 0471 5457 9972 2847 6577 0514 0937 0282 74 To 1 0488 7053 0751 8386 9808 1820 4400 2040 0417 34572022-04-04 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019681ClosedRequest2022-04-040101205019074Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-04Nofind below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612793015801 Debt Repayment ₦695,826.00 ₦0.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦695,826.00 M 2022-03-09 ₦0.00 2022-03-312022-04-04 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019680ClosedRequest2022-04-0462321134173Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-04No23452597120094156724 556676276994658700722022-04-04 thompsontor@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019679In ProgressKCT Request2022-04-04Dear support kindly generate KCT for MSN below: 0101185058902 -the TI on the meter is 6 and 44300015847- the TI on the meter is 1.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-04Nofind below 0101185058902 -the TI on the meter is 6 and 6395 7179 2339 8532 4076 5868 1627 8944 3319 14650000-00-00 jubilant95@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019678ClosedSupport2022-04-0495300103678MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-04NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 649177 Debt Repayment ₦62,332.30 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦62,332.30 M 2022-03-15 ₦0.00 2022-03-182022-04-04 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019677ClosedRequest2022-04-040101190151015MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-04No0101190151015 Clear Tamper 0 1387 5615 6094 5608 98832022-04-04 rolandjames750@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019676ClosedRequest2022-04-04Good morning team, Please kindly treat MSN 0101205018928 0101200051932MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-04-04No0101205018928 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612292282501 Debt Repayment ₦203,071.31 ₦0.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦203,071.31 M 2022-03-09 ₦0.00 2022-03-31 0101200051932 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 496566 Debt Repayment ₦335,799.61 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦333,799.61 M 2022-03-21 ₦2,000.00 2022-04-022022-04-04 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00019675ClosedTamper Code2022-04-04Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101175021332Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-04Nofind below, 0101175021332 Clear Tamper 0 4735 0326 9133 8606 28922022-04-04 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019674ClosedKCT Request2022-04-0404181745979 thanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-04Nofind below, 7098 1914 7421 9297 7262 0976 0031 1772 3277 78682022-04-04 beediesarah5@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019673ClosedKCT Request2022-03-280101205017888 Index =0002Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-04Nofind below, 1641 6257 6802 9729 1682 2835 1746 0835 3930 02322022-04-04 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019672ClosedKCT Request2022-04-04Dear it support, please kindly generate Kct Token following the meter number the meter is on 21 04212708202Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-04Nofind below, 0058 6363 2045 3219 5555 7324 1078 9838 1953 87272022-04-04 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019671ClosedKCT Request2022-04-0462321134009Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-04Nofind below, 41448123303824364279 426175620747064526882022-04-04 thompsontor@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019670ClosedTamper Code2022-04-04Please find attached request for Clear tamper code, in respect of jos metro for your further action. Regards. 0101200068811 0101215018025 0101205018910 0101200111496 57100044536.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-04Nofind below, 0101215018025 Clear Tamper 0 2772 1730 0551 9383 7333 0101205018910 Clear Tamper 0 4878 7919 8069 7342 1142 0101200111496 Clear Tamper 0 4419 6743 0783 4555 9237 57100044536 Clear Tamper 0 0172 4220 4351 2070 25362022-04-04 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019669ClosedKCT Request2022-04-0457100054477 tariff index 21-01Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-04No1093 6011 2896 8037 5596 0580 4106 4682 1687 81272022-04-04 beediesarah5@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019668ClosedTamper Code2022-04-04Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate the above 54150604756Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-04Nofind below, 54150604756 Clear Credit 0 5272 8847 0206 6081 8408 54150604756 Clear Tamper 0 5053 3484 8339 5448 17572022-04-04 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019667ClosedTamper Code2022-04-04Kindly vette on this meter support to generate tamper 0101210077455Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-04Nofind below, 0101210077455 Clear Tamper 0 5424 1318 7226 4829 48692022-04-04 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019666ClosedTamper Code2022-04-040101200007686Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-04-04No0101200007686 Clear Credit 0 7199 3046 2429 2445 2812 0101200007686 Clear Tamper 0 4843 8879 5175 4286 17112022-04-04 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019665ClosedKCT Request2022-03-31REQUEST FOR KCT-44000582989MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-31NoThis is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-03-31 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019664ClosedVending History2022-03-31REQUEST FOR ITRON VENDING HISTORY-0101161021072Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-03-31Nofind attached is the only record found.2022-03-31 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019663ClosedKCT Request2022-03-3157100058262 21-1 44000733715 1-22 0101210082091 45-1 and 1-45 0101215025111 TI01 0101210112138 TI01 0101170117705 TI01 0101161000498 TI01Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-31No2787 6325 1073 9943 9240 3768 3593 1870 9121 6014 44000733715 1-22 5635 7555 3120 8205 6302 2028 8033 4867 7568 9004 0101210082091 45-1 and 1-45 1 To 45 2436 6240 7117 0224 7730 2271 9386 1531 0887 5001 45 To 1 4304 9923 3978 1312 7142 3821 1983 8617 6732 4784 0101215025111 TI01 0718 0924 7703 7007 9926 3906 0311 6625 6264 1434 0101210112138 TI01 KCT1: 1551 6031 6229 2190 5228 KCT2: 2960 2254 1000 1616 4729 0101170117705 TI01 KCT1: 0350 8984 4060 5961 2596 KCT2: 0271 9185 5317 8427 7061 0101161000498 TI01 KCT1: 2489 4336 5716 7671 3372 KCT2: 3731 0136 1176 6513 29972022-03-31 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019662ClosedKCT Request2022-03-31TO THE CURRENT TARIFF-0101215023736Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-31No2931 9305 8850 7230 7739 3281 2572 9486 7862 25402022-03-31 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019661ClosedRequest2022-03-31REQUEST FOR KCT FROM 02 TO THE CURRENT TARIFF-0101215023736MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-31No2931 9305 8850 7230 7739 3281 2572 9486 7862 25402022-03-31 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019660ClosedKCT Request2022-03-31For 54161113912 index 1MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-31NoKCT1: 6492 4309 4642 1674 9386 KCT2: 5955 6115 8541 3395 25312022-03-31 yinknuga2002@yahoo.co.uk Umar Auwal
#00019659ClosedKCT Request2022-03-3144000467181. 01MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-31NoKCT1: 1628 3922 0810 3042 1391 KCT2: 5860 3307 3893 0435 51112022-03-31 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019658ClosedKCT Request2022-03-3144000682102 TI01MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-31No4527 5475 7998 5794 1945 5024 6977 7871 4202 89892022-03-31 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019657ClosedKCT Request2022-03-310101215018389(2)MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-31Nofind below 7037 8292 7681 0584 4055 4458 5363 5041 3122 73502022-03-31 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00019656ClosedKCT Request2022-03-3144300009683 1-74 and 74-1MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-31No1 To 74 5787 7406 1892 7295 9866 0113 3162 0639 4512 0493 74 To 1 3591 2252 0799 7834 4391 0612 5812 1678 4766 51032022-03-24 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019655ClosedRequest2022-03-31Request for debt profile 0101200096390MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-31Nono debt record2022-03-31 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019654ClosedRequest2022-03-31REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101170388595MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-31NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount 409897 Debt Repayment ₦226,053.562022-03-31 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019653ClosedKCT Request2022-03-3162321138661 index 1 to 99 62321160079 index 1 to 99MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-31No62321138661 index 1 to 99 4502 4450 4462 7654 2156 1684 0491 2521 7285 8010 62321160079 index 1 to 99 4466 8369 3546 6892 8094 3873 4876 0972 3863 05372022-03-31 yinknuga2002@yahoo.co.uk Umar Auwal
#00019652ClosedKCT Request2022-03-3144000493757MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-31No7041 9003 5185 8537 9572 3747 3308 0202 4948 84712022-03-31 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019651ClosedTamper Code2022-03-310101210022725 0101190040010 0101210024234 0101200049233 0101190022588 0101210041865 0101170397091 0101210024234 0101170167684 0101170309617 0101210057515 0101190030854 0101210025678 0101200053516 0101200117170 44000677094 44000330512 54161030827 44000682185 54160863590 0101190022588 0101200037725 0101200107502 0101210029548 0101210021537 0101170187690 0101190030672 meMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-31No0101210022725 0101210022725 Clear Tamper 0 0511 5310 0399 3399 5688 0101190040010 0101190040010 Clear Tamper 0 6150 8554 8366 3849 2637 0101210024234 0101210024234 Clear Tamper 0 2560 6932 9965 5673 3202 0101200049233 0101200049233 Clear Tamper 0 0489 4690 2567 1785 5104 0101190022588 0101190022588 Clear Tamper 0 3158 8947 2816 8550 3645 0101210041865 0101210041865 Clear Tamper 0 6753 3652 9814 3081 2857 0101170397091 0101170397091 Clear Tamper 0 5877 7539 3052 4005 6951 0101210024234 0101210024234 Clear Tamper 0 5856 6255 2643 3513 8952 0101170167684 0101170167684 Clear Tamper 0 3453 5489 0797 1121 8348 0101170309617 0101170309617 Clear Tamper 0 4354 7200 5588 3953 8530 0101210057515 0101210057515 Clear Tamper 0 0266 4263 8834 0662 4405 0101190030854 0101190030854 Clear Tamper 0 0063 4457 7764 0148 8815 0101210025678 0101210025678 Clear Tamper 0 5532 8719 3629 5036 3954 0101200053516 0101200053516 Clear Tamper 0 6476 0125 9646 3799 0937 0101200117170 0101200117170 Clear Tamper 0 3051 5848 1196 1224 0360 44000677094 44000677094 Clear Tamper 0 2022 0880 3888 9536 1946 44000330512 44000330512 Clear Tamper 0 0821 5834 9447 2291 4475 54161030827 54161030827 Clear Tamper 0 0556 8844 4666 5184 4557 44000682185 44000682185 Clear Tamper 0 0574 5862 9771 6233 4718 54160863590 54160863590 Clear Tamper 0 4465 2142 0239 0535 0041 0101190022588 0101190022588 Clear Tamper 0 2837 1596 8059 5405 6104 0101200037725 0101200037725 Clear Tamper 0 5305 5425 6941 3505 3333 0101200107502 0101200107502 Clear Tamper 0 2568 3378 6700 7621 1128 0101210029548 0101210029548 Clear Tamper 0 0694 2860 2779 8138 3734 0101210021537 0101210021537 Clear Tamper 0 7182 1673 1038 5661 5255 0101170187690 0101170187690 Clear Tamper 0 6120 8441 8949 8806 1468 0101190030672 0101190030672 Clear Tamper 0 2895 7118 1692 4957 48822022-03-31 rolandjames750@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019650ClosedRequest2022-03-310101170384370MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-31NoAccount No Ledger Type 6122086753-01 Debt Repayment2022-03-31 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019649ClosedKCT Request2022-03-3195300211687. 45MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-31No1914 3140 5254 2376 3353 7357 6214 5963 0241 70622022-03-31 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019648ClosedKCT Request2022-03-31Kindly provide KCT for the meter number below. 44000500601 62321067704 Best RegardsMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-31No44000500601 1114 9895 0350 8298 3016 5741 2528 7050 9752 7677 62321067704 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-03-31 mubby247@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019647ClosedRequest2022-03-31REQUEST FOR OUTSTANDING BALANE METER NO 5416073639MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-31NoNo data available in table2022-03-31 benmercyladi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019646ClosedKCT Request2022-03-3144000746717MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-31NoThis is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-03-31 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019645ClosedKCT Request2022-03-3154160955057 44000311009 44000693273MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-31No44000693273 1 To 33 0962 0285 8644 5989 3150 3341 6013 5312 8580 52442022-03-31 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019644ClosedKCT Request2022-03-3154160955057 44000311009 44000693273MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-31No54160955057 3212 3221 4607 7138 7434 2747 2890 9738 1418 9697 44000311009 4474 6770 4178 5996 9012 0491 6001 6063 5136 8070 44000693273 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-03-31 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019643ClosedKCT Request2022-03-3144300010079 1-5 and 5-1 44000743227 44000731891 44000622431 0101160404543MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-31No44300010079 1-5 and 5-1 1 To 5 4301 5275 1632 5557 0661 4556 4753 8306 8841 5692 5 To 1 4985 5074 9378 9673 6076 1726 9535 6262 3189 6601 44000743227 6927 6821 3483 6795 0672 6834 8813 7974 8634 36622022-03-31 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019642ClosedKCT Request2022-03-31Meter Numbers: 0101215019122 (02 to 01) 04248777494MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-31No0101215019122 (02 to 01) 3496 0106 9116 0850 0848 0929 0344 5230 6648 3965 042487774942022-03-31 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019641ClosedKCT Request2022-03-31Kindly furnish me with the above information for meter number 62321138539. Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-31Nofind below, 39907832664892851871 389286673742492660212022-03-31 abigailiyane@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019640ClosedRequest2022-03-31Debt profile- 0101170456434MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-31NoAccount No Ledger Type 676738 Debt Repayment2022-03-31 anasjedit2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019639ClosedRequest2022-03-31Request for debt profile - 0101170302547MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-31NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6581214580-01 Debt Repayment ₦232,004.93 ₦-73,468.25 ₦2,000.00 ₦150,536.68 M 2019-06-14 ₦8,000.00 2021-09-032022-03-31 stynlucs@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00019638ClosedKCT Request2022-03-310101200042865 kct 001MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-31NoKCT1: 7186 4565 0439 3108 2990 KCT2: 1586 4865 8966 6957 18942022-03-31 hamidsalis835@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019637ClosedKCT Request2022-03-3154161032930 FROM 74 TO CURRENT TARIIFF 54161032930 FROM 4 TO CURRENT TARIFFMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-31No54161032930 FROM 74 5133 5765 2529 7912 1821 4842 3948 9168 9303 8870 54161032930 FROM 4 3915 5585 4859 1759 2707 0671 3262 9781 0448 00042022-03-31 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019636ClosedKCT Request2022-03-3162321143117 from 001 to 099MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-31No2271 3893 1921 8728 4089 0835 7437 2595 4995 57132022-03-31 faithelisha1990@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019635ClosedRequest2022-03-31REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 54161151730MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-31NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6361473285-01 Debt Repayment ₦136,772.48 ₦-68,101.91 ₦2,000.00 ₦64,666.57 M 2019-03-27 ₦4,004.00 2022-01-082022-03-31 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019634ClosedKCT Request2022-03-3162321143117 the meter is on 01 and the customer is on Non md Band cMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-31No2271 3893 1921 8728 4089 0835 7437 2595 4995 57132022-03-31 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019633ClosedKCT Request2022-03-31REQUEST FOR KCT FROM 04 TO THE CURRENTMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-31No1038 4173 1634 4132 9561 5641 0039 5091 4010 71732022-03-31 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019632ClosedRequest2022-03-31TUDUN WADA NON REFLECTION OF PAYMENTMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-31NoFYI.2022-03-31 longpuan@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019631ClosedRequest2022-03-31Non reflection of payments - Bukuru Town feeder Batch 2Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-31NoFYI.2022-03-31 abdulmoh1290@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019630ClosedVending History2022-03-310101161057837 54161101958 0101190005781Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-31Nofind attached and note the remaining details were not found.2022-03-31 obembetaye@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019629ClosedKCT Request2022-03-310101200042865 kctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-31NoKCT1: 7186 4565 0439 3108 2990 KCT2: 1586 4865 8966 6957 18942022-03-31 hamidsalis835@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019628ClosedKCT Request2022-03-310101200042865 kctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-31NoPlease kindly query the meter and revert.2022-03-31 hamidsalis835@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019627ClosedKCT Request2022-03-29Please kindly note 3 sets of kct has been issued already 0101215015591(2)MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-29No6350 6422 6954 5521 1752 4002 3036 6060 3465 22162022-03-29 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00019626ClosedKCT Request2022-03-290101215015591(2)MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-29NoPlease kindly note 3 sets of kct has been issued already2022-03-29 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00019625ClosedKCT Request2022-03-2954161062465 1-21 and 21-1MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-29No21 to 1 12174379286912751262 03346274478062005634 1 To 21 1281 5948 0578 1988 1346 4319 7887 4354 3125 22872022-03-29 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019624ClosedKCT Request2022-03-29Request for KCT 0101205008598MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-29No1559 1465 3408 4362 9233 3752 4793 8054 0577 57182022-03-29 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019623ClosedKCT Request2022-03-2944000621852(1-21)MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-29No6762 5674 3817 1478 3464 4544 9952 7581 4207 68562022-03-29 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019622ClosedKCT Request2022-03-290101200068977(newly install) Please kindly treat thank you.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-29NoKCT1: 7241 0282 7671 3943 1120 KCT2: 1729 4833 3159 4204 20222022-03-29 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019621ClosedKCT Request2022-03-29. 95300249745.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-29No3529 5670 4672 1076 2419 3868 3251 9213 3204 26572022-03-29 faizahtafida@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019620ClosedRequest2022-03-29REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101170395053MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-29NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 616253 Debt Repayment ₦159,657.40 ₦-3,007.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦148,650.40 M 2019-09-21 ₦8,000.00 2021-10-20 On Tue, 29 Mar 2022 at 10:12, Dauda Yusuf2022-03-29 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019619ClosedKCT Request2022-03-29KCT GENERATION 04181745045MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-29NoThis is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-03-29 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019618ClosedKCT Request2022-03-290101160016909. 21MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-29No2738 4925 4291 0493 6021 2488 7334 5026 4151 56202022-03-29 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019617ClosedKCT Request2022-03-29KCT GENERATION from 01 to 33 44000519247Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-29No3840 4329 9359 0993 0409 4238 3963 7614 9609 28142022-03-29 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019616ClosedKCT Request2022-03-290101200075055(1)Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-29No7205 8454 9660 1694 3039 4233 3283 9328 4355 33332022-03-29 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019615ClosedKCT Request2022-03-29KCT GENERATION from 01 to 21 44000523553Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-29No2204 4351 7352 9568 0386 4997 3719 2605 6894 37282022-03-29 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019614ClosedRequest2022-03-29REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 54161173395Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-29NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 608070 Debt Repayment ₦41,433.66 ₦-17,543.96 ₦23,889.70 ₦0.00 V 2021-08-03 ₦23,889.70 2021-12-06 Closed2022-03-29 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019613ClosedKCT Request2022-03-290101150173819 on 21 44000578466 on 01 0101205010586 on 33 44000620748 on 01 0101170802824 on 34 54150632963 on 01 54161055691 on 01 44000605012 on 01 44000583896 44000583904 44000601268 44000601292 0101215020260Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-29No0101150173819 on 21 1470 7014 0412 4175 9060 0439 6854 8067 0499 2202 44000578466 on 01 3828 7138 6399 6961 7299 6377 1537 0717 5416 4219 0101205010586 on 33 0845 7263 0005 1278 2513 0655 3650 3207 7224 0529 44000620748 on 01 0987 5789 6721 3904 5322 6860 5399 3346 5307 8496 0101170802824 on 34..................not captured. 54150632963 on 01 7112 9942 3217 4233 6098 4556 2979 5480 5824 3219 54161055691 on 01 2203 0840 3259 9627 4148 3955 3140 3859 0437 8643 6822 2577 6869 2285 9548 4968 1963 0946 5392 3717 44000605012 on 01 1307 6371 7858 7708 6236 1182 8198 5759 1169 4090 44000583896.................not required. 44000583904.................not required. 44000601268.................not captured. 44000601292................not required. 0101215020260 4740 3377 3024 6745 6298 2534 7676 1829 9358 94122022-03-29 Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019612ClosedKCT Request2022-03-290101170270462(8) 0101215010055(2) 57100023217(1-21)MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-29No0101170270462(8) 4201 6576 7000 9822 0637 6436 4552 6321 4199 1351 0101215010055(2) 6298 7263 0168 6708 4606 0293 3310 9529 2492 2285 57100023217(1-21) 4168 4858 8490 3108 0173 1182 3685 0517 7308 95192022-03-29 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019611ClosedKCT Request2022-03-29Kindly generate KCT for MSN 44300013420 onMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-29NoKindly generate KCT for MSN 44300013420 on2022-03-29 kinretluka@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019610ClosedKCT Request2022-03-29Kct from 01 to 21 for this MSN: 4000621845Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-29NoPlease kindly confirm the meter number and revert.2022-03-29 yuzarsif331122@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019609ClosedKCT Request2022-03-2962321155871 From 01 to 99Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-29No3521 9312 0695 6254 5364 1457 8824 5381 6755 70582022-03-29 yusufibrahimbaba440@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019608ClosedKCT Request2022-03-29Dear support kindly generate KCT for MSN 44000578920Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-29NoThese meters are all on 01 on the system.2022-03-29 jubilant95@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019607ClosedKCT Request2022-03-29Kindly generate KCT for MSN 44300011630 on tariff index - 1Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-29No2743 1506 6874 8637 7060 1461 9952 7306 0323 87232022-03-29 kinretluka@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019606ClosedKCT Request2022-03-28Please the above subject refers. 0101170283804Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-28No0101190011722 Clear Tamper 0 3945 8126 5883 9167 5653 0195000003556 Clear Tamper 0 2856 9121 7507 0800 88652022-03-28 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019605ClosedKCT Request2022-03-2862321157828 from 001 to 037 Thank youMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-28No2595 9829 5154 0343 1983 5806 0652 2489 2969 79262022-03-28 faithelisha1990@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019604ClosedTamper Code2022-03-28Pls generate CT for MSN 0101210131278. Auwal: Refer MSN 95300230612, 0195000005635 & 0195000005593 to RPUMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-28No0101210131278 Clear Tamper 0 3153 2204 7819 3289 58462022-03-28 rolandjames750@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019603ClosedKCT Request2022-03-28REQUEST FOR KCT FROM 33 TO CURRENT TARIFF -Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-28No4993 9805 6624 3344 1738 1562 8851 8151 3654 15242022-03-28 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019602ClosedKCT Request2022-03-2862321070393MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-28No62321070393 Clear Tamper 0 1764 5638 5744 2172 56592022-03-28 rolandjames750@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019601ClosedKCT Request2022-03-2844000645125MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-28No3235 5722 7201 9054 1356 1686 2685 4473 4316 28492022-03-28 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00019600ClosedKCT Request2022-03-280101170169474. 01Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-28No6287 6241 1310 8660 5624 4949 6491 8742 5854 54462022-03-28 uduhaleje@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019599ClosedKCT Request2022-03-2844000620979(1)MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-28No0756 9537 1598 6689 2635 4794 6905 5168 9176 20492022-03-28 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00019598ClosedKCT Request2022-03-2862321146987 from 001 to 099 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-28No6088 5699 4566 9513 2349 5334 0325 5846 8290 20862022-03-28 faithelisha1990@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019597ClosedKCT Request2022-03-2844000663656.thanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-28No2843 5970 4103 7540 5455 4926 6456 8233 0371 11122022-03-28 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019596ClosedKCT Request2022-03-28Meter number =57100022482Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-03-28No0080 5093 4738 0362 6093 4648 4488 8299 0959 70622022-03-28 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019595ClosedKCT Request2022-03-28KCT GENERATION from 01 to 21 54161171316Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-28No7118 8541 3355 9629 1898 6702 7613 3638 0994 91972022-03-28 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019594ClosedKCT Request2022-03-28KCT GENERATION 04181528136Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-03-28No6735 6177 1164 1611 4702 6767 5593 0959 8193 45462022-03-28 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019593ClosedKCT Request2022-03-2862321137762 62321154122 62180115073Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-03-28No62321137762 53239859494148613254 64954200838899506169 62321154122 03048230789424325702 45000713395298757736 62180115073 34490692329209805606 493241247795706054892022-03-28 thompsontor@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019592ClosedRequest2022-03-280101205016070MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-28NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 767939 Debt Repayment ₦8,628.56 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦6,128.56 M 2022-02-25 ₦2,500.00 2022-03-212022-03-28 wyontochae@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019591ClosedKCT Request2022-03-28REQUEST FOR KCT- 44000514578MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-28No1549 9886 5144 2585 0924 1472 6637 3855 6597 90502022-03-28 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019590ClosedKCT Request2022-03-280101170411181MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-28Nofind below This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-03-28 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019589ClosedRequest2022-03-28Request for debt profile - 0101185056278MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-28NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6218940111-01 Debt Repayment ₦340,547.27 ₦-71,000.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦169,547.27 M 2020-03-27 ₦100,000.00 2022-03-272022-03-28 stynlucs@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00019588ClosedKCT Request2022-03-28MSN 0101215030905MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-28No5775 6619 8542 5724 0209 5052 7738 6986 9474 96212022-03-28 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00019587ClosedKCT Request2022-03-280101170283457 TI04MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-28NoKCT1: 0839 1586 1473 0983 7406 KCT2: 7106 1875 5297 1522 07512022-03-28 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019586ClosedRequest2022-03-2854150616107MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-28NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 613226345601 Debt Repayment ₦3,130.05 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦3,130.05 M 2022-02-10 ₦0.00 2022-02-262022-03-28 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019585ClosedKCT Request2022-03-28010120500556 and 0101205002401MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-28No010120500556 No data available in table 0101205002401 7232 6650 8074 8054 8798 4238 1463 7217 7921 76122022-03-28 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019584ClosedKCT Request2022-03-2844000577179MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-28NoNo data available in table2022-03-28 Umar Auwal
#00019583ClosedRequest2022-03-2854161129066MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-28NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 611212131601 Debt Repayment ₦6,409.15 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦6,409.15 M 2022-02-15 ₦0.00 2022-02-162022-03-28 Umar Auwal
#00019582ClosedKCT Request2022-03-2844000576197Medium 2022-03-28No5440 3822 3085 7719 7461 2955 9236 2395 2809 82352022-03-28 stynlucs@yahoo.com
#00019581ClosedKCT Request2022-03-2844000665792MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-28NoThis is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-03-28 omarllepps@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00019580ClosedRequest2022-03-28REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE- 0101195002569Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-28NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date 693212 Debt Repayment ₦11,643.09 ₦0.00 ₦5,000.00 ₦6,643.09 M 2022-02-092022-03-28 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019579ClosedRequest2022-03-28REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE- 0101195002569MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-28NoREQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE- 01011950025692022-03-28 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019578ClosedRequest2022-03-28REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101190002945MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-28NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount 653339 Debt Repayment ₦44,822.132022-03-28 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019577ClosedKCT Request2022-03-2844000528875 TI01MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-28No6518 3823 4870 6760 8913 3710 9035 9659 1988 55372022-03-28 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019576ClosedTamper Code2022-03-280101170154559 0101178024937 0101188028803 0101190026902 0101160049900 62221006802 62321149163 54161021628 54160854854Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-28Nofind below, 0101170154559 Clear Tamper 0 4143 4066 6763 8441 4109 0101178024937 Clear Tamper 0 5650 8778 1052 2806 0713 0101188028803 Clear Tamper 0 2140 2190 7872 1148 1070 0101190026902 1804 6045 7127 4480 6099 0101160049900 0805 0041 7794 6778 0715 62221006802 4894 8901 8492 2348 5025 62321149163 3177 7234 6939 9398 2279 54161021628 6277 8130 7206 3571 0890 54160854854 1453 5018 3940 0236 25812022-03-28 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019575ClosedKCT Request2022-03-2844000528404 0101170249797 44300014022 TI01 0101215027182 TI79 0101185070774 TI55 95300185253 95300105905 44000584100 0101170287003 TI4 0101150173819 TI21 44000578466 TI1 0101205010586 TI33 44000620748 TI1 0101170802824 TI34 54150632963 TI21 54161055691 TI1 0101215015591 TI2 44000583896 44000583904 44000601268 44000601292 0101215020260MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-28No44000528404 5161 3396 2426 0167 8114 4918 6601 5260 8543 2051 0101170249797 1565 4418 3923 4159 6407 1943 0292 3294 7836 4759 44300014022 TI01 1565 4418 3923 4159 6407 1943 0292 3294 7836 4759 0101215027182 TI79 0285 8543 9152 9436 4400 4327 0802 3876 3446 2027 0101185070774 TI55 55 To 1 0381 8638 3979 1120 0722 0942 6938 7977 2419 9815 1 To 55 5837 0193 6724 3859 8019 2608 1042 9187 7816 0844 95300185253 2193 9587 7757 6454 8112 0138 8949 7431 0025 7361 95300105905 2294 1496 3140 7350 8386 3189 9430 0214 4241 8417 44000584100 4787 3821 8239 8436 3805 7030 3349 3898 5413 9323 0101170287003 TI4 1064 5392 3388 1644 8670 5886 0493 6070 4554 3834 0101150173819 TI21 1470 7014 0412 4175 9060 0439 6854 8067 0499 2202 44000578466 TI1 3828 7138 6399 6961 7299 6377 1537 0717 5416 4219 0101205010586 TI33 0845 7263 0005 1278 2513 0655 3650 3207 7224 0529 44000620748 TI1 0987 5789 6721 3904 5322 6860 5399 3346 5307 8496 0101170802824 TI34 No data available in table 54150632963 TI21 3015 2919 9036 8239 4184 4121 8414 1012 7116 3599 54161055691 TI1 KCT1: 6822 2577 6869 2285 9548 KCT2: 4968 1963 0946 5392 3717 0101215015591 TI2 6350 6422 6954 5521 1752 4002 3036 6060 3465 2216 44000583896 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 44000583904 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 44000601268 No data available in table 44000601292 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101215020260 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.44000528404 5161 3396 2426 0167 8114 4918 6601 5260 8543 2051 0101170249797 1565 4418 3923 4159 6407 1943 0292 3294 7836 4759 44300014022 TI01 1565 4418 3923 4159 6407 1943 0292 3294 7836 4759 0101215027182 TI79 0285 8543 9152 9436 4400 4327 0802 3876 3446 2027 0101185070774 TI55 55 To 1 0381 8638 3979 1120 0722 0942 6938 7977 2419 9815 1 To 55 5837 0193 6724 3859 8019 2608 1042 9187 7816 0844 95300185253 2193 9587 7757 6454 8112 0138 8949 7431 0025 7361 95300105905 2294 1496 3140 7350 8386 3189 9430 0214 4241 8417 44000584100 4787 3821 8239 8436 3805 7030 3349 3898 5413 9323 0101170287003 TI4 1064 5392 3388 1644 8670 5886 0493 6070 4554 3834 0101150173819 TI21 1470 7014 0412 4175 9060 0439 6854 8067 0499 2202 44000578466 TI1 3828 7138 6399 6961 7299 6377 1537 0717 5416 4219 0101205010586 TI33 0845 7263 0005 1278 2513 0655 3650 3207 7224 0529 44000620748 TI1 0987 5789 6721 3904 5322 6860 5399 3346 5307 8496 0101170802824 TI34 No data available in table 54150632963 TI21 3015 2919 9036 8239 4184 4121 8414 1012 7116 3599 54161055691 TI1 KCT1: 6822 2577 6869 2285 9548 KCT2: 4968 1963 0946 5392 3717 0101215015591 TI2 6350 6422 6954 5521 1752 4002 3036 6060 3465 2216 44000583896 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 44000583904 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 44000601268 No data available in table 44000601292 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101215020260 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-03-28 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019574ClosedTamper Code2022-03-28: REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPER 0101195002114Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-28No0101195002114 Clear Tamper 0 1793 4131 9586 9561 77382022-03-28 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019573ClosedTamper Code2022-03-28Please the above subject refers. 44000467710 44000464774 Regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-28No44000467710 Clear Tamper 0 2546 7524 7237 2131 8346 44000464774 Clear Tamper 0 3498 4157 6558 4978 39052022-03-28 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019572ClosedKCT Request2022-03-2844000743300MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-28NoThis is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-03-28 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019571ClosedTamper Code2022-03-28REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPER 54150650536Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-28Nofind below, 54150650536 Clear Tamper 0 3008 9402 1272 5183 32822022-03-28 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019570ClosedTamper Code2022-03-28Kindly vet on MSN 0101215008141 for tamper code.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-28No0101215008141 Clear Tamper 0 6654 7489 3776 1188 91422022-03-28 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019569ClosedTamper Code2022-03-2862321070393 62321074569 62321070799 62321080616MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-28No62321070393 Clear Tamper 0 2556 3407 0054 4968 9427 62321074569 Clear Tamper 0 2231 6145 3049 0685 1691 62321080616 Clear Tamper 0 1053 0953 1608 0300 53132022-03-28 rolandjames750@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019568ClosedKCT Request2022-03-28KCT GENERATION from 01 to 21 21 54150619689MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-28Nofind below 3388 4694 0039 2784 3388 5469 6295 9180 7741 85672022-03-28 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019567ClosedTamper Code2022-03-2854160854854Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-28No54160854854 Clear Tamper 0 0665 3014 7531 5461 35142022-03-28 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019566ClosedTamper Code2022-03-28Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101178027344Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-28Nofind below, 0101178027344 Clear Tamper 0 7223 7819 6765 8993 91602022-03-28 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019565ClosedKCT Request2022-03-28Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 54160857352Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-28No54160857352 Clear Tamper 0 5347 2713 0434 6028 07312022-03-28 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019564ClosedKCT Request2022-03-28Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 44300002373Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-28No44300002373 Clear Tamper 0 6071 2726 1928 7195 66002022-03-28 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019563ClosedTamper Code2022-03-28Kindly reissue this tamper 0101200061808Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-28Nofind below, 0101200061808 Clear Tamper 0 4542 3931 5843 8518 56382022-03-28 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019562ClosedTamper Code2022-03-2895300219193Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-28Nofind below, 95300219193 Clear Credit 0 1059 4586 6810 5786 2343 95300219193 Clear Tamper 0 6430 1671 1900 0209 01472022-03-28 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019561ClosedTamper Code2022-03-2854160979438 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-28No54160979438 Clear Tamper 0 1417 6566 7794 8621 47872022-03-28 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019560ClosedTamper Code2022-03-280101190005435Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-28Nofind below, 0101190005435 Clear Tamper 0 3580 8559 4581 0870 42352022-03-21 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019559ClosedKCT Request2022-03-28REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPER 44000623510Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-28No44000623510 Clear Tamper 0 3258 8365 7569 6034 99232022-03-28 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019558ClosedKCT Request2022-03-28Please kindly help me generate the kct of 0101200063796 from 0045- 0001 ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-28No3736 1859 6753 3102 4043 5888 3855 1588 0580 7198 3736 1859 6753 3102 4043 5888 3855 1588 0580 71982022-03-28 munirishaqjos@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019557ClosedKCT Request2022-03-2844000568582Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-28No0324 2966 9506 4523 7452 2983 0269 2687 1126 30782022-03-28 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019556ClosedKCT Request2022-03-28Request for KCT meter no 0101210152506Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-28No6690 6944 1326 7857 7030 0406 8806 9451 3091 67402022-03-28 benmercyladi@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019555ClosedKCT Request2022-03-2862321143075Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-28No3835 8192 7218 9361 9535 0292 3551 2722 0250 61832022-03-28 yusufibrahimbaba440@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019554ClosedKCT Request2022-03-2844000568582Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-28No0324 2966 9506 4523 7452 2983 0269 2687 1126 30782022-03-28 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019553ClosedKCT Request2022-03-280101170260521Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-28NoKindly ask the customer to query the meter and revert with the index.2022-03-28 stynlucs@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019552ClosedKCT Request2022-03-25Please. assist with this kct no: 44000517555Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-25No6062 9541 8079 5119 9020 0063 3269 4261 2376 51232022-03-25 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019551ClosedRequest2022-03-2554161017451Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-25NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount 676062 Debt Repayment ₦7,204.582022-03-25 phartiemah12@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019550ClosedKCT Request2022-03-250101215008117 TI02MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-25NoNo data available in table2022-03-25 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019549ClosedKCT Request2022-03-2544000543643 62321164238 0101205014109 index 0002MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-25No44000543643 7032 9580 4827 7771 2679 2992 5215 3114 2295 1648 62321164238 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101205014109 index 0002 2974 9162 7283 8904 6692 6212 8261 5662 4926 34702022-03-25 yinknuga2002@yahoo.co.uk Umar Auwal
#00019548ClosedKCT Request2022-03-2595300104676 tariff index is 21MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-25No1195 9453 2768 9293 8194 2895 4414 2317 3835 10522022-03-25 elijah.ishaya@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019547ClosedKCT Request2022-03-25The meter is on 21 kindly assist 44000381697.thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-25No2632 5581 6122 3383 2427 4982 7600 3917 5006 85352022-03-25 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019546ClosedKCT Request2022-03-2544000523785MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-25No3017 0757 9352 4137 8378 6674 7225 4658 0317 00052022-03-25 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019545ClosedKCT Request2022-03-25Please the above subject refers. 44000381697 from 21 to 01 95300160983 from 01 to 21 Regards.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-25Nofind below 44000381697 from 21 to 01 2632 5581 6122 3383 2427 4982 7600 3917 5006 8535 95300160983 from 01 to 21 6356 1639 9089 9245 4243 2168 1718 4466 2956 34542022-03-25 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019544Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00019543ClosedKCT Request2022-03-24REQUEST FOR KCT-44000665717Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-24Nofind below No data available in table2022-03-24 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019542ClosedKCT Request2022-03-24Please can you assist us with the KCT of this meter number. The customer purchased token on 16/2/2022 54161069437 from index 01 to 21Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-03-24No3082 3432 5445 1113 2481 2701 9022 0506 7006 5614 1167 5599 5748 8174 6159 2445 2328 9540 7933 35592022-03-24 samueldchun@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019541ClosedVending History2022-03-240101210015638Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-24Nofind below No data available in table2022-03-24 dogoreuben@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019540ClosedKCT Request2022-03-240101190008504Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-24Nofind below This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-03-24 faizahtafida@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019539ClosedTamper Code2022-03-24REQUEST FOR TAMPER CODE RE-ISSUING -0101190145389Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-03-24NoPlease note any re-issue should be sent through the main trial. 0101190145389 Clear Tamper 0 2093 7707 8439 3071 00732022-03-24 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019538ClosedKCT Request2022-03-24REQUEST FOR KCT FROM 082 - CURRENT TARIFF 54161028995Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-03-24Nofind below, 5201 5224 0970 4506 6591 5439 4040 6659 5541 94982022-03-24 nmaisugar@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019537ClosedKCT Request2022-03-240101210130478Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-03-24NoKindly query the meter and revert.2022-03-24 dogoreuben@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019536ClosedKCT Request2022-03-24KCT GENERATION from 01 to 21 44300009683Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-03-24Nofind below, 5192 4670 2012 1989 7518 6589 1406 4294 1022 24932022-03-24 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019535ClosedKCT Request2022-03-240101210015638Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-03-24Nofind below, 6166 4286 3151 3364 7612 5156 0255 3134 4567 34632022-03-24 dogoreuben@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019534ClosedKCT Request2022-03-24MSN 44000495687(1)Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-24No2425 1415 3934 3047 9540 5881 1075 5796 7082 17872022-03-24 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019533ClosedKCT Request2022-03-2444300018452 1-55 and 55-1MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-24No1 To 55 1340 9344 2779 0960 5972 5484 4337 6607 9777 6988 55 To 1 1621 0403 6949 7143 4786 5270 1302 6164 0452 80212022-03-24 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019532ClosedRequest2022-03-24REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101170152710Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-24NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount 528607 Debt Repayment ₦94,236.612022-03-24 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019531ClosedKCT Request2022-03-240101200075055 (99 to 01) 0101215010741 (02 to 01) 0101215008745 (02 to 01) 0101215026994 (02 to 46) 0101215030939 (02 to 01)Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-24No0101200075055 (99 to 01) 2638 0207 0560 0238 9437 6235 3573 9904 5118 2939 0101215010741 (02 to 01) 6053 4124 9003 8900 4154 0213 1676 2117 6098 9154 0101215008745 (02 to 01) 0221 7835 6963 2194 7972 4545 2390 1853 1799 0555 0101215026994 (02 to 46) 1753 8018 5931 9404 5622 3491 4723 5244 5030 7951 0101215030939 (02 to 01) 3560 8541 4594 1700 8805 0646 9212 4002 0264 28782022-03-24 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019530ClosedKCT Request2022-03-240101210015554Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-24NoKCT1: 5384 8006 0826 4318 4014 KCT2: 2820 9578 8724 7417 97082022-03-24 dogoreuben@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019529ClosedKCT Request2022-03-24Kindly generate KCT for MSN 44300014246 on tariff index - 4Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-24No1779 8852 1378 9271 9978 3054 1777 9291 6118 29112022-03-24 kinretluka@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019528ClosedRequest2022-03-24REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE0101170451047MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-24Nofind below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6123328590-01 Debt Repayment ₦260,597.71 ₦-56,500.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦184,097.71 M 2019-05-23 ₦20,000.00 2022-03-242022-03-24 nmaisugar@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019527ClosedKCT Request2022-03-240101170384230 TI07Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-24No2641 8625 2566 3447 7664 6284 5205 1116 2654 01212022-03-24 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019526ClosedTamper Code2022-03-240101200076475Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-24No0101200076475 Clear Tamper 0 4102 2275 8806 9956 00712022-03-24 yuzarsif331122@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019525ClosedKCT Request2022-03-24Pls generate CT for this MSN 44000532166Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-24Nofind below 44000532166 Clear Tamper 0 6459 0301 2837 6353 64422022-03-24 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019524ClosedTamper Code2022-03-240101200076475Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-24No0101200076475 Clear Tamper 0 4102 2275 8806 9956 00712022-03-24 yuzarsif331122@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019523ClosedKCT Request2022-03-24Pls generate CT for this MSN 44000532166. Regards.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-24Nofind below 44000532166 Clear Tamper 0 6459 0301 2837 6353 64422022-03-24 rolandjames750@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019522ClosedKCT Request2022-03-2404214341028MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-24NoKCT1: 2115 3572 0622 9906 5509 KCT2: 1070 7600 0567 3492 37292022-03-24 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019521ClosedKCT Request2022-03-24: 0101200072284MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-24No6839 3124 1971 4816 8305 0411 2527 3731 4309 25662022-03-24 yuzarsif331122@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019520ClosedKCT Request2022-03-24KCT GENERATION 44000577245MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-24NoThis is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-03-24 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019519ClosedKCT Request2022-03-2444000577724MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-24NoThis is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-03-24 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019518ClosedKCT Request2022-03-24KCT GENERATION 44000495380MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-24NoThis is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-03-24 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019517ClosedKCT Request2022-03-2404234512426MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-24NoKCT1: 1279 3079 4249 1604 9301 KCT2: 2665 1074 0465 3938 45502022-03-24 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019516ClosedKCT Request2022-03-24Dear support kindly generate KCT for MSN 44300007117. Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-24No6023 4124 1829 8931 1024 4082 1700 6223 6073 66212022-03-24 jubilant95@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019515Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00019514ClosedKCT Request2022-03-24REQUEST FOR KCT-44000741833MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-24No3347 9758 1742 3738 8693 1748 7642 5464 7388 94242022-03-24 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019513ClosedEvend Access2022-03-24Please find new customer account for migration to evend 799116 799115 799105 799103 799192Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-24Nofind below treated2022-03-24 Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019512ClosedKCT Request2022-03-240101170292391. 45MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-24No3873 0521 9495 4980 5069 6192 2117 9950 0748 62752022-03-24 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019511ClosedKCT Request2022-03-24Please the above subject refers. 0195000003671 57100013507MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-24No0195000003671 0195000003671 Clear Tamper 0 3589 4128 9816 4884 1865 57100013507 57100013507 Clear Tamper 0 2099 0849 5854 3978 02692022-03-24 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019510ClosedKCT Request2022-03-24KCT GENERATION from 45 to 01 95300152683MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-24No7127 1494 9191 1304 8288 7238 0271 9435 6780 81452022-03-24 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019509ClosedRequest2022-03-24GOOD MORNING REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 57100080498MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-24NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 706257 Debt Repayment ₦9,724.72 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦9,724.72 M 2022-02-15 ₦0.00 2022-02-282022-03-24 nmaisugar@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019508ClosedKCT Request2022-03-2454160950645 is on tariff 07MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-24No6483 4107 2503 4168 5163 0385 9045 9275 1100 04602022-03-24 faizahtafida@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019507ClosedTamper Code2022-03-240101178034746 0101215015286 0101210093700 0101200006779 0101210112138MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-24No0101178034746 0101178034746 Clear Tamper 0 1559 9956 8338 0812 8463 0101215015286 0101215015286 Clear Tamper 0 5905 1330 7846 6536 7464 0101210093700 0101210093700 Clear Tamper 0 2179 6544 3650 8743 7823 0101200006779 0101200006779 Clear Tamper 0 3001 8930 4676 4507 1502 0101210112138 0101210112138 Clear Tamper 0 3951 5979 5664 2537 76332022-03-24 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019506ClosedKCT Request2022-03-2404234512426Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-24No1279 3079 4249 1604 9301 2665 1074 0465 3938 45502022-03-24 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019505ClosedTamper Code2022-03-240101160394249 0101178021750 Thanks and regards.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-03-24No0101160394249 Clear Tamper 0 5030 9150 6115 7088 8619 0101178021750 Clear Tamper 0 4365 0011 8244 6066 64252022-03-24 abrazaqaidris@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019504ClosedKCT Request2022-03-24KCT GENERATION from 55 to 01 44300018452MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-24No1621 0403 6949 7143 4786 5270 1302 6164 0452 80212022-03-24 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019503ClosedKCT Request2022-03-241. 95300278173. 2. 95300257722.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-24No1508 9390 7104 6972 6202 0155 3545 0801 6172 27972022-03-24 faizahtafida@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019502ClosedTamper Code2022-03-2454161041659 0101161014499MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-24No54161041659 Clear Tamper 0 0322 1859 5641 5959 9800 0101161014499 Clear Tamper 0 3355 1034 8675 4442 95642022-03-24 rolandjames750@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019501ClosedKCT Request2022-03-241. 95300278173. 2. 95300257722.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-24Nofind below 5463 6552 8471 9022 3891 5662 5791 1976 2504 04232022-03-24 faizahtafida@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019500ClosedKCT Request2022-03-24. 44000486207. 2. 57100063916 3. 04204566964.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-24Nofind below, 1. 44000486207.................not required. 2. 57100063916.................not required. 3. 04204566964..................not required.2022-03-24 faizahtafida@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019499ClosedKCT Request2022-03-2444000710028 1-4 and 4-1 44000583896 44000583904 44000601268 44000601292 44000587384 44300001417 0101215020260Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-24No44000710028 1-4 and 4-1 0113 3583 8469 2186 0431 6082 5007 7081 5891 1918 1292 5507 6049 2526 7694 6040 3081 1414 3950 0367 44000583896................not required. 44000583904...............not required. 44000601268.................not captured. 44000601292...............not required. 44000587384 2206 2086 1421 4915 7152 1088 6883 0662 0705 4937 44300001417 0544 7416 5865 0684 1234 5571 9462 5398 4540 9035 4301 0388 3869 7072 1714 6540 9319 7000 0101 4290 0101215020260 4740 3377 3024 6745 6298 2534 7676 1829 9358 94122022-03-24 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019498ClosedVending History2022-03-2457300009198Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-24Nofind attached,2022-03-24 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019497ClosedTamper Code2022-03-24Dear Auwal, Please the above subject refers. 0101170259887 0195000001923 95300162690Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-24No0101170259887 Clear Tamper 0 2433 4496 2663 8190 9172 0195000001923 Clear Tamper 0 5480 8319 8223 7385 6704 95300162690 Clear Tamper 0 1944 2063 2285 0387 06612022-03-24 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019496ClosedTamper Code2022-03-2444300015235 thanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-24Nofind below, 44300015235 Clear Tamper 0 6557 1305 7890 2026 62192022-03-24 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019495ClosedTamper Code2022-03-240101200075501 thanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-24No0101200075501 Clear Tamper 0 4907 2154 7979 2796 69562022-03-24 beediesarah5@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019494ClosedTamper Code2022-03-2457300015914Medium 2022-03-24No57300015914 Clear Tamper 0 0511 6434 6046 3957 60252022-03-24 rolandjames750@gmail.com
#00019493ClosedKCT Request2022-03-24Please the above subject refers. 0195000003994 0101210098212MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-24No0195000003994 Clear Tamper 0 3090 0312 9422 9635 0077 0101210098212 Clear Tamper 0 1135 2649 5834 6499 81002022-03-24 rolandjames750@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019492ClosedKCT Request2022-03-24Please kindly help me generate the kct of 44300001417 ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-24No0544 7416 5865 0684 1234 5571 9462 5398 4540 9035 4301 0388 3869 7072 1714 6540 9319 7000 0101 42902022-03-24 munirishaqjos@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019491ClosedKCT Request2022-03-24Metre number: 62321207334. Index: 01 Metre number: 44000590891. Index: 1MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-24NoMetre number: 62321207334. Index: 01................not required. Metre number: 44000590891. Index: 1..................not required.2022-03-24 abrahamujiuji@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019490ClosedKCT Request2022-03-2444000587384 Please Sir help us With a KCT Thanks for your supportMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-24No2206 2086 1421 4915 7152 1088 6883 0662 0705 49372022-03-24 yakubaliyu82@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019489ClosedKCT Request2022-03-24,0101210012502Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-24No6337 1619 0994 6273 1394 3489 1126 6573 9731 59872022-03-24 dogoreuben@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019488ClosedKCT Request2022-03-220101205003029Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-22NoPlease note that this meter does not require kct, so kindly query the meter and revert.2022-03-22 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019487ClosedKCT Request2022-03-2204234008078 thanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-22Nofind below, 6841 8647 3109 8315 9214 6769 8369 5770 6365 43472022-03-22 beediesarah5@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019486ClosedKCT Request2022-03-22Request for KCT 0101205005792Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-22NoDear Caraonline, Find below as requested. 6913 6169 6433 9185 5301 3262 1916 0942 8579 40992022-03-22 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019485ClosedKCT Request2022-03-22010121012880Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-22NoKindly confirm meter number.2022-03-22 iorlumunameladu@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019484ClosedKCT Request2022-03-220101170201525 74-1 44000576312 44000380665 99-1 0101215032679 74-1 44000508455Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-22No0101170201525 74-1 1988 4148 0385 5228 3104 2040 0874 8157 1519 3922 44000576312 44000380665 99-1 4276 9456 1380 2924 2655 3242 5320 4849 3416 9037 0101215032679 74-1 5991 5265 4576 7443 7438 3758 4113 8783 6417 47662022-03-22 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019483ClosedKCT Request2022-03-220101205014208 index 0002 0101210153058 index 0001 44000574721Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-22No0101205014208 index 0002 5339 3966 2435 2336 5236 3304 0179 1532 6921 93212022-03-22 yinknuga2002@yahoo.co.uk Isah Abubakar
#00019482ClosedKCT Request2022-03-22Please the above subject refers. 44000380665 from 99 to 01 0101215032679 from 74 to 01 Regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-22No44000380665 from 99 to 01 4276 9456 1380 2924 2655 3242 5320 4849 3416 9037 0101215032679 from 74 to 01 5991 5265 4576 7443 7438 3758 4113 8783 6417 47662022-03-22 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019481ClosedKCT Request2022-03-2254150647158. 02Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-22NoDear Uduh, This meter has an invalid STS.2022-03-22 uduhaleje@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019480ClosedKCT Request2022-03-22Kct from 02 to current tariff for this MSN: 0101215019536 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-22Nofind below, 1910 9351 8340 2649 0051 4562 0867 0071 5262 50032022-03-22 yuzarsif331122@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019479ClosedKCT Request2022-03-2244000399079(99)Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-22No3637 7137 8528 7478 4437 1374 0769 7011 9615 94892022-03-22 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019478Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00019477ClosedRequest2022-03-22REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE-0101160058653Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-22NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount 6121031825-01 Debt Repayment ₦234,002.672022-03-22 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019476ClosedKCT Request2022-03-2254161167850 on 01. 95300187762 on 33.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-22Nofind below, 54161167850 on 01. 0966 4520 5105 2642 1403 6826 2520 5509 5631 5975 0485 8932 6030 7214 1068 3079 5948 5473 2658 3468 95300187762 on 33. 5058 3847 4507 6403 3998 1603 9401 7566 8900 28922022-03-22 uduhaleje@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019475ClosedKCT Request2022-03-22Please treat MSN 0101190014361Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-22NoDear Wuladi, Find below as requested. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 657868 Debt Repayment ₦67,986.97 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦67,986.97 M 2022-02-17 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-03-22 mwuladi@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00019474ClosedKCT Request2022-03-22Please treat MSN 44000395069Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-22No4593 0536 1759 3031 3258 4484 7268 2926 3816 16192022-03-22 mwuladi@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00019473ClosedKCT Request2022-03-22REQUEST FOR KCT FROM 01 TO THE CURRENT TARIFF-0101160002479Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-22NoPlease kindly ask the customer to query the meter and revert.2022-03-22 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019472ClosedKCT Request2022-03-220101150178149 01 to 21Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-22NoFind below as requested. 3185 1536 8996 0092 9281 0130 0176 2469 4133 91072022-03-22 sadiqabdullahi62@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019471ClosedKCT Request2022-03-22Dear support kindly generate KCT for MSN: 44300019773, the TI on the meter is 23. Thank you.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-22NoPlease treat MSN 01012001189052022-03-22 jubilant95@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019470ClosedKCT Request2022-03-22Please treat MSN 0101200118905Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-22No5310 0703 2013 4250 0217 0036 6239 6956 2566 04152022-03-22 mwuladi@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00019469ClosedKCT Request2022-03-22KCT GENERATION from 21 to 01 44000596690Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-22Nofind below, 21 To 1 1880 8012 5283 2914 6650 2551 4648 1761 4604 87672022-03-22 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019468ClosedVending History2022-03-22784493Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-22NoDear Reuben, find attached,2022-03-22 dogoreuben@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019467ClosedKCT Request2022-03-2244000380665 TI099Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-22Nofind below, 4276 9456 1380 2924 2655 3242 5320 4849 3416 90372022-03-22 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019466ClosedKCT Request2022-03-22: 44300019773.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-22No5834 5517 7394 1962 8807 1175 7641 5532 7941 26522022-03-22 jubilant95@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019465ClosedKCT Request2022-03-22Good Morning, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters. Thank you. Meter Numbers (INDEX): 0101215025830 (02) 0101215019932 (02)Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-22Nofind below 0101215025830 (02) 6758 7831 3244 8667 2971 2089 2280 9573 5353 3373 0101215019932 (02) 1760 2823 3736 1704 1434 1000 3922 4617 6201 73292022-03-22 Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019464ClosedKCT Request2022-03-2262321167066. 01 to 37Medium 2022-03-22No7060 7038 1784 5133 0169 2587 1375 1368 7735 59052022-03-22 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com
#00019463ClosedKCT Request2022-03-2244000582989 thanksMedium 2022-03-22Nofind below This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-03-22 beediesarah5@gmail.com
#00019462Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00019461ClosedKCT Request2022-03-22Good morning sir 010205013218 0002 Kind regardsMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-22No5005 7256 8108 3993 1054 1888 4109 8151 1936 70512022-03-22 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019460ClosedKCT Request2022-03-22Kct from 01 to 03 for this 44000530418Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-22No3992 8141 8220 2036 0964 3644 5546 1968 4706 88262022-03-22 yuzarsif331122@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019459ClosedKCT Request2022-03-22Please assist with this kct no 44000641686Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-22Nofind below 1159 2530 9872 4902 9759 4256 1757 2979 1077 37102022-03-22 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019458ClosedKCT Request2022-03-22REQUEST FOR KCT (BOUGHT ON FEB 16TH) - 0101170399576Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-03-22No6708 5797 6948 5492 4431 1615 2364 4216 6635 0610 2075 4031 7754 4498 4709 5953 9759 5126 2430 01302022-03-22 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019457OpenKCT Request0000-00-00REQUEST FOR KCT FROM 012 TO THE CURRENT TARIFF-571000217243846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-22NoDear Nuwaira, Find below as requested. 5770 7422 6392 9816 6630 5763 5228 4738 9064 6896 Dear Chun, Find below as requested. A) 44000521714 on index 01 3520 3835 1849 7164 7281 3654 2425 3453 8149 9676 B) 44000520005 on index 01 1880 2278 0259 9001 3697 5814 3614 3069 0021 16122022-03-22 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019456ClosedKCT Request2022-03-22Please can you assist us with the KCT of the following meters with their respective index A) 44000521714 on index 01 B) 44000520005 on index 01Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-22NoDear Chun, Find below as requested. A) 44000521714 on index 01 3520 3835 1849 7164 7281 3654 2425 3453 8149 9676 B) 44000520005 on index 01 1880 2278 0259 9001 3697 5814 3614 3069 0021 16122022-03-22 samueldchun@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019455ClosedKCT Request2022-03-2262321162547 from 37 to 99Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-22No3867 3717 8127 9264 3517 6195 0223 9335 2587 96272022-03-22 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019454ClosedKCT Request2022-03-22GOOD MORNING REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 0101170458059Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-22NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount 679060 Debt Repayment ₦11,202.042022-03-22 nmaisugar@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019453ClosedKCT Request2022-03-22Please kindly help me generate the kct of 0101200064935Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-22NoThis is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-03-22 munirishaqjos@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019452ClosedKCT Request2022-03-22Please kindly help me generate the kct of 0101200064935Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-22NoThis is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-03-22 munirishaqjos@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019451ClosedKCT Request2022-03-22Kct from 01 to 21 for this MSN: 44000620557 and from 01 to 03 for this 44000530418Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-22No1 To 21 0825 3654 6292 0351 8550 5832 9774 0519 3635 20582022-03-22 yuzarsif331122@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019450ClosedKCT Request2022-03-22Please assist with this kct no. 44000641652Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-22No2053 5748 0974 3705 9959 7116 5156 6678 8233 96302022-03-22 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019449ClosedKCT Request2022-03-22REQUEST FOR KCT FROM 01 TO THE CURRENT TARIFF-0101170177253Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-22NoThis is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-03-22 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019448ClosedKCT Request2022-03-2254161032930 TI04MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-22No3915 5585 4859 1759 2707 0671 3262 9781 0448 00042022-03-22 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019447ClosedKCT Request2022-03-2254161032930 TI04Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-22No3915 5585 4859 1759 2707 0671 3262 9781 0448 00042022-03-22 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019446ClosedKCT Request2022-03-220101178027898 32-55MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-22Nofind below, 5768 6512 4605 3033 4288 2678 2481 4878 2123 76962022-03-22 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019445ClosedKCT Request2022-03-2244300011663 TI04MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-22NoPlease note that this meter is also on 04 on our system.2022-03-22 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019444ClosedKCT Request2022-03-22Meter No-010118003443Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-22Nofind below No data available in table2022-03-22 obembetaye@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019443ClosedKCT Request2022-03-2254161136749MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-22Nofind below, 4502 0965 2489 6088 0479 0288 9263 0664 9243 84692022-03-22 dogoreuben@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019442ClosedKCT Request2022-03-2244000572071 Please Sir help us With a KCT Thanks for your supportMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-22No1182 6457 7338 3101 5780 1790 4669 5541 8823 50932022-03-22 yakubaliyu82@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019441ClosedKCT Request2022-03-22KCT from 34 to current tariff MSN: 04223517956 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-22Nofind below, 2384 5092 2726 5740 1496 6729 4026 5005 8348 45262022-03-22 yuzarsif331122@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019440ClosedKCT Request2022-03-22good morning please proving me with kct meter 0101210101842.thanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-22NoKCT1: 3261 3436 6692 5098 6408 KCT2: 3871 5509 9726 2622 25142022-03-22 dogoreuben@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019439ClosedKCT Request2022-03-21KCT GENERATION from 4 to 01 44300011663MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-21No1286 7338 3921 5041 0115 0422 6658 9338 5760 07372022-03-21 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019438ClosedKCT Request2022-03-21KCT GENERATION from 4 to 01 44300011663MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-21No1286 7338 3921 5041 0115 0422 6658 9338 5760 07372022-03-21 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019437ClosedKCT Request2022-03-21KCT GENERATION from 4 to 01 44300011663Medium 2022-03-21Nofind below 1286 7338 3921 5041 0115 0422 6658 9338 5760 07372022-03-21 maryambashir4645@gmail.com
#00019436ClosedKCT Request2022-03-21Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101170425991 0101170369405Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-21No0101170425991 6922 6609 5126 8846 4396 0101170369405 2737 0771 7117 3399 81602022-03-21 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019435ClosedKCT Request2022-03-21Kindly assist with the above requestMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-21NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 648843 Debt Repayment ₦21,907.85 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦19,907.85 M 2022-02-17 ₦2,000.00 2022-03-142022-03-21 phartiemah12@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019434ClosedKCT Request2022-03-2104181581622MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-21Nohis is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-03-21 stynlucs@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00019433ClosedRequest2022-03-210101170416909MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-21NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6123670464-01 Debt Repayment ₦172,317.59 ₦-57,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦95,317.59 M 2019-04-17 ₦20,000.00 2022-03-212022-03-21 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019432ClosedKCT Request2022-03-21MSN 54160972078(4MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-21Nofind below 0997 9652 7536 3790 2040 4161 7695 2462 0603 37602022-03-21 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00019431ClosedKCT Request2022-03-2104181581549 thanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-21Nofind below This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-03-21 beediesarah5@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019430ClosedRequest2022-03-21Please treat MSN 0101160004632MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-21Nofind below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 379185 Debt Repayment ₦208,303.65 ₦-10,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦198,303.65 M 2019-06-23 ₦0.00 2021-05-312022-03-21 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00019429ClosedKCT Request2022-03-21Dear support kindly generate CT for MSN: 44300019781. Thank you.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-21No1370 5564 8538 6204 21122022-03-21 jubilant95@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019428ClosedKCT Request2022-03-21Kindly generate KCT for MSN 44300018940 on tariff index - 4MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-21Nofind below 5014 3105 6018 0847 2707 5554 5339 4520 5091 55482022-03-21 kinretluka@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019427ClosedRequest2022-03-21REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 54161023152MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-21NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612223553101 Debt Repayment ₦3,204.58 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦3,204.58 M 2022-02-11 ₦0.00 2022-02-282022-03-21 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019426ClosedKCT Request2022-03-21Kct from 04 to 01 for this MSN: 0101200099899 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-21No0143 4655 8127 8776 0165 2787 5313 7714 4053 20112022-03-21 yuzarsif331122@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019425ClosedTamper Code2022-03-21Request for KCT on 0101200093272 on 0001Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-21Nofind below KCT1: 4865 4121 5030 4151 1603 KCT2: 3516 0348 0785 2398 80302022-03-21 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019424ClosedTamper Code2022-03-21Please, a kind reminder on the above matter. HQ Audit has already vetted. Please, kindly furnish us with the CLEAR TAMPER CODES.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-21No0101185047566 5809 5288 4672 1924 0904 44000590529 7029 7217 4580 4128 0250 0101170450528 2906 0126 6446 5515 0848 0101200074603 2718 9967 4978 2934 1795 0101210073306 6738 4583 2532 6348 3533 57100082684 5627 7578 9478 2441 0522 57100038454 7001 7515 0556 5856 1670 44000525749 4128 0763 1809 3867 7286 54161049298 2009 2740 8647 9205 0633 44000529626 6084 1818 7836 0657 74952022-03-21 wyontochae@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019423ClosedKCT Request2022-03-21to current tariff for this MSN: 57300006996 Thank youMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-21Nofind below, 0040 3393 8277 5895 6966 3695 3850 2907 8214 16472022-03-21 yuzarsif331122@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019422ClosedRequest2022-03-2154160941941MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-21NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6573560224-01 Debt Repayment ₦180,430.94 ₦-90,244.65 ₦2,000.00 ₦70,186.29 M 2018-01-10 ₦20,000.00 2022-03-172022-03-21 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019421ClosedKCT Request2022-03-21. 44000523538.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-21NoPlease note that you send the wrong meter number.2022-03-21 faizahtafida@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019420ClosedKCT Request2022-03-21Request for KCT on 0101205005222MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-21NoGood morning, Please kindly query the meter and revert.2022-03-21 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019419ClosedKCT Request2022-03-210101215019973Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-21No1906 0760 9582 3428 9252 3937 3338 5689 7712 97622022-03-14 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019418ClosedKCT Request2022-03-2104181581549 thanksMediumIT Umar Auwal0000-00-00NoGood morning, Please this is the wrong meter number, kindly review the meter number before sending.2022-03-21 Umar Auwal
#00019417ClosedKCT Request2022-03-21KCT GENERATION from 01 to 21 44300004874MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-21No7264 0349 6063 2604 7110 4256 1989 9358 3351 69082022-03-21 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019416ClosedKCT Request2022-03-2144300000351 99-25 and 25-99MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-21No7066 4853 4827 2553 5107 6109 2503 8209 8470 1452 1868 0606 0955 5340 3552 6247 6894 8845 4239 15812022-03-21 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019415ClosedKCT Request2022-03-21KCT GENERATION from 01 to 21 95300159779Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-21Nofind below, 0345 2095 7684 2869 3328 1169 3703 9858 0212 75142022-03-21 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019414ClosedRequest2022-03-21Equest for Debt profile - 010120031827Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-21NoPlease kindly review the meter number before sending. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 676068 Debt Repayment ₦18,113.34 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦16,113.34 M 2022-02-25 ₦2,000.00 2022-03-032022-03-21 omarllepps@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00019413ClosedKCT Request2022-03-2144300011689 TI021MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-21Nohello find below 26592735019977541855 305427089561988230282022-03-21 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019412ClosedKCT Request2022-03-21MSN:. INDEX: 0101200113963 21 to 01MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-21No6391 5864 1976 2689 4056 4433 3026 9502 6188 78122022-03-21 wyontochae@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019411ClosedKCT Request2022-03-210101170296921MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-21NoNo data available in table2022-03-21 phartiemah12@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019410ClosedKCT Request2022-03-2154161145476MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-21NoNo data available in table2022-03-21 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019409ClosedKCT Request2022-03-210101210178360 index 0001 0101188028407 index 0037 62321204547 index 01Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-21No2022-03-21 yinknuga2002@yahoo.co.uk Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019408ClosedKCT Request2022-03-21Good morning, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters. Thank you. Meter Numbers (INDEX): 44000634178 (33 to 01 and 01 to 33) 0101195000282 (02 to 04) 0101205006964 (02 to 04)Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-21Nofind below 44000634178 (33 to 01 and 01 to 33) 6529 7781 8086 9859 6990 2497 1415 5790 0164 5664 6568 3712 2208 2348 5384 4146 6497 8890 9382 7325 0101195000282 (02 to 04) 2326 2133 1731 4210 5956 4032 3092 5104 9996 7705 0101205006964 (02 to 04 2401 0600 7367 8903 3408 5034 2817 4369 8259 70402022-03-21 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019407ClosedRequest2022-03-21DEBT PROFILE 0101170306928Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-21Nofind below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 577623 Debt Repayment ₦121,992.09 ₦-27,500.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦74,492.09 M 2019-08-29 ₦20,000.00 2022-03-192022-03-21 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019406ClosedTamper Code2022-03-210101170247973 0101190137949 0101165016656 0101188028720 0101160349995 54160747967 57100022284 57100017789 44000401115 54160747751Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-21No0101170247973 0510 9679 6045 8521 5977 0101190137949 1277 5881 5078 2980 3562 0101165016656 5588 0647 5959 7173 3444 0101188028720 4694 0937 5117 9112 5674 0101160349995 1862 9890 8146 0265 0089 54160747967 6246 5077 4816 7983 0199 57100022284 4625 3392 5665 2828 9573 57100017789 6241 6572 6878 2810 7371 44000401115 0255 0179 9377 4333 1846 54160747751 5650 2731 7087 5159 79212022-03-21 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019405ClosedKCT Request2022-03-21010121018595 0001MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-21Nofind below No data available in table2022-03-21 florarumun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019404ClosedKCT Request2022-03-21Please the above subject refers. 0101210033078 0101210034183 0101210043739 Regards.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-21Nofind below 0101210033078 1352 9196 7377 5275 8079 0101210034183 3393 6795 2423 4272 7414 0101210043739 2922 9401 3221 0380 58272022-03-21 rolandjames750@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019403ClosedKCT Request2022-03-210101215028974. 33MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-21No2721 1960 4899 3762 4152 1334 6832 5123 2295 55602022-03-21 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019402ClosedKCT Request2022-03-21elivery Status NotificationMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-21No6852 0772 3168 5394 1948 1727 5250 6105 8603 19102022-03-21 mailer-daemon@googlemail.com Umar Auwal
#00019401ClosedKCT Request2022-03-21Kct from 22 to 21 for this MSN: 0101160405110 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-21No0994 0468 3738 3780 5514 0833 5491 1653 9677 18442022-03-21 yuzarsif331122@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019400ClosedKCT Request2022-03-21Kct from 22 to 21 for this MSN: 0101160405110 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-21Nofind below, 0994 0468 3738 3780 5514 0833 5491 1653 9677 18442022-03-21 yuzarsif331122@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019399ClosedKCT Request2022-03-210101150177943Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-21Nofind below KCT1: 2193 1866 8708 7452 6014 KCT2: 3315 1035 3225 6584 47902022-03-21 phartiemah12@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019398ClosedKCT Request2022-03-210101150177943MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-21NoGood morning, find below, 4825 8307 9813 8286 5833 4510 8167 7003 0353 3743 0970 0328 2617 5534 1941 0048 8386 3240 9360 41852022-03-21 phartiemah12@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019397ClosedKCT Request2022-03-210101215021383MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-21NoGood morning Ummi, Please ask the customer to query the meter and revert.2022-03-21 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019396ClosedKCT Request2022-03-2144000367589 TI01 Rejected LINK KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-21NoGood morning, find below, 6268 6314 2739 5075 8134 1081 4951 0195 1158 1025 3682 4238 3847 6601 4508 1521 5511 4823 1400 99732022-03-21 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019395ClosedKCT Request2022-03-211.95300238391Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-21NoGood morning, Please note that this meter does not require kct.2022-03-21 faizahtafida@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019394Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00019393ClosedKCT Request2022-03-210034- 44000477606Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-03-21NoDear Sir, Please note that you have the wrong meter number or it has not been captured.2022-03-21 stynlucs@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00019392ClosedKCT Request2022-03-18kct from 45 to 01 for this MSN: 44000674927 Thank youMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-03-18Nofind below, 4542 1904 0763 9336 5002 0897 1484 7368 6773 64002022-03-18 yuzarsif331122@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019391ClosedKCT Request2022-03-18Request for kct from 1 to 34. 44000324366Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-03-18No2503 2809 4161 5772 0065 5343 2916 9685 4598 47422022-03-18 stynlucs@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00019390ClosedKCT Request2022-03-18Good afternoon Sir 0101210109167 index is 0001 Kind regardsMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-03-18Nofind below, 5658 8277 8413 6362 3943 6611 9887 7985 8485 94302022-03-18 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019389ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1862321145872 from 001 to 099 Thank youMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-03-18Nofind below, 5997 7674 8817 6490 7667 2461 5998 9156 3929 08612022-03-18 faithelisha1990@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019388ClosedKCT Request2022-03-18REQUEST FOR KCT FROM 01 TO THE CURRENT TARIFF-54160887631Medium 2022-03-18Nofind below, 6744 1941 3850 4632 6185 6293 8765 1995 9346 7478 6080 7848 4490 0518 4391 2436 7623 5419 0417 77922022-03-18 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com
#00019387ClosedKCT Request2022-03-18KCT1: 1986 2884 9337 5170 7370 KCT2: 4752 2202 0352 3855 8320 Kind regardsMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-03-18NoPlease any time you are sending a request kindly explain the problem so that we will be able to resolve the issue. 3188 8794 4916 4706 1401 6003 3208 8148 3010 2583 1986 2884 9337 5170 7370 4752 2202 0352 3855 83202022-03-18 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019386ClosedKCT Request2022-03-180101200073159 from index 01 to 21Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-03-18NoDear Samuel, how do you know that he bought the unit on 21, 0369 8320 6470 6352 3308 2812 8293 2990 8056 0222 7104 8862 8320 9621 4513 5897 3627 0776 0401 76882022-03-18 samueldchun@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019385ClosedRequest2022-03-180101215009370...............not debt profile found.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-18NoFind below as requested. 0101210046476 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612208370701 Debt Repayment ₦616,324.49 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦616,324.49 M 2022-02-28 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-03-18 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019384ClosedRequest2022-03-18REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101170460519MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-18NoDear Dauda, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6152150579-01 Debt Repayment ₦27,897.69 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦25,897.69 M 2022-02-18 ₦2,000.00 2022-03-072022-03-18 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019383ClosedKCT Request2022-03-180101170201525 95300105905 TI01MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-18Nofind below 0101170201525 KCT1: 7112 5735 7207 2783 7838 KCT2: 4210 7631 0858 1638 6980 95300105905 TI01 3830 3587 2613 7706 9411 0278 2844 6291 6466 44722022-03-18 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019382ClosedRequest2022-03-180101188027656 0101160394298MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-18No₦372,187.632022-03-18 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019381ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1854161137697 tariff index 21-correntMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-18Nofind below No data available in table2022-03-18 uduhaleje@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019380ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1854161137697 tariff index 21-correntMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-18Nofind below, 2672 6162 5958 5639 0065 4264 8264 7859 7717 87252022-03-18 beediesarah5@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019379ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1862321156432 from 01 to 99MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-18NoHow do you know that this meter is on 99.2022-03-18 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019378ClosedKCT Request2022-03-18Please can you assist us with the KCT of this meter number 44300007083 on index 022MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-18Nofind below 4071 9916 3716 1141 4616 1656 4548 0957 2183 06812022-03-18 samueldchun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019377ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1862321154957.from 01 to 99MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-18Nofind below 6007 5054 3240 9721 8705 4512 6631 8833 1970 50172022-03-18 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019376ClosedKCT Request2022-03-18REQUEST FOR KCT FROM 02 TO CURRENT TARIFF - 0101215032471MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-18Nofind below 1858 8593 9653 1071 3699 0111 3364 5533 6490 60422022-03-18 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019375Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00019374ClosedRequest2022-03-18REQUEST FOR CTT - 0101205004928MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-18Nofind below 2391 1970 3917 3323 68662022-03-18 rolandjames750@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019373ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1844000424547Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-18Nofind below 4782 6796 0816 3764 4124 1233 2167 8072 6130 14182022-03-18 obembetaye@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019372ClosedRequest2022-03-18REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE-0101210038135Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-18Nofind below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612711121501 Debt Repayment ₦233,056.15 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦231,056.15 M 2022-02-25 ₦2,000.00 2022-03-182022-03-18 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019371ClosedKCT Request2022-03-18REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101215019429Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-18Nofind below This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-03-18 longpuan@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019370Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00019369ClosedKCT Request2022-03-18Good afternoon, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters. Thank you. Meter Numbers (INDEX): 54150629738 (04) 0101215030806 (02)Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-18Nofind below 54150629738 (04) 0301 1827 8824 3112 7635 2213 7494 1232 1476 2574 0101215030806 (02) 2190 9512 1529 0728 5628 1979 5889 6619 5293 57312022-03-18 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019368ClosedKCT Request2022-03-18Please kindly assist and generate KCT for the following meters. 62321077141 62321066748 62321073603 62321072399 62321080152 62321004491 62321067571 62321076945 62321072977 62321075137 62321080384 62321098576 62321070237 62321079147 62321092389 0150000968613 62321080186 62321076408 62321071607 62321077349 62321071409 62321066755 44000634574 44000634616 0150000847494 44000635399 44000634509 44000634558 44000634673 44000623569 44000634566 0150000927734 44000678597 44000643708 44000645984 44000638971 44000643864 44000638963 44000678522 44000677763 44000642577 44000639102 44000642924 0150000889884 0150000927791 62321097917 62321091837 62321080160 62321069825 62321030306 62321097826 62321080459 6232108011 62321031437 62321000358 62321099319 62321079469 62321079642 62327065567 62321095069Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-03-18Nofind below 62321077141 1227 9709 1721 9070 8726 6417 5678 7174 6509 4105 62321066748 2636 7691 9867 5756 7581 7269 2625 2252 8240 8732 62321073603 2206 9347 1204 0738 9942 6293 7392 3423 1985 9388 62321072399 1408 5949 1467 5719 1914 2464 0961 5548 9100 6454 62321080152 3307 9485 2733 9528 1865 3467 9730 6745 5898 3434 62321004491 1023 0466 8195 1377 7987 0544 5790 6433 3555 9944 62321067571 0100 6461 4322 4569 2349 4970 5052 3213 8331 6918 62321076945 1691 7410 5264 8298 0457 1350 4550 1667 3974 3615 62321072977 3271 7363 7436 4650 8478 5795 9406 0162 9646 5125 62321075137 1030 1061 2367 1830 6389 5644 7515 6259 0254 3790 62321080384 3702 3432 4316 1410 2764 0645 4973 4535 6595 7508 62321098576 5279 6714 8327 8307 9787 0573 1977 9916 6062 4502 62321070237 0523 8969 7118 4609 7420 1104 0575 2664 0036 9779 62321079147 3296 7538 8094 9464 7115 0733 0160 3723 6567 7221 62321092389 5556 1310 9058 7176 9522 3939 4103 9741 2724 6356 0150000968613 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62321080186 1803 5387 0174 4471 4586 6645 5331 6119 9015 6758 62321076408 6873 6643 3555 5228 0890 4082 0770 0034 1006 9921 62321071607 0595 6261 1349 9098 0721 3749 1341 4342 2830 3390 62321077349 5550 6489 4015 6520 3121 4201 5601 5991 0345 4714 62321071409 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62321066755 0012 4880 2128 4645 6208 4218 5681 8992 3861 7145 44000634574 2851 0927 3785 0824 5649 5653 7988 8187 5939 7653 44000634616 2102 5463 9950 3626 5883 1862 6963 7783 9429 0060 0150000847494 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 44000635399 4560 0207 8783 7705 4315 1844 0928 1858 6254 4327 44000634509 1896 0885 0500 6238 1562 6363 0058 6661 2227 5083 44000634558 6967 4066 5382 4509 6596 7252 9624 3964 2176 2527 44000634673 3952 9342 6281 4007 3578 3703 0834 5012 2472 5734 44000623569 6830 9241 4356 1703 4785 1813 9098 0808 1096 7683 44000634566 3988 3784 2996 0562 8154 3285 4713 0761 3956 8292 0150000927734 5374 4989 6362 9351 8047 0767 5201 3788 0595 4569 44000678597 0913 4766 8806 9896 6843 3022 6194 7869 2399 5023 44000643708 0115 5862 3506 5199 8390 4201 2239 4917 1084 5721 44000645984 1487 2544 7372 7009 2807 2458 5904 4560 4923 3868 44000638971 4546 2746 0730 3155 1411 4715 0310 2879 9444 5911 44000643864 2004 9338 3444 0864 9961 5424 0177 7618 6610 3278 44000638963 1726 3594 1337 4636 1272 6363 7336 0693 7221 2998 44000678522 2771 1000 7641 2345 7549 1820 2193 5958 1520 2085 44000677763 3599 3845 2803 0307 9848 4938 1964 2659 9938 1275 44000642577 1964 6776 2718 1649 7828 3590 3938 9231 6962 1507 44000639102 3920 7519 6968 2144 4944 7050 0075 2273 8335 1367 44000642924 3874 5887 2547 4775 0333 3658 2071 7423 7255 3706 0150000889884 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0150000927791 62321097917 5599 8091 3807 4353 6601 1203 3439 9264 2978 8986 62321091837 3451 1879 9450 6426 5670 3714 8231 6292 1263 1638 62321080160 6473 1863 7221 2906 6192 0935 0367 0034 7770 6693 62321069825 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62321030306 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62321097826 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62321080459 2501 1474 4441 7199 2778 7064 4845 7291 4432 6926 6232108011 No data available in table 62321031437 1850 3779 7165 8553 6161 3717 4845 0450 5700 5649 62321000358 5664 9317 7512 9288 5621 4902 8727 9073 9557 8309 62321099319 0277 1009 3991 0475 7253 3347 3490 5585 2143 2192 62321079469 1585 0514 0958 8025 9515 5467 7604 8871 5621 0605 62321079642 2045 1807 0848 6728 5108 3909 6954 3596 3525 4302 62327065567 No data available in table 62321095069 3049 3054 0801 8531 7101 1549 1415 8359 9648 93182022-03-18 abumaimuna491@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019367ClosedKCT Request2022-03-18REQUEST FOR KCT FROM 02 TO THE CURRENT TARIFF-0101215020831Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-03-18Nofind below, 6832 1857 1649 5289 5918 2997 3324 2311 6609 95722022-03-18 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019366ClosedKCT Request2022-03-18Request for Debt Profile - 0101161003005Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-03-18Nofind below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 515912 Debt Repayment ₦89,631.90 ₦-36,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦33,631.90 M 2019-06-02 ₦20,000.00 2022-03-172022-03-18 omarllepps@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00019365ClosedKCT Request2022-03-18Please assist with kct (1) 0101205005776 0002 (2) 0101215025459 0002Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-18Nofind below, (1) 0101205005776 0002 3089 7950 2808 0675 4777 4846 2923 0944 8866 1131 (2) 0101215025459 0002 4074 4476 6808 6170 8763 5482 2416 6223 2880 79592022-03-18 florarumun@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019364ClosedKCT Request2022-03-18Please, kindly furnish me with KCT on the correct tariff index for this customer below: MSN:. INDEX: 44000538676 33 to 01 Please, kindly assist. Thank you and best regards.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-03-18Nofind below, 4834 3992 6218 4555 9794 2222 3279 7652 1887 34702022-03-18 wyontochae@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019363ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1854161071326 Below is the kct that has rejected. The meter has being queried and its on 1 0852 5265 7685 2042 7260 6778 0337 7566 9211 9216Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-03-18Nofind below, 5371 1411 5326 9371 0189 0653 1033 3761 6916 4985 0852 5265 7685 2042 7260 6778 0337 7566 9211 92162022-03-18 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019362ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1844000599611 0101160358096Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-18Nofind below, 44000599611..........query the meter, please. 0101160358096..................wrong msn.2022-03-18 ummilois2@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019361ClosedKCT Request2022-03-18REQUEST FOR KCT- 44000679181Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-03-18Nofind below, 6826 1337 2247 1012 0302 1298 2442 2535 0714 54402022-03-18 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019360ClosedKCT Request2022-03-180101215016995 from 034 to 03Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-03-18NoNote that you cause this mistake yourself by specifying what you need, if you are sending this type of request kindly send the meter number and tariff index on the meter if not you will be making the same mistake over. find below the correct kct for the meter. Use this to load the token 4371 3708 5516 1658 0670 0355 4535 1633 0529 8598 Then use this to put the meter back to its normal index 0382 1280 3289 7787 4846 2118 9427 0918 0828 00332022-03-18 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019359ClosedRequest2022-03-18Request for debt profile for 0101210046476, 0101215009370Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-03-18Nofind below, 0101210046476 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612208370701 Debt Repayment ₦616,324.49 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦616,324.49 M 2022-02-28 ₦0.00 0000-00-00 0101215009370...............no debt record found.2022-03-18 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019358ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1844000607802 1-34 0101215032844 2-1 0101210196834 1-21Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-18Nofind below, 44000607802 1-34 3085 9584 7213 5549 9667 0366 9085 9692 0110 3480 0101215032844 2-1 5950 3035 8677 4740 5548 3351 1612 3129 2333 9442 0101210196834 1-21 6870 9820 9883 6521 2589 1041 5627 8884 4274 77962022-03-18 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019357ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1862321137093 (Kabiru Raifu) tariff index 01 SGC 999962 0101205016252 tariff index 0002Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-18Nofind below, 62321137093 (Kabiru Raifu) tariff index 01 SGC 999962 35720570113435097976 53457131966153417298 0101205016252 tariff index 0002 2223 0139 6504 1825 8532 4403 8106 2552 8360 03172022-03-18 yinknuga2002@yahoo.co.uk Isah Abubakar
#00019356ClosedEvend Access2022-03-18Request for Acct No 795896 to be captured on evendMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-18Nofind below treated2022-03-18 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019355ClosedKCT Request2022-03-18REQUEST FOR KCT - 54161139735 ( BOUGHT ON FEB 16TH)Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-18Nofind below, 2281 1531 5846 3633 1475 3381 2827 5519 9463 0086 6584 9908 1514 8132 9489 2942 6624 3364 9764 42572022-03-18 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019354ClosedRequest2022-03-18REQUEST FOR KCT-0101195006503 (THE UNIT WAS BOUGHT ON 16/2/22 AND THE METER IS ON 1)Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-18Nofind below, 5768 5128 0664 5204 4582 3599 2678 1063 2954 1984 2327 1294 6309 1562 3150 4979 8239 9395 0414 63412022-03-18 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019353ClosedKCT Request2022-03-18REEQUEST FOR KCT FROM 02 TO CURRENT TARIFF - 0101215022258MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-18Nofind below 0966 6161 2878 7929 7894 5318 9075 4954 0206 51142022-03-18 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019352ClosedTamper Code2022-03-18Pls generate CT for MSNs: 0101170450171 0101170234385 0101161030628Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-18Nofind below 0101170450171 7204 6103 9339 4178 1256 0101170234385 1340 5845 4520 9498 7545 0101161030628 2179 0137 5028 3478 99472022-03-18 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019351ClosedKCT Request2022-03-18Good morning sir Meter number =0101178036691 Index=0056 Kind regardsMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-18Nofind below 3017 8132 0247 4659 8617 0915 0333 6738 9030 43132022-03-18 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019350ClosedKCT Request2022-03-181. 54160922875MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-18Nofind below 1591 7604 8190 9544 7204 4755 7771 5294 3739 80902022-03-18 faizahtafida@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019349ClosedKCT Request2022-03-18REQUEST FOR KCT FROM 02 TO THE CURRENT TARIFF-0101215023876Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-18Nofind below 6316 5855 0756 4722 5502 5260 4750 6349 3119 60902022-03-18 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019348ClosedKCT Request2022-03-18Please treat MSN 04229588019Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-18Nofind below 2495 5886 9642 1329 2698 3852 6766 3710 6720 51682022-03-18 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019347ClosedRequest2022-03-18Good morning team, Please treat MSN 54160740251Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-18Nofind below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6141081956-01 Debt Repayment ₦132,428.18 ₦-107,500.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦4,928.18 M 2017-05-04 ₦20,000.00 2022-03-162022-03-18 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019346ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1844000741981. 01 54161151052. 07 0101210110751. 45 44300015219. 01Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-18Nofind below 44000741981. 01 6418 3016 3275 3808 6238 2488 6950 2813 3104 6531 54161151052. 07 6884 5845 3665 6429 6359 6965 1027 9712 7506 1461 0101210110751. 45 4828 6366 7525 2226 0481 0115 0497 0232 9786 9622 44300015219. 01 5964 6218 5556 7505 2311 3183 3842 1149 1831 27932022-03-18 uduhaleje@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019345ClosedKCT Request2022-03-18: REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE-0101190003752Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-18Nofind below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672773 Debt Repayment ₦24,273.86 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦22,273.86 M 2022-02-15 ₦2,000.00 2022-03-172022-03-18 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019344ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1854161063208. 04Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-18Nofind below 0867 9772 9026 6637 6649 2117 4851 2194 0226 12392022-03-18 uduhaleje@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019343ClosedKCT Request2022-03-18Request for KCT from 01 to the current tariff-44000573038Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-03-18Nofind below, 5770 1300 9681 1910 4905 6975 4319 8898 4266 6746 2970 7517 9190 6925 4810 3462 4925 7745 8278 29852022-03-18 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019342ClosedRequest2022-03-18REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101170384784Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-18NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 567296 Debt Repayment ₦156,702.91 ₦-25,001.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦124,201.91 M 2019-07-27 ₦7,500.00 2021-08-132022-03-18 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019341ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1804220696019Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-18Nofind below This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-03-18 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019340ClosedKCT Request2022-03-180101215022225 0101161019746 0101210021586 0195000001402 95300220167 54161021636 44000609907 TI01 0101200014799 54160747751 0101165016433 23102119791 TI015 44000403996Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-03-18NoGood morning, find below, 0101215022225...................query the meter 0101161019746...................query the meter 0101210021586...................not required 0195000001402 0791 8284 0616 5431 1857 6340 1575 4500 9418 7407 4742 9335 2543 1861 7901 2554 7866 1731 5888 0779 95300220167 2914 8640 1776 5909 7514 0320 3279 4996 7704 1119 54161021636 2004 8352 8910 5132 1933 5275 7133 3236 9974 3461 44000609907 TI01 5642 1034 0863 3783 0301 5338 6665 0368 5868 5161 0101200014799 1325 0207 6951 7982 8592 3953 3254 1617 3109 7538 54160747751..............not required. 0101165016433 3646 5068 7725 4632 1760 3019 9988 1984 0172 6440 23102119791 TI015 1056 4924 1101 2836 6283 1168 7445 6348 8621 8502 44000403996...................query the meter.2022-03-18 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019339ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1844000607802. 01 95300197936. 01 44000320281. 21Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-03-18Nofind below, 44000607802. 01 4432 1412 7294 1542 6278 6946 9462 4481 5195 4071 2567 9648 2364 3433 4734 3923 4530 3450 9562 0493 95300197936. 01 4586 8883 6603 5227 2553 2967 9744 7959 3186 1398 0270 2219 9718 5002 3804 0983 2094 1528 1653 2765 44000320281. 21 06584741669485220944 520050939281356670662022-03-18 uduhaleje@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019338Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00019337ClosedKCT Request2022-03-18good morning please proving me with meter 0101210180697.thanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-18Nofind below, 5840 9654 0463 5800 4747 2518 3878 7832 9919 73782022-03-18 dogoreuben@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019336In ProgressKCT Request2022-03-18Please, kindly furnish me with KCT on the correct tariff index for this customer below: MSN:. INDEX: 57100066745. 21Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-18Nofind below, 6222 3043 4232 1286 8775 4908 9918 3515 1162 46210000-00-00 Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019335ClosedRequest2022-03-180101170284208Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-18Nofind below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 435718 Debt Repayment ₦159,059.82 ₦-40,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦99,059.82 M 2019-08-30 ₦20,000.00 2022-03-012022-03-18 felixaron37@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019334ClosedKCT Request2022-03-18Please kindly help me generate the kct of 0101200070320Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-03-18Nofind below, 0997 9834 3696 2989 0155 6032 6876 2233 8704 17722022-03-18 munirishaqjos@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019333ClosedTamper Code2022-03-180101210190654 0101165016433 0101210026544 0101160405326 0101170248436 0101210033383Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-03-18Nofind below, 0101210190654 Clear Tamper 0 0941 3981 5035 3038 3714 0101210190654 Clear Credit 0 5907 4624 6997 7987 7539 0101165016433 Clear Tamper 0 5656 9067 7153 8986 9254 0101165016433 Clear Credit 0 7275 3551 0795 6564 6613 0101210026544 Clear Tamper 0 5201 3284 6122 7694 5711 0101210026544 Clear Credit 0 6114 8113 2337 8434 2714 0101160405326 Clear Tamper 0 3417 7015 6595 8378 1976 0101160405326 Clear Credit 0 6229 7778 5143 2763 2588 0101210033383 Clear Tamper 0 7149 8776 4827 8717 4614 0101210033383 Clear Credit 0 2135 2313 8720 1066 63802022-03-18 rolandjames750@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019332ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1754161045262 0101200075121MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-17Nofind below 54161045262 KCT1: 5588 2661 3284 9216 5826 KCT2: 6812 8304 4652 7056 2431 01012000751212022-03-17 Umar Auwal
#00019331ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1757300006996Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-17NoDear CHURCHILL, find below, 2920 1887 9452 3548 4976 0836 3389 4760 4330 91942022-03-17 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019330ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1795300211638 tariff 34Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-17NoDear CHURCHILL, find below, 6730 6992 2596 3734 8312 2270 1381 1826 3978 77312022-03-17 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019329ClosedRequest2022-03-17: REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 0101190001749Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-17NoDear Nusst, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612159 Debt Repayment ₦180,542.30 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦178,542.30 M 2022-02-16 ₦2,000.00 2022-03-112022-03-17 nmaisugar@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019328ClosedKCT Request2022-03-17Request for KCT for 0101215015591Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-17Nofind below, 6350 6422 6954 5521 1752 4002 3036 6060 3465 22162022-03-17 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019327ClosedKCT Request2022-03-17Request for KCT for 0101188028712 on 0008MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-17Nohelllo find below 3470 5330 7520 2191 9341 1527 7561 6205 5518 36032022-03-17 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019326ClosedKCT Request2022-03-170101210042178.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-17Nofind below KCT1: 2272 7847 5843 8716 5492 KCT2: 6923 5822 0296 7101 26422022-03-17 dogoreuben@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019325ClosedKCT Request2022-03-17Please treat MSN 0101215027174(2Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-17Nofind below 2740 6486 8923 7896 0325 5226 4566 1390 7153 55222022-03-17 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019324ClosedKCT Request2022-03-170101161005968Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-17Nofind below No data available in table2022-03-17 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019323ClosedKCT Request2022-03-17: REQUEST FOR KCT 04228779346Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-17Nofind below This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-03-17 nmaisugar@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019322ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1754161063208. 04Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-17Nofind below 0867 9772 9026 6637 6649 2117 4851 2194 0226 12392022-03-17 uduhaleje@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019321ClosedKCT Request2022-03-170101210030368MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-17Nofind below No data available in table2022-03-17 toranyiinkator14@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019320ClosedKCT Request2022-03-171. 95300272770MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-17Nofind below This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-03-17 faizahtafida@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019319ClosedKCT Request2022-03-17Good morning sir KCT 44000321248 0101215026168 tariff index 02 0101215003340 44000330991 44000555514 tariff index 01 Kindly assist pleaseMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-17Nofind below 44000321248 7025 0121 7221 2511 8431 4789 3604 4262 0876 2020 0101215026168 tariff index 02 4859 9935 1159 7084 4541 6783 4493 7643 6516 1927 0101215003340 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 44000330991 7156 9305 4710 6283 1918 5483 8804 5477 9244 4733 44000555514 tariff index 01 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which2022-03-17 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00019318ClosedKCT Request2022-03-17Pls I need the above for 0101200074934. Thank you.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-17Nofind below, 2740 6486 8923 7896 0325 5226 4566 1390 7153 55222022-03-17 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019317ClosedKCT Request2022-03-17Please treat MSN 0101215027174Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-17NoDear Wuladi, Kindly ask the customer to query the meter and revert.2022-03-17 mwuladi@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00019316ClosedKCT Request2022-03-17Please treat MSN 0101212010980Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-17NoDear Wuladi, Please before you send the meter number kindly confirm it.2022-03-17 mwuladi@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00019315ClosedKCT Request2022-03-17Please treat MSN 0101212010980(2)Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-03-17NoDear Wuladi, Wrong meter number or not captured.2022-03-17 mwuladi@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00019314ClosedKCT Request2022-03-17REQUEST FOR KCT-04233317389 & 04234830166Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-03-17Nofind below, 04233317389 0886 1668 5348 4811 7695 0165 0932 9889 8043 0681 04234830166 4042 9911 5673 3161 5067 1378 3029 0923 1205 00662022-03-17 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019313ClosedRequest2022-03-17REQUEST FOR DBT PROFILE - 0101170157305Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-03-17Nofind below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 587288 Debt Repayment ₦110,816.20 ₦-76,586.56 ₦2,000.00 ₦14,229.64 M 2020-01-15 ₦20,000.00 2022-03-172022-03-17 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019312ClosedKCT Request2022-03-17Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 57100002195 57100036607Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-17Nofind below, 57100002195 Clear Tamper 0 2919 0948 6903 7601 2871 57100036607 Clear Tamper 0 1248 2615 5047 3251 07022022-03-17 rolandjames750@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019311ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1744300015607(55) Please kindly treat thank you.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-17NoDear Ummi, Please note that this meter is also on 55.2022-03-17 ummilois2@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019310ClosedKCT Request2022-03-17A) 44000543999 index 21 B) 44000674562 index 02Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-17NoDear Samuel, find below, A) 44000543999 index 21 4000 6871 7073 2086 1059 5184 6788 8563 8895 4586 B) 44000674562 index 02 0407 8726 8829 8704 0188 1233 2659 6684 2517 59252022-03-17 samueldchun@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019309ClosedKCT Request2022-03-170101215014628Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-17NoDear Umar, find below, 4558 9219 0327 3786 0443 4658 8154 4960 7416 21202022-03-17 omarllepps@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00019308ClosedKCT Request2022-03-17Please can you assist us with the KCT of this meter number who purchased token on 16/2/2022 and is rejecting 54150636121 from index 01 to 21Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-17NoDear Samuel, Note that the customer did not buy the token on 21 so the KCT you are requesting will not work, so see below the correct KCT for the customer. find below, 6888 6349 1967 6171 7092 0794 4345 0201 4840 2595 2189 3995 8099 0300 9163 2216 5214 7482 7608 85012022-03-17 samueldchun@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019307ClosedTamper Code2022-03-1757100082684Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-03-17NoDear Dauda, find below, 57100082684 Clear Tamper 0 0871 2783 6186 1147 12412022-03-17 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019306ClosedTamper Code2022-03-17REQUEST FOR CLEAR TAMPER TOKEN-44000744175Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-03-17NoDear Nuwaira, find below, 44000744175 Clear Tamper 0 0362 8293 7920 0818 94662022-03-17 rolandjames750@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019305ClosedTamper Code2022-03-17REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPER 0101170422980Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-03-17NoDear Maryam, find below, 0101170422980 Clear Tamper 0 0487 1511 6153 3460 59392022-03-17 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019304ClosedTamper Code2022-03-17Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101170186577 0101170365429 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-17Nofind below, 0101170186577 0101170365429 Clear Tamper 0 4237 8851 7041 1996 07072022-03-17 rolandjames750@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019303ClosedKCT Request2022-03-17Request for KCT from tariff index 0033 to current - 0101170144956Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-03-17NoDear HCCU, find below, 3559 7925 2285 9795 4548 0723 6412 2668 4263 07522022-03-17 stynlucs@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00019302ClosedKCT Request2022-03-170101215014628Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-03-17NoDear Umar, Please any customer with this type of request should query the meter and revert with index.2022-03-17 omarllepps@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00019301ClosedKCT Request2022-03-17REQUEST FOR KCT FROM 02 TO CURRET TARIFF - 0101215032109Mediumcop001 Hashim Muhammad Sanusi2022-03-17Nofind below, 1150 6876 0877 7159 3611 5274 4728 5185 6761 38312022-03-17 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Hashim Muhammad Sanusi
#00019300ClosedKCT Request2022-03-17Good morning, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters. Thank you. Meter Numbers (INDEX): 44000510824 0101215010329 (02) 54161000655 0101215024601 (02)Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-17Nofind below 44000510824 3526 8504 1247 6265 8617 3699 5747 3413 5383 4609 0101215010329 (02) 3623 8449 9642 8397 7914 2752 0764 7687 9101 0655 54161000655 3852 6873 2899 2698 2600 4888 0108 1790 2591 2417 0101215024601 (02) 1391 2215 2838 5774 4471 5704 4853 6348 8946 78842022-03-17 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019299ClosedKCT Request2022-03-17Please assist with below kct no: 54160961964 from 082 to active. Thank you.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-17Nofind below 4193 0861 7161 6779 4241 4348 5614 8167 0439 02762022-03-17 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019298ClosedRequest2022-03-170101190013348Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-17Nofind below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612361101801 Debt Repayment ₦7,548.84 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,548.84 M 2022-02-16 ₦2,000.00 2022-03-162022-03-17 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019297ClosedKCT Request2022-03-170101210196834 1-21Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-17Nofind below 6870 9820 9883 6521 2589 1041 5627 8884 4274 77962022-03-17 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019296ClosedKCT Request2022-03-17REQUEST FOR KCT FROM 74 - 0101170304188Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-17No4105 9478 4938 4032 3715 2633 2236 2183 9183 78032022-03-17 phartiemah12@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019295ClosedKCT Request2022-03-17Kct from 22 to 1 and 2 to 1 for this MSN: 54161146128 Thank youMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-03-17Nofind below, 22 To 1 1795 0984 2910 8273 1679 1694 2876 2921 4270 0407 2 To 1 0234 4030 9446 5244 8386 5649 7549 7850 5056 49262022-03-17 yuzarsif331122@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019294ClosedVending History2022-03-17Good morning sir Meter = 0101178036691 Kind regardsMedium 2022-03-17Nofind attached,2022-03-17 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com
#00019293ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1744000674562 tariff index 02-01Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-03-17NoGood morning, find below, 0407 8726 8829 8704 0188 1233 2659 6684 2517 59252022-03-17 beediesarah5@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019292ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1722670312098398892599Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-03-17NoGood morning, find below, 22670312098398892599 620071826828655807352022-03-17 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019291ClosedKCT Request2022-03-17Good morning sir Meter=62321143984 Index =01 SGC=999962 Kind regardsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-17Nofind below, 226703120983988925992022-03-17 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019290ClosedTamper Code2022-03-170101178027898Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-03-17NoGood morning, find below, 0101178027898 Clear Tamper 0 6678 7143 9152 2954 72402022-03-17 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019289ClosedKCT Request2022-03-17Please treat MSN 54160740251(21)Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-17Nofind below, 4417 4299 2069 7473 4394 1048 7545 0971 6336 07702022-03-17 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019288ClosedKCT Request2022-03-17GOOD MORNING REQUEST FOR KCT FROM 082 - CURRENT TARIFMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-03-17NoGood morning Nusst, find below, 3949 6259 7163 9249 9772 1093 4036 7262 8377 14632022-03-17 nmaisugar@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019287ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1744300004973 99-1 and 1-99 95300195922 TI01 0101160349995 0101200038418 0102170416685 TI21 0101215011186 TI2 0101210087678 54160956188Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-17NoGood morning, find below, 44300004973 99-1 and 1-99 2580 6385 7586 9680 2910 5243 8179 7326 9800 7169 5807 9858 8852 6763 9205 3665 2425 9679 0837 3666 95300195922 TI01 0679 8481 1196 7277 1873 3035 7495 1288 5402 8379 2264 9176 9873 5810 8478 7139 7399 3911 0718 5715 0101160349995 4625 9055 0692 2268 5815 1545 9503 8956 5006 3725 0101200038418............. Query the meter. 0102170416685 TI21.................wrong meter number. 0101215011186 TI2 1936 2890 8456 3730 3988 6910 7247 2085 3847 2334 0101210087678............. Query the meter. 54160956188 5146 9965 3244 6047 7179 5478 8287 3137 7273 97572022-03-17 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019286ClosedKCT Request2022-03-170101170388876 KCT RequestMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-17Nofind below KCT1: 3011 8127 6679 7378 2304 KCT2: 7347 6687 5059 5505 10502022-03-17 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019285ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1795300195922 tariff 01 Kindly assistMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-17Nofind below KCT1: 2264 9176 9873 5810 8478 KCT2: 7139 7399 3911 0718 57152022-03-17 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019284ClosedKCT Request2022-03-17Request for KCT for 0101190003265 and 0101170386193 from 0001 to 74Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-16Nofind below 0101190003265 3172 1581 1187 2579 3420 5556 3850 2054 2554 1922 0101170386193 5091 7986 2792 6386 8240 0137 5436 7811 7563 55962022-03-17 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019283ClosedKCT Request2022-03-17Good evening sir 0101205017136 Index right =0003 Kind regardsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-16Nofind below 1511 1893 8355 9277 4949 4286 4729 6709 5544 91692022-03-17 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019282Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00019281ClosedKCT Request2022-03-17Request for KCT for 0101170386193Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-16Nofind below 0101170386193 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-03-17 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019280ClosedKCT Request2022-03-17Kindly assist with KCT for this meter. Thank you. Meter Number (INDEX); 0101215011186 02Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-16Nofind below 1936 2890 8456 3730 3988 6910 7247 2085 3847 23342022-03-17 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019279ClosedKCT Request2022-03-17Request for KCT 0101190003265 0001MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-16Nofind below 0101190003265 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-03-17 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019278ClosedKCT Request2022-03-17Request for clear temper tokens for the above MSN 0101190154986 and 0101200049381Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-03-16NoDear Huzaifa, find below, 0101190154985 Clear Tamper 0 1985 0922 5828 3739 83772022-03-17 huzaifayunusa55@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019277ClosedKCT Request2022-03-17Kct from 01 to 05 and 05 to 01 for this MSN: 44300004973 Thank youMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-03-16Nofind below 1 To 5 4537 8744 2211 0204 9798 1488 0865 2640 9434 9093 5 To 1 3170 2334 1665 8495 7098 0579 8804 0804 0948 80632022-03-17 yuzarsif331122@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019276ClosedKCT Request2022-03-170101215011186 kctMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-03-16Nofind below 0101215011186 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-03-17 hamidsalis835@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019275ClosedKCT Request2022-03-170101215011186 kctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-16Nofind below This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-03-17 hamidsalis835@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019274ClosedKCT Request2022-03-17Request for KCT on tariff index 007 - 54160985856MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-16Nofind below 1589 0726 6876 8737 1249 5567 1533 2753 6743 41592022-03-17 stynlucs@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00019273ClosedKCT Request2022-03-170101200072508MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-16Nofind below 2696 4543 0345 8091 78582022-03-17 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019272ClosedKCT Request2022-03-17Request for KCT 010121008690MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-16Nofind below No data available in table2022-03-17 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019271ClosedKCT Request2022-03-17Please kindly treat 0101215021235MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-16Nofind below This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-03-17 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00019270ClosedRequest2022-03-17REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101190014353Medium 2022-03-16No2022-03-17 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com
#00019269ClosedKCT Request2022-03-17REQUEST FOR KCT 44000604544Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-16No44000604544 This MSN is on 01 in our end. Please query the meter.2022-03-17 nmaisugar@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019268ClosedRequest2022-03-17REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 0101161002452Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-16NoDear Nusaiba, No debt profile attached to this MSN.2022-03-17 nmaisugar@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019267ClosedKCT Request2022-03-17REQUEST FOR KCT-44000521375Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-16NoDear Nuwaira, Find below as requested. 1498 3686 3034 1709 2703 0000 5177 4197 0340 41622022-03-17 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019266ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1744000676864Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-16NoDear Nusaiba, Find below as requested. 6163 4350 3275 3812 1663 0382 4472 7072 5350 05402022-03-17 nmaisugar@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019265ClosedKCT Request2022-03-17Please kindly generate Kct Token following the meter number 44300014477MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-16Nofind below 2524 3797 0775 0660 1954 0787 8902 5900 6519 16182022-03-17 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019264ClosedKCT Request2022-03-17Kindly generate KCT for MSN 44000581783 on tariff index - 1MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-16Nofind belo 6949 9778 8264 6788 4962 6425 5184 6963 0234 00792022-03-17 kinretluka@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019263ClosedKCT Request2022-03-17Kindly provide me with the kct for the customer below: 54161072845MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-16Nofind below 0198 1709 0315 1022 3687 5564 5729 0034 0505 35232022-03-17 zakimimidoomaureen@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019262ClosedKCT Request2022-03-17Good evening sir METER NO 0101210151573 Kind regardsMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-16Nofind below 0101210151573 this meter is on 01 on the system contact meter maintenance2022-03-17 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019261ClosedRequest2022-03-17REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE-0101190008447Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-16Nofind below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 652856 Debt Repayment ₦72,132.06 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦69,632.06 M 2022-02-09 ₦2,500.00 2022-03-162022-03-17 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019260ClosedRequest2022-03-1754161156879Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-03-16Nofind below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6123240888-01 Debt Repayment ₦3,204.58 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦1,204.58 M 2022-02-11 ₦2,000.00 2022-03-162022-03-17 ummilois2@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019259ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1744300004973 help with KCT sir. New installation. BestMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-16Nofind below 5807 9858 8852 6763 9205 3665 2425 9679 0837 36662022-03-17 elijah.ishaya@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019258ClosedKCT Request2022-03-17Good afternoon Sir 54160986235 SGC=11 Index=09MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-16Nofind below 54160986235 7362 5609 2290 2548 4721 4573 8503 7191 5096 39292022-03-17 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019257ClosedRequest2022-03-17REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 0101185051634Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-16Nofimd below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6131554040-01 Debt Repayment ₦1,101,288.44 ₦-1,077,805.62 ₦2,500.00 ₦0.00 M 2020-02-13 ₦23,482.82 2022-03-082022-03-17 nmaisugar@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019256ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1762321144909 from 001 to 099 62321144636 from 001 to 099 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-16Nofind below 62321144909 from 001 to 099 3720 1790 1162 2040 5627 3244 7033 2191 2046 1778 62321144636 from 001 to 099 1643 2486 8466 2726 3734 4454 5804 0092 9793 93022022-03-17 faithelisha1990@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019255ClosedRequest2022-03-171. 0101170113415Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-16Nofind below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6461056204-01 Debt Repayment ₦96,430.26 ₦-64,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦12,430.26 M 2018-03-06 ₦20,000.00 2022-03-162022-03-17 faizahtafida@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019254ClosedKCT Request2022-03-17Good morning sir 0101178036691 15-16 of March 2022 Kind regardsMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-16Nofind below # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 4513164735298424 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-03-15 15:03:04 Meter No.: 0101178036691 Account No.: 662190015601 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦3,488.37 Energy Cost: ₦46,511.63 KwH: 876.75 Amount Tendered: ₦50,000.00 4520 3004 8873 3481 9200 2 Transaction ID: 1569164544496924 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-21 13:02:49 Meter No.: 0101178036691 Account No.: 662190015601 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦3,488.37 Energy Cost: ₦46,511.63 KwH: 799.86 Amount Tendered: ₦50,000.00 6655 8607 1964 4888 4191 3 Transaction ID: 3788164441578124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-09 15:09:41 Meter No.: 0101178036691 Account No.: 662190015601 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦3,488.37 Energy Cost: ₦46,511.63 KwH: 799.86 Amount Tendered: ₦50,000.00 4378 1337 8708 9388 6902 4 Transaction ID: 3596164379402824 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-02 10:27:08 Meter No.: 0101178036691 Account No.: 662190015601 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦3,488.37 Energy Cost: ₦46,511.63 KwH: 799.86 Amount Tendered: ₦50,000.00 3555 2065 4609 7916 3371 5 Transaction ID: 2491164286937324 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-01-22 17:36:13 Meter No.: 0101178036691 Account No.: 662190015601 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦3,488.37 Energy Cost: ₦46,511.63 KwH: 875.10 Amount Tendered: ₦50,000.00 0806 7104 9756 3137 2694 6 Transaction ID: 9186164250047824 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-01-18 11:07:58 Meter No.: 0101178036691 Account No.: 662190015601 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦3,488.37 Energy Cost: ₦46,511.63 KwH: 875.10 Amount Tendered: ₦50,000.00 6637 0728 4772 4529 8906 7 Transaction ID: 1931164163248124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-01-08 10:01:21 Meter No.: 0101178036691 Account No.: 662190015601 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦3,488.37 Energy Cost: ₦46,511.63 KwH: 875.10 Amount Tendered: ₦50,000.00 6654 8874 3818 3915 9232 8 Transaction ID: 7236163872921424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-12-05 19:33:34 Meter No.: 0101178036691 Account No.: 662190015601 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦3,488.37 Energy Cost: ₦46,511.63 KwH: 875.10 Amount Tendered: ₦50,000.00 6560 1231 0474 4756 5735 9 Transaction ID: 8293163791233924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-26 08:38:59 Meter No.: 0101178036691 Account No.: 662190015601 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦3,488.37 Energy Cost: ₦46,511.63 KwH: 875.10 Amount Tendered: ₦50,000.00 6623 0821 2130 8442 1406 10 Transaction ID: 8960163697660524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-15 12:43:25 Meter No.: 0101178036691 Account No.: 662190015601 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦3,488.37 Energy Cost: ₦46,511.63 KwH: 875.10 Amount Tendered: ₦50,000.00 6741 2542 4511 7263 68332022-03-17 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019253ClosedKCT Request2022-03-17Please treat MSN 01012155003340(2)Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-16NoDear Wuladi, find below, 6562 6723 4341 9629 2784 4823 9525 8945 0679 10632022-03-17 mwuladi@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00019252ClosedKCT Request2022-03-16Please treat MSN 01012155003340Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-16NoDear Wuladi, Please kindly ask the customer to query the meter and revert.2022-03-17 mwuladi@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00019251ClosedKCT Request2022-03-17Good afternoon Sir 0101205015791 Index =0002 Kind regardsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-16Nofind below 2134 7581 8349 5989 0796 6078 6626 5608 6010 40352022-03-17 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019250ClosedKCT Request2022-03-17Kindly assist with debt profile for this meter:0101210008054MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-16Nofind below No data available in table2022-03-17 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019249ClosedKCT Request2022-03-17The meter is on 02 kindly assist me with kct,0101215020963 thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-16No0101215020963 5838 4775 0778 3224 8098 5769 1527 8902 5433 25032022-03-17 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019248ClosedKCT Request2022-03-17Meter number =0101188028233 Kind regardsMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-16Nofind below 0101188028233 1 To 99 4321 6693 5155 6072 2151 3013 7045 3507 2094 65832022-03-17 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019247ClosedKCT Request2022-03-171. 54160956634.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-16Nofind below 54160956634 1 To 2 5151 5301 1769 9981 5886 4424 3944 5284 0486 29322022-03-17 faizahtafida@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019246ClosedKCT Request2022-03-17KCT GENERATION from 07 to 01 0101170459370Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-16Nofind below 0101170459370 7 To 1 4011 5115 4697 7531 2147 1364 6847 3455 9539 92762022-03-17 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019245ClosedKCT Request2022-03-17KCT GENERATION from 01 to 21 0101210176018Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-16Nofind below 0101210176018 1 To 21 4797 9498 7904 6639 4568 0324 4605 1730 3670 95842022-03-17 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019244ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1744000596690 tariff index 01-21MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-17Nofind below 2497 5731 4289 6882 9582 1192 8018 3602 6397 50872022-03-16 beediesarah5@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019243ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1754161060394. 01 0101170457370. 01 95300211778. 33 0101210086803. 45 44000382109. 21MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-16Nofind below 54161060394. 01 0275 5065 6096 5261 4482 2128 8481 2949 8726 7820 0101170457370. 01 No data available in table 95300211778. 33 1534 3197 5238 6446 1736 0750 2288 5670 5791 6642 0101210086803. 45 5630 5052 9731 5183 4569 4195 5443 0766 2134 2680 44000382109. 21 5983 3230 3910 6442 9144 1000 5787 2335 0122 83692022-03-17 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019242ClosedRequest2022-03-17DEBT PROFILE 0101170459370Medium 2022-03-16Nofind below 0101170459370 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 672164 Debt Repayment ₦7,455.74 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦4,955.74 M 2022-02-09 ₦2,500.00 2022-03-122022-03-17 maryambashir4645@gmail.com
#00019241Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00019240ClosedTamper Code2022-03-17Request for clear temper tokens for the above MSN 0101190154986Medium 2022-03-16Nofind below, 0101190154986....................not captured. 0101200049381 Clear Tamper 0 5077 0969 0509 8498 44312022-03-17 huzaifayunusa55@gmail.com
#00019239ClosedKCT Request2022-03-17REQUEST FOR KCT-04223513658Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-16Nofind below, 1142 6549 1714 7128 0137 7230 3781 1771 5585 35472022-03-17 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019238ClosedKCT Request2022-03-17REQUEST FOR KCT-95300208634Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-16Nofind below, 0641 2389 1057 1533 6339 5387 6153 6158 3085 37832022-03-17 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019237ClosedKCT Request2022-03-150101170141325 @JED IT Support generate KCT for this token 5400-7718-4845-0857-8429 the token was bought on the 16/02/2022 and is rejecting. Meter tariff index is on 01 Best regard.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15NoDear Elijah, find below, 3263 2314 3372 9279 1897 2870 1898 8290 9248 5188 7168 9704 7350 4700 9160 5907 0115 3405 4159 33762022-03-15 elijah.ishaya@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019236ClosedKCT Request2022-03-15REQUEST FOR KCT - 54160939689Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15NoDear Yusuf. Find below as requested. 3172 6223 8071 2088 4069 1772 5073 3717 1484 63612022-03-15 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019235ClosedKCT Request2022-03-150101170374660 tariff index 21-01 4430013461 tariff index 01-21MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-15NoFind below, 0101170374660 tariff index 21-01 4509 6233 1120 4648 2580 1186 5916 3318 4577 7201 4430013461 tariff index 01-21 7213 0041 8477 8875 6804 0731 8261 1826 7899 94822022-03-15 beediesarah5@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019234ClosedKCT Request2022-03-15REQUEST FOR KCT METER NO 62321160913 I O ABORMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15NoDear Ben, Kindly query the meter and revert.2022-03-15 benmercyladi@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019233ClosedTamper Code2022-03-1595300120961 thanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15NoDear sarah, find below, 95300120961 Clear Tamper 0 6087 2741 9135 0508 15692022-03-15 rolandjames750@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019232ClosedKCT Request2022-03-15Name:Engr Dr okibe M udeh Meter number: 54161123150 Index number: 6Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15NoDear Owifirst, find below, 0298 6205 0577 9948 2608 4421 4821 0165 6423 88172022-03-15 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019231ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1554160984198 54161123820 57100054659Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-15NoFind below, 54160984198 6144 2316 8921 7738 6011 6775 0638 3530 4952 9459 54161123820 0052 3884 9316 2977 0015 4171 6529 2340 2129 4781 57100054659 2068 6719 2264 2013 8026 1074 6539 0296 1460 23412022-03-15 toranyiinkator14@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019230ClosedKCT Request2022-03-150195000007243 this meter is rejecting both KCT and token, tariff index 21 SGC is 600419 these are the tokens :- 5888 7953 8620 2629 1149. 14/03/2022 1406 8580 2686 8918 7163. 20/02/2022 KCT1: 2992 0644 1976 5819 5236 KCT2: 3295 7279 3491 9707 3171 @JED IT Support help resolved this customer issues best regard.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15Nofind below, 1778 8443 7995 7111 5102 3251 1978 2796 7733 52632022-03-15 elijah.ishaya@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019229ClosedKCT Request2022-03-15REQUEST FOR KCT - 44000380772Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15Nofind below, 3805 6710 0254 4468 1847 4825 2463 8650 4612 78302022-03-15 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019228ClosedKCT Request2022-03-15REQUEST FOR KCT 0101170369581Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15NoDear Nusst, Wrong meter number or not captured.2022-03-15 nmaisugar@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019227ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1544000685279 Please Sir help us With a KCT Thanks for your supportMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-15NoHello, This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-03-15 yakubaliyu82@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019226ClosedKCT Request2022-03-15REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 0101161002452Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15NoDear Nusst, No record found for this meter2022-03-15 nmaisugar@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019225ClosedKCT Request2022-03-15Please kindly help with token. 0101215003340MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-15Nohello, This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-03-15 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00019224ClosedRequest2022-03-15REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 0101160405599Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15NoDear Nusst, find attached,2022-03-15 nmaisugar@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019223ClosedKCT Request2022-03-15REQUEST FOR KCT 57100034990MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-15NoHello, Find below, 2819 0424 9219 3460 7942 3649 8488 9181 8377 47662022-03-15 nmaisugar@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019222ClosedKCT Request2022-03-15REQUEST FOR KCT FROM 34 TO THE CURRENT TARIFF-44000314110Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15Nofind below, 2940 1227 6371 0971 6335 0189 1906 7478 8701 35232022-03-15 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019221ClosedKCT Request2022-03-15REQUEST FOR KCT 04204342101Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15NoDear Nusst, find below, 5052 2793 8791 7076 1930 1579 0729 7908 0784 91382022-03-15 nmaisugar@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019220ClosedKCT Request2022-03-151. 54160948706 2. 44000411312 3. 54160917974 4. 54160916240Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-15Nofind below 1. 54160948706 6151 6436 4639 9289 1813 2927 8342 2908 6134 1267 2. 44000411312 4552 4528 3009 2704 9389 5598 6290 0663 8761 4539 3. 54160917974 7147 9932 2793 6782 3645 0892 6023 9699 5844 0440 4. 54160916240 0348 1377 8610 9039 3439 6687 3314 9295 5605 82662022-03-15 faizahtafida@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019219ClosedKCT Request2022-03-15REQUEST FOR KCT FROM 01 - CURRENT TARIFF 44000746477Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15NoDear Nusst, find below, 3776 1610 2055 9313 7174 0560 8179 3099 4386 51982022-03-15 nmaisugar@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019218ClosedKCT Request2022-03-15Request for KCT for tariff index 021- 0101160350878Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-15Nofind below 0101160350878 21 To 1 5241 6856 7286 8254 5964 5103 8481 4998 0204 84302022-03-15 stynlucs@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019217ClosedKCT Request2022-03-15Please kindly treat 54160972078MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-15Nofind below 54160972078 1658 2261 5061 0273 3495 0608 4991 5483 3537 17102022-03-15 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00019216ClosedKCT Request2022-03-15Please treat MSN 04233997172Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-15Nofind below 04233997172 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-03-15 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019215ClosedKCT Request2022-03-15Good afternoon, 54161104747 54160951387 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-15Nofind below 54161104747 3329 0259 0234 3517 2790 7349 9145 2978 0034 9590 54160951387 4349 6079 1861 5351 4381 0361 2118 2617 6395 34682022-03-15 zakimimidoomaureen@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019214ClosedKCT Request2022-03-15Good afternoon Sir 54161143869 Index=8 SGC=11 Kind regardsMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-15Nofind below 6878 9270 3365 4827 4447 2096 8516 3160 6192 37442022-03-15 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019213ClosedKCT Request2022-03-15The following customer purchased token N19,000 on the 11/2/2022, and is rejecting. The meter is on 01 index. Please can you assist us with the KCT 44300014204.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-15Nofind below 44300014204 3977 1023 0906 0259 8399 2720 3208 3741 7805 11372022-03-15 samueldchun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019212ClosedKCT Request2022-03-15Kct from 22 to current tariff for this MSN: 57100060979 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-15Nofind below 3889 2295 2311 1547 7320 2150 3964 2077 0828 91462022-03-15 yuzarsif331122@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019211ClosedKCT Request2022-03-15Good afternoon, 54161110447 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-15Nofind below 54161110447 2042 8472 3552 4156 3797 5754 9432 7187 2936 41112022-03-15 zakimimidoomaureen@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019210ClosedKCT Request2022-03-151. 44000709541.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-15Nofind below 44000709541 6498 8074 0814 8870 3634 6023 5472 8816 6329 15972022-03-15 faizahtafida@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019209ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1595300195039 this meter need KCT tariff index is 01 SGC 600419 KRN 2 bought unit token is rejecting: 4633 2736 4950 9686 1870. 24/01/2022 1082 2907 2115 4285 5034. 25/01/2022 @JED IT Support help resolved this customer issues, best regard.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15NoDear Elijah, find below, Use this to load the unit 3072 9570 8150 4511 7572 4104 7634 0837 9229 5274 2636 7959 6728 2369 7293 5764 0967 4730 9873 69462022-03-15 elijah.ishaya@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019208ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1544000377307MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-15Nohello find below 44000377307 6129 6049 1410 1121 3792 4604 5848 2787 9406 30752022-03-15 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019207ClosedKCT Request2022-03-15REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 0101170313205Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15NoDear Nusst, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6123466504-01 Debt Repayment ₦164,840.38 ₦-21,000.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦143,840.38 M 2019-09-19 ₦0.00 2021-05-312022-03-15 nmaisugar@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019206ClosedKCT Request2022-03-15REQUEST FOR KCT FROM 21-1 54160857352Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15NoDear Nusst, find below, 0797 4417 0029 7242 2594 6051 2107 0056 0224 58262022-03-15 nmaisugar@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019205Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00019204ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1557100010776 the meter is on 01Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15NoDear Shaagee, find below, 7097 5608 8598 6300 4236 3725 6502 9244 3270 82102022-03-15 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019203ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1554161096364Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15NoDear Toranyiin, find below, 2194 7111 6210 8858 3626 4137 2301 7417 0386 90322022-03-15 toranyiinkator14@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019202ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1544000640860(21-1)Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15NoDear Ummi, find below, 3003 0224 1775 2119 7606 1122 2175 8493 6600 46732022-03-15 ummilois2@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019201ClosedKCT Request2022-03-15Please can you assist us with the KCT of the following meters who purchased token on 16/3/2022 and rejected by the meter. A) 54150699863 index 01 to 21 B) 54150633839 index 01 to 21 C) 54150631478 index 01 to 21 Thank you sir Samuel D. ChunMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15NoDear Samuel, find below, A) 54150699863 index 01 to 21.............wrong msn. B) 54150633839 index 01 to 21 1 To 21 5006 9965 6551 0907 0313 6538 6050 8567 5008 8611 C) 54150631478 index 01 to 21 1 To 21 5195 2734 1440 5609 8568 0739 1717 8993 5299 03032022-03-15 samueldchun@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019200ClosedKCT Request2022-03-15Good morning sir 54161093205 Index =5 Kind regardsMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15NoHello, Find below, 7301 7643 8173 3264 4998 2287 7049 7403 9640 09472022-03-15 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019199ClosedKCT Request2022-03-15GOOD MORNING REQUEST FOR KCT 44000349512Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15NoDear Nusst, find below, 5358 9470 0704 9379 6085 4981 9226 7147 0742 73942022-03-15 nmaisugar@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019198ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1523102125509Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15NoDear Sir, find below, 2076 2257 8507 2989 2531 0730 2703 1038 7707 73242022-03-15 stynlucs@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00019197ClosedKCT Request2022-03-15Good morning sir 62321071540 Meter type =momas Kind regardsMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15NoDear Owifirst, find below, 3978 8311 2723 9153 9836 6117 3710 2220 9240 84362022-03-15 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019196ClosedKCT Request2022-03-15Dear support, Please the above subject refers. 0101215004926 from 02 to 01 54161059719 0101170233411 from 01 to 21 Regards.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15NoDear Maryam, find below, 0101215004926 from 02 to 01 4023 4689 1964 4182 1085 6340 4776 9133 2025 0305 54161059719 3261 5689 9217 3786 2025 6671 1771 3848 7145 7198 0101170233411 from 01 to 21 0960 5533 8924 5493 9031 1008 2672 9188 3506 95542022-03-15 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019195ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1544000365617. 21Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15NoDear Uduh, find below, 5025 9232 5469 7905 8979 4195 4028 0642 6859 34362022-03-15 uduhaleje@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019194ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1554161092322Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15NoDear Reuben, find below, 4502 0242 4671 0571 1904 5856 8540 8906 9597 83572022-03-15 dogoreuben@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019193ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1544000522928Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15NoDear Funke, find below, 4157 0999 9703 8374 1950 1531 7870 9000 4131 40912022-03-15 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00019192ClosedKCT Request2022-03-15Good morning support, 54160941446Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15NoDear Toranyiin, find below, 1535 9428 2757 0070 3232 1201 4231 4599 4291 85612022-03-15 toranyiinkator14@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019191ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1595300222981 sir it on 21 rejecting token pls verify tankx sirMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15NoDear Aron, find below, 2691 1224 8778 7261 6184 5704 8799 5963 3060 19552022-03-15 felixaron37@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019190ClosedKCT Request2022-03-15good morning please provind me with kct meter 54161100489. thanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15NoDear Reuben, find below, 6878 8448 9530 5955 9067 4903 5300 1248 0906 47512022-03-15 dogoreuben@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019189OpenKCT Request0000-00-00Kindly provide me with the kct for the customer below: 54161097305 54161103806 Thank you.3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15NoDear Mimidoo, find below, 54161097305 1938 4909 9054 6210 4494 1922 5409 1732 5936 5160 54161103806 0317 6897 0181 9069 7576 2636 1487 9800 5928 57532022-03-15 zakimimidoomaureen@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019188ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1554161087892 54161070740 All on 01.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-15NoFind below, 54161087892 1815 4853 3216 4899 0205 6726 1303 9248 6212 4120 54161070740 4231 1604 5727 6134 0262 6454 6172 9279 3429 17912022-03-15 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019187ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1554160858384(4)Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15Nofind below, 2601 7482 2390 1895 4984 0554 0453 4206 9339 18472022-03-15 ummilois2@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019186ClosedKCT Request2022-03-15Dear IT Support, Please, kindly furnish me with KCT on the correct tariff index for this customer below: MSN: INDEX: 0101215010329 24Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15NoDear Joseph, find below, 5470 7300 8906 7872 3947 3444 5608 6077 7970 87872022-03-15 wyontochae@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019185ClosedKCT Request2022-03-15REQUEST FOR KCT 0101215010329Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15NoDear Joseph, find below, 5470 7300 8906 7872 3947 3444 5608 6077 7970 87872022-03-15 wyontochae@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019184ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1544000500502Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15NoDear Ummi, Please ask the customer to query the meter and revert.2022-03-15 ummilois2@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019183ClosedKCT Request2022-03-15KCT GENERATION from 01 to 21 54161089260Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15Nofind below, 1 To 21 2431 2386 9091 6097 2760 0539 9362 4683 9884 33722022-03-15 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019182ClosedKCT Request2022-03-15Please, kindly furnish me with KCT on the correct tariff index for this customer below: MSN: INDEX: 0101215019536 21Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15NoDear Joseph, find below, 3392 5414 9662 8467 7564 3247 7108 8732 1157 13422022-03-15 wyontochae@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019181ClosedKCT Request2022-03-15Please can you assist us with the KCT of the following meters. They purchased tokens between Saturday and Monday and their meters are rejecting the tokens. A) 54150635958 B) 54150631734 C) 54161050189 D) 54160997166 E) 54161173825 F) 57100020254 G) 0101170383463 H) 54150600317 I) 54161033482 J) 57300002268 K) 54161108193 L) 54161026833 M) 54161059321 N) 54160872798 O) 0101160351009 P) 54161096992 Q) 54161055899 R) 54161037095 S) 54161037145 T) 54161122426 U) 54160865579 W) 54160865660 X) 54161008609 Y) 54160944077 Z) 54161097651 AA) 54161147472 AB) 54161133290 AC) 54150650569 AD) 54161032286 AE) 54161014375 AF) 54150607957 AG) 0101170164715 AH)54150601236Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-15NoFind below, A) 54150635958 6345 2231 1608 4224 1257 2556 7815 3980 5135 1079 B) 54150631734 0989 9065 3739 2207 9260 2533 1819 1111 4422 9092 C) 54161050189 0199 5335 0739 9195 5041 3828 4305 1850 2184 8182 D) 54160997166 2992 0792 1581 7935 0937 5637 3098 9796 2083 6215 E) 54161173825 3428 5973 6568 6525 7930 5800 4482 6924 0616 2602 F) 57100020254 5321 3101 5220 8647 7097 0539 2211 3618 3163 4635 G) 0101170383463 2680 7111 5860 4028 8531 3725 3185 7929 3376 2717 H) 54150600317 3181 4894 5283 5276 5894 5187 4537 1852 5319 7762 I) 54161033482 1938 1835 8673 6136 4867 1921 4846 9371 2094 1733 J) 57300002268 2460 8924 5386 2163 0789 3245 1093 8573 9346 1659 K) 54161108193 3401 1914 1532 7996 1246 6832 4498 5343 9357 2431 L) 54161026833 3589 8988 9659 0125 6398 7195 5636 8559 6916 6953 M) 54161059321 5947 4446 1092 9571 2993 6910 6453 1591 8493 4288 N) 54160872798 This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. O) 0101160351009 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. P) 54161096992 1234 2960 0195 6170 4392 4701 3988 4040 0926 8580 Q) 54161055899 7173 0353 8239 1671 0818 4031 2588 3523 8967 3090 R) 54161037095 7334 3354 3865 9281 2335 5442 5854 6484 4104 4045 S) 54161037145 5225 1056 9808 2842 8672 0684 7261 0722 3188 1143 T) 54161122426 3529 4039 1436 5101 0882 2878 5839 4567 9025 2065 U) 54160865579 3395 7780 4520 1827 0416 4874 2360 7921 1999 5355 W) 54160865660 1458 1224 1149 7713 9479 6654 8695 9176 2246 7024 X) 54161008609 4127 1457 2307 5366 5694 6841 8457 5377 8040 4806 Y) 54160944077 0696 5549 5019 7641 9246 5655 4903 6155 4738 6938 Z) 54161097651 5105 7600 5907 3445 5097 2665 0003 1066 5518 8393 AA) 54161147472 1485 9058 2248 4671 4004 6551 8128 3085 7391 7350 AB) 54161133290 1246 1762 2279 1975 8430 0617 7084 1990 1740 1896 AC) 54150650569 2478 2543 0376 6653 4128 1533 5998 4731 4615 5054 AD) 54161032286 4867 5866 1407 5794 2576 0972 2857 0864 4077 8706 AE) 54161014375 3242 7276 7765 3571 4012 1491 8468 8264 5432 8342 AF) 54150607957 1574 3797 5101 0629 3347 1862 3506 4010 7352 5124 AG) 0101170164715 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. AH) 54150601236 This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2022-03-15 samueldchun@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019180ClosedKCT Request2022-03-15REQUEST FOR KCT 57100036094Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15NoDear Joseph, find below, 2357 8548 7245 0120 5124 5860 6585 6320 9336 72582022-03-15 wyontochae@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019179ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1544000376721 TI45 44000495257 TI02 44000622686Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15NoDear Auwal, no kct is required.2022-03-15 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019178ClosedKCT Request2022-03-15Request for KCT - 54160880099Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15NoDear Sir, find below, 5670 3255 8516 1628 9219 0883 9008 5289 9955 22612022-03-15 stynlucs@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00019177In ProgressTamper Code2022-03-15Generate CT for MSN. 54161073157. @Auwal. refer MSNs 0195000005635 0195000005593 to RPU for inspection. Regards.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15NoDear Auwal, find below, 54161073157 Clear Tamper 0 2061 6240 0243 3535 70850000-00-00 rolandjames750@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019176ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1544300007117 44300000989 44300009451 44300013321. the TI on the meters is 1. Thank you.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-15NoDear Dalis, find below, 44300007117 6023 4124 1829 8931 1024 4082 1700 6223 6073 6621 44300000989 4046 1852 6560 4376 8285 7353 1563 8414 1280 3396 44300009451 1807 5307 3689 3229 8019 6786 2888 3375 0249 3912 44300013321. the TI on the meters is 1. 5829 6034 2094 3109 8536 4470 3989 1645 9146 63942022-03-15 jubilant95@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019175ClosedTamper Code2022-03-15Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper ‪0101160400590‬Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15NoDear Auwal, find below, 0101160400590 Clear Tamper 0 3239 1433 5608 3328 48462022-03-15 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019174ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1544300000989 1-55 and 55-1 44300009451 1-55 and 55-1 44300007117 1-55 and 55-1 44300013099 55-1 and 1-55 0101215032414 TI02 0101195003062 99-1 and 1-99 0101185053390 TI03 0101200016810 44000658243 44000640860 TI21 44000390979 TI21 44000622686 54160878044 54160878036 54160948722 54160915739 54161005738 21-1 14038132404Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15Nofind below, 44300000989 1-55 and 55-1 55 To 1 6373 0317 9655 7547 6620 4194 1875 3834 8361 2133 1 To 55 4046 1852 6560 4376 8285 7353 1563 8414 1280 3396 44300009451 1-55 and 55-1 55 To 1 2835 6069 9387 8307 0532 3292 1042 9243 8593 1557 1 To 55 1807 5307 3689 3229 8019 6786 2888 3375 0249 3912 44300007117 1-55 and 55-1 55 To 1 5763 0250 2738 6869 5925 5110 9369 5774 4114 8279 1 To 55 6023 4124 1829 8931 1024 4082 1700 6223 6073 6621 44300013099 55-1 and 1-55 1 To 55 6890 3819 7848 4344 5737 6653 6969 8016 1591 4164 55 To 1 4163 7860 5016 0183 5770 3074 2068 8016 2759 9525 0101215032414 TI02 0032 8862 0163 4147 8848 1343 2750 7136 5443 2839 0101195003062 99-1 and 1-99 99 To 1 6105 8361 8229 6143 3450 2414 2174 8861 4100 0364 1 To 99 0867 3317 0803 8567 2270 5566 7943 6915 4809 4317 0101185053390 TI03 5200 2979 3762 3668 4044 1912 9081 0132 6611 7894 0101200016810 5530 1575 9905 3991 4658 1993 5052 4413 3690 7724 44000658243 2452 5786 1824 0837 5782 5803 6185 9779 1704 1686 44000640860 TI21 3003 0224 1775 2119 7606 1122 2175 8493 6600 4673 44000390979 TI21 5335 7160 9464 6356 8852 3413 4311 4392 2021 5104 44000622686..............query the meter. 54160878044 0739 6363 7831 7826 8016 4702 0172 6205 1677 0595 54160878036 3328 7201 4941 5608 1246 3746 4064 0658 2250 0724 54160948722 4327 8144 9890 7006 0509 4888 7932 5894 8356 7072 54160915739 1717 6966 6035 4103 9324 4498 8298 3070 0811 4829 54161005738 21-1 4194 5098 4767 1670 3997 1323 2578 2485 9727 6905 14038132404................wrong msn.2022-03-15 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019173ClosedKCT Request2022-03-150101215019536Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-03-15NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-03-15 ummilois2@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00019173ClosedKCT Request2022-03-150101215019536Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-03-15NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-03-15 ummilois2@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00019172ClosedKCT Request2022-03-15REQUEST FOR KCT FROM 01 - CURRENT TARIFF 54150600317Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-03-15NoHello, This meter is on 01 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly contact meter maintenance. Regard.2022-03-15 nmaisugar@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00019172ClosedKCT Request2022-03-15REQUEST FOR KCT FROM 01 - CURRENT TARIFF 54150600317Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-03-15NoHello, This meter is on 01 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly contact meter maintenance. Regard.2022-03-15 nmaisugar@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00019171ClosedKCT Request2022-03-15Good morning, 54161082513 57300015435 Thank you.Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-03-15NoHello, Find below, 54161082513 5816 6394 2310 6249 5873 6115 5825 8542 0145 7402 57300015435 0311 7861 7816 4047 1086 6823 6193 7501 0305 21302022-03-15 zakimimidoomaureen@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00019171ClosedKCT Request2022-03-15Good morning, 54161082513 57300015435 Thank you.Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-03-15NoHello, Find below, 54161082513 5816 6394 2310 6249 5873 6115 5825 8542 0145 7402 57300015435 0311 7861 7816 4047 1086 6823 6193 7501 0305 21302022-03-15 zakimimidoomaureen@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00019170ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1554161124794Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-15No0340 4848 2639 0345 8332 2728 2130 7395 3979 27022022-03-15 benmercyladi@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019169ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1544000419661Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15NoDear sir, find below, 7272 1136 6816 3100 9153 4758 6783 7431 6658 76382022-03-15 stynlucs@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00019168ClosedKCT Request2022-03-150101160350878MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-15NoDear HCCRM, Please kindly ask the customer to query the meter and revert.2022-03-15 stynlucs@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00019167ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1554160736416Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15Nofind below, 7358 2283 5106 9682 6264 6868 7906 3747 0570 80342022-03-15 stynlucs@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00019166ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1557100070192MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-15Nofind below, 3223 4550 0330 0175 0544 1335 6424 0176 8495 76352022-03-15 stynlucs@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00019165ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1554160939499Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15Nofind below, 2812 1955 7720 7651 9954 5068 1591 8601 1250 95982022-03-15 stynlucs@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00019164ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1523102132364Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-15Nofind below, 1533 7473 4621 5735 2481 3474 3248 6351 0368 98452022-03-15 stynlucs@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019163ClosedKCT Request2022-03-15Pls sir help me with kct0101215032414 tariff 0002 ThanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15NoDear Munir, find below, 0032 8862 0163 4147 8848 1343 2750 7136 5443 28392022-03-15 munirishaqjos@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019162ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1554160898356.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15Nofind below, 0134 0904 2546 6150 9622 0117 7802 9071 3490 02682022-03-15 stynlucs@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00019161ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1554161162299Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15NoDear sir, find below, 7168 9361 9719 8726 0072 3482 8365 7015 6337 92242022-03-15 stynlucs@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00019160ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1562521005819Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15Nofind below, 0419 7230 6747 8532 1377 2403 8812 6079 7629 60462022-03-15 stynlucs@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00019159ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1544000477602, index no- 3MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-15NoDear HCCRM, find below, 0427 0059 4694 1984 0470 1553 5664 1905 5054 23942022-03-15 stynlucs@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00019158ClosedKCT Request2022-03-150150000857873MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-15NoDear HCCRM, find below, 6309 2693 4655 3927 7582 4831 7210 7675 7807 58372022-03-15 stynlucs@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00019157ClosedKCT Request2022-03-150101215010329Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-15NoDear Joseph, Please any customer with this type of request should be asked to query the meter and revert with the TI.2022-03-15 wyontochae@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019156ClosedKCT Request2022-03-150101215007192Medium 2022-03-15Nofind below, 0288 7726 4415 6019 9226 2027 9400 7957 4858 15002022-03-15 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com
#00019155ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1462521007773 62420229809 54160906191 62521028621 62521024893 54160934615 54160994007 54160875982 62420220105 62420224370 62420200032 54160900905 54161086944 54160955495 62521003032 62521040642 54160898356 62521003202 62521011403Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-03-15NoFind below, 62521007773 3183 1430 1541 2342 2373 0992 7920 4599 3443 9703 62420229809 7078 6008 3382 6165 1866 1181 2394 3541 9081 2909 54160906191 6134 2430 2942 4300 1849 4036 3070 0198 3794 0365 62521028621 This meter is on 01 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly contact meter maintenance. 62521024893 This meter is on 01 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly contact meter maintenance. 54160934615 7101 0564 2087 6473 7267 5987 0821 4860 7586 4135 54160994007 0410 1440 2183 3973 7257 0803 7776 4136 7524 6773 54160875982 6002 9024 1294 2913 6172 6642 4490 2373 4067 07132022-03-14 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00019155ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1462521007773 62420229809 54160906191 62521028621 62521024893 54160934615 54160994007 54160875982 62420220105 62420224370 62420200032 54160900905 54161086944 54160955495 62521003032 62521040642 54160898356 62521003202 62521011403Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-03-15NoFind below, 62521007773 3183 1430 1541 2342 2373 0992 7920 4599 3443 9703 62420229809 7078 6008 3382 6165 1866 1181 2394 3541 9081 2909 54160906191 6134 2430 2942 4300 1849 4036 3070 0198 3794 0365 62521028621 This meter is on 01 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly contact meter maintenance. 62521024893 This meter is on 01 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly contact meter maintenance. 54160934615 7101 0564 2087 6473 7267 5987 0821 4860 7586 4135 54160994007 0410 1440 2183 3973 7257 0803 7776 4136 7524 6773 54160875982 6002 9024 1294 2913 6172 6642 4490 2373 4067 07132022-03-14 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00019154ClosedKCT Request2022-03-15For this 54161134074 the meter here is on 04Medium 2022-03-15NoFind below, 4029 4995 1092 7118 8069 1295 0638 0013 9707 89222022-03-14 yuzarsif331122@gmail.com
#00019153ClosedKCT Request2022-03-140101215018231 002 0101215023884 002 Please Sir help us With a KCT Thanks for your support.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15NoDear Yakub, find below, 0101215018231 002 6671 2289 3863 8701 1709 3480 3155 5539 6316 7659 0101215023884 002 3507 4643 3192 8713 3632 1068 4636 0257 1334 90912022-03-14 yakubaliyu82@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019152ClosedKCT Request2022-03-14953000222981 sir it on 21 rejecting token pls very with d kct.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-15NoHello, Wrong meter number or not captured.2022-03-14 felixaron37@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019151ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1423102131168Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15NoFind below, 3283 7543 0235 7844 7959 2775 5108 9942 6508 45832022-03-14 stynlucs@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00019150ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1444000470656; Tariff index 33 44000441194; Tariff index 33Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15NoFind below, 44000470656; Tariff index 33 6571 7603 6751 1011 7639 4741 6276 0782 0930 5458 44000441194; Tariff index 33 4651 0659 3386 7440 0109 2268 7175 3355 7179 90422022-03-14 stynlucs@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00019149ClosedKCT Request2022-03-140101215002854 002-001 & 001-002 Please Sir help us With a KCT Thanks for your supportMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15NoDear Yakub, find below, 5051 3136 3858 3417 0688 6057 7902 7772 6709 4047 6562 2882 1158 4971 0300 1027 3074 2189 7537 14712022-03-14 yakubaliyu82@gmail.com> Isah Abubakar
#00019148ClosedKCT Request2022-03-140101215000890 current tariff 002 Please Sir help us With a KCT Thanks for your supportMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15NoDear Yakub, find below, 2192 0443 5281 0840 8411 4401 4425 7500 8808 96372022-03-14 yakubaliyu82@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019147ClosedRequest2022-03-14Please kindly treat MSN 0101190013348Medium 2022-03-15NoHello, Find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612361101801 Debt Repayment ₦7,548.84 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦7,548.84 M 2022-02-16 ₦0.00 2022-02-232022-03-14 mwuladi@yahoo.com
#00019146ClosedKCT Request2022-03-140101215002854 current tariff 002 And the token is rejecting. Please Sir help us With a KCT Thanks for your supportMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15NoDear Yakub, find below, 5051 3136 3858 3417 0688 6057 7902 7772 6709 40472022-03-14 yakubaliyu82@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019145ClosedKCT Request2022-03-15Please generate kct for 62321157927. ThanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15NoDear OKADONYE, This mail has been sent already and has been treated.2022-03-14 okadonyesimona@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019144ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1462321157927Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-15NoDear Yusuf, find below, 6481 7394 9340 4285 3456 0046 0664 0287 8635 2334 Dear Yusuf, find below, 6481 7394 9340 4285 3456 0046 0664 0287 8635 23342022-03-14 yusufibrahimbaba440@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019143ClosedKCT Request2022-03-15001 to 74 and 74 to 001 - 54150616669Medium 2022-03-15Nofind below, 1113 8828 0602 3461 6847 2907 8825 1723 6160 1956 2936 2373 8064 5733 0811 0379 1167 8724 3505 42622022-03-14 stynlucs@yahoo.com
#00019142ClosedKCT Request2022-03-14Good afternoon, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters. Thank you. Meter Numbers (INDEX): 0101190153706 (99) 0101210136467 (01) (The customer purchased token on the 16/02/2022 which has been unable to load) 44300014188 ( 01) (The meter was on 55 rejected tokens, then it was changed to 01 and it is still rejecting tokens)Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-03-15NoFind below, 0101190153706 (99) 1008 7408 0736 7023 6709 4989 5524 8384 6506 5372 0101210136467 (01) (The customer purchased token on the 16/02/2022 which has been unable to load) Step 1: Enter this KCT 1621 4639 1147 0410 6498 6695 9998 5011 3630 1042 Step 2: Enter Purchase Token Step 3: Enter this KCT 2823 7424 3233 5816 9182 7343 9732 5003 9674 9012 44300014188 ( 01) (The meter was on 55 rejected tokens, then it was changed to 01 and it is still rejecting tokens) Step 1: Enter this KCT 6868 1549 2899 4483 9646 5109 0299 2096 0705 3081 Step 2: Enter this KCT 5828 1868 1564 4334 5950 5241 6772 6354 0945 91462022-03-14 ademugeorge@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00019142ClosedKCT Request2022-03-14Good afternoon, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters. Thank you. Meter Numbers (INDEX): 0101190153706 (99) 0101210136467 (01) (The customer purchased token on the 16/02/2022 which has been unable to load) 44300014188 ( 01) (The meter was on 55 rejected tokens, then it was changed to 01 and it is still rejecting tokens)Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-03-15NoFind below, 0101190153706 (99) 1008 7408 0736 7023 6709 4989 5524 8384 6506 5372 0101210136467 (01) (The customer purchased token on the 16/02/2022 which has been unable to load) Step 1: Enter this KCT 1621 4639 1147 0410 6498 6695 9998 5011 3630 1042 Step 2: Enter Purchase Token Step 3: Enter this KCT 2823 7424 3233 5816 9182 7343 9732 5003 9674 9012 44300014188 ( 01) (The meter was on 55 rejected tokens, then it was changed to 01 and it is still rejecting tokens) Step 1: Enter this KCT 6868 1549 2899 4483 9646 5109 0299 2096 0705 3081 Step 2: Enter this KCT 5828 1868 1564 4334 5950 5241 6772 6354 0945 91462022-03-14 ademugeorge@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00019141ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1462321139628 from 37 to 99MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-15Nofind below, 1340 6720 2811 2704 6223 1178 0105 7333 0003 27642022-03-14 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019140ClosedKCT Request2022-03-14Meter no - 95300120540 Amount -. 5000MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-15NoDear Uduh, Note that the transaction was not successful on our system.2022-03-14 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019139ClosedEvend Access2022-03-14Capture account on eVend - 797800Medium 2022-03-15NoYour mail has been treated2022-03-14 stynlucs@yahoo.com
#00019138ClosedEvend Access2022-03-14Capture accounts on eVend-797775Medium 2022-03-15NoThis account already exists.2022-03-14 stynlucs@yahoo.com
#00019137ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1495300161106 on 21. 54161055469 on 01. 95300207206 on 33. 54161162299 on 01 44000548778 on 01MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-15Nofind below 95300161106 on 21. 3396 5430 8512 8196 8353 2874 6064 7201 8555 3222 54161055469 on 01. This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 95300207206 on 33. 3215 0247 7480 6606 0516 5678 5230 3173 2462 7588 54161162299 on 01 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 44000548778 on 01 No data available in table2022-03-14 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019136ClosedKCT Request2022-03-14Please kindly help us generate the kct of 0101215025335 the tariff is 0002MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-15NoFind below, 2487 4809 1791 2543 7900 6030 2586 8088 6526 03412022-03-14 munirishaqjos@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019135ClosedKCT Request2022-03-14Dear support kindly generate KCT for MSN: 0101170442145. The TI on the meter is 21.Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-03-15NoFind below, 4377 5444 6038 0794 9908 5877 0682 6981 1302 19372022-03-14 jubilant95@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00019135ClosedKCT Request2022-03-14Dear support kindly generate KCT for MSN: 0101170442145. The TI on the meter is 21.Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-03-15NoFind below, 4377 5444 6038 0794 9908 5877 0682 6981 1302 19372022-03-14 jubilant95@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00019134ClosedKCT Request2022-03-14Kindly generate kct from 01-21 0101200104905 33-21 0101215024601 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-15Nohello find below 0101200104905 1 To 21 0499 1666 5874 6836 3272 4412 4349 4890 4386 2144 0101215024601 33 To 21 0451 4377 3521 1196 8814 1424 1163 6207 5081 18302022-03-14 bamangalk@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019133ClosedKCT Request2022-03-14Kct from 34 to 01 for this MSN: 0101170376442MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-14Nofind below 4231 3030 2001 1402 8269 4394 3047 0245 2615 77672022-03-15 yuzarsif331122@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019132ClosedKCT Request2022-03-15And this from 21 to current tariff 0101170416958Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-15Nofind below 0101170416958 21 To 1 2386 5376 3294 3029 7407 2573 7092 6697 1804 5389 54161134074 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-03-15 yuzarsif331122@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019131ClosedEvend Access2022-03-15Kindly capture the customer stated below on E-vend to enable cashier make payment. * Hamza Ibrahim 797093Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-15Noyour mail has been treated.2022-03-15 kinretluka@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019130ClosedKCT Request2022-03-15Request for KCT - 54160916836Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-15Nofind below 6450 6763 2974 8777 5399 2860 5604 5487 2777 58732022-03-15 austinakpobi@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019129ClosedKCT Request2022-03-14Please the above subject refers. 54150699865 54150633839MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-14Nofind below 54150699865 No data available in table 54150633839 5006 9965 6551 0907 0313 6538 6050 8567 5008 86112022-03-14 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019128ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1444000632958MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-14Nofind below 3402 2568 2271 2290 3331 1741 9469 4066 6683 69862022-03-14 wyontochae@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019127ClosedKCT Request2022-03-14Request for KCT for 0101188028134 for 0055Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-03-14No1017 2629 5297 4633 4847 5941 6363 5683 7310 95002022-03-14 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00019127ClosedKCT Request2022-03-14Request for KCT for 0101188028134 for 0055Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-03-14No1017 2629 5297 4633 4847 5941 6363 5683 7310 95002022-03-14 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00019126ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1462130894173Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-14NoFind below, 3218 3795 4735 5998 2126 5202 7456 7598 5176 14842022-03-14 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019125ClosedKCT Request2022-03-14REQUEST FOR KCT 44000606077MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-14NoFind below, 7176 6119 9336 4528 3177 5100 7035 1160 6510 22082022-03-14 wyontochae@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019124ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1462321200032 07941752803899365265 20074449167067866945 62321167066 40936239205856851075 09290259134250209394Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-03-14NoFind below, 62321156556 4192 8927 2612 0090 3037 4050 5005 6258 6777 12442022-03-14 odohgeorge86@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00019124ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1462321200032 07941752803899365265 20074449167067866945 62321167066 40936239205856851075 09290259134250209394Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-03-14NoFind below, 62321156556 4192 8927 2612 0090 3037 4050 5005 6258 6777 12442022-03-14 odohgeorge86@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00019123ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1404227924356MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-14NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-03-14 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019122ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1462321149577 from 34 to 01Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-03-14NoFind below, 62321149577 4808 9935 9251 1805 3410 2125 1735 0279 4772 96952022-03-14 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00019122ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1462321149577 from 34 to 01Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-03-14NoFind below, 62321149577 4808 9935 9251 1805 3410 2125 1735 0279 4772 96952022-03-14 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00019121ClosedTamper Code2022-03-1444000493781 44000538478 57100026418 95300185865 0101200074231 ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-03-14NoFind below, 44000493781 44000493781 Clear Tamper 0 4637 1088 8583 7545 8964 44000538478 4840 5672 0738 8030 9107 57100026418 2574 5166 7079 3829 5220 95300185865 5547 4485 0892 8095 2414 0101200074231 5935 1655 2137 4814 64712022-03-14 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019120ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1454161126633 54161084170 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-14No54161126633 0919 1247 1007 4568 7504 3595 3092 5712 5113 0585 54161084170 2194 9522 6154 4684 4393 3771 1407 9396 9720 67512022-03-14 zakimimidoomaureen@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019119ClosedKCT Request2022-03-14: KCT GENERATION 04180560296MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-14NoFind below, 4364 5975 1199 2033 6282 0262 0056 6021 5013 83722022-03-14 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019118ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1454161127375MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-14NoFind below, 3884 7328 6264 7074 1284 2873 1567 1682 2649 35102022-03-14 dogoreuben@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019117ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1454161147811MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-14Nofind below 0844 3312 3791 8240 7744 0352 6727 0512 6765 75322022-03-14 zakimimidoomaureen@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019116ClosedKCT Request2022-03-14MSN:. INDEX: 0101170374660. 01 44000682805. 01Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-14Nofind below 0101170374660. 01 4509 6233 1120 4648 2580 1186 5916 3318 4577 7201 44000682805. 0901 6050 8256 1050 8311 4164 9583 6223 5652 03922022-03-14 wyontochae@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019115ClosedKCT Request2022-03-14Good morning, 54161103822MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-14Nofind below, 1182 0594 0201 7007 4708 0447 4305 8199 3643 2777 6001 8626 1837 5335 7640 2544 8022 2533 3230 36632022-03-14 zakimimidoomaureen@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019114ClosedKCT Request2022-03-140101 2150 1681 3( 2)MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-14Nofind below and please take note of how you send the meter number. 2906 9519 3601 7939 9050 1295 3640 4245 5695 48502022-03-14 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019113ClosedKCT Request2022-03-14[1-2] [2-1] 44300011119Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-14Nofind below, 5737 2379 7142 6907 3698 2050 9025 4047 7059 5905 5499 4220 2694 0157 4417 6864 8420 9176 7346 63982022-03-14 nmaisugar@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019112ClosedKCT Request2022-03-14find below. 0101210045577 45484437529344975303 19992019129289968754Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-03-14NoFind below, 11803739985391292938 736200970588336835072022-03-14 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00019112ClosedKCT Request2022-03-14find below. 0101210045577 45484437529344975303 19992019129289968754Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-03-14NoFind below, 11803739985391292938 736200970588336835072022-03-14 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00019111OpenKCT Request0000-00-00‪0101160400590‬Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-14NoDear Roland, Note that this meter is not on our system.2022-03-14 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019110ClosedKCT Request2022-03-140101215007341 FROM 01 - CURRENT TARIFFMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-03-14NoHello, This meter is on 01 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly contact meter maintenance.2022-03-14 nmaisugar@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00019110ClosedKCT Request2022-03-140101215007341 FROM 01 - CURRENT TARIFFMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-03-14NoHello, This meter is on 01 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly contact meter maintenance.2022-03-14 nmaisugar@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00019109ClosedKCT Request2022-03-14Kindly generate KCT for Chief obekpa Joseph. 0101205000389.Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-03-14NoFind below, 2551 1756 9018 8365 3872 1816 1555 4087 1504 55342022-03-14 jenogah@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00019109ClosedKCT Request2022-03-14Kindly generate KCT for Chief obekpa Joseph. 0101205000389.Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-03-14NoFind below, 2551 1756 9018 8365 3872 1816 1555 4087 1504 55342022-03-14 jenogah@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00019108ClosedTamper Code2022-03-14Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101161034737MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-14NoGood morning, find below, 0101161034737 Clear Tamper 0 2101 1608 9609 0093 48622022-03-14 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019107ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1444300000294 (unit purchased on the 9th and 12th of Feb 20022MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-14NoGood Morning, find below, 4636 4631 9076 4199 1803 5653 0045 1307 0844 0696 7135 6116 3137 1979 6135 5863 2961 8300 2021 43032022-03-14 phartiemah12@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019106ClosedRequest2022-03-140101170272583MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-14NoFind below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6131094432-01 Debt Repayment ₦675,425.34 ₦0.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦675,425.34 M 2019-09-04 ₦0.00 2021-05-312022-03-14 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019105ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1454160951056MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-14NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. Regards.2022-03-14 benmercyladi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019104ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1454161127375.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-14NoFind below, 3884 7328 6264 7074 1284 2873 1567 1682 2649 35102022-03-14 dogoreuben@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019103ClosedRequest2022-03-140101215018728 AND 44000360634Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-14NoDear Nuwaira, find below, 0101215018728 Clear Tamper 0 4460 6408 1985 0481 5453 44000360634 Clear Tamper 0 4223 0331 9686 0617 60712022-03-14 ibrahimkabir215@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00019102ClosedKCT Request2022-03-14Good morning, Kindly provide me with the kct for the customers below: 54161104721 54161080087Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-03-14NoHello, 54161104721 54161080087 This meters is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meters and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-03-14 zakimimidoomaureen@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00019102ClosedKCT Request2022-03-14Good morning, Kindly provide me with the kct for the customers below: 54161104721 54161080087Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-03-14NoHello, 54161104721 54161080087 This meters is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meters and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-03-14 zakimimidoomaureen@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00019101ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1454161072142MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-14NoFind below, 4541 9179 6255 9874 5535 1227 8622 3876 2805 49602022-03-14 phartiemah12@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019100ClosedKCT Request2022-03-14Kindly generate kct from Band D-A 0101200104905 Band B-A 0101215024601MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-14NoDear Umar, Please note that the first meter was initially captured on 01 and the meter is still on 01, and the second meter was also captured on 01 and our system is also on 01 so you can query if the meter is on 01 on the meter then no KCT is required for the meter. Band D-A 0101200104905 Band B-A 01012150246012022-03-14 bamangalk@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019099ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1454161004095 Thank youMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-03-14NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-03-14 zakimimidoomaureen@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00019099ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1454161004095 Thank youMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-03-14NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-03-14 zakimimidoomaureen@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00019098ClosedRequest2022-03-140101161019720Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-03-14NoFind below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 680206 Debt Repayment ₦15,886.33 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦13,886.33 M 2022-02-17 ₦2,000.00 2022-03-122022-03-14 ummilois2@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00019098ClosedRequest2022-03-140101161019720Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-03-14NoFind below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 680206 Debt Repayment ₦15,886.33 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦13,886.33 M 2022-02-17 ₦2,000.00 2022-03-122022-03-14 ummilois2@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00019097ClosedKCT Request2022-03-14T TARIFF - 44000316636MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-14No44000316636 21 To 1 7039 2348 8490 9484 7228 4966 7782 3211 2624 39922022-03-14 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019096ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1462321133928MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-14Nofind below 62321133928 2 To 21 3809 9862 7672 0809 5028 5571 1538 6692 9492 83582022-03-14 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019095ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1444000377331Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-14Nofind below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 683170 Debt Repayment ₦9,918.94 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦9,918.94 M 2022-02-28 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-03-14 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019094ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1457100054600 (0021 to current tariff)Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-14Nofind below 57100054600 21 To 1 4939 0104 8676 2337 1656 6936 9414 6375 4283 67332022-03-14 abdulmalikakande@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019093ClosedRequest2022-03-14Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101178021156 0101178024804 01012000 33211Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-14Nofind below 0101178021156 2985 0584 0512 3540 9870 0101178024804 4165 3858 8714 9609 2596 0101200033211 2841 4951 8213 6557 64662022-03-14 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019092ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1462321149577 from 34 to 01Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-14Nofind below 62321149577 31 To 1 6589 6003 2378 7414 6213 6158 0224 9177 6355 08382022-03-14 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019091ClosedKCT Request2022-03-14Kindly generate KCT for 54161089740 Tarrif index: 05 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-14Nofind below 54161089740 5 To 1 1497 4985 0422 3857 0212 7202 2347 9029 1438 78532022-03-14 jenogah@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019090ClosedKCT Request2022-03-14Please, kindly furnish me with KCT on the correct tariff index. MSN: 54160998156 Please, kindly assist. Thank you and best regards. JosephtegwimwyeMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-14Nofind below 54160998156 1 To 4 6304 2387 8890 7997 8391 5869 6207 3595 9451 83032022-03-14 wyontochae@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019089ClosedKCT Request2022-03-14Please can you assist us with the debt status of this meter number 44000600419 Thank you sirMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-14Nofind below 44000600419 No data available in table2022-03-14 samueldchun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019088ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1462321152605 From 02 to 34MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-14Nofind below 62321152605 2 To 34 3462 6332 9928 0000 1693 4358 5055 5803 1583 68512022-03-14 toranyiinkator14@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019087ClosedKCT Request2022-03-14Kindly provide me with the kct for the customer below: 54161164824MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-14Nofind below 54161164824 1 To 22 4018 1479 0909 2826 1930 6174 7689 4029 3331 39612022-03-14 zakimimidoomaureen@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019086ClosedKCT Request2022-03-14TARIFF 44300011119MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-14NoThis meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required.2022-03-14 nmaisugar@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019085ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1457100054600 (0021 to current tariff)Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-14Nofind below 57100054600 21 To 1 4939 0104 8676 2337 1656 6936 9414 6375 4283 67332022-03-14 abdulmalikakande@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019084ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1462321149577 from 34 to 01MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-14Nofind below 62321149577 31 To 1 6589 6003 2378 7414 6213 6158 0224 9177 6355 08382022-03-14 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019083ClosedKCT Request2022-03-14Kindly generate KCT for 54161089740 Tarrif index: 05 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-14Nofind below 54161089740 5 To 1 1497 4985 0422 3857 0212 7202 2347 9029 1438 78532022-03-14 jenogah@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019082ClosedKCT Request2022-03-14REQUEST FOR KCT 54160998156MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-14Nofind below 54160998156 1 To 4 6304 2387 8890 7997 8391 5869 6207 3595 9451 83032022-03-14 wyontochae@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019081ClosedKCT Request2022-03-14Please can you assist us with the debt status of this meter number 44000600419 Thank you sirMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-14Nofind below 44000600419 No data available in table2022-03-14 samueldchun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019080ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1462321152605 From 02 to 34MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-14Nofind below 62321152605 2 To 34 3462 6332 9928 0000 1693 4358 5055 5803 1583 68512022-03-14 toranyiinkator14@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019079Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00019078ClosedKCT Request2022-03-14TARIFF 44300011119MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-14NoThis meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required.2022-03-14 nmaisugar@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019077ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1444000684165MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-14NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-03-14 nmaisugar@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019076ClosedKCT Request2022-03-14- 0101161066630MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-14NoFind below, 1 To 74 4041 8631 5883 0611 5155 4781 7398 4816 5956 5141 74 To 1 7149 3392 6269 9463 5709 0903 5559 6510 8953 17022022-03-14 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019075ClosedKCT Request2022-03-140101161030230 tariff index 01-21MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-14NoFind below, 6901 5280 4895 5805 5235 5660 5882 3916 5261 16662022-03-14 beediesarah5@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019074ClosedKCT Request2022-03-14Please generate kct 0101215010782MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-14NoFind below, 3506 1542 9168 1820 1136 2109 3174 6628 1551 28122022-03-14 okadonyesimona@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019073ClosedKCT Request2022-03-14Please generate kct 0101215010782MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-14NoFind below, 3506 1542 9168 1820 1136 2109 3174 6628 1551 28122022-03-14 okadonyesimona@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019072ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1401 TO CURRENT TARIFF - 62320111560MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-14NoFind below, 4451 2457 3694 5488 4549 6874 1799 5615 2553 73572022-03-14 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019071ClosedKCT Request2022-03-140101170374660 tariff index 01-21 0101210133381 tariff index 45-21MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-14No0101170374660 tariff index 01-21 5266 3134 7645 6723 8145 4297 4507 7078 2351 7730 0101210133381 tariff index 45-21 4573 1741 4960 9117 7797 4705 8257 6562 5925 00412022-03-14 beediesarah5@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019070ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1444000579407Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-14NoDear Dauda, Find below as requested. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 703521 Debt Repayment ₦703,521.00 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦701,521.00 M 2022-02-11 ₦2,000.00 2022-03-122022-03-14 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019069ClosedKCT Request2022-03-14Kindly provide me with the kct for the customers below: 1. 54161087793 2. 54161004400 3. 54161117811 Thank youMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-14NoDear Kator, Find below as requested. 1. 54161087793 6695 0240 3879 7280 5762 1527 5504 4214 3539 2247 2. 54161004400 7275 6729 8106 4566 7425 6079 6926 4528 9921 4946 3. 54161117811..............not captured/invalid MSN2022-03-14 zakimimidoomaureen@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019068ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1457100053487 54161071458 54161127565 Tariff index of meter is 01 and the customer is on non MD Band BMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-14NoDear Shaagee. Find below as requested. 57100053487 0196 3795 2538 2487 3259 4858 7081 5812 6646 3895 54161071458 6977 4519 6798 2553 6751 1957 5078 6297 6549 3818 54161127565 7207 3868 6389 6223 0604 0141 1810 2214 0948 83352022-03-14 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019067ClosedKCT Request2022-03-14Good morning, Kindly provide me with the kct for the customer: 57300012333 Thank youMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-14NoFind below as requested. 3946 1185 8206 3186 7869 6869 3863 8320 0280 31452022-03-14 zakimimidoomaureen@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019066ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1457100051457 tariff index 74-01Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-14NoDear Sarah, Find below as requested. 3426 6631 4332 9536 3751 1530 8279 8757 1398 25022022-03-14 beediesarah5@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019065ClosedKCT Request2022-03-14Good morning sir Meter number 0101210122103 Tarrif index 0045 Blessed.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-14NoDear Shows. Find below as requested. 6091 6461 1249 5953 0253 3933 0193 0584 2480 69362022-03-14 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019064ClosedKCT Request2022-03-14Dear IT Support, top of the day to you. Please, kindly furnish me with KCT on the correct tariff index. Meter was queried and Tariff Index is 02. MSN: INDEX: 0101215000254 55 to 02 Please, kindly assist. Thank you and best regards. JosephtegwimwyeMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-14NoDear Joseph, Find below as requested. 6594 6753 4163 8425 2344 0152 1139 1117 0932 69652022-03-14 wyontochae@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00019063ClosedKCT Request2022-03-14Good morning.Kindly treat the above.The customer bought the unit on 16/2/22.Thank you.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-14NoDear Nuwaira. Find below as requested. KCT 1: 2742 2097 0439 9602 4971 6159 6359 1229 3942 9687 KCT 2: 5973 3419 3432 7696 0375 7294 0461 2943 5631 56212022-03-14 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019062ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1444000673309 tariff index 01-21 0101210115735 tariff index 33-01 0101170304634 tariff index 21-01 thanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-14Nofind below 44000673309 tariff index 01-21 44000673309 1 To 21 6042 3817 3906 0348 3972 0652 8390 7327 2112 9309 0101210115735 tariff index 33-01 16268473769278045856 56601366423046200101 0101170304634 tariff index 21-01 thanks 0101170304634 21 To 1 3552 9922 8444 1890 4690 6590 3355 5549 7218 15362022-03-14 beediesarah5@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019061ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1444300013255 1-74 and 74-1MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-14Nofind below 44000498632 TI01 44000498632 1 To 21 0308 3207 9218 2415 1410 0051 1063 1405 6168 8431 44000746659 TI01 44000746659 1 To 21 0846 2130 1309 2670 1117 2673 3327 1671 3262 5979 44000541134 TI01 KCT1: 7371 2262 7685 1906 4153 KCT2: 2283 4127 2599 8298 3749 44000326676 TI01 KCT1: 0018 8450 8629 2058 3035 KCT2: 1407 9735 9961 3058 91582022-03-14 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019060ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1462321150468 from 01 to 37Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-14Nofind below 62321150468 1 To 37 5602 4365 3186 6882 7095 5049 5792 2728 5496 57212022-03-14 okadonyesimona@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019059ClosedKCT Request2022-03-140101215031457 1-74 and 74-2Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-14Nofind below 0101215031457 1 To 74 0825 2848 4596 4726 2261 5527 8931 0729 1104 7921 0101215031457 74 To 2 4994 4349 5230 4237 6636 4633 7257 0890 1981 25002022-03-14 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019058ClosedKCT Request2022-03-141. 0101160358186 2. 0101170146555 Thank you.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-14Nofind below 1. 0101160358186 KCT1: 2744 1642 8903 6497 0601 KCT2: 5648 8818 7903 4975 8065 2. 0101170146555 KCT1: 0243 6375 3120 0005 6910 KCT2: 7244 7736 5999 6329 96382022-03-14 faizahtafida@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019057ClosedKCT Request2022-03-140101215032422(2-1) 54160859325(4-1)MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-14Nofind below 0101215032422 2 To 1 4753 9572 8033 6827 5716 4793 6626 2771 5747 7015 54160859325 4 To 1 5969 5642 5444 3376 6974 0420 8704 0083 5618 96192022-03-14 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019056ClosedKCT Request2022-03-14Good morning, 62321149577 From 02 to 34Medium 2022-03-14Nofind below 62321149577 2 To 34 4229 8435 4433 0999 9576 7224 3036 5757 9727 99892022-03-14 toranyiinkator14@gmail.com
#00019055ClosedKCT Request2022-03-14Kindly provide me with the kct for the customers below: 1. 54161087793 2. 54161004400 3. 54161117811 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-14No1. 54161087793 54161087793 1 To 22 6368 2841 7777 7360 0054 6018 3675 4214 4025 7911 2. 54161004400 54161004400 1 To 24 2931 0959 7601 3929 0432 5835 4231 2041 5965 59962022-03-14 zakimimidoomaureen@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019054ClosedKCT Request2022-03-140101215031457 001 44000658243 Please Sir help us with a KCT Thanks for your support.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-14Nofind below 0101215031457 001 this metre is on 01 on the system contact meter maintenance 44000658243 44000658243 2 To 1 1324 4879 7152 1644 6248 3103 3706 5530 5252 64322022-03-14 yakubaliyu82@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019053ClosedKCT Request2022-03-140101215031457 002 Please Sir help us with a KCT Thanks for your support.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-14Nofind below 0101215031457 2 To 1 5860 7755 9956 0494 8519 1459 7155 0017 2458 83292022-03-14 yakubaliyu82@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019052ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1454161070740 54160733751 all the meters are on 01.Medium 2022-03-14Nofind below 54161070740 54161070740 2 To 21 4487 3356 2874 8645 2209 0911 4445 1747 1281 2464 54160733751 54160733751 1 To 22 2330 0285 7836 3412 5200 4425 4543 1681 1658 53612022-03-14 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com
#00019051ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1421 to 01 01012100338Medium 2022-03-14Nofind below 0101210033896 21 To 1 6881 3895 6964 2189 6424 6679 8017 3024 7108 30662022-03-14 maryambashir4645@gmail.com
#00019050ClosedKCT Request2022-03-14Kindly provide me with the kct for the customer below:. 54161141350 Thank youMedium 2022-03-14Nofind below 54161141350 2 To 21 3196 2742 8800 9574 9724 5488 7853 3899 7657 17632022-03-14 zakimimidoomaureen@gmail.com
#00019049ClosedKCT Request2022-03-14Kindly provide me with the kct for the customer below: 54161136889 Thank youMedium 2022-03-14Nofind below 54161136889 2 To 21 5359 0695 1765 6970 5787 0466 7219 5486 1483 62602022-03-14 zakimimidoomaureen@gmail.com
#00019048ClosedRequest2022-03-14DEBT PROFILE 95300160330Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-14Nofind below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 760258 Debt Repayment ₦5,133.70 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦3,133.70 M 2022-02-25 ₦2,000.00 2022-03-13 find below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 760258 Debt Repayment ₦5,133.70 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦3,133.70 M 2022-02-25 ₦2,000.00 2022-03-132022-03-14 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019047ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1154161073520. 01Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-11Nofind below 54161073520 2 To 1 3680 7160 3240 2748 0379 6133 9267 8921 5095 1796 find below 54161073520 2 To 1 3680 7160 3240 2748 0379 6133 9267 8921 5095 17962022-03-11 uduhaleje@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019046ClosedKCT Request2022-03-10Dear Sir, Kindly assist with this CONLOG KCT 04247970017 04227871102 Thanks in anticipation of your usual support . Davou JatauMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-11Nofind below 04247970017 6800 2256 0909 4607 3295 6943 8174 1197 7668 6505 04227871102 0578 2618 5207 4444 4061 2628 1364 9549 5020 15012022-03-11 jatsong1@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019045ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1162321151581 from 001to 037 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-11Nofind below 62321151581 50851635279913451408 433591239576920007592022-03-11 faithelisha1990@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019044ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1154161073520. 01 95300163029. 01 TO 21 019500000724. 21 TO 01MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-11No54161073520. 01 this meter is on 01 on the system contact meter maintenance 95300163029. 01 TO 21 1 To 21 5337 8876 2146 6916 0734 5092 7654 2168 0795 67062022-03-11 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019043ClosedKCT Request2022-03-11Kindly assist to generate KCT for the following 0101210111411 thanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-11Nofind below 0101210111411 1 To 33 5032 7303 7589 9584 2673 4441 6163 5476 6766 84242022-03-11 yinknuga2002@yahoo.co.uk Umar Auwal
#00019042In ProgressKCT Request2022-03-11Kct from 01 to 45 for this MSN: 44000530426 Thank youMedium 2022-03-11Nofind below 44000530426 1 To 45 2163 6519 9921 4778 9586 2187 9575 1500 8205 83600000-00-00 yuzarsif331122@gmail.com
#00019041ClosedKCT Request2022-03-110101170441600 21Medium 2022-03-11Nofind below 0101170441600 21 To 1 0135 2828 3166 2936 7146 0799 3666 0381 5649 92712022-03-11 uduhaleje@gmail.com
#00019040ClosedRequest2022-03-11Request for debt profile-0101170459180MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-11Nofind below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 669610 Debt Repayment ₦59,458.44 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦59,458.44 M 2022-02-15 ₦0.00 2022-02-212022-03-11 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019039ClosedRequest2022-03-11MSN 0101170456202Medium 2022-03-11NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 619484 Debt Repayment ₦18,108.72 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦16,108.72 M 2022-02-18 ₦2,000.00 2022-03-112022-03-11 mwuladi@yahoo.com
#00019038ClosedKCT Request2022-03-11Meter no 0101210111411 Formal tarrif index is 0002 present is 0033 Kind regardsMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-11Nofind below 33 To 2 3222 9680 4345 0229 0135 2549 5782 3089 3919 32532022-03-11 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019037ClosedKCT Request2022-03-11Meter no 0101210111411 Formal tarrif index is 0002 present is 0033 Kind regardsMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-11Nofind below 33 To 2 3222 9680 4345 0229 0135 2549 5782 3089 3919 32532022-03-11 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019036ClosedKCT Request2022-03-110101170434688 33. 0101215019791 74. 54161073520 01 0101170194555 21MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-11Nofind below 0101170434688 33. 33 To 1 3240 2884 8900 5566 3189 5805 2776 5866 5736 8029 0101215019791 74. 74 To 1 1185 1065 3394 3911 0836 6540 7036 3364 2341 3197 54161073520 01 0101170194555 21 21 To 1 4898 3119 3494 9366 5749 6814 5833 0176 2709 11372022-03-11 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019035ClosedKCT Request2022-03-11KCT from 74 to 1 for this MSN: 54161067647 Thank YouMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-11Nohello find below 54161067647 74 To 1 2717 6771 0674 7481 3951 1155 0212 3013 6789 22302022-03-11 yuzarsif331122@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019034ClosedKCT Request2022-03-11KCt. 44000732667MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-03-11Nofind below 44000732667 1 To 21 2513 5059 9918 7854 8664 1565 2234 3295 3676 84962022-03-11 funkebalogun81@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00019033ClosedVending History2022-03-11# Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 9650163160956324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-09-14 09:52:43 Meter No.: 54160868649 Account No.: 510359 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 54.73 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 3882 2496 9699 2351 6689 2 Transaction ID: 4756161822501924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-12 11:56:59 Meter No.: 54160868649 Account No.: 510359 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 94.94 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 5327 9536 1855 1152 7509Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-03-11Nofind attached as requested,2022-03-11 infortech4life@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00019032ClosedKCT Request2022-03-1144000405629 01 TO 21Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-11Nofind below, 43792162968448814758 074399901415755636392022-03-11 infortech4life@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019031ClosedKCT Request2022-03-11Kindly assist to generate KCT for the following MSN: 0101210184251 0101210184152 0101210184293 0101210175175 0101210116113 0101210184657 0101210117087 0101210183493 0101210184319 0101210183881 0101210184269 0101210184160 0101210184301 0101210133761 0101210184178 0101210184236 0101210184186 0101210119448 0101210119562 0101210184210 0101210155251 0101210117079 0101210152894 0101210152597Medium 2022-03-11No0101210184251 1 To 45 0549 2380 7874 7644 2826 4384 3931 9917 6600 0717 0101210184152 1 To 45 3017 6865 8635 3789 3483 4441 1853 3456 0051 0976 0101210184293 1 To 45 6100 6556 1664 3192 1686 1234 1706 1892 5967 2885 0101210175175 No data available in table 0101210116113 1 To 45 1826 1383 4006 9065 9953 5012 1922 2449 5540 0822 0101210184657 1 To 45 5209 0462 9406 3528 5679 3473 9550 2542 6567 1500 0101210117087 1 To 45 1841 5751 9770 9670 7334 5192 7502 0921 0247 8124 0101210183493 1 To 45 4798 2254 8639 7845 2773 5884 9021 0042 8246 1281 0101210184319 1 To 45 1292 6554 5375 8342 7496 7213 6955 6784 2724 1702 0101210183881 1 To 45 5793 7150 9200 8561 5213 7174 4341 1424 2709 8227 0101210184269 1 To 45 0866 7203 7217 5780 1944 1571 7876 1777 0076 6107 0101210184160 61588438287375599189 32167820054389198545 0101210184301 1 To 45 5752 8134 3137 0626 7971 1869 9381 3835 7736 1942 0101210133761 1 To 45 0983 0063 1890 6417 9104 0756 0919 7513 8082 8100 0101210184178 1 To 45 4029 6023 1703 8151 5657 6961 5733 3226 8404 1935 0101210184236 1 To 45 4962 8735 9423 8806 5847 3561 4201 3630 9062 2245 0101210184186 1 To 45 1835 2429 6008 8467 3851 4521 4140 5138 3645 3916 0101210119448 1 To 45 1556 8392 0131 5542 5492 7094 4973 8798 4563 1029 0101210119562 1 To 45 5099 9711 5607 1507 5758 6500 4119 3190 0812 5286 0101210184210 1 To 45 2654 5528 6918 4495 1033 6384 7943 6600 0783 0307 0101210155251 1 To 45 6157 8517 0589 1740 3797 6208 1196 1528 5116 6721 0101210117079 1 To 45 1244 4270 1645 3728 3034 1642 9229 7672 6059 1405 0101210152894 1 To 45 3692 4342 2291 7547 7834 5020 3610 2256 3282 1816 0101210152597 1 To 45 3922 7914 8939 4269 0574 4519 5056 1706 8191 31652022-03-11 yinknuga2002@yahoo.co.uk
#00019030ClosedKCT Request2022-03-11Kindly provide me with the debt profile of the customer below: 54160998453Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-11NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 443708 Debt Repayment ₦125,158.98 ₦-24,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦81,158.98 M 2020-03-10 ₦20,000.00 2022-03-112022-03-11 zakimimidoomaureen@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019029ClosedKCT Request2022-03-11REQUEST FOR KCT FROM 045 - CURRENT TARIFF 95300193406Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-11Nofind below 95300193406 45 To 1 2341 6163 9895 4989 3319 2400 9036 3916 3855 93332022-03-11 nmaisugar@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019028ClosedRequest2022-03-11DEBT PROFILE 54161051526Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-11Nofind below Search: Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 645410 Debt Repayment ₦75,313.06 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦75,313.06 M 2022-02-15 ₦0.00 0000-00-002022-03-11 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019027ClosedKCT Request2022-03-110101210019192(4) Good morning team please kindly treat thank you.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-11Nofind below 0101210019192 4 To 1 4605 0141 2666 3810 4847 5719 0857 4698 2577 65842022-03-11 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019026ClosedKCT Request2022-03-10find below 0101215021979 2 To 1 5952 0113 2000 1030 8369 7227 8416 0291 1877 9204Medium 2022-03-11No0101215021979 current tariff 002 Please sir help us With a KCT Thanks for your support.2022-03-10 yakubaliyu82@gmail.com
#00019025ClosedKCT Request2022-03-10A) 54160975899 from index 01 to 21 B) 54150601505 from index 01 to 21 C) 0101170225367 from index 01 to 21Medium 2022-03-11NoPlease can you assist us with the KCT of the following meters with their respective index as they purchased token on 16th February 22 A) 54160975899 from index 01 to 21 B) 54150601505 from index 01 to 21 C) 0101170225367 from index 01 to 21 Thank you sir2022-03-10 samueldchun@gmail.com
#00019024ClosedKCT Request2022-03-100101200017750 074-001 Please sir help us with a KCT Thanks for your support.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-03-11Nofind below 0101200017750 74 To 1 0753 7924 0310 2965 7049 1894 7964 4360 2691 94512022-03-10 yakubaliyu82@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00019023ClosedKCT Request2022-02-15Kindly assist to generate KCT for 0101210120651 tariff index 0004 0101205015668 tariff index 0002 0101210145385 0101210147613 tariff index 0001MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-15Nohello, find below. 0101210120651 04 To 33 5716 0606 1125 5016 1669 3029 0554 5421 7848 0085 0101205015668 02 To 34 5740 2920 0165 8314 4636 3081 7929 1699 4442 3816 0101210145385 01 To 45 5156 5671 0948 8827 4564 7117 5041 1582 0565 4008 0101210147613 01 To 45 3753 5590 8603 5118 1444 4752 5119 4110 0794 17942022-02-15 yinknuga2002@yahoo.co.uk Umar Auwal
#00019022ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1595300175999 54161009789MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-08Nofind below. 95300175999 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 54161009789 54161009789 01 To 04 2378 5855 8120 0991 0378 0259 3505 8595 0650 52982022-02-15 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019021ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1544000607315MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-15Nofind below. 44000607315 44000607315 01 To 02 5315 0399 9553 7178 0423 6231 0208 4605 7053 6940 Regards. Auwal Umar Bako IT Support Information and Communication Technology Jos Electricity Distribution Plc.2022-02-15 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019020ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1544000658268 (21 to 45) 0101210062408 (45 to 01 and 01 to 45) 0101210032922 (45 to 01 and 01 to 45)MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-15Nofind below. 44000658268 44000658268 21 To 45 3172 0607 6885 4958 6847 3197 4035 0432 7475 5769 0101210062408 0101210062408 45 To 01 2318 3502 5960 1790 6800 3813 0903 0429 0245 2038 0101210062408 01 To 45 6903 4371 2664 3766 2341 0648 3524 9143 2247 3481 0101210032922 0101210032922 45 To 01 6263 3537 0592 5459 1966 4726 8282 3187 7085 1039 0101210032922 01 To 45 1756 2786 2102 6151 1135 5536 5072 5148 6157 91182022-02-15 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019019ClosedRequest2022-02-15Request for outstanding balance meter no 0101195003146MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-15Nofind below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 662142185601 Debt Repayment ₦62,921.44 ₦-33,463.52 ₦2,000.00 ₦27,457.92 M 2022-01-31 ₦2,000.00 2022-02-102022-02-15 benmercyladi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019018ClosedKCT Request2022-02-150101200068480 (03 to 45) 0101210112070 (21 to 01 and 01 to 21) 0101190139390 (04 to 01 and 01 to 04) 0101210047839MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-15Nofind below. 0101200068480 (03 to 45) 0101200068480 03 To 45 6898 8554 8514 5916 8331 2722 2702 4571 1003 6524 0101210112070 (21 to 01 and 01 to 21) 0101210112070 01 To 21 1783 2917 4557 3393 9843 2327 9388 3078 5607 0066 0101190139390 (04 to 01 and 01 to 04) 0101190139390 04 To 01 5646 5571 8127 8205 0039 0712 7574 8739 1942 9729 0101190139390 01 To 04 5160 7991 8686 0599 7920 3249 8708 9707 8391 4278 0101210047839 0101210047839 01 To 45 6033 3508 6991 3499 4480 3262 2212 9441 1948 0470 0101210112070 21 To 01 7304 2083 4117 6416 1401 0122 5351 1613 0745 61332022-02-15 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019017ClosedKCT Request2022-02-15Kindly generate the KCT number of this meter. The meter is on 021 index 0101150169205 ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-15Nofind below. 0101150169205 21 To 01 0181 6613 1853 4063 9722 4037 4785 5670 5597 00032022-02-15 abdullahinaziru186@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019016ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1544000567253Medium 2022-02-15Nofind below. 44000567253 44000567253 01 To 21 5582 1563 2916 2967 5432 4568 4337 9871 9065 8500 Regards.2022-02-15 auwalmashall6@gmail.com
#00019015ClosedRequest2022-02-150101160015711.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-08Nofind below. 01011600157112022-02-15 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00019014ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1544000493344 (1-21) 44000685352 (1-21) 44000743110(1-33) 44000743102(1-33) 44000680932 44000680825 0101205019496Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-15NoFind below, 44000493344 (1-21) 2817 9832 7584 5994 6385 5826 1674 8226 6357 3320 44000685352 (1-21) 0738 3480 2658 0136 0768 0536 7793 2238 9501 7436 44000743110(1-33) 3839 6857 1018 8256 9761 1218 0698 9860 7009 8266 44000743102(1-33) 3669 9269 6428 9217 3514 6155 2369 1438 9338 2988 44000680932 0996 5781 0701 0779 2185 5239 6208 9719 3124 1663 44000680825 3180 6354 6693 4134 2955 6225 8631 4686 0178 8100 0101205019496 0436 2410 9761 0038 3156 2121 5862 3884 6007 00682022-02-15 ummilois2@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019013ClosedKCT Request2022-02-150101200068480 (03 to 45) 0101210112070 (21 to 01 and 01 to 21) 0101190139390 (04 to 01 and 01 to 04) 0101210047839Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-15No0101200068480 (03 to 45) 6898 8554 8514 5916 8331 2722 2702 4571 1003 6524 0101210112070 (21 to 01 and 01 to 21) 01 To 21 1783 2917 4557 3393 9843 2327 9388 3078 5607 0066 21 To 01 7304 2083 4117 6416 1401 0122 5351 1613 0745 6133 0101190139390 (04 to 01 and 01 to 04) 5160 7991 8686 0599 7920 3249 8708 9707 8391 4278 0101210047839 6033 3508 6991 3499 4480 3262 2212 9441 1948 04702022-02-15 ademugeorge@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019012ClosedKCT Request2022-02-15KCT GENERATION from 21 to 01 44000654200Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-15No6975 9628 9568 3607 7196 0264 8513 9886 7721 74312022-02-15 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019011ClosedKCT Request2022-02-15KCT GENERATION 44000507200Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-15No6783 4479 2869 9193 5492 6202 1219 2678 2765 36482022-02-15 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019010ClosedTamper Code2022-02-1544000499424 54161000606Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-15No44000499424 5001 5405 2590 5966 0739 54161000606 1052 5425 7278 3986 67202022-02-15 rolandjames750@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019009ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1544000731942 44000600351 44000666774 0101210033367 44000493435 0101210104382 44000539724 44000555985Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-15NoFind below, 44000731942 This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 44000600351 1837 4672 5282 7932 4858 4645 8794 1140 1529 0583 44000666774 6294 0343 3048 6543 7904 0824 3170 0632 6533 6910 0101210033367 3868 6647 4144 5062 9326 5421 1385 6459 7624 7378 44000493435 1538 4502 5122 0825 3899 4469 9528 6789 1767 6273 0101210104382 6336 1791 1996 2766 1444 5789 9383 4478 5657 4457 44000539724 1150 0796 0402 9269 4703 5508 2376 7495 5039 1517 44000555985 5504 2768 0993 5718 3115 0025 8013 4309 0739 64862022-02-15 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019008ClosedRequest2022-02-15Please kindly treat MSN 0101170244111MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-15NoFind below Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6123325384-01 Debt Repayment ₦112,934.70 ₦-5.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦112,929.70 M 2019-05-16 ₦0.00 2021-05-312022-02-15 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00019007ClosedVending History2022-02-15: REQUEST FOR VH -0101170167999/08036877926Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-15No# Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 6384164400389824 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-04 20:44:58 Meter No.: 0101170167999 Account No.: 6127220111-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 23.71 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 2017 0227 0062 3308 4494 2 Transaction ID: 2519164274263824 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-01-21 06:23:58 Meter No.: 0101170167999 Account No.: 6127220111-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 26.18 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 1197 8505 5507 4995 4471 3 Transaction ID: 8864164187869024 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-01-11 06:24:51 Meter No.: 0101170167999 Account No.: 6127220111-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 39.27 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 2220 0531 3332 1420 9875 4 Transaction ID: 0428164046412724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-12-25 21:28:47 Meter No.: 0101170167999 Account No.: 6127220111-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 41.27 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 1598 7390 9168 6382 5709 5 Transaction ID: 8153163917088124 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-12-10 22:14:41 Meter No.: 0101170167999 Account No.: 6127220111-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 41.27 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 2872 0796 4921 4601 1140 6 Transaction ID: 8529163638596524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-08 16:39:25 Meter No.: 0101170167999 Account No.: 6127220111-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 41.27 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 7140 2855 8756 6427 5363 7 Transaction ID: 3877163372963524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-10-08 22:47:15 Meter No.: 0101170167999 Account No.: 6127220111-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 55.03 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 4206 9448 8960 8216 4182 8 Transaction ID: 7366163292311624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-09-29 14:45:16 Meter No.: 0101170167999 Account No.: 6127220111-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 27.51 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 6914 2883 0919 8971 9872 9 Transaction ID: 2746163232195124 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-09-22 15:45:51 Meter No.: 0101170167999 Account No.: 6127220111-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 27.51 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 7147 7676 1886 9316 3533 10 Transaction ID: 9932163139254424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-09-11 21:35:44 Meter No.: 0101170167999 Account No.: 6127220111-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 27.51 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 4520 3754 2329 4215 2020 # Transaction Details Token Details 11 Transaction ID: 8366163066675324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-09-03 11:59:13 Meter No.: 0101170167999 Account No.: 6127220111-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 27.51 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 1988 9273 9991 1248 8417 12 Transaction ID: 3162162922950024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-08-17 20:45:00 Meter No.: 0101170167999 Account No.: 6127220111-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 43.87 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 4853 3647 9830 5062 8377 13 Transaction ID: 8922162815501524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-08-05 10:16:55 Meter No.: 0101170167999 Account No.: 6127220111-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 29.24 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 6652 0490 4462 8422 3866 14 Transaction ID: 1841162755411424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-07-29 11:21:54 Meter No.: 0101170167999 Account No.: 6127220111-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 29.24 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 6958 1570 0374 4574 7646 15 Transaction ID: 1792162651298624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-07-17 10:09:47 Meter No.: 0101170167999 Account No.: 6127220111-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 29.24 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 3944 3662 4348 2541 0745 16 Transaction ID: 8612162567242224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-07-07 16:40:23 Meter No.: 0101170167999 Account No.: 6127220111-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 29.24 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 6204 9251 4770 5865 0380 17 Transaction ID: 1117162471124424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-06-26 13:40:44 Meter No.: 0101170167999 Account No.: 6127220111-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 29.24 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 3421 2471 3037 7393 2447 18 Transaction ID: 1473162393889924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-06-17 15:08:19 Meter No.: 0101170167999 Account No.: 6127220111-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 29.24 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 1896 6924 9237 5447 4977 19 Transaction ID: 4627162263750224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-06-02 13:38:22 Meter No.: 0101170167999 Account No.: 6127220111-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 29.24 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 6306 9608 8879 7933 2537 20 Transaction ID: 1251162195185224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-25 15:10:52 Meter No.: 0101170167999 Account No.: 6127220111-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 29.24 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 5460 9359 5160 7468 1074 # Transaction Details Token Details 21 Transaction ID: 7646162107644924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-15 12:00:49 Meter No.: 0101170167999 Account No.: 6127220111-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 29.24 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 4919 6496 7342 3094 3578 22 Transaction ID: 8939162038339424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-07 11:29:54 Meter No.: 0101170167999 Account No.: 6127220111-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 29.24 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 1661 8415 2976 1501 1042 23 Transaction ID: 6816161832364924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-13 15:20:49 Meter No.: 0101170167999 Account No.: 6127220111-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 58.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 4756 7772 0695 2486 3750 24 Transaction ID: 1150161746201224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-03 16:00:12 Meter No.: 0101170167999 Account No.: 6127220111-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 29.24 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 5314 7280 0200 5244 6240 25 Transaction ID: 3612161623683824 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-20 11:40:38 Meter No.: 0101170167999 Account No.: 6127220111-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 31.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 2597 0201 6587 3241 6862 26 Transaction ID: 1419161418161224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-24 16:46:52 Meter No.: 0101170167999 Account No.: 6127220111-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 31.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 0254 7462 2458 2128 7506 27 Transaction ID: 4741161140894924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-23 14:35:49 Meter No.: 0101170167999 Account No.: 6127220111-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 31.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 5613 9779 7456 3807 15452022-02-15 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00019006ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1554161166498 from 0001 toMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-15No0228 5272 2803 5738 2936 1585 9795 8262 5989 67902022-02-15 dogoreuben@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019005ClosedKCT Request2022-02-15Please kindly treat MSN 54160743974Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-15No3669 7328 1212 2829 9411 1686 0181 4792 7997 15072022-02-15 mwuladi@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00019004ClosedKCT Request2022-02-15Good morning, Kindly provide me with the Kct for the customer below: 0101210003634 from 01 to 33 Thank youMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-15NoKindly provide me with the Kct for the customer below: 0101210003634 from 01 to 33 Thank you2022-02-15 zakimimidoomaureen@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019003ClosedKCT Request2022-02-15Kindly provide me with the Kct for the customer below: 0101210003634 from 01 to 33 Thank youMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-15No6743 1931 2052 1390 2496 1170 0935 9746 4857 50582022-02-15 zakimimidoomaureen@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019002ClosedKCT Request2022-02-15Request for KCT meter no 01012050155-9 oche JosephMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-15NoHello, This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2022-02-15 benmercyladi@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019001ClosedKCT Request2022-02-15Kindly assist to generate kct for 62321156457Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-15No1586 4934 6993 0336 2961 3690 9473 0749 3727 30622022-02-15 akogwuada@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00019000ClosedKCT Request2022-02-15Please kindly treat MSN 0101161000209Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-15NoAccount No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6126270948-01 Debt Repayment ₦165,389.40 ₦-53,130.06 ₦2,000.00 ₦104,259.34 M 2019-02-19 ₦8,000.00 2021-09-302022-02-15 mwuladi@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00018999ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1562321153082 from 001 to 037 62321145500 from 001 to 037 Thank you.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-15Nofind below. 62321153082 from 001 to 037 62321153082 01 To 37 5137 7081 9193 3951 5551 5855 4937 3817 7008 6355 62321145500 from 001 to 037 62321145500 01 To 37 6962 4947 7824 8665 3506 2306 8628 5760 1333 40722022-02-15 faithelisha1990@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018998ClosedKCT Request2022-02-150101190020749 1-21 and 21-1 44000605459MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-15Nofind below. 0101190020749 1-21 and 21-1 0101190020749 01 To 21 5328 2635 4308 6451 9626 2830 3153 5621 6335 1471 0101190020749 21 To 01 6541 1310 9535 8886 2173 3241 5998 8538 0234 4587 44000605459 44000605459 01 To 03 1635 6668 1646 6894 1231 5036 1035 3702 4832 95232022-02-15 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018997ClosedRequest2022-02-150101170420976MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-15Nofind below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6123530714-01 Debt Repayment ₦241,008.57 ₦-23,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦210,008.57 M 2019-01-21 ₦8,000.00 2021-09-272022-02-15 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018996ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1544000731230MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-15Nofind below. 44000731230 01 To 55 3507 2181 5669 5438 9508 1151 8544 0353 1271 25962022-02-15 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018995ClosedKCT Request2022-02-15Please the above subject refers. 0195000007003 0101215013935MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-15Nofind below. 0195000007003 0195000007003 02 To 35 4054 1746 8178 2908 7757 5947 8634 5109 3565 0384 0101215013935 0101215013935 02 To 45 1871 2966 0321 7777 0880 7073 4495 4737 9670 33782022-02-15 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018994ClosedVending History2022-02-15REQUEST FOR VH -0101170167999/08036877926MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-15No# Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 6384164400389824 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-02-04 20:44:58 Meter No.: 0101170167999 Account No.: 6127220111-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 23.71 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 2017 0227 0062 3308 4494 2 Transaction ID: 2519164274263824 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-01-21 06:23:58 Meter No.: 0101170167999 Account No.: 6127220111-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 26.18 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 1197 8505 5507 4995 4471 3 Transaction ID: 8864164187869024 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-01-11 06:24:51 Meter No.: 0101170167999 Account No.: 6127220111-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 39.27 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 2220 0531 3332 1420 9875 4 Transaction ID: 0428164046412724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-12-25 21:28:47 Meter No.: 0101170167999 Account No.: 6127220111-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 41.27 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 1598 7390 9168 6382 5709 5 Transaction ID: 8153163917088124 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-12-10 22:14:41 Meter No.: 0101170167999 Account No.: 6127220111-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 41.27 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 2872 0796 4921 4601 1140 6 Transaction ID: 8529163638596524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-08 16:39:25 Meter No.: 0101170167999 Account No.: 6127220111-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 41.27 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 7140 2855 8756 6427 5363 7 Transaction ID: 3877163372963524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-10-08 22:47:15 Meter No.: 0101170167999 Account No.: 6127220111-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 55.03 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 4206 9448 8960 8216 4182 8 Transaction ID: 7366163292311624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-09-29 14:45:16 Meter No.: 0101170167999 Account No.: 6127220111-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 27.51 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 6914 2883 0919 8971 9872 9 Transaction ID: 2746163232195124 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-09-22 15:45:51 Meter No.: 0101170167999 Account No.: 6127220111-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 27.51 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 7147 7676 1886 9316 3533 10 Transaction ID: 9932163139254424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-09-11 21:35:44 Meter No.: 0101170167999 Account No.: 6127220111-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 27.51 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 4520 3754 2329 4215 2020 Regards.2022-02-15 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00018993ClosedKCT Request2022-02-15Please kindly treat MSN 0101190133492 (02 to 01) (01 to 02)Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-15NoDear Wuladi. Find below as requested. 02 To 01 2537 8953 1597 2927 2615 2562 9966 9598 2181 4906 01 To 02 7197 8425 8724 5226 9765 1536 3623 9551 8359 75332022-02-15 mwuladi@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00018992ClosedKCT Request2022-02-15Please, kindly furnish me with KCT on the correct tariff index for this customer below: MSN: INDEX: 0101190146106. 03 to 33Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-15NoFind below as requested. 3008 3162 7547 1082 3972 0973 1271 0266 4530 70442022-02-15 wyontochae@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018991ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1554161145823(3-1) 54150639851Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-15NoFind below as requested. 54161145823(3-1) 5893 8655 7009 5577 8827 6943 1372 6615 9426 1562 54150639851..........is on TI 012022-02-15 ummilois2@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018990ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1544000748242Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-15NoFind below as requested. 1221 9247 3558 8758 7551 1889 4799 4792 1440 78492022-02-15 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018989ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1562321143570 from 01 to 34Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-15NoDear Shaagee. Find below as requested. 4588 0834 1400 0640 7843 3134 5409 6679 6479 25362022-02-15 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018988ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1544000572170Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-15NoFind below as requested. 5654 3372 0105 8643 6389 5217 6331 9555 7045 59062022-02-15 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018987ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1562321148702 from 001 to 034 62321204091 from 001 to 034 62321165094 from 001 to 037 Thank youMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-15NoFind below as requested. 62321148702 from 001 to 034 1569 6080 6817 0000 3997 5330 4886 7211 9409 7805 62321204091 from 001 to 034 5357 0924 3238 4117 6833 6494 3779 2547 1757 2564 62321165094 from 001 to 037 6663 2741 3506 0003 2321 3044 6026 9864 6939 76522022-02-15 faithelisha1990@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018986ClosedKCT Request2022-02-15KCT request - 44000508232Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-15NoDear Lucky. Find below as requested. 4139 1670 8996 1306 6881 6794 1586 0036 4601 50842022-02-15 stynlucs@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00018985ClosedKCT Request2022-02-150101210159519 From 0033 to 01 Tnk u sirMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-15NoFind below, 7331 1970 9478 2491 7231 6524 9088 3429 0877 59462022-02-15 yusufibrahimbaba440@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00018984ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1544000743359 0101161032194 33-21Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-15No44000743359 5602 2123 6592 9678 3763 5902 6445 5540 1801 2206 0101161032194 33-21 2055 9333 1813 7795 3173 4628 2508 0564 3380 23442022-02-15 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00018983ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1544000641413Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-15NoFind below, 44000641413 3818 2781 2012 4901 9138 0584 5667 7001 1281 91542022-02-08 ummilois2@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00018982ClosedKCT Request2022-02-15Please kindly treat MSN 44000520252 44000520260 Thank youMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-15NoFind below, 44000520252 0173 5961 9367 3798 6836 3255 4290 8254 6915 8999 44000520260 6578 8871 3022 4487 4429 5440 9188 0718 0647 10642022-02-15 mwuladi@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00018981ClosedKCT Request2022-02-15Good morning sir,the meter is querried and it is on 033 and the customer is on 01.please i will be glad if the kct is created from 033 to 01. 0101210034779Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-15NoFind below, 6186 3254 9717 0382 3478 6970 4855 7275 1281 99272022-02-15 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00018980ClosedTamper Code2022-02-1544000621290Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-15NoFind below, 1157 5035 8798 0402 31872022-02-15 wyontochae@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00018979ClosedKCT Request2022-02-15KCT GENERATION 0101210034126Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-15No4106 0115 1921 8032 4617 1870 1383 3401 9201 98482022-02-15 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00018978Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00018977ClosedKCT Request2022-02-15KCT GENERATION from 01 to 33 95300158748Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-15No4119 0388 4335 1376 3648 2145 4699 7296 4733 85132022-02-15 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00018976ClosedKCT Request2022-02-150101210159519 From 0033 to 01 thank you sirMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-15NoThis meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-02-15 yusufibrahimbaba440@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00018975ClosedKCT Request2022-02-15Please Kindly help me generate the kct of 44000498111 the tariff is 0001Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-15No44000600351 1837 4672 5282 7932 4858 4645 8794 1140 1529 0583 44000666774 6294 0343 3048 6543 7904 0824 3170 0632 6533 6910 44000494458 4580 9617 0839 9812 8008 2294 8255 4727 3713 1351 44000652709 6409 7006 5919 4973 3709 3735 1767 5780 8411 6456 44300000294 4636 4631 9076 4199 1803 5653 0045 1307 0844 0696 95300208915 TI33 It is also on 033 on our system. So, it does not require KCT. 0101190002408 2327 5738 3340 6289 3483 0157 7372 1611 6666 2697 0101170172775 5609 0261 3805 3069 9608 2074 6896 9935 2084 0397 0101170370148 3857 6706 5714 3638 7971 6855 6015 9492 6951 1375 0101215020591 1946 3947 5954 7671 8430 4315 7232 4592 8115 08902022-02-15 munirishaqjos@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00018974ClosedTamper Code2022-02-1444000621290MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-14NoHello Find below 44000621290 01 To 21 4827 4917 1943 1793 7726 1440 9563 3248 4292 90972022-02-14 wyontochae@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018973ClosedKCT Request2022-02-14REQUEST FOR KCT - 44000542306MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-14NoFind below 44000542306 01 To 21 2384 4415 6054 3802 9690 4970 7397 9516 7893 65842022-02-14 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018972ClosedKCT Request2022-02-14Request for KCT 62321140675 TI 01 to 02MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-14NoFind below 62321140675 01 To 02 6640 1820 9833 0650 1786 1910 5945 8498 7778 06462022-02-14 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00018971ClosedKCT Request2022-02-14: KCT GENERATION 0195000001840Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-14NoFind below, 7318 0238 0947 0258 2731 2453 0868 7881 5315 43922022-02-14 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00018970ClosedKCT Request2022-02-140101170298786 0101210049686 (02 to 01 and 01 to 02) 0101210131484 (02 to 01 and 01 to 02) 0101215008935 (02 to 34)MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-14NoFind below. 0101170298786 0101170298786 01 To 33 3367 9226 5298 3530 6211 7282 1289 1287 9974 3102 0101210049686 (02 to 01 and 01 to 02) 0101210049686 01 To 02 7106 1112 8052 0161 3743 7141 4004 1233 7876 3551 0101210049686 02 To 01 4367 7282 8819 6324 8098 1130 2749 2528 0074 3012 0101210131484 (02 to 01 and 01 to 02) 0101210131484 01 To 02 0318 2240 6823 9372 7393 5025 3565 5443 5149 4402 0101210131484 02 To 01 5357 8480 6304 8862 0311 5489 3923 7921 0009 2720 0101215008935 (02 to 34) 0101215008935 02 To 34 2511 5826 5024 0331 8026 7105 8158 6531 5624 23342022-02-14 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018969ClosedRequest2022-02-14Request for Debt profile 54161157067Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-14NoFind below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 504080 Debt Repayment ₦193,618.98 ₦-140,433.63 ₦2,000.00 ₦26,185.35 M 2019-03-30 ₦27,000.00 2021-12-292022-02-14 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00018968ClosedKCT Request2022-02-14Please the above subject refers. 0101170428904Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-14NoFind below, 3298 0173 2380 3634 1649 2365 6920 7295 1410 15962022-02-14 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00018967ClosedKCT Request2022-02-14Dear support kindly generate KCT for MSN: 44000494458Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-14NoFind below, 4580 9617 0839 9812 8008 2294 8255 4727 3713 13512022-02-14 jubilant95@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00018966ClosedRequest2022-02-14Request for Debt profile 54161157067Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-14NoFind below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 504080 Debt Repayment ₦193,618.98 ₦-140,433.63 ₦2,000.00 ₦26,185.35 M 2019-03-30 ₦27,000.00 2021-12-292022-02-14 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00018965ClosedTamper Code2022-02-140101210125155 tariff index 0001 0101210165409 tariff index 0001 0101210171241 tariff index 0001Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-14No0101210125155 tariff index 0001 6874 9310 0617 9375 0951 4596 7207 3764 8413 9769 0101210165409 tariff index 0001 5585 4434 9017 1578 7203 4997 6838 9535 3363 8504 0101210171241 tariff index 0001 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-02-14 akogwuada@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00018964ClosedTamper Code2022-02-140195000007003Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-14NoFind below, 7293 8029 7205 9113 74722022-02-14 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00018963ClosedTamper Code2022-02-140101200076228 0101200006233 0101210091886 0101210084840 0101210048480 0101175101779 0101210198194 0101200016349 44000674901 KCT 44000382976Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-14NoFind the KCT below, 44000382976 6548 7016 5393 3162 2085 0812 7699 2270 6121 62352022-02-14 sadiqabdullahi62@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00018962ClosedTamper Code2022-02-1444300007075 44300004197 54161099343 54160739477 44000341808 44000641413 54161146516 0101200059207Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-14NoFind below, 44300007075 0647 6181 4398 9560 2317 44300004197 6592 0731 3949 3213 6522 54161099343 1383 3919 9504 5149 0897 54160739477 4115 5529 8615 5479 1553 44000341808 4108 1638 4861 3814 9065 44000641413 2448 0381 7428 3385 7051 54161146516 0369 2411 1425 9903 3335 0101200059207 Invalid STS meter2022-02-14 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00018961ClosedTamper Code2022-02-14Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101215020658 0101200069207Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-14NoFind below, 0101215020658 4834 9804 0289 0827 3898 0101200069207 This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2022-02-14 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00018960ClosedKCT Request2022-02-140101170313247 0101170457416 0101200066633Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-14No0101170313247 6802 9876 4297 5122 3603 0101170457416 2324 5833 1188 7236 1002 0101200066633 3992 6755 1747 1731 82022022-02-14 rolandjames750@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00018959ClosedRequest2022-02-14Request for CTT - 0101170457416, 01200079131, 0101200066633Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-14NoHello, This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2022-02-14 stynlucs@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00018958ClosedKCT Request2022-02-14Request for CTT - 0101170457416, 0101200079131, 0101200066633MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-14No0101170457416 2324 5833 1188 7236 1002 0101200079131 2720 3857 7329 8289 8338 0101200066633 3992 6755 1747 1731 82022022-02-14 stynlucs@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00018957ClosedKCT Request2022-02-14Please the above subject refers. 0101170428904MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-14No44000668978 44000729051 440007482832022-02-14 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018956ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1444000668978 44000729051 44000748283MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-14NoFind below 4000748283 01 To 21 4611 4349 5786 0278 6277 5157 8362 5648 2859 76852022-02-14 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018955ClosedKCT Request2022-02-14Request for KCT 0101200109508MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-14NoFind below 44000530145 01 To 21 7347 5103 3024 2456 0405 4569 3144 6441 8314 33072022-02-14 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018954ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1444000668978 44000729051 44000748283MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-14Nofind below 44000729051 01 To 21 2602 5126 6595 9828 9428 0572 5907 9282 9091 74812022-02-14 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018953ClosedKCT Request2022-02-140101210187080 tariff index 0001 0101210102733 tariff index 0001 0101205013036 tariff index 0002 54160986235 tariff index 0001Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-07No0101210187080 tariff index 0001 2856 2591 8896 4546 7086 6223 5778 7152 6391 9918 0101210102733 tariff index 0001 6734 9683 1635 0696 5920 3761 0951 1994 4711 6928 0101205013036 tariff index 0002 4358 4109 7769 5050 7615 2543 0022 1623 9858 3241 54160986235 tariff index 0001 5332 4616 8502 1535 9209 4997 6730 8797 6930 81962022-02-14 akogwuada@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00018952In ProgressKCT Request2022-02-1444000742757MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-14Nofind below. 44000742757 01 To 21 3480 5937 3962 5317 4101 3648 1124 6155 9505 73940000-00-00 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018951Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00018950ClosedTamper Code2022-02-110101170414326MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-11Nofind below. 0101170414326 Clear Tamper 0 2228 6263 7662 2575 81252022-02-11 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018949ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1144000739142 0101170207608 44000601326 44000493427 44000223576Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-11No44000739142 This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 0101170207608 This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 44000601326 1308 3020 6149 4816 4000 3603 5882 7392 4300 4883 44000493427 6986 0508 0040 2740 4239 4151 7315 1651 9935 8095 44000223576 This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2022-02-11 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00018948ClosedKCT Request2022-02-110101210141491Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-11No44000498947 01 To 21 1447 2860 4226 3217 1441 3099 4121 0457 7396 6831 0101210141491 04 To 34 5375 3748 3256 0295 3048 2484 4464 4186 8450 23042022-02-11 yinknuga2002@yahoo.co.uk Tukur Hamid
#00018947ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1157100007640Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-11NoFind below, 7362 5412 1855 8719 2861 5069 0495 0149 4518 9336 On 2/11/2022 4:10:01 PM, AKOGWU2022-02-11 akogwuada@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00018946ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1144000673440Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-11NoFind below, 4389 3722 2006 1402 2804 7339 3736 9128 9053 39682022-02-11 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00018945ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1144000322212Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-11NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-02-11 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00018944ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1144000601326 44000493427 44000605665Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-11NoFind below, 44000601326 1308 3020 6149 4816 4000 3603 5882 7392 4300 4883 44000493427 6986 0508 0040 2740 4239 4151 7315 1651 9935 8095 44000605665 5664 0454 2976 1501 7983 6777 7492 8508 7086 31092022-02-11 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00018943ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1162321144321 from 01 to 37Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-11No2022-02-11 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018942ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1144000601326 44000493427 44000605665Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-11NoFind below, 44000601326 1308 3020 6149 4816 4000 3603 5882 7392 4300 4883 44000493427 6986 0508 0040 2740 4239 4151 7315 1651 9935 8095 44000605665 5664 0454 2976 1501 7983 6777 7492 8508 7086 31092022-02-11 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018941ClosedKCT Request2022-02-110101210092967 from 0001 to 33.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-11Nofind below. 0101210092967 01 To 33 3939 0742 7310 6761 5497 2971 7504 7005 3034 52772022-02-11 dogoreuben@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018940ClosedKCT Request2022-02-11Please see attached for your reference.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-11Nofind below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6231101470-01 Debt Repayment ₦102,592.01 ₦-22,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦62,592.01 M 2020-02-09 ₦18,000.00 2022-02-112022-02-11 creditriskmgt2018@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018939ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1101011215013547(2-1)Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-11NoHello, This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2022-02-11 ummilois2@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00018938ClosedKCT Request2022-02-11MSN: INDEX: 0101215029204. 01 to 33 0101200053748. 01 to 45 0101190038642. 01 to 21MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-11Nofind below. 0101215029204. 01 to 33 0101215029204 01 To 33 2258 1504 7041 4088 5315 3248 7048 5967 9486 1486 0101215029204 02 To 33 1402 1247 5561 7245 1549 0637 9261 6427 2772 8849 0101200053748. 01 to 45 0101200053748 01 To 45 6946 9366 2655 3394 1896 1461 9683 4436 8859 0534 0101190038642. 01 to 21 0101190038642 01 To 21 4219 8995 3685 6500 7407 5320 3026 8290 5693 58542022-02-11 wyontochae@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018937ClosedKCT Request2022-02-110101210074700 0101210044695 44000683001 0101200062152 33-1 44000594059 44300002688MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-11NoFind below, 0101210074700 6853 1022 3369 1696 2608 4003 2614 0975 0318 7152 0101210044695 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 44000683001 0060 6590 0491 7744 9155 1550 4569 2378 0223 1049 0101200062152 33-1 0262 1198 5190 6479 9360 6716 8063 8827 8581 3270 44000594059 To be generated 44300002688 5097 3606 3167 6610 1816 3231 2303 8424 8291 12742022-02-11 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018936ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1144000493310 44000493294 44000729010 01011702101608MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-11No44000493310 44000493294 44000729010 010117021016082022-02-11 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018935ClosedKCT Request2022-02-11Dear IT Support Team, Please, kindly furnish us with complete SGC for the above meter number. Find below incomplete SGC; 1199-3372-4101-5913-8725- 3900-4557-8609-60 Thanks and Best Regards. Timothy Tersoo A. CCRM Executive, Jos Electricity Distribution Plc., Makurdi Region.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-11NoKindly prove the meter number. Regards.2022-02-11 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00018934ClosedComplaint2022-02-11Meter no =0101210151821 Index =0004 Kind regards Rejected kct 3375 8606 7258 0898 8428 2252 3902 3819 7213 8367MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-11Nofind below. 0101210151821 04 To 34 3405 3431 9512 6772 9010 3107 3577 3438 3587 50852022-02-11 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018933ClosedKCT Request2022-02-11Good morning sir Meter no =0101210141491 Index =0004 Kind regardsMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-11Nofind below. 16236009364463514619 281862620092880009972022-02-11 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018932ClosedKCT Request2022-02-11Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 62130156441MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-11Nofind below. 62130156441 Clear Tamper 0 3204 0135 4387 1531 45542022-02-11 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018931ClosedKCT Request2022-02-11Dear support kindly generate KCT for MSN: 62321159964MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-11Nofind below. 62321159964 01 To 37 2058 4998 6023 0391 6063 5038 2411 6237 9843 4194 Regards.2022-02-11 jubilant95@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018930ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1162321157513 tariff index 0001 ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-11Nofind below. 62321157513 62321157513 01 To 37 1676 1727 8345 1901 4642 6217 6000 6775 5888 44372022-02-11 akogwuada@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018929ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1144000747103 thanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-11No44000747103 thanks2022-02-11 beediesarah5@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018928ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1144000747103 thanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-11Nofind below. 440007471032022-02-11 beediesarah5@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018927ClosedKCT Request2022-02-11Kindly generate kct 0101170172775MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-11Nofind below. 0101170172775 01 To 34 5609 0261 3805 3069 9608 2074 6896 9935 2084 0397 Regards.2022-02-11 denhamsalvation@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018926ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1144000556546Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-11No2010 3798 4444 0618 1790 2494 4273 7596 9910 41732022-02-11 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00018925ClosedKCT Request2022-02-110101210156671 0101210122103Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-11No0101210156671 3388 7398 2947 0448 4583 5463 7120 3546 7331 6257 0101210122103 2218 6721 4480 5266 0587 6149 5248 1474 2958 20362022-02-11 akogwuada@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018924ClosedKCT Request2022-02-110101210156671 0101210122103 Thanks AKOGWU ADA CCRM OTUKPOMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-11NoFind below, 0101210156671 3388 7398 2947 0448 4583 5463 7120 3546 7331 6257 0101210122103 2218 6721 4480 5266 0587 6149 5248 1474 2958 20362022-02-11 akogwuada@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018923ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1144000628634 (1-21)Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-11NoFind below, 44000628634 the meter is on 012022-02-11 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018922ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1144000493435 0195000003218 TI 33Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-11No44000493435......incorrect or not captured 0195000003218 TI 33 1758 8265 7307 3238 9186 4379 8309 1408 0510 47102022-02-11 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018921ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1154150610308 44000499051MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-11No54150610308 2107 6822 4182 6750 9700 7241 3049 5394 1682 2684 44000499051.......is on 012022-02-11 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018920ClosedKCT Request2022-02-11Request for KCT meter no 0101205015668 James OBANDEMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-11No7148 1689 9329 9342 3030 582005397874258907272022-02-11 benmercyladi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018919ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1162321161903 62321157530 62321176424 62321150146 62321146086 62321158628 62321160905 62321146615MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-11Nofind below. 62321161903 62321161903 Clear Tamper 0 0085 0523 9810 3745 5863 62321157530 No data available in table 62321176424 No data available in table 62321150146 No data available in table 62321146086 62321146086 Clear Tamper 0 7362 9863 2228 4241 8936 62321158628 62321158628 Clear Tamper 0 6297 3616 6171 8435 7243 62321160905 62321160905 Clear Tamper 0 5440 8448 1016 3003 4459 62321146615 62321146615 Clear Tamper 0 5003 6016 5574 1746 45062022-02-11 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018918ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1144000617298MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-11No440006172982022-02-11 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018917ClosedTamper Code2022-02-11Request for Debt profile- 0101170241802MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-11Nofind below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6573231282-01 Debt Repayment ₦159,659.94 ₦-32,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦115,659.94 M 2019-08-22 ₦12,000.00 2021-11-302022-02-11 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018916ClosedKCT Request2022-02-11KCT GENERATION 44000498640MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-11Nofind below. 44000498640 01 To 45 6233 8305 4033 0145 5035 6610 1412 0137 2220 41192022-02-11 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018915ClosedKCT Request2022-02-11Good morning team, Please kindly treat MSN 0101195004169MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-11Nofind below. 0101195004169 01 To 33 1746 3675 1660 1537 2317 0068 5170 7804 7016 97802022-02-11 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00018914ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1144000575249 44000541936 44000498939 0101210121014 44000570919MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-11Nofind below. 44000575249 44000575249 01 To 21 1495 1076 1037 8731 9895 0690 5834 9986 5033 4336 44000541936 44000541936 01 To 04 0636 8850 7773 3670 4832 2696 8192 9531 2519 6879 44000498939 44000498939 01 To 21 3174 3373 3259 1739 2241 4163 2572 0433 8191 6323 0101210121014 0101210121014 01 To 02 2072 5563 2568 9269 7615 6930 0376 8586 6492 7382 44000570919 44000570919 01 To 21 4145 1149 6629 0999 7389 1435 1334 8490 4890 51482022-02-11 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018913ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1144000575249 44000541936 44000498939 0101210121014 44000570919MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-11Nofind below. 44000575249 44000575249 01 To 21 1495 1076 1037 8731 9895 0690 5834 9986 5033 4336 44000541936 44000541936 01 To 04 0636 8850 7773 3670 4832 2696 8192 9531 2519 6879 44000498939 44000498939 01 To 21 3174 3373 3259 1739 2241 4163 2572 0433 8191 6323 0101210121014 0101210121014 01 To 02 2072 5563 2568 9269 7615 6930 0376 8586 6492 7382 44000570919 44000570919 01 To 21 4145 1149 6629 0999 7389 1435 1334 8490 4890 51482022-02-11 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018912ClosedTamper Code2022-02-110101200013908MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-11Nofind below. 0101200013908 Clear Tamper 0 0684 0627 4897 6789 81262022-02-11 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018911ClosedKCT Request2022-02-11Request for KCT - 44000498939MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-11Nofind below. 44000498939 01 To 21 3174 3373 3259 1739 2241 4163 2572 0433 8191 63232022-02-11 stynlucs@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00018910ClosedKCT Request2022-02-11Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 54160735103 0101200034680MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-11Nofind below. 54160735103 54160735103 Clear Tamper 0 0799 9930 9062 1118 5074 0101200034680 0101200034680 Clear Tamper 0 2621 6683 2849 8492 85072022-02-11 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018909ClosedKCT Request2022-02-110153000011569, 0150000982226 & 0101170401851 are not on eVend. Regards.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-11Nofind below. 0153000011569 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 0150000982226 0150000982226 Clear Tamper 0 3065 5593 2756 1206 9912 0101170401851 0101170401851 Clear Tamper 0 2804 3805 5908 1421 30852022-02-11 rolandjames750@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018908ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1144000672988MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-11Nofind below. 44000672988 44000672988 01 To 21 0701 9887 3897 6709 2839 5991 4717 5760 6215 7798 Regards.2022-02-11 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018907ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1044000666428 0101205010461 (02 to 21) 0101160005266 (02 to 01) 44000518413MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-10Nofind below. 44000666428 0101205010461 (02 to 21) 0101205010461 02 To 21 3752 1868 8876 0992 8603 6580 1429 7571 5673 3039 0101160005266 (02 to 01) 0101160005266 02 To 01 6572 8368 0341 8437 4012 0817 0013 2673 0740 3225 44000518413 44000518413 01 To 45 6524 4943 3353 8375 7273 2529 0376 9905 4830 84922022-02-10 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018906ClosedKCT Request2022-02-10KCT GENERATION 95300157591MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-10Nofind below. 95300157591 95300157591 01 To 21 1967 3501 7207 5150 4719 0350 4155 9087 7041 36492022-02-10 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018905ClosedKCT Request2022-02-10Request for Kct 44000666428MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-10Nofind below. 44000666428 44000605020 01 To 45 1140 7274 8099 3964 9020 4736 6807 6477 0117 81172022-02-10 abbaslawal360@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018904ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1062321156481 62321093452 From 001 to 37 Thanks you sirMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-10No62321156481 No data available in table 62321093452 No data available in table Regards.2022-02-10 josephanzakugaston@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018903ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1044000605020Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-10No1140 7274 8099 3964 9020 4736 6807 6477 0117 81172022-02-10 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018902ClosedTamper Code2022-02-10Request for Clear Tamper Code 62420232134Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-10Nofind below, 62420232134 Clear Tamper 0 1019 7190 7029 1180 91052022-02-10 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018901ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1054160873649MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-10Nofind below. 54160873649 please specify your subject Regards.2022-02-10 abdulmalikakande@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018900ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1044000679876MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-10Nofind below. 44000655132 01 To 21 4069 2553 9236 3602 5701 0969 4390 9858 6937 90752022-02-10 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018899ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1044000686228 44000543569MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-10Nofind below. 44000686228 44000686228 01 To 04 3793 5870 5241 6359 8789 6920 9136 7998 4816 9088 44000543569 44000543569 01 To 21 2581 9661 4360 6246 2047 4918 1507 4677 5585 68362022-02-10 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018898ClosedKCT Request2022-02-10Kindly generate KCT for 0101210141491 0101210155178 0101210122103 62321152431MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-10Nofind below. 0101210141491 0101210141491 01 To 34 1311 3036 9146 4369 4362 4609 2573 0604 6530 4206 0101210155178 0101210155178 01 To 45 1121 9380 8929 6620 3176 2874 5202 5302 7387 3269 0101210122103 0101210122103 01 To 45 2218 6721 4480 5266 0587 6149 5248 1474 2958 2036 62321152431 62321152431 01 To 34 3328 1177 9658 0467 7798 1333 5412 3515 1442 80372022-02-10 yinknuga2002@yahoo.co.uk Umar Auwal
#00018897ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1062321208100 Thanks and regardsMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-10Nofind below. 62321208100 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-02-10 emmanuelonazi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018896ClosedKCT Request2022-02-100101210053886 44000641413 54161145823 54150639851MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-10Nofind below. 54161145823 54161145823 Clear Tamper 0 4663 5218 7062 9166 0839 54150639851 54150639851 Clear Tamper 0 3631 2759 2835 7494 8150 Regards.2022-02-10 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018895ClosedKCT Request2022-02-100101210053886 44000641413 54161145823 54150639851Medium 2022-02-10Nofind below. 54161145823 54161145823 Clear Tamper 0 4663 5218 7062 9166 0839 54150639851 54150639851 Clear Tamper 0 3631 2759 2835 7494 8150 Regards.2022-02-10 ummilois2@gmail.com
#00018894ClosedKCT Request2022-02-100101210053886 44000641413 54161145823 54150639851MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-10No0101210053886 0101210053886 Clear Tamper 0 5277 2634 1344 1872 7977 44000641413 44000641413 Clear Tamper 0 4199 3712 2140 2102 5012 54161145823 541506398512022-02-10 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018893ClosedKCT Request2022-02-10Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 54160890130MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-10Nofind below. 54160890130 Clear Tamper 0 2921 0909 6244 3770 80252022-02-10 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018892ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1044000732865MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-10Nofind below. 44000732865 01 To 21 6629 0896 7703 7028 6636 3097 6220 9534 9182 34272022-02-10 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018891ClosedKCT Request2022-02-10KCT GENERATION 44000690188MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-10Nofind below. 44000690188 44000690188 01 To 21 2438 5291 9738 1236 3567 7271 0673 0348 3712 48142022-02-10 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018890ClosedKCT Request2022-02-10Good afternoon all Kindly generate kct for 0101215025848 from 2-1 and 1-2.Thank you.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-10Nofind below. 0101215025848 02 To 01 2114 8538 1817 8023 6325 6631 5332 4418 9485 5464 0101215025848 01 To 02 5600 5270 7949 7904 8976 5090 1317 3044 7121 51792022-02-10 denhamsalvation@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018889ClosedKCT Request2022-02-100101170268771 21-1MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-10Nofind below. 0101170268771 0101170268771 01 To 21 0713 9192 9917 9014 2279 6021 8239 6211 8893 72312022-02-10 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018888ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1054160876881 TI 01-45 62321135261 TI 01-04MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-10Nofind below. 54160876881 TI 01-45 54160876881 01 To 45 1087 8908 0512 3640 2267 0604 4120 4317 9425 9211 62321135261 TI 01-04 2321135261 01 To 04 5119 6014 3772 1898 6267 1825 4340 2851 9417 02702022-02-10 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00018887ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1044000686913MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-10Nofind below. 44000686913 44000686913 01 To 21 1110 0729 2206 1806 6649 5437 7226 8633 6451 14232022-02-10 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018886ClosedKCT Request2022-02-100101190036125MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-10Nofind below. 0101190036125 0101190036125 01 To 45 2232 6265 8246 5481 7125 6097 8087 1362 6009 59952022-02-03 abbaslawal360@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018885ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1044000731933.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-10Nofind below. 44000731933 44000731933 01 To 33 3623 7973 6529 6186 2225 4791 7041 4963 4323 55262022-02-10 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018884ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1044000684025MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-10Nofind below. 44000684025 44000684025 01 To 04 0985 6914 9363 9195 5555 4377 6955 5834 7281 85142022-02-10 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018883ClosedKCT Request2022-02-100101210070336 (02 to 01 and 01 to 02) 44000484699 0101190147179 0101210113300MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-10Nofind below. 0101210070336 (02 to 01 and 01 to 02) 0101210070336 01 To 02 0427 8590 8898 9930 3209 0817 4849 8215 0496 1345 0101210070336 02 To 01 1323 2951 6885 7133 8045 2849 9829 2124 9948 0046 44000484699 44000484699 01 To 21 1277 7123 3272 1343 4506 5962 1912 8793 9353 1148 0101190147179 0101190147179 01 To 02 1023 4520 0343 1894 5080 6635 5699 8694 8912 0618 0101210113300 0101210113300 01 To 02 5155 8645 8673 2641 8972 2907 4629 6233 3963 84482022-02-10 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018882ClosedKCT Request2022-02-100101210125379MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-10Nofind below. 0101210125379 01 To 33 3709 2314 2232 1116 0258 0033 0197 3507 7117 63082022-02-10 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018881ClosedKCT Request2022-02-100101185059322 3-22 44000604577MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-10No101185059322 03 To 22 6866 1972 8998 5271 8099 6000 4443 4006 8105 8226 44000604577 01 To 21 0472 3111 2373 4267 6081 2331 4093 3776 1545 5805 Regards.2022-02-10 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018880ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1044300009949 21-1 and 1-21Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-10No01 To 21 3330 7523 3440 2344 7946 1312 8017 3256 3308 9775 21 To 01 0219 0735 4325 3794 1982 4018 4928 9755 5507 43062022-02-10 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00018879ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1044000568749 Please kindly treat thank you.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-10No01012100484562022-02-10 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018878ClosedKCT Request2022-02-100101210048456MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-10Nofind below. This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-02-10 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018877ClosedKCT Request2022-02-100101210073546MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-10Nohello, find belpow. 0101210073546 01 To 33 1397 4292 4229 2782 3060 2074 2683 6633 7144 94672022-02-10 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018876ClosedKCT Request2022-02-100101170300277 0101200026769MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-10Nofind below. 0101170300277 0101170300277 01 To 21 6829 5878 0238 3126 2190 4232 0626 9590 0481 5439 0101200026769 0101200026769 01 To 21 5469 8939 1826 2531 5890 2394 8345 7850 2329 14092022-02-10 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018875ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1044000567162 0101210027443MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-10Nofind below, 44000567162 44000567162 01 To 21 0485 7913 2812 2179 6503 4120 5987 6413 9760 7124 0101210027443 0101210027443 01 To 02 2343 0611 1658 6303 3713 1017 7921 6059 9283 22992022-02-10 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018874ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1044000672194MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-10Nofind below. 44000672194 44000672194 01 To 33 0384 3717 3960 2453 8435 2590 7335 6760 9504 09762022-02-10 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018873ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1044000571537MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-10Nofind below. 44000571537 44000571537 01 To 21 0617 0619 5660 8435 1604 7253 8700 9788 2229 60692022-02-10 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018872ClosedKCT Request2022-02-10KCT GENERATION 0101170414318MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-10Nofind below. 0101170414318 101170414318 01 To 21 2791 4963 2456 7014 5122 5677 1807 6480 0693 23352022-02-10 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018871ClosedKCT Request2022-02-100101210013070 From 0001 to 33 Thank u sirMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-10Nofind below. 0101210013070 0101210013070 01 To 33 1407 1963 4002 9551 9066 2528 6774 3929 5690 83192022-02-10 yusufibrahimbaba440@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018870ClosedKCT Request2022-02-10KCT GENERATION 0101170414318Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-10No2791 4963 2456 7014 5122 5677 1807 6480 0693 23352022-02-10 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018869ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1044000493294 44000729010 44000600096 44000568749 44000617280 44000666766 44000671691 44000703601 44000620789 44000666238 44000743136 0101210073546 44000322212 44000493393 44000668069 95300223567 44000571537 44000601458 54161044463 0101190006888 44000625770MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-10Nofind below. 44000493294 44000493294 01 To 02 2509 2917 3213 3401 3499 6661 3486 8999 9128 2810 44000729010 44000729010 01 To 21 2268 9142 6759 4429 1625 3812 1762 6008 3454 0363 44000600096 44000600096 01 To 21 5553 7179 4392 7040 2519 5378 4199 6845 6128 2878 44000568749 44000568749 01 To 21 1593 1444 2270 2134 4183 6639 1217 2243 8761 1444 44000617280 44000617280 01 To 21 0398 7797 1162 2417 9827 4551 1000 6189 3333 9211 44000666766 44000666766 01 To 21 5180 0928 7885 7940 5118 6909 4515 3185 3012 8939 44000671691 44000671691 01 To 21 6558 8513 5920 7389 5529 6818 6969 3156 2895 2883 44000703601 44000703601 01 To 21 1131 1454 6628 9638 6092 6023 8407 0256 2223 3420 44000620789 44000620789 01 To 21 3436 8148 6449 2455 0210 4288 9391 0289 7422 5882 44000666238 44000666238 01 To 33 4335 5651 6322 2283 0821 5231 9755 4654 3993 9476 44000743136 44000743136 01 To 21 4807 2010 0087 5736 7964 5488 3614 0554 2710 8431 0101210073546 0101210073546 01 To 33 1397 4292 4229 2782 3060 2074 2683 6633 7144 9467 44000322212 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 44000493393 44000493393 01 To 03 5460 7721 4909 0579 8764 5963 0620 1992 1479 4725 44000668069 44000668069 01 To 21 4421 7290 9684 7877 7280 4553 0539 6809 9271 9636 95300223567 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 44000571537 44000571537 01 To 21 0617 0619 5660 8435 1604 7253 8700 9788 2229 6069 44000601458 44000601458 01 To 21 2343 8752 2764 4185 4525 1918 4728 8010 8477 1564 54161044463 54161044463 01 To 21 3072 7233 3477 8405 9992 1184 8218 8241 0225 2066 01011900068882022-02-10 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018868ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1044000629608MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-10Nofind below. 44000629608 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. Regards.2022-02-10 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018867ClosedKCT Request2022-02-100562 8525 6442 3928 3631 2782 6643 6745 0275 2469 Kind regardsMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-10Nofind below. 0101210189995 04 To 34 0562 8525 6442 3928 3631 2782 6643 6745 0275 24692022-02-10 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018866ClosedKCT Request2022-02-10KCT GENERATION 0101185055114Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-10NoDear Maryam. Find below as requested. 6693 3114 4416 4025 9576 4287 6780 9518 7359 62782022-02-10 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018865ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1044000568749 Please kindly treat thank you.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-10NoFind below as requested. 1593 1444 2270 2134 4183 6639 1217 2243 8761 14442022-02-10 ummilois2@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018864ClosedKCT Request2022-02-10Please the above subject refers. 0195000005551 0195000001881 0195000005296 0195000001840 9195000002160 Regards.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-10NoDear Maryam. Find below as requested. 0195000005551 Clear Tamper 0 3460 7210 0181 3260 1088 0195000001881 Clear Tamper 0 5550 9663 7249 1756 2611 0195000005296 Clear Tamper 0 5821 2813 6287 4387 1725 0195000001840 Clear Tamper 0 5366 4589 9627 1335 93622022-02-10 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018863ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1044000629020Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-10Nohello, find below. 44000629020 01 To 33 5848 1190 2839 2960 8816 5082 3866 4352 1163 21172022-02-10 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00018862ClosedTamper Code2022-02-100101200021893 0101200066633Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-10NoDear Auwal. Find below as requested. 0101200021893 Clear Tamper 0 1555 4070 9746 4596 15832022-02-10 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018861ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1054160934748 TI 03 to 33 62420232761 TI 01 to 33 23102133172 TI 01 to 33Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-10Nofind below. 54160934748 TI 03 to 33 54160934748 03 To 33 3786 9065 7250 4960 9380 5326 8392 8603 6392 7218 62420232761 TI 01 to 33 62420232761 01 To 33 3081 9705 1174 3480 6412 4795 0529 2983 0725 7039 23102133172 TI 01 to 33 23102133172 01 To 33 5260 8545 7882 2950 3622 4619 7878 1455 2996 59402022-02-10 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00018860ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1054160934748 TI 03 to 33 62420232761 TI 01 to 33 23102133172 TI 01 to 33Medium 2022-02-10NoDear Aor. Find below as requested. 54160934748 TI 03 to 33 5570 7271 5098 1172 9833 1528 3906 8823 2731 5586 62420232761 TI 01 to 33 3081 9705 1174 3480 6412 4795 0529 2983 0725 7039 23102133172 TI 01 to 33 5260 8545 7882 2950 3622 4619 7878 1455 2996 59402022-02-10 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com
#00018859ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1044000374353MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-10NoFind below. 2223 0556 9940 1266 2587 5529 5910 1399 9282 96912022-02-10 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018858ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1044000637684Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-10NoDear Auwal. Find below as requested. 4334 9705 5040 1584 9856 4670 3363 7784 4999 11642022-02-10 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018857ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1044000685527 44000493294 44000729010 44000600096 44000568749 44000617280 44000666766 44000685527 44000493294 44000729010 44000600096 44000568749 44000617280 44000666766 44000671691 44000703601 44000620789 44000666238 44000743136 0101210073546 44000322212 44000493393 44000668069 95300223567 44000571537 44000601458 54161044463 0101190006888Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-10No44000685527 2858 6048 1243 5887 7226 1725 1163 9460 4493 0105 44000493294 2509 2917 3213 3401 3499 6661 3486 8999 9128 2810 44000729010 2268 9142 6759 4429 1625 3812 1762 6008 3454 0363 44000600096 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 44000568749 1593 1444 2270 2134 4183 6639 1217 2243 8761 1444 44000617280 0398 7797 1162 2417 9827 4551 1000 6189 3333 9211 44000666766 5180 0928 7885 7940 5118 6909 4515 3185 3012 8939 44000685527 2858 6048 1243 5887 7226 1725 1163 9460 4493 0105 44000493294 2509 2917 3213 3401 3499 6661 3486 8999 9128 2810 44000729010 2268 9142 6759 4429 1625 3812 1762 6008 3454 0363 44000600096 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 44000568749 1593 1444 2270 2134 4183 6639 1217 2243 8761 1444 44000617280 0398 7797 1162 2417 9827 4551 1000 6189 3333 9211 44000666766 5180 0928 7885 7940 5118 6909 4515 3185 3012 8939 44000671691 6558 8513 5920 7389 5529 6818 6969 3156 2895 2883 44000703601 1131 1454 6628 9638 6092 6023 8407 0256 2223 3420 44000620789 3436 8148 6449 2455 0210 4288 9391 0289 7422 5882 44000666238 4335 5651 6322 2283 0821 5231 9755 4654 3993 9476 44000743136 4807 2010 0087 5736 7964 5488 3614 0554 2710 8431 0101210073546 1397 4292 4229 2782 3060 2074 2683 6633 7144 9467 44000322212 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 44000493393 5460 7721 4909 0579 8764 5963 0620 1992 1479 4725 44000668069 4421 7290 9684 7877 7280 4553 0539 6809 9271 9636 95300223567 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 44000571537 0617 0619 5660 8435 1604 7253 8700 9788 2229 6069 44000601458 2343 8752 2764 4185 4525 1918 4728 8010 8477 1564 54161044463 3072 7233 3477 8405 9992 1184 8218 8241 0225 2066 0101190006888 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-02-10 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00018856ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1044300013354 21-1 and 1-21Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-10No01 To 21 2277 6140 8683 6059 8802 0978 8535 7021 1393 8043 21 To 01 6326 6789 0913 9981 8993 2925 1711 3461 6211 83692022-02-10 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00018855ClosedKCT Request2022-02-10REQUEST FOR TAMPERMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-10NoDear Wuladi. Find below as requested. 0101200060479 Clear Tamper 0 7377 1138 8448 6092 11372022-02-10 mwuladi@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00018854ClosedKCT Request2022-02-10Good morning team, Please kindly treat MSN 44000481596(2-21)Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-10NoDear Wuladi, Find below as requested. 1821 0301 2732 5485 2932 0217 9800 6529 9841 27952022-02-10 mwuladi@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00018853ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1044000601284(1-21)Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-10NoDear Ummi. Find below as requested. 2858 8343 0896 8948 1931 0956 7216 6300 3917 21682022-02-10 ummilois2@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018852ClosedKCT Request2022-02-10Good morning, Kindly provide me with the kct for the customer below: 0101210060790 from 01 to 33 Thank youMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-10NoFind below, 3490 8827 7160 1679 5283 4111 8522 1850 6326 92722022-02-10 zakimimidoomaureen@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00018851ClosedKCT Request2022-02-100101210000861 kct 01 21Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-10No7242 7357 0564 0825 2679 2745 1623 3324 4754 08292022-02-10 shuaibumuhammad629@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00018850ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1044000601284(1-21)Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-10No2858 8343 0896 8948 1931 0956 7216 6300 3917 21682022-02-10 ummilois2@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00018849ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1062321140410 Thanks and regardsMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-10NoPlease generate KCT on of the below meter number:2022-02-10 emmanuelonazi@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00018848ClosedKCT Request2022-02-1044300011036 1-26 and 26-1Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-10NoFind below, 01 To 26 4365 3297 7171 0180 3405 7007 8048 2474 7303 4130 26 To 01 5907 5528 6051 2693 3007 0694 1874 6817 9409 18142022-02-10 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00018847ClosedKCT Request2022-02-100101190006888 0101150178198 0101210032187 0101170391284 44000672681 54161044463 44000645034 44000641304 44000641363 54161167538 44000742922 44000605558 54161139701Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-10NoDear Auwal. Find below as requested. 0101190006888................is on TI 01 0101150178198 1587 5486 5073 8960 8779 5381 2597 7006 4257 4082 0101210032187 6791 7371 5889 3387 1616 6846 1308 9537 3073 7696 0101170391284 2865 7630 2027 1283 7556 5642 4592 9928 7235 8069 44000672681 5121 3464 6918 5940 3807 3825 9518 3671 7361 2969 54161044463 3072 7233 3477 8405 9992 1184 8218 8241 0225 2066 44000645034 7329 2838 7551 4937 3973 6838 3518 3702 2154 7604 44000641304...........not captured/invalid MSN 44000641363 4406 7514 0712 7427 3435 0910 9459 4323 0727 2243 54161167538 6413 9003 5880 1022 8314 3001 4821 1577 6053 6328 44000742922 6667 9361 4800 7437 8149 0488 3436 6263 5279 0561 44000605558 5292 9376 2193 1983 6333 4638 1742 7116 0480 5021 54161139701...........is on TI 012022-02-10 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018846ClosedKCT Request2022-02-10Kindly generate KCT for 0101210117657Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-10NoFind below, 1027 8444 3566 8731 3126 0768 3451 3560 0328 21412022-02-10 yinknuga2002@yahoo.co.uk Tukur Hamid
#00018845ClosedKCT Request2022-02-10KCT GENERATION from 01 to 21 44300000864Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-10NoFind below, 4432 1871 7917 0996 8962 5781 9032 3638 4576 18062022-02-10 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00018844ClosedKCT Request2022-02-100101205005628 6-21Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-10NoFind below, 1522 1643 8564 4328 4191 5569 6456 5550 0869 27932022-02-10 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00018843ClosedKCT Request2022-02-10KCT GENERATION 44000524882Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-10No1082 6784 4296 5464 4659 0941 4937 3469 8806 65602022-02-10 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00018842ClosedKCT Request2022-02-100101210117657Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-10NoFind below, 0101210117657 1027 8444 3566 8731 3126 0768 3451 3560 0328 21412022-02-10 yinknuga2002@yahoo.co.uk Tukur Hamid
#00018841ClosedKCT Request2022-02-09KCT GENERATION 44000495752Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-09NoHello, This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. Regards2022-02-09 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00018840ClosedKCT Request2022-02-09KCT GENERATION 0101170219014MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-09Nofind below. 0101170219014 01 To 04 2608 2615 0272 3262 9874 7013 7031 7344 4384 52432022-02-09 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018839ClosedKCT Request2022-02-09KCT GENERATION 0101170219014MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-09Nofind below. 0101170219014 01 To 04 2608 2615 0272 3262 9874 7013 7031 7344 4384 52432022-02-09 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018838ClosedKCT Request2022-02-09Please kindly treat MSN 44000746949Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-09NoDear Wuladi, Find below as requested. 3310 1870 7600 7602 8045 3558 1750 1320 1046 65402022-02-09 mwuladi@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00018837ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0944000492304 44000577054 44000744951 44000604726 0101170279901 44000672442Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-09NoFind below, 44000492304 This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 44000577054 2053 0633 4646 7335 5285 4710 5885 2186 3290 6785 44000744951 6381 2647 0319 0914 9072 4375 7076 7664 8392 2701 44000604726 0790 6010 3636 8667 5058 1346 8580 3079 0906 8253 0101170279901 5943 8787 8439 6397 3102 5663 8556 7804 7135 2787 44000672442 0844 9628 6709 0526 0117 6390 9517 0423 2634 78602022-02-09 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00018836ClosedKCT Request2022-02-09Good afternoon Sir Meter no =0101210189995 Index =0004Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-09NoFind below as requested. 0562 8525 6442 3928 3631 2782 6643 6745 0275 24692022-02-09 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018835ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0944000571677Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-09NoDear Ofeimun. Find below as requested. 6083 0191 3536 8071 2192 5417 6262 4718 0962 04332022-02-09 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018834ClosedKCT Request2022-02-09Dear support kindly generate KCT for MSN: 44000584704. Thank youMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-09NoDear Dalis. Find below as requested. 0132 8920 1401 1669 5230 2663 1124 1596 3601 73512022-02-09 jubilant95@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018833ClosedKCT Request2022-02-09KCT GENERATION 0101170219014MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-09Nohello, find below. 101170219014 04 To 01 2840 5967 7107 9615 1961 2214 2934 5522 7188 07652022-02-09 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018832ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0944300015771 1-21 and 21-1 ‪0101215019676‬MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-09Nofind below. 44300015771 1-21 and 21-1 44300015771 21 To 01 5019 8838 8987 1791 0796 4056 2419 9992 1487 9298 44300015771 01 To 21 2892 5116 5659 7605 4702 0653 0214 2297 7988 85302022-02-09 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018831ClosedKCT Request2022-02-090101160046872 0101190147195MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-09Nofind below. 0101160046872 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-02-09 abbaslawal360@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018830ClosedTamper Code2022-02-09REQUEST FOR TAMPERMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-09NoDear Wuladi. Find below as requested. 54161109753 Clear Tamper 0 4433 8678 6360 0342 61382022-02-09 rolandjames750@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018829ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0944000734853Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-09NoDear Ofeimun. Find below as requested. 6977 0928 3280 7314 8736 2875 8568 2724 9758 41792022-02-09 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018828ClosedKCT Request2022-02-09KCT GENERATION 0101170219014Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-09NoDear Maryam. Find below as requested. 2608 2615 0272 3262 9874 7013 7031 7344 4384 52432022-02-09 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018827Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00018826ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0962321157064 From 0001 to 36 thank you sirMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-09Nofind below. 62321157064 invalid sts Regards.2022-02-09 yusufibrahimbaba440@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018825ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0944000672681MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-09Nofind below. 44000672681 01 To 33 5121 3464 6918 5940 3807 3825 9518 3671 7361 29692022-02-09 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018824ClosedEvend Access2022-02-09MIGRATION OF ACCOUNT TO E-VENDMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-09NoDear Wuladi. The aforementioned request was treated. They can now make transactions.2022-02-09 mwuladi@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00018823ClosedKCT Request2022-02-09KCT GENERATION 44000728830MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-09Nofind below. 44000728830 44000728830 01 To 21 4185 8402 7519 7548 4133 1673 4923 1685 1766 15942022-02-09 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018822ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0944000672681MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-09Nofind below. 44000672681 44000672681 01 To 33 5121 3464 6918 5940 3807 3825 9518 3671 7361 29692022-02-09 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018821ClosedEvend Access2022-02-09REQUEST FOR UPLOADING/ASSIGNING OF NEW BILLS/ACCOUNT INTO E-VENDMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-09NoDear Zakar. The aforementioned request was treated. They can now make transactions2022-02-09 infortech4life@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00018820ClosedVending History2022-02-09LADOKVN AKINJIDE- 790179 SARAH NYAM- 790171 DANJUMA AGI AKOH- 790173 DAKUM SLIVER RETTENG- 790174 SAMSON DANBOYI FOM- 790175 MONDAY JERRY FOM- 790176 PAM PWOL DANIEL- 790177 REGINA H. DACHIR- 790168 NANJWAN PLANGZAK- 790183 ANGE MAFWAL- 790178 CHRISTINA DUNG CHOJI- 790180 BAWOUM SUNDAY IBRAHIM- 790172 RHODA UGOYA - 790170 ABIGAIL ODE OTO OJADUO - 790169 MR ILIYA ABEL THOMAS - 790181 SAMUEL TAIYE IMOREN - 790187 GOMOS STEPHEN GOBAK - 790186 GOMOS STEPHEN GOBAK - 790185 GOMOS STEPHEN GOBAK - 790184 FEEDER RANTYAMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-09NoDear Wuladi. The aforementioned request was treated. They can now make transactions2022-02-09 mwuladi@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00018819ClosedVending History2022-02-09793641 793482 793483 793484 793485 793486 793487 793488 793489 793490 793491 793492 793493 793494 793495 793496Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-09NoDear Wuladi. The aforementioned request was treated. They can now make transactions2022-02-09 mwuladi@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00018818ClosedKCT Request2022-02-09KCT GENERATION 0101215009347Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-09NoFind below, 0821 7692 8868 5954 3140 1277 7700 9235 5997 13072022-02-09 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00018817ClosedKCT Request2022-02-09Please, kindly furnish me with KCT on the correct tariff index for this customer below: MSN:. INDEX: 54161053449 01 to 21Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-09NoFind below, 1350 1573 6486 0800 6982 4269 1792 5969 1352 76602022-02-09 wyontochae@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00018816ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0944000680437 44000652865 44000523512 44000523462 44000674331 44000672582 44000747566 44000493310 44000493294 44000729010 44000600096 44000568749 44000527687 44000764579MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-09NoFind below as requested. 44000680437 3533 6368 6657 3429 3063 4882 5912 7377 2109 3312 44000652865........is on TI 01 44000523512 1187 1341 4779 0408 5463 5880 9375 5817 8291 3479 44000523462 1279 7248 3225 6322 5891 5448 8106 5739 0838 6350 44000674331 4183 2911 8784 1469 7047 0986 2083 1639 7128 6479 44000672582 3117 2542 4929 3585 4800 2597 4213 4811 2701 0708 44000747566 2552 3033 1785 7668 4179 6020 4627 9796 4802 9227 44000493310 4656 6895 9815 2694 7425 1274 3404 4403 4732 4245 44000493294 2509 2917 3213 3401 3499 6661 3486 8999 9128 2810 44000729010 2268 9142 6759 4429 1625 3812 1762 6008 3454 0363 44000600096..........is on TI 01 44000568749 1593 1444 2270 2134 4183 6639 1217 2243 8761 1444 44000527687 4472 2664 5521 4108 5173 2772 7227 7314 6661 4204 44000764579 0962 3363 4989 6630 3887 0644 4051 1224 9682 95602022-02-09 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018815ClosedKCT Request2022-02-09Good afternoon sir Meter no =0101210151821 Index =0004MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-09NoRequest for KCT 62321158982 TI 01 to 472022-02-09 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018814ClosedKCT Request2022-02-09Request for KCT 62321158982 TI 01 to 47MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-09Nofond below. 62321158982 01 To 47 4614 9806 2500 0787 5503 2940 5642 9236 3829 06012022-02-09 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00018813ClosedKCT Request2022-02-09Kindly assist to generate kct for 54160953532MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-09Nofind below. 54160953532 01 To 34 0223 3361 0389 7447 7198 0364 2650 6145 6413 74112022-02-09 akogwuada@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018812ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0944000673481MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-09Nofind below. 44000673481 44000673481 01 To 21 4108 6773 6231 6102 5620 6332 1737 6617 8681 99312022-02-09 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018811ClosedRequest2022-02-0954161011256MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-09Nofind below. No data available in table Regards.2022-02-09 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018810ClosedKCT Request2022-02-09Please kindly treat MSN 44000685428MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-09Nofind below. 44000685428 44000685428 01 To 33 1447 2615 5310 9709 9455 3907 3263 9846 8499 27182022-02-09 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00018809ClosedKCT Request2022-02-09Dear support, Please the above subject refers. 0101160407842 0101160407843MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-09Nofind below. 0101160407842 No data available in table 0101160407843 0101160407843 01 To 21 3292 7273 5131 8371 3316 6715 2891 7815 4117 63882022-02-09 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018808ClosedKCT Request2022-02-09KCT GENERATION 44000528164Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-09NoFind below, 2677 1157 5810 5830 9328 0890 3003 4826 6372 19872022-02-09 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018808ClosedKCT Request2022-02-09KCT GENERATION 44000528164Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-09NoFind below, 2677 1157 5810 5830 9328 0890 3003 4826 6372 19872022-02-09 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018807ClosedTamper Code2022-02-09Pls generate CT for MSN 0101190009775. Regards.Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-09NoFind below, 0101190009775 Clear Tamper 0 2341 9963 2611 2688 5196 Regards.2022-02-09 rolandjames750@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018807ClosedTamper Code2022-02-09Pls generate CT for MSN 0101190009775. Regards.Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-09NoFind below, 0101190009775 Clear Tamper 0 2341 9963 2611 2688 5196 Regards.2022-02-09 rolandjames750@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018806ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0944000617280 44000666766 44000671691 44000703601 44000620789 44000734853 44000666238 44000743136Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-09NoFind below, 44000617280 0398 7797 1162 2417 9827 4551 1000 6189 3333 9211 44000666766 5180 0928 7885 7940 5118 6909 4515 3185 3012 8939 44000671691 6558 8513 5920 7389 5529 6818 6969 3156 2895 2883 44000703601 1131 1454 6628 9638 6092 6023 8407 0256 2223 3420 44000620789 3436 8148 6449 2455 0210 4288 9391 0289 7422 5882 44000734853 6977 0928 3280 7314 8736 2875 8568 2724 9758 4179 44000666238 4335 5651 6322 2283 0821 5231 9755 4654 3993 9476 44000743136 4807 2010 0087 5736 7964 5488 3614 0554 2710 84312022-02-09 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018806ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0944000617280 44000666766 44000671691 44000703601 44000620789 44000734853 44000666238 44000743136Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-09NoFind below, 44000617280 0398 7797 1162 2417 9827 4551 1000 6189 3333 9211 44000666766 5180 0928 7885 7940 5118 6909 4515 3185 3012 8939 44000671691 6558 8513 5920 7389 5529 6818 6969 3156 2895 2883 44000703601 1131 1454 6628 9638 6092 6023 8407 0256 2223 3420 44000620789 3436 8148 6449 2455 0210 4288 9391 0289 7422 5882 44000734853 6977 0928 3280 7314 8736 2875 8568 2724 9758 4179 44000666238 4335 5651 6322 2283 0821 5231 9755 4654 3993 9476 44000743136 4807 2010 0087 5736 7964 5488 3614 0554 2710 84312022-02-09 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018805ClosedKCT Request2022-02-09KCT GENERATION 95300153004Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-09NoFind below, 1856 4354 5868 2151 1723 5110 2737 9148 5567 98182022-02-09 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018805ClosedKCT Request2022-02-09KCT GENERATION 95300153004Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-09NoFind below, 1856 4354 5868 2151 1723 5110 2737 9148 5567 98182022-02-09 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018804ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0962321152605 From 01 to 37Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-09NoFind below, 0206 7709 1383 4297 5294 3607 5698 4577 8456 99702022-02-09 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018804ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0962321152605 From 01 to 37Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-09NoFind below, 0206 7709 1383 4297 5294 3607 5698 4577 8456 99702022-02-09 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018803ClosedKCT Request2022-02-09KCT GENERATION 44300000294Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-09NoWrong meter number or not captured2022-02-09 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018803ClosedKCT Request2022-02-09KCT GENERATION 44300000294Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-09NoWrong meter number or not captured2022-02-09 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018802ClosedKCT Request2022-02-09Request for KCT - 04167449448Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-09NoFind below, 3963 7518 5005 8931 8002 5878 1825 5912 6418 41092022-02-09 stynlucs@yahoo.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018802ClosedKCT Request2022-02-09Request for KCT - 04167449448Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-09NoFind below, 3963 7518 5005 8931 8002 5878 1825 5912 6418 41092022-02-09 stynlucs@yahoo.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018801ClosedTamper Code2022-02-09Kindly generate the temper code for the above meter as it was verified ok.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-09Nofind below, 44000685725 Clear Tamper 0 0037 3594 2752 3434 25282022-02-09 ibrahimkabir215@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018800ClosedKCT Request2022-02-09Please kindly treat MSN 54161053449Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-09No1350 1573 6486 0800 6982 4269 1792 5969 1352 76602022-02-09 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018799In ProgressKCT Request2022-02-09Please kindly treat MSN 54161053449Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-09NoFind below, 1350 1573 6486 0800 6982 4269 1792 5969 1352 76600000-00-00 mwuladi@yahoo.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018799In ProgressKCT Request2022-02-09Please kindly treat MSN 54161053449Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-09NoFind below, 1350 1573 6486 0800 6982 4269 1792 5969 1352 76600000-00-00 mwuladi@yahoo.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018798ClosedKCT Request2022-02-09KCT GENERATION 0101 1702 71361Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-09NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-02-09 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018798ClosedKCT Request2022-02-09KCT GENERATION 0101 1702 71361Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-09NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-02-09 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018797ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0944000675536 44000675411 44000668705 44000495356 44000525103 44000567196 44000567238 44000567097 44000555878 44000525293 44300011275 44000675411 0101170197962Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-09NoDear Auwal. Find below as requested. 44000675536 6875 2299 5774 9814 5488 1347 9733 4650 7290 0628 44000675411 2971 9818 0594 9806 1946 1509 9044 2979 8528 4963 44000668705 0656 9570 1205 3300 2244 6581 3495 5164 4885 4860 44000495356 5137 4861 9215 5509 9439 6225 6591 6431 3608 0966 44000525103 6561 2543 8250 8637 7789 1548 3927 2963 0198 9599 44000567196...........not captured/invalid MSN 44000567238 3454 6176 7831 6177 5280 6015 1829 7019 1416 3286 44000567097................is on TI 01 44000555878 4698 5716 3844 1351 2825 5727 7455 3922 8446 4307 44000525293 5948 3974 7609 8448 4143 5123 4151 9129 7390 1086 44300011275 5260 8656 9742 1240 1539 5256 2496 3305 3481 8578 44000675411 2971 9818 0594 9806 1946 1509 9044 2979 8528 4963 0101170197962............is on TI 012022-02-09 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018796ClosedKCT Request2022-02-09Kindly generate KCT for 0101210151821Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-09Nofind below, 1972 4139 4313 9866 0954 7317 9856 8792 2600 15762022-02-09 yinknuga2002@yahoo.co.uk Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018795ClosedKCT Request2022-02-09Dear support, Please the above subject refers. 44000519882 44000524957 44000464774 44000467710Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-09NoFind below, 44000519882 0692 8196 9444 5427 4017 5133 8168 7177 7744 4462 44000524957 6150 6551 3181 1906 6486 3191 6866 3597 0377 7653 44000464774 ............ Wrong meter number or not captured. 44000467710 ............ Wrong meter number or not captured.2022-02-09 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018795ClosedKCT Request2022-02-09Dear support, Please the above subject refers. 44000519882 44000524957 44000464774 44000467710Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-09NoFind below, 44000519882 0692 8196 9444 5427 4017 5133 8168 7177 7744 4462 44000524957 6150 6551 3181 1906 6486 3191 6866 3597 0377 7653 44000464774 ............ Wrong meter number or not captured. 44000467710 ............ Wrong meter number or not captured.2022-02-09 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018794ClosedKCT Request2022-02-09Please kindly treat MSN 44000643609Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-09Nofind below, 1778 7825 4665 0382 4610 5161 8093 0674 0049 49562022-02-09 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018793ClosedKCT Request2022-02-09Dear support, Please the above subject refers. 44000519882 44000524957 44000464774 44000467710 Regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-09Nofind below, 44000519882 0692 8196 9444 5427 4017 5133 8168 7177 7744 4462 44000524957 6150 6551 3181 1906 6486 3191 6866 3597 0377 7653 44000464774......................not captured. 44000467710......................not captured.2022-02-09 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018792ClosedTamper Code2022-02-09Dear Auwal, Please the above subject refers. 44000373017 0101200070213 57300001146 Regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-09Nofind below, 44000373017 Clear Tamper 0 5938 4140 5467 0634 91372022-02-09 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018791ClosedKCT Request2022-02-09KCT GENERATION 54150629134Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-09NoFind below, 1550 6788 4328 2922 1946 5480 3585 4944 2818 59492022-02-09 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018790ClosedRequest2022-02-09: Re:Request for CTT- 57300008778Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-09Nofind below, 57300008778 Clear Tamper 0 1462 6940 1221 2734 21082022-02-09 stynlucs@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018789ClosedTamper Code2022-02-09REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPER 57300015161Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-09Nofind below, 57300015161 Clear Tamper 0 4238 0752 3705 2940 56622022-02-09 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018788ClosedTamper Code2022-02-0957100053164Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-09Nofind below, 57100053164 Clear Tamper 0 4843 0079 6268 0301 4902 Regards.2022-02-09 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018787ClosedKCT Request2022-02-09Kindly furnish us with KCT for the above PPM number with Tariff Index of 01 to 04.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-09NoFind below, 1649 7210 2799 1059 7989 3915 8123 6929 5259 25592022-02-09 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018786ClosedTamper Code2022-02-090101200061436 0101200003966 0101170364075 54160882210Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-09Nofind below, 0101200061436 Clear Tamper 0 4001 7635 1536 4605 4326 0101200003966 Clear Tamper 0 2501 7200 6036 3046 5079 0101170364075 Clear Tamper 0 3723 4177 0247 1272 7907 54160882210 Clear Tamper 0 3115 8843 6329 4986 12852022-02-09 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018785ClosedKCT Request2022-02-09Dear support, Please the above subject refers. 95300176666 44000734671Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-09NoFind below, 95300176666 2798 0005 9652 2600 4267 0735 3393 8863 0312 1122 44000734671 5628 0096 7827 0083 9444 2528 8464 3310 3380 63122022-02-09 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018784ClosedTamper Code2022-02-091. Hannge Mary Sewuese, 54161108342 2. Mad Justina N., 0101200120042Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-09Nofind below, 1. Hannge Mary Sewuese, 54161108342 Clear Tamper 0 2212 5945 1145 1889 0357 2. Mad Justina N., 0101200120042 Clear Tamper 0 5744 2317 0128 5810 19742022-02-09 emekaojiegbe@rocketmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018783ClosedKCT Request2022-02-09Dear support kindly generate KCT for MSNos: (1) 0101185058639 (2) 0101185058886 From TI 06 to TI 26 thank you.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-09Nofind below, (1) 0101185058639 (2) 01011850588862022-02-09 jubilant95@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018782ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0944000676559 44000685394MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-09Nofind below. 44000676559 44000676559 01 To 21 4796 2734 9732 2969 0284 2307 2390 2699 6831 2710 44000685394 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2022-02-09 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018781ClosedTamper Code2022-02-090101200079156 0101160407843 0101161070327 54161142770Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-09Nofind below, 0101200079156 Clear Tamper 0 2745 8048 5067 9486 7726 0101160407843 Clear Tamper 0 4223 0995 6993 6876 8604 0101161070327 Clear Tamper 0 3859 8808 4844 4904 52572022-02-09 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018780ClosedKCT Request2022-02-090101210189995Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-09Nofind below, 2243 5749 7260 0530 1890 3706 7165 9022 6598 18792022-02-09 yinknuga2002@yahoo.co.uk Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018779ClosedKCT Request2022-02-09: Request for KCT meter no 010117042362 ChristianaMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-09Nowrong meter number or not captured.2022-02-09 benmercyladi@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018778ClosedKCT Request2022-02-09Good morning, Kindly provide me with the kct for the customer below: 0101210058232 from 01 to 33Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-09Nofind below, 4720 6596 2832 4267 3143 6475 6935 7289 5201 75462022-02-09 zakimimidoomaureen@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018777ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0944300013412 1-21 and 21-1Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-09Nofind below, 21 To 01 4690 8090 5988 4558 8553 3695 9487 0037 8248 0387 01 To 21 0713 3888 2476 9570 7347 3952 5593 1995 2977 08562022-02-09 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018776ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0944300013438 1-24 and 24-1 44300000765 1-24 and 24-1 44300002423 1-24 and 24-1 44300007398 1-24 and 24-1 44300013297 1-24 and 24-1 44300018437 1-24 and 24-1 44000685428 44000651933 95300187747 TI2 0101200106314 1-4 and 4-1 54160916695 54160955719Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-09Nofind below, 44300013438 1-24 and 24-1 24 To 01 1496 6659 2507 5044 5073 3281 2289 7068 4655 1796 01 To 24 5095 7430 7337 8298 6726 1834 8793 2759 0436 5201 44300000765 1-24 and 24-1 24 To 01 0254 2383 4065 4585 3678 3099 9104 6917 5019 1644 01 To 24 3230 7168 2373 4631 2806 4429 2306 1215 4995 7264 44300002423 1-24 and 24-1 24 To 01 5628 9986 9730 7945 3802 2946 0625 9755 4259 4180 01 To 24 1446 0797 2075 1873 2680 1351 0639 4742 0188 9179 44300007398 1-24 and 24-1 24 To 01 0148 1649 0320 9868 9144 2341 3036 9634 5677 7516 01 To 24 3859 5477 7453 5651 9660 4908 3608 5635 2214 9330 44300013297 1-24 and 24-1 24 To 01 4993 1362 4181 3795 1397 6448 9521 3848 0694 5788 01 To 24 0147 4393 5675 5673 3881 6997 3204 5083 4743 1037 44300018437 1-24 and 24-1 24 To 01 5527 3478 6306 7760 9287 5297 2805 0763 1826 6698 01 To 24 6895 8983 9770 2646 3222 7211 6243 7494 5192 6780 44000685428................not captured. 44000651933 0673 4630 1956 1328 2064 2870 2668 3680 1486 7337 95300187747 TI2 5934 0798 6739 6373 5919 2525 3042 6754 2769 7043 0101200106314 1-4 and 4-1 04 To 01 3023 7858 6157 0132 6956 5423 9855 7536 7227 0156 01 To 04 0578 2372 0862 8429 6981 3949 6378 8502 2687 5096 54160916695 1337 8062 5917 3135 5526 7336 9671 0514 5919 1780 54160955719 3289 6223 4840 5987 7431 4006 3205 3547 8567 89412022-02-09 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018775ClosedKCT Request2022-02-09Pls Kindly help us generate the kct of 0101200106314 the tariff is 004-001 and 001-004Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-09Nofind below, 01 To 04 0578 2372 0862 8429 6981 3949 6378 8502 2687 5096 04 To 01 3023 7858 6157 0132 6956 5423 9855 7536 7227 01562022-02-09 munirishaqjos@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018774ClosedKCT Request2022-02-09Please the above subject refers. 0101 2101 1150 2 0101 2100 9693 5 Regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-09Nofind below, 0101210111502 4654 7391 0038 1698 3629 5940 3059 3875 6849 1554 0101210096935 0982 9825 0276 7929 3906 5645 0466 3145 5173 03362022-02-09 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018773ClosedKCT Request2022-02-09Pls Kindly help us generate the kct of 0101200106314 the tariff is 0046-001 and 001-0045Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-09Nofind below, 01 To 45 6462 8091 4334 4488 6945 5438 2121 0816 7662 6428 46 To 01 3615 9271 2280 0637 6805 1375 0939 6167 8731 17642022-02-09 munirishaqjos@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018772ClosedKCT Request2022-02-09Dear support, Please the above subject refers. 44000538833 44000485752 Regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-09Nofind below, 44000538833 2961 9864 6920 4563 8205 0476 8858 5399 0035 1349 44000485752.................................wrong STS meter number.2022-02-09 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018771ClosedKCT Request2022-02-09: Request for Kct 44000627883Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-09Nofind below, 6231 4588 2733 3424 6550 1706 5058 9640 3525 66472022-02-09 abbaslawal360@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018770ClosedKCT Request2022-02-09Please kindly treat MSN 44300011275Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-09Nofind below, 5260 8656 9742 1240 1539 5256 2496 3305 3481 85782022-02-09 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018769ClosedKCT Request2022-02-080101170426320 0101170238394 0101170225896Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-08NoFind below, 0101170426320 Clear Tamper 0 2858 0146 1822 0875 2578 0101170238394 Clear Tamper 0 4064 5340 6189 4051 1672 0101170225896 Clear Tamper 0 3597 5985 0276 5347 30682022-02-08 ummilois2@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018769ClosedKCT Request2022-02-080101170426320 0101170238394 0101170225896Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-08NoFind below, 0101170426320 Clear Tamper 0 2858 0146 1822 0875 2578 0101170238394 Clear Tamper 0 4064 5340 6189 4051 1672 0101170225896 Clear Tamper 0 3597 5985 0276 5347 30682022-02-08 ummilois2@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018768ClosedKCT Request2022-02-08Please, kindly furnish me with KCTs on the correct tariff index for these customers below: MSN: INDEX: 44000367720 01 to 02 44000664522. 33 to 01 44000664522. 01 to 33Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-08Nofind below, 44000367720 01 to 02 1034 1192 0050 8232 3654 0126 5287 2956 2958 1794 44000664522. 33 to 01 4804 5229 7248 7097 6647 0019 8289 7599 8161 9633 44000664522. 01 to 33 6568 4614 3605 2504 6155 1028 8962 1318 9230 01622022-02-08 wyontochae@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018767ClosedKCT Request2022-02-08Dear support kindly generate KCT for MSN: 44300011275. Thank you.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-08NoFind below as requested. 5260 8656 9742 1240 1539 5256 2496 3305 3481 85782022-02-08 jubilant95@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018766ClosedKCT Request2022-02-08Dear support kindly generate KCT for MSN: 44300011275. Thank you.Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-08NoFind below, 5260 8656 9742 1240 1539 5256 2496 3305 3481 85782022-02-08 jubilant95@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018766ClosedKCT Request2022-02-08Dear support kindly generate KCT for MSN: 44300011275. Thank you.Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-08NoFind below, 5260 8656 9742 1240 1539 5256 2496 3305 3481 85782022-02-08 jubilant95@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018765ClosedKCT Request2022-02-08Please the above subject refers. 0101210071078 44000645794Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-08NoFind below, 0101210071078 5754 0488 1041 2501 1015 4678 4144 9572 3002 5418 44000645794 7187 2973 1005 2955 2251 6705 7244 0543 6104 91952022-02-08 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018765ClosedKCT Request2022-02-08Please the above subject refers. 0101210071078 44000645794Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-08NoFind below, 0101210071078 5754 0488 1041 2501 1015 4678 4144 9572 3002 5418 44000645794 7187 2973 1005 2955 2251 6705 7244 0543 6104 91952022-02-08 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018764ClosedRequest2022-02-08Please kindly treat MSN 54160871387Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-08NoFind below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6217181190-01 Debt Repayment ₦268,933.69 ₦-224,351.61 ₦2,000.00 ₦26,582.08 M 2017-04-06 ₦18,000.00 2022-02-082022-02-08 mwuladi@yahoo.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018764ClosedRequest2022-02-08Please kindly treat MSN 54160871387Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-08NoFind below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6217181190-01 Debt Repayment ₦268,933.69 ₦-224,351.61 ₦2,000.00 ₦26,582.08 M 2017-04-06 ₦18,000.00 2022-02-082022-02-08 mwuladi@yahoo.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018763ClosedRequest2022-02-08Debt profile Debt profile 0101160371767Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-08NoFind below as requested. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6212040005-01 Debt Repayment ₦193,048.97 ₦-26.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦113,022.97 M 2018-08-29 ₦80,000.00 2022-01-262022-02-08 erdooshirsha@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018762ClosedKCT Request2022-02-08REQUEST FOR KCT 0101210094302Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-08Nofind below, 0010 3000 9836 2105 3776 3779 8158 9830 2602 27292022-02-08 wyontochae@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018761ClosedKCT Request2022-02-080101215009347 thanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-08Nofind below, 0821 7692 8868 5954 3140 1277 7700 9235 5997 13072022-02-08 beediesarah5@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018760ClosedKCT Request2022-02-08KCT GENERATION 44000645794Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-08No7187 2973 1005 2955 2251 6705 7244 0543 6104 91952022-02-08 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018759ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0844000617447Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-08Nochurchillofeimun2016@gmail.com2022-02-08 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018758ClosedKCT Request2022-02-08Kindly furnish us with KCT for the following meters; 62421052994 TI 01 to 02 62420253130 TI 01 to 04Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-08Nofind below, 62421052994 TI 01 to 02 2540 5662 5784 4978 0832 2595 3781 0970 7603 1258 62420253130 TI 01 to 04 6158 2060 3607 8650 8778 6103 9055 7893 7461 17882022-02-08 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018757ClosedKCT Request2022-02-08Kindly provide me with the kct for the customer below: 0101210077992 from 01 to 33 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-08Nofind below, 4777 2168 0838 3749 6265 1451 7472 0980 9463 38012022-02-08 zakimimidoomaureen@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018756ClosedKCT Request2022-02-08Kindly furnish us with KCT for the above PPM number with Tariff Index of 01 to 21.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-08Nofind below, 0257 4893 6879 7819 7087 0023 6207 4241 1283 78582022-02-08 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018755In ProgressKCT Request2022-02-08KCT GENERATION 0101185054331Medium 2022-02-08NoFind below as requested. 4504 8991 1593 5784 1405 2372 3907 0479 2827 21680000-00-00 maryambashir4645@gmail.com
#00018754ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0844000666238Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-08Nofind below, 4335 5651 6322 2283 0821 5231 9755 4654 3993 94762022-02-08 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018753ClosedKCT Request2022-02-08Dear support, Please the above subject refers. 44000674000 44000671790 44000689032 Regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-08Nofind below, 44000674000 1068 5519 3190 0085 3625 4641 2108 0858 7180 1574 44000671790 4823 1222 0042 2952 4328 1495 5806 9700 5974 2678 44000689032 6402 2961 9715 0351 7213 2267 6154 1284 4132 67592022-02-08 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018752ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0844000605574MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-08Nofind below. 44000605574 01 To 21 3378 5561 8257 0867 6266 1257 5989 7005 7863 73022022-02-08 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018751ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0844000605574Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-08Nofind below, 3378 5561 8257 0867 6266 1257 5989 7005 7863 73022022-02-08 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018751ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0844000605574Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-08Nofind below, 3378 5561 8257 0867 6266 1257 5989 7005 7863 73022022-02-08 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018750ClosedKCT Request2022-02-08Please kindly treat MSN 0101215001328Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-08NoFind below, 3897 9570 4149 9472 8280 7064 0633 5527 4841 60922022-02-08 mwuladi@yahoo.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018750ClosedKCT Request2022-02-08Please kindly treat MSN 0101215001328Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-08NoFind below, 3897 9570 4149 9472 8280 7064 0633 5527 4841 60922022-02-08 mwuladi@yahoo.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018749ClosedKCT Request2022-02-08REQUEST FOR KCT 44000555878Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-08NoFind below, 4698 5716 3844 1351 2825 5727 7455 3922 8446 43072022-02-08 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018749ClosedKCT Request2022-02-08REQUEST FOR KCT 44000555878Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-08NoFind below, 4698 5716 3844 1351 2825 5727 7455 3922 8446 43072022-02-08 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018748ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0895300218237 thanksMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-08NoFInd below, 1742 9611 8426 3298 7980 5821 3122 9892 5704 06282022-02-08 beediesarah5@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018748ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0895300218237 thanksMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-08NoFInd below, 1742 9611 8426 3298 7980 5821 3122 9892 5704 06282022-02-08 beediesarah5@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018747ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0844000571115(2-1)Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-08NoFind below, 5806 4076 5103 8078 4721 6485 3617 1253 9528 28792022-02-08 ummilois2@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018747ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0844000571115(2-1)Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-08NoFind below, 5806 4076 5103 8078 4721 6485 3617 1253 9528 28792022-02-08 ummilois2@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018746ClosedKCT Request2022-02-08010190030235 From 001 to 33 Thanks you sirMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-08NoWrong meter number or not captured2022-02-08 josephanzakugaston@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018745ClosedKCT Request2022-02-08Please the above subject refers. 95300120813 Regards.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-08NoDear Maryam. Find below as requested. 0317 1120 8504 4832 4732 1345 9397 4278 7527 70672022-02-08 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018744ClosedKCT Request2022-02-08Kindly generate KCT for 0101210189417. Tariff index is 0004. Thank YouMedium 2022-02-08NoDear Sunny, Find below as requested. 0571 7037 8115 4760 7480 7247 8021 7253 7865 1397 Regards.2022-02-08 sunnyochekwu@gmail.com
#00018743ClosedKCT Request2022-02-08Request for outstanding balance meter no 54161115644 EkagboMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-08NoFind below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6622941008-01 Debt Repayment ₦272,486.67 ₦-20,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦234,486.67 M 2020-01-20 ₦18,000.00 2022-02-082022-02-08 benmercyladi@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018742ClosedKCT Request2022-02-08Kindly generate KCT for 0101210189417. Tariff index is 0004. Thank YouMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-08NoFind below, 0571 7037 8115 4760 7480 7247 8021 7253 7865 13972022-02-08 sunnyochekwu@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018741ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0862321154007 from 01 to 37Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-08NoDear Shaagee. Find below as requested. 6087 7583 6778 9010 8466 0281 6276 3797 9842 67192022-02-08 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018740ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0895300216710 thanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-08NoFind below, 4942 7233 8720 4370 8886 5098 7508 5922 3593 60982022-02-08 beediesarah5@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018739ClosedKCT Request2022-02-08Please Kindly help us generate the kct of 0101210049850 from 0045-001 and 001-0045Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-08NoFind below, 1-45 2400 3520 7050 3198 5338 4781 6575 7752 8348 8546 45-1 3059 3706 5512 8326 0608 1747 0183 5328 7904 22062022-02-08 munirishaqjos@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018738ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0857100054600 1-21 54160890130Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-08Nofind below, 57100054600 1-21 56433835028151327271 19471420074143376332 54160890130 4430 3649 4463 7844 7825 2203 5390 4508 6050 74222022-02-08 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018737ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0895300218237 thanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-08Nofind below, 1742 9611 8426 3298 7980 5821 3122 9892 5704 06282022-02-08 beediesarah5@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018736ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0844000571115 Please kindly treat thank you.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-08NoThis meter is a Single-phase residential (01) on our system no KCT requires, hence they may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2022-02-08 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018735ClosedKCT Request2022-02-08Please Kindly help us generate the kct of 0101210181752 the tariff is 0033Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-08Nofind below, 2934 3228 9753 2527 3527 5987 3829 2254 1619 18182022-02-08 munirishaqjos@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018734ClosedKCT Request2022-02-08Kindly generate KCT for 0101210138687Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-08NoKindly generate KCT for 0101210163818. Tariff index is 0001. Thank You2022-02-08 yinknuga2002@yahoo.co.uk Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018733ClosedKCT Request2022-02-08Kindly generate KCT for 0101210163818. Tariff index is 0001. Thank YouMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-08Nofind below. 0101210163818 01 To 04 3715 9379 1931 4536 4271 0768 0176 1337 1713 04652022-02-08 sunnyochekwu@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018732ClosedKCT Request2022-02-08Dear support kindly generate KCT for MSN 54160931942 . 0101205018233 . Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-08Nofind below, 54160931942 . This meter is a Single-phase residential (01) on our system no KCT requires, hence they may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. 0101205018233 5188 6213 5536 8828 3904 3788 6569 0455 5625 91592022-02-08 jubilant95@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018731ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0844000743110 (1-45 44000743102(1-45) 44000324507 (1-21) Please kindly treat thank you.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-08NoGood morning, find below, 44000743110 (1-45 6626 5035 1123 3626 4032 4837 0529 5448 9389 4347 44000743102(1-45) 5637 5746 9355 3016 9610 7002 8542 2430 0962 8679 44000324507 (1-21) 5443 1931 1091 3340 3152 7028 6134 3561 8232 63192022-02-08 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018730ClosedKCT Request2022-02-080101200069504 1-4 0101200126015 0101170282848 44000629384 44000555878MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-08Nofind below. 0101200069504 01 To 04 7019 0719 7211 6398 7855 3335 3020 2289 0302 8475 0101200069504 1-4 0101200126015 0101200126015 02 To 08 4940 0127 0502 3077 4285 2628 5273 7461 8152 8894 0101170282848 0101170282848 01 To 21 0965 7885 4533 9877 4692 5637 1904 0666 7678 1852 44000629384 44000629384 01 To 33 4390 1560 9239 2324 9794 2559 0830 1854 2891 2427 44000555878 44000555878 01 To 21 4698 5716 3844 1351 2825 5727 7455 3922 8446 43072022-02-08 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018729ClosedKCT Request2022-02-08Kindly assist generate kct for customer with 0101205014604 tarrif index 0002.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-08Nofind below, 0635 7841 6514 6550 6721 4981 1877 3518 5030 58912022-02-08 abrahamujiuji@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018728ClosedKCT Request2022-02-080101190009775(33-1&1-33)Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-08Nofind below, 01 To 33 2639 3272 3819 1233 2014 5624 7374 2563 2015 1718 33 To 01 4861 1206 0731 9877 0541 4808 5533 8767 1133 74242022-02-08 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018727ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0862321154007 From 001 to 37 Thanks you sirMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-08Nofind below, 6087 7583 6778 9010 8466 0281 6276 3797 9842 67192022-02-08 josephanzakugaston@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018726ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0844000374353Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-08Nofind below, 2223 0556 9940 1266 2587 5529 5910 1399 9282 96912022-02-08 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018725ClosedTamper Code2022-02-08Kindly reissue this tamper 0101170314773 ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-08Nofind below, 0101170314773 Clear Tamper 0 5793 8175 6977 6929 21932022-02-08 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018724ClosedTamper Code2022-02-08REQUEST FOR TAMPER CODE - 57100078682Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-08Nofind below, 57100078682 Clear Tamper 0 3174 5602 0449 8094 10972022-02-08 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018723ClosedKCT Request2022-02-08Request for KCT 23100542481 TI 01 to 04Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-08No2022-02-08 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018722ClosedKCT Request2022-02-080101205016237Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-08Nofind below, 0831 0002 5326 8418 8271 3154 3363 3324 9446 44372022-02-08 akogwuada@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018721ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0854161145823Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-08Nofind below, 4731 9638 2289 7473 5297 1692 5658 8419 9923 42022022-02-08 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018720ClosedTamper Code2022-02-08Please Kindly generate the Tamper code Mojec, meter faulty Negative and No communication and Rejected Token and SGC 600292 Negative 0101210069189 0101210049710 0101210047159 0101200085195 0101170170282 0101170308049 0101210008484 0101210043366 0101210073322 0101210061608 0101210048415 0101210075533 0101210048423 0101210060675 0101170298588 0101200087894 0101190023974 0101210042293 0101210048100 0101170255059 0101210019721 0101210019523 0101210054447 0101210056939 0101190133625 0101190035960 0101190024436 0101190030672 0101210039711Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-08Nofind below, 0101210069189 Clear Tamper 0 6042 0212 5451 4198 1188 0101210049710 Clear Tamper 0 6751 1465 0616 9141 6772 0101210047159..............................not captured. 0101200085195 Clear Tamper 0 6451 7876 0539 3688 1056 0101170170282 Clear Tamper 0 4992 7448 7655 6785 5739 0101170308049 Clear Tamper 0 1504 8626 5106 4632 9520 0101210008484 Clear Tamper 0 5751 9596 6826 3870 3750 0101210043366 Clear Tamper 0 7321 5342 1127 6213 6145 0101210073322 Clear Tamper 0 7336 9914 5040 9008 0093 0101210061608 Clear Tamper 0 4951 2791 7051 7417 2839 0101210048415 Clear Tamper 0 5215 7085 2664 8174 1264 0101210075533 Clear Tamper 0 3407 2945 8446 4167 2446 0101210048423 Clear Tamper 0 6392 1814 5671 5272 3305 0101210060675 Clear Tamper 0 1877 4219 0449 4666 6369 0101170298588 Clear Tamper 0 0379 9973 3323 0274 2833 0101200087894 Clear Tamper 0 4468 1874 1304 3910 1878 0101190023974 Clear Tamper 0 5684 5194 9241 9994 4748 0101210042293 Clear Tamper 0 0451 1132 8699 0431 3174 0101210048100 Clear Tamper 0 6586 6351 4916 9917 0427 0101170255059 Clear Tamper 0 7190 2568 9664 0930 5326 0101210019721 Clear Tamper 0 1365 2674 8437 2079 7549 0101210019523 Clear Tamper 0 5940 4991 7775 6112 9215 0101210054447 Clear Tamper 0 4217 3846 1011 2490 8135 0101210056939 Clear Tamper 0 2613 4411 6193 0141 4449 0101190133625 Clear Tamper 0 2929 4486 1763 9916 9363 0101190035960 Clear Tamper 0 0899 4979 3719 3297 7553 0101190024436 Clear Tamper 0 4738 7171 1619 6967 6624 0101190030672 Clear Tamper 0 0316 9591 7416 0518 4741 0101210039711 Clear Tamper 0 3813 7971 8788 6012 11062022-02-08 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018719ClosedKCT Request2022-02-08Please kindly verify this MSN 44000672681 For tamper Regards.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-08NoDear Wuladi. Find below as requested. 44000672681 Clear Tamper 0 3929 1717 9081 6519 38142022-02-08 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00018718ClosedTamper Code2022-02-08Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0150000944648MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-08Nofind below. 0406 4348 5694 6536 85432022-02-08 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018717ClosedKCT Request2022-02-08Dear IT Support Team, Kindly furnish us with KCT for the following meters; 54160870603 TI 03 to 33 62321141400 TI 01 to 02Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-08No54160870603 TI 03 to 33 1136 0460 1366 4159 1790 7194 4758 8661 8265 0621 62321141400 TI 01 to 02 1489 0835 1008 3211 1402 1494 9180 8824 3668 17782022-02-08 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018716ClosedRequest2022-02-08Find below MSN. 1. 0101170203158.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-08NoFind below as requested. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 528628 Debt Repayment ₦90,591.63 ₦-6,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦66,591.63 M 2020-02-20 ₦18,000.00 2022-02-082022-02-08 faizahtafida@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018715ClosedKCT Request2022-02-08Dear IT Support Team, Kindly furnish us with KCT for the following meters; 54160870603 TI 03 to 33 62321141400 TI 01 to 02Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-08NoDear Aor. Find below as requested. 54160870603 TI 03 to 33 1136 0460 1366 4159 1790 7194 4758 8661 8265 0621 62321141400 TI 01 to 02 1489 0835 1008 3211 1402 1494 9180 8824 3668 17782022-02-08 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00018714ClosedKCT Request2022-02-08REQUEST FOR KCT 0101200049696Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-08NoFind below, 0101170426569. 01 to 21 4674 2123 1695 6653 3976 7031 9275 4152 5484 7312 0101200049696. 01 to 02 2200 5458 8478 5285 7856 4125 0976 1439 2839 64812022-02-08 wyontochae@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018713ClosedKCT Request2022-02-08Acct name:Odeh Ikwue. Meter Number:62321149973. Index:01Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-08NoFind below, 6111 2254 9770 6344 9992 1312 2243 6043 6906 54792022-02-08 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018712ClosedKCT Request2022-02-08KCT GENERATION from 01 to 21 0195000002749Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-08NoFind below, 0878 0476 4748 0815 9957 200903332028558993512022-02-08 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018711ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0862321154007 62321152605 001 to 37Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-08NoFind below, 62321152605 0206 7709 1383 4297 5294 3607 5698 4577 8456 99702022-02-08 josephanzakugaston@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00018710ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0862321152605 From 001 to 37 Thanks sirMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-08NoFind below, 0206 7709 1383 4297 5294 3607 5698 4577 8456 99702022-02-08 josephanzakugaston@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00018709ClosedKCT Request2022-02-08KCT GENERATION 95300104635Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-08NoDear Maryam. Find below as requested. 39472361308838685089 482605669908414392972022-02-08 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018708ClosedKCT Request2022-02-08Good morning team, Please kindly treat MSN 0101161008582Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-08Nofind below, 1320 2976 0224 4342 7457 3897 3128 8042 1166 31422022-02-08 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018707ClosedTamper Code2022-02-08REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPER 0101210070443Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-01Nofind below, 0101210070443 Clear Tamper 0 2906 0441 2638 8073 59112022-02-08 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018706ClosedTamper Code2022-02-08Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101170391284Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-08Nofind below, 0101170391284 Clear Tamper 0 0191 2386 7083 0361 65872022-02-08 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018705ClosedKCT Request2022-02-08Kindly assist us with the outstanding balance of 54161131864Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-08Nofind below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 662412233201 Debt Repayment ₦149,600.94 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦141,600.94 M 2020-04-14 ₦8,000.00 2021-09-302022-02-08 yinknuga2002@yahoo.co.uk Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018704ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0844300006200(21-1&1-21)Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-08Nofind below, 01 To 21 1388 0650 9646 9987 3928 2888 6388 9796 0881 5557 21 To 01 1865 5234 6811 8866 1697 5633 1804 5802 0430 32742022-02-08 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018703ClosedKCT Request2022-02-08Kindly avail us the debt profile for 54160910169 TSOKAR ERDOO EVELYN.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-08NoGood morning, please note that no debt record found for this account.2022-02-08 evelyntsokar87@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018702ClosedKCT Request2022-02-08Kindly help us generate the kct of 0101200069504 from 004-001 and 0001-0004Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-08Nofind below, 01 To 04 7019 0719 7211 6398 7855 3335 3020 2289 0302 8475 04 To 01 3098 0468 2960 6719 2527 2332 6361 4068 7067 04772022-02-08 munirishaqjos@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018701ClosedKCT Request2022-02-08KCT GENERATION 0195000002582Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-08Nofind below, 4731 3151 3214 2433 7648 2698 1097 5237 8544 98472022-02-08 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018700ClosedKCT Request2022-02-08KCT GENERATION 04223507734Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-07Nofind below, 6113 6230 0814 9647 9748 4177 9347 6270 3175 88992022-02-08 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018699ClosedRequest2022-02-08The customer with the Meter number 62521010835 has energy balance of 698270.8kwh on inspection. kindly generate a Clear Credit token to enable the maintenance Team troubleshotMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-08Nofind below, 62521010835 Clear Credit 0 6478 0093 0855 9134 35262022-02-08 thompsontor@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018698ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0795300162435 21-1Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-07Nofind below, 2334 5665 9045 2867 7179 2034 3000 9528 9172 67752022-02-07 Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018697ClosedTamper Code2022-02-070101170288522 0101160358095Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-07Nofind below, 0101170288522 Clear Tamper 0 6607 0558 3757 4592 7844 0101160358095 Clear Tamper 0 2221 5822 6850 9724 22782022-02-07 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018696ClosedTamper Code2022-02-07Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101200003966Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-07Nofind below, 0101200003966 Clear Tamper 0 1642 5466 5314 2179 94322022-02-07 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018695ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0754160873649 44000365856 44000676740 54161077745Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-07Nofind below, 54160873649 Clear Tamper 0 1081 4393 7055 5301 0250 44000365856 Clear Tamper 0 2481 9626 2259 8771 1686 44000676740 Clear Tamper 0 4523 7178 6077 2861 4908 54161077745 Clear Tamper 0 1938 4175 4698 1482 89812022-02-07 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018694ClosedKCT Request2022-02-07REQUEST FOR KCT 57100043462Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-07Nofind below, 1744 9430 3367 8092 9532 1159 6804 6084 7998 48042022-02-07 wyontochae@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018693ClosedKCT Request2022-02-07Dear support, Please the above subject refers. 44000523512 44000523462 44000674331 44000672582 44000646354 44000640209 44000675510 44000679603 0101210070443 Regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri0000-00-00Nofind below, 44000523512 1187 1341 4779 0408 5463 5880 9375 5817 8291 3479 44000523462 1279 7248 3225 6322 5891 5448 8106 5739 0838 6350 44000674331 4183 2911 8784 1469 7047 0986 2083 1639 7128 6479 44000672582 3117 2542 4929 3585 4800 2597 4213 4811 2701 0708 44000646354 3683 9650 3547 0578 2686 3306 7424 8838 8537 9995 44000640209 5212 5853 1280 7656 6974 2058 9103 3723 4269 4683 44000675510 5769 7114 6512 0274 8663 5583 3308 4616 2758 5660 44000679603 1703 5457 5833 5398 7874 3178 4057 2564 9680 2154 0101210070443 This meter is a Single-phase residential (01) on our system no KCT requires, hence they may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. Regards.2022-02-07 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018692ClosedKCT Request2022-01-3144000524429(1-45)Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-07Nofind below, 0759 6505 1117 7498 7164 5393 1678 0961 3030 20322022-02-07 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018691ClosedKCT Request2022-01-31Request for KCT on 54161069122 TI 03 to 33Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-07Nofind below, 0604 2529 8835 6875 0310 1607 9942 5709 8026 17282022-02-07 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018690ClosedKCT Request2022-02-07Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 44300007927Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-07Nofind below, 44300007927 Clear Tamper 0 4457 0680 9689 1941 70772022-02-07 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018689ClosedKCT Request2022-02-07Please provide KCTs for this MSNs. 0101170433086 from 01 to 33 44000669281 from 01 to 33 0101210120420 from 01 t0 33 Regards CCRM, MakerMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-07Nofind below, 0101170433086 from 01 to 33 3300 0132 9255 0778 8318 6459 1035 4885 6761 8108 44000669281 from 01 to 33 5008 0227 9828 1228 7464 5937 9671 0931 6060 5412 0101210120420 from 01 t0 33 0266 4851 2743 4341 3502 1859 1810 4143 3246 17902022-02-07 uduhaleje@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018688ClosedKCT Request2022-02-07Kindly assist to generate kct for 0101205016237Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-07Nofind below, 0831 0002 5326 8418 8271 3154 3363 3324 9446 44372022-02-07 akogwuada@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018687ClosedKCT Request2022-02-07REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101210074668 FROM 02 TO 01Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-07Nofind below, 0942 2650 7700 3887 4405 3231 4752 1530 7456 23792022-02-07 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018686ClosedKCT Request2022-02-07Good afternoon, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters. Thank you. Meter Numbers: 44000685303 (26 to 21) 54161132524 (7 to 1) 0101210084071 0101170282848Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-07Nofind below, 44000685303 (26 to 21) 2065 7005 4938 1988 9903 7255 1497 7752 9244 5765 54161132524 (7 to 1) 3246 9181 2869 3311 1076 3968 2741 7353 6079 3894 0101210084071 0292 4027 4513 8315 8511 2672 5486 9400 5757 7583 0101170282848 0965 7885 4533 9877 4692 5637 1904 0666 7678 18522022-02-07 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018685ClosedKCT Request2022-02-070101210007023 0101210012338 0101210077349 TI 2Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-07Nofind below, 0101210007023 0108 0362 5148 0054 6190 1350 6217 0913 3434 1496 0101210012338 4516 5174 9482 4816 6155 6443 6967 0653 9865 2572 0101210077349 TI 2 0317 9555 2374 0568 5745 6534 5076 5332 2455 65242022-02-07 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018684ClosedKCT Request2022-02-070101200104046 44000374353Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-07Nofind below, 0101200104046 This meter is a Single-phase residential (01) on our system no KCT requires, hence they may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. 44000374353 2223 0556 9940 1266 2587 5529 5910 1399 9282 96912022-02-07 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018683ClosedKCT Request2022-02-07KCT from 01 to 21 for this MSN: 44000572113 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-07Nofind below, 0391 3789 0255 6690 9892 0447 0922 4706 4917 04042022-02-07 yuzarsif331122@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018682ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0744000629616MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-07Nofind below. 0101170155663 01 To 04 3996 4455 1004 8264 9506 6819 8611 5428 6991 7790 Regards.2022-02-07 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018681ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0754161001463, 57100054600Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-07Nofind below, 54161001463 1381 0218 3957 9147 1271 0488 3208 2650 5812 0507 57100054600 This meter is a Single-phase residential (01) on our system no KCT requires, hence they may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2022-02-07 abdulmalikakande@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018680ClosedKCT Request2022-02-08Hello good afternoon sir please kindly generate KCT to this meter 0101170375287 from 01 to 22Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-07Nofind below, 0015 7066 1248 2979 9450 2543 2227 7967 4343 09592022-02-07 onceinlife6464@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018679ClosedKCT Request2022-02-07Please kindly help me with KCT 44000574457 44000500049 44000574481Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-07Nofind below, 44000574457 2775 3475 2875 2947 4252 6799 5509 9826 5195 2120 44000500049 This meter is a Single-phase residential (01) on our system no KCT requires, hence they may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. 44000574481 4596 4046 1662 5469 9879 2348 5460 2974 6523 52232022-02-07 sadeeqismail2020@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018678ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0744000629616MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-07Nofind below. 44000629616 44000629616 01 To 45 6770 9609 8243 8920 3387 5490 6769 9511 9271 11892022-02-07 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018677ClosedTamper Code2022-02-07Find below, 0101210013062 Clear Tamper 0 0064 5034 9950 5743 7274 0101180148849 Clear Tamper 0 7221 1678 4966 9855 8453 0101170190207 Clear Tamper 0 2568 6920 4122 2866 5817 44000654176 Clear Tamper 0 3883 0939 3738 0334 6336 44000518520 Clear Tamper 0 3305 5810 3410 8029 5325 44000540110 Clear Tamper 0 4386 2493 2399 5938 9474 0101200076244 Clear Tamper 0 1174 2040 4362 3048 5697 0101170235994 Clear Tamper 0 5600 6359 9531 0066 5122 0101170408682 Clear Tamper 0 6921 0187 4428 1712 9302 44000381143 Clear Tamper 0 0874 5630 8279 6688 1253 0101210061277 Clear Tamper 0 3889 9171 8194 6789 6300 0101205004480 Clear Tamper 0 3361 1271 5937 1602 6581 0101205019892 Clear Tamper 0 6996 3020 4537 3282 6676 0101205010552 Clear Tamper 0 0819 9019 1211 7821 4823 0101200003388 Clear Tamper 0 0698 1905 9787 4492 0915 0101210006447 Clear Tamper 0 1352 6369 8042 8636 5215 0101200033278 Clear Tamper 0 6391 1074 3083 9600 9387 0101210065526 Clear Tamper 0 5038 4696 4476 5691 0882Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-07NoFind below, 0101210013062 Clear Tamper 0 0064 5034 9950 5743 7274 0101180148849 Clear Tamper 0 7221 1678 4966 9855 8453 0101170190207 Clear Tamper 0 2568 6920 4122 2866 5817 44000654176 Clear Tamper 0 3883 0939 3738 0334 6336 44000518520 Clear Tamper 0 3305 5810 3410 8029 5325 44000540110 Clear Tamper 0 4386 2493 2399 5938 9474 0101200076244 Clear Tamper 0 1174 2040 4362 3048 5697 0101170235994 Clear Tamper 0 5600 6359 9531 0066 5122 0101170408682 Clear Tamper 0 6921 0187 4428 1712 9302 44000381143 Clear Tamper 0 0874 5630 8279 6688 1253 0101210061277 Clear Tamper 0 3889 9171 8194 6789 6300 0101205004480 Clear Tamper 0 3361 1271 5937 1602 6581 0101205019892 Clear Tamper 0 6996 3020 4537 3282 6676 0101205010552 Clear Tamper 0 0819 9019 1211 7821 4823 0101200003388 Clear Tamper 0 0698 1905 9787 4492 0915 0101210006447 Clear Tamper 0 1352 6369 8042 8636 5215 0101200033278 Clear Tamper 0 6391 1074 3083 9600 9387 0101210065526 Clear Tamper 0 5038 4696 4476 5691 0882 Regards.2022-02-07 wyontochae@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018677ClosedTamper Code2022-02-07Find below, 0101210013062 Clear Tamper 0 0064 5034 9950 5743 7274 0101180148849 Clear Tamper 0 7221 1678 4966 9855 8453 0101170190207 Clear Tamper 0 2568 6920 4122 2866 5817 44000654176 Clear Tamper 0 3883 0939 3738 0334 6336 44000518520 Clear Tamper 0 3305 5810 3410 8029 5325 44000540110 Clear Tamper 0 4386 2493 2399 5938 9474 0101200076244 Clear Tamper 0 1174 2040 4362 3048 5697 0101170235994 Clear Tamper 0 5600 6359 9531 0066 5122 0101170408682 Clear Tamper 0 6921 0187 4428 1712 9302 44000381143 Clear Tamper 0 0874 5630 8279 6688 1253 0101210061277 Clear Tamper 0 3889 9171 8194 6789 6300 0101205004480 Clear Tamper 0 3361 1271 5937 1602 6581 0101205019892 Clear Tamper 0 6996 3020 4537 3282 6676 0101205010552 Clear Tamper 0 0819 9019 1211 7821 4823 0101200003388 Clear Tamper 0 0698 1905 9787 4492 0915 0101210006447 Clear Tamper 0 1352 6369 8042 8636 5215 0101200033278 Clear Tamper 0 6391 1074 3083 9600 9387 0101210065526 Clear Tamper 0 5038 4696 4476 5691 0882Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-07NoFind below, 0101210013062 Clear Tamper 0 0064 5034 9950 5743 7274 0101180148849 Clear Tamper 0 7221 1678 4966 9855 8453 0101170190207 Clear Tamper 0 2568 6920 4122 2866 5817 44000654176 Clear Tamper 0 3883 0939 3738 0334 6336 44000518520 Clear Tamper 0 3305 5810 3410 8029 5325 44000540110 Clear Tamper 0 4386 2493 2399 5938 9474 0101200076244 Clear Tamper 0 1174 2040 4362 3048 5697 0101170235994 Clear Tamper 0 5600 6359 9531 0066 5122 0101170408682 Clear Tamper 0 6921 0187 4428 1712 9302 44000381143 Clear Tamper 0 0874 5630 8279 6688 1253 0101210061277 Clear Tamper 0 3889 9171 8194 6789 6300 0101205004480 Clear Tamper 0 3361 1271 5937 1602 6581 0101205019892 Clear Tamper 0 6996 3020 4537 3282 6676 0101205010552 Clear Tamper 0 0819 9019 1211 7821 4823 0101200003388 Clear Tamper 0 0698 1905 9787 4492 0915 0101210006447 Clear Tamper 0 1352 6369 8042 8636 5215 0101200033278 Clear Tamper 0 6391 1074 3083 9600 9387 0101210065526 Clear Tamper 0 5038 4696 4476 5691 0882 Regards.2022-02-07 wyontochae@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018676ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0744300013016 1-46 and 46-1MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-07Nofind below. 44300013016 01 To 46 3004 7499 1206 6894 0619 1230 7485 9503 6205 3580 44300013016 46 To 01 5247 8518 3399 0668 0915 2142 6151 0949 4272 43552022-02-07 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018675ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0744000641199Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-07Nofind below, 3084 0794 7768 8897 1191 5192 3001 1956 7939 43762022-02-07 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018674ClosedKCT Request2022-02-07KCT GENERATION 04180793830Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-07Nofind below, 5743 2825 6092 2845 1020 1910 5624 5486 6003 55102022-02-07 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018673ClosedKCT Request2022-02-070150300020396Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-07Nohello, This meter is a Single-phase residential (01) on our system no KCT requires, hence they may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2022-02-07 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018672ClosedKCT Request2022-02-07KCT GENERATION 04180798698MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-07Nohello, find below. 04180798698 04180798698 01 To 45 3163 1691 4426 1618 0251 5848 9161 5097 1589 81562022-02-07 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018671ClosedKCT Request2022-02-07Please kindly help me with KCT 0101170407684 ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-07Nofind below, 1382 6078 8289 1675 4022 5008 5401 5479 8543 42242022-02-07 sadeeqismail2020@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018670ClosedKCT Request2022-02-070101210056731 From 0001 to 33 Thank u sirMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-07Nofind below. 0101210056731 01 To 33 3932 2499 8958 2096 9810 0449 6678 6444 2313 65022022-02-07 yusufibrahimbaba440@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018669ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0744000622272MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-07Nofind below. 44000622272 01 To 21 5143 3436 1357 9607 2883 0716 8906 0448 3173 64782022-02-07 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018668ClosedKCT Request2022-02-070101210198061 need KCT From 46 to 01 & 01 to 46. 0101200066310 need KCT from 01 to 21.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-07No2022-02-07 elijah.ishaya@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018667ClosedTamper Code2022-02-07Support, Pls treat. Regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-31Nofind below, 0101210118788 Clear Tamper 0 5095 4245 7792 8323 57012022-02-07 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018666ClosedKCT Request2022-02-07KCT request - 62521011684Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-07Nofind below, 3273 9884 8550 1608 7390 5637 2770 2498 4216 46332022-02-07 stynlucs@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018665ClosedKCT Request2022-02-07Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 95300230034 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-07Nofind below, 95300230034 Clear Tamper 0 5004 6818 6460 9928 73972022-02-07 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018664ClosedKCT Request2022-02-07Please assist with this kct no: 0101170282748 Thank you.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-07NoGood morning, wrong meter number or not captured2022-02-07 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018663ClosedKCT Request2022-02-07Meter no. 0101215001518.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-07Nofind below, 4123 2484 1462 3537 8601 2718 6567 3788 7952 40262022-02-07 huzaifa.idris20@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018662ClosedKCT Request2022-02-04KCT GENERATION 44000 555829Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-04NoFind below, 1473 2992 1074 5584 7905 1398 2070 9603 6171 80662022-02-04 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018662ClosedKCT Request2022-02-04KCT GENERATION 44000 555829Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-04NoFind below, 1473 2992 1074 5584 7905 1398 2070 9603 6171 80662022-02-04 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018661ClosedKCT Request2022-02-040101170378711 Thank youMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-04NoFind below, 4612 0552 0188 1802 6693 0634 5092 6723 2362 40402022-02-04 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018661ClosedKCT Request2022-02-040101170378711 Thank youMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-04NoFind below, 4612 0552 0188 1802 6693 0634 5092 6723 2362 40402022-02-04 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018660ClosedKCT Request2022-02-04Please kindly treat MSN 0101200114508(2-1)Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-04NoDear Wuladi. Find below as requested. 1414 6492 0822 5973 0043 4750 0923 2785 2015 11232022-02-04 mwuladi@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00018659ClosedKCT Request2022-02-04Request for KCT 0101210189607Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-04NoDear Nuwaira. Find below as requested. 5072 1034 0593 9068 6918 2508 4724 6578 3983 62372022-02-04 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018658ClosedKCT Request2022-02-04Good afternoon, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters. Thank you. Meter Numbers: 0101205016310 (45 to 33) 44000537868Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-04Nofind below, 0101205016310 (45 to 33) 6042 4113 8469 7912 2448 3876 2905 5300 1222 1582 44000537868 0466 3545 2947 6040 3899 5063 0648 9900 1844 50212022-02-04 ademugeorge@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018658ClosedKCT Request2022-02-04Good afternoon, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters. Thank you. Meter Numbers: 0101205016310 (45 to 33) 44000537868Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-04Nofind below, 0101205016310 (45 to 33) 6042 4113 8469 7912 2448 3876 2905 5300 1222 1582 44000537868 0466 3545 2947 6040 3899 5063 0648 9900 1844 50212022-02-04 ademugeorge@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018657ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0344000495307 Thank youMedium 2022-02-04NoFind below, 4286 9948 6552 7056 1038 4065 4914 2336 3042 4117 Regards.2022-02-04 auwalmashall6@gmail.com
#00018656ClosedTamper Code2022-02-04Please kindly verify this MSN for tamper 54150638895Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-04NoDear Wuladi. Find below as requested. 54150638895 Clear Tamper 0 2535 5272 8559 8829 25192022-02-04 mwuladi@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00018655ClosedTamper Code2022-02-04Kindly vette on this meter meter for support to generate tamper 0101170407718 Tahnk youMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-04NoFind below as requested. 0101170407718 Clear Tamper 0 1354 8989 5984 9616 42342022-02-04 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018654ClosedKCT Request2022-02-04Meter No. 95300216447 Tariff index checked 33 Kindly assistMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-04NoDear Ofeimun, This meter is also on TI 33 in our end. Please check the KRN and SGC of the MSN.2022-02-04 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018653ClosedKCT Request2022-02-04Dear support, Please the above subject refers. 44000634384 44000684132 0101210195992 Regards.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-04NoDear Maryam. Find below as requested. 44000634384...........not captured. 44000684132............not captured. 0101210195992 4482 2336 2502 0876 5381 3870 4149 5711 0216 84982022-02-04 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018652ClosedKCT Request2022-02-04REquest for Debt profile - 010117047798Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-04NoDear Umar. No debt status found attached to the meter2022-02-04 omarllepps@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00018651ClosedKCT Request2022-02-040101188027011 from 046 to 05.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-04NoDear Shaagee. Find below as requested. 0419 2135 8391 0409 8219 5256 5190 7938 7470 70432022-02-04 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018650ClosedTamper Code2022-02-04REQUEST FOR TAMPER CODE - 0101170273581Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-04NoDear Dauda. Find below as requested. 0101170273581 Clear Tamper 0 4634 6623 0620 2927 49322022-02-04 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018649ClosedKCT Request2022-02-04Please kindly treat MSN 0101210061145MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-04Nofind below. 0101210061145 01 To 45 4324 1795 6597 3272 5910 5745 9576 7244 4874 1780 Regards.2022-02-04 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00018648ClosedKCT Request2022-02-04REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101170302067MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-04Nofind below. 0101170302067 01 To 22 3676 6879 0337 7431 9418 3671 1130 4033 8351 16752022-02-04 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018647ClosedKCT Request2022-02-04REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101170273581MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-04Nofind below. 0101170273581 01 To 21 6272 2613 3941 4309 9515 4918 4706 3261 1297 48782022-02-04 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018646ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0444000666166MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-04Nofind below. No data available in table2022-02-04 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018645ClosedKCT Request2022-02-04Request for KCT 44000732790MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-04Nofind below. 44000732790 01 To 21 2783 1183 9789 3963 4887 0651 0485 9294 8287 70082022-02-04 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018644ClosedKCT Request2022-02-04REQUEST FOR KCT FROM 021 TO 045 - 57100061423Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-04NoFind below, 7191 7593 3719 6152 5952 6712 4622 9745 5328 33632022-02-04 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018644ClosedKCT Request2022-02-04REQUEST FOR KCT FROM 021 TO 045 - 57100061423Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-04NoFind below, 7191 7593 3719 6152 5952 6712 4622 9745 5328 33632022-02-04 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018643ClosedKCT Request2022-02-040101190153862(2-1&1-2) Please kindly treat thank you.Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-04NoFind below, 1-2 0795 7925 6116 9328 1352 7169 9606 0058 4844 9297 2-1 1549 7096 6405 5055 3313 1676 9446 2610 8574 87542022-02-04 ummilois2@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018643ClosedKCT Request2022-02-040101190153862(2-1&1-2) Please kindly treat thank you.Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-04NoFind below, 1-2 0795 7925 6116 9328 1352 7169 9606 0058 4844 9297 2-1 1549 7096 6405 5055 3313 1676 9446 2610 8574 87542022-02-04 ummilois2@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018642ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0444000635159Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-04NoFind below, 4708 4724 3630 2564 5434 6196 0489 8347 4107 52222022-02-04 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018642ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0444000635159Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-04NoFind below, 4708 4724 3630 2564 5434 6196 0489 8347 4107 52222022-02-04 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018641ClosedKCT Request2022-02-040101210055733 kct 02 to 01 01 to 02Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-04NoFind below, 1-2 6717 9655 1539 6682 8943 3963 6040 9667 9462 4578 2-1 4462 3285 1554 9960 0218 2513 7051 1398 8195 83132022-02-04 shuaibumuhammad629@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018641ClosedKCT Request2022-02-040101210055733 kct 02 to 01 01 to 02Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-04NoFind below, 1-2 6717 9655 1539 6682 8943 3963 6040 9667 9462 4578 2-1 4462 3285 1554 9960 0218 2513 7051 1398 8195 83132022-02-04 shuaibumuhammad629@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018640ClosedKCT Request2022-02-04Meter Numbers: 44000667624 0101215031697 (02 to 34)Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-04NoFind below, 44000667624 5322 7260 7161 1977 9045 2105 7495 3821 5619 3452 0101215031697 (02 to 34) 2503 7027 0606 0523 3565 4015 4394 0795 7339 80002022-02-04 demugeorge@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018640ClosedKCT Request2022-02-04Meter Numbers: 44000667624 0101215031697 (02 to 34)Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-04NoFind below, 44000667624 5322 7260 7161 1977 9045 2105 7495 3821 5619 3452 0101215031697 (02 to 34) 2503 7027 0606 0523 3565 4015 4394 0795 7339 80002022-02-04 demugeorge@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018639ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0444000655959Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-04NoFind below, 19968420328444230448 090608055251805520002022-02-04 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018639ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0444000655959Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-04NoFind below, 19968420328444230448 090608055251805520002022-02-04 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018638ClosedKCT Request2022-02-04Dear support, Please the above subject refers. 44000541787 from 21 to 01 44000584332 from 21 to 01 Regards.Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-04NoFind below, 44000541787 from 21 to 01 0616 9089 6467 5548 4722 1951 4390 4332 3016 6445 44000584332 from 21 to 01 0339 3361 9257 2191 4210 4661 0059 0788 8538 80042022-02-04 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018638ClosedKCT Request2022-02-04Dear support, Please the above subject refers. 44000541787 from 21 to 01 44000584332 from 21 to 01 Regards.Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-04NoFind below, 44000541787 from 21 to 01 0616 9089 6467 5548 4722 1951 4390 4332 3016 6445 44000584332 from 21 to 01 0339 3361 9257 2191 4210 4661 0059 0788 8538 80042022-02-04 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018637ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0444000543569 44000543468Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-04NoFind below, 44000543569 2581 9661 4360 6246 2047 4918 1507 4677 5585 6836 44000543468.......... Wrong meter number or not captured.2022-02-04 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018637ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0444000543569 44000543468Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-04NoFind below, 44000543569 2581 9661 4360 6246 2047 4918 1507 4677 5585 6836 44000543468.......... Wrong meter number or not captured.2022-02-04 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018636ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0444000685675Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-04NoFind below, 4533 9181 7226 2095 0777 0348 6325 9951 9836 72522022-02-04 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018636ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0444000685675Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-04NoFind below, 4533 9181 7226 2095 0777 0348 6325 9951 9836 72522022-02-04 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018635ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0444000674091Medium 2022-02-04NoFind below, 2441 8152 5430 6627 8484 1824 8422 1240 6136 4542 Find below, 2441 8152 5430 6627 8484 1824 8422 1240 6136 4542 Find below, 2441 8152 5430 6627 8484 1824 8422 1240 6136 4542 Find below, 2441 8152 5430 6627 8484 1824 8422 1240 6136 4542 Find below, 2441 8152 5430 6627 8484 1824 8422 1240 6136 4542 Find below, 2441 8152 5430 6627 8484 1824 8422 1240 6136 4542 Find below, 2441 8152 5430 6627 8484 1824 8422 1240 6136 4542 Find below, 2441 8152 5430 6627 8484 1824 8422 1240 6136 4542 Find below, 2441 8152 5430 6627 8484 1824 8422 1240 6136 4542 Find below, 2441 8152 5430 6627 8484 1824 8422 1240 6136 4542 Find below, 2441 8152 5430 6627 8484 1824 8422 1240 6136 4542 Find below, 2441 8152 5430 6627 8484 1824 8422 1240 6136 45422022-02-04 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com
#00018634ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0421-1 44300006259Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-04NoFind below, 2930 6937 8014 0672 0624 3923 6135 8081 3593 40562022-02-04 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018634ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0421-1 44300006259Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-04NoFind below, 2930 6937 8014 0672 0624 3923 6135 8081 3593 40562022-02-04 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018633ClosedKCT Request2022-02-040101215031697MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-04NoFind below, 2503 7027 0606 0523 3565 4015 4394 0795 7339 80002022-02-04 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018632ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0454161146672 Please kindly treat thank you.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-04NoFind below, 1852 0223 2051 1453 8071 3808 9362 4321 8387 38682022-02-04 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018631ClosedKCT Request2022-02-04Please can you assist us with the KCT of the following meters A) 0101190018099 B) 0101200059207MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-04No0101190018099 01 To 21 3156 4487 9820 5812 1054 6210 5010 6212 3896 2263 0101200059207 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-02-04 samueldchun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018630ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0444000525434Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-04NoFind below, 4633 0499 0047 9345 3006 4404 3290 9169 1055 19242022-02-04 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018630ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0444000525434Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-04NoFind below, 4633 0499 0047 9345 3006 4404 3290 9169 1055 19242022-02-04 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018629ClosedKCT Request2022-02-04Good Afternoon support team, find below MSN. 1. 0101170150318.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-04Nofind below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 422132 Debt Repayment ₦149,009.30 ₦-50,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦81,009.30 M 2019-04-22 ₦18,000.00 2022-02-04 Regards.2022-02-04 faizahtafida@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018628ClosedKCT Request2022-02-04Please can you assist us with the KCT of the following meters A) 0101190018099 B) 0101200059207MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-04No0101190018099 01 To 21 3156 4487 9820 5812 1054 6210 5010 6212 3896 2263 0101200059207 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-02-04 samueldchun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018627ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0444000543502MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-04Nofind below. 44000543502 01 To 45 3402 0297 5691 5937 8890 6221 7691 5922 6571 8922 Regards.2022-02-04 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018626ClosedKCT Request2022-02-04Meter Numbers: 0101200005219 (21 to 01 and 01 to 21) 0101200081905 0101170399287 (04 to 34) 0101170299024 0101210045692 (45 to 01 to 01 to 45) 0101205019496 (02 to 12) 44000691582MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-04Nofind below. 0101200005219 (21 to 01 and 01 to 21) 0101200005219 01 To 21 3970 2191 7814 8703 8569 2245 9849 2905 8783 8048 0101200005219 21 To 01 5027 1892 9106 5625 8822 3800 6832 9445 0597 6429 0101200081905 0101200081905 01 To 21 6467 1519 6430 8131 8233 4571 3851 3709 3859 3387 0101170399287 (04 to 34) 0101170399287 04 To 34 3070 9886 9154 8070 8635 1320 6189 0080 8946 9343 0101170299024 0101170299024 01 To 21 6242 9422 8068 9519 2834 5539 3474 5290 9923 2455 0101210045692 (45 to 01 to 01 to 45) 0101210045692 01 To 45 7056 3491 4126 5919 5106 7364 5831 5301 4101 9737 0101210045692 45 To 01 2557 6007 0952 6610 2799 3938 1768 2095 6744 7202 0101205019496 (02 to 12) 0101205019496 02 To 12 0436 2410 9761 0038 3156 2121 5862 3884 6007 0068 44000691582 44000691582 01 To 45 4250 1572 6110 6445 4802 2037 8205 2465 7966 87392022-02-04 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018625ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0454161084881(1-33) Please kindly treat thank you.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-04Nofind below. 05114115123145973204 138532004714677651852022-02-04 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018624ClosedRequest2022-02-04Please kindly treat MSN 0101170278994MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-04Nofind below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6123521984-01 Debt Repayment ₦166,630.96 ₦-19,701.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦130,929.96 M 2019-05-26 ₦16,000.00 2022-01-112022-02-04 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00018623ClosedKCT Request2022-02-04KCT GENERATION 44000652866MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-04Nofind below. invalid sts2022-02-04 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018622ClosedKCT Request2022-02-04Request for Kct 04181748254MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-04Nofind below. 04181748254 01 To 21 6411 5955 8898 9979 6414 0549 2414 6447 8643 4022 Regards.2022-02-04 abbaslawal360@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018621ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0444000529584MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-04Nofind below. 44000529584 44000529584 01 To 21 6250 2577 6851 7871 0045 6262 5824 9000 0003 6502 Regards.2022-02-04 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018620ClosedKCT Request2022-02-04Good morning sir Meter no =0101205014224 Index=0002 Rejected kct 18409451048586838515 51679093795867737055MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-04Nofind below. 0101205014224 02 To 33 7269 4446 6521 7803 0136 0280 5513 1686 7233 18982022-02-04 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018619ClosedKCT Request2022-02-04Please, kindly furnish me with KCT on the correct tariff index for these customers below: MSN: INDEX: 44000674901. 01 to 33 0101170426569. 01 to 21MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-04Nofind below. 4000674901 01 To 33 5252 0107 4144 7231 1252 4101 0300 0376 1154 90132022-02-04 wyontochae@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018618ClosedKCT Request2022-02-04Dear support kindly generate KCT for MSN: 44000686418, 44000600419, 44000744118, 44000744092, 44000744167. Thank you very much.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-04Nofind below. 44000686418 44000686418 01 To 45 3723 4652 4383 6062 2431 1602 7142 5548 0432 8165 44000600419 44000600419 01 To 21 1862 0740 4190 5509 5110 0159 3853 0717 2545 7076 44000744118 44000744118 01 To 21 0769 3106 3506 3853 9976 1605 2732 7332 8671 6418 44000744092 44000744092 01 To 21 3184 8325 4940 4972 6144 2900 4502 5634 0246 1726 44000744167 44000744167 01 To 21 0055 1620 8511 5782 1030 3220 9818 6900 3377 9071 Regards.2022-02-04 jubilant95@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018617ClosedKCT Request2022-02-04Please Kindly help us generate the kct of 0101190138509MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-04Nofind below. 0101190138509 0101190138509 01 To 02 1322 6282 8633 0579 6464 2319 9482 1275 7244 54222022-02-04 munirishaqjos@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018616ClosedKCT Request2022-02-04Request for KCT - 44000525871MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-04Nofind below. 44000525871 01 To 45 0967 4891 6330 5170 7999 4462 6735 5314 1475 88802022-02-04 stynlucs@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00018615ClosedKCT Request2022-02-040101188027011 from 06 to 05MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-04Nofind below. 0101188027011 06 To 05 0915 8504 7961 4255 9966 1487 0508 1405 3885 39232022-02-04 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018614ClosedKCT Request2022-02-040101188027011 from 06 to 05MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-04Nohello, find below. 0101188027011 05 To 06 6591 6478 9725 7593 8484 0270 1409 9431 1827 48102022-02-04 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018613ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0444000666246 07035659460Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-04NoFind below, 44000666246 7262 0071 3831 7129 1309 6171 6808 9440 8222 2914 07035659460....not captured2022-02-04 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018612ClosedTamper Code2022-02-040101190142196 0101170172627Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-04NoFind below as requested. 0101190142196 Clear Tamper 0 3264 0110 0519 0119 5163 0101170172627 Clear Tamper 0 3489 7308 2100 2635 87912022-02-04 ummilois2@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018611ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0444000686905Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-04No440006869052022-02-04 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018610ClosedKCT Request2022-02-040150000878283Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-04No1737 8365 4090 0401 3589 7328 3815 0267 2071 81892022-02-04 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018609ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0444300016761 1-21 n 21-1Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-04No4346 2296 8556 5250 8439 1785 7841 8049 3878 98992022-02-04 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018608ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0457100022847(1-21) Please kindly treat thank you.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-04No5120 0132 8637 4036 7565 4807 0119 2224 6472 48792022-02-04 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018607ClosedKCT Request2022-02-04Kindly assist to generate kct for 0101205014224 Thanks AKOGWU ADA CCRM OTUKPOMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-04NoFind below, 1840 9451 0485 8683 8515 5167 9093 7958 6773 70552022-02-04 akogwuada@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018606ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0444300006259 1-21 n 21-1 44300015441 1-21 n 21-1 44000685014Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-04NoFind below, 44300006259 1-21 n 21-1 01 To 21 4921 4136 8072 9563 3561 3956 8267 7616 2264 5074 44300015441 1-21 n 21-1 21 To 01 2930 6937 8014 0672 0624 3923 6135 8081 3593 4056 44000685014 2453 3181 1357 6480 2778 0396 8435 3144 5214 69092022-02-04 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018605ClosedKCT Request2022-02-04Please kindly treat MSN 0101210123507Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-04No3018 6578 3484 3211 4250 3140 9165 2120 8694 31482022-02-04 mwuladi@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00018604ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0444000604668 44000668515 0101160004830Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-02-04No44000604668 1996 1359 5670 6186 0655 0614 3573 4629 2522 1471 44000668515 6699 8449 1626 0673 7652 6094 3731 3550 8888 4866 0101160004830 0060 3739 4095 6183 9032 3052 3071 0654 4294 64492022-02-04 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018603ClosedKCT Request2022-02-040101185055700Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-04NoFind below as requested. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6127240168-01 Debt Repayment ₦215,491.13 ₦-72,179.37 ₦2,000.00 ₦125,311.76 M 2019-08-21 ₦18,000.00 2022-02-042022-02-04 ummilois2@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018602ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0457100071091 (1-21)Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-04No1737 6257 2597 3340 8717 4384 1401 0007 9876 93332022-02-04 ummilois2@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018601ClosedKCT Request2022-02-04KCt 44000628055Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-04No7312 1001 3195 3655 8767 6290 9215 6287 0894 8887 Regards.2022-02-04 udahmathew@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018600ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0457100071091 1-21Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-04NoFind below as requested. 1737 6257 2597 3340 8717 4384 1401 0007 9876 93332022-02-04 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018599ClosedKCT Request2022-02-040101190151098 4-1 n 1-4Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-04NoDear Auwal. Find below as requested. 01 To 04 1967 2299 9953 2741 6454 2938 9679 1765 7877 5030 04 To 01 0509 2695 7920 2157 3644 1094 1951 2417 4164 36862022-02-04 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018598ClosedKCT Request2022-02-04Kindly generate kct 0101190151098 Thank you.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-04No1967 2299 9953 2741 6454 2938 9679 1765 7877 50302022-02-04 bamangalk@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018597ClosedKCT Request2022-02-04Request for KCT 44000590578Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-04NoFind below as requested. 6250 5899 2125 8431 4199 1867 2541 8253 1037 01962022-02-04 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018596ClosedRequest2022-02-04Acct no792005 Acct name, Turaki Solomon marti Feeder utanMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-04NoHello, Your mail has been treated.2022-02-04 ummilois2@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018596ClosedRequest2022-02-04Acct no792005 Acct name, Turaki Solomon marti Feeder utanMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-04NoHello, Your mail has been treated.2022-02-04 ummilois2@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018595ClosedTamper Code2022-02-04Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101170393280 0101150178198 44000540110 44300011259Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-04NoFind below, 0101170393280 Clear Tamper 0 4173 0577 4590 0068 1206 0101150178198 Clear Tamper 0 1140 4451 1587 8938 5326 44000540110 Clear Tamper 0 2881 7228 5820 3704 7728 44300011259 Clear Tamper 0 3255 3807 8091 2703 02772022-02-04 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018595ClosedTamper Code2022-02-04Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101170393280 0101150178198 44000540110 44300011259Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-04NoFind below, 0101170393280 Clear Tamper 0 4173 0577 4590 0068 1206 0101150178198 Clear Tamper 0 1140 4451 1587 8938 5326 44000540110 Clear Tamper 0 2881 7228 5820 3704 7728 44300011259 Clear Tamper 0 3255 3807 8091 2703 02772022-02-04 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018594ClosedTamper Code2022-02-040101210013062 0101180148849 0101170190207 44000654176 44000518520 44000540110 0101200076244 0101170235994 0101170408682 44000381143 0101210061277 0101205004480 0101205019892 0101205010552 0101200003388 0101210006447 0101200033278 0101210065526 0101210074179Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-04NoFind below, 0101210013062 Clear Tamper 0 0064 5034 9950 5743 7274 0101180148849 Clear Tamper 0 7221 1678 4966 9855 8453 0101170190207 Clear Tamper 0 2568 6920 4122 2866 5817 44000654176 Clear Tamper 0 3883 0939 3738 0334 6336 44000518520 Clear Tamper 0 3305 5810 3410 8029 5325 44000540110 Clear Tamper 0 4386 2493 2399 5938 9474 0101200076244 Clear Tamper 0 1174 2040 4362 3048 5697 0101170235994 Clear Tamper 0 5600 6359 9531 0066 5122 0101170408682 Clear Tamper 0 6921 0187 4428 1712 9302 44000381143 Clear Tamper 0 0874 5630 8279 6688 1253 0101210061277 Clear Tamper 0 3889 9171 8194 6789 6300 0101205004480 Clear Tamper 0 3361 1271 5937 1602 6581 0101205019892 Clear Tamper 0 6996 3020 4537 3282 6676 0101205010552 Clear Tamper 0 0819 9019 1211 7821 4823 0101200003388 Clear Tamper 0 0698 1905 9787 4492 0915 0101210006447 Clear Tamper 0 1352 6369 8042 8636 5215 0101200033278 Clear Tamper 0 6391 1074 3083 9600 9387 0101210065526 Clear Tamper 0 5038 4696 4476 5691 08822022-02-04 rolandjames750@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018594ClosedTamper Code2022-02-040101210013062 0101180148849 0101170190207 44000654176 44000518520 44000540110 0101200076244 0101170235994 0101170408682 44000381143 0101210061277 0101205004480 0101205019892 0101205010552 0101200003388 0101210006447 0101200033278 0101210065526 0101210074179Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-04NoFind below, 0101210013062 Clear Tamper 0 0064 5034 9950 5743 7274 0101180148849 Clear Tamper 0 7221 1678 4966 9855 8453 0101170190207 Clear Tamper 0 2568 6920 4122 2866 5817 44000654176 Clear Tamper 0 3883 0939 3738 0334 6336 44000518520 Clear Tamper 0 3305 5810 3410 8029 5325 44000540110 Clear Tamper 0 4386 2493 2399 5938 9474 0101200076244 Clear Tamper 0 1174 2040 4362 3048 5697 0101170235994 Clear Tamper 0 5600 6359 9531 0066 5122 0101170408682 Clear Tamper 0 6921 0187 4428 1712 9302 44000381143 Clear Tamper 0 0874 5630 8279 6688 1253 0101210061277 Clear Tamper 0 3889 9171 8194 6789 6300 0101205004480 Clear Tamper 0 3361 1271 5937 1602 6581 0101205019892 Clear Tamper 0 6996 3020 4537 3282 6676 0101205010552 Clear Tamper 0 0819 9019 1211 7821 4823 0101200003388 Clear Tamper 0 0698 1905 9787 4492 0915 0101210006447 Clear Tamper 0 1352 6369 8042 8636 5215 0101200033278 Clear Tamper 0 6391 1074 3083 9600 9387 0101210065526 Clear Tamper 0 5038 4696 4476 5691 08822022-02-04 rolandjames750@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018593ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0444000617421Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-04NoFind below, 6591 9999 3473 7839 5488 1398 9777 9593 0446 39482022-02-04 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018593ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0444000617421Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-04NoFind below, 6591 9999 3473 7839 5488 1398 9777 9593 0446 39482022-02-04 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018592ClosedTamper Code2022-02-04REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPER 95300227121Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-04NoFind below, 95300227121 Clear Tamper 0 3237 5368 4987 0706 62722022-02-04 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018592ClosedTamper Code2022-02-04REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPER 95300227121Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-04NoFind below, 95300227121 Clear Tamper 0 3237 5368 4987 0706 62722022-02-04 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018591ClosedTamper Code2022-02-04Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101170234013 Thank youMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-04NoFind below, 0101170234013 Clear Tamper 0 1108 0440 9085 6262 5605 Regards.2022-02-04 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018591ClosedTamper Code2022-02-04Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101170234013 Thank youMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-04NoFind below, 0101170234013 Clear Tamper 0 1108 0440 9085 6262 5605 Regards.2022-02-04 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018590ClosedTamper Code2022-02-04Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 44300011259 Thank youMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-04NoFind below, 44300011259 Clear Tamper 0 3971 2658 0074 7355 11592022-02-04 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018590ClosedTamper Code2022-02-04Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 44300011259 Thank youMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-04NoFind below, 44300011259 Clear Tamper 0 3971 2658 0074 7355 11592022-02-04 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018589ClosedTamper Code2022-02-04Dear Auwal, Please the above subject refers. 0101200063424 44000556215 95300196722 Regards.Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-04NoFind below, 0101200063424 0101200063424 Clear Tamper 0 6757 7937 0078 6772 8239 44000556215 Clear Tamper 0 0809 5972 5602 7911 8520 95300196722 Clear Tamper 0 6309 3701 1788 0522 17572022-02-04 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018589ClosedTamper Code2022-02-04Dear Auwal, Please the above subject refers. 0101200063424 44000556215 95300196722 Regards.Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-04NoFind below, 0101200063424 0101200063424 Clear Tamper 0 6757 7937 0078 6772 8239 44000556215 Clear Tamper 0 0809 5972 5602 7911 8520 95300196722 Clear Tamper 0 6309 3701 1788 0522 17572022-02-04 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018588ClosedKCT Request2022-02-04Good morning team, Please kindly treat MSN 44000525871Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-04NoFind below, 0967 4891 6330 5170 7999 4462 6735 5314 1475 88802022-02-04 mwuladi@yahoo.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018588ClosedKCT Request2022-02-04Good morning team, Please kindly treat MSN 44000525871Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-04NoFind below, 0967 4891 6330 5170 7999 4462 6735 5314 1475 88802022-02-04 mwuladi@yahoo.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018587ClosedKCT Request2022-02-040101190138509 0101170393280 44000461747 TI2 44000365856Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-04NoFind below, 0101190138509 1322 6282 8633 0579 6464 2319 9482 1275 7244 5422 0101170393280 3554 5989 5278 8912 3213 5743 8877 3228 1013 2702 44000461747 TI2 This meter is on 02 on our system, 44000365856 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-02-04 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018587ClosedKCT Request2022-02-040101190138509 0101170393280 44000461747 TI2 44000365856Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-04NoFind below, 0101190138509 1322 6282 8633 0579 6464 2319 9482 1275 7244 5422 0101170393280 3554 5989 5278 8912 3213 5743 8877 3228 1013 2702 44000461747 TI2 This meter is on 02 on our system, 44000365856 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-02-04 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018586ClosedKCT Request2022-02-04Morning all kindly help me with k ct 0150000907967Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-04NoFind below, 2620 3163 9680 1841 9439 2446 1213 7241 9911 38932022-02-04 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018586ClosedKCT Request2022-02-04Morning all kindly help me with k ct 0150000907967Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-04NoFind below, 2620 3163 9680 1841 9439 2446 1213 7241 9911 38932022-02-04 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018585ClosedKCT Request2022-02-04Please can you assist us with the KCT of the following meters A) 44000741817 B) 44000683431 Thank you sirMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-04NoFind below, A) 44000741817 4615 6924 0631 7588 6540 4131 8611 5790 8820 7266 B) 44000683431 6503 5520 3849 4823 3467 1613 9462 2126 4531 81552022-02-04 samueldchun@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018585ClosedKCT Request2022-02-04Please can you assist us with the KCT of the following meters A) 44000741817 B) 44000683431 Thank you sirMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-04NoFind below, A) 44000741817 4615 6924 0631 7588 6540 4131 8611 5790 8820 7266 B) 44000683431 6503 5520 3849 4823 3467 1613 9462 2126 4531 81552022-02-04 samueldchun@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018584ClosedKCT Request2022-02-04DEAR IT Please Kindly help us generate the kct of 0101190138509Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-08NoFind below, 1322 6282 8633 0579 6464 2319 9482 1275 7244 54222022-02-04 munirishaqjos@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018584ClosedKCT Request2022-02-04DEAR IT Please Kindly help us generate the kct of 0101190138509Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-08NoFind below, 1322 6282 8633 0579 6464 2319 9482 1275 7244 54222022-02-04 munirishaqjos@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018583ClosedKCT Request2022-02-040150000899305 tariff index 2Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-04NoFind below, 6760 5271 4299 9861 9165 0377 0973 7962 8208 4550 Regards.2022-02-04 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018583ClosedKCT Request2022-02-040150000899305 tariff index 2Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-04NoFind below, 6760 5271 4299 9861 9165 0377 0973 7962 8208 4550 Regards.2022-02-04 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018582ClosedKCT Request2022-02-040101160015935 46-21Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-04NoFind below, 6760 5271 4299 9861 9165 0377 0973 7962 8208 45502022-02-04 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018581ClosedRequest2022-02-03REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 54161004459MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-02Nofind below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6585150309-01 Debt Repayment ₦258,530.08 ₦-124,000.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦44,530.08 M 2018-03-17 ₦90,000.00 2022-02-012022-02-03 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018580ClosedKCT Request2022-02-03Dear support, Please the above subject refers. 0101175075155 from 03 to 01 0101200068480 0101170398172MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-03Nofind below. 0101175075155 from 03 to 01 0101175075155 03 To 01 1130 8446 1709 7393 9824 0497 9569 8786 0585 3473 0101200068480 0101200068480 01 To 03 7289 8523 2569 3002 4032 1272 6936 3552 5607 4190 0101170398172 0101170398172 01 To 21 3376 1212 6236 6896 0513 5523 0199 8983 0621 77272022-02-03 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018579ClosedKCT Request2022-02-03Good morning sir. Trust you had a restful night Kindly assist with KCT 44000685493MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-03Nofind below. 44000685493 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. Regards.2022-02-03 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018578ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0344000747541MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-03Nofind below. 44000747541 44000747541 01 To 21 2258 1342 6808 6035 6145 3894 9345 2741 0692 7475 Regards.2022-02-03 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018577ClosedKCT Request2022-02-030101170369488 0101200097752 0101210056954 TI21-33 0101210023814 TI2-1 44000558419 TI34 - 21 0101200021612 54160927130 44000381143MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-03Nofind below. 44000558419 01 To 21 2995 2172 1835 4709 6153 7151 5102 0701 1132 2034 Regards.2022-02-03 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018576ClosedKCT Request2022-02-03Dear it support, please kindly generate Kct Token following the meter number the meter is on 0001 0101210088155 MujidatuMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-03NoDear Nasiru. Find below as requested. 1549 0568 7385 3600 7212 6763 3059 8689 6515 21362022-02-03 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018575ClosedKCT Request2022-02-03Dear it support, please kindly generate Kct Token following the meter number the meter is on 0001 010121008Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-03NoHello, Find below, 1549 0568 7385 3600 7212 6763 3059 8689 6515 21362022-02-03 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018575ClosedKCT Request2022-02-03Dear it support, please kindly generate Kct Token following the meter number the meter is on 0001 010121008Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-03NoHello, Find below, 1549 0568 7385 3600 7212 6763 3059 8689 6515 21362022-02-03 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018574ClosedKCT Request2022-02-030101170369488 Thank youMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-03NoHello, Find below, 6311 2712 2400 2291 2759 6668 7530 4810 2293 42872022-02-03 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018574ClosedKCT Request2022-02-030101170369488 Thank youMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-03NoHello, Find below, 6311 2712 2400 2291 2759 6668 7530 4810 2293 42872022-02-03 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018573ClosedKCT Request2022-02-03REQUEST FOR KCT - 44000666196Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-03NoHello, Find below, 2866 6056 5575 8722 8829 1172 2760 9314 6936 64332022-02-03 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018572ClosedTamper Code2022-02-03Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate the above request 0101210068637 Thank you Sent from my Huawei phoneMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-03NoDear Auwal. Find below as requested. 0101210068637 Clear Tamper 0 3263 5289 5170 3849 70992022-02-03 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018571ClosedTamper Code2022-02-03Kindly vette on this meter for support to genereta tamper 54161097008 Thank youMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-03NoDear Auwal. Find below as requested. 54161097008 Clear Tamper 0 0963 7479 2981 9818 52242022-02-03 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018570ClosedKCT Request2022-02-03Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101178025694Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-03NoDear Auwal. Find below as requested. 0101178025694 Clear Tamper 0 2868 2009 4808 7553 53542022-02-03 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018569ClosedKCT Request2022-02-030101215020229 from 0002 to 36 thanks you.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-03NoDear Reuben. Find below as requested. 3151 1462 2636 8147 0711 3007 0342 7685 4850 32452022-02-03 dogoreuben@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018568ClosedTamper Code2022-02-0344000651933 44000539344 0101170408682 0101200029102 0101190138020Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-03NoDear Sadiq. 44000651933 Clear Tamper 0 5933 1297 0005 9217 1362 44000539344 Clear Tamper 0 5803 3043 9865 7317 9229 0101170408682 Clear Tamper 0 1020 4595 4042 2246 5393 0101200029102 Clear Tamper 0 6717 7142 7881 9078 0117 0101190138020 Clear Tamper 0 2098 5059 6645 9652 89132022-02-03 rolandjames750@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018567ClosedTamper Code2022-02-03Dear Auwal, Please the above subject refers. 0101170398172 0101160051591 Regards.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-03NoDear Maryam. Find below as requested. 0101170398172 Clear Tamper 0 3966 0605 4057 4000 0320 0101160051591 Clear Tamper 0 3300 5411 2588 1761 96922022-02-03 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018566ClosedKCT Request2022-02-03KCT GENERATION 44000517001Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-03NoDear Maryam. Find below as requested. 6963 1220 4722 5744 8217 0937 6336 9108 3704 39892022-02-03 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018565ClosedKCT Request2022-02-03Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101210077976 44000543353Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-02NoDear Auwal. Find below as requested. 0101210077976 Clear Tamper 0 5989 4683 8101 5201 3581 44000543353 Clear Tamper 0 1350 5369 6454 2215 34262022-02-03 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018564ClosedTamper Code2022-02-03Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101160004871Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-03NoDear Auwal. Find below as requested. 0101160004871 Clear Tamper 0 6627 8511 7130 2558 6511 Regards.2022-02-03 rolandjames750@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018563ClosedKCT Request2022-02-03Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 62221017932 62420223414 62420181497Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-03NoDear Aliyu. Find below as requested. 62221017932 Clear Tamper 0 1794 1800 3737 7032 2393 62420223414 Clear Tamper 0 4922 3308 5337 8731 6213 62420181497 Clear Tamper 0 6048 2042 9098 9107 51022022-02-03 rolandjames750@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018562ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0244000456598 T01 TO T33Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoFind below, 49353851791095496017 300212602136360402802022-02-02 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018562ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0244000456598 T01 TO T33Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoFind below, 49353851791095496017 300212602136360402802022-02-02 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018561ClosedKCT Request2022-02-02Kindly send me the total outstanding debt of these meter number 54160913775Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoFind below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6341100914-01 Debt Repayment ₦117,383.26 ₦-86,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦13,383.26 M 2017-03-30 ₦18,000.00 2022-02-022022-02-02 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018561ClosedKCT Request2022-02-02Kindly send me the total outstanding debt of these meter number 54160913775Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoFind below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6341100914-01 Debt Repayment ₦117,383.26 ₦-86,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦13,383.26 M 2017-03-30 ₦18,000.00 2022-02-022022-02-02 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018560ClosedKCT Request2022-02-020101210066870 from 0033 .Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02Nobelow, 5955 2656 1199 3903 8467 4140 2663 8291 8610 93562022-02-02 Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018560ClosedKCT Request2022-02-020101210066870 from 0033 .Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02Nobelow, 5955 2656 1199 3903 8467 4140 2663 8291 8610 93562022-02-02 Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018559ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0244000456598 01 To 33Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoFind below, 50130690559692814341 205662877341200142472022-02-02 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018559ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0244000456598 01 To 33Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoFind below, 50130690559692814341 205662877341200142472022-02-02 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018558ClosedKCT Request2022-02-02REQUEST FOR KCT 44000732857Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoFind below, 4381 3821 3423 5537 8380 2224 6155 5663 5222 5418 Regards.2022-02-02 wyontochae@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018558ClosedKCT Request2022-02-02REQUEST FOR KCT 44000732857Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoFind below, 4381 3821 3423 5537 8380 2224 6155 5663 5222 5418 Regards.2022-02-02 wyontochae@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018557ClosedKCT Request2022-02-02REQUEST FOR KCT 44000732857Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoFind below, 4381 3821 3423 5537 8380 2224 6155 5663 5222 5418 Regards.2022-02-02 wyontochae@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018557ClosedKCT Request2022-02-02REQUEST FOR KCT 44000732857Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoFind below, 4381 3821 3423 5537 8380 2224 6155 5663 5222 5418 Regards.2022-02-02 wyontochae@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018556ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0244300009527 1-33 n 33-1 44300002696 1-33 n 33-1 44300004742 1-3 0101200019467 4-1 95300223047 1-45 95300227915 44300007851 44000571115 1-21 n 21-1Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02No44300009527 1-33 n 33-1 1-33 6322 1633 4551 3203 9392 3382 3655 5350 3572 9205 33-1 2581 8356 4944 8659 4008 6328 8964 5461 1360 3306 44300002696 1-33 n 33-1 1-33 2009 7635 5507 3423 0646 5127 8734 4551 3830 8667 33-1 1203 6372 6353 1248 4562 3741 3344 7943 4443 5237 44300004742 1-3 5730 6603 4201 9764 1503 0032 4686 7198 0409 1595 0101200019467 4-1 2617 7183 9519 9694 2370 2595 4990 8004 0434 0419 95300223047 1-45 0273 4388 5918 6355 2760 0852 9381 6903 8957 5956 95300227915 Wrong meter number or not captured. 44300007851 1118 9289 2235 4417 7206 0294 1080 9347 1180 0500 44000571115 1-21 n 21-1 21-1 0302 5181 1215 2547 5442 1883 5436 9887 3830 6210 1-21 5689 5289 8679 4445 3982 4870 6127 5637 9632 14152022-02-02 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018556ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0244300009527 1-33 n 33-1 44300002696 1-33 n 33-1 44300004742 1-3 0101200019467 4-1 95300223047 1-45 95300227915 44300007851 44000571115 1-21 n 21-1Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02No44300009527 1-33 n 33-1 1-33 6322 1633 4551 3203 9392 3382 3655 5350 3572 9205 33-1 2581 8356 4944 8659 4008 6328 8964 5461 1360 3306 44300002696 1-33 n 33-1 1-33 2009 7635 5507 3423 0646 5127 8734 4551 3830 8667 33-1 1203 6372 6353 1248 4562 3741 3344 7943 4443 5237 44300004742 1-3 5730 6603 4201 9764 1503 0032 4686 7198 0409 1595 0101200019467 4-1 2617 7183 9519 9694 2370 2595 4990 8004 0434 0419 95300223047 1-45 0273 4388 5918 6355 2760 0852 9381 6903 8957 5956 95300227915 Wrong meter number or not captured. 44300007851 1118 9289 2235 4417 7206 0294 1080 9347 1180 0500 44000571115 1-21 n 21-1 21-1 0302 5181 1215 2547 5442 1883 5436 9887 3830 6210 1-21 5689 5289 8679 4445 3982 4870 6127 5637 9632 14152022-02-02 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018555ClosedKCT Request2022-02-02Please can you assist us with the KCT of this meter number 44000741544 Thank you sirMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoFind below, 3223 9803 8292 5447 8801 6669 3751 3234 0099 73832022-02-02 samueldchun@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018555ClosedKCT Request2022-02-02Please can you assist us with the KCT of this meter number 44000741544 Thank you sirMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoFind below, 3223 9803 8292 5447 8801 6669 3751 3234 0099 73832022-02-02 samueldchun@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018554ClosedKCT Request2022-02-02Good morning sir Meter no =62321071672 Index 01 Kind regardsMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoFind below, 3862 4845 5189 3470 7508 7329 4255 9595 7994 69652022-02-02 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018554ClosedKCT Request2022-02-02Good morning sir Meter no =62321071672 Index 01 Kind regardsMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoFind below, 3862 4845 5189 3470 7508 7329 4255 9595 7994 69652022-02-02 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018553ClosedKCT Request2022-02-02good morning. pls this meter token 0101210066870Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoFind below, 5955 2656 1199 3903 8467 4140 2663 8291 8610 93562022-02-02 dogoreuben@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018553ClosedKCT Request2022-02-02good morning. pls this meter token 0101210066870Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoFind below, 5955 2656 1199 3903 8467 4140 2663 8291 8610 93562022-02-02 dogoreuben@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018552ClosedKCT Request2022-02-02pls kindly help wit KCT of this meter 0101190146361.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-02NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-02-02 abdullahif44@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018551ClosedKCT Request2022-02-02Please can you assist us with the KCT of this meter number from index 01 to 21 Thank you sir Samuel D. ChunMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-02Nofind below. 95300211943 95300211943 01 To 21 1013 2240 2715 2813 0573 2415 2779 3161 0267 39212022-02-02 samueldchun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018550ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0244000684348 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-02Nofind below. 44000684348 44000684348 01 To 45 5012 9328 8983 5146 9942 6842 4273 1280 6997 25472022-02-02 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018549ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0244000664910 95300194024 tariff 45 44000629806Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-02NoDear Ofeimun. 44000664910 2748 8595 9844 2677 8365 4453 3633 6327 0671 9379 95300194024 tariff 45 2346 0814 8834 4853 1844 0750 4282 7316 8019 4571 44000629806 1058 5420 2067 7547 9358 0107 1909 4795 5499 58862022-02-02 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018548ClosedKCT Request2022-02-02Hello, Good Morning, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters. Thank you. Meter Numbers: 44000537447 44000312569 (22 to 21) 0101200062236Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-02NoDear George. Find below as requested. 44000537447 5987 6298 0665 2670 3275 4255 0271 0520 5939 1044 44000312569 (22 to 21) 7225 7835 8348 5082 9722 5995 2185 7052 4893 4937 0101200062236 3546 6475 8382 9004 2530 2972 6672 7371 8729 42242022-02-02 ademugeorge@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018547ClosedKCT Request2022-02-02Kindly generate KCT with the following Meter Number 0101210059586 from 001 to 004 then from 004 to 001MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-02Nofind below. 0101210059586 04 To 01 3158 8539 2926 3677 3961 2502 7496 0225 0243 0015 0101210059586 01 To 04 3702 9550 8616 8386 7454 5022 2541 4353 6672 79842022-02-02 nasiruumarabdullahi95@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018546ClosedKCT Request2022-02-02Dear support, Please the above subject refers. 44000672996 44000673101 Regards.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-02Nofind below. 44000672996 44000672996 01 To 21 7277 9039 3991 9541 0523 6265 8371 7204 1431 1979 44000673101 44000673101 01 To 21 3046 6059 0445 7657 1150 5091 6730 7920 8202 16562022-02-02 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018545ClosedKCT Request2022-02-020101170363465 0101215020187MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-02Nofind below. 0101170363465 0101170363465 01 To 21 1179 7808 8374 0506 7037 6070 6112 2594 0374 6776 0101215020187 0101215020187 02 To 33 4123 3544 6450 4441 1000 5339 2865 8471 1368 89562022-02-02 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018544ClosedKCT Request2022-02-02REQUEST FOR UNISTAR VH - 63.0101.0013.0250Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-02NoDear Dauda. Find attached as requested.2022-02-02 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018543ClosedTamper Code2022-02-02: REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPER jobMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-02NoDear Shows. Your attached file is inaccessible or corrupted. Kindly re-upload the file for verification, please.2022-02-02 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018542ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0244000525327Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-02-02NoFind below, 6739 4644 0864 0807 6634 3927 0891 3368 5631 17692022-02-02 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00018541ClosedKCT Request2022-02-02Please assist with the above request 0101210172934 0101210089401 0101210177511 0101210178170MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-02Nofind below. 0101210172934 0101210177511 01 To 04 5474 4045 6485 8748 6734 5503 8056 3968 4051 2530 0101210089401 0101210089401 01 To 04 0872 4035 6797 6476 9958 6859 4805 8466 1938 0757 0101210177511 0101210177511 01 To 04 5474 4045 6485 8748 6734 5503 8056 3968 4051 2530 0101210178170 0101210178170 01 To 04 3986 3641 3808 4902 5223 4487 3746 7580 3521 19442022-02-02 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018540ClosedKCT Request2022-02-02KCT GENERATION from 21 to 33 54150640735Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-02-02NoFind below, 6511 4671 9549 8631 0320 611039442588702200932022-02-02 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00018539ClosedKCT Request2022-02-02Please kindly treat MSN 0101190142436MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-02Nohello, find below. 0101190142436 0101190142436 01 To 45 7225 8806 4925 9489 9330 3918 8810 6689 5146 61252022-02-02 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00018538ClosedRequest2022-02-02Fine below details of account to be migrated to evend thank you. 793431 793432 793433 793434 793435 793436 793437 793438 793439 793440 793441 793442 793443 793444 793445 793446 793447 793448 793449 793450 793451 793452 793382 793383 793384 793385 793386 793387 793388 793389 793390 793391Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoHello, Your mail has been treated.2022-02-02 ummilois2@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018538ClosedRequest2022-02-02Fine below details of account to be migrated to evend thank you. 793431 793432 793433 793434 793435 793436 793437 793438 793439 793440 793441 793442 793443 793444 793445 793446 793447 793448 793449 793450 793451 793452 793382 793383 793384 793385 793386 793387 793388 793389 793390 793391Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoHello, Your mail has been treated.2022-02-02 ummilois2@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018537ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0244000540094 44000636314MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-02Nofind below. 44000636314 01 To 33 0572 1054 9814 6419 1337 0878 6879 1876 3486 2142 44000540094 01 To 45 1152 0734 4653 9874 2872 3003 3600 3064 4223 56042022-02-02 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018536ClosedKCT Request2022-02-020101188028019 From 02 to 26Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoFind below, 2505 9406 9293 5429 2194 2262 5678 7520 2176 8380 Regards.2022-02-02 shimaorkaa1@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018536ClosedKCT Request2022-02-020101188028019 From 02 to 26Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoFind below, 2505 9406 9293 5429 2194 2262 5678 7520 2176 8380 Regards.2022-02-02 shimaorkaa1@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018535ClosedKCT Request2022-02-03Kindly generate kct of 0101200109193 the reject token 001 to 45Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoFind below, 4464 2637 2950 6486 9440 3370 4013 3712 1813 28442022-02-02 umargarba326@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018535ClosedKCT Request2022-02-03Kindly generate kct of 0101200109193 the reject token 001 to 45Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoFind below, 4464 2637 2950 6486 9440 3370 4013 3712 1813 28442022-02-02 umargarba326@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018534ClosedVending History2022-02-02Please find new customer accounts for migration to evend 793370 793371 793372 793373 793374 793375 793376 793377 793378 793379 793380 793381 793526 793527 793528 793529 793530 793531 793453 793454 793455 793456 793457 793458 793459 793460Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoYour mail has been treated.2022-02-02 mwuladi@yahoo.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018534ClosedVending History2022-02-02Please find new customer accounts for migration to evend 793370 793371 793372 793373 793374 793375 793376 793377 793378 793379 793380 793381 793526 793527 793528 793529 793530 793531 793453 793454 793455 793456 793457 793458 793459 793460Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoYour mail has been treated.2022-02-02 mwuladi@yahoo.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018533ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0244000343572 T01 TO T22Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoFind below, 54323791022826493959 559400120015272831222022-02-02 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018533ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0244000343572 T01 TO T22Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoFind below, 54323791022826493959 559400120015272831222022-02-02 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018532ClosedKCT Request2022-02-02REQUEST FOR KCT - 44000538460Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-02NoFind below, 0707 9163 8004 6801 2164 3586 8386 8777 3984 65342022-02-02 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00018531ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0244000676203Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-02No01012100698822022-02-02 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00018530ClosedKCT Request2022-02-020101210069882Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-02NoPlease can you assist us with the KCT of this meter number 440006725822022-02-02 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00018529ClosedKCT Request2022-02-02Please can you assist us with the KCT of this meter number 44000672582Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-02-02No3117 2542 4929 3585 4800 2597 4213 4811 2701 07082022-02-02 samueldchun@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00018528ClosedKCT Request2022-02-020101215020229 from 0002 to 36Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-02-02NoFind below, 2237 4100 2320 7290 9793 7234 6736 9339 2112 31282022-02-02 dogoreuben@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00018527ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0244000679462Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-02-02NoFind below, 5652 1469 1225 7779 4443 4203 0782 2581 5439 11182022-02-02 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00018526ClosedKCT Request2022-02-02Please Kindly help us generate the kct of 0101215007606Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-02-02Nois on 012022-02-02 munirishaqjos@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00018525ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0244300017355Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-02-02NoFind below, 0622 8229 3556 6891 2095 0392 0108 8594 8414 88182022-02-02 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00018524ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0244000599470Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-02-02Noincorrect or not captured2022-02-02 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00018523ClosedKCT Request2022-02-02Please can you assist us with the KCT of this meter number 44000686509Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-02-02NoFind below, 0129 9622 7212 9343 6619 4122 7051 2246 6839 24442022-02-02 samueldchun@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00018522ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0244000666709 44000666550Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoHello, Find below, 44000666709 5020 5546 9847 2323 9866 0145 4103 6281 7888 1268 44000666550 6408 2355 2543 0817 4969 4808 5653 0110 2588 66262022-02-02 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018522ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0244000666709 44000666550Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoHello, Find below, 44000666709 5020 5546 9847 2323 9866 0145 4103 6281 7888 1268 44000666550 6408 2355 2543 0817 4969 4808 5653 0110 2588 66262022-02-02 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018521ClosedKCT Request2022-02-020101195001892MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-02Nofind below. 0101195001892 0101195001892 02 To 06 4682 8504 1295 7878 0080 2096 3326 9298 8239 5979 Regards.2022-02-02 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018520ClosedKCT Request2022-02-02Good afternoon, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters. Thank you. Meter Numbers: 44000722536 0101210009516 (02 to 01 and 01 to 02) (as requested by PMU)Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoFind below, 44000722536 4179 5975 0942 3092 5446 6602 8274 1731 5317 2872 0101210009516 (02 to 01 and 01 to 02) (as requested by PMU) 2-1 4198 4486 3192 9383 4975 6817 0625 1274 4983 9655 1-2 2069 1611 9813 0484 2815 0048 3056 6911 3039 02812022-02-02 ademugeorge@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018520ClosedKCT Request2022-02-02Good afternoon, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters. Thank you. Meter Numbers: 44000722536 0101210009516 (02 to 01 and 01 to 02) (as requested by PMU)Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoFind below, 44000722536 4179 5975 0942 3092 5446 6602 8274 1731 5317 2872 0101210009516 (02 to 01 and 01 to 02) (as requested by PMU) 2-1 4198 4486 3192 9383 4975 6817 0625 1274 4983 9655 1-2 2069 1611 9813 0484 2815 0048 3056 6911 3039 02812022-02-02 ademugeorge@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018519ClosedKCT Request2022-02-020101200019467 1-4MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-02Nofind below. 0101200019467 0101200019467 01 To 04 5186 4567 1020 3698 6764 1584 3817 0323 6455 05122022-02-02 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018518ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0244300013099MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-02Nofind below. 44300013099 01 To 08 5223 4379 5584 7030 4988 7290 9042 1327 8338 33882022-02-02 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018517ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0262321164279 01 to 34 Thank you sirMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoHello, Find below, 1414 1554 6683 3657 0366 7232 6866 9656 6790 29422022-02-02 josephanzakugaston@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018517ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0262321164279 01 to 34 Thank you sirMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoHello, Find below, 1414 1554 6683 3657 0366 7232 6866 9656 6790 29422022-02-02 josephanzakugaston@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018516ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0244300007851 1-21 n 21-1 Thank youMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoFind below, 1-21 1118 9289 2235 4417 7206 0294 1080 9347 1180 0500 21-1 3686 7151 7507 5223 8164 5883 7764 2208 3907 5026 Regards.2022-02-02 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018516ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0244300007851 1-21 n 21-1 Thank youMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoFind below, 1-21 1118 9289 2235 4417 7206 0294 1080 9347 1180 0500 21-1 3686 7151 7507 5223 8164 5883 7764 2208 3907 5026 Regards.2022-02-02 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018515ClosedKCT Request2022-02-02Please kindly treat MSN 62321142630Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoFind below, 3311 0326 7994 9660 5378 3908 6804 2388 9796 76522022-02-02 mwuladi@yahoo.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018515ClosedKCT Request2022-02-02Please kindly treat MSN 62321142630Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoFind below, 3311 0326 7994 9660 5378 3908 6804 2388 9796 76522022-02-02 mwuladi@yahoo.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018514ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0244000746469 Please kindly treat thank you.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-02NoFind below, 7259 7328 6492 3974 0472 2799 5064 1313 8434 76612022-02-02 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018513ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0244000679462MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-02Nofind below. 44000679462 01 To 21 5652 1469 1225 7779 4443 4203 0782 2581 5439 11182022-02-02 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018512ClosedKCT Request2022-02-02Please kindly treat MSN 54161106262 44000401396Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoFind below, 54161106262 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6127520349-01 Debt Repayment ₦114,878.37 ₦-24,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦72,878.37 M 2020-01-13 ₦18,000.00 2022-02-02 440004013962022-02-02 mwuladi@yahoo.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018512ClosedKCT Request2022-02-02Please kindly treat MSN 54161106262 44000401396Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoFind below, 54161106262 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6127520349-01 Debt Repayment ₦114,878.37 ₦-24,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦72,878.37 M 2020-01-13 ₦18,000.00 2022-02-02 440004013962022-02-02 mwuladi@yahoo.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018511ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0244000525574 95300223047 from 01-45 thanksMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoHello, Find below, 44000525574 6121 8337 9102 7136 2513 0891 2396 2014 4520 1283 95300223047 from 01-45 thanks 0273 4388 5918 6355 2760 0852 9381 6903 8957 59562022-02-02 beediesarah5@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018511ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0244000525574 95300223047 from 01-45 thanksMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoHello, Find below, 44000525574 6121 8337 9102 7136 2513 0891 2396 2014 4520 1283 95300223047 from 01-45 thanks 0273 4388 5918 6355 2760 0852 9381 6903 8957 59562022-02-02 beediesarah5@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018510ClosedRequest2022-02-026 793762 7 793763 8 793764 9 793765 10 793766 11 793767 12 793768 13 793769 14 793770 15 793771 16 793772 17 793773 18 793774 19 793775 20 793776 21 793777 22 793778 23 793779 24 793780 25 793781 26 793782 27 793783 28 793784 29 793785 30 793786 31 793787 32 793788 33 793789 34 793790 35 793791Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-02NoDear Difa. Request treated. They can now make transactions. Regards.2022-02-02 aliyudifa@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018509ClosedKCT Request2022-02-02Please can you assist us with the KCT of the following meters A) 44000667897 B) 44000538460 C) 44000667715 Thank you sirMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-02Nofind below. A) 44000667897 44000667897 01 To 21 2015 1711 8153 8547 6781 0178 7678 6477 0466 7408 B) 44000538460 44000538460 01 To 21 0707 9163 8004 6801 2164 3586 8386 8777 3984 6534 C) 44000667715 No data available in table Regards.2022-02-02 samueldchun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018508ClosedKCT Request2022-02-02REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101210110074Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02Nofind below. 0101210110074 0101210110074 01 To 46 0038 1660 5798 1399 9119 5458 6252 5455 1400 18572022-02-02 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018508ClosedKCT Request2022-02-02REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101210110074Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02Nofind below. 0101210110074 0101210110074 01 To 46 0038 1660 5798 1399 9119 5458 6252 5455 1400 18572022-02-02 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018507ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0244000605368 44000668945Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02No0101170212498 Please kindly treat thank you.2022-02-02 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018507ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0244000605368 44000668945Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02No0101170212498 Please kindly treat thank you.2022-02-02 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018506ClosedKCT Request2022-02-020101170212498 Please kindly treat thank you.Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-02-02 ummilois2@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018506ClosedKCT Request2022-02-020101170212498 Please kindly treat thank you.Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-02-02 ummilois2@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018505ClosedRequest2022-02-020101170283572 Please kindly treat thank you.Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoHello, Find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6122088720-01 Debt Repayment ₦222,286.72 ₦-69,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦135,286.72 M 2018-08-24 ₦18,000.00 2022-02-022022-02-02 ummilois2@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018505ClosedRequest2022-02-020101170283572 Please kindly treat thank you.Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoHello, Find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6122088720-01 Debt Repayment ₦222,286.72 ₦-69,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦135,286.72 M 2018-08-24 ₦18,000.00 2022-02-022022-02-02 ummilois2@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018504ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0244000679819 44000666097MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-02Nofind below. 44000679819 44000679819 01 To 21 0150 0690 8040 0255 4759 2156 7062 5202 4918 1809 44000666097 44000666097 01 To 21 3460 4817 9151 1498 6185 2504 2342 6619 7282 06682022-02-02 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018503ClosedKCT Request2022-02-020195000007243 from 21 to 45 95300198082 from 01 to 21 44000597169 from 45 to 33Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02Nofind below. 0195000007243 from 21 to 45 49272601345717791393 40997446591533464411 95300198082 from 01 to 21 95300198082 01 To 21 1981 5633 6551 1736 7386 1688 9550 9853 9862 2660 44000597169 from 45 to 33 44000597169 45 To 33 0252 2556 4109 9409 5125 5868 2461 9712 0244 27842022-02-02 uduhaleje@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018503ClosedKCT Request2022-02-020195000007243 from 21 to 45 95300198082 from 01 to 21 44000597169 from 45 to 33Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02Nofind below. 0195000007243 from 21 to 45 49272601345717791393 40997446591533464411 95300198082 from 01 to 21 95300198082 01 To 21 1981 5633 6551 1736 7386 1688 9550 9853 9862 2660 44000597169 from 45 to 33 44000597169 45 To 33 0252 2556 4109 9409 5125 5868 2461 9712 0244 27842022-02-02 uduhaleje@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018502ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0244000679819 44000666097Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoFine below, 44000679819 0150 0690 8040 0255 4759 2156 7062 5202 4918 1809 44000666097 3460 4817 9151 1498 6185 2504 2342 6619 7282 06682022-02-02 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018502ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0244000679819 44000666097Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoFine below, 44000679819 0150 0690 8040 0255 4759 2156 7062 5202 4918 1809 44000666097 3460 4817 9151 1498 6185 2504 2342 6619 7282 06682022-02-02 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018501ClosedRequest2022-02-02787555 787554 Feeder Zaria RoadMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoHello, Your mail has been treated.2022-02-02 ummilois2@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018501ClosedRequest2022-02-02787555 787554 Feeder Zaria RoadMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoHello, Your mail has been treated.2022-02-02 ummilois2@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018500ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0244000538841 44000539112 44000685709MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-02Nofind below. 44000538841 44000538841 01 To 22 3942 9423 0481 2615 8786 0483 9396 6598 8844 6490 44000539112 44000539112 01 To 22 4549 7230 7234 6571 3798 7136 4483 8725 8786 1635 44000685709 44000685709 01 To 21 0703 6387 3151 2753 6466 7373 9559 1250 5135 1060 Regards.2022-02-02 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018499ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0244000618049MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-02Nofind below. 44000618049 01 To 33 5748 0367 2459 0836 5611 3774 9385 4401 9160 60502022-02-02 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018498ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0244000599470Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoFind below, 2013 6161 5046 0108 4432 7373 3899 0039 7337 85422022-02-02 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018498ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0244000599470Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoFind below, 2013 6161 5046 0108 4432 7373 3899 0039 7337 85422022-02-02 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018497ClosedKCT Request2022-02-020101200021612Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-02NoDear Auwal Find below the re-issued CT as requested. Date of Last issuance: 30/12/2021 0101200021612 Clear Tamper 0 2725 3265 6258 5550 8157 Regards.2022-02-02 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018496ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0244000671840 44000636066 44000617272Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoFind below, 44000671840 5905 3282 5256 2855 7845 0829 9254 3458 5100 0075 44000636066 3254 4464 0159 0283 1794 2979 1019 0716 9322 1642 44000617272 5870 8557 6749 1635 3383 1332 7683 6116 4525 94452022-02-02 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018496ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0244000671840 44000636066 44000617272Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoFind below, 44000671840 5905 3282 5256 2855 7845 0829 9254 3458 5100 0075 44000636066 3254 4464 0159 0283 1794 2979 1019 0716 9322 1642 44000617272 5870 8557 6749 1635 3383 1332 7683 6116 4525 94452022-02-02 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018495ClosedKCT Request2022-02-020101210002628 From 01 to 33Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoFind below, 4604 6400 2561 7917 4010 6409 0456 8285 2266 79342022-02-02 toranyiinkator14@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018495ClosedKCT Request2022-02-020101210002628 From 01 to 33Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoFind below, 4604 6400 2561 7917 4010 6409 0456 8285 2266 79342022-02-02 toranyiinkator14@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018494ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0244000495224Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoHello, Find below, 0101170395566 44071032080097976596 04494559086081972009 44300017355 0622 8229 3556 6891 2095 0392 0108 8594 8414 88182022-02-02 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018494ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0244000495224Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoHello, Find below, 0101170395566 44071032080097976596 04494559086081972009 44300017355 0622 8229 3556 6891 2095 0392 0108 8594 8414 88182022-02-02 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018493ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0244000495224Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoFind below, 1380 0970 2805 4754 6600 0837 9704 0660 5514 55852022-02-02 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018493ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0244000495224Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoFind below, 1380 0970 2805 4754 6600 0837 9704 0660 5514 55852022-02-02 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018492ClosedKCT Request2022-02-02Please can you assist us with the KCT of this meter number 44000672871Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoFind below, 5461 9920 8838 4582 4363 6109 9978 9469 8524 12562022-02-02 samueldchun@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018492ClosedKCT Request2022-02-02Please can you assist us with the KCT of this meter number 44000672871Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoFind below, 5461 9920 8838 4582 4363 6109 9978 9469 8524 12562022-02-02 samueldchun@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018491ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0244000570885Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoHello, Find below, 6841 5585 9753 0186 4539 4325 8079 0833 0862 95252022-02-02 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018491ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0244000570885Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoHello, Find below, 6841 5585 9753 0186 4539 4325 8079 0833 0862 95252022-02-02 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018490ClosedKCT Request2022-02-020101160015257 from 01 to 45 0195000006849 from 38 to 33 Regards CCRM,Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoHello, Find below, 0101160015257 from 01 to 45 3028 8109 7298 4128 3826 2195 0474 7731 4824 8922 0195000006849 from 38 to 33 63489645827256639082 031554830559549676302022-02-02 uduhaleje@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018490ClosedKCT Request2022-02-020101160015257 from 01 to 45 0195000006849 from 38 to 33 Regards CCRM,Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-02NoHello, Find below, 0101160015257 from 01 to 45 3028 8109 7298 4128 3826 2195 0474 7731 4824 8922 0195000006849 from 38 to 33 63489645827256639082 031554830559549676302022-02-02 uduhaleje@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018489ClosedKCT Request2022-02-02Good afternoon sir, Please kindly verify this MSN 0101200035562 for tamper. Thank you.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-02NoFind below, 3220 7125 3761 4661 15022022-02-02 mwuladi@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00018488ClosedKCT Request2022-02-02REQUEST FOR KCT:44000741841Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-02NoDear Samuel. Find below as requested. 3358 9286 1812 3522 8291 2327 8667 8523 1658 12662022-02-02 samueldchun@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018487ClosedTamper Code2022-02-01Good evening sir Please kindly verify these MSN for tamper 44000672681 54161146672 0101170168427Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-01NoFind below, 54161146672 Clear Tamper 0 1336 2508 2474 5436 1321 0101170168427 Clear Tamper 0 0215 6996 1784 6136 44502022-02-01 mwuladi@yahoo.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018487ClosedTamper Code2022-02-01Good evening sir Please kindly verify these MSN for tamper 44000672681 54161146672 0101170168427Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-01NoFind below, 54161146672 Clear Tamper 0 1336 2508 2474 5436 1321 0101170168427 Clear Tamper 0 0215 6996 1784 6136 44502022-02-01 mwuladi@yahoo.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018486ClosedKCT Request2022-02-01Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 54161042400MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-01Nofind below. 54161042400 Clear Tamper 0 1761 8376 9143 0268 37882022-02-01 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018485ClosedKCT Request2022-02-01Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate the above request 0101170289025 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-01Nofind below. 0101170289025 Clear Tamper 0 3387 3934 0854 7429 5544 0101170289025 Clear Credit 0 6049 5897 4548 5506 53472022-02-01 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018484ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0144000669315 44000668903 54161114498 TI2 44000635977MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-01Nofind below. 44000669315 44000669315 01 To 21 2734 1848 6777 2531 3463 5849 3696 9039 1545 6343 44000668903 01 To 21 6593 3130 8549 2904 6677 2028 3990 6898 9807 4948 54161114498 TI2 54161114498 02 To 01 2209 6594 8175 9740 9944 1652 9837 1793 6436 2345 . 44000635977 44000635977 01 To 02 3751 2664 1843 4311 3402 6039 2881 3387 4961 42452022-02-01 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018483ClosedKCT Request2022-02-010101188028019MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-01Nofind below. 0101188028019 02 To 26 2505 9406 9293 5429 2194 2262 5678 7520 2176 83802022-02-01 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018482ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0144000673218MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-01Nofind below. 01 To 21 7039 3800 9301 8907 9613 5953 5859 3774 7028 03832022-02-01 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018481ClosedRequest2022-02-01Request for debt balance 0101210165128MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-01NoNo data available in table Regards.2022-02-01 abbaslawal360@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018480ClosedKCT Request2022-02-010101210071953 from 0001 to 34MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-01Nofind below. 101210071953 01 To 34 3730 4589 2543 2048 6059 6486 1750 6515 1699 23282022-02-01 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018479ClosedKCT Request2022-02-01Good morning, Kindly provide me with the kct for the customer below: 624234506801 from 01 to 33 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-02-01Nofind below. No data available in table2022-02-01 zakimimidoomaureen@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018478ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0144000638096 Please kindly treat thankMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-01NoFind below, 1782 6559 0605 6774 8096 3781 6858 1641 3080 8600 Regards.2022-02-01 ummilois2@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018478ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0144000638096 Please kindly treat thankMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-01NoFind below, 1782 6559 0605 6774 8096 3781 6858 1641 3080 8600 Regards.2022-02-01 ummilois2@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018477ClosedKCT Request2022-02-010101170238279 21-45 44000492676Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-01NoFind below, 0101170238279 21-45 4777 0665 0095 1312 7268 0087 4746 7021 4579 2289 44000492676 2670 9282 9099 4935 4698 7226 3692 4516 2505 50332022-02-01 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018477ClosedKCT Request2022-02-010101170238279 21-45 44000492676Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-01NoFind below, 0101170238279 21-45 4777 0665 0095 1312 7268 0087 4746 7021 4579 2289 44000492676 2670 9282 9099 4935 4698 7226 3692 4516 2505 50332022-02-01 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018476ClosedKCT Request2022-02-01NAME: Grace Audi METER: 54150607049 DATE OF TRANSACTION: 30/1/2022 AMOUNT: 10,000 PLATFORM: VTPASS Thank you sirMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-01NoDear Samuel. No transactions were occurred (found) on such day. Kindly verify from the aggregator/agent.2022-02-01 omarllepps@yahoo.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018476ClosedKCT Request2022-02-01NAME: Grace Audi METER: 54150607049 DATE OF TRANSACTION: 30/1/2022 AMOUNT: 10,000 PLATFORM: VTPASS Thank you sirMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-01NoDear Samuel. No transactions were occurred (found) on such day. Kindly verify from the aggregator/agent.2022-02-01 omarllepps@yahoo.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018475ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0144300002373Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-01NoFind below as requested. 4391 8890 6815 4901 9693 3569 4593 3395 0739 84612022-02-01 omarllepps@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00018474ClosedKCT Request2022-02-01Request for KCT on 62320120744 TI 01 to 25Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-01NoDear Aor. Find below as requested. 5566 5668 5346 3876 8521 2977 5527 7469 6138 30202022-02-01 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00018473ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0162321151516 from 01 to 37Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-01NoFind below, 6976 3354 5875 8005 6268 0604 1747 7055 4802 97772022-02-01 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018473ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0162321151516 from 01 to 37Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-01NoFind below, 6976 3354 5875 8005 6268 0604 1747 7055 4802 97772022-02-01 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018472ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0144000683829 95300196987 TI 2Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-01NoFind below, 44000683829 1215 7888 5409 7554 1013 6751 7807 5661 2053 6330 95300196987 TI 2 3318 9126 9231 5655 3281 4026 4134 3341 7814 32232022-02-01 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018472ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0144000683829 95300196987 TI 2Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-01NoFind below, 44000683829 1215 7888 5409 7554 1013 6751 7807 5661 2053 6330 95300196987 TI 2 3318 9126 9231 5655 3281 4026 4134 3341 7814 32232022-02-01 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018471ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0144000543512 0101205015999 2-22 54160944473 TI1 0101210032625 Thank youMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-01NoFind below, 44000543512 ......... Wrong meter number or not captured. 0101205015999 2-22 4588 1266 8633 5535 7513 2995 3476 0942 4838 1237 54160944473 TI1 1463 4863 0933 8121 3374 0932 4385 0477 3407 8151 0101210032625 2294 8728 8206 0971 3880 7215 7206 0840 4753 95412022-02-01 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018471ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0144000543512 0101205015999 2-22 54160944473 TI1 0101210032625 Thank youMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-01NoFind below, 44000543512 ......... Wrong meter number or not captured. 0101205015999 2-22 4588 1266 8633 5535 7513 2995 3476 0942 4838 1237 54160944473 TI1 1463 4863 0933 8121 3374 0932 4385 0477 3407 8151 0101210032625 2294 8728 8206 0971 3880 7215 7206 0840 4753 95412022-02-01 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018470ClosedKCT Request2022-02-010150000983851Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-01NoFind below, 6837 2941 5224 8894 2064 1154 4005 1925 2231 74682022-02-01 delukosam@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018470ClosedKCT Request2022-02-010150000983851Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-01NoFind below, 6837 2941 5224 8894 2064 1154 4005 1925 2231 74682022-02-01 delukosam@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018469ClosedKCT Request2022-02-01: Pls kindly help me generate kct for this meter number and meter is in band B, code 45. Thanks sirMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-01NoKindly prove the meter number.2022-02-01 joshyohan71@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018469ClosedKCT Request2022-02-01: Pls kindly help me generate kct for this meter number and meter is in band B, code 45. Thanks sirMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-01NoKindly prove the meter number.2022-02-01 joshyohan71@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018468Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00018467ClosedKCT Request2022-02-01Kindly provide me with the kct for the customer below: 0101215011699 from 02 to 37 Thank youMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-01NoFind below, 5391 3724 4504 3661 5151 0190 8525 2723 1497 48202022-02-01 zakimimidoomaureen@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018467ClosedKCT Request2022-02-01Kindly provide me with the kct for the customer below: 0101215011699 from 02 to 37 Thank youMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-01NoFind below, 5391 3724 4504 3661 5151 0190 8525 2723 1497 48202022-02-01 zakimimidoomaureen@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018466ClosedRequest2022-02-01Request for Debt profile for 0101160002388Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-31NoFind below as requested. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 516536 Debt Repayment ₦85,633.31 ₦-28,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦41,633.31 M 2020-03-10 ₦16,000.00 2022-01-252022-02-01 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018466ClosedRequest2022-02-01Request for Debt profile for 0101160002388Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-31NoFind below as requested. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 516536 Debt Repayment ₦85,633.31 ₦-28,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦41,633.31 M 2020-03-10 ₦16,000.00 2022-01-252022-02-01 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018465ClosedKCT Request2022-02-01Please can you assist us with the KCT of this meter number 44000635696Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-01NoFind below, 3156 8504 0255 8781 6308 3814 9448 2370 1538 61532022-02-01 samueldchun@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018465ClosedKCT Request2022-02-01Please can you assist us with the KCT of this meter number 44000635696Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-01NoFind below, 3156 8504 0255 8781 6308 3814 9448 2370 1538 61532022-02-01 samueldchun@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018464ClosedKCT Request2022-02-01KCT GENERATION 0101210127060Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-01NoDear Maryam. Find below as requested. 5464 8560 2014 5130 1771 0444 3218 9013 9737 39892022-02-01 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018463ClosedTamper Code2022-02-01REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPER 0101170426759Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-01NoFind below, 0101170426759 Clear Tamper 0 2181 2497 3312 4948 60672022-02-01 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018463ClosedTamper Code2022-02-01REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPER 0101170426759Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-01NoFind below, 0101170426759 Clear Tamper 0 2181 2497 3312 4948 60672022-02-01 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018462ClosedComplaint2022-02-01Request for CTT- 0101200001416Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-01NoFind below, 0101200001416 Clear Tamper 0 6313 7807 2743 7383 78772022-02-01 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018462ClosedComplaint2022-02-01Request for CTT- 0101200001416Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-01NoFind below, 0101200001416 Clear Tamper 0 6313 7807 2743 7383 78772022-02-01 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018461ClosedKCT Request2022-02-01KCT GENERATION 44000538700Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-01NoFind below as requested. 6527 6719 5205 9026 6740 4321 2150 5627 7389 32082022-02-01 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018460ClosedKCT Request2022-02-01Good morning, Kindly provide me with the kct for the customer below: 0101210064677 from 01 to 33 Thank youMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-01NoFind below, 6378 0781 1051 7415 7318 7176 4441 2624 3198 02062022-02-01 zakimimidoomaureen@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018460ClosedKCT Request2022-02-01Good morning, Kindly provide me with the kct for the customer below: 0101210064677 from 01 to 33 Thank youMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-01NoFind below, 6378 0781 1051 7415 7318 7176 4441 2624 3198 02062022-02-01 zakimimidoomaureen@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018459ClosedKCT Request2022-02-01Good Afternoon, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters. Thank you Meter Numbers:: 0101190035408 (02 to 01) 0101170376913 (04 to 21) 0101210037764 (21 to 33) 0101170298588 44000602837 44000556314 44000600088Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-01NoDear Goerge. Find below as requested. 0101190035408 (02 to 01) 6883 9979 1305 5272 3357 5506 7545 1698 0120 9475 0101170376913 (04 to 21) 2114 4160 4832 3659 4436 5274 8009 6884 1741 9816 0101210037764 (21 to 33) 5677 3518 3806 7641 2510 6088 1763 8831 7902 2057 0101170298588 2906 3343 2460 2057 5422 2299 6654 2399 9081 8348 44000602837 1310 6948 4102 2325 2637 3547 3398 6593 9027 1753 44000556314 3616 5033 6761 7618 5275 1823 5856 7334 0791 8126 44000600088 6110 9696 8237 1114 7470 4496 3895 1177 8736 66672022-02-01 ademugeorge@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018458ClosedKCT Request2022-02-01Please kindly send me the kct for this meter number below. 0101210021974.04 to 01 also 01 to 04 0101210076531.04 to 01 also 01 to 04 Please kindly send me the kct for this meter number below. 0101210021974.04 to 01 also 01 to 04 0101210076531.04 to 01 also 01 to 04Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-01NoFind below, 0101210021974 .04 to 01 also 01 to 04 4-1 6805 7045 4334 7809 5196 4939 3537 6566 4970 9604 1-4 6482 8883 6349 5884 9256 5233 1530 3136 3633 6837 0101210076531 .04 to 01 also 01 to 04 4-1 5816 5968 5686 5076 7692 5434 6018 3768 4210 2055 1-4 23139011622006785907 36686588818489102004 Regards.2022-02-01 umarmacy@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018458ClosedKCT Request2022-02-01Please kindly send me the kct for this meter number below. 0101210021974.04 to 01 also 01 to 04 0101210076531.04 to 01 also 01 to 04 Please kindly send me the kct for this meter number below. 0101210021974.04 to 01 also 01 to 04 0101210076531.04 to 01 also 01 to 04Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-01NoFind below, 0101210021974 .04 to 01 also 01 to 04 4-1 6805 7045 4334 7809 5196 4939 3537 6566 4970 9604 1-4 6482 8883 6349 5884 9256 5233 1530 3136 3633 6837 0101210076531 .04 to 01 also 01 to 04 4-1 5816 5968 5686 5076 7692 5434 6018 3768 4210 2055 1-4 23139011622006785907 36686588818489102004 Regards.2022-02-01 umarmacy@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018457ClosedKCT Request2022-02-01Good morning sir 0101170270314 ThanksMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-01NoFind below, 5565 2557 2996 8647 8811 5161 9323 5981 4399 92882022-02-01 beediesarah5@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018457ClosedKCT Request2022-02-01Good morning sir 0101170270314 ThanksMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-01NoFind below, 5565 2557 2996 8647 8811 5161 9323 5981 4399 92882022-02-01 beediesarah5@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018456ClosedKCT Request2022-02-01KCT GENERATION from 45 to 33 95300194024Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-01NoDear Maryam. Find below as requested. 2346 0814 8834 4853 1844 0750 4282 7316 8019 45712022-02-01 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018455ClosedKCT Request2022-02-01Please kindly help me with a kct number of this meter 0101210092652 02 to 04Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-01NoFind below, 5275 3248 4752 2104 6533 2537 7712 5327 1421 91022022-02-01 shehumyusuf51@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018455ClosedKCT Request2022-02-01Please kindly help me with a kct number of this meter 0101210092652 02 to 04Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-01NoFind below, 5275 3248 4752 2104 6533 2537 7712 5327 1421 91022022-02-01 shehumyusuf51@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018454ClosedKCT Request2022-02-010101170229591 44300013230 1-25 n 25-1Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-01NoFind below, 0101170229591 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 44300013230 1-25 n 25-1 1-25 1252 6948 5608 9125 7332 5586 0893 8330 0299 1406 25-1 2949 8128 2255 4941 9280 2244 4656 0387 5567 35432022-02-01 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018453ClosedKCT Request2022-02-01Good Afternoon, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters. Thank you Meter Numbers:: 0101190035408 (02 to 01) 0101170376913 (04 to 21) 0101210037764 (21 to 33) 0101170298588 44000602837 44000556314 44000600088Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-01NoDear Goerge. Find below as requested. 0101190035408 (02 to 01) 6883 9979 1305 5272 3357 5506 7545 1698 0120 9475 0101170376913 (04 to 21) 2114 4160 4832 3659 4436 5274 8009 6884 1741 9816 0101210037764 (21 to 33) 5677 3518 3806 7641 2510 6088 1763 8831 7902 2057 0101170298588 2906 3343 2460 2057 5422 2299 6654 2399 9081 8348 44000602837 1310 6948 4102 2325 2637 3547 3398 6593 9027 1753 44000556314 3616 5033 6761 7618 5275 1823 5856 7334 0791 8126 44000600088 6110 9696 8237 1114 7470 4496 3895 1177 8736 66672022-02-01 ademugeorge@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018452ClosedKCT Request2022-02-010101210142242 44000675205 0101170270314Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-01NoFind below, 0101210142242 22907241743884626121 54726416969782902005 44000675205 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101170270314 5565 2557 2996 8647 8811 5161 9323 5981 4399 92882022-02-01 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018452ClosedKCT Request2022-02-010101210142242 44000675205 0101170270314Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-01NoFind below, 0101210142242 22907241743884626121 54726416969782902005 44000675205 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101170270314 5565 2557 2996 8647 8811 5161 9323 5981 4399 92882022-02-01 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018451ClosedKCT Request2022-02-01REQUEST FOR KCT: 44000669083Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-01NoFind below, 2797 1056 7207 2974 0298 1446 5393 0850 6705 65152022-02-01 samueldchun@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018451ClosedKCT Request2022-02-01REQUEST FOR KCT: 44000669083Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-01NoFind below, 2797 1056 7207 2974 0298 1446 5393 0850 6705 65152022-02-01 samueldchun@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018450ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0144000676948Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-01NoHello, Find below, 31825258223254704611 179540203255736552002022-02-01 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018450ClosedKCT Request2022-02-0144000676948Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-02-01NoHello, Find below, 31825258223254704611 179540203255736552002022-02-01 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018449ClosedKCT Request2022-02-01Please can you assist us with the KCT of this meter number 44000539963 Thank you sirMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-01NoDear Samuel. Find below as requested. 1090 9832 0612 1665 3151 1829 9970 6862 1257 64462022-02-01 samueldchun@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018448ClosedKCT Request2022-02-01Please sir kindly assist with the kct of this meters 44300009527 and 44300002696Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-01NoFind below, 44300009527 6322 1633 4551 3203 9392 3382 3655 5350 3572 9205 44300002696 2009 7635 5507 3423 0646 5127 8734 4551 3830 86672022-02-01 ahmadabdullahiahmadmaye@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018447ClosedKCT Request2022-02-01Dear support, Please the above subject refers. 44000524981 44000747053 Regards.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-01NoFind below, 44000524981 6789 3619 5414 2845 1690 5712 8521 1009 9251 4860 44000747053 0653 0090 9067 6112 7957 5192 3564 0012 1817 23792022-02-01 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018446ClosedKCT Request2022-02-01REQUEST FOR KCT - 44000684868Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-01NoDear Dauda. Find below the requested KCT. 6291 4930 0665 7901 5654 4147 1454 1492 9183 96002022-02-01 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018445ClosedTamper Code2022-02-01REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPER 0195000002020Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-01NoFind below the requested CT. 0195000002020 Clear Tamper 0 1636 2197 7799 9691 32692022-02-01 rolandjames750@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018444ClosedKCT Request2022-02-01REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPER 0195000002020Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-31NoFind below the requested CT. 0195000002020 Clear Tamper 0 1636 2197 7799 9691 32692022-02-01 rolandjames750@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018443ClosedRequest2022-02-01Debt profile 54160941602Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-01NoDear Erdoo. Find below the requested Debt Status. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 423539 Debt Repayment ₦93,005.27 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦77,005.27 M 2019-02-26 ₦16,000.00 2022-01-312022-02-01 erdooshirsha@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018442ClosedRequest2022-02-010101170407718 54161104911 0101210034134 0101165015484Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-01NoDear Ummi. Find below the requested CTs. 0101170407718 Clear Tamper 0 2627 5597 0297 1983 8983 54161104911 Clear Tamper 0 1367 1217 6519 6627 6224 0101210034134 Clear Tamper 0 6950 5074 5866 1724 3113 0101165015484 Clear Tamper 0 6219 3123 9713 1485 51182022-02-01 rolandjames750@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018441ClosedKCT Request2022-02-010101215020781Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-01NoDear Hamza. Find below the requested KCT, 3354 2122 9746 3799 1215 0560 0215 6911 2361 72462022-02-01 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018440ClosedKCT Request2022-02-01Dear Sir Please kindly assist us in generating clear tamper codes for the following customer: 1. Shausu Sevav C., 0101210043317 ThanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-01NoDear Emeka. Find below the requested CT. 0101210043317 Clear Tamper 0 2466 4904 0198 0227 35742022-02-01 emekaojiegbe@rocketmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018439ClosedKCT Request2022-02-01Dear Sir Please kindly assist us in generating clear tamper codes for the following customer: 1. Shausu Sevav C., 0101210043317 ThanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-02-01NoDear Emeka. Find below the requested CT. 0101210043317 Clear Tamper 0 2466 4904 0198 0227 35742022-02-01 emekaojiegbe@rocketmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018438Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00018437ClosedKCT Request2022-01-31Please provide KCT. 0101210142242 FROM 01 to 02 44000639631 FROM 01 TO 21 0101170372623 FROM 18 TO 33Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-31NoFind below, 0101210142242 FROM 01 to 02 .......... Incomplete KCT allow us sometime 44000639631 FROM 01 TO 21 5083 2271 0821 6655 3989 3925 0389 4640 0923 9669 0101170372623 FROM 18 TO 33 .......... Allow us sometime. Regards.2022-01-31 uduhaleje@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018437ClosedKCT Request2022-01-31Please provide KCT. 0101210142242 FROM 01 to 02 44000639631 FROM 01 TO 21 0101170372623 FROM 18 TO 33Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-31NoFind below, 0101210142242 FROM 01 to 02 .......... Incomplete KCT allow us sometime 44000639631 FROM 01 TO 21 5083 2271 0821 6655 3989 3925 0389 4640 0923 9669 0101170372623 FROM 18 TO 33 .......... Allow us sometime. Regards.2022-01-31 uduhaleje@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018436ClosedKCT Request2022-01-31Dear IT Support, Please kindly furnish me with KCT on the correct tariff index for this customer below: MSN: INDEX: 54160855257. 21 To 45Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-31NoFind below, 0600 2110 7070 3694 5993 1919 6279 5320 3244 0443 Regards.2022-01-31 wyontochae@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018436ClosedKCT Request2022-01-31Dear IT Support, Please kindly furnish me with KCT on the correct tariff index for this customer below: MSN: INDEX: 54160855257. 21 To 45Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-31NoFind below, 0600 2110 7070 3694 5993 1919 6279 5320 3244 0443 Regards.2022-01-31 wyontochae@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018435ClosedRequest2022-01-31Please can you assist us with the debt status of this meter number 0101210130270 Thank you sir Samuel D. ChunMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-31NoFind below, No record found2022-01-31 samueldchun@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018435ClosedRequest2022-01-31Please can you assist us with the debt status of this meter number 0101210130270 Thank you sir Samuel D. ChunMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-31NoFind below, No record found2022-01-31 samueldchun@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018434ClosedKCT Request2022-01-310195000005221 from 38 to 33 0195000007243 to 45 0101210142242 from 01 to 02Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-31NoFind below, 0195000005221 from 38 to 33 ........... allow us sometime 0195000007243 to 45 3790 4660 8839 0933 8187 6170 3852 7392 6353 9608 0101210142242 from 01 to 02 ...... Incomplete kct allow us sometime2022-01-31 uduhaleje@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018434ClosedKCT Request2022-01-310195000005221 from 38 to 33 0195000007243 to 45 0101210142242 from 01 to 02Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-31NoFind below, 0195000005221 from 38 to 33 ........... allow us sometime 0195000007243 to 45 3790 4660 8839 0933 8187 6170 3852 7392 6353 9608 0101210142242 from 01 to 02 ...... Incomplete kct allow us sometime2022-01-31 uduhaleje@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018433ClosedKCT Request2022-01-3144000670164MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-31Nofind below. 44000670164 01 To 21 1169 6181 0341 0343 1599 4754 8159 5880 8763 90792022-01-31 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018432ClosedKCT Request2022-01-31Request for KCT for 44000684520MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-31Nofind below. 44000684520 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-01-31 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018431ClosedKCT Request2022-01-3144000315448 44300002456Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-31Nofind below. 44000315448 44000315448 Clear Tamper 0 0120 9969 1058 2599 2277 44300002456 44300002456 Clear Tamper 0 0490 3014 1556 6124 80182022-01-31 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018431ClosedKCT Request2022-01-3144000315448 44300002456Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-31Nofind below. 44000315448 44000315448 Clear Tamper 0 0120 9969 1058 2599 2277 44300002456 44300002456 Clear Tamper 0 0490 3014 1556 6124 80182022-01-31 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018430ClosedTamper Code2022-01-3154161042400Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-31Nofind below. 54161042400 54161042400 Clear Tamper 0 0878 0499 4586 9992 95822022-01-31 rolandjames750@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018430ClosedTamper Code2022-01-3154161042400Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-31Nofind below. 54161042400 54161042400 Clear Tamper 0 0878 0499 4586 9992 95822022-01-31 rolandjames750@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018429ClosedKCT Request2022-01-31Good day, Please I need kct for this meter 0101200028724 from 0045 to 0001 and from 0001 to 0045 ThanksMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-31No1-45 3627 8804 6636 9732 8860 1962 2052 7761 9997 9203 45-1 6290 0274 1021 5683 3258 6625 8079 9400 5929 27352022-01-31 mosesdamilarejokotoye@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018429ClosedKCT Request2022-01-31Good day, Please I need kct for this meter 0101200028724 from 0045 to 0001 and from 0001 to 0045 ThanksMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-31No1-45 3627 8804 6636 9732 8860 1962 2052 7761 9997 9203 45-1 6290 0274 1021 5683 3258 6625 8079 9400 5929 27352022-01-31 mosesdamilarejokotoye@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018428ClosedKCT Request2022-01-3144000499333 44000675809 95300227006Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-31Nofind below. 44000499333 44000499333 01 To 21 2474 5557 6305 9339 9176 6883 9700 3463 1135 1316 44000675809 44000675809 01 To 21 4116 6915 6093 4423 1652 2276 8213 9268 6235 2463 95300227006 95300227006 01 To 45 5523 2928 3879 0922 9845 5016 9995 9642 3006 43392022-01-31 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018428ClosedKCT Request2022-01-3144000499333 44000675809 95300227006Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-31Nofind below. 44000499333 44000499333 01 To 21 2474 5557 6305 9339 9176 6883 9700 3463 1135 1316 44000675809 44000675809 01 To 21 4116 6915 6093 4423 1652 2276 8213 9268 6235 2463 95300227006 95300227006 01 To 45 5523 2928 3879 0922 9845 5016 9995 9642 3006 43392022-01-31 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018427ClosedKCT Request2022-01-31Please can you assist us with the KCT of this meter number 95300197076 Thank you sirMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-31Nofind below, 6983 4224 1307 8294 4943 0716 4590 0128 4549 91062022-01-31 samueldchun@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018427ClosedKCT Request2022-01-31Please can you assist us with the KCT of this meter number 95300197076 Thank you sirMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-31Nofind below, 6983 4224 1307 8294 4943 0716 4590 0128 4549 91062022-01-31 samueldchun@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018426ClosedKCT Request2022-01-3144000586766 44000584027 44000586592 44000498558 44000498517 44000498533 44000623528 44000686087 0101170238279Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-31NoFind below, 44000586766 1836 7468 7155 6858 2449 1906 9814 8138 0930 9026 44000584027 3315 0273 9983 1279 4988 3713 6699 1078 5503 9129 44000586592 6236 5202 9548 3611 4910 5773 8440 5575 6025 4907 44000498558 2845 7754 2069 9151 5419 0524 4727 0961 5180 3006 44000498517 0004 7963 7233 3835 8539 5192 9217 0333 6355 6004 44000498533 1113 6267 2263 0970 2776 0578 0665 9658 6815 5738 44000623528 .............. Incomplete allow us sometime 44000686087 5872 7594 5296 2722 4980 4784 1392 2477 0850 6651 0101170238279 1327 0503 6146 2663 5826 1760 3118 3728 5211 5750 Regards.2022-01-31 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018426ClosedKCT Request2022-01-3144000586766 44000584027 44000586592 44000498558 44000498517 44000498533 44000623528 44000686087 0101170238279Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-31NoFind below, 44000586766 1836 7468 7155 6858 2449 1906 9814 8138 0930 9026 44000584027 3315 0273 9983 1279 4988 3713 6699 1078 5503 9129 44000586592 6236 5202 9548 3611 4910 5773 8440 5575 6025 4907 44000498558 2845 7754 2069 9151 5419 0524 4727 0961 5180 3006 44000498517 0004 7963 7233 3835 8539 5192 9217 0333 6355 6004 44000498533 1113 6267 2263 0970 2776 0578 0665 9658 6815 5738 44000623528 .............. Incomplete allow us sometime 44000686087 5872 7594 5296 2722 4980 4784 1392 2477 0850 6651 0101170238279 1327 0503 6146 2663 5826 1760 3118 3728 5211 5750 Regards.2022-01-31 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018425ClosedKCT Request2022-01-3144000571602 invalis sts 44000556975 invalid sts 44000540086 invalid sts 44000543395 invalid sts 44000523835 invalid sts 44000558385 invalid sts Regards.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-31No44000571602 44000571602 01 To 21 5132 5043 5715 7983 4292 4578 6597 8218 4491 1970 44000556975 44000556975 01 To 21 2474 4289 0400 8503 9639 1456 0288 4306 1868 3011 44000540086 44000540086 01 To 21 2279 8378 7325 8793 2715 2600 1342 3005 4462 5352 44000543395 44000543395 01 To 21 4566 5281 7284 2120 7108 1595 0974 5110 8142 4374 44000523835 44000523835 01 To 21 2554 5896 5725 4787 6801 2255 6096 9189 4727 2132 44000558385 44000558385 01 To 21 2640 2523 3662 6086 6614 1847 2258 3094 9559 55622022-01-31 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018424ClosedKCT Request2022-01-3144000629491.thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-31Nofind below. 44000629491 01 To 21 7121 0069 9150 6076 2993 5203 8652 0710 0380 91572022-01-31 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018423ClosedKCT Request2022-01-3144300002373 1-31 n 31-1 44300014568 1-33 n 33-1MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-31NoFind below, 44300002373 1-31 n 31-1 1-31 4391 8890 6815 4901 9693 3569 4593 3395 0739 8461 31-1 1135 7690 9962 3931 7026 7350 0880 4280 4690 2842 44300014568 1-33 n 33-1 1-33 0686 8844 1064 5882 1301 5169 9953 1271 3812 4464 33-1 0146 7971 7093 3395 3555 0705 5432 2567 3972 60932022-01-31 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018422ClosedTamper Code2022-01-31Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly vette in this meter for support to generate tamper 57100054121 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-31Nofind below. 57100054121 Clear Tamper 0 2370 6275 1076 5705 94402022-01-31 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018421ClosedKCT Request2022-01-3162321147951 From 0001 to 34 Thank u sirMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-31Nofind below. 62321147951 62321147951 01 To 34 1598 9640 9425 8477 5640 2396 4797 5090 8666 60672022-01-31 yusufibrahimbaba440@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018420ClosedTamper Code2022-01-310101170175877 62221022833 57100054121Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-31No2022-01-24 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018420ClosedTamper Code2022-01-310101170175877 62221022833 57100054121Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-31No2022-01-24 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018419Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00018418ClosedKCT Request2022-01-31KCT GENERATION 44000638583Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-31Nofind below, 6959 3848 8193 3275 6925 5232 0191 2263 2956 69412022-01-31 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018418ClosedKCT Request2022-01-31KCT GENERATION 44000638583Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-31Nofind below, 6959 3848 8193 3275 6925 5232 0191 2263 2956 69412022-01-31 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018417ClosedKCT Request2022-01-3144000584126 44000601342 44000668051 44000672343Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-31NoFind below, 44000584126 3679 4588 3814 4517 4540 6319 1866 3349 9771 7608 44000601342 ................. Incomplete KCT allow us sometime. 44000668051 ................. Wrong meter number or not captured. 44000672343 4650 4608 0008 1679 7578 5567 2589 1458 3604 11872022-01-31 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018417ClosedKCT Request2022-01-3144000584126 44000601342 44000668051 44000672343Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-31NoFind below, 44000584126 3679 4588 3814 4517 4540 6319 1866 3349 9771 7608 44000601342 ................. Incomplete KCT allow us sometime. 44000668051 ................. Wrong meter number or not captured. 44000672343 4650 4608 0008 1679 7578 5567 2589 1458 3604 11872022-01-31 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018416ClosedKCT Request2022-01-3144000571115 Please Sir help us with a KCT Thanks for your supportMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-31NoDear Support, Kindly reissue this tamper 44300002456 Thank you2022-01-31 yakubaliyu82@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018416ClosedKCT Request2022-01-3144000571115 Please Sir help us with a KCT Thanks for your supportMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-31NoDear Support, Kindly reissue this tamper 44300002456 Thank you2022-01-31 yakubaliyu82@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018415ClosedTamper Code2022-01-31Dear Support, Kindly reissue this tamper 44300002456 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-31Nofind below. 44300002456 Clear Tamper 0 5422 6731 6339 3266 1360 Regards.2022-01-31 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018414ClosedKCT Request2022-01-3144000629467 44000629392 44000629376 44000629582 pls kindly generate me kct sir tankxMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-31NoFind below, 44000629467 6385 0289 9265 2683 4433 3347 8880 4288 9376 9123 44000629392 4724 1164 5980 6614 2085 3397 4283 2599 0688 7608 44000629376 2686 3232 7157 1767 8634 6497 5576 9238 6261 7603 44000629582 2748 4888 3936 0788 9497 6476 0952 5418 0491 25772022-01-31 felixaron37@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018414ClosedKCT Request2022-01-3144000629467 44000629392 44000629376 44000629582 pls kindly generate me kct sir tankxMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-31NoFind below, 44000629467 6385 0289 9265 2683 4433 3347 8880 4288 9376 9123 44000629392 4724 1164 5980 6614 2085 3397 4283 2599 0688 7608 44000629376 2686 3232 7157 1767 8634 6497 5576 9238 6261 7603 44000629582 2748 4888 3936 0788 9497 6476 0952 5418 0491 25772022-01-31 felixaron37@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018413ClosedKCT Request2022-01-31Request for KCT 0101170429258MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-31Nofind below. 0101170429258 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. Regards.2022-01-31 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018412ClosedKCT Request2022-01-3154150607726 ThankMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-31Nofind below. 54150607726 54150607726 01 To 03 4322 0354 0974 6442 1654 4014 0770 1748 7125 81982022-01-31 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018411ClosedKCT Request2022-01-3154150607726 1-3MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-31Nofind below. 54150607726 01 To 03 4322 0354 0974 6442 1654 4014 0770 1748 7125 81982022-01-31 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018410ClosedKCT Request2022-01-310101210008427 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-31NoDear Auwal. The MSN was not captured/invalid Regards.2022-01-31 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018409ClosedKCT Request2022-01-3144000622272 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-31Nofind below 44000622272 01 To 02 3442 1546 2811 5628 5589 1919 0143 0191 7543 34852022-01-31 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018408OpenKCT Request0000-00-0044000622272Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-31Nofind below. 44000622272 44000324119 01 To 21 3673 4568 9397 4451 7975 0160 6198 6041 1973 93912022-01-31 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018407ClosedKCT Request2022-01-31KCT from 01 to 21 for this MSN: 44000324119 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-31Nofind below. 44000324119 44000324119 01 To 21 3673 4568 9397 4451 7975 0160 6198 6041 1973 93912022-01-31 yuzarsif331122@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018406ClosedKCT Request2022-01-3144000601342 44000621589MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-31Nofind below. 44000601342 expect me for this soon it is generating incomplete kct 44000621589 invalid sts Regards.2022-01-31 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018405ClosedKCT Request2022-01-3144000601342 44000621589MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-31Nofind below. 44000601342 expect me for this soon it is generating incomplete kct 44000621589 invalid sts Regards.2022-01-31 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018404ClosedKCT Request2022-01-3144000543510Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-31NoDear Auwal. Find below the requested KCT. 6940 4023 2392 0022 4484 1852 0823 5690 2938 84382022-01-31 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018403ClosedKCT Request2022-01-3195300193539 Kindly assistMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-31Nofind below. 01 To 45 0656 4784 7931 4705 3884 7202 7370 4236 9210 6329 Regards.2022-01-31 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018402ClosedTamper Code2022-01-31Generate CT for MSN 57100076496 RegardsMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-31Nofind below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 423539 Debt Repayment ₦93,005.27 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦77,005.27 M 2019-02-26 ₦16,000.00 2022-01-25 Regards.2022-01-31 rolandjames750@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018401ClosedKCT Request2022-01-31Generate CT for MSN 57100076496 RegardsMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-31Nofind below. 57100076496 Clear Tamper 0 6492 0674 5726 3116 0753 571000764962022-01-31 rolandjames750@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018400ClosedKCT Request2022-01-31Please can you assist us with the KCT of this meter number 95300220506 Thank you sirMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-31NoFind below the requested KCT. 3172 9006 6124 7226 4930 0031 4784 5717 5549 84152022-01-31 samueldchun@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018399ClosedKCT Request2022-01-310101170175406MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-31Nofind below. 0101170175406 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. Regards.2022-01-31 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018398ClosedKCT Request2022-01-310101170175406Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-31Nofind below. 0101170175406 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. Regards. Umar Auwal Bako2022-01-31 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018397ClosedKCT Request2022-01-310101210068520 45-1 n 1-45 0101200062814 1-21 n 21-1 0101200041362 2-1 n 1-2 0101190152351 44000672343 44000668051 44000601342 44300009170 21-1 n 1-21 44300018312 5-1 n 1-5Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-01-31No0101210068520 45-1 n 1-45 01 To 45 6408 4338 9632 8983 5290 2180 8800 7463 2352 6503 45 To 01 5763 7876 6277 0223 8544 0225 3098 3194 8063 3612 0101200062814 1-21 n 21-1 01 To 21 3533 1491 4328 9221 4725 0049 3703 3132 1690 6706 21 To 01 4849 7439 1858 2619 4802 1573 6477 8662 5875 9301 0101200041362 2-1 n 1-2 01 To 02 3618 4875 0420 0273 2434 2694 4230 2572 8909 2309 02 To 01 6430 6011 9315 1410 9475 3567 1484 6142 1732 3705 0101190152351 3358 8565 8781 2268 5359 6293 4049 7244 4986 91022022-01-31 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00018396ClosedKCT Request2022-01-31Good morning sir Meter =0101205018753 Index =0002 Kind regardsMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-31NoFind below the requested KCT. 3346 8446 8264 6284 9138 1875 1469 0321 3624 3360 Regards.2022-01-31 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018395ClosedRequest2022-01-31Please the above subject refers. 0195000007896 95300158805 44000686616 0101210018376 0101190020905 Regards.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-31NoFind below the requested CTs. 0195000007896 Clear Tamper 0 7300 8154 7571 5779 9250 95300158805 Clear Tamper 0 4011 6680 2975 9217 5549 44000686616 Clear Tamper 0 2607 5313 5285 0362 3625 0101210018376 Clear Tamper 0 0955 9610 6349 2827 3299 0101190020905 Clear Tamper 0 7085 9222 2405 8849 60922022-01-31 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018394ClosedTamper Code2022-01-310101200074165 44000685618Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-31NoFind below the requested CTs. 0101200074165 Clear Tamper 0 5449 0350 8552 9528 4052 44000685618 Clear Tamper 0 6703 3977 6564 9516 48192022-01-31 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018393ClosedKCT Request2022-01-31Good morning team, Please kindly treat MSN 57100061423(21-33)Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-31NoDear Wuladi. Find below the requested KCT. 5636 1229 0596 7727 1604 4018 0224 3114 0284 16312022-01-31 mwuladi@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00018392ClosedKCT Request2022-01-31Good morning team, Please kindly treat MSN 57100061423(21-33)Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-31NoDear Wuladi. Find below the requested KCT. 5636 1229 0596 7727 1604 4018 0224 3114 0284 16312022-01-31 mwuladi@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00018391ClosedKCT Request2022-01-31REQUEST FOR KCT - 44000747061Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-31NoDear Dauda. Find below the requested KCT. 3577 9387 6837 7546 8419 1710 4429 8393 1652 57552022-01-31 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018390ClosedKCT Request2022-01-31REQUEST FOR KCT - 44000747061Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-31No2022-01-31 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018389ClosedKCT Request2022-01-31Request for KCT 44000539807Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-31NoDear Nuwaira. Find below the requested KCT. 7242 1962 7620 5127 2025 3017 7278 9872 3735 58582022-01-31 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018388ClosedKCT Request2022-01-31Request for KCT 44000539807Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-31NoDear Nuwaira. Find below the requested KTC. 2281 9791 7709 8949 7697 4660 2319 7281 4632 76922022-01-31 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018387ClosedTamper Code2022-01-310101210063620 0101185054844 0101205007525 44300007646 44300002456 44000668044 62321160939 44300002456 44300016712 0101210016743 0101205007525 54150624671 44000686616 44000683837 0101170154559MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-31No0101210063620 Clear Tamper 0 3210 6740 8122 2845 0599 0101185054844 Clear Tamper 0 6667 7429 9704 3817 9282 0101205007525 Clear Tamper 0 4893 2045 2461 5223 6169 44300007646 Clear Tamper 0 2418 5001 5802 9572 1954 44300002456 Clear Tamper 0 1750 0579 4007 7265 6719 44000668044 Clear Tamper 0 5051 0649 6648 3918 3115 62321160939 Clear Tamper 0 7148 2235 4696 4911 4305 44300002456 Clear Tamper 0 7202 0405 0336 8293 6389 44300016712 Clear Tamper 0 1601 4392 0660 5217 0976 0101210016743 Clear Tamper 0 3600 8535 6641 0549 5992 0101205007525 Clear Tamper 0 1284 5261 8071 6026 9618 54150624671 Clear Tamper 0 2127 8202 4096 4198 7884 44000686616 Clear Tamper 0 4982 9947 8947 7529 5612 44000683837 Clear Tamper 0 3550 9587 4637 3393 6906 0101170154559 Clear Tamper 0 2731 1339 0446 8598 35072022-01-31 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018386ClosedKCT Request2022-01-31Please can you assist us with the KCT of this meter number 44000635332 Thank you sir Samuel D. ChunMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-31NoDear Samuel. Find below the requested KCT. 4871 1851 7175 2633 1610 1579 9149 6430 2499 44972022-01-31 samueldchun@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018385Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00018384ClosedKCT Request2022-01-3154161008666 Good morning team please kindly assist with the above information thank you.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-31NoDear Ummi. Find below the requested Debt Status. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6123364603-01 Debt Repayment ₦93,326.91 ₦-78,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,326.91 M 2018-02-28 ₦10,000.00 2021-10-302022-01-31 ummilois2@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018383ClosedKCT Request2022-01-31Request for KCT - 44000685071Medium3846 Isah Abubakar0000-00-00NoFind below the requested KCT. 3962 2990 7269 9292 5438 4622 5807 5345 7556 4639 Regards.2022-01-31 stynlucs@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00018382ClosedKCT Request2022-01-31Request for KCT - 44000685071Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-31No2022-01-31 stynlucs@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00018381ClosedKCT Request2022-01-3154150607726 21-3 44000666097Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-31NoFind below the requested KCTs. 54150607726 21-3 7273 5910 7790 8394 5395 7255 7120 3165 0593 0680 44000666097 3460 4817 9151 1498 6185 2504 2342 6619 7282 06682022-01-31 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018380ClosedRequest2022-01-31Request for CTT- 9530015232Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-31NoDear Nuwaira. This meter has an invalid STS. Please consult a Meter Maintenance Team for assistance.2022-01-31 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018379ClosedKCT Request2022-01-3144000748432Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-31No3021 6463 1985 2010 3457 0780 4578 3097 8051 80322022-01-31 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018378ClosedKCT Request2022-01-31Kindly assist with the below for KCT 44000675486 44000639631 44000568566 54150610308 54161146672 to 21 44000686954Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-31NoFind below, 44000675486 ............. Wrong meter number or not captured. 44000639631 5083 2271 0821 6655 3989 3925 0389 4640 0923 9669 44000568566 5026 9904 9163 2222 6842 3071 3434 5386 1656 6664 54150610308 ........... Wrong meter number or not captured. 54161146672 to 21 This meter is on 21 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly contact meter maintenance. 44000686954 ........... Wrong meter number or not captured. Regards.2022-01-31 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018378ClosedKCT Request2022-01-31Kindly assist with the below for KCT 44000675486 44000639631 44000568566 54150610308 54161146672 to 21 44000686954Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-31NoFind below, 44000675486 ............. Wrong meter number or not captured. 44000639631 5083 2271 0821 6655 3989 3925 0389 4640 0923 9669 44000568566 5026 9904 9163 2222 6842 3071 3434 5386 1656 6664 54150610308 ........... Wrong meter number or not captured. 54161146672 to 21 This meter is on 21 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly contact meter maintenance. 44000686954 ........... Wrong meter number or not captured. Regards.2022-01-31 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018377ClosedRequest2022-01-3154161145542Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-31NoFind below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 508754 Debt Repayment ₦93,528.42 ₦-18,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦59,528.42 M 2019-07-21 ₦16,000.00 2022-01-292022-01-31 browngan279@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018377ClosedRequest2022-01-3154161145542Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-31NoFind below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 508754 Debt Repayment ₦93,528.42 ₦-18,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦59,528.42 M 2019-07-21 ₦16,000.00 2022-01-292022-01-31 browngan279@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018376ClosedKCT Request2022-01-31Please kindly help me with a kct number of this meters 57100065209 57100047323 44000498366 0101185056209 04 to 21 0101215001617 02 to 01 and 01 to 02Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-31NoFind below, 57100065209 ............. Wrong meter number or not captured. 57100047323 6257 1784 0501 0011 8615 3524 9694 2108 4994 5486 44000498366 ............. Wrong meter number or not captured. 0101185056209 04 to 21 ........... Wrong meter number 0101215001617 02 to 01 and 01 to 02 ............. Wrong meter number. Regards.2022-01-31 shehumyusuf51@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018376ClosedKCT Request2022-01-31Please kindly help me with a kct number of this meters 57100065209 57100047323 44000498366 0101185056209 04 to 21 0101215001617 02 to 01 and 01 to 02Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-31NoFind below, 57100065209 ............. Wrong meter number or not captured. 57100047323 6257 1784 0501 0011 8615 3524 9694 2108 4994 5486 44000498366 ............. Wrong meter number or not captured. 0101185056209 04 to 21 ........... Wrong meter number 0101215001617 02 to 01 and 01 to 02 ............. Wrong meter number. Regards.2022-01-31 shehumyusuf51@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018375ClosedKCT Request2022-01-31Good morning Sir, please help me generate kct for this meter number 0101200028724 From 045 to 01 and from 01 to 045. Thank you.Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-31NoFind below, 1-45 3627 8804 6636 9732 8860 1962 2052 7761 9997 9203 45-1 6290 0274 1021 5683 3258 6625 8079 9400 5929 27352022-01-31 dakomluka1@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018375ClosedKCT Request2022-01-31Good morning Sir, please help me generate kct for this meter number 0101200028724 From 045 to 01 and from 01 to 045. Thank you.Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-31NoFind below, 1-45 3627 8804 6636 9732 8860 1962 2052 7761 9997 9203 45-1 6290 0274 1021 5683 3258 6625 8079 9400 5929 27352022-01-31 dakomluka1@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018374ClosedKCT Request2022-01-31Pls help me with the kct from 21 to 1 meter 0101170271007Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-31NoFind below, 1-21 6431 5979 0709 3470 5298 3585 3151 0680 6442 2641 21-1 1664 6893 7368 0301 0775 5154 9469 7760 2803 77412022-01-31 hassansuleiman664@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018374ClosedKCT Request2022-01-31Pls help me with the kct from 21 to 1 meter 0101170271007Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-31NoFind below, 1-21 6431 5979 0709 3470 5298 3585 3151 0680 6442 2641 21-1 1664 6893 7368 0301 0775 5154 9469 7760 2803 77412022-01-31 hassansuleiman664@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018373ClosedKCT Request2022-01-31Please can you assist us with the KCT of this meter number 44000741817 Thank you sirMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-31NoFind below, 4615 6924 0631 7588 6540 4131 8611 5790 8820 72662022-01-31 samueldchun@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018373ClosedKCT Request2022-01-31Please can you assist us with the KCT of this meter number 44000741817 Thank you sirMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-31NoFind below, 4615 6924 0631 7588 6540 4131 8611 5790 8820 72662022-01-31 samueldchun@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018372ClosedKCT Request2022-01-31Please can you assist us with the KCT of this meter number 44000564565 Thank you sir Samuel D. ChunMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-31NoFind below, 6630 1387 8754 7261 2196 4207 0365 2716 0928 81752022-01-31 samueldchun@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018372ClosedKCT Request2022-01-31Please can you assist us with the KCT of this meter number 44000564565 Thank you sir Samuel D. ChunMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-31NoFind below, 6630 1387 8754 7261 2196 4207 0365 2716 0928 81752022-01-31 samueldchun@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018371ClosedVending History2022-01-31Good afternoon please kindly assist me with this meter VH 24100576026 thankMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-31NoNo record found.2022-01-24 abdulmalik3955@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018371ClosedVending History2022-01-31Good afternoon please kindly assist me with this meter VH 24100576026 thankMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-31NoNo record found.2022-01-24 abdulmalik3955@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018370ClosedKCT Request2022-01-28REQUEST FOR KCT FROM 21 TO 34 - 0101161054040MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-28Nofind below. 0101161054040 21 To 34 4258 5130 3396 9338 3476 3746 2516 6787 8550 53482022-01-28 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018369ClosedKCT Request2022-01-28Good morning sir kindly assist me with this kct of the customer 44000688166 Thanks SupportMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-28Nofind below. 44000688166 44000688166 01 To 45 6794 1367 9121 3456 6516 1235 5090 0552 3865 4811 Regards.2022-01-28 hamzaadamu64@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018368ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2844000666014MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-28Nofind below. 01 To 21 1134 3296 3881 8179 1556 5713 0007 3223 6283 5820 Regards.2022-01-28 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018367ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2844000666014 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-28No44000666014 01 To 21 1134 3296 3881 8179 1556 5713 0007 3223 6283 58202022-01-28 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018366ClosedTamper Code2022-01-28Please kindly help me with a tamper code of this meters 0101200055040 0101170117523 0101210053522 0101210019713 0101190146379 0101210016420 0101210067605 0101210074031 0101200092902 0101210050577 0101195008525Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-28NoFind below, 0101200055040 Clear Tamper 0 1487 6187 8643 7249 6213 0101170117523 Clear Tamper 0 4431 3650 6520 0579 6731 0101210053522 Clear Tamper 0 7027 6068 2832 0706 0217 0101210019713 Clear Tamper 0 4394 9186 8901 6899 4125 0101190146379 Clear Tamper 0 4105 7002 4399 1661 2814 0101210016420 Clear Tamper 0 4096 7412 2471 7107 3035 0101210067605...........not captured/invalid MSN 0101210074031 Clear Tamper 0 6697 4087 9915 1884 7666 0101200092902 Clear Tamper 0 6648 9714 7794 5162 0518 0101210050577 Clear Tamper 0 1597 2159 3466 2409 2545 0101195008525 Clear Tamper 0 0840 1062 3457 2083 68462022-01-28 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018365ClosedTamper Code2022-01-28REQUEST FOR CLEAR TAMPER - 0101170398172Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-28NoFind below, 0101170398172 Clear Tamper 0 0197 3331 2398 3751 47102022-01-28 longpuan@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018364ClosedTamper Code2022-01-280101175104187 0101210090318 0101190143301 0101210073272 0101160409088Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-28NoFind below, 0101175104187 Clear Tamper 0 5613 6284 2609 8165 6005 0101210090318 Clear Tamper 0 6296 6850 7171 3648 8100 0101190143301 Clear Tamper 0 5974 9278 6130 9875 5345 0101210073272 Clear Tamper 0 2594 7320 1900 2922 1979 0101160409088 Clear Tamper 0 1526 3447 3111 8845 57582022-01-28 sadiqabdullahi62@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018363ClosedKCT Request2022-01-28Please the above subject refers. 44000703643 44000686616 Regards.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-28Nofind below. 44000703643 44000703643 01 To 21 0089 1231 7266 9219 4535 2827 9996 9169 6141 9442 44000686616 44000686616 01 To 21 4000 7887 8788 9662 2474 1552 1716 8033 5202 49152022-01-28 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018362ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2844300009998 44000685352 44000600104MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-28Nofind below. 44300009998 44300009998 01 To 21 7252 5525 9942 1126 7065 6768 2815 8684 3328 9380 44000685352 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 44000600104 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2022-01-28 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018361ClosedTamper Code2022-01-28Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 44000683803 Thank youMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-27NoDear Auwal. Kindly refrain from send multiple request in the same mail. Please note each request is documented and tracked.2022-01-28 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018360ClosedKCT Request2022-01-28Dear support, Please the above subject refers. 0101170196360 0101170304725 Regards.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-28No0101170196360 0101170196360 01 To 21 3637 0337 3311 1527 9629 4794 2328 2016 7054 9156 0101170304725 0101170304725 01 To 21 6858 1129 3918 6777 8637 2210 4648 0837 6074 48532022-01-28 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018359ClosedKCT Request2022-01-28Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101190012530 0101200028823 Thank youMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-28NoFind below, 0101190012530 Clear Tamper 0 4741 5755 6875 8258 9876 0101200028823 Clear Tamper 0 4925 4305 9070 9395 57422022-01-28 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018358ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2821 - 45 54160918170Medium3846 Isah Abubakar0000-00-00NoFind below, 2226 2401 8631 7434 9695 5684 8903 5253 4430 6385 Regards.2022-01-28 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018357ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2821 - 45 54160918170MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-28Nofind below. 54160918170 54160918170 21 To 45 2226 2401 8631 7434 9695 5684 8903 5253 4430 6385 Regards.2022-01-28 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018356ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2862321141269 from 001 to 034 62321153330 from 001 to 036 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-28NoFind below, 62321141269 from 001 to 034 1263 1290 5114 5100 1775 2169 0486 1907 9238 4441 62321153330 from 001 to 036 0226 4900 8140 2314 0031 5686 2815 5778 1343 48912022-01-28 faithelisha1990@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018355ClosedKCT Request2022-01-28REQUEST FOR KCT - 95300161494MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-28Nofind below. 95300161494 01 To 33 2403 7665 6306 0834 4188 5117 2411 4493 1677 7224 Regards.2022-01-28 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018354ClosedKCT Request2022-01-28REQUEST FOR KCT - 95300161494MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-28Nofind below. 01 To 33 2403 7665 6306 0834 4188 5117 2411 4493 1677 72242022-01-28 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018353ClosedKCT Request2022-01-28REQUEST FOR KCT - 44000638294MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-28Nofind below. 44000638294 44000638294 01 To 33 3782 6352 6107 7383 9731 2835 9835 8423 2578 6477 Regards.2022-01-28 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018352ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2844000498426MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-28Nofind below. 44000498426 01 To 34 6462 3444 0237 9860 6115 3754 7253 9407 7765 45032022-01-28 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018351ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2844000679457 44000665073 54161025579 33 - 21 44000669091 995300227006 TI33MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-28Nofind below. 44000679457 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 44000665073 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 54161025579 33 - 21 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 44000669091 01 To 21 6952 9492 2788 4878 0172 3113 2675 3791 3566 3839 995300227006 TI332022-01-28 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018350ClosedKCT Request2022-01-280101161052143 Please kindly treat thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-28Nofind below. 0101161052143 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 612342127401 Debt Repayment ₦102,491.90 ₦-27,018.30 ₦2,000.00 ₦59,473.60 M 2018-01-03 ₦16,000.00 2022-01-28 Regards. Umar Auwal Bako2022-01-28 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018349ClosedKCT Request2022-01-28KCT GENERATION 44000498426MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-28Nofind below. 44000498426 44000498426 01 To 34 6462 3444 0237 9860 6115 3754 7253 9407 7765 4503 Regards.2022-01-28 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018348ClosedKCT Request2022-01-28Please kindly send me the kct for this meter no below 0101210057671.02 to 01 also 01 to 02.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-28Nohello, find below. 0101210057671 0101210057671 01 To 02 1048 0875 3624 3426 6771 5536 2747 5127 0402 1416 Regards.2022-01-28 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018347ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2844000685766 Please kindly treat thank you.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-28Nofind below. This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. Regards.2022-01-28 ummilois2@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018346ClosedKCT Request2022-01-28Request for clear tamper for 0101210048928, 0101210078974, 0101210045015Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-28Nofind below. 0101210048928 0101210048928 Clear Tamper 0 7053 0517 4422 7156 5808 0101210078974 0101210078974 Clear Tamper 0 6721 1997 0957 5247 0879 0101210045015 0101210045015 Clear Tamper 0 6536 6745 1715 0113 56432022-01-28 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018345ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2844000666659 Please kindly treat thank you.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-28Nofind below. 44000666659 44000666659 01 To 21 3121 2402 0255 4226 8715 5675 1390 1509 2136 2100 Regards.2022-01-28 ummilois2@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018344ClosedKCT Request2022-01-28Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 44000683803Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-28NoHello, Find below, 44000683803 Clear Tamper 0 3172 4263 0792 9874 1341 Regards.2022-01-28 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018343ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2844000683670 Thank youMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-28NoFind below, 7291 7563 1889 1336 7871 2314 1121 8107 4766 38462022-01-28 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018342ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2844000685766Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-28NoHello, 44000685766..............is on TI 01 Regards.2022-01-28 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018341ClosedKCT Request2022-01-280101200037014 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-28Nofind below. 0101200037014 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. Regards.2022-01-28 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018340ClosedKCT Request2022-01-28Good morning sir kindly assist me with this kct of the customer 0150000975246 Thanks SupportMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-21Nofind below. 0150000975246 0150000975246 01 To 33 3162 8409 4707 2228 9552 6011 2181 0281 1175 98972022-01-28 hamzaadamu64@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018339ClosedKCT Request2022-01-284400067809 Thank youMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-28Nofind below. 4400067809 No data available in table Regards.2022-01-28 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018338ClosedKCT Request2022-01-28Good morning, Kindly provide me with the Kct for the customer below: 62321150708 from 01 to 34 62321146474 from 01 to 37 62321206393 from 01 to 37 Thank you.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-28Nofind below. 62321150708 from 01 to 34 01 To 34 3250 3031 4837 4770 2624 1917 9797 1709 7383 6825 62321146474 from 01 to 37 62321146474 01 To 37 1830 8529 0323 5162 1929 4226 9783 0218 6596 5772 62321206393 from 01 to 37 62321206393 01 To 37 3746 3361 7473 9257 6855 4624 5499 0582 2226 3030 Regards.2022-01-28 zakimimidoomaureen@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018337ClosedKCT Request2022-01-28Good morning, Kindly provide me with the Kct for the customer below: 62321150708 from 01 to 34 62321146474 from 01 to 37 62321206393 from 01 to 37 Thank you.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-28Nofind below. 62321150708 from 01 to 34 01 To 34 3250 3031 4837 4770 2624 1917 9797 1709 7383 6825 62321146474 from 01 to 37 62321146474 01 To 37 1830 8529 0323 5162 1929 4226 9783 0218 6596 5772 62321206393 from 01 to 37 62321206393 01 To 37 3746 3361 7473 9257 6855 4624 5499 0582 2226 3030 Regards.2022-01-28 zakimimidoomaureen@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018336ClosedTamper Code2022-01-2854161099996 Good morning sir, please kindly verify the MSN above for tamper thank you.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-28NoHello, Find below, 54161099996 Clear Tamper 0 5165 2199 0902 1914 3250 Regards.2022-01-28 ummilois2@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018335ClosedTamper Code2022-01-28Temper. 0101200008676Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-28NoHello, Find below, 0101200008676 Clear Tamper 0 5685 3231 8796 2061 35522022-01-28 rolandjames750@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018334ClosedKCT Request2022-01-28Good morning sir. Kindly assist. 0101200037014 Thank sir.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-28NoHello, 0101200037014...................is on TI 012022-01-28 hamisumusa401@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018333ClosedKCT Request2022-01-28find below. 44300005798 44000498476 95300196987 TI2 Regards.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-28No1-34 34-1 44300005798 44300005798 01 To 34 4372 2011 5030 3507 9751 1741 6950 2484 4002 9690 44300005798 34 To 01 0211 5265 0767 7269 3964 4795 8038 7490 6770 5110 44000498476 No data available in table 95300196987 TI2 95300196987 21 To 34 7127 9634 2375 9235 1199 3515 0552 2882 7918 5857 Thank you2022-01-28 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018332ClosedKCT Request2022-01-28KCT GENERATION 0101210031601Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-28NoHello, Find below, 5414 5998 7690 9715 4567 6880 4056 7407 2918 09532022-01-28 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018331ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2844000503274 44000503324Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-28NoHello, Find below, 44000503274........error generated the code. Will revert back 44000503324 1142 9386 4091 0290 5179 1390 0533 6847 7848 3582 Regards.2022-01-28 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018330ClosedRequest2022-01-28Good Morning support team, Find below MSN. 1. 0101170132084. Thanks.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-28Nofind below. 0101170132084 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6461100627-01 Debt Repayment ₦87,646.93 ₦-66,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦5,646.93 M 2018-03-19 ₦16,000.00 2022-01-282022-01-28 faizahtafida@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018329Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00018328ClosedKCT Request2022-01-28Please kindly help me with a kct number of this meters 0101210060378 02 to 01 and 01 to 02 0101200076541 02 to 01 and 01 to 02 0101210071656 02 to 01 and 01 to 02Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-28NoHello, Find below, 0101210060378 02 to 01 and 01 to 02 02 To 01 0620 4063 0129 3879 7773 0684 4881 9754 2099 8123 01 To 02 3548 0603 5368 5130 0517 5321 4285 0491 1529 2587 0101200076541 02 to 01 and 01 to 02 01 To 02 0273 7788 5699 9365 0299 1127 8361 4190 7224 9984 02 To 01 2747 3556 3302 7317 2505 6769 2903 8752 9714 2847 0101210071656 02 to 01 and 01 to 02 02 To 01 1204 7105 7414 3866 8094 1955 1506 1995 3079 6405 01 To 02 5220 3566 7017 8997 4663 4386 4189 8776 9311 9150 Regards.2022-01-28 shehumyusuf51@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018327ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2895300227915 TI on 33 44000673093Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-28NoHello, Find below, 95300227915 TI on 33.................not captured/invalid MSN 44000673093 7146 5324 6032 7617 3942 2445 5380 4939 3180 14732022-01-28 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018326ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2844000624799 Thank youMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-28NoHello, Find below, 5390 0649 1038 0259 8334 3571 3930 6765 2710 69242022-01-28 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018325ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2844300016712 5-1 and 1-5 44000676666Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-28NoHello, Find below, 44300016712 5-1 and 1-5 05 To 01 6709 0248 3417 9398 4523 5873 5820 8576 0750 9576 01 To 05 6142 9230 6829 8593 7869 2809 5363 2672 7592 0151 44000676666 01 To 21 3776 0827 6830 2788 6557 1785 8277 6672 9257 24162022-01-28 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018324ClosedKCT Request2022-01-28Good day, Please I need kct for this meter 0101200019095 from 0033 to 0001 and from 0001 to 0033 ThanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-28NoHello, Find below, 01 To 33 4195 4325 3296 8772 4398 1669 3653 7437 3767 0134 33 To 01 1592 8712 5375 6373 5094 3712 9282 5191 5521 43032022-01-28 mosesdamilarejokotoye@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018323ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2844000673093Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-28NoHello, Find below, 7146 5324 6032 7617 3942 2445 5380 4939 3180 14732022-01-28 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018322ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2844000666402Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-28NoHello, Find below, 6905 2318 7256 9446 1666 0937 2047 6096 8449 19302022-01-28 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018321ClosedKCT Request2022-01-28Please can you assist us with the KCT of the following meters A) 44000669174 B) 44000686327 Thank you sirMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-01-28NoFind below, A) 44000669174 0679 3600 7085 8590 3570 3290 8539 5653 0251 8384 B) 44000686327 1384 2636 8486 4238 5225 2207 1941 3563 6966 70862022-01-28 samueldchun@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00018320ClosedKCT Request2022-01-28REQUEST FOR KCT FROM 33 TO 01 - 54150640735Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-01-28NoFind below, 6764 3516 6679 7018 6311 7249 2108 4041 4554 87252022-01-28 longpuan@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00018319ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2862321150708 from 001 to 034 62321146474 from 001 to 037 Thank you sir.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-01-28NoFind below, 62321150708 from 001 to 034 3250 3031 4837 4770 2624 1917 9797 1709 7383 6825 62321146474 from 001 to 037 1830 8529 0323 5162 1929 4226 9783 0218 6596 57722022-01-28 faithelisha1990@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00018318ClosedKCT Request2022-01-28Good morning sir Meter no =0101210170037 Index =0002 Rejected kct 4262 8633 7569 4908 7570 0328 8323 2439 9083 4816 Kind regardsMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-28NoFind below, 0500 0845 6401 7556 8320 2244 0594 3031 3147 50092022-01-28 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018317ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2844000673416 44000679603Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-01-28NoFind below, 44000673416 0036 4215 4636 6077 2033 6542 5834 1724 1306 5166 44000679603 1703 5457 5833 5398 7874 3178 4057 2564 9680 21542022-01-28 longpuan@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00018316ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2844000669240 44000666402 44000525590 0101200021612 0101190137931 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-21Nofind below, 44000669240 0941 8736 0323 6021 2911 4692 3911 2837 3804 8314 44000666402 6905 2318 7256 9446 1666 0937 2047 6096 8449 1930 44000525590 1199 1870 8814 3373 2855 0040 5921 0031 6830 2837 0101200021612 0277 4094 9217 8072 5057 3149 9059 4820 9893 67552022-01-28 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018315ClosedKCT Request2022-01-28Please kindly help me with a kct number of this meters 44300007646 0101210095652 02 to 04Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-28Nofind below, 44300007646 3589 0777 0099 0111 9708 1362 7090 8820 1949 2370 0101210095652 02 to 04.........................wrong meter number or not captured.2022-01-28 shehumyusuf51@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018314ClosedKCT Request2022-01-28Good morning team, Please kindly treat MSN 44000638377Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-28Nofind below, 1841 8196 3932 9144 4082 5474 9598 1227 4995 78562022-01-28 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018313ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2844300009170 from 01 to 21 44000668499 from 01 to 21 0101190147609 from 01 to 33 Regards CCRM, Makeri.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-28Nofind below, 44300009170 from 01 to 21 3807 9127 5003 9443 6543 2107 6472 9421 4618 8568 44000668499 from 01 to 21 2933 4571 8706 9527 3496 0178 7646 0629 7103 9859 0101190147609 from 01 to 33 1808 8518 8687 8277 0513 2010 3652 4569 3583 28722022-01-28 uduhaleje@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018312ClosedKCT Request2022-01-28Please kindly help me with a kct number of this meter 0101190146445 02 to 01 and 01 to 02Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-28NoFind below, 01 To 02 1133 0204 4817 5271 6769 3342 9172 5975 3222 6178 02 To 01 6095 7401 4048 6738 7972 5263 1397 6970 0081 11452022-01-28 shehumyusuf51@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018311ClosedKCT Request2022-01-28Please kindly help me with a kct number of this meter 0101190146445 02 to 01 and 01 to 02Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-28NoFind below, 01 To 02 1133 0204 4817 5271 6769 3342 9172 5975 3222 6178 02 To 01 6095 7401 4048 6738 7972 5263 1397 6970 0081 11452022-01-28 shehumyusuf51@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018310ClosedKCT Request2022-01-280101210007791 001 to 002 & 002 to 001 0101210008385 001 to 004 & 004 to 001 Please Sir help us with a KCT Thanks for your supportMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-28NoHello, Find below, 0101210007791 001 to 002 & 002 to 001 01 To 02 3914 2898 6168 9147 8317 6106 6124 8755 2402 9988 02 To 01 1714 2828 6090 2139 9557 3562 8897 8773 4593 0077 0101210008385 001 to 004 & 004 to 001 01 To 04 3504 0154 8252 2138 0103 4277 3542 1711 7385 2522 04 To 01 3715 2917 7348 0672 1609 2925 0097 1025 4025 44432022-01-28 yakubaliyu82@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018309ClosedKCT Request2022-01-28Pleasr sir kindly generate kct meter number 44300001565. ThanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-28NoHello, Find below, 2668 8738 5700 2311 4334 4165 5651 2740 6251 65742022-01-28 mauwalu143@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018308ClosedKCT Request2022-01-28Hello Sir. Please help me with this request. 54160978406 Sorry for my disturbance sir.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-28NoFind below, 6172 1898 7981 2589 1873 3186 6524 1198 1380 55212022-01-27 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018307ClosedKCT Request2022-01-28Sir, kindly help generate KCT for this Meter No:- 0101210059248 (1-2 & 2-1)... Thank You Sir and GOD Bless You Sir...Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-28NoHello, Find below, 01 To 02 2902 2251 1700 7714 6610 5194 3049 4930 7760 8345 02 To 01 7060 3271 1211 4911 1106 4635 2309 1315 7354 94912022-01-28 agboolaolamidetaiwo@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018306ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2844000495216 44000537306Medium3846 Isah Abubakar0000-00-00NoHello, Find below, 44000495216 2994 9042 1665 4982 0288 6142 1320 7222 1345 3287 44000537306 6130 5097 4758 7287 7273 3153 6386 5054 7436 08752022-01-28 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018305ClosedKCT Request2022-01-28Please kindly help me with a kct number of this meter 0101215017191 05 to 45Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-28NoHello, Find below, 0613 7329 2300 8560 7572 4536 6173 0917 8114 4108 Regards.2022-01-28 shehumyusuf51@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018304ClosedKCT Request2022-01-28Please kindly treat MSN 0101170147124Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-28NoHello, 0101170147124.............is on TI 012022-01-28 mwuladi@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00018303ClosedEvend Access2022-01-27Kindly assist with the below please. 792001 AGwA MIkE IKEAZU 08036790400 No1,ALGADAMA Junction ,Utan ROAD ,LAMEDMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-27Nohello, your mail has been treated. Regards.2022-01-27 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018302Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00018301ClosedKCT Request2022-01-27A) 44000676948 B) 44000539963 Thank you sirMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-27NoHello, Find below, 44000676948............unable to generate. Give us some time 44000539963 1090 9832 0612 1665 3151 1829 9970 6862 1257 64462022-01-27 samueldchun@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018300ClosedKCT Request2022-01-27Kindly reissue this tamper 62321160939‬ Thank youMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-27Nofind below, 62321160939 Clear Tamper 0 1618 2455 8854 6482 7700 On Thu, 27 Jan 2022 at 15:43, support@jedplc.com wrote: Dear Auwal, Find below the Re-issuance of Tamper for 62321160939‬. Last Issuance Date (27/01/2022) 62321160939 Clear Tamper 0 1711 6312 5047 1277 25012022-01-27 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018299ClosedKCT Request2022-01-27Kindly assist with the above-mentioned for the meter numbers below 1. 0101200057731 from 021 to 001 then back to 001 to 0021 2. 0101210025280 3. 44000543650 Best Regards, Halima Mujtaba AbdulrahmanMediumIT Umar Auwal0000-00-00Nofind below. 1. 0101200057731 from 021 to 001 then back to 001 to 0021 0101200057731 01 To 21 5562 5949 7508 2623 6713 0922 2179 7763 3630 5006 0101200057731 21 To 01 5588 9245 7415 8474 8607 0770 2963 4917 5703 7555 2. 0101210025280 0101210025280 01 To 04 3228 8654 8403 1584 3026 2326 8542 9759 0072 8487 3. 4400054365 No data available in table Regards.2022-01-27 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018298ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2744000492478 44000492601 44000621068 Please kindly treat thank youMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-27No44000492478 0434 3495 4740 9334 2274 4383 0760 9596 7720 8123 44000492601 2310 5071 4417 3995 2482 3436 5850 1702 0689 5934 44000621068................is on TI 01 Regards.2022-01-27 ummilois2@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018297ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2744000632735 thanksMediumIT Umar Auwal0000-00-00Nofind below. 44000632735 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. Regards.2022-01-27 beediesarah5@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018296ClosedKCT Request2022-01-27Dear sir Please can you assist us with the KCT of the following meters A) 44000676948 B) 44000539963 Thank you sir Samuel D. ChunMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-27Nofind below. A) 44000676948 This meter is generating an incomplete kct. please give us time. B) 44000539963 01 To 21 1090 9832 0612 1665 3151 1829 9970 6862 1257 64462022-01-27 samueldchun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018295ClosedTamper Code2022-01-27Please assist us in generating clear tamper codes for the following customers: 1. Iorsha Andrew, 0101210066870 2. Anoduaka, 54161100752 3. Jeris Mitag Synergy Ltd, 0101215010501 4. Muoma Romanus, 0101210002545 5. Grace Wombo, 0101210052961 6. Innocent Jov, 0101210009029 Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPadMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-27NoHello, Find below, 0101210066870 Clear Tamper 0 4564 7402 6433 6717 7850 0101215010501 Clear Tamper 0 6479 9316 3021 5849 7062 0101210002545 Clear Tamper 0 4891 2429 7702 6937 0068 0101210009029 Clear Tamper 0 2569 3589 3105 9616 13082022-01-27 emekaojiegbe@rocketmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018294ClosedKCT Request2022-01-27Dear support kindly generate KCT for MSN: 54160988561. Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-27Nofind below. 54160988561 01 To 45 2879 5332 0378 0893 8515 1337 2209 3710 9811 84522022-01-27 jubilant95@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018293ClosedKCT Request2022-01-27Please assist us in generating clear tamper codes for the following customers: 1. Iorsha Andrew, 0101210066870 2. Anoduaka, 54161100752 3. Jeris Mitag Synergy Ltd, 0101215010501 4. Muoma Romanus, 0101210002545 5. Grace Wombo, 0101210052961 6. Innocent Jov, 0101210009029MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-27NoDear Emeka. Please note that only one request is visible in your mail. Kindly resubmit the uncleared request. 54161100752 Clear Tamper 0 5094 7773 6045 7303 83572022-01-27 emekaojiegbe@rocketmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018292ClosedKCT Request2022-01-27010121006698 thanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-27NoKindly generate kct of 0101210055758 triff 001 is rejecting token2022-01-27 beediesarah5@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018291ClosedKCT Request2022-01-27Kindly generate kct of 0101210055758 triff 001 is rejecting tokenMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-27NoFind below, 1001 9285 4647 4563 8667 1758 0922 9358 9822 49782022-01-27 abduljamila295@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018290ClosedKCT Request2022-01-27Kindly assist to generate KCT for 0101195002700 54161141715 54161090144Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-27NoFind below, 0101195002700 2305 3560 9852 0060 7258 2025 1132 5295 6309 0542 54161141715.............is on TI 01 54161090144.............is on TI 012022-01-27 yinknuga2002@yahoo.co.uk Isah Abubakar
#00018289ClosedKCT Request2022-01-27Kindly generate kct of 0101205011386 the reject tokenMedium3846 Isah Abubakar0000-00-00NoFind below, 3093 3245 6981 1182 2931 1474 6215 6057 6762 86312022-01-27 umargarba326@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018288In ProgressKCT Request2022-01-27Kindly generate kct of 0101210055758 triff 001 is rejecting tokenMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-27NoHello, This meter is on 01 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly contact meter maintenance. Regards.0000-00-00 abduljamila295@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018288In ProgressKCT Request2022-01-27Kindly generate kct of 0101210055758 triff 001 is rejecting tokenMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-27NoHello, This meter is on 01 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly contact meter maintenance. Regards.0000-00-00 abduljamila295@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018287ClosedKCT Request2022-01-270101170422725. The meter is on 01. 0101170422725. The meter is on 01.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-27NoFind below, 5139 3577 9502 9748 9679 1611 2818 2944 8157 95032022-01-27 uduhaleje@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018286ClosedTamper Code2022-01-27Please Kindly Vette on this meters for support to generate tamper 44000538296Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-27Nofind below, 44000538296 Clear Tamper 0 0756 4819 2455 8067 38112022-01-20 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018285ClosedTamper Code2022-01-27Good morning sir 44000635977 thanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-26NoFind below, 44000635977 Clear Tamper 0 7175 6117 1652 8744 23462022-01-27 beediesarah5@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018284ClosedTamper Code2022-01-27Please Kindly Vette on the below meters for support to generate tamper 44000538296 Thank you AllMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-27Nofind below, 44000538296 Clear Tamper 0 6496 9583 0333 4703 33082022-01-27 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018283ClosedTamper Code2022-01-27REQUEST FOR CLEAR TAMPER - 0101170425058Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-26NoFind below, 0101170425058 Clear Tamper 0 6884 8298 1379 9822 62922022-01-27 longpuan@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018282ClosedKCT Request2022-01-27Kindly generate kct of 0101200065486 is rejecting tokenMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-27Nofind below, 7222 5765 3585 4637 5699 0262 3056 2378 3231 86812022-01-27 abduljamila295@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018281ClosedKCT Request2022-01-27Kindly generate kct of 0101200065486 is rejecting tokenMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-25Nofind below, 7222 5765 3585 4637 5699 0262 3056 2378 3231 8681 Regards.2022-01-27 abduljamila295@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018280ClosedTamper Code2022-01-270101210031601 0101185060098Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-27NoFind below, 0101210031601 0101210031601 Clear Tamper 0 0069 1450 3227 6213 0628 0101185060098 0101185060098 Clear Tamper 0 2462 4867 7235 5385 91842022-01-27 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018279ClosedRequest2022-01-27Kindly reissue this tamper 95300211166 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-27NoDear marshall, please note that this request was sent four month back, so kindly send this request to audit for approval again.2022-01-27 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018278ClosedKCT Request2022-01-27Good morning, Kindly provide me with the kct for the customer below: 0101210038325 from 01 to 33 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-27Nofind below, 2606 5851 8444 0402 2547 0815 1174 5212 3379 7297 Regards.2022-01-27 zakimimidoomaureen@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018277ClosedKCT Request2022-01-27Good evening, Kindly provide me with the kct for the customer below: 62321144156 from 01 to 34 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-27No2022-01-27 zakimzakimimidoomaureen@gmailcomimidoomaureen@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018276ClosedRequest2022-01-27Debt profile 54160929078Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-27Nofind below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6215133356-01 Debt Repayment ₦98,263.76 ₦-60,000.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦18,263.76 M 2019-04-05 ₦20,000.00 2022-01-272022-01-27 erdooshirsha@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018275ClosedKCT Request2022-01-27Good morning, Kindly provide me with the kct for the customer below: 0101210038325 from 01 to 33 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-27Nofind below, 2606 5851 8444 0402 2547 0815 1174 5212 3379 7297 Regards.2022-01-27 zakimimidoomaureen@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018274ClosedTamper Code2022-01-27Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101178033318 Thank youMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-27NoFind below, 0101178033318 Clear Tamper 0 3514 6231 5366 8887 1833 Regards.2022-01-27 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018273ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2795300211182 need KCT for this meter tariff index is on 41Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-27Nohello, please note that this meter is also on 41 on our system. Regards.2022-01-27 elijah.ishaya@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018272ClosedRequest2022-01-27Debt profile 54160929078Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-27Nofind below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6215133356-01 Debt Repayment ₦98,263.76 ₦-60,000.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦18,263.76 M 2019-04-05 ₦20,000.00 2022-01-272022-01-27 erdooshirsha@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018271ClosedKCT Request2022-01-27Good day, Please I need kct for this meter 0101210044828 from 0021 to 0001 and from 0001 to 0021 ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-27Nofind below, 01 To 21 6444 6574 5809 0377 4539 5391 0283 4102 1578 9889 21 To 01 0732 5885 6745 9322 7632 2331 1968 7051 6648 79252022-01-27 mosesdamilarejokotoye@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018270ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2795300211182 need KCT for this meter tariff index is on 41Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-27Noplease note that this meter is also on 41 on our system.2022-01-27 elijah.ishaya@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018269ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2762321150450 from 01 to 37Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-27Nohello, find below, 2596 6634 7508 6959 4350 6911 9225 1110 0899 3063 Regards.2022-01-27 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018268ClosedKCT Request2022-01-27Good morning Sir!! Sir, kindly help generate KCT for this Meter No:- 0101210033458 (1-21 & 21-1)... Thank You Sir and GOD Bless You SirMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-27Nofind below, 21 To 01 2188 2141 5853 5417 6318 5364 9404 6317 8508 4455 01 To 21 5117 9751 3525 2175 1425 0683 4557 6503 6779 8068 Regards.2022-01-27 agboolaolamidetaiwo@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018267ClosedKCT Request2022-01-27Good day, Please I need kct for this meter 0101210044828 from 0021 to 0001 and from 0001 to 0021 ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-27Nofind below, 01 To 21 6444 6574 5809 0377 4539 5391 0283 4102 1578 9889 21 To 01 0732 5885 6745 9322 7632 2331 1968 7051 6648 79252022-01-27 mosesdamilarejokotoye@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018266ClosedKCT Request2022-01-27Good morning team, Please kindly treat MSN 57100061423(21-45)Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-27Nohello, find below, 7191 7593 3719 6152 5952 6712 4622 9745 5328 3363 Regards.2022-01-27 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018265ClosedKCT Request2022-01-270101170314120 Thank you Sent from my Huawei phoneMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-27NoHello, Find below, 0101170314120 Clear Tamper 0 0853 0040 2200 8595 1393 Regards.2022-01-27 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018264ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2762321150450 from 01 to 37Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-27Nofind below, 2596 6634 7508 6959 4350 6911 9225 1110 0899 30632022-01-27 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018263ClosedKCT Request2022-01-274400057715 Good morning team please kindly treat thank you.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-27Nohello, wrong meter number or not captured.2022-01-27 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018262ClosedKCT Request2022-01-27Sir, kindly help generate KCT for this Meter No:- 0101210033458 (1-21 & 21-1)... Thank You Sir and GOD Bless You SirMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-27Nofind below, 21 To 01 2188 2141 5853 5417 6318 5364 9404 6317 8508 4455 01 To 21 5117 9751 3525 2175 1425 0683 4557 6503 6779 80682022-01-27 agboolaolamidetaiwo@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018261ClosedTamper Code2022-01-2795300196227 Good morning sir, please kindly verify the MSN above for tamper thank you.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-27NoFind below, 95300196227 Clear Tamper 0 0644 9078 1669 2383 02492022-01-27 ummilois2@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018260ClosedKCT Request2022-01-27Kindly assist 44000666279 44000676682 44000664324 Thank youMedium 2022-01-27Nofind below, 44000666279 2075 3137 9734 4349 2268 4128 4568 6186 6525 4415 44000676682 2868 5454 0482 8544 0947 3466 6543 7295 9709 9079 44000664324 1765 1873 2626 4577 7310 4317 7081 8332 3608 0667 Regards.2022-01-27 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com
#00018259ClosedKCT Request2022-01-27Good morning team, Please kindly treat MSN 57100061423(21-45) Good morning team, Please kindly treat MSN 57100061423(21-45)Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-27Nofind below, 7191 7593 3719 6152 5952 6712 4622 9745 5328 33632022-01-27 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018258ClosedKCT Request2022-01-274400057715 Good morning team please kindly treat thank you.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-27Nowrong meter number or not captured. Regards.2022-01-27 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018257ClosedKCT Request2022-01-27Dear sir Please can you assist us with the KCT of the following meters A) 44000640209 B) 44000669083 Thank you sir Samuel D. ChunMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri0000-00-00Nofind below, A) 44000640209 5212 5853 1280 7656 6974 2058 9103 3723 4269 4683 B) 44000669083 2797 1056 7207 2974 0298 1446 5393 0850 6705 6515 Regards.2022-01-27 samueldchun@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018256ClosedTamper Code2022-01-2795300196227 Good morning sir, please kindly verify the MSN above for tamper thank you.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-26NoFind below, 95300196227 Clear Tamper 0 0644 9078 1669 2383 0249 Regards.2022-01-27 ummilois2@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018255ClosedTamper Code2022-01-270101170433078Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-26NoFind below, 0101170433078 Clear Tamper 0 5957 8033 3213 1655 08652022-01-27 uduhaleje@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018254ClosedKCT Request2022-01-27Kindly assist 44000666279 44000676682 44000664324 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-27Nofind below, 44000666279 2075 3137 9734 4349 2268 4128 4568 6186 6525 4415 44000676682 2868 5454 0482 8544 0947 3466 6543 7295 9709 9079 44000664324 1765 1873 2626 4577 7310 4317 7081 8332 3608 0667 Regards.2022-01-27 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018253ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2744000638856 0101210001547 thanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-27Nofind below, 44000638856 1881 9198 5221 2960 2997 6287 4580 0115 9022 8060 0101210001547 0318 2237 8251 2351 2430 1395 5565 7213 9224 09232022-01-27 beediesarah5@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018252ClosedKCT Request2022-01-27Dear sir Please can you assist us with the KCT of the following meters A) 44000640209 B) 44000669083 Thank you sir Samuel D. ChunMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-27Nofind below, A) 44000640209 5212 5853 1280 7656 6974 2058 9103 3723 4269 4683 B) 44000669083 2797 1056 7207 2974 0298 1446 5393 0850 6705 6515 Regards.2022-01-27 samueldchun@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018251ClosedTamper Code2022-01-27Please find MSN below for clear tamper generation. 0101170433078 Regards CCRM, Makeri.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-27NoFind below, 0101170433078 Clear Tamper 0 5957 8033 3213 1655 08652022-01-27 uduhaleje@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018250ClosedKCT Request2022-01-27NAME: Edwin Obije METER: 54161017592 PLATFORM: First Bank App AMOUNT: N2,000 DATE OF TRANSACTION: 23/1/2022 Thank you sir Samuel D. ChunMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-27Nofind below, Transaction ID: 8421164294802224 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-01-23 15:27:02 Meter No.: 54161017592 Account No.: 6515951074-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦132.56 Energy Cost: ₦1,767.44 KwH: 33.52 Amount Tendered: ₦1,900.00 5958 0114 4683 1577 00652022-01-27 samueldchun@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018249ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2744000638856 0101210001547 thanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-27Nofind below, 44000638856 1881 9198 5221 2960 2997 6287 4580 0115 9022 8060 0101210001547 0318 2237 8251 2351 2430 1395 5565 7213 9224 09232022-01-27 beediesarah5@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018248ClosedRequest2022-01-27NAME: Edwin Obije METER: 54161017592 PLATFORM: First Bank App AMOUNT: N2,000 DATE OF TRANSACTION: 23/1/2022 Thank you sirMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-27Nofind below, Transaction ID: 8421164294802224 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-01-23 15:27:02 Meter No.: 54161017592 Account No.: 6515951074-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦132.56 Energy Cost: ₦1,767.44 KwH: 33.52 Amount Tendered: ₦1,900.00 5958 0114 4683 1577 00652022-01-27 samueldchun@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018247ClosedTamper Code2022-01-270101161021361 44000668044 Thank youMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-27NoFind below, 0101161021361 04968 6563 5801 3924 1098 44000668044 Clear Tamper 0 4696 1150 0342 4246 80062022-01-27 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018246ClosedTamper Code2022-01-27Kindly vette on this meters for support to generate tamper 62321160939 44300002456 44300016712 0101210016743 0101205007525 54150624671 44000686616 44000683837 0101170154559 Thank youMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-27NoDear Auwal. Find below the requested tampers, 62321160939 Clear Tamper 0 4133 4306 1712 4322 3173 44300002456 Clear Tamper 0 4867 7757 7334 4530 5697 44300016712 Clear Tamper 0 4496 2994 1726 5101 5248 0101210016743 Clear Tamper 0 6462 7930 2551 0338 8489 0101205007525 Clear Tamper 0 6986 7101 3866 9118 6664 54150624671 Clear Tamper 0 1050 2797 3425 8201 3087 44000686616 Clear Tamper 0 4823 6538 0495 4371 22222022-01-27 rolandjames750@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018245ClosedKCT Request2022-01-27Request for KCT 0150000861362Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-27Nofind below, 4130 4735 0287 9303 6344 4734 8408 9860 2460 97412022-01-27 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018244ClosedKCT Request2022-01-27Kindly assist to generate KCT for 0101210160228 tariff index 0033Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-27Nohello, please note that this meter is also on 33 on our system. Regards.2022-01-27 yinknuga2002@yahoo.co.uk Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018243ClosedKCT Request2022-01-27Request for KCT 0150000861362Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-27Nofind below, 4130 4735 0287 9303 6344 4734 8408 9860 2460 9741 Regards.2022-01-27 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018242ClosedKCT Request2022-01-27Kindly assist to generate KCT for 0101210160228 tariff index 0033 ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-27Nohello, please note that this meter is also on 33 on our system.2022-01-27 yinknuga2002@yahoo.co.uk Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018241ClosedKCT Request2022-01-27Please find new customer account for migration to evend 787801- Khadija Yunusa Feeder RUKUBAMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-27Nohello, your mail has been treated.2022-01-27 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018240ClosedKCT Request2022-01-270101200073928Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-27NoHello, 0101200073928..............is on TI 012022-01-27 longpuan@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018239ClosedKCT Request2022-01-270101195002734 kctMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-27NoFind below, 1237 3263 9934 7437 7967 0659 4478 6791 9199 4452 Regards.2022-01-27 hamidsalis835@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018238ClosedKCT Request2022-01-27Good evening sir/ma Please assist with kct 0101210187767 Best regardsMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-27NoFind below, 3321 9056 9031 7067 1527 1823 6272 8813 9139 51672022-01-27 florarumun@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018237ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2762321150450 from 01 to 37Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-26NoFind below, 2596 6634 7508 6959 4350 6911 9225 1110 0899 3063 Regards.2022-01-27 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018236ClosedKCT Request2022-01-270101161021261Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-27NoHello, 0101161021261............not captured/invalid MSN Regards.2022-01-27 omarllepps@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00018235ClosedKCT Request2022-01-260101200073928Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-26Nohello, This meter is a Single-phase residential (01) on our system no KCT requires, hence they may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. Regards.2022-01-26 longpuan@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018234ClosedKCT Request2022-01-26Dear it support, please kindly generate Kct Token following the meter number for 0004 to 0001 for 0004 to 0001 0101200051312Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-26Nofind below, 01 To 04 3095 5574 7859 3923 1845 1481 5061 9580 5855 7527 04 To 01 5466 5876 5012 4718 9155 0950 5412 4844 9582 7867 Regards.2022-01-26 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018233ClosedKCT Request2022-01-26Good afternoon support Team, Kindly assist with the kct for this meter 0101210010290 Tariff index 0033. Best regards.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-26NoFind below, 7173 2226 5917 0794 3585 0672 9274 9269 9592 78002022-01-26 ochoche.joseph@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00018232ClosedKCT Request2022-01-26Kindly assist 44000537306 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-26Nofind below, 6130 5097 4758 7287 7273 3153 6386 5054 7436 08752022-01-26 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018231ClosedKCT Request2022-01-26Please kindly treat MSN 44000556413Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-26Nofind below, 1846 1835 8541 1705 6762 2247 0502 4550 1895 38532022-01-26 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018230ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2695300230828 from 01 to 45 44000616878 from 01 to 33 Regards CCRM, Makeri.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri0000-00-00No0101170212498 Please kindly treat thank you.2022-01-26 uduhaleje@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018229ClosedKCT Request2022-01-260101170212498 Please kindly treat thank you.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-26NoThis meter is a Single-phase residential (01) on our system no KCT requires, hence they may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. Regards.2022-01-26 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018228ClosedKCT Request2022-01-26Please kindly send me the kct for this meter number below 57100016146.021 to 045Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-26Nofind below, 0649 1052 1098 1299 6854 1401 7259 9082 7117 55782022-01-26 umarmacy@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018227ClosedKCT Request2022-01-26Please kindly send me the kct for this meter number below 57100016146.021 to 045Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-26Nohello, find below, 0649 1052 1098 1299 6854 1401 7259 9082 7117 55782022-01-26 umarmacy@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018226ClosedKCT Request2022-01-26Kindly treat the above subject 44000686939 0101210113276 from 1 to 4 Thank you...Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-26No2022-01-26 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018225ClosedKCT Request2022-01-26REQUEST FOR KCT 0101210010290 (Tariff index 0033).Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-26Nohello, find below, 7173 2226 5917 0794 3585 0672 9274 9269 9592 78002022-01-26 ochoche.joseph@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018224ClosedKCT Request2022-01-26Please kindly treat MSN 0101170165597(21-1)Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-26Nofind below, 1148 3054 0343 9990 5330 6919 5383 2263 1536 22662022-01-26 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018223ClosedKCT Request2022-01-26REQUEST FOR KCT - 44000746766Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-26Nohello, find below, 0544 2811 2170 8913 1116 6168 6192 1913 0404 56542022-01-26 longpuan@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018222ClosedKCT Request2022-01-26Good afternoon, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters. Thank you. Meter Numbers: 0101200116362 0101210008070 0101210006439 (21 to 33) 0101215027638 (47 to 01 and 01 to 47) 44000621399Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-26Nohello, find below, 0101200116362 4163 8750 6974 3236 1526 1841 3713 0181 8202 6577 0101210008070 0857 3510 7323 9567 9171 6089 5750 5799 9827 3274 0101210006439 (21 to 33) 7142 4019 8287 2981 8028 0839 5786 4186 7786 9831 0101215027638 (47 to 01 and 01 to 47) 01 To 47 5764 1587 6426 7597 0751 6903 4271 0562 4081 8501 47 To 01 4628 9539 2529 7629 4385 3478 4258 7448 4003 7509 44000621399 6448 7318 0531 2721 7536 6781 8214 4585 0533 72982022-01-26 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018221ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2644000577153(1-21)Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-26Nohello, find below, 0171 7738 2717 7249 7786 6410 8402 6127 9856 77552022-01-26 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018220ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2695300216702 need KCT from 45 to 33Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-26Nohello, find below, 2364 1765 0918 7870 4616 6133 5199 6051 6780 99252022-01-26 elijah.ishaya@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018219ClosedKCT Request2022-01-260101210113276Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-26Nofind below, 40540980149592808790 085910693017200501632022-01-26 johnny007emmanuel@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018218ClosedKCT Request2022-01-26Please kindly send me the kct for this meter number below 0101210049637.045 to 01 also 01 to 045 0101190023974.01 to 02 also 02 to 01MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-26NoFind below. 0101210049637.045 to 01 also 01 to 045 01 To 45 7369 7270 9285 0424 8420 6533 2814 4261 8188 2240 0101210049637 45 To 01 5557 8045 5377 1970 7008 0929 4559 0897 3718 7522 0101190023974.01 to 02 also 02 to 01 0101190023974 02 To 01 3187 5336 0902 7665 8459 4186 3758 5741 6781 7233 0101190023974 01 To 02 4043 6458 4933 5440 1397 0965 2099 0184 8300 45552022-01-26 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018217ClosedKCT Request2022-01-26REQUEST FOR KCT FROM 21 TO 22 - 95300120938MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-26Nohello, find below, 1770 0614 9218 9125 2104 3946 3117 5250 5994 9875 Regards.2022-01-26 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018216ClosedKCT Request2022-01-260195000005221 from 21 to 33 44000637544 from 01 to 21 0101170372623 from 18 to 33MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-26NoFind below. 0195000005221 from 21 to 33 0195000005221 21 To 33 4724 8752 6558 3157 1317 4166 1985 0236 3293 5662 44000637544 from 01 to 21 01 To 21 3615 7432 1628 2051 2601 2647 1940 9276 7258 5336 0101170372623 from 18 to 33 01 To 33 3140 6166 8921 8533 7890 6355 5080 2064 6489 52752022-01-26 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018215ClosedKCT Request2022-01-26REQUEST FOR KCT FROM 21 TO 22 - 95300120938MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-26NoHello, Find below. 95300120938 95300120938 21 To 22 1770 0614 9218 9125 2104 3946 3117 5250 5994 9875 Regards.2022-01-26 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018214ClosedKCT Request2022-01-26REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101210149452Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-26No2022-01-26 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018213ClosedKCT Request2022-01-26Good afternoon sir, please do kindly assist me with kct of this meter. 44000665180. Thank you very much as I wait for your kind response. Babasaid Faruck, marketer Adebayo Murtala FeederMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-26Nohello, please note that any mail should be sent on different email, if not your mail will not be treated accordingly. 3059 9555 9810 0336 1448 3126 4038 6102 3581 2189 Regards.2022-01-26 babasaidf1@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018212ClosedKCT Request2022-01-26Sir, kindly help generate KCT for this Meter No:- 0101210028037 (1-4 & 4-1)... Thank You and GOD Bless You Sir...Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-26Nohello, find below, 04 To 01 6114 4284 4900 4068 6647 4444 4972 1058 9340 8224 01 To 04 4298 3595 7501 6996 3366 6005 6558 8436 9406 1953 Regards.2022-01-26 agboolaolamidetaiwo@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018211ClosedKCT Request2022-01-260150000913189Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-26Nofind below, 0496 2034 2840 8775 9335 4094 2132 3659 4366 1662 Regards.2022-01-26 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018210ClosedKCT Request2022-01-26REQUEST FOR KCT - 44000499846Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri0000-00-00Nofind below, 0105 4449 5839 2743 0439 4439 1799 1082 5386 8450 Regards.2022-01-26 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018209ClosedKCT Request2022-01-26REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101210175283MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-26NoHello, Find below. 0101210175283 01 To 45 2342 0072 4064 9826 2648 5854 0629 1029 4581 31502022-01-26 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018208ClosedKCT Request2022-01-260101210175283Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-26Nofind below, 2342 0072 4064 9826 2648 5854 0629 1029 4581 31502022-01-26 longpuan@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018207ClosedVending History2022-01-26Good evening sir Meter no=0101210189540 Kind regardsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-26Nohello, find attached,2022-01-26 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018206ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2662321152167Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-26Nohello, find below, 13629473452376840422 01001289893224084220 Regards.2022-01-26 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018205ClosedKCT Request2022-01-260101200032494 kctMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-26NoFind below. 0101200032494 0101200032494 02 To 01 2432 5931 4820 4734 0260 1671 3831 7888 5495 2638 Regards. Find below. 0101200032494 0101200032494 02 To 01 2432 5931 4820 4734 0260 1671 3831 7888 5495 2638 Regards.2022-01-26 hamidsalis835@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018204ClosedKCT Request2022-01-26Request for kct in respect of this account 44000614154MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-26NoFind below. 44000614154 4000614154 01 To 45 5614 3333 4808 0201 6681 1438 3344 0586 9731 32812022-01-26 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018203ClosedKCT Request2022-01-26REQUEST FOR KCT - 44000555043Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-26NoDear Roseline. Find below the KCT. 2735 6476 0989 0708 7565 4933 9475 3319 7024 22742022-01-26 longpuan@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018202ClosedRequest2022-01-26Request for kct in respect of this account 44000614154 for 03Medium3846 Isah Abubakar0000-00-00NoDear Benjamin. Kindly note that we have IT Liaison Officer in each region. Please channel all ICT-related requests to him2022-01-26 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018201ClosedKCT Request2022-01-26REQUEST FOR KCT - 44000555043Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-26Nofind below, 2735 6476 0989 0708 7565 4933 9475 3319 7024 2274 find below, 2735 6476 0989 0708 7565 4933 9475 3319 7024 22742022-01-26 longpuan@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018200ClosedRequest2022-01-26Request for Debt Profile on 54160924616Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-26Nofind below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6214511507-01 Debt Repayment ₦115,643.66 ₦-6,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦109,643.66 M 2020-03-09 ₦0.00 2021-05-312022-01-26 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018199ClosedKCT Request2022-01-26REQUEST FOR KCT - 95300188224Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-26Nofind below, 4889 3444 0412 0834 4066 2662 6517 2596 6442 69292022-01-26 longpuan@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018198ClosedKCT Request2022-01-26Kindly generate KCT for MSN 0101215032851 Warm Regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-26Nofind below, 1598 5062 8827 1376 1015 0708 0609 8424 6789 8712 find below, 1598 5062 8827 1376 1015 0708 0609 8424 6789 87122022-01-26 kinretluka@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018197ClosedKCT Request2022-01-26Request for kct in respect of this account 44000614154Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-26Nofind below, 5614 3333 4808 0201 6681 1438 3344 0586 9731 3281 Regards.2022-01-26 Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018196ClosedKCT Request2022-01-26Please help me with the kct for this meter number 44000671725 Big thanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-26Nofind below, 7278 6793 5583 9826 5948 3705 7628 3368 8300 28382022-01-26 judeanamhomhe46@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018195ClosedKCT Request2022-01-26Dear Support, Kindly avail me with the kct for meter number 62521017806.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-26NoFind below. 62521017806 No data available in table Regards.2022-01-26 okoomandela@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018194ClosedKCT Request2022-01-26Dear Support, Kindly avail me with the kct for meter number 62521017806. RegardsMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-26NoHello, Find below. This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. Regards.2022-01-26 okoomandela@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018193ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2644000574648 95300196227 Good morning team please kindly treat thank you.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-26NoFind below. 44000574648 01 To 36 3878 9855 0351 9522 2020 4392 0675 3789 7587 6964 95300196227 01 To 45 0864 9733 2786 7563 0437 3776 6384 1696 2500 92462022-01-26 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018192ClosedKCT Request2022-01-26Dear it support, please kindly generate Kct Token following the meter number the meter is on 0033 0101170218784Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-26Nofind below, 4179 0104 3109 0846 3320 1418 5733 3574 7288 29482022-01-26 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018191ClosedKCT Request2022-01-26Please kindly help me with a kct number of this meter 0101200075055 07 to 01 and 01 to 07Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri0000-00-00No2022-01-26 shehumyusuf51@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018190ClosedKCT Request2022-01-26Dear sir Please can you assist us with the KCT of the following meters A) 44000679405 B) 44000741650 Thank you sir Samuel D. ChunMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-26Nofind below, A) 44000679405 0354 0629 6660 7754 8975 5372 1974 3776 4595 1065 B) 44000741650 0796 8878 9754 9832 2192 5801 5843 5515 0296 1164 Regards.2022-01-26 samueldchun@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018189ClosedKCT Request2022-01-26Please can you assist us with the KCT of this meter number 44000668770MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-26NoFind below. 44000668770 01 To 21 4013 2733 0267 7093 8876 4949 9635 9170 5254 42322022-01-26 samueldchun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018188ClosedKCT Request2022-01-260101210093973MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-26NoFind below. 0101210093973 01 To 45 2696 9216 2919 0860 7500 5717 6867 6033 1906 92702022-01-26 ismailbalaonline@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018187ClosedKCT Request2022-01-26Below are KCTs REQUEST 44000571529 44000575639 0101200028724 44000621365 44000676674 44000601383 44000666725Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-26NoHello, Find below. 44000571529 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 44000575639 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 0101200028724 0101200028724 01 To 45 3627 8804 6636 9732 8860 1962 2052 7761 9997 9203 44000621365 44000621365 01 To 21 2369 4656 4727 3176 4777 3067 4565 4910 4269 3392 44000676674 44000676674 01 To 21 7377 1427 1665 0441 2050 6559 9370 4394 4068 7737 44000601383 44000601383 01 To 21 2501 8942 0742 5779 3287 0120 1958 2546 0945 8834 44000666725 44000666725 01 To 21 1222 4656 2223 9942 9361 3334 2143 0621 1062 91042022-01-26 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018186ClosedKCT Request2022-01-26Please can you assist us with the KCT of this meter number 44000569721Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-26NoFind below. 0101210170037 0101210170037 01 To 02 4262 8633 7569 4908 7570 0328 8323 2439 9083 48162022-01-26 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018185ClosedKCT Request2022-01-26Find below. 44000569721 01 To 21 0918 5371 1651 8101 9347 1720 3651 6042 5315 0812Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-26NoDear sir Please can you assist us with the KCT of the following meters A) 44000635696 B) 95300195914 Thank you sir Samuel D. Chun2022-01-26 samueldchun@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018184ClosedKCT Request2022-01-26Dear sir Please can you assist us with the KCT of the following meters A) 44000635696 B) 95300195914 Thank you sir Samuel D. ChunMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-26Nofind below, A) 44000635696 3156 8504 0255 8781 6308 3814 9448 2370 1538 6153 B) 95300195914 7296 4441 8094 5695 5648 0202 8241 0351 2692 93412022-01-26 samueldchun@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018183ClosedKCT Request2022-01-26Good morning Kindly generate kct for 44000525368.ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-26Nofind below, 3213 4093 5052 9278 9173 6983 7982 6394 9207 65342022-01-26 denhamsalvation@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018182ClosedKCT Request2022-01-26Kindly generate kct for 44000525368.ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-26Nofind below, 5397 1579 9093 9697 8281 1558 4299 7549 2094 15232022-01-26 denhamsalvation@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018181ClosedKCT Request2022-01-260101210165128Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-26NoGood morning, No debt record found for this meter.2022-01-26 abbaslawal360@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018180ClosedKCT Request2022-01-26Kindly generate kct for the above meter numberMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-26NoHello, Find below, 0186 7771 5237 4662 6790 5891 5726 3147 3652 4919 Regards.2022-01-26 abdulmalikakande@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018179ClosedKCT Request2022-01-26Kindly generate kct for the above meter numberMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri0000-00-00No2022-01-26 abdulmalikakande@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018178ClosedKCT Request2022-01-26Kindly assist with the above-mentioned for the meter numbers below 1. 0101210033730 2. 0101200045397 3. 0101210013062 Best Regards, Halima Mujtaba AbdulrahmanMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-26Nofind below, 1. 0101210033730 This meter is a Single-phase residential (01) on our system no KCT requires, hence they may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. 2. 0101200045397 0049 3789 4557 6256 4364 0795 4933 5770 1084 1322 3. 0101210013062 5158 6619 1374 3955 8997 0065 3059 9578 6408 78652022-01-26 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018177ClosedKCT Request2022-01-26REQUEST FOR KCT - 44000571669Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-26Nofind below, 4590 7062 9947 2311 6088 0868 4483 6674 3725 88082022-01-26 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018176ClosedKCT Request2022-01-26KCT request - 44000424521Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-26Nofind below, 1731 6530 3320 7360 2599 0223 1036 2198 7975 01342022-01-26 stynlucs@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018175ClosedKCT Request2022-01-26Please sir kindly assist with the kct of this meters 44000607703 0101170395566Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-26Nofind below, 44000607703 3032 7417 3015 9477 5582 0183 6838 0402 9655 6866 0101170395566 44071032080097976596 044945590860819720092022-01-26 ahmadabdullahiahmadmaye@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018174ClosedKCT Request2022-01-26Kindly assist to generate KCT for 0101210171878Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-26Nofind below, 0886 2462 6823 4241 3492 0217 2240 9398 2953 43312022-01-26 yinknuga2002@yahoo.co.uk Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018173ClosedKCT Request2022-01-260101210010290 from 033 to 01Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-26Nofind below, 7173 2226 5917 0794 3585 0672 9274 9269 9592 78002022-01-26 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018172ClosedKCT Request2022-01-26Kindly generate the KCT of this meter. 1 to 33 index. The meter number 44000555928 Regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-26Nofind below, 4860 4522 0857 3759 0698 0587 7705 5550 3539 34562022-01-26 abdullahinaziru186@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018171ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2662321146474Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-26NoGood morning, please kindly note that you have sent this mail already and it has been treated. Regards.2022-01-26 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018170Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00018169ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2662321146474 from 01 to 37Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-26Nofind below, 1830 8529 0323 5162 1929 4226 9783 0218 6596 57722022-01-26 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018168ClosedKCT Request2022-01-26REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101210162281Medium 2022-01-26Nofind below, 3604 0258 3237 1690 0645 0227 1223 7805 5209 3317 Regards.2022-01-26 longpuan@gmail.com
#00018167ClosedKCT Request2022-01-26Kindly assist to generate KCT for 0101210182784 ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-26No, find below, 1324 1397 9161 9180 6375 2032 4878 9654 0660 92412022-01-26 yinknuga2002@yahoo.co.uk Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018166Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00018165ClosedKCT Request2022-01-260101200032668 001 to 002 & 002 to 001 Please Sir help us with a KCT Thanks for your supportMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri0000-00-00Nofind below, 02 To 01 4443 8241 6741 3292 0408 6956 0903 9811 4923 5768 01 To 02 6629 3806 4915 3162 0050 0802 4014 2986 2826 39102022-01-26 yakubaliyu82@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018164Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00018163ClosedKCT Request2022-01-26Kindly generate the KCT NUMBER of this meter. 44000555928 Regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-26Nofind below, 4860 4522 0857 3759 0698 0587 7705 5550 3539 34562022-01-26 abdullahinaziru186@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018162ClosedKCT Request2022-01-26Good morning team, Please kindly treat MSN 0101210068967(1-2)Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-26Nofind below, 4352 6681 9400 0153 2810 3900 7243 6854 2024 20802022-01-26 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018161ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2662321146474Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-26Nofind below, 32501784692873159913 708174973677449828212022-01-26 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018160ClosedKCT Request2022-01-26Pls Kindly help us generate the kct of 44000331817 tariff 0001Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-26Noplease note that this meter is also on 01 on our system no KCT is required.2022-01-26 munirishaqjos@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018159ClosedKCT Request2022-01-26Request for roll over kct 04223517899Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-26Nohello, find below, 3186 9464 0624 8271 9302 0134 9782 3612 2919 53762022-01-26 stynlucs@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018158ClosedKCT Request2022-01-26Sir, kindly help generate KCT for this Meter No:- 0101190150017 (1-33 & 33-1).. Thank You Sir and GOD Bless You Sir...Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-26Nofind below, 33 To 01 1245 3851 9685 9979 2307 1946 0243 2301 6761 3359 01 To 33 1075 5739 1899 4355 3672 0201 9944 7056 1694 19792022-01-26 agboolaolamidetaiwo@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018157ClosedKCT Request2022-01-26Please kindly generate Kct Token following meter number the meter is on 0001 0101210054397Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-26Nofind below, 0115 5360 4659 8010 9600 1835 1168 6096 7487 72252022-01-26 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018156ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2544000672913 44000577146 44000629541Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-25Nofind below, 44000672913 5347 3645 8883 8784 1636 2743 0583 4413 7443 5987 44000577146 2416 4180 3491 6710 5057 3773 7008 7462 7127 3138 44000629541 3670 8137 3291 8588 0258 3534 0926 7259 9477 38922022-01-25 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00018155ClosedKCT Request2022-01-25Please help me generate kct for this customer 62321149577. Thanks --MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2022-01-25Nofind below, 3654 8101 6792 9878 1140 1081 8965 8035 8743 77552022-01-25 okadonyesimona@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00018154ClosedKCT Request2022-01-25Please help me generate kct for this customer 62321152167. ThanksMedium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-25Nofind below, 3529 4261 8096 9545 3655 2471 1543 2602 3380 22402022-01-25 okadonyesimona@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00018153ClosedKCT Request2022-01-25Dear sir, Please kindly help with this kct no: 44000589721 Thank you.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-25Nohello, please note that this meter is an invalid STS meter number.2022-01-25 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018152ClosedKCT Request2022-01-25Request for kct in respect of this account 04160154920Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri0000-00-00Nofind below, 4436 9003 4356 6839 4399 1637 2492 1766 1348 32972022-01-25 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018151ClosedKCT Request2022-01-25Good morning, Kindly provide me with the kct for the customer below: 0101210005886 from 01 to 33 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-25Nofind below, 3732 1515 1239 0979 4203 0999 4550 9235 8431 44072022-01-25 zakimimidoomaureen@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018150ClosedKCT Request2022-01-250101215001237 need KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-25Nofind below, 4319 4988 5515 5320 4780 0667 2275 3207 4099 82142022-01-25 elijah.ishaya@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018149ClosedKCT Request2022-01-25Dear IT Support, Please, kindly furnish me with KCT on the correct tariff index for this customer below: MSN:. INDEX: 0101200024483 01 to 45 Thank you and best regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-25Nofind below, 3217 6304 2844 1732 9888 6263 9339 3786 7881 18932022-01-25 wyontochae@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018148ClosedKCT Request2022-01-25Dear it support, please kindly generate Kct Token following the meter number the meter is on 4 44000634335Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-25Nofind below, 1232 1369 7912 2386 1508 1179 7642 1427 3394 89582022-01-25 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018147ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2401500001004194 tariff index 28Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-24NoHello, 01500001004194 Invalid MSN or not captured Regards.2022-01-24 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018146ClosedKCT Request2022-01-24Good afternoon, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters. Thank you. Meter Numbers : 0101215027638 (02 to 47) 0101190152641 0101160409351 (03 to 01 and 01 to 03) 44000519486MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-24NoHello, Find below. 0101215027638 (02 to 47) 02 To 47 6065 7346 0555 0256 1046 6592 0863 8335 4231 5072 0101190152641 01 To 04 1799 0158 0601 3758 5972 0080 9273 2452 7046 3477 0101160409351 (03 to 01 and 01 to 03) 3 To 01 5641 6393 7570 7841 4949 4746 5217 4705 5161 5152 01 To 03 3486 9730 1708 5620 8473 0778 5160 9575 5056 3031 44000519486 01 To 04 4176 7156 4413 4326 7521 5348 4171 2173 4935 26432022-01-24 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018145ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2444000675759 From 01 to 21Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-24NoFind below, 2878 1386 1511 8204 6594 2276 5062 0565 9613 06212022-01-24 uduhaleje@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018144ClosedKCT Request2022-01-24REQUEST FOR KCT - 95300225067MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-24NoFind below. 95300225067 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-01-24 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018143Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00018142ClosedKCT Request2022-01-240101195002734 Meter is on 02Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-24Nofind below, 6924 4083 9281 3649 4763 0664 8081 3695 7447 25832022-01-24 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00018141ClosedKCT Request2022-01-24REQUEST FOR KCT - 95300225067MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-24NoThis meter is a Single-phase residential (01) on our system no KCT requires, hence they may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. Regards.2022-01-24 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018140ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2444000604726 44000604718MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-24NoFind below. 44000604726 01 To 21 0790 6010 3636 8667 5058 1346 8580 3079 0906 8253 44000604718 01 To 21 3760 6816 9009 9036 2625 2447 8224 0522 0791 56922022-01-24 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018139ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2444000604726 44000604718 44000665768 44300009683 is on 22 44300007091 0101195002734MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-24NoFind below. 44000604726 01 To 21 0790 6010 3636 8667 5058 1346 8580 3079 0906 8253 44000604718 01 To 21 3760 6816 9009 9036 2625 2447 8224 0522 0791 5692 44000665768 01 To 21 6162 0549 4197 7625 8348 0270 4611 5969 6874 9895 44300009683 is on 22 Same here 44300007091 No data available in table 0101195002734 01 To 21 1237 3263 9934 7437 7967 0659 4478 6791 9199 44522022-01-24 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018138ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2444000604726 44000604718 44000665768Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-24NoFind below, 44000604726 0790 6010 3636 8667 5058 1346 8580 3079 0906 8253 44000604718 3760 6816 9009 9036 2625 2447 8224 0522 0791 5692 44000665768 6162 0549 4197 7625 8348 0270 4611 5969 6874 98952022-01-24 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018137ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2444000492700MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-24NoFind below. 44000492700 01 To 21 1224 4071 5307 2186 3043 6025 0632 5882 4924 4466 Regards.2022-01-24 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018136ClosedKCT Request2022-01-24Request for debt - 0101178015695Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-24Nofind below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 623294015901 Debt Repayment ₦103,395.89 ₦0.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦53,394.89 M 2020-12-30 ₦50,001.00 2022-01-182022-01-24 stynlucs@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018135ClosedKCT Request2022-01-24Kindly provide me with the kct for the customers below: 0101210016602 from 01 to 33 0101210114092 from 01 to 33 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-24NoFind below. 0101210016602 from 01 to 33 01 To 33 6912 6742 5681 2808 8969 5320 8014 0877 1332 0381 0101210114092 from 01 to 33 01 To 33 6083 1387 7215 5670 6689 0943 2783 1857 3182 35882022-01-24 zakimimidoomaureen@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018134ClosedKCT Request2022-01-240101210129702 0101215017100 0101215030012 0101170385450MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-24NoFind below. 0101210129702 01 To 21 5033 2506 7731 1274 6073 7025 5473 1155 4221 9176 0101215017100 02 To 21 6964 9510 3725 0552 7255 4681 7041 2784 6124 2351 0101215030012 02 To 21 3399 0008 5197 3712 9423 6497 7904 8529 7340 7653 0101170385450 01 To 21 5616 4528 7481 6307 5653 2762 3116 7067 9233 04292022-01-24 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018133ClosedKCT Request2022-01-24Please kindly send me the kct for this meter no below 0101205007525.03 to 045MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-24Nofind below, 4932 4414 6098 0332 1512 0865 4247 2285 6662 2481 Regards.2022-01-24 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018132ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2444000582997 44000529493MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-24NoFind below. 44000582997 01 To 33 6174 4357 9181 7910 0898 2787 4927 1819 6143 9124 44000529493 01 To 33 2403 5721 1491 3074 0346 2636 4635 8813 0086 00382022-01-24 lorarumun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018131ClosedKCT Request2022-01-24Good morning, Kindly provide me with the kct for the customers below: 0101210016602 from 01 to 33 0101210114092 from 01 to 33 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-24Nofind below, 0101210016602 from 01 to 33 6912 6742 5681 2808 8969 5320 8014 0877 1332 0381 0101210114092 from 01 to 33 6083 1387 7215 5670 6689 0943 2783 1857 3182 35882022-01-24 zakimimidoomaureen@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018130ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2444000675858 44000675817MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-24NoFind below. 44000675858 01 To 02 4088 0255 4513 1829 9222 2295 2535 4522 5454 7214 44000675817 01 To 21 1107 1175 1656 6462 9474 6179 3465 4554 0198 71472022-01-24 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018129ClosedKCT Request2022-01-24: Request for kct in respect of this account 54161025496 Good morningMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-17NoFind below. 54161025496 01 To 45 5353 1486 5237 5879 9568 1580 0731 6293 4447 78322022-01-24 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018128ClosedKCT Request2022-01-240101170177907 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-24NoFind below. 0101170177907 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-01-24 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018127ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2444000524213MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-24NoFind below. 44000524213 01 To 21 6772 2176 6017 1982 8843 1559 6494 8823 9223 87482022-01-24 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018126ClosedKCT Request2022-01-24Please can you assist us with the KCT of this meter number 44000623023 Thank you sir Samuel D. ChunMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-24NoFind below. 44000623023 01 To 21 2856 9808 4428 8567 4853 3348 4832 7569 4898 86792022-01-24 samueldchun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018125ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2444000499382 44000492700 0101200082168Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-24NoFind below. 44000499382 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 44000492700 01 To 21 1224 4071 5307 2186 3043 6025 0632 5882 4924 4466 0101200082168 01 To 02 4199 4458 8312 2750 0010 6252 7291 1287 9432 19702022-01-24 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018124ClosedKCT Request2022-01-240101210051195(21-1&1-21) 0101200059158(2-1&1-2) Please kindly treat thank you.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-24NoHello, Find below. 0101210051195(21-1&1-21) 21 To 01 5379 4324 9378 2547 6000 4148 1630 1964 0204 2486 01 To 21 3556 4842 1590 2932 3682 6176 7970 3700 7572 7124 0101200059158(2-1&1-2) 01 To 02 6752 6026 7564 2502 8407 1623 4095 7122 8414 7062 02 To 01 6438 9477 1342 2690 3335 6050 7305 0860 2199 47972022-01-24 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018123ClosedKCT Request2022-01-240101210074536 Good morning team, please kindly assist with the above kct thank you.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-24NoFind below. 0101210074536 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-01-24 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018122ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2444000423804 01 To 21MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-24Nofind below, 49265151246617558395 17566285420022985372 Regards.2022-01-24 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018121ClosedKCT Request2022-01-24REQUEST FOR KCT 0101210175440MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-24NoFind below. 0101210175440 01 To 21 0260 8219 9460 5585 1714 2163 7407 5208 4693 38852022-01-24 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018120ClosedKCT Request2022-01-24Request for debt profile - 44000683761MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-24NoFind below. 44000683761 01 To 22 4121 0095 2451 0969 5448 2944 5176 7676 6657 91742022-01-24 stynlucs@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00018119ClosedKCT Request2022-01-24Please kindly send me the kct for this meter no below 44000671386MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-24NoFind below. 44000671386 01 To 21 3204 8397 7155 7287 9557 0531 3283 9959 6238 08522022-01-24 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018118ClosedKCT Request2022-01-24Kindly generate kct for this meter number 0101210020919 Sent from my iPhoneMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-24Nofind below, 1342 6009 9729 3442 6365 2865 0879 3151 8011 6616 Regards.2022-01-24 yusufmusainuwa@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018117ClosedRequest2022-01-24Request for debt profile - 44000683761Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-24Nofind below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 477593 Debt Repayment ₦339,571.81 ₦-5,000.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦334,571.81 M 2020-03-31 ₦0.00 2021-05-312022-01-24 stynlucs@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018116ClosedKCT Request2022-01-240101210074536 Good morning team, please kindly assist with the above kct thank you.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-24NoThis meter is a Single-phase residential (01) on our system no KCT requires, hence they may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. Regards.2022-01-24 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018115ClosedKCT Request2022-01-24Please kindly send me the kct for this meter no below. 0101190137477.04 to 01 also 01 to 04 0101210192783.045 to 01 also 01 to 45. 0101190149084.03 to 01 also 01 to 03 0101210059164.02 to 01 also 01 to 02Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-24Nohello, find below, 0101190137477 .04 to 01 also 01 to 04 01 To 04 0357 2790 8944 0038 2172 0517 4181 5695 2866 4113 04 To 01 3126 1642 3084 0590 2813 2334 3303 8754 5016 7887 0101210192783 .045 to 01 also 01 to 45. 01 To 45 0155 1345 0003 4900 7206 3141 8143 9496 7332 7896 45 To 01 0954 8287 3868 8098 2466 4840 4801 2708 3395 5373 0101190149084 .03 to 01 also 01 to 03 01 To 03 6014 0821 5386 4272 1960 6922 1848 8877 7355 3290 03 To 01 3175 6094 2674 1747 8595 0438 9355 9344 7480 6271 0101210059164 .02 to 01 also 01 to 02 01 To 02 5988 6722 0772 9463 9789 0717 8845 0265 2391 0110 02 To 01 0412 6776 6336 7364 9873 4970 1854 4041 6190 50682022-01-24 umarmacy@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018114ClosedKCT Request2022-01-24Meter no =0101195003237 Index=0049 Kind regardsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-24Noplease note that this meter is also on 4+9 on our system, so no KCT is required. Regards.2022-01-24 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018113ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2444000669106 0101160143729 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-24NoFind below. 44000669106 No data available in table 0101160143729 6129 3940 8828 7475 3886 2168 6541 6052 8649 96862022-01-24 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018112ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2495300207974MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-24NoFind below. 95300207974 95300207974 01 To 45 6642 9915 6190 6079 9134 5862 1538 6916 8452 33782022-01-24 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018111ClosedRequest2022-01-24Generate CT for this MSN. 44300007273. Regards.Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-24Nofind below, 44300007273 Clear Tamper 0 0240 1741 4172 4190 66352022-01-24 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00018110ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2444000570042 44000570000 0101200082168MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-24NoFind below. 44000570042 01 To 22 0383 1240 7581 4506 1025 6185 6584 3972 8309 8377 44000570000 No data available in table 0101200082168 01 To 02 4199 4458 8312 2750 0010 6252 7291 1287 9432 19702022-01-24 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018109ClosedKCT Request2022-01-24Dear sir Please can you assist us with the KCT of this meter number 44000623023 Thank you sir Samuel D. ChunMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-24Nofind below, 2856 9808 4428 8567 4853 3348 4832 7569 4898 8679 Regards.2022-01-24 samueldchun@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018108ClosedKCT Request2022-01-24Dear sir This customer has purchased token through First Bank App and was not remitted NAME: Anunobi Emmanuel METER NUMBER: 54150604723 PLATFORM: First Bank App AMOUNT: N20,000 DATE OF TRANSACTION: 23/1/2022 Thank you sir Samuel D. ChunMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-24Nofind below, Transaction ID: 8531164293983624 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-01-23 13:10:36 Meter No.: 54150604723 Account No.: 421580 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦1,395.35 Energy Cost: ₦18,604.65 KwH: 352.83 Amount Tendered: ₦20,000.00 4988 6978 8448 4817 8879 Regards.2022-01-24 samueldchun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018107ClosedKCT Request2022-01-24: Please sir kindly generate kct meter number 44000667871. ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-24NoFind below 44000667871 01 To 45 3766 1928 2774 6625 8080 4306 7941 8539 4464 3144 Regards.2022-01-24 mauwalu143@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018106ClosedKCT Request2022-01-24REQUEST FOR KCT - 54161134454Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-24Nofind below, 5552 3032 5037 5093 9024 2814 8490 5175 5444 4918 Regards.2022-01-24 longpuan@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018105ClosedKCT Request2022-01-24Good morning sir! Kindly generate KCT number for this meter 44000538791. Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-24NoFind below. 44000538791 01 To 02 5087 4919 7171 7662 7410 5218 8471 2875 9085 60212022-01-24 malooms33@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018104ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2444000686160MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-24NoFind below. 44000686160 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------2022-01-24 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018103ClosedKCT Request2022-01-24Please sir kindly generate kct meter number 44000667871. ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-24Nofind below, 3766 1928 2774 6625 8080 4306 7941 8539 4464 31442022-01-24 mauwalu143@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018102ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2495300221017 44000684389 44000493468 44000495851 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-24NoFind below. 95300221017 35380467711703549918 36338910332200472733 44000684389 01 To 21 7143 4774 4800 8506 6007 5451 2962 0585 5628 1470 44000493468 6388 2323 4166 3672 4781 6063 4907 6662 6125 9003 440004958512022-01-24 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018101ClosedKCT Request2022-01-24Good morning sir! Kindly generate KCT number for this meter 44000538791. Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-24Nofind below, 5087 4919 7171 7662 7410 5218 8471 2875 9085 6021 Regards.2022-01-24 malooms33@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018100ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2444000686160Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-24Nohello, This meter is a Single-phase residential (01) on our system no KCT requires, hence they may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2022-01-24 florarumun@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018099ClosedKCT Request2022-01-24Request for Debt profile-612645030201MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-24NoFind below 612645030201 No data available in table Regards.2022-01-24 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018098ClosedKCT Request2022-01-24Good morning sir. Kindly assist with Kcts 44000672921 44000733871 95300224243 Tariff 33 44000575272 44000575181 44000536548 44000536464 44000673499 44000673457 0101215014958 44000664514 0101200079107 tariff index 10 0101200044820 (1 to 21) Thank you Best RegardsMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-24NoHello, Find below, 44000672921 0059 1726 0548 1722 1740 6010 7811 9833 5045 7440 44000733871 6434 4237 8893 4170 1332 7036 9875 0080 5665 1536 95300224243 Tariff 33 6950 3160 6760 9478 5722 0968 3583 9950 8212 6007 44000575272 5661 1389 6708 9773 9457 2084 6341 9898 8335 5407 44000575181 3540 9954 1181 5013 1953 0654 7965 5395 7872 6958 44000536548 0254 1361 2697 9850 8726 4291 7521 0912 7923 8159 44000536464 0599 9821 8164 0156 5610 0549 9177 5227 7824 6030 44000673499 2718 9372 5944 1562 2269 3629 0559 9333 4823 4897 44000673457...............is on TI 01 0101215014958 2512 2499 2376 4618 8062 1897 0057 9383 6481 1724 44000664514 4370 8668 4913 4364 8948 7262 3988 6913 0313 9803 0101200079107 tariff index 10 4776 4050 2714 5184 4257 4966 1638 9169 4686 6561 0101200044820 (1 to 21) 6477 2965 8783 8110 2544 0653 3315 0518 4090 47142022-01-24 churchillofeimun2016@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018097Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00018096ClosedKCT Request2022-01-240101200078950 4400638278MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-24NoFind below. 0101200078950 01 To 33 1175 4713 1426 2433 7535 4223 6726 6014 5232 9744 44000638278 44000638278 01 To 02 0346 7072 5710 6096 3329 3752 2934 9945 5873 90122022-01-24 mustaphamaryam67@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018095Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00018094ClosedKCT Request2022-01-240101200078950 4400638278Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-24Nohello, please be guided while sending mail.2022-01-24 mustaphamaryam67@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018093ClosedKCT Request2022-01-24Please kindly treat MSN 0101170412825Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-24Nohello, find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6123417234-01 Debt Repayment ₦124,197.22 ₦-22,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦86,197.22 M 2019-04-30 ₦16,000.00 2022-01-242022-01-24 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018092Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00018091ClosedKCT Request2022-01-24Please assist with kct for this meter number 95300185600 Best regardsMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-24NoFind below, 3276 6785 3535 5458 0175 2766 7145 8521 2118 5930 Regard.2022-01-24 longpuan@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018091ClosedKCT Request2022-01-24Please assist with kct for this meter number 95300185600 Best regardsMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-24NoFind below, 3276 6785 3535 5458 0175 2766 7145 8521 2118 5930 Regard.2022-01-24 longpuan@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018090ClosedKCT Request2022-01-24Kindly assist with the above-mentioned for the meter numbers below 1. 0101200103337 001 to 0045 2. 0101210198475 3. 54161001646 Best Regards, Halima Mujtaba AbdulrahmanMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-24Nofind below, 1. 0101200103337 001 to 0045 6308 1124 3376 7431 0745 4950 4136 9623 0039 1900 2. 0101210198475 4790 2791 0311 1311 0917 5861 7675 0115 8261 5676 3. 54161001646 This meter is a Single-phase residential (01) on our system no KCT requires, hence they may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2022-01-24 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018089ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2444000622090 thanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-24Nofind below, 0264 1134 2775 5957 8522 6251 3289 6964 2555 6532 Regards.2022-01-24 Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018088ClosedKCT Request2022-01-244400058266 Thank you Sent from my Huawei phoneMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-24NoDear Sir. 4400058266..................not captured MSN Regards.2022-01-24 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018087ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2444000622090 thanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-24NoRequest for kct in respect of this account 541610254962022-01-24 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018086ClosedKCT Request2022-01-24Request for kct in respect of this account 54161025496Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-24Nohello, please kindly send the actual account of this customer. Regards.2022-01-24 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018085ClosedKCT Request2022-01-24Dear ITsupport, Kindly furnish me with the above information for meter number 62521042846. Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-24Nofind below, 5059 8168 7615 8320 4722 5632 7180 7417 7926 08392022-01-24 abigailiyane@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018084ClosedKCT Request2022-01-24Good morning sir 54161146219 95300217080 thanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-24NoHello, Find below, 54161146219 3619 6582 1806 5250 5110 0329 6796 2100 4903 5110 95300217080 28311824437684118171 120052459577483585932022-01-24 beediesarah5@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018083ClosedKCT Request2022-01-24Kindly generate kct of 0101200105407 from 001 to 002 than 002 to 001Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-24NoHello, Find below, 01 To 02 7123 3402 5782 1830 4792 5838 9788 8395 7189 5346 02 To 01 2771 9510 4982 7305 8677 4701 6612 9580 3347 19302022-01-24 umargarba326@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018082ClosedTamper Code2022-01-24Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101200051361Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-24NoHello, Find below, 0101200051361 Clear Tamper 0 3087 6321 4740 3161 62682022-01-24 rolandjames750@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018081Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00018080ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2444000683571 44000672855 44000745172 44000618221 44000669109 44000675106 95300224243 on 33 95300217080 1-45 95300230380 0101170289942Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-24NoFind below, 44000683571 1841 9564 3495 5290 7580 1949 4715 8763 0729 6258 44000672855 7294 6241 8377 6114 8884 0387 9292 3969 5585 4550 44000745172 1018 5710 4341 7512 2041 0908 2523 3231 5287 4271 44000618221 0928 6851 9582 0369 3186 5494 0671 2474 6372 3111 44000669109 7027 8935 1147 3331 7675 7296 5192 2931 4946 6549 44000675106 4407 1593 6632 2854 2610 1196 6895 0281 5472 2710 95300224243 on 33 This meter is on 033 on our system, hence no KCT required. 95300217080 1-45 11629703544765651368 63464391262363624942 95300230380 4261 8908 2700 4363 5045 3300 9937 8376 5193 4401 0101170289942 0732 3705 0499 3516 0555 2654 5489 5023 9710 28872022-01-24 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018080ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2444000683571 44000672855 44000745172 44000618221 44000669109 44000675106 95300224243 on 33 95300217080 1-45 95300230380 0101170289942Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-24NoFind below, 44000683571 1841 9564 3495 5290 7580 1949 4715 8763 0729 6258 44000672855 7294 6241 8377 6114 8884 0387 9292 3969 5585 4550 44000745172 1018 5710 4341 7512 2041 0908 2523 3231 5287 4271 44000618221 0928 6851 9582 0369 3186 5494 0671 2474 6372 3111 44000669109 7027 8935 1147 3331 7675 7296 5192 2931 4946 6549 44000675106 4407 1593 6632 2854 2610 1196 6895 0281 5472 2710 95300224243 on 33 This meter is on 033 on our system, hence no KCT required. 95300217080 1-45 11629703544765651368 63464391262363624942 95300230380 4261 8908 2700 4363 5045 3300 9937 8376 5193 4401 0101170289942 0732 3705 0499 3516 0555 2654 5489 5023 9710 28872022-01-24 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018079Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00018078ClosedKCT Request2022-01-210101210009375 0101195002734 44000673515 44000577138 44000675817 44000664217 0101200026884Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-21NoHello, Find below. 0101210009375 01 To 21 2560 6508 7375 1103 6831 1585 5421 3489 2961 5115 0101195002734 01 To 21 1237 3263 9934 7437 7967 0659 4478 6791 9199 4452 44000673515 01 To 21 1152 3686 4479 7119 1862 5780 3350 9109 7320 1457 44000577138 01 To 21 6400 6767 4520 6119 6002 7215 9073 6851 0282 0332 44000675817 01 To 21 1107 1175 1656 6462 9474 6179 3465 4554 0198 7147 44000664217 01 To 21 5279 8508 4890 2311 4260 4630 7629 4630 3493 2735 0101200026884 01 To 45 2126 6114 6348 8994 3536 3338 9400 8911 8705 97612022-01-21 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018077ClosedKCT Request2022-01-210150000876899 2 To T21 Abubakar Bappa CCRM Officer. Customer Care Relationship Management. JED Plc, Bauchi Region.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-21Nofind below, 5750 7714 3259 5172 3888 7346 8350 6878 2837 72042022-01-21 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018076ClosedKCT Request2022-01-21Please kindly treat MSN 0101200008676Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-21Nofind below, 6328 6845 6288 2884 9874 4805 2238 1569 0758 15412022-01-21 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018075ClosedKCT Request2022-01-21Good afternoon, Kindly provide me with the kct for the customer below: 0101210011447 from 30 to 34 0101210062499 from 01 to 33 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-21Nofind below, 0101210011447 from 30 to 34 35004466741066596220 01085071288186805110 0101210062499 from 01 to 33 3817 5169 2489 4737 1931 4926 1123 5153 9060 4405 Regards.2022-01-21 zakimimidoomaureen@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018074ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2195300227006(2-45) Please kindly treat thank.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-21Nofind below, 6393 7368 6823 0610 0734 7157 6666 5839 5681 9122 Regards.2022-01-21 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018073ClosedKCT Request2022-01-210101210140956Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-21Nohello, This meter is a Single-phase residential (01) on our system no KCT requires, hence they may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2022-01-21 akogwuada@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00018072ClosedKCT Request2022-01-1444000623551 44000641199 44000649564 44000555530 44000624450 44000624344 Thank youMedium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-21Nofind below, 44000623551 3410 2430 6942 2315 2012 3373 7434 7119 4124 2225 44000641199............not captured. 44000649564 This meter is a Single-phase residential (01) on our system no KCT requires, hence they may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. 44000555530...........not captured. 44000624450 7338 3581 4218 7737 8871 6303 3993 6402 0233 5938 44000624344 2889 7735 7205 0771 0210 4010 6805 4204 7600 63752022-01-21 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00018071ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2144000527497 44000537298 44000537512 44000575872 44000575781 44000575082 44000575348 44000584126 44000575355 44000575363 44000536542 44000596464 44000536530 44000527695 95300185501 Tariff 010 44000666808 54161058794 tariff 4 0101170404194 44000746758 ThanksMedium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-21Nohello, find below, 44000527497 2418 9309 3346 9872 6249 3720 5462 9778 7989 6962 44000537298 6257 1476 6072 1221 2671 4926 2050 5727 8214 8889 44000537512 4278 7038 4644 2257 0207 2486 0000 7864 1387 2856 44000575872......................not captured. 44000575781.....................not captured. 44000575082 1610 9895 7319 5098 7006 1818 8532 2056 9201 6791 44000575348 4246 8781 7404 4638 8413 6118 7411 9027 8992 6664 44000584126 3679 4588 3814 4517 4540 6319 1866 3349 9771 7608 44000575355 0398 4470 2646 5529 8318 0478 5565 9315 3874 7184 44000575363 3492 1600 2207 8790 1945 6283 0253 4488 7723 8107 44000536542 44000596464 44000536530 3745 5911 7245 0643 9925 2468 7155 1452 3753 5184 44000527695 6292 0352 6704 9026 1018 1294 0067 5848 6676 1606 95300185501 Tariff 010 3115 5148 7343 1704 1306 3865 0018 1134 5138 9153 44000666808 3960 7372 4027 3542 5365 5832 8212 7546 1199 2588 54161058794 tariff 4 1373 3675 9206 4591 6155 0396 8058 3081 3486 9291 0101170404194 This meter is a Single-phase residential (01) on our system no KCT requires, hence they may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. 44000746758 7098 6654 0705 2699 3083 7061 2147 1498 9956 59492022-01-21 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00018070ClosedKCT Request2022-01-210101190141206MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-21NoFind below. 0101190141206 01 To 02 1494 0286 2161 4790 2033 6470 7386 4758 8505 52282022-01-21 johnny007emmanuel@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018069OpenKCT Request0000-00-000101210009375 0101195002734 44000673515 44000577138 44000675817 44000664217 0101200026884 Thanks3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-21Nofind below, 0101161021312 1539 5257 9370 7341 0754 4545 6934 6847 8612 2403 0101210009375 2560 6508 7375 1103 6831 1585 5421 3489 2961 5115 44000623551 3410 2430 6942 2315 2012 3373 7434 7119 4124 2225 44000577161 1873 5580 2456 5889 5696 1104 2757 6064 1104 9488 44000641199................not captured. 44000649564 This meter is a Single-phase residential (01) on our system no KCT requires, hence they may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. 54161058794 0403 9765 0532 7015 1767 2365 1546 4052 4950 61072022-01-21 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018068ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2144000413607 04 To 34Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-21Nofind below, 13872757621194974240 50554850182007027769 Regards.2022-01-21 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018067ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2144000413607 04 To 34Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-21Nofind below, 13872757621194974240 50554850182007027769 Regards.2022-01-21 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018066ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2144000673630(1-21) Please kindly treat thank you.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-21Nofind below, 7311 5334 6990 9896 2457 4077 5523 2857 2882 54102022-01-21 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018065ClosedKCT Request2022-01-210101190141206Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-21Nofind below, 1494 0286 2161 4790 2033 6470 7386 4758 8505 5228 Regards.2022-01-21 johnny007emmanuel@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018064ClosedKCT Request2022-01-21Dear sir, Please assist with this kct no: 0101215018538 Thank you.Medium 2022-01-21Nofind below, 2230 1279 8384 4544 7889 2353 2276 3612 5725 2339 Regards.2022-01-21 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com
#00018063ClosedKCT Request2022-01-21Good day Sir!!! Sir, kindly help generate KCT for this Meter No:- 0101210001547 (1-45 & 44-1)... Thank You and GOD Bless You Sir...Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-21Nohello, find below, 45 To 01 5046 1984 4382 6399 2731 6611 8448 6838 1059 1738 01 To 45 0318 2237 8251 2351 2430 1395 5565 7213 9224 09232022-01-21 agboolaolamidetaiwo@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018062ClosedRequest2022-01-21Dear sir Please can you assist us with the debt status of this meter number 0101210009854 Thank you sir Samuel D. ChunMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-21Nohello, no record found for this meter number.2022-01-21 samueldchun@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018061ClosedKCT Request2022-01-21Good afternoon Sir, help me generate kct for this meter number 0101200019095 From 33 to 01 and from 01 to 33. ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-21Nohello, find below, 01 To 33 4195 4325 3296 8772 4398 1669 3653 7437 3767 0134 33 To 01 1592 8712 5375 6373 5094 3712 9282 5191 5521 4303 Regards.2022-01-21 dakomluka1@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018060ClosedKCT Request2022-01-21Hello kindly generate KCT to this meter from 54150640511 from 01 to 21Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-21Nohello, find below, 5030 4685 0068 8199 4355 5805 6027 2638 8017 9207 Regards.2022-01-21 onceinlife6464@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018059ClosedKCT Request2022-01-21Hello, Good afternoon, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters . Thank you. Meter Numbers: 0101190153953 (71 to 01) 0101200008825 (02 to 01)Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-21Nofind below, 0101190153953 (71 to 01) 15554362665191811140 58847418770446982141 0101200008825 (02 to 01) 2262 7290 8176 2018 1666 5103 4683 4591 3841 41232022-01-21 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018058ClosedTamper Code2022-01-21Please see MSNs below for tamper generation. 95300182508 44000667673 Regards CCRM, Makeri.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-21Nofind below, 95300182508 Clear Tamper 0 4802 8324 2170 1531 7873 44000667673 Clear Tamper 0 6601 0766 4926 7259 69062022-01-21 uduhaleje@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018057ClosedKCT Request2022-01-21Please kindly help me with a kct number of this meter 44000675387Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-21Nofind below, 2302 1245 3920 2185 1441 6463 5906 5886 8565 47762022-01-21 shehumyusuf51@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00018056ClosedKCT Request2022-01-210150000961147Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-21Nofind below, 5395 8812 3637 8622 8084 3308 1882 4272 6603 56062022-01-21 hamzaadamu64@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00018055ClosedKCT Request2022-01-21REQUEST FOR KCT METER NO 54160951148 EMMANUEL EVG CHURCHMedium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-21Nofind below, 1131 5145 0937 5377 6891 3953 9802 2365 9379 54822022-01-21 benmercyladi@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00018054ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2144000537298 from 01 to 22 95300190378 from 01 to 45 44000689040 from 01 to 21 44000663284 from 01 to 21 0101170180299 from 45 to 01 0101210143240 Regards CCRM, Rayfield.Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-21Nohello, find below, 44000537298 from 01 to 22 6257 1476 6072 1221 2671 4926 2050 5727 8214 8889 95300190378 from 01 to 45 0285 4281 9343 2569 9768 4206 9812 5029 3658 4016 44000689040 from 01 to 21 0048 7069 3781 5411 9961 4314 6642 2553 6709 2985 44000663284 from 01 to 21 0125 1071 7935 8074 6929 0169 7366 4833 4107 2169 0101170180299 from 45 to 01 2857 6169 2303 5108 1797 3603 4362 2527 5612 5400 0101210143240 3446 8645 3811 0305 3275 6491 5642 7281 1202 22352022-01-21 uduhaleje@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00018053ClosedKCT Request2022-01-21: Pls help me with the kct 2 to 21 meter 0101210009375Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-21Nofind below, 2500 3061 7720 2146 8963 0414 2651 7685 7251 15432022-01-21 hassansuleiman664@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00018052ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2144000672749Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-21Nofind below, 2304 9823 8327 5315 9254 5267 9813 9329 6501 75642022-01-21 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00018051ClosedKCT Request2022-01-21KCT request - 44000482859Medium 2022-01-21Nofind below, 1664 4341 8396 1637 6674 1060 0269 8386 5630 04462022-01-21 stynlucs@yahoo.com
#00018050ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2144000675031Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-21Nofind below, 0120 8796 0809 6610 2470 1400 2559 1773 8498 85452022-01-21 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00018049ClosedKCT Request2022-01-21Good day sir, Please I need kct for this meter 0101170235440 from 033to 001 and from 001 to 033 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-21NoFind below. 01 To 33 3140 2430 8112 2639 8095 0872 7828 1105 9316 8959 0101170235440 33 To 01 2943 4625 8578 4245 3672 2508 1549 8823 9152 9893 Regards.2022-01-21 mosesdamilarejokotoye@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018048ClosedKCT Request2022-01-21REQUEST FOR KCT: 54150640511 FROM INDEX 01 TO 21MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-21NoHello, Find below. 01 To 21 5030 4685 0068 8199 4355 5805 6027 2638 8017 92072022-01-21 samueldchun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018047ClosedKCT Request2022-01-21: KCT GENERATION 440004305002MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-21NoFind below. This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2022-01-21 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018046ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2144000666220 54160927130 95300185501 44000666808MediumIT Umar Auwal0000-00-00NoFind below. 44000666220 44000666220 01 To 21 6615 6781 4419 7935 9471 1982 8679 0428 1054 6395 54160927130 54160927130 01 To 21 5412 8409 2036 2260 2582 2892 0808 9746 8274 2559 95300185501 01 To 21 3601 3842 8092 0998 3209 3815 8760 9669 0032 1909 44000666808 44000666808 01 To 21 3960 7372 4027 3542 5365 5832 8212 7546 1199 25882022-01-21 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018045ClosedKCT Request2022-01-21Please assist with this kct no: 44000611333 Thank you.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-21NoFind below. 44000611333 44000611333 01 To 33 5901 4782 8377 9207 5093 4798 4093 3430 4479 93892022-01-21 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018044ClosedTamper Code2022-01-210101170424598 thanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-21NoHello, Find below. 0101170424598 Clear Tamper 0 6797 6097 4482 3238 90552022-01-21 rolandjames750@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018043ClosedKCT Request2022-01-21Help with the KCT number of this meter 0101190144655. Thanks for your consideration.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-21Nofind below, 1951 5302 4007 9983 1443 2971 2241 8988 2203 14652022-01-21 abdullahif44@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00018042ClosedKCT Request2022-01-21Help with the KCT number of this meter 0101190144655. Thanks for your consideration.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-21NoFind below. 0101190144655 01 To 04 1951 5302 4007 9983 1443 2971 2241 8988 2203 14652022-01-21 abdullahif44@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018041ClosedRequest2022-01-21Please can you assist us with the debt status of this meter number 54160893175 Thank you sir Samuel D. ChunMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-21NoFind below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 491075 Debt Repayment ₦247,858.00 ₦-13,001.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦220,857.00 M 2019-12-28 ₦14,000.00 2021-12-212022-01-21 samueldchun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018040ClosedKCT Request2022-01-21Good morning sir CHECK THE ATTACHED REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPER 1) Name=Aroh Meter No=0101195008418 ATTACHED IS THE CLEAR TEMPER FORM I WILL BE GRATEFUL IF MY REQUEST IS GRANTED OWOICHO STEPHEN EMMANUEL MM&N OTUKPO KIND REGARDMedium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-21Nofind below, 0101195008418 Clear Tamper 0 6955 4545 9434 3811 88162022-01-21 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00018039ClosedKCT Request2022-01-21Dear support, Please the above subject refers. 54150623079 0101160059537 Regards.Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-21No54150623079 1020 4816 9262 6816 1862 0338 6468 7958 3775 6706 0101160059537 5059 2962 8918 1472 0209 0666 6765 4977 9285 21562022-01-21 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00018038ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2144000571495 44000577138Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-21No44000571495 2151 8403 8178 5100 1722 4428 2790 6827 2125 8391 44000577138 This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2022-01-21 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00018037ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2144000571495,44000673515.thank youMedium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-21NoFind below, 44000571495 2151 8403 8178 5100 1722 4428 2790 6827 2125 8391 44000673515 1152 3686 4479 7119 1862 5780 3350 9109 7320 14572022-01-21 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00018036ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2144000571495,44000673515.thank youMedium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-21NoFind below, 44000571495 2151 8403 8178 5100 1722 4428 2790 6827 2125 8391 44000673515 1152 3686 4479 7119 1862 5780 3350 9109 7320 14572022-01-21 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00018035ClosedKCT Request2022-01-21REQUEST FOR KCT METER NO 0101210198707Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-21NoGood morning, Please note that this meter is a single phase residential on our system no KCT is required.2022-01-21 benmercyladi@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018035ClosedKCT Request2022-01-21REQUEST FOR KCT METER NO 0101210198707Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-21NoGood morning, Please note that this meter is a single phase residential on our system no KCT is required.2022-01-21 benmercyladi@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018034ClosedKCT Request2022-01-21: REQUEST FOR KCT METER NO 0101210198707Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-21NoGood morning, Please note that this meter is a single phase residential on our system no KCT is required.2022-01-21 benmercyladi@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018034ClosedKCT Request2022-01-21: REQUEST FOR KCT METER NO 0101210198707Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-21NoGood morning, Please note that this meter is a single phase residential on our system no KCT is required.2022-01-21 benmercyladi@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018033ClosedVending History2022-01-21Good morning please kindly assist me with this meter VH 54160930571 thankMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-21NoHello, Find below, # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 9002163593037024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-03 10:06:10 Meter No.: 54160930571 Account No.: 6217240907-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 Debt Repayment: ₦5,000.00 KwH: 18.24 Amount Tendered: ₦6,000.00 0724 3728 9344 8527 1481 2 Transaction ID: 3161163162502724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-09-14 14:10:27 Meter No.: 54160930571 Account No.: 6217240907-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 Debt Repayment: ₦2,500.00 KwH: 36.49 Amount Tendered: ₦4,500.00 2764 2517 3025 6436 5607 3 Transaction ID: 1924162972922524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-08-23 15:33:45 Meter No.: 54160930571 Account No.: 6217240907-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 Debt Repayment: ₦2,500.00 KwH: 18.99 Amount Tendered: ₦3,500.00 2395 1299 4064 1050 3551 4 Transaction ID: 6527162772957524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-07-31 12:06:15 Meter No.: 54160930571 Account No.: 6217240907-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 Debt Repayment: ₦5,000.00 KwH: 18.99 Amount Tendered: ₦6,000.00 0782 6043 5720 8535 1050 5 Transaction ID: 5295162454520324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-06-24 15:33:23 Meter No.: 54160930571 Account No.: 6217240907-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦146.51 Energy Cost: ₦1,953.49 KwH: 39.88 Amount Tendered: ₦2,100.00 1929 0830 6995 5380 3057 6 Transaction ID: 9726162273255624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-06-03 16:02:36 Meter No.: 54160930571 Account No.: 6217240907-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 37.98 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 5108 9696 6705 5192 5630 7 Transaction ID: 1234162173446924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-23 02:47:49 Meter No.: 54160930571 Account No.: 6217240907-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 37.98 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 7135 7146 0409 1985 7531 8 Transaction ID: 1365162021345624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-05 12:17:36 Meter No.: 54160930571 Account No.: 6217240907-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 28.48 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 2158 9133 6000 0448 6796 9 Transaction ID: 1269161761907524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-05 11:37:55 Meter No.: 54160930571 Account No.: 6217240907-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 37.98 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 3266 9297 0301 7750 84252022-01-21 abdulmalik3955@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018032ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2144000672848 Thank youMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-21NoHello, 44000672848................is on TI 012022-01-21 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018031ClosedKCT Request2022-01-21Dear sir Please can you assist us with the KCT of this meter number 44000683613 Thank you sir Samuel D. ChunMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-21NoHello, Find below. 5757 7010 9760 0967 7852 4482 5894 5259 5983 68792022-01-21 samueldchun@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00018030ClosedTamper Code2022-01-21Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101200051031Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-21NoFind below, 3158 7820 7552 4947 92622022-01-14 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00018029ClosedRequest2022-01-21REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPER 0101190026365Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-21NoFind below, 0886 2780 6849 8393 13172022-01-21 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00018028ClosedKCT Request2022-01-21Good morning sir Name=Ejembi Meter no =0101210184442 Index =0033 Meter type =mojec Rejected k c t 30587540455138393505 31085245482534626026 Kind regardsMedium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-21NoHello, It is also on 033 on our system. So, it does not require KCT.2022-01-21 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00018027ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2195300220910 TI 02 0101200051031 44000571479 Thank youMedium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-21NoFind below, 95300220910 TI 02 7325 2210 1356 8006 6235 3758 4827 5987 7394 1146 0101200051031 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 44000571479 2784 9638 5938 0582 9228 7045 2356 2165 3133 54112022-01-21 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00018026ClosedKCT Request2022-01-21REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101188028795Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-21NoFind below, 2847 9453 0968 3379 6387 2116 7232 9793 2689 33532022-01-21 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00018025ClosedKCT Request2022-01-210150000876899Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-21NoFind below, 4687 8919 2508 2845 7263 0683 3418 7217 1157 04052022-01-21 ahmadmiltonfairaskira@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00018024ClosedKCT Request2022-01-21Good evening sir Meter no=0101210144081 Index=0001 Kind regardsMedium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-21NoFind below, 4695 9866 9681 3918 6515 5600 5888 5009 1808 50172022-01-21 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00018023ClosedKCT Request2022-01-21Request for KCT 44000635548Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-21NoFind below, 6230 9676 6829 7918 1383 4757 9002 9287 8344 27702022-01-21 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00018022ClosedKCT Request2022-01-210101200021323 (045 to 002 Please Sir help us with a kct Thanks for your support.Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu0000-00-00NoFind below, 3509 9555 3386 6538 1469 4640 0092 9362 4369 66332022-01-21 yakubaliyu82@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00018021ClosedKCT Request2022-01-21Dear ITsupport, Kindly furnish me with the above information for meter 23102129279 and 23102133404 Thank you.Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu0000-00-00NoFind below, 23102129279 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 23102133404 This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2022-01-21 abigailiyane@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00018020ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2144000544005 44000607539 thanksMedium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu0000-00-00NoFind below, 44000544005 This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 44000607539 2913 2949 3725 3537 5983 0624 0805 4789 3314 18002022-01-21 beediesarah5@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00018019ClosedKCT Request2022-01-21.Request for KCT 44000764454Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-21NoFind below, 6099 0148 4818 3235 8715 1062 1265 6724 8116 28382022-01-21 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00018018ClosedKCT Request2022-01-21Dear IT Please Kindly help us generate the kct of 0101190141206 from 002-001 and 001-002 ThanksMedium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-20Nofind below, 01 To 02 1494 0286 2161 4790 2033 6470 7386 4758 8505 5228 02 To 01 3925 8841 8625 0687 5811 1531 8454 8980 3181 04882022-01-21 munirishaqjos@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00018017ClosedKCT Request2022-01-210150000889454Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-21Nofind below, 2033 7371 6621 5662 1237 1780 9639 7654 5604 73252022-01-21 ahmadmiltonfairaskira@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00018016ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2157300012861Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-21Nofind below, 3847 1691 7692 6119 5238 2782 2640 7085 6585 89202022-01-21 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00018015ClosedKCT Request2022-01-210101215016128 From 0037 to 02 Thank you sirMedium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-21Nofind below, 4425 4250 8414 8551 1761 6301 6798 2055 7099 59982022-01-21 yusufibrahimbaba440@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00018014ClosedKCT Request2022-01-210101210020851 kct 02 to 01 01 to 02Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-21Nofind below, 01 To 02 0600 9854 0649 0190 8850 6279 8067 1047 0950 0018 02 To 01 5273 7361 2731 3893 9201 7138 7063 2532 8332 63692022-01-21 shuaibumuhammad629@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00018013ClosedKCT Request2022-01-21: 0101210152167Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-21Nofind below, 5597 1801 4339 1911 4141 4485 4366 5658 3289 03052022-01-21 kabirukhalidumar@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00018012ClosedKCT Request2022-01-21Good evening sir Meter no=0101210189540 Index=0001 Kind regardsMedium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-21Nofind below, 4189 6301 1268 5717 4522 0845 6311 0645 2262 47052022-01-21 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00018011ClosedKCT Request2022-01-21Please kindly help us generate the kct of 0101190136446 from 0033-001 and 001-0033 ThanksMedium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-21Nofind below, 01 To 33 3148 6775 5749 3136 5127 6045 8282 3159 5155 7812 33 To 01 2300 5746 0259 2248 9671 5610 6122 7968 3394 89922022-01-21 munirishaqjos@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00018010ClosedKCT Request2022-01-210101200071591 022 to 01 and 01 to 022Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-21Nofind below, 01 To 22 6368 0980 3947 3324 7469 5153 7470 2499 0007 0294 22 To 01 2886 2570 4144 0444 7973 1797 2182 7662 9439 00952022-01-21 hamisumusa401@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00018009ClosedKCT Request2022-01-21Hello good morning sir Please kindly generate KCT to this meter 0101190151015 from 45 to 01Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-21NoFind below, 45-1 5198 6842 5494 7693 1696 2842 2836 3521 5583 85832022-01-21 onceinlife6464@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018009ClosedKCT Request2022-01-21Hello good morning sir Please kindly generate KCT to this meter 0101190151015 from 45 to 01Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-21NoFind below, 45-1 5198 6842 5494 7693 1696 2842 2836 3521 5583 85832022-01-21 onceinlife6464@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018008ClosedKCT Request2022-01-210101200015200 001 to 004 & 004 to 001 Please Sir help us with a KCT Thanks for your supportMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-21No1-4 0651 4275 0011 0251 5029 5791 8020 7315 8224 2932 4-1 5406 3858 6497 3028 6479 4360 1259 1405 4975 50392022-01-21 yakubaliyu82@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018008ClosedKCT Request2022-01-210101200015200 001 to 004 & 004 to 001 Please Sir help us with a KCT Thanks for your supportMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-21No1-4 0651 4275 0011 0251 5029 5791 8020 7315 8224 2932 4-1 5406 3858 6497 3028 6479 4360 1259 1405 4975 50392022-01-21 yakubaliyu82@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00018007ClosedKCT Request2022-01-21: REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101170112144MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-20NoFind below. 0101170112144 01 To 45 1387 0760 4507 2833 1241 7073 4731 4570 6190 82922022-01-20 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018006ClosedVending History2022-01-20Hello sir please help us with the Vending History of this MSN: 0101210187767 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-20No# Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 8448164258594324 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-01-19 10:52:23 Meter No.: 0101210187767 Account No.: 697489 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 35.28 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 1610 2276 2379 0186 9643 2 Transaction ID: 0576163785103424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-25 15:37:14 Meter No.: 0101210187767 Account No.: 697489 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦100,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦100,000.00 3 Transaction ID: 6125163662681324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-11 11:33:33 Meter No.: 0101210187767 Account No.: 697489 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦15,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦15,000.00 4 Transaction ID: 5572163613397524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-05 18:39:35 Meter No.: 0101210187767 Account No.: 763916 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88 Energy Cost: ₦465.12 KwH: 9.89 Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 5423 5353 0686 5469 6687 5 Transaction ID: 8631163570861224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-10-31 20:30:12 Meter No.: 0101210187767 Account No.: 763916 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88 Energy Cost: ₦465.12 KwH: 9.89 Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 3782 1974 5543 7500 1443 6 Transaction ID: 1611163499181024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-10-23 13:23:30 Meter No.: 0101210187767 Account No.: 763916 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 19.77 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 0953 3341 4158 4370 4946 7 Transaction ID: 2144163412242924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-10-13 11:53:49 Meter No.: 0101210187767 Account No.: 697489 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦15,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦15,000.00 8 Transaction ID: 8684163395018624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-10-11 12:03:06 Meter No.: 0101210187767 Account No.: 697489 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦20,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦20,000.00 9 Transaction ID: 0413163066074724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-09-03 10:19:07 Meter No.: 0101210187767 Account No.: 697489 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦15,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦15,000.00 10 Transaction ID: 2609162695130724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-07-22 11:55:07 Meter No.: 0101210187767 Account No.: 697489 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦13,600.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦13,600.002022-01-20 yuzarsif331122@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018005ClosedKCT Request2022-01-20Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000961147MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-20NoKCT from 01 to 21 for this MSN: 0101210187767 Thank you2022-01-13 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018004ClosedKCT Request2022-01-20KCT from 01 to 21 for this MSN: 0101210187767 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-20No0101210187767 01 To 21 3321 9056 9031 7067 1527 1823 6272 8813 9139 51672022-01-20 yuzarsif331122@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018003ClosedRequest2022-01-20: Tamper and Clear NegativeMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-20NoHello, Find below. 0101210057762 0101210057762 Clear Tamper 0 4782 5371 7796 8841 7396 0101210057762 Clear Credit 0 7030 5933 7892 0489 07202022-01-20 rolandjames750@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018002ClosedKCT Request2022-01-20Dear IT Support, Please, kindly furnish me with KCT on the correct tariff index for this customer below: MSN: INDEX: 44300018254. 01 to 21 Thank you and best regardsMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-20NoFind below. 44300018254 01 To 21 1179 0388 9125 5105 9167 3428 0158 7387 6389 67352022-01-20 wyontochae@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018001ClosedKCT Request2022-01-20Dear Support, Generate KCT for this MSN 44000381432. Regards.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-20NoFind below. 44000381432 01 To 24 5470 5052 4120 2657 6319 3840 5964 9156 1634 40712022-01-20 rolandjames750@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00018000ClosedRequest2022-01-20Please kindly treat MSN 54161066987MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-20NoFind below. 54161066987 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 441233 Debt Repayment ₦122,968.54 ₦-100,000.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦2,968.54 M 2017-08-22 ₦20,000.00 2022-01-202022-01-20 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00017999ClosedKCT Request2022-01-20Please kindly treat MSN 0101215008794(2-4) 44000836377 0101215018595(2-45)MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-20NoHello, Find below. 0101215008794(2-4) 02 To 04 4202 5049 1388 0246 2210 6226 1209 9779 1851 9310 44000836377 01 To 03 4730 2319 2823 3512 9915 3161 5930 7386 3032 5155 0101215018595(2-45) 02 To 45 2948 5798 0207 9032 5101 2560 2922 9042 1958 57382022-01-20 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00017998ClosedKCT Request2022-01-20Kindly assist with the above-mentioned for the meter numbers below 1. 0101210042913 2. 0101210143240 3. 44000646958 4. 0101200103824 from 001 to 0033 then from 0033 to 001 Best Regards, Halima Mujtaba AbdulrahmanMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-20NoHello, Find below, 1. 0101210042913............is on TI 01 2. 0101210143240 3446 8645 3811 0305 3275 6491 5642 7281 1202 2235 3. 44000646958 3571 6481 8446 5959 4926 6286 8108 0751 9871 1470 4. 0101200103824 from 001 to 0033 then from 0033 to 001 01 To 33 2508 7085 1901 3250 6097 4298 4548 8635 4147 2723 33 To 01 4950 2177 3844 8054 4704 2545 6482 2752 8205 89702022-01-20 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017997ClosedRequest2022-01-20Please kindly treat MSN 54160993694Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-20NoHello, Find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 453830 Debt Repayment ₦101,004.69 ₦-81,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦4,004.69 M 2018-02-08 ₦16,000.00 2022-01-202022-01-20 mwuladi@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00017996ClosedKCT Request2022-01-200101170210930(34-22) Please kindly treat thank you.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-20NoFind below, 3549 9923 6918 0018 9834 3035 5138 3815 1268 41762022-01-20 ummilois2@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017995ClosedKCT Request2022-01-200101200025936 004 to 001 & 001 to 004 Please Sir help us with a KCT Thanks for your support.Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-20NoFind below, 04 To 01 2604 3013 2328 8216 2321 5528 5126 0735 4477 9082 01 To 04 3808 2793 1562 7501 3706 3313 1801 2167 8284 30982022-01-20 yakubaliyu82@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00017994ClosedKCT Request2022-01-20010117094858 Good day sir, please kindly vet the above MSN for tamper thank you.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-20NoKCT GENERATION from 01 to 45 01011900251022022-01-20 rolandjames750@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017993ClosedKCT Request2022-01-20KCT GENERATION from 01 to 45 0101190025102MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-20No0101190025102 01 To 45 0163 7521 5316 6700 2822 5820 5380 0260 3349 84182022-01-20 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017992ClosedKCT Request2022-01-200101215018595 Please kindly treat thank you.MediumIT Umar Auwal0000-00-00NoFind below. 0101215018595 01 To 45 1323 0045 3399 8588 8467 5763 3184 6975 3163 88572022-01-20 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017991Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00017990ClosedKCT Request2022-01-20Kindly Vette on these meters for support to assist 0101210071078 0101210076127 0101200002596 0101190151098 54161040891 0101210063729 0101210107039 0101190004396 0101210044828 0101210076440 0101210049314 0101210009730 0101170225896 54161022782 54161149486 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-20NoHello, Find below. 0101210071078 2144 3767 9164 0469 6616 0101210076127 5767 2515 6453 3442 3861 0101200002596 4335 1970 5097 8766 0091 0101190151098 2398 5410 3681 8561 4991 54161040891 0369 2982 3157 6619 4639 0101210063729 6213 5383 1739 3776 3979 0101210107039 4073 5424 6186 0060 0572 0101190004396 3315 4468 1777 6763 0590 0101210044828 2845 9453 5386 8409 0349 0101210076440 4622 4143 7786 8436 1011 0101210049314 Clear Tamper 0 7047 6967 4051 4136 7471 0101210009730 4623 8266 0820 3924 8314 0101170225896 6884 6842 7765 9584 7871 54161022782 1109 9305 2740 5416 9248 54161149486 Clear Tamper 0 6898 0411 0227 9962 80572022-01-20 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017989ClosedKCT Request2022-01-20Please assist with kct for this meter number from 46 to 33 95300185600MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-20NoFind below. 95300185600 01 To 33 3276 6785 3535 5458 0175 2766 7145 8521 2118 59302022-01-20 florarumun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017988ClosedKCT Request2022-01-20: REQUEST FOR KCT 44000629533MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-20NoFind below. 44000629533 No data available in table2022-01-20 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017987ClosedComplaint2022-01-20Dear support kindly generate CT for the following MSNos: 0101210086845,0101215016466, 0101170293969. Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-20NoFind below. 0101210086845, 3107 6565 2408 9576 7036 0101215016466, 0089 8039 8442 4981 2588 0101170293969. 2438 9340 0852 3666 5205 Regards.2022-01-20 rolandjames750@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017986ClosedKCT Request2022-01-20Good afternoon, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters. Thank you. Meter Numbers: 0101210003378 0101200106314 0101210040347 44000498541 0101190029146 44000540805MediumIT Umar Auwal0000-00-00NoFind below. 0101210003378 01 To 02 5433 6920 2326 7275 7288 3119 8109 8491 5705 6052 0101200106314 01 To 04 0578 2372 0862 8429 6981 3949 6378 8502 2687 5096 0101210040347 01 To 45 6379 2743 8828 3988 4868 3931 7133 1173 5835 5318 44000498541 01 To 33 6018 0513 2034 2584 1803 1574 9556 3009 5236 1721 0101190029146 01 To 04 2807 3462 9874 7081 7872 4211 2879 4231 5761 9816 44000540805 01 To 45 7370 0427 2264 6869 5644 5555 8639 0217 1999 65082022-01-20 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017985ClosedVending History2022-01-20vending historyMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-20NoHello, Find below. # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 8017164059180224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-12-27 08:56:42 Meter No.: 0101210179111 Account No.: 695635 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 27.37 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 2915 6625 0896 7116 2793 2 Transaction ID: 1967163973057124 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-12-17 09:42:51 Meter No.: 0101210179111 Account No.: 695635 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 36.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 4013 2363 0859 4792 4236 3 Transaction ID: 8096163834086924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-12-01 07:41:09 Meter No.: 0101210179111 Account No.: 695635 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 36.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 3177 0388 7895 3199 0586 4 Transaction ID: 7981163307564324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-10-01 09:07:23 Meter No.: 0101210179111 Account No.: 695635 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88 Energy Cost: ₦465.12 KwH: 9.12 Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 4732 6967 2891 7907 9089 5 Transaction ID: 8626163293346924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-09-29 17:37:49 Meter No.: 0101210179111 Account No.: 695635 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 27.37 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 1575 4535 6903 8397 3662 6 Transaction ID: 7761163177845424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-09-16 08:47:34 Meter No.: 0101210179111 Account No.: 695635 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 54.73 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 4065 4271 2896 3276 7516 7 Transaction ID: 2563162909923524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-08-16 08:33:55 Meter No.: 0101210179111 Account No.: 695635 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦5,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 8 Transaction ID: 2457162728471724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-07-26 08:31:57 Meter No.: 0101210179111 Account No.: 695635 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦5,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 9 Transaction ID: 6354162434726024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-06-22 08:34:20 Meter No.: 0101210179111 Account No.: 695635 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦6,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦6,000.00 10 Transaction ID: 4111162141008724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-19 08:41:27 Meter No.: 0101210179111 Account No.: 695635 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦4,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦4,000.002022-01-20 dogoreuben@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017984ClosedKCT Request2022-01-200101210179111MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-20NoFind below. 0101210179111 01 To 33 2612 8443 2833 1164 4270 2566 7157 7430 9272 70122022-01-20 dogoreuben@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017983ClosedKCT Request2022-01-20Dear it support, please kindly generate Kct Token following the meter number the meter is on 00022 0101161068958MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-20NoFind below. 0101161068958 01 To 45 5613 9507 3977 2793 4677 4629 3104 7871 5007 58042022-01-20 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017982ClosedKCT Request2022-01-20Please kindly assist. 44000654150 44000501682MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-20NoFind below. 44000654150 01 To 04 2564 5520 3796 5407 2824 1441 5894 3863 3679 6371 44000501682 01 To 04 7268 0761 2590 7888 4557 5745 3890 4443 0421 35642022-01-20 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017981ClosedRequest2022-01-20REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE- 54160861446MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-20NoFind below. 54160861446 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 421209 Debt Repayment ₦148,027.99 ₦-117,680.74 ₦2,000.00 ₦14,347.25 M 2018-01-19 ₦16,000.00 2022-01-13 Regards.2022-01-20 phartiemah12@gmail.comphartiemah12@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017980ClosedKCT Request2022-01-200101210182792 from 01MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-20NoFind below. 0101210182792 01 To 33 5987 0698 9442 4480 6959 3992 4687 3804 2018 34072022-01-20 dogoreuben@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017979ClosedKCT Request2022-01-200101210182792 from 01MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-20NoFind below. 0101210182792 01 To 33 5987 0698 9442 4480 6959 3992 4687 3804 2018 34072022-01-20 dogoreuben@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017978ClosedKCT Request2022-01-20Request for kct in respect of this account 44000474781 from 34 to 22MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-20NoFind below. 34 To 22 5475 2574 9898 3011 7125 5956 3669 7957 8797 95082022-01-20 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017977ClosedKCT Request2022-01-20Please sir kindly generate kct with the following meter number 95300150232. Thanks.MediumIT Umar Auwal0000-00-00NoFind below. 95300150232 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. Regards.2022-01-20 mauwalu143@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017976ClosedKCT Request2022-01-20REQUEST FOR KCT METER NO 0101210143596 ABEL ADAJIMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-20NoFind below. 0101210143596 01 To 45 2431 0106 0877 4696 3422 6490 0591 7297 5024 76962022-01-20 benmercyladi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017975ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2044000683480MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-20NoFind below. 44000683480 01 To 21 2476 1781 2876 0794 7445 4374 1487 2125 8374 57612022-01-20 samueldchun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017974ClosedKCT Request2022-01-20Kindly assist to generate kct for 0101210147795 Thanks AKOGWU ADA CCRM OTUKPOMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-20NoHello, 0101210147795...............is on TI 012022-01-20 akogwuada@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017973ClosedKCT Request2022-01-200101210182792 0001Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-20NoFind below, 5987 0698 9442 4480 6959 3992 4687 3804 2018 34072022-01-20 dogoreuben@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017972ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2044000541613 thanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-20NoFind below, 5375 5996 9127 0910 3088 1991 4365 3383 9929 01822022-01-20 beediesarah5@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017971ClosedKCT Request2022-01-20REQUEST FOR KCT - 44000675890 & 95300185048MediumIT Umar Auwal0000-00-00NoFind below. 44000675890 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 95300185048 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. Regards.2022-01-20 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017970ClosedKCT Request2022-01-20REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101210025124MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-20NoFind below. 0101210025124 01 To 45 6520 3114 3558 1884 3726 6545 9114 8636 2239 38812022-01-20 phartiemah12@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017969ClosedKCT Request2022-01-20Please kindly help me with KCT 44000672533 44000667673 44000540987 ThanksMedium 2022-01-20NoHello, Find below. 44000672533 01 To 21 2416 4229 6930 5690 6652 4438 9066 6463 6106 7259 44000667673 3196 2781 8434 2933 5073 4283 8920 6003 6119 1345 44000540987 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-01-20 sadeeqismail2020@gmail.com
#00017968ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2095300194743 from 45 to 33 95300190311 from 01 to 33 0101170180299 from 01 to 45 Regards CCRM, MakeriMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-20NoFind below. 95300194743 from 45 to 33 6842 0677 2021 7117 1633 3667 4346 1001 6819 2306 95300190311 from 01 to 33 01 To 33 3262 0615 1067 6012 9489 1698 9867 3924 9235 2975 0101170180299 from 01 to 45 01 To 45 4545 5441 0847 1720 3949 3143 2355 8933 8167 80612022-01-20 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017967ClosedKCT Request2022-01-20Request for KCT 44000642056MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-20NoFind below. 44000642056 01 To 21 6503 9580 0689 8590 1901 3631 8813 5354 2047 49432022-01-20 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017966ClosedKCT Request2022-01-200101200047609 thanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-20NoFind below. 0101200047609 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. Regards.2022-01-20 beediesarah5@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017965ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2095300185048MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-20NoPlease kindly treat MSN 44000633923 0101215025343(2-46)2022-01-20 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017964Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00017963ClosedKCT Request2022-01-20Please kindly treat MSN 44000633923 0101215025343(2-46)MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-20NoFind below. 44000633923 01 To 45 7293 5796 0750 5765 9408 6669 9692 4594 2581 8441 0101215025343 02 To 46 5451 6911 7437 3270 8079 0207 7480 4965 6479 50352022-01-20 Umar Auwal
#00017962ClosedKCT Request2022-01-200101170210930(4-34) Please kindly treat thank you.Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-20NoFind below, 4-34 2590 5182 2750 9934 1332 5838 1633 1261 2858 62302022-01-20 ummilois2@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017962ClosedKCT Request2022-01-200101170210930(4-34) Please kindly treat thank you.Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-20NoFind below, 4-34 2590 5182 2750 9934 1332 5838 1633 1261 2858 62302022-01-20 ummilois2@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017961ClosedRequest2022-01-20: REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE AND COLLECTION VALUE - 0101170129502MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-20NoFind below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 479518 Debt Repayment ₦111,974.51 ₦-18,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦77,974.51 M 2020-04-13 ₦16,000.00 2022-01-192022-01-20 Umar Auwal
#00017960Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00017959ClosedRequest2022-01-20: REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE AND COLLECTION VALUE - 0101170129502MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-20NoFind below. 0101170129502 5319 4969 8269 1717 7900 0371 6889 4459 3954 3631 Regards.2022-01-20 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017958ClosedKCT Request2022-01-20Request for kct in respect of this account 54160913957 from 01 to 21MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-20NoFind below. 54160913957 6679 7947 5000 3469 7559 4241 5485 0918 5392 92152022-01-20 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017957ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2054160973118. Good morning team please kindly treat thank you.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-20NoFind below. 54160973118 01 To 46 5280 9285 4702 4580 1256 3665 0878 4761 1762 46992022-01-20 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017956ClosedKCT Request2022-01-20Meter Numbers: 0101190153953 (71 to 01) 0101200039846 44000543601 44300013255MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-20NoFind below. 0101190153953 (71 to 01) 4722 2524 5408 9740 7989 6470 0762 5776 1051 2230 0101200039846 01 To 02 2604 7330 8695 4252 1787 6501 6977 9302 8523 3461 44000543601 01 To 21 6737 8084 1146 6391 7518 1437 3978 6199 7995 4327 44300013255 01 To 21 6416 5462 6185 9439 2377 6722 0422 3630 0711 60492022-01-20 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017955ClosedRequest2022-01-20Debt profile 0101185058126MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-20NoFind below. 0101185058126 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 621794148101 Debt Repayment ₦253,639.31 ₦-110,000.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦63,639.31 M 2017-03-04 ₦80,000.00 2022-01-202022-01-20 erdooshirsha@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017954ClosedKCT Request2022-01-200101215016128 From 37 to 0002 Thank u sirMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-20No0101215016128 01 To 02 4077 4336 3259 4278 7442 2999 4403 7970 9834 36752022-01-20 yusufibrahimbaba440@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017953ClosedKCT Request2022-01-20REQUEST FOR KCT: 44000674398Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-20Nofind below, 5040 5502 3617 4406 4400 6928 0046 3866 3093 45222022-01-20 samueldchun@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00017952ClosedKCT Request2022-01-20: KCT GENERATION 44300007083Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-20No2022-01-20 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00017951ClosedTamper Code2022-01-20Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper ‪0101200061428 ‪44000668846 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-20NoFind below. ‪0101200061428 3369 4297 4552 0166 0375 ‪44000668846 6227 0273 8981 4423 70862022-01-20 rolandjames750@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017950ClosedKCT Request2022-01-200101161006479MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-20NoFind below. 0101161006479 01 To 21 0918 6240 8573 2029 7767 3797 0733 0979 0561 70802022-01-20 johnny007emmanuel@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017949ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2044000654176Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-20NoFind below, 4216 4161 7481 6228 5414 7274 4824 3528 5515 50132022-01-20 florarumun@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017948ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2044000654176Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-20Nofind below, 4216 4161 7481 6228 5414 7274 4824 3528 5515 50132022-01-20 florarumun@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00017947ClosedTamper Code2022-01-2057100027440 0195000005296Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-19Nofind below, 57100027440 Clear Tamper 0 2350 8040 8727 8623 7518 0195000005296 Clear Tamper 0 6558 6959 4860 8194 89272022-01-20 longpuan@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00017946ClosedEvend Access2022-01-20Please find attached herewith new accounts on the above subject matter. T. Kelvin Kator (1519) CCRM SUPERVISOR JED PLC, GBOKO REGIONMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-20NoDear Sir. Aforementioned subject matter for your information. Regards.2022-01-20 toranyiinkator14@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017945ClosedTamper Code2022-01-20Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 54150624713 Thank you Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 54150624713 Thank youMedium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-20Nofind below, 54150624713 Clear Tamper 0 6407 1581 0565 4564 54312022-01-20 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00017944Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00017943In ProgressTamper Code2022-01-20Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 54150624713 Thank youMedium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-20Nofind below, 54150624713 Clear Tamper 0 6407 1581 0565 4564 54310000-00-00 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00017942ClosedKCT Request2022-01-20Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101190152286 0101200056972Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-20Nofind below, 0101190152286 Clear Tamper 0 6168 5638 0315 4520 9941 0101200056972 Clear Tamper 0 2327 8996 9348 8953 70452022-01-20 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00017941ClosedKCT Request2022-01-20KCT GENERATION 44000640191Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-20NoHello, Find below, 0525 0529 2710 9641 1086 3972 2563 4776 7462 92342022-01-20 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017940ClosedKCT Request2022-01-20Sir, kindly help generate KCT for this Meter No:-0101190153953... The Meter tariff no. is on (tariff 71) on pole while captured online is (tariff 01)... (1-71 & 71-1) Thank You and GOD Bless You SirMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-20NoFind below. 0101190153953 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2022-01-20 agboolaolamidetaiwo@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017939ClosedKCT Request2022-01-20Good morning sir! Kindly generate KCT number for this meter 44000605947. Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-20NoFind below. 44000605947 01 To 21 2231 0719 5875 8861 1838 3261 3885 5302 9189 95972022-01-20 malooms33@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017938ClosedKCT Request2022-01-20KCT GENERATION 57100073873MediumIT Umar Auwal0000-00-00NoFind below. 57100073873 01 To 45 4968 1285 6554 2641 4891 0936 2537 5718 5519 30652022-01-20 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017937ClosedSupport2022-01-20Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101210177818 0101170442178 0101170450239 0101170221713 0101210160574 0101170234385Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-20Nohello, find below, 0101210177818 Clear Tamper 0 1749 4155 2491 2990 7265 0101210177818 Clear Credit 0 3940 7939 0005 3520 6766 0101170442178 Clear Tamper 0 5766 8324 3385 8908 1733 0101170442178 Clear Credit 0 0231 3011 0183 8159 9034 0101170450239 Clear Tamper 0 6098 3321 0837 1556 7980 0101170450239 Clear Credit 0 0749 6329 7767 6001 6249 0101170221713 Clear Tamper 0 2747 5797 0876 6684 0579 0101170221713 Clear Credit 0 6495 8916 9636 9294 7684 0101210160574 Clear Tamper 0 2275 7903 4197 7151 1002 0101210160574 Clear Credit 0 0177 9395 9928 7655 2969 0101170234385 Clear Tamper 0 2791 0268 4798 5958 2932 0101170234385 Clear Credit 0 2039 9419 2620 9276 92052022-01-20 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00017936ClosedKCT Request2022-01-200101170266155MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-20NoHello, Find below. 0101215015484 02 To 21 6012 8374 2069 4531 4961 1428 9142 4088 9609 7012 Regards.2022-01-20 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017935ClosedKCT Request2022-01-20Pls kindly help me generate kct for this meter number 0101215015484 is in code, thanks sir.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-20NoHello, Find below. 0101215015484 Regards.2022-01-20 joshyohan71@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017934ClosedKCT Request2022-01-20Good morning team, Please kindly treat MSN 0101200044572MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-20NoFind below. 0101200044572 01 To 04 2264 1931 9772 9722 8529 6744 6805 8946 2155 29712022-01-20 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00017933ClosedKCT Request2022-01-20Good morning sir/ma. Please assist with kct for this meter number 44000667798 Best regardsMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-20NoFind below. 44000667798 01 To 21 2999 5512 3726 9761 7240 7202 2100 2519 0581 5737 Regards.2022-01-20 florarumun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017932ClosedKCT Request2022-01-200101170215871MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-20NoFind below. 0101170215871 01 To 21 4834 0744 1893 5063 7154 7097 8212 0579 0313 30262022-01-20 ismailbalaonline@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017931ClosedKCT Request2022-01-200101170266155 44000393072MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-20NoHello, Find below. 0101170266155 01 To 21 1159 9836 6869 0696 0859 7284 0045 7836 6735 4979 44000393072 01 To 21 6561 4412 7769 1570 5935 6054 8313 1100 9647 7365 Regards.2022-01-20 Umar Auwal
#00017930ClosedKCT Request2022-01-20Good morning sir. Kindly assist. 0101215015484 Thank sir.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-20NoFind below. 0101215015484 01 To 21 1583 9477 8935 3220 7767 2247 3454 5117 1276 06952022-01-27 hamisumusa401@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017929ClosedKCT Request2022-01-20Good morning sir. Kindly assist. 0101215015484 Thank sir.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-20Nohello, please note that this request has been sent already and been treated. Regards.2022-01-20 hamisumusa401@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017928ClosedRequest2022-01-20This customer has purchased token through Bank App and was not remitted. NAME: Nimdam Kunbin METER: 54160878119 BANK ACCOUNT: 3084502932 DATE OF TRANSACTION: 15/1/2022 AMOUNT: 5,000 BANK NAME: First BankMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-20Nofind below, Transaction ID: 4247164222424724 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-01-15 06:24:07 Meter No.: 54160878119 Account No.: 572456 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 88.21 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 2811 4876 2976 7570 08632022-01-20 samueldchun@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017927ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2095300231107 010117070194 Thank youHighIT Umar Auwal2022-01-20NoFind below. 95300231107 01 To 34 1704 1640 1727 6989 2635 3088 3759 2251 2127 7405 0101170701942022-01-20 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017926ClosedKCT Request2022-01-20kindly help me generate kct for this meter number 0101215015484 is in code, thanks sir.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri0000-00-00Nofind below, 6012 8374 2069 4531 4961 1428 9142 4088 9609 70122022-01-20 joshyohan71@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017925ClosedKCT Request2022-01-200101170215871Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-20Nofind below, 4834 0744 1893 5063 7154 7097 8212 0579 0313 30262022-01-20 ismailbalaonline@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017924ClosedRequest2022-01-20I Aishatu Mohammed Giwa with staff ID 3739 (Account Dept, West/Mines Office) request for EMS portal be opened for me to enable me have access to apply for my leave and others. Thanks in anticipationMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-20Nohello, please note that this mail should be sent to HR Unit.2022-01-20 giwaaishatu@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017923ClosedKCT Request2022-01-20Good morning sir! Kindly generate KCT number for this meter 44000605947. Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri0000-00-00Nohello, find below, 2231 0719 5875 8861 1838 3261 3885 5302 9189 95972022-01-20 malooms33@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017922ClosedKCT Request2022-01-20Good morning sir! Kindly generate KCT number for this meter 44000605947. Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-20Nohello, find below, 01-71 55077099738561443751 66039513490477374633 71-01 15554362665191811140 58847418770446982141 71-01 15554362665191811140 588474187704469821412022-01-20 agboolaolamidetaiwo@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017921ClosedKCT Request2022-01-200101161006479Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-20Nohello, find below, 0918 6240 8573 2029 7767 3797 0733 0979 0561 70802022-01-20 johnny007emmanuel@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017920ClosedKCT Request2022-01-20KCT GENERATION 44000575603Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-20NoFind below, 3536 5646 1123 6343 6119 4166 3523 4434 1074 68482022-01-20 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00017919ClosedKCT Request2022-01-200150000887938Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-19NoHello, 0150000887938.............is also on TI 222022-01-20 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017918ClosedTamper Code2022-01-20Kindly vette in this meter for support to generate tamper 44000682003Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-17No0150000893126 From 2 To T21 Abubakar Bappa CCRM Officer.2022-01-20 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00017917ClosedKCT Request2022-01-200150000893126 From 2 To T21 Abubakar Bappa CCRM Officer.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-20NoHello, Find below, 6614 2921 3784 8285 7707 7259 5777 4503 9456 38422022-01-20 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017916ClosedKCT Request2022-01-20Hello. Please kindly assist. 0150000888464 Thanks.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-20NoHello, Find below, 0815 0726 2620 2732 9099 5928 4553 0284 3089 96382022-01-20 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017915ClosedKCT Request2022-01-200101210025124 Please Sir help us with a KCT. Thanks for your support.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-20NoHello, Find below, 6520 3114 3558 1884 3726 6545 9114 8636 2239 38812022-01-20 yakubaliyu82@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017914ClosedKCT Request2022-01-200101200026249 kct 21 to 01 / 01 to 21Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-20NoHello, Find below, 21 To 01 2560 6669 5538 9439 7127 4807 5855 2328 0029 6834 01 To 21 3793 9983 7171 8709 3885 0818 2100 9873 1901 26552022-01-20 shuaibumuhammad629@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017913ClosedTamper Code2022-01-20Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101200061428 44000668846Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-20NoHello, Find below, 0101200061428 Clear Tamper 0 3836 2704 3879 9762 09142022-01-20 rolandjames750@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017912ClosedKCT Request2022-01-20Good morning sir 0101170303594 thanksMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-20NoFind below, 5969 7072 1297 2082 2955 0947 2015 8656 3447 04872022-01-20 beediesarah5@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017912ClosedKCT Request2022-01-20Good morning sir 0101170303594 thanksMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-20NoFind below, 5969 7072 1297 2082 2955 0947 2015 8656 3447 04872022-01-20 beediesarah5@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017911ClosedKCT Request2022-01-20KCt 54160898620 it has reject all the KCT generate even the last one tarrif index is 03Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-20NoHello, Try this, 01 To 11 0807 1432 7293 8533 5736 0863 4071 6809 8922 63922022-01-20 udahmathew@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017911ClosedKCT Request2022-01-20KCt 54160898620 it has reject all the KCT generate even the last one tarrif index is 03Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-20NoHello, Try this, 01 To 11 0807 1432 7293 8533 5736 0863 4071 6809 8922 63922022-01-20 udahmathew@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017910ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2044300015490 44300006184 44300008784 44300000310 44000617926 Thank youMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-20NoFind below, 44300015490 44300006184 The above meters are wrong or not captured. 44300008784 1784 2777 0235 6107 1547 6877 8642 4716 7403 6423 44300000310 0982 8964 9422 5142 7774 5548 8105 7496 0390 5496 44000617926 7209 6071 2167 7679 8596 3122 6474 8257 2106 34362022-01-20 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017910ClosedKCT Request2022-01-2044300015490 44300006184 44300008784 44300000310 44000617926 Thank youMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-20NoFind below, 44300015490 44300006184 The above meters are wrong or not captured. 44300008784 1784 2777 0235 6107 1547 6877 8642 4716 7403 6423 44300000310 0982 8964 9422 5142 7774 5548 8105 7496 0390 5496 44000617926 7209 6071 2167 7679 8596 3122 6474 8257 2106 34362022-01-20 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017909ClosedKCT Request2022-01-20: 0101170215871Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-20NoFind below, 4834 0744 1893 5063 7154 7097 8212 0579 0313 30262022-01-20 kabirukhalidumar@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017909ClosedKCT Request2022-01-20: 0101170215871Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-20NoFind below, 4834 0744 1893 5063 7154 7097 8212 0579 0313 30262022-01-20 kabirukhalidumar@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017908ClosedKCT Request2022-01-180101210031601 thanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-18NoHello, Find below, 5414 5998 7690 9715 4567 6880 4056 7407 2918 09532022-01-18 beediesarah5@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017907ClosedTamper Code2022-01-18Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 44000388072 Thank youMedium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-18Nohello, find below, 44000388072 Clear Tamper 0 3775 6519 0243 8919 73012022-01-18 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00017906ClosedKCT Request2022-01-18Request for KCT 0101210042210MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-18NoHello, Find below. 0101210042210 01 To 21 2905 5046 7414 1789 9102 5566 0965 5394 1959 92032022-01-18 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017905ClosedKCT Request2022-01-18Request for KCT 0101210042210Medium3846 Isah Abubakar0000-00-00NoHello, Find below, 2905 5046 7414 1789 9102 5566 0965 5394 1959 92032022-01-18 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017904Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00017903ClosedKCT Request2022-01-18Please kindly generate kct 44000528081 54161006587 from 21 to 33 57100053289 from 21 0101200023014 44000555944 44000642544 44000638401 44000638278 95300185477MediumIT Umar Auwal0000-00-00NoFind below. Please kindly generate kct 44000528081 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 54161006587 from 21 to 33 21 To 33 3309 2274 4045 8528 1471 5996 8220 4620 9547 4630 57100053289 from 21 21 To 45 0272 5832 1805 4974 5994 5959 7442 9813 0911 4046 0101200023014 04 To 01 1866 2596 9358 4817 5482 3659 9382 8114 3140 0288 44000555944 01 To 21 4491 4479 2142 7080 9520 4879 0716 7579 4085 9071 44000642544 01 To 21 4280 8449 6768 1245 7350 6132 6482 4836 8117 1327 44000638401 01 To 45 0806 3186 7576 7424 8527 1037 9897 4493 2505 6575 44000638278 01 To 02 0346 7072 5710 6096 3329 3752 2934 9945 5873 9012 95300185477 01 To 45 3882 1219 3640 0169 8505 7078 6869 0883 1957 94872022-01-18 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017902ClosedKCT Request2022-01-18Dear sir, Please assist with kct generation: 54161146219 Thank you.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-18Nofind below, 3619 6582 1806 5250 5110 0329 6796 2100 4903 51102022-01-18 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017901ClosedKCT Request2022-01-180101210031601 thanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-18Nofind below, 5414 5998 7690 9715 4567 6880 4056 7407 2918 09532022-01-18 beediesarah5@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017900ClosedKCT Request2022-01-18Kindly Assist us with SGC of the following PPM Numbers 62521036707 62521027557 62521011908 62521036897 ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-18Nohello, find below, 62521036707 02503600415540753715 15918464556573681892 62521027557 11015707040597614218 70011694722140904555 62521011908 11005883362202443229 28144931492295425628 62521036897 68417705981820354077 398312654449182971722022-01-18 thompsontor@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017899ClosedKCT Request2022-01-18Dear IT Support Team, Kindly furnish us with KCT for the following meters; 62420217275 TI 01-21 01351691850 ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-18Nohello, find below, 62420217275 TI 01-21 0737 2342 8540 4040 4747 3270 2665 4292 3086 6363 01351691850 0355 6738 0718 7004 6668 6045 0269 9047 1839 52592022-01-18 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017898ClosedKCT Request2022-01-18Dear IT Support Team, Kindly furnish us with KCT for the following meters; 62420217275 TI 01-21 01351691850Medium3846 Isah Abubakar0000-00-00NoHello, Find below, 62420217275 TI 01-21 0737 2342 8540 4040 4747 3270 2665 4292 3086 6363 01351691850 0355 6738 0718 7004 6668 6045 0269 9047 1839 52592022-01-18 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00017897ClosedKCT Request2022-01-1895300211109 tariff is on 47MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-18NoFind below. 95300211109 47 To 45 6311 5368 9450 9342 3001 3410 9058 3302 6352 49002022-01-18 ismailbalaonline@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017896ClosedKCT Request2022-01-18Good morning sir. Kindly assist. 0101170399709 44000675924 Thank sir.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-18NoFind below. 0101170399709 01 To 21 1382 0128 9748 3555 2432 2773 5432 1346 9584 9585 44000675924 01 To 21 0159 6090 4120 1035 6419 4003 5974 9088 7162 81332022-01-18 hamisumusa401@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017895ClosedKCT Request2022-01-18Dear sir Please can you assist us with the KCT of the following meters A) 44000641009 B) 44000684108 C) 44000688968MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-18NoFind below., 44000641009 3962 0412 2766 5971 1242 1445 4668 0288 7988 7439 44000684108 01 To 21 1320 3015 5587 3929 9169 7121 9652 2684 4919 4688 44000688968 01 To 21 0891 2319 1631 4205 7202 2344 8836 4408 3683 27892022-01-18 samueldchun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017894ClosedKCT Request2022-01-1844000618007 from 21-33MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-18NoFind below. 44000618007 01 To 33 4291 7331 5730 9472 0977 4108 3534 2960 1293 36952022-01-18 beediesarah5@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017893ClosedKCT Request2022-01-18KCT request - 44000556256MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-18NoFind below. 44000556256 01 To 21 6769 6783 4333 7004 8327 1028 5959 5106 6571 26952022-01-18 stynlucs@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00017892ClosedKCT Request2022-01-180150000912488MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-18NoHello, Find below. 01 To 21 1045 3824 2824 1862 1686 3083 2934 6361 7092 9976 Regards.2022-01-18 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017891ClosedKCT Request2022-01-180150000912488MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-18NoFind below. 01 To 21 1045 3824 2824 1862 1686 3083 2934 6361 7092 99762022-01-18 Umar Auwal
#00017890ClosedRequest2022-01-18Subject: Debt profile please 0101170457531 debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-18NoFind below. Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 425989 Debt Repayment ₦85,766.06 ₦0.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦69,766.06 M 2020-12-31 ₦16,000.00 2022-01-082022-01-18 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017889ClosedRequest2022-01-180101170457531 debt profileMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-18NoFind below. 0101170457531 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. Regards.2022-01-18 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017888ClosedKCT Request2022-01-18Dear sir Please can you assist us with the KCT of this meter number 44000540862 Thank you sir Samuel D. ChunMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-18NoFind below. 44000540862 01 To 21 0293 8245 7366 1760 5927 7279 1476 6059 9072 55282022-01-18 samueldchun@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017887ClosedKCT Request2022-01-18Good morning sir, Please kindly assist me with the KCT of these customers 44000634673 44000623569 44000634566 Thank youMedium3846 Isah Abubakar0000-00-00NoFind below, 44000634673 5185 1000 8160 1265 6936 0542 5614 4267 2581 1114 44000623569 1000 3618 3871 1023 3392 3403 1768 4449 1234 1353 44000634566 1747 1040 3949 1356 9599 1756 8644 3159 1983 9046 Find below, 44000634673 5185 1000 8160 1265 6936 0542 5614 4267 2581 1114 44000623569 1000 3618 3871 1023 3392 3403 1768 4449 1234 1353 44000634566 1747 1040 3949 1356 9599 1756 8644 3159 1983 90462022-01-18 delukosam@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017886ClosedKCT Request2022-01-18Dear sir, Please assist with this kct generation: 44000401495 Thank you.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-18NoFind below, 1511 4855 3062 7444 0415 1045 5006 7781 6524 45912022-01-18 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017885Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00017884ClosedKCT Request2022-01-18Good morning sir 95300217189 ThanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-18NoFind below, 2713 7026 2904 7921 6402 2975 6747 6717 0202 91852022-01-18 beediesarah5@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017883ClosedKCT Request2022-01-18Please kindly send me the kct for this meter number below 0101200103196Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-18NoFind below, 4161 4654 6236 2646 8661 1979 5777 4828 1480 3652 Regards.2022-01-18 umarmacy@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017882Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00017881ClosedKCT Request2022-01-180150000905862 0150000879679 (FROM 02 TO CURRENT TARIFF)Medium3846 Isah Abubakar0000-00-00NoHello, Find below, 0150000905862 3282 6053 0395 8751 9642 1245 4961 6700 9766 4986 0150000879679 (FROM 02 TO CURRENT TARIFF) 3332 9020 4605 8082 7144 6691 6425 5913 7945 38392022-01-18 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017880ClosedKCT Request2022-01-18KCT GENERATION from 45 to 33 0101210165011Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-18NoFind below, 3767 1771 9581 0599 9565 4859 3718 9791 6773 4245 Regards.2022-01-18 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017879ClosedKCT Request2022-01-18Dead IT, Kindly generate kct 44000394682 0101200023832 0101215007192 Thank you.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-18Nofind below, 44000394682 4409 7243 1251 5109 5014 2132 4644 8772 2353 4492 0101200023832 5548 1846 8758 2803 0599 6660 3369 3507 7735 4711 0101215007192 1558 6138 9496 1451 6362 1353 1271 3615 7608 81682022-01-18 bamangalk@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017878ClosedKCT Request2022-01-18Request for KCT 44000401495Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-18NoFind below, 1511 4855 3062 7444 0415 1045 5006 7781 6524 45912022-01-18 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017877ClosedKCT Request2022-01-18KCT request - 44000556256Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-18Nofind below, 6769 6783 4333 7004 8327 1028 5959 5106 6571 26952022-01-18 stynlucs@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017876ClosedKCT Request2022-01-18KICT request - 010119001798Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-18Nohello, wrong meter number or not captured2022-01-18 stynlucs@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017875ClosedKCT Request2022-01-180101210152167Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-18Nofind below, 4577 1669 7557 3481 4365 3481 0022 4384 3325 93722022-01-18 Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017874ClosedKCT Request2022-01-18Please sir kindly generate kct with the following meter numbers 44000682029 44000392363 44000694172. Thanks.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-18Nofind below, 44000682029 64860220106580698796 57466959246595120086 44000392363 1442 8489 4101 3216 9837 3870 3026 7312 5786 0491 44000694172 6177 3133 4151 7066 9841 2393 0418 4568 0144 6779 Regards.2022-01-18 mauwalu143@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017873ClosedKCT Request2022-01-18Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 44000642106 Thank youMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-17NoHello, Find below, 44000642106 Clear Tamper 0 0052 5696 6148 4924 58392022-01-18 rolandjames750@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017872ClosedKCT Request2022-01-180101210152167Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-18NoFind below, 4577 1669 7557 3481 4365 3481 0022 4384 3325 93722022-01-18 kabirukhalidumar@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017871ClosedKCT Request2022-01-18Dear Support, Kindly provide KCT for the meter Numbers below 0101195003344 ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-18Nofind below, 0506 2658 1448 3617 3712 3360 6281 7319 7302 99862022-01-18 mubby247@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017870ClosedKCT Request2022-01-18Dear Support, Kindly provide KCT for the meter Numbers below 0101195003344 ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-18Nofind below, 0506 2658 1448 3617 3712 3360 6281 7319 7302 99862022-01-18 mubby247@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017869ClosedKCT Request2022-01-18REQUEST FOR KCT 44000672251Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-18Nofind below, 3462 4762 4214 7909 8301 6621 3676 8473 9571 26342022-01-18 wyontochae@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017868ClosedKCT Request2022-01-18Dear IT Pls Kindly help us generate the kct of 0101200012512 ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-18Nofind below, 6363 0469 9446 0641 6936 2276 7527 5900 6535 6162 Regards.2022-01-18 munirishaqjos@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017867ClosedKCT Request2022-01-18Support, Pls treat. Thanks. On Mon, Jan 17, 2022 at 4:56 PM Sarah Beedie wrote: 0195000001469 ThanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-18NoOn Mon, Jan 17, 2022 at 4:56 PM Sarah Beedie wrote: 0195000001469 Thanks2022-01-18 rolandjames750@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017866ClosedKCT Request2022-01-1844000543635 from 01 to 21Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-18NoFind below, 2372 7471 5845 8783 3465 2810 3891 6828 7678 7324 Regards.2022-01-18 stynlucs@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00017865ClosedKCT Request2022-01-1844000543635 from 01 to 21Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-18Nofind below, 6684 6760 4299 9066 3602 4874 9658 1161 5564 32262022-01-18 uduhaleje@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017864Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00017863ClosedKCT Request2022-01-18KCT request - 44000414597Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-18NoFind below, 0813 8679 0752 4108 6700 4337 5610 9782 4845 8083 Regards.2022-01-18 stynlucs@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00017862ClosedKCT Request2022-01-18Please sir kindly generate kct with the following meter 44000694172. ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-18Nofind below, 6177 3133 4151 7066 9841 2393 0418 4568 0144 67792022-01-18 mauwalu143@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017861ClosedKCT Request2022-01-18didiwochrisnami24@gmail.comMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-18NoFind below, 5773 0725 1159 1543 3481 2112 8039 7336 7706 92372022-01-18 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017860ClosedKCT Request2022-01-18Please kindly help us generate the kct of 44000331817 the tariff is 0001Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-18Nohello, This meter is a Single-phase residential (01) on our system no KCT required2022-01-18 munirishaqjos@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017859ClosedKCT Request2022-01-18Dear sir, Please help the generate the below kct no: 0101210115016 Thank you.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-18NoFind below, 4368 1188 0696 4146 2642 4212 8589 6812 4753 48702022-01-18 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017858ClosedKCT Request2022-01-1844000450104 01 To 34Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-18Nofind below, 62216171696192942251 040378362473655200282022-01-18 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017857ClosedKCT Request2022-01-18REQUEST FOR KCT: 44000690162Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-18NoFind below, 4272 8291 0985 2110 0244 6367 2522 4585 0615 6166 Regards.2022-01-18 samueldchun@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017856ClosedKCT Request2022-01-18KCT request - 44000419240Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-18NoFind below, 6160 7455 2595 8488 8915 2808 1017 2712 1274 43842022-01-18 stynlucs@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00017855ClosedKCT Request2022-01-18Good day sir, Please help generate kct for this meter 0101210041725 from 001 to 0021 Thank youMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-18NoHello, Find below, 2419 6901 1388 3715 6664 1231 6225 2360 1596 30742022-01-18 mosesjokotoye7@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017854ClosedKCT Request2022-01-170150000887839 89: 2 90: 600341 Abubakar Bappa CCRM Officer.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri0000-00-00Noplease note that if you are sending SGC kct you kindly specify, and if its normal KCT then send it to our IT liaison officer in bauchi. 63290892169869648701 141772993608678493342022-01-17 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017853ClosedKCT Request2022-01-1744000636108 need KCT from 01 to 21Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-17Nofind below, 7316 2749 0045 4556 8644 2538 1190 9101 8460 14002022-01-17 Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017852ClosedKCT Request2022-01-1744000636108 need KCT from 01 to 21MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-17NoFind below. 01 To 21 7316 2749 0045 4556 8644 2538 1190 9101 8460 14002022-01-17 elijah.ishaya@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017851ClosedKCT Request2022-01-170150000914013 89:2 90:600419 Abubakar Bappa CCRM Officer. Customer Care Relationship Management. JED Plc, Bauchi Region.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-17NoHello, Find below, 6712 7568 3526 1744 9105 2747 0633 9083 7909 90992022-01-17 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017850ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17: KCT 0101200038160MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-17NoHello, Find below. 0101200038160 01 To 04 3833 3529 0193 2206 7418 7010 5310 3102 0819 82822022-01-17 ibrahiminuwabk@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017849ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17Please kindly help me with a kct number of this meter 01011790255059Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-17Nohello, This meter is a Single-phase residential (01) on our system no KCT requires, hence they may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2022-01-17 shehumyusuf51@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017848ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17Dear sir, Please assist with this kct no: 44000528115 Thank you.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-17Nofind below, 2088 0144 4294 0391 1668 5384 3746 2508 8982 63732022-01-17 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017847ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17Please kindly help me with a kct number of this meter 44000555589Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-17Nofind below, 3636 1420 5312 7552 9159 6101 9783 5119 3159 41842022-01-17 shehumyusuf51@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017846ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17Dear sir, Please assist with this kct no: 44000528115 Thank you.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-17NoFind below, 2088 0144 4294 0391 1668 5384 3746 2508 8982 63732022-01-17 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017845ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17Kindly generate kct for this meter 010190140851 2to1to2 thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-17Nowhile sending meter number kindly be guided. This meter is a Single-phase residential (01) on our system no KCT requires, hence they may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2022-01-17 yahuzaabdullahi127@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017844ClosedKCT Request2022-01-170101215007838(2-4) Please kindly treat thank you.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-17NoPlease kindly help me with a kct number of this meter 440005555892022-01-17 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017843ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17Please kindly help me with a kct number of this meter 44000555589MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-17NoFind below. 01 To 03 3636 1420 5312 7552 9159 6101 9783 5119 3159 41842022-01-17 shehumyusuf51@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017842ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17Kindly generate kct for this meter 010190140851 2to1to2 thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-17NoFind below. 010190140851 No data available in table2022-01-17 yahuzaabdullahi127@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017841ClosedOutstanding Balance2022-01-17: DEBT STATUS: 54161170037 & 54150623111MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-17NoFind below. A) 54161170037 B) No data available in table B) 54150623111 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6573055782-01 Debt Repayment ₦365,847.73 ₦-82,500.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦273,347.73 M 2018-03-14 ₦10,000.00 2021-10-292022-01-17 samueldchun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017840ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17: Good afternoon sir,KCT from 1TO2 AND 2TO1MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-17NoFind below. 0101170293647 01 To 02 0438 7042 3097 2918 9759 3413 5577 9219 7963 41772022-01-17 tundeolale@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017839ClosedKCT Request2022-01-170101210019770 001 to 045 & 045 to 001 Please Sir help us with a KCT Thanks for your support.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-17NoFind blow. 0101210019770 01 To 45 6082 4621 3421 1461 7806 3235 7203 8600 6745 7723 45 To 01 7119 1877 8423 2024 1256 1846 9505 5007 0501 69152022-01-17 yakubaliyu82@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017838ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17Request for KCT from 2-1 and 1-2 0101200073787MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-17NoFind below. 0101200073787 02 To 01 1509 3706 5984 7070 7624 2744 0358 5791 1302 7248 01 To 02 3440 2254 4670 3724 2080 3379 6630 5727 6349 79692022-01-17 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017837ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17Hello, Good afternoon, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters. Thank you. Meter Numbers: 0101210065567 44000537330 (01 to 03) 0101190152112 (08 to 01 and 01 to 08) 0101215008901 (02 to 08)MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-17NoFind below. 0101210065567 01 To 02 4509 8494 9245 0683 3118 0204 0549 9631 2266 3650 44000537330 (01 to 03) 01 To 03 0790 5073 7671 6449 9361 6789 6288 3685 7773 6961 0101190152112 (08 to 01 and 01 to 08) 01 To 08 0693 0075 6148 0994 1488 1585 6467 0232 2421 6522 08 To 01 6298 1644 7062 1939 3734 1358 5084 6523 6599 3588 0101215008901 (02 to 08) 02 To 08 3457 8131 4553 0208 4863 7018 7273 4012 9944 16602022-01-17 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017836ClosedEvend Access2022-01-17MIGRATION OF ACCOUNTS TO E-VENDMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-17Nohello, your mail has been treated.2022-01-17 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017835ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17Request for KCT from 2-1 and 1-2 0101200073787MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-17NoFind below. 0101200073787 02 To 01 1509 3706 5984 7070 7624 2744 0358 5791 1302 7248 01 To 02 3440 2254 4670 3724 2080 3379 6630 5727 6349 79692022-01-17 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017834ClosedRequest2022-01-17REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPERMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-17Noplease send this request to our It liaison officer in bauchi. Regards. Abbas Muhammad Guri IT Support Officer Jos Electricity Distribution Plc HQ2022-01-17 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017833ClosedRequest2022-01-17Kindly furnish us with CTT for the customer whose document is attached herein for your reference pleaseMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-17Nofind below, 0101210125981 Clear Tamper 0 5222 9114 5722 5510 61432022-01-17 mujtabaumar01@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017832ClosedTamper Code2022-01-170195000005288 thanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-17Nofind below, 0195000005288 Clear Tamper 0 3338 0159 6725 7845 99102022-01-17 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017831ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17Hello good afternoon sir please kindly generate KCT to this meter 0101210131708 from 21 to 45Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-17Nofind below, 0379 0485 6357 4481 4257 2155 5462 9641 0626 08662022-01-17 onceinlife6464@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017830ClosedRequest2022-01-17Request for CTT-0101215008729Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-17Nofind below, 0101215008729 Clear Tamper 0 6554 5431 0107 9379 87932022-01-17 ibrahimkabir215@yahoo.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00017829ClosedTamper Code2022-01-1744000555985Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-17Nofind below, 44000555985 Clear Tamper 0 5222 3029 7545 9696 31082022-01-17 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00017828ClosedKCT Request2022-01-1754161067480 54150604301 0101210026007 0101210030165 0101200023014 0101215030632 0101170182998Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-17Nofind below, 54161067480 7306 8211 2198 1685 9967 0134 8138 7621 0506 0386 54150604301 4148 5000 1249 5191 8614 7022 3665 5782 2653 2826 0101210026007 This meter is a Single-phase residential (01) on our system no KCT requires, hence they may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. 0101210030165 5332 3497 4163 9662 5718 3600 6228 9037 5670 5863 0101200023014 This meter is a Single-phase residential (01) on our system no KCT requires, hence they may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. 0101215030632 6647 6801 4190 6874 5572 4198 5715 4857 9498 58512022-01-17 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00017827ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17KCT GENERATION 95300225083Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-17Nofind below, 6650 4702 2744 3174 1655 3071 4666 0883 5853 41662022-01-17 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00017826ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17REQUEST FOR KCT - 57100016179Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-17Nofind below, 5339 4252 0617 8735 9626 1530 6389 0840 0713 51772022-01-17 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00017825ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17kindly assist to generate KCT for 0101210189458 thanks kindly assist to generate KCT for 0101210189458 thanksMedium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-17Nofind below, 4682 2763 9749 6721 5605 4970 0303 9010 0625 71852022-01-17 yinknuga2002@yahoo.co.uk Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00017824ClosedTamper Code2022-01-17Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101200065072 0101190147245 Thank youMedium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-17Nofind below, 0101200065072 Clear Tamper 0 6120 6503 7984 3217 2586 0101190147245 Clear Tamper 0 2938 1989 8498 6576 20432022-01-17 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00017823ClosedKCT Request2022-01-1754161067480Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-17Nofind below, 5994 7476 5458 2714 3287 6895 9842 5259 8094 92312022-01-17 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00017822ClosedRequest2022-01-17REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE AND COLLECTION VALUE - 0101161019548Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-17Nofind below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6582111720-01 Debt Repayment ₦276,507.41 ₦-14,085.27 ₦2,000.00 ₦250,422.14 M 2019-01-16 ₦12,000.00 2021-11-052022-01-17 longpuan@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017821Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00017820ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17REQUEST FOR KCT - 44000553816Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-17Nofind below, 4652 2774 2769 1334 2365 5698 0408 1520 9358 53382022-01-17 Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00017819ClosedVending History2022-01-17Good afternoon sir! Kindly generate vending history of this meter 57100024959. Thank you very muchMedium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-17Nohello, wrong meter number or not captured.2022-01-17 malooms33@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00017818ClosedKCT Request2022-01-1795300196706 thanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-17Nofind below, 3080 5960 3158 1460 0985 2985 2214 1287 4779 42872022-01-17 beediesarah5@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017817ClosedKCT Request2022-01-170101205005917 01 to 033 and 033 to 01 Thank sir.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri0000-00-00Nofind below, 33 To 01 4760 3614 5060 3393 2796 3984 8130 9745 5114 7088 01 To 33 0968 6011 8810 9413 3078 7166 7793 6270 8883 81042022-01-17 hamisumusa401@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017816ClosedRequest2022-01-17Dear IT Support Team, Kindly avail us with information for the following meters; 54160974975 54160951437 Best Regards. Timothy Tersoo A. CCRM Executive, Jos Electricity Distribution Plc., Makurdi Region. +2347083874905Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-17Nofind below, 54160974975 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 483811 Debt Repayment ₦84,353.15 ₦-32,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦36,353.15 M 2019-08-03 ₦16,000.00 2022-01-17 54160951437 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6218252385-01 Debt Repayment ₦223,263.57 ₦-40,000.00 ₦2,000.00 ₦183,263.57 M 2020-02-10 ₦0.00 2021-05-31 Regards.2022-01-17 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017815ClosedKCT Request2022-01-1744000675411 need KCT from 01 to 33Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri0000-00-00Nofind below, 2971 9818 0594 9806 1946 1509 9044 2979 8528 4963 Regards.2022-01-17 elijah.ishaya@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017814ClosedTamper Code2022-01-17Please kindly help me with a tamper code of this meters 0101170148825 0101210180960 0101200079089 0101215001617 0101190141206 0101200020471 0101205005917 0101200072698 0101210045247 0101200158422 0101200093603 0101190021713 0101190038568 0101190132387 0101210028250 0101200060834 0101170149534 0101210090961 0101210081093 0101210042541 0101161040841 0101200026884 54160925845 44000638666 0101215005899 0101170255059 54160854821 0101205010230 0101205013523 0101215024841 0101170286146 0101210036105 0101200100721 0101190029674 0101190025979 0101200103659 0101160055774 0101210066482 0101210035974 0101160355067 0101170385575 44000543601 44000674828 0101170428813Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-17Nohello, find below, 0101170148825 Clear Tamper 0 5392 4562 5834 8491 4416 0101210180960 0101200079089 0101215001617 Clear Tamper 0 2300 3279 0353 8163 3734 0101190141206 Clear Tamper 0 2222 1387 5046 1472 3044 0101200020471 0101205005917 Clear Tamper 0 0551 5842 0077 0550 9136 0101200072698 Clear Tamper 0 3935 8837 6454 5474 8440 0101210045247 Clear Tamper 0 4587 6937 2211 9135 0274 0101200158422 0101200093603 Clear Tamper 0 2208 6703 0269 6543 8335 0101190021713 Clear Tamper 0 5530 2491 1305 5323 0938 0101190038568 Clear Tamper 0 1295 5062 9268 6249 1363 0101190132387 Clear Tamper 0 4507 6867 4314 0611 7197 0101210028250 Clear Tamper 0 4173 3793 4580 1445 9452 0101200060834 Clear Tamper 0 6390 2606 2262 4637 3157 0101170149534 Clear Tamper 0 1418 5774 1301 8900 2568 0101210090961 Clear Tamper 0 3103 1044 2219 1087 5056 0101210081093 Clear Tamper 0 4207 8174 8219 6945 4939 0101210042541 Clear Tamper 0 1748 5133 5306 8560 4095 0101161040841 Clear Tamper 0 6138 0460 3881 3833 6410 0101200026884 Clear Tamper 0 4802 8965 0637 3809 1953 54160925845 Clear Tamper 0 1773 2062 1366 7857 4118 44000638666 Clear Tamper 0 6835 6637 6978 6264 3328 0101215005899 Clear Tamper 0 7186 6762 0930 3318 5318 0101170255059 Clear Tamper 0 1282 3570 3271 1581 1582 54160854821 Clear Tamper 0 0917 4354 4360 4448 3601 0101205010230 Clear Tamper 0 1471 2788 6769 2048 3264 0101205013523 Clear Tamper 0 3268 0527 0283 3339 4057 0101215024841 Clear Tamper 0 1171 0285 3329 6678 3052 0101170286146 Clear Tamper 0 3723 2187 7934 1837 5115 0101210036105 Clear Tamper 0 2633 9144 7580 7822 2095 0101200100721 Clear Tamper 0 6301 4543 7385 3031 8924 0101190029674 Clear Tamper 0 5638 8642 1071 7495 0987 0101190025979 Clear Tamper 0 0725 7803 5705 4355 2565 0101200103659 Clear Tamper 0 4057 1202 7027 2336 7866 0101160055774 Clear Tamper 0 3161 5563 2198 2909 2624 0101210066482 Clear Tamper 0 4378 0581 6412 8675 9474 0101210035974 Clear Tamper 0 6121 6580 7613 3060 3985 0101160355067 Clear Tamper 0 5166 7336 1769 1750 1442 0101170385575 Clear Tamper 0 1714 0754 0672 5565 4852 44000543601 Clear Tamper 0 0715 3491 0571 3594 9256 44000674828 Clear Tamper 0 1657 4925 4861 6001 8039 0101170428813 Clear Tamper 0 1551 1858 9767 7935 25002022-01-17 shehumyusuf51@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017813ClosedKCT Request2022-01-1744000640704 thanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-17Nofind below, 1491 0817 4426 5690 3576 2485 0585 2614 1728 36082022-01-17 beediesarah5@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017812ClosedKCT Request2022-01-170101210189607Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-17Nofind below, 5072 1034 0593 9068 6918 2508 4724 6578 3983 62372022-01-17 abdulmalikakande@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017811ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17Dear sir Please can you assist us with the KCT of this meter number 44000530095 Thank you sir Samuel D. ChunMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-17Nofind below, 7359 9625 6045 8139 8908 6824 4923 8102 1172 69832022-01-17 samueldchun@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017810ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17Pls kindly assist sir. 44000555589 Thank sir.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-17Nofind below, 2788 6666 8984 7520 4058 5191 5701 4381 3405 82492022-01-17 ibrahimkabir215@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017809ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17Pls kindly assist sir. 44000555589 Thank sir.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-17Nofind below, 3636 1420 5312 7552 9159 6101 9783 5119 3159 41842022-01-17 hamisumusa401@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017808ClosedKCT Request2022-01-170101210189607Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-17Nofind below, 5072 1034 0593 9068 6918 2508 4724 6578 3983 6237 Regards.2022-01-17 abdulmalikakande@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017807ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17REQUEST FOR KCT: 44000530095Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-17Nofind below, 7359 9625 6045 8139 8908 6824 4923 8102 1172 69832022-01-17 samueldchun@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017806ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000960420Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-17Nofind below, 2460 0468 4856 5248 2315 4648 3012 2299 1145 36292022-01-17 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017805ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17Please kindly help me with KCT 95300226388 ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-17Nofind below, 6595 0026 0268 7923 3273 0184 6186 5880 1077 49022022-01-17 sadeeqismail2020@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017804ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17kindly assist to generate KCT for 57300009941 thanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-17NoFind below, 3232 0013 7795 9671 6131 6683 8660 5602 0700 37732022-01-17 yinknuga2002@yahoo.co.uk Isah Abubakar
#00017803ClosedKCT Request2022-01-1744000425551 01 To 21Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-17Nofind below, 69998679055134398023 05502623383180200566 Regards.2022-01-17 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017802ClosedKCT Request2022-01-1744000555597 thanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-17Nohello, find below, 3007 4474 2925 0389 2653 0017 1176 5757 9870 92472022-01-17 beediesarah5@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017801ClosedKCT Request2022-01-170101210113082 from 01 to 33 44000673804 from 01 to 03 44000634152 from 01 to 21Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-17Nofind below, 0101210113082 from 01 to 33..................not captured. 44000673804 from 01 to 03 0964 2346 9457 5573 8774 3839 0294 6926 0822 4439 44000634152 from 01 to 21 6831 2678 9416 7121 7654 3586 6247 7960 9663 87692022-01-17 uduhaleje@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017800ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17Request for KCT 44000528073Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-17Nohello, This meter is a Single-phase residential (01) on our system no KCT requires, hence they may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. Regards.2022-01-17 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017799ClosedKCT Request2022-01-170101190033619 44000672632 Thanks Sent from my Huawei phoneMedium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-17Nohello, find below, 44000685741 3617 6885 2851 1266 4036 3681 6405 1923 2605 7994 0101190033619 5147 7080 0365 1684 8181 6924 4074 3588 9636 1781 44000672632 3933 7118 5589 4320 9511 3115 8574 5586 7049 01692022-01-17 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00017798ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17Dear Support, KIndly provide KCT for the meter numbers below 0101170285825 0101210033763 44000672251 thanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-17Nohello, find below, 0101170285825 This meter is a Single-phase residential (01) on our system no KCT requires, hence they may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. 0101210033763 2099 3709 5885 8935 2752 5512 4836 0697 6785 4297 44000672251 3462 4762 4214 7909 8301 6621 3676 8473 9571 2634 Regards.2022-01-17 mubby247@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017797ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17Hello, Good afternoon, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters. Thank you Meter Numbers: 95300194214 (02 to 33) 0101210145930 (21 to 01) 0101215014024 (02 to 01)Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-17Nohello, find below, 0101190153292 (04 to 01 and 01 to 04) 01 To 04 3350 2616 6859 5453 0321 4542 2551 4965 2311 2497 04 To 01 2750 5471 2224 0590 1057 4247 7936 0616 7588 0794 0101190153953 (02 ,to 01) 2408 7381 9241 4120 7832 2423 1795 7778 2660 3474 0101190153789 (02 to 01 and 01 to 02) 01 To 02 6561 5379 6202 6458 8283 0443 8139 2827 4108 4695 02 To 01 1858 8383 5044 2634 3803 6329 4716 5101 4579 60762022-01-17 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00017796ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17Hello Team, Kindly assist with the above-mentioned for the meter number below 0101170155564 Best Regards, Halima Mujtaba AbdulrahmanMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-17NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. Regard.2022-01-17 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017796ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17Hello Team, Kindly assist with the above-mentioned for the meter number below 0101170155564 Best Regards, Halima Mujtaba AbdulrahmanMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-17NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. Regard.2022-01-17 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017795ClosedTamper Code2022-01-17Pls generate CT for these MSNs 0101170394338 0101170306738 0101170247585 0101170228759 0101170221168 0101170318303 0101170375865 Regards.Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-17Nofind below, 0101170394338 Clear Tamper 0 5693 9880 9561 2876 3741 0101170306738 Clear Tamper 0 0169 3549 0584 1877 0452 0101170247585 Clear Tamper 0 4766 0897 7117 1860 9715 0101170228759 Clear Tamper 0 0706 0888 4725 5276 2978 0101170221168 Clear Tamper 0 6364 5425 1941 3528 8065 0101170318303 Clear Tamper 0 6071 3899 1590 6517 4159 0101170375865 Clear Tamper 0 4312 2702 0588 3210 71442022-01-17 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00017794ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17REQUEST FOR KCT 1-2 2-1 0101190039509Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-17Nofind below, 02 To 01 2144 2112 3460 7970 4129 4920 5064 4882 7240 9270 01 To 02 7016 6397 4228 0806 2527 4736 2959 8171 3931 75502022-01-17 omarllepps@yahoo.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00017793ClosedKCT Request2022-01-1795300208329 need KCT from 01 to 45.Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-17Nofind below, 4934 6769 9897 3104 0395 1725 0104 9729 1328 09242022-01-17 elijah.ishaya@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00017792ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17Meter Number: 0101200065767Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2022-01-17Nofind below, 5798 8673 6323 6401 6355 0624 9050 3108 0487 23262022-01-17 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00017791ClosedKCT Request2022-01-1744000596898 thanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-17NoFind below. 44000596898 01 To 21 5676 5859 9858 5660 1056 3765 1267 4845 9455 22492022-01-17 beediesarah5@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017790ClosedKCT Request2022-01-170101210085409 _2 to 1MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-17NoFind below. 02 To 01 3769 1351 3502 8240 2858 4730 1609 7279 8578 33932022-01-17 ismailbalaonline@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017789ClosedKCT Request2022-01-100101210085409 _2 to 1MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-17NoFind below. 0101210085409 01 To 33 2484 5596 6654 0010 3205 6840 5077 6978 0186 50892022-01-17 ismailbalaonline@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017788ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17Good morning sir kindly assist me with this kct of the customer 44000646131 Thanks SupportMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-17NoFind below. 44000646131 01 To 46 6143 8417 5369 1618 7073 2967 2408 9671 1735 89942022-01-17 hamzaadamu64@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017787ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17KCT from 01 to 02 for this MSN: 54160989254MediumIT Umar Auwal0000-00-00No01 To 02 2830 1068 8226 8205 3246 5343 0995 8726 1478 41722022-01-17 yuzarsif331122@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017786ClosedKCT Request2022-01-170150000902638MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-17Nobelow. 0150000902638 01 To 21 1868 9966 8038 8218 8654 5371 6154 2019 8645 87342022-01-17 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017785ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17KCT from 01 to 02 for this MSN: 54160989254 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-17NoFind below. 54160989254 01 To 02 2830 1068 8226 8205 3246 5343 0995 8726 1478 41722022-01-17 yuzarsif331122@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017784ClosedKCT Request2022-01-1754161062572MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-17NoFind below. 54161062572 02 To 46 0453 1303 7172 8699 2638 2481 5749 9316 0927 06302022-01-17 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017783ClosedKCT Request2022-01-1744000674562 thanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-17NoFind below. 0150000863269 02 To 21 0658 1472 7687 4746 3006 4117 8633 7587 4693 21772022-01-17 beediesarah5@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017782In ProgressKCT Request2022-01-170150000863269 89: 2MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-17NoFind below. 0150000863269 02 To 21 0658 1472 7687 4746 3006 4117 8633 7587 4693 21770000-00-00 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017781Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00017780ClosedKCT Request2022-01-1795300219565MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-17NoFind below. 95300219565 01 To 21 1730 3517 0960 5866 4454 1377 1318 7491 2067 49332022-01-17 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017779ClosedVending History2022-01-170101210001307MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-17NoFind below. Transaction ID: 2441164241428124 Transaction Date/Time: 2022-01-17 11:11:21 Meter No.: 0101210001307 Account No.: 558787 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionVAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 18.24 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 4101 4634 4469 2533 6400 2Transaction ID: 6114162970403124 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-08-23 08:33:51 Meter No.: 0101210001307 Account No.: 558787 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionEnergy Cost: ₦1,700.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦1,700.00 3Transaction ID: 4729162680724024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-07-20 19:54:00 Meter No.: 0101210001307 Account No.: 558787 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionEnergy Cost: ₦1,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 4Transaction ID: 2496161644232924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-22 20:45:29 Meter No.: 0101210001307 Account No.: 558787 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionEnergy Cost: ₦1,700.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦1,700.00 5Transaction ID: 1654161123524524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-21 14:20:45 Meter No.: 0101210001307 Account No.: 558787 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionEnergy Cost: ₦2,500.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦2,500.002022-01-17 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017778ClosedKCT Request2022-01-170101210001307.from 01 to 33.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-17NoFind below. 0101210001307 01 To 33 6823 3193 1087 9431 3982 6937 4317 6933 0443 99572022-01-17 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017777ClosedKCT Request2022-01-170101210001307.from 01 to 33.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-17NoFind below. 0101210001307 01 To 33 6823 3193 1087 9431 3982 6937 4317 6933 0443 99572022-01-17 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017776ClosedKCT Request2022-01-170101210001307.from 01 to 33.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-17NoFind below. 0101210001307 01 To 33 6823 3193 1087 9431 3982 6937 4317 6933 0443 99572022-01-17 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017775Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00017774ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17Good morning, Kindly provide me with the kct for the customer below: 0101210182792 from 01 to 33 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-17NoFind below. 0101210007015 33 To 01 7322 8562 2985 4041 3366 6608 2230 7488 6080 1130 01 To 33 4880 9541 8180 2048 3878 3491 4401 3519 7522 4251 0101210040099 01 To 45 5668 1865 1987 0714 9697 1105 0667 7721 6553 4767 45 To 01 4121 7006 2516 7910 4607 6665 3819 2806 1209 4248 0101210025950 No data available in table 0101170112144 No data available in table 0101210025157 This is a single phase meter and its on 01 hence no kct requeir or query the meter to know it exact tariff and resend 0101160409732 01 To 21 1719 7722 7384 5043 3152 5094 8378 7858 1383 17092022-01-17 zakimimidoomaureen@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017773ClosedKCT Request2022-01-170101210007015 33-1 1-33 0101210040099 45-1 1-45 0101210025950 45-1 1-45 0101170112144 33-1 1-33 0101210025157 0101160409732 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-17NoFind below. 0101210007015 33 To 01 7322 8562 2985 4041 3366 6608 2230 7488 6080 1130 01 To 33 4880 9541 8180 2048 3878 3491 4401 3519 7522 4251 0101210040099 01 To 45 5668 1865 1987 0714 9697 1105 0667 7721 6553 4767 45 To 01 4121 7006 2516 7910 4607 6665 3819 2806 1209 4248 0101210025950 No data available in table 0101170112144 No data available in table 0101210025157 This is a single phase meter and its on 01 hence no kct requeir or query the meter to know it exact tariff and resend 0101160409732 01 To 21 1719 7722 7384 5043 3152 5094 8378 7858 1383 17092022-01-17 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017772ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17REQUEST FOR KCT 44000579514MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-17NoFind below. 44000579514 01 To 21 0389 9251 9974 4663 0168 0552 5081 5829 7758 81132022-01-17 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017771ClosedKCT Request2022-01-170150000887839 89: 2 90: 600341 Abubakar Bappa CCRM Officer. Customer Care Relationship Management. JED Plc, Bauchi Region.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-17NoFind below. 02 To 21 2684 6362 4052 7185 4879 2612 8332 5499 9384 91482022-01-17 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017770ClosedKCT Request2022-01-1744000360758 44000680734 44000325082 44000322360 44000325041 44000682029 44000684447 44000681955 44000318590 44000358216 44000693141 44000319036 44000693141 44000319036 44000682276 44000692945MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-17NoFind below. 0101205005628 02 To 06 4663 9671 1678 7633 2438 1423 9894 9572 1242 2647 44000575298 1 To 21 1069 4071 1385 0670 4815 2739 9008 9215 7667 6116 0101170374355 01 To 21 0963 1694 7873 6456 2752 6398 6672 8957 3288 4381 0101170385575.02 to 01 also 01 to 02 02 To 01 6370 0370 2824 0991 1805 2541 3781 3072 7165 0400 01 To 02 6163 5227 2078 7895 4339 6468 5841 7209 9636 44032022-01-17 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017769ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17Please kindly send me the kct for this meter number below. 0101205005628 44000575298 0101170374355 0101170385575.02 to 01 also 01 to 02MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-17NoFind below. 0101205005628 02 To 06 4663 9671 1678 7633 2438 1423 9894 9572 1242 2647 44000575298 1 To 21 1069 4071 1385 0670 4815 2739 9008 9215 7667 6116 0101170374355 01 To 21 0963 1694 7873 6456 2752 6398 6672 8957 3288 4381 0101170385575.02 to 01 also 01 to 02 02 To 01 6370 0370 2824 0991 1805 2541 3781 3072 7165 0400 01 To 02 6163 5227 2078 7895 4339 6468 5841 7209 9636 44032022-01-17 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017768ClosedKCT Request2022-01-170101210070105 ON 33 0101210040099 ON 45 0101210025850 ON 45 0101210025157 ON 01 44000632750MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-17NoFind below. 0101210070105 ON 33 0101210040099 ON 45 it is also 45 here in our system 0101210025850 ON 45 it is also 45 herein our system 0101210025157 ON 01 On 01 here sir 44000632750 0385 0069 8297 3013 9912 0621 4335 2787 8531 32142022-01-17 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017767ClosedKCT Request2022-01-1701012100115224 54150650536 54161058794 95300181708 95300220910MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-17No01012100115224 No data available in table 95300220910 01 To 21 0740 9970 1546 6837 1222 0398 9711 2069 7506 3109 54150650536 0403 9765 0532 7015 1767 2365 1546 4052 4950 6107 54161058794 3494 7344 9188 4955 2949 7024 8319 8545 0601 0856 95300181708 3368 5687 9494 7023 8062 0093 9935 6132 9723 6521 953002209102022-01-17 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017766ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17www.jedplc.com From: Sarah Beedie < 44000596781 thanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-17NoFind below. 44000596781 01 To 21 4930 3875 7900 4423 1853 5961 6965 5693 6858 34012022-01-17 beediesarah5@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017765ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17Find below. 44000676278 01 To 04 3158 3108 5206 9476 6278 3025 8132 2072 8826 4797 0101215001617 02 to 01 and 01 to 02 1 To 02 0315 9981 0807 5006 6341 0810 8678 1934 3877 9971 02 To 01 4789 6664 9120 3864 4506 1088 2285 3467 6670 0344 Dear Auwal, Please the above subject refers for the following account. 95300196722 0101210176174 0101161000241 0101200115224 0195000003077 Regards.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-17NoFind below. 44000676278 01 To 04 3158 3108 5206 9476 6278 3025 8132 2072 8826 4797 0101215001617 02 to 01 and 01 to 02 1 To 02 0315 9981 0807 5006 6341 0810 8678 1934 3877 9971 02 To 01 4789 6664 9120 3864 4506 1088 2285 3467 6670 03442022-01-17 Umar Auwal
#00017764ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17Please kindly help me with a kct number of this meters 44000676278 0101215001617 02 to 01 and 01 to 02 0101190136611 02 to 01 and 01 to 02MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-17NoFind below. 44000676278 01 To 04 3158 3108 5206 9476 6278 3025 8132 2072 8826 4797 0101215001617 02 to 01 and 01 to 02 1 To 02 0315 9981 0807 5006 6341 0810 8678 1934 3877 9971 02 To 01 4789 6664 9120 3864 4506 1088 2285 3467 6670 03442022-01-17 shehumyusuf51@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017763Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00017762Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00017761Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00017760ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE AND COLLECTION VALUE -0101190016556MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-17NoFind below. 0101190016556 01 To 21 5206 1527 1183 2973 7128 3184 7651 9197 3467 86892022-01-17 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017759ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000915473 from 01MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-17NoFind below. 0150000915473 01 To 21 3396 5012 7195 2224 5815 0232 5171 2557 6721 23142022-01-17 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017758ClosedKCT Request2022-01-170150000897861MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-17NoFind below. 0150000897861 01 To 33 6266 1046 3048 9904 9829 5821 6776 6433 5659 96242022-01-17 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017757ClosedKCT Request2022-01-170150000914880MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-17NoFind below. 0150000914880 01 To 33 6587 6423 1745 1256 6704 4763 1879 4947 5493 17372022-01-17 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017756ClosedKCT Request2022-01-170101205011147.thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-17NoFind below. 0101205011147 02 To 21 6490 9259 1004 4433 3777 2698 7960 9765 9059 26872022-01-17 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017755ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17Good morning, Kindly provide me with the kct for the customer below: 0101210037293 from 01 to 33 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-17Nofind below, 3936 9820 1398 3263 4818 2667 5538 2968 0077 01102022-01-17 zakimimidoomaureen@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017754Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00017753Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00017752Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00017751ClosedKCT Request2022-01-170101200023014 (1-4) 44000556256 (1-21) 44000544344 (1-21) 54150604301 (1-2) Good morning team, please kindly assist with the above kct thank you. Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-17Nofind below, 0101200023014 (1-4) 2595 2496 1872 4208 1954 1469 9483 2112 8122 6750 44000556256 (1-21) 6769 6783 4333 7004 8327 1028 5959 5106 6571 2695 44000544344 (1-21) 4609 4666 7238 5158 0694 7321 7226 7277 2790 6032 54150604301 (1-2) 4148 5000 1249 5191 8614 7022 3665 5782 2653 28262022-01-17 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017750ClosedOutstanding Balance2022-01-17Debt profile 54160974975MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-17NoFind below. 54160974975 01 To 45 4478 0376 5221 0030 2953 1101 1669 8916 7761 91482022-01-17 erdooshirsha@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017749ClosedKCT Request2022-01-170101200023014 (1-4) 44000556256 (1-21) 44000544344 (1-21) 54150604301 (1-2) Good morning team, please kindly assist with the above kct thank you.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-17NoFind below. 0101200023014 (1-4) 01 To 04 2595 2496 1872 4208 1954 1469 9483 2112 8122 6750 44000556256 (1-21) 01 To 21 6769 6783 4333 7004 8327 1028 5959 5106 6571 2695 44000544344 (1-21) 01 To 21 4609 4666 7238 5158 0694 7321 7226 7277 2790 6032 54150604301 (1-2) 01 To 02 4148 5000 1249 5191 8614 7022 3665 5782 2653 28262022-01-17 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017748ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17Please sir kindly assist with the kct of this meter 0101210090045MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-17NoFind below., 01 To 45 1181 6137 9947 7503 5517 4492 3578 2076 2589 82642022-01-17 ahmadabdullahiahmadmaye@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017747ClosedKCT Request2022-01-170101205011147.thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-17Nofind below, 6490 9259 1004 4433 3777 2698 7960 9765 9059 26872022-01-17 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017746ClosedKCT Request2022-01-170150000914880Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-17Nofind below, 6587 6423 1745 1256 6704 4763 1879 4947 5493 17372022-01-17 Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017745Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00017744ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17Hello. Please kindly assist. 0150000897861 Thanks for your supportMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-17Nofind below, 6266 1046 3048 9904 9829 5821 6776 6433 5659 96242022-01-17 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017743Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00017742Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00017741ClosedTamper Code2022-01-17Request for clear tamper tokenMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-17Nofind below, 0101210132383 Clear Tamper 0 6895 7272 0072 8343 12432022-01-17 mujtabaumar01@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017740ClosedKCT Request2022-01-170101200025605 need KCT from 45 to 01MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-17NoFind below. 0101200025605 01 To 45 2833 8410 0533 1739 4819 5572 0279 2219 3357 62032022-01-17 elijah.ishaya@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017739ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17KCT GENERATION 0101200014864MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-17NoFind below. 0101185053457 01 To 33 1330 0437 2480 0961 1156 4431 8662 0730 3097 78232022-01-17 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017738ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17Request for KCT - 0101185053457Medium 2022-01-17NoFind below. 0101185053457 01 To 33 1330 0437 2480 0961 1156 4431 8662 0730 3097 78232022-01-17 stynlucs@yahoo.com
#00017737ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17Please kindly assist. 44000583573 44000686707 44000708543 Thanks and regards.MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-17NoFind below. 44000583573 01 To 04 6785 1613 9892 7042 0004 1082 4492 3328 8940 7907 44000686707 01 To 04 5874 5595 2175 1338 5496 4619 9581 7792 7921 3343 44000708543 01 To 07 5657 7969 5858 9750 3927 0115 5857 0281 4649 81842022-01-17 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017736ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17find below, 44000676278 3158 3108 5206 9476 6278 3025 8132 2072 8826 4797 0101215001617 02 to 01 and 01 to 02 01 To 02 0315 9981 0807 5006 6341 0810 8678 1934 3877 9971 02 To 01 4789 6664 9120 3864 4506 1088 2285 3467 6670 0344MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-17NoFind below. 0150000878796 1 To 21 1562 9795 5467 5218 3759 4056 5211 1040 8248 56692022-01-17 ahmadmiltonfairaskira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017735ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17Please kindly help me with a kct number of this meters 44000676278 0101215001617 02 to 01 and 01 to 02 0101190136611 02 to 01 and 01 to 02Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-17Nofind below, 44000676278 3158 3108 5206 9476 6278 3025 8132 2072 8826 4797 0101215001617 02 to 01 and 01 to 02 01 To 02 0315 9981 0807 5006 6341 0810 8678 1934 3877 9971 02 To 01 4789 6664 9120 3864 4506 1088 2285 3467 6670 03442022-01-17 shehumyusuf51@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017734ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17KCT GENERATION 0101160406597Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2022-01-17NoFind below, 5210 7023 8609 8859 8505 2628 5752 3784 7070 42832022-01-17 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017733ClosedKCT Request2022-01-170101170440743 from 45 to 33Medium3846 Isah Abubakar0000-00-00NoFind below, 6604 6422 3077 1424 1245 6325 3364 1044 4970 56512022-01-17 uduhaleje@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017732ClosedKCT Request2022-01-170101170440743 _ 45 to 33Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-17Nofind below, 6604 6422 3077 1424 1245 6325 3364 1044 4970 56512022-01-17 Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017731ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17Dear sir Please can you assist us with the KCT of this meter number 44000672764 Thank you sir Samuel D. ChunMedium 2022-01-10Nofind below, 3602 2162 5800 3741 5710 6421 1209 2134 6654 67192022-01-17 samueldchun@gmail.com
#00017730ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000915473 from 02Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-17Nofind below, 7035 9683 2847 0680 7864 4199 1880 5436 1718 08022022-01-17 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017729ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17Please kindly assist. 44000646867 Thanks.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-17Nofind below, 2033 2289 3055 4022 3626 6847 8191 8983 2407 42802022-01-17 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017728ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17Good morning, Kindly provide me with the kct for the customer below: 0101210061020 from 01 to 33 Thank you Good morning, Kindly provide me with the kct for the customer below: 0101210061020 from 01 to 33 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-17Nofind below, 5383 6866 0429 1179 5079 4963 4826 0874 1748 03732022-01-17 Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017727ClosedKCT Request2022-01-170101200025605 need KCT from 45 to 01Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-17Nofind below, 4042 3721 4687 6457 9924 6773 4676 7545 7592 01822022-01-17 elijah.ishaya@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017726ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17Request for KCT - 0101185053457Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri0000-00-00Nofind below, 2543 3212 5284 8139 4848 5881 5693 2558 2959 93352022-01-17 stynlucs@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017725ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17find below, 0086 8781 5949 7248 2767 0138 2611 8789 6602 4009Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-01-17Nofind below, 2088 0144 4294 0391 1668 5384 3746 2508 8982 63732022-01-17 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017724ClosedKCT Request2022-01-1744000632727ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-01-17Nofind below, 0086 8781 5949 7248 2767 0138 2611 8789 6602 40092022-01-17 Tukur Hamid
#00017723ClosedKCT Request2022-01-1744000672756 44000639201 44000638690 44000685741 54160898620 95300220910 54161058794 95300181708 meter on 02 95300206109 0101210012353 0101200036313 0101160040973 0101210188138 0101210041725 0101210007015 is on 33 0101210040099 is on 45 0101210025950 is on 45 0101170112144 33-1 0101210025157 Thanks Sent from my Huawei phoneMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-01-17Nofind below, 44000672756 NON MD BAND D R2 T01 - Single Phase Residential (01) 44000639201 2632 1068 4095 0727 4204 4680 7786 1494 5041 6793 44000638690 2180 1673 7060 4119 3033 0213 7432 1981 6907 4549 44000685741 3617 6885 2851 1266 4036 3681 6405 1923 2605 7994 54160898620 0807 1432 7293 8533 5736 0863 4071 6809 8922 6392 95300220910 3368 5687 9494 7023 8062 0093 9935 6132 9723 6521 54161058794 0403 9765 0532 7015 1767 2365 1546 4052 4950 6107 95300181708 meter on 02 5828 1284 4864 8827 5080 5789 9933 7277 1673 6028 95300206109 This meter is a Single-phase residential (01) on our system no KCT requires, hence they may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. 0101210012353 2284 9182 2117 3740 3112 0596 2305 6094 5227 5370 0101200036313 This meter is a Single-phase residential (01) on our system no KCT requires, hence they may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2022-01-17 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017722ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17Please kindly assist. 44000583573 44000686707 44000708543 Thanks and regardsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-17Nofind below, 44000583573 6785 1613 9892 7042 0004 1082 4492 3328 8940 7907 44000686707 5874 5595 2175 1338 5496 4619 9581 7792 7921 3343 44000708543 5657 7969 5858 9750 3927 0115 5857 0281 4649 81842022-01-17 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017721ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17REQUEST FOR KCT 57100066745Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-17Nofind below, 0788 2475 1899 7451 3901 2257 4032 5450 8532 22572022-01-17 wyontochae@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017720ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17REQUEST FOR KCT 54161056731Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-17Nofind below, 5851 1494 2997 1227 2453 0240 2240 8764 0497 4658 find below, 5851 1494 2997 1227 2453 0240 2240 8764 0497 46582022-01-17 wyontochae@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017719ClosedKCT Request2022-01-170101200051833 001 to 002 & 002 to 001 Please Sir help us with a KCT Thanks for your support.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-17Nofind below, 02 To 01 1641 9173 2189 3444 4742 0936 9264 3222 3228 9525 01 To 02 5165 5158 5197 6861 9805 0330 9619 8662 8895 47712022-01-17 yakubaliyu82@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017718In ProgressKCT Request2022-01-17: Kindly generate kct of 44000684249 the reject tokenMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-17Nofind below, 2929 0912 4892 0222 3766 7046 0142 4633 9043 92850000-00-00 umargarba326@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017717ClosedKCT Request2022-01-170101200017768 002 to 001 & 001 to 002 Please Sir help us with a KCT Thanks for your support.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri0000-00-00Nofind below, 01 To 02 4585 0496 3749 8704 9724 4420 8514 6258 4313 8163 02 To 01 6859 2216 9552 1317 0530 6358 1630 9239 1512 66902022-01-17 yakubaliyu82@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017716ClosedKCT Request2022-01-170150000878796Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-17Nofind below, 1562 9795 5467 5218 3759 4056 5211 1040 8248 56692022-01-17 ahmadmiltonfairaskira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017715Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00017714ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17Good morning team, Please kindly treat MSN 0101200056840 0101170243956Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-17Nofind below, 0101200056840 3628 2350 6262 8316 8011 6410 1978 3945 6604 0475 0101170243956 0492 2618 2262 2938 1928 2879 6447 6517 7221 81732022-01-17 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017713ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101205011147Medium 2022-01-17NoFind below, 6490 9259 1004 4433 3777 2698 7960 9765 9059 26872022-01-17 longpuan@gmail.com
#00017712ClosedKCT Request2022-01-17Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000932379Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2022-01-17Nofind below, 3423 3631 3264 2157 8641 0610 6984 3664 8993 31262022-01-17 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017711ClosedKCT Request2022-01-14Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000905276 Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000905276MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-14NoFind below. 0150000905276 01 To 21 3920 3445 4205 3474 7897 4921 8007 1005 9199 56032022-01-14 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017710ClosedKCT Request2022-01-14Good afternoon, Kindly provide me with the kct for customer below: 0101210045460 from 01 to 33 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-14NoFind below. 0101210045460 01 To 33 4601 5619 1558 6117 1432 4425 4361 5152 3988 02042022-01-14 zakimimidoomaureen@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017709ClosedKCT Request2022-01-14Good afternoon, Kindly provide me with the kct for the customer below: 0101210005688 from 01 to 33 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-14NoFind below. 01 To 33 5602 3923 7230 0559 3863 5974 4420 1379 1316 25862022-01-14 zakimimidoomaureen@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017708ClosedRequest2022-01-14Request for Debt Profile on 54160910722MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-14NoFind below . Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 407077 Debt Repayment ₦151,185.59 ₦-105,000.00 ₦2,500.00 ₦26,185.59 M 2019-04-18 ₦20,000.00 2022-01-082022-01-14 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00017707ClosedKCT Request2022-01-14Kindly provide me with the kct for customer below: 0101210045460 from 01 to 33 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-14NoFind below. 0101210045460 01 To 33 4601 5619 1558 6117 1432 4425 4361 5152 3988 02042022-01-14 zakimimidoomaureen@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017706ClosedKCT Request2022-01-14REQUEST FOR KCT FROM 01 - 33- 95300194214MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-14NoFind below. 95300194214 01 To 33 5782 8198 2454 7235 5407 2702 3032 8499 6773 3945 Find below. 95300194214 01 To 33 5782 8198 2454 7235 5407 2702 3032 8499 6773 39452022-01-14 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017705ClosedKCT Request2022-01-14Request for KCT - 0150000916232, 44000694032MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-14NoHello, Find below. 0150000916232 01 To 21 1285 0487 0101 1053 3233 1673 4271 6601 5111 2582 44000694032 01 To 21 6725 6962 5859 0202 4478 3985 3918 4364 5147 28982022-01-14 stynlucs@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00017704ClosedKCT Request2022-01-140101190024899(1-2&2-1) 44000663672(1-21)Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-14NoHello Find below 0101190024899(1-2&2-1) 1-2 2562 6300 5534 7901 6044 5916 6017 2707 6841 3191 2-1 0372 6122 9206 7995 1080 7196 6802 9967 4414 8774 44000663672(1-21) 3009 0072 3976 8771 1041 1106 2866 0950 9649 96672022-01-14 ummilois2@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017704ClosedKCT Request2022-01-140101190024899(1-2&2-1) 44000663672(1-21)Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-14NoHello Find below 0101190024899(1-2&2-1) 1-2 2562 6300 5534 7901 6044 5916 6017 2707 6841 3191 2-1 0372 6122 9206 7995 1080 7196 6802 9967 4414 8774 44000663672(1-21) 3009 0072 3976 8771 1041 1106 2866 0950 9649 96672022-01-14 ummilois2@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017703ClosedKCT Request2022-01-141-21 44000708212Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-12-15NoFind below, 1715 3037 2082 8221 3533 4304 9811 1777 6607 09432022-01-14 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017703ClosedKCT Request2022-01-141-21 44000708212Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-12-15NoFind below, 1715 3037 2082 8221 3533 4304 9811 1777 6607 09432022-01-14 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017702Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00017701ClosedRequest2022-01-14REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101170247957MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-14NoFind below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 507280 Debt Repayment ₦153,937.97 ₦-97,793.65 ₦12,438.49 ₦48,144.32 M 2019-08-27 ₦8,000.00 2021-11-232022-01-14 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017700ClosedKCT Request2022-01-1495300225935 thanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-14NoFind below, 95300225935 5032 1848 6974 0173 3429 1137 0442 4959 6313 45582022-01-14 beediesarah5@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017699Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00017698ClosedRequest2022-01-14REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101170247557MediumIT Umar Auwal2022-01-14NoHello, This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. Hello, This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. Hello, This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2022-01-14 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017697ClosedVending History2022-01-14Dear Support, Kindly provide VH for 0101210157430 Thank youMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-14NoFind below, # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 2651163723566624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-18 12:41:06 Meter No.: 0101210157430 Account No.: 662394000501 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 99.72 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 6316 6523 5258 6361 3606 2 Transaction ID: 4916163671397824 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-12 11:46:19 Meter No.: 0101210157430 Account No.: 662394000501 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 19.94 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 6605 2291 2616 7073 9120 3 Transaction ID: 5683163506849024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-10-24 10:41:30 Meter No.: 0101210157430 Account No.: 662394000501 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦62.79 Energy Cost: ₦837.21 KwH: 17.95 Amount Tendered: ₦900.00 5373 7093 3789 3578 26392022-01-14 sunnyochekwu@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017697ClosedVending History2022-01-14Dear Support, Kindly provide VH for 0101210157430 Thank youMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-14NoFind below, # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 2651163723566624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-18 12:41:06 Meter No.: 0101210157430 Account No.: 662394000501 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 99.72 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 6316 6523 5258 6361 3606 2 Transaction ID: 4916163671397824 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-12 11:46:19 Meter No.: 0101210157430 Account No.: 662394000501 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 19.94 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 6605 2291 2616 7073 9120 3 Transaction ID: 5683163506849024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-10-24 10:41:30 Meter No.: 0101210157430 Account No.: 662394000501 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦62.79 Energy Cost: ₦837.21 KwH: 17.95 Amount Tendered: ₦900.00 5373 7093 3789 3578 26392022-01-14 sunnyochekwu@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017696ClosedTamper Code2022-01-1444000623718 0101170167981 0101161008095Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-13NoFind below, 44000623718 Clear Tamper 0 2801 4164 0978 4965 5506 0101170167981 Clear Tamper 0 6243 2167 7404 4124 6411 0101161008095 Clear Tamper 0 3093 9877 6779 8048 30662022-01-14 ummilois2@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017696ClosedTamper Code2022-01-1444000623718 0101170167981 0101161008095Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-13NoFind below, 44000623718 Clear Tamper 0 2801 4164 0978 4965 5506 0101170167981 Clear Tamper 0 6243 2167 7404 4124 6411 0101161008095 Clear Tamper 0 3093 9877 6779 8048 30662022-01-14 ummilois2@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017695ClosedKCT Request2022-01-140101215022829 From 0037 to 0002 Thank u sir 0101215022829 From 0037 to 0002 Thank u sirMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-01-14NoFind below, 37 To 05 1429 0072 8712 1552 8093 3425 7601 0652 6531 3011 05 To 02 4193 4331 0302 0428 1450 2857 5246 2435 5250 75212022-01-14 yusufibrahimbaba440@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017694ClosedKCT Request2022-01-1444000634335 44000652550 44000541472 44000541696 44000541530 44000541712 44000541720 44000647584 44000543346 44000663672 44000314110 54160898620 0101215018223 0101215000981Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-01-14No44000634335 7230 7777 8154 3075 6558 6087 4622 0241 4357 9895 44000652550 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT is required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 44000541472 This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 44000541696 This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 44000541530 This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 44000541712 5319 6693 2362 7243 6244 3162 5036 5802 7530 3662 44000541720 6308 9908 6254 1509 5382 4387 1186 5345 6226 1826 44000647584 5581 7864 3599 5826 3815 3572 8122 0441 6183 5989 44000543346 5633 7257 0582 9664 7921 6078 9508 0178 1515 7023 44000663672 3009 0072 3976 8771 1041 1106 2866 0950 9649 9667 44000314110 4049 6702 9478 4918 3699 6755 0783 9356 9714 6888 54160898620 0807 1432 7293 8533 5736 0863 4071 6809 8922 6392 0101215018223 1377 0140 8758 8637 8286 3204 6066 9791 9945 5881 0101215000981 3085 2419 6046 1424 0589 2923 6558 9194 7282 78702022-01-14 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017693ClosedTamper Code2022-01-140101161000241 0101180147114Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-13NoHello, Find below, 0101161000241 Clear Tamper 0 4458 1985 0881 7763 3963 0101180147114 Clear Tamper 0 2663 6840 5640 8480 76202022-01-14 longpuan@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017693ClosedTamper Code2022-01-140101161000241 0101180147114Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2022-01-13NoHello, Find below, 0101161000241 Clear Tamper 0 4458 1985 0881 7763 3963 0101180147114 Clear Tamper 0 2663 6840 5640 8480 76202022-01-14 longpuan@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017692ClosedKCT Request2022-01-14please sir kindly generate kct with the following meter numbers. 44000668762. 44000314110. Thanks.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2022-01-14NoFind below, 44000668762 2855 0835 9349 3881 8167 1026 9301 7633 9111 9187 44000314110 4049 6702 9478 4918 3699 6755 0783 9356 9714 68882022-01-14 mauwalu143@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017691ClosedKCT Request2021-12-09Dear sir, Please kindly assist with this kct no: 0101170216291 Thank you.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-12-09Nohello, find below, 4022 4607 1430 5230 7874 3085 4179 9049 9462 98672021-12-09 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017690ClosedTamper Code2021-12-09Kindly generate CT for 62521006528 to enable the customer enjoy supplyMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-12-09Nohello, find below, 62521006528 Clear Tamper 0 3001 0492 9147 3862 69282021-12-09 evelyntsokar87@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017689ClosedTamper Code2021-12-090101200027999Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-12-09No0101200027999 Clear Tamper 0 1823 6675 5549 7843 34782021-12-09 abbaslawal360@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017688ClosedTamper Code2021-12-09Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101215014925 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-12-09No0101215014925 Clear Tamper 0 4373 8378 9012 6016 18272021-12-09 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017687ClosedKCT Request2021-12-090101210066979 (004 to 001) and (001 to 004) Please Sir help us with a KCT Thanks for your supportMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-12-09NoFind below, 04 To 01 2613 9429 8107 4651 0352 4716 6891 6701 3658 9998 01 To 04 0335 1842 3937 6956 8347 2883 6316 9339 4058 21982021-12-09 yakubaliyu82@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017686ClosedVending History2021-12-0957100047208.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-12-09NoFind below, # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 6834163887035124 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-12-07 10:45:51 Meter No.: 57100047208 Account No.: 623195149801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦279.07 Energy Cost: ₦3,720.93 KwH: 70.57 Amount Tendered: ₦4,000.00 6873 5939 1110 9891 7981 2 Transaction ID: 3617163765747324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-11-23 09:51:13 Meter No.: 57100047208 Account No.: 623195149801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 35.28 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 4597 0480 7088 3038 7979 3 Transaction ID: 8499163246794924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-09-24 08:19:09 Meter No.: 57100047208 Account No.: 623195149801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦279.07 Energy Cost: ₦3,720.93 KwH: 70.57 Amount Tendered: ₦4,000.00 1150 6748 9811 6053 8864 4 Transaction ID: 3862163102640724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-09-07 15:53:27 Meter No.: 57100047208 Account No.: 623195149801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦279.07 Energy Cost: ₦3,720.93 KwH: 70.57 Amount Tendered: ₦4,000.00 3816 2421 9897 7888 8409 5 Transaction ID: 2154162911347524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-08-16 12:31:15 Meter No.: 57100047208 Account No.: 623195149801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 55.01 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 1890 4610 1108 3736 6547 6 Transaction ID: 9013162738068924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-07-27 11:11:29 Meter No.: 57100047208 Account No.: 623195149801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 55.01 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 5611 6871 7704 4684 6958 7 Transaction ID: 9336162566933024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-07-07 15:48:50 Meter No.: 57100047208 Account No.: 623195149801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 55.01 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 5541 6282 9451 0454 0051 8 Transaction ID: 1645162556148124 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-07-06 09:51:21 Meter No.: 57100047208 Account No.: 623195149801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 18.34 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 4965 3720 0106 6921 7262 9 Transaction ID: 7994162486929224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-06-28 09:34:52 Meter No.: 57100047208 Account No.: 623195149801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 36.67 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 4696 6150 0131 8304 6292 10 Transaction ID: 0289162410636924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-06-19 13:39:29 Meter No.: 57100047208 Account No.: 623195149801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 36.67 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 3315 7020 7705 4720 9219 # Transaction Details Token Details 11 Transaction ID: 2546162289183024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-06-05 12:17:10 Meter No.: 57100047208 Account No.: 623195149801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 55.01 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 5962 8495 1327 9075 8803 12 Transaction ID: 1431162167264324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-22 09:37:23 Meter No.: 57100047208 Account No.: 623195149801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦279.07 Energy Cost: ₦3,720.93 KwH: 73.35 Amount Tendered: ₦4,000.00 3686 5917 4940 4655 0669 13 Transaction ID: 4003162036860824 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-07 07:23:28 Meter No.: 57100047208 Account No.: 623195149801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦279.07 Energy Cost: ₦3,720.93 KwH: 73.35 Amount Tendered: ₦4,000.00 3558 8083 4352 3796 8377 14 Transaction ID: 1921161951224924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-27 09:30:49 Meter No.: 57100047208 Account No.: 623195149801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 18.34 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 0769 2239 4273 1094 9945 15 Transaction ID: 1457161857303724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-16 12:37:17 Meter No.: 57100047208 Account No.: 623195149801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 36.67 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 4981 3190 0445 6695 1467 16 Transaction ID: 5861161676900424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-26 15:30:04 Meter No.: 57100047208 Account No.: 623195149801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 55.01 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 4040 6783 3398 8229 9295 17 Transaction ID: 4660161546047624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-11 12:01:16 Meter No.: 57100047208 Account No.: 623195149801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦279.07 Energy Cost: ₦3,720.93 KwH: 73.35 Amount Tendered: ₦4,000.00 5905 8449 6277 4427 3648 18 Transaction ID: 8760161461029224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-01 15:51:32 Meter No.: 57100047208 Account No.: 623195149801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 91.68 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 3449 0963 0064 3703 1300 19 Transaction ID: 4246161364425124 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-18 11:30:51 Meter No.: 57100047208 Account No.: 623195149801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 91.68 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 6373 3049 2499 3205 1660 20 Transaction ID: 5159161252872124 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-05 13:38:41 Meter No.: 57100047208 Account No.: 623195149801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦279.07 Energy Cost: ₦3,720.93 KwH: 73.35 Amount Tendered: ₦4,000.00 0032 4172 8449 8042 66872021-12-09 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017685ClosedKCT Request2021-12-090101210047490Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-12-08NoFind below, 0101210047490 1479 9606 9042 3698 9064 1677 0668 6770 4400 38292021-12-09 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017684ClosedKCT Request2021-12-0995300193927 45 to 33Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-12-08NoFind below, 5687 6481 5646 4678 5224 1275 0562 4356 1371 62402021-12-09 ismailbalaonline@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017683ClosedKCT Request2021-12-0995300224938Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-12-08NoFind below, 0738 7501 4467 4369 4836 5635 8507 1369 4578 71892021-12-09 johnny007emmanuel@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017682ClosedKCT Request2021-12-06Dear sir, Please kindly assist with this kct no: 44300014022 Thank you.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-12-06Nohello, find below, 0737 2216 9696 0259 4208 6992 2848 9228 5874 21342021-12-06 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017681ClosedTamper Code2021-12-06Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101160173809 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-12-06No0101160173809 Clear Tamper 0 5001 2852 1560 5753 04872021-12-06 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017680ClosedKCT Request2021-12-06Good morning Please kindly help me with KCT 0101170424390 ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-12-06Nohello, find below, 3918 9888 6988 1555 8785 1418 4105 6384 0372 49532021-12-06 sadeeqismail2020@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017679ClosedTamper Code2021-12-06Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101200073365 0101161016841 54160743321 57100053925 54160891690 54161158750 ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-12-06Nohello, find below, 0101200073365 0101161016841 Clear Tamper 0 1567 6762 6295 7093 9891 54160743321 Clear Tamper 0 5925 3899 5821 6132 4098 57100053925 Clear Tamper 0 0366 6526 1917 9556 9519 54160891690 Clear Tamper 0 3982 3901 4007 9615 6041 54161158750 Clear Tamper 0 6321 7593 9212 9409 56272021-12-06 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017678ClosedKCT Request2021-12-0644000693471Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-12-06Nohello, find below, 49205401744117620843 720848652004488983422021-12-06 ismailbalaonline@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017677ClosedTamper Code2021-12-06Good afternoon sir, Please kindly verify this MSN Meter 54160740871Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-12-06No54160740871 Clear Tamper 0 6067 9064 6421 7512 86592021-12-06 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017676ClosedKCT Request2021-12-0644000653400 44000634061 44300000914 44000399129 44000708055 44000708022 44000701688 44000734705 44000665172 0101215029493 0101215013844 0101215030988 0150300023622 0150300021055 0150300028308 0150300021469 0101195005497 0101215029543 0195000005825 0101160350043 21-22Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-12-06No44000653400 This is not found in our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 44000634061 6589 3608 6018 4738 8095 4517 7585 8140 9278 2622 44300000914 3861 6014 6946 3673 2166 7142 6812 1459 6638 5220 44000399129 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 44000708055 2628 0736 6759 0576 0883 1250 8314 0647 2053 0944 44000708022 2343 1591 9093 2577 1484 7239 2440 8550 2667 8036 44000701688 4405 1161 2877 4536 5634 6682 9341 7675 9856 0907 44000734705 2557 7635 2319 5476 5188 1784 2601 6497 1590 3529 44000665172 2627 2797 2027 9661 9851 4060 3776 0358 9050 8254 0101215029493 3469 5274 3298 2421 6726 3660 9451 8769 1943 6092 0101215013844 0046 2334 9804 3971 7714 2442 4098 2638 5737 2378 0101215030988 2420 9402 5226 0855 7303 1094 0939 5708 5731 3453 0150300023622 7233 0029 9094 7505 4835 4092 3736 4455 5950 7807 0150300021055 0198 9344 4520 0427 0429 4631 0131 8424 8445 6153 0150300028308 4905 4017 9863 3592 5374 2430 6203 6788 7349 6584 0150300021469 3374 6063 8901 8406 5604 3948 6383 5481 2861 4743 0101195005497 2390 1869 6884 5075 5869 6241 3664 3078 3289 0382 0101215029543 5637 4478 1092 4404 6218 0687 7410 3032 8724 5116 0195000005825 1645 5632 0157 6196 6958 2356 4258 5425 5447 7863 0101160350043 21-22 Will be sent in a moment2021-12-06 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017675ClosedTamper Code2021-12-06Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101161016841 ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-12-06No0101161016841 Clear Tamper 0 3403 1621 0662 9464 79282021-12-06 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017674ClosedTamper Code2021-12-06Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101161013194Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-12-06No0101161013194 Clear Tamper 0 2320 7757 3205 1122 61152021-12-06 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017673ClosedTamper Code2021-12-06Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101200078711Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-12-06No0101200078711 Clear Tamper 0 1974 9258 9083 5198 08292021-12-06 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017672ClosedKCT Request2021-12-060101210066599 kct 02 to 01Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-12-06NoHello, Find below, 0552 5121 6851 1371 9816 0553 1286 1393 6726 18412021-12-06 shuaibumuhammad629@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017671ClosedKCT Request2021-12-06Request for KCT 0101190035135Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-12-06Nohello, find below, 5889 4818 1294 2336 7182 1336 0634 8058 2546 03542021-12-06 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017670ClosedKCT Request2021-12-06Re: KCT - 0101200020663Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-12-06Nohello, find below, 4173 4604 9851 1088 3362 6910 0872 4945 6217 25112021-12-06 omarllepps@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00017669ClosedKCT Request2021-12-06KCT generation please 95300225927 95300185873 95300176849 95300176864 95300225943 thanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-12-06NoHello, Find below, 95300225927 7123 3536 0716 9958 1804 1125 3085 9719 6179 6818 95300185873 3622 6203 6708 2004 9016 0295 2322 3061 9737 2682 95300176849 0454 5319 3551 7675 5616 0440 3246 6054 7660 1817 95300176864 2296 8865 1847 4295 7889 3103 9759 0644 6809 7116 95300225943 5466 9703 1142 9652 9249 0341 1174 3931 5730 20612021-12-06 beediesarah5@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017668ClosedKCT Request2021-12-0695300227485 45 to 33Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-12-06NoHello, Find below, 2557 7976 1691 7313 9420 5752 1403 6967 4601 59962021-12-06 ismailbalaonline@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017667ClosedKCT Request2021-12-060101190142758 (007 to 001) and (001 to 007) Please Sir help us with a KCT Thanks for your support.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-12-06Nohello, find below, 01 To 07 6137 7505 1017 4613 3538 0495 2319 8926 7265 9322 07 To 01 5836 7161 1839 7257 9966 3985 6543 0158 4807 48272021-12-06 yakubaliyu82@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017666ClosedKCT Request2021-12-060101210064537 From 0001 to 33 Thank you sirMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-12-06NoHello, Find below, 4783 7854 7499 7968 2024 6237 0387 7057 0626 20502021-12-06 yusufibrahimbaba440@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017665ClosedKCT Request2021-12-06Dear Support, Kindly generate kct for 0101200079867 on Index 01Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-12-06NoHello, 0101200079867.................is also on TI 01 Regards.2021-12-06 evelyntsokar87@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017664ClosedKCT Request2021-12-06Dear Support, Kindly generate kct for the following on T46 0101205003185 0101205003334 And this on T04 0101205003268Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-12-06NoFind below, Kindly generate kct for the following on T46 0101205003185 02 To 46 6387 3357 7663 4878 7153 5062 0545 2962 9305 7123 0101205003334 02 To 46 2996 8544 1188 8967 0620 1589 2407 6755 8115 1695 And this on T04 0101205003268 4981 9194 4095 7818 6344 0277 7118 2534 9174 52062021-12-06 evelyntsokar87@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017663ClosedKCT Request2021-12-06kindly generate for 0101210053795MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-12-06NoFind below, 3454 8521 3719 6955 3369 4415 9186 9608 5266 45862021-12-06 shehubabubakar@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017662ClosedKCT Request2021-12-06Please kindly help me with KCT 0101210135196 ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-12-06NoFind below, 7115 2666 6189 1367 7987 5485 4784 0869 5897 77012021-12-06 sadeeqismail2020@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017661ClosedKCT Request2021-12-0644 000701688.thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-12-06NoFind below, 4405 1161 2877 4536 5634 6682 9341 7675 9856 09072021-12-06 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017660ClosedKCT Request2021-12-06Re: 0101210146979 kct 02 to 45MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-12-06NoFind below, 1605 3577 1384 1674 5433 1565 6473 5229 6651 46672021-12-06 shuaibumuhammad629@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017659ClosedKCT Request2021-12-06Please sir kindly assist with the kct of this meter 95300181880MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-12-06No3961 6817 7944 0621 5735 6329 7282 3155 2653 71872021-12-06 ahmadabdullahiahmadmaye@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017658ClosedKCT Request2021-11-193-45 95300211836MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-11-19Nohello, find below, 6537 5548 6163 4854 7543 4805 3366 4357 3359 29912021-11-19 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017657ClosedKCT Request2021-11-19Request for KCT -0101200039911MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-11-19No1707 2230 0062 3042 5373 4994 5510 0458 3629 52522021-11-19 austinakpobi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017656ClosedKCT Request2021-11-19Good afternoon Sir, Name; Adah okpe Meter no: 0101210150492 Tarrif 0004 Band E Rejected kct 49914062579211971568 54059464138998954438. Kind regardsMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-11-19Nohello, find below, 5633 4010 8537 7911 3631 2765 5182 8145 1749 32542021-11-19 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017655ClosedKCT Request2021-11-1995300195039 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-11-19Nohello, find below, 3072 9570 8150 4511 7572 4104 7634 0837 9229 52742021-11-19 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017654ClosedRequest2021-11-19Please kindly help me activate the following accounts to annabelle me to pay 782028 782110Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-11-19Nohello, your mail has been treated.2021-11-19 sadeeqismail2020@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017653ClosedTamper Code2021-11-190101210028961 0195000002426 95300151073 0195000003390 0101170398149 0101210039224 0195000004612 95300185576 0195000006633 0195000005148 HQ Audit pls assist us to vet for CT Thank you.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-11-18Nohello, find below, 0101210028961 Clear Tamper 0 6132 7134 4140 1698 2486 0195000002426 Clear Tamper 0 2108 9267 7227 3337 9009 95300151073 Clear Tamper 0 3408 8859 1113 9703 8258 0195000003390 Clear Tamper 0 7080 5155 7619 7636 2571 0101170398149 Clear Tamper 0 7244 5070 9429 7420 3717 0101210039224 Clear Tamper 0 5195 8613 8538 7416 3875 0195000004612 Clear Tamper 0 4017 3413 6555 4508 9131 95300185576 Clear Tamper 0 3741 7603 5882 7065 5303 0195000006633 Clear Tamper 0 1502 2346 0626 1635 0454 0195000005148 Clear Tamper 0 2765 1006 9912 0290 08522021-11-19 longpuan@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017652ClosedKCT Request2021-11-19Request for KCT on 23102126275 TI 01Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-11-19NoFind below, 23102126275 33034030947412564398 527935751569992007092021-11-19 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017651ClosedTamper Code2021-11-19Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 54161137200 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-11-18No54161137200 Clear Tamper 0 4051 1812 2648 7266 39682021-11-19 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017650ClosedTamper Code2021-11-19Good afternoon sir, please kindly verify this MSN 0101190140083 for tamper. Thank you.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-11-18No0101190140083 Clear Tamper 0 3705 8933 1124 6272 82342021-11-19 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017649ClosedTamper Code2021-11-19Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 57100043512 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-11-19NoFrom Subject Received Size Support Temporary; Roland James; Auwal Aliyu Re: Tamper 8:38 AM 28 KB2021-11-19 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017648ClosedTamper Code2021-11-19Dear Support, Pls generate CT for this MSN 54161061772. Regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-11-19Nohello, find below, 54161061772 Clear Tamper 0 4028 7804 5630 9392 37822021-11-19 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017647ClosedKCT Request2021-11-18Dear ICT Team, compliments of the day to you. Please, kindly furnish me with KCT on the correct tariff index for this customer below: MSN: INDEX: 0101210046138. 02 to 01Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-11-18Nohello, find below, 5074 4865 2307 9478 8859 0816 3613 9986 1002 49262021-11-18 wyontochae@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017646ClosedVending History2021-11-18Good afternoon please kindly assist me with this meter VH 01351685589 ThankMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-11-18NoHello, Find below, # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 2543163422432124 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-10-14 16:12:01 Meter No.: 01351685589 Account No.: AGR9572484 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 18.24 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 6279 8862 4491 9631 2030 2 Transaction ID: 9676162764590624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-07-30 12:51:46 Meter No.: 01351685589 Account No.: AGR9572484 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 18.99 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 6208 9612 1560 7704 0418 3 Transaction ID: 2928162265080324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-06-02 17:20:03 Meter No.: 01351685589 Account No.: AGR9572484 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 18.99 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 5044 4210 1722 9083 4740 4 Transaction ID: 8654161856518524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-16 10:26:25 Meter No.: 01351685589 Account No.: AGR9572484 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 18.99 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 5323 0271 0111 4012 25382021-11-18 abdulmalik3955@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017646ClosedVending History2021-11-18Good afternoon please kindly assist me with this meter VH 01351685589 ThankMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-11-18NoHello, Find below, # Transaction Details Token Details 1 Transaction ID: 2543163422432124 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-10-14 16:12:01 Meter No.: 01351685589 Account No.: AGR9572484 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 18.24 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 6279 8862 4491 9631 2030 2 Transaction ID: 9676162764590624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-07-30 12:51:46 Meter No.: 01351685589 Account No.: AGR9572484 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 18.99 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 6208 9612 1560 7704 0418 3 Transaction ID: 2928162265080324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-06-02 17:20:03 Meter No.: 01351685589 Account No.: AGR9572484 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 18.99 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 5044 4210 1722 9083 4740 4 Transaction ID: 8654161856518524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-16 10:26:25 Meter No.: 01351685589 Account No.: AGR9572484 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 18.99 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 5323 0271 0111 4012 25382021-11-18 abdulmalik3955@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017645ClosedKCT Request2021-11-18Good morning, Kindly provide me with the kct for the customer below: 0101210101503 from 01 to 33 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-11-18NoFind below, 5837 2920 4837 8428 8890 4901 2978 4523 5828 38212021-11-18 zakimimidoomaureen@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017644ClosedRequest2021-11-18REQUEST FOR OUTSTANDING BALANCE METER NO 0101170425710 DR. EGRUBEMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-11-18NoHello, Find below, Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 6621052548-01 Debt Repayment ₦130,014.17 ₦-58,760.42 ₦2,000.00 ₦59,253.75 M 2019-03-23 ₦12,000.00 2021-11-13 Regards.2021-11-18 benmercyladi@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017643ClosedKCT Request2021-11-18Please kindly help me with a kct number of this meter 0101215022050 47 to 02 and 02 to 47Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-11-18NoFind below from 02 To 47 0101215022050 06323199906555339990 73200251273212203433 47 To 02 3113 0535 8552 0964 3016 0081 8225 7454 3309 06132021-11-18 shehumyusuf51@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017642ClosedKCT Request2021-11-180101170224964 help with KCT from 01 to 21, thank you for your quick respond.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-11-18NoFind below, 2164 9993 5929 2271 4889 1821 7673 2904 2659 52862021-11-18 elijah.ishaya@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017641ClosedKCT Request2021-11-18Dear sir, Please kindly assist with this kct: 0101 2150 2810 7 Thank you.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-11-18Nohello, Find below, 4496 5190 0836 7076 1455 6965 4426 5321 5814 35462021-11-18 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017640ClosedKCT Request2021-11-18Good afternoon Sir, Meter number 0101210102113 Tarrif 0001 Kind regardsMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-11-18NoFind below, 0101210102113 7131 4981 4518 0693 8261 1853 2017 4274 2497 04042021-11-18 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017639ClosedRequest2021-11-180101160055527 Thank you.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-11-18Nohello, find below. 0101160055527 Account No Ledger Type Original Amount Total Adjustment Repayment Amount Running Balance Repayment Cycle Repayment Start Date Amount Paid Last Date Paid 536758 Debt Repayment ₦138,215.44 ₦-8,000.00 ₦10,000.00 ₦130,215.44 M 2020-02-09 ₦0.00 2021-05-312021-11-18 browngan279@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017638ClosedKCT Request2021-11-18Name sabongeri Meter no: 010121015492 Tarrif 0004 Rejected kct 49914062579211971568 54059464138998954438Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-11-18NoHello, This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2021-11-18 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017637ClosedKCT Request2021-11-18Good evening Sir, 0101205011105 0101210151349 0101210131542 0101210153629 0101204011105 0101210187877 0101210033902 0101210122764 0101210187866 0101210185316 0101210148223 0101210129918 0101210126393MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-11-17Nohello, find below. 0101205011105 2565 1171 6363 5387 6556 2223 6534 2769 2070 2858 0101210151349 No data available in table 0101210131542 No data available in table 0101210153629 6885 8001 8746 4805 5318 4058 4478 0294 9522 2436 0101204011105 No data available in table 0101210187877 No data available in table 0101210033902 No data available in table 0101210122764 1124 4729 8409 0557 9205 1919 8543 7759 7287 4653 0101210187866 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 0101210185316 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101210148223 1638 4839 1671 5764 8846 2549 0972 0809 1355 3175 0101210129918 1104 6981 9267 6714 4398 6730 5841 7414 1388 6457 0101210126393 6031 4245 2291 4644 1421 3074 4486 6474 9650 08832021-11-18 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017636ClosedKCT Request2021-11-18Dear sir, Please kindly assist with this kct no: 0101210004897 Thank you.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-11-18Nohello, find below. 0101210004897 0815 5772 0571 8848 6064 5924 0766 5583 9146 97022021-11-18 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017635ClosedKCT Request2021-11-18Pls generate a KCT for the below meter number 0101190143954 from 0033 to 0001Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-11-18NoHello, Find below, 4827 5323 0934 1221 8487 4262 5066 1122 7446 53902021-11-18 uwadiasamson04@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017634ClosedKCT Request2021-11-180101170172460 help with KCT from 01 46. Thank you for your quick response sir.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-11-18Nohello, find below, 5108 8113 0991 8239 9579 4894 2913 6694 0501 38282021-11-18 elijah.ishaya@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017633ClosedKCT Request2021-11-1895300229663Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-11-18NoHello, Find below, 2705 6240 7516 9378 2355 6484 2099 3877 8648 85622021-11-18 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017633ClosedKCT Request2021-11-1895300229663Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-11-18NoHello, Find below, 2705 6240 7516 9378 2355 6484 2099 3877 8648 85622021-11-18 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017632ClosedKCT Request2021-11-18Dear sir, Please kindly assist with this kct no: 0101215022845. Thank you.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-11-18Nohello, find below. 0101215022845 0969 8024 5244 8832 0314 4416 4691 5337 9916 08932021-11-18 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017631ClosedKCT Request2021-11-18Please Sir kindly assist with the kct of this meter 0101210065609Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-11-18NoHello, Find below, 2775 8798 2853 7019 6729 2774 0999 5640 2216 53832021-11-18 ahmadabdullahiahmadmaye@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017631ClosedKCT Request2021-11-18Please Sir kindly assist with the kct of this meter 0101210065609Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-11-18NoHello, Find below, 2775 8798 2853 7019 6729 2774 0999 5640 2216 53832021-11-18 ahmadabdullahiahmadmaye@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017630ClosedKCT Request2021-11-18KCT generation please 0101210019804 thanksMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-11-18NoHello, Find below, 3754 3783 6103 8652 3918 4215 0387 3993 8010 20442021-11-18 beediesarah5@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017630ClosedKCT Request2021-11-18KCT generation please 0101210019804 thanksMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-11-18NoHello, Find below, 3754 3783 6103 8652 3918 4215 0387 3993 8010 20442021-11-18 beediesarah5@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017629ClosedKCT Request2021-11-180101210061111 From 01 to 33 0101210067845 From 01 to 33 0101210171035 From 01 to 33 0101210088924 From 01 to 33Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-11-18NoHello, Find below, 0101210061111 From 01 to 33 3920 8673 2836 8597 7692 4823 6880 6354 4980 4067 0101210067845 From 01 to 33 4482 8493 1625 9521 2750 2962 8881 4202 7082 6494 0101210171035 From 01 to 33 5543 0313 6409 5569 0858 6620 6065 7552 1542 9646 0101210088924 From 01 to 33 1585 7288 6944 5428 2532 2702 2661 0422 4092 69702021-11-18 toranyiinkator14@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017629ClosedKCT Request2021-11-180101210061111 From 01 to 33 0101210067845 From 01 to 33 0101210171035 From 01 to 33 0101210088924 From 01 to 33Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-11-18NoHello, Find below, 0101210061111 From 01 to 33 3920 8673 2836 8597 7692 4823 6880 6354 4980 4067 0101210067845 From 01 to 33 4482 8493 1625 9521 2750 2962 8881 4202 7082 6494 0101210171035 From 01 to 33 5543 0313 6409 5569 0858 6620 6065 7552 1542 9646 0101210088924 From 01 to 33 1585 7288 6944 5428 2532 2702 2661 0422 4092 69702021-11-18 toranyiinkator14@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017628ClosedKCT Request2021-11-180101210007999 From 01 to 33 0101200106942 From 01 to 01 0101210014300 From 01 to 33 0101210075954 From 01 to 33MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-11-18Nohello, find below. 0101210007999 From 01 to 33 1879 2320 0772 0639 0457 0768 9838 0915 4927 9670 0101200106942 From 01 to 01 3902 3508 4920 4518 4305 1152 9318 6335 1197 2619 0101210014300 From 01 to 33 3684 0434 9008 5963 6034 3125 8158 5723 4773 9077 0101210075954 From 01 to 33 3967 3247 5459 4554 4649 2254 4108 0845 9165 30242021-11-18 toranyiinkator14@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017627ClosedKCT Request2021-11-18Kindly assist to generate KCT for 0101210172827 0101205013374MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-11-18Nohello, find below. 0101210172827 2853 2776 9251 4421 9709 2284 3890 0201 1769 8658 0101205013374 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-11-18 yinknuga2002@yahoo.co.uk Umar Auwal
#00017626ClosedKCT Request2021-11-17Dear IT Team, Kindly generate KCT for MSN 95300184777Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-11-17Nohello, find below.. 95300184777 4453 3850 8441 9060 8354 3480 7426 8099 1724 38182021-11-17 kinretluka@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017625Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00017624ClosedKCT Request2021-11-17Hello. Please kindly assist. 44000700532 Thanks for your assistance.Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-11-16NoHello, Find below, 1489 2704 2018 9261 1289 5822 6169 7512 8660 55302021-11-17 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017624ClosedKCT Request2021-11-17Hello. Please kindly assist. 44000700532 Thanks for your assistance.Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-11-16NoHello, Find below, 1489 2704 2018 9261 1289 5822 6169 7512 8660 55302021-11-17 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017623ClosedKCT Request2021-11-17kINDLY PROVIDE kct FOR THE METER NUMBERS BELOW 0101215009958 0101215019064 0101215004140 0101215028586 THANKSMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-11-17NoFind below, 0101215009958 6039 8838 2263 6747 0330 5925 8706 0074 8824 0707 0101215019064 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 0101215004140 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 0101215028586 5811 5307 6184 9043 8278 4527 8292 7078 0608 14092021-11-17 mubby247@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017622ClosedKCT Request2021-11-17Dear sir, Please kindly assist with this kct no: 0101215031317 Thank you.Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-11-17NoHello, Find below, 5759 8561 9343 6692 6452 0960 4641 6178 3918 19882021-11-17 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017622ClosedKCT Request2021-11-17Dear sir, Please kindly assist with this kct no: 0101215031317 Thank you.Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-11-17NoHello, Find below, 5759 8561 9343 6692 6452 0960 4641 6178 3918 19882021-11-17 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017621ClosedKCT Request2021-11-170101210034191 from 0001 to 33 thank youMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-11-17NoHello, Find below, 7072 9361 9786 4738 9135 6483 4122 7633 0531 35062021-11-17 dogoreuben@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017621ClosedKCT Request2021-11-170101210034191 from 0001 to 33 thank youMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-11-17NoHello, Find below, 7072 9361 9786 4738 9135 6483 4122 7633 0531 35062021-11-17 dogoreuben@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017620ClosedKCT Request2021-11-170101215018447 tr on 0002 sirMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-11-17NoHello, Find below, 0126 4000 9883 8370 7073 2682 1495 1566 5327 69122021-11-17 felixaron37@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017620ClosedKCT Request2021-11-170101215018447 tr on 0002 sirMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-11-17NoHello, Find below, 0126 4000 9883 8370 7073 2682 1495 1566 5327 69122021-11-17 felixaron37@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017619ClosedKCT Request2021-11-16Dear IT Support Team, Kindly furnish us with KCT for the following meters; 62521032094 TI 01 54160935331 updated KCT 23102126549 TI 16 62521029561 TI 01 0101215014396 62521039115 62221021868 TI 01MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-11-16Nohelo, find below. 62521032094 TI 01 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 54160935331 updated KCT 1396 0169 0114 6475 0996 0713 0288 9764 6188 3144 23102126549 TI 16 0069 8528 2163 0376 7374 0062 5728 9801 8901 0076 62521029561 TI 01 2049 5373 3503 2208 9409 5787 8966 3314 0909 9008 0101215014396 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62521039115 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62221021868 TI 01 5190 5292 6536 5306 4027 6528 1059 5812 3904 99382021-11-16 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00017618ClosedKCT Request2021-11-16Request for KCT 0101210006322MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-11-16NoFind below, 0775 6303 3171 8668 9939 1988 0717 4732 0821 57782021-11-16 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017617ClosedKCT Request2021-11-16Dear Support Team, Kindly avail me with KCT for the above PPM number with Tariff Index of 01. Thanks.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-11-16NoFind below, 1817 2100 3394 2535 6823 7134 6318 1365 8258 68092021-11-16 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00017616ClosedKCT Request2021-11-16hello kindly generate KCT to this meter 0101200071567 from 04 to 01MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-11-16NoFind below, 7326 0988 4545 4567 8997 0067 8197 0952 0316 60812021-11-16 onceinlife6464@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017615ClosedKCT Request2021-11-160101200071567Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-11-16NoFind below, 04 To 01 7326 0988 4545 4567 8997 0067 8197 0952 0316 6081 01 To 04 5722 8348 8374 4912 1610 1412 2115 0037 6805 7149 Regards.2021-11-16 johnny007emmanuel@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017614OpenSupport0000-00-00Please kindly help me to activate the account number 782098 Thanks3846 Isah Abubakar2021-11-16NoHello Ismail. Your request was treated. They can now make transactions. Regards.2021-11-16 sadeeqismail2020@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017613ClosedKCT Request2021-11-16Assalamualaikum Dear it support Please kindly generate Kct Token following the meter number for 0004 to 0001 for 0001 to 0004 Thank you allMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-11-16NoHello, Please provide us with the meter number. Regards.2021-11-16 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017612ClosedKCT Request2021-11-160101190028932 from 01 to 33. Thanks.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-11-16NoHello, Find below, 1204 7551 1570 1005 4238 2584 0211 6294 6790 44892021-11-16 shaageejeremiah2@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017611ClosedKCT Request2021-11-16Good evening sir Please help me generate kct for this customer 0101210067373. The tariff index is 0001. Thank you very muchMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-11-16NoFind below, 4490 0738 9449 2894 5607 0937 1697 0212 5220 4804 Regards.2021-11-16 okadonyesimona@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017610ClosedKCT Request2021-11-16Hello, Kindly assist with the above request.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-11-16Nohello, find below, 0775 6303 3171 8668 9939 1988 0717 4732 0821 57782021-11-16 phartiemah12@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017609ClosedKCT Request2021-11-16hello kindly generate KCT to this meter 0101200071567 from 01 to 04Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-11-16Nohello, find below, 5722 8348 8374 4912 1610 1412 2115 0037 6805 71492021-11-16 onceinlife6464@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017608ClosedOutstanding Balance2021-11-16Please kindly treat MSN 0101170373753Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-11-16Nohello, no debt record found.2021-11-16 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017607ClosedKCT Request2021-11-16Assalamualaikum Please kindly generate Kct Token following the meter number the meter is on 0002 0101200107973Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-11-16Nohello, This meter is a Single-phase residential (01) on our system no KCT requires, hence they may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. Regards.2021-11-16 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017606ClosedKCT Request2021-11-16Kct 21/1 then 1/21 thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-11-16Nohello, find below, 21 To 01 3035 0243 1142 3095 3019 1667 8392 9018 8751 4599 01 To 21 4262 8482 4102 8928 8391 1076 8532 8565 4992 9634 Regards.2021-11-16 kabirukhalidumar@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017605ClosedTamper Code2021-11-16Dear Makurdi Regional Audit kindly vet the following PPM for Clear Tamper 1. 62221005101 2. 62421050410 3. 62420227738 4. 62420213753 5. 62521033803 6. 62521031401 7. 62221022221 8. 62221008022 9. 62221000383 10. 62420221095 11. 62221023963 12. 62221008105 13. 62420225039 14. 62420223026 15. 62521035170 16. 23102129006 17. 62421050410 18. 62420228454 19. 62221006604 20. 62420227159 21. 62421050121 22. 62221001100 23. 62521022327 24. 62221004591 25. 62521018622 26. 62420258923 27. 62221007818 28. 62420253163 29. 62420234874 30. 62221007842 31. 62521003400 32. 62221006463 33. 62520001629 34. 62420234270 35. 62221008238 36. 62221005705 37. 62420231821 38. 62420229932 39. 62221006851 40. 62521011254 41. 62521036160 42. 62521032698 43. 62420257388 44. 62221006604 45. 62221022734 46. 62421050188 47. 62221008469 48. 62521001032 49. 62221007958 50. 62221007974 51. 62521026435 52. 62421053190 53. 62221024821 54. 62521025288 55. 62420229817 56. 62221006268 57. 62521034587 58. 62421054313 59. 62521019364 60. 62420253722 61. 62221018443 62. 62221007719 63. 62221004880 64. 62521031377 65. 62320121544 66. 62221005820 67. 62420231136 68. 62521002857 69. 62420153959 70. 62521026070 71. 62221008238 72. 62420222390 73. 62421052697 74. 62521022632 75. 62421051004 76. 62521031377 77. 62420226920 78. 62521021600 79. 62420232639 80. 62420224172 81. 62221002496 82. 62221018746 83. 62221024532 84. 62221005507 85. 62221006331 86. 62221022718 87. 62221000839 88. 62221007057 89. 62420138844 90. 62421052366 91. 62421050170 92. 62421052820 93. 62421054081 94. 62221023526 95. 62420094542 96. 62221023716 97. 62420231268 98. 62521000851 99. 62221021728 100. 62520000159 101. 62420224172 102. 62421053703 103. 62421051426 104. 62221007800 105. 62221006158 RegardsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-11-16No1. 62221005101 5295 8832 4138 4026 4306 62421050410 2393 9595 1881 0239 8289 62420227738 2525 7355 2671 3881 6727 62420213753 2963 9036 1472 6676 6811 62521033803 3159 5268 7041 8740 7596 62521031401 2294 0813 8432 5870 0248 62221022221 1609 7719 7095 2225 1147 62221008022 6661 2502 8188 7752 2764 62221000383 2977 6616 7300 4304 7640 62420221095 4791 6256 5045 7454 3347 62221023963 7273 7893 7800 6613 6414 62221008105 0911 3104 1286 7196 5064 62420225039 1726 5271 5504 8928 7590 62420223026 4681 7620 5717 8548 8552 62521035170 6712 9318 3075 3208 4277 23102129006 2058 1757 8819 7845 6827 62421050410 4365 6237 9035 4076 7562 62420228454 0610 5275 3974 1626 9057 62221006604 7156 3216 2656 9427 0341 62420227159 0943 8322 9526 0169 7354 62421050121 4581 7394 2578 2892 1903 62221001100 1455 8941 5948 6928 2958 62521022327 2245 3076 7166 2212 8710 62221004591 3559 7209 6607 2775 0124 62521018622 6706 2835 2460 4959 0384 62420258923 1729 4294 0355 5939 5518 62221007818 0040 7002 1394 0530 5388 62420253163 2952 9846 3630 2102 5861 62420234874 6562 3057 0728 8777 0035 62221007842 7341 3473 4621 6727 6592 62521003400 5819 3928 3488 3990 0038 62221006463 7166 8702 7648 6950 0735 62520001629 3476 0091 1211 5908 4242 62420234270 4454 7448 0246 1326 5787 62221008238 6867 4976 0330 7230 4438 62221005705 4572 3353 4496 8365 1548 62420231821 5390 3588 6588 9684 4230 62420229932 0194 2850 0093 3198 9208 62221006851 2462 7875 7988 2963 0794 62521011254 1697 3670 8195 7017 5705 62521036160 5097 5160 6873 8852 9048 62521032698 6459 8221 8718 5829 5816 62420257388 4133 8569 5716 2892 3581 62221006604 3098 6236 2078 6366 2646 62221022734 5043 0046 1960 3968 3801 62421050188 2040 6736 0158 2195 5226 62221008469 5313 6994 8760 3391 7612 62521001032 6849 4348 8990 4477 6352 62221007958 1210 2789 6703 7151 3805 62221007974 1077 7980 0612 8266 4450 62521026435 3346 7571 4772 5103 9646 62421053190 2206 7275 3710 9139 4495 62221024821 2622 4775 8951 2573 1715 62521025288 6621 7391 2564 7626 9079 62420229817 4160 4433 2167 3583 1510 62221006268 not captured. 62521034587 1590 5065 2213 2651 6264 62421054313 2958 6981 3621 9947 0253 62521019364 6735 5950 5998 2634 4513 62420253722 not captured. 62221018443 5514 6802 6779 0727 3356 62221007719 0133 8897 8682 9947 6603 62221004880 4744 8091 5831 7283 7240 62521031377 3757 3873 3480 8531 6804 62320121544 1863 3755 3801 0729 7114 62221005820 4372 3879 7187 5652 5526 62420231136 6332 4159 3651 5921 6748 62521002857 6502 9968 9780 1571 3583 62420153959 2176 3685 2501 0650 5085 62521026070 6102 2111 7611 3636 9591 62221008238 0422 4549 5664 2923 3842 62420222390 4576 7057 1304 0142 6921 62421052697 3546 7971 5564 6319 6461 62521022632 4510 4286 0966 7797 5840 62421051004 3414 5158 2218 6583 4413 62521031377 0862 9414 0842 5120 5744 62420226920 1498 5804 7960 0492 5759 62521021600 4343 6414 3261 4930 0240 62420232639 6783 2925 7695 0107 2187 62420224172 1860 2112 7598 5738 3560 62221002496 5192 4110 4284 1084 6202 62221018746 not captured. 62221024532 0368 7006 0550 4276 1643 62221005507 2920 0631 0090 9709 4374 62221006331 6824 2841 1681 2754 8446 62221022718 3738 1491 9934 8726 9158 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#00017601ClosedKCT Request2021-11-16Dear it support Please kindly generate Kct Token following the meter numbe for 0004 to 0001 for 00001 to 0004 0101190032017Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-11-16No04 To 01 1275 9520 0091 5301 7219 1022 7064 8563 4442 7205 01 To 04 5755 8746 1105 7290 2251 5008 9823 9035 1779 25342021-11-16 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
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#00017599ClosedKCT Request2021-11-160101215008703(49-45) Please kindly treat thank you.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-11-16No2962 3077 7243 8545 5121 6175 9980 4912 8971 47772021-11-16 ummilois2@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017598ClosedKCT Request2021-11-16Please kindly help me with a kct number of this meter 0101215011772 02 to 33Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-11-16No1553 7950 3753 9367 4398 1078 2917 1439 4584 66092021-11-16 shehumyusuf51@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
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#00017593ClosedKCT Request2021-06-30Please kindly send me VH following the meter number 0101200049282 thank youMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-29NoHello, No VH record found associated with this meter number: 0101200049282 Regards2021-06-30 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017592ClosedKCT Request2021-06-30Please kindly send me kct following the meter number 0101200049282 Hello ict supportMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-29NoHello, Find below, 2291 7687 0463 6718 2116 7096 6990 5318 4920 9701 Regards.2021-06-30 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017591ClosedKCT Request2021-06-30KCT GENERATION Dear IT team, Please the above subject refers. 95300198223 95300177391 0101210084519 95300150364 95300190493 Regards.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-30NoHello, Find below, 95300198223 1844 9032 1882 8732 1806 3125 5062 4957 4247 5935 95300177391 2567 5377 3946 0198 1051 2870 1628 1982 6941 8717 0101210084519 1843 3287 8465 0275 0662 1157 9713 8351 4111 2980 95300150364 4326 9680 6033 4860 0757 5852 2395 1313 1554 5113 95300190493 7124 2945 5612 1319 6682 3680 6740 5119 8742 0802 Regards.2021-06-30 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017590ClosedKCT Request2021-06-30KCT GENERATION 44000379360 Dear IT team, Please the above subject refers. Regards.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-29NoHello, Find below, 2081 6156 2768 4497 3838 5101 6555 5688 1959 2051 Regards.2021-06-29 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017589ClosedRequest2021-06-29Debt profile 0101185058126Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-29NoHello, Find attached herewith the Debt Profile in respect of account number: 0101185058126 Regards.2021-06-29 erdooshirsha@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017588ClosedKCT Request2021-06-29Please find below meter numbers to generate KCT 44000471738 44000342533 44000421923 ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-06-29NoHello, Find below. 44000471738 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 44000342533 5098 3272 9834 7415 5113 4182 0656 6573 9213 2614 44000421923 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-06-29 surefreedeen@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017587ClosedVending History2021-06-29Requesting for VENDING HISTORY Hello sir, please kindly help us with the Vending History of this MSN: 44000336691 Thank youMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-29NoHello, Find attached herewith VH for the meter number 44000336691 Regards.2021-06-29 yuzarsif33112269@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017586ClosedKCT Request2021-06-29Hello, Good afternoon, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters from 04 to 01. Thank you. Meter Numbers: 0101200064794 0101200065460 0101190138293 0101200010177 0101200021158Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-29NoHello, Find below the completed KCT for the meter number: 0101200065460 44376336846920749661 20289200971132905907 0101200064794 0822 4912 5926 5754 7988 6852 6825 0441 5034 6506 0101200065460 Incomplete token generated. Give us some time. 0101190138293 6143 5167 3574 4235 0907 0201 6012 0880 0711 9716 0101200010177 4359 3834 8483 1840 4316 4024 2968 1361 9399 0480 0101200021158 3383 3561 0911 6169 0087 3668 5809 7925 1086 9573 Regards.2021-06-29 ademugeorge@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017585ClosedComplaint2021-06-29CUSTOMER ACCOUNTS NOT ON EVEND 290621 Dear Support Please find below Customer Accts. not on Evend and ready for payment Kindly assist please 765603 765566 765580 765559Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-29NoHello, Your mail has been treated. Regards.2021-06-29 aliyusaad63@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017584ClosedKCT Request2021-06-29Kct,0101190143665(21-1 &1-21) Still waiting.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-29NoHello, Find below, 21 To 01 3220 4091 5122 3130 1414 0343 9185 1224 5425 4495 01 To 21 4177 3903 2583 1257 9378 1299 3411 0072 9134 99162021-06-29 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017583ClosedKCT Request2021-06-29Dear ICT Team, Please, kindly generate KCT on the correct tariff index for this customer below: MSN: INDEX: 0101205009026. 0004 to 0001 Thank you. Best regardsMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-29NoHello, Find below, 3110 3421 5607 5097 5755 2380 5401 5871 1928 7447 Regards.2021-06-29 wyontochae@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017582ClosedKCT Request2021-06-29Hello. Please kindly assist. 0150000970130 0150000958887 0150000888654 0150000956774 0150000883010 0150000897176 0150000913288 0150000962855 0150000884463 0150000959976 0150000965304 0150000952583 0150000949050 0150000884513 0150000867054 0150000967979 0150000946973 0150000946981 0150000960065 Thanks for your usual support.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-29No0150000970130 3735 6650 9704 2682 0024 6918 1292 0355 5965 6592 0150000958887 To be send later. 0150000888654 5940 1625 7418 5796 2040 1675 6794 2571 2723 7519 0150000956774 1853 4056 6177 8233 3477 2253 2072 0760 9282 2400 0150000883010 5346 1085 0814 0418 5676 4470 4758 6862 8961 1728 0150000897176 0864 6074 7423 6070 7917 4856 2139 5518 9851 5495 0150000913288 5558 6855 1555 5690 1219 5253 4117 9628 4039 6593 0150000962855 1164 3656 4166 3072 1807 5814 7336 0856 3665 3378 0150000884463 4501 3093 0151 8945 8817 4725 8875 4218 5819 5360 0150000959976 3267 9856 9736 6547 4449 3902 2302 4866 6072 2579 0150000965304 7027 0730 1574 3562 6314 3829 6375 4776 7664 8422 0150000952583 4404 0253 5381 2966 9165 5011 7017 3241 4727 5714 0150000949050 7224 0166 4563 3668 0871 1602 3262 5762 6297 5045 0150000884513 2957 9653 3979 0383 3191 2504 0700 4216 0039 9367 0150000867054 01 no kct require. 0150000967979 01 no kct require. 0150000946973 2142 5768 6313 5145 4614 4178 9987 6564 5300 8051 0150000946981 6978 0193 4164 4155 3580 6170 1261 7293 5765 2695 0150000960065 0226 7230 7590 9502 3405 7023 3243 6791 3150 4135 Hello, Find below, 0150000958887 40725012786225296729 684762007548282399312021-06-29 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017581ClosedKCT Request2021-06-29Request for KCT FROM 02 to the current tariff 0101205017797Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-29NoHello, Find below, 65752271059302675626 003210879537720054542021-06-29 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017580ClosedKCT Request2021-06-29Hello, Good afternoon, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters from 02 to 04. Thank you. Meter Numbers: 0101205009026 0101205014844 0101205019199MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-06-29NoHello, Find below. 0101205009026 6117 5175 5247 4600 7978 5327 2807 5519 9574 2361 0101205014844 5243 2976 9193 6745 8534 1858 9181 7574 3379 9105 0101205019199 1545 6146 9180 0823 4176 2153 7501 9392 1820 91752021-06-29 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017579ClosedKCT Request2021-06-29Dear sir, Please kindly assist with kct MSN:95300230034. Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-06-29NoHello, Find below. This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2021-06-29 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017578ClosedKCT Request2021-06-29Please kindly send me the kct for this meter no below 0101190022034.01 to 02 0101200029151.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-06-29NoHello, Find below., 0101190022034.01 to 02 3360 6844 7800 9990 5531 1258 2258 1173 9256 1857 0101200029151. 3709 9149 6942 7600 5346 1185 1964 4006 4947 90442021-06-29 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017577ClosedKCT Request2021-06-29KCT generation please 95300105459 95300161841 95300160629 95300120433 95300190907 95300216231 0195000001451 0195000001048 95300198579 95300218468 thanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-29NoHello, Find below. 95300105459 0344 2717 7271 8378 7616 6543 2560 3654 7727 1194 95300161841 4518 0935 5900 7475 7655 7206 2372 5743 4409 0123 95300160629 0649 8875 2809 6222 9431 5317 1683 3276 4056 6502 95300120433 3946 7016 3449 6676 3930 0366 8915 7746 4979 7965 95300190907 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 95300216231 0195000001451 6984 0939 1903 6260 3245 1347 3081 1759 2647 5572 0195000001048 1751 4226 2937 2825 4193 0317 1441 1202 0966 7150 95300198579 3687 2298 3838 3347 6448 6715 0269 3227 7395 1779 95300218468 thanks 6481 7225 5314 0304 4463 0138 7786 6547 1259 39772021-06-29 beediesarah5@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017576ClosedKCT Request2021-06-29Kct, 0101190148136 and 0101190148169(2-1&1-2)for all the meters Please kindly treat.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-29NoHello, Find below, 0101190148136 02 To 01 3816 8169 8937 7105 2385 5476 1891 6248 3197 1310 01 To 02 1369 6404 0414 6537 9089 0066 9941 1571 6512 1168 0101190148169 02 To 01 7263 4493 4812 4124 1732 3207 0099 2936 5513 5334 01 To 02 4340 4994 8096 6879 1963 1023 4292 3607 6708 3967 Regards.2021-06-29 ummilois2@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017575ClosedKCT Request2021-06-29Hello, Good afternoon, Kindly assist with KCT for this meter from 02 to 04. Thank you. Meter Number:0101205008184Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-29NoHello, Find below, 1474 1141 8149 3317 6831 1276 8700 5661 9678 9164 Regards.2021-06-29 ademugeorge@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017574ClosedKCT Request2021-06-29Kct the meter is on 1 we 1to ban A 0195000007243Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-29NoHello, Find below, 01 To 45 3790 4660 8839 0933 8187 6170 3852 7392 6353 9608 Regards.2021-06-29 nadabousman762@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017573ClosedKCT Request2021-06-29Kct Pls sir help me generate Kct of 0101200088041 the tariff is 0004Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-29NoHello, Find below. 0101200088041 3801 4667 0807 9539 5962 1352 8711 9900 4363 63702021-06-29 munirishaqjos@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017572ClosedKCT Request2021-06-29Dear sir, Kindly release the KCT of the meter number below. 62420214231 index 01Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-29NoHello, This meter is also on 01 in our system. Regards.2021-06-29 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00017571ClosedKCT Request2021-06-290101205001809 Kindly generate kct for the above meterMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-29NoHello, Find below, 2173 8228 1843 9888 3202 4317 2245 6963 0498 28152021-06-29 abdulmalikakande@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017570ClosedKCT Request2021-06-29Request for KCT meter 0101195007303 innocent AdikwuMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-06-29NoHello, Find below. 0101195007303 1785 6349 2924 5506 6532 3636 3591 9781 5737 64342021-06-29 benmercyladi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017569ClosedKCT Request2021-06-29KCT request - 0101190020988Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-29NoHello, Find below, 2729 1443 3694 1557 2697 6461 3441 9324 5168 3952 Regards.2021-06-29 stynlucs@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00017568ClosedKCT Request2021-06-29REQUEST FOR KCT- 0101200061394MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-06-29NoHello, Find below. 0101200061394 4112 4144 7638 0622 2765 6313 1872 1798 9177 70772021-06-29 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017567ClosedKCT Request2021-06-29Kindly generate KCT for this meter 95300207990MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-06-29NoHello, Find below. 95300207990 2776 3805 9278 0505 6538 2348 6601 7865 0699 20772021-06-29 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017566ClosedKCT Request2021-06-29Pls kindly help me with kct of this meter number 0101205003086MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-06-29NoHell, Find below. 0101205003086 4104 7777 7773 0261 2001 7135 2054 3574 2885 68972021-06-29 amibabs433@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017565ClosedKCT Request2021-06-29Request for KCT 0101210101198MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-06-29NoHello, Find below. 0101210101198 6276 4124 4205 0386 8756 5584 5150 1492 7846 11812021-06-29 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017564ClosedKCT Request2021-06-29Hello sir, please kindly generate KCT from 02 to 47 for this MSN: 0101205019173 Thank youMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-29NoHello, Find below, 1033 7865 5116 6688 4011 5231 6826 6670 8475 6997 Regards.2021-06-29 yuzarsif33112269@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017563ClosedKCT Request2021-06-29Hello, Good afternoon, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters from 01 to 02. Thank you. Meter Numbers: 0101200123764 0101200094726 0101190027272MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-06-29NoFind below. 0101200123764 4834 2123 9019 9451 1666 6236 6527 9629 4325 7645 0101200094726 0101190027272 0807 9511 8908 0101 7754 3750 2055 6139 5061 4900 Hello, Find below, 4073 3391 8615 6880 5179 7084 1442 2978 3706 2389 Regards.2021-06-29 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017562ClosedKCT Request2021-06-29Pls can you kindly generate kct for this meter number 95300158136 thank youMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-29NoHello, 95300158136. Wrong meter number or not captured Regards.2021-06-29 ayubarapp@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017561ClosedKCT Request2021-06-29Pls can you kindly generate kct for this meter number 95300207453, 95300197639 tnz I only received account transaction details not kct and the second meter number has just been captured not long ago tnxMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-29NoHello, This request has been responded to. Kindly check your mailbox. Regards.2021-06-29 josephglaba1@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017560ClosedKCT Request2021-06-29Good evening sir pls help me generate Kct of 0101205017417Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-29NoHello, Find below, 4705 5547 9404 2406 9588 4746 0878 9323 4473 7155 Regards.2021-06-29 munirishaqjos@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017559ClosedKCT Request2021-06-29Can you pls generate kct for this meter number 95300207453, 95300197639 tnzMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-29NoHello, Find below 95300207453 5241 5117 1138 6260 0046 6590 3215 1933 3773 4981 95300197639 0136 8090 0013 2269 9420 2630 6060 7699 4033 4317 Here is the mail trail FYI. Regards.2021-06-29 josephglaba1@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017558ClosedKCT Request2021-06-29: Request for KCT meter no 62420226367 62521020883 62521016931 62521025759 62521043711 54160955644 62521014449 62521028373 62521020727 23102121110 62520000407 62521018788 62521035279 62221024359 23100415274 62521012039 23100563958 62420256950 6252103957 Please we are still waiting for your response thanks.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-06-29NoHello, Find below. 62420226367 4531 9530 5179 0251 2426 3480 4838 2664 0053 6227 62521020883 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62521016931 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62521025759 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62521043711 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 54160955644 4046 3974 9909 7550 2609 6241 8426 1895 4680 4854 62521014449 4712 8978 2537 6479 6664 2201 8211 1464 3658 7836 62521028373 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 62521020727 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on 23102121110 2861 2039 4335 9596 3076 6188 1781 0097 8382 7157 62520000407 3212 5788 0307 2213 6657 2501 0213 2973 7351 3258 62521018788 62521035279 62221024359 4801 0448 1792 8740 5601 7344 3290 1704 5765 7839 23100415274 5362 9347 5807 6149 2680 2660 2833 9767 8337 7255 62521012039 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on 23100563958 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on 62420256950 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on 62521039572021-06-29 tsavsarmngu@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017557ClosedKCT Request2021-06-29Dear support kindly generate kct for MSN; 44300000609, 44300001821, 0101185059645, 44300004452 Thank you.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-29No44300000609 Incomplete token generated. Give us some time. 44300001821 5317 8210 4264 8049 0128 6041 4571 8957 9575 1272 0101185059645 1814 9339 0078 0983 2093 1302 7336 3579 5978 8934 44300004452 6056 5645 3132 2957 5776 3766 8390 7150 0028 3235 Regards. Hello, Find below the completed KCT for the meter number: 44300000609 57383174229310701638 57383174229310701638 Regards.2021-06-29 jubilant95@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017556ClosedKCT Request2021-06-29Kct, 0101200054076 Please kindly treat.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-29NoHello, This meter is on TI 01 in our system. Kindly query the meter to let’s know which TI it is on.2021-06-29 ummilois2@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017555ClosedKCT Request2021-06-29Thank you! 010121010229 this is the correct number please generate it.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-29NoHello, 010121010229: wrong meter number or not captured. Regards.2021-06-29 bangisgarko@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017554ClosedKCT Request2021-06-29Request for KCT number 0101210090565 Dear IT support, Pls I need the above information Thank youMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-29NoHello, Find below, 3068 6297 2322 5817 1261 5221 6510 8430 6342 4162 Regards.2021-06-29 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017553ClosedKCT Request2021-06-29Kindly generate kct for this meter number 95300120540 tnzMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-29NoHello, Find below, 3908 1801 2784 8345 2263 6694 2667 1092 6712 7218 Regards.2021-06-29 josephglaba1@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017552ClosedKCT Request2021-06-29KCT REQUEST 01 to 02 Hello, Good afternoon, Kindly assist with KCT for this meter from 01 to 02.Thank you. Meter Number:0101210094765MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-06-29NoHello, Find below. 4190 2034 8426 3718 1075 0242 6989 7835 8927 37642021-06-29 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017551ClosedKCT Request2021-06-29Hello, Good afternoon, Kindly assist with KCT for this meter. Thank you. Meter Number:0101210094088MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-06-29NoHello, Find below. 4038 9314 8775 9244 8766 6773 9514 4940 3980 48902021-06-29 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017550ClosedTamper Code2021-06-29Dear Support, Pls treat. Regards. Request for tamper, 0101200039770Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-29NoHello, Find below, 0101200039770 Clear Tamper 0 5496 7372 0203 1903 81262021-06-29 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017549ClosedRequest2021-06-29ACCOUNT NUMBER NOT ON EVEND 765610Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-29NoHello, Your mail has been treated. Regards.2021-06-29 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017548ClosedRequest2021-06-29METER UPLOAD ON INVENTORY ReminderMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-29NoHello, Meter has been assign to you. Regards.2021-06-29 ashanafagain@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017547ClosedKCT Request2021-06-29The two single phase meters are on 001 and I need kct for it 0101200097588,0101200097521.thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-06-29NoHello, Find below. 0101200097588 6293 0397 0984 2560 4974 0327 9310 7088 6660 2839 0101200097521 2929 2921 0467 8220 4083 1759 0780 0415 1583 06292021-06-29 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017546ClosedKCT Request2021-06-290101170414607.thank youMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-29NoHello, Find below, 1825 8179 1736 3664 9871 6501 2215 7324 1444 3222 Regards.2021-06-29 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017545ClosedKCT Request2021-06-29KCT generation please 95300190048 95300217205 95300222874 95300104825 95300105095 95300196698 95300207453 95300197639 95300207008 95300120821 thanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-29NoHello, Find below, 95300190048 5748 4173 8254 5678 0758 1277 5235 6423 5605 5269 95300222874 2282 9843 7268 6613 4259 0184 7129 5738 5854 7875 95300105095 2771 3853 0153 6146 6718 1839 3090 4041 2750 7292 95300207453 2405 1843 4282 2048 2848 4721 8102 4791 6269 1525 95300197639 0136 8090 0013 2269 9420 2630 6060 7699 4033 4317 95300207008 2875 0194 9738 7583 5207 4526 1924 3576 5721 4162 95300120821 3008 6080 5053 0533 6268 0131 7871 1380 3291 9461 The following meters are on TI 01 in our system. Kindly query the meters to let’s know which TI they’re on. 95300104825 95300196698 953002172052021-06-29 beediesarah5@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017544ClosedKCT Request2021-06-290101190036232Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-29NoHello, Find below, 5780 5055 2603 1887 9347 5117 3538 8364 6215 0015 Regards.2021-06-29 johnny007emmanuel@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017543ClosedKCT Request2021-06-29Dear support kindly generate kct for MSN 44300015060. Thank you.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-29NoHello, Find below, 0878 3790 7099 0172 0449 1118 6591 6362 2204 4952 Regards.2021-06-29 jubilant95@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017542ClosedKCT Request2021-06-29Please kindly generate kct to this meter 0101170423442Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-29NoHello, This meter is on TI 01 in our system. Kindly query the meter to let’s know which TI it is on. Regards.2021-06-29 onceinlife6464@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017541ClosedKCT Request2021-06-29: Request for KCT meter with tariff index 33 62521000612MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-06-29NoHello, Find below. 5992 1487 0013 2189 7860 0902 9639 8498 2396 87192021-06-29 tsavsarmngu@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017540ClosedKCT Request2021-06-29Request for kct to enable customer for our services. 54150619176 Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-06-29NoHello, Find below. 54150619176 3589 9348 5142 2348 4133 7215 7204 9620 9941 24292021-06-29 nawwalson01@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017539ClosedKCT Request2021-06-29Request for KCT KCT generation please 95300190303 95300182094 95300229168 thanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-06-29NoHello, Find below. 95300190303 0081 2210 7226 5752 8309 3031 8271 7416 7874 3474 95300182094 7127 3945 4138 9125 4356 6643 1739 8855 2245 8944 95300229168 3632 3777 1228 9371 2363 1454 2622 1601 6395 51212021-06-29 beediesarah5@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017538ClosedKCT Request2021-06-29Hello. Please kindly assist. 0101205009117 Thanks.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-06-29NoHello, Find below. 0101205009117 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on2021-06-29 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017537ClosedKCT Request2021-06-29Dear Support, Please generate KCT for these MSNs. 0101210098600 95300104122 0195000005056 95300219953 95300230026 0101170283119 95300189602 Regards CCRM, Dadinkowa.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-29NoHello, Find below, 0101210098600 4338 9980 9553 4381 5945 3193 4768 1581 5614 6246 95300104122 6628 8052 6130 5197 1345 1846 3914 6875 6008 9110 0195000005056 5103 8352 6545 5018 5222 2642 5511 4415 3636 7518 95300219953 3854 4233 5569 5211 7177 4622 3151 9537 0008 7594 95300230026 5055 6778 8172 6400 0515 2985 3734 5760 6960 7122 0101170283119 1578 1057 4309 7533 0715 4959 4733 8110 7544 8828 95300189602 Incomplete token generated. Please give us some time. Regards.2021-06-29 uduhaleje@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017536ClosedKCT Request2021-06-29Kct the meter is on 1 54161078644Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-29NoHello, Find below, 2727 1234 6823 4057 3859 3989 3607 1995 9875 44102021-06-29 johnny007emmanuel@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017535ClosedTamper Code2021-06-29Dear Sir, Kindly find attached document for further necessary action. Regards...Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-29NoHello, Find below, 62320070493 Clear Tamper 0 6362 4498 0202 6152 00932021-06-29 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017534ClosedKCT Request2021-06-29Dear Sir, Kindly release the KCT of the customer below. 0101205000660 index 02Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-29NoHello, Find below, 6289 7939 2128 9085 0858 7354 7807 4287 4794 04972021-06-29 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00017533ClosedKCT Request2021-06-29REQUEST FOR KCT Dear ITSupport, Kindly Furnish me with the above information for Meter Number 62521002089 with tarrif index 01Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-29NoHello, Find below, 1675 1311 3828 9639 3799 2580 9793 9634 5396 73342021-06-29 abigailiyane@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017532ClosedKCT Request2021-06-29Re: KCT 0101205009042 Thank sirMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-29NoHello, Find below, 4825 9056 3047 6519 8665 7236 3631 3965 4098 90832021-06-29 hamisumusa401@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017531ClosedKCT Request2021-06-29KCT GENERATION Dear IT team, 95300194446 95300220183 95300147907 95300162153 0195000003028 RegardsMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-29NoHello, Find below, 95300194446 3771 4808 1730 3197 7943 6287 6648 5494 8733 1167 95300220183 6825 8478 5541 2716 6947 0206 3409 1518 3093 4292 95300147907 2061 0647 5012 1352 1717 1239 8504 7544 6797 4825 95300162153 7120 6706 6135 9193 4021 6881 6960 1910 5736 5638 0195000003028 3672 7262 5523 7639 8758 0412 6073 0342 8790 44932021-06-29 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017530ClosedKCT Request2021-06-29Request for KCT number 0101200118293 Dear IT support, Pls I need the above information. Thanks.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-29NoHello, Find below, 7356 9924 4465 4481 5945 5851 5102 7884 2332 19222021-06-29 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017529ClosedKCT Request2021-06-29Good morning.Request for KCT 04248779722Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-29NoHello, Find below, 4248779722 2634 4829 8152 0872 6406 4248779722 1352 7357 4281 8778 02542021-06-29 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017528ClosedKCT Request2021-06-29Dear ITsupport, Kindly furnish me with the above information for meter numbers 62521010884 62521030148 62521016469 44000394021 62420220774 62521010603 62521034728 62521039933 62521028639 62521007872 62521037895 62521010884 wit tariff index 01 62521033878 62521010777 wit tariff index 01 62521022350 62521015347 62420217929 62521032789 62521001974 62521023812 62521003780Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-28NoHello, Find below, 62521010884 2518 0633 0648 0080 2007 6668 0111 0468 8086 8882 44000394021 5842 4383 6973 5783 3899 6216 1564 2998 1896 4077 62420220774 5640 8131 8838 1830 4951 4999 5907 3241 3666 8832 62521010603 5457 9380 5329 5345 2889 0298 6364 4123 9569 3553 62521034728 3305 6278 7399 5246 2820 2104 0805 7351 5968 4336 62521028639 2558 2121 4257 1083 4146 5061 6930 2185 5551 4889 62521010884 wit tariff index 01 2518 0633 0648 0080 2007 6668 0111 0468 8086 8882 62521033878 3960 1125 1913 3486 3586 7086 6263 3809 0877 7096 62521010777 wit tariff index 01 Incomplete token. Give us some time. 62521022350 1506 1542 5268 7715 8131 2525 2244 3976 6869 3266 62521015347 4748 7878 5634 8540 7690 6192 0656 0241 3377 6379 62521032789 6382 0612 7327 2066 6581 6702 7457 6497 2760 2867 62521003780 6821 1301 5841 9385 6387 1646 5439 5660 3303 9537 The following meters are on TI 01 in our system. Kindly query the meters to let’s know which TI they’re on. 62420217929 62521001974 62521030148 62521016469 62521039933 62521007872 62521037895 625210238122021-06-29 tsavsarmngu@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017527ClosedKCT Request2021-06-29Dear sir, Please kindly help to generate kct for the following MSN: 0195000002749 & 95300160777. Thank you.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-29NoHello, Find below, 0195000002749 To send later. 95300160777 5349 2777 3143 8445 6061 1228 0376 7744 3843 71922021-06-29 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017526ClosedKCT Request2021-06-29Morning Please kindly assist 0150000882624 Thanks.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-29NoHello, Find below, 7356 3660 4594 9042 3929 0198 0249 8506 2132 73662021-06-29 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017525ClosedKCT Request2021-06-29Gentle reminder please On Mon, Jun 28, 2021, 1:06 PM Sarah Beedie wrote: KCT generation please 95300196805 95300156940 95300105962 95300220928 thanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-29NoHello, This request has been responded to. Kindly check your mailbox. Hello, Find below. 95300196805 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 95300156940 6748 8765 8250 5103 5761 1973 7417 3351 1358 6451 95300105962 6263 3907 0062 7201 0919 5415 6436 3369 1928 4457 95300220928 5634 5957 7965 4962 3960 0665 9112 2537 5612 30832021-06-29 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017524ClosedKCT Request2021-06-29Kct,0101170448126(1-3)Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-29NoHello, Find below, 4240 5894 4690 9623 7131 1533 8730 1137 2961 68712021-06-29 ummilois2@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017523ClosedKCT Request2021-06-22Pls generate a KCT for this meter number from 0001 to 0002 0101200118673Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-06-22NoHello, Find below as requested. 3654 5083 2010 7849 5412 4606 7318 8749 7086 84442021-06-22 aleeyuibraheem330@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017523ClosedKCT Request2021-06-22Pls generate a KCT for this meter number from 0001 to 0002 0101200118673Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-06-22NoHello, Find below as requested. 3654 5083 2010 7849 5412 4606 7318 8749 7086 84442021-06-22 aleeyuibraheem330@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017522ClosedSupport2021-06-21Reminder on rollover SGC Good day sir, Pls sir kindly assist on Roll SGC for the meters which are still in the store so that we can install and meet with the appropriate time to finish the meters. Thank you sir for your usual supportMedium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2021-06-21NoDear Engr. Find attached request for SGC code from 999962 to 600419 for the attached 400 meters. Regards……….2021-06-21 yemiojelade@yahoo.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00017521ClosedKCT Request2021-06-220101170306332 pls sir kct 21-1&1-21 tankx sirMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-06-22NoHello, Find below, 1-21 2988 7939 6784 4522 9614 2383 0441 2630 6760 5933 21-1 4926 9335 0440 4370 5388 0646 2780 6652 0140 56212021-06-22 felixaron37@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017521ClosedKCT Request2021-06-220101170306332 pls sir kct 21-1&1-21 tankx sirMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-06-22NoHello, Find below, 1-21 2988 7939 6784 4522 9614 2383 0441 2630 6760 5933 21-1 4926 9335 0440 4370 5388 0646 2780 6652 0140 56212021-06-22 felixaron37@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017520ClosedKCT Request2021-06-21Good morning sir. Kindly assist 0101190152476 01 to 02 and 02 to 01 0101210109696 0101210086738 0101190034211 Thank sir.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-21NoHello, Find below, 0101190152476 01 to 02 and 02 to 01 01 To 02 6899 6741 3196 2188 1051 6915 3542 5648 6489 2729 02 To 01 1127 9985 6566 2952 8751 0254 9811 4773 2566 3073 0101210109696 5482 9520 4859 0287 5952 6626 5978 2146 6092 2922 0101210086738 2991 0812 6003 6487 0847 0512 2236 1368 5613 1080 0101190034211 6003 7392 6337 4862 3660 5033 6583 7864 7059 38482021-06-21 hamisumusa401@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017519ClosedKCT Request2021-06-21Request for KCT 0101200100457MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-06-21NoHello, Find below. This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on2021-06-21 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017518ClosedKCT Request2021-06-21Kindly generat kct of 0101190154449 from 001 to 002MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-06-21NoHello, Find below. 0407 3779 4376 2032 1080 4465 1888 7738 2427 04182021-06-21 umargarba326@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017517ClosedKCT Request2021-06-21Kindly generat kct of 0101210088429 from 002 to 21Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-21NoHello, Find below, 6772 9968 5088 1210 4862 6845 2766 3142 7416 75592021-06-21 umargarba326@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017516ClosedKCT Request2021-06-21REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101190022372 Pls assist with the above RegardsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-21NoHello, Find below, 0616 6849 2107 9484 1911 4715 3271 1164 9990 05542021-06-21 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017515ClosedKCT Request2021-06-21KCT generation please 95300151735 95300120748 0195000006153 010121022111 0101210094815 thanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-21NoHello, Find below, 95300151735 1631 5157 6525 8530 1450 1262 8980 0219 7691 5908 95300120748 7349 5932 8458 7635 9958 2457 2330 5110 1393 1003 0195000006153 2606 4542 6304 4969 8670 3734 8388 2398 8881 1038 010121022111 Wrong meter number. 0101210094815 2789 4375 2475 2013 3269 5842 8898 6125 1554 40272021-06-21 beediesarah5@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017514ClosedKCT Request2021-06-21Kindly generat kct of 0101210103293 from 004 to 001Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-21NoHello, Find below, 4310 2870 8639 3550 3450 3862 8757 6231 2556 35842021-06-21 umargarba326@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017513ClosedKCT Request2021-06-21Kindly generat kct of 0101210118317 from 002 to 33Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-21NoHello, Find below, 4856 9807 1685 8789 1791 2081 6885 7077 3672 51562021-06-21 umargarba326@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017512ClosedKCT Request2021-06-21Request for KCT KCT generation please 95300141769 95300161973 95300120243 0195000006880 95300120961 thanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-06-21NoHello, Find below. 95300141769 2104 5068 4993 5153 7192 5895 2618 1736 7618 7247 95300161973 3132 4982 2081 2283 3273 2289 9035 5040 2571 0549 95300120243 0195000006880 2201 0446 4028 3448 5426 3335 5747 3462 9585 8479 95300120961 3078 8945 6552 4030 3491 0896 7270 3141 7314 09392021-06-21 beediesarah5@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017511ClosedKCT Request2021-06-21Kct, 0101200045835 Good morning team, please kindly treat thank you.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-06-21NoHello, Find below. 0101200045835 3582 2296 0499 0739 8762 3793 0817 0903 4235 21092021-06-21 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017510ClosedComplaint2021-06-21Good morning IT, Please, kindly confirm this payment for token and revert. Christiana Ande-Isaiah RHF MakurdiMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-18NoHello, Please kindly contact them again as we check that the money has been refunded back. Regards.2021-06-21 ayongudoom@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017509ClosedComplaint2021-06-21Kindly generate the tokens of the transactions made on the 11th and 17th June,2021 respectively for the above MSNMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-21NoHello, Please note that this transaction was unsuccessful and the money has been refunded back to the cashiers/aggregators wallet. Kindly contact them. Regards.2021-06-21 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017508ClosedKCT Request2021-06-21Dear ITSupport, Kindly Furnish me with the above information for Meter Numbers 62521038042 62521017194 625210212740 62521012740 62521021626 62521017905 23102133495 231021322125 62420217861 62521015420 62521032789 62522001660 62521006007 62521024745 62521043406 62521016915 62521043406 62521038893 6252100943 62420216988 62521035402 62521011593 23102132760 ThanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-21NoHello, Find below, 62521038042 1301 5776 5028 9884 6592 3746 2653 2624 4710 4556 625210212740 Wrong meter number or not captured. 62521012740 1734 0274 5256 8399 5723 0161 1592 8317 7354 4826 62521017905 6590 8587 0023 6385 5220 4252 2566 7310 9512 1780 23102133495 5072 2699 7550 8117 1587 1142 3318 1217 9854 1909 231021322125 Wrong meter number or not captured. 62420217861 4078 9058 7313 1203 0633 5336 4164 1338 1180 2573 62521032789 6382 0612 7327 2066 6581 6702 7457 6497 2760 28672021-06-21 abigailiyane@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017507Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00017506ClosedComplaint2021-06-21Good morning IT Staff, Please kindly confirm the transaction for token. Thanks. Christiana D Ande-Isaiah MakurdiMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-21NoHello, All successful prepaid transactions that did not generate tokens will be refunded back to your wallet within 24 hours, If it happens at any time Regards.2021-06-21 ayongudoom@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017505ClosedRequest2021-06-21Dear sir Please can you assist us with the debt status of this meter 54161132094 Thank you sirMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-21NoHello, Find attached,2021-06-21 samueldchun@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017504ClosedKCT Request2021-06-21Good morning sir, kindly generate KCT number for these meter numbers 0101200124762 and 0101210086258 the meters are on 001... Thanks for your assistanceMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-21NoHello, Find below, 0101200124762 1194 8778 2333 1154 5256 6130 1817 1785 8478 2855 0101210086258 5644 3999 1331 4286 6233 4770 9702 5653 3736 70152021-06-21 malooms33@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017503ClosedKCT Request2021-06-21Hello. Please kindly assist. 0150000952666 Thanks.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-21NoHello, This meter is a Single-phase residential on our system no KCT requires, hence you may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. Regards.2021-06-21 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017502ClosedKCT Request2021-06-21hello,good morning sir, please kindly help and generate kct code for the following meter number. 0101200119010 thank you and best regards sirMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-21NoHello, Find below, 3142 6069 6025 4884 5280 0622 5171 4919 6935 57732021-06-21 suleimansallau@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017501ClosedKCT Request2021-06-21Good morning sir, KCT generation please 95300162526 95300152253 95300142288 ThanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-21NoHello, Find below, 95300162526 0474 8597 8948 7958 1621 0164 1913 9704 5734 5778 95300152253 6373 6605 3403 0874 6680 2651 1176 7537 0375 3221 95300142288 0263 7398 1322 0848 0851 3047 7728 3606 3097 5437 Regards.2021-06-21 beediesarah5@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017500ClosedKCT Request2021-06-21KCT GENERATION 95300151891 Dear IT team, Please the above subject refers. Regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-21NoHello, Find below, 4233 2232 1125 3029 2315 0215 8146 4237 3805 66552021-06-21 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017499ClosedTamper Code2021-06-21Dear Support, Pls treat. Regards. On Mon, Jun 21, 2021 at 9:15 AM Auwal Aliyu wrote: Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101200063408 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-21NoHello, Find below as requested and verified. 0101200063408 Clear Tamper 2657 9482 4580 2331 8696 Regards.2021-06-21 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017498ClosedKCT Request2021-06-210150300029207 54161013997 Sent from my iPhoneMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-21NoHello, Find below, 0150300029207 6426 7463 8698 5439 5083 5399 6256 5446 4253 0390 54161013997 4337 9919 6336 7769 4664 4470 3334 6222 7194 18812021-06-21 aisha.aliyu@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017497ClosedTamper Code2021-06-21Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101205007186 Thank you Dear Support, Pls treat. Regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-21NoHello, Find below, 0101205007186 Clear Tamper 0 0457 1073 6536 1081 86392021-06-21 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017496ClosedKCT Request2021-06-21Dear IT team, Please the above subject refers. 95300158524 95300151453 95300161189 95300104882 0195000006153 Regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-21NoHello, Find below, 95300158524 0694 5253 8359 5255 6008 2828 4076 4674 8394 2053 95300151453 4699 6974 4235 5771 1910 2307 9991 6877 9947 0943 95300161189 6687 1357 6576 5547 4390 6676 8478 7485 7964 3076 95300104882 6360 0905 1330 0749 1450 3601 4159 7358 4968 5379 0195000006153 Wrong meter number.2021-06-21 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017495ClosedKCT Request2021-06-21Hello. Please kindly assist. 0150000952336 Thanks.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-21NoHello, Find below, 1475 6186 4647 6704 1779 5025 8586 0620 1534 94702021-06-21 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017494ClosedTamper Code2021-06-21Please kindly generate clear Tamper code for these meters no below. 0101200085229 0101190153631 0101200085229 0101200064729 0101200012884 0101190022208 0101200108179 0101200104046 Best Regards. Dear Support, MSNs verified ok. Pls treat. Regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-19NoHello, Find below, 0101200085229 1940 4976 1966 9150 4332 0101190153631 0971 8953 1194 6828 7407 0101200085229 5003 9127 9563 8939 2838 0101200064729 0408 4128 0829 6971 3397 0101200012884 3037 3950 8992 8603 9901 0101190022208 1562 0990 9593 7208 5160 0101200108179 0788 4325 9252 1008 1464 0101200104046 2199 1319 0344 3084 69592021-06-21 umarmacy@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017493ClosedKCT Request2021-06-21Request for kct in respect of this account 0101178037913 Good morningMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-21NoHello, Find below, 4253 0969 7519 4441 4783 5176 5956 8943 6655 43212021-06-21 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017492ClosedRequest2021-06-21Kindly assign the following meters in my inventory. 0101170175687 0101170131193Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-21NoHello, Please note that the first meter has been assign to you, but the second meter was not found. Regards.2021-06-21 ashanafagain@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017491ClosedKCT Request2021-06-21Morning. Please kindly assist me with this request. 0150000962277 Thanks.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-21NoHello, Find below, 1424 5569 7767 6409 6906 6766 2059 3614 3052 22842021-06-21 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017490ClosedKCT Request2021-06-21Dear IT team, Please the above subject refers. 95300162229 95300141934 95300162641 95300146669 95300159613 Regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-21NoHello, Find below, 95300162229 2860 2443 8716 1181 7904 4489 8526 3360 9870 2961 95300141934 This meter is a Single-phase residential on our system no KCT requires, hence you may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. 95300162641 3544 8307 8587 7672 8200 3752 6076 5705 1077 1959 95300146669 6280 8874 9227 6341 7984 5591 2749 5796 5829 3181 95300159613 5961 0824 4635 3829 5690 0349 2247 9283 3720 29802021-06-21 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017489ClosedKCT Request2021-06-21Hello. Please kindly assist me with this request 0150000960917 Thanks.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-21NoHello, Find below, 0253 6747 6363 1786 5145 1116 5155 4818 5079 30272021-06-21 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017488ClosedKCT Request2021-06-21Good Morning IT Support Team Kindly assist with KCT for the MSN 44000405702 T01 TO T21 44000355998 T01 TO T21 44000352235 T01 TO T33 44000346278 T01 TO T21 44000388981 T01 TO T21Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-21NoHello, Find below, 44000405702 T01 TO T21 7169 8108 5386 6607 5923 6483 5412 9618 1278 2136 44000355998 T01 TO T21 5369 6048 3557 5751 9010 2560 8547 2202 7236 0303 44000352235 T01 TO T33 1631 0719 4626 5734 3135 3055 3631 2958 8960 2089 44000346278 T01 TO T21 1304 8066 0696 8371 3686 0815 7708 5226 9954 8322 44000388981 T01 TO T21 2352 2595 8426 8325 2909 4809 8165 9800 7236 36822021-06-21 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017487ClosedKCT Request2021-06-21Dear sir, Please kindly assist with this kct msn: 95300150760 & 95300121175. Thank you.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-21NoHello, Find below, 95300150760 4733 8943 0869 8960 3503 7204 4301 7565 7672 8705 95300121175. 0070 7028 3269 8368 6347 2322 8245 3265 2762 35412021-06-21 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017486ClosedKCT Request2021-06-21KCT generation please 95300152956 95300153129 0101195001777 95300158656 95300163250 95300158466 95300161163 95300157658 95300141603 95300105004 95300120482 57100044361 95300121042 95300120649 95300157781 95300157757 95300147147 95300157963 95300163029 95300151858 95300120425 93500000163616 95300161197 95300157666 thanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-18NoHello, Find below, 95300152956 6288 3516 9468 6928 4392 2705 6994 8669 5946 6909 95300153129 2699 3904 7291 8306 4414 4938 0606 3047 3266 9861 0101195001777 2026 3056 4330 3152 3368 6496 9997 7694 0719 1806 95300158656 4843 6838 4900 7020 9599 5679 4563 3414 7904 1416 95300163250 5151 3396 6329 1005 6579 0385 0878 0373 7336 4305 95300158466 3027 0324 7088 9653 1158 2646 5985 5239 1324 2812 95300161163 6595 7899 8052 0745 1554 1743 7252 5008 2206 0246 95300157658 4291 6445 1257 0109 7803 3533 4678 7711 6613 1264 95300141603 7166 6870 9006 2233 1911 6857 6092 5994 9864 2744 95300105004 6816 2141 5152 7281 5212 0373 3700 1648 1700 5233 95300120482 2928 6421 8861 1525 2382 6139 0101 8724 4742 7130 57100044361 No kct require, hence you may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. 95300121042 95300120649 2945 8399 9830 7407 7668 7123 5828 5599 4235 1911 95300157781 To send later. 95300157757 0425 5531 3886 9824 4394 1757 9173 2366 3006 8959 95300147147 3387 3972 7181 0247 3942 0122 4831 2023 1114 5125 95300157963 0114 8398 4856 4615 6531 6926 5508 0501 5371 1318 95300163029 5337 8876 2146 6916 0734 5092 7654 2168 0795 6706 95300151858 Not captured or wrong meter number. 95300120425 1710 2994 2481 6612 6623 4140 7937 3408 4660 4183 93500000163616 Wrong meter number. 95300161197 0705 7706 3001 2207 2031 6564 5314 7128 3935 4583 95300157666 1704 9851 8124 5750 6062 5383 5834 3235 8624 52492021-06-21 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017485ClosedKCT Request2021-06-21Pls kindly help me with kct of this meter number 44000360832Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-20NoHello, Find below, 3164 6393 1811 4147 5373 4427 3236 3143 4875 9948 Regards.2021-06-21 amibabs433@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017484ClosedKCT Request2021-06-210101200004923 "002 to 001 Please Sir help us with a KCT, Thanks for your support.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-20NoHello, Find below, 02 To 01 4853 1177 2529 4890 4294 0647 0180 4589 5746 4258 Regards.2021-06-21 yakubaliyu82@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017483ClosedKCT Request2021-06-21Kindly generate kct to this meter 0101190026183Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-18NoHello, Find below, 5949 5013 3075 0184 7707 5361 5186 8549 7012 8849 Regards.2021-06-21 onceinlife6464@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017482ClosedKCT Request2021-06-07REQUEST FOR KCT Kindly furnish me with the above information for Meter Numbers 62521007914 62521001081 23100568502 62521034280 62521006296 62521021071 62420234908 23102119163 62521009456 62521034272 62521023465 62521030163 62521019224 62521022358 62521028084 62521001750 62521001537 62521040907 62521038901 62521027797 62521005744 62521029850 62521005439 62521038786 62521004655 62320044753 62520000092 62521029090 with the tariff index 01 23102143700 with tariff index 01Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-06-07NoHello, Find below the complete kct, 62521009456 62521023465 62521019224 62521028084 62521001750 62521040907 62521027797 62521005744 62521029850 62521005439 62521038786 62521004655 62521029090 The above meters is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62420234908 5049 2383 5667 4334 4696 1632 5429 1737 0783 5095 23102119163 5185 9245 4180 3970 6950 4716 2584 1383 9255 6700 62521034272 5307 1354 9397 8440 8100 6010 5172 8874 6650 5333 62521030163 4771 0143 5269 5952 3623 3786 3587 2816 4015 9252 62521022358 Wrong meter number or not captured. 62521001537 3600 1754 8465 3550 2449 3229 2524 0325 2257 5320 62521038901 1511 3019 2002 3605 2825 5619 8519 4226 9908 0807 62320044753 3138 4821 0576 7704 9923 0969 1624 1868 0917 1607 62520000092 2241 4713 0712 4253 4871 5665 7314 1712 4470 40222021-06-07 abigailiyane@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017482ClosedKCT Request2021-06-07REQUEST FOR KCT Kindly furnish me with the above information for Meter Numbers 62521007914 62521001081 23100568502 62521034280 62521006296 62521021071 62420234908 23102119163 62521009456 62521034272 62521023465 62521030163 62521019224 62521022358 62521028084 62521001750 62521001537 62521040907 62521038901 62521027797 62521005744 62521029850 62521005439 62521038786 62521004655 62320044753 62520000092 62521029090 with the tariff index 01 23102143700 with tariff index 01Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-06-07NoHello, Find below the complete kct, 62521009456 62521023465 62521019224 62521028084 62521001750 62521040907 62521027797 62521005744 62521029850 62521005439 62521038786 62521004655 62521029090 The above meters is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62420234908 5049 2383 5667 4334 4696 1632 5429 1737 0783 5095 23102119163 5185 9245 4180 3970 6950 4716 2584 1383 9255 6700 62521034272 5307 1354 9397 8440 8100 6010 5172 8874 6650 5333 62521030163 4771 0143 5269 5952 3623 3786 3587 2816 4015 9252 62521022358 Wrong meter number or not captured. 62521001537 3600 1754 8465 3550 2449 3229 2524 0325 2257 5320 62521038901 1511 3019 2002 3605 2825 5619 8519 4226 9908 0807 62320044753 3138 4821 0576 7704 9923 0969 1624 1868 0917 1607 62520000092 2241 4713 0712 4253 4871 5665 7314 1712 4470 40222021-06-07 abigailiyane@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017481ClosedKCT Request2021-06-07KCT REQUEST Hello, Good Morning, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters. Thank you. Meter Numbers: 0101200011845 0101200092035 0101200088520 0101190026167 0101210094872 0101200098859 0101190027561 0101200116156 0101200111348 0101160013385Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-07Nohello, find below. 0101200011845 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101200092035 2622 2422 7641 2605 7182 6653 4803 4523 4685 1173 0101200088520 5420 6706 0761 4235 2148 0413 5502 7089 9043 9307 . 0101190026167 3508 9463 4325 2258 6378 7010 5604 0452 1863 2503 0101210094872 5845 0568 9344 6081 7112 6224 3266 5692 9593 2892 0101200098859 5413 3557 7860 1255 8213 5910 4469 3752 2921 6167 0101190027561 5825 9704 5601 9519 3933 3142 3543 0993 7998 8636 0101200116156 4824 8894 5211 5608 1500 2709 0736 9192 1819 7209 0101200111348 5289 9589 0463 9113 3207 1050 8696 9838 0899 9073 0101160013385 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-06-07 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017480ClosedKCT Request2021-06-07KCT REQUEST (02 to 03) Hello, Good Morning, Kindly assist with KCT for this meter from 02 to 03. Thank you. Meter Number:0101210100034Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-07NoHello, Find below. 5170 9550 7012 2537 3516 6813 7324 1886 8004 05282021-06-07 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017479ClosedKCT Request2021-06-07Kct Dear support kindly generate kct for MSN 04180790307 thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-07NoHello, Find below. 0272 8984 7117 0452 9871 2159 5233 2800 2585 05142021-06-07 jubilant95@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017478ClosedVending History2021-06-07: VENDING HISTORY Request for Vending history for meter no 0150000862352Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-06-07NoHello, Find below, Transaction Details Token Details Transaction ID: 1148161450486124 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-28 10:34:21 Meter No.: 0150000862352 Account No.: 631132103001 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦3,500.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦3,500.00 Transaction ID: 1377161053017424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-13 10:29:34 Meter No.: 0150000862352 Account No.: 631132103001 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦2,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 Transaction ID: 2462162305745524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-06-07 10:17:35 Meter No.: 0150000862352 Account No.: 631132103001 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 58.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 5924 1423 6182 4172 3051 Transaction ID: 2934162063425124 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-10 09:10:51 Meter No.: 0150000862352 Account No.: 631132103001 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 58.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 3204 7290 0201 4565 4298 Transaction ID: 3692161891332124 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-20 11:08:41 Meter No.: 0150000862352 Account No.: 631132103001 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 58.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 4717 3180 9348 1308 7022 Transaction ID: 5136161225738224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-02 10:16:22 Meter No.: 0150000862352 Account No.: 631132103001 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦2,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 Transaction ID: 6890161797901524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-09 15:36:55 Meter No.: 0150000862352 Account No.: 631132103001 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 58.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 2953 6423 4780 8725 7844 Transaction ID: 7016161718078124 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-31 09:53:01 Meter No.: 0150000862352 Account No.: 631132103001 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦3,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 Transaction ID: 7148161968835824 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-29 10:26:25 Meter No.: 0150000862352 Account No.: 631132103001 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 58.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 6481 2705 1102 1235 8651 Transaction ID: 7322162262335524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-06-02 09:42:35 Meter No.: 0150000862352 Account No.: 631132103001 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 58.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 4886 8097 6490 0409 82252021-06-07 adamushehugiade86@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017478ClosedVending History2021-06-07: VENDING HISTORY Request for Vending history for meter no 0150000862352Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-06-07NoHello, Find below, Transaction Details Token Details Transaction ID: 1148161450486124 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-28 10:34:21 Meter No.: 0150000862352 Account No.: 631132103001 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦3,500.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦3,500.00 Transaction ID: 1377161053017424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-13 10:29:34 Meter No.: 0150000862352 Account No.: 631132103001 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦2,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 Transaction ID: 2462162305745524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-06-07 10:17:35 Meter No.: 0150000862352 Account No.: 631132103001 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 58.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 5924 1423 6182 4172 3051 Transaction ID: 2934162063425124 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-10 09:10:51 Meter No.: 0150000862352 Account No.: 631132103001 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 58.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 3204 7290 0201 4565 4298 Transaction ID: 3692161891332124 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-20 11:08:41 Meter No.: 0150000862352 Account No.: 631132103001 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 58.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 4717 3180 9348 1308 7022 Transaction ID: 5136161225738224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-02 10:16:22 Meter No.: 0150000862352 Account No.: 631132103001 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦2,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 Transaction ID: 6890161797901524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-09 15:36:55 Meter No.: 0150000862352 Account No.: 631132103001 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 58.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 2953 6423 4780 8725 7844 Transaction ID: 7016161718078124 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-31 09:53:01 Meter No.: 0150000862352 Account No.: 631132103001 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦3,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 Transaction ID: 7148161968835824 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-29 10:26:25 Meter No.: 0150000862352 Account No.: 631132103001 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 58.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 6481 2705 1102 1235 8651 Transaction ID: 7322162262335524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-06-02 09:42:35 Meter No.: 0150000862352 Account No.: 631132103001 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 58.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 4886 8097 6490 0409 82252021-06-07 adamushehugiade86@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017477ClosedKCT Request2021-06-07REQUEST FOR KCT 2 44000331742 T01 TO T21 0150300012591 T01 TO T21 0150300013318 T01 TO T4 0150300013623 T01 TO T3 0150300020149 T01 TO T2 44000344570 T01 TO T22 44000340545 T01 TO T22 44000363778 T01 TO T21 44000311926 T01 TO T21 44000356962 T01 TO T21Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-06-07NoHello, Find below as requested. 44000331742 T01 TO T21 0535 9116 8290 1297 2212 0825 4949 2688 0752 7453 0150300012591 T01 TO T21 1359 5857 7042 8456 4348 2528 1399 2659 8392 9553 0150300013318 T01 TO T4 3200 7066 7085 1600 9531 3818 5321 7028 7915 0288 0150300013623 T01 TO T3 0431 8007 8673 8837 8434 0341 2851 3969 3022 2774 0150300020149 T01 TO T2 2217 0580 1422 2491 9722 1745 8876 8365 4241 9036 44000344570 T01 TO T22 3570 8765 8167 0407 9925 3895 9878 7491 2519 7815 44000340545 T01 TO T22 4222 3392 2108 3835 3931 3829 7896 8554 8304 7923 44000363778 T01 TO T21 0491 9574 9064 1913 5033 4197 2706 1452 2581 2983 44000311926 T01 TO T21 5396 9050 0345 7844 2107 2848 4587 8929 5865 7442 44000356962 T01 TO T21 3736 9131 5473 5062 3828 0224 7047 4450 1582 46772021-06-07 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017477ClosedKCT Request2021-06-07REQUEST FOR KCT 2 44000331742 T01 TO T21 0150300012591 T01 TO T21 0150300013318 T01 TO T4 0150300013623 T01 TO T3 0150300020149 T01 TO T2 44000344570 T01 TO T22 44000340545 T01 TO T22 44000363778 T01 TO T21 44000311926 T01 TO T21 44000356962 T01 TO T21Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-06-07NoHello, Find below as requested. 44000331742 T01 TO T21 0535 9116 8290 1297 2212 0825 4949 2688 0752 7453 0150300012591 T01 TO T21 1359 5857 7042 8456 4348 2528 1399 2659 8392 9553 0150300013318 T01 TO T4 3200 7066 7085 1600 9531 3818 5321 7028 7915 0288 0150300013623 T01 TO T3 0431 8007 8673 8837 8434 0341 2851 3969 3022 2774 0150300020149 T01 TO T2 2217 0580 1422 2491 9722 1745 8876 8365 4241 9036 44000344570 T01 TO T22 3570 8765 8167 0407 9925 3895 9878 7491 2519 7815 44000340545 T01 TO T22 4222 3392 2108 3835 3931 3829 7896 8554 8304 7923 44000363778 T01 TO T21 0491 9574 9064 1913 5033 4197 2706 1452 2581 2983 44000311926 T01 TO T21 5396 9050 0345 7844 2107 2848 4587 8929 5865 7442 44000356962 T01 TO T21 3736 9131 5473 5062 3828 0224 7047 4450 1582 46772021-06-07 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017476ClosedKCT Request2021-06-07kct kindly generate kct for 54150618731. Thanks.Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-06-07NoHello, Find below, 1058 9643 6289 8091 8712 5692 0273 6100 3275 35442021-06-07 denhamsalvation@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017476ClosedKCT Request2021-06-07kct kindly generate kct for 54150618731. Thanks.Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-06-07NoHello, Find below, 1058 9643 6289 8091 8712 5692 0273 6100 3275 35442021-06-07 denhamsalvation@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017475ClosedKCT Request2021-06-07Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000856636 from 15 to 01 Good morningMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-06-07NoHello, Find below as requested. 5040 4846 7510 4769 1295 5603 7064 5953 1782 77532021-06-07 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017475ClosedKCT Request2021-06-07Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000856636 from 15 to 01 Good morningMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-06-07NoHello, Find below as requested. 5040 4846 7510 4769 1295 5603 7064 5953 1782 77532021-06-07 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017474ClosedKCT Request2021-06-07: Kct 2 to 21,54161088809.thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-07NoHello, Find below, 1087 9995 5305 8118 1714 5496 2445 0003 2829 24082021-06-07 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017473ClosedKCT Request2021-06-07Request for KCT Please find below meter numbers to generate KCT 44000319416 Thanks CCRM ID 3703 Gombe Regional officeMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-07NoHello, Find below, 5087 1619 3703 6776 6969 0436 3391 4533 0651 56262021-06-07 surefreedeen@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017472ClosedKCT Request2021-06-08Kct Hello good morning sir please kindly help and generate kct code for the fellowing meter number sir from 0004 to 0001 and from 0001 to 0004 0101200026157 Thank you and best regards sirMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-08NoHello, Find below, 04 to 01 5887 3320 7845 8589 6175 5321 4041 4573 8246 4242 01 to 04 0167 1451 8537 7620 2515 5009 0679 9447 3224 66032021-06-08 suleimansallau@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017471ClosedKCT Request2021-06-08Kct is on 001) 0101200123384 thank you sirMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-08NoHello, Find below, 0699 3131 0512 3874 0438 5688 6908 7004 3257 6772 Regards.2021-06-08 kabirukhalidumar@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017470ClosedKCT Request2021-06-07Kct 0150300009076Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-07NoHello, Find below as requested. 5553 8743 3823 8858 2645 6292 9854 4755 3996 9548 Regards.2021-06-07 ahmadmiltonfairaskira@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017469ClosedTamper Code2021-06-08Request for clear temper Good morning, Attached is for the above subject matter for your further action. Thanks and regardsMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-07NoHello, Find below as requested and verified. 0101200068175 Clear Tamper 4021 6764 3120 5229 7294 0150300021725 Clear Tamper 1345 5659 2434 4520 7502 0150000887664 Clear Tamper 5581 0125 5870 4563 4625 Regards.2021-06-07 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017468ClosedKCT Request2021-06-04REQUEST FOR KCT METER NO 0101195008632 CITAS OIL/GASMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-06-04No3796 2232 9625 6823 7186 3061 8265 3664 3190 51252021-06-04 benmercyladi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017467ClosedKCT Request2021-06-04KCT please 0150000899842MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-06-04NoHello, Find below. 0505 5578 1532 6866 1862 3352 9559 5709 6560 68772021-06-04 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017466ClosedKCT Request2021-06-04KCT NUMBER Please kindly help me with the KCT number of this meter: 0101185050891. Thanks for the supportMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-06-04NoHello, Find below. 1782 9374 7691 8678 7526 0069 3595 3352 4588 66942021-06-04 abdullahinaziru186@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017465ClosedKCT Request2021-06-04REQUEST FOR KCT Hello. Please kindly assist. MSN:0150000956550 Thanks.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-06-04NoHello, Find below. 3220 7257 1038 8966 8304 6557 2454 6315 7328 13932021-06-04 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017464ClosedKCT Request2021-06-04KCT GENERATION Dear IT team, Please the above subject refers. 0195000002962 95300105970 95300120904 Regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-04NoHello, Find below, 0195000002962 3179 5293 1673 6951 7868 6236 1459 0018 1422 4865 95300105970 2468 6967 2061 0581 6990 1808 6387 0487 7240 6250 95300120904 1843 7749 2759 9780 5003 0350 5410 5615 8319 63662021-06-04 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017463ClosedTamper Code2021-06-04Completed Clear Tamper Complaint Lodging Form Dear Sir, Kindly find attached document for further necessary action. Regards...Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-04NoHello, Find below, 0101160395089 Clear Tamper 0 1000 3374 3353 2109 92132021-06-04 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017462ClosedKCT Request2021-06-04Kct 0101195006222.thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-04NoHello, Find below, 5596 9825 5051 7636 3501 0633 4314 4095 9567 43132021-06-04 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017461ClosedKCT Request2021-06-04KCT GENERATION Dear IT team, Please the above subject refers. 0195000006336 95300103470 Regards.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-04NoHello, Find below, 0195000006336 5012 8159 1988 2185 4963 0738 1782 0985 4955 0754 95300103470 6013 7217 4677 5655 1697 5750 6846 7608 7060 70472021-06-04 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017460ClosedKCT Request2021-06-04REQUEST FOR KCT - 0150300028456 & 0101200086748 Pls assist with the above RegardsMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-04NoHello, Find below, 0150300028456 5439 1496 4428 1319 3160 0168 2810 0284 7418 5404 0101200086748 2139 1984 3433 4984 6868 6145 1740 4369 4665 4077 Regards.2021-06-04 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017459ClosedKCT Request2021-06-04KCT GENERATION 95300151503 Dear IT team, Please the above subject refers. Regards.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-04NoHello, Find below, 0887 6480 2267 2154 1141 2472 6410 8198 7818 5269 Regards.2021-06-04 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017458ClosedKCT Request2021-06-04Request for kct in respect of this account 54161020968 Good dayMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-04NoHello, Find below, 4174 4903 0260 8835 6043 0217 9653 7393 1745 6961 Regards.2021-06-04 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017457ClosedKCT Request2021-06-04REQUEST FOR KCT 0150300023713 From 01 to 33Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-04NoHello, Find below, 3154 2354 6363 5756 5417 5040 5206 4642 3273 9227 Regards.2021-06-04 infortech4life@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00017456ClosedComplaint2021-06-04Failed transaction at west of mine service centre and it was added to our collection as at 03/06/2021. Pls sir, here is the attached file. Kindly use your good office to assist us. From Iwuagwu Marcellinus Chinedum Clearing cashier, Jos Metro Region.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-04NoHello, All successful prepaid transactions that did not generate tokens will be refunded back to your wallet within 24 hours, If it happens at any time. Regards.2021-06-04 saintmc4life@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017455ClosedKCT Request2021-06-04REQUEST FOR KCT Dear ITSupport, Kindly Furnish me with the above information for Meter Numbers 62521021436, 62521023945, 62521021246, 62521008854, 23100557067, 62521039545, 62420217713, 23100574005, 62521015370, 62520000662, 62521010280 with tarrif index 01. ThanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-04NoHello, Find below, 62521021436 5805 9845 0940 6006 6043 3531 8186 7779 8815 9913 23100557067 3132 2903 6393 2602 4981 5910 3075 4607 0673 5336 62420217713 5593 9925 3361 3965 6950 2357 9235 6256 7793 8317 23100574005 7287 0828 5111 3256 5808 7193 3993 4345 1141 5543 62521015370 1130 7889 2248 1767 0068 0186 5842 0730 3463 1163 NOTE: Please note that, whenever you’re sending an email, send them in a linear passion (sequential) as the way you’re sending mails is giving us a hard time in arranging them into another form. Regards.2021-06-04 abigailiyane@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017454ClosedTamper Code2021-06-04Clear Temper Dear Support, Pls treat. Regards. On Fri, Jun 4, 2021 at 11:39 AM Tsokar Erdoo Evelyn wrote: Dear Support, Kindly generate CT for the following meters to enable them recharge as meters are on Tpr and verified OK for processing. 62420261810 62420253502 62420258972 RegardsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-04NoHello, Find below, 62420261810 6787 8391 4380 8268 0112 62420253502 0280 2597 0920 3649 5760 62420258972 6433 4829 7812 9423 65612021-06-04 evelyntsokar87@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017453ClosedTamper Code2021-06-04Tamper Dear Support, Pls treat. Regards. On Fri, Jun 4, 2021 at 10:16 AM Auwal Aliyu wrote: Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101200067631 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-04NoHello, Find below, 0101200067631 Clear Tamper 0 3717 5431 2227 6704 19902021-06-04 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017452ClosedTamper Code2021-06-04Tamper Dear Support, Pls treat. Regards. On Fri, Jun 4, 2021 at 10:12 AM Auwal Aliyu wrote: Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly vette on these meters for support to generate Tamper 0101170413278 44000318681 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-04NoHello, Find below, 0101170413278 6322 0404 6768 3148 6574 44000318681 4704 5714 3824 9925 71972021-06-04 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017451ClosedTamper Code2021-06-04Turbo Energy Tamper Dear Support, Pls treat. Thanks On Fri, Jun 4, 2021 at 9:34 AM Auwal Aliyu wrote: Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly vette on these meters for support to generate tamper 0195000007607 0195000007334 0195000003168 0195000003184 0195000005932 0195000003135 0195000006070 0195000001014 0195000006898 0195000002368 0195000003382 0195000004323 0195000002343 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-04NoHello, Find below, 0195000007607 1000 0966 0789 4671 4428 0195000007334 7140 5302 7682 5430 2700 0195000003168 5195 9074 6667 9684 8086 0195000003184 6732 8394 5352 0584 7252 0195000005932 5955 3604 1356 7538 0503 0195000003135 1146 3137 8459 0025 3422 0195000006070 2161 7627 8745 9945 5483 0195000001014 5587 5010 2748 6169 0563 0195000006898 1421 3491 1480 9365 8072 0195000002368 2969 3402 4634 6651 7383 0195000003382 0701 5321 5378 1749 6637 0195000004323 4131 9132 9966 2465 4438 0195000002343 6069 9782 1777 2584 91462021-06-04 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017450ClosedKCT Request2021-06-04KCT GENERATION 95300159415 Dear IT team, Please the above subject refers. Regards.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-04NoHello, Find below, 0732 5978 8705 6336 8000 5675 1070 3722 5436 8496 Regards.2021-06-04 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017449ClosedKCT Request2021-06-04REQUEST FOR KCT Hello. Please kindly assist. MSN:0150000880693 Thanks.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-04NoHello, Find below, 2801 4134 8593 0444 8812 2820 5301 0711 0584 8144 Regards.2021-06-04 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017448ClosedComplaint2021-06-04UNABLE TO GENERATE TOKEN Hello. Find below in respect to the subject above matter. The Transactions Details are on E_vend, but does not generate Token. Transaction ID: 7424162279342424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-06-04 08:57:04 Meter No.: 0150000900871 Account No.: 634512061801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 104.19 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 Another Meter with the same problem. Transaction ID: 6837162272177324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-06-03 13:02:53 Meter No.: 0101185051097 Account No.: 672368 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 208.39 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 Best Regard.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-04NoHello, All successful prepaid transactions that did not generate tokens will be refunded back to your wallet within 24 hours, If it happens at any time2021-06-04 infortech4life@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017447ClosedKCT Request2021-06-04Requesting for KCT Hello sir, please kindly generate KCT from 01 to 04 for this MSN: 0101200104913 Thank youMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-04NoHello, Find below, 7354 4010 7812 4454 0787 1467 9718 9733 2445 5794 Regards.2021-06-04 yuzarsif33112269@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017446ClosedVending History2021-06-04Request for vh Please kindly send me the vh for this meter no below 0101161034844 0101161055393Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-04NoHello, Find below as requested. 0101161034844 Transaction Details Token Details Transaction ID: 4174161701440724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-29 11:40:07 Meter No.: 0101161034844 Account No.: 6111510560-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 62.41 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 3625 9807 0131 5610 5615 Transaction ID: 4189161849548424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-15 15:04:44 Meter No.: 0101161034844 Account No.: 6111510560-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 58.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 6826 6531 5009 5993 2354 0101161055393 Transaction Details Token Details Transaction ID: 8054161806065424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-10 14:17:34 Meter No.: 0101161055393 Account No.: 594886 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 55.01 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 0408 2575 2410 9386 4324 Regards.2021-06-04 umarmacy@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017445ClosedKCT Request2021-06-04Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000893621 Good dayMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-04NoHello, Find below, 3958 6614 1181 0209 8451 5801 2095 6578 0958 5010 Regards.2021-06-04 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017444ClosedVending History2021-06-04Vending history Kindly avail us with the VH for 62420253619Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-04NoHello, Find below, Transaction ID: 3473161864069324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-17 07:24:53 Meter No.: 62420253619 Account No.: 670994 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 36.67 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 0390 5620 8151 2866 6913 Transaction ID: 7127161721787624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-31 20:11:16 Meter No.: 62420253619 Account No.: 670994 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 36.67 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 6179 8200 4793 4301 7784 Transaction ID: 9311161597349724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-17 10:31:37 Meter No.: 62420253619 Account No.: 670994 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 36.67 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 1463 0723 8838 8345 94212021-06-04 evelyntsokar87@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017443ClosedKCT Request2021-06-04Request for k c t please 0150000904121 thanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-04NoHello, Find below, 2734 9047 7086 5485 6355 2111 1042 1820 4762 42282021-06-04 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017442ClosedKCT Request2021-06-04REQUEST FOR KCT 0150000893621 From 01 to 02 Best Regard.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-06-04NoHello, 3958 6614 1181 0209 8451 5801 2095 6578 0958 50102021-06-04 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00017441ClosedVending History2021-06-04Request for VH Ruthies Dear support. Please avail us with the vending history of this meter. 0101178020257 Thank you.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-04NoHello, Find below, Transaction ID: 0135161919873024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-23 18:25:30 Meter No.: 0101178020257 Account No.: 423470 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 93.51 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 5561 2458 5827 9860 7120 Transaction ID: 0492161433158024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-26 10:26:20 Meter No.: 0101178020257 Account No.: 423470 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 86.12 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 6626 0477 4425 7351 6878 Transaction ID: 0699161052199024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-13 08:13:10 Meter No.: 0101178020257 Account No.: 423470 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 86.12 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 6995 6709 6893 3954 6172 Transaction ID: 0772161718004024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-31 09:40:40 Meter No.: 0101178020257 Account No.: 423470 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 86.12 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 6527 2587 2747 4462 6518 Transaction ID: 0916161061601524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-14 10:20:15 Meter No.: 0101178020257 Account No.: 423470 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 86.12 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 1209 2896 3910 8452 5944 Transaction ID: 1163161684642324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-27 13:00:23 Meter No.: 0101178020257 Account No.: 423470 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 86.12 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 3762 6816 2172 3781 0529 Transaction ID: 1184161193118324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-29 15:39:43 Meter No.: 0101178020257 Account No.: 423470 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 86.12 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 4068 7451 0120 8462 0127 Transaction ID: 1217161951196724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-27 09:26:07 Meter No.: 0101178020257 Account No.: 423470 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 93.51 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 5258 4868 8246 3153 6806 Transaction ID: 1218162117414724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-16 15:09:07 Meter No.: 0101178020257 Account No.: 423470 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 56.11 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 4411 7801 3761 5426 3961 Transaction ID: 1267161374277924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-19 14:52:59 Meter No.: 0101178020257 Account No.: 423470 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦313.95 Energy Cost: ₦4,186.05 KwH: 77.51 Amount Tendered: ₦4,500.00 7291 2090 5129 4012 78502021-06-04 ericasua@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017440ClosedKCT Request2021-06-04KCT Kindly Help generate JOHN IKPAOR N 2 PPM No. 62521028951. Thank you. RegardsMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-06-04NoHello, Find below. 3423 4874 1760 5001 2626 1921 9687 5268 9702 89162021-06-04 baturewominya@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017439ClosedKCT Request2021-06-04Request for KCT 0150300012344 Hello Sent from my iPhoneMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-04NoHello, This meter is a Single-phase residential on our system no KCT requires, hence you may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2021-06-04 aisha.aliyu@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017438ClosedKCT Request2021-06-04Request for KCT 0150300017061 Hello Sent from my iPhoneMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-04NoHello, Find below, 07523467000364923833 492039067427546265112021-06-04 aisha.aliyu@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017437ClosedKCT Request2021-06-04REQUEST FOR KCT 2 0150300022145 T01 TO T2 0150300023002 T01 TO T4Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-04NoHello, Find below, 0150300022145 T01 TO T2 6217 4853 9040 8134 3649 5632 2540 1702 6040 1525 0150300023002 T01 TO T4 6424 0756 9911 6678 5211 2740 0313 3515 4675 61042021-06-04 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017436ClosedKCT Request2021-06-04Request for kct in respect of these accounts 0150000969090 0150000964877 0150000915861 0150000915861 0150000880347 0150000960248Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-04NoHello, Find below, 0150000969090 1127 4874 7893 9044 5197 3914 1857 7874 2529 0798 0150000964877 0150000915861 0180 7570 0795 2098 0043 4199 6566 9687 4536 0907 0150000915861 0180 7570 0795 2098 0043 4199 6566 9687 4536 0907 0150000880347 5428 5586 2951 0582 4520 1558 9733 5971 7091 9508 0150000960248 2238 7504 9382 0471 5808 5542 3764 8304 7440 07592021-06-04 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017435ClosedKCT Request2021-06-04Request for KCT number 0101200104095 Dear IT support, Pls I need the above information. ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-04NoHello, This meter is a Single-phase residential on our system no KCT requires, hence you may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2021-06-04 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017434ClosedKCT Request2021-06-04Request for KCT meter 0101195009911 Kindly furnish me with above information best regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-04NoHello, Find below, 3860 4490 4792 1443 8977 0147 2962 3818 8268 70772021-06-04 tsavsarmngu@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017433ClosedKCT Request2021-06-04Request for k c t please 0150000912215 thanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-04NoHello, Find below, 6826 3985 3066 5473 0008 1206 3483 3096 9198 19282021-06-04 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017432ClosedKCT Request2021-06-04: REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200103683 & 44000315356 Please treatMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-04NoHello, Find below, 0101200103683 6828 9054 6040 1744 3074 1769 1161 8975 2518 7273 44000315356 0516 1537 6522 8477 7291 3766 6439 4695 1195 17532021-06-04 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017431ClosedKCT Request2021-06-04KCT REQUEST Hello, Good Morning, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters. Thank you. Meter Numbers: 0101200090641 0101190139705Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-04NoHello, Find below, 0101200090641 1472 0927 5716 8895 2561 2217 5636 9895 6747 6203 0101190139705 5723 3275 6636 8088 0832 4118 5694 7756 2407 91992021-06-04 ademugeorge@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017430ClosedEMS2021-06-04REQUEST FOR ACCESS TO EMS Dear Sir/Ma I, Haruna Mohammad with staff ID 1592 a linesman under NIPSS feeder request for login details to EMS. Thanks for your kind support and cooperation.Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2024-10-28NoYour request has been treated check your mail box.2021-06-04 mohamdharuna@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00017429ClosedKCT Request2021-06-04REQUEST FOR KCT - 54161098196 Good morning team, please assist with kct.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-04NoHello, Find below, 3409 2296 0027 8471 9433 3005 8975 9008 6217 01502021-06-04 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017428ClosedVending History2021-06-04Dear support. Please avail us with the vending history of this meter. 54161082448 Thank you ERIC ASUA Supervisor: Revenue Protection Unit Makurdi RegionMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-04NoHello, Please note that no any request return for this search.2021-06-04 ericasua@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017427ClosedKCT Request2021-06-04Request for KCT 0150300018499 Hello Sent from my iPhoneMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-04NoHello, Find below, 6674 0317 6524 6819 2843 6678 0613 2944 9601 08882021-06-04 aisha.aliyu@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017426ClosedVending History2021-06-04Good morning please kindly assist me with the meter VH 23102131226 ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-04NoHello, Find below, Transaction ID: 1338161368208824 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-18 22:01:28 Meter No.: 23102131226 Account No.: 579781 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionEnergy Cost: ₦7,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦7,000.00 Transaction ID: 1942162101221424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-14 18:10:14 Meter No.: 23102131226 Account No.: 579781 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionVAT: ₦174.42 Energy Cost: ₦2,325.58 KwH: 73.11 Amount Tendered: ₦2,500.00 6733 7952 1907 4145 5094 Transaction ID: 4563162179087424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-23 18:27:54 Meter No.: 23102131226 Account No.: 579781 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionVAT: ₦132.56 Energy Cost: ₦1,767.44 KwH: 55.56 Amount Tendered: ₦1,900.00 7281 2189 4329 4463 2078 Transaction ID: 6184161944598624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-26 15:06:26 Meter No.: 23102131226 Account No.: 579781 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionVAT: ₦279.07 Energy Cost: ₦3,720.93 KwH: 116.97 Amount Tendered: ₦4,000.00 4466 5591 7996 7392 9334 Transaction ID: 8411161123534424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-21 14:22:24 Meter No.: 23102131226 Account No.: 579781 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionEnergy Cost: ₦6,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦6,000.002021-06-04 abdulmalik3955@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017425ClosedKCT Request2021-06-04Request for kct Good morning sir. Please help me regenerate this customer 0101185055205 kct the one you sent to me is rejecting sir. Tariff index 0005 Sgc 600419. Thank you Sir please help me check very well sir. When generating the kct because the three kct generated for this customer are rejecting sir. This are the token generated Ist. 31867972658266614369, 38853455098214797059. 2nd.10967278072837422251, 72723196063184090744. 3rd. 32716205946515140207, 26255323864408260867. Please help me sir. Thank you sir for your consideration sirMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-04NoHello, Find below, 2267 1910 4957 4959 1673 6739 7336 5315 9371 07062021-06-04 okadonyesimona@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017424ClosedKCT Request2021-06-04REQUEST FOR KCT WITH TARRIFF INDEX Dear ITSupport, Kindly Furnish me with the above information for Meter Number 62521034314 with tarrif index 01Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-04NoHello, This meter is a Single-phase residential on our system no KCT requires, hence you may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2021-06-04 abigailiyane@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017423ClosedKCT Request2021-06-04KCT GENERATION 95300105558 Dear IT team, Please the above subject refers. Regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-04NoHello, This meter is a Single-phase residential on our system no KCT requires, hence you may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2021-06-04 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017422ClosedKCT Request2021-06-040150300012252 thanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-04NoHello, Find below, 1649 9660 3036 8755 4212 6444 8011 7756 9917 57632021-06-04 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017421ClosedVending History2021-06-04Request for Vending history 0101161006263 0101161006263 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-04NoHello, No request return for this search.2021-06-04 abbaslawal360@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017420ClosedKCT Request2021-06-04: Kct, 54161111254 Good morning team please kindly assist with the above regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-04NoHello, Find below, 3811 6168 7280 5018 2216 4758 6176 6113 1779 40642021-06-04 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017419ClosedTamper Code2021-06-04REQUEST FOR RE-GENERATION OF CLEAR TEMPER Good morning, Attached is for the above subject matter for your further action. Thanks.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-04NoHello, Find below, 0150000893621 Clear Tamper 0 4983 2943 5582 6753 05482021-06-04 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017418ClosedKCT Request2021-06-04Good morning.Request for KCT 0101200085559Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-04NoHello, Find below, 4171 5885 6166 5697 8573 1689 5832 7062 5126 79252021-06-04 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017417ClosedKCT Request2021-06-04: KCT GENERATION 0195000003507 Dear IT team, Please the above subject refers. Regards.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-04NoFind below, 2045 5881 6720 0097 5769 2808 3981 9249 1547 03202021-06-04 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017416ClosedKCT Request2021-06-04: REQUEST FOR KCT 1 Goog Morning Support Kindly assist wth KCT for the MNS 44000340743 T01 TO T45 0150300017137 T01 TO T33 44000311926 T02 TO T21 44000345486 T01 TO T21 44000331429 T01 TO T21 Best regardMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-04NoHello, Find below, 44000340743 T01 TO T45 0745 8030 2401 5126 6857 0481 7403 9909 6950 7254 0150300017137 T01 TO T33 0029 9912 6402 6854 6953 2086 7346 1038 1142 3561 44000311926 T02 TO T21 5396 9050 0345 7844 2107 2848 4587 8929 5865 7442 44000345486 T01 TO T21 6923 5090 4099 2150 2088 4372 4374 8608 1427 9316 44000331429 T01 TO T21 4957 0959 4893 9652 8242 0012 1115 6772 4279 41462021-06-04 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017415ClosedKCT Request2021-06-04Request for KCT number 0101190154779 Dear IT support, Pls I need the above information. ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-04NoHello, Find below, 1826 3569 6035 4389 0789 0934 7273 4899 8524 43552021-06-04 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017414ClosedVending History2021-06-04Request for vending history 0150000931009 thanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-04NoHello, Find below, Transaction Details Token Details Transaction ID: 15801370630023 Transaction Date/Time: 2020-01-27 15:57:52 Meter No.: 0150000931009 Account No.: 647109 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000023/Basira Ayuba Energy Cost: ₦4,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦4,000.00 Transaction ID: 15827933680023 Transaction Date/Time: 2020-02-27 09:49:39 Meter No.: 0150000931009 Account No.: 647109 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000023/Basira Ayuba Energy Cost: ₦3,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 Transaction ID: 1626161192586524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-29 14:11:05 Meter No.: 0150000931009 Account No.: 647109 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦3,500.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦3,500.00 Transaction ID: 1918161980922724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-30 20:00:27 Meter No.: 0150000931009 Account No.: 647109 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 58.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 Transaction ID: 5964161416418024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-24 11:56:20 Meter No.: 0150000931009 Account No.: 647109 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦3,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 Transaction ID: 6687161978849624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-30 14:14:56 Meter No.: 0150000931009 Account No.: 647109 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 29.24 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 0450 9351 3413 6294 5264 Transaction ID: 8171161701811724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-29 12:41:57 Meter No.: 0150000931009 Account No.: 647109 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦3,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 Transaction ID: 9748162257369424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-06-01 19:54:54 Meter No.: 0150000931009 Account No.: 647109 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 58.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 2566 3481 7065 5845 5097 Transaction ID: 9895161980928524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-30 20:01:25 Meter No.: 0150000931009 Account No.: 647109 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 58.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 3987 5688 3692 3107 5108 Regards.2021-06-04 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017413ClosedKCT Request2021-06-04KCT Request - 0150300027847Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-04NoHello, Find below, 1816 4054 8381 7392 8075 3876 6490 3191 7092 44682021-06-04 stynlucs@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00017412ClosedKCT Request2021-06-04Please i need KCT for my meter. 0101170452540. ThanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-03NoHello, Find below, 2118 6727 5600 0086 3920 5168 0011 9975 9347 47092021-06-04 inanscool@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017411ClosedKCT Request2021-06-03Request for KCT Please find below meter number to generate KCT 44000333417Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-03NoHello, Find below, 5365 4546 0040 6841 8875 5319 6110 6615 3051 6446 Regards.2021-06-03 surefreedeen@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017410ClosedKCT Request2021-06-03REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101190136180 Good morning team,Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-03NoHello, Find below, 3422 7889 3905 5993 1396 2360 2592 5666 4900 3425 Regards.2021-06-03 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00017409ClosedVending History2021-06-03Request for vending history 62420230559 Good morning, Kindly furnish me with the vending history for meter no: 62420230559 ThanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-03NoHello, Find attached herewith the VH for meter 62420230559 as requested. Regards.2021-06-03 lisarumpae@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017408ClosedVending History2021-06-03Please kindly send me VH following the meter number 0101170171678 thank you Please ict support VHMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-03NoHello, Find below as requested. Disregard the earlier response. Transaction Details Token Details Transaction ID: 1351162231015624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-29 18:42:36 Meter No.: 0101170171678 Account No.: 6111692601-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦97.67 Energy Cost: ₦1,302.33 KwH: 28.91 Amount Tendered: ₦1,400.00 6448 7095 0185 0228 4531 Transaction ID: 1766161366565324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-18 17:27:33 Meter No.: 0101170171678 Account No.: 6111692601-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦132.56 Energy Cost: ₦1,767.44 KwH: 37.44 Amount Tendered: ₦1,900.00 3377 9365 2339 5860 9836 Transaction ID: 5477161713322224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-30 20:40:22 Meter No.: 0101170171678 Account No.: 6111692601-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 39.41 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 0953 9636 4409 2567 1146 Transaction ID: 6232162022909524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-05 16:38:15 Meter No.: 0101170171678 Account No.: 6111692601-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦101.16 Energy Cost: ₦1,348.84 KwH: 29.94 Amount Tendered: ₦1,450.00 2649 3394 5543 0545 2898 Transaction ID: 8916161869167024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-17 21:34:30 Meter No.: 0101170171678 Account No.: 6111692601-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 20.65 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 5231 3753 8061 8685 9740 Regards.2021-06-03 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017407ClosedKCT Request2021-06-03Please kindly send me kct following the meter number 0101200070916 Hello ictMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-02NoHello, Find below, 7258 6620 8190 1230 1814 5008 4634 2928 4727 50312021-06-03 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017406ClosedKCT Request2021-06-03kindly generate kct for 0101190148292. Thanks.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-06-03NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-06-03 denhamsalvation@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017405ClosedKCT Request2021-06-03Reqest for kct sir 44000367399 meter tariff is on 3 rejecting tokensMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-06-03NoFind below, 4813 0145 1328 6903 1494 2477 4016 5927 7681 01882021-06-03 felixaron37@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017404ClosedKCT Request2021-06-03Please kindly send me kct following the meter number 0101200085138 the meter is on 0001 Good morning, ict supportMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-06-03NoFind below, 6913 5510 6547 4055 2554 4042 5026 3216 2170 23392021-06-03 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017403ClosedKCT Request2021-06-03KCT 57300014990 Is rejecting all the kct On May 21, 2021 3:42 PM, support@jedplc.com wrote:Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-06-03NoFind below, 6474 2286 5602 6142 7501 3131 2759 7872 0831 10552021-06-03 mathewudahson@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00017402ClosedKCT Request2021-06-03KCT 54161008773 Please Sir Help us with a KCT. Thanks for your support.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-06-03NoFind below, 0762 3601 5247 2224 5761 5105 7884 1450 0106 43282021-06-03 yakubaliyu82@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017401ClosedTamper Code2021-06-03REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPER Good day, Attached is for the above subject matter for your further action. ThanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-03NoHello, Find below as requested and verified by the Audit team. 0150000904220 Clear Tamper 2556 5607 1964 5128 9775 57300002847 Clear Tamper 6607 9554 7216 3429 9972 Regards.2021-06-03 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017400ClosedKCT Request2021-06-03: Request for KCT Good morning sir, KCT generation please 95300151537 thanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-06-03NoFind below, 6325 1829 3870 3266 7022 3606 8098 7021 5938 23122021-06-03 beediesarah5@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017399ClosedKCT Request2021-06-03Dear support kindly generate kct for MSN 0101160396251, thank you.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-03NoHello, Find below, 2787 0094 0547 0578 3943 5090 6784 9149 3482 61252021-06-03 jubilant95@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017398ClosedKCT Request2021-06-03Kct request Good morning, I would like to kindly request for the kct of 0101200123707Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-06-03NoFind below, 2957 3867 0789 1389 1474 5450 5875 7174 5452 58502021-06-03 auwalabdulrazak2005@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017397ClosedKCT Request2021-06-03Request for KCT from 0002-0001 and from 0002-0001 0101200013833Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-03NoHello, Find below, 02 To 01 4607 7697 4572 6242 1622 5547 0675 5864 2465 1174 01 To 02 3968 7691 8388 0085 1464 1701 5739 0169 9223 07822021-06-03 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017396ClosedKCT Request2021-06-03Hello, Good Morning, Kindly assist with this request. Thank you. On Wed, 2 Jun 2021, 7:18 pm George Ademu, wrote: Hello, Good afternoon, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters from 04 to 01. Thank you. Meter Numbers: 0101200103345 0101190036232Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-06-02NoFind below, 0101200103345 3347 4863 1902 6105 5863 3661 2041 8076 7216 2846 0101190036232 5780 5055 2603 1887 9347 5117 3538 8364 6215 00152021-06-03 ademugeorge@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017395ClosedKCT Request2021-06-03KCT request - 44000367399Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-03NoHello, Find below, 5228 4056 7350 4986 8421 6899 0645 5235 2375 41792021-06-03 stynlucs@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017394ClosedKCT Request2021-06-03Roll over KCT request - 04176172106Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-03NoHello, Find below, 4176172106 6159 3723 1340 2038 6884 4176172106 1673 9014 1329 4695 42142021-06-03 stynlucs@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017393ClosedKCT Request2021-06-03Request for KCT number 0101200121420 Dear IT support, Pls I need the above information. Thanks.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-06-03NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-06-03 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017392ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02Please kindly send me the kct for this meter no below 0101200064711MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-06-02NoHello, Find below. This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-06-02 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017391ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02REQUEST FOR KCT- 0101200063408 Pls assist with the aboveMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-06-02NoHello, Find below. 5833 6992 9008 5602 1681 5885 7946 3602 1481 06322021-06-02 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017390ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02Request for KCT KCT generation please 01950000006971 thanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-02NoHello, This meter number was not found, please kindly confirm meter number. Regards.2021-06-02 beediesarah5@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017389ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02Hello, Good afternoon, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters from 04 to 01. Thank you. Meter Numbers: 0101200103345 0101190036232Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-02NoHello, Find below as requested. 0101200103345 01 To 04 3347 4863 1902 6105 5863 3661 2041 8076 7216 2846 0101190036232 01 To 04 5780 5055 2603 1887 9347 5117 3538 8364 6215 0015 Regards.2021-06-02 ademugeorge@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017388ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02Dear support kindly generate kct for MSN 0101200099899. Thank youMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-02NoHello, Find below, 3022 9780 6621 1887 5405 4446 7541 0712 8522 8224 Regards.2021-06-02 jubilant95@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017387ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02: Kct, 0101200015218 Please treat.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-02NoHello, Find below, 1989 9710 2630 4667 4490 3827 1153 5791 4884 4551 Regards.2021-06-02 ummilois2@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017386ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02Request for KCT meter no 0101195007865 Dr, John futuMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-02NoHello, Find below, 7172 2698 3217 3915 6644 2014 7852 5634 0996 1143 Regards.2021-06-02 benmercyladi@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017385ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02Request for KCT 0101200023576Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-02NoHello, Find below, 3253 0360 5642 3975 9535 2941 5151 9639 3310 5752 Regards.2021-06-02 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017384ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02REMINDER FOR KCT 2 0150300015800 T01 TO T21 44000318327 T01 TO T21 0150300023630 T01 TO T21 0150300015800 T01 TO T21Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-02NoHello, Find below, 44000356640 01 To 21 25090055473518119916 35800295418144053599 0150300015800 T01 TO T21 61779545908746977515 17794068592331090741 44000318327 T01 TO T21 1668 1194 8574 8425 3476 2136 4850 4874 6312 1090 0150300023630 T01 TO T21 6122 0352 4947 4876 7227 0744 9671 8928 1030 0468 0150300015800 T01 TO T21 Duplicate request.2021-06-02 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017383ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02Kct Please kindly generate kct for the following MSN 0101200082523 0101200079347 0101190140745 from 02 to 01Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-02NoHello, Find below, 0101200082523 0500 8597 2599 0682 8416 2890 8735 1360 2248 1664 0101200079347 5799 5859 0992 6761 4919 2515 2663 7578 1591 2309 0101190140745 from 02 to 01 4487 8973 1071 7378 8892 6088 1281 6775 8141 95732021-06-02 bangisgarko@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017382ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02KCT GENERATION 95300103942 Dear IT team, Please the above subject refers. Regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-02NoHello, Find below, 2191 0306 9617 9080 1312 5659 7530 4110 6780 33062021-06-02 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017381ClosedKCT Request2021-06-0262521022236 62521021154 62520000902 62521032359 62521000976 Kindly furnish me with above information best regardsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-02NoHello, Find below, 62521022236 6903 5464 6175 1235 6306 6089 0581 5584 4681 5340 62521021154 This meter is a Single-phase residential on our system no KCT requires, hence you may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. 62520000902 Wrong meter number or not captured. 62521032359 6856 6860 7873 3262 5217 7300 7304 4593 7755 7990 62521000976 This meter is a Single-phase residential on our system no KCT requires, hence you may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2021-06-02 tsavsarmngu@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017380ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02PLEASE FIND BELOW METER NUMBER FOR KCT GENERATION. 0150300028613 04205213848 THANKS 3143 CCRM GOMBEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-02NoHello, Find below, 0150300028613 4338 0394 8030 3555 1378 4646 1869 3138 4516 2681 04205213848 4205213848 1285 1676 2618 4841 4737 4205213848 4132 7622 6292 3156 95132021-06-02 musazumoo@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017379ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02Request for KCT 0150300019885 Hello Sent from my iPhoneMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-02NoHello, Find below, 3899 8713 3656 0740 9506 2286 0636 5422 4528 67292021-06-02 aisha.aliyu@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017378ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02REQUEST FOR KCT 3 44000343598 T01 TO T21 44000329928 T01 TO T21Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-02NoHello, Find below, 44000343598 T01 TO T21 1866 9647 7141 5871 4436 4399 6412 9917 1910 5086 44000329928 T01 TO T21 4730 2540 8709 4799 0838 3518 5596 4683 4396 1835 Regards.2021-06-02 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017377ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02REQUEST FOR KCT 4 HMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-02NoHello, Find below as requested. 44000342517 T01 TO T21 6469 7322 3350 3599 0026 3989 1978 1834 0295 6238 44000356640 T01 TO T21 This meter generated and incomplete token. Please give us some moment.Regards.2021-06-02 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017376ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02Kct, 0101200062095 From 2-1 And 1-2.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-02NoHello, Find below, 02 To 01 5239 4437 9700 5018 4484 6217 8445 2504 6706 7915 01 To 02 0406 9454 2639 0118 3758 5590 0720 8182 1997 35182021-06-02 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017375ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02KCT REQUEST Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for this meter 010119003064Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-02NoHello, Find below, 1485 4622 9469 0540 0455 4604 4933 7362 7699 65612021-06-02 tkhadija028@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017374ClosedTamper Code2021-06-02Reissue Dear Support, Pls treat. Regards. On Mon, 31 May 2021, 8:01 am Auwal Aliyu, wrote: Dear Support, Kindly reissue this tamper 0101190145678 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-02NoHello, Find below, 0101190145678 Clear Tamper 0 1839 1631 7285 1458 46022021-06-02 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017373ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02REQUEST FOR KCT Dear ITSupport, Kindly Furnish me with the above information for Meter Numbers 0101205003144, 23102128552, 23102132257, 62521012138, 23102121078, 23100568205, 62521020180, 23102131341, 62521009902, 62521023770, 010120500, 62521003145, 62521022368, 62521029652, 62521007971, 62521001875, 23102131580,MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-06-02NoHello, 0101205003144 4596 0241 9382 3019 0802 5225 2373 6170 5960 7421 23102128552 2792 7284 1551 3010 3813 4060 4347 5891 6948 7457 23102132257 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62521012138 5477 9270 0813 9801 9177 0618 5480 1556 0602 7605 23102121078 3737 2385 1154 9757 3479 1279 7836 3557 3049 1202 23100568205 4967 2774 8636 0489 2315 6688 0634 3091 8979 6340 62521020180 0823 7306 5927 3406 4920 1316 0473 7911 7237 4842 23102131341 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62521009902 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62521023770 1509 5400 6371 5914 7641 4024 0442 3625 6692 5004 010120500 62521003145 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62521022368 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62521029652 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62521007971 62521001875 4984 0123 4776 2131 3517 1049 0343 0193 4118 7787 23102131580, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-06-02 abigailiyane@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017372ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02Request for KCT 62521016626 Kindly furnish us with the above information ThanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-02NoHello, Find below, 2007 9214 9046 6102 7457 3574 1731 9724 5739 06662021-06-02 vajimehd@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017371ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02Kct 01011200062095 2-1 and 1-2 Please treat.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-02NoHello, This meter was not found, please confirm meter number. Regards.2021-06-02 ummilois2@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017370ClosedRequest2021-06-02CUSTOMER ACCOUNTS NOT ON EVEND 010621 B Good Afternoon Sir Find below Customer Accts. not on Evend and they are ready for payment. Kindly help and treat please. 761434 761398 761382 761413 761414 761446 Best Regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-02NoHello, Note this mail has been treated.2021-06-02 glawal1184@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017369In ProgressKCT Request2021-06-02Kct Kindly generate KCT for 62420258972MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-06-02No0125 0425 6409 8169 2091 6921 5614 0233 5470 06690000-00-00 evelyntsokar87@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017368ClosedVending History2021-06-02Request for vending history for 0150000863491 Please assist me with above subject matter Ibrahim Abubakar JEDPLC, DATA ANALYSTS, BAUCHI 08059595995 08039441173Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-02NoHello, Find below, Transaction ID: 1128161616435024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-19 15:32:30 Meter No.: 0150000863491 Account No.: 674410 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionVAT: ₦34.88 Energy Cost: ₦465.12 KwH: 15.60 Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 3403 9804 8202 5770 9908 Transaction ID: 3635161778994324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-07 11:05:43 Meter No.: 0150000863491 Account No.: 674410 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionVAT: ₦34.88 Energy Cost: ₦465.12 KwH: 14.62 Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 3878 6827 5027 9276 0007 Transaction ID: 4941161115413624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-20 15:48:56 Meter No.: 0150000863491 Account No.: 674410 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionEnergy Cost: ₦5,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 Transaction ID: 8813161418127824 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-24 16:41:18 Meter No.: 0150000863491 Account No.: 674410 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionEnergy Cost: ₦5,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.002021-06-02 ibib531@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017367ClosedTamper Code2021-06-020101170182139 please kindly reissue this CTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-02NoHello, Find below, 0101170182139 Clear Tamper 0 7243 8514 8670 0193 72942021-06-02 anersirleh@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017366ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02nasiruhusaini6@gmail.comMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-06-02NoHello, Find below. 7002 3309 6618 3108 6358 5010 1963 6955 7416 78852021-06-02 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017365ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02Kct, 0101190022166 Please kindly treat.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-06-02No5246 0220 8488 1693 2267 2249 2704 7886 7830 91422021-06-02 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017364ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02Kct Pls kindly help me with kct of this meter number the meter is on 1 54161145823Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-02NoHello, Find below, 4731 9638 2289 7473 5297 1692 5658 8419 9923 42022021-06-02 amibabs433@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017363ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02Request for kct Please kindly send me the kct for this meter no below 0101170265157Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-02NoHello, Find below, 0056 5894 3815 0588 9178 4719 8182 3257 5669 15322021-06-02 umarmacy@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017362ClosedTamper Code2021-06-02TEMPER TOKEN GENERATION Dear Support, Captured MSNs verified ok. Pls treat. Regards. On Mon, May 31, 2021 at 3:21 PM maryam bashir wrote: Dear Auwal and Roland, Please the above subject refers for the following account. 0195000001824 0101200075360 0195000005965 0195000007607 0195000003986 0195000003671 0195000004562 95300104197 95300106150 Waiting for your response. Regards.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-02NoHello, Find below as requested and verified by the Audit team. 0195000001824 Clear Tamper 2793 7431 1098 3134 8460 0101200075360 Clear Tamper 4872 0015 4017 8816 8145 0195000005965 Clear Tamper 4713 4867 6267 8863 2021 0195000007607 Clear Tamper 1304 6029 0998 4133 7855 0195000003986 Clear Tamper 2589 4090 6219 3321 7005 0195000003671 Clear Tamper 1044 0193 6158 4767 5860 0195000004562 Clear Tamper 2712 0746 7469 3018 4332 95300104197 Clear Tamper 3547 7949 3768 9944 1524 95300106150 Clear Tamper 6065 9043 6988 8260 81812021-06-02 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017361ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02Request for KCT KCT generation please 95300161296 ThanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-02NoHello, Find below, 1227 7581 6408 1331 0153 5534 8862 0127 6207 43152021-06-02 beediesarah5@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017360ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02KCT REQUEST Hello, Good Morning, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters. Thank you. Meter Numbers: 0101190027397 0101200104582 0101190037289 0101200093249Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-02NoHello, Find below, 0101190027397 4326 5932 8514 5499 3217 5771 7711 4573 0955 6580 0101200104582 1792 5594 4158 2658 4440 4880 0962 9618 5844 4514 0101190037289 6536 4743 9609 7565 7022 1613 2210 3504 4496 9483 0101200093249 2361 7000 6379 1800 6830 0916 1089 8332 9929 13212021-06-02 ademugeorge@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017359ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02Kct 54161017246.thank youMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-02NoHello, Find below, 7303 9883 7662 8145 0119 1550 1416 9287 7798 88892021-06-02 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017358ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02Kindly generate KCT for 62420261810MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-06-02NoHello, Find below. 4469 1636 0005 4811 1882 4101 7401 2076 6930 45802021-06-02 evelyntsokar87@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017357ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02Request for KCT Dear Support, Please kindly assist me with KCT. 0101210128647. Thank you.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-02NoHello, Find below. 0198 6641 2478 7188 8489 0826 3483 9148 1548 11492021-06-02 saminuaminubaba@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017356Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00017355ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02Request for KCT KCT generation please 0195000003549 ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-06-02NoFind below. 0195000003549 0423 8256 4923 7626 6250 2776 9575 9785 5658 20792021-06-02 beediesarah5@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017354ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02KCT Dear Sir, Kindly release the KCT of the meter below. 62320120447 index 03Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-02NoHello, Find below, 3500 8257 1887 6586 5671 1266 8723 5291 7999 7852 Regards.2021-06-02 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00017353ClosedVending History2021-06-02Vending history Meter number: 54161080038 Thank you.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-02NoHello, Find below, Transaction Details Token Details Transaction ID: 2687161123170724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-21 13:21:47 Meter No.: 54161080038 Account No.: 595962 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 55.01 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 2461 3477 3841 0336 22832021-06-02 zakimimidoomaureen@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017352ClosedTamper Code2021-06-02Request for tamper 0101190153490 Dear Support, MSN verified ok. Pls treat. On Tue, Jun 1, 2021 at 11:33 AM Ummi Lois wrote: Please kindly verify this MSN for tamper.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-02NoHello, Find below as requested and verified by the Audit team. 0101190153490 Clear Tamper 2716 5467 5494 4500 9956 Regards.2021-06-02 rolandjames750@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017351ClosedTamper Code2021-06-02Request for temper code pls Dear Support, Pls treat. Regards On Mon, May 31, 2021 at 11:47 AM UMAR ABUBAKAR wrote: 0101161000209Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-02NoHello, Find below as requested and verified by Audit team. 0101161000209 Clear Tamper 4986 0752 4159 3190 27642021-06-02 rolandjames750@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017350ClosedTamper Code2021-06-02Tamper Dear Support, Pls treat. Regards. On Tue, Jun 1, 2021 at 9:17 AM Auwal Aliyu wrote: Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly generate vette on these meters for support to generate tamper 0101161015520 0101170172650 Thank youMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-02NoHello, Find below as requested and verified by Audit team. 0101161015520 Clear Tamper 5363 3445 5007 5206 9541 0101170172650 Clear Tamper 6969 0646 8396 3818 3952 Regards.2021-06-02 rolandjames750@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017349ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02Request for KCT Please find below meter numbers to generate KCT 0150300015966 44000331650Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-06-02NoFind below, 0150300015966 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 44000331650 3083 6126 6741 4103 6401 0480 9019 2242 5464 38802021-06-02 surefreedeen@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017349ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02Request for KCT Please find below meter numbers to generate KCT 0150300015966 44000331650Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-06-02NoFind below, 0150300015966 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 44000331650 3083 6126 6741 4103 6401 0480 9019 2242 5464 38802021-06-02 surefreedeen@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017348ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02KCT Please assist with the subject above for this MSN 44000323350Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-06-02NoHello, Find below, 3367 4854 7228 2704 6435 3235 0371 4518 8078 58622021-06-02 mwuladi@yahoo.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017348ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02KCT Please assist with the subject above for this MSN 44000323350Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-06-02NoHello, Find below, 3367 4854 7228 2704 6435 3235 0371 4518 8078 58622021-06-02 mwuladi@yahoo.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017347ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02: Good morning, please kindly send me kct token following the meter numbers 44003995174 0101190141222. thank you Hello ict supportMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-06-02NoHello, Find below. 44003995174 Not captured or incorrect msn 0101190141222 4030 1140 0629 2678 4015 5173 3198 9238 2714 24592021-06-02 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017346ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02Request for k c t please 0150000969793 b 0150000903271 c 0150000914500 c. 0150000962715 thanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-02NoHello, Find below. 0150000969793 7044 6116 7441 6035 3480 0892 9173 0013 2122 8358 0150000903271 6717 3910 9659 5723 1487 5841 0683 7898 9987 7533 0150000914500 0575 9679 5675 2643 5496 7120 5079 5361 3756 8188 0150000962715 4802 5450 5193 5898 7082 1753 8415 3444 3736 23622021-06-02 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017345ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02REQUEST FOR KCT 1 44000354819 T01 TO T21 44000337517 T01 TO T21MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-06-02NoHello, Find below. 44000354819 T01 TO T21 0930 9722 9581 3196 7327 6346 6412 6875 3570 8829 44000337517 T01 TO T21 0026 2890 5322 5403 2122 2856 7304 0898 5485 98342021-06-02 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017344ClosedVending History2021-06-02Request for vending history 54160986011 Goodmorning Please I need the vending history of meter no: 54160986011. ThanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-02NoHello, Find below, Transaction Details Token Details Transaction ID: 3371161609934324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-18 21:29:03 Meter No.: 54160986011 Account No.: 621420707101 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 18.34 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 1485 5370 0249 5751 22652021-06-02 lisarumpae@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017343ClosedTamper Code2021-06-02Request for tamper,44000360907 and 0101190141271 Dear Support, Pls treat. Regards.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-01NoHello, Find below as requested. 44000360907 Clear Tamper 2795 1579 5551 5294 3367 0101190141271 Clear Tamper 3940 2118 6230 6556 0953 Regards.2021-06-02 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017342ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02Request for K C T 0101200079305 index 01 before the meter is in 33 so now is in rejecting the torkMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-02NoHello, Find below, 0557 9897 5692 3178 1362 3031 9556 3410 6667 1684 Regards.2021-06-02 abubakarumar4102@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017341ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02REQUEST FOR KCT FIND BELOW 0150000897929 From 01 to 03 0150300008078 From 01 to 33 0150000859234 From 01 to 02 04181324874 From 01 to 34 0150000937675 From 01 to 46 0150000873839 From 01 to 46 0150000887854 From 01 to 03 0150300012245 From 01 to 33Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-02NoHello, Find below as requested. 0150000897929 From 01 to 03 1698 1125 7505 3996 8931 0515 3447 5288 9244 6509 0150300008078 From 01 to 33 7034 5453 5565 6000 8183 1571 9608 8276 5560 9944 0150000859234 From 01 to 02 5945 3253 9653 9503 5737 6527 5592 9645 2371 0612 04181324874 From 01 to 34 6207 8119 3295 4874 5487 3178 4375 8839 2549 5504 0150000937675 From 01 to 46 1718 9527 2628 4582 7355 6528 9195 6676 5923 8814 0150000873839 From 01 to 46 4545 7360 3816 0747 9450 6854 4772 6907 2906 1155 0150000887854 From 01 to 03 0239 5862 8070 3342 7052 1264 1491 0323 8171 0276 0150300012245 From 01 to 33 4401 8089 0297 4643 3904 5832 2982 9597 6837 8685 Regards.2021-06-02 infortech4life@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00017340ClosedKCT Request2021-06-020101195005729,0101195005422.thank youMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-02NoHello, Find below, 0101195005729 0609 3140 6313 4783 4714 5523 9124 3797 0682 7742 0101195005422 3764 4217 4670 6267 4606 5593 0010 1705 5454 12472021-06-02 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017339ClosedVending History2021-06-02Please kindly send me VH following the meter number 0101170194365 thank you Please , VHMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-02NoHello, Find below, Transaction Details Token Details Transaction ID: 8327162080513524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-12 08:38:55 Meter No.: 0101170194365 Account No.: 615997 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 29.24 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 1704 5684 1204 1247 97372021-06-02 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017338ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02REQUEST FOR KCT - 44000382265- 03 to 21 Good morning Team,Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-06-02NoFind below, 0354 0294 8255 0767 9184 7321 8963 5282 3562 59692021-06-02 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00017337ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02Request for kct Good morning sir, how are you doing, please sir help me with the kct for this meter number 0101190008710 From 21 to 01 and from 01 to 21MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-06-02NoHello, Find below as requested. 1 – 21 5932 7989 1203 2818 6324 0264 6618 5218 9122 7656 21 – 1 3126 0557 9944 4706 1615 1284 9324 7500 3836 40752021-06-02 judeanamhomhe46@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017336ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02Good morning.Request for KCT from 0004-0001 0101190139705Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-06-02NoFind below, 6207 3405 1901 5124 1480 7088 5168 6738 4125 24692021-06-02 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017335ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02Kct Hello good morning sir please kindly help and generate kct code for the fellowing meter number sir from 0002 to 0001 and from 0001 to 0002 0101200061543 Thank you and best regards sirMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-06-02No01 To 02 6563 0205 2014 8382 3009 1018 2473 1401 4384 1791 02 To 01 1816 5510 7966 7607 6217 5967 9203 5732 3478 09422021-06-02 suleimansallau@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017334ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02Kct Hello good morning sir please kindly help and generate kct code for the fellowing meter number sir. 0101200078356 tariff index 0008 Thank you and best regards sirMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-06-02NoIt is also on 008 on our system. So, it does not require KCT. If they are facing any difficulties recharging, kindly dispatch maintenance team to troubleshoot the meter.2021-06-02 suleimansallau@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017333ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02Request for KCT 0150300020180 Hello Sent from my iPhoneMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-06-02NoHello, Find below, 1084 1065 0337 7697 2792 1931 8788 9166 9535 59202021-06-02 aisha.aliyu@jedplc.com Isah Abubakar
#00017332ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02Request for KCT 0150300029181 Hello Sent from my iPhoneMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-06-02NoHello, Find below, 5794 1612 6234 3107 0201 2223 4151 2480 9098 08492021-06-02 aisha.aliyu@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00017331ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02Request for KCT 62521029892 Kindly furnish me with above information best regards .MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-06-02NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-06-02 tsavsarmngu@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017330ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02Kindly generate KCT for this meter 0101170285742 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-06-02NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on2021-06-02 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017329ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000871940 0150000881345 Good morningMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-06-02NoHello, Find below, 0150000871940 3939 8673 9599 3614 3090 0650 5139 7275 7792 0275 0150000881345 Wrong meter or not captured.2021-06-02 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017328ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02Kindly generate KCT for this meter 0101170222257 0101200086235 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-06-02NoHello, Find below, 0101170222257 6099 2561 5608 9828 3560 3975 2597 4286 0010 1831 0101200086235 4346 1841 1810 4984 6013 2448 1067 1653 9382 26432021-06-02 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017327ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02Request for KCT number 54161023954 Dear IT support, Pls I need the above information ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-06-02NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-06-02 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017326ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02Request for KCT 0101200110431, 0101200119564 Dear IT support, Pls I need the above information. ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-06-02NoFind below, 0101200110431 2199 1034 3698 5504 5137 6177 6916 3240 9214 5631 0101200119564 This meter displayed an incomplete token, kindly allow us some time to generate the KCT.2021-06-02 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017325ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02Request for k c t please 0150000946387 thanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-06-02NoFind below, 0340 4008 8072 3144 7860 3654 5436 2151 5585 23482021-06-02 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017324ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02KCT Dear support, Please assist with the subject above for this MSN 0101200110167 1 to 2Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-02NoHello, Find below, 6826 8269 7459 6794 5701 6206 2124 6990 4609 21252021-06-02 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017323ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02Please kindly send me kct following the meter number 0101200070916 from 0001 to 00021, 00021 to 0001 Hello ict supportMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-02NoHello, Find below, 01 To 21 7258 6620 8190 1230 1814 5008 4634 2928 4727 5031 21 To 01 4130 4621 9599 6295 0111 5184 8199 3719 6233 91642021-06-02 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017322ClosedTamper Code2021-06-02Request for clear temper Good day, Attached is for the above subject matter for your further action. Thanks.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-01NoHello, Find below, 54161041774 Clear Tamper 0 6097 6556 6433 9413 52192021-06-02 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017321ClosedTamper Code2021-06-02REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPER Good day, Attached is for the above subject matter for your further action. Thanks.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-01NoHello, Find below, 0101170437301 Clear Tamper 0 3699 4700 6192 3041 30372021-06-02 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017320ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02Request for KCT Boga Abuul Dear support. Kindly avail us with the KCT of this customer to enable us resolve his issue. 62521020271 Thank you team ERIC ASUA Supervisor: Revenue Protection Unit Makurdi RegionMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-01NoHello, This meter is a Single-phase residential on our system no KCT requires, hence you may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2021-06-02 ericasua@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017319ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02Request for kct in respect of these accounts 0150000915861 0150000868433 0150000881071Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-01NoHello, Find below, 0150000915861 0180 7570 0795 2098 0043 4199 6566 9687 4536 0907 0150000868433 6712 9264 7895 4028 1429 5461 6348 1587 5791 2317 0150000881071 4291 7080 0582 2590 2313 1054 9589 2804 0433 30312021-06-02 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017318ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02Hello kindly generate kct to this meter plz 44000371696Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-01NoHello, Please note that this meter number is not correct or send wrong meter number.2021-06-02 onceinlife6464@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017317ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02Kct is on 001) 0101200086177Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-01NoHello, Find below, 2087 5951 0579 2320 0220 7312 7668 4283 8526 10872021-06-02 kabirukhalidumar@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017316ClosedKCT Request2021-06-02Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000877798 from present tariff 02 Good dayMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-06-01NoHello, Find below, 5956 2089 6275 0426 6560 4350 7580 7369 8434 73502021-06-02 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017315ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31KCT 0101160050890 0101170452284 0101170379156 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-31NoHello, Find below, 0101160050890 0431 7564 7378 9935 8500 2947 6073 3419 0208 2274 0101170452284 2062 3442 9748 6156 9130 5197 3289 3174 5758 9825 0101170379156 1998 4798 0142 0257 9390 1482 9871 6440 7522 36032021-05-31 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017314ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31KCT REQUEST (07 to 01) Hello, Good afternoon, Kindly assist with KCT for this meter from 07 to 01. THank you.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-31NoFind below, 6305 7178 9382 7139 3519 5649 5785 2337 1645 06942021-05-31 ademugeorge@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017313ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200121594 Reminder On Monday, May 31, 2021, 12:15:07 PM GMT+1, Umar Mohammed wrote: Hi team, Please asssitMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-31NoFind below, 6739 5874 5171 9867 9678 0973 1396 8305 4651 08612021-05-31 omarllepps@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00017312ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31Kindly generate KCT for this meter 2 - 1 0101190142238 Thank youMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-31NoFind below, 2139 9492 1383 6775 8463 5674 9622 8878 2396 97482021-05-31 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017311ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31Find below, 0101200048318 0101200007546 0101200110910 0101190025250Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-31NoHello, Good afternoon, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters from 02 to 01.Thank you. Meter Numbers: 0101200048318 3787 3144 9287 8234 3140 5315 5987 2659 9151 4505 0101200007546 4027 6896 4005 8410 1012 4904 4363 0893 9900 6574 0101200110910 0687 6789 4103 9288 8298 3238 1939 5865 9470 3373 0101190025250 4153 5024 6329 2956 5177 1416 7491 7219 8633 91222021-05-31 ademugeorge@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017310ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31Pls kindly help me with kct of this meter number 0101185048325Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-31NoFind below, 5734 3374 6088 3208 3404 2672 8672 9697 6827 32642021-05-31 amibabs433@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017309ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31REQUEST FOR KCT Kindly furnish me with the above information 62420213043 23100573817 62521008730 0101205003144 62520000266Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-31NoFind below, 62420213043 4905 2174 9118 1951 7400 6224 4007 0013 0950 0280 23100573817 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62521008730 6742 6195 4616 4553 4799 6020 1588 6696 9943 8631 0101205003144 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 62520000266 6239 4478 0966 4073 5216 4423 8276 9850 4377 34372021-05-31 tsavsarmngu@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017308ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200110142 Please treat.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-31NoHello, Find below, 6873 0463 6787 6399 4337 6612 3071 7732 5754 99922021-05-31 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017307ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31Request for KCT 0101200043087Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-31NoHello, Find below, 4749 4127 4902 8410 9082 4180 5148 1591 5195 83412021-05-31 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017306ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31Kct,0101200068985 and 0101190132338 Please kindly treat.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-31NoHello, Find below, 0101200068985 5221 9185 8034 8851 7693 1666 6641 0338 2991 2283 0101190132338 2192 4755 9061 1159 9866 4374 2898 2940 6169 44492021-05-31 ummilois2@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017305ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31REQUEST FOR KCT - 57300005428Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-31NoHello, Find below, 1238 5025 9762 2733 3559 4006 7015 5318 6527 19282021-05-31 naomi.tegwi@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017304ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31Request for KCT 54161169138 Hello Sent from my iPhoneMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-31NoHello, Find below, 3417 1840 9445 8794 2538 6037 9968 6586 2554 83742021-05-31 aisha.aliyu@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017303ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31: KCT REQUEST Kindly assist with key change for MSN. 44000352250 T02 TO T21 ThanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-31NoHello, Find below, 6902 2415 5887 4621 5184 5000 8743 0378 3480 74612021-05-31 faayu472003@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017302ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31Request for KCT meter no 54161005670 Kindly furnish me with above information best regards.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-31NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-05-31 tsavsarmngu@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017301ClosedTamper Code2021-05-31: Request for temper code pls 0101161000209Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-31NoForward your request to Audit2021-05-31 abubakarumar4102@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017300ClosedVending History2021-05-31REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY Good morning, Request for Vending history for meter no 54161149981.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-31NoHello, Find below, Transaction Details Token Details Transaction ID: 1125161485552424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-04 11:58:44 Meter No.: 54161149981 Account No.: 602225 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88 Energy Cost: ₦465.12 KwH: 9.49 Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 3386 6548 5839 7646 7054 Transaction ID: 1758161718482624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-31 11:00:26 Meter No.: 54161149981 Account No.: 602225 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88 Energy Cost: ₦465.12 KwH: 9.49 Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 4665 3605 7514 8093 2980 Transaction ID: 2185161581375224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-15 14:09:12 Meter No.: 54161149981 Account No.: 602225 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88 Energy Cost: ₦465.12 KwH: 9.49 Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 4177 6912 4464 0339 3017 Transaction ID: 5189161831266424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-13 12:17:44 Meter No.: 54161149981 Account No.: 602225 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88 Energy Cost: ₦465.12 KwH: 9.49 Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 3410 9572 0520 9254 2646 Transaction ID: 5637161970656024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-29 15:29:20 Meter No.: 54161149981 Account No.: 602225 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88 Energy Cost: ₦465.12 KwH: 9.49 Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 7014 4321 2293 9673 2940 Transaction ID: 6111162126215124 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-17 15:35:51 Meter No.: 54161149981 Account No.: 602225 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88 Energy Cost: ₦465.12 KwH: 9.49 Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 3390 3903 9288 2070 3600 Transaction ID: 6248161373172224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-19 11:48:42 Meter No.: 54161149981 Account No.: 602225 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88 Energy Cost: ₦465.12 KwH: 9.49 Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 5654 9026 3170 8027 1496 Transaction ID: 6615161175276524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-27 14:06:05 Meter No.: 54161149981 Account No.: 602225 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88 Energy Cost: ₦465.12 KwH: 9.49 Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 2363 9376 2882 0892 7336 Transaction ID: 6923162219369124 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-28 10:21:31 Meter No.: 54161149981 Account No.: 602225 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88 Energy Cost: ₦465.12 KwH: 9.49 Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 1982 5538 5822 8073 8829 Transaction ID: 9910162065459624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-10 14:49:56 Meter No.: 54161149981 Account No.: 602225 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88 Energy Cost: ₦465.12 KwH: 9.49 Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 5429 3082 5718 0266 62722021-05-31 adamushehugiade86@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017299ClosedVending History2021-05-31Vending history Dear support, Kindly avail us VH for 62420213076Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-31NoHello, Find below the VH as requested. Transaction Details Token Details Transaction ID: 2611161590132224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-16 14:28:42 Meter No.: 62420213076 Account No.: 674080 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦279.07 Energy Cost: ₦3,720.93 KwH: 73.35 Amount Tendered: ₦4,000.00 5686 2456 4565 6455 8216 Transaction ID: 4616162245021824 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-31 09:36:58 Meter No.: 62420213076 Account No.: 674080 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦279.07 Energy Cost: ₦3,720.93 KwH: 73.35 Amount Tendered: ₦4,000.00 4493 7025 4096 3935 3344 Transaction ID: 5663162231564724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-29 20:14:07 Meter No.: 62420213076 Account No.: 674080 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦279.07 Energy Cost: ₦3,720.93 KwH: 73.35 Amount Tendered: ₦4,000.00 3120 4676 9102 6978 9791 Transaction ID: 6612162229514324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-29 14:32:23 Meter No.: 62420213076 Account No.: 674080 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 18.34 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 3892 2356 4574 9479 44912021-05-31 evelyntsokar87@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017298ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31Request for KCT Please find below meter number to generate KCT 0150300026328 ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-31NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-05-31 surefreedeen@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017297ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31Kct 44000402519.thank youMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-31NoHello, Find below, 3470 0232 6687 1777 0122 0363 6161 9255 9700 8946 Regards.2021-05-31 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017296ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31KCT REQUEST Good morning IT Support team. Kindly assist with key change for MSN. 1. 44000336162 T01 TO T03 2. 44000368272 T01 TO T21 3. 0150300020354 T01 TO T33 4. 44000369510 T01 TO T07 5. 44000353308 T01 TO T21 6. 44000322964 T01 TO T21 7. 0101190019378 T01 TO T04 8. 44000357846 T01 TO T21 Thanks Best RegardsMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-31NoHello, Find below. 1. 44000336162 T01 TO T03 5752 2880 4122 5806 8636 7324 5161 1064 3127 2727 2. 44000368272 T01 TO T21 0381 4880 6623 8196 8810 7230 2253 4577 5601 1921 3. 0150300020354 T01 TO T33 4004 1307 5965 3596 2762 4662 7117 6485 6443 2440 4. 44000369510 T01 TO T07 3400 7877 5829 5692 0604 4704 1016 2917 3378 7992 5. 44000353308 T01 TO T21 1898 7631 4129 5310 5728 5648 3069 1884 7481 0610 6. 44000322964 T01 TO T21 2210 3403 0210 2560 1883 2907 3369 3844 3424 4621 7. 0101190019378 T01 TO T04 0029 6685 0157 9826 7042 2624 6960 5167 8089 7573 8. 44000357846 T01 TO T21 6783 3394 3917 2490 3066 0764 1082 5559 3765 43622021-05-31 faayu472003@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017295ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31Kct 1-21,0101190156023.thank youMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-31NoHello, This meter was not found. Confirm meter number. Regards.2021-05-31 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017294ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31Kct Pls kindly help me with kct of this meter number from 1 to 4 and from 4 to 1 0101200073126Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-31NoHello, Find below, 01 to 04 4573 1548 1951 7993 2890 6292 5914 8808 0364 9219 04 to 01 2356 8128 9261 4162 8657 3119 0098 3972 4308 3853 Regards.2021-05-31 amibabs433@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017293ClosedTamper Code2021-05-31Dear Support, Pls treat. Regards. On Mon, 31 May 2021, 10:53 am Auwal Aliyu, wrote: Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate Tamper 0101170155382 Thank youMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-31NoHello, Find below as requested and verified by Audit team. 0101170155382 Clear Tamper 6036 0798 2433 2616 4950 Regards.2021-05-31 rolandjames750@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017292ClosedTamper Code2021-05-31REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPER Dear Support, Pls treat. Regards. On Mon, 31 May 2021, 8:37 am Wuladi Myahwegi, wrote: Good morning sir, Please kindly verify this MSN 0101200090138 for the subject above mentioned Thank you.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-31NoHello, Find below as requested and verified by audit team. 0101200090138 Clear Tamper 3477 6627 4968 5250 4695 Regards.2021-05-31 rolandjames750@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017291ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000865348 Good morningMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-31NoHello, Find below, 1662 2988 6080 8416 7073 0392 3273 8112 6367 4419 Regards.2021-05-31 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017290ClosedKCT Request2021-05-312 - 1 0101200073548 Thank youMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-31NoHello, Find below, 2093 5051 5349 8179 1029 5958 5440 8401 2753 4198 Regards.2021-05-31 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017289ClosedVending History2021-05-31REQUEST FOR 2020 VENDING HISTORY -0101170289314 Please treatMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-31NoHello, Find attached,2021-05-31 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017288ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31: Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000857964 Good morningMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-31NoHello, Find below. 1664 2489 4754 7619 7115 2848 1936 7288 1400 45322021-05-31 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017287ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31Request for k c t please 0150300023507 thanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-31NoHello, Find below. 6455 2698 9637 3073 0364 3271 1645 6405 3456 04432021-05-31 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017286ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31KCT Dear support, Kindly generate KCT for 44000398402MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-31NoHello, Find below. 5161 6964 1621 0229 0367 3657 0724 4886 9807 70132021-05-31 evelyntsokar87@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017285ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31KCT GENERATION 95300106176 Dear IT team, Please the above subject refers. Regards.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-31NoFind below, 1741 5190 2298 2068 4887 6840 6116 5274 4404 22822021-05-31 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017284ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000877798 Good morningMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-31NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-05-31 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017283ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31KCT Dear support Please assist with the subject above for this MSN 44000321392 0101200112676Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-31NoFind below, 44000321392 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 0101200112676 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-05-31 mwuladi@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00017282ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31KCT REQUEST Good morning, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters 0101200081555 0101200122436 44000324275 5730004702 from index 001 to 34 0101200124622 0101200123459 44000367399Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-31NoHello, Find below, 0101200081555 Not found. Confirm meter number. 0101200122436 5122 0822 7868 7117 4532 5914 7748 1978 8714 5535 44000324275 7304 8981 4895 2307 6968 3613 7562 1166 0103 5459 5730004702 from index 001 to 34 Meter number not found. Confirm meter number. 0101200124622 3400 9161 2354 7420 5722 7366 2961 4637 8253 5588 0101200123459 0390 0436 2729 3488 9075 0337 0181 7300 6773 3817 44000367399 5228 4056 7350 4986 8421 6899 0645 5235 2375 4179 Regards.2021-05-31 tkhadija028@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017281ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31KCT please 0101170456517Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-31NoFind below, 3251 9264 5677 4160 1219 0509 3564 5791 5786 54352021-05-31 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017280ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31KCT GENERATION 0195000007300 Dear IT team, Please the above subject refers. Regards.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-31NoFind below, 1707 6195 9381 4410 2625 0644 6642 0561 4974 11782021-05-31 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017279ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000892037 0150000904198 0150000881071 0150000915861Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-31NoFind below, 0150000892037 6224 9689 3826 3396 0776 3952 7381 6824 9176 9308 0150000904198 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 0150000881071 4291 7080 0582 2590 2313 1054 9589 2804 0433 3031 0150000915861 0180 7570 0795 2098 0043 4199 6566 9687 4536 09072021-05-31 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017278ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31Request for KCT 62521023069 Kindly furnish us with the above information ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-31NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-05-31 vajimehd@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017277ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31Request for KCT number 0101170459180 Reminder on the above. Pls I need the above information as customer is still waiting. Thanks On Mon, May 31, 2021, 10:02 AM Caraoline Adesuwa wrote: Dear IT support, Pls I need the above information. ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-31NoFind below, 2734 2429 5130 3412 4005 3537 9775 6715 8304 20202021-05-31 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017276ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31Request for KCT 62420233058 Kindly furnish us with the above information ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-31NoFind below, 3823 5044 8967 6632 6471 5848 5729 7685 5260 42302021-05-31 vajimehd@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017275ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31Please we are still awaiting your response Thanks On Fri, 28 May 2021 at 4:47 PM, Lawal Azeez wrote: Kindly furnish us with the above information for meter number 62521003988 23100542457 62521031518 62521019430 62521004358 62521032342Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-31NoFind below, 62521003988 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 23100542457 1136 4965 4816 8822 3121 2037 0916 6312 4466 8830 62521031518 2481 9923 0834 6341 0223 5603 2611 3558 6104 7287 62521019430 2114 4550 0088 6182 8788 0931 4554 6948 0355 0492 62521004358 2526 1526 8625 6288 9052 4810 3329 0509 6016 1665 62521032342 0271 7590 4803 0290 0051 6619 3083 3259 3664 46672021-05-31 vajimehd@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017274ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31KCT Kindly generate KCT for these meters 0101200078794 0101200073548 44000380715 0195000003598 44000450732 0101190025664 Thank youMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-31NoFind below, 0101200078794 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101200073548 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 44000380715 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0195000003598 4151 1040 6378 9712 1547 2235 2462 4021 5050 1503 44000450732 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 0101190025664 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-05-31 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017273ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31Request for KCT 62521010579 Kindly furnish us with the above information ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-31NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-05-31 vajimehd@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017272ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31Request for KCT 23102143007 Kindly furnish us with the above information ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-31NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-05-31 vajimehd@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017271ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31Hello Team, Kindly assist with the above-mentioned for the meter numbers below 1. 0101200121975 2. 0101190133583 3. 0101200111546 4. 0101200102636 5. 0101200049993 6. 0101190018792 Best Regards, Halima Mujtaba AbdulrahmanMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-31NoFind below, 1. 0101200121975 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 2. 0101190133583 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 3. 0101200111546 2506 7588 6601 0300 7604 3628 7550 2833 0658 5322 4. 0101200102636 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 5. 0101200049993 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 6. 0101190018792 1557 7556 5086 2883 5096 6396 0008 6810 5647 53742021-05-31 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017270ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31REQUEST FOR KCT 0101200087555 Please treatMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-31NoFind below, 7089 1140 4210 2465 3761 3114 6098 8678 9076 33552021-05-31 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00017269Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00017268ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31REQUEST FOR KCT 0101200014765 0101190140745 0101190151932 Please treat.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-31NoHello] Find below. 0101200014765 2295 3705 8748 6659 5741 0930 6071 7291 4860 9723 0101190140745 5565 2179 1139 1501 2825 6468 3382 1731 6441 8604 0101190151932 4432 3171 8820 2661 9686 1655 6361 4918 6696 76152021-05-31 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00017267ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31Request for KCT Please find below meter number to generate KCT 0150300026468 Thanks CCRM ID 3703 Gombe Regional officeMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-31NoHello, Find below, 6292 6993 4872 0710 6511 4969 4209 6571 3424 3311 Regards.2021-05-31 surefreedeen@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017266ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31KCT GENERATION Dear IT team, Please the above subject refers 95300148244 0195000003788 Regards.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-31NoHello, Find below. 95300148244 1443 4877 9276 6476 7360 0627 2068 5915 3786 9617 0195000003788 5849 8394 7273 5783 9367 5851 2651 4524 7511 27092021-05-31 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017265ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31Good morning.Request for KCT 0101190146023MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-31NoHello, Find below. 1887 3155 6319 6427 5178 0223 2585 9869 0394 57882021-05-31 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017264ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31Request for KCT Please find below meter number to generate KCT 0150300026468 Thanks CCRM ID 3703 Gombe Regional officeMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-31NoHello, Find below, 6292 6993 4872 0710 6511 4969 4209 6571 3424 3311 Regards.2021-05-31 surefreedeen@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017263ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000857964 Good morningMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-31NoHello, This meter has 2 customers attached to it. Kindly specify the customer name. Regards.2021-05-31 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017262ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31Request for KCT 23100568494 23100553504 62521029637 62521029637 62521019612 0101195001827 Kindly furnish us with the above information ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-31NoHello, Find below. 23100568494 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 23100553504 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62521029637 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62521019612 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101195001827 6587 5035 9440 5009 1437 7062 8341 7542 1044 52022021-05-31 vajimehd@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017261ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31KCT GENERATION Dear IT team, Please the above subject refers 95300148244 0195000003788 Regards.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-31NoHello, Find below, 95300148244 1443 4877 9276 6476 7360 0627 2068 5915 3786 9617 0195000003788 5849 8394 7273 5783 9367 5851 2651 4524 7511 2709 Regards.2021-05-31 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017260ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31Good morning.Request for KCT 0101190146023Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-31NoHello, Find below, 0424 9983 5199 4835 9074 5387 3693 8182 0871 6290 Regards.2021-05-31 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017259ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31REQUEST FOR KCT METER NO 0101195004185 REV FR JOSEPH O.NEILMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-31NoHello, Find below, 4114 2066 1510 3325 6067 1737 7253 9777 9694 7405 Regards.2021-05-31 benmercyladi@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017258Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00017257ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000889561 & 0150000915861Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-31NoFind below, 0150000889561 3601 0492 4688 6056 2445 5883 2777 6613 7541 4871 0150000915861 0180 7570 0795 2098 0043 4199 6566 9687 4536 09072021-05-31 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017256ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31Request for kct in respect of this account 0150300025700 Good morningMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-31NoFind below, 5619 7714 1361 9233 2560 0417 9586 1652 6222 14302021-05-31 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017255ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31REQUEST FOR KCT- 44000360907 A kind reminder please. On Monday, May 31, 2021, 9:15:47 AM GMT+1, naomi tegwi wrote: NAME. ANGY JOFA ACCT. 682879 On Monday, May 31, 2021, 9:11:27 AM GMT+1, JED IT Support wrote: Hello, This meter has 2 customers attached to it. Kindly specify the customer name. Regards.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-31NoFind below, 01 To 02 2995 1468 2426 5569 2310 0280 5500 9901 7081 24032021-05-31 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00017254ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31Morning. Please kindly furnish me with the KCT of the following meters. 0150000883474 0150000914328 0150000883358 0150000898646 0150000880461 0150000885122 0150000870637 0150000900335 0150000889140 0150000885114 0150000878903 0150000894694 0150000866445 0150000867013 0150000867435 0150000900384 0150000904170 0150000880818 0150000866437 0150000889116 0150000910284 0150000890395 0150000899115 0150000867955 0150000897093 0150000866411 0150000900392 0150000878911 0150000916299 Thanks for your assistance.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-31NoHello, Find below. 0150000883474 No data available in table or incorrect msn 0150000914328 4270 1518 6152 8340 6345 3420 4859 1492 7002 3935 0150000883358 0150000898646 1278 5202 2477 6242 3185 0471 3516 8720 5391 3680 0150000880461 5830 8228 6164 2515 2535 3906 5065 9711 3310 0106 0150000885122 4658 3456 1367 9359 6753 5791 9962 0346 8555 3292 0150000870637 3975 9338 8747 6385 4580 3170 9203 0932 3767 7827 0150000900335 4099 7399 3544 0769 0232 6875 7756 9090 2101 9145 0150000889140 1988 0877 9277 7660 1348 5664 3852 2888 1111 0799 0150000885114 6203 1675 2282 6565 7509 0950 2186 7207 8669 4760 015000087890 6565 8934 6484 1426 3657 3845 1635 3086 0579 7969 0150000894694 1066 1456 9982 5594 9906 2594 5286 9756 3902 9287 0150000866445 0150000867013 7180 4717 2430 8942 1228 5714 7925 2210 7844 3920 0150000867435 6808 3364 3466 3579 5023 1371 9390 1292 4494 4602 0150000900384 5626 6371 2140 7211 4504 2066 9043 8587 1933 4109 0150000904170 3826 0682 4891 1264 9821 6268 3087 5365 2929 0385 0150000880818 4070 9757 1090 7759 9844 3234 2404 3916 7041 1384 0150000866437 5570 2370 0034 0540 3990 0434 2839 5660 2066 1433 0150000889116 5739 4038 2840 6787 6063 1414 4122 7248 9721 5175 0150000910284 0079 5384 8531 7215 0111 1075 4125 4171 8275 9210 0150000890395 6243 7824 7303 8822 0566 4163 4191 2717 6179 9095 0150000899115 4011 6609 7001 9113 6847 6044 4702 7551 9433 6433 0150000867955 1937 0444 6848 2484 7878 2309 4384 7378 9757 7155 0150000897093 2141 8583 3840 6102 1538 4504 1839 5663 3759 5299 0150000866411 3693 8390 9286 7403 4543 5828 9860 4891 7175 9884 0150000900392 0449 5162 7427 1055 1958 5676 0051 3061 6958 7438 0150000878911 6254 4955 0155 6189 4892 3847 2927 9886 3695 2322 0150000916299 3547 1513 0265 0998 1523 5647 6928 8707 7228 12612021-05-31 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017253ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31KCT Kindly generate KCT for this meter 0101190136180 Thank youMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-31NoFind below, 3422 7889 3905 5993 1396 2360 2592 5666 4900 34252021-05-31 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017252ClosedKCT Request2021-05-310150300012716Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-31NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-05-31 Tukur Hamid
#00017251ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31Request for k c t please 0150000958465 b. 0150000968712 thanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-31NoHello, Find below, 0150000958465 1243 4452 9538 0510 2964 6348 4876 3605 9593 1305 0150000968712 4780 5267 1887 0873 6312 4595 1296 3239 6839 3439 Regards.2021-05-31 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017250ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31KCT 0101170261081 54161016339 the meter is on 02 0101190151353 Thank youMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-31NoFind below, 0101170261081 4857 6011 8092 6695 8666 1099 5476 9055 0605 8276 54161016339 the meter is on 02 4547 5747 1741 1242 6609 7319 5123 1870 4753 8321 0101190151353 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-05-31 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017249Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00017248ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31Request for KCT Please find below meter numbers to generate KCT 44000307379 44000331627 44000359750 ThanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-31NoHello, Find below, 44000307379 2580 1215 4207 1258 2765 5807 1006 9098 0433 7392 44000331627 5764 0377 3241 6857 6861 1055 3257 0730 4011 5399 44000359750 5092 3707 3357 2408 9337 5480 2881 7656 9224 1253 Regards.2021-05-31 surefreedeen@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017247ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31KCT GENERATION Dear IT team, Please the above subject refers. 95300147105 95300106150 0195000007714 0195000004315 0195000005254 95300104635 0195000007912 Regards.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-31NoFind below, 95300147105 4963 1634 5481 5961 6964 4835 0206 3572 6386 1749 95300106150 2788 5659 0247 3945 3543 2631 6720 7134 1902 1103 0195000007714 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0195000004315 5375 3430 1034 6268 9353 4702 3053 3007 1710 9522 0195000005254 4251 8593 8987 6374 0904 4475 9138 8290 5873 3150 95300104635 This meter displayed an incomplete token, kindly allow us some time to generate the KCT. 0195000007912 6402 5026 5133 6578 9138 4578 6731 9337 3907 10192021-05-31 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017246ClosedRequest2021-05-31REQUEST FOR TOKEN 54160865538 Good morning IT support, A gentle reminder pls. Sent from my iPhoneMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-31NoGood morning Engr, This customer vended without receiving token on 20th of May, 20212021-05-31 shukrah55@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00017245ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31: KCT GENERATION Dear IT team, Please the above subject refers. 95300163284 95300162427 95300163268 95300151677 95300158953 0195000003515 44000327591 Regards.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-31NoHello, Find below, 95300163284 0657 6240 5563 8398 9662 0776 9801 8534 0805 9166 95300162427 5326 1688 0598 4737 3731 4098 2371 5941 0797 1891 95300163268 6300 3243 7102 1629 0415 6649 4893 5199 9424 1336 95300151677 3297 0581 6993 8445 0554 5215 0752 3340 1422 7855 95300158953 5724 4941 3140 6216 8257 6194 4307 7444 8252 0162 0195000003515 5605 9293 8138 6711 1532 1185 3516 8808 8336 9591 44000327591 5763 9279 3156 6980 9318 2055 5438 1785 5949 34832021-05-31 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017244ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31KCT please 0150000857964Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-31NoFind below, 1418 2223 1215 6931 2715 6824 6127 5719 3526 90282021-05-31 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017243ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31Request for KCT KCT generation please 0195000007474 0195000003184 0195000001865 95300103439 95300150083 95300106135 95300153012 95300147774 thanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-31NoHello, Find below. 0195000007474 4689 4919 4100 4818 6535 4809 1190 8698 9309 7007 0195000003184 4152 0135 6267 1271 4048 6847 3573 9227 5179 1761 0195000001865 5268 4076 4759 1616 0474 6031 3436 9952 6034 2790 95300103439 0053 1344 7953 9136 7875 7283 5486 5823 8413 2122 95300150083 1294 8920 1110 9625 0677 1702 6710 1889 0833 7147 95300106135 3090 9707 0117 9803 4068 1439 5916 3583 2948 1806 95300153012 3854 1667 1732 5033 1702 5134 6207 5007 1423 3468 95300147774 2920 5671 1500 3174 2415 0404 4017 6013 2259 23292021-05-31 beediesarah5@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017242ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31Request for KCT 62521009167 62420230104 Kindly furnish us with the above information ThanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-31NoHello, Find below, 62521009167 This meter is a single phase residential meter and on 001 on our database. Hence, no KCT needed. However, you may wish to query the meter to know which tariff index it is on. ELSE, contact meter maintenance team for assistance. 62420230104 5557 1903 5138 0149 0143 5199 9147 2367 4158 0183 Regards.2021-05-31 vajimehd@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017241ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31Please kindly send me kct following the meter number 44000345361 the meter is on 0021 to 0001 Hello ict supportMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-31NoHello, Find below, 21 to 01 6779 4386 9941 1628 2596 0832 9388 9396 9442 0111 Regards.2021-05-31 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017240ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31KCT Kindly assist us with KCT of this meter 0101200073548 Thank youMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-31NoHello, Find below as requested. 3690 8808 4915 1710 1405 0164 6856 6269 4944 4127 Regards.2021-05-31 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017239ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31Request for kct Dear sir, Please kindly assist with kct MSN:0195000005114. Thank you.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-31NoHello, Find below, 1666 4889 4259 3487 3277 0030 7257 9255 2124 6490 Regards.2021-05-31 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017238ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31Request for k c t please 0150000944937 thanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-31NoHello, This meter is a single phase residential meter and on 001 on our database. Hence, no KCT needed. However, you may wish to query the meter to know which tariff index it is on. ELSE, contact meter maintenance team for assistance. Regards.2021-05-31 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017237ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31Request for k c t please 0150000915291 thanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-31NoHello, Find below, 1952 3922 0866 0640 0828 3776 1829 1539 6489 0211 Regards.2021-05-31 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017236Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00017235ClosedSupport2021-05-31FYI Hello Anas. Sequel to our earlier conversation on phone, below is the Meter Number. 0150000901549Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2021-05-31NoHello Zakar, The above meter is in sa’adatu’s inventory2021-05-31 infortech4life@yahoo.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00017234ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31Good morning, please ict support kindly send me kct number following the meter 44000345361 Hello ict supportMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-31NoHello, Find below, 0879 1879 4653 1553 6097 1442 7259 5430 2353 3352 Regards.2021-05-31 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017233Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00017232ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31Request for k c t please 0150300011916 thanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-31NoFind below, 1778 0981 3003 0594 5531 1799 5764 1348 7158 08172021-05-31 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017231ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000916281 0150000892425 0150000916281 0150000916806 0150000899925 0150000890411 0150000906668Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-31NoFind below, 0150000916281 4580 1062 6151 3877 7642 2835 9966 5053 5696 4174 0150000892425 4124 7432 0893 7882 9799 4178 0954 5005 0237 8615 0150000916281 4580 1062 6151 3877 7642 2835 9966 5053 5696 4174 0150000916806 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 0150000899925 3719 9598 0625 9025 3656 1772 4618 4633 2971 8320 0150000890411 4500 9446 1288 8696 7374 6797 4540 7287 8505 7549 0150000906668 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2021-05-31 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017230ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31Request for kct in respect of this account 0101190137246 02 to 01, 0101200005409 02 to 01 & 0101190137246 Good dayMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-31NoFind below, 0101190137246 02 to 01, 1448 8828 4597 1609 5460 5938 6869 4685 0229 8489 0101200005409 02 to 01 & 3699 7126 9116 9056 1551 5590 4210 5704 9251 9016 0101190137246 2984 0673 5054 3031 3709 3358 7074 0358 3994 41642021-05-31 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017229In ProgressKCT Request2021-05-31KCT Hello Team, Kindly assist with the above-mentioned for the meter numbers below 1. 0101200079347 2. 0101185048309 Best Regards, Halima Mujtaba AbdulrahmanMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-31NoHello, Find below, 1. 0101200079347 5799 5859 0992 6761 4919 2515 2663 7578 1591 2309 2. 0101185048309 This is a 3-phase meter and on 02 in our system. Please query the meter to let us know which tariff index it is on. Regards.0000-00-00 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017228ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31Request for k c t please Reminder please On Sun, May 30, 2021, 19:11 ABDULRAZAK HAMZA wrote: 0101170455998 thanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-31NoFind below, 0687 4737 7012 9862 0618 3447 4293 5390 4846 87992021-05-31 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017227ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31Plc kindly help me with kct of this meter number 0101200014765Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-31NoFind below, 2295 3705 8748 6659 5741 0930 6071 7291 4860 97232021-05-31 amibabs433@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017226ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31Kct 015 0000903339Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-31NoHello, This meter is a single phase residential meter and on 001 on our database. Hence, no KCT needed. However, you may wish to query the meter to know which tariff index it is on. ELSE, contact meter maintenance team for assistance. Regards.2021-05-31 ahmadmiltonfairaskira@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017225ClosedRequest2021-05-31ACCOUNT NUMBER NOT ON EVEN Good Morning sir Kindly assist us with the above request to enable the customer make his payment. 761333Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-31NoHello, Please note that your mail has been treated.2021-05-31 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017224ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31Kct Aslm good afternoon sir pls help me with the KCT of this meter 44000397412 the meter is triple sevenMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-31NoHello, This meter is a single phase residential meter and on 001 on our database. Hence, no KCT needed. However, you may wish to query the meter to let us know which tariff index it is on. ELSE, contact meter maintenance team for assistance. Regards.2021-05-31 munirishaqjos@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017223ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31Request for k c t please 0150000874399 thanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-31NoHello, This meter is a single phase residential meter and on 001 on our database. Hence, no KCT needed. However, you may wish to query the meter to let us know which tariff index it is on. ELSE, contact meter maintenance team for assistance.2021-05-31 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017222ClosedKCT Request2021-05-31Kabiru Remender Kct 0101190023222Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-31NoHello, Find below, 2771 9836 5222 9362 5916 6143 8755 9632 0149 98192021-05-31 kabirukhalidumar@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017221ClosedTamper Code2021-05-31: REQUEST FOR CLEAR TAMPER TOKEN 5710007254 The correct MSN is 57100072545 On Fri, May 28, 2021 at 11:26 AM Mujtaba Umar wrote: Dear IT Support Team, Please furnish us with CTT for the above MSN. Please refer to the document attached herewith for your reference. Thank you.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-28NoHello, Find below, 57100072545 Clear Tamper 0 0809 1439 0106 7018 25112021-05-31 mujtabaumar01@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017220ClosedKCT Request2021-05-28kct kindly generate kct for 0101200078596Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-28NoHello, Find below, 1695 3549 0754 0128 7369 0536 7290 3359 2212 8085 Thanks.2021-05-28 denhamsalvation@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017219ClosedKCT Request2021-05-28Request for kct in respect of this account 0150300021741 Good morningMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-28NoHello, Find below, 2916 6600 5707 8082 2987 6992 6614 9897 0989 68592021-05-28 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017218ClosedKCT Request2021-05-28Request for k c t please 54161062911 thanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-28NoHello, Find below, 0106 2264 2533 7357 8654 4442 0536 3328 7539 5156 Thanks.2021-05-28 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017217ClosedKCT Request2021-05-28Request for KCT NUMBER Good morning sir, Kindly generate KCT for this meter number 0101190146528. The meter is on 001 tariff index. Thanks and regardsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-28NoHello, Find below, 3871 2024 3962 2885 5134 6390 2091 2467 7747 38582021-05-28 malooms33@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017216ClosedKCT Request2021-05-28Kct Please kindly generate kct for the following MSN 019500007888 0101160006553 from 04 to 01Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-28NoFind below, 019500007888 Not captured or wrong meter number. 0101160006553 from 04 to 01 5779 5361 0911 8105 1057 6466 7170 1291 3373 10032021-05-28 bangisgarko@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017215ClosedKCT Request2021-05-28Request for KCT KCT generation please 95300162443 0195000004505 ThanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-28NoHello, Find below as requested. 95300162443 1942 3127 2991 0468 9707 2487 8473 4723 4856 8696 0195000004505 5927 7934 2335 2197 7197 2751 0984 7325 6789 5180 Thanks.2021-05-28 beediesarah5@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017214ClosedKCT Request2021-05-28Request for kct Good morning sir. Sorry to bother you last night sir. Please help me generate kct for this customer 0101188027367. Tariff Index=0002, SGC=600415. Thank you very muchMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-28NoHello, This mail was responded to in your previous mail. Thanks.2021-05-28 okadonyesimona@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017213ClosedTamper Code2021-05-28Tamper Dear Support, Pls treat. On Thu, May 27, 2021 at 2:15 PM Auwal Aliyu wrote: Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101170421008 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-28NoHello, Find below, 0101170421008 Clear Tamper 0 6007 0447 8487 7122 60892021-05-28 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017212ClosedTamper Code2021-05-28Tamper Dear Support, Pls treat. Regards. On Thu, May 27, 2021 at 2:10 PM Auwal Aliyu wrote: Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101200074660 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-28NoHello, Find below, 0101200074660 Clear Tamper 0 6575 6087 0599 5898 42342021-05-28 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017211ClosedKCT Request2021-05-28Request for KCT Good morning sir, KCT generation please 0195000007763 0195000004323 0195000004554 95300164878 95300151057 ThanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-28NoHello, Find below 0195000007763 4823 2128 6798 3047 0270 4744 6534 4024 3229 3957 0195000004323 7162 1332 5816 3437 1281 4172 4663 6718 6308 4360 0195000004554 1575 3260 6668 6290 3962 2261 6335 2031 3642 4695 95300164878 1033 0050 1781 6949 4722 5313 8192 7010 6239 7081 95300151057 3285 2854 5648 6358 8837 4878 4485 7041 7176 8097 Thanks.2021-05-28 beediesarah5@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017210ClosedTamper Code2021-05-28Request for clear tamper code Dear Support, Captured MSNs verified ok. Pls treat. Regards. On Thu, May 27, 2021 at 2:26 PM Babangida Bangis wrote: Dear Support/Audit Team, Please Kindly Vette on those MSN for support to generate a clear tamper code to enable those customers have our good services. 0101200008387 0101200082770 0101200062954 0101200026207 0101200016794 1010200008940 0101200025075 0101200020374 0101200017461 0101200019483 0101190146858 0195000002566 0101200081905 0101190140554 0101200063986 0101200092142 0101200087399 0101170412528 0101200079537 0101200071831 57100012053 44000402840Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-28NoHello, Find below, 0101200008387 6319 0922 9819 1471 9911 0101200082770 1583 3423 9625 6523 2981 0101200062954 2735 8421 6728 6877 1745 0101200026207 4353 2242 1154 7911 9881 0101200016794 3922 4190 9097 2175 0905 1010200008940 Not captured or wrong meter number. 0101200025075 Not captured or wrong meter number. 0101200020374 7085 3218 4239 2299 0542 0101200017461 6991 6859 3505 0852 6524 0101200019483 0937 2456 1347 0684 9016 0101190146858 1444 8134 0258 1733 8489 0195000002566 6855 0033 6568 4013 2695 0101200081905 Not captured or wrong meter number 0101190140554 1048 6502 1287 9592 9042 0101200063986 0013 3915 1526 8945 9703 0101200092142 5686 1266 9232 1730 5158 0101200087399 3598 8366 3055 2362 0176 0101170412528 3513 1851 3220 5364 4249 0101200079537 0001 3439 6987 3898 1642 0101200071831 3044 6064 9792 1760 8044 57100012053 7326 7048 6817 3389 2722 44000402840 0430 7803 1970 0293 59002021-05-28 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017209ClosedKCT Request2021-05-28KCT 23100538265 Tariff Index 01. please help generate KCT. ThanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-28NoHello, Find below, 3277 8849 7979 9163 5374 4243 9790 8443 4703 4441 Thanks.2021-05-28 baturewominya@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017208ClosedTamper Code2021-05-28: Request for Clear Tamper - 0101200021059 Dear Support, Pls treat. On Thu, May 27, 2021 at 11:51 PM Austin Lucky wrote: Dear HQ Audit Pls vet Thank you.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-28NoHello, Find below, 0101200021059 Clear Tamper 0 5313 8547 4101 7579 93992021-05-28 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017207ClosedTamper Code2021-05-28Dear Support, Captured MSNs verified ok. Pls treat. Regards. On Thu, May 27, 2021 at 3:52 PM maryam bashir wrote: Dear Auwal, Please the above subject refers. 0195000004778 0195000005288 0195000005528 0195000001600 0195000003010 0195000007912 0195000004240 0101200078265 44000345395 0195000007011 0195000005114 0195000004620 Waiting for your response. Regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-28NoHello, Find below, 0195000004778 Not captured or wrong meter number. 0195000005288 4723 7832 2591 0143 2505 0195000005528 1115 8942 8116 0743 9809 0195000001600 3316 0213 0546 0828 6490 0195000003010 1555 2502 0606 6853 5372 0195000007912 3922 9437 5972 1612 0926 0195000004240 1825 8836 2011 2633 1535 0101200078265 0236 2530 1101 9667 9720 44000345395 7266 5683 6174 4773 8089 0195000007011 2339 5297 0207 8060 1244 0195000005114 4019 6846 4586 0848 2495 0195000004620 5519 1650 0633 8152 86322021-05-28 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017206ClosedKCT Request2021-05-28Request for kct Good morning sir, Please kindly provide this customer 54161082703 with kct. Thanks for your usual understanding.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-28NoHello, Find below as requested. 6349 7580 7187 1623 6403 5720 7235 6888 2840 1720 Thanks.2021-05-28 okadonyesimona@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017205ClosedKCT Request2021-05-28Please kindly send me kct following the meter number 0101185056575 the meter is on 0033 thank you support Good Evening ict supportMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-27NoHello, Find below, 1181 9093 3880 5485 7425 4900 4030 0313 1040 1224 Thanks.2021-05-28 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017204ClosedTamper Code2021-05-28WSGC TAMPER 0101170250373 4161 1774 8153 1256 4097 Please kindly reissue the above CT On Wed, 5 May 2021, 12:25 , wrote: Hello, Find below, 0101170285106 2810 6647 6871 5721 1030 0101170262865 5828 1671 2949 7358 9405 0101170210401 6090 9398 6964 5479 2628 0101170292771 4029 6557 7140 2215 2710 0101170173427 6228 9571 2667 5868 4133 0101170294868 7076 0986 3059 6273 5509 0101170120147 4119 0324 1142 0881 2883 0101170158337 1072 4324 5321 2949 9715 0101170243725 4725 0180 4484 1852 1541 0101170162909 6432 3638 2244 2410 3302 0101170144337 3860 6977 4397 6443 6166 0101170122192 2218 4815 2084 3368 4138 0101170275834 3881 8265 0030 7574 3373 0101170139980 6377 6887 1266 8976 1974 0101170160903 2397 9706 3412 9529 1212 0101170211490 3575 5723 2240 5289 1933 0101170213728 3575 5723 2240 5289 1933 0101170275297 0544 0876 2371 6556 9989 0101170161703 Wrong MSN or not captured. 0101170211466 4560 6183 9243 3649 7365 0101170159814 0047 2637 6084 2743 0891 0101170167064 0181 8931 0063 0437 7670 0101170127357 2424 2072 8957 4424 7014 0101170151597 1585 9552 3633 6128 8039 0101170226878 3487 0301 9082 5912 8745 0101170216960 3111 7867 7046 6553 5568 0101170115709 6924 7600 6929 8620 3011 0101160007536 0202 9660 3881 2291 7160 0101150168942 5687 2237 6558 7702 8359 0101160052649 7270 9852 9301 5565 3112 0101160173296 7367 6250 4588 7423 9994 0101160048753 3651 2621 8692 9674 9055 0101150061087 Wrong MSN or not captured. 0101170268425 3242 7284 6067 8339 5615 0101170241976 2863 0557 2022 2712 0900 0101170151340 1311 6387 2924 2458 6622 0101170170589 3079 9148 0906 7339 2963 0101160012296 1898 9714 8688 4771 3221 0101160004020 2551 5683 3631 3962 7817 0101170126862 Wrong MSN or not captured. 0101170115477 4419 5483 4389 8782 0980 0101170162073 0555 7496 6289 0841 4593 0101170171041 5969 4384 7740 3039 2239 0101170113621 2349 0124 1305 9754 4214 0101170260273 3380 0876 7411 9541 4639 0101170160309 1010 0806 9569 3347 9138 0101170134676 2780 6077 7587 8142 7994 0101170113399 5396 8280 5113 2135 0224 0101170204990 0388 6305 2818 8377 6336 0101170294991 2005 5346 8582 3476 4904 0101170187649 Wrong MSN or not captured. 0101170150490 1948 2181 1575 6018 4101 0101170204198 3319 2871 7598 6074 2269 0101170235440 1987 5938 2349 2095 0894 0101170278770 5974 1152 0388 6998 7772 0101170203596 6279 9448 6812 8104 4791 0101170141986 1506 0644 8830 6895 7858 0101170195362 3788 7127 4068 1901 8077 0101170197798 6577 4831 2088 7248 8437 0101170127753 4217 6432 9980 1174 6258 0101170428094 6721 0931 4527 3420 7149 0101170224170 2559 7049 0596 1126 0836 0101170427062 Wrong MSN or not captured. 0101170367110 3262 3533 1044 0680 8467 0101170189878 2407 5580 6081 4012 4497 0101170414607 1867 6248 2451 6863 0146 0101170265348 1395 1080 2888 6862 7058 0101170293209 2879 3021 4623 6755 8878 0101170250373 4161 1774 8153 1256 4097 0101170175760 4833 2025 6141 0056 2371Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-28NoHello, Find below, 0101170250373 Clear Tamper 5452 8953 0249 5206 4395 Last Issued Date: Thu 27/05/2021 03:12 pm Thanks.2021-05-28 bangisgarko@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017203ClosedKCT Request2021-05-28Request for kct Good day sir, Please kindly provide this customer with kct 0101205000124 Tariff index 0022Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-27NoHello, Find below, 4815 6705 8973 2707 0357 6471 7312 2762 2309 0617 Thanks.2021-05-28 okadonyesimona@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017202ClosedKCT Request2021-05-28Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000873839 & 0101200025407 Good morningMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-28NoHello, Find below, 0150000873839 & 4545 7360 3816 0747 9450 6854 4772 6907 2906 1155 0101200025407 4868 4245 2960 1701 5128 5500 4671 0319 6465 85702021-05-28 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017201ClosedTamper Code2021-05-27Dear Sir Please assist us in generating clear tamper codes for the above customer. The panel meter was installed yesterday, but upon powering, it indicated “Door Open” lock. It appears the meter had been powered earlier in the course of testing. Anticipating your prompt response as the high consumption customer has been out since yesterday. Thanks Ojiegbe Emeka Charles PMU, GbokoMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-27NoHello, Find below, 0101188027367 Clear Tamper 0 1158 6418 2077 4293 21982021-05-27 emekaojiegbe@rocketmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017200ClosedTamper Code2021-05-27Request for temper code pls Dear Support, Pls treat, Regards. On Thu, May 27, 2021 at 3:35 PM UMAR ABUBAKAR wrote: 0101161073362 44000385516 44000477412Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-27NoHello, Find below, 0101161073362 4079 4037 8621 7267 2048 44000385516 3112 6582 0624 0019 3369 44000477412 Not captured or wrong meter number.2021-05-27 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017199ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27REQUEST FOR KCT WITH TARRIFF INDEX Dear ITSupport, Kindly Furnish me with the above information for Meter Numbers 23102120849 with tarrif index 01 23102128925 with tarrif index 01 0101195004086 with tarrif index 0002 0101205000041 with tarrif index 0002 0101205003168 with tarrif index 0002. ThanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-27NoHello, Find below, 23102120849 with tarrif index 01 2868 7155 6542 1761 3150 3431 8059 4800 7910 4400 23102128925 with tarrif index 01 6789 5524 9860 2426 9428 4094 3433 3894 2078 8661 0101195004086 with tarrif index 0002 2256 4416 2652 3677 7079 5437 1444 7909 5941 7207 0101205000041 with tarrif index 0002 0296 3698 4591 4154 4015 5807 7369 5651 9403 2057 0101205003168 with tarrif index 0002. This meter number was not found in our database, kindly confirm meter number. ELSE, contact Meter Capturing Unit. Thanks.2021-05-27 abigailiyane@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017198ClosedRequest2021-05-27UNREMITTED TOKEN: 54150623285 Dear sir Please can you assist us on this case. The customer paid N500 online for token and it was generated. Please see attached screenshot from event. Thank you sirMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-27NoHello, All successful prepaid transactions that did not generate tokens will be refunded back to your wallet within 24 hours, If it happens at any time Regards.2021-05-27 samueldchun@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017197ClosedTamper Code2021-05-27TEMPER CODE REQUEST 270521 bZ Good Morning Sir Kindly help and assist on the above 1NO TEMPER CODE request please. Best RegardsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-27NoHello, Find below, 0101178034027 0346 8508 1671 7981 4606 Clear Tamper2021-05-27 glawal1184@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017196Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00017195ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27Request for KCT KCT generation please 0195000001436 ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-27NoHello, Find below. 6050 6361 7957 8807 7837 2406 3732 6675 3250 96162021-05-27 beediesarah5@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017194ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27REQUEST FOR KCT Hello. Please kindly assist me with this request. MSN:0150000967953 MSN:0150000962178 Thanks for your assistance.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-27NoHello, Find below, MSN:0150000967953 5169 5520 8721 6327 9076 1940 7609 5521 7623 0290 MSN:0150000962178 0636 8806 1155 9210 4239 3970 8892 2225 2071 2072 Thanks.2021-05-27 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017193ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000873839 Good dayMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-27NoHello, Find below as requested. 4545 7360 3816 0747 9450 6854 4772 6907 2906 1155 Thanks.2021-05-27 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017192ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27KCT Hello Team, Kindly assist with the above-mentioned for the meter number below 0101200101588 Best Regards, Halima Mujtaba AbdulrahmanMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-27NoHello, Find below. 1353 3806 6298 3441 6305 6872 0555 0146 8000 31692021-05-27 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017191ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27KCT PLEASE FIND BELOW METER NUMBER FOR KCT GENERATION. 44000405074 THANKS 3143 CCRM GOMBEMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-27NoHello, Find below, 4877 5307 5379 1641 4177 0687 4557 9387 5362 7957 Thanks.2021-05-27 musazumoo@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017190ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27: KCT Hello Team, Kindly assist with the above-mentioned for the meter number below 0101200116891 Best Regards,MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-27NoHello, Find below . 1401 4075 0594 9969 9647 2239 5508 6059 8625 66782021-05-27 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017189ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27REQUEST FOR KCT Hello. Please kindly assist me with this request. 0150000880669 0150000888860 0150000884034 0150000915853 0150000879620 0150000865520 0150000865348 0150000891443 0150000899420 0150000909179 0150000890163 0150000879737 0150000868318 0150000891427 0150000889587 0150000897176 0150000916166 0150000916190 0150000879711 0150000897382 0150000892094 0150000913239 Thanks for your assistance.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-27NoHello, Find below. 0150000880669 1068 3820 4989 2759 0321 6812 5306 9083 3759 5179 0150000888860 3320 1423 3973 1679 2554 3307 0729 8145 3487 4396 0150000884034 1619 9059 2975 1723 5885 0822 6394 1266 8692 1085 0150000915853 3970 2138 4433 2991 5581 4089 6390 4456 7402 3413 0150000879620 2884 7484 7921 5045 6254 5959 8684 6895 6980 1080 0150000865520 2276 1010 5779 6346 8531 4305 8570 9219 7214 6048 0150000865348 3457 2038 8042 3523 6408 6021 1283 3638 5583 6772 0150000891443 0025 6231 1215 7704 8127 2875 5293 3728 2315 5563 0150000899420 6911 6488 6552 7637 9467 0762 4459 5667 6858 8612 0150000909179 0150000890163 3918 7094 4547 3726 5116 3327 4221 3729 3869 9257 0150000879737 2178 8472 7948 8342 6080 3087 3583 5515 2856 4325 0150000868318 1733 5433 5043 1710 2272 5804 0116 8608 4437 5881 0150000891427 0150000889587 2297 7300 0747 5971 4782 6367 4765 7307 0711 5143 0150000897176 0864 6074 7423 6070 7917 4856 2139 5518 9851 5495 0150000916166 6634 3515 6984 9271 0865 4959 8735 0267 5543 2489 0150000916190 2824 5890 4157 7418 3156 4244 2077 1751 5303 4344 0150000879711 0150000897382 0307 2509 4025 8192 6042 3850 0763 7070 0972 1124 0150000892094 6842 0882 2975 7323 0459 0861 4554 6495 1351 4757 0150000913239 3639 2376 4623 9751 1146 6066 6650 0494 2111 31662021-05-27 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017188ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27: Request for kct Please kindly send me the kct for this meter no below 0101200105886.is on 01 0101200079529 0101200079537 0101200079347 0101200071831Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-27NoHello, Find below, 0101200105886 1626 0614 7376 2441 8335 6273 9576 8656 7905 7093 0101200079529 0157 9634 4256 7244 1322 1007 5922 9375 0130 1064 0101200079537 5401 0474 7896 4025 8197 4638 7830 7659 4065 4912 0101200079347 5799 5859 0992 6761 4919 2515 2663 7578 1591 2309 0101200071831 1836 7908 8498 5785 9449 1086 4191 8520 4471 0289 Thanks.2021-05-27 umarmacy@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017187ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27Request for KCT KCT generation please 95300105533 thanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-27NoFind below, 2370 7809 5610 1551 9682 1756 5591 0693 1082 17062021-05-27 beediesarah5@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017186ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27: KCT GENERATION Dear IT team, Please the above subject refers. 010117035388 0195000002368 Regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-27NoHello, Find below, 010117035388 Wrong meter number or not captured. 0195000002368 19636337207667650967 077479377221208083882021-05-27 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017185ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27REQUEST FOR KCT 0150000891799 FROM 21 TO 33 Best Regard.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-27NoHello, Find below, 5472 5009 7876 4051 8080 3365 4782 3864 6517 68192021-05-27 infortech4life@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017184ClosedRequest2021-05-27Dear support, kindly disregard this account number 57934 sent as captured today, the meter belong to this account number 51934. The is at Makurdi Region. Attached is the screenshot. Here is the screenshot as stated. ThanksMedium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2021-05-27NoKindly explain in details so as to understand what the problem is? 57934……belongs to who? 51934 also belongs to who? Just write the full name of the customers as the screenshot you attached did not correspond with the name of the customer on the system. I believe you have access to evend, so check and revert back to us.2021-05-27 jedplcmakurdi.capturing@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00017183ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27REQUEST FOR KCT Hello. Please kindly assist me with this request. MSN:0150000889645 Thanks for your assistance.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-27NoHello, This meter has not been captured or you send the wrong meter number.2021-05-27 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017182ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27: Request for KCT KCT generation please 95300103462 thanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-27NoFind below, 0901 6524 7527 6215 0144 6259 5436 3098 9745 60642021-05-27 beediesarah5@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017181ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27Re: Request for KCT KCT request please for 95300151008 95300103819 thanks On Thu, May 27, 2021, 3:14 PM Sarah Beedie wrote: KCT generation please 95300105582 thanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-27NoHello, Find below, 95300151008 5592 1097 6662 6373 8326 7029 1087 2104 0865 1320 95300103819 5705 2385 9241 7933 0052 6524 7215 9974 6625 3815 95300105582 6791 7029 4426 8307 7592 2353 4515 6804 0177 14192021-05-27 beediesarah5@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017180ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27KCT REQUEST (04 to 01) Hello, Good afternoon, Kindly assist with KCT for this meter from 04 to 01 Thank you. Meter Number:0101190148466Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-27NoHello, Find below, 0734 8145 6476 9899 5548 2621 8638 5537 5020 8519 Thanks.2021-05-27 ademugeorge@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017179ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27: KCT please 0150000859895MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-27NoHello, Find below. 4812 2124 1144 9788 4551 1328 9515 1714 0586 44452021-05-27 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017178ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27Request for kct Please kindly send me the kct for this meter no below 0101200051981Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-27NoHello, Find below, 6676 6149 3360 7357 8761 3916 1938 2519 8636 95702021-05-27 umarmacy@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017177ClosedTamper Code2021-05-27REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPER Good day Attached is for the above subject matter for your further action. Thanks.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-27NoHello, Find below, 0150000893266 4813 7297 9805 5260 6080 Clear Tamper 0150000905946 6769 5492 5132 3228 4508 Clear Tamper2021-05-27 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017176ClosedTamper Code2021-05-27Tamper Dear Support, Pls treat. On Thu, May 27, 2021 at 2:54 PM Auwal Aliyu wrote: Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101185057029 Thank you Sent from my Huawei phoneMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-27NoHello, Find below, 0101185057029 Clear Tamper 0 3377 9406 6613 8649 04132021-05-27 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017175ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27Request for KCT KCT generation please for 95300152147 95300158999 95300147055 ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-27NoFind below, 95300152147 2003 9356 7025 5786 6080 5983 9631 3638 6470 9846 95300158999 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 95300147055 1385 9193 5272 2588 6501 2285 2290 8349 3259 57302021-05-27 beediesarah5@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017174ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27Request For KCT on 62521021998 Dear Team, Kindly avail me with KCT for the above subject. Regards.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-27NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-05-27 aor.timothy1317@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00017173ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27Request for KCT number 0101200110522 Dear IT support, Pls I need the above information. ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-27Noello, Find below. 1218 1876 4137 2131 0932 4911 1721 0582 7747 69802021-05-27 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017172ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27Hello good afternoon sir please kindly help and generate kct code for the fellowing meter number sir 0101190144333 from 0004 to 0001 And from 0001 to 0004 0101200026157 tariff index 0001 Thanks and best regards sirMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-27NoHello, Find below. 0488 0508 9876 2046 0925 4530 9272 1915 0435 32842021-05-27 suleimansallau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017171ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27: Request for vending history in respect of this account 010165038536 Good dayMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-27NoHello, This meter number was not found in our database, kindly confirm meter number. ELSE, contact Meter Capturing Unit. Thanks.2021-05-27 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017170ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27Kindly generate kct for this meter number 0101200013338 thanks.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-27NoHello, Find below, 04628217899318142438 34550002586420050349 Thanks.2021-05-27 najibumarsulaiman202@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017169ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27REQUEST FOR KCT kindly furnish me with above information for meter number 62521016865 62521017392 62521018861 54160883978 62521011155 62521012278 62521020412 62521018648 23102132505 23102125509 62320122005 62420251928 0101195002155 0101205000090 62420250862 62521011759 62521011809Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-27NoHello, Find below, 62521016865 6204 5524 1081 4866 3798 5368 7099 6388 1596 9546 62521017392 This meter is a Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence you may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. 62521018861 This meter is a Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence you may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. 54160883978 5147 7389 6940 7548 9400 4520 6280 1695 3680 2273 62521011155 1219 9963 1437 7918 5914 7047 7026 2047 4999 8310 62521012278 This meter is a Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence you may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. 62521020412 6516 5539 3184 8357 8030 3468 6954 8713 3190 3329 62521018648 This meter is a Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence you may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. 23102132505 4609 0355 0845 9097 4634 6184 4229 3461 9084 5225 23102125509 3760 3951 8549 9800 4728 3351 9643 0627 0665 7810 62320122005 0820 4668 1741 8779 3109 5685 7775 3274 0171 8116 62420251928 6861 3136 4604 5761 1541 6104 9208 4606 3307 7842 0101195002155 6876 4577 0514 1319 9992 5898 2682 5227 4234 4857 0101205000090 5843 7034 9991 3063 2087 1882 2696 0670 4528 3423 62420250862 This meter is a Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence you may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. 62521011759 This meter is a Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence you may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. 62521011809 This meter is a Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence you may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2021-05-27 tsavsarmngu@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017168ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27Request for KCT number 0101190133583 Dear IT support, Pls I need the above information ThanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-27NoHello, This meter is a single phase residential meter and on 001 on our database. Hence, no KCT needed. However, you may wish to query the meter to know which tariff index it is on. ELSE, contact meter maintenance team for assistance. Thanks.2021-05-27 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017167ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000877624 0150000881071 0150000915861 0150000969033Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-27NoHello, Find below, 0150000877624 2943 7644 4119 7041 0962 5330 2062 7937 3000 7465 0150000881071 4291 7080 0582 2590 2313 1054 9589 2804 0433 3031 0150000915861 0180 7570 0795 2098 0043 4199 6566 9687 4536 0907 0150000969033 1476 3804 7617 0741 0086 4084 1886 5778 8155 79182021-05-27 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017166ClosedTamper Code2021-05-27Dear Support, Pls treat. On Thu, May 27, 2021 at 2:38 PM Auwal Aliyu wrote: Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on this Turbo Energy meter 0195000007946 0195000007185 0101200069876 ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-27NoHello, Find below, 0195000007946 7120 9253 1566 6581 9005 0195000007185 3914 1949 2288 5179 9780 0101200069876 0927 2049 5692 0856 15762021-05-27 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017165ClosedTamper Code2021-05-27Dear Support, Pls treat. Regards. On Thu, May 27, 2021 at 3:06 PM Auwal Aliyu wrote: Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101170406264 Thank you Sent from my Huawei phoneMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-27NoHello, Find below, 0101170406264 Clear Tamper 0 0956 7910 4154 9537 18412021-05-27 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017164ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27Reissue Dear Support, Kindly reissue this tamper 0101170250373 Thank you Sent from my Huawei phoneMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-27NoHello, Find below, 0101170250373 Clear Tamper 0 5723 6830 2167 0637 88532021-05-27 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017163ClosedKCT Request2021-05-270150000932023MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-27NoHello, 1919 3725 4411 5475 3031 2517 6637 8582 3624 24242021-05-27 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017162ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200080485Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-27NoHello, Find below, 4183 8197 2555 5760 2356 0035 0590 0954 2571 50492021-05-27 longpuan@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017161ClosedKCT Request2021-05-270101200014674 Please Sir i use this KCT and still is rejecting the KCT and the TEMPER. Please Help me to change the tariff, 4661 5311 8432 4227 0826 3870 1433 7574 2895 9556 Thanks for your support. the tariff is on 0002Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-27NoHello, Please use this Kct below to load your temper, 02 To 01 1125 4742 4678 1120 2918 4804 6041 4574 9570 9650 Then use this other Kct to load your unit, 01 To 02 4661 5311 8432 4227 0826 3870 1433 7574 2895 95562021-05-27 yakubaliyu82@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017160ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27Request for KCT 44000369494Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-27NoHello, Find below, 2258 5080 0062 1082 7780 6035 9613 4567 3571 57482021-05-27 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017159ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27Kct Please kindly generate kct for the following MSN 54160739352 95300158938 54160928997 0101200079529 0101200071831 0101200079537 44000384667 from 34 to 21Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-27NoHello, Find below, 54160739352 1812 4599 2784 3570 7712 5433 7999 2246 5286 6162 95300158938 3269 6246 9393 3061 9714 3782 9007 1577 9347 3188 54160928997 This meter is a Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence you may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. 0101200079529 0157 9634 4256 7244 1322 1007 5922 9375 0130 1064 0101200071831 1836 7908 8498 5785 9449 1086 4191 8520 4471 0289 0101200079537 5401 0474 7896 4025 8197 4638 7830 7659 4065 4912 44000384667 from 34 to 21 1511 7830 5832 1780 8594 2891 4000 7734 3801 76052021-05-27 bangisgarko@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017158ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27Dear support kindly generate kct for MSN 0101178026429, thank you.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-27NoHello, Find below, 2000 6254 4956 3492 5716 2984 8926 8396 6580 09872021-05-27 jubilant95@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017157ClosedKCT Request2021-05-270195000007854 was able to buy token successfully.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-27NoHello, Find below, 7359 0043 4397 2688 2546 4123 1070 5978 6736 74492021-05-27 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017156ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27PLEASE FIND BELOW METER NUMBER FOR KCT GENERATION. 57100075340 THANKS 3143 CCRM GOMBEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-27NoHello, Find below, 0477 0963 5590 9311 3001 7354 1151 6128 3444 47612021-05-27 musazumoo@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017155ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27Dear IT team, Please the above subject refers. 0195000006625 0195000003168 0195000007326 0195000007128 0195000001881 0195000005528 95300150802 Regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-27NoHello, Find below, 0195000006625 0767 3733 1930 9863 4757 3205 3356 0229 1305 3954 0195000003168 5487 3189 2534 2738 6906 1669 2704 8872 2968 9315 0195000007326 1571 3494 9594 5503 2273 4378 2467 5485 0665 0622 0195000007128 5499 0515 9084 9516 7462 5757 3462 5991 5501 4545 0195000001881 0261 9361 3204 9528 9727 0729 2682 9000 1767 1647 0195000005528 2932 7912 3585 5899 1916 6336 9914 1950 2897 3191 95300150802 2001 5338 9249 0389 3777 3602 3883 2831 1130 51702021-05-27 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017154ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27Hello sir, please kindly generate KCT from 01 to 02 for this MSN: 0101190146528. Thank you.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-27NoHello, Find below, 3871 2024 3962 2885 5134 6390 2091 2467 7747 38582021-05-27 yuzarsif33112269@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017153ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27KCT please Correct meter number please 0150000902729Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-27NoHello, Find below, 3395 8478 7379 5217 9273 6649 1996 1247 7794 80012021-05-27 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017152ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27KCT REQUEST (08 to 01 and 01 to 08) Hello, Here is the correct meter number. Thank you. Meter Number:0101190141271Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-27NoHello, Find below, 01 To 08 6720 7627 3016 3176 5174 2983 4630 3994 7150 7225 08 To 01 6908 6420 8090 1103 5611 4356 7112 3869 4246 77022021-05-27 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017151ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27PLEASE FIND BELOW METER NUMBER FOR KCT GENERATION. 44000353852 04205313267 THANKS 3143Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-27NoHello, Find below, 44000353852 5308 5136 4251 8950 7255 0561 5578 8803 7482 1861 04205313267 4205313267 0496 7040 5161 8372 0432 4205313267 6205 5569 1009 3297 34982021-05-27 musazumoo@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017150ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27Request for kct Please kindly send me the kct for this meter no below. 0101190136768.04 to 01 0101161039132.is on 01 0101190027330 0101190025508Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-27NoHello, Find below, 0101190136768.04 to 01 5372 2548 6196 1210 4373 3968 5328 1416 8473 5849 0101161039132.is on 01 2288 9041 8237 2262 2937 6763 4922 4233 9508 1955 0101190027330 This meter is a single phase residential meter and on 001 on our database. Hence, no KCT needed. However, you may wish to query the meter to know which tariff index it is on. ELSE, contact meter maintenance team for assistance. 0101190025508 0567 0613 9288 2288 4535 3546 4432 8689 7241 2429 Thanks.2021-05-27 umarmacy@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017149ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27: KCT REQUEST Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters 0101190132858 57300004702Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-27NoHello, Find below, 0101190132858 5148 4770 5003 2061 0860 4940 5148 1940 5703 7653 57300004702 0693 1502 6504 2655 3568 4887 0743 5027 3004 23302021-05-27 tkhadija028@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017148ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27KCT 0101200014674 Please Sir i use this KCT and still is rejecting the KCT and the TEMPER. Please Help me to change the tariff, 4661 5311 8432 4227 0826 3870 1433 7574 2895 9556 Thanks for your support.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-27NoHello, Please kindly query the meter to know which tariff index it is on. Thanks.2021-05-27 yakubaliyu82@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017147ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27Hello good morning sir please kindly help and generate kct code for the fellowing meter number sir... Sir the meter is on 0004.. 0101190148854 tariff index 0004 sir Thank you and best regards sir Apologies for the mistakeMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-27NoHello, Please note that this meter is also on 04 on the system no Kct require. If the problem persists please kindly contact meter maintenance team to check the meter. Regards.2021-05-27 suleimansallau@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017146ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27KCT please 0150000905086Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-27NoHello, Find below, 6970 5705 8840 0815 6835 1567 3762 6974 7564 3704 Thanks.2021-05-27 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017145ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27KCT REQUEST (02 to 01 and 01 to 02) Hello, Good afternoon, Kindly assist with KCT for this meter from 02 to 01 and 01 to 02 .Thank you. Meter Number:0101190148755Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-27NoHello, Find below, 02 to 01 2588 7005 3287 1154 9216 3223 1061 9537 4974 3640 01 to 02 5645 5575 0976 2148 8107 1746 6438 7788 3895 3093 Thanks.2021-05-27 ademugeorge@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017144ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27Request for kct Good afternoon Sir, Please kindly provide this customer meter: 0101205000538 with KctMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-27NoHello Simon, Find below as requested. 5473 0087 9331 1357 4380 4679 3452 1444 1386 0615 NOTE: Please note that, each request shall be send in a separate mail. Thanks.2021-05-27 okadonyesimona@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017143ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27KCT REQUEST (05 to 01) Hello, Good afternoon, Kindly assist with KCT for this meter from 05 to 01. THank you. METER NUMBER:0101200064547Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-27NoHello, Find below, 7311 9835 7995 8398 0025 0811 7040 1210 0413 83832021-05-27 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017142ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27: KCT REQUEST (04 to 01) Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for this meter from 04 to 01.Thank you. Meter Number:0101190144093Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-27NoHello, Find below, 2047 7095 9617 9671 9156 5849 8235 0522 3426 39142021-05-27 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017141ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27Meter query 95300147097 016- 600419 005-01 Tariff Ci KCT thanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-27NoHello, Find below, 0137 9188 7379 3076 9518 5748 1503 2095 3521 95532021-05-27 beediesarah5@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017140ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27Kct Hello good morning sir please kindly help and generate kct code for the fellowing meter number from 0004 to 0001 and from 0001 to 0004 0101190148854 tariff index 0004 sir Thank you and best regards sirMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-27NoHello, Find below, 04 to 01 4443 8244 5952 3666 0492 0867 1138 3949 1856 2402 01 t0 04 3399 1804 7126 5669 5666 7356 0337 8020 2888 5225 Thanks.2021-05-27 suleimansallau@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017139ClosedTamper Code2021-05-27TEMPER CODE REQUEST 270521 bZ Good Morning Sir Kindly help and assist on the above 1NO TEMPER CODE request please. Best RegardsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-27NoHello, Find below, 0101178034027 0346 8508 1671 7981 4606 Clear Tamper2021-05-27 glawal1184@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017138ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27Request for KCT number 0101200104079 Dear IT support, Pls I need the above information ThanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-27NoHello, Find below, 2447 1351 8371 5018 1944 6232 2732 4241 0646 7157 Thanks.2021-05-27 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017137ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27KCT PLEASE FIND BELOW METER NUMBER FOR KCT GENERATION. 041729873177 44000307379 44000325264 THANKS 3143 CCRM GOMBEMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-27NoHello, Find below, 041729873177 This meter number was not found in our database, kindly confirm meter number. ELSE, contact Meter Capturing Unit. 44000307379 2580 1215 4207 1258 2765 5807 1006 9098 0433 7392 44000325264 2136 8495 7143 2460 9957 0503 8588 3326 1963 8703 Thanks.2021-05-27 musazumoo@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017136ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27Request for KCT 44000373496Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-27NoHello, This meter is a single phase residential meter and on 001 on our database. Hence, no KCT needed. However, you may wish to query the meter to know which tariff index it is on. ELSE, contact meter maintenance team for assistance. Thanks.2021-05-27 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017135ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27Kct Dear support kindly generate kct for MSN 0101195001389. Thank you.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-27NoHello, Find below, 0914 3080 7374 6627 8685 5786 0852 8833 3238 3647 Thanks.2021-05-27 jubilant95@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017134ClosedKCT Request2021-05-270150000932023MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-27NoHello, 1919 3725 4411 5475 3031 2517 6637 8582 3624 24242021-05-27 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017133ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27Kct Pls kindly help me with kct of this meter number from 2 to 1 and from 1 to 2 0101200012678Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-27NoHello, Find below, 02 to 01 2412 8114 1140 5543 3654 1431 4238 9190 5449 3038 01 to 02 5868 2896 6939 1565 3608 4034 5481 2730 9032 1599 Thanks.2021-05-27 amibabs433@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017132ClosedTamper Code2021-05-27Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0150300022368 Thank youMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-27NoHello, Find below as requested and verified by Audit team. 0150300022368 Clear Tamper 0999 1512 6799 2330 1470 Thanks.2021-05-27 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017131ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27: Request for KCT 04227930379MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-27NoHello Find below. 1370 9200 6876 4321 3192 4781 0098 1646 3499 73222021-05-27 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017130ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27: Kct, 0101190135992 Please treat.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-27NoHello, Find below. 7103 5458 6268 3650 6962 2350 5468 2657 8081 54842021-05-27 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017129ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27REQUEST FOR KCT Dear ITSupport, Kindly Furnish me with the above information for Meter Numbers 62420222705, 62521021196 23100554486 62521013284 62521027151 62521015156 62420217861 62521007427 62521018747 62521000224 62420222564 23102124361.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-27No2021-05-27 abigailiyane@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017128ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27: Kct, 0101200075071,0101200074983,0101200061543,0101200050900 and 010190135992. Please kindly assist with the above thank you.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-27NoHello, Find below. 0101200075071 4228 8926 8169 2184 2494 4109 5009 8269 0238 8311 0101200074983 4525 5053 6383 5784 8989 5193 1917 2374 9594 7514 0101200061543 6563 0205 2014 8382 3009 1018 2473 1401 4384 1791 0101200050900 4817 5217 6407 3392 5525 3664 5508 9751 6649 0646 010190135992 No data available in table or incorrect2021-05-27 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017127ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27Kct Hello good morning sir please kindly help and generate kct code for the fellowing meter number from 0004 to 0001 and from 0001 to 0004 0101190148854 Thank you and best regards sirMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-27NoHello, Find below. 3399 1804 7126 5669 5666 7356 0337 8020 2888 52252021-05-27 suleimansallau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017126ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27Request for KCT 62521022426 with tariff index 04 Kindly furnish me with above information best regards.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-27NoHello, Find below. 0643 3728 0086 2309 8685 6761 0490 2432 3597 57042021-05-27 tsavsarmngu@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017125ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27REQUEST FOR KCT WITH TARRIFF INDEX Dear ITSupport, Kindly Furnish me with the above information for Meter Number 0101195007709 with tarrif index 002. ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-27NoHello, Find below. 1778 7620 9627 1466 5131 6896 1994 1349 2575 87352021-05-27 abigailiyane@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017124ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27Hello good morning sir please kindly help and generate kct code for the fellowing meter number from 0004 to 0001 and from 0001 to 0004 010119014884 Thank you and best regards sirMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-27NoHello, Wrong meter number or not captured.2021-05-27 suleimansallau@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017123ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27Request for KCT meter no 23102121375 62521008425 23102135490 23102132612 62521007849 62521006650 62521019067 62521013300 23100572916 0101195004052 62521013037 Kindly furnish your reference and approval thanks. Request for KCT meter no 23102121375 62521008425 23102135490 23102132612 62521007849 62521006650 62521019067 62521013300 23100572916 0101195004052 62521013037 Kindly furnish your reference and approval thanks.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-27NoHello, Find below, 23102121375 1912 1329 5835 1071 6005 1099 5856 6375 6951 2676 62521008425 This meter is a Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence you may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. 23102135490 2816 4857 6499 7840 3940 5310 8381 4045 0969 2968 23102132612 1257 0961 7021 8047 6948 6897 3976 6909 5750 8748 62521007849 Not captured or wrong meter number. 62521006650 This meter is a Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence you may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. 62521019067 This meter is a Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence you may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. 62521013300 4922 6545 0429 3300 6480 0680 6789 5433 1479 9391 23100572916 Wrong meter number or not captured. 0101195004052 5314 3377 8191 8479 9858 6603 2494 3966 5353 1431 62521013037 3694 9907 9172 7881 3642 3359 3261 7361 7349 07502021-05-27 tsavsarmngu@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017122ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27KCT please 0150000941818 and 0150300018952Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-27NoFind below, 0150000941818 4042 0686 9079 2237 1966 2602 5119 4585 4938 0257 0150300018952 4056 7887 2971 5947 0861 0433 6042 2209 1506 61482021-05-27 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017121ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27Request for KCT KCT generation please 95300161288 95300151230 95300105236 95300158789 54161165326 0195000005627 0195000000560 ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-27NoFind below, 95300161288 7254 0463 1018 9968 6001 1763 3401 2757 4050 1860 95300151230 1956 7011 7331 6372 2005 4099 3825 8621 9185 4322 95300105236 6670 1300 5563 6329 9190 0463 6687 8582 7303 6905 95300158789 5017 1141 9247 9354 7956 7055 4827 3856 4956 2249 54161165326 0447 4559 1918 4465 4501 7091 6165 8387 4480 9595 0195000005627 4341 7533 6064 2180 2515 2198 1625 1498 5165 5257 0195000000560 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2021-05-27 beediesarah5@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017120ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27KCT GENERATION 0195000006591 Dear IT team, Please the above subject refers. Regards.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-27NoFind below, 2440 6703 3204 7079 6476 3002 6573 9852 1175 92082021-05-27 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017119ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27Request for KCT KCT generation please 0195000004430 0195000000560 0195000003911 95300150950 95300147790 ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-27NoHello, Find below. 0195000004430 2246 3935 7812 1678 0391 1205 2292 7927 5485 2280 019500000056 No data available in table or incorrect meter nu mber. 0195000003911 0708 3126 6562 9781 6921 5875 9120 2235 8558 4898 95300150950 2388 2867 8349 6882 5889 7347 4242 8836 0124 4127 95300147790 1803 3576 9829 8157 2962 5317 3092 9562 2759 24072021-05-27 beediesarah5@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017118ClosedVending History2021-05-272021 vending history thanks 0101160176091.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-27NoHello, Find below. Transaction Details Token Details Transaction ID: 0489161080047324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-16 13:34:33 Meter No.: 0101160176091 Account No.: 6123267501/01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 58.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 5159 2552 7182 0248 5129 Transaction ID: 0871161710808424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-30 13:41:24 Meter No.: 0101160176091 Account No.: 6123267501/01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 62.41 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 1336 4857 7607 4609 5060 Transaction ID: 1116161961097424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-28 12:56:14 Meter No.: 0101160176091 Account No.: 6123267501/01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 58.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 1982 7760 7731 2919 1670 Transaction ID: 1161161616884024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-19 16:47:20 Meter No.: 0101160176091 Account No.: 6123267501/01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 62.41 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 1693 4377 9341 0316 5603 Transaction ID: 2511161216433224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-01 08:25:32 Meter No.: 0101160176091 Account No.: 6123267501/01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 62.41 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 3499 8238 3510 2676 5379 Transaction ID: 3726162197079024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-25 20:26:30 Meter No.: 0101160176091 Account No.: 6123267501/01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 29.24 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 6360 6137 2070 9188 9527 Transaction ID: 4128162187568524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-24 18:01:25 Meter No.: 0101160176091 Account No.: 6123267501/01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 58.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 3236 3489 4473 0125 0456 Transaction ID: 4711161485018124 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-04 10:29:41 Meter No.: 0101160176091 Account No.: 6123267501/01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 62.41 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 2721 0014 7459 5308 0456 Transaction ID: 5169162143651524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-19 16:01:55 Meter No.: 0101160176091 Account No.: 6123267501/01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 43.87 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 1329 4271 3518 4062 2064 Transaction ID: 5996161961051724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-28 12:48:37 Meter No.: 0101160176091 Account No.: 6123267501/01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 58.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.002021-05-27 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017117ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101175021555 Pls assist with the above RegardsMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-27NoHello, Find below. 6777 2293 6860 4279 9130 3619 5295 2372 7467 69162021-05-27 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017116ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27Good morning.Request for KCT 44000369353MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-27NoHello, Find below. 44000369353 4175 6774 8107 3068 4547 1953 3262 5802 2511 04952021-05-27 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017115ClosedRequest2021-05-27ACCOUNT FOR MIGRATION TO E-VEND Dear support, Please account details for migration 1.CUSTOMER ACCOUNT#: 760082 ACCOUNT NAME: EKWUEME DANIEL DT: GSS KABONG FEEDER: RUKUBA ROAD 2. CUSTOMER ACCOUNT: 755975 ACCOUNT NAME: OMWUEGBULO CHINOSO DT: FORMER POLICE STATION UTAN FEEDER: UTANMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-27NoHello, Please note that, this request was treated. Thanks.2021-05-27 mwuladi@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00017114ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27Request for KCT 23102129287 with tariff index 08 Kindly furnish me with above information best regardsMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-27NoHello, Find below. 3704 0463 5312 3953 2220 0227 7681 1419 6872 40182021-05-27 tsavsarmngu@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017113ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27: Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000915861 0150000883713 0150000880313 Good dayMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-27NoHello, Find below. 0150000915861 0180 7570 0795 2098 0043 4199 6566 9687 4536 0907 0150000883713 1538 3862 9437 2886 7561 5144 6432 8098 7224 89742021-05-27 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017112ClosedTamper Code2021-05-27Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101200068456 ThanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-27NoHello, Find below as requested and verified by audit. 0101200068456 Clear Tamper 3604 4097 9557 3124 0496 Thanks.2021-05-27 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017111ClosedVending History2021-05-27Request for vending history in respect of this account 0150000900681 Good morningMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-27NoHello, Find below. Transaction Details Token Details Transaction ID: 0034162059023024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-09 20:57:10 Meter No.: 0150000900681 Account No.: 631212028801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 87.73 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 5503 5613 7853 4111 0337 Transaction ID: 0642161626260124 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-20 18:50:01 Meter No.: 0150000900681 Account No.: 631212028801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦62.79 Energy Cost: ₦837.21 KwH: 28.08 Amount Tendered: ₦900.00 1400 7566 9222 4576 1124 Transaction ID: 1496161640790224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-22 11:11:42 Meter No.: 0150000900681 Account No.: 631212028801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 156.03 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 5222 9303 2922 6610 9103 Transaction ID: 1685161954063924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-27 17:23:59 Meter No.: 0150000900681 Account No.: 631212028801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 58.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 0339 2939 1955 2242 2211 Transaction ID: 4332162135465324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-18 17:17:33 Meter No.: 0150000900681 Account No.: 631212028801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 87.73 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 5471 2167 8260 3695 38462021-05-27 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017110ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27KCT 54161083990 Thanks Sent from my Huawei phoneMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-27NoHello, Find below. 54161083990 3763 1521 1733 0122 8299 5204 1509 1407 8445 95622021-05-27 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017109ClosedVending History2021-05-27Dear support. Please avail us with the vending history of this meters 04227867134 04227872555 Thank you ERIC ASUA Supervisor: Revenue Protection Unit Makurdi RegionMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-27NoHello, Find below, 04227867134 Transaction Details Token Details Transaction ID: 4812162030518524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-06 13:46:25 Meter No.: 04227867134 Account No.: 6215201457/01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 189.88 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 1737 3854 0968 8 04227872555 Transaction Details Token Details Transaction ID: 1269161977371024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-30 10:08:30 Meter No.: 04227872555 Account No.: 6215201448/01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦2,093.02 Energy Cost: ₦27,906.98 KwH: 625.16 Amount Tendered: ₦30,000.00 2069 4108 0608 0069 0221 Thanks.2021-05-27 ericasua@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017108ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27Request for KCT 62521022681 Kindly furnish me with above information best regards.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-27NoHello, This meter is a single phase residential meter and on 001 on our database. Hence, no KCT needed. However, you may wish to query the meter to know which tariff index it is on. ELSE, contact meter maintenance team for assistance. Thanks.2021-05-27 tsavsarmngu@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017107ClosedKCT Request2021-05-270101170250373 please kindly generate kct for the above MSNMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-27NoHello, Find below. 5349 2759 8833 1820 7436 7299 0047 5873 3335 96982021-05-27 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017106ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27Request for KCT KCT generation please for 95300147097 95300162443 95300103686 95300151123 thanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-27NoHello, Find below. 95300147097 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 95300162443 1942 3127 2991 0468 9707 2487 8473 4723 4856 8696 95300103686 2735 6270 8251 4454 5030 4993 4923 0807 1268 9747 953001511232021-05-27 beediesarah5@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017105ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27KCT PLEASE FIND BELOW METER NUMBER FOR KCT GENERATION. 0150300021402 THANKS 3143 CCRM GOMBEMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-27NoHello, Find below. 7163 4214 2890 9448 7663 3238 9794 7902 8954 80502021-05-27 musazumoo@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017104ClosedTamper Code2021-05-27Good Morning Sir Kindly help and assist on the above 1NO TEMPER CODE request please. Best RegardsMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-27NoHello, Find below as requested and verified by audit team. 44300002357 Clear Tamper 3184 5564 3326 4338 6399 Thanks.2021-05-27 glawal1184@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00017103ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27REQUEST FOR KCT Hello Please kindly assist me with this request. 0150000884026 0150000953714 Thanks.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-27Nollo, Find below, 0150000884026 70512317093171142410 31117524852004743792 0150000953714 33003203955374046067 06806993638985200273 Thanks.2021-05-27 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017102ClosedRequest2021-05-27Dear Support, Kindly avail us meter details attached to this account (652107) and installation detailsMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-27NoHello, Find below, Account No Customer Type Meter No. Name Address eMail Phone Tariff Branch Sub Branch 33kV Feeder 11kV Feeder DT Captured Date Customer Status Captured By 652107 Prepaid 54160896327 JOHN AKOUGH 0 NON MD BAND D & E C1 T04 MAKURDI Region NNPC MAKURDI WELFARE QTRS II - MK-20-00-00-00-51 2020-11-10 08:03:07 02 - Active Customers2021-05-27 evelyntsokar87@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017101ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27KCT Kindly generate KCT for this meter 2 - 4 0101175101555 Thank youMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-27NoHello, Find below, 2 - 4 0101175101555 2052 9450 0385 8217 3529 1432 0396 1236 2224 7300 Thanks.2021-05-27 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017100ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000896236 Good morningMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-27NoHello, This meter is a single phase residential meter and on 001 on our database. Hence, no KCT needed. However, you may wish to query the meter to know which tariff index it is on. ELSE, contact meter maintenance team for assistance.2021-05-27 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017099ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27Request for kct in respect of these accounts 0150000890528 0150000867815 0150000948516 0150000881642 0150000897408 0150000957087 0150000867831 0150000868433 0150000881642 0150000871635Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-27NoHello, Find below as requested. 0150000890528 42036821400976382682 49327446981769857200 0150000867815 1880 2064 2027 0021 9274 2416 0630 1572 0389 2845 0150000948516 2148 2713 2877 3680 4254 5745 8184 0914 6662 0529 0150000881642 4318 1546 4173 7467 0414 2259 1178 4539 0011 5965 0150000897408 1491 3523 5142 2840 5945 5036 4764 5152 8981 9542 0150000957087 1794 8798 1715 3661 7462 2264 8710 6489 9713 1647 0150000867831 3449 3724 4767 9605 7078 7016 2046 3578 5521 8178 0150000868433 6712 9264 7895 4028 1429 5461 6348 1587 5791 2317 0150000881642 4318 1546 4173 7467 0414 2259 1178 4539 0011 5965 0150000871635 4857 2235 2886 2695 2531 1362 1881 7105 8575 4520 Thanks.2021-05-27 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017098ClosedVending History2021-05-27: Please kindly send me the VH following meter number 0101170167601 Good morning, ict supportMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-27NoHello, Find below, Transaction Details Token Details Transaction ID: 2314161626865024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-20 20:30:50 Meter No.: 0101170167601 Account No.: 6111524975-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 31.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 4797 2961 5853 0049 2638 Transaction ID: 2841161462252524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-01 19:15:25 Meter No.: 0101170167601 Account No.: 6111524975-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 31.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 1278 6317 3304 7462 7054 Transaction ID: 2932162178624924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-23 17:10:49 Meter No.: 0101170167601 Account No.: 6111524975-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 29.24 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 4296 0855 6160 9102 6524 Transaction ID: 3656162024063924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-05 19:50:39 Meter No.: 0101170167601 Account No.: 6111524975-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 29.24 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 3586 8698 0114 1188 0849 Transaction ID: 4164161280744624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-08 19:04:06 Meter No.: 0101170167601 Account No.: 6111524975-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 31.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 0996 5220 6159 1394 6341 Transaction ID: 4951161911853724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-22 20:08:57 Meter No.: 0101170167601 Account No.: 6111524975-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 29.24 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 1500 0726 4892 5891 4146 Transaction ID: 6767162170457624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-22 18:29:36 Meter No.: 0101170167601 Account No.: 6111524975-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 29.24 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 4320 0505 8823 3403 1900 Transaction ID: 7482162185426524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-24 12:04:25 Meter No.: 0101170167601 Account No.: 6111524975-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦13.95 Energy Cost: ₦186.05 KwH: 5.85 Amount Tendered: ₦200.00 0340 3935 4708 6159 8744 Transaction ID: 8966161782267524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-07 20:11:15 Meter No.: 0101170167601 Account No.: 6111524975-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 29.24 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 1738 9082 2616 0323 6977 Transaction ID: 9186160986110024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-05 16:38:20 Meter No.: 0101170167601 Account No.: 6111524975-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 29.24 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 6500 1275 9972 8712 54302021-05-27 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017097ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27Hello. Please kindly assist me with this request. 0150000866452 0150000913395 0150000884042 0150000883028 0150000894827 0150000883036 0150000882541 0150000880768 0150000865371 0150000891500 0150000891898 0150000877251 0150000881618 0150000889173 0150000894108 0150000878531 0150000879612 0150000890437 0150000889181 0150000878515 0150000877269 0150000898661 0150000872492 0150000878523 0150000877848 0150000913353 0150000894116 0150000868433 0150000877293 0150000908668 0150000881642 0150000894124 0150000894835 0150000886138 0150000868441 0150000879646 0150000881626 0150000878507 0150000890403 0150000872484 0150000888944 0150000890429 0150000884000 0150000877285 0150000914682 0150000890445 0150000889165 0150000881790 0150000883044 0150000877830 0150000872468 Thanks for your support.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-27NoHello, Find below as requested. 0150000866452 0812 7820 6065 1048 1603 2710 9626 2293 8402 8604 0150000913395 5853 9418 5573 3282 4563 3635 6127 9557 0050 2272 0150000884042 5153 9355 9504 4271 9280 0215 3318 3044 3228 4588 0150000883028 7160 6013 7872 9389 3629 3806 5108 7835 3400 6480 0150000894827 4422 5958 6543 0689 6668 6165 4632 5815 3910 0862 0150000883036 1803 6688 5794 3317 4670 6522 0129 5302 5497 7871 0150000882541 5444 9134 5533 2585 8759 2266 3552 5011 0415 7163 0150000880768 6135 9374 7101 3492 6085 6361 3391 0694 3731 5003 0150000865371 5307 8719 5926 1671 2549 6412 5408 6415 5172 3794 0150000891500 5653 0515 2386 0406 7120 4347 0540 1064 4826 4003 0150000891898 3847 7809 9490 1281 0854 1839 2074 1751 7337 5004 0150000877251 1098 0891 0688 7417 8940 4433 3179 6502 5378 5500 0150000881618 1597 0323 6802 2649 5443 6932 3037 5834 0788 8955 0150000889173 0470 2342 0527 2679 1152 6615 1026 7415 0444 7729 0150000894108 5088 3478 0181 5738 2691 6630 5667 6160 5147 5071 0150000878531 2967 0176 6283 0669 8950 2064 3241 6461 1342 7156 0150000879612 36169704541163795502 58711548225733200185 0150000890437 0773 0452 3373 7131 1364 3255 7752 8497 9057 3385 0150000889181 6809 3900 3894 6820 4650 0258 7206 0711 6058 9951 0150000878515 3819 1286 6876 6895 1443 0318 8765 5473 0968 4740 0150000877269 7250 1796 6300 5443 6779 4093 1940 1401 0703 0755 0150000898661 7192 7448 0160 7358 1096 3928 8877 0466 7148 7111 0150000872492 1709 6671 2735 3433 4870 1736 1587 0612 0633 3361 0150000878523 2328 9922 8871 1984 0846 0458 6789 2889 0120 6823 0150000877848 6512 8074 3773 0199 3366 2737 6404 8706 2501 6662 0150000913353 1946 2104 5825 4841 6396 0178 5009 6187 5181 9486 0150000894116 4989 1583 3055 5193 5430 2817 0655 1902 0203 6694 0150000868433 6712 9264 7895 4028 1429 5461 6348 1587 5791 2317 0150000877293 3665 7713 2498 1968 3486 2056 0133 1061 2089 6234 0150000908668 6826 4135 5409 0356 1141 5810 9420 4810 6693 6790 0150000881642 4318 1546 4173 7467 0414 2259 1178 4539 0011 5965 0150000894124 6218 5659 2235 6640 3767 6711 5015 8134 7488 1460 0150000894835 1991 2426 6094 6384 9369 2110 0546 8523 9312 3924 0150000886138 1662 0638 0450 4308 3786 4805 5058 0970 6336 4388 0150000868441 6399 1452 9102 8566 9854 5124 1946 7615 4925 3245 0150000879646 1589 9322 0807 3512 3109 3133 5373 0272 9545 2172 0150000881626 6017 5861 4500 2130 9275 5163 4946 3210 5994 5246 0150000878507 2753 3478 6997 4700 2428 3104 4047 9623 6960 9159 0150000890403 4128 2218 7866 9102 8558 5268 5594 5085 4163 3645 0150000872484 5370 1352 5093 0502 6339 5621 6972 6138 3182 3169 0150000888944 2752 7810 3560 7769 5677 5333 3926 8318 1423 6532 0150000890429 0007 3180 9725 4266 7704 5664 2127 7977 4158 5850 0150000884000 5926 0484 8418 2606 1127 4572 0759 5895 6834 5390 0150000877285 6542 2072 0323 3114 9196 1281 9447 1848 1426 7022 0150000914682 5951 3584 2167 5615 3578 7322 7667 3551 3780 4777 0150000890445 2789 2668 6605 6474 5847 2844 6300 4493 7244 6999 0150000889165 5353 0214 8644 9543 7305 7093 3316 9907 5048 5626 0150000881790 1862 9128 0854 2617 6040 5421 5084 2366 8521 8755 0150000883044 1500 6536 4855 1430 7971 6678 7106 3825 0685 5256 0150000877830 1488 4267 4038 9801 1513 6051 4714 0501 7644 2294 0150000872468 0881 3115 8209 8572 7076 4992 5003 4205 2607 6539 Thanks.2021-05-27 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017096ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27Request for KCT KCT generation please for 0195000004265 95300103041 95300148178 95300148186 0195000007805 Thanks Good morning sirMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-27NoHello, Find below, 0195000004265 0109 7594 9651 0445 2035 7283 9220 3257 5287 0387 95300103041 5029 3635 4792 6400 7862 2987 7800 0992 6001 6069 95300148178 6066 4218 3559 4936 2725 6127 5726 7941 3850 0031 95300148186 6038 1470 1491 4945 5079 6205 3400 6154 7095 6629 0195000007805 6372 9336 3325 7201 3146 3308 9327 8905 9945 53522021-05-27 beediesarah5@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017095ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27Dear Sir, Kindly release the KCT of the meter below as the energy token is rejecting. 62320112956 index 45Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-27NoHello, Find below, 1799 9374 0216 4342 5713 4423 8539 0956 9305 08582021-05-27 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017094ClosedTamper Code2021-05-27Dear Support/Audit Team, Please Kindly Vette on those MSN for support to generate a clear tamper code to enable those customers have our good services. 0101205005339 0101190029658 0101190150496 0101190144622 0101190027314 0101190137824 0101200032932 0101190152955 0101190151718 0101200025886 0101200091763 0101200059518 0101200061857 0101190146825 0101200061817 0101200117592 0101200044820 0101190153748 0101200101661 0101200115265 0101190148532 0101200107403 0101200011423 0101190140745 0101200027775 0101190147997 0101190029849 0101190150496 0101190144622 0101190029658 0101190129849 0101200032932 0101190152955 0101190151718 0101200025886 0101200091763 0101185048010 0101200028278 0101200064448 0101200014674 0101195009549 0101200057145 0101200043194 0101190140653 0101200104426 0101200107478 0101200105886 0101190153367 0101200115687 0101200004618 0101200015069 0101190141867 0101200063218 0101200107395 0101190152955 0101200007116 0101161041302 0101170314708 0101170146589 0101175102462 0101178024739 0101170450437 0101170406561 0195000001295 0195000003382 57100010958 thanks for your response and best regardMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 0101205005339 1795 3586 6712 8144 2087 0101190029658 3392 2122 6580 1377 1509 0101190150496 6476 8994 4370 2654 0069 0101190144622 4720 3914 3349 3001 8526 0101190027314 0712 1797 1678 6608 6436 0101190137824 6772 2757 9588 8280 2439 0101200032932 1869 4545 5778 3993 8890 0101190152955 0259 7145 3781 8730 2441 0101190151718 2338 0927 6015 5003 3662 0101200025886 7331 8063 2446 5823 7575 0101200091763 4420 4469 2064 5528 3781 0101200059518 Not captured or wrong meter number. 0101200061857 5441 7744 7731 2094 3867 0101190146825 5795 1551 3431 5029 0059 0101200061817 Wrong STS meter. 0101200117592 5991 7939 0898 4694 0505 0101200044820 6686 1290 3971 3180 5610 0101190153748 5367 6290 5204 0883 7318 0101200101661 2352 7876 8083 3173 9671 0101200115265 1233 3256 3522 3318 7607 0101190148532 3741 2819 0951 8459 9921 0101200107403 3171 7061 3544 2641 2500 0101200011423 6304 0183 0955 8646 6707 0101190140745 5377 1784 6558 5432 4708 0101200027775 5842 4482 2002 2494 4166 0101190147997 6154 3105 6204 9924 2212 0101190029849 1919 7506 6782 5377 0813 0101190150496 4581 0203 3084 2384 8147 0101190144622 0207 3853 0021 2255 6203 0101190029658 4049 0574 1781 5618 9359 0101190129849 Wrong MSN or not captured 0101200032932 3309 4809 8348 4284 8590 0101190152955 6427 9116 0866 4529 9160 0101190151718 3084 9550 5826 1268 9015 0101200025886 4351 8806 3664 0847 5261 0101200091763 3670 8275 5267 6258 2502 0101185048010 3836 1037 3038 7227 9842 0101200028278 0192 1990 4173 3848 3557 0101200064448 3808 1047 2300 7200 0550 0101200014674 4290 4404 6965 6927 7736 0101195009549 0679 2548 1952 1028 4335 0101200057145 2289 5278 6917 6571 9441 0101200043194 3815 9717 0583 3278 0917 0101190140653 0093 6664 0411 3978 2274 0101200104426 0138 9689 3655 2580 3636 0101200107478 0601 3625 4725 0930 5905 0101200105886 1868 3116 2145 6399 2209 0101190153367 3347 2638 4728 9571 2796 0101200115687 0800 1240 8750 3592 5124 0101200004618 3652 1089 9047 0294 3419 0101200015069 0297 4765 1107 1223 4874 0101190141867 1054 8916 7251 4504 3477 0101200063218 4477 3322 5473 3160 7933 0101200107395 5013 7428 8549 2606 6017 0101190152955 4956 7922 1819 6784 4208 0101200007116 5327 4624 4310 0704 9667 0101161041302 4051 4586 9720 8807 9141 0101170314708 0946 1902 2130 7931 7761 0101170146589 1833 3086 5714 5207 8884 0101175102462 4409 7528 7883 3691 9985 0101178024739 5395 5356 2771 7085 7758 0101170450437 5966 3337 2146 1329 2953 0101170406561 6968 2436 2273 7481 7075 0195000001295 3162 4182 7810 9750 9424 0195000003382 1724 6966 8432 7033 5606 57100010958 6151 7467 3082 0219 55542021-05-27 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017093ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27Request for KCT 23102127232 Kindly furnish me with above information best regards.Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2021-05-27NoHello, Find below, 5851 7876 1487 1152 4650 4442 1359 0928 3201 55842021-05-27 tsavsarmngu@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00017092ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27Request for KCT 62420251928 Kindly furnish me with above information thanks.Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2021-05-27NoHello, Find below, 6861 3136 4604 5761 1541 6104 9208 4606 3307 78422021-05-27 tsavsarmngu@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00017091ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27Please ict support kindly send me kct number following meter 0101190035424 is on 0001 to 0004 Please ict just a reminderMedium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2021-05-27NoHello, Find below, 5934 5164 3928 3197 0920 3182 0103 3504 4924 67512021-05-27 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00017090ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27Kct 0101200080485Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2021-05-27NoHello, Find below, 4183 8197 2555 5760 2356 0035 0590 0954 2571 50492021-05-27 ismailbalaonline@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00017089ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27: KCT Kindly help with KCT pls 23100539453 ThanksMedium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2021-05-27NoHello, The meter is on 01 Regards……….2021-05-27 baturewominya@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00017088ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27KCT 1-2 2-1 0101190135018 ThanksMedium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2021-05-27NoHello, The meter is on 4 01 To 04 1112 3217 5774 6299 4384 1154 1595 5886 2267 3950 04 To 01 5471 8380 7124 0091 0100 5409 0389 4422 8121 12982021-05-27 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00017087ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27: Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000895170 The customer name is Mr Emmanuel ekorieMedium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2021-05-27NoHello, Find below, 2167 9889 8525 2871 6461 4563 1185 6726 0845 78262021-05-27 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00017086ClosedKCT Request2021-05-27Request for kct 0101195004052 tarrif index 0002Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2021-05-27NoHello, Find below as, 1686 8688 0668 9975 3126 5572 4944 7118 1671 56782021-05-27 tyoverpeter@yahoo.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00017085ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26REQUEST FOR KCT FOR 0150000879224 GOOD DAY TEAM,Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-05-26NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-05-26 saadatumusa87@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017085ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26REQUEST FOR KCT FOR 0150000879224 GOOD DAY TEAM,Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-05-26NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-05-26 saadatumusa87@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017084ClosedTamper Code2021-05-26Dear Support, Pls treat. On Wed, May 26, 2021 at 10:25 AM Auwal Aliyu wrote: Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101200070445 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 0101200070445 Clear Tamper 0 0713 3110 3405 0899 76532021-05-26 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017083ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Request for KCT KCT generation please, correct meter 95300151057 ThanksMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 3285 2854 5648 6358 8837 4878 4485 7041 7176 80972021-05-26 beediesarah5@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017083ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Request for KCT KCT generation please, correct meter 95300151057 ThanksMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 3285 2854 5648 6358 8837 4878 4485 7041 7176 80972021-05-26 beediesarah5@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017082ClosedTamper Code2021-05-26Request for temper code pls Dear Support, Pls treat. On Wed, May 26, 2021 at 11:13 AM UMAR ABUBAKAR wrote: 44000477412Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-26NoHello, Please note that this meter has not been captured or you send wrong meter number.2021-05-26 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017081ClosedTamper Code2021-05-26Dear Support, Pls treat.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 0101170445114 Clear Tamper 0 2207 4948 4316 4194 70582021-05-26 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017080ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Request for KCT KCT generation please 95300103686 95300120870 ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-26NoFind below, 95300103686 3942 2590 4708 8087 5933 2335 0052 7073 3531 5931 95300120870 4340 9462 6847 7719 3381 5362 3259 9407 1598 35022021-05-26 beediesarah5@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017079Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00017078ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26KCT REQUEST (02 to 01) Hello Kindly assist with KCT for this meter from 02 to 01.Thank you. Meter Number:0101190137246Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-05-26NoHello, Find below as requested. 1448 8828 4597 1609 5460 5938 6869 4685 0229 84892021-05-26 ademugeorge@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017078ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26KCT REQUEST (02 to 01) Hello Kindly assist with KCT for this meter from 02 to 01.Thank you. Meter Number:0101190137246Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-05-26NoHello, Find below as requested. 1448 8828 4597 1609 5460 5938 6869 4685 0229 84892021-05-26 ademugeorge@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017077ClosedVending History2021-05-26Please ict support kindly send me VH following meter number 44000333110 Hello mazaMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-26NoHello, Find below. Transaction Details Token Details Transaction ID: 4541161054418824 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-13 14:23:08 Meter No.: 44000333110 Account No.: 744154 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 58.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 1855 3453 4006 0872 6119 Transaction ID: 7643161426068524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-25 14:44:45 Meter No.: 44000333110 Account No.: 744154 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 62.41 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 7142 3984 7563 2090 4538 From: Nasiru2021-05-26 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017076ClosedTamper Code2021-05-26Dear Auwal, Please the above subject refers for the following meters. 0195000003382 0195000001881 0195000007946 0195000005205 0195000006484 0195000004646 95300104940 0195000004448 0195000001550 0195000002947 0101200047757 0195000001246 0195000001824 0195000006906 0195000002731 44000371763 44000375087 0195000001972 Waiting for your reply. Regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 0195000003382 5257 5847 0468 9950 4205 0195000001881 6122 7792 6988 4176 4892 0195000007946 2356 0830 0334 2182 0298 0195000005205 6507 5485 2273 5713 4387 0195000006484 3680 8293 2156 7437 2191 0195000004646 7214 8331 9966 7351 5256 95300104940 1279 3616 4128 9948 8319 0195000004448 6223 1770 0682 1870 3103 0195000001550 4238 8917 1731 4423 2997 0195000002947 6546 9343 7560 5959 5384 0101200047757 2756 0232 6712 0542 2096 0195000001246 6292 4064 4666 6548 2478 0195000001824 4218 8625 9742 6099 7014 0195000006906 7119 0917 0608 1784 6505 0195000002731 3726 7704 1020 0608 0980 44000371763 1091 1870 0199 3426 9540 44000375087 3108 4546 5946 4295 4733 0195000001972 5563 1577 2671 4671 79962021-05-26 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017075ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Dear support kindly generate kct for MSN 0101160396251 from TI032 to TI06 thank you.Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 3565 5551 0344 8510 8507 4554 7756 2871 7384 73562021-05-26 jubilant95@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017075ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Dear support kindly generate kct for MSN 0101160396251 from TI032 to TI06 thank you.Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 3565 5551 0344 8510 8507 4554 7756 2871 7384 73562021-05-26 jubilant95@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017074ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26dear sir, kindly release the kct of the meter below. 62420202673 index 04 Regards...Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 6235 3175 6048 9827 6694 4111 7604 1400 7858 75722021-05-26 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017074ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26dear sir, kindly release the kct of the meter below. 62420202673 index 04 Regards...Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 6235 3175 6048 9827 6694 4111 7604 1400 7858 75722021-05-26 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017073ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Request for K C T 44000385516 index 02Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-26NoFind below, 1001 7327 9051 2650 3991 4080 7183 9254 9573 95882021-05-26 abubakarumar4102@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017072ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26REQUEST FOR KCT Hello. Please kindly assist me with this request. MSN:0150000913239 Thanks.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-26NoFind below, 3639 2376 4623 9751 1146 6066 6650 0494 2111 31662021-05-26 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017071ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26KCT PLEASE FIND BELOW METER NUMBER FOR KCT GENERATION. 44000384568 THANKS 3143 CCRM GOMBEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-05-26NoFind below, 0071 9768 6624 1677 2809 2624 8495 9278 2174 06802021-05-26 musazumoo@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017071ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26KCT PLEASE FIND BELOW METER NUMBER FOR KCT GENERATION. 44000384568 THANKS 3143 CCRM GOMBEMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-05-26NoFind below, 0071 9768 6624 1677 2809 2624 8495 9278 2174 06802021-05-26 musazumoo@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017070ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Kct 54161150948MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-26NoHello, Find below. 0771 9438 3249 4287 3212 6392 4855 3713 32432021-05-26 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017069ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Hello Team, Kindly assist with the above-mentioned for the meter numbers below 1. 0101200106249 2. 04223514623 3. 0101170145714 4. 0101200112098 Best Regards, Halima Mujtaba AbdulrahmanMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-26NoFind below, 1. 0101200106249 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 2. 04223514623 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 3. 0101170145714 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 4. 0101200112098 1747 9653 4579 6492 2119 6142 8522 1534 6674 40052021-05-26 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00017068ClosedKCT Request2021-05-260150000891849Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-26NoHello, Find below as requested. 4076 6986 3086 9766 0672 2567 6997 2457 5029 8670 Thanks.2021-05-26 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017067ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Plc kindly help me with kct of this meter number 0101175103619Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 3942 8804 2700 7786 0064 2517 5156 4649 4808 9489 Thanks.2021-05-26 amibabs433@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017066ClosedKCT Request2021-05-260150000876725 thanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-26NoHello Hamza, Find below as requested. 6555 6645 8292 2546 0812 0993 2070 4737 0539 1112 Thanks.2021-05-26 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017065ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26: KCT REQUEST (04 to 01) Hello, Good afternoon, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters from 04 to 01. Thank you. Meter Numbers: 0101200076517 0101190150553Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-26NoHello, Find below as requested. 0101200076517 04 to 01 6731 3513 9752 6253 0705 6283 6730 3997 2398 5489 0101190150553 04 to 01 4002 0148 2275 9733 4330 0418 7351 8801 4645 1415 Thanks.2021-05-26 ademugeorge@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017064ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Dear Sir, Kindly release the KCT of the meter number below. 0101205000579 Regards...Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 3808 3358 8152 4299 2553 0946 9868 0524 0308 4805 Thanks.2021-05-26 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00017063ClosedRequest2021-05-26Vending without token Good day Anas, Pls this receipt was generated without token, kindly check the status of the transaction. Regards.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-26NoHello, All successful prepaid transactions that did not generate tokens will be refunded back to your wallet within 24 hours, If it happens at any time Thanks.2021-05-26 ayongudoom@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00017062ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26PLEASE FIND BELOW METER NUMBER FOR KCT GENERATION. 0150300008995 THANKS 3143 CCRM GOMBEMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 4984 3202 1149 3796 3708 3696 1889 1167 1281 5429 Thanks.2021-05-26 musazumoo@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017061ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200094254 Please treat.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 6386 8444 8101 8856 0509 4965 0834 1563 5134 64142021-05-26 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017060ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26KCT REQUEST Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for this meter from 04 to 01.Thank you. Meter Number:0101200072847Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 5068 7191 8231 7894 6298 4092 6050 5196 2020 2092 Thanks.2021-05-26 ademugeorge@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017059ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Request for KCT KCT generation please 95300151067 95300104239 0195000006062 0195000004471 95300103322 thanks. Help us to be fastMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 95300151067 This meter was not found, please kindly confirm meter number. 95300104239 4422 5383 2350 1657 1501 3946 6608 2409 3593 1981 0195000006062 7041 4028 0255 2054 3952 0847 2215 5146 9503 2530 0195000004471 2965 0893 5769 8153 7057 1271 2508 5942 0798 8421 95300103322 5077 1626 3522 1148 9606 1340 7123 3831 1056 0307 Thanks.2021-05-26 beediesarah5@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017058ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Ticket no 00016982 Status open Date 2021- 05- 26 KCT generation please 0195000006054 0195000007086 95300103843 95300141876 95300152899 ThanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 0195000006054 3893 6352 4139 7676 7943 7013 2614 5259 7492 2116 0195000007086 5027 1854 9489 5335 2720 3807 9503 4619 9655 3618 95300103843 6538 8520 5445 0794 7187 2148 8607 4296 9719 4078 95300141876 5009 3359 4593 7966 5614 5011 6987 7800 2169 4960 95300152899 7233 0822 6841 5330 3028 2088 7213 3941 2847 3821 Thanks.2021-05-26 beediesarah5@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017057ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Request for k c t please 0150000859424 thanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 1155 3970 4669 6931 0643 1489 9695 0144 1751 1870 Thanks.2021-05-26 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017056ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Hello. Please kindly assist me with this request. MSN:0150000953714 Thanks.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-26NoHello, This meter generated an incomplete token, please give us some moment. Thanks.2021-05-26 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017055ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Hello good afternoon sir please kindly help and generate kct code for the fellowing meter number sir 0101200114714 Thank you and best regards sir.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 0002 2504 3807 4569 2356 1330 8676 6483 2979 0415 Thanks.2021-05-26 suleimansallau@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017054ClosedTamper Code2021-05-26TEMPER CODE REQUEST 260521 aY Good Afternoon Sir Kindly help and assist on the above 1NO TEMPER CODE request please.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 44000355642 Clear Tamper 0 1817 3133 7327 8049 44572021-05-26 glawal1184@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017053ClosedVending History2021-05-26Vending History Kindly furnish us with the VH of this meter number 57100072545 Thank uMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, Transaction Details Token Details Transaction ID: 2416161658244824 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-24 11:40:48 Meter No.: 57100072545 Account No.: 612281035701 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 19.70 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 3686 6645 6101 8217 2885 Transaction ID: 2660161960076324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-28 10:06:03 Meter No.: 57100072545 Account No.: 612281035701 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 20.65 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 2188 6557 2189 4364 5974 Transaction ID: 3621162143882224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-19 16:40:22 Meter No.: 57100072545 Account No.: 612281035701 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 20.65 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 2745 6057 7446 9777 9600 Thanks.2021-05-26 kibos2020@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017052ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Request for KCT number 0101200110910 Dear IT support, Pls I need the above information. ThanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 2344 3925 5832 6440 3966 0516 0317 6717 0858 5304 Thanks.2021-05-26 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017051ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Request for KCT 54161067332 Hello Sent from my iPhoneMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 2600 7266 7838 4321 2117 0614 9512 9426 2786 35652021-05-26 aisha.aliyu@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017050ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Kindly generate Kct of 0101200090039 tariff 0002to0004Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 02 to 04 7006 1848 7979 5614 4085 4947 1185 0277 0689 4210 Thanks.2021-05-26 abduljamila295@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017049ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Request for kct in respect of this account 0101160351348 Reminder on the above subjectMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-26NoFind below. 0203 3858 6843 3028 0316 6572 8472 3250 8655 67442021-05-26 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017048ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Request for KCT number 0101200127013 Dear IT support, Pls I need the above information. ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-26NoHello, Find below. 5315 7377 9931 1658 1199 0876 1318 3463 0671 88072021-05-26 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017047ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Ticket no 00016982 Status open Date 2021-05-26 Request for KCT for this meter no 95300150604 0195000006302 95300103066 95300104205 ThanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 95300150604 6431 1096 4307 7763 6847 2591 2739 3838 3567 0085 0195000006302 4887 1678 7452 6223 8155 0164 8722 7440 4625 5297 95300103066 3222 8630 6542 6217 9768 7352 5601 7622 2600 4763 95300104205 1511 6802 2091 1057 0962 4087 9693 8446 2459 4256 Thanks.2021-05-26 beediesarah5@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017046ClosedKCT Request2021-05-260101200014674 0101200006050 Please Help us with a KCT on tariff 02 to 01 Thanks for your support.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-26NoHello, Find below. 0101200014674 4661 5311 8432 4227 0826 3870 1433 7574 2895 9556 0101200006050 1240 2121 8632 3934 8007 1945 8808 9038 8267 62932021-05-26 yakubaliyu82@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017045ClosedKCT Request2021-05-260150000907959 b. 0150000937469 thanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 0150000907959 , 0150000937469 These meters are single phase residential meters and on 001 on our database. Hence, no KCT needed. However, you may wish to query the meters to know which tariff index they’re on. ELSE, contact meter maintenance team for assistance. Thanks.2021-05-26 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017044ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Kct 0101185052061 Please treatMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-26NoFind below. 0101185052061 0799 8590 5038 0302 3724 1214 1764 8498 7362 74942021-05-26 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017043ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26REQUEST FOR KCT - 54161 174617 Pls assist with the aboveMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-26No, Find below. 1391 0213 5456 2412 6956 6727 4627 2081 9505 67952021-05-26 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017042ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Request for KCT meter no 23100541764 Kindly furnish me with above information best regards.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-26NoHello, This meter number was not found in our database, kindly confirm meter number. ELSE, contact Meter Capturing Unit. Thanks.2021-05-26 tsavsarmngu@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017041ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Request for KCT 0101170456574 Request for KCT 0101170456574Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 5113 6848 3052 3524 9064 1605 8365 2081 5519 5074 Thanks.2021-05-26 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017040ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Request for kct 0150000874415.--Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-26NoHello, Find below as requested. 5135 9015 6488 0393 6257 1328 4781 9171 7488 8043 Thank you.2021-05-26 arabiraji015@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017039ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Hello,plz kindly generate kct to this meterMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-26NoHello, Find below. 3346 0706 0466 0023 4179 3221 6204 6750 1176 35462021-05-26 onceinlife6464@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017038ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Request for KCT 0101190016903Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-26NoHello, This meter is a single phase residential meter and on 001 on our database. Hence, no KCT needed. However, you may wish to query the meter to know which tariff index it is on. ELSE, contact meter maintenance team for assistance. Thanks.2021-05-26 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017037ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26: KCT 0101161032665 Thank youMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-26NoHello, This meter is a single phase residential meter and on 001 on our database. Hence, no KCT needed. However, you may wish to query the meter to know which tariff index it is on. ELSE, contact meter maintenance team for assistance. Thanks.2021-05-26 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017036ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Please kindly generate kct for the following MSN 0101200114607 0101190138707 44000384667 0101175102462 0101185047731 from 02 to 08 0101200113252 0101190150488Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 0101200114607 0101190138707 5922 3111 8934 1631 6140 3268 7804 2164 3070 5336 44000384667 3432 1651 0320 9745 4598 2503 1446 0201 2652 1242 0101175102462 4628 7833 6645 5539 3853 2588 5737 8388 1596 7924 0101185047731 from 02 to 08 5120 0004 2788 1978 3792 0803 3510 7193 0534 1211 0101200113252 4733 5761 1298 3615 3428 2559 8508 4111 5695 7783 0101190150488 2844 3210 2171 7413 9422 5894 0110 4954 9212 82012021-05-26 bangisgarko@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017035ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26: Kct, 0101200016802 Please kindly treat.Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 1005 3661 4165 3648 2937 3552 9199 6432 8693 24202021-05-26 ummilois2@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017035ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26: Kct, 0101200016802 Please kindly treat.Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 1005 3661 4165 3648 2937 3552 9199 6432 8693 24202021-05-26 ummilois2@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017034ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Request for KCT number 0101200124226 Dear IT support, Pls I need the above informationMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 1416 2025 1418 0831 0760 5415 3415 9656 4031 47022021-05-26 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017034ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Request for KCT number 0101200124226 Dear IT support, Pls I need the above informationMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 1416 2025 1418 0831 0760 5415 3415 9656 4031 47022021-05-26 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017033ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Request for KCT meter 62420223216 Kindly furnish me with above information best.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 5160 5718 1209 5866 6513 6097 2319 5808 2684 10372021-05-26 tsavsarmngu@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017032ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Request for KCT 62420202673 with tariff index 4 Kindly furnish me with above information best regards.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 6235 3175 6048 9827 6694 4111 7604 1400 7858 7572 Thanks2021-05-26 tsavsarmngu@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017031ClosedKCT Request2021-05-260101200016802 Please Sir Help us again with this KCT from 01 to 02. Thanks for your supportMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-26NoHello, Find below. 1005 3661 4165 3648 2937 3552 9199 6432 8693 24202021-05-26 yakubaliyu82@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017030ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000914971 Good dayMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 28331544862623160365 36892799136200013343 Thanks.2021-05-26 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017029ClosedTamper Code2021-05-26dear support kindly reissue another CT for MSN 0101178038028. Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 0101178038028 Clear Tamper 0 0863 4073 0548 5374 06002021-05-26 jubilant95@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017028ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Request for kct 23100573973Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 5454 9385 1228 0109 8752 2761 7698 7907 6963 53182021-05-26 tyoverpeter@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017027ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Kindly generate KCT for this meter 54161051567 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 1732 9651 5780 3181 3885 4447 4730 1055 8232 62382021-05-26 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017026ClosedVending History2021-05-26Vending history Kindly avail us with the vending history of the meter 54161091845Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-26NoHello, No vending history found attached to this meter on e-vend. Thanks.2021-05-26 georgeagah629@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017025ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Request for KCT 62521000034 Kindly furnish us with the above information ThanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 1035 5261 9002 5142 2819 0379 4164 7454 8609 5198 Thanks.2021-05-26 vajimehd@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017024ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26KCT please 0150000862766Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 2623 0277 6241 9352 1587 0847 7770 5968 6871 8655 Thanks.2021-05-26 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017023ClosedKCT Request2021-05-260150000884851 0150000881212 0150000952013 0150000967763 0150000962723 0150000958978 0150000910854 0150000867818Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-26NoHello, Find below as requested. 0150000884851 2061 8910 9092 8617 2131 0836 8871 2625 1773 6632 0150000881212 6039 5572 8556 2707 9708 0778 6520 9852 8494 8206 0150000952013 5914 5600 3828 9669 9276 0814 9185 0457 8641 0000 0150000967763 1836 9855 1760 2123 2147 1501 1065 4351 2034 2071 0150000962723 5561 2516 6876 2781 7920 4553 2797 4556 5202 4181 0150000958978 2706 9726 9747 9502 4299 1229 0683 4300 4605 3613 0150000910854 6741 5679 6234 0523 4667 2230 0054 6645 6188 7083 0150000867818 This meter was not found, please kindly confirm meter number. Thanks.2021-05-26 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017022ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26KCT PLEASE FIND BELOW METER NUMBER FOR KCT GENERATION. 44000325066 04234509182 THANKS 3143 CCRM GOMBEMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 44000325066 4171 4670 7754 6846 8155 1951 1388 4486 4614 9030 04234509182 1660 0143 6533 8733 1175 5961 8088 4257 1561 3715 Thanks.2021-05-26 musazumoo@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017021ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26KCT 0101200014674 0101200006050 0101200016810 Please all of them are rejecting the TEMPER Please Help us with a KCT from tariff 1 to 2. Thanks for your support.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-26NoHello, Fnd below (01 to 02) 0101200014674 4661 5311 8432 4227 0826 3870 1433 7574 2895 9556 0101200006050 1240 2121 8632 3934 8007 1945 8808 9038 8267 6293 0101200016810 3753 5747 4710 3737 5056 6737 9152 0593 7484 0479 Thanks.2021-05-26 yakubaliyu82@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017020ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26KCT Please assist with KCT for this MSN 0101170196766Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 5458 4115 4975 4263 2062 4711 9265 1401 8795 6340 Thanks.2021-05-26 mwuladi@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00017019ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26KCT please 54161065575MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 2999 7527 3576 4085 7581 4518 4556 8467 2220 8563 Thanks.2021-05-26 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017018ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Dear Kindly avail us with the rollover KCT of the meter below. 23102124338 Regards...Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2021-05-26NoHello, Find below as requested, 19136918886276600218 710239588153025331942021-05-26 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00017017ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26KCT please 0150000872534 and 0150000859994MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-26NoHello, Find below. 0150000872534 2750 3297 9871 5541 8604 6364 1012 6596 5605 6335 0150000859994 4285 6789 9122 9630 5814 0758 1318 2894 6499 72982021-05-26 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017016ClosedTamper Code2021-05-26Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0195000004448 Thank Sent from my Huawei phoneMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 0195000004448 Clear Tamper 0 6827 0486 4359 8527 06472021-05-26 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00017015ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Support please treat 0101200028039 vending history 0101170124511 from 33 to 01 44000384667 from 33 to 21MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-26NoHello, find below. 0101200028039 vending history Transaction Details Token Details Transaction ID: 3144161311344124 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-12 08:04:01 Meter No.: 0101200028039 Account No.: 615119060401 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦5,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 Transaction ID: 3817161670158524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-25 20:46:25 Meter No.: 0101200028039 Account No.: 615119060401 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 31.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 3104 1383 1227 9939 8241 Transaction ID: 4226162022447424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-05 15:21:14 Meter No.: 0101200028039 Account No.: 615119060401 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 29.24 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 2845 2073 6701 2330 6887 Transaction ID: 5154161900676524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-21 13:06:05 Meter No.: 0101200028039 Account No.: 615119060401 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 29.24 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 3469 1319 6611 2885 6148 Transaction ID: 6180161600768424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-17 20:01:24 Meter No.: 0101200028039 Account No.: 615119060401 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦3,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 Transaction ID: 6186161166872324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-26 14:45:23 Meter No.: 0101200028039 Account No.: 615119060401 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦4,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦4,000.00 0101170124511 from 33 to 01 7301 4651 7975 7435 4820 3903 1413 6466 3496 9880 44000384667 from 33 to 21 1629 8448 2927 8603 4777 1577 4540 4044 4986 76182021-05-26 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017014ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Dear ITSupport, Kindly Furnish me with the above information for Meter Numbers 23100538620, 23102134956, 23102128818, 0101205000041, 62420138844. ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-26NoHello, Find below. 23100538620 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 23102134956 4455 9902 8247 5851 8564 4082 8440 5927 3456 4601 23102128818 Hello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101205000041 2755 1431 9428 5645 7367 0345 3476 3119 9710 9355 62420138844 5629 8079 6277 6465 5509 2844 9411 6131 5311 14672021-05-26 abigailiyane@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017013ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Dear ITSupport, Kindly Furnish me with the above information for Meter Numbers 23100568023 62521004960 62521026583 62521015750 54160898075, 62521011338, 23100569476, 62521010801, 62521011379, 23102123496, 23100541764. ThanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-26NoHello, Find below as requested. 23100568023 6378 6557 3395 3883 7395 6898 4692 5661 6121 1454 62521015750 5353 0421 5597 8486 7670 2513 9491 6734 3386 8916 54160898075 3389 2036 9156 7427 7606 2151 3206 4076 9631 7579 23100569476 60775715012213266431 36677202003719764865 62521011379 5418 5741 7401 3779 6111 2732 7694 2919 6092 6434 23102123496 3144 3997 5788 7891 9272 1471 0056 7007 6573 5015 62521011338, 62521004960 , 62521010801, 62521010801 These meters are single phase residential meters and on 001 on our database. Hence, no KCT needed. However, you may wish to query the meters to know which tariff index they’re on. ELSE, contact meter maintenance team for assistance. 62521026583, 23100541764 These meters were not found, please kindly confirm meter numbers. Thanks.2021-05-26 abigailiyane@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017012ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Dear sir Please can you assist us with the KCT of 95300105475 Thank you sirMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-26NoHello, Find below. 5145 6658 2009 0768 0358 1166 3744 2646 9489 37072021-05-26 samueldchun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017011ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Kindly generate KCT for this meters 0101200001697 0101200024269 0101200050066 0101200050090 Thank youMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 0101200001697 This meter was not found, please kindly confirm meter number. 0101200024269 3940 7475 9569 0378 2285 3151 3962 1321 6465 2653 0101200050066 1897 8117 4789 0745 6229 0912 9552 8821 2429 4703 0101200050090 2612 7796 5208 0923 9710 4324 7356 9761 6687 7724 Thanks.2021-05-26 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017010ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26kct 0101200105886 this meter number is captured as a commercial meter. it is still on tariff 0001,kindly generate kct pls.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-26NoHello, Find below. 1626 0614 7376 2441 8335 6273 9576 8656 7905 70932021-05-26 denhamsalvation@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017009ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26REQUEST FOR KCT - 04244038578 Please treat.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 4098 8132 8411 9506 7971 1398 9078 3552 3094 0230 Thanks.2021-05-26 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00017008ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26: Request for KCT 44000401941Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 7199 6391 6003 4552 7161 5991 9538 1576 6598 7903 Thanks.2021-05-26 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00017007ClosedKCT Request2021-05-260101200014674 Please Sir Help us with a KCT 2 t0 1, Thanks for your support.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-26NoHello, Find below. 010120001467 4661 5311 8432 4227 0826 3870 1433 7574 2895 95562021-05-26 yakubaliyu82@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017006ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26KCT Kindly generate KCT for these meters 0101200066658 0101200006829 0101200021927 0101190153490 0101190134110 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-26NoHello, Find Below. 0101200066658 Hello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101200006829 Hello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101200021927 0720 9969 5839 2606 4732 2565 3470 2642 7720 3228 0101190153490 5007 6312 4340 3282 1368 1503 1707 5129 2810 2455 0101190134110 Hello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-05-26 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017005ClosedRequest2021-05-26Meter details Kindly avail us meter numbers attached to the following accounts 645555 645564 645565MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-26NoHello, Find below. 645555 23102141235 645564 23102137660 645565 231021335862021-05-26 evelyntsokar87@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017004ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26KCT 1-45 0101161036849 1-45 54160972003 Thank youMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 1-45 0101161036849 6113 4038 1948 7534 3788 6699 0010 7152 8067 9650 1-45 54160972003 1769 9901 9814 2650 0820 3527 0223 1134 6996 27482021-05-26 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017004ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26KCT 1-45 0101161036849 1-45 54160972003 Thank youMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 1-45 0101161036849 6113 4038 1948 7534 3788 6699 0010 7152 8067 9650 1-45 54160972003 1769 9901 9814 2650 0820 3527 0223 1134 6996 27482021-05-26 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017003ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26: Kct Pls generate a KCT for the below meter number on 0002. 0101190146023MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-26Noello, Find below, 0101200008015 1473 1284 1787 8995 9667 1265 9092 7640 8289 3733 0101190146023 This meter it’s on 002 in our system no kct required Please when you are sending mail send as new stop replying on the previous mail.2021-05-26 uwadiasamson04@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017002ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26: KCT please 0150000884760MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-26NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-05-26 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017001ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26KCT, please 0150000901259MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 5838 3282 0891 5111 7340 3289 1857 2390 8961 47492021-05-26 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00017000ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Good morning support, Please assist with the subject above for this MSN 0101160177651 from 45 to 21Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-05-26NoHELLO, FIND BELOW AS REQUESTED. 2631 5562 0413 5933 1576 7128 3025 6285 7892 62532021-05-26 mwuladi@yahoo.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00017000ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Good morning support, Please assist with the subject above for this MSN 0101160177651 from 45 to 21Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-05-26NoHELLO, FIND BELOW AS REQUESTED. 2631 5562 0413 5933 1576 7128 3025 6285 7892 62532021-05-26 mwuladi@yahoo.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00016999ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26: REQUEST FOR KCT 4 44000366193 T01 TO T21 44000361202 T01 TOI T21 44000318194 T01 TO T21MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-26NoHELLO, FIND BELOW, 44000366193 T01 TO T21 1387 2029 4889 2775 3438 6642 9821 1039 2521 2492 44000361202 T01 TOI T21 0117 4925 2081 0750 5290 0635 2639 6354 2809 5339 44000318194 T01 TO T21 1126 9625 2140 4148 6055 1103 9724 1456 0136 51222021-05-26 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016998ClosedKCT Request2021-05-260150300021204Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-05-26NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-05-26 musazumoo@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00016998ClosedKCT Request2021-05-260150300021204Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-05-26NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-05-26 musazumoo@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00016997ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Request for KCT 0101200114219Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-05-26NoHELLO, FIND BELOW, 5024 3808 2682 2349 5992 4383 1423 3348 3394 84122021-05-26 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00016997ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Request for KCT 0101200114219Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-05-26NoHELLO, FIND BELOW, 5024 3808 2682 2349 5992 4383 1423 3348 3394 84122021-05-26 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00016996ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Kindly generate KCT for this meter number 54150600002 0101200054035 Thank youMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 54150600002 4286 4172 8402 1326 0195 5900 7769 3354 0826 5610 0101200054035 2359 4791 3518 7376 6675 3697 8855 7112 8436 3298 Thanks.2021-05-26 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00016995ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Dear Sir, Kindly release the KCT of the customers below. 62420232266 index 01 62420250391 index 01 62420250508 index 03 62420250540 index 01 62420230476 index 04 Regards...Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 62420232266 index 01 1940 7540 0026 8167 9656 6555 6954 1316 1855 2230 62420250391 index 01 4088 1786 4164 9213 3224 3612 4269 0452 9063 6700 62420250508 index 03 6365 0619 8336 1693 8452 5443 8452 6723 1067 1643 62420250540 index 01 4629 2807 3113 3314 9267 5202 9638 1104 7466 3119 62420230476 index 04 4804 4935 1743 1560 3052 5130 0160 6548 8311 5894 Thanks.2021-05-26 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00016994ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Dear support. Please assist us with the KCT of this meter. 62420226573 Thank you ERIC ASUA Supervisor: Revenue Protection Unit Makurdi RegionMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-05-26NoHELLO, FIND BELOW, 2747 2945 5880 3108 6208 7219 0782 5600 9491 35692021-05-26 ericasua@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00016994ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Dear support. Please assist us with the KCT of this meter. 62420226573 Thank you ERIC ASUA Supervisor: Revenue Protection Unit Makurdi RegionMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-05-26NoHELLO, FIND BELOW, 2747 2945 5880 3108 6208 7219 0782 5600 9491 35692021-05-26 ericasua@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00016993ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26: REQUEST FOR KCT - 44000384667 Please treat.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 3432 1651 0320 9745 4598 2503 1446 0201 2652 1242 Thanks.2021-05-26 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Isah Abubakar
#00016992ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26KCT GENERATION 95300146990 Dear IT team, Please the above subject refers. Regards.Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 4165 6120 1405 6727 7534 7164 5862 8567 8506 56632021-05-26 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00016992ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26KCT GENERATION 95300146990 Dear IT team, Please the above subject refers. Regards.Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 4165 6120 1405 6727 7534 7164 5862 8567 8506 56632021-05-26 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00016991ClosedKCT Request2021-05-2644000335123 T01 TO T21 0150300013680 T01 TO T4 44000369510 T01 TO T7 04201952399Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-26NoHello, Find below as requested. 44000335123 T01 TO T21 0689 7071 3728 5566 2692 2977 4496 0867 2083 0987 0150300013680 T01 TO T4 2504 2420 0013 7251 0636 3774 3858 3589 9756 1768 44000369510 T01 TO T7 7039 3447 4183 9535 4826 0359 6944 4622 8170 9972 04201952399 This meter is a single phase residential meter and on 001 on our database. Hence, no KCT needed. However, you may wish to query the meter to know which tariff index it is on. ELSE, contact meter maintenance team for assistance. Thanks.2021-05-26 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00016990ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Hello good morning sir please kindly help and generate kct code for the fellowing meter number sir 0101190139150 Thank you and best regards sirMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-26NoFind below, 2543 1948 6157 1743 4714 4140 4665 8090 4510 49062021-05-26 suleimansallau@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016989ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26cialis generic best price 1 In tumor cell, high level EZH2 can inhibit CD274, the transcription factor of PD L1Medium1372 Abdallah mohammed2021-05-26Nocialis generic best price 1 In tumor cell, high level EZH2 can inhibit CD274, the transcription factor of PD L12021-05-26 cialis generic best price 1 In tumor cell, high level EZH2 can inhibit CD274, the transcription factor of PD L1 playcle@bernardmail.xyz 84485127926 Abdallah mohammed
#00016988ClosedTamper Code2021-05-26Kindly Vette on these meters for support to generate tamper 0101200033294 0101200044887 0101200033278 ThanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-26NoHello, Find below as requested and verified by audit. 0101200033294 Clear Tamper 1556 8192 5397 8145 1573 0101200044887 Clear Tamper 4678 1851 1054 8719 6992 0101200033278 Clear Tamper 6629 4482 1613 2538 8624 Thanks.2021-05-26 rolandjames750@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00016987ClosedTamper Code2021-05-26Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0195000004448 Thank Sent from my Huawei phoneMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-26NoHello, Find below as requested and verified by audit. 0195000004448 Clear Tamper 6149 4769 7761 8122 6865 Thanks.2021-05-26 rolandjames750@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00016986ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Good morning.Request for KCT 54161150898Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-26NoFind below, 2600 8387 5733 0387 6560 2851 4983 3566 9396 50792021-05-26 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016985Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00016984ClosedRequest2021-05-26Dear support, Kindly avail us information on meter attached to this account 566750Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-26NoFind attached as requested.2021-05-26 evelyntsokar87@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016983ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26REQUEST FOR KCT Morning. Please kindly assist me with this request. 0150000889538 Thanks.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 3408 9547 3631 8326 0067 4915 1007 6669 3530 56452021-05-26 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00016982ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26: Request for KCT KCT generation please for 95300158169 95300161270 95300104163 0195000004240 ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-26NoFind below, 95300158169 4491 3890 0982 7598 4687 4520 9551 1774 5072 2443 95300161270 4525 5963 7778 4549 4261 6228 5326 1698 4877 5358 95300104163 3819 1288 8710 3863 7505 5989 8731 3669 1344 9844 0195000004240 2187 4321 5122 6192 9828 1211 3224 1742 3919 59182021-05-26 beediesarah5@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016981ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Good Morning Sir Kindly assist with KCT for the MNS 44300014741 T01 TO T33 44000333482 T33 TO T21 54160916141 T11 TO T33 0150300015461 T1 TO T 21Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-26NoHello, Find below as requested. 44300014741 T01 TO T33 1718 5942 9644 4778 0603 4333 0306 9878 5982 0256 44000333482 T33 TO T21 6118 9113 7120 8958 2246 4285 3531 8321 2846 3955 54160916141 T11 TO T33 6382 9857 1918 7109 4056 4692 6336 0381 3857 6530 0150300015461 T1 TO T 21 1951 4046 9281 2115 4561 0794 4601 4544 3202 2425 Thanks.2021-05-26 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00016980ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26: REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200025134 Please treat.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-26NoFind below, 5055 5678 8879 0010 8848 1276 6558 0490 9453 05152021-05-26 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00016979ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26: REQUEST FOR KCT 2 0150300010363 T01 TO T4 44000362457 T01 TO T21 44000354736 T01 TO T21Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-26NoFind below, 0150300010363 T01 TO T4 4190 0763 0201 6985 1745 2121 4791 5194 5643 4100 44000362457 T01 TO T21 0660 3441 8840 8079 6519 1330 7234 5228 9005 0018 44000354736 T01 TO T21 4670 9859 2185 6625 3363 3818 5231 1403 0062 34232021-05-26 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016978ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Kindly generate KCT for these meters 0101200070445 0101170300376 44000315794 1-4 Thank youMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-26NoFind below, 0101200070445 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101170300376 1259 9376 1770 5638 6615 6395 6526 9674 7853 1917 44000315794 1-4 3111 4642 7694 1720 6751 5128 2430 1118 4582 29642021-05-26 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016977ClosedVending History2021-05-26Pls Kindly assist with the VH for the meter number below 0101170182832 0101170220764 0101170242933 0101170277319Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-26NoHello, Sorry for the wrong response. Find attached herewith the VHs for the below meter numbers. 0101170182832 0101170220764 0101170242933 0101170277319 Thanks.2021-05-26 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00016976ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Dear support. Kindly avail us with the KCT of this meter. 62420230567 Thanks and regards ERIC ASUA Supervisor: Revenue Protection Unit Makurdi RegionMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-26NoFind below, 2355 4908 6001 6435 9567 0205 8612 8019 6746 93282021-05-26 ericasua@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016975ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26KCT generation please 95300151701 thanks Good morning sirMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-26NoThis meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-05-26 beediesarah5@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016974ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Request for KCT KCT generation please 95300160553 thanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-26NoFind below, 3148 5613 1490 2541 3709 3398 7778 8836 2106 91912021-05-26 beediesarah5@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016973ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Hello good morning sir please kindly help and generate kct code for the fellowing meter number sir 0101200028708 Thank you and best regards sirMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-26NoFind below, 3179 8147 1715 5899 7021 5456 2050 2625 1467 33922021-05-26 suleimansallau@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016972ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26REQUEST FOR ITRON VH Pls Kindly assist with the VH for the meter number below 0101170182832 0101170220764 0101170242933 0101170277319Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-26NoHello, Find below as requested. 0101170182832 6737 6523 7294 1978 7391 3534 3982 1669 2460 3530 0101170220764 7356 5919 8029 6654 8462 4699 5711 4143 5860 7947 0101170242933 0738 7811 5728 7066 2275 5892 0359 4425 8558 8118 0101170277319 This meter has 2 customers attached to it. Kindly specify the customer name. Thanks.2021-05-26 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00016971ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Request for K C T The meter is in 0003 we need 03 to 01 0101190139341Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-26NoHello, Find below as requested. 03 to 01 4618 6804 2263 7642 3265 7236 3956 1187 4568 7256 Thanks.2021-05-26 abubakarumar4102@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00016970ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Request for k c t please 0150000894314. B. 150000879224 thanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 0150000894314. B. This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 150000879224 Wrong meter number or not captured.2021-05-26 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016969ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26KCT GENERATION 95300146990 Dear IT team, Please the above subject refers. Regards.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 4165 6120 1405 6727 7534 7164 5862 8567 8506 56632021-05-26 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016968ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Good day sir pls help me with KCT of this meter 0101200062095 the tariff is 002Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 5239 4437 9700 5018 4484 6217 8445 2504 6706 7915 Thanks.2021-05-26 munirishaqjos@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00016967ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Hello. Please kindly assist me with this request. 0150000952054 0150000876972 0150000903065 0150000910714 0150000910748 0150000890098 0150000910706 0150000868490 0150000868482 0150000868151 0150000903081 0150000892045 0150000892037 0150000892011 0150000890072 0150000890148 0150000876733 0150000967178 0150000868185 0150000892029 0150000910730 0150000903073 0150000889272 0150000888969 0150000889520 0150000889538 0150000888407 0150000889603 0150000951387 0150000960529 0150000898216 0150000914963 Thanks for your assistance.Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 0150000952054 5471 4109 9670 0997 1818 3586 0401 7138 0208 8116 0150000876972 6878 8254 5993 8327 3454 6689 3042 0161 3570 2144 0150000903065 2051 4349 4016 5096 3166 4037 5909 2276 6244 3324 0150000910714 4855 5398 9749 5731 8589 3260 5357 3074 2044 6010 0150000910748 5041 9677 6694 2860 4943 5417 9750 8808 0897 3847 0150000890098 5060 0487 6391 0626 5544 4165 8141 3392 9052 4654 0150000910706 6799 3288 7517 1623 3801 6195 6689 6261 5978 3180 0150000868490 4912 2987 9718 6865 2621 3869 9358 9404 0250 7536 0150000868482 6965 8703 5948 4045 8113 0303 2701 2849 6702 0271 0150000868151 3768 6679 6086 8353 1136 4660 6487 9483 3229 2801 0150000903081 0125 8497 2417 3543 9897 3004 4908 5912 9798 0192 0150000892045 4919 7781 6496 5598 0474 0573 9312 8428 4326 7832 0150000892037 6224 9689 3826 3396 0776 3952 7381 6824 9176 9308 0150000892011 6564 3800 4614 8559 0012 1025 8913 6414 1151 8644 0150000890072 4768 5496 4292 3740 7004 5212 4087 8579 4501 4895 0150000890148 1058 9796 5201 3193 4130 1342 1315 5484 3137 0029 0150000876733 5574 6855 7467 8474 9052 7114 8500 5011 6326 0716 0150000967178 Wrong meter number or not captured. 0150000868185 0424 8676 2665 9953 3585 7127 0904 6441 4457 8427 0150000892029 6230 1866 6559 2320 2257 6781 0142 4572 1241 6272 0150000910730 1814 9745 9307 6291 8997 5587 6115 7483 5248 7724 0150000903073 4000 7320 4927 8154 8984 0315 1089 8165 3554 9529 0150000889272 3525 7970 2471 6810 1547 0485 0973 8837 8142 8918 0150000888969 7256 5713 1308 7314 7946 6743 7078 6558 9977 0253 0150000889520 2347 3331 4112 9729 6132 6063 4518 6108 9308 3623 0150000889538 3408 9547 3631 8326 0067 4915 1007 6669 3530 5645 0150000888407 3587 6761 4341 9085 9136 2858 8070 7865 8594 2224 0150000889603 6878 4614 2457 3369 7350 7192 9849 3762 2283 2211 0150000951387 7144 0056 2380 7027 5991 1136 6168 9207 6800 0467 0150000960529 0505 6026 1440 1694 2122 4832 9460 5039 4527 1294 0150000898216 0074 4435 3096 9317 9501 2601 0801 3889 1919 3733 0150000914963 1406 4340 1113 9401 4725 4245 2913 5178 1059 16352021-05-26 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00016967ClosedKCT Request2021-05-26Hello. Please kindly assist me with this request. 0150000952054 0150000876972 0150000903065 0150000910714 0150000910748 0150000890098 0150000910706 0150000868490 0150000868482 0150000868151 0150000903081 0150000892045 0150000892037 0150000892011 0150000890072 0150000890148 0150000876733 0150000967178 0150000868185 0150000892029 0150000910730 0150000903073 0150000889272 0150000888969 0150000889520 0150000889538 0150000888407 0150000889603 0150000951387 0150000960529 0150000898216 0150000914963 Thanks for your assistance.Medium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 0150000952054 5471 4109 9670 0997 1818 3586 0401 7138 0208 8116 0150000876972 6878 8254 5993 8327 3454 6689 3042 0161 3570 2144 0150000903065 2051 4349 4016 5096 3166 4037 5909 2276 6244 3324 0150000910714 4855 5398 9749 5731 8589 3260 5357 3074 2044 6010 0150000910748 5041 9677 6694 2860 4943 5417 9750 8808 0897 3847 0150000890098 5060 0487 6391 0626 5544 4165 8141 3392 9052 4654 0150000910706 6799 3288 7517 1623 3801 6195 6689 6261 5978 3180 0150000868490 4912 2987 9718 6865 2621 3869 9358 9404 0250 7536 0150000868482 6965 8703 5948 4045 8113 0303 2701 2849 6702 0271 0150000868151 3768 6679 6086 8353 1136 4660 6487 9483 3229 2801 0150000903081 0125 8497 2417 3543 9897 3004 4908 5912 9798 0192 0150000892045 4919 7781 6496 5598 0474 0573 9312 8428 4326 7832 0150000892037 6224 9689 3826 3396 0776 3952 7381 6824 9176 9308 0150000892011 6564 3800 4614 8559 0012 1025 8913 6414 1151 8644 0150000890072 4768 5496 4292 3740 7004 5212 4087 8579 4501 4895 0150000890148 1058 9796 5201 3193 4130 1342 1315 5484 3137 0029 0150000876733 5574 6855 7467 8474 9052 7114 8500 5011 6326 0716 0150000967178 Wrong meter number or not captured. 0150000868185 0424 8676 2665 9953 3585 7127 0904 6441 4457 8427 0150000892029 6230 1866 6559 2320 2257 6781 0142 4572 1241 6272 0150000910730 1814 9745 9307 6291 8997 5587 6115 7483 5248 7724 0150000903073 4000 7320 4927 8154 8984 0315 1089 8165 3554 9529 0150000889272 3525 7970 2471 6810 1547 0485 0973 8837 8142 8918 0150000888969 7256 5713 1308 7314 7946 6743 7078 6558 9977 0253 0150000889520 2347 3331 4112 9729 6132 6063 4518 6108 9308 3623 0150000889538 3408 9547 3631 8326 0067 4915 1007 6669 3530 5645 0150000888407 3587 6761 4341 9085 9136 2858 8070 7865 8594 2224 0150000889603 6878 4614 2457 3369 7350 7192 9849 3762 2283 2211 0150000951387 7144 0056 2380 7027 5991 1136 6168 9207 6800 0467 0150000960529 0505 6026 1440 1694 2122 4832 9460 5039 4527 1294 0150000898216 0074 4435 3096 9317 9501 2601 0801 3889 1919 3733 0150000914963 1406 4340 1113 9401 4725 4245 2913 5178 1059 16352021-05-26 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00016966ClosedKCT Request2021-05-260101200016802 Please Sir Help us with a KCT, Thanks for your support.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-26NoHello, Find below, 1005 3661 4165 3648 2937 3552 9199 6432 8693 2420 Thanks.2021-05-26 yakubaliyu82@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00016965ClosedKCT Request2021-05-25Please kindly send me kct token following up meter 0101200086490 Good morning ict supportMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-05-25NoHello, Find below, 6857 7009 2909 8069 1261 2992 7549 4146 7273 90542021-05-25 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00016965ClosedKCT Request2021-05-25Please kindly send me kct token following up meter 0101200086490 Good morning ict supportMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-05-25NoHello, Find below, 6857 7009 2909 8069 1261 2992 7549 4146 7273 90542021-05-25 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00016964ClosedKCT Request2021-05-24Good afternoon, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters from 02 to 01.Thank you. Meter Numbers: 0101200119689 0101205008317Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, 0101200119689 02 To 01 2155 7567 4857 3860 4977 1437 6992 6031 1116 0793 0101205008317 02 To 01 0492 2246 3480 6684 3586 1421 4677 4089 0124 05822021-05-24 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016963ClosedKCT Request2021-05-240101170226274 44000403509 T01 TO T21Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, 0101170226274 6502 3364 0947 4198 4270 4781 3732 7935 8949 3587 44000403509 T01 TO T21 7332 8948 8473 6367 9574 3825 1499 3255 8915 4372 Thanks.2021-05-24 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00016962ClosedKCT Request2021-05-24Dear ITSupport Kindly Furnish me with the above information for Meter Numbers 23102126689 23100546425 23100574005 23100543349 6251006676 23102135508 23102135284 23100538752 0101205003169Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, 23102126689 3120 7810 1019 8392 9665 4227 5590 3260 1199 8227 23100546425 6307 0678 4548 5057 7814 0780 2382 1422 3228 6419 23100574005 7287 0828 5111 3256 5808 7193 3993 4345 1141 5543 23100543349 This meter is a Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence you may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. 6251006676 Not captured or wrong meter number. 23102135508 5159 0767 6114 9231 5789 1018 8447 0852 9445 0377 23102135284 This meter is a Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence you may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. 23100538752 0016 6637 7010 8996 7789 6213 7826 3183 1497 9571 0101205003169 3477 8524 0002 8583 3375 4456 9610 6098 9523 12332021-05-24 abigailiyane@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016961ClosedKCT Request2021-05-24Please kindly send me the kct for this meter no below 0101200076582MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-24No3836 0180 8756 6942 5017 1962 2560 0876 0306 22802021-05-24 umarmacy35@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016960ClosedKCT Request2021-05-24: Kct,0101190142261 Please kindly assist with the above from 4-1 thank you.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, 6082 9048 1423 1676 2557 2345 3080 1476 5444 08332021-05-24 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016959ClosedKCT Request2021-05-24Pls generate a KCT for the below meter number on 0001 0101200105985Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, 6598 9886 0221 7775 1511 2622 0564 8171 3071 41072021-05-24 uwadiasamson04@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016958ClosedKCT Request2021-05-24REQUEST FOR KCT Hello. Please kindly assist. MSN:0150000865389 Thanks.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, 3626 0992 5693 2275 0177 1776 3046 1187 9579 85062021-05-24 delukosam@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016957ClosedKCT Request2021-05-24Request for KCT meter 23102132455 Kindly furnish me with above information best regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, 3429 2295 3579 6294 2660 7109 1586 8592 9820 83322021-05-24 tsavsarmngu@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016956ClosedTamper Code2021-05-24Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 44000376135 ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, 44000376135 Clear Tamper 0 6784 5108 8500 2119 16262021-05-24 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016955ClosedKCT Request2021-05-24Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101200028716 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, 0101200028716 Clear Tamper 0 3677 4501 6746 4885 08002021-05-24 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016954ClosedKCT Request2021-05-24Request for KCT 44000373371 & 44000322485Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, 44000373371 3266 4731 4813 4521 2107 3429 3668 2835 6484 5041 44000322485 1980 6708 4618 3551 6311 0597 7507 2091 3063 5495 Thanks.2021-05-24 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00016953ClosedTamper Code2021-05-24Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly vette on these meters for support to generate tamper 0101190139176 0101200061972 0101200004659 0101190136701 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, 0101190139176 6267 2064 5796 3256 8035 0101200061972 0652 1452 4138 0726 5595 0101200004659 5769 1919 2075 3573 2985 0101190136701 4858 5391 7800 5355 55902021-05-24 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016952ClosedKCT Request2021-05-24Hello Team, Kindly assist with the above-mentioned for the meter numbers below 1. 44000379246 2. 0101200115992 3. 0101200057616 Best Regards, Halima Mujtaba AbdulrahmanMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-24NoFind below, 1. 44000379246 5352 7900 6743 5434 4305 3028 6500 8210 5086 9484 2. 0101200115992 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 3. 0101200057616 1317 1877 9042 5098 7469 4184 4507 2604 3408 57412021-05-24 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016951ClosedKCT Request2021-05-24Dear ITSupport Kindly Furnish me with the above information for Meter Numbers 62420228843 23100573908Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-24NoFind below, 62420228843 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 23100573908 6582 3109 4732 6935 9681 2321 8939 6974 0948 95152021-05-24 abigailiyane@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016950ClosedKCT Request2021-05-24Hello. Please kindly assist. MSN:0150000889389 Thanks.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-24NoFind below, 5167 2897 6860 2589 4983 6663 2934 2530 7719 53722021-05-24 delukosam@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016949ClosedKCT Request2021-05-24Plz kindly generate kct to this meter 44000339281Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-24NoFind below, 0806 5887 7617 2594 7366 7005 9858 6507 6206 83862021-05-24 onceinlife6464@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016948ClosedKCT Request2021-05-240150000857691 From 01 to 46 0150000915820 From 01 to 04 0150000868920 From 01 to 02Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-24NoFind below, 0150000857691 From 01 to 46 0540 7731 5422 8406 4420 5700 0325 8293 4048 3904 0150000915820 From 01 to 04 6362 4082 2427 2008 8031 6359 3309 7056 0419 6351 0150000868920 From 01 to 02 1079 0540 6882 5986 2153 4527 1542 3597 0343 88922021-05-24 infortech4life@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00016947ClosedKCT Request2021-05-24Dear ITSupport, Kindly Furnish me with the above information for Meter Numbers with their tarrif numbers 0101195007345 _ 0002 0101205003128 _0002 23102124502_001 23100552498Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-24NoFind below, 0101195007345 _ 0002 6906 9255 4857 6785 5125 5904 3032 9900 2023 8686 0101205003128 _0002 7253 0257 5911 0411 2537 2516 7427 1913 8782 3680 23102124502_001 It is also on 001 on our system. So, it does not require KCT. If they are facing any difficulties recharging, kindly dispatch maintenance team to troubleshoot the meter. 23100552498 0400 1940 9234 3676 0873 1942 6828 0732 4637 98122021-05-24 abigailiyane@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016946ClosedTamper Code2021-05-24Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101178035073 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, 0101178035073 Clear Tamper 0 2539 7335 3797 6318 37992021-05-24 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016945ClosedTamper Code2021-05-24Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly vette on these meters for support to generate tamper 0101200088785 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, 0101200088785 Clear Tamper 0 4636 8393 6612 0123 95852021-05-24 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016944ClosedKCT Request2021-05-24KCT generation please for Ticket no 00016893 Status open 95300161304 95300104940 95300146750 0195000005031 0195000003101 thanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, 95300161304 1954 1976 1384 6781 4074 7279 4325 7649 1137 1935 95300104940 0661 5194 3024 1258 6160 4996 7877 9278 6815 2447 95300146750 6558 4535 0967 5585 0103 4958 6010 1951 6975 7584 0195000005031 7175 9621 4597 0094 6978 6461 6192 7349 7315 8485 0195000003101 1445 5834 6331 7653 7206 3245 4694 2780 1436 59862021-05-24 beediesarah5@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016943ClosedKCT Request2021-05-24: Request for KCT 0101200079651Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, 4618 8792 7639 2464 5034 2371 1644 1448 5822 32382021-05-24 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016942ClosedTamper Code2021-05-24Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly vette on these meters for support to generate tamper 0101170266577 0101170387464 0101170287649 54161016214 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, 0101170266577 2542 5922 3031 7855 1474 0101170387464 1990 4252 3681 0147 2662 0101170287649 3388 1880 0208 5297 5905 54161016214 6263 8092 9920 3603 98912021-05-24 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016941ClosedKCT Request2021-05-24Request for KCT number 0101200084909 Dear IT support, Please I need the above information ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-24NoHello, This meter is a Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence you may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2021-05-24 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016940ClosedTamper Code2021-05-24Dear Support/Audit Team, Please Kindly Vette on those MSN for support to generate a clear tamper code to enable those customers have our good services. 0101200070882 0101200067565 0101200067508 0101170153809 0101200007652 0101200051502 0101200074819 0101170276469 0101170119651 0101170252528 0101200011047 0101205008317 0101170182139 0101170183673 0101200096390 0101190136719 0101200110985 0101161039694 0101200108393 0101190035994 0101190149233 0101200067060 0101200104830 0101200113955 0101205005339 0101160347734 54161041584 54160997208 4400034097Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, 0101200070882 5658 4678 3232 0214 7213 0101200067565 0616 2214 5116 6557 1463 0101200067508 3146 1815 1852 0891 3676 0101170153809 2599 3774 8757 4912 3765 0101200007652 3710 4199 0124 4212 2466 0101200051502 1449 0380 1208 8072 0337 0101200074819 0907 8054 8322 4185 5323 0101170276469 3794 2660 6119 2645 6569 0101170119651 6151 7636 6587 7300 6953 0101170252528 6928 5378 9697 7673 2623 0101200011047 Not captured. 0101205008317 3928 7634 0976 1231 7042 0101170182139 Wrong MSN or not captured. 0101170183673 0376 7685 7401 1155 2340 0101200096390 6022 4080 0100 7555 9144 0101190136719 5331 5597 3162 9840 9146 0101200110985 6586 0818 8098 8651 0297 0101161039694 4674 8149 4655 5172 0520 0101200108393 4018 6029 2404 1564 7739 0101190035994 1899 3975 5279 0068 5563 0101190149233 7251 6828 2254 0505 7277 0101200067060 4092 8476 4852 0305 3045 0101200104830 5381 9484 7935 0312 1578 0101200113955 7315 2186 4037 2134 1669 0101205005339 0094 2364 3695 2069 8394 0101160347734 1454 1440 4073 7637 0751 54161041584 5112 0179 4491 0764 7921 54160997208 4322 1656 8818 3489 7749 4400034097 Wrong msn or not captured.2021-05-24 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016939ClosedKCT Request2021-05-24Request for KCT KCT generation please for 0195000005155 0195000005163 95300104858 ThanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, 0195000005155 5671 2769 6723 0015 4390 0482 0793 5560 1568 3738 0195000005163 7002 2545 2542 8575 2207 3028 0254 9916 4873 1597 95300104858 6486 8350 5001 3372 9068 4552 1271 0293 8604 22732021-05-24 beediesarah5@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00016938ClosedKCT Request2021-05-24Kct Pls kindly help me with kct of this meter number from 0001 to 0021 0101170460238Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, 3020 1817 3229 4833 7353 7133 2299 0986 2460 6174 Thanks.2021-05-24 amibabs433@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00016937ClosedKCT Request2021-05-24Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000884547. & 0150000879513 Good dayMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, 0150000884547 0429 0577 3946 4150 7111 2942 1362 8684 0666 3850 0150000879513 5421 7326 5966 7457 7007 0584 7789 2748 8640 2721 Thanks.2021-05-24 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00016936ClosedKCT Request2021-05-24Hello Team, Kindly assist with the above-mentioned for the meter numbers below 1. 0101200047286 2. 0101195006198 3. 0101200023579 4. 0101200031959 5. 0101161017070 6. 0101200021042 7. 0101200101141 8. 0101170180950 9. 0101170167601 10. 0101200086854 11. 0101200048516 12. 0101200038152 Best Regards, Halima Mujtaba AbdulrahmanMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, 1. 0101200047286 6634 3999 4185 8001 2521 6287 3001 5021 7439 0445 2. 0101195006198 6660 0188 9038 2525 0518 1950 1598 3660 3409 8368 3. 0101200023579 Not captured. 4. 0101200031959 5996 5723 5903 4152 3144 7345 5164 8585 4996 1489 5. 0101161017070 1534 5713 5479 9006 5247 4170 0963 2563 5968 3534 6. 0101200021042 4759 6824 8596 8617 0561 5711 6601 7362 7166 0299 7. 0101200101141 1804 4454 3704 1942 2738 7108 7647 2108 4551 3045 8. 0101170180950 4030 2699 4614 0594 3410 6291 2278 3119 0241 1557 9. 0101170167601 This meter is a Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence you may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. 10. 0101200086854 2584 0980 3534 0902 8716 1325 1797 6527 7803 1406 11. 0101200048516 This meter is a Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence you may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. 12. 0101200038152 Not captured.2021-05-24 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016935ClosedTamper Code2021-05-24Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101170195792 ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, 0101170195792 Clear Tamper 0 1456 6208 7009 6481 30052021-05-24 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016934ClosedKCT Request2021-05-24Request for KCT from 0001 to 0002 0101200055032Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, 0857 3838 9001 4899 1374 2705 1142 6668 7784 02682021-05-24 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016933ClosedKCT Request2021-05-240150000872260 b 0150000891484 thanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, 0150000872260 2325 4416 2883 4461 9726 2750 8559 2780 2149 2778 0150000891484 02396900795926029217 20030308281748684662 Thanks.2021-05-24 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00016932ClosedKCT Request2021-05-24Re-Request for kct Dear Support, Please kindly assist me me with KCT. The meter Tariff change from 0002 to 0033 please kindly feed me with KCT of 0033. 0101185047731.. Thank you.Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, 0216 8748 6804 4705 4477 1893 3470 5218 1031 6577 Thanks.2021-05-24 saminuaminubaba@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00016931ClosedKCT Request2021-05-240150000913569Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, 4663 4128 4176 4840 5747 6339 5574 3354 6256 5238 Thanks.2021-05-24 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00016930ClosedKCT Request2021-05-24: Request for KCT number 0101205007798 Dear IT support, Pls I need the above information. ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, 3114 6737 1869 7968 2780 0111 3309 5971 1156 23852021-05-24 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016929ClosedKCT Request2021-05-24Find Below 0150000898950 From 01 to 02 0150000935182 From 01 to 46 0150000879364 From 01 to 33 0150000881113 From 01 to 33 0150000915200 From 01 to 02 0150300023150 From 01 to 03Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, 0150000898950 From 01 to 02 7206 0719 3216 2505 4932 5148 9227 9102 5074 8979 0150000935182 From 01 to 46 2821 9702 5887 8262 1445 1726 1628 3863 6154 9788 0150000879364 From 01 to 33 5324 1680 9790 5293 6312 1983 8504 2765 4481 4566 0150000881113 From 01 to 33 5055 0678 0249 5166 4207 1677 3037 1818 9521 2092 0150000915200 From 01 to 02 5506 2392 0133 0800 8359 2957 3794 5611 3500 6109 0150300023150 From 01 to 03 4563 0089 2168 3641 7955 0077 7945 4853 4480 47272021-05-24 infortech4life@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016928ClosedKCT Request2021-05-24KCT generation please for 0195000005288 0195000007813 95300147246 95300104833 95300150612 95300147782 thanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, 0195000005288 1285 8107 5974 5258 6908 2545 3578 2771 7735 3458 0195000007813 3753 1738 9951 7796 7700 2553 8825 0650 6931 8299 95300147246 4240 4277 1315 1124 4547 0427 2914 7829 3455 3922 95300104833 4830 7981 0332 2260 8459 4532 1980 1599 8863 1505 95300150612 7372 6189 6429 2643 2346 0759 3863 6189 3609 0163 95300147782 5719 5438 5748 1799 0222 5793 6260 4875 6269 77842021-05-24 beediesarah5@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016927ClosedVending History2021-05-24Dear support, Kindly avail us with the VH for 62420224131.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, Transaction DetailsToken DetailsTransaction ID: 0925161909350424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-22 13:11:44 Meter No.: 62420224131 Account No.: 649582 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionVAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 29.24 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 1450 1878 2028 3187 7430 Transaction ID: 1182161190815824 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-29 09:15:58 Meter No.: 62420224131 Account No.: 649582 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionEnergy Cost: ₦4,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦4,000.00 Transaction ID: 2411161441828924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-27 10:31:29 Meter No.: 62420224131 Account No.: 649582 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionEnergy Cost: ₦4,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦4,000.00 Transaction ID: 6756161657522324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-24 09:40:23 Meter No.: 62420224131 Account No.: 649582 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionEnergy Cost: ₦7,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦7,000.00 Transaction ID: 8462161055986624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-13 18:44:26 Meter No.: 62420224131 Account No.: 649582 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionEnergy Cost: ₦5,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.002021-05-24 evelyntsokar87@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016926ClosedKCT Request2021-05-24: Request for kct in respect of this account 54161117061 0150000879513 0150000880321 0150000903065Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, 54161117061 6862 3763 4308 8452 5104 4786 0290 8156 2823 6980 0150000879513 5421 7326 5966 7457 7007 0584 7789 2748 8640 2721 0150000880321 3120 9775 4839 2950 6429 0351 9488 4233 8793 4734 0150000903065 This meter was not found, please kindly confirm meter number. Thanks.2021-05-24 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00016925ClosedKCT Request2021-05-24Request for KCT number 0101200086011 Dear IT support, Pls I need the above information. ThanksMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, 2522 1707 3767 2257 9108 6584 9938 5743 3148 01292021-05-24 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00016925ClosedKCT Request2021-05-24Request for KCT number 0101200086011 Dear IT support, Pls I need the above information. ThanksMedium3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, 2522 1707 3767 2257 9108 6584 9938 5743 3148 01292021-05-24 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00016924ClosedKCT Request2021-05-24Request for KCT of this customer 0150000916497Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, 2441 3230 4235 8473 8167 1930 3196 0894 4925 2302 Thanks.2021-05-24 delukosam@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00016923ClosedKCT Request2021-05-24Please kindly assist me with kct of these customers 0150000881105 0150000866494 0150000887144 0150000892086Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, 0150000881105 0809 0072 8042 2882 2445 1648 6886 1722 5438 7367 0150000866494 3605 1387 2990 1758 4875 7318 2781 5093 3289 0079 0150000887144 2667 8893 1092 0974 9951 7307 5545 8428 1044 0805 0150000892086 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2021-05-24 delukosam@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016922ClosedKCT Request2021-05-24Request for KCT meter no 0101195009101 Odoh ElizabethMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, 3673 3204 3115 8818 8314 3781 2135 2366 0857 6737 Thanks.2021-05-24 benmercyladi@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00016921ClosedKCT Request2021-05-240150300022350 T01 To T24 44000354876 T01 TO 21Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-24NoHello, Find below as requested. 0150300022350 T01 To T24 2230 6230 0786 1119 8821 3132 4795 3877 0706 0655 44000354876 T01 TO 21 1203 1329 9545 8286 6183 4782 3421 4994 1581 69302021-05-24 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016920Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00016919ClosedKCT Request2021-05-240150300029801 b 0150000881246 thanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, 0150300029801 b 5410 3005 5113 5029 4077 6490 2500 9516 5587 5608 0150000881246 4828 9503 7768 2701 3732 5823 2386 6537 0360 80692021-05-24 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016918ClosedKCT Request2021-05-24KCT please 0150000892862Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, 71128523570482799569 237060066749200591882021-05-24 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016917ClosedKCT Request2021-05-24KCT generation please for 95300150786 95300158698 ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, 95300150786 1347 3068 3254 1226 9199 6928 3080 7971 2177 7988 95300158698 27248859532617264493 615954586309158730602021-05-24 beediesarah5@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016916ClosedKCT Request2021-05-24Request for k c t please 0150000942964 thanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, 0331 6311 4864 5163 0173 4762 0167 3637 5923 1630 Thanks.2021-05-24 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00016915ClosedKCT Request2021-05-24Request for KCT 0101190139085Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, 6323 7250 7175 0831 7061 4510 7673 6905 1036 8272 Thanks.2021-05-24 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00016914ClosedKCT Request2021-05-240101185047731 this is the correct meterMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, 5120 0004 2788 1978 3792 0803 3510 7193 0534 12112021-05-24 saminuaminubaba@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016913ClosedKCT Request2021-05-24Request for KCT 23102128362Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, 4076 5070 0885 8035 1722 6833 2566 5579 0663 3244 Thanks.2021-05-24 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00016912ClosedKCT Request2021-05-24Please find below meter numbers to generate KCT 44000357366 44000362820 44000318400 44000355626 ThanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, 44000357366 0694 0064 4373 1099 1404 0122 1503 0606 7693 4734 44000362820 2155 2866 7568 0922 1984 4129 3293 3202 5087 5747 44000318400, 44000355626 These meters are single phase residential meters and on 001 on our database. Hence, no KCT needed. However, you may wish to query the meters to know which tariff index they’re on. ELSE, contact meter maintenance team for assistance.2021-05-24 surefreedeen@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00016911ClosedKCT Request2021-05-24KCT please 0150000886690Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, 2127 7381 5866 4752 1516 0765 6507 1272 3349 76812021-05-24 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016910ClosedKCT Request2021-05-240150000879364 b. 0150000881113 thanksMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, 0150000879364 5324 1680 9790 5293 6312 1983 8504 2765 4481 4566 0150000881113 5055 0678 0249 5166 4207 1677 3037 1818 9521 2092 Thanks.2021-05-24 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00016909ClosedKCT Request2021-05-24REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200084594 IT Support Pls treatMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, 4987 7644 3564 9122 0862 3167 2888 6776 2712 68412021-05-24 stynlucs@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016908ClosedKCT Request2021-05-24Please kindly assist me with the kct of this meter. MSN:0150000881311 MSN:0150000968126 Thanks.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, ‘ MSN:0150000881311 0032 3408 5724 4346 1505 0741 3119 6913 2779 7875 MSN:0150000968126 2235 0282 7030 0163 5083 6492 1693 9858 3160 66342021-05-24 delukosam@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016907ClosedKCT Request2021-05-24Request for KCT meter no 0101195002023 Aroh prince ifeanyiMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, 0200 7077 2417 9833 2152 3598 8360 1867 1866 2969 Thanks.2021-05-24 benmercyladi@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00016906ClosedKCT Request2021-05-24Request for KCT number 57100075084 Dear IT support, Pls I need the above information. Thank youMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-24NoHello, This meter is a single phase residential meter and on 001 on our database. Hence, no KCT needed. However, you may wish to query the meter to know which tariff index it is on. ELSE, contact meter maintenance team for assistance. Thanks.2021-05-24 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00016905ClosedKCT Request2021-05-24Hello. Please kindly assist me with this request. MSN:0150000868235 Thanks.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-24NoHello, This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2021-05-24 delukosam@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016904ClosedKCT Request2021-05-24: Good morning, please kindly send me kct following meter number 0101200078174 the meter is on 0004 to 0003 Hello supportMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-24NoHello, Find below as requested. 2939 9581 6917 2309 4986 6999 2519 9120 4099 13752021-05-24 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016903ClosedKCT Request2021-05-24Dear ITSupport, Kindly Furnish me with the above information for Meter Numbers 62520001884 62520000415 23100543265 23102128925 23102136035 0101195004086 0101195002163 62521005751 62420218828 23102129949 23100543281 23102126572 23100543372 62520001579 62420228454 62521010439 23102133909 0101178035768 23100551979 62420254906 62420228439 62521000364. ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, 62520001884 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62520000415 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 23100543265 2668 0305 8135 9634 7717 6000 6777 7529 4907 3468 23102128925 6789 5524 9860 2426 9428 4094 3433 3894 2078 8661 23102136035 3069 8658 4478 2642 1394 7152 1534 3945 2176 6866 0101195004086 2877 8512 1399 1934 9257 0315 4258 8174 2111 9024 0101195002163 5727 0875 9227 1327 8220 1355 9873 8944 3508 3207 62521005751 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62420218828 2152 5319 9307 6836 6149 0394 0499 7837 2229 5491 23102129949 1515 8539 4272 6188 0104 1763 0486 1681 4432 0537 23100543281 0185 4971 4743 0081 5619 0753 8114 4741 7208 3780 23102126572 4987 9504 8627 8859 8834 2535 2104 8762 8557 5329 23100543372 3532 4345 7438 8058 4186 7232 1655 3567 5757 2501 62520001579 7333 6874 6956 1173 3460 6838 0160 3259 4082 3301 62420228454 4349 7589 2165 8869 8509 4428 5497 6196 7913 5066 62521010439 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 23102133909 4071 5480 6093 4185 2069 2711 5485 2175 7654 4264 0101178035768 6219 3455 9314 4238 0973 4112 4510 0454 0685 1021 23100551979 2247 6590 8938 1191 7781 1607 6366 1816 9341 4031 62420254906 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62420228439 4561 6334 1673 9067 0647 4951 2945 2068 7744 2290 62521000364. This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-05-24 abigailiyane@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016902ClosedKCT Request2021-05-24Good morning sir Kindly assist with KCT for the MSNS 44000337319 1 To 21 44000356301 1 To 21 44000390185 1 To 21Medium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, 44000337319 1 To 21 4149 6105 3298 7449 9722 3148 8079 2306 6719 8929 44000356301 1 To 21 6790 8287 7636 6425 1037 0063 7345 8599 9555 6879 44000390185 1 To 21 0202 5971 7296 6431 9907 3805 7929 6049 9731 6318 Thanks.2021-05-24 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00016901ClosedKCT Request2021-05-24Request for kct Please kindly send me the kct for this meter no below. 0101160047565.021 to 33Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-24NoHello, Find below as requested. 7347 8897 1716 3924 0943 1792 3729 5935 5054 95082021-05-24 umarmacy35@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016900ClosedVending History2021-05-24: vh Pls Kindly help extract VH for Monday Edeh 54160935059 TnxMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, Transaction Details Token Details Transaction ID: 1423161132424024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-22 15:04:00 Meter No.: 54160935059 Account No.: 568184 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 94.94 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 0979 9520 6997 0628 1827 Transaction ID: 1941161095860424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-18 09:30:04 Meter No.: 54160935059 Account No.: 568184 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦6.98 Energy Cost: ₦93.02 KwH: 1.90 Amount Tendered: ₦100.00 4207 8018 5407 6114 4044 Transaction ID: 4013161650214224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-23 13:22:22 Meter No.: 54160935059 Account No.: 568184 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦383.72 Energy Cost: ₦5,116.28 KwH: 104.44 Amount Tendered: ₦5,500.00 2528 4110 0944 2392 6798 Transaction ID: 8761161381239624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-20 10:13:16 Meter No.: 54160935059 Account No.: 568184 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦383.72 Energy Cost: ₦5,116.28 KwH: 104.44 Amount Tendered: ₦5,500.00 5372 0346 3163 2672 52832021-05-24 baturewominya@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016899ClosedVending History2021-05-24: VH Pls Kindly help extract VH for Peter Ayua 23102124308. TnxMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, Transaction Details Token Details Transaction ID: 1213161364227124 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-18 10:57:51 Meter No.: 23102124308 Account No.: 621710210801 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦6,500.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦6,500.00 Transaction ID: 2577161596765224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-17 08:54:12 Meter No.: 23102124308 Account No.: 621710210801 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦7,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦7,000.00 Transaction ID: 4131161901001124 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-21 14:00:11 Meter No.: 23102124308 Account No.: 621710210801 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦5,500.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦5,500.00 Transaction ID: 9016161100800724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-18 23:13:27 Meter No.: 23102124308 Account No.: 621710210801 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦4,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦4,000.002021-05-24 baturewominya@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016898ClosedKCT Request2021-05-24KCT 0150000872377Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, 2527 2934 7014 7614 6243 5513 7838 1497 1807 81452021-05-24 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016897ClosedKCT Request2021-05-24: Request for KCT number 0101200088306, 0101200108062 Dear IT support, Pls I need the above information ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, 0101200088306, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101200108062 5396 4888 9790 8865 7701 2662 6554 0058 3010 56872021-05-24 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016896ClosedKCT Request2021-05-2444000320554 Thank youMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, 0282 8738 2289 3441 4294 0300 9858 4820 7953 6777 Thanks.2021-05-24 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00016895ClosedKCT Request2021-05-24Please find below meter number to generate KCT 44000356772 Thanks CCRM ID 3143 Gombe Regional officeMedium3846 Isah Abubakar2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, 2486 6516 1423 0735 0358 5365 9815 7861 5762 9006 Thanks.2021-05-24 musazumoo@gmail.com Isah Abubakar
#00016894ClosedKCT Request2021-05-24Correct meter number is 0195000007136 Regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, 3398 9107 3019 5400 8801 6329 1858 3576 6061 30822021-05-24 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016893ClosedKCT Request2021-05-24KCT generation please for 0195000001063 0101195006495 ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, 0195000001063 5668 6809 2321 3647 9305 1228 1446 1531 6112 2547 0101195006495 5247 9409 0790 2796 6576 4144 7269 5695 6517 00832021-05-24 beediesarah5@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016892ClosedKCT Request2021-05-24Dear support. Kindly avail us with the KCT of this meter. 23102129949 Thanks and regards ERIC ASUA Supervisor: Revenue Protection Unit Makurdi RegionMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-24NoHello, Find below, 2960 9144 9621 7942 6826 0159 4298 6471 6197 04962021-05-24 ericasua@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016891ClosedKCT Request2021-05-24Request for KCT Good morning, KCT generation please 0195000001758.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-24NoFind below, 0468 3659 2913 5602 8225 0778 5666 7355 9430 36002021-05-24 beediesarah5@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016890ClosedKCT Request2021-05-21Hello Team Kindly generate KCT for meter detailed below. Meter No. 0101190006292 Tariff index. 0001 Please treat this as urgent. Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-20NoHello, Find below, 6852 6098 2277 6942 3969 7084 7046 0855 4054 15122021-05-20 actoniankheeper@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016889ClosedKCT Request2021-05-20Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000944911MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-20NoHello, Find below, 4669 8010 1419 8041 6887 2025 9553 2155 7346 27062021-05-20 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016888ClosedKCT Request2021-05-20Request for kct 23100539560MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-20NoHello, Find below, 4321 8053 8857 7074 3203 0022 6534 1789 5186 27192021-05-20 tyoverpeter@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00016887ClosedKCT Request2021-05-19Hello, Good afternoon, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters. Thank you. Meter Numbers: 0101200099618 0101200044721 0101200079958 0101200074488 0101170249995 0101200101620Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-19NoFind below, 0101200099618 6790 4237 3249 5773 9522 6631 0670 8690 9397 8087 0101200044721 0571 3681 1974 4258 1921 7311 2492 5570 6582 0950 0101200079958 0010 8996 2179 2972 2877 5351 2356 0689 0007 8622 0101200074488 3659 1523 6403 6502 1744 1625 3762 7761 1060 9947 0101170249995 2977 8759 8252 9872 4366 0154 6920 6347 8984 1773 0101200101620 6527 6551 3275 2851 7558 2622 5327 3162 3784 33892021-05-19 ademugeorge@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016886ClosedKCT Request2021-05-19Dear support, Please assist with the subject above for these MSN 44000371110 44000345247Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-19NoFind below, 44000371110 This meter displayed an incomplete token, kindly allow us some time to generate the KCT. 44000345247 3519 7114 6064 7402 0186 7011 1279 7375 9789 33922021-05-19 mwuladi@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00016885ClosedKCT Request2021-05-19: REQUEST FOR KCT 62420214132 23100557026 625210071187 23100547449 Kindly furnish us with the above information Best regard.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-19NoFind below, 62420214132 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 23100557026 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 625210071187 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 23100547449 3569 7495 3522 5828 6022 1046 4752 6205 6437 81052021-05-19 lawalazeez2023@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016884ClosedKCT Request2021-05-19REQUEST FOR KCT HELLO. Please kindly assist me with this request for the attached meters. Thanks for your support.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-19NoHello, Find below, Meter Number 0150000882913 3070 1958 1100 8417 2857 5298 6136 5512 6709 8276 0150000871296 6180 9792 6914 5323 3206 5446 3798 0253 7036 1152 0150000951361 5140 1861 5731 5499 7173 4523 3430 9470 5637 7569 0150000961618 6154 7229 7420 3317 3121 3293 0679 3153 3010 5357 0150000897424 0122 9186 6357 2591 5722 1198 1144 7643 8160 1982 0150000913213 4845 6083 9180 5540 8492 2212 4554 8308 3821 0601 0150000913205 0286 8004 9572 0068 1461 7153 1459 1449 3224 9701 0150000969710 5127 5462 3080 6412 6652 2106 4965 8674 4757 9684 0150000962707 7127 4500 1217 6595 3940 5708 7567 8164 0471 7516 0150000951163 1288 2599 2027 9336 6552 4707 8355 4386 4210 1118 0150000960511 4298 8689 4106 2986 8749 3281 6068 6375 4653 0843 0150000969447 6587 9291 3118 0614 6760 6729 0994 2042 7529 5903 0150000954985 4924 2621 1560 5590 6795 2504 8635 6867 2349 6369 0150000899479 6145 1688 9456 8702 0224 1246 0340 2199 7528 9615 0150000962772 5607 7116 9799 9934 4456 3961 0611 0447 4645 1776 0150000951338 2400 8988 8705 0522 6365 1041 1894 5229 6245 6369 0150000881824 2237 6632 6816 4094 7036 3573 9347 0866 9515 4363 0150000914203 3028 7926 2928 4108 9919 1345 9670 9255 3022 8045 0150000916489 3218 7774 4251 7176 2066 7337 9272 6430 2698 5751 0150000881949 2627 5006 5082 3261 0584 3875 4774 0795 0970 4175 0150000888985 4112 4403 5301 7822 0760 0436 5067 4337 3716 1245 0150000880305 5768 1303 8603 2137 0303 0946 0411 8900 3603 6804 0150000882269 7129 2289 0871 2698 9138 0912 1825 1332 8282 6934 0150000888605 1982 5748 2982 0470 1277 5496 7132 2441 5010 6547 0150000881840 2017 1826 3085 1789 7112 1776 6064 3022 9846 6151 0150000881832 0872 5743 7732 7632 7536 1390 3214 6387 1686 9130 0150000969405 1075 5890 5967 7495 0733 4944 1766 5344 1812 0175 0150000951403 0528 1422 1053 6401 7227 0266 0241 7302 7245 6072 0150000951197 3134 7687 4968 4126 9753 1430 6699 0459 8899 5985 0150000951429 2441 9731 2082 2821 5276 5050 6016 0044 1113 7607 0150000953771 4981 3111 0640 4066 0022 5249 1049 9608 7964 1514 0150000969462 5711 4345 3059 2052 0361 0201 6009 0225 0792 2550 0150000960537 0165 6507 3009 1926 4093 7235 8038 3887 2673 8093 0150000880255 0878 9739 6975 1936 3811 1598 0911 7393 2355 5480 0150000868284 1289 5723 9325 2073 6871 5007 5094 0296 1695 7387 0150000908767 5221 5596 8836 6356 7334 2475 7633 0691 7736 8822 0150000963473 1622 9507 6215 1343 0698 4105 2422 3351 2761 0258 0150000954910 6448 7892 3181 4675 9088 0053 2335 1692 2446 0248 0150000952104 4686 5173 7791 0530 5796 0309 0999 4649 4239 0783 0150000881303 6625 6977 7536 5075 7281 1938 2243 8742 5214 2213 0150000951270 3388 7027 8816 2225 7175 2629 8853 1201 6182 8218 0150000963465 3335 0786 5935 7671 7739 4702 9182 1557 6887 3772 0150000951114 4937 8418 8113 6566 7497 2439 5538 0059 2896 9304 0150000951353 0495 0995 5255 5821 4060 4140 5301 4711 4618 9784 0150000951494 3979 8611 4807 4267 9882 6075 7656 2869 5111 9165 0150000951437 3064 2938 2952 0461 8518 7165 3294 3957 6559 6053 0150000951346 6058 6430 8358 4202 9655 1803 2228 4915 4876 4911 0150000867328 5532 9476 3982 0334 7503 0650 7407 8032 1918 7457 0150000880263 2448 0168 1944 0830 6205 5202 3978 2733 2828 1563 0150000967284 6219 7644 9912 7786 0347 6286 1949 4099 0095 5190 0150000954928 3709 6810 7774 2842 5122 1599 0918 5901 0748 9835 0150000950678 5423 9832 7955 2486 8778 5697 3246 8589 0044 6679 0150000881808 5765 7846 2789 6757 4716 2484 6908 2292 7986 7590 0150000962749 0801 0443 7749 5942 8489 4323 3580 4122 4127 99682021-05-19 delukosam@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016883ClosedVending History2021-05-19Please kindly generate a Vending history for this MSN 0101160394819MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-19NoHello, Find below. Transaction Details Token Details Transaction ID: 1395161341035124 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-15 18:32:31 Meter No.: 0101160394819 Account No.: 6460901282-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦22,186.05 Energy Cost: ₦295,813.95 KwH: 5141.91 Amount Tendered: ₦318,000.00 2567 2614 7236 4728 2058 Transaction ID: 1422161825770524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-12 21:01:45 Meter No.: 0101160394819 Account No.: 6460901282-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦11,162.79 Energy Cost: ₦148,837.21 KwH: 2587.12 Amount Tendered: ₦160,000.00 3891 2235 8329 6433 3789 Transaction ID: 1729161671457824 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-26 00:22:58 Meter No.: 0101160394819 Account No.: 6460901282-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦3,488.37 Energy Cost: ₦46,511.63 KwH: 808.48 Amount Tendered: ₦50,000.00 3581 5364 3782 8343 4811 Transaction ID: 2196161459231724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-01 10:51:57 Meter No.: 0101160394819 Account No.: 6460901282-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦6,976.74 Energy Cost: ₦93,023.26 KwH: 1616.95 Amount Tendered: ₦100,000.00 6290 2169 1771 9183 3119 Transaction ID: 2348161703658924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-29 17:49:49 Meter No.: 0101160394819 Account No.: 6460901282-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦22,186.05 Energy Cost: ₦295,813.95 KwH: 5141.91 Amount Tendered: ₦318,000.00 0619 0729 9432 7525 5229 Transaction ID: 2493161539435224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-10 17:39:12 Meter No.: 0101160394819 Account No.: 6460901282-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦6,976.74 Energy Cost: ₦93,023.26 KwH: 1616.95 Amount Tendered: ₦100,000.00 5151 9877 9792 9498 1349 Transaction ID: 3249161717698424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-31 08:49:44 Meter No.: 0101160394819 Account No.: 6460901282-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦11,093.02 Energy Cost: ₦147,906.98 KwH: 2570.95 Amount Tendered: ₦159,000.00 1943 8837 3846 2703 2705 Transaction ID: 3361162131740624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-18 06:56:46 Meter No.: 0101160394819 Account No.: 6460901282-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦7,813.95 Energy Cost: ₦104,186.05 KwH: 1810.99 Amount Tendered: ₦112,000.00 1361 4397 8285 9963 7589 Transaction ID: 4117161555604424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-12 14:34:04 Meter No.: 0101160394819 Account No.: 6460901282-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦3,488.37 Energy Cost: ₦46,511.63 KwH: 808.48 Amount Tendered: ₦50,000.00 2961 6439 3910 5271 0777 Transaction ID: 4128161046278924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-12 15:46:29 Meter No.: 0101160394819 Account No.: 6460901282-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦22,186.05 Energy Cost: ₦295,813.95 KwH: 5141.91 Amount Tendered: ₦318,000.00 4226 7082 3541 8779 71142021-05-19 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016882ClosedKCT Request2021-05-19Please kindly send me the kct for this meter no below 44000345395 0101200078174.01to 04 0101200001648. 0101190136933.01 to 04 0101175101738. 04 to 08 0101200115018 0101200082655 0101200089551MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-19NoHello, Find below. 44000345395 This is a single phase residential meter and it on 01 hence no kct required or Query the meter to know the exact tariff it on thank you. 0101200078174.01to 04 4834 4200 4859 5773 3447 6038 2599 3926 5140 9910 0101200001648. 4635 7625 9081 8576 3874 5017 6886 8607 1654 5806 0101190136933.01 to 04 6692 0739 3421 0210 9594 5728 7247 7190 2760 4950 0101175101738. 04 to 08 4141 8547 6779 7823 8303 7141 9361 9748 0841 2042 0101200115018 0101200082655 01012000895512021-05-19 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016881ClosedVending History2021-05-19Dear support. Kindly avail us with the VH of this meter from December 2021 till date. 0101160395840 Only E- vending required please Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-19NoHello, Find below and Attached, Transaction ID: 0615161036701524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-11 13:10:15 Meter No.: 0101160395840 Account No.: 6212920124-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionVAT: ₦6,976.74 Energy Cost: ₦93,023.26 KwH: 1956.33 Amount Tendered: ₦100,000.00 6556 0429 4416 9102 4006 Transaction ID: 1131161539491224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-10 17:48:32 Meter No.: 0101160395840 Account No.: 6212920124-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionVAT: ₦6,976.74 Energy Cost: ₦93,023.26 KwH: 2042.22 Amount Tendered: ₦100,000.00 2207 5206 2491 4330 5091 Transaction ID: 1375161607691024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-18 15:15:10 Meter No.: 0101160395840 Account No.: 6212920124-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionVAT: ₦6,976.74 Energy Cost: ₦93,023.26 KwH: 2042.22 Amount Tendered: ₦100,000.00 4019 9044 9576 7799 4121 Transaction ID: 1569162115917724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-16 10:59:37 Meter No.: 0101160395840 Account No.: 6212920124-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionVAT: ₦6,976.74 Energy Cost: ₦93,023.26 KwH: 1956.33 Amount Tendered: ₦100,000.00 0787 4682 8617 4520 8741 Transaction ID: 3473161893533424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-20 17:15:34 Meter No.: 0101160395840 Account No.: 6212920124-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionVAT: ₦6,976.74 Energy Cost: ₦93,023.26 KwH: 1956.33 Amount Tendered: ₦100,000.00 4100 9561 3453 5320 4731 Transaction ID: 3843162003370824 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-03 10:21:48 Meter No.: 0101160395840 Account No.: 6212920124-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionVAT: ₦6,976.74 Energy Cost: ₦93,023.26 KwH: 1956.33 Amount Tendered: ₦100,000.00 3326 2142 8953 9614 6503 Transaction ID: 4065161165032224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-26 09:38:42 Meter No.: 0101160395840 Account No.: 6212920124-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionVAT: ₦6,976.74 Energy Cost: ₦93,023.26 KwH: 2042.22 Amount Tendered: ₦100,000.00 1417 6764 4212 8652 3418 Transaction ID: 4129161296086324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-10 13:41:03 Meter No.: 0101160395840 Account No.: 6212920124-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionVAT: ₦6,976.74 Energy Cost: ₦93,023.26 KwH: 2042.22 Amount Tendered: ₦100,000.00 5898 2721 5578 9071 4665 Transaction ID: 4986160986161424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-05 16:46:54 Meter No.: 0101160395840 Account No.: 6212920124-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionVAT: ₦6,976.74 Energy Cost: ₦93,023.26 KwH: 1956.33 Amount Tendered: ₦100,000.00 1159 2832 7738 2883 2910 Transaction ID: 5374161739207124 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-02 20:34:31 Meter No.: 0101160395840 Account No.: 6212920124-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionVAT: ₦3,488.37 Energy Cost: ₦46,511.63 KwH: 978.16 Amount Tendered: ₦50,000.00 6609 6086 5052 7765 01712021-05-19 ericasua@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016880ClosedKCT Request2021-05-19KCT TO 0001 And Back To 0045 MR Patric. Good day sir, please help generate KCT to bring tariff index to 0001 to enable me load code send from mojec after that tariff index back to 0045. Band= C REQUEST FOR KCT Tariif INDEx=0045 SGC= 600419 Name: Aleni Patric PPM Type-Mojec Q1 Meter number:- NO=0101200080170 Kind RegardsMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-19NoHello, Find below. 1811 0015 0232 4706 7562 2482 4758 5578 1865 38162021-05-19 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016879ClosedVending History2021-05-19Please kindly send me the VH following meter 54160997745MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-19NoHello, Find below, ls Token Details Transaction ID: 1011161201064124 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-30 13:44:01 Meter No.: 54160997745 Account No.: 477527 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 46.81 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 1969 0627 2486 6583 0049 Transaction ID: 1185162127579424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-17 19:23:14 Meter No.: 54160997745 Account No.: 477527 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 58.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 4641 1930 4987 8737 2798 Transaction ID: 2208162132607324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-18 09:21:13 Meter No.: 54160997745 Account No.: 477527 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 29.24 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 3501 0944 2048 9046 3384 Transaction ID: 3494162136043424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-05-18 18:53:54 Meter No.: 54160997745 Account No.: 477527 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 29.24 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 3957 3614 5624 0437 2555 Transaction ID: 5266161200692524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-30 12:42:05 Meter No.: 54160997745 Account No.: 477527 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 31.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 2018 0050 5504 5877 3117 Transaction ID: 6241161380928524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-20 09:21:25 Meter No.: 54160997745 Account No.: 477527 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 31.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 2413 8197 9459 3294 14012021-05-19 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016878ClosedKCT Request2021-05-19KCT generation please for 0101200097521 0195000005684 ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-19NoHello, Find below. 0101200097521 2685 3806 5344 3160 7554 3169 5027 8103 2533 6994 0195000005684 1476 3148 7870 6688 8460 6786 1918 7625 3041 44662021-05-19 beediesarah5@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016877ClosedTamper Code2021-05-19Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly vette on these meters for support to generate KCT and tamper for this new installed meters. Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-19NoHello, Find below as requested and verified by Audit team. 0101178035768 1) Clear Tamper: 2260 1615 0654 8370 8306 2) KCT: 6167 7987 0545 7218 6167 0397 7576 2917 4496 5164 0101178025900 1) Clear Tamper: 1431 4177 5435 3411 1672 2) KCT: 6501 3371 7582 8799 9643 2929 0394 3755 3277 1507 Thanks.2021-05-19 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016876ClosedKCT Request2021-05-19Request for KCT 0101200028807Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-19NoHello, Find below, 0774 6769 8469 1513 4215 5920 2869 2325 9323 56732021-05-19 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016875ClosedKCT Request2021-05-19Good afternoon please kindly assist me with the meter kCT 0101200074595 ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-19NoFind below, 1652 1619 6082 2567 3221 7360 8936 1857 9651 85572021-05-19 abdulmalik3955@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016874ClosedKCT Request2021-05-19Dear support, Please kindly assist me with KCT. Meter With tariff 0008. 0101205007335 Thank you.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-19NoHello, Find below, 0101205007335 02 To 08 2054 3658 7615 3068 6106 3481 7770 5895 4056 90772021-05-19 saminuaminubaba@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016873ClosedKCT Request2021-05-19Good Afternoon sir kindly assist with KCT for the MNS 44000344430 T01 TO T21 44000363711 T01 TO T21 0150300012872 T01 TO T21MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-19NoHello, Find below. 44000344430 T01 TO T21 1504 1321 3773 2828 6689 4453 7743 6329 1076 8639 44000363711 T01 TO T21 2632 1320 3447 9037 7025 0696 2935 0034 1882 0660 0150300012872 T01 TO T21 4993 8642 2266 5614 0821 2315 8197 7175 3932 03072021-05-19 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016872ClosedVending History2021-05-19Vending history 54161081424 Kindly generate vending history for customer aboveMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-19NoHello, Find below, Transaction Details Token Details Transaction ID: 2736161381293724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-20 10:22:17 Meter No.: 54161081424 Account No.: 556440 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 18.99 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 4149 2421 2296 3941 4296 Transaction ID: 5673161021062824 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-09 17:43:48 Meter No.: 54161081424 Account No.: 556440 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 18.99 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 3656 3172 0149 3963 8713 Transaction ID: 6178161735698724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-02 10:49:47 Meter No.: 54161081424 Account No.: 556440 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 18.99 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 1593 6129 3042 7117 3459 Transaction ID: 6485161562034724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-13 08:25:47 Meter No.: 54161081424 Account No.: 556440 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 18.99 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 4379 3276 5797 0506 4792 Thanks.2021-05-19 erdooshirsha@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016871ClosedKCT Request2021-05-19Dear support, Please assist with the subject above for this MSN 0101200060677.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-19NoHello, Find below. This is a single phase residential meter and it on 01 hence no kct required or Query the meter to know the exact tariff it on thank you.2021-05-19 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00016870ClosedKCT Request2021-05-19Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000886740 Good dayMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-19NoHello, This is a single phase residential meter and it on 01 hence no kct required or Query the meter to know the exact tariff it on thank you.2021-05-19 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016869ClosedKCT Request2021-05-19Request for KCT 0101200089197Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-19NoFind below, 5425 6908 3098 1629 0204 4617 0776 2604 3637 88452021-05-19 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016868ClosedKCT Request2021-05-19Kindly generate kct for this meter number 0101200082903 thanks.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-19NoFind below, 32896419714654290124 129925949962006059882021-05-19 najibumarsulaiman202@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016867ClosedKCT Request2021-05-19Kindly generate kct for this meter number 01011200078596 thanks.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-19NoHello, This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2021-05-19 najibumarsulaiman202@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016866ClosedKCT Request2021-05-19KCT request - 0101200026355MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-19NoHello, Find below. This is a single phase residential meter and it on 01 hence no kct required or Query the meter to know the exact tariff it on thank you.2021-05-19 stynlucs@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00016865ClosedKCT Request2021-05-190150000931595MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-19NoHello, Find below. 6292 2633 0099 0770 5985 2732 8960 1079 8619 91112021-05-19 ahmadmiltonfairaskira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016864ClosedKCT Request2021-05-19KCT Good morning please kindly assist me with the meter KCT 62 3201 2185 8 ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-19NoHello, Find below. 1934 4217 1707 3306 7325 2860 0257 6967 4658 08762021-05-19 abdulmalik3955@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016863ClosedKCT Request2021-05-19Request for KCT number 44000341030 Dear IT support, Pls I need the above information ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-19NoHello, This is a single phase residential meter and it on 01 hence no kct required or Query the meter to know the exact tariff it on thank you.2021-05-19 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016862ClosedKCT Request2021-05-1944000352029 T01 TO T21 0101170175968 T4 TO T22Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-19NoHello, Find below, 44000352029 T01 TO T21 5875 6552 0887 0659 5511 6392 3608 2288 0249 4532 0101170175968 T4 TO T22 0346 7512 6409 4299 3452 7049 6176 2904 3573 6237 Thanks.2021-05-19 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016861ClosedKCT Request2021-05-19Kct 0101205008549Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-19NoHello, Find below, 3186 5808 7129 9421 1713 3965 1774 1590 1980 4410 Thanks.2021-05-19 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016860ClosedKCT Request2021-05-19: Request for KCT number 0101190022240 Dear IT support, Pls I need the above information. ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-19NoHello, This is a single phase residential meter and it on 01 hence no kct required or Query the meter to know the exact tariff it on thank you.2021-05-19 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016859ClosedKCT Request2021-05-19Kindly generate KCT for this meter 4 - 34 0101170251505 4 - 1 0101161071275 Thank youMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-19No4 - 34 0101170251505 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 4 - 1 0101161071275 7281 0721 1675 1867 4822 6312 3576 9368 9052 75402021-05-19 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016858ClosedKCT Request2021-05-190101200073811.thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-19NoHello, Find below, 1136 8740 1931 2573 0857 5385 9460 6535 3707 9048 Thanks.2021-05-19 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016857ClosedKCT Request2021-05-19Request for KCT 0101200053425MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-19NoHello, Find below. 0715 3110 8864 4136 5717 4986 9716 5861 5488 19322021-05-19 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016856ClosedTamper Code2021-05-19Dear support kindly generate CT for MSNo. 0101175020847. Best regards -- Sent from myMail for AndroidMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-19NoHello, Find below as requested and verified audit. 0101175020847 5728 7497 1969 7003 7231 (Clear Tamper) Thanks.2021-05-19 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016855ClosedKCT Request2021-05-19: Request for KCT 0101200126064Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-19NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-05-19 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016854ClosedTamper Code2021-05-19Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on these meters for support to generate tamper 0195000004448 57300004850 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-18NoHello, Find below as requested and verified by audit. 1) 0195000004448 0118 2966 0338 3463 3450 (Clear Tamper) 2) 57300004850 6228 0879 7754 7233 5305 (Clear Tamper) Thanks.2021-05-19 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016853ClosedTamper Code2021-05-19Dear IT Support, Kindly generate a clear Tamper code for 57100021856 Attached are documents and evidence of payment for your InformationMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-19NoHello Esther, Please use the following steps to rectify the problem. 1) Enter the KCT below. 2641 4033 1565 2797 8642 6101 9374 2321 7856 0757 2) If the first step was successful. Enter the Tamper code below. 1915 9007 2227 9178 45432021-05-19 aramidee05@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016852ClosedKCT Request2021-05-19Kct 0101200113591 Good morning team please kindly assist with the above subject thank you.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-19NoFind below, 7195 8901 1374 6486 0716 1042 2521 7114 5528 97662021-05-19 ummilois2@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016851ClosedKCT Request2021-05-19REQUEST FOR KCT Sir Please assist with KCT for this meter number 0195000004448 Best Regards luMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-19NoHello, Find below as requested. 7083 7470 0576 5133 8563 2923 9463 0867 2270 9421 Thanks.2021-05-19 florarumun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016850ClosedKCT Request2021-05-19Request for KCT number 0101200106082 Dear IT support, Pls I need the above information. ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-19No5432 4842 1501 4199 9758 2619 0057 3353 0638 83252021-05-19 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016849ClosedKCT Request2021-05-19: Request for KCT 0101200007181Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-19NoFind below, 6611 1955 0615 6329 2726 5981 0065 3071 7578 23982021-05-19 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016848ClosedKCT Request2021-05-19Morning. Please kindly assist me with this request. MSN:0150000950678 MSN:0150000876956 Thanks.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-19NoFind below, MSN:0150000950678 5423 9832 7955 2486 8778 5697 3246 8589 0044 6679 MSN:0150000876956 5540 3261 8355 2892 3861 4379 4431 1246 6717 01942021-05-19 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016847ClosedKCT Request2021-05-19KCT 44000353134Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-19NoFind below, 7018 9559 6509 9533 7900 3979 2346 7018 2498 81742021-05-19 ashanafagain@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016846ClosedKCT Request2021-05-19Request for k c t please 0150000859663 thanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-19NoHello, Find below, 4927 0558 6459 0997 0113 4503 6648 7128 2914 2673 Thanks.2021-05-19 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016845ClosedKCT Request2021-05-19Sir, it been Amended please vett for it to enable the affected customer have our good services... thank you and best regards. 0101200117428 0101190006029 0101190006039 0101200104830 0101190007423 0101200033153 0101200051452 0101190138764 0101190022695 0101200008791 0101200029391 0101200080022 0101200090971 0101200072011 0101200081459 0101200107577 0101200108062 0101200113591 0101190024014 0101200110985 0101161039694 0101200108393 0101190035994 0101190149233 0101200067060 0101190022786 0101200027908 0101190024014 0101200012108 0101190141156 0101190149142 0101200086946 0101200069827 0101200099717 0101200106058 0101200106587 0101190152153 0101190035994 0101200066225 0101200076707 0101200002372 0101200064448 0101200055545 0101200020945 0101200100655 0101200095848 0101200039499 0101200092100 0101190135422 0101200026512 0101200117428 0101190138764 0101200036875 0101200108062 0101200003933 0101200061568 0101200043905 0101200097596 0101200029078 0101200043905 0101200070379 0101200054654 0101190137824 0101200072029 44000382919 54160733728 44000368520 44000341295 54160733728 44000341295 54161010951 44000382919 44000388098MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-18NoHello, Find below, 44000341295 44000388098 44000368520 44000341295 0101200054654 0101190137824 0101200072029 0101200043905 0101200043905 0101200003933 0101200036875 0101200117428 0101190006029 0101200104830 0101190007423 0101200033153 0101200008791 0101200029391 0101200072011 0101200081459 0101200107577 0101200110985 0101161039694 0101200067060 0101190022786 0101200027908 0101190149142 0101200012108 0101200106587 0101190035994 0101200076707 0101200002372 0101200064448 0101200055545 0101200020945 0101200092100 0101190135422 0101200026512 0101200117428 The above meters are single phase residential meters and on 001 on our database. Hence, no KCT needed. However, you may wish to query the meters to know which tariff index they’re on. ELSE, contact meter maintenance team for assistance. 0101200066225 and 0101190006039 These meters were not found in our database, kindly confirm numbers. 0101200051452 3235 7028 6887 9293 6254 4078 0615 3511 7866 4157 0101190138764 5533 5602 3718 6144 2807 6543 6936 3831 3977 0997 0101190022695 0664 3923 9280 8702 5476 3171 2213 5667 7531 6848 0101200080022 0159 8537 5597 5011 8233 6399 1204 0222 7910 4479 0101200090971 6706 1124 9498 0750 8926 1183 4523 5283 3533 9458 0101200108062 5396 4888 9790 8865 7701 2662 6554 0058 3010 5687 0101200113591 7195 8901 1374 6486 0716 1042 2521 7114 5528 9766 0101190024014 4306 3848 7125 4245 7944 5953 3078 6067 8763 5743 0101200108393 3547 9005 1400 7300 9186 7298 8506 8113 3530 3671 0101190149233 1184 9258 7494 9514 9189 0012 4893 1879 5225 5596 0101190024014 4306 3848 7125 4245 7944 5953 3078 6067 8763 5743 0101190141156 6551 5524 1528 8316 6018 4867 6902 5050 2157 7391 0101200086946 5335 4981 2092 2147 4209 4907 0228 0964 6090 3013 0101200069827 0730 4588 7957 6194 3251 2980 0391 5590 1910 4357 0101200099717 1422 9028 1541 5171 5562 4452 2368 1798 9826 6021 0101200106058 3896 2783 6298 0122 0212 2087 1078 0846 3908 3009 0101190152153 6117 5306 0907 7576 9600 2984 1031 1559 7871 5206 0101200100655 0113 7179 6128 4414 7649 5604 6383 6086 9621 8181 0101200095848 3997 0245 2914 6185 2013 2022 2234 1959 1305 4333 0101200039499 3609 8070 8743 1205 3330 3204 9912 4157 7171 0439 0101190138764 5533 5602 3718 6144 2807 6543 6936 3831 3977 0997 0101200108062 5396 4888 9790 8865 7701 2662 6554 0058 3010 5687 0101200061568 1215 3811 8014 6358 5444 0505 3946 0951 6019 6450 0101200097596 2319 8691 3279 9329 1365 5108 4547 0593 2450 1231 0101200029078 0147 4599 8811 3793 4697 0699 6931 4809 7875 2629 0101200070379 3113 7798 0005 9508 2131 0638 9331 1205 5737 4521 44000382919 2895 8177 0375 7668 7386 4786 4598 1670 4186 0135 54160733728 1302 3638 7663 9790 1242 1149 9907 0105 1802 8281 54160733728 1302 3638 7663 9790 1242 1149 9907 0105 1802 8281 54161010951 4272 2453 5513 6443 3554 0876 3491 3753 6272 0419 44000382919 2895 8177 0375 7668 7386 4786 4598 1670 4186 0135 Thanks2021-05-19 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016844ClosedRequest2021-05-19NEW GENERATED CUSTOMERS ACCOUNT NOT ON E-ENDING Please kindly validate the following accounts to enable payment. 758093 758094 759162 thanks in anticipationMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-19NoHello, Your mail has been treated.2021-05-19 obembetaye@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016843ClosedKCT Request2021-05-19Please generate kct for this mitters 001 to 002 0101200110910 0101200127104 0101200106157Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-17NoHello, Find below, 0101200110910 7363 3053 5353 2319 6324 1218 5381 3926 7806 4076 0101200127104 2969 7868 9985 7477 4035 3664 2472 9518 4478 0612 0101200106157 2096 9542 7171 6644 8097 3277 1854 9391 2763 70372021-05-19 abdullahidahir405@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016842ClosedKCT Request2021-05-19Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000893217 Good morningMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-19NoFind below, 5171 5895 7541 6437 4611 6697 7325 6823 2291 31462021-05-19 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016841ClosedKCT Request2021-05-190101200121602 1 to 2 kctMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-19No3537 1409 4629 9635 7765 6961 6139 9277 5327 29212021-05-19 kabiruabubakar611@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016840ClosedKCT Request2021-05-19REQUEST FOR KCT- 0101200113104 & 0101185047749 (3 PHASE) Pls assist with the above RegardsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-19NoHello, Find below, 0101200113104 3552 4581 9306 7637 1285 6388 3286 6414 8379 0010 0101185047749 0703 2682 3517 5014 8530 2655 9088 2015 7089 03282021-05-19 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016839ClosedKCT Request2021-05-19Please kindly send me the kct number following meter 0101200108203, for to 0001 Hello ict supportMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-19No3460 0538 3152 8342 3758 4885 6880 5760 4020 23772021-05-19 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016838ClosedKCT Request2021-05-19Pls kindly help me with kct of this meter number 0101170290635Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-19NoHello, This meter is a Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence you may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2021-05-19 amibabs433@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016837Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00016836ClosedKCT Request2021-05-19: Please kindly send me kct following the meter number 0101200105951 The meter is Rejected kct token , please ict support the meter is on 0001Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-19NoFind below, 0881 5859 1046 9528 5426 2652 8332 4603 9134 08382021-05-19 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016835ClosedKCT Request2021-05-190101170389882 Masjid kindly assist with Kct of the meter above. ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-19NoFind below, 6357 0758 6931 1489 4176 4982 9104 2220 3233 35232021-05-19 mubby247@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016834ClosedKCT Request2021-05-190101175104849 from 02 0101205009620 from 02 0101170156141 0101200124788 from 01 to 04 54160981186 Kindly generate kct for the above MSNMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-19NoFind below, 0101175104849 from 02 3178 8001 8269 3350 4382 5933 9893 0790 3971 7959 0101205009620 from 02 0376 9733 9944 9753 8939 6137 3523 4243 9160 0751 0101170156141 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101200124788 from 01 to 04 6577 2618 8544 9353 0271 3243 0021 9021 6833 42702021-05-19 bangisgarko@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016833ClosedKCT Request2021-05-17Kindly generate kct for 0101200081269Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-17NoHello, This meter is a Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence you may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2021-05-17 denhamsalvation@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016832ClosedKCT Request2021-05-17Request for kct in respect of this account 0101190154605Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-17NoHello, This meter is a Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence you may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2021-05-17 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016831ClosedKCT Request2021-05-17: KCT GENERATION 0195000007920 Dear IT team, Please the above subject refers. Waiting for your reply. Regards.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-17NoFind below, 0548 1461 8010 9745 4168 1935 7325 1816 4320 71402021-05-17 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016830ClosedKCT Request2021-05-17This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-17NoFind below, 6537 0975 1574 6953 5457 5149 0420 3101 6525 73382021-05-17 vajimehd@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016829ClosedKCT Request2021-05-17Request for KCT number 0101200096150 Dear IT support Pls I need the above information ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-17NoThis meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-05-17 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016828ClosedTamper Code2021-05-17Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101200070460 ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-17NoHello, Find below, 3565 8814 5573 6149 20552021-05-17 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016827ClosedKCT Request2021-05-17Good morning.Request for KCT 0101200099527Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-17NoHello, This meter is a Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence you may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2021-05-17 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016826ClosedKCT Request2021-05-17Request for k c t please 0150000914285 thanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-17NoHello, This meter has not been captured or you send wrong meter number.2021-05-17 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016825ClosedKCT Request2021-05-17Kct 0150000877863Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-17NoHello, Find below, 0715 6721 2827 3587 4702 1660 1821 8684 6686 70592021-05-17 ahmadmiltonfairaskira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016824ClosedKCT Request2021-05-17KCT request - 0101200082572Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-17NoHello, Find below, 6827 2331 1744 3417 5469 4845 8117 0949 0776 40302021-05-17 stynlucs@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016823ClosedKCT Request2021-05-17Good evening please kindly assist me with the meter kCT62420258600 Thanks youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-17NoHello, This meter is a Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence you may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2021-05-17 abdulmalik3955@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016822ClosedKCT Request2021-05-10Request for KCT 54161113334MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-10NoHello, Find below, 4460 8777 7363 3100 9408 3614 8738 0982 4648 9148 Thanks.2021-05-10 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016821ClosedKCT Request2021-05-10Request for KCT Hello, Kindly provide us with the KCT of MSN : 0101190142469. Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-10NoFind below, 0407 2914 0034 1770 5047 2199 5264 2893 7687 24622021-05-10 anersirleh@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016820ClosedKCT Request2021-05-10REQUEST FOR KCT Dear ITSupport, Kindly Furnish me with the above information for Meter Numbers 23102132414. ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-10NoHello, Find below, 6117 1365 8613 7319 2615 1224 1406 4584 5546 94012021-05-10 abigailiyane@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016819ClosedKCT Request2021-05-100101200099030 morning kindly help me with Kct.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-10NoHello, Find below, 0358 5059 0019 2410 0756 6830 7174 1534 4204 8682 Thanks.2021-05-10 abdullahimujaheednbkk@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016818ClosedKCT Request2021-05-10Request for kct - 0101200125553 Please treatMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-10NoFind below, 7220 0280 6691 8167 2775 0512 4422 7042 5745 54072021-05-10 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00016817ClosedKCT Request2021-05-10Please kindly send me kct following the meter number 440000383057 Hello ictMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-10NoHello, This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2021-05-10 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016816ClosedKCT Request2021-05-10Request for k c t please 0150000894447. B 0150000857006 thanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-10NoFind below, 0150000894447. 6923 2559 1322 8965 2078 5327 7824 6911 5020 4079 0150000857006 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-05-10 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016815ClosedKCT Request2021-05-10: KCT 44000325033Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2021-05-10NoFind below, 1418 6816 8418 9226 3409 5185 1425 7348 2448 59952021-05-10 ashanafagain@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00016814ClosedKCT Request2021-05-100101190034013Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-10NoHello, Find below, 4745 9720 8056 9292 5594 3713 9775 5074 6250 60842021-05-10 abdullahimujaheednbkk@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016813ClosedKCT Request2021-05-10Request for KCT 0101200114128, 54160990344 Dear IT support, Pls I need the above information. ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-10NoFind below, 0101200114128, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 54160990344 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-05-10 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016812ClosedKCT Request2021-05-10Request for KCT 0101200095939MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-10NoFind below, 0213 8704 6567 7179 4402 1270 6815 1254 7427 22132021-05-10 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016811ClosedKCT Request2021-05-10Request for KCT 0101200124820MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-10NoFind below, 5954 1706 3187 5662 8510 2102 1467 8452 1218 49462021-05-10 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016810ClosedKCT Request2021-05-10Kct,01011200113955,44000383560 and 0101200109136. Please treat.HighIT Umar Auwal2021-05-10NoFind below, 01011200113955, This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 44000383560 5982 1467 4569 2014 5074 1474 3686 2463 3516 6437 0101200109136. This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-05-10 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016809ClosedKCT Request2021-05-10Request for KCT meter no 0101160391203 Kindly furnish me with above information best regards.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-10NoFind below, 0286 7601 9808 9305 0252 3220 2848 6490 6863 44452021-05-10 tsavsarmngu@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016808ClosedKCT Request2021-05-10Request for k c t please 0150000911126. B. 0150000904725 thanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-10NoFind below, 0150000911126. 2981 4242 0613 2594 7891 5982 9710 3849 9927 3231 0150000904725 0066 7192 9669 6717 0872 4426 1568 1600 2933 19312021-05-10 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016807ClosedKCT Request2021-05-10Good morning sir, Attached is the Actual Tariff of Customers and there respective Band to Generate the right KCT . Band= E REQUEST FOR KCT Tariff index Name: OGBOLE OLEJI PPM Type-Mojec Q1 Meter number:- No-0101200080212 Kind regardsMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-10NoFind below, 0066 7192 9669 6717 0872 4426 1568 1600 2933 19312021-05-10 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016806ClosedKCT Request2021-05-10Kct,0101200108203 and 0101200109607 Please treat.thank you.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-10NoFind below, 0101200108203 4624 2039 6510 1325 3830 1380 6460 9441 4076 7304 0101200109607 5485 4793 9910 8236 8648 5100 8201 1024 8415 13532021-05-10 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016805ClosedKCT Request2021-05-10Request for kct - 0101200115067 Please treat.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-10NoFind below, 0769 4346 0935 8226 6703 5740 7519 2099 1386 33492021-05-10 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00016804ClosedKCT Request2021-05-10Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000882038 Good morningMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-10NoFind below, 0281 7565 3182 8711 1354 2058 8155 5477 0824 70342021-05-10 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016803ClosedKCT Request2021-05-10KCT 44000348183 44000356939 Abubakar Sadiq Gabdo CCRM REPS. Gombe Trading ZoneMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-10NoHello, Find below, 44000348183 1178 5040 3474 0827 8233 4132 3211 8111 4371 2660 44000356939 5322 1634 8151 6275 9356 3572 5218 6559 4170 1655 Thanks.2021-05-10 ashanafagain@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016802ClosedKCT Request2021-05-10: REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200113955MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-10NoFind below, 1048 5839 4437 5020 8549 6236 5191 6548 2047 96352021-05-10 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016801ClosedKCT Request2021-05-10Pls kindly help me with kct of this meter number 0101200023444MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-10NoFind below, 4928 5666 1154 9613 5084 1554 1713 5344 4413 79482021-05-10 amibabs433@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016800ClosedKCT Request2021-05-100150000935224 thanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-10NoFind below, 3983 3611 9942 9975 3260 1394 6004 2684 3232 65602021-05-10 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016799ClosedKCT Request2021-05-10Kct,44000376309 Good morning all, please kindly assist with the above kct thank you.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-10NoFind below, 3464 5308 0406 3603 5560 6428 7766 4846 5957 49702021-05-10 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016798ClosedKCT Request2021-05-100101200054753 And this one still KCT Please help, Thanks for your support.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-10NoHello, Find below, 2020 1921 6302 1233 7575 5430 0601 3864 0658 3129 Thanks.2021-05-10 yakubaliyu82@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016797ClosedTamper Code2021-05-10Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 44000360873 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-10NoHello, Find below, 44000360873 3806 3975 7384 7688 9353 Clear Tamper2021-05-10 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016796ClosedTamper Code2021-05-10Hello, Kindly provide us with the Clear tamper token for MSN :0101200069793. @Mr.Roland Kindly verify. Thank you.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-09NoHello, Find below, 0101200069793 6417 9938 5631 7925 7517 Clear Tamper2021-05-10 anersirleh@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016795ClosedKCT Request2021-05-10REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200109474MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-10NoHello, Find below, 6727 0186 5824 0173 5231 2521 7949 8810 6578 2992 Thanks.2021-05-10 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016794ClosedKCT Request2021-05-10: KCT 44000316198 Abubakar Sadiq Gabdo CCRM REPS. Gombe Trading ZoneMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-10NoHello, Find below, 0989 6120 8162 2853 8133 4510 3321 1587 7652 9213 Thanks.2021-05-10 ashanafagain@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016793ClosedKCT Request2021-05-10: Request for KCT number 0101200090351, 0101200122964 Dear IT support, Pls I need the above information. ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-10NoFind below, 0101200090351, 2688 4084 8673 4176 9343 1767 7000 9054 6685 3761 0101200122964 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-05-10 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016792ClosedVending History2021-05-10Vending history 54160909591 Best regardsMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-10NoHello, Find below, Transaction Details Token Details Transaction ID: 1336161800163424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-09 21:53:54 Meter No.: 54160909591 Account No.: 418273 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 18.34 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 0413 9691 7390 3275 7456 Transaction ID: 3521161731277524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-01 22:32:55 Meter No.: 54160909591 Account No.: 418273 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 18.34 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 4685 5028 9270 6965 7487 Transaction ID: 5671161556881424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-12 18:06:54 Meter No.: 54160909591 Account No.: 418273 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 55.01 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 1952 3104 7084 8948 5048 Transaction ID: 5810161860598324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-16 21:46:23 Meter No.: 54160909591 Account No.: 418273 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 18.34 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 5035 7682 8688 4042 4254 Transaction ID: 5821161911673224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-22 19:38:52 Meter No.: 54160909591 Account No.: 418273 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88 Energy Cost: ₦465.12 KwH: 9.17 Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 2241 8101 4942 0469 5347 Transaction ID: 6116161869609624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-17 22:48:16 Meter No.: 54160909591 Account No.: 418273 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 18.34 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 6524 6801 4217 5771 4528 Transaction ID: 7203161626960324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-20 20:46:43 Meter No.: 54160909591 Account No.: 418273 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 36.67 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 2705 1195 0957 6608 3132 Transaction ID: 8360161890505624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-20 08:50:56 Meter No.: 54160909591 Account No.: 418273 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88 Energy Cost: ₦465.12 KwH: 9.17 Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 6704 2927 1290 2392 0560 Transaction ID: 8451161765421024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-05 21:23:30 Meter No.: 54160909591 Account No.: 418273 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 18.34 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 7152 4398 5614 3210 6517 Transaction ID: 9442161904094224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-21 22:35:42 Meter No.: 54160909591 Account No.: 418273 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88 Energy Cost: ₦465.12 KwH: 9.17 Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 1941 1169 2712 9367 2869 Thanks.2021-05-10 ericjames346@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016791ClosedKCT Request2021-05-10Good morning sir, please kindly generate KCT from 01 to 45 for this MSN: 0101200118756. And Debt Status & KCT from 01 to 04 for this MSN: 0101200086136. Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-10NoHello, Find below, 01 to 45 MSN: 0101200118756. 3558 5152 3995 7189 6019 4861 6000 5613 1771 3762 Debt Status & KCT from 01 to 04 for this MSN: 0101200086136. 1) KCT 01 to 04 4879 1402 6920 6289 2841 5798 9016 5431 0212 5684 2) Debt Status There is no debt status for this customer in our database. Thanks.2021-05-10 yuzarsif33112269@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016790ClosedKCT Request2021-05-10: Please kindly send me kct following meter number 0101200081517 Good morning supportMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-10NoHello, Find below, 6378 2303 5502 2734 7048 3020 7177 2644 9167 1505 Thanks.2021-05-10 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016789ClosedKCT Request2021-05-10Please kindly generate kct numbers following the meters ,0101200081137,0101200080493 Hello it supportMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-10NoHello, Find below, 0101200081137 5047 6745 0227 4744 5315 1085 8661 5636 2293 7122 0101200080493 4679 3470 5864 6371 4122 5799 0441 8161 5488 4776 Thanks.2021-05-10 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016788ClosedKCT Request2021-05-10Kindly generate KCT for this meter 0101190154100 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-09NoHello, Find below, 4448 0848 0165 3805 6165 5954 3607 7888 4943 3106 Thanks.2021-05-10 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016787ClosedKCT Request2021-05-10Kindly generate kct for this meter number 0101190140018 thanks.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-09NoHello, Find below, 5238 6415 1944 3889 0065 4286 3861 0953 3547 4569 Thanks.2021-05-10 najibumarsulaiman202@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016786ClosedKCT Request2021-05-06Request for KCT 0101200125801MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-05-06 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016785ClosedKCT Request2021-05-06KCT 44000337574 Abubakar Sadiq Gabdo CCRM REPS. Gombe Trading ZoneMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoFind below, 1184 1326 4709 9631 5102 4137 1820 9362 3865 65492021-05-06 ashanafagain@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016784ClosedKCT Request2021-05-06Request for KCT number 0101200109359, 0101200105985, 0101200095863MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoFind below, 0101200109359, 6772 5465 3532 7069 9375 7197 0947 1774 6950 4188 0101200105985, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101200095863 3716 5123 1622 2787 4527 4046 8392 8395 3334 78582021-05-06 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016783ClosedKCT Request2021-05-06Request for KCT 0101175102850MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoFind below, 5093 6447 6034 9064 0208 1512 8857 9294 2983 11742021-05-06 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016782ClosedKCT Request2021-05-06Request for KCT 0101170369546MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoFind below, 0468 3419 9108 0088 1164 6046 3466 5449 9272 43582021-05-06 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016781ClosedTamper Code2021-05-06REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPER Good day, Attached is for the above subject matter for your further action. Thanks and regardsMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoHello, Find below, 0150000930068 4161 5629 1656 5136 1755 (Clear Tamper) Thank you.2021-05-06 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016780ClosedTamper Code2021-05-06REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPER Good day, Attached is for the above subject matter for your further action. Thanks and regardsMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoHello, Find below, 0150000930068 4161 5629 1656 5136 1755 (Clear Tamper) Thank you.2021-05-06 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016779ClosedKCT Request2021-05-06Request for Roll-over KCT 04234490730 Dear IT support Pls the above information is needed ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoFind below, 6180 2714 7801 5969 3990 5973 1147 5825 9710 78522021-05-06 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016778ClosedKCT Request2021-05-06Request for KCT on 0001 for 0101200115943 Dear IT support Pls the above information is needed ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-05-06 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016777ClosedKCT Request2021-05-06Kindly generate KCT for these meters 0101190021002 0101195005521 0101200000897 0101200038954 0101200014534 44000321008 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoHello, Find below, 0101190021002 This meter was not found in our database, kindly confirm meter number. 0101195005521 4953 1730 7913 9638 4938 2649 1426 2488 3653 2056 0101200000897 3665 1334 9060 6239 9937 7207 2909 3064 7665 3610 0101200038954 5220 1197 8544 3449 2024 4721 9168 3102 1254 8184 0101200014534 5974 1718 9509 1217 4251 6254 3125 1925 3304 3334 44000321008 0649 5867 1884 7363 8846 3093 3634 7492 3184 6240 Thank you.2021-05-06 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016776ClosedKCT Request2021-05-06Good Morning Sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the MSN please 44000354322 T01 TO T21 44000337574 T21 TO T21 44000359529 T01 TO T21MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoFind below, 44000354322 T01 TO T21 32777303209865794714 25340730200894843862 44000337574 T21 TO T21 1184 1326 4709 9631 5102 4137 1820 9362 3865 6549 44000359529 T01 TO T21 5491 5996 4171 9704 4229 3776 7274 9781 3546 36402021-05-06 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016775ClosedKCT Request2021-05-06REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200050637 Please treat.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoFind below, 6180 2714 7801 5969 3990 5973 1147 5825 9710 78522021-05-06 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00016774ClosedKCT Request2021-05-06Request for KCT 62320121858 23102126028 Kindly furnish me with above information best regards.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoHello, Find below, 62320121858 1934 4217 1707 3306 7325 2860 0257 6967 4658 0876 23102126028 This meter is a single phase and is on 001 on our database. Hence, no KCT needed. However, you may wish to query the meter to know which tariff index it is on. Thank you.2021-05-06 tsavsarmngu@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016773ClosedKCT Request2021-05-0644000384964MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoFind below, 2137 8731 3112 2909 6387 1817 8632 4440 5094 82082021-05-06 ashanafagain@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016772ClosedKCT Request2021-05-06Request for KCT 04234040402MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoHello, This meter is a single phase and is on 001 on our database. Hence, no KCT needed. However, you may wish to query the meter to know which tariff index it is on. Thank you.2021-05-06 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016771ClosedKCT Request2021-05-06Please kindly send me the kct following meter number 0101200077531 thank you Please just a reminder thatMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoHello, Find below. 3221 5873 7236 7835 0671 5578 4350 8246 8880 95952021-05-06 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016770ClosedKCT Request2021-05-06Kindly generate KCT for this meter 1-2 2-1 0101200075543 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoHello, Find below, 0101200075543 2-1 1915 4890 6077 4343 0953 3798 5371 2559 7165 5597 1-2 4963 9783 6618 6600 1020 4751 6027 3373 2994 8597 Thank you.2021-05-06 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016769ClosedTamper Code2021-05-06REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPER Good day, Attached is for the above subject matter for your further action. Thanks and regardsMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoHello, Find below, 0150000930068 4161 5629 1656 5136 1755 (Clear Tamper) Thank you.2021-05-06 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016768ClosedKCT Request2021-05-06Request for KCT number 0001 for 0101200121941MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoFind below, 2232 1969 9547 7593 1568 1495 5287 5657 5691 08912021-05-06 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016767ClosedKCT Request2021-05-06REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200115406MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoFind below, 1731 8133 6519 4803 9978 2573 5303 9457 5657 46812021-05-06 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016766ClosedTamper Code2021-05-06REISSUE The tamper has been generated before, so it enters the tamper again. Check support mail trail Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoHello, Find below, 0101190144549 0920 8622 8483 9771 1856 (Clear Tamper) Thank you.2021-05-06 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016765ClosedKCT Request2021-05-06: Request for KCT number 0101200121438 Dear IT support Pls I need the above information ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoFind below, 0981 6837 8733 9904 7949 0840 2798 3193 4963 96992021-05-06 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016764ClosedKCT Request2021-05-06kct kindly generate kct from 004-001, 001-004= 0101200110779MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoFind below, 0101200110779 004-001, 4304 4585 9141 5157 4004 1541 1622 3642 4344 2953 001-004= 6159 3433 7401 1423 9543 4332 0104 6253 9414 71642021-05-06 denhamsalvation@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016763ClosedKCT Request2021-05-06Kct,0101200105159 Please treat.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoFind below, 3902 6087 0658 5309 9667 6549 7035 0923 1361 52212021-05-06 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016762ClosedKCT Request2021-05-06Request for KCT 0101200124606MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoFind below, 3078 3320 5166 2097 7799 4575 5424 8981 3331 40592021-05-06 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016761ClosedKCT Request2021-05-06Kct,0101200107346 Good morning please treat.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoFind below, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-05-06 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016760ClosedKCT Request2021-05-06Request for KCT 23102132646 Kindly furnish me with above information best regards.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoHello, This meter is a single phase and is on 001 on our database. Hence, no KCT needed. However, you may wish to query the meter to know which tariff index it is on. Thank you.2021-05-06 tsavsarmngu@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016759ClosedKCT Request2021-05-06REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200102776MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoFind below, 1512 7370 8372 3866 8465 2426 4400 9409 0256 44932021-05-06 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016758ClosedKCT Request2021-05-06Request for KCT number 0101200111819, 0101200123046 Dear IT support Pls I need the above information ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoFind below, 0101200111819, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101200123046 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-05-06 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016757ClosedKCT Request2021-05-06Request for KCT 0101200124788MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoFind below, 6577 2618 8544 9353 0271 3243 0021 9021 6833 42702021-05-06 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016756ClosedKCT Request2021-05-06REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200106009 & 0101200120372 Please treat.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoFind below, 0101200106009 0908 7992 7868 8473 6622 6795 5642 8925 2987 3464 0101200120372 5825 1555 8142 8349 8171 2243 3132 7723 8854 90692021-05-06 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00016755ClosedKCT Request2021-05-06Hello please kindly assist with KCT 44000379220 0101200052856 0101200109268 0101200084875 0101200085351 0101200089171 0101200090948MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoFind below, 44000379220 6396 2112 6754 5625 6686 1328 7899 4519 4514 2319 0101200052856 0533 5379 6212 0758 5120 7310 3922 2317 5805 5013 0101200109268 6222 8856 4204 0106 9471 3286 0847 2520 4198 7051 0101200084875 2474 7243 9823 5851 3880 0207 4377 4015 1684 6531 0101200085351 0164 7132 8706 0150 6067 3060 9446 4821 5050 9669 0101200089171 1570 9278 1492 4356 4684 3174 8614 8185 4465 8109 0101200090948 4790 2642 3274 4639 0247 6850 8742 3583 7449 93252021-05-06 rasheedatlawalaa7428@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016754ClosedKCT Request2021-05-06Kindly generate KCT for this meter 1 - 8 0101200122303 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoFind below, 5066 3208 3903 1167 8248 2126 4611 3936 9072 89282021-05-06 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016753ClosedKCT Request2021-05-06KCT generation please 0101195005083 0101195007956 44000355826 0101160185373 thanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoFind below, 0101195005083 2118 4888 0915 5229 3258 5440 5099 9722 5581 9663 0101195007956 3479 5255 5919 4520 4381 0795 9892 6058 8185 0392 44000355826 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 0101160185373 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-05-06 beediesarah5@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016752ClosedTamper Code2021-05-06Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly vette on these meters for support to generate tamper 0101190147054 0101200068092 0101175102835 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoHello, Find below, 0101190147054 2577 5303 2483 8510 3525 (Clear Tamper) 0101200068092 0187 3377 6736 5812 1815 (Clear Tamper) 0101175102835 7054 8144 8975 3200 7082 (Clear Tamper) Thank you.2021-05-06 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016751ClosedKCT Request2021-05-06Request for KCT 0101200100952MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoFind below, 4876 7117 0513 3649 5062 1532 8054 5596 0758 96232021-05-06 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016750ClosedKCT Request2021-05-06REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101190033056 Please treat.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoFind below, 3021 0910 7297 1261 6791 0835 1763 2132 7009 46722021-05-06 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00016749ClosedKCT Request2021-05-06Request for KCT 62420235830 Kindly furnish us with the above information ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoFind below, 4361 7160 7438 1642 2395 4431 1828 9318 8479 50942021-05-06 vajimehd@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016748ClosedKCT Request2021-05-06Kindly generate KCT for these meters 1 - 4 0101161068438 1 - 21 0101170408161 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoFind below, 1 - 4 0101161068438 1913 9067 6647 8427 8766 3913 7320 9232 4877 5515 1 - 21 0101170408161 2509 9390 2531 4081 7461 0093 7796 2937 8827 91362021-05-06 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016747ClosedTamper Code2021-05-06Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101175102835MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoHello, Find below, 0101175102835 5621 9893 7622 3327 3307 (Clear Tamper) Thank you.2021-05-06 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016746ClosedKCT Request2021-05-06Request for KCT number 0101200106025, 0101185041288 Dear IT support, Pls I need the above information ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoFind below, 0101200106025, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101185041288 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-05-06 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016745ClosedTamper Code2021-05-06Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101200025886 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoHello, Find below, 0101200025886 7174 2790 7396 6351 7524 (Clear Tamper) Thank you.2021-05-06 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016744ClosedKCT Request2021-05-06Request for KCT 62420214322 62420232829 62420234320 62420144628 23102132018 23102143056 62420250987 62420223422 62420256281 Kindly furnish us with the above information ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoFind below, 62420214322 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62420232829 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62420234320 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62420144628 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 23102132018 2060 8866 4485 8232 2848 0472 1129 5013 5210 4101 23102143056 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62420250987 6505 6353 3267 2719 8026 6917 3346 5034 2129 0715 62420223422 7129 1001 6781 0983 6620 3533 1792 0382 2891 5526 62420256281 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-05-06 vajimehd@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016743ClosedTamper Code2021-05-06Good morning, Attached is for the above subject matter for your further action. Thanks.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoHello, Find below as requested. 0150000886682 1487 7094 8309 5869 3898 (Clear Tamper) 0150000931017 6739 1018 5031 6196 4724 (Clear Tamper) 0150000906985 3187 0915 3904 1715 0155 (Clear Tamper) 0150000931033 6640 6441 0270 1578 4279 (Clear Tamper) 0150000863798 0318 7747 3501 4472 6125 (Clear Tamper) 0150000856768 5663 2004 3240 9510 7478 (Clear Tamper) 0150000895386 3226 5217 1227 7158 3805 (Clear Tamper) Thank you.2021-05-06 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016742ClosedKCT Request2021-05-06REQUEST FOR KCT- 0101200123368 AND 0101200095251 Pls assist with the above RegardsMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoFind below, 0101200123368 2353 7763 1669 3220 2532 5220 8388 4586 8285 9024 0101200095251 2177 2574 1074 6228 5911 0646 2821 8163 8226 91702021-05-06 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016741ClosedKCT Request2021-05-06Please kindly send me the kct for this meter no below 0101200064406.04 to 01 0101200113724 0101200103733 0101200105811 0101200110803 0101190035627 0101200105936.01 to 04 0101200119929MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoFind below, 0101200064406.04 to 01 1797 4342 1802 2468 9283 2339 8574 7932 7704 5057 0101200113724 4721 7273 5648 8548 8387 6553 3641 4034 2194 3655 0101200103733 6514 2767 6091 0553 8776 3241 5973 8635 7041 2883 0101200105811 5051 2340 6267 5714 0124 3958 3184 2050 2151 8625 0101200110803 2192 6100 2942 3716 6343 3386 4354 4561 8878 2873 0101190035627 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 0101200105936.01 to 04 3664 5737 5775 1499 2797 5330 6425 6917 2555 0636 0101200119929 5027 1057 8121 5587 7712 4271 0177 0326 0905 08792021-05-06 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016740ClosedKCT Request2021-05-06REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200104590 Good morning team, kindly treat the above please.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoFind below, 3003 4389 0733 0676 5092 1025 0868 0456 9686 93742021-05-06 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00016739ClosedKCT Request2021-05-06Pls sir kindly help me with kct of this meter number from 2 to 1 0101200028161MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoFind below, 6883 7029 3635 8203 1593 0634 3806 9701 0024 59452021-05-06 amibabs433@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016738ClosedKCT Request2021-05-06Request for k c t please 0150000868037 thanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-05-06 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016737ClosedTamper Code2021-05-06Dear Support, Kindly generate tamper for this UNISTER Meter 23102125251 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoHello, Find below, 23102125251 4388 6006 2312 3939 6450 (Clear Tamper) Thank you.2021-05-06 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016736ClosedKCT Request2021-05-06Request for KCT 62420220485 Kindly furnish me with above information thanks.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-05-06 tsavsarmngu@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016735ClosedKCT Request2021-05-06Good morning sir, KCT generation please 95300166840 95300168259 54161008369 ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoFind below, 95300166840 2545 5182 3712 8573 0420 5717 0058 8045 5527 6163 95300168259 3827 4929 1227 3424 5799 2872 1532 7029 3149 6459 54161008369 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-05-06 beediesarah5@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016734ClosedTamper Code2021-05-06Hello, Kindly provide us with the Clear tamper token for MSN : 0101200008379. Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-05NoHello, Find below, 0101200008379 6793 6395 4073 0525 0926 (Clear Tamper) Thank you.2021-05-06 rolandjames750@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016733ClosedKCT Request2021-05-06Hello, Kindly provide us with the Clear tamper token for MSN : 0101200008379. Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoHello, Find below, 4870 0641 8383 1313 3178 4644 4653 1891 8543 6752 Thank you.2021-05-06 anersirleh@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016732ClosedTamper Code2021-05-06Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on these meter for support to generate tamper 0101200014187 0101200025886 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoHello, Find below the Tamper code for the following meters. 0101200014187 0334 2496 9775 4287 6048 (Clear Tamper) 0101200025886 6726 7229 4975 0942 1722 (Clear Tamper) Thank you.2021-05-06 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016731ClosedTamper Code2021-05-06Dear IT/Audit Team, Kindly generate tamper token for the upgraded meter with the following details: 0101 2000 0837 9. Thank you.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-05NoHello, Find below, 0101200008379 4949 7520 5393 6882 4387 (Clear Tamper) Thank you.2021-05-06 ahmadtyno@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016730ClosedKCT Request2021-05-06Good morning, The 3rd KCT was Rejected, meter was queried and displayed 004, please can you regenerate another KCT. Regards.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoHello, Find below the KCT for the 0101160011959 meter. 04 to 34 5236 2311 5362 8398 0205 6212 6991 3104 1880 3176 Thank you.2021-05-06 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016729ClosedKCT Request2021-05-06Request for KCT number for 0001 0101200090203, 0101200120729, 0101200125777, 0101200098503, 0101200121222, 0101200108534, 0101205005180, Dear IT support, Pls I need the above information ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoFind below, 0101200090203, 1134 7241 3364 7890 4659 6048 0658 4496 7981 1252 0101200120729, 0316 5931 3289 1276 8587 4475 4206 8740 8896 7955 0101200125777, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101200098503, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101200121222, 3226 1300 5094 0728 4712 0131 3241 6669 2432 7063 0101200108534, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101205005180, 0624 3852 1176 9151 3773 6397 7766 5353 0589 27162021-05-06 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016728ClosedKCT Request2021-05-06REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200104335 Good morning, Please kindly assist with the subject above Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoFind below, 1755 5312 2483 7763 5957 0524 1639 8446 5359 21592021-05-06 omarllepps@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00016727ClosedTamper Code2021-05-06REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPER Good day, Attached is for the above subject matter for your further action. Thanks.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-05NoHello, Find below. 0150000932098 0575 2898 2131 0055 8842 (Clear Tamper) Thank you.2021-05-06 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016726ClosedTamper Code2021-05-06Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101160059966 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-05NoHello, Find below. 0101160059966 2018 1958 4252 0629 1795 (Clear Tamper) Thank you.2021-05-06 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016725ClosedKCT Request2021-05-06Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000937477 Good morningMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-05-06 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016724ClosedKCT Request2021-05-0544000328870 thanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-05NoHello, Find below, 6707 1952 0238 6165 3533 5189 5697 8716 8566 37652021-05-05 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016723ClosedKCT Request2021-05-05Kindly release the KCT for the meter below. 62420226557MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-05NoHello, This meter is a single phase residential meter and it on 01 hence no kct required Than you.2021-05-05 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00016722ClosedKCT Request2021-05-05Request for Kct 0101170129429MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-05No5130 0651 6383 2841 6890 6675 5440 2532 8683 85062021-05-05 abbaslawal360@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016721ClosedKCT Request2021-05-05Please ict kindly generate kct number following the meter 010120007753MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-05NoThis is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2021-05-05 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016720ClosedKCT Request2021-05-05Please it support kindly generate kct following meter number 0101200096812MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-05No6442 7659 2072 4000 3371 0503 9851 2950 3858 45582021-05-05 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016719ClosedKCT Request2021-05-05Good morning.Request for KCT 0101200088256MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-05No6783 1552 6855 4498 9692 0160 7646 9761 0394 04882021-05-05 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016718ClosedKCT Request2021-05-050150000868029 thanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-05NoFind below, 5025 0159 7699 8059 0769 6896 0100 9159 8152 49612021-05-05 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016717ClosedComplaint2021-05-05PAYMENT FOR POST PAID BUT TOKEN GENERATED As Attached a customer acct.630192112601 DSS training school paid #400,000 into his account but token was generated,the payment was maint to reduce their debt. This is for your information and necessary corrections sir. Thank you Baba Abdullahi Area Manager Yankari Area office Bauchi RegionMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-05NoHello, Please kindly note that this is not IT issue to handle, kindly liaise with customer care and Audit. Regards.2021-05-05 bbyola79@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016716ClosedTamper Code2021-05-05Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101190148581 ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-05NoHello, Find below, 0101190148581 5619 9026 7045 3088 2825 Clear Tamper2021-05-05 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016715ClosedKCT Request2021-05-05Request for KCT tariff index 0001 0101200123061, 0101200127260, 0101190155107, 0101200127310, 0101200060032, 0101200091060, 0101200088397, 0101200127047, 0101200097901, 0101200121321 Dear IT support Good morning all, pls the above information is needed ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-05NoFind below, 0101200123061, 2398 5638 5458 9898 7794 4787 7888 0080 5661 1508 0101200127260, 2425 2900 2925 0342 0379 3154 2531 5185 5447 7074 0101190155107, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101200127310, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101200060032, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101200091060, 0090 1822 0691 7316 8195 6303 4444 6515 3447 2074 0101200088397, 1901 4154 5066 3402 7549 0962 9752 2547 2955 9811 0101200127047, 0142 9432 0642 4911 6705 2914 1611 5769 4944 9427 0101200097901, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101200121321 3283 3917 0447 6193 0820 2384 2603 8078 0490 47092021-05-05 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016714ClosedKCT Request2021-05-05Hello team, Trust this email finds you well, please kindly provide KCT for the meter numbers below: 1 04223577935 2. 010170389882 Thank you as I await your Swift response Kind Regards Inusa NoorMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-05-05NoFind below as requested, 1 04223577935 4223577935 0612 3663 2915 8897 5351 4223577935 4292 4944 7709 4319 7449 2. 0101170389882 4280 2355 4156 5231 6091 1726 0679 5185 1656 50312021-05-05 inusabellonura01@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016713ClosedTamper Code2021-05-06Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101160059966 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-05NoHello, Find below. 0101160059966 2018 1958 4252 0629 1795 (Clear Tamper) Thank you.2021-05-06 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016712ClosedKCT Request2021-05-05: Hello please kindly assist with KCT 0101200114979 0101200000897 0101200085773MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-05NoFind below, 0101200114979 1274 9834 7839 0701 4299 3087 2600 1672 8947 5139 0101200000897 3665 1334 9060 6239 9937 7207 2909 3064 7665 3610 0101200085773 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-05-05 rasheedatlawalaa7428@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016711ClosedKCT Request2021-05-05KCT generation please 95300168671 thanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-05NoFind below, 7303 6274 5496 1408 1076 6466 6078 7055 6022 12432021-05-05 beediesarah5@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016710ClosedKCT Request2021-05-050101200004790 Sir we need a KCT tariff 0002 Thanks for your support.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-05NoHello, Find below as requested. 7325 7367 4873 3683 9481 3541 6493 6026 3608 4733 Thanks.2021-05-05 yakubaliyu82@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016709ClosedTamper Code2021-05-05Good evening please kindly assist me with the meter CT 62420219164 ThankMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-05NoHello, Find below, 62420219164 2373 5850 9245 7935 3697 Clear Tamper2021-05-05 abdulmalik3955@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016708ClosedKCT Request2021-05-05KCT request - 0101200107544MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-05NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-05-05 stynlucs@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00016707ClosedKCT Request2021-05-05REQUEST FOR KCT - 010190039186 Pls assist with the above RegardsMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-05NoThis is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2021-05-05 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016706ClosedTamper Code2021-05-05Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101190135018 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-05NoHello, Find below, 0101190135018 0178 0234 1546 9339 1760 Clear Tamper2021-05-05 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016705ClosedKCT Request2021-05-05Good morning, KCT generation please 95300169141 thanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-05NoFind below, 2132 8254 0698 3154 5979 3019 2490 9153 6663 77922021-05-05 beediesarah5@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016704ClosedKCT Request2021-05-05: Request for kct in respect of this account 0150300016766 0150000957508 0150000903479MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-05NoFind below, 0150300016766 0447 3628 6377 7698 5132 1095 3267 1056 7922 5183 0150000957508 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 0150000903479 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2021-05-05 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016703ClosedKCT Request2021-05-05Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000900970 Good morningMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-05NoFind below, 1229 3580 9249 7294 4503 5583 5331 6189 4292 08122021-05-05 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016702ClosedKCT Request2021-05-05Request for kct in respect of this account 0101200029912 Good morningMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-05NoFind below, 6684 0918 2152 2693 1131 3992 9286 9838 3798 11542021-05-05 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016701ClosedKCT Request2021-05-050150000911886. 0150000885271 thanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-05NoFind below, 0150000911886. This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 0150000885271 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2021-05-05 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016700ClosedKCT Request2021-05-040150000900236 0150000907157Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-04NoHello, Find below, 0150000900236 6991 1500 7292 0020 1337 2415 1004 1722 8726 4635 0150000907157 5438 4482 0176 5033 2017 5918 8545 7513 1170 75192021-05-04 ahmadmiltonfairaskira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016699ClosedKCT Request2021-05-04Dear support, Please assist with the subject above for this MSN 0101200117394MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-04NoFind below, 3104 4430 9849 3309 6330 6949 7825 9471 8840 78872021-05-04 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00016698ClosedKCT Request2021-05-04Request for KCT 23102133776 23102123405 62420214207 23102131796 62420255887 23102128792 Kindly furnish us with the above information ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-04NoFind below, 23102133776 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 23102123405 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62420214207 1555 0941 9593 7858 9814 1917 4875 6425 1748 4003 23102131796 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62420255887 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 23102128792 5678 6589 6418 1928 2466 1756 0380 4831 2590 37932021-05-04 vajimehd@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016697ClosedTamper Code2021-05-04Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly vette on these meters for support to generate tamper 0101200048052 0101200023527 0101200029722 0101200010201 0101190137402 0101200066047 0101200070009 0101200023105 0101200025506 0101190019279 0101200072508 0101200036610 0101200066344 0101200016091 44000317444 44000372290 44000385573 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-04NoHello, Find below, 0101200048052 4117 5540 3036 6795 2642 0101200023527 2086 5425 2871 0575 9188 0101200029722 2838 1417 0816 8829 1042 0101200010201 3928 2152 4533 6382 0347 0101190137402 5732 6480 1504 3672 2492 0101200066047 0581 2662 5611 0494 1772 0101200070009 Wrong MSN or not captured. 0101200023105 2773 4957 9247 4396 1644 0101200025506 2667 3509 2145 9671 6672 0101190019279 6218 3697 0028 9203 8974 0101200072508 1112 2056 6645 2040 8194 0101200036610 0244 1401 3090 5036 6803 0101200066344 2268 6710 8305 5511 0578 0101200016091 0097 9397 9897 3673 7726 44000317444 2587 0795 9497 4246 0445 44000372290 4017 8918 4888 7340 3888 44000385573 5136 9255 5847 8272 59362021-05-04 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016696ClosedKCT Request2021-05-0444000326973 KCT 0101200056469 kctMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-03NoHello, Find below, 44000326973 This meter is a single phase and is on 001 on our database. Hence, no KCT needed. However, you may wish to query the meter to know which tariff index it is on. 0101200056469 6577 3896 8601 5511 8946 5944 3366 7440 2818 8193 Thanks.2021-05-04 nadabousman762@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016695ClosedKCT Request2021-05-040101200126965 meter on. ,1 thanks sirMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-04NoHello, Find below, 1093 8424 3993 4979 3479 7308 2371 4935 4116 2524 Thanks.2021-05-04 umarismail4050@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016694ClosedKCT Request2021-05-0454161054348 is on 03MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-04NoHello, This meter has 2 customers on it. Kindly specify the customer name. Thanks.2021-05-04 ismailbalaonline@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016693ClosedKCT Request2021-05-04Pls sir kindly help me with kct of this meter numbers 0101190138004 0101190150553MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-04NoHello, Find below as requested. 0101190138004 3773 4283 7703 3560 1579 3239 6872 1834 2307 1184 0101190150553 6169 0457 9726 2009 1642 0007 7356 7970 1232 9011 Thanks.2021-05-04 amibabs433@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016692ClosedKCT Request2021-05-040101190144176 KCT. Tariff 0002 Thanks for ur support Dear support, Please assist with the subject above for these MSN 0101200060123 0101200060628MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-04NoFind below, 0101200060123 6030 9856 4555 2451 6050 1114 9163 5308 1444 4505 0101200060628 2848 6399 9069 4496 8764 4052 8390 6711 1697 24022021-05-04 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00016691ClosedKCT Request2021-05-02Find Below 0150000956808. From 01 to 33. 0150000969991. From 01 to 33 0150000896202. From 01 to 48 0150000958275. From 01 to 33 0150000949209. From 01 to 33 0150000957020. From 01 to 33 0150000966674. From 01 to 33 0150000968803. From 01 to 33 0150000956808. From 01 to 33 0150000965999. From 01 to 33 0150000969991. From 01 to 33 Best Regard.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-02NoHello, Find below, 0150000956808. From 01 to 33. 5502 3153 0106 4399 2713 6322 3910 6397 4455 5744 0150000969991. From 01 to 33 5296 4557 4281 1722 3795 6471 1754 8016 7290 6435 0150000896202. From 01 to 48 2032 8233 7159 9280 9893 5514 9410 1348 8391 5148 0150000958275. From 01 to 33 2275 2135 3120 3947 8850 0857 4700 3305 0065 7171 0150000949209. From 01 to 33 1523 3279 4544 6597 8786 0096 1877 9483 8154 9737 0150000957020. From 01 to 33 6847 4096 6513 1549 0760 6006 0742 2625 9151 4203 0150000966674. From 01 to 33 1027 0146 0975 8463 3030 1043 9898 6541 5389 7666 0150000968803. From 01 to 33 2165 9085 3547 0695 2341 3189 7463 0922 6780 4487 0150000956808. From 01 to 33 5502 3153 0106 4399 2713 6322 3910 6397 4455 5744 0150000965999. From 01 to 33 3936 2073 1612 9817 2348 4400 7948 2876 8246 0790 0150000969991. From 01 to 33 5296 4557 4281 1722 3795 6471 1754 8016 7290 64352021-05-02 infortech4life@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016690ClosedTamper Code2021-05-02Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101170119396 57100014620 44000402931 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-02NoHello, Find below, 0101170119396 6276 6115 7756 8470 7416 57100014620 6952 7302 3667 4232 3494 44000402931 1815 4021 1786 8841 88182021-05-02 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016689ClosedTamper Code2021-05-02Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 54160875438 ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-02NoHello, Find below, 54160875438 4666 8075 1224 0521 1955 Clear Tamper2021-05-02 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016688ClosedKCT Request2021-05-020150000914823Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-02NoThis meter is a Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence you may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2021-05-02 babangidaboyi86@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016687ClosedKCT Request2021-05-02Pls sir kindly help me with kct of this meter number 0101205005206Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-05-02NoHello, Find below new KCT, 4677 8382 7470 4577 7962 0754 4675 2787 8470 64302021-05-02 amibabs433@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016686ClosedTamper Code2021-05-02Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly vette on these meters for support to generate tamper 0101200048052 0101200023527 0101200029722 0101200010201 0101190137402 0101200066047 0101200070009 0101200023105 0101200025506 0101190019279 0101200072508 0101200036610 0101200066344 0101200016091 44000317444 44000372290 44000385573 Thank youMedium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2021-05-02NoHello, Find below as requested, 0101200048052 0767 5143 2351 6733 2895 0101200023527 1020 2864 9335 2057 3484 0101200029722 1279 1042 8529 1851 8381 0101200010201 5884 2299 3896 3927 0716 0101190137402 2637 6648 1054 8924 8531 0101200066047 6063 8238 8681 1203 7267 0101200070009 Not captured 0101200023105 5533 6292 2186 8660 7522 0101200025506 2171 4454 5402 9587 7548 0101190019279 5164 9110 0209 0859 8019 0101200072508 4088 9371 9832 5136 8808 0101200036610 6113 1788 2284 4330 4287 0101200066344 5286 8336 2873 4621 0411 0101200016091 5863 2225 2956 8780 2854 44000317444 0418 2328 5035 7485 2536 44000372290 6617 1125 7452 9558 3022 44000385573 2623 1928 0474 2386 6792 Regards...2021-05-02 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00016685ClosedKCT Request2021-05-020150000874019MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-02NoHello, Find below as requested. 3864 6610 8541 5657 5283 4652 2166 8488 1680 9256 Thaks.2021-05-02 ahmadmiltonfairaskira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016684ClosedKCT Request2021-05-020150000900236 0150000907157MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-02NoHello, Find below as requested. 0150000900236 6991 1500 7292 0020 1337 2415 1004 1722 8726 4635 0150000907157 5438 4482 0176 5033 2017 5918 8545 7513 1170 75192021-05-02 ahmadmiltonfairaskira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016683ClosedKCT Request2021-05-010150000916398MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-01NoHello, Find below as requested. 5498 5898 3365 2449 7554 5118 8451 5089 0369 2419 Thanks.2021-05-02 ahmadmiltonfairaskira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016682ClosedKCT Request2021-04-30REQUEST FOR KCT -0101200113542 Hello, Please treat Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-30NoHello, Find below. 0455 3149 4257 4655 3310 3314 5760 6963 8084 1577 Thanks.2021-04-30 omarllepps@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00016681ClosedKCT Request2021-04-30Dear Support, Kindly generate KCT for this meter 2 - 8 0101205005701 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-30NoHello, Find below as requested. 5972 6333 6473 6107 9296 6434 6006 8623 7450 7703 Thanks.2021-04-30 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016680ClosedKCT Request2021-04-30Good morning sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the MSNS 44000336105 1 TO 21 44000312718 24 TO 1 44000395317 1 TO 21 44000398048 1 TO 1MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-30NoFind below, 44000336105 1 TO 21 4557 6986 3710 6230 7490 5946 2901 2918 8045 8490 44000312718 24 TO 1 4840 5810 3782 7551 1669 6893 7603 2287 3273 1961 44000395317 1 TO 21 1324 2432 4916 0414 5787 4492 8234 2980 0971 8147 44000398048 1 TO 1 5803 9770 3594 7294 7178 4402 2566 0456 5570 66332021-04-30 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016679ClosedKCT Request2021-04-30REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200096291MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-30NoHello, Find below 1142 6896 3487 1571 8386 2111 2076 6018 5301 6799 Thanks.2021-04-30 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00016678ClosedKCT Request2021-04-30Good morning, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters 0101200099717 on index 0021 0101200117949 on index 0022 0101200050421 0101200117592 0101200008766 0101200087699 on index 0004 0101200064570 on index 0030 0101200061543 0101190154423 on index 0004 0101190135679 0101200005557 on index 002 -001 0101200017206 on index 002-001 0101200008940 0101200020432 0101190134599 on index 000 0101200119770 0101200127005MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-30NoFind below, 0101200099717 on index 0021 1422 9028 1541 5171 5562 4452 2368 1798 9826 6021 0101200117949 on index 0022 5216 7702 0541 0475 9247 1625 8309 8219 9366 8286 0101200050421 4498 4771 9982 2092 4003 6678 5327 7796 2121 8855 0101200117592 5833 9029 0095 7310 2115 1294 9259 8950 0264 2400 0101200008766 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 0101200087699 on index 0004 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 0101200064570 on index 0030 1128 1433 9501 6486 7352 2729 3308 8230 5441 3871 0101200061543 6563 0205 2014 8382 3009 1018 2473 1401 4384 1791 0101190154423 on index 0004 2511 6105 1781 8167 7016 3988 1969 9025 2365 3714 0101190135679 2994 6272 2358 0696 1153 2602 9616 2479 4002 4256 0101200005557 on index 002 -001 4286 4297 8527 1769 7345 2099 1068 2062 5057 9259 0101200017206 on index 002-001 5384 1980 0615 9339 6414 1057 8148 9849 4879 1804 0101200008940 5698 1786 6014 2616 5576 3976 2397 2066 4358 6374 0101200020432 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101190134599 on index 000 0376 7848 1092 2256 6001 1266 1673 3747 5357 1723 0101200119770 6153 1051 1633 6042 3742 6421 4358 8148 9592 4316 0101200127005 3777 2029 1998 3013 9771 2358 8296 8899 1532 77462021-04-30 tkhadija028@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016677ClosedKCT Request2021-04-30KCT Request - 0101200005888MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-30NoHello, Find below. 1680 9484 8219 7072 5019 0085 1812 3928 7642 3624 Thanks.2021-04-30 stynlucs@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00016676ClosedKCT Request2021-04-30: REQUEST FOR KCT - FROM 02 TO 01 0101190140992 Please generate from 02 to 01. Best regards.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-30NoHello, Find below as requested. 0400 5188 7240 9992 7268 4937 0250 7177 1592 9517 Thanks.2021-04-30 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00016675ClosedKCT Request2021-04-30Hello, Good Morning, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters. Thank you. Meter Numbers: 0101170225102 0101170382458 0101200127005MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-30NoFind below, 0101170225102 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101170382458 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 0101200127005 3777 2029 1998 3013 9771 2358 8296 8899 1532 77462021-04-30 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016674ClosedKCT Request2021-04-30Request for KCT 0101200127112Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-30NoFind below, 4076 2685 7488 2589 4386 5501 4053 0953 0847 43762021-04-30 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016673ClosedKCT Request2021-04-30KCT Request - 0101200038681Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-30NoFind below, 4698 0487 5956 3176 4940 3798 4476 4214 7384 25562021-04-30 stynlucs@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00016672ClosedTamper Code2021-04-30Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101190150363 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-30NoHello, Find below, 0101190150363 0963 2780 2377 7715 2671 Clear Tamper2021-04-30 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016671ClosedKCT Request2021-04-30: Good morning.Request for KCT 0101205009190Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-30NoHello, Find below, 5687 8387 1267 6122 4493 4098 7335 8584 3856 56282021-04-30 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016670ClosedComplaint2021-04-30I just bought 1000 token to my meter 0101200029623. And it is rejecting the token. Pls kindly assist me.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-30NoHello, Find below KCT load the first 20 digit and press enter then second 20 digit, followed by your token, 6967 6174 0996 2058 2351 2907 9742 3577 5062 43932021-04-30 abuasneem@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016669ClosedTamper Code2021-04-30Dear Support, Kindly reissue this tampers 0101190134300 0101190145637 0101200024590 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-30NoHello, Find below, 0101190134300 2200 2825 7118 5594 6993 0101190145637 2395 3636 6972 1890 3328 0101200024590 1465 3800 0514 1941 30752021-04-30 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016668ClosedKCT Request2021-04-30Request for kct 0101160186215 meter on 04. 0101170123984. Meter on 01 thanks sirMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-30NoFind below, 0101160186215 meter on 04. 2327 8906 8709 5409 8024 4561 6387 5474 7834 4227 0101170123984. Meter on 01 6273 9477 9971 6300 8298 6076 0991 1433 8348 07392021-04-30 umarismail4050@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016667ClosedKCT Request2021-04-30Pls sir kindly help me with kct of this meter number from 2 to 1 and from 1 to 2 0101190151528Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-30NoFind below, Though we have responded before. 01 To 02 0730 6113 2987 4285 5479 6003 9052 7271 3672 6005 02 To 01 2565 9279 3164 2700 5172 4631 7236 2869 0518 43302021-04-30 amibabs433@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016666ClosedKCT Request2021-04-30KCT GENERATION 01012000054126 Dear IT team, Please the above subject refers. Waiting for your reply. Regards.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-30NoHello, This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2021-04-30 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016665ClosedKCT Request2021-04-300150000861768Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-29NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-30 ahmadmiltonfairaskira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016664ClosedKCT Request2021-04-30Good Evening ict , please kindly send me the kct number 0101200014393 the Tariff index is 008 HelloMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-29NoFind below, 3843 9527 0619 6863 7419 6080 4844 6223 6758 84602021-04-30 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016663ClosedKCT Request2021-04-30Good evening please kindly assist me with the meter kCT 23102123736 Thank youMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-29NoFind below, 5486 5084 7982 3520 9405 0118 5904 9865 5930 38782021-04-30 abdulmalik3955@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016662ClosedKCT Request2021-04-30Hello team Trust this email finds you well please kindly provide the KCT for the Meter details below Meter no 0101170389882Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-30NoFind below, 4280 2355 4156 5231 6091 1726 0679 5185 1656 50312021-04-30 inusabellonura01@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016661ClosedKCT Request2021-04-30Good evening please kindly assist me with the meter kCT 23102123736 Thank youMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-29NoFind below, 5486 5084 7982 3520 9405 0118 5904 9865 5930 38782021-04-30 abdulmalik3955@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016660ClosedKCT Request2021-04-30Kindly generate kct for this meter number 0101190152518 tariff 0004.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-29NoFind below, 01 To 04 2832 1548 1013 7409 3821 6611 2439 7567 3814 34712021-04-30 najibumarsulaiman202@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016659ClosedKCT Request2021-04-30Hello team Trust this email finds you well please kindly provide the KCT for the Meter details below Meter no 0101170389882 Await your kind response Kind RegardsMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-30NoFind below, 4280 2355 4156 5231 6091 1726 0679 5185 1656 50312021-04-30 inusabellonura01@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016658ClosedKCT Request2021-04-300150000861768Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-30NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-30 ahmadmiltonfairaskira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016657ClosedKCT Request2021-04-290101170215079Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-29NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-29 ashanafagain@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016656ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29: Kct, 0101205001205 Please treat from 2-8Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-29NoFind below, 0455 0341 2639 2415 8004 1255 0687 8464 1951 16562021-04-29 ummilois2@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016655ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29REQUEST FOR KCT -0101161032764Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-29NoFind below as requested, 4234 6585 5888 9674 0635 4165 6769 2738 8212 48872021-04-29 longpuan@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016654ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200118681Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-29Nond below, 2235 7154 5362 5649 3178 5689 1363 9226 2179 24422021-04-29 longpuan@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016653ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29Request for KCT number from 02 to 08 0101205005701 Dear IT, Pls the above is needed ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-29Noind below, 5972 6333 6473 6107 9296 6434 6006 8623 7450 77032021-04-29 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016652ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29Hello sir, please kindly generate KCT from 02 to 34 for this MSN: 0101160342511 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-29NoHello, Find below, 2562 5704 6728 6823 8117 2360 4648 0285 6510 66212021-04-29 yuzarsif33112269@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016651ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29Request for KCT 0101200108179Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-29NoFind below, 1150 6447 5901 9010 5141 3161 0046 3418 5467 35502021-04-29 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016650ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29Good Afternoon, please help me with the k c t number or this meter 0101190142337. Thanks and regards Lawal Umar Shanono(3243) Tafawa balewa feeder.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-29Nolo, Find below, 2856 5711 8929 1912 5669 4071 6100 8923 4407 82822021-04-29 shanono89@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016649ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29Hello, Good afternoon, Kindly assist with KCT for this meter. Thank you Meter Number:0101190140786MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-29NoHello, Find Below, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-29 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016648ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29Hello sir, please kindly generate KCT from 02 to 34 for this MSN: 0101175102462 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-29NoHello, Find below, 7122 1633 9474 4896 9186 2424 7851 1589 8465 06232021-04-29 yuzarsif33112269@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016647ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29Find Below 0150000942998 From 01 to 33 0150000925183 From 01 to 02 0150000885650 From 01 to 07 0150000858459 From 01 to 33 0150000857741 From 01 to 46 0150000871197 From 01 to 02MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-29NoHello, Find below, 0150000942998 From 01 to 33 3616 3746 4385 1935 8812 6223 9950 8389 8645 8313 0150000925183 From 01 to 02 6607 6881 1184 6957 9462 6705 6906 5171 7547 4133 0150000885650 From 01 to 07 7048 5466 6444 4406 8188 5264 4145 4890 9176 8080 0150000858459 From 01 to 33 5544 8781 3996 0303 9909 6146 0136 6218 3357 5983 0150000857741 From 01 to 46 0940 3580 2116 7461 0034 3282 0635 3475 1064 6861 0150000871197 From 01 to 02 0405 9644 8307 1888 1038 1819 4587 9614 2501 11522021-04-29 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00016646ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200115646 Pls assist withh the aboveMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-29NoHello, Find below, 4114 5462 5656 1637 4540 2715 7257 5992 2064 25222021-04-29 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016645ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000859002 Good dayMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-29Noello, Find below, 0893 2461 6471 4664 9583 2344 0481 6567 7047 94262021-04-29 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016644ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29Dear support, Please assist with the subject above for this MSN 0101200104004MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-29NoHello, Find below, 1471 7947 0608 9821 4488 3381 1178 2680 0863 53242021-04-29 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00016643ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29Request for KCT number 0101200102008, 0101200107742 Dear IT, Pls above information is needed ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-29NoHello, Find below, 0101200102008, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101200107742 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-29 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016642ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29Please kindly Generate a kct for the following meter numbers 0101200018386 0101170439281 04223504939 0101170166322 0101190138921MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-29NoHello, Find below, 0101200018386 0171 0820 6992 6290 4962 1806 0157 3147 5637 6244 0101170439281 7353 0515 1784 8098 7717 4069 7953 5082 1731 5198 04223504939 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101170166322 Kindly provide the customer name or account number. 0101190138921 Kindly provide the customer name or account number.2021-04-29 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016641ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29Please kindly send me the kct for this meter no below 0101200112858 0101190134946.04 to 01 0101190140646. 01 to 02 0101190144705.02 to 01Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-29No0101200112858 1595 4695 9961 3974 3165 3384 2264 0167 0607 1959 0101190134946.04 to 01 This meter displayed an incomplete token, kindly allow us some time to generate the KCT. 0101190140646. 01 to 02 3074 0025 2078 7124 5387 6147 9717 5859 8842 2630 0101190144705.02 to 01 6802 1908 0482 5373 7324 4683 2192 2281 1476 0068 0101190134946 50828349607341584303 067154038377442003732021-04-29 umarmacy@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016640ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29Hello sir, please kindly generate KCT from 02 to 04 for this MSN: 0101205009208 Thank youMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-29NoFind below, 6648 9312 8096 8762 2317 5267 1140 0983 6166 20332021-04-29 yuzarsif33112269@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016639ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29Subject: kct kindly generate kct for 0101200013742. Its rejecting token.Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2021-04-29NoHello, Find below as requested, 3920 6849 8005 9959 1203 3067 4194 0171 7826 91592021-04-29 denhamsalvation@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00016638ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29Kct is on 0008 0101185049273Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2021-04-29NoHello, Find below, 4243 4437 9761 1496 4502 5532 5914 3064 6510 48032021-04-29 kabirukhalidumar@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00016637ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29Please kindly Generate a kct for the following meter numbers 0101190153052 from 02 to 01Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2021-04-29NoHello, Find below, 4517 6988 8603 2682 0281 0312 6052 7009 1280 80592021-04-29 bangisgarko@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00016636ClosedKCT Request2021-04-290101185049273Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2021-04-29NoHello, Find below, 4243 4437 9761 1496 4502 5532 5914 3064 6510 48032021-04-29 kabirukhalidumar@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00016635ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29Request for KCT number from 001 to 008 0101205005701, 0101205007699 Dear IT, Please the above is needed ThanksMedium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2021-04-29NoHello, Find below as requested, 0101205005701 01 To 08 3911 2916 5078 5221 7517 6952 1897 6325 3926 9180 0101205005701 08 To 01 6394 5128 4495 8917 2188 4395 6857 1600 7694 99342021-04-29 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00016634ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29Hello Team, Kindly assist with the above-mentioned for the meter numbers below 1. 0101190155081 2. 0101170245548 3. 0101200113989 4. 0101200017305Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-29NoHello, Find below, 1. 0101190155081 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 2. 0101170245548 7372 9574 3654 8859 8450 1368 9877 5551 2133 5129 3. 0101200113989 3818 8827 7388 4854 6042 6296 9818 8617 1573 3759 4. 0101200017305 6593 5158 9143 1850 8569 2177 7372 4374 0371 04242021-04-29 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016633ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200045694Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-29NoHello, Find below, 66909673904411886378 000482001408818961942021-04-29 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016632ClosedKCT Request2021-05-06Kindly generate KCT for this meter 3 - 1 1 - 3 0101200011449 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoHello, Find below, 0101200011449 3 1 0114 2452 1936 0799 4770 2426 2187 5430 1161 3747 1 3 7080 7678 2585 3880 8510 6735 7535 2392 7171 6365 Thank you.2021-05-06 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016631ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29Request for KCT number 0101170116939 Dear IT, The above is needed ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-29NoHello, Find below. 5167 8370 5185 6968 5624 4111 4009 4092 6283 78542021-04-29 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016630ClosedKCT Request2021-04-290101 2050 01882Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-29NoFind below, 6080 3281 6509 8998 3378 2042 7949 2834 6950 83152021-04-29 ismailbalaonline@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016629ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29Kct is on 0021) 0101170439281Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-29NoFind below, VH Transaction ID: 1615161969548524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-29 12:24:45 Meter No.: 0101170439281 Account No.: 6573210078-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 18.34 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 4870 7516 4136 6514 7158 KCT 01 To 21 7353 0515 1784 8098 7717 4069 7953 5082 1731 51982021-04-29 kabirukhalidumar@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016628ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29: Request for KCT meter 0101195006792 Otene Ameh lislieMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-29NoFind below, 6483 3342 9303 8573 5748 3542 5389 5347 5640 29412021-04-29 benmercyladi@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016627ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29KCT request - 44000369841Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-29NoFind below, 3957 7830 7940 3367 4688 0227 8072 0468 6365 74242021-04-29 stynlucs@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00016626ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29Good Day, Kindly generate KCT for this meter number-0101 2001 1840 0 Thank you.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-29NoHello, Find below, 23717384082414919131 695830503207411453592021-04-29 ioramokajo@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016625ClosedTamper Code2021-04-29Dear team, The correct MSN is 0101185058845 on the scanned copy. Kindly help and treat please. Regards Good Afternoon Sir Kindly help and assist on the above 11NO TEMPER CODE request please. Best Regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-29NoHello, Find below, 0101170207738 1123 4529 7102 8127 7189 Clear Tamper 0101170162495 1750 9870 2434 6483 6282 Clear Tamper 54161011520 6915 7221 9458 3279 7252 Clear Tamper 0101200071534 3652 8792 1677 4733 6132 Clear Tamper 0101170166074 1504 9233 4072 0134 9326 Clear Tamper 0101200072060 5813 3274 0062 0556 9360 Clear Tamper 010118508845 wrong meter number or not captured. 54161155095 1763 4275 5135 9710 1838 Clear Tamper 44300000484 3608 0016 1686 3392 0980 Clear Tamper 44000316107 4454 4556 7513 9310 6580 Clear Tamper 0101170178897 6110 5581 7134 6895 1032 Clear Tamper 0101185058845 3366 4109 9178 2657 5819 Clear Tamper2021-04-29 glawal1184@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016624ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29Please kindly Generate a kct for the following meter numbers 0101190137162 from 04 to 01 and from 01 to 04 44000327112 0101190148045 from 06 to 01MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-29NoHello, Find below as requested, 0101190137162 from 04 to 01 and from 01 to 04 04 To 01 0533 9762 2728 2805 8599 3662 7201 8386 1187 9181 01 To 04 1798 0933 0164 2842 2779 2788 7990 1402 8246 9078 44000327112 7175 5671 0888 7612 0997 6857 2459 6289 1045 0213 0101190148045 from 06 to 01 6964 5967 0776 4380 0523 6559 6258 4499 7477 30512021-04-29 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016623ClosedTamper Code2021-04-29Dear Support, Kindly reissue this tamper 0101200082721 ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-29NoHello, Find below, 0101200082721 2206 5632 2786 8790 9461 Clear Tamper2021-04-29 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016622ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29Good Day, Kindly generate KCT for this meter number-0101 2001 1840 0 Thank you.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-29NoHello, This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2021-04-29 ioramokajo@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016621ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29Pls assist with the below 0101205002195 0101175101779 0101185048044 01012001004277 RegardsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-29NoHello, Find below, 0101205002195 0138 2209 7126 7178 9955 4330 5538 5197 6653 1710 0101175101779 2051 8095 9939 3584 6228 3800 0650 8544 4089 7116 0101185048044 6614 8783 9127 2067 1473 1315 4332 7969 0195 1225 01012001004277 Wrong meter number or not captured.2021-04-29 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016620ClosedVending History2021-04-29Kindly furnish us with the VH of this meter 0101160057093 Thank u.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-29NoNo vending history found.2021-04-29 kibos2020@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016619ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29Hello team Kindly provide the kct of the meter details below 0101200081038 Await your kind response Kind regardsMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-29NoFind below, 5220 2654 5612 9226 4702 6983 0132 4733 3528 01022021-04-29 inusabellonura01@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016618ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29Hello team Kindly provide the kct of the meter details below 0101200081038 Await your kind response Kind regardsMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-29NoFind below, 5220 2654 5612 9226 4702 6983 0132 4733 3528 01022021-04-29 inusabellonura01@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016617ClosedKCT Request2021-04-290101190137162 0101205007699 from 002 0101200077515 0101200087167 from 04 to 01 and 01 to 04 0101190138921 0101170166322 0101190138921 0101170135806 0101170162248Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-29NoFind below, 0101190137162 1798 0933 0164 2842 2779 2788 7990 1402 8246 9078 0101205007699 from 002 6011 0174 7027 8379 7114 5186 8311 9768 8650 8383 0101200077515 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101200087167 from 04 to 01 and 01 to 04 01 To 04 3294 8683 7881 5755 5837 6095 7050 8292 5065 3094 04 To 01 0034 8485 2125 3398 7964 5843 8980 2177 7106 2695 0101190138921 Kindly provide us the acct number or customer name 0101170166322 5729 3441 3582 3997 7607 2533 8741 1086 6046 7512 0101170135806 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101170162248 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-29 bangisgarko@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016616ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29REQUEST FOR KCT -0101190140018Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-29NoFind below, 5238 6415 1944 3889 0065 4286 3861 0953 3547 45692021-04-29 omarllepps@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00016615ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29Kindly generate kct for this meter number 0101200113120.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-29NoFind below, 3379 0717 2542 3306 6798 6364 4838 1751 6586 93722021-04-29 najibumarsulaiman202@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016614ClosedKCT Request2021-04-2954161167967 index is 01 0101205009208 index is in 02MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-29NoHello, 54161167967 index is 01 This meter is on 001 on our database, hence no KCT required. 0101205009208 index is in 02 6648 9312 8096 8762 2317 5267 1140 0983 6166 20332021-04-29 abubakarumar4102@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016613ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29Request for KCT number 0101185048572 Dear IT support, Please I need the above information ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-29NoFind below, 2562 1346 5808 2663 0179 2806 0173 0519 0157 51482021-04-29 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016612ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29Request for kct to enable customer for our services. Here is the meter no. 0101170450528.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-29NoHello, Kindly provide us with the customers name and account number. Thanks. 4539 8566 9281 1609 8210 2880 2272 7580 6676 45582021-04-29 nawwalson01@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016611ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29Hello please kindly assist with KCT 0101200042022 0101200060230 0101200114284 0101190146270 0101205001148 0101200012132 0101200112973Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-29NoHello, Find below, 0101200042022 5015 2467 1015 3587 7898 1249 6134 1564 2040 3262 0101200060230 4622 7930 1982 3462 5499 3365 7536 2792 1671 6412 0101200114284 5177 7914 7646 5996 3356 5896 7883 2846 5765 6613 0101190146270 5813 9727 7147 5705 7603 6259 7702 0951 7854 3587 0101205001148 3051 4439 2151 8641 5969 1327 2277 3287 2546 5444 0101200012132 1395 2678 2900 2962 6957 5115 3029 9950 1603 6521 0101200112973 2885 1693 5675 5238 1234 6290 2701 1763 5219 25362021-04-29 rasheedatlawalaa7428@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016610ClosedKCT Request2021-05-06Kindly generate KCT for this meter 0101200091540 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoFind below, 5482 1677 9732 1343 2498 7115 6799 3561 8154 96612021-05-06 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016609ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29: Kct, 0101200105035 Please treat.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-29NoHello, Find below, 5434 4735 1367 1234 7227 0993 5850 1431 5904 30472021-04-29 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016608ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29Request for KCT 0101200126106MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-29NoFind below, 2767 3973 8714 7566 9988 6285 5931 8633 7480 62082021-04-29 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016607ClosedTamper Code2021-04-29Good morning please kindly assist me with the meter CT 62420232126 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-29NoHello, Find below, 62420232126 0504 2362 4099 7513 9121 Clear Tamper2021-04-29 abdulmalik3955@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016606ClosedTamper Code2021-04-29Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly vette on these meters for support to generate tamper 0101160350035 0101170239020 57100025592 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-29NoHello, Mail received, kindly remind Audit to vet on your mail. Regards.2021-04-29 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016605ClosedTamper Code2021-04-29Good morning, Attached is for the above subject matter for your further action. ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-29NoHello, Find below, 57300000114 5591 6371 3488 8596 7554 Clear Tamper 0101200066369 0799 8458 1007 4852 5992 Clear Tamper 0150000858434 5555 6158 0654 8437 5740 Clear Tamper2021-04-29 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016604ClosedKCT Request2021-04-2944000395143 1 TO 21 44000392645 1 TO 2 44000350965 1 TO 2MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-29NoFind below, 44000395143 1 TO 21 3612 8180 4553 6173 5823 4135 7552 7691 8646 5287 44000392645 1 TO 2 3875 6556 4586 3088 7095 6476 0233 2588 7756 8339 44000350965 1 TO 2 7007 5182 8309 6395 6435 2138 1040 8922 8692 05652021-04-29 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016603ClosedKCT Request2021-04-2944000345759 Abubakar Sadiq Gabdo CCRM REPS. Gombe Trading ZoneMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-29NoFind below, 4894 7692 5389 3065 6114 4742 7867 2527 1089 79012021-04-29 ashanafagain@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016602ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29Kindly generate KCT for these meters 0101190023487 0101200051361 0101200028039 Thank youMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-29Nod below, 0101190023487 7282 2849 2263 6067 4941 0830 0064 2827 1494 7518 0101200051361 3643 1572 4954 9302 4628 4380 4385 2069 3928 7654 0101200028039 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-29 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016601ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29Request for kct in respect of this account 54161132920 Good morningMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-29NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-29 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016600ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29Kindly generate KCT for this meter 1- 21 0101200087613 Thank youMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-29NoFind below, 7290 2403 0415 4657 2610 2706 0248 9955 8348 64272021-04-29 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016599ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29Request for KCT 0101205002716Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-29NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-29 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016598ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29Request for kct in respect of these accounts. 0150000900929 0150000883523 54161014110 0150000925183MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-29NoFind below, 0150000900929 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0150000883523 0629 2971 9353 6077 2260 3048 9727 3509 1252 2064 54161014110 5441 1238 9257 6875 0792 1854 9825 7539 6306 4145 0150000925183 5832 9178 8322 5408 5937 4964 0907 6466 7464 43652021-04-29 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016597ClosedComplaint2021-04-29Please this account has made payment on the 20th day of April, 2021 and has not dropped on JCS platform hence the request: Account - 615193079701 Amount Paid - N 10,000 Agent: Gpay Date of payment - 20/4/2021 Note that the original receipt is printed and it reflected on Jed USSD but not on JCS . Best regardsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-29NoHello, Find below customer made a transaction reflected on Evend but nor on JCS.2021-04-29 nshirgba@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016596ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29KCT please 0150000893894MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-29NoFind below, 3304 0064 3251 6450 8385 6593 9093 1977 6970 63452021-04-29 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016595ClosedRequest2021-04-29Goog morning sir Kindly assist us with the above request to enable the customer make his payment 757398Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-29NoHello, Your mail has been treated, the customer can now pay their bill. Regards.2021-04-29 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016594ClosedTamper Code2021-04-29Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on these meters for support to generate tamper 0101205001882 0101185049273 0101190150520 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-29NoHello, Find below, 0101205001882 5542 9421 8978 0672 8744 0101185049273 0204 5474 4819 1318 6586 0101190150520 6723 7673 9752 2905 2355 Or 4377 4718 2367 7358 21352021-04-29 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016593ClosedTamper Code2021-04-29Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on these meters for support to generate tamper 0101200018725 44000334209 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-29NoHello, Find below, 0101200018725 3100 4529 4641 0450 5059 Clear Tamper 44000334209 2397 1583 5397 2324 7071 Clear Tamper2021-04-29 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016592ClosedTamper Code2021-04-29Dear Support/Audit Team, 44000327062 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-29NoHello, Find below, 44000327062 6545 2160 0681 4895 6727 Clear Tamper2021-04-29 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016591ClosedTamper Code2021-04-29Good morning , Please kindly verify the above meters no for tamper. Thank you.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-29NoHello, Find below, 0101170235572 3949 0012 9114 5297 1022 0101200113997 0884 8050 9040 5587 52172021-04-29 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016590ClosedKCT Request2021-04-2944000338184 Abubakar Sadiq Gabdo CCRM REPS. Gombe Trading ZoneMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-29NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-29 ashanafagain@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016589ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29Good morning sir/madam, pls kindly generate kct code for the fellowing meters 1) 0101200098271 2) 0101190139002 Thank you and best regards sir..MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-29NoFind below, 1) 0101200098271 2000 5847 3494 3645 3584 0049 3327 7517 0455 2369 2) 0101190139002 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-29 suleimansallau@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016588ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29Boss please help me with the kct for this meter number 0101200075402 From 01 to 04 and from 04 to 01 ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-29No01 To 04 1052 3746 2356 6881 4309 2656 2030 2789 0232 1104 04 To 01 4602 4500 1383 8796 4557 6580 7009 7480 5719 38022021-04-29 judeanamhomhe46@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016587ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29Kct, 0101200113955 Please treat.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-29NoFind below, 1048 5839 4437 5020 8549 6236 5191 6548 2047 96352021-04-29 ummilois2@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016586ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200112767 & 0101200121065Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-29No0101200121065 1838 7684 8070 8988 9454 4788 9277 3217 4318 5574 0101200112767 32966741442416436602 220060129142624796922021-04-29 u.labakpan@jedplc.com Tukur Hamid
#00016585ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29: Request for KCT 0101200012447MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-29NoFind below, 0661 5112 9252 0027 0292 2636 6061 2725 3971 45102021-04-29 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016584ClosedKCT Request2021-05-06Request for kct in respect of this account 0101200050892 Good dayMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-05-06NoHello, This meter is a single phase and is on 001 on our database. Hence, no KCT needed. However, you may wish to query the meter to know which tariff index it is on. Thank you.2021-05-06 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016583ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29: Kct, 0101200103568 Please treat.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-29NoFind below, 3425 9315 6962 7840 6226 6344 8433 3730 3628 77832021-04-29 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016582ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29Kindly assist with KCT for these meters 0101205006972 0101200004790 0101190144176 0101200028781 0101200085898MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-29No0101190144176 2736 6095 1726 3604 3620 6667 2687 3639 7585 2332 0101200028781 4342 9819 6626 2056 3542 0335 5382 1457 1044 3544 0101200085898 1914 5708 8895 6945 3896 1671 9327 6376 9008 82572021-04-29 tkhadija028@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016581ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29Pls sir kindly help me with kct of this meter numbers 0101200028161 0101190149571Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-29NoFind below, 0101200028161 4482 0280 8597 0586 8769 2594 1237 1559 5455 4824 0101190149571 2550 1265 3812 6315 4201 3927 3500 3282 2648 00902021-04-29 amibabs433@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016580ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29Please kindly send me the kct for this meter no below 0101185049281MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-29NoFind below, 0125 0593 6960 3094 9698 6169 6678 3678 9973 86962021-04-29 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016579ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29Good evening please kindly assist me with the meter kCT 23102124585 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-29NoHello, Find below, 2136 3889 9234 4465 9769 5640 3091 3832 7689 03642021-04-29 abdulmalik3955@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016578ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29Good evening please kindly assist me with the meter kCT 0101178019465 Thank youMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-29NoFind below, 4470 5097 0744 2025 9754 3506 7047 9895 7492 87402021-04-29 abdulmalik3955@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016577ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29Reminder 0101200046437Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-29NoFind below, 6631 0681 3177 5984 1882 3077 6593 7141 8998 40232021-04-29 mathewudahson@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00016576ClosedKCT Request2021-04-290101 2050 07517Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-29NoFind below, 7161 2536 4418 7613 7784 0130 3617 1793 5258 10512021-04-29 ismailbalaonline@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016575ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29Dear Support, Kindly generate KCT for this meter 1-4 44000397560 ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-29NoFind below, 6592 7773 3299 3296 1598 4133 8022 6499 5744 89212021-04-29 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016574ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29Dear Support, Kindly generate KCT for this meter 1 - 2 0101200125918Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-29NoHello, Find below, 1831 2565 3615 9135 9398 6997 4843 9880 9427 26272021-04-29 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016573ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29Good morning, please I want you to assist me with the k c t number of this meter 0101190142337. Thanks and regards. Lawal Umar Shanono 3243 Tafawa balewa feeder.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-29NoFind below, 2856 5711 8929 1912 5669 4071 6100 8923 4407 82822021-04-29 shanono89@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016572ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29Good morning please kindly send me the KCT number generated to these meter numbers 0101200110316 0101200119317 0101200122980 0101200120380 0101200110274 0101200118327 0101200110225 0101200117725 0101200112400 thank youMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-29NoFind below, 0101200119317 0617 0222 9403 6226 3229 3358 7949 4650 3211 5158 0101200122980 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 0101200120380 3903 8551 2724 2393 1571 2542 9794 6713 5487 8014 0101200110274 3634 8150 3691 1218 5444 5463 5846 3251 0153 7343 0101200118327 7195 2445 4772 8483 1332 5464 2408 4939 3186 4132 0101200110225 2384 1968 6111 4739 5568 0926 6414 3063 7918 3907 0101200117725 7085 6074 4364 7412 7741 0829 6233 8597 3545 3266 0101200112400 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2021-04-29 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016571ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29Request for KCT 62420231136 62420250508 62420151532 Kindly furnish us with the above information ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-29NoFind below, 62420231136 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 62420250508 2374 8518 4071 8357 8775 5214 2047 1182 1045 5796 62420151532 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-29 vajimehd@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016570ClosedKCT Request2021-04-290101 2050 07517MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-29NoHello, Find below. 7161 2536 4418 7613 7784 0130 3617 1793 5258 1051 Thanks.2021-04-29 ismailbalaonline@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016569ClosedKCT Request2021-04-290101 2050 07517MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-29NoHello, Find below. 7161 2536 4418 7613 7784 0130 3617 1793 5258 10512021-04-29 ismailbalaonline@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016568ClosedKCT Request2021-04-29Dear Support, Kindly generate KCT for this meter 1-4 44000397560 ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-29NoHello, Find below. 6592 7773 3299 3296 1598 4133 8022 6499 5744 8921 Thanks.2021-04-29 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016567ClosedKCT Request2021-04-28Dear support kindly generate KCT for MSN 0101195006933. Thank youMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-28NoFind below, 0101195006933 6032 9935 1827 7078 4570 6481 1167 9025 5926 99142021-04-28 jubilant95@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016566ClosedKCT Request2021-04-28Dear Support, Kindly generate KCT for this meter 1 - 24 57100025055 Thank youMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-28NoFind below, 1933 3806 6879 6831 6616 2797 8250 4736 1425 94352021-04-28 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016565ClosedKCT Request2021-04-280101200113286 0101200107767 0101200048318 0101200082721 0101200126213 0101200126288 0101200112742 0101205007525 0101200126734MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-28NoHello, Find below as requested. 0101200113286 2221 8192 6362 4674 9778 7201 0081 8854 4183 2480 0101200107767 3610 9666 2762 1114 2022 5032 8311 4147 9203 2897 0101200048318 5418 9839 7009 5358 1402 0084 2350 5343 4301 8159 0101200082721 0081 2116 3363 6547 2172 6797 7638 3192 9457 2593 0101200126213 7027 0928 8399 1528 2850 2944 4664 2207 7335 9251 0101200126288 This meter is a single phase and is on 001 on our database. Hence, no KCT needed. However, you may wish to query the meter to know which tariff index it is on. 0101200112742 This meter is a single phase and is on 001 on our database. Hence, no KCT needed. However, you may wish to query the meter to know which tariff index it is on. 0101205007525 3139 7813 5796 6176 9322 4810 6049 6223 2394 8563 0101200126734 4254 2522 8757 4110 3921 6720 5593 8375 1156 6418 Thanks.2021-04-28 rasheedatlawalaa7428@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016564ClosedKCT Request2021-04-28REQUEST FOR KCT Morning. Please kindly help and generate. MSN:0150000957707 ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-28NoHello, Find below, 6618 7682 3788 0290 6385 3875 3569 7191 2824 77742021-04-28 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016563ClosedKCT Request2021-04-28Request for KCT 62420253296 Kindly generate KCT tariff index 1 for the above subject ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-28NoHello, This meter is a single phase and is on 001 on our database. Hence, no KCT needed. However, you may wish to query the meter to know which tariff index it is on. Thanks.2021-04-28 vajimehd@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016562ClosedKCT Request2021-04-28Kindly generate kct for this meter number 0101200087449, tariff: 0004,thanks.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-28NoHello, Find below, 3606 7279 5859 3537 5134 6303 7965 4186 8625 2576 Thanks.2021-04-28 najibumarsulaiman202@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016561ClosedKCT Request2021-04-28Good morning Kindly assist with KCT for the MSNS 44300004965 1 To 2 44000356608. 1 To 21 44000389997. 1 To 21 44000357515 1 To 21 44000398048 1 To 21MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-28NoFind below, 44300004965 1 To 2 3207 8995 1007 8759 6354 2421 8352 1119 4213 2899 44000356608. 1 To 21 3105 9018 2796 7915 9314 2946 9162 0174 1786 1161 44000389997. 1 To 21 6395 8774 8035 6422 7500 2827 1774 7931 6325 9616 44000357515 1 To 21 2293 0827 5729 4882 8225 1418 2961 5907 0794 3109 44000398048 1 To 21 5803 9770 3594 7294 7178 4402 2566 0456 5570 66332021-04-28 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016560ClosedRequest2021-04-28Good morning sir Kindly assist us with the above request to enable the customer make his payment. 757679Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-28NoHello, Please note that your mail has been treated. Regards.2021-04-28 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016559ClosedKCT Request2021-04-28Request for KCT number 0101200117675 Dear IT support, Pls I need the above information ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-28NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-28 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016558ClosedKCT Request2021-04-280101200126734 0101200112973MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-28NoFind below, 0101200126734 4254 2522 8757 4110 3921 6720 5593 8375 1156 6418 0101200112973 2885 1693 5675 5238 1234 6290 2701 1763 5219 25362021-04-28 rasheedatlawalaa7428@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016557ClosedTamper Code2021-04-28Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101200028716 0101200024186 0101200008312 0101200029540 0101200082564 ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-28NoHello, Find below, 0101200028716 0353 2797 0302 0771 5309 0101200024186 6744 4900 5231 0372 3054 0101200008312 5166 4467 8737 1492 9402 0101200029540 1775 8905 3917 4318 2496 0101200082564 5573 3491 8470 8249 74062021-04-28 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016556ClosedKCT Request2021-04-28REQUEST FOR KCT METER NO 54161135733 WILLSON SHOPMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-28NoHello, Find below, 5301 9259 4522 5942 0371 3181 3492 9522 1334 79522021-04-28 benmercyladi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016555ClosedKCT Request2021-04-28REQUEST FOR KCT -0101200086862 Pls assist with the above RegardsMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-28NoHello, Find below as requested. 2821 5172 9610 4637 0592 1258 9727 5249 6381 4803 Thanks.2021-04-28 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016554ClosedRequest2021-04-28Good Morning Sir Find below Customer Accts not on Evend and they are ready for payment. Kindly help and treat please. 1. 756336 2. 757396 3. 757127 Best Regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-28NoHello, Please note that this has been treated. Regards.2021-04-28 glawal1184@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016553ClosedKCT Request2021-04-280101190146718 tariff index is on 04 residential,the metre is rejecting temper 0101 1751 05044 tariff index is on 02MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-28NoFind below, 0101190146718 tariff index is on 04 residential,the metre is rejecting temper 5434 0453 2841 2485 8045 1648 2329 8260 5857 8885 0101175105044 tariff index is on 02 2106 0431 4604 4227 6265 1778 8585 1174 5800 66882021-04-28 ismailbalaonline@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016552ClosedKCT Request2021-04-28Kindly generate kct for this meter number 0101200087449,0004 to 0001,thanks.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-28NoFind below, 3290 6862 0413 5874 4581 0737 4930 7108 8958 41362021-04-28 najibumarsulaiman202@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016551ClosedKCT Request2021-04-28: Request for KCT number 0101200091409, 0101175104039, 0101200006282 Dear IT support, Pls I need the above information ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-28NoFind below, 0101200091409, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101175104039, 2178 0933 6085 0151 0166 1336 8472 8139 8420 2163 0101200006282 2413 4029 1151 5091 9687 7178 6468 3028 5340 66412021-04-28 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016550ClosedComplaint2021-04-28Good day sir, Please, this payment was made for PPM customer receipted generated without token. Kindly assist to generate token for this customer if the transaction was successful. See attached. Regard.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-28NoHello Doom, This transaction was not successful. Thanks.2021-04-28 ayongudoom@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00016549ClosedTamper Code2021-04-28Kindly reissue this tamper 0101190138079 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-28NoHello, Find below, 0101190138079 6300 8596 1360 1036 1598 Clear Tamper2021-04-28 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016548ClosedRequest2021-04-28Good morning sir, The following accounts were inactive, customers were unable to pay. 756473 756491 756471 755188 756126 ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-28NoHello, Please note that this mail has been treated, the customers can now their bills. Regards.2021-04-28 apaaverem@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016547ClosedKCT Request2021-04-28: Kct, 0101200051296 Please treat.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-28NoFind below, 6845 4671 3845 6808 4828 4153 7646 8328 2501 95572021-04-28 ummilois2@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016546ClosedKCT Request2021-04-28: Request for K C T 0101190153417Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-28NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-28 abubakarumar4102@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016545ClosedKCT Request2021-04-28REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200104673 Please treat.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-28NoFind below, 1418 3430 3315 7418 6477 0853 3591 9115 3475 04182021-04-28 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00016544ClosedKCT Request2021-04-28Kct, 0101175104039Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-28NoFind below, 2178 0933 6085 0151 0166 1336 8472 8139 8420 21632021-04-28 ummilois2@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016543ClosedKCT Request2021-04-28KCT Request - 0101200018717MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-28NoHello Austin, Find below as requested. 0262 2439 1739 4803 8614 5884 6689 9977 4860 2283 Thanks.2021-04-28 stynlucs@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00016542ClosedKCT Request2021-04-28Request for KCT 0101200104731MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-28NoHelo Nuwaira, Find below as requested. 6867 0941 9920 4965 7281 2099 2162 0663 1505 2771 Thanks.2021-04-28 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016541ClosedKCT Request2021-04-28: Kct, 0101200115554MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-28NoHello Ummi, Find below the requested KCT. 4463 5655 0075 3514 4133 6750 4296 6264 6719 7126 Thanks.2021-04-28 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016540ClosedKCT Request2021-04-28Good morning sir Kindly assist with KCT for the MSNS 44000391068 1 To 21 44000318053.1 To 21 44300014717 1 To 21 Best regard Abdullahi Yamusa . IT Support Liaison Gombe Information Technology DepartmentMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-28NoHello, Find below as requested, 44000391068 1 To 21 0264 8987 3723 6117 7958 6264 0324 4831 1183 2889 44000318053.1 To 21 07543972047135954695 67620635248589320037 44300014717 1 To 21 2034 6071 1785 4203 9351 5999 7797 3399 0620 77352021-04-28 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016539ClosedKCT Request2021-04-28Please kindly Generate a kct for the following meters 0101200007884 from 02 to 01 and 01 to 02 0101200001838 85000042359 from 02 to 03 010120001838MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-28NoFind below as requested, 0101200007884 from 02 to 01 and 01 to 02 0101200007884 02 To 01 5026 7255 8615 1848 4066 5705 4801 0524 0778 5954 0101200007884 01 To 02 6808 6282 4403 7688 4210 1596 1850 6170 8764 4330 0101200001838 7330 2987 5523 7651 9859 2068 4561 2930 9111 3690 85000042359 from 02 to 03 0101200018382021-04-28 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016538ClosedKCT Request2021-04-28Good morning sir Kindly assist with KCT for the MSNs 44000344786 1 To 2 44000329142 1 To 21 44000364180 1 To 21 44000326247 1 To 45 44000344745. 1 To 4 Abdullahi Yamusa . IT Support Liaison Gombe Information Technology Department Jos Electricity Distribution PLC.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-28NoHello, Find below, 44000344786 1 To 2 1369 8171 3243 1083 3010 6113 7443 8156 5254 2840 44000329142 1 To 21 44000364180 1 To 21 2844 4681 9435 6740 2770 3890 0904 6121 7552 6656 44000326247 1 To 45 0267 4912 8740 7534 5773 1329 1821 5301 2624 5784 44000344745. 1 To 4 0880 8926 9447 4641 1492 5342 6589 5792 3883 76632021-04-28 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016537ClosedKCT Request2021-04-28Hello Team, Kindly assist with the above-mentioned for the meter numbers below 1. 0101200126700 2. 0101200028468 3. 54160743818 4. 0101200055982 5. 0101200125934 6. 0101200112643 7. 0101200060024 8. 0101200033112 Best Regards, Halima Mujtaba AbdulrahmanMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-28NoFind below, 1. 0101200126700 6763 3779 8768 1627 3694 2807 6216 7245 1597 5362 2. 0101200028468 7209 8059 9815 3599 3852 5187 7932 5570 7739 4685 3. 54160743818 6378 0386 5092 5617 7227 2194 6787 3290 1455 3615 4. 0101200055982 3980 7448 2250 8997 4952 1140 1151 7214 6854 4306 5. 0101200125934 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 6. 0101200112643 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 7. 0101200060024 0061 1949 9889 9754 2999 7123 8840 6864 8368 6933 8. 0101200033112 6097 5505 5076 2901 4895 6573 6003 5797 5327 15122021-04-28 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016536ClosedKCT Request2021-04-28Please treat From 02 to 01 0101205007087MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-28NoHello, Find below as requested, 4546 0535 5779 5553 8125 0959 5586 2988 3109 03382021-04-28 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00016535ClosedKCT Request2021-04-2844000354298 T1-T21MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-28NoFind below, 0881 7598 0198 4027 5092 3129 7535 5014 3096 04012021-04-28 aliyusaad63@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016534ClosedKCT Request2021-04-28Request for KCT from 034 to 01 0101200126171Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-28NoFind below, 1297 2108 6571 8635 6113 7273 0840 3672 4458 50562021-04-28 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016533ClosedKCT Request2021-04-28Please kindly Generate a kct for the following meters 0101200007884 from 02 to 01 and 01 to 02 0101200001838 85000042359 from 02 to 03 010120001838MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-28NoHello, Find below as requested, 0101200007884 from 02 to 01 and 01 to 02 0101200007884 02 To 01 5026 7255 8615 1848 4066 5705 4801 0524 0778 5954 0101200007884 01 To 02 6808 6282 4403 7688 4210 1596 1850 6170 8764 4330 0101200001838 7330 2987 5523 7651 9859 2068 4561 2930 9111 3690 85000042359 from 02 to 03 4574 1924 7824 7690 8294 0652 2746 3468 2149 2069 010120001838 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2021-04-28 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016532ClosedKCT Request2021-04-28Dear ICT Team, top of the morning. Please, kindly furnish me with KCTS for these customers below: MSN: 0101200019210 0101160001240 0101205007400 0101200098065 0101200096721 Thank you. Warm regards.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-28NoFind below, 0101200019210 1694 3326 4202 8381 4368 6516 7244 2444 3216 9091 0101160001240 3855 8124 3767 1523 9774 5071 8485 8922 6002 7642 0101205007400 5819 6347 4827 0115 5115 4033 4477 6747 5708 0519 0101200098065 0339 5044 2085 9940 3654 6882 2460 3444 0785 7203 0101200096721 2867 7621 3830 2698 9244 4389 9000 1484 8594 47202021-04-28 wyontochae@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016531ClosedKCT Request2021-04-28Dear support, Please assist with the subject above for this MSN 0101200126189.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-28NoHello, Find below, 0937 9657 7162 2496 4944 1512 4325 7655 1392 75062021-04-28 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00016530ClosedKCT Request2021-04-28Request for KCT 0101160018897MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-28NoHello, Find below as requested. 3011 9806 0236 2787 4767 6644 3578 0920 6359 7802 Thanks.2021-04-28 abbaslawal360@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016529ClosedKCT Request2021-04-28Pls sir kindly generate me a kct on dis meter 0101170305441 meter is on 21 I need 21-1 & 1-21 tanxMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-28NoFind below, 1206 2030 1268 2301 7761 2322 6575 4035 0399 15722021-04-28 felixaron37@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016528ClosedComplaint2021-04-28Good morning. I purchase N600 worth of unit for my new meter, whenever I entered the token it shows Reject on the customer interface unit. Kindly assist Meter No: 0101200018717MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-28Nohello, find below, 0262 2439 1739 4803 8614 5884 6689 9977 4860 22832021-04-28 safwanismaila@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016527ClosedVending History2021-04-28Kindly furnish us with the VH of this meter 0101170366104 Thank you.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-28NoHello, No vending history found for this meter (0101170366104). Therefore, he has never vended. Thanks.2021-04-28 kibos2020@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016526ClosedKCT Request2021-04-28Please kindly assist with KCT 0101200113286 0101200107767 0101200048318 0101200082721 0101200126213 0101200126288 0101200112742 0101205007525 0101200126734MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-28NoHello, Find below as requested. 0101200113286 2221 8192 6362 4674 9778 7201 0081 8854 4183 2480 0101200107767 3610 9666 2762 1114 2022 5032 8311 4147 9203 2897 0101200048318 5418 9839 7009 5358 1402 0084 2350 5343 4301 8159 0101200082721 0081 2116 3363 6547 2172 6797 7638 3192 9457 2593 0101200126213 7027 0928 8399 1528 2850 2944 4664 2207 7335 9251 0101200126288 This meter is a single phase and is on 001 on our database. Hence, no KCT needed. However, you may wish to query the meter to know which tariff index it is on. 0101200112742 This meter is a single phase and is on 001 on our database. Hence, no KCT needed. However, you may wish to query the meter to know which tariff index it is on. 0101205007525 3139 7813 5796 6176 9322 4810 6049 6223 2394 8563 0101200126734 4254 2522 8757 4110 3921 6720 5593 8375 1156 6418 Thanks.2021-04-28 rasheedatlawalaa7428@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016525ClosedTamper Code2021-04-28REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPERMedium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2021-04-28NoHello, Find below as requested, 1811 9499 0132 4593 52722021-04-28 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00016524ClosedKCT Request2021-04-28Request for KCT 0101200115570MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-28NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-28 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016523ClosedKCT Request2021-04-28Request for KCT 44000386860MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-28NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our database, therefore, no KCT needed. You may wish to query the meter to know which tariff index it is on. Thanks.2021-04-28 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016522ClosedKCT Request2021-04-28Please kindly send me the KCT number generated to this meter number you 44000327039 thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-28NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-28 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016521ClosedKCT Request2021-04-2854160903842 T1-T21MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-28NoFind below, 1708 8881 4124 1170 0323 2901 2425 5266 4916 07502021-04-28 aliyusaad63@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016520ClosedKCT Request2021-04-28Request for kct in respect of this account 0150300019091 Good morningMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-28NoFind below, 6575 3156 1087 9528 2706 4478 3486 4553 4898 24692021-04-28 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016519ClosedKCT Request2021-04-28Request for KCT 44000386860MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-28NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-28 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016518ClosedKCT Request2021-04-28REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200087506 Good morning ICT Team, kindly treat please.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-28NoFind below, 1433 8898 7927 5029 8972 5225 2790 6621 8734 64122021-04-28 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00016517ClosedKCT Request2021-04-28Request for KCT 85000042359MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-28NoFind below, 1552 8605 1121 8538 0230 1070 0186 9781 0718 07382021-04-28 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016516ClosedVending History2021-04-28VH,0101150239859. Good Morning can this VH found from itron?Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-28NoFind below, Transaction Details Token Details Transaction ID: 1652161339391624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-15 13:58:36 Meter No.: 0101150239859 Account No.: 707011 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦3,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 Transaction ID: 1693161072307224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-15 16:04:32 Meter No.: 0101150239859 Account No.: 707011 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦6,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦6,000.00 Transaction ID: 2516161537625824 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-10 12:37:38 Meter No.: 0101150239859 Account No.: 707011 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦5,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.002021-04-28 ummilois2@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016515ClosedKCT Request2021-04-28Request for KCT 0101175101290MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-28NoFind below, 6289 7470 9568 3076 5691 2887 7977 2334 9709 84892021-04-28 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016514ClosedKCT Request2021-04-2844000308492MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-28NoFind below, 4326 5529 4326 0017 4534 5017 1973 6152 0251 25822021-04-28 ashanafagain@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016513ClosedTamper Code2021-04-28REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPER Good morning, Attached is for the above subject matter for your further action. Thanks.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-28NoHello, Please note that these meter number is incorrect or not captured.2021-04-28 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016512ClosedKCT Request2021-04-280101200099717MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-28NoFind below, 2725 5229 1480 2027 2544 5663 4245 7048 7563 22592021-04-28 tkhadija028@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016511ClosedKCT Request2021-04-28Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000932650 0150000937436 Good morningMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-28NoFind below, 0150000932650 1477 5022 1952 1119 6811 2894 2926 8569 2360 5890 0150000937436 5759 1471 0882 7868 2800 3392 6603 5936 6271 09612021-04-28 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016510ClosedKCT Request2021-04-28Good Morning support, Kindly help with the KCT number of this meter 0101200105043. Thank you for your usual support. Look forward to hearing from you. Regards, Naziru Abdullahi Energy Protection Unit, JED Plc.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-28NoFind below, 5206 0699 7884 8271 1629 6246 7457 3525 6787 24862021-04-28 abdullahinaziru186@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016509ClosedKCT Request2021-04-280101200099717MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-28NoFind below, 1422 9028 1541 5171 5562 4452 2368 1798 9826 60212021-04-28 tkhadija028@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016508ClosedKCT Request2021-04-28: Good morning.Request for KCT 0101175105044 & 0101200057392MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-28NoHello, Find below, 0101175105044 2106 0431 4604 4227 6265 1778 8585 1174 5800 6688 0101200057392 3027 7650 3828 5522 1909 2449 7694 8622 5104 16382021-04-28 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016507ClosedTamper Code2021-04-28Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 54161057416 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-28NoHello, Find below, 54161057416 6789 3747 1352 5384 1203 Clear Tamper2021-04-28 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016506ClosedTamper Code2021-04-28Dear Support/Audit, Kindly vette on these meters for support to generate tamper 0101200075402 0101200065692 0101200014393 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-28NoHello, Find below 0101200075402 1359 5193 6229 3690 2037 0101200065692 6283 7542 7649 5123 0059 0101200014393 5730 0563 4882 5401 21792021-04-28 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016505ClosedTamper Code2021-04-28Dear IT Support Team, Kindly furnish us with CTT of the above MSN. Pls the file attached herewith is for your reference.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-28NoHello, Find below, 57100021005 7327 9541 0424 2665 6210 Clear Tamper2021-04-28 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016504ClosedTamper Code2021-04-28Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 57300015070 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-28NoHello, Find below, 57300015070 2690 2827 8517 0902 2583 Clear Tamper2021-04-28 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016503ClosedTamper Code2021-04-28Hello IT Support, Kindly provide us with the Clear tamper token for MSN : 0101200075402 0101200065692 0101200014393. The meters are among the ones with peculiar problem of N-loss. Thank you. @Mr.Roland, Kindly verify.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-28NoHello, Find below, 0101200075402 3140 8521 0958 0278 8778 0101200065692 1777 3383 0253 8465 6659 0101200014393 6029 8880 2537 0020 05682021-04-28 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016502ClosedKCT Request2021-04-28Hello Kindly assist with KCT for these meters 0101205008077 from index 0002 to 0101200112726 0101200014252 from index 0002 to 0001 0101170373399 0101205005727 0101205008531 0101200117436 0101190151221MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-27No0101205008077 from index 0002 to 0101200112726 1531 7283 8907 5208 2978 1118 0672 8464 9389 1473 0101200014252 from index 0002 to 0001 3037 9122 0238 4899 1600 4838 3143 5149 1810 9851 0101170373399 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101205005727 3833 2158 3502 9010 7204 6878 7415 3144 1918 2077 0101205008531 5772 8651 4272 9416 1859 0011 3431 2907 9204 6099 0101200117436 2658 7318 7294 9072 2494 5307 8701 4962 7157 2122 0101190151221 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-28 tkhadija028@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016501ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27: Kct, 0101200123137 Please treat.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-27NoHello, Find below, Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence you may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2021-04-27 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016500ClosedKCT Request2021-04-2844000340479 T1-T21MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-28NoHello, Find below, 3162 7282 1534 7301 3461 3439 2512 4080 4964 22152021-04-28 aliyusaad63@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016499ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27REQUEST FOR KCT- 0101200126338 Pls assist with the aboveMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-27NoHello, Find below, 0425 5460 7241 3023 2583 2027 6024 9111 9283 86272021-04-27 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016498ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27Request for KCT number 0101200124382, 0101200100176 Dear IT, Pls the above information is needed. ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-27NoHello, Find below as requested. 0101200124382 4301 6492 2661 8252 1074 1163 5466 0578 2797 7708 0101200100176 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-27 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016497ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27REQUEST FOR KCT Find Below 0150000912561 From 01 to 02 0150000901465 From 01 to 45 0150000869845 From 01 to 45 RegardsMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-27NoHello, Find below as requested. 0150000912561 From 01 to 02 4257 4995 9515 7194 0039 4128 8960 0053 1938 4426 0150000901465 From 01 to 45 This meter displayed an incomplete token, kindly allow us some time to generate the KCT. 0150000869845 From 01 to 45 6546 9577 6616 2186 7525 3941 6805 6240 0347 85292021-04-27 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00016496ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27Please help with kct 0101 1901 3393 0 0101 1901 3393 0 kctMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-27NoHello, Find below, 2585 9236 8392 8199 6721 2515 8326 0466 4163 28542021-04-27 nadabousman762@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016495ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27Request for KCT number 0101200124382, 0101200100176 Dear IT, Pls the above information is needed. ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-27NoHello, Find below as requested. 0101200124382 4301 6492 2661 8252 1074 1163 5466 0578 2797 7708 0101200100176 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-27 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016494ClosedTamper Code2021-04-27Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on these meter for support to generate tamper 0101200070569 0101200070569 0101200113139 0101200126346 0101200113138 0101200126346 0101200003214 0101190153144 0101200063606 0101190152179 0101200063606 0101200063606 0101190140513 0101190136776 0101190149100 0101190148607 0101190151890 0101190151890 0101200099907 54161061772 44000381598 54160854797 O101185049273 0101170293449Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-27NoHello, Find below, 0101200070569 4393 6747 9948 9963 6872 0101200070569 4494 9138 8605 2157 0129 0101200113139 Wrong meter number or not captured. 0101200126346 3185 7700 9985 1480 9527 0101200113138 5775 8651 2750 3680 8271 0101200126346 6842 4158 0766 6600 1725 0101200003214 4478 9273 4212 5305 9077 0101190153144 6758 7091 3665 8017 4796 0101200063606 3285 2080 3980 2265 9594 0101190152179 3051 7650 3216 9046 0618 0101200063606 2549 9296 3282 3164 0097 0101200063606 2549 9296 3282 3164 0097 0101190140513 3591 0220 0310 1743 6241 0101190136776 5798 3270 2027 6466 0375 0101190149100 1055 2146 8126 6193 4389 0101190148607 1351 7287 0925 3801 5983 0101190151890 3410 2368 4709 2078 6658 0101190151890 1705 6056 1987 8780 0875 0101200099907 2338 2774 0998 8180 6585 54161061772 1761 3505 7985 7955 8460 44000381598 4327 3573 1843 6048 1460 54160854797 1040 5280 8080 9018 0294 O101185049273 Wrong meter number or not captured. 0101170293449 2716 4423 9497 3314 23012021-04-27 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016493ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27Request for KCT meter 23102120500 Kindly furnish me with above information best regardsMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-27NoHello, Find below as requested. 1886 8671 3930 1180 8652 2890 2249 7881 0651 59572021-04-27 tsavsarmngu@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016492ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27Dear Sir, The meter with details below need KCT to enable the customer access power. Mtr No. 54160906431 Name: KWAHAR NGUWASENMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-27NoHello, Find below. 7082 8392 2974 4766 73332021-04-27 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00016491ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27Good Afterrnoon sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the MSNS 44000393684 1 TO 21 44000359933 1 TO 21 44000361731 1 TO 2MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-27NoHello, Find below. 44000393684 1 TO 21 0889 8491 2856 4261 7164 6824 8761 0762 3658 8408 44000359933 1 TO 21 0032 6181 0800 4390 3712 3440 4024 4879 5260 9104 44000361731 1 TO 2 3451 6231 6784 6554 6108 2210 1664 3646 3319 83432021-04-27 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016490ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000857949 Good dayMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-27NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-27 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016489ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27Request for KCT 0101175103577MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-27No1447 4504 5693 3891 8981 5688 7777 7532 9876 57032021-04-27 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016488ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27Sir ,please help me with KCT[27/04, 12:03 pm] Ya Allah: Thanks [27/04, 12:53 pm] Ya Allah: 44000328003 [27/04, 12:54 pm] Ya Allah: 0101170447508 [27/04, 12:55 pm] Ya Allah: 01011850 71236 this one is three phaseMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-27NoHello, Please if you are sending request send only the meter numbers. Find below, 44000328003 1445 8819 9683 8376 5515 6232 2663 4694 4900 6954 0101170447508 Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence you may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. 01011850 71236 0009 2774 9370 7265 3206 4687 0071 7721 7796 10312021-04-27 ismailbalaonline@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016487ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200119267 Please treat.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-27NoHello, Find below, 4619 0610 9427 4752 3751 1397 5033 6967 4428 39582021-04-27 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016486ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27: Request for KCT 62420225336 23102127703 62420250557 Kindly furnish me with above information best regards.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-27NoFind below, 62420225336 6322 0435 2591 3794 7089 0088 8749 9732 9265 7746 23102127703 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62420250557 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-27 tsavsarmngu@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016485ClosedTamper Code2021-04-27Dear Support, Generate Clear temper for this MSN : 44000397990 Regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-27NoHello, Find below, 44000397990 0368 7392 4566 6671 6931 Clear Tamper2021-04-27 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016484ClosedVending History2021-04-27Good day Please can i get the vending history of the customer below: Meter number:54161123937 Thanks.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-27NoHello, Find below, Transaction Details Token Details Transaction ID: 5366161546981324Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-11 14:36:53Meter No.: 54161123937Account No.: 6239050961-01Transaction Type: PrepaidAgent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16KwH: 91.68Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 7211 5651 5784 1273 36982021-04-27 zakimimidoomaureen@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016483ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27Please kindly send me the kct for this meter no below 0101150588990.32 t0 06 0101190150462.04 to 01 0101190143129 0101190149233.02 to 01 0101200087272. 04 to 01 0101200068373 0101190133146 0101200082846.16 to 021MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-27NoHello, Find below as requested, 0101150588990.32 t0 06 1391 7145 0941 3144 6292 5712 4135 6178 9822 1903 0101190150462.04 to 01 0101 1795 2614 4275 8797 0678 7192 1712 2613 5349 0101190143129 This meter its on 001 in our system, not required kct, however query the meter to find out which tariff index its on. 0101190149233.02 to 01 0659 2068 1191 7311 6794 1338 4912 1895 0206 4473 0101200087272. 04 to 01 Not found in our database. 0101200068373 This meter its on 001 in our system, not required kct, however query the meter to find out which tariff index its on. 0101190133146 7312 5232 5391 9761 6057 5833 1358 9883 4015 7844 0101200082846.16 to 021 1130 1042 5798 6563 5486 6570 1195 9073 6749 81662021-04-27 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016482ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27Kct, 0101200124332MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-27NoHello, This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2021-04-27 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016481ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27REQUEST FOR KCT FOR THE METERS INSTALLED ON 26/04/21 Hello,Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-27NoHello, Find below, 0150000969025 36644683147384307481 271677653080943252002021-04-27 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016480ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27Please kindly Generate a kct for the following meter numbers 0101200067342 44000328565 0101200067342 0101200094825 44000444354 44000448116 0101170410415 0101200117519 0101190140992 From 02 to 01 and 01 to 02Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-27NoHello, Find below, 0101200067342 6094 9489 2532 3925 4663 2509 5114 7323 3831 7013 44000328565 1986 9712 1273 0673 2311 1976 2962 5872 8057 1333 0101200067342 6094 9489 2532 3925 4663 2509 5114 7323 3831 7013 0101200094825 Wrong meter number or not captured. 44000444354 Wrong meter number or not captured. 44000448116 Wrong meter number or not captured. 0101170410415 0101200117519 4834 4800 8649 0354 8384 5557 1918 3561 3004 5691 0101190140992 From 02 to 01 and 01 to 02 02 To 01 0400 5188 7240 9992 7268 4937 0250 7177 1592 9517 01 To 02 2701 5263 3588 4044 4769 3466 2544 1400 6779 1921 Hello, Find below, 0101170410415 10154715918024121622 489008542391200718672021-04-27 bangisgarko@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016479ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27Dear ICT Team, Please, kindly furnish me with KCTs for these customers below: MSN: PRESENT INDEX: 0101200015309 0101200107718 0101200104012 0101200073241 0101190151296 0101290242840 0101161071317 0101190148565. 0000 0101200019095 0101200127179 54150638861 0101200060800 0101205006972 0101200010714 Thank you. Warm regards. JosephtegwimwyeMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-27NoHello, Find below, 0101200015309 0948 3744 9027 6411 0064 1885 5247 4255 1092 6324 0101200107718 1847 5982 4176 7813 9990 5236 3293 1150 7085 2461 0101200104012 0461 9920 2720 4517 7535 1457 6740 2523 7940 6718 0101200073241 2642 5550 3760 0739 6538 6567 3260 2252 1016 0572 0101190151296 Provide us with the meter account name 0101290242840 Not found on our database or not captured. 0101161071317 0292 4565 8190 9917 3452 3188 8480 0780 2885 9582 0101190148565. This meter its on 001 in our system how ever query the meter to find out which tariff index its on. 0101200019095 0056 1378 2850 9880 9544 3824 5809 7556 2195 9306 0101200127179 This meter its on 001 in our system how ever query the meter to find out which tariff index its on. 54150638861 4366 6917 0647 6353 2258 1895 6470 1731 4013 6005 0101200060800 6119 8495 4969 0096 2539 1612 8552 5055 9887 6624 0101205006972 4720 8487 0749 1631 9818 7328 5114 1152 5841 8073 0101200010714 3814 5012 4039 9275 0453 1356 4854 5301 0485 25062021-04-27 wyontochae@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016478ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27: Request for KCT number 0101205001205, 0101200086193 Dear IT, Pls I need the above information. ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-27Noello, Find below as requested. 0101205001205 0455 0341 2639 2415 8004 1255 0687 8464 1951 1656 0101200086193 6217 5645 7924 8348 9018 1567 6777 1831 2641 42062021-04-27 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016477ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27Request for KCT 62420225336 Kindly furnish me with above information best. Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-27NoHello, Find below as requested. 6322 0435 2591 3794 7089 0088 8749 9732 9265 77462021-04-27 tsavsarmngu@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016476ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27kindly generate kct for 0101200098537. ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-27NoHello, Find below, 0118 4627 9773 8200 6491 4121 0003 6221 1031 64012021-04-27 denhamsalvation@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016475ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200099790 Pls assist with the aboveMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-27NoHello, Find below, 36072396104707959255 698327603582004574942021-04-27 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016474ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27Pls sir kindly help me with kct of this meters 0101190150462 0101200048318Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-27NoHello, Find below, 0101190150462 17353770383461078551 68870052005720072089 0101200048318 5418 9839 7009 5358 1402 0084 2350 5343 4301 81592021-04-27 amibabs433@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016473ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27Request for KCT number 0101200114888, 0101200104616 Dear IT, Pls I need the above information. ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-27NoHello, Find below, 0101200114888 5504 7617 5303 2666 4685 0715 3007 0261 7893 9015 0101200104616 6755 9814 2950 0368 9475 5622 9828 3115 6789 29282021-04-27 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016472ClosedTamper Code2021-03-27Sorry this meters are for test, That is why I mention support alone. ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-27NoHello, Find below, 95300168424 6618 3543 6618 1148 2224 Clear Tamper2021-04-27 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016471ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101205006386 Pls assist with the above RegardsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-27NoHello, Find below, 5737 9443 9873 4975 9901 4001 1446 7071 1061 62882021-04-27 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016470ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27Dear sir Kindly avail us with the KCT Of the meter below. 0101185050263 Index is 03MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-27NoHello, Find below as requested. 3330 2812 0060 1152 6792 4161 6196 8948 0358 96942021-04-27 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00016469ClosedTamper Code2021-04-27: New Doc 2021-04-27 12.12.51Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-27NoHello, Find below, 0150000871569 2488 1423 6897 0966 3441 Clear Tamper 0150000874795 5693 7687 2231 1870 8571 Clear Tamper 0150000896103 7351 0885 5119 7217 6422 Clear Tamper2021-04-27 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016468ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27Please help me with KCT 44000328003Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-27NoHello, Find below, 1445 8819 9683 8376 5515 6232 2663 4694 4900 69542021-04-27 ismailbalaonline@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016467ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27Please kindly Generate a kct for the following meter number 0101200070544 from 33 to 01 and 01 to 33 0101200067342Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-27No0101200070544 from 33 to 01 and 01 to 33 33 To 01 3897 6899 6529 6310 8514 1280 7825 9094 9229 2284 01 To 33 1258 7749 1965 5603 5837 7150 8696 8394 0550 8202 0101200067342 6094 9489 2532 3925 4663 2509 5114 7323 3831 70132021-04-27 bangisgarko@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016466ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27Afternoon please kindly furnish me with the kct of the following meter numbers. MSN;0150000966740 MSN;0150000968473 Thanks for your usual support.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-27NoHello, Find below as requested. MSN;0150000966740 1593 6436 7838 9580 6371 2857 2557 2445 2632 6740 MSN;0150000968473 This meter displayed an incomplete token, kindly allow us some time to generate the KCT.2021-04-27 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016465ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27This is the correct MSN 0101200104939MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-27NoHello, his meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-27 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00016464ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000892607 Good dayMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-27NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-27 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016463ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27Find Below 0150000871726 From 01 to 04 0150000912439 From 01 to 04 0150000894926 From 01 to 02. 0150000864770 From 01 to 45. 54160982309 From 01 to 33 0150000883226 From 01 to 02 RegardsMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-27NoHello, Find below as requested. 0150000871726 From 01 to 04 6274 2569 3411 8033 4698 0918 4222 3493 7977 6500 0150000912439 From 01 to 04 4446 4208 4698 3236 7079 1034 4205 3198 5204 4272 0150000894926 From 01 to 02. 0954 8593 6035 3376 3483 7118 9890 8110 7416 6587 0150000864770 From 01 to 45. 6469 8134 0441 8581 4538 1361 1162 2495 7392 2857 54160982309 From 01 to 33 4709 3051 4106 4902 3973 6876 2971 1040 1711 7005 0150000883226 From 01 to 02 1769 0174 7497 2473 6409 0551 6780 1300 1747 99262021-04-27 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00016462ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27: Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000864770 Good morningMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-27NoFind below, 6469 8134 0441 8581 4538 1361 1162 2495 7392 28572021-04-27 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016461ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27REQUEST FOR KCT-0101200077879 Please treat.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-27NoFind below, 1817 9824 4542 8821 8106 2375 3105 3415 1754 46852021-04-27 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00016460ClosedKCT Request2021-04-2723102131184 62420250540 Kindly furnish me with above information best regardsMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-27NoHello, Find below as requested. 23102131184 6890 2761 4554 8235 2197 6358 9087 3983 6622 6845 62420250540 4031 1187 3770 0904 7406 1167 4292 6856 9545 08672021-04-27 tsavsarmngu@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016459ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27Please i need this KCT on this meter no 0101195005349. ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-27NoFind below, 6010 2788 6851 7526 2946 4526 4853 8162 5849 28772021-04-27 beediesarah5@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016458ClosedKCT Request2021-04-270150000898489 I press 89 it showing 1.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-27NoHello, This meter its also on 001 in our system its doesnt required kct.2021-04-27 ahmadmiltonfairaskira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016457ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27REQUEST FOR KCT *AttachmentMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-27NoFind below the remaining KCTs, 0150000967854 49715306606239855501 70784414438345036200 0150000951239 14359835109556204080 113310594320011787602021-04-27 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016456ClosedKCT Request2021-04-270101160059453 Abubakar Sadiq Gabdo CCRM REPS. Gombe Trading ZoneMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-27NoHello, Find below as requested. 6367 0265 5202 8762 8696 4177 3889 2384 4714 61732021-04-27 ashanafagain@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016455ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27Request for KCT 44000319960MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-27NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-27 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016454ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27Dear support, Please assist with the subject above for this MSN 0101185048176Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-27NoFind below, 2842 3130 3512 5377 8952 6487 7342 5854 1761 25322021-04-27 mwuladi@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00016453ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27Hello good morning sir/madam pls kindly generate kCT for the fellowing meters numbers 0101190146254 0001 tariff Thanks And best regards.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-27NoFind below, 1165 3446 1487 1127 0103 5503 3146 0809 3955 13632021-04-27 suleimansallau@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016452ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27Request for KCT 0101200121040Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-27No3924 9013 7291 3385 2909 5951 6259 0332 7340 99812021-04-27 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016451ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27Request for KCT 0101200096853MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-27NoHello, Find below as requested. 0342 5423 8582 6974 5477 4088 4457 8121 0581 24202021-04-27 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016450ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27: REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101160461121 Kindly provide the account number or the customer name attached to the meter.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-27NoFind below as requested, 3632 8051 7159 2756 3771 3562 4051 7347 7906 38722021-04-27 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00016449ClosedVending History2021-04-27: VENDING HISTORY Dear Support, Kindly avail us the VH for 62420254963Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-27NoFind below as requested, Transaction ID: 0104161721404024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-31 19:07:20 Meter No.: 62420254963 Account No.: 463523 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 46.81 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 2491 2072 4643 5080 7860 Transaction ID: 1645161866179524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-17 13:16:35 Meter No.: 62420254963 Account No.: 463523 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦48.84 Energy Cost: ₦651.16 KwH: 20.47 Amount Tendered: ₦700.00 4541 1478 0402 2406 0961 Transaction ID: 2536161946337224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-26 19:56:12 Meter No.: 62420254963 Account No.: 463523 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 43.87 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 2129 6106 2350 3204 8273 Transaction ID: 6320161920395024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-23 19:52:30 Meter No.: 62420254963 Account No.: 463523 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦62.79 Energy Cost: ₦837.21 KwH: 26.32 Amount Tendered: ₦900.00 7300 3003 9217 0165 0532 Transaction ID: 6421161527903424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-09 09:37:14 Meter No.: 62420254963 Account No.: 463523 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 93.62 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 0955 8502 2909 8593 1342 Transaction ID: 8057161640695624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-22 10:55:56 Meter No.: 62420254963 Account No.: 463523 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 62.41 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 2873 6471 8504 4499 7760 Transaction ID: 8125161894952824 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-20 21:12:08 Meter No.: 62420254963 Account No.: 463523 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦41.86 Energy Cost: ₦558.14 KwH: 17.55 Amount Tendered: ₦600.00 4392 6291 7243 3926 1954 Transaction ID: 9169161799337524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-09 19:36:15 Meter No.: 62420254963 Account No.: 463523 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 29.24 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 1592 8900 3239 7237 8920 Transaction ID: 9485161598802424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-17 14:33:44 Meter No.: 62420254963 Account No.: 463523 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 31.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 6283 5429 5656 2202 05172021-04-27 evelyntsokar87@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016448ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27Good morning sir, we need KCT for this meter no. 0101195005257 thanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-27NoHello, Find below, 6748 3302 9526 0168 6079 3012 5072 3842 1515 00592021-04-27 beediesarah5@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016447Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00016446ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27Hello, Kindly provide us with the KCT of MSN : 0101165037421. Thank youMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-27NoFind below, 2648 2960 1397 1642 3058 4717 9633 2403 5224 49862021-04-27 anersirleh@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016445ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27Request for KCT number 0101200116990MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-27NoHello, Find below, 4982 7852 3555 8087 3717 3260 4127 9954 1057 38812021-04-27 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016444ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27KCT 57100019025MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-27NoHello, Find below as requested. 0937 0958 7979 3616 5329 3011 6289 2624 4689 81622021-04-27 ashanafagain@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016443ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27Request for KCT 0101200033930MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-27NoHello, Find below as requested. 6993 3117 7966 5976 2990 0170 5452 7331 2475 47552021-04-27 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016442ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27: Request for KCT 0101200121040Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-27NoHello, Find below, 3924 9013 7291 3385 2909 5951 6259 0332 7340 99812021-04-27 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016441ClosedTamper Code2021-04-27: Request for Clear Tamper Token 57100021005 Dear IT Support Team, Kindly furnish us with CTT of the above MSN. Pls the file attached herewith is for your reference.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-27NoHello, Find below, 57100021005 1070 3897 8002 8762 9228 Clear Tamper2021-04-27 mujtabaumar01@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016440ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27KCT Kindly generate KCT for this meter 0101200064869 4 TO 1 1 TO 4 ThanksMedium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2021-04-27NoHello, Find below as requeted, 1831 1130 0371 4185 2356 4494 9020 5658 3670 08612021-04-27 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00016439ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27REQUEST FOR KCT 0150000908478. From 01 to 45 0150000900137. From 01 to 46Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-27NoHello, Find below, 0150000908478. From 01 to 45 5105 3416 9715 0105 0961 5956 8603 5422 9694 5628 0150000900137. From 01 to 46 6024 2212 8701 4252 8948 2317 2889 3661 5251 18332021-04-27 infortech4life@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016438ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27Request for KCT number 0101200126064, 0101200121016Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-27NoHello, Find below, 0101200126064 Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence you may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. 0101200121016 4889 8548 8321 3131 6540 6978 8754 8937 0911 19352021-04-27 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016437ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27: Request for KCT for these MSNs 44000402485 & 44000399061Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-27NoHello, Find below, 44000402485 6700 5971 7151 0235 5779 6959 1480 8299 4145 1895 44000399061 4524 9764 8069 6864 7232 6828 0728 3067 8678 27752021-04-27 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016436ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27Kindly generate KCT for this meter 0101200064869 4 TO 1 1 TO 4 ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-27NoHello, Find below, 04 To 01 0709 2156 3766 5847 4079 5266 4477 7568 4219 4961 01 To 04 1831 1130 0371 4185 2356 4494 9020 5658 3670 08612021-04-27 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016435ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101205006386 Pls assist with the above RegardsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-27NoHello, Find below, 04 To 01 0709 2156 3766 5847 4079 5266 4477 7568 4219 4961 01 To 04 1831 1130 0371 4185 2356 4494 9020 5658 3670 08612021-04-27 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016434ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27FIND BELOW 57300007697 From 01 to 33 0150000893886 From 01 to 03 0150000900897 From 01 to 04 0150000863764 From 01 to 02Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-27NoHello, Find below, 57300007697 From 01 to 33 this for 02 because the meter is three phase meter. 5971 1687 1538 4435 6631 0707 4736 6475 3720 9417 0150000893886 From 01 to 03 1890 6603 6985 5774 6233 0405 0912 8594 0007 9209 0150000900897 From 01 to 04 4772 2368 3986 4053 5381 5526 3104 1603 3928 9865 0150000863764 From 01 to 02 1883 9494 3374 9388 6223 4483 0390 6474 4057 96072021-04-27 infortech4life@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016433ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200102677 Please treat.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-27NoHello, Find below, 4955 1482 4097 5284 3583 6769 6321 5761 8426 40062021-04-27 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016432ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200086201 A kind reminder please.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-27NoHello, Find below, 3336 5368 4499 9089 6775 2828 9625 2071 5185 10552021-04-27 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016431ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27Pls sir kindly help me with kct of this meter 0101190150462Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-27NoFind below as requested, 0101190150462 17353770383461078551 688700520057200720892021-04-27 amibabs433@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016430ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27: Request for kct Please kindly send me the kct for this meter no below 0101200052229 0101200026397 0101200040638 0101200104483 0101185049307 0101190132338 0101200112742Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-27NoFind below, 0101200052229 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101200026397 7171 5712 7415 5361 3870 6199 0497 4204 4001 2550 0101200040638 This meter displayed an incomplete token, kindly allow us some time to generate the KCT. 0101200104483 2648 8063 5525 6407 2429 0294 5817 4482 8810 2366 0101185049307 6831 1048 2037 2462 1382 3475 3947 4700 6619 7294 0101190132338 2192 4755 9061 1159 9866 4374 2898 2940 6169 4449 0101200112742 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. Find below the remaining KCT, 0101200040638 51685739554030160925 328170922008293925902021-04-27 umarmacy@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016429ClosedTamper Code2021-04-27Tamper request, 0101200021489 and 0101200015713 Dear Support, MSNs verified ok. Pls treat. Regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-27NoHello, Find below, 0101200021489 2126 7997 1480 1558 2797 0101200015713 2223 9945 4204 4674 88982021-04-27 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016428ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27: Request for KCT 0101175103577Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-27NoHello, Find below, 1447 4504 5693 3891 8981 5688 7777 7532 9876 57032021-04-27 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016427ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27Completed PPM Clear Tamper Complaint Lodging Forms Dear Sir, Kindly find attached document for further necessary action Regards...Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-27NoHello, Find below, 0101160350860 3542 8925 9003 4167 5364 Clear Tamper 0101185050263 3975 4590 1839 1978 5746 Clear Tamper2021-04-27 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016426ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27: Request for kct 0150000866536 0150000898489Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-27NoHello, Find below, 0150000866536 6707 9998 5296 8825 4851 6612 4002 6494 2126 8655 0150000898489 Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence you may query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2021-04-27 ahmadmiltonfairaskira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016425ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27Good morning sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the MSNS 44000395317 1 TO 21 44000356210 1 TO 21 44300002100 1 TO 4 44300000831 1 TO 24Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-27NoFind below, 44000395317 1 TO 21 1324 2432 4916 0414 5787 4492 8234 2980 0971 8147 44000356210 1 TO 21 3164 3877 9581 4865 4140 4096 4223 5340 4979 3917 44300002100 1 TO 4 3241 1479 3762 9581 7158 3772 9174 9771 8740 6402 44300000831 1 TO 24 0884 6253 7877 7219 4849 3521 7861 8652 1203 26442021-04-27 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016424ClosedKCT Request2021-04-270150000866536 0150000898489Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-27NoFind below, 0150000866536 6707 9998 5296 8825 4851 6612 4002 6494 2126 8655 0150000898489 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-27 ahmadmiltonfairaskira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016423ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27Find Below 0150000955347. From 01 to 33 0150000952187. From 01 to 33 0150000865918. From 01 to 45 0150000862378. From 01 to 46 0150000871726. From 01 to 04 Regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-27NoHello, Find below, 0150000955347. From 01 to 33 6883 0691 1160 9258 0784 3861 1595 4733 6756 5361 0150000952187. From 01 to 33 5532 8622 9828 3631 6588 5341 3570 6249 2556 5430 0150000865918. From 01 to 45 4450 0308 6270 8782 3234 3917 7612 3163 6347 8364 0150000862378. From 01 to 46 2461 2997 5446 8979 0781 0707 6601 7273 6459 9026 0150000871726. From 01 to 04 6274 2569 3411 8033 4698 0918 4222 3493 7977 65002021-04-27 zakar.kani@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016422ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27: Request for kct 23102124585Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-27NoFind below, 2136 3889 9234 4465 9769 5640 3091 3832 7689 03642021-04-27 tyoverpeter@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00016421ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27Hello Jed, Please refer to the above subject. This is is my first recharge, I purchased a recharge token online, every time I try to recharge, it gives me an error message, "reject" Meter number 0101 2000 0551 6 Kindly assist Thank you I tried inserting the numbers several times but I still get "reject" as responseMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-27No3511 9882 5039 3976 3853 3756 1250 1192 1870 0560 Kindly dial 12 on the meter and tell us what numbers you see.2021-04-27 sinanismaila3367@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016420ClosedKCT Request2021-04-270150000931215Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-27NoFind below, 2221 3052 7973 0868 3575 0349 3767 5168 1202 28992021-04-27 ahmadmiltonfairaskira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016419ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27Please kindly send me the KCT number generated to this meter number 0101195007618. Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-27NoHello, Find below, 4282 7978 3712 9302 7360 1787 5268 4103 3897 96702021-04-27 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016418ClosedKCT Request2021-04-270150000908478Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-27NoFind below, 5105 3416 9715 0105 0961 5956 8603 5422 9694 56282021-04-27 ahmadmiltonfairaskira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016417ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27Find Below 0150000955347. From 01 to 33 0150000952187. From 01 to 33 0150000865918. From 01 to 45 0150000862378. From 01 to 46 0150000871726. From 01 to 04Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-27NoHello, Find below, 0150000955347. From 01 to 33 6883 0691 1160 9258 0784 3861 1595 4733 6756 5361 0150000952187. From 01 to 33 5532 8622 9828 3631 6588 5341 3570 6249 2556 5430 0150000865918. From 01 to 45 4450 0308 6270 8782 3234 3917 7612 3163 6347 8364 0150000862378. From 01 to 46 2461 2997 5446 8979 0781 0707 6601 7273 6459 9026 0150000871726. From 01 to 04 6274 2569 3411 8033 4698 0918 4222 3493 7977 65002021-04-27 infortech4life@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016416ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27Request for KCT number 0101200100176 Dear IT support, Pls I need the above information ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-27NoHello, Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2021-04-27 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016415ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27KCT GENERATION 62130156441 Dear IT team, Please the above subject refers. Waiting for your reply. Regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-27NoHello, Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2021-04-27 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016414ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27: Good morning.Request for KCT 0101200022099Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-27NoHello, Find below, 4568 6295 8640 7800 0547 6598 8927 6034 5727 48132021-04-27 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016413ClosedTamper Code2021-04-27Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 44000375061 ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-27NoHello, Find below, 44000375061 5187 7360 2736 3736 3307 Clear Tamper2021-04-27 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016412ClosedKCT Request2021-04-27Request for KCT 23102121268Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-27NoHello, Find below, 5305 6616 3654 6167 8807 4087 4370 7141 2483 09762021-04-27 tsavsarmngu@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016411ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26Request for KCT 0101200077564Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-26NoHello, Find below, 6898 7951 3275 0606 1055 2700 9727 5519 4025 10232021-04-26 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016410ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26Kct, 01012000113997. Please treat.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-26NoHello, Wrong meter number or not captured.2021-04-26 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016409ClosedClear Credit2021-04-26Dear Support, Generate Clear credit token for this MSN as requested. Regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-26NoHello, Find below, 0101170426320 6090 4774 4877 8150 7191 Clear Credit2021-04-26 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016408ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26Request for kct- 0101200104483Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-26NoHello, Find below, 2648 8063 5525 6407 2429 0294 5817 4482 8810 23662021-04-26 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016407ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26Request for kct 62420218117Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-26NoHello, Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2021-04-26 tyoverpeter@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016406ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26Request for KCT 0101200119747Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-26NoHello, Find below, 2796 1481 9768 7159 8068 2718 2067 0123 7211 22382021-04-26 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016405ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26Please kindly send me the kct for this meter no below 0101200096721Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-26NoHello, Find below, 2867 7621 3830 2698 9244 4389 9000 1484 8594 47202021-04-26 umarmacy@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016404ClosedTamper Code2021-04-26Good morning please kindly assist me with the meter CT and KCT 62420212979 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-26NoHello, Find below, 62420212979 Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. 62420212979 3371 7548 2402 3657 9403 Clear Tamper2021-04-26 abdulmalik3955@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016403ClosedTamper Code2021-04-26Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101200060610 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-26NoHello, Mail received, remind Audit to vetted on your mail. Regards.2021-04-26 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016402ClosedTamper Code2021-04-26REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPER Good morning, Attached is for the above subject matter for your further action. Thanks.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-26NoHello, Find below, 0150000887458 3054 5393 7247 4606 6223 Clear Tamper 0150000901226 5012 6887 8982 4836 1451 Clear Tamper 0150000874795 6166 3287 8383 4978 3606 Clear Tamper2021-04-26 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016401ClosedKCT Request2021-04-2644000355725 Abubakar Sadiq Gabdo CCRM REPS. Gombe Trading ZoneMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-26NoFind below. 7084 1040 7243 4583 9783 1330 2025 0501 2337 17012021-04-26 ashanafagain@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016400ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26Request for kct 0150000930043--MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-26No3359 7951 9762 2765 3301 0275 6429 4206 1754 73332021-04-26 arabiraji015@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016399ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26Request for KCT 23102127885 Kindly furnish us with the above information ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-26NoHello, Find below as requested. 02034350531064386655 551103736334696893482021-04-26 vajimehd@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016398ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000858707 Good morningMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-26NoHello, Find below. 7329 9158 4515 6930 8069 0885 6844 2944 3370 91832021-04-26 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016397ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26Kct, 0101200086045. Please treat.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-26NoFind below, 4860 3965 3517 0492 1603 3390 0222 9430 0634 96692021-04-26 ummilois2@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016396ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26Good morning sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the MSNS 44000356517 1 TO 21 44000352177 1 TO 21 44000315570 1 TO 21 44000405819 1 TO 21MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-26NoHello, Find below. 44000356517 1 TO 21 6262 6336 5702 7385 5122 6086 3396 0432 0259 2499 44000352177 1 TO 21 0125 3647 2540 1121 2806 4571 3497 3355 8579 0361 44000315570 1 TO 21 1645 3660 3256 0274 9982 1735 8486 5899 0640 7306 44000405819 1 TO 21 0815 1147 9736 1551 9549 4467 8712 3844 2215 86362021-04-26 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016395ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26: Kct, 0101200006308 and 0101200042758MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-26NoHello, Find below. 0101200006308 7326 4285 5703 8483 7669 1807 0213 4813 1745 1961 0101200042758 2046 1593 5361 7946 1097 1760 8226 3806 6204 37592021-04-26 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016394ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26Find Below. 0150000871957. From 01 to 46 0150000873847. From 01 to 46 0150000931272. From 01 to 46 0150000930134. From 01 to 46 0150000886757. From 01 to 02 0150000912108. From 01 to 03. 0150000935190. From 01 to 46 0150000931272. From 01 to 46 0150000931264. From 01 to 46 0150000870058. From 01 to 02 Regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-26NoHello, Find below, 0150000871957. From 01 to 46 0128 2563 4167 0916 3170 0881 3460 9716 0332 5197 0150000873847. From 01 to 46 5720 9115 3866 0876 2575 2842 5366 8216 8126 8534 0150000931272. From 01 to 46 0824 1172 3065 0851 7917 1847 6562 1105 4716 5899 0150000930134. From 01 to 46 0558 4859 7983 9248 0098 5837 1248 2355 8322 7008 0150000886757. From 01 to 02 1419 5320 0439 0227 9150 0360 7775 2648 4724 6233 0150000912108. From 01 to 03. 2518 9954 9273 3575 2977 6594 6476 9161 3641 6141 0150000935190. From 01 to 46 4090 0609 1799 7716 5017 2290 5124 6477 3696 5865 0150000931272. From 01 to 46 0824 1172 3065 0851 7917 1847 6562 1105 4716 5899 0150000931264. From 01 to 46 1550 3957 8990 9845 3836 1003 4776 9457 4902 1689 0150000870058. From 01 to 02 3185 5073 6854 3207 7515 5520 8524 5356 5520 89582021-04-26 infortech4life@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016393ClosedRequest2021-04-26Good Morning Head IT, Find below attached Turbo Energy meter numbers that needed SGC KCT to convert them back to 600419 from 999907. Thank youMedium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2021-04-26NoHello, Find below the regenerated in SGC Code for the incomplete meter numbers 0195000007391 05381074961956144963 48525970200413175214 0195000001634 66721988196717885568 52003492805152522847 0195000007573 33733601002044827196 68075413872002132216 0195000005502 33118754919699178961 10966048820920084523 0195000005031 00516963020040508842 32001448074186430916 0195000007219 65762498784754294707 72520034918313388988 195000005841 22977382197676464043 25393721317921200639 195000002517 30395821006509212343 54926586649020016394 0195000003051 38259608688261473578 27763411978972004083 0195000006427 61877588702457526096 55564472220200905601 0195000006450 04050197848873215783 605746176200663850722021-04-26 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00016392ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26Kct,0101200103600.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-26NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-26 ummilois2@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016391ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26Request for KCT 62420250847 Kindly furnish us with the above information ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-26NoHello, Find below. This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-26 vajimehd@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016390ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26Request for KCT 0101170117671MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-26NoHello, Find below. 5647 9198 0996 2543 9430 5318 4939 0360 6831 56212021-04-26 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016389ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26KCT GENERATION 0101170362566 Dear IT team, Please the above subject refers. Regards.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-26NoHello, Find below. This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-26 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016388ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26request for KCT number 0101200111967 Dear IT support, Pls I need the above information.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-26NoFind below, 4909 0437 2570 9357 0726 0076 1287 0751 6591 59892021-04-26 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016387ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26: Request for KCT 0101200104665Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-26NoFind below, 2244 9377 0335 1992 1360 1816 9534 4298 3446 83032021-04-26 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016386ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26: Request for KCT 62420232605. 62420227555. 23102125459. 23102125382. 62420223109. 2310213166. 62420214173. 23102123074Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-26NoFind below, 62420232605 1068 9370 8298 4167 7207 3566 5791 9330 2956 6595 62420227555. 3985 2567 9806 4889 3110 7145 1709 1704 4126 6282 23102125459. This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 23102125382 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 62420223109. This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 2310213166 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 62420214173. This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 23102123074 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-26 vajimehd@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016385ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26: KCT GENERATION 44000351286Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-26NoFind below, 5935 6178 4939 8141 2283 1908 1467 0397 2151 90852021-04-26 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016384ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26Please kindly send me the KCT number generated to this meter number 0101190032397. Thank youMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-26NoFind below, 6888 1673 8537 1292 6194 0602 2178 9734 3703 35402021-04-26 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016383ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26Kct is on 0002) 0101205007426Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-26NoFind below, 4916 2091 0152 0340 8808 1620 4738 9617 9493 46092021-04-26 kabirukhalidumar@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016382ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26: Kct, 0101200121024,0101200077812,01012000113997 and 57100077643. Please treat.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-26NoHello, Find below as requested. 0101200121024 3636 3037 0586 7614 5210 4614 4261 6508 2290 8347 0101200077812 6462 1486 3713 2946 5665 2100 4953 0512 4760 8402 01012000113997 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number 57100077643 5929 5205 5436 4115 2338 3838 0905 8575 3808 13352021-04-26 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016381ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26REQUEST FOR KCT- 0101200097885Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-26NoHello, Find below, 6059 7770 2689 1441 4863 1653 7009 1933 2691 42942021-04-26 naomi.tegwi@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016380ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200004923 Please treat.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-26NoFind below, 5633 0540 5642 8552 3376 4443 7076 2884 7847 96952021-04-26 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016379ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26: RE: Request for KCT 0101200115315Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-26NoFind below, 0871 0001 3860 6436 3274 0354 5519 0267 7042 52992021-04-26 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016378ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26Good Morning sir Kindly assist with KCT for the MSNS please 44000345874 1 TO 2 44000389930 1 TO 21 44000312874 1 TO 4 44000364347 1 TO 21 44000339869 1 TO 21 44000340768 1 TO 8 44000352136 1 to 22 0101170155325 1 to 3Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-26NoFind below, 44000345874 1 TO 2 4772 4343 5107 6413 0836 1536 9771 1410 4651 7984 44000389930 1 TO 21 5402 5028 9601 7643 2686 5347 1551 6859 4805 1235 44000312874 1 TO 4 0293 5877 3053 7600 9931 4636 5501 6857 6390 9515 44000364347 1 TO 21 5680 3592 3945 2819 2970 4305 1320 4754 6781 4127 44000339869 1 TO 21 0417 7525 4920 4043 7587 0820 1676 0496 8781 9324 44000340768 1 TO 8 0880 2642 6253 4982 6852 4599 0387 7938 7233 9535 44000352136 1 to 22 4110 6307 3539 9843 6636 4734 0981 9943 5876 0775 0101170155325 1 to 3 5082 1632 6269 3998 6222 3749 1884 8033 6055 03202021-04-26 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016377ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26Request for KCT 23102126648 23102135227. 62420212177. 23102129048. 23102118892. 62420217473. 23102124403 Kindly furnish us with the above information ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-26NoHello, Find below. 23102126648 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 23102135227 2192 4399 7111 2882 5738 7152 1268 1742 8120 6135 62420212177 2880 9779 7231 2078 6088 5486 1051 4868 6543 7659 23102129048 4680 0543 0870 8443 9654 0707 3835 9343 9210 1429 23102118892 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62420217473 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 23102124403 6884 8795 0275 8499 0799 2557 5131 1731 4082 99422021-04-26 vajimehd@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016376ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26Find Below 0150000860737. From 01 to 04 0150000907710. From 01 to 02 0150000893639. From 01 to 02Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-26NoFind below, 0150000860737. From 01 to 04 0426 2048 8932 0724 7270 2595 3484 3448 7253 4503 0150000907710. From 01 to 02 1207 6006 5034 5401 8645 3266 2459 2980 9864 1918 0150000893639. From 01 to 02 3348 0045 7624 9017 5502 7363 9220 7062 2204 38892021-04-26 infortech4life@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016375ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26Request for KCT 0101200115315Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-26NoFind below, 0871 0001 3860 6436 3274 0354 5519 0267 7042 52992021-04-26 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016374ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000863756 Good morningMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-26NoFind below, 0790 5189 6426 3918 1179 2712 6326 1493 6141 45672021-04-26 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016373ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26Find Below 0150000893175. From 01 to 02. 0150000861883. From 01 to 02 0150000891203. From 01 to 02 RegardsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-26NoFind below, 0150000893175. From 01 to 02. 6841 5500 5650 0008 5433 5738 1308 5797 1312 7488 0150000861883. From 01 to 02 6656 9236 0199 8344 1218 1680 9580 9997 1197 9024 0150000891203. From 01 to 02 6888 5216 8855 1917 3489 4422 8573 0997 2616 66732021-04-26 infortech4life@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016372ClosedKCT Request2021-04-260150000906290. From 01 to 46. RegardsMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-26NoHello, Find below. 5272 1108 7550 2594 7156 4582 2848 5071 0841 66112021-04-26 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00016371ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26Dear support, Please assist with the subject above mentioned for this MSN 0101200121024 0101200077812 0101200125132Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-26NoFind below, 0101200121024 3636 3037 0586 7614 5210 4614 4261 6508 2290 8347 0101200077812 6462 1486 3713 2946 5665 2100 4953 0512 4760 8402 0101200125132 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-26 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016370ClosedKCT Request2021-04-260150000902208. From 01 to 0150000902208. From 01 to 46 Regards.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-26NoHello, Find below. 0150000902208. From 01 to 4243 5839 1469 5382 8794 0049 9570 9875 1333 8772 0150000902208. From 01 to 46 4243 5839 1469 5382 8794 0049 9570 9875 1333 87722021-04-26 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00016369ClosedTamper Code2021-04-26Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on these meter for support to generate tamper 0101170197947 0101160051591 0101170300491 0101170184853 0101170373449 0101170144543 0101160058380 0101160187387 0101170310219 0101170308080 0101161018458 0101160176869 0101170388397 0101161018458 0101170453837 0101170417501 0101170195750 0101170385617 0101170449090 0101170389304 0101170201335 0101170426296 0101170452243 0101170383307 0101170238733 0101170408823 0101170306001 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-26NoHello, Find below, 0101170197947 0083 1392 8943 0257 5912 0101160051591 4468 3911 3998 7883 8374 0101170300491 6288 2745 1922 1302 1775 0101170184853 6567 0026 1341 2278 8722 0101170373449 3893 7120 3234 8915 7800 0101170144543 6727 8674 3477 4040 6237 0101160058380 7322 1711 0253 0629 4045 0101160187387 4677 8442 4922 3294 2365 0101170310219 4432 0399 9987 1297 6738 0101170308080 2376 6201 9831 6339 9742 0101161018458 6973 8004 6372 4013 0267 0101160176869 3197 1932 4044 2488 5670 0101170388397 5994 6288 4333 0218 4296 0101161018458 3867 4655 9753 8407 9626 0101170453837 2714 2823 6164 1862 2784 0101170417501 0867 3969 4328 7475 9720 0101170195750 1928 9215 4899 0763 4866 0101170385617 7150 2054 5150 8291 1477 0101170449090 1638 2910 2109 3968 8164 0101170389304 1560 8294 7949 1020 1314 0101170201335 2158 9717 7216 7998 8496 0101170426296 5106 7137 0872 3411 1743 0101170452243 3720 7380 1004 5934 4748 0101170383307 2837 9664 2170 0224 4112 0101170238733 0793 9649 2599 0033 2806 0101170408823 3523 3781 8869 1395 5122 0101170306001 4198 5573 6928 3010 01872021-04-26 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016368ClosedTamper Code2021-04-26Dear Support/Audit Team, Please Kindly Vette on those MSN for support to generate a clear tamper code to enable those customers have our good services. 0101190150264 0101190151890 0101 1901 5026 0101200070544 54150649397 0101170363911 0101205008846 44000391266Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-26NoHello, Find below, 0101190150264 4099 2273 7237 7793 9901 0101190151890 3997 8301 6187 8220 5642 0101 1901 5026 Wrong meter number or not captured. 0101200070544 7211 7705 8958 3672 7339 54150649397 2094 3016 2539 3333 9317 0101170363911 0113 5489 7106 4366 6552 0101205008846 0410 6892 4334 4483 5209 44000391266 0642 5057 5959 9613 36092021-04-26 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016367ClosedKCT Request2021-04-260150000932726 0150000863533Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-26NoFind below, 0150000932726 7202 2006 8879 2281 0228 4413 2621 5229 3899 8311 0150000863533 3013 0959 4695 5067 3400 1459 9063 1161 3980 79572021-04-26 ahmadmiltonfairaskira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016366ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200038681 Pls assist with the above RegardsMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-26NoHello, Find below. 4698 0487 5956 3176 4940 3798 4476 4214 7384 25562021-04-26 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016365ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26Dear sir, Please kindly help with the following MSN kct:44000367530,44000392298,44000380665 & 0101195005281 Thank you.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-26NoHello, Find below. 44000367530 4149 7674 9916 8488 7940 2289 9004 3881 0304 0402 44000392298 2828 0986 5477 0357 4776 2774 1636 4195 6480 2225 44000380665 7106 8922 9777 9056 4893 6103 1466 1907 8745 4022 0101195005281 0431 1051 7872 7378 0872 4383 3496 3175 5546 63272021-04-26 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016364ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26Request for KCT 0101200026611Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-26NoHello, Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2021-04-26 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016363ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26Dear support kindly generate kct for meter number : 01011205001320. Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-26NoHello, Find below, 2978 6498 5247 6661 8622 6996 9396 0051 3145 03602021-04-26 jubilant95@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016362ClosedKCT Request2021-04-2644000390029Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-26NoFind below, 7279 4393 0037 3348 4070 4388 3065 4493 7692 20202021-04-26 ashanafagain@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016361ClosedTamper Code2021-04-26Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly vette on these meter for support to generate tamper 0101190149581 0101190148540 0101190149548 0101190141842 0101200124515 0101190142014 0101200117527 0101200013130 0101200050355 0101190149597 0101190143723 0101200019087 0101190147161 0101190154548 0101200066088 0101190134656 0101190134326 0101200009864 0101190147526 0101190154548 0101190134623 0101190144499 0101190141339 0101190154100 0101190142519 0101190136065 0101200064786 0101190152237 0101200029615 0101200080212 0101200074546 0101200015564 0101200077010 0101200033971 0101200004154 0101200013676 0101190147864 0101200026116 0101200008825 0101200082184 0101200064620 0101190144317 0101190150363 0101200064620 0101200088736 0101200068142 0101190147336 0101190140778 0101200074595 ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-23NoHello, Find below, 0101190149581 Wrong meter number or not captured. 0101190148540 6094 9366 3758 6522 1335 0101190149548 0816 1944 1157 8223 1792 0101190141842 5939 2835 2951 3423 3709 0101200124515 2736 9726 8815 1087 6868 0101190142014 6662 8714 0478 0920 0573 0101200117527 2533 3451 4838 3830 3515 0101200013130 0736 5460 3091 0338 0360 0101200050355 0645 1338 4187 0800 9938 0101190149597 3296 7083 3400 1143 6218 0101190143723 7002 3734 2187 2215 7238 0101200019087 5257 8495 4197 8066 9107 0101190147161 5495 6333 4255 8377 4885 0101190154548 1934 3970 0152 0540 7113 0101200066088 2640 3603 1865 7038 3458 0101190134656 3485 6330 0800 3867 6295 0101190134326 3075 4307 4869 4362 5853 0101200009864 4487 3845 4612 3446 4907 0101190147526 3478 3539 5128 4854 3720 0101190154548 0752 8371 5297 8075 6618 0101190134623 0633 9848 4228 7176 8171 0101190144499 2191 9759 6077 6485 8451 0101190141339 3235 0818 5536 1644 4704 0101190154100 5567 7502 0977 5199 1130 0101190142519 6672 1471 8364 4784 0403 0101190136065 1422 4212 0076 4290 0659 0101200064786 3718 7553 1538 2783 8024 0101190152237 6777 0306 8020 5937 1672 0101200029615 7203 8205 6856 6970 5527 0101200080212 0833 3471 1283 9175 0227 0101200074546 2793 1775 2616 4853 0918 0101200015564 Wrong meter number or not captured. 0101200077010 Wrong meter number or not captured. 0101200033971 3215 6074 7511 9675 4569 0101200004154 1850 4464 0563 2939 2442 0101200013676 1224 3131 4708 1354 0010 0101190147864 0534 8260 4594 1112 4803 0101200026116 4368 1078 7547 2704 8250 0101200008825 6826 4812 5935 4572 4581 0101200082184 Wrong meter number or not captured. 0101200064620 5249 6143 2971 3420 1870 0101190144317 0652 3788 7165 9085 6184 0101190150363 6335 6528 7324 0302 3726 0101200064620 2365 7790 0480 5981 7553 0101200088736 2992 4193 4625 2677 4519 0101200068142 2732 7044 0220 7686 8047 0101190147336 3707 7137 9197 5785 3921 0101190140778 4070 9708 3907 5292 6155 0101200074595 3902 3924 9293 8163 00242021-04-26 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016360ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26Kct, 0101190134359 and 0101195007147 Good morning, please treat.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-26NoHello, Find below. 0101190134359 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101195007147 0591 2291 7073 8236 6170 6746 2810 6612 7574 05582021-04-26 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016359ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26Sir, Please assist with kct of this meter number 0101190003341 Best RegardsMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-26NoHello, This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2021-04-26 florarumun@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016358ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26Request for kct_ 0101200102370 Please treat.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-26NoFind below as requested, 0123 8603 7719 4217 0131 2834 1933 8435 8049 86882021-04-26 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00016357ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26Good morning sir Kindly assist with KCT for the MSNS please 44000309110 1 To 45 44000334464. 1 To 21 44000377489 1 To 21 44000345940. 1 To 2 Abdullahi Yamusa .Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-26NoFind below, 44000309110 1 To 45 1397 1234 7879 5619 0452 4221 5356 6507 5591 0694 44000334464. 1 To 21 6736 4241 4887 5792 3926 3424 9421 3360 7544 0229 44000377489 1 To 21 1988 9009 3214 3854 3196 4841 2740 3165 3123 1852 44000345940. 1 To 2 7172 6773 3265 5743 4761 4580 4875 3746 1697 18192021-04-26 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016356ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000879224Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-26NoFind below, 6265 9169 3623 4508 9514 0318 3784 2108 8714 80182021-04-26 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016355ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26: REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200102370Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-26NoFind below, 0123 8603 7719 4217 0131 2834 1933 8435 8049 86882021-04-26 naomi.tegwi@jedplc.com Tukur Hamid
#00016354ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26KCT GENERATION 44000401115 Dear IT team, Please the above subject refers. Regards.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-26NoFind below, 44000401115 0502 9753 0549 4064 1635 2154 4935 8630 0599 06472021-04-26 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016353ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26Find Below 0150000871411. From 01 to 46 0150000905722. From 01 to 45Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-26NoFind below, 0150000871411. From 01 to 46 5978 0064 3453 7497 6069 6397 8885 8913 0895 3353 0150000905722. From 01 to 45 1113 6660 2157 6919 7093 5418 3891 1191 9531 83622021-04-26 infortech4life@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00016352ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000874407Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-26NoFind below, 2683 0587 8434 2302 0683 7065 0739 7599 8148 66952021-04-26 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016351ClosedComplaint2021-04-26NEWLY GENERATED CUSTOMERS ACCOUNTS NOT ON E-VENDING PLATFORM Please the newly generated accounts can not be accessed on e-vending platform kindly treat to enable our cashiers to pay in the cash. The accounts are! 755163 755165 thanks in anticipationMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-26NoHello, This mail have been treated, the customers can now pay their bills. Regards2021-04-26 obembetaye@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016350ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200014658Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-26NoFind below as requested, 32025988052080480476 667030273946203752002021-04-26 u.labakpan@jedplc.com Tukur Hamid
#00016349ClosedTamper Code2021-04-26Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on these meter for support to generate tamper 0101170197947 0101160051591 0101170300491 0101170184853 0101170373449 0101170144543 0101160058380 0101160187387 0101170310219 0101170308080 0101161018458 0101160176869 0101170388397 0101161018458 0101170453837 0101170417501 0101170195750 0101170385617 0101170449090 0101170389304 0101170201335 0101170426296 0101170452243 0101170383307 0101170238733 0101170408823 0101170306001 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-26NoHello, Find below, 0101170197947 0083 1392 8943 0257 5912 0101160051591 4468 3911 3998 7883 8374 0101170300491 6288 2745 1922 1302 1775 0101170184853 6567 0026 1341 2278 8722 0101170373449 3893 7120 3234 8915 7800 0101170144543 6727 8674 3477 4040 6237 0101160058380 7322 1711 0253 0629 4045 0101160187387 4677 8442 4922 3294 2365 0101170310219 4432 0399 9987 1297 6738 0101170308080 2376 6201 9831 6339 9742 0101161018458 6973 8004 6372 4013 0267 0101160176869 3197 1932 4044 2488 5670 0101170388397 5994 6288 4333 0218 4296 0101161018458 3867 4655 9753 8407 9626 0101170453837 2714 2823 6164 1862 2784 0101170417501 0867 3969 4328 7475 9720 0101170195750 1928 9215 4899 0763 4866 0101170385617 7150 2054 5150 8291 1477 0101170449090 1638 2910 2109 3968 8164 0101170389304 1560 8294 7949 1020 1314 0101170201335 2158 9717 7216 7998 8496 0101170426296 5106 7137 0872 3411 1743 0101170452243 3720 7380 1004 5934 4748 0101170383307 2837 9664 2170 0224 4112 0101170238733 0793 9649 2599 0033 2806 0101170408823 3523 3781 8869 1395 5122 0101170306001 4198 5573 6928 3010 01872021-04-26 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016348ClosedTamper Code2021-04-26Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on these meter for support to generate tamper 0101170197947 0101160051591 0101170300491 0101170184853 0101170373449 0101170144543 0101160058380 0101160187387 0101170310219 0101170308080 0101161018458 0101160176869 0101170388397 0101161018458 0101170453837 0101170417501 0101170195750 0101170385617 0101170449090 0101170389304 0101170201335 0101170426296 0101170452243 0101170383307 0101170238733 0101170408823 0101170306001 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-26NoHello, Find below, 0101170197947 0083 1392 8943 0257 5912 0101160051591 4468 3911 3998 7883 8374 0101170300491 6288 2745 1922 1302 1775 0101170184853 6567 0026 1341 2278 8722 0101170373449 3893 7120 3234 8915 7800 0101170144543 6727 8674 3477 4040 6237 0101160058380 7322 1711 0253 0629 4045 0101160187387 4677 8442 4922 3294 2365 0101170310219 4432 0399 9987 1297 6738 0101170308080 2376 6201 9831 6339 9742 0101161018458 6973 8004 6372 4013 0267 0101160176869 3197 1932 4044 2488 5670 0101170388397 5994 6288 4333 0218 4296 0101161018458 3867 4655 9753 8407 9626 0101170453837 2714 2823 6164 1862 2784 0101170417501 0867 3969 4328 7475 9720 0101170195750 1928 9215 4899 0763 4866 0101170385617 7150 2054 5150 8291 1477 0101170449090 1638 2910 2109 3968 8164 0101170389304 1560 8294 7949 1020 1314 0101170201335 2158 9717 7216 7998 8496 0101170426296 5106 7137 0872 3411 1743 0101170452243 3720 7380 1004 5934 4748 0101170383307 2837 9664 2170 0224 4112 0101170238733 0793 9649 2599 0033 2806 0101170408823 3523 3781 8869 1395 5122 0101170306001 4198 5573 6928 3010 01872021-04-26 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016347ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26Request for KCT 0101190133450Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-26NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-26 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016346ClosedKCT Request2021-04-260101200030076 0101200055511 0101200051189 0101200086946 0101200017354 from 4 to 1 0101200011449 from 3 to 1 0101200027486 from 3 to 1Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-26NoFind the remaining KCT below, 0101200027486 00718073295476853556 320082312077482577682021-04-26 amibabs433@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016345ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26Sir, Please assist with kct of this meter number 0101190003341 Best RegardsMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-26NoHello, This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2021-04-26 florarumun@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016344ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26Good morning sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the MSNS 44000326445 1 To 21 44000344141 1 To 21 44000340156 1 To 21 44000355865 1 To 2 44000360394 1 To 21 Best regardsMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-26NoFind below, 44000326445 1 To 21 6826 1436 8368 5509 8857 5711 6679 4730 7069 6401 44000344141 1 To 21 2341 2682 3939 3198 2409 5618 4844 5656 8413 1568 44000340156 1 To 21 5161 0488 0950 7919 6137 0980 3061 5837 7249 9634 44000355865 1 To 2 4565 4122 2308 5491 7109 5411 5066 3733 4233 5299 44000360394 1 To 21 5661 6973 7425 5752 4128 2683 7215 9014 5839 60862021-04-26 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016343ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26Good Morning. Find Below 0150000912835. From 01 to 03 0150000893175. From 01 to 02 0150000874530. From 01 to 21MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-26NoFind Below 0150000912835. From 01 to 03 5816 3448 0514 8931 4490 6907 9264 5748 2620 3289 0150000893175. From 01 to 02 6841 5500 5650 0008 5433 5738 1308 5797 1312 7488 0150000874530. From 01 to 21 7298 8139 8277 9586 1449 3546 7295 2473 0811 20682021-04-26 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00016342ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26Find Below 0150000887656. From 01 to 04 0150000930100. From 01 to 46 0150000895220. From 01 to 02 Regards.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-26NoFind Below 0150000887656. From 01 to 04 1660 6221 7032 0034 3950 5058 7854 5640 3725 1789 0150000930100. From 01 to 46 4459 2150 9026 4375 1826 1401 3092 2996 4718 8776 0150000895220. From 01 to 02 5269 7379 1493 4004 5875 3742 0236 7108 7124 2322 Regards.2021-04-26 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00016341ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26: REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200014658 Please treat.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-26NoHello, This meter displayed an incomplete token, kindly allow us some time to generate the KCT.2021-04-26 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00016340ClosedTamper Code2021-04-26Dear Support/Audit Team, Please Kindly Vette on those MSN for support to generate a clear tamper code to enable those customers have our good services. 0101190150264 0101190151890 0101 1901 5026 0101200070544 54150649397 0101170363911 0101205008846 44000391266Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-26NoHello, Find below, 0101200025399 5157 9791 8778 8754 9742 0101190135000 3322 0255 3642 8942 3445 0101200111652 1367 8963 2508 5119 6037 0101170180802 5681 1114 6180 2355 1609 0101200045991 7190 4061 2780 4163 8733 0101200033112 2186 4008 2639 6025 3606 0101190134631 7164 8234 0743 2551 90172021-04-26 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016339ClosedTamper Code2021-04-26Good morning, Attached is for the above subject matter for your further action. Thanks.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-26NoHello, Find below, 0150000931918 5399 1557 2701 9221 4354 Clear Tamper2021-04-26 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016338ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26: Request for KCT 0101200115968Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-26NoFind below, 3685 1353 1941 1676 3237 0449 6678 0076 0206 58502021-04-26 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016337ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26REQUEST FOR KCT Good morning support, Request for KCT for meter number 0101190138079MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-26NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our database, hence, no KCT needed. However, kindly query the meter to know which tariff index it is on. Regards.2021-04-26 adamushehugiade86@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016336ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200055222 Good morning ICT Team, Kindly assist with the above please.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-26NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-26 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00016335ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26Good morning.Request for KCT 0101200029441Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-26NoFind below, 6479 9840 7599 8644 0178 5182 8199 4788 1097 00052021-04-26 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016334ClosedKCT Request2021-04-2644000392959 Abubakar Sadiq Gabdo CCRM REPS. Gombe Trading ZoneMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-26NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our database, hence, no KCT is needed. However, kindly query the meter to know which tariff index is on it. Regards.2021-04-26 ashanafagain@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016333ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26KCT 44000392959 Abubakar Sadiq Gabdo CCRM REPS. Gombe Trading ZoneMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-26NoHello, Find below as requested. 6470 1599 4707 3496 7201 2272 3621 3619 2136 64692021-04-26 shanafagain@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016332ClosedVending History2021-04-26: Good Evening ict, please kindly send me the VH following the meter number 54161126252 thank you Man at workMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-26NoHello, Find below as requested. Transaction Details Token Details Transaction ID: 2843161347241424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-16 11:46:54 Meter No.: 54161126252 Account No.: 6116032929-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 62.41 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 2104 3475 7460 0120 4085 Transaction ID: 3787161884737624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-19 16:49:36 Meter No.: 54161126252 Account No.: 6116032929-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦13.95 Energy Cost: ₦186.05 KwH: 5.85 Amount Tendered: ₦200.00 1642 6630 6599 7423 5629 Transaction ID: 8364161037614724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-11 15:42:27 Meter No.: 54161126252 Account No.: 6116032929-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 87.73 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 1748 5757 2182 7349 62152021-04-26 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016331ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26Request for kct please sir 0150000898489MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-26NoHello, This meter is on 001 Tariff Index in our database, so it doesnt need KCT. However, you can query the meter to know which tariff index it is on. Regards.2021-04-26 ahmadmiltonfairaskira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016330ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26: KCT GENERATION 54160883077 Dear IT team, Please the above subject refers. Warm regards.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-26NoHello, Find below as requested. 0309 9865 6072 6114 7623 4630 9241 7604 6422 69942021-04-26 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016329ClosedKCT Request2021-04-26Good morning please kindly send me the KCT number generated to this meter number 44000379063. Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-26NoHello, Find below as requested. 5651 6283 7597 1659 2475 3190 5088 3648 1319 50982021-04-26 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016328ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for this meter. Thank you. Meter Number:0101200099204MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-23NoHello, Find below as requested. 1222 0219 5356 7023 6776 1141 8897 3661 0503 96702021-04-23 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016327ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Re: KCT 44300010889 T2 - T1 Abubakar Sadiq Gabdo CCRM REPS. Gombe Trading ZoneMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-23NoFind below, 4138 2301 2813 2170 9840 3744 9259 1894 6769 02732021-04-23 ashanafagain@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016326ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Dear Support, Kindly release the KCT of the meter below 62420234791 index 03Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-23NoHello, Find below, 3023 6727 5096 9661 3019 7351 3883 8179 0491 52682021-04-23 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016325ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Dear Sir, Kindly release the KCT of the meters below. 62420142838 62420234049Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-23NoHello, Find below, 62420142838 4609 8132 6626 0582 4851 0404 9142 2178 6890 2127 62420234049 2719 3971 1934 1559 7172 2173 9838 3225 8267 22692021-04-23 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016324ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Please kindly send me kct number following up meter number 0101150588800 thank you Hello ictMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-16NoIs it a single or three phase meter?2021-04-23 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016323ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Good Afternoon sir, Attached is the Actual Tariff of Customers and there respective Band to Generate the right KCT. Band= E REQUEST FOR KCT Tariff Index=0002 SGC=600419 Name: Onuh Obitiye Polin PPM Type- Q3 mojec 0101195003005 Kind Regards Owoicho stephen Emmanuel MM&N OTUKPOMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-23NoFind below, 4039 1453 2978 9062 3755 4456 5003 0451 7951 37502021-04-23 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016322ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Good Afternoon sir, Attached is the Actual Tariff of Customers and there respective Band to Generate the right KCT. Band= C REQUEST FOR KCT Name: Odeh Emmanuel PPM Type- zte Q1 Kind Regards Owoicho stephen Emmanuel MM&N OTUKPOMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-23Noello, For which meter number.2021-04-23 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016321ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Please kindly send me the kct for this meter no below 01012000114029Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-23NoHello, This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2021-04-23 umarmacy@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016320ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Good Afternoon Sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the MSN please. 44000308526Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-23NoFind below, 0927 4470 7105 3629 6021 6078 1012 2692 8429 69652021-04-23 glawal1184@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00016319ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Good Afternoon sir, Attached is the Actual Tariff of Customers and there respective Band to Generate the right KCT. Band= C REQUEST FOR KCT Name: Odeh Emmanuel Meter=57100047430 PPM Type- zte Q1 Kind Regards Owoicho stephen Emmanuel MM&N OTUKPOMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-23NoFind below, 2788 0994 7504 9699 0937 2132 2309 7304 0457 34992021-04-23 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016318ClosedTamper Code2021-04-23Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 44000365740 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-23NoHello, Find below, 44000365740 0776 7182 0897 3839 1497 Clear Tamper2021-04-23 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016317ClosedTamper Code2021-04-23Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on these meter for support to generate tamper 0101170401042 54161112682 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-23NoHello, Find below, 0101170401042 3774 0268 6591 7622 7541 Clear Tamper 54161112682 3756 6962 0455 7449 3701 Clear Tamper2021-04-23 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016316ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Kct, 0101190148243.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-23NoHello, Find below as requested. 1751 2357 0745 4983 9559 0741 4213 2173 5663 1502 Regards.2021-04-23 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016315ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters. Thank you. Meter Numbers: 0101200077465 0101205007632 0101200102727 0101200101570Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-23NoHello, Find below. 0101200077465 1598 2293 4024 7260 0605 6551 9651 8199 0671 1218 0101205007632 0455 7555 8238 1098 1863 5806 6072 0852 5881 4613 0101200102727 5683 7421 2668 6622 5259 4129 1045 4062 2099 0953 0101200101570 3867 4312 2786 3562 3422 2136 0378 0789 8726 14512021-04-23 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016314ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Hello sir, please kindly generate KCT from 01 to 04 for this MSN: 0101200114029 Thank YouMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-23NoFind below, 0564 4414 1493 3972 5338 5117 1966 2604 3487 07342021-04-23 yuzarsif33112269@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016313ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Request for KCT 0101200099121MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-23NoHello, Find below as requested. 2727 2400 7777 7768 3384 5336 2770 4925 9132 46432021-04-23 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016312ClosedKCT Request2021-04-2344000384907MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-23NoHello, Find below as requested. 2642 7663 7731 4130 2946 1170 1336 2752 5725 41212021-04-23 ashanafagain@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016311ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23: REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200112809MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-23NoHello, Find below as requested. 3711 8260 4534 9907 6669 4082 7001 6760 8964 82922021-04-23 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00016310ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Please kindly send me the kct for this meter no below. 0101200039499.01 to 02MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-23NoHello, Find below as requested. 3609 8070 8743 1205 3330 3204 9912 4157 7171 04392021-04-23 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016309Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00016308ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for this meter from 02 to 01.Thank you. Meter Number:0101200010714MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-23NoHello, Find below as requested. 3814 5012 4039 9275 0453 1356 4854 5301 0485 25062021-04-23 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016307ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Please kindly send me the kct for this meter no below 0101200015986MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-23NoHello, Find below as requested. 1190 9872 6844 5242 38142021-04-23 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016306ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Hello Team, Kindly assist with the above-mentioned for the meter numbers below 1. 0101200077382 2. 0101200033534 3. 0101200096978 4. 0101200113393 Best Regards, Halima Mujtaba AbdulrahmanMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-23NoFind below, 1. 0101200077382 4439 1964 7571 0882 2186 1753 3573 6322 2550 6545 2. 0101200033534 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 3. 0101200096978 5938 7381 2224 9930 3363 2709 9101 9080 7848 0917 4. 0101200113393 3696 0950 2829 9968 6759 0027 6455 4998 0995 10092021-04-23 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016305ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Request for KCT 62420228470 62420219024 Kindly furnish me with above information best.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-23NoHello, These meters are on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meters and let us know which tariff index they are on.2021-04-23 tsavsarmngu@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016304ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Please kindly send me the kct for this meter no below 0101190145074 0101200015309 0101200037436 0101200058903 0101200012678Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-23NoFind below, 0101190145074 0477 0788 1043 8553 2766 2582 3760 3165 9424 2843 0101200015309 0948 3744 9027 6411 0064 1885 5247 4255 1092 6324 0101200037436 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101200058903 5069 7696 9384 3017 0138 6844 8025 6737 9681 0468 0101200012678 5868 2896 6939 1565 3608 4034 5481 2730 9032 15992021-04-23 umarmacy@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016303ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23: Kct,0101185049158Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-23NoFind below, 6043 8820 7013 6116 8366 5901 4271 4423 8701 41572021-04-23 ummilois2@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016302ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Request for KCT 0101190154803MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-23NoHello Nuwaira, Find below as requested. 1808 7197 0635 0603 1151 4273 7798 1847 7336 23792021-04-23 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016301ClosedKCT Request2021-04-2344000308476 1 to 2 44000389971 1 to 21 44000309656 1 to 21 44000308476 1 to 2MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-23NoHello, Find below as requested. 44000308476 1 to 2 6536 3046 1619 4693 3554 0840 8667 0105 2386 5641 44000389971 1 to 21 3398 5353 8887 0233 0563 4124 3752 9571 0763 2673 44000309656 1 to 21 6184 4080 7226 4410 8277 4173 3909 2251 3911 1580 44000308476 1 to 2 6536 3046 1619 4693 3554 0840 8667 0105 2386 5641 Regards.2021-04-23 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016300ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Kindly generate kct for this meter number 0101190141230MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-23NoHello, Find below as requested. 2034 5534 8841 8929 0235 2970 9338 2179 9092 24272021-04-23 najibumarsulaiman202@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016299ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101190012605Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-23NoFind below, 6796 2405 9267 6354 1620 6618 8513 2547 1458 44372021-04-23 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016298ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Kindly generate kct for this meter number 0101190141230Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-23NoKindly provide us the account number or customer name2021-04-23 najibumarsulaiman202@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016297ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Find Below 0150000905037. From 01 to 02 0150000932387. From 01 to 36. Regards.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-23No0150000905037. From 01 to 02 6698 3566 2585 7166 8122 2095 5220 6842 5370 8761 0150000932387. From 01 to 36. 1136 0355 3518 0181 5197 6617 6566 0848 2135 2480 Regards.2021-04-23 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00016296ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Pls kct from 2 to 1 of this meter 0101200067086MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-23NoHello, Find below as requested. 2148 0979 6503 9249 2386 3279 2697 0791 2713 79132021-04-23 amibabs433@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016295ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23REQUEST FOR KCT - 44000365351MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-23NoHello, Find below as requested. 4341 0216 4677 0925 5160 3791 3319 4402 8377 3251 Regards.2021-04-23 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016294ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Pls kct from 2 to 1 of this meter 0101200067086Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-23NoHello, Find below. 3712 1119 8150 6639 2621 5993 9091 2577 6340 76622021-04-23 amibabs433@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016293ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Request for KCT 23102119338 Kindly furnish me with above information best.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-23NoFind below, 0422 9501 7845 8125 4750 1002 6009 7921 9782 34542021-04-23 tsavsarmngu@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016292ClosedKCT Request2021-04-230150000931231MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-23NoHello, Find below as requested. 7020 7921 1559 6464 1028 4712 4682 7323 8954 62872021-04-23 ahmadmiltonfairaskira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016291ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Please kindly Generate a kct for the following meter numbers 0101190009502 from 01 to 03MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-23NoHello, Find below, 3569 7415 6816 8226 7114 1604 2404 9695 8828 20562021-04-23 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016290ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Kindly generate kct for 0101200075006. ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-23NoFind below, 0138 3491 8607 9231 6069 1104 4890 3211 7692 32102021-04-23 najibumarsulaiman202@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016289ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23: REQUEST FOR KCT MSN:0150 0009 53409 MSN:0150 0009 49191 MSN:0150000968944Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-23NoFind the remaining KCT below, 0150000949191 27445655366339867440 402002072958227385982021-04-23 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016288ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Kct, 0101185048416.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-23NoFind below, 6125 7186 3560 3654 9687 0004 4635 7625 9760 53172021-04-23 ummilois2@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016287ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Hello, Good afternoon, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters from 01 to 02. Thank you. Meter Numbers: 0101200046445 0101200027304 0101200050058 0101200044762 0101200022776Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-23NoFind the remaining KCT below, 0101200022776 22766477280989282918 424296332005262626142021-04-23 ademugeorge@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016286ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23: REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200123103 Please treat.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-23NoHello, Find below as requested. 3975 9821 8765 1613 3848 2318 3426 9514 1384 88222021-04-23 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00016285ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Pls sir d kct u generated to me yestaday is rejecting pls kindly check an generate me another 1 pls the meter is on 46tariff so I need 46-1 pls 0101161029497MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-23NoHello, Find below as requested. 46 to 01 6331 4225 1433 1650 0642 0978 7019 2764 5366 95292021-04-23 felixaron37@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016284ClosedKCT Request2021-04-2344000364255 1 to 21 44000391043 1 to 21 44000351815 1 to 35Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-23NoHello, Find below, 44000364255 1 to 21 6243 9311 1875 1268 0244 1886 4289 3006 3071 3957 44000391043 1 to 21 6306 0534 3847 4485 4562 5562 6512 1734 7600 9270 44000351815 1 to 35 6424 3250 0774 7614 9287 5930 4495 7629 9609 03372021-04-23 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016283ClosedKCT Request2021-04-2344000365609 Abubakar Sadiq Gabdo CCRM REPS. Gombe Trading ZoneMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-23NoFind below, 1638 4614 6719 5185 2763 1833 8347 5090 6393 19882021-04-23 ashanafagain@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016282ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Hello, Kindly assist with KCT from 02 to 01.Thank you. Meter Numbers: 0101190148565 0101190149639Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-23NoFind below, 0101190148565 6248 4085 7624 8175 6192 2396 0655 3255 8506 0639 0101190149639 3294 9790 7026 7874 0332 5018 9055 5086 2495 16772021-04-23 ademugeorge@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016281ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters. Thank you. Meter Numbers: 0101200099121 0101200055339 0101190149050 0101200121982 0101200010722 0101200076517 0101200116867 0101200100812 0101200123053 0101205007392 0101175103411 0101200016596Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-23NoHello, Find below, Meter Numbers: 0101200099121 2727 2400 7777 7768 3384 5336 2770 4925 9132 4643 0101200055339 07435385643586614388 18861992009725113487 0101190149050 4103 5693 2854 6683 0750 3533 8190 5349 6926 0569 0101200121982 2446 1079 6975 7626 8705 2452 1011 4371 1127 6070 0101200010722 2916 6890 7107 7664 9845 3206 3083 4919 9364 6487 0101200076517 5198 2500 0637 9061 8092 3903 9073 6885 8994 8551 0101200116867 0749 2415 8212 9723 3020 5137 5607 1215 4731 2126 0101200100812 5360 7173 2771 0522 2954 4866 7205 0868 9899 8160 0101200123053 55721201594131460156 41180970795901200105 0101205007392 0809 1717 9173 0126 0945 7085 6512 7164 0918 1683 0101175103411 2969 7947 1298 5888 6610 4648 5318 4925 2180 3981 0101200016596 1624 4434 0078 4982 8681 4003 9587 0111 9140 42942021-04-23 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016280ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200077424 Please treatMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-23NoHello, Find below, 2759 3628 9329 4416 1134 6770 6448 5238 5859 52362021-04-23 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016279ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Hello kindly assist with KCT for this meter from 04 to 01 .Thank you. Meter Number:0101200052229Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-23NoHello, Find below, 11809312048830354031 309952000360874372192021-04-23 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016278ClosedKCT Request2021-04-230150000931280Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-23NoHello, Find below, 5925 6619 0657 8319 8616 6656 6222 7461 2140 90162021-04-23 ahmadmiltonfairaskira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016277ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Dear Sir, Kindly avail us with the tamper code for the meters below. 62420231540 62420225328 62420228140 62420256463 62420233504Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-23NoHello, Find below, 62420231540 4919 8208 1603 3706 6198 62420225328 6290 9517 0295 7291 7407 62420228140 Wrong meter number or not captured. 62420256463 4053 1776 6611 1543 5343 62420233504 6278 0007 1913 8843 99652021-04-23 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016276ClosedVending History2021-04-23Hello sir, please kindly help us with the Vending History of this MSN: 0101200114144 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-23NoFind below, Transaction ID: 1643161718333424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-31 10:35:34 Meter No.: 0101200114144 Account No.: 612404098801 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦7,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦7,000.00 Transaction ID: 2455161158416024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-25 15:16:00 Meter No.: 0101200114144 Account No.: 612404098801 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦6,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦6,000.00 Transaction ID: 7161161416867024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-24 13:11:10 Meter No.: 0101200114144 Account No.: 612404098801 Transaction Type: Postpaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution Energy Cost: ₦7,000.00 KwH: 0.00 Amount Tendered: ₦7,000.00 Transaction ID: 9847161908893724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-22 11:55:37 Meter No.: 0101200114144 Account No.: 612404098801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦418.60 Energy Cost: ₦5,581.40 KwH: 175.46 Amount Tendered: ₦6,000.00 5142 9709 3328 4806 95872021-04-23 yuzarsif33112269@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016275ClosedKCT Request2021-04-2344000315703 Abubakar Sadiq Gabdo CCRM REPS. Gombe Trading ZoneMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-23NoHello, Find below, 4972 0137 5011 1164 6399 3468 7844 5184 2440 63012021-04-23 ashanafagain@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016274ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23: REQUEST FOR KCT 0150000923998. From 01 to 45Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-23NoHello, Find below, 1088 8947 4272 0527 6613 1279 6983 0460 7135 06262021-04-23 infortech4life@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016273ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200127278 Please treat.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-23NoHello, Find below, 5101 7636 7644 6745 2135 2572 4554 5682 8832 28482021-04-23 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016272ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23: Hello kindly assist with KCT IT Pls treatMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-23NoHello, Find below, 3975 9821 8765 1613 3848 2318 3426 9514 1384 88222021-04-23 stynlucs@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016271ClosedTamper Code2021-04-23Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 01011703123060 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-23NoHello, Please note that this is a wrong meter number or not captured. Regards.2021-04-23 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016270ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Request for KCT 0101200124184Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-23NoHello, Wrong meter number.2021-04-23 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016269ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for this meter from 02 to 01 and 01 to 02 as recommended by Metering unit.Thank you. Meter Number:0101200077515Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-23NoHello, Find below, 02 To 01 6032 0645 8138 5711 3853 3135 1581 5219 4176 6162 01 To 02 5160 5280 3285 6586 8532 5874 6761 6823 2872 47142021-04-23 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016268ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters from 04 to 01.Thank you. Meter Numbers: 0101190142360 0101190149050Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-23NoHello, Find below, 0101190142360 6756 0037 0036 6397 4007 5007 1080 3950 1835 8544 0101190149050 6481 7236 5581 5005 2792 6812 8702 8954 6024 38272021-04-23 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016267ClosedTamper Code2021-04-23Good afternoon please kindly assist me with the meter CT 62420234478 ThankMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-23No6572 5182 5862 9881 60572021-04-23 abdulmalik3955@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016266ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for this meter from 01 to 02. Thank you. Meter Number:0101200057319Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-23NoHello, Find below, 3013 8112 3881 0853 5771 1740 1389 4127 5028 85642021-04-23 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016265ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Find Below 0150000924863. From 01 to 21 54161120933. From 01 to 04 0150000902570. From 01 to 04 Regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-23NoHello, Find below, 0150000924863. From 01 to 21 3755 3532 8490 1270 1132 3977 3656 5423 1395 9737 54161120933. From 01 to 04 5066 2666 3783 1752 9216 0970 8078 5580 6968 8710 0150000902570. From 01 to 04 2212 6355 6064 9895 4818 1903 3068 6718 8954 72592021-04-23 infortech4life@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016264ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Hello, I bought a token since 21st April 2021, but it is unable to recharged. My details is as follows: Meter No.: 0150000911670 Meter Name: Abbas Abdulmumin5 Meter Address: Gwallaga Area Reference No.: 80C7D81CC831DD25850837 Thank you.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-23NoHello, Please use the following KCT. Load the 20 first digit and hit enter, then load the second 20 digit. After successful completion, load your token. 4156 6658 2417 4217 7642 5160 0999 8969 8046 54672021-04-23 hafsatyusufkabir@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016263ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23REQUEST FOR KCT METER NO: 0101195004185 REV FR. JOSEPH O NEILMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-23NoFind below, 4114 2066 1510 3325 6067 1737 7253 9777 9694 74052021-04-23 benmercyladi@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016262ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for this meter from 04 to 01. KCT was given yesterday but it rejected the KCT. Meter Number:0101190152120 Find below the KCT that was rejected by the meter. 0101190152120 KCT1:6452 6874 7137 3777 0942 KCT2:7353 4271 6186 2909 5850Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-23NoFind below as requested, 0802 4416 1083 6027 6233 3591 5573 3609 8123 68552021-04-23 ademugeorge@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016261ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Dear support kindly generate KCT for MSN 04229585593 thank you. -- Sent from myMail for AndroidMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-23NoFind below, 4229585593 5990 6217 2435 8889 3158 4229585593 0432 2234 9409 7910 73062021-04-23 jubilant95@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016260ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Please kindly provide me with KCT for meter number 54151113144. T. Kelvin kator CCRM SUPERVISOR GBOKOMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-23NoHello, This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2021-04-23 toranyiinkator14@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016259ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters from 02 to 04. Thank you. Meter Numbers: 0101175102843 0101175104211Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-23NoFind below, 0101175102843 2406 9457 0966 0953 6187 3859 9626 9178 6085 9482 0101175104211 5083 8616 4598 3121 6695 4577 3301 1243 5689 60442021-04-23 ademugeorge@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016258ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Hello, Kindly provide us with the KCT of MSN : 0101170441444. Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-23NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-23 anersirleh@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016257ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Hello, Good afternoon,Kindly assist with KCT for this meter from 08 to 01.Thank you. Meter Number:0101190154621Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-23NoFind below, 0101190154621 1204 4690 9277 6082 7823 0471 1887 3120 9966 04022021-04-23 ademugeorge@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016256ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Good Afternoon sir Kindly assist with KCT for the MSNS please 44000339174 4 TO 22 44000352136 4 TO 22 44000391043 4 TO 21 44000309656 1 TO 21 04204627725 44300018130 1 TO 2MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-23NoHello, Find below as requested. 44000339174 4 TO 22 3600 3922 4955 1325 8964 3052 3320 4075 3201 0135 44000352136 4 TO 22 0048 7996 5585 6231 6068 2246 5698 6366 2085 8586 44000391043 4 TO 21 6328 4456 6767 8423 9467 4402 3808 5883 3556 3947 44000309656 1 TO 21 6184 4080 7226 4410 8277 4173 3909 2251 3911 1580 04204627725 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 44300018130 1 TO 2 2673 0236 5821 7294 5019 3880 8086 2232 7260 81822021-04-23 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016255ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Hello, Good afternoon, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters from 01 to 02. Thank you. Meter Numbers: 0101200046445 0101200027304 0101200050058 0101200044762 0101200022776Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-23NoFind below, 0101200046445 5635 7638 4315 0688 6151 1807 1295 3787 4481 2699 0101200027304 6289 8947 5085 6864 8063 2639 9477 5520 6817 8380 0101200050058 6693 5933 9775 6118 3394 3734 9061 5844 6327 8700 0101200044762 3410 4675 0160 3677 7610 1699 6964 2214 4282 5144 0101200022776 This meter displayed an incomplete token, kindly allow us some time to generate the KCT.2021-04-23 ademugeorge@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016254ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Hello Team, Kindly assist with the above-mentioned for the meter numbers below 1. 0101200077549 2. 0101200119358 3. 0101200057913 4. 54161129454 5. 0101185047954 6. 0101200009054 7. 0101175102256 8. 0101200004550 9. 0101200119366 10. 0101200111868 11. 0101200033234MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-23NoFind below, 1. 0101200077549 1076 5271 8473 7315 0068 5745 2605 3767 0884 0480 2. 0101200119358 1416 5659 9312 3885 3649 0101 1561 3885 6701 2141 3. 0101200057913 1937 1692 5043 2236 8107 1096 4734 5373 8869 2695 3. 54161129454 2707 0117 7014 0683 5116 1408 1493 7366 7793 3936 5. 0101185047954 1405 1008 3476 8324 9916 0907 0963 9087 8106 6026 6. 0101200009054 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on 7. 0101175102256 0246 3508 9692 8104 0249 6697 4984 2599 5747 4786 8. 0101200004550 0812 5248 8456 9661 1027 1387 7210 7259 6713 1632 9. 0101200119366 3295 7850 9852 4114 1112 3577 2721 1488 5834 8778 10. 0101200111868 2678 7981 9262 9441 7669 2241 4977 2230 6900 8062 11. 0101200033234 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2021-04-23 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016253ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Request for KCT 44000375228MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-23No3089 1032 2609 0845 3610 3352 1218 6445 9823 06632021-04-23 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016252ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000869795 Good dayMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-23No0000 7584 3832 6232 1716 7143 4359 4825 0065 84202021-04-23 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016251ClosedKCT Request2021-04-230101170402396 0101200104848 0101200112783 0101170406587 Please kindly Generate a kct for the above MSNMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-23NoFind below, 0101170402396 5684 7999 3794 1582 1602 2084 1074 5851 0828 7388 0101200104848 1528 7921 2722 4870 1129 4178 2265 3041 4221 9407 0101200112783 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101170406587 3474 0510 5295 8321 6321 7253 5760 5915 1773 81832021-04-23 bangisgarko@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016250ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Hello, Good day,Kindly assist with KCT for these meters from 02 to 01.Thank you. Meter Numbers: 0101200006050 0101200028708 0101190144242 0101190142030Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-23NoFind below, 0101200006050 6421 9862 9814 0755 6759 0553 0906 3869 5398 7529 0101200028708 4787 6099 9084 5634 4965 1319 5091 9871 3975 7293 0101190144242 6835 2945 6376 6488 8298 2334 2818 7894 4201 8216 0101190142030 4291 0878 4116 4307 2018 2585 3127 3406 9375 14292021-04-23 ademugeorge@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016249ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000874381 Good dayMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-23NoFind below, 1732 9080 8965 6764 5290 2660 1681 8958 6058 43712021-04-23 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016248ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Pls sir kindly help me with kct of this meter 0101170258236 the meter is on 0001Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-23NoFind below, 1182 2704 9771 6887 1876 0539 6188 7032 9487 75802021-04-23 amibabs433@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016247ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000873524 & 0150000857451 Good dayMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-23NoFind below, 0150000873524 1518 4313 0798 5409 6520 5130 2305 9620 9591 4201 0150000857451 3171 2348 3471 7876 8139 2443 5242 4912 5104 85442021-04-23 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016246ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Request For KCT MARTHA DUKWO Good Afternoon sir, Attached is the Actual Tariff of Customers and there respective Band to Generate the right KCT. Band= E REQUEST FOR KCT Tariff Index=0002 Name: MARTHA DUKWO PPM Type- Q3 mojec 0101195009150 Kind RegardsMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-23NoFind below as requested, 6156 3309 3989 4883 8533 3086 8222 4058 3794 25532021-04-23 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016245ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Request for KCT 62420222663 62420252249 62420229619 62420211336 Kindly furnish me with above information best regards.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-23NoHello, These meters are on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meters and let us know which tariff index they are on.2021-04-23 tsavsarmngu@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016244ClosedKCT Request2021-04-230150000900525. From 01 to 46 Regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-23NoHello, Find below, 0144 3790 8711 1037 7381 6521 4593 4810 7114 94742021-04-23 infortech4life@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016243ClosedKCT Request2021-04-230150000956832 This meter displayed an incomplete KCT. Please give us some moments. 0150000952153 his meter displayed an incomplete KCT. Please give us some moments.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-23NoHello, Find below as requested. 0150000956832 18060329166536362813 73012200221742625909 0150000952153 60355990756483468203 20053207062566733827 Regards.2021-04-23 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016242ClosedKCT Request2021-04-2344000379907MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-23NoHello, Find below as requested. 4807 3284 4957 5392 7735 2768 2653 0656 3638 72312021-04-23 ashanafagain@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016241ClosedKCT Request2021-04-230150000906266. From 01 to 46 0150000871866. From 01 to 46 0150000883507. From 01 to 07.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-23Nod below, 0150000906266. From 01 to 46 4519 0920 6766 7129 2634 0559 1159 2715 3379 3611 0150000871866. From 01 to 46 0263 6519 7819 3842 3003 5937 4938 2941 9199 3519 0150000883507. From 01 to 07 4333 1832 0593 7610 8089 1606 6674 8457 2439 78572021-04-23 infortech4life@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00016240ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23RE: Request for KCT 44000379105Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-23NoFind below, 3926 2668 0647 7402 5480 2097 5616 6947 2225 67342021-04-23 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016239ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Request for KCT 0101200029433Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-23NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-23 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016238ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Request for KCT 0101200006662Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-23NoFind below, 0439 6905 8550 3322 4527 2255 5206 2689 2730 55042021-04-23 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016237ClosedTamper Code2021-04-23Dear Support, Kindly generate CT for this verified MSN 44000365740. Regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-23NoHello, Find below, 44000365740 1094 8640 7681 6791 9638 Clear Tamper2021-04-23 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016236ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters 0101200070205 on index 0001 0101200008817 from index 0002 -0001 0101205007426 0101200126296 0101200053631 0101185047954 0101200098347 0101200124549MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-23NoHello, Find below as requested. 0101200070205 on index 0001 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101200008817 from index 0002 -0001 5181 1525 7382 0766 1934 4882 2178 3221 8832 5640 0101205007426 2677 3853 2785 7939 6148 0114 8782 4014 4278 3547 0101200126296 1493 8238 1802 6254 7413 3754 3654 8241 2114 5676 0101200053631 1867 8347 6681 4689 6485 3793 2246 4565 5562 3578 0101185047954 0584 8987 5508 5389 3971 6349 2129 5316 7772 1516 0101200098347 7044 6943 7959 4624 6302 4903 9059 3921 9387 2289 0101200124549 6549 3239 1255 7452 2002 0019 4662 7271 9109 4244 Regards.2021-04-23 tkhadija028@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016235ClosedKCT Request2021-04-230150000857238. From 01 to 21Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-23NoFind below, 0434 4033 7119 3584 4319 2758 1835 7956 9613 90182021-04-23 infortech4life@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00016234ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Request for KCT 44000379105Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-23NoFind below, 3926 2668 0647 7402 5480 2097 5616 6947 2225 67342021-04-23 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016233ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Good Morning Sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the MSNs please 44000403459 1 TO 21 44000405983 1 TO 2 44000352177 1 TO 21 0101170166637 1 TO 33 0101200079164 22 TO 3 44300004577 1 TO 35Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-23NoFind below, 44000403459 1 TO 21 1811 0473 5389 2064 2604 0966 4916 7981 1624 1298 44000405983 1 TO 2 1870 8982 9461 0173 3188 1082 3517 4170 7407 5132 44000352177 1 TO 21 0125 3647 2540 1121 2806 4571 3497 3355 8579 0361 0101170166637 1 TO 33 7128 8225 4424 6252 3435 5065 0266 5805 4956 9528 0101200079164 22 TO 3 6333 1652 9432 4124 4138 4476 9353 5046 7696 6244 44300004577 1 TO 35 1801 1995 5733 8776 3943 3610 0176 0917 3142 01722021-04-23 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016232ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Find Below. 0150000865140 From 01 to 02 015000085723. From 01 to 21.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-23NoFind below, 0150000865140 From 01 to 02 4518 8269 0571 8641 7434 6401 3630 6761 9672 2579 015000085723. From 01 to 21. This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2021-04-23 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00016231ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Morning. Please kindly assist me with the above request for the attached meters. Thanks.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-23No0150000954266 3514 1231 9719 4831 2841 7214 3704 9252 3668 2732 0150000950777 2189 2376 8466 4032 6166 2493 2847 1598 0931 7229 0150000968183 1002 5323 7124 7375 5209 0706 4944 6112 3202 4642 0150000967193 7276 7098 3318 8912 3496 5985 1569 7746 4730 7718 0150000960735 5843 2709 3083 2447 8680 0438 0462 0821 2206 9123 0150000954209 1729 6890 0432 0018 7392 5262 2480 1794 4628 7392 0150000966526 2805 2947 5692 7242 6956 2978 5655 2841 2078 8387 0150000950744 1453 2328 1720 0847 4412 4712 6583 4051 8951 6153 0150000954233 1019 7039 7401 7298 9920 6482 8497 2844 0363 8093 0150000968076 5979 6357 2437 1780 0354 2982 4404 5907 0338 4731 0150000949209 1523 3279 4544 6597 8786 0096 1877 9483 8154 9737 0150000955339 0453 7047 1848 3501 3177 2376 7962 1875 3296 4190 0150000965999 3936 2073 1612 9817 2348 4400 7948 2876 8246 0790 0150000950470 4459 7341 6035 8707 5713 3967 4052 4087 5712 7753 0150000965072 4275 5278 9582 6581 5828 0727 3690 1326 3761 9630 0150000949126 7216 5179 3344 7816 8457 5229 6250 2594 3252 7501 0150000968688 0932 2608 8446 7755 7114 3412 4938 9074 0125 4022 0150000950728 3854 0668 2879 8632 1678 2332 5135 7106 8328 6076 0150000956832 This meter displayed an incomplete KCT. Please give us some moments. 0150000956881 7357 3156 9473 9265 2164 2331 8976 7882 8829 8764 0150000966534 5920 7826 1729 7800 1023 5551 0080 0060 5005 1853 0150000969983 3237 8228 8137 3173 7410 1464 6532 5962 7440 4279 0150000952153 his meter displayed an incomplete KCT. Please give us some moments. 0150000958580 1430 7214 2987 8314 2794 2095 7418 9189 3163 1665 0150000964547 2057 5895 9640 4309 2867 6007 4975 7267 0973 95162021-04-23 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016230ClosedKCT Request2021-04-230101170113878MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-23NoHello, Find below, 6908 9993 5577 5178 1792 3280 6856 5710 8525 51882021-04-23 ashanafagain@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016229ClosedKCT Request2021-04-2344000340578Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-23NoFind below, 3594 0715 3468 0113 3016 2618 7643 3139 4496 66192021-04-23 ashanafagain@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016228ClosedKCT Request2021-04-230150000885767. From 01 to 02. Regards.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-23NoFind below, 3858 9282 2732 2600 8568 0620 1073 5385 1275 61942021-04-23 infortech4life@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00016227ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23: REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200104889Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-23NoFind below, 7111 4081 1417 6419 0263 0897 7805 4921 8077 50262021-04-23 longpuan@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016226ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Hello, Kindly provide us with the KCT of MSN : 54160742695, 0101200070544, 0101190017927. Thank you.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-23NoFind below, 54160742695 0676 9427 7339 6366 4145 4659 1824 9449 8616 2081 0101200070544 1258 7749 1965 5603 5837 7150 8696 8394 0550 8202 0101190017927 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-23 anersirleh@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016225ClosedKCT Request2021-04-230150000895477. From 01 to 34 0150000907454. FROM 01 to 45MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-23NoFind below, 0150000895477. From 01 to 34 1462 7786 1480 3701 9045 7356 2548 7937 2106 3537 0150000907454. FROM 01 to 45 2042 6798 5490 6183 1413 5948 4449 9561 8310 69472021-04-23 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00016224ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Request for KCT 0101200039184Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-23NoHello, Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2021-04-23 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016223ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Find below the correct meter 0101200115372MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-23NoHello, Find below, 1208 8278 4812 9049 1550 4457 4972 3939 4286 52622021-04-23 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016222ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Subject: REQUEST FOR KCT Hello 62130178361. From 01 to 34 RegardsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-23NoHello, Find below, 5993 4661 8805 6012 4794 0660 2590 6779 3923 38702021-04-23 infortech4life@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016221ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23equest for KCT 0101185059751Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-23NoHello, Find below, 2627 1137 9388 3576 4980 3389 2845 6355 6888 69162021-04-23 abbaslawal360@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016220ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200101711 Received, thank you.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-23No5949 7245 3466 4312 7548 3133 5799 5755 8928 96702021-04-23 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016219ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23: Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000892847 Good morningMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-23No0389 1938 2382 1906 1985 0839 6155 6393 0289 49782021-04-23 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016218ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23: REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200101711 Pls assist with the aboveMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-23NoFind below, 5949 7245 3466 4312 7548 3133 5799 5755 8928 96702021-04-23 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016217ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Please kindly send me the kct for this meter no below 0101170189712.01 t0 021 0101185050215 0101190149068.02 to 01 0101200024178.02 to 01MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-23NoFind below, 0101170189712.01 t0 021 4542 0508 4460 6014 2197 6461 8605 8651 2498 2023 0101185050215 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 0101190149068.02 to 01 0512 0237 1518 0418 6332 2787 6987 6259 5398 9383 0101200024178.02 to 01 1612 1219 3503 7940 0607 3032 3254 7777 7728 53852021-04-23 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016216ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Dear IT team, Please KCT was generated but still REJECTING. The tariff index is 002 for Q3 for miners. Please can you regenerate another KCT. 0101195006537 0101195006909 Regards.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-23NoFind below, 0101195006537 3884 8751 1583 2426 2245 5084 1243 7644 1562 3494 0101195006909 6759 5895 4122 8434 0431 6396 0195 8654 1291 81422021-04-23 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016215ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Hello sir, please kindly generate KCT from 04 to 01 for this MSN: 44000312569 Thank YouMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-23NoFind below as requested, 3847 5338 8611 2782 8488 5026 2323 8335 1294 31972021-04-23 yuzarsif33112269@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016214ClosedKCT Request2021-04-230150000906134. From 01 to 02MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-23NoHello Zakar, Find below as requested. 4210 6973 1967 2771 2050 3207 7046 1487 6114 3025 Regards.2021-04-23 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00016213ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Good morning support, Request for KCT in respect of meter number 0150000903123.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-23NoFind below, 2607 8908 9395 8953 3722 5407 5677 2298 2465 16422021-04-23 adamushehugiade86@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016212ClosedKCT Request2021-04-230150000906134. From 01 to 02MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-23No4210 6973 1967 2771 2050 3207 7046 1487 6114 30252021-04-23 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00016211ClosedTamper Code2021-04-23Dear Sir, Kindly avail us with the tamper code of the meters below. 62420232530 62420234874 62320121544 62420220451 62420222812 62320121403 62420230971 62420235624 62420213373 62420229783 62320121544 62420220451 62420222812 62320121403Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-23NoHello, Find below, 62420232530 3705 8221 9206 7234 0971 62420234874 3911 6693 1273 2171 1062 62320121544 3764 9880 1714 7143 9738 62420220451 0935 3339 8209 2504 0879 62420222812 5270 8005 8862 1411 6481 62320121403 2989 1093 5712 2022 1470 62420230971 6888 0442 2375 9917 0489 62420235624 0082 3733 3000 1080 5547 62420213373 1774 3378 3741 8249 9568 62420229783 2851 3044 5170 7678 3839 62320121544 3147 4947 0320 7453 9642 62420220451 1997 3604 7685 0764 2047 62420222812 5643 6531 5455 1496 5482 62320121403 7265 9058 1676 2696 75442021-04-23 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016210ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23KCT GENERATION 0101195006487MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-23No6349 9481 2160 0764 6380 2525 3358 3576 4497 24842021-04-23 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016209ClosedKCT Request2021-04-230150000916372 0150000866668.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-23NoFind below, 0150000916372 3171 2364 9220 0647 4792 7342 1732 6156 5464 0364 0150000866668. 2316 0464 5916 2689 2853 0634 0840 5661 0554 87702021-04-23 ahmadmiltonfairaskira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016208ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23: REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200096895 Please treat.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-23NoFind below, 4318 5619 9946 2515 4427 5282 7009 3534 3965 96812021-04-23 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00016207ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23: REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200002927 Please treat.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-23NoFind below, 0101200002927 0761 3197 8151 7410 8076 0163 0667 3489 9830 11772021-04-23 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00016206ClosedKCT Request2021-04-230150000870959. From 01 to 46 RegardsMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-23NoFind below, 6417 4413 0179 1188 3815 6355 9333 6838 2935 00102021-04-23 infortech4life@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00016205ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Dear Sir, Kindly assist us with the KCT of the meters below. 54160906431 index 01 62420251324 index 03 Regards...MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-23NoHello, Find below, 54160906431 index 01 This meter has 2 customers attached to it. Kindly specify the customer name. 62420251324 index 03 1022 1094 7289 3930 7950 1990 2423 5903 9155 39092021-04-23 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00016204ClosedVending History2021-04-23Itron VH - 54160979446Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-23NoHello, Find Attached,2021-04-23 stynlucs@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016203ClosedTamper Code2021-04-23REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPER Good morning Attached is for the above subject matter for your further action. Thanks.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-23NoHello, Find below, 0150000931926 2142 1082 7054 3097 9835 Clear Tamper 0150000932668 6674 2372 0674 1689 4028 Clear Tamper 0150000931967 still not captured 57300002730 6325 5523 1999 9098 5504 Clear Tamper2021-04-23 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016202ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23KCT 0101170118378 Abubakar Sadiq Gabdo CCRM REPS. Gombe Trading ZoneMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-23NoHello, This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2021-04-23 ashanafagain@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016201ClosedEvend Access2021-04-23evend accessMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2021-04-23NoUsername: k.abdullahi@jedplc.com Password: 1619166921 Link: https://bit.ly/eVend2021-04-23 tkhadija028@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00016200ClosedEvend Access2021-04-23evend accessMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2021-04-23Noa.george@jedplc.com password 1619166766 link: https://bit.ly/evend2021-04-23 ademugeorge@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00016199ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Request for kct for msn:44000385292Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-23NoHello, Find below, 7349 4063 4490 7655 6366 6075 4104 4650 1687 74722021-04-23 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016198ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Good Afternoon Sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the MSNs please 44000364487 1 TO 21 44300004122 45 TO 1 44000334514 1 TO 21 44000335206 1 TO 21MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello, Find below, 44000364487 1 TO 21 2126 3990 9056 0301 3807 1688 1000 4732 8883 1523 44300004122 45 TO 1 5874 2680 6054 7806 1764 1037 0459 1149 2101 2148 44000334514 1 TO 21 3622 8684 8375 0406 8551 2950 0611 3764 8047 7539 44000335206 1 TO 21 5967 1188 2462 1122 3641 0024 0402 1822 5241 2127 Regards.2021-04-23 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016197ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200060461 Good morning Team, Kindly assist with the above please.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-23NoFind below, 4604 9696 3782 6192 5467 1224 4068 4915 5924 01382021-04-23 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00016196ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23: Please generate KCT for this MSN from 0033 to 21 -0101190002150MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-22NoHello Danjuma, Find below the KCT for meter number: 0101190002150 (33-21) 2862 0053 2063 9910 0884 7214 4063 9819 0544 26242021-04-23 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016195ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Good morning.Request for KCT 0101200016125MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-23NoFind below, 1572 4818 8634 8399 0531 5613 1214 5025 0073 28412021-04-23 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016194ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23: Request for KCT 0101200058168MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-22NoHello, Find below as requested. 2346 1481 5348 3748 9637 2436 4845 8701 1810 57072021-04-23 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016193ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23KCT GENERATION 0101160008336Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-23No0762 1079 5268 3179 4766 0290 8009 4380 1189 06152021-04-23 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016192ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23KCT REQUEST 44000353522MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-22NoHello Aliyu, Find below as requested. 0333 6945 5643 4055 4127 4941 3483 9083 8965 9040 Regards.2021-04-23 aliyusaad63@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016191ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Kct,0101200087159Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-23NoFind below, 0473 3946 1411 3384 6304 0535 5376 6157 5069 68862021-04-23 ummilois2@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016190ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Please kindly send me the kct for this meter no below 0101195009325Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-23NoFind below, 2333 6398 6981 7708 6597 3127 2508 0210 0554 47942021-04-23 umarmacy@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016189ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Hello, Find below as requested. 0101200029623 (04 to 01)MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-22NoHello, Find below as requested. 0101200029623 (04 to 01) 0913 2673 1527 8111 0976 2284 0300 3964 9203 8597 Regards.2021-04-23 amibabs433@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016188ClosedKCT Request2021-04-23Find Below 0150000890924. From 01 to 46 Regards.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-22NoHello Zakar, Find below as requested. 1262 4948 1965 1497 1383 2801 0516 9834 8069 1456 Regards.2021-04-23 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00016187ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Please kindly send me the kct for this meter no below. 0101190155255MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-22NoHello, Find below, 4576 9555 5204 1878 7816 1191 8244 8582 2877 03802021-04-22 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016186ClosedRequest2021-04-22Good evening Sir, Please find below newly generated customers accounts for re validation to enable them pay their bills: 755157 755172 755166 We appreciate your prompt response. Best regards 22/4/2021Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-22NoHello, Please note that your has been treated. Regards.2021-04-22 nshirgba@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016185ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for this meter. Thank you. Meter Number:0101200082531Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-22NoFind below, 0756 2948 4888 8675 7907 0328 2709 1188 2849 55352021-04-22 ademugeorge@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016184ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Find Below 0150000860505 From 01 to 02 0150000901374 From 01 to 02Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-22NoHello Zakar, Find below as requested. 0150000860505 From 01 to 02 0627 7026 2159 5023 7299 0664 8118 8645 3778 7544 0150000901374 From 01 to 02 2200 1755 0147 2626 9336 6399 3159 9424 2534 6803 Regards.2021-04-22 infortech4life@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00016183ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Hello, Kindly provide us with the KCT : 0101185048010, 0101200086078. Thank you.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-22NoFind below, 0101185048010 7002 3772 3108 9273 1839 1579 0583 3297 3632 7288 0101200086078 2961 6942 7480 0721 4207 5023 9918 7097 7090 31932021-04-22 anersirleh@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016182ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Please kindly Generate kct from the following meter numbers 0101160004459 54161044455Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-22NoHello, Find below as requested. 0101160004459 0003 8483 2632 5449 1186 0503 3142 4477 4741 1917 54161044455 4745 4615 0119 6961 0258 6340 2326 7444 7584 98202021-04-22 bangisgarko@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016181ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for this meter. The meter rejected the Token and after the meter was queried it displayed 0001.Thank you. Meter Number:0101200056295Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-22NoFind below, 2832 3661 0974 9826 9332 4752 7449 7228 7159 70322021-04-22 ademugeorge@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016180ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for this meter from 02 to 01.Thank you. Meter Number;0101200030712MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-22NoHello Goerge, Find below as requested. 3195 6458 9402 2716 9895 2282 8887 2146 0891 52402021-04-22 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016179ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Please ict kindly send me the kct following meter number 44000400042 thank you Hello ictMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-22NoHello, Find below, 4687 7334 8807 8896 8669 0473 9309 5825 4534 89822021-04-22 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016178ClosedTamper Code2021-04-22Dear Support/Audit Team, Please Kindly Vette on those MSN for support to generate a clear tamper code to enable those customers have our good services. 0101190151692 0101190154688 0101190136610 0101190151841 0101190140521 0101200046809 0101190153920 0101190137022 0101190148029 0101190153920 0101200050595 0101200023139 0101190152591 0101200008882 0101190147963 0101190145629 0101160006892 0101190139951 54161025579 0101170119651 0101160017238 62320121403 54161014110 thanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-22NoHello, Find below, 0101190151692 0520 7937 6427 3017 8744 0101190154688 1053 3949 5554 6841 0830 0101190136610 2180 4561 9463 8729 1385 0101190151841 1342 3082 5741 9927 6321 0101190140521 6399 4583 6172 1176 7168 0101200046809 3361 5715 5696 3377 6377 0101190153920 6498 1126 8268 9501 8040 0101190137022 1530 3487 3789 5658 3406 0101190148029 5000 7466 6595 4994 0095 0101190153920 2590 4224 1462 8410 1142 0101200050595 5448 2064 0891 2973 8962 0101200023139 0579 2909 2742 6454 4169 0101190152591 2963 5871 1820 8709 2132 0101200008882 2504 0819 9344 1289 3605 0101190147963 6731 7966 0480 5709 9351 0101190145629 0754 8157 5336 7783 2488 0101160006892 5182 2653 3263 8934 2606 0101190139951 Wrong meter number or not captured. 54161025579 3098 3700 5343 6442 5419 0101170119651 0218 7429 9784 1753 2292 0101160017238 6567 6573 8547 5267 1290 62320121403 2453 8611 4625 3866 2883 54161014110 6963 8692 7784 1990 55712021-04-22 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016177ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for this meter. The meter rejected the Token and after querying it displayed 0001.Thank you. Meter Number:0101200112551MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-22NoHello, Find below as requested. 3387 1159 1543 4377 0158 2390 9872 9766 5940 2129 Regards.2021-04-22 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016176ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Request for KCT number 0101185048416 Dear IT, Pls KCT number ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-22NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. Thanks.2021-04-22 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016175ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Good morning ict, please kindly send me the kct following the meter number 0101200057699 thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-22NoHello Nasiru, Find below as requested (02) 5330 9283 2495 1385 1048 6505 2161 0494 2223 2877 Regards.2021-04-22 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016174ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Kindly assist with the above-mentioned for the meter numbers below 1. 0101200077382 2. 0101200076996 3. 0101200034128 4. 0101200054761 Best Regards Halima Mujtaba KindlyMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-22NoHello, Find below, 1. 0101200077382 4439 1964 7571 0882 2186 1753 3573 6322 2550 6545 2. 0101200076996 6577 8558 6686 7465 0900 7140 4501 9973 2067 1936 3. 0101200034128 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on 4. 0101200054761 0008 0700 5165 6055 3022 4323 7247 5577 7063 7245 Regards.2021-04-22 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016173ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Good evening. Please assist us with this request for the attached meters. Thanks.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-22NoHello, Find below. 0150000949290 4746 7024 7900 3751 3599 3469 7536 5126 7880 8457 0150000951288 2986 3648 6110 0764 8339 2292 6204 6704 6524 7937 0150000955388 2770 7825 7267 7097 0336 4248 7807 0089 7153 9942 0150000949217 3394 2845 4221 6442 0655 5769 8271 3051 7780 6210 0150000954886 4702 5921 9700 4747 7755 4379 4542 9414 0619 5215 0150000965809 4501 5200 3929 8207 7974 2689 1365 6277 2860 2224 0150000968803 2165 9085 3547 0695 2341 3189 7463 0922 6780 4487 0150000957863 2290 4209 8276 9953 6903 2034 5243 2715 8723 7780 0150000950793 5784 5830 6141 5017 5661 0404 2695 9970 5231 4384 0150000965916 3297 6755 2929 0502 7256 0652 0757 7404 3218 8573 0150000965478 7161 1089 9108 6498 7159 1583 1107 2223 2238 2735 0150000968027 4354 4652 1190 5838 8194 2452 2089 8905 8021 6209 0150000966740 1593 6436 7838 9580 6371 2857 2557 2445 2632 6740 0150000955321 6734 5646 0047 7444 2786 2795 7252 0413 7573 7382 0150000950702 3848 3424 3781 2179 3115 6293 1743 0134 0152 3852 0150000965957 3415 4596 5300 5319 2692 0963 9788 8782 7068 4841 0150000950405 3171 6172 3557 4246 5491 3096 1050 7039 1126 8777 0150000968761 3377 1273 6522 2128 3243 3134 7084 0137 1930 6868 0150000968605 6797 3349 7134 2239 1817 2581 7118 9415 2392 74422021-04-22 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016172ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22REQUEST FOR KCT Find attached the complete KCT.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-22NoFind the remaining KCT below, 0150000949191 27445655366339867440 402002072958227385982021-04-22 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016171ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22: KCT GENERATION 04233997149 Dear IT team, Please the above subject refers. Waiting for your reply. Regards.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-22NoFind below, 4233997149 5770 2065 1115 3268 3657 4233997149 1733 6343 1972 2776 34302021-04-22 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016170ClosedComplaint2021-04-25This is my first recharge, I bought a recharge token online, and every time I try to recharge it gives me an error message "reject "Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-25NoHello Idris, Your message has been received and will be respond shortly. Thanks.2021-04-25 huzaifahismaila@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016169ClosedTamper Code2021-04-22REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPER Good day, Attached is for the above subject matter for your further action. ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-22No0150000860026 4473 3347 9584 8377 9426 Clear Tamper 0101185059801 7143 8824 5268 3983 3919 Clear Tamper 0150000932239 0906 6752 8646 5984 4797 Clear Tamper 0150000931413 2384 4683 4078 2250 1524 Clear Tamper 0150000931926 wrong meter number or not captured 015000932668 wrong meter number or not captured 0150000931967 wrong meter number or not captured2021-04-22 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016168ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22: KCT GENERATION 0101195006537MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-22No1931 6553 8656 5614 0146 2635 5220 2554 0146 87002021-04-22 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016167ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22, 54161044455. Please treat from 1-21.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-22No4984 6937 6005 8469 4819 3950 3502 8759 9351 57312021-04-22 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016166ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Hello, Kindly assist with KCT from 02 to 01. Meter Number:0101190143939MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-22NoHello, Find below, 6592 2693 0472 4969 5372 1640 0795 5176 9025 27112021-04-22 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016165ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Request for KCT 23102129972 23102131937 62420250060 62420223992 Kindly furnish us with the above information ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-22NoHello, Find below, 23102129972 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 23102131937 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62420250060 4306 5049 0308 1311 5414 5507 5429 9051 2474 3059 62420223992 5295 0007 7179 3285 6032 0540 7396 5525 6954 77312021-04-22 vajimehd@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016164ClosedVending History2021-04-22Kindly supply us with vending history of 57100026996 Jan 2020 to dateMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-22NoHello, Find below and Attached. Transaction ID: 4266161789392824 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-08 15:58:48 Meter No.: 57100026996 Account No.: 495149 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 29.24 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 0531 8711 7381 4055 5071 Transaction ID: 9131161193196524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-29 15:52:45 Meter No.: 57100026996 Account No.: 495149 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 31.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 0335 2128 0602 4624 81022021-04-22 ambabayo@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016163ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for this meter from 02 to 01.Thank you. Meter Number:0101190140729Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-22NoFind below, 7086 4420 6992 3979 4652 6675 6334 9185 7666 41772021-04-22 ademugeorge@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016162ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for this meter from 02 to 01.Thank you. Meter Number:0101190140729MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-22NoFind below as requested. 7086 4420 6992 3979 4652 6675 6334 9185 7666 41772021-04-22 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016161ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters 0101200086581 0101200126171 0101200021182 0101200097539 44000368587 on index 022Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-22NoHello, Find below, 0101200086581 0034 9520 7527 1974 9885 4282 9140 7279 5025 1114 0101200126171 4827 5237 5769 8816 0788 6843 0877 1250 6345 1107 0101200021182 4221 2559 0825 0518 7560 2966 2481 8395 7529 9800 0101200097539 0936 9716 6638 3566 3799 5876 5305 5000 4838 2333 44000368587 on index 022 1952 0295 7002 2262 7511 0759 0932 5947 4821 04992021-04-22 tkhadija028@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016160ClosedComplaint2021-04-22Dear sir, A customer complaint here at Jos metro that he has not been able to vend for days and was captured. We tried other vendors still can not vend. There fore we need a support from ICT. Meter number:0101200118875 Account number:441481 Phone number:08030531386 Thank you. Khadija Tanimu Abdullahi CCRM Representative Jos Metro RegionMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-22NoHello, Please note that the meter is now detach, you can contact mr Abba Maiborno to re-assigned the meter to process it. Regards.2021-04-22 tkhadija028@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016159ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters. Thank you. Meter Numbers: 0101200103345 0101200121057 0101185048242 0101200126262 0101200063820 0101200001655Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-22NoFind below, 0101200103345 3347 4863 1902 6105 5863 3661 2041 8076 7216 2846 0101200121057 7059 4997 5827 7081 4154 2967 8840 4342 6253 2168 0101185048242 2102 3262 5247 5312 8949 2511 0616 9975 2513 1280 0101200126262 0689 9322 6051 9124 0357 2362 3895 3129 7304 8418 0101200063820 1708 9273 9021 3814 9486 0363 3901 0769 0740 0478 0101200001655 2979 9293 8786 8754 7466 5479 0693 2432 3665 18602021-04-22 ademugeorge@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016158ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Please kindly Generate kct from 03 to 21 for this MSN 54161044455Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-22NoHello, Find below, 1270 8404 9194 5946 2537 5502 4524 5837 7541 28642021-04-22 bangisgarko@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016157ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Find Below 0150000906548 From 01 to 45Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-22NoHello, Find below, 6160 6266 0175 0560 0955 6375 3836 8973 1798 02142021-04-22 infortech4life@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016156ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Afternoon. Please assist me with this request. MSN:0150000951288 Thanks.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-22NoFind below, 2986 3648 6110 0764 8339 2292 6204 6704 6524 79372021-04-22 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016155ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters. Thank you. Meter Numbers: 0101200086078 0101200033112 0101200104269 0101160001240 0101190142295 0101200033112 0101200124440 0101200097539 0101200086532 0101205008812 0101200014210Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-22NoFind below, 0101200033112 6097 5505 5076 2901 4895 6573 6003 5797 5327 1512 0101200104269 1793 4973 6585 7002 9489 2203 7017 8601 5281 8342 0101160001240 3855 8124 3767 1523 9774 5071 8485 8922 6002 7642 0101190142295 6381 5158 7459 5049 6984 1232 8647 3524 3932 6854 0101200033112 6097 5505 5076 2901 4895 6573 6003 5797 5327 1512 0101200124440 0499 3896 3353 0630 9855 2195 6061 9071 5825 8618 0101200097539 0936 9716 6638 3566 3799 5876 5305 5000 4838 2333 0101200086532 4013 6325 0286 6538 5897 1496 4780 8248 5219 8282 0101205008812 1711 7142 7519 1767 8916 4942 1210 9175 3581 9973 0101200014210 Not found on our system2021-04-22 ademugeorge@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016154ClosedKCT Request2021-04-220150000912884 From 01 to 21Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-22NoHello, Find below, 1268 4888 6071 0862 0258 3986 1405 8733 9091 35652021-04-22 infortech4life@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016153ClosedKCT Request2021-04-220101200021174Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-22NoHello, Find below, 6780 7907 4125 7839 8837 2708 5514 2201 2030 58462021-04-22 abubakarumar4102@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016152ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Meter no; 44000350064 Status; Date; 21-4-2021 Description Request for KCTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-22NoHello, Find below, 6851 2036 6717 4316 6273 2257 9802 7997 2927 63892021-04-22 beediesarah5@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016151ClosedKCT Request2021-04-220150000932767Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-22NoFind below, 0150000932767 6746 1138 5226 0771 7957 1556 8707 5321 4669 04152021-04-22 ahmadmiltonfairaskira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016150ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Kct, 0101170185603 2-1 and 54161044455 3-21Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-22NoFind below, 0101170185603 2-1 2188 9862 5325 5465 0234 1167 1405 4759 9468 2912 54161044455 3-21 1270 8404 9194 5946 2537 5502 4524 5837 7541 28642021-04-22 ummilois2@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016149ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Hello, Kindly provide us with the KCT of MSN : 0101205007434, 0101200015978. Thank you.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-22NoFind below, 0101205007434, 5650 7023 5805 1015 9454 5113 7260 2360 0571 9413 0101200015978. 4026 5375 5604 2064 2020 0359 1260 7758 0192 72872021-04-22 anersirleh@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016148ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Please kindly send me the kct for this meter no below 0101190136305. 01 to 04Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-22NoFind below, 3171 1383 1048 6689 1732 5747 0262 8005 7996 23392021-04-22 umarmacy@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016147ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Dear support kindly generate KCT for MSN below 0101175021068. Thank you. -- Sent from myMail for AndroidMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-22NoFind below, 1424 9503 8507 7455 5440 4275 8462 0954 4371 78342021-04-22 jubilant95@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016146ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Hello, Kindly provide us with the KCT of MSN : 0101205007376. Thank you.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-22NoHello, This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2021-04-22 anersirleh@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016145Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00016144ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Afternoon. Please assist me with this request. MSN:0150000951288 Thanks.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-22NoFind below, 2986 3648 6110 0764 8339 2292 6204 6704 6524 79372021-04-22 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016143ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Please kindly Generate a kct for the following meter numbers 44000313120 0101185048010 from 02 to 08 While from 02 to 01 0101185048010 0101170185603Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-22NoFind below, 0101170185603 21 To 01 3512 3854 5450 7296 5234 0021 9639 7617 0381 48812021-04-22 bangisgarko@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016142ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Good Good Afternoon, please assist me with the KCT number of this meter. (1)-44000363851 Thanks and regards Lawal Umar Shanono 3243 Tafawa balewa feederMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-22NoHello, Find below, 0418 0529 6063 8687 3980 2753 1070 6893 6525 41412021-04-22 shanono89@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016141ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Dear support kindly generate KCT for MSN 0101175021365. Thank you -- Sent from myMail for AndroidMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-22NoFind below, 4315 3108 2405 6627 3844 2764 5852 4592 3655 09582021-04-22 jubilant95@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016140ClosedKCT Request2021-04-220150000860752 From 01 to 46Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-22NoFind below, 1390 4163 7422 9771 0233 5404 0060 4276 3523 09362021-04-22 infortech4life@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00016139ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22REQUEST FOR KCT WITH INDEX 002 - 0101205009547Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-22NoFind below, 2355 0167 3851 4472 1578 4336 5931 5769 6222 27602021-04-22 longpuan@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016138ClosedKCT Request2021-04-220150000931249MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-22NoHello, Find below, 5902 5801 1553 8016 4479 1913 0498 2520 3381 78872021-04-22 ahmadmiltonfairaskira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016137ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Hello sir, please kindly generate KCT from 01 to 04 for this MSN: 44000319457 Thank YouMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-22NoFind below, 5961 3354 3855 0788 3646 5157 8078 7984 5355 97762021-04-22 yuzarsif33112269@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016136ClosedKCT Request2021-04-220150000931207Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-22NoHello, Find below, 0993 5437 4536 9877 6123 5658 7258 9506 2133 64042021-04-22 ahmadmiltonfairaskira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016135ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Hello, Good afternoon, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters, The meters rejected the tokens and after querying it displayed 0001.Thank you. Meter Numbers: 0101200040695 0101200100333Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-22NoFind below, 0101200040695 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101200100333 7284 7320 7082 2760 6075 3773 7700 6891 0213 68752021-04-22 ademugeorge@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016134ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Request for KCT number 0101200115398 Dear IT support, Pls I need the above information ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-22NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-22 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016133ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22: KCT GENERATION 0101195006537 Dear IT team, Please the above subject refers. Regards.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-22No1931 6553 8656 5614 0146 2635 5220 2554 0146 87002021-04-22 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016132ClosedTamper Code2021-04-22Please kindly Generate a CT for our JED plc DSS house 0101200015234 0101200009765 0101200009864Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-22NoHello, Find below, 0101200015234 3417 5081 2761 7355 2494 Clear Tamper2021-04-22 bangisgarko@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016131ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for this meter. The meter rejected the Token and after querying it displayed 0003. Meter Number:0101205007418Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-22NoFind below, 4490 6632 9033 4800 8041 0389 3854 4743 9037 69042021-04-22 ademugeorge@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016130ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Kindly furnish us with the above information ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-22NoHello, Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2021-04-22 vajimehd@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016129ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Please kindly Generate a kct for the following meter numbers 44000313120 0101185048010 from 02 to 08 While from 02 to 01 0101185048010 0101170185603Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-22NoHello, Find below, 44000313120 Wrong meter number or not captured. 0101185048010 from 02 to 08 7002 3772 3108 9273 1839 1579 0583 3297 3632 7288 While from 02 to 01 0101185048010 4407 3201 7671 8389 3860 3865 9706 8440 3366 3554 0101170185603 2188 9862 5325 5465 0234 1167 1405 4759 9468 29122021-04-22 bangisgarko@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016128ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Hello, Good afternoon, Kindly assist with KCT for this meter from 02 to 01 and 01 to 02 as recommended by Metering unit.Thank you. Meter Number:0101190136768Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-22NoFind below, 01 To 02 3362 6190 3983 4405 4517 3220 8060 0888 5489 3632 02 To 01 6559 1785 1116 6098 6478 6968 1734 0990 6475 68712021-04-22 ademugeorge@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016127ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Hello, Good afternoon, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters from 02 to 01. Meter Numbers: 0101190148243 0101190143939 0101200002448 0101190149639Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-22NoFind below, 0101190148243 1751 2357 0745 4983 9559 0741 4213 2173 5663 1502 0101190143939 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101200002448 2582 4161 7091 5613 9078 5829 0107 2147 4301 0968 0101190149639 4954 3692 8787 4723 6447 4334 5621 6075 6275 13422021-04-22 ademugeorge@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016126ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Good morning, please assist me with the KCT numbers of this meters. (1)-0101200111900 (2)-44009363851 Thanks and regards Lawal Umar Shanono 3243 Tafawa balewa feederMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-22NoHello, Find below, 1)-0101200111900 6809 8871 7029 3851 5149 2664 1192 5830 3328 0237 (2)-44009363851 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2021-04-22 shanono89@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016125ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Hello, Kindly provide us with the KCT of MSN : 0101200032114, 0101200043178. Thank youMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-22NoFind below, 0101200032114, 3675 0127 6756 5374 4509 6973 9574 9814 1661 6509 0101200043178. 1010 7067 9347 5702 0011 5599 7752 1448 9195 93842021-04-22 anersirleh@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016124ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Please kindly send me the kct for this meter no below. 0101185052509.012 to 03Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-22NoFind below, 0034 3892 2126 3719 0980 2497 7544 5698 4095 26012021-04-22 umarmacy@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016123ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Please treat. 0101185047913 02 TO 04Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-22NoFind below, 6513 9911 8633 6327 4231 0652 0115 9440 8555 04962021-04-22 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00016122ClosedKCT Request2021-04-220150000911928 From 01 to 22MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-22NoFind below as requested. 2485 5513 7352 4303 1250 2331 8210 5541 9661 70682021-04-22 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00016121ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Please kindly send me the kct for this meter no below 0101185052502. 012 to 03 0101200079180.03 to 07Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-22NoFind below, 0101185052502. 012 to 03 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 0101200079180.03 to 07 7203 7956 7992 9195 9393 0147 8516 4102 0148 25662021-04-22 umarmacy@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016120ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Hello Team, Kindly assist with the above-mentioned for the meter numbers below 1. 0101200001135 2. 0101170148577 3. 0101200053573 4. 0101200043103 5. 54161035834 6. 0101200040752 7. 0101175102256 8. 0101190132536 9. 0101200031108 10. 010120011537 11. 0101200061394 Best Regards, Halima Mujtaba AbdulrahmanMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-22NoHello, Find below as requested. 1. 0101200001135 5652 3107 7713 4050 0725 4372 5838 3371 0956 0048 2. 0101170148577 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 3. 0101200053573 0964 7598 7076 9611 3126 1777 5690 4223 9973 7811 4. 0101200043103 4441 1946 4825 9493 5704 0226 5242 9048 8609 3948 5. 54161035834 6281 0337 5475 6827 1614 2681 8593 4177 2128 9237 6. 0101200040752 0253 5328 1942 5535 4294 4574 0518 0561 6417 8325 7. 0101175102256 1677 9872 4360 4674 1269 2061 1032 5525 5545 3557 8. 0101190132536 0189 2210 6312 5731 9876 5229 2590 5140 6809 5976 9. 0101200031108 3512 6113 5823 5759 5885 0129 7118 1685 7770 4048 10. 010120011537 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 11. 0101200061394 4112 4144 7638 0622 2765 6313 1872 1798 9177 70772021-04-22 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016119Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00016118ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Dear support kindly generate KCT for MSN 57300008596. Thank you -- Sent from myMail for AndroidMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-22NoHello, Find below, 4022 6580 1172 4092 9081 1451 3783 1796 3352 83312021-04-22 jubilant95@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016117ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Hello, Kindly provide us with the KCT of MSN : 0101205009562. Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-22NoHello, Find below, 1879 6903 6711 7573 0217 1817 1736 8284 3904 26732021-04-22 anersirleh@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016116ClosedVending History2021-04-22Kindly supply us with vending history of 040234033779 Jan 2020 to date Treat as urgentMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-22NoHello, Please note that this you send wrong meter number or the meter was not on our database. Regards.2021-04-22 ambabayo@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016115Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00016114ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Please kindly send me the KCT number generated to this meter number 44000385284. Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-22NoHello, Find below as requested. 5599 3498 3212 9458 8769 6503 0204 8109 4459 1479 Regards.2021-04-22 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016113Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00016112ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Hello, Kindly provide us with the KCT of MSN : 0101205006709. Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-22NoHello, Find below, 2426 0557 3253 3504 4722 4635 4414 2453 3715 06462021-04-22 anersirleh@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016111ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22REQUEST FOR KCT 0150000925613 From 01 to 46 0150000907629 From 01 to 22MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-22NoHello, Find below, 0150000925613 From 01 to 46 4722 9392 7455 4106 2487 5321 6385 7563 2087 8844 0150000907629 From 01 to 22 5330 0045 3073 6853 8519 3107 8316 0386 8989 13082021-04-22 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00016110ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Good Afternoon sir Kindly assist with KCT for the MSNS please 44300000617 T33 - T 1 44000399111 T1 - T21 44000348282 T1 - T3 44000391639 T1 - T21 44000379782 T1 - T21Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-22NoHello, Find below, 44300000617 T33 - T 1 2107 8558 1832 1033 6588 6132 4165 7562 8065 2746 44000399111 T1 - T21 0398 2292 1191 4662 7913 3075 2554 2626 1061 1897 44000348282 T1 - T3 2493 1131 4905 1241 5781 6843 9260 1920 8834 7234 44000391639 T1 - T21 1673 1344 2689 8541 1020 2134 7550 3056 2511 2047 44000379782 T1 - T21 2189 2054 2050 0082 3545 4981 2953 3753 9166 75772021-04-22 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016109ClosedKCT Request2021-04-220150000903842 From 01 to 46MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-22NoHello, Find below 0150000903842 From 01 to 46 2490 1837 4341 7097 6470 4466 1958 4164 2705 33532021-04-22 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00016108ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Request for KCT 0101200016802Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-22NoHello, Find below, 1005 3661 4165 3648 2937 3552 9199 6432 8693 24202021-04-22 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016107ClosedVending History2021-04-22Dear SIr, We write to request for vending history of all customers within the Rayfield, Guratopp and New Government House Feeders in the last three months. This will enable us to visit and as well check the meters that are yet to vend in the last 3 months. However, attached to this are some of the customers in Rayfield which might be of great assistance for the generation of this request. Please note, only those that have not vended in the last 3 - 4 months, to narrow the monitoring strictly to fewer customers, to avoid any embarassment. Thanks in anticipation. Regards,Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-22NoHello, Below are some links followed the link to Access the VH and filter it for each customer. https://drive.google.com/file/d/11GYGQ7427OyJMHp1rAMlPFcyDSs_7sKF/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hCDWuvyFjB49CAsmSmzF4WkPrkFeRfFO/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wm20TwxowaTV8zm2O9LCOA-Wmfd0Q_5N/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DKC4VZnd_5nfEzFS3HmiQ35QTB4J2fjl/view?usp=sharing2021-04-22 ayo_akin2001@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016106ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Morning. Please kindly assist us and generate kct for the attached meters. Thanks for your support.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-22NoFind attached the complete KCT.2021-04-22 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016105ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Kindly generate kct to enable customer for our services from 0033 to 01 the meter no. 010119002150MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-22NoHello, This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2021-04-22 nawwalson01@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016104ClosedKCT Request2021-04-220150000905433 From 01 To 04MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-22NoHello, Find below as requested. 6648 9423 9484 2074 3991 5933 5983 9958 5998 7219 Regards.2021-04-22 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00016103ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22The tariff index is showing 0033. Pls generate the KCT for this MSN 0101190002150 based on the above.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-22NoHello, Please ignore the first mail, Find below the KCT, 4251 5696 0473 0120 5603 3344 9370 5386 6396 83052021-04-22 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016102ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Please kindly send me the kct for this meter no below. 0101190152757.04 to 01aMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-22NoHello, Find below as requested. 5879 8839 6774 1641 7729 4564 1742 2028 6635 98472021-04-22 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016101ClosedTamper Code2021-04-22Dear Sir, Kindly release the tamper code for the meters below. 62420255184 62420213373 62420221764Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-22NoHello, Find below, 62420255184 4247 7857 7021 1168 3602 62420213373 1282 0028 9101 9334 3807 62420221764 3685 2550 6165 0905 04172021-04-22 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016100ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Please kindly send me the kct for this meter no below 0101160400681.06 to 34 0101200043558. 0101200051502.02 to 01 01011901143129 0101200067474.021 to 01 0101200079180.021 to 01MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-22NoHello, Find below, 0101160400681.06 to 34 1649 5297 2412 5653 6615 2498 3779 3600 9215 7153 0101200043558. 6092 0923 6780 6285 3488 2595 8756 6964 1058 2932 0101200051502.02 to 01 1995 2262 5219 6793 4228 2998 3866 5285 0128 2506 01011901143129 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 0101200067474.021 to 01 4332 3280 0311 0915 9505 4462 6824 0087 7074 6024 0101200079180.021 to 01 4259 2902 5838 9147 7552 2888 7184 8751 0117 52852021-04-22 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016099ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Hello, Kindly provide us with the KCT of MSNs : 44000372209, 54161119208.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-22NoFind below, 44000372209, 5862 8935 5386 7075 7443 5193 3106 5267 3144 3433 54161119208. 2812 2453 1276 3986 4265 0461 9609 9725 5383 81392021-04-22 anersirleh@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016098ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22REQUEST FOR KCT - 44000380749 & 44000380764Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-22NoFind below, 44000380749 4592 7751 1591 5538 2968 1027 2867 7953 3591 6826 44000380764 7106 4491 9673 9751 6397 6754 2382 6199 7659 65442021-04-22 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016097ClosedKCT Request2021-04-220150000897580 From 01 to 46Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-22NoFind below, 5549 8521 6939 3280 3381 6604 1004 7487 8004 80032021-04-22 infortech4life@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016096ClosedKCT Request2021-04-2244000319705MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-22NoHello, Find below as requested. 4393 7726 2139 7483 3526 1299 7187 8951 5614 2190 Regards.2021-04-22 ashanafagain@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016095ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Please kindly send me the kct for this meter no below. 0101160400681.06 to 32.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-22NoFind below, 4065 7220 3770 5526 7233 4782 6215 4782 9325 90492021-04-22 umarmacy@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016094ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Find Below 0150000870736 From 01 to 46 0150000895634 From 01 to 46 Regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-22NoFind below, 0150000870736 From 01 to 46 1656 3331 9826 4842 8872 1307 3917 3506 9913 6921 0150000895634 From 01 to 46 7166 7746 7990 2305 6370 3171 7452 8192 5412 61012021-04-22 infortech4life@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016093ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Please kindly Generate a kct for the following meter numbers 0101190002150 from 33 to 01 0101200029619 from 04 to 01 0101170185603 0101170220574. 0101170185603. 0101160186165. 57100077643.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-22NoHello, Find below, 0101190002150 from 33 to 01 4251 5696 0473 0120 5603 3344 9370 5386 6396 8305 0101200029619 from 04 to 01 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 0101170185603 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101170220574. This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 0101170185603. This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101160186165. 5959 0008 3847 9068 0625 0717 9032 1587 7160 9117 57100077643. 5929 5205 5436 4115 2338 3838 0905 8575 3808 13352021-04-22 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016092ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Hello, Kindly provide us with the Vending History of MSN : 0101170441444, 54161111080, 0101200015523, 0101200051304, 0101170403758. Thank you in anticipation of your prompt response.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-22NoFind below, 0101170441444, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 54161111080, 4723 6462 7884 5268 3650 5617 8440 8870 1023 9344 0101200015523, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101200051304, 2799 6274 1262 0351 5599 4173 1789 4886 0201 7358 0101170403758. 0166 8687 5897 8016 0413 4500 4824 3247 6037 28592021-04-22 anersirleh@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016091ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22: Request for KCT from 0001-0002 -0101185048010Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-22NoFind below, 4905 3543 2276 3835 8411 6089 0796 5703 7389 22062021-04-22 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016090ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22REQUEST FOR KCT - 57100058627. Hello Support Team, Kindly provide us with the above mentioned. Regards,Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-22NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-22 muhammad.dalhatu2019@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016089ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Request for KCT 0101190137006Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-22NoFind below as requested, 2618 7280 8896 7199 9601 5406 5124 9247 3745 69342021-04-22 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016088ClosedKCT Request2021-04-2244000313112 T1 - T2 04176749325 44000352060 T1 - T21Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-22NoFind below as requested, 44000313112 T1 - T2 This meter displayed an incomplete token, kindly allow us some time to generate the KCT. 04176749325 4176749325 5344 9943 5841 4188 6079 4176749325 0292 2571 6116 1027 1623 44000352060 T1 - T21 5725 7623 8848 7308 2049 5552 0969 7930 0758 11962021-04-22 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016087ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22REQUEST FOR KCT 0150000864234 From 01 to 46Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-22NoFind below as requested. 6879 0390 8001 2809 7586 6069 4364 6229 6778 21762021-04-22 infortech4life@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00016086ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Kct, 0101200022834.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-22NoHello, Find below, 4655 2892 2454 3740 0760 4626 7212 6374 6373 01862021-04-22 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016085ClosedKCT Request2021-04-220001- 0002 0101185071343 & 0101205007442MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-22NoHello, Find below, 0101185071343 6048 8253 7224 1211 9393 5214 9968 1254 9681 7608 0101205007442 5716 8804 1367 3164 9185 2657 3708 4640 5248 68232021-04-22 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016084ClosedKCT Request2021-04-220101200114136 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-22NoHello, Find below, 6499 1968 3433 2155 6027 2319 4560 6163 0954 82572021-04-22 abbaslawal360@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016083ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Kct, 0101200009617. Still waiting.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-22NoHello, Find below as requested. 1643 4909 1958 4442 1408 4669 5157 3231 8807 2371 Regards.2021-04-22 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016082ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Good Afternoon sir, Attached is the Actual Tariff of Customers and there respective Band to Generate the right KCT. Band= C REQUEST FOR KCT Name: chief John okloho PPM Type- Q3 mojec Meter number:- No-57100066828 group could 0MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-22NoHello, Find below, 0900 0228 0082 8142 8386 3367 6617 1745 1077 34142021-04-22 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016081ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Morning. Please kindly assist us and generate kct for the attached meters. Thanks for your support.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-22NoHello, Find attached as requested.2021-04-22 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016080ClosedVending History2021-04-22Hello, Kindly provide us with the Vending History of MSN : 0101170271544. Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-22NoHello, Find below as requested. Transaction Details Token Details Transaction ID: 4617161787523424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-08 10:47:14 Meter No.: 0101170271544 Account No.: 6128021327-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 146.22 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 4488 0522 8680 2764 4121 Transaction ID: 7085161787505024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-08 10:44:10 Meter No.: 0101170271544 Account No.: 6128021327-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 146.22 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 6398 0765 5131 7110 2540 Regards.2021-04-22 anersirleh@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016079ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Kct, 0101200022909 Please treat.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-22NoHello, Please find below as requested. 2171 4587 9639 5627 4857 2082 6138 2634 4186 10862021-04-22 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016078ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Hello, Kindly provide us with the KCT of MSN : 0101175101241. The meter is rejecting unit token. Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-22NoHello, Find below as requested. 3137 0719 3158 8927 9275 6567 2125 7348 7372 75832021-04-22 anersirleh@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016077ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22: Please ict kindly send me kct number 54161066300 HelloMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-22NoFind below, 0735 2770 6425 1150 9925 6726 1479 6476 1479 82262021-04-22 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016076ClosedKCT Request2021-04-220150000932775MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-22NoHello, Please find below as request. 6756 8892 3263 4915 8016 3961 1001 5797 1027 1471 Regards.2021-04-22 ahmadmiltonfairaskira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016075ClosedKCT Request2021-04-220150000932775Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-22NoHello, Please find below as request. 6756 8892 3263 4915 8016 3961 1001 5797 1027 14712021-04-22 ahmadmiltonfairaskira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016074ClosedKCT Request2021-04-220150000925605MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-22NoHello, Find below, 4650 7257 6563 5398 9407 1365 9060 0685 2596 96832021-04-22 ahmadmiltonfairaskira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016073ClosedVending History2021-04-22Please ict kindly send me the VH following meter 0101170441444 thank you Man at workMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-22NoHello, Find below as requested. Transaction Details Token Details Transaction ID: 1027161470308424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-02 17:38:04 Meter No.: 0101170441444 Account No.: 6111150797-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 55.01 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 0592 7676 5758 6457 6248 Transaction ID: 1297161668613624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-25 16:28:56 Meter No.: 0101170441444 Account No.: 6111150797-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 27.51 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 0220 8210 0854 8033 9752 Transaction ID: 1839161115939824 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-20 17:16:39 Meter No.: 0101170441444 Account No.: 6111150797-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 36.67 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 6181 4127 1431 1419 4720 Transaction ID: 1945161296161324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-10 13:53:33 Meter No.: 0101170441444 Account No.: 6111150797-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 36.67 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 5384 1233 1723 2614 2315 Transaction ID: 3315161772153524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-06 16:05:35 Meter No.: 0101170441444 Account No.: 6111150797-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 87.73 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 2846 9753 1083 8609 1508 Transaction ID: 9838161374685224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-19 16:00:52 Meter No.: 0101170441444 Account No.: 6111150797-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 36.67 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 4298 5662 0049 8721 7062 Regards.2021-04-22 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016072ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Request for KCT 0101200058168Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-22NoHello, Find below as requested. 2346 1481 5348 3748 9637 2436 4845 8701 1810 57072021-04-22 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016071ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22: REQUEST FOR KCT 0150000907488 From 01 to 04 0150000857451 From 01 to 45 ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-22NoHello Find below 0150000907488 From 01 to 04 6942 1700 2085 0098 1100 3315 5016 2381 1858 3867 0150000857451 From 01 to 45 3171 2348 3471 7876 8139 2443 5242 4912 5104 85442021-04-22 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00016070ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22: KCT 44000319705 Abubakar Sadiq Gabdo CCRM REPS. Gombe Trading ZoneMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-22NoHello Find below 4393 7726 2139 7483 3526 1299 7187 8951 5614 21902021-04-22 ashanafagain@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016069ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000858301 Good dayMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-22NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-22 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016068ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Request for KCT 0101200058168Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-22NoFind below, 2346 1481 5348 3748 9637 2436 4845 8701 1810 57072021-04-22 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016067ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22kindly generate kct for 0101190133054. Thanks.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-22NoHello Denham, Find below as requested. 1170 7947 0325 0858 6921 3371 6540 9797 2074 99872021-04-22 denhamsalvation@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016066ClosedKCT Request2021-04-220150000907488 From 01 to 04Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-22NoFind below, 6942 1700 2085 0098 1100 3315 5016 2381 1858 38672021-04-22 infortech4life@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016065ClosedVending History2021-04-22Hello, Kindly provide us with the Vending History of MSN : 0101170424986, 0101170446146.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-22NoHello, Find below, 0101170424986, Transaction DetailsToken DetailsTransaction ID: 1721161600874324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-17 20:19:03 Meter No.: 0101170424986 Account No.: 6573572546-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionVAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 37.98 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 4210 1692 8616 0796 2214 Transaction ID: 2964161686490724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-27 18:08:27 Meter No.: 0101170424986 Account No.: 6573572546-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionVAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 37.98 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 3738 3793 3477 8348 8765 Transaction ID: 4941161244469424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-04 14:18:14 Meter No.: 0101170424986 Account No.: 6573572546-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionVAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 37.98 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 3869 5850 0237 5295 3971 Transaction ID: 6431161488263524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-04 19:30:35 Meter No.: 0101170424986 Account No.: 6573572546-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionVAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 37.98 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 4139 8245 2476 0951 0708 Transaction ID: 7289161840074624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-14 12:45:46 Meter No.: 0101170424986 Account No.: 6573572546-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution 0101170446146. Transaction Details Token Details Transaction ID: 1225161867920224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-17 18:06:42 Meter No.: 0101170446146 Account No.: 6123591477-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 29.24 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 7216 0681 8575 0327 6578 Transaction ID: 1235161711213324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-30 14:48:53 Meter No.: 0101170446146 Account No.: 6123591477-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 62.41 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 0996 7649 3199 7331 7308 Transaction ID: 6827161822876224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-12 12:59:22 Meter No.: 0101170446146 Account No.: 6123591477-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 87.73 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 0023 1665 4717 0522 7069 Transaction ID: 7265161780522024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-07 15:20:20 Meter No.: 0101170446146 Account No.: 6123591477-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦132.56 Energy Cost: ₦1,767.44 KwH: 55.56 Amount Tendered: ₦1,900.00 0727 4430 9132 6981 5499 Transaction ID: 8149161711219424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-30 14:49:54 Meter No.: 0101170446146 Account No.: 6123591477-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 31.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 6885 8367 0121 1708 1347 Transaction ID: 8427161727748324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-01 12:44:43 Meter No.: 0101170446146 Account No.: 6123591477-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 62.41 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 2723 8321 0881 3955 6944 Transaction ID: 9857161374697424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-19 16:02:54 Meter No.: 0101170446146 Account No.: 6123591477-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 93.62 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 5549 5851 4538 8440 48872021-04-22 anersirleh@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016064ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22: REQUEST FOR KCT 2 44000326205 T1 - T2 44000359032 T1 - T33 44000346237 T1 - T2MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-22NoHello, Find below, 44000326205 T1 - T2 2390 5586 1047 6154 4982 2183 2615 6006 1611 6508 44000359032 T1 - T33 2601 8884 5988 7862 6806 4266 2290 3490 0443 2913 44000346237 T1 - T2 0090 0959 4893 7920 8113 5667 4925 9896 2214 79422021-04-22 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016063ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Please find below meter numbers to generate KCT (1)44000339174 TARIF INDEX 4 (2)44000352136 TARIF INDEX 4 (3)44000391969 TARIF INDEX 3 (4)44000351369 (5)44000384766 (6)44000356780 Thanks CCRM ID 3703 Gombe Regional officeMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-22No(1)44000339174 TARIF INDEX 4 3338 2166 7516 2640 3036 0846 8745 6578 2270 9556 (2)44000352136 TARIF INDEX 4 0073 1599 8445 6671 4567 3674 5067 5824 4955 4330 (3)44000391969 TARIF INDEX 3 4300 2536 1753 7720 7778 7377 8158 5023 3648 2234 (4)44000351369 3228 5192 6136 0368 5913 2823 3026 6875 0641 8630 (5)44000384766 6230 0431 4189 9045 0068 0877 2909 6647 1746 0096 (6)44000356780 4412 0221 6699 4666 7107 6699 8700 8170 1162 61652021-04-22 surefreedeen@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016062ClosedKCT Request2021-04-220150000862477 From 01 to 02 RegardsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-22NoFind below, 5056 1881 2275 9714 1217 3181 2868 3093 5647 06502021-04-22 infortech4life@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016061ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22The tariff index is showing 0033. Pls generate the KCT for this MSN 0101190002150 based on the above.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-22NoHello, This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2021-04-22 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016060ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Pls sir kindly help me with kct of this meter 0101200112908MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-22NoHello Find below 2992 0681 3968 4928 3248 3397 5038 5293 1222 14262021-04-22 amibabs433@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016059ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Request for KCT 62420229783 Kindly furnish us with the above information ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-22NoHello, Find below as requested. 0347 3377 4713 8037 3207 6804 2805 3904 4618 66392021-04-22 vajimehd@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016058ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22KCT 44000346849 Abubakar Sadiq Gabdo CCRM REPS. Gombe Trading ZoneMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-22NoHello, This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-22 ashanafagain@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016057ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Good Morning Sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the MSNs please. 44000347383 T1 - T21 44000350643 T1 - T3 44000359883 T1 - T21Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-22NoHello, Find below as requested. 44000347383 T1 - T21 5642 4425 5225 5504 4109 5952 4668 9270 8789 1048 44000350643 T1 - T3 0069 3861 7337 5827 7994 4243 3452 4551 6239 8261 44000359883 T1 - T21 4310 7803 6590 3474 1657 7077 5680 2910 6644 88612021-04-22 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016056ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Good morning ict, please kindly send me the kct following the meter number 0101200057699 thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-22NoFind below, 5655 9289 9426 1836 8575 2930 8539 3227 8283 32262021-04-22 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016055ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Pls sir kindly generate me dis customers kct 0101161029497 from 46-1& also 1-46 to help rechage his meter with an old token he bought. TankxMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-22NoHello, Find below. 7296 5578 7983 2653 2541 4233 2666 2510 4071 23972021-04-22 felixaron37@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016054ClosedVending History2021-04-22Kindly assist with VH for 2017 to 2020 please. 54160874019MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-22NoHello, Find below Transaction Details Token Details Transaction ID: 2996161555590924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-12 14:31:49 Meter No.: 54160874019 Account No.: 406868 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦279.07 Energy Cost: ₦3,720.93 KwH: 78.82 Amount Tendered: ₦4,000.00 0615 1547 6084 5609 3136 Transaction ID: 3735161053233124 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-13 11:05:31 Meter No.: 54160874019 Account No.: 406868 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦662.79 Energy Cost: ₦8,837.21 KwH: 187.19 Amount Tendered: ₦9,500.00 3533 4149 9906 2199 6406 Transaction ID: 5622161622376824 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-20 08:02:48 Meter No.: 54160874019 Account No.: 406868 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 39.41 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 0380 4945 7510 2498 6841 Transaction ID: 5954161795997524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-09 10:19:35 Meter No.: 54160874019 Account No.: 406868 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 206.49 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 2094 1212 6594 1383 1171 Transaction ID: 8461161303834524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-11 11:12:25 Meter No.: 54160874019 Account No.: 406868 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 197.04 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 3660 6608 5798 7119 15012021-04-22 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00016053ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Good evening sir Kindly assist with KCT for the MSNS please 0101160016628 1 To 33 0101160016628 1 To 33 0101200063242 1 To 21MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-22NoHello Yamusa, Find below as requested. 0101160016628 1 To 33 2725 4645 8210 5115 0397 1622 1569 4224 9773 2603 0101160016628 1 To 33 2725 4645 8210 5115 0397 1622 1569 4224 9773 2603 0101200063242 1 To 21 3695 9191 6018 5706 1939 3121 4497 9952 8049 92022021-04-22 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016052ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Request for KCT 62420229783 Kindly furnish us with the above information ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-22NoHello, Find below as requested. 0347 3377 4713 8037 3207 6804 2805 3904 4618 66392021-04-22 vajimehd@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016051ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Morning. Please kindly furnish me with the kct of the attached meters. Thanks and regards.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-22NoHello, Please provide us with the meter numbers.2021-04-22 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016050ClosedKCT Request2021-04-22Request for KCT number 0101170443796 Dear IT support, Please I need the information. Thanks you.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-22NoThis meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-22 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016049ClosedTamper Code2021-04-21REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPER Good day, Attached is for the above subject matter for your further action. Thanks.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-21NoHello, Find below, 0150000932676 1846 6328 1338 4166 6310 Clear Tamper 0150000932643 2887 9448 2291 6878 8249 Clear Tamper 0150000932684 6124 6138 1340 6000 6650 Clear Tamper 0150000932619 5548 3663 6727 5998 9952 Clear Tamper 0150000932635 4313 2632 2815 1343 9556 Clear Tamper 0150000931975 2780 5690 2389 8628 0164 Clear Tamper 0150000931090 4089 0229 8600 4145 0856 Clear Tamper 0150000931496 4074 4561 5028 0899 8303 Clear Tamper2021-04-21 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016048ClosedTamper Code2021-04-21Hello, Kindly provide us with the Clear tamper token for MSN: 0101170426320. Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-21NoHello, Find below, 0101170426320 5044 7727 3711 1412 1963 Clear Tamper2021-04-21 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016047ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21Hello sir, please kindly generate KCT from 01 to 02 for this MSN: 44000317618 Thank YouMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-21NoFind below, 2180 7766 5241 0186 1287 5405 3764 0828 1441 79582021-04-21 yuzarsif33112269@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016046ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21REQUEST FOR KCT 0150000874423. From 01 to 46 Regards.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21No0903 0696 4907 8692 6504 4419 8659 5255 3379 63462021-04-21 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00016045ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21Find Below. 54160900657. From 01 to 33 Regards.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoFind below. 6595 6817 4751 2173 2776 0939 3689 3077 7345 65402021-04-21 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00016044ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for this meter. Thank you. Meter Number:0101200057848MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello, Find below. This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-21 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016043ClosedKCT Request2021-04-2144000390938MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21No0746 2119 5621 9349 8079 5232 8050 8720 5797 61992021-04-21 ashanafagain@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016042Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00016041ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21Kindly assist with the above-mentioned for the meter numbers below 1. 0101200077671 2. 0101190002150 3. 0101200045041 4. 0101200001069 5. 0101200001036 6. 0101200058143 7. 0101200057699 8. 0101200035828 9. 0101200022776 10. 010120061394 11. 0101200010920 Best Regards, Halima Mujtaba AbdulrahmanMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello, Find below. This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 2. 0101190002150 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 3. 0101200045041 2790 9322 3935 1656 4883 6551 2038 5174 2419 5333 4. 0101200001069 1707 6538 1364 7512 6203 4300 0969 8527 9884 3127 5. 0101200001036 4021 2202 6380 1804 6998 0023 0395 0147 6172 4192 6. 0101200058143 4994 9527 4095 3300 9402 0700 4692 6205 6491 1334 7. 0101200057699 5655 9289 9426 1836 8575 2930 8539 3227 8283 3226 8. 0101200035828 5048 7268 8388 8916 7486 3567 7620 1254 0322 3834 9. 0101200022776 Expect me for this 10. 010120061394 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 11. 0101200010920 2678 6701 4553 6159 2016 7348 5280 8491 7037 76522021-04-21 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016040ClosedKCT Request2021-04-210150000935166. From 01 to 46 Regards.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello, Find below. 3800 8549 1752 8859 4461 2674 4210 0563 8270 16842021-04-21 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00016039ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21: KCT REQUEST Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for this meter. Thank you. Meter Number:0101205007640MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoFind below. 6642 1256 0442 5855 9828 0611 8161 3048 3869 06782021-04-21 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016038ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21Find Below. 0150000887441. From 01 to 46 RegardsMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello, Find below. This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-21 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00016037ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21Request for KCT meter no 62420251092 Kindly furnish me with above information best regards.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello, Find below. 3442 6066 3911 2292 9093 0675 0769 5692 3023 27932021-04-21 tsavsarmngu@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016036ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for this meter. Thank you. Meter Number:0101200114292MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello, Find below. 2760 2453 9412 9690 7640 0353 1765 4204 7186 98882021-04-21 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016035ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21Please find below meter numbers to generate KCT 04227869338 Thanks CCRM ID 3703 Gombe Regional officeMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-21NoFind below, 4227869338 5976 3285 6852 4760 0006 4227869338 3148 1136 1245 8709 70882021-04-21 surefreedeen@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016034ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters from 02 to 01. Meter Numbers: 0101200006050 0101190148243Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-21NoFind below, 0101200006050 1240 2121 8632 3934 8007 1945 8808 9038 8267 6293 0101190148243 1751 2357 0745 4983 9559 0741 4213 2173 5663 15022021-04-21 ademugeorge@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016033ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21Please support kindly Generate a kct for the following MSN 0101190133492 0101200056600 57100033596 0101200052120 0101200017958 0101170307439 010119500576 0101175101720 0101200056600 0101200115224 0101175019492 from 02 to 01 and 01 to 02 0101185071343 from 02 to 01 and 01 to 02Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-21NoFind below, 0101190133492 7197 8425 8724 5226 9765 1536 3623 9551 8359 7533 0101200056600 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 57100033596 4460 5557 4922 1644 3252 4501 2409 3052 5460 0144 0101200052120 1278 6093 0931 2307 7696 2903 9102 7898 4587 7942 0101200017958 1490 0175 5594 9893 3142 5586 2614 3044 9310 5820 0101170307439 6924 1539 5825 6184 5750 2968 2978 9009 1363 9833 010119500576 This meter number is not complete 0101175101720 1660 5828 3819 9469 2415 5980 2294 7224 5651 8801 0101200056600 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101200115224 7197 1721 1374 8350 8446 4889 6657 5325 7267 1116 0101175019492 from 02 to 01 and 01 to 02 02 To 04 6641 6667 2636 6087 5667 7218 7266 5762 5353 9747 04 To 02 3368 1109 3758 4556 4967 5492 1722 2608 6708 4741 0101185071343 from 02 to 01 and 01 to 02 02 To 08 5633 2843 3180 0242 6371 7065 6031 2263 4853 3801 08 To 02 6150 6245 8885 6514 5419 5170 8146 8917 5320 46232021-04-21 bangisgarko@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016032In ProgressKCT Request2021-04-21Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for this meter from 04 to 01.Thank you. Meter Number:0101190144333Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-21NoFind below, 0418 7042 0514 1916 4500 4895 0023 1416 8820 56370000-00-00 ademugeorge@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016031ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21REQUEST FOR KCT METER NO 0101178027955 HOLY CHILD COLLEGEMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello, Find below. 4839 9226 9213 0703 4869 1002 7883 1081 9784 44012021-04-21 benmercyladi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016030ClosedKCT Request2021-04-210150000899651 From 01 to 02 0150000941743 From 01 to 46 0150000862618 From 01 to 02MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello, Find below. 0150000899651 From 01 to 02 3272 8887 7839 9617 3927 7255 2266 3549 1946 3744 0150000941743 From 01 to 46 2997 5961 9075 8274 8344 1714 5534 9500 5503 9379 0150000862618 From 01 to 02 0796 3753 4512 1198 2065 4648 2737 3938 4574 33252021-04-21 Umar Auwal
#00016029ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters, The meters rejected tokens and after querying it displayed 0001.Thank you. Meter Numbers: 0101200062301 0101200015515 0101200038103Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-21NoFind below, 0101200062301 2794 4690 5327 7655 3158 2421 8982 1235 3262 7138 0101200015515 6790 1930 0148 8278 4901 5948 9303 5302 4819 2414 0101200038103 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-21 ademugeorge@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016028ClosedKCT Request2021-04-210150000870934MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello, Find below. 6621 1716 2356 3556 8841 6417 7085 6612 6825 70262021-04-21 ahmadmiltonfairaskira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016027ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21Please provide me with the details of this meter number 54161004301 Warm regards Tokper Terungwa CCRM Gboko Region.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-21NoHello, Find Attached,2021-04-21 tokperterungwa@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016026ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21KCT GENERATION 57100046523 Dear IT team, Please the above subject refers. Waiting for your reply. Regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-21NoHello, Find below, 0910 0380 9720 0152 0343 1226 8143 1082 7516 27642021-04-21 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016025ClosedComplaint2021-04-21Dear sir, A customer complaint here at Jos metro that he has not been able to vend for days and was captured. We tried other vendors still can not vend. There fore we need a support from ICT. Meter number:0101200118875 Account number:441481 Phone number:08030531386 Thank you. Khadija Tanimu Abdullahi CCRM Representative Jos Metro RegionMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-21NoHello, Please note that this meter is a not valid meter, you should contact metering department to check the meter. Regards.2021-04-21 tkhadija028@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016024ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21Please kindly send me the kct following meter 0101170144543 HelloMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-21NoFind below, 6894 4415 1203 7834 9965 2609 4915 5043 0566 91082021-04-21 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016023ClosedKCT Request2021-04-210150000872716Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-21NoFind below, 3580 8253 0321 1788 4576 3536 2705 4605 2528 73152021-04-21 ahmadmiltonfairaskira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016022ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21Hello, Kindly provide us with the KCT of MSN : 0101175019492. 0101185071343. 0101175101720. 0101195005760. Thank youMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-21NoFind below, 0101175019492. 6641 6667 2636 6087 5667 7218 7266 5762 5353 9747 0101185071343. 5633 2843 3180 0242 6371 7065 6031 2263 4853 3801 0101175101720. 1660 5828 3819 9469 2415 5980 2294 7224 5651 8801 0101195005760. 0056 3122 0203 8891 4719 4061 6807 0626 9558 29162021-04-21 anersirleh@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016021ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters. Thank you. Thank you. Meter Numbers: 0101185048291 0101175105150 0101205009612 0101161001512 54161073660 0101170261925Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-21NoFind below, 0101185048291 1447 5237 2257 6090 2545 6152 4425 6609 1194 9807 0101175105150 4647 7561 9652 2359 2076 0605 4550 7330 6712 9996 0101205009612 0309 7774 5965 5643 6886 0211 7345 6464 3665 2690 0101161001512 0372 3053 1749 7198 1784 1139 0385 0888 3625 5050 54161073660 1644 7034 5047 9788 7070 6210 5435 0944 9826 2782 0101170261925 0936 8023 9898 8772 2586 2225 6209 6306 1718 56972021-04-21 ademugeorge@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016020ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21Hello sir, please kindly generate KCT from 02 to 01 for this MSN: 0101175101241 Thank YouMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-21NoFind below, 4528 2707 8101 5741 9321 1346 9912 7501 0732 86702021-04-21 yuzarsif33112269@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016019ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21: Kct, 54161097156 Please kindly treat from 7-24.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-21NoHello, Find below, 2776 7929 1221 6769 8628 4800 9487 8553 0409 14332021-04-21 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016018ClosedKCT Request2021-04-210150000861636Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-21NoHello, Find below, 4209 8219 7328 0036 4300 5184 2814 8068 8911 03992021-04-21 ahmadmiltonfairaskira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016017ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21Please kindly send me kct number following the meter 0101170402735 thank you HelloMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-21NoHello, Find below, 2271 9059 0527 3460 7481 3165 0264 6523 5743 98382021-04-21 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016016ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21UNABLE TO VEND- 0101200118875 Hello Support, The above meter is unable to generate a token. Kindly check and rectify for possible resolution.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-21NoHello, This is noted we will treat and revert back. Regards.2021-04-21 longpuan@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016015ClosedTamper Code2021-04-21Dear Support, 0101170173674 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-21NoHello, Find below, 0101170173674 0603 2285 2977 8589 3333 Clear Tamper2021-04-21 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016014ClosedTamper Code2021-04-21Dear Sir, Kindly find attached document for further necessary action please. Regards...Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-21NoHello, Find below, 0101188000950 4968 3033 5439 4760 5400 Clear Tamper 0101178035222 2284 0777 4069 0694 9928 Clear Tamper 0101178026031 3767 7233 3252 5577 6024 Clear Tamper 0101188027565 3647 5320 9593 5487 4316 Clear Tamper2021-04-21 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016013ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21REQUEST FOR KCT METER NO 0101195002981 JOHN AGBO 0101195002981 john agboMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoFind below, 6653 8122 3309 1063 5974 2736 6161 9813 0054 47052021-04-21 benmercyladi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016012ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000932619 0150000932635 Good dayMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-21NoHello, These meters are on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meters and let us know which tariff index they are on.2021-04-21 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016011ClosedTamper Code2021-04-21Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 44000365740 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-21NoHello, Please remind Audit to vetted on your mail. Regards.2021-04-21 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016010ClosedTamper Code2021-04-21Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101200055024 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-21NoHello, Please remind Audit to vetted on your mail. Regards.2021-04-21 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016009ClosedRequest2021-04-21Report/Request on generating token. Pls sir, here is the attached file.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-21NoHello, Please note that all this transaction were not successful on our system, this means the transaction failed.2021-04-21 saintmc4life@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016008ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21Trip index is 02 from the meter 0101175101241Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-21No0230 7908 2563 9058 0925 4586 6769 0005 2502 62122021-04-21 abubakarumar4102@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00016007ClosedTamper Code2021-04-21Good afternoon please kindly assist me with the meter CT 62420220113 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-21NoHello, Find below, 62420220113 Clear Tamper 0 0827 5048 3638 4546 84732021-04-21 abdulmalik3955@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016006ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21: Request For KCT EYUM MOMORIAL Good afternoon sir The Below KCT Was Rejected Tariff Index=0002 Supply Group Code=600419 Kindly Regenerate to Restore customer back to supply.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello, Find below as requested 4423 0638 5500 2432 1482 5112 6531 5736 4789 21612021-04-21 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016005ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters 0101200002448 on index 0002 0101190148755 on index 0001 0101160400681 on index 0006MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello Find below 0101200002448 on index 0002 2582 4161 7091 5613 9078 5829 0107 2147 4301 0968 0101190148755 on index 0001 5645 5575 0976 2148 8107 1746 6438 7788 3895 3093 0101160400681 on index 0006 4065 7220 3770 5526 7233 4782 6215 4782 9325 90492021-04-21 tkhadija028@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00016004ClosedTamper Code2021-04-21Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on these meters for support to generate tamper 0101190140943 0101190138368 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-21NoHello, Find below, 0101190140943 Wrong meter number or not captured. 0101190138368 0101190138368 6769 4096 7627 1224 8988 Clear Tamper2021-04-21 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016003ClosedTamper Code2021-04-21Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101161017393 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-21NoHello, Find below, 0101161017393 4185 3397 5067 0271 4844 Clear Tamper2021-04-21 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016002ClosedTamper Code2021-04-21Tamper request 0101178027377.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-21NoHello, Find below, 0101178027377 3984 2299 2432 9073 3863 Clear Tamper2021-04-21 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00016001ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21REQUEST FOR KCT 0150000870363 From 01 to 22 0150000861438 From 01 to 04MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello Find below 0150000870363 From 01 to 22 0429 7082 6799 6694 7860 6728 8502 8634 6664 4650 0150000861438 From 01 to 04 6392 9038 8064 0381 8888 4890 1708 6958 9757 58272021-04-21 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00016000ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21Please kindly send me the kct for this meter no below is 0101190150553. 04 to 01 0101200074983 0101160001240 0101190149274 0101190145652. 02 to 01 0101175101241MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello, Find below, 0101190150553. 04 to 01 4002 0148 2275 9733 4330 0418 7351 8801 4645 1415 0101200074983 4525 5053 6383 5784 8989 5193 1917 2374 9594 7514 0101160001240 3855 8124 3767 1523 9774 5071 8485 8922 6002 7642 0101190149274 1617 4448 1282 2475 8602 0522 6693 8523 3830 7421 0101190145652. 02 to 01 1532 0259 8660 8113 8043 0414 1949 6235 4038 8174 0101175101241 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-21 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015999ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21Hello IT Support, Kindly provide us with the KCT of MSN: 0101200026769. Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello, Find below, 4732 6732 6431 1450 5117 6069 5446 7797 1853 02942021-04-21 anersirleh@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015998ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21Find Below 0150000886849 from 01 to 02 0150000891641 From 1 to 04 0150000861107 From 01 to 46MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello, Find below, 0150000886849 from 01 to 02 1201 2334 2923 5617 6238 4137 4579 0648 9354 0079 0150000891641 From 1 to 04 3248 7575 5345 0124 6304 6550 7729 1522 5689 5272 0150000861107 From 01 to 46 3491 3387 8357 7862 9631 2786 5471 2182 3493 14662021-04-21 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00015997ClosedKCT Request2021-04-210150000911670MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello, Find below, 4156 6658 2417 4217 7642 5160 0999 8969 8046 54672021-04-21 ahmadmiltonfairaskira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015996ClosedKCT Request2021-04-2144000365278 Abubakar Sadiq Gabdo CCRM REPS. Gombe Trading ZoneMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoFind below 0695 7385 5519 6225 1884 0269 1487 8825 0407 77522021-04-21 ashanafagain@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015995ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21REQUEST FOR KCT METER NO 0101195003005 ONUH OBITIYE PAULINEMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello, Find below 2067 4607 3300 7235 8777 3781 6106 4084 8827 59652021-04-21 benmercyladi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015994Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015993ClosedVending History2021-04-21Dear Support, Kindly avail me with the vending history for meter number 54160989874. Kind RegardsMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-21NoFind below, Transaction Details Token Details Transaction ID: 6891161009291224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-08 09:01:52 Meter No.: 54160989874 Account No.: 497142 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 91.68 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 3072 5249 8634 1815 8636 Transaction ID: 9418161044760924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-12 11:33:29 Meter No.: 54160989874 Account No.: 497142 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦2,093.02 Energy Cost: ₦27,906.98 KwH: 550.11 Amount Tendered: ₦30,000.00 4591 2158 6128 9721 74722021-04-21 okoomandela@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015992ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21Find Below 0150000860448 From 01 to 46 0150000861131 From 01 to 45Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-21NoFind below, 0150000860448 From 01 to 46 7258 5882 6295 7716 7654 3527 9643 9148 4864 3134 0150000861131 From 01 to 45 1846 0434 0471 0567 8130 7090 7679 9916 7868 09842021-04-21 infortech4life@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00015991ClosedKCT Request2021-04-210150000888043 0150000916331 --Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-21NoFind below, Though sent since yesterday. 0150000888043 7037 2686 1908 0198 2593 3335 5415 7743 0896 8285 0150000916331 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-21 arabiraji015@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015990ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21Request for KCT 01012000290940 & 0101200016679MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21No0101200016679 2059 4915 4005 7925 9347 2168 1668 2057 8600 84012021-04-21 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015989ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21Morning. Please kindly furnish me with the kct of the following meter. MSN:0150000967011 Thanks and regards.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-21NoFind below, 1230 7071 0473 1213 7035 5354 1959 6989 4159 02492021-04-21 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015988ClosedKCT Request2021-04-210101175105150 0101185048010 0101175019492 0101205007442 0101185071343 Please treat.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello, Find below, 0101175105150 3458 6778 6428 4280 5062 4632 2985 1790 5531 2436 0101185048010 2151 5334 5440 2403 7852 6947 4163 3913 2588 8342 0101175019492 4023 7417 9331 2079 8434 1182 1007 2480 3622 6703 0101205007442 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 0101185071343 4948 1364 2731 5763 5610 3635 8934 6605 8058 40412021-04-21 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00015987ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21Finf Below 0150000885270 from 01 to 46 0150000887961 From 1 to 45 0150000907694 From 01 to 04 0150000907306 From 01 to 04MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello, Find below, 0150000885270 from 01 to 46 5568 9705 2943 9867 3034 5182 5268 8132 5304 1046 0150000887961 From 1 to 45 2235 1658 0111 5431 5486 2854 0722 3530 8499 0657 0150000907694 From 01 to 04 4525 0618 5671 0298 0957 4826 2305 3020 6767 6811 0150000907306 From 01 to 04 5390 4201 5958 3642 6805 4915 3029 5507 3612 22742021-04-21 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00015986ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21Kct, 0101200050785. Please treat.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello, Find below, 7271 7153 4698 7593 9850 0439 5449 8122 8270 43032021-04-21 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015985ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101190143137 Pls assist with the above RegardsMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello, Find below as requested. 2881 6845 0892 7527 5196 0902 6288 7091 2258 15492021-04-21 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015984ClosedKCT Request2021-04-210150000863657 0150000860687MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello, Find below, 0150000863657 2720 0930 7852 0647 1077 6057 0025 2032 9639 7889 0150000860687 5743 0676 5294 7459 1145 2205 7733 9057 9950 37752021-04-21 ahmadmiltonfairaskira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015983ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21REQUEST FOR KCT - 44000319457 Please treat.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello, Find below, 5961 3354 3855 0788 3646 5157 8078 7984 5355 97762021-04-21 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00015982ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21Request for kct in respect of this account 0101170444570 & 0150000858657 Good dayMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21No0101170444570 4583 4262 4304 6573 4263 2212 7552 1295 8644 2386 0150000858657 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-21 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015981ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200036586 Pls assist with the above RegardsMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello, Find below, 2616 7344 5029 0237 8448 4355 2837 1064 3338 51562021-04-21 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015980ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21Please find below meter numbers to generate KCT (1)44000364222 TARIF INDEX 3 (2)04204627725 (3)44000391712 Thanks CCRM ID 3703 Gombe Regional officeMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello, Find below, (1)44000364222 TARIF INDEX 3 3077 2239 8586 2891 5309 5973 2245 0470 5878 4294 (2)04204627725 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. (3)44000391712 6525 0158 6084 9031 3380 2346 9080 7422 7832 93122021-04-21 surefreedeen@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015979ClosedKCT Request2021-04-210150000883598. From 01 to 45. 0150000861438. From 01 to 04.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello, Find below. 0150000883598. From 01 to 45. 0987 0184 5996 3190 3640 2548 6787 4620 6622 8944 0150000861438. From 01 to 04. 6392 9038 8064 0381 8888 4890 1708 6958 9757 58272021-04-21 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00015978ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000905979 Good dayMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello, Find below, 6561 3735 3699 2279 5544 0676 0135 1828 9798 35922021-04-21 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015977ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21Hello, Kindly provide us with the KCT of MSN : 44000377083. Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoFind below, 2760 6306 3487 6429 2003 4307 6088 7126 8894 09602021-04-21 anersirleh@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015976ClosedKCT Request2021-04-210150000932783 0150000873920MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello, Find below, 0150000932783 7077 8786 0871 7450 1321 3939 9931 2933 7065 2747 0150000873920 0293 0082 8785 3801 6986 5560 1505 6112 0370 25882021-04-21 ahmadmiltonfairaskira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015975ClosedKCT Request2021-04-2144000363851 0101200001945 0101190154084 010120005229MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello, Find below, 44000363851 0418 0529 6063 8687 3980 2753 1070 6893 6525 4141 0101200001945 0226 0015 1206 3782 4361 6758 3932 9066 6113 5769 0101190154084 4394 6867 8456 7499 1875 6049 3079 8569 8583 9877 010120005229 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2021-04-21 rasheedatlawalaa7428@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015974ClosedKCT Request2021-04-210150000862873. From 01 to 02. 0150000905516. From 01 to 04MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello, Find below, 0150000862873. From 01 to 02. 6951 7970 1061 6488 9156 0344 3005 3874 6631 6905 0150000905516. From 01 to 04 0077 8456 4640 9437 2985 5052 8875 6865 2550 40172021-04-21 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00015973ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters. Thank you. 0101190144242 from index 0002-0001 0101190142030 from index 0002-0001 0101200028708 from index 0004-0001MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello, Find below, 0101190144242 from index 0002-0001 2365 1221 2731 0030 4837 5016 9984 0772 7531 1978 0101190142030 from index 0002-0001 4291 0878 4116 4307 2018 2585 3127 3406 9375 1429 0101200028708 from index 0004-0001 2135 7735 4097 9578 1323 2125 8169 4414 6235 15232021-04-21 tkhadija028@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015972ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21Request for KCT 62420257156 44000395077 62420094542 62420219107 Kindly furnish me with above information best regards.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello, Find below, 62420257156 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 44000395077 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62420094542 1203 2225 1974 8083 7405 3034 5977 0219 4561 3145 62420219107 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-21 tsavsarmngu@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015971ClosedKCT Request2021-04-210150000862873. From 01 to 02. 0150000905516. From 01 to 04MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello, Find below, 0150000862873. From 01 to 02. 6951 7970 1061 6488 9156 0344 3005 3874 6631 6905 0150000905516. From 01 to 04 0077 8456 4640 9437 2985 5052 8875 6865 2550 40172021-04-21 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00015970ClosedVending History2021-04-21Sir, This customer bought unit online but the token was not sent. Date:- 17/04/22 Meter no 440041183 Amount:- 5000.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello, Find below. Is not 5000 is 2000 confirmed check below. Transaction ID: 1777161867955724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-17 18:12:37 Meter No.: 44000334183 Account No.: 502436 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 36.67 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 6929 6120 3449 9083 31222021-04-21 florarumun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015969ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters. Thank you. 0101190144242 from index 0002-0001 0101190142030 from index 0002-0001 0101200028708 from index 0004-0001MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello, Find below. 0101190144242 from index 0002-0001 6835 2945 6376 6488 8298 2334 2818 7894 4201 8216 0101190142030 from index 0002-0001 4291 0878 4116 4307 2018 2585 3127 3406 9375 1429 0101200028708 from index 0004-0001 2135 7735 4097 9578 1323 2125 8169 4414 6235 15232021-04-21 tkhadija028@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015968ClosedKCT Request2021-04-210150000883598. From 01 to 45. 0150000861438. From 01 to 04.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello, Find below. 0150000883598. From 01 to 45. 0987 0184 5996 3190 3640 2548 6787 4620 6622 8944 0150000861438. From 01 to 04. 6392 9038 8064 0381 8888 4890 1708 6958 9757 58272021-04-21 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00015967ClosedVending History2021-04-21Hello, Kindly provide us the Vending History of MSN : 54160996218. Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello, Find below. Transaction Details Token Details Transaction ID: 1331161684937224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-27 13:49:32 Meter No.: 54160996218 Account No.: 6126471650-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 62.41 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 0131 5612 2454 0935 2962 Transaction ID: 3116161581412324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-15 14:15:23 Meter No.: 54160996218 Account No.: 6126471650-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 156.03 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 6180 0643 5685 0882 53982021-04-21 anersirleh@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015966ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21Request for KCT 62420213043 54160885155 62420216905 23102121417 62420234791 62420234478 62420231284 23102135045 62420234791 62420252686 Kindly furnish us with the above information ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello, Find below. 62420213043 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 54160885155 6520 5751 0701 3016 7008 3010 2541 4560 4576 6615 62420216905 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 23102121417 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62420234791 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62420234478 4442 3887 3925 0578 5088 5992 8441 9781 4935 7590 62420231284 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 23102135045 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62420234791 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62420252686 5181 8293 3741 2733 5473 2442 2207 1206 2419 69562021-04-21 vajimehd@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015965ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21Request for kct in respect of this account 54161016396 from present tariff 6 Good morningMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello, Find below. 0417 9975 4922 7701 2687 7251 4485 5258 0526 05262021-04-21 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015964ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21Find Below. 0150000935109. From 01 to 46. Regards.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello, Find below. 0150000935109 5627 2463 6283 0219 3503 2108 5378 0956 9428 41912021-04-21 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00015963ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21KCT GENERATION 0101160400681 Dear IT team, Please the above subject refers, the previous KCT was issued to the customer GLOBAL COM but still REJECTING TOKEN, please can you regenerate another KCT for the customer. Regards.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21No2021-04-21 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015962ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21Request for KCT 62320122039 62420143885 Kindly furnish us with the above information ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello, Find below. 62320122039 7124 9280 4554 3168 3720 6324 8495 0701 7124 7612 62420143885 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-21 vajimehd@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015961ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21Find Below. 0150000935117. From 01 to 46. 0150000862626. From to 02 0150000859382. From 01 to 46 0150000863368. From 01 to 46 0150000858137. From 01 to 46 Regards.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello, Find below. 0150000935117. From 01 to 46. 1330 8193 4242 1764 4695 7170 5591 3644 3695 1426 0150000862626. From to 02 2998 3945 3852 9362 3564 6444 5561 5365 7235 0204 0150000859382. From 01 to 46 3839 0050 5708 8472 4300 2969 6521 2737 7256 2996 0150000863368. From 01 to 46 0672 7402 5531 3432 5460 1939 5780 7570 4699 6087 0150000858137. From 01 to 46 4325 7543 4247 2895 1980 7024 5720 6041 7942 63272021-04-21 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00015960ClosedKCT Request2021-04-2104173889322 04160862571MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello, Find below. 04173889322 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 04160862571 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2021-04-21 babangidaboyi86@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015959ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21Request for KCT number 0101200027981 Dear IT, Pls I need the above information. ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello, Find below. 4218 0335 0821 4526 1652 6778 4354 1657 2278 28722021-04-21 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015958ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21KCT GENERATION 0101195005455MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21No5026 1789 3973 9971 2156 0934 7729 4168 7239 57942021-04-21 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015957ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21Hello, Kindly provide us with the Vending History of MSN : 0101170168708. Thank youMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-21NoFind below, Transaction Details Token Details Transaction ID: 0614161367550624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-18 20:11:46 Meter No.: 0101170168708 Account No.: 6123302158-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 62.41 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 1192 6311 6027 3815 0294 Transaction ID: 1116161711514824 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-30 15:39:08 Meter No.: 0101170168708 Account No.: 6123302158-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 62.41 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 4058 7392 6293 7301 6697 Transaction ID: 1146161840017724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-14 12:36:17 Meter No.: 0101170168708 Account No.: 6123302158-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 29.24 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 6633 8267 4988 1454 5803 Transaction ID: 1734161589766224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-16 13:27:42 Meter No.: 0101170168708 Account No.: 6123302158-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 62.41 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 3623 5590 4639 5260 1249 Transaction ID: 3438161428424324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-25 21:17:23 Meter No.: 0101170168708 Account No.: 6123302158-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 31.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 3197 9004 2240 8467 9477 Transaction ID: 4069161506450924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-06 22:01:49 Meter No.: 0101170168708 Account No.: 6123302158-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 93.62 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 5068 9623 3112 6970 3010 Transaction ID: 4318161780734624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-07 15:55:46 Meter No.: 0101170168708 Account No.: 6123302158-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 58.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 3554 6247 3565 7379 9430 Transaction ID: 4416161454276924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-28 21:06:09 Meter No.: 0101170168708 Account No.: 6123302158-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 31.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 5520 0760 8510 3691 2968 Transaction ID: 6721161081949224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-16 18:51:32 Meter No.: 0101170168708 Account No.: 6123302158-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 58.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 4647 3736 1611 6383 6048 Transaction ID: 8194161824034424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-12 16:12:24 Meter No.: 0101170168708 Account No.: 6123302158-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 43.87 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 1521 9941 6532 7328 32132021-04-21 anersirleh@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015956ClosedKCT Request2021-04-2144000389385 >MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello, Find below. 7064 0995 1718 5097 5231 0474 2162 9048 4318 77872021-04-21 ashanafagain@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015955ClosedKCT Request2021-04-210150000916372Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-21NoHello, Find below, 3171 2364 9220 0647 4792 7342 1732 6156 5464 03642021-04-21 ahmadmiltonfairaskira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015954ClosedKCT Request2021-04-2144000376580MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoFind below, 5751 4529 9156 7576 7182 5648 6446 5661 1311 80722021-04-21 abubakarumar4102@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015953ClosedKCT Request2021-04-2144000319705MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello, Find below as requested 0533 3052 6051 4404 0459 1268 2210 4449 0543 98772021-04-21 ashanafagain@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015952ClosedKCT Request2021-04-2144000376580MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello, Find below, 5751 4529 9156 7576 7182 5648 6446 5661 1311 80722021-04-21 abubakarumar4102@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015951ClosedKCT Request2021-04-2144000389385Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-21NoFind below, 7064 0995 1718 5097 5231 0474 2162 9048 4318 77872021-04-21 ashanafagain@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015950ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21Good morning.Request for KCT 0101200104707MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello, Find below, 7227 7937 5954 1748 3243 7376 3505 7161 7661 35862021-04-21 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015949ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21Request for KCT 44000312262MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello, Find below, 3710 8858 0243 7242 5096 4964 4055 3299 6364 34092021-04-21 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015948ClosedKCT Request2021-04-2144000333474 T1 -T21MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello, Find below, 2417 7956 3091 7348 9936 5701 7213 1055 2346 91512021-04-21 aliyusaad63@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015947ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21Good afternoon sir. Please help me generate kct for this customer 54161004251. Not the one of tariff change The meter is rejecting the token sir. Thank you for your consideration and assistance sirMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello, This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-21 okadonyesimona@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015946ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21Dear support, Kindly assist with the subject above mentioned for this MSN 0101185048051MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello, Find below, 2604 0426 6548 9688 2786 6690 0123 6263 4550 52452021-04-21 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00015945ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21Dear sir Please can you assist us with the KCT of 44000380665 Thank you sirMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-21NoFind below, 7106 8922 9777 9056 4893 6103 1466 1907 8745 40222021-04-21 samueldchun@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015944ClosedKCT Request2021-04-2144000394112 1 TO 21 44000333276 1 TO 21 44000337384 01 TO 33 44300004387 01 TO 04 44000326288 01 TO 02 44300013735 01 to 35Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-21NoFind below, 44000394112 1 TO 21 5273 1066 3409 3588 5822 6891 9363 5978 0768 2714 44000333276 1 TO 21 5887 2640 0704 6943 1998 4574 7934 2282 6714 7635 44000337384 01 TO 33 0891 4920 9479 9522 2322 0909 4858 1659 0422 7492 44300004387 01 TO 04 5520 7702 6652 3489 6129 3717 2075 9228 9888 6653 44000326288 01 TO 02 4300 0338 5495 5683 8113 0606 1482 2491 8623 2547 44300013735 01 to 35 1033 7710 9105 4191 2733 0333 3005 0929 4605 84822021-04-21 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015943ClosedKCT Request2021-04-2144000376580MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello, Find below, 5751 4529 9156 7576 71822021-04-21 abubakarumar4102@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015942ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21REQUEST FOR KCT 0150000857345 From 01 to 02. 0150000891641 From 01 to 04 0150000893860 From 01 to 45 0150000864770 From 01 to 45 0150000902547 From 01 t0 45 0150000864408 From 01 to 02 0150000902794 From 01 to 45MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello Zakar, Find below, 0150000857345 From 01 to 02. 0150000891641 From 01 to 04 3248 7575 5345 0124 6304 6550 7729 1522 5689 5272 0150000893860 From 01 to 45 2152 4663 1824 6456 4386 6138 7017 8632 3382 2950 0150000864770 From 01 to 45 3522 3678 0991 9037 1528 6292 8669 9504 3363 6168 0150000902547 From 01 t0 45 2988 2194 9482 3723 3862 2047 7650 3765 4719 2686 0150000864408 From 01 to 02 2341 3972 1313 3304 1629 4128 8958 9605 4362 6401 0150000902794 From 01 to 45 6233 5838 0267 1132 8344 0808 2623 3396 1671 11412021-04-21 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00015941ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21Request for KCT 44000312262MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21No3710 8858 0243 7242 5096 4964 4055 3299 6364 34092021-04-21 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015940ClosedKCT Request2021-04-2144000344802 1 TO 3MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-20NoHello Yamusa. Please find below the KCT for 44000344802 (01 to 03) 52449847583644987677 491304200027003027802021-04-21 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015939ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21Good Afternoon Sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the MSNs pleas 44300013537 1 TO 7 44000362648 1 TO 2 44300017959 1 TO 7 44000344802 1 TO 3 44000366086 1 TO 21MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-20No44300013537 1 TO 7 1527 3609 3498 1747 5368 5648 8378 1799 0107 7491 44000362648 1 TO 2 4608 5934 8004 0272 4960 4765 4448 1075 0770 2766 44300017959 1 TO 7 1206 2756 4804 7715 7224 6905 8890 6264 9116 3984 44000344802 1 TO 3 Incomplete generated KCT, will be forwarded shortly, please. 44000366086 1 TO 21 5465 9418 4322 8893 6043 6590 7374 1476 0174 78422021-04-21 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015938Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015937Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015936ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200010920 (08033338886)MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello, Find below, 2678 6701 4553 6159 2016 7348 5280 8491 7037 76522021-04-21 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00015935ClosedKCT Request2021-04-2144000313112MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello, Find below, 06011221502026308526 701468551567767075912021-04-21 ashanafagain@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015934ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200010920 (08033338886)MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello, Find below, 2678 6701 4553 6159 2016 7348 5280 8491 7037 76522021-04-21 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00015933ClosedTamper Code2021-04-21Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 44000381549Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-20NoHello, Find below, 44000381549 2469 5697 2687 4421 5786 Clear Tamper2021-04-21 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015932ClosedTamper Code2021-04-21Good afternoon please kindly assist me with the meter CT 62420233470 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-20NoHello, Find below, 62420233470 6366 3209 4897 4937 3262 Clear Tamper2021-04-21 abdulmalik3955@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015931ClosedVending History2021-04-21Request for itron VH - 54160989874 We need itron VH not eVendMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-21NoFind attached.2021-04-21 stynlucs@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00015930ClosedTamper Code2021-04-21Deer Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101170416842 0101170181552 0101170447151 0101170197947 0101160051591 0101170300491 0101170184853 0101170373449 0101170144543 0101160058380 0101160187387 0101170310219 0101170308080 0101161018458 0101170151860 Thanks youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-20NoHello, Find below, 0101170416842 5620 0229 1111 3466 7954 0101170181552 2210 4571 5431 0998 0750 0101170447151 1137 1777 4173 3405 9546 0101170197947 6429 5349 8561 6395 3703 0101160051591 1332 5762 3331 6914 0645 0101170300491 4065 1810 0523 7783 5830 0101170184853 4106 3579 0897 4546 8546 0101170373449 0483 4855 5113 8317 3972 0101170144543 1004 8998 6792 9200 9887 0101160058380 5832 2674 1349 3400 5115 0101160187387 3228 5858 7442 4374 6934 0101170310219 4000 9173 9854 2509 5427 0101170308080 2541 6904 3470 7054 2316 0101161018458 6235 5729 9374 1619 5315 0101170151860 6560 8016 5607 9408 63822021-04-21 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015929ClosedTamper Code2021-04-21Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101200026207 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-20NoHello, Find below, 0101200026207 0128 9303 8663 4394 0362 Clear Tamper2021-04-21 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015928ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21Hello, Kindly provide us with the KCT of MSN : 44300017736, 0101195006867, 443000017660, 44300017959. Thank you.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-20NoFind below, 44300017736 4905 8470 4995 5214 4437 0927 2681 4148 0098 1138 0101195006867 3417 6991 4306 7994 4119 3533 2368 5650 6101 9026 443000017660 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 44300017959 1206 2756 4804 7715 7224 6905 8890 6264 9116 39842021-04-21 anersirleh@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015927ClosedKCT Request2021-04-210150000866676Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-20NoFind below, 5041 0271 6426 1897 0061 7139 5304 1874 2766 80212021-04-21 ahmadmiltonfairaskira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015926ClosedKCT Request2021-04-210150000853339Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-20NoHello, This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2021-04-20 ahmadmiltonfairaskira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015925ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21Good Evening ict, please kindly send me kct following meter number 0101200056600 thank you Hello ictMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-20NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-21 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015924ClosedVending History2021-04-21Dear Support, Kindly avail us the VH for 0101178026031Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-20NoFind below, Transaction Details Token Details Transaction ID: 0416161182710524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-28 10:45:05 Meter No.: 0101178026031 Account No.: 621292115801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦1,046.51 Energy Cost: ₦13,953.49 KwH: 306.33 Amount Tendered: ₦15,000.00 1723 5096 8913 1064 8886 Transaction ID: 1466161641096124 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-22 12:02:41 Meter No.: 0101178026031 Account No.: 621292115801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦1,046.51 Energy Cost: ₦13,953.49 KwH: 306.33 Amount Tendered: ₦15,000.00 1222 6093 0959 2474 3579 Transaction ID: 1568161104150624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-19 08:31:46 Meter No.: 0101178026031 Account No.: 621292115801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦1,046.51 Energy Cost: ₦13,953.49 KwH: 306.33 Amount Tendered: ₦15,000.00 1755 0091 4216 7471 0308 Transaction ID: 2861160974719624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-04 08:59:56 Meter No.: 0101178026031 Account No.: 621292115801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦697.67 Energy Cost: ₦9,302.33 KwH: 195.63 Amount Tendered: ₦10,000.00 3389 6861 5332 2971 8293 Transaction ID: 3175161536524024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-10 09:34:00 Meter No.: 0101178026031 Account No.: 621292115801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦1,046.51 Energy Cost: ₦13,953.49 KwH: 306.33 Amount Tendered: ₦15,000.00 4984 0192 2156 0682 4653 Transaction ID: 3979161339379824 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-15 13:56:38 Meter No.: 0101178026031 Account No.: 621292115801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦1,046.51 Energy Cost: ₦13,953.49 KwH: 306.33 Amount Tendered: ₦15,000.00 4443 7844 9450 3163 4086 Transaction ID: 4511161743418024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-03 08:16:20 Meter No.: 0101178026031 Account No.: 621292115801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦1,046.51 Energy Cost: ₦13,953.49 KwH: 293.45 Amount Tendered: ₦15,000.00 0311 3198 9850 2614 0428 Transaction ID: 5781161519541524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-08 10:23:35 Meter No.: 0101178026031 Account No.: 621292115801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 61.27 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 5864 4536 5330 0667 7965 Transaction ID: 6134161460351524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-01 13:58:35 Meter No.: 0101178026031 Account No.: 621292115801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 102.11 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 4371 7928 5323 4358 7631 Transaction ID: 6624161486002624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-04 13:13:46 Meter No.: 0101178026031 Account No.: 621292115801 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 102.11 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 4933 0791 6830 6393 05562021-04-21 evelyntsokar87@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015923ClosedTamper Code2021-04-21PPM CLEAR TEMPER COMPLAINT LODGING FORM Dear Support Team Kindly assist with the above mentioned subject. Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-21NoHello, Find below, 0101200071534 3907 3082 5174 6383 5206 Clear Tamper 44300003801 6420 1058 4769 6018 6365 Clear Tamper 0101190011334 1718 8320 5438 9294 8555 Clear Tamper 0101170126409 1647 8643 1561 4560 8245 Clear Tamper 0101170112235 3045 5582 0645 8722 4139 Clear Tamper2021-04-21 aliyusaad63@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015922ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21Please find below meter numbers to generate KCT 44000391712 Thanks CCRM ID 3703 Gombe Regional officeMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-20NoFind below, 6525 0158 6084 9031 3380 2346 9080 7422 7832 93122021-04-21 surefreedeen@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015921ClosedVending History2021-04-21Dear auwal. Please avail us with the vending 54160916745 Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello, Find below. Transaction Details Token Details Transaction ID: 6616161640361924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-22 10:00:19 Meter No.: 54160916745 Account No.: 6217010785-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦1,395.35 Energy Cost: ₦18,604.65 KwH: 379.76 Amount Tendered: ₦20,000.00 7119 2376 5097 0617 7020 Transaction ID: 8131161113721824 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-20 11:06:58 Meter No.: 54160916745 Account No.: 6217010785-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦1,395.35 Energy Cost: ₦18,604.65 KwH: 379.76 Amount Tendered: ₦20,000.00 1193 1331 3254 4590 8703 Transaction ID: 8151161504655124 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-06 17:02:31 Meter No.: 54160916745 Account No.: 6217010785-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦1,046.51 Energy Cost: ₦13,953.49 KwH: 284.82 Amount Tendered: ₦15,000.00 4100 6890 0427 8789 86362021-04-21 ericasua@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015920ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters. Thank you. Meter Numbers: 0101190141115 0101200060602Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-20NoFind below, 0101190141115 3160 9653 5627 5795 9634 5233 1865 2336 2044 6176 0101200060602 2183 4173 4771 4222 1028 2370 6076 7123 3069 62732021-04-21 ademugeorge@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015919ClosedKCT Request2021-04-2162420234791 - KCT request IT Pls treat this request. Thank you.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-20NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-21 stynlucs@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00015918ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for this meter. The meter rejected the Token and after querying it displayed 0005.Thank you. Meter Number:0101185048457Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-21NoIt is on 005 on our system currently. If they are facing any difficulties recharging, kindly dispatch maintenance team to troubleshoot the meter.2021-04-21 ademugeorge@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015917ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for this meter from 02 to 01.Thank you. Meter Number:0101190146577Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-20NoFind below, 2545 7517 7984 0862 1764 5957 6071 1000 2612 61672021-04-21 ademugeorge@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015916ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21Request for kct to enable customer for our service. 0101200032817MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-21NoHello, This meter has 2 customers on it. Please kindly specify the customer name.2021-04-21 nawwalson01@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015915ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21REQUEST FOR KCT Good Evening. Please kindly help and furnish me with this request. Thanks for your usual support.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-20NoFind attached as requested.2021-04-21 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015914ClosedKCT Request2021-04-2144000313112 T02 - T01 Abubakar Sadiq Gabdo CCRM REPS. Gombe Trading ZoneMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-20NoFind below, 3521 5565 8165 6533 1445 3273 2524 6994 4325 18922021-04-21 ashanafagain@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015913ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21Request for K C T the meter is in 001 44000376580Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-20NoFind below, 5751 4529 9156 7576 7182 5648 6446 5661 1311 80722021-04-21 abubakarumar4102@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015912ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21Request for KCT 624200152910 Kindly furnish us with the above information ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-20NoHello, This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2021-04-21 vajimehd@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015911ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21KCT request - 0101161003542Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-20NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-21 stynlucs@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00015910ClosedKCT Request2021-04-21: REQUEST FOR KCT: 44000380665 Dear sir Please can you assist us with the KCT of 44000380665 Thank you sirMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-21NoFind below, 7106 8922 9777 9056 4893 6103 1466 1907 8745 40222021-04-21 samueldchun@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015909ClosedComplaint2021-04-20Hello support, Find attached Receipt of payment in respect of two customers they purchased for taken and the token was not generated.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-20NoHello, This is noted we will treat and revert back.2021-04-20 adamushehugiade86@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015908ClosedRequest2021-04-20Hello. The below postpaid accounts are unable to make payment.. 754888. 754889 754890.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-20NoHello, Note that this mail had been treated.2021-04-20 infortech4life@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015907ClosedKCT Request2021-04-20Good morning sir ict, kindly send me kct following meter number 54150605191 the meter is on 01 (2) 0101170164293 thank you Man at workMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-20NoHello, 54150605191 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101170164293 This meter has 2 customer on it. Kindly provide the customer name.2021-04-20 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015906ClosedKCT Request2021-04-20Dear support, Please assist with the subject above mentioned for this MSN 0101200014005MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-20NoHello, Find below, 3903 6580 0290 5800 3851 2055 8730 2822 7793 19442021-04-20 mailto:mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00015905ClosedKCT Request2021-04-20: KCT request - 0101161003542Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-20NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-20 stynlucs@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00015904ClosedKCT Request2021-04-2044000376580Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-20NoFind below, 5751 4529 9156 7576 7182 5648 6446 5661 1311 80722021-04-20 abubakarumar4102@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015903ClosedKCT Request2021-04-20: Request for KCT 624200152910 Kindly furnish us with the above information ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-20NoHello, This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2021-04-20 vajimehd@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015902ClosedKCT Request2021-04-2044000460293 54161018087 please kindly Generate a kct for the above metersMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-20Nond below, 44000460293 1835 7158 9981 9956 7501 7043 2850 6338 1171 8037 54161018087 This meter displayed incomplete token, kindly allow us some time to generate the KCT.2021-04-20 bangisgarko@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015901ClosedKCT Request2021-04-20Dear Support team Below screenshot is a customer whom purchased token of #2,000 this afternoon Find attached for your assistance MSN: 0101170296087MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-20NoHello, Find below as requested. 3188 6155 6191 4870 0654 3735 7130 5465 2424 72592021-04-20 aliyusaad63@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015900ClosedKCT Request2021-04-20Good Evening. Please kindly help and furnish me with this request. Thanks for your usual support.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-20NoFind attached.2021-04-20 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015899ClosedKCT Request2021-04-20Hello, Kindly assist with KCT from 04 to 01 for these meters. Thank you. Meter Numbers: 0101190148201 0101190145744 0101190002150Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-20NoHello, Find below, 0101190148201 0524 7240 2490 1572 4383 3911 0987 1306 4112 9863 0101190145744 7040 8197 1618 8206 6921 1799 1409 2743 5570 5455 0101190002150 2255 0778 2176 8302 7757 4656 6376 4670 3855 97752021-04-20 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015898ClosedKCT Request2021-04-20Request for KCT 62420230518 62420233892 62420111643 62320121965 62420222259 62320038458Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-20NoHello, Find below, 62420230518 0094 3620 1314 3340 0064 1106 3112 4544 1814 8817 62420233892 Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. 62420111643 3802 8239 0894 1893 9554 0812 3790 0384 6582 0506 62320121965 0211 9029 5688 9036 5776 3329 3225 5782 5003 2373 62420222259 Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2021-04-20 stynlucs@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015897ClosedKCT Request2021-04-20Please kindly send me the KCT number generated to this meter number 0101190017927. Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-20NoHello, Find below. This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-20 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015896ClosedTamper Code2021-04-20: Request for tamper, 0101195003500,54160735335 and 54160990054. Dear Support,Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-20NoHello, Find below, 0101195003500 0853 4899 6298 0925 0958 Clear Tamper 54160735335 5146 5967 8013 9412 0569 Clear Tamper 54160990054 7280 2141 2750 7970 7348 Clear Tamper2021-04-20 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015895ClosedKCT Request2021-04-20Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters. The meters rejected tokens and after querying it displayed 0002.Thank you. Meter Numbers: 0101190154175 0101175103262 0101190146270Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-20NoHello, Find below, 0101190154175 Is also on 02 on the system no KCT require. 0101175103262 2145 7356 7714 2727 6960 1295 3202 4424 8923 6571 0101190146270 Is also on 02 on the system no KCT require.2021-04-20 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015894ClosedKCT Request2021-04-20Request for KCT 44000312569MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-20NoHello, Find below. This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-20 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015893Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015892ClosedKCT Request2021-04-20Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for this meter. Thank you. Meter Number:0101200044390MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-20No7084 2160 0513 5622 3818 2612 4289 0148 1628 30562021-04-20 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015891ClosedKCT Request2021-04-20Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters. The meters rejected the tokens and after querying it displayed 0001.Thank you. Meter Numbers: 0101190150918 0101200014138 0101190133104 0101190133682 0101200010284 0101190152211 0101190141230Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-20NoHello, Find below, 0101190150918 5097 7224 2645 7059 5513 3034 7114 0877 2211 9823 0101200014138 1813 6983 2947 4073 3649 0968 7935 4051 9485 0856 0101190133104 4674 3365 1447 6424 9686 4533 0702 6404 9453 5954 0101190133682 Single phase residential on our system no KCT require. 0101200010284 1013 8892 4108 1803 9370 4076 3337 3259 0538 7069 0101190152211 Single phase residential on our system no KCT require. 0101190141230 5134 8072 1758 5278 2903 6999 8778 1969 2108 50002021-04-20 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015890ClosedKCT Request2021-04-20Please kindly send me the kct for this meter no below 0101200012439 0101200058903 57100058262 0101200049308Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-20NoHello, Find below, 0101200012439 0393 1038 3857 9405 2095 3639 9913 5475 2270 7883 0101200058903 5069 7696 9384 3017 0138 6844 8025 6737 9681 0468 57100058262 3971 6575 6263 6063 3925 6219 5622 4096 4396 7205 0101200049308 Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2021-04-20 umarmacy@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015889ClosedKCT Request2021-04-20Tuesday, 20 April 2021, 01:42PM +01:00 from jubilant95@gmail.com: Dear support kindly generate KCT for MSN 0101161029497. Thank you -- Sent from myMail for AndroidMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-20NoFind below, 7296 5578 7983 2653 2541 4233 2666 2510 4071 23972021-04-20 jubilant95@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015888ClosedKCT Request2021-04-20Please kindly Generate a kct for the following meter 0101190133492 0101170405092.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-20NoHello, Find below, 0101190133492 7197 8425 8724 5226 9765 1536 3623 9551 8359 7533 0101170405092. 2633 4778 4508 6516 9314 0193 6103 6519 0243 09432021-04-20 bangisgarko@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015887ClosedKCT Request2021-04-20Please kindly Generate a kct for the following meter numbers 44000368819 0101 1704 0509 2 44000323905Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-20NoFind below, 44000368819 4965 1952 4381 0559 9653 3592 8963 9602 9820 9216 01011704 05092 2633 4778 4508 6516 9314 0193 6103 6519 0243 0943 44000323905 5622 6689 5565 0608 3553 5532 5438 5829 8274 45002021-04-20 bangisgarko@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015886ClosedKCT Request2021-04-20Good afternoon, Please kindly provide me with KCT for meter number 54161004251 Thank you. T. Kelvin kator CCRM SUPERVISOR GBOKO REGIONMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-20NoHello, Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2021-04-20 toranyiinkator14@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015885ClosedKCT Request2021-04-20Please kindly send me the KCT number generated to this meter number 010190017927. Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-20NoHello, Wrong meter number or not captured.2021-04-20 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015884ClosedVending History2021-04-20Dear support, Kindly assist with the subject above mentioned for this MSN 54161116097Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-20NoHello, Find Attached,2021-04-20 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015883ClosedVending History2021-04-20Kindly furnish us with the VH of this meter 0101170234203 Thank u.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-20NoFind below, Transaction Details Token Details Transaction ID: 6818161884063224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-19 14:57:12 Meter No.: 0101170234203 Account No.: 6129010113-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 43.87 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 1532 3413 5390 3122 26632021-04-20 kibos2020@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015882ClosedKCT Request2021-04-20Request for KCT 62420216491 62420213258 We are still awaiting your response ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-20NoFind below, 62420216491 2294 9571 9683 2591 7685 1827 4619 8526 6622 8936 62420213258 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-20 vajimehd@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015881ClosedKCT Request2021-04-20REQUEST FOR KCT 5 0101195006867 2 TO 33 44300017959 1 TO 7 44000344877 1 TO 2Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-20NoHello, Find below, 0101195006867 2 TO 33 3417 6991 4306 7994 4119 3533 2368 5650 6101 9026 44300017959 1 TO 7 1206 2756 4804 7715 7224 6905 8890 6264 9116 3984 44000344877 1 TO 2 2337 2089 3400 0614 4488 4137 4006 0002 2495 54912021-04-20 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015880ClosedKCT Request2021-04-20Good Afternoon Sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the MSN please. 0101195007600 T02 TO T04 Best RegardsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-20Nod below, 1751 8248 0533 4821 7190 6278 2986 4824 0828 80842021-04-20 glawal1184@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015879ClosedKCT Request2021-04-20Good Afternoon Sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the MSN please. 44300000500 T33 TO T01 Best RegardsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-20NoHello, Find below, 4940 8530 0625 4121 6319 5840 0064 9230 1193 08052021-04-20 glawal1184@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015878ClosedKCT Request2021-04-2044000313112 T02 - T01 Abubakar Sadiq Gabdo CCRM REPS. Gombe Trading ZoneMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-20NoHello, Find below, 4940 8530 0625 4121 6319 5840 0064 9230 1193 08052021-04-20 ashanafagain@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015877ClosedKCT Request2021-04-20Hello sir, please kindly generate KCT from 01 to 04 for this MSN: 44000378578Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-20NoHello, Find below, 0740 6773 7922 4759 6240 0237 9499 0283 2987 46452021-04-20 yuzarsif33112269@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015876ClosedKCT Request2021-04-20Request for KCT 62420253304 62420231896 62420216814 62420152910 Kindly furnish us with the above information ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-20NoFind below, 62420253304 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62420231896 7076 5060 7460 5955 5330 2110 9419 3565 9035 6099 62420216814 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 62420152910 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-20 vajimehd@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015875ClosedKCT Request2021-04-20Please kindly send me the kct for this meter no below 0101175103262 0101200060362 0101190150314 0101190144770. 01 to 02MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-20No0101200060362 3615 5981 5756 4781 8068 5889 9678 0196 3237 9455 0101190150314 2898 9295 2659 5191 5464 6247 4794 6895 4114 2180 0101190144770. 01 to 02 6258 1078 8134 9832 8177 5074 4265 1815 6048 15372021-04-20 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015874ClosedKCT Request2021-04-20KCT GENERATION 0101195005273 Dear IT team, Please the above subject refers. Waiting for your reply Regards.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-20NoFind below, 0371 8385 0474 2735 5215 2889 5934 1353 5634 32592021-04-20 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015873ClosedKCT Request2021-04-20Request for KCT 62420219701 Kindly generate KCT tariff index 1 for the above subject ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-20NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-20 vajimehd@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015872ClosedKCT Request2021-04-20Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters. Thank you. Meter Numbers: 0101160354086 0101200001036 0101200068001 0101200056865 0101175102843 0101200056444 0101200023402 0101205008846 0101190135448Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-20NoFind below, 0101160354086 3973 3742 4995 9186 0895 5480 3903 9764 1454 8780 0101200001036 4021 2202 6380 1804 6998 0023 0395 0147 6172 4192 0101200068001 1640 6873 6250 4346 6908 4836 3846 3820 1541 5185 0101200056865 1315 4614 2918 2634 3317 1511 8294 7418 3075 3109 0101175102843 6765 0985 8179 7797 9604 2212 1955 9010 1752 9495 0101200056444 0873 9212 7160 8552 3792 5019 9945 6531 8321 9396 0101200023402 4407 6535 8627 9630 5027 1709 0415 0771 0774 4831 0101205008846 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 0101190135448 4201 9355 8697 4932 8680 4840 8340 8269 6712 65172021-04-20 ademugeorge@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015871ClosedVending History2021-04-20REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY AND OUTSTANDING BALANCE ON METER NO 04227863042 Kindly furnish us with the above information ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-20NoHello, Find below, Transaction ID: 1611161286765824 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-09 11:47:38 Meter No.: 04227863042 Account No.: 6217292518/01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionVAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 37.98 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 0629 2094 8205 5093 8949 Transaction ID: 2487161484149424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-04 08:04:54 Meter No.: 04227863042 Account No.: 6217292518/01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionVAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 37.98 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 5181 7711 8174 8592 1782 Transaction ID: 4264160992234324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-06 09:39:03 Meter No.: 04227863042 Account No.: 6217292518/01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionVAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 37.98 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 1091 7632 0586 6561 1066 Transaction ID: 5866161730878424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-01 21:26:24 Meter No.: 04227863042 Account No.: 6217292518/01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionVAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 37.98 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 1549 6626 3961 2575 1086 Transaction ID: 8113161538398724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-10 14:46:27 Meter No.: 04227863042 Account No.: 6217292518/01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionVAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 37.98 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 1483 3256 7486 5597 5857 Transaction ID: 9879161891719924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-20 12:13:19 Meter No.: 04227863042 Account No.: 6217292518/01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy SolutionVAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 37.98 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 For the DEBT no record return for the search2021-04-20 vajimehd@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015870ClosedKCT Request2021-04-20Good Afternoon Sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the MSN please. 44000337384 with tariff 01 on the meter 44000391712 with tariff 01 on the meter Best RegardsMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-20NoFind below, 44000337384 with tariff 01 on the meter 0891 4920 9479 9522 2322 0909 4858 1659 0422 7492 44000391712 with tariff 01 on the meter 6525 0158 6084 9031 3380 2346 9080 7422 7832 93122021-04-20 glawal1184@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00015869ClosedKCT Request2021-04-20Dear Sir, Kindly release the KCT of the customers below. 0101188027565 0101178035222 0101188000950 44000397065MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-20NoHello, Find below. 0101188027565 5189 9025 0239 1187 1681 1798 6763 4220 9011 9584 0101178035222 0018 5393 2692 7779 5562 2097 8161 5159 8462 9733 0101188000950 0995 0972 4508 2107 9852 5233 4648 8765 2654 9997 44000397065 4917 7219 0668 4832 0256 3314 7987 9364 6496 10952021-04-20 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00015868ClosedKCT Request2021-04-20Good Morning Sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the MSN please. 44300015250 T01 TO T03Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-20NoHello, Find below, 7019 0051 7146 3268 8245 2795 1592 6224 9337 22862021-04-20 glawal1184@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015867ClosedTamper Code2021-04-20Dear Sir, kindly avail us with the tamper code for the following meters 62420221764 62420222580 62420228058Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-20NoHello, Find below, 62420221764 3402 0569 0121 7694 6465 62420222580 5199 9249 9932 1936 0099 62420228058 2531 2825 0746 6909 77682021-04-20 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015866ClosedVending History2021-04-20Good day support Request for vending history for meter number 0101175078670.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-20NoHello, Find below, Transaction ID: 0052161052400424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-13 08:46:44 Meter No.: 0101175078670 Account No.: 6346010264-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88 Energy Cost: ₦465.12 KwH: 9.85 Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 1509 9737 3883 4810 6272 Transaction ID: 0319161710194024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-30 11:59:00 Meter No.: 0101175078670 Account No.: 6346010264-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 29.56 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 2567 6581 4738 0263 5840 Transaction ID: 0611161433067124 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-26 10:11:11 Meter No.: 0101175078670 Account No.: 6346010264-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88 Energy Cost: ₦465.12 KwH: 9.85 Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 7016 6585 2796 1474 9405 Transaction ID: 0648160995030424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-06 17:25:04 Meter No.: 0101175078670 Account No.: 6346010264-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88 Energy Cost: ₦465.12 KwH: 9.85 Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 5478 5664 8252 0534 9978 Transaction ID: 0658161225340824 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-02 09:10:08 Meter No.: 0101175078670 Account No.: 6346010264-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88 Energy Cost: ₦465.12 KwH: 9.85 Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 1311 3531 2854 0364 5206 Transaction ID: 0841161848725024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-15 12:47:30 Meter No.: 0101175078670 Account No.: 6346010264-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 20.65 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 6111 3212 0727 5418 2234 Transaction ID: 1150161348310024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-16 14:45:00 Meter No.: 0101175078670 Account No.: 6346010264-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88 Energy Cost: ₦465.12 KwH: 9.85 Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 6196 2741 2068 7980 3101 Transaction ID: 1164161821584524 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-12 09:24:05 Meter No.: 0101175078670 Account No.: 6346010264-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88 Energy Cost: ₦465.12 KwH: 10.32 Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 0150 7618 9934 3401 6296 Transaction ID: 1228161190952224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-29 09:38:42 Meter No.: 0101175078670 Account No.: 6346010264-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 19.70 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 1685 0959 4589 5331 0878 Transaction ID: 1296161414988924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-24 07:58:09 Meter No.: 0101175078670 Account No.: 6346010264-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88 Energy Cost: ₦465.12 KwH: 9.85 Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 1460 7673 1327 0256 08222021-04-20 adamushehugiade86@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015865ClosedKCT Request2021-04-2044000345056 Abubakar Sadiq Gabdo CCRM REPS. Gombe Trading ZoneMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-20NoHello, Find below, 2099 5522 7573 4748 4346 7217 4951 9574 5023 29992021-04-20 ashanafagain@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015864ClosedKCT Request2021-04-20Request for KCT 0101190005989MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-20NoThis meter has 2 customers, please kindly specify the name of customer on the meter.2021-04-20 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015863ClosedKCT Request2021-04-20Please can we have this KCT, 54150633409. ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-20NoFind below, 1509 2250 6996 1918 0067 3083 1256 6676 6556 32172021-04-20 beediesarah5@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015862ClosedKCT Request2021-04-20Hello, Find below. 0150000864705 From 01 to 46 2731 5765 3456 9783 1185 2974 3390 6879 4620 7087 0150000874118 From 01 to 04 6939 8435 9130 2340 9905 7236 9175 4144 6315 1442Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-20NoFind below, 4355 4537 1061 3086 8787 6267 3243 5761 2821 58192021-04-20 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00015861ClosedKCT Request2021-04-20Find Below 0150000864705 From 01 to 46 0150000874118 From 01 to 04MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-20NoHello, Find below. 0150000864705 From 01 to 46 2731 5765 3456 9783 1185 2974 3390 6879 4620 7087 0150000874118 From 01 to 04 6939 8435 9130 2340 9905 7236 9175 4144 6315 14422021-04-20 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00015860ClosedKCT Request2021-04-20Dear Sir, The KCT below was rejected by the meter. kindly review as the tariff index is 33 44000320943 02876144982254824198 37587505121200912917Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-20NoIt is also on 033 on our system. So, it does not require KCT. If they are facing any difficulties recharging, kindly dispatch maintenance team to troubleshoot the meter.2021-04-20 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00015859ClosedKCT Request2021-04-20Please can we have this KCT, 54150633409. ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-20NoHello, Find below, 1509 2250 6996 1918 0067 3083 1256 6676 6556 32172021-04-20 beediesarah5@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015858ClosedKCT Request2021-04-20Dear support kindly generate KCT for MSN 44000380624 -- Sent from myMail for AndroidMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-20NoFind below, 4524 4431 6773 9386 3362 0616 3327 4037 2413 27562021-04-20 jubilant95@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015857ClosedKCT Request2021-04-20Please can we have this KCT, 54150633409. ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-20NoHello, Find below, 1509 2250 6996 1918 0067 3083 1256 6676 6556 32172021-04-20 beediesarah5@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015856ClosedKCT Request2021-04-20Request for KCT 62420140741 62420214363 62420234171 62420220287 Kindly furnish us with the above information ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-20NoFind below, 62420140741 0474 5342 8084 4133 9282 7019 6205 2904 2162 8391 62420214363 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62420234171 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62420220287 3176 4544 7867 2252 9276 2253 8961 1827 3504 31722021-04-20 vajimehd@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015855ClosedKCT Request2021-04-20Good Morning Sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the MSNs please. 44000395440 01 TO 2 44000318442 01 TO 21 44000333730 01 TO 21Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-20NoHello, Find below, 44000395440 01 TO 2 4207 3191 2350 4786 3842 0686 9113 3336 9273 0613 44000318442 01 TO 21 1104 4054 9559 8506 7846 6733 8493 3471 0423 6232 44000333730 01 TO 21 To be generated later2021-04-20 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015854ClosedKCT Request2021-04-20: Request for kct to enable customer for our service. 0101195004961Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-20NoHello, This meter is on 002 on our system, which is a default for three phase meter. Hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-20 nawwalson01@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015853ClosedKCT Request2021-04-20Request for KCT 0101170402628 thanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-20NoFind below, 5786 7892 4035 6553 2036 3499 6024 5050 0463 91512021-04-20 beediesarah5@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015852ClosedKCT Request2021-04-20Request for KCT(44000396430) Dear support, Please kindly provide us with the above information. ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-20NoHello, Find below, 2251 1367 0378 1895 4172 1737 4184 7183 9448 10532021-04-20 jedplcmakurdi.capturing@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015851ClosedKCT Request2021-04-20REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200043590 Please treat.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-20NoHello, Find below, 4671 3793 6614 5718 6320 0748 8751 3986 9720 67102021-04-20 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015850ClosedKCT Request2021-04-20Good morning.Request for KCT 0101185071236Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-20NoHello, Find below, 0009 2774 9370 7265 3206 4687 0071 7721 7796 10312021-04-20 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015849ClosedKCT Request2021-04-20Request for KCT 0101161061193 and 0101170392258Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-20NoHello, Find below, 0101161061193 Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. 0101170392258 6372 6810 7919 7947 0838 2467 3608 8495 7043 72612021-04-20 beediesarah5@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015848ClosedKCT Request2021-04-2044000345056 Abubakar Sadiq Gabdo CCRM REPS. Gombe Trading ZoneMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-20NoFind below, 2099 5522 7573 4748 4346 7217 4951 9574 5023 29992021-04-20 ashanafagain@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015847ClosedKCT Request2021-04-20Dear Sir, Kindly release the KCT of the meters below. 44000320943 62420251324Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-20NoFind below, 44000320943 This meter displayed incomplete token, kindly give us time to generate the KCT. 62420251324 0759 4812 6112 6191 0315 0594 0471 8157 0458 75912021-04-20 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00015846ClosedTamper Code2021-04-20Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101200068456 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-20NoHello, Find below, 0101200068456 4927 6572 1320 7632 5163 Clear Tamper2021-04-20 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015845ClosedTamper Code2021-04-20Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101190143509 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-20NoHello, Find below, 0101190143509 5475 6147 0958 5669 8319 Clear Tamper2021-04-20 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015844ClosedTamper Code2021-04-20Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101200018337 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-20NoHello, Find below, 0101200018337 3416 9451 8480 3413 8923 Clear Tamper2021-04-20 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015843ClosedTamper Code2021-04-20Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 54161016503 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-20NoHello, Find below, 54161016503 3676 1400 9871 0532 7691 Clear Tamper2021-04-20 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015842ClosedTamper Code2021-04-20Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101170416842 ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-19NoHello, Find below, 0101170416842 3299 2928 4185 4823 6862 Clear Tamper2021-04-20 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015841ClosedKCT Request2021-04-2044000404507 T2 - T21 44000363455 T4- T21 57300014750 T02 - T21MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-20NoHello, Find below, 44000404507 T2 - T21 2196 7714 2774 4454 9546 1133 1804 3360 3439 6271 44000363455 T4- T21 4430 3750 9139 2495 9973 3418 0308 7791 3689 6092 57300014750 T02 - T21 0399 5491 9538 3348 6645 2163 7144 4830 8925 23752021-04-20 aliyusaad63@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015840ClosedKCT Request2021-04-20: Request for KCT 62420224701 Kindly generate KCT tariff index 1 for the above subject ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-20NoHello, This meter is not in our database. Kindly confirm meter number and get back to us.2021-04-20 vajimehd@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015839ClosedKCT Request2021-04-20Request for KCT 62420224701 Kindly generate KCT tariff index 1 for the above subject ThanksMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2021-04-20NoHello, This meter is not in our database. Kindly confirm meter number and get back to us.2021-04-20 vajimehd@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00015838ClosedKCT Request2021-04-20Request for 62420234767 Kindly furnish us with the above information ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-20NoHello, Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2021-04-20 vajimehd@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015837ClosedTamper Code2021-04-20Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101200009435 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-20NoHello, Find below, 0101200009435 0272 5372 2152 4745 9228 Clear Tamper2021-04-20 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015836ClosedTamper Code2021-04-20Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on these meter for support to generate tamper 0101200047211 0101200047542 0101200074009 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-20NoHello, Find below, 0101200047211 6758 7591 1693 0672 1913 0101200047542 5904 4344 1323 9436 6579 0101200074009 7062 7050 8411 0426 64972021-04-20 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015835ClosedKCT Request2021-04-20Good Evening ict , please kindly send me the kct following the meter number0101160008138 thank you Hello ictMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-20NoHello, Find below, 1156 3496 7844 2922 1636 1538 1411 5589 4507 52562021-04-20 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015834Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015833Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015832Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015831Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015830Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015829ClosedKCT Request2021-04-20Reminder Abubakar Sadiq Gabdo CCRM REPS. Gombe Trading Zone > On 19 Apr 2021, at 4:17 PM, Abubakar Sadiq Gabdo wrote: > > 44000349215 > > Abubakar Sadiq Gabdo > CCRM REPS. > Gombe Trading ZoneMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-19NoHello, Find below, 0052 9634 0572 6459 5759 1743 7030 2706 7541 57372021-04-20 ashanafagain@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015828ClosedTamper Code2021-04-20Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101200072557 0101161015793 0101170256164 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-19NoHello, Find below, 0101170256164 4480 2649 8976 8331 9536 Clear Tamper2021-04-20 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015827ClosedKCT Request2021-04-20Dear IT team, Please the above subject refers. 0101195005869 0101195007899 Waiting for your reply. Regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-19NoHello, Find below, 0101195005869 3438 0690 9673 6210 7669 6329 7371 3883 9910 0318 0101195007899 Wrong meter number or not captured.2021-04-20 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015826ClosedKCT Request2021-04-1944000309227 1 to 3 44000344612 1 to 21 44000352789 1 TO 4 44000356392 1 TO 4 44000318244 1 TO 21 44000368074 1 TO 21 44000364446 1 TO 21 44000346088 1 TO 3Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-19NoFind below, 44000309227 1 to 3 1974 0031 8573 2489 1628 5016 5791 7120 2284 1159 44000344612 1 to 21 1353 5497 7705 4385 7724 1775 2477 7852 8031 4292 44000352789 1 TO 4 4471 3798 4768 9194 8047 0466 5985 8359 2687 9281 44000356392 1 TO 4 0439 8281 1739 3911 2451 3972 0206 4280 0882 4216 44000318244 1 TO 21 6678 9261 0962 5795 8810 5525 5907 5555 1392 2506 44000368074 1 TO 21 1901 1774 1569 2653 4558 2887 4361 4621 1325 5977 44000364446 1 TO 21 4452 4715 7177 5625 1077 6892 5536 5707 5619 2883 44000346088 1 TO 3 2654 8710 7804 9912 4974 5815 9238 8096 3712 46022021-04-19 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015825ClosedVending History2021-04-19Hello, Find below, 0150000872732 4467 1210 8014 1685 0470 Clear TamperMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-19NoHello, Find below, Transaction ID: 1316161183676824 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-28 13:26:08 Meter No.: 54161039737 Account No.: 573395 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦279.07 Energy Cost: ₦3,720.93 KwH: 75.95 Amount Tendered: ₦4,000.00 7308 1087 8327 1628 9569 Transaction ID: 4815161858604124 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-16 16:14:01 Meter No.: 54161039737 Account No.: 573395 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦313.95 Energy Cost: ₦4,186.05 KwH: 85.45 Amount Tendered: ₦4,500.00 1594 7035 8417 0762 40842021-04-19 adamushehugiade86@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015824ClosedTamper Code2021-04-19New Doc 2021-04-19 10.38.21Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-19NoHello, Find below, 0150000872732 4467 1210 8014 1685 0470 Clear Tamper2021-04-19 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015823ClosedTamper Code2021-04-19Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101200072557 0101161015793 0101170256164 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-19NoHello, Find below, 0101200072557 5324 7716 7336 5392 6703 0101161015793 1554 1727 3749 3371 87332021-04-19 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015822ClosedTamper Code2021-04-19Dear Support, kindly avail us with the tamper code of the meters below. 62420229783 62420231615 62420229155 62420226326 62420232514 62420232555Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-19NoHello, Find below, 62420229783 5666 2918 9908 7995 0036 62420231615 4389 8961 0524 4695 9210 62420229155 4732 4737 7027 1679 0101 62420226326 2145 9718 0767 8590 3701 62420232514 7059 7089 7731 3254 7926 62420232555 5938 1581 1090 8449 28102021-04-19 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015821ClosedKCT Request2021-04-19Find below. 0150000894231. From 01 to 04. 0150000862261 from 01 to 02 0150000872930. From 01 to 46. Regards.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-19NoHello, Find below as requested. 0150000894231. From 01 to 04. 7063 3189 8348 0882 6949 5283 7430 7141 8289 6591 0150000862261 from 01 to 02 2703 7941 8685 8488 6670 6226 4820 4461 1599 7164 0150000872930. From 01 to 46. 4140 1811 8628 0405 2212 2222 9418 9575 9934 19622021-04-19 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00015820ClosedKCT Request2021-04-190150000894231, 0150000862261 and 0150000872930MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-19No0150000894231, 7063 3189 8348 0882 6949 5283 7430 7141 8289 6591 0150000862261 2703 7941 8685 8488 6670 6226 4820 4461 1599 7164 0150000872930 4140 1811 8628 0405 2212 2222 9418 9575 9934 19622021-04-19 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015819ClosedKCT Request2021-04-19Find Below. 0150000897929. From 01 to 03. 0150000900244. From 01to 46 0101170283838. From 01 to 45 0150000902869. From 01 to 46 0150000915010. From 01 to 46 0150000866502. From 01 to 46. 0150000870967. From 01 to 46 0150000900202. From 01 to 46 0150000873771. From 01 to 46 0150000903776. From 01 to 46.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-19NoHello, Find below as requested. 0150000897929. From 01 to 03. This meter has 2 customers on it. Please kindly very the name of customer and get back to us ASAP. 0150000900244. From 01to 46 5217 8087 8826 2322 5838 2094 5576 6196 9330 0629 0101170283838. From 01 to 45 2411 0184 6276 0888 9258 5686 5524 8302 4553 1758 0150000902869. From 01 to 46 6146 0310 1062 9800 4355 1294 6242 7669 6133 2104 0150000915010. From 01 to 46 6479 4583 7581 4151 4443 1525 8985 2325 5671 0772 0150000866502. From 01 to 46 7212 3912 6373 9813 3138 2659 0958 9810 7694 1622 0150000870967. From 01 to 46 6652 6548 3228 8149 2657 6417 4673 1903 8587 3068 0150000900202. From 01 to 46 2450 6615 4701 7438 7700 2404 2875 4763 2460 2347 0150000873771. From 01 to 46 0070 8270 3842 3849 9613 1076 5916 9241 1069 4138 0150000903776. From 01 to 46. 2508 8165 7936 3568 1507 0866 4045 5044 6736 86212021-04-19 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00015818ClosedKCT Request2021-04-19Request for KCT 44000385763Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-19No0831 5063 0665 8003 4406 3911 3157 3508 1625 91162021-04-19 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015817ClosedKCT Request2021-04-19Hello, Good Morning, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters. Thank you. Meter Numbers: 0101161032657 0101185049273 0101175105036 0101185070907 0101175104922Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-19NoFind below, 0101161032657 5120 1535 2644 5428 4755 0713 5835 4059 1159 6149 0101185049273 0001 4543 0510 6903 9051 6152 2393 9766 1963 1792 0101175105036 5983 1012 8424 4506 5281 0104 7733 6965 8800 3825 0101185070907 5597 8776 1650 4923 6527 3724 9135 3805 3991 5751 0101175104922 5658 0841 4185 6989 1601 2429 1482 6151 2237 37972021-04-19 ademugeorge@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015816ClosedKCT Request2021-04-19Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for this meter. The meter rejected token after querying it displayed 0001.Thank you. Meter Number:0101200060297Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-19No4207 1581 8555 4573 4335 1751 0345 1213 6744 76322021-04-19 ademugeorge@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015815ClosedKCT Request2021-04-19: Kct,0101200045736. Still waiting.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-19NoFind below, 4308 5651 0037 4899 0173 4812 2553 2322 5937 65532021-04-19 ummilois2@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015814ClosedTamper Code2021-04-19Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 54160918527 ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-19NoHello, Find below, 54160918527 3596 6809 0142 2394 2602 Clear Tamper2021-04-19 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015813ClosedTamper Code2021-04-19Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101200047757 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-16NoHello, Find below, 0101200047757 4104 8527 9491 7332 0625 Clear Tamper2021-04-19 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015812ClosedKCT Request2021-04-19Good morning ict , please kindly send me the kct following the meter number 0101170188128 Hello ictMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-19No6043 1502 2795 1544 8341 6224 4554 6890 0824 56202021-04-19 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015811ClosedKCT Request2021-04-19Hello, Find below. 0166 6131 1162 7883 1684 1282 8358 6444 2183 7488MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-19NoHello, Find below. 0166 6131 1162 7883 1684 1282 8358 6444 2183 74882021-04-19 ahmadmiltonfairaskira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015810ClosedKCT Request2021-04-19Request for KCT 62420213118 62420152068MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-19NoHello, Find below. 62420213118 0241 9176 5246 2729 2893 5752 6102 6803 2077 3361 62420152068 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-19 vajimehd@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015809ClosedKCT Request2021-04-19KCT please 0150000896392, 0150000899602, 0150000875206MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-19No0150000896392 1082 5319 5456 3188 3316 7252 1251 7302 8364 6745 0150000899602 1427 3059 2418 4591 0403 6028 3510 1832 9633 5947 015000087520 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2021-04-19 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015808ClosedKCT Request2021-04-19Good morning.Request for KCT 0101185048051MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-19No2604 0426 6548 9688 2786 6690 0123 6263 4550 52452021-04-19 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015807ClosedKCT Request2021-04-19Kct, 44000322188 Please treat.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-19No3131 6859 3087 0143 1525 7046 2169 9268 5282 72612021-04-19 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015806ClosedKCT Request2021-04-19KCT please 0150000858038MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-19No4379 8885 0314 2882 6691 3275 9336 8676 9112 82032021-04-19 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015805ClosedKCT Request2021-04-190150000892631. From 01 to 21 Regards.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-19No4789 3652 1448 4204 5316 1726 9497 9529 5252 48672021-04-19 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00015804ClosedKCT Request2021-04-1944000399210 T1 - T21MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-19No3741 9215 4561 9854 3105 5901 9135 1933 2922 28322021-04-19 aliyusaad63@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015803ClosedKCT Request2021-04-19Find Below. 0150000961329. From 01 to 33. Regards.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-19No4158 0012 3129 4547 4181 0961 6134 6840 7272 07832021-04-19 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00015802ClosedKCT Request2021-04-19Request for KCT 62420254922 Kindly furnish us with the above information ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-19No2820 1007 5210 7449 8012 0901 2486 4188 8704 18712021-04-19 vajimehd@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015801ClosedKCT Request2021-04-19Find Below. 0150000863574. From 01 to 46 44000387579. From 01 to 21. 0150000905185. From 01 to 45.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-19No0150000863574. From 01 to 46 4573 0441 5647 0632 3110 6859 6988 5285 2138 6285 44000387579. From 01 to 21. 0553 6631 4157 4183 9408 0628 7106 9659 0559 1149 0150000905185. From 01 to 45. 6386 2200 1800 3822 1770 6363 4448 7239 1234 30482021-04-19 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00015800ClosedKCT Request2021-04-19Good Afternoon sir, Attached is the Actual Tariff of Customers and there respective Band to Generate the right KCT . Band= C REQUEST FOR KCT Name: Justice Samson Itodo PPM Type- Q3 mojec Meter number:- No-0101175103833 Kind regardMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-19No7024 7051 4738 7176 2926 4115 9221 6688 6808 52352021-04-19 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015799ClosedKCT Request2021-04-190150000905763MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-19No0499 0718 8019 4304 6226 1405 1443 2093 5035 58482021-04-19 ahmadmiltonfairaskira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015798ClosedKCT Request2021-04-19KCT 04205312657Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-19NoFind below, 4205312657 6991 7991 1881 9104 0256 4205312657 4272 8734 4357 9158 39262021-04-19 ashanafagain@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015797ClosedKCT Request2021-04-19Request for KCT 62420215519 Kindly furnish us with the above information ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-19No2155 0201 2416 5678 6179 3151 5149 6122 2796 40532021-04-19 vajimehd@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015796ClosedKCT Request2021-04-19REQUEST FOR KCT - 44000321933 Good morning ICT team, kindly assist with the above pleaseMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-19No1874 6565 7627 4102 0268 0915 9163 7214 0276 97942021-04-19 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00015795ClosedKCT Request2021-04-1944000353407 Abubakar Sadiq Gabdo CCRM REPS. Gombe Trading ZoneMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-19No4560 3630 1705 6202 0565 4756 5303 8031 1718 60112021-04-19 ashanafagain@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015794ClosedKCT Request2021-04-19Find Below. 0150000901804. From 01 to 45 0150000888597. From 01 to 02.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-19NoFind below, 0150000901804. From 01 to 45 5927 8010 4632 9495 6020 6649 8568 0416 8819 8048 0150000888597. From 01 to 02. 0963 1109 7387 0317 0582 5813 9680 9828 7452 88202021-04-19 infortech4life@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015793ClosedKCT Request2021-04-19Request for KCT 62420230781 Kindly furnish us with the above information ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-19No6967 3459 3941 4104 4611 4256 6064 6894 5766 21352021-04-19 vajimehd@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015792ClosedKCT Request2021-04-190150000894561. From 01 46. 0150000862881. From 01 to 02 0150000887987. From 01 to 46. 0150000897564. From 01 to 04. Regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-19NoFind below, 0150000894561. From 01 46. 6020 8284 0303 5104 5110 3460 7324 6695 9340 5423 0150000862881. From 01 to 02 5955 4706 1486 3819 9779 4689 5413 5432 5050 0312 0150000887987. From 01 to 46. 1381 2637 5972 2047 2274 6454 0366 2147 8065 0573 0150000897564. From 01 to 04. 1179 1417 6480 0186 9304 2688 3339 5858 5935 70492021-04-19 infortech4life@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015791ClosedKCT Request2021-04-19Find Below. 0150000967037. From 01 to 33. Regards.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-19No5814 3403 9464 7191 9379 3131 8196 0131 9999 79312021-04-19 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00015790ClosedKCT Request2021-04-1944000353084MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-19NoFind below, 4515 8070 8935 9569 1469 6791 6710 2439 2198 64002021-04-19 ashanafagain@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015789ClosedKCT Request2021-04-1944000338598 1 TO 21 44000363455 1 TO 21 44000339927 1 TO 45 44000404507 1 TO 231 44300013735 1 TO 35Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-19No44000338598 1 TO 21 3296 0165 0415 8369 3906 6918 5059 4241 3833 5417 44000363455 1 TO 21 6893 0141 7087 9027 0251 1761 1732 2981 4110 4734 44000339927 1 TO 45 2070 7746 8247 5293 9851 2090 5430 8598 6459 0237 44000404507 1 TO 231 0420 0374 8566 7969 5422 1897 0815 0574 4275 3857 44300013735 1 TO 35 1033 7710 9105 4191 2733 0333 3005 0929 4605 84822021-04-19 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015788ClosedKCT Request2021-04-19Please kindly send me the kct for this meter no below 0101175103478. 0101161071275. 01 to 021 0101190155255.04 to 02 0101200043947Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-19NoFind below, 0101175103478. 6149 4607 7748 5710 6341 0454 9566 3391 3114 8607 0101161071275. 01 to 021 0821 9178 6835 6520 1738 0824 5289 4031 0333 8887 0101190155255.04 to 02 2047 5230 2420 5381 2337 0206 0825 6597 3837 9268 0101200043947 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-19 umarmacy@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015787ClosedKCT Request2021-04-19Kct,0101200007421 Good morning please treat.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-19No5350 7936 9625 8090 3127 5988 0841 7806 0318 55162021-04-19 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015786ClosedKCT Request2021-04-19KCT request - 44300017959Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-19No1206 2756 4804 7715 7224 6905 8890 6264 9116 39842021-04-19 stynlucs@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015785ClosedKCT Request2021-04-190150000876485Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-19No0721 2073 7705 2700 0847 5503 1915 8487 1778 63832021-04-19 ahmadmiltonfairaskira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015784ClosedKCT Request2021-04-19Dear Sir, Kindly Release the KCT of the meters below. 62320038458Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-19No3141 4191 4464 0320 6052 4908 9769 6415 0942 78472021-04-19 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015783ClosedKCT Request2021-04-19Request for KCT 62420257032 Kindly furnish us with the above information ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-19No0739 7688 6779 9381 6768 3776 4333 4365 3707 05422021-04-19 vajimehd@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015782ClosedKCT Request2021-04-19Please kindly send me the kct for this meter no below 0101200030753.04 to 01MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-19No04-01 2245 4258 4136 3016 3704 6363 7075 1297 1297 97892021-04-19 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015781ClosedKCT Request2021-04-19Please kindly send me the kct for this meter no below 57100054824.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-19NoFind below, 2722 5309 1940 6971 2751 5116 7053 2703 9666 33902021-04-19 umarmacy@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015780ClosedKCT Request2021-04-19Request for KCT 62420225260 62420218158 62420225203 Kindly furnish us with the above information ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-19NoFind below, 62420225260 0093 6638 3346 6909 4414 6669 4345 6019 5184 4189 62420218158 This meter displayed incomplete token, kindly give us time to generate the KCT. 62420225203 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-19 vajimehd@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015779ClosedKCT Request2021-04-190150000902182MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-18No4048 2183 7722 9005 0697 2847 3228 3331 5670 76982021-04-19 ahmadmiltonfairaskira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015778ClosedVending History2021-04-19Dear IT Support, Kindly furnish us with the VH of the following 0101160174310 0101160173718Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-16NoHello, Find Attached,2021-04-19 aramidee05@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015777ClosedKCT Request2021-04-190150000902588 0150000897564 0150000944713Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-19No0150000902588 0335 4146 1460 1087 2706 5566 5769 4131 9593 4518 0150000897564 1179 1417 6480 0186 9304 2688 3339 5858 5935 7049 0150000944713 0540 5844 7358 2070 4829 5631 5706 7270 2918 84002021-04-19 ahmadmiltonfairaskira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015776ClosedKCT Request2021-04-19KCT Request - 44300017959 Pls treatMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-18No1206 2756 4804 7715 7224 6905 8890 6264 9116 39842021-04-19 stynlucs@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00015775ClosedKCT Request2021-04-190150000866502Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-18No7212 3912 6373 9813 3138 2659 0958 9810 7694 16222021-04-19 ahmadmiltonfairaskira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015774ClosedKCT Request2021-04-190150000870967Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-18No6652 6548 3228 8149 2657 6417 4673 1903 8587 30682021-04-19 ahmadmiltonfairaskira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015773ClosedKCT Request2021-04-190150000860141Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-18NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-19 ahmadmiltonfairaskira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015772ClosedKCT Request2021-04-19Good afternoon please kindly assist me with the meter kCT 0101178019465 ThankMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-17NoHello, This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2021-04-19 abdulmalik3955@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015771ClosedKCT Request2021-04-19Please find below meter number to generate KCT 44300001896 Thanks CCRM ID 3703 Gombe Regional oMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-18NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-19 surefreedeen@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015770ClosedKCT Request2021-04-190150000895865Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-18NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-19 ahmadmiltonfairaskira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015769ClosedKCT Request2021-04-190150000903222Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-18No6107 5264 9008 3874 5502 1236 0077 4544 3039 64152021-04-19 ahmadmiltonfairaskira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015768ClosedKCT Request2021-04-16Please kindly Generate a kct for the following meter numbers 0101170445544 0101170313809MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-16No0101170445544 7124 9790 8812 5735 0792 4754 6456 9921 2523 0341 0101170313809 3748 7189 3164 6100 5302 2611 7518 9309 3353 73362021-04-16 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015767ClosedKCT Request2021-04-160150000904345 thanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-16NoThis is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-16 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015766ClosedRequest2021-04-16Hello Anas, Kindly provide me with customer details and debt status as discussed. Thank you for your usual support.MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2021-04-16NoFind attached2021-04-16 anersirleh@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00015765ClosedSupport2021-04-16Sir, Please be informed that the customers attached made payment on 10th & 24th Feb., 2021 respectively through Jedplc cashier, but the payments did not reflect on the customers bill nor on the customers payment history. However, if you use the USSD *347*8627# the payment is there, but not on the customers bill nor on JCS. Please sir, assist. Thanks.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-16NoHello, After going through the issue we found out that the transaction was not successful on the cashier wallet, and the wallet has not debited. And even the receipt Attached on this mail is an re-print receipt which means after the transaction failed the cashier re print it, No transaction ID on the receipt. For the other transaction it has not reflected on our system and the receipt Attached is invalid, the receipt cannot be readable. Regards.2021-04-16 yakubukyafi0023@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015764ClosedKCT Request2021-04-160150000894934. ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-16No5860 2782 6672 1420 6457 1136 5172 2993 8431 19952021-04-16 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015763ClosedKCT Request2021-04-160150000867120 KCT pleaseMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-16NoThis is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-16 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015762ClosedKCT Request2021-04-16Request for KCT 0101190152773MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-16NoThis is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-16 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015761ClosedTamper Code2021-04-16Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly vette on these meters for support to generate tamper 0101200009435 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-16NoHello, Find below, 0101200009435 3973 4121 6415 4856 7634 Clear Tamper2021-04-16 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015760ClosedKCT Request2021-04-16Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on these meter for support to generate tamper 0101200029342 0101190152401 57100053693 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-16NoHello, Find below, 0101200029342 0340 6655 9630 6361 1669 Clear Tamper 0101190152401 6166 3389 6456 2415 7733 Clear Tamper 57100053693 3872 5674 8997 3960 0179 Clear Tamper2021-04-16 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015759Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015758ClosedKCT Request2021-04-160150000874035 thanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-16NoThis is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-16 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015757ClosedTamper Code2021-04-16Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101170194936 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-16NoHello, Find below, 0101170194936 0175 8532 7135 5123 1271 Clear Tamper2021-04-16 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015756ClosedTamper Code2021-04-16Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly vette on these meters for support to generate tamper 0101200064752 0101200052773 0101190141099 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-16NoHello, Find below, 0101200064752 0558 1682 3612 4524 9767 Clear Tamper 0101200052773 2897 4269 5466 1900 4395 Clear Tamper 0101190141099 4788 5149 1666 8281 5037 Clear Tamper2021-04-16 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015755ClosedTamper Code2021-04-16Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 54161160764 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-16NoHello, Find below, 54161160764 7293 8573 7840 0509 1851 Clear Tamper2021-04-16 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015754ClosedKCT Request2021-04-160150000897929. 0150000896442 thanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-16No0150000897929 1698 1125 7505 3996 8931 0515 3447 5288 9244 6509 0150000896442 1964 9391 9035 8720 7682 4125 5492 6586 2503 64992021-04-16 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015753ClosedKCT Request2021-04-16Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000908031 Good morningMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-16No1095 2417 5015 0328 9579 0824 9847 3539 3672 40722021-04-16 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015752ClosedKCT Request2021-04-16KCT please 0150000901366Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-16No5341 6023 0796 7568 9627 3926 2714 9630 4202 86462021-04-16 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015751ClosedKCT Request2021-04-16REQUEST FOR KCT METER NO 0101195003013 RAPHEAL EKEJIDEMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-16No4394 8585 3821 6527 9930 4854 3825 0784 9449 88512021-04-16 benmercyladi@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015750ClosedTamper Code2021-04-16Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101190138368 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-16NoHello, Find below, 0101190138368 0476 2982 0453 8035 2384 Clear Tamper2021-04-16 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015749ClosedKCT Request2021-04-16Please find below meter numbers to generate KCT 44000312767 44000306686 Thanks CCRM ID 3703 Gombe Regional officeMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-16No4342 0894 8586 4169 7028 4008 3748 9419 2172 02892021-04-16 surefreedeen@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015748ClosedKCT Request2021-04-160150000874993 thanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-16NoHello, Find below, 2347 0940 0621 2240 1313 2935 6068 2855 5954 27702021-04-16 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015747ClosedKCT Request2021-04-16Good dau support Kindly generate kct for meter number 0150000901820 RegardsMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-16No3793 8784 7093 1892 7630 5637 9491 4807 1516 29642021-04-16 kabiruadamuwunti@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015746ClosedKCT Request2021-04-16KCT please 0150000874373, 0150000895550Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-16No0150000874373 Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. 0150000895550 1161 4271 1351 0013 5958 1439 8518 1690 7408 63642021-04-16 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015745ClosedKCT Request2021-04-16KCT please 0150000873599Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-16NoHello, Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2021-04-16 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015744ClosedKCT Request2021-04-16Kct, 0101160006413Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-16No4061 3114 8688 1288 5934 6613 0645 3027 0059 74162021-04-16 ummilois2@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015743ClosedKCT Request2021-04-16REQUEST FOR KCT: 44000325694, 54161168817 & 0101190010179Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-16No44000325694 6133 3416 8432 0084 3248 1017 0700 8795 5542 3628 54161168817 6922 5730 9654 1746 4965 5893 3264 1484 7789 1658 0101190010179 Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2021-04-16 samueldchun@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015742ClosedKCT Request2021-04-16Please find below meter numbers to generate KCT 44000342343 Tariff index is 25Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-16No2371 8712 9533 9888 3333 7275 9541 3471 7139 08022021-04-16 surefreedeen@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015741ClosedKCT Request2021-04-1644000400638 Abubakar Sadiq Gabdo CCRM REPS. Gombe Trading ZoneMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-16NoFind below. This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-16 ashanafagain@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015740ClosedKCT Request2021-04-1644000399210 T50 - T21Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-16No2209 2598 3736 8692 8531 5176 1086 9833 8864 91942021-04-16 aliyusaad63@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015739ClosedKCT Request2021-04-16: Request for KCT number 0101190155057MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-16No0355 9586 4195 0408 6088 0460 9703 3797 6078 23392021-04-16 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015738ClosedKCT Request2021-04-16Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000931983 Good morningMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-16NoHello, Find below. 0150000931983 0857 3400 1955 6157 6514 3807 0640 6531 2983 95472021-04-16 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015737ClosedKCT Request2021-04-16Good Morning Sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the MSNs please .44000346534 1 TO 2 44000344075 1 TO 21 44000319671 1 TO 21 44000337004 1 TO 3 44000313005 1 TO 2 44000353027 1 TO 4 04205312699Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-16NoFind below, 44000346534 1 TO 2 2293 6741 5834 4343 1076 1905 0949 8281 9217 4112 44000344075 1 TO 21 2137 4756 3098 6178 3040 3389 7995 9347 9129 6767 44000319671 1 TO 21 6046 9102 8660 0724 5379 2871 0174 2914 7765 9576 44000337004 1 TO 3 0168 2443 8325 4794 5395 1360 1768 8109 6090 5061 44000313005 1 TO 2 6304 4952 1376 6137 3543 2677 4971 0148 7955 8700 44000353027 1 TO 4 4419 3661 1558 2821 9468 6283 2229 3331 3006 5875 04205312699 4205312699 3881 2717 9803 3316 4242 4205312699 3741 1633 0082 3195 61522021-04-16 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015736ClosedKCT Request2021-04-16wrote: > > 44000384725 > > Abubakar Sadiq Gabdo > CCRM REPS. > Gombe Trading ZoneMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-16NoFind below, 7256 7109 1212 9880 6392 5672 2378 4467 1780 25582021-04-16 ashanafagain@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015735ClosedKCT Request2021-04-160150000864549. 0150000863178 thanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-16No0150000864549 2504 9668 4051 0215 8424 1027 4385 7151 9681 6211 0150000863178 3862 6161 3831 3944 8302 1629 1599 8552 9811 70492021-04-16 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015734ClosedKCT Request2021-04-16Request for KCT 0101185047913MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-16NoFind below. 3862 6161 3831 3944 8302 1629 1599 8552 9811 70492021-04-16 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015733ClosedKCT Request2021-04-16REQUEST FOR KCT -0101170246025Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-16NoHello, Find below, 1562 2844 9522 8138 6474 0669 6813 0557 1831 90842021-04-16 naomi.tegwi@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015732ClosedKCT Request2021-04-16Hello, Kindly provide us with the KCT of MSN : 0101170266577. Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-16NoHello, Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2021-04-16 anersirleh@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015731ClosedKCT Request2021-04-16Please kindly send me the KCT numbers generated to this meter numbers0101195009564, 0101200055980.thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-16NoFind below. 0101195009564 0298 2333 8567 6981 6435 3149 5183 3653 3351 7677 0101200055980 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2021-04-16 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015730ClosedKCT Request2021-04-16Please kindly send me the kct for this meter no below 0101175103262 0101190144333. 02 to 01MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-16No0101175103262 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101190144333. 02 to 01 5027 2152 9408 2317 7742 4778 2466 6600 3963 32122021-04-16 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015729ClosedKCT Request2021-04-16Good morning , please ict kindly send me the kct following meter number 0101195009564 thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-16NoHello, Find below, 0298 2333 8567 6981 6435 3149 5183 3653 3351 76772021-04-16 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015728ClosedKCT Request2021-04-16Request for KCT 0101170266577 & 0101190132650Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-16NoHello, Find below, 0101170266577 Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. 0101190132650 4977 9001 0350 6852 8579 6205 9067 8398 5623 06682021-04-16 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015727Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015726ClosedKCT Request2021-04-1644300006747 1 TO 2 44000337277 1 TO 21 44000326130 1 TO 7 44000367860 1 TO 21 44000392090 1 TO 21 44000342087 1 TO 4Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-16NoFind below, 44300006747 1 TO 2 1955 4490 3137 3206 9007 2483 6592 3480 8331 5039 44000337277 1 TO 21 3316 6586 1950 0102 0006 6299 7717 5841 4131 0535 44000326130 1 TO 7 4923 1836 4544 7445 3174 6144 3198 8356 8211 6871 44000367860 1 TO 21 7243 0998 4928 1372 9342 3411 0161 0603 7104 4869 44000392090 1 TO 21 4385 8936 7338 3851 3879 3724 1764 3550 4168 4645 44000342087 1 TO 41 2955 9371 8043 4228 1187 3107 1738 3294 6851 52432021-04-16 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015725ClosedKCT Request2021-04-16Kct,54160956220 Good please treatMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-16NoHello, Find below, 7209 7185 9240 3447 6556 4859 5961 7697 2193 07942021-04-16 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015724ClosedVending History2021-04-16Hello, Kindly provide us with the Vending History of MSN : 0101170175760. Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-16NoTransaction ID: 1219161821771624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-12 09:55:16 Meter No.: 0101170175760 Account No.: 6132241897-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88 Energy Cost: ₦465.12 KwH: 14.62 Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 5106 3303 6541 3625 8563 Transaction ID: 2461161847942824 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-15 10:37:08 Meter No.: 0101170175760 Account No.: 6132241897-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦62.79 Energy Cost: ₦837.21 KwH: 26.32 Amount Tendered: ₦900.00 4870 4026 0103 6837 3828 Transaction ID: 7813161157883824 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-25 13:47:18 Meter No.: 0101170175760 Account No.: 6132241897-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88 Energy Cost: ₦465.12 KwH: 15.60 Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 0727 9542 5734 6770 34292021-04-16 anersirleh@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015723ClosedKCT Request2021-04-16Please find below meter number to generate KCT 44000352052 Thanks CCRM ID 3703 Gombe Regional officeMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-16No6437 2963 2137 3393 3841 1499 2589 5832 0185 91882021-04-16 surefreedeen@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015722ClosedKCT Request2021-04-160150000874365 thanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-16NoHello, Wrong meter number or not captured.2021-04-16 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015721ClosedKCT Request2021-04-16Please kindly send me the KCT number generated to this meter number 0101195009564. Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-16NoHello, Please note that this meter is on 02 on our system, kindly query the and send the tariff index on the meter.2021-04-16 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015720ClosedKCT Request2021-04-16Good morning Team, Kindly assist with the above. 0101175103585 0101175101241Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-16NoFind below, 0101175103585 1712 0092 7003 6247 6661 3208 3226 3247 9816 2941 0101175101241 Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2021-04-16 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015719ClosedTamper Code2021-04-16PPM CLEAR TEMPER COMPLAINT LODGING FORM Dear Support Team Find attached the above mentioned subject for your perusal and further action.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-16NoHello, Find below, 44300003488 1209 8935 4225 3824 1991 Clear Tamper 44300010798 6665 1082 3770 2801 9297 Clear Tamper 0101170213884 6709 1001 3977 8037 6995 Clear Tamper2021-04-16 aliyusaad63@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015718ClosedVending History2021-04-16Dear IT Support, Kindly furnish us with the VH of 0101161028762. ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-16NoHello, Find Attached,2021-04-16 aramidee05@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015717ClosedKCT Request2021-04-160150000902240 KCT pleaseMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-16NoHello, Find below, 04831544311834208635 681301290469200763282021-04-16 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015716ClosedRequest2021-04-16Please the newly generated account can not be accessed on e-vending platform hence the request to enable the cashier to pay immediately 755162 we will appreciated your prompts action please.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-16NoHello, Note that your mail had been treated, the customer can now VEND. Regards.2021-04-16 obembetaye@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015715ClosedKCT Request2021-04-16Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000902836 0150000871874 0150000902315 Good morningMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-16No0150000902836 5830 9114 7879 0542 4465 3425 9475 1196 0117 3289 0150000871874 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0150000902315 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-16 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015714ClosedKCT Request2021-04-16: REQUEST FOR KCT 0101200060792MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-16No0101200060792 5411 4961 0483 3567 8831 4972 7638 2148 4098 78412021-04-16 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015713ClosedKCT Request2021-04-160150300028118 KCT PlsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-16No3830 6085 7523 0430 0026 1632 5580 5820 6340 21872021-04-16 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015712ClosedKCT Request2021-04-16KCT please 0150000910177MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-16NoHello, This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-16 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015711ClosedKCT Request2021-04-16Request for kct in respect of this account 0150300028134 from present tariff 01 Good morning.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-16NoHello, Find below as requested. 0150300028134 3471 8202 3062 4189 4976 7367 6843 4165 6308 64242021-04-16 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015710ClosedKCT Request2021-04-160150000105607 thanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-16NoHello, Wrong meter number or not captured.2021-04-16 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015709ClosedTamper Code2021-04-16Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 54161160764 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-15NoHello, Find below, 54161160764 2464 9251 8242 0829 5621 Clear Tamper2021-04-16 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015708Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015707ClosedTamper Code2021-04-16Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101190132809 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-15NoHello, Find below, 0101190132809 0451 0878 3608 6267 9054 Clear Tamper2021-04-16 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015706ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Please kindly Generate a kct for the following meter numbers 0101190004891 0101160428468 62420152068 62420254476 0150000902133 0101170376855 0101190143095 0101185070949 from 02Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-15NoFind below. 0101190004891 2616 5210 0421 1982 1449 1689 2192 6125 5162 2189 0101160428468 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62420152068 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62420254476 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0150000902133 6514 8083 1357 5588 8928 4427 9920 2659 1507 1465 0101170376855 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101190143095 6583 7983 5022 7261 6101 0176 9237 6505 2584 0880 0101185070949 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-15 bangisgarko@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015705ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for this meter to 01 to enable the meter accept Tamper Code. Thank you. Meter Number:0101190144333MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15No0101190144333 0488 0508 9876 2046 0925 4530 9272 1915 0435 32842021-04-15 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015704ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Please find below meter number to generate KCT 44000358877 Thanks CCRM ID 3703 Gombe Regional officeMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15No6403 0313 9064 1059 6056 0874 5944 1828 4564 41602021-04-15 surefreedeen@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015703ClosedKCT Request2021-04-150150000876113MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15No2990 8837 0324 6055 8928 4166 9551 4256 8186 97842021-04-15 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015702ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000859853 Good dayMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15No4449 2174 1222 3032 8794 4519 8370 0171 8657 48762021-04-15 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015701ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Request for KCT 44000369502MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15NoThis is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-15 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015700ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Please find below meter numbers to generate KCT 44000342947 44000386183 Thanks CCRM ID 3703MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15NoFind below. 44000342947 4903 2310 9350 2273 1767 4524 3526 7873 9386 7099 44000386183 1247 9247 2878 0882 9632 3150 1046 9857 4474 48102021-04-15 surefreedeen@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015699ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for this meter. The meter rejected the Token, after querying it displayed 0001.Thank you. Meter Number:0101200028708Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-15No3179 8147 1715 5899 7021 5456 2050 2625 1467 33922021-04-15 ademugeorge@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015698ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Dear sir Please can you assist us with the KCT of 54160956220. Thank you sirMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15No7209 7185 9240 3447 6556 4859 5961 7697 2193 07942021-04-15 samueldchun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015697ClosedKCT Request2021-04-1544300003884 1 TO 3 44300004429 1 TO 2MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15NoFind below. 44300003884 1 TO 3 6327 0650 6734 6657 6342 1603 9113 5831 7579 2112 44300004429 1 TO 2 5186 7142 9400 3919 6713 3385 6645 1916 9611 81432021-04-15 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015696ClosedTamper Code2021-04-15Dear IT Support Team, Kindly furnish us with CTT for the following MSNs 57300000163 54160738644 Please refer to the documents attached herewith for your referenceMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-15No 57300000163 4018 7656 4313 0390 0508 Clear Tamper 54160738644 Wrong meter number or not captured2021-04-15 mujtabaumar01@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015695ClosedKCT Request2021-04-150150000893027MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15NoThis is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-15 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015694ClosedKCT Request2021-04-150150000870991Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-15No1013 2523 0924 6274 7307 2417 2098 6884 2493 83712021-04-15 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015693ClosedKCT Request2021-04-150150000870991Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-15No1013 2523 0924 6274 7307 2417 2098 6884 2493 83712021-04-15 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015692ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Request for kct 62420214587MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15NoThis is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-15 tyoverpeter@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00015691ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Request for KCT 0150000902638Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-15NoFind below, 1067 8341 8000 0667 0941 0158 3932 4654 8170 98172021-04-15 aisha.aliyu@jedplc.com Tukur Hamid
#00015690ClosedKCT Request2021-04-150150000863186, 0150000884208, 0150000902638, 0150000900111Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-15NoFind below. 0150000863186 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0150000884208 3567 1441 4610 9280 9665 6612 1534 1583 0024 5371 0150000902638 1067 8341 8000 0667 0941 0158 3932 4654 8170 9817 0150000900111 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-15 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015689ClosedKCT Request2021-04-150150000863186, 0150000884208, 0150000902638, 0150000900111Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-15NoFind below, 0150000863186 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0150000884208 3567 1441 4610 9280 9665 6612 1534 1583 0024 5371 0150000902638 1067 8341 8000 0667 0941 0158 3932 4654 8170 9817 0150000900111 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on2021-04-15 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015688ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15KCT please 0150000858335Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-15NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-15 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015687ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Request for KCT 62420228744 Still awaiting your responseMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-15 vajimehd@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015686ClosedKCT Request2021-04-1544000392819 44000395259 Abubakar Sadiq Gabdo CCRM REPS. Gombe Trading ZoneMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15No44000395259 7164 5463 5782 9047 9287 5372 1005 0502 3939 72732021-04-15 ashanafagain@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015685ClosedKCT Request2021-04-150150000876113MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15No2990 8837 0324 6055 8928 4166 9551 4256 8186 97842021-04-15 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015684ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Please find below meter number to generate KCT 44000358877MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15No6403 0313 9064 1059 6056 0874 5944 1828 4564 41602021-04-15 surefreedeen@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015683ClosedKCT Request2021-04-150150000876113MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15No2990 8837 0324 6055 8928 4166 9551 4256 8186 97842021-04-15 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015682ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Request for KCT 0150000861099MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15No0528 7762 0064 0687 9588 2655 3682 2244 2160 18572021-04-15 aisha.aliyu@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00015681ClosedTamper Code2021-04-15Ticket #00015533 REMINDER Sir The above meter is still on open circuit after using the clear temper, you just send, please sir, help generate another. Kind regardMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-15NoHello, Please this is the third time you are sending these meter number with reissue you should take note that if this persist liaise with meter maintenances to check the meter. 0101178020984 6158 8663 0870 3893 4254 Clear Tamper2021-04-15 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015680ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Subject: KCT 44000358521 Abubakar Sadiq Gabdo CCRM REPS. Gombe Trading ZoneMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15No3290 8934 7077 3732 5505 2255 9457 8365 8862 68092021-04-15 ashanafagain@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015679ClosedKCT Request2021-04-1544000358521 Abubakar Sadiq Gabdo CCRM REPS. Gombe Trading ZoneMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15No3290 8934 7077 3732 5505 2255 9457 8365 8862 68092021-04-15 ashanafagain@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015678ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Good Afternoon Sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the MSNs please 44000338044 1 TO 21 44300017702 1 TO 4 44000357457 1 to 4 44000343309 1 to 21 44000329696 1 to 45Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-15No44000338044 1 TO 21 2591 5818 6907 0844 4450 7351 2308 5012 1408 1622 44300017702 1 TO 4 6800 1428 5538 5494 0856 0444 2485 1030 4477 2964 44000357457 1 to 4 6424 7426 1450 5519 0989 0404 3511 0029 6748 2634 44000343309 1 to 21 6870 0455 4288 9608 5473 1753 6295 7389 8650 7495 44000329696 1 to 45 2672 2160 5683 2112 0174 2081 9763 2976 5949 48412021-04-15 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015677ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for this meter from 02 to 01 and 01 to 02 as advised by Metering unit.Thank you. Meter Number:0101200009989MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15No1475 7297 4219 2564 0046 1234 7487 0895 4484 52192021-04-15 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015676ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000859853 Good dayMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15No4449 2174 1222 3032 8794 4519 8370 0171 8657 48762021-04-15 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015675ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Request for KCT 44000369502MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15NoThis is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-15 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015674ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Please find below meter numbers to generate KCT 44000342947 44000386183 Thanks CCRM ID 3703MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15No44000342947 4903 2310 9350 2273 1767 4524 3526 7873 9386 7099 44000386183 1247 9247 2878 0882 9632 3150 1046 9857 4474 48102021-04-15 surefreedeen@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015673ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Please kindly send me the kct for this meter no below 0101200008452. 01 to 02MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15NoHello, This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-15 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015672ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Request for KCT 54160867518MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15NoHello, This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-15 ericjames346@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015671ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters. Thank you. Meter Numbers: 0101185070949 0101190143095Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-15NoFind below, 0101185070949 This meter displayed incomplete token, kindly give us time to generate the KCT. 0101190143095 6583 7983 5022 7261 6101 0176 9237 6505 2584 08802021-04-15 ademugeorge@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015670ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200030068MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15No7020 5846 8767 9186 4599 6688 9974 1505 1701 35732021-04-15 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015669ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200007314MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15No5265 5263 1461 9714 9736 6762 0501 9654 7278 99182021-04-15 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00015668ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for this meter from 02 to 01 and 01 to 02 as advised by Metering unit.Thank you. Meter Number:0101200009989MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15No1475 7297 4219 2564 0046 1234 7487 0895 4484 52192021-04-15 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015667ClosedKCT Request2021-04-150150000859861MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15NoHello, This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-15 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015666ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Find Below 0150000864549 From 01 to 21 0150000876113 From 01 to 46Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-15No0150000864549 From 01 to 21 2504 9668 4051 0215 8424 1027 4385 7151 9681 6211 0150000876113 From 01 to 46 2990 8837 0324 6055 8928 4166 9551 4256 8186 97842021-04-15 infortech4life@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00015665ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Please ict kindly send me kct following meter number 57100038470, thank youMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-15No5844 4812 3232 2371 6925 2539 6222 9779 5794 31092021-04-15 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015664ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Please kindly send me the kct following meter number0101170374421 thank youMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-15No1335 5695 1380 5833 1672 6876 3189 7291 1787 62272021-04-15 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015663ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Request for KCT 62420224602Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-15NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-15 vajimehd@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015662ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Hello, Good afternoon, Kindly assist with KCT from 02 to 01.Thank you. Meter Number:0101190147120Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-15No0101190147120 3721 3676 4709 2172 3316 1391 1985 2975 9820 79662021-04-15 ademugeorge@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015661ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Request for KCT 0150000864549MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15No2504 9668 4051 0215 8424 1027 4385 7151 9681 62112021-04-15 aisha.aliyu@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00015660ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Hello, Good afternoon, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters. Thank you. Meter Numbers: 0101200038137 0101200049472 0101200020002 0101200069199 0101200001275Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-15NoFind below, 0101200038137 1380 8997 8980 5256 9621 7023 4875 2018 5625 5250 0101200049472 2535 5552 8830 3487 5754 3949 9279 1595 7535 5277 0101200020002 4137 4861 7784 4324 1185 2110 6112 1673 2442 1262 0101200069199 1480 0500 5601 8257 5926 0419 3509 6659 5456 1731 0101200001275 4561 8263 4962 8593 9724 2328 1456 6975 0215 59862021-04-15 ademugeorge@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015659ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Request for KCT 0150000859887MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15NoThis is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-15 aisha.aliyu@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00015658ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15KCT please 0150000910011, 0150000857402Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-15NoFind below, 0150000910011 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0150000857402 6456 8991 0390 9712 3289 5350 8677 5072 8668 54512021-04-15 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015657ClosedKCT Request2021-04-150150000859325 thanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-15No5796 4873 9907 4792 5322 5406 7493 5675 2500 77352021-04-15 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015656ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Request for KCT 54160888464MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15No1849 3126 0287 5343 8496 2348 8753 2753 0801 04832021-04-15 aisha.aliyu@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00015655ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Request for KCT 62420195646MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15NoThis is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-15 vajimehd@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015654ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Find Below 54161039661. From 01 to 33 54161120909. From 01 to 04. Regards.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15No54161039661. From 01 to 33 Expect for this soon 54161120909. From 01 to 04. 1048 3091 7599 4513 3303 6112 1227 0193 2292 47822021-04-15 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00015653ClosedKCT Request2021-04-1544000400901 1 TO 4 44000351195 1 TO 2MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15No44000400901 1 TO 4 2157 2302 9527 6488 2800 4745 6056 1205 7326 8909 44000351195 1 TO 2 3797 2020 1101 0749 8792 6855 6968 7556 7648 69812021-04-15 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015652ClosedTamper Code2021-04-15Dear Sir, Kindly avail us with the tamper clearing code for the meters below. 62420139024 62420229793 62420220378 62420252538 Regards...Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-15NoFind below, 62420139024 5868 7163 3256 9563 4062 62420229793 Wrong meter number or not captured. 62420220378 3892 8824 4169 7004 6808 62420252538 5018 6330 7625 6426 78602021-04-15 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015651ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15REQUEST FOR KCT 44000324176MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15No6107 1169 5674 1900 7475 5838 9334 7379 8289 86332021-04-15 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015650ClosedTamper Code2021-04-15Good day, Attached is for the above subject matter for your further action. Thanks.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-15NoFind below, 0150000896103 3022 8645 9488 8712 1522 Clear Tamper2021-04-15 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015649ClosedTamper Code2021-04-15Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 57100009661 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-15NoFind below, 57100009661 7303 9267 0197 6409 3305 Clear Tamper2021-04-15 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015648ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Dear IT team, Please the above subject refers 44000317097 Regards.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15No4570 6555 7692 1824 2784 5203 9608 9054 8565 19382021-04-15 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015647ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15051000916331 051000900707Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-15NoHello, These are not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter numbers.2021-04-15 arabiraji015@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015646ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15051000900707MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15No051000916331 Hello, This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 051000900707 Hello, This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2021-04-15 arabiraji015@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015645ClosedKCT Request2021-04-150150000858814Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-15No0214 3983 2918 6423 1740 0750 8832 1414 4408 70712021-04-15 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015644ClosedKCT Request2021-04-150150000910607, 0150000864366 and 0150000879779Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-15No0150000910607 4033 7903 3497 5881 9676 5348 5331 5918 9444 0420 0150000864366 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0150000879779 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2021-04-15 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015643ClosedKCT Request2021-04-1557100025592 0101161034661 0101170232850 44000376580 44000385516Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-15No57100025592 6025 2427 9097 6905 6436 5984 8380 0296 8524 0516 0101161034661 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101170232850 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 44000376580 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 44000385516 Kindly provide us the name or the account number of the customer.2021-04-15 abubakarumar4102@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015642ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Request for KCT 44000397396Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-15No3299 6239 7415 8886 0144 7253 1565 7571 1357 41232021-04-15 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015641ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Request for KCT 44000397396MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15No3299 6239 7415 8886 0144 7253 1565 7571 1357 41232021-04-15 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015640ClosedKCT Request2021-04-150150000875677 and 0150000866940MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15No0150000875677 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0150000866940 0411 7773 5484 2356 3024 2235 0215 1597 2680 10742021-04-15 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015639ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Good morning sir. Please kindly provide this customer 0101195006008 kct thank you. Index=0002 SGC=600419.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15No0792 5617 7966 8648 1343 0810 9979 4256 8153 60122021-04-15 okadonyesimona@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015638ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Dear Support, Please generate KCT for this MSN. 0101190138236 RegardsMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15NoFind below. This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-15 uduhaleje@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015637ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15: Request for KCT 62420213407MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15NoHello, This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-15 vajimehd@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015636ClosedTamper Code2021-04-15Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on these meter for support to generate tamper 0101190135653 0101200008452 0101190141768 0101190008777 0101190152525 0101200045082 0101190142592 0101190134342 0101190136305 0101200017289 0101200020788 0101200072243 0101190154381 0101190145652 0101190139077 0101200081699 0101200016133 0101190149050 0101190151684 0101200029342 0101190152401 0101200000640 0101190143715 0101190144416 0101190143731 0101190137626 0101190150322 0101200019780 0101200020135 0101200018915 0101190152864 0101190148243 0101190144531 0101190139010 0101200019418 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-15NoFind below, 0101190135653 4535 6702 0023 0495 2451 0101200008452 1304 7154 5349 0705 0358 0101190141768 6417 3754 9468 5218 2956 0101190008777 1322 6050 2198 7132 2326 0101190152525 Wrong meter number or not captured. 0101200045082 1108 2721 9876 9119 8848 0101190142592 0853 4673 6167 4711 5942 0101190134342 5502 1767 5186 2691 4307 0101190136305 3433 8797 3474 5893 5578 0101200017289 0311 5281 5237 0566 4962 0101200020788 5988 0386 4878 1804 5228 0101200072243 6984 6100 0112 1120 3583 0101190154381 Wrong meter number or not captured. 0101190145652 2335 2024 0688 5530 4487 0101190139077 6806 3471 1227 1669 6829 0101200081699 4347 0517 1239 7382 2076 0101200016133 5418 1536 8553 8377 8731 0101190149050 6740 2672 9066 2095 0408 0101190151684 3728 1163 3065 5968 2171 0101200029342 1373 8714 3461 9978 9462 0101190152401 1219 4935 9006 7643 0651 0101200000640 2533 9752 2878 7184 6771 0101190143715 4409 2876 9746 9420 5418 0101190144416 1110 2206 9271 6760 7490 0101190143731 1430 6853 4586 7097 2869 0101190137626 0345 0918 3379 1412 5037 0101190150322 2547 3760 8192 7737 0305 0101200019780 2423 6779 0312 6465 8276 0101200020135 3332 2348 9666 4043 6192 0101200018915 1869 1335 4441 4553 9704 0101190152864 6701 9515 4278 8847 5166 0101190148243 4329 6790 4819 9357 3381 0101190144531 5876 6819 5746 9001 0688 0101190139010 0834 0646 6535 5518 4302 0101200019418 6185 1254 3455 3663 21672021-04-15 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015635ClosedVending History2021-04-15Kindly furnish us with the VH of this meter 0101161041609 Thank u.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-15NoFind the VH below, Transaction Details Token Details Transaction ID: 8990161288802924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-09 17:27:09 Meter No.: 0101161041609 Account No.: 577917 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 56.96 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 2536 3503 0594 4038 30622021-04-15 kibos2020@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015634ClosedTamper Code2021-04-15Good morning, Attached is for the above subject matter for your further action. Thanks.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-15NoHello, Find below, 0150000872732 wrong meter number or not captured. 0150000893209 2627 8498 8369 2091 7173 Clear Tamper 0150000868813 1113 6647 7931 3206 5564 Clear Tamper 0150000931934 2257 9504 1588 8768 5765 Clear Tamper 0150000931983 2295 4903 6906 8588 9675 Clear Tamper2021-04-15 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015633ClosedKCT Request2021-04-150150000858814MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15No0214 3983 2918 6423 1740 0750 8832 1414 4408 70712021-04-15 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015632ClosedKCT Request2021-04-1504182043366 T04 - T14Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-15No5170 6560 3146 9521 6293 5744 5812 9540 7304 01182021-04-15 ashanafagain@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015631ClosedTamper Code2021-04-15Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101200072557 0101161015793 0101170256164Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-15NoHello, Find below, 0101200072557 5324 7716 7336 5392 6703 0101161015793 1554 1727 3749 3371 87332021-04-15 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015630ClosedTamper Code2021-04-15Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101170373621 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-15NoHello, Find below, 0101170373621 4331 8660 3631 4824 7171 Clear Tamper2021-04-15 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015629ClosedTamper Code2021-04-15Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 54161014110 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-15NoHello, Find below, 54161014110 0361 8562 3602 7703 0257 Clear Tamper2021-04-15 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015628ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Hello Kindly assist with KCT for this meter number 0101160017287MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15No6664 0743 2831 9948 7430 1188 3080 0637 5618 69802021-04-15 tkhadija028@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015627ClosedKCT Request2021-04-150150000897457 , 0150000905748 and 0150000858343MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15No0150000897457 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0150000905748 0398 9144 1983 2225 8180 4922 1072 4198 2569 7895 0150000858343 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-15 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015626ClosedKCT Request2021-04-150150000871874. 0150000902315 thanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15NoHello, This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter numbers.2021-04-15 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015625ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Dear support, Please assist with the subject above for this MSN 44000387991.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15No2563 4675 1781 1237 7900 4674 3797 5647 1858 48242021-04-15 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00015624ClosedKCT Request2021-04-150150000891633 thanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-15No4602 3443 4534 7884 8257 1710 3819 8315 1958 34702021-04-15 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015623ClosedKCT Request2021-04-1544000384022 1 TIO 4 44000348928 1 TO 21 44000336865 1 TO 21 44300010525 1 TO 4 44000353217 1 TO 21 44000342616 1 TO 21Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-15No44000384022 1 TIO 4 This meter displayed incomplete token, kindly give us time to generate the KCT. 44000348928 1 TO 21 5933 3422 7521 7625 0065 6747 7272 3620 6747 5679 44000336865 1 TO 21 2701 9458 4026 4287 4101 5255 0398 9033 8825 1621 44300010525 1 TO 4 1516 1942 8704 4255 5076 6296 3448 1415 4561 7163 44000353217 1 TO 21 2770 9658 5364 2482 4023 0162 6905 9948 4748 3467 44000342616 1 TO 21 0096 9817 8519 6655 6908 4425 3621 0880 2614 59312021-04-15 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015622ClosedKCT Request2021-04-150150000875677 and 0150000866940Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-15No0150000875677 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0150000866940 0411 7773 5484 2356 3024 2235 0215 1597 2680 10742021-04-15 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015621ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Please find below meter number to generate KCT 04234120527MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15No7142 8306 5449 0191 1930 0931 4828 2896 2843 27082021-04-15 surefreedeen@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015620ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15REQUEST FOR KCT Morning. Please kindly furnish me with the KCT of the attached meters. Thanks for your support.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-15NoFind below the remaining KCTs, 0150000970536 43063616595918471688 01343197533200551529 0150000964567 Wrong STS meter 0150000950116 62689409485641763993 442200081903355176122021-04-15 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015619ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15REQUEST FOR KCT 44000324176Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-15No6107 1169 5674 1900 7475 5838 9334 7379 8289 86332021-04-15 longpuan@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015618ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Find Below 0150000886708 FROM 01 TO 02 0150000904113 FROM 01 TO 46 0150000874506 FROM 01 TO 08Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-15No0150000886708 FROM 01 TO 02 4995 6891 9394 2207 3255 1215 3391 8931 9319 5754 0150000904113 FROM 01 TO 46 5010 7100 9329 2122 3314 1032 3685 6658 3859 7116 0150000874506 FROM 01 TO 08 1401 4879 0129 9247 8309 2288 1074 6099 9569 25612021-04-15 infortech4life@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015617ClosedVending History2021-04-15Request for Itron Vending History 54150636055 Dear IT Support Team, Kindly furnish us with the above subject please.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-15NoFind attached.2021-04-15 mujtabaumar01@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015616ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Request for kct - 0101170172775Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-15No5609 0261 3805 3069 9608 2074 6896 9935 2084 03972021-04-08 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015615ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Request for kct - 0101170172775Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-15No5609 0261 3805 3069 9608 2074 6896 9935 2084 03972021-04-15 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015614ClosedKCT Request2021-04-150150000896111 thanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-15NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-15 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015613ClosedVending History2021-04-15Request for Itron Vending History 54150636055 Dear IT Support Team, Kindly furnish us with the above subject please. -- Regards,MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15NoHello, Find Attached 2016/2017,2019and 2020 2018 not found2021-04-15 mujtabaumar01@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015612ClosedVending History2021-04-15REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY AND OUTSTANDING BALANCE METER NO 54160955727 Kindly furnish us with the above information ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-15NoTransaction Details Token Details Transaction ID: 1177161676782824 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-26 15:10:28 Meter No.: 54160955727 Account No.: 649717 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 31.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 5360 7923 7537 0490 6455 Transaction ID: 1627161643067424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-22 17:31:14 Meter No.: 54160955727 Account No.: 649717 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 46.81 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 2273 6385 4342 3472 8768 Transaction ID: 1774161772549624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-06 17:11:36 Meter No.: 54160955727 Account No.: 649717 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 43.87 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 2474 1029 9836 8003 9865 Transaction ID: 1996161514286924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-07 19:47:49 Meter No.: 54160955727 Account No.: 649717 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦202.33 Energy Cost: ₦2,697.67 KwH: 90.50 Amount Tendered: ₦2,900.00 0374 9985 1509 3301 0985 Transaction ID: 2118161453674824 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-28 19:25:48 Meter No.: 54160955727 Account No.: 649717 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦62.79 Energy Cost: ₦837.21 KwH: 28.08 Amount Tendered: ₦900.00 4703 1221 9030 1711 2375 Transaction ID: 3167161717365024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-31 07:54:10 Meter No.: 54160955727 Account No.: 649717 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 62.41 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 1270 3020 2993 2552 8971 Transaction ID: 3813161234803424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-03 11:27:14 Meter No.: 54160955727 Account No.: 649717 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 156.03 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 0545 5507 8471 8435 4557 Transaction ID: 3833161824333624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-12 17:02:16 Meter No.: 54160955727 Account No.: 649717 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 58.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 0301 7262 9367 4043 3582 Transaction ID: 4931161468758124 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-02 13:19:41 Meter No.: 54160955727 Account No.: 649717 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 62.41 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 4445 8661 8070 4426 2836 Transaction ID: 5931161553074624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-12 07:32:26 Meter No.: 54160955727 Account No.: 649717 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦202.33 Energy Cost: ₦2,697.67 KwH: 90.50 Amount Tendered: ₦2,900.00 3682 7768 7870 2456 08242021-04-15 vajimehd@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015611ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Subject: Request for KCT 0101200071047Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-15No6922 7151 8065 3955 2627 1903 1664 5074 6077 28962021-04-15 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015610ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000863723 Good morningMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-15No2484 6397 8717 0622 0245 3670 8856 7984 8407 43552021-04-15 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015609ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Find Below 0150000888258 from 01 to 21 Regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-15No0638 5235 1574 2887 1881 1194 7415 7940 8335 95512021-04-15 infortech4life@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015608ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Request for KCT 62420213407Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-15NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-15 vajimehd@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015607ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Morning. Please kindly furnish me with the KCT of the attached meters. Thanks for your support.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-15NoFind attached2021-04-15 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015606ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Please kindly assist as the above subject refers; 0150000950140. Thank you.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-15No5894 6931 3212 4571 7108 3111 5726 2936 4484 93062021-04-15 munahrab2016@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015605ClosedKCT Request2021-04-1554160903404 From 01 to 21 RegardsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-15NoFind below, 7168 4861 4325 3580 0666 1045 7179 1957 9402 17122021-04-15 infortech4life@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015604ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Find Below 0150000892839 From 01 to 4 RegardsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-15No2198 5451 6285 3960 4051 2354 6384 6572 3293 87122021-04-15 infortech4life@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015603ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Good Morning Sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the MSNs please. 44000344281 1 TO 21 44000351278 1 TO 33 44000337756 1 TO 2 44300002118 1 TO 2MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15No44000344281 1 TO 21 6952 0127 7479 1529 4796 4349 2199 6108 9519 5299 44000351278 1 TO 33 6214 4253 8834 0727 9820 7344 8365 2338 2294 6669 44000337756 1 TO 2 1432 7795 3654 0491 7319 5484 3238 0868 4189 8855 44300002118 1 TO 2 6184 2474 3603 2561 0398 1576 5427 3405 8863 28242021-04-15 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015602ClosedKCT Request2021-04-150150000912348 KCT pleaseMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15NoThis is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-15 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015601ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Please find below meter number to generate KCT 44000364222 Thanks CCRM ID 3703Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-15No6886 9146 7499 8652 1745 6212 9533 5402 4012 66582021-04-15 surefreedeen@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015600ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Request for KCT 62420227456 62420225203MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15No62420227456 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62420225203 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-15 vajimehd@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015599ClosedKCT Request2021-04-150150000857394 thanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-15No5510 9995 3477 8665 6965 5242 0481 5039 1695 66422021-04-15 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015598ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Please find below meter number to generate KCT 44000342343Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-15NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-15 surefreedeen@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015597ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Good morning.Request for KCT 0101200038053MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15No4200 8440 2258 8926 2196 3503 2559 9535 7294 63532021-04-15 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015596ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15: Request for KCT 0101190133948MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15NoThis is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-15 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015595ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Good morning, please assist me with the KCT numbers of this meters. (1) 0101175104013 tariff index is 0002 3phase and is commercial (2) 0101200063754 tariff index is 0004 ci. Thanks Regard Lawal Umar Shanono 3243 Tafawa balewa feeder.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15No0101175104013 5284 0052 2923 9914 8559 4209 8266 0916 2144 9913 0101200063754 2712 6488 0707 1052 7142 5736 7018 8156 0275 86352021-04-15 shanono89@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015594ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Please find below meter numbers to generate KCT 44000359735 44000359941 44000377364 44000326510 44000395432 44000343275 44000329126 44000360220 04222160444 44000332344Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-15No44000359735 3672 1150 3135 4436 7908 6790 4950 1880 3544 9187 44000359941 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 44000377364 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 44000326510 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 44000343275 3723 3037 0259 4332 8985 2246 1143 6257 5774 6618 44000329126 0127 9672 3474 3775 0070 5235 7387 9130 3458 6144 44000360220 2492 6653 3986 3717 2101 1928 0329 7168 2340 6549 04222160444 4053 5617 8775 4907 6987 1981 8217 9755 8082 4476 44000332344 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on2021-04-15 surefreedeen@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015593ClosedKCT Request2021-04-1544000350957 1 TO 21 44000355790 1 TO 21 44300016258 1 TO 4 44000364263 1 TO 21MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15No44000350957 1 TO 21 2121 5843 3488 2144 3295 4389 3627 7800 8010 2256 44000355790 1 TO 21 6597 6079 2839 8498 6239 1002 5186 0551 1731 8294 44300016258 1 TO 4 2635 3436 6945 3786 7565 0061 6051 7241 3747 0111 44000364263 1 TO 21 4959 6036 2577 6183 8825 5620 5049 5307 4209 69092021-04-15 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015592ClosedKCT Request2021-04-150150000898505 thanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-15NoThis meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-15 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015591ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Request for KCT 0101190133427Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-15No5568 7412 1195 5208 0996 4875 9392 7941 9065 77542021-04-15 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015590ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Request for KCT 62420219701 62420252959 62420234791 62420227456Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-15NoHello, These meters are on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meters and let us know which tariff index they are on.2021-04-15 vajimehd@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015589ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Request for KCT 62420220451MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15No4953 8208 7692 2329 7566 6464 2679 9057 4736 03382021-04-15 vajimehd@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015588ClosedKCT Request2021-04-150150000863400. 0150000895360 thanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15No0150000863400 4315 0738 7109 5793 7660 6613 6431 8095 9214 7184 0150000895360 0701 6083 2669 2443 5723 4726 8086 3453 1197 76652021-04-15 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015587ClosedTamper Code2021-04-15Dear Support/Audit Team, Please Kindly Vette on those MSN for support to generate a clear tamper code to enable those customers have our good services. 0101190139754 0101200003057 0101190143608 0101200025183 0101200008106 0101200064661 0101190150553 0101200059208 0101200040695 0101190151346 0101190150058 0101190139663 0101190137444 0101200064661 0101190150553 0101200059208 0101190151346 0101170445544 0101170313809 0101200009203 0101200043475 0101200052773 0101190032396 0101190136263 0101170368134. 0101190141099 0101190141164 0101200023162 57100079219Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-14No0101190139754 5842 5844 9933 6600 1443 0101200003057 1989 3068 4075 0038 0471 0101190143608 1211 3101 6967 5941 0469 0101200025183 3785 4324 6258 1656 5268 0101200008106 4543 8220 5486 1928 7004 0101200064661 6135 5352 0308 8224 6172 0101190150553 1316 0188 9521 2851 5993 0101200059208 6018 4540 7204 4081 2847 0101200040695 1769 3728 9189 4108 8060 0101190151346 5495 4824 0515 7182 6200 0101190150058 3902 7138 5715 4022 0038 0101190139663 3111 4757 7371 9104 3674 0101190137444 2783 6576 7821 8924 7124 0101200064661 2312 9497 8360 8343 1524 0101190150553 6146 7986 7950 1362 3694 0101200059208 2122 3343 5450 9124 2747 0101190151346 3567 8718 0703 4698 1260 0101170445544 5636 3034 4228 2270 1005 0101170313809 1938 1273 4408 4143 3262 0101200009203 4825 4587 4149 0526 2077 0101200043475 0901 2161 5411 2244 8325 0101200052773 2022 9696 4626 3111 3154 0101190032396 Wrong MSN or not captured. 0101190136263 2851 8236 5312 5746 2925 0101170368134. 4966 7418 7221 3960 0190 0101190141099 3043 5160 5715 8219 4448 0101190141164 3856 5988 1911 9626 9576 0101200023162 5514 3002 2341 9662 2983 57100079219 4214 9086 6664 3039 77012021-04-15 bangisgarko@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015586ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Please kindly send me the kct for this meter no below 0101190142964 0101200033583MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15No0101190142964, 0101200033583 These are Single Phase Residential (01) meters, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meters and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-15 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015585ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Please kindly provide me with KCT for meter number 0101195006008. Thank you. T. KELVIN KATOR CCRM SUPERVISORMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15No5540 4070 0388 5487 7546 0699 3676 2796 1145 13412021-04-15 toranyiinkator14@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015584ClosedTamper Code2021-04-15Dear Support, Kindly reissue this tamper 0101200075543 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-12No0101200075543 4963 3508 9342 6584 8633 Clear Tamper2021-04-15 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015583ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Good morning, please help me with the KCT number of this meter 0101200063754. Thanks. Regard Lawal Umar Shanono 3243 Tafawa balewa feeder.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15No2712 6488 0707 1052 7142 5736 7018 8156 0275 86352021-04-15 shanono89@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015582ClosedTamper Code2021-04-15Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101170423426 0101190149944 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-14No0101170423426 1075 9642 6077 0647 2380 Clear Tamper 0101190149944 5739 2333 5364 1290 5985 Clear Tamper2021-04-15 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015581ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000874217 Good morningMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15No1925 6306 8325 0886 2069 2096 1782 7908 2056 18452021-04-15 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015580ClosedTamper Code2021-04-15Dear Support/aUDIT tEAM, Kindly vette on this meters for support generate tamper 57300001864 0101190145983 0101160047706 0101170423426 0101190032396 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-14No57300001864 2364 3320 0542 1321 6579 0101190145983 6612 1881 1073 3704 5739 0101160047706 6933 8874 9488 5787 8086 0101170423426 2968 9970 5632 8503 0798 0101190032396 Wrong meter number or not captured.2021-04-15 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015579ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000902133 Good morningMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15No6514 8083 1357 5588 8928 4427 9920 2659 1507 14652021-04-15 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015578ClosedKCT Request2021-04-15Hello Good Morning, sir please kindly generate KCT from 01 to 21 for this MSN: 0101200050769 Thank YouMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-15No5948 5847 3072 0540 3243 5203 9659 1469 6545 26832021-04-15 yuzarsif33112269@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015577ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Please find below meter numbers to generate KCT 44000368447 44000368413 44000326098MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-14No44000368447 3906 3364 1687 4883 4718 1909 8679 2859 4635 8371 44000368413 3901 7235 8297 5398 6894 3251 9961 3794 8716 9316 44000326098 6746 1947 4876 6398 1784 5152 0440 2508 5613 5157s2021-04-14 surefreedeen@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015576ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters. Thank you. Meter Numbers: 0101200001515 0101200001820 0101200063754 0101200075964 0101160003394 0101170365890 0101200069108Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14No0101200001515 6816 2646 1670 0584 2890 6783 9219 1974 1599 4549 0101200001820 4075 0859 9605 8555 9336 2863 0298 0009 4813 1785 0101200063754 2712 6488 0707 1052 7142 5736 7018 8156 0275 8635 0101200075964 6508 6082 4187 2243 0776 4830 0468 1292 8473 3737 0101160003394 1055 3234 9002 4781 2199 0584 9270 2413 3145 8931 0101170365890 4901 6928 0935 8957 9945 6101 0791 2677 6655 9405 0101200069108 5913 9743 5357 5833 0335 6133 4236 0695 4467 10442021-04-14 ademugeorge@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015575ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Please kindly send me the kct for this meter no below 44000379253Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14No5231 5864 9288 4198 1695 7337 9893 6684 2763 43752021-04-14 umarmacy@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015574ClosedKCT Request2021-04-140101200057509Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14No1708 9077 8303 5987 6398 1070 7961 1281 7801 03812021-04-14 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015573ClosedKCT Request2021-04-140150000904114 thanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14NoThis is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2021-04-14 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015572ClosedKCT Request2021-04-140150000874043Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-14NoSingle phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2021-04-14 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015571ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14KCT request - 0101200006159Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14No1807 3110 2332 7008 2094 0309 8997 1123 1142 02292021-04-14 stynlucs@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00015570ClosedKCT Request2021-04-140150000857162Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14No5775 2603 8703 9423 8486 0421 1231 0376 5691 01852021-04-14 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015569ClosedKCT Request2021-04-1444000355941 0101170162495 44000362929 Abubakar Sadiq Gabdo CCRM REPS. Gombe Trading Zone On 14 Apr 2021, at 4:37 PM, Abubakar Sadiq Gabdo wrote: 44000355941 0101170162495 44000362929 Abubakar Sadiq Gabdo CCRM REPS. Gombe Trading ZoneMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14No44000355941 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 0101170162495 6036 8534 8543 3847 7798 5831 3178 9447 0800 9436 44000362929 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-14 ashanafagain@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015568ClosedKCT Request2021-04-140150000902877 thanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14No4002 5141 9319 0730 1347 3288 7009 8279 2202 93262021-04-14 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015567ClosedKCT Request2021-04-140150000862899 KCT pleaseMedium 2021-04-14No7103 5555 1781 8954 9655 6954 9914 9696 7933 80532021-04-14 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com
#00015566ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Hello, Good afternoon, Kindly assist with KCT for this meter from 02 to 01.Thank you. Meter Numbers: 0101200033872 0101200046999Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14No0101200033872 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101200046999 5785 9182 2129 9839 2051 1943 7750 3442 4922 32162021-04-14 ademugeorge@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015565ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Please kindly send me the kct following the meter number 44000373108 thank you ictMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-14No2542 0422 3441 2911 9254 4372 0682 9939 1469 25362021-04-14 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015564ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Request for Roll-over KCT 04223505449Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14NoThis meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-14 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015563ClosedKCT Request2021-04-140150000858673. 0150000861792 thanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-14No0150000858673, 0150000861792 These are Single Phase Residential (01) meters, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meters and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-14 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015562ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Kindly assist with KCT for these meters. Thank you. Meter Numbers: 0101200001309 0101190139036 0101200050397MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-14No0101200001309 4559 7607 0512 7450 8576 0943 8204 8506 4510 2934 0101190139036 1554 6109 4232 3312 8745 2051 7400 6071 1975 9099 0101200050397 3015 4084 1312 1745 4670 4814 6318 1140 7852 83332021-04-14 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015561ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14KCT please 0150000910615MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-14No1476 3214 9053 5118 3580 3066 0541 7742 2175 20432021-04-14 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015560ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Please find below meter number to generate KCT 04172830665MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-14NoThis is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-14 surefreedeen@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015559ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Request for KCT 04169515790MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-14NoThis is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-14 aisha.aliyu@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00015558ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Please find below meter number to generate KCT 0101170162495 44000362929Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-14NoFind below, 0101170162495 6036 8534 8543 3847 7798 5831 3178 9447 0800 9436 44000362929 Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2021-04-14 surefreedeen@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015557ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14REQUEST FOR KCT -0101200077697Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-14No0276 5277 7624 4882 5682 3474 1275 1668 2232 44122021-04-14 naomi.tegwi@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015556ClosedKCT Request2021-04-140150000900772 thanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-14NoHello, This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-14 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015555ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Request for KCT 04169515790Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14No4169515790 5237 6920 1379 2163 9251 4169515790 3163 0612 5129 7895 57892021-04-14 aisha.aliyu@jedplc.com Tukur Hamid
#00015554ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000931983 0150000872187 Good dayMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14No0150000931983 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 0150000872187 3363 4978 3363 2263 5409 6636 0365 8515 1093 85012021-04-14 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015553ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Kindly assist with the above-mentioned for the meter numbers below 1. 0101200039747 2. 0101200052690 3. 0101200000764 4. 0101200000848 Best Regards,Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14No. 0101200039747 1521 7284 5972 9503 2125 2391 5108 5052 5022 4091 2. 0101200052690 0538 0545 9733 7107 3861 4863 2153 8135 7761 5305 3. 0101200000764 1632 4456 4292 0596 9627 0189 3811 6103 1458 5616 4. 0101200000848 0779 9201 8654 6531 0428 4279 4751 3413 7114 82922021-04-14 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015552ClosedVending History2021-04-14Request for vending history of this account 57100081934Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14NoTransaction Details Token Details Transaction ID: 7631161772413624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-06 16:48:56 Meter No.: 57100081934 Account No.: 6344030142-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦279.07 Energy Cost: ₦3,720.93 KwH: 82.60 Amount Tendered: ₦4,000.00 2378 7191 0316 8945 09352021-04-14 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015551ClosedKCT Request2021-04-140150000869837. B. 0150000869811. C. 0150000914120. D 0150000906522 E 0150000859457. F 0150000869829 f 0150000859465. G 0150000869803. 0150000864754 h 0150000864754. I. 0150000864796. J. 0150000859499. K. 0150000906506. L. 0150000864762. M. 0150000869846 n. 0150000914104 o. 0150000906506. P. 0150000914104. Q 0150000859473 r 0150000906514 thanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14No0150000869837 4630 0991 1250 9405 0289 5662 4114 4392 3399 2627 0150000869811 4670 1899 8532 5137 4952 5936 5890 6160 1624 2541 0150000914120 4411 7264 6822 5709 2015 1547 7793 6159 9614 2550 D 0150000906522 5590 2629 9096 6990 3035 7301 9722 6732 9695 8251 E 0150000859457. 0598 6549 2352 1491 7431 5253 2402 0993 1476 6887 F 0150000869829 2198 0146 6588 8527 2537 2846 7079 1403 3602 5315 f 0150000859465. 3505 5795 3906 0296 3572 3968 9602 9263 4192 8701 G 0150000869803. 4154 8188 9970 7780 3722 3474 3432 3049 9918 1635 0150000864754 3248 6016 5676 4635 0732 1324 7836 7910 0142 2152 h 0150000864754. 3248 6016 5676 4635 0732 1324 7836 7910 0142 2152 I. 0150000864796. 2920 2618 4386 2902 7134 7236 1491 7722 6503 3634 J. 0150000859499. 1565 2087 4067 5074 5106 6675 2411 8268 0675 9354 K. 0150000906506. This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. L. 0150000864762 1897 9672 6935 7190 2794 2444 2725 7791 5845 9510 . M. 0150000869846 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. n. 0150000914104 1961 2346 0256 3751 2077 1444 0534 5751 5112 2748 o. 0150000906506. This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. P. 0150000914104. 1961 2346 0256 3751 2077 1444 0534 5751 5112 2748 Q 0150000859473 0580 5869 6585 8722 0890 5506 2544 8154 0522 0939 r 0150000906514 4993 2579 3858 8098 6646 4781 8472 3646 8922 46202021-04-14 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015550ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Please find below meter number to generate KCT 54160948516MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-14NoFind below as requested. 3949 6137 0597 5504 7908 1181 7192 6385 3702 12342021-04-14 surefreedeen@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015549ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters. Thank you. Meter Numbers: 0101200040075 0101200010425 0101190143889 0101175101241 0101190137477 0101170304303 04234526889 0101190132684 0101190133856MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-14No0101200040075 2973 9473 3025 4512 5450 4736 1599 5430 4144 5512 0101200010425 1825 8271 1073 9355 9617 5413 3415 5983 9278 0147 0101190143889 5450 2694 2815 5635 9267 0996 9263 9171 0787 3318 0101175101241 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101190137477 5514 5634 9197 7642 6202 3401 7360 6817 5332 6335 0101170304303 1093 9100 9673 0289 9055 3308 0131 5318 4893 8181 04234526889 6761 7686 0174 7337 0316 0638 2149 0585 7268 6062 0101190132684 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101190133856 4462 0580 3584 9169 2446 4138 0354 5642 7746 07762021-04-14 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015548ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Request for kct in respect of this account 54160912348Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14No6861 7516 2560 9322 6519 5718 8644 6479 8653 97972021-04-14 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015547ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14KCT GENERATION 0101200033930Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14NoHello, This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2021-04-14 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015546ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000872187Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14No3363 4978 3363 2263 5409 6636 0365 8515 1093 85012021-04-14 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015545ClosedKCT Request2021-04-1404206090401 Abubakar Sadiq Gabdo CCRM REPS. Gombe Trading ZoneMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14No4206090401 0493 6237 7978 9522 8219 4206090401 3052 8327 2431 8847 76782021-04-14 ashanafagain@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015544ClosedKCT Request2021-04-140150000860745 thanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14No5009 2085 0974 7890 4943 4185 6641 4681 4042 05312021-04-14 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015543ClosedKCT Request2021-04-1404176622597 Abubakar Sadiq Gabdo CCRM REPS. Gombe Trading ZoneMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14No4176622597 2521 6246 9475 0654 6337 4176622597 5975 7997 0825 2422 10432021-04-14 ashanafagain@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015542ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Good Afternoon Sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the MSNs please 44000392041 1 TO 7 44000344026 1 TO 21Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14NoFind below, 44000392041 1 TO 7 3309 2079 9627 9930 4705 1703 2101 6333 5225 2208 44000344026 1 TO 21 4877 2030 0928 1205 1555 6606 8048 8773 4572 63392021-04-14 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015541ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Good Afternoon Sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the MSNs please 44000392041 1 TO 7 44000344026 1 TO 21Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14No44000392041 1 TO 7 3309 2079 9627 9930 4705 1703 2101 6333 5225 2208 44000344026 1 TO 21 4877 2030 0928 1205 1555 6606 8048 8773 4572 63392021-04-14 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015540ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Hello, Good afternoon, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters. The meters rejected the tokens, after querying it displayed 0001.Thank you. Meter Numbers: 0101200077747 0101190132916 0101200077788 0101200005291 0101200018519 0101200043947 0101200050306 0101190137238 0101200007249 0101200019186 0101190144168 0101200039473MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-14No0101200077747 0253 4027 0612 5767 4430 5381 7541 8913 8020 3491 0101190132916 5131 2269 9286 5300 2010 4148 2849 7990 6247 5649 0101200077788 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101200005291 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 0101200018519 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101200043947 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101200050306 7214 9996 4221 0199 3254 5025 3434 6514 5093 6976 0101190137238 5254 9815 4675 5686 3718 0543 4957 3131 8027 2932 0101200007249 0889 8932 4356 0793 4021 5820 7430 2335 4288 5016 0101200019186 4584 9642 3164 4559 0162 1469 8966 3893 0081 5303 0101190144168 4584 9642 3164 4559 0162 1469 8966 3893 0081 5303 0101200039473 2250 6634 2636 4445 5889 5815 2038 2222 9049 02612021-04-14 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015539ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Request for KCT 62420257115 Kindly furnish us with the above information ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-14 vajimehd@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015538ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Afternoon. Please kindly furnish me with the above request. MSN:0150000950140 Thanks and regards.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14No5894 6931 3212 4571 7108 3111 5726 2936 4484 93062021-04-14 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015537ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Request for KCT 62420228488 Kindly furnish us with the above information ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14No0684 9827 2700 7350 6491 2114 6590 2385 2930 14992021-04-14 vajimehd@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015536ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Request for KCT 0101200022461 Dear IT support, I need the above information. Thank you.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14NoFind below, 0630 4416 5569 6208 7607 5672 4205 2052 4844 88182021-04-14 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015535ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for this meter. The meter rejected token, after querying it displayed 0002.Thank you. Meter Number:0101200036735Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14No0513 9511 1867 9506 9697 6418 0216 4916 0831 10332021-04-14 ademugeorge@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015534ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Please Generate a kct 04230498356 0101170376855 0101200058648Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14No04230498356 4230498356 7118 2159 1334 3172 8781 4230498356 2533 1719 4593 8728 5996 0101170376855 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101200058648 7331 1787 5297 1060 4682 1858 3866 6736 4325 38092021-04-14 bangisgarko@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015533ClosedTamper Code2021-04-14CHECK THE ATTACHED REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPER FORM , INTERNAL MEMO, BAND C FEDERAL SC AND TEC COLLAG OTUKPO METER NO=0101178020984 I WILL BE GRATEFUL IF MY IS GRANTED OWOICHO STEPHEN EMMANUEL M&NC OTUKPO TEAM LEAD KIND REGARDMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-14NoHello, Find below, 0101178020984 2028 8187 6647 9092 4811 Clear Tamper 0101178020984 1426 3547 3056 3013 2608 2609 8307 8047 6394 7747 Hello, Find below, 0101178020984 1895 0326 2391 7784 8312 Clear Tamper2021-04-14 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015532ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for this meter. The meter rejected token, after querying it displayed 0004.Thank you. Meter Number:0101200015457Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14NoIt is also on 004 on our system, kindly liase with the maintenance team if you are facing any difficulties.2021-04-14 ademugeorge@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015531ClosedKCT Request2021-04-140150000872658 thanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14No4814 3645 0332 6725 8880 6771 7163 4934 0181 04542021-04-14 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015530ClosedKCT Request2021-04-140150000863509 And 0150000901903MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-14NoFind below 0150000863509 4313 8831 7548 6919 2700 5757 0144 1645 9847 2090 0150000901903 3450 1636 7101 6604 4011 6013 6074 6188 4119 48762021-04-14 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015529ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for this meter from 01 to 02.Thank you. Meter Number:0101200004287Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-14NoHello, Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2021-04-14 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015528ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Request for KCT 62420234791 Kindly generate KCT tariff index 1 for the above subject ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-14 vajimehd@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015527ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Please find below meter number to generate KCT 44000339174Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14No7228 5914 6028 0078 2750 2283 0962 8568 8914 57942021-04-14 surefreedeen@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015526ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Hello, Good afternoon, Kindly assist with KCT for this meter from 02 to 01.Thank you. Meter Numbers: 0101200033872 0101200046999Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14No0101200033872 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101200046999 5785 9182 2129 9839 2051 1943 7750 3442 4922 32162021-04-14 ademugeorge@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015525ClosedKCT Request2021-04-140150000906282 thanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-14NoHello, Find below as requested. 5699 7401 9380 1613 1580 4616 0269 1495 6722 22322021-04-14 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015524ClosedKCT Request2021-04-140150000876519Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-14 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015523ClosedKCT Request2021-04-140150000914005 0150000859663 thanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14NoFind below, 0150000914005 3703 2476 7845 3058 9425 5704 0239 1890 7292 1484 0150000859663 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-14 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015522ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Please find below meter numbers to generate KCT 44000359727 44000315885 Thanks CCRM ID 3703Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14No44000359727 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 44000315885 4421 3932 8549 3332 2548 5294 3365 2262 0777 88232021-04-14 surefreedeen@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015521ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Good Afternoon Sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the MSNs please. 44300011465 1 TO 2 44000392967 1 TO 4 44300010749 1 TO 4 44000332484 1 TO 4 44000392637 1 TO 3 44000332450 1 TO 3 0101170120766 1 TO 33 44000398196 1 TO 3 44000390946 1 TO 21 44000360220 1 TO 21Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14No44300011465 1 TO 2 5638 6958 3473 0762 3421 3248 6608 3900 6538 0378 44000392967 1 TO 4 7201 5991 8120 1966 6517 2259 7616 0059 0882 6456 44300010749 1 TO 4 6937 8752 1214 0546 2385 6726 4400 9689 0164 5654 44000332484 1 TO 4 5147 3048 8682 8698 8719 6857 6781 5498 6931 0597 44000392637 1 TO 3 4083 1632 6575 1848 1311 6816 9010 1740 5525 2671 44000332450 1 TO 3 3225 1773 3382 8058 9402 2895 4389 8868 0951 6389 0101170120766 1 TO 33 4518 1251 1370 6941 4471 6089 2600 6048 1988 9914 44000398196 1 TO 3 2608 8161 7825 1036 7826 0072 2602 4125 2956 3542 44000390946 1 TO 21 4296 6997 2837 0719 3454 0851 9884 0902 2424 1647 44000360220 1 TO 21 2492 6653 3986 3717 2101 1928 0329 7168 2340 65492021-04-14 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015520ClosedKCT Request2021-04-140150000916570 thanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-14No6197 8745 3221 1935 1809 4517 8376 7698 7677 88532021-04-14 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015519ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14REQUEST FOR KCT - 44000345346Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-14No2668 1506 5409 8109 6654 1610 8189 4594 6074 28002021-04-14 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015518ClosedKCT Request2021-04-140150000871817. 0150000869670 thanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-14No0150000871817 6301 0522 6366 0680 1499 4667 7950 2979 9408 8768 0150000869670 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-14 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015517ClosedComplaint2021-04-14UNABLE TO LOAD THE GENERATED TOKEN ON 0101170182204 Index Displayed is 0001. RegardsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-14NoHello, Is also on 01 on the system, which means no KCT require.2021-04-14 infortech4life@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015516ClosedSupport2021-04-14Good day sir, This account is found inactive. customers are unable to pay. 755193 755194 ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-14NoHello, Note that this meter are now active the customer can now pay their bills. Regards.2021-04-14 apaaverem@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015515ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000909872 from 03Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14No5067 5112 6142 7863 3123 3892 7292 3968 2831 78062021-04-14 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015514ClosedKCT Request2021-04-140150000911506 0150000859937 thanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14NoFind below, 0150000911506 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0150000859937 5895 0600 6831 0371 3378 0090 8316 2244 9513 00182021-04-14 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015513ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Request for KCT 62420225484Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-14 vajimehd@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015512ClosedKCT Request2021-04-140150000892821 thanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-14 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015511ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Dear Support, Kindly release the KCT of the customers with meter number below. 23100574641 Regards...Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14No5382 8389 0042 3968 3610 0510 5241 7367 5455 65842021-04-14 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00015510ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Please kindly send me kct following the meter number 0101161004581 thank you ictMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14No6440 9579 2873 8558 6240 1225 4975 0015 5258 51592021-04-14 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015509ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Please can you generate this account. 04234020909. ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-14 beediesarah5@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015508ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Request for KCT 62420139560 62420228082Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-14No62420139560 1402 0839 1456 1975 2972 5526 7794 0368 9728 6231 62420228082 Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2021-04-14 vajimehd@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015507ClosedKCT Request2021-04-140150000869001 From 01 To 46 Regards.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14No1772 7912 3563 7373 4424 6550 3171 0823 0344 86672021-04-14 infortech4life@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00015506Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015505ClosedSupport2021-04-07Hello. The customer is unable to load the Token on this Meter 0150000898505, and its on single phase residential, that means no KCT is required, but after querying meter index, it display 1, and also the SGC Remained 600419, i will like to know the best thing we can do for this meter. Best Regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-14NoPlease note that when you come across this type of issues liaise with meter maintenance to check the meter. Regards.2021-04-14 infortech4life@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015504ClosedVending History2021-04-14Request for Vending History 54161098147Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-14NoTransaction ID: 1593161590631224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-16 15:51:52 Meter No.: 54161098147 Account No.: 6126460308-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 156.03 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 4844 5662 5886 9955 7904 Transaction ID: 4116161666079224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-25 09:26:47 Meter No.: 54161098147 Account No.: 6126460308-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 31.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 4321 4716 3066 6970 5097 Transaction ID: 8114161184317124 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-28 15:12:51 Meter No.: 54161098147 Account No.: 6126460308-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 156.03 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 5914 2257 9613 2587 60212021-04-14 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015503ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Request for k c t please 0150000886302 thanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14No0640 2684 5975 8614 6612 6548 3656 2063 5454 83472021-04-14 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015502ClosedRequest2021-04-14ICPC REQUEST FOR STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT Pls we have not seen the statement and vending historyMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-14NoFind below, Account No Customer Type Meter No. Name Address eMail Phone Tariff Branch Sub Branch 33kV Feeder 11kV Feeder DT Captured Date Customer Status Captured By 497142 Prepaid 54160989874 EKELE VICTOR (RAYFIELD) 0 NON MD BAND A R2 T21 BUKURU Region NEW GOVT. HOUSE JOS Rayfield HANATU CH C - BU-1D-43-48-73-1D 2020-11-10 08:03:07 02 - Active Customers2021-04-07 stynlucs@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015501ClosedKCT Request2021-04-140150000872690--Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-14NoHello, Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2021-04-14 arabiraji015@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015500ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Find Below 0150000893043 From 01 to 45 0150000880859 From 01 to 02 Regards,Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14No0150000893043 From 01 to 45 2284 8194 3858 6946 0131 5340 3889 0094 5131 3625 0150000880859 From 01 to 02 4771 5088 2395 5486 6836 3154 4737 2538 2011 70722021-04-14 zakar.kani@jedplc.com Tukur Hamid
#00015499ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Please kindly Generate a kct for the following meter number 0101200047401 0101190151254 0101200047401 0101200032676 57100073519 44000402568Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14No0101200047401 0318 8194 7638 7474 1024 6384 8864 1224 8030 6652 0101190151254 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101200047401 0318 8194 7638 7474 1024 6384 8864 1224 8030 6652 0101200032676 0577 2704 3135 4531 6691 3506 2514 2204 2646 0449 57100073519 2297 3509 2485 3600 3690 4571 3289 6159 4484 4724 44000402568 5980 6310 1754 0783 5795 6410 9023 4121 7091 81962021-04-14 bangisgarko@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015498ClosedKCT Request2021-04-140101195008251 2 TO 1 0101180148336 1 TO 33 44300002886 1 TO 2 44000393635 1 TO 21 44000388585 1 TO 4Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14No0101195008251 2 TO 1 3755 2672 7360 7942 9688 1863 8751 0895 2615 8898 0101180148336 1 TO 33 6014 6122 1751 7717 2515 1916 7358 2750 3875 5743 44300002886 1 TO 2 6054 9125 7967 8823 7666 0764 0175 9189 7329 9524 44000393635 1 TO 21 5105 7505 4845 3420 4303 6578 9045 4111 4703 8790 44000388585 1 TO 4 0144 4765 4164 4453 1910 6642 7430 1628 6634 72052021-04-14 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015497ClosedKCT Request2021-04-1444000323699 4 to 21 44000309755 1 to 21 44000380046 1 to 21 44000339984 1 to 45 44000335479 1 to 21Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14No44000323699 4 to 21 1978 0317 5042 5457 2877 2247 2642 0193 1771 4791 44000309755 1 to 21 5561 4375 2852 4085 1480 1739 5502 7542 4829 7175 44000380046 1 to 21 2979 3453 7405 1290 6876 2978 9928 8828 6146 8731 44000339984 1 to 45 4249 3895 2152 5757 4099 3983 7108 0037 5778 5409 44000335479 1 to 21 0128 4355 8954 3657 1969 0915 6174 7683 2855 72662021-04-07 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015496ClosedKCT Request2021-04-140150000869688 0150000887912 thanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14No0150000887912 0061 5108 3575 9810 2457 3695 4613 0109 3863 90292021-04-14 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015495ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14KCT Request - 0101175103874Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14No1336 7412 4627 9163 4545 7211 0228 6144 8382 53762021-04-14 stynlucs@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00015494ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Request for KCT 0101190140729Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14No3231 4254 1666 4962 5168 0961 4330 0821 2853 16212021-04-14 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015493ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Request for KCT 44000371326Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-14 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015492ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000878234 Good dayMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-14No3542 5783 4848 1077 7560 2552 8951 9182 7258 20702021-04-14 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015491ClosedKCT Request2021-04-140150000878234 thanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-14No3542 5783 4848 1077 7560 2552 8951 9182 7258 20702021-04-14 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015490ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101170422139MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-14No4829 1272 7149 4496 8626 3880 2228 7065 5622 69522021-04-14 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00015489ClosedTamper Code2021-04-14REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPER Good day, Attached is for the above subject matter for your further action. Thanks.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-14No0150000931959 0176 8173 5552 1019 8253 Clear Tamper 0101170445007 7334 3843 3654 5974 5534 Clear Tamper 0150000898117 4864 1833 9472 5377 3943 Clear Tamper 0101195007071 4315 9070 6940 1808 8091 Clear Tamper2021-04-14 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015488ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Request for KCT 62420250631 62420228082 62420222267 62420254880 62420233132 62420137424MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-14No62420250631 0760 4997 7948 8887 7419 6938 6295 1174 4102 7342 62420228082 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62420222267 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62420254880 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62420233132 0537 9415 5669 7382 9657 5357 1112 7924 2591 0240 62420137424 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-14 vajimehd@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015487ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Find Below 0150000885817 From 01 to 02 0150000860802 Ffrom 01 to 46Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14No0150000885817 From 01 to 02 6203 0862 5335 5649 1301 0505 4762 7079 9937 9369 0150000860802 Ffrom 01 to 46 1130 1535 1626 6289 1157 6201 2793 8691 9443 08012021-04-14 infortech4life@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00015486ClosedKCT Request2021-04-140150000900442 54161015059 thanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-14No0150000900442 0068 3946 1897 6229 6767 3874 9527 7505 2818 9426 54161015059 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-14 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015485ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Request for KCT 0101200073555Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-14No2907 0383 1671 7719 9888 4685 5267 2282 8341 08552021-04-14 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015484ClosedVending History2021-04-14Dear Support, The above is a request from the Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Commission (ICPC) and they wish to have the vending history of the meter from installation till date. Kindly avail us with same to enable us provide needed information by the above organisation. Best RegardsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-14NoTransaction ID: 6891161009291224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-08 09:01:52 Meter No.: 54160989874 Account No.: 497142 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 91.68 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 3072 5249 8634 1815 8636 Transaction ID: 9418161044760924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-12 11:33:29 Meter No.: 54160989874 Account No.: 497142 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦2,093.02 Energy Cost: ₦27,906.98 KwH: 550.11 Amount Tendered: ₦30,000.00 4591 2158 6128 9721 74722021-04-14 okoomandela@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015483ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Good Morning Sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the MSNs please. 44000357564 1 TO 21 44000365583 1 TO 4 44000322782 1 TO 21 44000383982 1 TO 21 44000393577 1 TO 21 44000386837 1 TO 21 44000364552 1 TO 21 44000363778 1 TO 21 44000307304 1 TO 21 44300004411 1 TO 4MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-14No44000357564 1 TO 21 2798 0374 9491 1098 9112 7187 3049 6508 3545 2795 44000365583 1 TO 4 5813 8790 3194 0693 9498 3605 3919 6954 7244 6201 44000322782 1 TO 21 5150 7269 8089 1027 7668 1572 4288 3216 9210 7287 44000383982 1 TO 21 5462 8758 2809 6908 9212 3744 6483 5646 8413 8660 44000393577 1 TO 21 1993 0560 5390 4977 5913 5281 0266 2057 2682 8372 44000386837 1 TO 21 3490 7273 1558 9424 1488 0303 9208 6801 3639 3060 44000364552 1 TO 21 4524 3092 1748 2308 5214 4631 2093 5548 2262 7371 44000363778 1 TO 21 0491 9574 9064 1913 5033 4197 2706 1452 2581 2983 44000307304 1 TO 21 1377 4142 9531 8483 7770 6697 8531 1588 9125 0115 44300004411 1 TO 4 1931 6427 7223 6228 8249 2670 7361 7839 8809 05492021-04-14 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015482ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000914153Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14No0167 1259 7602 5818 1655 1757 6106 3491 1544 02032021-04-14 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015481ClosedTamper Code2021-04-14Dear Sir, Kindly avail us with Tamper Code of the meters below. 62420223372 62420233934 Regards...Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-14No62420223372 5689 8062 3482 4701 8238 62420233934 0505 7444 1752 6725 77982021-04-14 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015480ClosedKCT Request2021-04-140150000856883 thanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-14NoThis is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-14 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015479ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000914153MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-14No0167 1259 7602 5818 1655 1757 6106 3491 1544 02032021-04-14 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015478ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Please kindly assist me with this request. MSN:0150000967029 MSN:0150000967086 Thanks for your support.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14NoMSN:0150000967029 0355 9324 9338 8725 4979 3512 6622 4426 6154 4056 MSN:0150000967086 1778 9137 0120 6429 0101 0063 8361 8023 9033 42782021-04-14 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015477ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200028518Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14No0949 0448 5628 6646 9506 5468 7881 6116 2680 34512021-04-14 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00015476Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015475ClosedKCT Request2021-04-1404182043366 Abubakar Sadiq Gabdo CCRM REPS. Gombe Trading ZoneMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14NoFind below, 3792 0065 8202 1214 8581 0924 9762 9335 3890 44092021-04-14 ashanafagain@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015474ClosedKCT Request2021-04-1462420225484 62420214587 uncleMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14NoThese meters are on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meters and let us know which tariff index they are on.2021-04-14 tyoverpeter@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00015473ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Good Morning Sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the MSNs please 44000377372 1 TO 21 44000336352 1 TO 21 44000390375 1 TO 21 44000360493 1 TO 21Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14No44000377372 1 TO 21 4745 6952 6263 1085 4613 2583 2641 1836 8006 9074 44000336352 1 TO 21 3496 9725 9794 6354 8106 0156 7795 9480 8907 3694 44000390375 1 TO 21 0211 1554 7485 4216 9847 4777 8715 9219 5653 5967 44000360493 1 TO 21 6118 0124 9871 1372 5445 3367 8069 9815 1626 80962021-04-14 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015472ClosedKCT Request2021-04-140101170454678 0150000875677. 0150000910482. 0150000894744. 0150000907538. 0150000875651 thanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-14No0101170454678 4129 3394 9391 5937 3804 5349 9038 7759 9052 7921 0150000875677 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0150000910482 4194 2190 7210 1721 9150 0212 2055 0690 1744 7375 0150000894744 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 0150000907538 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0150000875651 0856 7667 8148 7526 5994 1975 1131 9071 4408 87602021-04-14 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015471ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Hello Team, Kindly assist with the above-mentioned for the meter numbers below 1. 0101200038079 2. 0101200032015 3. 0101200040489 4. 0101200038095 5. 0101200058325 6. 0101200045041 7. 0101200041008 Best Regards, Halima Mujtaba AbdulrahmanMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14No1. 0101200038079 5397 7765 0355 1005 3059 4854 1796 7130 5279 0675 2. 0101200032015 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 3. 0101200040489 2973 9579 1638 0940 0444 4563 8468 6367 6397 5003 4. 0101200038095 0996 1345 3282 7526 0990 1402 5174 9751 9865 9107 5. 0101200058325 3045 6412 2973 9043 9338 1353 7263 9791 1266 9989 6. 0101200045041 2790 9322 3935 1656 4883 6551 2038 5174 2419 5333 7. 0101200041008 0788 9932 5519 4046 6601 0279 8620 7458 1257 41332021-04-14 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015470ClosedVending History2021-04-14Dear Support, Kindly avail me with the vending history for meter number 54160989874. Kind RegardsMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14NoTransaction Details Token Details Transaction ID: 6891161009291224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-08 09:01:52 Meter No.: 54160989874 Account No.: 497142 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 91.68 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 3072 5249 8634 1815 8636 Transaction ID: 9418161044760924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-12 11:33:29 Meter No.: 54160989874 Account No.: 497142 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦2,093.02 Energy Cost: ₦27,906.98 KwH: 550.11 Amount Tendered: ₦30,000.00 4591 2158 6128 9721 74722021-04-07 okoomandela@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015469ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Find Below 0150000860448 From 01 to 46 0150000861131 From 01 to 45Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14No0150000860448 From 01 to 46 7258 5882 6295 7716 7654 3527 9643 9148 4864 3134 0150000861131 From 01 to 45 1846 0434 0471 0567 8130 7090 7679 9916 7868 09842021-04-14 zakar.kani@jedplc.com Tukur Hamid
#00015468ClosedKCT Request2021-04-140150000888043 0150000916331 --Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14NoFind below, Though sent since yesterday. 0150000888043 7037 2686 1908 0198 2593 3335 5415 7743 0896 8285 0150000916331 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-14 arabiraji015@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015467ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Request for KCT 01012000290940 & 0101200016679MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-14No01012000290940 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 0101200016679 2059 4915 4005 7925 9347 2168 1668 2057 8600 84012021-04-14 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015466ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Morning. Please kindly furnish me with the kct of the following meter. MSN:0150000967011 Thanks and regards.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14No1230 7071 0473 1213 7035 5354 1959 6989 4159 02492021-04-14 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015465ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Find Below 0101200065148 from 02 to 33 Regards.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14No4680 4286 3605 3173 8534 6111 3004 3747 2285 69792021-04-14 zakar.kani@jedplc.com Tukur Hamid
#00015464ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Morning. Please kindly furnish me with the kct of the following meter. MSN:0150000968290 Thanks and regards.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-14No6977 0879 1447 4242 8298 0195 1384 0159 0030 19852021-04-14 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015463ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Request for KCT 0101200077804Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14No2955 4656 3812 2382 2183 5413 6528 2771 4464 94522021-04-14 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015462ClosedKCT Request2021-04-140101200065148Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14No1764 8641 4888 4145 9946 2386 3803 7400 6742 60892021-04-14 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015461ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Request for KCT 0101200058499Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14NoThis meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-14 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015460ClosedKCT Request2021-04-07Request for KCT 62420217283 62420234544 62420252702 62420217655 62320111842 04227924810 62420227217 62420255473 62420223158 62320121593Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14No62420217283 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62420234544 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62420252702 This meter displayed incomplete token, kindly give us time to generate the KCT. 62420217655 2635 8267 5974 5609 1119 1782 6626 2913 0218 8315 62320111842 6489 2022 5660 8621 0322 6694 7885 9712 0115 8829 04227924810 Kindly provide us the tariff index and the SGC code 62420227217 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62420255473 6530 8657 9189 8567 7628 3354 9929 0390 1175 7470 62420223158 0009 8419 4261 7009 4432 4772 8796 1812 4163 9686 62320121593 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2021-04-14 vajimehd@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015459ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Please kindly Generate a kct for the following meter numbers 0101200029987 0101190143111 44000368702 44000401032 thanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14No0101200029987 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101190143111 This meter displayed incomplete token, kindly give us time to generate the KCT. 44000368702 1400 0559 8487 1802 4034 4872 6464 9373 4439 3509 44000401032 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2021-04-14 bangisgarko@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015458ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14150000874308 KCT pleaseMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14NoHello, This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2021-04-14 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015457ClosedKCT Request2021-04-140150000871825,Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14NoThis meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-14 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015456ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000898984 & 0150000875909Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14No0150000898984 6407 9194 5840 1922 3574 3243 7233 7917 3730 7884 0150000875909 2062 6533 6886 2913 4040 5263 5129 0099 9258 94172021-04-14 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015455ClosedKCT Request2021-04-140150000913098Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14No2456 1024 1518 0528 8236 3475 5953 3786 9482 24552021-04-14 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015454ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Good Afternoon sir, Attached is the Actual Tariff of Customers and there respective Band to Generate the right KCT . Band= E REQUEST FOR KCT Name: OKenyi John PPM Type- Q 1 Huawei Meter number:- No-54161138232 Kind regardMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14No1256 6882 8833 8109 1697 5934 2202 3079 7025 26462021-04-14 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015453ClosedTamper Code2021-04-14Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101200075543 ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-14No0101200075543 6677 6727 8405 3185 6991 Clear Tamper2021-04-14 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015452ClosedTamper Code2021-04-14Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101185048804 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-14No0101185048804 0970 1631 2876 9269 4024 Clear Tamper2021-04-14 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015451ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000964901Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14No5386 5312 0681 6815 9520 1468 4194 6437 5261 06352021-04-14 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015450ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Please kindly send me kct following the meter number 0101200033872 thank youMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14NoThis meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-14 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015449ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Dear support, Please assist with the subject above for this MSN 0101200033872 Thanks.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14NoThis meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-14 mwuladi@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00015448ClosedKCT Request2021-04-1454160953003 1 To 2 44000390508 1 To 3 44300003801 1 To 21 44000339984 1 To 45 Abdullahi Yamusa . IT Support Liaison Gombe Information Technology Department Jos Electricity Distribution PLC.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14No54160953003 1 To 2 7358 5584 7583 9862 6703 7340 5007 2479 8837 5881 44000390508 1 To 3 5991 3324 2639 7669 7094 0808 9815 4631 0734 9850 44300003801 1 To 21 0583 2196 4460 0667 8374 0439 6660 6661 8434 6511 44000339984 1 To 45 4249 3895 2152 5757 4099 3983 7108 0037 5778 54092021-04-14 a.yamusa@jedplc.com Tukur Hamid
#00015447ClosedKCT Request2021-04-14Good day support kindly generate kct for meter number 0150000885288 Worm regardMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-14No2721 5824 2161 6631 0555 1857 8985 3773 2049 32722021-04-14 kabiruadamuwunti@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015446ClosedTamper Code2021-04-14Dear Support/Audit Team, Please Kindly Vette on those MSN for support to generate a clear tamper code to enable those customers have our good services. 0101190153547 0101190138378 0101190145860 0101190147344 0101190150371 0101190138590 0101190140299 0101190151395 0101190137105 0101190140315 0101190155222 0101190153088 0101190135653 0101200026140 0101190149274 0101190134458 0101200075543 0101190144945 0101178021347 0101190138335 0101190154613 0101190155289 0101200007264 0101190144952 0101200064778 0101161004581 0101160055444 0101160008583 0101170162248 0101170194613 44000441517 54150622824 54150631338Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-14No0101190153547 Wrong meter number or not captured. 0101190138378 Wrong meter number or not captured. 0101190145860 Wrong meter number or not captured. 0101190147344 4392 6703 6205 5215 1304 0101190150371 5173 6699 8895 7029 6282 0101190138590 0466 6170 1399 5985 6616 0101190140299 1925 2242 3385 3079 6554 0101190151395 4392 6481 0489 2955 1137 0101190137105 Wrong meter number or not captured. 0101190140315 2939 7057 4670 6081 5086 0101190155222 7150 1653 2643 0406 8272 0101190153088 Wrong meter number or not captured. 0101190135653 7145 1904 0878 8955 8408 0101200026140 1021 0710 4482 5339 1722 0101190149274 6018 7915 1732 1682 4893 0101190134458 5364 9199 4580 5299 2420 0101200075543 7346 4776 0981 3355 1816 0101190144945 7316 8894 7134 8303 3885 0101178021347 6179 7486 6153 0521 5504 0101190138335 2198 2870 4772 3173 9443 0101190154613 3764 6872 1026 3162 9102 0101190155289 5403 5854 7746 9126 9951 0101200007264 3551 6825 7223 1173 5358 0101190144952 4469 3386 5550 9119 7299 0101200064778 5835 9602 8978 2399 0341 0101161004581 4003 9746 4022 7847 1710 0101160055444 4154 9985 5904 7018 6077 0101160008583 6834 5571 0880 4790 4780 0101170162248 4162 1343 3287 3076 1871 0101170194613 3685 6683 2679 0377 4749 44000441517 Wrong meter number or not captured. 54150622824 5560 9302 0800 9909 7045 541506313382021-04-14 bangisgarko@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015445ClosedTamper Code2021-04-14Dear support kindly generate CT for MSN below 0101160348450. Note: It was as a result of vandalization of the supply cable. Best regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-14No0101160348450 6152 9113 2591 7105 3741 Clear Tamper2021-04-14 jubilant95@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015444ClosedTamper Code2021-04-14Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101200075543 ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-14No0101200075543 6677 6727 8405 3185 6991 Clear Tamper2021-04-14 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015443ClosedTamper Code2021-04-14Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101185048804 Thank you --Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-14No0101185048804 0970 1631 2876 9269 4024 Clear Tamper2021-04-14 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015442ClosedTamper Code2021-04-1457100025592 44000376580 44000385516 0101170232850Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-14No57100025592 1105 0750 5764 3769 5716 44000376580 Not captured or wrong meter number. 44000385516 6377 2868 1459 5795 9281 0101170232850 4224 2599 1424 1000 48872021-04-14 abubakarumar4102@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015441ClosedTamper Code2021-04-14Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101190151197 ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-14No0101190151197 1645 4019 5008 2275 0307 Clear Tamper2021-04-14 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015440ClosedTamper Code2021-04-14Dear Support, Kindly reissue this tamper 0101200026249 ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-14No0101200026249 6889 0044 7262 3908 3348 Clear Tamper2021-04-14 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015439ClosedTamper Code2021-04-14Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on these meter for support to generate tamper 0101175020888 0101200017453 0101190153383 0101190143715 0101190144416 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-14No0101175020888 4629 4084 2770 5032 7557 0101200017453 0653 5666 3080 6522 3048 0101190153383 4066 0996 3872 6139 9143 0101190143715 2975 7009 8408 3607 6125 0101190144416 4598 6222 3800 4723 01382021-04-14 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015438ClosedTamper Code2021-04-14Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101200050769 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-14No0101200050769 2201 8959 2405 8912 8317 Clear Tamper2021-04-14 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015437ClosedTamper Code2021-04-14Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101165037421 Thank you Sent from my Huawei phoneMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-14No0101165037421 6221 8878 5794 7795 7776 Clear Tamper2021-04-14 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015436ClosedTamper Code2021-04-14Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101190134193 ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-14No0101190134193 7283 0571 5635 3531 1624 Clear Tamper2021-04-14 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015435ClosedTamper Code2021-04-14Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101190144549 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-14No0101190144549 2711 7879 8916 6158 2476 Clear Tamper2021-04-14 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015434ClosedTamper Code2021-04-14Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101200017529 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-14No0101200017529 6325 7404 7269 4425 3766 Clear Tamper2021-04-14 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015433ClosedTamper Code2021-04-14Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 44000368793 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-07No44000368793 1829 2863 6872 0027 3834 Clear Tamper2021-04-14 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015432ClosedTamper Code2021-04-14CHECK THE ATTACHED REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPER FORM , INTERNAL MEMO, BAND C FEDERAL SC AND TEC COLLAG OTUKPO METER NO=0101178020984 I WILL BE GRATEFUL IF MY IS GRANTED OWOICHO STEPHEN EMMANUEL M&NC OTUKPO TEAM LEAD KIND REGARDMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-14No0101178020984 2028 8187 6647 9092 4811 Clear Tamper 0101178020984 1426 3547 3056 3013 2608 2609 8307 8047 6394 77472021-04-14 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015431ClosedKCT Request2021-04-13Dear IT team, Please the above subject refers 0101190005286 0101200028476 Waiting for your reply. Regards.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-13No2109 5213 8306 3262 0212 3441 6241 7006 9988 74822021-04-13 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015430Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015429ClosedKCT Request2021-04-13Request for KCT Please find below meter number to generate KCT 44000350957MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-13NoHello, Find below. 2121 5843 3488 2144 3295 4389 3627 7800 8010 22562021-04-13 surefreedeen@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015428ClosedKCT Request2021-04-13: REQUEST FOR KCT 7 Good Afternoon Sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the MSNs please. 54160953003 1 TO 212 44000339984 1 TO 45 44000404937 1 TO 21 44000349165 1 TO 21MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-13NoHello, Find below. 54160953003 1 TO 212 7358 5584 7583 9862 6703 7340 5007 2479 8837 5881 44000339984 1 TO 45 4249 3895 2152 5757 4099 3983 7108 0037 5778 5409 44000404937 1 TO 21 0191 0516 8920 9562 8096 2793 9513 0500 5603 7424 44000349165 1 TO 21 6073 5765 4469 5140 7575 5375 9666 9064 2886 15032021-04-13 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015427ClosedTamper Code2021-04-13TEMPER CODE REQUEST 130421 A Good Afternoon Sir Kindly help and assist on the above 2NO TEMPER CODE request please. Best Regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-13NoHello, Find below, 0101200072227 1057 7829 8286 4288 1725 Clear Tamper 0101200072060 5474 3130 1145 4669 5974 Clear Tamper2021-04-13 glawal1184@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015426ClosedKCT Request2021-04-13: Request for KCT number 57100014620 Dear IT, Pls I need the above information.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-13NoHello, Find below. 2079 6161 7631 1184 8764 1567 9480 1391 2695 04472021-04-13 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015425ClosedKCT Request2021-04-13: KCT please 0150000874233, 0150000904337Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-13NoHello, Find below, 0150000874233 Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. 0150000904337 Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2021-04-13 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015424ClosedKCT Request2021-04-13Request for KCT 62420250334 Kindly furnish us with the above information ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-13NoHello, Find below. 5275 5914 8344 7055 1471 2077 1351 2386 6442 32462021-04-13 vajimehd@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015423ClosedKCT Request2021-04-13REQUEST FOR KCT 7 Good Afternoon Sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the MSNs please. 54160953003 1 TO 21 44000339984 1 TO 45 44000404937 1 TO 21 44000349165 1 TO 21MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-13NoHello, Find below. 54160953003 1 TO 21 7358 5584 7583 9862 6703 7340 5007 2479 8837 5881 44000339984 1 TO 45 4249 3895 2152 5757 4099 3983 7108 0037 5778 5409 44000404937 1 TO 21 0191 0516 8920 9562 8096 2793 9513 0500 5603 7424 44000349165 1 TO 21 6073 5765 4469 5140 7575 5375 9666 9064 2886 15032021-04-13 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015422ClosedVending History2021-04-13: Request for vending history 54160920390 and 54160888985 Hello, Kindly avail me with the vending history for meter No: 54160920390 54160888985 ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-13NoHello, Find below. Transaction Details Token Details Transaction ID: 3173161365943124 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-18 15:43:51 Meter No.: 54160920390 Account No.: 554010 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 18.99 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 0493 7293 8360 6618 9696 Transaction Details Token Details Transaction ID: 1235161365935424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-18 15:42:34 Meter No.: 54160888985 Account No.: 128178 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 36.67 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 2543 5795 7363 9357 54462021-04-13 lisarumpae@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015421ClosedKCT Request2021-04-13: KCT Hello Team, Kindly assist with the above-mentioned for the meter numbers below 1. 0101185071327 2. 0101200064646 3. 0101200058192 4. 0101200058036 (this meter is rejecting token) 5. 0101200034565 6. 0101200040935 7. 0101200012439 8. 0101200028534 9. 0101200041958 10. 0101200038095 11. 0101200028518 12. 0101200054845Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-13NoFind below, 1. 0101185071327 5699 0942 5751 4618 4684 2027 3909 4642 4870 2755 2. 0101200064646 1786 7843 0995 3735 5713 5142 9940 8039 6288 7837 3. 0101200058192 3202 1108 3594 2386 1408 0314 9196 5010 2704 6603 4. 0101200058036 (this meter is rejecting token) This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 5. 0101200034565 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 6. 0101200040935 4071 4771 1806 1288 1251 2525 2794 9583 1483 1387 7. 0101200012439 0393 1038 3857 9405 2095 3639 9913 5475 2270 7883 8. 0101200028534 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 9. 0101200041958 5112 4197 9906 8051 5080 1213 3922 4360 1490 0135 10. 0101200038095 0996 1345 3282 7526 0990 1402 5174 9751 9865 9107 11. 0101200028518 0949 0448 5628 6646 9506 5468 7881 6116 2680 3451 12. 0101200054845 0825 1412 8828 6669 7098 2036 5494 2372 1310 01462021-04-13 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015420ClosedKCT Request2021-04-13Request for k c t please 0150000865405. 0150000883598. 0150000875057 thanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-13NoFind below, 0150000865405 6111 8598 7833 0782 2190 4311 5389 6912 7920 6292 0150000883598 0987 0184 5996 3190 3640 2548 6787 4620 6622 8944 0150000875057 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-13 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015419ClosedKCT Request2021-04-13REQUEST FOR KCT - 57100040146 PLEASE TREAT.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-13NoFind below, 6588 9230 8104 4327 7247 2289 4703 0798 0049 44252021-04-13 u.labakpan@jedplc.com Tukur Hamid
#00015418ClosedKCT Request2021-04-13Request for KCT Please send KCT ; 0150000865819Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-13NoFind below, 3555 0200 1295 9405 2241 5384 4113 2982 9322 36432021-04-13 mahmudwaziri@hotmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015417ClosedKCT Request2021-04-13: Kct Please kindly Generate a kct for the following meter 0101190137808 0101190139721 Generate all from 02 to 01 and 01 to 02.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-13NoHello, Find below. 0101190137808 02 to 01 0069 4128 0668 1652 8564 1572 3171 7349 6325 7340 7284 4929 6221 0539 5467 0740 3160 7756 5061 6129 0101190139721 02 to 01 6377 8366 4578 3271 5556 2903 8317 0116 6994 5342 01 to 02 2608 1502 4926 1439 6387 2572 5057 0853 2092 28232021-04-13 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015416ClosedKCT Request2021-04-13KCT request - 0101200029300 Pls treatMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-13NoHello, Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2021-04-13 stynlucs@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015415Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015414Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015413ClosedTamper Code2021-04-13Dear Support, MSN verified ok. Pls treat. Regards. Hello IT Support, Kindly provide us with the Clear tamper token for upgraded meters with MSNs : 0101170310359, 0101170297275 0101170389304 0101170304030 0101170270314 0101170392258 0101170403758 0101170196790 0101170392886 0101170300426 0101170317982 0101170296277 0101170419887 0101170194258 0101170374827 0101170194720 0101170369306 0101190006078 0101190015988 0101200072110 0101200061337 0101200078323. @Mr Roland, Kindly verify.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-13NoHello, Find below, 0101170310359 2088 8449 8438 0758 8569 0101170297275 7025 4020 1469 0414 0370 0101170389304 4566 0490 8067 1098 8349 0101170304030 2085 9296 9265 1762 4753 0101170270314 4520 9280 2310 5064 5512 0101170392258 5851 8772 9410 6628 3197 0101170403758 0153 2705 7044 5714 5963 0101170196790 1120 8117 3949 2004 7137 0101170392886 4966 3245 2004 7229 0034 0101170300426 3426 6811 0917 8223 7784 0101170317982 4941 1204 7367 5274 2638 0101170296277 4106 4835 1970 1625 4023 0101170419887 4607 7233 6572 9414 1174 0101170194258 0614 0687 9825 9159 3809 0101170374827 0697 7412 9709 6718 5218 0101170194720 3157 3185 7922 0632 5958 0101170369306 4357 8546 9101 4399 2237 0101190006078 7217 9916 0779 7278 7959 0101190015988 2794 9236 2322 2091 6476 0101200072110 3613 0100 6229 5799 5167 0101200061337 5302 7715 7554 0149 2479 0101200078323. 2476 7696 1989 6663 26212021-04-13 anersirleh@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015412ClosedTamper Code2021-04-13Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101161061995 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-13NoHello, Find below, 0101161061995 1909 2406 8287 6820 4562 Clear Tamper2021-04-13 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015411ClosedTamper Code2021-04-13Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101190143731 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-13No0101190143731 Clear Tamper 0 0022 6224 2885 5881 58672021-04-13 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015410ClosedTamper Code2021-04-13Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101200017453 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-13NoHello, Find below, 0101200017453 5183 9768 3624 8367 3608 Clear Tamper2021-04-13 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015409ClosedTamper Code2021-04-13Dear Support, Captured MSNs verified ok. Pls treat. Regards. 0101170243105 0101170297275 0101170389304 0101170304030 0101170270314 0101170392258 0101170403758 0101170196790 0101170392886 0101170300426 0101170317982 0101170296277 0101170419887 0101170194258 0101170374827 0101170194720 0101170369306 0101200063457 57300009313Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-13NoHello, Find below, 0101170243105 3196 9446 1461 3522 3021 0101170297275 2840 1477 1721 5174 6526 0101170389304 5370 4904 1262 0486 0181 0101170304030 7016 2047 9519 1367 5178 0101170270314 3271 9622 4014 1316 0985 0101170392258 1754 5342 9350 9630 9129 0101170403758 6711 0777 8710 6494 2129 0101170196790 2840 8174 4348 1497 0361 0101170392886 7313 8639 8358 7097 7035 0101170300426 5370 6920 2955 9757 3347 0101170317982 3743 5497 0410 8711 5417 0101170296277 6016 4628 5074 7805 5922 0101170419887 4643 5335 9019 2236 9406 0101170194258 2815 5678 3433 9240 0451 0101170374827 5603 8008 0165 9002 9769 0101170194720 0190 5084 4860 1025 3695 0101170369306 6991 3849 3815 3637 8151 0101200063457 2218 2039 4548 4328 5853 57300009313 2981 9626 9378 3194 65732021-04-13 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015408ClosedKCT Request2021-04-13: Kct 0101200068332 please kindly Generate a kct from 02 to 01Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-13NoFind below, 3712 7615 8200 0585 3511 4971 7134 7976 9222 84802021-04-13 bangisgarko@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015407ClosedKCT Request2021-04-13Request for k c t please 0150000904949. 0150000904907 thanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-13NoFind below, 0150000904949 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0150000904907 1606 3740 1401 8420 7124 0927 1570 3002 5004 31052021-04-13 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015406ClosedKCT Request2021-04-13: Request for KCT 0150000904014 Good morningMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-13NoFind below, 6456 0044 8804 5644 4730 4695 4893 5140 0845 67632021-04-13 aisha.aliyu@jedplc.com Tukur Hamid
#00015405ClosedKCT Request2021-04-13Request for KCT Please send KCT ; 0150000879208 0150000857386Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-13NoFind below, 0150000879208 66672509703684599267 24508721549883911200 0150000857386 7205 0070 2300 0113 1136 5012 0473 8175 9973 45452021-04-13 mahmudwaziri@hotmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015404ClosedKCT Request2021-04-13: Kct 62420254476 62420152068 0101200070940 from 21 to 45Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-13NoFind below, 62420254476 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62420152068 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101200070940 from 21 to 45 6877 1690 0073 8427 8142 2037 0435 7457 7146 22522021-04-13 bangisgarko@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015403ClosedKCT Request2021-04-130150000887094 thanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-13NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-13 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015402ClosedTamper Code2021-04-13Dear Support, CapturedMSNs verified ok. Pls treat. Regards. Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on these meter for support to generate tamper 0101170297275 0101170389304 0101170304030 0101170270314 0101170392258 0101170403758 0101170196790 0101170392886 0101170300426 0101170317982 0101170296277 0101170419887 0101170194258 0101170374827 0101170194720 0101170369306 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-13NoHello, Find below, 0101170297275 0295 3963 0878 5565 2917 0101170389304 5428 3671 8992 9095 4032 0101170304030 4600 5340 0251 7436 1380 0101170270314 0128 7328 0837 2565 9333 0101170392258 4062 0537 3292 6171 1356 0101170403758 0961 1360 2292 4796 0142 0101170196790 2392 8431 4185 8160 0643 0101170392886 2139 7715 1273 6730 2211 0101170300426 5643 1489 6355 7397 4854 0101170317982 6760 8249 8545 1817 4249 0101170296277 1370 6199 9152 8374 3733 0101170419887 3819 2141 0436 5901 1815 0101170194258 3687 5161 2904 3119 6643 0101170374827 3503 9915 3320 3998 3118 0101170194720 6158 1565 6159 0407 6287 0101170369306 6577 1412 4180 4111 28522021-04-13 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015401ClosedTamper Code2021-04-13Dear Support, MSN 0101190139697 verified ok. Pls treat. @ Auwal MSN 573000039313 not vended since December, 2020. Regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-13NoHello, Find below, 0101190139697 5434 4039 0095 1773 9690 Clear Tamper2021-04-13 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015400ClosedKCT Request2021-04-13Good morning.Request for KCT 0101200001077Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-13NoHello, Find below, 3658 3606 3426 7433 3308 2974 7910 6567 8912 65522021-04-13 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015399ClosedKCT Request2021-04-13: Request for k c t please 0150000894520 thanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-13NoFind below, 1259 1855 3264 1511 6770 3658 0980 6009 7886 06672021-04-13 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015398Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015397Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015396ClosedKCT Request2021-04-12KCT 04231164957 Abubakar Sadiq Gabdo CCRM REPS. Gombe Trading ZoneMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-12NoHello, Find below, 7306 1385 4806 2092 3096 6624 3312 2951 8154 75682021-04-12 ashanafagain@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015395Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015394ClosedKCT Request2021-04-12: Request for k c t please 0150000896202 thanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-12NoHello, Find below, 2032 8233 7159 9280 9893 5514 9410 1348 8391 51482021-04-12 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015393ClosedKCT Request2021-04-12: Request for KCT 0101200024707Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-12NoFind below, 5494 9484 4264 7610 7618 1723 6130 2951 3619 42652021-04-12 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015392ClosedKCT Request2021-04-12: Request for kct - 0101200058325 Please treat.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-12NoFind below, 3045 6412 2973 9043 9338 1353 7263 9791 1266 99892021-04-12 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015391ClosedKCT Request2021-04-12: Please kindly send me the kct following the meter number 0101190133021 thank you ict Please ict a reminder thank youMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-12NoFind below, 4933 9696 0040 7991 4273 2538 9086 8161 5015 04362021-04-12 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015390ClosedKCT Request2021-04-12: Kct,57100077643 Please treat.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-12NoHello, Find below. This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-12 ummilois2@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015389ClosedKCT Request2021-04-12: Kct,44000385193 Please kindly treat.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-12NoHello, Wrong meter number or not captured.2021-04-12 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015388ClosedKCT Request2021-04-120150000896566Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-12NoHello, Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2021-04-12 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015387ClosedKCT Request2021-04-120150000856933, 0150000888555, nd 0150000887433Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-12NoHello, Find below, 0150000856933 0857 3197 0993 5158 3271 0853 5949 1620 3156 9517 0150000888555 Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. 0150000887433 Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2021-04-12 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015386ClosedKCT Request2021-04-120150000887029Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-12NoHello, Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2021-04-12 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015385ClosedKCT Request2021-04-12: Kct, 0101190132353 Please treatMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-12NoFind below, 3731 5331 4410 8643 0371 4402 7509 0628 9001 55592021-04-12 ummilois2@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015384ClosedKCT Request2021-04-12: Request for KCT 62420113862 Kindly generate KCT for tariff index 1 ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-12NoFind below, 3924 5756 3078 3955 5619 3585 3511 8243 4106 91502021-04-12 vajimehd@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015383ClosedKCT Request2021-04-12: Request for k c t please 0150000894926. ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-12NoFind below, 0954 8593 6035 3376 3483 7118 9890 8110 7416 65872021-04-12 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015382ClosedVending History2021-04-12Requesting for Vending History Hello sir, please kindly help us with the Vending History of this MSN: 0101170454975 Thank YouMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-12NoTransaction Details Token Details Transaction ID: 2263161262987724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-06 17:44:37 Meter No.: 0101170454975 Account No.: 665752 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 31.21 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 5287 0784 0169 4833 2297 Transaction ID: 3652161823224324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-12 13:57:23 Meter No.: 0101170454975 Account No.: 665752 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 58.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 2327 3064 4094 6252 4079 Transaction ID: 5867161080781824 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-16 15:36:58 Meter No.: 0101170454975 Account No.: 665752 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 29.24 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 6746 2409 5973 8823 5428 Transaction ID: 6181161798448724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-09 17:08:07 Meter No.: 0101170454975 Account No.: 665752 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 29.24 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 0981 2851 8647 6373 5854 Transaction ID: 6312161294273424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-10 08:38:54 Meter No.: 0101170454975 Account No.: 665752 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88 Energy Cost: ₦465.12 KwH: 15.60 Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 2552 8350 5678 2827 4724 Transaction ID: 7862161607387024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-18 14:24:30 Meter No.: 0101170454975 Account No.: 665752 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦34.88 Energy Cost: ₦465.12 KwH: 15.60 Amount Tendered: ₦500.00 1425 9340 0106 4561 9370 Transaction ID: 7945161798622024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-09 17:37:00 Meter No.: 0101170454975 Account No.: 665752 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 58.49 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 0190 0177 1059 1054 7864 Transaction ID: 9689161175997324 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-27 16:06:13 Meter No.: 0101170454975 Account No.: 665752 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦104.65 Energy Cost: ₦1,395.35 KwH: 46.81 Amount Tendered: ₦1,500.00 0361 3652 9483 0560 11642021-04-12 yuzarsif33112269@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015381ClosedKCT Request2021-04-12: Request for KCT 62420225708 62420224016 Kindly furnish us with the above information ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-12NoFind below, 62420225708 6278 9176 3393 4877 1807 4765 6499 9599 2981 6854 62420224016 5647 7659 6197 7963 2287 2716 0866 4342 6284 36462021-04-12 vajimehd@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015380Closed2021-04-12: CT and KCT Good afternoon please kindly assist me with the meter CT and KCT 62320121403 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-12NoHello, Find below, 62320121403 1685 0654 6352 0610 4365 Clear Tamper 62320121403 6809 3740 7820 8595 9059 2966 6853 5750 5712 87452021-04-12 abdulmalik3955@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015379ClosedKCT Request2021-04-12: KCT request - 0101200039614 Pls generate token for tariff index 002Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-12NoFind below, 4230 1798 0742 2880 4120 3344 1673 1890 4667 26112021-04-12 stynlucs@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00015378ClosedKCT Request2021-04-12: KCT GENERATION Dear IT team, Please the above subject refers. 01011900138921 44000378974 Waiting for your reply. Regards.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-12NoFind below, 01011900138921 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 44000378974 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-12 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015377ClosedKCT Request2021-04-12Request for k c t please 0150000894496 0150000907561 thanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-12NoFind below, 0150000894496 4889 8586 1721 1787 5269 3040 8031 0170 3250 0002 0150000907561 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2021-04-12 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015376ClosedKCT Request2021-04-12: Request for k c t please 0150000870884. ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-12NoFind below, 4107 0212 1948 4047 3285 1438 6633 9387 1285 61352021-04-12 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015375ClosedKCT Request2021-04-12: REQUEST FOR KCT 8 Good Afternoon Sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the MSNs please. 44000323467 1 TO 4 44000336279 1 TO 2 44300014014 1 TO 5 44000361566 1 TO 4 54160953276 1 TO 33 0101170300061 1 TO 21 0101160016628 1 TO 33 44000392074 1 TO 4 44000379790 1 TO 2Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-12NoFind below, 44000323467 1 TO 4 5960 7538 5086 3955 9478 5164 5445 9826 8083 8050 44000336279 1 TO 2 4968 2385 5385 2167 0103 2995 8353 7506 3129 2923 44300014014 1 TO 5 4577 0149 2025 5460 6659 7164 2614 7533 3496 7882 44000361566 1 TO 4 6280 9719 0664 0490 8675 3565 2741 0704 6671 0169 54160953276 1 TO 33 1630 8351 2444 9563 5892 4144 7938 5579 1664 9093 0101170300061 1 TO 21 4488 2715 0706 5203 0890 4194 5320 4496 9140 6011 0101160016628 1 TO 33 2725 4645 8210 5115 0397 1622 1569 4224 9773 2603 44000392074 1 TO 4 1209 1396 6612 5372 0938 0058 8948 2117 2266 8977 44000379790 1 TO 2 0570 6508 5177 4416 9766 3244 3985 7804 6833 86332021-04-12 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015374ClosedKCT Request2021-04-120150000860315 KCTMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-12NoHello, Find below. 1919 3302 4319 5185 7670 6857 6360 4292 9941 27592021-04-12 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015373ClosedKCT Request2021-04-12: KCT REQUEST Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters. Thank you. Meter Numbers: 0101200005938 0101200060255 0101200037436 0101200058754 0101170141937 0101190152906 0101200046973 0101190132940 0101200020283 0101200053722 0101200058747 0101190133625 0101200014872 0101200006324MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-12NoHello, Find below. 0101200005938 1654 7937 5185 6954 2916 7091 5256 9023 5436 4119 0101200060255 4901 7607 5959 6249 3083 6147 6846 9108 6171 0540 0101200037436 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101200058754 2900 1977 3057 0685 4879 1269 2202 5906 6953 9871 0101170141937 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101190152906 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101200046973 3199 3531 6607 9125 1622 4720 2748 3892 8441 1736 0101190132940 1367 1845 9176 2708 4491 0566 2949 7873 4029 3511 0101200020283 5905 4427 1248 1044 6169 5156 4145 9143 0809 8300 0101200053722 5048 4941 0487 9386 1575 2213 9718 3734 3723 7669 0101200058747 6474 3568 3197 0943 8329 0881 0647 8941 4802 5021 0101190133625 1343 1561 8629 9534 1340 1851 7303 3875 6596 6172 0101200014872 1088 3706 0773 6869 3918 1799 4480 5045 3812 5303 0101200006324 1434 8891 7626 3432 9101 4275 2574 7459 5501 68522021-04-12 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015372ClosedKCT Request2021-04-12: REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101190132908 Please treat.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-12NoFind below, 7277 3300 2948 1179 6914 6047 7623 9995 3412 89492021-04-12 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00015371ClosedKCT Request2021-04-12KCT please KCT please 0150000894496, 0150000900426Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-12NoFind below, 0150000894496 4889 8586 1721 1787 5269 3040 8031 0170 3250 0002 0150000900426 2373 8924 6474 9794 2925 2868 3390 4089 0595 03622021-04-12 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015370ClosedKCT Request2021-04-12: Request for KCT 62420221467 Kindly furnish us with the above information ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-12NoHello, Find below, 0322 5532 0537 8276 1553 4612 3331 0027 8342 76842021-04-12 vajimehd@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015369Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015368Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015367Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015366Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015365ClosedKCT Request2021-04-09Request for kct Please kindly send me the kct for this meter no below 0101161030800 0101200036735. 01 to 02Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-09NoHello, Find below, 0101161030800 2367 4376 3882 6842 6339 5193 9442 8125 8055 8917 0101200036735. 01 to 02 7007 5269 2527 2142 5075 1236 2900 6045 9986 36852021-04-09 umarmacy@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015364ClosedKCT Request2021-04-09REQUEST FOR KCT 10 Good Afternoon Sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the MSNs please. 44000392975 1 TO 21 0101160353799 21 TO 01MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-09NoHello, Find below. 44000392975 1 TO 21 0354 0423 2466 9748 7063 4416 4240 0511 0055 6615 0101160353799 21 TO 01 2470 9878 5281 7546 1420 0514 9098 2314 6191 15422021-04-09 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015363ClosedKCT Request2021-04-09Request for kct 0150000894504MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-09NoHello, Find below. 0412 1363 1839 1557 9318 0022 0706 2627 4618 10352021-04-09 arabiraji015@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015362ClosedKCT Request2021-04-09: REQUEST FOR KCT. Find Below. 0150000907470. From 01 to 46MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-09NoHello, Fid below. 0511 7266 4968 8168 1057 6244 4192 6050 8815 34542021-04-09 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00015361ClosedKCT Request2021-04-09: Request for k c t please 0150000907470 thanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-09NoHello, Find below. 0511 7266 4968 8168 1057 6244 4192 6050 8815 34542021-04-09 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015360ClosedKCT Request2021-04-09: KCT REQUEST Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters. Thank you. Meter Numbers: 0101200019434 0101190141263MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-09NoHello, Find below. 0101200019434 5243 4714 4623 6649 6103 1385 0640 3477 6743 9731 0101190141263 5458 4276 6190 4134 8371 1849 8398 7056 1884 54332021-04-09 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015359ClosedKCT Request2021-04-09KCT REQUEST Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters. The meters rejected the tokens, after querying it displayed 01.Thank you. Meter Numbers: 0101160409062 0101200033104Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-09NoFind below, 0101160409062 This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. 0101200033104 3245 9783 1888 0770 3349 2112 2481 9954 7790 05482021-04-09 ademugeorge@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015358ClosedKCT Request2021-04-09REQUEST FOR KCT Find Below. 0150000894512. From 01 to 04 0150000898539. From 01 to 46. Regards.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-09NoFind below, 0150000894512. From 01 to 04 3222 1876 4053 8249 0555 2361 8878 4453 7977 4284 0150000898539. From 01 to 46. This meter displayed incomplete token, kindly give us time to generate the KCT.2021-04-09 infortech4life@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00015357ClosedKCT Request2021-04-09: Request for KCT Please find below meter number to generate KCT 44000353373 Thanks CCRM ID 3703Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-09NoFind below, 0824 8588 2036 6819 6230 3953 0109 3308 0708 65442021-04-09 surefreedeen@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015356ClosedKCT Request2021-04-09REQUEST FOR KCT Find Below. 0150000862204. From 01 to 46 0150000896327. From 01 to 03 0150000900210. From 01 to 46 0150000869860. From 01 to 46 Regards.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-09NoHell, Find below. 0150000862204. From 01 to 46 6781 3702 0686 6744 8745 1602 9756 9259 9971 7268 0150000896327. From 01 to 03 5411 1890 9515 9713 3614 3965 7542 3053 6504 7558 0150000900210. From 01 to 46 0118 2641 4422 1673 7168 5604 5732 0175 6634 0715 0150000869860. From 01 to 46 2673 8444 9282 9801 1461 4017 9850 1940 2660 62812021-04-09 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00015355ClosedKCT Request2021-04-09REQUEST FOR KCT 9 Good Afternoon Sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the MSNs please. 44000384055 1 TO 21 44000347300 1 TO 4 44000346724 1 TO 4Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-09NoFind below, 44000384055 1 TO 21 4392 1382 8153 3987 0510 3363 0379 5677 2197 8534 44000347300 1 TO 4 1011 4484 0923 2439 5958 6383 2317 2358 7172 9895 44000346724 1 TO 4 1603 8775 0710 0139 4705 2914 2870 0405 6874 06782021-04-09 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015354ClosedKCT Request2021-04-09Request for kct Please kindly send me the kct for this meter no below 54161135204MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-09NoHello, Find below. 4963 5051 2516 0444 4459 1522 7971 2323 4185 81482021-04-09 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015353ClosedTamper Code2021-04-09Dear Support, Kindly reissue this tamper 0101170147272 Dear Support, MSN verified ok. Pls treat. Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-09NoHello, Find below, 0101170147272 7028 0706 4978 4704 6200 Clear Tamper2021-04-09 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015352ClosedTamper Code2021-04-09Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101161018565 Dear Support, MSN verified ok. Pls treat. Regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-09NoHello, Find below, 0101161018565 4912 4259 3724 1761 7371 Clear Tamper2021-04-09 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015351ClosedKCT Request2021-04-09: REQUEST FOR KCT 8 Good Afternoon Sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the MSNs please. 44000352607 1 TO 3 44000356111 1 TO 21 44000386480 1 TO 21 44000395184 1 TO 21 44300001698 21 TO 4 0101160353799 21 TO 25 44000380236 1 TO 21 44000355113 1 TO 21MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-09NoHello, Find below. 44000352607 1 TO 3 2184 5175 5544 8206 6933 4767 7267 1914 3670 2689 44000356111 1 TO 21 1922 5364 9619 2062 6584 5508 5169 3624 4249 2923 44000386480 1 TO 21 0729 7417 1072 2371 8530 6837 5062 3993 5473 2525 44000395184 1 TO 21 5020 7175 4087 5855 9234 6547 9411 8493 3590 0391 44300001698 21 TO 4 6615 3838 9389 6178 9395 1696 1910 1607 5120 4258 0101160353799 21 TO 25 2658 8668 5921 6539 0702 3178 3872 0210 0664 0944 44000380236 1 TO 21 2617 8306 0228 3790 6636 4283 7067 0755 5027 9289 44000355113 1 TO 21 3999 1569 3966 0674 3998 6152 4044 9544 9713 88302021-04-09 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015350ClosedKCT Request2021-04-09REQUEST FOR KCT 7 Good Afternoon Sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the MSNs please. 44000337210 1 TO 3 44000357333 1 TO 2 44000390797 1 TO 4 44000366888 1TO 21 44000353555 1 TO 33 44000354595 1 TO 21Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-09NoFind the remaining KCT below, 44000354595 72374402478296651335 275601592685692004182021-04-09 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015349ClosedKCT Request2021-04-09Request for a complete kct Dear Sir/Ma I kindly request for a complete kct for the below meter number that the token is incomplete from the previous token generated. 62420139818 62420225153 62420224495 62420213456 62420214082 Thanks for your usual support.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-09NoFind below, 62420139818 2523 6483 4262 7023 0919 4299 5076 3588 3301 9903 62420225153 0253 1837 9137 0551 3784 0202 5148 0848 4024 1020 62420224495 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 62420213456 3003 5980 0205 5399 0462 2634 5720 1211 3768 9151 62420214082 5286 3647 6214 4386 1897 3265 9475 8984 3767 08932021-04-09 yemiojelade@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00015348ClosedKCT Request2021-04-09Request for KCT number 0101190133336, 0101190133484 Dear IT support, Pls I need the above information. Thank you.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-09NoHello, Find below, 0101190133336 5917 5766 6650 7294 5309 2720 2699 8290 6044 0041 0101190133484 6594 6184 2404 3567 5929 4112 9611 9619 1994 09512021-04-09 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015347ClosedKCT Request2021-04-09: REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200010748 Please treatMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-09NoHello, Find below. 1171 4725 1952 9243 6404 3247 0143 5518 3586 71432021-04-09 tegwi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00015346ClosedKCT Request2021-04-09: Request for kct in respect of this account 44000403145 Good dayMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-09NoFind below, 3443 2892 9931 1727 5765 4216 2765 5563 2788 41502021-04-09 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015345ClosedTamper Code2021-04-09REQUEST FOR CT Please kindly Generate a CT for Mustapha Almu house and Dadin kowa mosque 0101200050348 and 44000378164Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-09NoHello, Find below, 0101200050348 1283 0864 3685 9732 1119 44000378164 2453 7161 0516 0373 55752021-04-09 bangisgarko@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015344ClosedKCT Request2021-04-09: KCT REQUEST Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for this meter from 02 to 01.Thank you. Meter Number:0101190149449Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-09NoFind below, 6191 6134 4436 7677 9324 4868 7542 4377 8247 96482021-04-09 ademugeorge@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015343ClosedKCT Request2021-04-09Request for KCT number 0101200001622 Dear IT support, Pls I need the above information. Thank you.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-09NoFind below, 2710 8744 0382 9731 5528 5579 7009 7694 7216 64212021-04-09 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015342ClosedKCT Request2021-04-09KCT please 0150000912413 KCT pleaseMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-09NoFind below, 1985 1557 4073 6176 1651 1229 1390 2983 4299 06142021-04-09 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015341ClosedKCT Request2021-04-09: REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200027973MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-09NoHello, Find below. 4827 5898 8875 2771 7084 1700 4844 7073 9041 48022021-04-09 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015340ClosedKCT Request2021-04-09Request for KCT Please find below meter number to generate KCT 62130066541 Thanks CCRM ID 3703Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-09NoHello, Find below, 5355 1700 5447 3817 7829 5032 4377 3095 0993 73312021-04-09 surefreedeen@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015339ClosedKCT Request2021-04-09REQUEST FOR KCT 0101200005169MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-09NoHello, Find below. This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-09 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015338ClosedKCT Request2021-04-09: REQUEST FOR KCT Dear ITSupport, Kindly Furnish me with the above information for Meter Numbers 6242022385, 62420214801, 62420251332, 62420232522, 62420257123, 62420231755.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-09NoHello, Find below. 6242022385 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 62420214801 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62420251332 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62420232522 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62420257123 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62420231755. This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-09 abigailiyane@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015337ClosedKCT Request2021-04-09: REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200057434 PLEASE TREAT.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-09NoHello, Find below. 5606 6773 0833 4084 3947 4217 0785 8364 7433 79162021-04-09 u.labakpan@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00015336ClosedKCT Request2021-04-09: Request for k c t please 0150000877566 thanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-09NoHello, Find below. This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-09 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015335ClosedRequest2021-04-09Hello, Kindly assist with Vending History for this meter . Two purchases of #2500 each were made, but token was received for only one on 8/04/2021.Thank you. Meter Number:54161146052Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-09NoHello, Note that only one transaction on the date sent was successful and reflected on our system. Find below transaction for this customer, Transaction ID: 2689161220656024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-01 20:09:20 Meter No.: 54161146052 Account No.: 666892 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦132.56 Energy Cost: ₦1,767.44 KwH: 59.29 Amount Tendered: ₦1,900.00 1088 5996 2395 5448 7869 Transaction ID: 4765161790373624 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-04-08 18:42:16 Meter No.: 54161146052 Account No.: 666892 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦174.42 Energy Cost: ₦2,325.58 KwH: 73.11 Amount Tendered: ₦2,500.00 1835 9932 5960 2620 2020 Transaction ID: 6425161256040424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-05 22:26:44 Meter No.: 54161146052 Account No.: 666892 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦237.21 Energy Cost: ₦3,162.79 KwH: 106.10 Amount Tendered: ₦3,400.00 6354 6741 0579 4972 26072021-04-09 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015334ClosedKCT Request2021-04-09REQUEST FOR KCT 6 Good Afternoon Sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the MSNs please. 44000343143 1 TO 21 44000352631 1 TO 4 44000389609 1 TO 2 44000308450 1 TO 21 44000352037 1 TO 21 44000368280 1 TO 21Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-09NoHello, Find below, 44000343143 1 TO 21 6990 3285 8907 1582 5433 3954 1106 1640 4960 4893 44000352631 1 TO 4 6783 8436 2764 2360 7766 6552 3196 0789 4253 9000 44000389609 1 TO 2 4869 3927 9229 7552 0142 0566 0494 3361 9411 1044 44000308450 1 TO 21 2169 3434 1552 8659 1962 3975 4913 9948 4743 3949 44000352037 1 TO 21 4988 1314 5965 9465 7375 5822 8514 0185 1777 3071 44000368280 1 TO 21 5690 1186 4881 8332 4209 4100 1090 0101 5894 83902021-04-09 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015333ClosedKCT Request2021-04-09REQUEST FOR KCT Dear ITSupport, Kindly Furnish me with the above information for Meter Number 62420223851 urgently. Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-09NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-09 abigailiyane@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015332ClosedTamper Code2021-04-09TEMPER CODE REQUEST 090421 A Good Afternoon Sir Kindly help and assist on the above 2NO TEMPER CODE request please. Best Regards. CCRM GOMBEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-09NoFind below, 0101200069231 6550 4355 0072 4405 1500 44000339612 3044 8308 1471 2574 83032021-04-09 glawal1184@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015331ClosedKCT Request2021-04-09KCT Dear support, Please assist with subject above for this MSN 54161090961Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-09NoFind below, 6280 1091 2496 8999 4468 0240 4282 7198 8301 24662021-04-09 mwuladi@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00015330ClosedKCT Request2021-04-09: KCT please 0150000900053Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-09NoFind below, 6809 6091 1314 4002 5562 5439 0256 0041 7258 46732021-04-09 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015329ClosedKCT Request2021-04-09KCT REQUEST 44000337210 from 1 - 03Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-09NoFind below, 0457 1451 2923 4491 2677 3772 6104 2870 1889 16602021-04-09 aliyusaad63@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015328ClosedKCT Request2021-04-09: REQUEST FOR KCT 7 Good Afternoon Sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the MSNs please. 44000337210 1 TO 3 44000357333 1 TO 2 44000390797 1 TO 4 44000366888 1TO 21 44000353555 1 TO 33 44000354595 1 TO 21Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-09NoFind below, 44000337210 1 TO 3 0457 1451 2923 4491 2677 3772 6104 2870 1889 1660 44000357333 1 TO 2 3743 5344 4370 8256 0553 6086 7391 9476 8514 1476 44000390797 1 TO 4 4123 7500 8569 5526 4089 2212 3249 1398 4366 5852 44000366888 1TO 21 1144 1841 2306 3592 7610 4085 7766 3727 6343 4427 44000353555 1 TO 33 2210 9347 8173 8795 5191 2798 1404 3786 9703 5111 44000354595 1 TO 21 This meter displayed incomplete token, kindly give us time to generate the KCT.2021-04-09 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015327Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015326ClosedVending History2021-04-08Itron Vending History - 54161072670Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-08NoHello, Find Attached,2021-04-08 stynlucs@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015325ClosedKCT Request2021-04-08: REQUEST FOR KCT 8 44000337624 1 TO 3 44000389302 1 TO 2 44000343226 1 TO 21Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-08NoHello, Find below, 44000337624 1 TO 3 1703 4169 1645 5625 4444 0947 9841 5934 8232 4065 44000389302 1 TO 2 3511 7080 5022 0390 4853 2570 1801 9338 5575 1604 44000343226 1 TO 21 6102 0582 7988 5018 4341 3112 3751 6118 0141 01012021-04-08 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015324ClosedKCT Request2021-04-08Request for KCT Please find below meter number to generate KCT 44000390649 Thanks CCRM ID 3703 Gombe Regional OfficeMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-08NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-08 surefreedeen@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015323ClosedKCT Request2021-04-08KCT please 0150000878382Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-08NoFind below, 5125 8339 0567 5876 7810 2621 7307 5643 4686 91852021-04-08 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015322ClosedKCT Request2021-04-08KCT REQUEST FROM 21 INDEX TO PRESENT TARRIF. 0101170441444Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-08NoHello, This meter is on 001 on our system, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-08 longpuan@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015321ClosedKCT Request2021-04-08Request for KCT number 44000380558 Dear IT, Pls I need the above information. ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-08NoFind below, 6676 7495 2059 8634 5292 7117 7691 7301 5636 25102021-04-08 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015320ClosedKCT Request2021-04-08: REQUEST FOR KCT METER NUMBER Dear ITSupport, Kindly Furnish me with the above information for Meter Numbers 62420233769, 62420229155, 62420232183, 62420203234, 62420229262, 62420228934, 62420144891, 62420223927, 62420228017, 6232011792, 62420226193, 62420225286, 62420251571. ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-08NoHello, Find below, 62420233769 Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. 62420229155 6419 5068 4761 7266 1953 4008 6374 3802 7579 8051 62420232183 Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. 62420203234 7221 3211 8042 5978 3630 3136 9939 2601 6423 5334 62420229262 5392 2050 5236 9468 3947 3140 7833 6771 7008 8458 62420228934 Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. 62420144891 Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. 62420223927 Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. 62420228017 Wrong meter number or not captured. 6232011792, Wrong meter number or not captured. 62420226193 Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. 62420225286 5123 5452 5692 2521 4914 4187 6983 9026 6445 7115 62420251571 Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2021-04-08 abigailiyane@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015319ClosedKCT Request2021-04-08Kct Please kindly send me the KCT number generated to this meter number 0101195003880.thank youMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-08NoFind below, 1053 9169 6151 3828 3334 4955 7618 9387 5161 78632021-04-08 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015318ClosedKCT Request2021-04-08Unister SGC Code requestMedium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2021-04-08NoHello, Find attached 1900 Unister SGC Code generated not 2200 as you stated in the mail earlier. Regards.2021-04-08 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00015317ClosedKCT Request2021-04-08: Request for k c t please 0150000911316. 0150000876782 thanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-08NoHello, Find below, 0150000911316 Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. 0150000876782 Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2021-04-08 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015316Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015315ClosedKCT Request2021-04-07: Request for kct in respect of this account 0101160352080 Good dayMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-07NoHello, Find below. 5729 3097 6399 7140 4611 3060 6274 4410 8021 60852021-04-07 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015314ClosedKCT Request2021-04-07Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000883127 Good dayMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-07NoFind below, 5847 9607 8408 6688 3739 0667 4615 1975 2636 69372021-04-07 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015313ClosedKCT Request2021-04-07Hello, Find below. 5781 7040 8207 5559 5065 2185 0133 2829 6153 2029MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-07NoHello, Find below. This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-04-07 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015312ClosedKCT Request2021-04-07Request for k c t please 0150000899354 thanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-07NoHello, Find below. 5781 7040 8207 5559 5065 2185 0133 2829 6153 20292021-04-07 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015311ClosedKCT Request2021-04-07: REQUEST FOR KCT Find Below 0150000860778. From 01 to 46 0150300019935. From 01 to 02. Regards.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-07NoHello, Find below. 0150000860778. From 01 to 46 0150300019935. From 01 to 02. 2521 4785 1667 2087 3205 2742 5547 0955 9505 61692021-04-07 infortech4life@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00015310ClosedKCT Request2021-04-07: KCT please 0150000893910Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-07NoHello, Find below, 07721529077409543434 514039992003369458502021-04-07 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015309ClosedKCT Request2021-04-07Request for k c t please 0150000916315. 2. 0150000858376 thanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-07NoHel Find below. 0150000916315 5256 7222 2414 0957 5568 3304 6348 4851 1334 3930 0150000858376 3606 1967 1901 7609 5560 2971 1902 6098 0833 51682021-04-07 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015308ClosedKCT Request2021-04-07: Request for KCT 62420232423 Kindly furnish us with the above information ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-04-07NoFind below, 7293 2028 7623 2530 6246 0546 6708 2980 5086 21022021-04-07 vajimehd@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015307ClosedTamper Code2021-04-07Dear Support, MSNs verified ok. Pls treat. Regards. Sir, please kindly verify and approve to Generate a CT for the following mojec NMMP MSMs 0101200011753 0101190151635 0101190143061 0101200069314 0101190134045 0101200018303 0101190151635 0101200007975 0101170450247 0101200061949 0101190137014 0101190152633 0101190139580 0101200026165 0101190152179 0101190142519 0101170285429 0101170166322 0101170239012 0101170148726 0101170278184 54150605191 0101170148726 44000368793 0101170219840Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-07NoHello, Find below, 0101200011753 2161 3346 3764 0435 7923 0101190151635 6223 9650 4253 7806 5451 0101190143061 7292 3266 9833 9527 9262 0101200069314 0003 8259 3128 5498 4442 0101190134045 1587 5562 5809 4465 9906 0101200018303 4589 6319 3079 7946 5427 0101190151635 3851 9865 3748 5655 3542 0101200007975 0351 2568 5057 9645 8503 0101170450247 2404 8766 6172 8092 1571 0101200061949 5005 3840 1235 9742 9529 0101190137014 0331 4341 8955 6191 7859 0101190152633 4225 5565 6707 9149 3680 0101190139580 6503 0764 5885 1312 0214 0101200026165 4907 9931 3574 6970 9505 0101190152179 3504 9799 5963 7941 7814 0101190142519 3780 4617 4333 3423 3715 0101170285429 5282 2164 0216 0070 2455 0101170166322 3236 8630 6178 2851 5868 0101170239012 3003 1638 8758 2504 5466 0101170148726 2240 0340 8119 5296 5195 0101170278184 6810 7441 2214 3505 5724 54150605191 0599 3530 4495 7563 8493 0101170148726 7199 0216 5358 7691 1785 44000368793 2763 0295 9347 1051 3855 0101170219840 3112 9773 6047 3630 08032021-04-07 bangisgarko@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015306ClosedKCT Request2021-04-07: Request for kct Please kindly send me the kct for this meter no below 0101200011308MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-04-07NoHello, Find below. 0101200011308 3174 8167 1037 3146 59182021-04-07 umarmacy@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015305ClosedKCT Request2021-04-07: KCT REQUEST Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for this meter from 02 to 01.Thank you. Meter Number:0101200082499Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-07NoHello, Find below, 4560 6991 7180 9828 8108 2715 5614 2346 9637 21072021-04-07 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015304ClosedKCT Request2021-04-07KCT REQUEST Hello, Kindly assist with KCT from 04 to 01 to enable the meters accept Tamper code. Thank you. Meter Numbers: 0101190142030 0101200014013Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-07NoHello, Find below, 0101190142030 6991 9203 5011 8704 9534 4888 5549 3780 5769 1768 0101200014013 Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2021-04-07 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015303ClosedKCT Request2021-04-07: KCT REQUEST Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for this meter. The meter rejected token, after querying it displayed 0002.Thank you. Meter Number:0101190139721Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-07NoHello, Find below, 3375 3573 0080 9198 7673 5042 4201 7666 6511 73232021-04-07 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015302ClosedKCT Request2021-04-07, 0101185052723 Please kindly treat from 5-1.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-07NoHello, Find below, 5323 4729 0972 0100 0883 4940 0149 0405 1776 10462021-04-07 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015301Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015300ClosedKCT Request2021-04-07: Request for KCT Please find below meter numbers to generate KCT 44000348035 44000354280 44000352094 44000380251 Thanks CCRM ID 3703 Gombe Regional OfficeMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-04-07NoHello, Find below. 44000348035 3040 5567 5660 4230 2768 1908 4588 1027 6422 2595 44000354280 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 44000352094 6412 0633 4436 9484 7567 6737 7254 4896 4253 9908 44000380251 1744 3438 5224 0441 4818 6010 7065 0407 6645 42962021-04-07 surefreedeen@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015299Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015298ClosedKCT Request2021-03-30Request for kct in respect of these account 04173248370 & 04171028337 Good dayMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-30NoHello, Find below. 04173248370 4484 3841 6534 5365 2846 0825 8539 7900 2266 3577 04171028337 1873 5302 2796 5784 8757 6646 6808 8877 1776 54312021-03-30 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015297ClosedKCT Request2021-03-30REQUEST FOR KCT 0101200041792 Dear ICT Team, Please, kindly furnish me with KCT for this customer: 0101200041792MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-30NoHello, Find below. 6029 7963 7908 7339 4783 7329 5651 2140 8138 31572021-03-30 wyontochae@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015296ClosedKCT Request2021-03-30REQUEST FOR KCT 5 Good Afternoon Sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the MSNs please. 44000359966 1 TO 21 54160966161 1 TO 33 44000350874 1 TO 21MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-30NoHello, Find below. 44000359966 1 TO 21 1438 7369 4588 2603 9837 3277 1164 4715 9654 3242 54160966161 1 TO 33 2416 6680 7799 2721 4486 3837 5715 0152 9344 4865 44000350874 1 TO 21 5521 0696 7466 1612 6262 2235 5308 1631 8546 18822021-03-30 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015295ClosedKCT Request2021-03-30: KCT please KCT please 0150000908114, 0150000909765Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-30NoHello, Find below, 0150000908114 4133 6781 0607 7505 4587 7216 5890 7898 5032 8763 0150000909765 3005 7399 3907 1455 6312 6659 0768 8610 6961 03442021-03-30 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015294ClosedKCT Request2021-03-30KCT please 0150000906910, 0150000870561MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-30NoHello, Find below. 0150000906910 5463 6147 4517 2740 2991 3984 1976 6456 1257 7765 0150000870561 3028 6915 6494 9091 1498 0517 9135 0605 0146 35362021-03-30 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015293ClosedKCT Request2021-03-30REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101170189712 Please treatMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-30NoHello, Find below. 0101170189712 0747 5285 5552 4562 4347 3000 5849 3609 4180 51182021-03-30 u.labakpan@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00015292ClosedKCT Request2021-03-30REQUEST FOR KCT 0101200013940Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-03-30NoFind below, 3492 1120 6211 5971 1076 5910 4719 0266 4122 46732021-03-30 longpuan@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015291ClosedKCT Request2021-03-30Dear support kindly generate KCT for MSN 0101190146106. 0101195009399. Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal0000-00-00NoHello, Find below. 0101190146106 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101195009399. This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2021-03-30 jubilant95@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015290ClosedKCT Request2021-03-30: KCT 44000326239 Abubakar Sadiq Gabdo CCRM REPS. Gombe Trading ZoneMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-30NoFind below, 5969 8931 6197 2052 6179 6719 7656 1307 1967 31362021-03-30 ashanafagain@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015289ClosedKCT Request2021-03-30REQUEST FOR KCT 0101200057335MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-30NoHello, Find below. This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-03-30 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015288ClosedKCT Request2021-03-30: REQUEST FOR KCT Dear ITSupport, Kindly Furnish me with the above information for Meter Numbers 62420251449 62420230567 62420233215 62420235236 62420225567 62420255234 62420213662 62420232217 62420153447 62420253056 ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-03-30NoFind below the completed KCT. 62420251449 This meter is on 001, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62420230567 This meter is on 001, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62420233215 This meter is on 001, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62420235236 55543396707307510926 20068856113584503084 62420225567 4729 5344 0433 3450 4271 3898 0926 0177 8043 7282 62420255234 4491 3631 7227 3833 9257 2562 6944 0749 0156 4665 62420213662 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 62420232217 7343 1210 4289 8695 4258 6671 2064 3219 8177 1104 62420153447 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 62420253056 This meter is on 001, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-03-30 abigailiyane@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015287ClosedKCT Request2021-03-30: KCT REQUEST 44000331692 T33 - T22 0101170120410 T21 - T03MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-30NoHello, Find below. 44000331692 7203 6424 0075 7548 2343 6175 5121 6184 1380 8062 0101170120410 2746 8757 0188 3365 3655 5662 4085 5264 8823 32492021-03-30 aliyusaad63@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015286ClosedKCT Request2021-03-30REQUEST FOR KCT 6 Good Afternoon Sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the MSNs please. 44000356541 1 TO 21 44000345262 1 TO 21MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-30NoHello, Find below. 44000356541 1 TO 21 6882 3226 1262 7435 7744 7174 6470 7524 9058 5250 44000345262 1 TO 21 3940 7882 5147 4441 8569 3605 6823 6565 5665 02052021-03-30 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015285ClosedKCT Request2021-03-30: REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200041222 & 0101200013312 Please treatMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-30NoHello, Find below. 0101200041222 1432 7760 0178 4156 8511 1352 9091 6856 2305 1774 0101200013312 1169 7877 3722 3644 8211 6609 9370 4938 0195 38992021-03-30 u.labakpan@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00015284ClosedKCT Request2021-03-30: KCT please 0150000863939MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-30NoHello, Find below. This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-03-30 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015283Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015282Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015281ClosedKCT Request2021-03-30KCT REQUEST Good day, Kindly assist with KCT for this meter. Thank you. Meter Number:04227925049MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-30NoHello, Find below. This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-03-30 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015280ClosedKCT Request2021-03-30KCT please 0150000887474 KCT pleaseMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-30NoHello, Find below. 1166 1193 3822 7526 2457 4208 5764 2815 5225 26482021-03-30 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015279ClosedRequest2021-03-30Good morning Support Team Kindly assist & rectify below account details on evend to enable him offset his current bill. Thank you ACT NO: 754219Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-30NoHello, Please note that this customer can now pay his bill. Rehgards.2021-03-30 aliyusaad63@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015278ClosedTamper Code2021-03-30Dear support/Audit Team, Kindly vette on these meters for support to generate tamper 0101161007345 0101200073134 57300013919 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-30NoHello, Find below, 0101161007345 4457 2771 1629 8712 7204 Clear Tamper 0101200073134 0212 3838 1815 5513 5516 Clear Tamper 57300013919 4713 8380 3699 2216 9777 Clear Tamper2021-03-30 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015277ClosedTamper Code2021-03-30CLEAR TEMPER Dear Support, Kindly generate Clear Temper for these verified MSNs: 0101170317321 0101170188627 Regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-30NoHello, Find below, 0101170317321 5062 9795 0511 7269 9598 Clear Tamper 0101170188627 Not captured or wrong meter number.2021-03-30 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015276ClosedKCT Request2021-03-30: Request for KCT Please find below meter number to generate KCT 54160861347 Thanks CCRM ID 3703 Gombe Regional OfficeMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-30NoHello, Find below. 6803 0887 1445 3904 2172 1081 0288 8121 5093 60052021-03-30 surefreedeen@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015275ClosedKCT Request2021-03-30KCT GENERATION 44000377588 Dear IT team, Please the above subject refers. Waiting for your reply. Regards.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-03-30NoFind below, 6847 8401 0342 3561 9719 3716 5787 7374 6127 73582021-03-30 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015274ClosedKCT Request2021-03-30Kct Please kindly Generate a kct for the following meter numbers 44000375418 54161162810 62420250813 0101161004581 0101200007132 44000335966MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-30NoHello, Find below. 44000375418 4473 4400 0846 8827 6853 5543 3171 1809 1718 4533 54161162810 4933 0727 5943 4098 8787 3711 5395 7898 3180 9065 62420250813 4137 4578 4689 6221 3484 3759 7047 1335 0412 1736 0101161004581 0730 7807 1839 1367 4951 0952 1654 2463 6382 7202 0101200007132 1979 4987 9953 0276 9548 1011 7755 5136 6222 4408 44000335966 6785 3613 7711 2562 8030 0896 4960 4335 9925 49832021-03-30 bangisgarko@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015273ClosedKCT Request2021-03-30REQUEST FOR KCT Dear ITSupport, Kindly Furnish me with the above information for Meter Number 62420224552, 62420234353MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-30NoHello, Find below. 62420224552 Expect me for this soon. 62420234353 1111 6784 4085 2774 4608 1592 0436 3997 5121 99422021-03-30 abigailiyane@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015272ClosedKCT Request2021-03-30KCT GENERATION 44000385292 Dear IT team, Please the above subject refers. Waiting for your reply.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-30NoHello, Find below. 7349 4063 4490 7655 6366 6075 4104 4650 1687 74722021-03-30 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015271ClosedKCT Request2021-03-3044000307577 Old KCT 5790 7512 4385 0706 9326 5296 6109 8558 0545 7317 Tariff Index 21 Abubakar Sadiq Gabdo CCRM REPS. Gombe Trading ZoneMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-30NoHello, Find below. 5790 7512 4385 0706 9326 5296 6109 8558 0545 73172021-03-30 ashanafagain@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015270Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015269ClosedKCT Request2021-03-30Request for KCT 0101200018600Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-03-30NoFind below, 3466 1566 2941 2956 0302 5971 7997 9088 6575 50222021-03-30 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015268ClosedKCT Request2021-03-30Hello, Please assist with the subject above for this MSN 0101200039945MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-30NoHello, Find below. 3844 8844 5198 9294 9397 5953 5973 7426 6963 51282021-03-30 mwuladi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00015267ClosedKCT Request2021-03-30KCT 0150000887938, 0150000858798, 0150000900046,MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-30NoHello, Find below. 0150000887938 3470 4754 4017 1881 3676 0895 5749 9148 6056 5170 0150000858798 6857 4327 2927 0357 1802 4013 5964 7109 8842 9128 0150000900046 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-03-30 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015266ClosedTamper Code2021-03-30Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101161017609 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-30NoHello, Find below, 0101161017609 6464 2114 6204 0084 5056 Clear Tamper2021-03-30 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015265ClosedTamper Code2021-03-30Dear Support, MSN verified ok. Pls treat. Regards. On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 8:45 PM Auwal Aliyu wrote: Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Verte on this meter for support to generate tamper 0101161017609 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-30NoHello, Find below, 0101161017609 6464 2114 6204 0084 5056 Clear Tamper2021-03-30 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015264ClosedKCT Request2021-03-30Kindly assist with KCT from 04 to 01.Thank you. Meter Number:44000378701Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-30NoHello, Find below, 04 To 01 4349 8937 7037 8718 3608 2936 8404 2079 4207 60292021-03-30 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015263ClosedKCT Request2021-03-30Please find below meter number to generate KCT 44000366060 Thanks CCRM ID 3703 Gombe Regional OfficeMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-03-30NoFind below, 7096 2991 9409 1115 8908 4417 4391 7576 0523 15452021-03-30 surefreedeen@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015262In ProgressRequest2021-03-30Good morning Support Team Kindly assist & rectify below account details on evend to enable him offset his current bill. Thank you ACT NO: 754219Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri0000-00-00No0000-00-00 aliyusaad63@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015261ClosedKCT Request2021-03-30Request for kct 54160884091MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-30NoFind below, 3842 6255 4352 1449 8661 1359 3172 4295 8284 10512021-03-30 tyoverpeter@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00015260ClosedKCT Request2021-03-30REQUEST FOR KCT 0101200009484MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-30NoHello, Find below. 4871 9276 0387 3136 4277 6114 1229 7256 6509 73572021-03-30 longpuan@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015259Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015258Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015257ClosedKCT Request2021-03-300150000913858 KCT pleaseMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-30NoHello, Find below. 6823 9888 4731 2730 6492 1089 7173 0960 2965 12482021-03-30 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015256ClosedKCT Request2021-03-300150000913858 KCT pleaseMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-30NoHello, Find below. 6823 9888 4731 2730 6492 1089 7173 0960 2965 12482021-03-30 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015255ClosedKCT Request2021-03-30Good morning please kindly send me the KCT number generated to this meter number 44000374270.thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-30NoHello, Find below. 3156 5622 4009 4190 1113 0787 1519 0742 3164 98542021-03-30 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015254ClosedKCT Request2021-03-26: Kct,0101200042675 Please treat.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-03-26NoFind below, 5437 2066 7135 1212 0428 0456 4071 0621 7843 89802021-03-26 ummilois2@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015253ClosedKCT Request2021-03-26KCT please 0150000915390 KCT please 0150000915390Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-03-26NoFind below, 4767 6647 2756 2908 4104 5493 1363 0532 1207 08112021-03-26 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015252ClosedKCT Request2021-03-26REQUEST FOR KCT Dear sir Please can you assist us with the KCT of the following meters A) 0101200056147 B) 0101190141602 C) 0101170430108 Thank you sirMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-03-26NoFind below, A) 0101200056147 To be generated later B) 0101190141602 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. C) 0101170430108 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-03-26 samueldchun@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015251ClosedKCT Request2021-03-26: Request for KCT 44000371011MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-26NoHello, Find below. 3599 6013 4764 5638 8425 0427 3785 9182 7624 31152021-03-26 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015250ClosedKCT Request2021-03-26: Request for KCT 0101170423426. 0101170423426. KctMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-03-26NoFind below, Hello, This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-03-26 abbaslawal360@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015249ClosedKCT Request2021-03-26KCT please 0150000915978MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-26NoHello, Find below, Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2021-03-26 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015248ClosedKCT Request2021-03-26Request for kct Please kindly send me the kct for this meter no below 0101200059125 0101200040844Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-26NoHello, Find below, 0101200059125 4549 2583 8610 3118 8191 5322 7068 8185 2234 4989 0101200040844 0584 3554 6067 7856 5197 0079 3879 1381 1115 94292021-03-26 umarmacy@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015247ClosedKCT Request2021-03-26: Request for KCT 62420233918 62420219768 62420230575 54160993942 62420220196 62320111560 62420251431 62420144545 62620233793 62420219768. Kindly furnish me with above information best regards.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-26NoHello, Find below. 62420233918 6340 5966 8188 9578 1463 6938 2402 9563 0708 1435 62420219768 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62420230575 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 4160993942 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 62420220196 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62320111560 5618 6460 4864 9409 3695 4213 8162 6720 2284 2163 62420251431 2874 4197 1068 1081 4763 0047 9455 3680 5569 6841 62420144545 0410 6555 7424 6066 3688 5813 7676 4201 5387 4002 62620233793 Hello, This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number. 62420219768. This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-03-26 tsavsarmngu@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015246ClosedKCT Request2021-03-26: Request for KCT 62420231961 Kindly furnish me with above information best regardsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-26NoHello, Find below, 2565 5697 1924 7944 7658 0711 8191 3361 7425 97592021-03-26 tsavsarmngu@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015245ClosedKCT Request2021-03-26: KCT REQUEST Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for this meter. Thank you. Meter Number:0101200022651Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-26NoHello, Find below, 2728 8277 6167 5971 0464 2386 4100 1421 7699 94602021-03-26 ademugeorge@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015244ClosedKCT Request2021-03-26: KCT REQUEST Hello, Good afternoon, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters from 04 to 01 to enable the meters accept the Tamper Code.Thank you. Meter Numbers: 0101200028120 0101190142113MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-26NoHello, Find below. 0101200028120 6060 2390 9788 7025 8755 4502 1323 8115 6576 7461 0101190142113 5208 1350 0728 2057 7789 4802 8055 4133 8796 38572021-03-26 ademugeorge@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015243Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015242ClosedTamper Code2021-03-26Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on these meters for support to generate tamper 0101200019608 0101200042782 0101200030399Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-26NoHello, Find below, 0101200019608 0237 8853 5435 6347 5465 Clear Tamper 0101200042782 0352 4009 6839 7908 3463 Clear Tamper 0101200030399 0958 1231 6887 6519 1836 Clear Tamper2021-03-26 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015241ClosedKCT Request2021-03-26: Request for KCT 4 44000388866 1 to 4 44000342434 1 to 21MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-26NoHello, Find below. 44000388866 1 to 4 1330 9860 4604 3005 0673 2769 5100 2798 4974 5786 44000342434 1 to 21 7044 5411 0746 0555 8623 2541 6136 0284 2426 24892021-03-26 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015240ClosedKCT Request2021-03-26Request for kct 3 44000395382 1 to 4 44000353845 1 to 4MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-26NoHello, Find below. 44000395382 1 to 4 5161 4879 5401 8309 5579 6930 1953 3274 2354 0811 44000353845 1 to 4 3345 6136 6137 7000 3836 1175 5273 5848 2845 67812021-03-26 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015239ClosedKCT Request2021-03-26Kct Please kindly send me the KCT number generated to this meter numbers 44000376804,44000332195,44000365955,44000379006 thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-26NoHello, Find below. 44000376804 1490 2705 1723 4887 6371 6018 8209 5840 2266 3109 44000332195 1789 1277 2517 8796 4977 1868 2327 6155 9185 6129 44000365955 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 44000379006 5045 7033 6918 4806 5933 3539 5982 0843 7062 79962021-03-26 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015238ClosedKCT Request2021-03-26: Request for KCT number 0101200022578 Dear IT support, Pls I need the above information. Thank you.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-26NoHello, Find below. 3474 8236 9249 6465 8401 3507 4865 4329 1237 44592021-03-26 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015237ClosedKCT Request2021-03-26KCT Hello Team, Kindly assist with the above-mentioned for the meter numbers below 1. 0101200048177 2. 0101200024665 3. 0101170188235 4. 0101160055352 5. 0101200030738 6. 0101160009292 Best Regards, Halima Mujtaba AbdulrahmanMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-26NoHello, Find below. 1. 0101200048177 0481 5458 7610 9107 7299 0881 4498 4955 4051 9981 2. 0101200024665 3086 7261 1696 5998 8300 0257 7597 7552 8077 8968 3. 0101170188235 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 4. 0101160055352 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 5. 0101200030738 2452 8612 6820 6464 9589 6038 4985 8938 9693 6683 6. 0101160009292 7255 9624 6689 0315 3978 7081 3473 0279 5293 80542021-03-26 halimamujtaba4548@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015236ClosedKCT Request2021-03-26: KCT Dear support kindly generate KCT for MSN 0101160356396. Note: the default TI is 06.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-26NoHello, Find below. 5772 3416 5310 8590 0355 3628 0525 6693 5911 76552021-03-26 jubilant95@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015235ClosedKCT Request2021-03-26Requet for kct 3 44000395382 4 to 22Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-03-26NoFind below, 5991 5572 8409 5660 9126 1874 9209 6479 4732 53982021-03-26 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015234ClosedKCT Request2021-03-26REQUEST FOR KCT BABSCO STATION Good Afternoon sir, Attached is the Actual Tariff of Customers and there respective Band to Generate the right KCT . Band= C REQUEST FOR KCT Tariff Index: 0002 Supply Code: 600419 PPM Type-mojec Q3 Customer Name: Babsco Station Meter number:- No-0101195007436 Kind regardMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-03-26NoFind below, 2738 3503 9141 6700 9651 7376 8159 8346 0110 06672021-03-26 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015233ClosedVending History2021-03-26: Request for Itron VH Dear IT Support, Kindly furnish us with the Itron VH of 0101170431817. ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-03-26NoFind attached.2021-03-26 aramidee05@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015232ClosedVending History2021-03-26: RE: Request for VH 0101190012290 Find below,Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-03-26NoHello, Find below, Transaction ID: 5710160975727924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-04 11:47:59 Meter No.: 0101190012290 Account No.: 568508 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 94.94 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 3970 7598 1421 9426 6522 Transaction ID: 6459161324495024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-13 20:35:50 Meter No.: 0101190012290 Account No.: 568508 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 56.96 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 0486 0824 6046 4978 9780 Transaction ID: 7695161562243724 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-13 09:00:37 Meter No.: 0101190012290 Account No.: 568508 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦209.30 Energy Cost: ₦2,790.70 KwH: 56.96 Amount Tendered: ₦3,000.00 1813 4781 0049 4664 83522021-03-26 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015231ClosedKCT Request2021-03-26: Request for KCT 2 44000343382 1 to 21 44000319838 1 to 21 44000395382 1 to 21Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-03-26NoFind below, 44000343382 1 to 21 6516 4060 3712 0381 0214 3792 5429 4355 9024 6505 44000319838 1 to 21 0763 7005 5216 4138 4446 4963 7260 0287 4153 5275 44000395382 1 to 21 5161 4879 5401 8309 5579 6930 1953 3274 2354 08112021-03-26 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015230ClosedKCT Request2021-03-26Request for KCT 62420230971 62420220725 Kindly furnish us with the above information ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-03-26NoFind below, 62420230971 6572 0859 8101 7669 7896 2500 4232 6306 5577 5882 62420220725 0375 3021 1686 2766 7054 4723 1759 5645 8969 21362021-03-26 vajimehd@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015229ClosedKCT Request2021-03-26: Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000909591 & 0150000909575 Good morningMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-03-26NoFind below, 0150000909591 5591 1070 6903 7973 9920 5885 9278 0255 7893 4962 0150000909575 1432 7598 3564 1211 3610 2970 7574 9578 2475 26082021-03-26 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015228ClosedKCT Request2021-03-26Request for KCT 1 Good Morning Sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the MSN please. 0101170219402 44000386597 1 to 21 44000352409 1 to 21Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-03-26NoFind below, 0101170219402 2414 5230 7414 5190 3975 2990 8878 4917 6631 6398 44000386597 1 to 21 0679 1447 2898 2566 3562 3780 4892 4943 1207 3375 44000352409 1 to 21 0337 3230 0171 2993 3367 6189 3873 3371 8299 16642021-03-26 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015227ClosedKCT Request2021-03-26: Request for KCT 62420219941 Kindly furnish us with the above information ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-03-26NoHello, This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-03-26 vajimehd@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015226ClosedVending History2021-03-26: REQUEST FOR ITRON VENDING HISTORY - 0101185058571 Kindly assist for ITRON VH for this MD customer please. Please treat as urgent. Best regards.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-03-26NoFind below, Operator_Name_ Terminal Retailer Meter_Number Transaction Ref Account_Number Actual_Trans_Date Customer_Location_Reference Debt Refund VAT Tariff Meter_Type Last_Vend_Date Customer_Name Energy_In_Kwh Cost_of_Energy Amount_Tendered BOCA1 00001 BOCA 0101185058571 Adroit3EMDB05241194 688394 20 Jul 2020 15:56 AZA688394 70 COMMERCIAL 3-PHASE MD (C2) MOJEC C2000 KEYPAD(STS) 3-PHASE 04 Aug 2020 08:58 AND PROPERTIES LTD 21 930 1000 BOCA1 00001 BOCA 0101185058571 Adroit3EMDB05242118 688394 20 Jul 2020 17:05 AZA688394 698 COMMERCIAL 3-PHASE MD (C2) MOJEC C2000 KEYPAD(STS) 3-PHASE 04 Aug 2020 08:58 AND PROPERTIES LTD 204 9302 10000 BOCA1 00001 BOCA 0101185058571 Adroit3EMDB05253535 688394 21 Jul 2020 19:39 AZA688394 3488 COMMERCIAL 3-PHASE MD (C2) MOJEC C2000 KEYPAD(STS) 3-PHASE 04 Aug 2020 08:58 AND PROPERTIES LTD 1021 46512 50000 BOCA1 00001 BOCA 0101185058571 Adroit3EMDB05382720 688394 04 Aug 2020 08:58 AZA688394 1395 COMMERCIAL 3-PHASE MD (C2) MOJEC C2000 KEYPAD(STS) 3-PHASE 04 Aug 2020 08:58 AND PROPERTIES LTD 409 18605 20000 Tukur Hamid IT Support Officer Jos Electricity Distribution Plc HQ2021-03-26 u.labakpan@jedplc.com Tukur Hamid
#00015225ClosedKCT Request2021-03-26: Request for KCT 62420226318 Kindly furnish us with the above information ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-03-26NoHello, This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2021-03-26 vajimehd@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015224ClosedKCT Request2021-03-26Request for KCT Request for KCT 1- 0150000882335MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-26NoHello, Find below. 3418 2343 4232 6152 5958 4895 7830 3592 4060 85712021-03-26 mahmudwaziri@hotmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015223ClosedKCT Request2021-03-26: REQUEST KCT - 0101200018246 Good morning Team, Kindly assist with kct please. : REQUEST KCT - 0101200018246 Good morning Team, Kindly assist with kct please.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-26NoHello, Find below. 2341 4164 8475 7364 7010 7179 0872 6746 5443 67002021-03-26 u.labakpan@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00015222ClosedKCT Request2021-03-26Request for kct in respect of the account number 04169573781MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-26NoHello, Find below. 0140 6638 6787 0049 3253 5300 7066 1786 0677 13872021-03-26 babangidaboyi86@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015221ClosedTamper Code2021-03-26: PPM CLEAR TEMPER COMPLAINT LODGING FORM 26032021 Find attached PPM clear temper complaint form for your perusal and further action. Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-26NoHello, Find below, 0101170214965 3259 7834 0961 1805 0190 Clear Tamper 0101170216853 0171 5547 5013 5880 7259 Clear Tamper 0101170155945 1499 5092 7508 5901 8510 Clear Tamper 54160915333 6496 8750 5870 9574 9432 Clear Tamper 0101170210393 0553 0300 4895 6859 6438 Clear Tamper 0101170116376 4797 4310 8855 0611 1211 Clear Tamper 0101170164418 5652 6056 9911 4030 8583 Clear Tamper 0101175078340 4192 1131 5214 5511 2295 Clear Tamper 0101170133637 1654 0328 5743 1355 5839 Clear Tamper 57100065606 1901 1224 5894 8233 2820 Clear Tamper 0101170262568 6465 3435 9979 2568 8900 Clear Tamper2021-03-26 aliyusaad63@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015220ClosedOfficial Email Setup2021-03-16Official mailMedium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2021-03-23NoUsername: isah.abubakar@jedplc.com Password: isa@#com2021-03-23 realisahabubakar@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00015219ClosedJCS Access2021-03-23JCS accessMedium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2021-03-23NoUsername: iya.dawure@jedplc.com Password: Iya@2021! Link: http://www.jedcloudstratum.com/2021-03-23 aliyuiya66@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00015218ClosedJCS Access2021-03-23Jcs accessMedium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2021-03-23NoUsername: usman.shehu@jedplc.com password: Usman@2021! link: http://www.jedcloudstratum.com/2021-03-23 us.suleman@yahoo.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00015217Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015216ClosedKCT Request2021-03-22: Request for KCT Dear Sir, Kindly release the kct of the customer below to enable the customer load unit 54161140451 Regards...Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-22NoHello, Find below, Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2021-03-22 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015215ClosedTamper Code2021-03-22Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on this meters for support to generate tamper 0101200026504 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-22NoHello, Find below, 0101200026504 5620 5196 3488 2232 4102 Clear Tamper2021-03-22 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015214ClosedKCT Request2021-03-22: Request for KCT 62420224115 62420233371 62420216491 62420222861 62420230179 Kindly furnish us with the above information ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-22NoHello, Find below, 62420224115 Not captured or wrong meter number. 62420233371 Not captured or wrong meter number. 62420216491 Not captured or wrong meter number. 62420222861 Not captured or wrong meter number. 62420230179 6818 3573 3328 6646 6750 3272 9835 4244 9210 89172021-03-22 vajimehd@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015213ClosedTamper Code2021-03-22Dear Support/Audit Team Kindly Vette on these meters for support to generate tamper 0101200025399 0101200026504 0101190134631 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-22NoHello, Find below, 0101200025399 5947 1267 8598 0886 8799 Clear Tamper 0101200026504 2150 7327 4869 7633 1416 Clear Tamper 0101190134631 0680 2890 2579 5690 0519 Clear Tamper2021-03-22 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015212ClosedKCT Request2021-03-22: Request for KCT 62420215113 54161140451 Kindly furnish us with the above information ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-22NoHello, Find below, 62420215113 Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. 54161140451 Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2021-03-22 vajimehd@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015211ClosedKCT Request2021-03-22: Request for kct Please kindly send me the kct for this meter no below 0101200047153Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-03-22NoFind below, 1824 9126 5878 6299 2119 4255 8087 5661 6033 41922021-03-22 umarmacy35@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015210ClosedKCT Request2021-03-22: Request for kct 44000381085 Good morning Team, kindly assist with kct please.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-03-22NoFind below, 3826 8681 0614 4116 5054 1427 3927 0937 2173 05302021-03-22 naomitegwi@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00015209ClosedFailed Transaction2021-03-17: Token not generated Good morning team, Kindly assist as token was not generated for the below meters; 54161037145 - N2,000 54161032757 N1 000 Date of transaction is 1st of march 2021Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-22NoGood morning, Please note that this mail has been resolved. Thanks.2021-03-22 u.labakpan@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015208Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015207Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015206ClosedTamper Code2021-03-18Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on these meters for support to generate tamper 0101200050314 57100037001 44000314185 ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-18NoHello, Find below, 0101200050314 2306 5427 7065 8603 8437 57100037001 4446 8564 5045 0129 9386 44000314185 6656 9488 5318 2243 29882021-03-18 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015205ClosedTamper Code2021-03-18Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly vette on these meters for support to generate tamper 0101161000324 57100018860 57300009743 57100037001 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-18NoHello, Find below, 0101161000324 5510 1622 3052 8200 1100 57100018860 6949 1926 6464 3339 5753 57300009743 4007 5989 1488 1206 0081 57100037001 6517 1462 9475 8513 53202021-03-18 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015204Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015203ClosedKCT Request2021-03-18Request for KCT 62420139479 Kindly furnish us with the above information ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-18NoHello, Find below. This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2021-03-18 vajimehd@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015202ClosedKCT Request2021-03-18KCT KCT 0150000893566 pleaseMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-18NoHello, Find below. This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-03-18 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015201ClosedKCT Request2021-03-18: REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200045462 Please kindly treat.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-18NoHello, Find below. 6068 9460 4334 0977 9327 1685 2341 3514 8986 13572021-03-18 u.labakpan@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00015200ClosedTamper Code2021-03-18: Completed PPM Clear Tamper Complaint Lodging Form Dear Sir, Kindly find attached document for further necessary action. Regards...Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-18NoHello, Find below, 54160886450 3998 5316 8481 5710 7170 Clear Tamper2021-03-18 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015199ClosedKCT Request2021-03-18KCT REQUEST 180321 B Good Afternoon Sir,MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-18NoHello, Find below. 3737 3256 0881 9530 8016 5262 9880 7500 7199 65212021-03-18 glawal1184@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00015198ClosedKCT Request2021-03-18Request for KCT - 44000318632 Please treat. Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-18NoHello, Find below. 0535 7909 3074 7823 1912 6227 4002 1401 7505 39092021-03-18 naomi.tegwi@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00015197ClosedKCT Request2021-03-18: Request for KCT 62420226508 62420214207 Kindly treat. Customer is waiting ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-18NoHello, Find below. 62420226508 2556 2007 7900 0223 3474 3092 7738 0741 7822 1723 62420214207 0339 5027 2992 8502 3446 6791 8188 8229 3930 37612021-03-18 vajimehd@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015196ClosedKCT Request2021-03-18: Request for KCT 62420235244 62420228538 Kindly furnish us with the above information ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-18NoHello, Find below. 62420235244 0656 6718 6869 9279 2851 6731 6442 7698 3879 3389 62420228538 4272 3102 8011 4594 2677 0139 6029 8340 5663 57332021-03-18 vajimehd@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015195ClosedKCT Request2021-03-18Request for KCT Dear Sir, Kindly release the KCT of the Customer below. 62420224347 Regards...MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-18NoHello, Find below. 6541 9001 4786 1039 9988 0724 8974 7235 3817 81492021-03-18 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00015194ClosedKCT Request2021-03-18: Request for KCT 62420233900 62420235186 Kindly furnish us with the above information ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-18NoHello, Find below. 62420233900 6222 0933 4255 4079 0773 6795 4804 6218 0452 0225 62420235186 7159 0362 8491 0689 9130 2797 6712 2793 3172 14552021-03-18 vajimehd@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015193ClosedKCT Request2021-03-18: Request for KCT 62420235186 Kindly furnish us with the above information ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-18NoHello, Find below. 2984 1774 8708 7729 6913 7019 3684 9746 4687 03312021-03-18 vajimehd@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015192ClosedKCT Request2021-03-18: REQUEST FOR KCT Find Below in respect to the subject above matter. 0150000896277 RegardsMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-18NoHello, Find below. 12066494518205052709 510001095200211874022021-03-18 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00015191ClosedKCT Request2021-03-18: Request for KCT 12 0101170210138 Best regard.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-18NoHello, Find below. 0881 8790 2378 0986 9150 1928 7327 7019 0758 73332021-03-18 a.yamusa@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00015190ClosedKCT Request2021-03-18REQUEST FOR KCT - 44000399061MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-18NoHello, Find below. 4524 9764 8069 6864 7232 6828 0728 3067 8678 27752021-03-18 u.labakpan@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00015189ClosedKCT Request2021-03-18: Request for kct Please kindly send me the kct for this meter no below. 0101200024244MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-18NoHello, Find below. This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-03-18 umarmacy35@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015188ClosedKCT Request2021-03-18KCT 0150000912041 KCT pleaseMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-18NoHello, Find below. 6979 0426 4928 4202 8688 6408 0063 0381 9353 75772021-03-18 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015187ClosedKCT Request2021-03-18Pls treat 62420227043 62420223547 ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-18NoHello, Find below. 62420227043 2756 0537 8516 5021 5043 4901 7203 3875 2404 4760 62420223547 4926 2186 8290 4523 6158 5378 5832 4013 3019 78692021-03-18 vajimehd@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015186In ProgressRequest2021-03-18POSTPAID ACCOUNTS THAT ARE GENERATING TOKENSMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri0000-00-00No0000-00-00 infortech4life@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015185ClosedKCT Request2021-03-18Request for kct in respect of this account 44000401933 Good dayMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-18NoHello, Find below. 5732 4277 5016 6082 2231 0128 3060 3159 7091 94672021-03-18 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015184Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015183Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015182ClosedKCT Request2021-03-18: REQUEST FOR KCT 0101200055776 Dear ICT Team, Please, kindly furnish me with KCT for this customer below: MSN: 0101200055776 Thank you. Warm regardsMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-18NoHello, Find below. 1366 1400 7799 9035 2950 5050 1051 2385 9547 39052021-03-18 wyontochae@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015181ClosedKCT Request2021-03-18Please send KCT ; 01500000862402MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-18NoHello, Find below. Hello, This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2021-03-18 mahmudwaziri@hotmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015180ClosedKCT Request2021-03-18Request for KCT Please find below meter number to generate KCT 54160952567 ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-18NoHello, Find below. This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-03-18 surefreedeen@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015179ClosedKCT Request2021-03-18KCT 0150000912041MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-18NoHello, Find below. Hello, This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2021-03-18 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015178ClosedKCT Request2021-03-18KCT request - 62420219784, 62420219693MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-18NoHello, Find below. 62420219784 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62420219693 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-03-18 stynlucs@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00015177ClosedKCT Request2021-03-18Request for KCT 8 Good Morning Sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the MSN please 0101170214296 Best regardMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-18NoHello, Find below, 2312 5732 1306 8309 0809 0167 7969 7662 3725 57272021-03-18 a.yamusa@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015176ClosedKCT Request2021-03-18Dear sir Please can you assist us with the KCT of 0101160051641, 0101170413070 & 015000088901 Thank you sirMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-18NoHello, Find below, 0101160051641 Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. 0101170413070 1495 1235 0455 3842 3050 4170 6178 8036 7624 1695 015000088901 Wrong meter number or not captured2021-03-18 samueldchun@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015175ClosedKCT Request2021-03-18Request for KCT - 62420146078MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-18NoHello, Find below. This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-03-18 stynlucs@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00015174ClosedKCT Request2021-03-18Request - 62420228751MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-18NoHello, Find below. 5822 3298 8529 0850 9439 6073 0158 6114 2656 79572021-03-18 stynlucs@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00015173ClosedKCT Request2021-03-18REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200076376Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-18NoHello, Find below, 3737 9014 5982 9413 9316 6655 8002 6135 3174 53672021-03-18 naomi.tegwi@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015172ClosedTamper Code2021-03-18Dear Support/Audt Team, Kindly generate tampers for this map meters 0101200084499 0101190138665 0101190143772 0101190144499 0101200004758 0101120070064 0101190147823 0101190137006 0101190143681 0101190138665 0101190139424 0101190150835 0101190147054 0101190148441 0101200006787 0101200012850 0101190134128 0101200006787 0101200007207 0101200021729 0101190154456 0101190152203 0101190139325 0101200025068 0101190148755 0101190136537 0101190154027 0101200073639 0101190153342 0101190137022 0101190148334 0101190142154 0101190154712 0101190142394 0101190145009 0101190152203 0101190138392 0101200066047 0101190137287 0101200042337 0101190135554 0101190153342 0101190154027 0101120005383 0101200026488 0101190149928 0101190150405 0101200017388 0101190149423 0101200064653 0101190137147 0101190151874 0101200026488 0101190149423 0101190140927 0101200027957 0101170251470 0101190154027 0101190152096 0101190147328 0101200067581 0101190151163 0101200026488 0101190149423 0101190140927 0101200027957 0101170251470 0101200055032 0101200025985 0101200012041 0101200000699 0101190145041 0101190140968 0101200025829 0101200004758 0101190136206 0101190137055 0101190154456 0101200025464 0101200055032 0101200054977 0101200025985 0101200012041 0101200000699 0101190145041 0101190140968 0101200025829 0101200004758 0101200020143 0101190144333 0101190140935 0101190149639 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-18NoHello, Find below, 0101200084499 Wrong meter number or not captured 0101190138665 2196 8172 9429 8485 7291 0101190143772 4441 7584 9934 8313 5505 0101190144499 6979 1928 2834 4472 5171 0101200004758 5067 8710 2951 9543 2167 0101120070064 Wrong meter number or not captured 0101190147823 3607 7056 1045 8487 0249 0101190137006 2423 6298 1296 6708 6549 0101190143681 5337 9047 7083 8528 1920 0101190138665 2419 8184 7048 8140 5645 0101190139424 1612 3296 3423 5412 4609 0101190150835 0796 2475 1906 3045 1090 0101190147054 0747 3475 7236 8207 0492 0101190148441 6687 3932 1593 7500 6315 0101200006787 1672 6060 8578 3052 3957 0101200012850 6318 7877 3261 3751 3743 0101190134128 0713 7834 5404 1766 6363 0101200006787 5598 3654 0194 3457 9540 0101200007207 7309 7051 4162 8983 3673 0101200021729 1148 9145 3321 0347 8815 0101190154456 6730 5342 0015 7380 2375 0101190152203 5124 2873 0631 1114 3301 0101190139325 2953 9696 1661 5118 8917 0101200025068 4958 8350 7396 5814 5931 0101190148755 4693 9251 4767 0771 5058 0101190136537 5177 5929 8466 0923 0048 0101190154027 3440 9910 7240 5751 0394 0101200073639 1877 4313 5272 0010 7312 0101190153342 6730 7735 5133 6146 8891 0101190137022 6399 8326 6500 1646 9471 0101190148334 4034 3791 9722 0121 5368 0101190142154 3574 5911 4905 0301 9154 0101190154712 4114 7978 5960 5337 2429 0101190142394 2311 1684 1527 8165 3314 0101190145009 0072 6182 1293 5659 0865 0101190152203 2357 1505 6680 8888 9752 0101190138392 3136 9864 2539 9260 6389 0101200066047 4687 3553 1524 3624 6174 0101190137287 2647 5471 1519 1473 2973 0101200042337 3127 3517 2889 6952 9483 0101190135554 2915 4995 4075 0706 0783 0101190153342 0232 4600 8196 6565 6309 0101190154027 4185 8739 9982 2719 8060 0101120005383 Wrong meter number or not captured 0101200026488 5546 4291 5078 2541 6288 0101190149928 7141 7172 0907 9089 5518 0101190150405 1224 5035 8641 8329 7484 0101200017388 5031 9193 1320 2978 3573 0101190149423 3217 4904 5455 1592 6441 0101200064653 5224 3671 4372 7571 9587 0101190137147 3542 8851 8512 3888 4646 0101190151874 1015 5564 0259 7504 7248 0101200026488 3207 3433 4235 4075 0975 0101190149423 5366 1093 7165 4306 3584 0101190140927 4838 5303 9130 4438 8850 0101200027957 6818 4066 8755 5234 8105 0101170251470 6598 6236 7758 2778 6294 0101190154027 5469 3980 7535 2860 8565 0101190152096 0477 1911 6049 7173 5720 0101190147328 4593 9414 7010 9828 9137 0101200067581 0634 3263 9778 7316 5577 0101190151163 0693 4468 5195 9734 0237 0101200026488 1321 6215 9731 1050 0919 0101190149423 4224 4278 1171 0391 6594 0101190140927 3841 6526 2133 0601 8305 0101200027957 2938 3615 6297 1608 4712 0101170251470 7187 0151 0961 2752 6252 0101200055032 0361 6496 1621 2405 5449 0101200025985 0010 6990 2143 3162 6733 0101200012041 4597 9591 0670 5341 0991 0101200000699 6926 2905 8061 9642 6712 0101190145041 3887 7273 1990 7981 6768 0101190140968 2228 6883 9563 2823 8797 0101200025829 5633 0700 9121 0854 1680 0101200004758 3669 8385 9871 3486 6454 0101190136206 2220 1313 2639 0303 5314 0101190137055 5752 7281 8979 6592 6212 0101190154456 4280 7163 3206 4023 7054 0101200025464 4831 3418 5224 1860 2280 0101200055032 7047 7911 5731 6779 0483 0101200054977 3483 7491 8767 4991 2196 0101200025985 4010 1917 9296 4614 1548 0101200012041 4508 2307 1841 7322 7083 0101200000699 0224 9275 6423 9849 7946 0101190145041 5611 9446 1177 1447 3937 0101190140968 4429 7142 6729 8431 9190 0101200025829 3825 9237 9557 2320 6823 0101200004758 4736 0502 4183 2391 6365 0101200020143 3726 9931 8822 8547 6864 0101190144333 6526 2498 6395 8660 4390 0101190140935 2735 9543 0797 7338 6816 0101190149639 1652 6783 0017 5187 46812021-03-18 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015171Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015170ClosedKCT Request2021-03-18: REQUEST FOR KCT: 04181539877, 04205214101 & 0101190016903 Dear sir Please can you assist us with the KCT of 04181539877, 04205214101 & 0101190016903 Thank you sirMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-18NoHello, Find below, 04181539877, 6337 6004 8280 2877 7668 3715 5695 1646 1354 3302 04205214101 0844 0454 3506 5603 1660 0124 7386 0614 7384 0806 0101190016903 Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2021-03-18 samueldchun@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015169ClosedVending History2021-03-18Request for vending history 57100078294 Please at least one year historyMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-03-18NoFind below 2020 VH, Operator_Name_ Terminal Retailer Meter_Number Transaction Ref Account_Number Actual_Trans_Date Customer_Location_Reference Debt Refund VAT Tariff Meter_Type Last_Vend_Date Customer_Name Energy_In_Kwh Cost_of_Energy Amount_Tendered DataPex 00001 DATAPEX 57100078294 Adroit3EMDB03939001 6341100530/01 31 Jan 2020 15:50 BAU6341100530-01 238 SINGLE PHASE RESIDENTIAL (R2) ZTE Elec (1 Phase) Keypad (STS) 09 Sep 2020 15:27 ALH WAZIRI 160 4762 5000 BOCA1 00001 BOCA 57100078294 Adroit3EMDB04323922 6341100530/01 09 Mar 2020 17:55 BAU6341100530-01 349 SINGLE PHASE RESIDENTIAL (R2) ZTE Elec (1 Phase) Keypad (STS) 09 Sep 2020 15:27 ALH WAZIRI 156 4651 5000 BOCA1 00001 BOCA 57100078294 Adroit3EMDB04510654 6341100530/01 05 Apr 2020 14:18 BAU6341100530-01 349 SINGLE PHASE RESIDENTIAL (R2) ZTE Elec (1 Phase) Keypad (STS) 09 Sep 2020 15:27 ALH WAZIRI 156 4651 5000 BOCA1 00001 BOCA 57100078294 Adroit3EMDB04662994 6341100530/01 26 Apr 2020 15:23 BAU6341100530-01 349 SINGLE PHASE RESIDENTIAL (R2) ZTE Elec (1 Phase) Keypad (STS) 09 Sep 2020 15:27 ALH WAZIRI 156 4651 5000 BOCA1 00001 BOCA 57100078294 Adroit3EMDB04764896 6341100530/01 13 May 2020 09:22 BAU6341100530-01 349 SINGLE PHASE RESIDENTIAL (R2) ZTE Elec (1 Phase) Keypad (STS) 09 Sep 2020 15:27 ALH WAZIRI 156 4651 5000 BOCA1 00001 BOCA 57100078294 Adroit3EMDB04895069 6341100530/01 01 Jun 2020 04:34 BAU6341100530-01 349 SINGLE PHASE RESIDENTIAL (R2) ZTE Elec (1 Phase) Keypad (STS) 09 Sep 2020 15:27 ALH WAZIRI 156 4651 5000 BOCA1 00001 BOCA 57100078294 Adroit3EMDB04960953 6341100530/01 11 Jun 2020 13:54 BAU6341100530-01 349 SINGLE PHASE RESIDENTIAL (R2) ZTE Elec (1 Phase) Keypad (STS) 09 Sep 2020 15:27 ALH WAZIRI 156 4651 5000 BOCA1 00001 BOCA 57100078294 Adroit3EMDB05127730 6341100530/01 03 Jul 2020 14:48 BAU6341100530-01 349 SINGLE PHASE RESIDENTIAL (R2) ZTE Elec (1 Phase) Keypad (STS) 15 Oct 2020 17:39 ALH WAZIRI 156 4651 5000 BOCA1 00001 BOCA 57100078294 Adroit3EMDB05291291 6341100530/01 25 Jul 2020 20:58 BAU6341100530-01 349 SINGLE PHASE RESIDENTIAL (R2) ZTE Elec (1 Phase) Keypad (STS) 09 Sep 2020 15:27 ALH WAZIRI 156 4651 5000 BOCA1 00001 BOCA 57100078294 Adroit3EMDB05550863 6341100530/01 22 Aug 2020 12:31 BAU6341100530-01 349 SINGLE PHASE RESIDENTIAL (R2) ZTE Elec (1 Phase) Keypad (STS) 09 Sep 2020 15:27 ALH WAZIRI 156 4651 5000 BOCA1 00001 BOCA 57100078294 Adroit3EMDB05741472 6341100530/01 09 Sep 2020 15:27 BAU6341100530-01 349 SINGLE PHASE RESIDENTIAL (R2) ZTE Elec (1 Phase) Keypad (STS) 09 Sep 2020 15:27 ALH WAZIRI 156 4651 5000 Operator_Name_ Terminal Retailer Meter_Number Transaction Ref Account_Number Actual_Trans_Date Customer_Location_Reference Debt Refund VAT Tariff Meter_Type Last_Vend_Date Customer_Name Energy_In_Kwh Cost_of_Energy Amount_Tendered BOCA1 00001 BOCA 57100078294 Adroit3EMDB06094485 6341100530/01 15 Oct 2020 17:39 BAU6341100530-01 349 SINGLE PHASE RESIDENTIAL (R2) ZTE Elec (1 Phase) Keypad (STS) 04 Nov 2020 12:51 ALH WAZIRI 156 4651 5000 BOCA1 00001 BOCA 57100078294 Adroit3EMDB06307655 6341100530/01 04 Nov 2020 12:51 BAU6341100530-01 349 SINGLE PHASE RESIDENTIAL (R2) ZTE Elec (1 Phase) Keypad (STS) 17 Dec 2020 11:16 ALH WAZIRI 156 4651 5000 BOCA1 00001 BOCA 57100078294 Adroit3EMDB06702463 6341100530/01 17 Dec 2020 11:16 BAU6341100530-01 349 SINGLE PHASE RESIDENTIAL (R2) ZTE Elec (1 Phase) Keypad (STS) 17 Dec 2020 11:16 ALH WAZIRI 156 4651 50002021-03-18 rajiauwalmuazu@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015168ClosedTamper Code2021-03-18Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly Vette on these meters for support to generate tamper 0101200006720 0101200011845 0101170121269 0101161017740 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-18NoHello, Find below, 0101200006720 2222 9174 8810 7144 2932 0101200011845 4733 4168 7916 8775 8499 0101170121269 6475 1050 9918 6866 8959 0101161017740 0420 9023 2382 4954 29922021-03-18 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015167ClosedTamper Code2021-03-18Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly vette on this meter for support to generate tamper on these meters. 0101190154407 0101200026363 0101150229868 54160995111 44000328847 44000317642 44000382430Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-18NoHello, Find below, 0101190154407 1735 3060 8264 3987 4231 0101200026363 5366 8261 5289 6413 2808 0101150229868 1325 9618 3179 7863 6404 54160995111 3371 5957 0826 6428 9532 44000328847 6751 7801 6975 7246 3576 44000317642 0185 5302 5556 1674 6856 44000382430 5755 8926 5185 1241 57952021-03-18 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015166ClosedKCT Request2021-03-18: KCT Dear support kindly generate KCT for MSNOS. 0101200016018 and 54161097057. Best regardsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-18NoHello, Find below, 0101200016018 1626 8914 8291 0700 1854 6989 7446 4515 5399 4986 54161097057 5560 9641 9418 8065 4052 7113 5960 7601 3113 94882021-03-18 jubilant95@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015165ClosedKCT Request2021-03-18Request for KCT 2 Good Morning Sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the MSN please 44000345577 Best regard.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-18NoHello, Find below, 71592948673856708215 164832468720049094102021-03-18 a.yamusa@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015164ClosedKCT Request2021-03-18KCT KCT please 0150000862113 nd 0101190016705Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-18NoHello, Find below, 0150000862113 0669 5320 7306 8956 8087 3479 7969 0545 3352 7040 0101190016705 Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2021-03-18 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015163ClosedKCT Request2021-03-18: Request for KCT 4 44000404820 0101160003121 44000331262 44000319747 Abdullahi YamusaMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-03-18NoFind below, 44000404820 3235 6162 1512 0503 9255 0563 0101 6873 9973 9776 0101160003121 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 44000331262 6923 8594 4348 3443 6457 1024 1233 6517 7759 8682 44000319747 0920 4500 3750 2829 0211 0751 4019 7107 7850 95042021-03-18 a.yamusa@jedplc.com Tukur Hamid
#00015162ClosedRequest2021-03-18METER NUMBER FOR THIS OLD ACCOUNT Good morning, Please kindly assist with the subject above for this old account 612643241101.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-18NoHello, Please note that no any meter number Attached to this Account on our system.2021-03-18 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015161Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015160ClosedKCT Request2021-03-18KCT 44000312510 Abubakar Sadiq Gabdo CCRM REPS. Gombe Trading ZoneMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-18NoHello, Find below, Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2021-03-18 ashanafagain@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015159ClosedKCT Request2021-03-18KCT KCT please 0150000899750Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-18NoHello, Find below. 6493 9786 8931 1110 2559 4213 1428 9128 0463 07992021-03-18 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015158ClosedKCT Request2021-03-18REQUEST FOR KCT 0101200051460Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-18NoHello, Find below, 2402 4126 2562 0326 0290 3837 7498 8440 6632 77912021-03-18 longpuan@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015157ClosedKCT Request2021-03-18: Request for kct Please kindly send me the kct for this meter no below. 0101200046171Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-18NoHello, Find below. 1800 4224 4689 0270 4565 6024 4206 3620 7933 10162021-03-18 umarmacy35@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015156ClosedKCT Request2021-03-18Request for kct Please kindly send me the kct for this meter no below. 0101200046171Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-18NoHello, Find below, 1800 4224 4689 0270 4565 6024 4206 3620 7933 10162021-03-18 umarmacy35@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015155Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015154ClosedKCT Request2021-03-16REQUEST FOR KCT 0101195007428 OBED NGENE SAWMILLMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-16NoHello, Find below, 1968 3840 9584 7820 8344 2092 4162 2215 6596 79702021-03-16 benmercyladi@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015153ClosedComplaint2021-03-16Dear Head CF, Pls sir see attached the receipt of the above Acct no. Payment made on 10/2/2021 has not reflected on JCS. Kindly confirm and treat. Thank you.Medium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2021-03-16NoDear Mr. Lucky, We have checked this account and confirmed that there is no payment made to this account on the eVend nor on AES system. The customer should ensure he gets his money back from whoever he gave money to. Thank you and best regards,2021-03-16 stynlucs@yahoo.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00015152ClosedKCT Request2021-03-16Request for KCT 0150000912975 Afternoon sir Best regardsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-16NoHello, Find below, 3145 1105 1388 0214 6269 1273 3319 9591 9803 46712021-03-16 rajiauwalmuazu@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015151ClosedKCT Request2021-03-16: KCT REQUEST 160321 A Good Afternoon Sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the MSN please. 44000335487 Best RegardsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-16NoHello, Find below, 4820 5116 0816 7808 4688 7163 9466 2031 0683 92892021-03-16 glawal1184@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015150ClosedKCT Request2021-03-16: Request for KCT 14 Good Afternoon Sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the MSN please. 44000366151 44000363588 44000386399 0101190002085 Best regardMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-16NoHello, Find below, 44000366151 0013 2706 7040 7453 5251 6046 8143 2940 3450 0077 44000363588 2865 9892 6052 9051 2061 4686 6362 4467 5806 3412 44000386399 6163 1247 0934 4952 0320 6778 5614 9459 2604 5528 0101190002085 6562 2908 2818 6878 4100 7124 9532 0251 6055 88132021-03-16 a.yamusa@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015149ClosedKCT Request2021-03-16Request for KCT - 0101190139523 Request for KCT - 0101190139523Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-16NoHello, Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2021-03-16 u.labakpan@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015148ClosedTamper Code2021-03-12: TEMPER CODE REQUEST 120321 A,B & C Good Afternoon Sir Kindly help and assist on the above 3NO TEMPER CODE request please. Best Regards. CCRM GOMBEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-16NoHello, Find below and sorry for the delay, 0101170207134 6204 2459 3998 9864 3347 Clear Tamper 54160925159 5556 0106 8536 6364 9108 Clear Tamper 57300015773 4998 4061 8161 5107 5742 Clear Tamper2021-03-16 glawal1184@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015147ClosedKCT Request2021-03-16: Request for Roll-over KCT 62130182900 Pls I need KCT for the above meter number. Thank you.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-16NoHello, Find below. 4816 1674 5973 2160 7311 1309 4576 0085 7253 91552021-03-16 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015146ClosedOfficial Email Setup2021-03-16Dear Sabo, Please find attached for your information. Creation of JED Mail for Abuja Liaison StaffMedium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2021-03-16No> 1. Osori Sabo > > Username: o.sabo@jedplc.com > > Password: oso@#com > > 2. Faruk Umar > > Username: f.umar@jedplc.com > > Password: faru@#com > > 3.Ogunleye Joy > > Username: o.joy@jedplc.com > > Password: joy@#com > > 4. Mando Winifred, > > Username: m.winifred@jedplc.com > > Password: man@#com > > 5. Ibrahim Abubakar. > > Username: i.abubakar@jedplc.com > > Password: abu@#com2021-03-16 murtala.raji@jedplc.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00015145ClosedKCT Request2021-03-16KCT GENERATION Dear IT team, Please Kindly assist with kct of the following account 0101195005091 0101195004102 44000375087 0101195003260 Waiting for your reply. Regards.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-16NoHello, Find below. 0101195005091 1429 5135 7994 9702 2649 2423 2199 1826 2230 2961 0101195004102 3987 8916 5017 3449 8296 1892 0520 7336 7357 6290 44000375087 4166 8464 1116 7974 6749 1889 7082 2984 0602 6964 0101195003260 5429 0689 8861 0124 4493 2021 6420 5678 7998 41332021-03-16 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015144Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015143Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015142ClosedKCT Request2021-03-16: Request for KCT- 62420213449 62420223448 62420216749 62420230138 Kindly furnish us with the above information ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-16NoHello, Find below, 62420213449 Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. 62420223448 Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. 62420216749 4669 3057 0767 0956 2771 0313 0016 3968 1855 4979 62420230138 Wrong meter number2021-03-16 vajimehd@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015141ClosedKCT Request2021-03-16REQUEST FOR KCT Pls assist with the KCT below 0101200049696 0101200051833 0101200059109 0101200055735MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-16NoHello, Find below. 0101200049696 2200 5458 8478 5285 7856 4125 0976 1439 2839 6481 0101200051833 5165 5158 5197 6861 9805 0330 9619 8662 8895 4771 0101200059109 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0101200055735 0411 4708 9400 1244 2398 5936 8462 4113 1299 53222021-03-16 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015140ClosedKCT Request2021-03-16: Request for kct in respect of this account 0150300011122 & 0150300012039 Good morningMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-03-16NoFind below, 0150300011122 2510 2825 9300 1713 9717 1853 6790 0595 3699 6677 0150300012039 3304 2895 6997 0166 9343 3798 5786 4096 9636 45282021-03-16 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015139ClosedRequest2021-03-11IT Support, Pls token was no dispensed for the above MSN on 1/3/2021. See proof below and trea urgently. Thank you.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-16NoDear Team, Please check the customer History. This is now treated. Regards,2021-03-16 stynlucs@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015138ClosedKCT Request2021-03-16: REQUEST FOR KCT Find Below 0150000914476 From 01 to 03 0150000900608 From 01 to02 Regards.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-16NoHello, Find below. 0150000914476 From 01 to 03 64103362336032547262 20068059689209628440 0150000900608 From 01 to02 3682 4614 0634 4676 5359 2901 8104 3709 8905 11742021-03-16 Zakar.kani@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00015137ClosedKCT Request2021-03-16: Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000908080 Good morningMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-16NoHello, Fins below. 2389 9531 8163 4357 3487 0698 5996 0959 6331 63422021-03-16 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015136ClosedKCT Request2021-03-16Request for KCT 6 Good Morning Sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the MSN please. 44000364206 Reminder for this KCT 4400001227 Best regard.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-16NoHello, Find below, 4874 7477 0265 4943 5260 0891 5475 5732 5103 48932021-03-16 a.yamusa@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015135ClosedKCT Request2021-03-16KCT Good morning, please kindly provide me with the KCT for meter number 0101195005562 Thank you. Tor-anyiin Kelvin kator CCRM SUPERVISOR GBOKO REGIONMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-16NoHello, Find below. 1075 9377 7558 7401 3588 0973 1792 2993 3736 25792021-03-16 toranyiinkator14@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015134ClosedKCT Request2021-03-16REQUEST FOR KCT 0101200026587 Dear ICT Team, compliments of the day. Please, kindly furnish me with KCT for the customer below: MSN: 0101200026587 Thank you. Best regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-16NoHello, Find below, 1981 5530 2172 1361 7156 5084 6152 2737 3247 25162021-03-16 wyontochae@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015133Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015132ClosedKCT Request2021-03-16: KCT REQUEST 44000362176 44000358539 44000309250Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-16NoHello, Find below, 44000362176 Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. 44000358539 Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. 44000309250 5674 7557 8868 9634 3414 2740 8543 9670 6642 83352021-03-16 aliyusaad63@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015131ClosedKCT Request2021-03-16Request for KCT 4 Good Morning Sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the MSN please. 4400001227 Best regard.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-16NoHello, Find below, Please note that you are sending wrong meter number.2021-03-16 a.yamusa@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015130ClosedKCT Request2021-03-16: Request for KCT 2 Good Morning Sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the MSN please. 44000309458 4400000500 Best regardMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-16NoHello, Find below, 44000309458 0482 0341 5713 8191 1509 1353 1066 6827 4039 5781 4400000500 Wrong meter number please.2021-03-16 a.yamusa@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015129ClosedKCT Request2021-03-16: Request for KCT 1 Good Morning Sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the MSN please. 04234828236 44000309458 Best regardMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-16NoHello, Find below, 04234828236 6130 3638 5871 4354 3306 2874 2134 9722 0591 8724 44000309458 0482 0341 5713 8191 1509 1353 1066 6827 4039 57812021-03-16 a.yamusa@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015128ClosedKCT Request2021-03-16Request for k c t please 0150000880404Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-03-16NoFind below, 6385 6276 8977 8007 9537 1830 7192 3402 2086 52172021-03-16 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015127ClosedKCT Request2021-03-16Request for k c t please 0150000887375 thanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-03-15NoFind below, 6743 0856 7617 1504 4543 6362 0357 5606 5530 15342021-03-15 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015126ClosedTamper Code2021-03-16Kindly vette on these meters for support to generate tamper. 0101190139325 0101200068886 0101200063507 44000381846 0101200018915 0101200028708 0101200067292 0101190154712 0101190137402 0101200018915 0101200032742 0101200020481 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-15NoHello, Find below, 0101190139325 30988604625749908590 0101200068886 5296 8092 3789 1625 6228 0101200063507 0268 4488 1875 6296 6751 44000381846 5248 5185 6989 0220 7729 0101200018915 5104 1890 6719 7528 3676 0101200028708 4727 8922 5338 7745 3674 0101200067292 0714 0467 6908 1270 0902 0101190154712 0072 5211 8371 3521 1178 0101190137402 6899 7041 5849 6950 7701 0101200018915 2646 9223 4792 5831 0637 0101200032742 6154 1005 4899 8244 7317 0101200020481 2728 4811 5609 3127 73992021-03-15 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015125ClosedKCT Request2021-03-16: Request for k c t please 0150000880362 thanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-16NoHello, Find below, 0749 2953 1003 2195 7207 5910 8269 0699 6321 63152021-03-16 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015124ClosedKCT Request2021-03-16: Request for k c t please 0150000877145 thanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-16NoHello, Find below, 4185 7985 4905 6789 9447 5976 9841 1775 5791 88212021-03-16 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015123ClosedKCT Request2021-03-16: REQUEST FOR KCT 62420226920 624202225021 62420251456 62420253650 62420137226 62420252090 62420235376 62420230443 62420212938 62420213803 62420233801 Kindly furnish us with the above information ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-16NoHello, Find below, 62420226920 Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. 624202225021 Wrong meter number. 62420251456 Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. 62420253650 3442 8323 4630 7449 9062 5931 1607 4970 6874 6084 62420137226 Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. 62420252090 6816 2233 4651 3287 5774 5481 3572 6613 7736 4208 62420235376 Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. 62420230443 0684 3235 1969 1308 2128 6771 9856 0083 3799 2984 62420212938 Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. 62420213803 Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter. 62420233801 Wrong meter number or not captured.2021-03-16 vajimehd@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015122ClosedKCT Request2021-03-16Request for k c t please 0150000907066 2. 0150000912454 thanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-03-16NoFind below, 0150000907066 6004 9145 3623 5253 6544 6512 4959 0614 6791 3150 2. 0150000912454 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-03-16 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015121ClosedKCT Request2021-03-16: Request for KCT Please find below meter number to generate KCT 44000349231 Thanks CCRM ID 3703 Gombe Regional OfficeMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-03-16NoFind below, 6278 0157 8362 9040 3058 0698 2957 4306 8344 61262021-03-16 surefreedeen@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015120Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015119Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015118Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015117ClosedKCT Request2021-03-15: Request for KCT Please send KCT ;0150000892342 ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-15NoHello, Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2021-03-15 mahmudwaziri@hotmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015116ClosedKCT Request2021-03-15: REQUEST FOR ROLLOVER CODE Kindly generate rollover for the below meters please. 04227871508 04223503501 04223503493Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-15NoHello, Find below, 04227871508 4915 3382 2013 3285 0198 6644 9398 4534 1258 3912 04223503501 0544 0277 8870 3172 0737 4545 0254 8762 2328 7389 04223503493 5066 1235 5781 6108 7122 2779 4576 1150 7349 20192021-03-15 naomi.tegwi@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015115ClosedKCT Request2021-03-15: KCT 44000360402 44000315745 Abubakar Sadiq Gabdo CCRM REPS. Gombe Trading ZoneMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-15NoHello, Find below. 44000360402 2965 0759 5730 1472 1285 7308 9371 2121 4378 9637 44000315745 6451 1738 1001 0725 8338 1270 1648 3458 7993 31312021-03-15 ashanafagain@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015114In ProgressRequest2021-03-15Dear Sir, We are requesting for the details of the total installed for the month of March. My regards.Medium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2021-03-15No0000-00-00 nasfaskari@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00015113Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015112Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015111Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015110Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015109Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015108Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015107Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015106Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015105Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015104ClosedKCT Request2021-03-15: Request for KCT 62420151953 Kindly furnish me with above information bestMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-15NoHello, Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2021-03-15 tsavsarmngu@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015103ClosedKCT Request2021-03-15: Request for kct - 44000376481 Please treatMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-15NoHello, Find below, 6661 8104 2361 9255 5142 6952 4046 0009 1285 98702021-03-15 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015102ClosedKCT Request2021-03-15: Request for kct Please kindly send me the kct for this meter no. 0101200017388MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-15NoHello, Find below. 1874 9097 6652 8150 5269 2894 6028 6012 3809 91232021-03-15 umarmacy35@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015101ClosedKCT Request2021-03-15: Request for k c t please 0150000889033 thanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-15NoHello, Find below. 5689 7278 0754 2583 5179 4273 3835 7778 9159 76132021-03-15 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015100ClosedKCT Request2021-03-15Request for KCT 62420232142 62420223414 Kindly furnish me with above information best regards.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-15NoHello, Find below. 62420232142 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62420223414 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-03-15 tsavsarmngu@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015099ClosedKCT Request2021-03-15: Request for KCT 44000374841Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-03-15NoFind below, 0306 5448 1251 4987 9528 1748 1091 8918 9390 68632021-03-15 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015098ClosedKCT Request2021-03-15: Request for k c t please inrespect of the following 54160914674 2. 0150000875156. 3. 0150000895071 54160914674. 2. 0150000875156. 3. 0150000895071. ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-03-15NoFind below, 54160914674. This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 2. 0150000875156 6715 4937 5103 8797 3456 0249 2406 4326 0352 0769 3. 0150000895071 to be generated2021-03-15 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015097ClosedKCT Request2021-03-15Request for KCT - 440003730903835 Tukur Hamid2021-03-15NoFind below, 2776 6988 3708 6149 2307 5122 6126 5094 2852 72292021-03-15 u.labakpan@jedplc.com Tukur Hamid
#00015096ClosedVending History2021-03-15: Request for vending history 54161065575Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-03-15NoFind below, Transaction Details Token Details Transaction ID: 1173161463071924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-01 21:31:59 Meter No.: 54161065575 Account No.: 6311700077-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 36.67 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 3956 2293 4510 5522 5641 Transaction ID: 1221161193527224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-29 16:47:52 Meter No.: 54161065575 Account No.: 6311700077-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦279.07 Energy Cost: ₦3,720.93 KwH: 73.35 Amount Tendered: ₦4,000.00 6537 1889 1826 8066 4007 Transaction ID: 1969161389923924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-21 10:20:39 Meter No.: 54161065575 Account No.: 6311700077-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 18.34 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 7241 8887 8132 3030 2997 Transaction ID: 2118161513792824 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-07 18:25:28 Meter No.: 54161065575 Account No.: 6311700077-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 18.34 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 5117 4492 1416 9852 9694 Transaction ID: 2354161554021224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-12 10:10:12 Meter No.: 54161065575 Account No.: 6311700077-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 18.34 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 4336 9269 5726 5361 1253 Transaction ID: 3122160992793224 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-06 11:12:12 Meter No.: 54161065575 Account No.: 6311700077-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦348.84 Energy Cost: ₦4,651.16 KwH: 91.68 Amount Tendered: ₦5,000.00 6472 3365 3419 1717 5410 Transaction ID: 3211161302179924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-11 06:36:39 Meter No.: 54161065575 Account No.: 6311700077-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 18.34 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 0654 8150 5424 0046 2208 Transaction ID: 4156160950017024 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-01-01 12:23:09 Meter No.: 54161065575 Account No.: 6311700077-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦279.07 Energy Cost: ₦3,720.93 KwH: 73.35 Amount Tendered: ₦4,000.00 1776 9733 8823 8239 2220 Transaction ID: 5361161547189924 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-11 15:11:39 Meter No.: 54161065575 Account No.: 6311700077-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦139.53 Energy Cost: ₦1,860.47 KwH: 36.67 Amount Tendered: ₦2,000.00 2296 2882 3266 8797 7053 Transaction ID: 5634161357013424 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-02-17 14:55:34 Meter No.: 54161065575 Account No.: 6311700077-01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 18.34 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 3079 4708 9072 7702 13122021-03-15 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015095ClosedTamper Code2021-03-15Tamper Dear Support/Audit Team, Kindly generate Tamper for this Meter 0101200065858 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-15NoHello, Please send this mail to Audit for verification. Regards.2021-03-15 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015094ClosedKCT Request2021-03-15: REQUEST FOR KCT Afternoon. Please kindly furnish me with the of the following meter number. MSN:54161032237 Best Regards.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-15NoHello, Find below. 6907 8471 6604 2792 3684 4935 9409 2500 5965 91372021-03-15 delukosam@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015093ClosedKCT Request2021-03-15: Requesting for KCT Hello sir, please kindly generate KCT from 01 to 02 for this MSN: 44000363950 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-15NoHello, Find below, 0831 2869 4604 6744 9769 0193 2375 4838 9888 56232021-03-15 yuzarsif33112269@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015092Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015091ClosedKCT Request2021-03-15: Request for KCT Please send KCT ; 1-0150000862493 2-0150000870512MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-15NoHello, Find below. 0150000862493 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 0150000870512 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-03-15 mahmudwaziri@hotmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015090ClosedKCT Request2021-03-15Request for kct in respect of this account 0101195005240 Good morningMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-15NoHello, Find below. 1260 9318 5308 7521 2150 0240 9081 0864 2359 28712021-03-15 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015089ClosedKCT Request2021-03-15: Request for k c t 0150000877541 thanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-15NoHello, Find below. 6007 3699 4160 3407 4435 0121 5525 5913 8838 84952021-03-15 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015088ClosedKCT Request2021-03-15: REQUEST FOR KCT- 0101190144184 Pls assist with the aboveMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-15NoHello, Find below. 1727 7175 1468 1074 2131 2245 3552 4122 0153 83352021-03-15 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015087ClosedVending History2021-03-15: Request for vending history please 04248810741Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-15NoHello, Find below and Attached, Transaction ID: 9839161536939824 Transaction Date/Time: 2021-03-10 10:43:18 Meter No.: 04248810741 Account No.: 6311112154/01 Transaction Type: Prepaid Agent ID/Name: 000024/Allstream Energy Solution VAT: ₦69.77 Energy Cost: ₦930.23 KwH: 21.82 Amount Tendered: ₦1,000.00 3355 6246 1163 8946 21702021-03-15 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015086In ProgressReversal2021-03-15Dear support team, Please find attached the list updated with cashiers names as requested. Thank you --Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-15No0000-00-00 kashamtankoyusuf.kty@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015085ClosedKCT Request2021-03-15: Request for KCT 5 Good Morning Sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the MSN please. 44000307486 Best regardMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-15NoHello, Find below. 3938 1890 2789 8855 0524 6895 8606 7446 8586 35042021-03-15 a.yamusa@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00015084ClosedKCT Request2021-03-1544000365187 Dear It support, Kindly generate KCT for the above meter numberMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-15NoHello, Find below. 3874 6532 2756 2597 4081 1405 0067 3316 8100 74932021-03-15 ppmcapture@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015083ClosedKCT Request2021-03-15KCT Good afternoon please kindly generate KCT for meter number 54161166787 Thank you Tor-anyiin Kelvin kator CCRM SUPERVISOR GBOKO REGIONMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-15NoHello, Find below. 4742 5774 7763 4895 2596 6024 1551 5789 5766 65962021-03-15 toranyiinkator14@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015082ClosedKCT Request2021-03-15: KCT REQUEST 44000366961 44000404960 44000358588Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2021-03-15NoHello, Find below. 44000366961 1573 5666 2280 4787 0057 4256 9969 0922 7771 7346 44000404960 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 44000358588 1619 4740 8427 1537 2767 0481 3787 1538 8920 96722021-03-15 aliyusaad63@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00015081ClosedKCT Request2021-03-15REQUEST FOR KCT Find Below 0150000882764 From 01 to 02 0150000865082 From 01 to 02 0150000861511 From 01 to 03 Regards.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-15NoHello, Find below. 0150000882764 From 01 to 02 1959 6908 6316 3605 3983 0735 2917 2555 2336 3514 0150000865082 From 01 to 02 4207 7248 2026 4458 9020 3682 0408 4964 9774 6321 0150000861511 From 01 to 03 1591 8050 0390 7861 9115 5892 2607 1401 4655 69192021-03-15 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00015080ClosedKCT Request2021-03-15Request for kct in respect of this account 0150000880586 Good dayMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-15NoHello, Find below. This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2021-03-15 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015079ClosedKCT Request2021-03-15: K ct Request for k c t please 0150000909013MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-15NoHello, Find below. This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-03-15 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015078In ProgressReversal2021-03-15Request for reversal of wrong posting of payment to account No 679342 Good day Ma, Please find attached for your necessary action. Best regardsMedium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2021-03-15No0000-00-00 kashamtankoyusufkty@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00015077In ProgressReversal2021-03-15Request for reversal IFO 659849 (Cheng Marcus) Good evening sir. Please find attached sir. Thanks for your considerationMedium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2021-03-15No0000-00-00 kashamtankoyusufkty@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00015076ClosedKCT Request2021-03-15: Kct Please kindly send me the KCT numbers generated to this meter numbers 44000367514,44000367548,44000380772.thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-15NoHello, Find below. 44000367514 0036 0697 5348 6458 5928 6241 8552 3118 1178 9043 44000367548 3074 8707 2447 3945 0618 3703 2861 8057 3721 5502 44000380772 4673 3465 7219 5173 3612 4606 9324 1416 0085 54892021-03-15 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015075In ProgressReversal2021-03-15Pankshin report of over vending of a customerMedium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2021-03-15No0000-00-00 kashamtankoyusuf.kty@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00015074In ProgressReversal2021-03-15: REQUEST FOR REVERSALOF WRONG POSTING FROM AN E-VEN CASHIER. Please find attached the request for reversal as discussed. Thank youMedium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2021-03-15No0000-00-00 kashamtankoyusuf.kty@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00015073ClosedKCT Request2021-03-15Request for KCT 0101200021661MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-15NoHello, Find below. 3863 7883 9068 3807 9518 4521 9127 5571 0748 19232021-03-15 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015072ClosedKCT Request2021-03-15: REQUEST FOR KCT Find Below 0150000889066 from 01 to 08. Regards.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-15NoHello, Find below. 5137 1641 3634 4583 5043 6378 4489 4217 7504 03482021-03-15 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00015071ClosedKCT Request2021-03-15: REQUEST FOR KCT- Kindly generate KCT for the meter numbers below 44000361111; 44000376671; 44000383693; 44000371912; 44000349488; 44000374197MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-15NoHello, Find below. 44000361111 2128 4058 8465 7893 1007 3640 7691 5860 7852 1141 44000376671 3665 3254 5341 4219 7295 3541 5114 2765 5428 8295 44000383693 0766 1752 0827 9320 1000 3572 4303 3886 9589 0027 44000371912 0798 9704 5793 7826 3275 5351 4115 2536 7068 7118 44000349488 1505 8975 1290 8073 4384 5813 2096 5999 8372 8844 44000374197 2203 8707 0412 5493 6876 6084 5450 3969 2959 62792021-03-15 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015070In ProgressReversal2021-03-15Dear RHA, Our review of cashiers collections in February 2021 reveals that Ulam Daniel has under declared his/her collections by N597,474 on 24th February, 2021. We therefore want to know the following; 1. Are you aware of the incident? 2. What exactly happen that day? 3. Has he declared overage on that date? 4. Was there any mail communicating the same incident? 5. How was the clearing cashier cleared him for that day transactions? 6. How was his wallet reconciled? 7. Do you anticipate such error? 8. Highlight the process flows being followed by the clearing cashier in clearing your regions cashiers?Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2021-03-15No0000-00-00 rabilu.yunusa@jedplc.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00015069ClosedReversal2021-03-15Pankshin over vending report Please find attached the request for reversal as discussed. Thank youMedium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2021-03-15NoPlease find attached2021-03-15 kashamtankoyusuf.kty@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00015068ClosedKCT Request2021-03-15: REQUEST FOR KCT Find Below 0150000878390 from 01 to 02 RegardsMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-15NoHello, Find below. 4050 7150 3800 6486 2584 7026 8358 5693 0277 05792021-03-15 infortech4life@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00015067Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015066Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015065Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015064ClosedKCT Request2021-03-15: Request for KCT Good Morning Sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the MSN please. 44000368934 Best regardMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-15NoHello, Find below. 44000368934 6758 3759 7798 6146 7372 4389 7648 0803 5910 64042021-03-15 a.yamusa@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00015063ClosedKCT Request2021-03-15: KCT Dear Support, kindly generate KCT for these MSNs 44000372688 44000326924 Thanks.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-15NoHello, Find below, 44000372688 6502 7721 4415 3975 6702 5077 6070 4799 6059 0808 44000326924 0510 7956 7493 0855 6584 4332 2809 5297 7234 58302021-03-15 rolandjames750@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015062ClosedKCT Request2021-03-15: KCT REQUEST 150321 I Good Morning Sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the MSNs please. 04223521628 04234511360 Best RegardsMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-15NoHello, Find below. 04223521628 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 04234511360 4514 4241 3931 8530 1833 6394 3582 1008 1790 19512021-03-15 glawal1184@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00015061Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015060Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015059ClosedKCT Request2021-03-15: Request for KCT 54161019804 & 44000378743MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-15NoHello, Find below. 54161019804 0207 3007 8588 5916 7423 4808 1152 6143 9809 9759 44000378743 2448 1879 0425 4318 6805 5379 0456 2438 6248 25852021-03-15 aisha.aliyu@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00015058ClosedKCT Request2021-03-15: Request for KCT Good Morning Sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the MSN please. 44000354983 Best regardMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-15NoHello, Find below. 0673 9975 6999 9622 6756 5366 8831 4550 0250 56322021-03-15 a.yamusa@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00015057ClosedKCT Request2021-03-15: Request for KCT Find Below 0150000912470 from 01 to 02 RegardsMedium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2021-03-15NoHello, Find below. 1175 7265 1289 7122 9266 2408 8454 7800 7957 66022021-03-15 infortech4life@yahoo.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00015056ClosedKCT Request2021-03-15Request for k c t please 0150000865058 thanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-15NoHello, Find below. 3426 9121 9532 8202 6828 5451 3723 9905 5741 70292021-03-15 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015055ClosedKCT Request2021-03-15: Request for KCT meter no 62420250722 Kindly furnish me with above information best regards.MediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-15NoHello Find below. 5307 5341 4130 1738 8987 4423 6714 1108 5988 50312021-03-15 tsavsarmngu@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015054ClosedKCT Request2021-03-15REQUEST FOR KCT Find Below 0150000872609 REgardsMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-15NoHello, Find below. 0467 3094 0476 0942 3241 5283 1576 9739 2651 86792021-03-15 zakar.kani@jedplc.com Umar Auwal
#00015053In ProgressReversal2021-03-15Please find attached the request for reversal as discussed. Thank you ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Leonard Lapang Date: Thu, Mar 11, 2021 at 5:00 PM Subject: Pankshin Bitrus Tapji To: Kasham Tanko-Yusuf -- Kasham Tanko Yusuf.Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2021-03-15No0000-00-00 Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00015052ClosedKCT Request2021-03-15: Request for KCT Find Below 0150000872609 from 01 to 02 RegardsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-15NoHello, Find below, 0467 3094 0476 0942 3241 5283 1576 9739 2651 86792021-03-15 infortech4life@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015051ClosedKCT Request2021-03-15: Request for KCT 62420226920 Kindly furnish me with above information best regardsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-15NoHello, Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2021-03-15 tsavsarmngu@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015050ClosedKCT Request2021-03-15: Request for KCT 44000382430 Pls I need KCT for the above meter number. Thank you.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-15NoHello, Find below, Single phase residential on our system no KCT require, hence query the meter and send the tariff index on the meter.2021-03-15 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015049ClosedKCT Request2021-03-15: REQUEST FOR KCT 62420222408 62420217044 62420217341 62420235624 Kindly furnish me with the above information ThanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-15NoHello, Find below. 62420222408 2718 1002 2636 6053 9714 3227 0587 9805 0519 9250 62420217044 6794 1288 6533 3081 2601 6865 8167 9229 1891 9933 62420217341 4749 2736 5898 0115 4855 4387 5985 7364 0258 3877 62420235624 5172 2938 7054 6026 9902 4718 7790 7458 4933 13842021-03-15 vajimehd@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015048ClosedTamper Code2021-03-15: Request for Clear Tamper Code Dear IT Support, Kindly furnish us with the Clear Tamper Code for 0101170182717. ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-15NoHello, Please note that there Is no Audit Approval on the for, kindly obtain Audit stamp on the form.2021-03-15 aramidee05@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015047In ProgressReversal2021-03-15Please find attached the request for reversal as discussed. Thank you ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Roger Retchen Date: Fri, Mar 12, 2021 at 1:10 PM Subject: REQUEST FOR CANCELLATION AND REVERSAL OF PAYMENT TRANSACTION ID 28771161417672524 (N20,003.00) - FARIN GADA To: Nelson Egwemi , Nelson Egwemi , Kasham Tanko-Yusuf Cc: JED PLC , Adamu Haruna , Rabilu Dabule , pam john , adanguarenge , chinedu iwuagwu , , Olagbaju Ibukun The above subject matter and Cashiers report/request letter attached refers. Details as follows: Date: 8th March, 2021 To: The Head, Corporate Finance From: The Regional Head Finance, Jos Metropolitan Region Subject: RE: REPORT/REQUEST FOR THE CANCELLATION AND REVERSAL OF PAYMENT WITH TRANSACTION ID NO. 2871161417672524 (N20,003.00) ACCOUNT NO. 612754260301 (MUSA) The above subject matter and Cashiers report/request letter attached refers. Details as follows:  Account Name: Musa Customer Account No: 612754260301 Customer Address: Sabon Layi Customer Type: Postpaid Transaction ID: 2871161417672524 Amount to be Cancelled/Revised: N20, 003.00 only Date of Transaction: 24th February, 2021 Cashiers Name: Hafsat A. Usman Staff No: 1061 Cash Office: Farin Gada Reason: The Cashier erroneously transacted twenty thousand three naira (N20, 003.00) only instead of two thousand naira (N2, 000.00) only, reason being that her finger mistakenly touched the "3" button which this was not noticed until the transaction was completed. Sir, above is for your information, consideration and approval please. Thanks, RETCHEN ROGERS IBRAHIM REGIONAL HEAD FINANCE (JOS METRO) -- Kasham Tanko Yusuf.Medium1778 Abubakar Anas Aliyu2021-03-15No0000-00-00 kashamtankoyusuf.kty@gmail.com Abubakar Anas Aliyu
#00015046ClosedKCT Request2021-03-15: Request for kct in respect of this account 54160914674 Good morningMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-15NoHello, Find below. This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-03-15 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015045Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015044Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015043In ProgressFailed Transaction2021-03-12: REQUEST FOR CANCELLATION AND REVERSAL OF PAYMENT TRANSACTION ID 28771161417672524 (N20,003.00) - FARIN GADAMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2021-03-15No0000-00-00 kashamtankoyusuf.kty@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00015042ClosedKCT Request2021-03-15Request for k c t please 0150000876832. 2. 0150000885742. 3 0150000864143 thanksMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-15NoHello, Find below. 0150000876832 2055 8412 2093 4083 2291 5872 0259 2215 6452 3104 0150000885742 2436 6130 0556 3057 7935 6441 9045 8978 1649 6937 0150000864143 6179 9175 7496 5427 0249 5483 3685 6114 7536 27662021-03-15 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015041ClosedVending History2021-03-15: Vending history Kindly avail us with the vending history of the meter 54160878200.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-15NoHello, Find Attached,2021-03-15 georgeagah629@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015040Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015039Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015038ClosedTamper Code2021-03-13Dear Support, Kindly generate Tamper for these Momas Meters 62420250797 62420233090 62420223844 62420143562 62420230971 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-13NoHello, Find below, 62420250797 3511 3559 5416 9849 8380 Clear Tamper 62420233090 1844 0587 8879 7616 9909 Clear Tamper 62420223844 7102 8141 0010 5338 6226 Clear Tamper 62420143562 0805 0387 5194 3351 8192 Clear Tamper 62420230971 4880 7717 7589 0481 9357 Clear Tamper2021-03-13 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015037Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015036Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015035Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015034ClosedTamper Code2021-03-12: Completed PPM Clear Tamper Complaint Lodging Form Dear Sir, Kindly Find attached document for further necessary actionMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-03-12NoHello, Find below, 44000380756 4457 4755 2537 9181 5652 Clear Tamper2021-03-12 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00015033ClosedKCT Request2021-03-12Request for KCT 62420233132 Kindly furnish me with above information thanks.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-03-12NoFind below, 0537 9415 5669 7382 9657 5357 1112 7924 2591 02402021-03-12 tsavsarmngu@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015032ClosedKCT Request2021-03-12KCT REQUEST Hello, Kindly assist with KCT for these meters. Thank you. Meter Numbers: 0101190144218 0101200026033 0101190142758Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-03-12NoFind below, 0101190144218 1422 2133 7862 3694 0352 6101 1347 5074 2073 6211 0101200026033 1227 0538 7888 5304 5740 2498 9515 1026 4536 3329 0101190142758 4032 9470 8102 0697 7647 1040 0011 2451 4730 43422021-03-12 ademugeorge@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015031Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015030ClosedKCT Request2021-03-12: Request for KCT 62420224958 62420223976 62420221483 62420216608 62420253163 Kindly furnish me with above information thanks.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-03-12NoFind below, 62420224958 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62420223976 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on. 62420221483 2004 3060 8696 6957 0951 1885 1605 2905 7435 1206 62420216608 To be generated 62420253163 6188 5450 5739 9977 9298 1167 9000 8572 5393 05182021-03-12 tsavsarmngu@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015029ClosedKCT Request2021-03-12: Request for KCT 44000399269Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-03-12NoFind below, 3458 0099 0018 0141 1985 2844 8849 3223 9511 51652021-03-12 danjumanuwaira@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015028Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015027ClosedKCT Request2021-03-12: Request for k c t please 0150000893746 thanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-03-12NoFind below, 6881 8272 2020 1238 9126 7062 2576 8950 0727 78132021-03-12 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015026Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015025ClosedKCT Request2021-03-12REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPER, OGABA JAMES OCHE CHECK THE ATTACHED REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPER FORM, INTERNAL MEMO. OGABA JAMES OCHE METER NO=0101178019275 I WILL BE GRATEFUL IF MY REQUEST IS GRANTED OWOICHO STEPHEN EMMANUEL M&NC OTUKPO TEAM LEAD KIND REGARDMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-12NoHello, Find below, 0101178019275 4808 7049 5889 8179 5926 Clear Tamper2021-03-12 owifirstowifirst@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015024ClosedKCT Request2021-03-12: KCT REQUEST 120321 K Good Afternoon Sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the MSN pleaseMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-12NoHello, Find below. 44000308161 2568 0868 5429 1975 1284 3088 5565 2185 5286 01282021-03-12 glawal1184@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00015023ClosedKCT Request2021-03-12: Request for k c t please Reminder pleaseMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-03-12NoFind below, 6366 8947 0721 6068 7828 2216 2751 7864 7021 93102021-03-12 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015022ClosedKCT Request2021-03-12: Request for KCT 62420224560 62420256893 Kindly furnish me with above information thanks.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2021-03-12NoFind below, 62420224560 4694 4798 6863 3549 9367 3024 3191 4833 4254 6080 62420256893 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on.2021-03-12 tsavsarmngu@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00015021ClosedTamper Code2021-03-12: CT Dear support kindly generate CT MSNO. 0101178034381, thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-12NoHello, Find below, 4250 6337 6227 0561 43822021-03-12 jubilant95@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015020ClosedKCT Request2021-03-12Request for kct in respect of this account 44000399905 & 0150000910565 Good dayMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-12NoFind below. 44000399905 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on 0150000910565 This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on2021-03-12 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015019ClosedKCT Request2021-03-12: Request for KCT 0101195003104 Dear IT support, Pls I need KCT for the above. Thank youMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-12NoHello, Find below. 2300 9962 6690 6441 5470 6238 0861 7420 1165 99812021-03-12 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Umar Auwal
#00015018ClosedKCT Request2021-03-12: KCT REQUEST 120321 J Good Morning Sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the MSNs please. 44000333649 54160944499 with tariff 01 on the meter Best RegardsMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-12NoHello, Find below. 44000333649 3166 6106 5597 7439 9096 5844 3990 8211 5130 4024 54160944499 3942 5253 5824 3270 0944 0146 3066 8841 2870 60152021-03-12 glawal1184@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00015017ClosedKCT Request2021-03-12: K c t please 0150000876592 thanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-12NoHello, Find below, 5117 1959 5302 2344 0389 1452 6443 7774 2781 46422021-03-12 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015016ClosedKCT Request2021-03-12: Request for KCT - 0101200012637 Please treatMediumIT Umar Auwal2021-03-12NoHello, Find below. 3860 0644 3854 2061 3445 5628 9958 7566 7715 78752021-03-12 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Umar Auwal
#00015015Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015014ClosedKCT Request2021-03-12: KCT GENERATION 44000341352 Dear IT team, Please the above subject refers. Waiting for your reply. Regards.MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2021-03-12NoHello, Find below. 5597 5686 8702 4526 6086 4764 8281 5168 6179 67372021-03-12 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00015013ClosedKCT Request2021-03-12: Request for KCT 62420233470 62420256893 . Kindly furnish me with above information thanksMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2021-03-12NoHello, Find below. 62420233470 2108 9268 9865 9658 8320 4830 4079 2035 9356 2021 62420256893 This is not found on our database. Kindly confirm the meter number.2021-03-12 tsavsarmngu@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00015012ClosedKCT Request2021-03-12: KCT GENERATION 44000341352 Dear IT team, Please the above subject refers. Waiting for your reply. Regards.MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2021-03-12NoHello, Find below. 5597 5686 8702 4526 6086 4764 8281 5168 6179 67372021-03-12 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00015011ClosedKCT Request2021-03-12K c t pleaseMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2021-03-12NoHello, Find below. This is a Single Phase Residential (01) meter, hence no KCT required. However, kindly query the meter and let us know which tariff index it is on2021-03-12 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00015010ClosedTamper Code2021-03-12Request for CTT - 0101190016282Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2021-03-12NoHello, Find below, 0101190016283 1756 4484 9015 1655 4721 Clear Tamper2021-03-12 stynlucs@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00015009Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015008ClosedEvend Access2021-03-12Evend AccessMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2021-03-12NoUsername: h.dauda@jedplc.com Password: 1615543597 Link: https://bit.ly/eVend Regards2021-03-12 h.dauda@jedplc.com Anas Abubakar
#00015007ClosedJCS Access2021-03-12JCS AccessMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2021-03-12NoUsername: h.dauda@jedplc.com Password: Dauda@2021! Link: http://www.jedcloudstratum.com/ You may change the password if you want to. Regards2021-03-12 h.dauda@jedplc.com Anas Abubakar
#00015006ClosedOfficial Email Setup2021-03-12Official mail login detailsMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2021-03-12NoUsername: i.shiyaki@jedplc.com Password: shiya@#com2021-03-12 Ibrahimabbubakar@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00015005ClosedOfficial Email Setup2021-03-12Official mail login detailsMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2021-03-12NoUsername: e.simon@jedplc.com Password: simo@#com2021-03-12 enleleysiman@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00015004ClosedOfficial Email Setup2021-03-12Official mail login detailsMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2021-03-12NoUsername: a.abdulrahman@jedplc.com Password: abdul@#com2021-03-12 rajiahmed070@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00015003ClosedOfficial Email Setup2021-03-12Official mail login detailsMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2021-03-12NoUsername: a.abdulrahman@jedplc.com Password: Ahme#com2021-03-12 Ibrahimabbubakar@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00015002Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00015001ClosedEvend Access2021-03-12Evend accessMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2021-03-12NoUsername: a.yamusa@jedplc.com Password: 1615537363 Link: https://bit.ly/eVend2021-03-12 ayamusa1987@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00015000Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014999Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014998ClosedJCS Access2021-03-08JCS login detailsMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2021-03-08NoUsername: u.labakpan@jedplc.com Password: Umar@2021!2021-03-08 omarllepps@yahoo.com Anas Abubakar
#00014997ClosedJCS Access2021-03-08Jcs login detailsMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2021-03-08NoUsername: uzairu.abdullahi@jedplc.com Password: Uzai@2021!2021-03-08 uzairu3898@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014996ClosedOfficial Email Setup2021-03-05Official mail login detailsMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2021-03-05NoUsername: u.labakpan@jedplc.com Password: lab@#com2021-03-05 omarllepps@yahoo.com Anas Abubakar
#00014995ClosedOfficial Email Setup2021-03-05Offcial mail login detailsMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2021-03-05NoUsername: m.mainta@jedplc.com Passwors: main@#com2021-03-05 mainta2005@yahoo.com Anas Abubakar
#00014994ClosedOfficial Email Setup2021-03-05Official mail login detailsMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2021-03-05NoUsername: i.aliyu@jedplc.com Password: isa@#com2021-03-05 aliyuisahrijau2020@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014993ClosedOfficial Email Setup2021-03-05Offcial mail login detailsMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2021-03-05NoUsername: k.abdullahi@jedplc.tec Password: kab@#com2021-03-05 kabirsabo99@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014992ClosedOfficial Email Setup2021-03-05Offcial mail login detailsMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2021-03-05NoUsername: f.ibrahim@jedplc.com Password: far@#com2021-03-05 ibrahimfaruk06@gmai.com Anas Abubakar
#00014991ClosedOfficial Email Setup2021-03-05Official mail login detailsMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2021-03-05NoUsername: u.muttaka@jedplc.com Passwor: mt@#com2021-03-05 mntq01@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014990ClosedOfficial Email Setup2021-03-05Offcial mail login detailsMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2021-03-05NoUsername: k.abdul@jedplc.com Password: sabo@#com2021-03-05 khalifasaboabdul@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014989ClosedOfficial Email Setup2021-03-05Official mail login detailsMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2021-03-05NokUsername: a.mustapha@jedplc.com Password: mus@#com2021-03-05 abdullahim2255@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014988ClosedOfficial Email Setup2021-01-06Official mail Login detailsMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2021-01-06NoUsername: s.muhammad@jedplc.com Password: HX*+oFK*j#W82021-01-06 abumaimuna491@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014987ClosedComplaint2021-01-06reuestMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2021-01-06Noj2021-01-06 abumaimuna491@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014986Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014985Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014984ClosedRequest2020-08-13REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILS FOR 0101170153437 Dear Fatimah, Please assist with the above subject. Thank you and best regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-08-13NoGood morning, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170153437 Start Date: 3/22/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $7,581.76 Outstanding Balance: $7,581.76 Running Balance: $7,581.76 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-08-13 waziriyahaya007@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014983ClosedKCT Request2020-08-13: KCT Dear Support, Kindly Generate KCT for these meters. 54161082836 54160182836 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-08-13NoGood morning , Find below, 54161082836 2326 1310 2632 1044 8671 6023 0618 3354 4933 6155 54160182836 This meter has not been captured.2020-08-13 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014982ClosedRequest2020-08-13: DEBT PROFILE Sorry here is the right meter number. 54161108367. Power house of solution chapel. ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-08-13NoGood morning, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 54161108367 Start Date: 2/29/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $59,254.05 Outstanding Balance: $59,254.05 Running Balance: $59,254.05 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-08-13 toranyiinkator14@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014981ClosedRequest2020-08-13: REQUEST DEBT PROFILE AND COLLECTION VALUE 0101161069097Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-08-13NoGood morning, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 542114 Start Date: 6/2/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $51,973.12 Outstanding Balance: $51,973.12 Running Balance: $51,973.12 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-08-13 longpuan@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014980ClosedRequest2020-08-13: Request for vending history opening balance and outstanding debt Kindly help me with the debt profile of the following meter 54161065005. Nd vending history opening balanceMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-08-13NoGood morning, Find below, Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 6321531244-01 Start Date: 4/22/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $94,531.70 Outstanding Balance: $60,531.70 Running Balance: $60,531.70 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 8/13/2020 10:17:18 AM Date Sold: 04/03/19 09:44 Meter/Type: 54161065005 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190630845071 Supplier Ref: 190630845071 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01949248 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 30841625623512551325 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/03/19 11:51 Meter/Type: 54161065005 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 647410371942730 Supplier Ref: 647410371942730 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02094511 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 07306676337053692175 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/04/19 11:04 Meter/Type: 54161065005 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190931004224 Supplier Ref: 190931004224 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02118330 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 68062516984737503840 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/04/19 16:38 Meter/Type: 54161065005 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155499350368 Supplier Ref: 155499350368 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02167011 Total Value: N400.00 Standard: N400.00 - 53071902599370424813 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/04/19 11:22 Meter/Type: 54161065005 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 443930289344620 Supplier Ref: 443930289344620 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02170475 Total Value: N700.00 Standard: N700.00 - 47350903781936350935 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/04/19 11:38 Meter/Type: 54161065005 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155532110325 Supplier Ref: 155532110325 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02183845 Total Value: N700.00 Standard: N700.00 - 26123869422102606989 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/05/19 11:51 Meter/Type: 54161065005 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155696348810 Supplier Ref: 155696348810 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02294430 Total Value: N5,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 56146177825261472783 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/05/19 09:51 Meter/Type: 54161065005 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191270851538 Supplier Ref: 191270851538 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02309774 Total Value: N10.00 Standard: N10.00 - 15025476222688710094 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/05/19 12:56 Meter/Type: 54161065005 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191311156112 Supplier Ref: 191311156112 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02327813 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 60540673649871242468 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/05/19 13:17 Meter/Type: 54161065005 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 22969684940603 Supplier Ref: 22969684940603 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02403098 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 55725304284583907198 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/06/19 20:50 Meter/Type: 54161065005 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191541950175 Supplier Ref: 191541950175 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02448497 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 24239788686882332674 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/06/19 11:27 Meter/Type: 54161065005 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191661027504 Supplier Ref: 191661027504 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02508276 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 38274874512499778645 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/06/19 10:59 Meter/Type: 54161065005 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191720959118 Supplier Ref: 191720959118 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02535771 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 60937189283182893209 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/06/19 18:17 Meter/Type: 54161065005 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156165226589 Supplier Ref: 156165226589 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02566807 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 44149486444629908695 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/07/19 20:29 Meter/Type: 54161065005 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191851929163 Supplier Ref: 191851929163 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02601411 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 18973788682609632162 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/07/19 12:28 Meter/Type: 54161065005 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191941128315 Supplier Ref: 191941128315 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02642850 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 18902870603511508913 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/07/19 19:38 Meter/Type: 54161065005 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192011838252 Supplier Ref: 192011838252 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02678168 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 16416727415129710770 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/07/19 12:00 Meter/Type: 54161065005 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156439444645 Supplier Ref: 156439444645 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02716120 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 61594908315429616134 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/08/19 13:43 Meter/Type: 54161065005 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192171243208 Supplier Ref: 192171243208 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02757800 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 33143524161106716610 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/08/19 13:26 Meter/Type: 54161065005 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156543640025 Supplier Ref: 156543640025 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02785025 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 35545155957052918476 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/08/19 12:33 Meter/Type: 54161065005 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192351133561 Supplier Ref: 192351133561 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02847050 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 46327692244464202990 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/08/19 13:03 Meter/Type: 54161065005 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 704288157330894 Supplier Ref: 704288157330894 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02852781 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 05879515268215863211 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/08/19 17:51 Meter/Type: 54161065005 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192411652002 Supplier Ref: 192411652002 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02878001 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 25997240738632749781 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/08/19 13:43 Meter/Type: 54161065005 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192431243420 Supplier Ref: 192431243420 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02888191 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 21825288824225542079 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/09/19 12:01 Meter/Type: 54161065005 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156906009866 Supplier Ref: 156906009866 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03000326 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 30009230891934934551 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/09/19 17:14 Meter/Type: 54161065005 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192701615043 Supplier Ref: 192701615043 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03034528 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 40474798895091892525 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/10/19 17:17 Meter/Type: 54161065005 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192751618392 Supplier Ref: 192751618392 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03064339 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 59872605515379333440 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/10/19 12:21 Meter/Type: 54161065005 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157027093050 Supplier Ref: 157027093050 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03079860 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 47371375031190392043 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/10/19 14:50 Meter/Type: 54161065005 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192871351341 Supplier Ref: 192871351341 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03125975 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 55646204597277933441 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/10/19 16:15 Meter/Type: 54161065005 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193031516512 Supplier Ref: 193031516512 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03217331 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 30116104922210511050 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/11/19 14:35 Meter/Type: 54161065005 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 996472654651903 Supplier Ref: 996472654651903 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03303624 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 32797002562861595280 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/11/19 11:24 Meter/Type: 54161065005 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193261026182 Supplier Ref: 193261026182 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03355172 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 36491289311903819639 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/11/19 11:49 Meter/Type: 54161065005 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193321051218 Supplier Ref: 193321051218 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03404967 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 14965245133557621316 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/12/19 15:37 Meter/Type: 54161065005 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 463811322005056 Supplier Ref: 463811322005056 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03655352 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 50376100224932964085 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/01/20 14:40 Meter/Type: 54161065005 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200281343441 Supplier Ref: 200281343441 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03906545 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 11013441499946940791 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/01/20 12:41 Meter/Type: 54161065005 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200311141568 Supplier Ref: 200311141568 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03935013 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 18854023883484172666 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/02/20 14:13 Meter/Type: 54161065005 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158297839629 Supplier Ref: 158297839629 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04219852 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 53306072457833397710 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/03/20 21:49 Meter/Type: 54161065005 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200872048520 Supplier Ref: 200872048520 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04442792 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 37806109158405584820 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/03/20 13:05 Meter/Type: 54161065005 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200911204587 Supplier Ref: 200911204587 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04469542 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 13984738521983150827 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/04/20 21:53 Meter/Type: 54161065005 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201032053252 Supplier Ref: 201032053252 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04560047 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 44897330415173068961 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/04/20 09:42 Meter/Type: 54161065005 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201110942518 Supplier Ref: 201110942518 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04612563 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 01930103737449574475 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/04/20 12:55 Meter/Type: 54161065005 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201141255284 Supplier Ref: 201141255284 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04633314 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 24822465254912066966 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/04/20 12:45 Meter/Type: 54161065005 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201211245370 Supplier Ref: 201211245370 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04686947 Total Value: N3,250.00 Standard: N3,250.00 - 68964216660987827796 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/05/20 11:52 Meter/Type: 54161065005 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201441152120 Supplier Ref: 201441152120 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04832932 Total Value: N3,200.00 Standard: N1,200.00 - 03486880805411315976 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/05/20 11:55 Meter/Type: 54161065005 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201441155074 Supplier Ref: 201441155074 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04832989 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 37803076113092742852 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/07/20 11:29 Meter/Type: 54161065005 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201951129478 Supplier Ref: 201951129478 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05190758 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 40695404864137582775 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/07/20 09:06 Meter/Type: 54161065005 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202100906361 Supplier Ref: 202100906361 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05310878 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 28681271167035271970 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/08/20 10:17 Meter/Type: 54161065005 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202261017241 Supplier Ref: 202261017241 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05469490 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 05568479201458246642 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 592020-08-13 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014979ClosedRequest2020-08-13: Request for debt profile -0101161027731 Please treat.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-08-13NoGood morning, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 542113 Start Date: 5/14/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $63,070.67 Outstanding Balance: $57,070.67 Running Balance: $57,070.67 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/29/2020 4:25:01 PM2020-08-13 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014978Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014977Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014976ClosedRequest2020-08-10Hello Bello Pls provide me with the depth profile, Account below. 0101170279687 Best RegardsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-08-10NoGood morning, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 6118039755-01 Start Date: 6/17/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $191,167.22 Outstanding Balance: $180,667.22 Running Balance: $180,667.22 Note: Outstanding migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,500.00 Latest Payment: 8/26/2019 3:29:40 PM2020-08-10 rabiulubabatu@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014975ClosedVending History2020-08-10REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY Hello team, Find Below Request. 1. 54160905920. thank you.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-08-10NoGood morning, Find below, Top of Form Date Sold: 10/03/17 16:16 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: JEDTUDUNWADA/mbala Token Ref: 001101496429 Supplier Ref: 001101496429 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00173193 Total Value: N32,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 45373225612018478889 Debt: N30,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 15/03/17 14:08 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: JEDTUDUNWADA/oketura Token Ref: 001523412066 Supplier Ref: 001523412066 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00178768 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 28233776068831035727 Date Sold: 27/03/17 09:19 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: JEDTUDUNWADA/oketura Token Ref: 000317010961 Supplier Ref: 000317010961 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00191576 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 73491549164682938466 Date Sold: 20/04/17 16:35 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: JEDTUDUNWADA/aumar Token Ref: 711016350030 Supplier Ref: 711016350030 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00223744 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 72747839661237946136 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 21/04/17 16:59 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: JEDTUDUNWADA/aumar Token Ref: 711116590098 Supplier Ref: 711116590098 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00225554 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 53130704180585861792 Date Sold: 30/04/17 14:23 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 712014260346 Supplier Ref: 712014260346 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00236061 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 43769443652063600179 Date Sold: 16/05/17 11:42 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: JEDTUDUNWADA/oketura Token Ref: 713611420075 Supplier Ref: 713611420075 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00256119 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 36539451876358879693 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 19/05/17 14:51 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000598547223 Supplier Ref: 000598547223 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00261102 Total Value: N1,800.00 Standard: N1,800.00 - 66668036706007358154 Date Sold: 02/06/17 20:28 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000600596801 Supplier Ref: 000600596801 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00279674 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 59294540385664224943 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 13/06/17 10:00 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: JEDTUDUNWADA/mbala Token Ref: 716410000020 Supplier Ref: 716410000020 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00292056 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 08931617792066849334 Date Sold: 22/06/17 07:20 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000603398048 Supplier Ref: 000603398048 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00302962 Total Value: N3,900.00 Standard: N3,900.00 - 56114154004775321542 Date Sold: 01/07/17 09:36 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000604707613 Supplier Ref: 000604707613 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00315730 Total Value: N4,400.00 Standard: N1,400.00 - 15739184935552166057 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 04/07/17 10:49 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000605146976 Supplier Ref: 000605146976 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00319280 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 46839486522291679543 Date Sold: 10/07/17 10:34 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000606009556 Supplier Ref: 000606009556 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00326361 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 60100115221247549653 Date Sold: 15/07/17 09:15 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000606721614 Supplier Ref: 000606721614 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00333468 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 41192306549501330569 Date Sold: 18/07/17 19:40 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000607216107 Supplier Ref: 000607216107 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00338058 Total Value: N1,400.00 Standard: N1,400.00 - 47476838213470134902 Date Sold: 21/07/17 16:19 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000607627936 Supplier Ref: 000607627936 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00341935 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 45768746371988149666 Date Sold: 26/07/17 18:08 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000608358884 Supplier Ref: 000608358884 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00348058 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N4,900.00 - 41122265177367815597 Date Sold: 04/08/17 22:14 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000609679461 Supplier Ref: 000609679461 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00361464 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 34447741608014564889 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 08/08/17 22:53 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000610259414 Supplier Ref: 000610259414 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00365817 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 51007046356318224151 Date Sold: 14/08/17 04:17 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000611011735 Supplier Ref: 000611011735 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00370533 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 40380784014687628769 Date Sold: 19/08/17 12:21 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000611780168 Supplier Ref: 000611780168 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00377947 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 01890572818191747010 Date Sold: 24/08/17 08:40 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000612478042 Supplier Ref: 000612478042 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00383023 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 11120625279426248167 Date Sold: 30/08/17 08:08 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000613338861 Supplier Ref: 000613338861 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00391202 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 67808908473672126171 Date Sold: 03/09/17 18:57 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000613979703 Supplier Ref: 000613979703 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00397685 Total Value: N3,900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 25633782022762044370 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 03/09/17 22:52 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000614003365 Supplier Ref: 000614003365 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00397746 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 48638035488175570409 Date Sold: 08/09/17 18:41 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000614698274 Supplier Ref: 000614698274 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00405894 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 13024413608382081467 Date Sold: 13/09/17 16:47 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000615406837 Supplier Ref: 000615406837 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00411796 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 15729411109425033600 Date Sold: 18/09/17 18:55 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000616139631 Supplier Ref: 000616139631 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00417321 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 42741036058905493193 Date Sold: 22/09/17 19:05 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000616716603 Supplier Ref: 000616716603 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00422937 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 65866778931465612396 Date Sold: 28/09/17 19:30 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000617583187 Supplier Ref: 000617583187 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00430097 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 23601769229198421251 Date Sold: 03/10/17 16:11 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000618283154 Supplier Ref: 000618283154 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00437003 Total Value: N5,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 71826144646110087091 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 07/10/17 22:57 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000618899804 Supplier Ref: 000618899804 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00444322 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 20019368668066036776 Date Sold: 12/10/17 17:37 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000619587850 Supplier Ref: 000619587850 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00451163 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 22573775678881308719 Date Sold: 17/10/17 09:48 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000620260912 Supplier Ref: 000620260912 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00456235 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 20132093101340140779 Date Sold: 22/10/17 13:13 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000621001399 Supplier Ref: 000621001399 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00462746 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N4,900.00 - 43976544143110440747 Date Sold: 02/11/17 17:40 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000622612144 Supplier Ref: 000622612144 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00480631 Total Value: N7,900.00 Standard: N4,900.00 - 34629075661928246157 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 10/11/17 16:13 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000623755375 Supplier Ref: 000623755375 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00492675 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 31663984919242776155 Date Sold: 16/11/17 21:30 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000624651039 Supplier Ref: 000624651039 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00500582 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 69762634176921359372 Date Sold: 22/11/17 22:09 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000625518935 Supplier Ref: 000625518935 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00508481 Total Value: N3,100.00 Standard: N3,100.00 - 38688074381096926960 Date Sold: 28/11/17 19:29 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000626366949 Supplier Ref: 000626366949 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00516649 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 22521803118721691018 Date Sold: 08/12/17 22:29 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000627825077 Supplier Ref: 000627825077 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00532233 Total Value: N8,900.00 Standard: N5,900.00 - 04084626290291908479 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 19/12/17 17:34 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000629379489 Supplier Ref: 000629379489 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00547038 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 41015329927783107378 Date Sold: 25/12/17 15:09 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000630228981 Supplier Ref: 000630228981 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00556728 Total Value: N3,100.00 Standard: N3,100.00 - 34596812454942536435 Date Sold: 31/12/17 21:29 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000631130967 Supplier Ref: 000631130967 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00564766 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 26048751497442639654 Date Sold: 06/01/18 23:33 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000632007398 Supplier Ref: 000632007398 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00571706 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 31239397461832562597 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 06/01/18 23:37 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000632007726 Supplier Ref: 000632007726 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00571707 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 07649302811611749915 Date Sold: 13/01/18 12:03 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000632946344 Supplier Ref: 000632946344 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00579441 Total Value: N3,100.00 Standard: N3,100.00 - 54800044960962914189 Date Sold: 22/01/18 18:32 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000634281250 Supplier Ref: 000634281250 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00590894 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 14174036239274512896 Date Sold: 27/01/18 20:10 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000635011196 Supplier Ref: 000635011196 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00598044 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 64669104062522396339 Date Sold: 02/02/18 22:03 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000635886322 Supplier Ref: 000635886322 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00607577 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 67194525009125959451 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 10/02/18 19:35 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000637023647 Supplier Ref: 000637023647 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00619083 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 08960450218894573960 Date Sold: 16/02/18 17:43 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000637876475 Supplier Ref: 000637876475 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00627382 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 01619447865500845070 Date Sold: 21/02/18 18:38 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000638601983 Supplier Ref: 000638601983 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00634371 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 52768039477955315259 Date Sold: 24/02/18 21:03 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000639048366 Supplier Ref: 000639048366 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00638621 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 41501174793302461189 Date Sold: 28/02/18 22:53 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000639635418 Supplier Ref: 000639635418 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00645144 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 44153170319683440931 Date Sold: 03/03/18 21:34 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000640059456 Supplier Ref: 000640059456 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00650699 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 49080913965220417738 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 05/03/18 21:17 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000640345879 Supplier Ref: 000640345879 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00653457 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 59027179925531985718 Date Sold: 07/03/18 23:55 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000640649667 Supplier Ref: 000640649667 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00657376 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 14325997623942228586 Date Sold: 12/03/18 22:09 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000641358929 Supplier Ref: 000641358929 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00664882 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 16910032702808455049 Date Sold: 18/03/18 07:49 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000642136955 Supplier Ref: 000642136955 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00673481 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 00702595216668352414 Date Sold: 24/03/18 07:40 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000643000075 Supplier Ref: 000643000075 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00681839 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 32346249604200613865 Date Sold: 02/04/18 02:02 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000644256223 Supplier Ref: 000644256223 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00693866 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 07418036676434579090 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 15/04/18 00:19 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000646118096 Supplier Ref: 000646118096 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00716307 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 45289163434524517094 Date Sold: 22/04/18 23:06 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000647262673 Supplier Ref: 000647262673 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00727277 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 52500593043948511520 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/05/18 12:34 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000648495585 Supplier Ref: 000648495585 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00744173 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 53041361484662223783 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/05/18 15:37 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000649953822 Supplier Ref: 000649953822 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00763318 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 15458327252464050452 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/05/18 21:15 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000652003690 Supplier Ref: 000652003690 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00791865 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 33195416989410529634 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/05/18 23:22 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000652736331 Supplier Ref: 000652736331 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00801564 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 71585774824692452212 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/06/18 16:47 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000655000830 Supplier Ref: 000655000830 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00836198 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 70522483387264323562 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/06/18 16:51 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000655001356 Supplier Ref: 000655001356 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00836205 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 01675093091830424172 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/07/18 20:22 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000661070484 Supplier Ref: 000661070484 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00930679 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 44644447630050327922 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/08/18 23:32 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000662097517 Supplier Ref: 000662097517 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00950341 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 44282173914962271363 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/08/18 19:11 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 153443941669 Supplier Ref: 153443941669 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00982561 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 17865183766698721706 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/09/18 23:08 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000666271152 Supplier Ref: 000666271152 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01029946 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 72816125630927050610 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/09/18 18:40 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 153711597501 Supplier Ref: 153711597501 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01071804 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 10022887642301224114 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/10/18 16:53 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000671423764 Supplier Ref: 000671423764 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01137610 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 61714570553384102400 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/10/18 16:53 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 153892756366 Supplier Ref: 153892756366 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01137611 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 51585314794224082019 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/11/18 20:21 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154179124414 Supplier Ref: 154179124414 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01256358 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 47577771732185555939 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/11/18 08:01 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154286964895 Supplier Ref: 154286964895 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01295490 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 18823984920306535227 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/12/18 17:58 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154463029027 Supplier Ref: 154463029027 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01379687 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 09829591416612135412 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/12/18 10:03 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154589781441 Supplier Ref: 154589781441 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01467482 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 70060334079255592226 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/01/19 08:47 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154779402055 Supplier Ref: 154779402055 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01607625 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 63875185565724554512 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/02/19 21:20 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154939440714 Supplier Ref: 154939440714 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01760904 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 11583014592418375331 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/02/19 20:05 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155068580840 Supplier Ref: 155068580840 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01867990 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 71697190884770868794 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/03/19 11:36 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155177855167 Supplier Ref: 155177855167 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01962079 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,986.03 - 42800027218820826381 Debt: N1,013.97 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/03/19 10:11 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155306948608 Supplier Ref: 155306948608 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02042067 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 11441012639466832490 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/03/19 07:30 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155340539321 Supplier Ref: 155340539321 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02060796 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 32285562451888530063 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/04/19 16:10 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155430061831 Supplier Ref: 155430061831 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02121116 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 61937157833204880104 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/04/19 10:28 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155462566781 Supplier Ref: 155462566781 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02142682 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 62093437261982653200 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/04/19 23:49 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155562413025 Supplier Ref: 155562413025 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02207280 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 27668340720349497564 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/04/19 01:12 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155623393844 Supplier Ref: 155623393844 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02243795 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 02265008928202408666 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/04/19 00:08 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155657565500 Supplier Ref: 155657565500 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02266792 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 28756881206363085029 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/05/19 19:59 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155673353283 Supplier Ref: 155673353283 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02279637 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 47456339813584857979 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/05/19 01:50 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155701376884 Supplier Ref: 155701376884 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02298529 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 19264751550137131954 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/05/19 22:31 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155777924908 Supplier Ref: 155777924908 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02338199 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 65315836167437793959 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/05/19 01:44 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155822298979 Supplier Ref: 155822298979 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02363283 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 55082600598727159955 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/05/19 09:20 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155902789062 Supplier Ref: 155902789062 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02407746 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 07224237554099029207 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/06/19 14:49 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156025713678 Supplier Ref: 156025713678 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02488987 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 62694007554474229558 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/06/19 15:40 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156103787237 Supplier Ref: 156103787237 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02532718 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 11869860634032975918 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/07/19 08:44 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156222262601 Supplier Ref: 156222262601 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02597505 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 13876930272449828253 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/07/19 19:35 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156364376316 Supplier Ref: 156364376316 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02678156 Total Value: N5,100.00 Standard: N5,100.00 - 72295899732527032936 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/08/19 14:40 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156483596235 Supplier Ref: 156483596235 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02750036 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 71415587997618068103 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/08/19 15:37 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156622184546 Supplier Ref: 156622184546 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02828306 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 07556164085755440907 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/08/19 23:03 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156702620260 Supplier Ref: 156702620260 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02874094 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 38562143031212190607 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/09/19 19:10 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156735772811 Supplier Ref: 156735772811 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02892689 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 04849187049882881461 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/09/19 09:21 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156810003815 Supplier Ref: 156810003815 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02939337 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 64330180448321572233 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/09/19 17:57 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156908147116 Supplier Ref: 156908147116 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03002635 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 18868685395464883025 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/09/19 18:05 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156985953644 Supplier Ref: 156985953644 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03052020 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 28704556602311271528 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/10/19 21:03 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157073421228 Supplier Ref: 157073421228 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03109145 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 25649820690734433634 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/10/19 18:12 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157193355519 Supplier Ref: 157193355519 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03182804 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 37630380933857918947 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/11/19 23:43 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157264469571 Supplier Ref: 157264469571 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03235825 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 65653138194172160076 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/11/19 20:19 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157297806571 Supplier Ref: 157297806571 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03260113 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 57914250970827028595 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/11/19 19:11 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157409715570 Supplier Ref: 157409715570 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03333206 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 07208645001201653068 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/11/19 21:10 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157514115176 Supplier Ref: 157514115176 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03430179 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 26117437478161930612 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/12/19 11:04 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157570958236 Supplier Ref: 157570958236 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03486296 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 10169666468171393153 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/12/19 20:22 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157695270646 Supplier Ref: 157695270646 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03594030 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 16005958156064551049 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/01/20 17:37 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157875719154 Supplier Ref: 157875719154 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03768237 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 25236387848977485875 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/01/20 19:47 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158006101039 Supplier Ref: 158006101039 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03889837 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 38656171861202337842 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/02/20 20:00 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158256717110 Supplier Ref: 158256717110 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04164019 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 42338715250509087053 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/03/20 00:33 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158327474871 Supplier Ref: 158327474871 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04267436 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 39324451107243590133 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/03/20 21:34 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158335044428 Supplier Ref: 158335044428 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04276914 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 34655398478163186205 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/03/20 13:42 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158366772280 Supplier Ref: 158366772280 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04316866 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 46970982878404656741 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/03/20 03:35 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200840235133 Supplier Ref: 200840235133 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04409161 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 58933940952426842544 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/03/20 11:57 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200881057281 Supplier Ref: 200881057281 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04445554 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 02647406491364190464 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/04/20 00:23 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200912322594 Supplier Ref: 200912322594 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04477354 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 65841250622464745936 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/04/20 02:07 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200960107141 Supplier Ref: 200960107141 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04509148 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 38559737589151295300 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/04/20 22:35 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200982135308 Supplier Ref: 200982135308 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04528163 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 34626637715083712267 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/04/20 22:41 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200982141516 Supplier Ref: 200982141516 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04528178 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 53385822190107246301 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/04/20 00:57 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201022357455 Supplier Ref: 201022357455 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04556898 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 29450759470630078795 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/04/20 15:17 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201061418018 Supplier Ref: 201061418018 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04574421 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 13393160342608593790 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/04/20 22:49 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201112249300 Supplier Ref: 201112249300 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04617889 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 27664954276688851787 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/04/20 11:35 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201151135441 Supplier Ref: 201151135441 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04640455 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 23477235272706978671 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/04/20 12:25 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201181225273 Supplier Ref: 201181225273 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04669706 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 26768334588898209329 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/05/20 11:33 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201251133332 Supplier Ref: 201251133332 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04707864 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 51865748151717571617 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/05/20 22:42 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201312242413 Supplier Ref: 201312242413 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04752202 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 09036441058125165628 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/05/20 12:10 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201391210567 Supplier Ref: 201391210567 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04797251 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 44039028556810702613 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/05/20 12:45 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201461246017 Supplier Ref: 201461246017 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04846153 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 59189680873832496476 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/05/20 19:30 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201521930151 Supplier Ref: 201521930151 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04893490 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 69797145547401446750 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/06/20 20:47 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201552047263 Supplier Ref: 201552047263 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04912657 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 25137152842266392273 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/06/20 13:19 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201591319552 Supplier Ref: 201591319552 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04938209 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 46140835184693269819 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/06/20 19:36 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201621936468 Supplier Ref: 201621936468 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04956280 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 46690295549310401028 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/06/20 19:26 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201681926201 Supplier Ref: 201681926201 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04997429 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 05571799182649708268 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/06/20 23:15 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201712315182 Supplier Ref: 201712315182 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05019852 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 49886249004282222198 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/06/20 11:13 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201761113184 Supplier Ref: 201761113184 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05049591 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 42207686206632062712 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/06/20 22:20 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201782221003 Supplier Ref: 201782221003 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05071499 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 05185058430535036361 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/06/20 21:20 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201812120517 Supplier Ref: 201812120517 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05093661 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 04466709788234313690 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/07/20 19:20 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201841920380 Supplier Ref: 201841920380 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05121887 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 30731669897373567521 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/07/20 07:35 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201870735267 Supplier Ref: 201870735267 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05139318 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 17209806849401831543 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/07/20 19:18 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201901918084 Supplier Ref: 201901918084 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05164091 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 50421727050319938889 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/07/20 20:32 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201952032567 Supplier Ref: 201952032567 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05195927 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 43937272171181836456 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/07/20 19:19 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201991919080 Supplier Ref: 201991919080 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05222595 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 48091962318828211035 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/07/20 08:20 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202040820092 Supplier Ref: 202040820092 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05255654 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 43083012412868441893 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/07/20 19:06 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202061907011 Supplier Ref: 202061907011 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05281113 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 10721588532454911140 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/07/20 19:40 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202101940120 Supplier Ref: 202101940120 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05319203 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 13738770988502706642 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/08/20 09:49 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202140949150 Supplier Ref: 202140949150 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05356071 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 06720357706539501229 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/08/20 07:43 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202180743048 Supplier Ref: 202180743048 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05393535 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 28896802068961321869 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/08/20 18:06 Meter/Type: 54160905920 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202211806452 Supplier Ref: 202211806452 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05428026 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 21775788992211144813 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 258 Bottom of Form2020-08-10 faizahtafida@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014974ClosedOutstanding Balance2020-08-10REQUEST FOR OUTSTANDING BALANCE METER NO:54161115065 AJIBO JUSTINA OTIDU NAMEMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-08-10NoGood morning, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 54161115065 Start Date: 2/27/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $9,802.58 Outstanding Balance: $0.00 Running Balance: $0.00 Note: none specified Status: Paid off Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 8/10/2020 10:27:55 AM2020-08-10 benmercyladi@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014973ClosedRequest2020-08-10: REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILS FOR ( 0101170183590 )Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-08-10NoGood morning, Find below, Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 533058 Start Date: 4/2/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $34,716.25 Outstanding Balance: $6,716.25 Running Balance: $6,716.25 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 5/22/2020 11:16:31 AM2020-08-10 phartiemah12@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014972ClosedVending History2020-08-10REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY =54161079832 Dear support Team, Kindly assist with the vending history of the customer 54161079832 Thanks Joseph Ochoche Gboko RegionMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-08-10NoGood morning, Find below, Date Sold: 02/02/19 09:37 Meter/Type: 54161079832 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154909306371 Supplier Ref: 154909306371 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01730252 Total Value: N3,200.00 Standard: N3,200.00 - 02940627481521504365 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/07/19 18:36 Meter/Type: 54161079832 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192101736191 Supplier Ref: 192101736191 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02719806 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 50509371993839657925 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/04/20 15:42 Meter/Type: 54161079832 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201141542323 Supplier Ref: 201141542323 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04634502 Total Value: N3,250.00 Standard: N3,250.00 - 66086431354312529920 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 72020-08-10 ochoche.joseph@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014971ClosedKCT Request2020-08-10: KCT REQUEST Find below. 1. 0101165047818. thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-08-10NoGood morning, Find below, 0101165047818 3872 3571 6203 5431 3940 1154 8504 7753 3359 83132020-08-10 faizahtafida@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014970Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014969Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014968Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014967Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014966Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014965Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014964ClosedTamper Code2020-08-10: Tamper, 0101170428649 and 0101161056607. Dear IT Support, Two meters below have been verified; please generate the Clear Tamper Codes. 0101170428649 0101161056607MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-08-10NoHello, Find below as requested, 0101170428649 5154 1814 3134 4521 3320Clear Tamper 0101161056607 2881 4595 0203 0522 1430Clear Tamper2020-08-10 bittygargadi@hotmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014963ClosedRequest2020-08-10Request Pease send the total outstanding debt and vending history : 0101170437111 ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-08-10NoGood morning, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 595808 Start Date: 9/1/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $32,819.73 Outstanding Balance: $8,819.73 Running Balance: $8,819.73 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 8/5/2020 12:33:10 AM Date Sold: 18/01/19 17:32 Meter/Type: 0101170437111 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190181632400 Supplier Ref: 190181632400 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01614175 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 26655727125881639974 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/02/19 14:46 Meter/Type: 0101170437111 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 904313460000 Supplier Ref: 904313460000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01807986 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 16620250008961805790 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/02/19 00:25 Meter/Type: 0101170437111 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 905623220000 Supplier Ref: 905623220000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01903795 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 44517215673819488212 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/04/19 10:28 Meter/Type: 0101170437111 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191050929076 Supplier Ref: 191050929076 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02183100 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 13763022955193914627 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/05/19 01:01 Meter/Type: 0101170437111 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 912500010000 Supplier Ref: 912500010000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02298511 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 47076867452906200955 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/06/19 00:02 Meter/Type: 0101170437111 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 915423020000 Supplier Ref: 915423020000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02449148 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 11348030915529992540 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/07/19 13:12 Meter/Type: 0101170437111 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191821212576 Supplier Ref: 191821212576 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02583423 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N3,500.00 - 06393213625865170043 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/08/19 07:57 Meter/Type: 0101170437111 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 921406570000 Supplier Ref: 921406570000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02740821 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 38270784963237298606 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/08/19 06:52 Meter/Type: 0101170437111 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 922105480000 Supplier Ref: 922105480000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02776945 Total Value: N800.00 Standard: N800.00 - 69124221319006819369 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/08/19 13:14 Meter/Type: 0101170437111 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 922612100000 Supplier Ref: 922612100000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02802705 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 65031673523043194546 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/09/19 18:01 Meter/Type: 0101170437111 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192481701518 Supplier Ref: 192481701518 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02916612 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 41213661392096171934 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/09/19 04:30 Meter/Type: 0101170437111 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 927103310000 Supplier Ref: 927103310000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03036601 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 68255337820324091399 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/10/19 07:10 Meter/Type: 0101170437111 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 930206110000 Supplier Ref: 930206110000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03206049 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 36073912569353226163 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/12/19 00:42 Meter/Type: 0101170437111 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 933523430000 Supplier Ref: 933523430000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03435523 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 65952898799788936889 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/12/19 07:13 Meter/Type: 0101170437111 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 933706140000 Supplier Ref: 933706140000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03448348 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 42475273679942536734 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/12/19 19:06 Meter/Type: 0101170437111 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 936518070000 Supplier Ref: 936518070000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03684124 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 11651418376795313075 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/02/20 13:32 Meter/Type: 0101170437111 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200321232494 Supplier Ref: 200321232494 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03947965 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 16631404137752879064 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/03/20 09:33 Meter/Type: 0101170437111 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 006308280000 Supplier Ref: 006308280000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04251808 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 04988870095295839155 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/04/20 11:36 Meter/Type: 0101170437111 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200991036240 Supplier Ref: 200991036240 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04530123 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 71839468318115648992 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/05/20 14:57 Meter/Type: 0101170437111 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201241457097 Supplier Ref: 201241457097 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04703749 Total Value: N4,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 18874056383592265929 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/05/20 20:19 Meter/Type: 0101170437111 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201482019326 Supplier Ref: 201482019326 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04861116 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 46576983053815300913 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/06/20 19:27 Meter/Type: 0101170437111 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201601927420 Supplier Ref: 201601927420 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04945707 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 67852442767871480182 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/06/20 11:29 Meter/Type: 0101170437111 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201681129390 Supplier Ref: 201681129390 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04993378 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 52324780288601525906 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/07/20 11:11 Meter/Type: 0101170437111 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201831111428 Supplier Ref: 201831111428 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05108687 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 41478010317227099993 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/07/20 00:37 Meter/Type: 0101170437111 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202120037483 Supplier Ref: 202120037483 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05332827 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 38756446152323824503 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/08/20 00:33 Meter/Type: 0101170437111 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202180033157 Supplier Ref: 202180033157 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05393098 Total Value: N3,700.00 Standard: N1,700.00 - 23903649005049934252 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 272020-08-10 mahmudwaziri@hotmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014962ClosedRequest2020-08-10Hello Kindly assist with debt profile of the meter serial numbers below 0101170303388 54161153629 -- RegardsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-08-10NoGood morning, Find below, 0101170303388 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 602557 Start Date: 3/17/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $58,596.75 Outstanding Balance: $50,596.75 Running Balance: $50,596.75 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/12/2020 11:14:10 AM 54161153629 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 54161153629 Start Date: 1/21/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $394,391.64 Outstanding Balance: $388,131.52 Running Balance: $388,131.52 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Per Vend Amount Collection Value: $1,565.03 Latest Payment: 8/6/2020 4:00:56 PM2020-08-10 phartiemah12@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014961ClosedRequest2020-08-10: REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101170366302. Hello Support Team, Kindly provide us with the above mentioned. Regards,Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-08-10NoPlease find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 506628 Start Date: 8/20/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $62,022.14 Outstanding Balance: $42,022.14 Running Balance: $42,022.14 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $4,000.00 Latest Payment: 8/20/2019 1:44:38 PM2020-08-10 muhammad.dalhatu2019@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014960ClosedRequest2020-08-10: Request Please send the original , outstanding and vending history : 54160854417 ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-08-10NoGood morning, Find below, Date Sold: 17/12/18 18:08 Meter/Type: 54160854417 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183511709013 Supplier Ref: 183511709013 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01404792 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 69223375294148797820 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/04/19 16:54 Meter/Type: 54160854417 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 753633551133722 Supplier Ref: 753633551133722 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02173463 Total Value: N5,150.00 Standard: N2,019.95 - 58254911750123769298 Debt: N3,130.05 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/07/19 17:12 Meter/Type: 54160854417 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156406752116 Supplier Ref: 156406752116 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02699645 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N6,869.95 - 54565030548164615953 Debt: N3,130.05 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/05/20 11:53 Meter/Type: 54160854417 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201341153278 Supplier Ref: 201341153278 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04766010 Total Value: N13,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 38257522271734299252 Debt: N10,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/06/20 10:53 Meter/Type: 54160854417 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201561053313 Supplier Ref: 201561053313 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04915034 Total Value: N5,050.00 Standard: N50.00 - 13951822283429305893 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 9 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 54160854417 Start Date: 1/23/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $211,267.61 Outstanding Balance: $190,007.51 Running Balance: $190,007.51 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/4/2020 10:53:24 AM2020-08-10 mahmudwaziri@hotmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014959Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014958Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014957ClosedVending History2020-08-07: REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY 0101161001124Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-08-07NoPlease find below, Date Sold: 09/04/18 10:57 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 809909571143 Supplier Ref: 809909571143 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00706243 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 16146178026239150654 Date Sold: 24/05/18 08:31 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 814407311003 Supplier Ref: 814407311003 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00787666 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 50319535981266797025 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/06/18 08:30 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000653367154 Supplier Ref: 000653367154 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00809763 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 08834740943473008107 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/07/18 08:24 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 818607241002 Supplier Ref: 818607241002 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00878486 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 71123291277379300808 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/08/18 13:14 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000662179741 Supplier Ref: 000662179741 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00951632 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 67178280803334132968 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/09/18 13:49 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182531249338 Supplier Ref: 182531249338 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01053058 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 13855808228832152373 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/10/18 12:49 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182841249065 Supplier Ref: 182841249065 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01151569 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 37132989388051324170 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/12/18 11:13 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183481013423 Supplier Ref: 183481013423 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01387242 Total Value: N4,000.01 Standard: N0.01 - 42191819770117807098 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/01/19 12:23 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190041123456 Supplier Ref: 190041123456 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01516963 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 35685669699706423522 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/02/19 13:07 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190391207542 Supplier Ref: 190391207542 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01780500 Total Value: N2,001.00 Standard: N1.00 - 43239830864910612442 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/02/19 08:37 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 179102281174045 Supplier Ref: 179102281174045 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01861884 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 43594968872473693462 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/03/19 14:01 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190711301298 Supplier Ref: 190711301298 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02004241 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 61260773352482980101 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/04/19 11:38 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191061038468 Supplier Ref: 191061038468 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02190448 Total Value: N4,005.00 Standard: N5.00 - 40644152318220954566 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/05/19 13:15 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191441215362 Supplier Ref: 191441215362 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02389894 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 21946443291730053106 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/07/19 09:56 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191870856251 Supplier Ref: 191870856251 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02607210 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 44435495017548657862 Debt: N8,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/08/19 10:48 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192270948165 Supplier Ref: 192270948165 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02806972 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 11600725862323539844 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/09/19 09:53 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192600854170 Supplier Ref: 192600854170 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02976375 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 39638883387791752577 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/10/19 11:00 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157104366518 Supplier Ref: 157104366518 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03123636 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 34434727172635836970 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/11/19 13:53 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193221255445 Supplier Ref: 193221255445 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03330455 Total Value: N4,020.00 Standard: N20.00 - 53295900747511266254 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/12/19 12:36 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193501139022 Supplier Ref: 193501139022 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03541950 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 27248067901744600561 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/01/20 11:29 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200061033015 Supplier Ref: 200061033015 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03715629 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 18517425472194398291 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/02/20 14:13 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200411313472 Supplier Ref: 200411313472 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04028698 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 65361227993050943654 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/03/20 14:03 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200761303052 Supplier Ref: 200761303052 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04358434 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 16883011033019340052 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/04/20 12:41 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201071141426 Supplier Ref: 201071141426 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04580176 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 05302544575553405660 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/05/20 11:16 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201291116452 Supplier Ref: 201291116452 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04732908 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 22929185838080331410 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/05/20 08:54 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201500855004 Supplier Ref: 201500855004 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04871799 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 69962245970462312285 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/06/20 09:43 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201560943178 Supplier Ref: 201560943178 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04914238 Total Value: N4,001.00 Standard: N1.00 - 09925919447844678965 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/07/20 09:28 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201890928303 Supplier Ref: 201890928303 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05151845 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 35927966483471281008 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/08/20 10:49 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202201049544 Supplier Ref: 202201049544 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05415311 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 13692015627723792661 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 332020-08-07 longpuan@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014956ClosedKCT Request2020-08-07: KEY CHANGE Kindly check. 3857 7776 8553 2847 6836 0101190007332 1401 1158 3595 4866 134 the key change is in complit.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-08-07NoFind below. 3857 7776 8553 2847 6836 1401 1158 3595 4866 13472020-08-07 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014955ClosedVending History2020-08-07REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY 54161005217 Dear ICT Team, compliments. Please kindly furnish me with the vending history of the below customer: MSN: 54161005217 Name: Mrs. Hannatu Taddy 1 Thank you. Best regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-08-07NoPlease find below. Date Sold: 17/04/19 12:41 Meter/Type: 54161005217 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191071141290 Supplier Ref: 191071141290 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02196209 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 69616716077494566639 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/06/19 17:44 Meter/Type: 54161005217 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156113187127 Supplier Ref: 156113187127 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02538760 Total Value: N1,200.00 Standard: N1,200.00 - 62281553768367875736 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/07/19 09:14 Meter/Type: 54161005217 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156377967335 Supplier Ref: 156377967335 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02681777 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 42578979413146083218 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/08/19 17:08 Meter/Type: 54161005217 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156570889415 Supplier Ref: 156570889415 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02799207 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 65006137591062872139 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/08/19 10:35 Meter/Type: 54161005217 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192380936018 Supplier Ref: 192380936018 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02858570 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 20980653589941877115 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/09/19 15:51 Meter/Type: 54161005217 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192561452143 Supplier Ref: 192561452143 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02959528 Total Value: N1,200.00 Standard: N1,200.00 - 32652626202218955961 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/09/19 10:06 Meter/Type: 54161005217 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 927309079892 Supplier Ref: 927309079892 Receipt: PagT13EMDB03045902 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 03542632185110929536 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/10/19 11:07 Meter/Type: 54161005217 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 929410084727 Supplier Ref: 929410084727 Receipt: PagT13EMDB03160718 Total Value: N1,300.00 Standard: N1,300.00 - 05015160114130366116 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/11/19 10:24 Meter/Type: 54161005217 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193170926260 Supplier Ref: 193170926260 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03301730 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 11119524960856748275 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/11/19 11:46 Meter/Type: 54161005217 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193321048493 Supplier Ref: 193321048493 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03404940 Total Value: N1,400.00 Standard: N1,400.00 - 26546946437678724133 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/12/19 14:22 Meter/Type: 54161005217 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157667190363 Supplier Ref: 157667190363 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03562574 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 65341330794189997989 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/01/20 15:26 Meter/Type: 54161005217 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 000414292396 Supplier Ref: 000414292396 Receipt: PagT13EMDB03709219 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 31056628138693207176 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/01/20 17:37 Meter/Type: 54161005217 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200221640440 Supplier Ref: 200221640440 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03857806 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 56149725909006488725 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/02/20 14:28 Meter/Type: 54161005217 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200331328548 Supplier Ref: 200331328548 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03955665 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 58657139323709746960 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/02/20 11:41 Meter/Type: 54161005217 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200361041204 Supplier Ref: 200361041204 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03983820 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 17389016886221648534 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/02/20 16:30 Meter/Type: 54161005217 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200411530471 Supplier Ref: 200411530471 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04030821 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 50685616267916871984 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/02/20 10:05 Meter/Type: 54161005217 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 004809059635 Supplier Ref: 004809059635 Receipt: PagT13EMDB04088148 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 14756534351412148188 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/02/20 16:44 Meter/Type: 54161005217 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158264185684 Supplier Ref: 158264185684 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04173016 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 27205036583664223852 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/03/20 13:55 Meter/Type: 54161005217 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200851255043 Supplier Ref: 200851255043 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04420333 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 49607665607339673468 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/04/20 13:03 Meter/Type: 54161005217 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201151303310 Supplier Ref: 201151303310 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04641932 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 31376118195783753644 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/05/20 13:02 Meter/Type: 54161005217 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201371302136 Supplier Ref: 201371302136 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04788308 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 04635049193683092090 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/06/20 15:42 Meter/Type: 54161005217 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201681542276 Supplier Ref: 201681542276 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04995707 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 45152944278168739496 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/06/20 19:47 Meter/Type: 54161005217 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201801948051 Supplier Ref: 201801948051 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05082786 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 53348890483044016869 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/07/20 08:32 Meter/Type: 54161005217 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202040832231 Supplier Ref: 202040832231 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05255794 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 07008050358681307802 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/08/20 20:04 Meter/Type: 54161005217 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202192004588 Supplier Ref: 202192004588 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05411765 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 00284442040631575287 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 382020-08-07 wyontochae@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014954ClosedVending History2020-08-07REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY Please kindly assist with vending history for MSN. 0101170115170 Thanks Best RegardsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-08-07NoPlease find below. Top of Form Date Sold: 29/03/18 17:23 Meter/Type: 0101170115170 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 388120304208469 Supplier Ref: 388120304208469 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00690489 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 21999478690830130148 Date Sold: 07/05/18 12:02 Meter/Type: 0101170115170 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 812711021332 Supplier Ref: 812711021332 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00754449 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 28688296648556706324 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/07/18 21:59 Meter/Type: 0101170115170 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 385295210339763 Supplier Ref: 385295210339763 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00933492 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 49392465972997780354 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/08/18 09:49 Meter/Type: 0101170115170 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000663599191 Supplier Ref: 000663599191 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00974673 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 59127205019435586256 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/08/18 12:56 Meter/Type: 0101170115170 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000665201950 Supplier Ref: 000665201950 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01006945 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 50138874963765565840 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/09/18 17:44 Meter/Type: 0101170115170 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182461644028 Supplier Ref: 182461644028 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01034719 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 55758666867930830341 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/09/18 19:23 Meter/Type: 0101170115170 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 851219951393776 Supplier Ref: 851219951393776 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01088620 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 59047203696035900692 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/10/18 12:17 Meter/Type: 0101170115170 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 181008689334 Supplier Ref: 181008689334 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB01139979 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 06929529260269048804 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/10/18 07:59 Meter/Type: 0101170115170 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000672810353 Supplier Ref: 000672810353 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01170373 Total Value: N1,600.00 Standard: N1,600.00 - 39937377783842356270 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/10/18 14:17 Meter/Type: 0101170115170 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 276630386090474 Supplier Ref: 276630386090474 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01203475 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 03313092602621407186 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/11/18 15:28 Meter/Type: 0101170115170 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000675590987 Supplier Ref: 000675590987 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01240260 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 43048494432905402640 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/11/18 17:32 Meter/Type: 0101170115170 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183271732438 Supplier Ref: 183271732438 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01302269 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 17801918231014897056 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/12/18 17:54 Meter/Type: 0101170115170 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183471654528 Supplier Ref: 183471654528 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01385101 Total Value: N1,600.00 Standard: N1,600.00 - 43783103133081135311 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/12/18 15:52 Meter/Type: 0101170115170 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183561452335 Supplier Ref: 183561452335 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01439277 Total Value: N1,600.00 Standard: N1,600.00 - 04775389083533098029 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/01/19 18:53 Meter/Type: 0101170115170 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190181753241 Supplier Ref: 190181753241 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01614711 Total Value: N1,600.00 Standard: N1,600.00 - 39921641790840096984 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/02/19 19:52 Meter/Type: 0101170115170 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190431852280 Supplier Ref: 190431852280 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01810998 Total Value: N1,600.00 Standard: N1,600.00 - 10916062037054318462 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/03/19 19:21 Meter/Type: 0101170115170 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190621822004 Supplier Ref: 190621822004 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01947301 Total Value: N1,600.00 Standard: N1,600.00 - 14185520080423488019 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/03/19 18:29 Meter/Type: 0101170115170 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190801730132 Supplier Ref: 190801730132 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02050649 Total Value: N1,600.00 Standard: N1,600.00 - 38628317141849352560 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/04/19 14:03 Meter/Type: 0101170115170 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190971303417 Supplier Ref: 190971303417 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02142986 Total Value: N1,600.00 Standard: N1,600.00 - 55110705753848948088 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/04/19 13:13 Meter/Type: 0101170115170 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191111213524 Supplier Ref: 191111213524 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02218130 Total Value: N1,600.00 Standard: N1,600.00 - 03538799866332787572 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/05/19 19:24 Meter/Type: 0101170115170 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190503521261 Supplier Ref: 190503521261 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02291821 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 59650827202409062202 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/05/19 17:24 Meter/Type: 0101170115170 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191351625001 Supplier Ref: 191351625001 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02347665 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 42515106308317687299 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/05/19 12:17 Meter/Type: 0101170115170 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190529440953 Supplier Ref: 190529440953 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02414539 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 01427799156603032102 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/06/19 18:42 Meter/Type: 0101170115170 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156044411172 Supplier Ref: 156044411172 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02500893 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 26402186126714462143 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/07/19 14:30 Meter/Type: 0101170115170 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191821330050 Supplier Ref: 191821330050 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02583875 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 61525350715592090545 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/07/19 18:51 Meter/Type: 0101170115170 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191991751154 Supplier Ref: 191991751154 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02667831 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 53290994677190540784 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/08/19 15:45 Meter/Type: 0101170115170 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192151445442 Supplier Ref: 192151445442 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02750479 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 11677009761203713890 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/08/19 18:04 Meter/Type: 0101170115170 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192331704267 Supplier Ref: 192331704267 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02840169 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 01985733064458380852 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/09/19 18:21 Meter/Type: 0101170115170 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192521721583 Supplier Ref: 192521721583 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02937423 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 72490352113408847244 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/09/19 18:20 Meter/Type: 0101170115170 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156942844707 Supplier Ref: 156942844707 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03023752 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 59979925848076510048 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/10/19 14:15 Meter/Type: 0101170115170 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 191011152369 Supplier Ref: 191011152369 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB03112125 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 51721167548093961388 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/10/19 17:26 Meter/Type: 0101170115170 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193011627230 Supplier Ref: 193011627230 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03203627 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 40501229240758582697 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/11/19 09:04 Meter/Type: 0101170115170 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193170806173 Supplier Ref: 193170806173 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03301091 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 70649341258889201375 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/11/19 18:27 Meter/Type: 0101170115170 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193301729130 Supplier Ref: 193301729130 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03391199 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 58966643289832090374 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/12/19 12:24 Meter/Type: 0101170115170 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193451127224 Supplier Ref: 193451127224 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03517338 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 43345372154950916104 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/12/19 14:17 Meter/Type: 0101170115170 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157684437337 Supplier Ref: 157684437337 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03581502 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 22061253237140497723 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/01/20 15:48 Meter/Type: 0101170115170 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157909628929 Supplier Ref: 157909628929 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03801065 Total Value: N5,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 71543474076229674999 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/01/20 09:10 Meter/Type: 0101170115170 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158045462796 Supplier Ref: 158045462796 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03932265 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 15061114534685907178 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/03/20 19:53 Meter/Type: 0101170115170 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158317158160 Supplier Ref: 158317158160 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04248241 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 26257552848103745300 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/03/20 14:33 Meter/Type: 0101170115170 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200831333103 Supplier Ref: 200831333103 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04404045 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 70877957704219940318 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/03/20 12:33 Meter/Type: 0101170115170 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200881133218 Supplier Ref: 200881133218 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04446044 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 10243383328224482988 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/04/20 11:15 Meter/Type: 0101170115170 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201201116002 Supplier Ref: 201201116002 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04681204 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 65710875962397302171 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/05/20 17:36 Meter/Type: 0101170115170 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201481736495 Supplier Ref: 201481736495 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04859908 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 63882199249943366634 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/06/20 10:41 Meter/Type: 0101170115170 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201821041478 Supplier Ref: 201821041478 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05096667 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 62499505714837957168 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/08/20 17:21 Meter/Type: 0101170115170 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202191721502 Supplier Ref: 202191721502 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05409912 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 17291541076639201557 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 67 Bottom of Form2020-08-07 faayu472003@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014953ClosedVending History2020-08-07: Request for Vending History Good morning Sir, Kindly avail me with vending history of this meter 54161146763 ThanksMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-08-07NoPlease find below. 54161146763 Top of Form Date Sold: 07/03/17 13:00 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 706613000525 Supplier Ref: 706613000525 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00167854 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N2,869.95 - 42851863393939701201 Debt: N7,130.05 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 18/03/17 12:17 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/fuzomba Token Ref: 707712170125 Supplier Ref: 707712170125 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00182472 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 28511251201606665254 Date Sold: 06/04/17 14:38 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/fuzomba Token Ref: 709614380076 Supplier Ref: 709614380076 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00208155 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,425.38 - 08501952144594971874 Debt: N3,574.62 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 22/05/17 12:07 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 714212070236 Supplier Ref: 714212070236 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00263134 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N2,425.38 - 70845766370323868502 Debt: N3,574.62 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 28/06/17 09:24 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 717909240105 Supplier Ref: 717909240105 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00310094 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 01117905913582837982 Date Sold: 15/08/17 12:27 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/fuzomba Token Ref: 722712270144 Supplier Ref: 722712270144 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00372775 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 24111062802619537004 Date Sold: 27/10/17 09:59 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 730009591061 Supplier Ref: 730009591061 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00469917 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 36918340522689847686 Date Sold: 09/11/17 11:47 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 244943417845947 Supplier Ref: 244943417845947 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00490290 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 57171038143362290556 Date Sold: 06/12/17 22:52 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000627539328 Supplier Ref: 000627539328 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00529002 Total Value: N2,100.00 Standard: N2,100.00 - 60058453364692511299 Date Sold: 20/12/17 15:47 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000629512748 Supplier Ref: 000629512748 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00548810 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 73118198045003740844 Date Sold: 04/01/18 13:28 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 670689380789244 Supplier Ref: 670689380789244 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00569005 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 37498508000753603359 Date Sold: 12/02/18 13:31 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000637275262 Supplier Ref: 000637275262 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00620611 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 33049904618396009296 Date Sold: 06/04/18 09:53 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 809608531056 Supplier Ref: 809608531056 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00702041 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 28397087788293956706 Date Sold: 12/04/18 14:32 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 427145311376246 Supplier Ref: 427145311376246 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00712992 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 46153937809095715102 Date Sold: 07/05/18 11:26 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 812710261275 Supplier Ref: 812710261275 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00754269 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 14203121892587968171 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/05/18 12:48 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 566011529153667 Supplier Ref: 566011529153667 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00772098 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 44600968414902817178 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/05/18 13:36 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 559452628737759 Supplier Ref: 559452628737759 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00788708 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 63554299507409682664 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/06/18 13:38 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000653685954 Supplier Ref: 000653685954 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00816942 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 23740718461312018464 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/06/18 20:25 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000655310757 Supplier Ref: 000655310757 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00838284 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 21394361622610835457 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/06/18 16:01 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 818015011905 Supplier Ref: 818015011905 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00864926 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 17794545401574736329 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/07/18 13:03 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 287030007099944 Supplier Ref: 287030007099944 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00890475 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 43089761593717652557 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/07/18 15:27 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 397129850434374 Supplier Ref: 397129850434374 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00919353 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 60809693756138238498 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/07/18 12:05 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 821111030000 Supplier Ref: 821111030000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00934749 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 44789036637231416741 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/08/18 17:15 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182251615217 Supplier Ref: 182251615217 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00973840 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 63201118504942402927 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/08/18 09:12 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182350812335 Supplier Ref: 182350812335 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00998615 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 02286125950400014821 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/09/18 13:11 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000666211451 Supplier Ref: 000666211451 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01028427 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 15132753628163810761 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/09/18 15:09 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182531409511 Supplier Ref: 182531409511 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01053558 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 00412884043605478184 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/09/18 14:31 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182671431583 Supplier Ref: 182671431583 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01094894 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 19668603550357623390 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/10/18 16:22 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182851622020 Supplier Ref: 182851622020 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01156774 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 21286606787442512334 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/10/18 16:03 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183021603060 Supplier Ref: 183021603060 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01213015 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 42101009805631037978 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/11/18 10:02 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183091002272 Supplier Ref: 183091002272 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01237526 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 02724019250353111656 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/11/18 08:47 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183130847307 Supplier Ref: 183130847307 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01253231 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 54776804692649951337 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/11/18 09:20 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183160920514 Supplier Ref: 183160920514 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01261488 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 17320121283101514530 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/11/18 10:22 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183231022542 Supplier Ref: 183231022542 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01284928 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 50200871146404149980 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/11/18 09:11 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000679153291 Supplier Ref: 000679153291 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01324500 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 64489707894495498939 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/12/18 12:30 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183421130215 Supplier Ref: 183421130215 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01357845 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 08060394936309716550 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/12/18 09:34 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154511845331 Supplier Ref: 154511845331 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01406299 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 02873599617320655720 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/12/18 13:54 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154582525484 Supplier Ref: 154582525484 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01464468 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 71351437835570890196 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/01/19 19:17 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000684391974 Supplier Ref: 000684391974 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01524763 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 40242103319103615003 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/01/19 15:17 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154729903100 Supplier Ref: 154729903100 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01567913 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 67529800775049259831 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/01/19 22:32 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154732511930 Supplier Ref: 154732511930 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01570382 Total Value: N1,100.00 Standard: N1,100.00 - 24161079491519175421 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/01/19 16:26 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190221526155 Supplier Ref: 190221526155 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01638762 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 28350852425566394150 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/01/19 11:01 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190291001350 Supplier Ref: 190291001350 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01690603 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 58631370188328937866 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/02/19 10:13 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190350913374 Supplier Ref: 190350913374 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01742034 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 12875890383607251191 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/02/19 20:38 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190411938501 Supplier Ref: 190411938501 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01793655 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 11859026897511444105 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/02/19 21:14 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154982608933 Supplier Ref: 154982608933 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01793782 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 45930511431245384262 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/02/19 10:41 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190500941282 Supplier Ref: 190500941282 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01855580 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 39285080811246207235 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/02/19 16:20 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155119087175 Supplier Ref: 155119087175 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01909522 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 09248351430305730755 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/03/19 10:02 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155168653020 Supplier Ref: 155168653020 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01949376 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 59664184405204224667 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/03/19 09:21 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190700821337 Supplier Ref: 190700821337 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01993863 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 64525218579531243095 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/03/19 13:24 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190761225085 Supplier Ref: 190761225085 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02028949 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 18536639891543952867 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/03/19 09:40 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190820840455 Supplier Ref: 190820840455 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02057627 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 03032625716434081861 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/03/19 09:54 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155393245728 Supplier Ref: 155393245728 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02093372 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 30380527871632600863 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/03/19 12:08 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190891108416 Supplier Ref: 190891108416 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02094717 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 65401640890909939768 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/04/19 15:48 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190961448483 Supplier Ref: 190961448483 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02140234 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 31564139277600763624 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/04/19 19:18 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 910418140000 Supplier Ref: 910418140000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02181186 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 36973653135502145899 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/04/19 19:05 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 911018050000 Supplier Ref: 911018050000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02216295 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 05051628303381118855 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/04/19 16:37 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 911715370000 Supplier Ref: 911715370000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02253867 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 15313345631618225591 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/05/19 16:13 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191231513511 Supplier Ref: 191231513511 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02290606 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 70210066997522671706 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/05/19 10:36 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191280937072 Supplier Ref: 191280937072 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02316620 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 05650152199152328011 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/05/19 16:09 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191351509271 Supplier Ref: 191351509271 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02347090 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 40402197577000902234 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/05/19 15:08 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191381409061 Supplier Ref: 191381409061 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02361632 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 71676093934089092184 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/05/19 19:47 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191401847477 Supplier Ref: 191401847477 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02371207 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 38850106411320622977 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/05/19 08:42 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191440742416 Supplier Ref: 191440742416 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02387934 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 66014036069538865683 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/05/19 10:03 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155903061010 Supplier Ref: 155903061010 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02408052 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 60339724171086152908 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/06/19 21:10 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191522010192 Supplier Ref: 191522010192 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02437467 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 39356215379222510796 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/06/19 21:18 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191562018065 Supplier Ref: 191562018065 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02459092 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 05691758828355121792 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/06/19 19:40 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191601840401 Supplier Ref: 191601840401 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02478155 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 45949194758552242084 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/06/19 20:26 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 916619210000 Supplier Ref: 916619210000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02511443 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 59398529509393025080 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/06/19 16:02 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191711502530 Supplier Ref: 191711502530 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02532835 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 53752899476541581335 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/06/19 13:30 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191761230096 Supplier Ref: 191761230096 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02555354 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 16348827763460960675 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/07/19 19:32 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191831832108 Supplier Ref: 191831832108 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02591579 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 35066042889117044653 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/07/19 10:03 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191890903402 Supplier Ref: 191890903402 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02614360 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 05620294595809097651 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/08/19 13:53 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192241253206 Supplier Ref: 192241253206 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02793180 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 24125621961218315118 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/09/19 20:34 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192481934524 Supplier Ref: 192481934524 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02917498 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 32861906597335887156 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/09/19 10:29 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192520929170 Supplier Ref: 192520929170 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02933108 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 60093871746012734863 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/09/19 15:25 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192691425517 Supplier Ref: 192691425517 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03028146 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 60158486665737851655 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/10/19 07:32 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192770633075 Supplier Ref: 192770633075 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03071871 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 15293745193479160015 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/10/19 10:09 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192830911002 Supplier Ref: 192830911002 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03104774 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 47100963076748541168 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/11/19 11:39 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 930510412259 Supplier Ref: 930510412259 Receipt: PagT13EMDB03230184 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 64977432815956200456 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/11/19 17:38 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193101639460 Supplier Ref: 193101639460 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03265922 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 16236504621737804921 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/11/19 14:41 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157338975505 Supplier Ref: 157338975505 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03285869 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 06468733082636089148 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/11/19 17:51 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193171653318 Supplier Ref: 193171653318 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03305312 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 28078041396454751639 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/11/19 14:00 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193201301574 Supplier Ref: 193201301574 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03321741 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 67248880339784787699 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/11/19 17:47 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 932216498633 Supplier Ref: 932216498633 Receipt: PagT13EMDB03332653 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 03171128170864985784 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/11/19 17:30 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157426392098 Supplier Ref: 157426392098 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03344791 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 68900530536407441396 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/11/19 17:33 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193261635178 Supplier Ref: 193261635178 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03358923 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 35751879770949103819 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/11/19 18:09 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193271711087 Supplier Ref: 193271711087 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03367271 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 71600949781082033969 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/11/19 17:15 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193301617336 Supplier Ref: 193301617336 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03390408 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 43575205518718521630 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/11/19 17:51 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193321653598 Supplier Ref: 193321653598 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03409245 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 41786787833626975939 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/11/19 11:03 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193331005208 Supplier Ref: 193331005208 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03413778 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 32745875087062393037 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/12/19 16:35 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193381537541 Supplier Ref: 193381537541 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03464702 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 47286616047317464929 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/12/19 17:15 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193381618038 Supplier Ref: 193381618038 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03465240 Total Value: N450.00 Standard: N450.00 - 23240433941980666927 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/12/19 20:27 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193391929481 Supplier Ref: 193391929481 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03475206 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 49107625501227863923 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/12/19 15:22 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 50039490980890 Supplier Ref: 50039490980890 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03544108 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 56733853347018607474 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/12/19 16:31 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193591534335 Supplier Ref: 193591534335 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03631118 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 11722950656576102924 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/01/20 13:09 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200101212278 Supplier Ref: 200101212278 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03756200 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 51636281444598728880 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/01/20 11:25 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200251028393 Supplier Ref: 200251028393 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03880561 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 57745314791996368678 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/02/20 13:25 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200461225028 Supplier Ref: 200461225028 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04078024 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 54644025547357998988 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/03/20 10:07 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200740907395 Supplier Ref: 200740907395 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04348887 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 67905698938089268938 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/04/20 12:29 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201051129456 Supplier Ref: 201051129456 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04567381 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 64933495548018694330 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/05/20 09:06 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201340906486 Supplier Ref: 201340906486 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04764794 Total Value: N400.00 Standard: N400.00 - 51150880221297361464 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/05/20 17:22 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201371722075 Supplier Ref: 201371722075 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04791337 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 34563198602685278021 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/06/20 19:49 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201581949576 Supplier Ref: 201581949576 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04936077 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 10721986053747542366 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/06/20 10:53 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201791053344 Supplier Ref: 201791053344 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05073830 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 09105599226012331207 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/07/20 08:24 Meter/Type: 54161146763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202050824128 Supplier Ref: 202050824128 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05265022 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 42799170975198473292 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 124 Bottom of Form 0101160051120 Date Sold: 05/09/18 16:31 Meter/Type: 0101160051120 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182481531084 Supplier Ref: 182481531084 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01041550 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 67562067791606868252 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/09/18 11:40 Meter/Type: 0101160051120 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182641140334 Supplier Ref: 182641140334 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01086770 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 46706288129595537017 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/09/18 11:21 Meter/Type: 0101160051120 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182721121415 Supplier Ref: 182721121415 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01110233 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 46624647192222723707 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/10/18 09:37 Meter/Type: 0101160051120 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182850937443 Supplier Ref: 182850937443 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01154419 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 68099998222100250825 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/10/18 11:04 Meter/Type: 0101160051120 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182931104133 Supplier Ref: 182931104133 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01182250 Total Value: N1,200.00 Standard: N1,200.00 - 15579748758412488264 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/10/18 21:27 Meter/Type: 0101160051120 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182992127407 Supplier Ref: 182992127407 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01205070 Total Value: N1,200.00 Standard: N1,200.00 - 26014599699330241471 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/11/18 21:12 Meter/Type: 0101160051120 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183072112443 Supplier Ref: 183072112443 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01235060 Total Value: N1,200.00 Standard: N1,200.00 - 47756377790938326876 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/11/18 12:40 Meter/Type: 0101160051120 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183141240435 Supplier Ref: 183141240435 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01258125 Total Value: N700.00 Standard: N700.00 - 17013812917173930392 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/11/18 16:34 Meter/Type: 0101160051120 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000677181557 Supplier Ref: 000677181557 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01278840 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 25236012753913481144 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/11/18 10:03 Meter/Type: 0101160051120 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 69892667067858 Supplier Ref: 69892667067858 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01284798 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 01504574102767201870 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/12/18 18:38 Meter/Type: 0101160051120 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154368594048 Supplier Ref: 154368594048 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01331800 Total Value: N400.00 Standard: N400.00 - 00132503974370095432 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/12/18 15:52 Meter/Type: 0101160051120 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000680051307 Supplier Ref: 000680051307 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01350264 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 57207576106519899600 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/12/18 12:05 Meter/Type: 0101160051120 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154478193077 Supplier Ref: 154478193077 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01387747 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 12643018991464985783 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/01/19 10:13 Meter/Type: 0101160051120 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 361779604103297 Supplier Ref: 361779604103297 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01521407 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 51997402271210125166 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/01/19 10:05 Meter/Type: 0101160051120 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 223414969104710 Supplier Ref: 223414969104710 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01642444 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 20853146127744535134 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/02/19 10:20 Meter/Type: 0101160051120 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154944122292 Supplier Ref: 154944122292 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01762461 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N934.97 - 21433609686004702787 Debt: N1,565.03 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/02/19 12:13 Meter/Type: 0101160051120 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155022563846 Supplier Ref: 155022563846 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01832217 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 67218804230515343836 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/03/19 09:50 Meter/Type: 0101160051120 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 355472537097572 Supplier Ref: 355472537097572 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01939072 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 55323655874974781419 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/03/19 09:49 Meter/Type: 0101160051120 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 52632443689637 Supplier Ref: 52632443689637 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01994208 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 36556490086271843179 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/03/19 09:07 Meter/Type: 0101160051120 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 412948009076617 Supplier Ref: 412948009076617 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02062933 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 38976874039634001227 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/04/19 13:34 Meter/Type: 0101160051120 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 445760497933748 Supplier Ref: 445760497933748 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02184978 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 57303090079808178430 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/04/19 11:22 Meter/Type: 0101160051120 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155652976519 Supplier Ref: 155652976519 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02260145 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 11906923426826420774 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/05/19 15:57 Meter/Type: 0101160051120 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190507392173 Supplier Ref: 190507392173 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02313124 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 65987111941729454356 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/05/19 16:21 Meter/Type: 0101160051120 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155836205546 Supplier Ref: 155836205546 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02369687 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 68843302760088285271 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/05/19 13:24 Meter/Type: 0101160051120 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190530835558 Supplier Ref: 190530835558 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02420103 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 55276295153487405520 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/06/19 16:24 Meter/Type: 0101160051120 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190610691119 Supplier Ref: 190610691119 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02483790 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 07328624231977675238 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/06/19 13:14 Meter/Type: 0101160051120 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190621393324 Supplier Ref: 190621393324 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02536601 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 55506881048545224737 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/07/19 12:44 Meter/Type: 0101160051120 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156223706368 Supplier Ref: 156223706368 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02598768 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 05676514701968535634 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/07/19 10:37 Meter/Type: 0101160051120 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191970936518 Supplier Ref: 191970936518 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02654946 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 29272576045734588719 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/07/19 15:21 Meter/Type: 0101160051120 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 339059108957597 Supplier Ref: 339059108957597 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02704939 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 05224378266688099184 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/08/19 15:02 Meter/Type: 0101160051120 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192151402545 Supplier Ref: 192151402545 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02750211 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 07125264953728656486 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/08/19 15:54 Meter/Type: 0101160051120 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 922614540378 Supplier Ref: 922614540378 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02804030 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 67511961214410591158 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/08/19 17:14 Meter/Type: 0101160051120 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 923416142672 Supplier Ref: 923416142672 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02844159 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 63601304641365854617 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/08/19 12:16 Meter/Type: 0101160051120 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192411116578 Supplier Ref: 192411116578 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02875493 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 17755540759210087146 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/09/19 11:05 Meter/Type: 0101160051120 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192491006107 Supplier Ref: 192491006107 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02919497 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 57954277745694632807 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/09/19 16:39 Meter/Type: 0101160051120 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 620110652344587 Supplier Ref: 620110652344587 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02985418 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 14504887790514057085 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 442020-08-07 apaaverem@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014952ClosedKCT Request2020-08-07: REQUEST FOR KCT 54161012197Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-08-07NoPlease find below. 2420 4026 6710 0931 5094 0583 9284 9068 6333 57512020-08-07 longpuan@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014951ClosedKCT Request2020-08-07: KCT REQUEST 0893 1364 5797 5951 3818 0101190014486 4487 9058 0353 0508 1922 0101190011318. please kindly provide another key for the above customer the above code is not pairing. thank you.MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-08-07NoPlease find below. 0101190011318 7153 4848 5558 4672 8333 5971 4949 8049 3781 09622020-08-07 faizahtafida@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014950ClosedRequest2020-08-07: REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE (54160992738) Dear support kindly supply us with debt profile of this customer warm regardsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-08-07NoPlease find below. Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 54160992738 Start Date: 1/21/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $67,006.10 Outstanding Balance: $51,006.10 Running Balance: $51,006.10 Note: 67006.10 Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 8/2/2020 11:21:03 AM2020-08-07 tyoverpeter@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014949ClosedRequest2020-08-07: Request for debt profile Request for debt profile of the following meter 0101160351751.thanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-08-07NoPlease find below. Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 608859 Start Date: 6/5/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $92,416.68 Outstanding Balance: $77,416.68 Running Balance: $77,416.68 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: 8/3/2020 3:55:52 PM2020-08-07 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014948ClosedRequest2020-08-07: REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 54161065427 Please treatMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-08-07NoPlease find below. Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 54161065427 Start Date: 9/21/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $105,940.08 Outstanding Balance: $83,440.08 Running Balance: $83,440.08 Note: Outstanding migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,500.00 Latest Payment: 4/2/2020 11:06:12 AM2020-08-07 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014947ClosedVending History2020-08-07: REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY - 54160981996Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-08-07NoPlease find below, Date Sold: 29/05/19 18:17 Meter/Type: 54160981996 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191491717324 Supplier Ref: 191491717324 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02416337 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 67460780256988998954 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/03/20 15:01 Meter/Type: 54160981996 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200841401063 Supplier Ref: 200841401063 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04412922 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N869.95 - 56762715286801308131 Debt: N3,130.05 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/04/20 15:44 Meter/Type: 54160981996 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201081544163 Supplier Ref: 201081544163 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04590807 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 38176135172830817272 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/07/20 08:32 Meter/Type: 54160981996 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201840832485 Supplier Ref: 201840832485 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05115698 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 70736076412898410545 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 62020-08-07 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014946ClosedRequest2020-08-07: REQUEST FOR METER NUMBER & DATE OF INSTALLATION - 536512 Kindly assist with the meter number tied to the above account and date of installation please.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-08-07NoPlease find below. Meter Serial Number: 0101161029513 Installation Date: 5/31/20192020-08-07 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014945ClosedRequest2020-08-07Request for the vending history and Outstanding balance meter no 54160992738 Kindly Furnish me with the above information Best regards!Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-08-07NoPlease find below. Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 54160992738 Start Date: 1/21/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $67,006.10 Outstanding Balance: $51,006.10 Running Balance: $51,006.10 Note: 67006.10 Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 8/2/2020 11:21:03 AM Date Sold: 05/06/19 10:32 Meter/Type: 54160992738 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155972317472 Supplier Ref: 155972317472 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02455142 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 71033801357034495865 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/06/19 15:40 Meter/Type: 54160992738 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156129715079 Supplier Ref: 156129715079 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02545995 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 62291106941144955854 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/10/19 19:16 Meter/Type: 54160992738 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157064133335 Supplier Ref: 157064133335 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03102812 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 11797668273604740483 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/01/20 08:18 Meter/Type: 54160992738 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157906913951 Supplier Ref: 157906913951 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03796257 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 27452599908403376853 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/03/20 21:42 Meter/Type: 54160992738 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158352374936 Supplier Ref: 158352374936 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04303699 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 47539684561361067174 Debt: N6,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/04/20 14:42 Meter/Type: 54160992738 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201091442373 Supplier Ref: 201091442373 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04600559 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 73502703581324046069 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/05/20 15:02 Meter/Type: 54160992738 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201411502476 Supplier Ref: 201411502476 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04810851 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 69346484014170143915 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/06/20 18:28 Meter/Type: 54160992738 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201611828368 Supplier Ref: 201611828368 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04950581 Total Value: N3,100.00 Standard: N1,100.00 - 16348151822004766306 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/07/20 15:26 Meter/Type: 54160992738 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201841527043 Supplier Ref: 201841527043 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05119881 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 13331940163916441355 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/08/20 11:21 Meter/Type: 54160992738 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202151121080 Supplier Ref: 202151121080 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05365276 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 23666055360793909503 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 452020-08-07 abigailiyane@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014944ClosedKCT Request2020-08-07: KCT Please kindly send me the KCT number generated to this meter number 0101185056054.thank youMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-08-07NoPlease find KCT below. 6098 8189 6826 1875 7282 1539 2886 3425 1585 78112020-08-07 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014943Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014942Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014941ClosedRequest2020-08-06: REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILS FOR ( 0101170137489) Hello Kindly assist with debt profile of above meter serial numberMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-08-06NoGood morning, Find below, Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 545745 Start Date: 3/27/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $91,285.83 Outstanding Balance: $76,285.83 Running Balance: $76,285.83 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,000.00 Latest Payment: 5/2/2020 3:34:20 PM2020-08-06 phartiemah12@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014940ClosedRequest2020-08-06: Request for vending history opening balance and outstanding debt balance Please kindly help me with the vending history opening balance and outstanding debt balance of the following meter 04172820823. thanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-08-06NoGood morning, Find below, Date Sold: 16/12/16 13:46 Meter/Type: 04172820823 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 635113460231 Supplier Ref: 635113460231 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00097761 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 06931819260668317565 Date Sold: 03/03/17 10:38 Meter/Type: 04172820823 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 706210380395 Supplier Ref: 706210380395 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00162367 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 62886096021266592918 Date Sold: 06/06/17 10:12 Meter/Type: 04172820823 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 715710120240 Supplier Ref: 715710120240 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00282950 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 55097805222611039640 Date Sold: 21/03/18 09:19 Meter/Type: 04172820823 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000642578047 Supplier Ref: 000642578047 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00677645 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 42976281109293159510 Date Sold: 03/04/20 15:04 Meter/Type: 04172820823 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200941404372 Supplier Ref: 200941404372 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04499271 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 64634717005445897507 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/05/20 15:25 Meter/Type: 04172820823 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201341525570 Supplier Ref: 201341525570 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04767407 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 69723017731385367410 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/07/20 16:29 Meter/Type: 04172820823 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201861629343 Supplier Ref: 201861629343 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05136475 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 55217644153893876499 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/07/20 17:08 Meter/Type: 04172820823 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201991708587 Supplier Ref: 201991708587 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05221796 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 24385936483906400118 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/07/20 20:33 Meter/Type: 04172820823 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202092033432 Supplier Ref: 202092033432 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05308649 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 18668729981887712805 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/08/20 11:32 Meter/Type: 04172820823 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202191132517 Supplier Ref: 202191132517 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05405540 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 61639435126691247833 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 10 04172820823 This customer does not have any Debt accounts associated2020-08-06 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014939ClosedVending History2020-08-06REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY METER NO 54161093965 EMMANUEL OBEYAMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-08-06NoGood morning, Find below, Date Sold: 08/06/18 18:48 Meter/Type: 54161093965 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 920362305794427 Supplier Ref: 920362305794427 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00822966 Total Value: N100.00 Standard: N100.00 - 26061016211402413425 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/06/18 18:51 Meter/Type: 54161093965 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 837456778451506 Supplier Ref: 837456778451506 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00822970 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 12722619189704861323 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/07/18 13:22 Meter/Type: 54161093965 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 202157127354506 Supplier Ref: 202157127354506 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00885181 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 51741013297675863730 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/08/18 12:48 Meter/Type: 54161093965 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 780489130620999 Supplier Ref: 780489130620999 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00987151 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 66259060095795222986 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/10/18 09:12 Meter/Type: 54161093965 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 86203902620998 Supplier Ref: 86203902620998 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01157857 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 56875241399499937432 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/11/18 08:36 Meter/Type: 54161093965 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000679149830 Supplier Ref: 000679149830 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01324303 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 32384111323085167662 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/01/19 14:20 Meter/Type: 54161093965 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154729560711 Supplier Ref: 154729560711 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01567526 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 22597666582646290831 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/02/19 14:46 Meter/Type: 54161093965 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190511346540 Supplier Ref: 190511346540 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01865561 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 70445169007748567687 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/04/19 11:40 Meter/Type: 54161093965 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155445724391 Supplier Ref: 155445724391 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02131889 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 03829758029330027244 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/04/19 16:37 Meter/Type: 54161093965 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155611664626 Supplier Ref: 155611664626 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02235407 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 60717321380798031703 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/05/19 16:25 Meter/Type: 54161093965 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191311525300 Supplier Ref: 191311525300 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02328857 Total Value: N3,150.00 Standard: N3,150.00 - 72886907405890097403 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/07/19 20:09 Meter/Type: 54161093965 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192071909138 Supplier Ref: 192071909138 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02706817 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 07690001501887759712 Debt: N6,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/08/19 11:15 Meter/Type: 54161093965 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192211015390 Supplier Ref: 192211015390 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02777689 Total Value: N3,150.00 Standard: N1,150.00 - 40075223741811719081 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/08/19 11:19 Meter/Type: 54161093965 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192211019501 Supplier Ref: 192211019501 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02777718 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 70897371894323804101 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/11/19 21:09 Meter/Type: 54161093965 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193062010417 Supplier Ref: 193062010417 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03241544 Total Value: N9,150.00 Standard: N3,150.00 - 53747590054698702526 Debt: N6,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/12/19 00:27 Meter/Type: 54161093965 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 930576175224924 Supplier Ref: 930576175224924 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03586698 Total Value: N5,150.00 Standard: N3,150.00 - 16866944331301908669 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/02/20 10:54 Meter/Type: 54161093965 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 986988535870022 Supplier Ref: 986988535870022 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03945187 Total Value: N7,150.00 Standard: N3,150.00 - 70848266305346559480 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/04/20 22:26 Meter/Type: 54161093965 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200932126405 Supplier Ref: 200932126405 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04494483 Total Value: N7,350.00 Standard: N3,350.00 - 26924775996079847523 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/05/20 08:48 Meter/Type: 54161093965 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201500848538 Supplier Ref: 201500848538 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04871737 Total Value: N5,350.00 Standard: N3,350.00 - 52077500132626190675 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 262020-08-06 benmercyladi@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014938ClosedRequest2020-08-06: 0101160046021 Hello Kindly assist with vending history and debt profile of above meter serial number -- Regards,Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-08-06NoGood morning, Find below, Debt Details Name: Outstanding Bal. Reference Number: 627520 Start Date: 1/14/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $22,943.28 Outstanding Balance: $19,943.28 Running Balance: $19,943.28 Note: O/s from JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Per Vend Amount Collection Value: $11,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/21/2020 8:59:37 PM Date Sold: 04/03/19 16:09 Meter/Type: 0101160046021 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 622835620042504 Supplier Ref: 622835620042504 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01955369 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 06222591031789112494 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/05/19 19:44 Meter/Type: 0101160046021 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191421844464 Supplier Ref: 191421844464 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02381659 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 68321047466072515397 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/07/19 19:40 Meter/Type: 0101160046021 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191861840161 Supplier Ref: 191861840161 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02605701 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 61473668762034087296 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/10/19 20:41 Meter/Type: 0101160046021 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192881943016 Supplier Ref: 192881943016 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03135049 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 39930927676006500208 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/07/20 20:59 Meter/Type: 0101160046021 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202032059281 Supplier Ref: 202032059281 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05254437 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 49531599835433925200 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 92020-08-06 phartiemah12@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014937ClosedKCT Request2020-08-06: Request for kct in respect of this account 0101160358111 Good morningMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-08-06NoGood morning, Find below, 3426 5168 3548 3833 9240 0101160358111 2905 8940 0192 3623 61682020-08-06 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014936ClosedRequest2020-08-06: DEBT DETAILS Assist with debt details. 0101170160382 Thanks.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-08-06NoGood morning, Find below, Debt Details Name: Outstanding Balance Reference Number: 604710 Start Date: 9/11/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $13,705.91 Outstanding Balance: $0.00 Running Balance: $0.00 Note: Outstanding from JCS, Installation fee, Cost unit Status: Paid off Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.002020-08-06 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014935ClosedVending History2020-08-06: Request For Vending History John Dyegh Dear support. Please avail us with the vending history of this meter. 01321541425 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-08-06NoGood morning, Find below, Date Sold: 09/08/16 10:03 Meter/Type: 01321541425 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/EAKPA Token Ref: 622210160109 Supplier Ref: 622210160109 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00013854 Total Value: N8,500.00 Standard: N8,500.00 - 71454711584815746850 Date Sold: 10/09/16 10:00 Meter/Type: 01321541425 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/EAKPA Token Ref: 625410000075 Supplier Ref: 625410000075 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00033546 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 70200730842949262188 Date Sold: 16/09/16 15:50 Meter/Type: 01321541425 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/EAKPA Token Ref: 626015500055 Supplier Ref: 626015500055 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00037146 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 52913201430175921987 Date Sold: 15/10/16 10:37 Meter/Type: 01321541425 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/EAKPA Token Ref: 003103155412 Supplier Ref: 003103155412 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00056076 Total Value: N9,000.00 Standard: N9,000.00 - 72180860285548976577 Date Sold: 01/12/16 16:18 Meter/Type: 01321541425 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/EAKPA Token Ref: 007808562325 Supplier Ref: 007808562325 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00086703 Total Value: N9,300.00 Standard: N9,300.00 - 47743458279108021897 Date Sold: 03/01/17 14:41 Meter/Type: 01321541425 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/EAKPA Token Ref: 011107187047 Supplier Ref: 011107187047 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00111889 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 52733817416478817617 Date Sold: 30/01/17 15:46 Meter/Type: 01321541425 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 703015468219 Supplier Ref: 703015468219 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00130018 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 06909988472283062254 Date Sold: 03/02/17 14:42 Meter/Type: 01321541425 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 703414420820 Supplier Ref: 703414420820 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00134049 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 26464288970665374752 Date Sold: 17/02/17 16:21 Meter/Type: 01321541425 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 704816213770 Supplier Ref: 704816213770 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00146876 Total Value: N1,100.00 Standard: N1,100.00 - 52220521608850379420 Date Sold: 20/02/17 17:14 Meter/Type: 01321541425 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 705117149987 Supplier Ref: 705117149987 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00149392 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 44685154253637818127 Date Sold: 05/03/17 14:53 Meter/Type: 01321541425 Retailer/Operator: GOLDLINE/misah Token Ref: 706414530127 Supplier Ref: 706414530127 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00164663 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 44978987125250526479 Date Sold: 18/03/17 10:14 Meter/Type: 01321541425 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/FMUSA Token Ref: 707710144874 Supplier Ref: 707710144874 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00182072 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 43955865930225504005 Date Sold: 31/03/17 17:54 Meter/Type: 01321541425 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 709017547530 Supplier Ref: 709017547530 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00200367 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 11621928549915968811 Date Sold: 15/04/17 15:54 Meter/Type: 01321541425 Retailer/Operator: GOLDLINE/misah2 Token Ref: 710515549555 Supplier Ref: 710515549555 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00218122 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N15,000.00 - 11968751891026896978 Date Sold: 26/04/17 16:19 Meter/Type: 01321541425 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/EAKPA Token Ref: 711616195408 Supplier Ref: 711616195408 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00231473 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 32061780106008551849 Date Sold: 16/05/17 15:00 Meter/Type: 01321541425 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 713615007542 Supplier Ref: 713615007542 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00256668 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 04233168740366127394 Date Sold: 02/06/17 16:21 Meter/Type: 01321541425 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 715316210197 Supplier Ref: 715316210197 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00279539 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 44973232381204073144 Date Sold: 15/06/17 17:25 Meter/Type: 01321541425 Retailer/Operator: GOLDLINE/misah Token Ref: 716617250243 Supplier Ref: 716617250243 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00296084 Total Value: N9,500.00 Standard: N9,500.00 - 47162078758521838530 Date Sold: 02/07/17 17:55 Meter/Type: 01321541425 Retailer/Operator: GOLDLINE/misah2 Token Ref: 718317553475 Supplier Ref: 718317553475 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00316617 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 02760667480435473742 Date Sold: 12/07/17 16:17 Meter/Type: 01321541425 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/EAKPA Token Ref: 719316170704 Supplier Ref: 719316170704 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00330524 Total Value: N9,500.00 Standard: N9,500.00 - 16957018165418651409 Date Sold: 28/07/17 12:30 Meter/Type: 01321541425 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 720912300217 Supplier Ref: 720912300217 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00350382 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 31061206547002586207 Date Sold: 18/08/17 11:20 Meter/Type: 01321541425 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 723011200127 Supplier Ref: 723011200127 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00376315 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 08809269796779379038 Date Sold: 01/09/17 16:54 Meter/Type: 01321541425 Retailer/Operator: GOLDLINE/misah Token Ref: 724416540212 Supplier Ref: 724416540212 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00396410 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 70944904300584937603 Date Sold: 17/09/17 10:43 Meter/Type: 01321541425 Retailer/Operator: GOLDLINE/misah Token Ref: 726010430205 Supplier Ref: 726010430205 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00415354 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 39414571963681471033 Date Sold: 01/10/17 18:49 Meter/Type: 01321541425 Retailer/Operator: GOLDLINE/misah Token Ref: 727418490306 Supplier Ref: 727418490306 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00433620 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 00347318288339874623 Date Sold: 02/10/17 08:45 Meter/Type: 01321541425 Retailer/Operator: GOLDLINE/misah Token Ref: 727508450348 Supplier Ref: 727508450348 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00433754 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 23869044421816692340 Date Sold: 15/10/17 11:23 Meter/Type: 01321541425 Retailer/Operator: GOLDLINE/misah Token Ref: 728811230211 Supplier Ref: 728811230211 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00453839 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 26556792935330116668 Date Sold: 02/11/17 13:28 Meter/Type: 01321541425 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 730613280151 Supplier Ref: 730613280151 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00479973 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 60778718879897857292 Date Sold: 15/11/17 12:20 Meter/Type: 01321541425 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000624452108 Supplier Ref: 000624452108 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00498350 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 42988119636336219215 Date Sold: 16/11/17 09:32 Meter/Type: 01321541425 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 634741374124104 Supplier Ref: 634741374124104 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00499384 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 06582974010531113900 Date Sold: 01/12/17 19:46 Meter/Type: 01321541425 Retailer/Operator: GOLDLINE/misah Token Ref: 733519460138 Supplier Ref: 733519460138 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00521713 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 38018108757481403263 Date Sold: 02/12/17 17:30 Meter/Type: 01321541425 Retailer/Operator: BrinkAfrika/ Token Ref: 7336173049730 Supplier Ref: 7336173049730 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00522823 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N3,500.00 - 15279188418052990833 Date Sold: 09/12/17 23:35 Meter/Type: 01321541425 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000627975504 Supplier Ref: 000627975504 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00533419 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 01852660899230782836 Date Sold: 10/12/17 20:43 Meter/Type: 01321541425 Retailer/Operator: GOLDLINE/misah Token Ref: 734420430246 Supplier Ref: 734420430246 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00533644 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 57952626270585077445 Date Sold: 12/12/17 17:09 Meter/Type: 01321541425 Retailer/Operator: BrinkAfrika/ Token Ref: 7346170852324 Supplier Ref: 7346170852324 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00537137 Total Value: N13,500.00 Standard: N13,500.00 - 03874325759844182169 Date Sold: 09/01/18 20:18 Meter/Type: 01321541425 Retailer/Operator: GOLDLINE/misah Token Ref: 800920180050 Supplier Ref: 800920180050 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00574920 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 28453884462585273991 Date Sold: 11/01/18 09:34 Meter/Type: 01321541425 Retailer/Operator: BrinkAfrika/ Token Ref: 8011093460822 Supplier Ref: 8011093460822 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00576447 Total Value: N9,500.00 Standard: N9,500.00 - 60355803853800904314 Date Sold: 14/11/18 17:30 Meter/Type: 01321541425 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154221302862 Supplier Ref: 154221302862 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01271998 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 58543973185672525910 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/11/18 15:30 Meter/Type: 01321541425 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154306982918 Supplier Ref: 154306982918 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01305104 Total Value: N7,400.00 Standard: N7,400.00 - 18394686449738604810 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/12/18 20:40 Meter/Type: 01321541425 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154438084648 Supplier Ref: 154438084648 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01361799 Total Value: N1,400.00 Standard: N1,400.00 - 47853023517106613939 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/12/18 21:18 Meter/Type: 01321541425 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154455594312 Supplier Ref: 154455594312 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01374971 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 07268963883877113171 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/12/18 16:56 Meter/Type: 01321541425 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154514499259 Supplier Ref: 154514499259 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01410826 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 46851928140533939129 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/12/18 21:22 Meter/Type: 01321541425 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154602498071 Supplier Ref: 154602498071 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01482544 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 25088106008971112454 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/01/19 22:12 Meter/Type: 01321541425 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154741036503 Supplier Ref: 154741036503 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01572646 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 42904116864134209356 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/01/19 22:40 Meter/Type: 01321541425 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154793043075 Supplier Ref: 154793043075 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01621410 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 01784220282931869998 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/02/19 22:15 Meter/Type: 01321541425 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154982974540 Supplier Ref: 154982974540 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01793965 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 34323975972241376904 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 642020-08-06 ericasua@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014934ClosedRequest2020-08-06REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILS Good morning IT Support team. Please kindly assist with debt details for MSN. 01011600099318 Thanks Best RegardsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-08-06NoGood morning, Find below, This meter has not been captured or you send wrong meter number. Thanks.2020-08-06 faayu472003@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014933Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014932Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014931Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014930ClosedKCT Request2020-08-06: KEY CHANGE Assist with key change. 0101170284141 ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-08-06NoGood morning, Find below, 5490 9318 9316 7746 5873 0101170284141 3224 4931 6266 9417 74142020-08-06 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014929ClosedVending History2020-08-06: REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY Dear Support, Kindly provide VH for 54161123226. Thank You Sunny Ochekwu Supervisor, Enforcement Unit Otukpo 07060963430Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-08-06NoGood morning, Find below, Date Sold: 03/04/17 10:49 Meter/Type: 54161123226 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 002321143975 Supplier Ref: 002321143975 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00202093 Total Value: N22,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 30461504320121890894 Debt: N20,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 03/04/17 10:53 Meter/Type: 54161123226 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 002321183977 Supplier Ref: 002321183977 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00202113 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 64464010084055645599 Date Sold: 10/04/17 12:29 Meter/Type: 54161123226 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 003022544793 Supplier Ref: 003022544793 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00212071 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 45490823915236735713 Date Sold: 24/04/17 09:44 Meter/Type: 54161123226 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 711412430061 Supplier Ref: 711412430061 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00227021 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 45955427350391920028 Date Sold: 01/06/17 15:55 Meter/Type: 54161123226 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/MBEN Token Ref: 715218550215 Supplier Ref: 715218550215 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00277334 Total Value: N5,500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 12839787500632226999 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 01/06/17 16:09 Meter/Type: 54161123226 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/MBEN Token Ref: 715219090221 Supplier Ref: 715219090221 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00277369 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 59238520128106910830 Date Sold: 06/07/17 12:47 Meter/Type: 54161123226 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 718712455469 Supplier Ref: 718712455469 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00322446 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 12824534965162382796 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 10/07/17 15:35 Meter/Type: 54161123226 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 719115332216 Supplier Ref: 719115332216 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00327442 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 15170613542157770516 Date Sold: 29/07/17 10:08 Meter/Type: 54161123226 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 721010077266 Supplier Ref: 721010077266 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00351447 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 20775238859215315314 Date Sold: 23/08/17 12:43 Meter/Type: 54161123226 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 723512423783 Supplier Ref: 723512423783 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00382253 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N500.00 - 07990629233529180599 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 15/09/17 10:56 Meter/Type: 54161123226 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 725810547714 Supplier Ref: 725810547714 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00413456 Total Value: N5,500.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 68214699220395216773 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 16/10/17 10:07 Meter/Type: 54161123226 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 728910073559 Supplier Ref: 728910073559 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00454417 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 07579044087949474145 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 17/11/17 11:40 Meter/Type: 54161123226 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 974033439180373 Supplier Ref: 974033439180373 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00501252 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N500.00 - 56798083187681054994 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 16/01/18 15:54 Meter/Type: 54161123226 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 991179543234699 Supplier Ref: 991179543234699 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00583292 Total Value: N5,500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 47799702387642421798 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 22/02/18 13:32 Meter/Type: 54161123226 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000638715387 Supplier Ref: 000638715387 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00635379 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 40786204570675706170 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 23/03/18 11:20 Meter/Type: 54161123226 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 548258982195524 Supplier Ref: 548258982195524 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00680777 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 27495924703746344776 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 05/04/18 15:47 Meter/Type: 54161123226 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000644770728 Supplier Ref: 000644770728 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00701194 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N500.00 - 10469510053077659517 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 11/05/18 16:26 Meter/Type: 54161123226 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 33015677848268 Supplier Ref: 33015677848268 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00763498 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 30444481473264229733 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/07/18 16:22 Meter/Type: 54161123226 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 730975658848590 Supplier Ref: 730975658848590 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00888618 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N664.32 - 34400814069451188697 Debt: N3,335.68 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/07/18 17:01 Meter/Type: 54161123226 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 65339096581927 Supplier Ref: 65339096581927 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00899260 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 11397019930398528467 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/07/18 16:06 Meter/Type: 54161123226 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000659748899 Supplier Ref: 000659748899 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00909229 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 31081691229874121628 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/10/18 14:56 Meter/Type: 54161123226 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000671700021 Supplier Ref: 000671700021 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01145225 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 66173632664788663380 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/02/19 17:16 Meter/Type: 54161123226 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 590766440927462 Supplier Ref: 590766440927462 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01927536 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 42867129434272779149 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/03/19 15:43 Meter/Type: 54161123226 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190881443471 Supplier Ref: 190881443471 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02090297 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 31578769014323608911 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/01/20 18:39 Meter/Type: 54161123226 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157988418455 Supplier Ref: 157988418455 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03876882 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 06934721121489697456 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/06/20 10:30 Meter/Type: 54161123226 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201741030298 Supplier Ref: 201741030298 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05032653 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 49561473927114134831 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 302020-08-06 sunnyochekwu@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014928ClosedKCT Request2020-08-06: Request for kct Please kindly send me the kct for this meter no. 0101161031758. Thanks.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-08-06NoGood morning, Find below, 1197 8631 0279 4383 3817 0101161031758 3940 3853 0075 7523 42022020-08-06 umarmacy@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014927ClosedVending History2020-08-06: VENDING HISTORY GOOD MORNING IT SUPPORT. Kindly assist with vending. 54160915689 Thanks.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-08-06NoGood morning, Find below, Date Sold: 27/02/17 09:10 Meter/Type: 54160915689 Retailer/Operator: JEDTUDUNWADA/aumar Token Ref: 000519596375 Supplier Ref: 000519596375 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00155606 Total Value: N11,000.00 Standard: N3,869.95 - 16060228392186441807 Debt: N7,130.05 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 27/02/17 11:54 Meter/Type: 54160915689 Retailer/Operator: JEDTUDUNWADA/oketura Token Ref: 000522444936 Supplier Ref: 000522444936 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00156267 Total Value: N13,000.00 Standard: N13,000.00 - 47522773954357058925 Date Sold: 14/03/17 12:13 Meter/Type: 54160915689 Retailer/Operator: JEDTUDUNWADA/sharuna Token Ref: 002804431964 Supplier Ref: 002804431964 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00177000 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 60064985778533082474 Date Sold: 25/04/17 13:21 Meter/Type: 54160915689 Retailer/Operator: JEDTUDUNWADA/sharuna Token Ref: 003703053192 Supplier Ref: 003703053192 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00229554 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 29727216040083885776 Date Sold: 03/01/18 10:28 Meter/Type: 54160915689 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 800310271105 Supplier Ref: 800310271105 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00567233 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 47399956470252296863 Date Sold: 12/03/18 11:00 Meter/Type: 54160915689 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 807111001340 Supplier Ref: 807111001340 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00663275 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 60244399990702214238 Date Sold: 23/05/18 12:27 Meter/Type: 54160915689 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000651662876 Supplier Ref: 000651662876 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00786066 Total Value: N100.00 Standard: N100.00 - 67607156857547269189 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/06/19 15:11 Meter/Type: 54160915689 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191611411592 Supplier Ref: 191611411592 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02482938 Total Value: N50.00 Standard: N50.00 - 37949899188430055135 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/03/20 19:11 Meter/Type: 54160915689 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 200306763118 Supplier Ref: 200306763118 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB04301946 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 72931495419402456786 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/03/20 19:54 Meter/Type: 54160915689 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200901854034 Supplier Ref: 200901854034 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04463750 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 42858711006224018610 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/04/20 09:41 Meter/Type: 54160915689 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201080941156 Supplier Ref: 201080941156 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04587538 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 02620623913335179776 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/04/20 11:00 Meter/Type: 54160915689 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201151101002 Supplier Ref: 201151101002 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04639825 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 60581165008600548727 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/05/20 11:42 Meter/Type: 54160915689 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201521142447 Supplier Ref: 201521142447 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04890660 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 27728156108723968879 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/06/20 16:31 Meter/Type: 54160915689 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201681631352 Supplier Ref: 201681631352 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04996153 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 31547112393572136022 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/06/20 08:43 Meter/Type: 54160915689 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201820843408 Supplier Ref: 201820843408 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05094944 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 22979611989809675570 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/08/20 09:35 Meter/Type: 54160915689 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202180935206 Supplier Ref: 202180935206 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05394514 Total Value: N4,500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 45595894053242769032 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/08/20 09:05 Meter/Type: 54160915689 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202190905495 Supplier Ref: 202190905495 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05404055 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 64770344434090074978 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 172020-08-06 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014926ClosedVending History2020-08-06: Vending history 0101178019572 Morning Sir Best regardsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-08-06NoGood morning, Find below, Date Sold: 03/11/18 19:49 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000675328922 Supplier Ref: 000675328922 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01234849 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N9,999.00 - 68890893986432499404 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/11/18 16:22 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000675740321 Supplier Ref: 000675740321 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01244837 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N9,999.00 - 07949751752388220216 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/11/18 19:05 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000677628763 Supplier Ref: 000677628763 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01288102 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N9,999.00 - 37213882130379350352 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/11/18 12:37 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000678165867 Supplier Ref: 000678165867 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01300704 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N9,999.00 - 58568254103133676028 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/11/18 08:58 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000678575949 Supplier Ref: 000678575949 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01307526 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N9,999.00 - 41631387848698491309 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/11/18 14:26 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000679040744 Supplier Ref: 000679040744 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01321900 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N9,999.00 - 09171769821062246288 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/12/18 14:29 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000679467075 Supplier Ref: 000679467075 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01332891 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N9,999.00 - 35631816098994650118 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/12/18 11:28 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000679881001 Supplier Ref: 000679881001 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01344344 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N9,999.00 - 56138718036724634981 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/12/18 16:23 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000680198486 Supplier Ref: 000680198486 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01354865 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N9,999.00 - 14674897727731436831 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/12/18 17:21 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000680636265 Supplier Ref: 000680636265 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01367822 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N9,999.00 - 35356653339613872323 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/12/18 17:34 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154471526877 Supplier Ref: 154471526877 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01384978 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N7,999.00 - 07930753317230572830 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/12/18 19:55 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154498294676 Supplier Ref: 154498294676 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01398142 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N9,999.00 - 34066141110794594770 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/12/18 16:59 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154523158738 Supplier Ref: 154523158738 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01417231 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N9,999.00 - 54381630248776822905 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/12/18 23:18 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154551350173 Supplier Ref: 154551350173 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01441535 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N9,999.00 - 42336610971549140289 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/12/18 17:55 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154575331665 Supplier Ref: 154575331665 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01460837 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N7,999.00 - 23191414604082614653 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/12/18 20:13 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154593441956 Supplier Ref: 154593441956 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01474526 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N9,999.00 - 52859402504973487903 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/12/18 00:29 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154612256767 Supplier Ref: 154612256767 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01487719 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N9,999.00 - 66097308696692424112 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/01/19 12:16 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154633782225 Supplier Ref: 154633782225 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01499360 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N7,999.00 - 28941865676507723009 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/01/19 10:01 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154658891890 Supplier Ref: 154658891890 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01515460 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N9,999.00 - 62804147231942713747 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/01/19 10:03 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154676183596 Supplier Ref: 154676183596 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01525816 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N9,999.00 - 73605773409312872082 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/01/19 20:54 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154706005218 Supplier Ref: 154706005218 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01548064 Total Value: N9,000.00 Standard: N8,999.00 - 50841998353389843821 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/01/19 09:20 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154727765417 Supplier Ref: 154727765417 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01563888 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N9,999.00 - 57333750062991783408 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/01/19 15:45 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154747350241 Supplier Ref: 154747350241 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01578953 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N9,999.00 - 37905536432062383380 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/01/19 23:04 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154775908378 Supplier Ref: 154775908378 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01607441 Total Value: N9,000.00 Standard: N8,999.00 - 63677174218624683433 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/01/19 18:19 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154800119340 Supplier Ref: 154800119340 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01622546 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N9,999.00 - 41242328249589052824 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/01/19 20:57 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154826982107 Supplier Ref: 154826982107 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01649416 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N9,999.00 - 19940130193603418183 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/01/19 11:58 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 1548583133100 Supplier Ref: 1548583133100 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01675526 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N9,999.00 - 66250201409528977515 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/01/19 16:59 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 1548773985100 Supplier Ref: 1548773985100 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01696256 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N7,999.00 - 09817002045483172994 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/01/19 09:33 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154892001705 Supplier Ref: 154892001705 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01709044 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N9,999.00 - 05840099927588027357 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/02/19 09:22 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154909213348 Supplier Ref: 154909213348 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01730139 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N9,999.00 - 72523920996389960796 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/02/19 22:22 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154922534469 Supplier Ref: 154922534469 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01740255 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N9,999.00 - 25092775412653581056 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/02/19 19:57 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154938946260 Supplier Ref: 154938946260 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01760366 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N9,999.00 - 44107929043364473329 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/02/19 20:17 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154956346174 Supplier Ref: 154956346174 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01776757 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N9,999.00 - 41194113925481123726 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/02/19 20:14 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154973606055 Supplier Ref: 154973606055 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01791073 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N11,999.00 - 63012582820514193370 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/02/19 12:58 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 528554591163541 Supplier Ref: 528554591163541 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01806762 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N9,999.00 - 25783381000880946041 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/02/19 19:50 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155016663198 Supplier Ref: 155016663198 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01828127 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N9,999.00 - 65448426913413798507 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/02/19 15:26 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155040997559 Supplier Ref: 155040997559 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01844391 Total Value: N11,000.00 Standard: N10,999.00 - 32701437690577883875 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/02/19 07:43 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155064139777 Supplier Ref: 155064139777 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01861805 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N11,999.00 - 51662874442743028571 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/02/19 12:10 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155083024269 Supplier Ref: 155083024269 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01880612 Total Value: N11,000.00 Standard: N11,000.00 - 28130627292496149960 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/02/19 07:51 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155107388385 Supplier Ref: 155107388385 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01893987 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 52902431880709989605 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/03/19 10:30 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155194744267 Supplier Ref: 155194744267 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01974729 Total Value: N36,000.00 Standard: N12,086.25 - 60092136203397682863 Debt: N23,913.75 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/03/19 09:08 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155211531991 Supplier Ref: 155211531991 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01989412 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 47191314158967384706 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/03/19 11:21 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155229612017 Supplier Ref: 155229612017 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01995383 Total Value: N11,000.00 Standard: N11,000.00 - 54718703301738657097 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/03/19 10:55 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155246735039 Supplier Ref: 155246735039 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02008712 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 29728525730213869700 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/03/19 07:27 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155288687280 Supplier Ref: 155288687280 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02030234 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 10623125746839686744 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/03/19 11:38 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155307473817 Supplier Ref: 155307473817 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02042767 Total Value: N11,000.00 Standard: N11,000.00 - 69059106496628415810 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/03/19 08:30 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155340902246 Supplier Ref: 155340902246 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02060878 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 36878473575342240519 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/03/19 20:34 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155362528927 Supplier Ref: 155362528927 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02074692 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 18381747632573442318 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/03/19 08:37 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155384144702 Supplier Ref: 155384144702 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02086299 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 69322727432776934853 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/03/19 20:04 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155396908003 Supplier Ref: 155396908003 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02097852 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 68663000503803835794 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/04/19 19:37 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155422663715 Supplier Ref: 155422663715 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02115861 Total Value: N36,000.00 Standard: N12,086.25 - 34567566140942122511 Debt: N23,913.75 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/04/19 21:52 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155440757149 Supplier Ref: 155440757149 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02129739 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 04633034523946003627 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/04/19 05:19 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155460719625 Supplier Ref: 155460719625 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02142360 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 15292563142234932762 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/04/19 10:36 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155479900857 Supplier Ref: 155479900857 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02151857 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 26939774187170563446 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/04/19 10:51 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155497271808 Supplier Ref: 155497271808 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02164342 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 04902803254228626509 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/04/19 18:35 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155534612711 Supplier Ref: 155534612711 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02187901 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 13706748183179158740 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/04/19 22:53 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155553438395 Supplier Ref: 155553438395 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02200049 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 08792948026551915134 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/04/19 20:11 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155569749689 Supplier Ref: 155569749689 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02211102 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 68169834313652153201 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/04/19 10:27 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155592167778 Supplier Ref: 155592167778 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02220764 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 29024464831343066072 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/04/19 10:16 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155618017113 Supplier Ref: 155618017113 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02238373 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 42739821305751282051 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/04/19 08:16 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155634580887 Supplier Ref: 155634580887 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02250476 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 01767415859887054097 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/04/19 10:07 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155652525410 Supplier Ref: 155652525410 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02259318 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 29945574252317902156 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/05/19 15:18 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155671672114 Supplier Ref: 155671672114 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02278560 Total Value: N36,000.00 Standard: N12,086.25 - 73652050369197554926 Debt: N23,913.75 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/05/19 07:39 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155703474218 Supplier Ref: 155703474218 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02298619 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 36999964691335652482 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/05/19 20:56 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155725539489 Supplier Ref: 155725539489 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02315139 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 67735904492714392237 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/05/19 21:14 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191312014374 Supplier Ref: 191312014374 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02330130 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 37810772466286844077 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/05/19 02:52 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191350152418 Supplier Ref: 191350152418 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02343521 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 14575480848992250222 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/05/19 16:46 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155819079263 Supplier Ref: 155819079263 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02362111 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 10537648525966170773 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/05/19 13:49 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155861216690 Supplier Ref: 155861216690 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02384689 Total Value: N11,000.00 Standard: N11,000.00 - 59628090566755118274 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/05/19 19:14 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155897724777 Supplier Ref: 155897724777 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02406237 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 50904975336410696843 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/05/19 20:22 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155932694618 Supplier Ref: 155932694618 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02430398 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 63166635855346208405 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/06/19 18:06 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155949155492 Supplier Ref: 155949155492 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02439372 Total Value: N34,000.00 Standard: N10,086.25 - 42627537114077970358 Debt: N23,913.75 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/06/19 13:50 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155982182557 Supplier Ref: 155982182557 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02461035 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 49599194476391818051 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/06/19 19:51 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156001627353 Supplier Ref: 156001627353 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02475722 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 06189636003311718440 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/06/19 19:51 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156027545988 Supplier Ref: 156027545988 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02490887 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 72820148996814705897 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/06/19 10:50 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156058859783 Supplier Ref: 156058859783 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02508056 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 52077184897063831679 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/06/19 13:38 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156180829833 Supplier Ref: 156180829833 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02576412 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 66521370113467101443 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/07/19 18:28 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156225770560 Supplier Ref: 156225770560 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02601076 Total Value: N36,000.00 Standard: N12,086.25 - 26903476971899764386 Debt: N23,913.75 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/07/19 19:21 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156303846434 Supplier Ref: 156303846434 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02644707 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 23011387063585084788 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/08/19 12:42 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156569297400 Supplier Ref: 156569297400 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02797834 Total Value: N34,000.00 Standard: N12,018.73 - 01547710793550516612 Debt: N21,981.27 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/08/19 20:45 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156701793534 Supplier Ref: 156701793534 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02873622 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 72178993448988746450 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/09/19 14:01 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156880810644 Supplier Ref: 156880810644 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02984173 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 25697889785889141912 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/09/19 02:42 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156911298636 Supplier Ref: 156911298636 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03004339 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 39221646356113190128 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/09/19 14:29 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156958737621 Supplier Ref: 156958737621 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03033046 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 17133469698886210288 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/10/19 10:13 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157104089639 Supplier Ref: 157104089639 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03122963 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 45381315200100893028 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/10/19 10:48 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157182060353 Supplier Ref: 157182060353 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03173837 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 55762107246221351583 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/11/19 20:29 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157306509201 Supplier Ref: 157306509201 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03267113 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 13682842393094866998 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/11/19 09:33 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157319849557 Supplier Ref: 157319849557 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03274829 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 00853029620660523720 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/11/19 10:36 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157441187208 Supplier Ref: 157441187208 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03354686 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 20779324329242673240 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/11/19 23:31 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157463120751 Supplier Ref: 157463120751 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03373798 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 63791672333404098538 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/11/19 14:21 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157503019176 Supplier Ref: 157503019176 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03416098 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 18846320586434098907 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/12/19 10:42 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157518988110 Supplier Ref: 157518988110 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03431883 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 45281135656429491322 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/01/20 12:28 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157942993010 Supplier Ref: 157942993010 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03828118 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 34347488250059156003 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/02/20 20:35 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158231011720 Supplier Ref: 158231011720 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04137369 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 16723341382072135115 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/03/20 21:22 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158309052023 Supplier Ref: 158309052023 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04232478 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 10568777592586569525 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/03/20 14:50 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158367181700 Supplier Ref: 158367181700 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04317268 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 26802370745061146668 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/03/20 12:45 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200711144575 Supplier Ref: 200711144575 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04331495 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 54159019602228903777 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/03/20 20:31 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200731930561 Supplier Ref: 200731930561 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04347684 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 37104054391440097551 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/03/20 15:45 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200761445317 Supplier Ref: 200761445317 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04359035 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 48307309438550245015 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/03/20 22:51 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200782151377 Supplier Ref: 200782151377 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04375481 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 06774817097737681168 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/03/20 21:12 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200802012020 Supplier Ref: 200802012020 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04388986 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 20371175008707631188 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/03/20 20:55 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200821955486 Supplier Ref: 200821955486 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04399248 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 04131505926500638580 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/03/20 18:41 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200861741298 Supplier Ref: 200861741298 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04432111 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 15600510139154968114 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/03/20 13:52 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200871252490 Supplier Ref: 200871252490 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04438083 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 24581746100652123739 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/04/20 19:11 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200931811260 Supplier Ref: 200931811260 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04493023 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 68904394781360486764 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/04/20 15:26 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200971426138 Supplier Ref: 200971426138 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04517473 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 63024166928702169083 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/04/20 16:06 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201001506154 Supplier Ref: 201001506154 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04544095 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 44347236936200612249 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/04/20 17:41 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201041640598 Supplier Ref: 201041640598 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04563747 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 73379724498551574507 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/04/20 15:40 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201081540496 Supplier Ref: 201081540496 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04590760 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 14333498365576050664 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/04/20 15:23 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201111523387 Supplier Ref: 201111523387 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04615182 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 60527070429780718062 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/04/20 11:18 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201141119033 Supplier Ref: 201141119033 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04632555 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 60105269214188647323 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/04/20 14:31 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201181432007 Supplier Ref: 201181432007 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04670764 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 55168274678892014168 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/05/20 15:39 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201221539250 Supplier Ref: 201221539250 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04694713 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 15634461616118624858 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/05/20 18:38 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201261838586 Supplier Ref: 201261838586 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04718738 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 48556349063828620785 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/05/20 13:18 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201291319012 Supplier Ref: 201291319012 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04734481 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 60308319014750183307 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/05/20 15:40 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201301540216 Supplier Ref: 201301540216 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04744627 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 05790942211145577538 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/05/20 18:24 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201331824544 Supplier Ref: 201331824544 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04762956 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 58669331315368246737 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/05/20 20:43 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201342043351 Supplier Ref: 201342043351 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04769228 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 01556900168136930338 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/05/20 18:19 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201361819222 Supplier Ref: 201361819222 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04782437 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 35463894703929182647 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/05/20 15:57 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201371557470 Supplier Ref: 201371557470 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04790472 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 39177768223988914726 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/05/20 21:25 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201402125596 Supplier Ref: 201402125596 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04807629 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 59609004459534128510 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/05/20 16:05 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201441605443 Supplier Ref: 201441605443 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04835919 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 45067366256397167774 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/05/20 11:58 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201461158183 Supplier Ref: 201461158183 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04845710 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 53111377802102541773 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/05/20 18:19 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201471819233 Supplier Ref: 201471819233 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04854056 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 66886474327995624617 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/05/20 14:12 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201491412556 Supplier Ref: 201491412556 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04866545 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 01696417677485259641 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/05/20 14:03 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201521403474 Supplier Ref: 201521403474 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04891504 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 23024387314304716925 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/06/20 19:15 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201551915415 Supplier Ref: 201551915415 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04912179 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 49888183251964744103 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/06/20 18:20 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201581820110 Supplier Ref: 201581820110 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04935173 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 19852246974322642015 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/06/20 19:02 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201611902160 Supplier Ref: 201611902160 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04950821 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 01496870280598168167 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/06/20 20:50 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201642050323 Supplier Ref: 201642050323 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04971785 Total Value: N11,000.00 Standard: N11,000.00 - 21860486800685773146 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/06/20 19:53 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201661953520 Supplier Ref: 201661953520 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04982007 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 55319922532027448979 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/06/20 16:46 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201671646367 Supplier Ref: 201671646367 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04988746 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 24724630467155524245 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/06/20 19:26 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201701926258 Supplier Ref: 201701926258 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05011309 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 27652423314942367916 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/06/20 15:16 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201731516211 Supplier Ref: 201731516211 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05029100 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 71916242315582654267 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/06/20 18:31 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201771831250 Supplier Ref: 201771831250 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05061486 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 69212933218902721525 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/06/20 12:25 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201801225095 Supplier Ref: 201801225095 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05080779 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 14375744215773591286 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/06/20 20:49 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201822049307 Supplier Ref: 201822049307 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05105138 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 62459229553349191062 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/07/20 13:19 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201851319193 Supplier Ref: 201851319193 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05126875 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 59647425068622342666 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/07/20 19:44 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201871944142 Supplier Ref: 201871944142 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05142027 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 02244235230082821768 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/07/20 18:10 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201881810091 Supplier Ref: 201881810091 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05149040 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 71868034843613310185 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/07/20 18:50 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201911850117 Supplier Ref: 201911850117 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05170853 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 04605021889231954833 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/07/20 16:04 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201951604520 Supplier Ref: 201951604520 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05193644 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 38179071564721458033 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/07/20 17:54 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201971754116 Supplier Ref: 201971754116 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05208499 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 43376170317515618747 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/07/20 13:35 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201991335273 Supplier Ref: 201991335273 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05220082 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 70219986563226875099 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/07/20 13:20 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202011320290 Supplier Ref: 202011320290 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05232220 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 60494065846941705964 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/07/20 17:00 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202041700502 Supplier Ref: 202041700502 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05261330 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 47583113554248280113 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/07/20 21:16 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202062116503 Supplier Ref: 202062116503 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05282623 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 57692915082843857484 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/07/20 12:53 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202071253212 Supplier Ref: 202071253212 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05286497 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 28685749453291170164 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/07/20 19:09 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202091909318 Supplier Ref: 202091909318 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05307328 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 02525568126587299429 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/07/20 17:26 Meter/Type: 0101178019572 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202111726151 Supplier Ref: 202111726151 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05329555 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 62625663809553100072 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 3222020-08-06 rajiauwalmuazu@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014925ClosedVending History2020-08-06Request for VENDING history 54160953227 Good morning Kindly avail me with the VENDING history 54160953227 ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-08-06NoGood morning, Find below, Date Sold: 20/09/18 15:02 Meter/Type: 54160953227 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182631502462 Supplier Ref: 182631502462 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01084806 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 61623002578591719896 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/10/18 11:01 Meter/Type: 54160953227 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 153882010854 Supplier Ref: 153882010854 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01134861 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 44201524509445346660 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/10/18 17:12 Meter/Type: 54160953227 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 153979272413 Supplier Ref: 153979272413 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01173255 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 52383852899969859918 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/10/18 10:20 Meter/Type: 54160953227 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182961020484 Supplier Ref: 182961020484 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01190904 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 64935869551515946007 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/11/18 10:50 Meter/Type: 54160953227 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000675851108 Supplier Ref: 000675851108 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01246867 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 56977018541041013176 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/11/18 13:03 Meter/Type: 54160953227 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000678600477 Supplier Ref: 000678600477 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01309093 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 58709129024025621515 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/12/18 10:35 Meter/Type: 54160953227 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 380014964171994 Supplier Ref: 380014964171994 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01370194 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 45201746216592129895 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/12/18 16:47 Meter/Type: 54160953227 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154566285833 Supplier Ref: 154566285833 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01453670 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 62408778569670006519 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/01/19 17:20 Meter/Type: 54160953227 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154687445307 Supplier Ref: 154687445307 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01533338 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 38488061327011719776 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/02/19 18:01 Meter/Type: 54160953227 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154998732231 Supplier Ref: 154998732231 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01810497 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 67178428820900972670 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/02/19 21:22 Meter/Type: 54160953227 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 904920221019 Supplier Ref: 904920221019 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01854069 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 51983006391328414397 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/03/19 19:42 Meter/Type: 54160953227 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 906018421676 Supplier Ref: 906018421676 Receipt: PagT13EMDB01937595 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 66049565257146282075 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/03/19 11:35 Meter/Type: 54160953227 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190671036010 Supplier Ref: 190671036010 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01982483 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 47772145613857308796 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/03/19 17:52 Meter/Type: 54160953227 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 907616528193 Supplier Ref: 907616528193 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02029383 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 65213682351780151611 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/03/19 17:19 Meter/Type: 54160953227 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 908616202078 Supplier Ref: 908616202078 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02079332 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 65129944955511224125 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/04/19 16:33 Meter/Type: 54160953227 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 909915338237 Supplier Ref: 909915338237 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02155362 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 27906171017906115484 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/04/19 19:51 Meter/Type: 54160953227 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 911418516719 Supplier Ref: 911418516719 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02236607 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 01622894759295991847 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/05/19 17:41 Meter/Type: 54160953227 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 912716416197 Supplier Ref: 912716416197 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02314079 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 16873470930331674278 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/05/19 11:20 Meter/Type: 54160953227 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191441021035 Supplier Ref: 191441021035 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02389028 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 10752831861917057794 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/05/19 13:04 Meter/Type: 54160953227 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191511204183 Supplier Ref: 191511204183 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02426627 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 29277592264823598412 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/06/19 13:46 Meter/Type: 54160953227 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 915512466195 Supplier Ref: 915512466195 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02451541 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 00969887961121119243 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/06/19 15:09 Meter/Type: 54160953227 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191701409204 Supplier Ref: 191701409204 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02527952 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 27401912971029044810 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/07/19 10:57 Meter/Type: 54160953227 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 918809574054 Supplier Ref: 918809574054 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02611905 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 12101194234089261893 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/07/19 18:24 Meter/Type: 54160953227 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156433082598 Supplier Ref: 156433082598 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02713935 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 16764855230277413755 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/08/19 08:19 Meter/Type: 54160953227 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156515857478 Supplier Ref: 156515857478 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02767475 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 43711321135341379325 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/09/19 20:37 Meter/Type: 54160953227 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156779490797 Supplier Ref: 156779490797 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02923736 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 30558986923362115908 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/11/19 10:48 Meter/Type: 54160953227 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 602741620797279 Supplier Ref: 602741620797279 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03385788 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 45917755050386510109 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 392020-08-06 lisarumpae@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014924ClosedRequest2020-08-06Hello Kindly assist with debt profile of the meter serial numbers below 54161133852 54160922297 54161098147 -- Regards,Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-08-06NoGood morning, Find below, 54161133852 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 54161133852 Start Date: 3/3/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $25,190.05 Outstanding Balance: $23,190.05 Running Balance: $23,190.05 Note: Debt adviced by CCRM Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 3/16/2020 11:42:49 AM 54160922297 Debt Details Name: Outstanding Balance Reference Number: 6112410890-01 Start Date: 6/21/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $347,331.35 Outstanding Balance: $337,329.35 Running Balance: $337,329.35 Note: Outstanding from JCS, Installation fee, Cost unit Status: Active Collection Method: Per Vend Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/21/2020 12:01:59 PM 54161098147 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 54161098147 Start Date: 1/15/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $63,366.84 Outstanding Balance: $47,366.84 Running Balance: $47,366.84 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 8/2/2020 9:24:21 AM2020-08-06 phartiemah12@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014923ClosedKCT Request2020-08-06: KCT 0101160051385 Good Morning Support, Kindly assist us with the KCT 0101160051385 Thank youMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-08-06NoGood morning, The MSN you send is a single phase it does not need KCT. Thanks.2020-08-06 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014922ClosedRequest2020-08-06Request for debt profile of this account 54161148892 Good morningMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-08-06NoGood morning, Find below, Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 616752 Start Date: 3/27/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $20,093.31 Outstanding Balance: $8,093.31 Running Balance: $8,093.31 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 8/5/2020 12:34:49 PM2020-08-06 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014921ClosedVending History2020-08-06: Request for vending history Please provide me with the information on this meter number 54161125130 Thank you Tokper Terungwa CCRM GBOKO REGIONMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-08-06NoGood morning, Find below, Date Sold: 27/05/19 16:35 Meter/Type: 54161125130 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191471536043 Supplier Ref: 191471536043 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02405078 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 55813246309458287332 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/06/19 14:24 Meter/Type: 54161125130 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156172466703 Supplier Ref: 156172466703 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02570413 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 07952027204013236788 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/07/19 16:30 Meter/Type: 54161125130 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156415144253 Supplier Ref: 156415144253 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02705556 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 67155174256230527990 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/09/19 13:52 Meter/Type: 54161125130 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156751154644 Supplier Ref: 156751154644 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02902717 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 62904006105804724015 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/09/19 16:18 Meter/Type: 54161125130 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192681519154 Supplier Ref: 192681519154 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03022786 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 04565780433630260930 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/10/19 15:34 Meter/Type: 54161125130 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192961435390 Supplier Ref: 192961435390 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03175764 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 38729426051366214973 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/11/19 11:12 Meter/Type: 54161125130 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157467327006 Supplier Ref: 157467327006 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03375891 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 21495172305759383916 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/12/19 07:41 Meter/Type: 54161125130 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157716626713 Supplier Ref: 157716626713 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03612454 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 51098234062698863088 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 202020-08-06 tokperterungwa@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014920ClosedKCT Request2020-08-05REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101200059000MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-08-05NoHello, Find below as requested, 5105 8889 1254 5962 6324 Key Change Token N/A 0101200059000 4531 6406 7962 4365 3063 Key Change Token N/A2020-08-05 support@jedplc.com Anas Abubakar
#00014919ClosedRequest2020-08-04REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILS Please kindly assist with debt details for MSN 0101160351926 ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-08-06NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 596864 Start Date: 12/27/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $29,048.09 Outstanding Balance: $15,048.09 Running Balance: $15,048.09 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/6/2020 3:38:06 PM2020-08-06 faayu472003@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014918ClosedRequest2020-08-06: REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE Dear Anas, Kindly find the correct meter number below. S/N Customer Name Account Number Meter Number Meter Type Address 512 MR PIUS ONYEAGWU 379539 54161060121 Huawei RANTYA RIVESIDE Best RegardMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-08-06NoHello, See below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 379539 Start Date: 7/26/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $261,315.85 Outstanding Balance: $233,815.85 Running Balance: $233,815.85 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Per Vend Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 8/5/2020 11:54:53 AM2020-08-06 aminubadamasi1@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014917ClosedComplaint2020-08-06: METER RECHARGE: Account debited but no TOKEN credited Hi. A kind reminder to the above email. What is the status of the refund or token? Thank you. Best regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-08-06NoHello, Find below, See the tokens. 02/08/20 16:03 69390816802340274474 02/08/20 16:31 650286887662147504712020-08-06 wyontochae@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014916Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014915ClosedRequest2020-08-05: REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE (54160942915)MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-08-05NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 649749 Start Date: 6/10/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $7,130.05 Outstanding Balance: $3,130.05 Running Balance: $3,130.05 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/30/2020 9:24:57 PM2020-08-05 tyoverpeter@yahoo.com Anas Abubakar
#00014914ClosedRequest2020-08-05: REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE (54160893936) Dear support kindly supply us with debt profileMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-08-05NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 6211135461-01 Start Date: 4/5/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $78,745.80 Outstanding Balance: $48,745.80 Running Balance: $48,745.80 Note: Outstanding migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,000.00 Latest Payment: 1/6/2020 9:30:07 AM2020-08-05 tyoverpeter@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014913ClosedRequest2020-08-05: REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE Hi. Just a kind reminder to the above email. Thank you.MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-08-05NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 57100002401 Start Date: 1/1/2018 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $96,816.75 Outstanding Balance: $6,816.75 Running Balance: $6,816.75 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/2/2020 8:00:24 AM2020-08-05 wyontochae@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014912ClosedRequest2020-08-05: Debt profile Hello Please assist with Dept profile, Bello is the Account number. O101170380113 Best RegardsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-08-05NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 6581402142-01 Start Date: 8/25/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $207,902.98 Outstanding Balance: $183,902.98 Running Balance: $183,902.98 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,000.00 Latest Payment: 3/18/2020 11:38:38 AM2020-08-05 rabiulubabatu@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014911ClosedKCT Request2020-08-05KCT REQUEST Good morning IT Support team. Please kindly assist with key change for MSN. 0101190015541 Thanks Best RegardsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-08-05NoGood morning, Find below, 6179 1456 8199 7192 3228 0101190015541 1000 5462 6938 9346 03302020-08-05 faayu472003@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014910Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014909ClosedRequest2020-08-05: 54161098147 Hello Kindly assist with debt profile of above meter serial number -- Regards,MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-08-05NoHello, Find below Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 54161098147 Start Date: 1/15/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $63,366.84 Outstanding Balance: $47,366.84 Running Balance: $47,366.84 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 8/2/2020 9:24:21 AM2020-08-05 phartiemah12@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014908ClosedRequest2020-08-05: REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILS AND VENDING HISTORY Please kindly assist with debt details and vending history for MSN 54160905300MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-08-05NoFind the VH below Date Sold: 28/07/17 13:39 Meter/Type: 54160905300 Retailer/Operator: JEDTUDUNWADA/oketura Token Ref: 720913390182 Supplier Ref: 720913390182 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00350584 Total Value: N16,000.00 Standard: N3,500.00 - 33447799768932874582 Debt: N12,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 25/08/17 19:19 Meter/Type: 54160905300 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 595858301544987 Supplier Ref: 595858301544987 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00386028 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 70291385052739593923 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 05/09/17 11:46 Meter/Type: 54160905300 Retailer/Operator: JEDTUDUNWADA/oketura Token Ref: 724811460238 Supplier Ref: 724811460238 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00399768 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N7,500.00 - 31068017258137168754 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 22/09/17 14:43 Meter/Type: 54160905300 Retailer/Operator: JEDTUDUNWADA/oketura Token Ref: 726514430104 Supplier Ref: 726514430104 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00422537 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 28900905841036483669 Date Sold: 29/09/17 16:06 Meter/Type: 54160905300 Retailer/Operator: JEDGOMBE/musman Token Ref: 727216060414 Supplier Ref: 727216060414 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00431886 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 46336934337586197713 Date Sold: 04/10/17 12:47 Meter/Type: 54160905300 Retailer/Operator: JEDGOMBE/musman Token Ref: 727712470237 Supplier Ref: 727712470237 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00438254 Total Value: N7,500.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 62802413822898180670 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 07/11/17 14:18 Meter/Type: 54160905300 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000623311964 Supplier Ref: 000623311964 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00487613 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N5,500.00 - 58477163078600212885 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 23/11/17 15:59 Meter/Type: 54160905300 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000625626015 Supplier Ref: 000625626015 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00509694 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 41272756132794626225 Date Sold: 04/12/17 11:21 Meter/Type: 54160905300 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000627182122 Supplier Ref: 000627182122 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00524021 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N7,500.00 - 35551218804371925634 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 19/12/17 18:57 Meter/Type: 54160905300 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000629387843 Supplier Ref: 000629387843 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00547074 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 11742008929742234821 Date Sold: 23/12/17 01:53 Meter/Type: 54160905300 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000629861481 Supplier Ref: 000629861481 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00553976 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 64035099533769865230 Date Sold: 31/12/17 23:47 Meter/Type: 54160905300 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000631144835 Supplier Ref: 000631144835 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00564790 Total Value: N2,700.00 Standard: N200.00 - 52612332115705372341 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 31/12/17 23:59 Meter/Type: 54160905300 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000631146057 Supplier Ref: 000631146057 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00564792 Total Value: N1,400.00 Standard: N1,400.00 - 48211043084775623580 Date Sold: 26/01/18 20:07 Meter/Type: 54160905300 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000634866732 Supplier Ref: 000634866732 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00596857 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 06891353999622665517 Date Sold: 21/06/18 15:47 Meter/Type: 54160905300 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 817214471671 Supplier Ref: 817214471671 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00846656 Total Value: N19,000.00 Standard: N6,500.00 - 53648621863529971093 Debt: N12,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/09/18 17:24 Meter/Type: 54160905300 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182481624334 Supplier Ref: 182481624334 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01041832 Total Value: N10,500.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 05821907845752981506 Debt: N7,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/12/18 15:38 Meter/Type: 54160905300 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154514031125 Supplier Ref: 154514031125 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01409978 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N7,500.00 - 36371124711645242222 Debt: N7,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/05/19 12:20 Meter/Type: 54160905300 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155921164693 Supplier Ref: 155921164693 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02419515 Total Value: N17,000.00 Standard: N4,500.00 - 00858820122976729889 Debt: N12,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/09/19 15:22 Meter/Type: 54160905300 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156829454731 Supplier Ref: 156829454731 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02953598 Total Value: N13,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 21820540106562315473 Debt: N10,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/12/19 13:50 Meter/Type: 54160905300 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193471253244 Supplier Ref: 193471253244 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03525258 Total Value: N12,500.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 11365774910471297148 Debt: N7,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/12/19 13:38 Meter/Type: 54160905300 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193551240525 Supplier Ref: 193551240525 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03590370 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 06559473159004388793 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/04/20 10:58 Meter/Type: 54160905300 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200930957511 Supplier Ref: 200930957511 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04487661 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 22372027809712442249 Debt: N10,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/04/20 14:52 Meter/Type: 54160905300 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200991352028 Supplier Ref: 200991352028 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04532548 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 31072465266925448761 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/06/20 16:44 Meter/Type: 54160905300 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201601644305 Supplier Ref: 201601644305 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04945058 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 72135306576553087920 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/08/20 09:06 Meter/Type: 54160905300 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202160906234 Supplier Ref: 202160906234 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05370444 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 17202162436185731841 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/08/20 14:06 Meter/Type: 54160905300 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202181406556 Supplier Ref: 202181406556 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05397851 Total Value: N100.00 Standard: N100.00 - 29492408879326826099 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 312020-08-05 faayu472003@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014907ClosedRequest2020-08-05: REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILS FOR 0101170213488 Please assist with debt profileMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-08-05NoFind below, Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170213488 Start Date: 1/15/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $44,737.67 Outstanding Balance: $37,737.67 Running Balance: $37,737.67 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/15/2020 10:34:40 AM2020-08-05 phartiemah12@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014906ClosedRequest2020-08-05: 0101190002762 Hello Kindly assist with debt profile of above meter serial number -- Regards,Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-08-05NoHello, Find below, Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 617143 Start Date: 6/26/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $16,796.34 Outstanding Balance: $10,796.34 Running Balance: $10,796.34 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 8/4/2020 5:09:43 PM2020-08-05 phartiemah12@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014905ClosedRequest2020-08-05: REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY Dear Support, Kindly provide VH for 0101178020737. Thank You Sunny Ochekwu Supervisor, Enforcement Unit Otukpo 07060963430MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-08-05NoHello, Find below, Date Sold: 03/07/19 12:39 Meter/Type: 0101178020737 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 463662712157084 Supplier Ref: 463662712157084 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02594126 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 03409716649871141598 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/07/19 20:47 Meter/Type: 0101178020737 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192011947455 Supplier Ref: 192011947455 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02678631 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 05012799402439277974 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/07/19 19:17 Meter/Type: 0101178020737 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192041816522 Supplier Ref: 192041816522 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02689860 Total Value: N30,000.00 Standard: N30,000.00 - 04465150999681120913 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/11/19 18:36 Meter/Type: 0101178020737 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 930517373381 Supplier Ref: 930517373381 Receipt: PagT13EMDB03234181 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 54309748329658067357 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/12/19 12:18 Meter/Type: 0101178020737 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193401120373 Supplier Ref: 193401120373 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03478751 Total Value: N30,000.00 Standard: N30,000.00 - 30296496984085893930 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/02/20 10:33 Meter/Type: 0101178020737 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200380933560 Supplier Ref: 200380933560 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04002283 Total Value: N28,000.00 Standard: N28,000.00 - 15755659104649427511 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 82020-08-05 sunnyochekwu@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014904ClosedRequest2020-08-05REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE AND COLLECTION VALUE 0101190011318MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-08-05NoHello, There is no debt managed2020-08-05 longpuan@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014903ClosedRequest2020-08-05REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE Dear Team, Kindly assist us with the debt profile of the meter numbers below. 5416106012 0101190017638MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-08-05NoHello, Finds below as requested, Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 646285 Start Date: 7/27/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $107,352.11 Outstanding Balance: $102,352.11 Running Balance: $102,352.11 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/31/2020 1:05:18 PM 5416106012 incomplete meter number check and revert back2020-08-05 aminubadamasi1@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014902ClosedRequest2020-08-05: REQUEST FOR DEBT STATUS 05082020 A Good Afternoon Sir, Please find below PPM meter no for total outstanding debt. 54160939309 Best Regards CCRM GOMBEMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-08-05NoFind below, Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 54160939309 Start Date: 10/1/2017 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $5,495.08 Outstanding Balance: $0.00 Running Balance: $0.00 Note: none specified Status: Paid off Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,000.00 Latest Payment: 11/20/2017 11:05:17 AM2020-08-05 glawal1184@yahoo.com Anas Abubakar
#00014901ClosedVending History2020-08-05request for vending historyMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-08-05NoHello, Finsd below as requested,, ________________________________________ Top of Form Date Sold: 04/04/17 13:27 Meter/Type: 54150606868 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 709413270183 Supplier Ref: 709413270183 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00204705 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 59430683652088904688 Date Sold: 27/04/17 10:03 Meter/Type: 54150606868 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 711710030140 Supplier Ref: 711710030140 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00231853 Total Value: N10,200.00 Standard: N10,200.00 - 61250884982638112808 Date Sold: 30/06/17 09:56 Meter/Type: 54150606868 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 718109560061 Supplier Ref: 718109560061 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00313907 Total Value: N10,200.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 71134859177441317971 Debt: N5,200.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 29/08/17 15:14 Meter/Type: 54150606868 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/fuzomba Token Ref: 724115140298 Supplier Ref: 724115140298 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00390789 Total Value: N15,400.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 26968487215483522376 Debt: N10,400.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 30/09/17 10:45 Meter/Type: 54150606868 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 727310451021 Supplier Ref: 727310451021 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00432334 Total Value: N10,500.00 Standard: N5,300.00 - 06670415248539214561 Debt: N5,200.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 26/10/17 16:07 Meter/Type: 54150606868 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 729916071227 Supplier Ref: 729916071227 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00469299 Total Value: N10,500.00 Standard: N5,300.00 - 61314608035951704222 Debt: N5,200.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 01/12/17 12:48 Meter/Type: 54150606868 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 733512481280 Supplier Ref: 733512481280 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00521335 Total Value: N11,000.00 Standard: N600.00 - 15231585232935648522 Debt: N10,400.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 01/12/17 12:51 Meter/Type: 54150606868 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 733512511283 Supplier Ref: 733512511283 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00521339 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 00425903452660881368 Date Sold: 29/12/17 14:29 Meter/Type: 54150606868 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 736314291495 Supplier Ref: 736314291495 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00562544 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 26056433332575034733 Date Sold: 13/03/18 09:40 Meter/Type: 54150606868 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 807209401128 Supplier Ref: 807209401128 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00665223 Total Value: N18,000.00 Standard: N2,400.00 - 08255192373269151787 Debt: N15,600.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 07/04/18 11:37 Meter/Type: 54150606868 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 809710371148 Supplier Ref: 809710371148 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00704428 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N4,800.00 - 27775109439118143187 Debt: N5,200.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 30/04/18 19:31 Meter/Type: 54150606868 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 812018311014 Supplier Ref: 812018311014 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00743174 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 56549442982530199703 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/05/18 16:12 Meter/Type: 54150606868 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 815115121672 Supplier Ref: 815115121672 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00803793 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N800.00 - 71042331174416373628 Debt: N5,200.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/05/18 16:14 Meter/Type: 54150606868 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 815115141678 Supplier Ref: 815115141678 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00803813 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 16826447320921407487 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/07/18 13:58 Meter/Type: 54150606868 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 181871257597 Supplier Ref: 181871257597 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00882685 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N4,600.00 - 15393298641973220946 Debt: N10,400.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/08/18 13:26 Meter/Type: 54150606868 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182141226582 Supplier Ref: 182141226582 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00945305 Total Value: N7,200.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 50659463624682288453 Debt: N5,200.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/08/18 11:28 Meter/Type: 54150606868 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182341028558 Supplier Ref: 182341028558 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00996864 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 35252376420855016053 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/09/18 17:20 Meter/Type: 54150606868 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182531620073 Supplier Ref: 182531620073 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01054575 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N4,800.00 - 07392267535160965826 Debt: N5,200.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/10/18 11:11 Meter/Type: 54150606868 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182791111167 Supplier Ref: 182791111167 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01134938 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N2,800.00 - 58729920176793056989 Debt: N5,200.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/10/18 15:47 Meter/Type: 54150606868 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182991546580 Supplier Ref: 182991546580 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01204098 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 07789318428186057874 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/11/18 14:50 Meter/Type: 54150606868 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183111450411 Supplier Ref: 183111450411 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01247946 Total Value: N8,200.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 05425428655782545979 Debt: N5,200.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/12/18 10:35 Meter/Type: 54150606868 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 830732748606891 Supplier Ref: 830732748606891 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01356824 Total Value: N7,200.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 42316850030005417726 Debt: N5,200.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/12/18 09:24 Meter/Type: 54150606868 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183470824158 Supplier Ref: 183470824158 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01380864 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 22124550153860083341 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/12/18 15:09 Meter/Type: 54150606868 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183651409562 Supplier Ref: 183651409562 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01495333 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 64287126654065612549 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/01/19 15:12 Meter/Type: 54150606868 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190111412121 Supplier Ref: 190111412121 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01560225 Total Value: N7,200.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 47584116504857933122 Debt: N5,200.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/01/19 17:13 Meter/Type: 54150606868 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190281613286 Supplier Ref: 190281613286 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01686281 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 47258790206154063242 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/02/19 17:02 Meter/Type: 54150606868 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190421602281 Supplier Ref: 190421602281 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01801377 Total Value: N7,200.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 20855263215987181720 Debt: N5,200.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/02/19 13:12 Meter/Type: 54150606868 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190561213154 Supplier Ref: 190561213154 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01898034 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 02154491994287069052 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/03/19 10:11 Meter/Type: 54150606868 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190700911494 Supplier Ref: 190700911494 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01994477 Total Value: N7,500.00 Standard: N2,300.00 - 21472992983491083906 Debt: N5,200.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/03/19 12:21 Meter/Type: 54150606868 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190841121427 Supplier Ref: 190841121427 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02064891 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 07398279141787887623 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/08/19 15:19 Meter/Type: 54150606868 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190807126161 Supplier Ref: 190807126161 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02769984 Total Value: N62,450.00 Standard: N50.00 - 30821408869475934988 Debt: N62,400.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/08/19 16:03 Meter/Type: 54150606868 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156665532621 Supplier Ref: 156665532621 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02853950 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 58595752381107495223 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/09/19 19:06 Meter/Type: 54150606868 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156787595018 Supplier Ref: 156787595018 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02928532 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 29012601079418406026 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/09/19 20:27 Meter/Type: 54150606868 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156917683494 Supplier Ref: 156917683494 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03006169 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 65406557280900689899 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/10/19 18:05 Meter/Type: 54150606868 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157072352068 Supplier Ref: 157072352068 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03108148 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 31808563799505764188 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/11/19 21:11 Meter/Type: 54150606868 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157298105264 Supplier Ref: 157298105264 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03260478 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 09546362148733330780 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/11/19 17:32 Meter/Type: 54150606868 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157469604787 Supplier Ref: 157469604787 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03380922 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 16642241664730958599 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/12/19 12:35 Meter/Type: 54150606868 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193401138010 Supplier Ref: 193401138010 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03478914 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 02002863298774285828 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/12/19 15:48 Meter/Type: 54150606868 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157728180589 Supplier Ref: 157728180589 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03630971 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 35071822488579452158 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/01/20 13:00 Meter/Type: 54150606868 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200031203482 Supplier Ref: 200031203482 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03698756 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 02806341523058386286 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/02/20 21:23 Meter/Type: 54150606868 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158058498809 Supplier Ref: 158058498809 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03953215 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 14058225979250366642 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/02/20 17:48 Meter/Type: 54150606868 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 004616488556 Supplier Ref: 004616488556 Receipt: PagT13EMDB04080387 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 36372174017218899834 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/02/20 12:13 Meter/Type: 54150606868 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158253918791 Supplier Ref: 158253918791 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04156394 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 70580370934492594458 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/03/20 14:31 Meter/Type: 54150606868 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158341147458 Supplier Ref: 158341147458 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04283992 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 43017949956420006634 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/03/20 14:00 Meter/Type: 54150606868 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200781300270 Supplier Ref: 200781300270 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04371604 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 34129405261370680195 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/03/20 16:23 Meter/Type: 54150606868 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200901523283 Supplier Ref: 200901523283 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04461484 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 72895551362031562882 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/04/20 08:54 Meter/Type: 54150606868 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201160854435 Supplier Ref: 201160854435 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04649060 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 08513529987537600658 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/05/20 12:00 Meter/Type: 54150606868 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201301201010 Supplier Ref: 201301201010 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04742301 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 33872837711085080698 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/06/20 15:36 Meter/Type: 54150606868 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201551536124 Supplier Ref: 201551536124 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04910981 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 48387246792206930355 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/07/20 20:31 Meter/Type: 54150606868 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201962031337 Supplier Ref: 201962031337 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05203153 Total Value: N17,900.00 Standard: N2,300.00 - 06916832617611594014 Debt: N15,600.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/07/20 16:49 Meter/Type: 54150606868 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202071649544 Supplier Ref: 202071649544 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05288532 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 16647186984016505679 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/08/20 09:25 Meter/Type: 54150606868 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202170925367 Supplier Ref: 202170925367 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05383233 Total Value: N17,900.00 Standard: N2,300.00 - 22307005264641957855 Debt: N15,600.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 832020-08-05 phartiemah12@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014900Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014899ClosedRequest2020-08-04: 54160883812 Hello Kindly assist with debt profile of above meter serial number -- Regards,Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-08-04NoGood morning, See below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 546406 Start Date: 2/13/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $56,706.96 Outstanding Balance: $44,706.96 Running Balance: $44,706.96 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/18/2020 7:47:40 PM2020-08-04 phartiemah12@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014898ClosedKCT Request2020-08-03: KCT REQUEST PLEASE KINDLY ASSIST WITH BELOW. 1. 0101190018370. THANKS.MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-08-03NoThe customer is on SINGLE PHASE RESIDENTIAL (R2)2020-08-03 faizahtafida@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014897ClosedKCT Request2020-08-04Assist with key change. 0101160005365 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-08-04NoFind below, 0101160005365 3659 8645 5132 6158 6059 0561 3768 4898 7234 26762020-08-04 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014896ClosedRequest2020-08-04: REQUEST FOR DEBT STATUS 03082020 Good Evening Sir, Please find below PPM meter no for total outstanding debt. 0101170133744 0101170209270 Best Regards CCRM GOMBEMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-08-04NoFind below, 0101170133744 Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 378906 Start Date: 2/1/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $243,339.36 Outstanding Balance: $243,339.36 Running Balance: $243,339.36 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $1,565.03 Latest Payment: not on record 0101170209270 This customer does not have any Debt accounts associated. Please proceed to add one (or more) if necessary.2020-08-04 glawal1184@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014895ClosedRequest2020-08-04: REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE A kind reminder on the above matter. Thank you.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-08-04NoHello, Find below Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 54161010787 Start Date: 1/13/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $14,485.67 Outstanding Balance: $2,485.67 Running Balance: $2,485.67 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/24/2020 1:19:01 PM2020-08-04 wyontochae@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014894ClosedVending History2020-08-04: VH Dear JED IT, Kindly aid us extract the VH of 54161159170 - Mary Odeh. Regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-08-04NoGood morning, See below, Date Sold: 05/04/17 08:51 Meter/Type: 54161159170 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 002519150021 Supplier Ref: 002519150021 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00205517 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 17998598447935052006 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 06/06/17 09:08 Meter/Type: 54161159170 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 715709079479 Supplier Ref: 715709079479 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00282806 Total Value: N9,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 15714280024416294580 Debt: N8,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 10/08/17 09:03 Meter/Type: 54161159170 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 722209012016 Supplier Ref: 722209012016 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00367112 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 33817391480701823312 Debt: N8,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 13/02/19 17:01 Meter/Type: 54161159170 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 504977954122934 Supplier Ref: 504977954122934 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01817919 Total Value: N100.00 Standard: N99.00 - 35759871366617769248 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/02/19 17:03 Meter/Type: 54161159170 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 751584256949800 Supplier Ref: 751584256949800 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01817946 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N999.00 - 34253221095592159574 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/02/19 14:08 Meter/Type: 54161159170 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155040531398 Supplier Ref: 155040531398 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01844206 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N1,999.00 - 11665112686727180989 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/03/19 15:18 Meter/Type: 54161159170 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155170553413 Supplier Ref: 155170553413 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01954455 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 58160310989359557496 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/04/19 15:23 Meter/Type: 54161159170 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155412501811 Supplier Ref: 155412501811 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02106296 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 72147609212920542798 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/05/19 14:57 Meter/Type: 54161159170 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191241358054 Supplier Ref: 191241358054 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02296118 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 10075541260175399853 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/06/19 09:15 Meter/Type: 54161159170 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 921253057372326 Supplier Ref: 921253057372326 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02440517 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 16743708495454609569 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/07/19 17:25 Meter/Type: 54161159170 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 918316258294 Supplier Ref: 918316258294 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02590977 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 30309552143918301022 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/08/19 15:11 Meter/Type: 54161159170 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 333496736448073 Supplier Ref: 333496736448073 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02774320 Total Value: N4,010.00 Standard: N10.00 - 21184275371153977464 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/10/19 14:27 Meter/Type: 54161159170 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157001932010 Supplier Ref: 157001932010 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03062669 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 00026931611263951230 Debt: N8,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/12/19 14:28 Meter/Type: 54161159170 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157675868431 Supplier Ref: 157675868431 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03571940 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 29922395095604462139 Debt: N8,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/05/20 22:19 Meter/Type: 54161159170 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201512219223 Supplier Ref: 201512219223 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04889215 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N1,150.92 - 56030159709270909448 Debt: N10,849.08 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/06/20 10:32 Meter/Type: 54161159170 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201781032534 Supplier Ref: 201781032534 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05064862 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 55874642120142020864 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/06/20 10:00 Meter/Type: 54161159170 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201821000478 Supplier Ref: 201821000478 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05096010 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 15910326422828724808 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 392020-08-04 trillabatch@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014893ClosedRequest2020-08-04: Debt Profile Hello Kindly assist with debt profile of MSN below 0101161024456 0101170403725 -- Regards,Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-08-04NoGood morning, Fine below, 0101161024456 Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 567853 Start Date: 3/13/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $27,591.55 Outstanding Balance: $17,591.55 Running Balance: $17,591.55 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/18/2020 6:09:24 PM 0101170403725 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 6121210497-01 Start Date: 7/21/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $668.60 Outstanding Balance: $0.00 Running Balance: $0.00 Note: Balance of Cost of Preloaded Units Status: Paid off Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $668.60 Latest Payment: 7/20/2020 1:07:13 PM2020-08-04 phartiemah12@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014892ClosedKCT Request2020-08-04: 0101170456277 Pls we are still waiting. Generate another KCT plsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-08-04NoGood morning, Find below, 1516 0207 5212 1013 8532 0101170456277 4167 4950 0696 6591 96802020-08-04 stynlucs@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014891ClosedKCT Request2020-08-04Kindly assist us with KCT 0101190014668Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-08-04No0101190014668 0112 3044 9747 8957 2832 3528 0996 1552 4922 47962020-08-04 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014890Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014889ClosedRequest2020-07-28Request for vending history opening balance and outstanding debt balance Please I wish to request for vending history opening balance and outstanding debt balance of the following meter 54161039208. thanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-28NoHello, Find below, 54161039208 5171 8064 5011 0976 7911 3667 1928 2401 7550 9500 Date Sold: 04/10/18 12:30 Meter/Type: 54161039208 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182771230174 Supplier Ref: 182771230174 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01127139 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 67241785466670305251 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/12/18 16:35 Meter/Type: 54161039208 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 876239778601072 Supplier Ref: 876239778601072 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01337476 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 12078606501288897755 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/01/19 11:30 Meter/Type: 54161039208 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 509938345167883 Supplier Ref: 509938345167883 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01592725 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 24393854447230787116 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/04/19 19:04 Meter/Type: 54161039208 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155448389441 Supplier Ref: 155448389441 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02135686 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 55777069434314036735 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/05/19 12:50 Meter/Type: 54161039208 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155670783389 Supplier Ref: 155670783389 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02277393 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 34743041281302254830 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/06/19 11:13 Meter/Type: 54161039208 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191761013556 Supplier Ref: 191761013556 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02554289 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 26858620084808329401 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/09/19 12:49 Meter/Type: 54161039208 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156958141445 Supplier Ref: 156958141445 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03032220 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 23160092076511454068 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/12/19 11:32 Meter/Type: 54161039208 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193531035232 Supplier Ref: 193531035232 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03569968 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 55543965960880585294 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/03/20 15:42 Meter/Type: 54161039208 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200881442156 Supplier Ref: 200881442156 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04448431 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 08543659852013847664 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/04/20 14:44 Meter/Type: 54161039208 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201181444505 Supplier Ref: 201181444505 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04670893 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 19335141563114396252 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/07/20 16:34 Meter/Type: 54161039208 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202101634146 Supplier Ref: 202101634146 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05317024 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,459.64 - 28988883406658327632 Debt: N3,540.36 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 152020-07-28 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014888ClosedRequest2020-07-28: Debt balance Please Ict kindly assist me with this meter number 54161011876 original balance running balance and collection value thanks.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-28NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 6127570107-01 Start Date: 5/1/2018 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $162,903.41 Outstanding Balance: $17,903.41 Running Balance: $17,903.41 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/25/2020 11:43:44 AM2020-07-28 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014887ClosedKCT Request2020-07-28KCT requestMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-28NoHELLO, FIND BELOW 0101190007852 2660 5941 5574 5623 7577 6988 8564 7201 4064 99182020-07-28 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014886ClosedKCT Request2020-07-28: KCT REQUEST 28072020 A Good Evening Sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the following MSNs 1. 54160939283 2. 54160919798 as this customers could not vend at the moment. Best Regards.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-28NoHello, Find below, 1. 54160939283 No records returned for search.. 2. 54160919798 6587 0871 6376 8437 8339 6432 6178 9268 4574 60742020-07-28 glawal1184@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014885ClosedRequest2020-07-28Debt profile Hello Kindly assist with debt profile of the meter serial numbers below 0101170388629 0101170385633 0101170388694 0101170200683 -- Regards,Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-28NoHello, Find below, 0101170388629 Meter Serial Number: 0101170388629 Contract Account Number: 584793 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170388629 Start Date: 9/26/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $88,637.17 Outstanding Balance: $83,637.17 Running Balance: $83,637.17 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,000.00 Latest Payment: 11/29/2019 9:36:46 AM 0101170385633 Debt Details This customer does not have any Debt accounts associated. 0101170388694 Debt Details This customer does not have any Debt accounts associated 0101170200683 Debt Details This customer does not have any Debt accounts associated.2020-07-28 phartiemah12@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014884ClosedRequest2020-07-28: REQUEST FOR OUTSTANDING DEBT Dear sir, The above matter refers for 0101170375006. Regards.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-28NoHello, Find attached, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170375006 Start Date: 3/15/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $16,963.08 Outstanding Balance: $16,963.08 Running Balance: $16,963.08 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-28 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014883ClosedKCT Request2020-07-28: KEY CHANGE Kindly assist with key change for the following meters. 1. 0101190009650 2. 0101190019493 3. 0101190009692 4. 0101190009676 4. 0101190001996 5. 0101190002036 6. 0101190002002 7. 0101190009668 8. 0101190018800 9. 0101190001970 10. 0101190002010 11. 0101190009742 12. 0101190002051 13. 0101190019592 14. 0101190009700 15. 0101190009726 16. 0101190002044 17. 0101190001988 18. 0101190019568 19. 0101190002077 20. 010119019543 13. 010119001976 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-28NoHello, please find details below and the remaining kct will be sent. 1. 0101190009650 1325 8251 2351 9619 7482 1846 9017 8464 0053 9279 2. 0101190019493 3. 0101190009692 4. 0101190009676 4. 0101190001996 5. 0101190002036 6. 0101190002002 7. 0101190009668 8. 0101190018800 9. 0101190001970 10. 0101190002010 11. 0101190009742 12. 0101190002051 13. 0101190019592 14. 0101190009700 15. 0101190009726 16. 0101190002044 17. 0101190001988 18. 0101190019568 19. 0101190002077 20. 010119019543 13. 0101190019762020-07-28 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014882ClosedRequest2020-07-28: Debt balance Please Ict kindly assist me with this meter number 0101161040262 original balance running balance and collection value thanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-28NoPlease find below. Meter Serial Number: 0101161040262 Contract Account Number: 624060 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 624060 Start Date: 9/5/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $10,119.25 Outstanding Balance: $8,119.25 Running Balance: $8,119.25 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 9/17/2019 6:47:59 AM2020-07-28 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014881ClosedVending History2020-07-28REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY Dear Support, Kindly provide VH for 57100028356. Thank YouMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-28NoPlease find below. Date Sold: 11/08/16 09:55 Meter/Type: 57100028356 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/MBEN Token Ref: 622402080055 Supplier Ref: 622402080055 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00015070 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N2,253.00 - 69534453805496334095 Debt: N1,747.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 26/09/16 11:26 Meter/Type: 57100028356 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/MBEN Token Ref: 627003260072 Supplier Ref: 627003260072 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00042295 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 28632497995745020541 Date Sold: 22/10/16 14:15 Meter/Type: 57100028356 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/MBEN Token Ref: 629606150050 Supplier Ref: 629606150050 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00060732 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 38907474119230103083 Date Sold: 07/11/16 14:14 Meter/Type: 57100028356 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/MBEN Token Ref: 631205140028 Supplier Ref: 631205140028 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00070687 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 49733440176402345351 Date Sold: 21/11/16 13:54 Meter/Type: 57100028356 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 632613540072 Supplier Ref: 632613540072 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00079787 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 08364521931896972405 Date Sold: 09/12/16 15:52 Meter/Type: 57100028356 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 004207597638 Supplier Ref: 004207597638 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00092924 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 35762409417361291403 Date Sold: 05/01/17 16:51 Meter/Type: 57100028356 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 700519510038 Supplier Ref: 700519510038 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00114157 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 60737278459463183768 Date Sold: 03/02/17 15:23 Meter/Type: 57100028356 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 002206498902 Supplier Ref: 002206498902 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00134153 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 63244283630031034897 Date Sold: 03/03/17 14:47 Meter/Type: 57100028356 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 002607084556 Supplier Ref: 002607084556 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00163195 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 47137804066687438897 Date Sold: 29/03/17 15:26 Meter/Type: 57100028356 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 001900514349 Supplier Ref: 001900514349 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00196310 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 64487400595149636726 Date Sold: 24/04/17 17:20 Meter/Type: 57100028356 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 711420200222 Supplier Ref: 711420200222 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00228581 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 41796711947694339591 Date Sold: 22/05/17 16:49 Meter/Type: 57100028356 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/MBEN Token Ref: 001509423144 Supplier Ref: 001509423144 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00264132 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 38951370216177286517 Date Sold: 15/06/17 10:19 Meter/Type: 57100028356 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 716610184246 Supplier Ref: 716610184246 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00295014 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 26853277642209094434 Date Sold: 03/07/17 10:10 Meter/Type: 57100028356 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 718410084070 Supplier Ref: 718410084070 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00317192 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 06771643621579202411 Date Sold: 22/07/17 13:47 Meter/Type: 57100028356 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000607756712 Supplier Ref: 000607756712 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00342361 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 53206547604102860850 Date Sold: 01/11/17 15:08 Meter/Type: 57100028356 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 730518080028 Supplier Ref: 730518080028 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00478522 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 41451962689221054453 Date Sold: 25/04/19 10:56 Meter/Type: 57100028356 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155618257255 Supplier Ref: 155618257255 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02238733 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 02879182372086761791 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/12/19 07:53 Meter/Type: 57100028356 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157725293897 Supplier Ref: 157725293897 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03628627 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 10186429027593565854 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/01/20 14:43 Meter/Type: 57100028356 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200241346326 Supplier Ref: 200241346326 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03873827 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 53331280710793892106 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/04/20 15:58 Meter/Type: 57100028356 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200991457557 Supplier Ref: 200991457557 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04533360 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 69826156720617487529 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/06/20 15:05 Meter/Type: 57100028356 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201711505411 Supplier Ref: 201711505411 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05016552 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 44552808105359932144 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/07/20 12:20 Meter/Type: 57100028356 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201951220408 Supplier Ref: 201951220408 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05191343 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 27189406094378348583 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 272020-07-28 sunnyochekwu@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014880ClosedRequest2020-07-28: Request Please send the vending history and outstanding debt of this customer : 54161052417 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-28NoPlease find below. DEBT NOT MANAGED Date Sold: 04/04/18 10:12 Meter/Type: 54161052417 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000644593242 Supplier Ref: 000644593242 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00697799 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 62444511632939458172 Date Sold: 21/05/18 16:07 Meter/Type: 54161052417 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000651396857 Supplier Ref: 000651396857 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00782088 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 64590398804502281246 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/08/18 10:42 Meter/Type: 54161052417 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000661732553 Supplier Ref: 000661732553 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00941181 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 71850934741617916450 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/08/18 16:06 Meter/Type: 54161052417 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000664500867 Supplier Ref: 000664500867 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00992678 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 29536670860126344100 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/09/18 14:29 Meter/Type: 54161052417 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182461329006 Supplier Ref: 182461329006 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01033390 Total Value: N10.00 Standard: N10.00 - 23108906968141247101 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/09/18 14:19 Meter/Type: 54161052417 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000668090211 Supplier Ref: 000668090211 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01066869 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 41304167852814084778 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/10/18 14:21 Meter/Type: 54161052417 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000674144224 Supplier Ref: 000674144224 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01203512 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 56582346777482281160 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/11/18 10:00 Meter/Type: 54161052417 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183171000090 Supplier Ref: 183171000090 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01266092 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 52269550646526678068 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/12/18 14:10 Meter/Type: 54161052417 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000680185244 Supplier Ref: 000680185244 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01354025 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 12486865064904847484 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/12/18 15:16 Meter/Type: 54161052417 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183541416208 Supplier Ref: 183541416208 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01422681 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 35067710175551623266 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/01/19 17:21 Meter/Type: 54161052417 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190161621312 Supplier Ref: 190161621312 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01597420 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 29143967699139621445 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/02/19 17:13 Meter/Type: 54161052417 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155076200310 Supplier Ref: 155076200310 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01875141 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 48191873811875463841 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/03/19 14:28 Meter/Type: 54161052417 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190671328140 Supplier Ref: 190671328140 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01984883 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 36931878804422881219 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/04/19 14:41 Meter/Type: 54161052417 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191001341448 Supplier Ref: 191001341448 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02160624 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 55508725887418988291 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/04/19 14:19 Meter/Type: 54161052417 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191091319393 Supplier Ref: 191091319393 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02209493 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 57718505317795681348 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/05/19 14:54 Meter/Type: 54161052417 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191371354546 Supplier Ref: 191371354546 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02355616 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 01666349958490891942 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/06/19 16:40 Meter/Type: 54161052417 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191681540415 Supplier Ref: 191681540415 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02518246 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 45522352433672354540 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/07/19 14:38 Meter/Type: 54161052417 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191861338553 Supplier Ref: 191861338553 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02603913 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 44587988268992549372 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/08/19 16:17 Meter/Type: 54161052417 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192211517164 Supplier Ref: 192211517164 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02780095 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 48747083915905350628 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/08/19 13:17 Meter/Type: 54161052417 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192391217095 Supplier Ref: 192391217095 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02864657 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 07203442201863638238 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/08/19 14:19 Meter/Type: 54161052417 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192421319318 Supplier Ref: 192421319318 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02882616 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 66479892630313629659 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/09/19 16:35 Meter/Type: 54161052417 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192691536240 Supplier Ref: 192691536240 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03028674 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 60950962100884272388 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/10/19 16:31 Meter/Type: 54161052417 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192801532318 Supplier Ref: 192801532318 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03089457 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 28451934545350142982 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/12/19 12:58 Meter/Type: 54161052417 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193651201112 Supplier Ref: 193651201112 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03678762 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 54611424740354145537 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/01/20 10:24 Meter/Type: 54161052417 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200160927268 Supplier Ref: 200160927268 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03805501 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 47295106083113470017 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/02/20 17:34 Meter/Type: 54161052417 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158152168691 Supplier Ref: 158152168691 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04052334 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 66954209719293716103 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/02/20 11:49 Meter/Type: 54161052417 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200561049578 Supplier Ref: 200561049578 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04168682 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 50415151578266387768 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/03/20 14:07 Meter/Type: 54161052417 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200661307340 Supplier Ref: 200661307340 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04297087 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 59524108594105154590 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/03/20 13:47 Meter/Type: 54161052417 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200821247297 Supplier Ref: 200821247297 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04396426 Total Value: N800.00 Standard: N800.00 - 64948061994557107549 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/03/20 18:11 Meter/Type: 54161052417 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200821711448 Supplier Ref: 200821711448 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04398156 Total Value: N950.00 Standard: N950.00 - 04309617183060755310 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/04/20 18:55 Meter/Type: 54161052417 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200941754554 Supplier Ref: 200941754554 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04501432 Total Value: N2,200.00 Standard: N2,200.00 - 61368271265903338767 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/04/20 20:32 Meter/Type: 54161052417 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201051932136 Supplier Ref: 201051932136 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04570704 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 37228243454040775850 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/05/20 10:13 Meter/Type: 54161052417 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201251013144 Supplier Ref: 201251013144 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04706888 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 17212563233252797794 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/05/20 19:37 Meter/Type: 54161052417 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201451937560 Supplier Ref: 201451937560 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04842422 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 15294626294178657283 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/06/20 19:23 Meter/Type: 54161052417 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201551924042 Supplier Ref: 201551924042 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04912247 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 41754637910063341186 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/06/20 17:33 Meter/Type: 54161052417 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201701733275 Supplier Ref: 201701733275 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05010557 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 05453122572707768824 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/06/20 19:45 Meter/Type: 54161052417 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201821946044 Supplier Ref: 201821946044 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05104447 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 66175638173496028639 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/07/20 17:52 Meter/Type: 54161052417 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201921752040 Supplier Ref: 201921752040 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05177198 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 34016341879322948823 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/07/20 21:30 Meter/Type: 54161052417 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202032130568 Supplier Ref: 202032130568 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05254672 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 46748322462790912497 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 482020-07-28 mahmudwaziri@hotmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014879ClosedRequest2020-07-28: REQUEST FOR DEBT STATUS AND VENDING HISTORY 280720 Good Afternoon Sir, Please find below PPM meter no for total outstanding debt and Vending History. 0101150170005 Best Regards CCRM GOMBEMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-28NoPlease find below. Meter Serial Number: 0101150170005 Contract Account Number: 621828 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101150170005 Start Date: 1/7/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $28,641.14 Outstanding Balance: $16,641.14 Running Balance: $16,641.14 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/30/2020 1:24:44 PM Date Sold: 09/01/19 14:49 Meter/Type: 0101150170005 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190091349462 Supplier Ref: 190091349462 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01545309 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 42296866518922464359 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/02/19 18:42 Meter/Type: 0101150170005 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190361742264 Supplier Ref: 190361742264 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01759955 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 49359551221604525361 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/02/19 18:40 Meter/Type: 0101150170005 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190491741147 Supplier Ref: 190491741147 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01853130 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 58794743386012602745 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/03/19 09:03 Meter/Type: 0101150170005 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190600804165 Supplier Ref: 190600804165 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01930077 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 54189492221748843873 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/03/19 11:17 Meter/Type: 0101150170005 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190771017273 Supplier Ref: 190771017273 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02031530 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 39341088368489524707 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/03/19 11:37 Meter/Type: 0101150170005 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190330409574 Supplier Ref: 190330409574 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02094322 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 10633066280135963798 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/04/19 12:23 Meter/Type: 0101150170005 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190911123503 Supplier Ref: 190911123503 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02104208 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 52046524887498583936 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/04/19 11:15 Meter/Type: 0101150170005 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191091015243 Supplier Ref: 191091015243 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02208296 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 13460554156306498442 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/05/19 18:20 Meter/Type: 0101150170005 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191261721012 Supplier Ref: 191261721012 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02307488 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 19776143122267572180 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/05/19 17:11 Meter/Type: 0101150170005 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191451611570 Supplier Ref: 191451611570 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02396572 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 30732052386769060468 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/06/19 17:51 Meter/Type: 0101150170005 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191591651487 Supplier Ref: 191591651487 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02475157 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 43229713916416085623 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/06/19 09:12 Meter/Type: 0101150170005 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191660812573 Supplier Ref: 191660812573 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02507568 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 16264338854103677703 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/06/19 18:03 Meter/Type: 0101150170005 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191751703571 Supplier Ref: 191751703571 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02551762 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 47695819168727606038 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/07/19 18:06 Meter/Type: 0101150170005 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156225640097 Supplier Ref: 156225640097 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02600996 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 72273704605419227401 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/07/19 18:17 Meter/Type: 0101150170005 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191961716592 Supplier Ref: 191961716592 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02652539 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 66618018204599750239 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/07/19 11:58 Meter/Type: 0101150170005 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192071058246 Supplier Ref: 192071058246 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02703305 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 39679805953208081786 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/08/19 12:50 Meter/Type: 0101150170005 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192241150444 Supplier Ref: 192241150444 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02792899 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 66102966422752755251 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/08/19 18:09 Meter/Type: 0101150170005 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192341710026 Supplier Ref: 192341710026 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02844552 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 36605352766344754036 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/09/19 13:21 Meter/Type: 0101150170005 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192481221110 Supplier Ref: 192481221110 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02914432 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 48389004367489248156 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/09/19 17:46 Meter/Type: 0101150170005 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192601646405 Supplier Ref: 192601646405 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02980188 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 21485028134672425321 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/10/19 16:59 Meter/Type: 0101150170005 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192771600250 Supplier Ref: 192771600250 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03076119 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 21379884791082581874 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/11/19 14:45 Meter/Type: 0101150170005 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193221347078 Supplier Ref: 193221347078 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03330863 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 62162490591863672523 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/11/19 18:00 Meter/Type: 0101150170005 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193291702174 Supplier Ref: 193291702174 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03381313 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 33784260984002674483 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/02/20 17:30 Meter/Type: 0101150170005 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158134862973 Supplier Ref: 158134862973 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04031895 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 36465069704375442627 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/03/20 13:03 Meter/Type: 0101150170005 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200701203413 Supplier Ref: 200701203413 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04326455 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 63787399467934653071 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/04/20 14:21 Meter/Type: 0101150170005 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201041321135 Supplier Ref: 201041321135 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04562650 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 08400887742616027216 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/05/20 16:53 Meter/Type: 0101150170005 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201491653475 Supplier Ref: 201491653475 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04868516 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 73088660198780711053 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/06/20 13:24 Meter/Type: 0101150170005 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201821324461 Supplier Ref: 201821324461 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05099115 Total Value: N2,001.00 Standard: N1.00 - 34645064704707016531 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 342020-07-28 glawal1184@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014878ClosedRequest2020-07-28: DEBT BALANCE Dear JED IT, Kindly help us extract the debt balance of 54161128746. Regards.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-28NoPlease find below. Meter Serial Number: 54161128746 Contract Account Number: 521284 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING BALANCE Reference Number: 54161128746 Start Date: 5/1/2017 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $32,893.16 Outstanding Balance: $30,393.16 Running Balance: $30,393.16 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,500.00 Latest Payment: 5/15/2017 10:45:25 AM2020-07-28 trillabatch@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014877ClosedVending History2020-07-28: VH Dear JED IT, Kindly help us extract the VH of 54161128746. Regards.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-28NoPlease find below. Date Sold: 14/04/17 09:49 Meter/Type: 54161128746 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/PNWOKORIE Token Ref: 005623311480 Supplier Ref: 005623311480 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00216872 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 06351004290890309124 Date Sold: 15/05/17 09:45 Meter/Type: 54161128746 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/PNWOKORIE Token Ref: 002223383267 Supplier Ref: 002223383267 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00253117 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 69413845968155262189 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 20/05/17 14:14 Meter/Type: 54161128746 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/MBEN Token Ref: 714017140108 Supplier Ref: 714017140108 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00262234 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 20935961343607764137 Date Sold: 27/05/17 11:31 Meter/Type: 54161128746 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/MBEN Token Ref: 714714310084 Supplier Ref: 714714310084 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00269815 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 28565260867435937590 Total records returned: 42020-07-28 trillabatch@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014876Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014875ClosedRequest2020-07-28REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE (54161119430)Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-28NoPlease find below. Meter Serial Number: 54161119430 Contract Account Number: 675481 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 675481 Start Date: 5/19/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $8,460.63 Outstanding Balance: $8,460.63 Running Balance: $8,460.63 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-28 tyoverpeter@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014874Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014873Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014872ClosedRequest2020-07-28: DEBT DETAILS Assist with debt details 0101170125302 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-28NoGood afternoon, Please find below. Meter Serial Number: 0101170125302 Contract Account Number: 6461094517-01 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING BALANCE Reference Number: 0101170125302 Start Date: 4/1/2018 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $198,863.32 Outstanding Balance: $104,363.32 Running Balance: $104,363.32 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,500.00 Latest Payment: 6/13/2020 9:35:03 PM2020-07-28 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014871ClosedComplaint2020-07-28CUSTOMER COMPLAINT Dear IT Support, Kindly confirm if this customer has any debt on the account. Name: Anthony A. Ushie Meter Number: 0101170455360 Nguavese Louisa Abwa CCRM Executive RayfieldMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-28NoHello, Find below, Meter Serial Number: 0101170455360 Contract Account Number: 679455 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 679455 Start Date: 7/14/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $1,602.29 Outstanding Balance: $0.00 Running Balance: $0.00 Note: none specified Status: Paid off Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $1,602.29 Latest Payment: 7/27/2020 10:28:40 AM2020-07-28 lisaabwa@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014870ClosedVending History2020-07-28: Vending history Hello Kindly assist with VH of this MSN 57100048545Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-28NoHello, Find below, Meter Serial Number: 57100048545 Contract Account Number: 6123600319-01 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING BALANCE Reference Number: 57100048545 Start Date: 9/28/2016 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $51,652.00 Outstanding Balance: $51,652.00 Running Balance: $51,652.00 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-28 mwuladi@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014869ClosedRequest2020-07-28: Debt balance Please Ict kindly assist me with this meter number 0101170277095 original balance running balance and collection value thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-28NoHello, Find below, Meter Serial Number: 0101170277095 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 477037 Start Date: 8/12/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $186,391.62 Outstanding Balance: $137,391.62 Running Balance: $137,391.62 Note: Outstanding migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Per Vend Amount Collection Value: $7,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/4/2020 8:58:46 PM2020-07-28 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014868ClosedFailed Transaction2020-07-28: FAILED E TRANSACTION Please kindly assist with the below failed e transaction request. Meter Number 0101160015851 Bank Name used : Access Bank Account Number : 1394413344 Date of Transaction : 26/07/2020 Amount Vending : 1000 Customer Phone Number : 08026922980 Transaction Description :Utility bills payment. NXG706025609 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-28NoHello, Kindly inform customer to visit the bank for refund, failed transaction.2020-07-28 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014867ClosedFailed Transaction2020-07-28: FAILED E TRANSACTION Please kindly assist with the below request. Meter Number : 0101170147868 Bank Name used : Access Bank Account Number : 0725243610 Date of Transaction : 25/07/2020 Amount Vending : 5000 Customer Phone Number : 08036909332 Transaction Description : Access Bank mobile app.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-28NoHello, Please kindly inform the customer to contact the bank, the transaction has failed.2020-07-28 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014866ClosedVending History2020-07-28Vending history Hello Kindly assist with VH of this MSN 57100048545Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-28NoGood morning, Find below, No token sales found.2020-07-28 mwuladi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014865ClosedRequest2020-07-28REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE AND COLLECTION VALUE 0101170306951 Please reminder for the above request.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-28NoHello, Find below, Meter Serial Number: 0101170306951 Contract Account Number: 614564 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 614564 Start Date: 6/25/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $27,562.83 Outstanding Balance: $27,562.83 Running Balance: $27,562.83 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-28 longpuan@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014864ClosedRequest2020-07-28: DEBT DETAILS Assist with debt details 54160977036 Thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-28NoHello, Find below, Meter Serial Number: 54160977036 Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 54160977036 Start Date: 11/25/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $264,515.06 Outstanding Balance: $264,515.06 Running Balance: $264,515.06 Note: Outstanding Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $4,500.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-28 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014863ClosedVending History2020-07-28VENDING HISTORY Assist with vending history, 0101160049017 Thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-28NoHello, Find below, Date Sold: 22/01/19 16:24 Meter/Type: 0101160049017 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190221524163 Supplier Ref: 190221524163 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01638735 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 63579906515803105201 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/02/19 12:35 Meter/Type: 0101160049017 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190351135315 Supplier Ref: 190351135315 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01744662 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 19511062616013892899 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/02/19 12:39 Meter/Type: 0101160049017 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190531139493 Supplier Ref: 190531139493 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01881284 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 36138546125657532977 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/03/19 09:53 Meter/Type: 0101160049017 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 790515499889985 Supplier Ref: 790515499889985 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01994252 Total Value: N200.00 Standard: N200.00 - 23866499603303029937 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/05/19 13:12 Meter/Type: 0101160049017 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191241212126 Supplier Ref: 191241212126 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02295267 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 21817059042037802197 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/05/19 15:01 Meter/Type: 0101160049017 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191331401462 Supplier Ref: 191331401462 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02335183 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 36837087395070963699 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/05/19 11:48 Meter/Type: 0101160049017 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191401048153 Supplier Ref: 191401048153 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02367235 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 69812464295069994296 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/05/19 14:05 Meter/Type: 0101160049017 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191511305114 Supplier Ref: 191511305114 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02427233 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 45170178306804221576 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/07/19 16:58 Meter/Type: 0101160049017 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192111558397 Supplier Ref: 192111558397 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02725887 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 41283811384029198163 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/09/19 15:35 Meter/Type: 0101160049017 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192631436190 Supplier Ref: 192631436190 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02996045 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 59437745820112362818 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/10/19 15:40 Meter/Type: 0101160049017 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192881441096 Supplier Ref: 192881441096 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03132790 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 59072735765375699203 Debt: N1,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/12/19 10:39 Meter/Type: 0101160049017 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193640942003 Supplier Ref: 193640942003 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03664348 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 05539026761175653904 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/01/20 11:53 Meter/Type: 0101160049017 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200301053531 Supplier Ref: 200301053531 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03924265 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 45570057073469735380 Debt: N1,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/03/20 11:20 Meter/Type: 0101160049017 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 200305769900 Supplier Ref: 200305769900 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB04281063 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 26222763040624235989 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/03/20 11:25 Meter/Type: 0101160049017 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200911025093 Supplier Ref: 200911025093 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04467770 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 00732769136214801124 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/04/20 09:47 Meter/Type: 0101160049017 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201190947466 Supplier Ref: 201190947466 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04675262 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 46705614327565318301 Debt: N1,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/05/20 12:51 Meter/Type: 0101160049017 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201341251595 Supplier Ref: 201341251595 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04766405 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 01276541615641304995 Debt: N1,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/05/20 13:08 Meter/Type: 0101160049017 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201341308323 Supplier Ref: 201341308323 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04766494 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 22755987031530043542 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/07/20 11:00 Meter/Type: 0101160049017 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202101100385 Supplier Ref: 202101100385 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05312551 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 53165603998766229137 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 222020-07-28 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014862ClosedRequest2020-07-28: REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILS Please kindly assist with debt details for MSN. 1. 0101170968436 2. 0101170158931 Thanks Best RegardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-28NoHello, Find below, 1. 0101170968436 No Contract (with an Account) found or incorrect MSN. 2. 0101170158931 Meter Serial Number: 0101170158931 Contract Account Number: 541329 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170158931 Start Date: 11/28/2018 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $74,115.65 Outstanding Balance: $24,248.16 Running Balance: $24,248.16 Note: Outstanding migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $1,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/28/2020 10:41:33 AM2020-07-28 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014861ClosedRequest2020-07-28: DEBT DETAILS Assist with debt details 0101160049017 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-28NoHello, Find below, Meter Serial Number: 0101160049017 Debt Details Name: Outstanding Balance Reference Number: 486371 Start Date: 3/13/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $93,434.83 Outstanding Balance: $74,434.83 Running Balance: $74,434.83 Note: Outstanding from JCS, Installation fee, Cost unit Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/28/2020 11:00:37 AM2020-07-28 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014860ClosedRequest2020-07-28: REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101170298588 Dear IT Support, Kindly generate the debt profile for the meter number above. RegardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-28NoHello, Find below, Meter Serial Number: 0101170298588 Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 581574 Start Date: 9/11/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $22,317.90 Outstanding Balance: $2,317.90 Running Balance: $2,317.90 Note: Outstanding Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/7/2020 7:48:29 PM2020-07-28 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014859ClosedVending History2020-07-28: REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY(04224441082)Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-28NoHello, No token sales found2020-07-28 tyoverpeter@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014858ClosedRequest2020-07-28: REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE AND COLLECTION VALUE 0101170306951Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-28NoHello, Find below, Meter Serial Number: 0101190012597 Debt Details This customer does not have any Debt accounts associated2020-07-28 longpuan@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014857ClosedVending History2020-07-28: REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY Please kindly assist with vending history for MSN. 0101160351929 Thanks Best RegardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-28NoHello, No token sales found. Thank you2020-07-28 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014856ClosedRequest2020-07-28REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILS Good morning IT Support team. Please kindly assist with debt details for MSN. 0101160001703 Thanks Best RegardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-28NoHello, Find below, Meter Serial Number: 0101160001703 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101160001703 Start Date: 4/26/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $24,942.26 Outstanding Balance: $14,942.26 Running Balance: $14,942.26 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 8/30/2019 2:27:11 PM2020-07-28 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014855ClosedRequest2020-07-28REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE AND COLLECTION VALUE 0101170364653Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-28NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170364653 Start Date: 9/25/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $235,629.95 Outstanding Balance: $205,129.95 Running Balance: $205,129.95 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,500.00 Latest Payment: 6/27/2020 7:21:09 PM2020-07-28 longpuan@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014854ClosedRequest2020-07-28DEBT DETAILS Assist with debt details. 0101170209981 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-28NoHello, Find below, Meter Serial Number: 0101170209981 Contract Account Number: 614347 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170209981 Start Date: 7/26/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $6,355.91 Outstanding Balance: $6,355.91 Running Balance: $6,355.91 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-28 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014853Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014852ClosedKCT Request2020-07-28: KEY CHANGE GOOD MORNING IT SUPPORT. Kindly assist with key change. 54160939283 Thank you have nice day.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-28NoHello, Find below, 54160939283 3915 7458 3316 0056 8863 2994 6426 3204 9486 86412020-07-28 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014851ClosedKCT Request2020-07-28: Request for kct Kindly help me kct of the following meter number please 0101190011680. thanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-28NoHello, Find below, 0101190011680 4817 2013 2235 5387 0337 4743 2162 8057 7657 86712020-07-28 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014850ClosedKCT Request2020-07-28: Request for kct in respect of this account 0101190011680 Good morningMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-28NoHello, Find below, 0101190011680 4817 2013 2235 5387 0337 4743 2162 8057 7657 86712020-07-28 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014849ClosedRequest2020-07-28Debt balance Ict team members please kindly assist me with this meter number 54161022618 original balance running balance and collection value thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-28NoHello, Find below, Meter Serial Number: 54161022618 Contract Account Number: 616504 Debt Details Name: Outstanding Balance Reference Number: 616504 Start Date: 6/2/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $33,941.19 Outstanding Balance: $27,941.19 Running Balance: $27,941.19 Note: Outstanding from JCS, Installation fee, Cost unit Status: Active Collection Method: Per Vend Amount Collection Value: $11,000.00 Latest Payment: 8/6/2019 5:56:41 AM2020-07-28 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014848ClosedVending History2020-07-28REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY 0101170269605Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-28NoHello, Find below, Date Sold: 01/05/18 12:07 Meter/Type: 0101170269605 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000648492816 Supplier Ref: 000648492816 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00744073 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 51441121974634633817 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/05/18 12:43 Meter/Type: 0101170269605 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 813711430000 Supplier Ref: 813711430000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00774316 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 46525009613300659118 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/06/18 09:23 Meter/Type: 0101170269605 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000653372501 Supplier Ref: 000653372501 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00809945 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 18016219702409381782 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/06/18 16:49 Meter/Type: 0101170269605 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 816215480000 Supplier Ref: 816215480000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00827057 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 40996826164490077591 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/06/18 11:52 Meter/Type: 0101170269605 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000656843455 Supplier Ref: 000656843455 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00860864 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 70952370169224785390 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/07/18 13:33 Meter/Type: 0101170269605 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 818812310000 Supplier Ref: 818812310000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00885221 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 70309332602125609255 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/07/18 11:10 Meter/Type: 0101170269605 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000659431272 Supplier Ref: 000659431272 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00902885 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 04504539460280590687 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/08/18 10:33 Meter/Type: 0101170269605 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182150933375 Supplier Ref: 182150933375 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00947431 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 27258864171237877411 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/08/18 19:35 Meter/Type: 0101170269605 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000664665829 Supplier Ref: 000664665829 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00995896 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 23914894653154206979 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/08/18 10:17 Meter/Type: 0101170269605 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182430917010 Supplier Ref: 182430917010 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01023728 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 42378930403152221578 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/09/18 18:20 Meter/Type: 0101170269605 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 825617170000 Supplier Ref: 825617170000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01064779 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 45977937429155833501 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/09/18 15:41 Meter/Type: 0101170269605 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182641541032 Supplier Ref: 182641541032 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01087963 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 67686192881213669059 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/10/18 14:01 Meter/Type: 0101170269605 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182751401194 Supplier Ref: 182751401194 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01119149 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 73718287113748374920 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/10/18 21:36 Meter/Type: 0101170269605 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182852136256 Supplier Ref: 182852136256 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01157470 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 08754398408009881932 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/10/18 17:37 Meter/Type: 0101170269605 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182931737225 Supplier Ref: 182931737225 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01183571 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 04621208349631603040 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/11/18 09:26 Meter/Type: 0101170269605 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 830609260000 Supplier Ref: 830609260000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01227446 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 21440013250898192195 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/11/18 18:01 Meter/Type: 0101170269605 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183251801433 Supplier Ref: 183251801433 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01294742 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 56591701446567660653 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/11/18 09:16 Meter/Type: 0101170269605 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000679009706 Supplier Ref: 000679009706 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01319731 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 01904352265728446791 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/12/18 18:53 Meter/Type: 0101170269605 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183451753388 Supplier Ref: 183451753388 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01374412 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 65093878484666151659 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/12/18 13:10 Meter/Type: 0101170269605 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 688301452226976 Supplier Ref: 688301452226976 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01421444 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 62985691536312981116 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/12/18 14:57 Meter/Type: 0101170269605 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183631357372 Supplier Ref: 183631357372 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01485977 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 13805162640166058479 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/01/19 16:01 Meter/Type: 0101170269605 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154686967476 Supplier Ref: 154686967476 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01532426 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 41475929798534977621 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/01/19 15:26 Meter/Type: 0101170269605 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154764520050 Supplier Ref: 154764520050 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01595723 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 59519177107812725302 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/01/19 13:05 Meter/Type: 0101170269605 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190281205587 Supplier Ref: 190281205587 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01681921 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 03807871718885231403 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/02/19 18:12 Meter/Type: 0101170269605 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190206851361 Supplier Ref: 190206851361 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB01768214 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 13688425108055760847 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/02/19 17:01 Meter/Type: 0101170269605 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 267594869835437 Supplier Ref: 267594869835437 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01885705 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 36905298509219476859 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/03/19 14:56 Meter/Type: 0101170269605 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190701357027 Supplier Ref: 190701357027 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01997959 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 11352630679948836598 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/03/19 19:33 Meter/Type: 0101170269605 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190781833342 Supplier Ref: 190781833342 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02040658 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 10003819878317127575 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/03/19 12:56 Meter/Type: 0101170269605 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155377057949 Supplier Ref: 155377057949 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02081088 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 44037670703355416833 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/04/19 18:01 Meter/Type: 0101170269605 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190961701211 Supplier Ref: 190961701211 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02140898 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 63528830466656801102 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/04/19 15:41 Meter/Type: 0101170269605 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155628608444 Supplier Ref: 155628608444 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02247671 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 61307788144879858893 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/05/19 13:23 Meter/Type: 0101170269605 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191261224001 Supplier Ref: 191261224001 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02303875 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 31335719396821299834 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/05/19 15:02 Meter/Type: 0101170269605 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191441402344 Supplier Ref: 191441402344 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02390638 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 64989887116268232007 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/06/19 11:07 Meter/Type: 0101170269605 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191521007588 Supplier Ref: 191521007588 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02432591 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 40222660507795045330 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/06/19 17:51 Meter/Type: 0101170269605 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 916116510440 Supplier Ref: 916116510440 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02484896 Total Value: N960.00 Standard: N960.00 - 50134119884595833304 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/06/19 16:50 Meter/Type: 0101170269605 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191691550342 Supplier Ref: 191691550342 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02524030 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 34867697535891800012 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/06/19 14:52 Meter/Type: 0101170269605 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156172633789 Supplier Ref: 156172633789 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02570698 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 24791341538738175606 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/07/19 12:51 Meter/Type: 0101170269605 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192111151208 Supplier Ref: 192111151208 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02723548 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 40759463702188784460 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/09/19 10:32 Meter/Type: 0101170269605 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192450932254 Supplier Ref: 192450932254 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02894555 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 11260469661523270944 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/09/19 15:59 Meter/Type: 0101170269605 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 926515008825 Supplier Ref: 926515008825 Receipt: PagT13EMDB03005349 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 67848569377981845738 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/09/19 16:49 Meter/Type: 0101170269605 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156985503774 Supplier Ref: 156985503774 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03050895 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 24917591679881369840 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/11/19 12:12 Meter/Type: 0101170269605 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157260323350 Supplier Ref: 157260323350 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03230524 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 34613362533745415917 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/12/19 11:41 Meter/Type: 0101170269605 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157648941902 Supplier Ref: 157648941902 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03541149 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 41201334178871938089 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/01/20 13:52 Meter/Type: 0101170269605 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 620687488238740 Supplier Ref: 620687488238740 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03799711 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 60824545250017006091 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/01/20 14:05 Meter/Type: 0101170269605 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200271309154 Supplier Ref: 200271309154 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03895437 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 30469009577890163923 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/02/20 17:26 Meter/Type: 0101170269605 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200341626261 Supplier Ref: 200341626261 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03967512 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 32465891133466871886 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/02/20 16:18 Meter/Type: 0101170269605 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158289949660 Supplier Ref: 158289949660 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04207947 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 51512327768227552907 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/03/20 10:43 Meter/Type: 0101170269605 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158339778367 Supplier Ref: 158339778367 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04280322 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 47711565239818283623 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/03/20 13:42 Meter/Type: 0101170269605 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200881242180 Supplier Ref: 200881242180 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04447034 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 25908875629975377782 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/04/20 11:41 Meter/Type: 0101170269605 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200991041452 Supplier Ref: 200991041452 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04530199 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 45065502863406742604 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/04/20 20:30 Meter/Type: 0101170269605 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201082030284 Supplier Ref: 201082030284 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04594138 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 44184943325426139441 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/04/20 19:50 Meter/Type: 0101170269605 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201151950243 Supplier Ref: 201151950243 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04647164 Total Value: N1,400.00 Standard: N1,400.00 - 23656726509846651907 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/05/20 14:10 Meter/Type: 0101170269605 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201231410383 Supplier Ref: 201231410383 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04699954 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 50339289629009725794 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/05/20 22:43 Meter/Type: 0101170269605 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201382243383 Supplier Ref: 201382243383 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04795687 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 17857994975018343356 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/05/20 14:01 Meter/Type: 0101170269605 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201471401501 Supplier Ref: 201471401501 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04852652 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 14214077023257533205 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/07/20 15:43 Meter/Type: 0101170269605 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201851543252 Supplier Ref: 201851543252 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05128308 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 23977399603263572482 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/07/20 11:34 Meter/Type: 0101170269605 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202091134066 Supplier Ref: 202091134066 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05300816 Total Value: N2,100.00 Standard: N2,100.00 - 51243170011989384160 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/07/20 12:05 Meter/Type: 0101170269605 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202091205430 Supplier Ref: 202091205430 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05301296 Total Value: N24,100.00 Standard: N24,100.00 - 10642229036163177014 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 922020-07-28 longpuan@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014847ClosedVending History2020-07-28: REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY 0101170429183Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-28NoGood Morning, Find below, Date Sold: 07/02/19 13:23 Meter/Type: 0101170429183 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154953831231 Supplier Ref: 154953831231 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01772725 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 06434932570590702997 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/02/19 10:06 Meter/Type: 0101170429183 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000690240976 Supplier Ref: 000690240976 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01829902 Total Value: N2,100.00 Standard: N2,100.00 - 55119934181995481428 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/02/19 15:47 Meter/Type: 0101170429183 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000691859031 Supplier Ref: 000691859031 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01909073 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 71103539761089150019 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/02/19 18:53 Meter/Type: 0101170429183 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155120003625 Supplier Ref: 155120003625 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01911076 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 14372898787669969366 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/03/19 10:06 Meter/Type: 0101170429183 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000693552902 Supplier Ref: 000693552902 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01991492 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 26488026935519824902 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/03/19 14:29 Meter/Type: 0101170429183 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000694587259 Supplier Ref: 000694587259 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02029065 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 56666516394539897146 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/03/19 19:13 Meter/Type: 0101170429183 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155327480931 Supplier Ref: 155327480931 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02056332 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 04232676127962279171 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/04/19 18:07 Meter/Type: 0101170429183 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 395276173496113 Supplier Ref: 395276173496113 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02108193 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 25976710293000478441 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/04/19 17:14 Meter/Type: 0101170429183 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155456360370 Supplier Ref: 155456360370 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02140696 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 23822264093885240577 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/04/19 20:57 Meter/Type: 0101170429183 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155526814675 Supplier Ref: 155526814675 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02181541 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 65448293428537721634 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/04/19 17:28 Meter/Type: 0101170429183 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155603329835 Supplier Ref: 155603329835 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02230173 Total Value: N4,100.00 Standard: N2,100.00 - 54549576863402500688 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/05/19 21:46 Meter/Type: 0101170429183 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155673984928 Supplier Ref: 155673984928 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02280129 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 49808229174224064249 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/05/19 12:05 Meter/Type: 0101170429183 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155705070779 Supplier Ref: 155705070779 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02298953 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 09778002337028702811 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/05/19 20:03 Meter/Type: 0101170429183 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155759776824 Supplier Ref: 155759776824 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02329689 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 29540717332998935490 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/05/19 19:01 Meter/Type: 0101170429183 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155793955848 Supplier Ref: 155793955848 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02348158 Total Value: N950.00 Standard: N950.00 - 71007247453351605422 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/05/19 17:32 Meter/Type: 0101170429183 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155836631352 Supplier Ref: 155836631352 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02370437 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 23300964831636968741 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/05/19 14:26 Meter/Type: 0101170429183 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 915013260000 Supplier Ref: 915013260000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02420560 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 65524310381610325573 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/06/19 17:35 Meter/Type: 0101170429183 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155966250239 Supplier Ref: 155966250239 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02452569 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 72496612968387659524 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/06/19 21:32 Meter/Type: 0101170429183 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156036786539 Supplier Ref: 156036786539 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02495763 Total Value: N1,100.00 Standard: N1,100.00 - 35705666116568428126 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/06/19 16:45 Meter/Type: 0101170429183 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 917015440000 Supplier Ref: 917015440000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02528616 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 51813242925504814104 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/06/19 14:31 Meter/Type: 0101170429183 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156137940251 Supplier Ref: 156137940251 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02549929 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 53398800347072105370 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/07/19 08:49 Meter/Type: 0101170429183 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156274136504 Supplier Ref: 156274136504 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02626622 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 48340941873004246945 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 442020-07-28 longpuan@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014846ClosedKCT Request2020-07-28: KCT Kindly provide us with KCT of this meter 0101160051344 Thank youMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-28NoGood Morning, Find below, KCT1:2167 1647 5923 3931 7383 KCT2: 3260 4125 3862 1657 76302020-07-28 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014845ClosedRequest2020-07-28: Debt balance Good morning Ict team members please kindly assist me with this meter number 0101161035510 original balance running balance and collection value thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-28NoGood Morning, Find below, Meter Serial Number: 0101161035510 Contract Account Number: 6131407126-01 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 6131407126-01 Start Date: 6/25/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $465,817.53 Outstanding Balance: $465,817.53 Running Balance: $465,817.53 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $8,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-28 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014844ClosedRequest2020-07-28: Debt profile Hello Kindly assist with debt profile of the meter serial numbers below 54160854755 0101190002796 0101170271908 0101190017802 0101160016024 0101161017013 0101161037953 0101170366930 0101170311266 0101170129627 54161008765 0101161052093 0101161008319 54161003816 -- Regards,Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-28NoGood Morning, Find below, 54160854755 Meter Serial Number: 54160854755 Contract Account Number: 544008 Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 544008 Start Date: 2/11/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $252,781.24 Outstanding Balance: $243,781.24 Running Balance: $243,781.24 Note: Outstanding Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $4,500.00 Latest Payment: 3/30/2020 12:48:53 PM 0101190002796 Meter Serial Number: 0101190002796 Contract Account Number: 527983 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101190002796 Start Date: 6/23/2020 Category: Refunds Original Balance: ($35,467.47) Outstanding Balance: $0.00 Running Balance: $0.00 Note: none specified Status: Paid off Collection Method: Percentage Collection Value: 100 (%) Latest Payment: 6/25/2020 4:43:59 PM 0101170271908 Meter Serial Number: 0101170271908 Contract Account Number: 502466 Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 502466 Start Date: 2/24/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $84,842.66 Outstanding Balance: $56,842.66 Running Balance: $56,842.66 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Per Vend Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/18/2020 2:22:05 PM 0101190017802 Meter Serial Number: 0101190017802 Contract Account Number: 569399 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101190017802 Start Date: 3/6/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $207,805.76 Outstanding Balance: $204,203.47 Running Balance: $204,203.47 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/6/2020 10:46:24 AM 0101160016024 Meter Serial Number: 0101160016024 Contract Account Number: 530664 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 530664 Start Date: 3/2/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $82,437.25 Outstanding Balance: $74,437.25 Running Balance: $74,437.25 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/26/2020 10:48:48 PM 0101161017013 Meter Serial Number: 0101161017013 Contract Account Number: 549798 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 549798 Start Date: 10/6/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $78,955.94 Outstanding Balance: $67,955.94 Running Balance: $67,955.94 Note: Outstanding migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/7/2020 9:00:54 AM 0101161037953 Meter Serial Number: 0101161037953 Contract Account Number: 421867 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 421867 Start Date: 8/27/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $319,569.99 Outstanding Balance: $314,569.99 Running Balance: $314,569.99 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: 3/26/2020 4:51:51 PM 0101170366930 Meter Serial Number: 0101170366930 Contract Account Number: 6127621654-01 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 6127621654-01 Start Date: 6/17/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $263,945.70 Outstanding Balance: $173,984.73 Running Balance: $173,984.73 Note: Outstanding migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/27/2020 5:50:38 PM 0101170311266 Meter Serial Number: 0101170311266 Contract Account Number: 6127621681-01 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 6127621681-01 Start Date: 6/17/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $328,622.80 Outstanding Balance: $299,622.80 Running Balance: $299,622.80 Note: Outstanding migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 2/27/2020 10:17:35 AM 0101170129627 Meter Serial Number: 0101170129627 Contract Account Number: 6127621672-01 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 6127621672-01 Start Date: 6/17/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $346,136.69 Outstanding Balance: $314,136.69 Running Balance: $314,136.69 Note: Outstanding migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/1/2020 2:54:16 PM 54161008765 Meter Serial Number: 54161008765 Contract Account Number: 6114071711-01 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 54161008765 Start Date: 6/1/2017 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $77,863.69 Outstanding Balance: $65,863.69 Running Balance: $65,863.69 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 5/26/2020 1:46:21 PM 0101161052093 Meter Serial Number: 0101161052093 Contract Account Number: 6114021177-01 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 6114021177-01 Start Date: 2/9/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $231,179.26 Outstanding Balance: $222,179.26 Running Balance: $222,179.26 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/24/2020 10:28:27 AM 0101161008319 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101161008319 Start Date: 1/28/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $370,568.21 Outstanding Balance: $350,559.21 Running Balance: $350,559.21 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Per Vend Amount Collection Value: $1.00 Latest Payment: 7/15/2020 3:16:33 PM 54161003816 Meter Serial Number: 54161003816 Contract Account Number: 531578 Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 531578 Start Date: 6/4/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $28,026.38 Outstanding Balance: $0.00 Running Balance: $0.00 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Paid off Collection Method: Per Vend Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/4/2020 4:47:31 PM2020-07-28 phartiemah12@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014843ClosedKCT Request2020-07-28: Request of KCT for this meter no 54161120578 Good day, Please help us.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-28NoGood Morning, Find below, 54161120578 4951 8044 7772 0022 3810 1654 6160 4956 0819 42472020-07-28 basiraayuba788@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014842ClosedRequest2020-07-28: 0101170393009 Pls we need details of the above meterMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-28NoGood morning, Find below, Name: SIR JOSEPH Surname: ARI Cell Phone No: 08037033665 Email: Postal Address 1: DT161 Postal Address 2: Rayfield2020-07-28 stynlucs@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014841Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014840ClosedKCT Request2020-07-27Dear IT Support, Kindly generate the KCT for the meter number 0101190006615 regardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-27NoHello, Find below, 0101190006615 3222 7472 4121 9158 9518 1285 7612 6431 7714 66012020-07-27 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014839ClosedVending History2020-07-27REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY Dear Support, Kindly provide VH for 54161139065. Thank YouMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-27NoHello, Find below, Date Sold: 21/08/17 12:24 Meter/Type: 54161139065 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 723312223490 Supplier Ref: 723312223490 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00379380 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N4,049.59 - 01897966995248534868 Debt: -N1,049.59 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 10/11/17 13:00 Meter/Type: 54161139065 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 751113378469646 Supplier Ref: 751113378469646 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00492100 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 50982907786466526658 Date Sold: 21/12/17 13:36 Meter/Type: 54161139065 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000629643625 Supplier Ref: 000629643625 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00550322 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 12088368741794857124 Date Sold: 04/04/18 12:53 Meter/Type: 54161139065 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 250968326579084 Supplier Ref: 250968326579084 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00698370 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 20778991651793550565 Date Sold: 28/07/18 14:54 Meter/Type: 54161139065 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182091354231 Supplier Ref: 182091354231 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00932341 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 57806149156459676139 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/11/18 12:29 Meter/Type: 54161139065 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 977393530431491 Supplier Ref: 977393530431491 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01289851 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 18214705507404496954 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/02/19 13:46 Meter/Type: 54161139065 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 44840966835709 Supplier Ref: 44840966835709 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01807361 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 17391555253784506181 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/04/19 12:28 Meter/Type: 54161139065 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191191128385 Supplier Ref: 191191128385 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02260869 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 56153010065414768873 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/07/19 14:28 Meter/Type: 54161139065 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 647183479048585 Supplier Ref: 647183479048585 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02616435 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 09884028860134167432 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/10/19 14:42 Meter/Type: 54161139065 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192781343027 Supplier Ref: 192781343027 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03080941 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 54722583552895160128 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/12/19 14:10 Meter/Type: 54161139065 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193571313116 Supplier Ref: 193571313116 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03604998 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 09300346909984507310 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/03/20 18:04 Meter/Type: 54161139065 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200911704367 Supplier Ref: 200911704367 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04474171 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 11377512181957047024 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 132020-07-27 sunnyochekwu@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014838ClosedVending History2020-07-27REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY 01351699291 Kindly avail me with the vending history of this meter 01351699291.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-27NoHello, Find below, Date Sold: 22/08/16 09:26 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/EAKPA Token Ref: 623509390105 Supplier Ref: 623509390105 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00020853 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 09845911936950172540 Date Sold: 16/09/16 13:31 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/EAKPA Token Ref: 626013310055 Supplier Ref: 626013310055 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00036889 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 35978310498317016832 Date Sold: 26/10/16 14:13 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/FMUSA Token Ref: 630102387336 Supplier Ref: 630102387336 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00062842 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 29278555773617732935 Date Sold: 07/11/16 13:40 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 003205481448 Supplier Ref: 003205481448 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00070606 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 63521961748803920218 Date Sold: 24/11/16 13:46 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 004905552975 Supplier Ref: 004905552975 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00082081 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 41492358009239425717 Date Sold: 15/12/16 09:18 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 007001272792 Supplier Ref: 007001272792 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00096257 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 19589830756077643057 Date Sold: 10/01/17 10:10 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 009602199808 Supplier Ref: 009602199808 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00117366 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 64674714602460023870 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/02/17 10:59 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 703510588431 Supplier Ref: 703510588431 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00134499 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 18737826057018828009 Date Sold: 18/02/17 12:46 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 704912453727 Supplier Ref: 704912453727 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00147526 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 41591079195620646559 Date Sold: 27/02/17 14:54 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 705814549827 Supplier Ref: 705814549827 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00156959 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 25208243316991799970 Date Sold: 09/03/17 14:03 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/FMUSA Token Ref: 706814026253 Supplier Ref: 706814026253 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00171170 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 09111555327723455751 Date Sold: 20/03/17 14:31 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 707914315424 Supplier Ref: 707914315424 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00184182 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 33757107353037975487 Date Sold: 20/04/17 12:33 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 711012326371 Supplier Ref: 711012326371 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00223173 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 18515210835177980693 Date Sold: 19/06/17 14:48 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 717014480202 Supplier Ref: 717014480202 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00299670 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 03335084150429602077 Date Sold: 28/07/17 14:58 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 720914580376 Supplier Ref: 720914580376 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00350863 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 72446547334510423779 Date Sold: 28/09/17 14:48 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 727114480096 Supplier Ref: 727114480096 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00429745 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 64165465916276342440 Date Sold: 07/11/17 17:41 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: GOLDLINE/misah Token Ref: 731117410065 Supplier Ref: 731117410065 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00488119 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 12035169313590207719 Date Sold: 08/12/17 14:55 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: GOLDLINE/misah Token Ref: 734214550356 Supplier Ref: 734214550356 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00531766 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 58639348419273719307 Date Sold: 05/01/18 14:17 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: GOLDLINE/misah Token Ref: 800514170188 Supplier Ref: 800514170188 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00570378 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 39205190525572957501 Date Sold: 30/01/18 08:07 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000635370783 Supplier Ref: 000635370783 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00600561 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 13954007934247503652 Date Sold: 04/02/18 07:24 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: GOLDLINE/misah Token Ref: 803507240098 Supplier Ref: 803507240098 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00608780 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 58247541144335203362 Date Sold: 25/02/18 14:26 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: GOLDLINE/misah Token Ref: 805614260060 Supplier Ref: 805614260060 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00638798 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 54580861662778533913 Date Sold: 03/03/18 10:37 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: GOLDLINE/misah Token Ref: 806210360281 Supplier Ref: 806210360281 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00649707 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 37390086009125361914 Date Sold: 20/03/18 18:03 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: GOLDLINE/misah Token Ref: 807918030179 Supplier Ref: 807918030179 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00677269 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 44232228626119856911 Date Sold: 03/04/18 15:16 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: GOLDLINE/misah Token Ref: 809314160227 Supplier Ref: 809314160227 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00696678 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 02196711527554440037 Date Sold: 17/04/18 16:38 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: GOLDLINE/misah Token Ref: 810715380125 Supplier Ref: 810715380125 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00720604 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 19312474939207996819 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/04/18 14:40 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 823400144135310 Supplier Ref: 823400144135310 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00741889 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 33970168169254875371 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/05/18 20:28 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: GOLDLINE/misah Token Ref: 813419280092 Supplier Ref: 813419280092 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00768649 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 51371526088954671698 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/05/18 12:46 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: GOLDLINE/misah Token Ref: 815111460148 Supplier Ref: 815111460148 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00802708 Total Value: N1,400.00 Standard: N1,400.00 - 11183541641145428102 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/06/18 12:32 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: GOLDLINE/misah Token Ref: 816411320015 Supplier Ref: 816411320015 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00830786 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 68246686522397143113 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/06/18 16:16 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: GOLDLINE/misah Token Ref: 818015150034 Supplier Ref: 818015150034 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00865004 Total Value: N1,800.00 Standard: N1,800.00 - 01228545402783318753 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/07/18 16:19 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: GOLDLINE/misah Token Ref: 819315190038 Supplier Ref: 819315190038 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00896164 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 46443694826561292208 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/08/18 17:57 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: GOLDLINE/misah Token Ref: 821316570107 Supplier Ref: 821316570107 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00943438 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 33185873776136657063 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/08/18 13:47 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: GOLDLINE/misah Token Ref: 823612460269 Supplier Ref: 823612460269 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB01003892 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 52313886753722545675 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/09/18 09:42 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000668640092 Supplier Ref: 000668640092 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01076570 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 26075592981347516993 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/10/18 10:33 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: GOLDLINE/misah Token Ref: 828110330515 Supplier Ref: 828110330515 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB01139276 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 54052605374470407682 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/10/18 13:36 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182961336413 Supplier Ref: 182961336413 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01191942 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 30651226505889329699 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/11/18 12:29 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000675141020 Supplier Ref: 000675141020 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01228737 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 53379473897142311991 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/11/18 12:07 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: GOLDLINE/misah Token Ref: 832712070092 Supplier Ref: 832712070092 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB01300541 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 48356587874695302630 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/12/18 14:19 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: GOLDLINE/misah Token Ref: 833713190011 Supplier Ref: 833713190011 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB01336371 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 62680906079931846122 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/12/18 14:54 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: GOLDLINE/misah Token Ref: 834413540043 Supplier Ref: 834413540043 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB01366096 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 64398180970012190987 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/01/19 14:36 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: GOLDLINE/misah Token Ref: 900213360053 Supplier Ref: 900213360053 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB01505314 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 60212221315749392488 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/01/19 17:15 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: GOLDLINE/misah Token Ref: 901016150030 Supplier Ref: 901016150030 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB01553499 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 30029911003787429591 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/01/19 14:58 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: GOLDLINE/misah Token Ref: 902213590053 Supplier Ref: 902213590053 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB01637586 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 13601044880553035072 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/02/19 19:44 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: GOLDLINE/misah Token Ref: 904318440055 Supplier Ref: 904318440055 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB01810957 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 59769474715586394934 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/04/19 12:11 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190941111341 Supplier Ref: 190941111341 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02125619 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 54444305361668156395 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/04/19 15:45 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: GOLDLINE/misah Token Ref: 911514450182 Supplier Ref: 911514450182 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB02241087 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 31482625175980911988 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/05/19 11:44 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191331045018 Supplier Ref: 191331045018 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02333599 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 25806762533921155745 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/07/19 15:57 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 918314520000 Supplier Ref: 918314520000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02590306 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 41587585010582520219 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/12/19 11:30 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157666159032 Supplier Ref: 157666159032 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03560428 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 45797700313161199230 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/01/20 15:40 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157987340423 Supplier Ref: 157987340423 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03874572 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 34038687243950085203 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/02/20 15:25 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200361425404 Supplier Ref: 200361425404 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03986395 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 71460324277563481673 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/02/20 10:58 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200580958467 Supplier Ref: 200580958467 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04190419 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 54394761314584114641 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/03/20 09:32 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200780832222 Supplier Ref: 200780832222 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04369443 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 63658898085396173269 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/03/20 08:13 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: GOLDLINE/misah Token Ref: 009007130156 Supplier Ref: 009007130156 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB04455806 Total Value: N2,950.00 Standard: N2,950.00 - 16392866840916510339 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/04/20 11:39 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200991039122 Supplier Ref: 200991039122 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04530152 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 20985733894209177183 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/04/20 11:45 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201151145521 Supplier Ref: 201151145521 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04640629 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 21183698398142344633 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/05/20 08:44 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201270844292 Supplier Ref: 201270844292 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04720417 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 15457172569370740463 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/05/20 08:28 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201390828188 Supplier Ref: 201390828188 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04795986 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 56093176648970854250 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/05/20 08:55 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201480855234 Supplier Ref: 201480855234 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04856131 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 38555934105209041446 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/06/20 08:48 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201550848165 Supplier Ref: 201550848165 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04908039 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 08376728870526909707 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/06/20 08:04 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201670804236 Supplier Ref: 201670804236 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04983127 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 61978825456240039695 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/06/20 08:26 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201750826545 Supplier Ref: 201750826545 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05039953 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 62327476162599679639 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/06/20 08:51 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201810851213 Supplier Ref: 201810851213 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05084931 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 37072657829930848874 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/07/20 15:55 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201891555241 Supplier Ref: 201891555241 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05155493 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 32329481221407838947 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/07/20 10:31 Meter/Type: 01351699291 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202021032035 Supplier Ref: 202021032035 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05237113 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 07606545409878248463 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 892020-07-27 lisarumpae@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014837ClosedVending History2020-07-27Request for Vending history. Good day sir, Kindly avail me with the vending history of these meters. 1. 0101170213074 2. 0101170213009 3. 0101170131342 4. 0101160347643 5. 57100050095 ThanksMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-27NoHello find be;pw, Date Sold: 15/05/18 12:32 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000650511330 Supplier Ref: 000650511330 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00769628 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 49526714308500501910 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/05/18 15:50 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 813514501594 Supplier Ref: 813514501594 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00770378 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 11652201049202008673 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/06/18 15:48 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000653554981 Supplier Ref: 000653554981 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00815056 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 09059215497912824248 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/08/18 10:24 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 909123544903847 Supplier Ref: 909123544903847 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00944221 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N450.99 - 05767507400710560567 Debt: N549.01 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/08/18 11:47 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182251047432 Supplier Ref: 182251047432 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00972081 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 48322254153123271885 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/08/18 11:49 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182251049251 Supplier Ref: 182251049251 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00972094 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 00806806070839747371 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/10/18 15:05 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182841505585 Supplier Ref: 182841505585 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01152344 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 64876411328784928105 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/10/18 20:32 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183002032431 Supplier Ref: 183002032431 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01208285 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 39991345519001662436 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/11/18 12:53 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183081253365 Supplier Ref: 183081253365 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01235594 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 17257627464019406785 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/11/18 09:25 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 149623854821457 Supplier Ref: 149623854821457 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01280035 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 09971146073589566840 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/11/18 09:03 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183330903027 Supplier Ref: 183330903027 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01319629 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 14737365797448846312 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/12/18 10:06 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183410906582 Supplier Ref: 183410906582 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01352468 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 30144058338977208135 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/12/18 11:04 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154486465252 Supplier Ref: 154486465252 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01393045 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 47733287580724754254 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/12/18 11:03 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 224450790382216 Supplier Ref: 224450790382216 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01476658 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 22441544058151715230 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/01/19 11:07 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154849366292 Supplier Ref: 154849366292 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01668201 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 10087655426418102490 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/02/19 13:57 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190381257365 Supplier Ref: 190381257365 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01773113 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 70435340350954835434 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/02/19 09:56 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155082218856 Supplier Ref: 155082218856 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01878214 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 37790984745619302406 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/03/19 15:08 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190631408506 Supplier Ref: 190631408506 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01954264 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 28565674659491270138 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/03/19 22:06 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155268029802 Supplier Ref: 155268029802 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02023835 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 37912191881720388535 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/04/19 12:29 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155454633380 Supplier Ref: 155454633380 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02138717 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 33044369449774794321 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/04/19 12:05 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155618669474 Supplier Ref: 155618669474 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02239337 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 61415387353965196875 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/05/19 11:10 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155756577983 Supplier Ref: 155756577983 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02327098 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 11792229944134041566 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/05/19 00:11 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155916782468 Supplier Ref: 155916782468 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02417679 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 05262829954583376295 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/06/19 21:43 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156010938115 Supplier Ref: 156010938115 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02478641 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 01286684131525561746 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/06/19 07:38 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156074990360 Supplier Ref: 156074990360 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02514202 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 51631304454231443057 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/06/19 11:10 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191761010303 Supplier Ref: 191761010303 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02554266 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 01715250012268370297 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/07/19 15:04 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156241820655 Supplier Ref: 156241820655 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02609729 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 40114026708751719062 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/07/19 07:20 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156342720184 Supplier Ref: 156342720184 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02664105 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 41071389048888832833 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/08/19 22:51 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156572948835 Supplier Ref: 156572948835 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02800621 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 66052821207449677930 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/08/19 13:32 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156707835563 Supplier Ref: 156707835563 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02876031 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 07283374607237323839 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/10/19 09:45 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156991594782 Supplier Ref: 156991594782 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03054846 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 64403139131298848723 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/10/19 22:36 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157073980532 Supplier Ref: 157073980532 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03109455 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 15378965051356936468 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/10/19 20:34 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157228764808 Supplier Ref: 157228764808 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03205225 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 51282670047791541458 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/10/19 20:47 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 930119480000 Supplier Ref: 930119480000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03205307 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 21814155536238792487 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/10/19 21:21 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157228977915 Supplier Ref: 157228977915 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03205556 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 09860772410009348748 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/11/19 10:12 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157337357345 Supplier Ref: 157337357345 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03285408 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 13842894378340243851 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/11/19 22:27 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 932521280000 Supplier Ref: 932521280000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03353152 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 54940382410700023262 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/12/19 21:32 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157540139288 Supplier Ref: 157540139288 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03458296 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 50610373930881549989 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/12/19 19:32 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157634481985 Supplier Ref: 157634481985 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03533680 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 05856298699046137689 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/12/19 21:13 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157678291313 Supplier Ref: 157678291313 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03576344 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 65065923732824454772 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/12/19 21:20 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157712887026 Supplier Ref: 157712887026 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03611376 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 61360879542302175162 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/12/19 11:57 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157752714129 Supplier Ref: 157752714129 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03652886 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 23716567368858152251 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/01/20 16:40 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157806256033 Supplier Ref: 157806256033 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03700814 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 61570928560632879024 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/01/20 19:22 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157833148195 Supplier Ref: 157833148195 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03724848 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 02970881865723496288 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/02/20 11:42 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158063653090 Supplier Ref: 158063653090 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03954979 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 02690334757583854424 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/02/20 14:24 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158073263469 Supplier Ref: 158073263469 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03964030 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 12407853858662935649 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/02/20 07:53 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158079554716 Supplier Ref: 158079554716 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03971615 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 22236125880029508634 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/02/20 11:20 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158262233922 Supplier Ref: 158262233922 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04168199 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 07923516485773169310 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/02/20 07:17 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158269420417 Supplier Ref: 158269420417 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04177285 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 20237689295678332850 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/03/20 11:53 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158366116623 Supplier Ref: 158366116623 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04316399 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 51776849121778195477 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/03/20 17:35 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200711635426 Supplier Ref: 200711635426 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04333626 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 73759104872873799290 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/03/20 19:56 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200851856518 Supplier Ref: 200851856518 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04424315 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 61044455737099117534 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/04/20 12:39 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200981138575 Supplier Ref: 200981138575 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04523403 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 25226785288967982753 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/04/20 10:42 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201030942063 Supplier Ref: 201030942063 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04557480 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 17649529186291841763 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/04/20 12:41 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201031141167 Supplier Ref: 201031141167 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04557908 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 62556051429421127659 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/04/20 06:51 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201160651286 Supplier Ref: 201160651286 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04648413 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 73746113727490395497 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/05/20 07:11 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201230711411 Supplier Ref: 201230711411 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04696706 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 46609338127561412722 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/05/20 21:12 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201282112106 Supplier Ref: 201282112106 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04730055 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 63351029344456396255 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/05/20 18:53 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201401853123 Supplier Ref: 201401853123 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04806535 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 16300505594293779745 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/06/20 07:56 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201530756157 Supplier Ref: 201530756157 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04895356 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 35687642695981146570 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/06/20 20:42 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201672042524 Supplier Ref: 201672042524 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04990639 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 59944558160290192064 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/06/20 19:37 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201691938037 Supplier Ref: 201691938037 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05004872 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 39202262401497636866 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/06/20 19:29 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201751929401 Supplier Ref: 201751929401 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05046260 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 57655142155435539669 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/06/20 11:46 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201791146100 Supplier Ref: 201791146100 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05074569 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 66658597925312374849 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/07/20 20:35 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201932035391 Supplier Ref: 201932035391 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05184346 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 64721927610753038216 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/07/20 12:03 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202011203570 Supplier Ref: 202011203570 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05231795 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 36730197620991970837 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/07/20 19:55 Meter/Type: 0101170213074 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202061955084 Supplier Ref: 202061955084 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05281854 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 31645551461238934862 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 124 2. Date Sold: 03/07/18 13:54 Meter/Type: 0101170213009 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 181841254564 Supplier Ref: 181841254564 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00873832 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 49395443740425111023 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/09/18 10:36 Meter/Type: 0101170213009 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182711036097 Supplier Ref: 182711036097 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01107039 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 51721510573715083987 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/01/19 13:09 Meter/Type: 0101170213009 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190051210113 Supplier Ref: 190051210113 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01522905 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 04216910797704470832 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/02/19 12:31 Meter/Type: 0101170213009 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 290307466497897 Supplier Ref: 290307466497897 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01787970 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 66027225798102874631 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/03/19 16:44 Meter/Type: 0101170213009 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 463484931692273 Supplier Ref: 463484931692273 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01999203 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 04483181021130942137 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/05/19 12:03 Meter/Type: 0101170213009 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155739618932 Supplier Ref: 155739618932 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02321617 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 18855063827162536431 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/07/19 16:31 Meter/Type: 0101170213009 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190702153059 Supplier Ref: 190702153059 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02590564 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 48513667765141978277 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/08/19 13:56 Meter/Type: 0101170213009 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192171256160 Supplier Ref: 192171256160 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02757918 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 60917058595976607735 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/09/19 14:37 Meter/Type: 0101170213009 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192451337348 Supplier Ref: 192451337348 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02897167 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N434.97 - 51999398151127955586 Debt: N1,565.03 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/10/19 16:30 Meter/Type: 0101170213009 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192751531343 Supplier Ref: 192751531343 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03063861 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 71104939798059024820 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/11/19 16:02 Meter/Type: 0101170213009 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193091504068 Supplier Ref: 193091504068 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03258113 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 06939827044067202956 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/12/19 14:09 Meter/Type: 0101170213009 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157554788904 Supplier Ref: 157554788904 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03471513 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 32652136768579926006 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/01/20 13:34 Meter/Type: 0101170213009 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200081237338 Supplier Ref: 200081237338 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03739199 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 49978447016330465418 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/02/20 16:08 Meter/Type: 0101170213009 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158108450512 Supplier Ref: 158108450512 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04006410 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 38162074353463441232 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/03/20 12:22 Meter/Type: 0101170213009 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158349012532 Supplier Ref: 158349012532 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04295258 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 41523065881337917111 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/04/20 14:04 Meter/Type: 0101170213009 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200991304288 Supplier Ref: 200991304288 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04531981 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 05828837374438784362 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/05/20 10:14 Meter/Type: 0101170213009 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201291014440 Supplier Ref: 201291014440 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04732064 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 21026446960330276027 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/07/20 13:40 Meter/Type: 0101170213009 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201831340347 Supplier Ref: 201831340347 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05110168 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 22633733920026075646 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 31 3. Date Sold: 15/05/20 14:09 Meter/Type: 0101170131342 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201361409447 Supplier Ref: 201361409447 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04779806 Total Value: N6,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 69808428110893318179 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 5 4. ________________________________________ Top of Form Date Sold: 20/03/17 12:06 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 707912060399 Supplier Ref: 707912060399 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00183753 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 44002611345482871181 Date Sold: 28/03/17 12:53 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Vdagett Token Ref: 708712468661 Supplier Ref: 708712468661 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00194264 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 54188809364956888707 Date Sold: 30/03/17 13:36 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Vdagett Token Ref: 708914292167 Supplier Ref: 708914292167 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00197860 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 71013173334625226308 Date Sold: 28/04/17 15:39 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 711815390431 Supplier Ref: 711815390431 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00234623 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 11120306602527335539 Date Sold: 05/05/17 14:48 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Vdagett Token Ref: 712515403338 Supplier Ref: 712515403338 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00243665 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 31567724512345609647 Date Sold: 18/05/17 11:57 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Vdagett Token Ref: 713812493255 Supplier Ref: 713812493255 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00259337 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 70628988508335772492 Date Sold: 31/05/17 11:23 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Vdagett Token Ref: 715112147425 Supplier Ref: 715112147425 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00274694 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 06786187144375667863 Date Sold: 03/06/17 13:35 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Vdagett Token Ref: 715414263589 Supplier Ref: 715414263589 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00280385 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 09274044064830743641 Date Sold: 20/06/17 16:19 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/fuzomba Token Ref: 717116190322 Supplier Ref: 717116190322 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00301599 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 50785494583384709558 Date Sold: 30/06/17 11:52 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 718111520164 Supplier Ref: 718111520164 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00314493 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 25660578740894316802 Date Sold: 14/07/17 15:14 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/fuzomba Token Ref: 719515140292 Supplier Ref: 719515140292 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00333102 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 50647028365628437208 Date Sold: 27/07/17 16:48 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/fuzomba Token Ref: 720816480195 Supplier Ref: 720816480195 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00349471 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 38889466380129082920 Date Sold: 04/08/17 14:12 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/fuzomba Token Ref: 721614120030 Supplier Ref: 721614120030 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00360949 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 52694444189535921783 Date Sold: 28/08/17 14:19 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 724013191133 Supplier Ref: 724013191133 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00388683 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 31957419639828147179 Date Sold: 31/08/17 15:57 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 724314571217 Supplier Ref: 724314571217 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00395426 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 70432405394154764864 Date Sold: 20/09/17 16:17 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 726316171146 Supplier Ref: 726316171146 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00419971 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 69571009434927117594 Date Sold: 29/09/17 13:44 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 727213441146 Supplier Ref: 727213441146 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00431313 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 12040499196697821505 Date Sold: 10/10/17 14:43 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 728314431129 Supplier Ref: 728314431129 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00447913 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 45415176422647335521 Date Sold: 30/10/17 14:17 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 730314171301 Supplier Ref: 730314171301 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00474325 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 58501012230925783173 Date Sold: 09/11/17 14:25 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 731314251240 Supplier Ref: 731314251240 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00490685 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 48989312604624081269 Date Sold: 06/12/17 13:35 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 734013351410 Supplier Ref: 734013351410 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00528279 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 32429855344741752418 Date Sold: 22/12/17 14:22 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 735614221731 Supplier Ref: 735614221731 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00553055 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 69657832446353589397 Date Sold: 25/01/18 14:11 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 802514111273 Supplier Ref: 802514111273 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00594626 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 27187585825449036688 Date Sold: 13/02/18 13:40 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 804413391283 Supplier Ref: 804413391283 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00622453 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 33442262027696988318 Date Sold: 06/03/18 15:12 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 806515121649 Supplier Ref: 806515121649 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00654984 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 21506614704198760214 Date Sold: 07/04/18 13:10 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 809712101264 Supplier Ref: 809712101264 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00704743 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 45555065398287997188 Date Sold: 02/05/18 12:42 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 812211421328 Supplier Ref: 812211421328 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00746082 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 57337624069887295881 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/05/18 13:27 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000651092861 Supplier Ref: 000651092861 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00778768 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 51630740587872286816 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/05/18 15:11 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000652687296 Supplier Ref: 000652687296 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00800412 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 59646075789558442736 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/06/18 16:53 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000656441576 Supplier Ref: 000656441576 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00854492 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 14925923243893530741 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/07/18 13:41 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000658006374 Supplier Ref: 000658006374 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00882600 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 05105808103676092421 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/07/18 16:01 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 820815010000 Supplier Ref: 820815010000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00929957 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 30971901517061765667 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/08/18 17:07 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 153417246960 Supplier Ref: 153417246960 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00973797 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 05978201557459921159 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/09/18 18:26 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 153607823003 Supplier Ref: 153607823003 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01038941 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 28573750312096264868 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/09/18 17:26 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 153728780712 Supplier Ref: 153728780712 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01078943 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 62132484453511536131 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/09/18 17:06 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 153797776638 Supplier Ref: 153797776638 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01102425 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 20475542591036171525 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/10/18 16:17 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154004844674 Supplier Ref: 154004844674 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01183435 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 37328797952076034005 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/11/18 17:05 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154152020964 Supplier Ref: 154152020964 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01245049 Total Value: N3,600.00 Standard: N3,600.00 - 12510806016309041850 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/11/18 15:18 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000678613927 Supplier Ref: 000678613927 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01310113 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 11302296435207813369 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/12/18 16:54 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000679625563 Supplier Ref: 000679625563 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01337625 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 16464320497489621112 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/12/18 16:17 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183521517486 Supplier Ref: 183521517486 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01410437 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 51021425321118946800 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/01/19 11:48 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190021049115 Supplier Ref: 190021049115 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01503259 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 63571891600489372815 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/01/19 11:48 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190241048272 Supplier Ref: 190241048272 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01652172 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 15087581742890480371 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/02/19 14:01 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190351302064 Supplier Ref: 190351302064 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01746248 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 24263249748811626526 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/02/19 16:12 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190531512524 Supplier Ref: 190531512524 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01884909 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 10329127571619106999 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/03/19 12:40 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190661141073 Supplier Ref: 190661141073 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01976012 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 50439577512098769003 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/04/19 16:22 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190951523010 Supplier Ref: 190951523010 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02134592 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 57661985970052336471 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/04/19 13:44 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191161244262 Supplier Ref: 191161244262 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02246637 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 24991211784671376377 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/05/19 16:25 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191291526043 Supplier Ref: 191291526043 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02322911 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 50759729408608841289 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/05/19 14:32 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191451332581 Supplier Ref: 191451332581 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02395697 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 46354765851521631632 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/05/19 14:59 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191511359238 Supplier Ref: 191511359238 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02427803 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 71635102256164494170 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/07/19 12:54 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191841155017 Supplier Ref: 191841155017 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02594228 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 31489555861608050438 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/07/19 15:27 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156457961452 Supplier Ref: 156457961452 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02731482 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 41351468725502187358 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/08/19 14:29 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156716819842 Supplier Ref: 156716819842 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02882701 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 25162530940188621450 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/09/19 15:58 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192491458143 Supplier Ref: 192491458143 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02922027 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 55675715603075836659 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/10/19 14:30 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192761331206 Supplier Ref: 192761331206 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03068777 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 52196258883343393101 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/10/19 16:34 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193041535556 Supplier Ref: 193041535556 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03225108 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 26504983750443369308 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/11/19 15:33 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157512095373 Supplier Ref: 157512095373 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03425887 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 71939212620593651771 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/12/19 11:44 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157744002703 Supplier Ref: 157744002703 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03642573 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 46348461135343870544 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/01/20 10:39 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200280942412 Supplier Ref: 200280942412 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03903711 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 17977401811006671512 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/03/20 14:58 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158315388549 Supplier Ref: 158315388549 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04242436 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 08479211101230596891 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/03/20 14:41 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200851340584 Supplier Ref: 200851340584 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04420894 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 09762557879430975735 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/04/20 14:40 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200981340363 Supplier Ref: 200981340363 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04524918 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 60972230836392940703 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/04/20 15:38 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201151538132 Supplier Ref: 201151538132 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04644315 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 52316133055396249042 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/05/20 11:44 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201231144093 Supplier Ref: 201231144093 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04698514 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 31971872598279279474 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/06/20 13:34 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201561334104 Supplier Ref: 201561334104 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04916912 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 48727640213471725950 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/07/20 11:00 Meter/Type: 0101160347643 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201841101031 Supplier Ref: 201841101031 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05117211 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 27146051910573442507 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 93 Bottom of Form 5. Date Sold: 29/08/16 10:11 Meter/Type: 57100050095 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 624210110177 Supplier Ref: 624210110177 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00024573 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 53122665809986549833 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 26/09/16 09:14 Meter/Type: 57100050095 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/mmachen Token Ref: 627009150497 Supplier Ref: 627009150497 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00042042 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 65747711578133907039 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 11/01/17 11:55 Meter/Type: 57100050095 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 701111550368 Supplier Ref: 701111550368 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00118481 Total Value: N13,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 26078091961418069381 Debt: N8,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/05/17 11:05 Meter/Type: 57100050095 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/fuzomba Token Ref: 712511050213 Supplier Ref: 712511050213 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00242900 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 12990282826111097563 Debt: N8,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 18/09/18 15:32 Meter/Type: 57100050095 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 826115310000 Supplier Ref: 826115310000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01078426 Total Value: N22,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 22625022983328799030 Debt: N20,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/02/19 10:58 Meter/Type: 57100050095 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154944350724 Supplier Ref: 154944350724 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01762981 Total Value: N11,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 46522459250415625102 Debt: N10,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/01/20 17:45 Meter/Type: 57100050095 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157996730403 Supplier Ref: 157996730403 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03884662 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N2,059.00 - 49306470081502883454 Debt: N7,941.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/02/20 12:46 Meter/Type: 57100050095 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158115878867 Supplier Ref: 158115878867 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04013574 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 17827963370763910479 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/04/20 11:45 Meter/Type: 57100050095 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200941045413 Supplier Ref: 200941045413 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04497078 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 11150143188355845128 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/07/20 10:09 Meter/Type: 57100050095 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201961009116 Supplier Ref: 201961009116 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05197776 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 44073615904222059444 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 242020-07-27 apaaverem@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014836ClosedRequest2020-07-27DEBT DETAILS Assist with debt details, 0101170218024 Thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-27NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170218024 Start Date: 7/26/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $3,853.20 Outstanding Balance: $3,853.20 Running Balance: $3,853.20 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-27 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014835ClosedRequest2020-07-27: Debt balance Please Ict kindly assist me with this meter number 57100071950 original balance running balance and collection value thanks.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-27NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING BALANCE Reference Number: 57100071950 Start Date: 7/27/2016 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $273,857.00 Outstanding Balance: $0.00 Running Balance: $0.00 Note: none specified Status: Paid off Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: 5/16/2020 10:59:51 AM2020-07-27 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014834ClosedRequest2020-07-27: REQUEST FOR DEBT MIGIRATED (0101175077490) Dear support kindly supply us with the debt profile of this customer warm regardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-27NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 611580 Start Date: 12/31/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $16,251.18 Outstanding Balance: $2,251.18 Running Balance: $2,251.18 Note: Outstanding Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/1/2020 10:06:42 AM2020-07-27 tyoverpeter@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014833ClosedTamper Code2020-07-27URGENT REQUEST FOR CLEAR TAMPER TOKEN 0101170416065MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-27NoFind below as requested, 0101170416065 4987 9354 0035 6357 7724 Clear Tamper2020-07-27 mujtabaumar01@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014832ClosedTamper Code2020-07-27: Tamper Reissue 57100040328 Reminder!MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-27NoHello, Find below as requested, Re-issue 57100040328 4397 7215 3281 6371 7249 Clear Tamper2020-07-27 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014831ClosedRequest2020-07-27Dear sir, The above matter refers for the following accounts: 0101160408858 0101160053324 0101160187742 0101160011959 0101161069717 0101170135459 0101160010175 0101160018350 0101160055501 0101160014672 0101160055543 Regards.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-27NoHello, Find below 0101160408858 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101160408858 Start Date: 2/5/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $12,595.68 Outstanding Balance: $12,595.68 Running Balance: $12,595.68 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record 0101160053324 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101160053324 Start Date: 2/7/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $10,521.99 Outstanding Balance: $10,521.99 Running Balance: $10,521.99 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record 0101160187742 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 656010 Start Date: 2/7/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $10,047.80 Outstanding Balance: $0.00 Running Balance: $0.00 Note: none specified Status: Paid off Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/30/2020 11:26:21 AM 0101160011959 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101160011959 Start Date: 2/7/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $10,077.49 Outstanding Balance: $10,077.49 Running Balance: $10,077.49 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record 0101161069717 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101161069717 Start Date: 2/7/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $10,077.49 Outstanding Balance: $10,077.49 Running Balance: $10,077.49 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record 0101170135459 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 6127440720-01 Start Date: 8/28/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $1,565.03 Outstanding Balance: $1,565.03 Running Balance: $1,565.03 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Daily Amount Collection Value: $1,565.03 Latest Payment: not on record 0101160010175 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101160010175 Start Date: 2/7/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $10,077.49 Outstanding Balance: $0.00 Running Balance: $0.00 Note: none specified Status: Paid off Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/3/2020 9:44:31 AM 0101160018350 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101160018350 Start Date: 2/7/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $10,061.18 Outstanding Balance: $0.00 Running Balance: $0.00 Note: none specified Status: Paid off Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: 5/2/2020 5:16:27 PM 0101160055501 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101160055501 Start Date: 2/7/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $10,077.49 Outstanding Balance: $10,077.49 Running Balance: $10,077.49 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record 0101160014672 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101160014672 Start Date: 2/7/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $11,435.87 Outstanding Balance: $0.00 Running Balance: $0.00 Note: none specified Status: Paid off Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: 4/14/2020 8:57:55 AM 0101160055543 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 656004 Start Date: 2/7/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $10,077.49 Outstanding Balance: $0.00 Running Balance: $0.00 Note: none specified Status: Paid off Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/25/2020 9:45:32 AM2020-07-27 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014830ClosedVending History2020-07-27: 54161167678 Dear IT Support, Kindly generate the vending history for the above meter. Regards.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-27NoHello, Find below Date Sold: 25/03/20 17:03 Meter/Type: 54161167678 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200851603173 Supplier Ref: 200851603173 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04422642 Total Value: N7,500.00 Standard: N369.95 - 39470369720964869887 Debt: N7,130.05 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/03/20 10:42 Meter/Type: 54161167678 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 008609427763 Supplier Ref: 008609427763 Receipt: PagT13EMDB04426729 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 29670108989835467689 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/04/20 14:27 Meter/Type: 54161167678 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200981327060 Supplier Ref: 200981327060 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04524740 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 16039733588247569986 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/04/20 13:54 Meter/Type: 54161167678 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201161354122 Supplier Ref: 201161354122 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04655226 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 05770136794143327962 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/05/20 14:06 Meter/Type: 54161167678 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201371406220 Supplier Ref: 201371406220 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04789101 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 14279810428294769868 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/06/20 15:27 Meter/Type: 54161167678 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201571527082 Supplier Ref: 201571527082 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04926339 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 15589018824177920945 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/06/20 13:10 Meter/Type: 54161167678 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201671310141 Supplier Ref: 201671310141 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04986328 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 31762987756700302157 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/07/20 15:34 Meter/Type: 54161167678 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201871534264 Supplier Ref: 201871534264 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05140812 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 21180667120865124388 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/07/20 18:56 Meter/Type: 54161167678 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201921856263 Supplier Ref: 201921856263 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05177542 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 27383835485837530143 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/07/20 18:45 Meter/Type: 54161167678 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201991845327 Supplier Ref: 201991845327 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05222353 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 08089162412058259793 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 152020-07-27 ppmcapture@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014829ClosedRequest2020-07-27Dear sir, Please the above subject refers for 0101170272369. Regards.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-27NoHello, Find below Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170272369 Start Date: 3/23/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $194,861.62 Outstanding Balance: $179,861.62 Running Balance: $179,861.62 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/6/2020 3:35:01 PM2020-07-27 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014828ClosedRequest2020-07-27: DEBT STATUS 0101170168203 Abubakar Sadiq Gabdo CCRM REPS. Gombe Trading ZoneMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-27NoHello, Find below Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170168203 Start Date: 7/24/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $26,487.55 Outstanding Balance: $24,487.55 Running Balance: $24,487.55 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/27/2020 2:05:01 PM2020-07-27 ashanafagain@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014827ClosedRequest2020-07-27: Request Please send the total outstanding debt and vending history of these customers : 0101160351959 and 0101170429464Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-27NoHello, Find below, Meter Serial Number: 0101160351959 Contract Account Number: 6312630510/01 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING BALANCE Reference Number: 0101160351959 Start Date: 3/1/2018 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $141,585.89 Outstanding Balance: $57,212.50 Running Balance: $57,212.50 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,500.00 Latest Payment: 6/13/2020 10:39:04 AM VH Date Sold: 01/03/18 10:54 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000639707430 Supplier Ref: 000639707430 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00645759 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N5,500.00 - 33263607489492464236 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 28/03/18 13:49 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000643606932 Supplier Ref: 000643606932 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00687499 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 23264799181921256782 Date Sold: 24/04/18 10:11 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000647473225 Supplier Ref: 000647473225 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00730167 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N3,500.00 - 13655506827269849405 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/05/18 16:00 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 767840288118004 Supplier Ref: 767840288118004 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00800686 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 64966258651024065100 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/06/18 16:40 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 816415401686 Supplier Ref: 816415401686 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00831668 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 70546640655843620515 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/07/18 15:20 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000658592232 Supplier Ref: 000658592232 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00891084 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 08774415491791442615 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/07/18 14:29 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000659739120 Supplier Ref: 000659739120 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00908809 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 04807055389972119350 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/07/18 16:30 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 820815300080 Supplier Ref: 820815300080 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00930093 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 40855401683279936283 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/07/18 13:37 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000661461940 Supplier Ref: 000661461940 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00935293 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N3,500.00 - 63307598599670683210 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/09/18 14:16 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000669248096 Supplier Ref: 000669248096 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01091050 Total Value: N6,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 52260670823534057981 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/10/18 14:28 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000670977267 Supplier Ref: 000670977267 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01127920 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 36535605167902498441 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/10/18 15:16 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000672854075 Supplier Ref: 000672854075 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01172637 Total Value: N1,400.00 Standard: N1,400.00 - 38019043219453572660 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/10/18 16:16 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000673867692 Supplier Ref: 000673867692 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01196635 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 69374099451198848240 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/10/18 09:02 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183040902343 Supplier Ref: 183040902343 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01218797 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 49224083154023821962 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/11/18 16:17 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183201617356 Supplier Ref: 183201617356 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01278764 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 51525283116163434538 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/11/18 14:32 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183301433014 Supplier Ref: 183301433014 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01309716 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 01734073069367233933 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/11/18 14:11 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183341411254 Supplier Ref: 183341411254 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01326557 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 31208275209073819220 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/12/18 17:22 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183471622176 Supplier Ref: 183471622176 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01384872 Total Value: N4,100.00 Standard: N1,600.00 - 16314584240959605736 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/12/18 17:08 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154566409157 Supplier Ref: 154566409157 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01454344 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 23287894895673691387 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/12/18 15:51 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154626430161 Supplier Ref: 154626430161 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01495911 Total Value: N1,775.00 Standard: N1,775.00 - 67178553745286002237 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/01/19 12:44 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190281145015 Supplier Ref: 190281145015 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01681530 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 25267876073765335134 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/01/19 15:49 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154894254916 Supplier Ref: 154894254916 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01714853 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 63397631574001496794 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/02/19 11:04 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190461004448 Supplier Ref: 190461004448 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01830784 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 22748743688783408280 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/02/19 16:04 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190581505157 Supplier Ref: 190581505157 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01917949 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 61121911631527308464 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/03/19 16:49 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 474432977666844 Supplier Ref: 474432977666844 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01986697 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 34846507013985379649 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/03/19 16:34 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190701535071 Supplier Ref: 190701535071 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01999077 Total Value: N1,600.00 Standard: N1,600.00 - 66730451809635845688 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/03/19 16:07 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155326362851 Supplier Ref: 155326362851 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02054946 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 62511152219819289863 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/03/19 17:49 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155387459382 Supplier Ref: 155387459382 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02091581 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 17524145668088282708 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/04/19 14:03 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190931303562 Supplier Ref: 190931303562 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02119876 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 27526261957726772015 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/04/19 15:35 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191001435132 Supplier Ref: 191001435132 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02161051 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 08567652465525567224 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/04/19 11:14 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191071014176 Supplier Ref: 191071014176 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02195558 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 63781159477994456098 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/04/19 12:24 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191101124207 Supplier Ref: 191101124207 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02213747 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 04492524313890830094 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/04/19 14:56 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 301914992315723 Supplier Ref: 301914992315723 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02253455 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 61172744082403538983 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/04/19 12:09 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155661896930 Supplier Ref: 155661896930 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02268437 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 43083415213776362142 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/05/19 14:38 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191271338414 Supplier Ref: 191271338414 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02312570 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N500.00 - 46509054225359098461 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/05/19 17:28 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191341628093 Supplier Ref: 191341628093 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02341994 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 38697263070118870617 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/05/19 16:22 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 479153526245412 Supplier Ref: 479153526245412 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02385774 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 54939909152561089792 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/05/19 16:32 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155905396506 Supplier Ref: 155905396506 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02411273 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 31263703429629415734 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/05/19 17:32 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155923034928 Supplier Ref: 155923034928 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02422263 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 34002904353622000746 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/06/19 11:19 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191591019502 Supplier Ref: 191591019502 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02472262 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 35583688217557459836 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/06/19 16:17 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 202758561968444 Supplier Ref: 202758561968444 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02499761 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 63030593816364419461 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/06/19 12:25 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 189914809909978 Supplier Ref: 189914809909978 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02541532 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 15875126771959162037 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/06/19 13:56 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191781256241 Supplier Ref: 191781256241 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02564960 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 55383119478637128676 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/07/19 16:10 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156207663294 Supplier Ref: 156207663294 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02590392 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 36391723106343940215 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/07/19 16:28 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156276886629 Supplier Ref: 156276886629 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02629427 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 12639519655578071530 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/07/19 13:23 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 263149414166772 Supplier Ref: 263149414166772 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02676116 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 05862241868080968524 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/07/19 15:29 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156414773994 Supplier Ref: 156414773994 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02705012 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 64490088467308213528 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/07/19 16:42 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 294792982063393 Supplier Ref: 294792982063393 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02725741 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 60507037138891853103 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/08/19 14:23 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156535339711 Supplier Ref: 156535339711 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02779227 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 49336910326146539807 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/08/19 14:37 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156595906447 Supplier Ref: 156595906447 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02814141 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 19607655463582459421 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/08/19 19:37 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156710023100 Supplier Ref: 156710023100 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02878550 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 31543003113220146772 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/09/19 16:28 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156829852958 Supplier Ref: 156829852958 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02954126 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 08604201740586561006 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/09/19 15:49 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156924660588 Supplier Ref: 156924660588 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03010690 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 46339291388752854561 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/09/19 14:05 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156967237499 Supplier Ref: 156967237499 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03039516 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 61791541129870585266 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/10/19 16:33 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 164372425039501 Supplier Ref: 164372425039501 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03210375 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 71232219452420987852 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/11/19 16:23 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157322308271 Supplier Ref: 157322308271 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03278139 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 67689935526987655485 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/11/19 13:28 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157416302030 Supplier Ref: 157416302030 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03337046 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 07068787189298405572 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/11/19 09:57 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193300859292 Supplier Ref: 193300859292 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03385206 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 09645478573097180788 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/12/19 14:17 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193401319292 Supplier Ref: 193401319292 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03480004 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N500.00 - 73446913748170018907 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/12/19 10:50 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193470952411 Supplier Ref: 193470952411 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03523495 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 04510382976321780355 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/12/19 10:51 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 706829128509447 Supplier Ref: 706829128509447 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03641506 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 39815523780145992322 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/01/20 13:05 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157839527913 Supplier Ref: 157839527913 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03729163 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 71298795039922781630 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/01/20 15:00 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157935264960 Supplier Ref: 157935264960 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03823252 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 55951596661933474818 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/01/20 15:56 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157987436310 Supplier Ref: 157987436310 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03874863 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 73373434480765730770 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/01/20 13:52 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158012614280 Supplier Ref: 158012614280 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03895225 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 39964581213874338594 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/02/20 15:51 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200421451351 Supplier Ref: 200421451351 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04041118 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 15666732019291631413 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/02/20 16:26 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158229519989 Supplier Ref: 158229519989 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04134624 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 47860789793398798244 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/02/20 13:54 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158289087707 Supplier Ref: 158289087707 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04205446 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 53236368884295701571 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/03/20 15:07 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200741407086 Supplier Ref: 200741407086 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04351046 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 59243428566476716581 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/03/20 11:33 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200831033336 Supplier Ref: 200831033336 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04402266 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 01926342806446126457 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/03/20 15:47 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200861447445 Supplier Ref: 200861447445 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04430357 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 19819918506394851647 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/04/20 16:12 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200991512206 Supplier Ref: 200991512206 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04533553 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 65031593636695617728 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/04/20 15:20 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201061420508 Supplier Ref: 201061420508 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04574432 Total Value: N1,200.00 Standard: N1,200.00 - 52565039312230590649 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/04/20 11:01 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201091101560 Supplier Ref: 201091101560 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04596929 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 64517470669440396783 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/04/20 13:05 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201161305358 Supplier Ref: 201161305358 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04654072 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 39884376325717248504 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/04/20 10:01 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201211001188 Supplier Ref: 201211001188 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04685653 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 54871291954457447703 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/05/20 10:58 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201231057587 Supplier Ref: 201231057587 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04698023 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N500.00 - 23716906989714260688 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/05/20 10:39 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201291039483 Supplier Ref: 201291039483 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04732409 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 60413053237589815218 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/05/20 11:50 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201361150585 Supplier Ref: 201361150585 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04778005 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 20995101171733414462 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/05/20 10:24 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201411024586 Supplier Ref: 201411024586 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04809052 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 18140488986880893522 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/05/20 12:30 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201441230265 Supplier Ref: 201441230265 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04833459 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 69660997001395520043 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/05/20 12:29 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201491229432 Supplier Ref: 201491229432 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04865134 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 01523923093080914711 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/06/20 10:39 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201651039111 Supplier Ref: 201651039111 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04973704 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 05968798687585437306 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/06/20 12:55 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201701255168 Supplier Ref: 201701255168 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05008399 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 20450414951451487153 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/06/20 14:08 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201761408377 Supplier Ref: 201761408377 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05051367 Total Value: N800.00 Standard: N800.00 - 34128098159455814089 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/06/20 15:46 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201811546148 Supplier Ref: 201811546148 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05090070 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 38020256037628808610 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/06/20 16:22 Meter/Type: 0101160351959 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201811622500 Supplier Ref: 201811622500 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05090666 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 45075176566905605117 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 133 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 514274 Start Date: 3/24/2019 Category: Refunds Original Balance: $145,942.68 Outstanding Balance: $145,942.68 Running Balance: $145,942.68 Note: Outstanding migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record VH No token sales found.2020-07-27 mahmudwaziri@hotmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014826Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014825Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014824Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014823Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014822ClosedRequest2020-07-27Debt Profile Hello Kindly assist with debt profile of the msn below 0101190011037 0101190011086 0101160057572 0101190013736 -- Regards,Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-27NoHello, Find below, 0101190011037 This customer does not have any Debt accounts associated. 0101190011086 This customer does not have any Debt accounts associated. 0101160057572 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101160057572 Start Date: 1/21/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $28,234.66 Outstanding Balance: $16,234.66 Running Balance: $16,234.66 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/5/2020 4:21:39 PM 0101190013736 This customer does not have any Debt accounts associated.2020-07-27 phartiemah12@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014821Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014820ClosedFailed Transaction2020-07-27: FAILED E TRANSACTION Please kindly assist with the below failed e transaction request. Meter Number : 0101190015707 Bank Name used : GT Bank Account Number : 0041995946 Date of Transaction : 26/07/2020 Amount Vending : 2000 Customer Phone Number : 08036857753 Transaction Description : GT mobile AppMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-27NoHello, The transaction failed the customer should contact the bank for refund.2020-07-27 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014819ClosedKCT Request2020-07-27Request for kct in respect of this account 54161120578 Good morningMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-27NoHello, Find below, 54161120578 4951 8044 7772 0022 3810 1654 6160 4956 0819 42472020-07-27 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014818Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014817ClosedRequest2020-07-27Debt profile Hello Kindly assist with debt profile of the meter serial numbers below 54161004145 0101160015786 57300009321 54161028482 54161008005 -- Regards,Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-27NoHello, Find below, 54161004145 Meter Serial Number: 54161004145 Contract Account Number: 531597 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 54161004145 Start Date: 2/6/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $171,231.12 Outstanding Balance: $162,231.12 Running Balance: $162,231.12 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,000.00 Latest Payment: 4/20/2020 8:49:48 AM 0101160015786 Meter Serial Number: 0101160015786 Contract Account Number: 6123653721-01 Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 6123653721-01 Start Date: 3/27/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $30,700.91 Outstanding Balance: $12,700.91 Running Balance: $12,700.91 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/24/2020 2:14:31 PM 57300009321 Meter Serial Number: 57300009321 Contract Account Number: 476964 Debt Details This customer does not have any Debt accounts associated. 54161028482 Meter Serial Number: 54161028482 Contract Account Number: 581165 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 581165 Start Date: 3/15/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $31,922.80 Outstanding Balance: $16,922.80 Running Balance: $16,922.80 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/24/2020 10:01:53 AM 54161008005 Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 504295 Start Date: 1/22/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $126,627.74 Outstanding Balance: $126,627.74 Running Balance: $126,627.74 Note: Outstanding Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $4,477.20 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-27 phartiemah12@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014816ClosedRequest2020-07-27REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE AND COLLECTION VALUE 0101170291328Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-27NoHello, Find below, Meter Serial Number: 0101170291328 Account Number: 587074 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 587074 Start Date: 8/16/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $30,533.90 Outstanding Balance: $6,533.90 Running Balance: $6,533.90 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/27/2020 12:06:06 PM2020-07-27 longpuan@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014815ClosedRequest2020-07-27: Request for vending history opening balance and outstanding debt balance Kindly update me with the debt profile vending history opening balance and outstanding debt balance of the following meter 04172825962. thanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-27NoHello, Find below, Debt Details This customer does not have any Debt accounts associated. Date Sold: 06/08/16 11:16 Meter/Type: 04172825962 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 621911290172 Supplier Ref: 621911290172 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00012585 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 61464765060800228203 Date Sold: 10/09/16 12:58 Meter/Type: 04172825962 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 625412580249 Supplier Ref: 625412580249 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00033954 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 23093852290532723765 Date Sold: 28/10/16 14:19 Meter/Type: 04172825962 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 630214190245 Supplier Ref: 630214190245 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00064361 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 36670589627511431076 Date Sold: 10/12/16 09:54 Meter/Type: 04172825962 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 634509540071 Supplier Ref: 634509540071 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00093119 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 55563221093369334667 Date Sold: 27/01/17 13:30 Meter/Type: 04172825962 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 702713300235 Supplier Ref: 702713300235 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00128341 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 39810932776313627249 Date Sold: 06/03/17 12:29 Meter/Type: 04172825962 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 706512290408 Supplier Ref: 706512290408 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00165805 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 57924080769007737200 Date Sold: 05/12/17 13:57 Meter/Type: 04172825962 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 324939551118869 Supplier Ref: 324939551118869 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00526602 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 20864800833492693937 Date Sold: 08/12/17 11:56 Meter/Type: 04172825962 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000627761742 Supplier Ref: 000627761742 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00531258 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 68572495974735518465 Date Sold: 08/01/18 16:19 Meter/Type: 04172825962 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000632251932 Supplier Ref: 000632251932 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00573410 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 09510145498897098097 Date Sold: 07/02/18 10:59 Meter/Type: 04172825962 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000636539936 Supplier Ref: 000636539936 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00613355 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 32418046009515753672 Date Sold: 08/03/18 13:43 Meter/Type: 04172825962 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 806713431395 Supplier Ref: 806713431395 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00658255 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 60853701504459727654 Date Sold: 18/04/18 19:30 Meter/Type: 04172825962 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000646665124 Supplier Ref: 000646665124 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00722703 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 03343077934519588975 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/02/19 19:21 Meter/Type: 04172825962 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154912810496 Supplier Ref: 154912810496 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01736540 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 48771002214012602242 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/03/19 11:27 Meter/Type: 04172825962 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190631028003 Supplier Ref: 190631028003 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01950558 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 38953700119996711809 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/08/19 13:14 Meter/Type: 04172825962 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192171214224 Supplier Ref: 192171214224 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02757530 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 27852293678966979145 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/09/19 13:34 Meter/Type: 04172825962 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192521234283 Supplier Ref: 192521234283 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02934863 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 68945963699035148037 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/10/19 11:30 Meter/Type: 04172825962 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193031032182 Supplier Ref: 193031032182 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03214821 Total Value: N10.00 Standard: N10.00 - 05771544577061864294 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/10/19 17:55 Meter/Type: 04172825962 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193041656291 Supplier Ref: 193041656291 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03226080 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 62872255360830466121 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/12/19 13:26 Meter/Type: 04172825962 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193381228546 Supplier Ref: 193381228546 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03462472 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 26755837028739584366 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/01/20 17:37 Meter/Type: 04172825962 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 875758874745384 Supplier Ref: 875758874745384 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03759367 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 21124820663472982127 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/01/20 09:36 Meter/Type: 04172825962 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 245637072963866 Supplier Ref: 245637072963866 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03787172 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 38612145390553081442 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/02/20 16:17 Meter/Type: 04172825962 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200341517088 Supplier Ref: 200341517088 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03966093 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 62904492624615456373 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/03/20 19:16 Meter/Type: 04172825962 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 200304186260 Supplier Ref: 200304186260 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB04274428 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 64445394824976174645 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 262020-07-27 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014814ClosedRequest2020-07-27: REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE AND COLLECTION VALUE 54161013518Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-27NoHello, Find below, Meter Serial Number: 54161013518 Contract Account Number: 504867 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 54161013518 Start Date: 2/1/2018 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $147,934.79 Outstanding Balance: $35,774.20 Running Balance: $35,774.20 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/11/2020 6:04:05 PM2020-07-27 longpuan@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014813ClosedKCT Request2020-07-27: REQUEST FOR KCT Dear IT Support, Kindly generate the KCT for the meter number 0101170151290 regardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-27NoHello, Find below, 0101170151290 6032 6979 8844 7622 9192 2475 7497 6643 9828 47762020-07-27 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014812ClosedVending History2020-07-27REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY 0101170291328Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-27NoHello, Find below, Date Sold: 21/06/18 11:49 Meter/Type: 0101170291328 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 583699492562954 Supplier Ref: 583699492562954 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00845805 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 48553504467823978996 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/08/18 12:53 Meter/Type: 0101170291328 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182361153306 Supplier Ref: 182361153306 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01003594 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 18665850939703405490 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/11/18 08:24 Meter/Type: 0101170291328 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000677564582 Supplier Ref: 000677564582 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01284053 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 23677748418875401285 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/01/19 16:10 Meter/Type: 0101170291328 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 168051679987577 Supplier Ref: 168051679987577 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01715226 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 20246926546773102720 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/04/19 12:36 Meter/Type: 0101170291328 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190429113426 Supplier Ref: 190429113426 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02260974 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 59323594008579227885 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/07/19 19:10 Meter/Type: 0101170291328 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190728180917 Supplier Ref: 190728180917 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02714018 Total Value: N1,800.00 Standard: N1,800.00 - 69294714041763439672 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/10/19 17:50 Meter/Type: 0101170291328 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157124111687 Supplier Ref: 157124111687 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03139400 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 02942769206699562068 Debt: N6,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/01/20 12:30 Meter/Type: 0101170291328 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200101133338 Supplier Ref: 200101133338 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03755809 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 02979615928189788124 Debt: N6,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/04/20 15:43 Meter/Type: 0101170291328 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201181543182 Supplier Ref: 201181543182 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04671413 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 50063836844919221128 Debt: N6,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/06/20 14:37 Meter/Type: 0101170291328 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201561437190 Supplier Ref: 201561437190 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04917635 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 39453615070248926184 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/07/20 12:06 Meter/Type: 0101170291328 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202091206107 Supplier Ref: 202091206107 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05301299 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 13546353712311679473 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 182020-07-27 longpuan@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014811ClosedRequest2020-07-27: REQUST FOR ACCOUNT NUMBER Dear sir, Please the above subject refers for 0101185054141 as the got burnt, we need to reactivate and billed the customer. Thank you.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-27NoHello, Find below, Customer Details Name: SAFIYA Surname: ABUBAKAR Meter Serial Number: 0101185054141 Account Number: 6585057800-012020-07-27 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014810ClosedVending History2020-07-27vending historyMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-27NoHello, Date Sold: 24/10/18 11:07 Meter/Type: 0101161018458 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 829711070000 Supplier Ref: 829711070000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01195101 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 22241575911078608048 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/11/18 16:18 Meter/Type: 0101161018458 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183061618376 Supplier Ref: 183061618376 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01230401 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 68370921664612506848 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/11/18 16:11 Meter/Type: 0101161018458 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 831616110000 Supplier Ref: 831616110000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01264287 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 01440114714450223767 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/11/18 10:40 Meter/Type: 0101161018458 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000677722173 Supplier Ref: 000677722173 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01289337 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 02042401342944880789 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/12/18 14:39 Meter/Type: 0101161018458 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183401339313 Supplier Ref: 183401339313 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01349751 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 19358101747398729349 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/01/19 10:07 Meter/Type: 0101161018458 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154745324426 Supplier Ref: 154745324426 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01573823 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 09844107926181865068 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/01/19 10:08 Meter/Type: 0101161018458 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190260908193 Supplier Ref: 190260908193 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01667437 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 72585313169214528376 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/08/19 15:49 Meter/Type: 0101161018458 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192211449277 Supplier Ref: 192211449277 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02779856 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 72047894075572013170 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 122020-07-27 aaaui18@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014809ClosedRequest2020-07-27Debt balance Please Ict kindly assist me with this meter number 0101170303420 original balance running balance and collection value thanks.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-27NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 539135 Start Date: 6/3/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $33,363.05 Outstanding Balance: $29,363.05 Running Balance: $29,363.05 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/2/2020 10:11:55 AM2020-07-27 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014808Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014807Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014806ClosedRequest2020-07-27DEBT DETAILS Assist with debt details, 0101170122606 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-27NoGood morning, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 573647 Start Date: 8/26/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $39,405.33 Outstanding Balance: $17,405.33 Running Balance: $17,405.33 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/27/2020 7:34:44 PM2020-07-27 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014805Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014804ClosedRequest2020-07-27REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE AND COLLECTION VALUE 0101170147868Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-27NoHello, Find below, Meter Serial Number: 0101170147868 Contract Account Number: 528595 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170147868 Start Date: 11/28/2018 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $34,974.82 Outstanding Balance: $18,974.82 Running Balance: $18,974.82 Note: Outstanding migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $1,000.00 Latest Payment: 2/6/2020 3:47:16 PM2020-07-27 longpuan@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014803ClosedRequest2020-07-27request for debt profileMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-27NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 437764 Start Date: 6/21/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $148,174.39 Outstanding Balance: $115,674.39 Running Balance: $115,674.39 Note: Outstanding migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,500.00 Latest Payment: 6/23/2020 2:39:27 PM Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 437763 Start Date: 6/21/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $148,174.39 Outstanding Balance: $115,674.39 Running Balance: $115,674.39 Note: Outstanding migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,500.00 Latest Payment: 6/18/2020 10:49:48 AM2020-07-27 phartiemah12@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014802ClosedKCT Request2020-07-27Good Morning Sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the following MSN 04234007070. Best Regards.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-27NoGood morning, Find below, 3812 8036 2864 2643 5319 Key Change Token 04234007070 1432 0601 8122 4987 6128 Key Change Token2020-07-27 glawal1184@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014801ClosedRequest2020-07-27: Request Please kindly send the original, outstanding debt and vending history of these customers : 54160913890, 54160912116 and 0101160353773 ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-27NoGood morning, Find below, 54160913890 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING BALANCE Reference Number: 54160913890 Start Date: 3/25/2017 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $47,690.78 Outstanding Balance: $2,689.78 Running Balance: $2,689.78 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/6/2019 11:06:19 AM 54160912116 This customer does not have any Debt accounts associated 0101160353773 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING BALANCE Reference Number: 6342050548-01 Start Date: 4/1/2018 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $3,952.98 Outstanding Balance: $0.00 Running Balance: $0.00 Note: none specified Status: Paid off Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 5/18/2018 12:39:11 PM2020-07-27 mahmudwaziri@hotmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014800ClosedRequest2020-07-27: DEBT DETAILS Assist with debt detail 0101160047219 ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-27NoGood morning, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101160047219 Start Date: 2/19/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $31,731.49 Outstanding Balance: $18,731.49 Running Balance: $18,731.49 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $1,000.00 Latest Payment: 2/18/2020 1:00:49 PM2020-07-27 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014799ClosedVending History2020-07-27REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY (54160924616) Dear support kindly supply us with the vending history of this customer warm regardsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-27NoGood morning, Find below, Date Sold: 26/07/18 16:00 Meter/Type: 54160924616 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 319734257852674 Supplier Ref: 319734257852674 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00927312 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 60562320401039957466 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/08/18 10:52 Meter/Type: 54160924616 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 421568837910100 Supplier Ref: 421568837910100 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00974964 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 07214298174717997768 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/09/18 11:46 Meter/Type: 54160924616 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 621193566770666 Supplier Ref: 621193566770666 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01110410 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 70570045295242100784 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/10/18 10:49 Meter/Type: 54160924616 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 769017896943494 Supplier Ref: 769017896943494 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01114600 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 56267591115483710534 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/11/18 08:40 Meter/Type: 54160924616 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183130840403 Supplier Ref: 183130840403 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01253198 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 58625965547594335944 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/11/18 11:24 Meter/Type: 54160924616 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 832811230000 Supplier Ref: 832811230000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01303976 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 11689583881899661050 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/12/18 09:39 Meter/Type: 54160924616 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183450839112 Supplier Ref: 183450839112 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01369730 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 46898227421430792267 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/01/19 14:23 Meter/Type: 54160924616 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154781420807 Supplier Ref: 154781420807 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01611728 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 26286398969915653146 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/03/19 14:16 Meter/Type: 54160924616 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155196100811 Supplier Ref: 155196100811 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01976932 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 55754571991300460385 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/04/19 16:26 Meter/Type: 54160924616 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 212064819874487 Supplier Ref: 212064819874487 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02235282 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 50076170292842254015 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/05/19 10:38 Meter/Type: 54160924616 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191430938516 Supplier Ref: 191430938516 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02383476 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 26439669834341866771 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/06/19 13:02 Meter/Type: 54160924616 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191761202326 Supplier Ref: 191761202326 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02555144 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 25421321356674287628 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/07/19 09:34 Meter/Type: 54160924616 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 334674560609964 Supplier Ref: 334674560609964 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02686595 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 15237756375562344962 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/08/19 15:03 Meter/Type: 54160924616 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156483738305 Supplier Ref: 156483738305 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02750214 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 06436551516104749441 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/08/19 15:12 Meter/Type: 54160924616 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192311412370 Supplier Ref: 192311412370 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02828084 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 56502554698449507718 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/09/19 11:18 Meter/Type: 54160924616 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 343919147008785 Supplier Ref: 343919147008785 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02946192 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 66315755133015396802 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/10/19 10:17 Meter/Type: 54160924616 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192780918426 Supplier Ref: 192780918426 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03078811 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 42964965126208537007 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/10/19 10:22 Meter/Type: 54160924616 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 929409230000 Supplier Ref: 929409230000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03160217 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 69615715840785818386 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/11/19 09:59 Meter/Type: 54160924616 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157389125131 Supplier Ref: 157389125131 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03319827 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 02925719261312542154 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/11/19 09:43 Meter/Type: 54160924616 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193240845328 Supplier Ref: 193240845328 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03341262 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 01910692401923294497 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/12/19 17:51 Meter/Type: 54160924616 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157590684812 Supplier Ref: 157590684812 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03503856 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 11202674021791602962 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/12/19 16:41 Meter/Type: 54160924616 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157780343461 Supplier Ref: 157780343461 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03682492 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 37831039181132722993 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/01/20 14:35 Meter/Type: 54160924616 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200171338314 Supplier Ref: 200171338314 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03815193 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 34417438881777635054 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/01/20 15:23 Meter/Type: 54160924616 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157995879601 Supplier Ref: 157995879601 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03883311 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 11660964562188138228 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/02/20 13:59 Meter/Type: 54160924616 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200441259034 Supplier Ref: 200441259034 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04058710 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 60235035951664080097 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/04/20 11:02 Meter/Type: 54160924616 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200941002373 Supplier Ref: 200941002373 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04496514 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 37745634612821038360 Debt: N6,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/04/20 11:51 Meter/Type: 54160924616 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201021051022 Supplier Ref: 201021051022 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04553710 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 61262610195092588107 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/04/20 13:23 Meter/Type: 54160924616 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201081323345 Supplier Ref: 201081323345 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04589691 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 55447339826300210205 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 502020-07-27 tyoverpeter@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014798ClosedVending History2020-07-27: Please kindly send me the vh following the meter number 54161013567 HelloMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-27NoGood morning, Find below, Date Sold: 13/02/18 16:10 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 804416100000 Supplier Ref: 804416100000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00622852 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 63195445460359370433 Date Sold: 24/02/18 15:10 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 805515101388 Supplier Ref: 805515101388 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00638416 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 35282431129874714450 Date Sold: 09/03/18 15:04 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 806815040000 Supplier Ref: 806815040000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00660175 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 49549067065342588073 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 14/03/18 16:02 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 807316020000 Supplier Ref: 807316020000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00668113 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 10755578371652538100 Date Sold: 27/03/18 13:51 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 808612500000 Supplier Ref: 808612500000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00685727 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 27992127975489634590 Date Sold: 11/04/18 12:11 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 810111111221 Supplier Ref: 810111111221 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00710693 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 60714133500909769435 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 03/05/18 12:30 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000648783184 Supplier Ref: 000648783184 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00748216 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 66056411847313871919 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/05/18 11:57 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 813710570000 Supplier Ref: 813710570000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00774148 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 11640783471283013014 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/06/18 12:42 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000653104323 Supplier Ref: 000653104323 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00808277 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 63318302135962283986 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/06/18 13:26 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000656420883 Supplier Ref: 000656420883 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00853550 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 05250524707403772260 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/07/18 13:03 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 181931203442 Supplier Ref: 181931203442 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00895270 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 14081112841039608955 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/07/18 12:01 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000660732326 Supplier Ref: 000660732326 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00923649 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 28830822093104534652 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/08/18 13:36 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000662613875 Supplier Ref: 000662613875 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00958461 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 41758923754896064003 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/08/18 14:34 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182371334377 Supplier Ref: 182371334377 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01007460 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 33021216343033088256 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/09/18 13:17 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 825312160000 Supplier Ref: 825312160000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01052874 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 59070942097850627413 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/09/18 15:38 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000668968136 Supplier Ref: 000668968136 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01084942 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 05823630677885691624 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/09/18 14:41 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182721441458 Supplier Ref: 182721441458 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01111326 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 04815390851985784596 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/10/18 12:23 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000670964784 Supplier Ref: 000670964784 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01127091 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 71609448552398878036 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/10/18 13:20 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182981320447 Supplier Ref: 182981320447 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01199145 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 24503459857660493551 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/11/18 09:26 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183090926231 Supplier Ref: 183090926231 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01237242 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 69393322251661890228 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/11/18 09:29 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183300929173 Supplier Ref: 183300929173 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01307730 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 65619955975820469655 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/12/18 11:46 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000680602822 Supplier Ref: 000680602822 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01364033 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 01776591120736546914 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/12/18 11:36 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154521218413 Supplier Ref: 154521218413 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01413934 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 65483638055565209794 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/01/19 16:51 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154765027754 Supplier Ref: 154765027754 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01596935 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 21947149717114039350 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/01/19 13:28 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154841569603 Supplier Ref: 154841569603 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01661805 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 56748268103482826674 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/02/19 10:51 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154970228809 Supplier Ref: 154970228809 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01786611 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 64387933178539812803 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/02/19 21:46 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190532047034 Supplier Ref: 190532047034 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01888247 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 17368479583140055726 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/03/19 13:51 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190671251130 Supplier Ref: 190671251130 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01984406 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 23336043375291239900 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/03/19 21:48 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190882048362 Supplier Ref: 190882048362 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02092695 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 48947095393246047714 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/04/19 09:37 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191100837333 Supplier Ref: 191100837333 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02212211 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 27532087071547156156 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/04/19 18:34 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191171734516 Supplier Ref: 191171734516 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02254307 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 52300344278296489748 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/05/19 21:05 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191252005416 Supplier Ref: 191252005416 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02300147 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 71666671432967768793 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/05/19 21:17 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191372017575 Supplier Ref: 191372017575 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02358218 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 58403759360136801719 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/05/19 21:25 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191452025435 Supplier Ref: 191452025435 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02397911 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 24107913283206370556 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/06/19 18:05 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191531706013 Supplier Ref: 191531706013 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02439371 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 26373638464373015279 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/06/19 21:38 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191592038593 Supplier Ref: 191592038593 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02476369 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 57987994050735125851 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/06/19 21:10 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191652010170 Supplier Ref: 191652010170 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02506920 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 61985106548488557728 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/06/19 22:14 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191722114066 Supplier Ref: 191722114066 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02540077 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 41872468941414004413 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/07/19 09:58 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191930858223 Supplier Ref: 191930858223 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02636785 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 42419394880282654309 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/07/19 20:44 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192001944263 Supplier Ref: 192001944263 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02673475 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 67054173920785305962 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/07/19 21:02 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192082002065 Supplier Ref: 192082002065 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02712390 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 41350747532803135082 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/08/19 13:48 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192171248556 Supplier Ref: 192171248556 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02757849 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 43347389270221885278 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/08/19 13:51 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192171251254 Supplier Ref: 192171251254 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02757879 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 36148976911675788225 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/08/19 09:00 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192270800493 Supplier Ref: 192270800493 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02806285 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 25066108398861685081 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/08/19 15:41 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192401441167 Supplier Ref: 192401441167 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02871387 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 44010870517687259586 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/08/19 20:34 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192401934321 Supplier Ref: 192401934321 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02873526 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 65705917599356447483 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/09/19 10:12 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192520912498 Supplier Ref: 192520912498 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02932950 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 01325844059574729528 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/09/19 09:01 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192630801476 Supplier Ref: 192630801476 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02993254 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 68707193155846981055 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/09/19 20:16 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192711916488 Supplier Ref: 192711916488 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03041859 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 61449744277030910437 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/10/19 20:31 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157030035339 Supplier Ref: 157030035339 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03082873 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 13854850730373220984 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/10/19 13:12 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192871213383 Supplier Ref: 192871213383 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03125098 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 14944765224718321159 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/10/19 19:35 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157150657773 Supplier Ref: 157150657773 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03156321 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 70609745078149266817 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/10/19 22:10 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193022111387 Supplier Ref: 193022111387 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03212879 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 31658501371841126312 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/11/19 13:57 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193121259055 Supplier Ref: 193121259055 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03276966 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 18218124776060569629 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/11/19 22:10 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193202112257 Supplier Ref: 193202112257 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03324670 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 45737167038631887778 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/11/19 22:38 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193272140547 Supplier Ref: 193272140547 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03369488 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 07805762799863990038 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/12/19 21:06 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193422009131 Supplier Ref: 193422009131 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03495794 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 04978234151575360563 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/12/19 10:45 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193520947498 Supplier Ref: 193520947498 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03559835 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 29971849845480789357 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/12/19 14:07 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193521309550 Supplier Ref: 193521309550 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03562395 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 01252534172183565943 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/12/19 17:24 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157763321053 Supplier Ref: 157763321053 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03660598 Total Value: N800.00 Standard: N800.00 - 29718466057310829421 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/01/20 18:07 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200031710317 Supplier Ref: 200031710317 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03702322 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 50293721231819374104 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/01/20 21:31 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157885768787 Supplier Ref: 157885768787 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03775047 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 62160794173182091244 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/01/20 16:43 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200161547038 Supplier Ref: 200161547038 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03809787 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 45625365741958161758 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/01/20 22:13 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158015620336 Supplier Ref: 158015620336 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03901750 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 36787354140090675610 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/02/20 15:43 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200361443264 Supplier Ref: 200361443264 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03986596 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 56797302719050701204 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/02/20 10:15 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158149531700 Supplier Ref: 158149531700 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04046442 Total Value: N950.00 Standard: N950.00 - 41103835704092731831 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/02/20 14:10 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158220060628 Supplier Ref: 158220060628 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04123008 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 57000034809599121522 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/02/20 19:36 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158291137665 Supplier Ref: 158291137665 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04211157 Total Value: N950.00 Standard: N950.00 - 04583244712250489979 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/03/20 13:57 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158349583595 Supplier Ref: 158349583595 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04296923 Total Value: N2,950.00 Standard: N950.00 - 25660612109570767586 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/03/20 21:22 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200762022060 Supplier Ref: 200762022060 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04362105 Total Value: N950.00 Standard: N950.00 - 63450131609778584582 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/03/20 22:21 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200842121321 Supplier Ref: 200842121321 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04416707 Total Value: N950.00 Standard: N950.00 - 69813330950808435839 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/03/20 21:56 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200912056486 Supplier Ref: 200912056486 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04476791 Total Value: N1,950.00 Standard: N1,950.00 - 73619280705019634616 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/04/20 18:39 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201021739267 Supplier Ref: 201021739267 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04555427 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N347.64 - 45357789064086637210 Debt: N1,652.36 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/04/20 18:41 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201021741212 Supplier Ref: 201021741212 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04555440 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 22160952967973199198 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/04/20 12:05 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201101205281 Supplier Ref: 201101205281 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04607046 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 70405175361095237198 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/04/20 21:33 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201152133360 Supplier Ref: 201152133360 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04647902 Total Value: N1,950.00 Standard: N1,950.00 - 73778863213308535997 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/05/20 19:54 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201291954448 Supplier Ref: 201291954448 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04738325 Total Value: N1,950.00 Standard: N1,950.00 - 11279505746855923127 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/05/20 14:16 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201431416365 Supplier Ref: 201431416365 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04825780 Total Value: N1,950.00 Standard: N1,950.00 - 39595721986869585699 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/06/20 19:14 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201541914470 Supplier Ref: 201541914470 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04906222 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 30730612880126694820 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/06/20 19:54 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201671954275 Supplier Ref: 201671954275 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04990281 Total Value: N950.00 Standard: N950.00 - 02670897864952727883 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/06/20 19:23 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201741923266 Supplier Ref: 201741923266 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05037929 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 14040018520450327587 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/06/20 06:36 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201810636087 Supplier Ref: 201810636087 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05084041 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 02033487437292797748 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/06/20 06:58 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201810658465 Supplier Ref: 201810658465 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05084087 Total Value: N950.00 Standard: N950.00 - 57157189561348855498 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/07/20 08:29 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202070829122 Supplier Ref: 202070829122 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05283889 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 12084063243850298143 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/07/20 09:14 Meter/Type: 54161013567 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202090914277 Supplier Ref: 202090914277 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05298707 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 16396228436569995786 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 1412020-07-27 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014797ClosedRequest2020-07-27REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILS Please kindly assist with debt details for MSN. 0101170226332 ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-27NoGood morning, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 64611115477-01 Start Date: 7/10/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $157,328.90 Outstanding Balance: $157,328.90 Running Balance: $157,328.90 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-27 faayu472003@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014796ClosedKCT Request2020-07-27KCT REQUEST Good morning IT Support team. Please Kindly assist with key change for MSN. 0101165048451 Thanks Best RegardsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-27NoGood morning, Find below, 3401 9973 3662 7167 6325 Key Change Token 0101165048451 5659 4377 9587 5149 5198 Key Change Token2020-07-27 faayu472003@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014795ClosedRequest2020-07-27: REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE Dear ICT Team, compliments of the day. Please kindly furnish me with the debt profile of the below meter number: 0101170271288 Mr. Muhammed Suleiman. Thank you. Best regards.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-27NoGood morning, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170271288 Start Date: 3/6/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $10,555.14 Outstanding Balance: $2,555.14 Running Balance: $2,555.14 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/23/2020 1:11:15 PM2020-07-27 wyontochae@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014794ClosedTamper Code2020-07-27temper codeMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-27NoHello, Find below as requested, 0101170448548 6331 8277 7285 4814 8314Clear Tamper 0101170127795 2392 4207 3817 0250 8442Clear Tamper2020-07-27 ahmadtyno@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014793ClosedRequest2020-07-27debt detailsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-27NoGood Morning, Find below, Meter Serial Number: 0101185052301 Contract Account Number: 410019 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101185052301 Start Date: 2/11/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $192,256.15 Outstanding Balance: $187,256.15 Running Balance: $187,256.15 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: 2/19/2020 10:39:20 AM2020-07-27 phartiemah12@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014792Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014791ClosedRequest2020-07-27: DEBT DETAILS GOOD MORNING IT SUPPORT. Kindly assist with debt details 0101160186769 Thank you have a blessed day.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-27NoGood morning, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 6460230537-01 Start Date: 3/23/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $17,371.88 Outstanding Balance: $17,371.88 Running Balance: $17,371.88 Note: Outstanding migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,500.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-27 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014790ClosedRequest2020-07-27Debt balance Good morning Ict team members please kindly assist me with this meter number 54161003709 original balance running balance and collection value thanks.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-27NoGood morning, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 54161003709 Start Date: 2/20/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $227,195.06 Outstanding Balance: $227,195.06 Running Balance: $227,195.06 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $4,477.20 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-27 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014789ClosedComplaint2020-07-27: Failed transaction 0101170456277 Pls we are still waiting...Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-27NoGood Morning sir, The transaction was not successful, customer should contact buypower customer care rep. Thank you2020-07-27 stynlucs@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014788ClosedTamper Code2020-07-26: Tamper, 0101170191486 and 54160996655. Good morning sir please kindly verify the above meter no for tamper as a result of wire pull out thank youMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-26NoHello, Find below, 0101170191486 3808 3182 7773 6711 4930Clear Tamper 54160996655..not captured2020-07-26 ummilois2@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014787ClosedTamper Code2020-07-24: REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPER CODE. Hello, Kindly generate clear tamper token for the below listed meters. The affected meters are repaired and reinstalled. Please treat this as urgent. Thank you and best regardsMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-24NoHello, Find below, 0101170262741 5605 3992 1577 7455 9760Clear Tamper 0101170165464 6535 4584 2899 3505 0354Clear Tamper 0101170153320 0101170131748 2290 6061 1518 9715 6022Clear Tamper 0101170161703 2568 8053 8954 3267 1687Clear Tamper 0101170241976 6112 4551 6686 4589 3097Clear Tamper 0101170151266 1474 8302 8504 2120 8990Clear Tamper 0101170119933 5521 6528 0983 0576 9108Clear Tamper 0101170164392 3443 4457 8193 1857 1908Clear Tamper 0101170174409 5134 5860 3782 6555 3083Clear Tampe 0101170160903 3717 7605 7303 3122 8998Clear Tamper 54160967441 6503 5692 1137 4173 7099Clear Tamper2020-07-24 anersirleh@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014786ClosedTamper Code2020-07-24: CLEARING CODES REQUEST. Dear Anans. Please find attached herewith duly completed Clearing Tamper forms as requested. Kindly help treat this request as usual. Thank you.MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-24NoHello, Find below, 54160741549 3305 6575 3289 1492 9899Clear Tamper 54160870512 0277 4652 1530 8590 6482Clear Tamper2020-07-24 ericasua@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014785ClosedTamper Code2020-07-24: Re: Request for Clear temper Request for ct from bauchi remainderedMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-24NoHello, Find below, 0101178021594 0243 1992 0127 7116 8184 Clear Tamper2020-07-24 bangisgarko@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014784ClosedKCT Request2020-07-27Dear Sir, Kindly release the KCT of the customer whose meter number is given below. 54160980659 Best RegardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-27NoHello, Find below, 54160980659 2996 4088 2084 2803 1236 Key Change Token N/A 54160980659 0913 6587 2483 3488 9442 Key Change Token2020-07-27 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014783Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014782ClosedKCT Request2020-07-24: REQUEST FOR KCT 54161139453 REMINDER ON THIS RQUEST PLSMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-24NoHello, Find below, 54161139453 2683 8025 3222 8984 3140 3413 6941 5724 8625 83472020-07-24 longpuan@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014781ClosedVending History2020-07-24: REQUEST FOR VH Dear IT Support, kindly generate the VH for the meter number below 0101170455386 regardsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-24NoHello, Find below, Top of Form Date Sold: 18/04/20 21:11 Meter/Type: 0101170455386 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201092111441 Supplier Ref: 201092111441 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04605303 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 33795421394751890706 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/05/20 17:12 Meter/Type: 0101170455386 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201361712585 Supplier Ref: 201361712585 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04781976 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 69439016439872594659 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/05/20 14:53 Meter/Type: 0101170455386 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201521453280 Supplier Ref: 201521453280 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04891758 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 41684700822970473598 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 10 Bottom of Form2020-07-24 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014780ClosedVending History2020-07-24VENDING HISTORY Assist with vending history, 0101170147892 THANKSMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-24NoHello, Find below, Date Sold: 16/04/18 14:27 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 810613271503 Supplier Ref: 810613271503 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00717821 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 53192621307399510751 Date Sold: 11/05/18 09:42 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000649918345 Supplier Ref: 000649918345 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00762117 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 43509717740220860803 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/06/18 10:39 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 815509391204 Supplier Ref: 815509391204 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00810403 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 37598882174702102000 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/06/18 09:42 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000656398460 Supplier Ref: 000656398460 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00852485 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 20532279892843878997 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/07/18 13:07 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 181971207252 Supplier Ref: 181971207252 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00903401 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 26263664777640494505 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/07/18 12:53 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 820711531093 Supplier Ref: 820711531093 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00926513 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 58707192000752438471 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/08/18 11:01 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182151001588 Supplier Ref: 182151001588 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00947589 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 04035107503015344774 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/08/18 12:31 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182291131333 Supplier Ref: 182291131333 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00983848 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 59265662980792888941 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/08/18 13:00 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 824112001117 Supplier Ref: 824112001117 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01018214 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 19059103790557288853 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/09/18 10:24 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182470924270 Supplier Ref: 182470924270 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01036065 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 68793037504249445072 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/09/18 10:32 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000666771506 Supplier Ref: 000666771506 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01039734 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 51605856379476634578 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/09/18 12:05 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182551105494 Supplier Ref: 182551105494 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01060039 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 60732212517631820949 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/09/18 10:20 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182570920324 Supplier Ref: 182570920324 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01065715 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 01755821888261366286 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/09/18 09:11 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182680911333 Supplier Ref: 182680911333 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01096817 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 69464449683536110796 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/10/18 08:48 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000670511221 Supplier Ref: 000670511221 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01114008 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 47198560468432187059 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/10/18 11:37 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182791137566 Supplier Ref: 182791137566 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01135126 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 70142122094505303778 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/10/18 16:30 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000671997430 Supplier Ref: 000671997430 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01152895 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 31398615292978146774 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/10/18 08:47 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000672815159 Supplier Ref: 000672815159 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01170615 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 62024931080839941443 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/10/18 10:25 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182961025573 Supplier Ref: 182961025573 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01190930 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 69253509672783668266 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/10/18 08:30 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000674109026 Supplier Ref: 000674109026 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01201500 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 48389881659127049809 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/11/18 08:55 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183090855447 Supplier Ref: 183090855447 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01236970 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 42231100858756801155 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/11/18 11:56 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000676721789 Supplier Ref: 000676721789 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01266693 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 08858353610701404479 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/11/18 12:30 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000677013141 Supplier Ref: 000677013141 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01274013 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 66115603119052661059 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/12/18 11:28 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000680744978 Supplier Ref: 000680744978 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01370687 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 63383565614733798912 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/12/18 15:46 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154540000870 Supplier Ref: 154540000870 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01431865 Total Value: N200.00 Standard: N200.00 - 67692456393686385287 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/01/19 09:37 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154658749150 Supplier Ref: 154658749150 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01515269 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 72401240594754517214 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/01/19 17:46 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190121646512 Supplier Ref: 190121646512 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01568751 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 28555808603757000689 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/02/19 13:10 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190351210394 Supplier Ref: 190351210394 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01745379 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 42302288282127723458 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/03/19 17:03 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190305538102 Supplier Ref: 190305538102 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB01965935 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 33344570376556587086 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/03/19 10:53 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155324478997 Supplier Ref: 155324478997 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02052335 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 65170424372761074225 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/04/19 12:59 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155480757105 Supplier Ref: 155480757105 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02153279 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 14624859667665703912 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/04/19 17:17 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155560062169 Supplier Ref: 155560062169 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02205323 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 18538569969859668090 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/04/19 10:01 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155652488181 Supplier Ref: 155652488181 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02259206 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 24413761959375777696 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/05/19 16:37 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191291537202 Supplier Ref: 191291537202 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02322981 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 01301163038610412642 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/05/19 12:00 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190521230294 Supplier Ref: 190521230294 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02373304 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 65054340630145867858 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/06/19 18:41 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190611324114 Supplier Ref: 190611324114 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02490632 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 45465171133696962768 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/06/19 16:42 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190619907159 Supplier Ref: 190619907159 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02528585 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 23416778203899682279 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/06/19 12:31 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190620356143 Supplier Ref: 190620356143 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02531687 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 40758746645590907158 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/09/19 22:10 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190905407264 Supplier Ref: 190905407264 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02917988 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 30297293148138312569 Debt: N6,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/09/19 15:01 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190913236135 Supplier Ref: 190913236135 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02959175 Total Value: N1,400.00 Standard: N1,400.00 - 56876343310928917447 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/09/19 19:14 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192681815014 Supplier Ref: 192681815014 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03023988 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 62214706957957689088 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/10/19 11:52 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157070123368 Supplier Ref: 157070123368 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03105520 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 45007665193102875528 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/10/19 10:40 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 191019393181 Supplier Ref: 191019393181 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB03153127 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 30558121050977885901 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/11/19 11:12 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157372283734 Supplier Ref: 157372283734 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03308312 Total Value: N2,100.00 Standard: N100.00 - 14442369590002930357 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/11/19 11:14 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157372296887 Supplier Ref: 157372296887 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03308323 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 63964093053044148880 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/11/19 10:56 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 191126965319 Supplier Ref: 191126965319 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB03385901 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 24430607456727258606 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/12/19 19:11 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 191209674258 Supplier Ref: 191209674258 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB03504586 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 13219949345295328434 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/12/19 13:10 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 191229989305 Supplier Ref: 191229989305 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB03659664 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 35273457953716464353 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/01/20 10:51 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 200128339175 Supplier Ref: 200128339175 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB03903836 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 66571731679209072240 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/02/20 14:42 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 200210779409 Supplier Ref: 200210779409 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB04029102 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 42284190560161046476 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/02/20 22:22 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 200226569102 Supplier Ref: 200226569102 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB04188134 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 30984473683476123627 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/03/20 19:54 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200711854087 Supplier Ref: 200711854087 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04334547 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 62113193116720201281 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/03/20 17:16 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200851616393 Supplier Ref: 200851616393 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04422814 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 62558611362597224654 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/04/20 15:59 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200981459491 Supplier Ref: 200981459491 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04525860 Total Value: N6,700.00 Standard: N4,700.00 - 46915623041385703249 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/04/20 15:52 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201211552258 Supplier Ref: 201211552258 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04688235 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 05371884270234998845 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/04/20 19:52 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201211952552 Supplier Ref: 201211952552 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04689891 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 41148315475902178949 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/05/20 17:24 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201331724184 Supplier Ref: 201331724184 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04762589 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 73083685852508641653 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/05/20 16:58 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201341658208 Supplier Ref: 201341658208 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04767941 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 72602459287489539733 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/05/20 19:46 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201461946444 Supplier Ref: 201461946444 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04848947 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 69564145504869996276 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/06/20 14:32 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201751432553 Supplier Ref: 201751432553 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05043579 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 33563054367097319705 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/06/20 14:39 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201751438561 Supplier Ref: 201751438561 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05043633 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 28824610687870009725 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/06/20 17:27 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201761727483 Supplier Ref: 201761727483 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05053295 Total Value: N800.00 Standard: N800.00 - 41554027454507131352 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/07/20 12:08 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202041208254 Supplier Ref: 202041208254 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05258328 Total Value: N3,400.00 Standard: N1,400.00 - 45818128772016957738 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 822020-07-24 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014779ClosedVending History2020-07-24Dear IT Support Team, Kindly furnish us with VH of 04181734767. Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-24NoHello, This customer does not have any token sales2020-07-24 aramidee05@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014778ClosedKCT Request2020-07-24Hello, Kindly provide us with the KCT of MSN: 0101185058167. ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-24NoHello, Find bellow, 0101185058167 2585 3273 6686 1569 1937 6080 1866 2037 2963 25082020-07-24 anersirleh@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014777ClosedRequest2020-07-24: DEBT DETAILS Assist with debt details, 54161154999 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-24NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 666412 Start Date: 3/27/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $15,948.93 Outstanding Balance: $15,948.93 Running Balance: $15,948.93 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-24 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014776ClosedKCT Request2020-07-24: REQUEST FOR KCT Dear IT Support, Kindly generate the KCT for the meter number 0101190008009 regardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-24NoHello, Find below, 0101190008009 0773 4181 7364 5591 6357 0257 8950 2534 2878 65852020-07-24 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014775ClosedTamper Code2020-07-24clear temperMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-24NoFind below, 0101170196766 7171 5125 1502 3353 0857 Clear Tamper2020-07-24 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014774ClosedVending History2020-07-24VENDING HISTORY Assist with vending history, 0101170147892 ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-24NoHello, Find below, Date Sold: 16/04/18 14:27 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 810613271503 Supplier Ref: 810613271503 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00717821 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 53192621307399510751 Date Sold: 11/05/18 09:42 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000649918345 Supplier Ref: 000649918345 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00762117 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 43509717740220860803 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/06/18 10:39 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 815509391204 Supplier Ref: 815509391204 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00810403 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 37598882174702102000 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/06/18 09:42 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000656398460 Supplier Ref: 000656398460 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00852485 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 20532279892843878997 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/07/18 13:07 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 181971207252 Supplier Ref: 181971207252 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00903401 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 26263664777640494505 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/07/18 12:53 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 820711531093 Supplier Ref: 820711531093 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00926513 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 58707192000752438471 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/08/18 11:01 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182151001588 Supplier Ref: 182151001588 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00947589 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 04035107503015344774 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/08/18 12:31 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182291131333 Supplier Ref: 182291131333 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00983848 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 59265662980792888941 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/08/18 13:00 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 824112001117 Supplier Ref: 824112001117 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01018214 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 19059103790557288853 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/09/18 10:24 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182470924270 Supplier Ref: 182470924270 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01036065 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 68793037504249445072 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/09/18 10:32 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000666771506 Supplier Ref: 000666771506 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01039734 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 51605856379476634578 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/09/18 12:05 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182551105494 Supplier Ref: 182551105494 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01060039 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 60732212517631820949 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/09/18 10:20 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182570920324 Supplier Ref: 182570920324 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01065715 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 01755821888261366286 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/09/18 09:11 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182680911333 Supplier Ref: 182680911333 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01096817 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 69464449683536110796 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/10/18 08:48 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000670511221 Supplier Ref: 000670511221 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01114008 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 47198560468432187059 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/10/18 11:37 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182791137566 Supplier Ref: 182791137566 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01135126 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 70142122094505303778 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/10/18 16:30 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000671997430 Supplier Ref: 000671997430 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01152895 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 31398615292978146774 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/10/18 08:47 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000672815159 Supplier Ref: 000672815159 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01170615 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 62024931080839941443 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/10/18 10:25 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182961025573 Supplier Ref: 182961025573 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01190930 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 69253509672783668266 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/10/18 08:30 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000674109026 Supplier Ref: 000674109026 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01201500 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 48389881659127049809 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/11/18 08:55 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183090855447 Supplier Ref: 183090855447 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01236970 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 42231100858756801155 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/11/18 11:56 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000676721789 Supplier Ref: 000676721789 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01266693 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 08858353610701404479 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/11/18 12:30 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000677013141 Supplier Ref: 000677013141 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01274013 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 66115603119052661059 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/12/18 11:28 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000680744978 Supplier Ref: 000680744978 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01370687 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 63383565614733798912 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/12/18 15:46 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154540000870 Supplier Ref: 154540000870 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01431865 Total Value: N200.00 Standard: N200.00 - 67692456393686385287 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/01/19 09:37 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154658749150 Supplier Ref: 154658749150 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01515269 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 72401240594754517214 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/01/19 17:46 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190121646512 Supplier Ref: 190121646512 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01568751 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 28555808603757000689 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/02/19 13:10 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190351210394 Supplier Ref: 190351210394 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01745379 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 42302288282127723458 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/03/19 17:03 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190305538102 Supplier Ref: 190305538102 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB01965935 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 33344570376556587086 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/03/19 10:53 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155324478997 Supplier Ref: 155324478997 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02052335 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 65170424372761074225 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/04/19 12:59 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155480757105 Supplier Ref: 155480757105 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02153279 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 14624859667665703912 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/04/19 17:17 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155560062169 Supplier Ref: 155560062169 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02205323 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 18538569969859668090 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/04/19 10:01 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155652488181 Supplier Ref: 155652488181 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02259206 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 24413761959375777696 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/05/19 16:37 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191291537202 Supplier Ref: 191291537202 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02322981 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 01301163038610412642 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/05/19 12:00 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190521230294 Supplier Ref: 190521230294 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02373304 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 65054340630145867858 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/06/19 18:41 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190611324114 Supplier Ref: 190611324114 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02490632 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 45465171133696962768 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/06/19 16:42 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190619907159 Supplier Ref: 190619907159 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02528585 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 23416778203899682279 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/06/19 12:31 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190620356143 Supplier Ref: 190620356143 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02531687 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 40758746645590907158 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/09/19 22:10 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190905407264 Supplier Ref: 190905407264 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02917988 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 30297293148138312569 Debt: N6,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/09/19 15:01 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190913236135 Supplier Ref: 190913236135 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02959175 Total Value: N1,400.00 Standard: N1,400.00 - 56876343310928917447 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/09/19 19:14 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192681815014 Supplier Ref: 192681815014 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03023988 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 62214706957957689088 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/10/19 11:52 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157070123368 Supplier Ref: 157070123368 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03105520 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 45007665193102875528 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/10/19 10:40 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 191019393181 Supplier Ref: 191019393181 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB03153127 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 30558121050977885901 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/11/19 11:12 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157372283734 Supplier Ref: 157372283734 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03308312 Total Value: N2,100.00 Standard: N100.00 - 14442369590002930357 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/11/19 11:14 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157372296887 Supplier Ref: 157372296887 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03308323 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 63964093053044148880 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/11/19 10:56 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 191126965319 Supplier Ref: 191126965319 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB03385901 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 24430607456727258606 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/12/19 19:11 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 191209674258 Supplier Ref: 191209674258 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB03504586 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 13219949345295328434 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/12/19 13:10 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 191229989305 Supplier Ref: 191229989305 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB03659664 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 35273457953716464353 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/01/20 10:51 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 200128339175 Supplier Ref: 200128339175 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB03903836 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 66571731679209072240 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/02/20 14:42 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 200210779409 Supplier Ref: 200210779409 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB04029102 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 42284190560161046476 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/02/20 22:22 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 200226569102 Supplier Ref: 200226569102 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB04188134 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 30984473683476123627 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/03/20 19:54 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200711854087 Supplier Ref: 200711854087 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04334547 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 62113193116720201281 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/03/20 17:16 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200851616393 Supplier Ref: 200851616393 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04422814 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 62558611362597224654 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/04/20 15:59 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200981459491 Supplier Ref: 200981459491 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04525860 Total Value: N6,700.00 Standard: N4,700.00 - 46915623041385703249 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/04/20 15:52 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201211552258 Supplier Ref: 201211552258 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04688235 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 05371884270234998845 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/04/20 19:52 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201211952552 Supplier Ref: 201211952552 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04689891 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 41148315475902178949 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/05/20 17:24 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201331724184 Supplier Ref: 201331724184 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04762589 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 73083685852508641653 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/05/20 16:58 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201341658208 Supplier Ref: 201341658208 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04767941 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 72602459287489539733 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/05/20 19:46 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201461946444 Supplier Ref: 201461946444 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04848947 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 69564145504869996276 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/06/20 14:32 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201751432553 Supplier Ref: 201751432553 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05043579 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 33563054367097319705 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/06/20 14:39 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201751438561 Supplier Ref: 201751438561 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05043633 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 28824610687870009725 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/06/20 17:27 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201761727483 Supplier Ref: 201761727483 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05053295 Total Value: N800.00 Standard: N800.00 - 41554027454507131352 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/07/20 12:08 Meter/Type: 0101170147892 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202041208254 Supplier Ref: 202041208254 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05258328 Total Value: N3,400.00 Standard: N1,400.00 - 45818128772016957738 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 822020-07-24 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014773ClosedKCT Request2020-07-24Hello, Kindly provide us with the KCT of MSN: 0101185058167. ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-24NoHello, Find below, 2585 3273 6686 1569 1937 Key Change Token 0101185058167 6080 1866 2037 2963 2508 Key Change Token2020-07-24 anersirleh@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014772ClosedTamper Code2020-07-24clear temperMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-24NoHello Auwal, Find below as requested, 54161073058 3045 4808 7299 8587 2803Clear Tamper 0101170263319 2592 9167 4389 1598 7875Clear Tamper 57100040328 1364 2782 3588 0575 9212Clear Tamper 0101185059314 7259 2244 8307 3006 2280Clear Tamper Regards.2020-07-24 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014771ClosedKCT Request2020-07-24: REQUEST FOR KCT FOR 54161016313Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-24NoHello, Find below, 54161016313 1593 9703 7792 8120 1503 5100 4455 8732 7618 70512020-07-24 saadatumusa87@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014770Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014769ClosedKCT Request2020-07-24REQUEST FOR KCT 0101190002101Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-24NoHello, Find below, 0101190002101 4629 3196 4293 8190 8991 3989 9995 0984 7209 32252020-07-24 longpuan@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014768ClosedKCT Request2020-07-24: REQUEST FOR KCT 54161139453Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-24NoHello, Find below, 54161139453 2683 8025 3222 8984 3140 3413 6941 5724 8625 83472020-07-24 longpuan@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014767ClosedRequest2020-07-24REQUEST FOR DEBT MIGIRATED(0101175076468) Dear Team kindly supply us with the debt migrated warm regardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-24NoHello, Find below, Meter Serial Number: 0101175076468 Contract Account Number: 625957 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 625957 Start Date: 9/2/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $170,535.24 Outstanding Balance: $75,535.24 Running Balance: $75,535.24 Note: Outstanding migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Per Vend Amount Collection Value: $15,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/24/2020 10:18:30 AM2020-07-24 tyoverpeter@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014766ClosedRequest2020-07-24: REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE AND COLLECTION VALUE 0101170369322Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-24NoHello, Find below, Meter Serial Number: 0101170369322 Contract Account Number: 6122087545-01 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170369322 Start Date: 12/14/2018 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $312,998.04 Outstanding Balance: $312,998.04 Running Balance: $312,998.04 Note: Outstanding migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-24 longpuan@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014765ClosedKCT Request2020-07-24Please kindly send me the KCT number generated to this 0101170453589.the tariff is on 004 and it rejecting the unitMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-24NoHello, Find below, 0101170453589 5800 8495 8695 6339 4225 1354 4093 4108 7727 62232020-07-24 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014764ClosedRequest2020-07-24: REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY AND OUTSTANDING DEBT 54161062820 Dear sir, Please I need the vending history and outstanding debt to resolve this matter. Regards.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-24NoHello, Find below, Meter Serial Number: 54161062820 Contract Account Number: 585321 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 585321 Start Date: 10/6/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $39,771.76 Outstanding Balance: $21,771.76 Running Balance: $21,771.76 Note: Outstanding migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/5/2020 11:32:54 AM VH Date Sold: 11/06/18 09:30 Meter/Type: 54161062820 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000654381226 Supplier Ref: 000654381226 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00825057 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 48694630934645248201 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/06/18 10:22 Meter/Type: 54161062820 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 816909221071 Supplier Ref: 816909221071 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00838614 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 54587914526944815901 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/06/18 10:10 Meter/Type: 54161062820 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000656977222 Supplier Ref: 000656977222 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00863050 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 24023726358033152909 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/07/18 09:50 Meter/Type: 54161062820 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 819408500000 Supplier Ref: 819408500000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00897186 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 13773472583742386959 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/07/18 10:01 Meter/Type: 54161062820 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 591590879244032 Supplier Ref: 591590879244032 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00917556 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 56186058253992880608 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/08/18 10:09 Meter/Type: 54161062820 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 821309091031 Supplier Ref: 821309091031 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00941024 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 12330383878334353958 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/08/18 18:34 Meter/Type: 54161062820 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000664515661 Supplier Ref: 000664515661 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00993687 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 10373639574388483422 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/08/18 09:32 Meter/Type: 54161062820 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 824308321014 Supplier Ref: 824308321014 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01023472 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 53210048885657026055 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/09/18 13:34 Meter/Type: 54161062820 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000669099779 Supplier Ref: 000669099779 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01087267 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 20688509619191791156 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/10/18 08:51 Meter/Type: 54161062820 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000671663598 Supplier Ref: 000671663598 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01143127 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 20296192152705562391 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/10/18 09:48 Meter/Type: 54161062820 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000674692816 Supplier Ref: 000674692816 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01215057 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 19208481974069037322 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/11/18 20:52 Meter/Type: 54161062820 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000677351319 Supplier Ref: 000677351319 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01282646 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 09553868798121257189 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/12/18 15:43 Meter/Type: 54161062820 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000680626545 Supplier Ref: 000680626545 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01366624 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 07693679796678547834 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/12/18 11:01 Meter/Type: 54161062820 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154529652573 Supplier Ref: 154529652573 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01420050 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 45612405554164812628 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/01/19 10:20 Meter/Type: 54161062820 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154745401824 Supplier Ref: 154745401824 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01574051 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 02021264883867807481 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/02/19 16:36 Meter/Type: 54161062820 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154989578233 Supplier Ref: 154989578233 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01800898 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 26230258275638653474 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/03/19 09:33 Meter/Type: 54161062820 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155237599872 Supplier Ref: 155237599872 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02001870 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 51149494329268327318 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/04/19 09:09 Meter/Type: 54161062820 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155574415785 Supplier Ref: 155574415785 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02212080 Total Value: N6,900.00 Standard: N6,900.00 - 64888807896618939375 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/05/19 11:57 Meter/Type: 54161062820 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155869181763 Supplier Ref: 155869181763 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02389347 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 07996993557436744303 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/06/19 21:41 Meter/Type: 54161062820 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156123249531 Supplier Ref: 156123249531 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02544886 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 54438881224967352954 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/06/19 10:52 Meter/Type: 54161062820 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156162555055 Supplier Ref: 156162555055 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02563748 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 17856686188930016058 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/07/19 09:57 Meter/Type: 54161062820 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156343664512 Supplier Ref: 156343664512 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02664569 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 06280673033633557797 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/08/19 09:18 Meter/Type: 54161062820 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192260818567 Supplier Ref: 192260818567 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02800875 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 37947123145472972670 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/09/19 09:48 Meter/Type: 54161062820 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156922496681 Supplier Ref: 156922496681 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03007481 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 53987010149861540994 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/10/19 09:31 Meter/Type: 54161062820 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192980833042 Supplier Ref: 192980833042 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03184776 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 14168609535265295492 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/11/19 08:54 Meter/Type: 54161062820 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157423297673 Supplier Ref: 157423297673 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03341016 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 56005596992103030480 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/12/19 16:33 Meter/Type: 54161062820 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157685254879 Supplier Ref: 157685254879 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03583255 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 43283687384222137352 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/01/20 09:49 Meter/Type: 54161062820 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157855633405 Supplier Ref: 157855633405 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03745477 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 13661785357567028845 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/02/20 09:15 Meter/Type: 54161062820 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158088694751 Supplier Ref: 158088694751 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03982101 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 55671176767048285660 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/02/20 09:48 Meter/Type: 54161062820 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158287608126 Supplier Ref: 158287608126 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04200657 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 02279854029522359506 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/03/20 13:49 Meter/Type: 54161062820 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200901249021 Supplier Ref: 200901249021 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04459527 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 21849668329939038497 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/04/20 11:09 Meter/Type: 54161062820 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201091109595 Supplier Ref: 201091109595 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04597001 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 60197485420309074394 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/05/20 09:08 Meter/Type: 54161062820 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201290908386 Supplier Ref: 201290908386 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04731205 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 28443322516372458802 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/06/20 11:32 Meter/Type: 54161062820 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201571133006 Supplier Ref: 201571133006 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04923932 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 52375951472830863387 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/06/20 08:54 Meter/Type: 54161062820 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201810854041 Supplier Ref: 201810854041 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05084970 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 00968084119429014303 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 642020-07-24 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014763ClosedRequest2020-07-24Debt balance Please Ict kindly assist me with this meter number 0101161016460 original balance running balance and collection value thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-24NoHello, Find below, Meter Serial Number: 0101161016460 Contract Account Number: 561195 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101161016460 Start Date: 10/22/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $72,882.54 Outstanding Balance: $72,882.54 Running Balance: $72,882.54 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-24 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014762ClosedKCT Request2020-07-24: KCT Assist with key change, 54160919798 Thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-24NoHello, Find below, 54160919798 6587 0871 6376 8437 8339 6432 6178 9268 4574 60742020-07-24 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014761ClosedRequest2020-07-24: Debt balance Please Ict kindly assist me with this meter number 0101160015786 original balance running balance and collection value thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-24NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 6123653721-01 Start Date: 3/27/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $30,700.91 Outstanding Balance: $17,700.91 Running Balance: $17,700.91 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/11/2020 5:23:04 PM2020-07-24 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014760ClosedRequest2020-07-24REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE AND COLLECTION VALUE 54161060469Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-24NoHello, Find below, Meter Serial Number: 54161060469 Contract Account Number: 527824 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 54161060469 Start Date: 3/3/2017 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $45,907.46 Outstanding Balance: $20,907.46 Running Balance: $20,907.46 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $10,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/15/2020 1:12:29 PM2020-07-24 longpuan@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014759ClosedRequest2020-07-24REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE AND COLLECTION VALUE 0101170287029Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-24NoHello, Find below, Meter Serial Number: 0101170287029 Contract Account Number: 6114042612-01 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 6114042612-01 Start Date: 8/4/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $1,565.03 Outstanding Balance: $0.00 Running Balance: $0.00 Note: Cost of Pre-Loaded Units Status: Paid off Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $1,565.03 Latest Payment: 9/27/2019 12:25:14 PM2020-07-24 longpuan@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014758ClosedRequest2020-07-24: 0101161052895 Hello, Kindly assist with the debt profile of above meter serial number.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-24NoHello, Find below, Meter Serial Number: 0101161052895 Contract Account Number: AJ-23-131-01-0010 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: AJ-23-131-01-0010 Start Date: 5/14/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $375,226.99 Outstanding Balance: $361,226.99 Running Balance: $361,226.99 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $4,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/23/2020 1:32:58 PM2020-07-24 phartiemah12@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014757ClosedRequest2020-07-24Good morning IT Support team Please kindly assist with debt details for MSN. 1. 0101170207928 2. 54160962657 3. 0101170264127 Thanks Best RegardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-24NoHello, Find below, 1. 0101170207928 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170207928 Start Date: 9/18/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $9,170.20 Outstanding Balance: $9,170.20 Running Balance: $9,170.20 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record 2. 54160962657 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 543168 Start Date: 7/28/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $48,655.83 Outstanding Balance: $22,655.83 Running Balance: $22,655.83 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/15/2020 3:27:24 PM 3. 0101170264127 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 593251 Start Date: 7/10/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $23,161.40 Outstanding Balance: $23,161.40 Running Balance: $23,161.40 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-24 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014756ClosedVending History2020-07-24Request for VH of 54160976251 Dear IT Support Team, Kindly furnish us with VH of 54160976251. Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-24NoGood morning, Find below, Date Sold: 23/02/19 09:17 Meter/Type: 54160976251 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155090624932 Supplier Ref: 155090624932 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01889002 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 50662074067139013700 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/03/19 04:56 Meter/Type: 54160976251 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 906503563428 Supplier Ref: 906503563428 Receipt: PagT13EMDB01967787 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 22508171588386294945 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/03/19 19:56 Meter/Type: 54160976251 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190801856421 Supplier Ref: 190801856421 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02050874 Total Value: N4,500.00 Standard: N4,500.00 - 70970166468710421877 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/08/19 14:43 Meter/Type: 54160976251 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 924213434091 Supplier Ref: 924213434091 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02882838 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 06643129675694061626 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/03/20 00:03 Meter/Type: 54160976251 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200892303231 Supplier Ref: 200892303231 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04455554 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 04074473011793184820 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 102020-07-24 aramidee05@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014755ClosedRequest2020-07-24DEBT DETAILS Assist with debt details, 54160966237 Thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-24NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: Outstanding Balance Reference Number: 511149 Start Date: 5/27/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $51,970.09 Outstanding Balance: $21,970.09 Running Balance: $21,970.09 Note: Outstanding from JCS, Installation fee, Cost unit Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/23/2020 3:43:40 PM2020-07-24 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014754ClosedRequest2020-07-24: DEBT DETAILS Assist with debt details, 54160916323 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-24NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 625012 Start Date: 3/27/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $10,304.80 Outstanding Balance: $304.79 Running Balance: $304.79 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/23/2020 4:07:22 PM2020-07-24 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014753Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014752ClosedRequest2020-07-24: Debt balance Please Ict kindly assist me with this meter number 0101170441469 original balance running balance and collection value thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-24NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 630212 Start Date: 8/21/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $13,108.78 Outstanding Balance: ($11,494.29) Running Balance: ($11,494.29) Note: none specified Status: Overcollected Collection Method: Percentage Collection Value: 100 (%) Latest Payment: 7/14/2020 10:37:22 AM2020-07-24 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014751ClosedRequest2020-07-24Debt balance Good morning Ict team members please kindly assist me with this meter number 57300009321 original balance running balance and collection value thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-24NoHello, Find below, Debt Details This customer does not have any Debt accounts associated.2020-07-24 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014750ClosedKCT Request2020-07-24: REQUEST FOR KCT IN RESPECT OF THIS ACCOUNT 54161104036 Good morningMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-24NoGood Morning, Please kindly find below, KCT1: 5381 8077 2613 1246 0985 KCT2: 4530 7625 7140 7849 99272020-07-24 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014749Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014748ClosedVending History2020-07-24: Request for VH of 0101170232819 Dear IT Support Team, Kindly furnish us with VH of 0101170232819. Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-24NoGood morning, Find below, Date Sold: 24/04/18 13:50 Meter/Type: 0101170232819 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 811412501363 Supplier Ref: 811412501363 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00730893 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 52270573983620934143 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/08/18 17:16 Meter/Type: 0101170232819 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 822516161301 Supplier Ref: 822516161301 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00973851 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 35162034710745584137 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/11/18 09:59 Meter/Type: 0101170232819 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183210959144 Supplier Ref: 183210959144 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01280257 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 66358443393889117582 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/03/19 18:15 Meter/Type: 0101170232819 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190631715365 Supplier Ref: 190631715365 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01957638 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 02278993327756690628 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/03/19 13:34 Meter/Type: 0101170232819 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190701234194 Supplier Ref: 190701234194 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01997030 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 10770561340343181743 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/03/19 16:57 Meter/Type: 0101170232819 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190811557274 Supplier Ref: 190811557274 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02055433 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 52789508648848044652 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/03/19 18:15 Meter/Type: 0101170232819 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190841715243 Supplier Ref: 190841715243 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02068332 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 60729352021625229371 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/07/19 18:10 Meter/Type: 0101170232819 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191981709564 Supplier Ref: 191981709564 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02663258 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 11193555098152546843 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/12/19 20:54 Meter/Type: 0101170232819 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157678182071 Supplier Ref: 157678182071 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03576219 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 05568115482669576897 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 122020-07-24 aramidee05@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014747ClosedVending History2020-07-24REQUEST FOR VH Dear IT Support, kindly generate the VH for the meter numbers below 0101175079041 0101175079256 regardsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-24NoGood morning, Find below, 0101175079041 Date Sold: 10/01/19 16:52 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190101552406 Supplier Ref: 190101552406 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01553224 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 52847478927304418553 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/01/19 10:22 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154728133245 Supplier Ref: 154728133245 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01564272 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 72229772909656111592 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/01/19 14:42 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190151343027 Supplier Ref: 190151343027 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01586758 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 45505557729100665137 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/01/19 10:35 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190190935193 Supplier Ref: 190190935193 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01616493 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 44391367826223607818 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/01/19 10:18 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 902209140000 Supplier Ref: 902209140000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01634139 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 10898681369627001397 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/01/19 15:59 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190241459184 Supplier Ref: 190241459184 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01655251 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 54819150015379149393 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/01/19 11:37 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190281037527 Supplier Ref: 190281037527 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01680694 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 36331985741380766910 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/01/19 09:56 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190290856200 Supplier Ref: 190290856200 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01689675 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 72588608274559992547 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/02/19 15:37 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190321438031 Supplier Ref: 190321438031 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01725764 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 38394332291136240461 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/02/19 09:37 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190350837280 Supplier Ref: 190350837280 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01741336 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 58675806138483947471 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/02/19 17:07 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 665735541358859 Supplier Ref: 665735541358859 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01749468 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 49544380790004108352 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/02/19 09:45 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154961192844 Supplier Ref: 154961192844 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01778018 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 64389682102655942723 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/02/19 15:30 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190391430330 Supplier Ref: 190391430330 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01782193 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 04515954825053128679 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/02/19 16:16 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190421517108 Supplier Ref: 190421517108 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01800580 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 36421223105353988935 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/02/19 15:41 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155006527277 Supplier Ref: 155006527277 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01816764 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 20458742668061170905 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/02/19 14:06 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190215624132 Supplier Ref: 190215624132 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB01834455 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 19088560970804192052 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/02/19 15:13 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190491414043 Supplier Ref: 190491414043 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01850738 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 14442833632173685985 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/02/19 15:52 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190521453216 Supplier Ref: 190521453216 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01873938 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 38465810287964934636 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/02/19 13:56 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190531256385 Supplier Ref: 190531256385 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01882384 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 64630081752715160030 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/02/19 14:43 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 905713440000 Supplier Ref: 905713440000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01908013 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 41790209338171090687 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/03/19 10:14 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155142810087 Supplier Ref: 155142810087 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01930839 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 63104214790814123705 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/03/19 15:19 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190601419473 Supplier Ref: 190601419473 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01934695 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 14621780524529818007 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/03/19 16:30 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190641530535 Supplier Ref: 190641530535 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01965553 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 60016885232897369585 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/03/19 13:17 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190661217564 Supplier Ref: 190661217564 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01976354 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 21686266765160816509 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/03/19 16:58 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190671558414 Supplier Ref: 190671558414 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01986846 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 47250598072591759859 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/03/19 13:48 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190701249036 Supplier Ref: 190701249036 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01997198 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 71678111262532215565 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/03/19 16:57 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190701558025 Supplier Ref: 190701558025 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01999362 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 26312892923468453639 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/03/19 16:58 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190721558200 Supplier Ref: 190721558200 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02011495 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 11930528918681549190 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/03/19 15:09 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190741409598 Supplier Ref: 190741409598 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02021602 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 11432967081205065575 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/03/19 12:06 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190751106374 Supplier Ref: 190751106374 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02025331 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 68185211052382496757 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/03/19 11:01 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190801001573 Supplier Ref: 190801001573 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02047644 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 11627190530112129591 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/03/19 17:07 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190811607487 Supplier Ref: 190811607487 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02055533 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 14163785449964326685 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/03/19 15:29 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190841429256 Supplier Ref: 190841429256 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02066584 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 41115762176559318611 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/03/19 17:21 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 7815860197284 Supplier Ref: 7815860197284 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02084388 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 46656578302640791674 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/03/19 13:39 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155394600207 Supplier Ref: 155394600207 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02095784 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 55455754421461141471 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/04/19 15:54 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190911454176 Supplier Ref: 190911454176 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02106654 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 19165478442209239270 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/04/19 16:02 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190931502564 Supplier Ref: 190931502564 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02121023 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 50113552155972306496 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/04/19 17:13 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 194968115449886 Supplier Ref: 194968115449886 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02135088 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 04196522457029657558 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/04/19 16:47 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155473483119 Supplier Ref: 155473483119 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02148639 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 60014033858338181811 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/04/19 16:26 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191011526581 Supplier Ref: 191011526581 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02166907 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 36189009899102308169 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/04/19 12:40 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 407507218363789 Supplier Ref: 407507218363789 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02177221 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 60050677607241790996 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/04/19 16:06 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190416384387 Supplier Ref: 190416384387 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02192451 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 59073360707800432955 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/04/19 14:48 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155567810082 Supplier Ref: 155567810082 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02209650 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 00784826548233694502 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/04/19 12:14 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155575529863 Supplier Ref: 155575529863 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02213674 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 23888474174152677876 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/04/19 14:18 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155593553688 Supplier Ref: 155593553688 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02222659 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 43437346116305372644 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/04/19 09:27 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155609084295 Supplier Ref: 155609084295 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02232063 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 61158563760352693884 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/04/19 13:29 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155627817398 Supplier Ref: 155627817398 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02246499 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 28402660617912917729 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/04/19 09:44 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155635108738 Supplier Ref: 155635108738 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02250700 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 58606110141965672418 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/04/19 15:54 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155663243926 Supplier Ref: 155663243926 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02271344 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 47517682807001062729 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/05/19 14:55 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191221355116 Supplier Ref: 191221355116 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02283872 Total Value: N1,400.00 Standard: N1,400.00 - 43731357540990034312 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/05/19 11:40 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191231040402 Supplier Ref: 191231040402 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02288147 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 43046520976522393169 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/05/19 16:58 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191261559078 Supplier Ref: 191261559078 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02306524 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 17511427588095360466 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/05/19 17:23 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191271623112 Supplier Ref: 191271623112 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02313869 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 05152504799988680364 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/05/19 10:56 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191300956494 Supplier Ref: 191300956494 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02324002 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 37054662314841717842 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/05/19 17:18 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190513721206 Supplier Ref: 190513721206 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02336509 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 02821108307828901400 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/05/19 13:24 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191351224584 Supplier Ref: 191351224584 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02345804 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 22538493079284982203 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/05/19 10:05 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 129154623700212 Supplier Ref: 129154623700212 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02359051 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 30915782214306153280 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/05/19 17:20 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 914016208348 Supplier Ref: 914016208348 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02370330 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 52893118035234263916 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/05/19 17:05 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155871032976 Supplier Ref: 155871032976 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02391750 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 51364545120504314876 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/05/19 15:41 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191481441252 Supplier Ref: 191481441252 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02410839 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 50648345739948152459 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/05/19 11:43 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191511043302 Supplier Ref: 191511043302 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02425823 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 38767643278167389712 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/05/19 17:14 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191511614475 Supplier Ref: 191511614475 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02429121 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 23561629757167995587 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/06/19 16:25 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191541525363 Supplier Ref: 191541525363 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02446011 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 60611698089477276217 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/06/19 13:24 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155973384636 Supplier Ref: 155973384636 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02456754 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 37619488873133211393 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/06/19 16:48 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191571548285 Supplier Ref: 191571548285 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02462880 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 10223825536432049810 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/06/19 14:03 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191591303463 Supplier Ref: 191591303463 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02473802 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 39897387384737718537 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/06/19 09:17 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 131663546666654 Supplier Ref: 131663546666654 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02479288 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 68199404525041570702 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/06/19 15:42 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191611442137 Supplier Ref: 191611442137 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02483311 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 70610204321796029652 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/06/19 16:33 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 896680942582825 Supplier Ref: 896680942582825 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02489800 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 35856962519997396013 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/06/19 10:07 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 558819235401006 Supplier Ref: 558819235401006 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02507774 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 22382678511400528253 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/06/19 16:13 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156086722412 Supplier Ref: 156086722412 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02523682 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 20200752216051999664 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/06/19 16:55 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 489778756826040 Supplier Ref: 489778756826040 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02533261 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 33577185911107625266 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/06/19 13:51 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191731251191 Supplier Ref: 191731251191 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02542247 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 48623894613770906090 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/06/19 14:50 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156120782672 Supplier Ref: 156120782672 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02542729 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 35890460503345295693 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/06/19 10:26 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191750926173 Supplier Ref: 191750926173 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02548108 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 19571537162680798412 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/06/19 17:32 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191761632533 Supplier Ref: 191761632533 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02557221 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 01932043915943861548 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/06/19 15:59 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191781459420 Supplier Ref: 191781459420 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02565798 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 17982589462633321205 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/06/19 16:03 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156173058301 Supplier Ref: 156173058301 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02571496 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 48654452141698721928 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/07/19 15:41 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191821442013 Supplier Ref: 191821442013 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02584349 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 63536147243610971800 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/07/19 13:24 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191851224074 Supplier Ref: 191851224074 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02599000 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 38261847284045030908 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/07/19 11:34 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191871034595 Supplier Ref: 191871034595 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02608081 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 67411438694091283082 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/07/19 15:36 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191891436438 Supplier Ref: 191891436438 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02617076 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 14587869877567754128 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/07/19 13:00 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156284280615 Supplier Ref: 156284280615 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02633288 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 67720240676093109676 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/07/19 13:46 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156301839722 Supplier Ref: 156301839722 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02643378 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 31601834895112406769 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/07/19 13:21 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191971221102 Supplier Ref: 191971221102 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02655998 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 58242676674641345311 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/07/19 15:20 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156328321012 Supplier Ref: 156328321012 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02656840 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 67497590936220896566 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/07/19 16:18 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156354589077 Supplier Ref: 156354589077 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02671771 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 48759909980524010734 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/07/19 14:20 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192041320437 Supplier Ref: 192041320437 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02688050 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 01262429469277129304 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/07/19 10:40 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192070940362 Supplier Ref: 192070940362 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02702613 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 36306281041803835438 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/07/19 17:27 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156415485121 Supplier Ref: 156415485121 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02705998 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 32267842686976442443 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/07/19 17:02 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156458534663 Supplier Ref: 156458534663 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02732481 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 48371294012347927278 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/08/19 14:15 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156483450310 Supplier Ref: 156483450310 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02749849 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 23094179336204216767 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/08/19 14:17 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192171317444 Supplier Ref: 192171317444 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02758106 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 28605675616873278231 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/08/19 16:34 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156518847590 Supplier Ref: 156518847590 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02770608 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 57940884555906608312 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/08/19 12:15 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156543212413 Supplier Ref: 156543212413 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02784383 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 47260197516153205708 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/08/19 16:35 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156587970541 Supplier Ref: 156587970541 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02809364 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 06538931449318879799 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/08/19 17:58 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156623032792 Supplier Ref: 156623032792 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02829549 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 63078406770914301458 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/08/19 10:44 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156654987534 Supplier Ref: 156654987534 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02846369 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 70641276615934242105 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/08/19 12:20 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156664203491 Supplier Ref: 156664203491 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02852403 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 26438168018936722963 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/08/19 15:13 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192381413131 Supplier Ref: 192381413131 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02860620 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 40711511661511960578 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/08/19 10:09 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156715257387 Supplier Ref: 156715257387 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02880303 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 33844471976410061372 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/09/19 17:25 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156743790152 Supplier Ref: 156743790152 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02898550 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 42624105290702965126 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/09/19 10:09 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156784377766 Supplier Ref: 156784377766 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02924836 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 17134539327164318755 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/09/19 09:31 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156827349338 Supplier Ref: 156827349338 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02951031 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 52520479492099986350 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/09/19 19:15 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192571815335 Supplier Ref: 192571815335 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02965806 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 72187382061237570943 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/09/19 16:43 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156864504617 Supplier Ref: 156864504617 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02973336 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 25729289617407708937 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/09/19 16:48 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156890452051 Supplier Ref: 156890452051 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02990935 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 59435675583115579496 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/09/19 10:36 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156905503150 Supplier Ref: 156905503150 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02999547 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 37208758639635353967 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/09/19 10:54 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156922890970 Supplier Ref: 156922890970 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03008103 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 61887267337876307873 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/09/19 14:10 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156924065452 Supplier Ref: 156924065452 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03009816 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 17371148724394827854 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/09/19 09:34 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156948332843 Supplier Ref: 156948332843 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03025581 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 65418067946306925588 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/09/19 16:41 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156959532150 Supplier Ref: 156959532150 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03034244 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 47730295617978398579 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/09/19 17:09 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156985622601 Supplier Ref: 156985622601 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03051210 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 71490725091254883419 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/10/19 11:45 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157018240247 Supplier Ref: 157018240247 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03073416 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 62582411670975455588 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/10/19 16:33 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157019965366 Supplier Ref: 157019965366 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03075861 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 02030670435382267806 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/10/19 09:16 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157051904403 Supplier Ref: 157051904403 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03092444 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 64123114554848015463 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/10/19 14:06 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157062282588 Supplier Ref: 157062282588 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03100575 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 36899529342787001958 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/10/19 15:40 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157080129156 Supplier Ref: 157080129156 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03112803 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 40045201219272055603 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/10/19 09:05 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 928708064838 Supplier Ref: 928708064838 Receipt: PagT13EMDB03122563 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 00970520434818286729 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/10/19 14:32 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157122919355 Supplier Ref: 157122919355 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03137709 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 55012095238578689462 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/10/19 14:15 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157140098091 Supplier Ref: 157140098091 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03148834 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 60020214443040335839 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/10/19 17:00 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157158368998 Supplier Ref: 157158368998 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03158517 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 37584345207166557868 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/10/19 12:57 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157165551873 Supplier Ref: 157165551873 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03161747 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 61190860617371178690 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/10/19 17:42 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157184543793 Supplier Ref: 157184543793 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03176902 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 73578768448032552611 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/10/19 11:44 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157208312688 Supplier Ref: 157208312688 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03191262 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 61862904131043644519 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/10/19 15:05 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157226802443 Supplier Ref: 157226802443 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03202145 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 48795620779765124033 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/10/19 09:11 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157250595157 Supplier Ref: 157250595157 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03220775 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 49753458280727511548 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/11/19 13:57 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157269595387 Supplier Ref: 157269595387 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03238772 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 05293106130396698055 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/11/19 16:44 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157287873236 Supplier Ref: 157287873236 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03251075 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 45182976096108016540 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/11/19 14:47 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157313094986 Supplier Ref: 157313094986 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03270853 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 52117579496648444992 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/11/19 13:09 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157329785893 Supplier Ref: 157329785893 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03281922 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 09941136296306871731 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/11/19 14:30 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157347551057 Supplier Ref: 157347551057 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03290381 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 63502585169251563492 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/11/19 10:39 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157372085845 Supplier Ref: 157372085845 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03308058 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 51583029623667998564 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/11/19 13:14 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157407579438 Supplier Ref: 157407579438 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03330133 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 57627526007553802512 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/11/19 14:56 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157434110950 Supplier Ref: 157434110950 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03349588 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 04328324091910580864 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/11/19 16:50 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157469355375 Supplier Ref: 157469355375 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03380339 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 62055692088092839611 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/11/19 16:14 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157503696742 Supplier Ref: 157503696742 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03417652 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 38598406760853358316 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/12/19 11:16 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157553751635 Supplier Ref: 157553751635 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03469787 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 15015652926589547152 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/12/19 16:03 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157598675966 Supplier Ref: 157598675966 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03511044 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 18766947216206312358 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/12/19 13:13 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157649496689 Supplier Ref: 157649496689 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03542423 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 38462093434480129622 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/12/19 12:38 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157657927239 Supplier Ref: 157657927239 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03551573 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 08792562274047390321 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/12/19 13:15 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157675430755 Supplier Ref: 157675430755 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03571132 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 03488599399526110436 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/12/19 14:59 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157684693260 Supplier Ref: 157684693260 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03582057 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 40940728309147790343 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/12/19 16:36 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157711195463 Supplier Ref: 157711195463 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03607795 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 21817535532692504908 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/12/19 18:11 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193581714304 Supplier Ref: 193581714304 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03624625 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 41394067371363416668 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/12/19 13:21 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157735943586 Supplier Ref: 157735943586 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03636176 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 62368147577683514819 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/12/19 15:50 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157745480659 Supplier Ref: 157745480659 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03646574 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 20124719491284289297 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/12/19 14:42 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193651345462 Supplier Ref: 193651345462 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03680622 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 48023714081115620712 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/01/20 15:15 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200031418475 Supplier Ref: 200031418475 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03699571 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 37617891824932819333 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/01/20 14:17 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157839961627 Supplier Ref: 157839961627 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03730193 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 13360739181314922193 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/01/20 16:48 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157849507063 Supplier Ref: 157849507063 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03741547 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 53528831734914622089 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/01/20 15:11 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157866205284 Supplier Ref: 157866205284 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03757518 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 01105196414357323206 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/01/20 11:58 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157890970967 Supplier Ref: 157890970967 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03778454 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 14522667981732102920 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/01/20 14:56 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157892038490 Supplier Ref: 157892038490 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03780532 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 22368017921849160102 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/01/20 09:40 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157907423096 Supplier Ref: 157907423096 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03796917 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 54235720095105265822 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/01/20 15:31 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157952727573 Supplier Ref: 157952727573 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03836607 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 73260412115788685401 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/01/20 17:04 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157987849274 Supplier Ref: 157987849274 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03875859 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 32086216668227550982 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/01/20 09:09 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158036818386 Supplier Ref: 158036818386 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03922386 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 62727362950657453246 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/02/20 17:09 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158082897593 Supplier Ref: 158082897593 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03977986 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 16940829086133296199 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/02/20 16:38 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158091347965 Supplier Ref: 158091347965 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03987347 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 53051405203971374695 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/02/20 12:01 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158141528721 Supplier Ref: 158141528721 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04038345 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 35076061989607759787 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/02/20 12:01 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158167448418 Supplier Ref: 158167448418 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04066696 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 32112467419100356439 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/02/20 15:59 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158194795531 Supplier Ref: 158194795531 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04093977 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 11089240931747532664 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/02/20 13:48 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200511248561 Supplier Ref: 200511248561 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04122770 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 48538765858093535015 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/02/20 12:15 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158236648848 Supplier Ref: 158236648848 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04141638 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 52951405792321845610 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/02/20 17:02 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158264293028 Supplier Ref: 158264293028 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04173301 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 41792233605107257993 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/02/20 12:06 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158271156991 Supplier Ref: 158271156991 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04180386 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 27176343404475596582 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/02/20 13:31 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158288950050 Supplier Ref: 158288950050 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04204957 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 02765548823488147590 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/03/20 16:42 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200621542333 Supplier Ref: 200621542333 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04244672 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 19194380482988656738 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/03/20 13:19 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158340716439 Supplier Ref: 158340716439 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04282727 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 36552045064682527260 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/03/20 13:55 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200701254565 Supplier Ref: 200701254565 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04327033 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 69407130550080570727 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/03/20 13:05 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200711205071 Supplier Ref: 200711205071 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04331602 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 49580680158108471597 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/03/20 17:33 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200711633070 Supplier Ref: 200711633070 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04333588 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 36308896957701531489 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/03/20 17:27 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200731627292 Supplier Ref: 200731627292 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04346430 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 36633634518792419271 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/03/20 16:10 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200781510248 Supplier Ref: 200781510248 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04372662 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 22622251403838922842 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/03/20 16:23 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200811522560 Supplier Ref: 200811522560 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04393924 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 69670133546198493512 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/03/20 18:17 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200841717214 Supplier Ref: 200841717214 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04414911 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 36539441522892409240 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/03/20 10:12 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200860912076 Supplier Ref: 200860912076 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04426484 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 53883073188999418109 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/03/20 09:18 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200870818453 Supplier Ref: 200870818453 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04434391 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 24380172669944719787 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/03/20 09:58 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200880858223 Supplier Ref: 200880858223 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04444028 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 72114073590235416886 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/03/20 09:35 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200910834594 Supplier Ref: 200910834594 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04466053 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 27353210715491341595 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/04/20 13:29 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200921228578 Supplier Ref: 200921228578 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04480973 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 03295835936199272789 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/04/20 09:36 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200940835597 Supplier Ref: 200940835597 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04495381 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 50302230616901335471 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/04/20 16:03 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200941503187 Supplier Ref: 200941503187 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04499988 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 59204975799457189377 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/04/20 14:35 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200971335197 Supplier Ref: 200971335197 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04516870 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 67620186228278698195 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/04/20 09:18 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200990818357 Supplier Ref: 200990818357 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04528649 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 44523829068260372009 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/04/20 13:58 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201081358584 Supplier Ref: 201081358584 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04589924 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 53884487567388379821 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/04/20 16:40 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201091640474 Supplier Ref: 201091640474 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04602301 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 57122263812822299724 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/04/20 11:37 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201141138004 Supplier Ref: 201141138004 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04632689 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 31136874924454128178 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/04/20 10:41 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201161041187 Supplier Ref: 201161041187 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04651134 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 46474869833878910316 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/05/20 08:57 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201220857555 Supplier Ref: 201220857555 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04690967 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 38609530376662215593 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/05/20 17:00 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201251700533 Supplier Ref: 201251700533 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04712376 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 21322459536355487045 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/05/20 10:15 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201301015257 Supplier Ref: 201301015257 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04740783 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 40190194514022178586 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/05/20 15:50 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201361550511 Supplier Ref: 201361550511 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04781141 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 35379378974752813341 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/05/20 12:55 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201401255577 Supplier Ref: 201401255577 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04804086 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 45589453707937916607 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/05/20 17:14 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201441714258 Supplier Ref: 201441714258 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04836455 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 17696287886473620602 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/05/20 10:34 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201491034271 Supplier Ref: 201491034271 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04863695 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 41687864145306658595 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/06/20 13:42 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201541342325 Supplier Ref: 201541342325 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04904337 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 38935004044210500233 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/06/20 13:58 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201551358490 Supplier Ref: 201551358490 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04910318 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 16221998991348058556 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/06/20 16:36 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201571636364 Supplier Ref: 201571636364 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04926978 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 19693105036803210484 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/06/20 18:20 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201631820326 Supplier Ref: 201631820326 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04963311 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 22435858366989154666 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/06/20 09:15 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201640915522 Supplier Ref: 201640915522 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04965876 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 10226501128306547988 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/06/20 13:13 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201681313074 Supplier Ref: 201681313074 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04994358 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 12032535061931005748 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/06/20 15:04 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201711504582 Supplier Ref: 201711504582 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05016539 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 65774312873118186731 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/06/20 11:24 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201751124277 Supplier Ref: 201751124277 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05041771 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 38341203517825139023 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/06/20 16:00 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201771600363 Supplier Ref: 201771600363 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05060411 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 32410130176941987147 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/06/20 14:52 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201781452274 Supplier Ref: 201781452274 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05067588 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 50767761685066984785 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/07/20 16:07 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201831607085 Supplier Ref: 201831607085 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05111746 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 05799286578810594272 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/07/20 11:07 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201851107567 Supplier Ref: 201851107567 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05125603 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 22060802472338528332 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/07/20 13:38 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201881338232 Supplier Ref: 201881338232 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05146511 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 08203422723561703404 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/07/20 09:36 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201890936420 Supplier Ref: 201890936420 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05151924 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 23557800132943419793 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/07/20 11:56 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201921156263 Supplier Ref: 201921156263 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05174291 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 42154788541785133114 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/07/20 14:11 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201961411315 Supplier Ref: 201961411315 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05199996 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 19116845455897642889 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/07/20 13:17 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201981317578 Supplier Ref: 201981317578 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05213206 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 19867840873709844216 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/07/20 15:49 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201991549337 Supplier Ref: 201991549337 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05221126 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 67467728733553801111 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/07/20 15:07 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202021507203 Supplier Ref: 202021507203 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05240575 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 43349274916635097991 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/07/20 13:28 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202031328442 Supplier Ref: 202031328442 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05249412 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 16634989861006971463 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/07/20 08:35 Meter/Type: 0101175079041 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202060835540 Supplier Ref: 202060835540 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05273998 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 36016900238211811118 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 408 0101175079256 Date Sold: 11/01/19 16:38 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190111538496 Supplier Ref: 190111538496 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01561442 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 64738933984815692034 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/01/19 10:20 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154728123828 Supplier Ref: 154728123828 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01564244 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 10625378979673977373 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/01/19 14:43 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190151343481 Supplier Ref: 190151343481 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01586766 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 11366499606692449839 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/01/19 10:34 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190190934273 Supplier Ref: 190190934273 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01616478 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 63427863785005367554 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/02/19 17:09 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 688053596200028 Supplier Ref: 688053596200028 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01749518 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 15835802849130508665 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/02/19 15:31 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190391431414 Supplier Ref: 190391431414 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01782207 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 22439129632033695689 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/02/19 16:17 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190421518025 Supplier Ref: 190421518025 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01800601 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 67200771049087855600 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/02/19 15:42 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155006533965 Supplier Ref: 155006533965 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01816789 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 55898518862894686797 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/02/19 14:06 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155023240650 Supplier Ref: 155023240650 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01834462 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 67276572795942014572 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/02/19 15:14 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190491415025 Supplier Ref: 190491415025 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01850746 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 25211386656020831475 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/02/19 13:54 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190531255132 Supplier Ref: 190531255132 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01882368 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 63514533601347558822 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/02/19 15:05 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190571405512 Supplier Ref: 190571405512 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01908348 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 09082663362399658529 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/03/19 15:20 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190601420440 Supplier Ref: 190601420440 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01934718 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 39735220783031677624 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/03/19 13:19 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190661219101 Supplier Ref: 190661219101 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01976365 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 53627025793616453910 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/03/19 16:58 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190701559102 Supplier Ref: 190701559102 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01999379 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 52707639379825669174 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/03/19 16:59 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190721559228 Supplier Ref: 190721559228 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02011503 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 34290111499528481205 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/03/19 15:10 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190741411085 Supplier Ref: 190741411085 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02021609 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 62548173019567357128 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/03/19 17:08 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190811609048 Supplier Ref: 190811609048 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02055551 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 28218710403795070557 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/03/19 15:29 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190841430147 Supplier Ref: 190841430147 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02066597 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 61683085120372944151 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/03/19 17:51 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190871652106 Supplier Ref: 190871652106 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02084674 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 46260841340949041724 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/04/19 15:55 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190911455185 Supplier Ref: 190911455185 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02106663 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 28786913083986408997 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/04/19 16:03 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190931503441 Supplier Ref: 190931503441 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02121029 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 13748346991203177280 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/04/19 17:15 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190405531347 Supplier Ref: 190405531347 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02135106 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 59151249206860541920 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/04/19 16:48 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155473488524 Supplier Ref: 155473488524 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02148650 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 48351818801984001503 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/04/19 16:28 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191011528156 Supplier Ref: 191011528156 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02166918 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 47819683173683679521 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/04/19 16:08 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190416104371 Supplier Ref: 190416104371 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02192470 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 66557771275019458731 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/04/19 09:54 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155600608882 Supplier Ref: 155600608882 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02225630 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N1,999.95 - 14620285206414123961 Debt: N0.05 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/04/19 09:28 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155609090109 Supplier Ref: 155609090109 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02232069 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 29765444020286346739 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/04/19 09:45 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155635114122 Supplier Ref: 155635114122 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02250707 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 13750538891227413006 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/04/19 15:55 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155663250539 Supplier Ref: 155663250539 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02271368 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 55655410505862461216 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/05/19 14:55 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191221356060 Supplier Ref: 191221356060 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02283882 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 31712563689640411045 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/05/19 11:41 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191231041367 Supplier Ref: 191231041367 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02288155 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 11889333417686735925 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/05/19 17:24 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191271624220 Supplier Ref: 191271624220 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02313886 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 03463382940603867448 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/05/19 17:33 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191331633143 Supplier Ref: 191331633143 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02336658 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 09169780898452342388 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/05/19 13:26 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191351226157 Supplier Ref: 191351226157 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02345812 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 06954852654858800947 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/05/19 10:06 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 229011166861268 Supplier Ref: 229011166861268 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02359068 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 28175000506597804854 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/05/19 17:24 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 914016248362 Supplier Ref: 914016248362 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02370354 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 46389969510157724350 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/05/19 17:06 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 913629513947742 Supplier Ref: 913629513947742 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02391760 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 40413883023968805750 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/05/19 15:42 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191481442308 Supplier Ref: 191481442308 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02410850 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 72530301717422711537 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/05/19 17:17 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191511617098 Supplier Ref: 191511617098 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02429148 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 27168450071654014582 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/06/19 20:32 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155950009024 Supplier Ref: 155950009024 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02439660 Total Value: N1,100.00 Standard: N1,100.00 - 63506756226719014169 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/06/19 16:26 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191541526267 Supplier Ref: 191541526267 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02446018 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 39182341003702815536 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/06/19 13:25 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155973389535 Supplier Ref: 155973389535 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02456758 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 65599695618068545503 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/06/19 16:49 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191571549275 Supplier Ref: 191571549275 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02462881 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 11676525671029192084 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/06/19 14:04 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191591304522 Supplier Ref: 191591304522 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02473816 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 46343071598926866961 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/06/19 15:43 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191611443182 Supplier Ref: 191611443182 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02483324 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 12448173688199292029 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/06/19 16:34 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 185177949599451 Supplier Ref: 185177949599451 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02489809 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 05287641620877991038 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/06/19 10:08 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191660908592 Supplier Ref: 191660908592 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02507786 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 70575951276232800580 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/06/19 16:14 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156086727236 Supplier Ref: 156086727236 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02523690 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 62593504473552097467 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/06/19 13:52 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191731252236 Supplier Ref: 191731252236 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02542254 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 04306961863621298341 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/06/19 17:33 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191761633428 Supplier Ref: 191761633428 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02557227 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 23687158743717508105 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/06/19 16:00 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191781500265 Supplier Ref: 191781500265 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02565804 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 54542950197456573463 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/06/19 16:04 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156173064587 Supplier Ref: 156173064587 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02571505 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 26609140308089650791 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/07/19 15:42 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191821442437 Supplier Ref: 191821442437 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02584357 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 21114478661940216973 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/07/19 13:28 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156232609732 Supplier Ref: 156232609732 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02603343 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 57708357455241907556 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/07/19 15:37 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191891437295 Supplier Ref: 191891437295 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02617088 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 18462447034717087941 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/07/19 13:25 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191921225561 Supplier Ref: 191921225561 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02633435 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 43249420774167234791 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/07/19 13:48 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156301846672 Supplier Ref: 156301846672 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02643383 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 67501330468746621690 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/07/19 15:26 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156328358429 Supplier Ref: 156328358429 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02656899 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 05226953802349558815 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/07/19 16:20 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156354601494 Supplier Ref: 156354601494 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02671795 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 24293889505886938050 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/07/19 14:21 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192041321341 Supplier Ref: 192041321341 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02688055 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 01431830982580027905 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/07/19 13:11 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192081211428 Supplier Ref: 192081211428 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02709918 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 54992449383355108300 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/07/19 17:03 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156458538621 Supplier Ref: 156458538621 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02732487 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 39681063034851444219 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/08/19 14:19 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192171319202 Supplier Ref: 192171319202 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02758115 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 54569084764822675319 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/08/19 17:11 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156519067416 Supplier Ref: 156519067416 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02770810 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 31401459445617377779 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/08/19 12:16 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156543220050 Supplier Ref: 156543220050 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02784391 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 51095929075019796876 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/08/19 16:36 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156587977810 Supplier Ref: 156587977810 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02809376 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 32796683273463338583 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/08/19 17:59 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156623037094 Supplier Ref: 156623037094 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02829555 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 61637301886815132335 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/08/19 10:45 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156654993022 Supplier Ref: 156654993022 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02846379 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 45075309412413500116 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/08/19 15:15 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192381415225 Supplier Ref: 192381415225 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02860626 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 41626247763888973905 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/08/19 10:10 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156715262122 Supplier Ref: 156715262122 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02880307 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 54162890709305711799 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/09/19 17:30 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156743821242 Supplier Ref: 156743821242 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02898589 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 63107368001193519769 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/09/19 10:10 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156784384519 Supplier Ref: 156784384519 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02924841 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 55839213370334349680 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/09/19 09:33 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156827360394 Supplier Ref: 156827360394 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02951042 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 66169759553469486755 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/09/19 16:44 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156864510020 Supplier Ref: 156864510020 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02973356 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 44604669611579423482 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/09/19 10:38 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156905512066 Supplier Ref: 156905512066 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02999560 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 55593836813730445300 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/09/19 16:42 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156959538325 Supplier Ref: 156959538325 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03034258 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 16060600222486164640 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/09/19 17:10 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156985627350 Supplier Ref: 156985627350 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03051221 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 00021310117014915461 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/10/19 16:34 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157019972890 Supplier Ref: 157019972890 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03075873 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 08081616251081867940 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/10/19 14:10 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157062305399 Supplier Ref: 157062305399 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03100609 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 60256070312908276110 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/10/19 15:52 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157080202013 Supplier Ref: 157080202013 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03112908 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 21298822728830543559 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/10/19 14:33 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157122927682 Supplier Ref: 157122927682 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03137725 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 16972659882796093222 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/10/19 15:06 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157166325602 Supplier Ref: 157166325602 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03163059 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 15268779140705504095 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/10/19 15:46 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157201126254 Supplier Ref: 157201126254 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03187399 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 30145082056127698009 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/10/19 15:07 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157226815429 Supplier Ref: 157226815429 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03202170 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 41836170016284704899 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/10/19 09:13 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157250609951 Supplier Ref: 157250609951 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03220798 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 23040891698438611052 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/11/19 14:13 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157269690531 Supplier Ref: 157269690531 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03238899 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 38732257983750290168 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/11/19 16:45 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157287879880 Supplier Ref: 157287879880 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03251084 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 09867332804420712691 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/11/19 14:48 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157313100451 Supplier Ref: 157313100451 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03270863 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 01180223484348848101 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/11/19 14:33 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157347569532 Supplier Ref: 157347569532 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03290419 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 04708748347922135207 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/11/19 10:39 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157372090341 Supplier Ref: 157372090341 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03308067 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 70176291518045045061 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/11/19 13:15 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157407583688 Supplier Ref: 157407583688 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03330144 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 44973458998747153327 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/11/19 14:59 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 1574341260100 Supplier Ref: 1574341260100 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03349603 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 50675216913538956973 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/11/19 16:51 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157469360621 Supplier Ref: 157469360621 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03380352 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 21366409348325294651 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/11/19 16:15 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157503703234 Supplier Ref: 157503703234 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03417668 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 39220207638189268491 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/12/19 11:17 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157553758208 Supplier Ref: 157553758208 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03469800 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 06125102257862984231 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/12/19 16:06 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157598690148 Supplier Ref: 157598690148 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03511076 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 23169376013938052736 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/12/19 13:21 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157649543167 Supplier Ref: 157649543167 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03542505 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 64631120564607340608 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/12/19 13:12 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157658132383 Supplier Ref: 157658132383 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03551919 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 69919137192053776808 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/12/19 15:00 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157684699531 Supplier Ref: 157684699531 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03582079 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 38964048624123371218 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/12/19 16:37 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157711202867 Supplier Ref: 157711202867 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03607816 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 07466458881276818177 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/12/19 18:09 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193581712328 Supplier Ref: 193581712328 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03624598 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 36730519208278575437 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/12/19 15:52 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157745490622 Supplier Ref: 157745490622 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03646605 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 13514902986440443246 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/12/19 15:11 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193641414443 Supplier Ref: 193641414443 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03669068 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 18394522263768351969 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/12/19 14:43 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193651346486 Supplier Ref: 193651346486 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03680646 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 46014077786869055623 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/01/20 15:16 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200031419446 Supplier Ref: 200031419446 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03699579 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 36801781648263266228 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/01/20 14:18 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157839967561 Supplier Ref: 157839967561 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03730219 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 49470870967073702836 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/01/20 21:40 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157842607211 Supplier Ref: 157842607211 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03735508 Total Value: N1,100.00 Standard: N1,100.00 - 23075514323765027535 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/01/20 16:49 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157849512737 Supplier Ref: 157849512737 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03741558 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 46295920475691864101 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/01/20 15:12 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157866212576 Supplier Ref: 157866212576 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03757529 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 24910479313435457466 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/01/20 16:50 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157892724558 Supplier Ref: 157892724558 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03782474 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 43295330376456903645 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/01/20 09:41 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157907428767 Supplier Ref: 157907428767 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03796933 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 53820845956889188458 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/01/20 15:32 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157952735086 Supplier Ref: 157952735086 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03836633 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 22007972479887025605 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/01/20 17:06 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157987857585 Supplier Ref: 157987857585 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03875878 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 18227267594280592786 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/01/20 09:10 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158036822997 Supplier Ref: 158036822997 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03922394 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 10072834183104631151 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/02/20 14:21 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158073247030 Supplier Ref: 158073247030 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03963985 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 35981192737033547058 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/02/20 16:39 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158091353344 Supplier Ref: 158091353344 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03987371 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 05158156079285843385 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/02/20 12:03 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158141537946 Supplier Ref: 158141537946 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04038362 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 14128116919662598210 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/02/20 14:08 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158168209655 Supplier Ref: 158168209655 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04068452 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 42534791272948187061 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/02/20 16:02 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158194811999 Supplier Ref: 158194811999 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04094046 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 53372106962128250480 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/02/20 13:47 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200511247132 Supplier Ref: 200511247132 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04122756 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 17799354968315865673 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/02/20 13:55 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158237250611 Supplier Ref: 158237250611 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04143230 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 02266662167945882293 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/02/20 13:32 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158288955653 Supplier Ref: 158288955653 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04204986 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 52190113052059721819 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/02/20 18:10 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158299255904 Supplier Ref: 158299255904 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04222506 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 08440454957131339614 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/03/20 16:44 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200621544207 Supplier Ref: 200621544207 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04244682 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 49008838788668113954 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/03/20 13:18 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158340708991 Supplier Ref: 158340708991 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04282689 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 18146498550256535857 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/03/20 17:28 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200731628301 Supplier Ref: 200731628301 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04346436 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 36941572481284199061 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/03/20 16:11 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200781511506 Supplier Ref: 200781511506 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04372671 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 00490174859981323908 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/03/20 16:23 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200811523435 Supplier Ref: 200811523435 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04393935 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 06710736393554238285 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/03/20 18:18 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200841718268 Supplier Ref: 200841718268 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04414918 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 70650497204761821960 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/03/20 09:21 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200870821204 Supplier Ref: 200870821204 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04434410 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 73407142103075935299 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/03/20 10:00 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200880859515 Supplier Ref: 200880859515 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04444044 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 54564781231256436555 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/04/20 13:30 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200921230233 Supplier Ref: 200921230233 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04480999 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 26121440803249298706 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/04/20 16:05 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200941504533 Supplier Ref: 200941504533 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04500011 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 19746826269286084458 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/04/20 14:36 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200971336145 Supplier Ref: 200971336145 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04516889 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 57506309725345744599 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/04/20 09:22 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200990822410 Supplier Ref: 200990822410 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04528690 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 54634495756756622559 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/04/20 13:59 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201081400104 Supplier Ref: 201081400104 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04589932 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 67983759551483755996 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/04/20 16:42 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201091642221 Supplier Ref: 201091642221 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04602312 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 22549735018766230821 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/04/20 11:39 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201141139492 Supplier Ref: 201141139492 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04632702 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 71414124587873720755 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/04/20 10:42 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201161043077 Supplier Ref: 201161043077 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04651188 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 73206594927858773278 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/05/20 08:59 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201220859287 Supplier Ref: 201220859287 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04690980 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 27351414508629910495 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/05/20 17:01 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201251701443 Supplier Ref: 201251701443 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04712388 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 08080181087331581304 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/05/20 10:16 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201301016128 Supplier Ref: 201301016128 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04740792 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 51626240659285537295 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/05/20 15:54 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201361554328 Supplier Ref: 201361554328 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04781183 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 27316512231137109950 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/05/20 12:56 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201401256402 Supplier Ref: 201401256402 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04804093 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 31671635436543168457 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/05/20 10:35 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201491035177 Supplier Ref: 201491035177 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04863706 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 06279085553692538349 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/06/20 13:41 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201541341075 Supplier Ref: 201541341075 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04904327 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 64355687596015164580 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/06/20 13:59 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201551359474 Supplier Ref: 201551359474 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04910330 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 69750660332056824488 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/06/20 16:37 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201571637357 Supplier Ref: 201571637357 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04926991 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 68162038721449915321 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/06/20 09:14 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201640914478 Supplier Ref: 201640914478 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04965860 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 59212838180449664393 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/06/20 13:14 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201681314147 Supplier Ref: 201681314147 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04994367 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 45237086450369915263 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/06/20 15:06 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201711506005 Supplier Ref: 201711506005 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05016556 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 27682986186324402336 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/06/20 11:26 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201751126140 Supplier Ref: 201751126140 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05041791 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 04442182536299009530 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/06/20 14:54 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201781454241 Supplier Ref: 201781454241 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05067604 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 32646984423844871258 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/07/20 11:31 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201851131515 Supplier Ref: 201851131515 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05125839 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 04101519498901668338 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/07/20 09:38 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201890939024 Supplier Ref: 201890939024 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05151963 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 07871951153508522405 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/07/20 12:07 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201921207294 Supplier Ref: 201921207294 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05174399 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 69599445485166722719 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/07/20 13:25 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201981325440 Supplier Ref: 201981325440 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05213284 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 71277241118046392944 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/07/20 10:10 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202001010183 Supplier Ref: 202001010183 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05224936 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 13889551006982284736 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/07/20 15:08 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202021508354 Supplier Ref: 202021508354 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05240599 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 58225860897278862116 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/07/20 13:27 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202031327518 Supplier Ref: 202031327518 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05249407 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 56783684950889125136 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/07/20 15:46 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202041546163 Supplier Ref: 202041546163 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05260574 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 08988446388187367028 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/07/20 08:37 Meter/Type: 0101175079256 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202060837197 Supplier Ref: 202060837197 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05274020 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 56941994193585000423 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 3092020-07-24 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014746ClosedRequest2020-07-240101175021308 Pls confirm the tariff of the above MSN. ThankMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-24NoGood morning, Find below, Tariff Profile: RESIDENTIAL 3-PHASE MD (R3)2020-07-24 stynlucs@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014745ClosedRequest2020-07-24: Request Please send the original, outstanding debt and vending history of this customer : 54160867500 ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-24NoGood morning, Find below, This customer does not have any Debt accounts associated2020-07-24 mahmudwaziri@hotmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014744ClosedKCT Request2020-07-24REQUEST 23072020 A Good Evening Sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the following MSN 0101185057151 with tariff 02 on the meter.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-24NoGood morning, Find below, 0101185057151 5485 6298 7818 0478 6404 6560 3267 5661 1304 94632020-07-24 glawal1184@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014743Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014742ClosedRequest2020-07-23: REQUEST FOR RUNNING BALANCE =54161108318 AND 54161126922 Dear support team, Kindly assist with the running balance for the Ffollowing meters 1=54161108318 2=54161126922 Best regards. Joseph Ochoche Capturing Officer Gboko RegionMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-23NoHello, Find below, 1= 54161108318 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 54161108318 Start Date: 7/9/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $4,141.39 Outstanding Balance: $4,141.39 Running Balance: $4,141.39 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record 2= 54161126922 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 54161126922 Start Date: 7/9/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $4,106.04 Outstanding Balance: $4,106.04 Running Balance: $4,106.04 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-23 ochoche.joseph@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014741ClosedVending History2020-07-23: Request for VH of 0101185053242 Dear IT Support Team, Kindly furnish us with VH of 0101185053242. Thank youMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-23NoHello, Find below, Date Sold: 03/12/19 14:57 Meter/Type: 0101185053242 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193371359488 Supplier Ref: 193371359488 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03453799 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 37323683023452072531 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/12/19 20:36 Meter/Type: 0101185053242 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157712634485 Supplier Ref: 157712634485 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03610898 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 15811876515684952476 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/12/19 09:38 Meter/Type: 0101185053242 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157717329396 Supplier Ref: 157717329396 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03613098 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 67654101851376799524 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/01/20 20:19 Meter/Type: 0101185053242 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157790292919 Supplier Ref: 157790292919 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03689816 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 52438805357272191591 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/01/20 11:04 Meter/Type: 0101185053242 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 000410071930 Supplier Ref: 000410071930 Receipt: PagT13EMDB03705831 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 45979754611553455838 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/01/20 10:05 Meter/Type: 0101185053242 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157873008853 Supplier Ref: 157873008853 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03763055 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 46926567802955464789 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/01/20 21:09 Meter/Type: 0101185053242 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157963396209 Supplier Ref: 157963396209 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03850905 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 05687484129456015510 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/01/20 12:44 Meter/Type: 0101185053242 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157969004301 Supplier Ref: 157969004301 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03854450 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 64867266690558380655 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/02/20 07:49 Meter/Type: 0101185053242 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158079536651 Supplier Ref: 158079536651 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03971597 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 01589131866212465322 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/02/20 08:35 Meter/Type: 0101185053242 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158097093983 Supplier Ref: 158097093983 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03991570 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 58278887556238144872 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/02/20 10:27 Meter/Type: 0101185053242 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158287845670 Supplier Ref: 158287845670 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04201432 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 62253109965100550760 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/03/20 16:20 Meter/Type: 0101185053242 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200821520458 Supplier Ref: 200821520458 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04397586 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 61906874395606147092 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 482020-07-23 aramidee05@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014740ClosedVending History2020-07-23REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY 54160746795 Hello, Kindly avail me with the vending history of meter no: 54160746795. Thanks and regardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-23NoHello, Find below, Date Sold: 25/11/16 16:41 Meter/Type: 54160746795 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 005008501233 Supplier Ref: 005008501233 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00083032 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,899.00 - 55940476805285898365 Debt: N3,101.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 28/12/16 14:05 Meter/Type: 54160746795 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 008306130417 Supplier Ref: 008306130417 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00107157 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 13665257168654576363 Date Sold: 27/01/17 12:41 Meter/Type: 54160746795 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 702712407114 Supplier Ref: 702712407114 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00128294 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 08865492476644831861 Date Sold: 28/02/17 10:18 Meter/Type: 54160746795 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 705910180375 Supplier Ref: 705910180375 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00157925 Total Value: N3,200.00 Standard: N3,200.00 - 51270684739725313280 Date Sold: 30/03/17 09:50 Meter/Type: 54160746795 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 708909506059 Supplier Ref: 708909506059 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00197157 Total Value: N3,200.00 Standard: N3,200.00 - 69463674414668488154 Date Sold: 05/05/17 18:16 Meter/Type: 54160746795 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000596551762 Supplier Ref: 000596551762 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00244082 Total Value: N2,400.00 Standard: N2,400.00 - 13435945369122478829 Date Sold: 17/05/17 16:46 Meter/Type: 54160746795 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000598270631 Supplier Ref: 000598270631 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00258576 Total Value: N3,100.00 Standard: N3,100.00 - 38904908246826135988 Date Sold: 27/06/17 18:37 Meter/Type: 54160746795 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000604185727 Supplier Ref: 000604185727 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00309870 Total Value: N2,700.00 Standard: N2,700.00 - 08445209365025062810 Date Sold: 05/09/17 12:35 Meter/Type: 54160746795 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000614229636 Supplier Ref: 000614229636 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00399943 Total Value: N1,400.00 Standard: N1,400.00 - 20198922116043349129 Date Sold: 27/09/17 18:40 Meter/Type: 54160746795 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000617434057 Supplier Ref: 000617434057 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00428677 Total Value: N1,400.00 Standard: N1,400.00 - 30754618627621915396 Date Sold: 14/10/17 07:38 Meter/Type: 54160746795 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000619815910 Supplier Ref: 000619815910 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00452870 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 18042776854200465394 Date Sold: 05/05/18 19:40 Meter/Type: 54160746795 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000649114107 Supplier Ref: 000649114107 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00752801 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 50201710578020607461 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/07/18 20:55 Meter/Type: 54160746795 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000661073751 Supplier Ref: 000661073751 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00930721 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 26048508544981674312 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/08/18 23:40 Meter/Type: 54160746795 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000663106213 Supplier Ref: 000663106213 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00968383 Total Value: N3,200.00 Standard: N3,200.00 - 64020225090778951266 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/10/18 13:49 Meter/Type: 54160746795 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182951349026 Supplier Ref: 182951349026 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01187892 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 56129725273412511221 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/03/19 23:26 Meter/Type: 54160746795 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190832226302 Supplier Ref: 190832226302 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02062602 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 11886607962453976974 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/03/19 00:16 Meter/Type: 54160746795 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000695797968 Supplier Ref: 000695797968 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02069709 Total Value: N1,400.00 Standard: N1,400.00 - 18178480301559447134 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/03/19 00:33 Meter/Type: 54160746795 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000695799697 Supplier Ref: 000695799697 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02069720 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 17222792576703711330 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/03/19 00:37 Meter/Type: 54160746795 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155355343565 Supplier Ref: 155355343565 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02069724 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 70296554524662691015 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/07/19 10:26 Meter/Type: 54160746795 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 694421748781865 Supplier Ref: 694421748781865 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02587719 Total Value: N3,200.00 Standard: N3,200.00 - 23818051736023298653 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/08/19 15:26 Meter/Type: 54160746795 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156475225160 Supplier Ref: 156475225160 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02744227 Total Value: N3,200.00 Standard: N3,200.00 - 35329896607740218503 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/09/19 15:45 Meter/Type: 54160746795 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156924631532 Supplier Ref: 156924631532 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03010644 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 02400536699149881528 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/10/19 20:13 Meter/Type: 54160746795 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157073067963 Supplier Ref: 157073067963 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03108842 Total Value: N3,100.00 Standard: N3,100.00 - 14223637207590766528 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/11/19 21:53 Meter/Type: 54160746795 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193132054477 Supplier Ref: 193132054477 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03284740 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 27165012669758911833 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/11/19 18:47 Meter/Type: 54160746795 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157478692255 Supplier Ref: 157478692255 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03391370 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 56799149810570516036 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 312020-07-23 lisarumpae@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014739ClosedRequest2020-07-23: Vending history and total debt Please kindly send me the total outstanding debt and vending history of these customer; 0101160353195Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-23NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING BALANCE Reference Number: 0101160353195 Start Date: 3/1/2018 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $134,297.55 Outstanding Balance: $76,297.55 Running Balance: $76,297.55 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/15/2020 1:09:40 PM Date Sold: 08/02/18 14:15 Meter/Type: 0101160353195 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 165850220796869 Supplier Ref: 165850220796869 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00615772 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 33133837956484891821 Date Sold: 27/02/18 09:19 Meter/Type: 0101160353195 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 805809191069 Supplier Ref: 805809191069 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00641427 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 13991259262610372913 Date Sold: 11/03/18 15:10 Meter/Type: 0101160353195 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 807015101031 Supplier Ref: 807015101031 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00662281 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 32982624375624809298 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 11/03/18 15:46 Meter/Type: 0101160353195 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 807015461037 Supplier Ref: 807015461037 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00662291 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 40500861990938410631 Date Sold: 28/03/18 20:15 Meter/Type: 0101160353195 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 808719141665 Supplier Ref: 808719141665 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00688289 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 06119584045248125518 Date Sold: 22/04/18 12:44 Meter/Type: 0101160353195 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 811211441023 Supplier Ref: 811211441023 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00726987 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 58467780957160921616 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/04/18 20:13 Meter/Type: 0101160353195 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 812019131040 Supplier Ref: 812019131040 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00743240 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 27222541966235375130 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/05/18 15:53 Meter/Type: 0101160353195 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000650819404 Supplier Ref: 000650819404 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00774894 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 72793634846693548138 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/05/18 15:29 Meter/Type: 0101160353195 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000651681011 Supplier Ref: 000651681011 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00786742 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 40589158286758497417 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/06/18 20:31 Meter/Type: 0101160353195 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000656463310 Supplier Ref: 000656463310 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00854903 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 29519688104208151447 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/07/18 11:24 Meter/Type: 0101160353195 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 818910241005 Supplier Ref: 818910241005 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00886058 Total Value: N4,800.00 Standard: N2,800.00 - 44697795533186757134 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/07/18 13:12 Meter/Type: 0101160353195 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 818912121006 Supplier Ref: 818912121006 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00886093 Total Value: N200.00 Standard: N200.00 - 31903686512521457153 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/08/18 18:55 Meter/Type: 0101160353195 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 821917551325 Supplier Ref: 821917551325 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00959848 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 12946494846330530322 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/09/18 11:30 Meter/Type: 0101160353195 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182451030552 Supplier Ref: 182451030552 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01030191 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 22775136616660677703 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/09/18 17:36 Meter/Type: 0101160353195 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000667965901 Supplier Ref: 000667965901 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01064659 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 62314038750305978894 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/10/18 16:44 Meter/Type: 0101160353195 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000670702783 Supplier Ref: 000670702783 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01120105 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 02572349666927657337 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/10/18 18:02 Meter/Type: 0101160353195 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000673302665 Supplier Ref: 000673302665 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01183639 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 22582029312768872290 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/11/18 13:23 Meter/Type: 0101160353195 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183101323591 Supplier Ref: 183101323591 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01243748 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 45859349314302416792 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/11/18 14:58 Meter/Type: 0101160353195 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 412788724398527 Supplier Ref: 412788724398527 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01309939 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 35756490225504761744 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/12/18 13:09 Meter/Type: 0101160353195 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183591209460 Supplier Ref: 183591209460 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01459972 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 61102805366362563677 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/01/19 18:33 Meter/Type: 0101160353195 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154748361747 Supplier Ref: 154748361747 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01581380 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 23264760983097583713 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/02/19 14:08 Meter/Type: 0101160353195 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190351308178 Supplier Ref: 190351308178 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01746349 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 49095214125992589220 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/02/19 14:02 Meter/Type: 0101160353195 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190561303170 Supplier Ref: 190561303170 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01898816 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 46737821115868793625 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/03/19 12:01 Meter/Type: 0101160353195 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155247129331 Supplier Ref: 155247129331 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02009281 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 18626938140819199106 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/04/19 15:27 Meter/Type: 0101160353195 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190931427277 Supplier Ref: 190931427277 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02120641 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 48388118163202017535 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/04/19 19:10 Meter/Type: 0101160353195 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155517544522 Supplier Ref: 155517544522 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02179244 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 71030554961971657848 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/05/19 14:55 Meter/Type: 0101160353195 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191261355563 Supplier Ref: 191261355563 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02304936 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 11945503718851809333 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/05/19 14:56 Meter/Type: 0101160353195 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191401356361 Supplier Ref: 191401356361 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02368931 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 66253709324152413054 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/05/19 15:25 Meter/Type: 0101160353195 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191411425107 Supplier Ref: 191411425107 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02374683 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 09589240289577548834 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/07/19 18:32 Meter/Type: 0101160353195 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191901732483 Supplier Ref: 191901732483 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02625126 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 57470307357466899494 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/07/19 16:23 Meter/Type: 0101160353195 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 187889680067049 Supplier Ref: 187889680067049 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02662453 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 08924769777007226644 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/07/19 15:03 Meter/Type: 0101160353195 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192051403258 Supplier Ref: 192051403258 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02693564 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 11714215530585327415 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/08/19 16:12 Meter/Type: 0101160353195 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192431512486 Supplier Ref: 192431512486 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02889489 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 45500951450780415287 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/11/19 10:48 Meter/Type: 0101160353195 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193060950018 Supplier Ref: 193060950018 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03237073 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 14765521461431658645 Debt: N6,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/12/19 17:09 Meter/Type: 0101160353195 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193361611477 Supplier Ref: 193361611477 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03444245 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 65425905506763861209 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/01/20 13:20 Meter/Type: 0101160353195 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200171223337 Supplier Ref: 200171223337 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03814532 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 54856596629914248589 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/02/20 14:39 Meter/Type: 0101160353195 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200521339014 Supplier Ref: 200521339014 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04133122 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 13081128887111951214 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/04/20 11:40 Meter/Type: 0101160353195 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201041040183 Supplier Ref: 201041040183 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04561525 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 15091903850136883853 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/04/20 18:38 Meter/Type: 0101160353195 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201061738306 Supplier Ref: 201061738306 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04575513 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 61210279576913792309 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/05/20 13:13 Meter/Type: 0101160353195 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201491313101 Supplier Ref: 201491313101 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04865711 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 20977740253518926114 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/06/20 11:08 Meter/Type: 0101160353195 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201681108365 Supplier Ref: 201681108365 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04993194 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 02475938064284624691 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/06/20 12:06 Meter/Type: 0101160353195 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201711206491 Supplier Ref: 201711206491 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05015079 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 50306418127430694193 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/07/20 13:09 Meter/Type: 0101160353195 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201971309460 Supplier Ref: 201971309460 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05206346 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 54865284116690608696 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 482020-07-23 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014738ClosedRequest2020-07-23REQUEST FOR DEBT MIGIRATED(54160994007) Dear support kindly supply us with debt profile of this customer warm regardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-23NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 577313 Start Date: 2/5/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $33,004.81 Outstanding Balance: $15,004.81 Running Balance: $15,004.81 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/7/2020 12:19:52 PM2020-07-23 tyoverpeter@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014737Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014736ClosedRequest2020-07-23: Fwd: Debt balance 54160968563 Hello, kindly assist with debt profile of the meter serial numbers below 54160864135 54160968563Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-23NoHello, Find below, 54160864135 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING BALANCE Reference Number: 54160864135 Start Date: 12/1/2017 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $128,361.54 Outstanding Balance: $124,358.54 Running Balance: $124,358.54 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 2/27/2020 11:11:47 AM 54160968563 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 492384 Start Date: 3/11/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $105,735.57 Outstanding Balance: $102,605.52 Running Balance: $102,605.52 Note: Outstanding migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,130.05 Latest Payment: 3/26/2019 12:34:53 PM2020-07-23 phartiemah12@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014735ClosedKCT Request2020-07-23: Request for KCT Please kindly generate a KCT for the following meter number 0101175105010 and 0101161005133Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-23NoGood Morning, Find below, 0101175105010 5192 3633 3187 6439 8768 0942 9720 4332 6967 2006 0101161005133 7184 9515 1031 7378 1898 0827 6468 3347 8121 90142020-07-23 bangisgarko@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014734ClosedTamper Code2020-07-23clear temperMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-23NoHello, Auwal, Find below as requested, 57100032721 4499 2502 9903 5077 2418Clear Tamper 54161010795 0530 2865 9827 0733 3615Clear Tamper 0101175021308 5101 4143 2868 9802 7753Clear Tamper 0101150170849 5410 7259 5315 1202 5657Clear Tamper Regards.2020-07-23 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014733ClosedRequest2020-07-23: Vending history and total debt Please kindly send me the total outstanding debt and vending history of these customer; 01011603531Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-23NoGood Morning, Find below No Contract (with an Account) found or incorrect MSN.2020-07-23 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014732ClosedRequest2020-07-23: Vending history and total debt Please kindly send me the total outstanding debt and vending history of these customer; 0101160353773Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-23NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING BALANCE Reference Number: 6342050548-01 Start Date: 4/1/2018 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $3,952.98 Outstanding Balance: $0.00 Running Balance: $0.00 Note: none specified Status: Paid off Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 5/18/2018 12:39:11 PM VH Date Sold: 21/03/18 14:38 Meter/Type: 0101160353773 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 88742577368715 Supplier Ref: 88742577368715 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00678426 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 37291655069596531368 Date Sold: 28/04/18 10:14 Meter/Type: 0101160353773 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 582442975535055 Supplier Ref: 582442975535055 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00737810 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 52734675306641204044 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/05/18 12:39 Meter/Type: 0101160353773 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 813811391234 Supplier Ref: 813811391234 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00776282 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,047.02 - 18040037786030308171 Debt: N1,952.98 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/06/18 14:43 Meter/Type: 0101160353773 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 518667788735646 Supplier Ref: 518667788735646 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00814715 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 01029492963787664392 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/07/18 11:23 Meter/Type: 0101160353773 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000657704579 Supplier Ref: 000657704579 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00876213 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 57439425997631578033 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/07/18 16:04 Meter/Type: 0101160353773 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000660468623 Supplier Ref: 000660468623 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00919560 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 26904209554776706576 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/09/18 16:01 Meter/Type: 0101160353773 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 475173947748914 Supplier Ref: 475173947748914 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01034014 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 08222878979647197941 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/10/18 13:53 Meter/Type: 0101160353773 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000672989650 Supplier Ref: 000672989650 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01175697 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 56104904701965274417 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/11/18 12:53 Meter/Type: 0101160353773 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 650713776997508 Supplier Ref: 650713776997508 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01321309 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 42151305804357127412 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/01/19 17:54 Meter/Type: 0101160353773 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 423988629824118 Supplier Ref: 423988629824118 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01547293 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 52545774386806870077 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/02/19 14:27 Meter/Type: 0101160353773 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190531327432 Supplier Ref: 190531327432 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01882972 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 35279791675959244526 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/04/19 15:58 Meter/Type: 0101160353773 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190931458261 Supplier Ref: 190931458261 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02120970 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 30282420251282635368 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/05/19 13:02 Meter/Type: 0101160353773 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155860934730 Supplier Ref: 155860934730 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02384408 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 11012274407994668838 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/07/19 13:41 Meter/Type: 0101160353773 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191831241116 Supplier Ref: 191831241116 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02589208 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 33349908323483319157 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/07/19 14:37 Meter/Type: 0101160353773 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 919213369741 Supplier Ref: 919213369741 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02633751 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 62398278936347462490 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/01/20 19:06 Meter/Type: 0101160353773 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 000318070000 Supplier Ref: 000318070000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03703028 Total Value: N200.00 Standard: N200.00 - 28615177152311828704 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/01/20 16:47 Meter/Type: 0101160353773 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158022307340 Supplier Ref: 158022307340 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03908266 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 68720780601142204092 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/02/20 10:35 Meter/Type: 0101160353773 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158149649988 Supplier Ref: 158149649988 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04046684 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 31697018973017199575 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/02/20 10:58 Meter/Type: 0101160353773 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158270748735 Supplier Ref: 158270748735 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04179376 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 62319104331289139414 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/03/20 17:26 Meter/Type: 0101160353773 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158342197362 Supplier Ref: 158342197362 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04287361 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 04886587356077728974 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/03/20 16:49 Meter/Type: 0101160353773 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200721549446 Supplier Ref: 200721549446 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04339717 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 01331131295207390652 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/03/20 13:08 Meter/Type: 0101160353773 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200841208348 Supplier Ref: 200841208348 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04411769 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 39364300040334168865 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/04/20 15:29 Meter/Type: 0101160353773 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200951428532 Supplier Ref: 200951428532 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04506311 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 41325528156539379762 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/04/20 11:08 Meter/Type: 0101160353773 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201071008576 Supplier Ref: 201071008576 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04578833 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 47915032375316296141 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/05/20 10:39 Meter/Type: 0101160353773 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201221039057 Supplier Ref: 201221039057 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04691872 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 18021496124968645580 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/05/20 15:15 Meter/Type: 0101160353773 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201251516016 Supplier Ref: 201251516016 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04711075 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 50031395856340225324 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/05/20 17:49 Meter/Type: 0101160353773 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201431749201 Supplier Ref: 201431749201 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04828021 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 44294508329790127752 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/06/20 17:19 Meter/Type: 0101160353773 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201681719418 Supplier Ref: 201681719418 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04996565 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 36521978776966238270 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/06/20 14:26 Meter/Type: 0101160353773 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201781426161 Supplier Ref: 201781426161 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05067222 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 23926233850015158568 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/07/20 16:30 Meter/Type: 0101160353773 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201901630311 Supplier Ref: 201901630311 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05162997 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 26560483691407894374 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/07/20 15:59 Meter/Type: 0101160353773 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201991559107 Supplier Ref: 201991559107 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05221200 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 67315106648139204773 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 492020-07-23 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014731ClosedRequest2020-07-23: REQUEST FOR DETAILS - 54161036543 PLEASE TREATMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-23NoGood Morning, Find attached FYI2020-07-23 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014730ClosedVending History2020-07-23Dear Sir, Kindly release the vending history of the customer whose meter number is written below. 0101161034620 Best RegardsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-23NoGood morning, Find below, Date Sold: 07/02/20 11:58 Meter/Type: 0101161034620 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158106947994 Supplier Ref: 158106947994 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04003245 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 72213851280109213153 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/03/20 17:02 Meter/Type: 0101161034620 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 006415570000 Supplier Ref: 006415570000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04273133 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 70996157196491133683 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/03/20 16:27 Meter/Type: 0101161034620 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200851527207 Supplier Ref: 200851527207 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04422212 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 49716923640792074073 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/04/20 09:21 Meter/Type: 0101161034620 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201120921480 Supplier Ref: 201120921480 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04618756 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 39181003618028582941 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/06/20 15:46 Meter/Type: 0101161034620 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201531546202 Supplier Ref: 201531546202 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04898602 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 41696595812256391238 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/06/20 10:31 Meter/Type: 0101161034620 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201671031501 Supplier Ref: 201671031501 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04984602 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 41895267868610835323 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/06/20 11:41 Meter/Type: 0101161034620 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201821141071 Supplier Ref: 201821141071 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05097600 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 41858056477015939602 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/07/20 06:30 Meter/Type: 0101161034620 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202040630220 Supplier Ref: 202040630220 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05255243 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 73728531481093792979 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/07/20 17:29 Meter/Type: 0101161034620 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202041729143 Supplier Ref: 202041729143 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05261559 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 00177429234626322148 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 172020-07-23 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014729ClosedVending History2020-07-23: REQUEST FOR UNISTAR VENDING HISTORY - 62.0101.0013.0182/ 65/73/35/2357-01 Please assist with the above request.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-23NoGood morning, Find attached as requested.2020-07-23 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014728ClosedRequest2020-07-23: REQUEST FOR METER DETAILS - 0101170388595 Please treatMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-23NoHello, Find below, Customer Details Name: EZRA Surname: DAKUB Meter Serial Number: 0101170388595 Contract Account Number: 4098972020-07-23 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014727Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014726ClosedRequest2020-07-22DEBT DETAILS Assist with debt details, 54160916323 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-22NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 625012 Start Date: 3/27/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $10,304.80 Outstanding Balance: $10,304.80 Running Balance: $10,304.80 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-22 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014725ClosedRequest2020-07-22DEBT DETAILS Assist with debt details, 0101170218511 Thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-22NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 6461112234-01 Start Date: 2/9/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $106,812.20 Outstanding Balance: $94,812.20 Running Balance: $94,812.20 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/22/2020 4:32:35 PM2020-07-22 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014724ClosedRequest2020-07-22REQUEST FOR OUTSTANDING DEBT 0101185058357Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-22NoHello, Find below, 54161023152 This customer does not have any Debt accounts associated. 54150610308 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 615353 Start Date: 10/2/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $2,192.83 Outstanding Balance: $2,192.83 Running Balance: $2,192.83 Note: outstanding after removal of cost of preloaded Uni Status: Active Collection Method: Daily Amount Collection Value: $2,192.83 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-22 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014723ClosedKCT Request2020-07-22KCT Assist with key change, 010119000557 ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-22NoHello, Find below, 0101190005575 3406 4891 3089 1135 2895 6100 1880 6746 5636 00362020-07-22 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014722ClosedRequest2020-07-22: REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY AND DEBT PROFILE OF THIS ACCOUNT 0101170244947 Reminder on the above subjectMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-22NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 6311210185-01 Start Date: 4/22/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $216,721.73 Outstanding Balance: $192,721.73 Running Balance: $192,721.73 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,000.00 Latest Payment: 11/29/2019 8:10:28 AM Date Sold: 10/05/18 11:57 Meter/Type: 0101170244947 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 813010571123 Supplier Ref: 813010571123 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00760900 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 20070670397163247926 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/10/18 08:47 Meter/Type: 0101170244947 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000670655166 Supplier Ref: 000670655166 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01116933 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 30849816911683976133 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/10/18 08:21 Meter/Type: 0101170244947 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000674684112 Supplier Ref: 000674684112 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01214544 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 20412550158994038463 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/12/18 15:59 Meter/Type: 0101170244947 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 93410808899099 Supplier Ref: 93410808899099 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01337179 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 08513332032535269475 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/12/18 16:13 Meter/Type: 0101170244947 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 579661558830268 Supplier Ref: 579661558830268 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01480580 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 36829236703281284379 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/07/19 13:05 Meter/Type: 0101170244947 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 642850562357018 Supplier Ref: 642850562357018 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02649762 Total Value: N14,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 67646127300865577894 Debt: N12,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/08/19 12:25 Meter/Type: 0101170244947 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192401125103 Supplier Ref: 192401125103 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02869900 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 56634229399344579003 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/09/19 16:34 Meter/Type: 0101170244947 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 364917233323122 Supplier Ref: 364917233323122 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03050676 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 49344203227962246843 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/10/19 09:46 Meter/Type: 0101170244947 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157242164242 Supplier Ref: 157242164242 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03213842 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 19112497306195380071 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/11/19 09:08 Meter/Type: 0101170244947 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157501142461 Supplier Ref: 157501142461 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03412322 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 03068791854210073213 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 172020-07-22 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014721Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014720ClosedTamper Code2020-07-22clear temperMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-22NoHello, Please kindly find below, 0101170124289 3499 4925 9898 6693 6052 Clear Tamper 0101160054439 6593 1992 4255 9455 5873 Clear Tamper2020-07-22 yasomasinja@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014719ClosedRequest2020-07-22: Request for debt profile Kindly update me with the debt profile of the following meter 0101170449405,51161031742,010168004424. thanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-22NoHello, Find below, 0101170449405, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170449405 Start Date: 4/16/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $240,096.47 Outstanding Balance: $216,096.47 Running Balance: $216,096.47 Note: Outstanding migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,500.00 Latest Payment: 3/24/2020 11:15:35 AM 51161031742, No Contract (with an Account) found 010168004424 No Contract (with an Account) found2020-07-22 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014718ClosedRequest2020-07-22: REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE Dear IT Support, Kindly generate the debt profile for the meter numbers 0101170212423 0101170393009 54161098667 regardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-22NoHello, Find below, 0101170212423 Debt Details This customer does not have any Debt accounts associated. 0101170393009 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170393009 Start Date: 1/25/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $16,592.05 Outstanding Balance: $0.00 Running Balance: $0.00 Note: none specified Status: Paid off Collection Method: Per Vend Amount Collection Value: $1,565.03 Latest Payment: 4/16/2019 7:51:38 PM 54161098667 Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 6573112853-01 Start Date: 2/11/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $178,661.08 Outstanding Balance: $175,661.08 Running Balance: $175,661.08 Note: Outstanding Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Per Vend Amount Collection Value: $9,500.00 Latest Payment: 6/15/2020 5:52:09 PM2020-07-22 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014717ClosedKCT Request2020-07-22REQUEST FOR KCT Dear IT Support, Kindly generate the KCT for the meter number 0101175104393 regardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-22NoHello, Find below, 0101175104393 0376 9244 1861 2725 4071 4174 0639 7025 1504 79802020-07-22 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014716ClosedRequest2020-07-22: 0101160058687 Hello Kindly assist with debt profile of above meter serial number. -- RegardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-22NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170120071 Start Date: 4/1/2018 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $78,872.25 Outstanding Balance: $26,437.28 Running Balance: $26,437.28 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/11/2020 4:08:43 PM2020-07-22 phartiemah12@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014715ClosedKCT Request2020-07-22Request for KCT Dear Sir, Kindly release the KCT of the customer with meter number below: 54160980659Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-22NoHello, No KCT found.2020-07-22 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014714ClosedRequest2020-07-22: REQUEST FOR DEBT MIGIRATED(54160911142) Dear support kindly supply us with debt profile of this customer warm regardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-22NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 604481 Start Date: 5/29/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $4,533.13 Outstanding Balance: $0.00 Running Balance: $0.00 Note: none specified Status: Paid off Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/21/2020 5:01:57 PM2020-07-22 tyoverpeter@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014713ClosedRequest2020-07-22: REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 490602/54160857261 Kindly assist with the above please.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-22NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: Outstanding Balance Reference Number: 490602 Start Date: 6/5/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $240,951.13 Outstanding Balance: $199,080.00 Running Balance: $199,080.00 Note: Outstanding from JCS, Installation fee, Cost unit Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/8/2020 11:17:22 AM2020-07-22 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014712ClosedTamper Code2020-07-22Tamper=0101161008038, 57100032721. Good morning sir kindly find the above information for verification thank you. Lois Ummi AtigabariMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-22NoHello Lois, Find below, 0101161008038 2240 8670 8780 2995 7637Clear Tamper 57100032721 4499 2502 9903 5077 2418Clear Tamper Regards.2020-07-22 ummilois2@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014711ClosedKCT Request2020-07-22REQUEST FOR KCT 010117509762Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-22NoHello, Find below, 0101175097621 0977 7050 1971 8520 0401 4971 5797 4935 9429 89332020-07-22 longpuan@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014710ClosedTamper Code2020-07-22REQUEST FOR CLEAR TAMPER TOKENMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-22NoFind below, 54161139107 2747 1209 0537 6773 1940 Clear Tamper2020-07-22 mujtabaumar01@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014709ClosedRequest2020-07-22: DEBT DETAILS Assist with debt details, 0101160058687 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-22NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170120071 Start Date: 4/1/2018 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $78,872.25 Outstanding Balance: $26,437.28 Running Balance: $26,437.28 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/11/2020 4:08:43 PM2020-07-22 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014708ClosedRequest2020-07-22: REQUEST FOR DEBT MIGIRATED(54160906365)Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-22NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 621818504901 Start Date: 7/13/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $45,522.83 Outstanding Balance: $45,522.83 Running Balance: $45,522.83 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-22 tyoverpeter@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014707ClosedRequest2020-07-22: DEBT STATUS Kindly assist us with the debt status of this meter no: 54161011496Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-22NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 54161011496 Start Date: 3/10/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $8,748.49 Outstanding Balance: $8,748.49 Running Balance: $8,748.49 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-22 aliyusaad63@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014706ClosedKCT Request2020-07-22Dear Sir, Kindly review the KCT below as they are rejected by the meter. Meter type....1Q Tariff Class....A1 Regards...Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-22NoHello, Find below, 0101190008983 7243 9024 3989 3668 4898 Key Change Token 3436 9965 7726 4495 3056 Key Change Token2020-07-22 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014705ClosedVending History2020-07-22: REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY FOR 54161033359 HELLOMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-22NoHello, Find below, Date Sold: 27/03/18 13:28 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 808612281290 Supplier Ref: 808612281290 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00685657 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 43686858720574611033 Date Sold: 18/04/18 18:03 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 341313726255330 Supplier Ref: 341313726255330 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00722648 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 38164799346009864252 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/05/18 16:28 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 530605032207940 Supplier Ref: 530605032207940 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00751208 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 27377118593541178386 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/05/18 10:23 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 732755691915539 Supplier Ref: 732755691915539 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00764203 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 57418576012903795714 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/05/18 11:56 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000651947814 Supplier Ref: 000651947814 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00790517 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 07401973319906125548 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/06/18 10:19 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 831091205849038 Supplier Ref: 831091205849038 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00810271 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 58764145661011122791 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/06/18 15:12 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000656863406 Supplier Ref: 000656863406 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00861735 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 56368993657951782798 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/07/18 16:32 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 181871532194 Supplier Ref: 181871532194 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00883482 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 17817088232216764023 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/07/18 17:32 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 736838813179776 Supplier Ref: 736838813179776 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00901267 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 71413676316231085800 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/07/18 18:03 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000659904546 Supplier Ref: 000659904546 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00912013 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 10816919135965550633 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/07/18 21:10 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 952868143737058 Supplier Ref: 952868143737058 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00917163 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 52517729767031170843 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/07/18 16:31 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 821115310161 Supplier Ref: 821115310161 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00936350 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 44838929673523511843 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/08/18 12:42 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182161142088 Supplier Ref: 182161142088 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00951445 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 56199106914354120544 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/08/18 17:00 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182301600160 Supplier Ref: 182301600160 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00988227 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 20736556653399907542 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/08/18 12:16 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000665197972 Supplier Ref: 000665197972 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01006665 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 14841734174431797342 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/08/18 15:35 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000665937822 Supplier Ref: 000665937822 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01022004 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 09329307981843717663 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/09/18 10:37 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000666628053 Supplier Ref: 000666628053 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01036155 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 37925734784950607226 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/09/18 13:59 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 274799488788467 Supplier Ref: 274799488788467 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01046546 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 25712912712786750542 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/09/18 13:50 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 883141764395480 Supplier Ref: 883141764395480 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01049849 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 26027959745445465652 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/09/18 15:34 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000668241777 Supplier Ref: 000668241777 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01070340 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 65006082738843823776 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/09/18 11:55 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182641155070 Supplier Ref: 182641155070 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01086818 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 47441517673771359141 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/10/18 13:15 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000671545957 Supplier Ref: 000671545957 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01140404 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 16500861091460633457 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/10/18 14:25 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182881424596 Supplier Ref: 182881424596 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01164485 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 07421663639912320160 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/10/18 15:59 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 378937414365055 Supplier Ref: 378937414365055 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01188853 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 26115782235895482112 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/10/18 13:59 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183001359005 Supplier Ref: 183001359005 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01207059 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 47775206814300319937 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/11/18 09:50 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183070950208 Supplier Ref: 183070950208 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01232131 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 06976788339671574109 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/11/18 15:41 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183131541318 Supplier Ref: 183131541318 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01255350 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 11817640399868795594 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/11/18 12:59 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183181259154 Supplier Ref: 183181259154 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01270661 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 72422736004152079207 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/11/18 15:32 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183251532066 Supplier Ref: 183251532066 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01294035 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 16708460603924597027 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/11/18 15:29 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 233203324564831 Supplier Ref: 233203324564831 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01310226 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 03837192384758839104 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/12/18 16:42 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183381542184 Supplier Ref: 183381542184 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01342080 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 47120407533042143913 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/12/18 12:12 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183441112516 Supplier Ref: 183441112516 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01364312 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 46443369044221092569 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/12/18 14:30 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154504983049 Supplier Ref: 154504983049 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01402206 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 71997565645073982785 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/12/18 11:16 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 331974960013542 Supplier Ref: 331974960013542 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01447704 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 57268770840276949206 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/01/19 10:35 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154633174365 Supplier Ref: 154633174365 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01499087 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 31399399510589839641 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/01/19 10:51 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190030952033 Supplier Ref: 190030952033 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01509533 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 05130831206968317695 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/01/19 13:23 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154694660113 Supplier Ref: 154694660113 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01537748 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 65857677227883076056 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/01/19 17:59 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154739517592 Supplier Ref: 154739517592 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01571758 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 07552050389191917192 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/01/19 09:41 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190180841436 Supplier Ref: 190180841436 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01608016 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 29193531033855870131 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/01/19 13:20 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190211221104 Supplier Ref: 190211221104 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01627162 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 17538280888635669144 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/01/19 17:10 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154834265008 Supplier Ref: 154834265008 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01656271 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 12632656557228319883 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/01/19 20:17 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000687565932 Supplier Ref: 000687565932 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01676967 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 09075474464898097953 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/01/19 16:25 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190291525131 Supplier Ref: 190291525131 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01695621 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 38796635562041409358 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/02/19 11:39 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154927318291 Supplier Ref: 154927318291 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01743598 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 24148818500720430969 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/02/19 17:16 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154955259205 Supplier Ref: 154955259205 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01775453 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 58576328649708986343 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/02/19 09:32 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 96826480524140 Supplier Ref: 96826480524140 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01804369 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 69996471478778290625 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/02/19 15:43 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190461443450 Supplier Ref: 190461443450 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01836327 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 45854873061724548435 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/02/19 13:33 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190481234158 Supplier Ref: 190481234158 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01844109 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 35731878812031225527 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/02/19 13:39 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155083557221 Supplier Ref: 155083557221 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01882237 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 64854002689640642571 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/02/19 15:13 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 125161214670789 Supplier Ref: 125161214670789 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01908479 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 31873736113761849979 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/03/19 13:32 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190601233165 Supplier Ref: 190601233165 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01933703 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 70714208515040570217 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/03/19 15:02 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190631402391 Supplier Ref: 190631402391 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01954156 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 00170811744987187163 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/03/19 16:49 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190671550017 Supplier Ref: 190671550017 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01986706 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 48273237326125038212 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/03/19 12:09 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 899045818924537 Supplier Ref: 899045818924537 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02003282 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 58417259167694843714 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/03/19 18:00 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155257921936 Supplier Ref: 155257921936 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02017504 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 01799409427821483934 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/03/19 16:10 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155274546053 Supplier Ref: 155274546053 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02026978 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 34563989253558488147 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/03/19 17:22 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190791622302 Supplier Ref: 190791622302 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02045212 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 62080191204923049633 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/03/19 16:15 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 844864808804446 Supplier Ref: 844864808804446 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02083692 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 11410151972746501203 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/04/19 19:54 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155414129580 Supplier Ref: 155414129580 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02108785 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 71174946532865158360 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/04/19 10:42 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190950942377 Supplier Ref: 190950942377 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02131272 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 21324580260236659413 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/04/19 10:27 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191000927440 Supplier Ref: 191000927440 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02158499 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 47684089288713243233 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/04/19 19:52 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155517796284 Supplier Ref: 155517796284 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02179410 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 68521269986839671157 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/04/19 18:59 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155560678331 Supplier Ref: 155560678331 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02206065 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 23127403988781988330 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/04/19 14:29 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191141329375 Supplier Ref: 191141329375 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02234216 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 62571358129758097268 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/04/19 19:39 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155647316436 Supplier Ref: 155647316436 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02257383 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 52936383468348898651 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/05/19 09:04 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155678067014 Supplier Ref: 155678067014 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02280652 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 59560458569867863655 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/05/19 19:54 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155725167750 Supplier Ref: 155725167750 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02314841 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 51171828624165056591 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/05/19 11:06 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191341006502 Supplier Ref: 191341006502 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02339308 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 26063641346921626067 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/05/19 15:43 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 565891831526004 Supplier Ref: 565891831526004 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02369308 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 37808283342147627819 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/05/19 11:00 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155886124836 Supplier Ref: 155886124836 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02398562 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 37488691927090144784 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/05/19 18:20 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191481721000 Supplier Ref: 191481721000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02412340 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 56133486888411143794 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/05/19 20:22 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155932692853 Supplier Ref: 155932692853 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02430392 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 01180243863962531792 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/06/19 14:52 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191541352575 Supplier Ref: 191541352575 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02444884 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 58223326989570973510 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/06/19 16:36 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191571536061 Supplier Ref: 191571536061 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02462751 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 10658112604655347792 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/06/19 15:31 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156008706266 Supplier Ref: 156008706266 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02477618 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 58120154877542690313 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/06/19 17:44 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156035426616 Supplier Ref: 156035426616 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02494564 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 34520727968927246978 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/06/19 16:08 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156069410305 Supplier Ref: 156069410305 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02512843 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 22279645645486264409 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/07/19 16:53 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191821553060 Supplier Ref: 191821553060 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02584792 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 68686519753896239049 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/07/19 16:34 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192071534424 Supplier Ref: 192071534424 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02705609 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 66471412025134042499 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/09/19 11:33 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192501034016 Supplier Ref: 192501034016 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02925470 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 58795786194402699712 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/09/19 05:38 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156964191980 Supplier Ref: 156964191980 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03036610 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 52543613862579232435 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/09/19 15:37 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 838092315655311 Supplier Ref: 838092315655311 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03040039 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 02844267819447178515 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/11/19 15:45 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193051446508 Supplier Ref: 193051446508 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03232561 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 34595995331608902028 Debt: N7,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/11/19 09:37 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193170839105 Supplier Ref: 193170839105 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03301337 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 73027247830458873039 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/11/19 14:33 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193331335576 Supplier Ref: 193331335576 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03416217 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 50745221834672790273 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/12/19 18:20 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157625419775 Supplier Ref: 157625419775 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03526967 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 19390950223146894367 Debt: N3,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/12/19 11:50 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193521053112 Supplier Ref: 193521053112 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03560699 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 33151049730301559439 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/12/19 15:08 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 918298224177521 Supplier Ref: 918298224177521 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03655108 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 07848281728417139723 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/12/19 16:38 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193621541475 Supplier Ref: 193621541475 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03655854 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 07696697660321977566 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/01/20 10:51 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200270955177 Supplier Ref: 200270955177 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03892416 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 57090147729970755395 Debt: N3,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/01/20 09:34 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158045605687 Supplier Ref: 158045605687 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03932569 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 20426505294228365297 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/02/20 16:30 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200341530598 Supplier Ref: 200341530598 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03966413 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 12767930493804949621 Debt: N3,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/02/20 10:48 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200370948361 Supplier Ref: 200370948361 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03992942 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 15747074722870873512 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/02/20 18:27 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158135201371 Supplier Ref: 158135201371 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04032848 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 62666511670470345981 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/02/20 18:16 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200441716004 Supplier Ref: 200441716004 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04061798 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 37990780770682620125 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/02/20 15:28 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158185970331 Supplier Ref: 158185970331 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04084370 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 71668740506660283199 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/02/20 15:36 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158220578376 Supplier Ref: 158220578376 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04124076 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 69743211188481486757 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/02/20 14:09 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 146779918220267 Supplier Ref: 146779918220267 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB04181851 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 15739232296699304350 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/02/20 16:54 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158298805286 Supplier Ref: 158298805286 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04221620 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 32489366923269541590 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/02/20 16:55 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158298812472 Supplier Ref: 158298812472 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04221632 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 02671795837866161629 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/03/20 13:40 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200641240258 Supplier Ref: 200641240258 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04272067 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 69943172348736626506 Debt: N3,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/03/20 09:41 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158339406601 Supplier Ref: 158339406601 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04279167 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 61683300342277382561 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/03/20 10:14 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200690914545 Supplier Ref: 200690914545 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04320630 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 54379012162347061361 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/03/20 16:28 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200861528375 Supplier Ref: 200861528375 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04430827 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 05618071937397064573 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/04/20 09:44 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201190944428 Supplier Ref: 201190944428 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04675219 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 50644614948779044516 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/06/20 10:42 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201681042377 Supplier Ref: 201681042377 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04992910 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 69173571049897989380 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/07/20 12:44 Meter/Type: 54161033359 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202031244218 Supplier Ref: 202031244218 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05248812 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 26025342734857044476 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 1762020-07-22 shukrah55@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014704ClosedRequest2020-07-22: REQUEST FOR DEBT BREAKDOWN OF THE METER NUMBERS BELOW Hello Team kindly assist with debt breakdown of meter serial numbers below. 0101160057820 54161028482 -- Best RegardMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-22NoHello, Find below, 0101160057820 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 614775 Start Date: 2/28/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $8,277.07 Outstanding Balance: $4,277.07 Running Balance: $4,277.07 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 3/24/2020 1:25:49 PM 54161028482 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 581165 Start Date: 3/15/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $31,922.80 Outstanding Balance: $31,922.80 Running Balance: $31,922.80 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-22 aminubadamasi1@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014703ClosedRequest2020-07-22DEBT DETAIL Assist with debt details, 0101185057343 ThankMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-22NoHello, Find below, No Contract (with an Account) found by the provided search criteria2020-07-22 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014702ClosedRequest2020-07-22: REQUEST FOR DEBT BREAKDOWN OF METER NUMBER - 54160734346 Hello Team kindly assist with debt breakdown of meter serial numbers below. 54160734346 -- Best RegardMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-22NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: Outstanding Balance Reference Number: 54160734346 Start Date: 10/31/2016 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $68,132.00 Outstanding Balance: $8,130.00 Running Balance: $8,130.00 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/17/2020 3:47:10 PM2020-07-22 aminubadamasi1@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014701ClosedTamper Code2020-07-22Tamper request, 0101170147504MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-22NoHello, Find below as requested, 0101170147504 1873 8396 6834 0054 3385 Clear Tamper Regards2020-07-22 bittygargadi@hotmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014700ClosedTamper Code2020-07-22temper codeMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-22NoHello Auwal,, Find below as requested, 0101170231076 0017 5564 0362 5091 4926Clear Tamper 0101150175129 0058 2624 9868 5463 7827Clear Tamper 57100015643 1392 8613 1367 0337 2306Clear Tamper 0101170435511 4264 3384 0978 8354 2529Clear Tamper Regards2020-07-22 bangisgarko@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014699ClosedRequest2020-07-22: 0101161062126 Hello Team, kindly assist with debt breakdown of above meter serial number. -- Best RegardMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-22NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 606613 Start Date: 6/15/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $8,194.27 Outstanding Balance: $8,194.27 Running Balance: $8,194.27 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-22 aminubadamasi1@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014698ClosedRequest2020-07-22: REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE AND VENDING HISTORY FOR 54160892391 GOOD DAYMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-22NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 54160892391 Start Date: 9/16/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $102,379.24 Outstanding Balance: $80,379.24 Running Balance: $80,379.24 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/4/2020 10:11:15 AM Date Sold: 23/03/18 21:46 Meter/Type: 54160892391 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 808221462151 Supplier Ref: 808221462151 Receipt: PagT13EMDB00681797 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 66103320709747501578 Date Sold: 26/03/18 10:23 Meter/Type: 54160892391 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000643298373 Supplier Ref: 000643298373 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00683458 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 24657580497365162504 Date Sold: 12/04/18 23:07 Meter/Type: 54160892391 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 180412354211 Supplier Ref: 180412354211 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB00713697 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 07314844884292534088 Date Sold: 23/05/18 19:25 Meter/Type: 54160892391 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000651704633 Supplier Ref: 000651704633 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00787406 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 71238619068124360049 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/07/18 11:38 Meter/Type: 54160892391 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000657418008 Supplier Ref: 000657418008 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00869783 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 67978054570557260134 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/08/18 12:34 Meter/Type: 54160892391 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000662031621 Supplier Ref: 000662031621 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00948117 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 20275435762291300386 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/09/18 10:49 Meter/Type: 54160892391 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000666917291 Supplier Ref: 000666917291 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01042829 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 10901584375652368027 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/10/18 15:34 Meter/Type: 54160892391 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000672423831 Supplier Ref: 000672423831 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01161313 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 61741532715722381462 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/10/18 06:52 Meter/Type: 54160892391 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000674819268 Supplier Ref: 000674819268 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01218341 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 72910323680343888930 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/11/18 09:42 Meter/Type: 54160892391 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000678868330 Supplier Ref: 000678868330 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01315942 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 71448366507773332131 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/01/19 19:52 Meter/Type: 54160892391 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000685547412 Supplier Ref: 000685547412 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01572079 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 00595237585367993685 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/02/19 07:55 Meter/Type: 54160892391 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000690659830 Supplier Ref: 000690659830 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01845716 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 17916273308402819533 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/03/19 11:23 Meter/Type: 54160892391 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155359221452 Supplier Ref: 155359221452 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02070981 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 12298783105139341340 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/04/19 17:58 Meter/Type: 54160892391 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155568950367 Supplier Ref: 155568950367 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02210629 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 63912318491914113237 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/05/19 16:35 Meter/Type: 54160892391 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155818990003 Supplier Ref: 155818990003 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02362059 Total Value: N2,100.00 Standard: N2,100.00 - 04674088532006536008 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/06/19 20:22 Meter/Type: 54160892391 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156140049629 Supplier Ref: 156140049629 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02552513 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 00018072812775347988 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/07/19 11:09 Meter/Type: 54160892391 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156214483226 Supplier Ref: 156214483226 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02593420 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 17332970705395924086 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/08/19 04:54 Meter/Type: 54160892391 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156480064486 Supplier Ref: 156480064486 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02747154 Total Value: N700.00 Standard: N700.00 - 19863876586112993070 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/08/19 19:27 Meter/Type: 54160892391 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156623564186 Supplier Ref: 156623564186 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02829975 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 25453553815971038298 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/09/19 09:20 Meter/Type: 54160892391 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156792718707 Supplier Ref: 156792718707 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02930212 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 57658969662876549287 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/10/19 15:15 Meter/Type: 54160892391 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157036770349 Supplier Ref: 157036770349 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03084388 Total Value: N4,100.00 Standard: N100.00 - 50236095177784972098 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/10/19 02:36 Meter/Type: 54160892391 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157109983271 Supplier Ref: 157109983271 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03129641 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 05063898615360671640 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/11/19 21:30 Meter/Type: 54160892391 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157280951635 Supplier Ref: 157280951635 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03244863 Total Value: N2,100.00 Standard: N100.00 - 12224928941273863121 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/11/19 23:05 Meter/Type: 54160892391 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157281519698 Supplier Ref: 157281519698 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03245199 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 47557858503309000397 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/11/19 13:33 Meter/Type: 54160892391 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157476812344 Supplier Ref: 157476812344 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03387703 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 44626708461529165441 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/12/19 07:54 Meter/Type: 54160892391 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157682137988 Supplier Ref: 157682137988 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03577383 Total Value: N3,100.00 Standard: N1,100.00 - 66571848574220170118 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/01/20 01:09 Meter/Type: 54160892391 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157912991552 Supplier Ref: 157912991552 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03803837 Total Value: N3,100.00 Standard: N1,100.00 - 62005652314308413545 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/01/20 11:58 Meter/Type: 54160892391 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158046469791 Supplier Ref: 158046469791 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03934395 Total Value: N2,100.00 Standard: N2,100.00 - 72061736093669266888 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/02/20 08:38 Meter/Type: 54160892391 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158218068372 Supplier Ref: 158218068372 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04119540 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 39869543080064048766 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/03/20 20:15 Meter/Type: 54160892391 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200881915272 Supplier Ref: 200881915272 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04450195 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 42885645808677936831 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/03/20 20:22 Meter/Type: 54160892391 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200881922116 Supplier Ref: 200881922116 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04450295 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 02332282986821684269 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/05/20 17:48 Meter/Type: 54160892391 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201361748264 Supplier Ref: 201361748264 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04782247 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 09878793909639896929 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/06/20 19:11 Meter/Type: 54160892391 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201551911504 Supplier Ref: 201551911504 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04912150 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 38718047689217051805 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/06/20 20:51 Meter/Type: 54160892391 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201682051460 Supplier Ref: 201682051460 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04998121 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 45177739014274379269 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/07/20 10:11 Meter/Type: 54160892391 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201861011223 Supplier Ref: 201861011223 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05132605 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 12993262025812288330 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/07/20 23:54 Meter/Type: 54160892391 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202032354511 Supplier Ref: 202032354511 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05255117 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 63042131416560745481 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 712020-07-22 shukrah55@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014697ClosedRequest2020-07-22: Vending history and total debt Please kindly send me the total outstanding debt and vending history of these customer; 54161130627Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-22NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 598843 Start Date: 6/10/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $17,523.16 Outstanding Balance: $17,523.16 Running Balance: $17,523.16 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record Date Sold: 30/11/18 14:28 Meter/Type: 54161130627 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183341428298 Supplier Ref: 183341428298 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01326677 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 62218129810203326336 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/04/19 12:31 Meter/Type: 54161130627 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191141131350 Supplier Ref: 191141131350 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02233349 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 71121831964990500202 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/09/19 18:09 Meter/Type: 54161130627 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156873658881 Supplier Ref: 156873658881 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02980339 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 53052548268742100445 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/03/20 10:34 Meter/Type: 54161130627 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200780934121 Supplier Ref: 200780934121 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04369942 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 09866645930805963960 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/05/20 09:42 Meter/Type: 54161130627 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201280942476 Supplier Ref: 201280942476 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04726026 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 02945941627328537351 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 62020-07-22 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014696ClosedVending History2020-07-22: VENDING HISTORY Assist with vending history 0101170266270 ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-22NoGood morning, Find below, Date Sold: 16/04/18 13:45 Meter/Type: 0101170266270 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 810612451449 Supplier Ref: 810612451449 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00717696 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 17842113760562973167 Date Sold: 30/04/18 10:13 Meter/Type: 0101170266270 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 812009131142 Supplier Ref: 812009131142 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00740392 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 32479115873580689613 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/05/18 16:36 Meter/Type: 0101170266270 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000650679763 Supplier Ref: 000650679763 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00772925 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 11936334462948250932 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/05/18 12:12 Meter/Type: 0101170266270 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 814411111263 Supplier Ref: 814411111263 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00788416 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 67615387772176147189 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/05/18 17:09 Meter/Type: 0101170266270 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 814816091894 Supplier Ref: 814816091894 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00796485 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 26471883252974245998 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/06/18 13:06 Meter/Type: 0101170266270 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 815212061423 Supplier Ref: 815212061423 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00805954 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 29243013969974494355 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/06/18 16:42 Meter/Type: 0101170266270 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 816515411884 Supplier Ref: 816515411884 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00834405 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 55431381456503495327 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/06/18 12:43 Meter/Type: 0101170266270 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 818111431297 Supplier Ref: 818111431297 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00866752 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 64174044279171182697 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/07/18 10:52 Meter/Type: 0101170266270 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 959424725184270 Supplier Ref: 959424725184270 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00889907 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 49110142337040012405 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/07/18 10:57 Meter/Type: 0101170266270 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 429504960410010 Supplier Ref: 429504960410010 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00910384 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 56438176878483023492 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/07/18 11:40 Meter/Type: 0101170266270 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182091040268 Supplier Ref: 182091040268 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00931342 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 51293331419393969432 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/08/18 11:38 Meter/Type: 0101170266270 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000662602181 Supplier Ref: 000662602181 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00957828 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 62849506494763769349 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/08/18 14:27 Meter/Type: 0101170266270 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000664202982 Supplier Ref: 000664202982 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00987728 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 54153323935947537633 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/08/18 12:48 Meter/Type: 0101170266270 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182411148012 Supplier Ref: 182411148012 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01018149 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 73238773269591443932 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/09/18 14:26 Meter/Type: 0101170266270 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182531326467 Supplier Ref: 182531326467 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01053281 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 67296308494373797533 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/09/18 11:53 Meter/Type: 0101170266270 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000669233678 Supplier Ref: 000669233678 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01090328 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 23871067262279405901 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/10/18 12:24 Meter/Type: 0101170266270 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182811224007 Supplier Ref: 182811224007 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01140026 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 44419354946595666845 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/10/18 12:02 Meter/Type: 0101170266270 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 181022486357 Supplier Ref: 181022486357 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB01187164 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 33676382758642999344 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/11/18 10:21 Meter/Type: 0101170266270 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183111021598 Supplier Ref: 183111021598 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01246718 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 42626106173210681595 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/11/18 16:14 Meter/Type: 0101170266270 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183311614034 Supplier Ref: 183311614034 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01314244 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 60462481703287600471 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/12/18 15:09 Meter/Type: 0101170266270 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 181226395368 Supplier Ref: 181226395368 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB01464928 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 73155623889676374985 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/01/19 12:38 Meter/Type: 0101170266270 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190211139006 Supplier Ref: 190211139006 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01626637 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 03119703257287923480 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/02/19 12:59 Meter/Type: 0101170266270 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190461200080 Supplier Ref: 190461200080 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01833108 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 42188522049735086132 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/03/19 16:06 Meter/Type: 0101170266270 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190315732919 Supplier Ref: 190315732919 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02022088 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 29167436454803466326 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 252020-07-22 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014695ClosedRequest2020-07-22Please kindly assist with debt details for MSN. 1. 0101170176057 2. 0101170207134 Thanks Best RegardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-22NoHello, Find below, 1.0101170176057 Debt Details Name: Outstanding Balance Reference Number: 6461124841-01 Start Date: 7/22/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $90,397.89 Outstanding Balance: $50,397.89 Running Balance: $50,397.89 Note: Outstanding from JCS, Installation fee, Cost unit Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/18/2020 6:37:27 PM 2. 0101170207134 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 608362 Start Date: 5/29/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $6,820.28 Outstanding Balance: $2,820.28 Running Balance: $2,820.28 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/26/2020 9:14:27 AM2020-07-22 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014694Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014693ClosedRequest2020-07-22: REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE AND VENDING HISTORY FOR 54161165128 Good day supportMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-22NoHello, Find below, Debt Details This customer does not have any Debt accounts associated. Date Sold: 10/05/18 16:35 Meter/Type: 54161165128 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000649815630 Supplier Ref: 000649815630 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00761545 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 67131075579089159273 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/06/18 09:04 Meter/Type: 54161165128 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 815608041011 Supplier Ref: 815608041011 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00813237 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 00539891551352868953 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/07/18 12:12 Meter/Type: 54161165128 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 419106064551190 Supplier Ref: 419106064551190 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00913042 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 71444272438591202139 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/10/18 17:55 Meter/Type: 54161165128 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000673445599 Supplier Ref: 000673445599 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01185044 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 17607483880520513196 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/02/19 13:20 Meter/Type: 54161165128 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190451220348 Supplier Ref: 190451220348 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01823682 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 43603019936809576716 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/05/19 15:30 Meter/Type: 54161165128 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 68691505955299 Supplier Ref: 68691505955299 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02369181 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 53454430251620508539 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/06/19 09:16 Meter/Type: 54161165128 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 359665647973367 Supplier Ref: 359665647973367 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02465191 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 14755399790644307521 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/07/19 06:49 Meter/Type: 54161165128 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 919705495108 Supplier Ref: 919705495108 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02654149 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 56328286748216274038 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/08/19 06:07 Meter/Type: 54161165128 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 921505070000 Supplier Ref: 921505070000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02747161 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 32940391766773811173 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/08/19 20:27 Meter/Type: 54161165128 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 923019260000 Supplier Ref: 923019260000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02824072 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 52137884232061446420 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/10/19 06:45 Meter/Type: 54161165128 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157025069376 Supplier Ref: 157025069376 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03078161 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 72081236058101805076 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/11/19 16:32 Meter/Type: 54161165128 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157374205917 Supplier Ref: 157374205917 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03310688 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 56782360649153927814 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/04/20 17:41 Meter/Type: 54161165128 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200921641004 Supplier Ref: 200921641004 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04483893 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 60853577022337969068 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/04/20 16:24 Meter/Type: 54161165128 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201101624272 Supplier Ref: 201101624272 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04607818 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 59986719543102540691 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/05/20 18:04 Meter/Type: 54161165128 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201461804203 Supplier Ref: 201461804203 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04848150 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 67000327217750968185 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/07/20 17:43 Meter/Type: 54161165128 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201901743207 Supplier Ref: 201901743207 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05163527 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 13740620472242936842 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 222020-07-22 shukrah55@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014692ClosedKCT Request2020-07-22: Request for KCT Dear Sir, Kindly release the KCT of the customer with meter number below. 0101190008983 Best RegardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-22NoHello, Find below, KCT1: 6503 3749 8066 2757 5334 KCT2: 4364 7720 5103 4143 68472020-07-22 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014691ClosedVending History2020-07-22: Vending history54161064941 Morning Sir, Kindly send me the details of the above meter Best regardsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-22NoGood morning, Find below, Date Sold: 08/02/19 10:29 Meter/Type: 54161064941 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190390929398 Supplier Ref: 190390929398 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01778512 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 62017965167340428637 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/02/19 13:45 Meter/Type: 54161064941 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 349796419537968 Supplier Ref: 349796419537968 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01857570 Total Value: N9,500.00 Standard: N9,500.00 - 68710116600553489723 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/03/19 18:01 Meter/Type: 54161064941 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155240650323 Supplier Ref: 155240650323 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02006355 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 39694742954961116883 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/04/19 12:05 Meter/Type: 54161064941 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 467172800210567 Supplier Ref: 467172800210567 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02125562 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 66547264893335759633 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/04/19 13:19 Meter/Type: 54161064941 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155489516352 Supplier Ref: 155489516352 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02159992 Total Value: N13,000.00 Standard: N13,000.00 - 19200321019691573158 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/05/19 19:08 Meter/Type: 54161064941 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 162420632398819 Supplier Ref: 162420632398819 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02329510 Total Value: N9,450.00 Standard: N6,950.00 - 37774585349348267486 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/05/19 17:39 Meter/Type: 54161064941 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155923075645 Supplier Ref: 155923075645 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02422331 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 50757672761289108990 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/06/19 17:53 Meter/Type: 54161064941 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155966173262 Supplier Ref: 155966173262 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02452617 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 54788376040051242194 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/06/19 17:59 Meter/Type: 54161064941 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191761659048 Supplier Ref: 191761659048 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02557380 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 68265962586934380009 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/07/19 13:13 Meter/Type: 54161064941 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192031213290 Supplier Ref: 192031213290 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02683616 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N7,500.00 - 10016145211488494527 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/07/19 13:17 Meter/Type: 54161064941 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192031217152 Supplier Ref: 192031217152 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02683641 Total Value: N3,200.00 Standard: N3,200.00 - 56855178413806850713 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/08/19 22:09 Meter/Type: 54161064941 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156538115734 Supplier Ref: 156538115734 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02782322 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N7,500.00 - 02211054594996817942 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/08/19 20:43 Meter/Type: 54161064941 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156624013336 Supplier Ref: 156624013336 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02830458 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 31234959389955099317 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/08/19 10:42 Meter/Type: 54161064941 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156706802367 Supplier Ref: 156706802367 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02874761 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 37750016940742547397 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/09/19 16:42 Meter/Type: 54161064941 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192591543157 Supplier Ref: 192591543157 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02973322 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N4,500.00 - 59506381637946432556 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/10/19 17:15 Meter/Type: 54161064941 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157184331519 Supplier Ref: 157184331519 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03176642 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N500.00 - 01927463778317301507 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/11/19 13:52 Meter/Type: 54161064941 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193241254262 Supplier Ref: 193241254262 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03343013 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N500.00 - 18715134432099723053 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/11/19 13:49 Meter/Type: 54161064941 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157433623168 Supplier Ref: 157433623168 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03349135 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 33002899376406289024 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/12/19 21:38 Meter/Type: 54161064941 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157773446898 Supplier Ref: 157773446898 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03673824 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N500.00 - 19552219193862605870 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/12/19 21:47 Meter/Type: 54161064941 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157773522558 Supplier Ref: 157773522558 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03673887 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 24299999512908612374 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/01/20 12:31 Meter/Type: 54161064941 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157830665917 Supplier Ref: 157830665917 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03717274 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 08871737641944807531 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/01/20 18:29 Meter/Type: 54161064941 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157884643527 Supplier Ref: 157884643527 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03773743 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 28341473791685037151 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/02/20 18:34 Meter/Type: 54161064941 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158083405401 Supplier Ref: 158083405401 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03979270 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 40311742818660815700 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/02/20 17:20 Meter/Type: 54161064941 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 19020236683900 Supplier Ref: 19020236683900 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03987914 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 69363650985472933835 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/02/20 12:32 Meter/Type: 54161064941 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158262663388 Supplier Ref: 158262663388 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04169224 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 62130015575955521754 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/03/20 14:44 Meter/Type: 54161064941 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200651344478 Supplier Ref: 200651344478 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04284259 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 15088825050612585949 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/03/20 10:27 Meter/Type: 54161064941 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200700927238 Supplier Ref: 200700927238 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04324876 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 19226483448986009660 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/03/20 10:24 Meter/Type: 54161064941 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200870924302 Supplier Ref: 200870924302 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04435109 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 68576286159925879725 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/04/20 14:36 Meter/Type: 54161064941 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201051336235 Supplier Ref: 201051336235 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04568391 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N500.00 - 08639520784013665437 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/04/20 15:27 Meter/Type: 54161064941 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201051427031 Supplier Ref: 201051427031 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04568759 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 69264578456235233107 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/05/20 21:24 Meter/Type: 54161064941 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201322124463 Supplier Ref: 201322124463 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04758154 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 18817281547428332598 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/05/20 08:54 Meter/Type: 54161064941 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201350855022 Supplier Ref: 201350855022 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04770218 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 26311678199281434343 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/06/20 21:22 Meter/Type: 54161064941 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201542122297 Supplier Ref: 201542122297 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04907141 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 70412085493694625735 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/06/20 21:36 Meter/Type: 54161064941 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201552136131 Supplier Ref: 201552136131 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04912835 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 59751202570180033357 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/06/20 12:22 Meter/Type: 54161064941 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201811222513 Supplier Ref: 201811222513 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05087830 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 59536856534886157521 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/06/20 17:17 Meter/Type: 54161064941 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201811717148 Supplier Ref: 201811717148 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05091503 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 46412749929229103316 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/07/20 10:20 Meter/Type: 54161064941 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201961021010 Supplier Ref: 201961021010 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05197911 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N500.00 - 49950088812452571016 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/07/20 10:44 Meter/Type: 54161064941 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201961044252 Supplier Ref: 201961044252 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05198134 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 44391103493428851962 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/07/20 17:51 Meter/Type: 54161064941 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202011751124 Supplier Ref: 202011751124 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05233458 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 11935352216381650264 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 792020-07-22 rajiauwalmuazu@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014690ClosedVending History2020-07-22Dear IT Support Team, Kindly furnish us with VH of 0101185053614 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-22NoGood morning, Find below, Top of Form Date Sold: 29/11/19 17:29 Meter/Type: 0101185053614 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193331631345 Supplier Ref: 193331631345 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03418635 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 06698631865155692073 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/06/20 21:03 Meter/Type: 0101185053614 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201812103270 Supplier Ref: 201812103270 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05093538 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N2,195.20 - 30653026814401818742 Debt: N4,804.80 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/07/20 13:38 Meter/Type: 0101185053614 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201871338313 Supplier Ref: 201871338313 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05140412 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 57507157125113799954 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/07/20 07:05 Meter/Type: 0101185053614 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201880705421 Supplier Ref: 201880705421 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05142768 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 62032595814527331467 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/07/20 16:54 Meter/Type: 0101185053614 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201901654373 Supplier Ref: 201901654373 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05163179 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 19116801300472788645 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/07/20 08:40 Meter/Type: 0101185053614 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201980840378 Supplier Ref: 201980840378 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05210678 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 52752980621489750571 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/07/20 08:45 Meter/Type: 0101185053614 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201980845328 Supplier Ref: 201980845328 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05210714 Total Value: N2,100.00 Standard: N2,100.00 - 52545790529452729335 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 12 Bottom of Form2020-07-22 aramidee05@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014689ClosedRequest2020-07-22: Vending history and total debt Please kindly send me the total outstanding debt and vending history of these customer; 54161031981Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-22NoGood morning, Find below, Date Sold: 23/04/19 09:46 Meter/Type: 54161031981 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191130847096 Supplier Ref: 191130847096 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02225567 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 64822330495905560228 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/07/19 21:51 Meter/Type: 54161031981 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156226989110 Supplier Ref: 156226989110 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02601590 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 57285765333280044350 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/08/19 22:09 Meter/Type: 54161031981 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156520839376 Supplier Ref: 156520839376 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02771819 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 68897510162926775293 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/09/19 06:52 Meter/Type: 54161031981 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156835023644 Supplier Ref: 156835023644 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02956462 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 10185003859630596692 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/10/19 15:22 Meter/Type: 54161031981 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192901423117 Supplier Ref: 192901423117 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03143980 Total Value: N10.00 Standard: N10.00 - 31048242620390922450 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/10/19 15:35 Meter/Type: 54161031981 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157124995470 Supplier Ref: 157124995470 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03144082 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 62474300036742231667 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/12/19 14:41 Meter/Type: 54161031981 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157520419303 Supplier Ref: 157520419303 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03432700 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 46000680387569605465 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/01/20 18:33 Meter/Type: 54161031981 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157936531843 Supplier Ref: 157936531843 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03825069 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 57428238483540859302 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/03/20 20:46 Meter/Type: 54161031981 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200831946413 Supplier Ref: 200831946413 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04408179 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 17026045289489706424 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/04/20 15:07 Meter/Type: 54161031981 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200991407457 Supplier Ref: 200991407457 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04532716 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 27678648383732706839 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/04/20 12:35 Meter/Type: 54161031981 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201111235185 Supplier Ref: 201111235185 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04613434 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 14368151609628908358 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/05/20 18:59 Meter/Type: 54161031981 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201451859234 Supplier Ref: 201451859234 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04842027 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 60264359763031839186 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/06/20 20:30 Meter/Type: 54161031981 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201602030598 Supplier Ref: 201602030598 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04946004 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 45935614622296727776 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/07/20 16:26 Meter/Type: 54161031981 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201991626474 Supplier Ref: 201991626474 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05221416 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 43372949730887081915 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 27 Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 647178 Start Date: 3/5/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $27,610.01 Outstanding Balance: $17,610.01 Running Balance: $17,610.01 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/17/2020 4:26:41 PM2020-07-22 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014688ClosedRequest2020-07-22REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILS Please kindly assist with debt details for MSN. 1. 0101170176057 2. 0101170207134 Thanks Best RegardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-22NoGood morning, Find below, 0101170176057 Debt Details Name: Outstanding Balance Reference Number: 6461124841-01 Start Date: 7/22/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $90,397.89 Outstanding Balance: $50,397.89 Running Balance: $50,397.89 Note: Outstanding from JCS, Installation fee, Cost unit Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/18/2020 6:37:27 PM 0101170207134 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 608362 Start Date: 5/29/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $6,820.28 Outstanding Balance: $2,820.28 Running Balance: $2,820.28 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/26/2020 9:14:27 AM2020-07-22 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014687ClosedRequest2020-07-22: 0101170381251 Hello Kindly assist with debt profile of above meter serial number -- Regards,Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-22NoGood morning, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 379932 Start Date: 8/30/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $230,914.93 Outstanding Balance: $230,914.93 Running Balance: $230,914.93 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-22 phartiemah12@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014686ClosedVending History2020-07-22: REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY 0101150175368Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-22NoGood morning, Find below, Date Sold: 22/10/18 15:29 Meter/Type: 0101150175368 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 829515290000 Supplier Ref: 829515290000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01188623 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 22222107487413958616 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/11/18 08:31 Meter/Type: 0101150175368 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 979561494230583 Supplier Ref: 979561494230583 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01246084 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 19110411248713333066 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/11/18 13:35 Meter/Type: 0101150175368 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 831113351006 Supplier Ref: 831113351006 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01247541 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 42537190687039526974 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/11/18 17:30 Meter/Type: 0101150175368 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 833017304936 Supplier Ref: 833017304936 Receipt: PagT13EMDB01310953 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 37482481238528598426 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/11/18 20:20 Meter/Type: 0101150175368 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 833020204980 Supplier Ref: 833020204980 Receipt: PagT13EMDB01311549 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 68070459454158937361 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/12/18 10:10 Meter/Type: 0101150175368 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 835109107468 Supplier Ref: 835109107468 Receipt: PagT13EMDB01399366 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 52177513515299229290 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/12/18 10:29 Meter/Type: 0101150175368 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 835109297477 Supplier Ref: 835109297477 Receipt: PagT13EMDB01399584 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 19627312285599403929 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/01/19 09:27 Meter/Type: 0101150175368 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 900808271008 Supplier Ref: 900808271008 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01535562 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 50518113468919228205 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/01/19 10:07 Meter/Type: 0101150175368 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 901909071005 Supplier Ref: 901909071005 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01616188 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 06101353059566257420 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/02/19 23:16 Meter/Type: 0101150175368 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 903822165251 Supplier Ref: 903822165251 Receipt: PagT13EMDB01777413 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 16081503657040624973 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/02/19 23:24 Meter/Type: 0101150175368 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 903822245255 Supplier Ref: 903822245255 Receipt: PagT13EMDB01777425 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 03615250340579889119 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/02/19 09:31 Meter/Type: 0101150175368 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 904808311004 Supplier Ref: 904808311004 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01843721 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 24469927558063364454 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/03/19 22:29 Meter/Type: 0101150175368 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 906521293764 Supplier Ref: 906521293764 Receipt: PagT13EMDB01973532 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,869.94 - 19184157319384166370 Debt: N3,130.06 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/03/19 22:46 Meter/Type: 0101150175368 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 906521463775 Supplier Ref: 906521463775 Receipt: PagT13EMDB01973574 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 42566650721933024904 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/03/19 18:58 Meter/Type: 0101150175368 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 907417587388 Supplier Ref: 907417587388 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02023209 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 61253878798737737797 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/04/19 09:50 Meter/Type: 0101150175368 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 909308505128 Supplier Ref: 909308505128 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02117640 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N8,434.97 - 44482959287381042414 Debt: N1,565.03 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/04/19 12:09 Meter/Type: 0101150175368 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 911011094014 Supplier Ref: 911011094014 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02213589 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 66717581155677480310 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/05/19 09:02 Meter/Type: 0101150175368 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 912308021819 Supplier Ref: 912308021819 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02287001 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N4,130.06 - 60427017884011914244 Debt: N869.94 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/05/19 23:15 Meter/Type: 0101150175368 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 914222151264 Supplier Ref: 914222151264 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02382421 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 20334694675315700688 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/06/19 12:21 Meter/Type: 0101150175368 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 916111200183 Supplier Ref: 916111200183 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02481175 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 67435674883077615806 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/07/19 20:14 Meter/Type: 0101150175368 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 918219147242 Supplier Ref: 918219147242 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02585958 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 25695636364714170623 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/07/19 10:36 Meter/Type: 0101150175368 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 920009369732 Supplier Ref: 920009369732 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02669200 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 20734100019627506686 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/08/19 19:50 Meter/Type: 0101150175368 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 922118502769 Supplier Ref: 922118502769 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02781584 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 23575910567434937318 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/08/19 00:42 Meter/Type: 0101150175368 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 924122421002 Supplier Ref: 924122421002 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02879709 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 17615738523079250242 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/08/19 00:43 Meter/Type: 0101150175368 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 924122441003 Supplier Ref: 924122441003 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02879710 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 10015117041953744452 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/08/19 00:44 Meter/Type: 0101150175368 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 924122441005 Supplier Ref: 924122441005 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02879712 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 30136734893021391278 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/10/19 20:14 Meter/Type: 0101150175368 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 928819158941 Supplier Ref: 928819158941 Receipt: PagT13EMDB03134832 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 43420066082630471402 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/11/19 19:38 Meter/Type: 0101150175368 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 930918400777 Supplier Ref: 930918400777 Receipt: PagT13EMDB03259783 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 28178575339932047279 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/11/19 20:12 Meter/Type: 0101150175368 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 932719145399 Supplier Ref: 932719145399 Receipt: PagT13EMDB03368370 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 35948462327796206776 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/12/19 20:33 Meter/Type: 0101150175368 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 934719351923 Supplier Ref: 934719351923 Receipt: PagT13EMDB03527596 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 02491055442391277322 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/12/19 10:00 Meter/Type: 0101150175368 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 935309037998 Supplier Ref: 935309037998 Receipt: PagT13EMDB03568845 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 67797845707855114669 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/12/19 14:31 Meter/Type: 0101150175368 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157753640581 Supplier Ref: 157753640581 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03654751 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 21177415481075830959 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/01/20 20:05 Meter/Type: 0101150175368 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 002819084058 Supplier Ref: 002819084058 Receipt: PagT13EMDB03910552 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 46382990066979274938 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/02/20 14:17 Meter/Type: 0101150175368 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 004613168340 Supplier Ref: 004613168340 Receipt: PagT13EMDB04078659 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 42453300896247757357 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/03/20 09:26 Meter/Type: 0101150175368 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 006408267866 Supplier Ref: 006408267866 Receipt: PagT13EMDB04268476 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 47066326075165448252 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/03/20 09:11 Meter/Type: 0101150175368 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 008508105464 Supplier Ref: 008508105464 Receipt: PagT13EMDB04417320 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 04509643722371080918 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/04/20 08:35 Meter/Type: 0101150175368 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201090835518 Supplier Ref: 201090835518 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04595352 Total Value: N9,900.00 Standard: N9,900.00 - 20681549317086819370 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/05/20 11:04 Meter/Type: 0101150175368 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201391104166 Supplier Ref: 201391104166 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04796754 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 06326562679452350640 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/06/20 17:03 Meter/Type: 0101150175368 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201701703442 Supplier Ref: 201701703442 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05010383 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 43690936146787355972 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/06/20 19:11 Meter/Type: 0101150175368 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201741911385 Supplier Ref: 201741911385 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05037772 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 64865214557971851021 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/07/20 09:01 Meter/Type: 0101150175368 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202020901483 Supplier Ref: 202020901483 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05236148 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 46215848623461566540 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 502020-07-22 longpuan@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014685ClosedRequest2020-07-22: Vending history and total debt Please kindly send me the total outstanding debt and vending history of these customer; 54160892094Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-22NoGood morning, Find below, Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 646540 Start Date: 3/27/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $21,504.47 Outstanding Balance: $17,504.47 Running Balance: $17,504.47 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 4/2/2020 9:44:57 AM Date Sold: 05/12/19 17:43 Meter/Type: 54160892094 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157556073492 Supplier Ref: 157556073492 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03473692 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 14629074884331576796 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/12/19 13:36 Meter/Type: 54160892094 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193631239097 Supplier Ref: 193631239097 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03659763 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 04885173865198211370 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/01/20 14:27 Meter/Type: 54160892094 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200131330425 Supplier Ref: 200131330425 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03780152 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 16956392218925541805 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/01/20 15:20 Meter/Type: 54160892094 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200301420391 Supplier Ref: 200301420391 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03926761 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 04086219532614596923 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/02/20 14:00 Meter/Type: 54160892094 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200551300013 Supplier Ref: 200551300013 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04157726 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 64498647112011627323 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/04/20 10:45 Meter/Type: 54160892094 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200930945061 Supplier Ref: 200930945061 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04487500 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 48810968360607065417 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/04/20 09:34 Meter/Type: 54160892094 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201090934496 Supplier Ref: 201090934496 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04596043 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 55570247962631191884 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 112020-07-22 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014684ClosedRequest2020-07-22: Debt balance Gudmornin Ict team members please kindly assist me with this meter number 54160994064 original balance running balance and collection value thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-22NoGood morning, Find below, Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 6114220198-01 Start Date: 2/1/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $375,309.24 Outstanding Balance: $347,179.19 Running Balance: $347,179.19 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Per Vend Amount Collection Value: $10,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/22/2020 10:16:24 AM2020-07-22 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014683ClosedKCT Request2020-07-22: REQUEST FOR KCT Sorry the correct meter number is 0101190006490 Thank you & best regardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-22NoHello, Find below, 0101190006490 1484 2370 4161 1834 9428 2760 2274 6892 0244 57272020-07-22 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014682ClosedVending History2020-07-22: Request for vending history Hello , Kindly provide us with the vending history of MSN: 0101170314526. ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-22NoGood morning, Find below, Date Sold: 05/07/18 17:22 Meter/Type: 0101170314526 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 818616200000 Supplier Ref: 818616200000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00880731 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 06407910578148664484 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/07/18 16:37 Meter/Type: 0101170314526 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 821115340000 Supplier Ref: 821115340000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00936383 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 33439626496109685149 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/07/18 16:38 Meter/Type: 0101170314526 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182111538558 Supplier Ref: 182111538558 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00936393 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 20216332089104510889 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/08/18 16:59 Meter/Type: 0101170314526 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182321559514 Supplier Ref: 182321559514 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00993143 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 67279775303404732048 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/09/18 18:52 Meter/Type: 0101170314526 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182511752281 Supplier Ref: 182511752281 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01050490 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 63434966012685868324 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/10/18 10:09 Meter/Type: 0101170314526 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182771009130 Supplier Ref: 182771009130 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01126079 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 05672267346475839042 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/11/18 14:36 Meter/Type: 0101170314526 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183071436597 Supplier Ref: 183071436597 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01233960 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 25958431442581862916 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/12/18 13:35 Meter/Type: 0101170314526 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183381235304 Supplier Ref: 183381235304 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01340825 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 49317240698271603571 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/12/18 17:51 Meter/Type: 0101170314526 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183581651466 Supplier Ref: 183581651466 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01455531 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 70912996720088759015 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/01/19 17:41 Meter/Type: 0101170314526 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190141641293 Supplier Ref: 190141641293 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01581084 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 42030356511721842593 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/01/19 10:00 Meter/Type: 0101170314526 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 902809000000 Supplier Ref: 902809000000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01678868 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 08622956608637469031 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/02/19 18:46 Meter/Type: 0101170314526 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190491746520 Supplier Ref: 190491746520 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01853180 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 46850014518895385746 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/03/19 19:25 Meter/Type: 0101170314526 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190851826184 Supplier Ref: 190851826184 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02074407 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 61123011407735792810 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/05/19 19:01 Meter/Type: 0101170314526 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191211801230 Supplier Ref: 191211801230 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02279367 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 31331545870255064490 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/06/19 17:01 Meter/Type: 0101170314526 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191561602038 Supplier Ref: 191561602038 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02457966 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 08893225840142376551 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/07/19 10:22 Meter/Type: 0101170314526 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191910922277 Supplier Ref: 191910922277 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02627023 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 28165871796835001790 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/08/19 16:48 Meter/Type: 0101170314526 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192211548081 Supplier Ref: 192211548081 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02780375 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 67321957715269721785 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/09/19 15:15 Meter/Type: 0101170314526 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192671415405 Supplier Ref: 192671415405 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03016537 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 68450396143236617508 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/11/19 18:23 Meter/Type: 0101170314526 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193171725403 Supplier Ref: 193171725403 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03305533 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 40824109468985893927 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/12/19 17:42 Meter/Type: 0101170314526 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193511645101 Supplier Ref: 193511645101 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03555146 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 28371699456463302888 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/01/20 17:43 Meter/Type: 0101170314526 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200201646394 Supplier Ref: 200201646394 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03838996 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 04188077359475741488 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/02/20 16:50 Meter/Type: 0101170314526 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 546930799685463 Supplier Ref: 546930799685463 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB04184100 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 13895408119934818228 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/02/20 19:28 Meter/Type: 0101170314526 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200601828305 Supplier Ref: 200601828305 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04223443 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 03831779082569257123 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/04/20 17:26 Meter/Type: 0101170314526 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201101727012 Supplier Ref: 201101727012 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04608545 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 09018380764556838861 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/05/20 17:13 Meter/Type: 0101170314526 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201251713488 Supplier Ref: 201251713488 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04712495 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 53484279622531045969 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/07/20 17:34 Meter/Type: 0101170314526 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201981734175 Supplier Ref: 201981734175 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05215340 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 31662004390023181408 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/07/20 10:50 Meter/Type: 0101170314526 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202001050530 Supplier Ref: 202001050530 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05225322 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 53873806889927327602 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 292020-07-22 anersirleh@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014681ClosedRequest2020-07-22: REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE (54160929136) Dear support kindly supply us with the debt profile of this customer warm regardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-22NoGood morning, Find below, Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 510168 Start Date: 2/12/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $188,221.71 Outstanding Balance: $134,221.71 Running Balance: $134,221.71 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/15/2020 4:17:28 PM2020-07-22 tyoverpeter@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014680ClosedRequest2020-07-22Debt profile Good morning! Please assist with the debt profile of this MSN 0101160047185 Thank you.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-22NoGood morning, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101160047185 Start Date: 2/5/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $52,958.00 Outstanding Balance: $46,958.00 Running Balance: $46,958.00 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 4/3/2020 11:00:21 PM2020-07-22 mwuladi@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014679ClosedRequest2020-07-22: REQUEST FOR OUTSTANDING DEBT 0101185058357 Dear sir, Please I need the outstanding debt on the above account to resolve this matter. Regards.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-22NoGood morning, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 6515951010-01 Start Date: 6/3/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $79,806.38 Outstanding Balance: $0.00 Running Balance: $0.00 Note: none specified Status: Paid off Collection Method: Daily Amount Collection Value: $3,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/3/2020 2:34:14 PM2020-07-22 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014678ClosedRequest2020-07-22: DEBT DETAILS Assist with debt details, 54160981038 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-22NoGood morning, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 54160981038 Start Date: 3/5/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $9,309.54 Outstanding Balance: $0.00 Running Balance: $0.00 Note: none specified Status: Paid off Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/16/2020 6:30:45 PM2020-07-22 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014677ClosedKCT Request2020-07-22: REQUEST FOR KCT Dear IT Support, Kindly generate KCT for the following meter number 0101190006417 0101190006979 0101190006995 0101170006490 0101190006961 0101190007001 regardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-22NoGood morning, Find below, 0101190006417 2455 7166 9077 4181 3799 1793 6659 6474 2274 0407 0101190006979 3779 7004 1930 0021 4993 4175 8629 3394 4746 9382 0101190006995 2186 9735 6822 9171 5653 2306 5174 7136 5508 3380 0101170006490 This meter has not been captured 0101190006961 5752 7009 7951 7236 0973 4131 4701 3044 3566 1273 0101190007001 1174 4376 5076 0379 1811 7016 1394 6664 3642 36802020-07-22 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014676ClosedTamper Code2020-07-22Kindly Check 0101150175129 Good Morning Support, Kindle Check if this tamper has been generated. 0101150175129 Thank youMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-22NoHello Auwa, Find below it has been generated, 0101150175129 5966 1239 9202 7808 8830 Clear Tamper Regards.2020-07-22 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014675ClosedVending History2020-07-22: Vending history 54161056871 Good morning colleagues, Above need urgent response Best regardsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-22NoGood morning, Find below, Date Sold: 25/10/18 17:38 Meter/Type: 54161056871 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182981738153 Supplier Ref: 182981738153 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01200586 Total Value: N3,150.00 Standard: N3,150.00 - 56914201844513858630 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/10/18 14:44 Meter/Type: 54161056871 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 534763586167378 Supplier Ref: 534763586167378 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01203670 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 23467518531481124460 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/11/18 13:02 Meter/Type: 54161056871 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183321302326 Supplier Ref: 183321302326 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01316938 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 36056826836683781979 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/12/18 10:05 Meter/Type: 54161056871 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154598432036 Supplier Ref: 154598432036 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01475946 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 28609463542828250494 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/01/19 13:42 Meter/Type: 54161056871 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190251242567 Supplier Ref: 190251242567 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01661968 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 43747404611042968300 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/02/19 14:47 Meter/Type: 54161056871 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155118527154 Supplier Ref: 155118527154 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01908075 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 13759781825104255560 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/03/19 14:02 Meter/Type: 54161056871 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190841302311 Supplier Ref: 190841302311 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02065721 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 06526722543043966811 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/04/19 14:40 Meter/Type: 54161056871 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155654163260 Supplier Ref: 155654163260 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02262628 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 39273500479870926436 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/05/19 11:23 Meter/Type: 54161056871 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155903541979 Supplier Ref: 155903541979 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02408722 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 18912018656156047021 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/06/19 15:35 Meter/Type: 54161056871 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191771435273 Supplier Ref: 191771435273 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02560727 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 50121246214587841675 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/07/19 13:43 Meter/Type: 54161056871 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192111243421 Supplier Ref: 192111243421 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02724036 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 16474573180418408368 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/09/19 12:51 Meter/Type: 54161056871 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192461151146 Supplier Ref: 192461151146 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02902269 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 22885578195470113394 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/09/19 13:44 Meter/Type: 54161056871 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192731244594 Supplier Ref: 192731244594 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03048425 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 15387672806511568143 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/10/19 14:56 Meter/Type: 54161056871 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193021358067 Supplier Ref: 193021358067 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03209378 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 46779503554396714842 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/11/19 12:53 Meter/Type: 54161056871 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193331156033 Supplier Ref: 193331156033 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03415105 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 45206869258899758593 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/12/19 15:06 Meter/Type: 54161056871 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193641409093 Supplier Ref: 193641409093 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03668974 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 28613685094073125677 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/01/20 14:00 Meter/Type: 54161056871 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 200130190109 Supplier Ref: 200130190109 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB03925791 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 10506940089043564482 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/02/20 12:42 Meter/Type: 54161056871 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158288654492 Supplier Ref: 158288654492 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04204008 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 33260527370318819480 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/03/20 14:19 Meter/Type: 54161056871 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200901319343 Supplier Ref: 200901319343 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04459955 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 70835957725815845444 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/05/20 11:29 Meter/Type: 54161056871 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201521129136 Supplier Ref: 201521129136 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04890597 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 44624064160766727996 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 322020-07-22 ericjames346@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014674ClosedVending History2020-07-22: REQUEST FOR VH Dear IT Support, Kindly generate the VH for the meter number 54161133356 regardsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-22NoHello, Find below, Date Sold: 14/06/18 17:56 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 816516561031 Supplier Ref: 816516561031 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00834775 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 16447569630612930320 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/07/18 16:22 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000657302466 Supplier Ref: 000657302466 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00868533 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 65963261923380736817 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/07/18 20:42 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000659776438 Supplier Ref: 000659776438 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00909839 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 54517713776561763013 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/07/18 17:06 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000660042838 Supplier Ref: 000660042838 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00914437 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 00394054503322230557 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/08/18 18:36 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182161736274 Supplier Ref: 182161736274 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00952514 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 27436715253700425281 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/08/18 20:32 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000662223462 Supplier Ref: 000662223462 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00952651 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 58224001790059869699 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/08/18 10:06 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 792817014165052 Supplier Ref: 792817014165052 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00971436 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 14349794344373124696 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/08/18 10:07 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 160799529368349 Supplier Ref: 160799529368349 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00971440 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 46541900349001495553 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/09/18 09:55 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000666479844 Supplier Ref: 000666479844 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01031386 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 73363762007744859830 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/09/18 16:27 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000668103035 Supplier Ref: 000668103035 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01067439 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 01143197479735758653 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/09/18 09:12 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 826409120000 Supplier Ref: 826409120000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01086094 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 56961452930452763619 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/10/18 15:42 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 827515430000 Supplier Ref: 827515430000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01119775 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 20210096124109581670 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/10/18 15:31 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 828515320000 Supplier Ref: 828515320000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01156470 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 46945605162695739595 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/10/18 14:13 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182891413170 Supplier Ref: 182891413170 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01168454 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 37726694789452610333 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/10/18 16:42 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182991642208 Supplier Ref: 182991642208 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01204429 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 37383595207050737580 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/11/18 12:32 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154184955939 Supplier Ref: 154184955939 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01258088 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 41168839862440759615 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/11/18 09:36 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183210936373 Supplier Ref: 183210936373 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01280103 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 10145017354498044049 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/11/18 09:36 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000677283782 Supplier Ref: 000677283782 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01280106 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 70707409376067545436 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/12/18 12:48 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000679600926 Supplier Ref: 000679600926 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01335727 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 01216617743951826892 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/12/18 14:51 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 982854338497451 Supplier Ref: 982854338497451 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01383473 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 70358654523772861482 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/12/18 12:17 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000681325835 Supplier Ref: 000681325835 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01393807 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 26664628310752740201 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/12/18 12:17 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 762584069909247 Supplier Ref: 762584069909247 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01393808 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 38124445763358613056 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/01/19 11:45 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190121045530 Supplier Ref: 190121045530 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01565387 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 14314287194239709607 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/01/19 11:01 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190221001452 Supplier Ref: 190221001452 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01634616 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 34443954955505547544 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/01/19 16:27 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190281527226 Supplier Ref: 190281527226 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01685584 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 60758657714787497237 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/01/19 16:28 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190281529000 Supplier Ref: 190281529000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01685619 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 49015009878703087163 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/02/19 10:17 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155021864254 Supplier Ref: 155021864254 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01830063 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 14358898139175541556 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/03/19 09:24 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190650824146 Supplier Ref: 190650824146 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01968099 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 13714429519066354137 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/03/19 17:18 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190711619061 Supplier Ref: 190711619061 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02006027 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 72664335175755686499 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/03/19 12:49 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155299258444 Supplier Ref: 155299258444 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02037882 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 72181818861479615450 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/03/19 15:48 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155386734743 Supplier Ref: 155386734743 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02090348 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 55537016122364479655 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/04/19 13:19 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190961219361 Supplier Ref: 190961219361 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02139229 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 66391488020190034911 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/04/19 14:04 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191021304181 Supplier Ref: 191021304181 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02172047 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 47750553643519114639 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/04/19 11:12 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191091012592 Supplier Ref: 191091012592 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02208287 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 18086140836348662247 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/04/19 13:54 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155602047737 Supplier Ref: 155602047737 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02228096 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 54192843131612937020 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/04/19 14:04 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155628028927 Supplier Ref: 155628028927 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02246793 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 06936219308641330184 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/05/19 13:12 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191271212272 Supplier Ref: 191271212272 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02311722 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 43153217763057244140 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/05/19 14:54 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191381355078 Supplier Ref: 191381355078 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02361551 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 45664571731851910568 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/05/19 14:22 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191441322557 Supplier Ref: 191441322557 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02390377 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 36960030046858583167 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/06/19 17:12 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155940167742 Supplier Ref: 155940167742 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02435971 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 16301713160770772958 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/06/19 14:54 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156060324268 Supplier Ref: 156060324268 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02509911 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 25372048075067854417 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/06/19 13:35 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156120329047 Supplier Ref: 156120329047 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02542135 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 70324994078598235687 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/07/19 14:00 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192041300420 Supplier Ref: 192041300420 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02687937 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 32605365438062032090 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/07/19 19:22 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156459376016 Supplier Ref: 156459376016 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02733397 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 03121965778353162738 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/08/19 15:30 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192171430244 Supplier Ref: 192171430244 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02758807 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 71922393037900126273 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/09/19 14:03 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192531303191 Supplier Ref: 192531303191 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02941460 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 27819579509603339816 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/09/19 09:05 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156870394183 Supplier Ref: 156870394183 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02976033 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 42786433522206891496 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/10/19 13:53 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192781254223 Supplier Ref: 192781254223 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03080636 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 15496505327978485820 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/10/19 16:13 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192981515120 Supplier Ref: 192981515120 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03187625 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 65303516658738383718 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/11/19 12:42 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193131144217 Supplier Ref: 193131144217 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03281766 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 67895816053543434524 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/11/19 17:09 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157443546684 Supplier Ref: 157443546684 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03358669 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 13311269839795653054 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/12/19 12:53 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157537052558 Supplier Ref: 157537052558 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03452205 Total Value: N2,950.00 Standard: N1,020.69 - 17977800535981241333 Debt: N1,929.31 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/12/19 15:17 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193441420035 Supplier Ref: 193441420035 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03510595 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 37247038219707305546 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/12/19 16:00 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193571503336 Supplier Ref: 193571503336 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03607161 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 15850470064246862851 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/12/19 13:33 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157770575255 Supplier Ref: 157770575255 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03667457 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 31507913775977238264 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/01/20 13:22 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200091225177 Supplier Ref: 200091225177 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03747552 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 43211663026279419739 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/01/20 14:43 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157917880901 Supplier Ref: 157917880901 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03808458 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 12672583332801978858 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/01/20 13:13 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200241216561 Supplier Ref: 200241216561 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03872773 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 42865786667457307192 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/01/20 12:31 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200311131312 Supplier Ref: 200311131312 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03934880 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 53457977084498452953 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/02/20 09:41 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200420841416 Supplier Ref: 200420841416 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04036542 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 09588983074108534127 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/02/20 17:30 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158221260888 Supplier Ref: 158221260888 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04125727 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 64168553010497228464 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/02/20 17:39 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 458938123906676 Supplier Ref: 458938123906676 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB04196005 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 09600443947468050079 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/03/20 17:49 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158350975048 Supplier Ref: 158350975048 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04301086 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 73093724281547380576 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/03/20 14:49 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200711349512 Supplier Ref: 200711349512 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04332335 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 53560587038936687685 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/03/20 00:43 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200892343206 Supplier Ref: 200892343206 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04455584 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 70756098326951022007 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/04/20 09:00 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201050800492 Supplier Ref: 201050800492 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04565874 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 62176233901540715471 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/04/20 19:06 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201151906124 Supplier Ref: 201151906124 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04646759 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 24835590028114858589 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/05/20 15:48 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201301548088 Supplier Ref: 201301548088 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04744693 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 15732944470017168059 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/05/20 18:51 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201401851217 Supplier Ref: 201401851217 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04806521 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 45912299330021321459 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/05/20 08:00 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201490801017 Supplier Ref: 201490801017 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04862084 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 33616378167377529930 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/06/20 12:49 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201561250031 Supplier Ref: 201561250031 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04916411 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 65097697493842599463 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/06/20 07:33 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201780734057 Supplier Ref: 201780734057 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05063637 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 21970931879366949386 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/06/20 16:35 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201821635538 Supplier Ref: 201821635538 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05102194 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 18920240599076679163 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/07/20 09:36 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201920936067 Supplier Ref: 201920936067 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05172977 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 37463117493932669113 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/07/20 09:11 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201990912014 Supplier Ref: 201990912014 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05217861 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 69495453886392484264 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/07/20 17:38 Meter/Type: 54161133365 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202021738034 Supplier Ref: 202021738034 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05242484 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 34339316101418276903 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 1192020-07-22 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014673ClosedTamper Code2020-07-22: TEMPER CODE REQUEST 21072020 A Good Evening Sir kindly help and assist on the above TEMPER CODEs request. Best Regards. CCRM GOMBEMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-22NoHello, Find below as requested, 57300014792 0309 1679 0838 6990 8476Clear Tamper 0101150232441 7147 1715 9328 9988 2783Clear Tamper 54160905318 5256 9189 5539 4800 8309Clear Tamper 54160905235 0406 3588 9035 8538 7348Clear Tamper 0101170152637 6497 1765 4421 0206 8804Clear Tamper Regards2020-07-22 glawal1184@yahoo.com Anas Abubakar
#00014672ClosedVending History2020-07-22: VENDING HISTORY Assist with vending history, 0101175078795 ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-22NoGood morning, Find below, Date Sold: 02/10/18 14:36 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000670690097 Supplier Ref: 000670690097 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01119383 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 65048887708455314985 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/10/18 10:50 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000671963394 Supplier Ref: 000671963394 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01150944 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 15160778045538926904 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/10/18 21:59 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 40029627600812 Supplier Ref: 40029627600812 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01185427 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 63510175070627749627 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/11/18 12:41 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 863040896547446 Supplier Ref: 863040896547446 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01224260 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 39087983880403812978 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/11/18 08:18 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 842531370130621 Supplier Ref: 842531370130621 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01265543 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 22606701254644258294 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/11/18 09:38 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 593966133864031 Supplier Ref: 593966133864031 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01289074 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 35336878898419837569 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/11/18 11:54 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 106652545471889 Supplier Ref: 106652545471889 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01325621 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 43417764271155050546 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/12/18 11:20 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 674646867890546 Supplier Ref: 674646867890546 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01363730 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 02687347775376093371 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/12/18 22:56 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 592619228945524 Supplier Ref: 592619228945524 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01418711 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 29150725159139302860 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/12/18 10:03 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 46937026932208 Supplier Ref: 46937026932208 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01462283 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 42786223872506425918 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/01/19 21:37 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 371606663354348 Supplier Ref: 371606663354348 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01508209 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 30639062051415746271 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/01/19 20:12 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 913404734024436 Supplier Ref: 913404734024436 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01554634 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 01450377577892796353 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/01/19 21:39 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 478779175512683 Supplier Ref: 478779175512683 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01607253 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 19622361922832993023 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/01/19 21:23 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 764436518193268 Supplier Ref: 764436518193268 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01674524 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 19782138424065199298 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/02/19 18:16 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 121048942034147 Supplier Ref: 121048942034147 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01736165 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 02203853755361766029 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/02/19 09:39 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 76470344454060 Supplier Ref: 76470344454060 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01804438 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 03615442132339610984 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/02/19 11:17 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 643713937063854 Supplier Ref: 643713937063854 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01870431 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 66193953716281076026 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/03/19 19:54 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 499670649169983 Supplier Ref: 499670649169983 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01937674 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 06622599685871779710 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/03/19 13:14 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 663317198528228 Supplier Ref: 663317198528228 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01996799 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 02037619605530179729 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/03/19 11:53 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 886147570294719 Supplier Ref: 886147570294719 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02071198 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 38324897543451747436 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/04/19 10:52 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 34744780879365 Supplier Ref: 34744780879365 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02158711 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 35195845026226296788 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/04/19 10:13 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 384860442724312 Supplier Ref: 384860442724312 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02244567 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 38922887223562877320 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/05/19 17:31 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155724306379 Supplier Ref: 155724306379 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02313961 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 06104993697710524897 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/05/19 14:14 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191391315040 Supplier Ref: 191391315040 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02363963 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 63945873181677527852 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/05/19 13:49 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191501249548 Supplier Ref: 191501249548 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02420299 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 38920863205202592999 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/06/19 13:57 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155990861974 Supplier Ref: 155990861974 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02467533 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 18535916475766949452 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/06/19 15:37 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191661437286 Supplier Ref: 191661437286 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02510139 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 03460813762479894871 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/06/19 20:09 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191741910022 Supplier Ref: 191741910022 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02546686 Total Value: N4,500.00 Standard: N4,500.00 - 58727349027955264543 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/07/19 21:15 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156235408740 Supplier Ref: 156235408740 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02606271 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 41852992447522088799 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/07/19 12:58 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156344749382 Supplier Ref: 156344749382 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02665700 Total Value: N4,800.00 Standard: N4,800.00 - 32108043216779321216 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/07/19 15:35 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192081435451 Supplier Ref: 192081435451 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02710889 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 55390956323410800172 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/08/19 13:44 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192161244272 Supplier Ref: 192161244272 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02753297 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 56834902646322079865 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/08/19 14:41 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192231341094 Supplier Ref: 192231341094 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02789580 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 52053673832137738288 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/08/19 12:23 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192301123441 Supplier Ref: 192301123441 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02822939 Total Value: N4,500.00 Standard: N4,500.00 - 12806043279877149490 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/08/19 13:49 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192371249111 Supplier Ref: 192371249111 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02856635 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 30268404487838399477 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/09/19 19:13 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192441814014 Supplier Ref: 192441814014 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02892698 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 12389376601742657813 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/09/19 22:20 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192532120234 Supplier Ref: 192532120234 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02944726 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 18395385797081441519 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/09/19 11:17 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156871186699 Supplier Ref: 156871186699 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02977066 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 15532219773104921361 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/09/19 22:43 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192722144206 Supplier Ref: 192722144206 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03045112 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 24969819843698962914 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/10/19 13:14 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192801215422 Supplier Ref: 192801215422 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03088000 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 38324676140102186865 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/10/19 11:55 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192871056187 Supplier Ref: 192871056187 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03124317 Total Value: N4,600.00 Standard: N4,600.00 - 46428698546670984513 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/10/19 12:32 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192951133402 Supplier Ref: 192951133402 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03168697 Total Value: N4,500.00 Standard: N4,500.00 - 36763910415457787490 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/10/19 17:17 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157253515947 Supplier Ref: 157253515947 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03225637 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 35651587882227469209 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/11/19 13:00 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193121202321 Supplier Ref: 193121202321 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03276515 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 08001647323027786205 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/11/19 10:15 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193220917336 Supplier Ref: 193220917336 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03328496 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 49593284238431863864 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/11/19 13:22 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193321224320 Supplier Ref: 193321224320 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03405974 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 72821935208215157789 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/11/19 10:42 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193330944462 Supplier Ref: 193330944462 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03413496 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N3,500.00 - 19957536066053934562 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/12/19 09:37 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193440840232 Supplier Ref: 193440840232 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03507147 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 07481606984019680859 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/12/19 14:42 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193581345305 Supplier Ref: 193581345305 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03620253 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 61718497632554973302 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/01/20 13:50 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200031253147 Supplier Ref: 200031253147 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03699052 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 65462449442701445127 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/01/20 12:52 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200131156141 Supplier Ref: 200131156141 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03779036 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 16025988702882823956 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/01/20 11:59 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200211103225 Supplier Ref: 200211103225 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03844589 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 27998437610959525982 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/01/20 12:07 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158037885691 Supplier Ref: 158037885691 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03924457 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 73426037793970672795 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/02/20 12:33 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158133078269 Supplier Ref: 158133078269 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04027347 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 71749526905502560544 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/02/20 10:55 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200510955422 Supplier Ref: 200510955422 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04120969 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 30935189411577331032 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/02/20 13:44 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200571244151 Supplier Ref: 200571244151 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04181567 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 73739769422408274479 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/03/20 17:41 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158316369141 Supplier Ref: 158316369141 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04245756 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 19019918199582929886 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/03/20 15:44 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200701444292 Supplier Ref: 200701444292 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04328033 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 64575321563412399311 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/03/20 11:59 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200781059501 Supplier Ref: 200781059501 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04370697 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 28706537209349769042 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/03/20 11:05 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200871005420 Supplier Ref: 200871005420 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04435721 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 51784008803841582211 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/03/20 11:07 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200871007140 Supplier Ref: 200871007140 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04435747 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 16681379513431313039 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/04/20 12:18 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200941118086 Supplier Ref: 200941118086 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04497516 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 25290400823536999355 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/04/20 12:48 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200941148046 Supplier Ref: 200941148046 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04497907 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 37174962004757643438 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/04/20 10:00 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201010900377 Supplier Ref: 201010900377 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04548956 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 67066393407637865913 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/04/20 11:55 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201071055284 Supplier Ref: 201071055284 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04579520 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 37076096199371867147 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/04/20 09:52 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201140953055 Supplier Ref: 201140953055 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04631738 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 72220877579700646228 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/04/20 09:56 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201140956192 Supplier Ref: 201140956192 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04631758 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 41619116312141126058 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/05/20 13:15 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201351315485 Supplier Ref: 201351315485 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04772019 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 61548312279667393021 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/05/20 14:54 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201421454483 Supplier Ref: 201421454483 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04817578 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 21311762102171628257 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/06/20 09:40 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201530940464 Supplier Ref: 201530940464 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04896131 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 18629263249271658650 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/06/20 11:58 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201601159047 Supplier Ref: 201601159047 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04943383 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 23688121277595753964 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/06/20 08:38 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201670838410 Supplier Ref: 201670838410 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04983413 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 37814304253989237283 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/06/20 09:41 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201760941208 Supplier Ref: 201760941208 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05048672 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 66154810146803420791 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/07/20 12:35 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201831235361 Supplier Ref: 201831235361 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05109565 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 35171518188664736406 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/07/20 15:10 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201891510267 Supplier Ref: 201891510267 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05155086 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 08614741626372789743 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/07/20 10:23 Meter/Type: 0101175078795 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201981023426 Supplier Ref: 201981023426 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05211625 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 30587246254397762907 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 1002020-07-22 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014671ClosedRequest2020-07-22GOOD MORNING IT. Kindly assist with debt details, 0101175078795 Thank you have a blessed dayMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-22NoGood morning, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 442168 Start Date: 2/13/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $51,509.47 Outstanding Balance: $39,509.47 Running Balance: $39,509.47 Note: Outstanding migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/1/2020 12:35:37 PM2020-07-22 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014670Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014669ClosedTamper Code2020-07-21: Request for Clear Tamper Token (0101170208736 and 54161039554)MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-21NoFind below, 54160912330 5104 2236 7776 1698 1462Clear Tamper 54161039612 0507 7373 6567 6859 7138Clear Tamper2020-07-21 mujtabaumar01@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014668ClosedTamper Code2020-07-22: Request for CT for recovered meters Dear IT Support, Five meters below have been verified, please generate the Clear Tamper Codes. 0101170202952 0101170163220 0101170452508 0101170249532 0101170371526MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-22NoHello IBB, Find below as requested, 0101170202952 3130 8189 5232 6895 5933Clear Tamper 0101170452508 4773 8873 7845 8256 9464Clear Tamper 0101170249532 2237 1748 6826 4790 4991Clear Tamper 0101170371526 0512 0303 1767 0412 6105Clear Tamper 0101170163220 6477 5654 5278 6531 4678Clear Tamper 0101170202952 4633 5318 6731 4958 7844 0852 2752 4164 5090 75112020-07-22 bittygargadi@hotmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014667ClosedKCT Request2020-07-22: KCT Kindly provide us with KCT 54160986946 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-22NoHello, Find below, 54160986946 2280 5186 6906 7911 3409 6693 0995 8755 1071 55092020-07-22 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014666ClosedRequest2020-07-22: REQUEST FOR OUTSTANDING DEBT 0101178027922 Dear sir, Please I need the outstanding debt of the above account to resolve customer complaint. RegardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-22NoHello, Find below the request, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 6121900638-01 Start Date: 2/10/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $180,897.68 Outstanding Balance: $180,897.68 Running Balance: $180,897.68 Note: Outstanding migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $50,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-22 didiwochrisnami24@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014665Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014664ClosedVending History2020-07-21: REQUEST FOR VH Dear IT Support, Kindly generate VH for the meter number 57100006881 regardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-21NoHello, Find below, Date Sold: 28/07/16 15:59 Meter/Type: 57100006881 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 621016121005 Supplier Ref: 621016121005 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00007551 Total Value: N6,958.00 Standard: N6,958.00 - 17349956542448239452 Date Sold: 12/12/16 12:01 Meter/Type: 57100006881 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 634712010161 Supplier Ref: 634712010161 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00093934 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 37440271155722256136 Date Sold: 08/05/17 19:35 Meter/Type: 57100006881 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000596991547 Supplier Ref: 000596991547 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00245358 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 09886650015350877451 Date Sold: 26/06/17 13:37 Meter/Type: 57100006881 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/aibe Token Ref: 717713370346 Supplier Ref: 717713370346 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00308766 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 54309008840886836487 Date Sold: 30/06/17 14:34 Meter/Type: 57100006881 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/fuzomba Token Ref: 718114350391 Supplier Ref: 718114350391 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00315109 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 14177655937344225277 Date Sold: 19/07/17 12:13 Meter/Type: 57100006881 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/aibe Token Ref: 720012130180 Supplier Ref: 720012130180 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00338688 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 04385854129864048854 Date Sold: 28/07/17 15:13 Meter/Type: 57100006881 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/aibe Token Ref: 720915140276 Supplier Ref: 720915140276 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00350902 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 53033165882365899790 Date Sold: 12/08/17 12:26 Meter/Type: 57100006881 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 722412261069 Supplier Ref: 722412261069 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00370054 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 50839008229955798294 Date Sold: 29/08/17 12:17 Meter/Type: 57100006881 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 724111171091 Supplier Ref: 724111171091 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00390140 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 69454092303913799724 Date Sold: 05/09/17 16:34 Meter/Type: 57100006881 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 724815341272 Supplier Ref: 724815341272 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00400877 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 57321194968459436257 Date Sold: 20/09/17 13:15 Meter/Type: 57100006881 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 726313151088 Supplier Ref: 726313151088 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00419523 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 07806817341050885368 Date Sold: 20/10/17 14:02 Meter/Type: 57100006881 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000620718203 Supplier Ref: 000620718203 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00461017 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 41757361173302898239 Date Sold: 01/11/17 08:59 Meter/Type: 57100006881 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 730508591034 Supplier Ref: 730508591034 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00477385 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 68616428560637084915 Date Sold: 16/11/17 14:35 Meter/Type: 57100006881 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 732014351367 Supplier Ref: 732014351367 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00500117 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 58067491716716794530 Date Sold: 16/12/17 11:37 Meter/Type: 57100006881 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 735011371220 Supplier Ref: 735011371220 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00542538 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 38208467498183900867 Date Sold: 02/01/18 11:43 Meter/Type: 57100006881 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 800211490000 Supplier Ref: 800211490000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00565840 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 58294991632229486551 Date Sold: 03/02/18 14:22 Meter/Type: 57100006881 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 803414220000 Supplier Ref: 803414220000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00608466 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 56388880577977139460 Date Sold: 03/07/18 16:49 Meter/Type: 57100006881 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000657593148 Supplier Ref: 000657593148 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00874818 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 17669861410628798839 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/08/18 19:53 Meter/Type: 57100006881 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182391853195 Supplier Ref: 182391853195 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01013322 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 06476005316954506903 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/09/18 13:36 Meter/Type: 57100006881 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182651336350 Supplier Ref: 182651336350 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01090909 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 64144267361644910759 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/10/18 19:05 Meter/Type: 57100006881 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182771905253 Supplier Ref: 182771905253 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01129222 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 40491128429501630617 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/11/18 14:24 Meter/Type: 57100006881 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183171424013 Supplier Ref: 183171424013 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01267379 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 60433461448411781921 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/11/18 16:22 Meter/Type: 57100006881 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183301622523 Supplier Ref: 183301622523 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01310638 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 38912993891570932608 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/12/18 18:30 Meter/Type: 57100006881 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183431730375 Supplier Ref: 183431730375 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01361453 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 00036881560222070040 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/01/19 20:58 Meter/Type: 57100006881 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190051958350 Supplier Ref: 190051958350 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01525228 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 12206976870213059304 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/01/19 13:31 Meter/Type: 57100006881 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190291231586 Supplier Ref: 190291231586 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01692977 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 37361474183054944924 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/02/19 10:56 Meter/Type: 57100006881 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190490956524 Supplier Ref: 190490956524 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01847210 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 31552833416659995310 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/03/19 13:35 Meter/Type: 57100006881 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190841235467 Supplier Ref: 190841235467 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02065449 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 15184422976492800579 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/07/19 13:13 Meter/Type: 57100006881 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191921213198 Supplier Ref: 191921213198 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02633365 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 39063969312208783318 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/07/19 20:08 Meter/Type: 57100006881 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191931908404 Supplier Ref: 191931908404 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02640646 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 13423583424020352211 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/07/19 17:23 Meter/Type: 57100006881 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192101623405 Supplier Ref: 192101623405 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02719221 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 11064494867174198543 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/08/19 20:32 Meter/Type: 57100006881 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192201932117 Supplier Ref: 192201932117 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02776406 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 00405635845557982594 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/09/19 10:49 Meter/Type: 57100006881 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156888301476 Supplier Ref: 156888301476 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02988529 Total Value: N400.00 Standard: N400.00 - 13670306377249600289 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/10/19 20:37 Meter/Type: 57100006881 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192741937563 Supplier Ref: 192741937563 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03059188 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 24148911675815323704 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/10/19 21:11 Meter/Type: 57100006881 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192932012266 Supplier Ref: 192932012266 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03159458 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 45693724575138276044 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/10/19 14:02 Meter/Type: 57100006881 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193021303491 Supplier Ref: 193021303491 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03208909 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 53496482384305921731 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/11/19 18:29 Meter/Type: 57100006881 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 931417317573 Supplier Ref: 931417317573 Receipt: PagT13EMDB03286385 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 24094045648759743397 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/11/19 17:28 Meter/Type: 57100006881 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193321630144 Supplier Ref: 193321630144 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03409000 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 34137130252879651074 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/12/19 17:49 Meter/Type: 57100006881 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193511651590 Supplier Ref: 193511651590 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03555233 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 06784339866578506888 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/01/20 14:30 Meter/Type: 57100006881 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200041333156 Supplier Ref: 200041333156 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03708572 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 70047791027197447881 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/01/20 10:31 Meter/Type: 57100006881 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200200935207 Supplier Ref: 200200935207 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03832532 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 26045689298968707768 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/02/20 16:19 Meter/Type: 57100006881 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200361519490 Supplier Ref: 200361519490 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03987059 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 18033634721617323214 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/02/20 19:17 Meter/Type: 57100006881 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200491817143 Supplier Ref: 200491817143 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04108086 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 19775428045085383341 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/02/20 20:37 Meter/Type: 57100006881 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 006019370407 Supplier Ref: 006019370407 Receipt: PagT13EMDB04224597 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 37810709216043798392 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/03/20 09:46 Meter/Type: 57100006881 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 007108465379 Supplier Ref: 007108465379 Receipt: PagT13EMDB04330369 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 29580441689602657213 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/03/20 16:29 Meter/Type: 57100006881 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200841529035 Supplier Ref: 200841529035 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04413961 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 41130207065880868314 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/03/20 19:58 Meter/Type: 57100006881 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200901858062 Supplier Ref: 200901858062 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04463790 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 54864562963712553307 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/04/20 15:55 Meter/Type: 57100006881 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201011454594 Supplier Ref: 201011454594 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04550871 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 42834038631549868806 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/04/20 19:28 Meter/Type: 57100006881 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201131928457 Supplier Ref: 201131928457 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04629570 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 19544953629626732552 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/05/20 11:44 Meter/Type: 57100006881 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201321144383 Supplier Ref: 201321144383 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04754249 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 65784637597137431824 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/05/20 10:46 Meter/Type: 57100006881 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201441046142 Supplier Ref: 201441046142 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04832004 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 70410326023392454335 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/07/20 13:01 Meter/Type: 57100006881 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202031301570 Supplier Ref: 202031301570 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05249023 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 08319995156035475592 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 572020-07-21 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014663ClosedKCT Request2020-07-21: KCT REQUEST 21072020 A Good Afternoon Sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the following MSN 0101165046893 Best Regards.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-21NoHello, Find below the request, 0101165046893 7084 5183 0742 8734 5445 4978 5476 4687 2896 66802020-07-21 glawal1184@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014662ClosedVending History2020-07-21: Request for VH of 0101160349813 Dear IT Support Team, Kindly furnish us with VH of 0101160349813 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-21NoHello, Find below, Date Sold: 23/11/17 11:21 Meter/Type: 0101160349813 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000625598213 Supplier Ref: 000625598213 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00509015 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,749.48 - 19974369459779716062 Debt: -N749.48 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 30/11/17 09:55 Meter/Type: 0101160349813 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 733409541125 Supplier Ref: 733409541125 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00518858 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 20426308523563757721 Date Sold: 06/12/17 11:09 Meter/Type: 0101160349813 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 734011150000 Supplier Ref: 734011150000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00527832 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 52783393798165248067 Date Sold: 13/12/17 11:03 Meter/Type: 0101160349813 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 734711090000 Supplier Ref: 734711090000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00537720 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 15721385264018315859 Date Sold: 08/01/18 13:56 Meter/Type: 0101160349813 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000632237778 Supplier Ref: 000632237778 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00572947 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 48878372926160920167 Date Sold: 17/04/18 14:29 Meter/Type: 0101160349813 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000646490907 Supplier Ref: 000646490907 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00720130 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 63845674990936117490 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/05/18 11:32 Meter/Type: 0101160349813 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000651369348 Supplier Ref: 000651369348 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00780731 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 11522999182063267660 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/07/18 12:41 Meter/Type: 0101160349813 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 181901141217 Supplier Ref: 181901141217 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00887556 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 46577314816470451495 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/08/18 12:25 Meter/Type: 0101160349813 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182251125540 Supplier Ref: 182251125540 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00972296 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 59344401068400321457 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/09/18 10:54 Meter/Type: 0101160349813 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182500954484 Supplier Ref: 182500954484 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01045515 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 18675620402847035186 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/09/18 12:55 Meter/Type: 0101160349813 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000669671981 Supplier Ref: 000669671981 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01097820 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 49231209433529077134 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/10/18 10:13 Meter/Type: 0101160349813 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182881013102 Supplier Ref: 182881013102 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01162915 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 41072884244066106952 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/11/18 08:59 Meter/Type: 0101160349813 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000677712036 Supplier Ref: 000677712036 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01288867 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 69863701282452037738 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/12/18 11:13 Meter/Type: 0101160349813 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183351113401 Supplier Ref: 183351113401 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01329853 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 45556471110033986868 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/01/19 12:36 Meter/Type: 0101160349813 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190251136591 Supplier Ref: 190251136591 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01661081 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 62675290286176877743 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/02/19 11:04 Meter/Type: 0101160349813 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190521005005 Supplier Ref: 190521005005 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01870300 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 71256486315081323085 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/03/19 11:56 Meter/Type: 0101160349813 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155316217858 Supplier Ref: 155316217858 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02048041 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 67710316818668514942 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/05/19 17:48 Meter/Type: 0101160349813 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191211648496 Supplier Ref: 191211648496 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02279126 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 72855759252418346228 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/05/19 09:33 Meter/Type: 0101160349813 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190523912315 Supplier Ref: 190523912315 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02382987 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 30388767988105667864 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 212020-07-21 aramidee05@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014661ClosedKCT Request2020-07-21: Request for KCT Hello, Kindly provide us with the KCT of MSN: 54161132086. Thank you. Best RegardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-21NoHello, Find below, 54161132086 0106 2858 4829 9722 2295 0595 0052 1777 9827 31062020-07-21 anersirleh@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014660ClosedRequest2020-07-21: DEBT DETAILS Assist with debt details, 54160981038 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-21NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 54160981038 Start Date: 3/5/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $9,309.54 Outstanding Balance: $0.00 Running Balance: $0.00 Note: none specified Status: Paid off Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/16/2020 6:30:45 PM2020-07-21 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014659ClosedKCT Request2020-07-21: Request for KCT Dear Sir, Kindly release the kct of the customer with detail below. 0101185056799 Best RegardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-21NoHello, Find below the request, 0101185056799 2978 0199 9422 9790 2432 4606 3028 5608 3161 80862020-07-21 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014658ClosedRequest2020-07-21: REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILS Please kindly assist with debt details for MSN. 0101160058687 Thanks Best RegardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-21NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170120071 Start Date: 4/1/2018 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $78,872.25 Outstanding Balance: $26,437.28 Running Balance: $26,437.28 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/11/2020 4:08:43 PM2020-07-21 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014657ClosedVending History2020-07-21: Request for VH of 0101170223214 Dear IT Support Team, Kindly furnish us with VH of 0101170223214 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-21NoHello, Find below, Date Sold: 03/05/18 11:30 Meter/Type: 0101170223214 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 812310291184 Supplier Ref: 812310291184 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00748009 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 37381941641424231014 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/05/18 12:38 Meter/Type: 0101170223214 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 813411381352 Supplier Ref: 813411381352 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00767027 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 55662552109821097888 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/05/18 09:42 Meter/Type: 0101170223214 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 815008421071 Supplier Ref: 815008421071 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00798812 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 06221454925528058429 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/06/18 11:09 Meter/Type: 0101170223214 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 816510091154 Supplier Ref: 816510091154 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00832584 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 28052574088896798181 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/07/18 15:57 Meter/Type: 0101170223214 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000658019985 Supplier Ref: 000658019985 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00883306 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 44827942588297077315 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/07/18 15:17 Meter/Type: 0101170223214 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182061417198 Supplier Ref: 182061417198 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00924409 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 12856309395266205174 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/08/18 09:22 Meter/Type: 0101170223214 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182200822171 Supplier Ref: 182200822171 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00960248 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 44714246707444868784 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/08/18 17:18 Meter/Type: 0101170223214 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 823616181225 Supplier Ref: 823616181225 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01005126 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 27307277040441617713 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/09/18 16:59 Meter/Type: 0101170223214 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182491559457 Supplier Ref: 182491559457 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01044368 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 28330313685365576683 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/09/18 14:38 Meter/Type: 0101170223214 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182611438388 Supplier Ref: 182611438388 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01078077 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 50454798596517594442 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/09/18 19:37 Meter/Type: 0101170223214 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182731937336 Supplier Ref: 182731937336 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01113616 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 47370983072465231506 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/10/18 09:09 Meter/Type: 0101170223214 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000672241355 Supplier Ref: 000672241355 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01157839 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 59855919454239679379 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/11/18 08:25 Meter/Type: 0101170223214 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183050825407 Supplier Ref: 183050825407 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01222600 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 52754926994952190587 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/11/18 08:41 Meter/Type: 0101170223214 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000676702240 Supplier Ref: 000676702240 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01265632 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 11366901191432109438 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/12/18 16:13 Meter/Type: 0101170223214 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183401513383 Supplier Ref: 183401513383 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01350404 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 00929261743020367117 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/01/19 16:03 Meter/Type: 0101170223214 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190041503200 Supplier Ref: 190041503200 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01519386 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 36092036135274338736 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/01/19 12:43 Meter/Type: 0101170223214 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190261143338 Supplier Ref: 190261143338 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01670025 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 02115532783494371216 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/02/19 10:36 Meter/Type: 0101170223214 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190490937212 Supplier Ref: 190490937212 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01846967 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 27615121956191059553 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/03/19 16:50 Meter/Type: 0101170223214 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190651550284 Supplier Ref: 190651550284 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01971837 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 06692864206711461005 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/03/19 12:04 Meter/Type: 0101170223214 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190801105096 Supplier Ref: 190801105096 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02048106 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 01495458513046440322 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/04/19 09:24 Meter/Type: 0101170223214 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155505384774 Supplier Ref: 155505384774 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02169438 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 67625777606685467534 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/04/19 16:20 Meter/Type: 0101170223214 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191141520298 Supplier Ref: 191141520298 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02235217 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 21582208356572625093 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/05/19 14:52 Meter/Type: 0101170223214 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191431352303 Supplier Ref: 191431352303 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02385106 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 24736257188359338573 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/06/19 14:57 Meter/Type: 0101170223214 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155956665097 Supplier Ref: 155956665097 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02444942 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 32774527244944888182 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/06/19 09:25 Meter/Type: 0101170223214 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156092914421 Supplier Ref: 156092914421 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02526311 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N434.97 - 42170376226238387718 Debt: N1,565.03 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/06/19 15:05 Meter/Type: 0101170223214 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191781405155 Supplier Ref: 191781405155 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02565385 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 70237113390740333755 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/06/19 16:53 Meter/Type: 0101170223214 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 197906475672026 Supplier Ref: 197906475672026 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02566208 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 65647416841921734696 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/07/19 21:10 Meter/Type: 0101170223214 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 900215257590869 Supplier Ref: 900215257590869 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02668267 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 66615205627459987364 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/08/19 14:12 Meter/Type: 0101170223214 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192171312301 Supplier Ref: 192171312301 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02758065 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 14535141451569379165 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/08/19 15:36 Meter/Type: 0101170223214 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192311436501 Supplier Ref: 192311436501 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02828294 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 02817151138750494412 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/08/19 16:05 Meter/Type: 0101170223214 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192411505228 Supplier Ref: 192411505228 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02877063 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 39249955174934508994 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/09/19 13:48 Meter/Type: 0101170223214 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156794331092 Supplier Ref: 156794331092 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02930693 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 60413310002005201430 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/09/19 12:10 Meter/Type: 0101170223214 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156897421319 Supplier Ref: 156897421319 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02994546 Total Value: N700.00 Standard: N700.00 - 04133474944177011952 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/09/19 08:15 Meter/Type: 0101170223214 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156965120971 Supplier Ref: 156965120971 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03036705 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 64481766391013939734 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/10/19 11:30 Meter/Type: 0101170223214 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157009504736 Supplier Ref: 157009504736 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03067551 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 09170832702674095338 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/10/19 07:14 Meter/Type: 0101170223214 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157077091327 Supplier Ref: 157077091327 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03109671 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 18577156297012535263 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/10/19 15:28 Meter/Type: 0101170223214 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157157810929 Supplier Ref: 157157810929 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03158303 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 69340041184095942676 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/11/19 13:42 Meter/Type: 0101170223214 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157278052628 Supplier Ref: 157278052628 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03242935 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 23081683879380971861 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/11/19 13:00 Meter/Type: 0101170223214 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157329731965 Supplier Ref: 157329731965 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03281878 Total Value: N200.00 Standard: N200.00 - 46790637408369042696 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/11/19 07:22 Meter/Type: 0101170223214 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157396824897 Supplier Ref: 157396824897 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03324985 Total Value: N400.00 Standard: N400.00 - 32763184359216666796 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/11/19 07:52 Meter/Type: 0101170223214 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157448844471 Supplier Ref: 157448844471 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03361959 Total Value: N400.00 Standard: N400.00 - 32801780078954728337 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/12/19 15:45 Meter/Type: 0101170223214 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157538082050 Supplier Ref: 157538082050 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03454506 Total Value: N400.00 Standard: N400.00 - 02876818109140894532 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/12/19 15:15 Meter/Type: 0101170223214 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157581106843 Supplier Ref: 157581106843 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03494092 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 50333137198430921815 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/12/19 07:41 Meter/Type: 0101170223214 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157690667345 Supplier Ref: 157690667345 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03586892 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 21509139819008657816 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/01/20 12:46 Meter/Type: 0101170223214 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157787573733 Supplier Ref: 157787573733 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03687827 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 24892672025193970475 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/01/20 15:06 Meter/Type: 0101170223214 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 001514096624 Supplier Ref: 001514096624 Receipt: PagT13EMDB03800599 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 29959739749207096270 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/02/20 13:01 Meter/Type: 0101170223214 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200341201505 Supplier Ref: 200341201505 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03962672 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 37713971632788347448 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/02/20 17:05 Meter/Type: 0101170223214 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158290230674 Supplier Ref: 158290230674 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04209056 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 59495617217164931248 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/03/20 10:34 Meter/Type: 0101170223214 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200700934206 Supplier Ref: 200700934206 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04324936 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 17730310477914170277 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/03/20 13:16 Meter/Type: 0101170223214 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200901215563 Supplier Ref: 200901215563 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04459003 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 55625922077435038199 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/04/20 06:01 Meter/Type: 0101170223214 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201210601294 Supplier Ref: 201210601294 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04684860 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 29912304599806129108 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/05/20 06:51 Meter/Type: 0101170223214 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201320651500 Supplier Ref: 201320651500 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04752433 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 43578485748363864650 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/05/20 10:18 Meter/Type: 0101170223214 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201491018297 Supplier Ref: 201491018297 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04863461 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 67429394168850371826 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/06/20 06:29 Meter/Type: 0101170223214 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201640629146 Supplier Ref: 201640629146 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04965099 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 17776445691050910670 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/06/20 11:13 Meter/Type: 0101170223214 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201751114047 Supplier Ref: 201751114047 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05041668 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 11379787870389617632 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/07/20 10:06 Meter/Type: 0101170223214 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201891006203 Supplier Ref: 201891006203 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05152240 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 65561012554954771839 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/07/20 14:33 Meter/Type: 0101170223214 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201971433073 Supplier Ref: 201971433073 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05207022 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 10026554857071340306 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 852020-07-21 aramidee05@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014656Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014655ClosedRequest2020-07-21: DEBT DETAILS Assist with debt details, 54160962657 Thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-21NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 543168 Start Date: 7/28/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $48,655.83 Outstanding Balance: $22,655.83 Running Balance: $22,655.83 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/15/2020 3:27:24 PM2020-07-21 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014654ClosedVending History2020-07-21: VENDING HISTORY Assist with vending history. 0101170122606 Thanks.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-21NoHello, Find below, Date Sold: 22/05/18 19:53 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000651563478 Supplier Ref: 000651563478 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00784987 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 41884316383792808481 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/05/18 20:36 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000652863805 Supplier Ref: 000652863805 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00804473 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 51066571637336812189 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/06/18 17:12 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000656587424 Supplier Ref: 000656587424 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00857076 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 15176349215961403854 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/07/18 19:51 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000659051330 Supplier Ref: 000659051330 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00899577 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 00980979287373006383 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/08/18 20:33 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 153383962350 Supplier Ref: 153383962350 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00965235 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 17606631803488674382 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/08/18 11:21 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 823210211094 Supplier Ref: 823210211094 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00990587 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 34353036969732418608 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/09/18 15:59 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182621559573 Supplier Ref: 182621559573 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01081980 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 39846895573149232934 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/10/18 19:15 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 181020693131 Supplier Ref: 181020693131 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB01183900 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 03200593287758116536 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/11/18 18:27 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 181110430259 Supplier Ref: 181110430259 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB01259175 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 72429897913113849705 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/11/18 10:47 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183321047318 Supplier Ref: 183321047318 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01316298 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 01132832969234933660 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/12/18 20:32 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154472596794 Supplier Ref: 154472596794 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01385557 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 44369156330337641998 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/12/18 13:08 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 633226785609385 Supplier Ref: 633226785609385 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01437455 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 12158153645290720700 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/01/19 20:15 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190117106321 Supplier Ref: 190117106321 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB01606842 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 29764116101804812242 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/02/19 16:39 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190208266406 Supplier Ref: 190208266406 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB01783176 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 15761306315980166427 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/02/19 09:09 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190220482136 Supplier Ref: 190220482136 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB01862048 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 69493400233348741846 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/03/19 09:05 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190304552116 Supplier Ref: 190304552116 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB01948797 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 04850613004831638678 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/03/19 15:33 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190311125229 Supplier Ref: 190311125229 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB01998342 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 16439159579509559662 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/03/19 14:19 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190318531309 Supplier Ref: 190318531309 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02033139 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 21521609142130436817 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/03/19 19:12 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190821813068 Supplier Ref: 190821813068 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02059758 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 43267258708571489946 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/04/19 15:56 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190402343235 Supplier Ref: 190402343235 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02114216 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 54326442342492555729 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/04/19 08:49 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190410737405 Supplier Ref: 190410737405 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02157817 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 59230951234388003998 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/04/19 16:23 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190416212204 Supplier Ref: 190416212204 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02192622 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 09018217507065456230 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/04/19 12:17 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190422168151 Supplier Ref: 190422168151 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02221690 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 68537149725910690743 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/04/19 12:32 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190429453371 Supplier Ref: 190429453371 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02260921 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 21999096944429801473 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/05/19 12:55 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190506936417 Supplier Ref: 190506936417 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02303556 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 35075715450256026109 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/05/19 15:49 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190510429286 Supplier Ref: 190510429286 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02325164 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 20232261545773942906 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/05/19 08:37 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190513458421 Supplier Ref: 190513458421 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02332349 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 57806806681702777184 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/05/19 09:54 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191370854480 Supplier Ref: 191370854480 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02353599 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 65843572980970339086 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/05/19 17:43 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155836697853 Supplier Ref: 155836697853 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02370523 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 36804257609312708580 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/05/19 06:54 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190531856275 Supplier Ref: 190531856275 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02423909 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 32315213247139100096 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/06/19 17:16 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156017975905 Supplier Ref: 156017975905 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02484412 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 10797748086583593919 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/06/19 09:23 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190622922401 Supplier Ref: 190622922401 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02540450 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 67084635666481463155 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/06/19 11:43 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191781043384 Supplier Ref: 191781043384 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02564142 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 09504343728250815383 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/07/19 11:09 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156197218229 Supplier Ref: 156197218229 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02582417 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 50516184982417370617 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/07/19 16:38 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190704357162 Supplier Ref: 190704357162 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02600340 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 25475345968420711481 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/07/19 18:31 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191891731353 Supplier Ref: 191891731353 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02618995 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 43860922462317226579 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/07/19 12:26 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190715618339 Supplier Ref: 190715618339 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02649489 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 42505888503627999548 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/07/19 11:21 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190718295878 Supplier Ref: 190718295878 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02665010 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 60376813153418148727 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/07/19 14:25 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190724445404 Supplier Ref: 190724445404 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02693306 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 18254791025131684712 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/07/19 09:49 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190731198387 Supplier Ref: 190731198387 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02728478 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 35536931717493491766 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/08/19 11:19 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156473756789 Supplier Ref: 156473756789 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02742015 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 20806514471640450854 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/08/19 19:47 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190806148159 Supplier Ref: 190806148159 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02766773 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 55550881109549422265 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/08/19 15:23 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156578899950 Supplier Ref: 156578899950 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02803789 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 11910697569202644385 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/08/19 18:41 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190820586309 Supplier Ref: 190820586309 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02835260 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 54841477403373466809 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/08/19 12:45 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190822950369 Supplier Ref: 190822950369 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02842376 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 45727462495585413575 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/09/19 12:29 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190926472172 Supplier Ref: 190926472172 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB03026856 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 35438858409169345242 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/09/19 20:23 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190930648228 Supplier Ref: 190930648228 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB03053250 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 48156805161785707307 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/10/19 19:21 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 191020945192 Supplier Ref: 191020945192 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB03158868 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 52074514290142548982 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/10/19 12:26 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 191029791964 Supplier Ref: 191029791964 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB03208126 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 66726763131629221917 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/11/19 16:33 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 191113886315 Supplier Ref: 191113886315 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB03304589 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 27517837877129215816 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/11/19 15:46 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 191122740323 Supplier Ref: 191122740323 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB03357750 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 19373441674103099945 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/12/19 16:46 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 191210940423 Supplier Ref: 191210940423 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB03511529 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 44647021124439914874 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/12/19 11:25 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 191223183325 Supplier Ref: 191223183325 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB03602265 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 39610830351387722765 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/12/19 13:59 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 191231255419 Supplier Ref: 191231255419 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB03679970 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 30622759483616998428 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/01/20 15:13 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200301413368 Supplier Ref: 200301413368 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03926666 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 46363346437066102397 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/02/20 19:36 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 200228213358 Supplier Ref: 200228213358 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB04211160 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 51183917802359999380 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/03/20 22:22 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 200307297161 Supplier Ref: 200307297161 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB04315001 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 00450676439662386295 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/03/20 11:18 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200711018114 Supplier Ref: 200711018114 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04330912 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 42968962693771785539 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/03/20 16:33 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200821533201 Supplier Ref: 200821533201 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04397641 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 58642906485566567328 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/04/20 11:34 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200931034235 Supplier Ref: 200931034235 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04488121 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 20525693475734885211 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/04/20 11:02 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200971002500 Supplier Ref: 200971002500 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04514126 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 61961764886179608267 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/04/20 10:32 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201070933097 Supplier Ref: 201070933097 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04578375 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 56530415996674051471 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/04/20 15:34 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201201534294 Supplier Ref: 201201534294 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04682859 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 16480798759140351272 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/05/20 18:57 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201361857066 Supplier Ref: 201361857066 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04782694 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 63668100943513187894 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/05/20 08:07 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201390807143 Supplier Ref: 201390807143 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04795911 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 16996630359397945340 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/05/20 19:10 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201511910446 Supplier Ref: 201511910446 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04887603 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 30118464670103897960 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/06/20 19:34 Meter/Type: 0101170122606 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201791934507 Supplier Ref: 201791934507 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05078586 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 44805896948541721805 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 752020-07-21 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014653ClosedRequest2020-07-21: DEBT PROFILE Hello, kindly assist with debt profile of the meter serial numbers below. 0101161011313 0101170379271Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-21NoHELLO, FIND BELOW, 0101161011313 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101161011313 Start Date: 1/30/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $204,513.57 Outstanding Balance: $180,013.57 Running Balance: $180,013.57 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,500.00 Latest Payment: 7/6/2020 10:35:13 AM 0101170379271 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170379271 Start Date: 9/21/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $427,755.20 Outstanding Balance: $373,755.20 Running Balance: $373,755.20 Note: Outstanding migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/21/2020 11:16:05 AM2020-07-21 phartiemah12@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014652ClosedKCT Request2020-07-21: KCT REQUEST Please kindly assist with key change for MSN. 0101160428245 Thanks Best RegardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-21NoHello, Find below, KCT2: 2431 4915 6930 4132 6615 KCT1: 3234 8292 2034 9029 41452020-07-21 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014651ClosedVending History2020-07-21Hello. Kindly provide us with the vending history of MSN: 0101170193094. ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-21NoHello, Find below, Date Sold: 28/07/18 13:32 Meter/Type: 0101170193094 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182091232195 Supplier Ref: 182091232195 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00932021 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 27904426034411308897 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/08/18 13:02 Meter/Type: 0101170193094 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182201202503 Supplier Ref: 182201202503 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00961251 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 30084932727723028820 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/10/18 09:51 Meter/Type: 0101170193094 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182810951203 Supplier Ref: 182810951203 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01138943 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 55454699020798996549 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/11/18 16:21 Meter/Type: 0101170193094 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000676748259 Supplier Ref: 000676748259 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01268091 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 56335764602058525146 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/12/18 11:51 Meter/Type: 0101170193094 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183401051447 Supplier Ref: 183401051447 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01348785 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 20285371642954315422 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/12/18 12:18 Meter/Type: 0101170193094 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183561118272 Supplier Ref: 183561118272 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01436931 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 61899192651192714352 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/01/19 11:36 Meter/Type: 0101170193094 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190231036156 Supplier Ref: 190231036156 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01643588 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 08627960032884530953 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/02/19 17:14 Meter/Type: 0101170193094 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190591614570 Supplier Ref: 190591614570 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01927498 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 10658421505692879233 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/03/19 10:00 Meter/Type: 0101170193094 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190790901011 Supplier Ref: 190790901011 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02041998 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 57021014903997511317 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/04/19 10:21 Meter/Type: 0101170193094 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155471170289 Supplier Ref: 155471170289 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02145287 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 67894007617823920928 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/04/19 11:37 Meter/Type: 0101170193094 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155661702583 Supplier Ref: 155661702583 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02267953 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 26623533368495196571 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/05/19 13:06 Meter/Type: 0101170193094 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191381206213 Supplier Ref: 191381206213 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02360688 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 59758314716560557511 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/06/19 10:48 Meter/Type: 0101170193094 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155955168461 Supplier Ref: 155955168461 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02441728 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 04468223875903181778 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/06/19 11:21 Meter/Type: 0101170193094 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191781021336 Supplier Ref: 191781021336 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02563947 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 50494950687171332704 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/07/19 15:08 Meter/Type: 0101170193094 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191921408134 Supplier Ref: 191921408134 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02633925 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 40763116213810992599 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/07/19 14:59 Meter/Type: 0101170193094 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192061359415 Supplier Ref: 192061359415 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02698634 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 15961102930065370818 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/08/19 10:51 Meter/Type: 0101170193094 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192280952053 Supplier Ref: 192280952053 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02812439 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 19530889875647862161 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/08/19 11:04 Meter/Type: 0101170193094 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156698306393 Supplier Ref: 156698306393 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02869369 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 35045849091550960504 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/09/19 15:09 Meter/Type: 0101170193094 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192591409348 Supplier Ref: 192591409348 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02972423 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 47328280755696022322 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/10/19 10:04 Meter/Type: 0101170193094 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157147232856 Supplier Ref: 157147232856 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03152859 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 18405478435980202677 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/11/19 11:55 Meter/Type: 0101170193094 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193321057443 Supplier Ref: 193321057443 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03405019 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 43266356739766537714 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/12/19 09:53 Meter/Type: 0101170193094 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193530856381 Supplier Ref: 193530856381 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03568783 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 34739418701304348552 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/01/20 15:07 Meter/Type: 0101170193094 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157918022061 Supplier Ref: 157918022061 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03808675 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 58381477379605645414 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/02/20 11:41 Meter/Type: 0101170193094 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158253730092 Supplier Ref: 158253730092 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04155969 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 71036568429951014958 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/03/20 12:28 Meter/Type: 0101170193094 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200741128515 Supplier Ref: 200741128515 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04350018 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 17116007537045468209 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/03/20 15:10 Meter/Type: 0101170193094 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200911410260 Supplier Ref: 200911410260 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04471582 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 23135920907376431294 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/07/20 09:34 Meter/Type: 0101170193094 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201880934380 Supplier Ref: 201880934380 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05143674 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 25681817683726598768 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 392020-07-21 anersirleh@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014650ClosedRequest2020-07-21: vending history and total debt Please kindly send me the total outstanding debt and vending history of these customer; 54161114787Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-21NoHello, Find below the request, Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 418485 Start Date: 3/27/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $207,922.89 Outstanding Balance: $197,922.89 Running Balance: $197,922.89 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Per Vend Amount Collection Value: $10,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/21/2020 12:54:24 PM VH Date Sold: 13/11/19 18:33 Meter/Type: 54161114787 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157366291702 Supplier Ref: 157366291702 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03305614 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 24610180942906596456 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/02/20 10:29 Meter/Type: 54161114787 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 152399317159443 Supplier Ref: 152399317159443 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB04178901 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 26508949241622946329 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/07/20 12:54 Meter/Type: 54161114787 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202031254190 Supplier Ref: 202031254190 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05248932 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 56116863615348756213 Debt: N10,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 52020-07-21 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014649ClosedTamper Code2020-07-21clear temperMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-21NoHello Auwal Find below as requested, 0101190011243 2005 0690 1339 1250 4399 Clear Tamper Regards2020-07-21 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014648ClosedRequest2020-07-21Debt balance Please Ict kindly assist me with this meter number 0101170441444 original balance running balance and collection value thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-21NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170441444 Start Date: 4/4/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $15,244.99 Outstanding Balance: $0.00 Running Balance: $0.00 Note: none specified Status: Paid off Collection Method: Per Vend Amount Collection Value: $244.99 Latest Payment: 6/5/2020 3:50:04 PM2020-07-21 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014647ClosedVending History2020-07-21VHMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-21NoHello, See below, Date Sold: 16/11/17 15:57 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000624617772 Supplier Ref: 000624617772 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00500372 Total Value: N150,000.00 Standard: N150,000.00 - 56409316331993909344 Date Sold: 15/01/18 09:19 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000633218001 Supplier Ref: 000633218001 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00580486 Total Value: N160,000.00 Standard: N60,000.00 - 29472142613829654885 Debt: N100,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 07/02/18 09:36 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 803809361089 Supplier Ref: 803809361089 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00613127 Total Value: N150,000.00 Standard: N100,000.00 - 22392335472624621416 Debt: N50,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 25/03/18 07:25 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 808406251001 Supplier Ref: 808406251001 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00682920 Total Value: N150,000.00 Standard: N100,000.00 - 01331962111120676590 Debt: N50,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 07/05/18 13:12 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 812712121429 Supplier Ref: 812712121429 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00754763 Total Value: N150,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 02590251899582770932 Debt: N100,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/05/18 05:45 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000650470683 Supplier Ref: 000650470683 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00768765 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 26828395316005215123 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/05/18 06:33 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000650475429 Supplier Ref: 000650475429 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00768769 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N4,900.00 - 16915013810405283619 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/06/18 10:31 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000655251303 Supplier Ref: 000655251303 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00838073 Total Value: N100,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 57469506458265212517 Debt: N50,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/06/18 10:47 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000655252950 Supplier Ref: 000655252950 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00838074 Total Value: N65,000.00 Standard: N65,000.00 - 11911842901148989863 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/08/18 10:03 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 824109031033 Supplier Ref: 824109031033 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01017380 Total Value: N150,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 02033568372216888318 Debt: N100,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/08/18 10:28 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 824109281043 Supplier Ref: 824109281043 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01017500 Total Value: N150,000.00 Standard: N150,000.00 - 69178479083048874714 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/09/18 07:48 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182650748054 Supplier Ref: 182650748054 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01089118 Total Value: N100,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 70994049773139750601 Debt: N50,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/10/18 18:07 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182761807004 Supplier Ref: 182761807004 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01124767 Total Value: N100,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 67164729553986396813 Debt: N50,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/10/18 19:28 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000671727217 Supplier Ref: 000671727217 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01146449 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 65103885938932338108 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/10/18 19:34 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000671727831 Supplier Ref: 000671727831 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01146461 Total Value: N19,900.00 Standard: N19,900.00 - 58675878401395407397 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/10/18 19:41 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000671728547 Supplier Ref: 000671728547 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01146477 Total Value: N19,900.00 Standard: N19,900.00 - 11698107973007361471 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/11/18 14:38 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183121438336 Supplier Ref: 183121438336 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01251330 Total Value: N300,000.00 Standard: N250,000.00 - 35457726397548206592 Debt: N50,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/11/18 19:43 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183341943260 Supplier Ref: 183341943260 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01328278 Total Value: N200,000.00 Standard: N200,000.00 - 51840911767302964008 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/01/19 14:57 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190311357276 Supplier Ref: 190311357276 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01713989 Total Value: N200,000.00 Standard: N100,000.00 - 22986151663874677005 Debt: N100,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/03/19 16:33 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190791534031 Supplier Ref: 190791534031 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02044808 Total Value: N150,000.00 Standard: N139,720.83 - 55387544251617842596 Debt: N10,279.17 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/04/19 09:57 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190980857290 Supplier Ref: 190980857290 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02144984 Total Value: N150,000.00 Standard: N150,000.00 - 63008988304339574905 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/04/19 12:20 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191011120374 Supplier Ref: 191011120374 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02165044 Total Value: N100,000.00 Standard: N100,000.00 - 21209894203638193370 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/04/19 13:11 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191051211276 Supplier Ref: 191051211276 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02184751 Total Value: N100,000.00 Standard: N100,000.00 - 04593302229708976991 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/04/19 01:14 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191090015026 Supplier Ref: 191090015026 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02207329 Total Value: N100,000.00 Standard: N100,000.00 - 19674649524792722503 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/04/19 08:55 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191100755278 Supplier Ref: 191100755278 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02212041 Total Value: N100,000.00 Standard: N100,000.00 - 59659457101097001162 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/04/19 19:01 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191201801456 Supplier Ref: 191201801456 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02273529 Total Value: N100,000.00 Standard: N100,000.00 - 38924833639493814481 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/05/19 07:59 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191330659454 Supplier Ref: 191330659454 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02332324 Total Value: N100,000.00 Standard: N100,000.00 - 52733978751014240179 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/05/19 10:24 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191430924475 Supplier Ref: 191430924475 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02383342 Total Value: N100,000.00 Standard: N100,000.00 - 33202326869160259217 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/05/19 17:13 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191501613176 Supplier Ref: 191501613176 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02422090 Total Value: N100,000.00 Standard: N100,000.00 - 55203463868396567742 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/06/19 07:10 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191590610078 Supplier Ref: 191590610078 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02471260 Total Value: N100,000.00 Standard: N100,000.00 - 36963087099294624443 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/06/19 08:23 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156101171961 Supplier Ref: 156101171961 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02530177 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 25677121948247271483 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/06/19 08:25 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156101189029 Supplier Ref: 156101189029 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02530179 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 68924327512426752935 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/06/19 20:50 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156114299110 Supplier Ref: 156114299110 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02539692 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 02988142989794587421 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/06/19 20:52 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156114308816 Supplier Ref: 156114308816 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02539701 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 11051748955784879720 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/07/19 07:08 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156213046956 Supplier Ref: 156213046956 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02592451 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 18372836900348525415 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/07/19 07:10 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156213056755 Supplier Ref: 156213056755 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02592452 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 06295204580966495995 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/07/19 09:27 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156326202586 Supplier Ref: 156326202586 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02654488 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 02384132295424848130 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/07/19 09:28 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156326209887 Supplier Ref: 156326209887 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02654494 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 13679480789322369131 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/08/19 21:16 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156511896765 Supplier Ref: 156511896765 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02767092 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 29286669354887136747 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/08/19 21:20 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156511917902 Supplier Ref: 156511917902 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02767103 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 30803553560213403895 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/08/19 16:59 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156631315865 Supplier Ref: 156631315865 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02834575 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 09788905041084632464 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/08/19 10:39 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156680871157 Supplier Ref: 156680871157 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02858597 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 50955688697544363971 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/10/19 16:37 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157054546899 Supplier Ref: 157054546899 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03095872 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 23817751892422404020 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/10/19 17:31 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157184467124 Supplier Ref: 157184467124 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03176785 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 25715409870724054605 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/10/19 02:43 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 1572136994100 Supplier Ref: 1572136994100 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03195734 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 28915112995852624170 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/10/19 00:24 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157230152847 Supplier Ref: 157230152847 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03205948 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 41602582354017338939 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/10/19 20:52 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157246159390 Supplier Ref: 157246159390 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03219695 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 01446377419337102522 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/11/19 17:47 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157435131481 Supplier Ref: 157435131481 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03350963 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 17699256348761162729 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/01/20 13:40 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157917497475 Supplier Ref: 157917497475 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03807756 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 34548721693823243572 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/01/20 06:31 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157932207711 Supplier Ref: 157932207711 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03819345 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 53562079663008883543 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/01/20 14:13 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157969541962 Supplier Ref: 157969541962 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03855364 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 65580552020663156070 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/01/20 07:31 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157993044350 Supplier Ref: 157993044350 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03879099 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 60757192010944365910 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/01/20 16:15 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158013475425 Supplier Ref: 158013475425 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03897192 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 24360465834216313168 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/02/20 08:33 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158261235493 Supplier Ref: 158261235493 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04166162 Total Value: N50,100.00 Standard: N50,100.00 - 57427276179979001785 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/02/20 09:18 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158261256593 Supplier Ref: 158261256593 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04166326 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 31071605935236654233 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/02/20 09:18 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158261250044 Supplier Ref: 158261250044 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04166334 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 13887504770736768395 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/03/20 02:40 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200720140037 Supplier Ref: 200720140037 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04335945 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 17662157426334009419 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/03/20 04:35 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200720335114 Supplier Ref: 200720335114 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04335960 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 07781656869099664240 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/03/20 10:26 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200830926471 Supplier Ref: 200830926471 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04401512 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 59815963874302426787 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/03/20 10:32 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200830931576 Supplier Ref: 200830931576 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04401621 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 55719680466211301686 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/03/20 20:44 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200861944460 Supplier Ref: 200861944460 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04432981 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 26908770327989049826 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/04/20 07:54 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200940654272 Supplier Ref: 200940654272 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04494857 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 33646212156967747686 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/04/20 09:23 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201020823181 Supplier Ref: 201020823181 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04553122 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 70872597172688806733 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/04/20 02:59 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201090259541 Supplier Ref: 201090259541 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04594852 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 72166368021633608706 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/05/20 13:26 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201421326321 Supplier Ref: 201421326321 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04816609 Total Value: N100,000.00 Standard: N100,000.00 - 20640248675413888961 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/05/20 13:27 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201421327401 Supplier Ref: 201421327401 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04816625 Total Value: N100,000.00 Standard: N100,000.00 - 26079132722142308076 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/05/20 17:41 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201511741313 Supplier Ref: 201511741313 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04886600 Total Value: N100,000.00 Standard: N100,000.00 - 42469832734321113433 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/05/20 19:36 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201521936162 Supplier Ref: 201521936162 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04893591 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 63503784284404146524 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/06/20 09:21 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201530921376 Supplier Ref: 201530921376 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04895945 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 62368576270249628489 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/06/20 20:09 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201542009397 Supplier Ref: 201542009397 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04906674 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 25297135802099500304 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/06/20 01:04 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201550104285 Supplier Ref: 201550104285 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04907480 Total Value: N40,000.00 Standard: N40,000.00 - 26209385843738667139 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/06/20 06:46 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201720646462 Supplier Ref: 201720646462 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05020019 Total Value: N100,000.00 Standard: N100,000.00 - 60417089830883403414 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/07/20 13:41 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201851341086 Supplier Ref: 201851341086 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05127053 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 21367959475038169678 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/07/20 13:42 Meter/Type: 0101160400699 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201851342325 Supplier Ref: 201851342325 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05127074 Total Value: N99,000.00 Standard: N99,000.00 - 54706156582819269432 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 1382020-07-21 aaaui18@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014646ClosedRequest2020-07-21: REQUEST FOR FOR OUTSTANDING BALANCE METER : 57100022417 ADAMA GODWINMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-21NoHello, Find below the request, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING BALANCE Reference Number: 57100022417 Start Date: 7/27/2016 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $60,875.00 Outstanding Balance: $3,825.00 Running Balance: $3,825.00 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,000.00 Latest Payment: 4/1/2020 10:47:20 AM2020-07-21 benmercyladi@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014645Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014644ClosedVending History2020-07-21: REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY 57100066497 Kindly avail me with the vending history of meter no: 57100066497Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-21NoHello, Find below, Date Sold: 11/08/16 09:30 Meter/Type: 57100066497 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/EAKPA Token Ref: 622409430034 Supplier Ref: 622409430034 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00015043 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 69644345960196186321 Date Sold: 11/08/16 09:30 Meter/Type: 57100066497 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/EAKPA Token Ref: 622409440036 Supplier Ref: 622409440036 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00015044 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 59930511100392835444 Date Sold: 30/08/16 10:22 Meter/Type: 57100066497 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/EAKPA Token Ref: 624310220095 Supplier Ref: 624310220095 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00025383 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 58142493820605151737 Date Sold: 26/09/16 16:07 Meter/Type: 57100066497 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/EAKPA Token Ref: 627016070245 Supplier Ref: 627016070245 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00042800 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 47455029487278684011 Date Sold: 10/11/16 09:41 Meter/Type: 57100066497 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 631509407977 Supplier Ref: 631509407977 Receipt: Etrans3EMDB00072702 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 08889393687169809641 Date Sold: 20/12/16 11:34 Meter/Type: 57100066497 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 007503427661 Supplier Ref: 007503427661 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00100238 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 39046601922617995138 Date Sold: 30/01/17 13:35 Meter/Type: 57100066497 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 703013354916 Supplier Ref: 703013354916 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00129762 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 67205935575979203389 Date Sold: 28/02/17 09:15 Meter/Type: 57100066497 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 705909150303 Supplier Ref: 705909150303 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00157696 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 50799155743754148942 Date Sold: 16/03/17 13:29 Meter/Type: 57100066497 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 707513297434 Supplier Ref: 707513297434 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00179950 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 63014868881793523002 Date Sold: 28/03/17 09:17 Meter/Type: 57100066497 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 708708175629 Supplier Ref: 708708175629 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00193546 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 17903659169308909371 Date Sold: 13/04/17 09:50 Meter/Type: 57100066497 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 710309504272 Supplier Ref: 710309504272 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00215624 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 20349572804380936235 Date Sold: 24/04/17 10:45 Meter/Type: 57100066497 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 711410453122 Supplier Ref: 711410453122 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00227298 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 04368964887106815689 Date Sold: 02/05/17 12:39 Meter/Type: 57100066497 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/EAKPA Token Ref: 712212398902 Supplier Ref: 712212398902 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00237921 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 45798862794313050248 Date Sold: 25/05/17 13:11 Meter/Type: 57100066497 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 714513117560 Supplier Ref: 714513117560 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00267586 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 51655193071428137715 Date Sold: 02/06/17 15:38 Meter/Type: 57100066497 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/EAKPA Token Ref: 715315378870 Supplier Ref: 715315378870 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00279389 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 61702852325703773630 Date Sold: 21/06/17 13:14 Meter/Type: 57100066497 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 717213140148 Supplier Ref: 717213140148 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00302424 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 47360336334901012762 Date Sold: 18/07/17 09:33 Meter/Type: 57100066497 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 719909320102 Supplier Ref: 719909320102 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00336782 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 42872933259553105284 Date Sold: 14/08/17 10:23 Meter/Type: 57100066497 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 722610230072 Supplier Ref: 722610230072 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00370940 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 73640466986858945751 Date Sold: 05/09/17 11:54 Meter/Type: 57100066497 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 724811540250 Supplier Ref: 724811540250 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00399799 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 15197263631623129397 Date Sold: 26/09/17 13:43 Meter/Type: 57100066497 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 726913430148 Supplier Ref: 726913430148 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00426842 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 71088573260883467505 Date Sold: 26/10/17 13:14 Meter/Type: 57100066497 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 729913140146 Supplier Ref: 729913140146 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00468776 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 17878010165810384099 Date Sold: 07/12/17 10:26 Meter/Type: 57100066497 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 125637429729864 Supplier Ref: 125637429729864 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00529378 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 50756141640324692156 Date Sold: 22/12/17 09:10 Meter/Type: 57100066497 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 957768834293599 Supplier Ref: 957768834293599 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00551459 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 48257257840702861143 Date Sold: 24/01/18 09:32 Meter/Type: 57100066497 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000634515237 Supplier Ref: 000634515237 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00592629 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 03892804401315213582 Date Sold: 02/02/18 13:49 Meter/Type: 57100066497 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 19099407784954 Supplier Ref: 19099407784954 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00606820 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 43297667530228422893 Date Sold: 20/02/18 11:50 Meter/Type: 57100066497 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 279133725107832 Supplier Ref: 279133725107832 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00631826 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 19152913230337045717 Date Sold: 14/03/18 10:25 Meter/Type: 57100066497 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 855582592233433 Supplier Ref: 855582592233433 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00667130 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 65509309886751837807 Date Sold: 03/04/18 10:12 Meter/Type: 57100066497 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 238476865186817 Supplier Ref: 238476865186817 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00695291 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 57995502736340288033 Date Sold: 18/05/18 13:12 Meter/Type: 57100066497 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000650947316 Supplier Ref: 000650947316 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00776406 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 70547587835718440291 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/05/18 13:36 Meter/Type: 57100066497 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000651957746 Supplier Ref: 000651957746 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00790892 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 46068522899012248962 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/05/18 09:46 Meter/Type: 57100066497 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000652366892 Supplier Ref: 000652366892 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00794014 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 09056321578053842149 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/06/18 08:37 Meter/Type: 57100066497 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000654519802 Supplier Ref: 000654519802 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00827602 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 56407994227709767931 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/08/18 14:38 Meter/Type: 57100066497 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182271338073 Supplier Ref: 182271338073 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00978865 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 21866627744454553228 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/10/18 17:20 Meter/Type: 57100066497 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154022110579 Supplier Ref: 154022110579 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01189349 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 40604258346409826392 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/12/18 01:25 Meter/Type: 57100066497 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154552103412 Supplier Ref: 154552103412 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01441606 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 66624459597303884493 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/02/19 15:32 Meter/Type: 57100066497 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154928698351 Supplier Ref: 154928698351 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01747526 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 56184253253113393220 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/04/19 08:04 Meter/Type: 57100066497 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155427105994 Supplier Ref: 155427105994 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02117044 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 40783252638092361983 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/06/19 11:00 Meter/Type: 57100066497 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191521000320 Supplier Ref: 191521000320 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02432507 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 35579175422967405147 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/07/19 15:58 Meter/Type: 57100066497 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156302627157 Supplier Ref: 156302627157 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02644038 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 46176215977440794219 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/08/19 09:59 Meter/Type: 57100066497 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 11615641230508 Supplier Ref: 11615641230508 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02734992 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 34793084787480092951 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/08/19 22:40 Meter/Type: 57100066497 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156728350762 Supplier Ref: 156728350762 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02890996 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 41294820900721200866 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/09/19 06:27 Meter/Type: 57100066497 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156973111108 Supplier Ref: 156973111108 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03042951 Total Value: N5,100.00 Standard: N5,100.00 - 40165488388336186079 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/10/19 13:38 Meter/Type: 57100066497 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193041239462 Supplier Ref: 193041239462 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03223247 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 16586498668295729437 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/11/19 13:10 Meter/Type: 57100066497 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157442115342 Supplier Ref: 157442115342 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03356300 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 66062312575759821674 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/12/19 10:33 Meter/Type: 57100066497 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157760852864 Supplier Ref: 157760852864 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03659255 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N15,000.00 - 06807616368825280229 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/04/20 06:42 Meter/Type: 57100066497 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200920542394 Supplier Ref: 200920542394 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04477486 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 72263273613674312200 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/05/20 13:21 Meter/Type: 57100066497 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201371321573 Supplier Ref: 201371321573 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04788558 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 44374056754311063288 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/07/20 22:52 Meter/Type: 57100066497 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201962252568 Supplier Ref: 201962252568 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05203662 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 15827954879270790780 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 602020-07-21 lisarumpae@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014643ClosedTamper Code2020-07-21Find below as requested, 54160946999 3906 8084 1338 1043 9571 Clear Tamper RegardsMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-21NoFind below as requested, 54160946999 3906 8084 1338 1043 9571 Clear Tamper Regards.2020-07-21 glawal1184@yahoo.com Anas Abubakar
#00014642ClosedRequest2020-07-21: REQUEST FOR THE OLD ACCOUNT NUMBER FOR 54161130981Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-21NoGood morning, Find below, Customer Details Name: SABO Surname: AHMAD Meter Serial Number: 54161130981 Contract Account Number: 6699072020-07-21 saadatumusa87@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014641ClosedRequest2020-07-21: REQUEST FOR THE DEBT PROFILE FOR THIS 54161130981Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-21NoGood morning, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 54161130981 Start Date: 3/18/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $14,046.93 Outstanding Balance: $14,046.93 Running Balance: $14,046.93 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-21 saadatumusa87@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014640Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014639ClosedTamper Code2020-07-21REQUEST FOR CLEAR TAMPER TOKEN 57300005352MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-21NoFind below as requested, 57300005352 6138 9520 5287 5649 0543 Clear Tamper2020-07-21 mujtabaumar01@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014638Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014637ClosedTamper Code2020-07-21clear temper requestMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-21NoHello, Find below as requested, 0101170142760 0541 4337 4215 6939 6442 Clear Tamper Regards.2020-07-21 akigaisiyaka@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014636ClosedRequest2020-07-21: Request for debt profile and vending history Good morning Meter number: 0101170459966 Thank you.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-21NoGood morning, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170459966 Start Date: 7/14/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $98,751.37 Outstanding Balance: $25,667.93 Running Balance: $25,667.93 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/20/2020 2:09:05 PM Date Sold: 30/04/20 12:43 Meter/Type: 0101170459966 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201211243380 Supplier Ref: 201211243380 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04686930 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 66086558519210309510 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/05/20 21:03 Meter/Type: 0101170459966 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201372103544 Supplier Ref: 201372103544 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04793201 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 69039096785111923718 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/05/20 12:13 Meter/Type: 0101170459966 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201471213232 Supplier Ref: 201471213232 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04851840 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 50343392427079732454 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/06/20 21:53 Meter/Type: 0101170459966 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201712153572 Supplier Ref: 201712153572 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05019696 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 52505679165755807673 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/06/20 20:25 Meter/Type: 0101170459966 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201762025385 Supplier Ref: 201762025385 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05054652 Total Value: N300.00 Standard: N300.00 - 09445667554751135954 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/06/20 00:08 Meter/Type: 0101170459966 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201780008434 Supplier Ref: 201780008434 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05063308 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N4,900.00 - 23871478664298713318 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/07/20 14:09 Meter/Type: 0101170459966 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 202021409100 Supplier Ref: 202021409100 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05239748 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 24520042818673517702 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 172020-07-21 arabiraji015@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014635ClosedRequest2020-07-21: REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILS Please kindly assist with debt details for MSN. 0101170293316 Thanks Best RegardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-21NoGood morning, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 606202 Start Date: 6/10/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $6,686.50 Outstanding Balance: $6,686.50 Running Balance: $6,686.50 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-21 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014634ClosedRequest2020-07-21: Request for vending history opening balance and outstanding debt balance Please I wish to request for vending history opening balance and outstanding debt balance of the following meter 57300010337. thanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-21NoGood morning, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING BALANCE Reference Number: 6301910687-01 Start Date: 8/8/2016 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $1,798.00 Outstanding Balance: $0.00 Running Balance: $0.00 Note: none specified Status: Paid off Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $1,798.00 Latest Payment: 8/9/2016 3:32:23 PM Date Sold: 09/08/16 14:19 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 622214320360 Supplier Ref: 622214320360 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00014237 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N8,202.00 - 02688147873548196056 Debt: N1,798.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 15/08/16 13:22 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 622813360272 Supplier Ref: 622813360272 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00017086 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 64021489878198292818 Date Sold: 28/08/16 11:57 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 624111580087 Supplier Ref: 624111580087 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00024381 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 58413698737041329585 Date Sold: 05/09/16 15:36 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 624915360616 Supplier Ref: 624915360616 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00029777 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 13654443414337208935 Date Sold: 13/09/16 09:46 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 625709470026 Supplier Ref: 625709470026 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00034361 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 65904651778518987008 Date Sold: 16/09/16 11:40 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 626011400218 Supplier Ref: 626011400218 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00036700 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 50505888062488067693 Date Sold: 21/09/16 13:14 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 626513140065 Supplier Ref: 626513140065 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00039707 Total Value: N30,000.00 Standard: N30,000.00 - 66401955427249111846 Date Sold: 22/10/16 10:29 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 629610290040 Supplier Ref: 629610290040 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00060440 Total Value: N30,000.00 Standard: N30,000.00 - 51130490556074157242 Date Sold: 09/11/16 10:46 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 631410460155 Supplier Ref: 631410460155 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00072118 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 23966378113228692209 Date Sold: 23/11/16 16:48 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 632816480417 Supplier Ref: 632816480417 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00081574 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 23205887858509246610 Date Sold: 26/11/16 10:41 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 633110410067 Supplier Ref: 633110410067 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00083108 Total Value: N25,000.00 Standard: N25,000.00 - 59283765559760154568 Date Sold: 15/12/16 13:16 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 635013160309 Supplier Ref: 635013160309 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00096707 Total Value: N30,000.00 Standard: N30,000.00 - 48442186285713867315 Date Sold: 30/12/16 12:59 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 636512590390 Supplier Ref: 636512590390 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00109300 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 50553890116906229156 Date Sold: 11/01/17 10:17 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 701110170086 Supplier Ref: 701110170086 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00118311 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 29236073892898943081 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/01/17 11:08 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 702511080145 Supplier Ref: 702511080145 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00126763 Total Value: N25,000.00 Standard: N25,000.00 - 05201572018163710448 Date Sold: 06/02/17 11:08 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 703711080262 Supplier Ref: 703711080262 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00135505 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 41056515802631193086 Date Sold: 22/02/17 11:16 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/NTIJANI Token Ref: 705311172369 Supplier Ref: 705311172369 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00151037 Total Value: N25,000.00 Standard: N25,000.00 - 51552543478137598626 Date Sold: 06/03/17 13:51 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 706513510576 Supplier Ref: 706513510576 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00166110 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 42467765961119127685 Date Sold: 15/03/17 11:16 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/NTIJANI Token Ref: 707411178734 Supplier Ref: 707411178734 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00178342 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 59070445741342692053 Date Sold: 21/03/17 14:54 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 708014540635 Supplier Ref: 708014540635 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00185857 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 25592541777928902956 Date Sold: 24/03/17 15:25 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 708315250674 Supplier Ref: 708315250674 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00190141 Total Value: N25,000.00 Standard: N25,000.00 - 42935872374864305589 Date Sold: 07/04/17 14:07 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 709714070572 Supplier Ref: 709714070572 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00209555 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 48614829716478029944 Date Sold: 11/04/17 13:53 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 710113530042 Supplier Ref: 710113530042 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00213638 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N15,000.00 - 68266403535163616808 Date Sold: 22/04/17 09:32 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 711209320087 Supplier Ref: 711209320087 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00225677 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 57139384721257534651 Date Sold: 27/04/17 11:27 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 711711270335 Supplier Ref: 711711270335 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00232115 Total Value: N22,000.00 Standard: N22,000.00 - 09438502949618667958 Date Sold: 13/05/17 11:16 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/NTIJANI Token Ref: 713311171353 Supplier Ref: 713311171353 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00251418 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 63001689961518449413 Date Sold: 19/05/17 16:28 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 713916280708 Supplier Ref: 713916280708 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00261346 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 03900539131230577772 Date Sold: 22/05/17 11:58 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 714211580435 Supplier Ref: 714211580435 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00263097 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 05796562553306968334 Date Sold: 30/05/17 12:08 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 715012080509 Supplier Ref: 715012080509 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00272914 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N15,000.00 - 11637702210793848848 Date Sold: 03/06/17 13:45 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 715413450449 Supplier Ref: 715413450449 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00280406 Total Value: N17,000.00 Standard: N17,000.00 - 10507495551812044421 Date Sold: 09/06/17 14:17 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 716014170496 Supplier Ref: 716014170496 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00287953 Total Value: N9,000.00 Standard: N9,000.00 - 72217621988575007155 Date Sold: 12/06/17 14:30 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 716314300512 Supplier Ref: 716314300512 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00291212 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N15,000.00 - 72673602054085087159 Date Sold: 17/06/17 12:19 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 716812190285 Supplier Ref: 716812190285 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00298291 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 05986571652551768477 Date Sold: 21/06/17 15:52 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 717215520053 Supplier Ref: 717215520053 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00302796 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 03061715693060769303 Date Sold: 27/06/17 09:52 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 717809520054 Supplier Ref: 717809520054 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00309171 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 37852775232193288548 Date Sold: 28/06/17 11:14 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 717911140170 Supplier Ref: 717911140170 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00310392 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 61230549144224835096 Date Sold: 04/07/17 10:21 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 718510210304 Supplier Ref: 718510210304 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00319172 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 30108944926725987859 Date Sold: 07/07/17 14:24 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 718814240541 Supplier Ref: 718814240541 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00324323 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 55552279953569651996 Date Sold: 12/07/17 11:42 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 719311420218 Supplier Ref: 719311420218 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00329887 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 43420473834985905272 Date Sold: 15/07/17 12:30 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 719612300453 Supplier Ref: 719612300453 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00333996 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 45905607489146418532 Date Sold: 20/07/17 12:11 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 720112110258 Supplier Ref: 720112110258 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00339971 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 67290067912203383694 Date Sold: 21/07/17 15:38 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 720215380634 Supplier Ref: 720215380634 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00341849 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 63386507836902275577 Date Sold: 25/07/17 15:09 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 720615090912 Supplier Ref: 720615090912 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00346154 Total Value: N30,000.00 Standard: N30,000.00 - 33882995073010143969 Date Sold: 03/08/17 14:04 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 721514040221 Supplier Ref: 721514040221 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00359577 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 30841765422124499523 Date Sold: 07/08/17 08:39 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 721908390081 Supplier Ref: 721908390081 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00362653 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 08608613650779739753 Date Sold: 11/08/17 11:14 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 722311140304 Supplier Ref: 722311140304 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00368553 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 24606258020298232164 Date Sold: 16/08/17 10:06 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 722810060164 Supplier Ref: 722810060164 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00373734 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 65080939001338254127 Date Sold: 19/08/17 10:45 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 723110450131 Supplier Ref: 723110450131 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00377606 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 06860652408444526070 Date Sold: 22/08/17 13:18 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 723413180305 Supplier Ref: 723413180305 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00380829 Total Value: N30,000.00 Standard: N30,000.00 - 45624137249733280448 Date Sold: 30/08/17 10:53 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 724210530221 Supplier Ref: 724210530221 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00391698 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 48970369364635471812 Date Sold: 02/09/17 12:01 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 724512010225 Supplier Ref: 724512010225 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00397115 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 48006387566054337765 Date Sold: 08/09/17 14:53 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 725114530468 Supplier Ref: 725114530468 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00405535 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 56610462722663934440 Date Sold: 15/09/17 14:28 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 725814280202 Supplier Ref: 725814280202 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00413970 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 43431168469486456382 Date Sold: 18/09/17 16:21 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 726116210892 Supplier Ref: 726116210892 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00417219 Total Value: N30,000.00 Standard: N30,000.00 - 03074158778216091626 Date Sold: 28/09/17 11:54 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 727111540377 Supplier Ref: 727111540377 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00429296 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 38162702694339649797 Date Sold: 19/10/17 15:59 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 729215590397 Supplier Ref: 729215590397 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00459804 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 20516541339017726453 Date Sold: 24/10/17 14:38 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000621297922 Supplier Ref: 000621297922 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00465974 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 57824599635949957621 Date Sold: 03/11/17 08:40 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 730708400062 Supplier Ref: 730708400062 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00480889 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 04960011025686616633 Date Sold: 13/11/17 11:11 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000624157261 Supplier Ref: 000624157261 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00494844 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N15,000.00 - 68911865043714315302 Date Sold: 15/11/17 12:07 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000624450776 Supplier Ref: 000624450776 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00498317 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 61988148785560173988 Date Sold: 21/11/17 14:27 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 732514270159 Supplier Ref: 732514270159 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00506500 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 11149746625973771621 Date Sold: 16/12/17 10:34 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 578099786076212 Supplier Ref: 578099786076212 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00542343 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 55819732087001849067 Date Sold: 20/12/17 13:39 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 735413390140 Supplier Ref: 735413390140 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00548380 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 50223263325192846909 Date Sold: 28/12/17 10:28 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 736210281129 Supplier Ref: 736210281129 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00559880 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 41882686331430797479 Date Sold: 10/01/18 15:08 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 916691892914776 Supplier Ref: 916691892914776 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00575884 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 08632994052403809251 Date Sold: 23/01/18 16:15 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000634411622 Supplier Ref: 000634411622 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00592183 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 27464089448428342292 Date Sold: 07/02/18 13:07 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 803813071323 Supplier Ref: 803813071323 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00613687 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 10108670715922293634 Date Sold: 14/02/18 17:06 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 804517061448 Supplier Ref: 804517061448 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00624317 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 32456416518748281413 Date Sold: 22/02/18 14:35 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 805314351411 Supplier Ref: 805314351411 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00635537 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 38780129156628535574 Date Sold: 08/03/18 13:32 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 806713311384 Supplier Ref: 806713311384 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00658225 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N15,000.00 - 72575138880328445661 Date Sold: 24/03/18 11:20 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 808311201125 Supplier Ref: 808311201125 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00682252 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 16575865748753789151 Date Sold: 12/04/18 10:38 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 810209381097 Supplier Ref: 810209381097 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00712235 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 61331483113817859208 Date Sold: 19/04/18 11:36 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000646761646 Supplier Ref: 000646761646 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00723243 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 66548734111416697996 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/04/18 14:06 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000647352750 Supplier Ref: 000647352750 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00728630 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 29453727726840302043 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/05/18 11:34 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 812210340080 Supplier Ref: 812210340080 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00745817 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N15,000.00 - 03060535725974612434 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/05/18 16:32 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 813515321647 Supplier Ref: 813515321647 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00770558 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 35684176070576618248 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/05/18 16:19 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000651398012 Supplier Ref: 000651398012 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00782152 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 30372095713163646505 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/06/18 10:13 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 815709131062 Supplier Ref: 815709131062 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00816179 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 19459263651564801709 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/06/18 12:34 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 816411341355 Supplier Ref: 816411341355 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00830795 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 01996895184081343796 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/06/18 14:45 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 818013451745 Supplier Ref: 818013451745 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00864521 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N15,000.00 - 08404636060010459531 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/07/18 12:45 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 181871145441 Supplier Ref: 181871145441 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00882331 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N15,000.00 - 69303253759600989242 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/07/18 16:40 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 181941540184 Supplier Ref: 181941540184 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00899189 Total Value: N9,000.00 Standard: N9,000.00 - 40087810094135901103 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/07/18 13:15 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 181991215454 Supplier Ref: 181991215454 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00908556 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N15,000.00 - 04124591786776999698 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/07/18 12:30 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182111130173 Supplier Ref: 182111130173 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00934906 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 65767260588943613718 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/08/18 11:52 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182251052403 Supplier Ref: 182251052403 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00972123 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N15,000.00 - 13375143472969402388 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/08/18 10:26 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182320926397 Supplier Ref: 182320926397 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00990121 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 60766673811042439063 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/08/18 14:12 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182411312500 Supplier Ref: 182411312500 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01018550 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 44008332064708792276 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/09/18 10:53 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182550953220 Supplier Ref: 182550953220 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01059700 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 53552158380927433308 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/09/18 13:57 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182671357552 Supplier Ref: 182671357552 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01094720 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 17674737113360238117 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/09/18 16:03 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182691603545 Supplier Ref: 182691603545 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01102083 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 12080233415048384845 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/10/18 11:21 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182841121214 Supplier Ref: 182841121214 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01151110 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 19220726946213398710 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/10/18 10:50 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182941050532 Supplier Ref: 182941050532 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01184595 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 59866801844776478716 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/10/18 10:59 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182971059597 Supplier Ref: 182971059597 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01195063 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 63531907339939171701 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/11/18 15:28 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000675590999 Supplier Ref: 000675590999 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01240262 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 71926086005889581396 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/11/18 09:45 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000676708681 Supplier Ref: 000676708681 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01266025 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N15,000.00 - 52398240097596825028 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/11/18 15:26 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183251526257 Supplier Ref: 183251526257 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01293999 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 66586970481853909027 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/11/18 11:33 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183311133118 Supplier Ref: 183311133118 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01311957 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 59276696811377736607 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/12/18 11:45 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183451045136 Supplier Ref: 183451045136 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01370848 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 19579116901071181574 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/12/18 16:36 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154531659310 Supplier Ref: 154531659310 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01423594 Total Value: N40,000.00 Standard: N40,000.00 - 67047253559081131178 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/12/18 15:06 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183601407138 Supplier Ref: 183601407138 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01464907 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 39401381312727447331 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/01/19 10:24 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190160924118 Supplier Ref: 190160924118 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01591882 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 06121667560189511723 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/01/19 11:07 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190201007552 Supplier Ref: 190201007552 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01621830 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 48884251426318212356 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/01/19 14:15 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154824574592 Supplier Ref: 154824574592 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01645492 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 42083031069226943190 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/02/19 15:21 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190351421563 Supplier Ref: 190351421563 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01747420 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 30156438694405342644 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/02/19 13:09 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190431209533 Supplier Ref: 190431209533 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01806930 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 03059733777239331316 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/02/19 18:18 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190491718366 Supplier Ref: 190491718366 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01853001 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 10503319077346091698 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/02/19 13:38 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190531238567 Supplier Ref: 190531238567 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01882230 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 20880273059617748572 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/03/19 11:03 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190611004173 Supplier Ref: 190611004173 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01939776 Total Value: N30,000.00 Standard: N30,000.00 - 00118785477882985297 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/03/19 13:14 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190861214297 Supplier Ref: 190861214297 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02077452 Total Value: N30,000.00 Standard: N30,000.00 - 31661894653171669187 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/04/19 14:53 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190961354012 Supplier Ref: 190961354012 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02139909 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 00405357809221852320 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/04/19 10:17 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191190917224 Supplier Ref: 191190917224 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02259453 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 68690326597109385683 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/05/19 15:33 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191361434064 Supplier Ref: 191361434064 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02351332 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 61370016518850615093 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/06/19 12:12 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191531112078 Supplier Ref: 191531112078 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02438438 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 04502359030912234695 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/06/19 10:48 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155972452913 Supplier Ref: 155972452913 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02455302 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 69942565731302651936 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/07/19 11:30 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 920810309794 Supplier Ref: 920810309794 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02709004 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 11645495588385814142 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/09/19 14:41 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192461341508 Supplier Ref: 192461341508 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02903015 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 20448353439590901196 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/10/19 11:01 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157061176980 Supplier Ref: 157061176980 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03099258 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 69599200595262587672 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/10/19 10:17 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193010919205 Supplier Ref: 193010919205 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03199302 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 24247916122873034207 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/10/19 10:23 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193010925003 Supplier Ref: 193010925003 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03199347 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 53521454188592859039 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/11/19 12:08 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193291110195 Supplier Ref: 193291110195 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03376655 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 26929144196856059556 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/12/19 15:10 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193581413374 Supplier Ref: 193581413374 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03620954 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 09820833987405128206 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/01/20 13:40 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200091243511 Supplier Ref: 200091243511 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03747745 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 10692669025674831190 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/01/20 18:10 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200291713444 Supplier Ref: 200291713444 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03919437 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 70387103354161028239 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/02/20 10:56 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158201617580 Supplier Ref: 158201617580 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04101413 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 62256796653356745939 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/03/20 17:05 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200641605506 Supplier Ref: 200641605506 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04273150 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 04217331381348540350 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/03/20 18:27 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200701726556 Supplier Ref: 200701726556 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04329475 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 55240319475006325236 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/03/20 12:13 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200861113333 Supplier Ref: 200861113333 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04427944 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 33731836626060272032 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/04/20 15:56 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200981456062 Supplier Ref: 200981456062 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04525824 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 54304531495386316375 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/04/20 12:59 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201061159323 Supplier Ref: 201061159323 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04573494 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 38660500421068156310 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/04/20 11:25 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201121125342 Supplier Ref: 201121125342 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04619976 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 09052191044632218698 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/04/20 13:36 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201141337016 Supplier Ref: 201141337016 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04633619 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 54386701953441213770 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/04/20 10:54 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201201054302 Supplier Ref: 201201054302 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04681097 Total Value: N35,000.00 Standard: N35,000.00 - 09201402779377170204 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/05/20 13:24 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201391324324 Supplier Ref: 201391324324 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04797916 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 65093020742697835173 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/05/20 10:09 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201461010006 Supplier Ref: 201461010006 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04844790 Total Value: N30,000.00 Standard: N30,000.00 - 23178261932436245689 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/05/20 12:02 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201511202281 Supplier Ref: 201511202281 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04883482 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 42544849226258388940 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/06/20 14:59 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201541459076 Supplier Ref: 201541459076 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04904761 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 68245697067749880516 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/06/20 09:38 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201600938203 Supplier Ref: 201600938203 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04942301 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 13179069847667376184 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/06/20 10:00 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201671001034 Supplier Ref: 201671001034 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04984223 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 11036149875162776161 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/06/20 13:22 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201781323053 Supplier Ref: 201781323053 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05066581 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 55143164706189045394 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/07/20 13:53 Meter/Type: 57300010337 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201931353507 Supplier Ref: 201931353507 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05181706 Total Value: N40,000.00 Standard: N40,000.00 - 11158532720412010796 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 1542020-07-21 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014633ClosedRequest2020-07-21REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILS Good morning IT Support team. Please kindly assist with debt details for MSN. 0101160003865 Thanks Best RegardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-21NoGood morning, Find below, Debt Details Name: Outstanding Balance Reference Number: 618085 Start Date: 6/23/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $9,563.10 Outstanding Balance: $9,563.10 Running Balance: $9,563.10 Note: Outstanding from JCS, Installation fee, Cost unit Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-21 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014632ClosedRequest2020-07-21: DEBT PROFILE Hello kindly assist with debt profile of the meter serial numbers below 0101170380147 0101160015695Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-21NoGood morning, Find below, 0101170380147 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170380147 Start Date: 8/29/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $59,046.90 Outstanding Balance: $37,046.90 Running Balance: $37,046.90 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/11/2020 2:49:45 PM 0101160015695 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 6127040211-01 Start Date: 3/2/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $113,857.43 Outstanding Balance: $103,357.43 Running Balance: $103,357.43 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,500.00 Latest Payment: 7/18/2020 10:57:34 AM2020-07-21 phartiemah12@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014631ClosedVending History2020-07-21: Request for vending history. Hello, Kindly provide us with the vending history of MSN: 0101170451641. ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-21NoGood morning, Find below, Date Sold: 24/08/18 11:39 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182361039333 Supplier Ref: 182361039333 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01003137 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 20052912480688244671 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/09/18 12:35 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182471135398 Supplier Ref: 182471135398 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01036935 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 52606721966099027718 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/09/18 12:30 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182601130130 Supplier Ref: 182601130130 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01073584 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 40615288950447586868 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/09/18 14:32 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000669105545 Supplier Ref: 000669105545 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01087545 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 08524606385027110111 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/10/18 10:26 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000670808942 Supplier Ref: 000670808942 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01121751 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 55532577738608795630 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/10/18 11:18 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182851118053 Supplier Ref: 182851118053 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01154983 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 69174016374730845208 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/10/18 10:23 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000674696490 Supplier Ref: 000674696490 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01215276 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 22104634014177638595 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/11/18 16:02 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183071602374 Supplier Ref: 183071602374 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01234179 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 02325337956022960606 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/11/18 13:53 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000677597403 Supplier Ref: 000677597403 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01286253 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 28042366459726344203 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/11/18 13:00 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183241300093 Supplier Ref: 183241300093 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01289948 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 66717505064422125871 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/12/18 10:23 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183351023384 Supplier Ref: 183351023384 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01329499 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N434.97 - 05807611816719711872 Debt: N1,565.03 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/12/18 10:46 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183440946445 Supplier Ref: 183440946445 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01363348 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,434.97 - 54049525722477250199 Debt: N1,565.03 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/12/18 14:52 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183491352421 Supplier Ref: 183491352421 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01395122 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N434.97 - 29742161891122990323 Debt: N1,565.03 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/12/18 13:09 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183521209321 Supplier Ref: 183521209321 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01408680 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N1,130.06 - 27877804969279257324 Debt: N869.94 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/12/18 14:53 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183561353506 Supplier Ref: 183561353506 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01438880 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 38301513940371329786 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/01/19 17:11 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154644192923 Supplier Ref: 154644192923 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01507071 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 16981423363564967001 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/01/19 10:42 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190090942336 Supplier Ref: 190090942336 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01542735 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 58061348950893950460 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/01/19 15:40 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190121440180 Supplier Ref: 190121440180 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01568018 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 14695135019844952226 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/01/19 13:08 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154789613014 Supplier Ref: 154789613014 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01618845 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 06959358953244446158 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/01/19 16:48 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154868692798 Supplier Ref: 154868692798 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01685966 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 39614303459058302947 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/02/19 15:54 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190331454554 Supplier Ref: 190331454554 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01735404 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 17628064205728818716 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/02/19 17:47 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155024568876 Supplier Ref: 155024568876 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01838504 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 68068424805643516860 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/02/19 10:35 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190580936211 Supplier Ref: 190580936211 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01913557 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 57198681497189206092 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/03/19 10:45 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190670945105 Supplier Ref: 190670945105 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01981720 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 36075430186439929928 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/03/19 15:44 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190751445041 Supplier Ref: 190751445041 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02026885 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 67536498496295180668 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/04/19 13:58 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190961258144 Supplier Ref: 190961258144 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02139554 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 64403263773314551684 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/04/19 12:15 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155653295445 Supplier Ref: 155653295445 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02260728 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 36392050975023784497 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/05/19 10:24 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191270924461 Supplier Ref: 191270924461 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02310099 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 47255124033992203076 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/05/19 14:51 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191491351468 Supplier Ref: 191491351468 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02415298 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 28945767865382407845 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/06/19 14:02 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191551302072 Supplier Ref: 191551302072 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02451614 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 29230835271907151199 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/06/19 12:24 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156050786940 Supplier Ref: 156050786940 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02503693 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 10931431067072541038 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/06/19 11:45 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191761045310 Supplier Ref: 191761045310 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02554545 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 00340116038889313843 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/07/19 12:21 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191891122007 Supplier Ref: 191891122007 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02615428 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 16234463790655863255 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/07/19 11:41 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 920010419796 Supplier Ref: 920010419796 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02669638 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 21270396305708206074 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/07/19 13:47 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192111247423 Supplier Ref: 192111247423 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02724068 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 37743453463565117681 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/08/19 12:11 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156474066720 Supplier Ref: 156474066720 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02742417 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 66876669792686860821 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/08/19 13:14 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192221214236 Supplier Ref: 192221214236 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02784908 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 06052648769862163587 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/08/19 16:49 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192351549510 Supplier Ref: 192351549510 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02849009 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 25338852850494736567 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/08/19 17:42 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192361642434 Supplier Ref: 192361642434 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02854403 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 43291563357253288374 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/08/19 11:52 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192421052353 Supplier Ref: 192421052353 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02881171 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 04608450602479891058 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/09/19 11:07 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156819285188 Supplier Ref: 156819285188 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02946094 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 14386337207691306631 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/09/19 13:49 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192611250085 Supplier Ref: 192611250085 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02984095 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 69772776511877448907 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/09/19 15:58 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192701459167 Supplier Ref: 192701459167 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03033810 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 68424664645199224396 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/10/19 13:07 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192781208495 Supplier Ref: 192781208495 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03080266 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 50657918763060706916 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/10/19 18:23 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 928017244176 Supplier Ref: 928017244176 Receipt: PagT13EMDB03090385 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 39351058570372473653 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/10/19 14:00 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192851301506 Supplier Ref: 192851301506 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03117287 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 17087613402995099879 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/11/19 11:28 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193061029482 Supplier Ref: 193061029482 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03237507 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 02239046212822803997 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/11/19 10:45 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157294363242 Supplier Ref: 157294363242 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03255330 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 66198835946300398860 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/11/19 17:39 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 931516409376 Supplier Ref: 931516409376 Receipt: PagT13EMDB03291769 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 51188700763787464410 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/11/19 11:19 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157380965788 Supplier Ref: 157380965788 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03314518 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 56708591853749632492 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/11/19 12:18 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157467723906 Supplier Ref: 157467723906 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03376801 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 43712817202899814992 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/11/19 09:48 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193330850267 Supplier Ref: 193330850267 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03412817 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 42982360100160549407 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/12/19 15:37 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193411439527 Supplier Ref: 193411439527 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03489411 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 63872199242726473780 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/12/19 12:41 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193501143471 Supplier Ref: 193501143471 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03542013 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 08122914212785180382 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/12/19 09:52 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193550854432 Supplier Ref: 193550854432 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03587605 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 68576614155370676018 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/12/19 15:29 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193581432235 Supplier Ref: 193581432235 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03621333 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 44199683212893125664 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/01/20 10:07 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200040910411 Supplier Ref: 200040910411 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03705229 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 61352335747523621948 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/01/20 10:01 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200230905003 Supplier Ref: 200230905003 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03861710 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 62720084425234831180 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/01/20 13:25 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200251229037 Supplier Ref: 200251229037 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03882074 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 03078748107517497775 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/02/20 11:52 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158132834045 Supplier Ref: 158132834045 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04026591 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 14938668321551308878 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/02/20 10:16 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200510916431 Supplier Ref: 200510916431 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04120492 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 44889426312657577872 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/02/20 15:48 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158298407660 Supplier Ref: 158298407660 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04220572 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 35187527569208648701 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/03/20 09:44 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200690844535 Supplier Ref: 200690844535 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04320482 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 41773432804572547380 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/03/20 13:30 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200801230378 Supplier Ref: 200801230378 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04385088 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 05787932172967292420 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/03/20 12:22 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200871122160 Supplier Ref: 200871122160 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04436782 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 03781366129307917179 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/04/20 14:01 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200931301246 Supplier Ref: 200931301246 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04490077 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 50673227672586280963 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/04/20 13:17 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200941217038 Supplier Ref: 200941217038 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04498282 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 56178377293891445238 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/04/20 12:07 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201071107456 Supplier Ref: 201071107456 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04579702 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 72333098344953742171 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/04/20 17:00 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201101700160 Supplier Ref: 201101700160 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04608283 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 72621642275755949767 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/04/20 11:44 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201161144522 Supplier Ref: 201161144522 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04652547 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 07025074126683694177 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/05/20 13:46 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201231346467 Supplier Ref: 201231346467 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04699799 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 46962755208722557436 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/05/20 13:48 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201231348546 Supplier Ref: 201231348546 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04699816 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 60474635921241905851 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/05/20 14:41 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201301441237 Supplier Ref: 201301441237 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04744124 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 31109406632864054198 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/05/20 13:06 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201411307002 Supplier Ref: 201411307002 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04810226 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 70724267191971898167 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/05/20 13:24 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201431324464 Supplier Ref: 201431324464 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04825082 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 51679347811342848035 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/05/20 10:18 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201511018372 Supplier Ref: 201511018372 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04881940 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 13846571631103669200 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/06/20 13:24 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201581324317 Supplier Ref: 201581324317 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04933284 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 52510576856473908993 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/06/20 12:54 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201701254415 Supplier Ref: 201701254415 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05008396 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 17317474048416558009 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/06/20 14:43 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201771443266 Supplier Ref: 201771443266 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05059641 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 40568911297577308444 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/06/20 14:33 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201791433465 Supplier Ref: 201791433465 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05076319 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 18678843258228114231 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/07/20 15:38 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201851539032 Supplier Ref: 201851539032 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05128259 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 43797669333695607618 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/07/20 16:32 Meter/Type: 0101170451641 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201931632207 Supplier Ref: 201931632207 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05182490 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 61162789011195783481 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 1252020-07-21 anersirleh@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014630ClosedVending History2020-07-21Dear sir Please can you assist me with the VH of this meter 0101160357220. Thank you sir Samuel Danladi Chun CCRM, Bukuru RegionMediumAdroit00 Sadiq Mohammed2020-07-21NoGood morning, Find below, Date Sold: 07/11/17 14:29 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000623312963 Supplier Ref: 000623312963 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00487647 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 44126547123623914740 Date Sold: 11/11/17 11:59 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 848346665086716 Supplier Ref: 848346665086716 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00493482 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 54654211039694987482 Date Sold: 14/12/17 17:21 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000628658179 Supplier Ref: 000628658179 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00540195 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N9,999.95 - 15357017745974028005 Debt: N0.05 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 22/01/18 13:30 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 802213301323 Supplier Ref: 802213301323 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00590162 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 64325592355923459898 Date Sold: 13/02/18 12:16 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000637411767 Supplier Ref: 000637411767 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00622239 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 41941947444662433296 Date Sold: 27/02/18 09:31 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000639411151 Supplier Ref: 000639411151 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00641452 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N15,000.00 - 71458657349808095421 Date Sold: 22/03/18 15:18 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000642757877 Supplier Ref: 000642757877 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00680058 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 09595723398798607832 Date Sold: 19/04/18 16:48 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000646792825 Supplier Ref: 000646792825 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00724099 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 63500170307735908383 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/05/18 12:13 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000650941430 Supplier Ref: 000650941430 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00776207 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 15930334364266969876 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/07/18 17:33 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 968357391917242 Supplier Ref: 968357391917242 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00885724 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 56520567435337013963 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/08/18 11:52 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000664187553 Supplier Ref: 000664187553 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00986763 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 73361026895866187794 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/09/18 10:32 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000667203512 Supplier Ref: 000667203512 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01048796 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N15,000.00 - 15055712481586838185 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/11/18 13:21 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000676154203 Supplier Ref: 000676154203 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01254579 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N15,000.00 - 38696429535704993592 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/01/19 11:44 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154702704747 Supplier Ref: 154702704747 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01543338 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 14055650248185142794 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/02/19 18:59 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 25159008146099 Supplier Ref: 25159008146099 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01750895 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 65747669568519894722 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/03/19 12:19 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155238597595 Supplier Ref: 155238597595 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02003398 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 19517682516777132518 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/04/19 15:44 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 844413738174220 Supplier Ref: 844413738174220 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02140211 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 10811830473172060282 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/04/19 13:02 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 164363829392583 Supplier Ref: 164363829392583 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02252582 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 08422157266332758827 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/05/19 13:08 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155930091967 Supplier Ref: 155930091967 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02426651 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 42650986726593312926 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/06/19 11:52 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191801052375 Supplier Ref: 191801052375 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02575236 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 41038181411293701261 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/08/19 12:19 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156586439665 Supplier Ref: 156586439665 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02807617 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 29670195522140012430 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/10/19 10:52 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192920953106 Supplier Ref: 192920953106 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03153206 Total Value: N23,000.00 Standard: N10,344.70 - 16019807938401992413 Debt: N12,655.30 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/12/19 11:09 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157666029552 Supplier Ref: 157666029552 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03560126 Total Value: N13,000.00 Standard: N344.70 - 32550638566483994275 Debt: N12,655.30 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/01/20 12:45 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 223990014241496 Supplier Ref: 223990014241496 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03814197 Total Value: N100.00 Standard: N99.00 - 47564147557420647226 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/01/20 12:47 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 423549260610348 Supplier Ref: 423549260610348 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03814213 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N9,999.00 - 55649425147303882657 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/02/20 12:40 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 822773413741728 Supplier Ref: 822773413741728 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03994444 Total Value: N100.00 Standard: N99.00 - 05903948806760989940 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/02/20 12:41 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 341152965701575 Supplier Ref: 341152965701575 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03994455 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N11,999.00 - 65418236490473212072 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/03/20 13:57 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200701257383 Supplier Ref: 200701257383 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04327062 Total Value: N50.00 Standard: N49.00 - 19611356911061281172 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/03/20 13:58 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200701258371 Supplier Ref: 200701258371 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04327074 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N11,999.00 - 18776198036176800160 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/04/20 19:19 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201021819526 Supplier Ref: 201021819526 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04555622 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 56566884190268482170 Debt: N6,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/05/20 16:40 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201231640372 Supplier Ref: 201231640372 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04701244 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 55375553906036669071 Debt: N6,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/05/20 13:44 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201461344447 Supplier Ref: 201461344447 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04846612 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 00613068418139405327 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/07/20 14:30 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201931430592 Supplier Ref: 201931430592 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05181908 Total Value: N22,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 38728159215838033962 Debt: N12,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 502020-07-21 samueldchun@gmail.com Sadiq Mohammed
#00014630ClosedVending History2020-07-21Dear sir Please can you assist me with the VH of this meter 0101160357220. Thank you sir Samuel Danladi Chun CCRM, Bukuru RegionMediumAdroit00 Oladokun Babatunde2020-07-21NoGood morning, Find below, Date Sold: 07/11/17 14:29 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000623312963 Supplier Ref: 000623312963 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00487647 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 44126547123623914740 Date Sold: 11/11/17 11:59 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 848346665086716 Supplier Ref: 848346665086716 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00493482 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 54654211039694987482 Date Sold: 14/12/17 17:21 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000628658179 Supplier Ref: 000628658179 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00540195 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N9,999.95 - 15357017745974028005 Debt: N0.05 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 22/01/18 13:30 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 802213301323 Supplier Ref: 802213301323 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00590162 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 64325592355923459898 Date Sold: 13/02/18 12:16 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000637411767 Supplier Ref: 000637411767 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00622239 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 41941947444662433296 Date Sold: 27/02/18 09:31 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000639411151 Supplier Ref: 000639411151 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00641452 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N15,000.00 - 71458657349808095421 Date Sold: 22/03/18 15:18 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000642757877 Supplier Ref: 000642757877 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00680058 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 09595723398798607832 Date Sold: 19/04/18 16:48 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000646792825 Supplier Ref: 000646792825 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00724099 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 63500170307735908383 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/05/18 12:13 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000650941430 Supplier Ref: 000650941430 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00776207 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 15930334364266969876 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/07/18 17:33 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 968357391917242 Supplier Ref: 968357391917242 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00885724 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 56520567435337013963 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/08/18 11:52 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000664187553 Supplier Ref: 000664187553 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00986763 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 73361026895866187794 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/09/18 10:32 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000667203512 Supplier Ref: 000667203512 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01048796 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N15,000.00 - 15055712481586838185 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/11/18 13:21 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000676154203 Supplier Ref: 000676154203 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01254579 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N15,000.00 - 38696429535704993592 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/01/19 11:44 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154702704747 Supplier Ref: 154702704747 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01543338 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 14055650248185142794 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/02/19 18:59 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 25159008146099 Supplier Ref: 25159008146099 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01750895 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 65747669568519894722 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/03/19 12:19 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155238597595 Supplier Ref: 155238597595 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02003398 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 19517682516777132518 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/04/19 15:44 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 844413738174220 Supplier Ref: 844413738174220 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02140211 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 10811830473172060282 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/04/19 13:02 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 164363829392583 Supplier Ref: 164363829392583 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02252582 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 08422157266332758827 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/05/19 13:08 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155930091967 Supplier Ref: 155930091967 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02426651 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 42650986726593312926 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/06/19 11:52 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191801052375 Supplier Ref: 191801052375 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02575236 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 41038181411293701261 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/08/19 12:19 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156586439665 Supplier Ref: 156586439665 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02807617 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 29670195522140012430 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/10/19 10:52 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192920953106 Supplier Ref: 192920953106 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03153206 Total Value: N23,000.00 Standard: N10,344.70 - 16019807938401992413 Debt: N12,655.30 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/12/19 11:09 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157666029552 Supplier Ref: 157666029552 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03560126 Total Value: N13,000.00 Standard: N344.70 - 32550638566483994275 Debt: N12,655.30 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/01/20 12:45 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 223990014241496 Supplier Ref: 223990014241496 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03814197 Total Value: N100.00 Standard: N99.00 - 47564147557420647226 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/01/20 12:47 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 423549260610348 Supplier Ref: 423549260610348 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03814213 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N9,999.00 - 55649425147303882657 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/02/20 12:40 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 822773413741728 Supplier Ref: 822773413741728 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03994444 Total Value: N100.00 Standard: N99.00 - 05903948806760989940 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/02/20 12:41 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 341152965701575 Supplier Ref: 341152965701575 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03994455 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N11,999.00 - 65418236490473212072 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/03/20 13:57 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200701257383 Supplier Ref: 200701257383 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04327062 Total Value: N50.00 Standard: N49.00 - 19611356911061281172 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/03/20 13:58 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200701258371 Supplier Ref: 200701258371 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04327074 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N11,999.00 - 18776198036176800160 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/04/20 19:19 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201021819526 Supplier Ref: 201021819526 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04555622 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 56566884190268482170 Debt: N6,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/05/20 16:40 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201231640372 Supplier Ref: 201231640372 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04701244 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 55375553906036669071 Debt: N6,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/05/20 13:44 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201461344447 Supplier Ref: 201461344447 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04846612 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 00613068418139405327 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/07/20 14:30 Meter/Type: 0101160357220 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201931430592 Supplier Ref: 201931430592 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05181908 Total Value: N22,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 38728159215838033962 Debt: N12,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 502020-07-21 samueldchun@gmail.com Oladokun Babatunde
#00014629ClosedVending History2020-07-21: Meter no 54161128498 Dear Jed support, kindly assist with the above Meter no for vending history Thanks.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-21NoGood morning, Find below, Date Sold: 10/03/17 11:00 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 000223438647 Supplier Ref: 000223438647 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00172240 Total Value: N22,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 41169192743303007873 Debt: N20,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 20/03/17 09:48 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 000920135232 Supplier Ref: 000920135232 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00183251 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 46411198650915652358 Date Sold: 18/04/17 16:46 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 000123416660 Supplier Ref: 000123416660 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00220678 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 25556005873541590204 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 05/05/17 12:55 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 009903431038 Supplier Ref: 009903431038 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00243277 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 15769187629924050685 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 16/05/17 10:22 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 713613220091 Supplier Ref: 713613220091 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00255845 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 22919657024717938171 Date Sold: 26/05/17 12:01 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/MBEN Token Ref: 714615010174 Supplier Ref: 714615010174 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00268728 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 47282700850721983619 Date Sold: 30/05/17 09:31 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/MBEN Token Ref: 000416528995 Supplier Ref: 000416528995 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00272223 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 00531399129664511424 Date Sold: 16/06/17 12:56 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 716712557806 Supplier Ref: 716712557806 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00297052 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 67132984156850550024 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 26/06/17 13:14 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 717716140116 Supplier Ref: 717716140116 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00308737 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 62437660800337458636 Date Sold: 14/07/17 12:47 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 719512462035 Supplier Ref: 719512462035 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00332776 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,603.25 - 13937211742642543002 Debt: N1,396.75 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 22/07/17 12:03 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000607746326 Supplier Ref: 000607746326 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00342247 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 40341787800669973252 Date Sold: 04/08/17 12:49 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 721612473966 Supplier Ref: 721612473966 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00360749 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 66552198741252109269 Date Sold: 18/08/17 14:14 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 723014135400 Supplier Ref: 723014135400 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00376792 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 37688678817427759114 Date Sold: 04/09/17 13:24 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 724713222794 Supplier Ref: 724713222794 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00398521 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 68700206768793841187 Date Sold: 16/09/17 10:53 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 725913530063 Supplier Ref: 725913530063 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00414654 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 16562564375610485816 Date Sold: 02/10/17 13:56 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 727513549469 Supplier Ref: 727513549469 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00434572 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 04145626197383823197 Date Sold: 16/10/17 16:30 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 728916291722 Supplier Ref: 728916291722 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00455758 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 61346820332014901995 Date Sold: 26/10/17 16:00 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 729916009136 Supplier Ref: 729916009136 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00469283 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 10327600072397661022 Date Sold: 15/11/17 10:32 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 101338829053783 Supplier Ref: 101338829053783 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00498099 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 52634606819575775066 Date Sold: 22/11/17 14:12 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000625471312 Supplier Ref: 000625471312 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00507917 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 32411738093512286319 Date Sold: 08/12/17 14:04 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/CNICHOLAS Token Ref: 734214044001 Supplier Ref: 734214044001 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00531615 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 37425838136607144520 Date Sold: 20/12/17 12:41 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/PNWOKORIE Token Ref: 735412417083 Supplier Ref: 735412417083 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00548205 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 41639486730061010749 Date Sold: 09/01/18 13:27 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000632378827 Supplier Ref: 000632378827 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00574360 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 16208554073498011925 Date Sold: 17/01/18 15:16 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000633541609 Supplier Ref: 000633541609 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00584605 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 59659410296657913280 Date Sold: 19/01/18 13:34 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000633819547 Supplier Ref: 000633819547 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00587099 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 46207122798310928354 Date Sold: 08/02/18 15:19 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000636709995 Supplier Ref: 000636709995 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00615937 Total Value: N1,200.00 Standard: N1,200.00 - 26675965462088848158 Date Sold: 13/02/18 15:24 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 88455817983731 Supplier Ref: 88455817983731 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00622723 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 20263467921233710031 Date Sold: 21/02/18 14:55 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000638579633 Supplier Ref: 000638579633 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00633977 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 60243002610261150402 Date Sold: 10/03/18 15:47 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 806915460000 Supplier Ref: 806915460000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00661824 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 34819896571172131766 Date Sold: 17/03/18 13:43 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000642028350 Supplier Ref: 000642028350 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00673045 Total Value: N1,400.00 Standard: N1,400.00 - 49173258172155707472 Date Sold: 23/03/18 11:01 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000642876293 Supplier Ref: 000642876293 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00680742 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 50785098163840367637 Date Sold: 07/04/18 10:49 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000645029001 Supplier Ref: 000645029001 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00704244 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 35119829803887152516 Date Sold: 13/04/18 14:00 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 417298101820022 Supplier Ref: 417298101820022 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00714457 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 31076991279914114469 Date Sold: 20/04/18 16:25 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000646934676 Supplier Ref: 000646934676 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00725382 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 52543246182747824591 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/05/18 15:11 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 93869707727424 Supplier Ref: 93869707727424 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00750940 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 71078506143632159417 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/05/18 14:13 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000650953437 Supplier Ref: 000650953437 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00776619 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 05172687329131097417 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/05/18 17:14 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 574055661587572 Supplier Ref: 574055661587572 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00801046 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 30497850656440437500 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/06/18 16:18 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000654566012 Supplier Ref: 000654566012 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00829285 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 67953533860944496071 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/06/18 14:04 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000656424647 Supplier Ref: 000656424647 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00853693 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 35031232541553644443 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/07/18 10:34 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000657699626 Supplier Ref: 000657699626 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00875975 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 63243577163273164065 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/07/18 15:37 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000658449957 Supplier Ref: 000658449957 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00888374 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 10708250190470624661 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/07/18 16:14 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 192605345216055 Supplier Ref: 192605345216055 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00914197 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 18642493265328024681 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/08/18 14:10 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 372981166224113 Supplier Ref: 372981166224113 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00948653 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 02434401315795431996 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/08/18 13:37 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000662757939 Supplier Ref: 000662757939 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00961401 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 13454589612767453269 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/08/18 13:48 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000664055126 Supplier Ref: 000664055126 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00984191 Total Value: N3,200.00 Standard: N3,200.00 - 48349005037489582680 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/08/18 13:24 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000665924650 Supplier Ref: 000665924650 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01021371 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 18812536943850902454 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/09/18 13:37 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 263520335509750 Supplier Ref: 263520335509750 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01043576 Total Value: N1,200.00 Standard: N1,200.00 - 53308989530379180224 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/09/18 11:45 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 417785596783810 Supplier Ref: 417785596783810 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01069174 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 36011567240650069149 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/09/18 14:49 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000669107224 Supplier Ref: 000669107224 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01087632 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 08938014923059284310 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/10/18 13:03 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 570459472932514 Supplier Ref: 570459472932514 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01131788 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 32756494949869782529 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/10/18 13:00 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182851300004 Supplier Ref: 182851300004 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01155558 Total Value: N1,200.00 Standard: N1,200.00 - 52877370378225042200 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/10/18 11:09 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 726441999787169 Supplier Ref: 726441999787169 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01174945 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 02689439130256748444 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/10/18 08:35 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 309255097209218 Supplier Ref: 309255097209218 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01201525 Total Value: N3,400.00 Standard: N3,400.00 - 45718265559728946497 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/11/18 13:22 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 652129493786723 Supplier Ref: 652129493786723 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01250950 Total Value: N1,200.00 Standard: N1,200.00 - 53828263823398642868 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/11/18 11:32 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 824026693846287 Supplier Ref: 824026693846287 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01285404 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 09831286089343517940 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/11/18 12:28 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000678884902 Supplier Ref: 000678884902 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01316798 Total Value: N1,200.00 Standard: N1,200.00 - 36385064150359830577 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/12/18 09:07 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 216229895823998 Supplier Ref: 216229895823998 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01328981 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 46061333577925395811 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/12/18 10:27 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 13411193856006 Supplier Ref: 13411193856006 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01370119 Total Value: N1,400.00 Standard: N1,400.00 - 63772746713015806238 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/12/18 14:56 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 105139273841062 Supplier Ref: 105139273841062 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01430937 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N3,500.00 - 67785015765964199728 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/01/19 15:26 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 599976557821921 Supplier Ref: 599976557821921 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01518953 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 15258585768096199475 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/01/19 10:13 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 76506131205731 Supplier Ref: 76506131205731 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01591729 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 52133640303026472339 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/01/19 16:59 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154816916550 Supplier Ref: 154816916550 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01639273 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 07428130962444303672 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/02/19 10:00 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154944006585 Supplier Ref: 154944006585 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01762246 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 04967999205788033970 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/02/19 13:58 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 35470427711231 Supplier Ref: 35470427711231 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01807455 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 34790387402989652619 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/02/19 14:54 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 593740435215194 Supplier Ref: 593740435215194 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01873072 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 47912193204332602829 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/03/19 09:09 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 669041059452317 Supplier Ref: 669041059452317 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01967996 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 17357871277001848266 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/03/19 15:44 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 522748345202164 Supplier Ref: 522748345202164 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02021902 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 11057968704715973881 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/03/19 12:44 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 919746965142005 Supplier Ref: 919746965142005 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02058480 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 04395329539002787344 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/04/19 12:38 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 909911388101 Supplier Ref: 909911388101 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02153101 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 71898197801893432106 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/04/19 14:55 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 5704249565200 Supplier Ref: 5704249565200 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02191901 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 67386540815863055553 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/04/19 09:14 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 165740092718436 Supplier Ref: 165740092718436 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02207644 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N3,500.00 - 24295308286574062697 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/05/19 13:56 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191231256144 Supplier Ref: 191231256144 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02289323 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 19934693031759526842 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/05/19 14:48 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 79301331038197 Supplier Ref: 79301331038197 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02318918 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 55294508748855499058 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/05/19 17:05 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191401605400 Supplier Ref: 191401605400 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02370163 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 38961493811693451473 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/06/19 13:30 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 746239835699114 Supplier Ref: 746239835699114 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02434313 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 09735459498380937213 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/06/19 15:30 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 227876280784480 Supplier Ref: 227876280784480 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02489351 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 22137577045837103313 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/06/19 14:29 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 882111025608837 Supplier Ref: 882111025608837 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02537171 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 52805093736608493546 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/07/19 13:22 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156215291406 Supplier Ref: 156215291406 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02594429 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 51419235726484991398 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/07/19 16:05 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191961505178 Supplier Ref: 191961505178 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02651429 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 25572921453032341264 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/07/19 09:51 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192040851243 Supplier Ref: 192040851243 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02686685 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 29273477274284468576 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/08/19 15:56 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192181456215 Supplier Ref: 192181456215 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02765532 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 47505327350562584280 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/08/19 16:01 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 361029102371427 Supplier Ref: 361029102371427 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02828543 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 17305643947472099432 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/09/19 09:25 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 779435137230627 Supplier Ref: 779435137230627 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02918605 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 27664754974132888591 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/09/19 14:56 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192611356568 Supplier Ref: 192611356568 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02984619 Total Value: N1,200.00 Standard: N1,200.00 - 46484771080999061099 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/09/19 16:15 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156924814988 Supplier Ref: 156924814988 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03010959 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 29737566515045168633 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/10/19 17:15 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192841616095 Supplier Ref: 192841616095 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03113596 Total Value: N1,200.00 Standard: N1,200.00 - 32041303762904033749 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/10/19 15:40 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157175171856 Supplier Ref: 157175171856 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03169919 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 65977983124094720908 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/11/19 11:20 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157268650780 Supplier Ref: 157268650780 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03237420 Total Value: N1,200.00 Standard: N1,200.00 - 18651502649049437515 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/11/19 14:31 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157356200502 Supplier Ref: 157356200502 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03296789 Total Value: N1,200.00 Standard: N1,200.00 - 12576465459712342096 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/11/19 10:21 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193220923311 Supplier Ref: 193220923311 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03328549 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 16130667016497316653 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/11/19 13:42 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193261244237 Supplier Ref: 193261244237 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03356612 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 72212407001238264087 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/12/19 11:42 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157562549628 Supplier Ref: 157562549628 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03478303 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 00894903027517862279 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/12/19 14:24 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193551326545 Supplier Ref: 193551326545 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03590808 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 67674921015466592919 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/12/19 14:25 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193551328334 Supplier Ref: 193551328334 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03590822 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 39812850730993399633 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/12/19 12:28 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157718344826 Supplier Ref: 157718344826 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03617319 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 11345743156048583207 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/01/20 14:17 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157848605674 Supplier Ref: 157848605674 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03739690 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 07646792029007603463 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/01/20 13:36 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157926117889 Supplier Ref: 157926117889 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03814681 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 33252421201998129250 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/01/20 17:13 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157987903368 Supplier Ref: 157987903368 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03875958 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 26635239516064889544 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/02/20 16:30 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158134503152 Supplier Ref: 158134503152 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04030820 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 42484160954571275462 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/02/20 16:00 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 311856066406224 Supplier Ref: 311856066406224 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB04105513 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 25076938147522355460 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/02/20 10:50 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158270702124 Supplier Ref: 158270702124 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04179216 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 69184216894063325520 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/03/20 10:02 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200690901594 Supplier Ref: 200690901594 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04320567 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 62180144560580908418 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/03/20 13:32 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200761232514 Supplier Ref: 200761232514 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04358230 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 65913724803025547824 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/03/20 17:52 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200791652478 Supplier Ref: 200791652478 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04380171 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 69755844861662565236 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/04/20 12:55 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200991154581 Supplier Ref: 200991154581 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04531157 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 26409776142545684982 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/04/20 16:29 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201041529198 Supplier Ref: 201041529198 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04563433 Total Value: N1,200.00 Standard: N1,200.00 - 57384895196662569875 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/04/20 13:27 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201081327520 Supplier Ref: 201081327520 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04589729 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 60114215541932744207 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/04/20 11:40 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201141141108 Supplier Ref: 201141141108 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04632713 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 39056443062207908388 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/05/20 15:44 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201251544570 Supplier Ref: 201251544570 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04711422 Total Value: N1,200.00 Standard: N1,200.00 - 00284735375551431584 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/05/20 10:27 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201291027471 Supplier Ref: 201291027471 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04732264 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 65429601837189140860 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/05/20 15:19 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201331519345 Supplier Ref: 201331519345 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04761799 Total Value: N1,200.00 Standard: N1,200.00 - 17668857285904131988 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/05/20 12:31 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201401232076 Supplier Ref: 201401232076 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04803884 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 17512270838384908706 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/05/20 14:48 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201431448398 Supplier Ref: 201431448398 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04826200 Total Value: N1,200.00 Standard: N1,200.00 - 08268588839102109347 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/06/20 16:31 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201541631143 Supplier Ref: 201541631143 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04905179 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 61107096590142460911 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/06/20 15:02 Meter/Type: 54161128498 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201631502447 Supplier Ref: 201631502447 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04961629 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 13113095222728896779 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 1512020-07-21 ogbesteven8@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014628ClosedRequest2020-07-21: Debt balance Please Ict kindly assist me with this meter number 0101161074600 original balance running balance and collection value thanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-21NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 6131235835-01 Start Date: 6/25/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $264,634.58 Outstanding Balance: $264,634.58 Running Balance: $264,634.58 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $8,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-21 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014627ClosedRequest2020-07-2154160741317 Dear Support, Pls I need debt profile and vending history of the above acct. Thank you.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-21NoGood Morning, Find below the request, Meter Serial Number: 54160741317 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING BALANCE Reference Number: 54160741317 Start Date: 11/14/2016 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $9,658.03 Outstanding Balance: $0.00 Running Balance: $0.00 Note: none specified Status: Paid off Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 3/31/2017 2:51:39 PM VH Date Sold: 14/11/16 12:09 Meter/Type: 54160741317 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 631912090304 Supplier Ref: 631912090304 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00075060 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 26843146685707920625 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 22/12/16 10:54 Meter/Type: 54160741317 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 635710540271 Supplier Ref: 635710540271 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00102452 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 44352471118951961828 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 31/03/17 13:51 Meter/Type: 54160741317 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/fuzomba Token Ref: 709013510356 Supplier Ref: 709013510356 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00199667 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N341.97 - 45372466615631001090 Debt: N5,658.03 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 31/03/17 14:06 Meter/Type: 54160741317 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/fuzomba Token Ref: 709014060379 Supplier Ref: 709014060379 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00199714 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 53163348264100528348 Date Sold: 01/06/17 13:23 Meter/Type: 54160741317 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/fuzomba Token Ref: 715213230011 Supplier Ref: 715213230011 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00276803 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 05448975592762415905 Date Sold: 31/08/17 14:27 Meter/Type: 54160741317 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/fuzomba Token Ref: 724314270407 Supplier Ref: 724314270407 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00394832 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 39637285668013202672 Date Sold: 22/12/17 14:42 Meter/Type: 54160741317 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 735614421777 Supplier Ref: 735614421777 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00553161 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 12611304344130725828 Date Sold: 22/03/18 15:46 Meter/Type: 54160741317 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 808115461466 Supplier Ref: 808115461466 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00680129 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 43424337751908704205 Date Sold: 25/04/18 14:44 Meter/Type: 54160741317 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 811513441304 Supplier Ref: 811513441304 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00732774 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 52058768773624893806 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/05/18 10:02 Meter/Type: 54160741317 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 814909021018 Supplier Ref: 814909021018 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00797188 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 44919576772184925841 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/06/18 16:36 Meter/Type: 54160741317 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 817215361764 Supplier Ref: 817215361764 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00846872 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 12208515870355883685 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/08/18 13:43 Meter/Type: 54160741317 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 824312431179 Supplier Ref: 824312431179 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01025060 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 17046332417274060008 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/11/18 09:31 Meter/Type: 54160741317 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183200931456 Supplier Ref: 183200931456 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01276574 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 49695778753818951935 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/01/19 13:04 Meter/Type: 54160741317 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154711824621 Supplier Ref: 154711824621 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01550844 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 00265173336045000643 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/03/19 17:05 Meter/Type: 54160741317 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190841606150 Supplier Ref: 190841606150 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02067729 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 03895311532701223480 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/04/19 16:52 Meter/Type: 54160741317 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191151552493 Supplier Ref: 191151552493 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02241639 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 02821291217147112639 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/08/19 15:12 Meter/Type: 54160741317 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192201412250 Supplier Ref: 192201412250 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02774326 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 14331776206097930958 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/11/19 09:56 Meter/Type: 54160741317 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193080858053 Supplier Ref: 193080858053 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03246245 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 23465532569183376510 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/03/20 17:24 Meter/Type: 54160741317 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200721623582 Supplier Ref: 200721623582 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04340070 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 65927223740796274786 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/05/20 11:09 Meter/Type: 54160741317 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201431109331 Supplier Ref: 201431109331 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04823369 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 31554966324247969006 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 232020-07-21 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014626ClosedRequest2020-07-21Debt balance Ict team members please kindly assist me with this meter number 0101160046021 original balance running balance and collection value thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-21NoHello, Find below the request, Meter Serial Number: 0101160046021 Debt Details Name: Outstanding Bal. Reference Number: 627520 Start Date: 1/14/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $22,943.28 Outstanding Balance: $22,943.28 Running Balance: $22,943.28 Note: O/s from JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-21 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014625ClosedVending History2020-07-21VENDING HISTORY GOOD MORNING IT SUPPORT. Kindly assist with debt details 0101170126987 ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-21NoGood morning, Find below, Date Sold: 07/03/18 15:45 Meter/Type: 0101170126987 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 806615451643 Supplier Ref: 806615451643 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00656999 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,034.97 - 29963775185575015891 Debt: -N34.97 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 19/03/18 21:03 Meter/Type: 0101170126987 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000642360315 Supplier Ref: 000642360315 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00675787 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 58954328835757721317 Date Sold: 01/04/18 13:27 Meter/Type: 0101170126987 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000644180811 Supplier Ref: 000644180811 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00693538 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 45545403788819673193 Date Sold: 19/04/18 18:35 Meter/Type: 0101170126987 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000646803670 Supplier Ref: 000646803670 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00724274 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 20317913049983181114 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/05/18 20:05 Meter/Type: 0101170126987 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000649980627 Supplier Ref: 000649980627 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00763866 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 73697878953402121578 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/05/18 18:29 Meter/Type: 0101170126987 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000652707068 Supplier Ref: 000652707068 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00801268 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 66527240060321701355 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/06/18 20:28 Meter/Type: 0101170126987 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000655023070 Supplier Ref: 000655023070 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00836383 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 60068739253116872371 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/06/18 13:21 Meter/Type: 0101170126987 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 817912211468 Supplier Ref: 817912211468 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00861258 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 64031796361401324344 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/07/18 14:56 Meter/Type: 0101170126987 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 181941356156 Supplier Ref: 181941356156 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00898633 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 63506902498347212293 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/07/18 16:15 Meter/Type: 0101170126987 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182051515420 Supplier Ref: 182051515420 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00922106 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 63493510025239532536 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/08/18 19:33 Meter/Type: 0101170126987 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000662937680 Supplier Ref: 000662937680 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00965149 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 67378643479065470789 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/08/18 13:58 Meter/Type: 0101170126987 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000664776191 Supplier Ref: 000664776191 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00997511 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 24058962900486800231 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/09/18 21:17 Meter/Type: 0101170126987 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000666836020 Supplier Ref: 000666836020 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01042256 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 39703414527770627218 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/09/18 19:29 Meter/Type: 0101170126987 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000668703225 Supplier Ref: 000668703225 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01079205 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 39385996727513003085 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/10/18 10:48 Meter/Type: 0101170126987 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182781048436 Supplier Ref: 182781048436 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01130853 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 20347610543974778990 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/10/18 17:01 Meter/Type: 0101170126987 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 181018830286 Supplier Ref: 181018830286 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB01176658 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 62957893423518577439 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/11/18 11:04 Meter/Type: 0101170126987 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 181101337554 Supplier Ref: 181101337554 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB01223684 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 54214338564587883169 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/11/18 11:17 Meter/Type: 0101170126987 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183201117253 Supplier Ref: 183201117253 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01277122 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 44895143878401520832 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/11/18 11:12 Meter/Type: 0101170126987 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183331112463 Supplier Ref: 183331112463 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01320573 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 34852178305067032410 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/12/18 20:12 Meter/Type: 0101170126987 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154455198123 Supplier Ref: 154455198123 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01374714 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 65561871100695371777 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/12/18 19:37 Meter/Type: 0101170126987 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154593224118 Supplier Ref: 154593224118 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01474330 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 64164153375351778579 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/01/19 16:29 Meter/Type: 0101170126987 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154669860927 Supplier Ref: 154669860927 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01524210 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 40255097035621151587 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/01/19 10:35 Meter/Type: 0101170126987 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154805973419 Supplier Ref: 154805973419 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01624941 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 25471551091025677480 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/02/19 17:18 Meter/Type: 0101170126987 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154937988763 Supplier Ref: 154937988763 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01759127 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 05337614359956845388 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/02/19 19:55 Meter/Type: 0101170126987 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155059896240 Supplier Ref: 155059896240 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01860820 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 45068577084948473757 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/03/19 14:33 Meter/Type: 0101170126987 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155204840925 Supplier Ref: 155204840925 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01984949 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 20408711744000945752 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/03/19 18:20 Meter/Type: 0101170126987 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155335801354 Supplier Ref: 155335801354 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02059613 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 46341479014800267977 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/04/19 11:10 Meter/Type: 0101170126987 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155454182560 Supplier Ref: 155454182560 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02137946 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 22499201513692306542 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/04/19 21:05 Meter/Type: 0101170126987 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155552790521 Supplier Ref: 155552790521 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02199684 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 51631841560861183283 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/04/19 10:14 Meter/Type: 0101170126987 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155592088362 Supplier Ref: 155592088362 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02220655 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 24246064429229103876 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/05/19 09:14 Meter/Type: 0101170126987 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155695408226 Supplier Ref: 155695408226 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02293042 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 41169423099643473486 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/05/19 11:30 Meter/Type: 0101170126987 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155817180193 Supplier Ref: 155817180193 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02359759 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 31232237456570344184 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/05/19 21:59 Meter/Type: 0101170126987 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155933274416 Supplier Ref: 155933274416 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02430956 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 18328471994312868202 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/06/19 17:08 Meter/Type: 0101170126987 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156043847441 Supplier Ref: 156043847441 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02500172 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 62621335202932553972 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/06/19 22:27 Meter/Type: 0101170126987 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156184001467 Supplier Ref: 156184001467 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02579823 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 30106139771921400463 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/07/19 19:43 Meter/Type: 0101170126987 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156381739066 Supplier Ref: 156381739066 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02685590 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 18137088443271480254 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/08/19 10:18 Meter/Type: 0101170126987 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156542512615 Supplier Ref: 156542512615 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02783208 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 60323611874990386455 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/08/19 22:05 Meter/Type: 0101170126987 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156659074477 Supplier Ref: 156659074477 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02850703 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 55003858579494711623 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/09/19 22:14 Meter/Type: 0101170126987 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156814648415 Supplier Ref: 156814648415 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02944707 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 07349307081303380775 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/09/19 19:32 Meter/Type: 0101170126987 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156986477577 Supplier Ref: 156986477577 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03052748 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 33865423465755728210 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/10/19 22:12 Meter/Type: 0101170126987 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157117038273 Supplier Ref: 157117038273 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03135499 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 67585150973599889948 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/11/19 14:55 Meter/Type: 0101170126987 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157278582772 Supplier Ref: 157278582772 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03243144 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 07881555886375800071 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/02/20 14:45 Meter/Type: 0101170126987 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200501345495 Supplier Ref: 200501345495 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04114463 Total Value: N950.00 Standard: N950.00 - 30097565182100393823 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/02/20 14:04 Meter/Type: 0101170126987 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200521304210 Supplier Ref: 200521304210 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04132784 Total Value: N950.00 Standard: N950.00 - 30656090761448459807 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/02/20 10:14 Meter/Type: 0101170126987 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158235927713 Supplier Ref: 158235927713 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04139695 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 23397788039844864448 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/02/20 13:37 Meter/Type: 0101170126987 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158263063343 Supplier Ref: 158263063343 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04170073 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 34933343995697946391 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/03/20 11:34 Meter/Type: 0101170126987 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 007210349280 Supplier Ref: 007210349280 Receipt: PagT13EMDB04337028 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 20930707535567147339 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/05/20 06:00 Meter/Type: 0101170126987 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201430600277 Supplier Ref: 201430600277 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04820911 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 07080669441760774959 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/06/20 08:34 Meter/Type: 0101170126987 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201820835048 Supplier Ref: 201820835048 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05094856 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 70198223562435244595 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 1082020-07-21 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014624ClosedRequest2020-07-21: Debt balance Good morning Ict team members please kindly assist me with this meter number 0101190004388 original balance running balance and collection value thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-21NoGood Morning, Find below, Meter Serial Number: 0101190004388 Debt Details This customer does not have any Debt accounts associated.2020-07-21 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014623ClosedVending History2020-07-21REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY 0101170189043Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-21NoGood Morning, Find below, Date Sold: 16/05/18 11:46 Meter/Type: 0101170189043 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 813610460000 Supplier Ref: 813610460000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00771856 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 32017083356306923415 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/06/18 11:57 Meter/Type: 0101170189043 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 815310571126 Supplier Ref: 815310571126 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00808064 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 34869687848464138767 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/07/18 13:29 Meter/Type: 0101170189043 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 181831229048 Supplier Ref: 181831229048 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00870484 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 37396450327091303098 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/08/18 12:06 Meter/Type: 0101170189043 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 822711030000 Supplier Ref: 822711030000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00978212 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 36021008797037573853 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/09/18 15:57 Meter/Type: 0101170189043 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182441457026 Supplier Ref: 182441457026 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01029056 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 42895986525523477079 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/09/18 12:02 Meter/Type: 0101170189043 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182641202012 Supplier Ref: 182641202012 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01086846 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 40692786132345460256 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/10/18 10:38 Meter/Type: 0101170189043 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000672538277 Supplier Ref: 000672538277 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01163078 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 69374194251315606109 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/11/18 12:16 Meter/Type: 0101170189043 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183101216458 Supplier Ref: 183101216458 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01243438 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 62119386278701296878 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/12/18 10:38 Meter/Type: 0101170189043 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183370938306 Supplier Ref: 183370938306 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01334681 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 67520777252685564626 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/12/18 11:06 Meter/Type: 0101170189043 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154503757015 Supplier Ref: 154503757015 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01400028 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 34897138859249625342 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/01/19 15:28 Meter/Type: 0101170189043 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190021428316 Supplier Ref: 190021428316 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01505916 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 72549173081082901229 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/01/19 10:49 Meter/Type: 0101170189043 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154745575989 Supplier Ref: 154745575989 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01574489 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 59384544780761185042 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/02/19 11:52 Meter/Type: 0101170189043 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190321052181 Supplier Ref: 190321052181 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01722148 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N934.97 - 40469283833384864218 Debt: N1,565.03 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/02/19 14:45 Meter/Type: 0101170189043 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190211756950 Supplier Ref: 190211756950 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB01799178 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 43511176159638476430 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/02/19 13:41 Meter/Type: 0101170189043 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190221391505 Supplier Ref: 190221391505 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB01872102 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 02757773040749682777 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/03/19 11:48 Meter/Type: 0101170189043 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155203851427 Supplier Ref: 155203851427 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01982714 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 63028470149843883416 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/03/19 10:29 Meter/Type: 0101170189043 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190880930054 Supplier Ref: 190880930054 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02087350 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 57338972809295030806 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/04/19 11:29 Meter/Type: 0101170189043 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155609819396 Supplier Ref: 155609819396 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02232976 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 64968033572656661645 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/05/19 16:18 Meter/Type: 0101170189043 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191351518482 Supplier Ref: 191351518482 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02347168 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 18169492426995973639 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/06/19 13:59 Meter/Type: 0101170189043 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191731259564 Supplier Ref: 191731259564 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02542313 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 68393089867824598698 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/07/19 11:58 Meter/Type: 0101170189043 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191931058476 Supplier Ref: 191931058476 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02637485 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 39449507713520106235 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/08/19 12:52 Meter/Type: 0101170189043 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192221152557 Supplier Ref: 192221152557 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02784705 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 34022252300908512014 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/09/19 14:41 Meter/Type: 0101170189043 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192551341322 Supplier Ref: 192551341322 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02953267 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 14183090872218234467 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/10/19 14:48 Meter/Type: 0101170189043 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157071177431 Supplier Ref: 157071177431 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03106680 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 59314138112483127913 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/11/19 08:10 Meter/Type: 0101170189043 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157388474464 Supplier Ref: 157388474464 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03319420 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 03325335620508558073 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/11/19 12:23 Meter/Type: 0101170189043 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193301125262 Supplier Ref: 193301125262 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03386932 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 71771126074253267163 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/12/19 11:58 Meter/Type: 0101170189043 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157718163457 Supplier Ref: 157718163457 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03616634 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 13879759955831181019 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/01/20 12:16 Meter/Type: 0101170189043 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 002711201929 Supplier Ref: 002711201929 Receipt: PagT13EMDB03893727 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 09791085922482082129 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/02/20 12:22 Meter/Type: 0101170189043 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 455928826397863 Supplier Ref: 455928826397863 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB04156551 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 08291811244076433793 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/02/20 14:34 Meter/Type: 0101170189043 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 005513340932 Supplier Ref: 005513340932 Receipt: PagT13EMDB04158288 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 68185881128042031290 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/04/20 16:19 Meter/Type: 0101170189043 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200921518506 Supplier Ref: 200921518506 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04482926 Total Value: N1,100.00 Standard: N1,100.00 - 57730260899445161410 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/05/20 17:05 Meter/Type: 0101170189043 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201361705426 Supplier Ref: 201361705426 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04781912 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 50808513025757421186 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/06/20 10:40 Meter/Type: 0101170189043 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201711040354 Supplier Ref: 201711040354 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05014198 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 02398609010940668742 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 572020-07-21 longpuan@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014622Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014621ClosedVending History2020-07-21REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY 54160928260 Please furnish me with the VENDING history of meter no: 54160928260 Thanks and regardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-21NoGood Morning, Find below Date Sold: 11/10/19 15:55 Meter/Type: 54160928260 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157080215953 Supplier Ref: 157080215953 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03112930 Total Value: N23,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 63975845177148879736 Debt: N20,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/12/19 10:17 Meter/Type: 54160928260 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157631159257 Supplier Ref: 157631159257 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03529440 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 09251002379246413417 Debt: N6,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/12/19 13:46 Meter/Type: 54160928260 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157649695608 Supplier Ref: 157649695608 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03542900 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 07344430605961958274 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/02/20 12:11 Meter/Type: 54160928260 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 271636415964161 Supplier Ref: 271636415964161 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB04038482 Total Value: N9,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 48164353640333018450 Debt: N6,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/03/20 11:09 Meter/Type: 54160928260 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158331292412 Supplier Ref: 158331292412 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04270536 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 08734448742818221451 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/03/20 11:14 Meter/Type: 54160928260 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158331325905 Supplier Ref: 158331325905 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04270628 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 24982226267522247060 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/03/20 17:18 Meter/Type: 54160928260 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200911618462 Supplier Ref: 200911618462 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04473491 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N3,500.00 - 64922501689033839165 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/03/20 17:21 Meter/Type: 54160928260 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200911621396 Supplier Ref: 200911621396 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04473525 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 38559913620529426625 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 242020-07-21 lisarumpae@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014620Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014619ClosedRequest2020-07-20: REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILS Please kindly assist with debt details for MSN. 0101170290288 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-20NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170290288 Start Date: 4/2/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $39,337.36 Outstanding Balance: $31,337.36 Running Balance: $31,337.36 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/19/2020 7:51:03 PM2020-07-20 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014618ClosedKCT Request2020-07-20Dear IT support, KIindly generate KCT for the meter numbers above. Best regards. Meter CapturingMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-20NoHello, Find below, 0101190006003 3504 7027 2056 6246 9147 4215 7789 8737 4471 4155 0101190005955 2318 8346 0536 7504 8113 5152 2292 2842 5738 25992020-07-20 ppmcapture@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014617ClosedVending History2020-07-20: VENDING HISTORY Assist with vending history. 54160966559 Thanks.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-20NoHello, Find below, Date Sold: 06/06/17 15:14 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: JEDTUDUNWADA/oketura Token Ref: 715715140147 Supplier Ref: 715715140147 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00283921 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 73400362534216183277 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 06/06/17 15:16 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: JEDTUDUNWADA/oketura Token Ref: 715715160150 Supplier Ref: 715715160150 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00283930 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 73248397255590578232 Date Sold: 24/06/17 09:58 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: JEDTUDUNWADA/oketura Token Ref: 717509580081 Supplier Ref: 717509580081 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00306687 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 71973028824336940386 Date Sold: 25/07/17 12:52 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: JEDTUDUNWADA/aumar Token Ref: 720612520052 Supplier Ref: 720612520052 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00345671 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 04690968146402556517 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 18/08/17 09:09 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: JEDTUDUNWADA/sharuna Token Ref: 007801474140 Supplier Ref: 007801474140 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00376021 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 48837508771129188781 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 06/09/17 15:13 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: JEDTUDUNWADA/sharuna Token Ref: 009707501830 Supplier Ref: 009707501830 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00402390 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 73713684653141777050 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 22/09/17 08:47 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: JEDTUDUNWADA/sharuna Token Ref: 011301259560 Supplier Ref: 011301259560 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00421564 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 23693399281266210361 Date Sold: 23/10/17 11:38 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: JEDTUDUNWADA/sharuna Token Ref: 002520179465 Supplier Ref: 002520179465 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00463609 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 00259070947263981349 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 22/11/17 08:12 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000625435258 Supplier Ref: 000625435258 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00507063 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 69398068104146177401 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 14/12/17 13:37 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000628635738 Supplier Ref: 000628635738 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00539676 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 46443855901860762226 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 04/01/18 19:12 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000631693306 Supplier Ref: 000631693306 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00569546 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 45668199741228859495 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 15/01/18 18:00 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000633270023 Supplier Ref: 000633270023 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00581936 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 73202535277482526022 Date Sold: 29/01/18 13:37 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000635259721 Supplier Ref: 000635259721 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00599515 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 23566683137797676267 Date Sold: 15/02/18 09:18 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000637681870 Supplier Ref: 000637681870 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00624658 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 52295680477997710269 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 04/03/18 07:54 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000640121437 Supplier Ref: 000640121437 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00650773 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N4,523.51 - 41843854428895735520 Debt: N1,476.49 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 14/03/18 16:56 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 807316561700 Supplier Ref: 807316561700 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00668226 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 70977041593140363358 Date Sold: 24/03/18 15:37 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 58757149565064 Supplier Ref: 58757149565064 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00682714 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 36579459708337720000 Date Sold: 21/04/18 20:20 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000647102043 Supplier Ref: 000647102043 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00726750 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 63831812702632960940 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/05/18 11:29 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000650505015 Supplier Ref: 000650505015 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00769393 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 47736992723880736520 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/06/18 22:16 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000654313755 Supplier Ref: 000654313755 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00824855 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 59991684155904469110 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/07/18 14:26 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 181841326516 Supplier Ref: 181841326516 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00873980 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 46673731941342504684 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/07/18 19:59 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000660060276 Supplier Ref: 000660060276 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00914714 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 54195713544110006951 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/08/18 21:14 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000662227778 Supplier Ref: 000662227778 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00952712 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 08125400547944009179 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/08/18 16:22 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182321522564 Supplier Ref: 182321522564 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00992816 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 43788568723735253480 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/09/18 11:58 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000667212261 Supplier Ref: 000667212261 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01049282 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 34313326234210822402 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/09/18 23:00 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182602200148 Supplier Ref: 182602200148 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01076218 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 73400238302228534010 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/10/18 12:41 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182791241106 Supplier Ref: 182791241106 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01135562 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 55374633889666941317 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/10/18 16:52 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 181018418648 Supplier Ref: 181018418648 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB01176625 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 32709892575282618265 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/11/18 11:50 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000675569168 Supplier Ref: 000675569168 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01238393 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 12180575702566795697 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/11/18 07:38 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000677847934 Supplier Ref: 000677847934 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01291471 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 04684034097251634571 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/12/18 14:36 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000679611730 Supplier Ref: 000679611730 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01336498 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 18131403287955732443 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/12/18 13:07 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154521764954 Supplier Ref: 154521764954 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01414904 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 18185790580128698694 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/01/19 18:32 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190091732370 Supplier Ref: 190091732370 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01547417 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 05793504625184240183 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/01/19 22:12 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154827431560 Supplier Ref: 154827431560 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01649756 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 71362557769468962077 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/02/19 08:42 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154960814590 Supplier Ref: 154960814590 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01777602 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 46900419099210090284 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/02/19 09:26 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155133880362 Supplier Ref: 155133880362 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01921032 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 18413866598953901141 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/03/19 09:46 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190750846493 Supplier Ref: 190750846493 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02024306 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 54745583468908645351 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/03/19 19:01 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190841802027 Supplier Ref: 190841802027 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02068551 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 46539177957748425809 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/04/19 09:44 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155453668775 Supplier Ref: 155453668775 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02137227 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 30139669169023319508 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/04/19 12:30 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155636103172 Supplier Ref: 155636103172 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02252246 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 07179452385015750037 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/05/19 22:12 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155846952501 Supplier Ref: 155846952501 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02376949 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 56404500829586628784 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/06/19 08:46 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156101316798 Supplier Ref: 156101316798 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02530222 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 66260010480893758605 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/07/19 20:05 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156260908750 Supplier Ref: 156260908750 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02619503 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 35072782894307708422 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/08/19 08:45 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192210745467 Supplier Ref: 192210745467 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02776968 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 16389242506467474025 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/09/19 08:32 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156749235598 Supplier Ref: 156749235598 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02900376 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 20590320920229115403 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/09/19 09:14 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156974130247 Supplier Ref: 156974130247 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03043185 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 18395425503523267448 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/10/19 07:53 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157172367541 Supplier Ref: 157172367541 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03166999 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 72455499108815249439 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/11/19 07:22 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157362266676 Supplier Ref: 157362266676 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03300861 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 15144407966130386078 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/12/19 09:41 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157518620496 Supplier Ref: 157518620496 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03431742 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 02984735286978650381 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/12/19 20:29 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157669391262 Supplier Ref: 157669391262 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03566593 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 04236506160825173933 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/01/20 18:54 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200081757307 Supplier Ref: 200081757307 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03742729 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 31522323300006599596 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/01/20 22:09 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157972396303 Supplier Ref: 157972396303 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03860268 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 56639894053222733860 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/02/20 18:21 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158152450325 Supplier Ref: 158152450325 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04052871 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 10490764850286705343 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/02/20 20:46 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158265636287 Supplier Ref: 158265636287 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04176151 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 30287707840324612607 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/03/20 08:11 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158364788665 Supplier Ref: 158364788665 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04315796 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 48083556591539616816 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/03/20 14:42 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200821342383 Supplier Ref: 200821342383 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04396927 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 03977368052220613202 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/04/20 11:18 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200921017440 Supplier Ref: 200921017440 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04479173 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 67117112302700420039 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/04/20 19:58 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201021858511 Supplier Ref: 201021858511 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04555854 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 12986491517294065690 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/04/20 09:47 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201120947372 Supplier Ref: 201120947372 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04618998 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 55917701953669055120 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/04/20 09:43 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201210943147 Supplier Ref: 201210943147 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04685536 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 39804539978951277871 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/05/20 21:05 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201312105178 Supplier Ref: 201312105178 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04751898 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 72499035078109925304 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/05/20 07:46 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201350746350 Supplier Ref: 201350746350 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04769947 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 68303168740835759519 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/05/20 20:27 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201432027391 Supplier Ref: 201432027391 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04829329 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 16710387022430405078 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/05/20 11:45 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201471145127 Supplier Ref: 201471145127 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04851572 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 41286900573039094880 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/06/20 08:38 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201550838057 Supplier Ref: 201550838057 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04907965 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 71192184684157597982 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/06/20 09:10 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201630911028 Supplier Ref: 201630911028 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04957864 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 17688561818504356152 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/06/20 19:26 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201731926335 Supplier Ref: 201731926335 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05030173 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 14182894550770999723 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/06/20 19:36 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201811936365 Supplier Ref: 201811936365 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05092726 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 64806996249309881803 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/07/20 22:39 Meter/Type: 54160966559 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201912239351 Supplier Ref: 201912239351 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05172144 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 73651493900936761078 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 1242020-07-20 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014616ClosedRequest2020-07-20: Request for vending history opening balance and outstanding debt balance Please kindly furnish me with the vending history opening balance and outstanding debt balance of the following meter 54160969504. thanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-20NoHello, Find below the request, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 522531 Start Date: 2/6/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $38,006.24 Outstanding Balance: $26,006.24 Running Balance: $26,006.24 Note: Outstanding migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/15/2020 12:03:32 PM VH Date Sold: 10/11/17 12:35 Meter/Type: 54160969504 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000623733622 Supplier Ref: 000623733622 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00492026 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 05781820574714234999 Date Sold: 12/11/17 18:57 Meter/Type: 54160969504 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000624059849 Supplier Ref: 000624059849 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00494146 Total Value: N20.00 Standard: N20.00 - 34266639340604090174 Date Sold: 20/06/19 11:20 Meter/Type: 54160969504 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 73864289049178 Supplier Ref: 73864289049178 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02531206 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 05979423285121318679 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/07/19 20:38 Meter/Type: 54160969504 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156295653892 Supplier Ref: 156295653892 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02640821 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 54885965280315964170 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/08/19 16:23 Meter/Type: 54160969504 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 456067919059132 Supplier Ref: 456067919059132 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02871745 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 35927169764818002350 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/10/19 15:26 Meter/Type: 54160969504 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 538331665415140 Supplier Ref: 538331665415140 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03063171 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 43136938000925059426 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/11/19 22:08 Meter/Type: 54160969504 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157402138598 Supplier Ref: 157402138598 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03327368 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 03138492577396206334 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/12/19 22:25 Meter/Type: 54160969504 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157782402459 Supplier Ref: 157782402459 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03686097 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 34101215342738907694 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/03/20 10:17 Meter/Type: 54160969504 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200860917315 Supplier Ref: 200860917315 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04426521 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 19855186067667729112 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/03/20 10:20 Meter/Type: 54160969504 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200860920057 Supplier Ref: 200860920057 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04426546 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 07764758133410366076 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/04/20 16:28 Meter/Type: 54160969504 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201121628182 Supplier Ref: 201121628182 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04622321 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 57144058261428574734 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/04/20 13:01 Meter/Type: 54160969504 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201201301223 Supplier Ref: 201201301223 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04681802 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 38375547857630183602 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/05/20 13:46 Meter/Type: 54160969504 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201371346551 Supplier Ref: 201371346551 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04788896 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 04105726214781599326 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/05/20 15:26 Meter/Type: 54160969504 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201451526383 Supplier Ref: 201451526383 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04841006 Total Value: N985.00 Standard: N985.00 - 70591168738457326694 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/05/20 17:06 Meter/Type: 54160969504 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201511706353 Supplier Ref: 201511706353 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04886303 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 12912883313251368201 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/06/20 17:42 Meter/Type: 54160969504 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201641742367 Supplier Ref: 201641742367 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04970498 Total Value: N2,360.00 Standard: N360.00 - 57969721411926992329 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/06/20 13:50 Meter/Type: 54160969504 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201681350160 Supplier Ref: 201681350160 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04994687 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 28362533583452446010 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/06/20 18:49 Meter/Type: 54160969504 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201731849434 Supplier Ref: 201731849434 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05029933 Total Value: N980.00 Standard: N980.00 - 58324836227064964844 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/06/20 18:07 Meter/Type: 54160969504 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201821807591 Supplier Ref: 201821807591 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05103311 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 29341992523800957078 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/07/20 12:03 Meter/Type: 54160969504 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201971203357 Supplier Ref: 201971203357 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05205819 Total Value: N2,550.00 Standard: N550.00 - 38439002439995154856 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 242020-07-20 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014615ClosedRequest2020-07-20Good Afternoon Sir, Please find below PPM meters no for total outstanding debt. 0101161024829 0101161039868 Best Regards CCRM GOMBEMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-20NoHello, Find below the request, 0101161024829 Debt Details This customer does not have any Debt accounts associated. 0101161039868 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 613604 Start Date: 4/2/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $11,265.76 Outstanding Balance: $11,265.76 Running Balance: $11,265.76 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,500.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-20 glawal1184@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014614ClosedKCT Request2020-07-20: REQUEST FOR KEY CHANGE TOKEN {KCT}. Sir,kindly help to generate key change token {KCT} for this 1no customer with meter number 0101185058571 name Oricon Suites & Properties Ltd.Thanks from AzareMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-20NoHello, Find below the request, 0101185058571 2959 6923 1580 7531 1012 4686 9053 2512 9383 30232020-07-20 mathewdapar@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014613ClosedRequest2020-07-20Good afternoon IT Support team Please kindly assist with debt details for MSN. 0101170206276 Thanks Best RegardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-20NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 671385 Start Date: 7/10/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $5,565.03 Outstanding Balance: $3,565.03 Running Balance: $3,565.03 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/20/2020 3:38:45 PM2020-07-20 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014612ClosedRequest2020-07-20Hello, kindly assist with debt profile of the msn below 0101170308122 0101161011883 0101161063926 0101170390328 Regards, --Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-20NoHello, Find below, 0101170308122 Meter Serial Number: 0101170308122 Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 504612 Start Date: 2/6/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $120,854.18 Outstanding Balance: $110,854.18 Running Balance: $110,854.18 Note: Outstanding Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Per Vend Amount Collection Value: $10,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/20/2020 1:40:57 PM 0101161011883 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING BALANCE Reference Number: 0101161011883 Start Date: 4/1/2018 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $90,456.73 Outstanding Balance: $51,456.73 Running Balance: $51,456.73 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Per Vend Amount Collection Value: $20,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/17/2020 2:43:13 PM 0101161063926 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 606115 Start Date: 6/25/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $9,021.20 Outstanding Balance: $5,021.20 Running Balance: $5,021.20 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/20/2020 10:18:47 AM 0101170390328 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170390328 Start Date: 11/27/2018 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $139,851.98 Outstanding Balance: $122,156.89 Running Balance: $122,156.89 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $1,000.00 Latest Payment: 1/28/2020 3:58:01 PM2020-07-20 phartiemah12@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014611Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014610Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014609ClosedRequest2020-07-20DEBT DETAILS Assist with debt details 0101170217224 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-20NoHello, Find below, Meter Serial Number: 0101170217224 Contract Account Number: 609424 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170217224 Start Date: 3/1/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $11,295.81 Outstanding Balance: $3,295.81 Running Balance: $3,295.81 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/11/2020 10:32:57 AM2020-07-20 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014608Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014607Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014606ClosedVending History2020-07-20Dear IT Support Team, Kindly furnish us with VH of 54150619325 and 54150600861 Thank youMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-20NoHello, 54150619325 No token sales found, or the meter number number is not correct. 54150600861 Date Sold: 29/12/16 12:40 Meter/Type: 54150600861 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 636412400590 Supplier Ref: 636412400590 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00108029 Total Value: N8,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 53865998490664567824 Debt: N6,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 24/02/17 15:35 Meter/Type: 54150600861 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 705515350481 Supplier Ref: 705515350481 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00154267 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 16788777303044113629 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 06/04/17 08:51 Meter/Type: 54150600861 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 709608510051 Supplier Ref: 709608510051 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00207150 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N379.75 - 54043659391421990079 Debt: N3,620.25 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 07/04/17 08:29 Meter/Type: 54150600861 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/fuzomba Token Ref: 709708290041 Supplier Ref: 709708290041 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00208613 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 43784979892116791009 Date Sold: 04/05/17 16:00 Meter/Type: 54150600861 Retailer/Operator: JEDBUKURU/ntorive Token Ref: 712416000356 Supplier Ref: 712416000356 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00242042 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 61664907520672585229 Date Sold: 29/05/17 10:08 Meter/Type: 54150600861 Retailer/Operator: JEDBUKURU/ntorive Token Ref: 714910080084 Supplier Ref: 714910080084 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00270914 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 47032776995779315399 Date Sold: 04/07/17 10:39 Meter/Type: 54150600861 Retailer/Operator: JEDBUKURU/ntorive Token Ref: 718510390394 Supplier Ref: 718510390394 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00319244 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 22160687499779739703 Date Sold: 27/07/17 10:59 Meter/Type: 54150600861 Retailer/Operator: JEDBUKURU/ntorive Token Ref: 720810590332 Supplier Ref: 720810590332 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00348603 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 69244735765947121079 Date Sold: 22/08/17 12:36 Meter/Type: 54150600861 Retailer/Operator: JEDBUKURU/ntorive Token Ref: 723412360359 Supplier Ref: 723412360359 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00380700 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 37493921592599492728 Date Sold: 12/09/17 14:32 Meter/Type: 54150600861 Retailer/Operator: JEDBUKURU/ntorive Token Ref: 725514320280 Supplier Ref: 725514320280 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00410154 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 64617454983156912125 Date Sold: 15/09/17 08:29 Meter/Type: 54150600861 Retailer/Operator: JEDBUKURU/ntorive Token Ref: 725808290042 Supplier Ref: 725808290042 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00413165 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 02484802205616071536 Date Sold: 13/10/17 14:22 Meter/Type: 54150600861 Retailer/Operator: JEDBUKURU/ntorive Token Ref: 728614220404 Supplier Ref: 728614220404 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00452268 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 24641492809887136375 Date Sold: 01/11/17 10:23 Meter/Type: 54150600861 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 730510231105 Supplier Ref: 730510231105 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00477654 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 41891852310280575679 Date Sold: 01/11/17 10:25 Meter/Type: 54150600861 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 730510251107 Supplier Ref: 730510251107 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00477666 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 29697490327159209280 Date Sold: 24/11/17 10:58 Meter/Type: 54150600861 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 678402598987316 Supplier Ref: 678402598987316 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00510439 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 35668172683673129128 Date Sold: 14/12/17 12:17 Meter/Type: 54150600861 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 734812171244 Supplier Ref: 734812171244 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00539503 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 18907710476029756380 Date Sold: 03/01/18 16:36 Meter/Type: 54150600861 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 800316361495 Supplier Ref: 800316361495 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00568160 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 47325833827512003906 Date Sold: 23/01/18 08:47 Meter/Type: 54150600861 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 802308471025 Supplier Ref: 802308471025 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00591179 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 39740162474725793300 Date Sold: 02/02/18 13:00 Meter/Type: 54150600861 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 803313001325 Supplier Ref: 803313001325 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00606657 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 22005561053331825300 Date Sold: 24/02/18 16:44 Meter/Type: 54150600861 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 314009616271176 Supplier Ref: 314009616271176 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00638487 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 42826066135041448974 Date Sold: 14/03/18 13:29 Meter/Type: 54150600861 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000641595037 Supplier Ref: 000641595037 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00667637 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 46519616433616286654 Date Sold: 30/03/18 14:16 Meter/Type: 54150600861 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000643897739 Supplier Ref: 000643897739 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00691471 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 32104453765540124296 Date Sold: 26/04/18 15:51 Meter/Type: 54150600861 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000647795112 Supplier Ref: 000647795112 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00734811 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 63434799467195694649 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/05/18 16:26 Meter/Type: 54150600861 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000651398790 Supplier Ref: 000651398790 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00782186 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 15736467597810631458 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/05/18 17:25 Meter/Type: 54150600861 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 511859033884884 Supplier Ref: 511859033884884 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00782509 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 39348417218553406925 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/07/18 15:03 Meter/Type: 54150600861 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000658734645 Supplier Ref: 000658734645 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00893365 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 56187870542182457527 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/07/18 10:06 Meter/Type: 54150600861 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182080906540 Supplier Ref: 182080906540 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00928382 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 38700841425923662172 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/08/18 11:55 Meter/Type: 54150600861 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182301055023 Supplier Ref: 182301055023 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00986775 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 69347305825532078619 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/09/18 16:12 Meter/Type: 54150600861 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182541512276 Supplier Ref: 182541512276 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01057954 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 66363867830178469688 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/09/18 11:19 Meter/Type: 54150600861 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 502117989754977 Supplier Ref: 502117989754977 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01110216 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 07037170192867358743 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/02/19 09:12 Meter/Type: 54150600861 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190420812257 Supplier Ref: 190420812257 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01794397 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 56964697079332207056 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/04/19 11:33 Meter/Type: 54150600861 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 993929683014450 Supplier Ref: 993929683014450 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02221403 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 37176625728099376006 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/12/19 12:22 Meter/Type: 54150600861 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 867812079176064 Supplier Ref: 867812079176064 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03530544 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 12404507141710995273 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 342020-07-20 aramidee05@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014605Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014604ClosedVending History2020-07-20Request for vending history Please kindly assist provide me with the vending history of this meter number 54160733777. Warm regards Tokper Terungwa CCRM GBOKO REGIONMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-20NoHello, Find below, Date Sold: 22/09/16 14:01 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: JEDGBOKO/AAKAWO Token Ref: 903006407994 Supplier Ref: 903006407994 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00040530 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 40931608430459571298 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 25/10/16 08:10 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: JEDGBOKO/AAKAWO Token Ref: 906300490186 Supplier Ref: 906300490186 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00061565 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 30542267497765280092 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 12/01/17 05:38 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 701204312001 Supplier Ref: 701204312001 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00118977 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 26294504629835047553 Debt: N9,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 17/01/17 10:06 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: JEDGBOKO/AAKAWO Token Ref: 000101422131 Supplier Ref: 000101422131 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00121992 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 09807442358910218478 Date Sold: 13/03/17 11:32 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: JEDGBOKO/AAKAWO Token Ref: 004702362951 Supplier Ref: 004702362951 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00175064 Total Value: N7,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 10115895738869151886 Debt: N6,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 25/03/17 21:17 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 708421092054 Supplier Ref: 708421092054 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00191322 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 66113570335206068735 Date Sold: 05/04/17 08:29 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: JEDGBOKO/AAKAWO Token Ref: 006923320941 Supplier Ref: 006923320941 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00205462 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 68270263481260644290 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 24/05/17 14:05 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: JEDGBOKO/AAKAWO Token Ref: 011905098573 Supplier Ref: 011905098573 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00266677 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 34668023338131743012 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 07/07/17 09:54 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: JEDGBOKO/AAKAWO Token Ref: 016300570347 Supplier Ref: 016300570347 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00323488 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 13771017178311195996 Debt: N6,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 21/07/17 12:56 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 720213000000 Supplier Ref: 720213000000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00341397 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 08897974177248079696 Date Sold: 08/08/17 12:19 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: JEDGBOKO/AAKAWO Token Ref: 019503234479 Supplier Ref: 019503234479 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00365001 Total Value: N3,050.00 Standard: N50.00 - 27386070579356937039 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 08/08/17 13:26 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 722013262002 Supplier Ref: 722013262002 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00365201 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 06681970590130202586 Date Sold: 30/08/17 20:23 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 724219202010 Supplier Ref: 724219202010 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00392954 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 67578756582807631576 Date Sold: 17/09/17 13:40 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 726013392009 Supplier Ref: 726013392009 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00415384 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,085.00 - 71031031299076409563 Debt: N2,915.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 15/10/17 22:26 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 728822242017 Supplier Ref: 728822242017 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00454030 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 50443683829941204690 Date Sold: 22/10/17 20:08 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 729519592015 Supplier Ref: 729519592015 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00462861 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 05491390277022409451 Date Sold: 05/11/17 23:20 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 730923182032 Supplier Ref: 730923182032 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00484253 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 11976576359296655771 Date Sold: 16/11/17 19:02 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 732018582010 Supplier Ref: 732018582010 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00500530 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 36886519723021295305 Date Sold: 04/12/17 17:16 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 733817142004 Supplier Ref: 733817142004 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00525351 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 62234816165086780208 Date Sold: 19/12/17 20:01 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 735320002016 Supplier Ref: 735320002016 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00547107 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 72582880701150980050 Date Sold: 08/02/18 19:49 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 803919472012 Supplier Ref: 803919472012 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00616294 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 70779220136717735426 Date Sold: 17/02/18 15:52 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 804815502010 Supplier Ref: 804815502010 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00628437 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 67462027498855366084 Date Sold: 25/02/18 14:29 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 805614242014 Supplier Ref: 805614242014 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00638799 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 29180555430776522598 Date Sold: 13/03/18 05:01 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 807204592002 Supplier Ref: 807204592002 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00664912 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 05931876917481117279 Date Sold: 05/04/18 00:05 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 809423022023 Supplier Ref: 809423022023 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00699701 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 52076117674520381692 Date Sold: 13/05/18 07:25 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 813306202001 Supplier Ref: 813306202001 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00765494 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 62114041059709555273 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/06/18 20:08 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 818019072006 Supplier Ref: 818019072006 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00865590 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 72364524644266910314 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/08/18 14:28 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 821513262006 Supplier Ref: 821513262006 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00948745 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 34053575109196531896 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/09/18 17:01 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 826216562013 Supplier Ref: 826216562013 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01082269 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 70363582910111822949 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/10/18 21:33 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 828721322029 Supplier Ref: 828721322029 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01161893 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 28427453107712391637 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/12/18 22:07 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 835821062018 Supplier Ref: 835821062018 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01458491 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 42584538606709979923 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/02/19 09:16 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190510817076 Supplier Ref: 190510817076 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01862108 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 26747528079468054060 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/02/19 16:19 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 905615132004 Supplier Ref: 905615132004 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01900435 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 62426088727118993333 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/04/19 15:31 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 791390477219987 Supplier Ref: 791390477219987 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02166468 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 57118978708829677812 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/04/19 22:09 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 910121022007 Supplier Ref: 910121022007 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02168816 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 61326090552031217734 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/06/19 10:09 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191620909374 Supplier Ref: 191620909374 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02486825 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 09900565247021815355 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/07/19 15:58 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 9402320494671 Supplier Ref: 9402320494671 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02584459 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 65115400856211209188 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/07/19 19:31 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156433505117 Supplier Ref: 156433505117 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02714061 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 38092811548418232503 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/08/19 17:21 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192331621202 Supplier Ref: 192331621202 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02839957 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 13901456523732995684 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/09/19 15:26 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156803560877 Supplier Ref: 156803560877 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02935822 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 22135146406771638417 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/09/19 15:29 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192521429574 Supplier Ref: 192521429574 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02935852 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 20096749973872166223 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/10/19 10:08 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157207741152 Supplier Ref: 157207741152 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03190549 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 27903716066180387994 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/11/19 17:20 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157452255757 Supplier Ref: 157452255757 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03366919 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 30310486667592917974 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/12/19 20:13 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157695192767 Supplier Ref: 157695192767 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03593943 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 06613009446973151921 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/01/20 17:12 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157789164113 Supplier Ref: 157789164113 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03688860 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 00766321409425514556 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/01/20 20:28 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158014972025 Supplier Ref: 158014972025 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03900844 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 70283129437765980663 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/02/20 22:26 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158084777582 Supplier Ref: 158084777582 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03981405 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 30937491052923872882 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/02/20 07:56 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158157315103 Supplier Ref: 158157315103 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04055314 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 45771617820692580062 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/02/20 18:47 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158238884531 Supplier Ref: 158238884531 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04145985 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 48299304124165312372 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/03/20 16:07 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158350344834 Supplier Ref: 158350344834 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04299237 Total Value: N2,100.00 Standard: N2,100.00 - 65420453939046644320 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/03/20 16:15 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200851515166 Supplier Ref: 200851515166 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04422124 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 36934420274035244585 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/04/20 06:44 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201060544448 Supplier Ref: 201060544448 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04571674 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 12306596427416567307 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/05/20 15:06 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201291506514 Supplier Ref: 201291506514 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04735842 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 29987083859854179512 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/05/20 12:45 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201391245451 Supplier Ref: 201391245451 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04797557 Total Value: N1,200.00 Standard: N1,200.00 - 45964362480178921695 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/06/20 12:10 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201571210081 Supplier Ref: 201571210081 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04924314 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 16239366386402251039 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/06/20 16:13 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201721613324 Supplier Ref: 201721613324 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05024581 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 05025314630155059125 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/07/20 10:55 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201831055132 Supplier Ref: 201831055132 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05108516 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 00944161786702984712 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/07/20 07:00 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201990700092 Supplier Ref: 201990700092 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05217275 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 67514597793906005381 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 872020-07-20 tokperterungwa@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014603Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014602Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014601ClosedRequest2020-07-20: DEBT DETAILS Assist with debt details, 0101185058365 0101185057300 0101185058068 0101178027813 54160981368 0101178025348 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-20NoHello, Find below the request, 0101185058365 Meter Serial Number: 0101185058365 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101185058365 Start Date: 2/5/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $251,573.61 Outstanding Balance: $224,573.61 Running Balance: $224,573.61 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $4,500.00 Latest Payment: 7/4/2020 1:56:36 PM 0101185057300 Meter Serial Number: 0101185057300 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101185057300 Start Date: 2/5/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $17,739.48 Outstanding Balance: $7,739.48 Running Balance: $7,739.48 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/27/2020 9:44:51 AM 0101185058068 Meter Serial Number: 0101185058068 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101185058068 Start Date: 2/5/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $185,275.42 Outstanding Balance: $170,275.42 Running Balance: $170,275.42 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/7/2020 2:11:53 PM 0101178027813 No Contract (with an Account) 54160981368 Meter Serial Number: 54160981368 Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 524253 Start Date: 3/27/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $81,541.13 Outstanding Balance: $28,541.13 Running Balance: $28,541.13 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/10/2020 2:35:05 PM 0101178025348 Meter Serial Number: 0101178025348 Contract Account Number: 6411902359-01 Debt Details This customer does not have any Debt accounts associated. Best Regards2020-07-20 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014600Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014599Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014598Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014597ClosedKCT Request2020-07-20Good Morning Sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the following MSN 0101165047073 0101165037892 Best Regards.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-20NoHello, Find below, 0101165047073 5378 1378 1030 6314 6144 7148 6326 8849 2317 9745 0101165037892 4090 7599 4222 4065 7101 2578 0975 9209 7850 54032020-07-20 glawal1184@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014596ClosedVending History2020-07-20: Vending history 54161093957 54161094021 54161121675Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-20NoHello, Find below, 54161093957 No token sales found. 54161094021 No token sales found. 54161121675 Date Sold: 29/06/17 13:31 Meter/Type: 54161121675 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 718013305988 Supplier Ref: 718013305988 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00312763 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 02751957782313681797 Date Sold: 15/09/17 15:37 Meter/Type: 54161121675 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 725815360435 Supplier Ref: 725815360435 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00414125 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 05362131286322028857 Debt: N6,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 03/10/17 10:56 Meter/Type: 54161121675 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 727613560055 Supplier Ref: 727613560055 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00435586 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 06213248767146483634 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 14/11/17 08:51 Meter/Type: 54161121675 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000624287231 Supplier Ref: 000624287231 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00496274 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 02369987560958237932 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Total records returned: 42020-07-20 evelyntsokar87@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014595Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014594Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014593ClosedRequest2020-07-20Debt balance Good morning Ict team members please kindly assist me with this meter number 54161016040 original balance running balance and collection value thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-20NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 579422 Start Date: 11/25/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $79,239.07 Outstanding Balance: $61,239.07 Running Balance: $61,239.07 Note: Outstanding Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/15/2020 8:50:23 PM2020-07-20 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014592ClosedVending History2020-07-20Dear Support, Kindly assist us with the VH for 57100028372 54161115156 ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-20NoHello, Find below, 57100028372 Date Sold: 26/08/16 12:00 Meter/Type: 57100028372 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/MBEN Token Ref: 623904000072 Supplier Ref: 623904000072 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00023642 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 25244356445188516790 Debt: N1,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 15/09/16 14:29 Meter/Type: 57100028372 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/MBEN Token Ref: 625906280080 Supplier Ref: 625906280080 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00036220 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N500.00 - 07073482791113318759 Debt: N1,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 27/09/16 08:37 Meter/Type: 57100028372 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/MBEN Token Ref: 627100370007 Supplier Ref: 627100370007 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00042892 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 69282470458463594253 Date Sold: 22/12/16 17:03 Meter/Type: 57100028372 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 005509104815 Supplier Ref: 005509104815 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00103230 Total Value: N5,500.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 46378787182670927345 Debt: N4,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 25/02/17 12:56 Meter/Type: 57100028372 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 002005174032 Supplier Ref: 002005174032 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00155024 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,930.00 - 31187122619686652352 Debt: N1,070.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 02/06/17 08:35 Meter/Type: 57100028372 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/MBEN Token Ref: 000715560414 Supplier Ref: 000715560414 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00277672 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 23189347291409968239 Date Sold: 13/09/17 08:36 Meter/Type: 57100028372 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 725608352188 Supplier Ref: 725608352188 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00410707 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 03939531799193004103 Date Sold: 13/12/17 11:30 Meter/Type: 57100028372 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 940969735176017 Supplier Ref: 940969735176017 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00537800 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 39333383103303579908 Date Sold: 16/03/18 14:53 Meter/Type: 57100028372 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 292537287741594 Supplier Ref: 292537287741594 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00671458 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 52784188891673345048 Date Sold: 13/06/18 14:34 Meter/Type: 57100028372 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 536260677102609 Supplier Ref: 536260677102609 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00831203 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 71148718174192746759 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/09/18 09:38 Meter/Type: 57100028372 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 658481638967603 Supplier Ref: 658481638967603 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01093546 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 59213827029576054847 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/12/18 16:40 Meter/Type: 57100028372 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154436595679 Supplier Ref: 154436595679 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01361282 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 61689603396317124302 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/01/19 14:09 Meter/Type: 57100028372 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154720825213 Supplier Ref: 154720825213 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01559421 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 43156672702942391071 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/01/19 09:37 Meter/Type: 57100028372 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 308642404366108 Supplier Ref: 308642404366108 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01678476 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 31651624427524369345 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/02/19 12:58 Meter/Type: 57100028372 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190561159244 Supplier Ref: 190561159244 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01897790 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 43273732852710758307 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/03/19 17:37 Meter/Type: 57100028372 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155326906261 Supplier Ref: 155326906261 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02055821 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 50072399965562327166 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/04/19 00:03 Meter/Type: 57100028372 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155484736657 Supplier Ref: 155484736657 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02157589 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 14152957848623589985 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/04/19 08:34 Meter/Type: 57100028372 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155487794227 Supplier Ref: 155487794227 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02157779 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 03596429989312990221 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/04/19 12:46 Meter/Type: 57100028372 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 67013582787877 Supplier Ref: 67013582787877 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02159739 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 01214675093182256203 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/05/19 18:09 Meter/Type: 57100028372 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155689965422 Supplier Ref: 155689965422 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02291555 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 51790566637402115807 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/07/19 12:12 Meter/Type: 57100028372 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192001112114 Supplier Ref: 192001112114 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02669876 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 69493963614365754168 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/08/19 10:44 Meter/Type: 57100028372 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192280944323 Supplier Ref: 192280944323 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02812371 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 28805385725888950018 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/10/19 11:01 Meter/Type: 57100028372 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192811002442 Supplier Ref: 192811002442 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03093203 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 49915239564810887574 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/10/19 21:22 Meter/Type: 57100028372 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157254975932 Supplier Ref: 157254975932 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03227765 Total Value: N1,100.00 Standard: N1,100.00 - 56954053146918356599 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/12/19 12:29 Meter/Type: 57100028372 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193401132168 Supplier Ref: 193401132168 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03478846 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 00778119192828988458 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/01/20 13:20 Meter/Type: 57100028372 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200171223438 Supplier Ref: 200171223438 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03814536 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 37193167621654375990 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/03/20 11:46 Meter/Type: 57100028372 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200701046220 Supplier Ref: 200701046220 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04325366 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 02201071243709841664 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/03/20 12:18 Meter/Type: 57100028372 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200701118492 Supplier Ref: 200701118492 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04325799 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 14709571194240608478 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/05/20 08:55 Meter/Type: 57100028372 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201330855370 Supplier Ref: 201330855370 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04759048 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 03248535218059327819 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/06/20 11:28 Meter/Type: 57100028372 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201671128281 Supplier Ref: 201671128281 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04985185 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 51016295195248148974 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/07/20 10:38 Meter/Type: 57100028372 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201881038264 Supplier Ref: 201881038264 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05144405 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 29288047225074646778 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 402020-07-20 evelyntsokar87@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014591ClosedRequest2020-07-20: REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE AND COLLECTION VALUE 54160975121Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-20NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: outstanding balance Reference Number: 54160975121 Start Date: 4/1/2017 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $74,617.19 Outstanding Balance: $61,617.19 Running Balance: $61,617.19 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,000.00 Latest Payment: 12/19/2018 1:31:58 PM2020-07-20 longpuan@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014590ClosedRequest2020-07-20: 0101178027617 Pls I debt profile of the above account. Thank youMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-20NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 6126900263-01 Start Date: 2/9/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $599,902.50 Outstanding Balance: $599,902.50 Running Balance: $599,902.50 Note: Outstanding migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $50,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-20 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014589ClosedRequest2020-07-20REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE (54160947278) Dear support kindly supply us with the debt profile of this customer warm regardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-20NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 419777 Start Date: 2/20/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $205,002.09 Outstanding Balance: $194,502.09 Running Balance: $194,502.09 Note: Outstanding migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,500.00 Latest Payment: 4/6/2020 3:22:27 PM2020-07-20 tyoverpeter@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014588ClosedKCT Request2020-07-20: REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101185048523 Kindly assist with KCT pleaseMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-20NoHello, Find below request, 0101185048523 5721 3814 1576 0866 4254 3573 0215 3151 1078 05212020-07-20 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014587ClosedRequest2020-07-20: Debt balance Please Ict kindly assist me with this meter number 0101161039868 original balance running balance and collection value thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-20NoHello, Find below, Meter Serial Number: 0101161039868 Contract Account Number: 613604 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 613604 Start Date: 4/2/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $11,265.76 Outstanding Balance: $11,265.76 Running Balance: $11,265.76 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,500.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-20 Zainab Mujtaba
#00014586ClosedVending History2020-07-20: KCT Assist with vending history, 0101170152637 ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-20NoGood morning, Find below, Date Sold: 27/04/18 16:34 Meter/Type: 0101170152637 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 552338427381413 Supplier Ref: 552338427381413 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00737173 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 66601327057022526877 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/05/18 12:51 Meter/Type: 0101170152637 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 814311511390 Supplier Ref: 814311511390 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00786162 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 49468478898511718116 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/07/18 12:06 Meter/Type: 0101170152637 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000657996894 Supplier Ref: 000657996894 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00882137 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 70922457065293958169 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/07/18 11:02 Meter/Type: 0101170152637 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 821110021048 Supplier Ref: 821110021048 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00934298 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 01722324799441056221 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/08/18 15:40 Meter/Type: 0101170152637 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 823914401277 Supplier Ref: 823914401277 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01012101 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 52135063025993964523 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/09/18 15:16 Meter/Type: 0101170152637 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182621516242 Supplier Ref: 182621516242 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01081735 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 56761994474262619264 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/10/18 13:21 Meter/Type: 0101170152637 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000672698471 Supplier Ref: 000672698471 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01168151 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 72601072805438681173 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/11/18 10:26 Meter/Type: 0101170152637 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183061026070 Supplier Ref: 183061026070 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01227850 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 71781327515450596023 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/11/18 10:31 Meter/Type: 0101170152637 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183231031020 Supplier Ref: 183231031020 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01284993 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 44301711173051602306 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/12/18 11:14 Meter/Type: 0101170152637 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183541014343 Supplier Ref: 183541014343 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01420189 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N934.97 - 06511848434530214496 Debt: N1,565.03 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/02/19 14:25 Meter/Type: 0101170152637 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155006074692 Supplier Ref: 155006074692 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01815779 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 11732267839189216718 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/02/19 14:26 Meter/Type: 0101170152637 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155006082353 Supplier Ref: 155006082353 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01815794 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 21821074122415472564 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/03/19 12:32 Meter/Type: 0101170152637 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190701133095 Supplier Ref: 190701133095 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01996271 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 49760425698614176206 Debt: N1,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/04/19 17:54 Meter/Type: 0101170152637 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155482526534 Supplier Ref: 155482526534 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02156178 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 17077371758843388790 Debt: N1,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/11/19 12:56 Meter/Type: 0101170152637 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193261158154 Supplier Ref: 193261158154 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03356143 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 69355631046768427582 Debt: N7,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 272020-07-20 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014585ClosedKCT Request2020-07-20REQUEST FOR KCT- 0101190006177 PLEASE TRAETMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-20NoHello, Find below the request, 0101190006177 6238 4529 2564 6023 1133 0786 7461 3115 3390 40972020-07-20 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014584ClosedVending History2020-07-20Dear IT Support Team, Kindly furnish us with VH of 04181734767 Thank youMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-20NoGood morning, No token sales found or you send wrong meter number. Thanks.2020-07-20 aramidee05@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014583ClosedKCT Request2020-07-20: Request for kct Dear sir please help generate kct for the MSN: 0101178019416. Thank youMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-20NoGood morning, Find below the request, 0101178019416 4907 9155 2429 6799 0038 3887 8556 7038 8268 94592020-07-20 jubilant95@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014582ClosedRequest2020-07-20Hello, Kindly assist with debt profile of the meter serial numbers below 0101170245043 0101170197863 0101170197863Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-20NoGood morning, Find below the request, 0101170245043 Meter Serial Number: 0101170245043 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170245043 Start Date: 10/6/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $281,449.88 Outstanding Balance: $270,449.88 Running Balance: $270,449.88 Note: Outstanding migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: 5/22/2020 3:58:04 PM 0101170197863 Meter Serial Number: 0101170197863 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 549272 Start Date: 6/25/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $83,899.25 Outstanding Balance: $77,899.25 Running Balance: $77,899.25 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Per Vend Amount Collection Value: $3,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/17/2020 11:27:25 AM 0101170197863 Same as above.2020-07-20 phartiemah12@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014581ClosedRequest2020-07-20: REQUEST FOR UNISTAR VENDIN HISTORY - 63.0101.0013.0809 - 61/29/01/2975-01 Good morning ICT Team, kindly furnish us with the above information please. Thank youMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-20NoGood Morning, Find attached for your information.2020-07-20 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014580ClosedTamper Code2020-07-20clear temper requestMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-20NoHello Engineer, Find below as requested, 0101185057763 0747 0310 2183 7978 6804Clear Tamper Regards.2020-07-20 ahmadtyno@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014579ClosedRequest2020-07-20Hello, Kindly assist with the debt profile of this MSN 0101170297614 Thank youMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-20NoGood Morning, Find below the request, Meter Serial Number: 0101170297614 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170297614 Start Date: 3/6/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $50,614.55 Outstanding Balance: $44,614.55 Running Balance: $44,614.55 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 5/28/2020 9:35:47 AM2020-07-20 mwuladi@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014578ClosedRequest2020-07-20REQUEST FOR OUTSTANDING DEBT 0101160010175 Dear sir, Please the above subject refers to resolved customer complaint. Regards.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-20NoGood Morning, Find below the request, Meter Serial Number: 0101160010175 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101160010175 Start Date: 2/7/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $10,077.49 Outstanding Balance: $0.00 Running Balance: $0.00 Note: none specified Status: Paid off Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/3/2020 9:44:31 AM2020-07-20 maryambashir4645@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014577Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014576ClosedRequest2020-07-17: 54160927940 Pls we need the account no for this meterMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-17NoHello, Find below, Customer Details Name: YOKO EMMANUEL Surname: VICTOR Meter Serial Number: 54160927940 Account Number: 6462882020-07-17 stynlucs@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014575ClosedRequest2020-07-17DEBT DETAILS Assist with debt details 0101170154484 Thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-17NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 641509219401 Start Date: 1/14/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $18,002.85 Outstanding Balance: $18,002.85 Running Balance: $18,002.85 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-17 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014574ClosedRequest2020-07-170101170372433 Pls we need the acct no for this meterMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-17NoHello, Find below, Customer Details Name: ANGELA Surname: SHINKUR Meter Serial Number: 0101170372433 Account Number: 6573731303-012020-07-17 stynlucs@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014573ClosedKCT Request2020-07-17Assist with key change 04232959983 Thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-17NoHello, Find below, 04232959983 5771 2229 3948 2240 6016 2606 4815 8102 9552 98552020-07-17 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014572ClosedRequest2020-07-17Hello Support Team, Kindly provide us with the above mentioned. Regards,Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-17NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101161065491 Start Date: 1/28/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $268,895.48 Outstanding Balance: $254,395.48 Running Balance: $254,395.48 Note: Outstanding migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,500.00 Latest Payment: 7/8/2020 12:32:23 PM2020-07-17 muhammad.dalhatu2019@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014571ClosedRequest2020-07-17Please kindly assist with debt details for MSN. 0101160046575 Thanks Best RegardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-17NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 6461115164-01 Start Date: 4/22/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $338,658.02 Outstanding Balance: $328,658.02 Running Balance: $328,658.02 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: 5/15/2019 10:30:38 AM2020-07-17 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014570ClosedVending History2020-07-17Dear IT Support Team, Kindly furnish us with VH of 0101170270744 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-17NoHello, Find below, Date Sold: 05/06/18 12:29 Meter/Type: 0101170270744 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000653535146 Supplier Ref: 000653535146 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00814136 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 66817974438874842059 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/06/18 09:12 Meter/Type: 0101170270744 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 816308121032 Supplier Ref: 816308121032 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00827662 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 41699752194505430099 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/06/18 19:10 Meter/Type: 0101170270744 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000655447135 Supplier Ref: 000655447135 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00839805 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 29925148287689208420 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/06/18 13:33 Meter/Type: 0101170270744 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000656133538 Supplier Ref: 000656133538 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00851111 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 71721154424039732370 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/06/18 20:15 Meter/Type: 0101170270744 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000656749752 Supplier Ref: 000656749752 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00859839 Total Value: N600.00 Standard: N600.00 - 69243045467590745352 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/06/18 13:17 Meter/Type: 0101170270744 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 818112171390 Supplier Ref: 818112171390 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00867014 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 18030750406739946187 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/07/18 17:20 Meter/Type: 0101170270744 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000658172297 Supplier Ref: 000658172297 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00885711 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 45789183637762595588 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/07/18 17:59 Meter/Type: 0101170270744 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000659472194 Supplier Ref: 000659472194 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00904677 Total Value: N650.00 Standard: N650.00 - 14766458422064650844 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/07/18 17:39 Meter/Type: 0101170270744 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 181991639280 Supplier Ref: 181991639280 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00909615 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 04195671454318212975 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/07/18 19:33 Meter/Type: 0101170270744 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000660345617 Supplier Ref: 000660345617 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00917070 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 66029337006453967493 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/07/18 21:01 Meter/Type: 0101170270744 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000660930304 Supplier Ref: 000660930304 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00928015 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 42491794341385294069 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/07/18 07:34 Meter/Type: 0101170270744 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000661569618 Supplier Ref: 000661569618 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00937295 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 38650714292384228586 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/08/18 12:42 Meter/Type: 0101170270744 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000662176522 Supplier Ref: 000662176522 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00951447 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 51018151460285585853 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/08/18 17:57 Meter/Type: 0101170270744 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 153434866107 Supplier Ref: 153434866107 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00979738 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 18842344801218741379 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/08/18 14:22 Meter/Type: 0101170270744 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 153476776035 Supplier Ref: 153476776035 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00991953 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 22887022220956980550 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/08/18 18:09 Meter/Type: 0101170270744 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 153495419641 Supplier Ref: 153495419641 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00998034 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 66662144651924958267 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/08/18 21:29 Meter/Type: 0101170270744 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 153531174351 Supplier Ref: 153531174351 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01009360 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 02103882141901687377 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/09/18 16:37 Meter/Type: 0101170270744 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 153589902714 Supplier Ref: 153589902714 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01030504 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 50339602413221732618 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/09/18 14:44 Meter/Type: 0101170270744 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 153623783885 Supplier Ref: 153623783885 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01043823 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 36093921815914144674 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/09/18 10:23 Meter/Type: 0101170270744 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 226774783472017 Supplier Ref: 226774783472017 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01045331 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 57215394837363238502 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/09/18 14:34 Meter/Type: 0101170270744 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 153814166414 Supplier Ref: 153814166414 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01108061 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 14425349700797989752 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/10/18 16:53 Meter/Type: 0101170270744 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 153858200628 Supplier Ref: 153858200628 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01124581 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 03849160637605107999 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/10/18 20:15 Meter/Type: 0101170270744 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 153868051005 Supplier Ref: 153868051005 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01129426 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 47412456244632109634 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/10/18 16:14 Meter/Type: 0101170270744 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 153970287037 Supplier Ref: 153970287037 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01169220 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 30006788865341328134 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/10/18 17:00 Meter/Type: 0101170270744 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154022400861 Supplier Ref: 154022400861 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01189234 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 52922012294635001470 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/10/18 16:56 Meter/Type: 0101170270744 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154082858805 Supplier Ref: 154082858805 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01213409 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 14228110868564581877 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/10/18 16:59 Meter/Type: 0101170270744 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154082875852 Supplier Ref: 154082875852 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01213431 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 00664016178591877105 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/11/18 15:38 Meter/Type: 0101170270744 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154203353285 Supplier Ref: 154203353285 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01263996 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 39115249481152095740 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/11/18 09:46 Meter/Type: 0101170270744 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154244437498 Supplier Ref: 154244437498 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01280172 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 20397926879880369773 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/11/18 20:10 Meter/Type: 0101170270744 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000679219185 Supplier Ref: 000679219185 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01328381 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 37868027054036647489 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/12/18 19:49 Meter/Type: 0101170270744 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154472335200 Supplier Ref: 154472335200 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01385390 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 58637202797992086133 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/12/18 17:19 Meter/Type: 0101170270744 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154531920364 Supplier Ref: 154531920364 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01423961 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 46547718960232760663 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/12/18 15:18 Meter/Type: 0101170270744 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154608952602 Supplier Ref: 154608952602 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01486079 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 68365408866849677504 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/01/19 20:30 Meter/Type: 0101170270744 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154688584068 Supplier Ref: 154688584068 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01534689 Total Value: N480.00 Standard: N480.00 - 66927249287238636050 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/01/19 17:49 Meter/Type: 0101170270744 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154713537956 Supplier Ref: 154713537956 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01553798 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 66897686992337124575 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/01/19 18:05 Meter/Type: 0101170270744 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154834594706 Supplier Ref: 154834594706 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01656942 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 72603024662513743042 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/02/19 12:33 Meter/Type: 0101170270744 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 903311330000 Supplier Ref: 903311330000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01733015 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 29801564947121074900 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/02/19 16:21 Meter/Type: 0101170270744 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155015407982 Supplier Ref: 155015407982 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01826365 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 68682330243551444973 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/03/19 17:56 Meter/Type: 0101170270744 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190304460367 Supplier Ref: 190304460367 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB01957442 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 10663178907391816879 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/03/19 12:20 Meter/Type: 0101170270744 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155204040774 Supplier Ref: 155204040774 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01983151 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 32779399524071074838 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/04/19 14:37 Meter/Type: 0101170270744 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155628227502 Supplier Ref: 155628227502 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02247074 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 29518225454170395821 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/06/19 09:40 Meter/Type: 0101170270744 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155997963007 Supplier Ref: 155997963007 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02471516 Total Value: N950.00 Standard: N950.00 - 26429885721680430216 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/06/19 16:26 Meter/Type: 0101170270744 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156000395683 Supplier Ref: 156000395683 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02474704 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 34119323779123510782 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/06/19 20:02 Meter/Type: 0101170270744 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156027615096 Supplier Ref: 156027615096 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02490953 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 69875172139358615529 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/06/19 08:49 Meter/Type: 0101170270744 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156049496862 Supplier Ref: 156049496862 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02502207 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 59435773573355212012 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/01/20 14:35 Meter/Type: 0101170270744 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200151339177 Supplier Ref: 200151339177 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03800265 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 45990401895716785618 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/01/20 21:02 Meter/Type: 0101170270744 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200272005596 Supplier Ref: 200272005596 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03901220 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 70417748293728965579 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/02/20 11:51 Meter/Type: 0101170270744 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200391051432 Supplier Ref: 200391051432 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04012735 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 72480578041855022720 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/02/20 16:33 Meter/Type: 0101170270744 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200571533376 Supplier Ref: 200571533376 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04183824 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 37117160482627211031 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/03/20 18:53 Meter/Type: 0101170270744 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200691753196 Supplier Ref: 200691753196 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04323917 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 72334937264244229529 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/03/20 11:37 Meter/Type: 0101170270744 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200801037332 Supplier Ref: 200801037332 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04384086 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 48048827793693097091 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/03/20 13:49 Meter/Type: 0101170270744 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200851249315 Supplier Ref: 200851249315 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04420241 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 48370202086107341400 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/04/20 13:44 Meter/Type: 0101170270744 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201161344590 Supplier Ref: 201161344590 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04655004 Total Value: N450.00 Standard: N450.00 - 50721491458578180410 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/05/20 12:52 Meter/Type: 0101170270744 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201251252543 Supplier Ref: 201251252543 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04708956 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 59401663381184116949 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/05/20 16:07 Meter/Type: 0101170270744 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201371608005 Supplier Ref: 201371608005 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04790587 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 50185445391373573779 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/05/20 20:08 Meter/Type: 0101170270744 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201492008268 Supplier Ref: 201492008268 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04870082 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 28450170470185156344 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/06/20 12:02 Meter/Type: 0101170270744 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201811202142 Supplier Ref: 201811202142 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05087556 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 36923450551816210279 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 1062020-07-17 aramidee05@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014569ClosedVending History2020-07-17Dear IT Support Team, Kindly furnish us with VH of 0101170116830 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-17NoHello, Find below, Date Sold: 22/02/18 07:06 Meter/Type: 0101170116830 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000638676653 Supplier Ref: 000638676653 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00634546 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 64978246065927755720 Date Sold: 06/03/18 10:31 Meter/Type: 0101170116830 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000640425180 Supplier Ref: 000640425180 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00654035 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 72727936468173892035 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 05/04/18 14:23 Meter/Type: 0101170116830 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000644762366 Supplier Ref: 000644762366 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00700878 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 69296363342410371298 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 01/05/18 12:50 Meter/Type: 0101170116830 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000648497091 Supplier Ref: 000648497091 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00744212 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 27132733060251338407 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/06/18 14:04 Meter/Type: 0101170116830 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000653112657 Supplier Ref: 000653112657 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00808623 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 45016917538870925367 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/06/18 10:23 Meter/Type: 0101170116830 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000656834526 Supplier Ref: 000656834526 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00860451 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 59969030889320363477 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/07/18 21:05 Meter/Type: 0101170116830 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000658194766 Supplier Ref: 000658194766 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00885899 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 66931519769418275864 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/07/18 12:16 Meter/Type: 0101170116830 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000661453800 Supplier Ref: 000661453800 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00934806 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 45894216252788360061 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/08/18 16:07 Meter/Type: 0101170116830 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000663061071 Supplier Ref: 000663061071 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00967543 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 00274639072464493764 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/09/18 20:49 Meter/Type: 0101170116830 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 493316550638406 Supplier Ref: 493316550638406 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01035263 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 52414453682911493754 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/10/18 11:47 Meter/Type: 0101170116830 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 181003962380 Supplier Ref: 181003962380 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB01122460 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 72270083972612223749 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/10/18 11:50 Meter/Type: 0101170116830 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 181023302174 Supplier Ref: 181023302174 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB01191344 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 20488772443200099307 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/11/18 20:42 Meter/Type: 0101170116830 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 181108251227 Supplier Ref: 181108251227 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB01252761 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 60046711375151697184 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/11/18 07:42 Meter/Type: 0101170116830 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 181123877416 Supplier Ref: 181123877416 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB01299196 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 10210796743505767273 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/12/18 15:18 Meter/Type: 0101170116830 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 181210620238 Supplier Ref: 181210620238 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB01366342 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 17105572930734627729 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/12/18 19:58 Meter/Type: 0101170116830 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 181225685249 Supplier Ref: 181225685249 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB01461222 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 26335900971994077232 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/01/19 21:26 Meter/Type: 0101170116830 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190114657140 Supplier Ref: 190114657140 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB01582433 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 37573305388888720190 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/03/19 13:32 Meter/Type: 0101170116830 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190327796268 Supplier Ref: 190327796268 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02077580 Total Value: N4,500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 44065046759395031423 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/08/19 10:07 Meter/Type: 0101170116830 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156594284390 Supplier Ref: 156594284390 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02812091 Total Value: N950.00 Standard: N950.00 - 12874708789764941007 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/08/19 14:37 Meter/Type: 0101170116830 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156673665070 Supplier Ref: 156673665070 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02856739 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 26932848800971069781 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/09/19 19:08 Meter/Type: 0101170116830 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156856731746 Supplier Ref: 156856731746 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02968291 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 52934566561358407027 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/09/19 12:06 Meter/Type: 0101170116830 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192661107347 Supplier Ref: 192661107347 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03008761 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 16028938255099794312 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/10/19 18:26 Meter/Type: 0101170116830 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157063842910 Supplier Ref: 157063842910 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03102551 Total Value: N1,450.00 Standard: N1,450.00 - 35301830455590550263 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/10/19 15:51 Meter/Type: 0101170116830 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157183876954 Supplier Ref: 157183876954 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03175920 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 03130511467252973482 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/11/19 07:36 Meter/Type: 0101170116830 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157293226616 Supplier Ref: 157293226616 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03254169 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 35045318077390270901 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/01/20 16:42 Meter/Type: 0101170116830 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 500920421005610 Supplier Ref: 500920421005610 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03897648 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 04487320745752874228 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 392020-07-17 aramidee05@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014568Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014567ClosedRequest2020-07-17Assist with debt details, 0101170235754 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-17NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 6461114747-01 Start Date: 5/20/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $162,164.56 Outstanding Balance: $152,164.56 Running Balance: $152,164.56 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/15/2020 3:22:54 PM2020-07-17 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014566ClosedRequest2020-07-17REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILS AND VENDING HISTORY Please kindly assist with debt details and vending history for MSN. 0101170125955 Thanks Best RegardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-17NoHello, Find below, Date Sold: 20/02/18 15:24 Meter/Type: 0101170125955 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 805115241472 Supplier Ref: 805115241472 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00632383 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 27212094465235253310 Date Sold: 28/02/18 08:03 Meter/Type: 0101170125955 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 805908021008 Supplier Ref: 805908021008 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00643059 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 56259137124157131194 Date Sold: 02/03/18 12:18 Meter/Type: 0101170125955 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000639859863 Supplier Ref: 000639859863 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00648103 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 01842974877140234020 Debt: N7,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 09/03/18 12:22 Meter/Type: 0101170125955 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 806812221373 Supplier Ref: 806812221373 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00659663 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 24346402909221489517 Date Sold: 19/03/18 09:55 Meter/Type: 0101170125955 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 807809551174 Supplier Ref: 807809551174 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00674265 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 65291486770456321580 Date Sold: 23/03/18 15:40 Meter/Type: 0101170125955 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 18961526227460 Supplier Ref: 18961526227460 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00681451 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 32171419119155751192 Date Sold: 29/03/18 12:31 Meter/Type: 0101170125955 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 808811311377 Supplier Ref: 808811311377 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00689222 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 16370711389005348497 Date Sold: 05/04/18 11:40 Meter/Type: 0101170125955 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000644746018 Supplier Ref: 000644746018 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00700305 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 19316100605685230686 Debt: N7,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 18/04/18 15:28 Meter/Type: 0101170125955 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000646640912 Supplier Ref: 000646640912 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00722221 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 16781761034877342685 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/04/18 16:42 Meter/Type: 0101170125955 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 811815411401 Supplier Ref: 811815411401 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00739049 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 63411132517089296761 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/04/18 20:12 Meter/Type: 0101170125955 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 812019121037 Supplier Ref: 812019121037 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00743236 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 63054654732007069545 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/05/18 15:46 Meter/Type: 0101170125955 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 814314461618 Supplier Ref: 814314461618 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00786802 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 68304231664630258029 Debt: N7,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/05/18 09:37 Meter/Type: 0101170125955 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 311877708654615 Supplier Ref: 311877708654615 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00798794 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 45606455732630538315 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/06/18 21:34 Meter/Type: 0101170125955 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 816420341819 Supplier Ref: 816420341819 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00832101 Total Value: N9,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 13551595942809266742 Debt: N7,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/06/18 16:15 Meter/Type: 0101170125955 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000656293739 Supplier Ref: 000656293739 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00852024 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 54368912648167366869 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/07/18 13:15 Meter/Type: 0101170125955 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 684978886206898 Supplier Ref: 684978886206898 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00885162 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 33396054002964908320 Debt: N7,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/07/18 10:29 Meter/Type: 0101170125955 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 181940929378 Supplier Ref: 181940929378 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00897378 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 02360555164733819378 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/07/18 12:46 Meter/Type: 0101170125955 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 465847534151677 Supplier Ref: 465847534151677 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00908438 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 07047739280673366825 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/07/18 20:52 Meter/Type: 0101170125955 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182091952596 Supplier Ref: 182091952596 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00932893 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 00207717424487333290 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/08/18 11:02 Meter/Type: 0101170125955 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182151002538 Supplier Ref: 182151002538 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00947597 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 47899322351339970994 Debt: N7,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/08/18 11:31 Meter/Type: 0101170125955 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182301031497 Supplier Ref: 182301031497 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00986628 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 70181289127521636145 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/08/18 14:36 Meter/Type: 0101170125955 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 517658971104955 Supplier Ref: 517658971104955 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01000645 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 49365828925687002384 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/08/18 20:11 Meter/Type: 0101170125955 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182401911235 Supplier Ref: 182401911235 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01016863 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 01010840468378447680 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/09/18 13:56 Meter/Type: 0101170125955 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182641356230 Supplier Ref: 182641356230 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01087377 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 55614193927891737780 Debt: N7,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/10/18 09:45 Meter/Type: 0101170125955 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 181009773466 Supplier Ref: 181009773466 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB01143455 Total Value: N9,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 21348629803935733867 Debt: N7,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/10/18 14:57 Meter/Type: 0101170125955 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182911457222 Supplier Ref: 182911457222 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01176034 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 13517276705380019752 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/10/18 08:47 Meter/Type: 0101170125955 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183020847133 Supplier Ref: 183020847133 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01210084 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 13547837791598170838 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/11/18 10:01 Meter/Type: 0101170125955 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 181109453258 Supplier Ref: 181109453258 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB01253613 Total Value: N9,800.00 Standard: N2,800.00 - 68946208052606235915 Debt: N7,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/11/18 08:38 Meter/Type: 0101170125955 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183250838225 Supplier Ref: 183250838225 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01291685 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 42665723150684858027 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/11/18 20:24 Meter/Type: 0101170125955 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 865380582843054 Supplier Ref: 865380582843054 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01306949 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 69495843984278577890 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/11/18 12:18 Meter/Type: 0101170125955 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000679027922 Supplier Ref: 000679027922 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01321076 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 18840652823570324807 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/12/18 14:15 Meter/Type: 0101170125955 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183461315144 Supplier Ref: 183461315144 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01377786 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 29039098968718900699 Debt: N7,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/01/19 12:45 Meter/Type: 0101170125955 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190031145422 Supplier Ref: 190031145422 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01510813 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 00524610026998365385 Debt: N7,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/01/19 18:51 Meter/Type: 0101170125955 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 818013191011860 Supplier Ref: 818013191011860 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01534083 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 70095984973792675148 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/01/19 19:20 Meter/Type: 0101170125955 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 85425236753677 Supplier Ref: 85425236753677 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01598298 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 46944951898229743494 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/01/19 14:20 Meter/Type: 0101170125955 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190126160363 Supplier Ref: 190126160363 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB01671498 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 05976445666368039181 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/01/19 13:57 Meter/Type: 0101170125955 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190131173181 Supplier Ref: 190131173181 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB01713107 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 44863817360791950631 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/02/19 15:54 Meter/Type: 0101170125955 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190421454347 Supplier Ref: 190421454347 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01800199 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,128.42 - 07924030401738960052 Debt: N1,871.58 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/02/19 13:36 Meter/Type: 0101170125955 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190217130349 Supplier Ref: 190217130349 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB01844118 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 05872790606818086552 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/02/19 10:33 Meter/Type: 0101170125955 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190530933540 Supplier Ref: 190530933540 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01878627 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 30952455408377216760 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/02/19 14:35 Meter/Type: 0101170125955 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190581335421 Supplier Ref: 190581335421 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01916814 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 12112523573445187623 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/03/19 22:25 Meter/Type: 0101170125955 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 781499170699740 Supplier Ref: 781499170699740 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01959409 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 67852860458849525436 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/03/19 13:47 Meter/Type: 0101170125955 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190315218287 Supplier Ref: 190315218287 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02020950 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 05268088358729457801 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/03/19 23:54 Meter/Type: 0101170125955 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 684656433951934 Supplier Ref: 684656433951934 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02062633 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 25601431601036181310 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/04/19 13:42 Meter/Type: 0101170125955 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190403407637 Supplier Ref: 190403407637 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02119678 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 14855977227596476610 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/04/19 19:16 Meter/Type: 0101170125955 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155508913922 Supplier Ref: 155508913922 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02174268 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 28918790617374643147 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/04/19 07:43 Meter/Type: 0101170125955 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 332591219321626 Supplier Ref: 332591219321626 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02250426 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 64046494172239960706 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/05/19 11:44 Meter/Type: 0101170125955 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155713587827 Supplier Ref: 155713587827 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02302856 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 25511812912315080231 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/05/19 19:20 Meter/Type: 0101170125955 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155794079974 Supplier Ref: 155794079974 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02348231 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 32901147258430033717 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/05/19 11:49 Meter/Type: 0101170125955 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190529252386 Supplier Ref: 190529252386 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02414418 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 41137883885618511193 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/06/19 12:35 Meter/Type: 0101170125955 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155964441882 Supplier Ref: 155964441882 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02451046 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 02404309170728366661 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/06/19 18:21 Meter/Type: 0101170125955 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156001084472 Supplier Ref: 156001084472 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02475296 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 63500437887457227771 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/08/19 20:58 Meter/Type: 0101170125955 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190810439247 Supplier Ref: 190810439247 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02787976 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 67387560368587143750 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/08/19 20:33 Meter/Type: 0101170125955 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192231933203 Supplier Ref: 192231933203 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02790748 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 46233678253009066896 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 60 Zainab Mujtaba IT Support Officer JOS Electricity Distribution Plc E1: Zainab.mujtaba@jedplc.com E2: support@jedplc.com E3:talktozainab123@gmail.com W: www.jedplc.com This message and attachments are confidential and intended solely for the individual(s) stated in this message. If you received this message although you are not the addressee, you are responsible to keep the message confidential. The sender has no responsibility for the accuracy or correctness of the information in the message and its attachments. Our company shall have no liability for any changes or late receiving, loss of integrity and confidentiality, viruses and any damages caused in anyway to your computer system. From: fatima umar [mailto:faayu472003@gmail.com] Sent: Friday, July 17, 2020 12:29 PM To: Jed It Support Cc: Austin Lucky; Garba Lawal; Performance Monitoring Unit; hadiza Sani Sambo; faiza tafida; suleman abba; Ahmad Shehu Subject: Re: REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILS AND VENDING HISTORY kindly assist and send the customers vending history as requested please. On Fri, 17 Jul 2020, 11:53 am Jed It Support wrote: Hello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170125955 Start Date: 3/1/2018 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $78,871.58 Outstanding Balance: $0.00 Running Balance: $0.00 Note: none specified Status: Paid off Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $7,000.00 Latest Payment: 2/11/2019 2:54:28 PM2020-07-17 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014565ClosedKCT Request2020-07-17: KCT REQUEST Please kindly assist with key change for MSN. 1. 0101165049004 2. 0101175104351 Thanks Best RegardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-17NoHello, Find below, 0101165049004 5594 7309 4253 0744 2968 Key Change Token 4730 4338 4565 1512 6011 Key Change Token 0101175104351 3293 4859 5436 4864 0928 Key Change Token 1156 3313 0429 7386 3990 Key Change Token2020-07-17 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014564ClosedKCT Request2020-07-17: KCT Kindly provide us with the KCT of this meter 0101160356891 Thank youMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-17NoHello, Find below, 0101160356891 7127 0712 5016 9168 8464 1937 0046 6036 6655 73742020-07-17 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014563ClosedRequest2020-07-17REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILS Please kindly assist with debt details for MSN. 0101170204651 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-17NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170204651 Start Date: 3/28/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $32,666.83 Outstanding Balance: $24,666.83 Running Balance: $24,666.83 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/18/2020 7:53:53 PM2020-07-17 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014562ClosedVending History2020-07-17REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY - 0101170197863 Please assist with VH. Kindly treat as urgent pleaseMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-17NoHello, Find below, Date Sold: 29/09/18 18:17 Meter/Type: 0101170197863 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182721817306 Supplier Ref: 182721817306 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01111947 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 65455905197783407492 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/12/18 12:42 Meter/Type: 0101170197863 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154608017184 Supplier Ref: 154608017184 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01484806 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 61697418021660298421 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/03/19 16:38 Meter/Type: 0101170197863 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 906115382148 Supplier Ref: 906115382148 Receipt: PagT13EMDB01943064 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 17906897316886999701 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/04/19 17:50 Meter/Type: 0101170197863 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190911650568 Supplier Ref: 190911650568 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02108042 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 59618100968345831226 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/04/19 15:27 Meter/Type: 0101170197863 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191201427228 Supplier Ref: 191201427228 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02271039 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 03620146584991905150 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/05/19 13:09 Meter/Type: 0101170197863 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191411209200 Supplier Ref: 191411209200 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02373727 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 00356340969351609036 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/06/19 17:22 Meter/Type: 0101170197863 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191681622171 Supplier Ref: 191681622171 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02518725 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 01713685188235394494 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/07/19 11:22 Meter/Type: 0101170197863 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 919010226798 Supplier Ref: 919010226798 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02621790 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 59761321255511087240 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/08/19 14:00 Meter/Type: 0101170197863 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 921413009616 Supplier Ref: 921413009616 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02743468 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 65472251910917000115 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/08/19 22:04 Meter/Type: 0101170197863 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192242104356 Supplier Ref: 192242104356 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02795853 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 71165882158416098173 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/08/19 12:40 Meter/Type: 0101170197863 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192331140475 Supplier Ref: 192331140475 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02837988 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 48752360610712262249 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/09/19 11:21 Meter/Type: 0101170197863 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192491021331 Supplier Ref: 192491021331 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02919609 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 67157074252631876041 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/09/19 16:36 Meter/Type: 0101170197863 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156899020017 Supplier Ref: 156899020017 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02996566 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 24440443738809655922 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/10/19 11:37 Meter/Type: 0101170197863 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192811038571 Supplier Ref: 192811038571 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03093488 Total Value: N950.00 Standard: N950.00 - 55138690209260723969 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/10/19 10:15 Meter/Type: 0101170197863 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193030917122 Supplier Ref: 193030917122 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03214105 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 63894349749994971348 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/10/19 10:23 Meter/Type: 0101170197863 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193030925003 Supplier Ref: 193030925003 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03214185 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 49648843558432910394 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/11/19 11:24 Meter/Type: 0101170197863 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 711118549195113 Supplier Ref: 711118549195113 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03314571 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 01045023525225278296 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/12/19 11:48 Meter/Type: 0101170197863 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 935010480000 Supplier Ref: 935010480000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03541233 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 04840555982420741597 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/01/20 13:36 Meter/Type: 0101170197863 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200041239408 Supplier Ref: 200041239408 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03707885 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 11604216076343468687 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/01/20 16:12 Meter/Type: 0101170197863 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158030736312 Supplier Ref: 158030736312 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03917697 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 32962275090605808594 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/02/20 15:19 Meter/Type: 0101170197863 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 005214150000 Supplier Ref: 005214150000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04133721 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 23026830765303773106 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/03/20 09:16 Meter/Type: 0101170197863 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 006508120000 Supplier Ref: 006508120000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04278775 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 55126743381800983504 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/03/20 17:16 Meter/Type: 0101170197863 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200741616063 Supplier Ref: 200741616063 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04351587 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 06189273101181545805 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/03/20 14:53 Meter/Type: 0101170197863 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200871353273 Supplier Ref: 200871353273 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04438730 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 54792621508838613704 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/04/20 13:02 Meter/Type: 0101170197863 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201001202212 Supplier Ref: 201001202212 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04541231 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 72586992717335976975 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/05/20 10:14 Meter/Type: 0101170197863 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201261015001 Supplier Ref: 201261015001 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04715695 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 29067389922056874978 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/05/20 13:24 Meter/Type: 0101170197863 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201471324407 Supplier Ref: 201471324407 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04852409 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 16835148007169453647 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/06/20 09:34 Meter/Type: 0101170197863 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201670934078 Supplier Ref: 201670934078 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04983969 Total Value: N1,300.00 Standard: N1,300.00 - 03939932775810646512 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/07/20 11:42 Meter/Type: 0101170197863 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201881142564 Supplier Ref: 201881142564 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05145107 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 47833140049722803061 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/07/20 11:27 Meter/Type: 0101170197863 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201991127274 Supplier Ref: 201991127274 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05219064 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 52462664154516019854 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 452020-07-17 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014561ClosedKCT Request2020-07-17KCT Assist with key change 0101185056906 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-17NoHello, Find below, 0101185056906 3567 6343 6342 0492 8331 Key Change Token 3689 6661 2164 5525 7450 Key Change Token2020-07-17 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014560ClosedRequest2020-07-17REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILS AND VENDING HISTORY Please kindly assist with debt details and vending history for MSN. 0101170125955 Thanks Best RegardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-17NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170125955 Start Date: 3/1/2018 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $78,871.58 Outstanding Balance: $0.00 Running Balance: $0.00 Note: none specified Status: Paid off Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $7,000.00 Latest Payment: 2/11/2019 2:54:28 PM2020-07-17 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014559ClosedRequest2020-07-17Dear Support, Kindly provide outstanding balance for 54160930753 Thank youMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-17NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 54160930753 Start Date: 3/23/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $6,674.85 Outstanding Balance: $0.00 Running Balance: $0.00 Note: none specified Status: Paid off Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,000.00 Latest Payment: 5/6/2020 4:48:53 PM2020-07-17 jenogah@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014558ClosedVending History2020-07-17Dear IT Support Team, Kindly furnish us with VH of 0101170179168 Thank youMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-17NoGood morning, Find below Top of Form Date Sold: 16/04/18 13:00 Meter/Type: 0101170179168 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000646338060 Supplier Ref: 000646338060 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00717526 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 44779957272854393059 Date Sold: 26/09/19 15:48 Meter/Type: 0101170179168 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 926914495180 Supplier Ref: 926914495180 Receipt: PagT13EMDB03028336 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 56014298104078487974 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/10/19 17:46 Meter/Type: 0101170179168 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 929016481412 Supplier Ref: 929016481412 Receipt: PagT13EMDB03145086 Total Value: N1,600.00 Standard: N1,600.00 - 17530326830949924521 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/02/20 11:51 Meter/Type: 0101170179168 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 004309511010 Supplier Ref: 004309511010 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04047601 Total Value: N2,200.00 Standard: N200.00 - 25743207731111662248 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/02/20 13:16 Meter/Type: 0101170179168 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 004312164200 Supplier Ref: 004312164200 Receipt: PagT13EMDB04048637 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 49454961237377588832 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 5 Bottom of Form2020-07-17 aramidee05@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014557ClosedVending History2020-07-17REQUEST FOR VH Dear IT Support, Kindly generate Vh for the meter number 0101190015111 regardsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-17NoGood morning, Find below Date Sold: 13/07/20 08:40 Meter/Type: 0101190015111 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201950840256 Supplier Ref: 201950840256 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05188734 Total Value: N25,000.00 Standard: N25,000.00 - 71445496020519382418 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 22020-07-17 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014556ClosedVending History2020-07-17: Request for vending history history of this account 04185211408 Good morningMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-17NoGood morning, Find below Date Sold: 12/07/16 09:00 Meter/Type: 04185211408 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 619409130092 Supplier Ref: 619409130092 Receipt: EVG3EMDB00001351 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 63451749731291136258 Date Sold: 17/08/16 09:24 Meter/Type: 04185211408 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 623009380020 Supplier Ref: 623009380020 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00018305 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 12742368555196424078 Date Sold: 19/01/17 08:48 Meter/Type: 04185211408 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 701908480020 Supplier Ref: 701908480020 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00123181 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 21286878829508558196 Date Sold: 14/12/18 12:26 Meter/Type: 04185211408 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 295045722642692 Supplier Ref: 295045722642692 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01387944 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 34014106760673147214 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/04/19 17:21 Meter/Type: 04185211408 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191141621125 Supplier Ref: 191141621125 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02235755 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 21358642176941484212 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/06/19 17:24 Meter/Type: 04185211408 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191761624206 Supplier Ref: 191761624206 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02557164 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 00756478249030389754 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/08/19 13:24 Meter/Type: 04185211408 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192211224371 Supplier Ref: 192211224371 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02778751 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 46199147349972631222 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/03/20 11:31 Meter/Type: 04185211408 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200761030587 Supplier Ref: 200761030587 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04357237 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 35850443177928894598 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/05/20 15:35 Meter/Type: 04185211408 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201271535373 Supplier Ref: 201271535373 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04723083 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 49160036652620839511 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/06/20 15:39 Meter/Type: 04185211408 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201711539316 Supplier Ref: 201711539316 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05016907 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 60019342185175098655 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 102020-07-17 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014555ClosedVending History2020-07-17: REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY HELLO, KINDLY PROVIDE US WITH THE VENDING HISTORY OF MSN: 0101170276436. THANKSMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-17NoGood morning, Find below Date Sold: 08/05/18 12:43 Meter/Type: 0101170276436 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 812811420000 Supplier Ref: 812811420000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00757157 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 60020970112968977677 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/05/18 09:46 Meter/Type: 0101170276436 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 915824687053596 Supplier Ref: 915824687053596 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00780182 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 17177610425918857663 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/06/18 13:13 Meter/Type: 0101170276436 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000655987450 Supplier Ref: 000655987450 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00848668 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 61644139874215243248 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/07/18 09:56 Meter/Type: 0101170276436 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 820408561032 Supplier Ref: 820408561032 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00917529 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N11,042.74 - 44917954947980398963 Debt: -N1,042.74 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/08/18 12:44 Meter/Type: 0101170276436 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182401144251 Supplier Ref: 182401144251 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01015078 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 71444321467832977300 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/09/18 11:11 Meter/Type: 0101170276436 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 565741077175734 Supplier Ref: 565741077175734 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01100417 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 69539962891253536671 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/10/18 11:55 Meter/Type: 0101170276436 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 463919207872647 Supplier Ref: 463919207872647 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01171626 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 10012768248872989554 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/11/18 08:51 Meter/Type: 0101170276436 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 292080447905394 Supplier Ref: 292080447905394 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01295767 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 21483972718937496191 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/12/18 09:46 Meter/Type: 0101170276436 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000683038826 Supplier Ref: 000683038826 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01467237 Total Value: N9,000.00 Standard: N9,000.00 - 49151141954777533888 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/01/19 11:08 Meter/Type: 0101170276436 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190261008337 Supplier Ref: 190261008337 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01668213 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 41980091425588405334 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/03/19 09:33 Meter/Type: 0101170276436 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155142563473 Supplier Ref: 155142563473 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01930332 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 28837124619406583871 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/03/19 10:25 Meter/Type: 0101170276436 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 581039753216063 Supplier Ref: 581039753216063 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02063683 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 51509431800612542625 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/04/19 11:31 Meter/Type: 0101170276436 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 822605278217597 Supplier Ref: 822605278217597 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02208394 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 00764960476096789234 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/05/19 10:35 Meter/Type: 0101170276436 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155790932220 Supplier Ref: 155790932220 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02344446 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 60575133212954633776 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/06/19 10:28 Meter/Type: 0101170276436 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156058730175 Supplier Ref: 156058730175 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02507915 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 64960984062355405538 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/07/19 15:20 Meter/Type: 0101170276436 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156224643672 Supplier Ref: 156224643672 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02599688 Total Value: N8,500.00 Standard: N8,500.00 - 71815649187089630875 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/07/19 10:09 Meter/Type: 0101170276436 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192100909425 Supplier Ref: 192100909425 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02715220 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 71044835525262985992 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/08/19 10:04 Meter/Type: 0101170276436 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192330904514 Supplier Ref: 192330904514 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02836985 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 66943892042268874899 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/09/19 09:50 Meter/Type: 0101170276436 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156810183181 Supplier Ref: 156810183181 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02939553 Total Value: N7,500.00 Standard: N7,500.00 - 39473717272108834992 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/10/19 10:01 Meter/Type: 0101170276436 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157017614384 Supplier Ref: 157017614384 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03072541 Total Value: N9,000.00 Standard: N9,000.00 - 12853137634394889585 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/10/19 11:29 Meter/Type: 0101170276436 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157234145302 Supplier Ref: 157234145302 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03207636 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 19772004434330839666 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/11/19 10:56 Meter/Type: 0101170276436 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157415387282 Supplier Ref: 157415387282 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03335881 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 53983496435549700854 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/12/19 10:51 Meter/Type: 0101170276436 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193620954220 Supplier Ref: 193620954220 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03651951 Total Value: N9,000.00 Standard: N9,000.00 - 41839861616871510017 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/01/20 09:56 Meter/Type: 0101170276436 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157967998998 Supplier Ref: 157967998998 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03852616 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 47725144660379088331 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/02/20 11:50 Meter/Type: 0101170276436 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 005010503609 Supplier Ref: 005010503609 Receipt: PagT13EMDB04112419 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 44656878233405261436 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/03/20 10:28 Meter/Type: 0101170276436 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 007909280387 Supplier Ref: 007909280387 Receipt: PagT13EMDB04376605 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 23394977753609628886 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/04/20 10:07 Meter/Type: 0101170276436 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200980907234 Supplier Ref: 200980907234 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04521485 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 47387066292025949176 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/05/20 10:40 Meter/Type: 0101170276436 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201431041067 Supplier Ref: 201431041067 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04822986 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 04571239206022328075 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/07/20 09:34 Meter/Type: 0101170276436 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201950934383 Supplier Ref: 201950934383 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05189415 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 72350016971732389938 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/07/20 11:58 Meter/Type: 0101170276436 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201971158522 Supplier Ref: 201971158522 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05205781 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 11522164790196600975 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 452020-07-17 anersirleh@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014554ClosedVending History2020-07-17REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY 0101170273847Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-17NoGood morning, Find below, Date Sold: 31/07/19 18:28 Meter/Type: 0101170273847 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192121728262 Supplier Ref: 192121728262 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02733136 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 05129950628571727773 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/08/19 17:52 Meter/Type: 0101170273847 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156502034759 Supplier Ref: 156502034759 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02760257 Total Value: N3,150.00 Standard: N3,150.00 - 60786409179958011119 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/08/19 16:01 Meter/Type: 0101170273847 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192381501571 Supplier Ref: 192381501571 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02861013 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 61463866855888766548 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/09/19 17:50 Meter/Type: 0101170273847 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192591650456 Supplier Ref: 192591650456 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02974041 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 45818992933473667435 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/10/19 17:35 Meter/Type: 0101170273847 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 928316369607 Supplier Ref: 928316369607 Receipt: PagT13EMDB03107935 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 13762417140354877122 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/10/19 20:02 Meter/Type: 0101170273847 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157176743948 Supplier Ref: 157176743948 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03171840 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 22596927488067103577 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/11/19 19:10 Meter/Type: 0101170273847 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157262830720 Supplier Ref: 157262830720 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03234369 Total Value: N5,100.00 Standard: N3,100.00 - 07235288110388059126 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/11/19 19:12 Meter/Type: 0101170273847 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157461568374 Supplier Ref: 157461568374 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03372137 Total Value: N2,450.00 Standard: N2,450.00 - 24665099217657463982 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/12/19 16:39 Meter/Type: 0101170273847 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 933915422334 Supplier Ref: 933915422334 Receipt: PagT13EMDB03473047 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 11103307249710833956 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/12/19 11:20 Meter/Type: 0101170273847 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 935310228186 Supplier Ref: 935310228186 Receipt: PagT13EMDB03569879 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 68729471865793321602 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/01/20 09:40 Meter/Type: 0101170273847 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157898781846 Supplier Ref: 157898781846 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03787234 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 44933247673444612358 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/02/20 18:41 Meter/Type: 0101170273847 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158264884839 Supplier Ref: 158264884839 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04174657 Total Value: N5,950.00 Standard: N3,950.00 - 33022196959757845434 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/03/20 12:36 Meter/Type: 0101170273847 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 007411354066 Supplier Ref: 007411354066 Receipt: PagT13EMDB04350065 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 47756127777149792838 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/04/20 22:35 Meter/Type: 0101170273847 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201102236108 Supplier Ref: 201102236108 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04611381 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N4,739.49 - 69409627111412792658 Debt: N260.51 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/05/20 21:07 Meter/Type: 0101170273847 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201442107368 Supplier Ref: 201442107368 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04838605 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 62748100917359220128 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/06/20 19:56 Meter/Type: 0101170273847 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201801956442 Supplier Ref: 201801956442 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05082864 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 00895341149044818392 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 352020-07-17 longpuan@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014553ClosedVending History2020-07-17Dear Support, Kindly provide VH for 57300001542 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-17NoGood morning, Find below, Date Sold: 16/07/16 10:21 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 619802330049 Supplier Ref: 619802330049 Receipt: EVG3EMDB00002169 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N3,500.00 - 00083963040540968580 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt Date Sold: 01/09/16 14:35 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/MBEN Token Ref: 624506350127 Supplier Ref: 624506350127 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00027410 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 43870867305969593445 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 13/10/16 14:04 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/MBEN Token Ref: 628706040155 Supplier Ref: 628706040155 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00054877 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N7,500.00 - 29786030241427179547 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 14/11/16 17:08 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/MBEN Token Ref: 631908080104 Supplier Ref: 631908080104 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00075619 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 24933923933018081796 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 05/12/16 11:51 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 634002510068 Supplier Ref: 634002510068 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00088592 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 01812164123928817033 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 21/12/16 15:33 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/CABU Token Ref: 005407403104 Supplier Ref: 005407403104 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00101882 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 48873482730600513939 Date Sold: 27/01/17 15:59 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 001507240509 Supplier Ref: 001507240509 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00128599 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,905.00 - 50325199065390477516 Debt: N1,095.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 02/03/17 16:26 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 002508479113 Supplier Ref: 002508479113 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00161766 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 73440727129748728773 Date Sold: 03/04/17 10:43 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 002321073969 Supplier Ref: 002321073969 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00202069 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 36816866430774517365 Date Sold: 05/05/17 17:37 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 001209259809 Supplier Ref: 001209259809 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00244076 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 57036472834327053777 Date Sold: 01/06/17 14:37 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/MBEN Token Ref: 715217370173 Supplier Ref: 715217370173 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00277126 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 04889862247237209167 Date Sold: 24/06/17 13:27 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 717513250845 Supplier Ref: 717513250845 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00307608 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 10421651104173699151 Date Sold: 03/07/17 16:25 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 718416245278 Supplier Ref: 718416245278 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00318582 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 52851971677398065331 Date Sold: 25/07/17 15:30 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 720615285760 Supplier Ref: 720615285760 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00346237 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 52544206173903089390 Date Sold: 07/08/17 17:03 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 721917025897 Supplier Ref: 721917025897 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00364240 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 36818720615918135477 Date Sold: 19/08/17 17:08 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 723117074311 Supplier Ref: 723117074311 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00378234 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 15066647312698056332 Date Sold: 29/08/17 15:59 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 724115574208 Supplier Ref: 724115574208 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00390943 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 46839160676459163490 Date Sold: 11/09/17 16:35 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 725416332009 Supplier Ref: 725416332009 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00408896 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 13922586565619967112 Date Sold: 30/09/17 15:19 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 727315175982 Supplier Ref: 727315175982 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00433233 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 30654726686744073434 Date Sold: 09/10/17 13:39 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 728213393690 Supplier Ref: 728213393690 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00445958 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 43795919892032469326 Date Sold: 21/10/17 14:47 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/CNICHOLAS Token Ref: 729505533215 Supplier Ref: 729505533215 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00462472 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 43577151407339835968 Date Sold: 01/11/17 17:02 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000622464392 Supplier Ref: 000622464392 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00478819 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 03974312379417078514 Date Sold: 10/11/17 12:22 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 369924788539057 Supplier Ref: 369924788539057 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00491970 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 21922810664233178560 Date Sold: 04/12/17 10:01 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000627174282 Supplier Ref: 000627174282 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00523698 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 47946530770545976468 Date Sold: 22/12/17 16:10 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 709225195962129 Supplier Ref: 709225195962129 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00553600 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 21503080991948927369 Date Sold: 02/01/18 15:14 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 105265608337984 Supplier Ref: 105265608337984 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00566523 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 61709147102244032130 Date Sold: 23/01/18 11:28 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 485632138938144 Supplier Ref: 485632138938144 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00591504 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 68404827318722957583 Date Sold: 05/02/18 15:56 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 346113531428317 Supplier Ref: 346113531428317 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00610823 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 27827016609492086482 Date Sold: 14/02/18 15:38 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 404916301636138 Supplier Ref: 404916301636138 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00624157 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 63675495912352378176 Date Sold: 22/02/18 16:50 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 728070029997423 Supplier Ref: 728070029997423 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00635877 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 28864954520365183902 Date Sold: 13/03/18 15:06 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 361347268452331 Supplier Ref: 361347268452331 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00666047 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 54996774569426929591 Date Sold: 26/03/18 17:04 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000643338461 Supplier Ref: 000643338461 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00684633 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 41300097683542272731 Date Sold: 13/04/18 16:17 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 793529593014615 Supplier Ref: 793529593014615 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00714785 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 59209074998305640646 Date Sold: 25/04/18 17:44 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 475416627691227 Supplier Ref: 475416627691227 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00733295 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 66034719828935955848 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/05/18 17:48 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 498357803861532 Supplier Ref: 498357803861532 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00758245 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 17091425499496472251 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/05/18 19:12 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 122766475626350 Supplier Ref: 122766475626350 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00775438 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 63034998604387159693 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/06/18 17:09 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 793501443616079 Supplier Ref: 793501443616079 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00807075 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 21974137960155627778 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/06/18 17:24 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 112689765440684 Supplier Ref: 112689765440684 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00831833 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 51450688721770406382 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/07/18 16:21 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 764472815651496 Supplier Ref: 764472815651496 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00874659 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 60481497017133102582 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/07/18 11:08 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000659431140 Supplier Ref: 000659431140 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00902876 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 52006427760032222818 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/08/18 12:45 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000661744756 Supplier Ref: 000661744756 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00941874 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 46776677957721204147 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/08/18 18:35 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182281735317 Supplier Ref: 182281735317 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00982515 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 38797729292608627897 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/08/18 14:14 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000664777697 Supplier Ref: 000664777697 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00997559 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 40968524471052330388 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/09/18 12:36 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182511136073 Supplier Ref: 182511136073 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01049481 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 13247338229882251033 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/09/18 15:10 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000668965332 Supplier Ref: 000668965332 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01084836 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 32506955750544894964 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/10/18 12:38 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000671110237 Supplier Ref: 000671110237 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01131650 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 36181625598893921404 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/10/18 15:18 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000671846113 Supplier Ref: 000671846113 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01148911 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 57607240402944120710 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/10/18 16:24 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 26677938532629 Supplier Ref: 26677938532629 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01196679 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 29426453425459606390 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/11/18 16:07 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 427023933063137 Supplier Ref: 427023933063137 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01255500 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 43036552516896285032 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/11/18 14:33 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 600465010461373 Supplier Ref: 600465010461373 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01301348 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 01333353437765617351 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/12/18 16:54 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000680633560 Supplier Ref: 000680633560 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01367487 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 14106468899855997306 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/12/18 12:48 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 966080430260265 Supplier Ref: 966080430260265 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01470391 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 01775697840555848411 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/01/19 14:08 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190091308170 Supplier Ref: 190091308170 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01544845 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 08215848202475733541 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/01/19 14:46 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154790196931 Supplier Ref: 154790196931 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01619728 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 17095558725351235229 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/02/19 16:01 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190321501467 Supplier Ref: 190321501467 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01726216 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 31834089357628617173 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/02/19 16:20 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 43440186839274 Supplier Ref: 43440186839274 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01837000 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 22825961129359113124 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/03/19 17:15 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190611615594 Supplier Ref: 190611615594 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01943327 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 45532967597848198607 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/03/19 12:16 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 261440638764932 Supplier Ref: 261440638764932 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02003358 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 10831926974599555275 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/03/19 15:16 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 112004147077984 Supplier Ref: 112004147077984 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02059071 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 28273999916688206034 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/04/19 17:19 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 961512183582134 Supplier Ref: 961512183582134 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02114990 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 61224383281554347006 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/04/19 15:36 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 463680962713114 Supplier Ref: 463680962713114 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02192225 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 67392266116219931662 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/04/19 18:03 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 911517037116 Supplier Ref: 911517037116 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02242203 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 02784126231029888249 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/05/19 14:57 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191231357295 Supplier Ref: 191231357295 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02289872 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 04674326933194799400 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/05/19 17:05 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155793272237 Supplier Ref: 155793272237 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02347500 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 66190908408466090879 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/05/19 18:11 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191491711370 Supplier Ref: 191491711370 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02416305 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 09673906434941667466 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/06/19 13:37 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 367849936822640 Supplier Ref: 367849936822640 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02522390 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 38265476756882641892 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/07/19 16:02 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191971502300 Supplier Ref: 191971502300 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02657200 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 05266660687475657501 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/08/19 13:18 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192151218185 Supplier Ref: 192151218185 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02749398 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 61571260374797678164 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/08/19 18:04 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 945532231329855 Supplier Ref: 945532231329855 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02849434 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 37532492185135398805 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/09/19 14:02 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156872177814 Supplier Ref: 156872177814 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02978346 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 06283418091130971257 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/10/19 13:19 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157010162795 Supplier Ref: 157010162795 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03068294 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 10412337398801757326 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/10/19 10:04 Meter/Type: 57300001542 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192960905357 Supplier Ref: 192960905357 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03173551 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 49431392894149879516 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 792020-07-17 jenogah@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014552ClosedRequest2020-07-17Please kindly assist with account number for MSN. 0101170266346 THANKS BEST REGARDSMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-17NoGood Morning, Find below, Customer Details Name: MR MOHAMMED A. Surname: SADIQ Meter Serial Number: 0101170266346 Account Number: 5337812020-07-17 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014551ClosedRequest2020-07-17Dear Support, Mrs Diana Ochoga was initially captured on R2. She bought unit worth 10,000 on R2 Her tariff was changed to C2 thus she is unable to load the one she bought on R2 Kindly assist us so we can load the card. Attached is the token. Thank youMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-17NoGood Morning, Please refer the customer to customer care. Best Regards2020-07-17 jenogah@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014550Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014549ClosedRequest2020-07-17Hello, Kindly assist with debt profile of the meter serial numbers below 54161043556 0101161073230 0101160058778 0101161001736 0101170302711 0101170369918 54160733314 0101170199877Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-17NoHello, Find below, 54161043556 Meter Serial Number: 54161043556 Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 6573311249-01 Start Date: 2/1/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $284,211.16 Outstanding Balance: $274,211.16 Running Balance: $274,211.16 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Per Vend Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/16/2020 12:58:20 PM 0101161073230 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101161073230 Start Date: 1/28/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $194,868.07 Outstanding Balance: $187,868.07 Running Balance: $187,868.07 Note: Outstanding migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Per Vend Amount Collection Value: $7,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/16/2020 11:13:56 AM 0101160058778 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101160058778 Start Date: 2/4/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $12,248.76 Outstanding Balance: $12,248.76 Running Balance: $12,248.76 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record 0101161001736 Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 421131 Start Date: 1/24/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $195,982.00 Outstanding Balance: $169,376.49 Running Balance: $169,376.49 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Per Vend Amount Collection Value: $1,565.03 Latest Payment: 6/30/2020 5:31:05 PM 0101170302711 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170302711 Start Date: 6/25/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $24,322.47 Outstanding Balance: $0.00 Running Balance: $0.00 Note: none specified Status: Paid off Collection Method: Per Vend Amount Collection Value: $9,322.47 Latest Payment: 6/30/2020 5:01:52 PM 0101170369918 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 619078 Start Date: 3/2/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $6,406.55 Outstanding Balance: $0.00 Running Balance: $0.00 Note: none specified Status: Paid off Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/2/2020 5:15:09 AM 54160733314 Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 6123263594-01 Start Date: 3/21/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $182,677.79 Outstanding Balance: $128,267.68 Running Balance: $128,267.68 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Per Vend Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/16/2020 3:17:48 PM 0101170199877 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 6131225624-01 Start Date: 3/3/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $266,428.22 Outstanding Balance: $261,928.22 Running Balance: $261,928.22 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $4,500.00 Latest Payment: 3/13/2020 10:45:01 AM Best Regards2020-07-17 phartiemah12@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014548ClosedRequest2020-07-17: Request Please send the total original and outstanding debt. Also vending history of this Customer 0101170437103Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-17NoGood Morning, Find below, Meter Serial Number: 0101170437103 Contract Account Number: 629014 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 629014 Start Date: 3/24/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $30,799.20 Outstanding Balance: $5,499.20 Running Balance: $5,499.20 Note: Outstanding migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 2/20/2020 6:42:30 AM VH Date Sold: 21/02/19 11:34 Meter/Type: 0101170437103 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190521035056 Supplier Ref: 190521035056 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01870651 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 08607367524009371133 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/03/19 12:39 Meter/Type: 0101170437103 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 69582696272075 Supplier Ref: 69582696272075 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02095105 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 51248346097208943778 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/05/19 12:09 Meter/Type: 0101170437103 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191481109164 Supplier Ref: 191481109164 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02409090 Total Value: N5,250.00 Standard: N1,250.00 - 25149465489625215654 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/09/19 13:11 Meter/Type: 0101170437103 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192711212054 Supplier Ref: 192711212054 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03039022 Total Value: N13,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 27738962518671520469 Debt: N8,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/09/19 17:57 Meter/Type: 0101170437103 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192731658233 Supplier Ref: 192731658233 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03051915 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 04955268886823629410 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 72020-07-17 mahmudwaziri@hotmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014547ClosedVending History2020-07-17Pls I need the vending history of this customer 57100012749. ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-17NoGood Morning, Find below, Date Sold: 20/07/16 14:49 Meter/Type: 57100012749 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 620215020659 Supplier Ref: 620215020659 Receipt: EVG3EMDB00003500 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 37379141635727116880 Date Sold: 09/09/16 16:07 Meter/Type: 57100012749 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 625316070573 Supplier Ref: 625316070573 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00033408 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 36000486685681580356 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 13/11/18 13:48 Meter/Type: 57100012749 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000676732940 Supplier Ref: 000676732940 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01267205 Total Value: N21,300.00 Standard: N2,011.00 - 42122989588565431432 Debt: N19,289.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 32020-07-17 akigaisiyaka@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014546ClosedVending History2020-07-17Dear IT Support Team, Kindly furnish us with VH of 0101170179168 Thank youMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-17NoGood Morning, Find below, Date Sold: 16/04/18 13:00 Meter/Type: 0101170179168 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000646338060 Supplier Ref: 000646338060 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00717526 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 44779957272854393059 Date Sold: 26/09/19 15:48 Meter/Type: 0101170179168 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 926914495180 Supplier Ref: 926914495180 Receipt: PagT13EMDB03028336 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 56014298104078487974 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/10/19 17:46 Meter/Type: 0101170179168 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 929016481412 Supplier Ref: 929016481412 Receipt: PagT13EMDB03145086 Total Value: N1,600.00 Standard: N1,600.00 - 17530326830949924521 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/02/20 11:51 Meter/Type: 0101170179168 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 004309511010 Supplier Ref: 004309511010 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04047601 Total Value: N2,200.00 Standard: N200.00 - 25743207731111662248 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/02/20 13:16 Meter/Type: 0101170179168 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 004312164200 Supplier Ref: 004312164200 Receipt: PagT13EMDB04048637 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 49454961237377588832 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 52020-07-17 aramidee05@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014545ClosedKCT Request2020-07-17: KCT GOOD MORNING IT SUPPORT, Kindly assist with key change 0101170141713 0101170117044 Thank you have a nice dayMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-17NoHello, Find below, 1 0101170141713 0953 4041 2928 7747 2293 6789 1452 8614 9107 6918 2 0101170117044 7190 7444 3298 3568 8273 5207 0884 9598 6508 95922020-07-17 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014544ClosedKCT Request2020-07-17: 0101190008579 Dear IT support, KIindly generate KCT for the meter number above. Best regards.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-17NoHello, Find below, 0101190008579 6471 2546 1934 8947 6321 0732 7479 7967 7341 78552020-07-17 ppmcapture@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014543ClosedRequest2020-07-17Debt balance Please Ict kindly assist me with this meter number 0101170369223 original balance running balance and collection value thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-17NoGood Morning, Find below, Meter Serial Number: 0101170369223 Debt Details Name: Outstanding Balance Reference Number: 6122084160-01 Start Date: 11/27/2018 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $549,912.05 Outstanding Balance: $532,696.72 Running Balance: $532,696.72 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Per Vend Amount Collection Value: $1,565.03 Latest Payment: 6/16/2020 11:07:56 AM2020-07-17 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014542Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014541ClosedTamper Code2020-07-17Dear IT Support Team, Kindly furnish us with the CTT for 0101170256255 and 0101160185837 attached herewith are photos for your reference. Thank youMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-17NoHello, Find below, 0101170256255 3578 4734 6797 1465 0854Clear Tamper 0101160185837 5507 4439 5281 3609 5376Clear Tamper2020-07-17 abdulmalik3955@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014540Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014539ClosedRequest2020-07-16: 61.0202.0012.1342 Dear IT support, KIindly generate OLD account number for the meter number aboveMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-16NoHello, Find below, 61/21/55/1448-012020-07-16 ppmcapture@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014538ClosedRequest2020-07-16Debt balance Please Ict kindly assist me with this meter number 0101170196352 original balance running balance and collection value thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-16NoHello, Find below Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 598173 Start Date: 7/28/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $43,939.44 Outstanding Balance: $17,939.44 Running Balance: $17,939.44 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/11/2020 7:17:24 PM2020-07-16 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014537ClosedRequest2020-07-16Please kindly assist with debt details for MSN. 54160931157 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-16NoHello, Find below Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING BALANCE Reference Number: 54160931157 Start Date: 5/1/2017 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $77,811.95 Outstanding Balance: $3,811.95 Running Balance: $3,811.95 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 5/8/2020 3:58:26 PM2020-07-16 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014536Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014535ClosedVending History2020-07-16REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY 0101170275503Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-16NoHello, Find below Top of Form Date Sold: 21/05/18 12:32 Meter/Type: 0101170275503 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 294512036503499 Supplier Ref: 294512036503499 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00781043 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 30326168160032287239 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/06/18 10:39 Meter/Type: 0101170275503 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 657483695512610 Supplier Ref: 657483695512610 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00850336 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 12468554364088107852 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/07/18 10:56 Meter/Type: 0101170275503 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 456044449513934 Supplier Ref: 456044449513934 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00902820 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 41992183747649787678 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/08/18 15:45 Meter/Type: 0101170275503 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 945979909436851 Supplier Ref: 945979909436851 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00984821 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 30544764592242440729 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/09/18 17:26 Meter/Type: 0101170275503 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 703979171695374 Supplier Ref: 703979171695374 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01054617 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 39820582355009648367 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/10/18 16:00 Meter/Type: 0101170275503 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 827716010000 Supplier Ref: 827716010000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01128560 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 69258772116815477386 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/11/18 07:42 Meter/Type: 0101170275503 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 841693736602505 Supplier Ref: 841693736602505 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01226897 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 23779176757022913210 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/12/18 10:30 Meter/Type: 0101170275503 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 141825097262539 Supplier Ref: 141825097262539 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01392714 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 52259080376272479088 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/01/19 16:57 Meter/Type: 0101170275503 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190071557273 Supplier Ref: 190071557273 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01533194 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 64276244530850920754 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/02/19 10:08 Meter/Type: 0101170275503 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190202324735 Supplier Ref: 190202324735 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB01730606 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 63872848317505494339 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/02/19 10:54 Meter/Type: 0101170275503 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155125769236 Supplier Ref: 155125769236 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01913856 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 36978578158340094649 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/03/19 18:08 Meter/Type: 0101170275503 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 809302994984479 Supplier Ref: 809302994984479 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02091720 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 35313202091840819803 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/04/19 12:36 Meter/Type: 0101170275503 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155558378971 Supplier Ref: 155558378971 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02202470 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 15333882873964524790 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/05/19 12:16 Meter/Type: 0101170275503 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 349024137607850 Supplier Ref: 349024137607850 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02294723 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 63782679487439011372 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/05/19 11:53 Meter/Type: 0101170275503 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 338327217427772 Supplier Ref: 338327217427772 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02408958 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 50812233775840085371 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/06/19 09:41 Meter/Type: 0101170275503 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156084366760 Supplier Ref: 156084366760 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02520576 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 67783184476754408259 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/06/19 14:59 Meter/Type: 0101170275503 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 477611566974793 Supplier Ref: 477611566974793 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02570773 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 32252093124602566295 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/08/19 09:57 Meter/Type: 0101170275503 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 2691045610743 Supplier Ref: 2691045610743 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02806601 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 28519368767553051272 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/08/19 10:16 Meter/Type: 0101170275503 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192320916518 Supplier Ref: 192320916518 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02831703 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 64165577078620055352 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/08/19 09:47 Meter/Type: 0101170275503 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 195401158307488 Supplier Ref: 195401158307488 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02841195 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 60274350463105117984 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/10/19 09:30 Meter/Type: 0101170275503 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 427934510178605 Supplier Ref: 427934510178605 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03060132 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 13041473975926333880 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/10/19 17:36 Meter/Type: 0101170275503 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 930116375821 Supplier Ref: 930116375821 Receipt: PagT13EMDB03203731 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 23701850286637821962 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/11/19 18:32 Meter/Type: 0101170275503 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193121734001 Supplier Ref: 193121734001 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03279132 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,489.79 - 31675406271336550603 Debt: N1,510.21 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/12/19 12:06 Meter/Type: 0101170275503 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 638712188778584 Supplier Ref: 638712188778584 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03508666 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 70611254170122900076 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/12/19 14:41 Meter/Type: 0101170275503 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157753707509 Supplier Ref: 157753707509 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03654848 Total Value: N9,000.00 Standard: N9,000.00 - 07752299372237974787 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/02/20 17:34 Meter/Type: 0101170275503 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 005916347996 Supplier Ref: 005916347996 Receipt: PagT13EMDB04209672 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 29230222887865018605 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/03/20 20:33 Meter/Type: 0101170275503 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 006319337505 Supplier Ref: 006319337505 Receipt: PagT13EMDB04265480 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 25594527563533203340 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/03/20 18:43 Meter/Type: 0101170275503 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 006617424451 Supplier Ref: 006617424451 Receipt: PagT13EMDB04301744 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 04210242053005686072 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/03/20 19:30 Meter/Type: 0101170275503 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200811830297 Supplier Ref: 200811830297 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04395207 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 60435503801444679606 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/03/20 15:51 Meter/Type: 0101170275503 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200901451298 Supplier Ref: 200901451298 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04460893 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 20342219921414112668 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/03/20 15:55 Meter/Type: 0101170275503 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200901455211 Supplier Ref: 200901455211 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04460970 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 07372300446329981954 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/03/20 15:58 Meter/Type: 0101170275503 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200901458297 Supplier Ref: 200901458297 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04461017 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 39172331963630192402 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/03/20 16:00 Meter/Type: 0101170275503 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200901500090 Supplier Ref: 200901500090 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04461050 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 32134986981132612320 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/07/20 12:30 Meter/Type: 0101170275503 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201931230093 Supplier Ref: 201931230093 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05181062 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 51345278214973593613 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 55 Bottom of Form2020-07-16 longpuan@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014534ClosedVending History2020-07-16REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY 0101170232397Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-16NoHello, Find below Top of Form Date Sold: 13/06/18 10:33 Meter/Type: 0101170232397 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 791163522665508 Supplier Ref: 791163522665508 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00830309 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 65703461367058536082 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/07/18 15:05 Meter/Type: 0101170232397 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000658158716 Supplier Ref: 000658158716 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00885486 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 52301373515154478844 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/07/18 20:15 Meter/Type: 0101170232397 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000660205728 Supplier Ref: 000660205728 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00916509 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 31267750063535948118 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/08/18 17:44 Meter/Type: 0101170232397 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000662926634 Supplier Ref: 000662926634 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00964984 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 58946862382475486065 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/09/18 11:23 Meter/Type: 0101170232397 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000666488698 Supplier Ref: 000666488698 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01032033 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 32552758631057499542 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/09/18 17:07 Meter/Type: 0101170232397 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000668251052 Supplier Ref: 000668251052 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01070560 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 59184722241216488872 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/10/18 13:51 Meter/Type: 0101170232397 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000670829441 Supplier Ref: 000670829441 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01123304 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 29192597809921966935 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/10/18 20:27 Meter/Type: 0101170232397 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000673173020 Supplier Ref: 000673173020 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01181075 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 43470668929407968521 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/10/18 17:48 Meter/Type: 0101170232397 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000674884922 Supplier Ref: 000674884922 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01221852 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 62754238199617687223 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/11/18 08:58 Meter/Type: 0101170232397 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183250859002 Supplier Ref: 183250859002 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01291783 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 61849338471016503764 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/11/18 15:04 Meter/Type: 0101170232397 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000678612533 Supplier Ref: 000678612533 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01310000 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 51588889002178628871 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/12/18 10:17 Meter/Type: 0101170232397 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154555306486 Supplier Ref: 154555306486 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01441986 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 67631995214519277558 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/01/19 13:38 Meter/Type: 0101170232397 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 1547552329100 Supplier Ref: 1547552329100 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01586015 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 36438380164381291431 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/01/19 23:32 Meter/Type: 0101170232397 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154897036305 Supplier Ref: 154897036305 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01719074 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 25411214945380902139 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/02/19 18:26 Meter/Type: 0101170232397 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155033439123 Supplier Ref: 155033439123 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01842549 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 39441962569408111349 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/03/19 22:01 Meter/Type: 0101170232397 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155216166774 Supplier Ref: 155216166774 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01991047 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 29565581874204012573 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/03/19 19:30 Meter/Type: 0101170232397 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155336225794 Supplier Ref: 155336225794 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02059814 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 32684376002240973413 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/04/19 16:09 Meter/Type: 0101170232397 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155525098045 Supplier Ref: 155525098045 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02180863 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 16492097851171759301 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/04/19 21:34 Meter/Type: 0101170232397 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155639366108 Supplier Ref: 155639366108 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02255276 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 48167592694842811767 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/05/19 19:35 Meter/Type: 0101170232397 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155863294658 Supplier Ref: 155863294658 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02386883 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 41765840950093223946 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/06/19 18:59 Meter/Type: 0101170232397 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156079073281 Supplier Ref: 156079073281 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02519265 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 03952467499805250803 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/07/19 16:25 Meter/Type: 0101170232397 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156216392229 Supplier Ref: 156216392229 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02595821 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 45132841537591307975 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/07/19 12:47 Meter/Type: 0101170232397 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156379245710 Supplier Ref: 156379245710 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02683449 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 71038704781576391524 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/08/19 20:08 Meter/Type: 0101170232397 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156580608420 Supplier Ref: 156580608420 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02805306 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 23855475242590815309 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/08/19 23:20 Meter/Type: 0101170232397 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156650881039 Supplier Ref: 156650881039 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02845527 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 32174584429503586247 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/09/19 17:12 Meter/Type: 0101170232397 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156856038182 Supplier Ref: 156856038182 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02968051 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 35858492617674049540 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/10/19 14:31 Meter/Type: 0101170232397 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157096996373 Supplier Ref: 157096996373 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03120785 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 63687702358186622846 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/10/19 08:04 Meter/Type: 0101170232397 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157232913635 Supplier Ref: 157232913635 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03206122 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 00550975671606837541 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/12/19 11:14 Meter/Type: 0101170232397 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157596938984 Supplier Ref: 157596938984 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03508151 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N4,492.05 - 72351060456504327004 Debt: N3,507.95 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/03/20 16:59 Meter/Type: 0101170232397 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200711559032 Supplier Ref: 200711559032 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04333232 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 58840193123387390236 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/03/20 13:21 Meter/Type: 0101170232397 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200721221258 Supplier Ref: 200721221258 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04337873 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 61459359495981151877 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/03/20 16:40 Meter/Type: 0101170232397 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200721540007 Supplier Ref: 200721540007 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04339625 Total Value: N25,000.00 Standard: N25,000.00 - 47343633907678988310 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/03/20 18:00 Meter/Type: 0101170232397 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200721700456 Supplier Ref: 200721700456 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04340416 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 25847145588052233067 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/04/20 18:31 Meter/Type: 0101170232397 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201091831325 Supplier Ref: 201091831325 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04603447 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 54364688503822957802 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/04/20 20:55 Meter/Type: 0101170232397 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201092055155 Supplier Ref: 201092055155 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04605188 Total Value: N2,100.00 Standard: N2,100.00 - 08001664426095115003 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/05/20 12:54 Meter/Type: 0101170232397 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201291254350 Supplier Ref: 201291254350 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04734178 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 67322522913107609677 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/05/20 18:37 Meter/Type: 0101170232397 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201471837362 Supplier Ref: 201471837362 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04854178 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 35276377064807156250 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/06/20 17:21 Meter/Type: 0101170232397 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201561721266 Supplier Ref: 201561721266 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04919191 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 26511442107747621328 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 88 Bottom of Form2020-07-16 longpuan@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014533ClosedVending History2020-07-16REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY 0101160408460Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-16NoHello, Find below Top of Form Date Sold: 28/06/18 16:28 Meter/Type: 0101160408460 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000656871091 Supplier Ref: 000656871091 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00862082 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 11378815792080201359 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/08/18 17:24 Meter/Type: 0101160408460 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182291624405 Supplier Ref: 182291624405 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00985378 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 04164849680194271367 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/09/18 17:10 Meter/Type: 0101160408460 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182561610345 Supplier Ref: 182561610345 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01064550 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 27566416747858429520 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/09/18 13:24 Meter/Type: 0101160408460 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000670250821 Supplier Ref: 000670250821 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01111023 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 58871174615046687608 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/10/18 15:30 Meter/Type: 0101160408460 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182891530348 Supplier Ref: 182891530348 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01168934 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 73458932959709335067 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/11/18 15:24 Meter/Type: 0101160408460 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000676886501 Supplier Ref: 000676886501 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01271387 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 39385157392648867676 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/11/18 13:14 Meter/Type: 0101160408460 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183321314598 Supplier Ref: 183321314598 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01316992 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 47070273622551306989 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/01/19 17:08 Meter/Type: 0101160408460 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190211608450 Supplier Ref: 190211608450 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01630737 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 01116160140801160487 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/03/19 15:05 Meter/Type: 0101160408460 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190601406145 Supplier Ref: 190601406145 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01934575 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 35462902199752437573 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/03/19 17:51 Meter/Type: 0101160408460 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190325358309 Supplier Ref: 190325358309 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02068153 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 20255788557311576476 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/04/19 12:46 Meter/Type: 0101160408460 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155558438051 Supplier Ref: 155558438051 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02202570 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 01471433933800649750 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/06/19 10:01 Meter/Type: 0101160408460 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191580901208 Supplier Ref: 191580901208 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02465503 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 25519922799965091212 Debt: N1,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/07/19 09:45 Meter/Type: 0101160408460 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191920845572 Supplier Ref: 191920845572 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02631917 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 14523346386937851596 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/08/19 09:40 Meter/Type: 0101160408460 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192150840491 Supplier Ref: 192150840491 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02747497 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 12380178281274876526 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/08/19 20:38 Meter/Type: 0101160408460 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192331938343 Supplier Ref: 192331938343 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02840588 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 60106460191477148179 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/10/19 09:05 Meter/Type: 0101160408460 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192970806501 Supplier Ref: 192970806501 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03179142 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 46595993757033165876 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/11/19 16:38 Meter/Type: 0101160408460 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193241540357 Supplier Ref: 193241540357 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03344281 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 63402547873336497612 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/12/19 19:39 Meter/Type: 0101160408460 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193481841522 Supplier Ref: 193481841522 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03533744 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 40270527976951065824 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/01/20 13:57 Meter/Type: 0101160408460 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200081301037 Supplier Ref: 200081301037 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03739460 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 66581726535195758800 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/02/20 21:50 Meter/Type: 0101160408460 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200442050318 Supplier Ref: 200442050318 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04063907 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 62993863681777227847 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/02/20 19:12 Meter/Type: 0101160408460 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158273713995 Supplier Ref: 158273713995 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04186011 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 29243309345144593629 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/03/20 12:44 Meter/Type: 0101160408460 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200811144200 Supplier Ref: 200811144200 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04392030 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 16615248899008735726 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/04/20 19:03 Meter/Type: 0101160408460 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200931803255 Supplier Ref: 200931803255 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04492949 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 71184903404670698765 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/04/20 21:03 Meter/Type: 0101160408460 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201002003136 Supplier Ref: 201002003136 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04547131 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 25730090848988958467 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/04/20 18:25 Meter/Type: 0101160408460 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201161825311 Supplier Ref: 201161825311 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04659735 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 21284085540111715914 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/05/20 20:59 Meter/Type: 0101160408460 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201302059541 Supplier Ref: 201302059541 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04747199 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 05554587343381292112 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/05/20 21:19 Meter/Type: 0101160408460 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201492119280 Supplier Ref: 201492119280 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04870601 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 68200363635343788339 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/06/20 19:18 Meter/Type: 0101160408460 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201711918534 Supplier Ref: 201711918534 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05018671 Total Value: N3,200.00 Standard: N1,200.00 - 36915464416544701870 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/06/20 17:35 Meter/Type: 0101160408460 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201811735066 Supplier Ref: 201811735066 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05091704 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 49137467139631581906 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 36 Bottom of Form2020-07-16 longpuan@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014532ClosedVending History2020-07-16: Request for vending history of these account 0101170421958 and 0101170277939Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-16NoHello, 0101170277939 Find the complete VH for above meter number Date Sold: 18/07/18 16:53 Meter/Type: 0101170277939 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 181991553321 Supplier Ref: 181991553321 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00909456 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 16820718837470252668 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/08/18 10:44 Meter/Type: 0101170277939 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 317835078232558 Supplier Ref: 317835078232558 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00941193 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 67425221701523550149 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/08/18 16:50 Meter/Type: 0101170277939 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182351550058 Supplier Ref: 182351550058 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01001496 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 72827407123203523902 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/10/18 10:17 Meter/Type: 0101170277939 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 345990999382775 Supplier Ref: 345990999382775 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01134525 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 47148029543097964267 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/11/18 11:11 Meter/Type: 0101170277939 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183061111036 Supplier Ref: 183061111036 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01228133 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 15363064174083399301 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/11/18 14:36 Meter/Type: 0101170277939 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000679185739 Supplier Ref: 000679185739 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01326743 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 08746573954693328740 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/12/18 12:15 Meter/Type: 0101170277939 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 103324450118571 Supplier Ref: 103324450118571 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01459838 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 43683622420370827188 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/03/19 11:38 Meter/Type: 0101170277939 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190611038470 Supplier Ref: 190611038470 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01940036 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 41019815938443260281 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/04/19 10:24 Meter/Type: 0101170277939 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 967688732332899 Supplier Ref: 967688732332899 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02124565 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 51944691136148043256 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/04/19 13:14 Meter/Type: 0101170277939 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 750265165954721 Supplier Ref: 750265165954721 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02227733 Total Value: N700.00 Standard: N700.00 - 31093357984463686344 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/05/19 16:39 Meter/Type: 0101170277939 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 782718488097240 Supplier Ref: 782718488097240 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02313400 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 09524059305904693082 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/05/19 15:10 Meter/Type: 0101170277939 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191331410486 Supplier Ref: 191331410486 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02335257 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 54895200792504805365 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/06/19 10:58 Meter/Type: 0101170277939 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191520958485 Supplier Ref: 191520958485 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02432492 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 59333816349106429506 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/06/19 14:47 Meter/Type: 0101170277939 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191541347326 Supplier Ref: 191541347326 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02444778 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 51696805036084140399 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/06/19 10:18 Meter/Type: 0101170277939 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 338763718541180 Supplier Ref: 338763718541180 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02563536 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 25936596461298737574 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/07/19 15:35 Meter/Type: 0101170277939 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191841435115 Supplier Ref: 191841435115 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02595410 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 23804105414520430231 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/07/19 10:57 Meter/Type: 0101170277939 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191990957016 Supplier Ref: 191990957016 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02664867 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 34502102573081645824 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/07/19 13:02 Meter/Type: 0101170277939 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 106788343871323 Supplier Ref: 106788343871323 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02709856 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 05895937646364661423 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/07/19 13:14 Meter/Type: 0101170277939 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192111214137 Supplier Ref: 192111214137 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02723755 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 12952087463427464591 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/08/19 11:36 Meter/Type: 0101170277939 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192291037106 Supplier Ref: 192291037106 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02818233 Total Value: N800.00 Standard: N800.00 - 40087513345776648918 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/08/19 11:28 Meter/Type: 0101170277939 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 888391180412178 Supplier Ref: 888391180412178 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02875058 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 35833927094357326708 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/09/19 10:38 Meter/Type: 0101170277939 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192660939054 Supplier Ref: 192660939054 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03007958 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 55867992660441644854 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/09/19 13:43 Meter/Type: 0101170277939 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156967106951 Supplier Ref: 156967106951 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03039320 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 58682908450540150401 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/10/19 10:49 Meter/Type: 0101170277939 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 431115810071542 Supplier Ref: 431115810071542 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03142106 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 72010743318163453212 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/10/19 17:00 Meter/Type: 0101170277939 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192971601467 Supplier Ref: 192971601467 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03182305 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 42695663460114368419 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/10/19 14:34 Meter/Type: 0101170277939 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193021335483 Supplier Ref: 193021335483 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03209191 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 70919828958086331373 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/11/19 15:38 Meter/Type: 0101170277939 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157399800945 Supplier Ref: 157399800945 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03325993 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 06019490107737044203 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/11/19 13:51 Meter/Type: 0101170277939 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193341254070 Supplier Ref: 193341254070 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03424494 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 63017843746869128043 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/12/19 12:16 Meter/Type: 0101170277939 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 139472313051299 Supplier Ref: 139472313051299 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03439361 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 14815088902742088791 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/01/20 12:41 Meter/Type: 0101170277939 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200031144082 Supplier Ref: 200031144082 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03698636 Total Value: N2,570.00 Standard: N1,004.97 - 37864835191080458286 Debt: N1,565.03 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/01/20 15:09 Meter/Type: 0101170277939 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 425981080251106 Supplier Ref: 425981080251106 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03916768 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 01022682731583721728 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/03/20 18:53 Meter/Type: 0101170277939 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158316796901 Supplier Ref: 158316796901 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04247386 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 30263988945239570901 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/04/20 15:03 Meter/Type: 0101170277939 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200921403181 Supplier Ref: 200921403181 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04481837 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 67984683143476888172 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/05/20 13:24 Meter/Type: 0101170277939 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201441324205 Supplier Ref: 201441324205 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04834103 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 57664157656354809977 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/07/20 15:30 Meter/Type: 0101170277939 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201911530292 Supplier Ref: 201911530292 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05169449 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 36353380941103584870 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 422020-07-16 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014531ClosedRequest2020-07-16REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILS Please kindly assist with debt details for MSN 0101170235754 Thanks Best RegardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-16NoHello, Find below No Contract (with an Account) found by the provided search criteria. Please use alternate search criteria2020-07-16 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014530ClosedVending History2020-07-16Good day sir, Kindly avail me with the vending history of these meters 0101175076500 0101170265637 Thanks sirMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-16NoHello, Find below 0101175076500 Date Sold: 25/09/18 12:27 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182681227258 Supplier Ref: 182681227258 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01097679 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 34006070737205496632 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/10/18 15:58 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000672282142 Supplier Ref: 000672282142 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01159905 Total Value: N200.00 Standard: N200.00 - 63138769082608948257 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/10/18 18:29 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154066138504 Supplier Ref: 154066138504 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01207888 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 28797390890714266080 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/10/18 13:37 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000674715866 Supplier Ref: 000674715866 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01216240 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 16148029412719363408 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/11/18 16:05 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 788786521477759 Supplier Ref: 788786521477759 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01230319 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 38103052306787808716 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/06/19 12:09 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191771109424 Supplier Ref: 191771109424 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02559556 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 06644553838996822522 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/08/19 15:32 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156492556464 Supplier Ref: 156492556464 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02753546 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 16300346957950316658 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/08/19 17:30 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156501901430 Supplier Ref: 156501901430 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02760081 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 06051201193038530237 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/08/19 21:26 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156537880001 Supplier Ref: 156537880001 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02782161 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 44852536188958889908 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/08/19 10:52 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156559997230 Supplier Ref: 156559997230 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02792181 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 23770963700419491376 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/08/19 19:50 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156589144543 Supplier Ref: 156589144543 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02810751 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 55869672425305332191 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/08/19 16:44 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156613950011 Supplier Ref: 156613950011 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02823504 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 36166935966858413580 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/08/19 20:25 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156632549706 Supplier Ref: 156632549706 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02835801 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 58744452838152766667 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/08/19 22:00 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156659043521 Supplier Ref: 156659043521 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02850690 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 40263775310672266309 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/08/19 20:02 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156684252376 Supplier Ref: 156684252376 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02862347 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 01427969759740826375 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/08/19 11:39 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 124379198643608 Supplier Ref: 124379198643608 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02886769 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 15562780443785005605 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/09/19 22:37 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156745663074 Supplier Ref: 156745663074 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02899989 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 35894371214349662925 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/09/19 19:03 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156778942333 Supplier Ref: 156778942333 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02923247 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 52978865731838188593 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/09/19 14:05 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156811713320 Supplier Ref: 156811713320 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02941479 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 32545399550323177648 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/09/19 17:47 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192561648004 Supplier Ref: 192561648004 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02960531 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 51138566529073454636 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/09/19 20:20 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156874446389 Supplier Ref: 156874446389 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02981150 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 06205094253156537731 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/09/19 21:19 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156909362037 Supplier Ref: 156909362037 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03003809 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 12495744970427781377 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/09/19 17:04 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156942391111 Supplier Ref: 156942391111 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03023197 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 19648164058703962648 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/09/19 19:50 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156969304990 Supplier Ref: 156969304990 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03041590 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 09626425723970271247 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/10/19 13:06 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157018720938 Supplier Ref: 157018720938 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03074084 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 49169001624928443394 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/10/19 20:44 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157047391689 Supplier Ref: 157047391689 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03091385 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 23078190881298622369 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/10/19 18:06 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157081004726 Supplier Ref: 157081004726 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03113907 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 56741731768211570500 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/10/19 21:03 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157099348254 Supplier Ref: 157099348254 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03122129 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 52752072014221233146 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/10/19 16:42 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157132339444 Supplier Ref: 157132339444 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03144616 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 18356130002089271911 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/10/19 18:31 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157167558047 Supplier Ref: 157167558047 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03165165 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 45300404646585745040 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/10/19 16:52 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157201522336 Supplier Ref: 157201522336 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03187974 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 24854922382927370383 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/10/19 18:04 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157219233138 Supplier Ref: 157219233138 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03197251 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 41692249454571639758 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/10/19 14:50 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157252630642 Supplier Ref: 157252630642 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03223966 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 25115606487013118061 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/11/19 22:27 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157272651650 Supplier Ref: 157272651650 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03241909 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 31179398175771613187 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/11/19 07:38 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157293240133 Supplier Ref: 157293240133 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03254174 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 38843511243606793228 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/11/19 20:21 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157315100718 Supplier Ref: 157315100718 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03273523 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 01029796891229713006 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/11/19 22:26 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157333131271 Supplier Ref: 157333131271 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03284858 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 61393303832095952244 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/11/19 09:17 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157354315602 Supplier Ref: 157354315602 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03294030 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 26110486435454406636 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/11/19 17:36 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157365950873 Supplier Ref: 157365950873 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03305192 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 68932575002376710255 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/11/19 20:31 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157410202522 Supplier Ref: 157410202522 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03333901 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 71215029797179954724 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/11/19 20:42 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157436184628 Supplier Ref: 157436184628 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03352519 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 60209120615578662818 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/11/19 21:54 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157453895994 Supplier Ref: 157453895994 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03369221 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 13220955048375087548 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/11/19 20:14 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157479215667 Supplier Ref: 157479215667 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03392340 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 29840027101314146679 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/12/19 18:44 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157521877533 Supplier Ref: 157521877533 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03433729 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 23382340640237459185 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/12/19 17:31 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157547363580 Supplier Ref: 157547363580 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03465447 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 57473953110348813844 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/12/19 18:59 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157573811480 Supplier Ref: 157573811480 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03490813 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 66708122248343268683 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/12/19 20:36 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157591670847 Supplier Ref: 157591670847 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03505455 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 43660631350368873232 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/12/19 19:04 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157625682170 Supplier Ref: 157625682170 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03527070 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 69443419992552287803 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/12/19 19:03 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157642955793 Supplier Ref: 157642955793 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03537171 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 34838299409825821076 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/12/19 19:01 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157668865636 Supplier Ref: 157668865636 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03565634 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 61413418711764082458 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/12/19 18:53 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157694735983 Supplier Ref: 157694735983 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03593152 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 38580592808974315269 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/12/19 18:44 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157720600263 Supplier Ref: 157720600263 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03625027 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 62464915915464647820 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/12/19 19:10 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157738038923 Supplier Ref: 157738038923 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03638034 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 15872039036728032424 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/12/19 22:42 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157756589557 Supplier Ref: 157756589557 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03658514 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 12020740502452630319 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/01/20 18:49 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157789755453 Supplier Ref: 157789755453 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03689226 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 43649776739709848792 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/01/20 17:00 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157806378433 Supplier Ref: 157806378433 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03701250 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 57102080243215305055 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/01/20 19:56 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157850639564 Supplier Ref: 157850639564 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03743287 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 11464048195568890383 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/01/20 18:27 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157876024654 Supplier Ref: 157876024654 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03768606 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 52560534681242202781 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/01/20 21:59 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 165046056859935 Supplier Ref: 165046056859935 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03878562 Total Value: N28,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 32617139381172588845 Debt: N25,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/01/20 11:10 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 911759308089277 Supplier Ref: 911759308089277 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03904032 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 11693602266204180227 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/01/20 18:30 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 563435384428225 Supplier Ref: 563435384428225 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03940431 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 56241131288106329570 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/02/20 16:57 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200371557112 Supplier Ref: 200371557112 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03997432 Total Value: N18,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 22413781092650068304 Debt: N15,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/02/20 13:40 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158142120117 Supplier Ref: 158142120117 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04039536 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 14121423525025883617 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/02/20 20:11 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158161750172 Supplier Ref: 158161750172 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04062891 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 70117744180688526738 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/02/20 19:22 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158187371994 Supplier Ref: 158187371994 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04085225 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 38678688007129424048 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/02/20 18:48 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158221727154 Supplier Ref: 158221727154 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04126541 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 12451378920325994583 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/02/20 20:10 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158239501863 Supplier Ref: 158239501863 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04146801 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 35181443915441812715 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/02/20 20:19 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158265473529 Supplier Ref: 158265473529 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04175759 Total Value: N1,400.00 Standard: N1,400.00 - 27663370163916618623 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/02/20 19:31 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158291104951 Supplier Ref: 158291104951 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04211119 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 22464216242369482296 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/03/20 18:13 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200631713068 Supplier Ref: 200631713068 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04263820 Total Value: N17,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 08122817273272399546 Debt: N15,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/03/20 14:19 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200691319014 Supplier Ref: 200691319014 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04322144 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 13834111666802763448 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/03/20 20:38 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200731938337 Supplier Ref: 200731938337 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04347742 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 03782597539393442731 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/03/20 19:49 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200761849030 Supplier Ref: 200761849030 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04361204 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 55211433911915638796 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/03/20 20:40 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200781940231 Supplier Ref: 200781940231 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04374754 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 07885030758703276704 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/03/20 17:07 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200811607302 Supplier Ref: 200811607302 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04394318 Total Value: N1,800.00 Standard: N1,800.00 - 08980540441683960370 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/03/20 20:39 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200861939274 Supplier Ref: 200861939274 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04432928 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 56773353299146817322 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/03/20 17:26 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200871626382 Supplier Ref: 200871626382 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04440588 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 64901271767208556752 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/03/20 19:02 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200911802161 Supplier Ref: 200911802161 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04474830 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 30105515284752421313 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/04/20 19:13 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200941812548 Supplier Ref: 200941812548 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04501528 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 62368582543009672634 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/04/20 20:26 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201001926410 Supplier Ref: 201001926410 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04546782 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 51476356009429818628 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/04/20 18:15 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201101815308 Supplier Ref: 201101815308 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04609034 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 17151503197049042171 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/04/20 15:48 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201131548516 Supplier Ref: 201131548516 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04628085 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 01128700428033078885 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/04/20 19:19 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201181920010 Supplier Ref: 201181920010 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04673033 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 18596664332192648866 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/05/20 16:24 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201361624166 Supplier Ref: 201361624166 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04781498 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 42239669814505843150 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/05/20 20:05 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201452006058 Supplier Ref: 201452006058 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04842626 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 51689918972417289842 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/05/20 19:03 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201521903550 Supplier Ref: 201521903550 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04893201 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 00714510784613306875 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/06/20 11:09 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201651109061 Supplier Ref: 201651109061 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04974017 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N5,999.00 - 66954428687346313744 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/06/20 18:17 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201771817215 Supplier Ref: 201771817215 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05061389 Total Value: N2,800.00 Standard: N2,800.00 - 04555149793614609654 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/06/20 11:40 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201821140375 Supplier Ref: 201821140375 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05097593 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 26922405506878795184 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/07/20 20:24 Meter/Type: 0101175076500 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201942024141 Supplier Ref: 201942024141 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05187572 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N2,999.00 - 34099232487975270379 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 250 0101170265637 Date Sold: 14/05/18 15:21 Meter/Type: 0101170265637 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 813414211605 Supplier Ref: 813414211605 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00767755 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 25632278832523801267 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/07/18 09:40 Meter/Type: 0101170265637 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182060840261 Supplier Ref: 182060840261 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00923050 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 38825197260930525245 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/08/18 10:58 Meter/Type: 0101170265637 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 989723420597642 Supplier Ref: 989723420597642 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01010231 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 10866005889311137275 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/10/18 14:44 Meter/Type: 0101170265637 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000672562853 Supplier Ref: 000672562853 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01164631 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 42672731019140075351 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/11/18 12:03 Meter/Type: 0101170265637 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183281203508 Supplier Ref: 183281203508 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01304241 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 72960435334819011012 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/02/19 16:22 Meter/Type: 0101170265637 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154929014952 Supplier Ref: 154929014952 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01748463 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 06478799146569547356 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/03/19 09:28 Meter/Type: 0101170265637 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190710829102 Supplier Ref: 190710829102 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02001832 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 49844140205401677486 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/05/19 14:07 Meter/Type: 0101170265637 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191231307392 Supplier Ref: 191231307392 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02289437 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 16833924008557357941 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/06/19 15:49 Meter/Type: 0101170265637 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191701449330 Supplier Ref: 191701449330 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02528155 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 09420829815808856524 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/08/19 14:10 Meter/Type: 0101170265637 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156716703484 Supplier Ref: 156716703484 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02882524 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N434.97 - 17264229042969583036 Debt: N1,565.03 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/09/19 07:37 Meter/Type: 0101170265637 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190922063705 Supplier Ref: 190922063705 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB03004411 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 71287720471550046600 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/11/19 15:09 Meter/Type: 0101170265637 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 933014118556 Supplier Ref: 933014118556 Receipt: PagT13EMDB03388723 Total Value: N1,200.00 Standard: N1,200.00 - 05155393197733052843 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/05/20 11:41 Meter/Type: 0101170265637 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201511141142 Supplier Ref: 201511141142 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04883203 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 61485422895701036616 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/07/20 11:06 Meter/Type: 0101170265637 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201861106426 Supplier Ref: 201861106426 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05133193 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 05780335263275430144 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 212020-07-16 apaaverem@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014529ClosedVending History2020-07-16REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY - 54161002230 Please treat. Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-16NoHello, Find below Top of Form Date Sold: 24/05/19 14:20 Meter/Type: 54161002230 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155870040731 Supplier Ref: 155870040731 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02390361 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 40272901175623639835 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/07/19 14:26 Meter/Type: 54161002230 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156319355354 Supplier Ref: 156319355354 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02650436 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 09712438243264485306 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/10/19 15:43 Meter/Type: 54161002230 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192741444002 Supplier Ref: 192741444002 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03057565 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 46443576400387284006 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/11/19 11:41 Meter/Type: 54161002230 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193231043313 Supplier Ref: 193231043313 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03336187 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 10957311072630856258 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/01/20 12:03 Meter/Type: 54161002230 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200311103091 Supplier Ref: 200311103091 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03934473 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 70149538421783639154 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/03/20 17:50 Meter/Type: 54161002230 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200781650530 Supplier Ref: 200781650530 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04373608 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N321.30 - 34641904090880587804 Debt: N4,678.70 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/03/20 15:37 Meter/Type: 54161002230 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200911437345 Supplier Ref: 200911437345 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04471984 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 09488327501569235569 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/06/20 15:57 Meter/Type: 54161002230 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201751557171 Supplier Ref: 201751557171 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05044476 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 69441125039578865047 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 17 Bottom of Form2020-07-16 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014528ClosedRequest2020-07-16DEBT PROFILE 57100049196 Hello kindly assist with debt profile of above meter serial numberMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-16NoHello, Find below Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING BALANCE Reference Number: 57100049196 Start Date: 8/29/2016 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $311,916.00 Outstanding Balance: $93,516.00 Running Balance: $93,516.00 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,200.00 Latest Payment: 1/31/2020 4:11:32 PM2020-07-16 phartiemah12@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014527ClosedKCT Request2020-07-16Hello, Kindly provide us with the KCT of MSN: 0101178020307. Thank youMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-16NoHello, Find below 0101178020307 4371 0233 7840 9939 9320 Key Change Token 4648 5575 2515 9037 5833 Key Change Token2020-07-16 anersirleh@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014526ClosedRequest2020-07-16Debt balance Please Ict kindly assist me with this meter number 0101161001736 original balance running balance and collection value thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-16NoHello, Find below Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 421131 Start Date: 1/24/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $195,982.00 Outstanding Balance: $169,376.49 Running Balance: $169,376.49 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Per Vend Amount Collection Value: $1,565.03 Latest Payment: 6/30/2020 5:31:05 PM2020-07-16 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014525ClosedRequest2020-07-16: Request for debt profile Kindly bear with please assist me with the debt profile of the following meter 54160929847. thanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-16NoHello, Find below Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 54160929847 Start Date: 2/7/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $14,119.76 Outstanding Balance: $10,119.76 Running Balance: $10,119.76 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 3/1/2020 6:47:13 AM2020-07-16 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014524ClosedTamper Code2020-07-16: REQUEST FOR CLEAR TAMPER TOKEN. WRONG METER NUMBER 0101161012303. CORRECT METER NUMBER 0101170168013MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-16NoFind below, 0101170168013 6631 0929 7605 6967 7990 Clear Tamper2020-07-16 akigaisiyaka@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014523Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014522ClosedVending History2020-07-16Dear IT Support, Kindly generate Vh for the meter number 57100026814 regardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-16NoHello, Find below Date Sold: 27/07/16 09:57 Meter/Type: 57100026814 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 620910100215 Supplier Ref: 620910100215 Receipt: JED3EMDB00006441 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 06889513719500302523 Date Sold: 23/08/16 10:08 Meter/Type: 57100026814 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 623610220191 Supplier Ref: 623610220191 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00021679 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 26109586960901467447 Date Sold: 07/09/16 12:54 Meter/Type: 57100026814 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/fandrew Token Ref: 625112544859 Supplier Ref: 625112544859 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00031227 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 61390607781865860831 Date Sold: 30/09/16 12:29 Meter/Type: 57100026814 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/fandrew Token Ref: 627412283736 Supplier Ref: 627412283736 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00045628 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 53260597686050214558 Date Sold: 20/10/16 12:31 Meter/Type: 57100026814 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 629412310254 Supplier Ref: 629412310254 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00059145 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 24506570850041710177 Date Sold: 17/11/16 08:42 Meter/Type: 57100026814 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/agina Token Ref: 632208420077 Supplier Ref: 632208420077 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00077185 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 03917108508844713602 Date Sold: 13/12/16 12:04 Meter/Type: 57100026814 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 634812040399 Supplier Ref: 634812040399 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00094552 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 65942080580303674203 Date Sold: 05/01/17 14:02 Meter/Type: 57100026814 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/fandrew Token Ref: 700514021040 Supplier Ref: 700514021040 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00113903 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 45692655361841112533 Date Sold: 16/01/17 15:41 Meter/Type: 57100026814 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 701615410597 Supplier Ref: 701615410597 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00121755 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 56027869859808061880 Date Sold: 06/02/17 15:31 Meter/Type: 57100026814 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/binuwa Token Ref: 703715310163 Supplier Ref: 703715310163 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00136223 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 00248120707369102627 Date Sold: 02/03/17 09:45 Meter/Type: 57100026814 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/binuwa Token Ref: 706109450175 Supplier Ref: 706109450175 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00160718 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 66979633073739025988 Date Sold: 27/03/17 12:13 Meter/Type: 57100026814 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/fandrew Token Ref: 708611104973 Supplier Ref: 708611104973 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00192243 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 50111877026467408632 Date Sold: 20/04/17 14:55 Meter/Type: 57100026814 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/fandrew Token Ref: 000307370758 Supplier Ref: 000307370758 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00223458 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 14627153252185458885 Date Sold: 17/05/17 13:47 Meter/Type: 57100026814 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/fandrew Token Ref: 713713470934 Supplier Ref: 713713470934 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00258126 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 69829696619843659780 Date Sold: 31/05/17 11:19 Meter/Type: 57100026814 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/fandrew Token Ref: 715111198209 Supplier Ref: 715111198209 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00274680 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 33426868587243245137 Date Sold: 15/06/17 09:35 Meter/Type: 57100026814 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/fandrew Token Ref: 716609351433 Supplier Ref: 716609351433 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00294904 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 22480777924611125519 Date Sold: 28/08/17 10:23 Meter/Type: 57100026814 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/fandrew Token Ref: 724010233013 Supplier Ref: 724010233013 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00387830 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 30728545702683173143 Date Sold: 02/11/17 11:30 Meter/Type: 57100026814 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000622575073 Supplier Ref: 000622575073 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00479613 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 49146223311526490369 Date Sold: 05/12/17 12:31 Meter/Type: 57100026814 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 733912311345 Supplier Ref: 733912311345 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00526322 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 32239205917407229288 Date Sold: 23/12/17 11:17 Meter/Type: 57100026814 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 735711161284 Supplier Ref: 735711161284 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00554689 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 72817342654920084317 Date Sold: 27/01/18 11:56 Meter/Type: 57100026814 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 802711561150 Supplier Ref: 802711561150 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00597435 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 48764758034398835032 Date Sold: 26/03/18 13:00 Meter/Type: 57100026814 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 808512001243 Supplier Ref: 808512001243 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00683940 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 53919821389858910202 Date Sold: 18/06/18 12:00 Meter/Type: 57100026814 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 816910591245 Supplier Ref: 816910591245 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00838968 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 18599620449075898473 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/07/18 09:39 Meter/Type: 57100026814 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 819108391029 Supplier Ref: 819108391029 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00889602 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 33607205346083219247 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/08/18 13:47 Meter/Type: 57100026814 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182251247494 Supplier Ref: 182251247494 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00972710 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 45051116323864916957 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/09/18 10:29 Meter/Type: 57100026814 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182560929423 Supplier Ref: 182560929423 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01062793 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 68917806322914629892 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/10/18 09:35 Meter/Type: 57100026814 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182890935431 Supplier Ref: 182890935431 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01167059 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 64812235416914365410 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/11/18 14:41 Meter/Type: 57100026814 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183161441585 Supplier Ref: 183161441585 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01263554 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 14219041717125622304 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/12/18 14:18 Meter/Type: 57100026814 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183521318167 Supplier Ref: 183521318167 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01409253 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 27475896708705126508 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/01/19 13:08 Meter/Type: 57100026814 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190021208190 Supplier Ref: 190021208190 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01504303 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 55956254409554697102 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/01/19 16:41 Meter/Type: 57100026814 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154773606351 Supplier Ref: 154773606351 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01605056 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 55073457256484683891 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/01/19 09:46 Meter/Type: 57100026814 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154883441758 Supplier Ref: 154883441758 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01699288 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 17065486241535119438 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/02/19 14:17 Meter/Type: 57100026814 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155006025276 Supplier Ref: 155006025276 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01815725 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 26013873131461935371 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/02/19 16:54 Meter/Type: 57100026814 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155127929638 Supplier Ref: 155127929638 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01918273 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 73438308145107009172 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/03/19 15:02 Meter/Type: 57100026814 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190701402557 Supplier Ref: 190701402557 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01998025 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 24494109184995253445 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/03/19 10:19 Meter/Type: 57100026814 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155367480866 Supplier Ref: 155367480866 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02076067 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 06196666504067439884 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/04/19 10:01 Meter/Type: 57100026814 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190980901472 Supplier Ref: 190980901472 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02145030 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 14913588123057304674 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/04/19 16:27 Meter/Type: 57100026814 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155654805636 Supplier Ref: 155654805636 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02263846 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 45644938491972684337 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/06/19 17:55 Meter/Type: 57100026814 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156018211861 Supplier Ref: 156018211861 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02484950 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 56054879334438361293 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/07/19 12:09 Meter/Type: 57100026814 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192081109072 Supplier Ref: 192081109072 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02709355 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 23390345655000685233 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/08/19 11:56 Meter/Type: 57100026814 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156655421883 Supplier Ref: 156655421883 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02846762 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 70250586150605447143 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/10/19 15:49 Meter/Type: 57100026814 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192761450173 Supplier Ref: 192761450173 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03069340 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 15980826058805899249 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/10/19 21:27 Meter/Type: 57100026814 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157108132411 Supplier Ref: 157108132411 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03129323 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 66918920097366087398 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/11/19 20:46 Meter/Type: 57100026814 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157272044802 Supplier Ref: 157272044802 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03241409 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 23338433584141864948 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/12/19 22:21 Meter/Type: 57100026814 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157531821075 Supplier Ref: 157531821075 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03447884 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 41487257935371256461 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/12/19 10:07 Meter/Type: 57100026814 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 191230090944 Supplier Ref: 191230090944 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB03663847 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 35266000869892236553 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/01/20 07:57 Meter/Type: 57100026814 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 200131065653 Supplier Ref: 200131065653 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB03931950 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 03903242349818839397 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/02/20 12:13 Meter/Type: 57100026814 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200531113243 Supplier Ref: 200531113243 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04141618 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 71984174340666518833 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/02/20 13:50 Meter/Type: 57100026814 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 200226125026 Supplier Ref: 200226125026 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB04181640 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 26928035230938406251 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/04/20 13:49 Meter/Type: 57100026814 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201041249307 Supplier Ref: 201041249307 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04562466 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 33292715754626864585 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/04/20 18:54 Meter/Type: 57100026814 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201201854345 Supplier Ref: 201201854345 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04684047 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 63187812407970627773 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/05/20 19:06 Meter/Type: 57100026814 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201421906534 Supplier Ref: 201421906534 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04819643 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 31285569532706856516 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/06/20 12:15 Meter/Type: 57100026814 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201631215481 Supplier Ref: 201631215481 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04959975 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 58511932173006927698 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/06/20 15:50 Meter/Type: 57100026814 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201781550477 Supplier Ref: 201781550477 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05068285 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 02493636640917666151 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/07/20 10:39 Meter/Type: 57100026814 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201931039250 Supplier Ref: 201931039250 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05180145 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 50038653659588834923 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/07/20 07:39 Meter/Type: 57100026814 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201950739297 Supplier Ref: 201950739297 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05188292 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 48748784193573450335 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 822020-07-16 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014521ClosedVending History2020-07-16Re: Vending History for 54160895089 Dear Simon, Please find attached the vending history as requested.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-16NoHello, Find below Date Sold: 18/07/19 11:22 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 985564589968409 Supplier Ref: 985564589968409 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02665021 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 50382756555515882077 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/08/19 22:55 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156521127740 Supplier Ref: 156521127740 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02771875 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 14434861396077380884 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/08/19 10:41 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156577199442 Supplier Ref: 156577199442 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02801363 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 10298347984933217729 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/08/19 19:31 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 975909678758680 Supplier Ref: 975909678758680 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02816263 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 65928062294580868193 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/08/19 21:03 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156632764245 Supplier Ref: 156632764245 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02836035 Total Value: N800.00 Standard: N800.00 - 66965932554905645427 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/08/19 14:40 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192401341033 Supplier Ref: 192401341033 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02870830 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 35969708356324769389 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/08/19 12:46 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156707556446 Supplier Ref: 156707556446 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02875745 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 21974882963092346991 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/09/19 20:56 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156848729558 Supplier Ref: 156848729558 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02966444 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 05461527273401481885 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/09/19 10:29 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156862254056 Supplier Ref: 156862254056 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02970026 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 70805056930284286533 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/09/19 23:32 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156901513000 Supplier Ref: 156901513000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02998734 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 31014052899939575623 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/09/19 16:34 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156942201570 Supplier Ref: 156942201570 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03022918 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 54527131253692128855 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/09/19 16:11 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156985256457 Supplier Ref: 156985256457 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03050283 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 37316236497287462039 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/10/19 18:58 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157064033907 Supplier Ref: 157064033907 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03102733 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 58851305832189320717 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/10/19 22:09 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157108378842 Supplier Ref: 157108378842 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03129466 Total Value: N400.00 Standard: N400.00 - 17981644433927649884 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/10/19 15:47 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157149282878 Supplier Ref: 157149282878 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03155057 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 41648940369073361068 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/10/19 19:04 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157167750246 Supplier Ref: 157167750246 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03165363 Total Value: N400.00 Standard: N400.00 - 65022563845894612687 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/10/19 16:46 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157175566768 Supplier Ref: 157175566768 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03170496 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 05533446866408227497 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/10/19 18:58 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157184975799 Supplier Ref: 157184975799 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03177392 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 57247322661587013079 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/10/19 15:02 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157244055854 Supplier Ref: 157244055854 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03216594 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 45673192538145603597 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/11/19 07:47 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157293284486 Supplier Ref: 157293284486 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03254192 Total Value: N400.00 Standard: N400.00 - 03234054044337224533 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/11/19 10:18 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157311468168 Supplier Ref: 157311468168 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03268938 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 73620538822336099357 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/11/19 22:34 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157333159134 Supplier Ref: 157333159134 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03284894 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 23485584156562479593 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/11/19 15:09 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157373694744 Supplier Ref: 157373694744 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03309998 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 07076202634451905683 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/11/19 21:38 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157393313671 Supplier Ref: 157393313671 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03324502 Total Value: N400.00 Standard: N400.00 - 59848542080176443156 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/11/19 07:05 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157405361578 Supplier Ref: 157405361578 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03327669 Total Value: N400.00 Standard: N400.00 - 04985023144068323464 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/11/19 19:56 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157418614848 Supplier Ref: 157418614848 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03339851 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 36488619021817125571 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/11/19 16:33 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157426047596 Supplier Ref: 157426047596 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03344240 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 65995891450868675702 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/11/19 00:05 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157446042186 Supplier Ref: 157446042186 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03361763 Total Value: N600.00 Standard: N600.00 - 16003693076777761869 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/11/19 13:16 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157468053197 Supplier Ref: 157468053197 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03377532 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 40939622430814916631 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/11/19 22:13 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157479917798 Supplier Ref: 157479917798 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03393426 Total Value: N700.00 Standard: N700.00 - 39030087191362036350 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/11/19 18:40 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157487291483 Supplier Ref: 157487291483 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03400591 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 36226182710120293410 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/11/19 17:27 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157504077254 Supplier Ref: 157504077254 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03418611 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 10236616810215259558 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/12/19 09:04 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157527036651 Supplier Ref: 157527036651 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03436158 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 14474656323678941510 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/12/19 09:26 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157552428616 Supplier Ref: 157552428616 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03468382 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 05771493231303150528 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/12/19 12:36 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157562867162 Supplier Ref: 157562867162 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03478916 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 40981427492363351408 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/12/19 09:59 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157631039496 Supplier Ref: 157631039496 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03529288 Total Value: N400.00 Standard: N400.00 - 07011626519717929591 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/12/19 19:57 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157634635029 Supplier Ref: 157634635029 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03533905 Total Value: N400.00 Standard: N400.00 - 59260976433742558385 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/12/19 13:37 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157649621246 Supplier Ref: 157649621246 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03542747 Total Value: N400.00 Standard: N400.00 - 72046868373492114699 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/12/19 13:27 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157666860369 Supplier Ref: 157666860369 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03561982 Total Value: N400.00 Standard: N400.00 - 32431041969066085260 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/12/19 21:39 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157687091279 Supplier Ref: 157687091279 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03586064 Total Value: N400.00 Standard: N400.00 - 50248124825429508954 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/12/19 10:45 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157708894951 Supplier Ref: 157708894951 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03601610 Total Value: N300.00 Standard: N300.00 - 48551577638103040839 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/12/19 00:34 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157722695392 Supplier Ref: 157722695392 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03628240 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 06332320947445765562 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/12/19 22:48 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157773898138 Supplier Ref: 157773898138 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03674213 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 05596051400610369338 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/01/20 22:08 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157851419539 Supplier Ref: 157851419539 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03744413 Total Value: N400.00 Standard: N400.00 - 01815140839056406995 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/01/20 22:47 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157860298484 Supplier Ref: 157860298484 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03753018 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 13448564042031633962 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/01/20 18:17 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157884599845 Supplier Ref: 157884599845 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03773703 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 13581552987993855814 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/01/20 20:37 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157902723320 Supplier Ref: 157902723320 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03794782 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 31351936599495861732 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/01/20 21:39 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157946286059 Supplier Ref: 157946286059 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03830642 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 64764950686325824190 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/01/20 20:24 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157954469721 Supplier Ref: 157954469721 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03840905 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 24750619170304810497 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/01/20 10:10 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157959437451 Supplier Ref: 157959437451 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03843385 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 09194037235854147853 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/02/20 13:46 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158098957017 Supplier Ref: 158098957017 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03995105 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 48419692268973060804 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/02/20 14:29 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158237443521 Supplier Ref: 158237443521 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04143580 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 14242789244110549620 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/02/20 11:03 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158270780206 Supplier Ref: 158270780206 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04179457 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 29608591431291481926 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/03/20 07:12 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158303953863 Supplier Ref: 158303953863 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04227374 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 28324209078643779423 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/03/20 22:02 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158335213943 Supplier Ref: 158335213943 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04277264 Total Value: N400.00 Standard: N400.00 - 30232498206806935108 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/03/20 21:19 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 1583521276100 Supplier Ref: 1583521276100 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04303491 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 21244336600745305949 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/03/20 16:59 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200711559177 Supplier Ref: 200711559177 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04333238 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 58162609141549761152 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/03/20 09:41 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200800841047 Supplier Ref: 200800841047 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04382973 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 66071729071859492626 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/03/20 19:30 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200841829520 Supplier Ref: 200841829520 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04415339 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 22455728239136554911 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/03/20 05:42 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200880442480 Supplier Ref: 200880442480 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04443349 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 61439792138774796691 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/04/20 08:27 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200960727096 Supplier Ref: 200960727096 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04509316 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 49457356985594015122 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/04/20 15:24 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201021424210 Supplier Ref: 201021424210 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04554637 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 70859871169571361532 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/04/20 08:44 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201080844245 Supplier Ref: 201080844245 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04586770 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 67292123175347178702 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/04/20 18:33 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201121833161 Supplier Ref: 201121833161 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04623103 Total Value: N400.00 Standard: N400.00 - 72475243661337571794 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/04/20 21:24 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201142124553 Supplier Ref: 201142124553 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04636518 Total Value: N800.00 Standard: N800.00 - 08451360865863708110 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/04/20 09:57 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201180957155 Supplier Ref: 201180957155 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04668498 Total Value: N400.00 Standard: N400.00 - 33359045962494485770 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/04/20 21:57 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201202157396 Supplier Ref: 201202157396 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04684656 Total Value: N300.00 Standard: N300.00 - 20944269215919817452 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/05/20 21:37 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201232137136 Supplier Ref: 201232137136 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04702289 Total Value: N600.00 Standard: N600.00 - 17160381592436256132 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/05/20 15:09 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201271509527 Supplier Ref: 201271509527 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04722938 Total Value: N100.00 Standard: N100.00 - 35886318333804128684 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/05/20 06:29 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201280629301 Supplier Ref: 201280629301 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04725342 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 41667863895198006721 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/05/20 09:34 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201330934167 Supplier Ref: 201330934167 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04759275 Total Value: N400.00 Standard: N400.00 - 35430210366414464016 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/05/20 12:24 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201331225038 Supplier Ref: 201331225038 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04760544 Total Value: N400.00 Standard: N400.00 - 49200691899939439445 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/05/20 07:06 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201340706585 Supplier Ref: 201340706585 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04764341 Total Value: N400.00 Standard: N400.00 - 39877086817582840308 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/05/20 23:35 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201402335538 Supplier Ref: 201402335538 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04807894 Total Value: N400.00 Standard: N400.00 - 28866886811656250987 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/05/20 11:27 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201431127570 Supplier Ref: 201431127570 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04823666 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 36116392503365167633 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/05/20 20:37 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201482038056 Supplier Ref: 201482038056 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04861251 Total Value: N400.00 Standard: N400.00 - 56907359703396692695 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/05/20 23:27 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201502327251 Supplier Ref: 201502327251 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04880216 Total Value: N200.00 Standard: N200.00 - 29806639592077437746 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/05/20 21:45 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201522146050 Supplier Ref: 201522146050 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04894722 Total Value: N200.00 Standard: N200.00 - 12207452792351541230 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/06/20 19:06 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201541906567 Supplier Ref: 201541906567 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04906154 Total Value: N200.00 Standard: N200.00 - 32151930838212178117 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/06/20 18:49 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201551849133 Supplier Ref: 201551849133 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04911979 Total Value: N200.00 Standard: N200.00 - 01706717072981976648 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/06/20 22:26 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201562226183 Supplier Ref: 201562226183 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04921316 Total Value: N200.00 Standard: N200.00 - 24300891518640147609 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/06/20 21:27 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201572127125 Supplier Ref: 201572127125 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04929113 Total Value: N200.00 Standard: N200.00 - 30889238852607015047 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/06/20 10:51 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201591051341 Supplier Ref: 201591051341 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04937672 Total Value: N300.00 Standard: N300.00 - 73142568409916894165 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/06/20 19:33 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201611933432 Supplier Ref: 201611933432 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04951085 Total Value: N200.00 Standard: N200.00 - 03007279230505517496 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/06/20 18:50 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201621850240 Supplier Ref: 201621850240 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04955981 Total Value: N400.00 Standard: N400.00 - 70490185139259667625 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/06/20 20:59 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201642059362 Supplier Ref: 201642059362 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04971823 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 31264083596512772052 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/06/20 15:26 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201701526513 Supplier Ref: 201701526513 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05009560 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 58023291237108234895 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/06/20 06:42 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201770642162 Supplier Ref: 201770642162 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05055356 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 73653864203643752083 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/06/20 22:05 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201822206052 Supplier Ref: 201822206052 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05105730 Total Value: N400.00 Standard: N400.00 - 51503965123368145922 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/07/20 20:07 Meter/Type: 54160895089 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201872007403 Supplier Ref: 201872007403 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05142157 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 47671132743030598439 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 1952020-07-16 bittygargadi@hotmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014520ClosedRequest2020-07-16Please kindly assist with debt details for MSN. 1. 0101170156935 2. 0101150232441 Thanks Best RegardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-16NoGood morning, Find below 0101170156935 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170156935 Start Date: 1/14/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $39,509.71 Outstanding Balance: $39,509.71 Running Balance: $39,509.71 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record 0101150232441 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101150232441 Start Date: 1/7/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $9,073.62 Outstanding Balance: $9,073.62 Running Balance: $9,073.62 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-16 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014519ClosedVending History2020-07-16Request for vending history of this account 0101178033979 Good morningMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-16NoGood morning, Find below Date Sold: 24/06/20 16:54 Meter/Type: 0101178033979 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201761654413 Supplier Ref: 201761654413 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05053045 Total Value: N200,000.00 Standard: N200,000.00 - 13292364047594124207 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/07/20 10:43 Meter/Type: 0101178033979 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201831043237 Supplier Ref: 201831043237 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05108375 Total Value: N100,000.00 Standard: N100,000.00 - 13645758238777428810 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/07/20 14:18 Meter/Type: 0101178033979 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201831418353 Supplier Ref: 201831418353 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05110567 Total Value: N100,000.00 Standard: N100,000.00 - 16117008516846342879 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/07/20 17:12 Meter/Type: 0101178033979 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201901712474 Supplier Ref: 201901712474 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05163334 Total Value: N200,000.00 Standard: N200,000.00 - 67911946176278419707 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/07/20 20:46 Meter/Type: 0101178033979 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201972047032 Supplier Ref: 201972047032 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05209734 Total Value: N100,000.00 Standard: N100,000.00 - 57764170046830797279 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 52020-07-16 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014518ClosedVending History2020-07-16Request for vending history opening balance and outstanding debt balance Please kindly furnish me with the debt profile of the following meter 54161172975. thanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-16NoGood morning, Find below Top of Form Date Sold: 01/04/19 12:27 Meter/Type: 54161172975 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 176686483603821 Supplier Ref: 176686483603821 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02104259 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 53627115382806490143 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/04/19 11:23 Meter/Type: 54161172975 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155497458697 Supplier Ref: 155497458697 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02164626 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 08975795087474444008 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/04/19 11:44 Meter/Type: 54161172975 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191011045048 Supplier Ref: 191011045048 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02164784 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 64321024236219890021 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/04/19 12:41 Meter/Type: 54161172975 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191201141425 Supplier Ref: 191201141425 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02268881 Total Value: N3,200.00 Standard: N3,200.00 - 29080564126459218562 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/05/19 12:03 Meter/Type: 54161172975 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191421103233 Supplier Ref: 191421103233 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02378453 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 46298777706412698583 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/05/19 17:36 Meter/Type: 54161172975 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 1558971396100 Supplier Ref: 1558971396100 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02405597 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 13558943299347446080 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/06/19 05:47 Meter/Type: 54161172975 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156057041157 Supplier Ref: 156057041157 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02507371 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 00489475207029255229 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/06/19 13:54 Meter/Type: 54161172975 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156068604751 Supplier Ref: 156068604751 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02512525 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 45389367272098517535 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/06/19 09:41 Meter/Type: 54161172975 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191750841333 Supplier Ref: 191750841333 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02547771 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 12686286960133674671 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/07/19 06:07 Meter/Type: 54161172975 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156238600982 Supplier Ref: 156238600982 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02606815 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 26674674926529874354 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/07/19 11:33 Meter/Type: 54161172975 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191941033596 Supplier Ref: 191941033596 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02642476 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 40299340887980524358 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/07/19 14:04 Meter/Type: 54161172975 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156457464490 Supplier Ref: 156457464490 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02730676 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 37432736627736716441 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/09/19 18:56 Meter/Type: 54161172975 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156813462050 Supplier Ref: 156813462050 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02943592 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 64119361347158943311 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/10/19 18:56 Meter/Type: 54161172975 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157003543632 Supplier Ref: 157003543632 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03065033 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 41372018824984900162 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/10/19 19:12 Meter/Type: 54161172975 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157012272098 Supplier Ref: 157012272098 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03070653 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 00915512846728076311 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/11/19 16:50 Meter/Type: 54161172975 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 687667839410552 Supplier Ref: 687667839410552 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03251150 Total Value: N9,700.00 Standard: N9,700.00 - 66573087440374891783 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/11/19 22:02 Meter/Type: 54161172975 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157367540759 Supplier Ref: 157367540759 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03306833 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 49883365751918703142 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 34 Bottom of Form2020-07-16 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014517ClosedVending History2020-07-16REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE (54160893944) Dear support kindly supply us with the debt profile of this customer warm regardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-16NoGood morning, Find below Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 608136 Start Date: 8/26/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $45,422.17 Outstanding Balance: $9,422.17 Running Balance: $9,422.17 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/16/2020 9:41:52 AM2020-07-16 tyoverpeter@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014516ClosedVending History2020-07-16Dear IT Support, Kindly generate Vh for the meter number 54161008328 regardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-16NoGood morning, Find below Date Sold: 08/12/17 16:06 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000627786799 Supplier Ref: 000627786799 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00531995 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 01608645705985531206 Date Sold: 30/12/17 08:21 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 930543958088189 Supplier Ref: 930543958088189 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00563153 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 00514568925617074237 Date Sold: 31/01/18 10:12 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 803110120000 Supplier Ref: 803110120000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00602713 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 03093720415033632283 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 05/02/18 16:29 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 488971976351871 Supplier Ref: 488971976351871 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00610909 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 29540808887205128559 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 07/02/18 15:01 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 602553809755464 Supplier Ref: 602553809755464 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00613972 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 30935225139889437214 Date Sold: 15/03/18 09:09 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 15183547304993 Supplier Ref: 15183547304993 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00668624 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 28352290106910644602 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 15/03/18 09:10 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 313728996348890 Supplier Ref: 313728996348890 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00668628 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 46813766773083359703 Date Sold: 16/03/18 12:17 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 807512171371 Supplier Ref: 807512171371 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00670991 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 44519549965415141648 Date Sold: 24/03/18 09:15 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000643009582 Supplier Ref: 000643009582 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00681897 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 61073081066010734527 Date Sold: 27/03/18 13:46 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 808612461312 Supplier Ref: 808612461312 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00685714 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 36943527668436607017 Date Sold: 06/04/18 16:26 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 809615250000 Supplier Ref: 809615250000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00703476 Total Value: N4,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 53045947938521872253 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 14/04/18 16:22 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 107198613409572 Supplier Ref: 107198613409572 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00716105 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 11536362382311144891 Date Sold: 30/04/18 17:12 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 523201960682010 Supplier Ref: 523201960682010 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00742822 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 17155232350252282432 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/05/18 09:48 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 749842334161601 Supplier Ref: 749842334161601 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00780192 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 09065438525992939050 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/05/18 13:27 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000652100810 Supplier Ref: 000652100810 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00792551 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 10667442745190164047 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/06/18 11:17 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 815710171146 Supplier Ref: 815710171146 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00816413 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 17719282683453761122 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/06/18 16:24 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 816715241511 Supplier Ref: 816715241511 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00837837 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 69458424117231997371 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/06/18 11:34 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 782672870416440 Supplier Ref: 782672870416440 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00850589 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 21844234055993946811 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/07/18 10:18 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000658706031 Supplier Ref: 000658706031 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00892299 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 58006852383392016502 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/07/18 13:43 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 544319469341896 Supplier Ref: 544319469341896 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00903555 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 52360949734512404617 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/08/18 15:37 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 568848698281883 Supplier Ref: 568848698281883 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00967366 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 09812058527961651289 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/08/18 14:55 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 153841851899127 Supplier Ref: 153841851899127 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01021843 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 46354755226333448869 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/09/18 09:05 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 649519343403648 Supplier Ref: 649519343403648 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01083242 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 60045355234946724610 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/09/18 09:13 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 236263477979749 Supplier Ref: 236263477979749 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01083276 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 56672256160372729719 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/09/18 11:28 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 803211414819127 Supplier Ref: 803211414819127 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01107294 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 03637830681810981712 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/10/18 10:37 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 495764682962143 Supplier Ref: 495764682962143 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01190982 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 49158933565525896876 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/11/18 14:50 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183321450281 Supplier Ref: 183321450281 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01317540 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 20115375847951600612 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/11/18 11:56 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 82598276135454 Supplier Ref: 82598276135454 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01320924 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 24568561496030066104 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/12/18 11:05 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 657564471191306 Supplier Ref: 657564471191306 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01420086 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 10144741918702467413 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/12/18 15:48 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154591851813 Supplier Ref: 154591851813 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01472910 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 47507197656311746904 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/12/18 09:24 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183630824372 Supplier Ref: 183630824372 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01482914 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 37001122059393428690 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/12/18 09:25 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183630826123 Supplier Ref: 183630826123 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01482917 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 68965822317337386707 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/01/19 12:20 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190311120178 Supplier Ref: 190311120178 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01711664 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 44975363553654377483 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/02/19 18:06 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154981467944 Supplier Ref: 154981467944 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01793132 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 72528791425398910664 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/02/19 20:43 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155025604814 Supplier Ref: 155025604814 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01839779 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N3,500.00 - 64623911443774524884 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/02/19 15:23 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 328967647046583 Supplier Ref: 328967647046583 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01925756 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 70098624230254525725 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/03/19 18:27 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 553669504708744 Supplier Ref: 553669504708744 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02012082 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 12024495941868958512 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/03/19 21:30 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155397405363 Supplier Ref: 155397405363 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02098363 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N3,500.00 - 62763151140995411275 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/04/19 14:06 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 651250195522655 Supplier Ref: 651250195522655 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02222582 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 42388713211760311829 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/05/19 21:23 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155682495575 Supplier Ref: 155682495575 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02286597 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 22069097595482036269 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/05/19 19:39 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155690514708 Supplier Ref: 155690514708 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02291867 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 23518648507112718599 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/07/19 14:35 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156267566050 Supplier Ref: 156267566050 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02623320 Total Value: N7,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 35935726689351125883 Debt: N6,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/07/19 11:07 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190726100651 Supplier Ref: 190726100651 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02702861 Total Value: N3,400.00 Standard: N3,400.00 - 53199616155033534039 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/08/19 18:29 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190816172940 Supplier Ref: 190816172940 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02815971 Total Value: N4,800.00 Standard: N1,800.00 - 63722352372997654587 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/08/19 20:20 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156675720635 Supplier Ref: 156675720635 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02857468 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 65066580685121471432 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/08/19 20:26 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156727596486 Supplier Ref: 156727596486 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02890574 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 39363231871786314362 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/09/19 16:02 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192631503131 Supplier Ref: 192631503131 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02996265 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 58165925325545938371 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/10/19 15:32 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157149200131 Supplier Ref: 157149200131 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03154977 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 52245237586125180783 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/11/19 21:00 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157323927131 Supplier Ref: 157323927131 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03280040 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 22719077733433299037 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/11/19 20:28 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157401540033 Supplier Ref: 157401540033 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03326994 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 32895906684868594244 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/11/19 01:32 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157498400901 Supplier Ref: 157498400901 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03411786 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 50982976560731165057 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/12/19 19:39 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157608610691 Supplier Ref: 157608610691 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03520356 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 27347477483947199891 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/01/20 17:25 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157841077931 Supplier Ref: 157841077931 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03732978 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 60506170738179707919 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/01/20 11:01 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157959748858 Supplier Ref: 157959748858 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03843956 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 57594452271452416708 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/02/20 14:37 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 004513367107 Supplier Ref: 004513367107 Receipt: PagT13EMDB04068799 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N4,999.00 - 58959204221767435615 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/03/20 13:46 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200641246055 Supplier Ref: 200641246055 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04272101 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N3,999.00 - 17342091523737337362 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/03/20 13:47 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200641247062 Supplier Ref: 200641247062 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04272104 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N999.00 - 14306660527972678796 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/03/20 23:59 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200822259018 Supplier Ref: 200822259018 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04400109 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N1,999.00 - 33103654817186571653 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/03/20 11:24 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200881024304 Supplier Ref: 200881024304 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04445022 Total Value: N2,400.00 Standard: N2,400.00 - 05927500677043860603 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/04/20 17:43 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201161743217 Supplier Ref: 201161743217 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04659312 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 12376067484841265994 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/05/20 14:46 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201301447002 Supplier Ref: 201301447002 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04744171 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 13933456505583424821 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/05/20 09:20 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201430921031 Supplier Ref: 201430921031 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04821842 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 49735587261165589310 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/05/20 09:55 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201500955251 Supplier Ref: 201500955251 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04872555 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 05584085094471719566 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/05/20 06:36 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201510636096 Supplier Ref: 201510636096 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04880415 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N3,500.00 - 72971497264151518518 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/07/20 16:55 Meter/Type: 54161008328 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201881655136 Supplier Ref: 201881655136 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05148606 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N3,498.00 - 06360116514394931747 Debt: N2.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 1032020-07-16 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014515ClosedVending History2020-07-16Dear IT Support, Kindly generate Vh for the meter number 0101160408940 regardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-16NoHello, Find below, Date Sold: 03/03/18 09:57 Meter/Type: 0101160408940 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 806209571086 Supplier Ref: 806209571086 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00649570 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N761.40 - 32093907412217853512 Debt: N2,238.60 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 16/05/18 14:21 Meter/Type: 0101160408940 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000650666268 Supplier Ref: 000650666268 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00772413 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 02719356767053348075 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/07/18 11:36 Meter/Type: 0101160408940 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 181861036147 Supplier Ref: 181861036147 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00879222 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 59967801637489236229 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/07/18 13:36 Meter/Type: 0101160408940 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182121236333 Supplier Ref: 182121236333 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00938800 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 45314376996058575351 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/08/18 15:35 Meter/Type: 0101160408940 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 823514320000 Supplier Ref: 823514320000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01001003 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 33431899702913564174 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/01/19 11:37 Meter/Type: 0101160408940 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154763143868 Supplier Ref: 154763143868 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01592823 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 69199739688089087284 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/06/19 13:23 Meter/Type: 0101160408940 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190621275409 Supplier Ref: 190621275409 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02536659 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 51322970835072472387 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/10/19 10:04 Meter/Type: 0101160408940 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192880905497 Supplier Ref: 192880905497 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03130398 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 48913559015105310291 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/10/19 11:35 Meter/Type: 0101160408940 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193031036410 Supplier Ref: 193031036410 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03214864 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 09028863512812889730 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/01/20 09:42 Meter/Type: 0101160408940 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157881476932 Supplier Ref: 157881476932 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03771609 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 65817279411325632196 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/02/20 11:24 Meter/Type: 0101160408940 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158210426068 Supplier Ref: 158210426068 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04112155 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 69614455338792841820 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/04/20 17:58 Meter/Type: 0101160408940 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200931658008 Supplier Ref: 200931658008 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04492590 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 61868561021225332126 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/06/20 18:47 Meter/Type: 0101160408940 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201631847521 Supplier Ref: 201631847521 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04963499 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N4,900.00 - 46861432729711849254 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/07/20 18:30 Meter/Type: 0101160408940 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201971830315 Supplier Ref: 201971830315 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05208727 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 51775423789045534189 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 262020-07-16 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014514ClosedKCT Request2020-07-16KCTMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-16NoHello, Find below, 54161100554 1823 2607 4993 8597 8263 4802 1718 7560 7465 64332020-07-16 anersirleh@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014513ClosedKCT Request2020-07-16Dear sir, Please help generate kct for the MSN: 54161041675. Thank you.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-16NoGood morning, Find below, 54161041675 0213 6713 4578 4333 3067 5855 0508 4539 3955 78612020-07-16 jubilant95@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014512ClosedVending History2020-07-16: Request for VENDING HISTORY 54160928807 Kindly furnish me with the VENDING history of this customer 54160928807 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-16NoGood morning, Find below as requested, Date Sold: 15/02/19 10:07 Meter/Type: 54160928807 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155021807459 Supplier Ref: 155021807459 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01829913 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 57040956170329344446 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/02/19 14:40 Meter/Type: 54160928807 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190581341051 Supplier Ref: 190581341051 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01916890 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 61896922873229280407 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/03/19 15:39 Meter/Type: 54160928807 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155257078712 Supplier Ref: 155257078712 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02016259 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 17320041460666739195 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/10/19 14:19 Meter/Type: 54160928807 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193021320426 Supplier Ref: 193021320426 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03209032 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 13173279594998403003 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/01/20 18:31 Meter/Type: 54160928807 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200061734345 Supplier Ref: 200061734345 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03724335 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 02351505936011182969 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/04/20 13:11 Meter/Type: 54160928807 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201121312107 Supplier Ref: 201121312107 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04620917 Total Value: N9,001.00 Standard: N1.00 - 18646004689896195504 Debt: N9,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 112020-07-16 lisarumpae@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014511ClosedVending History2020-07-16Vending history 04223570161 Good morning colleagues Best regardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-16NoGood morning, Find below as requested, Date Sold: 28/01/17 12:52 Meter/Type: 04223570161 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 702812520190 Supplier Ref: 702812520190 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00128966 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 19494235719637399511 Date Sold: 22/02/17 14:44 Meter/Type: 04223570161 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 705314440342 Supplier Ref: 705314440342 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00151485 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 54814761927837639779 Date Sold: 13/03/17 12:13 Meter/Type: 04223570161 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 707212130604 Supplier Ref: 707212130604 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00175219 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 01015229485266580347 Date Sold: 27/03/17 16:15 Meter/Type: 04223570161 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 708615150789 Supplier Ref: 708615150789 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00193104 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 64867803318786014456 Date Sold: 07/04/17 11:41 Meter/Type: 04223570161 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 709711410383 Supplier Ref: 709711410383 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00209174 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 68238430742797063997 Date Sold: 10/04/17 12:05 Meter/Type: 04223570161 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 710012050406 Supplier Ref: 710012050406 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00212006 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 01540881849817829668 Date Sold: 12/04/17 11:06 Meter/Type: 04223570161 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 710211060297 Supplier Ref: 710211060297 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00214556 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 50883940576219059068 Date Sold: 24/04/17 11:08 Meter/Type: 04223570161 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 711411080397 Supplier Ref: 711411080397 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00227373 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 30403250712877899163 Date Sold: 02/05/17 12:07 Meter/Type: 04223570161 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 712212070686 Supplier Ref: 712212070686 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00237754 Total Value: N1,800.00 Standard: N1,800.00 - 08920754560830758900 Date Sold: 14/06/17 14:44 Meter/Type: 04223570161 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 716514440479 Supplier Ref: 716514440479 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00294280 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 34767293262470461013 Date Sold: 19/07/17 14:55 Meter/Type: 04223570161 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 720014540418 Supplier Ref: 720014540418 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00339113 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 44234399115744335398 Date Sold: 13/12/17 12:29 Meter/Type: 04223570161 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 190264408108769 Supplier Ref: 190264408108769 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00537956 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 54033972163039776760 Date Sold: 05/01/18 13:32 Meter/Type: 04223570161 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 800513321281 Supplier Ref: 800513321281 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00570295 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 16052251221523379339 Date Sold: 02/06/18 13:52 Meter/Type: 04223570161 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 118501788449611 Supplier Ref: 118501788449611 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00808578 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 17465792913114503517 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/10/18 15:40 Meter/Type: 04223570161 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182821540328 Supplier Ref: 182821540328 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01145534 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 02705136754192106776 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/10/18 14:48 Meter/Type: 04223570161 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000674002893 Supplier Ref: 000674002893 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01199660 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 38997667263217163204 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/11/18 11:26 Meter/Type: 04223570161 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 256451279543348 Supplier Ref: 256451279543348 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01228234 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 64536802042434031948 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/01/19 12:44 Meter/Type: 04223570161 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190221144307 Supplier Ref: 190221144307 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01635947 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 42185278078070226347 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/07/19 15:46 Meter/Type: 04223570161 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190704144539 Supplier Ref: 190704144539 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02599897 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 59839145493801147119 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/07/19 21:50 Meter/Type: 04223570161 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190706205021 Supplier Ref: 190706205021 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02611121 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N4,900.00 - 63077425819690261748 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/07/19 10:55 Meter/Type: 04223570161 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190723095516 Supplier Ref: 190723095516 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02686992 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 54242336134063796862 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/07/19 19:03 Meter/Type: 04223570161 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190728180307 Supplier Ref: 190728180307 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02714006 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 22859464073887239278 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/08/19 19:28 Meter/Type: 04223570161 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190818182800 Supplier Ref: 190818182800 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02823826 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 38412720690087996299 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/05/20 13:55 Meter/Type: 04223570161 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201501355438 Supplier Ref: 201501355438 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04875837 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 23554805161533647966 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/06/20 14:37 Meter/Type: 04223570161 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201531437343 Supplier Ref: 201531437343 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04897665 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 07223333461435977165 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 262020-07-16 ericjames346@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014510ClosedTamper Code2020-07-16clear temper requestMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-16NoHello, Find below, 011161032228 1738 2365 3947 4772 4411 Clear Tamper 0101160180192 4612 0613 1453 4523 7615 Clear Tamper2020-07-16 yuzarsif33112269@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014509ClosedTamper Code2020-07-16clear temper requestMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-16NoRe-issue 0101170369736 4831 5511 4509 5120 2111 Clear Tamper2020-07-16 bangisgarko@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014508ClosedTamper Code2020-07-16clear temper requestMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-16NoHello, Find below as requested, 0101161031170 3936 9581 4937 4117 9536Clear Tamper 0101185055072 2370 6066 8650 9626 0413Clear Tamper 57100082833 2465 1843 9712 6222 1905Clear Tamper 0101170267575 5237 6818 0262 2650 3671Clear Tamper 0101161057340 7250 9396 6541 6694 3956Clear Tamper 57100021740 0564 3944 1456 9804 7918Clear Tamper 0101160180192 4612 0613 1453 4523 7615Clear Tamper2020-07-16 bangisgarko@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014507ClosedKCT Request2020-07-16Request for kct in respect of this account 0101190009981 Good morningMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-16NoGood morning, Find below, KCT1: 0646 4239 5635 8709 0853 KCT2: 6174 0052 4587 6140 41892020-07-16 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014506Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014505Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014504Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014503ClosedRequest2020-07-16REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILS Please kindly assist with debt details for MSN. 0101170154393 Thanks Best RegardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-16NoHello, Find below, Meter Serial Number: 0101170154393 Debt Details This customer does not have any Debt accounts associated2020-07-16 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014502ClosedVending History2020-07-16: REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY FOR 0101178019473 PLEASE ASSIST ME WITH ABOVE SUBJECTMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-16NoGood morning, See below Date Sold: 31/07/19 19:24 Meter/Type: 0101178019473 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192121824411 Supplier Ref: 192121824411 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02733418 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 37626754738572393613 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/08/19 12:34 Meter/Type: 0101178019473 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192141134450 Supplier Ref: 192141134450 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02742640 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 20169767548384592585 Debt: N10,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/08/19 20:46 Meter/Type: 0101178019473 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192151946003 Supplier Ref: 192151946003 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02752016 Total Value: N30,000.00 Standard: N30,000.00 - 43585304089529018971 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/08/19 16:05 Meter/Type: 0101178019473 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192251505470 Supplier Ref: 192251505470 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02799013 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 05668577408038444019 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/08/19 20:56 Meter/Type: 0101178019473 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192361956447 Supplier Ref: 192361956447 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02855432 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 07481650032396567940 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/09/19 10:51 Meter/Type: 0101178019473 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192460951387 Supplier Ref: 192460951387 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02901137 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N40,000.00 - 72532268109612981603 Debt: N10,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/09/19 21:35 Meter/Type: 0101178019473 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192542035295 Supplier Ref: 192542035295 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02950232 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 51916959010156121470 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/09/19 20:33 Meter/Type: 0101178019473 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 110837044681322 Supplier Ref: 110837044681322 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02998067 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 41757813900439197130 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/09/19 11:33 Meter/Type: 0101178019473 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192731034298 Supplier Ref: 192731034298 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03046965 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 04462292344604136582 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/10/19 21:08 Meter/Type: 0101178019473 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192852009100 Supplier Ref: 192852009100 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03119588 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N40,000.00 - 71338138133818829637 Debt: N10,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/10/19 20:21 Meter/Type: 0101178019473 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 458622915586553 Supplier Ref: 458622915586553 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03166047 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 62283824792462817526 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/11/19 14:01 Meter/Type: 0101178019473 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 862151429205817 Supplier Ref: 862151429205817 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03290180 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N40,000.00 - 21380740943426163936 Debt: N10,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/12/19 17:15 Meter/Type: 0101178019473 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193351617551 Supplier Ref: 193351617551 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03433375 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N40,000.00 - 43637804352907533236 Debt: N10,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/12/19 19:15 Meter/Type: 0101178019473 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193361817307 Supplier Ref: 193361817307 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03445837 Total Value: N200.00 Standard: N200.00 - 13382360335496736671 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/02/20 16:22 Meter/Type: 0101178019473 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158151733737 Supplier Ref: 158151733737 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04051147 Total Value: N21,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 10656073820307481596 Debt: N20,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/04/20 14:17 Meter/Type: 0101178019473 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200921316510 Supplier Ref: 200921316510 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04481625 Total Value: N100,000.00 Standard: N80,000.00 - 22586455084377902691 Debt: N20,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/04/20 22:18 Meter/Type: 0101178019473 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200922118040 Supplier Ref: 200922118040 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04485762 Total Value: N40,000.00 Standard: N40,000.00 - 21834455644876014629 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/04/20 18:20 Meter/Type: 0101178019473 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200961719596 Supplier Ref: 200961719596 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04511183 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 59592052649994071884 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/04/20 12:19 Meter/Type: 0101178019473 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201031119512 Supplier Ref: 201031119512 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04557818 Total Value: N49,900.00 Standard: N49,900.00 - 50425660214459053762 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/04/20 14:29 Meter/Type: 0101178019473 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201101429462 Supplier Ref: 201101429462 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04607569 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 50462781531401870165 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/04/20 14:19 Meter/Type: 0101178019473 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201181420034 Supplier Ref: 201181420034 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04670679 Total Value: N49,900.00 Standard: N49,900.00 - 40094233658993496016 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/05/20 08:13 Meter/Type: 0101178019473 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201340813267 Supplier Ref: 201340813267 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04764517 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N40,000.00 - 13088384735050572001 Debt: N10,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/05/20 22:44 Meter/Type: 0101178019473 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201452245015 Supplier Ref: 201452245015 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04843398 Total Value: N49,900.00 Standard: N49,900.00 - 11839597547141851633 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/06/20 09:46 Meter/Type: 0101178019473 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201540946343 Supplier Ref: 201540946343 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04902832 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N40,000.00 - 36601606540213218969 Debt: N10,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/06/20 15:25 Meter/Type: 0101178019473 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201631525337 Supplier Ref: 201631525337 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04961850 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 28490636986866678669 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/06/20 17:28 Meter/Type: 0101178019473 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201731728545 Supplier Ref: 201731728545 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05029609 Total Value: N49,900.00 Standard: N49,900.00 - 03298297812457558597 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/06/20 19:30 Meter/Type: 0101178019473 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201821931002 Supplier Ref: 201821931002 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05104239 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 27568879033276184620 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/07/20 20:25 Meter/Type: 0101178019473 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201902025303 Supplier Ref: 201902025303 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05164641 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N40,000.00 - 03300721091479343068 Debt: N10,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 322020-07-16 ibib531@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014501ClosedVending History2020-07-15: Vending history54161156663 Good day Kindly send the details of the above meter Best regardsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-15NoGood morning, See below Date Sold: 06/12/19 17:30 Meter/Type: 54161156663 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193401632231 Supplier Ref: 193401632231 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03482149 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,869.95 - 20424779612925928402 Debt: N3,130.05 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/12/19 21:56 Meter/Type: 54161156663 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193442059074 Supplier Ref: 193442059074 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03514548 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,869.95 - 50320282008035339971 Debt: N3,130.05 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/12/19 19:08 Meter/Type: 54161156663 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193511810360 Supplier Ref: 193511810360 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03555975 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,869.95 - 19416028165072029734 Debt: N3,130.05 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/12/19 00:06 Meter/Type: 54161156663 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193542308518 Supplier Ref: 193542308518 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03586680 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,869.95 - 39984585812767360842 Debt: N3,130.05 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/12/19 12:27 Meter/Type: 54161156663 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193581130052 Supplier Ref: 193581130052 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03617297 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,869.95 - 57666667189599584811 Debt: N3,130.05 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/12/19 12:58 Meter/Type: 54161156663 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193611200546 Supplier Ref: 193611200546 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03643901 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,944.98 - 14103552225707489870 Debt: N3,055.02 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/12/19 15:08 Meter/Type: 54161156663 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193651411117 Supplier Ref: 193651411117 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03681004 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 29402931632839666518 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/01/20 20:14 Meter/Type: 54161156663 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200101917570 Supplier Ref: 200101917570 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03760883 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 25383002206602567017 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/01/20 11:02 Meter/Type: 54161156663 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200201005238 Supplier Ref: 200201005238 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03832912 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 55213021515496647123 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/01/20 18:06 Meter/Type: 54161156663 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200261709365 Supplier Ref: 200261709365 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03889420 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 41398817832296608156 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/01/20 20:54 Meter/Type: 54161156663 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200261958287 Supplier Ref: 200261958287 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03890421 Total Value: N100.00 Standard: N100.00 - 33722204626663556054 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/02/20 16:46 Meter/Type: 54161156663 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200351547026 Supplier Ref: 200351547026 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03977616 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 10129340058671230673 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/02/20 12:46 Meter/Type: 54161156663 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200461146320 Supplier Ref: 200461146320 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04077465 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 64928945736110332151 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/02/20 21:16 Meter/Type: 54161156663 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 699344370220841 Supplier Ref: 699344370220841 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB04176447 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 37143376325172466046 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/03/20 20:29 Meter/Type: 54161156663 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 200304599304 Supplier Ref: 200304599304 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB04275944 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N4,900.00 - 72178973906362737267 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/03/20 17:47 Meter/Type: 54161156663 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200741647012 Supplier Ref: 200741647012 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04351656 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 56774797208609796425 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/03/20 11:15 Meter/Type: 54161156663 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200831015283 Supplier Ref: 200831015283 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04402165 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N4,900.00 - 32004488811945360351 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/03/20 22:44 Meter/Type: 54161156663 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200902144475 Supplier Ref: 200902144475 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04465205 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N4,900.00 - 01933155759537833208 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/04/20 15:08 Meter/Type: 54161156663 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200971408015 Supplier Ref: 200971408015 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04517299 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 30674445441545985385 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/04/20 21:24 Meter/Type: 54161156663 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201032024170 Supplier Ref: 201032024170 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04559914 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N4,900.00 - 69892321182480947381 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/04/20 14:02 Meter/Type: 54161156663 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201131402261 Supplier Ref: 201131402261 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04627455 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 60450673100878809240 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/04/20 11:18 Meter/Type: 54161156663 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201171118143 Supplier Ref: 201171118143 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04661512 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 57589463521965694150 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/05/20 17:07 Meter/Type: 54161156663 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201221707494 Supplier Ref: 201221707494 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04695233 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N4,900.00 - 45652661594846718146 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/05/20 16:47 Meter/Type: 54161156663 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201281647151 Supplier Ref: 201281647151 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04728650 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 70891059601296189390 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/05/20 20:42 Meter/Type: 54161156663 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201352042571 Supplier Ref: 201352042571 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04774894 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N4,900.00 - 14535585189340102088 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/05/20 12:23 Meter/Type: 54161156663 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201421223425 Supplier Ref: 201421223425 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04815949 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 52406072223404891054 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/05/20 19:33 Meter/Type: 54161156663 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201491933391 Supplier Ref: 201491933391 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04869753 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 41201910239813981705 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/06/20 22:22 Meter/Type: 54161156663 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201542222551 Supplier Ref: 201542222551 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04907345 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 24345534543591707521 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/06/20 22:16 Meter/Type: 54161156663 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201612216386 Supplier Ref: 201612216386 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04951856 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 57692448456697480337 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/06/20 19:11 Meter/Type: 54161156663 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201671911340 Supplier Ref: 201671911340 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04989835 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 31006246547772989115 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/06/20 22:36 Meter/Type: 54161156663 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201762236341 Supplier Ref: 201762236341 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05055230 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 66757039164175711470 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/07/20 19:19 Meter/Type: 54161156663 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201831919197 Supplier Ref: 201831919197 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05113617 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 16011390328144764581 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/07/20 21:55 Meter/Type: 54161156663 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201892156003 Supplier Ref: 201892156003 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05157987 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 17179697439068961150 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/07/20 21:11 Meter/Type: 54161156663 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201972111406 Supplier Ref: 201972111406 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05209834 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 49436971765191025901 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 352020-07-16 rajiauwalmuazu@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014500Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014499ClosedRequest2020-07-15: Debt balance Please Ict kindly assist me with this meter number 0101170433995 original balance running balance and collection value thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-15NoHello, Find below Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 6131554451-01 Start Date: 7/19/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $40,795.03 Outstanding Balance: $36,790.03 Running Balance: $36,790.03 Note: Outstanding migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Per Vend Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/15/2020 3:17:11 PM2020-07-15 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014498ClosedVending History2020-07-15REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY 54160961196Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-15NoHello, Find below Date Sold: 21/04/17 09:10 Meter/Type: 54160961196 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 711109093882 Supplier Ref: 711109093882 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00224009 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 53018566052121965021 Date Sold: 22/05/17 17:35 Meter/Type: 54160961196 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000598995699 Supplier Ref: 000598995699 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00264188 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 66506579585697335593 Date Sold: 23/05/17 13:29 Meter/Type: 54160961196 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 714313293291 Supplier Ref: 714313293291 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00265183 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 33741192834310880001 Date Sold: 03/07/17 07:32 Meter/Type: 54160961196 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000604983238 Supplier Ref: 000604983238 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00316711 Total Value: N1,100.00 Standard: N1,100.00 - 64180570323598558166 Date Sold: 19/06/18 16:27 Meter/Type: 54160961196 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 817015271916 Supplier Ref: 817015271916 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00842348 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 12642511484133476970 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/08/18 15:03 Meter/Type: 54160961196 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000661902544 Supplier Ref: 000661902544 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00945807 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 59285648936192364631 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/11/18 14:44 Meter/Type: 54160961196 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000677746525 Supplier Ref: 000677746525 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01290309 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 10893603925867434937 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/01/19 16:48 Meter/Type: 54160961196 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190101548195 Supplier Ref: 190101548195 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01553190 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 09464970096038971562 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/03/19 13:29 Meter/Type: 54160961196 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155178535439 Supplier Ref: 155178535439 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01963663 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 50775212330240258200 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/06/19 12:23 Meter/Type: 54160961196 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 915811180000 Supplier Ref: 915811180000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02466688 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 60314020540382986313 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/06/19 16:54 Meter/Type: 54160961196 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191721554456 Supplier Ref: 191721554456 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02538358 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 60443268327091627591 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/08/19 14:38 Meter/Type: 54160961196 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 921713370000 Supplier Ref: 921713370000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02758310 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 63054145895501154225 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/08/19 12:27 Meter/Type: 54160961196 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 699310795169909 Supplier Ref: 699310795169909 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02826682 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 23129382810203597361 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/09/19 15:50 Meter/Type: 54160961196 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156898747140 Supplier Ref: 156898747140 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02996164 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 58115837401888827618 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/12/19 14:40 Meter/Type: 54160961196 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193361342516 Supplier Ref: 193361342516 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03441688 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 20578112886405779349 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/02/20 10:26 Meter/Type: 54160961196 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158140958852 Supplier Ref: 158140958852 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04037186 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 70933658348530871710 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/03/20 17:03 Meter/Type: 54160961196 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200811603253 Supplier Ref: 200811603253 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04394277 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 44152982633360251628 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/04/20 13:04 Meter/Type: 54160961196 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201091304208 Supplier Ref: 201091304208 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04599031 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 13386678568037859511 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/05/20 12:05 Meter/Type: 54160961196 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201371205566 Supplier Ref: 201371205566 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04787428 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 32634118172341521503 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/06/20 11:01 Meter/Type: 54160961196 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201531101586 Supplier Ref: 201531101586 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04896994 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 07761167579900693964 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/06/20 16:11 Meter/Type: 54160961196 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201561611388 Supplier Ref: 201561611388 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04918575 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 31519885043749802688 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/07/20 13:51 Meter/Type: 54160961196 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201961351276 Supplier Ref: 201961351276 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05199828 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 38321735736700300344 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 342020-07-15 longpuan@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014497ClosedTamper Code2020-07-15Dear IT Support Team, KIndly furnish us with CTT for 0101170209437. see attached photo duly vetted by Audit for your referenceMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-15NoHello, Find below as requested, 0101170209437 3779 1272 4356 5676 9108 Clear Tamper Regards.2020-07-15 mujtabaumar01@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014496ClosedVending History2020-07-15Good Evening sir, Kindly avail me with the vending history this meter: 57100025329 Thanks SirMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-15NoHello, Find below Date Sold: 28/07/16 11:29 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 621011420303 Supplier Ref: 621011420303 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00007200 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 42197467514759376519 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt Date Sold: 02/08/16 11:57 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 621512100441 Supplier Ref: 621512100441 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00009888 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 56331982220778329713 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt Date Sold: 15/08/16 10:19 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 622810320347 Supplier Ref: 622810320347 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00016687 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 58234717621870772007 Date Sold: 20/08/16 13:42 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/bolaoye Token Ref: 623313550365 Supplier Ref: 623313550365 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00020667 Total Value: N1,200.00 Standard: N1,200.00 - 24849158605013886338 Date Sold: 07/09/16 12:39 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/mmachen Token Ref: 625112400782 Supplier Ref: 625112400782 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00031205 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 21149289845409127448 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 13/09/16 11:46 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/mmachen Token Ref: 625711477329 Supplier Ref: 625711477329 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00034508 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 64555131114308410366 Date Sold: 26/09/16 09:05 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/mmachen Token Ref: 627009060493 Supplier Ref: 627009060493 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00042028 Total Value: N1,200.00 Standard: N1,200.00 - 63553533871414247346 Date Sold: 04/10/16 12:10 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/mmachen Token Ref: 627812104595 Supplier Ref: 627812104595 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00047717 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 23009339712346520927 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 12/10/16 09:28 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/mmachen Token Ref: 628609284947 Supplier Ref: 628609284947 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00053802 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 29022634072563111771 Date Sold: 24/10/16 10:30 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/agina Token Ref: 629810310215 Supplier Ref: 629810310215 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00061009 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 04883533081960897440 Date Sold: 02/11/16 10:43 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/mmachen Token Ref: 630711424124 Supplier Ref: 630711424124 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00067292 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 51714147293649826621 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 10/11/16 09:33 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 631509337934 Supplier Ref: 631509337934 Receipt: Etrans3EMDB00072695 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 04002318653282758683 Date Sold: 21/11/16 09:07 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/mmachen Token Ref: 632609068820 Supplier Ref: 632609068820 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00079170 Total Value: N1,200.00 Standard: N1,200.00 - 02676741415386251026 Date Sold: 05/12/16 09:38 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/agina Token Ref: 634009390148 Supplier Ref: 634009390148 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00088335 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 47234076280444315068 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 08/12/16 09:17 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/binuwa Token Ref: 634309170130 Supplier Ref: 634309170130 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00091206 Total Value: N1,200.00 Standard: N1,200.00 - 64580249285706731076 Date Sold: 16/12/16 13:31 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/aibe Token Ref: 635113310176 Supplier Ref: 635113310176 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00097723 Total Value: N1,200.00 Standard: N1,200.00 - 62486460560765974053 Date Sold: 31/12/16 09:30 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Vdagett Token Ref: 636609299430 Supplier Ref: 636609299430 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00109869 Total Value: N1,100.00 Standard: N1,100.00 - 17039202595396812451 Date Sold: 07/01/17 12:03 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 700712030170 Supplier Ref: 700712030170 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00115602 Total Value: N4,300.00 Standard: N1,300.00 - 67859828128502486510 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 13/01/17 13:22 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Vdagett Token Ref: 701314182520 Supplier Ref: 701314182520 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00120226 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 28755153635815430320 Date Sold: 02/02/17 12:02 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Vdagett Token Ref: 703312566227 Supplier Ref: 703312566227 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00132581 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 72684812019669327562 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 09/02/17 12:46 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Vdagett Token Ref: 704013399852 Supplier Ref: 704013399852 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00139170 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 66516436822856709109 Date Sold: 22/02/17 09:15 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Vdagett Token Ref: 705310084130 Supplier Ref: 705310084130 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00150779 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 02132923438383875098 Date Sold: 28/02/17 13:22 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Vdagett Token Ref: 705914166070 Supplier Ref: 705914166070 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00158430 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 09194335176667401022 Date Sold: 10/03/17 12:10 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/binuwa Token Ref: 706912100355 Supplier Ref: 706912100355 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00172476 Total Value: N4,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 30190183109344215779 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 17/03/17 10:01 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/binuwa Token Ref: 707610010189 Supplier Ref: 707610010189 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00180758 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 49815172748542676744 Date Sold: 24/03/17 09:56 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/aibe Token Ref: 708309560094 Supplier Ref: 708309560094 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00189162 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 07185713305414732055 Date Sold: 31/03/17 12:36 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Vdagett Token Ref: 709013295308 Supplier Ref: 709013295308 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00199436 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 19812720946017748914 Date Sold: 18/04/17 12:54 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Vdagett Token Ref: 710813477475 Supplier Ref: 710813477475 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00219859 Total Value: N3,700.00 Standard: N1,604.00 - 52408119158633353967 Debt: N2,096.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 24/04/17 09:31 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Vdagett Token Ref: 711410234144 Supplier Ref: 711410234144 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00226968 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 37687756715288196568 Date Sold: 15/05/17 12:34 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/binuwa Token Ref: 713512340055 Supplier Ref: 713512340055 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00254030 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 04361363364107099219 Date Sold: 05/06/17 09:53 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/binuwa Token Ref: 715609530194 Supplier Ref: 715609530194 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00281022 Total Value: N2,400.00 Standard: N2,400.00 - 38118082416013096363 Date Sold: 13/06/17 10:07 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Vdagett Token Ref: 716410588981 Supplier Ref: 716410588981 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00292073 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 71846087348556364080 Date Sold: 27/06/17 09:31 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 717809311012 Supplier Ref: 717809311012 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00309103 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 01038055810589655924 Date Sold: 04/07/17 09:30 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Vdagett Token Ref: 718510210626 Supplier Ref: 718510210626 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00319013 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 27044856962643706571 Date Sold: 13/07/17 09:43 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Vdagett Token Ref: 719410333529 Supplier Ref: 719410333529 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00330851 Total Value: N1,200.00 Standard: N1,200.00 - 60297040259361544020 Date Sold: 19/07/17 09:39 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Vdagett Token Ref: 720010294519 Supplier Ref: 720010294519 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00338312 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 23640213181381175435 Date Sold: 28/07/17 12:05 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Vdagett Token Ref: 720912559465 Supplier Ref: 720912559465 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00350316 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 72835951393226694752 Date Sold: 04/08/17 09:19 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Vdagett Token Ref: 721610095211 Supplier Ref: 721610095211 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00360165 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 39067336120958638450 Date Sold: 12/08/17 11:28 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 722411281048 Supplier Ref: 722411281048 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00369873 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 73398774341790847534 Date Sold: 18/08/17 11:28 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Vdagett Token Ref: 723012170770 Supplier Ref: 723012170770 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00376329 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 62260923948874779080 Date Sold: 25/08/17 10:14 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Vdagett Token Ref: 723711046329 Supplier Ref: 723711046329 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00384717 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 24285125854388900953 Date Sold: 01/09/17 10:59 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Vdagett Token Ref: 724411483757 Supplier Ref: 724411483757 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00396040 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 15722678450106008193 Date Sold: 08/09/17 12:35 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Vdagett Token Ref: 725113242893 Supplier Ref: 725113242893 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00405161 Total Value: N1,700.00 Standard: N1,700.00 - 46207599428981777969 Date Sold: 13/09/17 09:18 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Vdagett Token Ref: 725610065437 Supplier Ref: 725610065437 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00410778 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 33143235450183042825 Date Sold: 18/09/17 09:15 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Vdagett Token Ref: 726110033883 Supplier Ref: 726110033883 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00415732 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 15798675591749080731 Date Sold: 25/09/17 09:07 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Vdagett Token Ref: 726809551333 Supplier Ref: 726809551333 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00424546 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 01675617389872310322 Date Sold: 02/10/17 09:35 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Vdagett Token Ref: 727510220100 Supplier Ref: 727510220100 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00433828 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 17441433006406538364 Date Sold: 06/10/17 10:09 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Vdagett Token Ref: 727910564480 Supplier Ref: 727910564480 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00441493 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 35107837668920147454 Date Sold: 14/10/17 09:48 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/binuwa Token Ref: 728709480039 Supplier Ref: 728709480039 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00452942 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 47398592435849003972 Date Sold: 21/10/17 10:01 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 729410011045 Supplier Ref: 729410011045 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00461802 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 61316709803413323477 Date Sold: 30/10/17 08:35 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 730308351017 Supplier Ref: 730308351017 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00473073 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 25008578038310589658 Date Sold: 08/11/17 09:03 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 731209031046 Supplier Ref: 731209031046 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00488400 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 65538999813533027036 Date Sold: 20/11/17 08:22 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 732408221024 Supplier Ref: 732408221024 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00503662 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 25408328302162511503 Date Sold: 27/11/17 08:19 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 733108191023 Supplier Ref: 733108191023 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00513160 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 30062813531777923273 Date Sold: 05/12/17 09:20 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 733909201098 Supplier Ref: 733909201098 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00525765 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 51928793460834309138 Date Sold: 14/12/17 09:11 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 734809111053 Supplier Ref: 734809111053 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00539035 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 24935560555591286791 Date Sold: 19/12/17 09:22 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 735309221077 Supplier Ref: 735309221077 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00545712 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 07027601232320308258 Date Sold: 27/12/17 09:13 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 736109131073 Supplier Ref: 736109131073 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00557716 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 60962560684148470198 Date Sold: 03/01/18 11:26 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 800311261171 Supplier Ref: 800311261171 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00567400 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 19795820668925646250 Date Sold: 13/01/18 10:31 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 592426611588211 Supplier Ref: 592426611588211 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00579149 Total Value: N1,200.00 Standard: N1,200.00 - 69167861763844126090 Date Sold: 22/01/18 08:18 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 802208181003 Supplier Ref: 802208181003 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00589227 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 09170366131780700824 Date Sold: 30/01/18 09:03 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000635376450 Supplier Ref: 000635376450 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00600687 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 14086806245412532599 Date Sold: 20/02/18 09:14 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 805109131090 Supplier Ref: 805109131090 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00631427 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 27670301463223170715 Date Sold: 14/03/18 09:31 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 807309311121 Supplier Ref: 807309311121 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00666969 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 35117619980391243441 Date Sold: 27/03/18 09:32 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 808608321020 Supplier Ref: 808608321020 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00685006 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 09666497933651301715 Date Sold: 09/04/18 13:40 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 809912401435 Supplier Ref: 809912401435 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00706947 Total Value: N1,200.00 Standard: N1,200.00 - 52324560030924657026 Date Sold: 19/04/18 10:53 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 810909531093 Supplier Ref: 810909531093 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00723125 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 47244327348350288573 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/05/18 10:46 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 813409461169 Supplier Ref: 813409461169 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00766500 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 49537730706348472973 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/05/18 10:33 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 815009331167 Supplier Ref: 815009331167 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00799061 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 67278841926941577882 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/06/18 10:00 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 817809001102 Supplier Ref: 817809001102 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00857819 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 10779975769586014848 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/07/18 11:27 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182041027371 Supplier Ref: 182041027371 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00917753 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 49565660831983123664 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/08/18 10:12 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182280912064 Supplier Ref: 182280912064 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00980428 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 30952259206697194432 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/09/18 14:38 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 370082605320882 Supplier Ref: 370082605320882 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01053351 Total Value: N1,300.00 Standard: N1,300.00 - 28744339491218399541 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/09/18 12:53 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000669815600 Supplier Ref: 000669815600 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01101002 Total Value: N1,400.00 Standard: N1,400.00 - 58813875857345712610 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/10/18 10:44 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182961044413 Supplier Ref: 182961044413 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01191014 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 08921851152332628518 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/11/18 09:27 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183300927303 Supplier Ref: 183300927303 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01307714 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 47069336992209377819 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/12/18 09:36 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183540836591 Supplier Ref: 183540836591 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01419150 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 33183368997432493178 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/01/19 10:58 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190040959032 Supplier Ref: 190040959032 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01516048 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 22694258033274498768 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/01/19 10:00 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190290900275 Supplier Ref: 190290900275 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01689738 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 66491030142449444833 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/02/19 10:33 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190580933418 Supplier Ref: 190580933418 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01913520 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 25525189318454669902 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/04/19 14:15 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190911315385 Supplier Ref: 190911315385 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02105493 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 46882136972891413214 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/05/19 10:53 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191220954015 Supplier Ref: 191220954015 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02281626 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 11714221107670897035 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/06/19 12:40 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191551140140 Supplier Ref: 191551140140 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02451073 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 36535660768952543757 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/06/19 14:01 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191751301330 Supplier Ref: 191751301330 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02549763 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 68406672441531617736 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/07/19 10:13 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190711091240 Supplier Ref: 190711091240 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02632095 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 38043350743094882661 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/07/19 11:19 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190726101927 Supplier Ref: 190726101927 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02702957 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 56298808364824182636 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/08/19 13:51 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190810125054 Supplier Ref: 190810125054 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02785292 Total Value: N1,300.00 Standard: N1,300.00 - 05055574202075327237 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/08/19 11:28 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192351028204 Supplier Ref: 192351028204 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02846633 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 15512087546030005454 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/09/19 10:49 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156819176432 Supplier Ref: 156819176432 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02945933 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 48461478580240733916 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/09/19 10:03 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192730904273 Supplier Ref: 192730904273 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03045864 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 16749913217735086372 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/10/19 10:38 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192910939582 Supplier Ref: 192910939582 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03147112 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 58707016296350973853 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/11/19 11:43 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 930510452279 Supplier Ref: 930510452279 Receipt: PagT13EMDB03230228 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 24592577057984542642 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/11/19 09:36 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193260838210 Supplier Ref: 193260838210 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03354067 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 54060440585673158746 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/12/19 13:57 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157528796625 Supplier Ref: 157528796625 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03440973 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 33488220818527751996 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/12/19 10:23 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193520926353 Supplier Ref: 193520926353 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03559542 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 17068022710138707568 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/01/20 21:26 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157859818450 Supplier Ref: 157859818450 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03752638 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 29845102747052322551 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/01/20 10:05 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200270908381 Supplier Ref: 200270908381 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03891700 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 46126597099017084317 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/02/20 11:43 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200431043526 Supplier Ref: 200431043526 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04047506 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 64185018717297548567 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/03/20 11:25 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200651025238 Supplier Ref: 200651025238 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04281137 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 66491068050367180384 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/04/20 10:58 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200940958105 Supplier Ref: 200940958105 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04496445 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 21594145253967283362 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/06/20 10:55 Meter/Type: 57100025329 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201751056000 Supplier Ref: 201751056000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05041489 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 38305168573684014637 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 1102020-07-15 apaaverem@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014495ClosedRequest2020-07-15: 0101170379594 Hello, kindly assist with debt profile of above meter serial numberMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-15NoHello, Find below Debt Details Name: Outstanding Balance Reference Number: 6111526719-01 Start Date: 1/20/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $146,534.73 Outstanding Balance: $141,839.64 Running Balance: $141,839.64 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Per Vend Amount Collection Value: $1,565.03 Latest Payment: 5/15/2019 8:52:11 AM2020-07-15 phartiemah12@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014494ClosedVending History2020-07-15REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY Please kindly assist with vending history for MSN. 0101170285395 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-15NoHello, Find below, Date Sold: 30/06/18 14:32 Meter/Type: 0101170285395 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 818113321525 Supplier Ref: 818113321525 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00867388 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 53942676142936258858 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/08/18 13:17 Meter/Type: 0101170285395 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000664196084 Supplier Ref: 000664196084 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00987327 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 43352290860855165254 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/09/18 10:47 Meter/Type: 0101170285395 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000669083106 Supplier Ref: 000669083106 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01086523 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 21092661138017563433 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/10/18 16:20 Meter/Type: 0101170285395 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000671708414 Supplier Ref: 000671708414 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01145833 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 24686593054561557869 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/11/18 16:54 Meter/Type: 0101170285395 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183051654143 Supplier Ref: 183051654143 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01225831 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 00086907416101141340 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/11/18 17:13 Meter/Type: 0101170285395 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183301713111 Supplier Ref: 183301713111 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01310908 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 36904101130840910201 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/12/18 16:59 Meter/Type: 0101170285395 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183491559208 Supplier Ref: 183491559208 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01395656 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 30741037892612905423 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/12/18 17:41 Meter/Type: 0101170285395 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183651641421 Supplier Ref: 183651641421 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01497189 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 08505705773155496622 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/02/19 14:09 Meter/Type: 0101170285395 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190321310093 Supplier Ref: 190321310093 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01724352 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 67938911120703217779 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/02/19 08:46 Meter/Type: 0101170285395 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190520747175 Supplier Ref: 190520747175 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01869104 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 61557049903671511043 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/03/19 08:57 Meter/Type: 0101170285395 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190740757234 Supplier Ref: 190740757234 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02018782 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 68863290487823290271 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/04/19 17:17 Meter/Type: 0101170285395 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190408943143 Supplier Ref: 190408943143 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02149147 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 24690228775542107203 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/04/19 18:15 Meter/Type: 0101170285395 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191091715422 Supplier Ref: 191091715422 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02210698 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 48006720683212582670 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/05/19 10:51 Meter/Type: 0101170285395 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190513537101 Supplier Ref: 190513537101 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02333118 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 05291155566126247025 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/06/19 11:42 Meter/Type: 0101170285395 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191551042578 Supplier Ref: 191551042578 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02450603 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 32892498419981137060 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/07/19 19:47 Meter/Type: 0101170285395 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191821847272 Supplier Ref: 191821847272 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02585843 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 31459543097838934229 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/07/19 18:02 Meter/Type: 0101170285395 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192081701590 Supplier Ref: 192081701590 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02711529 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 64145336019246321397 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/08/19 09:53 Meter/Type: 0101170285395 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192350853106 Supplier Ref: 192350853106 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02846076 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 28137513450540884006 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/09/19 16:28 Meter/Type: 0101170285395 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192681528492 Supplier Ref: 192681528492 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03022868 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 12618879113329159346 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/10/19 16:35 Meter/Type: 0101170285395 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192871536236 Supplier Ref: 192871536236 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03127021 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 63965258329654748050 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/11/19 20:40 Meter/Type: 0101170285395 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193121941525 Supplier Ref: 193121941525 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03279900 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 04022954405034340926 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/12/19 21:35 Meter/Type: 0101170285395 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193362037438 Supplier Ref: 193362037438 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03447600 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 25538055091592072901 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/01/20 14:43 Meter/Type: 0101170285395 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 200106711108 Supplier Ref: 200106711108 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB03720232 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 71457773033757606293 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/01/20 09:16 Meter/Type: 0101170285395 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200270819367 Supplier Ref: 200270819367 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03891172 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 31968975918249330933 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/02/20 08:54 Meter/Type: 0101170285395 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200510754054 Supplier Ref: 200510754054 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04119618 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 72541006143805331502 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/03/20 18:07 Meter/Type: 0101170285395 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 200303724609 Supplier Ref: 200303724609 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB04263712 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 51545829441397953425 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/03/20 10:06 Meter/Type: 0101170285395 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200790906280 Supplier Ref: 200790906280 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04376388 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 12095131427688011133 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/04/20 17:06 Meter/Type: 0101170285395 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200931605494 Supplier Ref: 200931605494 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04492133 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 46583207678097047081 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/04/20 10:09 Meter/Type: 0101170285395 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201091009163 Supplier Ref: 201091009163 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04596509 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 70371226751028936809 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/05/20 08:35 Meter/Type: 0101170285395 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201270835508 Supplier Ref: 201270835508 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04720364 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 52494473865565193235 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/05/20 15:43 Meter/Type: 0101170285395 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201331543484 Supplier Ref: 201331543484 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04761944 Total Value: N100.00 Standard: N100.00 - 35955061484904930106 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/05/20 15:48 Meter/Type: 0101170285395 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201331548416 Supplier Ref: 201331548416 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04761979 Total Value: N2,400.00 Standard: N2,400.00 - 31369224169898437475 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/05/20 11:48 Meter/Type: 0101170285395 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201511148444 Supplier Ref: 201511148444 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04883326 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 72785215797577226294 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/06/20 12:38 Meter/Type: 0101170285395 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201811238282 Supplier Ref: 201811238282 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05088016 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 11183012089356272020 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/07/20 15:10 Meter/Type: 0101170285395 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201971510566 Supplier Ref: 201971510566 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05207345 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 45008699877011508504 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 392020-07-15 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014493ClosedOutstanding Balance2020-07-15Dear Support, Kindly provide outstanding balance for 54161115149 Thank youMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-15NoHello, Find below, Meter Serial Number: 54161115149 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 457013 Start Date: 2/7/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $22,820.17 Outstanding Balance: $10,820.17 Running Balance: $10,820.17 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/2/2020 1:59:31 PM2020-07-15 jenogah@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014492ClosedRequest2020-07-15Please Ict kindly assist me with this meter number 0101161011313 original balance running balance and collection value thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-15NoHello, Find below, Meter Serial Number: 0101161011313 Contract Account Number: 6131405631-01 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101161011313 Start Date: 1/30/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $204,513.57 Outstanding Balance: $180,013.57 Running Balance: $180,013.57 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,500.00 Latest Payment: 7/6/2020 10:35:13 AM2020-07-15 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014491ClosedKCT Request2020-07-15: REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101190015093 Please treat.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-15NoHello, Find below, 0101190015095 5710 2086 2983 9833 6134 3776 2932 2357 6324 93132020-07-15 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014490ClosedOutstanding Balance2020-07-15: REQUEST FOR OUT STANDING BALANCE METER NO:54161123721Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-15NoHello, Find below, Meter Serial Number: 54161123721 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING BALANCE Reference Number: 54161123721 Start Date: 5/1/2017 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $113,154.89 Outstanding Balance: $48,154.89 Running Balance: $48,154.89 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/26/2018 3:45:41 PM2020-07-15 benmercyladi@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014489ClosedKCT Request2020-07-15REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101190015093 Please treat.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-15NoHello, No KCT found.2020-07-15 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014488ClosedVending History2020-07-15REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY(54160947740)Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-15NoHello, Find below Date Sold: 28/06/19 20:35 Meter/Type: 54160947740 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 815989942511397 Supplier Ref: 815989942511397 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02573088 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 63393294290586104410 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/08/19 11:01 Meter/Type: 54160947740 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 467894024520333 Supplier Ref: 467894024520333 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02763179 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 20584251525261753697 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/09/19 10:20 Meter/Type: 54160947740 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192490920160 Supplier Ref: 192490920160 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02919078 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 37566178222924318653 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/10/19 13:48 Meter/Type: 54160947740 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192841249483 Supplier Ref: 192841249483 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03111977 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 51932969475220829866 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/10/19 16:57 Meter/Type: 54160947740 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157244754430 Supplier Ref: 157244754430 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03217813 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 62850011620612006559 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/11/19 17:08 Meter/Type: 54160947740 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 933316090000 Supplier Ref: 933316090000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03418377 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 55327481564444831066 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/01/20 09:49 Meter/Type: 54160947740 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 538859208322905 Supplier Ref: 538859208322905 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03843176 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 66576890340773644399 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/01/20 09:51 Meter/Type: 54160947740 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 73473488723686 Supplier Ref: 73473488723686 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03843206 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 44695994605081200608 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/01/20 13:36 Meter/Type: 54160947740 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 149171040585465 Supplier Ref: 149171040585465 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03935796 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 70342782364708635020 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/02/20 12:24 Meter/Type: 54160947740 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 709595785798424 Supplier Ref: 709595785798424 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB04203653 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 50401275577845987775 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/06/20 10:53 Meter/Type: 54160947740 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201531053158 Supplier Ref: 201531053158 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04896912 Total Value: N13,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 00062155754795339745 Debt: N12,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/06/20 10:03 Meter/Type: 54160947740 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201791004022 Supplier Ref: 201791004022 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05073076 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 69832650749299234126 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/07/20 13:41 Meter/Type: 54160947740 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201971341526 Supplier Ref: 201971341526 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05206582 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 24078558961486913652 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 162020-07-15 tyoverpeter@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014487ClosedTamper Code2020-07-15Dear IT Support Team, Kindly furnish us with the CTT for 0101161012303. Refer to the attached photo duly vettedMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-15NoHello Mujtaba, Find below as requested, 0101161012303 0676 8567 2007 1002 7743 Clear Tamper Regards.2020-07-15 mujtabaumar01@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014486ClosedKCT Request2020-07-15GOOD MORNING IT SUPPORT. Kindly assist with key change. 0101190004180 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-15NoHello, No kct found. Thank you2020-07-15 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014485Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014484ClosedRequest2020-07-15Please Ict kindly assist me with this meter number 54160943756 original balance running balance and collection value thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-15NoHello, Find below, Meter Serial Number: 54160943756 Debt Details Name: outstanding balance Reference Number: 54160943756 Start Date: 1/31/2017 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $144,124.48 Outstanding Balance: $21,624.48 Running Balance: $21,624.48 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,500.00 Latest Payment: 7/3/2020 12:15:52 PM2020-07-15 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014483ClosedVending History2020-07-15Please kindly assist with vending history for MSN. 0101160011520 Thanks Best RegardsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-15NoHello, Find below Date Sold: 25/02/19 10:49 Meter/Type: 0101160011520 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190560949434 Supplier Ref: 190560949434 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01895525 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 26474684306655714524 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/03/19 12:33 Meter/Type: 0101160011520 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155204120386 Supplier Ref: 155204120386 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01983311 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 08691450149189395186 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/04/19 13:22 Meter/Type: 0101160011520 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155506816583 Supplier Ref: 155506816583 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02171708 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 39567452760753088131 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/07/19 15:22 Meter/Type: 0101160011520 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156276495723 Supplier Ref: 156276495723 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02628971 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 16494334926753895746 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/09/19 11:10 Meter/Type: 0101160011520 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192501010264 Supplier Ref: 192501010264 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02925279 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 68376066795563518521 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 82020-07-15 faayu472003@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014482ClosedVending History2020-07-15: Vending history and total debt Please kindly send me the total outstanding history of these customer; 54161151607, 54161151516Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-15NoHello, Find below 54161151607 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 437763 Start Date: 6/21/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $148,174.39 Outstanding Balance: $115,674.39 Running Balance: $115,674.39 Note: Outstanding migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,500.00 Latest Payment: 6/18/2020 10:49:48 AM VH Date Sold: 28/12/18 12:33 Meter/Type: 54161151607 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183621133244 Supplier Ref: 183621133244 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01477686 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 39031982848178017186 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/01/19 13:11 Meter/Type: 54161151607 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154763710844 Supplier Ref: 154763710844 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01593976 Total Value: N200.00 Standard: N200.00 - 53253676156758559378 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/01/19 13:13 Meter/Type: 54161151607 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154763722737 Supplier Ref: 154763722737 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01593999 Total Value: N1,800.00 Standard: N1,800.00 - 46192044815791598724 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/02/19 14:42 Meter/Type: 54161151607 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 177373208404701 Supplier Ref: 177373208404701 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01925107 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 18518422323374436401 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/03/19 10:55 Meter/Type: 54161151607 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155289932942 Supplier Ref: 155289932942 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02031347 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 64498224168359813786 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/04/19 13:29 Meter/Type: 54161151607 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191051229592 Supplier Ref: 191051229592 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02184921 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 47176506023988273328 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/06/19 13:56 Meter/Type: 54161151607 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191621256116 Supplier Ref: 191621256116 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02488537 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 52664903687395027015 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/07/19 15:54 Meter/Type: 54161151607 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156363085261 Supplier Ref: 156363085261 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02677137 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 72304435062014414496 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/07/19 16:29 Meter/Type: 54161151607 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 920115291550 Supplier Ref: 920115291550 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02677308 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 36606903560946226377 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/08/19 09:37 Meter/Type: 54161151607 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192340837444 Supplier Ref: 192340837444 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02841173 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 41126504194738811352 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/08/19 11:50 Meter/Type: 54161151607 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 923410502117 Supplier Ref: 923410502117 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02841965 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 01424594548900264598 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/08/19 11:57 Meter/Type: 54161151607 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 923410572125 Supplier Ref: 923410572125 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02842021 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 66126129064918909302 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/09/19 12:13 Meter/Type: 54161151607 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192641114032 Supplier Ref: 192641114032 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03000451 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 37707891024764004894 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/10/19 21:19 Meter/Type: 54161151607 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157177201587 Supplier Ref: 157177201587 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03172295 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 24046958936081744590 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/11/19 11:54 Meter/Type: 54161151607 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193231056090 Supplier Ref: 193231056090 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03336272 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 41404006561331195965 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/12/19 11:08 Meter/Type: 54161151607 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193551011008 Supplier Ref: 193551011008 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03588522 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 04939521172879799864 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/01/20 17:18 Meter/Type: 54161151607 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 001816220907 Supplier Ref: 001816220907 Receipt: PagT13EMDB03824452 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 04043189599560943505 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/02/20 21:11 Meter/Type: 54161151607 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 004520117916 Supplier Ref: 004520117916 Receipt: PagT13EMDB04073366 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 46177729420741659893 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/03/20 13:31 Meter/Type: 54161151607 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200721231276 Supplier Ref: 200721231276 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04337971 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 68219774867767061027 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/04/20 15:06 Meter/Type: 54161151607 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201051406017 Supplier Ref: 201051406017 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04568620 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 26403065660317600323 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/04/20 04:23 Meter/Type: 54161151607 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201180423326 Supplier Ref: 201180423326 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04667279 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 43766397033688586207 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/05/20 08:23 Meter/Type: 54161151607 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201400823295 Supplier Ref: 201400823295 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04802189 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 71666928099700868768 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/06/20 10:49 Meter/Type: 54161151607 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201701049564 Supplier Ref: 201701049564 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05007279 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 56188091333125485699 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 36 54161151516 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 437764 Start Date: 6/21/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $148,174.39 Outstanding Balance: $115,674.39 Running Balance: $115,674.39 Note: Outstanding migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,500.00 Latest Payment: 6/23/2020 2:39:27 PM VH Date Sold: 03/01/19 16:07 Meter/Type: 54161151516 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154652445874 Supplier Ref: 154652445874 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01512701 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 50839657810463733077 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/02/19 13:28 Meter/Type: 54161151516 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190391228176 Supplier Ref: 190391228176 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01780729 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 69987133303893900027 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/03/19 15:23 Meter/Type: 54161151516 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190871423284 Supplier Ref: 190871423284 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02083097 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 13684573476899441900 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/05/19 14:24 Meter/Type: 54161151516 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155852787517 Supplier Ref: 155852787517 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02379496 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 34661056816876331706 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/06/19 16:23 Meter/Type: 54161151516 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156095420852 Supplier Ref: 156095420852 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02528398 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 03192351577329239978 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/07/19 12:38 Meter/Type: 54161151516 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192031138425 Supplier Ref: 192031138425 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02683394 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 25278269925671062467 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/08/19 15:53 Meter/Type: 54161151516 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192391453073 Supplier Ref: 192391453073 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02865873 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 20160566621458424815 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/09/19 11:59 Meter/Type: 54161151516 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192701100234 Supplier Ref: 192701100234 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03031822 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 56097783434066973803 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/10/19 13:50 Meter/Type: 54161151516 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157209069915 Supplier Ref: 157209069915 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03192283 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 55175970344940996001 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/12/19 15:21 Meter/Type: 54161151516 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 542542842530577 Supplier Ref: 542542842530577 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03518791 Total Value: N6,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 09386170430480963927 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/01/20 10:02 Meter/Type: 54161151516 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200150905407 Supplier Ref: 200150905407 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03797180 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 32937684653170695961 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/02/20 13:07 Meter/Type: 54161151516 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 316876084968966 Supplier Ref: 316876084968966 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB04132225 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 13028934548402839110 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/03/20 13:25 Meter/Type: 54161151516 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200791225241 Supplier Ref: 200791225241 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04378132 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 05835768454177294045 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/04/20 12:03 Meter/Type: 54161151516 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201071103278 Supplier Ref: 201071103278 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04579644 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 56828748858525982708 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/05/20 13:35 Meter/Type: 54161151516 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201331335412 Supplier Ref: 201331335412 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04761043 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 33882983134581237151 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/06/20 14:39 Meter/Type: 54161151516 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201751439160 Supplier Ref: 201751439160 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05043634 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 56481202612094831887 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 242020-07-15 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014481ClosedTamper Code2020-07-15: Tamper 57100075605 Kindly verify the above information for tamperMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-15NoHello, Find below as request, 57100075605 0101 2373 0230 8596 1313 Clear Tamper Regrads2020-07-15 ummilois2@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014480ClosedRequest2020-07-15Debt balance Please Ict kindly assist me with this meter number 0101170428086 original balance running balance and collection value thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-15NoHello, Find below, Meter Serial Number: 0101170428086 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 527972 Start Date: 1/21/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $60,364.05 Outstanding Balance: $40,018.66 Running Balance: $40,018.66 Note: Outstanding migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $1,565.03 Latest Payment: 1/10/2020 11:16:41 AM2020-07-15 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014479ClosedRequest2020-07-15Request for debt profile Please kindly furnish me with the debt profile of the following meter 54160899933. thanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-15NoHello, Find below, Meter Serial Number: 54160899933 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING BALANCE Reference Number: 54160899933 Start Date: 3/1/2018 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $195,341.41 Outstanding Balance: $104,341.41 Running Balance: $104,341.41 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,500.00 Latest Payment: 4/6/2020 3:41:43 PM2020-07-15 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014478ClosedRequest2020-07-15vending history and total debt Please kindly send me the total outstanding history of these customer; 0101160349771Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-15NoHello, Find below, Meter Serial Number: 0101160349771 Contract Account Number: 6312423060-01 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 6312423060-01 Start Date: 1/14/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $273,726.40 Outstanding Balance: $258,726.40 Running Balance: $258,726.40 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: 3/28/2020 2:02:23 PM Date Sold: 17/05/19 14:08 Meter/Type: 0101160349771 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155809491276 Supplier Ref: 155809491276 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02355310 Total Value: N1,300.00 Standard: N1,300.00 - 60697487945967810276 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/06/19 11:12 Meter/Type: 0101160349771 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155946657245 Supplier Ref: 155946657245 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02438362 Total Value: N2,400.00 Standard: N2,400.00 - 22725691373641975552 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/06/19 20:12 Meter/Type: 0101160349771 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155949907540 Supplier Ref: 155949907540 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02439605 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 09481991958825615676 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/07/19 15:55 Meter/Type: 0101160349771 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191841455196 Supplier Ref: 191841455196 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02595566 Total Value: N1,700.00 Standard: N1,700.00 - 36176443327898474302 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/07/19 16:00 Meter/Type: 0101160349771 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191841500134 Supplier Ref: 191841500134 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02595599 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 54032052797426862312 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/08/19 21:07 Meter/Type: 0101160349771 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 1565723279100 Supplier Ref: 1565723279100 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02800333 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 40854608858084142977 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/09/19 13:15 Meter/Type: 0101160349771 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156759548034 Supplier Ref: 156759548034 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02908075 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 62165252287586338939 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/09/19 21:26 Meter/Type: 0101160349771 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156978508681 Supplier Ref: 156978508681 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03045039 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 53059889954884866021 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/10/19 14:38 Meter/Type: 0101160349771 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 703073108721103 Supplier Ref: 703073108721103 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03143672 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 67961728971028718787 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/10/19 10:20 Meter/Type: 0101160349771 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157147315337 Supplier Ref: 157147315337 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03152988 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 03475729781274068751 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/11/19 17:30 Meter/Type: 0101160349771 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157348627867 Supplier Ref: 157348627867 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03291725 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 55539099215841523276 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/12/19 22:33 Meter/Type: 0101160349771 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157583728071 Supplier Ref: 157583728071 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03496235 Total Value: N1,400.00 Standard: N1,400.00 - 24476911450326821744 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/01/20 19:46 Meter/Type: 0101160349771 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157859210038 Supplier Ref: 157859210038 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03751850 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 65040179327909320087 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/03/20 15:02 Meter/Type: 0101160349771 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200881402325 Supplier Ref: 200881402325 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04448008 Total Value: N17,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 06740538440934453236 Debt: N15,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/03/20 23:12 Meter/Type: 0101160349771 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200902211595 Supplier Ref: 200902211595 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04465280 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 17058660515285466032 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 272020-07-15 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014477ClosedRequest2020-07-15REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILS Please kindly assist with debt details for MSN. 0101170156919 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-15NoHello, Find below, Meter Serial Number: 0101170156919 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 6460110138-01 Start Date: 12/20/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $77,319.81 Outstanding Balance: $73,319.81 Running Balance: $73,319.81 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 1/22/2020 5:13:09 PM2020-07-15 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014476ClosedVending History2020-07-15vending history and total debt please kindly send me the total outstanding history of these customer; 0101185058589, 0101170460311, 0101170456079Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-15NoHello, Find below, 0101185058589, Meter Serial Number: 0101185058589 Debt Details This customer does not have any Debt accounts associated. Date Sold: 12/05/20 13:50 Meter/Type: 0101185058589 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201331350311 Supplier Ref: 201331350311 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04761164 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 48226328763795831713 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/06/20 10:04 Meter/Type: 0101185058589 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201551004281 Supplier Ref: 201551004281 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04908583 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 62775416563633191776 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/06/20 06:01 Meter/Type: 0101185058589 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201810601052 Supplier Ref: 201810601052 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05083991 Total Value: N9,900.00 Standard: N9,900.00 - 61853683236238088340 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/07/20 11:57 Meter/Type: 0101185058589 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201971157258 Supplier Ref: 201971157258 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05205768 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 59447276817493865856 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 5 0101170460311, Meter Serial Number: 0101170460311 Contract Account Number: 687137 Debt Details This customer does not have any Debt accounts associated. Date Sold: 14/05/20 12:27 Meter/Type: 0101170460311 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201351227307 Supplier Ref: 201351227307 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04771655 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 51389891409385500787 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/05/20 19:09 Meter/Type: 0101170460311 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201491909117 Supplier Ref: 201491909117 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04869519 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 71807185893885675087 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/06/20 20:06 Meter/Type: 0101170460311 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201722007006 Supplier Ref: 201722007006 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05026289 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 73706175511670612878 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/06/20 16:22 Meter/Type: 0101170460311 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201751622564 Supplier Ref: 201751622564 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05044757 Total Value: N8,900.00 Standard: N8,900.00 - 21149832644872063128 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/07/20 23:17 Meter/Type: 0101170460311 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201942317281 Supplier Ref: 201942317281 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05187802 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 34562346876230372180 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/07/20 19:42 Meter/Type: 0101170460311 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201951943060 Supplier Ref: 201951943060 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05195535 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 70269784458439893475 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/07/20 11:59 Meter/Type: 0101170460311 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201971159428 Supplier Ref: 201971159428 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05205790 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 28586633903961675075 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 11 0101170456079 Meter Serial Number: 0101170456079 Debt Details This customer does not have any Debt accounts associated. Date Sold: 14/05/20 12:30 Meter/Type: 0101170456079 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201351230541 Supplier Ref: 201351230541 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04771683 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 09536158653428191725 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/05/20 19:11 Meter/Type: 0101170456079 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201491911595 Supplier Ref: 201491911595 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04869549 Total Value: N9,900.00 Standard: N9,900.00 - 48226303713448551039 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/06/20 19:59 Meter/Type: 0101170456079 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201721959416 Supplier Ref: 201721959416 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05026231 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 32493321218534274533 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/06/20 21:26 Meter/Type: 0101170456079 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201742126235 Supplier Ref: 201742126235 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05039050 Total Value: N8,900.00 Standard: N8,900.00 - 66069395626383889829 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/07/20 15:35 Meter/Type: 0101170456079 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201901535107 Supplier Ref: 201901535107 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05162539 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N4,900.00 - 04662975210081001073 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/07/20 15:44 Meter/Type: 0101170456079 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201901544530 Supplier Ref: 201901544530 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05162648 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N4,900.00 - 44843377813305898125 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/07/20 11:58 Meter/Type: 0101170456079 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201971158407 Supplier Ref: 201971158407 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05205777 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 17290446278750220828 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 112020-07-15 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014475ClosedVending History2020-07-15FOR VENDING HISTORY 0101160054280Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-15NoHello, Find below Top of Form Bottom of Form ________________________________________ Top of Form Date Sold: 25/10/19 15:57 Meter/Type: 0101160054280 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192981459037 Supplier Ref: 192981459037 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03187502 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 01132638125370137602 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/11/19 15:02 Meter/Type: 0101160054280 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157373667344 Supplier Ref: 157373667344 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03309941 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 58261599910682367085 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/11/19 21:47 Meter/Type: 0101160054280 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157376093431 Supplier Ref: 157376093431 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03312851 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 06976281369779035428 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/12/19 13:39 Meter/Type: 0101160054280 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157649654399 Supplier Ref: 157649654399 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03542782 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 65641545869587057214 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/01/20 09:39 Meter/Type: 0101160054280 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200030842326 Supplier Ref: 200030842326 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03697665 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 60263893397808777370 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/01/20 21:55 Meter/Type: 0101160054280 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158006872687 Supplier Ref: 158006872687 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03890878 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 03483685011976969584 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/03/20 17:54 Meter/Type: 0101160054280 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158325087718 Supplier Ref: 158325087718 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04263459 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N434.97 - 04382896043608811281 Debt: N1,565.03 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/03/20 09:28 Meter/Type: 0101160054280 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200880827565 Supplier Ref: 200880827565 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04443830 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 62688205930371340905 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/04/20 11:27 Meter/Type: 0101160054280 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201101127506 Supplier Ref: 201101127506 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04606780 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 42132897872411329432 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/05/20 18:23 Meter/Type: 0101160054280 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201281823110 Supplier Ref: 201281823110 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04729120 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 68413898362598719892 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/06/20 21:46 Meter/Type: 0101160054280 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201662146078 Supplier Ref: 201662146078 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04982599 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 31409630143567381898 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/07/20 21:40 Meter/Type: 0101160054280 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201832140445 Supplier Ref: 201832140445 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05114690 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 28930787590149414723 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 392020-07-15 longpuan@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014474ClosedRequest2020-07-15Good morning IT Support team. Please kindly assist with debt details for MSN. 0101170177543 Thanks Best RegardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-15NoHello, Sorry for the mix up, find below, Meter Serial Number: 0101170177543 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 668977 Start Date: 7/10/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $5,565.03 Outstanding Balance: $5,565.03 Running Balance: $5,565.03 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-15 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014473ClosedVending History2020-07-15Dear IT Support Team, Kindly furnish us with VH of 0101170365403. Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-15NoGood morning, Find below Date Sold: 17/08/18 14:08 Meter/Type: 0101170365403 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182291308496 Supplier Ref: 182291308496 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00984290 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 44491049930496125370 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/10/18 16:03 Meter/Type: 0101170365403 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182771603573 Supplier Ref: 182771603573 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01128583 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 49563047888777017163 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/10/18 11:10 Meter/Type: 0101170365403 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154054865534 Supplier Ref: 154054865534 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01202452 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 17354081741956354565 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/12/18 16:25 Meter/Type: 0101170365403 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183471525326 Supplier Ref: 183471525326 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01384346 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 69159603522101755973 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/02/19 14:37 Meter/Type: 0101170365403 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190501338202 Supplier Ref: 190501338202 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01858115 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 73644559504465421963 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/03/19 12:57 Meter/Type: 0101170365403 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190771157426 Supplier Ref: 190771157426 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02032476 Total Value: N1,200.00 Standard: N1,200.00 - 47478178471441465608 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/03/19 19:00 Meter/Type: 0101170365403 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190871800404 Supplier Ref: 190871800404 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02085011 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 33612456388690083148 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/04/19 19:58 Meter/Type: 0101170365403 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191191858208 Supplier Ref: 191191858208 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02265553 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 65133501279738658430 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/07/19 22:02 Meter/Type: 0101170365403 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156235694671 Supplier Ref: 156235694671 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02606501 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 63895986954526504657 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/07/19 17:47 Meter/Type: 0101170365403 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156260081534 Supplier Ref: 156260081534 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02618604 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 18230672983103993696 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/08/19 13:42 Meter/Type: 0101170365403 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192431242428 Supplier Ref: 192431242428 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02888182 Total Value: N700.00 Standard: N700.00 - 20380863153068300045 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 182020-07-15 aramidee05@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014472ClosedVending History2020-07-15Dear IT Support Team, Kindly furnish us with VH of 54161163511. Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-15NoGood morning, Find below Top of Form Date Sold: 12/12/17 12:40 Meter/Type: 54161163511 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000628342182 Supplier Ref: 000628342182 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00536421 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N1,999.00 - 59994590181153643296 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 14/09/18 14:01 Meter/Type: 54161163511 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182571301473 Supplier Ref: 182571301473 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01066772 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 15937738036886852406 Debt: N6,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 2 Bottom of Form2020-07-15 aramidee05@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014471ClosedVending History2020-07-15REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY - 0101170375014 PLEASE TREATMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-15NoGood morning, Find below Top of Form Date Sold: 25/09/18 11:23 Meter/Type: 0101170375014 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 933342603846261 Supplier Ref: 933342603846261 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01097399 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 04965365565718080379 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/10/18 10:50 Meter/Type: 0101170375014 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182841050513 Supplier Ref: 182841050513 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01150952 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 56381137272700074387 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/11/18 12:55 Meter/Type: 0101170375014 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 333491307344039 Supplier Ref: 333491307344039 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01243624 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 65649382599545419269 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/12/18 13:29 Meter/Type: 0101170375014 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000680181036 Supplier Ref: 000680181036 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01353795 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 70541952067698500090 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/12/18 15:30 Meter/Type: 0101170375014 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183651431123 Supplier Ref: 183651431123 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01495602 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 39955391998787628173 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/02/19 11:44 Meter/Type: 0101170375014 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154944628161 Supplier Ref: 154944628161 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01763604 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 23029849719782178091 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/03/19 15:13 Meter/Type: 0101170375014 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155170521887 Supplier Ref: 155170521887 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01954351 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 00558716923384029390 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/04/19 13:24 Meter/Type: 0101170375014 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190410618398 Supplier Ref: 190410618398 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02160027 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 10104342107790103551 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/04/19 15:58 Meter/Type: 0101170375014 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155654630020 Supplier Ref: 155654630020 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02263445 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 22236709403967145438 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/05/19 14:40 Meter/Type: 0101170375014 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 984141101523739 Supplier Ref: 984141101523739 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02289714 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 25311118996338787613 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/06/19 14:52 Meter/Type: 0101170375014 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 274947429232528 Supplier Ref: 274947429232528 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02444880 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 07633257519844902206 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/06/19 17:01 Meter/Type: 0101170375014 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190610441302 Supplier Ref: 190610441302 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02484206 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 60808324331568393283 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/07/19 12:14 Meter/Type: 0101170375014 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 962813105168871 Supplier Ref: 962813105168871 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02627703 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 55464634444553437167 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/08/19 13:25 Meter/Type: 0101170375014 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 878118005559908 Supplier Ref: 878118005559908 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02769137 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 57339063934022649307 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/08/19 13:56 Meter/Type: 0101170375014 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190830561141 Supplier Ref: 190830561141 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02882418 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 43924463924818562922 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/09/19 12:40 Meter/Type: 0101170375014 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192701140536 Supplier Ref: 192701140536 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03032151 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 46832851594424878009 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/10/19 14:18 Meter/Type: 0101170375014 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192911320017 Supplier Ref: 192911320017 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03148857 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 02771142036532269220 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/10/19 13:19 Meter/Type: 0101170375014 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 930212206965 Supplier Ref: 930212206965 Receipt: PagT13EMDB03208543 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 55839213089609919221 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/11/19 15:33 Meter/Type: 0101170375014 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193311435597 Supplier Ref: 193311435597 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03398449 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 13201607898939602546 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/12/19 12:56 Meter/Type: 0101170375014 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157744432564 Supplier Ref: 157744432564 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03643856 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 27597678385705179571 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/01/20 13:56 Meter/Type: 0101170375014 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200311256577 Supplier Ref: 200311256577 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03936177 Total Value: N4,500.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 19931589533511575454 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/03/20 10:19 Meter/Type: 0101170375014 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200650919354 Supplier Ref: 200650919354 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04279873 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 16103796172138177777 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/04/20 14:22 Meter/Type: 0101170375014 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200931322164 Supplier Ref: 200931322164 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04490295 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N500.00 - 02345132666314646161 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/04/20 14:28 Meter/Type: 0101170375014 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200931328394 Supplier Ref: 200931328394 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04490407 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 33369194392580257033 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/05/20 10:53 Meter/Type: 0101170375014 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201231053553 Supplier Ref: 201231053553 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04697961 Total Value: N4,500.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 07551513407683588247 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/05/20 13:36 Meter/Type: 0101170375014 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201501336528 Supplier Ref: 201501336528 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04875561 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 66078470030109068244 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/07/20 12:02 Meter/Type: 0101170375014 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201831202072 Supplier Ref: 201831202072 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05109196 Total Value: N6,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 35097168212753741378 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 43 Bottom of Form2020-07-15 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014470ClosedRequest2020-07-15Good morning IT Support team. Please kindly assist with debt details for MSN. 0101170177543 Thanks Best RegardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-15NoGood Morning, Find below, Meter Serial Number: 0101190014445 Debt Details This customer does not have any Debt accounts associated.2020-07-15 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014469ClosedVending History2020-07-15Hello, Kindly provide us with the vending history of MSN: 0101160008583. ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-15NoGood morning, Find below Date Sold: 21/05/20 17:22 Meter/Type: 0101160008583 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201421722252 Supplier Ref: 201421722252 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04818944 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 70991533795168587257 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/07/20 11:26 Meter/Type: 0101160008583 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201831126348 Supplier Ref: 201831126348 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05108855 Total Value: N32,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 67317721583696435765 Debt: N31,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 172020-07-15 anersirleh@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014468ClosedKCT Request2020-07-150101165015708 Dear IT support team, kindly generate KCT for the above meter numberMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-15NoGood Morning, Find below, 0101165015708 1582 0463 1901 1037 0788 5633 7816 5491 4519 24422020-07-15 ppmcapture@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014467ClosedRequest2020-07-15Request for vending history opening balance and outstanding debt balance Please I wish to request for vending history opening balance and outstanding debt balance of the following meter 51161031742.54161065625.thanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-15No51161031742. No Contract (with an Account) No token sales. 54161065625 Meter Serial Number: 54161065625 Contract Account Number: 6341101813-01 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 54161065625 Start Date: 9/16/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $238,683.18 Outstanding Balance: $205,683.18 Running Balance: $205,683.18 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/7/2020 8:48:59 PM VH Date Sold: 17/09/18 15:11 Meter/Type: 54161065625 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 944139565689106 Supplier Ref: 944139565689106 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01074510 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 31055381096031791959 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/10/18 11:57 Meter/Type: 54161065625 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000672690142 Supplier Ref: 000672690142 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01167785 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 52932928995063117329 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/10/18 09:14 Meter/Type: 54161065625 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000673537465 Supplier Ref: 000673537465 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01186118 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 04853415910642200792 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/01/19 14:53 Meter/Type: 54161065625 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190141353156 Supplier Ref: 190141353156 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01577950 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 46437621242452635145 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/01/19 13:50 Meter/Type: 54161065625 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190261250567 Supplier Ref: 190261250567 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01671165 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 71235392872320629446 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/04/19 16:43 Meter/Type: 54161065625 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155585782636 Supplier Ref: 155585782636 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02218654 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 59542637294567074655 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/04/19 12:52 Meter/Type: 54161065625 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155610304640 Supplier Ref: 155610304640 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02233510 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 49303899220981378760 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/05/19 16:34 Meter/Type: 54161065625 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155922661671 Supplier Ref: 155922661671 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02421691 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 56960933928254511837 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/07/19 23:01 Meter/Type: 54161065625 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156236050435 Supplier Ref: 156236050435 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02606683 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 14960674223797130698 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/08/19 22:06 Meter/Type: 54161065625 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156615878652 Supplier Ref: 156615878652 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02824456 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 00122509357842645010 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/09/19 20:49 Meter/Type: 54161065625 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156900538838 Supplier Ref: 156900538838 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02998190 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 18496157312226467947 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/09/19 18:32 Meter/Type: 54161065625 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156968839201 Supplier Ref: 156968839201 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03041062 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 26530041507646508112 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/03/20 00:09 Meter/Type: 54161065625 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158301408887 Supplier Ref: 158301408887 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04227053 Total Value: N18,200.00 Standard: N3,200.00 - 46275310827069700827 Debt: N15,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/04/20 07:39 Meter/Type: 54161065625 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200950639306 Supplier Ref: 200950639306 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04502935 Total Value: N9,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 04885943943143297706 Debt: N6,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/05/20 11:04 Meter/Type: 54161065625 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201291104096 Supplier Ref: 201291104096 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04732739 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 60676969339950331210 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/07/20 20:48 Meter/Type: 54161065625 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201892049063 Supplier Ref: 201892049063 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05157715 Total Value: N9,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 16128877106629575763 Debt: N6,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 302020-07-15 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014466ClosedRequest2020-07-15: 54161080939 Hello, Kindly assist with debt profile of above meter serial numberMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-15NoGood morning, Find below, Meter Serial Number: 54161080939 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 644815 Start Date: 2/3/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $8,477.20 Outstanding Balance: $8,477.20 Running Balance: $8,477.20 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-15 phartiemah12@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014465ClosedVending History2020-07-15Dear IT Support, Please the customer with the meter number: 54 1608 6972 0 is requesting for his vending history in order to get the clarity of his payment history and remaining debt. Attach is the copy of his meter capturing form. Thank you.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-15NoGood morning, Find below Top of Form Date Sold: 04/12/19 06:30 Meter/Type: 54160869720 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193380533035 Supplier Ref: 193380533035 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03458893 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 04968409809514347482 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/12/19 11:11 Meter/Type: 54160869720 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157674684685 Supplier Ref: 157674684685 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03569767 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 21922760269700802616 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/01/20 20:11 Meter/Type: 54160869720 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200031914588 Supplier Ref: 200031914588 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03703652 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 26458706293839614417 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/01/20 10:26 Meter/Type: 54160869720 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200200929444 Supplier Ref: 200200929444 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03832450 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 30315523011717156094 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/01/20 11:48 Meter/Type: 54160869720 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157994592629 Supplier Ref: 157994592629 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03880887 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 69456024434651670228 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/06/20 09:27 Meter/Type: 54160869720 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201670927480 Supplier Ref: 201670927480 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04983888 Total Value: N9,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 54205562744392456422 Debt: N8,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/06/20 09:12 Meter/Type: 54160869720 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201760912547 Supplier Ref: 201760912547 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05048413 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 52096895447471616249 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/07/20 09:53 Meter/Type: 54160869720 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201970953460 Supplier Ref: 201970953460 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05204759 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 47218505326399158320 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 17 Bottom of Form2020-07-15 hamidu101@yahoo.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014464ClosedVending History2020-07-15Dear IT Support, Kindly generate VH for the meter number 54160961196 Warm regardsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-15NoGood morning, Find below Date Sold: 21/04/17 09:10 Meter/Type: 54160961196 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 711109093882 Supplier Ref: 711109093882 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00224009 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 53018566052121965021 Date Sold: 22/05/17 17:35 Meter/Type: 54160961196 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000598995699 Supplier Ref: 000598995699 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00264188 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 66506579585697335593 Date Sold: 23/05/17 13:29 Meter/Type: 54160961196 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 714313293291 Supplier Ref: 714313293291 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00265183 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 33741192834310880001 Date Sold: 03/07/17 07:32 Meter/Type: 54160961196 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000604983238 Supplier Ref: 000604983238 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00316711 Total Value: N1,100.00 Standard: N1,100.00 - 64180570323598558166 Date Sold: 19/06/18 16:27 Meter/Type: 54160961196 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 817015271916 Supplier Ref: 817015271916 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00842348 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 12642511484133476970 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/08/18 15:03 Meter/Type: 54160961196 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000661902544 Supplier Ref: 000661902544 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00945807 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 59285648936192364631 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/11/18 14:44 Meter/Type: 54160961196 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000677746525 Supplier Ref: 000677746525 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01290309 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 10893603925867434937 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/01/19 16:48 Meter/Type: 54160961196 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190101548195 Supplier Ref: 190101548195 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01553190 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 09464970096038971562 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/03/19 13:29 Meter/Type: 54160961196 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155178535439 Supplier Ref: 155178535439 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01963663 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 50775212330240258200 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/06/19 12:23 Meter/Type: 54160961196 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 915811180000 Supplier Ref: 915811180000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02466688 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 60314020540382986313 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/06/19 16:54 Meter/Type: 54160961196 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191721554456 Supplier Ref: 191721554456 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02538358 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 60443268327091627591 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/08/19 14:38 Meter/Type: 54160961196 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 921713370000 Supplier Ref: 921713370000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02758310 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 63054145895501154225 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/08/19 12:27 Meter/Type: 54160961196 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 699310795169909 Supplier Ref: 699310795169909 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02826682 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 23129382810203597361 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/09/19 15:50 Meter/Type: 54160961196 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156898747140 Supplier Ref: 156898747140 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02996164 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 58115837401888827618 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/12/19 14:40 Meter/Type: 54160961196 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193361342516 Supplier Ref: 193361342516 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03441688 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 20578112886405779349 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/02/20 10:26 Meter/Type: 54160961196 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158140958852 Supplier Ref: 158140958852 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04037186 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 70933658348530871710 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/03/20 17:03 Meter/Type: 54160961196 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200811603253 Supplier Ref: 200811603253 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04394277 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 44152982633360251628 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/04/20 13:04 Meter/Type: 54160961196 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201091304208 Supplier Ref: 201091304208 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04599031 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 13386678568037859511 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/05/20 12:05 Meter/Type: 54160961196 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201371205566 Supplier Ref: 201371205566 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04787428 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 32634118172341521503 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/06/20 11:01 Meter/Type: 54160961196 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201531101586 Supplier Ref: 201531101586 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04896994 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 07761167579900693964 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/06/20 16:11 Meter/Type: 54160961196 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201561611388 Supplier Ref: 201561611388 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04918575 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 31519885043749802688 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/07/20 13:51 Meter/Type: 54160961196 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201961351276 Supplier Ref: 201961351276 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05199828 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 38321735736700300344 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 342020-07-15 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014463Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014462Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014461ClosedTamper Code2020-07-15RE-ISSUE Good Morning Support, Kindly reissue this tampers. 0101170228023 0101170386177 0101170369736 Thank youMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-15NoHello, Find below as requested, 0101170228023 0639 0595 4300 8203 9633 Clear Tamper Note: We have not generated tamper for the 2 meter numbers below Kindly process and do the needful. 0101170386177 0101170369736 Regards.2020-07-15 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014460ClosedRequest2020-07-15REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE AND COLLECTION VALUE 54160980980Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-15NoGood morning, Find below, Meter Serial Number: 54160980980 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 54160980980 Start Date: 3/5/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $9,309.34 Outstanding Balance: $9,309.34 Running Balance: $9,309.34 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-15 longpuan@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014459ClosedRequest2020-07-15Gudmornin Ict team members please kindly assist me with this meter number 0101190002523 original balance running balance and collection value thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-15NoGood morning, Find below, Meter Serial Number: 0101190002523 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 493400 Start Date: 6/26/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $241,399.36 Outstanding Balance: $241,399.36 Running Balance: $241,399.36 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-15 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014458ClosedOutstanding Balance2020-07-15Dear Support, Kindly provide outstanding balance for 0101161033093 Thank youMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-15NoGood morning, Find below, Meter Serial Number: 0101161033093 Contract Account Number: 621805110001 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101161033093 Start Date: 6/25/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $269,238.32 Outstanding Balance: $269,238.32 Running Balance: $269,238.32 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $4,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-15 jenogah@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014457ClosedKCT Request2020-07-15Good day, Kindly assist with the KCT for the following account number 0101160353187 and 0101160357030Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-15NoGood Morning, Find below, 1 0101160353187 1538 6613 7339 3854 9288 6684 3998 0739 5356 3026 2 0101160357030 4101 2572 7072 1515 0377 2632 3358 5220 3271 48092020-07-15 saadatumusa87@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014456ClosedVending History2020-07-15Dear Support, Kindly provide VH for 0101161033093 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-15NoGood morning, Find below Date Sold: 31/01/20 10:19 Meter/Type: 0101161033093 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158045876199 Supplier Ref: 158045876199 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03933196 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 29982742309353132794 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/02/20 18:01 Meter/Type: 0101161033093 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 822640916849714 Supplier Ref: 822640916849714 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB04008075 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 61701456690057211450 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/02/20 12:27 Meter/Type: 0101161033093 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158297202189 Supplier Ref: 158297202189 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04217195 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 25493761116951060673 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/03/20 17:18 Meter/Type: 0101161033093 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158342148483 Supplier Ref: 158342148483 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04287198 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 06937815906799894892 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/03/20 17:34 Meter/Type: 0101161033093 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200781634161 Supplier Ref: 200781634161 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04373450 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 02973609537702086638 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/03/20 16:04 Meter/Type: 0101161033093 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200911504177 Supplier Ref: 200911504177 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04472404 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 54462275739965776690 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/04/20 21:36 Meter/Type: 0101161033093 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201032036075 Supplier Ref: 201032036075 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04559961 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 55889614013195488982 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/04/20 20:27 Meter/Type: 0101161033093 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201152028090 Supplier Ref: 201152028090 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04647501 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 39169864354581673634 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/05/20 18:47 Meter/Type: 0101161033093 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201311848030 Supplier Ref: 201311848030 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04750784 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 04953885361802495677 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/05/20 11:08 Meter/Type: 0101161033093 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201321108193 Supplier Ref: 201321108193 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04753960 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 47772662920683235126 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/06/20 09:19 Meter/Type: 0101161033093 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201620919540 Supplier Ref: 201620919540 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04952676 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 17316173228425792979 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/06/20 21:30 Meter/Type: 0101161033093 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201722130391 Supplier Ref: 201722130391 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05026937 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 63287114773799143896 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 242020-07-15 jenogah@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014455Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014454Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014453ClosedVending History2020-07-14REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY 0101170448555Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-14NoHello, Find below Date Sold: 05/02/19 11:48 Meter/Type: 0101170448555 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154936010489 Supplier Ref: 154936010489 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01754831 Total Value: N3,200.00 Standard: N3,200.00 - 22701607232418045817 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/02/19 16:11 Meter/Type: 0101170448555 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155119033726 Supplier Ref: 155119033726 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01909390 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 59824851672428292144 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/03/19 15:48 Meter/Type: 0101170448555 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155196648853 Supplier Ref: 155196648853 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01977835 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 47853865717222726694 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/03/19 17:16 Meter/Type: 0101170448555 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155300856908 Supplier Ref: 155300856908 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02039879 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 54668240900347683698 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/04/19 20:16 Meter/Type: 0101170448555 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155587059628 Supplier Ref: 155587059628 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02219277 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 05769604140467284061 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/05/19 15:43 Meter/Type: 0101170448555 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155689102330 Supplier Ref: 155689102330 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02290310 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 69543081751545555515 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/05/19 20:49 Meter/Type: 0101170448555 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155906936216 Supplier Ref: 155906936216 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02413103 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 12949964105084955441 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/06/19 14:47 Meter/Type: 0101170448555 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156034365654 Supplier Ref: 156034365654 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02493732 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 05752552028205272564 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/06/19 20:05 Meter/Type: 0101170448555 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156114029528 Supplier Ref: 156114029528 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02539386 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 05012969724726324273 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/07/19 19:16 Meter/Type: 0101170448555 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156243338805 Supplier Ref: 156243338805 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02610725 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 08068049471644051041 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/07/19 19:23 Meter/Type: 0101170448555 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156416181505 Supplier Ref: 156416181505 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02706576 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 05853097353290689057 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/08/19 20:59 Meter/Type: 0101170448555 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156494517252 Supplier Ref: 156494517252 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02754521 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 11369838028362601056 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/08/19 20:30 Meter/Type: 0101170448555 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156589382870 Supplier Ref: 156589382870 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02810999 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 71043279977841140795 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/08/19 22:15 Meter/Type: 0101170448555 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156659134588 Supplier Ref: 156659134588 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02850751 Total Value: N950.00 Standard: N950.00 - 24880396448226675156 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/08/19 08:34 Meter/Type: 0101170448555 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156662846129 Supplier Ref: 156662846129 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02851075 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 39992465741953087340 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/09/19 10:59 Meter/Type: 0101170448555 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156827879468 Supplier Ref: 156827879468 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02951723 Total Value: N3,200.00 Standard: N3,200.00 - 72587462777840432866 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/09/19 09:24 Meter/Type: 0101170448555 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156965548698 Supplier Ref: 156965548698 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03036914 Total Value: N3,200.00 Standard: N3,200.00 - 30168052745446114458 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/10/19 20:46 Meter/Type: 0101170448555 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157081963964 Supplier Ref: 157081963964 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03114801 Total Value: N3,200.00 Standard: N3,200.00 - 36726627402105500519 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/10/19 19:15 Meter/Type: 0101170448555 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157219660540 Supplier Ref: 157219660540 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03197497 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 67938200583366898972 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/11/19 22:20 Meter/Type: 0101170448555 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157298534018 Supplier Ref: 157298534018 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03260782 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 28117285969707222880 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/11/19 18:45 Meter/Type: 0101170448555 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157409566248 Supplier Ref: 157409566248 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03333028 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 26867926839253171808 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/11/19 10:19 Meter/Type: 0101170448555 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157501567830 Supplier Ref: 157501567830 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03413192 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 65237035406977161920 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/12/19 14:16 Meter/Type: 0101170448555 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157606671377 Supplier Ref: 157606671377 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03518255 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 68243626328746236703 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/12/19 16:16 Meter/Type: 0101170448555 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157745632759 Supplier Ref: 157745632759 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03646900 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 06376932455980052959 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/01/20 22:27 Meter/Type: 0101170448555 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157920661730 Supplier Ref: 157920661730 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03811662 Total Value: N3,200.00 Standard: N3,200.00 - 42853558908950192491 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/02/20 08:34 Meter/Type: 0101170448555 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158071163855 Supplier Ref: 158071163855 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03958854 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 40311346588028854381 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/02/20 09:51 Meter/Type: 0101170448555 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158201229557 Supplier Ref: 158201229557 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04100493 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 06827495350021762601 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/03/20 11:21 Meter/Type: 0101170448555 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158340006975 Supplier Ref: 158340006975 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04281080 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 31552768740426769735 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/03/20 13:55 Meter/Type: 0101170448555 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200851255232 Supplier Ref: 200851255232 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04420338 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 51543925197346502041 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/06/20 11:22 Meter/Type: 0101170448555 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201661122050 Supplier Ref: 201661122050 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04979777 Total Value: N1,850.00 Standard: N1,850.00 - 11408487860886134711 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/07/20 21:36 Meter/Type: 0101170448555 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201832136238 Supplier Ref: 201832136238 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05114659 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 00565693920538247116 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/07/20 15:55 Meter/Type: 0101170448555 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201961555575 Supplier Ref: 201961555575 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05200918 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N3,500.00 - 13340905598340327663 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 852020-07-14 longpuan@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014452ClosedRequest2020-07-14Please Ict kindly assist me with this meter number 0101170283424 original balance running balance and collection value thankMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-14NoHello, Find below Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170283424 Start Date: 1/10/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $14,260.51 Outstanding Balance: $260.51 Running Balance: $260.51 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/12/2020 3:42:49 AM2020-07-14 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014451ClosedKCT Request2020-07-14Please kindly assist with key change for MSN. 0101185057649 0101175101431 Thanks Best RegardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-14NoHello, Find below 0101185057649 4117 5548 9204 9208 3254 Key Change Token 3311 8147 4019 3679 0504 Key Change Token 0101175101431 7146 4285 8719 1531 5225 Key Change Token 2856 9043 7454 6513 2932 Key Change Token2020-07-14 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014450ClosedRequest2020-07-14Please kindly assist with debt details for MSN. 54160980980 0101160050585 Thanks Best RegardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-14NoHello, Find below 54160980980 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 54160980980 Start Date: 3/5/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $9,309.34 Outstanding Balance: $9,309.34 Running Balance: $9,309.34 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record 0101160050585 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 642656 Start Date: 2/10/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $42,701.88 Outstanding Balance: $42,701.88 Running Balance: $42,701.88 Note: Outstanding migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-14 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014449ClosedVending History2020-07-14: REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY Dear Support, Kindly provide VH for 57300009925. Thank YouMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-14NoHello, Date Sold: 14/07/16 08:54 Meter/Type: 57300009925 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 619609060133 Supplier Ref: 619609060133 Receipt: EVG3EMDB00001721 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 28802744890108308140 Date Sold: 16/05/17 11:00 Meter/Type: 57300009925 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 713614000111 Supplier Ref: 713614000111 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00255991 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 47208802718720832128 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 01/12/17 11:30 Meter/Type: 57300009925 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000626751003 Supplier Ref: 000626751003 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00521137 Total Value: N14,000.00 Standard: N4,086.00 - 57169788968683378307 Debt: N9,914.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 04/05/18 11:54 Meter/Type: 57300009925 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000648923564 Supplier Ref: 000648923564 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00750199 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N3,500.00 - 19580696594911608527 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/05/18 11:57 Meter/Type: 57300009925 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 235556188237511 Supplier Ref: 235556188237511 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00750207 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 53325090358828352325 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/09/18 10:23 Meter/Type: 57300009925 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000669944729 Supplier Ref: 000669944729 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01103833 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 40519465278296709886 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/12/18 15:43 Meter/Type: 57300009925 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000680626542 Supplier Ref: 000680626542 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01366623 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 17935552229059289269 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/01/19 16:14 Meter/Type: 57300009925 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 1991215377271 Supplier Ref: 1991215377271 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01664152 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 34630911300455615900 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/02/19 00:16 Meter/Type: 57300009925 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 905823160000 Supplier Ref: 905823160000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01920523 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 62641297404526133335 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/04/19 23:11 Meter/Type: 57300009925 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 911122110000 Supplier Ref: 911122110000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02219912 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 67944697339358340732 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/08/19 16:31 Meter/Type: 57300009925 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 879121667926141 Supplier Ref: 879121667926141 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02770592 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 63222644346259769049 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/10/19 19:31 Meter/Type: 57300009925 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 928718330000 Supplier Ref: 928718330000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03128607 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 33930200030398942300 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/11/19 09:19 Meter/Type: 57300009925 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 932308200000 Supplier Ref: 932308200000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03335186 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 00867465885659488772 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/12/19 14:05 Meter/Type: 57300009925 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 180441713500907 Supplier Ref: 180441713500907 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03654466 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 51253385070499897995 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/07/20 18:45 Meter/Type: 57300009925 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201861845391 Supplier Ref: 201861845391 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05137388 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 68306208392800434176 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 162020-07-14 sunnyochekwu@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014448ClosedRequest2020-07-14Hello kindly assist with debt profile of above meter serial numbers 0101170283385 0101170232546 0101170273813Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-14NoHello, 0101170283385 No Contract (with an Account) found 0101170232546 Debt Details This customer does not have any Debt accounts associated. 0101170273813 Debt Details This customer does not have any Debt accounts associated2020-07-14 phartiemah12@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014447ClosedRequest2020-07-14: Debt balance Please Ict kindly assist me with this meter number 54160734478 original balance running balance and collection value thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-14NoPlease find below. Name: OUSTANDING BALANCE Reference Number: 54160734478 Start Date: 2/1/2018 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $67,471.67 Outstanding Balance: $39,970.67 Running Balance: $39,970.67 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,500.00 Latest Payment: 7/26/2019 12:26:14 PM2020-07-14 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014446ClosedRequest2020-07-14hello Kindly assist with debt profile of the meter serial numbers below.. 0101170296699 0101170124792Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-14NoPlease find below. 0101170296699 Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170296699 Start Date: 1/10/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $404,590.27 Outstanding Balance: $396,390.27 Running Balance: $396,390.27 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $7,000.00 Latest Payment: 5/15/2020 1:30:01 PM 0101170124792 Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170124792 Start Date: 2/25/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $75,735.25 Outstanding Balance: $65,735.25 Running Balance: $65,735.25 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/12/2020 11:41:50 AM2020-07-14 phartiemah12@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014445Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014444ClosedRequest2020-07-14REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE Morning. Please kindly assist me with the debt profile of the following meter. Meter No:54161060972 Thanks and regards.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-14No2020-07-14 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014443ClosedKCT Request2020-07-14KCT Please kindly generate the kct generated to this meter number 0101185057557 Thank youMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-14NoGood morning, find below. 0101185057557 2116 6869 3104 8260 4616 7185 8199 4835 5481 27902020-07-14 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014442ClosedVending History2020-07-14: REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY Dear Support, Kindly provide VH for 54161118507 Thank YouMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-14NoGood morning, find below. Date Sold: 01/03/18 09:55 Meter/Type: 54161118507 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000639701507 Supplier Ref: 000639701507 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00645547 Total Value: N14,350.00 Standard: N2,985.24 - 44163914634009282034 Debt: N11,364.76 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 12/12/18 11:41 Meter/Type: 54161118507 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154460767024 Supplier Ref: 154460767024 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01376559 Total Value: N3,200.00 Standard: N3,200.00 - 35967654299973247674 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/11/19 12:50 Meter/Type: 54161118507 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193181152268 Supplier Ref: 193181152268 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03309031 Total Value: N3,200.00 Standard: N3,200.00 - 16764860874304069470 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/06/20 11:16 Meter/Type: 54161118507 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201671116124 Supplier Ref: 201671116124 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04985043 Total Value: N3,200.00 Standard: N3,200.00 - 27258449758973355678 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 72020-07-14 sunnyochekwu@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014441ClosedVending History2020-07-14VENDING HISTORY AND TOTAL DEBT please kindly send me the total outstanding history of these customer; 54161017097Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-14NoGood morning, find below. Meter Serial Number: 54161017097 Contract Account Number: 519454 Debt Details Name: Outstanding Balance Reference Number: 519454 Start Date: 3/10/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $46,333.87 Outstanding Balance: $15,033.37 Running Balance: $15,033.37 Note: Outstanding from JCS, Installation fee, Cost unit Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,130.05 Latest Payment: 12/3/2019 2:10:29 PM Date Sold: 29/11/18 09:06 Meter/Type: 54161017097 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183330906490 Supplier Ref: 183330906490 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01319656 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 29892024046675602693 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/12/18 12:01 Meter/Type: 54161017097 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183611102106 Supplier Ref: 183611102106 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01469494 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 43189933032187279254 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/01/19 15:09 Meter/Type: 54161017097 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154885378594 Supplier Ref: 154885378594 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01703704 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 43759026624964901012 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/02/19 14:55 Meter/Type: 54161017097 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155109932916 Supplier Ref: 155109932916 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01899545 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 04078751835361342783 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/03/19 13:02 Meter/Type: 54161017097 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190881202374 Supplier Ref: 190881202374 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02088713 Total Value: N6,500.00 Standard: N3,369.95 - 00200451361524727108 Debt: N3,130.05 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/05/19 18:28 Meter/Type: 54161017097 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191261728471 Supplier Ref: 191261728471 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02307533 Total Value: N9,500.00 Standard: N3,239.90 - 35642507106321483389 Debt: N6,260.10 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/06/19 11:47 Meter/Type: 54161017097 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 215788487014844 Supplier Ref: 215788487014844 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02497655 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N3,869.95 - 21491427731988990376 Debt: N3,130.05 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/10/19 09:25 Meter/Type: 54161017097 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157198840470 Supplier Ref: 157198840470 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03184740 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N2,479.80 - 47208269656390737539 Debt: N12,520.20 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/12/19 15:08 Meter/Type: 54161017097 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193371410335 Supplier Ref: 193371410335 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03453991 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N13,739.90 - 24064876322559968797 Debt: N6,260.10 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 142020-07-14 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014440ClosedRequest2020-07-14Debt balance Gudmornin Ict team members please kindly assist me with this meter number 54160737745 original balance running balance and collection value thanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-14NoGood morning, find below. Meter Serial Number: 54160737745 Contract Account Number: 6123422505-01 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 6123422505-01 Start Date: 2/6/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $437,709.55 Outstanding Balance: $437,709.55 Running Balance: $437,709.55 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-14 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014439ClosedRequest2020-07-14: Request for vending history opening balance and outstanding debt balance Please kindly help me with the debt profile of the following meter 54161065005. thanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-14NoGood morning, find below. Meter Serial Number: 54161065005 Contract Account Number: 6321531244-01 Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 6321531244-01 Start Date: 4/22/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $94,531.70 Outstanding Balance: $62,531.70 Running Balance: $62,531.70 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/13/2020 11:29:45 AM2020-07-14 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014438ClosedVending History2020-07-14Hello, Kindly provide us with the vending history of MSN: 0101170307793. ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-14NoGood morning, Find below Date Sold: 24/07/18 13:20 Meter/Type: 0101170307793 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182051220523 Supplier Ref: 182051220523 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00921391 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 58827970765911350443 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/08/18 10:19 Meter/Type: 0101170307793 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 821909180000 Supplier Ref: 821909180000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00957413 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 11123712156186836922 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/08/18 00:22 Meter/Type: 0101170307793 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 153523561436 Supplier Ref: 153523561436 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01008530 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 62563533396200072967 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/08/18 16:36 Meter/Type: 0101170307793 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 428991108074634 Supplier Ref: 428991108074634 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01019293 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 54917168472171386837 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/09/18 12:54 Meter/Type: 0101170307793 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182531154082 Supplier Ref: 182531154082 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01052758 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 01156909819408086203 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/09/18 13:47 Meter/Type: 0101170307793 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182571246583 Supplier Ref: 182571246583 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01066709 Total Value: N200.00 Standard: N42,324.10 - 22864511647150026476 Debt: -N42,124.10 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/05/19 02:27 Meter/Type: 0101170307793 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155710226203 Supplier Ref: 155710226203 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02300694 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 06156976421266437531 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/10/19 12:03 Meter/Type: 0101170307793 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157078822566 Supplier Ref: 157078822566 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03111159 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 41674224848575525849 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/11/19 21:28 Meter/Type: 0101170307793 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157436448302 Supplier Ref: 157436448302 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03352854 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 11951315276157084808 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/12/19 14:22 Meter/Type: 0101170307793 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157684465040 Supplier Ref: 157684465040 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03581602 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 36250374020036553299 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/01/20 15:07 Meter/Type: 0101170307793 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200171411080 Supplier Ref: 200171411080 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03815515 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 61568608621221601593 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/01/20 09:48 Meter/Type: 0101170307793 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157959306077 Supplier Ref: 157959306077 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03843163 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 02027625422756783134 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/03/20 13:17 Meter/Type: 0101170307793 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200771217314 Supplier Ref: 200771217314 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04365069 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 39852197116417641998 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/04/20 14:24 Meter/Type: 0101170307793 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200941324443 Supplier Ref: 200941324443 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04498944 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 27215714910559128012 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/05/20 17:46 Meter/Type: 0101170307793 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201311746176 Supplier Ref: 201311746176 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04750407 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 58948259311527358389 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/05/20 17:03 Meter/Type: 0101170307793 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201431703476 Supplier Ref: 201431703476 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04827723 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 32850727230846013575 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/05/20 11:19 Meter/Type: 0101170307793 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201471119222 Supplier Ref: 201471119222 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04851314 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 64455185563207468886 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/06/20 20:40 Meter/Type: 0101170307793 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201592040197 Supplier Ref: 201592040197 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04940816 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 35302762233213805527 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/07/20 05:53 Meter/Type: 0101170307793 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201900553483 Supplier Ref: 201900553483 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05158170 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 39585650792176587424 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/07/20 14:01 Meter/Type: 0101170307793 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201921401142 Supplier Ref: 201921401142 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05175398 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 04587868428194516333 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 302020-07-14 anersirleh@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014437ClosedKCT Request2020-07-14Hello, Kindly provide us with the KCT of MSN: 0101175097670. Thanks and regardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-14NoGood morning, find below. 0101175097670 4643 8856 2508 8396 0232 3384 8601 2140 0983 13472020-07-14 anersirleh@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014436ClosedKCT Request2020-07-14: REQUEST FOR KCT IN RESPECT OF THESE ACCOUNTS 0101185051220 AND 0101185053077. Good morningMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-14NoGood morning, please find below. 0101185051220 3711 7186 6284 2762 2055 6084 2128 7352 6507 2979 0101185053077 3045 0158 1828 6576 4463 5876 3903 8041 2653 60322020-07-14 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014435ClosedKCT Request2020-07-14Dear support team, Kindly generate key change token for our customer = 54161118564 Thanks Joseph Ochoche Gboko RegionMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-14NoGood Morning, Find below, 54161118564 5184 3341 6222 6284 9536 7133 6026 7818 4688 36932020-07-14 ochoche.joseph@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014434Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014433Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014432ClosedOutstanding Balance2020-07-13Good Afternoon Sir, Please find below PPM meter no for total outstanding debt. 0101170242412 Best Regards CCRM GOMBEMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-13NoHello, Find below Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170242412 Start Date: 3/1/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $21,126.43 Outstanding Balance: $13,126.43 Running Balance: $13,126.43 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/22/2020 8:04:58 PM2020-07-13 glawal1184@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014431ClosedRequest2020-07-13Please kindly assist with debt details for MSN. 0101170211110 Thanks Best RegardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-13NoHello, Find below Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170211110 Start Date: 9/12/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $170,745.82 Outstanding Balance: $161,745.82 Running Balance: $161,745.82 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,000.00 Latest Payment: 11/10/2019 6:14:42 PM2020-07-13 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014430ClosedVending History2020-07-13REQUEST FOR UNISTAR VENDING HISTORY - 61.0303.0011.1756 / 657335031701 REMINDER 2Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-13NoHello, Find below VH NO TOKEN SALES FOUND.2020-07-13 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014429ClosedVending History2020-07-13: VENDING HISTORY 54160880271 Abubakar Sadiq Gabdo CCRM REPS. Gombe Trading ZoneMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-13NoHello, Find below Date Sold: 31/01/19 17:23 Meter/Type: 54160880271 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190131620122 Supplier Ref: 190131620122 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB01716547 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 72620924352102833807 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/03/19 12:58 Meter/Type: 54160880271 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155178351421 Supplier Ref: 155178351421 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01963200 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 03797096517849887424 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/03/19 15:52 Meter/Type: 54160880271 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190325799888 Supplier Ref: 190325799888 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02066857 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 63116892084113442428 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/04/19 13:16 Meter/Type: 54160880271 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190410751178 Supplier Ref: 190410751178 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02159977 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 40340607614960195944 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/04/19 14:05 Meter/Type: 54160880271 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155558912691 Supplier Ref: 155558912691 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02203374 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 34090475998744813914 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/05/19 14:52 Meter/Type: 54160880271 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191261352300 Supplier Ref: 191261352300 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02304883 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 16000967413754268884 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/05/19 12:00 Meter/Type: 54160880271 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191401101056 Supplier Ref: 191401101056 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02367344 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 25468156420860933349 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/06/19 10:29 Meter/Type: 54160880271 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191610929555 Supplier Ref: 191610929555 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02479974 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 36743446392052303914 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/07/19 15:45 Meter/Type: 54160880271 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192031445328 Supplier Ref: 192031445328 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02684590 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 58527986715153189343 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/08/19 15:08 Meter/Type: 54160880271 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192221408305 Supplier Ref: 192221408305 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02785868 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 26260854518837781617 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/09/19 12:35 Meter/Type: 54160880271 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192451135214 Supplier Ref: 192451135214 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02895878 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 60511480350255118480 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/10/19 17:13 Meter/Type: 54160880271 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192801614440 Supplier Ref: 192801614440 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03089865 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 43572840450424897965 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/11/19 10:14 Meter/Type: 54160880271 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193170915535 Supplier Ref: 193170915535 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03301634 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 14274654542233117571 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/12/19 10:00 Meter/Type: 54160880271 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193480903192 Supplier Ref: 193480903192 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03529297 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 11440031907835537610 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/01/20 11:09 Meter/Type: 54160880271 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 200111218875 Supplier Ref: 200111218875 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB03763704 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 61149122331236899361 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/02/20 09:25 Meter/Type: 54160880271 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158131949656 Supplier Ref: 158131949656 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04024529 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 21360669268385654727 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/03/20 13:52 Meter/Type: 54160880271 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200701252264 Supplier Ref: 200701252264 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04327003 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 29617506890680602796 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/03/20 15:31 Meter/Type: 54160880271 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200901430490 Supplier Ref: 200901430490 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04460472 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 42881547126741369838 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/04/20 14:10 Meter/Type: 54160880271 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201131410151 Supplier Ref: 201131410151 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04627516 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 36440138737215201183 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/04/20 11:19 Meter/Type: 54160880271 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201211119211 Supplier Ref: 201211119211 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04686278 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 70253924591125447742 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/05/20 18:44 Meter/Type: 54160880271 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201301845023 Supplier Ref: 201301845023 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04746153 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 60352208457142805145 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/05/20 11:18 Meter/Type: 54160880271 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201351118423 Supplier Ref: 201351118423 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04771081 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 69497248719979959126 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/05/20 04:13 Meter/Type: 54160880271 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201410413213 Supplier Ref: 201410413213 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04807980 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 07303960358557107701 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/05/20 12:12 Meter/Type: 54160880271 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201451212148 Supplier Ref: 201451212148 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04840142 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 52443296537408596101 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/05/20 12:18 Meter/Type: 54160880271 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201501218546 Supplier Ref: 201501218546 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04874565 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 62447109259759645757 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/06/20 21:16 Meter/Type: 54160880271 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201562116516 Supplier Ref: 201562116516 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04921037 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 35928887381308685993 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/06/20 21:46 Meter/Type: 54160880271 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201612146322 Supplier Ref: 201612146322 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04951802 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 22631291425259036101 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/06/20 20:50 Meter/Type: 54160880271 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201692051024 Supplier Ref: 201692051024 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05005452 Total Value: N1,100.00 Standard: N1,100.00 - 10647274380848613586 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/06/20 07:49 Meter/Type: 54160880271 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201770749258 Supplier Ref: 201770749258 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05055621 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 42766761202516280592 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/07/20 03:35 Meter/Type: 54160880271 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201860335406 Supplier Ref: 201860335406 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05131255 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 48127024262861220199 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/07/20 09:11 Meter/Type: 54160880271 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201950911153 Supplier Ref: 201950911153 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05189138 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 12964278958972875991 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 512020-07-13 ashanafagain@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014428Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014427ClosedRequest2020-07-13REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILS Please kindly assist with debt details for MSN. 0101185057342 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-13NoHello, Find below Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 661082 Start Date: 5/14/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $23,644.09 Outstanding Balance: $17,644.09 Running Balance: $17,644.09 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/13/2020 2:29:46 PM2020-07-13 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014426Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014425Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014424Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014423ClosedVending History2020-07-13REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY AGBECHA Kindly avail me with the vending history for meter no. 57300003480. ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-13NoHello, Find below Date Sold: 15/07/16 11:35 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 619711470257 Supplier Ref: 619711470257 Receipt: EVG3EMDB00001992 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 55270831291582013939 Date Sold: 27/07/16 13:36 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/EAKPA Token Ref: 620913480242 Supplier Ref: 620913480242 Receipt: JED3EMDB00006786 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 68631594531499483286 Date Sold: 08/08/16 10:49 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/EAKPA Token Ref: 622111020146 Supplier Ref: 622111020146 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00013049 Total Value: N11,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 52557471766657290937 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 22/08/16 16:08 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/EAKPA Token Ref: 623516220494 Supplier Ref: 623516220494 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00021493 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 30719187104239322793 Date Sold: 03/09/16 12:19 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/EAKPA Token Ref: 624712190116 Supplier Ref: 624712190116 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00028671 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 42492347092965062693 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 08/09/16 12:54 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/EAKPA Token Ref: 625212540173 Supplier Ref: 625212540173 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00032060 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 42394739208166551426 Date Sold: 19/09/16 17:00 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/EAKPA Token Ref: 626317000062 Supplier Ref: 626317000062 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00038544 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 16816856546714696168 Date Sold: 05/10/16 12:41 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/EAKPA Token Ref: 627912410208 Supplier Ref: 627912410208 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00049002 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N7,060.00 - 14219482231507105781 Debt: N940.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 19/10/16 13:12 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/FMUSA Token Ref: 629401385749 Supplier Ref: 629401385749 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00058467 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 70842285606345742518 Date Sold: 04/11/16 11:12 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 002903209384 Supplier Ref: 002903209384 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00068919 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N15,000.00 - 63408973877703732882 Date Sold: 28/11/16 14:47 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 005306568135 Supplier Ref: 005306568135 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00084262 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N15,000.00 - 53665308532488726794 Date Sold: 23/12/16 08:46 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 007800557737 Supplier Ref: 007800557737 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00103373 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N15,000.00 - 04271501679428766506 Date Sold: 16/01/17 12:00 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 701612009200 Supplier Ref: 701612009200 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00121356 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N15,000.00 - 30017969248800656893 Date Sold: 06/02/17 11:03 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 703711021690 Supplier Ref: 703711021690 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00135488 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N15,000.00 - 44359535834421275578 Date Sold: 24/02/17 12:28 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 705512282895 Supplier Ref: 705512282895 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00153702 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 72248014875338081288 Date Sold: 07/03/17 16:24 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 706616245048 Supplier Ref: 706616245048 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00168538 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 22968137333020035542 Date Sold: 07/03/17 16:26 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 706616265051 Supplier Ref: 706616265051 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00168543 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 26983853907354607821 Date Sold: 07/03/17 16:27 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 706616275053 Supplier Ref: 706616275053 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00168547 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 23806886213684882752 Date Sold: 20/03/17 16:12 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 707916115552 Supplier Ref: 707916115552 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00184535 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 33819713548830707898 Date Sold: 17/05/17 12:15 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 713712153688 Supplier Ref: 713712153688 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00257899 Total Value: N9,000.00 Standard: N9,000.00 - 06227285787019250052 Date Sold: 21/06/17 14:23 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 717214230194 Supplier Ref: 717214230194 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00302577 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 29148248249320084387 Date Sold: 31/08/17 15:45 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 724315450420 Supplier Ref: 724315450420 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00395358 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 07741968688469423762 Date Sold: 14/10/17 12:04 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 728712040029 Supplier Ref: 728712040029 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00453157 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 09460207309098747849 Date Sold: 10/11/17 15:06 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 214683565224547 Supplier Ref: 214683565224547 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00492482 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 50850273963507166558 Date Sold: 10/11/17 15:13 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 47466238795794 Supplier Ref: 47466238795794 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00492511 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 51129816792827537753 Date Sold: 15/12/17 12:54 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 868123744298353 Supplier Ref: 868123744298353 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00541197 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 51149965023315557761 Date Sold: 15/12/17 12:55 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 837421166582787 Supplier Ref: 837421166582787 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00541202 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 34765618814182302648 Date Sold: 06/02/18 10:25 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000636392543 Supplier Ref: 000636392543 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00611594 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 69279739245806172935 Date Sold: 24/02/18 08:01 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000638970141 Supplier Ref: 000638970141 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00637616 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 20821273272658549598 Date Sold: 12/03/18 15:42 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000641320363 Supplier Ref: 000641320363 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00664353 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 17199545105697518784 Date Sold: 07/04/18 18:32 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000645075389 Supplier Ref: 000645075389 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00705206 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 38380280406431890239 Date Sold: 23/04/18 15:12 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000647359272 Supplier Ref: 000647359272 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00728921 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 46916657488463346744 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/05/18 13:21 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000650084277 Supplier Ref: 000650084277 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00764825 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 36475048534179328827 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/06/18 12:25 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000652958641 Supplier Ref: 000652958641 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00805764 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 34223559874226321930 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/07/18 17:07 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000657450982 Supplier Ref: 000657450982 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00871877 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 59964440141673143839 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/07/18 16:29 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000660615192 Supplier Ref: 000660615192 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00922173 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 62751972548977495248 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/08/18 11:20 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 638856964886410 Supplier Ref: 638856964886410 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00986556 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 18455474868860887571 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/09/18 11:15 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 974479071380532 Supplier Ref: 974479071380532 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01031975 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 31712274367728547916 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/10/18 10:33 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000673113790 Supplier Ref: 000673113790 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01178350 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 51790079016846550552 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/11/18 09:44 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000676852420 Supplier Ref: 000676852420 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01269753 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 46805506439106826786 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/11/18 16:44 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000678190501 Supplier Ref: 000678190501 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01302146 Total Value: N3,200.00 Standard: N3,200.00 - 17944639198736323480 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/11/18 05:38 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000678267935 Supplier Ref: 000678267935 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01302956 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 73471478772864208473 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/11/18 14:24 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000679040589 Supplier Ref: 000679040589 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01321887 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 26687344767552525481 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/12/18 12:06 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154512759703 Supplier Ref: 154512759703 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01408011 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 01915842389830983008 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/01/19 14:23 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154790062370 Supplier Ref: 154790062370 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01619554 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 66079219691390784636 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/02/19 14:22 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154954213197 Supplier Ref: 154954213197 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01773362 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N15,000.00 - 73779510826736754913 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/02/19 13:10 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155126585112 Supplier Ref: 155126585112 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01915771 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 26767417564068602815 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/03/19 09:16 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155246136356 Supplier Ref: 155246136356 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02007880 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 65725304666206179142 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/03/19 14:17 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155351628373 Supplier Ref: 155351628373 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02065860 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 47857075736080087112 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/04/19 08:55 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155453372232 Supplier Ref: 155453372232 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02137025 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 24120947013332217386 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/05/19 16:43 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191231543160 Supplier Ref: 191231543160 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02290870 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 31847495686178225468 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/05/19 11:53 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191511054036 Supplier Ref: 191511054036 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02425933 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 73169834977623068918 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/07/19 11:30 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156205979850 Supplier Ref: 156205979850 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02588222 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 25941315773503997687 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/07/19 15:52 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156397635842 Supplier Ref: 156397635842 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02693894 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 60424980193133339034 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/08/19 17:10 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156631379923 Supplier Ref: 156631379923 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02834655 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 50521832392506241225 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/09/19 12:45 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192671146321 Supplier Ref: 192671146321 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03015537 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 15150480951143813940 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/10/19 12:43 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192821144100 Supplier Ref: 192821144100 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03100055 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N15,000.00 - 57875683564075797869 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/11/19 14:52 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193111354056 Supplier Ref: 193111354056 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03270892 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 19453485775353379987 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/11/19 11:01 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193261003033 Supplier Ref: 193261003033 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03354927 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 51883083113804983730 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/12/19 16:41 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193531544104 Supplier Ref: 193531544104 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03573553 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 56844145533974724175 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/02/20 16:58 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200361558178 Supplier Ref: 200361558178 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03987640 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 41295743899896096208 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/03/20 14:11 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200831310567 Supplier Ref: 200831310567 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04403733 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N15,000.00 - 30818223085555896917 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/03/20 14:17 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200861316518 Supplier Ref: 200861316518 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04429372 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 20070893937328618698 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/04/20 17:15 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201081715480 Supplier Ref: 201081715480 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04592244 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 04628146228892846120 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/04/20 16:59 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201211700055 Supplier Ref: 201211700055 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04688731 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N15,000.00 - 27581106572196291250 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/05/20 10:44 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201391044302 Supplier Ref: 201391044302 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04796652 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N15,000.00 - 41511877105538313446 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/06/20 15:45 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201681545340 Supplier Ref: 201681545340 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04995730 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 31521088871037519337 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/07/20 08:54 Meter/Type: 57300003480 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201850855015 Supplier Ref: 201850855015 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05124227 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 39210852076282082185 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 902020-07-13 lisarumpae@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014422ClosedKCT Request2020-07-13: REQUEST FOR K C T METER : 0101160348047 Gwer Local GovtMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-13NoHello, Find below, 0101160348047 1244 1853 8884 0889 1365 6077 3609 7883 7248 61322020-07-13 benmercyladi@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014421ClosedRequest2020-07-13Request for debt profile Please kindly furnish me with the debt profile of the following meter s 0101170449405,51161031743,54161065626,010168004424. thanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-13NoHello please find below as requested. 0101170449405 Meter Serial Number: 0101170449405 Contract Account Number: 6341101822-01 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170449405 Start Date: 4/16/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $240,096.47 Outstanding Balance: $216,096.47 Running Balance: $216,096.47 Note: Outstanding migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,500.00 Latest Payment: 3/24/2020 11:15:35 AM 51161031743 NOT ON ITRON 54161065626- NOT ON ITRON 0101168004424-NOT ON ITRON2020-07-13 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014420ClosedRequest2020-07-13: Request for the vending history and Outstanding balance meter no 54160900830 Please kindly Furnish me with the above information, Best Regards.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-13NoHello find below Name: OUTSTANDING DEBT Reference Number: 54160900830 Start Date: 3/3/2017 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $58,770.86 Outstanding Balance: $0.00 Running Balance: $0.00 Note: none specified Status: Paid off Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $58,770.86 Latest Payment: 3/4/2017 11:15:25 AM VH Date Sold: 04/03/17 10:15 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 706310151957 Supplier Ref: 706310151957 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00163834 Total Value: N65,000.00 Standard: N6,229.14 - 57357121710074902692 Debt: N58,770.86 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 13/03/17 13:02 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 707213012465 Supplier Ref: 707213012465 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00175394 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 72582463481604387546 Date Sold: 18/03/17 09:50 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 707709507637 Supplier Ref: 707709507637 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00181980 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 17885313053772426884 Date Sold: 25/03/17 11:22 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 708411223119 Supplier Ref: 708411223119 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00190773 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 41022248793208262405 Date Sold: 10/04/17 13:09 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 710013092112 Supplier Ref: 710013092112 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00212162 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 61129158907290205680 Date Sold: 27/04/17 15:56 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 711715550359 Supplier Ref: 711715550359 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00232825 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 61565095986498271469 Date Sold: 13/05/17 11:29 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000597663018 Supplier Ref: 000597663018 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00251491 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 18978013842716464748 Date Sold: 01/06/17 15:29 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 715215290099 Supplier Ref: 715215290099 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00277256 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 10774053357145250910 Date Sold: 17/06/17 09:41 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 716809410037 Supplier Ref: 716809410037 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00297839 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 19091188229729870410 Date Sold: 04/07/17 09:22 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 718509220077 Supplier Ref: 718509220077 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00318992 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 60248002765590403597 Date Sold: 24/07/17 16:25 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 720516250092 Supplier Ref: 720516250092 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00344281 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 55293394984330131614 Date Sold: 08/08/17 09:41 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 722009410035 Supplier Ref: 722009410035 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00364592 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 08304975560455372123 Date Sold: 22/08/17 12:55 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 723412550136 Supplier Ref: 723412550136 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00380756 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 15995770353008605057 Date Sold: 15/09/17 15:40 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 725815400240 Supplier Ref: 725815400240 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00414131 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 47657831632997584513 Date Sold: 25/09/17 11:23 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 726811230156 Supplier Ref: 726811230156 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00425007 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 39744618391573034575 Date Sold: 06/10/17 14:51 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 727914510391 Supplier Ref: 727914510391 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00442639 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 48210420668823058908 Date Sold: 20/10/17 09:00 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 729309000086 Supplier Ref: 729309000086 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00460167 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 19177990677301575946 Date Sold: 07/11/17 09:22 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000623282331 Supplier Ref: 000623282331 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00486744 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 15417105540419473252 Date Sold: 18/11/17 14:24 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000624896422 Supplier Ref: 000624896422 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00503068 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 15820046951683440392 Date Sold: 05/12/17 15:35 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 343173083605653 Supplier Ref: 343173083605653 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00526928 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 44768434482793960599 Date Sold: 21/12/17 13:23 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 534026403376507 Supplier Ref: 534026403376507 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00550265 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 58638664317395788651 Date Sold: 06/01/18 09:29 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 854996187131358 Supplier Ref: 854996187131358 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00570985 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 24014123172441614916 Date Sold: 09/02/18 12:52 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 804012521351 Supplier Ref: 804012521351 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00617199 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 32026102020482645592 Date Sold: 26/02/18 15:21 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 33938456267584 Supplier Ref: 33938456267584 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00640565 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 05070920596447477616 Date Sold: 13/03/18 15:30 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000641463043 Supplier Ref: 000641463043 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00666144 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 02920056410235653077 Date Sold: 28/03/18 12:39 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000643600082 Supplier Ref: 000643600082 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00687271 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 31419839967547865562 Date Sold: 11/04/18 10:05 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000645600536 Supplier Ref: 000645600536 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00710294 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 28131053206129936750 Date Sold: 30/04/18 14:19 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000648361993 Supplier Ref: 000648361993 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00741770 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 02639604524814066608 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/05/18 12:51 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 721487933740579 Supplier Ref: 721487933740579 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00783754 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 11443196100984038563 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/06/18 16:56 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000654137802 Supplier Ref: 000654137802 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00824209 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 14901378166194503475 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/07/18 17:12 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000657595400 Supplier Ref: 000657595400 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00874928 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 72492916275416898755 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/08/18 13:36 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000661893996 Supplier Ref: 000661893996 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00945350 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 48919991581151335817 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/08/18 09:19 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 712131593254779 Supplier Ref: 712131593254779 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01009657 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 60402902385607785896 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/09/18 14:55 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182621455038 Supplier Ref: 182621455038 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01081609 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 30226745211383964944 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/10/18 15:32 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000671991597 Supplier Ref: 000671991597 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01152515 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 04504755661928364763 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/10/18 09:36 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000672964076 Supplier Ref: 000672964076 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01174472 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 27307234729102517279 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/01/19 12:31 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190301131201 Supplier Ref: 190301131201 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01701802 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 73038352886678528798 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/02/19 16:02 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154989374390 Supplier Ref: 154989374390 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01800311 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 14421596655319816675 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/02/19 22:27 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155112646179 Supplier Ref: 155112646179 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01903621 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 51980137407837044783 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/03/19 21:03 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: GOLDLINE/misah Token Ref: 906120030166 Supplier Ref: 906120030166 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB01944770 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 51415429532974520872 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/03/19 12:33 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155221399094 Supplier Ref: 155221399094 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01991706 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 27767407153986162928 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/03/19 18:47 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155292765189 Supplier Ref: 155292765189 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02035517 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 71124264961499968814 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/03/19 17:09 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155387217673 Supplier Ref: 155387217673 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02091151 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 07878607585147216600 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/05/19 20:53 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191211953174 Supplier Ref: 191211953174 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02279937 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 64948846449348208417 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/05/19 22:16 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191402116274 Supplier Ref: 191402116274 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02371846 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 10434961535340462670 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/06/19 17:08 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191611608303 Supplier Ref: 191611608303 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02484308 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 42720269748697233178 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/06/19 20:12 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191801912295 Supplier Ref: 191801912295 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02578978 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 46215163715261586136 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/07/19 23:10 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191972210277 Supplier Ref: 191972210277 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02659361 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 12350738020942761295 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/07/19 11:47 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192111047343 Supplier Ref: 192111047343 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02722910 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 57548773909704233014 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/08/19 19:11 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192301811563 Supplier Ref: 192301811563 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02823796 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 06631089385508472745 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/09/19 17:25 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192461625383 Supplier Ref: 192461625383 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02904150 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 28140115852267350933 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/09/19 20:15 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192621916204 Supplier Ref: 192621916204 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02992221 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 48257690216636437603 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/10/19 19:38 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 698325416921561 Supplier Ref: 698325416921561 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03070785 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 35080621589723531721 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/10/19 19:29 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192971830382 Supplier Ref: 192971830382 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03183208 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 35575272050386703322 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/10/19 14:45 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193021347225 Supplier Ref: 193021347225 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03209292 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 45459329907236332914 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/11/19 17:59 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193071700580 Supplier Ref: 193071700580 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03243777 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 33677799380135575877 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/11/19 18:09 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193111710461 Supplier Ref: 193111710461 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03272572 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 04511643556321080199 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/11/19 21:49 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193172051424 Supplier Ref: 193172051424 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03306768 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 04948179303435100333 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/11/19 22:58 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193222200231 Supplier Ref: 193222200231 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03334632 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 34178435577170238202 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/11/19 21:26 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193272028495 Supplier Ref: 193272028495 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03369050 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 57761870540711726216 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/11/19 19:02 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193331804407 Supplier Ref: 193331804407 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03419509 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 23721108488838451948 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/12/19 14:00 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193501302467 Supplier Ref: 193501302467 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03543043 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 32275641749027927723 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/01/20 17:11 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200021614101 Supplier Ref: 200021614101 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03696993 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 73539854767609786187 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/01/20 00:07 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 553142313297123 Supplier Ref: 553142313297123 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03887362 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 65597699313509845235 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/02/20 16:14 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 899821640779352 Supplier Ref: 899821640779352 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB04060326 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 36874999841772514691 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/03/20 23:16 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158327018670 Supplier Ref: 158327018670 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04267224 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 22236775612501118116 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/03/20 14:41 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200791341450 Supplier Ref: 200791341450 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04378677 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 03312015717896528095 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/03/20 15:12 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200911412028 Supplier Ref: 200911412028 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04471612 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 24385528863582673628 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/04/20 13:34 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201201334294 Supplier Ref: 201201334294 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04682023 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 63085059524951683287 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/05/20 09:09 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201430909265 Supplier Ref: 201430909265 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04821690 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 12075056097157512422 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/05/20 13:21 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201511321586 Supplier Ref: 201511321586 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04884242 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 72760555710334889762 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/06/20 11:21 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201621121557 Supplier Ref: 201621121557 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04953480 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 00233283834117952644 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/06/20 19:35 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201631935594 Supplier Ref: 201631935594 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04963940 Total Value: N700.00 Standard: N700.00 - 63252285344127135241 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/06/20 18:30 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201751830284 Supplier Ref: 201751830284 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05045666 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 14585869877203917978 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/07/20 12:08 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201891208091 Supplier Ref: 201891208091 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05153392 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 27611711938389463098 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/07/20 15:14 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201911514587 Supplier Ref: 201911514587 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05169332 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 01096587005311048125 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/07/20 10:09 Meter/Type: 54160900830 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201951009568 Supplier Ref: 201951009568 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05189863 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 08715799211594802600 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 1142020-07-13 abigailiyane@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014419ClosedTamper Code2020-07-13Kindly assist us with this Tampers, as the Hardcopy is sent to ICT desk. 0101170381871 54161125254 54150626296 Thank youMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-13NoFind below as requested, 0101170381871 5148 6141 4646 0132 5728Clear Tamper 54161125254 1294 5555 7300 5326 6533Clear Tamper 54150626296 3079 1681 6019 7395 3273Clear Tamper 54161093429 1580 2515 0420 5612 0923Clear Credit2020-07-13 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014418ClosedRequest2020-07-13REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILS Please kindly assist with debt details for MSN. 0101160176380 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-13NoHello, Find below Debt Details Name: Outstanding Balance Reference Number: 625046 Start Date: 2/18/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $19,292.63 Outstanding Balance: $2,292.63 Running Balance: $2,292.63 Note: Outstanding from JCS, Installation fee, Cost unit Status: Active Collection Method: Per Vend Amount Collection Value: $2,292.63 Latest Payment: 6/15/2020 2:15:51 PM2020-07-13 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014417ClosedVending History2020-07-13VH,0101170147504. Kindly assist me with the above details.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-13NoHello, Find below Date Sold: 19/09/18 14:57 Meter/Type: 0101170147504 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182621457096 Supplier Ref: 182621457096 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01081627 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 55001393140028653591 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/09/18 09:24 Meter/Type: 0101170147504 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182700924476 Supplier Ref: 182700924476 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01103499 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 47545596387823334302 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/11/18 13:03 Meter/Type: 0101170147504 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183181303556 Supplier Ref: 183181303556 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01270681 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 45245024720827257917 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/11/19 16:37 Meter/Type: 0101170147504 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 493925192148021 Supplier Ref: 493925192148021 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03304624 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N434.97 - 41477982533563729192 Debt: N1,565.03 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 42020-07-13 ummilois2@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014416ClosedKCT Request2020-07-13KCT 0101160449969 Find below as requested 0101160449969 Thank youMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-13NoHello, Find below, 0101160449969 6803 2095 9051 3925 2622 3426 6355 4713 7578 97392020-07-13 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014415ClosedVending History2020-07-13: Request For Vending History Tachia Richard Dear support. Please avail us with the vending history of this meter. 54160877178 Thank youMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-13NoGood morning, Find below Date Sold: 14/03/17 11:41 Meter/Type: 54160877178 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 707311417453 Supplier Ref: 707311417453 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00176909 Total Value: N19,000.00 Standard: N4,107.16 - 30855705324130102070 Debt: N14,892.84 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 19/05/17 17:04 Meter/Type: 54160877178 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 713917049660 Supplier Ref: 713917049660 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00261376 Total Value: N3,200.00 Standard: N3,200.00 - 48158920856308606696 Date Sold: 01/06/17 11:41 Meter/Type: 54160877178 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/EAKPA Token Ref: 715211415988 Supplier Ref: 715211415988 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00276445 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 05133300167220021194 Date Sold: 13/06/17 14:24 Meter/Type: 54160877178 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 716414240361 Supplier Ref: 716414240361 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00292671 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 34706928102068276386 Date Sold: 13/07/17 15:56 Meter/Type: 54160877178 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/EAKPA Token Ref: 719415566001 Supplier Ref: 719415566001 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00331737 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 20249185799378283984 Date Sold: 31/08/17 14:54 Meter/Type: 54160877178 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 724314540375 Supplier Ref: 724314540375 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00395028 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 65272448472751388080 Date Sold: 07/11/17 10:51 Meter/Type: 54160877178 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000623291204 Supplier Ref: 000623291204 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00487048 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 39067685112905233339 Date Sold: 25/11/17 10:09 Meter/Type: 54160877178 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 194349160642447 Supplier Ref: 194349160642447 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00511785 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 08493479823873374434 Date Sold: 08/12/17 13:17 Meter/Type: 54160877178 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 261926135814483 Supplier Ref: 261926135814483 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00531508 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 64172872141213917624 Date Sold: 23/12/17 11:57 Meter/Type: 54160877178 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 300375023730385 Supplier Ref: 300375023730385 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00554953 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 59976307021951428140 Date Sold: 04/01/18 16:15 Meter/Type: 54160877178 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 244384679328904 Supplier Ref: 244384679328904 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00569404 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 67873482498421922760 Date Sold: 05/02/18 13:21 Meter/Type: 54160877178 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000636266276 Supplier Ref: 000636266276 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00610241 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 48303230508675273346 Date Sold: 19/02/18 11:43 Meter/Type: 54160877178 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 438474477176775 Supplier Ref: 438474477176775 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00630004 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 56506357329831534653 Date Sold: 12/03/18 10:40 Meter/Type: 54160877178 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 589090292535654 Supplier Ref: 589090292535654 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00663199 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 39372302150234268586 Date Sold: 16/03/18 16:21 Meter/Type: 54160877178 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 807516211685 Supplier Ref: 807516211685 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00671744 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 45026756648572340599 Date Sold: 30/03/18 16:14 Meter/Type: 54160877178 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 808915130000 Supplier Ref: 808915130000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00691669 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 57749114515176053777 Date Sold: 19/04/18 10:59 Meter/Type: 54160877178 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 810909590000 Supplier Ref: 810909590000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00723142 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 01710457875706529265 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/04/18 17:30 Meter/Type: 54160877178 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 720726609500025 Supplier Ref: 720726609500025 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00742907 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 15179897143981388716 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/05/18 12:07 Meter/Type: 54160877178 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000651372845 Supplier Ref: 000651372845 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00780893 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 49085519915487393970 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/06/18 16:06 Meter/Type: 54160877178 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 299887781501819 Supplier Ref: 299887781501819 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00829242 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 41560414090184943531 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/07/18 17:13 Meter/Type: 54160877178 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 498775644857965 Supplier Ref: 498775644857965 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00883649 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 47797277651564315806 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/07/18 10:50 Meter/Type: 54160877178 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000660869240 Supplier Ref: 000660869240 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00925907 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 18189073005178235124 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/08/18 13:15 Meter/Type: 54160877178 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000663763806 Supplier Ref: 000663763806 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00978530 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 47635125678590411953 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/09/18 12:51 Meter/Type: 54160877178 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182601151293 Supplier Ref: 182601151293 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01073698 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 39474110811500397412 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/09/18 12:42 Meter/Type: 54160877178 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182711242536 Supplier Ref: 182711242536 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01107642 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 48803074175789985172 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/11/18 12:09 Meter/Type: 54160877178 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000675138928 Supplier Ref: 000675138928 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01228572 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 70129726313703946979 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/11/18 13:47 Meter/Type: 54160877178 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183071347176 Supplier Ref: 183071347176 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01233784 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 21928058614880970708 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/11/18 12:10 Meter/Type: 54160877178 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000678595116 Supplier Ref: 000678595116 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01308778 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 25962972210312426059 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/12/18 18:16 Meter/Type: 54160877178 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154566817648 Supplier Ref: 154566817648 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01456033 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 41383452304878391185 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/12/18 17:15 Meter/Type: 54160877178 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154601016375 Supplier Ref: 154601016375 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01481334 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 55106683441268027928 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/01/19 12:06 Meter/Type: 54160877178 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190161106522 Supplier Ref: 190161106522 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01593232 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 72037954174168262568 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/01/19 12:39 Meter/Type: 54160877178 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190251139207 Supplier Ref: 190251139207 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01661113 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 26084562237279659932 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/02/19 14:33 Meter/Type: 54160877178 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154928363847 Supplier Ref: 154928363847 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01746773 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 09649290928795640661 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/02/19 14:18 Meter/Type: 54160877178 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155109710152 Supplier Ref: 155109710152 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01899034 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 68640474055933669478 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/03/19 17:38 Meter/Type: 54160877178 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155205949266 Supplier Ref: 155205949266 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01987287 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 69408634304023470055 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/03/19 23:42 Meter/Type: 54160877178 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155320457159 Supplier Ref: 155320457159 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02051343 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 66228491165416384056 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/03/19 15:42 Meter/Type: 54160877178 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155386696349 Supplier Ref: 155386696349 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02090285 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 02392818743221764918 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/04/19 15:21 Meter/Type: 54160877178 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155447048490 Supplier Ref: 155447048490 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02133883 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 38343616387980979722 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/04/19 16:32 Meter/Type: 54160877178 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155611632040 Supplier Ref: 155611632040 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02235338 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 10852348295844293549 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/05/19 17:31 Meter/Type: 54160877178 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155689747471 Supplier Ref: 155689747471 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02291278 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 16872327480192970463 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/05/19 16:56 Meter/Type: 54160877178 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191411556534 Supplier Ref: 191411556534 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02375422 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 71952097510566716297 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/06/19 16:27 Meter/Type: 54160877178 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191631527417 Supplier Ref: 191631527417 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02494202 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 39958106412740068393 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/07/19 14:51 Meter/Type: 54160877178 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156215828748 Supplier Ref: 156215828748 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02595036 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 55454922297309084811 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/07/19 15:33 Meter/Type: 54160877178 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156397521436 Supplier Ref: 156397521436 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02693760 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 12718176112545566484 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/10/19 16:38 Meter/Type: 54160877178 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157071838053 Supplier Ref: 157071838053 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03107484 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 06943494387273685490 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/10/19 17:24 Meter/Type: 54160877178 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157244914161 Supplier Ref: 157244914161 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03218118 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 60910493446363825906 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/11/19 14:35 Meter/Type: 54160877178 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157356224208 Supplier Ref: 157356224208 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03296820 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 43930565750002949382 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/12/19 12:11 Meter/Type: 54160877178 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193361113552 Supplier Ref: 193361113552 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03439277 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 71308611735324636831 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/12/19 16:20 Meter/Type: 54160877178 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193651523277 Supplier Ref: 193651523277 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03682178 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 32420291080147707262 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/02/20 12:42 Meter/Type: 54160877178 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158055374279 Supplier Ref: 158055374279 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03947077 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 48720301537120700435 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/04/20 15:26 Meter/Type: 54160877178 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200921426321 Supplier Ref: 200921426321 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04482211 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 65933285278614258745 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/05/20 10:26 Meter/Type: 54160877178 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201231027045 Supplier Ref: 201231027045 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04697689 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 20842515922682712998 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/06/20 11:51 Meter/Type: 54160877178 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201551151177 Supplier Ref: 201551151177 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04909388 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 08201297940384940105 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/07/20 13:01 Meter/Type: 54160877178 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201911301246 Supplier Ref: 201911301246 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05168238 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 04061958145455758268 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 882020-07-13 ericasua@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014414ClosedRequest2020-07-13: REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILS Good morning IT Support team Please kindly assist with debt details for MSN. 0101170210799Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-13NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 6460110825-01 Start Date: 6/10/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $173,783.61 Outstanding Balance: $168,783.61 Running Balance: $168,783.61 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/15/2020 4:40:00 PM2020-07-13 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014413ClosedVending History2020-07-13: REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY 0101165016060 Kindly avail me with the VENDING history of this customer. 0101165016060. ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-13NoHello, Find below, Date Sold: 30/07/19 15:37 Meter/Type: 0101165016060 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 285873690491817 Supplier Ref: 285873690491817 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02725098 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 12889136098771531453 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/08/19 11:05 Meter/Type: 0101165016060 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156482303631 Supplier Ref: 156482303631 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02748157 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 50693897154307965579 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/08/19 16:18 Meter/Type: 0101165016060 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156544656564 Supplier Ref: 156544656564 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02786283 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 37367876376728873599 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/08/19 11:16 Meter/Type: 0101165016060 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156655167714 Supplier Ref: 156655167714 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02846571 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 60853555473985674562 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/09/19 12:54 Meter/Type: 0101165016060 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156776719371 Supplier Ref: 156776719371 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02920522 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 65930295786022268873 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/09/19 17:18 Meter/Type: 0101165016060 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156881986201 Supplier Ref: 156881986201 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02985734 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 26753487311154592153 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/09/19 17:46 Meter/Type: 0101165016060 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156968558968 Supplier Ref: 156968558968 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03040786 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 26156449062966199128 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/10/19 12:15 Meter/Type: 0101165016060 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157018416417 Supplier Ref: 157018416417 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03073643 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 15180843407403816355 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/10/19 16:03 Meter/Type: 0101165016060 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157106178109 Supplier Ref: 157106178109 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03126652 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 44572975147975063529 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/10/19 11:20 Meter/Type: 0101165016060 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157182243637 Supplier Ref: 157182243637 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03174071 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 18157186288559346751 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/11/19 16:42 Meter/Type: 0101165016060 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157261930053 Supplier Ref: 157261930053 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03233104 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 51023809779518229969 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/11/19 11:49 Meter/Type: 0101165016060 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157303385377 Supplier Ref: 157303385377 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03262608 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 65443394473946363806 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/11/19 11:53 Meter/Type: 0101165016060 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157381169506 Supplier Ref: 157381169506 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03314776 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 66532847007018187538 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/11/19 18:39 Meter/Type: 0101165016060 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157452722731 Supplier Ref: 157452722731 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03367439 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 43937544732533443914 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/11/19 14:32 Meter/Type: 0101165016060 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157511723938 Supplier Ref: 157511723938 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03425051 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 57462487448218430756 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/12/19 12:36 Meter/Type: 0101165016060 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157597426689 Supplier Ref: 157597426689 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03508985 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 16796261392042592655 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/12/19 15:38 Meter/Type: 0101165016060 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157667600560 Supplier Ref: 157667600560 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03563425 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 07229376538891496404 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/12/19 12:17 Meter/Type: 0101165016060 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157744197561 Supplier Ref: 157744197561 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03643222 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 26056453489327415690 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/01/20 13:49 Meter/Type: 0101165016060 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157831153669 Supplier Ref: 157831153669 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03719015 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 35539085271591306512 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/01/20 15:15 Meter/Type: 0101165016060 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157900788290 Supplier Ref: 157900788290 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03791018 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 23189306388243128636 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/01/20 14:47 Meter/Type: 0101165016060 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157952459929 Supplier Ref: 157952459929 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03835915 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 09168841960720615847 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/01/20 11:30 Meter/Type: 0101165016060 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158020397886 Supplier Ref: 158020397886 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03904286 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 68055136298184380718 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/02/20 11:46 Meter/Type: 0101165016060 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158089598215 Supplier Ref: 158089598215 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03983899 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 63440465328510252692 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/02/20 12:55 Meter/Type: 0101165016060 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158159127379 Supplier Ref: 158159127379 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04058062 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 68322306118630579576 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/02/20 15:39 Meter/Type: 0101165016060 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158220588843 Supplier Ref: 158220588843 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04124119 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 18196049875696117147 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/02/20 12:45 Meter/Type: 0101165016060 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158288667086 Supplier Ref: 158288667086 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04204064 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 28631634166629885903 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/03/20 12:32 Meter/Type: 0101165016060 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158349072760 Supplier Ref: 158349072760 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04295421 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 25287773383188420739 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/03/20 10:00 Meter/Type: 0101165016060 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200770900137 Supplier Ref: 200770900137 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04363399 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 33321362469814461069 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/03/20 16:00 Meter/Type: 0101165016060 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200871500114 Supplier Ref: 200871500114 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04439573 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 15838502198480079483 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/04/20 13:09 Meter/Type: 0101165016060 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200991208541 Supplier Ref: 200991208541 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04531315 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N4,999.00 - 32749244959129253268 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/04/20 11:46 Meter/Type: 0101165016060 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201061047065 Supplier Ref: 201061047065 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04572975 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 68826297574159938838 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/04/20 10:43 Meter/Type: 0101165016060 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201131043538 Supplier Ref: 201131043538 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04625957 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 66421118213137611094 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/05/20 11:38 Meter/Type: 0101165016060 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201261138568 Supplier Ref: 201261138568 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04716240 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N4,999.00 - 17035560757386195126 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/05/20 11:49 Meter/Type: 0101165016060 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201331149147 Supplier Ref: 201331149147 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04760266 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 17284116628635244633 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/05/20 15:02 Meter/Type: 0101165016060 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201431502178 Supplier Ref: 201431502178 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04826357 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 03411332083748018323 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/06/20 15:22 Meter/Type: 0101165016060 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201541522532 Supplier Ref: 201541522532 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04904870 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N4,999.00 - 71195456983259679612 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/06/20 14:03 Meter/Type: 0101165016060 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201671403262 Supplier Ref: 201671403262 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04986884 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 20366665808938822734 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/06/20 15:37 Meter/Type: 0101165016060 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201721537378 Supplier Ref: 201721537378 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05024295 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 32684153112141026982 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/06/20 14:01 Meter/Type: 0101165016060 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201811401022 Supplier Ref: 201811401022 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05088880 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 38534230906428609606 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/07/20 13:40 Meter/Type: 0101165016060 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201931340358 Supplier Ref: 201931340358 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05181612 Total Value: N10,100.00 Standard: N5,100.00 - 14566782740829498167 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 1112020-07-13 lisarumpae@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014412ClosedVending History2020-07-13: REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY Dear Support, Kindly provide VH for 57300004983 & 54161139107. Thank YouMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-13NoGood morning, See below 57300004983 Date Sold: 19/07/16 14:35 Meter/Type: 57300004983 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/MBEN Token Ref: 620106480118 Supplier Ref: 620106480118 Receipt: EVG3EMDB00002935 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 70804837097103017936 Date Sold: 22/10/16 10:34 Meter/Type: 57300004983 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/MBEN Token Ref: 629602340020 Supplier Ref: 629602340020 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00060453 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,380.00 - 59371450182407598666 Debt: N2,620.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 02/12/16 16:12 Meter/Type: 57300004983 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 633707110125 Supplier Ref: 633707110125 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00087770 Total Value: N6,300.00 Standard: N1,060.00 - 56989258795661224799 Debt: N5,240.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 03/12/16 15:57 Meter/Type: 57300004983 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 633806570044 Supplier Ref: 633806570044 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00088070 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 59933137260263017083 Date Sold: 06/02/17 10:34 Meter/Type: 57300004983 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 000102564351 Supplier Ref: 000102564351 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00135416 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N1,760.00 - 25517224497541295539 Debt: N5,240.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 28/03/17 18:35 Meter/Type: 57300004983 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 001804004957 Supplier Ref: 001804004957 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00195177 Total Value: N6,500.00 Standard: N3,880.00 - 70374062480106700530 Debt: N2,620.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 13/05/17 11:21 Meter/Type: 57300004983 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/PNWOKORIE Token Ref: 002101133136 Supplier Ref: 002101133136 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00251449 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N1,760.00 - 51412468341385776320 Debt: N5,240.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 02/06/17 09:52 Meter/Type: 57300004983 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/MBEN Token Ref: 000717140453 Supplier Ref: 000717140453 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00278041 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,380.00 - 70406326153575726300 Debt: N2,620.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 29/07/17 11:36 Meter/Type: 57300004983 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/PNWOKORIE Token Ref: 000204037755 Supplier Ref: 000204037755 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00351776 Total Value: N4,500.00 Standard: N1,880.00 - 17080189386241143695 Debt: N2,620.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 23/08/17 16:36 Meter/Type: 57300004983 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 723516345664 Supplier Ref: 723516345664 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00382800 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,002.67 - 64163273705340119810 Debt: -N2.67 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 19/09/17 15:52 Meter/Type: 57300004983 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 726215508855 Supplier Ref: 726215508855 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00418597 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 34951521493033933108 Date Sold: 30/09/17 15:54 Meter/Type: 57300004983 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 727315526005 Supplier Ref: 727315526005 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00433251 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 07799547213852472916 Date Sold: 26/10/17 14:06 Meter/Type: 57300004983 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/PNWOKORIE Token Ref: 729914064515 Supplier Ref: 729914064515 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00468914 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 63279565952141156626 Date Sold: 02/11/17 16:16 Meter/Type: 57300004983 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 730619160053 Supplier Ref: 730619160053 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00480539 Total Value: N2,000.00 54161139107 Date Sold: 27/07/17 16:29 Meter/Type: 54161139107 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000608492917 Supplier Ref: 000608492917 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00349452 Total Value: N7,900.00 Standard: N7,952.01 - 13700899987157878978 Debt: -N52.01 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 17/10/18 10:43 Meter/Type: 54161139107 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000672826790 Supplier Ref: 000672826790 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01171273 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 17066267423641515276 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/09/19 10:59 Meter/Type: 54161139107 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 201054673340883 Supplier Ref: 201054673340883 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02988600 Total Value: N9,000.00 Standard: N9,000.00 - 10004743797683585960 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 42020-07-13 sunnyochekwu@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014411In ProgressRequest2020-07-13I wish to request for debt profile of the following meter please 54161144628. thanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-13No0000-00-00 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014410ClosedRequest2020-07-13: 54161161572 Hello, Kindly assist with debt profile of above meter serial number.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-13NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 54161161572 Start Date: 3/7/2017 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $56,065.67 Outstanding Balance: $0.00 Running Balance: $0.00 Note: none specified Status: Paid off Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,000.00 Latest Payment: 4/14/2018 1:39:01 PM2020-07-13 phartiemah12@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014409ClosedRequest2020-07-13: DEBT DETAILS Assist with debt details, 0101170285080 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-13NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 442722 Start Date: 6/24/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $121,926.68 Outstanding Balance: $111,926.68 Running Balance: $111,926.68 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/9/2020 8:46:36 PM2020-07-13 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014408ClosedKCT Request2020-07-13: REQUEST FOR KCT Dear IT Support, Kindly generate KCT for the meter number 0101160449969 regardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-13NoHello, Find below, 0101160449969 6803 2095 9051 3925 2622 3426 6355 4713 7578 97392020-07-13 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014407ClosedOutstanding Balance2020-07-13: REQUEST FOR OUTSTANDING BALANCE Dear Support, Kindly provide debt profile for 54161106148. Thank YouMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-13NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 54161106148 Start Date: 4/2/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $94,800.94 Outstanding Balance: $89,800.94 Running Balance: $89,800.94 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/29/2020 2:44:44 PM2020-07-13 sunnyochekwu@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014406ClosedRequest2020-07-13: Debt balance Please Ict kindly assist me with this meter number 0101150166763 original balance running balance and collection value thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-13NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING BALANCE Reference Number: 379534 Start Date: 1/25/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $260,802.00 Outstanding Balance: $238,671.94 Running Balance: $238,671.94 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Per Vend Amount Collection Value: $10,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/13/2020 10:09:13 AM2020-07-13 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014405ClosedRequest2020-07-13: DEBT DETAILS Assist with debt details 0101170242442 0101170206821 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-13NoGood morning, 1 No Contract (with an Account) found 2 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 6460026275-01 Start Date: 7/10/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $43,238.27 Outstanding Balance: $43,238.27 Running Balance: $43,238.27 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record Thank you2020-07-13 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014404ClosedKCT Request2020-07-13: Kct, 0101190010997 Please kindly assist me with the above information thank you.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-13NoGood morning, Find below, 0101190010997 4281 6456 5895 2004 9050 6546 8222 0201 6611 24842020-07-13 ummilois2@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014403ClosedKCT Request2020-07-1301101160408759 Dear IT support kindly generate KCT for the above meterMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-13NoGood Morning, No KCT found. Thank you.2020-07-13 ppmcapture@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014402ClosedRequest2020-07-13Request for vending history opening balance and outstanding debt balance. Please kindly help me with the debt profile of the following meter 54161029613. thanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-13NoGood Morning, Find below, Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 610893 Start Date: 3/27/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $10,628.97 Outstanding Balance: $10,628.97 Running Balance: $10,628.97 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-13 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014401ClosedKCT Request2020-07-13Dear Support, Kindly generate KCT for 54161106148. The C1 customer cannot load his token and we suspect that it could be a key change problem. Thank YouMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-13NoGood Morning, Find below, 54161106148 6045 7301 1661 1276 4302 5853 7946 7879 7224 18872020-07-13 sunnyochekwu@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014400ClosedTamper Code2020-07-13: TEMPER CODE REQUEST 09072020 A Good Afternoon Sir kindly help and assist on the above 6NO TEMPER CODE request. Best Regards. CCRM GOMBMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-13NoHello, Find below as requested, 0101185056906 5339 2914 8880 7731 6384Clear Tamper 0101160184350 7147 8056 9673 6561 7760Clear Tamper 0101185058258 0031 7560 7457 0892 3686Clear Tamper 0101170143263 3896 2082 4700 0306 5219Clear Tamper 57100039270 1925 5042 7730 9900 9292Clear Tamper 54160919418 1861 9323 4637 3835 2907Clear Tamper2020-07-13 glawal1184@yahoo.com Anas Abubakar
#00014399ClosedKCT Request2020-07-13: REQUEST FOR KCT =0101185056781 METER NUMBER: 0101185056781 kindly generate Key Change Token for the above meter number. ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-13NoGood morning, Find below, 0101185056781 1073 0036 1804 0752 9544 5319 1682 2248 7296 73202020-07-13 ochoche.joseph@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014398ClosedRequest2020-07-13: Request please send the total outstanding debt and vending history of this Customer :0101170457036Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-13NoGood Morning, Find below, Debt Details This customer does not have any Debt accounts associated.2020-07-13 mahmudwaziri@hotmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014397ClosedKCT Request2020-07-13Kindly assist with key change 0101160356891 Thank you have a nice day.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-13NoHello, Find below, 6628 4238 8023 0780 6351 4693 2474 2921 7593 96722020-07-13 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014396ClosedVending History2020-07-13: Request for Vending History. Good morning, Kindly avail me with the vending history of this meter 0101160394389 ThanksMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-13NoGood morning, Find below: Top of Form Date Sold: 30/08/17 16:54 Meter/Type: 0101160394389 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 724216540417 Supplier Ref: 724216540417 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00392871 Total Value: N176,085.00 Standard: N176,085.00 - 37239365443100274332 Date Sold: 15/09/17 12:17 Meter/Type: 0101160394389 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Hadamu Token Ref: 725812170015 Supplier Ref: 725812170015 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00413675 Total Value: N400,000.00 Standard: N399,999.00 - 55611283899140277819 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 15/09/17 12:21 Meter/Type: 0101160394389 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Hadamu Token Ref: 725812210018 Supplier Ref: 725812210018 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00413687 Total Value: N235,000.00 Standard: N235,000.00 - 51837124784007529153 Date Sold: 25/10/17 17:18 Meter/Type: 0101160394389 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/fuzomba Token Ref: 729817180134 Supplier Ref: 729817180134 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00467846 Total Value: N450,000.00 Standard: N449,999.00 - 34910457534533604439 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 25/10/17 17:20 Meter/Type: 0101160394389 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/fuzomba Token Ref: 729817200137 Supplier Ref: 729817200137 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00467847 Total Value: N183,905.69 Standard: N183,904.69 - 49446677282175966230 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 29/11/17 12:25 Meter/Type: 0101160394389 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Hadamu Token Ref: 733312250023 Supplier Ref: 733312250023 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00517466 Total Value: N633,905.58 Standard: N633,904.58 - 07994766121807211564 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 04/01/18 11:49 Meter/Type: 0101160394389 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Hadamu Token Ref: 800411490006 Supplier Ref: 800411490006 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00568776 Total Value: N633,905.69 Standard: N633,903.69 - 19620677999901883515 Debt: N2.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 27/02/18 14:57 Meter/Type: 0101160394389 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Hadamu Token Ref: 805814570026 Supplier Ref: 805814570026 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00642396 Total Value: N633,905.69 Standard: N633,904.69 - 23984637003248242236 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 10/05/18 17:19 Meter/Type: 0101160394389 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Hadamu Token Ref: 813016190059 Supplier Ref: 813016190059 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00761673 Total Value: N633,905.69 Standard: N633,902.69 - 08171148475762198554 Debt: N3.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/06/18 12:24 Meter/Type: 0101160394389 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Hadamu Token Ref: 817311240057 Supplier Ref: 817311240057 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00848459 Total Value: N633,905.69 Standard: N633,904.69 - 47851413068632668285 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/07/18 12:38 Meter/Type: 0101160394389 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Hadamu Token Ref: 820711380050 Supplier Ref: 820711380050 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00926443 Total Value: N633,905.68 Standard: N633,904.68 - 50779964655137538958 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/09/18 09:12 Meter/Type: 0101160394389 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Hadamu Token Ref: 827009120058 Supplier Ref: 827009120058 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB01103437 Total Value: N633,905.69 Standard: N676,292.88 - 39984069611901208763 Debt: -N42,387.19 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/02/19 16:43 Meter/Type: 0101160394389 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Hadamu Token Ref: 903215430036 Supplier Ref: 903215430036 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB01726898 Total Value: N633,905.69 Standard: N633,905.69 - 70236808235348905508 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/03/19 10:16 Meter/Type: 0101160394389 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Hadamu Token Ref: 906709160015 Supplier Ref: 906709160015 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB01981393 Total Value: N633,905.69 Standard: N633,905.69 - 01025524644889136147 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/05/19 17:22 Meter/Type: 0101160394389 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Hadamu Token Ref: 912316220051 Supplier Ref: 912316220051 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB02291221 Total Value: N633,905.69 Standard: N633,905.69 - 51537229670828626503 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/06/19 12:41 Meter/Type: 0101160394389 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Hadamu Token Ref: 917011410050 Supplier Ref: 917011410050 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB02527217 Total Value: N633,905.69 Standard: N633,905.69 - 68223836977521093375 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/08/19 14:32 Meter/Type: 0101160394389 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Hadamu Token Ref: 922113320059 Supplier Ref: 922113320059 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB02779290 Total Value: N633,905.69 Standard: N633,905.69 - 71179833625309863683 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/09/19 15:15 Meter/Type: 0101160394389 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Hadamu Token Ref: 926714160015 Supplier Ref: 926714160015 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB03016544 Total Value: N633,905.69 Standard: N633,905.69 - 49201413196186893567 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/11/19 17:45 Meter/Type: 0101160394389 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Hadamu Token Ref: 931916450019 Supplier Ref: 931916450019 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB03317512 Total Value: N633,905.69 Standard: N633,905.69 - 28951131419444597302 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/12/19 11:32 Meter/Type: 0101160394389 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Hadamu Token Ref: 935710350059 Supplier Ref: 935710350059 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB03602387 Total Value: N633,905.63 Standard: N633,905.63 - 42388750099140936239 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/02/20 13:15 Meter/Type: 0101160394389 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Hadamu Token Ref: 003512150033 Supplier Ref: 003512150033 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB03975122 Total Value: N633,905.69 Standard: N633,905.69 - 46649004009174757351 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/03/20 14:50 Meter/Type: 0101160394389 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Hadamu Token Ref: 007213500010 Supplier Ref: 007213500010 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB04338592 Total Value: N633,905.69 Standard: N633,905.69 - 44847666253869792133 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/03/20 16:44 Meter/Type: 0101160394389 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Hadamu Token Ref: 008815440066 Supplier Ref: 008815440066 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB04449007 Total Value: N633,905.69 Standard: N633,905.69 - 05318172344398427238 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/06/20 16:50 Meter/Type: 0101160394389 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Hadamu Token Ref: 015516500062 Supplier Ref: 015516500062 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB04911381 Total Value: N1,000,000.00 Standard: N1,000,000.00 - 60683999994263404639 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 242020-07-13 apaaverem@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014395ClosedTamper Code2020-07-08Dear IT Support, Twenty Three meters below have been verified; please generate the Clear Tamper Codes. 54150607932 0101170419309 0101170436287 57100040336 0101161011552 0101170256438 0101170218016 57100009661MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-08NoHello, Find below as requested, 54150607932 7337 4428 2060 5955 3248Clear Tamper 0101170419309 1090 1107 0053 1132 3362Clear Tamper 0101170436287 0835 7349 0555 1554 1775Clear Tamper 57100040336 7094 4911 0310 5325 6813Clear Tamper 0101161011552 3057 1045 5060 2152 6136Clear Tamper 0101170256438 5049 2170 2217 3103 1983Clear Tamper 0101170218016 0460 2893 9270 7397 5512Clear Tamper 57100009661 4049 0144 2992 1787 2548Clear Tamper Recovered 0101170307231 5501 5662 4920 8272 2302Clear Tamper 0101170461327 0790 4641 4110 2811 1324Clear Tamper 0101170121608 5674 4353 5191 1765 5106Clear Tamper 0101170212423 5105 4364 7553 1185 2909Clear Tamper 0101170174482 2473 5779 5657 2542 2356Clear Tamper 0101170294173 3419 4797 9446 5764 3368Clear Tamper 0101170212654 1567 7634 6363 0970 8575Clear Tamper 0101170177006 2723 1674 6738 6299 3592Clear Tamper 0101170312298 0916 5673 1695 7677 1021Clear Tamper 0101170312066................not captured 0101170299248.............................not captured 0101170143412...............not captured 0101170162099....................not captured 0101170270702,...............not aptured 0101160409054...........not captured 0101170461327......................not captured2020-07-13 bangisgarko@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014394Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014393ClosedRequest2020-07-13: 54161111981 Good morning, Pls we need the acct no captured with the MSNMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-13NoGood Morning, Find below, Customer Details Name: DR OMOREGIE Surname: O. PAUL Meter Serial Number: 54161111981 Account Number: 6573131670-012020-07-13 stynlucs@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014392ClosedTamper Code2020-07-09: TEMPER CODE REQUEST 09072020 A Good Afternoon Sir kindly help and assist on the above 6NO TEMPER CODE request. Best Regards. CCRM GOMBMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-09NoHello, Find below as requested, 0101185056906 5339 2914 8880 7731 6384Clear Tamper 0101160184350 7147 8056 9673 6561 7760Clear Tamper 0101185058258 0031 7560 7457 0892 3686Clear Tamper 0101170143263 3896 2082 4700 0306 5219Clear Tamper 57100039270 1925 5042 7730 9900 9292Clear Tamper 54160919418 1861 9323 4637 3835 2907Clear Tamper2020-07-13 glawal1184@yahoo.com Anas Abubakar
#00014391In ProgressKCT Request2020-07-13Kindly generate KCT for 54161106148. The C1 customer cannot load his token and we suspect that it could be a key change problem. Thank YouMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-13No0000-00-00 sunnyochekwu@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014390In ProgressRequest2020-07-13Ict team members please kindly assist me with this meter number 0101170315382 and 54150641436 original balance running balance and collection value thanks.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-13No0000-00-00 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014389Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014388Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014387Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014386ClosedVending History2020-07-13: REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY OF THESE ACCOUNTS 0101185051220 AND 0101185053077. Good morningMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-13NoGood morning, Find below 0101185051220 Date Sold: 05/06/20 17:31 Meter/Type: 0101185051220 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Hadamu Token Ref: 015717310017 Supplier Ref: 015717310017 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB04927341 Total Value: N200,000.00 Standard: N200,000.00 - 67469355891598278065 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/06/20 17:35 Meter/Type: 0101185051220 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Hadamu Token Ref: 015717350023 Supplier Ref: 015717350023 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB04927358 Total Value: N100,000.00 Standard: N100,000.00 - 21589191596002872817 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 2 0101185053077 Date Sold: 30/08/19 10:50 Meter/Type: 0101185053077 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Hadamu Token Ref: 924209500020 Supplier Ref: 924209500020 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB02880590 Total Value: N100,000.00 Standard: N100,000.00 - 50001345958830779816 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/01/20 18:57 Meter/Type: 0101185053077 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Hadamu Token Ref: 002018000111 Supplier Ref: 002018000111 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB03839919 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 38229233277447853247 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/05/20 14:38 Meter/Type: 0101185053077 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Hadamu Token Ref: 013914380042 Supplier Ref: 013914380042 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB04798558 Total Value: N200,000.00 Standard: N200,000.00 - 40204261935735625326 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/06/20 19:13 Meter/Type: 0101185053077 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Hadamu Token Ref: 015319130173 Supplier Ref: 015319130173 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB04900754 Total Value: N100,000.00 Standard: N100,000.00 - 05631267267686103420 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 42020-07-13 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014385ClosedRequest2020-07-13Request for the vending history and the remaining balance meter no 54160944713 Kindly furnish me with the the information best regardsMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-10NoHello, Find below VH Date Sold: 03/06/19 16:22 Meter/Type: 54160944713 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191541522288 Supplier Ref: 191541522288 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02445976 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 24574730325337995797 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/09/19 10:30 Meter/Type: 54160944713 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 894212777829806 Supplier Ref: 894212777829806 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02957196 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 72230284121909813292 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/05/20 13:08 Meter/Type: 54160944713 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201291308431 Supplier Ref: 201291308431 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04734365 Total Value: N6,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 12087319258597905058 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 6 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 54160944713 Start Date: 1/21/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $29,266.20 Outstanding Balance: $24,266.20 Running Balance: $24,266.20 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Per Vend Amount Collection Value: $10,000.00 Latest Payment: 5/8/2020 1:08:362020-07-10 tsavsarmngu@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014384ClosedRequest2020-07-10: REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILS Please kindly assist with debt details for MSN. 0101160058687 ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-10NoHello, Find below as requested Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170120071 Start Date: 4/1/2018 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $78,872.25 Outstanding Balance: $26,437.28 Running Balance: $26,437.28 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/11/2020 4:08:43 PM2020-07-10 faayu472003@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014383ClosedKCT Request2020-07-10REQUEST FOR KCT ON A PENDING CASE 0101175103601MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-10NoHello, Find below 0101175103601 KCT1: 3753 8340 8833 4864 7154 KCT2: 1121 5833 2461 6421 49572020-07-10 samueldchun@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014382Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014381ClosedKCT Request2020-07-10Hello, Kindly provide us with the KCT of MSN: 57100025220. ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-10NoHello, Find below 57100025220 KCT1: 0848 5743 0386 5532 8335 KCT2: 5746 2876 5843 0539 79952020-07-10 anersirleh@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014380ClosedRequest2020-07-10: REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101170223016. Hello Support Team, Kindly provide us with the above mentioned. Regards,Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-10NoHello, Find below Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170223016 Start Date: 9/24/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $264.49 Outstanding Balance: $0.00 Running Balance: $0.00 Note: outstanding after removal of cost of preloaded Uni Status: Paid off Collection Method: Daily Amount Collection Value: $264.49 Latest Payment: 9/28/2019 7:24:47 PM2020-07-10 muhammad.dalhatu2019@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014379ClosedKCT Request2020-07-10REQUEST FOR KCT 0101170307686Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-10NoHello, Find below 0101170307686 KCT1: 3906 9726 5920 7539 3562 KCT2: 1007 4002 1653 6273 45792020-07-10 longpuan@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014378ClosedVending History2020-07-10Vending history 0101185053077 Good afternoon Kindly send me the details of the above meter Best regardsMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-10NoHello, Find below Date Sold: 30/08/19 10:50 Meter/Type: 0101185053077 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Hadamu Token Ref: 924209500020 Supplier Ref: 924209500020 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB02880590 Total Value: N100,000.00 Standard: N100,000.00 - 50001345958830779816 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/01/20 18:57 Meter/Type: 0101185053077 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Hadamu Token Ref: 002018000111 Supplier Ref: 002018000111 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB03839919 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 38229233277447853247 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/05/20 14:38 Meter/Type: 0101185053077 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Hadamu Token Ref: 013914380042 Supplier Ref: 013914380042 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB04798558 Total Value: N200,000.00 Standard: N200,000.00 - 40204261935735625326 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/06/20 19:13 Meter/Type: 0101185053077 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Hadamu Token Ref: 015319130173 Supplier Ref: 015319130173 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB04900754 Total Value: N100,000.00 Standard: N100,000.00 - 05631267267686103420 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 42020-07-10 rajiauwalmuazu@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014377ClosedKCT Request2020-07-10: KCT REQUEST Please kindly assist with key change for MSN. 0101150232706 ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-10NoHello, Find below 0101150232706 KCT1: 6940 6515 7418 2928 0675 KCT2: 5059 8594 5345 7279 38952020-07-10 faayu472003@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014376ClosedRequest2020-07-10: REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101160046252 & DATE OF INSTALLATION 563088 PLEASE TREATMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-10No Hello, Find below Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 631268 Start Date: 3/27/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $77,344.36 Outstanding Balance: $75,344.36 Running Balance: $75,344.36 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Per Vend Amount Collection Value: $7,000.00 Latest Payment: 5/28/2020 1:21:22 PM2020-07-10 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00014375ClosedRequest2020-07-10Dear support, 0101170449629 Pls I need vending history and debt profile of the above account. Thank youMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-10NoHello, Find it below Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170449629 Start Date: 2/14/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $100,686.14 Outstanding Balance: $86,686.14 Running Balance: $86,686.14 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $1,000.00 Latest Payment: 3/24/2020 10:31:56 AM2020-07-10 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014374ClosedRequest2020-07-10Good morning IT Support team. Please kindly assist with debt details for MSN. 0101170212605 ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-10NoHello, Find below Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 409016 Start Date: 11/11/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $190,448.03 Outstanding Balance: $166,448.03 Running Balance: $166,448.03 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/6/2020 10:26:06 AM2020-07-10 faayu472003@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014373ClosedRequest2020-07-10: REQUEST FOR THE OLD ACCOUNT NUMBER FOR 54161173692Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-10NoHello, Find below Customer Details Name: AHMAD MUSTAPHA Surname: BALA Meter Serial Number: 54161173692 Contract Account Number: 6900562020-07-10 saadatumusa87@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014372ClosedVending History2020-07-10Dear IT Support Team, Kindly furnish us with VH of 54161049595. Thank youMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-10NoHello, Find below Date Sold: 23/03/17 12:36 Meter/Type: 54161049595 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 708212360182 Supplier Ref: 708212360182 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00188168 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 17729333518981046335 Date Sold: 20/04/17 12:27 Meter/Type: 54161049595 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/fuzomba Token Ref: 711012270112 Supplier Ref: 711012270112 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00223153 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 01467875810546237798 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 12/05/17 11:29 Meter/Type: 54161049595 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000597518907 Supplier Ref: 000597518907 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00249095 Total Value: N7,900.00 Standard: N5,900.00 - 40787972971955069769 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 07/06/17 10:15 Meter/Type: 54161049595 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/fuzomba Token Ref: 715810150144 Supplier Ref: 715810150144 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00284605 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 33198545838739152125 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 21/06/17 14:46 Meter/Type: 54161049595 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/fuzomba Token Ref: 717214460084 Supplier Ref: 717214460084 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00302639 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 31321763328480192416 Date Sold: 24/07/17 14:26 Meter/Type: 54161049595 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 720514260409 Supplier Ref: 720514260409 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00343611 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 69150143655238551007 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 15/08/17 15:59 Meter/Type: 54161049595 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 722715590020 Supplier Ref: 722715590020 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00373312 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 71896530773191468023 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 15/09/17 15:13 Meter/Type: 54161049595 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 725815140332 Supplier Ref: 725815140332 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00414064 Total Value: N8,500.00 Standard: N6,500.00 - 26296764848317981574 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 16/10/17 15:16 Meter/Type: 54161049595 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 728915160445 Supplier Ref: 728915160445 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00455486 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 39392240138875658177 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 15/11/17 16:33 Meter/Type: 54161049595 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 731916331551 Supplier Ref: 731916331551 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00498964 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 45728577770893710005 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 07/12/17 16:17 Meter/Type: 54161049595 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000627643897 Supplier Ref: 000627643897 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00530377 Total Value: N8,100.00 Standard: N6,100.00 - 13913707669889409743 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 27/12/17 12:18 Meter/Type: 54161049595 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000630499983 Supplier Ref: 000630499983 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00558473 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 72979615105504347482 Date Sold: 28/01/18 19:51 Meter/Type: 54161049595 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000635153173 Supplier Ref: 000635153173 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00598370 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 37135271186025900477 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 08/02/18 01:23 Meter/Type: 54161049595 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000636626334 Supplier Ref: 000636626334 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00614714 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 19080674429441021305 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 26/02/18 16:26 Meter/Type: 54161049595 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000639308708 Supplier Ref: 000639308708 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00640816 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 22119282395325809889 Date Sold: 05/04/18 17:10 Meter/Type: 54161049595 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 809516101771 Supplier Ref: 809516101771 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00701489 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 26706103586406983302 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 05/04/18 17:12 Meter/Type: 54161049595 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 809516121773 Supplier Ref: 809516121773 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00701499 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 19407609947163136736 Date Sold: 26/04/18 20:12 Meter/Type: 54161049595 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000647821271 Supplier Ref: 000647821271 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00735294 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 56253950706752028671 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/05/18 18:23 Meter/Type: 54161049595 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000652562427 Supplier Ref: 000652562427 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00798278 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 30388212902179800410 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/06/18 19:54 Meter/Type: 54161049595 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000655595659 Supplier Ref: 000655595659 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00842890 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 71033968921994189013 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/07/18 20:24 Meter/Type: 54161049595 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000658766603 Supplier Ref: 000658766603 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00894173 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 60728524071112809930 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/08/18 19:12 Meter/Type: 54161049595 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000662359598 Supplier Ref: 000662359598 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00953217 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 06603361901338141970 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/08/18 19:57 Meter/Type: 54161049595 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000665388004 Supplier Ref: 000665388004 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01009152 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 45595652349127580104 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/09/18 11:34 Meter/Type: 54161049595 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000670383895 Supplier Ref: 000670383895 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01112888 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 15298245885953436766 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/10/18 18:35 Meter/Type: 54161049595 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000674169527 Supplier Ref: 000674169527 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01204795 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 54825957850418209044 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/11/19 14:33 Meter/Type: 54161049595 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157321636692 Supplier Ref: 157321636692 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03277275 Total Value: N11,500.00 Standard: N649.88 - 12460019692812150078 Debt: N10,850.12 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/04/20 20:24 Meter/Type: 54161049595 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201011924297 Supplier Ref: 201011924297 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04552156 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 66316430761413619996 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 352020-07-10 aramidee05@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014371Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014370ClosedKCT Request2020-07-10: KCT Please kindly send me the KCT number generated to this meter numbers 0101175103601, 0101185055692.thank youMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-10NoPlease find below. 1. 0101175103601 3753 8340 8833 4864 7154 1121 5833 2461 6421 4957 2. 0101185055692 3008 4569 9197 6069 2494 5982 0074 9330 5391 96502020-07-10 gatagabriel213@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014369ClosedKCT Request2020-07-10REQUEST FOR KCT - 0101175104419Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-10NoPlease find below. 0101175104419 2949 6066 6003 8987 2450 1308 3223 1950 2763 71852020-07-10 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00014368ClosedVending History2020-07-10Dear IT Support Team, Kindly furnish us with VH of 0101161056284. Thank you.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-10NoPlease find below. Date Sold: 31/08/18 10:09 Meter/Type: 0101161056284 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 226160083024160 Supplier Ref: 226160083024160 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01023679 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 06661454493016794472 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/09/18 11:09 Meter/Type: 0101161056284 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182691109075 Supplier Ref: 182691109075 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01100399 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 57718777076457427861 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/09/18 09:30 Meter/Type: 0101161056284 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182710930017 Supplier Ref: 182710930017 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01106700 Total Value: N4,300.00 Standard: N4,300.00 - 06214452989531808075 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/11/18 16:16 Meter/Type: 0101161056284 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154134461952 Supplier Ref: 154134461952 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01235776 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 20212457361327416073 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/11/18 09:58 Meter/Type: 0101161056284 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183100958278 Supplier Ref: 183100958278 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01242700 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 34756903540582452404 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/12/18 21:24 Meter/Type: 0101161056284 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183582024335 Supplier Ref: 183582024335 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01458182 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 65476411878795069187 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/02/19 13:05 Meter/Type: 0101161056284 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155022871488 Supplier Ref: 155022871488 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01833217 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,434.97 - 03876633217085973032 Debt: N1,565.03 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/03/19 14:38 Meter/Type: 0101161056284 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190771338235 Supplier Ref: 190771338235 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02033316 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 43534957310905072316 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/04/19 10:52 Meter/Type: 0101161056284 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155618234923 Supplier Ref: 155618234923 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02238704 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 70428138833273900712 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/06/19 13:05 Meter/Type: 0101161056284 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 19978898169083 Supplier Ref: 19978898169083 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02434049 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 62522749003590184287 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/07/19 15:59 Meter/Type: 0101161056284 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 211983286170038 Supplier Ref: 211983286170038 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02629224 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 66574856111160829187 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/10/19 14:52 Meter/Type: 0101161056284 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157226721979 Supplier Ref: 157226721979 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03201999 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 19325807831898144984 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/12/19 10:26 Meter/Type: 0101161056284 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193380928566 Supplier Ref: 193380928566 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03460317 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 10829845114260689192 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/02/20 18:57 Meter/Type: 0101161056284 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158230423066 Supplier Ref: 158230423066 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04136429 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 53609674636854983509 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/03/20 12:02 Meter/Type: 0101161056284 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 007211029506 Supplier Ref: 007211029506 Receipt: PagT13EMDB04337183 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 60654296147963796128 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 262020-07-10 aramidee05@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014367Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014366ClosedRequest2020-07-10: DEBT DETAILS Kindly assist with debt details 0101170148445 ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-10NoHello, Find below Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170148445 Start Date: 12/5/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $218,615.97 Outstanding Balance: $218,615.97 Running Balance: $218,615.97 Note: Outstanding migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $4,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-10 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014365ClosedVending History2020-07-10Dear IT Suport, Kindly generate VH for the meter number 54160891633 regardsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-10NoHello, Find below Date Sold: 09/04/18 17:30 Meter/Type: 54160891633 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 276147878187071 Supplier Ref: 276147878187071 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00707825 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 32123627572719442845 Date Sold: 16/05/18 13:47 Meter/Type: 54160891633 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 813612471282 Supplier Ref: 813612471282 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00772305 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 67639220782933406159 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/06/18 12:20 Meter/Type: 54160891633 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000655406227 Supplier Ref: 000655406227 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00839024 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 03579435054968506109 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/06/18 16:26 Meter/Type: 54160891633 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 818015251955 Supplier Ref: 818015251955 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00865047 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 11598242970243380734 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/08/18 12:29 Meter/Type: 54160891633 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182141129583 Supplier Ref: 182141129583 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00944962 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 52070534080124327864 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/09/18 17:41 Meter/Type: 54160891633 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 973002410226099 Supplier Ref: 973002410226099 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01070615 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 02516717453217712618 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/10/18 14:01 Meter/Type: 54160891633 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 76878620196009 Supplier Ref: 76878620196009 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01135946 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 51649399321675727605 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/11/18 09:09 Meter/Type: 54160891633 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000676705033 Supplier Ref: 000676705033 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01265791 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 11869810660039359302 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/12/18 11:18 Meter/Type: 54160891633 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183351118561 Supplier Ref: 183351118561 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01329887 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 03687027406144832894 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/02/19 17:36 Meter/Type: 54160891633 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154903541535 Supplier Ref: 154903541535 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01727596 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 62945862136719067647 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/02/19 17:28 Meter/Type: 54160891633 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 963605208048245 Supplier Ref: 963605208048245 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01838204 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 71546481682843285893 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/04/19 15:17 Meter/Type: 54160891633 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 356868696120715 Supplier Ref: 356868696120715 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02228812 Total Value: N5,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 27287548360537490299 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/06/19 14:35 Meter/Type: 54160891633 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191661335117 Supplier Ref: 191661335117 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02509780 Total Value: N5,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 24448302489012788156 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/08/19 14:08 Meter/Type: 54160891633 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192201308264 Supplier Ref: 192201308264 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02773917 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 50750089387695237142 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/09/19 14:09 Meter/Type: 54160891633 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192521309204 Supplier Ref: 192521309204 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02935163 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 18195464274564079989 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/12/19 18:28 Meter/Type: 54160891633 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157772349435 Supplier Ref: 157772349435 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03672225 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N500.00 - 60823579147613861534 Debt: N7,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/01/20 18:56 Meter/Type: 54160891633 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157902120390 Supplier Ref: 157902120390 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03793827 Total Value: N3,200.00 Standard: N700.00 - 45489310817053331381 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/01/20 19:03 Meter/Type: 54160891633 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157902160255 Supplier Ref: 157902160255 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03793872 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 32173870011089474602 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/02/20 20:38 Meter/Type: 54160891633 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158161910017 Supplier Ref: 158161910017 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04063250 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N500.00 - 66692592095888728546 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/02/20 16:44 Meter/Type: 54160891633 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158290107434 Supplier Ref: 158290107434 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04208573 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 54571233787634754917 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/03/20 21:29 Meter/Type: 54160891633 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200872029466 Supplier Ref: 200872029466 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04442664 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 11835621490869903629 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/04/20 07:41 Meter/Type: 54160891633 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201210742030 Supplier Ref: 201210742030 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04684996 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 67924507415402488073 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 552020-07-10 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014364ClosedRequest2020-07-10anasss@124Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-10NoHello, Find below Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING BALANCE Reference Number: 54160958333 Start Date: 4/1/2017 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $51,033.21 Outstanding Balance: $0.00 Running Balance: $0.00 Note: none specified Status: Paid off Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/10/2020 11:38:23 AM2020-07-10 tyoverpeter@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00014363ClosedRequest2020-07-10REQUEST FOR UNISTAR VH - 61.0303.0011.1023 - 61/51/93/1310-01 REMINDERMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-10NoHello, Find attached file.2020-07-10 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00014362Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014361ClosedVending History2020-07-10Request for vending history of this account 0101175021167Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-10NoGood morning, Find below, Date Sold: 04/09/18 19:03 Meter/Type: 0101175021167 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182471803144 Supplier Ref: 182471803144 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01039001 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 22247958847761720166 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/10/18 10:32 Meter/Type: 0101175021167 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182851031598 Supplier Ref: 182851031598 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01154731 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 51588728803054315335 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/11/18 16:10 Meter/Type: 0101175021167 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183161610180 Supplier Ref: 183161610180 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01264277 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 63768652540869257570 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/12/18 21:23 Meter/Type: 0101175021167 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183442024027 Supplier Ref: 183442024027 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01369183 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 21058196353952065567 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/12/18 17:52 Meter/Type: 0101175021167 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183631653006 Supplier Ref: 183631653006 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01486610 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 45586593057863465964 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/02/19 21:56 Meter/Type: 0101175021167 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190392056404 Supplier Ref: 190392056404 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01785542 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 53707039551953077962 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/03/19 19:17 Meter/Type: 0101175021167 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190641817536 Supplier Ref: 190641817536 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01966831 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 66119750782863835698 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/03/19 10:40 Meter/Type: 0101175021167 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190860940484 Supplier Ref: 190860940484 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02076231 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N46,869.95 - 66452388990590586037 Debt: N3,130.05 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/04/19 15:48 Meter/Type: 0101175021167 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191061448232 Supplier Ref: 191061448232 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02192323 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 24256530372813941156 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/05/19 11:06 Meter/Type: 0101175021167 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191291006552 Supplier Ref: 191291006552 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02321371 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 10613416357475951783 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/06/19 15:32 Meter/Type: 0101175021167 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191611433041 Supplier Ref: 191611433041 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02483199 Total Value: N30,000.00 Standard: N30,000.00 - 71277581835722783775 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/06/19 15:17 Meter/Type: 0101175021167 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191791417303 Supplier Ref: 191791417303 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02570959 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 19960403132331086241 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/07/19 22:14 Meter/Type: 0101175021167 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191902114528 Supplier Ref: 191902114528 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02626270 Total Value: N10.00 Standard: N10.00 - 60709904681472332045 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/07/19 22:27 Meter/Type: 0101175021167 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191902127192 Supplier Ref: 191902127192 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02626298 Total Value: N25,000.00 Standard: N25,000.00 - 47225980369600325685 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/07/19 19:45 Meter/Type: 0101175021167 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191911845077 Supplier Ref: 191911845077 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02630604 Total Value: N30,000.00 Standard: N30,000.00 - 70717931500605198901 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/08/19 20:24 Meter/Type: 0101175021167 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 473292617205359 Supplier Ref: 473292617205359 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02830331 Total Value: N30,000.00 Standard: N30,000.00 - 53955457410420009945 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/09/19 16:35 Meter/Type: 0101175021167 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192561536136 Supplier Ref: 192561536136 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02959913 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 62179039463858432942 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/09/19 17:50 Meter/Type: 0101175021167 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156985868220 Supplier Ref: 156985868220 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03051832 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 67636478579460787214 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/10/19 15:03 Meter/Type: 0101175021167 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192741404205 Supplier Ref: 192741404205 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03057357 Total Value: N35,000.00 Standard: N35,000.00 - 69225420367510330556 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/10/19 11:59 Meter/Type: 0101175021167 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192751100046 Supplier Ref: 192751100046 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03061296 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 09635689687624036495 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/10/19 17:28 Meter/Type: 0101175021167 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 522232864039827 Supplier Ref: 522232864039827 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03225767 Total Value: N80,000.00 Standard: N80,000.00 - 25146234669314145868 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/12/19 17:09 Meter/Type: 0101175021167 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157642273475 Supplier Ref: 157642273475 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03536776 Total Value: N30,000.00 Standard: N30,000.00 - 09689210668317178621 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/01/20 10:20 Meter/Type: 0101175021167 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200030923330 Supplier Ref: 200030923330 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03697854 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 02557195988199402259 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/01/20 12:10 Meter/Type: 0101175021167 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200161113278 Supplier Ref: 200161113278 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03806733 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 69670474993948863399 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/03/20 14:28 Meter/Type: 0101175021167 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200781328055 Supplier Ref: 200781328055 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04371812 Total Value: N30,000.00 Standard: N30,000.00 - 03116188199577549378 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/04/20 08:38 Meter/Type: 0101175021167 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201050738187 Supplier Ref: 201050738187 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04565804 Total Value: N30,000.00 Standard: N30,000.00 - 67645121713126336947 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/04/20 09:37 Meter/Type: 0101175021167 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201050836595 Supplier Ref: 201050836595 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04565999 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 24741604822092122931 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/05/20 17:59 Meter/Type: 0101175021167 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201311759476 Supplier Ref: 201311759476 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04750484 Total Value: N30,000.00 Standard: N30,000.00 - 38519766415889095969 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/06/20 17:16 Meter/Type: 0101175021167 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201601716465 Supplier Ref: 201601716465 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04945210 Total Value: N40,000.00 Standard: N40,000.00 - 35608129969128384936 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 342020-07-10 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014360ClosedKCT Request2020-07-10: Request for K C T meter no 0101185049869Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-10NoGood morning, Find below 0101185049869 KCT1: 3305 5454 8025 1112 0340 KCT2: 6691 3086 3300 2061 96772020-07-10 benmercyladi@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014359ClosedRequest2020-07-10Debt profile Hello Kindly assist with debt profile of the msn below 0101170283481 0101170282457 0101170283473 0101170273854 0101170273813 0101170385138 54150607023 54160858251 -- Regards,Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-10NoHello, Find below 0101170283481 This customer does not have any Debt accounts associated. Please proceed to add one (or more) if necessary. 0101170282457 No Contract (with an Account) found by the provided search criteria. Please use alternate search criteria. 0101170283473 This customer does not have any Debt accounts associated. Please proceed to add one (or more) if necessary. 0101170273854 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170273854 Start Date: 3/23/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $13,587.38 Outstanding Balance: $11,587.38 Running Balance: $11,587.38 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 3/24/2020 7:03:32 PM 0101170273813 This customer does not have any Debt accounts associated. Please proceed to add one (or more) if necessary. 0101170385138 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170385138 Start Date: 3/10/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $14,424.03 Outstanding Balance: $6,424.03 Running Balance: $6,424.03 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/16/2020 12:24:30 PM 54150607023 Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 529136 Start Date: 1/19/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $247,643.90 Outstanding Balance: $218,253.75 Running Balance: $218,253.75 Note: Outstanding Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $4,000.00 Latest Payment: 5/6/2020 12:07:25 PM 54160858251 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 54160858251 Start Date: 2/12/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $255,052.24 Outstanding Balance: $237,052.24 Running Balance: $237,052.24 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/9/2020 1:33:56 PM2020-07-10 phartiemah12@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014358ClosedKCT Request2020-07-10: KCT 54161051849, 0101190000584 ReminderMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-10NoGood morning, Find below 54161051849 KCT1: 5253 8160 1320 9293 6765 KCT2: 2907 1593 7815 3220 7274 0101190000584 No records returned for search..2020-07-10 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014357In ProgressKCT Request2020-07-10Dear IT Support, Kindly generate KCT for the meter number 0101190006193 regardsMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-10No0000-00-00 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014356Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014355ClosedKCT Request2020-07-10KCT 010116504705 Find above request please 010116504705 Thank youMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-10NoHello, Find below 0101165047057 KCT1: 1110 6430 0922 4681 4048 KCT2: 0731 0398 7731 3493 99702020-07-10 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014354ClosedKCT Request2020-07-10: KCT Assist with key change 0101190019428 ThanksMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-10NoHello, Find below 0101190019428 KCT1: 4672 1000 7373 3200 3130 KCT2: 6865 1877 4010 7059 35502020-07-10 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014353ClosedKCT Request2020-07-10KCT 0101165047057 Good Morning, Kindly provide us with KCT 0101165047057Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-10NoFind below, 0101165047057 1110 6430 0922 4681 4048 0731 0398 7731 3493 99702020-07-10 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014352In ProgressRequest2020-07-10Request for vending history opening balance and outstanding debt balance Please I wish to request for vending history opening balance and outstanding debt balance of the following meter 54161032070. thanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-10NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 590942 Start Date: 4/27/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $52,199.00 Outstanding Balance: $28,199.00 Running Balance: $28,199.00 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 3/16/2020 11:10:34 AM VH Date Sold: 08/02/19 20:23 Meter/Type: 54161032070 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190391923256 Supplier Ref: 190391923256 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01785054 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 72587114746982959652 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/06/19 13:14 Meter/Type: 54161032070 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156077004346 Supplier Ref: 156077004346 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02516282 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 50964931210453173206 Debt: N6,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/08/19 12:46 Meter/Type: 54161032070 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156577961687 Supplier Ref: 156577961687 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02802424 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 10984424691155167360 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/09/19 10:36 Meter/Type: 54161032070 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156767258643 Supplier Ref: 156767258643 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02913136 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 69536545698185459910 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/10/19 11:11 Meter/Type: 54161032070 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192771012210 Supplier Ref: 192771012210 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03073113 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 58585256230401399183 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/11/19 13:49 Meter/Type: 54161032070 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193191251226 Supplier Ref: 193191251226 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03315654 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 07578603623379403698 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/12/19 14:38 Meter/Type: 54161032070 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157563605490 Supplier Ref: 157563605490 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03480230 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 60048004607438659530 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/01/20 13:45 Meter/Type: 54161032070 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157874331413 Supplier Ref: 157874331413 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03765883 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 59802587411809907247 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/02/20 11:07 Meter/Type: 54161032070 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 302979173538976 Supplier Ref: 302979173538976 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB04002623 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 61599053130199281985 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/03/20 12:10 Meter/Type: 54161032070 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200761110440 Supplier Ref: 200761110440 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04357555 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 00655541329238918891 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/03/20 16:06 Meter/Type: 54161032070 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200901506335 Supplier Ref: 200901506335 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04461171 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 47929074959911357159 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 200000-00-00 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014351ClosedRequest2020-07-09REQUEST FOR DEBT MIGIRATED AND BALANCE(54160894892)Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-09NoHello, Find below Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING BALANCE Reference Number: 54160894892 Start Date: 3/14/2017 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $152,849.52 Outstanding Balance: $10,849.52 Running Balance: $10,849.52 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/9/2020 3:21:05 PM2020-07-09 tyoverpeter@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00014350ClosedRequest2020-07-09: Request for vending history opening balance and outstanding debt balance Please kindly help me with the debt profile opening balance of the following meter 54161032070. thanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-09NoHello, Find below Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 590942 Start Date: 4/27/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $52,199.00 Outstanding Balance: $28,199.00 Running Balance: $28,199.00 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 3/16/2020 11:10:34 AM Date Sold: 08/02/19 20:23 Meter/Type: 54161032070 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190391923256 Supplier Ref: 190391923256 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01785054 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 72587114746982959652 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/06/19 13:14 Meter/Type: 54161032070 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156077004346 Supplier Ref: 156077004346 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02516282 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 50964931210453173206 Debt: N6,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/08/19 12:46 Meter/Type: 54161032070 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156577961687 Supplier Ref: 156577961687 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02802424 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 10984424691155167360 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/09/19 10:36 Meter/Type: 54161032070 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156767258643 Supplier Ref: 156767258643 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02913136 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 69536545698185459910 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/10/19 11:11 Meter/Type: 54161032070 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192771012210 Supplier Ref: 192771012210 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03073113 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 58585256230401399183 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/11/19 13:49 Meter/Type: 54161032070 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193191251226 Supplier Ref: 193191251226 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03315654 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 07578603623379403698 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/12/19 14:38 Meter/Type: 54161032070 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157563605490 Supplier Ref: 157563605490 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03480230 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 60048004607438659530 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/01/20 13:45 Meter/Type: 54161032070 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157874331413 Supplier Ref: 157874331413 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03765883 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 59802587411809907247 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/02/20 11:07 Meter/Type: 54161032070 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 302979173538976 Supplier Ref: 302979173538976 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB04002623 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 61599053130199281985 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/03/20 12:10 Meter/Type: 54161032070 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200761110440 Supplier Ref: 200761110440 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04357555 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 00655541329238918891 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/03/20 16:06 Meter/Type: 54161032070 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200901506335 Supplier Ref: 200901506335 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04461171 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 47929074959911357159 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 202020-07-09 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014349ClosedRequest2020-07-09: DEBT DETAILS Assist with debt details 0101170206375 Thanks.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-09NoHello, Find below Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 6460031589-01 Start Date: 8/3/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $286,327.01 Outstanding Balance: $286,327.01 Running Balance: $286,327.01 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-09 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014348ClosedRequest2020-07-09: REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101170287045. Hello Support Team, Kindly provide us with the above mentioned. RegardsMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-09NoHello, Find below Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING BALANCE Reference Number: 602581 Start Date: 6/20/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $24,667.34 Outstanding Balance: $24,667.34 Running Balance: $24,667.34 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-09 muhammad.dalhatu2019@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014347ClosedKCT Request2020-07-09: KCT 0101190008579 Kindly provide us with this KCT 0101190008579 Thank youMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-09NoHello Find below as requested, 0101190008579 6471 2546 1934 8947 6321 Key Change Token N/A 7/3/2020 10:47:28 AM Yes KHADIJA ABDULLAHI Zainab Mujtaba 0101190008579 0732 7479 7967 7341 7855 Regards.2020-07-09 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014346ClosedRequest2020-07-09: REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE Please kindly assist me with the debt profile of the following. Customer Name; Yakubu Bashir Meter No: 0101170185157 Thanks.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-09NoHello, Find below Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 6721081998-01 Start Date: 2/26/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $36,471.53 Outstanding Balance: $36,471.53 Running Balance: $36,471.53 Note: Outstanding Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-09 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014345ClosedVending History2020-07-09: Vending history 54160869159 Good day, Kindly send me the details of the above meter Best regardsMedium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-07-09NoHello, Find below as requested ________________________________________ Top of Form Date Sold: 30/07/18 14:41 Meter/Type: 54160869159 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000661468497 Supplier Ref: 000661468497 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00935668 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 51584936438815107926 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/10/18 09:05 Meter/Type: 54160869159 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000673104971 Supplier Ref: 000673104971 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01177860 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 69068631353767307605 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/01/19 15:49 Meter/Type: 54160869159 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190071449538 Supplier Ref: 190071449538 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01532263 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 73519626709150921168 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/03/19 11:03 Meter/Type: 54160869159 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 758369936707279 Supplier Ref: 758369936707279 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02031420 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 16169434033982583617 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/06/19 11:43 Meter/Type: 54160869159 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 729278017749483 Supplier Ref: 729278017749483 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02487496 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 05868200639659650556 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/07/19 09:46 Meter/Type: 54160869159 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192110845592 Supplier Ref: 192110845592 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02721765 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 13834152586602158490 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/10/19 15:37 Meter/Type: 54160869159 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157123308685 Supplier Ref: 157123308685 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03138223 Total Value: N11,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 49966195382172110155 Debt: N6,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/01/20 11:58 Meter/Type: 54160869159 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200311059008 Supplier Ref: 200311059008 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03934401 Total Value: N6,100.00 Standard: N100.00 - 38057025374054714108 Debt: N6,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/03/20 15:07 Meter/Type: 54160869159 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200781407294 Supplier Ref: 200781407294 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04372123 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 58993501730380788975 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/06/20 14:44 Meter/Type: 54160869159 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201631444054 Supplier Ref: 201631444054 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04961451 Total Value: N6,005.00 Standard: N5.00 - 02750014219365358260 Debt: N6,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/07/20 11:08 Meter/Type: 54160869159 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201891108138 Supplier Ref: 201891108138 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05152767 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 13080638256966978343 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 132020-07-09 rajiauwalmuazu@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00014344Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014343Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014342In ProgressRequest2020-07-09Assist with debt details 0101170206375 Thanks.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-09No0000-00-00 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014341In ProgressRequest2020-07-091. 0101170217059 2. 0101160051013. 3. 0101170125765. thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-09No0000-00-00 faizahtafida@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014340In ProgressRequest2020-07-09REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101170287045Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-09No0000-00-00 muhammad.dalhatu2019@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014339In ProgressKCT Request2020-07-09REQUEST FOR K CT METER NO: 0101185049869 JOHN OGAHMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-09No0000-00-00 benmercyladi@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014338In ProgressRequest2020-07-09lease kindly assist me with the debt profile of the following. Customer Name; Yakubu Bashir Meter No: 0101170185157 Thanks.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-09No0000-00-00 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014337In ProgressRequest2020-07-09Find below. 1. 0101170217059 2. 0101160051013. 3. 0101170125765. thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-09No0000-00-00 faizahtafida@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014336In ProgressRequest2020-07-09Please I wish to request for vending history opening balance and outstanding debt balance of the following meter 54160739717. thanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-09No0000-00-00 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014335In ProgressRequest2020-07-09Hello, Kindly provide us with the KCT of MSN: 0101190014338. ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-09No0000-00-00 anersirleh@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014334In ProgressRequest2020-07-09Hello Kindly assist with debt profile of above meter serial number -- Regards,Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-09No0000-00-00 phartiemah12@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014333In ProgressRequest2020-07-09Assist with key change 010117012565 Thanks.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-09No0000-00-00 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014332In ProgressRequest2020-07-09Hello, Kindly assist with the above subject matter of these account numbers 1. 609800 2. 609801 3. 609802 4. 609790 5. 609795 6. 609789 7. 609788 Thank you.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-09No0000-00-00 mwuladi@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00014331In ProgressKCT Request2020-07-09Assist with key change 0101190019428 ThanksMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-09No0000-00-00 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014330ClosedRequest2020-07-09REQUEST FOR ACCOUNT NUMBER MIGIRATED (54160881410Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-09NoHello, Find below as requested Customer Details Name: AKWARAS Surname: A. LANSIBOL Meter Serial Number: 54160881410 Contract Account Number: 6214209851-012020-07-09 tyoverpeter@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00014329ClosedRequest2020-07-09REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILS Hello team, Find below. 1. 0101160185688. thanks.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-09NoHello, Find below Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 646895 Start Date: 11/25/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $15,193.00 Outstanding Balance: $15,193.00 Running Balance: $15,193.00 Note: Outstanding Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-09 faizahtafida@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014328ClosedRequest2020-07-09Debt profile 0101170399766 Please kindly assist me with the above details.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-09NoHello, Find below Date Sold: 12/01/19 11:49 Meter/Type: 0101170399766 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154728655318 Supplier Ref: 154728655318 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01565444 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 66903931206992009431 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/01/19 15:57 Meter/Type: 0101170399766 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154868382257 Supplier Ref: 154868382257 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01685016 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 63060040662943660227 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/02/19 15:35 Meter/Type: 0101170399766 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154963295104 Supplier Ref: 154963295104 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01782284 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 62700214593436580894 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/02/19 17:23 Meter/Type: 0101170399766 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155050343409 Supplier Ref: 155050343409 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01852445 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 34158038358734317848 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/02/19 17:36 Meter/Type: 0101170399766 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190571636480 Supplier Ref: 190571636480 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01910537 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N434.97 - 36210948469150836641 Debt: N1,565.03 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/03/19 15:12 Meter/Type: 0101170399766 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155170514760 Supplier Ref: 155170514760 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01954327 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N2,570.00 - 71837234962469890570 Debt: -N1,570.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/04/19 16:02 Meter/Type: 0101170399766 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155447296316 Supplier Ref: 155447296316 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02134354 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 59612268717896465218 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/04/19 12:24 Meter/Type: 0101170399766 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155549664939 Supplier Ref: 155549664939 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02196069 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 64526510461125986435 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/04/19 17:39 Meter/Type: 0101170399766 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155551558276 Supplier Ref: 155551558276 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02198691 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 62399741714201814832 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/05/19 11:38 Meter/Type: 0101170399766 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155834509485 Supplier Ref: 155834509485 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02367134 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 55693693448231340083 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/05/19 16:42 Meter/Type: 0101170399766 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191441542362 Supplier Ref: 191441542362 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02391524 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 05880048087921297730 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/07/19 10:37 Meter/Type: 0101170399766 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190703093553 Supplier Ref: 190703093553 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02593174 Total Value: N1,800.00 Standard: N1,800.00 - 33490256601973070105 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/07/19 20:51 Meter/Type: 0101170399766 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156390790106 Supplier Ref: 156390790106 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02690202 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 72350438243076532574 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/07/19 17:50 Meter/Type: 0101170399766 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156450181023 Supplier Ref: 156450181023 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02726374 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 09822418517951227555 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/08/19 11:53 Meter/Type: 0101170399766 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156577644339 Supplier Ref: 156577644339 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02801908 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 55627437784804563003 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/08/19 16:11 Meter/Type: 0101170399766 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156682866032 Supplier Ref: 156682866032 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02861062 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 21000550218779031600 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/09/19 13:43 Meter/Type: 0101170399766 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156768382115 Supplier Ref: 156768382115 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02914623 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 53282809400422713480 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/09/19 15:23 Meter/Type: 0101170399766 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192601423537 Supplier Ref: 192601423537 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02978936 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 58871774419448542077 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/10/19 15:04 Meter/Type: 0101170399766 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192771405051 Supplier Ref: 192771405051 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03075048 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 27481682295843505061 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/10/19 09:40 Meter/Type: 0101170399766 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192870841093 Supplier Ref: 192870841093 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03122735 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 54399038076539455298 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/10/19 12:07 Meter/Type: 0101170399766 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157173891834 Supplier Ref: 157173891834 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03168523 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 60815235119221486646 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/10/19 07:22 Meter/Type: 0101170399766 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157249945721 Supplier Ref: 157249945721 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03220372 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 43318705907247187774 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/11/19 13:03 Meter/Type: 0101170399766 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193161205398 Supplier Ref: 193161205398 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03296072 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 45490258886432020301 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/11/19 17:39 Meter/Type: 0101170399766 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157435088752 Supplier Ref: 157435088752 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03350888 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 60259911593757082414 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/11/19 16:51 Meter/Type: 0101170399766 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193331553516 Supplier Ref: 193331553516 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03418139 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 40000327384920638569 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/03/20 12:54 Meter/Type: 0101170399766 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158323284749 Supplier Ref: 158323284749 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04256466 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 49352661407901394815 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/03/20 09:20 Meter/Type: 0101170399766 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200760820146 Supplier Ref: 200760820146 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04356305 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 30513421097778857344 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/07/20 14:16 Meter/Type: 0101170399766 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201891416096 Supplier Ref: 201891416096 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05154629 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 26180307130038015293 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 612020-07-09 ummilois2@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014327ClosedVending History2020-07-09Request for Vending History Dear Sir, Kindly Release the vending history of the meter number below: 01321420174Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-09NoHello, Find below Date Sold: 20/07/16 12:00 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/EAKPA Token Ref: 620212130164 Supplier Ref: 620212130164 Receipt: EVG3EMDB00003292 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 37767079713597153896 Date Sold: 15/08/16 10:41 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/EAKPA Token Ref: 622810550187 Supplier Ref: 622810550187 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00016751 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 54815029404498954679 Date Sold: 05/09/16 08:34 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/EAKPA Token Ref: 624908330034 Supplier Ref: 624908330034 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00028849 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 38121013471800397059 Date Sold: 29/09/16 12:13 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/EAKPA Token Ref: 627312130107 Supplier Ref: 627312130107 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00044678 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 38253706336170071447 Date Sold: 22/10/16 11:59 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/FMUSA Token Ref: 629700248843 Supplier Ref: 629700248843 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00060612 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 51554602945040363630 Date Sold: 07/11/16 10:38 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 003202471270 Supplier Ref: 003202471270 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00070288 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 52543064789601765286 Date Sold: 23/11/16 10:18 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 004802270570 Supplier Ref: 004802270570 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00081008 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 16046979627537338262 Date Sold: 13/12/16 09:31 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/EAKPA Token Ref: 009002088112 Supplier Ref: 009002088112 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00094165 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 32928239322685769239 Date Sold: 28/12/16 10:59 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/EAKPA Token Ref: 010503376541 Supplier Ref: 010503376541 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00106696 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 05395291640574444012 Date Sold: 12/01/17 12:05 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/EAKPA Token Ref: 701212059450 Supplier Ref: 701212059450 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00119252 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 45694394549205603724 Date Sold: 13/01/17 08:47 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/EAKPA Token Ref: 701308474207 Supplier Ref: 701308474207 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00119748 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 26502105996088639000 Date Sold: 02/02/17 15:17 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 703315172741 Supplier Ref: 703315172741 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00132979 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 61914146424953841346 Date Sold: 21/02/17 12:18 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 705212180267 Supplier Ref: 705212180267 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00150024 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 23601098948617018131 Date Sold: 27/02/17 13:24 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/EAKPA Token Ref: 705813233309 Supplier Ref: 705813233309 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00156595 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 20528741488959214359 Date Sold: 08/03/17 08:11 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/EAKPA Token Ref: 706708115036 Supplier Ref: 706708115036 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00168711 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 49601637236793403378 Date Sold: 14/03/17 14:07 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/EAKPA Token Ref: 707314070877 Supplier Ref: 707314070877 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00177328 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 24052804415004425015 Date Sold: 23/03/17 08:28 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/EAKPA Token Ref: 708208280055 Supplier Ref: 708208280055 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00187580 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 63874915000945915836 Date Sold: 03/04/17 08:34 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 709308340782 Supplier Ref: 709308340782 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00201626 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 66027786229630614886 Date Sold: 17/04/17 12:09 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 710712094902 Supplier Ref: 710712094902 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00218679 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 27533517681715202885 Date Sold: 27/04/17 09:51 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/EAKPA Token Ref: 711709511386 Supplier Ref: 711709511386 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00231815 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 37221294474561539459 Date Sold: 04/05/17 14:40 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 712414391238 Supplier Ref: 712414391238 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00241803 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 61353475039099234683 Date Sold: 17/05/17 11:13 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 713711133591 Supplier Ref: 713711133591 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00257690 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 13953201962224018002 Date Sold: 29/05/17 12:26 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/EAKPA Token Ref: 714912269654 Supplier Ref: 714912269654 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00271521 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 43463037715207106233 Date Sold: 07/06/17 09:29 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/EAKPA Token Ref: 715809291863 Supplier Ref: 715809291863 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00284510 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 56435962757332825522 Date Sold: 16/06/17 09:52 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 716709520074 Supplier Ref: 716709520074 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00296472 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 45541288583172467278 Date Sold: 29/06/17 15:51 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/EAKPA Token Ref: 718015515677 Supplier Ref: 718015515677 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00313273 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 15475524761192740490 Date Sold: 12/07/17 08:29 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/EAKPA Token Ref: 719308291082 Supplier Ref: 719308291082 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00329432 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 00284412413925936163 Date Sold: 24/07/17 10:46 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/EAKPA Token Ref: 720510462944 Supplier Ref: 720510462944 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00343213 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 66589167621887923483 Date Sold: 07/08/17 10:33 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/EAKPA Token Ref: 721910332049 Supplier Ref: 721910332049 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00362979 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 21607514789203678086 Date Sold: 22/08/17 13:47 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 723413460159 Supplier Ref: 723413460159 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00380910 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 30577880330432920243 Date Sold: 01/09/17 11:07 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/EAKPA Token Ref: 724411074150 Supplier Ref: 724411074150 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00396062 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 55389848760295813532 Date Sold: 14/09/17 08:19 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/EAKPA Token Ref: 725708191662 Supplier Ref: 725708191662 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00411980 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 14869430218909573885 Date Sold: 03/10/17 08:56 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 727608560049 Supplier Ref: 727608560049 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00435055 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 71856546720821719949 Date Sold: 16/10/17 09:43 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 728909430134 Supplier Ref: 728909430134 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00454348 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 50360903671733185713 Date Sold: 02/11/17 07:50 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/EAKPA Token Ref: 730607502073 Supplier Ref: 730607502073 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00478996 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 25544019615689387396 Date Sold: 13/11/17 08:07 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000624138801 Supplier Ref: 000624138801 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00494264 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 58400300497415200617 Date Sold: 24/11/17 10:08 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000625734881 Supplier Ref: 000625734881 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00510294 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 58546170691321639264 Date Sold: 06/12/17 13:53 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 171477963560186 Supplier Ref: 171477963560186 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00528326 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 67571626692825184259 Date Sold: 27/12/17 10:09 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 789882860967340 Supplier Ref: 789882860967340 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00557933 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 08165803795927536175 Date Sold: 12/02/18 11:28 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000637262864 Supplier Ref: 000637262864 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00620187 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 18439741901122576128 Date Sold: 05/03/18 08:39 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000640270016 Supplier Ref: 000640270016 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00651298 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 01406425771516564050 Date Sold: 28/03/18 15:13 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000643615373 Supplier Ref: 000643615373 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00687754 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 20693890964689852454 Date Sold: 19/04/18 09:16 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000646747797 Supplier Ref: 000646747797 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00722888 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 38873723801338663050 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/05/18 10:43 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000650500404 Supplier Ref: 000650500404 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00769199 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 43466712900007568370 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/05/18 14:30 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000652395263 Supplier Ref: 000652395263 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00795631 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 23067648602836599977 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/06/18 09:55 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 511847514396061 Supplier Ref: 511847514396061 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00825163 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 20692390808323490905 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/06/18 16:53 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 310891183773959 Supplier Ref: 310891183773959 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00846927 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 40067344957253445300 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/07/18 09:47 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 934070082152538 Supplier Ref: 934070082152538 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00878705 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 22522665970791428528 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/07/18 09:52 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 232711359429608 Supplier Ref: 232711359429608 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00907709 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 54747949978668489989 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/08/18 09:36 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 676944615013874 Supplier Ref: 676944615013874 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00960285 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 17849920818656125070 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/08/18 16:16 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 750354538613774 Supplier Ref: 750354538613774 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01004769 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 29175826718036510845 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/09/18 10:19 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 880928063139151 Supplier Ref: 880928063139151 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01042707 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 38682162793485230561 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/09/18 08:59 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 262176233406435 Supplier Ref: 262176233406435 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01093328 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 35744490082071262520 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/10/18 08:52 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 896736121355338 Supplier Ref: 896736121355338 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01150310 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 03127695191200841855 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/10/18 10:06 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 270797676424616 Supplier Ref: 270797676424616 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01198165 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 62242343343799006742 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/11/18 08:03 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000676554316 Supplier Ref: 000676554316 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01261013 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 25739266584396403744 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/11/18 11:54 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 629959836952680 Supplier Ref: 629959836952680 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01308696 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 25585997983419884613 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/12/18 16:15 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 22742967099310 Supplier Ref: 22742967099310 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01354800 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 31949915193879808706 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/12/18 16:02 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 742116080402986 Supplier Ref: 742116080402986 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01410224 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 56104245066398086569 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/01/19 16:26 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154687115857 Supplier Ref: 154687115857 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01532820 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 68743290218719812385 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/01/19 09:37 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190280837164 Supplier Ref: 190280837164 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01678463 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 10826228276717431898 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/02/19 09:07 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 575788730750968 Supplier Ref: 575788730750968 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01804094 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 05901388042034155322 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/02/19 11:56 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 444566510006100 Supplier Ref: 444566510006100 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01914742 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 14711665770267493641 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/03/19 10:14 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 833370848311862 Supplier Ref: 833370848311862 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02013876 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 23451706811216564492 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/04/19 10:07 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 129748494572113 Supplier Ref: 129748494572113 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02145085 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 00104294934689677572 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/04/19 10:04 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 484421107067869 Supplier Ref: 484421107067869 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02238273 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 04980002216657646170 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/05/19 15:38 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 961653575893098 Supplier Ref: 961653575893098 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02325117 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 64426834885664150827 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/06/19 12:46 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 123083419588406 Supplier Ref: 123083419588406 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02443384 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 67032616336845599502 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/06/19 09:46 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 29216372594337 Supplier Ref: 29216372594337 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02514699 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 58741980360200401064 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/07/19 08:51 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 503417612598082 Supplier Ref: 503417612598082 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02714775 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 53591171816790694565 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/09/19 09:52 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 332724665500774 Supplier Ref: 332724665500774 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02945479 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 33527388934954657356 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/09/19 13:21 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 626657404107676 Supplier Ref: 626657404107676 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02983895 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 22637773211659671257 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/10/19 16:50 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 722079670124022 Supplier Ref: 722079670124022 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03064054 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 11647610625657998392 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/10/19 16:50 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 15430235761934 Supplier Ref: 15430235761934 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03138830 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 62521311145755637797 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/10/19 17:29 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192921630154 Supplier Ref: 192921630154 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03155616 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 42257165913017751271 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/10/19 09:57 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 348408507020083 Supplier Ref: 348408507020083 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03206752 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 62914976795008486889 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/11/19 19:35 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157271618766 Supplier Ref: 157271618766 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03240801 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 66684803175477460449 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/11/19 12:00 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 882240290016351 Supplier Ref: 882240290016351 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03308663 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 56229027116779147577 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/11/19 10:40 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 593323004719600 Supplier Ref: 593323004719600 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03328710 Total Value: N1,200.00 Standard: N1,200.00 - 65692648057850051807 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/11/19 09:42 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 921818981548827 Supplier Ref: 921818981548827 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03347415 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 12434248732628313106 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/12/19 10:58 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 757226483250592 Supplier Ref: 757226483250592 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03469566 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 43761664743681191291 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/12/19 09:05 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 338187149892908 Supplier Ref: 338187149892908 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03612684 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 44993681153275060882 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/12/19 10:57 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 166427480999678 Supplier Ref: 166427480999678 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03676343 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 62627006812494693634 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/01/20 13:20 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 101759317986450 Supplier Ref: 101759317986450 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03739047 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 27561008945491176306 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/01/20 09:53 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 621355451353846 Supplier Ref: 621355451353846 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03787381 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 63983801795734911623 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/01/20 10:36 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 545554008640791 Supplier Ref: 545554008640791 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03843671 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 39886999695964247659 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/01/20 10:41 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 575564618673969 Supplier Ref: 575564618673969 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03892254 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 35471061551579584716 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/02/20 14:59 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 386677561489589 Supplier Ref: 386677561489589 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03964670 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 04319233308834178343 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/02/20 12:31 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 485654707256403 Supplier Ref: 485654707256403 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB04112852 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 35153126528241988912 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/03/20 11:46 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200641046051 Supplier Ref: 200641046051 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04271026 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 11419568916167323294 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/03/20 15:11 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200911411241 Supplier Ref: 200911411241 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04471600 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 45503168059216601510 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/04/20 14:38 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201001338463 Supplier Ref: 201001338463 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04542758 Total Value: N13,605.00 Standard: N13,605.00 - 65132108987217435928 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/04/20 13:53 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201141354103 Supplier Ref: 201141354103 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04633741 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 52240845897247454327 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/05/20 14:15 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201271415100 Supplier Ref: 201271415100 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04722641 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 73241852892077841289 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/05/20 09:42 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201400942350 Supplier Ref: 201400942350 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04802597 Total Value: N10,250.00 Standard: N10,250.00 - 21723006733644812856 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/05/20 14:01 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201471401528 Supplier Ref: 201471401528 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04852653 Total Value: N10,250.00 Standard: N10,250.00 - 61036675553608510052 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/06/20 13:30 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201561330514 Supplier Ref: 201561330514 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04916878 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 00181379176375364636 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/06/20 16:16 Meter/Type: 01321420174 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201761616425 Supplier Ref: 201761616425 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05052692 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 18085267293745151539 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 1042020-07-09 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00014326ClosedRequest2020-07-09DEBT DETAILS Assist with debt details 0101170284265 ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-09NoHello, Find below as requested Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING BALANCE Reference Number: 6460023069-01 Start Date: 7/1/2016 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $25,909.00 Outstanding Balance: $0.00 Running Balance: $0.00 Note: none specified Status: Paid off Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/9/2020 9:51:52 AM2020-07-09 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014325Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014324In ProgressKCT Request2020-07-09Please kindly send me the KCT following the meter number 54161103004MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-09No0000-00-00 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014323In ProgressRequest2020-07-09Please kindly assist me with the above details.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-09No0000-00-00 ummilois2@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014322In ProgressKCT Request2020-07-09Hello Support, Kindly assist for this meter on KCT 54161051849 0101190000584 - From 01-04 Thank youMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-09No0000-00-00 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014321In ProgressVending History2020-07-09Dear Sir, Kindly Release the vending history of the meter number below: 01321420174 RegardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-09No0000-00-00 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014320In ProgressRequest2020-07-09Hello team, Find below. 1. 0101160185688. thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-09No0000-00-00 faizahtafida@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014319In ProgressTamper Code2020-07-09Dear IT Support Team, Kindly furnish us with CTT for 0101160348468 and 54160878978 whose documents are attached herewith duly vetted by Audit for your reference. Head M&E Mr. @Abu Amedu is copied herein. Thank you.MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-09No0000-00-00 mujtabaumar01@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014318In ProgressRequest2020-07-09REQUEST FOR ACCOUNT NUMBER MIGIRATED (54160881410)Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-09No0000-00-00 tyoverpeter@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014317In ProgressRequest2020-07-09Assist with debt details 0101170284265 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-09No0000-00-00 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014316In ProgressKCT Request2020-07-09Find below. 1. 0101170387548. thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-09No0000-00-00 faizahtafida@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014315In ProgressRequest2020-07-09REQUEST FOR KCT 0101175102447Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-09No0000-00-00 longpuan@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014314ClosedRequest2020-07-09Hello Kindly assist with debt profile of the msn below 0101160051906 0101190001731 0101161027266 54161073553 0101170365841 0101170392662 0101161073396 -- Regards,Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-09NoGood morning, Find below 0101160051906 Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 630688 Start Date: 2/6/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $25,205.18 Outstanding Balance: $19,205.18 Running Balance: $19,205.18 Note: Outstanding migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Per Vend Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/8/2020 3:14:38 PM 0101190001731 Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 612184 Start Date: 6/26/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $200,084.19 Outstanding Balance: $197,084.19 Running Balance: $197,084.19 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Per Vend Amount Collection Value: $3,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/7/2020 4:47:28 PM 0101161027266 No Contract (with an Account) found by the provided search criteria. Please use alternate search criteria. 54161073553 Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 54161073553 Start Date: 3/5/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $17,396.62 Outstanding Balance: $10,396.62 Running Balance: $10,396.62 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Per Vend Amount Collection Value: $3,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/8/2020 11:16:44 AM 0101170365841 Name: Outstanding Balance Reference Number: 417008 Start Date: 1/16/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $452,084.06 Outstanding Balance: $364,845.46 Running Balance: $364,845.46 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/30/2020 1:53:33 PM 0101170392662 Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 630983 Start Date: 8/5/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $120,970.15 Outstanding Balance: $74,970.15 Running Balance: $74,970.15 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,500.00 Latest Payment: 3/11/2020 2:51:38 PM 0101161073396 Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 0101161073396 Start Date: 11/25/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $210,973.83 Outstanding Balance: $186,473.83 Running Balance: $186,473.83 Note: Outstanding Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/7/2020 1:39:05 PM2020-07-09 phartiemah12@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014313ClosedRequest2020-07-09REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILS Please kindly assist with debt details for MSN 0101160183089 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-09NoGood morning, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 660169 Start Date: 6/10/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $17,934.26 Outstanding Balance: $13,934.26 Running Balance: $13,934.26 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/9/2020 9:31:57 AM2020-07-09 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014312ClosedRequest2020-07-09DEBT DETAILS MORNING IT SUPPORT. Kindly assist with debt details 0101170301549 0101170268441 Thank you have a blessed day.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-09NoGood morning, Find below 0101170301549 Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 460811 Start Date: 3/11/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $68,862.00 Outstanding Balance: $58,862.00 Running Balance: $58,862.00 Note: Outstanding migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/7/2020 5:44:13 PM 0101170268441 Name: Outstanding Balance Reference Number: 585486 Start Date: 7/20/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $73,253.74 Outstanding Balance: $47,253.74 Running Balance: $47,253.74 Note: Outstanding from JCS, Installation fee, Cost unit Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/1/2020 3:24:41 PM2020-07-09 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014311ClosedKCT Request2020-07-09Dear IT Support, Kindly generate the KCT for the meter number 0101175103601 regardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-09NoGood morning, Find below, 0101175103601 3753 8340 8833 4864 7154 1121 5833 2461 6421 49572020-07-09 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014310ClosedVending History2020-07-09REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY Dear Support, Kindly provide VH for 57100046697 Thank youMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-09NoGood morning, Find below Date Sold: 13/07/16 17:00 Meter/Type: 57100046697 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 619517120520 Supplier Ref: 619517120520 Receipt: EVG3EMDB00001706 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 24097021831343923573 Date Sold: 28/07/16 10:13 Meter/Type: 57100046697 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/MBEN Token Ref: 621010250046 Supplier Ref: 621010250046 Receipt: JED3EMDB00007095 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 02919591570873629775 Date Sold: 20/09/16 09:11 Meter/Type: 57100046697 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/MBEN Token Ref: 626401100054 Supplier Ref: 626401100054 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00038649 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N500.00 - 50953144692858175467 Debt: N1,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 20/09/16 09:13 Meter/Type: 57100046697 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/MBEN Token Ref: 626401130059 Supplier Ref: 626401130059 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00038654 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 45070370950517316012 Date Sold: 03/11/16 15:01 Meter/Type: 57100046697 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 630807010165 Supplier Ref: 630807010165 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00068411 Total Value: N3,400.00 Standard: N400.00 - 44244166823251925457 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 08/11/16 12:12 Meter/Type: 57100046697 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/MBEN Token Ref: 631303120074 Supplier Ref: 631303120074 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00071457 Total Value: N1,700.00 Standard: N1,700.00 - 62191121630402131347 Date Sold: 07/12/16 10:22 Meter/Type: 57100046697 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 634201220013 Supplier Ref: 634201220013 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00090424 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 44864293111633989084 Debt: N1,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 24/12/16 14:44 Meter/Type: 57100046697 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/CABU Token Ref: 005706516195 Supplier Ref: 005706516195 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00105582 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 19915933036134972657 Date Sold: 28/03/17 16:35 Meter/Type: 57100046697 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 001802004899 Supplier Ref: 001802004899 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00194957 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N177.09 - 58490342987803443531 Debt: N1,322.91 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 28/03/17 17:35 Meter/Type: 57100046697 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 001802594917 Supplier Ref: 001802594917 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00195127 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 09141144356060484182 Date Sold: 15/04/17 10:07 Meter/Type: 57100046697 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 003520328972 Supplier Ref: 003520328972 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00217488 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 58876160706383238990 Date Sold: 05/05/17 13:11 Meter/Type: 57100046697 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 009903591057 Supplier Ref: 009903591057 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00243319 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 09740355265032235931 Date Sold: 24/05/17 15:31 Meter/Type: 57100046697 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/MBEN Token Ref: 001708240625 Supplier Ref: 001708240625 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00266912 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 11642309833941961665 Date Sold: 12/06/17 17:57 Meter/Type: 57100046697 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 716317560545 Supplier Ref: 716317560545 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00291726 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 01580449940435251246 Date Sold: 11/07/17 17:19 Meter/Type: 57100046697 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 719217179053 Supplier Ref: 719217179053 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00329267 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 23587169736084031800 Date Sold: 31/07/17 14:00 Meter/Type: 57100046697 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 721213593912 Supplier Ref: 721213593912 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00354110 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 33022077083993512293 Date Sold: 23/08/17 12:34 Meter/Type: 57100046697 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 723512323760 Supplier Ref: 723512323760 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00382231 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 41496368549871522164 Date Sold: 18/09/17 14:50 Meter/Type: 57100046697 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 726114499873 Supplier Ref: 726114499873 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00416915 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 54045318344537666891 Date Sold: 09/10/17 13:46 Meter/Type: 57100046697 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 728213463697 Supplier Ref: 728213463697 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00445979 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 16500489841476693616 Date Sold: 09/10/17 13:54 Meter/Type: 57100046697 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 728213543707 Supplier Ref: 728213543707 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00446018 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 56203582701355355135 Date Sold: 01/11/17 14:30 Meter/Type: 57100046697 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 730517300015 Supplier Ref: 730517300015 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00478385 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 25867374745032988550 Date Sold: 18/11/17 09:38 Meter/Type: 57100046697 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000624867898 Supplier Ref: 000624867898 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00502355 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 16234010129918041000 Date Sold: 12/12/17 14:32 Meter/Type: 57100046697 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 192175574472231 Supplier Ref: 192175574472231 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00536739 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 61843513123628062810 Date Sold: 02/01/18 08:39 Meter/Type: 57100046697 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000631342008 Supplier Ref: 000631342008 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00565331 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 50050373490464456650 Date Sold: 29/01/18 15:01 Meter/Type: 57100046697 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 345465929976300 Supplier Ref: 345465929976300 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00599851 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 12915774569355145973 Date Sold: 22/02/18 10:59 Meter/Type: 57100046697 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 28724274805846 Supplier Ref: 28724274805846 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00635013 Total Value: N1,700.00 Standard: N1,700.00 - 73299738088287662643 Date Sold: 23/03/18 11:56 Meter/Type: 57100046697 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000642881719 Supplier Ref: 000642881719 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00680852 Total Value: N1,800.00 Standard: N1,800.00 - 71026836328833691210 Date Sold: 20/04/18 16:18 Meter/Type: 57100046697 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000646933900 Supplier Ref: 000646933900 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00725358 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 63708121336579275540 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/05/18 11:47 Meter/Type: 57100046697 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000650362883 Supplier Ref: 000650362883 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00766791 Total Value: N1,400.00 Standard: N1,400.00 - 36880533050745191358 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/05/18 16:30 Meter/Type: 57100046697 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 59018502997474 Supplier Ref: 59018502997474 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00796287 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 18821844591109757857 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/06/18 14:07 Meter/Type: 57100046697 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 379647349653574 Supplier Ref: 379647349653574 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00823958 Total Value: N1,800.00 Standard: N1,800.00 - 26695423573059022029 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/07/18 16:18 Meter/Type: 57100046697 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 481457277158772 Supplier Ref: 481457277158772 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00888590 Total Value: N1,400.00 Standard: N1,400.00 - 50569873085042632270 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/08/18 13:34 Meter/Type: 57100046697 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182131234572 Supplier Ref: 182131234572 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00942102 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 30119687026383783114 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/09/18 10:00 Meter/Type: 57100046697 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 813173093739503 Supplier Ref: 813173093739503 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01027294 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 59668105060126531770 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/09/18 10:11 Meter/Type: 57100046697 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 784554081693304 Supplier Ref: 784554081693304 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01103773 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 33122166693774089738 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/10/18 08:15 Meter/Type: 57100046697 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 380909599368217 Supplier Ref: 380909599368217 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01170445 Total Value: N1,800.00 Standard: N1,800.00 - 37535394023361449373 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 362020-07-09 jenogah@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014309ClosedRequest2020-07-09REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILS Please kindly assist with debt details for MSN. 1. 0101170148445 2. 0101160046435 3. 0101160009771 Thanks Best RegardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-09NoGood morning, Find below 1. 0101170148445 Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170148445 Start Date: 12/5/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $218,615.97 Outstanding Balance: $218,615.97 Running Balance: $218,615.97 Note: Outstanding migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $4,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record 2. 0101160046435 Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 601362 Start Date: 9/17/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $62,607.40 Outstanding Balance: $42,607.40 Running Balance: $42,607.40 Note: Outstanding Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: 12/10/2019 10:27:55 AM 3. 0101160009771 Name: Outstanding Balance Reference Number: 577062 Start Date: 3/13/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $33,925.11 Outstanding Balance: $16,925.11 Running Balance: $16,925.11 Note: Outstanding from JCS, Installation fee, Cost unit Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $1,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/9/2020 9:10:24 AM2020-07-09 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014308In ProgressRequest2020-07-09Please kindly assist with debt details for MSN 0101160183089 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-09No0000-00-00 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014307ClosedRequest2020-07-09: 0101170181554 Hello Kindly assist with debt profile of above meter serial number -- Regards,Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-09NoGood morning, No Contract (with an Account) found by the provided search criteria. Please use alternate search criteria.2020-07-09 phartiemah12@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014306ClosedRequest2020-07-09Debt profile and VH, 0101170232405. Good morning, please kindly assist me with the above information thank you.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-09NoGood morning, Find below Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170232405 Start Date: 3/23/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $47,902.34 Outstanding Balance: $22,902.34 Running Balance: $22,902.34 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/3/2020 4:40:52 PM VH Date Sold: 31/05/18 13:48 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 815112481406 Supplier Ref: 815112481406 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00802992 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 46667102648053263060 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/06/18 08:54 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 815907541014 Supplier Ref: 815907541014 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00820651 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 59058677672696359910 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/06/18 11:48 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 816610481095 Supplier Ref: 816610481095 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00835635 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 41682233307978742204 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/06/18 17:39 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 499211671191935 Supplier Ref: 499211671191935 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00844901 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 37179990360362965796 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/06/18 13:48 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 179299651376308 Supplier Ref: 179299651376308 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00848841 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 38185262004668159543 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/07/18 14:25 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 818313241207 Supplier Ref: 818313241207 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00870818 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 43399165085977460804 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/07/18 14:44 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000657724637 Supplier Ref: 000657724637 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00877161 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 11028928311288677684 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/07/18 11:56 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000658859817 Supplier Ref: 000658859817 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00895012 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 47248240103298436883 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/07/18 16:19 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 820715191157 Supplier Ref: 820715191157 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00927395 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 22428273974412396415 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/08/18 17:00 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000661770252 Supplier Ref: 000661770252 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00943169 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 32030462933209675348 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/08/18 10:34 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 485452320569907 Supplier Ref: 485452320569907 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00950689 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 00479305654365150579 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/08/18 12:21 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000663182493 Supplier Ref: 000663182493 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00969180 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 26961333092795108088 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/08/18 16:30 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000664071312 Supplier Ref: 000664071312 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00985099 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 27523002065254148640 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/08/18 13:09 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 823412080000 Supplier Ref: 823412080000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00997322 Total Value: N1,700.00 Standard: N1,700.00 - 21605721997993565899 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/08/18 13:15 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 300924360347846 Supplier Ref: 300924360347846 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01007077 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 14842006803835256893 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/09/18 15:24 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182521424398 Supplier Ref: 182521424398 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01051358 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 00235334244586974516 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/09/18 11:44 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 355657687991935 Supplier Ref: 355657687991935 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01059928 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 01107640647473273419 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/09/18 13:06 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000668226930 Supplier Ref: 000668226930 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01069721 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 66377633359290609825 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/09/18 15:32 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182611532173 Supplier Ref: 182611532173 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01078425 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 46632178316889428061 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/09/18 11:12 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182671112491 Supplier Ref: 182671112491 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01094029 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 04604741355961687299 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/09/18 15:34 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182721534034 Supplier Ref: 182721534034 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01111501 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 18572635502418962237 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/10/18 12:55 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182761255291 Supplier Ref: 182761255291 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01122943 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 28933985401596386956 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/10/18 12:35 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 899522827606282 Supplier Ref: 899522827606282 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01135532 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 71055327494260177341 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/10/18 11:30 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 924304078801347 Supplier Ref: 924304078801347 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01151162 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 69961721895780972360 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/10/18 13:56 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000672990018 Supplier Ref: 000672990018 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01175715 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 02782402778770019461 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/10/18 10:44 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182951044386 Supplier Ref: 182951044386 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01186748 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 45118447728379022182 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/10/18 14:58 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000674579884 Supplier Ref: 000674579884 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01212407 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 01965453259091999835 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/10/18 15:35 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 871683484031699 Supplier Ref: 871683484031699 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01221126 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 26982026703704481270 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/11/18 16:38 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000675597922 Supplier Ref: 000675597922 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01240967 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 49544662812579273363 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/11/18 14:41 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000676018222 Supplier Ref: 000676018222 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01251347 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 10088315449108185993 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/11/18 13:51 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 831613510000 Supplier Ref: 831613510000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01263209 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 07479973606762028382 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/11/18 15:33 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 831915330000 Supplier Ref: 831915330000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01274859 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 18795330859239720176 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/11/18 12:05 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 832412020000 Supplier Ref: 832412020000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01289759 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 14619130076097318183 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/11/18 11:14 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 763501201023662 Supplier Ref: 763501201023662 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01303897 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 16669847161733848398 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/12/18 13:31 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183351331140 Supplier Ref: 183351331140 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01330769 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 29184192943891515611 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/12/18 13:49 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 380457748314334 Supplier Ref: 380457748314334 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01340930 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 19703946807241838346 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/12/18 15:05 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183421405367 Supplier Ref: 183421405367 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01359120 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 34640814688113781093 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/12/18 13:30 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183461230355 Supplier Ref: 183461230355 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01377465 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 08993390366881008436 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/12/18 14:35 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183511335375 Supplier Ref: 183511335375 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01402267 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 58447156510209308776 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/12/18 15:04 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 160850674697344 Supplier Ref: 160850674697344 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01438955 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 72102502320782805305 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/12/18 13:10 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 156446242265112 Supplier Ref: 156446242265112 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01470836 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 13216280009860559902 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/12/18 13:30 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 831980823848168 Supplier Ref: 831980823848168 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01485384 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 19145200539100816930 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/01/19 14:22 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154669096101 Supplier Ref: 154669096101 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01523530 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 28357887909488389804 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/01/19 14:15 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154694972062 Supplier Ref: 154694972062 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01538326 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 53737547557300386333 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/01/19 14:14 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 786845997706002 Supplier Ref: 786845997706002 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01567484 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 05164991676061118810 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/01/19 12:08 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 225245983984174 Supplier Ref: 225245983984174 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01618043 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 23542825273066819591 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/01/19 11:44 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154849589577 Supplier Ref: 154849589577 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01668877 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 05813886450936209177 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/02/19 13:16 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190331216504 Supplier Ref: 190331216504 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01733744 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 67497356894327426902 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/02/19 15:09 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190451410204 Supplier Ref: 190451410204 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01825317 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 27905077263631641745 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/02/19 14:29 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 905613300000 Supplier Ref: 905613300000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01899193 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 37757640173247397978 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/03/19 12:59 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190671159491 Supplier Ref: 190671159491 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01983706 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 69624115239891409016 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/03/19 13:08 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155273453383 Supplier Ref: 155273453383 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02025911 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 50243954434822741552 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/03/19 13:40 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190801240332 Supplier Ref: 190801240332 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02048790 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 12441209638158162601 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/03/19 13:07 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190891207270 Supplier Ref: 190891207270 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02095417 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 12690200248288122256 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/04/19 14:03 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190406276150 Supplier Ref: 190406276150 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02139591 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 14306761385076522695 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/04/19 17:15 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155508212339 Supplier Ref: 155508212339 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02173641 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 02047594802316889598 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/04/19 13:53 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191081253537 Supplier Ref: 191081253537 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02203242 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 67085658630035583318 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/04/19 12:08 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 92282985204249 Supplier Ref: 92282985204249 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02227104 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 58645467300713059156 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/04/19 14:27 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190427638322 Supplier Ref: 190427638322 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02253310 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 38841107693516910413 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/05/19 11:49 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191261049152 Supplier Ref: 191261049152 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02302917 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 63592587214499594853 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/05/19 14:03 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 97627448476411 Supplier Ref: 97627448476411 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02328234 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 31031650586197167398 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/05/19 12:07 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155817405068 Supplier Ref: 155817405068 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02360155 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 62277711306369832503 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/05/19 11:56 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191451056426 Supplier Ref: 191451056426 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02394466 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 08021987812969922075 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/05/19 10:12 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191500912193 Supplier Ref: 191500912193 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02418539 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 70681832167281643746 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/06/19 13:12 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191521212304 Supplier Ref: 191521212304 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02434120 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 59361418127153376609 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/06/19 13:17 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191561217117 Supplier Ref: 191561217117 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02456689 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 53840211583254209306 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/06/19 12:32 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 93377643560389 Supplier Ref: 93377643560389 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02503746 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 07319706427059264118 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/06/19 12:35 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 636420545465056 Supplier Ref: 636420545465056 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02508851 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 68078485854702213263 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/06/19 14:15 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191721316030 Supplier Ref: 191721316030 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02537061 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 21661773266305224007 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/06/19 15:48 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191761448181 Supplier Ref: 191761448181 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02556365 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 24647441405627459188 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/06/19 13:56 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191801256246 Supplier Ref: 191801256246 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02576593 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 39999781672840663031 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/07/19 11:37 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 551729042087037 Supplier Ref: 551729042087037 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02608109 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 17098952654106625887 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/07/19 11:56 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 519934015890621 Supplier Ref: 519934015890621 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02642637 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 69594162440846414542 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/07/19 13:03 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 919197503474114 Supplier Ref: 919197503474114 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02675947 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 40401238316536352795 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/07/19 15:18 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192061418083 Supplier Ref: 192061418083 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02698768 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 43111656628934871105 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/07/19 13:26 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192111226197 Supplier Ref: 192111226197 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02723879 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 50766163999666103245 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/08/19 16:14 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192191514516 Supplier Ref: 192191514516 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02770430 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 26992125445845701492 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/08/19 19:44 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192261844105 Supplier Ref: 192261844105 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02805200 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 17504338921738356152 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/08/19 13:01 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192381201071 Supplier Ref: 192381201071 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02859680 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 58221255629371224084 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/09/19 15:21 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 924714212581 Supplier Ref: 924714212581 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02909207 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 06530305759574353448 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/09/19 11:17 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192541018073 Supplier Ref: 192541018073 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02946186 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 15320963088969829265 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/09/19 12:06 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192601107221 Supplier Ref: 192601107221 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02977480 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 32370085047064348728 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/09/19 13:01 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192641202263 Supplier Ref: 192641202263 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03000905 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 18258753392225131718 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/09/19 11:13 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 32364626174787 Supplier Ref: 32364626174787 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03026264 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 59556685915094839104 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/10/19 15:34 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192771434568 Supplier Ref: 192771434568 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03075282 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 30026668446837137749 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/10/19 12:03 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157087468400 Supplier Ref: 157087468400 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03116432 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 68443454730895791075 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/10/19 13:46 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 191019720870 Supplier Ref: 191019720870 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB03154473 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 60912927212642368209 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/10/19 16:07 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193011508283 Supplier Ref: 193011508283 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03202770 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 15297906442770662530 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/11/19 11:01 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193091003288 Supplier Ref: 193091003288 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03255472 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 42489552236996181442 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/11/19 15:17 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 292992383304762 Supplier Ref: 292992383304762 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03310065 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 46388261389319530962 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/11/19 12:06 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193271108510 Supplier Ref: 193271108510 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03364084 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 30810986202997662476 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/11/19 14:34 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193341336590 Supplier Ref: 193341336590 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03425077 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 00525974786153125653 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/12/19 12:26 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157571454482 Supplier Ref: 157571454482 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03487338 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 50983706351828408784 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/12/19 11:53 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 471516759380653 Supplier Ref: 471516759380653 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03541325 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 29101129971223220223 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/12/19 10:07 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157691582374 Supplier Ref: 157691582374 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03587752 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 10993981662948415942 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/12/19 15:43 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157754075112 Supplier Ref: 157754075112 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03655404 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 70394975546015522771 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/01/20 11:41 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 156638941001962 Supplier Ref: 156638941001962 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03746556 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 69446256449564048423 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/01/20 12:19 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 200120394236 Supplier Ref: 200120394236 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB03833964 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 59403602223271784196 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/02/20 16:33 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 674264197798197 Supplier Ref: 674264197798197 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03966471 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 65778026311041401322 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/02/20 11:23 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200391023134 Supplier Ref: 200391023134 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04012354 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 16569394646618791511 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/02/20 13:30 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200511230541 Supplier Ref: 200511230541 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04122594 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 61252572131200226849 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/02/20 13:43 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200581243061 Supplier Ref: 200581243061 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04192869 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 11059292883900613144 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/03/20 09:53 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158330837250 Supplier Ref: 158330837250 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04268953 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 57819245703654927353 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/03/20 10:33 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200690933526 Supplier Ref: 200690933526 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04320744 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 05484577619832841774 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/03/20 10:52 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200740952152 Supplier Ref: 200740952152 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04349211 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 43567319260211812335 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/03/20 11:46 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200791045562 Supplier Ref: 200791045562 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04377322 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 59729353062294016525 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/03/20 14:21 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200861321244 Supplier Ref: 200861321244 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04429414 Total Value: N6,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 38874071319545156848 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/03/20 12:17 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200911117427 Supplier Ref: 200911117427 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04468745 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 23987038046693976937 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/04/20 13:51 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200971251181 Supplier Ref: 200971251181 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04516363 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 05024073178342187859 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/04/20 11:09 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201071009541 Supplier Ref: 201071009541 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04578858 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 69049593059794988003 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/04/20 10:59 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201161059592 Supplier Ref: 201161059592 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04651506 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 31390478133935439855 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/04/20 14:05 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201211405198 Supplier Ref: 201211405198 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04687503 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 63582823091197318317 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/05/20 10:20 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201301020202 Supplier Ref: 201301020202 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04740844 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 09178270975111815103 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/05/20 13:27 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201351327283 Supplier Ref: 201351327283 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04772115 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 07862137971396263408 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/05/20 15:41 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201421541146 Supplier Ref: 201421541146 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04818112 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 60972799597970331637 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/05/20 13:52 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201491352076 Supplier Ref: 201491352076 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04866260 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 65400765303844029270 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/05/20 14:58 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201511458147 Supplier Ref: 201511458147 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04885075 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 60520659701929927595 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/06/20 13:48 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201721348110 Supplier Ref: 201721348110 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05023491 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 01072311965000337912 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/06/20 16:50 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201781650583 Supplier Ref: 201781650583 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05068971 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 04966475070661503742 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/07/20 16:40 Meter/Type: 0101170232405 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201851640584 Supplier Ref: 201851640584 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05128862 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 39999666001333492748 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 1522020-07-09 ummilois2@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014305In ProgressTamper Code2020-07-09Dear IT Support, Two meters below have been verified; please generate the Clear Tamper Codes. 54160870025 0101170294561MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-09No0000-00-00 bittygargadi@hotmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014304ClosedRequest2020-07-09: Request for vending history opening balance and outstanding debt balance Please kindly help me with the debt profile opening balance and vending history 0101170436303.thanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-09NoGood morning, Find below as requested Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 563374 Start Date: 2/5/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $12,388.53 Outstanding Balance: $2,388.53 Running Balance: $2,388.53 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/4/2020 6:01:04 PM VH Date Sold: 12/02/19 13:19 Meter/Type: 0101170436303 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 893514413971818 Supplier Ref: 893514413971818 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01807061 Total Value: N100.00 Standard: N100.00 - 23798721936048117938 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/02/19 14:12 Meter/Type: 0101170436303 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190441313193 Supplier Ref: 190441313193 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01815694 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 34383062695271830334 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/03/19 21:06 Meter/Type: 0101170436303 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 800191671166194 Supplier Ref: 800191671166194 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01967343 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 29168678212072661123 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/03/19 14:47 Meter/Type: 0101170436303 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190771347455 Supplier Ref: 190771347455 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02033408 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 02548982300342970684 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/03/19 16:17 Meter/Type: 0101170436303 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155291866279 Supplier Ref: 155291866279 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02034271 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 42547268418126033819 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/04/19 11:35 Meter/Type: 0101170436303 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155445690166 Supplier Ref: 155445690166 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02131820 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 42680742575635977964 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/04/19 12:31 Meter/Type: 0101170436303 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191091131294 Supplier Ref: 191091131294 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02208766 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 31466245286827121930 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/06/19 14:37 Meter/Type: 0101170436303 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 913467827716685 Supplier Ref: 913467827716685 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02477496 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 70399581261733826577 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/06/19 18:20 Meter/Type: 0101170436303 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191681720325 Supplier Ref: 191681720325 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02519136 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 72127207288817940962 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/06/19 23:00 Meter/Type: 0101170436303 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191762200142 Supplier Ref: 191762200142 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02558240 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 06323912042520313239 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/07/19 13:01 Meter/Type: 0101170436303 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 918812014114 Supplier Ref: 918812014114 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02612062 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 65225272930435425272 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/07/19 14:45 Meter/Type: 0101170436303 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192001345207 Supplier Ref: 192001345207 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02670999 Total Value: N600.00 Standard: N600.00 - 12447608874253310009 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/07/19 19:06 Meter/Type: 0101170436303 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 920818060345 Supplier Ref: 920818060345 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02711796 Total Value: N800.00 Standard: N800.00 - 54874436448306875134 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/08/19 14:52 Meter/Type: 0101170436303 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 992945990314101 Supplier Ref: 992945990314101 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02789627 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 43854688993677746456 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/08/19 12:02 Meter/Type: 0101170436303 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 510542325706239 Supplier Ref: 510542325706239 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02832495 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 46500742731918119599 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/08/19 13:09 Meter/Type: 0101170436303 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192421209188 Supplier Ref: 192421209188 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02881936 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 73471078786347379908 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/09/19 17:28 Meter/Type: 0101170436303 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 145500226851588 Supplier Ref: 145500226851588 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02916361 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 47853356028111156752 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/09/19 11:58 Meter/Type: 0101170436303 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192561058592 Supplier Ref: 192561058592 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02957834 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 49025909701491818715 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/09/19 17:47 Meter/Type: 0101170436303 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 818809010171548 Supplier Ref: 818809010171548 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02991349 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 16886757674229675113 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/09/19 09:50 Meter/Type: 0101170436303 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 848776214221099 Supplier Ref: 848776214221099 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03020084 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 08903942069728717440 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/09/19 21:06 Meter/Type: 0101170436303 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192732006570 Supplier Ref: 192732006570 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03053598 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 27691916867445033974 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/10/19 16:03 Meter/Type: 0101170436303 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192871504172 Supplier Ref: 192871504172 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03126645 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 61308585135165413686 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/10/19 15:58 Meter/Type: 0101170436303 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192961500036 Supplier Ref: 192961500036 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03175989 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 60196918520641575706 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/10/19 17:31 Meter/Type: 0101170436303 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157253595604 Supplier Ref: 157253595604 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03225804 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 31076225205377700721 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/11/19 17:32 Meter/Type: 0101170436303 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 96203443026234 Supplier Ref: 96203443026234 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03258960 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 03551568055674153563 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/11/19 17:09 Meter/Type: 0101170436303 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 835915573269775 Supplier Ref: 835915573269775 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03317264 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 01743172201304230281 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/11/19 17:04 Meter/Type: 0101170436303 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 162369497704293 Supplier Ref: 162369497704293 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03358609 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 25708322250102901366 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/11/19 10:09 Meter/Type: 0101170436303 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 332431802737169 Supplier Ref: 332431802737169 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03420480 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 61875424317728817511 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/12/19 20:16 Meter/Type: 0101170436303 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 328205809239271 Supplier Ref: 328205809239271 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03495431 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 62089816564314448301 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/12/19 21:59 Meter/Type: 0101170436303 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 73824068168884 Supplier Ref: 73824068168884 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03576700 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 42180001289299684829 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/01/20 17:29 Meter/Type: 0101170436303 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 784931576469471 Supplier Ref: 784931576469471 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03792796 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 55972474323441791129 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/02/20 17:18 Meter/Type: 0101170436303 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158143428965 Supplier Ref: 158143428965 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04042273 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 03872696355087166921 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/02/20 18:04 Meter/Type: 0101170436303 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 005417049463 Supplier Ref: 005417049463 Receipt: PagT13EMDB04151181 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 03172718406199995945 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/03/20 21:37 Meter/Type: 0101170436303 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 006720375772 Supplier Ref: 006720375772 Receipt: PagT13EMDB04314384 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 51683541641253998154 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/03/20 15:12 Meter/Type: 0101170436303 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200831412126 Supplier Ref: 200831412126 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04404531 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 02509092923056990015 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/04/20 22:30 Meter/Type: 0101170436303 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200932130404 Supplier Ref: 200932130404 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04494502 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 01468203121885739439 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/04/20 12:06 Meter/Type: 0101170436303 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201001106274 Supplier Ref: 201001106274 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04540323 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 67417147481283821535 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/04/20 18:02 Meter/Type: 0101170436303 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201051702328 Supplier Ref: 201051702328 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04569773 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 50121472098781084446 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/04/20 09:43 Meter/Type: 0101170436303 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201110943367 Supplier Ref: 201110943367 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04612572 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 14721643615997116163 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/04/20 13:04 Meter/Type: 0101170436303 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201161304534 Supplier Ref: 201161304534 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04654052 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 64724980274962480741 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/05/20 10:31 Meter/Type: 0101170436303 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201391031282 Supplier Ref: 201391031282 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04796578 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 32934485387323634363 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/05/20 10:07 Meter/Type: 0101170436303 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201481007346 Supplier Ref: 201481007346 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04856526 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 27908722796544503611 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/06/20 18:01 Meter/Type: 0101170436303 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201561801101 Supplier Ref: 201561801101 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04919459 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 58545644975981963329 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/06/20 12:01 Meter/Type: 0101170436303 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201641201197 Supplier Ref: 201641201197 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04967602 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 46709699101370398085 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/06/20 13:38 Meter/Type: 0101170436303 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201731338437 Supplier Ref: 201731338437 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05028687 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 54933955394799051108 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/06/20 20:08 Meter/Type: 0101170436303 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201812008203 Supplier Ref: 201812008203 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05093020 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 03739389297593701082 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 522020-07-09 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014303In ProgressRequest2020-07-09Hello Kindly assist with debt profile of the msn below 0101160051906 0101190001731 0101161027266 54161073553 0101170365841 0101170392662 0101161073396 -- Regards,Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-09No0000-00-00 phartiemah12@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014302In ProgressRequest2020-07-09MORNING IT SUPPORT. Kindly assist with debt details 0101170301549 0101170268441 Thank you have a blessed day.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-09No0000-00-00 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014301In ProgressVending History2020-07-09Dear Support, Kindly provide VH for 57100046697 Thank youMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-09No0000-00-00 jenogah@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014300In ProgressRequest2020-07-09Please kindly assist with debt details for MSN. 1. 0101170148445 2. 0101160046435 3. 0101160009771 Thanks Best RegardsMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-09No0000-00-00 faayu472003@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014299In ProgressRequest2020-07-09Hello Kindly assist with debt profile of above meter serial number -- Regards, --Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-09No0000-00-00 phartiemah12@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014298In ProgressRequest2020-07-09Good morning, please kindly assist me with the above information thank you.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-09No0000-00-00 ummilois2@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014297In ProgressVending History2020-07-09Please kindly help me with the debt profile opening balance and vending history 0101170436303.thanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-09No0000-00-00 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014296ClosedRequest2020-07-09REQUEST FOR ACCOUNT NUMBER Good morning IT Support team. Please kindly assist with account number for MSN. 0101170133397 Thanks Best RegardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-09NoGood morning, Find below, Customer Details Name: ABSOLON Surname: MAI SAMARI Meter Serial Number: 0101170133397 Account Number: 6461059680-012020-07-09 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014295In ProgressRequest2020-07-09Good morning IT Support team. Please kindly assist with account number for MSN. 0101170133397 Thanks Best RegardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-09No0000-00-00 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014294In ProgressKCT Request2020-07-09REQUEST FOR KCT 0101190006136Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-09No0000-00-00 longpuan@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014293ClosedRequest2020-07-08: REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE OF THIS ACCOUNT 54161042376 Good dayMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-08NoGood morning, Find below Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 6321192390-01 Start Date: 2/4/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $195,274.53 Outstanding Balance: $178,709.50 Running Balance: $178,709.50 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $1,000.00 Latest Payment: 5/7/2020 3:40:21 PM2020-07-09 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014292In ProgressRequest2020-07-08REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE OF THIS ACCOUNT 54161042376Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-08No0000-00-00 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014291Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014290ClosedKCT Request2020-07-08: Request for K C T meter no 0101175101712 ogili Audu AchigiliMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-08NoHello, Find below 0101175101712 KCT1: 0893 3904 8645 5783 2063 KCT2: 6157 8231 4671 6130 91712020-07-08 benmercyladi@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014289ClosedKCT Request2020-07-08: KCT REQUEST Find below . 1. 0101190003562. 2. 0101170153528. thanks.MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-08NoHello, Find below 1. 0101190003562. KCT1: 4651 9297 3296 0816 6005 KCT2: 1453 0819 9625 1394 1092 2. 0101170153528. KCT1: 2058 2916 9417 2774 3816 KCT2: 6261 8051 4252 3825 50312020-07-08 faizahtafida@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014288ClosedTamper Code2020-07-08: URGENT REQUEST FOR CLEAR TAMPER TOKEN 57100004654, 0101170206375 and 57300012051MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-08NoHello Mujtaba, Find below as requested, 57100004654 2908 9116 0519 8498 5477Clear Tamper 0101170206375 3373 8614 6274 3066 2643Clear Tamper 57300012051 6693 3627 3531 3091 2790Clear Tamper2020-07-08 mujtabaumar01@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014287ClosedRequest2020-07-08: REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE OF THIS ACCOUNT 54161046492 Good dayMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-08NoHello, Find below Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 6312664990-01 Start Date: 6/24/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $83,323.24 Outstanding Balance: $83,323.24 Running Balance: $83,323.24 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-08 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014286ClosedRequest2020-07-08REQUEST FOR DEBT MIGIRATED(0101178019358) Dear support kindly supply us with the debt profile on this customers account warm regardsMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-08NoHello, Find below Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101178019358 Start Date: 2/10/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $4,797,143.90 Outstanding Balance: $4,667,103.90 Running Balance: $4,667,103.90 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Per Vend Amount Collection Value: $25,000.00 Latest Payment: 3/23/2020 4:00:59 PM2020-07-08 tyoverpeter@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00014285ClosedOutstanding Balance2020-07-08REQUEST FOR OUTSTANDING BALANCE METER NO 5416110609.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-08NoHello, Find below No Contract (with an Account) found by the provided search criteria. Please use alternate search criteria.2020-07-08 benmercyladi@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014284ClosedVending History2020-07-08Request for vending history opening balance and outstanding debt balance Please kindly furnish me with vending history opening balance and outstanding debt balance of the following meter 54161045569.thanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-08NoHello, Find below as requested Date Sold: 20/08/18 14:29 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000664491280 Supplier Ref: 000664491280 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00992010 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 29984366917821126196 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/09/18 12:04 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000667788723 Supplier Ref: 000667788723 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01060023 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 07639831837586789785 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/10/18 16:14 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182841614085 Supplier Ref: 182841614085 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01152794 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 36210248533301135026 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/10/18 16:51 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182971651158 Supplier Ref: 182971651158 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01196787 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 20258454190639591076 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/11/18 16:28 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183071628278 Supplier Ref: 183071628278 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01234233 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 29218450532350460872 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/11/18 16:51 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000678335365 Supplier Ref: 000678335365 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01305247 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 31070964865154888118 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/12/18 18:12 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000679633474 Supplier Ref: 000679633474 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01338231 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 63887777214221272557 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/12/18 14:55 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154479214151 Supplier Ref: 154479214151 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01389330 Total Value: N100.00 Standard: N100.00 - 22451730759043856781 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/12/18 15:42 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154479493542 Supplier Ref: 154479493542 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01389832 Total Value: N100.00 Standard: N100.00 - 50294641226686412061 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/12/18 15:50 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154479540643 Supplier Ref: 154479540643 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01389907 Total Value: N100.00 Standard: N100.00 - 03100344306321786859 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/01/19 19:19 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154714076388 Supplier Ref: 154714076388 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01554308 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 48765057116073270400 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/01/19 21:08 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 846950481232949 Supplier Ref: 846950481232949 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01677283 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 16312493902377560744 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/02/19 16:51 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154929187751 Supplier Ref: 154929187751 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01749121 Total Value: N100.00 Standard: N100.00 - 10196332063598371479 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/02/19 17:23 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154929383106 Supplier Ref: 154929383106 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01749810 Total Value: N100.00 Standard: N100.00 - 45461313609825063874 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/02/19 20:52 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 499581463513781 Supplier Ref: 499581463513781 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01811453 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 57383583311719207217 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/02/19 11:25 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155074112451 Supplier Ref: 155074112451 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01870536 Total Value: N100.00 Standard: N100.00 - 59203473952452006239 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/02/19 20:58 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155120752207 Supplier Ref: 155120752207 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01911829 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 44622721984111097514 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/02/19 18:48 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155137251620 Supplier Ref: 155137251620 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01928486 Total Value: N100.00 Standard: N100.00 - 51942977144072261502 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/02/19 21:00 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155138046303 Supplier Ref: 155138046303 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01929241 Total Value: N100.00 Standard: N100.00 - 19482566422803644886 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/03/19 15:38 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155144755843 Supplier Ref: 155144755843 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01935012 Total Value: N100.00 Standard: N100.00 - 12444251907949998231 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/03/19 13:28 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155178532872 Supplier Ref: 155178532872 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01963658 Total Value: N100.00 Standard: N100.00 - 60535437342236095836 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/03/19 13:40 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155178603031 Supplier Ref: 155178603031 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01963840 Total Value: N100.00 Standard: N100.00 - 30021973662711920171 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/03/19 15:54 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155179407595 Supplier Ref: 155179407595 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01965191 Total Value: N100.00 Standard: N100.00 - 00525999366313952834 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/03/19 15:56 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155179421444 Supplier Ref: 155179421444 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01965219 Total Value: N100.00 Standard: N100.00 - 54359109705867921905 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/03/19 17:20 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155179920351 Supplier Ref: 155179920351 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01966126 Total Value: N100.00 Standard: N100.00 - 11814331884507719445 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/03/19 18:00 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155197439968 Supplier Ref: 155197439968 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01979086 Total Value: N100.00 Standard: N100.00 - 06141187685139258383 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/03/19 17:07 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155231686743 Supplier Ref: 155231686743 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01999488 Total Value: N100.00 Standard: N100.00 - 19289766338959540445 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/03/19 12:41 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155256008916 Supplier Ref: 155256008916 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02014959 Total Value: N100.00 Standard: N100.00 - 24401480977707784928 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/03/19 12:21 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155290449506 Supplier Ref: 155290449506 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02032137 Total Value: N100.00 Standard: N100.00 - 11803395379585364943 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/03/19 12:59 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155299314111 Supplier Ref: 155299314111 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02037944 Total Value: N100.00 Standard: N100.00 - 33058213093654008614 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/03/19 21:17 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 907920170000 Supplier Ref: 907920170000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02046216 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 66315068404319946042 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/03/19 19:02 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155353323963 Supplier Ref: 155353323963 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02068553 Total Value: N100.00 Standard: N100.00 - 01987818029987208347 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/03/19 19:27 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155353480388 Supplier Ref: 155353480388 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02068676 Total Value: N100.00 Standard: N100.00 - 20375645954739042348 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/03/19 20:16 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155353776236 Supplier Ref: 155353776236 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02068914 Total Value: N100.00 Standard: N100.00 - 48222957870064205216 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/03/19 20:23 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155353818975 Supplier Ref: 155353818975 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02068963 Total Value: N100.00 Standard: N100.00 - 73225523295403958392 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/03/19 20:46 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155353954592 Supplier Ref: 155353954592 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02069132 Total Value: N100.00 Standard: N100.00 - 50739777265155950958 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/03/19 20:50 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155353978496 Supplier Ref: 155353978496 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02069153 Total Value: N100.00 Standard: N100.00 - 24879466509318422507 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/04/19 19:02 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 909218020000 Supplier Ref: 909218020000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02115700 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 57908731433772791256 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/04/19 12:22 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155428696674 Supplier Ref: 155428696674 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02119030 Total Value: N100.00 Standard: N100.00 - 32183350930133795857 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/04/19 14:34 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155429485892 Supplier Ref: 155429485892 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02120154 Total Value: N100.00 Standard: N100.00 - 34305972720804830839 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/04/19 17:26 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155534200542 Supplier Ref: 155534200542 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02187347 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 52173117290321529100 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/04/19 18:50 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 910517500000 Supplier Ref: 910517500000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02187970 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 43050046870860408097 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/05/19 09:21 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155730010647 Supplier Ref: 155730010647 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02316024 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 26434833809558634513 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/05/19 16:44 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191341544193 Supplier Ref: 191341544193 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02341670 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 28082788952480755935 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/05/19 14:11 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155878627983 Supplier Ref: 155878627983 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02395532 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 11221983153802541173 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/06/19 08:51 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156101347907 Supplier Ref: 156101347907 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02530252 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 03065484047465811262 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/06/19 12:57 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156180586460 Supplier Ref: 156180586460 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02575987 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 15767682252919971861 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/07/19 12:35 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156275487528 Supplier Ref: 156275487528 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02627841 Total Value: N200.00 Standard: N200.00 - 16389654320280541502 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/07/19 19:43 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156364459896 Supplier Ref: 156364459896 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02678185 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 46551520782640938281 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/07/19 17:35 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156441449338 Supplier Ref: 156441449338 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02719343 Total Value: N100.00 Standard: N100.00 - 68467361843273354372 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/08/19 16:18 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156544668193 Supplier Ref: 156544668193 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02786281 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 62268585683589104669 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/08/19 09:34 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156654567555 Supplier Ref: 156654567555 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02845987 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 31713718999872901947 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/09/19 12:12 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156785117466 Supplier Ref: 156785117466 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02925793 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 65430244546272493109 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/09/19 19:24 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 1568049859100 Supplier Ref: 1568049859100 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02937752 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 11739344293393666095 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/09/19 08:40 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156852965180 Supplier Ref: 156852965180 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02967160 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 09137407825704947681 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/09/19 14:21 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156889568666 Supplier Ref: 156889568666 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02989984 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 08764563059589209175 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/09/19 11:09 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156905696967 Supplier Ref: 156905696967 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02999837 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 01107051584092560143 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/09/19 18:26 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156960158099 Supplier Ref: 156960158099 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03035006 Total Value: N200.00 Standard: N200.00 - 41763027609489142796 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/09/19 18:17 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156968748070 Supplier Ref: 156968748070 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03040997 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 29378832286325123389 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/09/19 21:42 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156969980259 Supplier Ref: 156969980259 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03042455 Total Value: N200.00 Standard: N200.00 - 25337716529373391767 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/10/19 21:40 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157151410153 Supplier Ref: 157151410153 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03157108 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 53300596173685310390 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/11/19 21:12 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157272204951 Supplier Ref: 157272204951 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03241565 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 52098227713573736964 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/11/19 10:09 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157406466566 Supplier Ref: 157406466566 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03328453 Total Value: N2,300.00 Standard: N2,300.00 - 52865308423753362454 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/12/19 18:24 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157556319740 Supplier Ref: 157556319740 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03474040 Total Value: N2,300.00 Standard: N2,300.00 - 68799853426717303800 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/12/19 19:24 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157755401973 Supplier Ref: 157755401973 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03656968 Total Value: N2,300.00 Standard: N2,300.00 - 69888983006747453629 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/01/20 13:36 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157960676427 Supplier Ref: 157960676427 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03845680 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 18668849164573537683 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/02/20 09:38 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158183869388 Supplier Ref: 158183869388 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04083449 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 06032109727846512623 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/03/20 08:30 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158313062816 Supplier Ref: 158313062816 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04233439 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 68983465923865029194 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/03/20 08:29 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158347613597 Supplier Ref: 158347613597 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04291943 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 13314551263967697823 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/03/20 15:07 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200741407495 Supplier Ref: 200741407495 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04351057 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 36933593147040894867 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/04/20 20:12 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201082012242 Supplier Ref: 201082012242 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04593996 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 14680703321552788632 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/04/20 15:02 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201141502305 Supplier Ref: 201141502305 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04634207 Total Value: N100.00 Standard: N100.00 - 07223515659273084919 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/04/20 15:45 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201141545576 Supplier Ref: 201141545576 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04634524 Total Value: N100.00 Standard: N100.00 - 00493447534852171496 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/04/20 10:21 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201151022034 Supplier Ref: 201151022034 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04639017 Total Value: N200.00 Standard: N200.00 - 27215822036186616654 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/04/20 10:22 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201151023092 Supplier Ref: 201151023092 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04639043 Total Value: N200.00 Standard: N200.00 - 58030780535840560056 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/04/20 10:23 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201151023380 Supplier Ref: 201151023380 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04639054 Total Value: N100.00 Standard: N100.00 - 53617233527426009858 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/04/20 10:47 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201151047574 Supplier Ref: 201151047574 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04639552 Total Value: N100.00 Standard: N100.00 - 16114859836028939725 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/05/20 10:33 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201471033482 Supplier Ref: 201471033482 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04850924 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 45195886154031627922 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/05/20 10:28 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201491028223 Supplier Ref: 201491028223 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04863590 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 38278337269733558419 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/06/20 13:36 Meter/Type: 54161045569 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201681336170 Supplier Ref: 201681336170 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04994550 Total Value: N100.00 Standard: N100.00 - 59522758831441877956 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 4382020-07-08 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014283ClosedVending History2020-07-08REQUEST FOR VENDING FROM 2020 TILL DATE Find below request. 1. 0101185058894. please kindly Assist the customer need vending history from 2020 till date. thanks.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-08NoHello, Find below Date Sold: 06/06/19 14:53 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190606204397 Supplier Ref: 190606204397 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02461645 Total Value: N23,000.00 Standard: N5,091.20 - 45844589667803933835 Debt: N17,908.80 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/06/19 23:38 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190608922208 Supplier Ref: 190608922208 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02476726 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 64407815175418640758 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/06/19 17:04 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190610831146 Supplier Ref: 190610831146 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02484252 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 36893426570000620923 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/06/19 21:05 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190612223146 Supplier Ref: 190612223146 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02495638 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 50438630379392918560 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/06/19 21:05 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190615151409 Supplier Ref: 190615151409 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02511635 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 16127677462052455340 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/06/19 20:19 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156079553658 Supplier Ref: 156079553658 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02519527 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 01046126189375937672 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/06/19 16:39 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156095513432 Supplier Ref: 156095513432 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02528555 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 31199143717772430474 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/06/19 23:25 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156115232909 Supplier Ref: 156115232909 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02540231 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 45145484605452609431 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/06/19 21:05 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156140311119 Supplier Ref: 156140311119 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02552789 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 61928748276984816330 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/06/19 21:23 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156157698363 Supplier Ref: 156157698363 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02562770 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 28376999886914930660 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/07/19 21:02 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156200773578 Supplier Ref: 156200773578 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02586312 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N522.80 - 41818182091306295246 Debt: N4,477.20 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/07/19 21:05 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156200792821 Supplier Ref: 156200792821 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02586333 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 20259414936216123217 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/07/19 20:53 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156235280702 Supplier Ref: 156235280702 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02606136 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 44745151315329034001 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/07/19 01:20 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190707573338 Supplier Ref: 190707573338 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02611494 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 58378097474512934905 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/07/19 00:02 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190708547269 Supplier Ref: 190708547269 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02620436 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 69405657482104758149 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/07/19 22:56 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156305138608 Supplier Ref: 156305138608 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02645686 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 26244678581627574748 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/07/19 19:41 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156321245524 Supplier Ref: 156321245524 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02652975 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 08465583182471495315 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/07/19 21:16 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156347736845 Supplier Ref: 156347736845 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02668288 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 60389044284443224515 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/07/19 21:03 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156364936533 Supplier Ref: 156364936533 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02678715 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 37130067192672653465 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/07/19 21:02 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190723638195 Supplier Ref: 190723638195 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02690233 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 32260468332284998927 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/07/19 17:54 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156424283323 Supplier Ref: 156424283323 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02711485 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 37869631564707974160 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/08/19 16:06 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156466838428 Supplier Ref: 156466838428 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02738049 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N522.80 - 27569397507298578773 Debt: N4,477.20 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/08/19 16:08 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156466853193 Supplier Ref: 156466853193 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02738068 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 53846809121207922987 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/08/19 21:05 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156494552452 Supplier Ref: 156494552452 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02754545 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 29893855984906964732 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/08/19 19:39 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156537234300 Supplier Ref: 156537234300 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02781511 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 11258766993643596869 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/08/19 13:49 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190814576359 Supplier Ref: 190814576359 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02803020 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 08427533389535469665 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/08/19 14:00 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156578405156 Supplier Ref: 156578405156 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02803100 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 66858688680747472741 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/08/19 20:30 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156606663899 Supplier Ref: 156606663899 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02821792 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 26576181362598285881 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/08/19 19:13 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190820781485 Supplier Ref: 190820781485 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02835408 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 31661023885553545129 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/08/19 20:10 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156649741177 Supplier Ref: 156649741177 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02844921 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 37129512079992647066 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/08/19 20:15 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156667053532 Supplier Ref: 156667053532 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02855150 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 20147205083420026301 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/08/19 21:12 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156693314634 Supplier Ref: 156693314634 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02867750 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 60122000267920264800 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/09/19 23:04 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156737189583 Supplier Ref: 156737189583 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02893560 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N5,522.80 - 46330579617208116838 Debt: N4,477.20 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/09/19 21:33 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156753920538 Supplier Ref: 156753920538 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02905565 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 02797583984912654318 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/09/19 23:00 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156780366195 Supplier Ref: 156780366195 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02924279 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 38337291770562742280 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/09/19 21:54 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156823170253 Supplier Ref: 156823170253 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02950329 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 29672881836337606488 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/09/19 21:10 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156866104766 Supplier Ref: 156866104766 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02975279 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 21032754660393187678 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/09/19 21:06 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156900643906 Supplier Ref: 156900643906 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02998302 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 39322061174308026966 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/09/19 17:05 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156933757362 Supplier Ref: 156933757362 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03017519 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 34015631520738012288 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/09/19 09:32 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156965601098 Supplier Ref: 156965601098 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03036968 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 54372065321645690252 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/09/19 23:02 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190930921161 Supplier Ref: 190930921161 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB03054112 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 71352588983457112673 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/10/19 22:39 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157039444152 Supplier Ref: 157039444152 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03085637 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N5,522.80 - 27319449653227536882 Debt: N4,477.20 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/10/19 15:22 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157062738739 Supplier Ref: 157062738739 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03101066 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 31107821050170601509 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/10/19 19:44 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157116153493 Supplier Ref: 157116153493 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03134622 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 04085096762659479081 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/10/19 15:54 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157157973693 Supplier Ref: 157157973693 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03158364 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 52631120968206535107 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/10/19 19:23 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157176507161 Supplier Ref: 157176507161 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03171529 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 72223232086182776070 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/10/19 20:34 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157202855205 Supplier Ref: 157202855205 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03189382 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 16121005479451095696 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/10/19 22:47 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193032149137 Supplier Ref: 193032149137 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03220142 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 26592266846221338193 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/11/19 20:59 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157272126893 Supplier Ref: 157272126893 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03241486 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N5,522.80 - 35472196519240889382 Debt: N4,477.20 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/11/19 20:27 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157280575213 Supplier Ref: 157280575213 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03244514 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 34986884240482245820 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/11/19 20:32 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157306524115 Supplier Ref: 157306524115 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03267130 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 03720749057304601173 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/11/19 17:01 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157322539672 Supplier Ref: 157322539672 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03278457 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 32860905991836071733 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/11/19 23:15 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157367984266 Supplier Ref: 157367984266 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03306995 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 61760892527318032072 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/11/19 22:10 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157376234513 Supplier Ref: 157376234513 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03312960 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 04906017328552423853 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/11/19 23:39 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157402685134 Supplier Ref: 157402685134 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03327549 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 73669304452212524658 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/11/19 19:17 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157461598989 Supplier Ref: 157461598989 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03372167 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 52761552855497544677 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/11/19 22:16 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193312118502 Supplier Ref: 193312118502 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03402443 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 62905090219432014720 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/11/19 20:25 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157513842928 Supplier Ref: 157513842928 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03429459 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 14693853940160384031 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/12/19 21:49 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157540269613 Supplier Ref: 157540269613 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03458414 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N5,522.80 - 27626902481378624162 Debt: N4,477.20 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/12/19 20:10 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157565598684 Supplier Ref: 157565598684 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03483626 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 69164714502072263608 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/12/19 21:03 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157635033729 Supplier Ref: 157635033729 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03534471 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 18332677045971503678 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/12/19 13:37 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157692837449 Supplier Ref: 157692837449 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03590353 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 49748998143483732347 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/12/19 18:10 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157737676116 Supplier Ref: 157737676116 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03637768 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 25490487393605881750 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/01/20 16:50 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200041553233 Supplier Ref: 200041553233 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03709993 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N5,522.80 - 54868694525783947301 Debt: N4,477.20 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/01/20 19:49 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200081852538 Supplier Ref: 200081852538 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03743202 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 31311507662790549844 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/01/20 20:53 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200131957073 Supplier Ref: 200131957073 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03785280 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 14271517895989942715 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/01/20 18:24 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200191727264 Supplier Ref: 200191727264 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03829413 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 48756174484759261443 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/01/20 21:50 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200252054266 Supplier Ref: 200252054266 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03886846 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 62729572294252284509 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/02/20 14:54 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200331354541 Supplier Ref: 200331354541 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03955793 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N522.80 - 47308441043931105914 Debt: N4,477.20 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/02/20 16:48 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200331548547 Supplier Ref: 200331548547 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03956296 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 54056868792030065502 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/02/20 15:37 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200381437146 Supplier Ref: 200381437146 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04005924 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 56342062060219732160 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/02/20 23:08 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200412208353 Supplier Ref: 200412208353 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04035541 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 28387926806068933895 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/02/20 20:06 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200461906284 Supplier Ref: 200461906284 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04081482 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 25696950044924725211 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/02/20 21:38 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200502038124 Supplier Ref: 200502038124 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04118497 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 47093166402294091185 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/02/20 22:31 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200542131520 Supplier Ref: 200542131520 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04152823 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 34295522056063879447 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/02/20 21:52 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200572052216 Supplier Ref: 200572052216 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04187933 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 34922366560799023124 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/03/20 07:50 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200610650478 Supplier Ref: 200610650478 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04227482 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N522.80 - 37964409617366502462 Debt: N4,477.20 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/03/20 07:57 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200610657388 Supplier Ref: 200610657388 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04227500 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 47528406812099278989 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/03/20 23:10 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200612210383 Supplier Ref: 200612210383 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04233154 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 00788150056234052918 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/03/20 21:07 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200712007338 Supplier Ref: 200712007338 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04335142 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 48138688550544286440 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/03/20 22:26 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200742126512 Supplier Ref: 200742126512 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04353017 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 58939563518350198228 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/03/20 23:15 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200742215016 Supplier Ref: 200742215016 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04353151 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 21460763070574780514 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/03/20 17:17 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200761617153 Supplier Ref: 200761617153 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04359893 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 33327781186699517834 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/03/20 18:16 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200761716276 Supplier Ref: 200761716276 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04360545 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 56152125979217287531 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/03/20 22:03 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200772103286 Supplier Ref: 200772103286 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04368636 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N4,900.00 - 61091904185871835873 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/03/20 16:10 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200791510137 Supplier Ref: 200791510137 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04379392 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N4,900.00 - 10587480548424517102 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/03/20 20:22 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200801922171 Supplier Ref: 200801922171 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04388601 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 35880828465237995880 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/03/20 20:32 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200801932395 Supplier Ref: 200801932395 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04388697 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 52379445913986577589 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/03/20 21:12 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200822012174 Supplier Ref: 200822012174 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04399372 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N4,900.00 - 64730864100370803600 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/03/20 21:57 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200862056547 Supplier Ref: 200862056547 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04433554 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N4,900.00 - 02528890011701281029 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/03/20 22:26 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200892126302 Supplier Ref: 200892126302 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04455311 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N4,900.00 - 08993864126561055989 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/04/20 19:14 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200951814488 Supplier Ref: 200951814488 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04507590 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N422.80 - 71020897001629431504 Debt: N4,477.20 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/04/20 20:16 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200961916206 Supplier Ref: 200961916206 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04511701 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N4,900.00 - 67619875811609812215 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/04/20 22:30 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200992130056 Supplier Ref: 200992130056 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04536897 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 12192414522737942959 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/04/20 20:38 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201031938292 Supplier Ref: 201031938292 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04559669 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 54146043722683899115 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/04/20 16:43 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201071543534 Supplier Ref: 201071543534 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04583138 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 00217550299584981489 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/04/20 20:02 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201082002200 Supplier Ref: 201082002200 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04593882 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 24543487763599120333 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/04/20 23:05 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201102306083 Supplier Ref: 201102306083 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04611429 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N4,900.00 - 72935034815589909840 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/04/20 22:06 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201132206437 Supplier Ref: 201132206437 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04630445 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N4,900.00 - 68667571168311818639 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/04/20 19:17 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201211917471 Supplier Ref: 201211917471 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04689647 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N4,900.00 - 33098649397926685969 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/05/20 18:28 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201421828137 Supplier Ref: 201421828137 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04819329 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N522.80 - 72781758100365609212 Debt: N4,477.20 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/05/20 15:45 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201461545148 Supplier Ref: 201461545148 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04847348 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 00780034827191123720 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/06/20 19:53 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201571953345 Supplier Ref: 201571953345 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04928396 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N522.80 - 17804122230642743652 Debt: N4,477.20 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/06/20 20:54 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201572054390 Supplier Ref: 201572054390 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04928919 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 47308246564054922298 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/06/20 19:36 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201731936347 Supplier Ref: 201731936347 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05030253 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 69850336840987401290 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/07/20 20:16 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201842016248 Supplier Ref: 201842016248 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05122479 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N522.80 - 21285683903577104979 Debt: N4,477.20 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/07/20 21:07 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201842107087 Supplier Ref: 201842107087 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05122848 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 62029150089486685985 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/07/20 11:34 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201881135034 Supplier Ref: 201881135034 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05145020 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 12798058840104208678 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/07/20 19:59 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201891959483 Supplier Ref: 201891959483 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05157400 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 09755441436954133451 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 1832020-07-08 faizahtafida@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014282In ProgressKCT Request2020-07-08Request for K C T meter no 0101175101712MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-08No0000-00-00 benmercyladi@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014281In ProgressOutstanding Balance2020-07-08REQUEST FOR OUTSTANDING BALANCE METER NO 5416110609Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-08No0000-00-00 benmercyladi@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014280ClosedRequest2020-07-08DEBT DETAILS Assist with debt details 0101170217059Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-08NoHello, Find below Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 6460014935-01 Start Date: 5/27/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $61,084.33 Outstanding Balance: $61,084.33 Running Balance: $61,084.33 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-09 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014279ClosedVending History2020-07-08REQUEST OF VH Dear IT Support, Kindly generate the VH for the meter number 54160943665 regardsMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-08NoHello, Find below Date Sold: 23/01/17 11:53 Meter/Type: 54160943665 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 702311530371 Supplier Ref: 702311530371 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00125088 Total Value: N10,800.00 Standard: N3,972.35 - 33015863791574761945 Debt: N6,827.65 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 13/02/17 08:26 Meter/Type: 54160943665 Retailer/Operator: JEDBUKURU/ntorive Token Ref: 704408260055 Supplier Ref: 704408260055 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00141381 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 31404447799582068266 Date Sold: 25/02/17 12:17 Meter/Type: 54160943665 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/fuzomba Token Ref: 705612170189 Supplier Ref: 705612170189 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00154929 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 47287364136679073331 Date Sold: 22/03/17 08:10 Meter/Type: 54160943665 Retailer/Operator: JEDBUKURU/ntorive Token Ref: 708108100040 Supplier Ref: 708108100040 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00186224 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 20096948535615729803 Date Sold: 05/04/17 10:54 Meter/Type: 54160943665 Retailer/Operator: JEDBUKURU/ntorive Token Ref: 709510540269 Supplier Ref: 709510540269 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00205907 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 59984190794030586419 Date Sold: 22/04/17 12:41 Meter/Type: 54160943665 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 711212410082 Supplier Ref: 711212410082 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00226338 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 67118597174387093432 Date Sold: 04/05/17 14:03 Meter/Type: 54160943665 Retailer/Operator: JEDBUKURU/ntorive Token Ref: 712414030135 Supplier Ref: 712414030135 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00241666 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 54106694828447088983 Date Sold: 19/05/17 08:57 Meter/Type: 54160943665 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/fuzomba Token Ref: 713908570061 Supplier Ref: 713908570061 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00260268 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 13879997655357198699 Date Sold: 20/06/17 13:42 Meter/Type: 54160943665 Retailer/Operator: JEDBUKURU/ntorive Token Ref: 717113420715 Supplier Ref: 717113420715 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00301119 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 72009553155835054703 Date Sold: 21/07/17 14:53 Meter/Type: 54160943665 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/fuzomba Token Ref: 720214530283 Supplier Ref: 720214530283 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00341696 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 34826058129110017125 Date Sold: 29/07/17 12:38 Meter/Type: 54160943665 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 721012381182 Supplier Ref: 721012381182 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00352086 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 34168536249860165214 Date Sold: 19/08/17 11:49 Meter/Type: 54160943665 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/fuzomba Token Ref: 723111490137 Supplier Ref: 723111490137 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00377828 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 41288856670306849720 Date Sold: 14/09/17 08:22 Meter/Type: 54160943665 Retailer/Operator: JEDBUKURU/ntorive Token Ref: 725708220055 Supplier Ref: 725708220055 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00411983 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 04036318168375091009 Date Sold: 26/09/17 12:15 Meter/Type: 54160943665 Retailer/Operator: JEDBUKURU/ntorive Token Ref: 726912150110 Supplier Ref: 726912150110 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00426644 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 53200868892326150893 Date Sold: 25/10/17 14:41 Meter/Type: 54160943665 Retailer/Operator: JEDBUKURU/ntorive Token Ref: 729814410161 Supplier Ref: 729814410161 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00467490 Total Value: N7,500.00 Standard: N7,500.00 - 69800782396350667875 Date Sold: 25/11/17 10:41 Meter/Type: 54160943665 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 732910401072 Supplier Ref: 732910401072 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00511892 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 19314033173248558941 Date Sold: 05/12/17 14:23 Meter/Type: 54160943665 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000627344318 Supplier Ref: 000627344318 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00526687 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 55778136540422874051 Date Sold: 19/12/17 17:53 Meter/Type: 54160943665 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000629381345 Supplier Ref: 000629381345 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00547050 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 58704197085650176039 Date Sold: 11/01/18 12:14 Meter/Type: 54160943665 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 801112141179 Supplier Ref: 801112141179 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00576761 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 08354875316133817152 Date Sold: 20/01/18 12:36 Meter/Type: 54160943665 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 802012360000 Supplier Ref: 802012360000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00588405 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 43900567999144283884 Date Sold: 19/02/18 08:06 Meter/Type: 54160943665 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 135595530140597 Supplier Ref: 135595530140597 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00629230 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 32280053284966995547 Date Sold: 25/02/18 09:42 Meter/Type: 54160943665 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000639124355 Supplier Ref: 000639124355 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00638712 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 24339884642488895932 Date Sold: 19/03/18 21:45 Meter/Type: 54160943665 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000642364567 Supplier Ref: 000642364567 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00675805 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 53940210960550919050 Date Sold: 29/04/18 08:19 Meter/Type: 54160943665 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000648182029 Supplier Ref: 000648182029 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00739467 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 62919898247134880073 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/05/18 17:13 Meter/Type: 54160943665 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000652411404 Supplier Ref: 000652411404 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00796511 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 31266493139105337827 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/06/18 12:00 Meter/Type: 54160943665 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000656556235 Supplier Ref: 000656556235 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00855734 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 09695380094056661032 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/07/18 17:33 Meter/Type: 54160943665 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000660621671 Supplier Ref: 000660621671 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00922463 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 53892603284935933172 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/08/18 19:16 Meter/Type: 54160943665 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000664663989 Supplier Ref: 000664663989 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00995873 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 66823405943747111728 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/09/18 15:37 Meter/Type: 54160943665 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 153701855010 Supplier Ref: 153701855010 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01070351 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 62560615962353296664 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/09/18 16:17 Meter/Type: 54160943665 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 153745643341 Supplier Ref: 153745643341 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01085145 Total Value: N9,000.00 Standard: N9,000.00 - 25191429342045897862 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/10/18 15:27 Meter/Type: 54160943665 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154004560160 Supplier Ref: 154004560160 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01183351 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 25014065103733129792 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/10/18 15:35 Meter/Type: 54160943665 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154004329158 Supplier Ref: 154004329158 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01183359 Total Value: N9,000.00 Standard: N9,000.00 - 29065972159216922681 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/11/18 10:22 Meter/Type: 54160943665 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154296440986 Supplier Ref: 154296440986 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01299989 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 57880542605013039752 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/12/18 17:38 Meter/Type: 54160943665 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154523376179 Supplier Ref: 154523376179 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01417622 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 08773645625873114602 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/01/19 16:22 Meter/Type: 54160943665 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154730291041 Supplier Ref: 154730291041 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01568309 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 31863303736364834312 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/01/19 13:46 Meter/Type: 54160943665 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154789836256 Supplier Ref: 154789836256 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01619222 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 26655606039967303415 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/02/19 14:37 Meter/Type: 54160943665 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154997500707 Supplier Ref: 154997500707 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01807869 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 13570918756951156897 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/02/19 12:25 Meter/Type: 54160943665 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155065826009 Supplier Ref: 155065826009 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01864074 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 52282839894783595137 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/03/19 20:54 Meter/Type: 54160943665 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155284875352 Supplier Ref: 155284875352 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02029816 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 22576096027506074832 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/04/19 10:30 Meter/Type: 54160943665 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155428014852 Supplier Ref: 155428014852 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02117993 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 52022762660979855254 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/05/19 11:56 Meter/Type: 54160943665 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155687734754 Supplier Ref: 155687734754 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02288306 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 43201237112920795330 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/06/19 17:32 Meter/Type: 54160943665 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155957592740 Supplier Ref: 155957592740 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02447095 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 35761773789610786997 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/06/19 19:22 Meter/Type: 54160943665 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155992808307 Supplier Ref: 155992808307 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02470075 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 38117355871327814261 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/07/19 12:25 Meter/Type: 54160943665 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156223588604 Supplier Ref: 156223588604 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02598666 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 19789619200544034042 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/07/20 02:30 Meter/Type: 54160943665 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201850230380 Supplier Ref: 201850230380 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05123354 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 02236723081630456473 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/07/20 18:28 Meter/Type: 54160943665 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201851828202 Supplier Ref: 201851828202 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05129554 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 62487971674722172067 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 652020-07-08 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014278ClosedVending History2020-07-08Request for vending history Hello, Kindly provide us with the vending history of MSNs: 0101170304378, 0101170121953, 0101170301465. Thanks and best regards.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-08NoHello, Find below 0101170304378 Date Sold: 04/06/20 10:42 Meter/Type: 0101170304378 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201561043003 Supplier Ref: 201561043003 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04914910 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 39103559386579716631 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/06/20 10:46 Meter/Type: 0101170304378 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201821046284 Supplier Ref: 201821046284 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05096729 Total Value: N2,001.00 Standard: N2,001.00 - 62563673199518972228 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 10 0101170121953 No token sales found. 0101170301465 Date Sold: 18/05/18 17:22 Meter/Type: 0101170301465 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 813816221582 Supplier Ref: 813816221582 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00777382 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 45650624671164593859 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/05/18 12:25 Meter/Type: 0101170301465 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 534432330748573 Supplier Ref: 534432330748573 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00786053 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 56239395663388457593 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/05/18 21:47 Meter/Type: 0101170301465 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 815120460000 Supplier Ref: 815120460000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00804556 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 18133447319300847480 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/06/18 10:24 Meter/Type: 0101170301465 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 815809230000 Supplier Ref: 815809230000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00818520 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 38980381586954591161 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/06/18 16:19 Meter/Type: 0101170301465 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 422817871312111 Supplier Ref: 422817871312111 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00844618 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 70031989776458902762 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/06/18 20:03 Meter/Type: 0101170301465 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 818019030000 Supplier Ref: 818019030000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00865586 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 53409359390498813223 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/07/18 10:15 Meter/Type: 0101170301465 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000657985764 Supplier Ref: 000657985764 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00881575 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 19433989634043170236 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/07/18 14:37 Meter/Type: 0101170301465 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 820113371144 Supplier Ref: 820113371144 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00913751 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 55452915737480992374 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/08/18 09:12 Meter/Type: 0101170301465 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182200812462 Supplier Ref: 182200812462 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00960216 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 18697296048815829457 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/08/18 16:09 Meter/Type: 0101170301465 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182281509497 Supplier Ref: 182281509497 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00981997 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 01475323128121278208 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/08/18 13:16 Meter/Type: 0101170301465 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 833062971753623 Supplier Ref: 833062971753623 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01011198 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 07287733453572495329 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/09/18 15:16 Meter/Type: 0101170301465 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182561416221 Supplier Ref: 182561416221 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01063980 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 54781027696087923604 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/09/18 10:19 Meter/Type: 0101170301465 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182691019302 Supplier Ref: 182691019302 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01099823 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 67894344072079716100 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/10/18 07:59 Meter/Type: 0101170301465 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182770759202 Supplier Ref: 182770759202 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01125429 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 14406835149613437238 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/10/18 11:02 Meter/Type: 0101170301465 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182861102142 Supplier Ref: 182861102142 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01158543 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 03217470465418114301 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/10/18 16:56 Meter/Type: 0101170301465 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182991656537 Supplier Ref: 182991656537 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01204500 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 72169875209852475629 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/11/18 08:52 Meter/Type: 0101170301465 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000676559335 Supplier Ref: 000676559335 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01261315 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 59999652590918473926 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/11/18 08:12 Meter/Type: 0101170301465 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000679003396 Supplier Ref: 000679003396 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01319326 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 61836012483519218003 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/12/18 20:13 Meter/Type: 0101170301465 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183501913405 Supplier Ref: 183501913405 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01398193 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 60067269844898363545 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/12/18 15:56 Meter/Type: 0101170301465 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183621456374 Supplier Ref: 183621456374 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01480368 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 72872780077433674324 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/01/19 10:50 Meter/Type: 0101170301465 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154641903109 Supplier Ref: 154641903109 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01502496 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 28092979450603940428 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/01/19 09:12 Meter/Type: 0101170301465 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190170812465 Supplier Ref: 190170812465 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01599710 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 67410210271158310095 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/02/19 10:02 Meter/Type: 0101170301465 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154909453404 Supplier Ref: 154909453404 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01730530 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 04302404016421196920 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/02/19 09:58 Meter/Type: 0101170301465 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190430859110 Supplier Ref: 190430859110 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01804696 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 07345805476620943735 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/02/19 13:05 Meter/Type: 0101170301465 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155074715503 Supplier Ref: 155074715503 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01871695 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 47675115921991972997 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/03/19 11:31 Meter/Type: 0101170301465 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155255590185 Supplier Ref: 155255590185 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02014459 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 40623169198036851630 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/03/19 10:09 Meter/Type: 0101170301465 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190860910077 Supplier Ref: 190860910077 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02075994 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 54610760801696964897 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/04/19 11:18 Meter/Type: 0101170301465 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191011018520 Supplier Ref: 191011018520 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02164574 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 00192044149257081542 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/04/19 15:36 Meter/Type: 0101170301465 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190427888135 Supplier Ref: 190427888135 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02253612 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 07080243579141575851 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/05/19 15:04 Meter/Type: 0101170301465 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191361405047 Supplier Ref: 191361405047 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02351159 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 10376952311607078779 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/05/19 14:28 Meter/Type: 0101170301465 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191451328455 Supplier Ref: 191451328455 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02395672 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,434.97 - 04120339521021817744 Debt: N1,565.03 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/06/19 11:57 Meter/Type: 0101170301465 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191591057286 Supplier Ref: 191591057286 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02472624 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 49198658579654277951 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/06/19 12:17 Meter/Type: 0101170301465 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191651117114 Supplier Ref: 191651117114 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02503628 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 32785522774642607948 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/06/19 11:11 Meter/Type: 0101170301465 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156119466396 Supplier Ref: 156119466396 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02540938 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 36576483933230421881 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/07/19 10:44 Meter/Type: 0101170301465 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191900945028 Supplier Ref: 191900945028 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02621457 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 10162124973728080922 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/08/19 09:43 Meter/Type: 0101170301465 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192150843336 Supplier Ref: 192150843336 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02747520 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 11452993022800855043 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/08/19 11:15 Meter/Type: 0101170301465 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192311015124 Supplier Ref: 192311015124 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02825883 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 33314337898244832940 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/08/19 11:11 Meter/Type: 0101170301465 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156689709034 Supplier Ref: 156689709034 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02864033 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 00967585293386893960 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/09/19 14:23 Meter/Type: 0101170301465 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156846381893 Supplier Ref: 156846381893 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02964330 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 07302413253956955598 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/10/19 14:06 Meter/Type: 0101170301465 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192771307136 Supplier Ref: 192771307136 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03074617 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 39876649662274651808 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/11/19 10:35 Meter/Type: 0101170301465 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157268382230 Supplier Ref: 157268382230 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03236914 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 38246544312866655476 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/11/19 15:20 Meter/Type: 0101170301465 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157382413860 Supplier Ref: 157382413860 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03316319 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 30547070898339406420 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/11/19 12:33 Meter/Type: 0101170301465 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157467813636 Supplier Ref: 157467813636 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03377010 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 73005409544787149249 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/12/19 14:32 Meter/Type: 0101170301465 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193451334372 Supplier Ref: 193451334372 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03518391 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 71003170738005033915 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/12/19 13:35 Meter/Type: 0101170301465 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193611238066 Supplier Ref: 193611238066 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03644507 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 39745299779559432725 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/01/20 09:24 Meter/Type: 0101170301465 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157924605551 Supplier Ref: 157924605551 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03812252 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 27285144375552809780 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/02/20 21:23 Meter/Type: 0101170301465 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 003420232901 Supplier Ref: 003420232901 Receipt: PagT13EMDB03970478 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 06175417969416227741 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/02/20 10:28 Meter/Type: 0101170301465 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200410928238 Supplier Ref: 200410928238 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04025393 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 48963251828070057146 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/03/20 10:09 Meter/Type: 0101170301465 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 006509080871 Supplier Ref: 006509080871 Receipt: PagT13EMDB04279721 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 67329031881852316822 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/03/20 13:57 Meter/Type: 0101170301465 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200851257341 Supplier Ref: 200851257341 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04420372 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 00583619090636624415 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/04/20 11:47 Meter/Type: 0101170301465 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201001047048 Supplier Ref: 201001047048 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04540000 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 28126677914811923818 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/05/20 09:16 Meter/Type: 0101170301465 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201250916075 Supplier Ref: 201250916075 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04706243 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 37782636655832851479 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/06/20 10:01 Meter/Type: 0101170301465 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201541001336 Supplier Ref: 201541001336 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04902946 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 16740375522890300766 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/06/20 13:41 Meter/Type: 0101170301465 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201651341124 Supplier Ref: 201651341124 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04975372 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 26888737598726687586 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/07/20 19:40 Meter/Type: 0101170301465 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201871940154 Supplier Ref: 201871940154 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05142015 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 04526856520456969838 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 782020-07-08 anersirleh@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014277ClosedRequest2020-07-08REQUEST FOR DEBT MIGIRATED(54160893852) Dear support kindly supply us with the debt profile of this customer warm regardsMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-08NoHello, Find below Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 555387 Start Date: 6/10/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $137,053.88 Outstanding Balance: $137,053.88 Running Balance: $137,053.88 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-08 tyoverpeter@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00014276In ProgressKCT Request2020-07-08Find below . 1. 0101190003562. 2. 0101170153528. thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-08No0000-00-00 faizahtafida@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014275In ProgressVending History2020-07-08Dear IT Support, Kindly generate the VH for the meter number 54160943665 regardsMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-08No0000-00-00 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014274In ProgressKCT Request2020-07-08Dear IT Support, Kindly generate the KCT for the meter number 0101175103601 regardsMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-08No0000-00-00 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014273In ProgressRequest2020-07-08REQUEST FOR UNISTAR VENDING HISTORY -62.0101.0011.0247 / 65/73/16/0108-01Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-08No0000-00-00 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014272In ProgressVending History2020-07-08Hello, Kindly provide us with the vending history of MSNs: 0101170304378, 0101170121953, 0101170301465. Thanks and best regards.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-08No0000-00-00 anersirleh@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014271In ProgressRequest2020-07-08REQUEST FOR DEBT MIGIRATED(54160893852Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-08No0000-00-00 tyoverpeter@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00014270In ProgressRequest2020-07-08Please Ict kindly assist me with this meter number 0101160014235 original balance running balance and collection value thanks.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-08No0000-00-00 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014269ClosedKCT Request2020-07-08REQUEST FOR KCT 0101170457218MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-08NoHello, Find below No records returned for search..2020-07-08 longpuan@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014268ClosedRequest2020-07-08: Request for vending history opening balance and outstanding debt balance Please kindly furnish me with the debt profile of the following meter and vending history please 54161155806.thanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-08NoHello, Find below Date Sold: 24/08/18 11:15 Meter/Type: 54161155806 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182361015433 Supplier Ref: 182361015433 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01003002 Total Value: N3,200.00 Standard: N3,200.00 - 40861955442533296533 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/09/18 08:07 Meter/Type: 54161155806 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182670807212 Supplier Ref: 182670807212 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01093033 Total Value: N3,200.00 Standard: N3,200.00 - 41254554203709853769 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/10/18 08:07 Meter/Type: 54161155806 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182950807298 Supplier Ref: 182950807298 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01185674 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 50824879126470823277 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/12/18 17:14 Meter/Type: 54161155806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000679627507 Supplier Ref: 000679627507 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01337802 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 61676032283237095131 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/12/18 14:50 Meter/Type: 54161155806 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 682799061764730 Supplier Ref: 682799061764730 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01422391 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 06211297550698693548 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/12/18 11:00 Meter/Type: 54161155806 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183651000521 Supplier Ref: 183651000521 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01491180 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 58455949551123924411 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/01/19 09:43 Meter/Type: 54161155806 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190180843174 Supplier Ref: 190180843174 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01608034 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 05317589089466097962 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/02/19 14:42 Meter/Type: 54161155806 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190351343120 Supplier Ref: 190351343120 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01746921 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 13455562831487382900 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/02/19 10:31 Meter/Type: 54161155806 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190500931488 Supplier Ref: 190500931488 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01855478 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 54444779799296023502 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/03/19 10:16 Meter/Type: 54161155806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155246502087 Supplier Ref: 155246502087 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02008379 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 64234430515343728601 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/04/19 14:22 Meter/Type: 54161155806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155420774029 Supplier Ref: 155420774029 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02113294 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 25897352581093476605 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/04/19 10:30 Meter/Type: 54161155806 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 385776242861974 Supplier Ref: 385776242861974 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02183120 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 09291516697231840918 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/04/19 15:22 Meter/Type: 54161155806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155663055821 Supplier Ref: 155663055821 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02270993 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 05536173332514751885 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/05/19 13:08 Meter/Type: 54161155806 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 632658671961027 Supplier Ref: 632658671961027 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02311680 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 29044853956968854077 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/05/19 10:29 Meter/Type: 54161155806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155868659120 Supplier Ref: 155868659120 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02388639 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 08007996295574237501 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/06/19 10:08 Meter/Type: 54161155806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156015408287 Supplier Ref: 156015408287 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02479761 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 04016047295016773052 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/06/19 19:13 Meter/Type: 54161155806 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191721813148 Supplier Ref: 191721813148 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02539134 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 01729854350141478491 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/06/19 14:38 Meter/Type: 54161155806 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191761338177 Supplier Ref: 191761338177 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02555803 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 58317774136358159092 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/07/19 13:12 Meter/Type: 54161155806 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 368680358589123 Supplier Ref: 368680358589123 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02697849 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 56080166148815496876 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/08/19 11:22 Meter/Type: 54161155806 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192151022475 Supplier Ref: 192151022475 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02748341 Total Value: N11,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 42455899563428838271 Debt: N6,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/08/19 13:21 Meter/Type: 54161155806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156725049198 Supplier Ref: 156725049198 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02887948 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 65428377429574124873 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/09/19 16:31 Meter/Type: 54161155806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156907630211 Supplier Ref: 156907630211 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03002255 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 07709119915345780806 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/09/19 09:13 Meter/Type: 54161155806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156939564564 Supplier Ref: 156939564564 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03019873 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 40934611859217701438 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/09/19 11:22 Meter/Type: 54161155806 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192731023178 Supplier Ref: 192731023178 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03046841 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 16384303780943323352 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/10/19 18:36 Meter/Type: 54161155806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157245347404 Supplier Ref: 157245347404 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03218674 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 58958456149539739674 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/12/19 13:49 Meter/Type: 54161155806 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 344660781860498 Supplier Ref: 344660781860498 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03462779 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 25136990664264655587 Debt: N6,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/12/19 14:26 Meter/Type: 54161155806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157546250033 Supplier Ref: 157546250033 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03463188 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N4,900.00 - 14931236228590200660 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/01/20 09:32 Meter/Type: 54161155806 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200310832325 Supplier Ref: 200310832325 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03932549 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 22915692992688002555 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/03/20 19:09 Meter/Type: 54161155806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158360092556 Supplier Ref: 158360092556 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04313120 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 07981376543080419218 Debt: N6,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/03/20 11:26 Meter/Type: 54161155806 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200861026296 Supplier Ref: 200861026296 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04427293 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 08246256303546756798 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/04/20 15:07 Meter/Type: 54161155806 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200921407176 Supplier Ref: 200921407176 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04481882 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 47644970746981200598 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/04/20 14:09 Meter/Type: 54161155806 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201091409542 Supplier Ref: 201091409542 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04600019 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 32140893709645171223 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/04/20 19:46 Meter/Type: 54161155806 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201121946404 Supplier Ref: 201121946404 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04623629 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 20320810732454382414 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/04/20 12:23 Meter/Type: 54161155806 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201141223281 Supplier Ref: 201141223281 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04633117 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 58406775381261629834 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/04/20 19:14 Meter/Type: 54161155806 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201201914157 Supplier Ref: 201201914157 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04684185 Total Value: N9,900.00 Standard: N9,900.00 - 66532922326770902425 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/06/20 17:13 Meter/Type: 54161155806 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201691714005 Supplier Ref: 201691714005 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05003834 Total Value: N9,900.00 Standard: N3,900.00 - 43170116206708050583 Debt: N6,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/06/20 20:03 Meter/Type: 54161155806 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201822003040 Supplier Ref: 201822003040 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05104656 Total Value: N9,900.00 Standard: N9,900.00 - 42345562314320893809 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 80 Debt profile Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 6361202133-01 Start Date: 7/27/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $246,666.85 Outstanding Balance: $210,666.85 Running Balance: $210,666.85 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/17/2020 5:13:53 PM2020-07-08 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014267In ProgressVending History2020-07-08Please kindly furnish me with the debt profile of the following meter and vending history please 54161155806.thanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-08No0000-00-00 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014266In ProgressRequest2020-07-08Please kindly furnish me with the debt profile and vending history opening balance of the following meter 0101160358129.thanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-08No0000-00-00 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014265ClosedVending History2020-07-08Dear IT Support Team, Kindly gnerate the VH for the meter number 57100081850 regardsMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-08NoHello, Find below Date Sold: 19/09/16 13:57 Meter/Type: 57100081850 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 626313570483 Supplier Ref: 626313570483 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00038255 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 65720584671602727057 Date Sold: 07/10/16 08:47 Meter/Type: 57100081850 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 628108470033 Supplier Ref: 628108470033 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00050522 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 35151226603849453649 Date Sold: 21/11/16 11:29 Meter/Type: 57100081850 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 632611290356 Supplier Ref: 632611290356 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00079493 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 60935645481427575021 Date Sold: 03/01/17 11:05 Meter/Type: 57100081850 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 700311050401 Supplier Ref: 700311050401 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00111278 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 30715414631599410777 Date Sold: 17/01/17 09:41 Meter/Type: 57100081850 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 701709410067 Supplier Ref: 701709410067 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00121956 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 69087295122359771939 Date Sold: 17/02/17 09:32 Meter/Type: 57100081850 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 704809320082 Supplier Ref: 704809320082 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00145862 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 11627947294787846857 Date Sold: 06/03/17 11:42 Meter/Type: 57100081850 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 706511420385 Supplier Ref: 706511420385 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00165638 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 73427427101990041695 Date Sold: 07/04/17 14:59 Meter/Type: 57100081850 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 709714590370 Supplier Ref: 709714590370 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00209724 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 09949423896829812886 Date Sold: 11/05/17 12:16 Meter/Type: 57100081850 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 713112132153 Supplier Ref: 713112132153 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00248049 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 21327513466268094104 Date Sold: 05/06/17 11:12 Meter/Type: 57100081850 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 715611120209 Supplier Ref: 715611120209 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00281345 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 35907666503536723600 Date Sold: 22/06/17 11:09 Meter/Type: 57100081850 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/fuzomba Token Ref: 717311090127 Supplier Ref: 717311090127 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00303472 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 10417459271358459485 Date Sold: 21/07/17 09:20 Meter/Type: 57100081850 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/fuzomba Token Ref: 720209200062 Supplier Ref: 720209200062 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00340909 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 62673868254653231510 Date Sold: 17/08/17 08:55 Meter/Type: 57100081850 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/fuzomba Token Ref: 722908550013 Supplier Ref: 722908550013 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00374714 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 23073479407422136392 Date Sold: 21/09/17 11:59 Meter/Type: 57100081850 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 726411590177 Supplier Ref: 726411590177 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00420678 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 47405096423589241557 Date Sold: 18/10/17 09:12 Meter/Type: 57100081850 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 729109120078 Supplier Ref: 729109120078 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00457606 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 64323163781717142384 Date Sold: 07/11/17 09:14 Meter/Type: 57100081850 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 731109141033 Supplier Ref: 731109141033 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00486714 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 37178991530735452224 Date Sold: 08/12/17 11:14 Meter/Type: 57100081850 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000627757447 Supplier Ref: 000627757447 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00531128 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 31886403601672631631 Date Sold: 09/01/18 08:36 Meter/Type: 57100081850 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 800908361029 Supplier Ref: 800908361029 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00573733 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 67934787636985701953 Date Sold: 12/02/18 10:45 Meter/Type: 57100081850 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 804310451193 Supplier Ref: 804310451193 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00620059 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 38897006418556553822 Date Sold: 17/03/18 11:19 Meter/Type: 57100081850 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000642013921 Supplier Ref: 000642013921 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00672652 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 12212378632372361670 Date Sold: 27/04/18 09:17 Meter/Type: 57100081850 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 811708171013 Supplier Ref: 811708171013 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00735517 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 22449793918304034915 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/06/18 12:22 Meter/Type: 57100081850 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 815511221419 Supplier Ref: 815511221419 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00810973 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 13312009380012406170 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/07/18 14:31 Meter/Type: 57100081850 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 818313310000 Supplier Ref: 818313310000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00870868 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 08917544864029259565 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/08/18 13:39 Meter/Type: 57100081850 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000663046208 Supplier Ref: 000663046208 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00966856 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 48696262412371363503 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/09/18 12:45 Meter/Type: 57100081850 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182461145248 Supplier Ref: 182461145248 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01032620 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 00900463795665379077 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/10/18 15:14 Meter/Type: 57100081850 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000671701846 Supplier Ref: 000671701846 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01145350 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 54842107942697699009 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/11/18 09:15 Meter/Type: 57100081850 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183180915155 Supplier Ref: 183180915155 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01269617 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 68114328361764391657 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/12/18 13:21 Meter/Type: 57100081850 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183471221156 Supplier Ref: 183471221156 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01382667 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 14953740487039216096 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/01/19 15:46 Meter/Type: 57100081850 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 360312825573156 Supplier Ref: 360312825573156 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01578979 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 55631906975931803940 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/02/19 09:40 Meter/Type: 57100081850 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190460840450 Supplier Ref: 190460840450 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01829535 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 25304381538541161778 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/04/19 13:09 Meter/Type: 57100081850 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155472178864 Supplier Ref: 155472178864 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02147140 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 72941887789053397602 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/05/19 10:30 Meter/Type: 57100081850 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155790902947 Supplier Ref: 155790902947 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02344408 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 40585925498078344952 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/06/19 16:12 Meter/Type: 57100081850 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155991671301 Supplier Ref: 155991671301 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02468750 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 36320951468474777947 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/07/19 12:24 Meter/Type: 57100081850 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192031123534 Supplier Ref: 192031123534 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02683319 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 64785214861235616559 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/08/19 10:48 Meter/Type: 57100081850 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192270948323 Supplier Ref: 192270948323 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02806976 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 43875653452207021325 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/10/19 15:20 Meter/Type: 57100081850 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192821421022 Supplier Ref: 192821421022 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03101048 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 07386690629081447867 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/11/19 18:28 Meter/Type: 57100081850 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193141730134 Supplier Ref: 193141730134 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03286377 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 34136114198340233007 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/12/19 12:54 Meter/Type: 57100081850 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193501157037 Supplier Ref: 193501157037 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03542163 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 50019774104370756952 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/12/19 12:41 Meter/Type: 57100081850 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193641144145 Supplier Ref: 193641144145 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03666551 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 54382937874136513447 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/01/20 12:24 Meter/Type: 57100081850 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200271127434 Supplier Ref: 200271127434 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03893863 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 18420693195554347407 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/03/20 14:23 Meter/Type: 57100081850 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158315177284 Supplier Ref: 158315177284 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04241572 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 30878705073259738684 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/03/20 21:28 Meter/Type: 57100081850 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200902028276 Supplier Ref: 200902028276 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04464773 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 54246940283254565909 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/04/20 19:02 Meter/Type: 57100081850 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201111903024 Supplier Ref: 201111903024 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04616729 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 07157318383855344821 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/05/20 18:52 Meter/Type: 57100081850 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201391853038 Supplier Ref: 201391853038 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04800439 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 53598905751562986351 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/05/20 09:37 Meter/Type: 57100081850 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201400937361 Supplier Ref: 201400937361 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04802567 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 35589206310437584343 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/06/20 15:07 Meter/Type: 57100081850 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201631507093 Supplier Ref: 201631507093 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04961671 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 30387482746553568407 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/07/20 13:02 Meter/Type: 57100081850 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201891302426 Supplier Ref: 201891302426 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05153955 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 45880140657650329980 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 572020-07-08 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014264ClosedKCT Request2020-07-08: KCT REQUEST please kindly Assist with below. 1. 0101170145888. thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-08NoHello, Find below 0101170145888 KCT1: 3740 0233 1261 6096 0674 KCT2: 2570 7097 6907 7477 21262020-07-08 faizahtafida@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014263ClosedRequest2020-07-080101170248922 Hello Kindly assist with debt profile of above msn. -- Regards,Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-08NoHello, Find it below Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170248922 Start Date: 1/9/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $12,427.92 Outstanding Balance: $6,427.92 Running Balance: $6,427.92 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 3/19/2020 3:01:41 PM2020-07-08 phartiemah12@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014262ClosedRequest2020-07-08: REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILS Find below 1. 0101170162610. thanks.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-08NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170162610 Start Date: 2/20/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $288,994.81 Outstanding Balance: $278,039.60 Running Balance: $278,039.60 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $1,565.03 Latest Payment: 8/27/2019 5:16:56 PM2020-07-08 faizahtafida@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014261ClosedVending History2020-07-08Dear IT Support team, Kindly furnish us with the vending history 0101161012303 and 04231039001. Thank youMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-08NoHello, Find bello, 1 Date Sold: 19/06/18 16:30 Meter/Type: 0101161012303 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 817015301922 Supplier Ref: 817015301922 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00842368 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 34817929331270153418 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/07/18 11:15 Meter/Type: 0101161012303 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 819310151059 Supplier Ref: 819310151059 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00894855 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 20108220774465809936 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/08/18 14:53 Meter/Type: 0101161012303 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 822913531169 Supplier Ref: 822913531169 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00984522 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 55834562938100629146 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/09/18 15:18 Meter/Type: 0101161012303 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182711518263 Supplier Ref: 182711518263 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01108236 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 55528973785931184518 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/11/18 09:59 Meter/Type: 0101161012303 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183340959461 Supplier Ref: 183340959461 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01324777 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 26492390683443876387 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/01/19 12:19 Meter/Type: 0101161012303 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190151119263 Supplier Ref: 190151119263 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01584952 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 73558727044039479385 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/02/19 14:31 Meter/Type: 0101161012303 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190461331268 Supplier Ref: 190461331268 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01835035 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 57841999938971513976 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/03/19 12:47 Meter/Type: 0101161012303 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190631147481 Supplier Ref: 190631147481 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01951946 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 69038045895235579464 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/04/19 10:25 Meter/Type: 0101161012303 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191060925544 Supplier Ref: 191060925544 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02189823 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 15638361252093657342 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/06/19 16:27 Meter/Type: 0101161012303 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191571527454 Supplier Ref: 191571527454 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02462652 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 25284026993355805406 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/07/19 15:59 Meter/Type: 0101161012303 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 919714596184 Supplier Ref: 919714596184 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02657180 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 06227076837414221167 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/08/19 11:45 Meter/Type: 0101161012303 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 18556566383788 Supplier Ref: 18556566383788 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02846700 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 32745871304212437477 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/09/19 16:31 Meter/Type: 0101161012303 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156933552048 Supplier Ref: 156933552048 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03017215 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 14072742530667343701 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/11/19 10:13 Meter/Type: 0101161012303 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 483676123831952 Supplier Ref: 483676123831952 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03328482 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 56062457797328632706 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/01/20 14:04 Meter/Type: 0101161012303 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157891722976 Supplier Ref: 157891722976 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03779882 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 40039500506055359801 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/01/20 17:47 Meter/Type: 0101161012303 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 229164253353345 Supplier Ref: 229164253353345 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03939779 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 21867775410616254587 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/02/20 16:58 Meter/Type: 0101161012303 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200581558327 Supplier Ref: 200581558327 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04195424 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 18510213963349303833 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/02/20 15:43 Meter/Type: 0101161012303 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158289741639 Supplier Ref: 158289741639 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04207244 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 45236444674827277733 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/04/20 10:44 Meter/Type: 0101161012303 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201081044188 Supplier Ref: 201081044188 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04588422 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 30600596193956305060 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/05/20 20:03 Meter/Type: 0101161012303 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201302003378 Supplier Ref: 201302003378 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04746854 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 37882070625838252077 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/06/20 11:21 Meter/Type: 0101161012303 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201751121493 Supplier Ref: 201751121493 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05041739 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 46410811680210543576 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 352020-07-08 aramidee05@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014260ClosedVending History2020-07-08Good morning ma, Please help me check this debt profiles 57100058296 0101170196790 54161013310 Thank you -- Regards,Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-08NoHello, Find below, 1 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING BALANCE Reference Number: 57100058296 Start Date: 7/27/2016 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $144,285.00 Outstanding Balance: $74,094.16 Running Balance: $74,094.16 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $4,000.00 Latest Payment: 1/29/2018 4:13:31 PM 2 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170196790 Start Date: 10/29/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $29,144.00 Outstanding Balance: $9,144.00 Running Balance: $9,144.00 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/6/2020 11:04:03 AM 3 Debt Details Name: Outstanding Balance Reference Number: 6581240400-01 Start Date: 4/10/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $180,929.88 Outstanding Balance: $180,929.88 Running Balance: $180,929.88 Note: Outstanding from JCS, Installation fee, Cost unit Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,500.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-08 Zainab Mujtaba
#00014259ClosedVending History2020-07-08: Request for VH of 0101161012303 Dear IT Support Team, Kindly furnish us with VH of 0101161012303. Thank you.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-08NoHello, Find below the request, Date Sold: 19/06/18 16:30 Meter/Type: 0101161012303 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 817015301922 Supplier Ref: 817015301922 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00842368 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 34817929331270153418 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/07/18 11:15 Meter/Type: 0101161012303 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 819310151059 Supplier Ref: 819310151059 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00894855 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 20108220774465809936 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/08/18 14:53 Meter/Type: 0101161012303 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 822913531169 Supplier Ref: 822913531169 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00984522 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 55834562938100629146 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/09/18 15:18 Meter/Type: 0101161012303 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182711518263 Supplier Ref: 182711518263 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01108236 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 55528973785931184518 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/11/18 09:59 Meter/Type: 0101161012303 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183340959461 Supplier Ref: 183340959461 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01324777 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 26492390683443876387 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/01/19 12:19 Meter/Type: 0101161012303 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190151119263 Supplier Ref: 190151119263 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01584952 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 73558727044039479385 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/02/19 14:31 Meter/Type: 0101161012303 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190461331268 Supplier Ref: 190461331268 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01835035 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 57841999938971513976 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/03/19 12:47 Meter/Type: 0101161012303 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190631147481 Supplier Ref: 190631147481 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01951946 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 69038045895235579464 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/04/19 10:25 Meter/Type: 0101161012303 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191060925544 Supplier Ref: 191060925544 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02189823 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 15638361252093657342 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/06/19 16:27 Meter/Type: 0101161012303 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191571527454 Supplier Ref: 191571527454 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02462652 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 25284026993355805406 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/07/19 15:59 Meter/Type: 0101161012303 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 919714596184 Supplier Ref: 919714596184 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02657180 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 06227076837414221167 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/08/19 11:45 Meter/Type: 0101161012303 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 18556566383788 Supplier Ref: 18556566383788 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02846700 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 32745871304212437477 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/09/19 16:31 Meter/Type: 0101161012303 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156933552048 Supplier Ref: 156933552048 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03017215 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 14072742530667343701 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/11/19 10:13 Meter/Type: 0101161012303 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 483676123831952 Supplier Ref: 483676123831952 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03328482 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 56062457797328632706 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/01/20 14:04 Meter/Type: 0101161012303 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157891722976 Supplier Ref: 157891722976 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03779882 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 40039500506055359801 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/01/20 17:47 Meter/Type: 0101161012303 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 229164253353345 Supplier Ref: 229164253353345 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03939779 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 21867775410616254587 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/02/20 16:58 Meter/Type: 0101161012303 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200581558327 Supplier Ref: 200581558327 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04195424 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 18510213963349303833 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/02/20 15:43 Meter/Type: 0101161012303 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158289741639 Supplier Ref: 158289741639 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04207244 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 45236444674827277733 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/04/20 10:44 Meter/Type: 0101161012303 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201081044188 Supplier Ref: 201081044188 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04588422 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 30600596193956305060 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/05/20 20:03 Meter/Type: 0101161012303 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201302003378 Supplier Ref: 201302003378 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04746854 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 37882070625838252077 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/06/20 11:21 Meter/Type: 0101161012303 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201751121493 Supplier Ref: 201751121493 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05041739 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 46410811680210543576 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 352020-07-08 aramidee05@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014258ClosedVending History2020-07-08REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY Dear Support, Kindly provide VH for 54161109225 Thank YouMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-08NoHello, Find below, Date Sold: 13/06/17 12:39 Meter/Type: 54161109225 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 716412370435 Supplier Ref: 716412370435 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00292350 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N500.00 - 38108769163778442899 Debt: N3,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 13/06/17 12:47 Meter/Type: 54161109225 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 716412460439 Supplier Ref: 716412460439 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00292371 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 42519107085294912620 Total records returned: 32020-07-08 sunnyochekwu@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014257ClosedRequest2020-07-08REQUEST FOR DEBT MIGIRATED(54160925340,54161113532) Dear support kindly supply us with the details as requested warm regardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-08NoHello, Find below as requested, 1 Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 6217040461-01 Start Date: 3/24/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $197,632.96 Outstanding Balance: $197,632.96 Running Balance: $197,632.96 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record 2 Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 6217040452-01 Start Date: 2/27/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $208,776.27 Outstanding Balance: $208,776.27 Running Balance: $208,776.27 Note: Outstanding Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,500.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-08 tyoverpeter@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014256ClosedKCT Request2020-07-08: KCT REQUEST Find below. 1. 0101190019469. thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-08NoHello, Find below the request, 0101190019469 2609 9374 4770 8443 3893 4730 8904 7583 1698 93192020-07-08 faizahtafida@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014255ClosedKCT Request2020-07-08Hello, Kindly provide us with the KCT of MSN: 54160926686. ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-08NoGood Morning, Find below, 54160926686 5525 1777 2884 0768 6699 5439 0322 8794 9324 05892020-07-08 anersirleh@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014254ClosedOutstanding Balance2020-07-08: REQUEST FOR OUTSTANDING BALANCEMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-08NoHello, Find below the request, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING BALANCE Reference Number: 54161090219 Start Date: 1/1/2018 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $34,683.85 Outstanding Balance: $32,183.85 Running Balance: $32,183.85 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,500.00 Latest Payment: 1/9/2018 11:47:50 AM2020-07-08 jenogah@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014253ClosedKCT Request2020-07-08: KCT GOOD MORNING IT SUPPORT. Kindly assist with key change 0101185059009 Thank you have a nice day.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-08NoGood morning, Find below, 0101185059009 7174 3742 4395 7334 1654 5781 3491 1795 3088 08822020-07-08 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014252ClosedKCT Request2020-07-08KCT 54160857311 Kindly provide us with this KCTMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-08NoHello, Find below, 54160857311 2816 7975 9836 9794 9352 3570 6385 1716 8740 90412020-07-08 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014251ClosedRequest2020-07-08: Request for vending history opening balance and outstanding debt balance Please kindly send me the debt profile outstanding debt balance of the following meter please 54161048936.thanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-08NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 615840 Start Date: 2/18/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $12,044.23 Outstanding Balance: $4,044.23 Running Balance: $4,044.23 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 5/8/2020 10:43:34 AM VH Date Sold: 31/07/18 15:35 Meter/Type: 54161048936 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 821214350214 Supplier Ref: 821214350214 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00939460 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 10601927589506393253 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/08/18 15:49 Meter/Type: 54161048936 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182421449250 Supplier Ref: 182421449250 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01022068 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 27499057502908343596 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/10/18 12:44 Meter/Type: 54161048936 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182951244010 Supplier Ref: 182951244010 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01187456 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 64548161210761884726 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/11/18 15:03 Meter/Type: 54161048936 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183171503065 Supplier Ref: 183171503065 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01267603 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 07121652788072398343 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/11/18 17:21 Meter/Type: 54161048936 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183301721415 Supplier Ref: 183301721415 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01310930 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 56102461542014144822 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/12/18 14:02 Meter/Type: 54161048936 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183411302586 Supplier Ref: 183411302586 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01353981 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 71972303542391401778 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/12/18 15:57 Meter/Type: 54161048936 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183501457135 Supplier Ref: 183501457135 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01397722 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 27501917376029882713 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/12/18 19:51 Meter/Type: 54161048936 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183601851157 Supplier Ref: 183601851157 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01465885 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 18053802071726040971 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/01/19 09:22 Meter/Type: 54161048936 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 766861034258173 Supplier Ref: 766861034258173 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01607848 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 63628346770266919807 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/02/19 16:05 Meter/Type: 54161048936 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190331505286 Supplier Ref: 190331505286 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01735466 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 25256755321579543908 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/03/19 13:32 Meter/Type: 54161048936 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190601233226 Supplier Ref: 190601233226 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01933704 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 69990537593269174419 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/03/19 19:35 Meter/Type: 54161048936 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190811836048 Supplier Ref: 190811836048 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02056415 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 26923501922474534990 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/04/19 12:58 Meter/Type: 54161048936 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191011158260 Supplier Ref: 191011158260 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02165305 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 07218568870526310987 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/04/19 10:23 Meter/Type: 54161048936 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155592138584 Supplier Ref: 155592138584 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02220728 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 02726917329509700351 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/05/19 09:59 Meter/Type: 54161048936 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191250859141 Supplier Ref: 191250859141 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02298786 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 26523073376924622308 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/05/19 13:33 Meter/Type: 54161048936 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191321233298 Supplier Ref: 191321233298 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02331080 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 04336756606305014400 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/06/19 12:30 Meter/Type: 54161048936 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156085380690 Supplier Ref: 156085380690 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02521961 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 13885716437616988498 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/06/19 11:14 Meter/Type: 54161048936 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 419203065056171 Supplier Ref: 419203065056171 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02574831 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 64141569947647431360 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/07/19 16:39 Meter/Type: 54161048936 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 51899178101736 Supplier Ref: 51899178101736 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02699406 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 67874922554783491483 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/08/19 17:54 Meter/Type: 54161048936 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192181654555 Supplier Ref: 192181654555 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02766415 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 11538367106617210355 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/08/19 16:05 Meter/Type: 54161048936 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192411505425 Supplier Ref: 192411505425 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02877067 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 50086468538969993739 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/09/19 16:41 Meter/Type: 54161048936 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192651542228 Supplier Ref: 192651542228 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03005486 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 55203523811565507112 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/10/19 16:31 Meter/Type: 54161048936 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193031533200 Supplier Ref: 193031533200 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03217512 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 19926923555182814760 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/11/19 13:15 Meter/Type: 54161048936 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193251217090 Supplier Ref: 193251217090 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03348894 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 08114752515508914869 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/12/19 16:38 Meter/Type: 54161048936 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193441540557 Supplier Ref: 193441540557 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03511426 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 01974070550478905182 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/12/19 19:24 Meter/Type: 54161048936 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193651827022 Supplier Ref: 193651827022 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03684285 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 16199067021754171152 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/01/20 17:16 Meter/Type: 54161048936 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200221619411 Supplier Ref: 200221619411 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03857555 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 05745118748194975518 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/02/20 17:54 Meter/Type: 54161048936 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158152286398 Supplier Ref: 158152286398 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04052578 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 02615520693840197338 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/03/20 17:16 Meter/Type: 54161048936 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200701616463 Supplier Ref: 200701616463 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04328901 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 21249225844965635280 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/03/20 16:47 Meter/Type: 54161048936 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200851546538 Supplier Ref: 200851546538 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04422423 Total Value: N100.00 Standard: N100.00 - 40919008501165380742 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/03/20 17:39 Meter/Type: 54161048936 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200851639035 Supplier Ref: 200851639035 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04423059 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 63695488156778675611 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/04/20 19:43 Meter/Type: 54161048936 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201161944064 Supplier Ref: 201161944064 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04660590 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 60085940247559159223 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/05/20 10:43 Meter/Type: 54161048936 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201291043413 Supplier Ref: 201291043413 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04732450 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 72281346902163946170 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/05/20 16:49 Meter/Type: 54161048936 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201371649115 Supplier Ref: 201371649115 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04791063 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 42078695029143868149 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 472020-07-08 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014250ClosedVending History2020-07-08: Request for vending history opening balance and outstanding debt balance Please kindly send me the debt profile opening balance and outstanding debt balance of the following meter 54161144701.thanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-08NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: Outstanding Balance Reference Number: 641788 Start Date: 4/14/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $21,762.25 Outstanding Balance: $16,762.25 Running Balance: $16,762.25 Note: Outstanding from JCS, Installation fee, Cost unit Status: Active Collection Method: Per Vend Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/7/2020 3:55:29 PM VH Date Sold: 07/07/20 15:55 Meter/Type: 54161144701 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201891555360 Supplier Ref: 201891555360 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05155496 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 07964302816511080054 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 12020-07-08 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014249ClosedVending History2020-07-08: Request for VH of 0101185056104 Dear IT Support Team, Kindly furnish us with VH of 0101185056104. Thank you.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-08NoHello, Find below, Date Sold: 13/09/19 18:46 Meter/Type: 0101185056104 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156839320555 Supplier Ref: 156839320555 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02960838 Total Value: N13,500.00 Standard: N13,500.00 - 48025671759836330942 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/04/20 10:17 Meter/Type: 0101185056104 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201081017403 Supplier Ref: 201081017403 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04588051 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 24874695294048598591 Debt: N6,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/04/20 18:39 Meter/Type: 0101185056104 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201181839316 Supplier Ref: 201181839316 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04672711 Total Value: N4,500.00 Standard: N4,500.00 - 08522948291889962322 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/06/20 19:54 Meter/Type: 0101185056104 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201741954535 Supplier Ref: 201741954535 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05038300 Total Value: N8,900.00 Standard: N4,900.00 - 31502633320299344115 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 162020-07-08 aramidee05@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014248Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014247ClosedVending History2020-07-08Dear Support, Kindly provide VH for 57300008042 Thank youMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-08NoGood morning, Find below, Date Sold: 19/09/16 17:27 Meter/Type: 57300008042 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/MBEN Token Ref: 626317152169 Supplier Ref: 626317152169 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00038556 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,009.00 - 47770205979248337903 Debt: -N9.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 29/09/16 15:25 Meter/Type: 57300008042 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/MBEN Token Ref: 627307250116 Supplier Ref: 627307250116 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00044961 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 49860998557544488468 Date Sold: 18/10/16 15:19 Meter/Type: 57300008042 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/MBEN Token Ref: 629207190055 Supplier Ref: 629207190055 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00057926 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 58708671705017412730 Date Sold: 26/10/16 17:33 Meter/Type: 57300008042 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/MBEN Token Ref: 630009330195 Supplier Ref: 630009330195 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00063061 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 37030765677790480608 Date Sold: 21/12/16 18:16 Meter/Type: 57300008042 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/CABU Token Ref: 005410233264 Supplier Ref: 005410233264 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00102029 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 36653016631943421744 Total records returned: 62020-07-08 jenogah@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014246In ProgressVending History2020-07-08Dear Support, Kindly provide VH for 57300008042 Thank you Jennifer Eko Ogah Data Analyst Monitoring and Enforcement Unit Jos Electricity Distribution Otukpo Region 07063671147Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-08No0000-00-00 jenogah@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014245ClosedVending History2020-07-08Dear IT Support, Kindly generate the VH for the meter number 54160862766 regardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-08NoGood morning, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING BALANCE Reference Number: 54160862766 Start Date: 4/1/2017 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $40,911.98 Outstanding Balance: $13,911.98 Running Balance: $13,911.98 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 5/22/2020 2:46:35 PM VH Date Sold: 03/04/17 15:39 Meter/Type: 54160862766 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/fuzomba Token Ref: 709315390126 Supplier Ref: 709315390126 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00203175 Total Value: N15,500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 57832488146515888029 Debt: N15,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 18/05/17 14:54 Meter/Type: 54160862766 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/fuzomba Token Ref: 713814540531 Supplier Ref: 713814540531 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00259797 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 33345390443651646466 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 21/03/18 15:24 Meter/Type: 54160862766 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000642614410 Supplier Ref: 000642614410 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00678570 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 73478296142215054369 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 15/05/18 14:20 Meter/Type: 54160862766 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 813513191479 Supplier Ref: 813513191479 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00769995 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 09288956466222948345 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/06/18 16:01 Meter/Type: 54160862766 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000654708208 Supplier Ref: 000654708208 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00831531 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 54460383248511856680 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/12/19 15:46 Meter/Type: 54160862766 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157745457786 Supplier Ref: 157745457786 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03646509 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 67275264247721365515 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/01/20 19:38 Meter/Type: 54160862766 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200271842311 Supplier Ref: 200271842311 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03900129 Total Value: N6,500.00 Standard: N4,500.00 - 54875307343628881253 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/03/20 21:39 Meter/Type: 54160862766 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200842039045 Supplier Ref: 200842039045 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04416502 Total Value: N5,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 21920655060845544069 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/03/20 20:07 Meter/Type: 54160862766 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200851907323 Supplier Ref: 200851907323 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04424400 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 57996706273681661835 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/05/20 14:46 Meter/Type: 54160862766 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201431446438 Supplier Ref: 201431446438 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04826163 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 36132852725612171296 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 162020-07-08 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014244In ProgressVending History2020-07-08Dear IT Support, Kindly generate the VH for the meter number 54160862766 regardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-08No0000-00-00 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014243In ProgressTamper Code2020-07-08Dear IT Support, Nineteen meters below have been verified; please generate the Clear Tamper Codes. 0101170232405 0101175077185 57100033729 54150614029 0101175074828 57300003100 57100001668 0101170368605 0101170154054 0101170218339 0101170377242 0101170218867 0101170156471 0101170259085 0101170154393 0101170302265 0101170292805 0101170211250 0101170281436MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-08No0000-00-00 bittygargadi@hotmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014242In ProgressRequest2020-07-08Request for debt profile for this account 54161043044Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-08No0000-00-00 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014241Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014240ClosedKCT Request2020-07-07: KCT 54160995392 Kindly Provide us with KCT 54160995392 Thank youMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-07NoHello, Find below, 54160995392 4263 3016 9905 6492 1059 2692 9121 5588 5706 29792020-07-07 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014239ClosedTamper Code2020-07-07And also this is for recovered meters to be re-install at the network but request CT before the new installation take place. 0101-1703-12066 0101-1703-07231 0101-1702-99248 0101-1701-21608 0101-1701-43412 0101-1701-62099 0101-1702-12423 0101-1702-70702 0101-1701-74482 0101-1702-94173 0101160409054 0101170212654 0101170177006, 0101170312298 0101-1704-61327 ThanksMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-07NoHello, Find below as requested, 54150607932 7337 4428 2060 5955 3248Clear Tamper 0101170419309 1090 1107 0053 1132 3362Clear Tamper 0101170436287 0835 7349 0555 1554 1775Clear Tamper 57100040336 7094 4911 0310 5325 6813Clear Tamper 0101161011552 3057 1045 5060 2152 6136Clear Tamper 0101170256438 5049 2170 2217 3103 1983Clear Tamper 0101170218016 0460 2893 9270 7397 5512Clear Tamper 57100009661 4049 0144 2992 1787 2548Clear Tamper Recovered 0101170307231 5501 5662 4920 8272 2302Clear Tamper 0101170461327 0790 4641 4110 2811 1324Clear Tamper 0101170121608 5674 4353 5191 1765 5106Clear Tamper 0101170212423 5105 4364 7553 1185 2909Clear Tamper 0101170174482 2473 5779 5657 2542 2356Clear Tamper 0101170294173 3419 4797 9446 5764 3368Clear Tamper 0101170212654 1567 7634 6363 0970 8575Clear Tamper 0101170177006 2723 1674 6738 6299 3592Clear Tamper 0101170312298 0916 5673 1695 7677 1021Clear Tamper 0101170312066................not captured 0101170299248.............................not captured 0101170143412...............not captured 0101170162099....................not captured 0101170270702,...............not aptured 0101160409054...........not captured 0101170461327......................not captured2020-07-07 bittygargadi@hotmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014238In ProgressKCT Request2020-07-07Kindly Provide us with KCT 54160995392 Thank youMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-07No0000-00-00 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014237ClosedRequest2020-07-07REQUEST FOR DEBT STATUS AND VENDING HISTORY 07072020 B Good Afternoon Sir, Please find below PPM meter no for total outstanding debt and Vending History. 0101170119685 Best Regards CCRM GOMBEMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-07NoHello, Find below VH Date Sold: 27/03/18 15:18 Meter/Type: 0101170119685 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000643471940 Supplier Ref: 000643471940 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00685959 Total Value: N1,600.00 Standard: N1,600.00 - 57528134595228051995 Date Sold: 28/04/18 14:45 Meter/Type: 0101170119685 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 553201980026136 Supplier Ref: 553201980026136 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00738864 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 60065548735488270376 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/06/18 15:07 Meter/Type: 0101170119685 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000653694921 Supplier Ref: 000653694921 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00817268 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 39703082263261979017 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/06/18 15:16 Meter/Type: 0101170119685 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 816926812136889 Supplier Ref: 816926812136889 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00861755 Total Value: N1,200.00 Standard: N1,200.00 - 09590712951710281517 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/08/18 16:55 Meter/Type: 0101170119685 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182131555408 Supplier Ref: 182131555408 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00943147 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 57508088961774609677 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/08/18 12:11 Meter/Type: 0101170119685 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 823011111087 Supplier Ref: 823011111087 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00986894 Total Value: N1,200.00 Standard: N1,200.00 - 23586891786848137923 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/09/18 10:50 Meter/Type: 0101170119685 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182530950098 Supplier Ref: 182530950098 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01051875 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 06167647088806148256 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/10/18 19:44 Meter/Type: 0101170119685 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000670864823 Supplier Ref: 000670864823 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01125020 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 01086198285790719889 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/10/18 17:14 Meter/Type: 0101170119685 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000672721740 Supplier Ref: 000672721740 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01169513 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 51840881806646264485 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/10/18 14:27 Meter/Type: 0101170119685 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000674576822 Supplier Ref: 000674576822 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01212154 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 55395937642567321233 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/12/18 14:27 Meter/Type: 0101170119685 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000680042853 Supplier Ref: 000680042853 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01349682 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 00468614558987627176 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/02/19 18:02 Meter/Type: 0101170119685 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190381702191 Supplier Ref: 190381702191 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01775970 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 67868924956144141305 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/03/19 16:26 Meter/Type: 0101170119685 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190601526507 Supplier Ref: 190601526507 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01935683 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 26087204083439276991 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/04/19 18:10 Meter/Type: 0101170119685 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191201710481 Supplier Ref: 191201710481 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02273205 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 04789401960849266533 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/05/19 11:33 Meter/Type: 0101170119685 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191331033110 Supplier Ref: 191331033110 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02333505 Total Value: N1,200.00 Standard: N1,200.00 - 48768424628678130791 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/05/19 14:12 Meter/Type: 0101170119685 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191481312062 Supplier Ref: 191481312062 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02410159 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 45391076529038407656 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/07/19 20:41 Meter/Type: 0101170119685 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191941941391 Supplier Ref: 191941941391 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02645128 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 00471361273723497991 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/08/19 16:59 Meter/Type: 0101170119685 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192191559354 Supplier Ref: 192191559354 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02770748 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 69105318504307007142 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/08/19 19:19 Meter/Type: 0101170119685 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192321819125 Supplier Ref: 192321819125 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02835429 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 11870024467205282040 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/08/19 22:13 Meter/Type: 0101170119685 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192382113088 Supplier Ref: 192382113088 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02862724 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 22256592905133161628 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/09/19 19:56 Meter/Type: 0101170119685 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192481856237 Supplier Ref: 192481856237 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02917240 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 35508406794218949913 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/09/19 21:57 Meter/Type: 0101170119685 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192612058037 Supplier Ref: 192612058037 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02987242 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 20754982414712359119 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/10/19 16:27 Meter/Type: 0101170119685 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 191001235357 Supplier Ref: 191001235357 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB03057785 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 24179755786983818519 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/10/19 16:00 Meter/Type: 0101170119685 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192901501212 Supplier Ref: 192901501212 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03144265 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 47021606104208945438 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/11/19 20:00 Meter/Type: 0101170119685 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193121902241 Supplier Ref: 193121902241 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03279661 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 35455963880328423826 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/11/19 20:27 Meter/Type: 0101170119685 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193271929503 Supplier Ref: 193271929503 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03368554 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 27868595607498619653 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/01/20 11:57 Meter/Type: 0101170119685 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200081100596 Supplier Ref: 200081100596 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03738161 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 14067451229738626857 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/02/20 17:02 Meter/Type: 0101170119685 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 200219918291 Supplier Ref: 200219918291 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB04116232 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 32464957108521410862 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/03/20 17:25 Meter/Type: 0101170119685 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200831625085 Supplier Ref: 200831625085 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04406290 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 36017492101384780535 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/04/20 22:18 Meter/Type: 0101170119685 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201002118095 Supplier Ref: 201002118095 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04547813 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 36558652224955020239 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/04/20 09:45 Meter/Type: 0101170119685 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201150945276 Supplier Ref: 201150945276 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04638406 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 70339224171128293571 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/05/20 10:58 Meter/Type: 0101170119685 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201291058452 Supplier Ref: 201291058452 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04732673 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 16552006848933022305 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/05/20 17:47 Meter/Type: 0101170119685 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201381747133 Supplier Ref: 201381747133 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04794545 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 50491010446569815623 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/05/20 10:22 Meter/Type: 0101170119685 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201421022384 Supplier Ref: 201421022384 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04814384 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 38332475891938811139 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/06/20 20:53 Meter/Type: 0101170119685 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201702053136 Supplier Ref: 201702053136 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05011967 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 12449448862365300519 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/06/20 07:56 Meter/Type: 0101170119685 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201770756243 Supplier Ref: 201770756243 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05055664 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 14037508785804149985 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 40 Debt Profile Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170119685 Start Date: 10/3/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $128,966.56 Outstanding Balance: $110,966.56 Running Balance: $110,966.56 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/18/2020 8:53:05 PM2020-07-07 glawal1184@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00014236ClosedVending History2020-07-07Request for VH of 54160734221 Dear IT Support Team, Kindly furnish us with VH of 54160734221. Thank you.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-07NoHello, Find below the request, Date Sold: 05/10/16 11:51 Meter/Type: 54160734221 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 627911510349 Supplier Ref: 627911510349 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00048885 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 58553476074688425906 Total records returned: 12020-07-07 aramidee05@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014235ClosedVending History2020-07-07REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY. Kindly furnish me with the VENDING history for the following meter No. 54160939705 54160939697 54160939663 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-07NoHello, Find below the request, 1 Date Sold: 28/08/18 17:13 Meter/Type: 54160939705 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000665659656 Supplier Ref: 000665659656 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01016460 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 52605002075930729258 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/09/18 15:53 Meter/Type: 54160939705 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000668969655 Supplier Ref: 000668969655 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01085026 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 40497353453666990294 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/09/18 15:27 Meter/Type: 54160939705 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182641527382 Supplier Ref: 182641527382 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01087861 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 62699224004774157419 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/12/18 13:48 Meter/Type: 54160939705 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 805419733493469 Supplier Ref: 805419733493469 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01340921 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 46182144541914079224 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 4 2 Date Sold: 31/08/18 15:19 Meter/Type: 54160939697 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 506518923907914 Supplier Ref: 506518923907914 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01025496 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N3,500.00 - 71797672911697947805 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/09/18 11:46 Meter/Type: 54160939697 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 827837489071679 Supplier Ref: 827837489071679 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01086797 Total Value: N4,500.00 Standard: N4,500.00 - 15460287710196653679 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/10/18 15:15 Meter/Type: 54160939697 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 766744475171546 Supplier Ref: 766744475171546 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01172633 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 56990929103166495219 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/10/18 16:42 Meter/Type: 54160939697 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 290386695503063 Supplier Ref: 290386695503063 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01204427 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 10934670928861845678 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/11/18 16:31 Meter/Type: 54160939697 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 802485423021751 Supplier Ref: 802485423021751 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01271755 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N3,500.00 - 30568493592362572498 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/12/18 14:31 Meter/Type: 54160939697 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 118746518821432 Supplier Ref: 118746518821432 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01341177 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N369.95 - 33729464949369969363 Debt: N3,130.05 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 6 3 Date Sold: 10/10/18 11:07 Meter/Type: 54160939663 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182831107382 Supplier Ref: 182831107382 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01147851 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 63857560352412197318 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/11/18 14:21 Meter/Type: 54160939663 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183061421361 Supplier Ref: 183061421361 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01229464 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 25586654203411280752 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/12/18 15:06 Meter/Type: 54160939663 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 618888761116172 Supplier Ref: 618888761116172 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01336728 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 03767383242035672762 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/03/19 13:43 Meter/Type: 54160939663 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 919875623485977 Supplier Ref: 919875623485977 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02026190 Total Value: N4,650.00 Standard: N1,519.95 - 30084630526285556892 Debt: N3,130.05 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 52020-07-07 lisarumpae@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014234In ProgressVending History2020-07-07Dear IT Support Team, Kindly furnish us with VH of 54160734221. Thank you.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-07No0000-00-00 aramidee05@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014233In ProgressVending History2020-07-07Kindly furnish me with the VENDING history for the following meter No. 54160939705 54160939697 54160939663 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-07No0000-00-00 lisarumpae@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014232ClosedVending History2020-07-07REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY 54160939630 Kindly avail me with the VENDING HISTORY for meter No. 54160939630. ThanksHigh1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-07NoHello, Find below, Date Sold: 27/08/18 16:22 Meter/Type: 54160939630 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 947905327104257 Supplier Ref: 947905327104257 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01012396 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 53790559182787302121 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/09/18 09:49 Meter/Type: 54160939630 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000668495297 Supplier Ref: 000668495297 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01072501 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 60084428647783759220 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/10/18 15:56 Meter/Type: 54160939630 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000670842061 Supplier Ref: 000670842061 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01124235 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 19836817073502902970 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/10/18 08:24 Meter/Type: 54160939630 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 145531235824644 Supplier Ref: 145531235824644 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01129866 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 14140567943377156105 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/10/18 13:11 Meter/Type: 54160939630 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000672985508 Supplier Ref: 000672985508 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01175505 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 36450312074286269009 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/10/18 09:52 Meter/Type: 54160939630 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000674837395 Supplier Ref: 000674837395 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01219141 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 33767886630546528609 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/11/18 09:44 Meter/Type: 54160939630 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000676996524 Supplier Ref: 000676996524 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01273267 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 69570611592183055044 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/11/18 15:05 Meter/Type: 54160939630 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 794994207890496 Supplier Ref: 794994207890496 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01313748 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 64979726726252800150 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/12/18 16:03 Meter/Type: 54160939630 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000679764471 Supplier Ref: 000679764471 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01341777 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 57627649590912472353 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/12/18 16:08 Meter/Type: 54160939630 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000681636971 Supplier Ref: 000681636971 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01403373 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 14370585434443239598 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/01/19 12:59 Meter/Type: 54160939630 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154867315286 Supplier Ref: 154867315286 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01681812 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 17191487230635878675 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/02/19 14:15 Meter/Type: 54160939630 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155083772381 Supplier Ref: 155083772381 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01882745 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 06207468935191746513 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 182020-07-07 lisarumpae@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014231ClosedKCT Request2020-07-07: Re: Request for kct - 0101170454124 Dear Zainab, Pls treat the request so we can close this caseMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-07NoHello, Find below, 0101170454124 0185 7601 4374 2489 1277 0110 9435 6048 3242 83842020-07-07 stynlucs@yahoo.com Anas Abubakar
#00014230ClosedVending History2020-07-07REQUEST FOR UNISTAR VH - 61.0101.0011.1260 61/12/12/0686-01Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-07NoHello, Find attached.2020-07-07 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014229ClosedKCT Request2020-07-07: REQUEST FOR K C T METER NO 0101175097670MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-07NoHello, Find below the request, 0101175097670 KCT1: 4643 8856 2508 8396 0232 KCT2: 3384 8601 2140 0983 13472020-07-07 benmercyladi@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014228In ProgressKCT Request2020-07-07REQUEST FOR K C T METER NO 0101175097670MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-07No0000-00-00 benmercyladi@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014227In ProgressRequest2020-07-07: REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILS Find below. 1. 0101170132100. thanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-07No0000-00-00 faizahtafida@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014226In ProgressRequest2020-07-07Hello, Kindly avail to us the installation detail of the MSN: 0101170376525. ThanksMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-07No0000-00-00 anersirleh@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014225In ProgressRequest2020-07-07debt request 0101170315960 0101170210484 -- RegardsMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-07No0000-00-00 phartiemah12@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014224ClosedRequest2020-07-07: REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILS. Find below. 1. 0101170204891. thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-07NoHello, Find below Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170204891 Start Date: 3/30/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $638.60 Outstanding Balance: $638.60 Running Balance: $638.60 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $638.60 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-07 faizahtafida@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014223Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014222In ProgressRequest2020-07-07Request for debt profile of this account 0101170444695Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-07No0000-00-00 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014221In ProgressRequest2020-07-07Good Afternoon Sir, Please find below PPM meter no for total outstanding debt. 54160974017 Best Regards CCRM GOMBEMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-07No0000-00-00 glawal1184@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014220Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014219In ProgressRequest2020-07-07Find below. 1. 0101170204891. thanks.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-07No0000-00-00 faizahtafida@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014218ClosedKCT Request2020-07-07: Request for KCT Hello, Kindly generate KCT for MSN: 0101185059223. Thanks and regardsMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-07NoPlease find below. 0101185059223 5414 3308 5487 2530 9756 2433 7760 3325 3114 22162020-07-07 anersirleh@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014217In ProgressKCT Request2020-07-07Hello, Kindly generate KCT for MSN: 0101185059223. Thanks and regardsMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-07No0000-00-00 anersirleh@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014216ClosedKCT Request2020-07-07REQUEST FOR KCT 54161088700MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-07NoPlease find below. 54161088700 5391 6415 0031 8830 3625 5993 6889 5281 9860 55562020-07-07 longpuan@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014215ClosedKCT Request2020-07-07: Request for kct - 0101170454124 Kindly treat pleaseMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-07NoFind below. 0101170454124 0185 7601 4374 2489 1277 0110 9435 6048 3242 83842020-07-07 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Anas Abubakar
#00014214In ProgressKCT Request2020-07-07REQUEST FOR KCT 54161088700MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-07No0000-00-00 longpuan@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014213ClosedRequest2020-07-07: Completed PPM Clear Tamper Complaint Lodging Forms Dear Sir, Kindly find attached document for further necessary action. Best RegardsMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-07NoHello, Find below as requested, 0101165037546 4456 4452 6441 1804 3622 Clear Tamper Regards.2020-07-07 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Anas Abubakar
#00014212ClosedRequest2020-07-07: Debt balance Please Ict kindly assist me with this meter number 54161123457 original balance running balance and collection value thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-07NoHello, Find below Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 491059 Start Date: 3/20/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $232,262.25 Outstanding Balance: $222,262.25 Running Balance: $222,262.25 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: 4/2/2020 4:05:27 PM2020-07-07 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014211ClosedVending History2020-07-07: 54160734221 Dear support, Pls I need vending history for the above meter no. Thank youMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-07NoHello, Find below Name: OUTSTANDING BALANCE Reference Number: 54160734221 Start Date: 10/5/2016 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $18,887.00 Outstanding Balance: $18,887.00 Running Balance: $18,887.00 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-07 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014210ClosedRequest2020-07-07: Request for debt profile of this account 0101170444696 Good dayMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-07NoHello, No Contract (with an Account) found by the provided search criteria. Please use alternate search criteria.2020-07-07 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014209ClosedTamper Code2020-07-07Dear Anas, This is to make a request for clear tamper token as three of our installed MAP meters entered into tamper.Below are the meter numbers: (1) 0101170457242- Single Phase (2) 0101170460014- Single Phase (3) 0101160449969- Three Phase Regrds!MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-07NoHello, Ayo, Find below as requested, 0101170457242 6308 1095 8089 4602 2296Clear Tamper 0101170460014 4773 6210 4903 6937 5360Clear Tamper 0101160449969......not on itron Regards2020-07-07 ayobami@mojec.com Anas Abubakar
#00014208ClosedRequest2020-07-07: REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE Dear IT Support, Kindly generate the debt profile for the meter number 54150641436 RegardsMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-07NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: Outstanding Balance Reference Number: 522095 Start Date: 3/3/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $66,312.74 Outstanding Balance: $51,312.74 Running Balance: $51,312.74 Note: Outstanding from JCS, Installation fee, Cost unit Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 10/16/2019 10:10:48 AM2020-07-07 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014207ClosedRequest2020-07-07Dear , Your issue with the details below has been assigned to a personnel: Ticket No: #00014114 Status: In Progress Date: 2020-07-06 Description: Hello Kindly assist with msn of these account numbers 1.609796 2.609793 3.609792 4.609798 5.609797 6.612308301401 Thank you..Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-07NoHello, Find below the request, 1 Customer Details Name: LWAHASMANG Surname: SAMUEL Meter Serial Number: 0101170402651 Contract Account Number: 609796 2 Customer Details Name: LWAHASMANG Surname: SAMUEL (7) Meter Serial Number: 0101170449934 Contract Account Number: 609793 3 Customer Details Name: LWAHASMANG Surname: SAMUEL (5) Meter Serial Number: 0101170440172 Contract Account Number: 609792 4 Customer Details Name: LWAHASMANG Surname: SAMUEL (1) Meter Serial Number: 0101170440081 Contract Account Number: 609798 5 Customer Details Name: LWAHASMANG Surname: SAMUEL 10 Meter Serial Number: 0101170444760 Contract Account Number: 609797 6 No MSN attached to the account. Thank you2020-07-07 mwuladi@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014206ClosedVending History2020-07-07REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY(54160922578)Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-07NoHello, Find below, Date Sold: 01/05/19 14:10 Meter/Type: 54160922578 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155671263287 Supplier Ref: 155671263287 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02278097 Total Value: N3,200.00 Standard: N3,200.00 - 34075133505860892097 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/06/19 16:14 Meter/Type: 54160922578 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 916515090000 Supplier Ref: 916515090000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02505157 Total Value: N3,200.00 Standard: N3,200.00 - 43049238202642924076 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/07/19 10:17 Meter/Type: 54160922578 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156326502467 Supplier Ref: 156326502467 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02654817 Total Value: N3,150.00 Standard: N3,150.00 - 06207977998872996081 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/10/19 09:33 Meter/Type: 54160922578 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192770834320 Supplier Ref: 192770834320 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03072329 Total Value: N3,150.00 Standard: N3,150.00 - 25094860850683566420 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/11/19 11:13 Meter/Type: 54160922578 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 172265819278541 Supplier Ref: 172265819278541 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03229865 Total Value: N3,150.00 Standard: N3,150.00 - 29575538074942918236 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/12/19 15:26 Meter/Type: 54160922578 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 827687248057942 Supplier Ref: 827687248057942 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03472255 Total Value: N3,200.00 Standard: N3,200.00 - 41828596669227332167 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/12/19 10:18 Meter/Type: 54160922578 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 766107413744324 Supplier Ref: 766107413744324 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03664030 Total Value: N3,200.00 Standard: N3,200.00 - 48133582032064786177 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/12/19 10:08 Meter/Type: 54160922578 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157777986815 Supplier Ref: 157777986815 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03675500 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 21571169031668486176 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/01/20 10:12 Meter/Type: 54160922578 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200170915303 Supplier Ref: 200170915303 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03812648 Total Value: N3,150.00 Standard: N3,150.00 - 14849957550171244695 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/02/20 09:49 Meter/Type: 54160922578 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 893817366921582 Supplier Ref: 893817366921582 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03959569 Total Value: N3,200.00 Standard: N3,200.00 - 64272396323349818183 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/02/20 17:33 Meter/Type: 54160922578 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 960992384188888 Supplier Ref: 960992384188888 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB04095851 Total Value: N3,200.00 Standard: N3,200.00 - 03736682860382134803 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/03/20 11:33 Meter/Type: 54160922578 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158322798523 Supplier Ref: 158322798523 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04254581 Total Value: N9,200.00 Standard: N3,200.00 - 59814479628609386138 Debt: N6,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/03/20 12:38 Meter/Type: 54160922578 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200771138063 Supplier Ref: 200771138063 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04364697 Total Value: N3,200.00 Standard: N3,200.00 - 66627262262091672463 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 272020-07-07 tyoverpeter@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014205ClosedOutstanding Balance2020-07-07: TOTAL OUTSTANDING BALANCE ON ITRON Please kindly provide me with the tldebt profile for metre number 54161079121. Tor-Anyiin Kelvin katorMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-07NoHello, Find below the request, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 54161079121 Start Date: 5/22/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $17,190.22 Outstanding Balance: $17,190.22 Running Balance: $17,190.22 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-07 toranyiinkator14@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014204ClosedVending History2020-07-07REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY(54160922578Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-07NoHello, Find below Date Sold: 01/05/19 14:10 Meter/Type: 54160922578 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155671263287 Supplier Ref: 155671263287 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02278097 Total Value: N3,200.00 Standard: N3,200.00 - 34075133505860892097 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/06/19 16:14 Meter/Type: 54160922578 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 916515090000 Supplier Ref: 916515090000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02505157 Total Value: N3,200.00 Standard: N3,200.00 - 43049238202642924076 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/07/19 10:17 Meter/Type: 54160922578 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156326502467 Supplier Ref: 156326502467 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02654817 Total Value: N3,150.00 Standard: N3,150.00 - 06207977998872996081 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/10/19 09:33 Meter/Type: 54160922578 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192770834320 Supplier Ref: 192770834320 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03072329 Total Value: N3,150.00 Standard: N3,150.00 - 25094860850683566420 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/11/19 11:13 Meter/Type: 54160922578 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 172265819278541 Supplier Ref: 172265819278541 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03229865 Total Value: N3,150.00 Standard: N3,150.00 - 29575538074942918236 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/12/19 15:26 Meter/Type: 54160922578 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 827687248057942 Supplier Ref: 827687248057942 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03472255 Total Value: N3,200.00 Standard: N3,200.00 - 41828596669227332167 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/12/19 10:18 Meter/Type: 54160922578 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 766107413744324 Supplier Ref: 766107413744324 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03664030 Total Value: N3,200.00 Standard: N3,200.00 - 48133582032064786177 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/12/19 10:08 Meter/Type: 54160922578 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157777986815 Supplier Ref: 157777986815 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03675500 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 21571169031668486176 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/01/20 10:12 Meter/Type: 54160922578 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200170915303 Supplier Ref: 200170915303 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03812648 Total Value: N3,150.00 Standard: N3,150.00 - 14849957550171244695 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/02/20 09:49 Meter/Type: 54160922578 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 893817366921582 Supplier Ref: 893817366921582 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03959569 Total Value: N3,200.00 Standard: N3,200.00 - 64272396323349818183 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/02/20 17:33 Meter/Type: 54160922578 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 960992384188888 Supplier Ref: 960992384188888 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB04095851 Total Value: N3,200.00 Standard: N3,200.00 - 03736682860382134803 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/03/20 11:33 Meter/Type: 54160922578 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158322798523 Supplier Ref: 158322798523 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04254581 Total Value: N9,200.00 Standard: N3,200.00 - 59814479628609386138 Debt: N6,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/03/20 12:38 Meter/Type: 54160922578 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200771138063 Supplier Ref: 200771138063 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04364697 Total Value: N3,200.00 Standard: N3,200.00 - 66627262262091672463 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 272020-07-07 tyoverpeter@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014203OpenRequest0000-00-00: REQUEST FOR DEBT MIGIRATED(54160922578) Dear support kindly supply us with the debt profile of this customer warm regardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-07NoHello, Find below the request, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 54160922578 Start Date: 2/24/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $66,759.04 Outstanding Balance: $60,759.04 Running Balance: $60,759.04 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,000.00 Latest Payment: 3/3/2020 10:33:09 AM2020-07-07 tyoverpeter@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014202ClosedRequest2020-07-07: DEBT DETAILS Assist with debt details. 0101170218412 0101160047268 0101170285031 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-07NoHello, Find below 0101170218412 Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 609400 Start Date: 5/20/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $4,265.76 Outstanding Balance: $4,265.76 Running Balance: $4,265.76 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $4,265.76 Latest Payment: not on record 0101160047268 Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170134460 Start Date: 4/1/2018 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $111,837.70 Outstanding Balance: $55,802.73 Running Balance: $55,802.73 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/1/2020 7:21:11 PM 0101170285031 Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170285031 Start Date: 3/30/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $60,040.57 Outstanding Balance: $52,040.57 Running Balance: $52,040.57 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/16/2020 7:20:13 AM2020-07-07 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014201ClosedKCT Request2020-07-07REQUEST FOR KCT 0101160051070MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-07NoHello, Find below the request, 0101160051070 2798 4820 9134 7879 4726 5539 8059 4409 8730 24132020-07-07 longpuan@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014200ClosedOutstanding Balance2020-07-07: REQUEST FOR OUTSTANDING BALANCE Dear Support, Kindly provide outstanding balance for 0101160348047 Thank youMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-07NoHello, Find below the request, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101160348047 Start Date: 9/1/2017 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $1,071,677.01 Outstanding Balance: $1,051,677.01 Running Balance: $1,051,677.01 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $30,000.00 Latest Payment: 8/19/2017 2:19:18 PM2020-07-07 jenogah@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014199ClosedVending History2020-07-07: VENDING HISTORY Hello, Kindly assist wth the subject matter above of this msn 54161106262 Thank you.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-07NoHello, Find below as requested Date Sold: 14/05/19 11:59 Meter/Type: 54161106262 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 388607533629879 Supplier Ref: 388607533629879 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02339689 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 38603144455551413855 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/07/19 17:58 Meter/Type: 54161106262 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 918616571734 Supplier Ref: 918616571734 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02605259 Total Value: N3,150.00 Standard: N3,150.00 - 15214845012640756671 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/09/19 15:32 Meter/Type: 54161106262 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192561432463 Supplier Ref: 192561432463 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02959400 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 11967806190717681909 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/10/19 19:22 Meter/Type: 54161106262 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157211064855 Supplier Ref: 157211064855 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03194315 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 46433255003987226011 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/12/19 20:43 Meter/Type: 54161106262 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157600357091 Supplier Ref: 157600357091 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03514002 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 41157218147984749772 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/01/20 08:56 Meter/Type: 54161106262 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157786193089 Supplier Ref: 157786193089 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03686915 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 43709784625214404002 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/01/20 18:09 Meter/Type: 54161106262 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157936398196 Supplier Ref: 157936398196 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03824903 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 33668597582350717588 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/02/20 14:41 Meter/Type: 54161106262 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158246170592 Supplier Ref: 158246170592 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04150342 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 63120990543240821177 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/04/20 21:48 Meter/Type: 54161106262 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200962048422 Supplier Ref: 200962048422 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04512252 Total Value: N4,500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 49507778119783913227 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/04/20 10:35 Meter/Type: 54161106262 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201020935236 Supplier Ref: 201020935236 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04553396 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 70470106560761895767 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/04/20 17:17 Meter/Type: 54161106262 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201121717291 Supplier Ref: 201121717291 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04622670 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 16488997385618195577 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/05/20 15:36 Meter/Type: 54161106262 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201251536562 Supplier Ref: 201251536562 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04711335 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 36755421486729289295 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/06/20 08:51 Meter/Type: 54161106262 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201540851561 Supplier Ref: 201540851561 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04902446 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 54548260013982464699 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/07/20 11:52 Meter/Type: 54161106262 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201891152138 Supplier Ref: 201891152138 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05153236 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 13353824217312498347 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 422020-07-07 mwuladi@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014198ClosedRequest2020-07-07Debt Profile Hello, kindly assist with debt profile of the msn listed below 0101170295584 0101160058760 0101170302224 0101190002762 0101161055807 0101190017604 0101170298273 0101170242933 0101170314427 0101170314401 0101170403162Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-07NoHello, Find below as requested 0101170295584 Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 568863 Start Date: 3/10/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $164,510.97 Outstanding Balance: $64,121.72 Running Balance: $64,121.72 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/3/2020 1:00:50 PM 0101160058760 Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101160058760 Start Date: 3/5/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $362,487.64 Outstanding Balance: $355,487.64 Running Balance: $355,487.64 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/15/2020 11:48:46 AM 0101170302224 Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170302224 Start Date: 2/3/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $35,450.88 Outstanding Balance: $29,450.88 Running Balance: $29,450.88 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 4/17/2020 2:27:51 PM 0101190002762 Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 617143 Start Date: 6/26/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $16,796.34 Outstanding Balance: $12,796.34 Running Balance: $12,796.34 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/4/2020 9:17:49 PM 0101161055807 Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 6582101091-01 Start Date: 6/7/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $256,093.45 Outstanding Balance: $223,093.45 Running Balance: $223,093.45 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,000.00 Latest Payment: 4/8/2020 12:54:02 PM 0101190017604 Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 679178 Start Date: 6/26/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $6,539.63 Outstanding Balance: $2,539.63 Running Balance: $2,539.63 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/6/2020 12:18:52 PM 0101170298273 Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170298273 Start Date: 10/6/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $168,812.89 Outstanding Balance: $142,812.89 Running Balance: $142,812.89 Note: Outstanding migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,500.00 Latest Payment: 7/6/2020 3:26:35 PM 0101170242933 Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 550932 Start Date: 6/6/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $68,024.81 Outstanding Balance: $40,024.81 Running Balance: $40,024.81 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/4/2020 8:42:53 PM 0101170314427 Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170314427 Start Date: 4/13/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $40,085.79 Outstanding Balance: $32,085.79 Running Balance: $32,085.79 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/4/2020 1:26:23 PM 0101170314401 Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170314401 Start Date: 4/13/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $189,161.57 Outstanding Balance: $181,161.57 Running Balance: $181,161.57 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/6/2020 11:48:02 AM 0101170403162 Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 6573350317-01 Start Date: 2/14/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $200,860.27 Outstanding Balance: $198,860.27 Running Balance: $198,860.27 Note: Outstanding migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Per Vend Amount Collection Value: $7,000.00 Latest Payment: 4/1/2020 1:06:45 PM2020-07-07 phartiemah12@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014197ClosedVending History2020-07-07: REQUEST FOR VH - 0101160009524 Please treat.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-07NoHello, Find below the request, Date Sold: 30/08/19 13:15 Meter/Type: 0101160009524 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192421215597 Supplier Ref: 192421215597 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02881997 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 03270429620263198588 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/10/19 17:24 Meter/Type: 0101160009524 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192841625436 Supplier Ref: 192841625436 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03113649 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 67779257248840551567 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/11/19 10:29 Meter/Type: 0101160009524 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193270931247 Supplier Ref: 193270931247 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03362936 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 22160035467434617551 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/12/19 09:52 Meter/Type: 0101160009524 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157726051866 Supplier Ref: 157726051866 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03629273 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 40826938889371990318 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/01/20 17:55 Meter/Type: 0101160009524 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157789418654 Supplier Ref: 157789418654 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03689019 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 47274848049572327501 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/01/20 14:20 Meter/Type: 0101160009524 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158047322417 Supplier Ref: 158047322417 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03936540 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N564.07 - 53660731629129679561 Debt: N1,435.93 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/03/20 14:57 Meter/Type: 0101160009524 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200841357081 Supplier Ref: 200841357081 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04412881 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 50967777809076175687 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/04/20 11:28 Meter/Type: 0101160009524 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201041028176 Supplier Ref: 201041028176 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04561420 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 16796875373186169405 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/04/20 13:23 Meter/Type: 0101160009524 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201151323270 Supplier Ref: 201151323270 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04642129 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 16354270167211445664 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/06/20 09:16 Meter/Type: 0101160009524 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201560916081 Supplier Ref: 201560916081 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04913934 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 44444991835063514734 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/07/20 16:45 Meter/Type: 0101160009524 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201831645555 Supplier Ref: 201831645555 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05112214 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 17741202401736279441 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 222020-07-07 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00014196ClosedKCT Request2020-07-07Request of KCT for this meter no 0101160053498 Good morning, reminder on the above subject.MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-07NoHello, Find below the request, 0101160053498 3645 7845 6677 8913 2139 0470 1964 6024 6255 20972020-07-07 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014195ClosedKCT Request2020-07-07: Request for kct in respect of this account 54161144701 Good morningMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-07NoHello, Find below the request, 54161144701 6189 7491 8749 8483 4699 2032 2424 4903 8519 9618 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-07 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014194ClosedRequest2020-07-07Morning. Please kindly assist me with the debt profile of the following. Customer Name; Yakubu Bashir Meter No: 54161064081 Thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-07NoHello, Find below the request, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 6721650484-01 Start Date: 2/9/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $10,486.50 Outstanding Balance: $10,486.50 Running Balance: $10,486.50 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-07 mudassirbabadiya@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014193ClosedVending History2020-07-07REQUEST FOR UPDATED VENDING HISTORY please kindly Assist with below. 1. 0101185058894. thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-07NoHello, Find below please Date Sold: 06/06/19 14:53 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190606204397 Supplier Ref: 190606204397 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02461645 Total Value: N23,000.00 Standard: N5,091.20 - 45844589667803933835 Debt: N17,908.80 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/06/19 23:38 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190608922208 Supplier Ref: 190608922208 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02476726 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 64407815175418640758 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/06/19 17:04 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190610831146 Supplier Ref: 190610831146 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02484252 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 36893426570000620923 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/06/19 21:05 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190612223146 Supplier Ref: 190612223146 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02495638 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 50438630379392918560 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/06/19 21:05 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190615151409 Supplier Ref: 190615151409 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02511635 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 16127677462052455340 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/06/19 20:19 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156079553658 Supplier Ref: 156079553658 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02519527 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 01046126189375937672 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/06/19 16:39 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156095513432 Supplier Ref: 156095513432 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02528555 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 31199143717772430474 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/06/19 23:25 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156115232909 Supplier Ref: 156115232909 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02540231 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 45145484605452609431 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/06/19 21:05 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156140311119 Supplier Ref: 156140311119 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02552789 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 61928748276984816330 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/06/19 21:23 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156157698363 Supplier Ref: 156157698363 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02562770 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 28376999886914930660 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/07/19 21:02 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156200773578 Supplier Ref: 156200773578 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02586312 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N522.80 - 41818182091306295246 Debt: N4,477.20 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/07/19 21:05 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156200792821 Supplier Ref: 156200792821 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02586333 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 20259414936216123217 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/07/19 20:53 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156235280702 Supplier Ref: 156235280702 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02606136 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 44745151315329034001 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/07/19 01:20 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190707573338 Supplier Ref: 190707573338 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02611494 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 58378097474512934905 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/07/19 00:02 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190708547269 Supplier Ref: 190708547269 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02620436 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 69405657482104758149 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/07/19 22:56 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156305138608 Supplier Ref: 156305138608 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02645686 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 26244678581627574748 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/07/19 19:41 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156321245524 Supplier Ref: 156321245524 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02652975 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 08465583182471495315 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/07/19 21:16 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156347736845 Supplier Ref: 156347736845 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02668288 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 60389044284443224515 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/07/19 21:03 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156364936533 Supplier Ref: 156364936533 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02678715 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 37130067192672653465 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/07/19 21:02 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190723638195 Supplier Ref: 190723638195 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02690233 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 32260468332284998927 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/07/19 17:54 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156424283323 Supplier Ref: 156424283323 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02711485 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 37869631564707974160 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/08/19 16:06 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156466838428 Supplier Ref: 156466838428 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02738049 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N522.80 - 27569397507298578773 Debt: N4,477.20 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/08/19 16:08 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156466853193 Supplier Ref: 156466853193 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02738068 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 53846809121207922987 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/08/19 21:05 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156494552452 Supplier Ref: 156494552452 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02754545 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 29893855984906964732 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/08/19 19:39 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156537234300 Supplier Ref: 156537234300 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02781511 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 11258766993643596869 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/08/19 13:49 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190814576359 Supplier Ref: 190814576359 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02803020 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 08427533389535469665 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/08/19 14:00 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156578405156 Supplier Ref: 156578405156 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02803100 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 66858688680747472741 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/08/19 20:30 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156606663899 Supplier Ref: 156606663899 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02821792 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 26576181362598285881 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/08/19 19:13 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190820781485 Supplier Ref: 190820781485 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02835408 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 31661023885553545129 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/08/19 20:10 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156649741177 Supplier Ref: 156649741177 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02844921 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 37129512079992647066 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/08/19 20:15 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156667053532 Supplier Ref: 156667053532 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02855150 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 20147205083420026301 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/08/19 21:12 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156693314634 Supplier Ref: 156693314634 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02867750 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 60122000267920264800 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/09/19 23:04 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156737189583 Supplier Ref: 156737189583 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02893560 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N5,522.80 - 46330579617208116838 Debt: N4,477.20 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/09/19 21:33 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156753920538 Supplier Ref: 156753920538 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02905565 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 02797583984912654318 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/09/19 23:00 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156780366195 Supplier Ref: 156780366195 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02924279 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 38337291770562742280 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/09/19 21:54 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156823170253 Supplier Ref: 156823170253 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02950329 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 29672881836337606488 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/09/19 21:10 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156866104766 Supplier Ref: 156866104766 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02975279 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 21032754660393187678 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/09/19 21:06 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156900643906 Supplier Ref: 156900643906 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02998302 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 39322061174308026966 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/09/19 17:05 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156933757362 Supplier Ref: 156933757362 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03017519 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 34015631520738012288 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/09/19 09:32 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156965601098 Supplier Ref: 156965601098 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03036968 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 54372065321645690252 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/09/19 23:02 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190930921161 Supplier Ref: 190930921161 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB03054112 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 71352588983457112673 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/10/19 22:39 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157039444152 Supplier Ref: 157039444152 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03085637 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N5,522.80 - 27319449653227536882 Debt: N4,477.20 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/10/19 15:22 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157062738739 Supplier Ref: 157062738739 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03101066 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 31107821050170601509 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/10/19 19:44 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157116153493 Supplier Ref: 157116153493 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03134622 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 04085096762659479081 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/10/19 15:54 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157157973693 Supplier Ref: 157157973693 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03158364 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 52631120968206535107 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/10/19 19:23 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157176507161 Supplier Ref: 157176507161 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03171529 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 72223232086182776070 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/10/19 20:34 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157202855205 Supplier Ref: 157202855205 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03189382 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 16121005479451095696 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/10/19 22:47 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193032149137 Supplier Ref: 193032149137 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03220142 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 26592266846221338193 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/11/19 20:59 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157272126893 Supplier Ref: 157272126893 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03241486 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N5,522.80 - 35472196519240889382 Debt: N4,477.20 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/11/19 20:27 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157280575213 Supplier Ref: 157280575213 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03244514 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 34986884240482245820 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/11/19 20:32 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157306524115 Supplier Ref: 157306524115 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03267130 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 03720749057304601173 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/11/19 17:01 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157322539672 Supplier Ref: 157322539672 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03278457 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 32860905991836071733 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/11/19 23:15 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157367984266 Supplier Ref: 157367984266 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03306995 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 61760892527318032072 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/11/19 22:10 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157376234513 Supplier Ref: 157376234513 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03312960 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 04906017328552423853 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/11/19 23:39 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157402685134 Supplier Ref: 157402685134 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03327549 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 73669304452212524658 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/11/19 19:17 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157461598989 Supplier Ref: 157461598989 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03372167 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 52761552855497544677 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/11/19 22:16 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193312118502 Supplier Ref: 193312118502 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03402443 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 62905090219432014720 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/11/19 20:25 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157513842928 Supplier Ref: 157513842928 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03429459 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 14693853940160384031 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/12/19 21:49 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157540269613 Supplier Ref: 157540269613 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03458414 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N5,522.80 - 27626902481378624162 Debt: N4,477.20 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/12/19 20:10 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157565598684 Supplier Ref: 157565598684 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03483626 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 69164714502072263608 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/12/19 21:03 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157635033729 Supplier Ref: 157635033729 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03534471 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 18332677045971503678 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/12/19 13:37 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157692837449 Supplier Ref: 157692837449 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03590353 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 49748998143483732347 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/12/19 18:10 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157737676116 Supplier Ref: 157737676116 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03637768 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 25490487393605881750 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/01/20 16:50 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200041553233 Supplier Ref: 200041553233 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03709993 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N5,522.80 - 54868694525783947301 Debt: N4,477.20 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/01/20 19:49 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200081852538 Supplier Ref: 200081852538 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03743202 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 31311507662790549844 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/01/20 20:53 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200131957073 Supplier Ref: 200131957073 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03785280 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 14271517895989942715 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/01/20 18:24 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200191727264 Supplier Ref: 200191727264 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03829413 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 48756174484759261443 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/01/20 21:50 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200252054266 Supplier Ref: 200252054266 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03886846 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 62729572294252284509 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/02/20 14:54 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200331354541 Supplier Ref: 200331354541 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03955793 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N522.80 - 47308441043931105914 Debt: N4,477.20 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/02/20 16:48 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200331548547 Supplier Ref: 200331548547 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03956296 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 54056868792030065502 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/02/20 15:37 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200381437146 Supplier Ref: 200381437146 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04005924 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 56342062060219732160 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/02/20 23:08 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200412208353 Supplier Ref: 200412208353 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04035541 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 28387926806068933895 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/02/20 20:06 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200461906284 Supplier Ref: 200461906284 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04081482 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 25696950044924725211 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/02/20 21:38 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200502038124 Supplier Ref: 200502038124 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04118497 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 47093166402294091185 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/02/20 22:31 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200542131520 Supplier Ref: 200542131520 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04152823 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 34295522056063879447 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/02/20 21:52 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200572052216 Supplier Ref: 200572052216 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04187933 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 34922366560799023124 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/03/20 07:50 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200610650478 Supplier Ref: 200610650478 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04227482 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N522.80 - 37964409617366502462 Debt: N4,477.20 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/03/20 07:57 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200610657388 Supplier Ref: 200610657388 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04227500 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 47528406812099278989 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/03/20 23:10 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200612210383 Supplier Ref: 200612210383 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04233154 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 00788150056234052918 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/03/20 21:07 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200712007338 Supplier Ref: 200712007338 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04335142 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 48138688550544286440 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/03/20 22:26 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200742126512 Supplier Ref: 200742126512 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04353017 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 58939563518350198228 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/03/20 23:15 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200742215016 Supplier Ref: 200742215016 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04353151 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 21460763070574780514 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/03/20 17:17 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200761617153 Supplier Ref: 200761617153 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04359893 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 33327781186699517834 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/03/20 18:16 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200761716276 Supplier Ref: 200761716276 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04360545 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 56152125979217287531 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/03/20 22:03 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200772103286 Supplier Ref: 200772103286 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04368636 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N4,900.00 - 61091904185871835873 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/03/20 16:10 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200791510137 Supplier Ref: 200791510137 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04379392 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N4,900.00 - 10587480548424517102 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/03/20 20:22 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200801922171 Supplier Ref: 200801922171 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04388601 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 35880828465237995880 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/03/20 20:32 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200801932395 Supplier Ref: 200801932395 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04388697 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 52379445913986577589 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/03/20 21:12 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200822012174 Supplier Ref: 200822012174 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04399372 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N4,900.00 - 64730864100370803600 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/03/20 21:57 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200862056547 Supplier Ref: 200862056547 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04433554 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N4,900.00 - 02528890011701281029 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/03/20 22:26 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200892126302 Supplier Ref: 200892126302 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04455311 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N4,900.00 - 08993864126561055989 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/04/20 19:14 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200951814488 Supplier Ref: 200951814488 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04507590 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N422.80 - 71020897001629431504 Debt: N4,477.20 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/04/20 20:16 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200961916206 Supplier Ref: 200961916206 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04511701 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N4,900.00 - 67619875811609812215 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/04/20 22:30 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200992130056 Supplier Ref: 200992130056 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04536897 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 12192414522737942959 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/04/20 20:38 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201031938292 Supplier Ref: 201031938292 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04559669 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 54146043722683899115 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/04/20 16:43 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201071543534 Supplier Ref: 201071543534 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04583138 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 00217550299584981489 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/04/20 20:02 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201082002200 Supplier Ref: 201082002200 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04593882 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 24543487763599120333 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/04/20 23:05 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201102306083 Supplier Ref: 201102306083 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04611429 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N4,900.00 - 72935034815589909840 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/04/20 22:06 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201132206437 Supplier Ref: 201132206437 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04630445 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N4,900.00 - 68667571168311818639 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/04/20 19:17 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201211917471 Supplier Ref: 201211917471 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04689647 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N4,900.00 - 33098649397926685969 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/05/20 18:28 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201421828137 Supplier Ref: 201421828137 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04819329 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N522.80 - 72781758100365609212 Debt: N4,477.20 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/05/20 15:45 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201461545148 Supplier Ref: 201461545148 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04847348 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 00780034827191123720 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/06/20 19:53 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201571953345 Supplier Ref: 201571953345 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04928396 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N522.80 - 17804122230642743652 Debt: N4,477.20 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/06/20 20:54 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201572054390 Supplier Ref: 201572054390 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04928919 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 47308246564054922298 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/06/20 19:36 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201731936347 Supplier Ref: 201731936347 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05030253 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 69850336840987401290 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/07/20 20:16 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201842016248 Supplier Ref: 201842016248 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05122479 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N522.80 - 21285683903577104979 Debt: N4,477.20 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/07/20 21:07 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201842107087 Supplier Ref: 201842107087 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05122848 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 62029150089486685985 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/07/20 11:34 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201881135034 Supplier Ref: 201881135034 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05145020 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 12798058840104208678 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 1822020-07-07 faizahtafida@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014192ClosedOutstanding Balance2020-07-07REQUEST FOR OUTSTANDING BALANCE METER NO: 0101160348047Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-07NoHello, Find below the request, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101160348047 Start Date: 9/1/2017 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $1,071,677.01 Outstanding Balance: $1,051,677.01 Running Balance: $1,051,677.01 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $30,000.00 Latest Payment: 8/19/2017 2:19:18 PM2020-07-07 benmercyladi@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014191ClosedRequest2020-07-07: REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE Dear IT Support, Kindly generate the debt profile for the meter number 0101170374066 RegardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-07NoHello, Find below the request, Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 528049 Start Date: 10/20/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $68,401.18 Outstanding Balance: $56,401.18 Running Balance: $56,401.18 Note: Outstanding Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Per Vend Amount Collection Value: $4,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/5/2020 11:32:27 AM2020-07-07 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014190ClosedVending History2020-07-07REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY 0101170429837Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-07NoHello, Find below the request, Date Sold: 24/12/18 10:16 Meter/Type: 0101170429837 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 467590156005683 Supplier Ref: 467590156005683 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01446022 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 20136257388336484984 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/12/18 11:46 Meter/Type: 0101170429837 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183621047138 Supplier Ref: 183621047138 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01476992 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 53591542453607986334 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/01/19 11:57 Meter/Type: 0101170429837 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190161057563 Supplier Ref: 190161057563 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01593107 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 30432317385026338932 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/01/19 12:32 Meter/Type: 0101170429837 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 902811290000 Supplier Ref: 902811290000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01681343 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 59343281339281217361 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/02/19 16:04 Meter/Type: 0101170429837 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190371504442 Supplier Ref: 190371504442 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01766588 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 34733346097036801913 Debt: N1,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/02/19 10:39 Meter/Type: 0101170429837 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190460940172 Supplier Ref: 190460940172 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01830379 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 16158249907984373060 Debt: N1,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/03/19 09:35 Meter/Type: 0101170429837 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155177130187 Supplier Ref: 155177130187 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01960372 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 23660027228125328100 Debt: N1,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/03/19 10:48 Meter/Type: 0101170429837 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 470598610552660 Supplier Ref: 470598610552660 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01995010 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 01317168790442364426 Debt: N1,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/04/19 15:13 Meter/Type: 0101170429837 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 67020521359018 Supplier Ref: 67020521359018 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02127113 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 40390719246831376502 Debt: N1,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/04/19 15:36 Meter/Type: 0101170429837 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191021436283 Supplier Ref: 191021436283 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02172813 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 32931139024701635599 Debt: N1,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/04/19 12:57 Meter/Type: 0101170429837 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155610343876 Supplier Ref: 155610343876 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02233555 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N1,999.00 - 29359174742251379116 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/04/19 15:52 Meter/Type: 0101170429837 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191161452533 Supplier Ref: 191161452533 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02247772 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N1,999.00 - 22128135752670797847 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/05/19 12:06 Meter/Type: 0101170429837 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 393107062046355 Supplier Ref: 393107062046355 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02345205 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 51337305184340589797 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/06/19 17:51 Meter/Type: 0101170429837 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155992265078 Supplier Ref: 155992265078 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02469691 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N1,999.00 - 36757666117162410150 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/06/19 15:11 Meter/Type: 0101170429837 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 829812560547542 Supplier Ref: 829812560547542 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02550189 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 56080283383630671556 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/08/19 13:12 Meter/Type: 0101170429837 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190819461176 Supplier Ref: 190819461176 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02827071 Total Value: N100.00 Standard: N99.00 - 36839450107511988626 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/08/19 13:15 Meter/Type: 0101170429837 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192311215417 Supplier Ref: 192311215417 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02827093 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,899.00 - 53121698331002142633 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/09/19 15:15 Meter/Type: 0101170429837 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192541415472 Supplier Ref: 192541415472 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02947821 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N3,999.00 - 14508097394336966263 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/10/19 17:38 Meter/Type: 0101170429837 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 88381654611291 Supplier Ref: 88381654611291 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03164690 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 53486742934451397885 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/11/19 12:06 Meter/Type: 0101170429837 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 931111070000 Supplier Ref: 931111070000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03269755 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 53219977799371051336 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/11/19 12:25 Meter/Type: 0101170429837 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193321127233 Supplier Ref: 193321127233 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03405342 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 01795387573724181154 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/12/19 15:21 Meter/Type: 0101170429837 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157779866259 Supplier Ref: 157779866259 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03681257 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 01586439742618631845 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/01/20 11:28 Meter/Type: 0101170429837 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157908069608 Supplier Ref: 157908069608 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03798084 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 45863878692276254362 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/01/20 14:00 Meter/Type: 0101170429837 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200201303543 Supplier Ref: 200201303543 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03835279 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 00062782954163518810 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/02/20 10:35 Meter/Type: 0101170429837 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200510935147 Supplier Ref: 200510935147 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04120756 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 02364906182937833230 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/02/20 12:14 Meter/Type: 0101170429837 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200561112560 Supplier Ref: 200561112560 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04168999 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 60005864825209100687 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/03/20 10:37 Meter/Type: 0101170429837 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200740937064 Supplier Ref: 200740937064 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04349066 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 72386476427290981962 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/03/20 11:41 Meter/Type: 0101170429837 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200881041337 Supplier Ref: 200881041337 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04445297 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 34059717904099166437 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/04/20 19:18 Meter/Type: 0101170429837 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200951818492 Supplier Ref: 200951818492 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04507612 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 23928405490780906268 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/04/20 10:15 Meter/Type: 0101170429837 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201081015258 Supplier Ref: 201081015258 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04588006 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 68745986713051835900 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/05/20 15:08 Meter/Type: 0101170429837 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201221508198 Supplier Ref: 201221508198 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04694456 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 67336868923729882522 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/05/20 15:39 Meter/Type: 0101170429837 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201421539286 Supplier Ref: 201421539286 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04818097 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 41240946414254977901 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/05/20 09:36 Meter/Type: 0101170429837 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201510936173 Supplier Ref: 201510936173 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04881372 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 20543589973665644664 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/06/20 16:25 Meter/Type: 0101170429837 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201631625338 Supplier Ref: 201631625338 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04962478 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,200.11 - 32708373628888091778 Debt: N1,799.89 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/07/20 08:21 Meter/Type: 0101170429837 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201840821191 Supplier Ref: 201840821191 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05115605 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 54148415691910762816 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/07/20 12:08 Meter/Type: 0101170429837 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201861208590 Supplier Ref: 201861208590 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05133876 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 62662108503192252486 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/07/20 09:05 Meter/Type: 0101170429837 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201890905418 Supplier Ref: 201890905418 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05151629 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 46135208737777776600 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 632020-06-30 longpuan@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014189ClosedVending History2020-07-07: REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY - 0101161001124 Good morning, ICT Team, kindly assist with the above request please.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-07NoHello, Find below, Date Sold: 09/04/18 10:57 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 809909571143 Supplier Ref: 809909571143 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00706243 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 16146178026239150654 Date Sold: 24/05/18 08:31 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 814407311003 Supplier Ref: 814407311003 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00787666 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 50319535981266797025 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/06/18 08:30 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000653367154 Supplier Ref: 000653367154 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00809763 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 08834740943473008107 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/07/18 08:24 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 818607241002 Supplier Ref: 818607241002 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00878486 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 71123291277379300808 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/08/18 13:14 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000662179741 Supplier Ref: 000662179741 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00951632 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 67178280803334132968 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/09/18 13:49 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182531249338 Supplier Ref: 182531249338 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01053058 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 13855808228832152373 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/10/18 12:49 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182841249065 Supplier Ref: 182841249065 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01151569 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 37132989388051324170 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/12/18 11:13 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183481013423 Supplier Ref: 183481013423 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01387242 Total Value: N4,000.01 Standard: N0.01 - 42191819770117807098 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/01/19 12:23 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190041123456 Supplier Ref: 190041123456 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01516963 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 35685669699706423522 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/02/19 13:07 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190391207542 Supplier Ref: 190391207542 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01780500 Total Value: N2,001.00 Standard: N1.00 - 43239830864910612442 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/02/19 08:37 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 179102281174045 Supplier Ref: 179102281174045 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01861884 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 43594968872473693462 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/03/19 14:01 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190711301298 Supplier Ref: 190711301298 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02004241 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 61260773352482980101 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/04/19 11:38 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191061038468 Supplier Ref: 191061038468 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02190448 Total Value: N4,005.00 Standard: N5.00 - 40644152318220954566 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/05/19 13:15 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191441215362 Supplier Ref: 191441215362 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02389894 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 21946443291730053106 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/07/19 09:56 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191870856251 Supplier Ref: 191870856251 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02607210 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 44435495017548657862 Debt: N8,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/08/19 10:48 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192270948165 Supplier Ref: 192270948165 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02806972 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 11600725862323539844 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/09/19 09:53 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192600854170 Supplier Ref: 192600854170 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02976375 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 39638883387791752577 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/10/19 11:00 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157104366518 Supplier Ref: 157104366518 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03123636 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 34434727172635836970 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/11/19 13:53 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193221255445 Supplier Ref: 193221255445 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03330455 Total Value: N4,020.00 Standard: N20.00 - 53295900747511266254 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/12/19 12:36 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193501139022 Supplier Ref: 193501139022 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03541950 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 27248067901744600561 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/01/20 11:29 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200061033015 Supplier Ref: 200061033015 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03715629 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 18517425472194398291 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/02/20 14:13 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200411313472 Supplier Ref: 200411313472 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04028698 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 65361227993050943654 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/03/20 14:03 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200761303052 Supplier Ref: 200761303052 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04358434 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 16883011033019340052 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/04/20 12:41 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201071141426 Supplier Ref: 201071141426 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04580176 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 05302544575553405660 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/05/20 11:16 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201291116452 Supplier Ref: 201291116452 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04732908 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 22929185838080331410 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/05/20 08:54 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201500855004 Supplier Ref: 201500855004 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04871799 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 69962245970462312285 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/06/20 09:43 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201560943178 Supplier Ref: 201560943178 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04914238 Total Value: N4,001.00 Standard: N1.00 - 09925919447844678965 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/07/20 09:28 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201890928303 Supplier Ref: 201890928303 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05151845 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 35927966483471281008 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 322020-07-07 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014188ClosedVending History2020-07-07REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY - 0101161001124 Good morning, ICT Team, kindly assist with the above request please.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-07NoHello, Find below please Date Sold: 09/04/18 10:57 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 809909571143 Supplier Ref: 809909571143 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00706243 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 16146178026239150654 Date Sold: 24/05/18 08:31 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 814407311003 Supplier Ref: 814407311003 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00787666 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 50319535981266797025 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/06/18 08:30 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000653367154 Supplier Ref: 000653367154 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00809763 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 08834740943473008107 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/07/18 08:24 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 818607241002 Supplier Ref: 818607241002 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00878486 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 71123291277379300808 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/08/18 13:14 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000662179741 Supplier Ref: 000662179741 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00951632 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 67178280803334132968 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/09/18 13:49 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182531249338 Supplier Ref: 182531249338 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01053058 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 13855808228832152373 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/10/18 12:49 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182841249065 Supplier Ref: 182841249065 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01151569 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 37132989388051324170 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/12/18 11:13 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183481013423 Supplier Ref: 183481013423 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01387242 Total Value: N4,000.01 Standard: N0.01 - 42191819770117807098 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/01/19 12:23 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190041123456 Supplier Ref: 190041123456 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01516963 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 35685669699706423522 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/02/19 13:07 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190391207542 Supplier Ref: 190391207542 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01780500 Total Value: N2,001.00 Standard: N1.00 - 43239830864910612442 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/02/19 08:37 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 179102281174045 Supplier Ref: 179102281174045 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01861884 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 43594968872473693462 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/03/19 14:01 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190711301298 Supplier Ref: 190711301298 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02004241 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 61260773352482980101 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/04/19 11:38 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191061038468 Supplier Ref: 191061038468 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02190448 Total Value: N4,005.00 Standard: N5.00 - 40644152318220954566 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/05/19 13:15 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191441215362 Supplier Ref: 191441215362 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02389894 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 21946443291730053106 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/07/19 09:56 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191870856251 Supplier Ref: 191870856251 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02607210 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 44435495017548657862 Debt: N8,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/08/19 10:48 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192270948165 Supplier Ref: 192270948165 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02806972 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 11600725862323539844 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/09/19 09:53 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192600854170 Supplier Ref: 192600854170 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02976375 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 39638883387791752577 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/10/19 11:00 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157104366518 Supplier Ref: 157104366518 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03123636 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 34434727172635836970 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/11/19 13:53 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193221255445 Supplier Ref: 193221255445 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03330455 Total Value: N4,020.00 Standard: N20.00 - 53295900747511266254 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/12/19 12:36 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193501139022 Supplier Ref: 193501139022 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03541950 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 27248067901744600561 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/01/20 11:29 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200061033015 Supplier Ref: 200061033015 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03715629 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 18517425472194398291 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/02/20 14:13 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200411313472 Supplier Ref: 200411313472 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04028698 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 65361227993050943654 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/03/20 14:03 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200761303052 Supplier Ref: 200761303052 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04358434 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 16883011033019340052 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/04/20 12:41 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201071141426 Supplier Ref: 201071141426 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04580176 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 05302544575553405660 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/05/20 11:16 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201291116452 Supplier Ref: 201291116452 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04732908 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 22929185838080331410 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/05/20 08:54 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201500855004 Supplier Ref: 201500855004 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04871799 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 69962245970462312285 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/06/20 09:43 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201560943178 Supplier Ref: 201560943178 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04914238 Total Value: N4,001.00 Standard: N1.00 - 09925919447844678965 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/07/20 09:28 Meter/Type: 0101161001124 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201890928303 Supplier Ref: 201890928303 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05151845 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 35927966483471281008 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 322020-07-07 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014187ClosedVending History2020-07-07: Request for vending history Hello, Kindly provide us with the vending history of MSN: 0101170183269. Thanks .Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-07NoHello, Find below please Date Sold: 30/08/18 15:34 Meter/Type: 0101170183269 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 824214341155 Supplier Ref: 824214341155 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01022001 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 65973626956137048141 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/10/18 16:33 Meter/Type: 0101170183269 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 692452343791360 Supplier Ref: 692452343791360 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01136395 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 60876668281120375303 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/10/18 23:21 Meter/Type: 0101170183269 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 830323212809 Supplier Ref: 830323212809 Receipt: PagT13EMDB01218259 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 72926284268977876475 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/11/18 22:52 Meter/Type: 0101170183269 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 832322521019 Supplier Ref: 832322521019 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01288472 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 51950552096878970293 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/11/18 09:43 Meter/Type: 0101170183269 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 833409435563 Supplier Ref: 833409435563 Receipt: PagT13EMDB01324679 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 51339055299656293109 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/01/19 01:03 Meter/Type: 0101170183269 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 900600049881 Supplier Ref: 900600049881 Receipt: PagT13EMDB01525597 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 36019405476530822350 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/02/19 17:58 Meter/Type: 0101170183269 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154929591997 Supplier Ref: 154929591997 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01750386 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,121.96 - 42721309062554507171 Debt: N1,878.04 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/02/19 08:55 Meter/Type: 0101170183269 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 905507569785 Supplier Ref: 905507569785 Receipt: PagT13EMDB01891377 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 08173682008367555343 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/03/19 21:32 Meter/Type: 0101170183269 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 907920329668 Supplier Ref: 907920329668 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02046299 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 52912160934096921062 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/04/19 09:08 Meter/Type: 0101170183269 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 911808088491 Supplier Ref: 911808088491 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02256000 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 31755248289021534500 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/05/19 06:58 Meter/Type: 0101170183269 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 914805576633 Supplier Ref: 914805576633 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02407498 Total Value: N3,400.00 Standard: N3,400.00 - 26828799839771883872 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/06/19 11:29 Meter/Type: 0101170183269 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 918010294977 Supplier Ref: 918010294977 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02575020 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N3,500.00 - 54987704950836281856 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/07/19 22:17 Meter/Type: 0101170183269 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 921021163558 Supplier Ref: 921021163558 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02721028 Total Value: N3,900.00 Standard: N3,900.00 - 57362191986639626708 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/10/19 08:29 Meter/Type: 0101170183269 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 929107301856 Supplier Ref: 929107301856 Receipt: PagT13EMDB03146835 Total Value: N2,400.00 Standard: N2,400.00 - 38552631015977853595 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/11/19 18:49 Meter/Type: 0101170183269 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 933017490000 Supplier Ref: 933017490000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03391385 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 60616895093876122292 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/12/19 23:21 Meter/Type: 0101170183269 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 936022239365 Supplier Ref: 936022239365 Receipt: PagT13EMDB03639386 Total Value: N4,400.00 Standard: N4,400.00 - 35628714373005181612 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/01/20 19:02 Meter/Type: 0101170183269 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 003118028528 Supplier Ref: 003118028528 Receipt: PagT13EMDB03940793 Total Value: N3,400.00 Standard: N3,400.00 - 20916946453446521480 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/03/20 16:58 Meter/Type: 0101170183269 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158350669628 Supplier Ref: 158350669628 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04300183 Total Value: N3,400.00 Standard: N3,400.00 - 22448688314232519898 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/03/20 23:50 Meter/Type: 0101170183269 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 008922492947 Supplier Ref: 008922492947 Receipt: PagT13EMDB04455538 Total Value: N3,900.00 Standard: N3,900.00 - 28122618878213999759 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/05/20 13:06 Meter/Type: 0101170183269 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201371306268 Supplier Ref: 201371306268 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04788373 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 31541298547072896419 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/06/20 00:41 Meter/Type: 0101170183269 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201720041311 Supplier Ref: 201720041311 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05019892 Total Value: N800.00 Standard: N800.00 - 31490572830988981725 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/06/20 21:38 Meter/Type: 0101170183269 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201772139025 Supplier Ref: 201772139025 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05063004 Total Value: N3,900.00 Standard: N3,900.00 - 35929506594282502642 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/06/20 12:29 Meter/Type: 0101170183269 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201811230034 Supplier Ref: 201811230034 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05087919 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 28199644136115300990 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 362020-07-07 anersirleh@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014186ClosedKCT Request2020-07-07: Request for KCT Please release the KCT of the meter below. 0101165037546 Regards...MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-07NoHello, Find below, 0101165037546 0812 0987 1245 5118 8950 2662 1029 0935 4824 94972020-07-07 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Anas Abubakar
#00014185ClosedVending History2020-07-07Hello, Kindly provide us with the vending history of MSN: 010117044595. Thanks and regards.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-07NoHello, No token sales2020-07-07 anersirleh@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014184ClosedVending History2020-07-07: Request for vending history Hello, Kindly provide us with the vending history of MSN: 010117044595. Thanks and regards.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-07NoHello, Find below No token sales found for 0101170445952020-07-07 anersirleh@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014183ClosedRequest2020-07-07REQUEST FOR STATUS OF METER NO 54160963309. Find below please kindly Assist we need to know the status of the below meter. 1. 54160963309. thanks.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-07NoHello, Find below the request, Customer Details Name: ABUBAKAR Surname: S.H. Meter Serial Number: 54160963309 Account Number: 620715 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 54160963309 Start Date: 12/18/2018 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $24,752.68 Outstanding Balance: $3,622.63 Running Balance: $3,622.63 Note: Outstanding migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $1,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/1/2020 2:46:07 PM2020-07-07 faizahtafida@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014182In ProgressKCT Request2020-07-07REQUEST FOR K C T METER NO 0101175097670MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-07No0000-00-00 benmercyladi@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014181In ProgressRequest2020-07-07Hello, kindly assist with debt profile of the msn listed below 0101170295584 0101160058760 0101170302224 0101190002762 0101161055807 0101190017604 0101170298273 0101170242933 0101170314427 0101170314401 0101170403162Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-07No0000-00-00 phartiemah12@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014180In ProgressRequest2020-07-07Dear IT Support, Kindly generate the debt profile for the meter number 0101170374066 RegardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-07No0000-00-00 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014179In ProgressVending History2020-07-07REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY 0101170429837Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-07No0000-00-00 longpuan@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014178ClosedKCT Request2020-07-07GOOD MORNING IT SUPPORT Kindly Assist with key change. 0101190014478 THANKSMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-07NoHello, Find below the request, 0101190014478 7285 3527 7670 3028 5619 0624 7314 9050 5178 15202020-07-07 glawal1184@yahoo.com Anas Abubakar
#00014177In ProgressVending History2020-07-07Hello, Kindly provide us with the vending history of MSN: 0101170183269. Thanks .Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-07No0000-00-00 anersirleh@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014176ClosedVending History2020-07-07Good morning, please kindly Assist with below 1. 0101170208710. 2. 0101170134783. thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-07NoGood morning, Find below as requested 1. 0101170208710. Date Sold: 04/06/18 11:11 Meter/Type: 0101170208710 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000653383385 Supplier Ref: 000653383385 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00810569 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 32927556300546862040 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/06/18 10:38 Meter/Type: 0101170208710 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 817609381167 Supplier Ref: 817609381167 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00852762 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 47755186248349078034 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/07/18 14:26 Meter/Type: 0101170208710 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182041326328 Supplier Ref: 182041326328 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00919019 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 09746888797134699477 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/08/18 16:53 Meter/Type: 0101170208710 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000663497593 Supplier Ref: 000663497593 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00973719 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 41574119546098765722 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/09/18 14:26 Meter/Type: 0101170208710 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 641736609643316 Supplier Ref: 641736609643316 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01037591 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 00323591487284750036 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/10/18 12:00 Meter/Type: 0101170208710 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182741200423 Supplier Ref: 182741200423 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01114984 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 49314507130960671385 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/10/18 13:42 Meter/Type: 0101170208710 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 752510910738972 Supplier Ref: 752510910738972 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01211794 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 56199167623199094335 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/12/18 14:03 Meter/Type: 0101170208710 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000679608532 Supplier Ref: 000679608532 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01336282 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 29795821632526641812 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/02/19 17:09 Meter/Type: 0101170208710 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190361609176 Supplier Ref: 190361609176 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01758963 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 25646768102812323830 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/03/19 12:44 Meter/Type: 0101170208710 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190731144395 Supplier Ref: 190731144395 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02014977 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 00145064955689924884 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/04/19 10:16 Meter/Type: 0101170208710 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191030916481 Supplier Ref: 191030916481 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02175924 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 05145491202128768043 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/05/19 11:02 Meter/Type: 0101170208710 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191261003038 Supplier Ref: 191261003038 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02302324 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 32189013348992338916 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/06/19 11:40 Meter/Type: 0101170208710 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191571040388 Supplier Ref: 191571040388 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02460146 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 16256442477833918583 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/11/19 18:03 Meter/Type: 0101170208710 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157340192812 Supplier Ref: 157340192812 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03286317 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 42248804576421960331 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 17 2. 0101170134783. Date Sold: 19/05/18 15:06 Meter/Type: 0101170134783 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 813914061452 Supplier Ref: 813914061452 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00779048 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 41640147884345604869 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/08/18 16:36 Meter/Type: 0101170134783 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 823215361348 Supplier Ref: 823215361348 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00992948 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 66437636769464057630 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/10/18 15:52 Meter/Type: 0101170134783 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 181019198210 Supplier Ref: 181019198210 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB01180123 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 20341150180905484075 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/11/18 14:02 Meter/Type: 0101170134783 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 181114574179 Supplier Ref: 181114574179 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB01270947 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 68480889170821038157 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/12/18 14:58 Meter/Type: 0101170134783 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183611358300 Supplier Ref: 183611358300 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01472537 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 70030521068897090421 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/02/19 19:11 Meter/Type: 0101170134783 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190351812017 Supplier Ref: 190351812017 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01750976 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 10595291626660276413 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/03/19 16:21 Meter/Type: 0101170134783 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 946827551115506 Supplier Ref: 946827551115506 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01955599 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 06257517792843161514 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/03/19 14:09 Meter/Type: 0101170134783 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190801309474 Supplier Ref: 190801309474 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02048978 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 45635328373831475712 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/04/19 10:58 Meter/Type: 0101170134783 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191030958572 Supplier Ref: 191030958572 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02176257 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 00917786051043301922 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/05/19 19:39 Meter/Type: 0101170134783 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190513991398 Supplier Ref: 190513991398 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02337406 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 15500341715694569975 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/05/19 14:05 Meter/Type: 0101170134783 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190514179216 Supplier Ref: 190514179216 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02340544 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 23027006040736577835 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/07/19 11:22 Meter/Type: 0101170134783 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190716204156 Supplier Ref: 190716204156 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02655242 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 05215691842372579245 Debt: N6,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/08/19 10:30 Meter/Type: 0101170134783 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156533945223 Supplier Ref: 156533945223 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02777413 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 55947838672419948249 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/09/19 10:38 Meter/Type: 0101170134783 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190920942212 Supplier Ref: 190920942212 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02993889 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 43197229950349568092 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/11/19 15:35 Meter/Type: 0101170134783 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 191108975218 Supplier Ref: 191108975218 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB03277776 Total Value: N4,500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 02470880757966041301 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/01/20 16:33 Meter/Type: 0101170134783 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200201537052 Supplier Ref: 200201537052 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03837689 Total Value: N4,500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 10821581958051848654 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/01/20 16:35 Meter/Type: 0101170134783 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 200120280341 Supplier Ref: 200120280341 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB03837741 Total Value: N4,500.00 Standard: N4,500.00 - 69885791598991389088 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 192020-07-07 faizahtafida@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014175ClosedKCT Request2020-07-07GOOD MORNING IT SUPPORT Kindly Assist with key change 0101190014478 ThanksMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-07NoGood morning, Find below the request, 0101190014478 7285 3527 7670 3028 5619 0624 7314 9050 5178 15202020-07-07 faizahtafida@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014174In ProgressVending History2020-07-07Good morning, ICT Team, kindly assist with the above request please.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-07No0000-00-00 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014173In ProgressKCT Request2020-07-07Please release the KCT of the meter below. 0101165037546 RegardsMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-07No0000-00-00 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Anas Abubakar
#00014172In ProgressVending History2020-07-07Hello, Kindly provide us with the vending history of MSN: 010117044595. Thanks and regards.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-07No0000-00-00 anersirleh@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014171In ProgressTamper Code2020-07-07Dear Sir, Kindly find the attached document for further necessary action. Please treat as urgent.MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-07No0000-00-00 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Anas Abubakar
#00014170ClosedVending History2020-07-07Dear , Your issue with the details below has been assigned to a personnel: Ticket No: #00014154 Status: In Progress Date: 2020-07-07 Description: Hello, Kindly provide us with the vending history of MSN: 0101190005708. Thank you..Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-07NoHello, Find below as requested Date Sold: 03/03/20 17:11 Meter/Type: 0101190005708 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200631611524 Supplier Ref: 200631611524 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04262472 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 18331871253219149230 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/04/20 21:08 Meter/Type: 0101190005708 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200962008282 Supplier Ref: 200962008282 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04512033 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 70586435949719777777 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/04/20 19:21 Meter/Type: 0101190005708 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201021821145 Supplier Ref: 201021821145 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04555629 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 51865924549827039273 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/04/20 11:13 Meter/Type: 0101190005708 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201211113152 Supplier Ref: 201211113152 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04686229 Total Value: N950.00 Standard: N950.00 - 00259982733891292833 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/04/20 11:24 Meter/Type: 0101190005708 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201211124106 Supplier Ref: 201211124106 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04686306 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 03155505057700410233 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 62020-07-07 anersirleh@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014169ClosedVending History2020-07-07: REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY 0101160394322Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-07NoHello, Find below, Date Sold: 21/05/18 12:23 Meter/Type: 0101160394322 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 814111221395 Supplier Ref: 814111221395 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00780982 Total Value: N30,000.00 Standard: N30,000.00 - 15828899168689595799 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/05/18 09:21 Meter/Type: 0101160394322 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 814408201023 Supplier Ref: 814408201023 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00787758 Total Value: N70,000.00 Standard: N70,000.00 - 10978794621445493435 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/06/18 18:59 Meter/Type: 0101160394322 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 815817591814 Supplier Ref: 815817591814 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00820373 Total Value: N30,000.00 Standard: N30,000.00 - 28667697758894627312 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/06/18 09:31 Meter/Type: 0101160394322 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000653949275 Supplier Ref: 000653949275 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00820755 Total Value: N70,000.00 Standard: N70,000.00 - 24518266229032243137 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/07/18 15:56 Meter/Type: 0101160394322 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000657443700 Supplier Ref: 000657443700 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00871402 Total Value: N100,000.00 Standard: N100,000.00 - 03748359731364025040 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/07/18 10:45 Meter/Type: 0101160394322 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 820509450000 Supplier Ref: 820509450000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00920829 Total Value: N100,000.00 Standard: N100,000.00 - 35025878345119260957 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/08/18 10:17 Meter/Type: 0101160394322 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000663746095 Supplier Ref: 000663746095 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00977727 Total Value: N100,000.00 Standard: N100,000.00 - 66989024508881086456 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/09/18 10:35 Meter/Type: 0101160394322 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000667059851 Supplier Ref: 000667059851 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01045413 Total Value: N100,000.00 Standard: N100,000.00 - 65267362018676706095 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/10/18 15:05 Meter/Type: 0101160394322 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000670692971 Supplier Ref: 000670692971 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01119583 Total Value: N100,000.00 Standard: N100,000.00 - 57536482986721659033 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/10/18 08:52 Meter/Type: 0101160394322 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154002197084 Supplier Ref: 154002197084 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01181494 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 55425312059925604163 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/10/18 12:55 Meter/Type: 0101160394322 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182971255525 Supplier Ref: 182971255525 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01195618 Total Value: N80,000.00 Standard: N80,000.00 - 00800465495945140034 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/11/18 14:38 Meter/Type: 0101160394322 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000676161958 Supplier Ref: 000676161958 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01254967 Total Value: N80,000.00 Standard: N80,000.00 - 56495110032934401433 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/11/18 09:25 Meter/Type: 0101160394322 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000677858622 Supplier Ref: 000677858622 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01291927 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 17542157209927016543 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/11/18 15:38 Meter/Type: 0101160394322 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000678759908 Supplier Ref: 000678759908 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01314002 Total Value: N100,000.00 Standard: N100,000.00 - 66579831194552694952 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/12/18 09:36 Meter/Type: 0101160394322 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154503220310 Supplier Ref: 154503220310 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01398967 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 11765416752678445461 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/12/18 10:54 Meter/Type: 0101160394322 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154520968584 Supplier Ref: 154520968584 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01413499 Total Value: N80,000.00 Standard: N80,000.00 - 29589784521632103102 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/01/19 11:11 Meter/Type: 0101160394322 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154702509117 Supplier Ref: 154702509117 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01543084 Total Value: N100,000.00 Standard: N100,000.00 - 31094972107253607842 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/01/19 14:59 Meter/Type: 0101160394322 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190301359472 Supplier Ref: 190301359472 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01703563 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 39996821749864457181 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/01/19 14:57 Meter/Type: 0101160394322 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154893943926 Supplier Ref: 154893943926 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01713990 Total Value: N80,000.00 Standard: N80,000.00 - 64882104460439187105 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/02/19 15:50 Meter/Type: 0101160394322 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155075701899 Supplier Ref: 155075701899 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01873898 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 40740888160879247589 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/02/19 10:04 Meter/Type: 0101160394322 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155116827840 Supplier Ref: 155116827840 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01904495 Total Value: N80,000.00 Standard: N80,000.00 - 64635579086523826867 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/03/19 15:30 Meter/Type: 0101160394322 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155248384997 Supplier Ref: 155248384997 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02010803 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 02059967038716348011 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/03/19 12:46 Meter/Type: 0101160394322 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155264681886 Supplier Ref: 155264681886 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02020511 Total Value: N80,000.00 Standard: N80,000.00 - 14742556790544958337 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/03/19 15:17 Meter/Type: 0101160394322 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155386547316 Supplier Ref: 155386547316 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02090043 Total Value: N100,000.00 Standard: N100,000.00 - 51424955900892769611 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/04/19 15:40 Meter/Type: 0101160394322 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155507644504 Supplier Ref: 155507644504 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02172851 Total Value: N100,000.00 Standard: N100,000.00 - 50149911290798512442 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/05/19 16:25 Meter/Type: 0101160394322 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155680712165 Supplier Ref: 155680712165 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02284793 Total Value: N100,000.00 Standard: N100,000.00 - 09453900091099664122 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/05/19 09:54 Meter/Type: 0101160394322 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155842529334 Supplier Ref: 155842529334 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02372427 Total Value: N100,000.00 Standard: N100,000.00 - 28368886424777128111 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/06/19 10:07 Meter/Type: 0101160394322 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156015403189 Supplier Ref: 156015403189 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02479756 Total Value: N100,000.00 Standard: N100,000.00 - 03420425472280129313 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/07/19 16:24 Meter/Type: 0101160394322 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156207748358 Supplier Ref: 156207748358 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02590514 Total Value: N100,000.00 Standard: N100,000.00 - 47823506760696345279 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/07/19 10:05 Meter/Type: 0101160394322 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156412834689 Supplier Ref: 156412834689 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02702347 Total Value: N100,000.00 Standard: N100,000.00 - 33756957091352752172 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/08/19 13:31 Meter/Type: 0101160394322 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156647346663 Supplier Ref: 156647346663 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02842626 Total Value: N100,000.00 Standard: N100,000.00 - 25959002739754625751 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/09/19 13:17 Meter/Type: 0101160394322 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156837346581 Supplier Ref: 156837346581 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02958392 Total Value: N100,000.00 Standard: N100,000.00 - 15066476241479559583 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/10/19 09:13 Meter/Type: 0101160394322 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157017325959 Supplier Ref: 157017325959 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03072134 Total Value: N100,000.00 Standard: N100,000.00 - 71907536252108167308 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/10/19 16:20 Meter/Type: 0101160394322 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192981521250 Supplier Ref: 192981521250 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03187675 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 27695948303593652789 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/10/19 13:07 Meter/Type: 0101160394322 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193021208542 Supplier Ref: 193021208542 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03208464 Total Value: N80,000.00 Standard: N80,000.00 - 04493972186114985999 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/11/19 14:58 Meter/Type: 0101160394322 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193171400443 Supplier Ref: 193171400443 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03303772 Total Value: N80,000.00 Standard: N80,000.00 - 66814996527641230626 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/11/19 16:38 Meter/Type: 0101160394322 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193291540106 Supplier Ref: 193291540106 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03380163 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 38215880936112207093 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/12/19 16:21 Meter/Type: 0101160394322 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193371523531 Supplier Ref: 193371523531 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03455028 Total Value: N100,000.00 Standard: N100,000.00 - 60078273269244977538 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/12/19 16:29 Meter/Type: 0101160394322 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193571531440 Supplier Ref: 193571531440 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03607683 Total Value: N100,000.00 Standard: N100,000.00 - 14896491536018504265 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/01/20 09:03 Meter/Type: 0101160394322 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200170807155 Supplier Ref: 200170807155 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03812093 Total Value: N100,000.00 Standard: N100,000.00 - 56785124463293214158 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/02/20 08:58 Meter/Type: 0101160394322 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200370758233 Supplier Ref: 200370758233 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03991673 Total Value: N100,000.00 Standard: N100,000.00 - 01073872382495595854 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/02/20 14:13 Meter/Type: 0101160394322 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 335609019392117 Supplier Ref: 335609019392117 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB04205587 Total Value: N100,000.00 Standard: N100,000.00 - 00722585267888780733 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/03/20 18:00 Meter/Type: 0101160394322 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200801659536 Supplier Ref: 200801659536 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04387640 Total Value: N100,000.00 Standard: N100,000.00 - 07916923540295113016 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/04/20 16:25 Meter/Type: 0101160394322 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201081625187 Supplier Ref: 201081625187 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04591499 Total Value: N100,000.00 Standard: N100,000.00 - 58770254996355700879 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/06/20 15:32 Meter/Type: 0101160394322 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201571532423 Supplier Ref: 201571532423 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04926390 Total Value: N100,000.00 Standard: N100,000.00 - 49070319938723004467 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 752020-07-07 longpuan@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014168ClosedVending History2020-07-07: Request for vending history Hello, Kindly provide us with the vending history of MSN: 0101190005708. Thank you.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-07NoHello, Find below, Date Sold: 03/03/20 17:11 Meter/Type: 0101190005708 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200631611524 Supplier Ref: 200631611524 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04262472 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 18331871253219149230 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/04/20 21:08 Meter/Type: 0101190005708 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200962008282 Supplier Ref: 200962008282 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04512033 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 70586435949719777777 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/04/20 19:21 Meter/Type: 0101190005708 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201021821145 Supplier Ref: 201021821145 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04555629 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 51865924549827039273 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/04/20 11:13 Meter/Type: 0101190005708 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201211113152 Supplier Ref: 201211113152 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04686229 Total Value: N950.00 Standard: N950.00 - 00259982733891292833 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/04/20 11:24 Meter/Type: 0101190005708 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201211124106 Supplier Ref: 201211124106 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04686306 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 03155505057700410233 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 62020-07-07 anersirleh@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014167In ProgressTamper Code2020-07-07Kindly Provide us with the CT of the attached document Thank you.MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-07No0000-00-00 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014166In ProgressRequest2020-07-07Find below please kindly Assist we need to know the status of the below meter. 1. 54160963309. thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-07No0000-00-00 faizahtafida@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014165In ProgressKCT Request2020-07-07GOOD MORNING IT SUPPORT Kindly Assist with key change. 0101190014478 THANKSMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-07No0000-00-00 faizahtafida@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014164ClosedRequest2020-07-07Debt balance Please Ict kindly assist me with this meter number 0101170384867 original balance running balance and collection value thanks.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-07NoHello, Find below as requested Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170384867 Start Date: 9/19/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $25,020.42 Outstanding Balance: $17,020.42 Running Balance: $17,020.42 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 12/17/2019 8:18:15 AM2020-07-07 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014163ClosedRequest2020-07-07Debt balance Gudmornin Ict team members please kindly assist me with this meter number 0101170128082 original balance , running balance and collection value thanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-07NoHello, Find below Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 598331 Start Date: 3/31/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $19,005.05 Outstanding Balance: $13,005.05 Running Balance: $13,005.05 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/7/2020 9:53:30 AM2020-07-07 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014162In ProgressTamper Code2020-07-07Dear Anas, This is to make a request for clear tamper token as three of our installed MAP meters entered into tamper.Below are the meter numbers: (1) 0101170457242- Single Phase (2) 0101170460014- Single Phase (3) 0101160449969- Three PhaseMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-07No0000-00-00 haryorbami84@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014161In ProgressTamper Code2020-07-07This is to make a request for clear tamper token as three of our installed MAP meters entered into tamper.Below are the meter numbers: (1) 0101170457242- Single Phase (2) 0101170460014- Single Phase (3) 0101160449969- Three Phase Regrds!MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-07No0000-00-00 ayobami@mojec.com Anas Abubakar
#00014160In ProgressRequest2020-07-07Please Ict kindly assist me with this meter number 0101170384867 original balance running balance and collection value thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-07No0000-00-00 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014159ClosedTamper Code2020-07-07Good Afternoon Sir kindly help and assist on the above 1NO TEMPER CODE request. Best Regards. CCRM GOMBMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-07NoHello, Find below as requested, 0101170212233 4518 7439 1546 3142 3845 Clear Tamper2020-07-07 glawal1184@yahoo.com Anas Abubakar
#00014158In ProgressRequest2020-07-07Gudmornin Ict team members please kindly assist me with this meter number 0101170128082 original balance , running balance and collection value thanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-07No0000-00-00 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014157In ProgressKCT Request2020-07-07Find below. 1. 0101190019469. thanks.MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-07No0000-00-00 faizahtafida@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014156In ProgressKCT Request2020-07-07GOOD MORNING IT SUPPORT Kindly Assist with key change 0101190014478 ThanksMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-07No0000-00-00 faizahtafida@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014155In ProgressVending History2020-07-07REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY 0101160394322Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-07No0000-00-00 longpuan@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014154In ProgressVending History2020-07-07Hello, Kindly provide us with the vending history of MSN: 0101190005708. Thank you.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-07No0000-00-00 anersirleh@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014153In ProgressTamper Code2020-07-0707072020 A Good Morning Sir kindly help and assist on the above 1NO TEMPER CODE request. TEMPER CODE Best Regards. CCRM GOMBMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-07No0000-00-00 glawal1184@yahoo.com Anas Abubakar
#00014152ClosedKCT Request2020-07-07: KCT REQUEST 07072020 B Good Morning Sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the following MSN 0101175101431 with tariff 02 on the meter. Best Regards.MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-07NoGood Morning, Find below, 0101175101431 7146 4285 8719 1531 5225 2856 9043 7454 6513 29322020-07-07 glawal1184@yahoo.com Anas Abubakar
#00014151ClosedKCT Request2020-07-07KCT REQUEST 07072020 B Good Morning Sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the following MSN 0101175101431 with tariff 02 on the meter. Best Regards.MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-07NoGood Morning, Find below, 0101175101431 7146 4285 8719 1531 5225 2856 9043 7454 6513 29322020-07-07 glawal1184@yahoo.com Anas Abubakar
#00014150ClosedKCT Request2020-07-07KCT 0101190000287 Good Morning, Kindly Provide us with KCT 0101190000287. Thank youMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-07NoGood morning, No kct found.2020-07-07 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014149ClosedVending History2020-07-07Dear IT Support Team, Kindly furnish us with VH of 010116101646 we are having Network challenges over here. Thank you.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-07NoGood morning, Find feedback below No token sales found for 0101161016462020-07-07 aramidee05@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014148In ProgressVending History2020-07-07Dear IT Support Team, Kindly furnish us with VH of 010116101646 we are having Network challenges over here. Thank youMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-07No0000-00-00 aramidee05@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014147In ProgressKCT Request2020-07-07Good Morning, Kindly Provide us with KCT 0101190000287. Thank youMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-07No0000-00-00 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014146In ProgressKCT Request2020-07-07Good Morning Sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the following MSN 0101175101431 with tariff 02 on the meter. Best RegardsMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-07No0000-00-00 glawal1184@yahoo.com Anas Abubakar
#00014145In ProgressVending History2020-07-07Good morning, please kindly Assist with below 1. 0101170208710. 2. 0101170134783. thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-07No0000-00-00 faizahtafida@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014144ClosedRequest2020-07-07: REQUEST FOR DEBT STATUS AND VENDING HISTORY 07072020 Good Morning Sir, Please find below PPM meter no for total outstanding debt and Vending History. 0101160351223 Best Regards CCRM GOMBEMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-07NoGood morning, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 6460034357-01 Start Date: 8/26/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $62,995.25 Outstanding Balance: $46,995.25 Running Balance: $46,995.25 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/23/2020 9:42:21 PM VH Date Sold: 21/05/18 12:13 Meter/Type: 0101160351223 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 499527385031416 Supplier Ref: 499527385031416 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00780928 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 05716201858182258003 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/06/18 11:33 Meter/Type: 0101160351223 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 75326225533271 Supplier Ref: 75326225533271 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00828198 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 24788855764134667600 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/07/18 17:55 Meter/Type: 0101160351223 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 181851655411 Supplier Ref: 181851655411 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00878052 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 15275110326270411219 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/08/18 14:39 Meter/Type: 0101160351223 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000662476176 Supplier Ref: 000662476176 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00955389 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 33879212164080551565 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/09/18 17:12 Meter/Type: 0101160351223 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182611712553 Supplier Ref: 182611712553 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01078906 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 52659684177409162230 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/10/18 10:42 Meter/Type: 0101160351223 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000672538649 Supplier Ref: 000672538649 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01163104 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 67742164355520475353 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/11/18 11:10 Meter/Type: 0101160351223 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 181115640216 Supplier Ref: 181115640216 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB01273665 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 14896194582525172743 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/12/18 11:44 Meter/Type: 0101160351223 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 181206120315 Supplier Ref: 181206120315 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB01348740 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 19465106150839228467 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/01/19 10:15 Meter/Type: 0101160351223 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154762655781 Supplier Ref: 154762655781 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01591757 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 24820262860760885958 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/02/19 17:26 Meter/Type: 0101160351223 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190531626400 Supplier Ref: 190531626400 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01886093 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 56003339223399310851 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/03/19 13:14 Meter/Type: 0101160351223 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190314445391 Supplier Ref: 190314445391 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02015192 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 73031024723203721079 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/03/19 17:29 Meter/Type: 0101160351223 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190881629505 Supplier Ref: 190881629505 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02091390 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 27422752136789056265 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/04/19 11:38 Meter/Type: 0101160351223 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190425120103 Supplier Ref: 190425120103 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02239149 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 10187904791743827017 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/06/19 13:54 Meter/Type: 0101160351223 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191721254041 Supplier Ref: 191721254041 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02536900 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 72447654410054871338 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/05/20 17:27 Meter/Type: 0101160351223 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201411727308 Supplier Ref: 201411727308 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04811540 Total Value: N18,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 16587432476766276652 Debt: N14,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/06/20 21:42 Meter/Type: 0101160351223 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201752142278 Supplier Ref: 201752142278 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05047241 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 42157715099674425252 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 222020-07-07 glawal1184@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00014143In Progress2020-07-07Good Morning Sir, Please find below PPM meter no for total outstanding debt and Vending History. 0101160351223 Best Regards CCRM GOMBEMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-07No0000-00-00 glawal1184@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014142ClosedRequest2020-07-07: REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY AND OUTSTANDING BALANCE. Sir,kindly help me with the vending history and outstanding balance of this customer with meter number 0101185059058 Abdullahi Ahmed Azare.Thanks from Azare.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-07NoGood morning, Find below the request, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 672124343401 Start Date: 5/19/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $10,165.38 Outstanding Balance: $6,165.38 Running Balance: $6,165.38 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/19/2020 2:30:44 PM VH Date Sold: 14/02/20 12:03 Meter/Type: 0101185059058 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200451103048 Supplier Ref: 200451103048 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04066727 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 53777937325564443350 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/05/20 10:33 Meter/Type: 0101185059058 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201461033170 Supplier Ref: 201461033170 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04845005 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 04774678452162869741 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/05/20 11:13 Meter/Type: 0101185059058 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201491113186 Supplier Ref: 201491113186 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04864235 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 35610367349655626145 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/06/20 14:30 Meter/Type: 0101185059058 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201711430511 Supplier Ref: 201711430511 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05016158 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 15867230319936629091 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 42020-07-07 mathewdapar@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014141ClosedOutstanding Balance2020-07-07Please kindly send me the total outstanding following the meter number 0101170278200Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-07NoGood Morning, Find below the request, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 6115074163-01 Start Date: 3/3/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $282,831.18 Outstanding Balance: $267,831.18 Running Balance: $267,831.18 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: 5/29/2020 6:32:42 PM2020-07-07 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014140In ProgressVending History2020-07-07Sir,kindly help me with the vending history and outstanding balance of this customer with meter number 0101185059058 Abdullahi Ahmed Azare.Thanks from Azare.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-07No0000-00-00 mathewdapar@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014139ClosedVending History2020-07-07REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY =54160733777 AND 54160733785 Dear support Team, Kindly assist with the vending history of the customers 1.54160733777 2.54160733785 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba0000-00-00NoGood Morning, Kindly find below, 1 Date Sold: 22/09/16 14:01 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: JEDGBOKO/AAKAWO Token Ref: 903006407994 Supplier Ref: 903006407994 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00040530 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 40931608430459571298 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 25/10/16 08:10 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: JEDGBOKO/AAKAWO Token Ref: 906300490186 Supplier Ref: 906300490186 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00061565 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 30542267497765280092 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 12/01/17 05:38 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 701204312001 Supplier Ref: 701204312001 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00118977 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 26294504629835047553 Debt: N9,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 17/01/17 10:06 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: JEDGBOKO/AAKAWO Token Ref: 000101422131 Supplier Ref: 000101422131 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00121992 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 09807442358910218478 Date Sold: 13/03/17 11:32 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: JEDGBOKO/AAKAWO Token Ref: 004702362951 Supplier Ref: 004702362951 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00175064 Total Value: N7,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 10115895738869151886 Debt: N6,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 25/03/17 21:17 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 708421092054 Supplier Ref: 708421092054 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00191322 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 66113570335206068735 Date Sold: 05/04/17 08:29 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: JEDGBOKO/AAKAWO Token Ref: 006923320941 Supplier Ref: 006923320941 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00205462 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 68270263481260644290 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 24/05/17 14:05 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: JEDGBOKO/AAKAWO Token Ref: 011905098573 Supplier Ref: 011905098573 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00266677 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 34668023338131743012 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 07/07/17 09:54 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: JEDGBOKO/AAKAWO Token Ref: 016300570347 Supplier Ref: 016300570347 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00323488 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 13771017178311195996 Debt: N6,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 21/07/17 12:56 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 720213000000 Supplier Ref: 720213000000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00341397 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 08897974177248079696 Date Sold: 08/08/17 12:19 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: JEDGBOKO/AAKAWO Token Ref: 019503234479 Supplier Ref: 019503234479 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00365001 Total Value: N3,050.00 Standard: N50.00 - 27386070579356937039 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 08/08/17 13:26 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 722013262002 Supplier Ref: 722013262002 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00365201 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 06681970590130202586 Date Sold: 30/08/17 20:23 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 724219202010 Supplier Ref: 724219202010 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00392954 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 67578756582807631576 Date Sold: 17/09/17 13:40 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 726013392009 Supplier Ref: 726013392009 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00415384 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,085.00 - 71031031299076409563 Debt: N2,915.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 15/10/17 22:26 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 728822242017 Supplier Ref: 728822242017 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00454030 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 50443683829941204690 Date Sold: 22/10/17 20:08 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 729519592015 Supplier Ref: 729519592015 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00462861 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 05491390277022409451 Date Sold: 05/11/17 23:20 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 730923182032 Supplier Ref: 730923182032 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00484253 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 11976576359296655771 Date Sold: 16/11/17 19:02 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 732018582010 Supplier Ref: 732018582010 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00500530 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 36886519723021295305 Date Sold: 04/12/17 17:16 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 733817142004 Supplier Ref: 733817142004 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00525351 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 62234816165086780208 Date Sold: 19/12/17 20:01 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 735320002016 Supplier Ref: 735320002016 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00547107 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 72582880701150980050 Date Sold: 08/02/18 19:49 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 803919472012 Supplier Ref: 803919472012 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00616294 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 70779220136717735426 Date Sold: 17/02/18 15:52 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 804815502010 Supplier Ref: 804815502010 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00628437 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 67462027498855366084 Date Sold: 25/02/18 14:29 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 805614242014 Supplier Ref: 805614242014 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00638799 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 29180555430776522598 Date Sold: 13/03/18 05:01 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 807204592002 Supplier Ref: 807204592002 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00664912 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 05931876917481117279 Date Sold: 05/04/18 00:05 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 809423022023 Supplier Ref: 809423022023 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00699701 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 52076117674520381692 Date Sold: 13/05/18 07:25 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 813306202001 Supplier Ref: 813306202001 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00765494 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 62114041059709555273 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/06/18 20:08 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 818019072006 Supplier Ref: 818019072006 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00865590 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 72364524644266910314 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/08/18 14:28 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 821513262006 Supplier Ref: 821513262006 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00948745 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 34053575109196531896 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/09/18 17:01 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 826216562013 Supplier Ref: 826216562013 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01082269 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 70363582910111822949 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/10/18 21:33 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 828721322029 Supplier Ref: 828721322029 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01161893 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 28427453107712391637 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/12/18 22:07 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 835821062018 Supplier Ref: 835821062018 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01458491 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 42584538606709979923 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/02/19 09:16 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190510817076 Supplier Ref: 190510817076 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01862108 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 26747528079468054060 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/02/19 16:19 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 905615132004 Supplier Ref: 905615132004 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01900435 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 62426088727118993333 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/04/19 15:31 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 791390477219987 Supplier Ref: 791390477219987 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02166468 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 57118978708829677812 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/04/19 22:09 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 910121022007 Supplier Ref: 910121022007 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02168816 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 61326090552031217734 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/06/19 10:09 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191620909374 Supplier Ref: 191620909374 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02486825 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 09900565247021815355 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/07/19 15:58 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 9402320494671 Supplier Ref: 9402320494671 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02584459 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 65115400856211209188 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/07/19 19:31 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156433505117 Supplier Ref: 156433505117 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02714061 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 38092811548418232503 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/08/19 17:21 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192331621202 Supplier Ref: 192331621202 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02839957 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 13901456523732995684 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/09/19 15:26 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156803560877 Supplier Ref: 156803560877 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02935822 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 22135146406771638417 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/09/19 15:29 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192521429574 Supplier Ref: 192521429574 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02935852 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 20096749973872166223 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/10/19 10:08 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157207741152 Supplier Ref: 157207741152 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03190549 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 27903716066180387994 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/11/19 17:20 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157452255757 Supplier Ref: 157452255757 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03366919 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 30310486667592917974 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/12/19 20:13 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157695192767 Supplier Ref: 157695192767 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03593943 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 06613009446973151921 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/01/20 17:12 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157789164113 Supplier Ref: 157789164113 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03688860 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 00766321409425514556 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/01/20 20:28 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158014972025 Supplier Ref: 158014972025 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03900844 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 70283129437765980663 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/02/20 22:26 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158084777582 Supplier Ref: 158084777582 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03981405 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 30937491052923872882 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/02/20 07:56 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158157315103 Supplier Ref: 158157315103 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04055314 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 45771617820692580062 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/02/20 18:47 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158238884531 Supplier Ref: 158238884531 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04145985 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 48299304124165312372 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/03/20 16:07 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158350344834 Supplier Ref: 158350344834 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04299237 Total Value: N2,100.00 Standard: N2,100.00 - 65420453939046644320 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/03/20 16:15 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200851515166 Supplier Ref: 200851515166 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04422124 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 36934420274035244585 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/04/20 06:44 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201060544448 Supplier Ref: 201060544448 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04571674 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 12306596427416567307 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/05/20 15:06 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201291506514 Supplier Ref: 201291506514 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04735842 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 29987083859854179512 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/05/20 12:45 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201391245451 Supplier Ref: 201391245451 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04797557 Total Value: N1,200.00 Standard: N1,200.00 - 45964362480178921695 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/06/20 12:10 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201571210081 Supplier Ref: 201571210081 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04924314 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 16239366386402251039 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/06/20 16:13 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201721613324 Supplier Ref: 201721613324 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05024581 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 05025314630155059125 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/07/20 10:55 Meter/Type: 54160733777 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201831055132 Supplier Ref: 201831055132 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05108516 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 00944161786702984712 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 85 2 Date Sold: 06/10/16 15:37 Meter/Type: 54160733785 Retailer/Operator: JEDGBOKO/AAKAWO Token Ref: 904408167125 Supplier Ref: 904408167125 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00050354 Total Value: N14,800.00 Standard: N2,735.00 - 52441456040328894674 Debt: N12,065.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 16/11/16 08:21 Meter/Type: 54160733785 Retailer/Operator: JEDGBOKO/AAKAWO Token Ref: 908501007396 Supplier Ref: 908501007396 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00076425 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 35585495079616170076 Date Sold: 08/01/17 17:23 Meter/Type: 54160733785 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 700816192015 Supplier Ref: 700816192015 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00115802 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 62083693392159831329 Date Sold: 07/04/17 15:11 Meter/Type: 54160733785 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 709715092011 Supplier Ref: 709715092011 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00209770 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 73526516029413838607 Date Sold: 12/07/17 10:16 Meter/Type: 54160733785 Retailer/Operator: JEDGBOKO/AAKAWO Token Ref: 016801194353 Supplier Ref: 016801194353 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00329679 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 49669105202050752911 Date Sold: 20/08/17 18:39 Meter/Type: 54160733785 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 723218392024 Supplier Ref: 723218392024 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00378468 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 26965892411111346667 Date Sold: 01/10/17 18:06 Meter/Type: 54160733785 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 727418042014 Supplier Ref: 727418042014 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00433606 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 22135956080571627822 Date Sold: 23/10/17 11:02 Meter/Type: 54160733785 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 729611012003 Supplier Ref: 729611012003 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00463477 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 31540369671745569610 Date Sold: 26/11/17 15:18 Meter/Type: 54160733785 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 733015172017 Supplier Ref: 733015172017 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00512903 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 07930013372223432301 Date Sold: 22/01/18 09:57 Meter/Type: 54160733785 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 802209562002 Supplier Ref: 802209562002 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00589526 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 40206208014956729156 Date Sold: 30/03/18 14:22 Meter/Type: 54160733785 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 808913192009 Supplier Ref: 808913192009 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00691487 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 31204636371104750986 Date Sold: 18/05/18 12:58 Meter/Type: 54160733785 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 813811562004 Supplier Ref: 813811562004 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00776343 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 63057649935914610038 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/07/18 17:15 Meter/Type: 54160733785 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 820716012005 Supplier Ref: 820716012005 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00927677 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 43636135626578088567 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/10/18 18:49 Meter/Type: 54160733785 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 829018472040 Supplier Ref: 829018472040 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01173503 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 16428939985560414844 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/11/18 15:46 Meter/Type: 54160733785 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 833015462009 Supplier Ref: 833015462009 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01310349 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 27915977934172757969 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/01/19 19:32 Meter/Type: 54160733785 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 903018312004 Supplier Ref: 903018312004 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01707091 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 42089841406127370064 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/02/19 16:38 Meter/Type: 54160733785 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 905615322005 Supplier Ref: 905615322005 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01900766 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 48224683128876260835 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/05/19 09:19 Meter/Type: 54160733785 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 437650643472794 Supplier Ref: 437650643472794 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02353406 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 17085792682718397443 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/05/19 12:32 Meter/Type: 54160733785 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191371132132 Supplier Ref: 191371132132 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02354620 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 29011404962150477046 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/06/19 17:44 Meter/Type: 54160733785 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 512972494496876 Supplier Ref: 512972494496876 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02533651 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 06745589806103545805 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/08/19 13:27 Meter/Type: 54160733785 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 964513909731139 Supplier Ref: 964513909731139 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02802815 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 37928488066711724360 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/10/19 17:04 Meter/Type: 54160733785 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192751605220 Supplier Ref: 192751605220 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03064217 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 65462030085780673366 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/11/19 13:08 Meter/Type: 54160733785 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157450740014 Supplier Ref: 157450740014 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03364673 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 43879306187102513751 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/11/19 17:19 Meter/Type: 54160733785 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157452246098 Supplier Ref: 157452246098 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03366903 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 43940409567490807627 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/01/20 14:00 Meter/Type: 54160733785 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158038561337 Supplier Ref: 158038561337 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03925785 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 11200277785437858465 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/03/20 16:15 Meter/Type: 54160733785 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200891515282 Supplier Ref: 200891515282 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04453379 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 44436829542266722413 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/04/20 16:34 Meter/Type: 54160733785 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201001534481 Supplier Ref: 201001534481 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04544548 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 33417737911510699488 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/04/20 14:56 Meter/Type: 54160733785 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201091456397 Supplier Ref: 201091456397 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04600782 Total Value: N1,800.00 Standard: N1,800.00 - 71558525254379195097 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/05/20 17:48 Meter/Type: 54160733785 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201311748140 Supplier Ref: 201311748140 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04750420 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 43183533593757548562 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/06/20 14:36 Meter/Type: 54160733785 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201641436418 Supplier Ref: 201641436418 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04969063 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 20769405488739618532 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/07/20 14:40 Meter/Type: 54160733785 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201881440060 Supplier Ref: 201881440060 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05147126 Total Value: N2,800.00 Standard: N2,800.00 - 07950275679346100437 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 482020-07-07 ochoche.joseph@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014138ClosedKCT Request2020-07-07REQUEST FOR KCT 0101160051070MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-07NoGood Morning, Find below the request, 0101160051070 2798 4820 9134 7879 4726 5539 8059 4409 8730 24132020-07-07 longpuan@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014137ClosedOutstanding Balance2020-07-06: REQUEST FOR OUTSTANDING BALANCE METER NO 54161110116Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-06NoHello, Find below the request, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 533432 Start Date: 2/14/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $60,913.01 Outstanding Balance: $60,913.01 Running Balance: $60,913.01 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-06 benmercyladi@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014136Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014135In ProgressTamper Code2020-07-06Good Afternoon Sir 06072020 kindly help and assist on the above 1NO TEMPER CODE request. Best Regards. CCRM GOMBMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-06No0000-00-00 glawal1184@yahoo.com Anas Abubakar
#00014134ClosedRequest2020-07-06: DEBT DETAILS Assist with debt details, 0101185057185 Thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-06NoHello, Find below the request, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 646112102801 Start Date: 5/6/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $106,612.84 Outstanding Balance: $106,612.84 Running Balance: $106,612.84 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-06 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014133ClosedKCT Request2020-07-060101190003521, 0101185053614 Dear IT Support, Kindly generate kct for the above meters. Best RegardsMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-06NoHello, Find below the request, 0101190003521 4293 2105 5481 3821 4680 1953 6691 6955 1249 4240 0101185053614 5913 0341 4373 6420 2180 0766 3583 8648 0391 45622020-07-06 ppmcapture@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014132In ProgressRequest2020-07-06Assist with debt details, 0101185057185 Thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-06No0000-00-00 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014131ClosedVending History2020-07-06Request for VH of 54161163737 Dear IT Support Team, Kindly furnish us with VH of 54161162737 we are having Network challenges over here. Thank you.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-06NoHello, Find below as requested, Date Sold: 17/03/17 09:59 Meter/Type: 54161162737 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/binuwa Token Ref: 707609590179 Supplier Ref: 707609590179 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00180749 Total Value: N9,500.00 Standard: N2,369.95 - 10955145879224836832 Debt: N7,130.05 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 31/03/17 12:53 Meter/Type: 54161162737 Retailer/Operator: JEDBUKURU/ntorive Token Ref: 709012530744 Supplier Ref: 709012530744 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00199493 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 23210339660206758769 Date Sold: 18/04/17 09:33 Meter/Type: 54161162737 Retailer/Operator: JEDBUKURU/ntorive Token Ref: 710809330137 Supplier Ref: 710809330137 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00219152 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 70827305265118976886 Date Sold: 04/05/17 14:24 Meter/Type: 54161162737 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/binuwa Token Ref: 712414240072 Supplier Ref: 712414240072 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00241748 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 27665504203769557891 Date Sold: 28/06/17 12:32 Meter/Type: 54161162737 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/fuzomba Token Ref: 717912320032 Supplier Ref: 717912320032 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00310644 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 01521062509586012430 Date Sold: 07/09/17 16:10 Meter/Type: 54161162737 Retailer/Operator: JEDBUKURU/ntorive Token Ref: 725016100429 Supplier Ref: 725016100429 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00404143 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 56564259017100865662 Date Sold: 20/11/17 12:14 Meter/Type: 54161162737 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000625171489 Supplier Ref: 000625171489 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00504425 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 39626380082921189713 Date Sold: 22/01/18 15:37 Meter/Type: 54161162737 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 802215371498 Supplier Ref: 802215371498 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00590560 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 09959487302663741297 Date Sold: 11/06/18 12:10 Meter/Type: 54161162737 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 816211101380 Supplier Ref: 816211101380 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00825792 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 34510803967495703978 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/06/18 16:28 Meter/Type: 54161162737 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000656439041 Supplier Ref: 000656439041 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00854378 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 01319390335403640746 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/08/18 10:34 Meter/Type: 54161162737 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 821409341040 Supplier Ref: 821409341040 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00944282 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 64394697844417051425 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/08/18 14:41 Meter/Type: 54161162737 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 63275336817734 Supplier Ref: 63275336817734 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01000688 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 05549471892927412818 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/09/18 13:59 Meter/Type: 54161162737 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182531258593 Supplier Ref: 182531258593 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01053118 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 44826233970280905955 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/10/18 15:15 Meter/Type: 54161162737 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182761515208 Supplier Ref: 182761515208 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01123952 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 13828264249791639683 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/10/18 10:16 Meter/Type: 54161162737 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183001016024 Supplier Ref: 183001016024 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01205688 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 43912036036991291503 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/11/18 10:04 Meter/Type: 54161162737 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183181004277 Supplier Ref: 183181004277 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01269883 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 35702260052895292458 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/12/18 14:27 Meter/Type: 54161162737 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183441327565 Supplier Ref: 183441327565 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01365795 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 60399403157218323869 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/12/18 13:19 Meter/Type: 54161162737 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 72391948789390 Supplier Ref: 72391948789390 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01421548 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 15537953108246493987 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/01/19 12:42 Meter/Type: 54161162737 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190041142234 Supplier Ref: 190041142234 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01517170 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 03347932337334165047 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/05/19 13:47 Meter/Type: 54161162737 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191371247210 Supplier Ref: 191371247210 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02355160 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 26935026391323377697 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/09/19 14:14 Meter/Type: 54161162737 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192621314392 Supplier Ref: 192621314392 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02989941 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 62857196294431469359 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/10/19 11:47 Meter/Type: 54161162737 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192991048536 Supplier Ref: 192991048536 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03191302 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 26784726962513253606 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/02/20 15:12 Meter/Type: 54161162737 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200521412327 Supplier Ref: 200521412327 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04133632 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 45086493718286100073 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/04/20 10:13 Meter/Type: 54161162737 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200980913183 Supplier Ref: 200980913183 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04521534 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 65192576134119182304 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/07/20 14:28 Meter/Type: 54161162737 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201881428233 Supplier Ref: 201881428233 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05147016 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 65778320938794653074 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 282020-07-06 aramidee05@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014130ClosedRequest2020-07-06Debt balance Please Ict kindly assist me with this meter number 54161077497 original balance running balance and collection value thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-06NoHello, Find below Name: Outstanding Balance Reference Number: 627393 Start Date: 3/16/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $19,024.24 Outstanding Balance: $0.00 Running Balance: $0.00 Note: Outstanding from JCS, Installation fee, Cost unit Status: Paid off Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/6/2020 2:59:57 PM2020-07-06 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014129ClosedRequest2020-07-06: Request for debt profile Please kindly furnish me with the debt profile of the following meter 54161034464. thanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-06NoHello, Find below as requested Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 578876 Start Date: 5/27/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $28,011.04 Outstanding Balance: $0.00 Running Balance: $0.00 Note: Outstanding migrated from the JCS Status: Paid off Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/6/2020 1:36:22 PM2020-07-06 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014128In ProgressVending History2020-07-06please kindly send me the total outstanding history of these customer; 0101170459990Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-06No0000-00-00 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014127In ProgressRequest2020-07-06Please kindly furnish me with the debt profile of the following meter 54161034464. thanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-06No0000-00-00 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014126In ProgressRequest2020-07-06Good Afternoon Sir, Please find below PPM meter no for total outstanding debt. 0101160046575 Best Regards CCRM GOMBEMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-06No0000-00-00 glawal1184@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014125In ProgressRequest2020-07-06Please Ict kindly assist me with this meter number 54161077497 original balance running balance and collection value thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-06No0000-00-00 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014124ClosedKCT Request2020-07-06: REQUEST FOR KCT 0101190008579MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-06NoFind below. 0101190008579 6471 2546 1934 8947 6321 0732 7479 7967 7341 78552020-07-06 longpuan@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014123In ProgressRequest2020-07-06Please kindly furnish me with the debt profile of the following meter please 54161034464. thanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-06No0000-00-00 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014122In ProgressKCT Request2020-07-06REQUEST FOR KCT 0101190008579MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-06No0000-00-00 longpuan@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014121ClosedVending History2020-07-06: REQUEST FOR VH Dear IT Support, Kindly generate VH for the meter number 0101170167783 regardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-06NoHello, Find below Date Sold: 18/07/19 15:59 Meter/Type: 0101170167783 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156345833495 Supplier Ref: 156345833495 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02666955 Total Value: N11,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 06089588979309332209 Debt: N10,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/09/19 10:53 Meter/Type: 0101170167783 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192680954372 Supplier Ref: 192680954372 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03020567 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 42993228471433448776 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/11/19 16:12 Meter/Type: 0101170167783 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193191513571 Supplier Ref: 193191513571 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03316776 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 60102260420006235169 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/12/19 18:38 Meter/Type: 0101170167783 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193571740524 Supplier Ref: 193571740524 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03609615 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 36554245716770724738 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/03/20 17:44 Meter/Type: 0101170167783 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200761644054 Supplier Ref: 200761644054 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04360249 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 53365068232215673396 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/07/20 13:51 Meter/Type: 0101170167783 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201881352043 Supplier Ref: 201881352043 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05146634 Total Value: N9,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 08803602082137632597 Debt: N8,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 92020-07-06 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014120ClosedKCT Request2020-07-06: KCT REQUEST 06072020 BMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-06NoHello, Find below No records returned for search.2020-07-06 glawal1184@yahoo.com Anas Abubakar
#00014119Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014118Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014117ClosedKCT Request2020-07-060101161064064 Dear IT Support, Kindly generate kct for the above meter. Best Regards.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-06NoHello, Find below the request, 0101161064064 6761 5083 5501 9246 0023 1654 2578 9740 3004 38672020-07-13 ppmcapture@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014116In ProgressVending History2020-07-06REQUEST FOR UNISTAR VH - 61.0303.0011.1023 - 61/51/93/1310-01Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-06No0000-00-00 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014115ClosedRequest2020-07-06Hello, kindly assist with debt profile of the meter serial numbers listed below 54160986912 0101170289447 54150631932 54161129066 54160872781 0101170306704 0101161073115 0101160350142 57100005776Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-06NoHello, Find it below 54160986912 Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 54160986912 Start Date: 1/12/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $145,609.06 Outstanding Balance: $128,109.06 Running Balance: $128,109.06 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,500.00 Latest Payment: 7/2/2020 9:34:25 AM 0101170289447 Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170289447 Start Date: 3/6/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $298,662.10 Outstanding Balance: $296,662.10 Running Balance: $296,662.10 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Per Vend Amount Collection Value: $13,000.00 Latest Payment: 5/4/2020 2:36:10 PM 54150631932 Name: OUTSTANDING BALANCE Reference Number: 54150631932 Start Date: 5/1/2017 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $53,775.67 Outstanding Balance: $58,774.67 Running Balance: $58,774.67 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Per Vend Amount Collection Value: $26,000.00 Latest Payment: 5/31/2018 2:00:47 PM 54161129066 This customer does not have any Debt accounts associated. Please proceed to add one (or more) if necessary. 54160872781 Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: BK-48-203-01-0032 Start Date: 3/5/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $206,659.22 Outstanding Balance: $192,659.22 Running Balance: $192,659.22 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/30/2020 4:46:06 PM 0101170306704 Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 567469 Start Date: 6/26/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $232,796.19 Outstanding Balance: $227,796.19 Running Balance: $227,796.19 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/29/2020 4:35:02 PM 0101161073115 Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101161073115 Start Date: 9/9/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $26,671.80 Outstanding Balance: $24,671.80 Running Balance: $24,671.80 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 9/19/2019 2:19:09 PM 0101160350142 Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 608907 Start Date: 6/25/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $11,675.09 Outstanding Balance: $9,675.09 Running Balance: $9,675.09 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/30/2020 12:14:58 PM 57100005776 Name: REFUND Reference Number: 491024 Start Date: 7/1/2016 Category: Refunds Original Balance: ($8,888.00) Outstanding Balance: $0.00 Running Balance: $0.00 Note: none specified Status: Paid off Collection Method: Percentage Collection Value: 100 (%) Latest Payment: 7/27/2016 3:45:40 PM2020-07-06 phartiemah12@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014114In ProgressRequest2020-07-06Hello Kindly assist with msn of these account numbers 1.609796 2.609793 3.609792 4.609798 5.609797 6.612308301401 Thank you.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-06No0000-00-00 mwuladi@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014113In ProgressRequest2020-07-06REQUEST FOR THE DEBT PROFILE AND VENDING HISTORY FOR 0101170448902Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-06No0000-00-00 saadatumusa87@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014112In ProgressKCT Request2020-07-06Find below. 1. 0101190019469. thanks.MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-06No0000-00-00 faizahtafida@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014111ClosedOutstanding Balance2020-07-06REQUEST FOR OUTSTANDING BALANCE METER NO: 54161137911Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-06NoHello, Find below Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 54161137911 Start Date: 6/1/2017 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $16,452.88 Outstanding Balance: $0.00 Running Balance: $0.00 Note: none specified Status: Paid off Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,500.00 Latest Payment: 12/14/2017 11:15:16 AM2020-07-06 benmercyladi@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014110In ProgressRequest2020-07-06REQUEST FOR OUTSTANDING BALANCE METER NO: 54161137911Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-06No0000-00-00 benmercyladi@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014109In ProgressKCT Request2020-07-06Good Morning Sir, Kindly assist with KCT for the following MSN 1. 0101175010143 with tariff 02 on the meter. 2. 0101170130047 Best Regards.MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-06No0000-00-00 glawal1184@yahoo.com Anas Abubakar
#00014108In ProgressKCT Request2020-07-06Kindly Check if the CT has been generated 54161137051MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-06No0000-00-00 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014107In ProgressKCT Request2020-07-06KCT 57100079987MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-06No0000-00-00 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014106In ProgressRequest2020-07-06Hello, kindly assist with debt profile of the meter serial numbers listed below 54160986912 0101170289447 54150631932 54161129066 54160872781 0101170306704 0101161073115 0101160350142 57100005776Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-06No0000-00-00 phartiemah12@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014105ClosedRequest2020-07-06Please Ict kindly assist me with this meter number 0101170310326 original balance running balance and collection value thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-06NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 596129 Start Date: 3/5/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $20,338.35 Outstanding Balance: $12,338.35 Running Balance: $12,338.35 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/25/2020 5:06:52 PM2020-07-06 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014104In ProgressRequest2020-07-06Please Ict kindly assist me with this meter number 0101170310326 original balance running balance and collection value thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-06No0000-00-00 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014103ClosedTamper Code2020-07-06Kindly Check if the CT has been generated 0101160020133 Kindly check if the tamper has been generated 0101160020133. Thank youMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-06NoHello, See below, 5066 9017 2739 3825 4331 Clear Tamper 3/11/2019 2:14:55 7018 2872 1635 6389 2894 Clear Tamper 7/4/2020 11:17:082020-07-06 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014102ClosedRequest2020-07-06: Debt balance Please Ict kindly assist me with this meter number 0101170124792 original balance running balance and collection value thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-06NoHello, Find below Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170124792 Start Date: 2/25/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $75,735.25 Outstanding Balance: $65,735.25 Running Balance: $65,735.25 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/12/2020 11:41:50 AM2020-07-06 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014101ClosedRequest2020-07-06REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILS Find below request. 1. 57100019892. thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-06NoHello, Find below Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 669358 Start Date: 6/10/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $11,199.45 Outstanding Balance: $11,199.45 Running Balance: $11,199.45 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-06 faizahtafida@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014100In ProgressTamper Code2020-07-06Kindly check if the tamper has been generated 0101160020133. Thank youMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-06No0000-00-00 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014099In ProgressRequest2020-07-06Please Ict kindly assist me with this meter number 0101170124792 original balance running balance and collection value thanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-06No0000-00-00 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014098ClosedVending History2020-07-06REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY 57100067305Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-06NoHello, Find below, Date Sold: 03/08/16 15:31 Meter/Type: 57100067305 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 621615440752 Supplier Ref: 621615440752 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00010960 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 67644093376630983123 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt Date Sold: 15/08/16 13:17 Meter/Type: 57100067305 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 622813310858 Supplier Ref: 622813310858 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00017074 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 22270302802018363617 Date Sold: 09/09/16 11:29 Meter/Type: 57100067305 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/mmachen Token Ref: 625311306510 Supplier Ref: 625311306510 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00032836 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 67819331713431240305 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 29/09/16 13:25 Meter/Type: 57100067305 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/mmachen Token Ref: 627313251956 Supplier Ref: 627313251956 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00044777 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 59843796441935979845 Date Sold: 01/11/16 09:02 Meter/Type: 57100067305 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/mmachen Token Ref: 630610027058 Supplier Ref: 630610027058 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00066228 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 61459705898535419074 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 10/11/16 14:34 Meter/Type: 57100067305 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 631514348775 Supplier Ref: 631514348775 Receipt: Etrans3EMDB00073156 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 49644802465085521462 Date Sold: 13/12/16 14:14 Meter/Type: 57100067305 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Vdagett Token Ref: 634814132280 Supplier Ref: 634814132280 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00094864 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 58788069658059968010 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 23/12/16 15:13 Meter/Type: 57100067305 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Vdagett Token Ref: 635815129206 Supplier Ref: 635815129206 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00104643 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 43197940253085881412 Date Sold: 13/02/17 12:39 Meter/Type: 57100067305 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Vdagett Token Ref: 704413322342 Supplier Ref: 704413322342 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00141978 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 47517321113291003054 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 23/02/17 08:19 Meter/Type: 57100067305 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Vdagett Token Ref: 705409126115 Supplier Ref: 705409126115 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00151842 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 09962378950533904172 Date Sold: 31/03/17 10:58 Meter/Type: 57100067305 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Vdagett Token Ref: 709011515255 Supplier Ref: 709011515255 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00199050 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 11420061150638074495 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 28/04/17 08:30 Meter/Type: 57100067305 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/aibe Token Ref: 711808300084 Supplier Ref: 711808300084 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00233073 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 66579370059472446679 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 15/06/17 10:02 Meter/Type: 57100067305 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Vdagett Token Ref: 716610527425 Supplier Ref: 716610527425 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00294969 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 57713792195251384893 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 17/07/17 11:48 Meter/Type: 57100067305 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Vdagett Token Ref: 719812389384 Supplier Ref: 719812389384 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00335328 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 62432580338254755877 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 31/07/17 11:15 Meter/Type: 57100067305 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/Vdagett Token Ref: 721212051017 Supplier Ref: 721212051017 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00353482 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 46787569115991125319 Date Sold: 18/12/17 11:40 Meter/Type: 57100067305 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 762607967886027 Supplier Ref: 762607967886027 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00544201 Total Value: N11,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 33324573889267210965 Debt: N10,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 29/12/17 09:31 Meter/Type: 57100067305 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 571196667230614 Supplier Ref: 571196667230614 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00561409 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 67774956566060575552 Date Sold: 30/01/18 11:52 Meter/Type: 57100067305 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000635393350 Supplier Ref: 000635393350 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00601181 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 02575495380381435318 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 28/02/18 09:05 Meter/Type: 57100067305 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 761410877205053 Supplier Ref: 761410877205053 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00643222 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 54020856640147152556 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 26/07/18 17:57 Meter/Type: 57100067305 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000660911954 Supplier Ref: 000660911954 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00927822 Total Value: N11,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 35360834771140636550 Debt: N10,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/09/18 17:02 Meter/Type: 57100067305 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182531602245 Supplier Ref: 182531602245 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01054460 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 23309358288218274485 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/11/18 08:16 Meter/Type: 57100067305 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000676123772 Supplier Ref: 000676123772 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01253074 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N1,177.67 - 22633508663440663548 Debt: N1,322.33 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/12/18 10:15 Meter/Type: 57100067305 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183440915528 Supplier Ref: 183440915528 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01362996 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 29165135096506291598 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/12/18 11:32 Meter/Type: 57100067305 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 808345064505789 Supplier Ref: 808345064505789 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01407606 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 59111991103433384905 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/01/19 10:09 Meter/Type: 57100067305 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154866299177 Supplier Ref: 154866299177 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01679030 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 38820512966180511154 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/03/19 20:44 Meter/Type: 57100067305 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 906819400000 Supplier Ref: 906819400000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01990776 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 30618021532261323000 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/04/19 09:11 Meter/Type: 57100067305 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 801878189486701 Supplier Ref: 801878189486701 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02258626 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 13040349156702559415 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/08/19 14:32 Meter/Type: 57100067305 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192201332193 Supplier Ref: 192201332193 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02774042 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 63365691621892578098 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/03/20 17:27 Meter/Type: 57100067305 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158342203567 Supplier Ref: 158342203567 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04287387 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 70785527840581294077 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/03/20 15:51 Meter/Type: 57100067305 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200761451447 Supplier Ref: 200761451447 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04359072 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 19435485206629821216 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/04/20 11:50 Meter/Type: 57100067305 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200931050233 Supplier Ref: 200931050233 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04488340 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 24401457724701667343 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/04/20 12:22 Meter/Type: 57100067305 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200991122061 Supplier Ref: 200991122061 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04530676 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 13233677953194856693 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/04/20 11:44 Meter/Type: 57100067305 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201071045008 Supplier Ref: 201071045008 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04579381 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 32088402183725137446 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/05/20 08:02 Meter/Type: 57100067305 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201460802074 Supplier Ref: 201460802074 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04843843 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 33231776683098552724 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/06/20 08:50 Meter/Type: 57100067305 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201530850212 Supplier Ref: 201530850212 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04895690 Total Value: N650.00 Standard: N650.00 - 29045875399014271769 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/06/20 10:41 Meter/Type: 57100067305 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201531041117 Supplier Ref: 201531041117 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04896776 Total Value: N300.00 Standard: N300.00 - 56658797358033117047 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/06/20 16:49 Meter/Type: 57100067305 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201651649534 Supplier Ref: 201651649534 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04976819 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 28481206061750187235 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/06/20 12:37 Meter/Type: 57100067305 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201711237550 Supplier Ref: 201711237550 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05015363 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 67961581096836329315 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/06/20 10:54 Meter/Type: 57100067305 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201771054203 Supplier Ref: 201771054203 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05057330 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 45025893954015274877 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 572020-07-06 longpuan@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014097In ProgressRequest2020-07-06Find below request. 1. 57100019892. thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-06No0000-00-00 faizahtafida@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014096In ProgressVending History2020-07-06REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY 57100067305Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-06No0000-00-00 longpuan@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014095ClosedRequest2020-07-06: DEBT DETAILS Assist with debt details 0101170296558 Thanks.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-06NoHello, Find below Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170296558 Start Date: 9/18/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $47,401.89 Outstanding Balance: $25,401.89 Running Balance: $25,401.89 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/6/2020 10:47:34 AM2020-07-06 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014094In ProgressRequest2020-07-06Assist with debt details 0101170296558 Thanks.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-06No0000-00-00 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014093ClosedOutstanding Balance2020-07-06Kindly assist with the total outstanding debt on the meter number. 0101160409898 Christian chinedu 15 ziks avenue Jos plateau state. Thank you in anticipation.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-06NoHello, Find below as requested Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 573381 Start Date: 8/26/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $45,204.02 Outstanding Balance: $21,204.02 Running Balance: $21,204.02 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/4/2020 9:56:11 PM2020-07-06 brains0004@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014092ClosedKCT Request2020-07-06REQUEST FOR KCT 0101190008579MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-06NoGood Morning, Find below, 0101190008579 6471 2546 1934 8947 6321 0732 7479 7967 7341 78552020-07-06 longpuan@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014091In ProgressKCT Request2020-07-06REQUEST FOR KCT 0101190008579MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-06No0000-00-00 longpuan@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014090ClosedRequest2020-07-06: Debt balance Please Ict kindly assist me with this meter number 0101170193433 original balance running balance and collection value thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-06NoHello, Find below Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170193433 Start Date: 1/6/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $160,215.82 Outstanding Balance: $160,215.82 Running Balance: $160,215.82 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,500.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-06 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014089ClosedRequest2020-07-06: DEBT DETAILS GOOD MORNING TEAM. Find below 0101160052110 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-06NoGood morning, Find below Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101160052110 Start Date: 3/1/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $16,520.20 Outstanding Balance: $6,520.20 Running Balance: $6,520.20 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/5/2020 11:53:33 AM2020-07-06 faizahtafida@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014088ClosedTamper Code2020-07-06: CT 57100005180 Kindly assist with this tamper. Thanks youMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-06NoHello, Find below as requested, 57100005180 1949 1315 0015 0927 3295 Clear Tamper Note: Henceforth they should present the hardcopy document for signature by head IT/Abdullahi Inuwa and Audit since activities has return back to normalcy as the usual procedure before generating the tamper code. Regards.2020-07-06 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014087ClosedVending History2020-07-06Dear Support, Kindly provide VH for 54161089807 Thank YouMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-06NoGood morning, Find below Date Sold: 17/08/17 08:52 Meter/Type: 54161089807 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 722908519613 Supplier Ref: 722908519613 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00374709 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 09815339746117811671 Date Sold: 01/09/17 15:35 Meter/Type: 54161089807 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 724415345109 Supplier Ref: 724415345109 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00396375 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N500.00 - 38168918452055562895 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 23/10/17 15:55 Meter/Type: 54161089807 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000621161594 Supplier Ref: 000621161594 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00464539 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N400.00 - 70728333278901569562 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 07/11/17 09:08 Meter/Type: 54161089807 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000623280852 Supplier Ref: 000623280852 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00486702 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N2,400.00 - 10575448938379379591 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 25/01/18 16:09 Meter/Type: 54161089807 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000634699021 Supplier Ref: 000634699021 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00594929 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 23677604312566752470 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 23/03/18 12:45 Meter/Type: 54161089807 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000642886579 Supplier Ref: 000642886579 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00680962 Total Value: N9,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 59532027169523932817 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 20/12/18 12:20 Meter/Type: 54161089807 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154530100848 Supplier Ref: 154530100848 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01420926 Total Value: N26,000.00 Standard: N3,500.00 - 23685929506983724337 Debt: N22,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/03/19 09:34 Meter/Type: 54161089807 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 300433420925645 Supplier Ref: 300433420925645 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02041845 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N227.68 - 09282807677755331374 Debt: N6,772.32 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/03/19 12:38 Meter/Type: 54161089807 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 941759749830651 Supplier Ref: 941759749830651 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02065008 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 19675578846228862894 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/05/19 10:38 Meter/Type: 54161089807 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 467718327913383 Supplier Ref: 467718327913383 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02372695 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 07628667896778449583 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/08/19 18:19 Meter/Type: 54161089807 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192151719473 Supplier Ref: 192151719473 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02751126 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 62016692989504755602 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/10/19 16:23 Meter/Type: 54161089807 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192841524571 Supplier Ref: 192841524571 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03113183 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 01513183428529232909 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/12/19 12:19 Meter/Type: 54161089807 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193361121217 Supplier Ref: 193361121217 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03439409 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 13540032450413086009 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/01/20 11:09 Meter/Type: 54161089807 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200211013090 Supplier Ref: 200211013090 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03844054 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 09842129082220368454 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/03/20 16:12 Meter/Type: 54161089807 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200711512101 Supplier Ref: 200711512101 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04332882 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 73105680588292108225 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/05/20 15:35 Meter/Type: 54161089807 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201341535492 Supplier Ref: 201341535492 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04767461 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 73516073639560840164 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 182020-07-06 sunnyochekwu@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014086ClosedRequest2020-07-06: DEBT DETAILS Assist with debt details 0101160052110 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-06NoGood morning, Find below Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101160052110 Start Date: 3/1/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $16,520.20 Outstanding Balance: $6,520.20 Running Balance: $6,520.20 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/5/2020 11:53:33 AM2020-07-06 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014085In ProgressVending History2020-07-06Dear Support, Kindly provide VH for 54161089807 Thank YouMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-06No0000-00-00 sunnyochekwu@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014084In ProgressRequest2020-07-06Assist with debt details 0101170126219 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-06No0000-00-00 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014083In ProgressKCT Request2020-07-06Dear IT Support, Kindly generate KCT for the meter number 0101190011003 warm regardsMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-06No0000-00-00 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014082In ProgressRequest2020-07-06Assist with debt details 0101160052110 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-06No0000-00-00 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014081ClosedKCT Request2020-07-06: REQUEST FOR KCT 0101160051070MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-06NoGood morning, Please find below. 0101160051070 2798 4820 9134 7879 4726 5539 8059 4409 8730 24132020-07-06 longpuan@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014080ClosedKCT Request2020-07-06: KCT Assist with key change 0101160059594 ThanksMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-06NoGood morning, Find below as requested 0101160059594 KCT1: 3163 5302 7928 8614 9254 KCT2: 5559 8386 9796 4065 08372020-07-06 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014079Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014078ClosedRequest2020-07-06Debt balance Gudmornin Ict team members Please kindly assist me with this meter number 0101170195008 original balance running balance and collection value thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-06NoGood Morning, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170195008 Start Date: 4/13/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $10,007.68 Outstanding Balance: $8,007.68 Running Balance: $8,007.68 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 4/25/2020 8:56:15 PM2020-07-06 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014077In ProgressRequest2020-07-06Good morning Ict team members Please kindly assist me with this meter number 0101170195008 original balance running balance and collection value thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-06No0000-00-00 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014076In ProgressKCT Request2020-07-060101161064064 Dear IT Support, Kindly generate kct for the above meter. Best Regards.MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-06No0000-00-00 ppmcapture@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014075In ProgressRequest2020-07-06Assist with debt details 0101170126219 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-06No0000-00-00 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014074In ProgressVending History2020-07-06Please I wish to request for vending history opening balance and outstanding debt balance of the following meter 57100078484. thanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-06No0000-00-00 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014073In ProgressTamper Code2020-07-0657100005180 Kindly assist with this tamper. Thanks youMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-06No0000-00-00 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014072In ProgressRequest2020-07-06Assist with debt details 0101160002305 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-06No0000-00-00 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014071In ProgressRequest2020-07-06GOOD MORNING IT SUPPORT. Kindly assist with debt details, 1. 54160959166 2. 54160964380 Thank you have a blessed day.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-06No0000-00-00 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014070Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014069Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014068ClosedTamper Code2020-07-03TEMPER CODE REQUEST 30062020 Good Afternoon Sir kindly help and assist on the above 2NO TEMPER CODE request. Best Regards. CCRM GOMBEMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-03NoHello, Find below the remaining tampers, 0101165037033 4190 7603 3879 7638 3032 Clear Tamper 0101170204537 2314 5954 1579 7543 7732Clear Tamper 0101170151266 4149 5200 8629 4763 9205Clear Tamper 0101170134114 7243 9535 7147 1266 8972Clear Tamper 0101170164392 6976 5669 0257 8611 9534Clear Tamper 0101170243899 2078 7770 9818 4124 5878Clear Tamper 0101170124446 3085 0371 5118 5861 3825Clear Tamper 0101170119933 5338 1666 0815 1153 4315Clear Tamper 0101170145888 2468 4052 2611 3881 6980Clear Tamper 0101170200519 0509 4877 0373 6669 8962Clear Tamper 0101160009227 6886 3304 1964 7243 8508 Clear Tampe Regards.2020-07-03 glawal1184@yahoo.com Anas Abubakar
#00014067ClosedTamper Code2020-07-03Completed Clear Tamper Complaint Lodging Form ( High Court 8 Makurdi) Dear Sir, Kindly find attached document for further necessary action.MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-03NoHello, Find beloe as requested, 0101165037033 4190 7603 3879 7638 3032 Clear Tamper Regards.2020-07-03 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Anas Abubakar
#00014066ClosedKCT Request2020-07-03: Kct 0101190015566 Kindly assist with the above information thank youMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-03NoHello, No KCT found.2020-07-03 ummilois2@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014065ClosedVending History2020-07-03: Request For Vending History of 04244044360 Dear IT Support Team, Kindly furnish us with VH of 04244044360 we are having Network challenges over here. Thank you.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-03NoHELLO, FIND BELOW, Date Sold: 10/10/16 15:20 Meter/Type: 04244044360 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/fandrew Token Ref: 628415210255 Supplier Ref: 628415210255 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00052713 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 20857315793158347185 Date Sold: 25/10/16 14:45 Meter/Type: 04244044360 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/agina Token Ref: 629914450081 Supplier Ref: 629914450081 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00062127 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 04621865160182299905 Date Sold: 08/11/16 10:39 Meter/Type: 04244044360 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/agina Token Ref: 631310390201 Supplier Ref: 631310390201 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00071282 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 37243835516834129222 Date Sold: 10/04/17 09:41 Meter/Type: 04244044360 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/binuwa Token Ref: 710009410188 Supplier Ref: 710009410188 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00211480 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 41331836453648195259 Date Sold: 18/04/17 10:34 Meter/Type: 04244044360 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/binuwa Token Ref: 710810340100 Supplier Ref: 710810340100 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00219375 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 26524999629473724404 Date Sold: 23/08/17 10:11 Meter/Type: 04244044360 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/binuwa Token Ref: 723510110113 Supplier Ref: 723510110113 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00381827 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 07929991534469479156 Date Sold: 06/10/17 07:56 Meter/Type: 04244044360 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/aibe Token Ref: 727907560045 Supplier Ref: 727907560045 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00441042 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 31126657723907826257 Date Sold: 16/01/18 12:07 Meter/Type: 04244044360 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 801612071215 Supplier Ref: 801612071215 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00582699 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 45574127110666672809 Date Sold: 26/06/18 10:23 Meter/Type: 04244044360 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 817709231144 Supplier Ref: 817709231144 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00855388 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 49183377189727815095 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/03/19 14:14 Meter/Type: 04244044360 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190671314192 Supplier Ref: 190671314192 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01984729 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 69382503576452311878 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/10/19 09:31 Meter/Type: 04244044360 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192880832283 Supplier Ref: 192880832283 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03130133 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 19321280684143654075 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 112020-07-03 aramidee05@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014064ClosedRequest2020-07-0354161042517 Hello, Kindly assist with debt profile and vending history of above metre serial number.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-03NoHELLO, FIND BELOW, Date Sold: 07/05/19 17:10 Meter/Type: 54161042517 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191271610265 Supplier Ref: 191271610265 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02313742 Total Value: N8,300.00 Standard: N2,039.90 - 01217132697543864563 Debt: N6,260.10 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/06/19 13:38 Meter/Type: 54161042517 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 430862839146791 Supplier Ref: 430862839146791 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02559942 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,869.95 - 23415864357865849370 Debt: N3,130.05 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/07/19 09:27 Meter/Type: 54161042517 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191890827546 Supplier Ref: 191890827546 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02614147 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,869.95 - 29035521723213854477 Debt: N3,130.05 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/07/19 14:59 Meter/Type: 54161042517 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156362756497 Supplier Ref: 156362756497 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02676834 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 31327353184418529402 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/09/19 15:22 Meter/Type: 54161042517 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156881299549 Supplier Ref: 156881299549 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02984829 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 19882066266037496903 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/10/19 09:38 Meter/Type: 54161042517 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192920839168 Supplier Ref: 192920839168 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03152664 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 65633613697497256781 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/12/19 09:25 Meter/Type: 54161042517 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157544444374 Supplier Ref: 157544444374 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03459545 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 06776627874291576292 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/01/20 14:53 Meter/Type: 54161042517 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 000613565344 Supplier Ref: 000613565344 Receipt: PagT13EMDB03720322 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 11407973242192224300 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/01/20 13:56 Meter/Type: 54161042517 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158021278971 Supplier Ref: 158021278971 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03906041 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 08584991964114115641 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/02/20 18:03 Meter/Type: 54161042517 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158204178105 Supplier Ref: 158204178105 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04107454 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 53170091618416897784 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/04/20 09:51 Meter/Type: 54161042517 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201210952008 Supplier Ref: 201210952008 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04685591 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 07880236961026696212 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/06/20 14:37 Meter/Type: 54161042517 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201551437278 Supplier Ref: 201551437278 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04910594 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 64519343241948297860 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 25 Find below Name: Outstanding Balance Reference Number: 6126341737-01 Start Date: 4/18/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $139,835.00 Outstanding Balance: $105,314.80 Running Balance: $105,314.80 Note: Outstanding from JCS, Installation fee, Cost unit Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/3/2020 2:37:20 PM2020-07-03 phartiemah12@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014063Closed2020-07-03: Request for vending history opening balance and outstanding debt balance Please I wish to request for vending history opening balance and outstanding debt balance of the following meter 54160949366. thanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-03NoFind below VH No token sales found. Debt profile No Contract (with an Account) found by the provided search criteria. Please use alternate search criteria.2020-07-03 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014062ClosedVending History2020-07-0354161042517 Hello, Kindly assist with debt profile and vending history of above metre serial number.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-03NoFind below Name: Outstanding Balance Reference Number: 6126341737-01 Start Date: 4/18/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $139,835.00 Outstanding Balance: $105,314.80 Running Balance: $105,314.80 Note: Outstanding from JCS, Installation fee, Cost unit Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/3/2020 2:37:20 PM2020-07-03 phartiemah12@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014061ClosedVending History2020-07-03: Request For Vending History of 04244044360 Dear IT Support Team, Kindly furnish us with VH of 04244044360 we are having Network challenges over here. Thank you.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-03NoHello, Find it below Date Sold: 10/10/16 15:20 Meter/Type: 04244044360 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/fandrew Token Ref: 628415210255 Supplier Ref: 628415210255 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00052713 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 20857315793158347185 Date Sold: 25/10/16 14:45 Meter/Type: 04244044360 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/agina Token Ref: 629914450081 Supplier Ref: 629914450081 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00062127 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 04621865160182299905 Date Sold: 08/11/16 10:39 Meter/Type: 04244044360 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/agina Token Ref: 631310390201 Supplier Ref: 631310390201 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00071282 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 37243835516834129222 Date Sold: 10/04/17 09:41 Meter/Type: 04244044360 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/binuwa Token Ref: 710009410188 Supplier Ref: 710009410188 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00211480 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 41331836453648195259 Date Sold: 18/04/17 10:34 Meter/Type: 04244044360 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/binuwa Token Ref: 710810340100 Supplier Ref: 710810340100 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00219375 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 26524999629473724404 Date Sold: 23/08/17 10:11 Meter/Type: 04244044360 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/binuwa Token Ref: 723510110113 Supplier Ref: 723510110113 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00381827 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 07929991534469479156 Date Sold: 06/10/17 07:56 Meter/Type: 04244044360 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/aibe Token Ref: 727907560045 Supplier Ref: 727907560045 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00441042 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 31126657723907826257 Date Sold: 16/01/18 12:07 Meter/Type: 04244044360 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 801612071215 Supplier Ref: 801612071215 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00582699 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 45574127110666672809 Date Sold: 26/06/18 10:23 Meter/Type: 04244044360 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 817709231144 Supplier Ref: 817709231144 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00855388 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 49183377189727815095 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/03/19 14:14 Meter/Type: 04244044360 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190671314192 Supplier Ref: 190671314192 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01984729 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 69382503576452311878 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/10/19 09:31 Meter/Type: 04244044360 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192880832283 Supplier Ref: 192880832283 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03130133 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 19321280684143654075 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 112020-07-03 aramidee05@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014060Closed2020-07-03: Request for vending history opening balance and outstanding debt balance Please I wish to request for vending history opening balance and outstanding debt balance of the following meter 54161056368. thanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-03NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 609958 Start Date: 9/1/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $38,669.32 Outstanding Balance: $18,669.32 Running Balance: $18,669.32 Note: Outstanding migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/30/2020 5:03:02 PM VH Date Sold: 12/03/19 13:26 Meter/Type: 54161056368 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 82108378553653 Supplier Ref: 82108378553653 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02003936 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 31476991262346899736 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/06/19 20:43 Meter/Type: 54161056368 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190601194008 Supplier Ref: 190601194008 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02437292 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 57480022420385158345 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/02/20 12:20 Meter/Type: 54161056368 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 435353878182772 Supplier Ref: 435353878182772 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB04169087 Total Value: N13,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 01337159089696147633 Debt: N12,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/05/20 17:08 Meter/Type: 54161056368 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201331708541 Supplier Ref: 201331708541 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04762492 Total Value: N6,500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 34247463658039377175 Debt: N6,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/06/20 17:03 Meter/Type: 54161056368 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201821703071 Supplier Ref: 201821703071 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05102623 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 06513995137547907823 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 82020-07-03 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014059ClosedRequest2020-07-03DEBT DETAILS Assist with debt details 0101170126219 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-03NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 632086 Start Date: 5/27/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $7,443.06 Outstanding Balance: $7,443.06 Running Balance: $7,443.06 Note: Outstanding migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-03 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014058Closed2020-07-03: Request for vending history opening balance and outstanding debt balance Please I wish to request for vending history opening balance and outstanding debt balance of the following meter 0101160358129. thanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-03NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101160358129 Start Date: 1/21/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $230,139.98 Outstanding Balance: $230,139.98 Running Balance: $230,139.98 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record VH Date Sold: 04/06/19 12:41 Meter/Type: 0101160358129 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155964486856 Supplier Ref: 155964486856 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02451084 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 24873575179547245485 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/06/19 13:19 Meter/Type: 0101160358129 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191681219130 Supplier Ref: 191681219130 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02516305 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 67389635644215177617 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/07/19 12:36 Meter/Type: 0101160358129 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191861136142 Supplier Ref: 191861136142 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02603004 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 00266211761419306823 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/07/19 15:04 Meter/Type: 0101160358129 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192031404316 Supplier Ref: 192031404316 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02684331 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 33427187027489681529 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/08/19 13:01 Meter/Type: 0101160358129 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192181201368 Supplier Ref: 192181201368 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02764133 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 33317305861421032810 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/08/19 17:56 Meter/Type: 0101160358129 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156640300124 Supplier Ref: 156640300124 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02840124 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 46344323177016828906 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/09/19 16:59 Meter/Type: 0101160358129 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 568055173314572 Supplier Ref: 568055173314572 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02903972 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 67806356885653494153 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/09/19 13:46 Meter/Type: 0101160358129 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192621246418 Supplier Ref: 192621246418 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02989761 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 61834016254595106706 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/10/19 15:11 Meter/Type: 0101160358129 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192751411586 Supplier Ref: 192751411586 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03063017 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 70024329542360108564 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/10/19 16:33 Meter/Type: 0101160358129 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192941535045 Supplier Ref: 192941535045 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03163954 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 51750980594884420143 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/10/19 14:50 Meter/Type: 0101160358129 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193041352124 Supplier Ref: 193041352124 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03223969 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 72399493730063676834 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/11/19 15:32 Meter/Type: 0101160358129 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157322001843 Supplier Ref: 157322001843 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03277742 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 07659116940290264324 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/11/19 12:39 Meter/Type: 0101160358129 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157416005376 Supplier Ref: 157416005376 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03336664 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 07331110941245325183 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/12/19 16:52 Meter/Type: 0101160358129 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193361555086 Supplier Ref: 193361555086 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03443972 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 35993775415495459973 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/01/20 11:44 Meter/Type: 0101160358129 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 212879967567570 Supplier Ref: 212879967567570 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03715909 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 02968402560386416604 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 182020-07-03 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014057ClosedVending History2020-07-03: REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY Find below request. 1. 0101170137000. thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-03NoHello, Find below the request, Date Sold: 17/05/18 11:05 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000650790622 Supplier Ref: 000650790622 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00773971 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 62385034556390924198 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/06/18 09:23 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000656972565 Supplier Ref: 000656972565 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00862841 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 61094201296597605633 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/09/18 15:05 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182551405523 Supplier Ref: 182551405523 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01060890 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 59071754991809003089 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/10/18 10:28 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182811028478 Supplier Ref: 182811028478 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01139247 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 04002141574483663819 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/10/18 11:27 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000674846880 Supplier Ref: 000674846880 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01219660 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 61793018235715446265 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/12/18 13:53 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 181204389322 Supplier Ref: 181204389322 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB01340962 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 04410785543608982116 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/01/19 11:58 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190161058293 Supplier Ref: 190161058293 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01593121 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 37807331219896849834 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/02/19 11:21 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190531021575 Supplier Ref: 190531021575 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01879610 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 24048613471378863606 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/03/19 12:37 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190701137241 Supplier Ref: 190701137241 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01996344 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 67444284943967335696 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/04/19 09:37 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190980837552 Supplier Ref: 190980837552 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02144767 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 71225393918393473345 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/04/19 13:58 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191141258194 Supplier Ref: 191141258194 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02233966 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 63894550413092949617 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/05/19 16:04 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191431504397 Supplier Ref: 191431504397 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02385637 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 13833439638601020515 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/07/19 13:09 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191831209075 Supplier Ref: 191831209075 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02588954 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 17340574085468062672 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/08/19 09:04 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190813984288 Supplier Ref: 190813984288 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02796379 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 04520010937501393973 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/09/19 10:47 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190907713249 Supplier Ref: 190907713249 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02925104 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 38208620847371198386 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/10/19 16:33 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193031535030 Supplier Ref: 193031535030 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03217526 Total Value: N8,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 23308896824556225172 Debt: N7,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/11/19 19:39 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157479006948 Supplier Ref: 157479006948 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03391899 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 06260595976596307013 Debt: N3,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/02/20 14:27 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158220166517 Supplier Ref: 158220166517 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04123226 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 30974522654535092216 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/04/20 10:42 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200930942352 Supplier Ref: 200930942352 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04487463 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 25968252902098534799 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/04/20 17:05 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201141706041 Supplier Ref: 201141706041 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04635050 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 03876188774391967187 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/05/20 17:20 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201351720573 Supplier Ref: 201351720573 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04773609 Total Value: N7,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 26066541685194682542 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 372020-07-03 faizahtafida@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014056ClosedVending History2020-07-03: Request For Vending History of Meter 0101161066853 Dear IT Support Team, Kindly furnish us with VH of 0101161066853 of we are having Network challenges over here. Thank you very much.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-03NoHello, Find below, Date Sold: 25/05/18 14:24 Meter/Type: 0101161066853 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000651962541 Supplier Ref: 000651962541 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00791044 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 65696862198698879777 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/08/18 14:42 Meter/Type: 0101161066853 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182221342493 Supplier Ref: 182221342493 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00967129 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 39717739304008127296 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/10/18 11:07 Meter/Type: 0101161066853 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182851107385 Supplier Ref: 182851107385 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01154916 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 43483094207428385289 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/01/19 15:17 Meter/Type: 0101161066853 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154842223693 Supplier Ref: 154842223693 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01663285 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 10524191577868144947 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/06/19 12:41 Meter/Type: 0101161066853 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191761141426 Supplier Ref: 191761141426 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02554992 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 27481909466914760915 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/08/19 15:26 Meter/Type: 0101161066853 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192141426146 Supplier Ref: 192141426146 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02744226 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 28316927481819054302 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 92020-07-03 aramidee05@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014055ClosedKCT Request2020-07-03: REQUEST FOR KCT 54161088700Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-03NoHello, Find below, KCT1: 5391 6415 0031 8830 3625 KCT2: 5993 6889 5281 9860 55562020-07-03 longpuan@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014054ClosedVending History2020-07-03: VH Pls I need the vending history of this customer 0101170372433. ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-03NoHello, Find it below Date Sold: 11/09/18 13:49 Meter/Type: 0101170372433 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000667655274 Supplier Ref: 000667655274 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01057156 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 64098331340522495694 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/10/18 15:41 Meter/Type: 0101170372433 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182761541225 Supplier Ref: 182761541225 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01124136 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 34827359624470634847 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/10/18 19:36 Meter/Type: 0101170372433 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 829719360000 Supplier Ref: 829719360000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01197004 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 13755589449625382143 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/11/18 10:48 Meter/Type: 0101170372433 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183091048335 Supplier Ref: 183091048335 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01237907 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 37190325019099132425 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/11/18 12:28 Meter/Type: 0101170372433 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 832812270000 Supplier Ref: 832812270000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01304407 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 07411401366920490856 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/12/18 20:11 Meter/Type: 0101170372433 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183471911392 Supplier Ref: 183471911392 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01385475 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 37550497221633986268 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/12/18 16:33 Meter/Type: 0101170372433 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154626681820 Supplier Ref: 154626681820 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01496444 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 24735032481722808788 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/01/19 10:23 Meter/Type: 0101170372433 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154762702503 Supplier Ref: 154762702503 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01591872 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 02753424032594076369 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/02/19 18:02 Meter/Type: 0101170372433 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 903015493002699 Supplier Ref: 903015493002699 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01802274 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,434.97 - 35751166300520224759 Debt: N1,565.03 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/03/19 20:46 Meter/Type: 0101170372433 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155172516781 Supplier Ref: 155172516781 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01958780 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 57161480543970142597 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/03/19 21:22 Meter/Type: 0101170372433 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155172735327 Supplier Ref: 155172735327 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01959013 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 07075582152888785448 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/04/19 20:27 Meter/Type: 0101170372433 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 447949157315672 Supplier Ref: 447949157315672 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02136077 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 18296458438229668083 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/04/19 09:53 Meter/Type: 0101170372433 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 472135313332184 Supplier Ref: 472135313332184 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02144935 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 11198354211407484083 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/05/19 20:15 Meter/Type: 0101170372433 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 245639222548035 Supplier Ref: 245639222548035 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02416901 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 09386509964843292383 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/06/19 18:43 Meter/Type: 0101170372433 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 46246577582589 Supplier Ref: 46246577582589 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02510904 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 25570164511862644735 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/07/19 12:47 Meter/Type: 0101170372433 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156266925789 Supplier Ref: 156266925789 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02622453 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 03662077555094681379 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/08/19 18:13 Meter/Type: 0101170372433 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 4721775815573 Supplier Ref: 4721775815573 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02751096 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 21352212805872634931 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/08/19 20:09 Meter/Type: 0101170372433 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 204560976480676 Supplier Ref: 204560976480676 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02867336 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 45531289413363175130 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/09/19 19:49 Meter/Type: 0101170372433 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 926118493253 Supplier Ref: 926118493253 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02986524 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 28767510334557537144 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/09/19 21:43 Meter/Type: 0101170372433 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 636519782203417 Supplier Ref: 636519782203417 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03003945 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 45944265712854555785 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/09/19 08:12 Meter/Type: 0101170372433 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190922071228 Supplier Ref: 190922071228 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB03004458 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 07014802371516877239 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/09/19 09:40 Meter/Type: 0101170372433 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190924084037 Supplier Ref: 190924084037 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB03014236 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 04930779835342350008 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/10/19 20:59 Meter/Type: 0101170372433 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157090684745 Supplier Ref: 157090684745 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03119558 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 43298699617839147824 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/10/19 20:54 Meter/Type: 0101170372433 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 191021195416 Supplier Ref: 191021195416 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB03166295 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 20481522125041809418 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/11/19 20:43 Meter/Type: 0101170372433 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 205219590599884 Supplier Ref: 205219590599884 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03253109 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 67713739824928734304 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/12/19 07:34 Meter/Type: 0101170372433 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 126394568782940 Supplier Ref: 126394568782940 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03458965 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 06022445051210704611 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/12/19 09:17 Meter/Type: 0101170372433 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 65291677252242 Supplier Ref: 65291677252242 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03633646 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 19695353096188255666 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/01/20 22:02 Meter/Type: 0101170372433 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 289995524168331 Supplier Ref: 289995524168331 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03830741 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 01585040020837676101 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/02/20 21:38 Meter/Type: 0101170372433 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158162267142 Supplier Ref: 158162267142 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04063793 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 24261209724120452027 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/02/20 10:09 Meter/Type: 0101170372433 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 690761245177904 Supplier Ref: 690761245177904 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB04167179 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 71612506705467994281 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/03/20 21:22 Meter/Type: 0101170372433 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200832022342 Supplier Ref: 200832022342 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04408495 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 42538942609515523473 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/03/20 16:26 Meter/Type: 0101170372433 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200881526125 Supplier Ref: 200881526125 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04448804 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 57580583494654593445 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/04/20 09:25 Meter/Type: 0101170372433 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201140925411 Supplier Ref: 201140925411 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04631492 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 49994048002896327202 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/05/20 14:37 Meter/Type: 0101170372433 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201371437286 Supplier Ref: 201371437286 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04789520 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 27953750924359249443 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/06/20 19:23 Meter/Type: 0101170372433 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201701923382 Supplier Ref: 201701923382 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05011262 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 59535034727250550758 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/06/20 15:21 Meter/Type: 0101170372433 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201771521250 Supplier Ref: 201771521250 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05060014 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 17234496708311913907 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 722020-07-03 akigaisiyaka@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014053ClosedRequest2020-07-03: REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILS FIND BELOW. 1. 54160880537Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-03NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING BALANCE Reference Number: 54160880537 Start Date: 2/28/2017 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $52,141.82 Outstanding Balance: $0.00 Running Balance: $0.00 Note: none specified Status: Paid off Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,000.00 Latest Payment: 8/2/2018 12:15:15 PM2020-07-03 faizahtafida@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014052ClosedVending History2020-07-03REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY Find below request. 1. 0101170137000. thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-03NoHello, Find below Date Sold: 17/05/18 11:05 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000650790622 Supplier Ref: 000650790622 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00773971 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 62385034556390924198 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/06/18 09:23 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000656972565 Supplier Ref: 000656972565 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00862841 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 61094201296597605633 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/09/18 15:05 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182551405523 Supplier Ref: 182551405523 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01060890 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 59071754991809003089 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/10/18 10:28 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182811028478 Supplier Ref: 182811028478 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01139247 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 04002141574483663819 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/10/18 11:27 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000674846880 Supplier Ref: 000674846880 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01219660 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 61793018235715446265 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/12/18 13:53 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 181204389322 Supplier Ref: 181204389322 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB01340962 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 04410785543608982116 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/01/19 11:58 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190161058293 Supplier Ref: 190161058293 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01593121 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 37807331219896849834 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/02/19 11:21 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190531021575 Supplier Ref: 190531021575 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01879610 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 24048613471378863606 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/03/19 12:37 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190701137241 Supplier Ref: 190701137241 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01996344 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 67444284943967335696 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/04/19 09:37 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190980837552 Supplier Ref: 190980837552 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02144767 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 71225393918393473345 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/04/19 13:58 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191141258194 Supplier Ref: 191141258194 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02233966 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 63894550413092949617 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/05/19 16:04 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191431504397 Supplier Ref: 191431504397 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02385637 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 13833439638601020515 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/07/19 13:09 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191831209075 Supplier Ref: 191831209075 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02588954 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 17340574085468062672 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/08/19 09:04 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190813984288 Supplier Ref: 190813984288 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02796379 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 04520010937501393973 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/09/19 10:47 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190907713249 Supplier Ref: 190907713249 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02925104 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 38208620847371198386 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/10/19 16:33 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193031535030 Supplier Ref: 193031535030 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03217526 Total Value: N8,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 23308896824556225172 Debt: N7,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/11/19 19:39 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157479006948 Supplier Ref: 157479006948 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03391899 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 06260595976596307013 Debt: N3,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/02/20 14:27 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158220166517 Supplier Ref: 158220166517 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04123226 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 30974522654535092216 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/04/20 10:42 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200930942352 Supplier Ref: 200930942352 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04487463 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 25968252902098534799 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/04/20 17:05 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201141706041 Supplier Ref: 201141706041 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04635050 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 03876188774391967187 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/05/20 17:20 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201351720573 Supplier Ref: 201351720573 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04773609 Total Value: N7,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 26066541685194682542 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 372020-07-03 faizahtafida@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014051Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014050ClosedKCT Request2020-07-03REQUEST FOR KCT 0101150589279MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-03NoHello, Find below 0101150589279 KCT1: 5155 8217 3819 9793 0974 KCT2: 3452 2884 7792 7391 30622020-07-03 longpuan@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014049ClosedKCT Request2020-07-03Reversal Request for Over-vending Error (54161132748) Dear Support Team, 54161132748) Please generate clear credit token and replacement token (18kWh) for the subject meter number.MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-03NoDear Mr Nelson, Find below Clear Credit Token & Replacements Token as requested, 5369 1126 7215 5576 9218 Clear Credit 54161132748 5283 0072 9635 9290 0577 Replacement Units18 Regards.2020-07-03 negwemi@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014048Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014047ClosedVending History2020-07-03: REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY(54160907264) Dear support kindly avail us of the vending history warm regardsMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-03NoHello, Find below Date Sold: 28/04/17 08:53 Meter/Type: 54160907264 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 711808533547 Supplier Ref: 711808533547 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00233154 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N3,050.52 - 47906163511561114817 Debt: -N2,050.52 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 09/06/17 08:13 Meter/Type: 54160907264 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 716008130033 Supplier Ref: 716008130033 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00287115 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 05011870534221338748 Date Sold: 14/06/17 10:06 Meter/Type: 54160907264 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 716510060137 Supplier Ref: 716510060137 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00293542 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 07394758046032610693 Date Sold: 04/07/17 12:40 Meter/Type: 54160907264 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 718512400198 Supplier Ref: 718512400198 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00319632 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 29277968254788584938 Date Sold: 15/08/17 12:58 Meter/Type: 54160907264 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 722712570151 Supplier Ref: 722712570151 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00372863 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 38989164043503093572 Date Sold: 06/09/17 09:30 Meter/Type: 54160907264 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 724909300126 Supplier Ref: 724909300126 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00401297 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 53071268753381590995 Date Sold: 23/09/17 10:15 Meter/Type: 54160907264 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 726610150100 Supplier Ref: 726610150100 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00423246 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 47646265699526858866 Date Sold: 04/10/17 10:30 Meter/Type: 54160907264 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 727710300080 Supplier Ref: 727710300080 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00437788 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 15234612708674235204 Date Sold: 14/11/17 15:51 Meter/Type: 54160907264 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 731815511487 Supplier Ref: 731815511487 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00497408 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 04199311849214759178 Date Sold: 29/11/17 08:51 Meter/Type: 54160907264 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000626447248 Supplier Ref: 000626447248 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00516862 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 67288940557986625201 Date Sold: 27/12/17 08:09 Meter/Type: 54160907264 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 909995973169116 Supplier Ref: 909995973169116 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00557538 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 57153838748076265221 Date Sold: 20/01/18 12:42 Meter/Type: 54160907264 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 802012421208 Supplier Ref: 802012421208 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00588418 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 64613721204878293633 Date Sold: 01/03/18 15:27 Meter/Type: 54160907264 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 111534756872885 Supplier Ref: 111534756872885 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00646640 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 49397565175085176553 Date Sold: 13/03/18 12:27 Meter/Type: 54160907264 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 365934986927893 Supplier Ref: 365934986927893 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00665388 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 67581008453501850156 Date Sold: 03/07/18 13:49 Meter/Type: 54160907264 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 854794061707955 Supplier Ref: 854794061707955 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00873803 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 21733681293389671164 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/07/18 11:05 Meter/Type: 54160907264 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000658566712 Supplier Ref: 000658566712 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00889967 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 11205555942652298711 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/09/18 11:38 Meter/Type: 54160907264 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000667930150 Supplier Ref: 000667930150 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01063114 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 06080773657117460123 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/11/18 13:08 Meter/Type: 54160907264 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000675000960 Supplier Ref: 000675000960 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01224384 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 44399440652599236998 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/01/19 14:14 Meter/Type: 54160907264 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154885047156 Supplier Ref: 154885047156 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01702915 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 03222972378674169186 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/03/19 17:34 Meter/Type: 54160907264 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155240487114 Supplier Ref: 155240487114 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02006152 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 71487534354569251899 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/03/19 18:09 Meter/Type: 54160907264 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155353018488 Supplier Ref: 155353018488 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02068295 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 24612594472964666539 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/03/19 16:16 Meter/Type: 54160907264 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155395539392 Supplier Ref: 155395539392 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02096886 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 16939828961535622485 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/04/19 11:58 Meter/Type: 54160907264 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155592709201 Supplier Ref: 155592709201 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02221544 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 55845021425054316249 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/05/19 13:06 Meter/Type: 54160907264 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155670879053 Supplier Ref: 155670879053 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02277540 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 07448516409566979083 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/05/19 15:47 Meter/Type: 54160907264 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191481447404 Supplier Ref: 191481447404 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02410892 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 47299332693381039058 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/05/19 14:02 Meter/Type: 54160907264 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 914913020000 Supplier Ref: 914913020000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02415029 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 03679285254053268007 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/07/19 12:52 Meter/Type: 54160907264 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191821152204 Supplier Ref: 191821152204 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02583292 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 18294813041636909572 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/07/19 12:55 Meter/Type: 54160907264 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191821155496 Supplier Ref: 191821155496 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02583311 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 44941122508909406609 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/08/19 16:04 Meter/Type: 54160907264 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192181504386 Supplier Ref: 192181504386 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02765600 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 71858146860824781730 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/10/19 14:31 Meter/Type: 54160907264 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192831332352 Supplier Ref: 192831332352 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03106554 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 59569495053807612702 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/11/19 13:34 Meter/Type: 54160907264 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193151236043 Supplier Ref: 193151236043 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03289961 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 33410839539063803108 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/11/19 16:35 Meter/Type: 54160907264 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 932515360000 Supplier Ref: 932515360000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03350341 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 53481402566266092601 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/12/19 12:57 Meter/Type: 54160907264 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193431159322 Supplier Ref: 193431159322 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03499675 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 23581881894882804064 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/01/20 13:07 Meter/Type: 54160907264 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 901688804245788 Supplier Ref: 901688804245788 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03845350 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 23485078358213650125 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/02/20 17:10 Meter/Type: 54160907264 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158056983706 Supplier Ref: 158056983706 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03950593 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 43551885014465392492 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 482020-07-03 tyoverpeter@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00014046ClosedVending History2020-07-03REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY Dear Support, Kindly provide VH for 57100056605. Thank YouMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-03NoHello, Get it below Date Sold: 21/09/16 12:57 Meter/Type: 57100056605 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/MBEN Token Ref: 626504570048 Supplier Ref: 626504570048 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00039684 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N500.00 - 48511776131131718933 Debt: N1,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 14/03/17 14:28 Meter/Type: 57100056605 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 000400537812 Supplier Ref: 000400537812 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00177400 Total Value: N9,500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 46854272682074384299 Debt: N9,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 18/05/17 11:02 Meter/Type: 57100056605 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/CNICHOLAS Token Ref: 713811030621 Supplier Ref: 713811030621 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00259167 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 19143541307812131778 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 22/06/17 10:40 Meter/Type: 57100056605 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/CNICHOLAS Token Ref: 717310419927 Supplier Ref: 717310419927 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00303392 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N500.00 - 29545602749804322693 Debt: N1,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 28/07/17 16:06 Meter/Type: 57100056605 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 720919050100 Supplier Ref: 720919050100 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00351086 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N500.00 - 73702360582155600977 Debt: N1,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 18/10/17 14:28 Meter/Type: 57100056605 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 729114282963 Supplier Ref: 729114282963 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00458268 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N367.00 - 00448663934458389128 Debt: N3,633.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 04/01/18 12:39 Meter/Type: 57100056605 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 684936015971860 Supplier Ref: 684936015971860 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00568892 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 13396756496167699092 Date Sold: 07/03/18 15:58 Meter/Type: 57100056605 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 431132884625970 Supplier Ref: 431132884625970 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00657041 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 09279147181764396049 Date Sold: 25/04/18 18:20 Meter/Type: 57100056605 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000647666072 Supplier Ref: 000647666072 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00733345 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 20124550195577408668 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/05/18 17:52 Meter/Type: 57100056605 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 21474440721901 Supplier Ref: 21474440721901 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00758260 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 13898877371197305847 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/06/18 10:38 Meter/Type: 57100056605 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 234157453866316 Supplier Ref: 234157453866316 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00865994 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 60259557782390820022 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/09/18 14:22 Meter/Type: 57100056605 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000669536604 Supplier Ref: 000669536604 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01094843 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 49016331633954169288 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/11/18 14:15 Meter/Type: 57100056605 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 238945667025955 Supplier Ref: 238945667025955 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01274445 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 50457834002308429480 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/12/18 14:43 Meter/Type: 57100056605 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183621343510 Supplier Ref: 183621343510 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01479486 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 23011678647868180034 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/01/19 16:59 Meter/Type: 57100056605 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154670037088 Supplier Ref: 154670037088 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01524342 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 67673253857429970585 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/02/19 13:56 Meter/Type: 57100056605 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 905012568134 Supplier Ref: 905012568134 Receipt: PagT13EMDB01857654 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 34897457751910775709 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/02/19 14:38 Meter/Type: 57100056605 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 905313389106 Supplier Ref: 905313389106 Receipt: PagT13EMDB01883176 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 64477238603767467906 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/02/19 10:08 Meter/Type: 57100056605 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 109753743604760 Supplier Ref: 109753743604760 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01904535 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 51106468348152015855 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/08/19 09:54 Meter/Type: 57100056605 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192200854061 Supplier Ref: 192200854061 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02772325 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 04464315543164834086 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/09/19 15:39 Meter/Type: 57100056605 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192531440136 Supplier Ref: 192531440136 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02942234 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 07522987812192963579 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/10/19 16:17 Meter/Type: 57100056605 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157184033865 Supplier Ref: 157184033865 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03176136 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 70130569472752200301 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/12/19 16:24 Meter/Type: 57100056605 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193401527143 Supplier Ref: 193401527143 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03481421 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 25498253800401638074 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/01/20 16:45 Meter/Type: 57100056605 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200101548178 Supplier Ref: 200101548178 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03758677 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 60747473108802258221 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/01/20 17:09 Meter/Type: 57100056605 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200291612477 Supplier Ref: 200291612477 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03918562 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 54211627823869832888 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/02/20 16:10 Meter/Type: 57100056605 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 845056459196041 Supplier Ref: 845056459196041 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB04144613 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 66826971251949412440 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/03/20 17:23 Meter/Type: 57100056605 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200641623210 Supplier Ref: 200641623210 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04273248 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 44509824315911272140 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/03/20 17:03 Meter/Type: 57100056605 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 008116027391 Supplier Ref: 008116027391 Receipt: PagT13EMDB04394271 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 45952941224777844857 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/04/20 12:23 Meter/Type: 57100056605 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201131223352 Supplier Ref: 201131223352 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04626758 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 01215044515078124668 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/06/20 12:14 Meter/Type: 57100056605 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201631214418 Supplier Ref: 201631214418 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04959960 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 02354380112549590644 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/06/20 16:42 Meter/Type: 57100056605 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201721643015 Supplier Ref: 201721643015 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05024789 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 05931485925623833594 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/06/20 13:22 Meter/Type: 57100056605 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201781322067 Supplier Ref: 201781322067 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05066573 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 05906033996188102285 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/07/20 11:58 Meter/Type: 57100056605 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201851158424 Supplier Ref: 201851158424 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05126114 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 31035782972884564210 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 362020-07-03 sunnyochekwu@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014045ClosedKCT Request2020-07-03KCT Find below as requested 0101190003521 ThanksMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-03NoFind below 0101190003521 KCT1: 4293 2105 5481 3821 4680 KCT2: 1953 6691 6955 1249 42402020-07-03 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014044ClosedRequest2020-07-03: REQUEST FOR DEBT - 0101160015786Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-03NoHello, Find below Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 6123653721-01 Start Date: 3/27/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $30,700.91 Outstanding Balance: $17,700.91 Running Balance: $17,700.91 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/11/2020 5:23:04 PM2020-07-03 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014043ClosedRequest2020-07-03: VH Good morning please kindly assist me with the meter VHno.54160744071 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-03NoHello, Find below Date Sold: 29/09/16 09:57 Meter/Type: 54160744071 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/fuzomba Token Ref: 627309570119 Supplier Ref: 627309570119 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00044482 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 20148177997147283999 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 04/11/16 11:11 Meter/Type: 54160744071 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/mmachen Token Ref: 630911106057 Supplier Ref: 630911106057 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00068916 Total Value: N7,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 03698225907949185982 Debt: N6,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Total records returned: 32020-07-03 abdulmalik3955@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014042ClosedVending History2020-07-03: VENDING HISTORY Assist with vending history 54160957087 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-03NoFind below Date Sold: 19/05/17 09:31 Meter/Type: 54160957087 Retailer/Operator: JEDTUDUNWADA/oketura Token Ref: 713909310139 Supplier Ref: 713909310139 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00260371 Total Value: N3,200.00 Standard: N3,200.00 - 48400708871142882636 Date Sold: 04/08/17 14:31 Meter/Type: 54160957087 Retailer/Operator: JEDGOMBE/musman Token Ref: 721614310227 Supplier Ref: 721614310227 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00361019 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,002.34 - 65748343632481070492 Debt: -N2.34 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 28/02/18 15:04 Meter/Type: 54160957087 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 805915041570 Supplier Ref: 805915041570 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00644447 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 14209612931984489902 Date Sold: 05/04/18 14:21 Meter/Type: 54160957087 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 809513211512 Supplier Ref: 809513211512 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00700868 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 27291465911293601152 Date Sold: 24/10/18 11:23 Meter/Type: 54160957087 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 638773341621834 Supplier Ref: 638773341621834 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01195172 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 04333559857832496588 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/12/18 13:38 Meter/Type: 54160957087 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 44798325941761 Supplier Ref: 44798325941761 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01358541 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 58910604061319749943 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/04/20 00:28 Meter/Type: 54160957087 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201012327596 Supplier Ref: 201012327596 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04552853 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 00083905513118104252 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/04/20 08:56 Meter/Type: 54160957087 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201070756393 Supplier Ref: 201070756393 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04577345 Total Value: N100.00 Standard: N100.00 - 70869276321741142550 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 112020-07-03 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014041Closed2020-07-03: VH and debt profile, 0101160006173 Kindly assist me with the above detailsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-03NoHello, Find below as requested VH Date Sold: 18/12/17 10:02 Meter/Type: 0101160006173 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000629190244 Supplier Ref: 000629190244 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00543834 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 01011188060073140273 Total records returned: 1 Debt Summary Name: OUTSTANDING BALANCE Reference Number: 0101160006173 Start Date: 1/1/2018 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $32,004.77 Outstanding Balance: $32,004.77 Running Balance: $32,004.77 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,000.00 Latest Payment: 1/1/2018 12:00:00 AM2020-07-03 ummilois2@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014040Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014039ClosedRequest2020-07-03Debt Profile Hello Kindly assist with debt profile of meter serial numbers below 0101170312678 54160862741 54161110314 -- Regards,Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-03NoFind below, 0101170312678 Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 6537160108-01 Start Date: 3/31/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $233,526.62 Outstanding Balance: $221,525.62 Running Balance: $221,525.62 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $6,000.00 Latest Payment: 5/29/2020 7:59:18 PM 54160862741 Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 54160862741 Start Date: 3/6/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $219,178.09 Outstanding Balance: $219,178.09 Running Balance: $219,178.09 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record 54161110314 Name: Outstanding Balance Reference Number: 6123465801-01 Start Date: 6/25/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $173,041.99 Outstanding Balance: $173,040.99 Running Balance: $173,040.99 Note: Outstanding from JCS, Installation fee, Cost unit Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: 12/31/2019 2:18:39 PM2020-07-03 phartiemah12@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014038ClosedRequest2020-07-03: Debt balance Please Ict kindly assist me with this meter number 54160874480 original balance running balance and collection value thanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-03NoFind below as requested Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 54160874480 Start Date: 1/24/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $225,754.02 Outstanding Balance: $219,754.02 Running Balance: $219,754.02 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $4,000.00 Latest Payment: 4/7/2020 3:19:53 PM2020-07-03 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014037Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014036ClosedVending History2020-07-03: REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY Dear Support, Kindly provide VH for 57100060011 Thank You.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-03NoFind below as requested Date Sold: 26/10/16 13:12 Meter/Type: 57100060011 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/MBEN Token Ref: 630005120101 Supplier Ref: 630005120101 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00062745 Total Value: N4,500.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 39564844465231973439 Debt: N3,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 23/02/17 11:16 Meter/Type: 57100060011 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 001803376509 Supplier Ref: 001803376509 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00152252 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N2,135.37 - 55689228805580888547 Debt: N1,864.63 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 07/03/17 14:56 Meter/Type: 57100060011 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 706617560042 Supplier Ref: 706617560042 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00168260 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 35559393615292640220 Date Sold: 04/05/17 11:02 Meter/Type: 57100060011 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 009801501490 Supplier Ref: 009801501490 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00241141 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 06635958560923118919 Date Sold: 11/08/17 10:33 Meter/Type: 57100060011 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 722310300129 Supplier Ref: 722310300129 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00368474 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 62726061164362425962 Date Sold: 22/08/17 11:57 Meter/Type: 57100060011 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 723411564731 Supplier Ref: 723411564731 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00380575 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 73577056674286060492 Date Sold: 23/08/17 13:03 Meter/Type: 57100060011 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 723513013824 Supplier Ref: 723513013824 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00382305 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 01666440652695008367 Date Sold: 31/08/17 14:25 Meter/Type: 57100060011 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 724314243410 Supplier Ref: 724314243410 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00394818 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 03545048179944318792 Date Sold: 23/10/17 10:30 Meter/Type: 57100060011 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 729610305551 Supplier Ref: 729610305551 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00463378 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 28385064282307911159 Date Sold: 30/10/17 14:01 Meter/Type: 57100060011 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 730314019722 Supplier Ref: 730314019722 Receipt: PagT13EMDB00474272 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 04087046588177059438 Date Sold: 20/12/17 14:31 Meter/Type: 57100060011 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000629505100 Supplier Ref: 000629505100 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00548545 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 64593722595471062004 Date Sold: 15/02/18 14:17 Meter/Type: 57100060011 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000637711747 Supplier Ref: 000637711747 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00625375 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 33509815157693217356 Date Sold: 24/02/18 15:08 Meter/Type: 57100060011 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/PNWOKORIE Token Ref: 805515080972 Supplier Ref: 805515080972 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00638412 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 15274382849481905644 Date Sold: 14/03/18 09:05 Meter/Type: 57100060011 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/PNWOKORIE Token Ref: 807309058061 Supplier Ref: 807309058061 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00666888 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 38728717549814557649 Date Sold: 19/04/18 12:56 Meter/Type: 57100060011 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000646769749 Supplier Ref: 000646769749 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00723454 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 44328142620317249764 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/02/19 15:13 Meter/Type: 57100060011 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155118685901 Supplier Ref: 155118685901 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01908496 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 42345750993815330233 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/03/19 16:08 Meter/Type: 57100060011 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 577719520665634 Supplier Ref: 577719520665634 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02083600 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 23701318010165592498 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/04/19 12:55 Meter/Type: 57100060011 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 406114405489388 Supplier Ref: 406114405489388 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02227547 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 23423327252686431520 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/09/19 14:27 Meter/Type: 57100060011 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156880967312 Supplier Ref: 156880967312 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02984377 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 47028545227944045060 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/07/20 13:55 Meter/Type: 57100060011 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201841355298 Supplier Ref: 201841355298 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05118934 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 01366778224628280402 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 242020-07-03 sunnyochekwu@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014035In ProgressRequest2020-07-03Hello Kindly assist with debt profile of meter serial numbers below 0101170312678 54160862741 54161110314 -- Regards,Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-03No0000-00-00 phartiemah12@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014034In ProgressVending History2020-07-03Dear Support, Kindly provide VH for 57100060011 Thank YouMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-03No0000-00-00 sunnyochekwu@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014033ClosedVending History2020-07-03: REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILS AND VENDING HISTORY Find below request. 1. 0101185058894. thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-03NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101160356495 Start Date: 11/27/2018 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $104,626.34 Outstanding Balance: $10,605.14 Running Balance: $10,605.14 Note: Outstanding migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $4,477.20 Latest Payment: 7/2/2020 8:16:17 PM VH Date Sold: 06/06/19 14:53 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190606204397 Supplier Ref: 190606204397 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02461645 Total Value: N23,000.00 Standard: N5,091.20 - 45844589667803933835 Debt: N17,908.80 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/06/19 23:38 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190608922208 Supplier Ref: 190608922208 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02476726 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 64407815175418640758 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/06/19 17:04 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190610831146 Supplier Ref: 190610831146 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02484252 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 36893426570000620923 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/06/19 21:05 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190612223146 Supplier Ref: 190612223146 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02495638 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 50438630379392918560 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/06/19 21:05 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190615151409 Supplier Ref: 190615151409 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02511635 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 16127677462052455340 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/06/19 20:19 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156079553658 Supplier Ref: 156079553658 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02519527 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 01046126189375937672 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/06/19 16:39 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156095513432 Supplier Ref: 156095513432 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02528555 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 31199143717772430474 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/06/19 23:25 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156115232909 Supplier Ref: 156115232909 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02540231 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 45145484605452609431 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/06/19 21:05 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156140311119 Supplier Ref: 156140311119 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02552789 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 61928748276984816330 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/06/19 21:23 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156157698363 Supplier Ref: 156157698363 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02562770 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 28376999886914930660 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/07/19 21:02 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156200773578 Supplier Ref: 156200773578 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02586312 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N522.80 - 41818182091306295246 Debt: N4,477.20 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/07/19 21:05 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156200792821 Supplier Ref: 156200792821 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02586333 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 20259414936216123217 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/07/19 20:53 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156235280702 Supplier Ref: 156235280702 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02606136 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 44745151315329034001 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/07/19 01:20 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190707573338 Supplier Ref: 190707573338 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02611494 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 58378097474512934905 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/07/19 00:02 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190708547269 Supplier Ref: 190708547269 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02620436 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 69405657482104758149 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/07/19 22:56 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156305138608 Supplier Ref: 156305138608 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02645686 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 26244678581627574748 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/07/19 19:41 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156321245524 Supplier Ref: 156321245524 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02652975 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 08465583182471495315 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/07/19 21:16 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156347736845 Supplier Ref: 156347736845 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02668288 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 60389044284443224515 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/07/19 21:03 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156364936533 Supplier Ref: 156364936533 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02678715 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 37130067192672653465 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/07/19 21:02 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190723638195 Supplier Ref: 190723638195 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02690233 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 32260468332284998927 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/07/19 17:54 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156424283323 Supplier Ref: 156424283323 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02711485 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 37869631564707974160 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/08/19 16:06 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156466838428 Supplier Ref: 156466838428 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02738049 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N522.80 - 27569397507298578773 Debt: N4,477.20 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/08/19 16:08 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156466853193 Supplier Ref: 156466853193 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02738068 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 53846809121207922987 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/08/19 21:05 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156494552452 Supplier Ref: 156494552452 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02754545 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 29893855984906964732 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/08/19 19:39 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156537234300 Supplier Ref: 156537234300 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02781511 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 11258766993643596869 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/08/19 13:49 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190814576359 Supplier Ref: 190814576359 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02803020 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 08427533389535469665 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/08/19 14:00 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156578405156 Supplier Ref: 156578405156 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02803100 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 66858688680747472741 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/08/19 20:30 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156606663899 Supplier Ref: 156606663899 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02821792 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 26576181362598285881 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/08/19 19:13 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190820781485 Supplier Ref: 190820781485 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02835408 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 31661023885553545129 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/08/19 20:10 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156649741177 Supplier Ref: 156649741177 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02844921 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 37129512079992647066 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/08/19 20:15 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156667053532 Supplier Ref: 156667053532 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02855150 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 20147205083420026301 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/08/19 21:12 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156693314634 Supplier Ref: 156693314634 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02867750 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 60122000267920264800 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/09/19 23:04 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156737189583 Supplier Ref: 156737189583 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02893560 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N5,522.80 - 46330579617208116838 Debt: N4,477.20 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/09/19 21:33 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156753920538 Supplier Ref: 156753920538 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02905565 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 02797583984912654318 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/09/19 23:00 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156780366195 Supplier Ref: 156780366195 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02924279 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 38337291770562742280 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/09/19 21:54 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156823170253 Supplier Ref: 156823170253 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02950329 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 29672881836337606488 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/09/19 21:10 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156866104766 Supplier Ref: 156866104766 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02975279 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 21032754660393187678 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/09/19 21:06 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156900643906 Supplier Ref: 156900643906 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02998302 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 39322061174308026966 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/09/19 17:05 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156933757362 Supplier Ref: 156933757362 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03017519 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 34015631520738012288 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/09/19 09:32 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156965601098 Supplier Ref: 156965601098 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03036968 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 54372065321645690252 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/09/19 23:02 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190930921161 Supplier Ref: 190930921161 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB03054112 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 71352588983457112673 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/10/19 22:39 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157039444152 Supplier Ref: 157039444152 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03085637 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N5,522.80 - 27319449653227536882 Debt: N4,477.20 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/10/19 15:22 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157062738739 Supplier Ref: 157062738739 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03101066 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 31107821050170601509 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/10/19 19:44 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157116153493 Supplier Ref: 157116153493 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03134622 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 04085096762659479081 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/10/19 15:54 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157157973693 Supplier Ref: 157157973693 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03158364 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 52631120968206535107 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/10/19 19:23 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157176507161 Supplier Ref: 157176507161 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03171529 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 72223232086182776070 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/10/19 20:34 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157202855205 Supplier Ref: 157202855205 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03189382 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 16121005479451095696 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/10/19 22:47 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193032149137 Supplier Ref: 193032149137 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03220142 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 26592266846221338193 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/11/19 20:59 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157272126893 Supplier Ref: 157272126893 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03241486 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N5,522.80 - 35472196519240889382 Debt: N4,477.20 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/11/19 20:27 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157280575213 Supplier Ref: 157280575213 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03244514 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 34986884240482245820 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/11/19 20:32 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157306524115 Supplier Ref: 157306524115 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03267130 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 03720749057304601173 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/11/19 17:01 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157322539672 Supplier Ref: 157322539672 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03278457 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 32860905991836071733 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/11/19 23:15 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157367984266 Supplier Ref: 157367984266 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03306995 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 61760892527318032072 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/11/19 22:10 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157376234513 Supplier Ref: 157376234513 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03312960 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 04906017328552423853 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/11/19 23:39 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157402685134 Supplier Ref: 157402685134 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03327549 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 73669304452212524658 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/11/19 19:17 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157461598989 Supplier Ref: 157461598989 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03372167 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 52761552855497544677 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/11/19 22:16 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193312118502 Supplier Ref: 193312118502 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03402443 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 62905090219432014720 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/11/19 20:25 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157513842928 Supplier Ref: 157513842928 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03429459 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 14693853940160384031 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/12/19 21:49 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157540269613 Supplier Ref: 157540269613 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03458414 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N5,522.80 - 27626902481378624162 Debt: N4,477.20 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/12/19 20:10 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157565598684 Supplier Ref: 157565598684 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03483626 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 69164714502072263608 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/12/19 21:03 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157635033729 Supplier Ref: 157635033729 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03534471 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 18332677045971503678 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/12/19 13:37 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157692837449 Supplier Ref: 157692837449 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03590353 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 49748998143483732347 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/12/19 18:10 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157737676116 Supplier Ref: 157737676116 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03637768 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 25490487393605881750 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/01/20 16:50 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200041553233 Supplier Ref: 200041553233 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03709993 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N5,522.80 - 54868694525783947301 Debt: N4,477.20 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/01/20 19:49 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200081852538 Supplier Ref: 200081852538 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03743202 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 31311507662790549844 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/01/20 20:53 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200131957073 Supplier Ref: 200131957073 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03785280 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 14271517895989942715 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/01/20 18:24 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200191727264 Supplier Ref: 200191727264 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03829413 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 48756174484759261443 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/01/20 21:50 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200252054266 Supplier Ref: 200252054266 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03886846 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 62729572294252284509 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/02/20 14:54 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200331354541 Supplier Ref: 200331354541 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03955793 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N522.80 - 47308441043931105914 Debt: N4,477.20 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/02/20 16:48 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200331548547 Supplier Ref: 200331548547 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03956296 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 54056868792030065502 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/02/20 15:37 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200381437146 Supplier Ref: 200381437146 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04005924 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 56342062060219732160 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/02/20 23:08 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200412208353 Supplier Ref: 200412208353 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04035541 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 28387926806068933895 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/02/20 20:06 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200461906284 Supplier Ref: 200461906284 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04081482 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 25696950044924725211 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/02/20 21:38 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200502038124 Supplier Ref: 200502038124 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04118497 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 47093166402294091185 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/02/20 22:31 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200542131520 Supplier Ref: 200542131520 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04152823 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 34295522056063879447 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/02/20 21:52 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200572052216 Supplier Ref: 200572052216 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04187933 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 34922366560799023124 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/03/20 07:50 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200610650478 Supplier Ref: 200610650478 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04227482 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N522.80 - 37964409617366502462 Debt: N4,477.20 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/03/20 07:57 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200610657388 Supplier Ref: 200610657388 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04227500 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 47528406812099278989 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/03/20 23:10 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200612210383 Supplier Ref: 200612210383 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04233154 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 00788150056234052918 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/03/20 21:07 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200712007338 Supplier Ref: 200712007338 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04335142 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 48138688550544286440 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/03/20 22:26 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200742126512 Supplier Ref: 200742126512 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04353017 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 58939563518350198228 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/03/20 23:15 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200742215016 Supplier Ref: 200742215016 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04353151 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 21460763070574780514 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/03/20 17:17 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200761617153 Supplier Ref: 200761617153 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04359893 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 33327781186699517834 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/03/20 18:16 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200761716276 Supplier Ref: 200761716276 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04360545 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 56152125979217287531 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/03/20 22:03 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200772103286 Supplier Ref: 200772103286 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04368636 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N4,900.00 - 61091904185871835873 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/03/20 16:10 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200791510137 Supplier Ref: 200791510137 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04379392 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N4,900.00 - 10587480548424517102 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/03/20 20:22 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200801922171 Supplier Ref: 200801922171 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04388601 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 35880828465237995880 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/03/20 20:32 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200801932395 Supplier Ref: 200801932395 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04388697 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 52379445913986577589 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/03/20 21:12 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200822012174 Supplier Ref: 200822012174 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04399372 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N4,900.00 - 64730864100370803600 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/03/20 21:57 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200862056547 Supplier Ref: 200862056547 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04433554 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N4,900.00 - 02528890011701281029 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/03/20 22:26 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200892126302 Supplier Ref: 200892126302 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04455311 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N4,900.00 - 08993864126561055989 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/04/20 19:14 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200951814488 Supplier Ref: 200951814488 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04507590 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N422.80 - 71020897001629431504 Debt: N4,477.20 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/04/20 20:16 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200961916206 Supplier Ref: 200961916206 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04511701 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N4,900.00 - 67619875811609812215 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/04/20 22:30 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200992130056 Supplier Ref: 200992130056 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04536897 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 12192414522737942959 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/04/20 20:38 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201031938292 Supplier Ref: 201031938292 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04559669 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 54146043722683899115 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/04/20 16:43 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201071543534 Supplier Ref: 201071543534 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04583138 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 00217550299584981489 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/04/20 20:02 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201082002200 Supplier Ref: 201082002200 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04593882 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 24543487763599120333 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/04/20 23:05 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201102306083 Supplier Ref: 201102306083 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04611429 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N4,900.00 - 72935034815589909840 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/04/20 22:06 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201132206437 Supplier Ref: 201132206437 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04630445 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N4,900.00 - 68667571168311818639 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/04/20 19:17 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201211917471 Supplier Ref: 201211917471 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04689647 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N4,900.00 - 33098649397926685969 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/05/20 18:28 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201421828137 Supplier Ref: 201421828137 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04819329 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N522.80 - 72781758100365609212 Debt: N4,477.20 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/05/20 15:45 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201461545148 Supplier Ref: 201461545148 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04847348 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 00780034827191123720 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/06/20 19:53 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201571953345 Supplier Ref: 201571953345 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04928396 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N522.80 - 17804122230642743652 Debt: N4,477.20 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/06/20 20:54 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201572054390 Supplier Ref: 201572054390 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04928919 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 47308246564054922298 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/06/20 19:36 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201731936347 Supplier Ref: 201731936347 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05030253 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 69850336840987401290 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/07/20 20:16 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201842016248 Supplier Ref: 201842016248 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05122479 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N522.80 - 21285683903577104979 Debt: N4,477.20 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/07/20 21:07 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201842107087 Supplier Ref: 201842107087 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05122848 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 62029150089486685985 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 1812020-07-03 faizahtafida@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014032ClosedJCS Access2020-07-03JCS AccessMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-03NoUsername: aminu.badamasi@jedplc.com Password: Aminu@2020! Link: http://www.jedcloudstratum.com/2020-07-03 aminubadamasi1@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014031Closed2020-07-03REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILS AND VENDING HISTORY Find below request. 1. 0101185058894. thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-03NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101160356495 Start Date: 11/27/2018 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $104,626.34 Outstanding Balance: $10,605.14 Running Balance: $10,605.14 Note: Outstanding migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $4,477.20 Latest Payment: 7/2/2020 8:16:17 PM VH Date Sold: 06/06/19 14:53 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190606204397 Supplier Ref: 190606204397 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02461645 Total Value: N23,000.00 Standard: N5,091.20 - 45844589667803933835 Debt: N17,908.80 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/06/19 23:38 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190608922208 Supplier Ref: 190608922208 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02476726 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 64407815175418640758 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/06/19 17:04 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190610831146 Supplier Ref: 190610831146 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02484252 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 36893426570000620923 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/06/19 21:05 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190612223146 Supplier Ref: 190612223146 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02495638 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 50438630379392918560 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/06/19 21:05 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190615151409 Supplier Ref: 190615151409 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02511635 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 16127677462052455340 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/06/19 20:19 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156079553658 Supplier Ref: 156079553658 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02519527 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 01046126189375937672 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/06/19 16:39 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156095513432 Supplier Ref: 156095513432 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02528555 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 31199143717772430474 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/06/19 23:25 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156115232909 Supplier Ref: 156115232909 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02540231 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 45145484605452609431 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/06/19 21:05 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156140311119 Supplier Ref: 156140311119 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02552789 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 61928748276984816330 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/06/19 21:23 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156157698363 Supplier Ref: 156157698363 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02562770 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 28376999886914930660 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/07/19 21:02 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156200773578 Supplier Ref: 156200773578 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02586312 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N522.80 - 41818182091306295246 Debt: N4,477.20 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/07/19 21:05 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156200792821 Supplier Ref: 156200792821 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02586333 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 20259414936216123217 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/07/19 20:53 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156235280702 Supplier Ref: 156235280702 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02606136 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 44745151315329034001 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/07/19 01:20 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190707573338 Supplier Ref: 190707573338 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02611494 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 58378097474512934905 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/07/19 00:02 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190708547269 Supplier Ref: 190708547269 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02620436 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 69405657482104758149 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/07/19 22:56 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156305138608 Supplier Ref: 156305138608 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02645686 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 26244678581627574748 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/07/19 19:41 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156321245524 Supplier Ref: 156321245524 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02652975 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 08465583182471495315 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/07/19 21:16 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156347736845 Supplier Ref: 156347736845 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02668288 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 60389044284443224515 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/07/19 21:03 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156364936533 Supplier Ref: 156364936533 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02678715 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 37130067192672653465 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/07/19 21:02 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190723638195 Supplier Ref: 190723638195 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02690233 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 32260468332284998927 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/07/19 17:54 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156424283323 Supplier Ref: 156424283323 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02711485 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 37869631564707974160 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/08/19 16:06 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156466838428 Supplier Ref: 156466838428 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02738049 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N522.80 - 27569397507298578773 Debt: N4,477.20 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/08/19 16:08 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156466853193 Supplier Ref: 156466853193 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02738068 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 53846809121207922987 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/08/19 21:05 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156494552452 Supplier Ref: 156494552452 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02754545 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 29893855984906964732 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/08/19 19:39 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156537234300 Supplier Ref: 156537234300 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02781511 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 11258766993643596869 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/08/19 13:49 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190814576359 Supplier Ref: 190814576359 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02803020 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 08427533389535469665 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/08/19 14:00 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156578405156 Supplier Ref: 156578405156 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02803100 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 66858688680747472741 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/08/19 20:30 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156606663899 Supplier Ref: 156606663899 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02821792 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 26576181362598285881 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/08/19 19:13 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190820781485 Supplier Ref: 190820781485 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02835408 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 31661023885553545129 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/08/19 20:10 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156649741177 Supplier Ref: 156649741177 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02844921 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 37129512079992647066 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/08/19 20:15 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156667053532 Supplier Ref: 156667053532 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02855150 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 20147205083420026301 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/08/19 21:12 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156693314634 Supplier Ref: 156693314634 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02867750 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 60122000267920264800 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/09/19 23:04 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156737189583 Supplier Ref: 156737189583 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02893560 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N5,522.80 - 46330579617208116838 Debt: N4,477.20 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/09/19 21:33 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156753920538 Supplier Ref: 156753920538 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02905565 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 02797583984912654318 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/09/19 23:00 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156780366195 Supplier Ref: 156780366195 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02924279 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 38337291770562742280 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/09/19 21:54 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156823170253 Supplier Ref: 156823170253 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02950329 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 29672881836337606488 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/09/19 21:10 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156866104766 Supplier Ref: 156866104766 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02975279 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 21032754660393187678 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/09/19 21:06 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156900643906 Supplier Ref: 156900643906 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02998302 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 39322061174308026966 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/09/19 17:05 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156933757362 Supplier Ref: 156933757362 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03017519 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 34015631520738012288 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/09/19 09:32 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156965601098 Supplier Ref: 156965601098 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03036968 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 54372065321645690252 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/09/19 23:02 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190930921161 Supplier Ref: 190930921161 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB03054112 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 71352588983457112673 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/10/19 22:39 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157039444152 Supplier Ref: 157039444152 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03085637 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N5,522.80 - 27319449653227536882 Debt: N4,477.20 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/10/19 15:22 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157062738739 Supplier Ref: 157062738739 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03101066 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 31107821050170601509 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/10/19 19:44 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157116153493 Supplier Ref: 157116153493 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03134622 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 04085096762659479081 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/10/19 15:54 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157157973693 Supplier Ref: 157157973693 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03158364 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 52631120968206535107 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/10/19 19:23 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157176507161 Supplier Ref: 157176507161 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03171529 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 72223232086182776070 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/10/19 20:34 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157202855205 Supplier Ref: 157202855205 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03189382 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 16121005479451095696 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/10/19 22:47 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193032149137 Supplier Ref: 193032149137 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03220142 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 26592266846221338193 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/11/19 20:59 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157272126893 Supplier Ref: 157272126893 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03241486 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N5,522.80 - 35472196519240889382 Debt: N4,477.20 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/11/19 20:27 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157280575213 Supplier Ref: 157280575213 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03244514 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 34986884240482245820 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/11/19 20:32 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157306524115 Supplier Ref: 157306524115 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03267130 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 03720749057304601173 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/11/19 17:01 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157322539672 Supplier Ref: 157322539672 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03278457 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 32860905991836071733 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/11/19 23:15 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157367984266 Supplier Ref: 157367984266 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03306995 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 61760892527318032072 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/11/19 22:10 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157376234513 Supplier Ref: 157376234513 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03312960 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 04906017328552423853 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/11/19 23:39 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157402685134 Supplier Ref: 157402685134 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03327549 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 73669304452212524658 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/11/19 19:17 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157461598989 Supplier Ref: 157461598989 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03372167 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 52761552855497544677 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/11/19 22:16 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193312118502 Supplier Ref: 193312118502 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03402443 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 62905090219432014720 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/11/19 20:25 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157513842928 Supplier Ref: 157513842928 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03429459 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 14693853940160384031 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/12/19 21:49 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157540269613 Supplier Ref: 157540269613 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03458414 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N5,522.80 - 27626902481378624162 Debt: N4,477.20 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/12/19 20:10 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157565598684 Supplier Ref: 157565598684 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03483626 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 69164714502072263608 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/12/19 21:03 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157635033729 Supplier Ref: 157635033729 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03534471 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 18332677045971503678 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/12/19 13:37 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157692837449 Supplier Ref: 157692837449 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03590353 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 49748998143483732347 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/12/19 18:10 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157737676116 Supplier Ref: 157737676116 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03637768 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 25490487393605881750 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/01/20 16:50 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200041553233 Supplier Ref: 200041553233 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03709993 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N5,522.80 - 54868694525783947301 Debt: N4,477.20 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/01/20 19:49 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200081852538 Supplier Ref: 200081852538 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03743202 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 31311507662790549844 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/01/20 20:53 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200131957073 Supplier Ref: 200131957073 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03785280 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 14271517895989942715 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/01/20 18:24 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200191727264 Supplier Ref: 200191727264 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03829413 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 48756174484759261443 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/01/20 21:50 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200252054266 Supplier Ref: 200252054266 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03886846 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 62729572294252284509 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/02/20 14:54 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200331354541 Supplier Ref: 200331354541 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03955793 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N522.80 - 47308441043931105914 Debt: N4,477.20 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/02/20 16:48 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200331548547 Supplier Ref: 200331548547 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03956296 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 54056868792030065502 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/02/20 15:37 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200381437146 Supplier Ref: 200381437146 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04005924 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 56342062060219732160 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/02/20 23:08 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200412208353 Supplier Ref: 200412208353 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04035541 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 28387926806068933895 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/02/20 20:06 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200461906284 Supplier Ref: 200461906284 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04081482 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 25696950044924725211 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/02/20 21:38 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200502038124 Supplier Ref: 200502038124 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04118497 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 47093166402294091185 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/02/20 22:31 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200542131520 Supplier Ref: 200542131520 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04152823 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 34295522056063879447 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/02/20 21:52 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200572052216 Supplier Ref: 200572052216 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04187933 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 34922366560799023124 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/03/20 07:50 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200610650478 Supplier Ref: 200610650478 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04227482 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N522.80 - 37964409617366502462 Debt: N4,477.20 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/03/20 07:57 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200610657388 Supplier Ref: 200610657388 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04227500 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 47528406812099278989 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/03/20 23:10 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200612210383 Supplier Ref: 200612210383 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04233154 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 00788150056234052918 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/03/20 21:07 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200712007338 Supplier Ref: 200712007338 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04335142 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 48138688550544286440 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/03/20 22:26 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200742126512 Supplier Ref: 200742126512 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04353017 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 58939563518350198228 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/03/20 23:15 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200742215016 Supplier Ref: 200742215016 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04353151 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 21460763070574780514 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/03/20 17:17 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200761617153 Supplier Ref: 200761617153 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04359893 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 33327781186699517834 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/03/20 18:16 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200761716276 Supplier Ref: 200761716276 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04360545 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 56152125979217287531 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/03/20 22:03 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200772103286 Supplier Ref: 200772103286 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04368636 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N4,900.00 - 61091904185871835873 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/03/20 16:10 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200791510137 Supplier Ref: 200791510137 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04379392 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N4,900.00 - 10587480548424517102 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/03/20 20:22 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200801922171 Supplier Ref: 200801922171 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04388601 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 35880828465237995880 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/03/20 20:32 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200801932395 Supplier Ref: 200801932395 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04388697 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 52379445913986577589 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/03/20 21:12 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200822012174 Supplier Ref: 200822012174 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04399372 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N4,900.00 - 64730864100370803600 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/03/20 21:57 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200862056547 Supplier Ref: 200862056547 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04433554 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N4,900.00 - 02528890011701281029 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/03/20 22:26 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200892126302 Supplier Ref: 200892126302 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04455311 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N4,900.00 - 08993864126561055989 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/04/20 19:14 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200951814488 Supplier Ref: 200951814488 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04507590 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N422.80 - 71020897001629431504 Debt: N4,477.20 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/04/20 20:16 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200961916206 Supplier Ref: 200961916206 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04511701 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N4,900.00 - 67619875811609812215 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/04/20 22:30 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200992130056 Supplier Ref: 200992130056 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04536897 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 12192414522737942959 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/04/20 20:38 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201031938292 Supplier Ref: 201031938292 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04559669 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 54146043722683899115 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/04/20 16:43 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201071543534 Supplier Ref: 201071543534 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04583138 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 00217550299584981489 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/04/20 20:02 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201082002200 Supplier Ref: 201082002200 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04593882 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 24543487763599120333 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/04/20 23:05 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201102306083 Supplier Ref: 201102306083 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04611429 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N4,900.00 - 72935034815589909840 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/04/20 22:06 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201132206437 Supplier Ref: 201132206437 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04630445 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N4,900.00 - 68667571168311818639 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/04/20 19:17 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201211917471 Supplier Ref: 201211917471 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04689647 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N4,900.00 - 33098649397926685969 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/05/20 18:28 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201421828137 Supplier Ref: 201421828137 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04819329 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N522.80 - 72781758100365609212 Debt: N4,477.20 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/05/20 15:45 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201461545148 Supplier Ref: 201461545148 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04847348 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 00780034827191123720 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/06/20 19:53 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201571953345 Supplier Ref: 201571953345 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04928396 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N522.80 - 17804122230642743652 Debt: N4,477.20 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/06/20 20:54 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201572054390 Supplier Ref: 201572054390 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04928919 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 47308246564054922298 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/06/20 19:36 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201731936347 Supplier Ref: 201731936347 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05030253 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 69850336840987401290 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/07/20 20:16 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201842016248 Supplier Ref: 201842016248 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05122479 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N522.80 - 21285683903577104979 Debt: N4,477.20 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/07/20 21:07 Meter/Type: 0101185058894 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201842107087 Supplier Ref: 201842107087 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05122848 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 62029150089486685985 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 1812020-07-03 faizahtafida@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014030In ProgressVending History2020-07-03Pls I need the vending history of this customer 0101170372433. ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-03No0000-00-00 akigaisiyaka@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014029In ProgressRequest2020-07-03Please kindly provide me with the debt profile for metre number meter 54160862238. ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-03No0000-00-00 toranyiinkator14@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014028In ProgressTamper Code2020-07-03Dear IT Support, The meter below have been verified; please generate the Clear Tamper Code. 0101170161752MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-03No0000-00-00 anersirleh@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014027ClosedVending History2020-07-03Assist with vending history. 0101160184707 Thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-03NoGood morning, Find below Date Sold: 31/01/19 17:54 Meter/Type: 0101160184707 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190311654123 Supplier Ref: 190311654123 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01717073 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 58393067976508936120 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/02/19 17:40 Meter/Type: 0101160184707 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190441640487 Supplier Ref: 190441640487 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01818450 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 00676464456833305436 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/03/19 12:59 Meter/Type: 0101160184707 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 546141355565794 Supplier Ref: 546141355565794 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01976187 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 31123480439157531989 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/03/19 16:44 Meter/Type: 0101160184707 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155352506922 Supplier Ref: 155352506922 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02067480 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 70251207185744168219 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/04/19 13:38 Meter/Type: 0101160184707 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155472351312 Supplier Ref: 155472351312 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02147401 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 27615625050453382819 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/04/19 12:39 Meter/Type: 0101160184707 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191151139122 Supplier Ref: 191151139122 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02239583 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 09080001574159203991 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/05/19 10:53 Meter/Type: 0101160184707 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155834239222 Supplier Ref: 155834239222 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02366732 Total Value: N13,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 50627919597570058233 Debt: N10,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/05/19 10:11 Meter/Type: 0101160184707 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191470911242 Supplier Ref: 191470911242 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02401190 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 24938958320768792409 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/06/19 17:22 Meter/Type: 0101160184707 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191801622123 Supplier Ref: 191801622123 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02578080 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 26139735528904492899 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/07/19 13:39 Meter/Type: 0101160184707 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156379554258 Supplier Ref: 156379554258 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02683780 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 27391421019874022316 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/07/19 16:20 Meter/Type: 0101160184707 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190731418281 Supplier Ref: 190731418281 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02732131 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 03240390645925652240 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/08/19 14:25 Meter/Type: 0101160184707 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156656310009 Supplier Ref: 156656310009 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02847816 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 04431049658837509055 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/08/19 21:45 Meter/Type: 0101160184707 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156728073488 Supplier Ref: 156728073488 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02890875 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 18644885403132455994 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/09/19 12:32 Meter/Type: 0101160184707 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156949395682 Supplier Ref: 156949395682 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03026873 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 41294513821364830370 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/10/19 15:45 Meter/Type: 0101160184707 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 191031834296 Supplier Ref: 191031834296 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB03224537 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 50188956266682381296 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/12/19 13:03 Meter/Type: 0101160184707 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 191226472141 Supplier Ref: 191226472141 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB03636014 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 12005361117369111906 Debt: N10,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/01/20 17:44 Meter/Type: 0101160184707 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200311644114 Supplier Ref: 200311644114 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03939727 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 72917728802609277991 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/03/20 14:34 Meter/Type: 0101160184707 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200911334312 Supplier Ref: 200911334312 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04470900 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 11568534085550206517 Debt: N10,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/04/20 12:35 Meter/Type: 0101160184707 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201081235528 Supplier Ref: 201081235528 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04589350 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 11592830251086117435 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/04/20 13:42 Meter/Type: 0101160184707 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201211342128 Supplier Ref: 201211342128 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04687368 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 22955533967212206446 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 302020-07-03 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014026In ProgressTamper Code2020-07-03Dear IT Support, The meter below have been verified; please generate the Clear Tamper Code. 0101170388264MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-03No0000-00-00 ummilois2@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014025In ProgressTamper Code2020-07-03Clear Tamper Kindly treat! Thank youMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-03No0000-00-00 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014024In ProgressKCT Request2020-07-03REQUEST FOR KCT 0101160051070MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-03No0000-00-00 longpuan@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014023In ProgressKCT Request2020-07-03Find below as requested 0101190003521 ThanksMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-03No0000-00-00 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014022In ProgressVending History2020-07-03Assist with vending history. 0101160184707 Thanks.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-03No0000-00-00 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014021ClosedVending History2020-07-03: REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILS AND VENDING HISTORY Good Morning team, find below request. 1. 0101170137000. thank you.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-03NoGood Morning, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170137000 Start Date: 9/12/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $204,221.61 Outstanding Balance: $173,721.61 Running Balance: $173,721.61 Note: Outstanding migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Per Vend Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: 5/14/2020 5:20:50 PM Date Sold: 17/05/18 11:05 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000650790622 Supplier Ref: 000650790622 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00773971 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 62385034556390924198 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/06/18 09:23 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000656972565 Supplier Ref: 000656972565 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00862841 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 61094201296597605633 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/09/18 15:05 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182551405523 Supplier Ref: 182551405523 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01060890 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 59071754991809003089 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/10/18 10:28 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182811028478 Supplier Ref: 182811028478 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01139247 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 04002141574483663819 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/10/18 11:27 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000674846880 Supplier Ref: 000674846880 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01219660 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 61793018235715446265 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/12/18 13:53 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 181204389322 Supplier Ref: 181204389322 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB01340962 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 04410785543608982116 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/01/19 11:58 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190161058293 Supplier Ref: 190161058293 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01593121 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 37807331219896849834 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/02/19 11:21 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190531021575 Supplier Ref: 190531021575 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01879610 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 24048613471378863606 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/03/19 12:37 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190701137241 Supplier Ref: 190701137241 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01996344 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 67444284943967335696 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/04/19 09:37 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190980837552 Supplier Ref: 190980837552 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02144767 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 71225393918393473345 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/04/19 13:58 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191141258194 Supplier Ref: 191141258194 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02233966 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 63894550413092949617 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/05/19 16:04 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191431504397 Supplier Ref: 191431504397 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02385637 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 13833439638601020515 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/07/19 13:09 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191831209075 Supplier Ref: 191831209075 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02588954 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 17340574085468062672 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/08/19 09:04 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190813984288 Supplier Ref: 190813984288 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02796379 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 04520010937501393973 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/09/19 10:47 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190907713249 Supplier Ref: 190907713249 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02925104 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 38208620847371198386 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/10/19 16:33 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193031535030 Supplier Ref: 193031535030 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03217526 Total Value: N8,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 23308896824556225172 Debt: N7,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/11/19 19:39 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157479006948 Supplier Ref: 157479006948 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03391899 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 06260595976596307013 Debt: N3,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/02/20 14:27 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158220166517 Supplier Ref: 158220166517 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04123226 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 30974522654535092216 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/04/20 10:42 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200930942352 Supplier Ref: 200930942352 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04487463 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 25968252902098534799 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/04/20 17:05 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201141706041 Supplier Ref: 201141706041 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04635050 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 03876188774391967187 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/05/20 17:20 Meter/Type: 0101170137000 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201351720573 Supplier Ref: 201351720573 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04773609 Total Value: N7,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 26066541685194682542 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 372020-07-03 faizahtafida@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014020In ProgressTamper Code2020-07-03Hello, Kindly generate CT for MSN: 0101170161752. The meter is among the ones fixed by Mojec and needed to be reinstated. ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-03No0000-00-00 anersirleh@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014019In ProgressRequest2020-07-03GOOD MORNING IT SUPPORT. Kindly assist with debt details. 0101160172918 0101160184707 Thank you best regards.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-03No0000-00-00 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014018Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014017In ProgressKCT Request2020-07-03Dear IT Support, Two meters below have been verified; please generate the Clear Tamper Codes. 0101170386326 0101170216366MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-03No0000-00-00 anersirleh@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00014016ClosedRequest2020-07-03: Debt balance Please Ict kindly assist me with this meter number 0101170314138 original balance running balance and collection value thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-03NoGood Morning, Find below as requested, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 514043 Start Date: 4/2/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $91,235.81 Outstanding Balance: $91,235.81 Running Balance: $91,235.81 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-03 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014015ClosedRequest2020-07-03: Request for debt profile for this account 54161033995 Good morningMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-03NoGood morning, Find below as requested, Customer Details Name: PETER Surname: SAMAILA Meter Serial Number: 54161033995 Account Number: 5370182020-07-03 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014014ClosedVending History2020-07-03: REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY 01321638999 Please avail me with the VENDING history of meter No: 01321638999. ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-03NoGood morning, Find below as requested Date Sold: 23/08/16 12:07 Meter/Type: 01321638999 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/EAKPA Token Ref: 623612210144 Supplier Ref: 623612210144 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00021841 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 14449371139287492607 Date Sold: 07/10/16 11:39 Meter/Type: 01321638999 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/FMUSA Token Ref: 628200055777 Supplier Ref: 628200055777 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00050824 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 29368167057313319022 Date Sold: 24/01/17 08:41 Meter/Type: 01321638999 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 702408410641 Supplier Ref: 702408410641 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00125732 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 28254373847178261995 Date Sold: 02/03/17 14:45 Meter/Type: 01321638999 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/EAKPA Token Ref: 706114451279 Supplier Ref: 706114451279 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00161495 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 66429165067315316695 Date Sold: 31/03/17 12:18 Meter/Type: 01321638999 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/EAKPA Token Ref: 709012181608 Supplier Ref: 709012181608 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00199368 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 43192789914635859025 Date Sold: 22/04/17 11:54 Meter/Type: 01321638999 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/EAKPA Token Ref: 711211545206 Supplier Ref: 711211545206 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00226210 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 00828025880764849656 Date Sold: 15/05/17 13:25 Meter/Type: 01321638999 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 713513242114 Supplier Ref: 713513242114 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00254301 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 52539617261803960393 Date Sold: 31/05/17 16:14 Meter/Type: 01321638999 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/EAKPA Token Ref: 715116142649 Supplier Ref: 715116142649 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00275834 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 55343242008114740022 Date Sold: 21/06/17 08:35 Meter/Type: 01321638999 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/EAKPA Token Ref: 717208358259 Supplier Ref: 717208358259 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00301785 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 52695672781098504134 Date Sold: 09/08/17 11:22 Meter/Type: 01321638999 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/AISIAKA Token Ref: 722111220085 Supplier Ref: 722111220085 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00366207 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 33804636246025162558 Date Sold: 29/12/17 12:17 Meter/Type: 01321638999 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000630787739 Supplier Ref: 000630787739 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00562055 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 34837734799342099909 Date Sold: 29/12/17 12:24 Meter/Type: 01321638999 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 953369511480834 Supplier Ref: 953369511480834 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00562095 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 34082740983887893152 Date Sold: 05/02/18 12:34 Meter/Type: 01321638999 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000636261413 Supplier Ref: 000636261413 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00610081 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 38129180806835189641 Date Sold: 17/03/18 12:12 Meter/Type: 01321638999 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 69136954017281 Supplier Ref: 69136954017281 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00672819 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 15041428321835376372 Date Sold: 08/12/18 15:55 Meter/Type: 01321638999 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154427731209 Supplier Ref: 154427731209 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01359364 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 25530859254485631421 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/12/18 12:10 Meter/Type: 01321638999 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183461110505 Supplier Ref: 183461110505 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01376793 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 46804333963468796551 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/12/18 17:11 Meter/Type: 01321638999 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 836075519683867 Supplier Ref: 836075519683867 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01473350 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 55807871852062684654 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/01/19 09:07 Meter/Type: 01321638999 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154805447135 Supplier Ref: 154805447135 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01623805 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 55581352437935322401 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/02/19 16:27 Meter/Type: 01321638999 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 767248119189746 Supplier Ref: 767248119189746 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01774790 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 71967917287633901489 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/02/19 23:54 Meter/Type: 01321638999 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155087250950 Supplier Ref: 155087250950 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01888602 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 48012988992629174453 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/03/19 17:01 Meter/Type: 01321638999 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155145253966 Supplier Ref: 155145253966 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01936240 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 18053149642074583401 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/03/19 09:22 Meter/Type: 01321638999 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155211617728 Supplier Ref: 155211617728 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01989437 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 00881626726243996635 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/04/19 10:30 Meter/Type: 01321638999 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155566261539 Supplier Ref: 155566261539 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02208038 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 50444886862013023648 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/06/19 13:23 Meter/Type: 01321638999 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155964729258 Supplier Ref: 155964729258 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02451412 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 63182077625869006867 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/06/19 13:30 Meter/Type: 01321638999 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155964777758 Supplier Ref: 155964777758 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02451451 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 23295575115308404162 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/08/19 19:53 Meter/Type: 01321638999 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156701482064 Supplier Ref: 156701482064 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02873203 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 59039749299286014312 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/09/19 09:24 Meter/Type: 01321638999 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156948268302 Supplier Ref: 156948268302 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03025516 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 43518060410234384757 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/10/19 21:22 Meter/Type: 01321638999 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157229061911 Supplier Ref: 157229061911 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03205558 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 67433254093998132932 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/11/19 21:12 Meter/Type: 01321638999 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157453645294 Supplier Ref: 157453645294 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03368931 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 16348248174240334473 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/12/19 11:42 Meter/Type: 01321638999 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157709433080 Supplier Ref: 157709433080 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03602526 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 57040021188156548454 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/01/20 20:46 Meter/Type: 01321638999 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157937336954 Supplier Ref: 157937336954 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03826336 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 64125536483173654835 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/01/20 09:13 Meter/Type: 01321638999 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158045477783 Supplier Ref: 158045477783 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03932304 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 15888318909405519983 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/02/20 21:16 Meter/Type: 01321638999 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158231258673 Supplier Ref: 158231258673 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04137857 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 13486687046393603348 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/03/20 14:02 Meter/Type: 01321638999 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158306413308 Supplier Ref: 158306413308 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04229101 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 03487629815430345197 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/03/20 11:40 Meter/Type: 01321638999 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200701040267 Supplier Ref: 200701040267 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04325322 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 66366788608223870831 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/03/20 10:36 Meter/Type: 01321638999 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200830935543 Supplier Ref: 200830935543 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04401673 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 46044128382491131954 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/04/20 09:40 Meter/Type: 01321638999 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201060840086 Supplier Ref: 201060840086 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04572113 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 32757537462471158655 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/05/20 20:45 Meter/Type: 01321638999 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201372045196 Supplier Ref: 201372045196 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04793074 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 21636300299410906374 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/06/20 15:35 Meter/Type: 01321638999 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201661535405 Supplier Ref: 201661535405 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04980673 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 43386220586674427539 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 792020-07-03 lisarumpae@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014013ClosedVending History2020-07-03Request for Vending History Good Morning, Kindly avail with vending history of the following meters: 1. 0101170244806 2. 0101170220913 3. 0101170254235 4. 0101170254227 ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-03NoGood morning, Find below as requested. 0101170244806 Date Sold: 09/05/18 17:12 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000649675372 Supplier Ref: 000649675372 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00760225 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 32011739043636260648 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/05/18 12:22 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000649934360 Supplier Ref: 000649934360 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00762659 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 31541246929654635668 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/08/18 10:28 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000662163004 Supplier Ref: 000662163004 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00950655 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 31919660424623286042 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/11/18 18:58 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154299570402 Supplier Ref: 154299570402 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01302543 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 61715926038675809283 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/12/18 10:54 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154391354952 Supplier Ref: 154391354952 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01339859 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 31959402086193910951 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/12/18 17:30 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154462847842 Supplier Ref: 154462847842 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01379494 Total Value: N3,900.00 Standard: N3,900.00 - 25854080381852077404 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/12/18 09:01 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154546202772 Supplier Ref: 154546202772 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01434892 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 63497659364696369200 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/12/18 09:23 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154546334506 Supplier Ref: 154546334506 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01434977 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 25921886718443078399 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/12/18 19:22 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154601738542 Supplier Ref: 154601738542 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01482098 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 03539455874238259257 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/01/19 03:22 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154630571184 Supplier Ref: 154630571184 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01498809 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 38808386345131946783 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/01/19 21:47 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154706316216 Supplier Ref: 154706316216 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01548282 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 71091860582075508231 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/01/19 11:09 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154762966926 Supplier Ref: 154762966926 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01592460 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 06453737855597509665 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/03/19 22:03 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155164311795 Supplier Ref: 155164311795 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01948133 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 16581402315344917156 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/03/19 18:32 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155249474804 Supplier Ref: 155249474804 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02012107 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 41942016682225746053 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/03/19 17:43 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155318299841 Supplier Ref: 155318299841 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02050448 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 68337231358649197878 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/03/19 12:24 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155394148188 Supplier Ref: 155394148188 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02094909 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 55558353603724863788 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/04/19 20:23 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 1554574850100 Supplier Ref: 1554574850100 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02141632 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 36064810091680508864 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/04/19 20:30 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155500727881 Supplier Ref: 155500727881 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02168371 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 37711806170936567267 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/04/19 09:35 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190413756394 Supplier Ref: 190413756394 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02175636 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 18785643746260092523 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/04/19 09:16 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155574458457 Supplier Ref: 155574458457 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02212124 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 07242205903660675466 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/04/19 10:52 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155618226098 Supplier Ref: 155618226098 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02238708 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 54001462938632196372 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/05/19 19:37 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190513183655 Supplier Ref: 190513183655 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02337393 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 13187502673986248930 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/05/19 09:59 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191340859517 Supplier Ref: 191340859517 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02338862 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 57444090397650255752 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/05/19 15:01 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 914313570000 Supplier Ref: 914313570000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02385178 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 12115984829160917468 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/05/19 20:01 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155863438340 Supplier Ref: 155863438340 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02387034 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 35461469555455275568 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/06/19 21:16 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156157655537 Supplier Ref: 156157655537 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02562756 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N334.97 - 24163240002399361806 Debt: N1,565.03 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/07/19 21:46 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156235583465 Supplier Ref: 156235583465 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02606439 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 20228729753892393568 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/08/19 21:51 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156719465912 Supplier Ref: 156719465912 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02884932 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 03750134050554862293 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/08/19 14:05 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156725313952 Supplier Ref: 156725313952 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02888426 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 46452493475670515941 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/09/19 19:23 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156969138495 Supplier Ref: 156969138495 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03041367 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 61306925291889190317 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/10/19 12:09 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192901110321 Supplier Ref: 192901110321 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03142722 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 22832283661060440699 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/10/19 11:56 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157191096981 Supplier Ref: 157191096981 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03180216 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 53540593963032292375 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/11/19 08:04 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157267472498 Supplier Ref: 157267472498 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03236064 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 18817418716904727462 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/11/19 11:06 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157363609302 Supplier Ref: 157363609302 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03302089 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 49582570769993329944 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/11/19 12:57 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157407469385 Supplier Ref: 157407469385 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03329979 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 59603342612488567783 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/11/19 09:40 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157432210590 Supplier Ref: 157432210590 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03347409 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 41879803168243270574 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/11/19 08:59 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157466527449 Supplier Ref: 157466527449 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03374263 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 62395891940630151700 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/12/19 18:06 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157599412788 Supplier Ref: 157599412788 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03512480 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 10310623723547308086 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/12/19 08:59 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157604770578 Supplier Ref: 157604770578 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03515287 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 25660332050825170318 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/12/19 20:48 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157678144125 Supplier Ref: 157678144125 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03576160 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 38211979369498565957 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/12/19 20:18 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157747087842 Supplier Ref: 157747087842 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03649296 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 16878826049651058420 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/01/20 20:15 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157833465094 Supplier Ref: 157833465094 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03725486 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 31389289850628992500 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/01/20 14:24 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200071327374 Supplier Ref: 200071327374 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03730341 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 42647593517126353560 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/01/20 22:29 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157886110541 Supplier Ref: 157886110541 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03775382 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 49446598713772002430 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/01/20 07:31 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157923924989 Supplier Ref: 157923924989 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03811850 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 20086368225596786598 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/01/20 09:22 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157950510766 Supplier Ref: 157950510766 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03831665 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 19006330389217685143 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/01/20 13:25 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157977888088 Supplier Ref: 157977888088 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03863810 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 33931409940445060065 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/01/20 10:29 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158011390975 Supplier Ref: 158011390975 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03892069 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 41992580307297959782 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/01/20 08:58 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158028123754 Supplier Ref: 158028123754 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03912539 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 31770909877548936671 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/02/20 11:29 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158063572222 Supplier Ref: 158063572222 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03954929 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 32027887600507292638 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/02/20 11:01 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158106604415 Supplier Ref: 158106604415 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04002547 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 52455400168080661987 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/02/20 18:41 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158135277635 Supplier Ref: 158135277635 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04033005 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 12780904505636132929 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/02/20 09:01 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158183644288 Supplier Ref: 158183644288 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04083382 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 06281050265023348048 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/02/20 09:10 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158235497767 Supplier Ref: 158235497767 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04139173 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 05653209771836387867 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/02/20 09:02 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158252775286 Supplier Ref: 158252775286 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04153430 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 01976630609216404145 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/03/20 20:55 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158326167046 Supplier Ref: 158326167046 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04265792 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 67141553019805959403 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/03/20 09:35 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158356647302 Supplier Ref: 158356647302 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04305197 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 16121849813719596047 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/03/20 09:06 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200720806098 Supplier Ref: 200720806098 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04336313 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 11179227132348693807 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/03/20 15:05 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200761405247 Supplier Ref: 200761405247 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04358786 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 10288831275809010275 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/03/20 11:21 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200811021212 Supplier Ref: 200811021212 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04391034 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 38560185847881775594 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/03/20 10:53 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200840953386 Supplier Ref: 200840953386 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04410257 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 24409533149661129560 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/03/20 13:48 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200861248266 Supplier Ref: 200861248266 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04429002 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 38244908538624189842 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/03/20 13:00 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200881159538 Supplier Ref: 200881159538 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04446428 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 32410064733511678788 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/04/20 15:03 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200931402531 Supplier Ref: 200931402531 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04490819 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 18777930091816169751 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/04/20 09:41 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200950841295 Supplier Ref: 200950841295 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04503329 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 51004504801869466336 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/04/20 21:44 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200952043576 Supplier Ref: 200952043576 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04508633 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 71410313278402999768 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/04/20 10:54 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200990954017 Supplier Ref: 200990954017 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04529580 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 35678782381861813421 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/04/20 14:34 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201121434361 Supplier Ref: 201121434361 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04621530 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 71620500235550476567 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/04/20 18:27 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201161828091 Supplier Ref: 201161828091 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04659770 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 14401338576599019791 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/04/20 17:52 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201191752220 Supplier Ref: 201191752220 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04678756 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 63538417765144845107 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/05/20 08:49 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201290849227 Supplier Ref: 201290849227 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04731007 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 61759133035425869991 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/05/20 08:14 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201360814557 Supplier Ref: 201360814557 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04775637 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 17053334025603634242 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/05/20 18:34 Meter/Type: 0101170244806 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201481834335 Supplier Ref: 201481834335 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04860246 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 70823732574981176470 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 136 0101170220913 Date Sold: 11/05/18 12:35 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000649935720 Supplier Ref: 000649935720 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00762709 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 66943895842151985611 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/05/18 13:04 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 814912040000 Supplier Ref: 814912040000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00797691 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 41655609776385110061 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/06/18 22:09 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 757289137788636 Supplier Ref: 757289137788636 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00813090 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 52678053504504590805 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/06/18 10:47 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 817309460000 Supplier Ref: 817309460000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00848015 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 01059415526323127428 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/07/18 09:59 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000657408141 Supplier Ref: 000657408141 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00869140 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 16331922867721208680 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/07/18 10:20 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 181980920113 Supplier Ref: 181980920113 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00905289 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 66769929589375253441 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/08/18 11:34 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182161034046 Supplier Ref: 182161034046 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00951029 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 28973890592886745088 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/08/18 21:34 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000665253758 Supplier Ref: 000665253758 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01008373 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 66347994826693952685 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/09/18 14:03 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000667800632 Supplier Ref: 000667800632 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01060579 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 63806365383195758309 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/09/18 10:46 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182721046461 Supplier Ref: 182721046461 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01109987 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 73130159953607066962 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/10/18 06:45 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000672370861 Supplier Ref: 000672370861 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01160884 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 39731026949262565618 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/10/18 12:05 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000674850510 Supplier Ref: 000674850510 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01219895 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 24374130998503011575 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/11/18 13:38 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000677595973 Supplier Ref: 000677595973 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01286157 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 70806384208286211355 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/12/18 14:49 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000679469148 Supplier Ref: 000679469148 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01332923 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 22965739848903636491 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/12/18 21:09 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154498732038 Supplier Ref: 154498732038 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01398341 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 00988148212135789918 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/12/18 12:13 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154547361350 Supplier Ref: 154547361350 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01436891 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 26163012128396695606 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/01/19 15:15 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154703971398 Supplier Ref: 154703971398 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01545606 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 15894488445351504383 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/01/19 10:40 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154883763163 Supplier Ref: 154883763163 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01700180 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 51405378528871080467 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/02/19 12:24 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190208773354 Supplier Ref: 190208773354 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB01779947 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 24027244944464181623 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/02/19 22:34 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155069489857 Supplier Ref: 155069489857 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01868769 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 37495341877097759075 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/02/19 14:44 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155135791960 Supplier Ref: 155135791960 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01925128 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 32823330835961602096 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/03/19 10:24 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 907109200000 Supplier Ref: 907109200000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02002293 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 04536790115144740215 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/03/19 15:51 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155352188532 Supplier Ref: 155352188532 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02066846 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 38672227306891302922 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/04/19 09:37 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190413708389 Supplier Ref: 190413708389 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02175650 Total Value: N700.00 Standard: N700.00 - 20639478331704786604 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/04/19 21:02 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155561412185 Supplier Ref: 155561412185 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02206712 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 66895706782074986128 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/05/19 23:16 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155760931641 Supplier Ref: 155760931641 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02330465 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N334.97 - 01175710287046556324 Debt: N1,565.03 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/05/19 09:58 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191340858586 Supplier Ref: 191340858586 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02338855 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 53911251345752523008 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/05/19 10:11 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191490911283 Supplier Ref: 191490911283 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02413996 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 21652809001053845606 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/06/19 16:06 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 322932851769982 Supplier Ref: 322932851769982 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02457670 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 42947089739039092693 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/06/19 09:20 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 924525177610941 Supplier Ref: 924525177610941 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02526295 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 29826362183352434744 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/07/19 15:23 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 499037120130041 Supplier Ref: 499037120130041 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02584240 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 70367950291658024782 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/07/19 09:04 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 652958176486287 Supplier Ref: 652958176486287 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02659677 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 29651914406794493174 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/08/19 10:00 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192150900377 Supplier Ref: 192150900377 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02747612 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 56333398806779581674 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/08/19 12:04 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156638184675 Supplier Ref: 156638184675 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02837720 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 52592205896829775189 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/09/19 20:00 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156796562722 Supplier Ref: 156796562722 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02931653 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 30609819449879096078 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/09/19 20:51 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192571952122 Supplier Ref: 192571952122 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02966426 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 27166381430743717826 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/10/19 21:11 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192742011578 Supplier Ref: 192742011578 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03059357 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 13535042480104771198 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/10/19 08:42 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157051699823 Supplier Ref: 157051699823 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03092296 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 15075148437533303970 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/10/19 20:56 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192901957396 Supplier Ref: 192901957396 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03146218 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 31930495165799601705 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/10/19 14:55 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192981356261 Supplier Ref: 192981356261 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03187027 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 43705288739347756303 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/11/19 11:49 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157268828083 Supplier Ref: 157268828083 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03237659 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 59723770889979036743 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/11/19 11:13 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193121015227 Supplier Ref: 193121015227 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03275600 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 67970204032351616498 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/11/19 09:26 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193220827581 Supplier Ref: 193220827581 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03328126 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 24230631483227062716 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/11/19 09:57 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193270859243 Supplier Ref: 193270859243 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03362585 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 64839086439579076105 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/12/19 09:30 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193430832406 Supplier Ref: 193430832406 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03497095 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 72269709810128325620 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/12/19 08:43 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193520745367 Supplier Ref: 193520745367 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03558453 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 58688311779727103862 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/12/19 09:19 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193640822510 Supplier Ref: 193640822510 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03663110 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 08364434977089492245 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/01/20 14:23 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200071326255 Supplier Ref: 200071326255 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03730309 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 27714804498528692288 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/01/20 12:14 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157891066661 Supplier Ref: 157891066661 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03778738 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 09375062244256761179 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/01/20 10:10 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200250913340 Supplier Ref: 200250913340 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03879729 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 26509467838468672108 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/02/20 10:31 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200350931316 Supplier Ref: 200350931316 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03972785 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 34192651692949694338 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/02/20 12:38 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200451138225 Supplier Ref: 200451138225 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04067201 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 24676289995455664598 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/02/20 15:00 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158289484327 Supplier Ref: 158289484327 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04206410 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 62855656482589686293 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/02/20 15:41 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200591441556 Supplier Ref: 200591441556 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04207200 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 27150481210551006826 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/03/20 15:04 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200761404004 Supplier Ref: 200761404004 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04358772 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 52633338545788209252 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/03/20 11:10 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200881010471 Supplier Ref: 200881010471 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04444867 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 14933817297701662032 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/04/20 10:53 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200990953124 Supplier Ref: 200990953124 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04529570 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 70659654427700335935 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/04/20 11:28 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201081128498 Supplier Ref: 201081128498 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04588793 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 30929164415990197100 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/04/20 08:42 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201200842234 Supplier Ref: 201200842234 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04680458 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 09216814452382087802 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/05/20 12:05 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201371205450 Supplier Ref: 201371205450 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04787422 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 54227849723142012561 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/06/20 20:06 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201572006524 Supplier Ref: 201572006524 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04928525 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 52328474629423531204 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/06/20 13:46 Meter/Type: 0101170220913 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201741346492 Supplier Ref: 201741346492 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05034725 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 25712996249946958334 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 93 0101170254235 Date Sold: 28/04/18 11:47 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000648058846 Supplier Ref: 000648058846 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00738100 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 59386650489335248776 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/05/18 20:55 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000650705618 Supplier Ref: 000650705618 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00773409 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 53061195306601600904 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/05/18 22:29 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000651435026 Supplier Ref: 000651435026 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00782938 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 42914027672481353505 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/05/18 00:10 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000652165222 Supplier Ref: 000652165222 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00793175 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 13063226299007601365 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/06/18 21:59 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000653304028 Supplier Ref: 000653304028 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00809668 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 59885061006510586257 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/06/18 22:49 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000654749037 Supplier Ref: 000654749037 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00832150 Total Value: N700.00 Standard: N700.00 - 50183321904696136561 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/06/18 15:47 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000655570944 Supplier Ref: 000655570944 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00842140 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 03204423857935364826 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/06/18 20:57 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000656897998 Supplier Ref: 000656897998 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00862610 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 66451963813582634924 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/07/18 05:52 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000658103474 Supplier Ref: 000658103474 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00884086 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 72062947721669029704 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/07/18 06:04 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000659688660 Supplier Ref: 000659688660 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00907479 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 19610089861819397011 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/07/18 23:39 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000661378251 Supplier Ref: 000661378251 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00933548 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 30467751755393022629 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/08/18 00:53 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 153394153502 Supplier Ref: 153394153502 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00968394 Total Value: N600.00 Standard: N600.00 - 27201076519583736908 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/08/18 15:11 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 153416563322 Supplier Ref: 153416563322 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00973128 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 54077576268717179635 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/08/18 20:27 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 153522155375 Supplier Ref: 153522155375 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01008243 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 37495416511238361794 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/09/18 06:31 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000666891493 Supplier Ref: 000666891493 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01042373 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 14204615837358365238 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/09/18 19:39 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 153738222367 Supplier Ref: 153738222367 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01082596 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 68514417895320555996 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/10/18 21:36 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 153851250937 Supplier Ref: 153851250937 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01120793 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 71150336114113127916 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/10/18 22:42 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154015804069 Supplier Ref: 154015804069 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01185469 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 52418078509110697201 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/10/18 15:47 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154082434369 Supplier Ref: 154082434369 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01212873 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 44297616066109408590 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/11/18 20:35 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154110082490 Supplier Ref: 154110082490 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01226538 Total Value: N1,400.00 Standard: N1,400.00 - 23338840063041233005 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/11/18 05:20 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154173705055 Supplier Ref: 154173705055 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01252904 Total Value: N1,300.00 Standard: N1,300.00 - 23361582775461446650 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/11/18 10:06 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154235909053 Supplier Ref: 154235909053 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01276760 Total Value: N1,400.00 Standard: N1,400.00 - 05816222194934920320 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/11/18 18:22 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154316648290 Supplier Ref: 154316648290 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01306754 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 55330533526815693885 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/12/18 20:39 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154412149494 Supplier Ref: 154412149494 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01351673 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 06430671891022330220 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/12/18 21:57 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154481733315 Supplier Ref: 154481733315 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01391967 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 63948998426890525427 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/12/18 21:25 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154516099754 Supplier Ref: 154516099754 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01412234 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 09252793853528029142 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/12/18 06:00 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154579677653 Supplier Ref: 154579677653 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01461779 Total Value: N1,200.00 Standard: N1,200.00 - 33032982304496449330 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/12/18 21:42 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154611242861 Supplier Ref: 154611242861 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01487462 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 01637669548248280885 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/01/19 21:44 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154706289025 Supplier Ref: 154706289025 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01548267 Total Value: N1,400.00 Standard: N1,400.00 - 29378606224376910422 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/01/19 08:17 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154796494309 Supplier Ref: 154796494309 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01621636 Total Value: N1,400.00 Standard: N1,400.00 - 42629334568599816672 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/01/19 21:54 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154879153636 Supplier Ref: 154879153636 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01698524 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 64362435999515406080 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/02/19 20:43 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154991054942 Supplier Ref: 154991054942 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01803269 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 25689038344645535455 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/02/19 21:39 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155086366349 Supplier Ref: 155086366349 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01888226 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 51764709282884123892 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/03/19 07:49 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155150565316 Supplier Ref: 155150565316 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01938435 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 12452681191935989869 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/03/19 06:02 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155244962354 Supplier Ref: 155244962354 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02007580 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 02080078081313311823 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/04/19 22:19 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155440908257 Supplier Ref: 155440908257 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02129847 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 63855586689830394937 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/04/19 21:37 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155587535049 Supplier Ref: 155587535049 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02219628 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 61115413985906874061 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/05/19 13:51 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155705704928 Supplier Ref: 155705704928 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02299199 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 40213967273918250044 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/05/19 20:56 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155829213412 Supplier Ref: 155829213412 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02364998 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 34021011782221475391 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/06/19 22:19 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155976591961 Supplier Ref: 155976591961 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02459313 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N3,334.97 - 37417473518685833412 Debt: N1,565.03 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/06/19 17:40 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156139078856 Supplier Ref: 156139078856 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02551575 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 40127081986617543751 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/07/19 20:24 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156243738150 Supplier Ref: 156243738150 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02610925 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 15172100921037452133 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/07/19 20:27 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156304241033 Supplier Ref: 156304241033 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02645023 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 15855757377802424623 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/07/19 13:39 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156370913115 Supplier Ref: 156370913115 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02679902 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 46237188676933203765 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/08/19 21:15 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156477324311 Supplier Ref: 156477324311 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02746596 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 57479906870303052867 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/08/19 15:44 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156587662681 Supplier Ref: 156587662681 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02808856 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 20108844539471389225 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/08/19 22:37 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156624703139 Supplier Ref: 156624703139 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02830916 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 16458756979398862357 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/09/19 20:21 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156736206295 Supplier Ref: 156736206295 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02892993 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 22484563304692684899 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/09/19 00:50 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156850141212 Supplier Ref: 156850141212 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02966977 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 04584694546158888956 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/09/19 18:32 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156977474104 Supplier Ref: 156977474104 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03044387 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 38502362637173534504 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/10/19 18:10 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157011903825 Supplier Ref: 157011903825 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03070413 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 21844280753653705425 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/10/19 10:01 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157052169987 Supplier Ref: 157052169987 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03092785 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 02515504414766398979 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/10/19 11:37 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157199622662 Supplier Ref: 157199622662 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03185610 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 50431038168464250233 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/11/19 19:42 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157306222864 Supplier Ref: 157306222864 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03266727 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 30769165491171407914 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/11/19 19:01 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157375098390 Supplier Ref: 157375098390 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03311754 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 63176378055065341983 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/11/19 07:42 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157457419048 Supplier Ref: 157457419048 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03369916 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 07969356613231026129 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/12/19 15:16 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193391418377 Supplier Ref: 193391418377 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03472166 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 45040865051870677846 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/12/19 21:33 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157661132327 Supplier Ref: 157661132327 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03557491 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 28938899344564768501 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/12/19 20:30 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157747157205 Supplier Ref: 157747157205 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03649436 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 10602521115943434202 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/12/19 20:31 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157747124363 Supplier Ref: 157747124363 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03649448 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 31789927513353041179 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/01/20 21:34 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157877141303 Supplier Ref: 157877141303 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03770240 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 24643367080406915386 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/01/20 21:51 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157972284671 Supplier Ref: 157972284671 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03860163 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 08979823631425581746 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/02/20 07:07 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158053362709 Supplier Ref: 158053362709 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03943720 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 57641546390918060401 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/02/20 19:14 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158152763361 Supplier Ref: 158152763361 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04053318 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 58118669091067342435 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/02/20 16:08 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158203485622 Supplier Ref: 158203485622 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04105649 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 16278147748413216969 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/02/20 19:45 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158299824351 Supplier Ref: 158299824351 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04223751 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 47115185174900559295 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/03/20 22:59 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158344193864 Supplier Ref: 158344193864 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04291273 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 36977568368063847977 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/03/20 22:19 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200772119042 Supplier Ref: 200772119042 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04368689 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 10123171432259600496 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/03/20 21:01 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200872001248 Supplier Ref: 200872001248 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04442456 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 70238751623855820639 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/04/20 21:10 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200952010246 Supplier Ref: 200952010246 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04508452 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 35071174527794767414 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/04/20 13:04 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201001204517 Supplier Ref: 201001204517 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04541279 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 61513105055716140123 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/04/20 18:47 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201091847308 Supplier Ref: 201091847308 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04603590 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 24579127285167118078 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/04/20 19:25 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201131926086 Supplier Ref: 201131926086 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04629543 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 16664800883246686998 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/05/20 19:28 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201241928201 Supplier Ref: 201241928201 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04704679 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 24278743763339150131 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/05/20 19:13 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201331913548 Supplier Ref: 201331913548 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04763281 Total Value: N700.00 Standard: N700.00 - 66025085137551846701 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/05/20 19:06 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201371906200 Supplier Ref: 201371906200 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04792117 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 51656226143155486061 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/05/20 08:32 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201480832514 Supplier Ref: 201480832514 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04856042 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 48783376734224743329 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/05/20 19:16 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201521916548 Supplier Ref: 201521916548 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04893335 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 63524867070368047732 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/06/20 19:15 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201641916022 Supplier Ref: 201641916022 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04971035 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 11325104796226738108 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/06/20 17:38 Meter/Type: 0101170254235 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201691738541 Supplier Ref: 201691738541 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05003970 Total Value: N1,100.00 Standard: N1,100.00 - 35424743000727276370 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 151 0101170254227 Date Sold: 06/05/18 16:08 Meter/Type: 0101170254227 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000649236902 Supplier Ref: 000649236902 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00753148 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 59497184720816675521 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/05/18 16:08 Meter/Type: 0101170254227 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 813815081483 Supplier Ref: 813815081483 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00777072 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 21896780695990690139 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/05/18 21:06 Meter/Type: 0101170254227 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000651570708 Supplier Ref: 000651570708 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00785065 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 14494920969335437561 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/05/18 23:55 Meter/Type: 0101170254227 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000652163661 Supplier Ref: 000652163661 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00793171 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 30915896506066341509 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/06/18 17:00 Meter/Type: 0101170254227 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 816516001928 Supplier Ref: 816516001928 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00834524 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 59263626178489782148 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/06/18 21:04 Meter/Type: 0101170254227 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 817820041875 Supplier Ref: 817820041875 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00859907 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 66457635213104794542 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/07/18 10:40 Meter/Type: 0101170254227 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 819909401069 Supplier Ref: 819909401069 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00907931 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 61181207522136769771 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/08/18 09:03 Meter/Type: 0101170254227 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 821608031001 Supplier Ref: 821608031001 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00950402 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 33081857407262744379 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/08/18 18:46 Meter/Type: 0101170254227 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 823617451239 Supplier Ref: 823617451239 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01005373 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 32223711347741797845 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/09/18 17:18 Meter/Type: 0101170254227 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000667964252 Supplier Ref: 000667964252 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01064583 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 56549046004120899961 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/10/18 11:57 Meter/Type: 0101170254227 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000671970178 Supplier Ref: 000671970178 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01151302 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 43482076071463675650 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/11/18 14:40 Meter/Type: 0101170254227 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000676306112 Supplier Ref: 000676306112 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01258613 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 31196130479927819391 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 122020-07-03 apaaverem@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014012In ProgressVending History2020-07-03Please avail me with the VENDING history of meter No: 01321638999. ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-03No0000-00-00 lisarumpae@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014011ClosedVending History2020-07-03Vending history 62130338833 Morning Sir, Kindly send me the details of the above meter Best RegardsMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-03NoGood morning, Find below as requested Date Sold: 16/08/16 14:54 Meter/Type: 62130338833 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 622915070366 Supplier Ref: 622915070366 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00018077 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 05973025668245780994 Date Sold: 20/09/16 09:37 Meter/Type: 62130338833 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 626409370097 Supplier Ref: 626409370097 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00038677 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 32925636800736071361 Date Sold: 07/11/16 12:44 Meter/Type: 62130338833 Retailer/Operator: JEDYELWA/djoshua Token Ref: 631212440113 Supplier Ref: 631212440113 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00070505 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 37507782144594717174 Date Sold: 24/01/17 14:32 Meter/Type: 62130338833 Retailer/Operator: JEDYELWA/stama Token Ref: 702414320069 Supplier Ref: 702414320069 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00126294 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 58768491318539946708 Date Sold: 07/03/17 12:18 Meter/Type: 62130338833 Retailer/Operator: JEDYELWA/stama Token Ref: 706612190128 Supplier Ref: 706612190128 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00167732 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 31948431463486137860 Date Sold: 05/04/17 13:07 Meter/Type: 62130338833 Retailer/Operator: JEDYELWA/stama Token Ref: 709513080141 Supplier Ref: 709513080141 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00206320 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 48789140276966839328 Date Sold: 28/04/17 13:23 Meter/Type: 62130338833 Retailer/Operator: JEDYELWA/stama Token Ref: 711813250166 Supplier Ref: 711813250166 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00234107 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 23067289598773045315 Date Sold: 17/05/17 11:11 Meter/Type: 62130338833 Retailer/Operator: JEDYELWA/djoshua Token Ref: 713711120129 Supplier Ref: 713711120129 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00257683 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 16194507915049325664 Date Sold: 19/06/17 09:42 Meter/Type: 62130338833 Retailer/Operator: JEDYELWA/djoshua Token Ref: 717009420057 Supplier Ref: 717009420057 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00298718 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 09184105596383182753 Date Sold: 29/08/17 14:01 Meter/Type: 62130338833 Retailer/Operator: JEDYELWA/djoshua Token Ref: 724114010059 Supplier Ref: 724114010059 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00390496 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 25182112800453403241 Date Sold: 23/01/18 14:40 Meter/Type: 62130338833 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000634402124 Supplier Ref: 000634402124 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00591977 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 32973549827510037228 Date Sold: 14/05/18 14:32 Meter/Type: 62130338833 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000650379372 Supplier Ref: 000650379372 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00767511 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 41030906125428246622 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/05/18 09:34 Meter/Type: 62130338833 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 416543261844501 Supplier Ref: 416543261844501 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00798775 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 49721674040497386196 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/09/18 10:40 Meter/Type: 62130338833 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 100698976907915 Supplier Ref: 100698976907915 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01065818 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 14542925846789063245 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/11/19 12:06 Meter/Type: 62130338833 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193161107552 Supplier Ref: 193161107552 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03295532 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 61842419260890648973 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/11/19 16:36 Meter/Type: 62130338833 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157443352131 Supplier Ref: 157443352131 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03358286 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 59443920282821495469 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/12/19 14:05 Meter/Type: 62130338833 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157658447937 Supplier Ref: 157658447937 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03552488 Total Value: N4,200.00 Standard: N4,200.00 - 55770911001469093227 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/01/20 13:07 Meter/Type: 62130338833 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200221210462 Supplier Ref: 200221210462 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03854643 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 08899213688616731610 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/02/20 17:25 Meter/Type: 62130338833 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158221230486 Supplier Ref: 158221230486 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04125633 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 65466481192384434424 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/03/20 14:21 Meter/Type: 62130338833 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200811321160 Supplier Ref: 200811321160 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04392891 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 04399675971883628925 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/03/20 13:09 Meter/Type: 62130338833 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200911209281 Supplier Ref: 200911209281 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04469615 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 32939400036319367225 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/04/20 13:09 Meter/Type: 62130338833 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201061208568 Supplier Ref: 201061208568 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04573577 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 30798418134925345139 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/04/20 08:15 Meter/Type: 62130338833 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201120815141 Supplier Ref: 201120815141 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04618247 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 28995910075694510406 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/05/20 09:59 Meter/Type: 62130338833 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201270959226 Supplier Ref: 201270959226 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04720850 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 14397155810956428685 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/05/20 09:14 Meter/Type: 62130338833 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201330914510 Supplier Ref: 201330914510 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04759154 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 00600629806209650117 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/05/20 15:11 Meter/Type: 62130338833 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201411511293 Supplier Ref: 201411511293 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04810896 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 34112078249295834248 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/06/20 12:34 Meter/Type: 62130338833 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201671234306 Supplier Ref: 201671234306 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04985942 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 50808136307798085784 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/06/20 10:52 Meter/Type: 62130338833 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201721052451 Supplier Ref: 201721052451 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05021693 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 57923820483778379299 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 372020-07-03 rajiauwalmuazu@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014010In ProgressVending History2020-07-03Good Morning, Kindly avail with vending history of the following meters: 1. 0101170244806 2. 0101170220913 3. 0101170254235 4. 0101170254227 ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-03No0000-00-00 apaaverem@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014009In ProgressRequest2020-07-03Request for debt profile for this account 54161033995Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-03No0000-00-00 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014008In ProgressVending History2020-07-03Morning Sir, Kindly send me the details of the above meter Best RegardsMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-03No0000-00-00 rajiauwalmuazu@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014007Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00014006ClosedRequest2020-07-02: DEBT DETAILS Assist with debt details. 0101170125765 ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-02NoFind below. Meter Serial Number: 0101170125765 Contract Account Number: 581610 Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 581610 Start Date: 2/22/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $48,828.79 Outstanding Balance: $39,438.61 Running Balance: $39,438.61 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $1,565.03 Latest Payment: 7/18/2019 1:04:21 PM2020-07-02 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014005ClosedVending History2020-07-02: VENDING HISTORY Assist with vending history. 0101170299578 ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-02NoFind below. Date Sold: 11/06/18 12:44 Meter/Type: 0101170299578 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 816211441448 Supplier Ref: 816211441448 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00825953 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 46581123163383811110 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/06/18 22:21 Meter/Type: 0101170299578 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 816221210000 Supplier Ref: 816221210000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00827527 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 58058076955073958850 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/07/18 14:29 Meter/Type: 0101170299578 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000658731273 Supplier Ref: 000658731273 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00893235 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 23513406475339580257 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/08/18 16:26 Meter/Type: 0101170299578 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000663638928 Supplier Ref: 000663638928 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00976587 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 29767206861217234224 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/10/18 14:45 Meter/Type: 0101170299578 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 181005812291 Supplier Ref: 181005812291 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB01132405 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 23487195861336501929 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/11/18 11:19 Meter/Type: 0101170299578 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 181101173789 Supplier Ref: 181101173789 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB01223798 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 12318176006594677703 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/11/18 16:07 Meter/Type: 0101170299578 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 181130576549 Supplier Ref: 181130576549 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB01327405 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 66575825914241791976 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/12/18 15:19 Meter/Type: 0101170299578 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154479358317 Supplier Ref: 154479358317 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01389573 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 15964983155502328142 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/01/19 11:02 Meter/Type: 0101170299578 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190161002308 Supplier Ref: 190161002308 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01592359 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 27702661218280925994 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/02/19 16:40 Meter/Type: 0101170299578 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190371541147 Supplier Ref: 190371541147 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01767094 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 41754699571326611391 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/03/19 12:45 Meter/Type: 0101170299578 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190651145191 Supplier Ref: 190651145191 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01969727 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 28144539211250796897 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/03/19 12:28 Meter/Type: 0101170299578 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 706156289529610 Supplier Ref: 706156289529610 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02077113 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 27606763162180088218 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/04/19 15:36 Meter/Type: 0101170299578 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155628581404 Supplier Ref: 155628581404 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02247623 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 53565838890696048364 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/05/19 16:41 Meter/Type: 0101170299578 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155732651233 Supplier Ref: 155732651233 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02319703 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 32377597521001222451 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/05/19 12:27 Meter/Type: 0101170299578 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155921205087 Supplier Ref: 155921205087 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02419582 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 01980755289646169884 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/06/19 13:02 Meter/Type: 0101170299578 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191651202121 Supplier Ref: 191651202121 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02503985 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 11748598782290925788 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/06/19 11:13 Meter/Type: 0101170299578 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191771013354 Supplier Ref: 191771013354 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02559191 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 56312329754444774125 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/07/19 14:53 Meter/Type: 0101170299578 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191911353300 Supplier Ref: 191911353300 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02628830 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 01927436524721735808 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/08/19 15:36 Meter/Type: 0101170299578 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190806721173 Supplier Ref: 190806721173 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02765372 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 51521907894713267485 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/08/19 12:28 Meter/Type: 0101170299578 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192411128132 Supplier Ref: 192411128132 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02875586 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 44929458538362388162 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/09/19 11:09 Meter/Type: 0101170299578 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192541009474 Supplier Ref: 192541009474 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02946111 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 18863655180141564695 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/09/19 11:12 Meter/Type: 0101170299578 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192661013041 Supplier Ref: 192661013041 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03008256 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 20315368326403762977 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/10/19 10:55 Meter/Type: 0101170299578 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157104338030 Supplier Ref: 157104338030 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03123558 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 32458947609015597026 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/11/19 15:10 Meter/Type: 0101170299578 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193061412025 Supplier Ref: 193061412025 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03239299 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 12326738396509536717 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/11/19 10:22 Meter/Type: 0101170299578 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157354706084 Supplier Ref: 157354706084 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03294592 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 22114205878781691694 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/11/19 12:14 Meter/Type: 0101170299578 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193231116286 Supplier Ref: 193231116286 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03336431 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 18197583379781569939 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/12/19 15:45 Meter/Type: 0101170299578 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193541447424 Supplier Ref: 193541447424 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03582688 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 06127373898776458847 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/02/20 11:47 Meter/Type: 0101170299578 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 200208538141 Supplier Ref: 200208538141 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB04012670 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 31153028942243293787 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/03/20 15:15 Meter/Type: 0101170299578 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158315490937 Supplier Ref: 158315490937 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04242941 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 70217085402566035539 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/03/20 16:46 Meter/Type: 0101170299578 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200701546165 Supplier Ref: 200701546165 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04328610 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 22830135345839809115 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/03/20 16:43 Meter/Type: 0101170299578 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200861543070 Supplier Ref: 200861543070 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04430983 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 42403532212093501253 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/04/20 15:30 Meter/Type: 0101170299578 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200951429545 Supplier Ref: 200951429545 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04506319 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 52358328320067749571 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/04/20 11:46 Meter/Type: 0101170299578 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200991045591 Supplier Ref: 200991045591 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04530253 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 72395909458556681768 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/04/20 12:29 Meter/Type: 0101170299578 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201071129581 Supplier Ref: 201071129581 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04580039 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 28936152897627398551 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/04/20 13:11 Meter/Type: 0101170299578 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201201311156 Supplier Ref: 201201311156 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04681869 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 07459254463898396634 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/05/20 14:35 Meter/Type: 0101170299578 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201361435266 Supplier Ref: 201361435266 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04780161 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N500.00 - 14496572520176591511 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/05/20 10:46 Meter/Type: 0101170299578 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201411046148 Supplier Ref: 201411046148 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04809185 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 24263817620710192680 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/06/20 15:11 Meter/Type: 0101170299578 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201671511230 Supplier Ref: 201671511230 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04987695 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 28851029300600385649 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 502020-07-02 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014004ClosedVending History2020-07-02REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY 57100005776Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-02NoFind below. Date Sold: 27/07/16 14:32 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 620914450885 Supplier Ref: 620914450885 Receipt: JED3EMDB00006881 Total Value: N9,388.00 Standard: N9,388.00 - 42915537238652825227 Date Sold: 16/12/16 09:52 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 635109520149 Supplier Ref: 635109520149 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00097271 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 11683759838589813030 Date Sold: 16/02/17 17:04 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 704717040245 Supplier Ref: 704717040245 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00145676 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 08968562379157543193 Date Sold: 27/02/17 12:28 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 705812280539 Supplier Ref: 705812280539 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00156400 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 70434033593243314042 Date Sold: 11/04/17 12:53 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: JEDBUKURU/ntorive Token Ref: 710112530270 Supplier Ref: 710112530270 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00213500 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 53381685429498776135 Date Sold: 04/05/17 09:58 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: JEDBUKURU/ntorive Token Ref: 712409580143 Supplier Ref: 712409580143 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00240938 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 14517973038058405184 Date Sold: 27/05/17 12:08 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: JEDBUKURU/ntorive Token Ref: 714712080215 Supplier Ref: 714712080215 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00269948 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 05652760515535924346 Date Sold: 22/06/17 09:56 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: JEDBUKURU/ntorive Token Ref: 717309560112 Supplier Ref: 717309560112 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00303256 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 25953904495549789097 Date Sold: 03/07/17 09:34 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: JEDBUKURU/ntorive Token Ref: 718409340284 Supplier Ref: 718409340284 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00317042 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 21816712026338715550 Date Sold: 15/07/17 17:57 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 719617571144 Supplier Ref: 719617571144 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00334276 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 18203863557162816328 Date Sold: 25/07/17 17:01 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 720617011131 Supplier Ref: 720617011131 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00346446 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 54534874829565678304 Date Sold: 03/08/17 09:59 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 721509591029 Supplier Ref: 721509591029 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00358857 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 48014131140929259895 Date Sold: 31/08/17 14:52 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 724313521184 Supplier Ref: 724313521184 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00395010 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 58387600079871676024 Date Sold: 30/09/17 18:08 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 727318081213 Supplier Ref: 727318081213 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00433310 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 62939192017642486377 Date Sold: 14/10/17 16:55 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 728716551262 Supplier Ref: 728716551262 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00453606 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 22232614804986401932 Date Sold: 27/10/17 11:30 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: JEDBUKURU/ntorive Token Ref: 730011300174 Supplier Ref: 730011300174 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00470235 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 24230264894899398795 Date Sold: 03/12/17 21:06 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 733721061036 Supplier Ref: 733721061036 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00523237 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 72899514521218872232 Date Sold: 22/12/17 18:14 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 735618141050 Supplier Ref: 735618141050 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00553824 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 58132540129785463344 Date Sold: 05/01/18 14:20 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 800514260000 Supplier Ref: 800514260000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00570385 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 07161383666531748206 Date Sold: 03/02/18 17:49 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 803417491310 Supplier Ref: 803417491310 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00608617 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 23230371300774487775 Date Sold: 24/02/18 11:08 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 805511081107 Supplier Ref: 805511081107 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00637886 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 37855315448094352451 Date Sold: 29/03/18 15:26 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 808814261689 Supplier Ref: 808814261689 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00689924 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 35119731034746306285 Date Sold: 03/05/18 18:16 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 812317161643 Supplier Ref: 812317161643 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00749333 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 34611959323376057319 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/05/18 11:41 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 812910411192 Supplier Ref: 812910411192 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00759138 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 31837862555065682302 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/05/18 11:01 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 814110011244 Supplier Ref: 814110011244 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00780608 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 48683378050599915246 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/06/18 10:17 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 815209171121 Supplier Ref: 815209171121 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00805081 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 04472880611995266462 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/06/18 09:45 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 817208451064 Supplier Ref: 817208451064 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00845386 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 55796558749792628656 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/06/18 14:24 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 818113241513 Supplier Ref: 818113241513 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00867353 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 00653330745545035746 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/08/18 19:16 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182161816548 Supplier Ref: 182161816548 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00952568 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 69476792732388490683 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/09/18 10:51 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182440951566 Supplier Ref: 182440951566 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01027532 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 09943105000787004677 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/09/18 11:23 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182531023078 Supplier Ref: 182531023078 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01052238 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 27338793849182926040 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/09/18 14:58 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182611458398 Supplier Ref: 182611458398 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01078209 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 40524880921225941040 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/10/18 09:39 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182750939133 Supplier Ref: 182750939133 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01117313 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 26799652504272986862 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/10/18 10:20 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182831020155 Supplier Ref: 182831020155 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01147595 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 54555228671964148724 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/11/18 10:27 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 830910270000 Supplier Ref: 830910270000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01237738 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 10716413815211544335 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/12/18 17:38 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183461638428 Supplier Ref: 183461638428 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01379557 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 44644907544260074859 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/01/19 16:59 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190151600044 Supplier Ref: 190151600044 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01588653 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 21489750801742402576 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/02/19 16:24 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 270681352083308 Supplier Ref: 270681352083308 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01726665 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 67310231486023845580 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/02/19 17:05 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190215472168 Supplier Ref: 190215472168 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB01837821 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 43791400788669582724 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/03/19 18:31 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190601732025 Supplier Ref: 190601732025 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01937209 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 31265138567741920033 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/03/19 20:12 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190751913073 Supplier Ref: 190751913073 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02027830 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 23483543039416851504 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/04/19 14:51 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155412308363 Supplier Ref: 155412308363 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02105916 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 56578852255708675942 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/04/19 17:26 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 75983442929718 Supplier Ref: 75983442929718 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02161902 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 60209156820565182739 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/05/19 10:12 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191270913011 Supplier Ref: 191270913011 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02309984 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 19981285438365802776 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/06/19 17:27 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 917616270828 Supplier Ref: 917616270828 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02557183 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 63192195054327105228 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/07/19 17:56 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 329164453486124 Supplier Ref: 329164453486124 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02663201 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 47115278467487007941 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/08/19 18:10 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 922017100723 Supplier Ref: 922017100723 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02775700 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 63598733827579846563 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/08/19 11:24 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192381024274 Supplier Ref: 192381024274 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02858998 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 16205149791220448912 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/09/19 10:15 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192480915374 Supplier Ref: 192480915374 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02912965 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 18910534358509673533 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/10/19 10:23 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192770923578 Supplier Ref: 192770923578 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03072717 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 63960931199610176471 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/11/19 12:05 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 613677017292314 Supplier Ref: 613677017292314 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03237772 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 28076377351652736324 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/11/19 18:08 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157469820603 Supplier Ref: 157469820603 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03381428 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 36694842979838194655 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/12/19 16:33 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193471535474 Supplier Ref: 193471535474 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03526403 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 13603844972079150808 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/01/20 16:38 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157987693810 Supplier Ref: 157987693810 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03875511 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 25006783842456150585 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/02/20 10:15 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158192734885 Supplier Ref: 158192734885 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04088318 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 16581751042584523964 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/03/20 10:43 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158331140893 Supplier Ref: 158331140893 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04270062 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 14027864945129537281 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/03/20 15:08 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200791408148 Supplier Ref: 200791408148 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04378904 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 21526464303057392750 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/04/20 11:30 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200941030081 Supplier Ref: 200941030081 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04496912 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 03732141604129670148 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/04/20 12:03 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201071103255 Supplier Ref: 201071103255 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04579643 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 13541752392541118990 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/04/20 16:19 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201161620027 Supplier Ref: 201161620027 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04658128 Total Value: N3,900.00 Standard: N3,900.00 - 20025922444437432165 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/05/20 15:41 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201401541510 Supplier Ref: 201401541510 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04805446 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 72154816915943483622 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/05/20 10:40 Meter/Type: 57100005776 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201501040295 Supplier Ref: 201501040295 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04873188 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 08982302961488055456 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 852020-07-02 longpuan@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00014003Closed2020-07-02: Request for vending history opening balance and outstanding debt balance Please I wish to request for vending history opening balance and outstanding debt balance of the following meter 0101160400202thanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-02NoFIND BELOW. Meter Serial Number: 0101160400202 Contract Account Number: 6301940023-01 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101160394645 Start Date: 9/1/2018 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $6,398,388.17 Outstanding Balance: $4,722,293.92 Running Balance: $4,722,293.92 Note: Outstanding migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $100,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/11/2020 6:14:21 PM Date Sold: 27/05/19 14:19 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191471320012 Supplier Ref: 191471320012 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02403650 Total Value: N40,000.00 Standard: N40,000.00 - 09612924384146692978 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/05/19 15:46 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191481446306 Supplier Ref: 191481446306 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02410882 Total Value: N30,000.00 Standard: N30,000.00 - 20678047360830248029 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/05/19 17:55 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191501655402 Supplier Ref: 191501655402 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02422493 Total Value: N30,000.00 Standard: N30,000.00 - 43060399517995690714 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/05/19 18:34 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191511734181 Supplier Ref: 191511734181 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02429774 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 40049775138797196447 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/06/19 12:43 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191521143240 Supplier Ref: 191521143240 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02433783 Total Value: N130,000.00 Standard: N30,000.00 - 66893199308845634596 Debt: N100,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/06/19 22:10 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191522110074 Supplier Ref: 191522110074 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02437708 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 53169366196251302540 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/06/19 11:00 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191531000296 Supplier Ref: 191531000296 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02438349 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 25213433934322594653 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/06/19 19:17 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191531817167 Supplier Ref: 191531817167 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02439493 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 28200355469065197516 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/06/19 09:40 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191550840164 Supplier Ref: 191550840164 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02449744 Total Value: N30,000.00 Standard: N30,000.00 - 12113174053307913198 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/06/19 19:02 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191571802243 Supplier Ref: 191571802243 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02463849 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 42221767772899765471 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/06/19 12:44 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191581144316 Supplier Ref: 191581144316 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02466895 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 46446914371121678731 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/06/19 18:45 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191581745364 Supplier Ref: 191581745364 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02469946 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 29422756374562527424 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/06/19 10:54 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191600954418 Supplier Ref: 191600954418 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02477078 Total Value: N30,000.00 Standard: N30,000.00 - 67360715094821676327 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/06/19 16:54 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191601554195 Supplier Ref: 191601554195 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02477771 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 45248111825193574817 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/06/19 21:37 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191612037201 Supplier Ref: 191612037201 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02486142 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 19628485499368322839 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/06/19 14:36 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191621336326 Supplier Ref: 191621336326 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02488845 Total Value: N30,000.00 Standard: N30,000.00 - 31916359248397879759 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/06/19 14:51 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191621351563 Supplier Ref: 191621351563 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02489001 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 02006840372514621096 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/06/19 16:15 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191651515043 Supplier Ref: 191651515043 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02505162 Total Value: N40,000.00 Standard: N40,000.00 - 28458512129323510146 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/06/19 16:41 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191661541206 Supplier Ref: 191661541206 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02510406 Total Value: N30,000.00 Standard: N30,000.00 - 48424075034589088307 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/06/19 19:44 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191671844465 Supplier Ref: 191671844465 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02513350 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 57651002055523227191 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/06/19 19:33 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191681833573 Supplier Ref: 191681833573 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02519385 Total Value: N30,000.00 Standard: N30,000.00 - 61306640087291795122 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/06/19 14:26 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191701326525 Supplier Ref: 191701326525 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02527736 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 23247214896021970058 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/06/19 17:17 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 30692241696458 Supplier Ref: 30692241696458 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02533438 Total Value: N25,000.00 Standard: N25,000.00 - 09688022583696099116 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/06/19 16:58 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191721558585 Supplier Ref: 191721558585 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02538406 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 41210530916084740481 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/06/19 12:53 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191741153265 Supplier Ref: 191741153265 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02545678 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 53445001985001522277 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/06/19 17:58 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191751658178 Supplier Ref: 191751658178 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02551725 Total Value: N30,000.00 Standard: N30,000.00 - 01001954891338026589 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/06/19 11:08 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191781008162 Supplier Ref: 191781008162 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02563854 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 26510313040292336531 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/06/19 18:20 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191791720063 Supplier Ref: 191791720063 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02572652 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 59490907078562119776 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/06/19 17:21 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191811621300 Supplier Ref: 191811621300 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02580580 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 05782612231674495321 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/07/19 15:26 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191921426021 Supplier Ref: 191921426021 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02634046 Total Value: N120,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 66864079364461597931 Debt: N100,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/07/19 15:32 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191961432348 Supplier Ref: 191961432348 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02651113 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 09391206532514891563 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/08/19 15:06 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192321406446 Supplier Ref: 192321406446 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02833707 Total Value: N120,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 08372308332401695052 Debt: N100,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/08/19 17:19 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192411619327 Supplier Ref: 192411619327 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02877698 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 33733178881212289032 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/09/19 19:33 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192511833416 Supplier Ref: 192511833416 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02931551 Total Value: N150,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 70177982354921886929 Debt: N100,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/09/19 13:07 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192541208125 Supplier Ref: 192541208125 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02946953 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 17701025547796164363 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/09/19 16:32 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192721533364 Supplier Ref: 192721533364 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03044058 Total Value: N100,000.00 Standard: N100,000.00 - 54681341307098484772 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/10/19 11:08 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157104417788 Supplier Ref: 157104417788 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03123759 Total Value: N200,000.00 Standard: N100,000.00 - 08186705905018250993 Debt: N100,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/10/19 11:14 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192931015165 Supplier Ref: 192931015165 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03157851 Total Value: N25,000.00 Standard: N25,000.00 - 59909749807775722928 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/10/19 10:14 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192950915483 Supplier Ref: 192950915483 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03167690 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 18012653571749879096 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/10/19 17:43 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192961645095 Supplier Ref: 192961645095 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03176908 Total Value: N50,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 62765443611392845153 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/10/19 17:01 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192981602174 Supplier Ref: 192981602174 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03188047 Total Value: N25,000.00 Standard: N25,000.00 - 67462413459665830996 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/10/19 12:36 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157217268422 Supplier Ref: 157217268422 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03196359 Total Value: N30,000.00 Standard: N30,000.00 - 32942530812931226940 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/10/19 09:58 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193030900196 Supplier Ref: 193030900196 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03213957 Total Value: N100,000.00 Standard: N100,000.00 - 28329756443416813061 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/11/19 13:22 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193191224385 Supplier Ref: 193191224385 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03315460 Total Value: N115,000.00 Standard: N15,000.00 - 25168608278623433053 Debt: N100,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/11/19 17:31 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193211632548 Supplier Ref: 193211632548 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03326263 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 07449746347977150692 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/11/19 18:27 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193221729204 Supplier Ref: 193221729204 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03332936 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 40506202767180575587 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/11/19 13:07 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193231209488 Supplier Ref: 193231209488 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03336887 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 06721940245701003254 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/11/19 12:22 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193271124503 Supplier Ref: 193271124503 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03364244 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 33013876748077097473 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/11/19 13:42 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157468225920 Supplier Ref: 157468225920 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03377826 Total Value: N30,000.00 Standard: N30,000.00 - 68746049249964437804 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/11/19 18:03 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193311705163 Supplier Ref: 193311705163 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03400224 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 25646618182613602793 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/11/19 18:28 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193311730244 Supplier Ref: 193311730244 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03400466 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 40634729766657740550 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/11/19 17:53 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193331655508 Supplier Ref: 193331655508 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03418941 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 46937631437307536199 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/11/19 12:57 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193341159248 Supplier Ref: 193341159248 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03423588 Total Value: N100,000.00 Standard: N100,000.00 - 52519734276617190748 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/12/19 08:23 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193480726293 Supplier Ref: 193480726293 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03528749 Total Value: N150,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 30492480899272450848 Debt: N100,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/12/19 10:31 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193570934112 Supplier Ref: 193570934112 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03601307 Total Value: N100,000.00 Standard: N100,000.00 - 67581669132232426107 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/01/20 11:06 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200111009176 Supplier Ref: 200111009176 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03763659 Total Value: N150,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 02788589802086449608 Debt: N100,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/01/20 16:45 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200311545184 Supplier Ref: 200311545184 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03938916 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 38588358400254325559 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/02/20 12:38 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200351138343 Supplier Ref: 200351138343 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03974660 Total Value: N150,000.00 Standard: N50,000.00 - 29623184005781846788 Debt: N100,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/02/20 19:54 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200381854213 Supplier Ref: 200381854213 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04008994 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 31965620240521101635 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/02/20 18:11 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158126465166 Supplier Ref: 158126465166 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04021912 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 20815819159222262284 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/02/20 14:42 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158133853594 Supplier Ref: 158133853594 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04029098 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 20457034469454092713 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/02/20 12:03 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200421103546 Supplier Ref: 200421103546 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04038377 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 64204944367212858421 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/02/20 22:34 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200432134178 Supplier Ref: 200432134178 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04054992 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 41166061707930965482 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/02/20 12:30 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200461130021 Supplier Ref: 200461130021 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04077168 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 71756207772706494936 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/02/20 13:28 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 644279301799719 Supplier Ref: 644279301799719 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB04083771 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 15006108889689995331 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/02/20 16:41 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200481541578 Supplier Ref: 200481541578 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04094916 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N15,000.00 - 47377896454670202373 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/02/20 12:32 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200511132216 Supplier Ref: 200511132216 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04121951 Total Value: N100,000.00 Standard: N100,000.00 - 56004988024277962073 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/02/20 16:54 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158290168171 Supplier Ref: 158290168171 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04208822 Total Value: N30,000.00 Standard: N30,000.00 - 31842939771729740268 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/03/20 10:51 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158331190280 Supplier Ref: 158331190280 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04270239 Total Value: N120,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 18526371050490598300 Debt: N100,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/03/20 14:39 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200641339210 Supplier Ref: 200641339210 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04272356 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N15,000.00 - 53643244517325522604 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/03/20 16:00 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200691500524 Supplier Ref: 200691500524 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04322808 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 29998093662819615027 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/03/20 13:39 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200711239480 Supplier Ref: 200711239480 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04331810 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 48990531678452584264 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/03/20 19:25 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200711825378 Supplier Ref: 200711825378 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04334337 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 38616433947050375651 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/03/20 15:58 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200731458201 Supplier Ref: 200731458201 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04345652 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 51571532413859630708 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/03/20 18:31 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200771731090 Supplier Ref: 200771731090 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04367194 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 28612117857268408800 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/03/20 14:35 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200791335254 Supplier Ref: 200791335254 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04378628 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 61675056605211979598 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/03/20 14:00 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200841300104 Supplier Ref: 200841300104 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04412274 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 68206008998284120104 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/03/20 18:17 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200861717315 Supplier Ref: 200861717315 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04431953 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 12097931525185902587 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/03/20 12:36 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200891136483 Supplier Ref: 200891136483 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04452666 Total Value: N29,900.00 Standard: N29,900.00 - 70034634768142389507 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/03/20 15:48 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200911448376 Supplier Ref: 200911448376 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04472141 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 36897396000808409095 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/04/20 17:07 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201041607357 Supplier Ref: 201041607357 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04563595 Total Value: N110,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 20754783260794056788 Debt: N100,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/04/20 16:36 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201091636133 Supplier Ref: 201091636133 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04602254 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 10565595963518452772 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/04/20 08:39 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201100839235 Supplier Ref: 201100839235 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04606236 Total Value: N100,000.00 Standard: N100,000.00 - 29621147759116396687 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/04/20 13:00 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201191300534 Supplier Ref: 201191300534 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04676900 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 66276299394969694526 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/05/20 21:12 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201252112390 Supplier Ref: 201252112390 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04714333 Total Value: N110,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 50204216388523111619 Debt: N100,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/05/20 11:14 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201261114463 Supplier Ref: 201261114463 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04716106 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 31457594585543314083 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/05/20 17:30 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201281730476 Supplier Ref: 201281730476 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04728883 Total Value: N30,000.00 Standard: N30,000.00 - 45236150378350455920 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/05/20 13:55 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201331355581 Supplier Ref: 201331355581 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04761215 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 73667801440697897300 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/05/20 16:27 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201331627424 Supplier Ref: 201331627424 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04762216 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 64017339084322600700 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/05/20 08:14 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201350815060 Supplier Ref: 201350815060 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04770035 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 32457369922012522237 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/05/20 18:38 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201361838145 Supplier Ref: 201361838145 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04782569 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 31427800527759761368 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/05/20 14:43 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201371444044 Supplier Ref: 201371444044 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04789603 Total Value: N20,500.00 Standard: N20,500.00 - 70887709074725114392 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/05/20 17:01 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201371701434 Supplier Ref: 201371701434 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04791160 Total Value: N80,000.00 Standard: N80,000.00 - 46488874411169857039 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/05/20 18:26 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201521826111 Supplier Ref: 201521826111 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04892906 Total Value: N30,000.00 Standard: N30,000.00 - 24244850782609850566 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/06/20 18:14 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201631814282 Supplier Ref: 201631814282 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04963273 Total Value: N130,000.00 Standard: N30,000.00 - 21941835324340538316 Debt: N100,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/06/20 18:22 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201631822170 Supplier Ref: 201631822170 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04963327 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 23358547506481496762 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/06/20 18:29 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201631829072 Supplier Ref: 201631829072 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04963365 Total Value: N90,000.00 Standard: N90,000.00 - 56065990816467434364 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/06/20 19:27 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201751928001 Supplier Ref: 201751928001 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05046237 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 17933594472905633538 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/06/20 17:38 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201801739043 Supplier Ref: 201801739043 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05082075 Total Value: N100,000.00 Standard: N100,000.00 - 38775748204611304424 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/06/20 14:31 Meter/Type: 0101160400202 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201811431087 Supplier Ref: 201811431087 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05089150 Total Value: N10.00 Standard: N10.00 - 03231327912714617498 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 1142020-07-02 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014002ClosedVending History2020-07-02: REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY 54160986912Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-02NoFIND BELOW. Date Sold: 30/04/19 16:01 Meter/Type: 54160986912 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191201501232 Supplier Ref: 191201501232 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02271438 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 48306913656294407795 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/05/19 17:32 Meter/Type: 54160986912 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191351632472 Supplier Ref: 191351632472 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02347720 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 51740929862014332136 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/05/19 15:42 Meter/Type: 54160986912 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191411442572 Supplier Ref: 191411442572 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02374828 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 16839821791615391218 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/07/19 18:32 Meter/Type: 54160986912 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192051732136 Supplier Ref: 192051732136 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02695032 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 46558872840613682507 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/09/19 19:06 Meter/Type: 54160986912 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192531806482 Supplier Ref: 192531806482 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02943625 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 39909453725401187748 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/11/19 15:36 Meter/Type: 54160986912 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193121437481 Supplier Ref: 193121437481 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03277785 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 44970585431488600304 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/12/19 19:24 Meter/Type: 54160986912 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193631827435 Supplier Ref: 193631827435 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03661094 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 10683362565499237538 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/03/20 12:35 Meter/Type: 54160986912 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200721135432 Supplier Ref: 200721135432 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04337491 Total Value: N7,510.00 Standard: N10.00 - 56130402596202853137 Debt: N7,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/03/20 13:47 Meter/Type: 54160986912 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200721247122 Supplier Ref: 200721247122 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04338081 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 73376948584471016527 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/03/20 05:49 Meter/Type: 54160986912 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200730449082 Supplier Ref: 200730449082 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04342407 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 32117015322917683397 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/04/20 13:26 Meter/Type: 54160986912 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200921226354 Supplier Ref: 200921226354 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04480944 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 02075750837344399925 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/04/20 09:59 Meter/Type: 54160986912 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201150959175 Supplier Ref: 201150959175 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04638644 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 28256083795023187377 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/05/20 09:49 Meter/Type: 54160986912 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201220949495 Supplier Ref: 201220949495 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04691328 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 40095229425146492212 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/06/20 17:20 Meter/Type: 54160986912 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201581720443 Supplier Ref: 201581720443 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04934773 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 37614691992191344266 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/07/20 09:34 Meter/Type: 54160986912 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201840934320 Supplier Ref: 201840934320 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05116245 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 13971393316589166611 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 232020-07-02 longpuan@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014001ClosedVending History2020-07-02: REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY 0101160011017Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-02NoNO TOKEN SALES FOUND2020-07-02 mujtabaumar01@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00014000ClosedRequest2020-07-02: REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILS Good afternoon IT Support team. 0101170242107 Thanks Best RegardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-02NoFind below. Meter Serial Number: 0101170242107 Contract Account Number: 627211 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170242107 Start Date: 3/1/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $7,711.64 Outstanding Balance: $7,711.64 Running Balance: $7,711.64 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-02 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013999In ProgressVending History2020-07-02Dear support Team, Kindly assist with the vending history of the customer 54161092363 Thanks Joseph Ochoche Gboko RegionMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-02No0000-00-00 ochoche.joseph@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013998In ProgressKCT Request2020-07-02REQUEST FOR KCT 54160739063MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-02No0000-00-00 longpuan@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013997In Progress2020-07-02Please Ict kindly assist me with this meter number 0101160019416 original balance running balance and collection value thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-02No0000-00-00 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013996ClosedRequest2020-07-02: REQUEST FOR ACCOUNT NUMBER TIED TO THIS MSN 0101161030214Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-02NoGood morning, Please find below as requested. Thank you. Meter Serial Number: 0101161030214 Contract Account Number: 4934102020-07-02 longpuan@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013995ClosedRequest2020-07-02: 0101170420950 Hello, Kindly assist with debt profile of above meter serial number. -- Regards,Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-02NoPlease find below as requested. Thank you. Meter Serial Number: 0101170420950 Contract Account Number: 587317 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170420950 Start Date: 5/22/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $39,847.80 Outstanding Balance: $23,844.80 Running Balance: $23,844.80 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/26/2020 8:54:43 AM2020-07-02 phartiemah12@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013994In ProgressKCT Request2020-07-02Dear IT Support, Kindly generate KCT for the meter number 0101170405597 regardsMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-02No0000-00-00 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013993In ProgressRequest2020-07-02REQUEST FOR ACCOUNT NUMBER TIED TO THIS MSN 0101161030214Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-02No0000-00-00 longpuan@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013992ClosedTamper Code2020-06-30Dear IT Support, Twenty one meters below have been verified; please generate the Clear Tamper Codes. 54150651161 0101170276857 0101170460014 57100031483 0101160392615 Recovered meters 0101170116970 0101170146373 0101170422295 0101170366567 0101170391623 0101170177725 0101170192260 0101170302067 0101170150904 0101170154740 0101170284382 0101170148205 0101170219014 0101170156356 0101170226423 0101161056284MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-02NoFind below as requested, 54150651161 2485 8438 5521 5465 2475Clear Tamper 0101170276857 7309 8519 9455 9141 4609Clear Tamper 0101170460014 4127 8796 5342 1876 1903Clear Tamper 57100031483 1771 6448 7783 1585 5049Clear Tamper 0101160392615 5020 1906 7314 6938 4471Clear Tamper Recovery 0101170116970 4690 0865 1050 9237 1493Clear Tamper 0101170146373 0864 7968 9544 3157 8899Clear Tamper 0101170422295 1384 0842 9905 1573 3561Clear Tamper 0101170366567 4693 1492 8760 0821 4251Clear Tamper 0101170391623 7004 0410 2146 9481 3257Clear Tamper 0101170177725 1783 1405 0931 5864 5772Clear Tamper 0101170192260 6287 2536 1741 4838 6231Clear Tamper 0101170302067 0574 2889 7393 9627 4077Clear Tamper 0101170150904 5620 8003 8910 9553 2136Clear Tamper 0101170154740 0542 8624 6168 3472 3277Clear Tamper 0101170284382....not on itron 0101170148205 6094 4227 5853 9260 1479Clear Tamper 0101170219014 4594 0183 3274 9004 4284Clear Tamper 0101170156356 0526 0608 8452 5762 2680Clear Tamper 0101170226423 7330 9494 8520 3393 8216Clear Tamper 0101161056284 ..............not on itron2020-07-02 bangisgarko@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013991Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013990In ProgressRequest2020-07-02Hello, Kindly assist with debt profile of above meter serial number. -- Regards,Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba0000-00-00No0000-00-00 phartiemah12@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013989Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013988ClosedKCT Request2020-07-02Kindly assist with key change. 0101160011306MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-02NoNO KCT FOR THE MSN2020-07-02 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013987ClosedRequest2020-07-02Debt profile, 0101170303420 Good morning please kindly assist me with the information above. Good morning please kindly assist me with the information above. : Debt profile, 0101170303420 Good morning please kindly assist me with the information above. Good morning please kindly assist me with the information above.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-02NoGood morning, Please find below. Meter Serial Number: 0101170303420 Contract Account Number: 539135 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 539135 Start Date: 6/3/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $33,363.05 Outstanding Balance: $31,363.05 Running Balance: $31,363.05 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/13/2020 9:07:47 AM2020-07-02 ummilois2@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013986In ProgressRequest2020-07-020101170303420 Good morning please kindly assist me with the information above.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-02No0000-00-00 ummilois2@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013985ClosedKCT Request2020-07-02GOOD MORNING IT SUPPORT. Kindly assist with key change. 0101160011306 ThanksMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-02NoNO KCT FOR THE MSN2020-07-02 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013984Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013983ClosedTamper Code2020-07-02: Fwd: Clear Tamper RequestMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-02NoHello, Find below as requested, 57300005055 7229 7221 0515 3070 5559 Clear Tamper Regards.2020-07-02 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013982In ProgressKCT Request2020-07-02GOOD MORNING IT SUPPORT. Kindly assist with key change. 0101160011306 ThanksMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-02No0000-00-00 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013981ClosedRequest2020-07-02: REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE OF THIS ACCOUNT 0101170437335 Good morningMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-02NoGood morning, Please find below. Meter Serial Number: 0101170437335 Contract Account Number: 6361334087-01 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 6361334087-01 Start Date: 9/1/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $124,061.74 Outstanding Balance: $101,561.74 Running Balance: $101,561.74 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,500.00 Latest Payment: 5/12/2020 8:26:38 AM2020-07-02 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013980ClosedVending History2020-07-02: Request for vending history. Kindly avail me with the vending history of this meter. 04234105585. ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-02NoGood morning, Find below as requested. Date Sold: 16/08/16 08:54 Meter/Type: 04234105585 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/agina Token Ref: 622909070087 Supplier Ref: 622909070087 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00017483 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 30650167646142764328 Date Sold: 15/09/16 09:51 Meter/Type: 04234105585 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/agina Token Ref: 625909510114 Supplier Ref: 625909510114 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00035723 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 67159193258460681403 Date Sold: 13/10/16 09:02 Meter/Type: 04234105585 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/agina Token Ref: 628709020067 Supplier Ref: 628709020067 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00054502 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 31840720939588020107 Date Sold: 11/11/16 15:56 Meter/Type: 04234105585 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/agina Token Ref: 631615560485 Supplier Ref: 631615560485 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00074019 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 64024273085723944029 Date Sold: 07/12/16 16:34 Meter/Type: 04234105585 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/binuwa Token Ref: 634216340083 Supplier Ref: 634216340083 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00091040 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 49987820810381209851 Date Sold: 30/12/16 09:52 Meter/Type: 04234105585 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/binuwa Token Ref: 636509520179 Supplier Ref: 636509520179 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00108728 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 46692595157447362932 Date Sold: 13/02/17 12:21 Meter/Type: 04234105585 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/binuwa Token Ref: 704412220342 Supplier Ref: 704412220342 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00141929 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 37132287861542085529 Date Sold: 20/03/17 14:55 Meter/Type: 04234105585 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/binuwa Token Ref: 707914550728 Supplier Ref: 707914550728 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00184262 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 17951564774961976674 Date Sold: 14/04/17 11:20 Meter/Type: 04234105585 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/binuwa Token Ref: 710411200255 Supplier Ref: 710411200255 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00217073 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 29714247216072472339 Date Sold: 11/05/17 16:59 Meter/Type: 04234105585 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 713117015536 Supplier Ref: 713117015536 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00248491 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 17908951876799337186 Date Sold: 08/06/17 16:08 Meter/Type: 04234105585 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/binuwa Token Ref: 715916080621 Supplier Ref: 715916080621 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00286899 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 61050361210869473412 Date Sold: 03/07/17 09:05 Meter/Type: 04234105585 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/binuwa Token Ref: 718409050089 Supplier Ref: 718409050089 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00316920 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 48579684858655697295 Date Sold: 31/07/17 08:25 Meter/Type: 04234105585 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 721208241006 Supplier Ref: 721208241006 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00352841 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 36871342840324080489 Date Sold: 19/08/17 11:11 Meter/Type: 04234105585 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 723111111038 Supplier Ref: 723111111038 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00377681 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 72642036561345549590 Date Sold: 18/09/17 08:45 Meter/Type: 04234105585 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/binuwa Token Ref: 726108450042 Supplier Ref: 726108450042 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00415642 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 20170365355200605471 Date Sold: 13/10/17 09:49 Meter/Type: 04234105585 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/binuwa Token Ref: 728609490111 Supplier Ref: 728609490111 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00451573 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 50485475829897815678 Date Sold: 03/11/17 15:42 Meter/Type: 04234105585 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 730715411314 Supplier Ref: 730715411314 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00482356 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 08162337337046302422 Date Sold: 14/11/17 08:48 Meter/Type: 04234105585 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000624286993 Supplier Ref: 000624286993 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00496264 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 63277094238090903401 Date Sold: 06/12/17 14:07 Meter/Type: 04234105585 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 734014140000 Supplier Ref: 734014140000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00528366 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 42268406016975761668 Date Sold: 19/12/17 16:02 Meter/Type: 04234105585 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000629370305 Supplier Ref: 000629370305 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00546880 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 16440250255274359638 Date Sold: 03/01/18 12:27 Meter/Type: 04234105585 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 800312271234 Supplier Ref: 800312271234 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00567564 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 30182906699324439022 Date Sold: 26/01/18 09:20 Meter/Type: 04234105585 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 802609201063 Supplier Ref: 802609201063 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00595464 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 50466627185507980171 Date Sold: 01/02/18 08:54 Meter/Type: 04234105585 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 803208540000 Supplier Ref: 803208540000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00604347 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 00403623823059995685 Date Sold: 06/03/18 09:16 Meter/Type: 04234105585 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000640417696 Supplier Ref: 000640417696 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00653803 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 60764872497012558275 Date Sold: 16/04/18 09:47 Meter/Type: 04234105585 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 810608471065 Supplier Ref: 810608471065 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00716773 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 10273373269146393391 Date Sold: 18/05/18 10:53 Meter/Type: 04234105585 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 813809531113 Supplier Ref: 813809531113 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00775940 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 15820787073899620197 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/06/18 20:19 Meter/Type: 04234105585 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 815819191820 Supplier Ref: 815819191820 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00820446 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 36395156160710006409 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/07/18 19:04 Meter/Type: 04234105585 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 181841803575 Supplier Ref: 181841803575 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00875203 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 03971086021541075032 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/07/18 11:02 Meter/Type: 04234105585 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182101002244 Supplier Ref: 182101002244 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00933123 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 53431695407642891565 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/08/18 09:56 Meter/Type: 04234105585 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182250856524 Supplier Ref: 182250856524 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00971384 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 52636668299641273267 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/09/18 10:06 Meter/Type: 04234105585 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 64019207462453 Supplier Ref: 64019207462453 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01045234 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 63745151643215281197 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/10/18 08:28 Meter/Type: 04234105585 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000670941274 Supplier Ref: 000670941274 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01125558 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 73566029890753395341 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/10/18 13:31 Meter/Type: 04234105585 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183041331257 Supplier Ref: 183041331257 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01220373 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 61938447088345984367 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/12/18 10:45 Meter/Type: 04234105585 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 628680766305440 Supplier Ref: 628680766305440 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01352713 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 58455460145995840795 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/01/19 10:06 Meter/Type: 04234105585 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 760296538569003 Supplier Ref: 760296538569003 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01535846 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 32315970366588753335 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/02/19 12:02 Meter/Type: 04234105585 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 621537647237590 Supplier Ref: 621537647237590 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01722317 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 58415717189155515771 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/03/19 10:59 Meter/Type: 04234105585 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190601000134 Supplier Ref: 190601000134 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01931531 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 28428175496049921292 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/04/19 09:08 Meter/Type: 04234105585 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190930808124 Supplier Ref: 190930808124 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02117246 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 14705814363262247093 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/05/19 15:38 Meter/Type: 04234105585 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191231439011 Supplier Ref: 191231439011 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02290255 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 62344705195176032295 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/06/19 10:45 Meter/Type: 04234105585 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155981073522 Supplier Ref: 155981073522 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02459895 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 17618541495535219381 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/07/19 11:27 Meter/Type: 04234105585 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191821027140 Supplier Ref: 191821027140 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02582562 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 32691288277397399677 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/08/19 09:25 Meter/Type: 04234105585 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156464429792 Supplier Ref: 156464429792 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02734779 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 06377086028505449668 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/08/19 09:52 Meter/Type: 04234105585 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156697874885 Supplier Ref: 156697874885 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02868738 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 05517134257323285932 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/09/19 09:11 Meter/Type: 04234105585 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 717515937007597 Supplier Ref: 717515937007597 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02912508 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 44769572625505341087 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/09/19 09:45 Meter/Type: 04234105585 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 927308469846 Supplier Ref: 927308469846 Receipt: PagT13EMDB03045603 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 20393566539941904611 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/10/19 15:46 Meter/Type: 04234105585 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193001447471 Supplier Ref: 193001447471 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03196845 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 00972762444800130812 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/11/19 10:39 Meter/Type: 04234105585 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193290941248 Supplier Ref: 193290941248 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03375404 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 14393274458786250890 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/01/20 12:44 Meter/Type: 04234105585 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200021147477 Supplier Ref: 200021147477 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03694210 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 35899274598121824111 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/02/20 17:06 Meter/Type: 04234105585 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200321606188 Supplier Ref: 200321606188 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03950528 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 52210483221343362007 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/03/20 12:19 Meter/Type: 04234105585 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200631119216 Supplier Ref: 200631119216 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04255716 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 02210326075743088730 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/04/20 05:28 Meter/Type: 04234105585 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200920428203 Supplier Ref: 200920428203 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04477455 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 38088472216258086277 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/05/20 13:52 Meter/Type: 04234105585 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201331352353 Supplier Ref: 201331352353 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04761183 Total Value: N1,950.00 Standard: N1,950.00 - 08511274961065905980 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/06/20 11:39 Meter/Type: 04234105585 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201641140051 Supplier Ref: 201641140051 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04967414 Total Value: N2,950.00 Standard: N2,950.00 - 55233555419659231391 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/06/20 12:54 Meter/Type: 04234105585 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201811254164 Supplier Ref: 201811254164 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05088174 Total Value: N5,900.00 Standard: N5,900.00 - 07285584530560687658 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 632020-07-02 apaaverem@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00013979ClosedTamper Code2020-07-02Clear Tamper RequestMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-02NoHello, Find below as requested, 57300005055 7229 7221 0515 3070 5559 Clear Tamper Regards.2020-07-02 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013978In ProgressRequest2020-07-02REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE OF THIS ACCOUNT 0101170437335Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-02No0000-00-00 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013977In ProgressVending History2020-07-02Request for vending history. Kindly avail me with the vending history of this meter. 04234105585. ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-02No0000-00-00 apaaverem@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013976ClosedVending History2020-07-02: REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY 54161058166 Dear IT Support Team, Kindly furnish us with VH of 54161058166 we are having Network challenges over here. Thank youMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-02NoGood morning, Please find below. Top of Form Date Sold: 11/09/18 18:01 Meter/Type: 54161058166 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182541701128 Supplier Ref: 182541701128 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01058548 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 29849437951259669482 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/09/18 14:53 Meter/Type: 54161058166 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182641453310 Supplier Ref: 182641453310 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01087653 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 19767290249738412569 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/10/18 14:13 Meter/Type: 54161058166 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182741413228 Supplier Ref: 182741413228 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01115532 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 34904527104885505124 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/10/18 13:58 Meter/Type: 54161058166 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000672990251 Supplier Ref: 000672990251 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01175725 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 22366194048521070018 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 4 Bottom of Form2020-07-02 mujtabaumar01@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013975In ProgressVending History2020-07-02Dear IT Support Team, Kindly furnish us with VH of 54161058166 we are having Network challenges over here. Thank youMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-02No0000-00-00 mujtabaumar01@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013974ClosedRequest2020-07-02REQUEST FOR DEBT MIGIRATED AND BALANCE(54160984271) Dear support kindly supply us with the debt profile of this customer warm regardsMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-02NoGood morning, Please find below as requested. Meter Serial Number: 54160984271 Contract Account Number: 604505 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 54160984271 Start Date: 9/25/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $22,572.51 Outstanding Balance: $572.51 Running Balance: $572.51 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/1/2020 2:02:44 PM2020-07-02 tyoverpeter@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00013973ClosedKCT Request2020-07-02Dear Sir, Kindly release the KCT of the customer with meter detail below: 0101165037033 Best RegardsMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-02NoFind below. 0101165037033 4361 4381 0468 0592 5707 7181 4455 1198 4354 57472020-07-02 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Anas Abubakar
#00013972ClosedVending History2020-07-02: Request for Vending History Dear Sir, Kindly release the vending history of the customer below. 54160944622 Best RegardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-02NoGood morning, Find below as requested Date Sold: 17/05/19 12:08 Meter/Type: 54160944622 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 31521678974760 Supplier Ref: 31521678974760 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02354433 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 01188526815832929567 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/06/19 11:17 Meter/Type: 54160944622 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 433459772231261 Supplier Ref: 433459772231261 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02466171 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 32188725670463444635 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/07/19 19:15 Meter/Type: 54160944622 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191901815206 Supplier Ref: 191901815206 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02625328 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 20709812740234336892 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/07/19 11:43 Meter/Type: 54160944622 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191931043144 Supplier Ref: 191931043144 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02637381 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 13183493990869732065 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/08/19 11:57 Meter/Type: 54160944622 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192251057590 Supplier Ref: 192251057590 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02797504 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 07256224421835778124 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/09/19 11:25 Meter/Type: 54160944622 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192661026343 Supplier Ref: 192661026343 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03008395 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 00252667314180548499 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/11/19 17:01 Meter/Type: 54160944622 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157262057647 Supplier Ref: 157262057647 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03233318 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 37611755720667144496 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/11/19 18:19 Meter/Type: 54160944622 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157443971160 Supplier Ref: 157443971160 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03359450 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 45485398762124856540 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/12/19 10:54 Meter/Type: 54160944622 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193600957205 Supplier Ref: 193600957205 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03634574 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 00264272036039786297 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/01/20 14:46 Meter/Type: 54160944622 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157917896190 Supplier Ref: 157917896190 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03808499 Total Value: N2,100.00 Standard: N100.00 - 65935838615763382683 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/01/20 14:41 Meter/Type: 54160944622 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157926506322 Supplier Ref: 157926506322 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03815251 Total Value: N11,600.00 Standard: N140.19 - 23780236444556467110 Debt: N11,459.81 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/03/20 13:57 Meter/Type: 54160944622 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200641257287 Supplier Ref: 200641257287 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04272146 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 46897681991754086516 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/04/20 22:24 Meter/Type: 54160944622 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200982124395 Supplier Ref: 200982124395 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04528150 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 57716521625425350206 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/05/20 21:23 Meter/Type: 54160944622 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201252123361 Supplier Ref: 201252123361 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04714386 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 08576391576629996438 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/06/20 14:15 Meter/Type: 54160944622 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201701415334 Supplier Ref: 201701415334 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05009050 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 63376795950074601789 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 272020-07-02 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013971In ProgressRequest2020-07-02REQUEST FOR DEBT MIGIRATED AND BALANCE(54160984271) Dear support kindly supply us with the debt profile of this customer warm regardsMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-02No0000-00-00 tyoverpeter@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00013970In ProgressVending History2020-07-02Dear Sir, Kindly release the vending history of the customer below. 54160944622 Best RegardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-02No0000-00-00 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013969In ProgressRequest2020-07-02: REQUEST FOR DEBT MIGIRATED(54160784271) Dear support kindly supply us with the debt profile of this meter warm regardsMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-02No0000-00-00 tyoverpeter@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00013968In ProgressRequest2020-07-02REQUEST FOR DEBT MIGIRATED(54160784271) Dear support kindly supply us with the debt profile of this meter warm regardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-02No0000-00-00 tyoverpeter@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013967In ProgressKCT Request2020-07-02Dear Sir, Kindly release the KCT of the customer with meter detail below: 0101165037033 Best RegardsMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-02No0000-00-00 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Anas Abubakar
#00013966Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013965In ProgressRequest2020-07-01Hello Kindly assist with the msn of this account numbers 609790 609791 Thank youMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-01No0000-00-00 mwuladi@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013964In ProgressRequest2020-07-010101160015786 Kindly assist me with the above debt please.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-01No0000-00-00 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013963In ProgressTamper Code2020-07-01Dear IT Support, The meter below have been verified; please generate the Clear Tamper Code. 54161104762Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-01No0000-00-00 bittygargadi@hotmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013962In ProgressOutstanding Balance2020-07-01please kindly send me the total outstanding history and debt of these customer; 0101160357550Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-01No0000-00-00 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00013961Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013960In ProgressTamper Code2020-07-01Dear IT Support, Four meters below have been verified, please generate the Clear Tamper Codes. 54161137051 0101160188054 57300013935 54160988967MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-01No0000-00-00 bittygargadi@hotmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013959In ProgressVending History2020-07-01Please I wish to request for vending history opening balance and outstanding debt balance of the following meter 54161056368. thanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-01No0000-00-00 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00013958In ProgressComplaint2020-07-01Kindly find attached document from a customer with meter number of 54160954332. He was trying to vend the above mentioned meter and mistakenly paid as postpaid customer rather than prepaid customer. Hope his complaint will be giving due consideration. Best regardsMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-01No0000-00-00 creditriskmgt2018@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013957In ProgressVending History2020-07-01Please I wish to request for vending history opening balance and outstanding debt balance of the following meter 0101160400202. thanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-01No0000-00-00 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00013956In ProgressRequest2020-07-01REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101161001736Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-01No0000-00-00 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00013955In ProgressVending History2020-07-01Please I wish to request for vending history opening balance and outstanding debt balance of the following meter 54160885262. thanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-01No0000-00-00 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00013954In ProgressRequest2020-07-01REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101161001736Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-01No0000-00-00 naomi.tegwi@jedplc.com Tukur Hamid
#00013953ClosedVending History2020-07-01: VhMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-01NoHello, Find below as requested . Date Sold: 21/02/17 08:17 Meter/Type: 54161150450 Retailer/Operator: JEDBUKURU/ntorive Token Ref: 705208170024 Supplier Ref: 705208170024 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00149470 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 70738108599186611446 Date Sold: 04/03/17 09:59 Meter/Type: 54161150450 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/fuzomba Token Ref: 706309590084 Supplier Ref: 706309590084 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00163753 Total Value: N9,500.00 Standard: N2,369.95 - 61731630622557200946 Debt: N7,130.05 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 13/03/17 10:11 Meter/Type: 54161150450 Retailer/Operator: JEDBUKURU/ntorive Token Ref: 707210110251 Supplier Ref: 707210110251 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00174766 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 45621729659153091103 Date Sold: 20/03/17 09:22 Meter/Type: 54161150450 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 707909220125 Supplier Ref: 707909220125 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00183143 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 18342759490313363710 Date Sold: 30/03/17 09:10 Meter/Type: 54161150450 Retailer/Operator: JEDBUKURU/ntorive Token Ref: 708909100124 Supplier Ref: 708909100124 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00197023 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 71677814186622680109 Date Sold: 08/04/17 09:39 Meter/Type: 54161150450 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/fuzomba Token Ref: 709809390070 Supplier Ref: 709809390070 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00210229 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 20309818949531139510 Date Sold: 21/04/17 15:12 Meter/Type: 54161150450 Retailer/Operator: JEDBUKURU/ntorive Token Ref: 711115120695 Supplier Ref: 711115120695 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00225250 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 38934126972623877597 Date Sold: 01/05/17 10:14 Meter/Type: 54161150450 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/binuwa Token Ref: 712110140189 Supplier Ref: 712110140189 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00236320 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 48261579276279580959 Date Sold: 12/05/17 15:21 Meter/Type: 54161150450 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000597542111 Supplier Ref: 000597542111 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00250124 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 24309649719269194563 Date Sold: 29/05/17 11:20 Meter/Type: 54161150450 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/fuzomba Token Ref: 714911200149 Supplier Ref: 714911200149 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00271268 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 72409172193587069953 Date Sold: 08/06/17 09:36 Meter/Type: 54161150450 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 715909360070 Supplier Ref: 715909360070 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00285961 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 69692064827608122268 Date Sold: 22/06/17 11:47 Meter/Type: 54161150450 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/aibe Token Ref: 717311470216 Supplier Ref: 717311470216 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00303575 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 57860766406631418553 Date Sold: 23/06/17 09:32 Meter/Type: 54161150450 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/fuzomba Token Ref: 717409320113 Supplier Ref: 717409320113 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00304757 Total Value: N1,800.00 Standard: N1,800.00 - 01411933179597011445 Date Sold: 26/06/17 09:53 Meter/Type: 54161150450 Retailer/Operator: JEDBUKURU/ntorive Token Ref: 717709530176 Supplier Ref: 717709530176 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00308224 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 19187583038469751832 Date Sold: 01/07/17 15:43 Meter/Type: 54161150450 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 718215431093 Supplier Ref: 718215431093 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00316428 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 20007717825624037718 Date Sold: 04/07/17 16:45 Meter/Type: 54161150450 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 718516450034 Supplier Ref: 718516450034 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00320313 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 32682179274044121211 Date Sold: 17/07/17 10:06 Meter/Type: 54161150450 Retailer/Operator: JEDBUKURU/ntorive Token Ref: 719810060283 Supplier Ref: 719810060283 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00334927 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 00468889805165509474 Date Sold: 24/07/17 10:12 Meter/Type: 54161150450 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/fuzomba Token Ref: 720510120054 Supplier Ref: 720510120054 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00343139 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 40733392955378634723 Date Sold: 02/08/17 14:52 Meter/Type: 54161150450 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/fuzomba Token Ref: 721414520367 Supplier Ref: 721414520367 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00358062 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 46827535768753069057 Date Sold: 14/08/17 15:03 Meter/Type: 54161150450 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/fuzomba Token Ref: 722615030186 Supplier Ref: 722615030186 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00371768 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 07335560370503526167 Date Sold: 25/08/17 11:29 Meter/Type: 54161150450 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/fuzomba Token Ref: 723711290111 Supplier Ref: 723711290111 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00384950 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 49711428082986931662 Date Sold: 01/09/17 11:32 Meter/Type: 54161150450 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 724410321041 Supplier Ref: 724410321041 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00396130 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 52557114139872791188 Date Sold: 11/09/17 14:12 Meter/Type: 54161150450 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 725413121171 Supplier Ref: 725413121171 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00408329 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 21074962996184072156 Date Sold: 18/09/17 12:17 Meter/Type: 54161150450 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 726112171074 Supplier Ref: 726112171074 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00416413 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 39262873949114720238 Date Sold: 28/09/17 13:06 Meter/Type: 54161150450 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/fuzomba Token Ref: 727113060220 Supplier Ref: 727113060220 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00429487 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 07031575639857059530 Date Sold: 06/10/17 15:38 Meter/Type: 54161150450 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 727915380445 Supplier Ref: 727915380445 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00442799 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 37608808124835877968 Date Sold: 15/10/17 10:17 Meter/Type: 54161150450 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 728810171006 Supplier Ref: 728810171006 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00453818 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 07272263620796856724 Date Sold: 26/10/17 14:47 Meter/Type: 54161150450 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 729914461199 Supplier Ref: 729914461199 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00469053 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 20962825370813469622 Date Sold: 22/11/17 09:41 Meter/Type: 54161150450 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 121383124703939 Supplier Ref: 121383124703939 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00507277 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 39614846211410748392 Date Sold: 13/02/18 10:29 Meter/Type: 54161150450 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 804410291121 Supplier Ref: 804410291121 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00621956 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 59309815865214158083 Date Sold: 10/05/18 17:04 Meter/Type: 54161150450 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 813016041364 Supplier Ref: 813016041364 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00761645 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 70611016978899063164 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/06/18 11:38 Meter/Type: 54161150450 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 815510381329 Supplier Ref: 815510381329 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00810742 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 09636482706552672265 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/07/18 11:34 Meter/Type: 54161150450 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000658137660 Supplier Ref: 000658137660 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00884618 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 69339578861559649076 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/09/18 10:24 Meter/Type: 54161150450 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000668498741 Supplier Ref: 000668498741 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01072710 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 66173309290279710566 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/12/18 16:46 Meter/Type: 54161150450 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 437042818950671 Supplier Ref: 437042818950671 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01432606 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 31485795935114115185 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 352020-07-01 abbaslawal360@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00013952ClosedVending History2020-07-01: REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY Dear Support, Kindly provide VH for 54160978018 Thank youMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-01NoFind below as requested please Date Sold: 31/01/17 17:30 Meter/Type: 54160978018 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 001908568755 Supplier Ref: 001908568755 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00131228 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 67330783986342930522 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 14/02/17 15:59 Meter/Type: 54160978018 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 000908207754 Supplier Ref: 000908207754 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00143617 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 34486891608721732492 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 11/03/17 12:58 Meter/Type: 54160978018 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 000401417984 Supplier Ref: 000401417984 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00173984 Total Value: N4,500.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 62845310778310962501 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 31/03/17 13:21 Meter/Type: 54160978018 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 002023467763 Supplier Ref: 002023467763 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00199571 Total Value: N4,500.00 Standard: N4,500.00 - 35871261428755952337 Date Sold: 23/05/17 13:15 Meter/Type: 54160978018 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/MBEN Token Ref: 001606078020 Supplier Ref: 001606078020 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00265121 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 47382452537237592626 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 12/06/17 15:51 Meter/Type: 54160978018 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 716315504805 Supplier Ref: 716315504805 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00291563 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N5,500.00 - 12848243309728768533 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 23/08/17 15:57 Meter/Type: 54160978018 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 723515555639 Supplier Ref: 723515555639 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00382715 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,002.90 - 12543056676043070007 Debt: -N2.90 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 08/09/17 10:41 Meter/Type: 54160978018 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 725110393480 Supplier Ref: 725110393480 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00404755 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 43645639772450268968 Date Sold: 21/10/17 12:37 Meter/Type: 54160978018 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 729412377054 Supplier Ref: 729412377054 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00462289 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 32388472015236644037 Date Sold: 17/11/17 11:14 Meter/Type: 54160978018 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 480702240333648 Supplier Ref: 480702240333648 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00501175 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 22559966655157088276 Date Sold: 27/12/17 16:28 Meter/Type: 54160978018 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 155979286104492 Supplier Ref: 155979286104492 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00559280 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 34137825887195884962 Date Sold: 12/01/18 09:28 Meter/Type: 54160978018 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 113806925602293 Supplier Ref: 113806925602293 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00577662 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 47003760009938568918 Date Sold: 29/01/18 09:27 Meter/Type: 54160978018 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 61271954605932 Supplier Ref: 61271954605932 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00598728 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 24109651087729423565 Date Sold: 12/02/18 14:27 Meter/Type: 54160978018 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000637280727 Supplier Ref: 000637280727 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00620804 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 08644892141081460718 Date Sold: 20/02/18 13:23 Meter/Type: 54160978018 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 723307637189040 Supplier Ref: 723307637189040 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00632039 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 58601418050612397231 Date Sold: 08/03/18 13:06 Meter/Type: 54160978018 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000640728745 Supplier Ref: 000640728745 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00658183 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 50573616952804215478 Date Sold: 17/03/18 09:03 Meter/Type: 54160978018 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000642000494 Supplier Ref: 000642000494 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00672185 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 71518061231438263603 Date Sold: 29/03/18 11:17 Meter/Type: 54160978018 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000643735813 Supplier Ref: 000643735813 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00688884 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 61817155543875180469 Date Sold: 09/04/18 11:44 Meter/Type: 54160978018 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 10355190816699 Supplier Ref: 10355190816699 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00706446 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 59978291881440585466 Date Sold: 20/04/18 12:35 Meter/Type: 54160978018 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 822703900804982 Supplier Ref: 822703900804982 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00724834 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 05361915216212712593 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/05/18 11:04 Meter/Type: 54160978018 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 815620858006017 Supplier Ref: 815620858006017 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00754140 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 24895364651834342107 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/05/18 10:45 Meter/Type: 54160978018 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000652084691 Supplier Ref: 000652084691 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00792052 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 52418965933644232602 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/06/18 13:36 Meter/Type: 54160978018 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 273179621650716 Supplier Ref: 273179621650716 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00806070 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 29029834676470292367 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/06/18 11:00 Meter/Type: 54160978018 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 772288372420982 Supplier Ref: 772288372420982 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00832533 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 00467517447703907085 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/07/18 16:32 Meter/Type: 54160978018 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 158463164207510 Supplier Ref: 158463164207510 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00874726 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 54514523097934390206 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/07/18 14:31 Meter/Type: 54160978018 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000660459310 Supplier Ref: 000660459310 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00919045 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 25664008089147266616 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/08/18 10:19 Meter/Type: 54160978018 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 119137436195585 Supplier Ref: 119137436195585 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00977737 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 57947371829638833752 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/08/18 11:32 Meter/Type: 54160978018 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000665625509 Supplier Ref: 000665625509 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01014647 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 09120398661111851754 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/09/18 15:40 Meter/Type: 54160978018 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000670120337 Supplier Ref: 000670120337 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01108343 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 44588420705064786521 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/10/18 11:22 Meter/Type: 54160978018 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182851122278 Supplier Ref: 182851122278 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01155011 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 47751989089770738934 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/12/18 12:24 Meter/Type: 54160978018 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154478306784 Supplier Ref: 154478306784 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01387921 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 00162564219684542448 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/01/19 17:10 Meter/Type: 54160978018 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154652821297 Supplier Ref: 154652821297 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01513359 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 44390945533647435006 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/01/19 11:00 Meter/Type: 54160978018 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154806124169 Supplier Ref: 154806124169 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01625284 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 63314765599262053691 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/02/19 10:14 Meter/Type: 54160978018 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154926807963 Supplier Ref: 154926807963 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01742059 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 22842914969943459790 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/02/19 14:32 Meter/Type: 54160978018 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 90091874079105 Supplier Ref: 90091874079105 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01865405 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 11464608174575180883 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/03/19 13:50 Meter/Type: 54160978018 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190661250523 Supplier Ref: 190661250523 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01976678 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 15509061970286843086 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/03/19 13:01 Meter/Type: 54160978018 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155377087043 Supplier Ref: 155377087043 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02081199 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 00811899328132235798 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/04/19 09:49 Meter/Type: 54160978018 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155652417843 Supplier Ref: 155652417843 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02259072 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 12064872889166333990 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/05/19 10:41 Meter/Type: 54160978018 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155894645975 Supplier Ref: 155894645975 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02401508 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 50561620444968490417 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/07/19 14:49 Meter/Type: 54160978018 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 470860927285615 Supplier Ref: 470860927285615 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02704646 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 32122041819343985604 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/04/20 10:09 Meter/Type: 54160978018 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201131009581 Supplier Ref: 201131009581 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04625619 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 70767613321645367005 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 552020-07-01 jenogah@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00013951ClosedTamper Code2020-07-01TEMPER CODE REQUEST 01072020 Good Morning Sir kindly help and assist on the above TEMPER CODE request. Best Regards. CCRM GOMBEMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-01NoHello, Find below as requested, 54160973944 7219 4471 8768 7034 1321 Clear Tamper 0101170174409 6327 7831 7922 4837 6964 Clear Temper2020-07-01 glawal1184@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00013950ClosedVending History2020-07-01Pls I need the vending history of this customer 57300006764. ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-01NoFind below as requested please Date Sold: 14/10/16 13:07 Meter/Type: 57300006764 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 628813070339 Supplier Ref: 628813070339 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00055595 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 62066573560137797529 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 16/03/18 12:35 Meter/Type: 57300006764 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 807512351398 Supplier Ref: 807512351398 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00671045 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N1,329.00 - 32386108162400759030 Debt: N5,671.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 04/05/18 14:01 Meter/Type: 57300006764 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000648936254 Supplier Ref: 000648936254 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00750670 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 56803644095531966429 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/03/19 12:26 Meter/Type: 57300006764 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190721126381 Supplier Ref: 190721126381 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02009467 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 17905048248707642074 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/02/20 14:17 Meter/Type: 57300006764 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158133706014 Supplier Ref: 158133706014 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04028755 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 59539010593508841447 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 82020-07-01 akigaisiyaka@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00013949ClosedRequest2020-07-01Please kindly send me the debts status of this account. 0101170418251Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-01NoPlease find below as requested Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 645945 Start Date: 3/20/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $13,077.15 Outstanding Balance: $13,077.15 Running Balance: $13,077.15 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-01 umarmacy@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00013948ClosedKCT Request2020-07-01Kct 0101190000840Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-01NoHello, Please find below as requested 0101190000840 KCT1:2617 5401 0192 8588 7580 KCT2:0780 4306 6102 2917 93902020-07-01 ummilois2@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00013947In ProgressRequest2020-07-01REQUEST FOR DEBT MIGRATED AND BALANCE(54160784271)Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-01No0000-00-00 tyoverpeter@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00013946In ProgressRequest2020-07-01Find below request. 1. 0101170157842. 2. 0101170120204. thanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-01No0000-00-00 faiza tafida Zainab Mujtaba
#00013945In ProgressRequest2020-07-01Please kindly send me the debts status of this account. 0101170418251Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-01No0000-00-00 umarmacy@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00013944In ProgressRequest2020-07-01please kindly Assist with below. 1. 0101170273037. thanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-01No0000-00-00 faizahtafida@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00013943ClosedRequest2020-07-01Please Ict kindly assist me with this meter number 0101170421834 original balance running balance and collection value thanks.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-01NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 631642 Start Date: 4/27/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $22,681.94 Outstanding Balance: $10,681.94 Running Balance: $10,681.94 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 12/9/2019 12:11:28 PM2020-07-01 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00013942ClosedRequest2020-07-01Find below request. 1. 54160981368. thanks.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-01NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 524253 Start Date: 3/27/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $81,541.13 Outstanding Balance: $81,541.13 Running Balance: $81,541.13 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-01 faizahtafida@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00013941ClosedRequest2020-07-01REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILS Please kindly assist with debt details for MSN. 0101170203356 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-01NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 577044 Start Date: 2/18/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $23,279.93 Outstanding Balance: $11,279.93 Running Balance: $11,279.93 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 7/1/2020 2:02:49 PM2020-07-01 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013940In ProgressVending History2020-07-01Pls I need the vending history of this customer 57300006764. ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-01No0000-00-00 akigaisiyaka@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013939In ProgressRequest2020-07-01Please kindly assist with debt details for MSN. 0101170203356 ThanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-01No0000-00-00 faayu472003@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00013938In ProgressRequest2020-07-01Find below request. 1. 54160981368. thanksMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-01No0000-00-00 faizahtafida@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00013937In ProgressKCT Request2020-07-010101190000840 Please kindly assist me with the above information thank you.MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-01No0000-00-00 ummilois2@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013936In ProgressVending History2020-07-01Dear Support, Kindly provide VH for 54160978018 Thank youMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-01No0000-00-00 jenogah@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00013935ClosedKCT Request2020-07-01Dear IT Support, The meter below have been verified; please generate the Clear Tamper Code. 0101170276857MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-01NoHello, Find below as requested, 0101170276857 3363 1615 2513 3948 6624 Clear Tamper Regards2020-07-01 bittygargadi@hotmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013934In ProgressTamper Code2020-07-01Dear IT Support, Technical Auditors visited the premises of meters below and certified that by-pass was not carried out; hence you may go ahead and generate the Clear Tamper Codes. 0101160020133 57100016625 0101170147488MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-01No0000-00-00 bittygargadi@hotmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013933In ProgressRequest2020-07-01Find below request. 1. 54160981368. thanks.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-01No0000-00-00 faizahtafida@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00013932In ProgressRequest2020-07-01Please Ict kindly assist me with this meter number 0101170421834 original balance running balance and collection value thanks.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-01No0000-00-00 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00013931ClosedTamper Code2020-07-01Dear IT Support, Two meters below have been verified; please generate the Clear Tamper Codes. 0101185057706 0101185059728MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-01NoHello, Find below, 0101185057706 1278 2809 7887 6677 6175Clear Tamper 0101185059728 0921 8685 3967 9462 9318Clear Tamper Regards2020-07-01 bittygargadi@hotmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013930ClosedTamper Code2020-07-01Re: Tamper 0101185057706 and 0101185059728MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-01NoHello, Find below, 0101185057706 1278 2809 7887 6677 6175Clear Tamper 0101185059728 0921 8685 3967 9462 9318Clear Tamper Regards2020-07-01 bittygargadi@hotmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013929ClosedVending History2020-07-01REQUEST FOR V.H. Dear IT Support, Kindly generate the VH for the meter number 0101170437962 regardsMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-01NoHello, Find below as requested Date Sold: 21/01/19 15:41 Meter/Type: 0101170437962 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 401219371904386 Supplier Ref: 401219371904386 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01629196 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 51861160457731012923 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/02/19 14:05 Meter/Type: 0101170437962 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155057797150 Supplier Ref: 155057797150 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01857775 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 12120140663640741263 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/03/19 12:28 Meter/Type: 0101170437962 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190711128563 Supplier Ref: 190711128563 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02003443 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 66801168090200047914 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/04/19 13:05 Meter/Type: 0101170437962 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191101206081 Supplier Ref: 191101206081 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02214166 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 46924506479993107570 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/05/19 11:39 Meter/Type: 0101170437962 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 142390512436765 Supplier Ref: 142390512436765 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02302803 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 29193845633781962081 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/05/19 15:14 Meter/Type: 0101170437962 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155732125516 Supplier Ref: 155732125516 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02319166 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 37029611260358704135 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/06/19 14:51 Meter/Type: 0101170437962 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155956629297 Supplier Ref: 155956629297 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02444859 Total Value: N4,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 42724192231166882384 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/07/19 11:21 Meter/Type: 0101170437962 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156257769771 Supplier Ref: 156257769771 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02614930 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 21946489378777777453 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/08/19 10:51 Meter/Type: 0101170437962 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192340951244 Supplier Ref: 192340951244 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02841472 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 62162956703731579221 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/09/19 10:55 Meter/Type: 0101170437962 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192540955443 Supplier Ref: 192540955443 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02945987 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 30265314460088608501 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/10/19 17:29 Meter/Type: 0101170437962 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157080780176 Supplier Ref: 157080780176 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03113678 Total Value: N4,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 05266818767420175009 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/11/19 17:33 Meter/Type: 0101170437962 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193341635296 Supplier Ref: 193341635296 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03427268 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 34871891904338108360 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/12/19 11:35 Meter/Type: 0101170437962 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157692105518 Supplier Ref: 157692105518 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03588874 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 15117919666463882049 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/01/20 15:35 Meter/Type: 0101170437962 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157866353048 Supplier Ref: 157866353048 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03757829 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 26819443831176564948 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/02/20 14:26 Meter/Type: 0101170437962 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 849175149218446 Supplier Ref: 849175149218446 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB04049471 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 49047535206005200035 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/04/20 17:51 Meter/Type: 0101170437962 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200931650596 Supplier Ref: 200931650596 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04492535 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 00783474012670640215 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/04/20 12:22 Meter/Type: 0101170437962 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201121222273 Supplier Ref: 201121222273 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04620487 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 47400673739502365498 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/06/20 09:56 Meter/Type: 0101170437962 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201590956314 Supplier Ref: 201590956314 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04937520 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,085.67 - 63665513711610977081 Debt: N2,914.33 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/06/20 13:21 Meter/Type: 0101170437962 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201671321587 Supplier Ref: 201671321587 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04986446 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 69825161155324620965 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 412020-07-01 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00013928In ProgressVending History2020-07-01Dear IT Support, Kindly generate the VH for the meter number 0101170437962 regardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-01No0000-00-00 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013927ClosedTamper Code2020-07-01: Request for Clear temper code Sir, recommend to verify and generate a Clear temper code for the following meter numbers 54150651161 0101170276857 0101170460014 57100031483 0101160392615MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-01NoHello Ibb, Find below, 54150651161 2485 8438 5521 5465 2475Clear Tamper 0101170276857 7309 8519 9455 9141 4609Clear Tamper 0101170460014 4127 8796 5342 1876 1903Clear Tamper 57100031483 1771 6448 7783 1585 5049Clear Tamper 0101160392615 5020 1906 7314 6938 4471Clear Tamper2020-07-01 bangisgarko@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013926ClosedVending History2020-07-01: REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY find below. 1. 0101170111971. thanks.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-01NoHello, Find below as requested Date Sold: 07/05/18 14:37 Meter/Type: 0101170111971 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000649371868 Supplier Ref: 000649371868 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00755135 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 00099960835959538235 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/10/18 16:29 Meter/Type: 0101170111971 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182831629462 Supplier Ref: 182831629462 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01149218 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 59962924430953361709 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/03/19 16:21 Meter/Type: 0101170111971 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190791521297 Supplier Ref: 190791521297 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02044706 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 31255018534406732676 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/04/19 14:43 Meter/Type: 0101170111971 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191051343324 Supplier Ref: 191051343324 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02185623 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 18226496408121429772 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/06/19 17:56 Meter/Type: 0101170111971 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191681656295 Supplier Ref: 191681656295 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02519002 Total Value: N100.00 Standard: N100.00 - 33440792518052490629 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 52020-07-01 faizahtafida@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00013925ClosedVending History2020-07-01Vending history 04202004240 Best regardsMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-01NoHello, Find below as requested. Date Sold: 23/08/16 11:48 Meter/Type: 04202004240 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 623612020214 Supplier Ref: 623612020214 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00021811 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 63792411863883884240 Date Sold: 16/12/16 08:50 Meter/Type: 04202004240 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 635108500047 Supplier Ref: 635108500047 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00097144 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 12878008384534753116 Date Sold: 09/01/17 12:21 Meter/Type: 04202004240 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 700912210377 Supplier Ref: 700912210377 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00116467 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 49755423761453240813 Date Sold: 06/02/17 09:27 Meter/Type: 04202004240 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 703709270122 Supplier Ref: 703709270122 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00135199 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 59950990892861196571 Date Sold: 10/04/17 13:47 Meter/Type: 04202004240 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 710013470605 Supplier Ref: 710013470605 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00212301 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 51318357729909503518 Date Sold: 08/07/17 12:02 Meter/Type: 04202004240 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 718912020320 Supplier Ref: 718912020320 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00325372 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 26643675396015703233 Date Sold: 25/07/17 09:15 Meter/Type: 04202004240 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 720609150200 Supplier Ref: 720609150200 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00344819 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 27476592251184923151 Date Sold: 03/10/17 11:03 Meter/Type: 04202004240 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 727611030447 Supplier Ref: 727611030447 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00435635 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 20219966014793887379 Date Sold: 30/11/17 11:41 Meter/Type: 04202004240 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000626608251 Supplier Ref: 000626608251 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00519226 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 29774523953799008313 Date Sold: 21/12/17 11:20 Meter/Type: 04202004240 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 735511200145 Supplier Ref: 735511200145 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00549833 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 37173477429529225662 Date Sold: 31/01/18 17:38 Meter/Type: 04202004240 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 803117381615 Supplier Ref: 803117381615 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00604019 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 69505977518913875482 Date Sold: 05/04/18 11:17 Meter/Type: 04202004240 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 809510171230 Supplier Ref: 809510171230 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00700233 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 14978514396447127193 Date Sold: 11/10/18 13:21 Meter/Type: 04202004240 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000671978551 Supplier Ref: 000671978551 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01151704 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 70641537300607677631 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/11/18 10:33 Meter/Type: 04202004240 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183331033480 Supplier Ref: 183331033480 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01320344 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 25776962191144668224 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/12/18 12:43 Meter/Type: 04202004240 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183581143330 Supplier Ref: 183581143330 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01449576 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 40486052189362249953 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/04/19 16:13 Meter/Type: 04202004240 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155430082903 Supplier Ref: 155430082903 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02121155 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 29931279198357908756 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/07/19 09:07 Meter/Type: 04202004240 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192100807455 Supplier Ref: 192100807455 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02714817 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 15632555676658890454 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/09/19 10:48 Meter/Type: 04202004240 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192630948580 Supplier Ref: 192630948580 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02993956 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 09446548850910667001 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/11/19 10:41 Meter/Type: 04202004240 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 316748693943732 Supplier Ref: 316748693943732 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03404221 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 53465040910905071783 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/01/20 13:35 Meter/Type: 04202004240 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200221238410 Supplier Ref: 200221238410 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03854915 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 64655535088230501747 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/03/20 10:58 Meter/Type: 04202004240 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200700958157 Supplier Ref: 200700958157 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04325076 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 30429422736480445203 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/05/20 10:09 Meter/Type: 04202004240 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201491010063 Supplier Ref: 201491010063 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04863351 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 46183231504207696480 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 242020-07-01 ericjames346@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00013924ClosedRequest2020-07-01: Debt balance Please Ict kindly assist me with this meter number 0101170437962 original balance running balance and collection value thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-01NoHello, Find below as requested Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170437962 Start Date: 3/29/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $30,914.33 Outstanding Balance: $0.00 Running Balance: $0.00 Note: none specified Status: Paid off Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/7/2020 9:56:24 AM2020-07-01 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013923In ProgressVending History2020-07-01REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY find below. 1. 0101170111971. thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-01No0000-00-00 faizahtafida@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013922In ProgressVending History2020-07-01Vending history 04202004240Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-01No0000-00-00 ericjames346@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00013921In ProgressRequest2020-07-01Please Ict kindly assist me with this meter number 0101170437962 original balance running balance and collection value thanks.Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-01No0000-00-00 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00013920In ProgressKCT Request2020-07-01: KCT Kind generate 0101190007753 ThanksMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-01NoHello, Find as requested below 0101190007753 KCT1:3871 4112 7097 2832 4299 KCT2:1106 4729 7329 3029 36630000-00-00 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013919ClosedVending History2020-07-01: REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY (54160932700) OBANDE O. Dear Support, Please help supply as requested above. Thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-01NoHello, Find below as requested. Date Sold: 29/08/19 09:49 Meter/Type: 54160932700 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192410849488 Supplier Ref: 192410849488 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02874466 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 71950260671719233545 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/10/19 15:56 Meter/Type: 54160932700 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157088857479 Supplier Ref: 157088857479 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03117929 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 16139328347965230455 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/11/19 14:58 Meter/Type: 54160932700 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 22934006661408 Supplier Ref: 22934006661408 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03249728 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 37959317865980565742 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/12/19 10:15 Meter/Type: 54160932700 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157553376594 Supplier Ref: 157553376594 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03469014 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 43233729976579842595 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/12/19 00:24 Meter/Type: 54160932700 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157731280347 Supplier Ref: 157731280347 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03633147 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 72189688332062493860 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/02/20 12:24 Meter/Type: 54160932700 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 003211210000 Supplier Ref: 003211210000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03946714 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 31443872399064752683 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/03/20 09:15 Meter/Type: 54160932700 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 007208110000 Supplier Ref: 007208110000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04336334 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 04327355406124566027 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/03/20 19:16 Meter/Type: 54160932700 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200751816513 Supplier Ref: 200751816513 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04354728 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 37332955668963189402 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/04/20 15:38 Meter/Type: 54160932700 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200981438283 Supplier Ref: 200981438283 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04525609 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 33862925755962978202 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/05/20 07:29 Meter/Type: 54160932700 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201270730015 Supplier Ref: 201270730015 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04720106 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 29526728154757591117 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/05/20 13:05 Meter/Type: 54160932700 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201361305444 Supplier Ref: 201361305444 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04778908 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 64868378394073134981 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/05/20 10:54 Meter/Type: 54160932700 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201501054454 Supplier Ref: 201501054454 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04873399 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 49731937395225148735 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/06/20 16:22 Meter/Type: 54160932700 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201821623004 Supplier Ref: 201821623004 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05101994 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 48079159837328514838 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 212020-07-01 jedplcmakurdi.capturing@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013918In ProgressVending History2020-07-01REQUEST FOR UNISTAR VH - 61.0303.0011.1023 - 61/51/93/1310-01Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-07-01No0000-00-00 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00013917ClosedRequest2020-07-01Hello, kindly assist with debt profile of the meter serial numbers below 0101161069923 0101170296699 0101170309880 0101160002149 0101170153874 0101160012643 0101185051949 0101170312678 54161110314Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-01NoHello, Find below as requested. 0101161069923 Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101161069923 Start Date: 2/27/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $568,780.06 Outstanding Balance: $552,650.00 Running Balance: $552,650.00 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Per Vend Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/29/2020 12:40:24 PM 0101170296699 Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170296699 Start Date: 1/10/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $404,590.27 Outstanding Balance: $396,390.27 Running Balance: $396,390.27 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $7,000.00 Latest Payment: 5/15/2020 1:30:01 PM 0101170309880 Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 6131405702-01 Start Date: 3/13/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $230,291.16 Outstanding Balance: $214,291.16 Running Balance: $214,291.16 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $4,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/30/2020 11:51:28 AM 0101160002149 Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101160002149 Start Date: 3/14/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $19,258.63 Outstanding Balance: $19,258.63 Running Balance: $19,258.63 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record 0101170153874 Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170153874 Start Date: 12/1/2018 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $246,716.75 Outstanding Balance: $246,715.75 Running Balance: $246,715.75 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/17/2020 12:56:41 PM 0101160012643 Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101160012643 Start Date: 4/18/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $12,481.43 Outstanding Balance: $12,481.43 Running Balance: $12,481.43 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record 0101185051949 Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 577647 Start Date: 6/3/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $99,139.27 Outstanding Balance: $94,139.27 Running Balance: $94,139.27 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/12/2020 10:28:53 AM 0101170312678 Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 6537160108-01 Start Date: 3/31/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $233,526.62 Outstanding Balance: $221,525.62 Running Balance: $221,525.62 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $6,000.00 Latest Payment: 5/29/2020 7:59:18 PM 54161110314 Name: Outstanding Balance Reference Number: 6123465801-01 Start Date: 6/25/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $173,041.99 Outstanding Balance: $173,040.99 Running Balance: $173,040.99 Note: Outstanding from JCS, Installation fee, Cost unit Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: 12/31/2019 2:18:39 PM2020-07-01 phartiemah12@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013916In ProgressVending History2020-07-01REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY (54160932700Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-01No0000-00-00 jedplcmakurdi.capturing@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013915In ProgressKCT Request2020-07-01Kind generate 0101190007753 ThanksMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-01No0000-00-00 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013914Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013913ClosedVending History2020-07-01: REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY Please kindly assist with vending history for MSN. 54160963101 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-01NoHello, Find below as requested Date Sold: 28/01/20 17:43 Meter/Type: 54160963101 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158022644066 Supplier Ref: 158022644066 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03909094 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 38827893275298849935 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/04/20 14:30 Meter/Type: 54160963101 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200971330160 Supplier Ref: 200971330160 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04516805 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 71358417671194076362 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/04/20 14:14 Meter/Type: 54160963101 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201071314381 Supplier Ref: 201071314381 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04581345 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 34236444432444270204 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/05/20 09:41 Meter/Type: 54160963101 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201250941076 Supplier Ref: 201250941076 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04706503 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 07217229221999532109 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/05/20 10:15 Meter/Type: 54160963101 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201261015384 Supplier Ref: 201261015384 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04715697 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 49815639845043924764 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/06/20 16:54 Meter/Type: 54160963101 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201821654343 Supplier Ref: 201821654343 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05102493 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 66078731651079806065 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 112020-07-01 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013912In ProgressVending History2020-07-01Please kindly assist with vending history for MSN. 54160963101 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-01No0000-00-00 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013911In Progress2020-07-01REQUEST FOR DEBT MIGRATED AND OUTSTANDING BALANCE (54161085748)MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-01No0000-00-00 jedplcmakurdi.capturing@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013910In ProgressRequest2020-07-01Hello, kindly assist with debt profile of the meter serial numbers below 0101161069923 0101170296699 0101170309880 0101160002149 0101170153874 0101160012643 0101185051949 0101170312678 54161110314Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-01No0000-00-00 phartiemah12@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013909ClosedRequest2020-07-01Compliment of the day. Please, kindly furnish me with the debt profile of the below meter number: 01011170411025 ThanxMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-01NoHello, Find below as requested. No Contract (with an Account) found by the provided search criteria. Please use alternate search criteria.2020-07-01 wyontochae@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013908ClosedKCT Request2020-07-01REQUEST FOR KCT 0101190014445MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-01NoHello, Find below as requested. 0101190014445 KCT1: 6576 7044 2323 0298 5262 KCT2: 2872 9235 1324 8155 32682020-07-01 longpuan@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013907OpenKCT Request0000-00-00REQUEST FOR KCT 0101170454603MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-01NoHello, Find below as requested. 0101170454603 KCT1: 6406 4890 0328 0665 7369 KCT2: 1949 5930 1172 8566 74112020-07-01 longpuan@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013906In ProgressKCT Request2020-07-01REQUEST FOR KCT 0101190014445MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-01No0000-00-00 longpuan@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013905ClosedVending History2020-07-01REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY Please kindly assist with vending history for MSN. 0101160012163 Thanks Best RegardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-01NoHello, Find below as requested. Date Sold: 12/01/19 09:45 Meter/Type: 0101160012163 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190120845263 Supplier Ref: 190120845263 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01563962 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 43914817024051367469 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/02/19 09:23 Meter/Type: 0101160012163 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190420823440 Supplier Ref: 190420823440 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01794520 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 71348101671961237343 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/03/19 15:27 Meter/Type: 0101160012163 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190701427378 Supplier Ref: 190701427378 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01998282 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 53806695027019474950 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/04/19 09:44 Meter/Type: 0101160012163 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190930844492 Supplier Ref: 190930844492 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02117563 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 61278987455704509757 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/04/19 15:37 Meter/Type: 0101160012163 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 570473852240368 Supplier Ref: 570473852240368 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02166517 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 48514288458777404373 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/04/19 11:30 Meter/Type: 0101160012163 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155601183401 Supplier Ref: 155601183401 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02226645 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 16195105650950521544 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/04/19 13:49 Meter/Type: 0101160012163 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155627937753 Supplier Ref: 155627937753 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02246689 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 61394419465410378685 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/05/19 17:50 Meter/Type: 0101160012163 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191221650436 Supplier Ref: 191221650436 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02285663 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 73786122326505940389 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/05/19 17:08 Meter/Type: 0101160012163 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191261609094 Supplier Ref: 191261609094 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02306651 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 68615305587775499519 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/05/19 11:11 Meter/Type: 0101160012163 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190516691351 Supplier Ref: 190516691351 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02349735 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 03735140694364563470 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/05/19 10:49 Meter/Type: 0101160012163 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191440949301 Supplier Ref: 191440949301 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02388792 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 31725050773379917599 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/05/19 10:04 Meter/Type: 0101160012163 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191480904521 Supplier Ref: 191480904521 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02408066 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 50404237848424699914 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/06/19 12:18 Meter/Type: 0101160012163 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190603852268 Supplier Ref: 190603852268 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02443063 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 13182010225221632803 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/06/19 11:21 Meter/Type: 0101160012163 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190608272670 Supplier Ref: 190608272670 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02472276 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 17352200172687513910 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/06/19 11:13 Meter/Type: 0101160012163 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191701013384 Supplier Ref: 191701013384 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02526790 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 02057519657347248596 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/07/19 09:23 Meter/Type: 0101160012163 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191870823535 Supplier Ref: 191870823535 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02607047 Total Value: N700.00 Standard: N700.00 - 63849980770713303348 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/07/19 12:23 Meter/Type: 0101160012163 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156318621243 Supplier Ref: 156318621243 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02649468 Total Value: N800.00 Standard: N800.00 - 26415958118735154181 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/07/19 12:05 Meter/Type: 0101160012163 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192111105442 Supplier Ref: 192111105442 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02723096 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 57289015263144291887 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/08/19 11:38 Meter/Type: 0101160012163 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192241038181 Supplier Ref: 192241038181 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02792561 Total Value: N700.00 Standard: N700.00 - 42403322091560922071 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/08/19 16:52 Meter/Type: 0101160012163 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192341552438 Supplier Ref: 192341552438 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02844021 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 47006294372995510176 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/09/19 11:54 Meter/Type: 0101160012163 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192491054173 Supplier Ref: 192491054173 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02919925 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 22881589404532999166 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/09/19 12:16 Meter/Type: 0101160012163 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156906098767 Supplier Ref: 156906098767 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03000473 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 26180792233155339093 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/09/19 09:56 Meter/Type: 0101160012163 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190925588257 Supplier Ref: 190925588257 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB03020142 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 27000235169762149440 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/10/19 13:10 Meter/Type: 0101160012163 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192751211246 Supplier Ref: 192751211246 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03061948 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 05274511963956775992 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/10/19 09:03 Meter/Type: 0101160012163 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192810803590 Supplier Ref: 192810803590 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03092365 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 57086947562673733091 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/11/19 14:06 Meter/Type: 0101160012163 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 191107431203 Supplier Ref: 191107431203 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB03270585 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 41298805152371396207 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/12/19 13:45 Meter/Type: 0101160012163 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193401248184 Supplier Ref: 193401248184 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03479680 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 24627039542095406250 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/04/20 16:53 Meter/Type: 0101160012163 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200981553048 Supplier Ref: 200981553048 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04526463 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 04245490243008361344 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/05/20 10:57 Meter/Type: 0101160012163 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201221057426 Supplier Ref: 201221057426 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04692062 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 14074723582168743074 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/05/20 19:55 Meter/Type: 0101160012163 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201321956023 Supplier Ref: 201321956023 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04757686 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 12135033953908367263 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/05/20 00:29 Meter/Type: 0101160012163 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201330029245 Supplier Ref: 201330029245 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04758481 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 15702028888477394419 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/05/20 10:35 Meter/Type: 0101160012163 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201511035223 Supplier Ref: 201511035223 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04882193 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 32354456539996449035 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/06/20 16:01 Meter/Type: 0101160012163 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201641601466 Supplier Ref: 201641601466 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04969725 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 11543532765166971367 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/06/20 15:41 Meter/Type: 0101160012163 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201761541216 Supplier Ref: 201761541216 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05052318 Total Value: N1,200.00 Standard: N1,200.00 - 24909450172728362553 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 432020-07-01 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013904In ProgressVending History2020-07-01Please kindly assist with vending history for MSN. 0101160012163 Thanks Best RegardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba0000-00-00No0000-00-00 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013903In ProgressKCT Request2020-07-01ISSUE OF KCT FOR = 0101160348104 , =54161100554 AND =54161104648MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-01No0000-00-00 emekaojiegbe@rocketmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013902In ProgressVending History2020-07-01Dear Support Team 54161113169 Please assist us in providing the following on the above account 1. Vending history 2. Total debt migrated to Itron 3. Current outstanding debt The customer is exploring the possibility of clearing the outstanding. Thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-01No0000-00-00 emekaojiegbe@rocketmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013901In ProgressRequest2020-07-01Compliment of the day. Please, kindly furnish me with the debt profile of the below meter number: 01011170411025 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-01No0000-00-00 wyontochae@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013900ClosedRequest2020-07-01Dear Support, Kindly assist us with the outstanding debt on this meter 54161085318. Best WishesMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-01NoHello, Find below as requested. Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 54161085318 Start Date: 6/25/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $135,860.47 Outstanding Balance: $135,860.47 Running Balance: $135,860.47 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-01 jeivemandco@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013899ClosedRequest2020-07-01Please Ict kindly assist me with this meter number 0101170247494 original balance running balance and collection value thanks.MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-01NoHello, Find below as requested. Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170247494 Start Date: 9/16/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $1,565.03 Outstanding Balance: $0.00 Running Balance: $0.00 Note: Cost of Preloaded units in the new ppm Status: Paid off Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $1,565.03 Latest Payment: 7/1/2020 9:18:07 AM2020-07-01 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013898ClosedRequest2020-07-01Kindly assist me with the debt balance of this meter 0101170267708.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-01NoHello, Find below as requested Name: Refunds Reference Number: 6127010713-01 Start Date: 2/6/2019 Category: Refunds Original Balance: ($435.08) Outstanding Balance: ($435.08) Running Balance: ($435.08) Note: Refunds Status: Overcollected Collection Method: Percentage Collection Value: 100 (%) Latest Payment: not on record2020-07-01 abbaslawal360@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013897ClosedVending History2020-07-01REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY Dear Support, Kindly provide VH for 54161089765. Thank YouMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-01NoHello, Find below as requested Date Sold: 11/07/17 15:27 Meter/Type: 54161089765 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 719215268976 Supplier Ref: 719215268976 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00329061 Total Value: N5,700.00 Standard: N3,200.00 - 21474599367259105464 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 01/08/17 14:52 Meter/Type: 54161089765 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000609203391 Supplier Ref: 000609203391 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00356456 Total Value: N5,600.00 Standard: N3,100.00 - 18317261682025903248 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 19/08/17 10:50 Meter/Type: 54161089765 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 723110499765 Supplier Ref: 723110499765 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00377623 Total Value: N1,600.00 Standard: N1,600.00 - 17581448504851388423 Date Sold: 05/09/17 16:29 Meter/Type: 54161089765 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000614252977 Supplier Ref: 000614252977 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00400858 Total Value: N5,500.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 53045387852884350622 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 19/09/17 20:08 Meter/Type: 54161089765 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000616290824 Supplier Ref: 000616290824 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00418789 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 72480110792907202933 Date Sold: 27/09/17 16:24 Meter/Type: 54161089765 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000617420529 Supplier Ref: 000617420529 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00428582 Total Value: N3,200.00 Standard: N3,200.00 - 09674369780319566988 Date Sold: 18/10/17 15:17 Meter/Type: 54161089765 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000620437770 Supplier Ref: 000620437770 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00458376 Total Value: N3,100.00 Standard: N2,077.56 - 17066755242743980936 Debt: N1,022.44 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 30/10/17 10:31 Meter/Type: 54161089765 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000622137267 Supplier Ref: 000622137267 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00473515 Total Value: N3,200.00 Standard: N3,200.00 - 16608783909689161912 Date Sold: 28/11/17 17:30 Meter/Type: 54161089765 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000626355186 Supplier Ref: 000626355186 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00516597 Total Value: N1,800.00 Standard: N1,800.00 - 26879907586090396496 Date Sold: 07/02/18 14:42 Meter/Type: 54161089765 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000636562307 Supplier Ref: 000636562307 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00613917 Total Value: N3,200.00 Standard: N3,200.00 - 44508752914778257812 Date Sold: 23/02/18 10:43 Meter/Type: 54161089765 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000638842376 Supplier Ref: 000638842376 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00636421 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 20401877515919055477 Date Sold: 06/04/18 13:17 Meter/Type: 54161089765 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000644899885 Supplier Ref: 000644899885 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00702801 Total Value: N1,800.00 Standard: N1,800.00 - 06478590619990851099 Date Sold: 22/05/18 16:28 Meter/Type: 54161089765 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000651542961 Supplier Ref: 000651542961 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00784546 Total Value: N1,800.00 Standard: N1,800.00 - 15508149626910788394 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/07/18 19:23 Meter/Type: 54161089765 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000657464517 Supplier Ref: 000657464517 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00872198 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 60347237086698988786 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/08/18 14:02 Meter/Type: 54161089765 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 153519843938 Supplier Ref: 153519843938 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01007334 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 11145153950356665302 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/10/18 20:55 Meter/Type: 54161089765 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154039648080 Supplier Ref: 154039648080 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01197198 Total Value: N2,200.00 Standard: N2,200.00 - 35154244030885684901 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/12/18 15:02 Meter/Type: 54161089765 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 714978759602557 Supplier Ref: 714978759602557 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01389381 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 05045769598176645265 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/03/19 10:42 Meter/Type: 54161089765 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 870608817796426 Supplier Ref: 870608817796426 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01939610 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 26863653648506906233 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/04/19 14:13 Meter/Type: 54161089765 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 305894137493445 Supplier Ref: 305894137493445 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02126567 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 30197676097050757796 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/06/19 10:23 Meter/Type: 54161089765 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191720923447 Supplier Ref: 191720923447 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02535590 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 13261182899714939571 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/08/19 18:42 Meter/Type: 54161089765 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192381742134 Supplier Ref: 192381742134 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02862043 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 39760399993347554946 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/01/20 14:49 Meter/Type: 54161089765 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200051352402 Supplier Ref: 200051352402 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03714198 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 51462323242124618476 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/05/20 11:37 Meter/Type: 54161089765 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201281137272 Supplier Ref: 201281137272 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04726809 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 02965901534876512479 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 282020-07-01 sunnyochekwu@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013896ClosedVending History2020-07-010101160349219 Pls we need VH for the above MSN. Good mroningMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-01NoHello, Find below as requested. Date Sold: 09/02/18 15:44 Meter/Type: 0101160349219 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 804015448613 Supplier Ref: 804015448613 Receipt: PagT13EMDB00617686 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,203.45 - 00850762316071350178 Debt: -N203.45 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 10/02/18 06:57 Meter/Type: 0101160349219 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 804106578678 Supplier Ref: 804106578678 Receipt: PagT13EMDB00618036 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 58257399600732770312 Date Sold: 01/03/18 07:46 Meter/Type: 0101160349219 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 806007460143 Supplier Ref: 806007460143 Receipt: PagT13EMDB00645203 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N12,000.00 - 25749823344470902821 Date Sold: 18/03/18 21:04 Meter/Type: 0101160349219 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 807721041798 Supplier Ref: 807721041798 Receipt: PagT13EMDB00673770 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 56500844082240985941 Date Sold: 27/03/18 22:04 Meter/Type: 0101160349219 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 808621042389 Supplier Ref: 808621042389 Receipt: PagT13EMDB00686539 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 57971600106269584546 Date Sold: 28/04/18 23:49 Meter/Type: 0101160349219 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 180428246396 Supplier Ref: 180428246396 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB00739420 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 25487394060892152361 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/05/18 13:30 Meter/Type: 0101160349219 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 812512301195 Supplier Ref: 812512301195 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00752349 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 68176084044494066871 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/05/18 13:10 Meter/Type: 0101160349219 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 678146438331257 Supplier Ref: 678146438331257 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00761055 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 32125064348875360222 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/05/18 13:34 Meter/Type: 0101160349219 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 120376049592956 Supplier Ref: 120376049592956 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00772253 Total Value: N2,800.00 Standard: N2,800.00 - 29465797347223613019 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/05/18 17:24 Meter/Type: 0101160349219 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000651404534 Supplier Ref: 000651404534 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00782502 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 20574827541877567522 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/05/18 12:02 Meter/Type: 0101160349219 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 814811021391 Supplier Ref: 814811021391 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00794830 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N15,000.00 - 01579858205602101990 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/06/18 23:26 Meter/Type: 0101160349219 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 180628483276 Supplier Ref: 180628483276 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB00862695 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 25498217177721316545 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/07/18 19:14 Meter/Type: 0101160349219 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 180707834937 Supplier Ref: 180707834937 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB00885806 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 73593286926284905489 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/07/18 10:43 Meter/Type: 0101160349219 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 180716216213 Supplier Ref: 180716216213 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB00902739 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N15,000.00 - 28014436285193070517 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/08/18 20:58 Meter/Type: 0101160349219 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 180815827682 Supplier Ref: 180815827682 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB00979975 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N15,000.00 - 06729039101850830273 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/09/18 14:10 Meter/Type: 0101160349219 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 180912519365 Supplier Ref: 180912519365 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB01060620 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N15,000.00 - 50335595660688633524 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/10/18 19:22 Meter/Type: 0101160349219 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 181011256332 Supplier Ref: 181011256332 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB01153405 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 09961840712261581392 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/10/18 19:06 Meter/Type: 0101160349219 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154031771620 Supplier Ref: 154031771620 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01193636 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 50488715902783176863 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/11/18 16:16 Meter/Type: 0101160349219 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000675163732 Supplier Ref: 000675163732 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01230386 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 43371804000077661834 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/11/18 09:51 Meter/Type: 0101160349219 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183110951400 Supplier Ref: 183110951400 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01246523 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 00786969296180407377 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/11/18 15:07 Meter/Type: 0101160349219 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154159954957 Supplier Ref: 154159954957 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01248047 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 52014227407831682926 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/11/18 14:36 Meter/Type: 0101160349219 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154332568315 Supplier Ref: 154332568315 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01313542 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N15,000.00 - 23888212362157586092 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/12/18 12:03 Meter/Type: 0101160349219 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154519586074 Supplier Ref: 154519586074 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01414187 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N15,000.00 - 36940172463665242046 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/01/19 13:02 Meter/Type: 0101160349219 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154685878424 Supplier Ref: 154685878424 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01530186 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 16903142102621421274 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/01/19 21:29 Meter/Type: 0101160349219 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154758050087 Supplier Ref: 154758050087 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01590580 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 29801654024725347463 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/01/19 15:19 Meter/Type: 0101160349219 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154790387178 Supplier Ref: 154790387178 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01619963 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 20495309006611562014 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/01/19 22:08 Meter/Type: 0101160349219 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154836045362 Supplier Ref: 154836045362 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01658234 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 24774670538891780091 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/02/19 16:29 Meter/Type: 0101160349219 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190321529353 Supplier Ref: 190321529353 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01726763 Total Value: N14,000.00 Standard: N14,000.00 - 06061338028744222834 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/02/19 14:41 Meter/Type: 0101160349219 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155109835389 Supplier Ref: 155109835389 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01899419 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N15,000.00 - 45297302626804403909 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/03/19 09:38 Meter/Type: 0101160349219 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155367219325 Supplier Ref: 155367219325 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02075772 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N15,000.00 - 35602313722734729789 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/04/19 12:36 Meter/Type: 0101160349219 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155515178006 Supplier Ref: 155515178006 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02177180 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N15,000.00 - 16297442635599779517 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/04/19 14:46 Meter/Type: 0101160349219 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155654193406 Supplier Ref: 155654193406 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02262708 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N15,000.00 - 18140852861947073700 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/05/19 13:30 Meter/Type: 0101160349219 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155895633060 Supplier Ref: 155895633060 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02403219 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N15,000.00 - 11794317285365879077 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/06/19 21:31 Meter/Type: 0101160349219 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156079952740 Supplier Ref: 156079952740 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02519810 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N15,000.00 - 61131382479432212059 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/07/19 22:39 Meter/Type: 0101160349219 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156270465825 Supplier Ref: 156270465825 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02626324 Total Value: N9,000.00 Standard: N9,000.00 - 14793035230249705759 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/07/19 13:16 Meter/Type: 0101160349219 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156379398139 Supplier Ref: 156379398139 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02683638 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N15,000.00 - 28258123739649391638 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/08/19 03:52 Meter/Type: 0101160349219 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156566113573 Supplier Ref: 156566113573 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02796114 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N15,000.00 - 65783135686695317428 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/09/19 21:24 Meter/Type: 0101160349219 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156745224846 Supplier Ref: 156745224846 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02899625 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N15,000.00 - 56167594498793918267 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/10/19 17:14 Meter/Type: 0101160349219 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157011569422 Supplier Ref: 157011569422 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03070033 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N15,000.00 - 60243039369771546218 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/11/19 19:59 Meter/Type: 0101160349219 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157280405548 Supplier Ref: 157280405548 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03244359 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N15,000.00 - 21919675329439663977 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/12/19 14:56 Meter/Type: 0101160349219 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157520503584 Supplier Ref: 157520503584 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03432784 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 32927656621286996642 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/12/19 20:02 Meter/Type: 0101160349219 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157703785679 Supplier Ref: 157703785679 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03598573 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 05508974658054160636 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/12/19 10:40 Meter/Type: 0101160349219 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157769510425 Supplier Ref: 157769510425 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03664362 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 67456180224195342972 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/01/20 20:31 Meter/Type: 0101160349219 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157997725523 Supplier Ref: 157997725523 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03886067 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 01820877831469935458 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/01/20 22:11 Meter/Type: 0101160349219 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158032857755 Supplier Ref: 158032857755 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03921597 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N15,000.00 - 21283747420495871811 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/02/20 23:03 Meter/Type: 0101160349219 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158213742319 Supplier Ref: 158213742319 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04118561 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 63977355312266402192 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/02/20 08:52 Meter/Type: 0101160349219 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158269985439 Supplier Ref: 158269985439 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04177495 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 71394594846483864142 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/03/20 11:34 Meter/Type: 0101160349219 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158305523155 Supplier Ref: 158305523155 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04228358 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 73255812660006939641 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/03/20 10:58 Meter/Type: 0101160349219 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200870957517 Supplier Ref: 200870957517 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04435605 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 00178117201925005270 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/04/20 20:52 Meter/Type: 0101160349219 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201122053004 Supplier Ref: 201122053004 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04623972 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N15,000.00 - 54355963293406113120 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/05/20 17:18 Meter/Type: 0101160349219 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201441719036 Supplier Ref: 201441719036 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04836500 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 51155781474187695523 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/06/20 11:54 Meter/Type: 0101160349219 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201591154312 Supplier Ref: 201591154312 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04937881 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 14970331565154370795 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/06/20 14:02 Meter/Type: 0101160349219 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201791402080 Supplier Ref: 201791402080 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05076028 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 08328089564235560061 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/06/20 22:09 Meter/Type: 0101160349219 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201822209243 Supplier Ref: 201822209243 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05105751 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 44959493149153758916 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/06/20 22:26 Meter/Type: 0101160349219 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201822226146 Supplier Ref: 201822226146 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05105874 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 18844034956771199571 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 922020-07-01 stynlucs@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013895In ProgressKCT Request2020-07-01REQUEST FOR KCT 010117045460MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-01No0000-00-00 longpuan@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013894In ProgressTamper Code2020-07-01Good Morning Sir kindly help and assist on the above TEMPER CODE request. 01072020 Best Regards. CCRM GOMBEMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-01No0000-00-00 glawal1184@yahoo.com Anas Abubakar
#00013893In ProgressTamper Code2020-07-01Tamper 0101185057706 and 0101185059728 Dear IT Support, Please help us generate CT for request made below. Thanks.MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-01No0000-00-00 bittygargadi@hotmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013892In ProgressKCT Request2020-07-01Request for kct in respect of this account 0101160352973Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-01No0000-00-00 benjamin.titus@jedplc.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013891In ProgressRequest2020-07-01Dear Support, Kindly assist us with the outstanding debt on this meter 54161085318. Best WishesMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-01No0000-00-00 jeivemandco@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013890In ProgressTamper Code2020-07-01Morning Support, Kindly generated this tamper. Thank youMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-01No0000-00-00 auwal.aliyu@jedplc.com Anas Abubakar
#00013889In ProgressVending History2020-07-01REQUEST FOR UNISTAR VH - 63.0101.0013.1796 - 61/21/03/5592-01Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-01No0000-00-00 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013888In ProgressTamper Code2020-07-01Dear IT Support, The meter below have been verified; please generate the Clear Tamper Code. 0101170276857MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-01No0000-00-00 bittygargadi@hotmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013887ClosedRequest2020-07-01Kindly assist me with the debt balance of this meter 0101170267708.MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-01NoHello, Find below as requested, KCT2020-07-01 abbaslawal360@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013886In ProgressTamper Code2020-07-01Hello JED IT Support, Kindly generate CT for MSN: 0101170276857. Thank you.MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-01No0000-00-00 anersirleh@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013885In ProgressVending History2020-07-01Good morning ICT team, kindly assist the above please. REQUEST FOR UNISTAR VH - 61.0101.0011.1260 61/12/12/0686-0Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-01No0000-00-00 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013884In ProgressRequest2020-07-01Please Ict kindly assist me with this meter number 0101170247494 original balance running balance and collection value thanks.MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-01No0000-00-00 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013883In ProgressKCT Request2020-07-01Good morning Support, Kindly generate KCT for this Meters. Thanks youMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-07-01No0000-00-00 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013882Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013881In ProgressRequest2020-07-01Kindly assist me with the debt balance of this meter 0101170267708Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-01No0000-00-00 abbaslawal360@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013880In ProgressVending History2020-07-01Dear Support, Kindly provide VH for 54161089765. Thank YouMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-01No0000-00-00 sunnyochekwu@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013879In ProgressVending History2020-06-30Pls we need VH for the above MSN. 0101160349219 Good mroningMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30No0000-00-00 stynlucs@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013878ClosedTamper Code2020-06-30kindly help and assist on the above 2NO TEMPER CODE request. Best Regards. CCRM GOMBEMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-06-30NoHello, Find below as requested, 0101170112979 7322 4274 3036 0696 0924Clear Tamper 0101178020190 1327 1783 1863 6020 0915Clear Tamper Regards2020-06-30 glawal1184@yahoo.com Anas Abubakar
#00013877Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013876Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013875Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013874Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013873In ProgressKCT Request2020-06-30REQUEST FOR KCT 0101170372144MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-06-30No0000-00-00 longpuan@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013872In ProgressKCT Request2020-06-30Please kindly assist with key change for MSN. 0101190014494 ThanksMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-06-30No0000-00-00 faayu472003@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013871In ProgressVending History2020-06-30Dear IT Support, Kindly generate the VH for the meter number 0101161029877 regardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30No0000-00-00 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013870Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013869ClosedKCT Request2020-06-30Hello Kindly generate KCT this customer with msn 54161156861 to enable him vend Thank you.Medium 2020-06-30NoFind below MSN: 54161156861 2919 9586 7232 6571 3711 1828 0091 0182 0147 71972020-06-30 mwuladi@yahoo.com
#00013868In ProgressRequest2020-06-30Hello Kindly assist with debt profile of these msn 0101170381137 0101170381053 0101170379479 0101170200881 Thank you.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30No0000-00-00 mwuladi@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013867ClosedVending History2020-06-30Dear IT team Kindly avail us with full Vending History for this MSN 0101160059594 for investigation porpuse please. Thanks for Understanding. Best RegardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30NoFind below. Date Sold: 01/02/19 18:22 Meter/Type: 0101160059594 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154903817264 Supplier Ref: 154903817264 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01728179 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 29521866594362304521 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 132020-06-30 glawal1184@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013866In ProgressKCT Request2020-06-30KCT Kind find below 0101170394601MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-06-30No0000-00-00 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013865ClosedRequest2020-06-30Request for capturing information of this meter 0101170266254. Good dayMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30NoFind below. Date Sold: 11/05/18 12:13 Meter/Type: 0101170266254 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000649933449 Supplier Ref: 000649933449 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00762635 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 49397445944080320672 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/03/19 10:52 Meter/Type: 0101170266254 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190650952393 Supplier Ref: 190650952393 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01968935 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 22636925068418851978 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/04/19 16:13 Meter/Type: 0101170266254 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191131513435 Supplier Ref: 191131513435 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02229346 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 23149744897363559650 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/05/19 20:15 Meter/Type: 0101170266254 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191491915292 Supplier Ref: 191491915292 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02416902 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 09486362439630144471 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/07/19 18:02 Meter/Type: 0101170266254 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156260175541 Supplier Ref: 156260175541 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02618777 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 41208946771596405054 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/10/19 17:54 Meter/Type: 0101170266254 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157089570385 Supplier Ref: 157089570385 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03118497 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 46283539299810869591 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/10/19 12:40 Meter/Type: 0101170266254 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192901141386 Supplier Ref: 192901141386 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03142914 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 33810682639151169011 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/01/20 10:25 Meter/Type: 0101170266254 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200240928596 Supplier Ref: 200240928596 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03870943 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 43328112135330866692 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/04/20 17:44 Meter/Type: 0101170266254 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201161744546 Supplier Ref: 201161744546 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04659323 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 15401403609746170650 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/04/20 04:26 Meter/Type: 0101170266254 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201170426133 Supplier Ref: 201170426133 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04661302 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 15109307538614803762 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 132020-06-30 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013864ClosedVending History2020-06-30Dear IT Support, Kindly generate the VH for the meter number 0101161029877 regardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30NoFind below. Top of Form Date Sold: 09/05/18 21:36 Meter/Type: 0101161029877 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 812920361633 Supplier Ref: 812920361633 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00760474 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 60946531863611124655 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/06/18 21:58 Meter/Type: 0101161029877 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 815320581474 Supplier Ref: 815320581474 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00809192 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 57768765107218862231 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/06/18 20:51 Meter/Type: 0101161029877 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 817019501122 Supplier Ref: 817019501122 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00842956 Total Value: N10.00 Standard: N10.00 - 49942832130169049873 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/06/18 21:02 Meter/Type: 0101161029877 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 817020021126 Supplier Ref: 817020021126 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00842966 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 71519831933698680266 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/06/18 17:46 Meter/Type: 0101161029877 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 818116461672 Supplier Ref: 818116461672 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00867810 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 25833090832131433244 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/08/18 13:57 Meter/Type: 0101161029877 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 823812561027 Supplier Ref: 823812561027 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01008823 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 06488364691521759397 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/01/20 16:22 Meter/Type: 0101161029877 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200161526057 Supplier Ref: 200161526057 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03809521 Total Value: N11,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 59782162097324344726 Debt: N10,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/04/20 16:32 Meter/Type: 0101161029877 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201011531554 Supplier Ref: 201011531554 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04551048 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 27938464103318199529 Debt: N6,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/04/20 20:47 Meter/Type: 0101161029877 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201102047490 Supplier Ref: 201102047490 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04610838 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 08745030812089425123 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/06/20 09:38 Meter/Type: 0101161029877 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201550938260 Supplier Ref: 201550938260 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04908410 Total Value: N4,200.00 Standard: N1,499.86 - 29626816568321705805 Debt: N2,700.14 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/06/20 18:06 Meter/Type: 0101161029877 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201741806162 Supplier Ref: 201741806162 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05037253 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 40568965799684418643 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 20 Bottom of Form2020-06-30 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013863In ProgressKCT Request2020-06-30Pls we need another KCT for the above meter - 0101185052863MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-06-30No0000-00-00 stynlucs@yahoo.com Anas Abubakar
#00013862In ProgressRequest2020-06-30Please kindly assist with debt details for MSN. 0101170131656 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30No0000-00-00 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013861In ProgressKCT Request2020-06-30REQUEST FOR KCT 0101170372144MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-06-30No0000-00-00 longpuan@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013860In ProgressKCT Request2020-06-30Please kindly assist with key change for MSN. 0101190014494 ThanksMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-06-30No0000-00-00 faayu472003@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013859In ProgressVending History2020-06-30Dear IT Support, Kindly generate the VH for the meter number 0101161029877 regardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30No0000-00-00 dauda.yusuf@jedplc.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013858In ProgressKCT Request2020-06-30Hello Kindly generate KCT this customer with msn 54161156861 to enable him vend Thank you.MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-06-30No0000-00-00 mwuladi@yahoo.com Anas Abubakar
#00013857In ProgressRequest2020-06-30Request for capturing information of this meter 0101170266254.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30No0000-00-00 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013856ClosedRequest2020-06-30Please kindly assist with debt details for MSN. 1. 0101170296020 2. 0101150161103 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30NoFind below. 1. 0101170296020 Meter Serial Number: 0101170296020 Contract Account Number: 627212 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170296020 Start Date: 3/1/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $7,760.18 Outstanding Balance: $7,760.18 Running Balance: $7,760.18 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record 2. 0101150161103 Meter Serial Number: 0101150161103 Contract Account Number: 612969 Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 612969 Start Date: 9/17/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $19,243.70 Outstanding Balance: $7,243.70 Running Balance: $7,243.70 Note: Outstanding Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 3/13/2020 5:00:10 PM2020-06-30 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013855Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013854Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013853In ProgressRequest2020-06-30Please kindly assist with debt details for MSN. 1. 0101170296020 2. 0101150161103 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30No0000-00-00 Zainab Mujtaba
#00013852ClosedVending History2020-06-30: REQUEST FOR VH -54161043457 PLEASE TREAT AS URGENTMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30NoFind below. Top of Form Date Sold: 10/04/17 14:12 Meter/Type: 54161043457 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/fuzomba Token Ref: 710014120369 Supplier Ref: 710014120369 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00212382 Total Value: N31,300.50 Standard: N31,300.50 - 43286701594517967768 Date Sold: 16/05/17 08:39 Meter/Type: 54161043457 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 713608390058 Supplier Ref: 713608390058 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00255580 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 42791895661956380019 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 30/06/17 10:44 Meter/Type: 54161043457 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/fuzomba Token Ref: 718110440172 Supplier Ref: 718110440172 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00314128 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 49047028072812167183 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 09/10/18 11:35 Meter/Type: 54161043457 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000671679933 Supplier Ref: 000671679933 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01144079 Total Value: N25,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 04176874102518903249 Debt: N20,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/02/19 10:55 Meter/Type: 54161043457 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190350955372 Supplier Ref: 190350955372 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01742762 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N2,999.00 - 43342814555617097349 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/03/19 11:58 Meter/Type: 54161043457 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190781058228 Supplier Ref: 190781058228 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02037519 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N2,999.00 - 32307044260719694760 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/05/19 11:36 Meter/Type: 54161043457 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191271036240 Supplier Ref: 191271036240 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02310730 Total Value: N14,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 26303074405442267406 Debt: N10,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/06/19 15:51 Meter/Type: 54161043457 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191611451515 Supplier Ref: 191611451515 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02483432 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 09623874081741276183 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/07/19 12:34 Meter/Type: 54161043457 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192121134255 Supplier Ref: 192121134255 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02729974 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 28945509532178301127 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/08/19 15:00 Meter/Type: 54161043457 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192421400368 Supplier Ref: 192421400368 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02883017 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 53321101531919693417 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/09/19 11:45 Meter/Type: 54161043457 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192731046366 Supplier Ref: 192731046366 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03047091 Total Value: N7,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 08358176948835511063 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/10/19 11:57 Meter/Type: 54161043457 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193021059034 Supplier Ref: 193021059034 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03207902 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 57550998861205026957 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/11/19 12:34 Meter/Type: 54161043457 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193341136456 Supplier Ref: 193341136456 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03423224 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 50126421545578776702 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/12/19 10:59 Meter/Type: 54161043457 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193651002557 Supplier Ref: 193651002557 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03676386 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 30893451512204508608 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/02/20 11:09 Meter/Type: 54161043457 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158167134425 Supplier Ref: 158167134425 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04066194 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 20699696483253862200 Debt: N10,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/03/20 15:15 Meter/Type: 54161043457 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200701415402 Supplier Ref: 200701415402 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04327769 Total Value: N6,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 61472834179646015075 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/03/20 10:22 Meter/Type: 54161043457 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200880922218 Supplier Ref: 200880922218 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04444268 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 09065362659178830838 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/03/20 13:40 Meter/Type: 54161043457 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200911239502 Supplier Ref: 200911239502 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04470060 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 06038559313191671711 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/04/20 10:22 Meter/Type: 54161043457 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201211022310 Supplier Ref: 201211022310 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04685830 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 44382430616626185181 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/05/20 14:54 Meter/Type: 54161043457 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201511454328 Supplier Ref: 201511454328 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04885041 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 54477691317114745461 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/06/20 13:45 Meter/Type: 54161043457 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201821345296 Supplier Ref: 201821345296 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05099430 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 08100769538117146182 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 23 Bottom of Form2020-06-30 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013851ClosedKCT Request2020-06-30KCT Find below 0101190016762MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-06-30NoFind below. 0101190016762 KCT 1:0587 9613 6103 6996 9615 KCT 2: 4360 4500 9905 4069 04732020-06-30 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013850In ProgressVending History2020-06-30REQUEST FOR VH -54161043457Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30No0000-00-00 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013849Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013848Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013847ClosedRequest2020-06-30: 54160883853 Hello kindly assist with debt profile of above meter serial numberMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30NoFind below Meter Serial Number: 54160883853 Contract Account Number: 6114172352-01 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 6114172352-01 Start Date: 2/7/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $164,105.50 Outstanding Balance: $161,105.50 Running Balance: $161,105.50 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,000.00 Latest Payment: 2/15/2020 12:44:26 PM2020-06-30 phartiemah12@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013846ClosedRequest2020-06-30Please kindly assist with debt details for MSN. 0101170265918 Thanks Best RegardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30NoFind below. Meter Serial Number: 0101170265918 Contract Account Number: 618191 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 618191 Start Date: 5/29/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $9,994.66 Outstanding Balance: $9,994.66 Running Balance: $9,994.66 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-06-30 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013845In ProgressKCT Request2020-06-30KCT Find below 0101190016762MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-06-30No0000-00-00 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013844Closed2020-06-30Please send the total outstanding and vending history :0101160355901Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30NoFind below. Date Sold: 11/09/17 08:40 Meter/Type: 0101160355901 Retailer/Operator: JEDYELWA/djoshua Token Ref: 725408400018 Supplier Ref: 725408400018 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00407329 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 35259351309760797989 Date Sold: 25/09/17 09:11 Meter/Type: 0101160355901 Retailer/Operator: JEDYELWA/djoshua Token Ref: 726809110056 Supplier Ref: 726809110056 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00424564 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 47372002820546518993 Date Sold: 02/10/17 11:33 Meter/Type: 0101160355901 Retailer/Operator: JEDYELWA/djoshua Token Ref: 727511330065 Supplier Ref: 727511330065 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00434258 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 39715130151717600977 Date Sold: 06/10/17 15:06 Meter/Type: 0101160355901 Retailer/Operator: JEDYELWA/stama Token Ref: 727915060181 Supplier Ref: 727915060181 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00442682 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 33393882336545417596 Date Sold: 11/10/17 12:30 Meter/Type: 0101160355901 Retailer/Operator: JEDYELWA/djoshua Token Ref: 728412310011 Supplier Ref: 728412310011 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00448870 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 16278667019600164235 Date Sold: 16/10/17 11:08 Meter/Type: 0101160355901 Retailer/Operator: JEDYELWA/djoshua Token Ref: 728911080029 Supplier Ref: 728911080029 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00454661 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 49682848455783815623 Date Sold: 20/10/17 11:46 Meter/Type: 0101160355901 Retailer/Operator: JEDYELWA/djoshua Token Ref: 729311460054 Supplier Ref: 729311460054 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00460655 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 51353828290133041134 Date Sold: 30/10/17 13:03 Meter/Type: 0101160355901 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000622152407 Supplier Ref: 000622152407 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00474056 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 30509460428081366193 Date Sold: 10/11/17 14:05 Meter/Type: 0101160355901 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000623742650 Supplier Ref: 000623742650 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00492263 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 10838539147711819959 Date Sold: 25/11/17 17:24 Meter/Type: 0101160355901 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000625922480 Supplier Ref: 000625922480 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00512659 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 25670468567640497667 Date Sold: 11/12/17 15:43 Meter/Type: 0101160355901 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000628216345 Supplier Ref: 000628216345 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00535310 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 46237638671973562162 Date Sold: 20/12/17 13:37 Meter/Type: 0101160355901 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 735413370137 Supplier Ref: 735413370137 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00548376 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 31951010067987584414 Date Sold: 27/12/17 16:19 Meter/Type: 0101160355901 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000630524004 Supplier Ref: 000630524004 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00559257 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 62417214751944360072 Date Sold: 23/01/18 09:54 Meter/Type: 0101160355901 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 266167078986336 Supplier Ref: 266167078986336 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00591305 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 24220852585246067924 Date Sold: 12/02/18 22:41 Meter/Type: 0101160355901 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000637330293 Supplier Ref: 000637330293 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00621501 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 38691402299984012489 Date Sold: 23/02/18 20:44 Meter/Type: 0101160355901 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000638902509 Supplier Ref: 000638902509 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00637565 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N15,000.00 - 57626642570856761538 Date Sold: 03/03/18 14:03 Meter/Type: 0101160355901 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000640014384 Supplier Ref: 000640014384 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00650371 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 40548613942504993141 Date Sold: 14/03/18 21:06 Meter/Type: 0101160355901 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000641640643 Supplier Ref: 000641640643 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00668389 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 69500200027709625553 Date Sold: 10/04/18 16:23 Meter/Type: 0101160355901 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000645494345 Supplier Ref: 000645494345 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00709608 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 55468329435092694847 Date Sold: 27/04/18 20:10 Meter/Type: 0101160355901 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000647965192 Supplier Ref: 000647965192 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00737564 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 12479049196675212163 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/05/18 12:53 Meter/Type: 0101160355901 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000649649411 Supplier Ref: 000649649411 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00759354 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 23821064920777977111 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/05/18 01:13 Meter/Type: 0101160355901 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000651451489 Supplier Ref: 000651451489 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00782974 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 62472484961103062698 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/05/18 13:40 Meter/Type: 0101160355901 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000652678193 Supplier Ref: 000652678193 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00799938 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 35508871051676408337 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/06/18 00:05 Meter/Type: 0101160355901 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000654468692 Supplier Ref: 000654468692 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00827563 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 19091743331705230342 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/07/18 20:17 Meter/Type: 0101160355901 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000657901928 Supplier Ref: 000657901928 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00881008 Total Value: N17,000.00 Standard: N17,000.00 - 08272508923976850950 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/07/18 01:08 Meter/Type: 0101160355901 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000659659081 Supplier Ref: 000659659081 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00907469 Total Value: N19,000.00 Standard: N19,000.00 - 66917552758494655630 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/07/18 23:53 Meter/Type: 0101160355901 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000661523540 Supplier Ref: 000661523540 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00937262 Total Value: N19,000.00 Standard: N19,000.00 - 68283276880038829711 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/08/18 17:36 Meter/Type: 0101160355901 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000664509915 Supplier Ref: 000664509915 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00993446 Total Value: N19,000.00 Standard: N19,000.00 - 17117614786782217088 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/08/18 22:09 Meter/Type: 0101160355901 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000665689114 Supplier Ref: 000665689114 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01016990 Total Value: N17,000.00 Standard: N17,000.00 - 33704814133794736865 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/09/18 22:29 Meter/Type: 0101160355901 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000668865240 Supplier Ref: 000668865240 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01082811 Total Value: N17,000.00 Standard: N16,999.00 - 28643720884814009826 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/10/18 22:40 Meter/Type: 0101160355901 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000671458333 Supplier Ref: 000671458333 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01138084 Total Value: N17,000.00 Standard: N16,999.00 - 03023903619787876325 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/10/18 22:18 Meter/Type: 0101160355901 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000673040154 Supplier Ref: 000673040154 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01177364 Total Value: N19,000.00 Standard: N18,999.00 - 25644014132721634063 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/10/18 18:52 Meter/Type: 0101160355901 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000674459263 Supplier Ref: 000674459263 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01209491 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N19,999.00 - 30673945399449580154 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/11/18 00:01 Meter/Type: 0101160355901 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000676218223 Supplier Ref: 000676218223 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01256530 Total Value: N40,000.00 Standard: N39,999.00 - 47608975995601872339 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/12/18 16:00 Meter/Type: 0101160355901 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 525519044767839 Supplier Ref: 525519044767839 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01354685 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N19,999.00 - 48660130519044492712 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/12/18 12:55 Meter/Type: 0101160355901 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154556254602 Supplier Ref: 154556254602 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01442260 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N14,999.00 - 51150817644149325773 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/01/19 21:27 Meter/Type: 0101160355901 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154645729021 Supplier Ref: 154645729021 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01508195 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N19,999.00 - 52781124678868496799 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/01/19 20:01 Meter/Type: 0101160355901 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154800730750 Supplier Ref: 154800730750 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01622791 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N19,999.00 - 64142959462533581538 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/01/19 19:34 Meter/Type: 0101160355901 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154878328336 Supplier Ref: 154878328336 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01697908 Total Value: N18,000.00 Standard: N17,999.00 - 41388825776023867697 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/02/19 20:49 Meter/Type: 0101160355901 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154930615649 Supplier Ref: 154930615649 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01751722 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N19,999.00 - 26173972983128799451 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/02/19 19:45 Meter/Type: 0101160355901 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155016631334 Supplier Ref: 155016631334 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01828110 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N19,999.00 - 54502487073865847602 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/02/19 13:03 Meter/Type: 0101160355901 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155083342154 Supplier Ref: 155083342154 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01881778 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N19,999.00 - 64644450708126772461 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/03/19 14:06 Meter/Type: 0101160355901 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155161477197 Supplier Ref: 155161477197 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01946393 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N19,999.00 - 30556511388942566494 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/03/19 16:31 Meter/Type: 0101160355901 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155231471664 Supplier Ref: 155231471664 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01999039 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 21400208944602051231 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/03/19 21:37 Meter/Type: 0101160355901 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155319703489 Supplier Ref: 155319703489 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02051135 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 12397665162242986068 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/03/19 21:50 Meter/Type: 0101160355901 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155380264592 Supplier Ref: 155380264592 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02085832 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 02349607747914272120 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/04/19 14:05 Meter/Type: 0101160355901 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155429310403 Supplier Ref: 155429310403 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02119885 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 21651126663453919724 Debt: N10,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/04/19 12:24 Meter/Type: 0101160355901 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155463268449 Supplier Ref: 155463268449 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02142806 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 57907687009395335892 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/04/19 21:18 Meter/Type: 0101160355901 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155561509789 Supplier Ref: 155561509789 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02206810 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 40529826122479897558 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/04/19 20:51 Meter/Type: 0101160355901 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155647751698 Supplier Ref: 155647751698 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02257651 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 10451890178392654700 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/05/19 21:38 Meter/Type: 0101160355901 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191322039015 Supplier Ref: 191322039015 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02332036 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 11500835181042265785 Debt: N10,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/05/19 18:05 Meter/Type: 0101160355901 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155836831629 Supplier Ref: 155836831629 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02370681 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 04322159869546698423 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 82 Meter Serial Number: 0101160355901 Contract Account Number: 6312581781-01 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING BALANCE Reference Number: 0101160355901 Start Date: 9/13/2018 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $115,616.23 Outstanding Balance: $45,402.23 Running Balance: $45,402.23 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $10,000.00 Latest Payment: 5/12/2019 8:38:48 PM2020-06-30 mahmudwaziri@hotmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013843ClosedVending History2020-06-30: Request for vending history of this account 54160876493 Good dayMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30NoPlease find below. Top of Form Date Sold: 04/04/17 15:12 Meter/Type: 54160876493 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 709415120106 Supplier Ref: 709415120106 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00205074 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N5,778.68 - 28431061925499561560 Debt: -N3,778.68 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 07/11/18 14:57 Meter/Type: 54160876493 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000675875835 Supplier Ref: 000675875835 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01247988 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 58328329023303191633 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/04/19 16:03 Meter/Type: 54160876493 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 645848283945027 Supplier Ref: 645848283945027 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02161296 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 11274915533256762999 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/05/20 16:44 Meter/Type: 54160876493 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201221644056 Supplier Ref: 201221644056 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04695131 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 33249028677160026786 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 4 Bottom of Form2020-06-30 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013842In ProgressRequest2020-06-3054160883853 Hello kindly assist with debt profile of above meter serial numberMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30No0000-00-00 phartiemah12@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013841Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013840Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013839In ProgressRequest2020-06-30Please kindly assist with debt details for MSN. 0101170265918 Thanks Best RegardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30No0000-00-00 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013838In Progress2020-06-30Please send the total outstanding and vending history :0101160355901Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30No0000-00-00 mahmudwaziri@hotmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013837ClosedKCT Request2020-06-30: KCT Find below 0101165047883MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-06-30NoFind below. MSN: 0101165047883 7255 6807 4650 9741 9033 4256 6752 4667 5960 35902020-06-30 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013836In ProgressVending History2020-06-30Request for vending history of this account 54160876493Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30No0000-00-00 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013835In ProgressKCT Request2020-06-30Find below 0101165047883MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-06-30No0000-00-00 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013834ClosedRequest2020-06-3054160986946, 0101170318014, 0101170432302 Hello, kindly assist with debt profile of above meter serial numbersMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30NoPLEASE FIND BELOW. 54160986946 Meter Serial Number: 54160986946 Contract Account Number: 6151931010-01 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 6151931010-01 Start Date: 2/13/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $402,998.76 Outstanding Balance: $402,998.76 Running Balance: $402,998.76 Note: Outstanding migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $7,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record 0101170318014 Meter Serial Number: 0101170318014 Contract Account Number: 556690 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 556690 Start Date: 3/3/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $81,928.58 Outstanding Balance: $35,928.58 Running Balance: $35,928.58 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/29/2020 12:17:01 PM 0101170432302 Meter Serial Number: 0101170432302 Contract Account Number: 653122 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 653122 Start Date: 2/20/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $10,044.22 Outstanding Balance: $0.00 Running Balance: $0.00 Note: Outstanding migrated from the JCS Status: Paid off Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/30/2020 1:41:47 PM2020-06-30 phartiemah12@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013833ClosedKCT Request2020-06-30Kindly provide the above mentioned 0101190016762MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-06-30NoFind below. MSN: 0101190016762 KCT 1: 0587 9613 6103 6996 9615 KCT 2: 4360 4500 9905 4069 04732020-06-30 auwalmashall6@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013832Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013831ClosedRequest2020-06-30: REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101170368969Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30NoFind below. Meter Serial Number: 0101170368969 Contract Account Number: 622391 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170368969 Start Date: 3/10/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $15,768.51 Outstanding Balance: $9,768.51 Running Balance: $9,768.51 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 5/4/2020 2:28:14 PM2020-06-30 naomi.tegwi@jedplc.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013830ClosedVending History2020-06-30Dear Support, Kindly provide VH for 54161086043 Thank YouMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30NoFind below. Date Sold: 23/10/18 13:10 Meter/Type: 54161086043 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000673705082 Supplier Ref: 000673705082 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01191800 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 57566895076848940993 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/10/18 08:58 Meter/Type: 54161086043 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000673823870 Supplier Ref: 000673823870 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01194478 Total Value: N5,500.00 Standard: N5,500.00 - 64330401801785169158 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 32020-06-30 sunnyochekwu@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013829ClosedRequest2020-06-30REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 0101170307058Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30NoPlease find below. Meter Serial Number: 0101170307058 Contract Account Number: 641128 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170307058 Start Date: 1/20/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $15,633.74 Outstanding Balance: $5,633.74 Running Balance: $5,633.74 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 5/2/2020 2:11:37 PM2020-06-30 longpuan@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013828ClosedKCT Request2020-06-30Hello, kindly generate KCT for MSN: 0101190003521. Best regardsMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-06-30NoFind below. MSN: 0101190003521 KCT 1: 4293 2105 5481 3821 4680 KCT 2: 1953 6691 6955 1249 42402020-06-30 anersirleh@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013827In ProgressTamper Code2020-06-30kindly help and assist on the above 2NO TEMPER CODE request 30062020. Best Regards. CCRM GOMBEMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-06-30No0000-00-00 glawal1184@yahoo.com Anas Abubakar
#00013826In ProgressRequest2020-06-3054160986946, 0101170318014, 0101170432302 Hello, kindly assist with debt profile of above meter serial numbersMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30No0000-00-00 phartiemah12@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013825In ProgressRequest2020-06-30REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101170312678Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30No0000-00-00 naomi.tegwi@jedplc.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013824In ProgressKCT Request2020-06-30Kindly provide the above mentioned 0101190016762MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-06-30No0000-00-00 auwalmashall@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013823ClosedRequest2020-06-30: REQUEST FOR METER NUMBER TIED TO ACCOUNT 617102 Kindly assist with meter informationMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-06-30NoFind below. Name: SAMUEL MAMU Surname: TERLUMUN .B. Meter Serial Number: 0101170394544 Contract Account Number: 6171022020-06-30 Tukur Hamid
#00013822In ProgressRequest2020-06-30REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE - 0101170368969Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30No0000-00-00 naomi.tegwi@jedplc.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013821ClosedRequest2020-06-30: REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 54161099129 & 54160885270 Please treat.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30NoFind below. 54161099129 Meter Serial Number: 54161099129 Contract Account Number: 520853 Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 520853 Start Date: 3/21/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $371,381.63 Outstanding Balance: $371,380.63 Running Balance: $371,380.63 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Per Vend Amount Collection Value: $25,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/30/2020 12:21:17 PM 54160885270 Meter Serial Number: 54160885270 Contract Account Number: 6573231201-01 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 6573231201-01 Start Date: 2/7/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $3,130.05 Outstanding Balance: $0.00 Running Balance: $0.00 Note: none specified Status: Paid off Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,130.05 Latest Payment: 2/14/2020 4:21:21 PM2020-06-30 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013820ClosedVending History2020-06-30Dear support kindly send me the above customer vending history Best regards 54161128027Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30NoFind below. 54161110124 Date Sold: 21/06/18 17:08 Meter/Type: 54161110124 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 102921915949176 Supplier Ref: 102921915949176 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00846990 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 40114797039495355200 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/11/18 13:22 Meter/Type: 54161110124 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000675866334 Supplier Ref: 000675866334 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01247482 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 66243436810300315207 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/12/18 20:47 Meter/Type: 54161110124 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154567725610 Supplier Ref: 154567725610 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01457823 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 63817444289530802797 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/05/19 17:54 Meter/Type: 54161110124 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 913716545672 Supplier Ref: 913716545672 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02357193 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 30490866847961381383 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/08/19 20:20 Meter/Type: 54161110124 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 922319205696 Supplier Ref: 922319205696 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02790668 Total Value: N25,000.00 Standard: N25,000.00 - 15811390164793218763 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/12/19 14:26 Meter/Type: 54161110124 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157675850853 Supplier Ref: 157675850853 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03571896 Total Value: N30,000.00 Standard: N30,000.00 - 28330047161096885695 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/12/19 20:32 Meter/Type: 54161110124 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 936319352474 Supplier Ref: 936319352474 Receipt: PagT13EMDB03661591 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N20,000.00 - 33140472082153059532 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 16 54161123549 Date Sold: 13/03/17 10:06 Meter/Type: 54161123549 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 000220302685 Supplier Ref: 000220302685 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00174735 Total Value: N23,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 63428973873956490513 Debt: N20,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 05/04/17 12:01 Meter/Type: 54161123549 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 002522260100 Supplier Ref: 002522260100 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00206130 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 67092616717529208005 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 05/04/17 12:04 Meter/Type: 54161123549 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 002522280106 Supplier Ref: 002522280106 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00206137 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 57988310925242982574 Date Sold: 17/05/17 12:52 Meter/Type: 54161123549 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 001005455608 Supplier Ref: 001005455608 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00257992 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 32572186809866708199 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 17/05/17 12:54 Meter/Type: 54161123549 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 001005465613 Supplier Ref: 001005465613 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00257996 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 36808368047081531350 Date Sold: 16/06/17 10:00 Meter/Type: 54161123549 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 716709597733 Supplier Ref: 716709597733 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00296502 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 72098781140694702583 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 16/06/17 10:06 Meter/Type: 54161123549 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 716710047737 Supplier Ref: 716710047737 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00296519 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 40197102951749220695 Date Sold: 31/07/17 11:19 Meter/Type: 54161123549 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 721211174651 Supplier Ref: 721211174651 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00353495 Total Value: N9,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 35225708087834792360 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 12/09/17 11:26 Meter/Type: 54161123549 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 725511243132 Supplier Ref: 725511243132 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00409637 Total Value: N9,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 61345704926867144995 Debt: N6,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 30/09/17 11:53 Meter/Type: 54161123549 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 727311510882 Supplier Ref: 727311510882 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00432662 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 39578944358548987290 Date Sold: 21/10/17 13:42 Meter/Type: 54161123549 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/CNICHOLAS Token Ref: 729504483174 Supplier Ref: 729504483174 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00462402 Total Value: N7,500.00 Standard: N4,500.00 - 24001281309381488907 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 14/11/17 10:06 Meter/Type: 54161123549 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 731810061686 Supplier Ref: 731810061686 Receipt: PagT13EMDB00496445 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N1,160.11 - 31843442635063958430 Debt: N2,339.89 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 20/11/17 14:26 Meter/Type: 54161123549 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000625184625 Supplier Ref: 000625184625 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00504817 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 37102452601209197680 Date Sold: 30/11/17 13:55 Meter/Type: 54161123549 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 140595331915629 Supplier Ref: 140595331915629 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00519676 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 20516434173193030793 Date Sold: 30/11/17 13:57 Meter/Type: 54161123549 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 879825508103180 Supplier Ref: 879825508103180 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00519687 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 10087975619996640459 Date Sold: 20/12/17 13:08 Meter/Type: 54161123549 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000629496993 Supplier Ref: 000629496993 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00548289 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 57223416323865760208 Date Sold: 20/12/17 13:11 Meter/Type: 54161123549 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 634912715899806 Supplier Ref: 634912715899806 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00548297 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 66144957612605101831 Date Sold: 30/01/18 14:43 Meter/Type: 54161123549 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000635410366 Supplier Ref: 000635410366 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00601726 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 24517942441630714707 Date Sold: 13/02/18 15:20 Meter/Type: 54161123549 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 540086104511493 Supplier Ref: 540086104511493 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00622711 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 72892400780755704697 Date Sold: 19/02/18 09:14 Meter/Type: 54161123549 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000638257551 Supplier Ref: 000638257551 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00629431 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 32987301290622196055 Date Sold: 23/02/18 14:58 Meter/Type: 54161123549 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 472610369840812 Supplier Ref: 472610369840812 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00637165 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 60611426499395551549 Date Sold: 06/03/18 13:17 Meter/Type: 54161123549 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 488155902386454 Supplier Ref: 488155902386454 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00654613 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 49929824372334655384 Date Sold: 26/04/18 08:57 Meter/Type: 54161123549 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000647753724 Supplier Ref: 000647753724 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00733585 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 04950419466637929241 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/06/18 12:53 Meter/Type: 54161123549 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000655985500 Supplier Ref: 000655985500 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00848583 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 36214806184643000004 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/08/18 10:45 Meter/Type: 54161123549 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 787621999983721 Supplier Ref: 787621999983721 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01010139 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 28055467226178754142 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/11/18 13:47 Meter/Type: 54161123549 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000675724836 Supplier Ref: 000675724836 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01243866 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 58885778682820547729 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/11/18 13:51 Meter/Type: 54161123549 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183101351508 Supplier Ref: 183101351508 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01243889 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 21251509995053057132 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/01/19 11:59 Meter/Type: 54161123549 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190151059372 Supplier Ref: 190151059372 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01584746 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 22294577889573484854 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/02/19 13:14 Meter/Type: 54161123549 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155117971664 Supplier Ref: 155117971664 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01906948 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 59204204003508786897 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/03/19 11:36 Meter/Type: 54161123549 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155298817699 Supplier Ref: 155298817699 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02037411 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 24836779182128800775 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/09/19 09:49 Meter/Type: 54161123549 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156766975182 Supplier Ref: 156766975182 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02912771 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 70584570891194644232 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/09/19 13:31 Meter/Type: 54161123549 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192641232157 Supplier Ref: 192641232157 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03001182 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 59095748092237600065 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/01/20 17:13 Meter/Type: 54161123549 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158013824004 Supplier Ref: 158013824004 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03898208 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 58522736914246775683 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/03/20 15:20 Meter/Type: 54161123549 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200771420368 Supplier Ref: 200771420368 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04365712 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 67927947339024306567 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 43 From: Ogbe Steven [mailto:ogbesteven8@gmail.com] Sent: 30 June, 2020 1:48 PM To: Jed IT Support Subject: Re: Meter no 54161128027 Dear support kindly assist with the following customer Meter no 54161110124, 54161123549 for vending history best regards. On Fri, 8 May 2020, 14:55 Anas Abubakar, wrote: Find below, ________________________________________ Date Sold: 18/07/17 12:34 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 719912326241 Supplier Ref: 719912326241 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00337289 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 55027292100935711177 Date Sold: 03/08/17 11:02 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 721511017425 Supplier Ref: 721511017425 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00359032 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 35567998543684333096 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 15/08/17 11:27 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 722714270153 Supplier Ref: 722714270153 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00372640 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 65833799338909523909 Date Sold: 24/10/17 10:04 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 729710044614 Supplier Ref: 729710044614 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00465230 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 44931704856173175067 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 15/01/18 11:58 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 315433236638088 Supplier Ref: 315433236638088 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00580967 Total Value: N9,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 47638011817141712840 Debt: N6,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 16/02/18 09:10 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000637825003 Supplier Ref: 000637825003 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00626088 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 11767727160623766619 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 04/04/18 13:13 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 709725387803825 Supplier Ref: 709725387803825 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00698453 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 31259857487739388976 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 21/05/18 17:50 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 240380458318089 Supplier Ref: 240380458318089 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00782621 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 01926508707622641354 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/07/18 14:49 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000660461169 Supplier Ref: 000660461169 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00919146 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,585.80 - 41695704350958174377 Debt: N1,414.20 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/08/18 17:27 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000664508966 Supplier Ref: 000664508966 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00993372 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 62661457842012918299 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/09/18 14:49 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000667661264 Supplier Ref: 000667661264 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01057459 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 43145983744277706595 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/10/18 15:21 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000670694453 Supplier Ref: 000670694453 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01119675 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 37325617993175630466 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/10/18 13:29 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 208315534466356 Supplier Ref: 208315534466356 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01164123 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 60976427645383882506 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/10/18 12:20 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000674708051 Supplier Ref: 000674708051 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01215873 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 17871633450861609253 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/11/18 10:16 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000676279774 Supplier Ref: 000676279774 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01257223 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 29919105994106740780 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/11/18 08:34 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000677709591 Supplier Ref: 000677709591 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01288748 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 37712434796883403173 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/12/18 13:22 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183381222387 Supplier Ref: 183381222387 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01340755 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 33865744807178140514 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/12/18 11:23 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183471023215 Supplier Ref: 183471023215 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01381685 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 23957030205388966911 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/01/19 12:39 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154642559730 Supplier Ref: 154642559730 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01503924 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 41415227245000255715 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/01/19 15:06 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 834167793614088 Supplier Ref: 834167793614088 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01560121 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 10658864822062263214 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/01/19 16:16 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154868500588 Supplier Ref: 154868500588 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01685394 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 17263806941136927749 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/02/19 12:18 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190391118306 Supplier Ref: 190391118306 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01779864 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 36600444357442565521 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/02/19 14:45 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190521346122 Supplier Ref: 190521346122 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01872951 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 08930674074440105510 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/03/19 15:02 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190671402118 Supplier Ref: 190671402118 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01985293 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 40053851576508739421 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/03/19 16:23 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155352383114 Supplier Ref: 155352383114 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02067224 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 51967585193576670949 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/04/19 11:52 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 357621570517025 Supplier Ref: 357621570517025 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02125426 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 31322389565324831385 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/04/19 21:25 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191032026097 Supplier Ref: 191032026097 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02179837 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 51779698671025476076 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/04/19 14:19 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155619475689 Supplier Ref: 155619475689 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02240336 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 48106852583840737931 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/05/19 15:26 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191261426594 Supplier Ref: 191261426594 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02305334 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 24326597590416807074 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/05/19 15:57 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155792862459 Supplier Ref: 155792862459 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02346987 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 16475579617875248404 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/05/19 14:48 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191471348415 Supplier Ref: 191471348415 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02403937 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 67614926452375065657 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/06/19 14:54 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 720322959666159 Supplier Ref: 720322959666159 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02482777 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 53241615086992135541 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/06/19 13:52 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156111791443 Supplier Ref: 156111791443 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02536882 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 15917750770947811337 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/07/19 16:21 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191841521483 Supplier Ref: 191841521483 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02595773 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 30526509855978685990 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/08/19 15:26 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156648038458 Supplier Ref: 156648038458 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02843385 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 68882452388229587182 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/10/19 19:43 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192841844581 Supplier Ref: 192841844581 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03114385 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 50807477252508273318 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/11/19 11:48 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193151050008 Supplier Ref: 193151050008 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03289038 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 43653360271351418514 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/01/20 15:39 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157875013590 Supplier Ref: 157875013590 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03767137 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 46491638830392208621 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/03/20 16:47 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158324682704 Supplier Ref: 158324682704 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04261795 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 34655766991311008563 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/03/20 17:09 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200801608595 Supplier Ref: 200801608595 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04387142 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 18351945030495395075 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/04/20 16:18 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201001518496 Supplier Ref: 201001518496 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04544297 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 04604578591672514921 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/05/20 12:40 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201291240567 Supplier Ref: 201291240567 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04734023 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 50676467138194701265 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 602020-06-30 ogbesteven8@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013819ClosedVending History2020-06-30Vending history and total debt please kindly send me the total outstanding history of these customer; 54160899602Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30NoFind below. Meter Serial Number: 54160899602 Contract Account Number: 6342050226-01 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 54160899602 Start Date: 4/1/2018 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $145,090.63 Outstanding Balance: $106,590.63 Running Balance: $106,590.63 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $1,500.00 Latest Payment: 6/25/2020 12:02:31 PM Date Sold: 16/03/18 13:17 Meter/Type: 54160899602 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000641881881 Supplier Ref: 000641881881 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00671177 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 25656554107343407213 Date Sold: 11/04/18 11:53 Meter/Type: 54160899602 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 810110531201 Supplier Ref: 810110531201 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00710631 Total Value: N4,500.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 38026211635243734467 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 01/06/18 13:40 Meter/Type: 54160899602 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000652966164 Supplier Ref: 000652966164 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00806086 Total Value: N4,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 19690773335625622350 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/07/18 14:17 Meter/Type: 54160899602 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000660457930 Supplier Ref: 000660457930 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00918971 Total Value: N4,500.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 25328111018734867991 Debt: N1,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/09/18 17:18 Meter/Type: 54160899602 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000666956105 Supplier Ref: 000666956105 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01044435 Total Value: N4,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 50836216555422976260 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/10/18 15:52 Meter/Type: 54160899602 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182781552518 Supplier Ref: 182781552518 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01132822 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 36581710672187298626 Debt: N1,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/11/18 14:56 Meter/Type: 54160899602 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 882344923449204 Supplier Ref: 882344923449204 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01293795 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 23022908305384155884 Debt: N1,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/12/18 16:54 Meter/Type: 54160899602 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183581555004 Supplier Ref: 183581555004 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01453936 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 17867430153283720623 Debt: N1,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/01/19 17:27 Meter/Type: 54160899602 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190301627567 Supplier Ref: 190301627567 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01706058 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 18041137384138006877 Debt: N1,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/02/19 14:10 Meter/Type: 54160899602 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190561311080 Supplier Ref: 190561311080 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01898928 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 41759246031002176557 Debt: N1,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/03/19 12:39 Meter/Type: 54160899602 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 27327147297780 Supplier Ref: 27327147297780 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02032320 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 35577965553219220220 Debt: N1,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/03/19 13:11 Meter/Type: 54160899602 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155290748004 Supplier Ref: 155290748004 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02032603 Total Value: N1,650.00 Standard: N1,650.00 - 07218778008632640402 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/04/19 14:00 Meter/Type: 54160899602 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155437921497 Supplier Ref: 155437921497 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02126484 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 09013925335717444312 Debt: N1,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/05/19 10:42 Meter/Type: 54160899602 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155713212820 Supplier Ref: 155713212820 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02302070 Total Value: N4,500.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 44394683409352497403 Debt: N1,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/06/19 12:59 Meter/Type: 54160899602 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191631159498 Supplier Ref: 191631159498 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02493179 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 54540463920993573230 Debt: N1,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/06/19 13:02 Meter/Type: 54160899602 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191631202325 Supplier Ref: 191631202325 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02493200 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 24138073982901420634 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/07/19 15:41 Meter/Type: 54160899602 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192111441110 Supplier Ref: 192111441110 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02725129 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 56060703337575278143 Debt: N1,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/08/19 15:26 Meter/Type: 54160899602 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156725800682 Supplier Ref: 156725800682 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02889131 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N500.00 - 33569924428176164962 Debt: N1,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/08/19 15:30 Meter/Type: 54160899602 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156725821417 Supplier Ref: 156725821417 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02889152 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 13534016835982268762 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/09/19 16:24 Meter/Type: 54160899602 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 89838197945443 Supplier Ref: 89838197945443 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03034071 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 70563563310659797807 Debt: N1,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/10/19 15:16 Meter/Type: 54160899602 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192941417343 Supplier Ref: 192941417343 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03163141 Total Value: N4,150.00 Standard: N2,650.00 - 64286991519335770724 Debt: N1,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/10/19 15:19 Meter/Type: 54160899602 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192941420261 Supplier Ref: 192941420261 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03163153 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 26136293410076295821 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/11/19 13:54 Meter/Type: 54160899602 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157416456367 Supplier Ref: 157416456367 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03337220 Total Value: N4,650.00 Standard: N3,150.00 - 19489590211123990092 Debt: N1,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/12/19 12:19 Meter/Type: 54160899602 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193571121536 Supplier Ref: 193571121536 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03603179 Total Value: N4,650.00 Standard: N3,150.00 - 49029368555140845278 Debt: N1,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/01/20 11:53 Meter/Type: 54160899602 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158037800799 Supplier Ref: 158037800799 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03924259 Total Value: N4,650.00 Standard: N3,150.00 - 02724498815216652148 Debt: N1,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/02/20 10:29 Meter/Type: 54160899602 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158287854834 Supplier Ref: 158287854834 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04201473 Total Value: N4,750.00 Standard: N3,250.00 - 33176565949623808040 Debt: N1,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/06/20 12:02 Meter/Type: 54160899602 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201771202377 Supplier Ref: 201771202377 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05058060 Total Value: N4,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 15312323913539016350 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 432020-06-30 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013818ClosedVending History2020-06-30Dear Support, Kindly provide VH for 57100082122. Thank YouMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30NoFind below. Date Sold: 08/08/16 15:16 Meter/Type: 57100082122 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/MBEN Token Ref: 622107290076 Supplier Ref: 622107290076 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00013569 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N4,500.00 - 07669302354777490018 Debt: N3,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 09/12/16 15:57 Meter/Type: 57100082122 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 004208047644 Supplier Ref: 004208047644 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00092938 Total Value: N19,500.00 Standard: N5,500.00 - 04025469157719138121 Debt: N14,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 16/05/17 13:21 Meter/Type: 57100082122 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 713616210234 Supplier Ref: 713616210234 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00256371 Total Value: N25,000.00 Standard: N7,500.00 - 64934742752878230418 Debt: N17,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 08/12/17 11:14 Meter/Type: 57100082122 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000627757453 Supplier Ref: 000627757453 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00531131 Total Value: N31,900.00 Standard: N7,400.00 - 23706909846101221386 Debt: N24,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 04/07/18 15:02 Meter/Type: 57100082122 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000657726444 Supplier Ref: 000657726444 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00877238 Total Value: N6,900.00 Standard: N3,466.00 - 70512251470080532487 Debt: N3,434.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/07/18 16:26 Meter/Type: 57100082122 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000657734804 Supplier Ref: 000657734804 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00877682 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 38883364745532651971 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/01/19 10:51 Meter/Type: 57100082122 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 985792812682869 Supplier Ref: 985792812682869 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01549513 Total Value: N4,200.00 Standard: N4,200.00 - 49261360935542651906 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/05/19 13:01 Meter/Type: 57100082122 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 913512002364 Supplier Ref: 913512002364 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02345651 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 09159175103863267173 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/10/19 19:49 Meter/Type: 57100082122 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 928918500392 Supplier Ref: 928918500392 Receipt: PagT13EMDB03140171 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 53380006745333982575 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/01/20 18:44 Meter/Type: 57100082122 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 001117472208 Supplier Ref: 001117472208 Receipt: PagT13EMDB03768755 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 52372113407839059496 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/03/20 10:10 Meter/Type: 57100082122 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 008809100620 Supplier Ref: 008809100620 Receipt: PagT13EMDB04444132 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 07407676512999605872 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 132020-06-30 sunnyochekwu@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013817Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013816ClosedRequest2020-06-30Hello, kindly assist with debt profile of the meter serial numbers listed below 0101161072554 0101150169221 0101170412080 0101185054158Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30NoFind below. 0101161072554 Meter Serial Number: 0101161072554 Contract Account Number: 611664 Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 611664 Start Date: 3/14/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $10,854.81 Outstanding Balance: $2,854.81 Running Balance: $2,854.81 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/6/2020 2:08:26 PM 0101150169221 Meter Serial Number: 0101150169221 Contract Account Number: 625886 Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 625886 Start Date: 3/27/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $4,130.06 Outstanding Balance: $4,129.06 Running Balance: $4,129.06 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/11/2020 11:23:56 AM 0101170412080 Meter Serial Number: 0101170412080 Contract Account Number: 6127399688-01 Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 6127399688-01 Start Date: 3/6/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $40,798.60 Outstanding Balance: $36,798.60 Running Balance: $36,798.60 Note: Debt Advised by CCU Rep Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/16/2020 10:09:49 AM 0101185054158 Meter Serial Number: 0101185054158 Contract Account Number: 6128931015-01 Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 6128931015-01 Start Date: 3/6/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $140,810.18 Outstanding Balance: $120,810.18 Running Balance: $120,810.18 Note: Account Still Running on the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/4/2020 4:37:29 PM2020-06-30 phartiemah12@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013815Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013814ClosedRequest2020-06-30Good morning ma, Pls help me check this debt profiles, 0101170373761 54150607619 54161171019 Thank you.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30NoPlease find below 0101170373761 Meter Serial Number: 0101170373761 Contract Account Number: 6581363542-01 Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 6581363542-01 Start Date: 3/27/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $262,383.96 Outstanding Balance: $250,383.96 Running Balance: $250,383.96 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/6/2020 3:08:58 PM 54150607619 Meter Serial Number: 54150607619 Contract Account Number: 657327 Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 657327 Start Date: 3/27/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $44,682.21 Outstanding Balance: $35,682.21 Running Balance: $35,682.21 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,000.00 Latest Payment: 5/28/2020 10:52:05 AM 54161171019 Meter Serial Number: 54161171019 Contract Account Number: 6585050608-01 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 54161171019 Start Date: 2/26/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $105,097.27 Outstanding Balance: $95,097.27 Running Balance: $95,097.27 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/27/2020 10:57:16 AM2020-06-30 phartiemah12@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013813ClosedVending History2020-06-30Please I wish to request for vending history opening balance and outstanding debt balance of the following meters 04169573195,04173889488,04169504109, 04160593879. thanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30NoPlease find below. 04169573195 Top of Form Date Sold: 19/07/16 09:59 Meter/Type: 04169573195 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 620110120167 Supplier Ref: 620110120167 Receipt: EVG3EMDB00002709 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 05353183259496789899 Date Sold: 27/07/16 11:13 Meter/Type: 04169573195 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 620911260123 Supplier Ref: 620911260123 Receipt: JED3EMDB00006535 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 70581524604558629842 Date Sold: 08/08/16 13:24 Meter/Type: 04169573195 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 622113370192 Supplier Ref: 622113370192 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00013355 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 40080986865318721488 Date Sold: 22/08/16 12:56 Meter/Type: 04169573195 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 623513090448 Supplier Ref: 623513090448 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00021210 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 61771018945153790581 Date Sold: 05/09/16 16:27 Meter/Type: 04169573195 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 624916270645 Supplier Ref: 624916270645 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00029860 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 12411893709125579807 Date Sold: 15/09/16 13:26 Meter/Type: 04169573195 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 625913260152 Supplier Ref: 625913260152 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00036119 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 67857704639119304989 Date Sold: 26/09/16 15:02 Meter/Type: 04169573195 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 627015020544 Supplier Ref: 627015020544 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00042702 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 32544216304026912589 Date Sold: 05/10/16 14:51 Meter/Type: 04169573195 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 627914510409 Supplier Ref: 627914510409 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00049260 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 03970915306770070299 Date Sold: 25/10/16 12:21 Meter/Type: 04169573195 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 629912210225 Supplier Ref: 629912210225 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00061925 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 11275044911730210854 Date Sold: 14/11/16 12:44 Meter/Type: 04169573195 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 631912440264 Supplier Ref: 631912440264 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00075121 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 40520414324343872910 Date Sold: 10/12/16 11:46 Meter/Type: 04169573195 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 634511460266 Supplier Ref: 634511460266 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00093393 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 20603275570704324373 Date Sold: 31/12/16 12:10 Meter/Type: 04169573195 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 636612100215 Supplier Ref: 636612100215 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00110215 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 09162604107541802313 Date Sold: 30/01/17 12:42 Meter/Type: 04169573195 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 703012420342 Supplier Ref: 703012420342 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00129650 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 37256037028754239538 Date Sold: 16/02/17 13:35 Meter/Type: 04169573195 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 704713350349 Supplier Ref: 704713350349 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00145315 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 29126472185812906189 Date Sold: 01/03/17 15:04 Meter/Type: 04169573195 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 706015040352 Supplier Ref: 706015040352 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00160097 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 17336024360488804625 Date Sold: 06/03/17 10:52 Meter/Type: 04169573195 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 706510520146 Supplier Ref: 706510520146 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00165422 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 05959771004493505660 Date Sold: 06/03/17 10:53 Meter/Type: 04169573195 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 706510530149 Supplier Ref: 706510530149 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00165426 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 18176553296290949961 Date Sold: 13/03/17 12:56 Meter/Type: 04169573195 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 707212560681 Supplier Ref: 707212560681 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00175376 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 07426084657576232121 Date Sold: 23/03/17 14:30 Meter/Type: 04169573195 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 708214300258 Supplier Ref: 708214300258 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00188462 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 14101320090369092917 Date Sold: 24/04/17 15:04 Meter/Type: 04169573195 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 711415040841 Supplier Ref: 711415040841 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00228164 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 15652450001571593172 Date Sold: 23/05/17 11:25 Meter/Type: 04169573195 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 714311250363 Supplier Ref: 714311250363 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00264841 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 33455491916415718405 Date Sold: 16/06/17 15:38 Meter/Type: 04169573195 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 716715380655 Supplier Ref: 716715380655 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00297535 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 50525659411257072956 Date Sold: 28/07/17 10:47 Meter/Type: 04169573195 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 720910470329 Supplier Ref: 720910470329 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00350043 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 68092478862939927151 Date Sold: 15/08/17 13:21 Meter/Type: 04169573195 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 722713210106 Supplier Ref: 722713210106 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00372916 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 73687962980333393116 Date Sold: 07/09/17 10:03 Meter/Type: 04169573195 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 725010030212 Supplier Ref: 725010030212 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00402986 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 54137049444370655111 Date Sold: 25/09/17 13:28 Meter/Type: 04169573195 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 726813290542 Supplier Ref: 726813290542 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00425378 Total Value: N700.00 Standard: N700.00 - 00795248268132695156 Date Sold: 25/09/17 13:29 Meter/Type: 04169573195 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 726813290545 Supplier Ref: 726813290545 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00425379 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 55126904516118663195 Date Sold: 16/10/17 14:49 Meter/Type: 04169573195 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 728914490579 Supplier Ref: 728914490579 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00455377 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 15169741630483379187 Date Sold: 04/11/17 11:46 Meter/Type: 04169573195 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 730811460151 Supplier Ref: 730811460151 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00483369 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 71777028908808258898 Date Sold: 27/11/17 10:05 Meter/Type: 04169573195 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 733110050119 Supplier Ref: 733110050119 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00513557 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 20159210154781127907 Date Sold: 12/12/17 10:39 Meter/Type: 04169573195 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 791774884191666 Supplier Ref: 791774884191666 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00536078 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 56820734591227918629 Date Sold: 11/01/18 14:29 Meter/Type: 04169573195 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 801114290143 Supplier Ref: 801114290143 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00577047 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 57603703118875552491 Date Sold: 23/01/18 12:57 Meter/Type: 04169573195 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000634391778 Supplier Ref: 000634391778 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00591719 Total Value: N1,800.00 Standard: N1,800.00 - 32033908138045359446 Date Sold: 13/02/18 12:57 Meter/Type: 04169573195 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000637415788 Supplier Ref: 000637415788 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00622339 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 71571567974804981100 Date Sold: 28/02/18 12:46 Meter/Type: 04169573195 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 805912461360 Supplier Ref: 805912461360 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00643943 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 05818788316487568190 Date Sold: 14/03/18 12:56 Meter/Type: 04169573195 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 807312561392 Supplier Ref: 807312561392 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00667552 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 16234582802621614210 Date Sold: 03/04/18 11:53 Meter/Type: 04169573195 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 809310531396 Supplier Ref: 809310531396 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00695809 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 04356948758905474337 Date Sold: 16/04/18 13:02 Meter/Type: 04169573195 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 810612021378 Supplier Ref: 810612021378 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00717533 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 28031107744097303555 Date Sold: 26/04/18 12:06 Meter/Type: 04169573195 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 983188569648055 Supplier Ref: 983188569648055 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00734167 Total Value: N1,400.00 Standard: N1,400.00 - 12608660291474378802 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/05/18 13:37 Meter/Type: 04169573195 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000648789858 Supplier Ref: 000648789858 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00748422 Total Value: N1,700.00 Standard: N1,700.00 - 32276790614710841566 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/05/18 17:20 Meter/Type: 04169573195 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 74906239737596 Supplier Ref: 74906239737596 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00770766 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 15911345453782974841 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/05/18 13:05 Meter/Type: 04169573195 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 815012051439 Supplier Ref: 815012051439 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00799791 Total Value: N1,700.00 Standard: N1,700.00 - 23415467930778582747 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/06/18 15:30 Meter/Type: 04169573195 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 815914291663 Supplier Ref: 815914291663 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00822296 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 54019325526233834629 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/06/18 13:43 Meter/Type: 04169573195 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000657142561 Supplier Ref: 000657142561 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00867150 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 04773372764449165272 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/07/18 16:28 Meter/Type: 04169573195 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 292166315889022 Supplier Ref: 292166315889022 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00893544 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 08193832573823482615 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/07/18 13:30 Meter/Type: 04169573195 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182091230590 Supplier Ref: 182091230590 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00932011 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 40520232204395146854 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/08/18 12:46 Meter/Type: 04169573195 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182261146122 Supplier Ref: 182261146122 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00975542 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 72123507690915184334 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/08/18 16:17 Meter/Type: 04169573195 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182411517166 Supplier Ref: 182411517166 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01019189 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 35900105753179163675 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/09/18 16:50 Meter/Type: 04169573195 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 276645524816510 Supplier Ref: 276645524816510 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01061544 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 68243658420172784544 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/09/18 13:01 Meter/Type: 04169573195 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 98627417904901 Supplier Ref: 98627417904901 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01097854 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 59436342581313859412 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/10/18 12:58 Meter/Type: 04169573195 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000671544297 Supplier Ref: 000671544297 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01140288 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 56526045201658578016 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/10/18 12:32 Meter/Type: 04169573195 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182971232072 Supplier Ref: 182971232072 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01195493 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 62065885846686870610 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/11/18 12:35 Meter/Type: 04169573195 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 630172363622070 Supplier Ref: 630172363622070 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01308902 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 60214087272779394675 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/03/19 16:47 Meter/Type: 04169573195 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 546741247906493 Supplier Ref: 546741247906493 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02005705 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 23279824389582011412 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 54 Bottom of Form 04173889488 Date Sold: 22/08/16 13:29 Meter/Type: 04173889488 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 623513420497 Supplier Ref: 623513420497 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00021262 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 38918220565576437797 Date Sold: 07/11/16 09:41 Meter/Type: 04173889488 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 631209410116 Supplier Ref: 631209410116 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00070170 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 48315406095116289676 Date Sold: 04/02/17 12:22 Meter/Type: 04173889488 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 703512220121 Supplier Ref: 703512220121 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00134713 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 15307317455478292832 Date Sold: 03/05/17 15:36 Meter/Type: 04173889488 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 712315360749 Supplier Ref: 712315360749 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00240426 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 48013353415796083092 Date Sold: 18/05/17 16:24 Meter/Type: 04173889488 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 713816240628 Supplier Ref: 713816240628 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00260017 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 45492889967363994268 Date Sold: 20/06/17 09:41 Meter/Type: 04173889488 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 717109410169 Supplier Ref: 717109410169 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00300416 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 07815763915154972562 Date Sold: 30/06/17 16:47 Meter/Type: 04173889488 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 718116470687 Supplier Ref: 718116470687 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00315554 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 23897799238123753384 Date Sold: 10/08/17 16:44 Meter/Type: 04173889488 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 722216440349 Supplier Ref: 722216440349 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00368042 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 50417399395115092180 Date Sold: 19/09/17 15:19 Meter/Type: 04173889488 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 726215190425 Supplier Ref: 726215190425 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00418501 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 06855595372717949578 Date Sold: 12/10/17 16:37 Meter/Type: 04173889488 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 728516370852 Supplier Ref: 728516370852 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00451115 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 18739136438609104582 Date Sold: 06/11/17 17:14 Meter/Type: 04173889488 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000623185442 Supplier Ref: 000623185442 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00486353 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 44722711609582946866 Date Sold: 04/12/17 16:29 Meter/Type: 04173889488 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 733816290160 Supplier Ref: 733816290160 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00525260 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 21907015125825946148 Date Sold: 27/12/17 12:12 Meter/Type: 04173889488 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 736112120180 Supplier Ref: 736112120180 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00558453 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 19516087034682280004 Date Sold: 26/01/18 15:30 Meter/Type: 04173889488 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 802615301439 Supplier Ref: 802615301439 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00596538 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 67456948136301787302 Date Sold: 03/02/18 13:06 Meter/Type: 04173889488 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 803413061223 Supplier Ref: 803413061223 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00608367 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 21878606764699619666 Date Sold: 20/08/18 13:46 Meter/Type: 04173889488 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000664486947 Supplier Ref: 000664486947 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00991687 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 30676635266659945917 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/10/18 16:44 Meter/Type: 04173889488 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000670702785 Supplier Ref: 000670702785 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01120104 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 73685237001134570830 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/01/19 14:47 Meter/Type: 04173889488 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 454042472108328 Supplier Ref: 454042472108328 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01703383 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 07998831715898099551 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/03/19 16:20 Meter/Type: 04173889488 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190861520472 Supplier Ref: 190861520472 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02078832 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 62712164075554781548 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/04/19 17:39 Meter/Type: 04173889488 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190931639152 Supplier Ref: 190931639152 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02122032 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 10732958560804100324 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 20 04169504109 Top of Form Date Sold: 11/08/16 14:11 Meter/Type: 04169504109 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 622414240376 Supplier Ref: 622414240376 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00015320 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 67221155809915134835 Date Sold: 12/08/16 11:47 Meter/Type: 04169504109 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 622512000249 Supplier Ref: 622512000249 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00015790 Total Value: N300.00 Standard: N300.00 - 71819674227440462662 Date Sold: 17/03/17 15:49 Meter/Type: 04169504109 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 707615490562 Supplier Ref: 707615490562 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00181658 Total Value: N300.00 Standard: N300.00 - 59627932048140128179 Date Sold: 02/06/17 13:29 Meter/Type: 04169504109 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 715313290562 Supplier Ref: 715313290562 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00278884 Total Value: N300.00 Standard: N300.00 - 46835846309306210248 Date Sold: 17/03/20 13:48 Meter/Type: 04169504109 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200771248014 Supplier Ref: 200771248014 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04365306 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 38916856692800708822 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/04/20 12:09 Meter/Type: 04169504109 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201051109445 Supplier Ref: 201051109445 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04567165 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 62535254202491892537 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/04/20 14:49 Meter/Type: 04169504109 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201211449401 Supplier Ref: 201211449401 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04687800 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 73074028054356644452 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/06/20 11:05 Meter/Type: 04169504109 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201681105122 Supplier Ref: 201681105122 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04993177 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 43113400646067447797 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 8 Bottom of Form 04160593879 Date Sold: 08/09/16 10:08 Meter/Type: 04160593879 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 625210080144 Supplier Ref: 625210080144 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00031764 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 10937214907335656726 Date Sold: 02/11/16 08:09 Meter/Type: 04160593879 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 630709090084 Supplier Ref: 630709090084 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00067066 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 61449214487965798655 Date Sold: 03/01/17 12:24 Meter/Type: 04160593879 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 700312240376 Supplier Ref: 700312240376 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00111521 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 46646395822087865646 Date Sold: 06/02/17 13:21 Meter/Type: 04160593879 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 703713210430 Supplier Ref: 703713210430 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00135839 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 62085143671572815568 Date Sold: 21/02/17 14:56 Meter/Type: 04160593879 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 705214560405 Supplier Ref: 705214560405 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00150407 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 51258703920425556989 Date Sold: 09/03/17 12:38 Meter/Type: 04160593879 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 706812380589 Supplier Ref: 706812380589 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00170937 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 40540709665076485494 Date Sold: 13/04/17 14:06 Meter/Type: 04160593879 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 710314060384 Supplier Ref: 710314060384 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00216372 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 59681837825710123931 Date Sold: 15/05/17 10:52 Meter/Type: 04160593879 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 713510520315 Supplier Ref: 713510520315 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00253485 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 68952177802160841446 Date Sold: 01/06/17 12:49 Meter/Type: 04160593879 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 715212490458 Supplier Ref: 715212490458 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00276683 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 02160367600194511930 Date Sold: 22/06/17 10:17 Meter/Type: 04160593879 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 717310170187 Supplier Ref: 717310170187 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00303320 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 66235538240940638902 Date Sold: 28/07/17 10:40 Meter/Type: 04160593879 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 720910400309 Supplier Ref: 720910400309 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00350018 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 54133821184191286528 Date Sold: 05/10/17 10:17 Meter/Type: 04160593879 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 727810170301 Supplier Ref: 727810170301 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00439547 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 63030897712159536947 Date Sold: 30/10/17 09:55 Meter/Type: 04160593879 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000622133641 Supplier Ref: 000622133641 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00473372 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N3,500.00 - 08059801160912719633 Date Sold: 30/11/17 11:33 Meter/Type: 04160593879 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 733411331270 Supplier Ref: 733411331270 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00519196 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 53937443469351125013 Date Sold: 29/12/17 11:09 Meter/Type: 04160593879 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 161816150347383 Supplier Ref: 161816150347383 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00561788 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 01882875502924061760 Date Sold: 29/01/18 09:16 Meter/Type: 04160593879 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 802909161085 Supplier Ref: 802909161085 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00598690 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 60368093572503682460 Date Sold: 28/03/18 16:52 Meter/Type: 04160593879 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 808715521581 Supplier Ref: 808715521581 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00688046 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 47338216676166747417 Date Sold: 27/04/18 16:38 Meter/Type: 04160593879 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000647943805 Supplier Ref: 000647943805 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00737188 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 17898325349790463062 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/05/18 13:56 Meter/Type: 04160593879 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000649367722 Supplier Ref: 000649367722 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00754962 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 14503620719331028383 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/05/18 09:49 Meter/Type: 04160593879 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 815108490021 Supplier Ref: 815108490021 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00801860 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 66418734158384503341 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/06/18 09:52 Meter/Type: 04160593879 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 817908521096 Supplier Ref: 817908521096 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00860279 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 33850695535414656179 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/08/18 13:49 Meter/Type: 04160593879 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 248767963412052 Supplier Ref: 248767963412052 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01011400 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 17520512273922304867 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/09/18 12:10 Meter/Type: 04160593879 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 961328046309070 Supplier Ref: 961328046309070 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01094249 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 09565272532742972650 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/10/18 14:46 Meter/Type: 04160593879 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 518471458844198 Supplier Ref: 518471458844198 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01128041 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 29982325960592514356 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/11/18 12:20 Meter/Type: 04160593879 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000677876179 Supplier Ref: 000677876179 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01292910 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 58739932497778202202 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/11/18 08:54 Meter/Type: 04160593879 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183320854081 Supplier Ref: 183320854081 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01315691 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 44204347742312118520 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/01/19 12:11 Meter/Type: 04160593879 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 692149431698229 Supplier Ref: 692149431698229 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01593287 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 55893486700426951113 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/01/19 15:40 Meter/Type: 04160593879 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 454744973978548 Supplier Ref: 454744973978548 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01714689 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 17529572497322915732 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/03/19 10:23 Meter/Type: 04160593879 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 775588279084164 Supplier Ref: 775588279084164 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01930990 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 52657148223598709771 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/04/19 11:07 Meter/Type: 04160593879 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190941007542 Supplier Ref: 190941007542 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02124988 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 47224676384273246447 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/05/19 12:24 Meter/Type: 04160593879 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155731107548 Supplier Ref: 155731107548 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02317636 Total Value: N700.00 Standard: N700.00 - 03975913795097151595 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/05/19 09:35 Meter/Type: 04160593879 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191350835490 Supplier Ref: 191350835490 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02343978 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 08221671486150603654 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/06/19 14:48 Meter/Type: 04160593879 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156077571038 Supplier Ref: 156077571038 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02517054 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 07466249554244099127 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/06/19 11:29 Meter/Type: 04160593879 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191781029155 Supplier Ref: 191781029155 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02564008 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 47965491358948745317 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/10/19 14:55 Meter/Type: 04160593879 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192941356400 Supplier Ref: 192941356400 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03162950 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 23873919492703594366 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/11/19 15:38 Meter/Type: 04160593879 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157322041076 Supplier Ref: 157322041076 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03277808 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 15709558184101643359 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/12/19 10:57 Meter/Type: 04160593879 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 4265458518128 Supplier Ref: 4265458518128 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03641587 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 70620545840687463982 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/02/20 15:10 Meter/Type: 04160593879 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200341410063 Supplier Ref: 200341410063 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03964810 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 63265269674004873028 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/03/20 11:36 Meter/Type: 04160593879 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158314179965 Supplier Ref: 158314179965 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04237315 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 35479907779206007965 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/04/20 13:01 Meter/Type: 04160593879 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200931201222 Supplier Ref: 200931201222 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04489343 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 01266302061937628625 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/04/20 10:20 Meter/Type: 04160593879 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201181020328 Supplier Ref: 201181020328 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04668734 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 26843530075897159951 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/05/20 10:20 Meter/Type: 04160593879 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201291020115 Supplier Ref: 201291020115 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04732150 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 67214142358706952104 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/06/20 13:45 Meter/Type: 04160593879 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201621345483 Supplier Ref: 201621345483 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04954372 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 47111153065506812994 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/06/20 11:53 Meter/Type: 04160593879 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201761153117 Supplier Ref: 201761153117 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05050037 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 17446138871135367056 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 512020-06-30 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013812In ProgressVending History2020-06-30Dear Support, Kindly provide VH for 54161086043 Thank YouMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30No0000-00-00 sunnyochekwu@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013811In ProgressRequest2020-06-30REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 0101170307058MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-06-30No0000-00-00 longpuan@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013810ClosedVending History2020-06-30Please I wish to request for vending history opening balance and outstanding 04160894277.04160896975,04169563428. thanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30NoFIND BELOW. 04160894277 Top of Form Date Sold: 25/07/16 13:17 Meter/Type: 04160894277 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 620713300431 Supplier Ref: 620713300431 Receipt: EVG3EMDB00005427 Total Value: N4,800.00 Standard: N4,800.00 - 02601334116775003990 Date Sold: 20/08/16 09:37 Meter/Type: 04160894277 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 623309510044 Supplier Ref: 623309510044 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00020336 Total Value: N5,100.00 Standard: N5,100.00 - 72638772663653349287 Date Sold: 22/09/16 09:26 Meter/Type: 04160894277 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 626609260104 Supplier Ref: 626609260104 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00040113 Total Value: N5,200.00 Standard: N5,200.00 - 34108389885903984366 Date Sold: 28/10/16 08:31 Meter/Type: 04160894277 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 630208310073 Supplier Ref: 630208310073 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00063791 Total Value: N4,950.00 Standard: N4,950.00 - 30327676013013754298 Date Sold: 02/12/16 09:12 Meter/Type: 04160894277 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 633709120111 Supplier Ref: 633709120111 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00086893 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 51052172691887769704 Date Sold: 08/01/17 10:20 Meter/Type: 04160894277 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 700810200055 Supplier Ref: 700810200055 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00115742 Total Value: N2,600.00 Standard: N2,600.00 - 04453116820789232500 Date Sold: 12/01/17 10:07 Meter/Type: 04160894277 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 701210070114 Supplier Ref: 701210070114 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00119101 Total Value: N2,100.00 Standard: N2,100.00 - 00009559167082110667 Date Sold: 06/02/17 09:47 Meter/Type: 04160894277 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 703709470151 Supplier Ref: 703709470151 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00135261 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 40265505394938497259 Date Sold: 25/02/17 10:49 Meter/Type: 04160894277 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 705610490090 Supplier Ref: 705610490090 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00154617 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 10211611260406236178 Date Sold: 13/03/17 08:03 Meter/Type: 04160894277 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 707208030072 Supplier Ref: 707208030072 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00174241 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 28177834081742794333 Date Sold: 28/03/17 14:41 Meter/Type: 04160894277 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 708713410256 Supplier Ref: 708713410256 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00194602 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 26253628850468370642 Date Sold: 13/04/17 10:11 Meter/Type: 04160894277 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 710310110116 Supplier Ref: 710310110116 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00215676 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 44777236400973750521 Date Sold: 03/05/17 09:27 Meter/Type: 04160894277 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 712309270156 Supplier Ref: 712309270156 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00239311 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N3,500.00 - 66772130368729371953 Date Sold: 16/05/17 08:27 Meter/Type: 04160894277 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 713608270099 Supplier Ref: 713608270099 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00255563 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 34802906980356781814 Date Sold: 24/05/17 10:05 Meter/Type: 04160894277 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 714410050144 Supplier Ref: 714410050144 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00266062 Total Value: N3,200.00 Standard: N3,200.00 - 52362626460801028485 Date Sold: 02/06/17 09:48 Meter/Type: 04160894277 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 715309480236 Supplier Ref: 715309480236 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00278017 Total Value: N1,800.00 Standard: N1,800.00 - 21255099037811977520 Date Sold: 09/06/17 09:13 Meter/Type: 04160894277 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 716009130111 Supplier Ref: 716009130111 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00287272 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 00476130134282577982 Date Sold: 22/06/17 09:19 Meter/Type: 04160894277 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 717309190082 Supplier Ref: 717309190082 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00303158 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 62264879822113584671 Date Sold: 07/07/17 10:03 Meter/Type: 04160894277 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 718810030182 Supplier Ref: 718810030182 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00323522 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 27688992126758745697 Date Sold: 24/07/17 08:16 Meter/Type: 04160894277 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 720508160054 Supplier Ref: 720508160054 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00342836 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 16637398620903591036 Date Sold: 01/08/17 10:31 Meter/Type: 04160894277 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 721310310320 Supplier Ref: 721310310320 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00355527 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 28912879712206347087 Date Sold: 07/08/17 08:59 Meter/Type: 04160894277 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 721908590127 Supplier Ref: 721908590127 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00362715 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 45328896739086715676 Date Sold: 23/08/17 08:44 Meter/Type: 04160894277 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 723508440037 Supplier Ref: 723508440037 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00381626 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 27307042178776601090 Date Sold: 05/09/17 13:43 Meter/Type: 04160894277 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 724813430705 Supplier Ref: 724813430705 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00400198 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 58463151708244048024 Date Sold: 11/09/17 11:31 Meter/Type: 04160894277 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 725411310434 Supplier Ref: 725411310434 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00407815 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 43297101459883651031 Date Sold: 19/09/17 09:55 Meter/Type: 04160894277 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 726209540107 Supplier Ref: 726209540107 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00417622 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 19978328832735180061 Date Sold: 27/09/17 11:21 Meter/Type: 04160894277 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 727011210246 Supplier Ref: 727011210246 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00427887 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 31893512682631442975 Date Sold: 04/10/17 09:25 Meter/Type: 04160894277 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 727709250152 Supplier Ref: 727709250152 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00437552 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 60056964344607851580 Date Sold: 18/10/17 10:05 Meter/Type: 04160894277 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 729110050064 Supplier Ref: 729110050064 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00457702 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 42857463249003533130 Date Sold: 30/10/17 10:55 Meter/Type: 04160894277 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000622139518 Supplier Ref: 000622139518 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00473610 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 35475451836513221224 Date Sold: 11/11/17 10:36 Meter/Type: 04160894277 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000623865701 Supplier Ref: 000623865701 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00493232 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 02291368470231166545 Date Sold: 13/11/17 11:56 Meter/Type: 04160894277 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 731711560161 Supplier Ref: 731711560161 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00494966 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 24619081088086096176 Date Sold: 27/11/17 07:55 Meter/Type: 04160894277 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000626153687 Supplier Ref: 000626153687 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00513089 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 57792880614245633236 Date Sold: 20/02/18 10:23 Meter/Type: 04160894277 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000638408472 Supplier Ref: 000638408472 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00631598 Total Value: N200.00 Standard: N200.00 - 10837403776291407216 Total records returned: 34 Bottom of Form 04160896975 Top of Form Date Sold: 06/09/16 11:28 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 625011280267 Supplier Ref: 625011280267 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00030248 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 66527705654122288136 Date Sold: 29/09/16 10:33 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 627310330182 Supplier Ref: 627310330182 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00044535 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 30039403636443974101 Date Sold: 06/10/16 10:51 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 628010510251 Supplier Ref: 628010510251 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00049783 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 62007040049934234343 Date Sold: 12/10/16 11:16 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 628611160173 Supplier Ref: 628611160173 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00053959 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 63860419542254892697 Date Sold: 22/10/16 09:34 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 629609340073 Supplier Ref: 629609340073 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00060373 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 03058823954480982331 Date Sold: 28/12/16 13:24 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 636313240369 Supplier Ref: 636313240369 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00107034 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 26184225218828776305 Date Sold: 24/01/17 12:01 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 702412000187 Supplier Ref: 702412000187 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00126047 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 31180326772914533762 Date Sold: 16/02/17 12:42 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 704712420296 Supplier Ref: 704712420296 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00145224 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 53011361445254884393 Date Sold: 03/03/17 11:41 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 706211410516 Supplier Ref: 706211410516 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00162609 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 04786364656140302361 Date Sold: 20/03/17 11:26 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 707911260468 Supplier Ref: 707911260468 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00183613 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 42752506398793612297 Date Sold: 04/04/17 08:37 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 709408370119 Supplier Ref: 709408370119 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00203715 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 73769527973107609452 Date Sold: 13/04/17 14:58 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 710314580438 Supplier Ref: 710314580438 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00216480 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 16022777858375504857 Date Sold: 27/04/17 13:49 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 711713490498 Supplier Ref: 711713490498 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00232505 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 68369312529434254892 Date Sold: 13/05/17 16:32 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000597693297 Supplier Ref: 000597693297 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00252468 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 36508474514488958215 Date Sold: 30/05/17 10:11 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 715010110242 Supplier Ref: 715010110242 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00272378 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 07312626231377241564 Date Sold: 28/06/17 12:48 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 717912480318 Supplier Ref: 717912480318 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00310715 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 62170594603600149348 Date Sold: 31/07/17 12:51 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 721212510679 Supplier Ref: 721212510679 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00353836 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 52754196377465431149 Date Sold: 31/07/17 16:38 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 721216380107 Supplier Ref: 721216380107 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00354861 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 50041638770843997352 Date Sold: 07/09/17 08:59 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 725008590094 Supplier Ref: 725008590094 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00402841 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 62562232720659489115 Date Sold: 04/10/17 09:19 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 727709190142 Supplier Ref: 727709190142 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00437526 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 20250799280624364104 Date Sold: 01/11/17 13:44 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000622444498 Supplier Ref: 000622444498 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00478214 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 45566623293852137673 Date Sold: 28/11/17 12:28 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 733212281301 Supplier Ref: 733212281301 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00515834 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 72805930182695128264 Date Sold: 29/12/17 10:36 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 736310361148 Supplier Ref: 736310361148 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00561653 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 66342985247632222647 Date Sold: 02/02/18 09:07 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 803309071043 Supplier Ref: 803309071043 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00605976 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 36010315074651872983 Date Sold: 26/02/18 10:09 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 805710091200 Supplier Ref: 805710091200 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00639445 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 55117666940690444022 Date Sold: 29/03/18 09:44 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 808808441041 Supplier Ref: 808808441041 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00688552 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 24213043250726501376 Date Sold: 02/05/18 12:14 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 812211141295 Supplier Ref: 812211141295 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00745988 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 39778249770619259850 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/06/18 10:11 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 815509111141 Supplier Ref: 815509111141 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00810223 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 59205452297627765562 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/07/18 14:21 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182081321040 Supplier Ref: 182081321040 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00929508 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 12792786364547556447 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/08/18 16:15 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000664501888 Supplier Ref: 000664501888 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00992765 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 23406301349023339476 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/09/18 12:35 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182451135021 Supplier Ref: 182451135021 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01030238 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 27883282656689546730 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/09/18 09:43 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182630943052 Supplier Ref: 182630943052 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01083417 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 71720603475741301339 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/10/18 10:59 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182881059236 Supplier Ref: 182881059236 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01163209 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 46863157081792046429 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/10/18 08:47 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183030847435 Supplier Ref: 183030847435 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01214687 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 00124753964710539002 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/11/18 10:37 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183161037382 Supplier Ref: 183161037382 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01261978 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 21131911499830868177 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/11/18 09:37 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183330937495 Supplier Ref: 183330937495 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01319886 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 36723240651854923610 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/12/18 12:17 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183581117300 Supplier Ref: 183581117300 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01449146 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 22764039773017155157 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/02/19 12:37 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190321137446 Supplier Ref: 190321137446 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01722852 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 26859436393872892456 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/03/19 10:25 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190630925380 Supplier Ref: 190630925380 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01949581 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 36660574051017175739 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/04/19 11:50 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191061050524 Supplier Ref: 191061050524 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02190562 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 59656255434878456476 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/04/19 12:35 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191111135148 Supplier Ref: 191111135148 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02218051 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 34968955380997776418 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/04/19 10:27 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191160928057 Supplier Ref: 191160928057 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02244699 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 48016021481623458868 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/04/19 16:36 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191191536158 Supplier Ref: 191191536158 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02263964 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 58753133115658040383 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/05/19 12:17 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191231118016 Supplier Ref: 191231118016 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02288521 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 42194062457150684186 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/05/19 15:30 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191261430480 Supplier Ref: 191261430480 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02305382 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 15103377677521265594 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/05/19 09:58 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191310858338 Supplier Ref: 191310858338 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02326706 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 69677890921783873955 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/05/19 13:20 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191331220585 Supplier Ref: 191331220585 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02334356 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 52926286235948340584 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/05/19 13:27 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191351227127 Supplier Ref: 191351227127 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02345826 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 36094055268040108181 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/05/19 12:08 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155817408240 Supplier Ref: 155817408240 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02360164 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 15789922965937016013 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/05/19 11:43 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191411043285 Supplier Ref: 191411043285 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02373170 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 62560148173253850488 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/05/19 12:37 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191431137134 Supplier Ref: 191431137134 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02384262 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 44856630534088306435 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/05/19 21:28 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191452028391 Supplier Ref: 191452028391 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02397918 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 68997893837808428079 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/05/19 18:38 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191471738121 Supplier Ref: 191471738121 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02406052 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 25975099197575550471 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/05/19 17:51 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191511652056 Supplier Ref: 191511652056 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02429513 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 12221475748924823005 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/06/19 10:49 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191540950005 Supplier Ref: 191540950005 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02441753 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 59808233638712026422 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/06/19 14:38 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191571338582 Supplier Ref: 191571338582 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02461482 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 02602979048477867349 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/06/19 11:27 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191631027432 Supplier Ref: 191631027432 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02492594 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 22375766824617857252 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/06/19 11:06 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191651006537 Supplier Ref: 191651006537 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02503063 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 38128493055978773763 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/06/19 21:44 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191712044572 Supplier Ref: 191712044572 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02534883 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 59467086449563438805 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/06/19 17:54 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191751654178 Supplier Ref: 191751654178 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02551699 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 58072027694950805456 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/06/19 10:28 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191790928140 Supplier Ref: 191790928140 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02568676 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 06200857906753086889 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/07/19 10:29 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191830929287 Supplier Ref: 191830929287 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02587747 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 17770345337519359026 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/07/19 12:32 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191911133006 Supplier Ref: 191911133006 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02627820 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 11886902212326546319 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/07/19 19:52 Meter/Type: 04160896975 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191971852390 Supplier Ref: 191971852390 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02658499 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 29320121395401089477 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 68 Bottom of Form 04169563428 Top of Form Date Sold: 18/07/16 13:40 Meter/Type: 04169563428 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 620013520544 Supplier Ref: 620013520544 Receipt: EVG3EMDB00002502 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 28257164778203993893 Date Sold: 22/08/16 15:50 Meter/Type: 04169563428 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 623516030648 Supplier Ref: 623516030648 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00021469 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 58216536412104166956 Date Sold: 05/09/16 15:14 Meter/Type: 04169563428 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 624915140580 Supplier Ref: 624915140580 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00029727 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 22345278748560695431 Date Sold: 04/10/16 16:02 Meter/Type: 04169563428 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 627816020158 Supplier Ref: 627816020158 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00048355 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 42298720941974711730 Date Sold: 19/12/16 12:40 Meter/Type: 04169563428 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 635412400332 Supplier Ref: 635412400332 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00099293 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 66376929546166393849 Date Sold: 16/02/17 13:28 Meter/Type: 04169563428 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 704713280341 Supplier Ref: 704713280341 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00145302 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 02167095704015166578 Date Sold: 10/03/17 15:01 Meter/Type: 04169563428 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 706915010736 Supplier Ref: 706915010736 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00172969 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 50011925205125664530 Date Sold: 21/03/17 11:26 Meter/Type: 04169563428 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 708011260344 Supplier Ref: 708011260344 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00185277 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 38093309510144939658 Date Sold: 05/04/17 09:59 Meter/Type: 04169563428 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 709509590164 Supplier Ref: 709509590164 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00205714 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 45478844772009397711 Date Sold: 24/04/17 16:30 Meter/Type: 04169563428 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 711416300967 Supplier Ref: 711416300967 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00228470 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 25928080313182194387 Date Sold: 13/05/17 21:52 Meter/Type: 04169563428 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000597725362 Supplier Ref: 000597725362 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00252618 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 20607292718589049561 Date Sold: 05/06/17 15:42 Meter/Type: 04169563428 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 715615420082 Supplier Ref: 715615420082 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00282339 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 10220235410419326365 Date Sold: 28/06/17 10:04 Meter/Type: 04169563428 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 717910040089 Supplier Ref: 717910040089 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00310202 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 27971883545572312856 Date Sold: 03/08/17 09:28 Meter/Type: 04169563428 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 721509280133 Supplier Ref: 721509280133 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00358761 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 10460927860646072696 Date Sold: 21/08/17 08:48 Meter/Type: 04169563428 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 723308480059 Supplier Ref: 723308480059 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00378636 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 35230695433965145387 Date Sold: 11/09/17 16:19 Meter/Type: 04169563428 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 725416191027 Supplier Ref: 725416191027 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00408850 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 14844157082462844381 Date Sold: 16/10/17 16:53 Meter/Type: 04169563428 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 728916530808 Supplier Ref: 728916530808 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00455813 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 39859997046618115022 Date Sold: 31/10/17 16:12 Meter/Type: 04169563428 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000622315270 Supplier Ref: 000622315270 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00476903 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 05324733880386531770 Date Sold: 05/12/17 16:39 Meter/Type: 04169563428 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 733916391691 Supplier Ref: 733916391691 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00527096 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 07928087271545734777 Date Sold: 22/12/17 16:57 Meter/Type: 04169563428 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 735616571026 Supplier Ref: 735616571026 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00553742 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 71697023817053132447 Date Sold: 30/01/18 15:36 Meter/Type: 04169563428 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000635415609 Supplier Ref: 000635415609 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00601927 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 07331342813038445679 Date Sold: 05/03/18 15:37 Meter/Type: 04169563428 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 170784624218501 Supplier Ref: 170784624218501 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00652934 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 69278774451643110380 Date Sold: 12/04/18 11:00 Meter/Type: 04169563428 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 816624450307769 Supplier Ref: 816624450307769 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00712307 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 45491501319577997223 Date Sold: 02/05/18 10:45 Meter/Type: 04169563428 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000648628587 Supplier Ref: 000648628587 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00745602 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 40474492557653247418 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/05/18 10:32 Meter/Type: 04169563428 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000652515388 Supplier Ref: 000652515388 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00797263 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 31413085068445922738 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/06/18 11:33 Meter/Type: 04169563428 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 176498080925801 Supplier Ref: 176498080925801 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00818793 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 09136155977454282697 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 26 Bottom of Form2020-06-30 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013809ClosedRequest2020-06-30: REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 0101161033606Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30NoPLEASE FIND BELOW. Meter Serial Number: 0101161033606 Contract Account Number: 561763 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 561763 Start Date: 8/29/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $20,919.27 Outstanding Balance: $0.00 Running Balance: $0.00 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Paid off Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/2/2020 4:37:21 PM Top of Form Date Sold: 04/07/18 16:52 Meter/Type: 0101161033606 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000657737445 Supplier Ref: 000657737445 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00877796 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 66393152845605144957 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/08/18 18:49 Meter/Type: 0101161033606 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000662357127 Supplier Ref: 000662357127 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00953209 Total Value: N600.00 Standard: N600.00 - 06383572076524383701 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/08/18 12:38 Meter/Type: 0101161033606 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 227924160314267 Supplier Ref: 227924160314267 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01021185 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 12175382456266042606 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/09/18 16:00 Meter/Type: 0101161033606 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 604500160743451 Supplier Ref: 604500160743451 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01074845 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 08133253128472715069 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/10/18 19:46 Meter/Type: 0101161033606 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 153962916167 Supplier Ref: 153962916167 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01166180 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 06072737268241724791 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/11/18 13:16 Meter/Type: 0101161033606 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154280258601 Supplier Ref: 154280258601 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01293205 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 03798970654258732393 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/12/18 19:53 Meter/Type: 0101161033606 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154411883012 Supplier Ref: 154411883012 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01351541 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 60289285933280922832 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/12/18 20:17 Meter/Type: 0101161033606 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154524342878 Supplier Ref: 154524342878 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01418273 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 04596839636732476641 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/12/18 10:57 Meter/Type: 0101161033606 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154598748501 Supplier Ref: 154598748501 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01476618 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 51835359066578142926 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/12/18 13:13 Meter/Type: 0101161033606 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154608200908 Supplier Ref: 154608200908 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01485185 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 17946151328413222720 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/01/19 19:13 Meter/Type: 0101161033606 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154878199532 Supplier Ref: 154878199532 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01697765 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 55822432352814030239 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/02/19 19:51 Meter/Type: 0101161033606 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154999387608 Supplier Ref: 154999387608 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01810991 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 44863349039754663687 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/02/19 19:57 Meter/Type: 0101161033606 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155077189192 Supplier Ref: 155077189192 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01876418 Total Value: N250.00 Standard: N250.00 - 31977147440946680767 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/02/19 14:00 Meter/Type: 0101161033606 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155083683770 Supplier Ref: 155083683770 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01882439 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 55415457393403926886 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/03/19 10:36 Meter/Type: 0101161033606 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155246621690 Supplier Ref: 155246621690 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02008556 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 34808838555642726041 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/03/19 14:50 Meter/Type: 0101161033606 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155334542262 Supplier Ref: 155334542262 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02058991 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 41376873127472121235 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/04/19 16:06 Meter/Type: 0101161033606 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190951506287 Supplier Ref: 190951506287 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02134397 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 41963897038280271587 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/04/19 18:15 Meter/Type: 0101161033606 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155620892223 Supplier Ref: 155620892223 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02242268 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 51446672087602827545 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/05/19 22:34 Meter/Type: 0101161033606 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155700208284 Supplier Ref: 155700208284 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02298333 Total Value: N300.00 Standard: N300.00 - 73158721646635074152 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/05/19 17:02 Meter/Type: 0101161033606 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190509160146 Supplier Ref: 190509160146 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02323085 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 47271837552372054000 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/05/19 20:02 Meter/Type: 0101161033606 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155872092093 Supplier Ref: 155872092093 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02392481 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 14678498329323585882 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/05/19 18:48 Meter/Type: 0101161033606 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155932130913 Supplier Ref: 155932130913 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02429831 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 37902200628159480755 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/06/19 14:54 Meter/Type: 0101161033606 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156077606208 Supplier Ref: 156077606208 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02517095 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 22545532956377215430 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/06/19 20:54 Meter/Type: 0101161033606 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156140244350 Supplier Ref: 156140244350 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02552714 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 57191099162950554309 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/07/19 18:17 Meter/Type: 0101161033606 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156303462640 Supplier Ref: 156303462640 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02644492 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 06083788653891598534 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/07/19 15:21 Meter/Type: 0101161033606 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156432010224 Supplier Ref: 156432010224 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02713720 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 03695731105288950429 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/08/19 21:42 Meter/Type: 0101161033606 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156512051779 Supplier Ref: 156512051779 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02767155 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 56485696441689102629 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/08/19 16:19 Meter/Type: 0101161033606 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 267394966737279 Supplier Ref: 267394966737279 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02770481 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 61103412755895932948 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/08/19 15:14 Meter/Type: 0101161033606 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192351414591 Supplier Ref: 192351414591 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02848169 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 09061403616362424953 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/09/19 15:05 Meter/Type: 0101161033606 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192471405181 Supplier Ref: 192471405181 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02909053 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 23087291247594490763 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/09/19 09:21 Meter/Type: 0101161033606 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192620821356 Supplier Ref: 192620821356 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02987854 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 28993687155234184694 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/10/19 10:42 Meter/Type: 0101161033606 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192830943432 Supplier Ref: 192830943432 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03105005 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 73522413158863719074 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/10/19 14:27 Meter/Type: 0101161033606 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 434737245689593 Supplier Ref: 434737245689593 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03181151 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 31005979374485890548 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/11/19 15:31 Meter/Type: 0101161033606 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193191433314 Supplier Ref: 193191433314 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03316435 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 56983473381895443467 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/12/19 17:07 Meter/Type: 0101161033606 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157573138885 Supplier Ref: 157573138885 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03490030 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 25619243718935532883 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/12/19 14:24 Meter/Type: 0101161033606 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193531327016 Supplier Ref: 193531327016 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03571879 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 51501349520963682025 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/02/20 10:29 Meter/Type: 0101161033606 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200380929510 Supplier Ref: 200380929510 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04002221 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 38201193901332013264 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/02/20 15:52 Meter/Type: 0101161033606 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 328214570080918 Supplier Ref: 328214570080918 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB04134163 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 03239996219666411067 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/03/20 18:10 Meter/Type: 0101161033606 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200771710506 Supplier Ref: 200771710506 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04367025 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 44466452357447251529 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/04/20 16:37 Meter/Type: 0101161033606 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200951537228 Supplier Ref: 200951537228 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04506751 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 22362840461243825173 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/04/20 13:32 Meter/Type: 0101161033606 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201001232396 Supplier Ref: 201001232396 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04541705 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 67620811428911456543 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/04/20 17:06 Meter/Type: 0101161033606 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201081706237 Supplier Ref: 201081706237 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04592127 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 56143757329956352182 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/05/20 18:48 Meter/Type: 0101161033606 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201441848266 Supplier Ref: 201441848266 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04837284 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 60218810029024632956 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/06/20 16:37 Meter/Type: 0101161033606 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201541637276 Supplier Ref: 201541637276 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04905225 Total Value: N1,450.00 Standard: N530.73 - 16714444421733216644 Debt: N919.27 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/06/20 19:24 Meter/Type: 0101161033606 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201681924100 Supplier Ref: 201681924100 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04997419 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 56552206886277230313 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/06/20 19:50 Meter/Type: 0101161033606 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201761950377 Supplier Ref: 201761950377 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05054371 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 28708620355446037594 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 118 Bottom of Form2020-06-30 longpuan@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013808ClosedVending History2020-06-30Please I wish to request for vending history opening balance and outstanding debt balance of the following meter 04160613149,04160169381,04160896397. thanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30NoFind below. 04160613149 DEBT NOT MANAGED Top of Form Date Sold: 19/01/18 13:29 Meter/Type: 04160613149 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000633818964 Supplier Ref: 000633818964 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00587093 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 19788853878277067396 Date Sold: 14/02/18 16:56 Meter/Type: 04160613149 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 804516551442 Supplier Ref: 804516551442 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00624307 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 33197098651660269756 Date Sold: 17/03/18 10:10 Meter/Type: 04160613149 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 250516599743026 Supplier Ref: 250516599743026 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00672365 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 46690469171210978792 Date Sold: 02/05/18 16:34 Meter/Type: 04160613149 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 499836700194093 Supplier Ref: 499836700194093 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00746963 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 36894231272413334446 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/06/18 17:09 Meter/Type: 04160613149 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 796569616013675 Supplier Ref: 796569616013675 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00831779 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 34176781026407456580 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/01/19 15:54 Meter/Type: 04160613149 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190171455070 Supplier Ref: 190171455070 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01604371 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 68429569240669258856 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/06/19 16:29 Meter/Type: 04160613149 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191581529232 Supplier Ref: 191581529232 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02468941 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 61503575289875122354 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/09/19 15:47 Meter/Type: 04160613149 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192481447254 Supplier Ref: 192481447254 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02915548 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 19004193277955479113 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/06/20 15:29 Meter/Type: 04160613149 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201671529313 Supplier Ref: 201671529313 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04987897 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 42570632668208694399 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 10 Bottom of Form 04160169381- DEBT NOT MANAGED Top of Form Date Sold: 15/04/20 17:18 Meter/Type: 04160169381 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201061618315 Supplier Ref: 201061618315 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04575095 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 45442717517103530488 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/05/20 12:24 Meter/Type: 04160169381 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201271224538 Supplier Ref: 201271224538 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04721914 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 56363224019656531815 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/06/20 13:51 Meter/Type: 04160169381 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201691351410 Supplier Ref: 201691351410 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05002022 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 35791888112758391265 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 3 Bottom of Form 04160896397- DEBT NOT MANAGED Top of Form Date Sold: 03/08/16 12:36 Meter/Type: 04160896397 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 621612490294 Supplier Ref: 621612490294 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00010709 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 28291118016682400606 Date Sold: 05/09/16 15:40 Meter/Type: 04160896397 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 624915400625 Supplier Ref: 624915400625 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00029791 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 40375976825849900511 Date Sold: 14/09/16 10:41 Meter/Type: 04160896397 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 625810410123 Supplier Ref: 625810410123 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00034852 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 06734329300022915583 Date Sold: 04/10/16 16:28 Meter/Type: 04160896397 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 627816280231 Supplier Ref: 627816280231 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00048408 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 34284123719735412113 Date Sold: 04/11/16 15:37 Meter/Type: 04160896397 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 630915370481 Supplier Ref: 630915370481 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00069401 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 58087408058821189990 Date Sold: 16/12/16 13:43 Meter/Type: 04160896397 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 635113430219 Supplier Ref: 635113430219 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00097750 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 04483357058947328958 Date Sold: 27/02/17 09:34 Meter/Type: 04160896397 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 705809340226 Supplier Ref: 705809340226 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00155701 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 52953853539326388363 Date Sold: 11/03/17 12:06 Meter/Type: 04160896397 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 707012060295 Supplier Ref: 707012060295 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00173868 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 71906378719737355052 Date Sold: 10/04/17 10:16 Meter/Type: 04160896397 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 710010160201 Supplier Ref: 710010160201 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00211605 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 17082265371451445523 Date Sold: 01/06/17 13:43 Meter/Type: 04160896397 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 715213430548 Supplier Ref: 715213430548 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00276888 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 65962523208894873056 Date Sold: 03/07/17 11:03 Meter/Type: 04160896397 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 718411030352 Supplier Ref: 718411030352 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00317383 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 27250945024101039056 Date Sold: 28/07/17 10:52 Meter/Type: 04160896397 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 720910520340 Supplier Ref: 720910520340 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00350065 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 61710300900573171907 Date Sold: 23/08/17 09:16 Meter/Type: 04160896397 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 723509160062 Supplier Ref: 723509160062 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00381699 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 42879623008289240676 Date Sold: 25/10/17 08:02 Meter/Type: 04160896397 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 729808020045 Supplier Ref: 729808020045 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00466587 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 31570779419505225550 Date Sold: 03/11/17 12:54 Meter/Type: 04160896397 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000622727498 Supplier Ref: 000622727498 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00481736 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 35367349808074891218 Date Sold: 13/12/17 13:26 Meter/Type: 04160896397 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000628490704 Supplier Ref: 000628490704 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00538121 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 46458497003463859934 Date Sold: 27/12/17 11:59 Meter/Type: 04160896397 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 736111580172 Supplier Ref: 736111580172 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00558405 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 41822200389785029436 Date Sold: 31/01/18 09:35 Meter/Type: 04160896397 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 803109351076 Supplier Ref: 803109351076 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00602593 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 30384114931061524062 Date Sold: 13/02/18 11:10 Meter/Type: 04160896397 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000637405039 Supplier Ref: 000637405039 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00622076 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 52482244464798051010 Date Sold: 12/03/18 12:41 Meter/Type: 04160896397 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000641302286 Supplier Ref: 000641302286 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00663652 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 03379930737641401234 Date Sold: 09/04/18 14:34 Meter/Type: 04160896397 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000645339457 Supplier Ref: 000645339457 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00707171 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 19997438221367422224 Date Sold: 23/04/18 15:24 Meter/Type: 04160896397 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 811314231567 Supplier Ref: 811314231567 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00728982 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 69692620041323256212 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/04/18 14:28 Meter/Type: 04160896397 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 812013281572 Supplier Ref: 812013281572 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00741814 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 19573524568646901680 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/05/18 12:07 Meter/Type: 04160896397 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 813611071165 Supplier Ref: 813611071165 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00771949 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 69576358540228464433 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/05/18 14:56 Meter/Type: 04160896397 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 815113560090 Supplier Ref: 815113560090 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00803365 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 71284165596910249796 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/06/18 13:16 Meter/Type: 04160896397 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000657139839 Supplier Ref: 000657139839 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00867009 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 02865519135756852993 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/08/18 15:36 Meter/Type: 04160896397 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182151436083 Supplier Ref: 182151436083 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00949138 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 73308385541721880864 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/10/18 20:10 Meter/Type: 04160896397 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182802010546 Supplier Ref: 182802010546 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01137921 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 53560279400612184471 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/10/18 09:15 Meter/Type: 04160896397 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183020915107 Supplier Ref: 183020915107 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01210215 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 66602217100408102919 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/11/18 15:00 Meter/Type: 04160896397 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183171500094 Supplier Ref: 183171500094 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01267583 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 64361369633250480996 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/01/19 10:54 Meter/Type: 04160896397 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154650570637 Supplier Ref: 154650570637 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01509561 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 45648719753285077939 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/02/19 14:11 Meter/Type: 04160896397 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154962788851 Supplier Ref: 154962788851 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01781244 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 46961235632722762588 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/03/19 13:30 Meter/Type: 04160896397 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190611230590 Supplier Ref: 190611230590 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01941197 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 47518982761478698460 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/04/19 13:38 Meter/Type: 04160896397 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155498269445 Supplier Ref: 155498269445 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02165615 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 09176037561038236044 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/05/19 12:01 Meter/Type: 04160896397 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191341101103 Supplier Ref: 191341101103 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02339697 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 24275876472631610922 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/07/19 11:34 Meter/Type: 04160896397 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156197368183 Supplier Ref: 156197368183 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02582630 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 29696316584428532280 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/07/19 10:31 Meter/Type: 04160896397 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192120931428 Supplier Ref: 192120931428 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02728772 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 68316863516182727368 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/09/19 12:56 Meter/Type: 04160896397 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156759457096 Supplier Ref: 156759457096 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02907881 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 16650093404449173649 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/11/19 10:39 Meter/Type: 04160896397 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193050940416 Supplier Ref: 193050940416 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03229551 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 33614954922506344648 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/12/19 14:37 Meter/Type: 04160896397 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193401339428 Supplier Ref: 193401339428 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03480210 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 27467716174607313699 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/01/20 11:08 Meter/Type: 04160896397 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 200129786132 Supplier Ref: 200129786132 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB03913623 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 70129181051462141942 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 50 Bottom of Form2020-06-30 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013807In ProgressKCT Request2020-06-30Hello, kindly generate KCT for MSN: 0101190003521. Best regards.MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-06-30No0000-00-00 anersirleh@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013806ClosedKCT Request2020-06-30Please kindly assist with key change for MSN. 0101185058258MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-06-30NoFIND BELOW. 0101185058258 KCT 1: 2286 0065 8392 6438 1588 KCT 2: 1626 5775 7330 5104 29682020-06-30 faayu472003@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013805In ProgressRequest2020-06-30REQUEST FOR METER NUMBER TIED TO ACCOUNT 617102Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30No0000-00-00 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013804In ProgressRequest2020-06-30REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 54161099129 & 54160885270Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30No0000-00-00 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013803ClosedKCT Request2020-06-30Pls we need KCT 0101185052863MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-06-30NoFind below. MSN: 0101185052863 KCT 1: 3596 9263 7442 3066 3180 KCT 2: 2773 1828 0199 6144 36842020-06-30 stynlucs@yahoo.com Anas Abubakar
#00013802ClosedRequest2020-06-3054161128027 Dear support kindly send me the above customer vending history Best regardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30NoFind below, ________________________________________ Date Sold: 18/07/17 12:34 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 719912326241 Supplier Ref: 719912326241 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00337289 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 55027292100935711177 Date Sold: 03/08/17 11:02 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 721511017425 Supplier Ref: 721511017425 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00359032 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 35567998543684333096 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 15/08/17 11:27 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 722714270153 Supplier Ref: 722714270153 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00372640 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 65833799338909523909 Date Sold: 24/10/17 10:04 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 729710044614 Supplier Ref: 729710044614 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00465230 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 44931704856173175067 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 15/01/18 11:58 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 315433236638088 Supplier Ref: 315433236638088 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00580967 Total Value: N9,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 47638011817141712840 Debt: N6,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 16/02/18 09:10 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000637825003 Supplier Ref: 000637825003 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00626088 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 11767727160623766619 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 04/04/18 13:13 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 709725387803825 Supplier Ref: 709725387803825 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00698453 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 31259857487739388976 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 21/05/18 17:50 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 240380458318089 Supplier Ref: 240380458318089 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00782621 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 01926508707622641354 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/07/18 14:49 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000660461169 Supplier Ref: 000660461169 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00919146 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,585.80 - 41695704350958174377 Debt: N1,414.20 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/08/18 17:27 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000664508966 Supplier Ref: 000664508966 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00993372 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 62661457842012918299 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/09/18 14:49 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000667661264 Supplier Ref: 000667661264 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01057459 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 43145983744277706595 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/10/18 15:21 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000670694453 Supplier Ref: 000670694453 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01119675 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 37325617993175630466 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/10/18 13:29 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 208315534466356 Supplier Ref: 208315534466356 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01164123 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 60976427645383882506 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/10/18 12:20 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000674708051 Supplier Ref: 000674708051 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01215873 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 17871633450861609253 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/11/18 10:16 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000676279774 Supplier Ref: 000676279774 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01257223 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 29919105994106740780 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/11/18 08:34 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000677709591 Supplier Ref: 000677709591 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01288748 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 37712434796883403173 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/12/18 13:22 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183381222387 Supplier Ref: 183381222387 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01340755 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 33865744807178140514 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/12/18 11:23 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183471023215 Supplier Ref: 183471023215 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01381685 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 23957030205388966911 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/01/19 12:39 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154642559730 Supplier Ref: 154642559730 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01503924 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 41415227245000255715 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/01/19 15:06 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 834167793614088 Supplier Ref: 834167793614088 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01560121 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 10658864822062263214 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/01/19 16:16 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154868500588 Supplier Ref: 154868500588 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01685394 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 17263806941136927749 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/02/19 12:18 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190391118306 Supplier Ref: 190391118306 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01779864 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N6,000.00 - 36600444357442565521 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/02/19 14:45 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190521346122 Supplier Ref: 190521346122 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01872951 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 08930674074440105510 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/03/19 15:02 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190671402118 Supplier Ref: 190671402118 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01985293 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 40053851576508739421 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/03/19 16:23 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155352383114 Supplier Ref: 155352383114 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02067224 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 51967585193576670949 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/04/19 11:52 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 357621570517025 Supplier Ref: 357621570517025 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02125426 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 31322389565324831385 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/04/19 21:25 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191032026097 Supplier Ref: 191032026097 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02179837 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 51779698671025476076 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/04/19 14:19 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155619475689 Supplier Ref: 155619475689 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02240336 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 48106852583840737931 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/05/19 15:26 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191261426594 Supplier Ref: 191261426594 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02305334 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 24326597590416807074 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/05/19 15:57 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155792862459 Supplier Ref: 155792862459 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02346987 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 16475579617875248404 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/05/19 14:48 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191471348415 Supplier Ref: 191471348415 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02403937 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 67614926452375065657 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/06/19 14:54 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 720322959666159 Supplier Ref: 720322959666159 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02482777 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 53241615086992135541 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/06/19 13:52 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156111791443 Supplier Ref: 156111791443 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02536882 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 15917750770947811337 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/07/19 16:21 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191841521483 Supplier Ref: 191841521483 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02595773 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 30526509855978685990 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/08/19 15:26 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156648038458 Supplier Ref: 156648038458 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02843385 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 68882452388229587182 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/10/19 19:43 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192841844581 Supplier Ref: 192841844581 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03114385 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 50807477252508273318 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/11/19 11:48 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193151050008 Supplier Ref: 193151050008 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03289038 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 43653360271351418514 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/01/20 15:39 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157875013590 Supplier Ref: 157875013590 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03767137 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 46491638830392208621 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/03/20 16:47 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158324682704 Supplier Ref: 158324682704 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04261795 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 34655766991311008563 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/03/20 17:09 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200801608595 Supplier Ref: 200801608595 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04387142 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 18351945030495395075 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/04/20 16:18 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201001518496 Supplier Ref: 201001518496 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04544297 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 04604578591672514921 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/05/20 12:40 Meter/Type: 54161128027 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201291240567 Supplier Ref: 201291240567 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04734023 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 50676467138194701265 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 602020-06-30 ogbesteven8@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013801ClosedRequest2020-06-30Please find below PPM meter nos for total outstanding debt. 010160002909 010116009250Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30No010160002909 not on itron 010116009250 - not on itron2020-06-30 glawal1184@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013800ClosedRequest2020-06-30Please kindly assist with vending history for MSN. 0101170138776 Thank Best RegardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30NoPlease find below. Date Sold: 30/04/18 14:01 Meter/Type: 0101170138776 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 812013001529 Supplier Ref: 812013001529 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00741679 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 14538764718694433194 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/06/18 13:42 Meter/Type: 0101170138776 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 817012421601 Supplier Ref: 817012421601 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00841537 Total Value: N1,700.00 Standard: N1,700.00 - 25764378448525780823 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/07/18 14:17 Meter/Type: 0101170138776 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182091317365 Supplier Ref: 182091317365 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00932217 Total Value: N1,000.08 Standard: N1,000.08 - 34735104822176490179 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/08/18 17:34 Meter/Type: 0101170138776 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 153460629133 Supplier Ref: 153460629133 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00988296 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 01283186098072550410 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/09/18 19:49 Meter/Type: 0101170138776 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 153660162115 Supplier Ref: 153660162115 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01055142 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 53203461911137290630 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/10/18 13:07 Meter/Type: 0101170138776 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 153856830427 Supplier Ref: 153856830427 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01123029 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 30718096068237887782 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/10/18 08:29 Meter/Type: 0101170138776 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154002038147 Supplier Ref: 154002038147 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01181426 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 41805742014366049052 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/11/18 10:17 Meter/Type: 0101170138776 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154123638323 Supplier Ref: 154123638323 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01232352 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 35811798207357735566 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/11/18 12:04 Meter/Type: 0101170138776 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154279806602 Supplier Ref: 154279806602 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01292833 Total Value: N1,400.00 Standard: N1,400.00 - 29621910898074143527 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/12/18 18:43 Meter/Type: 0101170138776 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154480565556 Supplier Ref: 154480565556 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01391225 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 65534641409612033161 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/12/18 17:46 Meter/Type: 0101170138776 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154601182713 Supplier Ref: 154601182713 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01481628 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 32136737063895027791 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/01/19 20:50 Meter/Type: 0101170138776 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154731893901 Supplier Ref: 154731893901 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01569859 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 22500965524983534454 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/01/19 20:46 Meter/Type: 0101170138776 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154852835518 Supplier Ref: 154852835518 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01674257 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 30924426240731884545 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/02/19 17:32 Meter/Type: 0101170138776 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154963985116 Supplier Ref: 154963985116 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01783993 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 10629478431906713267 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/02/19 21:13 Meter/Type: 0101170138776 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155086258932 Supplier Ref: 155086258932 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01888031 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 24653442234066037359 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/03/19 21:59 Meter/Type: 0101170138776 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190672059432 Supplier Ref: 190672059432 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01988884 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 22009952256961869677 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/03/19 22:30 Meter/Type: 0101170138776 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155207452376 Supplier Ref: 155207452376 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01989004 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 10406602391309299283 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/04/19 09:23 Meter/Type: 0101170138776 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190930823524 Supplier Ref: 190930823524 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02117390 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 16407978377339727735 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/04/19 17:27 Meter/Type: 0101170138776 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191101627350 Supplier Ref: 191101627350 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02215771 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 40338017362044652587 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/05/19 14:56 Meter/Type: 0101170138776 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191401356330 Supplier Ref: 191401356330 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02368929 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 72717665900561067760 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/06/19 13:17 Meter/Type: 0101170138776 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191691217542 Supplier Ref: 191691217542 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02522266 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 35432229228068844803 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/07/19 11:24 Meter/Type: 0101170138776 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190726399567 Supplier Ref: 190726399567 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02702999 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 06386098700550735978 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/08/19 14:01 Meter/Type: 0101170138776 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192251301518 Supplier Ref: 192251301518 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02798394 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 20243716509136311547 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/08/19 16:18 Meter/Type: 0101170138776 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192421518104 Supplier Ref: 192421518104 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02883561 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 66805586136704633027 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/09/19 16:08 Meter/Type: 0101170138776 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192641509124 Supplier Ref: 192641509124 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03002151 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 32061980022749692201 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/10/19 21:42 Meter/Type: 0101170138776 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 191024888287 Supplier Ref: 191024888287 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB03183990 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 18752034611412500146 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/11/19 14:53 Meter/Type: 0101170138776 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 191104639322 Supplier Ref: 191104639322 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB03249680 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 18235938119618952953 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/11/19 17:12 Meter/Type: 0101170138776 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193261614187 Supplier Ref: 193261614187 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03358685 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 37283305620972042171 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/12/19 15:29 Meter/Type: 0101170138776 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157537990777 Supplier Ref: 157537990777 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03454268 Total Value: N2,700.00 Standard: N700.00 - 28578604524396893668 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/12/19 17:20 Meter/Type: 0101170138776 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157659616154 Supplier Ref: 157659616154 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03554867 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 68384968901245374393 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/12/19 15:36 Meter/Type: 0101170138776 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193621439175 Supplier Ref: 193621439175 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03655346 Total Value: N700.00 Standard: N700.00 - 46482178289708053790 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/01/20 17:46 Meter/Type: 0101170138776 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200061649100 Supplier Ref: 200061649100 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03723749 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 56398073591979262212 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/01/20 14:27 Meter/Type: 0101170138776 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157978263082 Supplier Ref: 157978263082 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03864507 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 09637422754162521425 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/02/20 13:18 Meter/Type: 0101170138776 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200581218426 Supplier Ref: 200581218426 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04192579 Total Value: N2,600.00 Standard: N600.00 - 48195111099560711872 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/04/20 10:11 Meter/Type: 0101170138776 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201000910524 Supplier Ref: 201000910524 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04538365 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 48444758225380650126 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/05/20 08:24 Meter/Type: 0101170138776 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201300824392 Supplier Ref: 201300824392 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04739648 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 25302527136008444398 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/06/20 10:18 Meter/Type: 0101170138776 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201821018442 Supplier Ref: 201821018442 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05096289 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 36872513215734263025 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 652020-06-30 aayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013799In ProgressVending History2020-06-30Dear Support, Kindly provide VH for 57100082122. Thank YouMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30No0000-00-00 sunnyochekwu@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013798ClosedRequest2020-06-30Please kindly assist with account number for MSN. 0101170112359 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30NoPlease find below. Meter Serial Number: 0101170112359 Contract Account Number: 6461161657-012020-06-30 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013797ClosedRequest2020-06-30: Request for outstanding balance meter no 54161108565 Ediga Francis AkpaMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30NoPlease find below. Meter Serial Number: 54161108565 Contract Account Number: 476541 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING BALANCE Reference Number: 54161143885 Start Date: 7/1/2017 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $220,143.79 Outstanding Balance: $115,143.79 Running Balance: $115,143.79 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: 3/31/2020 12:09:11 PM2020-06-30 benmercyladi@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013796ClosedRequest2020-06-30Please kindly assist with debt details for MSN. 0101160184319 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30NoPlease find below. Meter Serial Number: 0101160184319 Contract Account Number: 646024052401 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 646024052401 Start Date: 5/19/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $96,345.90 Outstanding Balance: $92,345.90 Running Balance: $92,345.90 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/3/2020 4:50:29 PM2020-06-30 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013795ClosedRequest2020-06-30Hello Support, Kindly avail us with the above request tied to this MSN : 0101170293688, 0101160350266Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30NoPlease find below as requested. 1. 0101170293688 Meter Serial Number: 0101170293688 Contract Account Number: 6131431533-01 Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 6131431533-01 Start Date: 4/19/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $671,670.91 Outstanding Balance: $581,670.91 Running Balance: $581,670.91 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/13/2020 3:59:58 PM 2. 0101160350266 Meter Serial Number: 0101160350266 Contract Account Number: 6131431524-01 Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 6131431524-01 Start Date: 4/19/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $585,827.96 Outstanding Balance: $533,327.96 Running Balance: $533,327.96 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,500.00 Latest Payment: 6/13/2020 3:58:32 PM2020-06-30 longpuan@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013794Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013793ClosedKCT Request2020-06-30Dear Sir, Kindly release the KCT of the meters below: 0101185049117 0101185051428MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-06-30NoFind below MSN: 0101185049117 KCT 1:1803 2476 2370 6069 9317 KCT 2: 6587 0256 9640 7034 2208 MSN: 0101185051428 KCT 1: 2789 0972 4372 1553 2421 KCT 2: 1404 1015 5538 6672 67672020-06-30 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Anas Abubakar
#00013792ClosedVending History2020-06-30REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY Find below request. 1. 0101160059594. thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30NoFind below. Date Sold: 01/02/19 18:22 Meter/Type: 0101160059594 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154903817264 Supplier Ref: 154903817264 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01728179 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 29521866594362304521 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 132020-06-30 faizahtafida@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013791ClosedRequest2020-06-30: REQUEST FOR DEBT MIGIRATED AND BALANCE(54161080905) Dear support kindly supply us with the debt profile of this customer as requested warm regardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-07NoFind below. Meter Serial Number: 54161080905 Contract Account Number: 6218392133-01 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 6218392133-01 Start Date: 2/9/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $155,120.41 Outstanding Balance: $142,620.41 Running Balance: $142,620.41 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,500.00 Latest Payment: 6/5/2020 11:02:19 PM2020-06-30 tyoverpeter@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013790ClosedVending History2020-06-30: Vending history54161149635 Morning Sir, Kindly send me the details history of the above meter Best regardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30NoPlease find below. Date Sold: 17/05/18 14:13 Meter/Type: 54161149635 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000650809497 Supplier Ref: 000650809497 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00774555 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 58562281550118483643 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/08/18 10:32 Meter/Type: 54161149635 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000663459448 Supplier Ref: 000663459448 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00971609 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 40281491719488828232 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/10/18 14:55 Meter/Type: 54161149635 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000671555895 Supplier Ref: 000671555895 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01141113 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 24737337782835522870 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/12/18 12:17 Meter/Type: 54161149635 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000680605982 Supplier Ref: 000680605982 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01364387 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 57688207666617227277 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/02/19 13:18 Meter/Type: 54161149635 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190204495219 Supplier Ref: 190204495219 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB01745531 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 55942028004216617695 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/05/19 13:09 Meter/Type: 54161149635 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155843698968 Supplier Ref: 155843698968 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02373734 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 22040636225301029474 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/09/19 17:58 Meter/Type: 54161149635 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156743990392 Supplier Ref: 156743990392 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02898764 Total Value: N9,000.00 Standard: N617.93 - 24607340884067230478 Debt: N8,382.07 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/10/19 16:19 Meter/Type: 54161149635 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157253165997 Supplier Ref: 157253165997 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03224935 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 05967607257166519672 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/02/20 13:19 Meter/Type: 54161149635 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158090156372 Supplier Ref: 158090156372 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03985021 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 06651922027766060532 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/05/20 11:23 Meter/Type: 54161149635 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201241123468 Supplier Ref: 201241123468 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04703064 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 07497668661594421899 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/06/20 11:23 Meter/Type: 54161149635 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201811123414 Supplier Ref: 201811123414 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05087024 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 58636415750049977910 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 172020-06-30 rajiauwalmuazu@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013789ClosedRequest2020-06-30REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILS Good morning IT Support team. Please kindly assist with debt details for MSN. 54160969983 Thanks Best RegardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30NoFind below. Meter Serial Number: 54160969983 Contract Account Number: 6422043227-01 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 54160969983 Start Date: 9/11/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $81,824.65 Outstanding Balance: $81,824.65 Running Balance: $81,824.65 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-06-30 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013788ClosedVending History2020-06-30Vending history 04172848089 Good morning colleague. Best regardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30NoPlease find below. Top of Form Date Sold: 09/08/16 13:19 Meter/Type: 04172848089 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 622213320294 Supplier Ref: 622213320294 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00014154 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 62440693558907058911 Date Sold: 07/09/16 13:34 Meter/Type: 04172848089 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 625113340318 Supplier Ref: 625113340318 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00031288 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 70961438458974472699 Date Sold: 24/09/16 10:29 Meter/Type: 04172848089 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 626810290062 Supplier Ref: 626810290062 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00041559 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 57084738212251063380 Date Sold: 01/11/16 12:32 Meter/Type: 04172848089 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 630613320442 Supplier Ref: 630613320442 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00066636 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 61035084423859988581 Date Sold: 17/01/17 11:54 Meter/Type: 04172848089 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 701711540167 Supplier Ref: 701711540167 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00122164 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 00886801894533548402 Date Sold: 27/03/17 10:39 Meter/Type: 04172848089 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 708609390309 Supplier Ref: 708609390309 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00191897 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 32813414930078781789 Date Sold: 25/04/17 12:41 Meter/Type: 04172848089 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 711512410372 Supplier Ref: 711512410372 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00229463 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N3,500.00 - 47114266146397738552 Date Sold: 11/05/17 18:05 Meter/Type: 04172848089 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 713117582466 Supplier Ref: 713117582466 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00248563 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 53837230284860060362 Date Sold: 02/06/17 13:21 Meter/Type: 04172848089 Retailer/Operator: JEDYELWA/djoshua Token Ref: 715313210176 Supplier Ref: 715313210176 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00278854 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 12448576201294416898 Date Sold: 05/06/17 09:37 Meter/Type: 04172848089 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 715609370192 Supplier Ref: 715609370192 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00280954 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 33867588100750882205 Date Sold: 22/06/20 17:01 Meter/Type: 04172848089 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201741701241 Supplier Ref: 201741701241 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05036741 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 56115533460182649768 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 11 Bottom of Form2020-06-30 ericjames346@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013787In ProgressVending History2020-06-30please kindly send me the total outstanding history of these customer; 54160899602Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30No0000-00-00 abubakarbappa766@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013786ClosedOutstanding Balance2020-06-30: REQUEST FOR OUTSTANDING BALANCE METER NO 54161115123 AMEH PHOEBEMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30NoFind below. Meter Serial Number: 54161115123 Contract Account Number: 6621033347-01 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 54161115123 Start Date: 2/20/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $158,240.28 Outstanding Balance: $143,240.28 Running Balance: $143,240.28 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/3/2020 9:46:48 AM2020-06-30 benmercyladi@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013785ClosedVending History2020-06-30Dear IT Support, Kindly generate the VH for the meter number 04223569908 regardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30NoFind below as requested. Date Sold: 28/07/16 12:12 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/bolaoye Token Ref: 621012250331 Supplier Ref: 621012250331 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00007258 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 45475024024405744791 Date Sold: 30/07/16 12:21 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/agina Token Ref: 621212340335 Supplier Ref: 621212340335 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00008517 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 61621126431697263915 Date Sold: 12/08/16 14:14 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/agina Token Ref: 622514280147 Supplier Ref: 622514280147 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00015991 Total Value: N1,050.00 Standard: N1,050.00 - 72501747153936652937 Date Sold: 15/08/16 12:42 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/agina Token Ref: 622812550408 Supplier Ref: 622812550408 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00016997 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 47143416399203776338 Date Sold: 05/09/16 10:17 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/agina Token Ref: 624910170124 Supplier Ref: 624910170124 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00029063 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 13846647476454434023 Date Sold: 14/09/16 11:40 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/agina Token Ref: 625811400278 Supplier Ref: 625811400278 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00034981 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 18921702917347404321 Date Sold: 16/09/16 09:22 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/agina Token Ref: 626009220110 Supplier Ref: 626009220110 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00036469 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 05092462729175153910 Date Sold: 04/10/16 09:53 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/agina Token Ref: 627809530221 Supplier Ref: 627809530221 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00047320 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 11591506555124403099 Date Sold: 11/10/16 10:18 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/fandrew Token Ref: 628510180089 Supplier Ref: 628510180089 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00053051 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 62799024405894237983 Date Sold: 15/10/16 09:37 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/agina Token Ref: 628909370097 Supplier Ref: 628909370097 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00055973 Total Value: N3,300.00 Standard: N3,300.00 - 34893654675390351033 Date Sold: 08/11/16 10:23 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 631310230143 Supplier Ref: 631310230143 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00071261 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 09874040777816217139 Date Sold: 21/11/16 09:55 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/agina Token Ref: 632609560161 Supplier Ref: 632609560161 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00079274 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 03504639124058630582 Date Sold: 13/12/16 10:51 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/binuwa Token Ref: 634810520311 Supplier Ref: 634810520311 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00094389 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 70550671751131018043 Date Sold: 04/01/17 09:31 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/binuwa Token Ref: 700409310071 Supplier Ref: 700409310071 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00112337 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 65373948449822335104 Date Sold: 06/03/17 11:22 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/binuwa Token Ref: 706511220315 Supplier Ref: 706511220315 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00165540 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 03134923362878284378 Date Sold: 24/03/17 10:50 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/binuwa Token Ref: 708310500270 Supplier Ref: 708310500270 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00189338 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 12079360539776908079 Date Sold: 21/04/17 10:06 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/binuwa Token Ref: 711110060193 Supplier Ref: 711110060193 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00224233 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 42101106950747680983 Date Sold: 20/05/17 11:21 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/binuwa Token Ref: 714011210260 Supplier Ref: 714011210260 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00261858 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 29293509546749302416 Date Sold: 19/06/17 11:37 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/binuwa Token Ref: 717011370227 Supplier Ref: 717011370227 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00299048 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 42626507458962356855 Date Sold: 13/07/17 15:56 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/binuwa Token Ref: 719415560470 Supplier Ref: 719415560470 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00331735 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 27451004370997848257 Date Sold: 29/07/17 12:44 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 721012431192 Supplier Ref: 721012431192 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00352120 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 17258625745410658419 Date Sold: 19/08/17 14:20 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 723114201113 Supplier Ref: 723114201113 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00378156 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 13883797747445039018 Date Sold: 26/08/17 12:56 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/binuwa Token Ref: 723812560177 Supplier Ref: 723812560177 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00386711 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 42889606869683639522 Date Sold: 06/09/17 16:12 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/binuwa Token Ref: 724916110252 Supplier Ref: 724916110252 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00402587 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 52034106147446489204 Date Sold: 06/09/17 16:13 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: JEDJOS/binuwa Token Ref: 724916130257 Supplier Ref: 724916130257 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00402593 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 08607453779809604424 Date Sold: 02/10/17 08:50 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 727508501013 Supplier Ref: 727508501013 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00433758 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 47899112920146518303 Date Sold: 03/10/17 14:46 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 727614461182 Supplier Ref: 727614461182 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00436639 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 47728881015175551667 Date Sold: 01/11/17 14:41 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 730514411270 Supplier Ref: 730514411270 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00478430 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 47854785231045241494 Date Sold: 22/11/17 11:29 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 732611291201 Supplier Ref: 732611291201 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00507528 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 03862850372322907269 Date Sold: 28/11/17 13:47 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000626332773 Supplier Ref: 000626332773 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00516021 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 69996179628190753347 Date Sold: 20/12/17 11:56 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 735411561301 Supplier Ref: 735411561301 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00548029 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 63343598681553879198 Date Sold: 16/01/18 11:03 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 801611031149 Supplier Ref: 801611031149 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00582525 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 67639257989172379692 Date Sold: 30/01/18 13:42 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000635404337 Supplier Ref: 000635404337 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00601535 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 59627538141112623479 Date Sold: 19/02/18 12:00 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 805012001329 Supplier Ref: 805012001329 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00630051 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 40655986283503644496 Date Sold: 17/03/18 11:07 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000642012844 Supplier Ref: 000642012844 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00672605 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 15376008650848220390 Date Sold: 27/03/18 12:15 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000643453618 Supplier Ref: 000643453618 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00685421 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 25682637164047867964 Date Sold: 25/04/18 13:33 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 425648906500605 Supplier Ref: 425648906500605 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00732592 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 71338730519389046501 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/05/18 13:39 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 812512391198 Supplier Ref: 812512391198 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00752368 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 56122270834775870850 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/05/18 13:11 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000650515217 Supplier Ref: 000650515217 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00769771 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 69076204570240415086 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/05/18 09:53 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000651071454 Supplier Ref: 000651071454 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00777895 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 46532750950978033208 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/05/18 13:48 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 814812481572 Supplier Ref: 814812481572 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00795416 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 18569189384979567966 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/06/18 13:53 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 958151162762297 Supplier Ref: 958151162762297 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00841591 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 12135331144714094019 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/07/18 12:47 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000659584958 Supplier Ref: 000659584958 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00905854 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 30747747009030568610 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/07/18 09:59 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000659712252 Supplier Ref: 000659712252 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00907744 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 40145798133420828335 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/07/18 13:34 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000660885618 Supplier Ref: 000660885618 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00926697 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 73204603765967488572 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/08/18 12:32 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182301132080 Supplier Ref: 182301132080 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00987032 Total Value: N400.00 Standard: N400.00 - 54599304571271267726 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/08/18 11:30 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 751464284961462 Supplier Ref: 751464284961462 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01003095 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 46872449118480208165 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/08/18 12:52 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 823911521163 Supplier Ref: 823911521163 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01011047 Total Value: N300.00 Standard: N300.00 - 07027868078698633322 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/09/18 14:48 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 696306398914215 Supplier Ref: 696306398914215 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01028868 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 25903117767225567791 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/09/18 12:55 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000666641802 Supplier Ref: 000666641802 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01037048 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 55656217139339698488 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/09/18 10:23 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 870625575502764 Supplier Ref: 870625575502764 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01048750 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 37273506692173513708 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/09/18 10:05 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182721005115 Supplier Ref: 182721005115 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01109679 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 49920307097988405525 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/10/18 12:57 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182951257591 Supplier Ref: 182951257591 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01187549 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 64075163496580801770 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/10/18 12:42 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183001242020 Supplier Ref: 183001242020 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01206694 Total Value: N400.00 Standard: N400.00 - 40315813645532693025 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/10/18 09:29 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183030929395 Supplier Ref: 183030929395 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01214962 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 59278346512576424054 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/10/18 10:12 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 830410120000 Supplier Ref: 830410120000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01219260 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 23379453931511902854 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/11/18 08:16 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 642078686632558 Supplier Ref: 642078686632558 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01249544 Total Value: N700.00 Standard: N700.00 - 23505422888595668159 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/11/18 09:12 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183190912447 Supplier Ref: 183190912447 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01273120 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 49642370672353176222 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/11/18 17:19 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 833117160000 Supplier Ref: 833117160000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01314608 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 59510659268518636145 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/11/18 11:40 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 195348503749691 Supplier Ref: 195348503749691 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01325518 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 01948832808349605454 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/12/18 14:46 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183471346494 Supplier Ref: 183471346494 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01383432 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 58403569387372570581 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/12/18 10:18 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 411458547871279 Supplier Ref: 411458547871279 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01406740 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 20772895874552245671 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/12/18 11:24 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 647040782153534 Supplier Ref: 647040782153534 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01476816 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 15688164512281936090 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/02/19 10:54 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 921453722955026 Supplier Ref: 921453722955026 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01847195 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 69953170346387264676 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/02/19 15:01 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190531402108 Supplier Ref: 190531402108 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01883595 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 05171063158840124964 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/04/19 13:14 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 732576897857235 Supplier Ref: 732576897857235 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02119465 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 37630748477297128279 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/04/19 15:31 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 31492126152942 Supplier Ref: 31492126152942 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02186095 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 37190446252646624464 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/04/19 13:22 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191081222170 Supplier Ref: 191081222170 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02202917 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 54287538469118113790 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/04/19 11:38 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191141038274 Supplier Ref: 191141038274 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02233038 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 01124073283626864648 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/06/19 11:06 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191681006386 Supplier Ref: 191681006386 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02515369 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 26917785302678422650 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/07/19 09:23 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191840823548 Supplier Ref: 191840823548 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02592674 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 25317433241901147108 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/07/19 12:45 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191941145352 Supplier Ref: 191941145352 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02642983 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 68087650067739700014 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/07/19 11:08 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156447768891 Supplier Ref: 156447768891 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02722495 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 44650959026407144054 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/08/19 14:01 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156561131054 Supplier Ref: 156561131054 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02793231 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 51695136104579483774 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/08/19 09:09 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192410809570 Supplier Ref: 192410809570 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02874323 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 52267416371955716532 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/09/19 13:02 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192471202393 Supplier Ref: 192471202393 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02907944 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 08141285483318464056 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/09/19 09:55 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192560856212 Supplier Ref: 192560856212 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02956938 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 45492631228785958602 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/09/19 11:23 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192611024231 Supplier Ref: 192611024231 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02983017 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 19566977361278383628 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/10/19 12:08 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157104776887 Supplier Ref: 157104776887 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03124475 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 37269096868894421875 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/10/19 09:44 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 786358480402127 Supplier Ref: 786358480402127 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03152708 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 55696721290669017025 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/11/19 11:20 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193191022137 Supplier Ref: 193191022137 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03314535 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 51614662715460080763 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/12/19 12:04 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157536759784 Supplier Ref: 157536759784 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03451486 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 12451202123921633584 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/12/19 10:23 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157691673934 Supplier Ref: 157691673934 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03587949 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 14104371675414296405 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/01/20 10:23 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200060926121 Supplier Ref: 200060926121 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03715157 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 03533370000126831790 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/01/20 16:24 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200131527158 Supplier Ref: 200131527158 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03782055 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 55649119484104419750 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/01/20 14:57 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200251400495 Supplier Ref: 200251400495 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03883076 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 39915301749644647811 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/02/20 14:17 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 287237245005028 Supplier Ref: 287237245005028 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03948710 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 00969899970471375442 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/02/20 12:40 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158133122551 Supplier Ref: 158133122551 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04027488 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 45891120255788510183 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/02/20 10:07 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158287723217 Supplier Ref: 158287723217 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04201035 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 08932489518972942423 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/03/20 11:50 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200701050148 Supplier Ref: 200701050148 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04325389 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 21800324665639095707 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/03/20 12:23 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200861122544 Supplier Ref: 200861122544 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04428065 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 38186554208927628839 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/04/20 11:44 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201001044137 Supplier Ref: 201001044137 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04539935 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 34237251709701217943 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/04/20 10:52 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201151052184 Supplier Ref: 201151052184 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04639643 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 47984040302066766102 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/05/20 11:04 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201371104075 Supplier Ref: 201371104075 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04786519 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 38736097678047544047 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/05/20 11:51 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201371151305 Supplier Ref: 201371151305 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04787194 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 40747598775078940918 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/06/20 13:06 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201581306188 Supplier Ref: 201581306188 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04933150 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 47514378109326700133 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/06/20 10:29 Meter/Type: 04223569908 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201821029361 Supplier Ref: 201821029361 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05096467 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 18018016075623389297 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 1122020-06-30 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013784ClosedVending History2020-06-30VH Pls I need the vending history of this customer 0101160181869. ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30NoPlease find below. Date Sold: 24/09/18 09:50 Meter/Type: 0101160181869 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182670950081 Supplier Ref: 182670950081 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01093617 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 08392368844199404427 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/10/18 15:22 Meter/Type: 0101160181869 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182951522545 Supplier Ref: 182951522545 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01188572 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 70681964969282227791 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/11/18 16:08 Meter/Type: 0101160181869 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183111608088 Supplier Ref: 183111608088 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01248378 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 70276938596859002082 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/11/18 14:14 Meter/Type: 0101160181869 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000678175652 Supplier Ref: 000678175652 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01301224 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 05338395834668542271 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/12/18 15:09 Meter/Type: 0101160181869 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154513857449 Supplier Ref: 154513857449 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01409691 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 31378880002065548697 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/01/19 09:42 Meter/Type: 0101160181869 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154805657927 Supplier Ref: 154805657927 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01624238 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 59202638840543274988 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/03/19 17:01 Meter/Type: 0101160181869 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155171170917 Supplier Ref: 155171170917 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01956389 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,869.94 - 43687268085753228676 Debt: N3,130.06 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/05/19 10:52 Meter/Type: 0101160181869 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191340953040 Supplier Ref: 191340953040 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02339217 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N369.94 - 37333948585346658939 Debt: N3,130.06 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/05/19 15:23 Meter/Type: 0101160181869 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191371423452 Supplier Ref: 191371423452 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02355864 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 27861151695259433230 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/06/19 10:27 Meter/Type: 0101160181869 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191710927204 Supplier Ref: 191710927204 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02530830 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N434.97 - 60965658343463513325 Debt: N1,565.03 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 212020-06-30 akigaisiyaka@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013783Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013782ClosedOutstanding Balance2020-06-30Please Ict kindly assist me with this meter number 0101170432302 original balance running balance and collection value thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30NoFind below. Meter Serial Number: 0101170432302 Contract Account Number: 653122 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 653122 Start Date: 2/20/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $10,044.22 Outstanding Balance: $10,044.22 Running Balance: $10,044.22 Note: Outstanding migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-06-30 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013781In ProgressRequest2020-06-30Request for the debt history of 0101 1704 3710 3 Dear IT Support, Please try and provide us with the debt history attached to this meter: 0101 1704 3710 3 as the customer is contesting that he has settle his debt through the promo that just finished. Thank you.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30No0000-00-00 hamidu101@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013780In ProgressVending History2020-06-30VH Pls I need the vending history of this customer 0101170142760. ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30No0000-00-00 akigaisiyaka@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013779In ProgressKCT Request2020-06-30Please kindly generate KCT for this customer with meter number 0101185059017 Aminu Attah.Thanks and regards.From Azare.MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-06-30No0000-00-00 mathewdapar@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013778In ProgressRequest2020-06-30Hello, kindly assist with debt profile of the meter serial numbers listed below 0101161072554 0101150169221 0101170412080 0101185054158Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30No0000-00-00 phartiemah12@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013777In ProgressRequest2020-06-30Hello Kindly assist with debt profile of the meter serial numbers below. Pls help me check this debt profiles, 0101170373761 54150607619 54161171019 Thank you. Pls help me check this debt profiles, 0101170373761 54150607619 54161171019 Thank you.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba0000-00-00No0000-00-00 phartiemah12@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013776In ProgressTamper Code2020-06-30Dear IT Support, The meter below have been verified; please generate the Clear Tamper Code. Please treat as urgent. 57100047653MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-06-30No0000-00-00 bittygargadi@hotmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013775Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013774In ProgressVending History2020-06-30Please I wish to request for vending history opening balance and outstanding 04160894277.04160896975,04169563428. thanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30No0000-00-00 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013773In ProgressVending History2020-06-30REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY 0101161033606Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30No0000-00-00 longpuan@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013772In ProgressRequest2020-06-30REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE 0101161033606Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30No0000-00-00 longpuan@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013771In ProgressTamper Code2020-06-30Dear IT Support, The meter below have been verified; please generate the Clear Tamper Code. 0101160357964MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-06-30No0000-00-00 bittygargadi@hotmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013770In Progress2020-06-30Please I wish to request for vending history opening balance and outstanding debt balance of the following meter 04160613149,04160169381,04160896397. thanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30No0000-00-00 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013769In ProgressTamper Code2020-06-23Good Morning, Pls regenerate another temper from this ticket, the initial meter number was wrong, here is the correct meter number 54160988942. Thanks RegardsMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-06-30No0000-00-00 akigaisiyaka@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013768In ProgressKCT Request2020-06-300101185052863 Pls we need KCTMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-06-30No0000-00-00 stynlucs@yahoo.com Anas Abubakar
#00013767In ProgressVending History2020-06-30Please kindly assist with vending history for MSN. 0101170138776 Thank Best RegardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-01No0000-00-00 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013766In ProgressOutstanding Balance2020-06-30Good Morning Sir, Please find below PPM meter nos for total outstanding debt. 010160002909 010116009250 Best Regards CCRM GOMBEMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30No0000-00-00 glawal1184@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013765In ProgressRequest2020-06-30Please kindly assist with account number for MSN. 0101170112359 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30No0000-00-00 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013764In ProgressOutstanding Balance2020-06-30Request for outstanding balance meter no 54161108565Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30No0000-00-00 benmercyladi@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013763In ProgressRequest2020-06-30Please kindly assist with debt details for MSN. 0101160184319 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-07-01No0000-00-00 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013762In ProgressRequest2020-06-30Hello Support, Kindly avail us with the above request tied to this MSN : 0101170293688, 0101160350266Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30No0000-00-00 longpuan@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013761In ProgressVending History2020-06-30Find below request. 1. 0101160059594. thanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30No0000-00-00 faizahtafida@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013760In ProgressRequest2020-06-3054161080905 Dear support kindly supply us with the debt profile of this customer as requested warm regardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30No0000-00-00 tyoverpeter@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013759In ProgressVending History2020-06-30Morning Sir, Kindly send me the details history of the above meter Best regardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30No0000-00-00 rajiauwalmuazu@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013758In ProgressRequest2020-06-30Good morning IT Support team. Please kindly assist with debt details for MSN. 54160969983 Thanks Best RegardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30No0000-00-00 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013757In ProgressVending History2020-06-30Vending history 04172848089 Good morning colleague. Best regardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30No0000-00-00 ericjames346@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013756In ProgressOutstanding Balance2020-06-30REQUEST FOR OUTSTANDING BALANCE METER NO 54161115123Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30No0000-00-00 enmercyladi@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013755In ProgressKCT Request2020-06-30Dear sir, please help generate clear tamper for the MSN: 0101160357964MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-06-30No0000-00-00 jubilant95@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013754Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013753In ProgressKCT Request2020-06-30Dear Sir, Kindly release the KCT of the meters below: 0101185049117 0101185051428 Best RegardsMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-06-30No0000-00-00 benji.osas24@yahoo.com Anas Abubakar
#00013752In ProgressVending History2020-06-30Dear IT Support, Kindly generate the VH for the meter number 04223569908 regardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30No0000-00-00 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013751In ProgressVending History2020-06-30I need the vending history of this customer 0101160181869. ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30No0000-00-00 akigaisiyaka@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013750In ProgressRequest2020-06-30Please Ict kindly assist me with this meter number 0101170432302 original balance running balance and collection value thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30No0000-00-00 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013749In ProgressRequest2020-06-30Dear IT Support, Please try and provide us with the debt history attached to this meter: 0101 1704 3710 3 as the customer is contesting that he has settle his debt through the promo that just finished. Thank you.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30No0000-00-00 hamidu101@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013748In ProgressVending History2020-06-29Pls I need the vending history of this customer 0101170142760. ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29No0000-00-00 akigaisiyaka@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013747In ProgressKCT Request2020-06-29Please kindly generate KCT for this customer with meter number 0101185059017 regards.MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-06-29No0000-00-00 mathewdapar@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013746ClosedKCT Request2020-06-29Good Morning Team, Kindly generate KCT for the meter number 57100025220 regardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29NoHello, Find below as requested, 57100025220 5129 9108 0706 1555 7603 0467 1620 5747 0097 50562020-06-29 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013745In ProgressKCT Request2020-06-29Good Morning Team, Kindly generate KCT for the meter number 57100025220 regardsMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-06-29No0000-00-00 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013744ClosedRequest2020-06-29: REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILS Please kindly assist with debt details for MSN. 54161098550 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29NoHello, Find below the request, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 666307 Start Date: 6/5/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $35,711.01 Outstanding Balance: $33,711.01 Running Balance: $33,711.01 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/26/2020 11:36:47 AM2020-06-29 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013743In ProgressRequest2020-06-29Please kindly assist with debt details for MSN. 54161098550 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29No0000-00-00 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013742ClosedRequest2020-06-290101170381043 Hello Kindly assist with debt profile of above meter serial number -- Regards,Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29NoFIND BELOW. Meter Serial Number: 0101170381053 Contract Account Number: 6111623839-01 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 6111623839-01 Start Date: 3/5/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $360,365.21 Outstanding Balance: $360,365.21 Running Balance: $360,365.21 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $6,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-06-29 phartiemah12@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013741ClosedKCT Request2020-06-29METER NUMBER: 0101185056781 kindly generate Key Change Token for the above meter number. ThanksMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-06-29NoFIND BELOW MSN: 0101185056781 5502 7087 9345 7025 2867 2115 6202 6787 0211 00242020-06-29 ochoche.joseph@yahoo.com Anas Abubakar
#00013740In ProgressKCT Request2020-06-29METER NUMBER: 0101185056781 kindly generate Key Change Token for the above meter number. ThanksMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-06-29No0000-00-00 ochoche.joseph@yahoo.com Anas Abubakar
#00013739ClosedRequest2020-06-29Hello Kindly assist with debt profile of above meter serial number -- Regards,Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29NoNOT ON ITRON2020-06-29 phartiemah12@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013738ClosedOutstanding Balance2020-06-29: REQUEST FOR DEBT MIGRATED AND OUTSTANDING BALANCE (54160881188)JAMES Dear Support, Please help supple as requested above. Thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29NoPlease find below. Meter Serial Number: 54160881188 Contract Account Number: 673227 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 54160881188 Start Date: 3/18/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $11,825.13 Outstanding Balance: $2,825.13 Running Balance: $2,825.13 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,000.00 Latest Payment: 5/27/2020 11:03:03 AM2020-06-29 jedplcmakurdi.capturing@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013737In ProgressRequest2020-06-29Hello Kindly assist with debt profile of above meter serial number 0101170381043 RegardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29No0000-00-00 phartiemah12@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013736In ProgressOutstanding Balance2020-06-29REQUEST FOR DEBT MIGRATED AND OUTSTANDING BALANCE (54160881188)Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29No0000-00-00 jedplcmakurdi.capturing@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013735ClosedVending History2020-06-29REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY Dear Support, Kindly provide VH for 54161123226 Thank youMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29NoHello, Find below the request, Date Sold: 03/04/17 10:49 Meter/Type: 54161123226 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 002321143975 Supplier Ref: 002321143975 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00202093 Total Value: N22,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 30461504320121890894 Debt: N20,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 03/04/17 10:53 Meter/Type: 54161123226 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 002321183977 Supplier Ref: 002321183977 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00202113 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 64464010084055645599 Date Sold: 10/04/17 12:29 Meter/Type: 54161123226 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 003022544793 Supplier Ref: 003022544793 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00212071 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 45490823915236735713 Date Sold: 24/04/17 09:44 Meter/Type: 54161123226 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 711412430061 Supplier Ref: 711412430061 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00227021 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 45955427350391920028 Date Sold: 01/06/17 15:55 Meter/Type: 54161123226 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/MBEN Token Ref: 715218550215 Supplier Ref: 715218550215 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00277334 Total Value: N5,500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 12839787500632226999 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 01/06/17 16:09 Meter/Type: 54161123226 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/MBEN Token Ref: 715219090221 Supplier Ref: 715219090221 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00277369 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 59238520128106910830 Date Sold: 06/07/17 12:47 Meter/Type: 54161123226 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 718712455469 Supplier Ref: 718712455469 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00322446 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 12824534965162382796 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 10/07/17 15:35 Meter/Type: 54161123226 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 719115332216 Supplier Ref: 719115332216 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00327442 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 15170613542157770516 Date Sold: 29/07/17 10:08 Meter/Type: 54161123226 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 721010077266 Supplier Ref: 721010077266 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00351447 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 20775238859215315314 Date Sold: 23/08/17 12:43 Meter/Type: 54161123226 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 723512423783 Supplier Ref: 723512423783 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00382253 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N500.00 - 07990629233529180599 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 15/09/17 10:56 Meter/Type: 54161123226 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 725810547714 Supplier Ref: 725810547714 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00413456 Total Value: N5,500.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 68214699220395216773 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 16/10/17 10:07 Meter/Type: 54161123226 Retailer/Operator: JEDOTUKPO/OABBA Token Ref: 728910073559 Supplier Ref: 728910073559 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00454417 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 07579044087949474145 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 17/11/17 11:40 Meter/Type: 54161123226 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 974033439180373 Supplier Ref: 974033439180373 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00501252 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N500.00 - 56798083187681054994 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 16/01/18 15:54 Meter/Type: 54161123226 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 991179543234699 Supplier Ref: 991179543234699 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00583292 Total Value: N5,500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 47799702387642421798 Debt: N5,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 22/02/18 13:32 Meter/Type: 54161123226 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000638715387 Supplier Ref: 000638715387 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00635379 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 40786204570675706170 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 23/03/18 11:20 Meter/Type: 54161123226 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 548258982195524 Supplier Ref: 548258982195524 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00680777 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 27495924703746344776 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 05/04/18 15:47 Meter/Type: 54161123226 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000644770728 Supplier Ref: 000644770728 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00701194 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N500.00 - 10469510053077659517 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 11/05/18 16:26 Meter/Type: 54161123226 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 33015677848268 Supplier Ref: 33015677848268 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00763498 Total Value: N3,500.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 30444481473264229733 Debt: N2,500.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/07/18 16:22 Meter/Type: 54161123226 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 730975658848590 Supplier Ref: 730975658848590 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00888618 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N664.32 - 34400814069451188697 Debt: N3,335.68 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/07/18 17:01 Meter/Type: 54161123226 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 65339096581927 Supplier Ref: 65339096581927 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00899260 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 11397019930398528467 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/07/18 16:06 Meter/Type: 54161123226 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000659748899 Supplier Ref: 000659748899 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00909229 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 31081691229874121628 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/10/18 14:56 Meter/Type: 54161123226 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000671700021 Supplier Ref: 000671700021 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01145225 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 66173632664788663380 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/02/19 17:16 Meter/Type: 54161123226 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 590766440927462 Supplier Ref: 590766440927462 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01927536 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 42867129434272779149 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/03/19 15:43 Meter/Type: 54161123226 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190881443471 Supplier Ref: 190881443471 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02090297 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 31578769014323608911 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/01/20 18:39 Meter/Type: 54161123226 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157988418455 Supplier Ref: 157988418455 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03876882 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 06934721121489697456 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/06/20 10:30 Meter/Type: 54161123226 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201741030298 Supplier Ref: 201741030298 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05032653 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 49561473927114134831 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 302020-06-29 jenogah@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013734ClosedTamper Code2020-06-29REQUEST FOR CLEAR TEMPERMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-06-29NoHello, Find below as requested, 0101160349268 0874 2138 4831 3982 1938Clear Tamper 54160885692 4548 3088 1370 7602 6077Clear Tamper 54160901937 5350 9617 0329 6226 8150Clear Tamper 0101175078258 4970 5721 8337 3509 6700Clear Tamper 54160874852 4875 7897 6548 5065 5904Clear Tamper2020-06-29 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013733ClosedOutstanding Balance2020-06-29: REQUEST FOR DEBT MIGRATED AND OUTSTANDING BALANCE (54161082430)MIMI DOO REMINDER PLEASE. THANKSMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 636266 Start Date: 2/13/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $15,153.49 Outstanding Balance: $6,153.49 Running Balance: $6,153.49 Note: Outstanding migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,000.00 Latest Payment: 4/21/2020 12:06:24 PM2020-06-29 jedplcmakurdi.capturing@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013732In ProgressOutstanding Balance2020-06-29REQUEST FOR DEBT MIGRATED AND OUTSTANDING BALANCE (54161082430)Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29No0000-00-00 tyoverpeter@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013731ClosedTamper Code2020-06-29Dear IT Support Team, Kindly furnish us with the Clear Tamper Token for the customers whose documents are attached herewith. 0101170220129 and 0101160178394 Thank youMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-06-29NoHello, Find below as requested, 0101170220129 2291 8346 4689 0338 2126 Clear Tamper - 0101160178394 6837 5636 3756 6865 4413 Clear Tamper2020-06-29 mujtabaumar01@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013730ClosedRequest2020-06-29: Debt balance Please Ict kindly assist me with this meter number 0101161013509 original balance running balance and collection value thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29NoHello, Find below as requested, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101161013509 Start Date: 10/3/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $11,532.32 Outstanding Balance: $11,532.32 Running Balance: $11,532.32 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-06-29 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013729Closed2020-06-29: REQUEST FOR DEBT MIGRATED AND OUTSTANDING BALANCE(54160961329)NOAH Dear support, Please help supply as requested above. Thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29NoHello, Find below the request, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 6212050163-01 Start Date: 6/10/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $3,130.05 Outstanding Balance: $3,130.05 Running Balance: $3,130.05 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,130.05 Latest Payment: not on record2020-06-29 jedplcmakurdi.capturing@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013728Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013727ClosedKCT Request2020-06-29KCT REQUEST FIND BELOW REQUEST 1. 0101190005500 THANK YOU.MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-06-29NoHello, Find below the request, 0101190005500 3090 6989 7383 8213 5007 2635 6447 9927 0055 22352020-06-29 faizahtafida@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013726In ProgressOutstanding Balance2020-06-29REQUEST FOR DEBT MIGRATED AND OUTSTANDING BALANCE(54160961329)Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-30No0000-00-00 jedplcmakurdi.capturing@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013725In ProgressTamper Code2020-06-29Request for Clear Tamper Token 0101170220129 and 0101160178394MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-06-29No0000-00-00 mujtabaumar01@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013724In ProgressKCT Request2020-06-29FIND BELOW REQUEST 1. 0101190005500 THANK YOU.MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-06-29No0000-00-00 faizahtafida@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013723ClosedVending History2020-06-29REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILS Find below request. 1. 0101170122820. thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29NoHello, Find below the request, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170122820 Start Date: 3/1/2018 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $101,487.93 Outstanding Balance: $17,487.93 Running Balance: $17,487.93 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/5/2020 7:33:21 PM2020-06-29 faizahtafida@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013722ClosedVending History2020-06-29REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY (54160931538) OGUNLISI Dear Support, Please help supple as requested above. Thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29NoHello, Find below as requested, Date Sold: 04/09/18 18:01 Meter/Type: 54160931538 Retailer/Operator: JEDMAKURDI/EAKPA Token Ref: 824717013978 Supplier Ref: 824717013978 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB01038892 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 41161294240024372366 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/10/18 11:34 Meter/Type: 54160931538 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000671535735 Supplier Ref: 000671535735 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01139699 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N15,000.00 - 01513544168809336519 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/12/18 12:07 Meter/Type: 54160931538 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154538684308 Supplier Ref: 154538684308 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01428275 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N5,311.75 - 69169577185079897389 Debt: N4,688.25 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/02/19 14:08 Meter/Type: 54160931538 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154936853234 Supplier Ref: 154936853234 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01756401 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N623.50 - 09801566909691289903 Debt: N9,376.50 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/02/19 12:48 Meter/Type: 54160931538 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190401149034 Supplier Ref: 190401149034 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01788249 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 02019109362604685707 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/03/19 16:29 Meter/Type: 54160931538 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155240095983 Supplier Ref: 155240095983 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02005519 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N5,311.75 - 06784254423046070651 Debt: N4,688.25 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/04/19 16:37 Meter/Type: 54160931538 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155663502377 Supplier Ref: 155663502377 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02271948 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N5,311.75 - 19406588597987434699 Debt: N4,688.25 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/05/19 15:13 Meter/Type: 54160931538 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155904919362 Supplier Ref: 155904919362 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02410636 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N5,311.75 - 16142637219796971798 Debt: N4,688.25 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/07/19 16:54 Meter/Type: 54160931538 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156259764484 Supplier Ref: 156259764484 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02617957 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N623.50 - 57276854384355132302 Debt: N9,376.50 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/07/19 14:41 Meter/Type: 54160931538 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156379925098 Supplier Ref: 156379925098 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02684185 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 15976002173315386371 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/08/19 14:19 Meter/Type: 54160931538 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156595796564 Supplier Ref: 156595796564 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02814026 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N5,311.75 - 46087909936947216907 Debt: N4,688.25 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/09/19 13:56 Meter/Type: 54160931538 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156837580329 Supplier Ref: 156837580329 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02958677 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N5,311.75 - 24785892766687813225 Debt: N4,688.25 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/10/19 14:59 Meter/Type: 54160931538 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192811400551 Supplier Ref: 192811400551 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03095052 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N5,311.75 - 53345400572513462065 Debt: N4,688.25 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/11/19 13:56 Meter/Type: 54160931538 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193171258020 Supplier Ref: 193171258020 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03303329 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N5,311.75 - 05551229517052996362 Debt: N4,688.25 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/12/19 15:14 Meter/Type: 54160931538 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157684783458 Supplier Ref: 157684783458 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03582275 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N5,311.75 - 13959633183449165489 Debt: N4,688.25 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/01/20 12:05 Meter/Type: 54160931538 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157847807893 Supplier Ref: 157847807893 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03738242 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N5,311.75 - 42321401010689298779 Debt: N4,688.25 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/03/20 16:00 Meter/Type: 54160931538 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 006414560000 Supplier Ref: 006414560000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04272797 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N5,623.50 - 48359384818062596450 Debt: N9,376.50 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 362020-06-29 jedplcmakurdi.capturing@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013721In ProgressRequest2020-06-29REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILS Find below request. 1. 0101170122820. thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29No0000-00-00 faizahtafida@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013720ClosedOutstanding Balance2020-06-29: REQUEST FOR DEBT MIGRATED AND OUTSTANDING BALANCE (54161082430)MIMI DOO Dear Support, Please help supply as requested above. Thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29NoHello, Find below as requested, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 636266 Start Date: 2/13/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $15,153.49 Outstanding Balance: $6,153.49 Running Balance: $6,153.49 Note: Outstanding migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,000.00 Latest Payment: 4/21/2020 12:06:24 PM2020-06-29 jedplcmakurdi.capturing@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013719ClosedRequest2020-06-29REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILS. Find below request. 1. 0101170140137. thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29NoHello, Find below the request, Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 6461082517-01 Start Date: 4/23/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $188,861.07 Outstanding Balance: $188,861.07 Running Balance: $188,861.07 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,500.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-06-29 faizahtafida@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013718Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013717Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013716ClosedRequest2020-06-29Find below request. REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILS 1. 0101170158295. thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29NoHello, Find below as requested, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 460788 Start Date: 5/15/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $70,577.44 Outstanding Balance: $68,577.44 Running Balance: $68,577.44 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 5/31/2020 7:38:23 PM2020-06-29 faizahtafida@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013715In Progress2020-06-29REQUEST FOR DEBT MIGRATED AND OUTSTANDING BALANCE (54161082430)Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29No0000-00-00 jedplcmakurdi.capturing@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013714ClosedVending History2020-06-29REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY 54160967763Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29NoHello, Find below as requested ate Sold: 08/09/18 08:49 Meter/Type: 54160967763 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 825107470000 Supplier Ref: 825107470000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01048559 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 31577221908532468095 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/10/18 09:44 Meter/Type: 54160967763 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000674260598 Supplier Ref: 000674260598 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01205509 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 52403424904805266324 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/02/19 18:31 Meter/Type: 54160967763 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155119871220 Supplier Ref: 155119871220 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01910950 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 49076650043058839724 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/02/19 19:13 Meter/Type: 54160967763 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155120121372 Supplier Ref: 155120121372 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01911160 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 08243914268676268448 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/04/19 20:17 Meter/Type: 54160967763 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155448824064 Supplier Ref: 155448824064 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02136014 Total Value: N2,400.00 Standard: N2,400.00 - 23928651678730654196 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/04/19 21:03 Meter/Type: 54160967763 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155613262253 Supplier Ref: 155613262253 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02237085 Total Value: N2,400.00 Standard: N2,400.00 - 71933430317354847542 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/06/19 07:29 Meter/Type: 54160967763 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155971257626 Supplier Ref: 155971257626 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02454183 Total Value: N1,400.00 Standard: N1,400.00 - 29694910590498076762 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/06/19 09:26 Meter/Type: 54160967763 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156127476542 Supplier Ref: 156127476542 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02545428 Total Value: N1,400.00 Standard: N1,400.00 - 52840735553327717727 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/08/19 22:01 Meter/Type: 54160967763 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156468966239 Supplier Ref: 156468966239 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02740438 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 30623395788393211447 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/09/19 08:27 Meter/Type: 54160967763 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156792405186 Supplier Ref: 156792405186 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02930101 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 53483606293527108382 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/10/19 15:09 Meter/Type: 54160967763 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157218174967 Supplier Ref: 157218174967 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03196721 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 49052744364524773072 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/12/19 11:35 Meter/Type: 54160967763 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157683466343 Supplier Ref: 157683466343 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03579495 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 02642701093765825542 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/02/20 10:29 Meter/Type: 54160967763 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 200214092925 Supplier Ref: 200214092925 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB04065799 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 47554484285229404541 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/02/20 19:29 Meter/Type: 54160967763 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 200214182914 Supplier Ref: 200214182914 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB04072328 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 61264490218261312510 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/04/20 20:17 Meter/Type: 54160967763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200991917230 Supplier Ref: 200991917230 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04535874 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 32201576297529726240 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/05/20 18:22 Meter/Type: 54160967763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201251822311 Supplier Ref: 201251822311 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04713106 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 29783553643673330685 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/06/20 12:05 Meter/Type: 54160967763 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201811205422 Supplier Ref: 201811205422 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05087610 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 38677801660105842287 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 312020-06-29 longpuan@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013713In ProgressRequest2020-06-29Find below request. REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILS 1. 0101170140137. thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29No0000-00-00 faizahtafida@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013712ClosedKCT Request2020-06-29Dear IT support 0101165037397 kindly generate KCT for the meters above Best regardsMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-06-29NoHello, Find below the request, 0101165037397 6280 6316 3458 7592 8725 3904 7719 6178 5221 28962020-06-29 ppmcapture@jedplc.com Anas Abubakar
#00013711In ProgressVending History2020-06-29REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY 54160967763Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29No0000-00-00 longpuan@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013710In ProgressRequest2020-06-29Find below request. 1. 0101170158295. thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29No0000-00-00 faizahtafida@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013709In ProgressVending History2020-06-29REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY (54160931538)Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29No0000-00-00 jedplcmakurdi.capturing@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013708In ProgressKCT Request2020-06-29Dear IT support 0101165037397 kindly generate KCT for the meters above Best regardsMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar0000-00-00No0000-00-00 ppmcapture@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013707ClosedOutstanding Balance2020-06-29Dear Support, Kindly provide outstanding balance for 54161108656. Thank YouMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29NoHello, Find below the request, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 54161108656 Start Date: 2/10/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $254,564.78 Outstanding Balance: $66,824.05 Running Balance: $66,824.05 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/29/2020 10:52:23 AM2020-06-29 sunnyochekwu@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013706ClosedVending History2020-06-29Vending history 54161043135 Afternoon sir, Kindly send me the details of the above meter Best regardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29NoHello, Find below, Date Sold: 20/08/18 18:09 Meter/Type: 54161043135 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000664513269 Supplier Ref: 000664513269 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00993616 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 47146968303359594197 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/10/18 12:00 Meter/Type: 54161043135 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000671106458 Supplier Ref: 000671106458 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01131414 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 22687974780183525733 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/10/18 09:57 Meter/Type: 54161043135 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000674549835 Supplier Ref: 000674549835 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01210478 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 25589332788227742565 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/11/18 08:08 Meter/Type: 54161043135 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183250808326 Supplier Ref: 183250808326 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01291555 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 57340533463483464547 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/12/18 14:58 Meter/Type: 54161043135 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 148342612516317 Supplier Ref: 148342612516317 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01336665 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 21449856449970760362 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/12/18 11:36 Meter/Type: 54161043135 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 494787210150206 Supplier Ref: 494787210150206 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01363898 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 10949262541296422850 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/12/18 18:49 Meter/Type: 54161043135 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183561750020 Supplier Ref: 183561750020 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01440184 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 48015627005549396018 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/02/19 21:58 Meter/Type: 54161043135 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190462058570 Supplier Ref: 190462058570 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01840183 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 02016271165531431763 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/03/19 17:03 Meter/Type: 54161043135 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155197099959 Supplier Ref: 155197099959 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01978629 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 39722072511011173395 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/03/19 15:20 Meter/Type: 54161043135 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155248321345 Supplier Ref: 155248321345 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02010697 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 08029690932966352239 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/03/19 20:34 Meter/Type: 54161043135 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190821935033 Supplier Ref: 190821935033 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02060141 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 06277664535870919772 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/04/19 13:49 Meter/Type: 54161043135 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155429214032 Supplier Ref: 155429214032 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02119744 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 50563109708294061103 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/04/19 10:35 Meter/Type: 54161043135 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 859123910884089 Supplier Ref: 859123910884089 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02208074 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 04519797929609398415 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/04/19 20:52 Meter/Type: 54161043135 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191171952164 Supplier Ref: 191171952164 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02255040 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 08315826428612068286 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/05/19 09:47 Meter/Type: 54161043135 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191310847136 Supplier Ref: 191310847136 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02326656 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 17401028052764236760 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/05/19 22:36 Meter/Type: 54161043135 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191452136310 Supplier Ref: 191452136310 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02398142 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 20007460422310906939 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/06/19 16:38 Meter/Type: 54161043135 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191541538130 Supplier Ref: 191541538130 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02446199 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 36098128354663111348 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/06/19 17:45 Meter/Type: 54161043135 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156095908874 Supplier Ref: 156095908874 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02528990 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 01494275160341808738 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/07/19 09:39 Meter/Type: 54161043135 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191830839233 Supplier Ref: 191830839233 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02587364 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 56821255961583384215 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/07/19 13:47 Meter/Type: 54161043135 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191931247220 Supplier Ref: 191931247220 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02638207 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 72955522640100852307 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/07/19 11:37 Meter/Type: 54161043135 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156378823091 Supplier Ref: 156378823091 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02682994 Total Value: N200.00 Standard: N200.00 - 36060394346703301702 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/07/19 15:51 Meter/Type: 54161043135 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156406265265 Supplier Ref: 156406265265 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02699013 Total Value: N200.00 Standard: N200.00 - 36466891194591381420 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/07/19 17:21 Meter/Type: 54161043135 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156441369942 Supplier Ref: 156441369942 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02719207 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 24838985449359059880 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/08/19 18:10 Meter/Type: 54161043135 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192251710170 Supplier Ref: 192251710170 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02799439 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 22858591999540021422 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/08/19 10:47 Meter/Type: 54161043135 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 473857995165573 Supplier Ref: 473857995165573 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02831940 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 66511110469631501161 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/08/19 16:39 Meter/Type: 54161043135 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156700319024 Supplier Ref: 156700319024 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02871881 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 23061131148230902754 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/09/19 09:05 Meter/Type: 54161043135 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156827195890 Supplier Ref: 156827195890 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02950891 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 44440713259467024960 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/09/19 13:53 Meter/Type: 54161043135 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156898045476 Supplier Ref: 156898045476 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02995296 Total Value: N200.00 Standard: N200.00 - 36201800935016662556 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/09/19 12:02 Meter/Type: 54161043135 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192661103142 Supplier Ref: 192661103142 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03008722 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 22643520592526312262 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/09/19 12:52 Meter/Type: 54161043135 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192731153133 Supplier Ref: 192731153133 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03047816 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 20847019710170776569 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/10/19 14:09 Meter/Type: 54161043135 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157140065652 Supplier Ref: 157140065652 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03148799 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 57130224914817586175 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/10/19 14:23 Meter/Type: 54161043135 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192981324405 Supplier Ref: 192981324405 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03186826 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 71372390767542343244 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/10/19 12:43 Meter/Type: 54161043135 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157225950561 Supplier Ref: 157225950561 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03200816 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 11045250179610465062 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/11/19 14:15 Meter/Type: 54161043135 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 229323411274806 Supplier Ref: 229323411274806 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03290273 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 45992973290388815233 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/11/19 11:11 Meter/Type: 54161043135 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193241013257 Supplier Ref: 193241013257 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03341868 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 55176289305303166203 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/12/19 10:17 Meter/Type: 54161043135 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193360920063 Supplier Ref: 193360920063 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03437209 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 39020482970165912407 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/12/19 09:04 Meter/Type: 54161043135 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157544317217 Supplier Ref: 157544317217 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03459299 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 22730430262420531716 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/12/19 11:24 Meter/Type: 54161043135 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157717960745 Supplier Ref: 157717960745 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03615825 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 36644203828798007400 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/01/20 10:07 Meter/Type: 54161043135 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200110910267 Supplier Ref: 200110910267 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03763073 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 39087016430955649677 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/01/20 09:34 Meter/Type: 54161043135 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200230838156 Supplier Ref: 200230838156 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03861441 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 29875791093233240842 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/01/20 11:25 Meter/Type: 54161043135 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200281029127 Supplier Ref: 200281029127 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03904247 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 51953228897077887071 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/02/20 15:49 Meter/Type: 54161043135 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 828128561850449 Supplier Ref: 828128561850449 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB04060017 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 22259738844659117643 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/02/20 11:04 Meter/Type: 54161043135 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 532906301901216 Supplier Ref: 532906301901216 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB04140430 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 60523609586960301599 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/03/20 09:17 Meter/Type: 54161043135 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158313343960 Supplier Ref: 158313343960 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04233997 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 24980272128284014698 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/03/20 16:30 Meter/Type: 54161043135 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200711530201 Supplier Ref: 200711530201 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04333013 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 03987506404158478469 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/06/20 13:12 Meter/Type: 54161043135 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201561313047 Supplier Ref: 201561313047 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04916666 Total Value: N200.00 Standard: N200.00 - 73262050376253708765 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/06/20 13:49 Meter/Type: 54161043135 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201561349477 Supplier Ref: 201561349477 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04917082 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 08294844062787114392 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/06/20 13:26 Meter/Type: 54161043135 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201681326361 Supplier Ref: 201681326361 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04994483 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 44972556354916910555 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 692020-06-29 rajiauwalmuazu@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013705ClosedRequest2020-06-29Hello 0101170298539 Kindly assist with debt profile of above meter serial number -- Regards,Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29NoHello, Find bellow, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 594909 Start Date: 10/22/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $27,879.11 Outstanding Balance: $27,879.11 Running Balance: $27,879.11 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-06-29 phartiemah12@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013704In ProgressVending History2020-06-29Afternoon sir, Kindly send me the details of the above meter 54161043135 Best regardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29No0000-00-00 rajiauwalmuazu@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013703In ProgressRequest2020-06-29Hello Kindly assist with debt profile of above meter serial number 0101170298539 -- Regards,Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29No0000-00-00 phartiemah12@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013702ClosedTamper Code2020-06-29Dear support. Kindly find attached herewith a duely completed clear Tamper Request Form for your attention pleaseMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-06-29NoHello, Find below as requested, 54160942584 2277 8080 6741 8337 4227 Clear Tamper2020-06-29 ericasua@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013701ClosedKCT Request2020-06-29GOOD AFTERNOON IT SUPPORT. 0101190004149 ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29NoHello, Find below the request, 0101190004149 2083 6038 4792 6826 4323 0988 1917 4592 4653 21792020-06-29 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013700In ProgressKCT Request2020-06-29GOOD AFTERNOON IT SUPPORT. 0101190004149 ThanksMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-06-29No0000-00-00 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013699Closed2020-06-29REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE AND VENDING HISTORY FOR 54160929714 GOOD DAYMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29NoHello, Find below as requested, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 466647 Start Date: 6/2/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $97,712.87 Outstanding Balance: $71,712.87 Running Balance: $71,712.87 Note: Outstanding migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/29/2020 12:32:02 PM VH Date Sold: 18/11/18 07:29 Meter/Type: 54160929714 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183220729062 Supplier Ref: 183220729062 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01282895 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 43611177487332498831 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/11/18 15:06 Meter/Type: 54160929714 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000677460752 Supplier Ref: 000677460752 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01283269 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 38893162726114967104 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/12/18 16:00 Meter/Type: 54160929714 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154401751013 Supplier Ref: 154401751013 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01345974 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 67613215950568332814 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/12/18 22:33 Meter/Type: 54160929714 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 835821331007 Supplier Ref: 835821331007 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01458597 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 08209823711424475487 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/12/18 08:13 Meter/Type: 54160929714 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154571818510 Supplier Ref: 154571818510 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01459090 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 63739602272148608561 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/07/19 14:15 Meter/Type: 54160929714 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156362494319 Supplier Ref: 156362494319 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02676524 Total Value: N8,100.00 Standard: N4,100.00 - 10926655022627768083 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/08/19 12:09 Meter/Type: 54160929714 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156525896267 Supplier Ref: 156525896267 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02773300 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 38269367342804131300 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/08/19 18:35 Meter/Type: 54160929714 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156597332668 Supplier Ref: 156597332668 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02816000 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 73518990766819735509 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/08/19 06:03 Meter/Type: 54160929714 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156687856163 Supplier Ref: 156687856163 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02863060 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 47488613468692904068 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/09/19 22:33 Meter/Type: 54160929714 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156780198728 Supplier Ref: 156780198728 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02924233 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 39611640322208745050 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/09/19 08:46 Meter/Type: 54160929714 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156861635488 Supplier Ref: 156861635488 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02969277 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 03284188303801946472 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/09/19 08:32 Meter/Type: 54160929714 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156939317723 Supplier Ref: 156939317723 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03019732 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 70527141783523512785 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/10/19 07:30 Meter/Type: 54160929714 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157016703234 Supplier Ref: 157016703234 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03071870 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 53005738076291598585 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/10/19 19:24 Meter/Type: 54160929714 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157211069106 Supplier Ref: 157211069106 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03194326 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 55226476589315652652 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/03/20 00:28 Meter/Type: 54160929714 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158318805808 Supplier Ref: 158318805808 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04250609 Total Value: N10,200.00 Standard: N200.00 - 65831963985580689609 Debt: N10,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/03/20 20:37 Meter/Type: 54160929714 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200751937175 Supplier Ref: 200751937175 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04355192 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 66701271131726613208 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/04/20 12:33 Meter/Type: 54160929714 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201131233531 Supplier Ref: 201131233531 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04626853 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 71007599803872356216 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/06/20 12:32 Meter/Type: 54160929714 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201811232081 Supplier Ref: 201811232081 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05087936 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 41100665506586209057 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 342020-06-29 shukrah55@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013698ClosedVending History2020-06-29Pls I need the vending history of this customer 57100080944. ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29NoHello, Find below as requested Date Sold: 02/11/16 14:38 Meter/Type: 57100080944 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 630715380439 Supplier Ref: 630715380439 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00067635 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 14265916734047202050 Date Sold: 19/12/16 12:55 Meter/Type: 57100080944 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 635412550411 Supplier Ref: 635412550411 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00099331 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 48291892860107605944 Date Sold: 14/01/17 10:39 Meter/Type: 57100080944 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 701410390099 Supplier Ref: 701410390099 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00120666 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 39744561499395443985 Date Sold: 13/02/17 15:15 Meter/Type: 57100080944 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 704415150629 Supplier Ref: 704415150629 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00142414 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 44411451301569317588 Date Sold: 03/03/17 10:36 Meter/Type: 57100080944 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 706210360295 Supplier Ref: 706210360295 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00162361 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 58783882462647272484 Date Sold: 08/04/17 12:02 Meter/Type: 57100080944 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/fuzomba Token Ref: 709812020026 Supplier Ref: 709812020026 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00210784 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 51713335702613897363 Date Sold: 24/05/17 15:11 Meter/Type: 57100080944 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/fuzomba Token Ref: 714415110235 Supplier Ref: 714415110235 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00266860 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 05118437528482478471 Date Sold: 24/06/17 11:43 Meter/Type: 57100080944 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/fuzomba Token Ref: 717511430188 Supplier Ref: 717511430188 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00307227 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 56733702101403351118 Date Sold: 15/07/17 13:19 Meter/Type: 57100080944 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 719613190155 Supplier Ref: 719613190155 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00334093 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 39448467172866476458 Date Sold: 12/08/17 11:28 Meter/Type: 57100080944 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/fuzomba Token Ref: 722411280036 Supplier Ref: 722411280036 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00369874 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 19512707890178321589 Date Sold: 31/08/17 12:09 Meter/Type: 57100080944 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/fuzomba Token Ref: 724312090185 Supplier Ref: 724312090185 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00394111 Total Value: N1,550.00 Standard: N1,550.00 - 39261029977343046651 Date Sold: 04/10/17 15:33 Meter/Type: 57100080944 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/fuzomba Token Ref: 727715330199 Supplier Ref: 727715330199 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00438809 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 27459407439569146968 Date Sold: 06/11/17 15:49 Meter/Type: 57100080944 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000623177087 Supplier Ref: 000623177087 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00486132 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 32183779762345239686 Date Sold: 04/12/17 10:05 Meter/Type: 57100080944 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 733810051164 Supplier Ref: 733810051164 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00523716 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 15489695572977619242 Date Sold: 08/01/18 16:43 Meter/Type: 57100080944 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000632254347 Supplier Ref: 000632254347 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00573455 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 45165949851381229061 Date Sold: 13/02/18 15:50 Meter/Type: 57100080944 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 804415500000 Supplier Ref: 804415500000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00622809 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 71769587252471565456 Date Sold: 18/05/18 11:24 Meter/Type: 57100080944 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 813810240000 Supplier Ref: 813810240000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00776055 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 23338294284875163508 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/06/18 11:59 Meter/Type: 57100080944 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 817610591342 Supplier Ref: 817610591342 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00853168 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 41825395566763458477 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/08/18 17:43 Meter/Type: 57100080944 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000665806661 Supplier Ref: 000665806661 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01019653 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 60867499839107310968 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/09/18 11:17 Meter/Type: 57100080944 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 825510160000 Supplier Ref: 825510160000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01059811 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 50867923962423972972 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/12/18 18:07 Meter/Type: 57100080944 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154506288669 Supplier Ref: 154506288669 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01404790 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 62906531650123298719 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/02/19 17:47 Meter/Type: 57100080944 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190491647333 Supplier Ref: 190491647333 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01852731 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 36872860266737489568 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/06/19 11:46 Meter/Type: 57100080944 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191701046312 Supplier Ref: 191701046312 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02526944 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 07937830044647237829 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/08/19 10:52 Meter/Type: 57100080944 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 44011058616706 Supplier Ref: 44011058616706 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02801436 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 16631322566694843550 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/09/19 17:51 Meter/Type: 57100080944 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156813069163 Supplier Ref: 156813069163 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02943249 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 67738936613433143264 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/12/19 15:36 Meter/Type: 57100080944 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 394060307813842 Supplier Ref: 394060307813842 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03669512 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 59277315441281347655 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/03/20 14:13 Meter/Type: 57100080944 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200801313431 Supplier Ref: 200801313431 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04385460 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 45355243249106883952 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 302020-06-29 akigaisiyaka@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013697ClosedRequest2020-06-29Please kindly send me the debts status of this account. 0101160068363.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29NoHello, Find below as requested, Debt Details Name: outstanding balance Reference Number: 0101160068363 Start Date: 4/1/2018 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $190,497.83 Outstanding Balance: $140,497.83 Running Balance: $140,497.83 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,000.00 Latest Payment: 11/15/2019 11:00:36 AM2020-06-29 umarmacy@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013696Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013695ClosedRequest2020-06-29Please Ict kindly assist me with this meter number 0101161013509 original balance running balance and collection value thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29NoHello, Find below as requested, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101161013509 Start Date: 10/3/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $11,532.32 Outstanding Balance: $11,532.32 Running Balance: $11,532.32 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-06-29 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013694In ProgressVending History2020-06-29Pls I need the vending history of this customer 57100080944. ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29No0000-00-00 akigaisiyaka@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013693ClosedRequest2020-06-29please kindly Assist with below REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILS. 1. 010117011492. thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29NoHello, No Contract (with an Account) found.2020-06-29 faizahtafida@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013692In Progress2020-06-29REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE AND VENDING HISTORY FOR 54160929714Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29No0000-00-00 shukrah55@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013691In ProgressRequest2020-06-29Please kindly send me the debts status of this account. 0101160068363.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29No0000-00-00 umarmacy@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013690In ProgressRequest2020-06-29Please Ict kindly assist me with this meter number 0101161013509 original balance running balance and collection value thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29No0000-00-00 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013689ClosedVending History2020-06-29Morning Sir, Kindly send me the details of the above meters 54161039612,54161039554 Best regardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29NoHello, Find below as requested for 54161039612 Date Sold: 06/07/18 10:59 Meter/Type: 54161039612 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 357331300383359 Supplier Ref: 357331300383359 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00881786 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 03366100611617308876 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/07/18 14:45 Meter/Type: 54161039612 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 820713450118 Supplier Ref: 820713450118 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00927001 Total Value: N400.00 Standard: N400.00 - 52447484899329808957 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/08/18 13:19 Meter/Type: 54161039612 Retailer/Operator: JEDBAUCHI/sibrahim Token Ref: 822012190071 Supplier Ref: 822012190071 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00961323 Total Value: N700.00 Standard: N700.00 - 37892395820623765328 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/08/18 15:33 Meter/Type: 54161039612 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000664929512 Supplier Ref: 000664929512 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01000989 Total Value: N1,200.00 Standard: N1,200.00 - 05800798738027603095 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/09/18 08:30 Meter/Type: 54161039612 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000669645351 Supplier Ref: 000669645351 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01096651 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 72990462105572279384 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/10/18 13:06 Meter/Type: 54161039612 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183041306560 Supplier Ref: 183041306560 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01220241 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 47112598019714177462 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/12/18 11:32 Meter/Type: 54161039612 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183351132024 Supplier Ref: 183351132024 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01330005 Total Value: N1,600.00 Standard: N1,600.00 - 36920149897347094931 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/01/19 13:20 Meter/Type: 54161039612 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190021220251 Supplier Ref: 190021220251 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01504383 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 65416993183243922242 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/03/19 13:11 Meter/Type: 54161039612 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190711211175 Supplier Ref: 190711211175 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02003807 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 65785585392772459026 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/05/19 09:20 Meter/Type: 54161039612 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191370820530 Supplier Ref: 191370820530 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02353411 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 37270134546475579906 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/06/19 11:28 Meter/Type: 54161039612 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191791028544 Supplier Ref: 191791028544 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02569114 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 24480785218208377097 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/08/19 09:28 Meter/Type: 54161039612 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192310829077 Supplier Ref: 192310829077 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02824937 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 49426331227503095667 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 122020-06-29 rajiauwalmuazu@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013688In ProgressVending History2020-06-29Morning Sir, Kindly send me the details of the above meters 54161039612,54161039554Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29No0000-00-00 rajiauwalmuazu@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013687In ProgressRequest2020-06-29REQUEST FOR DEBT MIGRATED AND BALANCE (54160976657) Dear Support kindly supply us with the detail as requested warm regardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29No0000-00-00 tyoverpeter@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013686ClosedTamper Code2020-06-29Sir, please recommend to verify and generate a Clear temper code for the following meter numbers 0101161057761 0101170374553 0101170460014 0101170418483 0101170216366 0101161053265 0101170205088 0101170148437 54161167611 54161055949 54161071052 54160856446MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-06-29NoHello Ibb, Find below as requested, 0101170374553 0101 1811 0502 0897 9971Clear Tamper 0101170460014 3490 7749 4719 5925 7201Clear Tamper 0101170418483 3925 9724 0025 7023 8829Clear Tamper 0101170216366 3884 7212 9763 4594 0704Clear Tamper 0101161053265 4805 9069 5933 2275 0075Clear Tamper 0101170205088........................not on itron 54161167611 6926 3690 2943 4066 3082Clear Tamper 54161167611 6926 3690 2943 4066 3082Clear Tamper 54161055949 0570 1323 7969 6077 0410Clear Tamper 54161071052 5397 0621 7210 6779 6297Clear Tamper 54160856446 5316 2215 3514 4669 8479Clear Tamper 0101171316851 .................not on itron 0101170205088 ...........not on itron 0101170148437 4675 4771 7613 7715 3653Clear Tamper. 0101170124065 1292 5121 9473 9590 0248Clear Tamper 0101161001918 6248 8213 7908 7300 7517Clear Tamper 0101170245167 3497 1838 6260 6152 4823Clear Tamper 0101170113571 5573 1561 8465 9015 1309Clear Tamper2020-06-29 bangisgarko@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013685In ProgressVending History2020-06-29Pls check this history for me 57100077171. ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29No0000-00-00 akigaisiyaka@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013684ClosedVending History2020-06-29Pls I need the vending history of this customer 57100077171. ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29NoPlease find below. Top of Form Date Sold: 08/07/16 09:49 Meter/Type: 57100077171 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 619011010185 Supplier Ref: 619011010185 Receipt: EVG3EMDB00001231 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,451.60 - 09551366995164776396 Debt: N1,548.40 - Total Debt Date Sold: 09/11/16 14:56 Meter/Type: 57100077171 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 631414560445 Supplier Ref: 631414560445 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00072472 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 06610307698865954629 Debt: N8,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 10/11/16 12:54 Meter/Type: 57100077171 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/dgal Token Ref: 631512544518 Supplier Ref: 631512544518 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00072985 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 56394230164808666249 Date Sold: 31/05/17 12:48 Meter/Type: 57100077171 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/dgal Token Ref: 715112466922 Supplier Ref: 715112466922 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00275035 Total Value: N14,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 71037378374422137397 Debt: N12,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 03/07/17 15:40 Meter/Type: 57100077171 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/fuzomba Token Ref: 718415400427 Supplier Ref: 718415400427 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00318459 Total Value: N4,500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 72118775407945715661 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 02/08/17 15:17 Meter/Type: 57100077171 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 721415171065 Supplier Ref: 721415171065 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00358144 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 30630017606229393374 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 31/10/17 10:38 Meter/Type: 57100077171 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 730410381110 Supplier Ref: 730410381110 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00475711 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 68955211079286248612 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 02/03/18 14:44 Meter/Type: 57100077171 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 806114441541 Supplier Ref: 806114441541 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00648596 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,433.74 - 67619472371971114261 Debt: N2,566.26 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 05/04/18 14:14 Meter/Type: 57100077171 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000644761518 Supplier Ref: 000644761518 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00700838 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 43041606243329766756 Date Sold: 30/05/18 12:41 Meter/Type: 57100077171 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000652672378 Supplier Ref: 000652672378 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00799691 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 05506673983174639328 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/08/18 15:19 Meter/Type: 57100077171 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182351419381 Supplier Ref: 182351419381 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01000918 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 08989834870008417178 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/10/18 09:17 Meter/Type: 57100077171 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182780917158 Supplier Ref: 182780917158 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01130185 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 08736383280485059225 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/12/18 11:04 Meter/Type: 57100077171 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000680598584 Supplier Ref: 000680598584 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01363536 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 49646359495408653134 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/12/18 11:58 Meter/Type: 57100077171 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183581059025 Supplier Ref: 183581059025 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01448835 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 66958411102351947497 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/12/18 13:09 Meter/Type: 57100077171 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154564977528 Supplier Ref: 154564977528 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01450107 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 56756318897261205552 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/02/19 13:59 Meter/Type: 57100077171 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155066396152 Supplier Ref: 155066396152 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01865092 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 15787684183101957798 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/04/19 09:02 Meter/Type: 57100077171 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155418855963 Supplier Ref: 155418855963 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02110124 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 00181039878804529717 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/05/19 13:46 Meter/Type: 57100077171 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191341246336 Supplier Ref: 191341246336 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02340401 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 23589409775796411497 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/05/19 13:47 Meter/Type: 57100077171 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191341248068 Supplier Ref: 191341248068 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02340418 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 25421065638634053573 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/07/19 14:53 Meter/Type: 57100077171 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191911353188 Supplier Ref: 191911353188 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02628828 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 10950761227627055360 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/07/19 12:37 Meter/Type: 57100077171 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192111137024 Supplier Ref: 192111137024 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02723391 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 01815578505401910728 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/08/19 13:08 Meter/Type: 57100077171 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156534887920 Supplier Ref: 156534887920 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02778581 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 36017991040744976784 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/08/19 17:47 Meter/Type: 57100077171 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 923916479438 Supplier Ref: 923916479438 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02866633 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 17194439474124883233 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/08/19 18:08 Meter/Type: 57100077171 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 923917089502 Supplier Ref: 923917089502 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02866735 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 17934052006629913536 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/08/19 18:29 Meter/Type: 57100077171 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 923917299572 Supplier Ref: 923917299572 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02866822 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 43025444189500654059 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/08/19 18:38 Meter/Type: 57100077171 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 923917389618 Supplier Ref: 923917389618 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02866849 Total Value: N600.00 Standard: N600.00 - 21251902681812652538 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/08/19 19:49 Meter/Type: 57100077171 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 923918499693 Supplier Ref: 923918499693 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02867192 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 21020508187162997372 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/09/19 01:17 Meter/Type: 57100077171 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 924500187568 Supplier Ref: 924500187568 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02893658 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 68452336402785950023 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/09/19 09:52 Meter/Type: 57100077171 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 925708526224 Supplier Ref: 925708526224 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02962318 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 58790247842084044129 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/09/19 10:37 Meter/Type: 57100077171 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 925709376280 Supplier Ref: 925709376280 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02962564 Total Value: N600.00 Standard: N600.00 - 22854581138954312921 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/09/19 11:29 Meter/Type: 57100077171 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 925810307801 Supplier Ref: 925810307801 Receipt: PagT13EMDB02967374 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 03420120277738990226 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/10/19 14:40 Meter/Type: 57100077171 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157192089246 Supplier Ref: 157192089246 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03181267 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 24155160358697249786 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/11/19 05:46 Meter/Type: 57100077171 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 931004481051 Supplier Ref: 931004481051 Receipt: PagT13EMDB03260841 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 07455753620999082394 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/11/19 15:39 Meter/Type: 57100077171 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 933114410225 Supplier Ref: 933114410225 Receipt: PagT13EMDB03398517 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 38956976906789620768 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/12/19 10:31 Meter/Type: 57100077171 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 934709330978 Supplier Ref: 934709330978 Receipt: PagT13EMDB03523346 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 12418112668779994766 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/12/19 11:52 Meter/Type: 57100077171 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193531055137 Supplier Ref: 193531055137 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03570149 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 34268876421565192983 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/01/20 19:31 Meter/Type: 57100077171 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 001018341334 Supplier Ref: 001018341334 Receipt: PagT13EMDB03760432 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 08175205946928375140 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/01/20 21:34 Meter/Type: 57100077171 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 002620371184 Supplier Ref: 002620371184 Receipt: PagT13EMDB03890744 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 38748802280974440636 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/02/20 20:50 Meter/Type: 57100077171 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 004219503728 Supplier Ref: 004219503728 Receipt: PagT13EMDB04044469 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 05738084684798438412 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/03/20 21:37 Meter/Type: 57100077171 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200682037478 Supplier Ref: 200682037478 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04319678 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 66393351082016842738 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/03/20 11:33 Meter/Type: 57100077171 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 008010333621 Supplier Ref: 008010333621 Receipt: PagT13EMDB04384043 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 72080330843304016895 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/04/20 10:33 Meter/Type: 57100077171 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200950932567 Supplier Ref: 200950932567 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04503677 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 38429879226736325738 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/04/20 18:02 Meter/Type: 57100077171 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201001701540 Supplier Ref: 201001701540 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04545615 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 23550246204558104585 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 55 Bottom of Form2020-06-29 akigaisiyaka@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013683In ProgressVending History2020-06-29Pls I need the vending history of this customer 57100077171. ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29No0000-00-00 akigaisiyaka@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013682ClosedVending History2020-06-29Please I need the vending history of this customer 5710007717. ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29NoHello, No token sales found.2020-06-29 akigaisiyaka@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013681ClosedOutstanding Balance2020-06-29Dear Support, Kindly provide outstanding balance for 54161108656. Thank YouMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29NoPlease find below. Meter Serial Number: 54161108656 Contract Account Number: 475628 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 54161108656 Start Date: 2/10/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $254,564.78 Outstanding Balance: $66,824.05 Running Balance: $66,824.05 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/29/2020 10:52:23 AM2020-06-29 sunnyochekwu@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013680In ProgressOutstanding Balance2020-06-29Dear Support, Kindly provide outstanding balance for 54161108656. Thank YouMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29No0000-00-00 sunnyochekwu@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013679ClosedVending History2020-06-29Please I need the vending history of this customer 5710007717. ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29NoNO TOKEN SALES FOUND2020-06-29 akigaisiyaka@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013678Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013677ClosedRequest2020-06-29Please help me with Debt profile to enable reconciliation Thank youMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29NoPlease find below. Meter Serial Number: 0101185056518 Contract Account Number: 659186 Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 659186 Start Date: 3/27/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $13,463.63 Outstanding Balance: $5,463.63 Running Balance: $5,463.63 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/8/2020 8:42:23 AM2020-06-29 erdooshirsha@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013676In ProgressVending History2020-06-29Please I need the vending history of this customer 5710007717. ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29No0000-00-00 akigaisiyaka@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013675In ProgressRequest2020-06-29Please help me with Debt profile to enable reconciliation Thank youMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29No0000-00-00 erdooshirsha@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013674Closed2020-06-29Please Ict kindly assist me with this meter number 0101170196782 original balance running balance and collection value thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29NoFind below. Meter Serial Number: 0101170196782 Contract Account Number: 465269 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 465269 Start Date: 6/25/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $152,997.21 Outstanding Balance: $152,997.21 Running Balance: $152,997.21 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-06-29 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013673In ProgressRequest2020-06-29Please Ict kindly assist me with this meter number 0101170196782 original balance running balance and collection value thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29No0000-00-00 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013672ClosedVending History2020-06-29Dear IT Support, Kindly generate the VH for the meter number 0101170378430 regardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29NoHello, Find below the request, Date Sold: 10/10/18 10:20 Meter/Type: 0101170378430 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000671816335 Supplier Ref: 000671816335 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01147593 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 69413697814334984018 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/10/18 16:11 Meter/Type: 0101170378430 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182921611118 Supplier Ref: 182921611118 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01180238 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 48934016540299355415 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/11/18 09:49 Meter/Type: 0101170378430 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000676277062 Supplier Ref: 000676277062 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01257060 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 38206313691256446512 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/12/18 13:41 Meter/Type: 0101170378430 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183561242040 Supplier Ref: 183561242040 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01437976 Total Value: N2,950.00 Standard: N2,950.00 - 63920003079133575451 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/09/19 10:10 Meter/Type: 0101170378430 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 926009110000 Supplier Ref: 926009110000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02976528 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 69592267946839707217 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/01/20 13:52 Meter/Type: 0101170378430 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157883007546 Supplier Ref: 157883007546 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03772461 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 71236016925620930955 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/04/20 15:43 Meter/Type: 0101170378430 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201171543370 Supplier Ref: 201171543370 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04663263 Total Value: N6,100.00 Standard: N100.00 - 45475547071965382785 Debt: N6,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/04/20 16:09 Meter/Type: 0101170378430 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201171609555 Supplier Ref: 201171609555 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04663553 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 56091471025075039873 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/05/20 07:24 Meter/Type: 0101170378430 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201460724581 Supplier Ref: 201460724581 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04843701 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 14614736394791410861 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/06/20 22:37 Meter/Type: 0101170378430 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201792238012 Supplier Ref: 201792238012 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05079618 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 72508680851425002137 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 192020-06-29 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013671ClosedVending History2020-06-29Dear Support, Pls kindly confirm the vending history of this acct and revert. Thank youMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29NoHello, No token sales found.2020-06-29 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013670ClosedVending History2020-06-29Dear IT Support, Kindly generate the VH for the meter number 0101170378430 regardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29NoHello, Find below the request, Date Sold: 10/10/18 10:20 Meter/Type: 0101170378430 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000671816335 Supplier Ref: 000671816335 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01147593 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 69413697814334984018 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/10/18 16:11 Meter/Type: 0101170378430 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182921611118 Supplier Ref: 182921611118 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01180238 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 48934016540299355415 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/11/18 09:49 Meter/Type: 0101170378430 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000676277062 Supplier Ref: 000676277062 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01257060 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 38206313691256446512 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/12/18 13:41 Meter/Type: 0101170378430 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183561242040 Supplier Ref: 183561242040 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01437976 Total Value: N2,950.00 Standard: N2,950.00 - 63920003079133575451 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/09/19 10:10 Meter/Type: 0101170378430 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 926009110000 Supplier Ref: 926009110000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02976528 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 69592267946839707217 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/01/20 13:52 Meter/Type: 0101170378430 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157883007546 Supplier Ref: 157883007546 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03772461 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N8,000.00 - 71236016925620930955 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/04/20 15:43 Meter/Type: 0101170378430 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201171543370 Supplier Ref: 201171543370 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04663263 Total Value: N6,100.00 Standard: N100.00 - 45475547071965382785 Debt: N6,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/04/20 16:09 Meter/Type: 0101170378430 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201171609555 Supplier Ref: 201171609555 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04663553 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 56091471025075039873 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/05/20 07:24 Meter/Type: 0101170378430 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201460724581 Supplier Ref: 201460724581 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04843701 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 14614736394791410861 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/06/20 22:37 Meter/Type: 0101170378430 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201792238012 Supplier Ref: 201792238012 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05079618 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 72508680851425002137 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 192020-06-29 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013669ClosedOutstanding Balance2020-06-29Request for outstanding balance meter no 54160919053Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29NoHello, Find below the request, Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 376808 Start Date: 4/27/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $107,211.06 Outstanding Balance: $77,211.06 Running Balance: $77,211.06 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/2/2020 9:45:17 PM2020-06-29 benmercyladi@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013668ClosedVending History2020-06-29Pls we need the VHMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29NoHello sir, No token sales found.2020-06-29 stynlucs@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013667ClosedOutstanding Balance2020-06-29Dear Support, Kindly provide outstanding balance for 54161108565. Thank youMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29NoHello, Find below the request, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING BALANCE Reference Number: 54161143885 Start Date: 7/1/2017 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $220,143.79 Outstanding Balance: $115,143.79 Running Balance: $115,143.79 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: 3/31/2020 12:09:11 PM2020-06-29 sunnyochekwu@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013666ClosedVending History2020-06-29VENDING HISTORY 0101185056518Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29NoHello, Find below as requested, Date Sold: 20/11/19 09:41 Meter/Type: 0101185056518 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157423577716 Supplier Ref: 157423577716 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03341249 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 49032763492694020871 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/01/20 14:51 Meter/Type: 0101185056518 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158004326698 Supplier Ref: 158004326698 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03888706 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N4,900.00 - 33094332028650810287 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/03/20 15:50 Meter/Type: 0101185056518 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 006614460000 Supplier Ref: 006614460000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04298910 Total Value: N10,000.00 Standard: N10,000.00 - 71954124135504868545 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/04/20 14:57 Meter/Type: 0101185056518 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200981357387 Supplier Ref: 200981357387 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04525146 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 09529385177562973987 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/06/20 08:42 Meter/Type: 0101185056518 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201600842246 Supplier Ref: 201600842246 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04941843 Total Value: N9,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 61639610295374756145 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/06/20 17:49 Meter/Type: 0101185056518 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201781749301 Supplier Ref: 201781749301 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05069442 Total Value: N4,900.00 Standard: N4,900.00 - 55852377918636151715 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/06/20 16:14 Meter/Type: 0101185056518 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201801614300 Supplier Ref: 201801614300 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05081739 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 50184958476285036354 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 292020-06-29 erdooshirsha@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013665In ProgressTamper Code2020-06-29Clearing Code RequestMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-06-29No0000-00-00 Eric Asua Anas Abubakar
#00013664ClosedVending History2020-06-29Dear Support, Pls I need the vending history of the above account. Thank youMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29NoHello, Find below the request, Date Sold: 26/09/16 16:06 Meter/Type: 57100077239 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 627016060664 Supplier Ref: 627016060664 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00042798 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N4,622.00 - 66033915161981827821 Debt: -N4,122.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 08/06/17 10:13 Meter/Type: 57100077239 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 715910130097 Supplier Ref: 715910130097 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00286062 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 15085391800852702962 Date Sold: 23/06/17 10:49 Meter/Type: 57100077239 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 717410490037 Supplier Ref: 717410490037 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00305090 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 55405683650339398216 Date Sold: 04/08/17 10:47 Meter/Type: 57100077239 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 721610470193 Supplier Ref: 721610470193 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00360391 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 65251164697810163633 Date Sold: 25/09/17 10:53 Meter/Type: 57100077239 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 726810531051 Supplier Ref: 726810531051 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00424896 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 70249325154207965834 Date Sold: 14/11/17 17:01 Meter/Type: 57100077239 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 731817011532 Supplier Ref: 731817011532 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00497553 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 18778809409033299807 Date Sold: 04/08/18 14:25 Meter/Type: 57100077239 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182161325582 Supplier Ref: 182161325582 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00951993 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 13515885530046151579 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/10/18 13:34 Meter/Type: 57100077239 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 829713350000 Supplier Ref: 829713350000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01195790 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 65419805147725739043 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/02/19 17:31 Meter/Type: 57100077239 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 905216270000 Supplier Ref: 905216270000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01875442 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 12338255690689369919 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/06/19 13:20 Meter/Type: 57100077239 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191771220458 Supplier Ref: 191771220458 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02559850 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 15242546030163153161 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/08/19 16:29 Meter/Type: 57100077239 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192161529134 Supplier Ref: 192161529134 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02753663 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 36880202951455605969 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/10/19 12:54 Meter/Type: 57100077239 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157251933098 Supplier Ref: 157251933098 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03222858 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 39058422365762887059 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/12/19 11:05 Meter/Type: 57100077239 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193551008346 Supplier Ref: 193551008346 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03588497 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 36980272484244435772 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/04/20 15:36 Meter/Type: 57100077239 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201201536150 Supplier Ref: 201201536150 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04682875 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 28316423911432370134 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 152020-06-29 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013663ClosedVending History2020-06-29Pls we need the VH 57100077234Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29NoHello sir, No token sales found.2020-06-29 stynlucs@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013662ClosedVending History2020-06-29Pls we need the VH of the MSN above 0101170308460 Thank you.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29NoHello, Find below the request, Date Sold: 24/10/18 15:15 Meter/Type: 0101170308460 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182971515245 Supplier Ref: 182971515245 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01196298 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 37644296412634385959 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/12/18 21:56 Meter/Type: 0101170308460 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154550847505 Supplier Ref: 154550847505 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01441290 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 01250339494384784051 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/01/19 17:59 Meter/Type: 0101170308460 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190141659143 Supplier Ref: 190141659143 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01581231 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 32538197230529628006 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/02/19 15:39 Meter/Type: 0101170308460 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154963314939 Supplier Ref: 154963314939 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01782340 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 10527204989691088034 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/04/19 15:31 Meter/Type: 0101170308460 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155421190903 Supplier Ref: 155421190903 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02113978 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 30579117195527076738 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/05/19 19:04 Meter/Type: 0101170308460 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191391805062 Supplier Ref: 191391805062 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02364615 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 17549117286623763915 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/06/19 11:30 Meter/Type: 0101170308460 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155998621655 Supplier Ref: 155998621655 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02472366 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 70080021693354124810 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/06/19 18:15 Meter/Type: 0101170308460 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191701716022 Supplier Ref: 191701716022 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02529106 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 71075010393520080787 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/06/19 12:42 Meter/Type: 0101170308460 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191721142405 Supplier Ref: 191721142405 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02536401 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 32608906460355474013 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/07/19 15:43 Meter/Type: 0101170308460 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191901443063 Supplier Ref: 191901443063 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02623860 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 02764160378130017245 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/07/19 10:06 Meter/Type: 0101170308460 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192070906158 Supplier Ref: 192070906158 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02702352 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 08221953445829300578 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/08/19 12:38 Meter/Type: 0101170308460 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156681589474 Supplier Ref: 156681589474 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02859521 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 71569111411405280360 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/09/19 13:52 Meter/Type: 0101170308460 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192611252484 Supplier Ref: 192611252484 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02984113 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 72906952057016411256 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/10/19 09:16 Meter/Type: 0101170308460 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192870817428 Supplier Ref: 192870817428 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03122605 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 01339310600321032295 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/10/19 17:52 Meter/Type: 0101170308460 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193021653471 Supplier Ref: 193021653471 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03211143 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 40906677195365385143 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/10/19 17:54 Meter/Type: 0101170308460 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193021655561 Supplier Ref: 193021655561 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03211164 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 09768000448455250163 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/11/19 17:47 Meter/Type: 0101170308460 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193291649146 Supplier Ref: 193291649146 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03381131 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 27801250066654829496 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/12/19 09:16 Meter/Type: 0101170308460 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157648072749 Supplier Ref: 157648072749 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03539260 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 25778231702875941753 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/12/19 14:33 Meter/Type: 0101170308460 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193581336162 Supplier Ref: 193581336162 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03620040 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 18967010739353630424 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/01/20 13:01 Meter/Type: 0101170308460 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157830867599 Supplier Ref: 157830867599 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03717900 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 02278017780669265384 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/01/20 11:19 Meter/Type: 0101170308460 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200231022438 Supplier Ref: 200231022438 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03862523 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 25008792436610507487 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/03/20 12:20 Meter/Type: 0101170308460 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 006511201253 Supplier Ref: 006511201253 Receipt: PagT13EMDB04282125 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 21071751541232197877 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/03/20 17:22 Meter/Type: 0101170308460 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 008016224797 Supplier Ref: 008016224797 Receipt: PagT13EMDB04387302 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 47151054822442775187 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/05/20 14:33 Meter/Type: 0101170308460 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201431433531 Supplier Ref: 201431433531 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04826017 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 24709552892148401830 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/06/20 21:10 Meter/Type: 0101170308460 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201602110062 Supplier Ref: 201602110062 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04946285 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 16000912991123397384 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/06/20 11:17 Meter/Type: 0101170308460 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201741117422 Supplier Ref: 201741117422 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05033208 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 61473053644927451942 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 402020-06-29 stynlucs@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013661ClosedRequest2020-06-29Please Ict kindly assist me with this meter number 0101170298364 original balance running balance and collection value thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 487771 Start Date: 7/20/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $90,903.46 Outstanding Balance: $76,903.46 Running Balance: $76,903.46 Note: Outstanding Balance Migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/26/2020 3:06:08 PM2020-06-29 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013660ClosedVending History2020-06-29Pls I need the vending history of this customer 0101170307173. ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29NoHello, Find below as requested, Date Sold: 06/07/18 11:55 Meter/Type: 0101170307173 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 181871055491 Supplier Ref: 181871055491 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00882071 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 65103404123062093699 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/08/18 11:08 Meter/Type: 0101170307173 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000662455012 Supplier Ref: 000662455012 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00954102 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 55530657070575287445 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/09/18 11:45 Meter/Type: 0101170307173 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000667930816 Supplier Ref: 000667930816 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01063135 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 48726041344308657313 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/10/18 15:02 Meter/Type: 0101170307173 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 21496351686287 Supplier Ref: 21496351686287 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01188423 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 40838754504321935678 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/11/18 10:12 Meter/Type: 0101170307173 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 596949618933463 Supplier Ref: 596949618933463 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01232300 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 39048886032982162365 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/11/18 11:42 Meter/Type: 0101170307173 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183301142291 Supplier Ref: 183301142291 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01308626 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 30927803070202333172 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/12/18 11:12 Meter/Type: 0101170307173 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 559531179809728 Supplier Ref: 559531179809728 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01436252 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 46038199274049334735 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/01/19 11:58 Meter/Type: 0101170307173 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 788449076013271 Supplier Ref: 788449076013271 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01617904 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 00831389033397608452 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/02/19 14:27 Meter/Type: 0101170307173 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 904413270000 Supplier Ref: 904413270000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01815802 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 05345775605901709771 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/03/19 12:07 Meter/Type: 0101170307173 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 292128266894051 Supplier Ref: 292128266894051 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02003260 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 34708680169090202125 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/04/19 12:51 Meter/Type: 0101170307173 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155446148495 Supplier Ref: 155446148495 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02132564 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 54227601533171026420 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/05/19 11:47 Meter/Type: 0101170307173 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190507348554 Supplier Ref: 190507348554 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02310859 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 62478520944383283610 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/06/19 11:50 Meter/Type: 0101170307173 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191641050238 Supplier Ref: 191641050238 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02497674 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 01993641708262282584 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/07/19 11:27 Meter/Type: 0101170307173 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156335564837 Supplier Ref: 156335564837 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02660351 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 28551041005871863853 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/09/19 12:29 Meter/Type: 0101170307173 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192461130044 Supplier Ref: 192461130044 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02902014 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 21945312749435327652 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/10/19 12:49 Meter/Type: 0101170307173 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 267738713791776 Supplier Ref: 267738713791776 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03215482 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 19144116135539290673 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/12/19 12:28 Meter/Type: 0101170307173 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157649223194 Supplier Ref: 157649223194 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03541850 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 21706677580420066231 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/01/20 13:10 Meter/Type: 0101170307173 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 804562015818123 Supplier Ref: 804562015818123 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB03779116 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 12155523487427098537 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/02/20 11:53 Meter/Type: 0101170307173 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 239419445181251 Supplier Ref: 239419445181251 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB04076495 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 27152251654542740530 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/03/20 11:32 Meter/Type: 0101170307173 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 200851031562 Supplier Ref: 200851031562 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04418987 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 66736805194165654398 Debt: N2,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 262020-06-29 akigaisiyaka@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013659ClosedVending History2020-06-29Please I need the vending history of this customer 5710007717. ThanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29NoHello, No token sales found.2020-06-29 akigaisiyaka@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013658In ProgressVending History2020-06-29Dear IT Support, Kindly generate the VH for the meter number 0101170378430 regardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29No0000-00-00 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013657Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013656In ProgressOutstanding Balance2020-06-29Request for outstanding balance meter no 54160919053 Dick AlechenuMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29No0000-00-00 benmercyladi@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013655ClosedKCT Request2020-06-29Good morning IT Support team Please kindly assist with key change for MSN 0101190005500 Thanks Best RegardsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29NoHello, Find below as requested, 0101190005500 3090 6989 7383 8213 5007 2635 6447 9927 0055 22352020-06-29 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013654In ProgressOutstanding Balance2020-06-29Dear Support, Kindly provide outstanding balance for 54161108565. Thank youMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29No0000-00-00 sunnyochekwu@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013653In ProgressVending History2020-06-29GOOD MORNING SIR KINDLY HELP WITH VENDING HISTORY 0101185056518Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29No0000-00-00 erdooshirsha@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013652In ProgressVending History2020-06-29GOOD MORNING SIR KINDLY HELP WITH VENDING HISTORY 0101185056518Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29No0000-00-00 erdooshirsha@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013651In ProgressVending History2020-06-29GOOD MORNING SIR KINDLY HELP WITH VENDING HISTORY 0101185056518Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29No0000-00-00 erdooshirsha@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013650In ProgressRequest2020-06-29Please Ict kindly assist me with this meter number 0101170298364 original balance running balance and collection value thanks.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29No0000-00-00 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013649In ProgressVending History2020-06-29Dear Support, Pls I need the vending history of the above account. 57100077239 Thank youMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29No0000-00-00 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013648In ProgressVending History2020-06-29Pls we need the VH 57100077234Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29No0000-00-00 stynlucs@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013647ClosedFailed Transaction2020-06-29Dear IT and support team please kindly assist to follow up for this fail transaction.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29NoHello faiza, The transaction failed, kindly contact the buy power customer care for refund.2020-06-29 faizahtafida@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013646In ProgressRequest2020-06-29Hello Support Team, Kindly provide us with the Meter Serial number attached to the above Cust. Account number. Regards,Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29No0000-00-00 muhammad.dalhatu2019@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013645ClosedKCT Request2020-06-29find below meter no request for keychange. 1. 0101185056906Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29NoHello, Find below as requested, 0101185056906 5143 4497 0227 2310 5318 6581 4753 6546 6111 20782020-06-29 faizahtafida@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013644In ProgressVending History2020-06-29Pls we need the VH of the MSN above 0101170308460Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29No0000-00-00 stynlucs@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013643In ProgressTamper Code2020-06-29Dear IT Support, Two meters below have been verified; please generate the Clear Tamper Codes. 0101185057706 0101185059728Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29No0000-00-00 bittygargadi@hotmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013642In ProgressKCT Request2020-06-29Good morning IT Support team Please kindly assist with key change for MSN 0101190005500Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29No0000-00-00 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013641In ProgressVending History2020-06-29REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORYMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29No0000-00-00 jenogah@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013640In ProgressVending History2020-06-29Dear Support, Pls kindly confirm the vending history of this acct and revert.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29No0000-00-00 caraolineadesuwa@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013639In ProgressTamper Code2020-06-29GENERATE CT FOR METER NO: 57100047653Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29No0000-00-00 bittygargadi@hotmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013638In ProgressVending History2020-06-29Pls I need the vending history of this customer 0101170307173Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29No0000-00-00 akigaisiyaka@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013637In ProgressVending History2020-06-29Please I need the vending history of this customer 5710007717Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29No0000-00-00 akigaisiyaka@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013636In ProgressKCT Request2020-06-29Good morning, find below meter no request for keychange. 1. 0101185056906.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29No0000-00-00 faizahtafida@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013635In ProgressRequest2020-06-29Request for debt profile of this account 0101170173088Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29No0000-00-00 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013634In ProgressRequest2020-06-29Pls we need the account no registered to this above MSN 0101171091882Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29No0000-00-00 stynlucs@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013633Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013632ClosedTamper Code2020-06-27Request for Clear temper codeMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-27NoHello, Find below as requested, 0101170374553 0101 1811 0502 0897 9971Clear Tamper 0101170460014 3490 7749 4719 5925 7201Clear Tamper 0101170418483 3925 9724 0025 7023 8829Clear Tamper 0101170216366 3884 7212 9763 4594 0704Clear Tamper 0101161053265 4805 9069 5933 2275 0075Clear Tamper 0101170205088........................not on itron 54161167611 6926 3690 2943 4066 3082Clear Tamper 54161167611 6926 3690 2943 4066 3082Clear Tamper Will generate the remaining ones when the network is back Regards2020-06-27 bangisgarko@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013631In ProgressRequest2020-06-27Please kindly send the installation date and the bill used in capturing of the following meters : 62120214473, 62120214564 and 62120214499Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-27No0000-00-00 mahmood.waziri@jedplc.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013630In ProgressKCT Request2020-06-27Request for Clear Tamper Token 0101170220129 and 0101160178394Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-27No0000-00-00 Mujtabaumar01@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013629In ProgressOutstanding Balance2020-06-27please kindly send me the total outstanding following the meter number 0101170372391Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-27No0000-00-00 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013628ClosedKCT Request2020-06-27Request for Kct in respect of this accountMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-27NoHello, Find below as requeste, 0101170440792 5138 2118 3412 9361 8372 Key Change Token N/A 4/4/2019 9:59:53 AM Yes Uzomba Adoma Abdullahi Inuwa 0101170440792 3895 5859 2937 4243 7569 Key Change Token2020-06-27 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013627ClosedKCT Request2020-06-26Please see below request for kctMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26NoHello, Find below as requested, 0101185056336 1562 4816 1457 7362 7655 Key Change Token N/A 6/26/2020 3:10:55 PM Yes Hauwa Aliyu Abdullahi Inuwa 0101185056336 6635 8215 5247 1037 3398 Key Change Token N/A 6/26/2020 3:10:55 PM Yes Hauwa Aliyu Abdullahi Inuwa2020-06-27 bangisgarko@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013626In ProgressVending History2020-06-27Pls we need VHMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-29No0000-00-00 stynlucs@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013625In ProgressKCT Request2020-06-27Please kindly generate a kct for the following meter numberMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-27No0000-00-00 bangisgarko@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013624ClosedTamper Code2020-06-27Request for Clear Tamper TokenMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-27NoHello, Find below as requested, 57100007087 6730 2450 7955 6025 8220 Clear Tamper Regards2020-06-27 Mujtabaumar01@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013623Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013622ClosedVending History2020-06-26REQUEST FOR VH - 61.0202.0012.4331 / 61/31/55/3552-01Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26No61.0202.0012.4331 CRecSN CCustAcc CCustCNo DtBillDate NCredit NCreSum NCapSum NFixed NMetM NVat nPaidinSum NPrepaySum NTotal NPurTime NArrear NFlag COpNo CTerNo CSCenCode NHsdbgzf NHsyzdf NarrearBalance NHsdbgzfBalance 61/03030002000027364 61.0202.0012.4331 442946412115082A 11/03/2011 11:03 242.13 1428.57 0 0 0 71.43 1500 0 1500 36 0 1 2 2 61/0303 0 0 0 0 62/01010002200043108 61.0202.0012.4331 442946412115082A 25/07/2012 10:02 219.95 2857.14 0 0 0 142.86 3000 0 3000 63 0 1 2 2 62/0101 0 0 0 0 62/01010002200132915 61.0202.0012.4331 442946412115082A 05/07/2014 8:44 170.58 2857.14 0 0 0 142.86 3000 0 3000 92 0 1 2 2 62/0101 0 0 0 0 61/03030002000120282 61.0202.0012.4331 442946412115082A 09/01/2015 11:55 181.17 3034.52 0 775 0 190.48 4000 0 4000 103 0 1 2 2 61/0303 0 0 0 0 62/01010002200157835 61.0202.0012.4331 442946412115082A 23/01/2015 9:05 255.86 4285.71 0 0 0 214.29 4500 0 4500 104 0 1 2 2 62/0101 0 0 0 0 62/01010002200161542 61.0202.0012.4331 442946412115082A 14/02/2015 11:41 232.34 3891.67 0 775 0 233.33 4900 0 4900 105 0 1 2 2 62/0101 0 0 0 0 62/01010002200167978 61.0202.0012.4331 442946412115082A 30/03/2015 10:18 227.43 3809.52 0 0 0 190.48 4000 0 4000 107 0 1 2 2 62/0101 0 0 0 0 62/01010002200169881 61.0202.0012.4331 442946412115082A 14/04/2015 21:46 238.02 3986.9 0 775 0 238.1 5000 0 5000 108 0 1 2 2 62/0101 0 0 0 0 61/02020002000279568 61.0202.0012.4331 442946412115082A 23/03/2018 9:54 95.85 2857.14 0 0 0 142.86 3000 0 3000 174 0 1 3 2 61/0202 0 0 0 0 61/02020002000291842 61.0202.0012.4331 442946412115082A 24/09/2018 10:59 95.85 2857.14 0 0 0 142.86 3000 0 3000 175 0 1 3 2 61/0202 0 0 0 02020-06-26 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013621ClosedVending History2020-06-26Request for Vending HistoryMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26NoFind below as requested for 57100047240 Date Sold: 19/09/16 08:39 Meter/Type: 57100047240 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 626308390062 Supplier Ref: 626308390062 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00037631 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 29422709136393317602 Debt: N3,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 27/01/17 10:10 Meter/Type: 57100047240 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 702710100119 Supplier Ref: 702710100119 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00128070 Total Value: N13,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 49536280016733546341 Debt: N12,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 08/08/17 10:45 Meter/Type: 57100047240 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 722010451035 Supplier Ref: 722010451035 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00364759 Total Value: N22,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 12285394198966975251 Debt: N21,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 14/10/17 09:54 Meter/Type: 57100047240 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 728709541021 Supplier Ref: 728709541021 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00452980 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N605.00 - 30216513268481853443 Debt: N1,895.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 24/11/17 15:42 Meter/Type: 57100047240 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 732815421573 Supplier Ref: 732815421573 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00511296 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 50917595044551992450 Date Sold: 03/02/18 10:05 Meter/Type: 57100047240 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 797349027880659 Supplier Ref: 797349027880659 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00607784 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 14853934549765823182 Date Sold: 26/03/18 11:41 Meter/Type: 57100047240 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 808510411175 Supplier Ref: 808510411175 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00683719 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 66602926199498629440 Date Sold: 15/05/18 10:13 Meter/Type: 57100047240 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 813509131088 Supplier Ref: 813509131088 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00769065 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 45358901208870983906 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/07/18 13:46 Meter/Type: 57100047240 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000657430818 Supplier Ref: 000657430818 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00870582 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 13584008244648985625 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/08/18 10:11 Meter/Type: 57100047240 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 153432059139 Supplier Ref: 153432059139 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00977705 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 58934634254076832123 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/09/18 12:18 Meter/Type: 57100047240 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 646134931849297 Supplier Ref: 646134931849297 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01046019 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 60820428164671845019 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/10/18 10:40 Meter/Type: 57100047240 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182811040557 Supplier Ref: 182811040557 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01139320 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 55044501035795883456 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/10/18 09:05 Meter/Type: 57100047240 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 289797132915871 Supplier Ref: 289797132915871 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01218813 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 06482013351289689273 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/11/18 10:38 Meter/Type: 57100047240 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 956590358986594 Supplier Ref: 956590358986594 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01289331 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 43037136478282741671 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/12/18 10:21 Meter/Type: 57100047240 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 841225046294713 Supplier Ref: 841225046294713 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01356717 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 20528727111503942109 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/02/19 10:59 Meter/Type: 57100047240 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155073956450 Supplier Ref: 155073956450 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01870260 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 05825639339578971622 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/04/19 10:32 Meter/Type: 57100047240 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155557628586 Supplier Ref: 155557628586 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02201232 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 72016245050533544666 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/06/19 15:06 Meter/Type: 57100047240 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155999914577 Supplier Ref: 155999914577 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02474292 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 64423984118351993811 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/08/19 10:24 Meter/Type: 57100047240 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156482061902 Supplier Ref: 156482061902 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02747808 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 29440881403359624084 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/10/19 13:41 Meter/Type: 57100047240 Retailer/Operator: Pagatech/ Token Ref: 928312429114 Supplier Ref: 928312429114 Receipt: PagT13EMDB03106250 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 36106981496073957032 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/11/19 10:30 Meter/Type: 57100047240 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 193290932591 Supplier Ref: 193290932591 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03375326 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 29215463742834875862 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/01/20 09:43 Meter/Type: 57100047240 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157846950933 Supplier Ref: 157846950933 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03736618 Total Value: N700.00 Standard: N700.00 - 25249599683306026768 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/02/20 11:32 Meter/Type: 57100047240 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158072232914 Supplier Ref: 158072232914 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03961169 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 36810898839983191042 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/03/20 15:32 Meter/Type: 57100047240 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158350137710 Supplier Ref: 158350137710 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04298592 Total Value: N600.00 Standard: N600.00 - 15144985913081411396 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/05/20 10:23 Meter/Type: 57100047240 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201301023488 Supplier Ref: 201301023488 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04740878 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 15626738219633972260 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 392020-06-26 apaaverem@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013620ClosedTamper Code2020-06-26Request for CTMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26NoPlease sir recommend to generate a clear temper code for the following meter numbers 0101170304360 (Clear creeit) 0101170418483 0101160182255 0101170255562 57300006038 0101170158550 54161114720 0101170119834 0101161037540 0101161037540 0101161057761 Thanks2020-06-26 bangisgarko@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013619ClosedKCT Request2020-06-26Request for Clear temper codeMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26NoSir, please recommend to verify and generate a Clear temper code for the following meter numbers 0101161057761 0101170374553 0101170460014 0101170418483 0101170216366 0101161053265 0101170205088 0101170148437 54161167611 54161055949 54161071052 54160856446 And sir, the following are request is for our recovered meters to be re-installed to the network for energy accountability. 0101171316851 0101170205088 0101170148437 0101170124065 0101161001918 0101170245167 0101170113571 Thanks2020-06-26 saniibrahimshehu68@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013618In ProgressOutstanding Balance2020-06-26REQUEST FOR OUTSTANDING BALANCEMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26No0000-00-00 sunnyochekwu@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013617In ProgressVending History2020-06-26Request for Vending HistoryMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26No0000-00-00 apaaverem@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013616ClosedRequest2020-06-26REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE AND COLLECTION VALUEMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26NoHello. Find below, Customer Details Name: not populated Surname: ALEXANDER EFIBO Meter Serial Number: 04244032944 Contract Account Number: 6126454277/01 Debt Details This customer does not have any Debt accounts associated. Please proceed to add one (or more) if necessary.2020-06-26 longpuan@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013615ClosedVending History2020-06-26Request for Vending HistoryMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26NoHello, Kindly assist print for the customer, Date Sold: 03/07/17 10:37 Meter/Type: 57100052075 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/fuzomba Token Ref: 718410370194 Supplier Ref: 718410370194 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00317281 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 66865599702425974285 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 26/10/17 13:52 Meter/Type: 57100052075 Retailer/Operator: JEDANGLOJOS/jlahol Token Ref: 729913520157 Supplier Ref: 729913520157 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00468869 Total Value: N14,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 01149924351463326204 Debt: N12,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 28/11/17 13:25 Meter/Type: 57100052075 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 733213320000 Supplier Ref: 733213320000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00515972 Total Value: N5,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 46469273229931403587 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 15/02/18 15:21 Meter/Type: 57100052075 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 804615211405 Supplier Ref: 804615211405 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00625540 Total Value: N13,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 67819113908078716356 Debt: N12,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 24/03/18 12:34 Meter/Type: 57100052075 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000643029482 Supplier Ref: 000643029482 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00682476 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 71609161557797237965 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 06/06/18 12:35 Meter/Type: 57100052075 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 815711340000 Supplier Ref: 815711340000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00816710 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 71293281603886676857 Debt: N12,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/08/18 13:59 Meter/Type: 57100052075 Retailer/Operator: eTranzact/ Token Ref: 822712580000 Supplier Ref: 822712580000 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00978707 Total Value: N15,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 38343169129466458961 Debt: N8,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/03/19 10:39 Meter/Type: 57100052075 Retailer/Operator: InfoStrategy/ Token Ref: 190322650230 Supplier Ref: 190322650230 Receipt: infSgr3EMDB02052220 Total Value: N32,500.00 Standard: N4,500.00 - 21418200982872262174 Debt: N28,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 22/06/19 12:46 Meter/Type: 57100052075 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191731146351 Supplier Ref: 191731146351 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02541704 Total Value: N16,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 33203428123002568735 Debt: N12,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/10/19 14:25 Meter/Type: 57100052075 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192911326095 Supplier Ref: 192911326095 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03148902 Total Value: N20,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 12364360178133363655 Debt: N16,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/02/20 15:09 Meter/Type: 57100052075 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 158108098956 Supplier Ref: 158108098956 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB04005583 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N2,999.00 - 50128186052890831126 Debt: N1.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/06/20 16:08 Meter/Type: 57100052075 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 201781608475 Supplier Ref: 201781608475 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB05068487 Total Value: N21,000.00 Standard: N5,000.00 - 64041002398257626069 Debt: N16,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 182020-06-26 naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013614ClosedRequest2020-06-26REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26NoHello, Find below, Debt Details This customer does not have any Debt accounts associated.2020-06-26 wyontochae@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013613ClosedRequest2020-06-26Debt balanceMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 54161003352 Start Date: 2/19/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $135,046.59 Outstanding Balance: $78,046.59 Running Balance: $78,046.59 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: 3/9/2020 2:50:54 PM2020-06-26 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013612ClosedRequest2020-06-26REQUEST FOR DEBT MIGIRATEDMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 54160897713 Start Date: 4/3/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $209,465.05 Outstanding Balance: $200,465.05 Running Balance: $200,465.05 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $3,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/26/2020 2:55:59 PM2020-06-26 tyoverpeter@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013611ClosedRequest2020-06-26REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26NoHello, Find below, Debt Details This customer does not have any Debt accounts associated.2020-06-26 wyontochae@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013610ClosedRequest2020-06-26REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 54161003352 Start Date: 2/19/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $135,046.59 Outstanding Balance: $78,046.59 Running Balance: $78,046.59 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: 3/9/2020 2:50:54 PM2020-06-26 naomi.tegwi@jedplc.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013609ClosedRequest2020-06-26REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26NoHello, Find below, 1 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170393801 Start Date: 9/18/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $158,092.55 Outstanding Balance: $128,092.55 Running Balance: $128,092.55 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/10/2020 10:46:04 AM 2 Debt Details This customer does not have any Debt accounts associated. 3 Debt DetailsThis customer does not have any Debt accounts associated.2020-06-26 naomi.tegwi@jedplc.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013608ClosedOutstanding Balance2020-06-26REQUEST FOR OUTSTANDING BALANCEMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26NoHello, Please kindly see the customer details and the debt, Customer Details Name: EDIGA FRANCIS Surname: AKPA Meter Serial Number: 54161108565 Contract Account Number: 476541 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING BALANCE Reference Number: 54161143885 Start Date: 7/1/2017 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $220,143.79 Outstanding Balance: $115,143.79 Running Balance: $115,143.79 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: 3/31/2020 12:09:11 PM2020-06-26 sunnyochekwu@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013607ClosedRequest2020-06-26Request on Installation Date PPM: 010117017308Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26NoHello, Find attached for your information.2020-06-26 mahmudwaziri@hotmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013606ClosedRequest2020-06-26Request for customers detailsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26NoHello, Find below, 1 Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 0101160358285 Start Date: 11/13/2017 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $3,130.05 Outstanding Balance: $0.00 Running Balance: $0.00 Note: Debt based on agreement form dated 13-Nov-17 Status: Paid off Collection Method: Per Vend Amount Collection Value: $1,560.05 Latest Payment: 12/2/2017 12:20:06 PM 2 Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 6123268142-01 Start Date: 6/16/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $1,565.03 Outstanding Balance: $0.00 Running Balance: $0.00 Note: Cost of Pre-Loaded Units Status: Paid off Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $1,565.03 Latest Payment: 7/15/2019 4:45:26 PM2020-06-26 anersirleh@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013605ClosedRequest2020-06-26REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE & ACCOUNT NUMBER TIED TO METER 0101170435941Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 6112120686-01 Start Date: 2/26/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $26,765.03 Outstanding Balance: $8,195.03 Running Balance: $8,195.03 Note: Debt Advised by Customer Care Unit Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $1,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/4/2020 9:30:24 AM2020-06-26 tegwi@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013604In ProgressRequest2020-06-26REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILEMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26No0000-00-00 wyontochae@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013603Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013602In ProgressKCT Request2020-06-26Request for CTMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26No0000-00-00 bittygargadi@hotmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013601In ProgressRequest2020-06-26REQUEST FOR DEBT MIGRATED (54160897713)Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26No0000-00-00 tyoverpeter@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013600In ProgressRequest2020-06-26Debt balanceMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26No0000-00-00 obiageliikpeama137@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013599Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013598Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013597In ProgressRequest2020-06-26Debt profileMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26No0000-00-00 phartiemah12@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013596In ProgressRequest2020-06-26REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE (CONLOG) 04244032944Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26No0000-00-00 longpuan@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013595In ProgressOutstanding Balance2020-06-26REQUEST FOR OUTSTANDING BALANCEMedium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-06-26No0000-00-00 sunnyochekwu@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00013594In ProgressOutstanding Balance2020-06-26REQUEST FOR OUTSTANDING BALANCE METER 54160919053 DICK ALECHENUMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26No0000-00-00 benmercyladi@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013593In ProgressVending History2020-06-26REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY METER NO 54160919053Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26No0000-00-00 benmercyladi@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013592ClosedOutstanding Balance2020-06-26REQUEST FOR OUTSTANDING BALANCEMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26NoHello, Find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING BALANCE Reference Number: 54161143885 Start Date: 7/1/2017 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $220,143.79 Outstanding Balance: $115,143.79 Running Balance: $115,143.79 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $5,000.00 Latest Payment: 3/31/2020 12:09:11 PM2020-06-26 sunnyochekwu@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013591ClosedRequest2020-06-26Request for customer detailsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26NoHello, Find below, Customer Details Name: not populated Surname: DAPEL KENNEDY Meter Serial Number: 04234031294 Contract Account Number: 6114040471/01 Debt Details This customer does not have any Debt accounts associated2020-06-26 anersirleh@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013590ClosedRequest2020-06-26REQUEST FOR DEBT MIGRATED(54160917610)Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26NoHello, Debt Details This customer does not have any Debt accounts associated.2020-06-26 tyoverpeter@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013589Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013588Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013587Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013586In ProgressOutstanding Balance2020-06-26REQUEST FOR OUTSTANDING BALANCEMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26No0000-00-00 sunnyochekwu@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013585Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013584In ProgressJCS Access2020-06-26REQUEST FOR ACCESS TO JCSMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26No0000-00-00 Zainab Mujtaba
#00013583Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013582In ProgressRequest2020-06-26REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE AND COLLECTION VALUE 0101171091882Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-06-26No0000-00-00 stynlucs@yahoo.com Tukur Hamid
#00013581ClosedVending History2020-06-26Vending history 57100014851Medium3835 Tukur Hamid2020-06-26NoHello, Find below as requested. Date Sold: 21/02/17 16:28 Meter/Type: 57100014851 Retailer/Operator: JEDYELWA/stama Token Ref: 705216290057 Supplier Ref: 705216290057 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00150597 Total Value: N13,200.00 Standard: N3,200.00 - 44337116715522960725 Debt: N10,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 21/02/17 17:05 Meter/Type: 57100014851 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000586032677 Supplier Ref: 000586032677 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00150622 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 28759595948454669020 Date Sold: 18/05/17 15:01 Meter/Type: 57100014851 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000598404210 Supplier Ref: 000598404210 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00259818 Total Value: N8,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 00195909021282302213 Debt: N6,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 18/05/17 16:26 Meter/Type: 57100014851 Retailer/Operator: JEDYELWA/djoshua Token Ref: 713816260040 Supplier Ref: 713816260040 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00260028 Total Value: N500.00 Standard: N500.00 - 30325097274428632105 Date Sold: 20/07/17 14:51 Meter/Type: 57100014851 Retailer/Operator: JEDYELWA/djoshua Token Ref: 720114510065 Supplier Ref: 720114510065 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00340401 Total Value: N5,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 26579954845768802026 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 31/07/17 22:57 Meter/Type: 57100014851 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000609107765 Supplier Ref: 000609107765 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00355064 Total Value: N2,700.00 Standard: N2,700.00 - 59336073891295028277 Date Sold: 30/09/17 14:56 Meter/Type: 57100014851 Retailer/Operator: JEDYELWA/djoshua Token Ref: 727314560015 Supplier Ref: 727314560015 Receipt: JEDNIG3EMDB00433204 Total Value: N6,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 50571989967047568939 Debt: N4,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Date Sold: 05/06/18 16:29 Meter/Type: 57100014851 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 200984812526431 Supplier Ref: 200984812526431 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00815267 Total Value: N8,000.00 Standard: N1,378.07 - 70219443274606299540 Debt: N6,621.93 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/06/18 11:51 Meter/Type: 57100014851 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 842013285040528 Supplier Ref: 842013285040528 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00832783 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 07624449168471781994 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/11/18 16:35 Meter/Type: 57100014851 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000675021633 Supplier Ref: 000675021633 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01225710 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 46003840207862932930 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/04/19 15:01 Meter/Type: 57100014851 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190921401427 Supplier Ref: 190921401427 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02113679 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 26639705060642231858 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 06/07/19 10:37 Meter/Type: 57100014851 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 829257135744445 Supplier Ref: 829257135744445 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB02607545 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 07655486058043595365 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 08/09/19 12:04 Meter/Type: 57100014851 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192511105134 Supplier Ref: 192511105134 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02930446 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 20656023256506123711 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 132020-06-26 rajiauwalmuazu@gmail.com Tukur Hamid
#00013580In ProgressVending History2020-06-26Vending history 57100014851Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26No0000-00-00 rajiauwalmuazu@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013579Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013578ClosedRequest2020-06-26REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE AND COLLECTION VALUE 0101170312215Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26NoHello, Find below as requested, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 601173 Start Date: 5/14/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $16,614.11 Outstanding Balance: $16,614.11 Running Balance: $16,614.11 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-06-26 longpuan@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013577ClosedRequest2020-06-26REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE AND COLLECTION VALUE 0101161056763Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26NoHello, Find below as request, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 6116051735-01 Start Date: 3/2/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $524,676.02 Outstanding Balance: $524,676.02 Running Balance: $524,676.02 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $9,000.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-06-26 longpuan@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013576ClosedRequest2020-06-26REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE AND COLLECTION VALUE 54161049660Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26NoHello, Find below the request, Debt Details Name: Outstanding Reference Number: 6573291126-01 Start Date: 3/24/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $411,762.32 Outstanding Balance: $341,762.32 Running Balance: $341,762.32 Note: Cost of Pre-Loaded Units Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/11/2020 11:06:02 AM2020-06-26 longpuan@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013575In ProgressRequest2020-06-26REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE AND COLLECTION VALUE 0101170312215Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26No0000-00-00 longpuan@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013574ClosedKCT Request2020-06-26KCT REQUEST 15052020Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26NoHello, The tariff is on A2 and tariff index 11 as well. Kindly verify and do further necessary action. Thank you2020-06-26 glawal1184@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013573In ProgressRequest2020-06-26REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE AND COLLECTION VALUE 0101161056763Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26No0000-00-00 longpuan@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013572In ProgressRequest2020-06-26REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE AND COLLECTION VALUE 54161049660Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26No0000-00-00 longpuan@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013571In ProgressRequest2020-06-26REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE AND COLLECTION VALUE 54161102931Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26No0000-00-00 longpuan@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013570Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013569ClosedRequest2020-06-26debt detailsMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26NoHello, Please kindly find below, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 0101170125906 Start Date: 3/1/2018 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $44,648.00 Outstanding Balance: $6,648.00 Running Balance: $6,648.00 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 9/14/2019 7:09:53 PM2020-06-26 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013568In ProgressRequest2020-06-26Kindly assist with debt details. 0101170125906Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26No0000-00-00 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013567In ProgressRequest2020-06-25REQUEST FOR DEBT DETAILSMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26No0000-00-00 faayu472003@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013566ClosedKCT Request2020-06-26REQUEST FOR KCT FOR 54161148900Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26NoHello, Find below as requested, 54161148900 3852 8355 9605 2424 5533 4038 9866 2763 5892 85582020-06-26 saadatumusa87@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013565ClosedRequest2020-06-26REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE AND COLLECTION VALUE 0101161030214Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26NoHello, Please find below the request, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 493410 Start Date: 9/2/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $99,098.32 Outstanding Balance: $90,098.32 Running Balance: $90,098.32 Note: Outstanding migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 3/4/2020 12:34:48 PM2020-06-26 longpuan@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013564ClosedVending History2020-06-26Request for vending history for 0101175021555Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26NoHello, Find below as requested, Date Sold: 23/05/18 13:03 Meter/Type: 0101175021555 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 814312031405 Supplier Ref: 814312031405 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00786201 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 64857799772049879205 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/06/18 11:28 Meter/Type: 0101175021555 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000653384953 Supplier Ref: 000653384953 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00810676 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 35421975499923958668 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/06/18 12:19 Meter/Type: 0101175021555 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000654830019 Supplier Ref: 000654830019 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00832894 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 29257873355377708102 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/07/18 13:00 Meter/Type: 0101175021555 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000657714229 Supplier Ref: 000657714229 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00876636 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 57623108137590217649 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/07/18 13:52 Meter/Type: 0101175021555 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000659447525 Supplier Ref: 000659447525 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00903584 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 21128954973193858172 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/07/18 13:54 Meter/Type: 0101175021555 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 181971254266 Supplier Ref: 181971254266 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00903592 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 55323012759454448554 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/08/18 11:25 Meter/Type: 0101175021555 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000661880708 Supplier Ref: 000661880708 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB00944620 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 11583291134089167363 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/08/18 11:27 Meter/Type: 0101175021555 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 337042912545868 Supplier Ref: 337042912545868 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB00944634 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 10424496973103932144 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/08/18 13:02 Meter/Type: 0101175021555 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000665634575 Supplier Ref: 000665634575 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01015174 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 10278906319881261334 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/09/18 10:45 Meter/Type: 0101175021555 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182560945366 Supplier Ref: 182560945366 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01062862 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 35449330180990285343 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/09/18 11:43 Meter/Type: 0101175021555 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182701143032 Supplier Ref: 182701143032 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01104209 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 65422823638979464716 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 27/09/18 11:43 Meter/Type: 0101175021555 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182701143456 Supplier Ref: 182701143456 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01104212 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 66169898286801777975 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/10/18 10:15 Meter/Type: 0101175021555 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182901015562 Supplier Ref: 182901015562 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01171130 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 72467315806723587611 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/10/18 10:16 Meter/Type: 0101175021555 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 182901016508 Supplier Ref: 182901016508 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01171137 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 26550013671422579644 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/11/18 10:35 Meter/Type: 0101175021555 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183061035334 Supplier Ref: 183061035334 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01227917 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 63457510367972808019 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/11/18 10:36 Meter/Type: 0101175021555 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183061036186 Supplier Ref: 183061036186 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01227919 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 72269407239313537231 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/11/18 10:30 Meter/Type: 0101175021555 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183271030048 Supplier Ref: 183271030048 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01300030 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 12881015306122747642 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/12/18 12:18 Meter/Type: 0101175021555 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183471118477 Supplier Ref: 183471118477 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01382151 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 27368215034508973415 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 31/12/18 12:05 Meter/Type: 0101175021555 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183651105562 Supplier Ref: 183651105562 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01492386 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 45897242580795964340 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 18/01/19 10:31 Meter/Type: 0101175021555 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190180931350 Supplier Ref: 190180931350 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01608660 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 00280537537400993579 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/01/19 11:15 Meter/Type: 0101175021555 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190291015166 Supplier Ref: 190291015166 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01690777 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 56912105144568390141 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/02/19 12:18 Meter/Type: 0101175021555 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 176988658245776 Supplier Ref: 176988658245776 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01822778 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 68429895436491008128 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/03/19 10:46 Meter/Type: 0101175021555 Retailer/Operator: Fucil/ Token Ref: 865359140814414 Supplier Ref: 865359140814414 Receipt: FuGrp3EMDB01961280 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 23218968908314274697 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 15/03/19 11:27 Meter/Type: 0101175021555 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190741027521 Supplier Ref: 190741027521 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02019915 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 17666613155332343677 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 29/03/19 11:04 Meter/Type: 0101175021555 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190881004437 Supplier Ref: 190881004437 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02087741 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 55477003060244187618 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/04/19 12:01 Meter/Type: 0101175021555 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155497689069 Supplier Ref: 155497689069 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02164891 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 70760440875994248656 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/04/19 13:09 Meter/Type: 0101175021555 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155662259034 Supplier Ref: 155662259034 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02269265 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 32653335571826562256 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/05/19 12:29 Meter/Type: 0101175021555 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191401129083 Supplier Ref: 191401129083 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02367609 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 54438167626877028095 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/06/19 10:55 Meter/Type: 0101175021555 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191580956040 Supplier Ref: 191580956040 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02465996 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 62745542420846959985 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/06/19 11:30 Meter/Type: 0101175021555 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191721030508 Supplier Ref: 191721030508 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02535933 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 41709536366732776132 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 28/06/19 10:55 Meter/Type: 0101175021555 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191790955551 Supplier Ref: 191790955551 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02568885 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 18028486311528602531 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/08/19 11:14 Meter/Type: 0101175021555 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192421015026 Supplier Ref: 192421015026 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02880756 Total Value: N12,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 01870343410040464705 Debt: N10,000.00 - Total Debt/Refund Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 372020-06-26 ibib531@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013563ClosedOutstanding Balance2020-06-26Please kindly send me the total outstanding following the meter number 0101170128553Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26NoHello, Find below the request, Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 6112101065-01 Start Date: 3/12/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $265,715.68 Outstanding Balance: $265,715.68 Running Balance: $265,715.68 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $4,500.00 Latest Payment: not on record2020-06-26 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013562ClosedVending History2020-06-26Please send the original and total outstanding debt :54160978711 and 5416102326Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26NoPlease find below the request, 1 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 567168 Start Date: 9/2/2019 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $21,787.78 Outstanding Balance: $787.78 Running Balance: $787.78 Note: Outstanding migrated from the JCS Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 6/25/2020 1:21:35 PM2020-06-26 mahmudwaziri@hotmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013561In ProgressKCT Request2020-06-26Kindly assist with the KCT for the Above meter number. thanksMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26No0000-00-00 saadatumusa87@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013560In ProgressRequest2020-06-26REQUEST FOR DEBT PROFILE AND COLLECTION VALUE 0101161030214Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26No0000-00-00 longpuan@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013559In ProgressRequest2020-06-26Find the attached documents of a customer with the meter number 0101150232706,the customer request for correction of tariff from C1 to R2.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26No0000-00-00 stynlucs@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013558In ProgressVending History2020-06-26Request for vending history for 0101175021555Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26No0000-00-00 ibib531@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013557In ProgressVending History2020-06-26Pls kindly send me the vh for this meter. 54160857667Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26No0000-00-00 umarmacy@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013556In ProgressRequest2020-06-25Find the attached documents of a customer with the meter number 0101150232706,the customer request for correction of tariff from C1 to R2.Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26No0000-00-00 teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013555In ProgressOutstanding Balance2020-06-25Please kindly send me the total outstanding following the meter number 0101170128553Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26No0000-00-00 nasiruhusaini6@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013554In ProgressKCT Request2020-06-25Kindly assist with KCT for the MSN 54161121741 as the KCT given refused to worKMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26No0000-00-00 glawal1184@yahoo.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013553In ProgressOutstanding Balance2020-06-25Please send the original and total outstanding debt :54160978711 and 5416102326Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26No0000-00-00 mahmudwaziri@hotmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013552In ProgressJCS Access2020-06-25REQUEST FOR ACCESS TO JEDCLOUDMedium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26No0000-00-00 pambania@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013551In ProgressRequest2020-06-25Request for old account number of this meter 0101165037744Medium1764 Zainab Mujtaba2020-06-26No0000-00-00 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Zainab Mujtaba
#00013550Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013549Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013548Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013547Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013546Closed2020-04-01Hello Support , Kindly avail us with the above request tied to this meter no. 0101161012311Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-04-01NoHello See below 1, Meter Serial Number: 0101161012311 Contract Account Number: 612300 Debt Details Name: OUTSTANDING Reference Number: 612300 Start Date: 3/10/2020 Category: Outstanding Balance Original Balance: $6,691.85 Outstanding Balance: $4,691.85 Running Balance: $4,691.85 Note: none specified Status: Active Collection Method: Monthly Amount Collection Value: $2,000.00 Latest Payment: 3/17/2020 7:49:06 PM2020-04-01 roseline.longpuan@jedplc.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00013545Closed2020-04-01Kindly bear with please assist me with the outstanding debt balance of the above meter please.MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-04-01NoFind below as requested. Date Sold: 01/04/19 11:53 Meter/Type: 54160978992 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190911053487 Supplier Ref: 190911053487 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02103899 Total Value: N4,000.00 Standard: N4,000.00 - 19886148810167083738 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 12/04/19 00:10 Meter/Type: 54160978992 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191012310150 Supplier Ref: 191012310150 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02169004 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 30411653116217544865 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/04/19 19:40 Meter/Type: 54160978992 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191091840557 Supplier Ref: 191091840557 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02211000 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 03144385340742584974 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 30/04/19 11:48 Meter/Type: 54160978992 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191201048395 Supplier Ref: 191201048395 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02268126 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 08271244875269940514 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 19/05/19 19:05 Meter/Type: 54160978992 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191391805262 Supplier Ref: 191391805262 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02364616 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 36354982638637831980 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/05/19 16:16 Meter/Type: 54160978992 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191441517038 Supplier Ref: 191441517038 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02391343 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 23530662565695106814 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/06/19 09:22 Meter/Type: 54160978992 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191530822345 Supplier Ref: 191530822345 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02438202 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 18830266187122365518 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 07/06/19 15:46 Meter/Type: 54160978992 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191581446104 Supplier Ref: 191581446104 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02468463 Total Value: N100.00 Standard: N100.00 - 10810473189886132162 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/06/19 10:23 Meter/Type: 54160978992 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191670923253 Supplier Ref: 191670923253 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02512153 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 24178798218662374310 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 24/06/19 11:04 Meter/Type: 54160978992 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191751004553 Supplier Ref: 191751004553 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02548475 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 23287004355611042932 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/07/19 10:32 Meter/Type: 54160978992 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 191840932170 Supplier Ref: 191840932170 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02593122 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 21829701959550927258 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/07/19 22:07 Meter/Type: 54160978992 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192042107418 Supplier Ref: 192042107418 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02690432 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 48440717483631583344 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/08/19 20:19 Meter/Type: 54160978992 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192151919536 Supplier Ref: 192151919536 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02751800 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 69991057152771615783 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/08/19 19:46 Meter/Type: 54160978992 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192371846120 Supplier Ref: 192371846120 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02857378 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 07575071843880879792 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/09/19 17:41 Meter/Type: 54160978992 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192441642003 Supplier Ref: 192441642003 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02892457 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 27621984967153808963 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/09/19 15:51 Meter/Type: 54160978992 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192691452114 Supplier Ref: 192691452114 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03028366 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 41443473886078274925 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/10/19 22:12 Meter/Type: 54160978992 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192822113012 Supplier Ref: 192822113012 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03103800 Total Value: N7,000.00 Standard: N7,000.00 - 63171130177287959301 Fixed: N0.00 Total records returned: 17 Thank you2020-04-01 abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013544ClosedRequest2020-04-01debt balanceMedium1435 Auwal Marsha2020-04-01NoHello Good Morning, This meter 54160961253 number has no debt while this one has not been captured 541609513032020-04-01 phartiemah12@gmail.com Auwal Marsha
#00013543ClosedRequest2020-04-01profile debtMedium1435 Auwal Marsha2020-04-01NoHello Good Morning, This meter 54160961253 number has no debt while this one has not been captured 541609513032020-04-01 phartiemah12@gmail.com Auwal Marsha
#00013542ClosedRequest2019-04-01debt balanceMedium1435 Auwal Marsha2020-04-01NoHello Good Morning, This meter 54160961253 number has no debt while this one has not been captured 54160951303.2020-04-01 phartiemah12@gmail.com Auwal Marsha
#00013541Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013540Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013539Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013538ClosedVending History2020-06-23Assist with vending history. 54160958747 Thank.Medium3840 Abbas Muhammad Guri2020-06-23NoTop of Form Date Sold: 26/09/18 12:18 Meter/Type: 54160958747 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000669812221 Supplier Ref: 000669812221 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01100828 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 37345657869328013356 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/10/18 16:19 Meter/Type: 54160958747 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 000671852392 Supplier Ref: 000671852392 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01149186 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 39970948340768772346 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 09/11/18 10:47 Meter/Type: 54160958747 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183131047370 Supplier Ref: 183131047370 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01253857 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 14174886106507641024 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/11/18 17:09 Meter/Type: 54160958747 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183301709181 Supplier Ref: 183301709181 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01310890 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 46890965391462640900 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/12/18 18:24 Meter/Type: 54160958747 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183381724363 Supplier Ref: 183381724363 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01342669 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 16814341189978277062 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 17/12/18 16:22 Meter/Type: 54160958747 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 183511522377 Supplier Ref: 183511522377 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01403535 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 69114822372000473462 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 25/12/18 21:31 Meter/Type: 54160958747 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154576345823 Supplier Ref: 154576345823 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01461520 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 57145683316595003679 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/01/19 13:01 Meter/Type: 54160958747 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154634031590 Supplier Ref: 154634031590 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01499481 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 59725600036134443998 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 05/01/19 21:15 Meter/Type: 54160958747 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 154671557258 Supplier Ref: 154671557258 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01525276 Total Value: N1,900.00 Standard: N1,900.00 - 19722956712041661780 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/01/19 12:34 Meter/Type: 54160958747 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190161134234 Supplier Ref: 190161134234 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01593565 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 44745468499173001266 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/02/19 12:28 Meter/Type: 54160958747 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 190421128377 Supplier Ref: 190421128377 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01797218 Total Value: N2,500.00 Standard: N2,500.00 - 45919139128319524432 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/03/19 00:11 Meter/Type: 54160958747 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155225572491 Supplier Ref: 155225572491 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB01993434 Total Value: N3,100.00 Standard: N3,100.00 - 49065419097010268430 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 20/04/19 15:50 Meter/Type: 54160958747 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155576802671 Supplier Ref: 155576802671 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02215302 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 58962441096478620253 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 21/05/19 06:49 Meter/Type: 54160958747 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 155841389826 Supplier Ref: 155841389826 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02371994 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 70079894556439918560 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/06/19 19:38 Meter/Type: 54160958747 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156018801210 Supplier Ref: 156018801210 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02485556 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 68064018432323035194 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/07/19 18:17 Meter/Type: 54160958747 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156270328584 Supplier Ref: 156270328584 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02630291 Total Value: N900.00 Standard: N900.00 - 08527603299344794089 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 13/07/19 22:11 Meter/Type: 54160958747 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156304783461 Supplier Ref: 156304783461 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02645555 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 28207435706655326133 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 03/08/19 10:19 Meter/Type: 54160958747 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192150919230 Supplier Ref: 192150919230 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02747774 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 06347858286346264128 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/08/19 10:00 Meter/Type: 54160958747 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156576899152 Supplier Ref: 156576899152 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02801091 Total Value: N2,900.00 Standard: N2,900.00 - 01672952475376980055 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 04/09/19 09:19 Meter/Type: 54160958747 Retailer/Operator: BOCA/ Token Ref: 192470819417 Supplier Ref: 192470819417 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02906247 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 19337546730797400382 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 11/09/19 21:13 Meter/Type: 54160958747 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156822907482 Supplier Ref: 156822907482 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB02950115 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 59658384728320921139 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 26/09/19 06:51 Meter/Type: 54160958747 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 156947329831 Supplier Ref: 156947329831 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03025173 Total Value: N1,500.00 Standard: N1,500.00 - 26598656999423308257 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 10/10/19 07:14 Meter/Type: 54160958747 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157068310750 Supplier Ref: 157068310750 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03104075 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 10147208090076740242 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 01/11/19 21:14 Meter/Type: 54160958747 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157263559029 Supplier Ref: 157263559029 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03235302 Total Value: N2,000.00 Standard: N2,000.00 - 23424854284912685246 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 16/11/19 18:04 Meter/Type: 54160958747 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157392001254 Supplier Ref: 157392001254 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03323122 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 36264009842177959984 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 23/11/19 22:32 Meter/Type: 54160958747 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157454105532 Supplier Ref: 157454105532 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03369451 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 67857431617808460593 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 02/12/19 03:06 Meter/Type: 54160958747 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157524863621 Supplier Ref: 157524863621 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03435561 Total Value: N1,000.00 Standard: N1,000.00 - 33163598496236090090 Fixed: N0.00 Date Sold: 14/12/19 08:19 Meter/Type: 54160958747 Retailer/Operator: DATAPEX/ Token Ref: 157630437285 Supplier Ref: 157630437285 Receipt: Adroit3EMDB03528729 Total Value: N3,000.00 Standard: N3,000.00 - 07757479886054370595 Fixed: N0.002020-06-23 Muhammad Tj teejaymuhammad3@gmail.com Abbas Muhammad Guri
#00013537ClosedKCT Request2020-06-23Dear support kindly supply us with kct of this customer to enable purchase unit. warm regardsMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-06-23NoMSN: 0101185051576 KCT 1: 6459 0366 4733 1208 3115 KCT 2: 6957 7014 9687 7161 75052020-06-23 tyoverpeter@yahoo.com Anas Abubakar
#00013536Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013535ClosedJCS Access1979-10-10The above results in Fig priligy side effects 16, 17 Additionally, this trial did not account for effects from another important biologic factor, HER2Medium1372 Abdallah mohammed1975-12-10NoThe above results in Fig priligy side effects 16, 17 Additionally, this trial did not account for effects from another important biologic factor, HER21976-12-12 The above results in Fig priligy side effects 16, 17 Additionally, this trial did not account for effects from another important biologic factor, HER2 earnery@envelopelink.xyz 89886647715 Abdallah mohammed
#00013534ClosedUSSD Vending Issues1977-11-12академия покера личный кабинет академия покера вход в личный кабинетHigh3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman1980-10-01Noакадемия покера личный кабинет академия покера вход в личный кабинет1975-10-10 академия покера личный кабинет академия покера вход в личный кабинет sehl92@abrahamson.browndecorationlights.com 81728227558 Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00013534ClosedUSSD Vending Issues1977-11-12академия покера личный кабинет академия покера вход в личный кабинетHigh3843 Muhammad Muhammad Usman1980-10-01Noакадемия покера личный кабинет академия покера вход в личный кабинет1975-10-10 академия покера личный кабинет академия покера вход в личный кабинет sehl92@abrahamson.browndecorationlights.com 81728227558 Muhammad Muhammad Usman
#00013533Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013532Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013531ClosedKCT Request2020-02-03Request for kct in respect of this account 0101185058332LowPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-02-03No1330 8666 2528 1564 7602 1411 4498 3501 5628 54602020-02-03 benjamintitus03@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013530ClosedTamper Code2020-02-03CSO: Meter No: 0101170138941,0101170162107,0101170146894,0101170206110,0101170271130,0101170265694MediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2020-02-03No0101170138941 1030 0177 8693 9246 5066 Clear Tamper 0101170146894 0945 3176 0200 7128 5599Clear Tamper 0101170206110 2922 5664 9669 5443 1631Clear Tamper 0101170271130 3272 4695 0101 4905 8551Clear Tamper 0101170265694 5939 9021 1121 8853 1469Clear Tamper2020-02-03 daudaextraordinary@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013529ClosedJCS Access2019-09-03KtOuzh snupyepgxkpr, [url=http://bambwslpsqis.com/]bambwslpsqis[/url], [link=http://smzndjququec.com/]smzndjququec[/link], http://sjqjipjbasyf.com/Medium16B/0827 NNAMDI ONWUKA2019-09-03NoKtOuzh snupyepgxkpr, [url=http://bambwslpsqis.com/]bambwslpsqis[/url], [link=http://smzndjququec.com/]smzndjququec[/link], http://sjqjipjbasyf.com/2019-09-03 KtOuzh snupyepgxkpr, [url=http://bambwslpsqis.com/]bambwslpsqis[/url], [link=http://smzndjququec.com/]smzndjququec[/link], http://sjqjipjbasyf.com/ JOSEPH ycgnvn@afqgff.com cntdSDidepITX NNAMDI ONWUKA
#00013528Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013527Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013526ClosedTamper Code2019-08-16CS: SHEHU YUSUF MSN: 54161010530 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO POWER SURGEHigh1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-16Noct 2874 0382 5547 5267 42212019-08-16 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013525ClosedTamper Code2019-08-15CS: ECWA CHURCH MSN:0101160012809 THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO POOR INSTALLATIONMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-15Noct 3432 3343 0097 8723 37082019-08-15 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013524ClosedTamper Code2019-08-15CS: MR EMMANUEL BISIMU MSN:0101170131938 COMMENTS: TH METER ENTED TAMPER DUE TO POOR INSTALLLATIONMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-15Noct 1819 9690 7728 3984 66962019-08-15 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013523ClosedTamper Code2019-08-15CS: GRBA KUNKUR SIMON MSN:0101170153646Medium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-15Noct 3385 2826 5062 8162 98792019-08-15 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013522ClosedTamper Code2019-08-15CS: MR AHMED ZAKARIYA MSN: 0101185055916 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO POOR INSTALLATIONMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-15Noct 5178 1466 2263 2190 13992019-08-15 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013521ClosedTamper Code2019-08-08CS: PAULENER IBRAHIM MSN: 0101170116830 COMMENTS: THE METER WAS ON TAMPER BEFORE INSTALLATIONMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-15Noct 5526 7681 0502 7640 40922019-08-15 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013520ClosedTamper Code2019-08-15CS: PAUL CIBAYI MSN: 010117031478 COMMENTS: BYPASSMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-15Noct 5303 3217 4131 3192 38242019-08-15 AKIGA akigaisiyaka@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013519ClosedTamper Code2019-08-15CS: OLEKA BATHOMEN MSN: 54160996507 COMMENTS: BYPASSMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-15Noct 7079 4683 1370 5245 62262019-08-15 AKIGA akigaisiyaka@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013518ClosedTamper Code2019-08-15CS: ALHA MUHAMMAD DAN MALAM MSN: 57300000692 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO POOR INSTALLATIONMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-15Noct 4349 0877 4040 7828 80702019-08-15 BENJI benjamintitus03@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013517ClosedTamper Code2019-08-15CS: ESEKWE TERESA MSN: 010117014724 COMMENTS:Medium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-15Noct 1166 0583 2998 8772 01952019-08-15 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013516Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013515Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013514ClosedTamper Code2019-08-10CS: ELE CHUKWU MSN: 54161118770 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO WIRE TWISTMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-10Noct 2043 6191 5351 3485 25182019-08-10 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013513ClosedTamper Code2019-08-10CS: MR ALOBIBA TERVOR MSN: 0101160054280 COMMENTS: THE METER WAS ON TAMPER BEFORE INSTALLATIONMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-10Noct 0895 7545 2052 4484 48732019-08-10 LOIIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013512ClosedTamper Code2019-08-10CS: MR. WAKSHAK ZAKARIA MSN: 0101160348922 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO WIRE TWISTMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-10Noct 6891 9423 9845 8732 11442019-08-10 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013511ClosedTamper Code2019-08-10CS ;KAZEEM LATFAL MSN: 54161062705 COMMENTS: THE METERED ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO WIRE TWISTMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-10Noct 1559 1385 0771 1396 77262019-08-10 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013510ClosedTamper Code2019-08-10CS; MES SARAH ISHAKU 0101160058901 COMMENTS: THE METER WAS ON TAMPER BEFORE INSTALLATIONMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-10Noct 4874 0880 5902 8200 56832019-08-10 lois ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013509ClosedTamper Code2019-08-10CS: NCWAR /ASEC PROJECT MSN: 0101185058928 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO POOR INSTALLATIONMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-10Noct 3721 7705 6892 5664 45462019-08-10 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013508ClosedTamper Code2019-08-10CS: MR MOGAN GOBIT MSN: 0101170117705 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO POOR INSTALLATIONMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-10Noct 4433 6429 4775 5976 77212019-08-10 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013507ClosedTamper Code2019-08-10CS: MULTAFU WAINDA J MSN: 54161068124 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO WIRE BURNTMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-10Noct 5659 6674 6146 2781 06872019-08-10 MIKE miconaji2002@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013506ClosedTamper Code2019-08-14CS: ABDU LARSON MSN: 54160909757 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO THUNDER STORMMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-14Noct 5312 3220 5262 1721 54952019-08-14 benjmain benjamintitus03@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013505ClosedTamper Code2019-08-14CS: THE LAND LORD MSN: 0101170301952 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO THUNDER STORMMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-14Noct 3603 1024 8451 9591 94352019-08-14 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013504ClosedTamper Code2019-08-14CS: EZENWAJIAKU CHIGOZIE MSN: 0101160012536 COMMENTS: THE METER WAS ON TAMPER BEFORE INSTALLATIONMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-14Noct 1243 0077 5476 2424 99742019-08-14 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013503ClosedTamper Code2019-08-14CS: EFOBI MICHEAL SOPULU MSN: 54161012023 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO WIRE TWISTMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-14Noct 3123 1523 6568 8752 13732019-08-14 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013502ClosedTamper Code2019-08-14CS: CHIEF ONKONKWO S. CHIKEZE MSN: 0101170273870 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERD TAMPER DUE TO SHORT CIRCUTMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-14Noct 4438 9596 9217 0605 29102019-08-14 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013501ClosedTamper Code2019-08-14CS: HS DEWAN MSN: 0070260810 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMDPER DUE TO LINE TWISTMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-14Noct 0215 9882 8947 0884 27712019-08-14 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013500ClosedTamper Code2019-08-14CS: JERRY NGURA MSN:010161022526Medium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-14Noct 6890 6810 7844 8616 11522019-08-14 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013499ClosedTamper Code2019-08-14CS: WUDAPBA NEHEMIAH MSN: 54161096596 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO LINE TWISTMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-14Noct 2174 4043 3258 9725 27872019-08-14 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013498ClosedTamper Code2019-08-14CS: SATI JINIA MSN: 0101170367490 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO SPARKINGMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-14Noct 4296 8775 8511 3194 14192019-08-14 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013497ClosedTamper Code2019-08-14CS: MRS ROSE KUWANG MSN: 0101170308221 COMMENTS: THE METER WAS ON TAMPER BEFORE INSTALLATIONMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-14Noct 2308 8104 7350 8191 85802019-08-14 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013496ClosedTamper Code2019-08-10CS: MR. JOSEPH GIDEON MARIYAN MSN: 54161036550 COMMENTS: ITHE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO POWER SURGEHigh1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-10Noct 6042 0987 3937 0498 24192019-08-10 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013495ClosedTamper Code2019-08-10CS: OLU AKANBI MSN: 54161153728 CPOMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO POWER SURGEMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-10Noct 1139 0179 9966 4597 69452019-08-10 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013494ClosedTamper Code2019-08-10CS: BOKA MWANTI DON MSN: 57100076090 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO WIRE TWISTMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-10Noct 6379 5028 5434 4768 37692019-08-10 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013493ClosedTamper Code2019-08-10CS: GREAT CONTINENTAL SUITES MSN: 57600006715 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO SHORT CIRCUTMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-10Noct 1636 8640 5192 5716 74162019-08-10 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013492ClosedTamper Code2019-08-10CS: EJIOFOR CLIFFORD MSN: 0101161037938 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER AFTER IT FELT DOWN FROM POLEMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-10Noct 2798 1999 9586 4095 74562019-08-10 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013491ClosedTamper Code2019-08-10CS: JAMIU SALIHU MSN: 0101161068339 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO WIRE TWISTMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-10Noct 6720 0378 1859 4446 28292019-08-10 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013490ClosedTamper Code2019-08-10CS: CLEMENT DALOT MSN: 0101170228668 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO CHANGE OF POLEMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-10Noct 6429 4576 2477 3553 44382019-08-10 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013489Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013488ClosedTamper Code2019-08-10CS: BABANGIDA M. ZAKARI MSN: 0101170155630 COMMENTS: METER IS ON TAMPER DUE TO WIRE TWIST FROM MAIN LINEMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-10Noct 4144 8377 6029 4893 58022019-08-10 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013487ClosedTamper Code2019-08-09CS: TAI SINO MSN: 0101178020703 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO POOR INSTALLATIONMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-09Noct 3773 1548 7213 1035 31252019-08-09 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013486ClosedTamper Code2019-08-09MISS SIMI SALE MSN: 0101161030438 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO POWER SURGEMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-09Noct 4390 8061 6323 1999 71222019-08-09 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013485ClosedTamper Code2019-08-08CS: MR INNOCENT EMEKA M MSN: 0101160057234 COMMENTS: THE METER WAS ON TMAPER BEFORE INSTALLATIONMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-08Noct 6638 0324 4415 9049 86332019-08-08 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013484ClosedTamper Code2019-08-08CS: FRIDAY AWOKEDI MSN: 0101170219501 COMMENTS: BYPASSMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-08Noct 4887 4012 2069 5573 45312019-08-08 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013483ClosedTamper Code2019-08-08CS: ISOKWA S.S MSN: 54161105470 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO POWER SURGEMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-08Noct 3900 8525 7906 9883 86272019-08-08 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013482Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013481ClosedTamper Code2019-08-08CS: TARKIGHIR GABRIEL MSN: 0101178019465 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO POOR INSTALLATIONMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-08Noct 5672 1091 7733 0792 33602019-08-08 BENJMAIN benji.osas24@yahoo.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013480ClosedTamper Code2019-08-08CS: HAJIYA JUMMAI MSN: 54160884448 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO BROKEN POLEMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-08Noct 0120 7249 5921 5450 68622019-08-08 BENJAMIN benjamintitus03@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013479ClosedTamper Code2019-08-08CS: LAMARAN M GIDADO MSN: 54160875651 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO WIND STORMMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-08Noct 5535 7957 1655 4333 66862019-08-08 BENJMAIN benjamintitus03@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013478ClosedTamper Code2019-08-08CS: AYM SHAFA MSN: 57300000171 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO RELOCATIONMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-08Noct 1366 5406 1338 7218 62492019-08-08 BENJMAIN benjamintitus03@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013477ClosedTamper Code2019-08-08CS: GOTIP PETER MSN: 0101160051997 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO POOR INSTALLATIONMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-08Noct 6506 3648 9530 7321 80032019-08-08 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013476ClosedTamper Code2019-08-08CS: DALYOP MSN: 57100008978 COMMENTS: BYPASSMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-08Noct 6104 2206 8511 9615 41142019-08-08 ABBAS abbaslawal360@gamil.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013475ClosedTamper Code2019-08-08CS: MR. SANI KABIRU MUHAMMAD MSN: 0101161003559 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO POOR INSTALLATIONMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-08Noct 0120 4497 7898 4455 14082019-08-08 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013474ClosedTamper Code2019-08-08CS: CHIEF SIR JOE ONYEKWER MSN: 0101160351181 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO POWER SURGEMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-08Noct 3385 0265 5573 4531 20092019-08-08 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013473ClosedTamper Code2019-08-08CS: CIRBAM CROWTHER GWATIM MSN: 54161019457 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERRED TAMPER DUE TO INSPECTIONMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-08Noct 1653 4537 7273 7854 84402019-08-08 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013472ClosedTamper Code2019-08-08CS: DAGYENG HENRY MSN: 54160878150 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO WIRE TWISTMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-08Noct 2936 0061 1872 6389 24642019-08-08 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013471ClosedTamper Code2019-08-08CS: S. UMOH MSN: 54150650155 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO INCOMER THAT GOT BURNTMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-08Noct 4987 1649 5881 8002 60632019-08-08 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013470ClosedTamper Code2019-08-08CS: DAVID PETER NYAM MSN: 0101161065772 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO MAINTENANCEMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-08Noct 5514 0818 0549 6878 25202019-08-08 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013469ClosedTamper Code2019-08-08CS: EZEIFEOMA EJILE OBIEFUNA MSN: 0101161041559 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO INSPECTION BY M&EMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-08Noct 1600 9860 8384 1564 61342019-08-08 AKIGA akigaisiyaka@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013468ClosedTamper Code2019-08-08CS: IZUAFA ABUSALI MSN: 54161002800 COMMENTS: BYPASSMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-08Noct 6854 5800 0695 6291 76602019-08-08 UMAR mujtabaumar01@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013467ClosedTamper Code2019-08-08CS: IZUA S. ABUSALI MSN: 54160884653 COMMENTS: BYPASSMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-08Noct 1069 9745 2106 1835 82362019-08-08 UMAR mujtabaumar01@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013466ClosedTamper Code2019-08-08CS: OCHIBA PETER O. MSN: 54160746803 COMMENTS: BYPASSMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-08Noct 6255 8024 2424 1064 73542019-08-08 UMAR mujtabaumar01@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013465ClosedTamper Code2019-08-08CS: INNO OGBEH MSN: 54160927291 COMMENTS: BYPASSMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-08Noct 3751 5323 6108 9220 60052019-08-08 UMAR mujtabaumar01@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013464ClosedTamper Code2019-08-08CS: AUWAL A SHEHU ,MSN: 54160993850 COMMENTS: BYPASSMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-08Noct 3118 1615 1973 7561 12462019-08-08 UMAR mujtabaumar01@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013463ClosedTamper Code2019-08-08CS: TASIU BOYI MSN: 54160902752 COMMENTS: BYPASSMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-08Noct 4242 0735 2958 5106 74852019-08-08 MUJTABA mujtabaumar01@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013462ClosedTamper Code2019-08-08CS: BARRISTER HUSSAINI UMAR MSN: 0101178020067 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO POOR INSTALLATIONMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-08Noct 3842 8218 2170 5382 23522019-08-08 BENJAMIN benjamintitus03@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013461Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013460ClosedTamper Code2019-08-07CS: ST JOSEPHH DURU MSN: 0101160004335 COMMENTS: THE METER ENETRED TAMPER DUE TO POWER SURGEMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-07Noct 5556 2504 7612 3916 10822019-08-07 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013459ClosedTamper Code2019-08-07CS: DASHEN MESSAN HUMPHREY MSN: 54161050759 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO POWER SURGEMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-07Noct 2992 6632 6877 7644 99892019-08-07 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013458ClosedTamper Code2019-08-07CS: ZERIAN OGAJI MSN: 0101161015389 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER AFTER THE COVER GOT BURNTMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-07Noct 6814 3983 6937 9198 87852019-08-07 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013457ClosedTamper Code2019-08-07CS: ELUDIA LINUS BARKI MSN: 0101170243246 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO POWER SURGEMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-07Noct 2128 3943 1584 8044 10322019-08-07 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013456ClosedTamper Code2019-08-07CS: DACHONO PAM MSN: 0101160407777 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO POOR INSTALLATIONMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-07Noct 4531 1672 4844 4207 40232019-08-07 lois ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013455ClosedTamper Code2019-08-07CS: OLAYINKA MATHEW OLUWAGUN MSN: 54161138463 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO SHORT CIRCUTMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-07Noct 6500 0671 9324 0911 29012019-08-07 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013454ClosedTamper Code2019-08-08CS: DR. BASHIR AHMED MSN: 54160913148 COMMENTS: THE METER WAS ON TAMPER BEFORE INSTALLATIONMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-08Noct 0530 9252 9995 6484 28832019-08-08 BENJMAIN benjamintitus03@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013453ClosedTamper Code2019-08-07CS: DR. SAMUEL AKINOLA MSN: 57300015849 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO WIRE TWISTMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-07Noct 2939 0508 3425 7559 40762019-08-07 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013452ClosedTamper Code2019-08-07CS: PROFF EMEKA OZOJE MSN: 0101170137125 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO WIRE TWISTMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-07Noct 1045 1456 2061 1376 81252019-08-07 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013451ClosedJCS Access2019-08-07ACCESSMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2019-08-07NoLOGIN DETAILS USERNAME: abdulrazak.hamid@jedplc.com Password: Hamid@2019! Link: http://www.jedcloudstratum.com/2019-08-07 ABDULRAZAK abdulrazakhamza0@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013450ClosedTamper Code2019-08-06CS: YAKUBU DALYOP MSN: 57100008978 COMMENTS: BYPASSMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-06Noct 4987 9992 5884 3466 87872019-08-06 ABBAS abbaslawal360@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013449ClosedTamper Code2019-08-06CS: JOSEPH B HASSAN MSN: 54161173718 COMMENTS: BYPASSMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-06Noct 7181 1190 2059 0285 70452019-08-06 ABBAS abbaslawal360@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013448ClosedTamper Code2019-08-06CS: MR. UDOEWWE OKEKE CLETUS MSN: 0101170243162 COMMENTS: BYPASSMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-06Noct 6067 7713 7079 9762 27382019-08-06 ABBAS abbaslawal360@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013447ClosedTamper Code2019-08-06CS: HASSAN YUNUSA GWAMMNA MSN: 57100022060 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER AFTER THE METER BOX GOT BURNTMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-06Noct 1689 2655 0231 7859 16722019-08-06 BENJAMIN benjamintitus03@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013446ClosedTamper Code2019-08-06CS: AZIZIA HOTEL MSN: 0101178019572 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO CHANGE OF WIRE THAT GOT BURNTMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-06Noct 3714 7959 2767 1555 03402019-08-06 BENJAMINM benjamintitus03@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013445ClosedTamper Code2019-08-06CS: EMMANUEL NGUMAP MSN: 54160853864 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO POWER SURGEMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-06Noct 7052 3522 6344 0050 98622019-08-06 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013444ClosedTamper Code2019-08-06CS: GOBUM CIKA CIBI MSN: 0101160408114 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO POWER SURGEMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-06Noct 1585 4525 2136 8404 11272019-08-06 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013443ClosedTamper Code2019-08-06CS: PAM EUNICE MSN: 0101150232359 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO POWER SURGEMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-06Noct 6774 2255 1444 3036 18712019-08-06 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013442ClosedTamper Code2019-08-06CS: DAD ADELEYE EMMANUEL MSN: 0101160048159 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTEERED TAMPER DUE TO POWER SURGEMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-06Noct 2876 4235 0566 7433 17892019-08-06 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013441ClosedTamper Code2019-08-06CS: MR. NNAMDI CHIME MSN: 54150632567 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER AFTER IT STARTED BURNINGMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-06Noct 1922 0194 8210 7480 08662019-08-06 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013440ClosedTamper Code2019-08-06CS: EL RIO MISSION MSN: 57100056126 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO TERMINAL COVERMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-06Noct 0002 1468 0969 3803 70722019-08-06 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013439ClosedTamper Code2019-08-06CS: TEPTAKAM NIG LTD MSN: 54161090375 COMMENTS: THE METEER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO WIRE TWISTMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-06Noct 2035 6196 5145 0523 55542019-08-06 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013438ClosedTamper Code2019-08-06CS: OLAWALE OLADAYO OLANIYI MSN: 54161169757 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO POWER SURGEMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-06Noct 3870 1100 2365 4805 69332019-08-06 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013437ClosedTamper Code2019-08-06CS: PLA POLY M.P GUESTMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-06Noct 0037 3132 1635 9072 66252019-08-06 lois ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013436ClosedTamper Code2019-08-06CS: PLATEAU LODGE MSN: 0101160057580 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO POWER SURGEMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-06Noct 0720 1005 3750 9660 90522019-08-06 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013435ClosedTamper Code2019-08-06CS: JOS HEALTH FARM FLAT 12 MSN: 57100000975 CONMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO POWER SURGEMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-06Noct 4560 9873 3060 4507 94162019-08-06 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013434ClosedTamper Code2019-08-06CS: DOU AUSTINE J MSN: 54150608104 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO TERMINAL COVER THAT GOT BURNTMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-06Noct 1659 7599 8393 2160 63992019-08-06 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013433ClosedTamper Code2019-08-06CS: LADI IBRAHIM MSN: 54161011819 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO INVESTIGATION BY M&EMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-06Noct 1301 9349 8759 3046 66722019-08-06 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013432ClosedTamper Code2019-08-06CS: DANG RUTH MSN: 54161081721 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER AS A RESULT OF WIRE TWISTMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-06Noct 0713 6124 4856 5015 29482019-08-06 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013431ClosedTamper Code2019-08-06CS: VICTOR GYANG SIMON MSN: 0101150166342 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO POWER SURGEMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-06Noct 4023 8477 8719 5970 51932019-08-06 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013430ClosedTamper Code2019-08-06CS: ADEMOLA BOLAJI MSN: 0101160046617 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO POOR INSTALLATIONMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-06Noct 5112 8754 6218 8526 48942019-08-06 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013429ClosedTamper Code2019-08-05CS: MICHEAL HASSAN MICHEAL MSN: 57100016815 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPE DUE TO LOSSS OF TERMINALMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-05Noct 5879 1903 9463 2006 21082019-08-05 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013428ClosedTamper Code2019-08-05CS: COL G. MUSA MSN: 54150640610 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO MAINTENANCEMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-05Noct 4153 3675 8477 5076 68122019-08-05 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013427ClosedTamper Code2019-08-05CS: JOHN IBRAHIM MSN: 0101170301036 COMMENTS: THE METER WAS ON TAMPER BEFORE INSTALLATIONMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-05Noct 3851 4565 7004 7041 78092019-08-05 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013426ClosedTamper Code2019-08-05JCS ACCESSMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2019-08-05NoJCS LOGIN DETAILS USERNAME: aisha.adamu@jedplc.com Password: Jada@2019! link: http://www.jedcloudstratum.com2019-08-05 AISHA delishduds@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013425ClosedTamper Code2019-08-05CS: DANG RUTH MSN: 54161081721 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO WIRE TWISTMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-05Noct 3851 4565 7004 7041 78092019-08-05 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013424ClosedTamper Code2019-08-05CS: JOSEPH KATUNGA MSN: 0101160409922 COMMENTS: THE METER WAS ON TAMPER BEFORE INSTALLATIONMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-05Noct 1581 1554 7751 5345 43632019-08-05 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013423ClosedTamper Code2019-08-05CS: MR SUNDAY FRIDAY TEGWI MSN: 0101150166383 COMMENZTS: THE METER WAS ON TAMPER BEFORE INSTALLATIONMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-05Noct 5534 9222 9087 4409 63632019-08-05 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013422ClosedTamper Code2019-08-02CS: ABDULRAHAMAN BASHIR MSN: 0101170293424 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO OPEN RELAYMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-02Noct 3657 6762 3096 1650 37442019-08-02 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013421ClosedTamper Code2019-08-02CS: ABDULMUMINI KUNDAK MSN: 54160912116 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO TRANSFER FROM ONE POLE TO ANOTHERMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-02Noct 4515 5822 8701 7652 50292019-08-02 BENJAMIN benjamintitus03@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013420ClosedTamper Code2019-08-02CS: MR TUKURA LUKA MSN: 0101160001711 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO MAINTERNANCEMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-02Noct 6208 3098 8920 6831 80632019-08-02 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013419Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013418ClosedTamper Code2019-08-02CS: KABIRU ADE MSN: 0101160354938 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO MAINTENANCEMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-02Noct 1671 7092 2467 5362 01182019-08-02 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013417ClosedTamper Code2019-08-02CS: CHWUKUDI UJU MSN: 0101185051980 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO SHORT CIRCUTMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-02Noct 5641 8432 3175 5976 78442019-08-02 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013416ClosedTamper Code2019-08-02CS: BITRUS MAGNET MSN:57100051796 COMMENTS: BYPASSMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-02Noct 7180 1128 7908 6740 44232019-08-02 ABBAS abbaslawal360@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013415ClosedTamper Code2019-08-02CS: CSC ABON MEMEBER MNS: 57300014271 COMMENTS: THE METER WAS ON TAMPER BEFORE INSTALLATIONMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-02Noct 6814 7660 0237 7066 97272019-08-02 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013414ClosedTamper Code2019-08-02CS: ALH. UMARU KWAIRANGA MSN: 0101178027831 COMMENTS: THE METER WAS ON TAMPER BEFORE INSTALLATIONMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-02Noct 3342 4568 0286 3799 07242019-08-02 anas anersirleh@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013413ClosedTamper Code2019-08-01CS: MARIAS LODGE MSN: 0101178020497 COMMENZTS: THE METER ENTRED TAMPER DUE TO RELOCATIONMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-01Noct 4679 2208 4282 4282 05162019-08-01 ANAS anersirleh@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013412ClosedTamper Code2019-08-01CS: DONALD C. EZENWA MSN: 0101178020307 COMMENTS: THE METR WAS ON TAMPER MODE DUE TO POOR INSTALLATIONMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-01Noct 2117 9030 8378 9359 96032019-08-01 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013411ClosedTamper Code2019-08-01CS: ENG ROGGERS I MSN: 0101175076500 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO BYPASSMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-01Noct 5474 6265 6731 0680 78842019-08-01 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013410ClosedTamper Code2019-08-01CS: YOHANANA JOSHUA MSN: 0101170287094 COMMENTS: THE METER WAS ON TAMPER SINCE INSTALLATIONMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-01Noct 1863 7015 3714 1514 13182019-08-01 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013409ClosedTamper Code2019-08-01CS: SOLOMON Y. GIZO MSN: 54161003634 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPDER DUE TO WIRE TWISTMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-01Noct 7212 0039 9405 2980 87942019-08-01 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013408ClosedTamper Code2019-08-01CS: NANCY JAWFU JJ MSN: 54161075509 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO BROKEN POLEMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-01Noct 5102 4846 1167 8282 51652019-08-01 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013407ClosedTamper Code2019-08-01CS: JJ JAWFU MSN: 54161106007 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO BROKEN POLEMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-01Noct 5264 8480 0516 2041 46212019-08-01 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013406ClosedTamper Code2019-08-01CS: TIMOTHY BOLAJI MSN: 0101170260877 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO MAINTENANCEMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-01Noct 0892 5840 6329 0716 75262019-08-01 AKIGA akigaisiyaka@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013405Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013404Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013403ClosedTamper Code2019-08-01LOISMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-01Noct 4740 7220 9664 4700 79012019-08-01 lois ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013402ClosedTamper Code2019-08-01CS: SMAUEL SUNDAY MSN: 54161162679 COMMENTS: BYPASSMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-01Noct 5046 3681 1892 7373 40932019-08-01 ABBAS abbaslawal360@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013401ClosedTamper Code2019-08-01CS: MUHAMMAD GYARAN MSN: 54161141848 COMMENTS: BYPASSMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-01Noct 3230 2299 8156 5466 13332019-08-01 ABBAS abbaslawal360@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013400ClosedTamper Code2019-08-01CS: USAIDA PATRICK MSN: 0101161009895 COMMENTS: BYPASSMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-01Noct 1573 1757 7729 8668 46492019-08-01 ABBAS abbaslawal360@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013399ClosedTamper Code2019-08-01CS: MANCHAN BWEBUM SETH MSN: 54160997711 COMMENTS: BYPASSMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-01Noct 6206 6867 4160 8050 70842019-08-01 ABBAS abbaslawal360@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013398ClosedTamper Code2019-08-01CS: ;PRINCE EMMA BATURE MSN: 0101160003279 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO LINE TWISTMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-01Noct 0422 1407 6712 0874 73652019-08-01 LAWAL glawal1184@yahoo.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013397ClosedTamper Code2019-08-01CS: MRS ABIGEAL ISHAYA MSN: 0101160057572 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERE TAMPER DUE TO POWER SURGEMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-01Noct 4736 4192 0174 3615 28902019-08-01 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013396ClosedTamper Code2019-08-01CS: NWAHCUKWU GODWIN MSN: 0101160048183 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO MAINTENANCEMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-01Noct 6757 1825 5260 2718 67152019-08-01 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013395ClosedTamper Code2019-08-01CS: BUBIES HOTEL MSN: 0101178019473 COMMENTS: THE METER ENETRED TAMPER DUE TO POOR INSTALLATIONHigh1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-01No6703 1552 2745 0628 58642019-08-01 BENJAMIN benjamintitus03@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013394ClosedTamper Code2019-08-01CS: MUDASSSIR YUSUF MSN: 0101170132183 COMMENTS: THE METER WAS ON TAMPER DUE TO HIGH VOLTAGEMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-01Noct 6099 3738 7469 8693 95182019-08-01 LAWAL glawal1184@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013393ClosedTamper Code2019-08-01CS: MUHAMMAD HAMMA BAJIGA MSN: 0101160011629 COMMENTS: THE METER WAS ON TAMPER DUE TO POOR INSTALLATIONMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-01Noct 1319 4373 7441 0030 63392019-08-01 garba glawal1184@yahoo.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013392ClosedTamper Code2019-08-01CS: COCIN CHURCH NABATONG MSN: 0101160058752 COMMENTS: THE METER WAS ON TAMPER BEFORE INSTALLATIONMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-01Noct 5080 3626 7523 4750 57972019-08-01 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013391ClosedTamper Code2019-08-01CS: MR. DANAN DANIEL MSN: 0101160174377 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO LINE TWISTMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-01Noct 4964 1819 7614 8403 69742019-08-01 ANAS anersirleh@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013390ClosedTamper Code2019-08-01CS: ELIAS ONKWO MSN: 0101160010308 COMMENTS: THE METER WAS ON TAMPER BEFORE INSTALLATIONMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-01Noct 1653 1767 4879 4391 73552019-08-01 ANAS anersirleh@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013389ClosedTamper Code2019-08-01CS: IMO SAMUEL IORUNGWA MSN: 54160941297 COMMENTS: BYPASSMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-01Noct 5448 5064 8909 5436 75372019-08-01 umar mujtabaumar01@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013388ClosedTamper Code2019-08-01CS: AJANG AJANG BULUS MSN: 54161104457 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO LINE TWISTMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-01Noct 2538 8385 8936 8276 02192019-08-01 ANAS anersirleh@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013387ClosedTamper Code2019-08-01CS: ,BUBA SALE MSN: 54161133803 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO WIRE TWISTHigh1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-01Noct 6217 4939 7976 0721 87412019-08-01 ANAS anersirleh@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013386ClosedTamper Code2019-08-01CS: OBAYIN SUNDAY FELIX MSN: 0101160173718 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO POWER SURGEMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-08-01Noct 4805 8440 5835 7503 02462019-08-01 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013385ClosedTamper Code2019-07-31CS: ST. JOHNS COLLEGE MSN: 0101170189829 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO WIRE TWISTMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-31Noct 5359 7129 5267 3748 10502019-07-31 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013384ClosedTamper Code2019-07-31CS: MR. ODIGBO EMMANUEL MSN: 0101160014102 COMMENTS: THE METER ENETERED TAMPER DUE TO TERMINAL COVER NTHAT GOT BURNTMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-31Noct 6081 3645 1574 7992 79032019-07-31 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013383ClosedTamper Code2019-07-31CS: SATZING RUNDAM MSN: 54161105686 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO OPEN RELAYMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-31Noct 0018 9881 9309 1327 75382019-07-31 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013382ClosedTamper Code2019-07-31CS: ISHAYA KAZE MSN: 0101160001141 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO POWER SURGEMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-31Noct 6825 1661 4547 9730 73382019-07-31 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013381ClosedTamper Code2019-07-31CS: SEGUN ELISHA MSN: 61241143123 COMMENTS: THE METER WAS ON TAMPER BEFORE INSTALLTIONMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-31Noct 6314 0279 8457 3227 55052019-07-31 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013380ClosedTamper Code2019-07-31CS: ESTHER NATIUNH MSN: 0101170440974 COMMENTS: THE METER WAS ON TAMPER BEFORE INSTALLATIONMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-31Noct 5778 2641 8671 6527 81982019-07-31 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013379ClosedTamper Code2019-07-31CS: DIALOGUE RECONCILIATION MSN: 0101170194753 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUR TO SHSORT CIRCUTMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-31Noct 4423 9119 4660 3449 83222019-07-31 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013378ClosedTamper Code2019-07-31CS: AKPAVAN MR. ESTHER MSN: 0101170363473 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO POWER SURGEMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-31Noct 3749 6289 5366 8613 23482019-07-31 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013377ClosedTamper Code2019-07-31CS: SIMON GOMERIC MSN: 54150632120 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO POWER SURGEMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-31Noct 4679 2944 3504 6913 45832019-07-31 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013376ClosedTamper Code2019-07-31CS: oNYEKA MECHINERIES MSN:541743206 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMAPER DUE TO LINE TWISTMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-31Noct 0867 5780 1856 9638 79822019-07-31 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013375ClosedTamper Code2019-07-31CS: LAWYER AGBO MSN: 54161135550 COMMENTS: BYPASSMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-31Noct 5602 5787 2427 9452 97072019-07-31 UMAR mujtabaumar01@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013374ClosedTamper Code2019-07-31CS: ELLA I. O.A MSN: 54161158701 COMMENTS: BYPASSMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-31Noct 3399 6950 8436 7869 73402019-07-31 UMAR mujtabaumar01@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013373ClosedTamper Code2019-07-31CS: FLAT D31 MSN: 54160966435 COMMENTS: BYPASSMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-31Noct 2875 0893 8471 9466 30592019-07-31 umar mujtabaumar01@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013372ClosedTamper Code2019-07-31CS: FLAT D27 MSN: 54160966468 COMMENTS: BYPASSMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-31Noct 2767 3812 8520 0141 22842019-07-31 UMAR mujtabaumar01@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013371ClosedTamper Code2019-07-31CS: OCHIBA PETER O MSN: 54160746803 COMMENTS: BYPASSMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-31Noct 5223 4573 5245 6531 45982019-07-31 UMAR mujtabaumar01@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013370ClosedTamper Code2019-07-31CS: IZUAFA ABUSALI MSN: 54160884653 COMMENTS: BYPASSMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-31Noct 0377 1222 6515 6976 49112019-07-31 UMAR mujtabaumar01@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013369ClosedJCS Access2019-07-30JCS ACCESSMediumPL/15B/0 Anas Abubakar2019-07-30NoJCS LOGIN DETAILS USERNAME: gurgur.nuevese@jedplc.com PASSWORD: Gurgur@2019! link: http://www.jedcloudstratum.com2019-07-30 GURGUR ngueveseben@gmail.com Anas Abubakar
#00013368ClosedJCS Access2019-07-30JCS ACCESSMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-30NoJCS LOGIN DETAILS USERNAME: abdulazeez.mohammed@jedplc.com PASSWORD: Abdulazeez@2019 Link: http://www.jedcloudstratum.com2019-07-30 ABDULAZEEZ faisalwaziri83@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013367In ProgressTamper Code2019-07-29CS: TIMOTHY A. BOLAJI MSN: 0101170260877 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO THUNDER STORMMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-29Noct 2997 8304 2103 2802 19290000-00-00 AKIGA akigaisiyaka@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013366ClosedTamper Code2019-07-29CS: SARAH ISHAKU MSN: 0101160058901 COMMENTS: THE METER WAS ON TAMPER BEFORE INSTALLATIONMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-29Noct 0231 8463 1202 7483 27502019-07-29 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013365ClosedTamper Code2019-07-29CS: KRISS COLLECTION MSN: 0101178020182 COMMENTS: THE METER WAS ON TAMPER BEFORE INSTALLATIONMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-29Noct 5706 3996 2450 1457 30492019-07-29 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013364ClosedTamper Code2019-07-29CS: OKOYE REGINA AZUKA COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO POWER SURGEMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-29Noct 4097 0968 0289 9306 25232019-07-29 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013363ClosedTamper Code2019-07-29CS: 12 MAN UNIT OF RAYFOELD GOV. HOUSE MSN: 0101178020935 COMMENT: tHE METER WAS ON TAMPER BEFORE INSTALLATIONMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-29Noct 3290 7417 4315 1055 93542019-07-29 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013362ClosedTamper Code2019-07-29CS: GUNIYANG TANKO D MSN: 0101160057911 COMMENTS: THE METER WAS ON TAMPER BEFORE INSTALLATIONMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-29Noct 3601 1990 4562 8139 95492019-07-29 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013361ClosedTamper Code2019-07-29CS: RUKAIYA ADO MSN: 0101150170153 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO LONE TWISTMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-29Noct 3749 3187 4562 4519 48332019-07-29 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013360ClosedTamper Code2019-07-29CS: WELDER NYAM MSN: 0101170395517 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER MODE DUE TO SHORT CIRCUTMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-29Noct 2081 7036 1218 3799 24792019-07-29 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013359ClosedTamper Code2019-07-29CS: MR. TIMOTHY JAZI MSN: 0101160006413 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO POWER SURGEMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-29Noct 7200 8883 9357 9712 29862019-07-29 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013358ClosedTamper Code2019-07-29CS: PROF BUSTWAT ZAMSANI MSN: 62130182850 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO HIGH VOLTAGEMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-29Noct 2468 2958 1156 2359 54832019-07-29 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013357ClosedTamper Code2019-07-28MSN:54150607502 CN:BADUNG BITRUS CM:HIGH VOLTAGEMediumCorp002 Abba Suleiman Abdullahi2019-07-28No1046 8840 6515 8663 46772019-07-28 UMMI ummilois2@gmail.com Abba Suleiman Abdullahi
#00013356ClosedTamper Code2019-07-27MSN:0101150228621 CN:MR OHAKWE FRANCIS CM:ENTER TEMPER BEFORE INSTALLATIONMediumCorp002 Abba Suleiman Abdullahi2019-07-27No1793 6977 8809 0478 76512019-07-27 UMMI ummilois2@gmail.com Abba Suleiman Abdullahi
#00013355ClosedTamper Code2019-07-27MSN:0101160179749 CN:MR OHAKWE FRANCIS CM:IS IN TEMPER BEFORE INSTALLATIONMediumCorp002 Abba Suleiman Abdullahi2019-07-27No2118 2968 5799 0180 15292019-07-27 UMMI ummilois2@gmail.com Abba Suleiman Abdullahi
#00013354ClosedTamper Code2019-07-27MSN:0101178020265 CN:12 MAIN UNIT OF RAYFIELD GOVERNMENT HOUSE CM:THECMETER IS A NEW 300/5A CT OPERATEDHighCorp002 Abba Suleiman Abdullahi2019-07-27No4785 1190 9756 0830 56682019-07-27 DALIS jubilant95@gmail.com Abba Suleiman Abdullahi
#00013353ClosedTamper Code2019-07-27MSN:54161149114 CN:OKONA TNYANG CM:ENTER TEMPER AS A RESULT OF POWER SURGEMediumCorp002 Abba Suleiman Abdullahi2019-07-27No1478 0749 0514 8325 81922019-07-27 UMMI ummilois2@gmail.com Abba Suleiman Abdullahi
#00013352ClosedTamper Code2019-07-27MSN:54160865918 CN:UNASOMBA PATRIC CM:ENTER TEMPER AS A RESULT OF POWER SURGEMediumCorp002 Abba Suleiman Abdullahi2019-07-27No7055 3786 6468 0335 28782019-07-27 UMMI ummilois2@gmail.com Abba Suleiman Abdullahi
#00013351ClosedTamper Code2019-07-27MSN:0101161014184 CN:DAKUSUK JIMWAN CM:ENTER TEMPER AS A RESULT OF WIRE PULLOUTMediumCorp002 Abba Suleiman Abdullahi2019-07-27No5855 1239 8368 9721 53302019-08-03 UMMI ummilois2@gmail.com Abba Suleiman Abdullahi
#00013350ClosedTamper Code2019-07-27MSN:0101170408799 CN:ZAMFARA PAUL CM:ENTER TEMPER AS A RESULT OF POWER SURGEMediumCorp002 Abba Suleiman Abdullahi2019-07-27No3930 6000 4208 5302 22372019-07-27 UMMI ummilois2@gmail.com Abba Suleiman Abdullahi
#00013349ClosedTamper Code2019-07-27MSN:54161081226 CN:MR EZEKWEM IFEANY LHighCorp002 Abba Suleiman Abdullahi2019-07-27No6081 3994 6497 3591 16392019-07-27 UMMI ummilois2@gmail.com Abba Suleiman Abdullahi
#00013348ClosedTamper Code2019-07-27CN:NWAFOR CRISTOPHER MSN:0101170289462 CM:ENTER TEMPER AS A RESULT OF MAINTAINANCEMediumCorp002 Abba Suleiman Abdullahi2019-07-27No6920 9048 3686 0459 62492019-07-27 UMMI ummilois2@gmail.com Abba Suleiman Abdullahi
#00013347ClosedTamper Code2019-07-27MSN:54161016289 CN:AHMED MUSA ISAH CM:ENTER TEMPER AS A RESULT OF WIRE TWISTMediumCorp002 Abba Suleiman Abdullahi2019-07-27No3560 2096 6650 8186 24092019-07-27 UMMI ummilois2@gmail.com Abba Suleiman Abdullahi
#00013346ClosedTamper Code2019-07-27MSN:54160935638 CN:OYEBONDE OAYORINDE CM:ENTER TEMPER AS A RESULT OF WIRE TWISTMediumCorp002 Abba Suleiman Abdullahi2019-07-27No2809 9404 1898 8668 68152019-07-27 UMMI ummilois2@gmail.com Abba Suleiman Abdullahi
#00013345ClosedTamper Code2019-07-27MSN:0101170293415 CN:PLAPLOLY MP GISTMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa0000-00-00No1731 6160 5938 9792 49882019-07-27 UMMI ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013344ClosedTamper Code2019-07-26MSN:54161156093 CN:SAMUEL DANAUTA CM:BYPASSMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-26No5042 4672 7029 2184 74452019-07-26 ADAM ahmadtyno@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013343ClosedTamper Code2019-07-26CS: LHS MOHD SULE MSN: 57100072222 COMMENT: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO POWER SURGEMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-26Noct 1692 6349 1978 5574 54622019-07-26 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013342ClosedTamper Code2019-07-26CS: EL RIO MISSION MSN: 57100056126 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUR TO WIRE BRIGDEMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-26Noct 1470 3459 7448 0048 10032019-07-26 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013341ClosedTamper Code2019-07-26CS: DACHES BITRUS MSN: 54161137036 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO WIRE TWISTMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-26Noct 5031 2950 2307 1023 02092019-07-26 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013340ClosedTamper Code2019-07-26CS: REBECA JOHN MANMAN MSN: 57100013580 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO POWER SURGEMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-26Noct 6536 6385 9817 8011 55562019-07-26 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013339Open0000-00-00 0000-00-00No0000-00-00
#00013338ClosedTamper Code2019-07-26CS: MR. BULUS DUNG MSN: 54161134777 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO POWER SURGEMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-26Noct 0289 0953 9033 5882 72022019-07-26 LOISA ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013337ClosedTamper Code2019-07-25CS: LUKE MOUNANU MSN: 0101150167993 COMMENTS: BYPASSMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-25Noct 4092 9465 6468 3082 70702019-07-25 AKIGA akigaisiyaka@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013336ClosedTamper Code2019-07-25CS: SAMSON AREO MSN: 0101170274258 COMMENTS: BYPASSMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-25Noct 2796 2237 2614 4400 06642019-07-25 AKIGA akigaisiyaka@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013335ClosedTamper Code2019-07-25CS: MEDICAL OFFICER MSN: 0101185060114 COMMENTS: THE METER WAS ON TAMPER BEFORE INSTALLATIONMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-25Noct 1605 8820 6308 9655 41552019-07-25 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013334ClosedTamper Code2019-07-25CS: SUNDAY GULAT MSN: 0101160046443 COMMENTS: BYPASSMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-25Noct 1536 5793 1074 6790 06912019-07-25 abdul abdulmalik3955@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013333ClosedTamper Code2019-07-25CS: IBRAHIM GANI MSN: 54160993868 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO WIRE TWISTMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-25Noct 0218 3880 6663 5245 33632019-07-25 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013332ClosedTamper Code2019-07-25CS: NZHIME SUNDAY MSN: 0101160053225 COMMENTS: THE WAS ON WAS ON TAMPER BEFORE INSTALLATIONMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-25Noct 6243 3883 9905 4040 13612019-07-25 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013331ClosedTamper Code2019-07-24CS: MR. DANAM DANIEL MSN: 0101160173668 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO POWER SURGEMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-24Noct 2224 3120 2345 7808 38992019-07-24 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013330ClosedTamper Code2019-07-24CS: OBAYIN SUNDAY FELIX MSN: 0101160174310 COMMENT: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO POWER SURGEMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-24Noct 5556 2301 6913 9924 52242019-07-24 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013329ClosedTamper Code2019-07-24CS: YAKUBU MAI BULAWUS MSN: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO CHANGE OF POLEMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-24Noct 2198 3636 9618 8418 96362019-07-24 BENJAMIN benjamintitus03@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013328ClosedTamper Code2019-07-24CS: ABDULMUMINI KUNDAK MSN: 54160912116 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO CHANGE OF POLEMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-24Noct 1354 0323 1206 6373 36782019-07-24 benjamin benjamintitus503@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013327ClosedTamper Code2019-07-24CS: OBIAGU ANTHONY OBIAGU 1 MSN: 0101170451153 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO POWER SURGEMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-24Noct 6864 2842 5700 7212 65332019-07-24 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013326ClosedTamper Code2019-07-24CS: MIKE UKACHI NWOOSHIRI MSN: 0101160005068 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO POWER SURGEMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-24Noct 5965 3739 4884 0815 88782019-07-24 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013325ClosedTamper Code2019-07-24CS: NANPON FRIDAY MSN: 0101160058802 COMMENTS: THE METER WAS ON TAMPER MODE BEFORE INSTALLATIONMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-24Noct 4384 4805 8887 7614 64892019-07-24 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013324ClosedTamper Code2019-07-24CS: ABAH ONYEKA MSN: 0101170291039 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO POWER SURGEMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-24Noct 1481 7922 6999 2408 40472019-07-24 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013323ClosedTamper Code2019-07-24CS: WILLIE THOMAS MSN: 54150628680 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO OPEN BREAKERMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-24Noct 2172 5675 0618 4226 07642019-07-24 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013322ClosedTamper Code2019-07-24CS: MOUNT CARMEL CHRISTAIN SCHOOL MSN: 0101175021118 COMMENTS: BYPASSMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-24Noct 3432 1604 5433 6918 85752019-07-24 ABDUL abdulmalik3955@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013321ClosedTamper Code2019-07-24CS: FLAT D30 MSN: 54160966377 COMMENTS: BYPASSMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-24Noct 0671 1072 3869 6730 25752019-07-24 UMAR mujtabaumar01@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013320ClosedTamper Code2019-07-24CS: YUSUF SALEH MSN: 54161020323 COMMENTS: BYPASSMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-24Noct 5160 9282 3082 0967 96372019-07-24 UMAR mujtabaumar01@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013319ClosedTamper Code2019-07-24CS: FLAT D12 MSN: 54160966427 COMMENTS: BYPASSMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-24Noct 2038 7831 1911 7834 21742019-07-24 UMAR mujtabaumar01@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013318ClosedTamper Code2019-07-24CS: FLAT D11 MSN: 54160966401 COMMENTS: BYPASSMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-24Noct 7262 0196 5761 0168 07362019-07-24 UMAR mujtabaumar01@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013317ClosedTamper Code2019-07-24CS: FLAT D33 MSN: 54160919954 COMMENTS: BYPASSMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-24Noct 0756 2742 7969 5023 34842019-07-24 UMAR mujtabaumar01@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013316ClosedVending History2019-07-20COXxfc llodiftzazpf, [url=http://xcwmdvhaxcqi.com/]xcwmdvhaxcqi[/url], [link=http://evtehuygwomk.com/]evtehuygwomk[/link], http://lcfwbdixqkuc.com/Medium1372 Abdallah mohammed2019-07-20NoCOXxfc llodiftzazpf, [url=http://xcwmdvhaxcqi.com/]xcwmdvhaxcqi[/url], [link=http://evtehuygwomk.com/]evtehuygwomk[/link], http://lcfwbdixqkuc.com/2019-07-20 COXxfc llodiftzazpf, [url=http://xcwmdvhaxcqi.com/]xcwmdvhaxcqi[/url], [link=http://evtehuygwomk.com/]evtehuygwomk[/link], http://lcfwbdixqkuc.com/ ANAS ixftyr@gvossb.com tKAmGjPnBr Abdallah mohammed
#00013315ClosedTamper Code2019-07-20CS: MATOARI ABUBAKAR MSN: 0101170228122 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO OPEN RELAAYMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-20Noct 3327 0246 7188 5617 17882019-07-20 KABIRU kabiruadamuwunti@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013314ClosedTamper Code2019-07-19cs: okene amedu msn: 54160738958 comments: the meter entered tamper due to mainternanceMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-19Noct 0333 4762 0491 5064 46072019-07-19 aners anersirleh@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013313ClosedTamper Code2019-07-19CS: DUSU BITRUS 0101161057340 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO POWER SURGEMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-19Noct 2336 1176 5631 0277 23422019-07-19 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013312ClosedTamper Code2019-07-19CS: DAME ABRAHAM C MSN": 54161002529 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO POOR INSTALLATIONMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-19Noct 5691 6769 3010 5946 25412019-07-19 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013311ClosedTamper Code2019-07-19CS: NWACHUKWU PHIL MSN: 57100005719 COMMENTS: BYPASSMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-19Noct 4633 8214 1575 5728 25212019-07-19 ABDUL abdulmalik3955@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013310ClosedVending History2019-07-18Kindly assist with the VH for this customer meter no.0101161026204MediumCorp002 Abba Suleiman Abdullahi2019-07-18NoResolved2019-07-18 Roseline longpuan@gmail.com Abba Suleiman Abdullahi
#00013309ClosedRequest2019-07-18Request for the vending history and the remaining balance meter no 54161151813MediumCorp002 Abba Suleiman Abdullahi2019-07-18NoResolved2019-07-18 Tsavsar tsavsarmngu@gmail.com Abba Suleiman Abdullahi
#00013308ClosedOutstanding Balance2019-07-18REQUEST FOR THE DEBT PROFILE FOR 54160876576MediumCorp002 Abba Suleiman Abdullahi2019-07-18NoResolved2019-07-18 Saadatu saadatumusa87@gmail.com Abba Suleiman Abdullahi
#00013307ClosedKCT Request2019-07-180101185053622 KCT RequestMedium3171 YUSUF AHMED SHEHU2019-07-18NoResolved2019-07-18 PPM ppmcapture@gmail.com YUSUF AHMED SHEHU
#00013306ClosedRequest2019-07-18Please i hereby request for the following in respect of this customer :54161023830 1-original debt 2-vending history 3-monthly repayment plan 4-outstanding debt balanceMediumCorp002 Abba Suleiman Abdullahi2019-07-18NoResolved2019-07-18 Mahmud mahmudwaziri@hotmail.com Abba Suleiman Abdullahi
#00013305ClosedRequest2019-07-18Request for the vending history and the remaining balance meter no 54161151813MediumCorp002 Abba Suleiman Abdullahi2019-07-18NoResolved2019-07-18 Tsavsar tsavsarmngu@gmail.com Abba Suleiman Abdullahi
#00013304ClosedRequest2019-07-18Request for the vending history and the remaining balance meter no 0101160352627MediumCorp002 Abba Suleiman Abdullahi2019-07-18NoResolved2019-07-18 Tsavsar tsavsarmngu@gmail.com Abba Suleiman Abdullahi
#00013303ClosedRequest2019-07-18Request for the vending history and the remaining balance meter no 54161064958MediumCorp002 Abba Suleiman Abdullahi2019-07-18NoResolved2019-07-18 Tsavsar tsavsarmngu@gmail.com Abba Suleiman Abdullahi
#00013302ClosedKCT Request2019-07-18Good day support kindly generate kct for meter number 0101178021784 as the meter reject previous kct provided , the current meter index is 006MediumCorp002 Abba Suleiman Abdullahi2019-07-18NoResolved2019-07-18 Kabiru kabiruadamuwunti@gmail.com Abba Suleiman Abdullahi
#00013301ClosedVending History2019-07-18REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY(54160989973)Medium3171 YUSUF AHMED SHEHU2019-07-18NoResolved2019-07-18 Peter tyoverpeter@yahoo.com YUSUF AHMED SHEHU
#00013300ClosedVending History2019-07-18REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY(54160955560)Medium3171 YUSUF AHMED SHEHU2019-07-18NoResolved2019-07-18 Peter tyoverpeter@yahoo.com YUSUF AHMED SHEHU
#00013299ClosedVending History2019-07-18Pls I need the vending history of this customer 57300007481 thanksMedium3171 YUSUF AHMED SHEHU2019-07-18NoResolved2019-07-18 Akiga akigaisiyaka@gmail.com YUSUF AHMED SHEHU
#00013298ClosedRequest2019-07-18Dear support, Kindly avail Audit with account number captured with meter number : 54160921422 RegardsMediumCorp002 Abba Suleiman Abdullahi2019-07-18NoResolved2019-07-18 Ibrahim uibrahim543@gmail.com Abba Suleiman Abdullahi
#00013297ClosedOutstanding Balance2019-07-18Find below request. 1. 0101170120287. Thanks.Medium3171 YUSUF AHMED SHEHU2019-07-18NoResolved2019-07-18 Faiza faizahtafida@gmail.com YUSUF AHMED SHEHU
#00013296ClosedRequest2019-07-18Hello, Please kindly assist with the account no.of the meter no. below: 54160968662 Thank you.MediumCorp002 Abba Suleiman Abdullahi2019-07-18NoResolved2019-07-18 Hadiza sanisambohadiza@gmail.com Abba Suleiman Abdullahi
#00013295ClosedRequest2019-07-18Kindly assist with the meter number tide to dis accounts 1. 477048 2. 606582 3. 606583MediumCorp002 Abba Suleiman Abdullahi2019-07-18NoResolved2019-07-18 Aneesa aneesasule1@gmail.com Abba Suleiman Abdullahi
#00013294ClosedVending History2019-07-18Request for VH 61.0303.0011.0934MediumCorp002 Abba Suleiman Abdullahi2019-07-18NoResolved2019-07-18 Aneesa aneesasule1@gmail.com Abba Suleiman Abdullahi
#00013293ClosedOutstanding Balance2019-07-18Good morning, please kindly find below for debt details. 0101160006181 thank you.MediumCorp002 Abba Suleiman Abdullahi2019-07-18NoResolved2019-07-18 Hadiza sanisambohadiza@gmail.com Abba Suleiman Abdullahi
#00013292ClosedOutstanding Balance2019-07-18Dear IT SUPPORT, Please kindly assist with the outstanding debt on the meter no.below: 0101160008971 thank you.Medium3171 YUSUF AHMED SHEHU2019-07-18NoResolved2019-07-18 Hadiza sanisambohadiza@gmail.com YUSUF AHMED SHEHU
#00013291ClosedVending History2019-07-1854161028599 VH RequestMedium3171 YUSUF AHMED SHEHU2019-07-18NoResolved2019-07-18 CRM crm@jedplc.com YUSUF AHMED SHEHU
#00013290ClosedVending History2019-07-18REQUEST FOR VH - 61.0202.0012.0162 (UNISTER)MediumCorp002 Abba Suleiman Abdullahi2019-07-18NoResolved2019-07-18 Muhammad muhammad.dalhatu2019@gmail.com Abba Suleiman Abdullahi
#00013289ClosedVending History2019-07-18REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY METER NO 54161138570 COL.UBA JOHN I. PAULMediumCorp002 Abba Suleiman Abdullahi2019-07-18NoResolved2019-07-18 Mercy benmercyladi@gmail.com Abba Suleiman Abdullahi
#00013288ClosedVending History2019-07-18REQUEST FOR VENDING HISTORY METER NO 54161118440 SAVANNAH PETROLEUMMediumCorp002 Abba Suleiman Abdullahi2019-07-18NoResolved2019-07-18 Mercy benmercyladi@gmail.com Abba Suleiman Abdullahi
#00013287ClosedVending History2019-07-181. 61.0101.0011.2868 2. 62.0202.0011.1287 3.63.0201.0011.0288MediumCorp002 Abba Suleiman Abdullahi2019-07-18NoResolved2019-07-18 Aneesa aneesasule1@gmail.com Abba Suleiman Abdullahi
#00013286ClosedRequest2019-07-18Please i hereby request for the following in respect of this customer :54161023830 1-original debt 2-vending history 3-monthly repayment plan 4-outstanding debt balanceMediumCorp002 Abba Suleiman Abdullahi2019-07-18NoResolved2019-07-18 Mahmud mahmudwaziri@hotmail.com Abba Suleiman Abdullahi
#00013285ClosedKCT Request2019-07-18Hello, Please kindly find below for KCT as the first KCT issued was rejected by the meter. 54161104275 thank you.Medium3171 YUSUF AHMED SHEHU2019-07-18NoResolved2019-07-18 Hadiza sanisambihadiza@gmail.com YUSUF AHMED SHEHU
#00013284ClosedVending History2019-07-18Fwd: Statement of Account (0101170311910)MediumCorp002 Abba Suleiman Abdullahi2019-07-18NoResolved2019-07-18 Naomi naomi_tegwi@yahoo.com Abba Suleiman Abdullahi
#00013283ClosedRequest2019-07-18Hello, Please kindly assist with the account no. of the meter no. below: 0101170290239 thank you.MediumCorp002 Abba Suleiman Abdullahi2019-07-18NoResolved2019-07-18 Hadiza sanisambohadiza@gmail.com Abba Suleiman Abdullahi
#00013282ClosedKCT Request2019-07-18REQUEST FOR KCT METER NO 0101175075809 JAMES PHILIP ITODOMediumCorp002 Abba Suleiman Abdullahi2019-07-18NoResolved2019-07-18 Mercy benmercyladi@gmail.com Abba Suleiman Abdullahi
#00013281ClosedOutstanding Balance2019-07-17Hello, Please kindly assist with the outstanding debt on the meter no. below: 0101160180408 thanks and best regards.MediumCorp002 Abba Suleiman Abdullahi2019-07-17NoResolved2019-07-18 Hadiza sanisambohadiza@gmail.com Abba Suleiman Abdullahi
#00013280ClosedVending History2019-07-18Good morning. Kindly assist me with VH of this meter 04216817256 Thank you.MediumCorp002 Abba Suleiman Abdullahi2019-07-18NoResolved2019-07-18 Abbas abbaslawal360@gmail.com Abba Suleiman Abdullahi
#00013279ClosedFailed Transaction2019-07-18UNREMMITED TOKEN: 0101170415018MediumCorp002 Abba Suleiman Abdullahi2019-07-18NoResolved2019-07-18 Samuel samueldchun@gmail.com Abba Suleiman Abdullahi
#00013278ClosedTamper Code2019-07-18CS: YAHAYA YAHAYA MSN: 54161166654 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO POOR INSTALLLATIONMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-18Noct 6504 4075 1635 8179 95022019-07-18 benji benjamintitus03@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013277ClosedTamper Code2019-07-18CS: BUHARI MAFAJI MSN: 57100083799 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO HIGH VOLTAGEMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-18NoCT 0781 6602 6135 4530 62962019-07-18 lois ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013276ClosedTamper Code2019-07-18CS: FISRT BANK NIG LTD MSN: 0101178019408 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO PERIODIC MAINTENANCE EXCERCISEMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-18Noct 2802 5624 1013 8080 09092019-07-18 bennji benjamintitus03@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013275ClosedTamper Code2019-07-18CS: OKENE AMEDU MSN: 54160738959 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO POOR MAINTENANCEMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-18Noct 1888 6647 8540 6400 83832019-07-18 BENJAMIN benji.osas24@yahoo.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013274ClosedTamper Code2019-07-18CS: MBAHOMN AMBROSE MSN: 54160942196 COMMENTS: THE METER ENTERED TAMPER DUE TO CHANGE OF POLEMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-18Noct 5739 5998 2478 6627 46672019-07-18 BENJI benji.osas24@yahoo.com Abdullahi Inuwa
#00013273ClosedTamper Code2019-07-18CS: SEKYEN INNOCENT MSN: 0101160007320 COMMENTS: THE METR ENTERED TAMPER DUE TONPOOR INSTALLATIONMedium1095 Abdullahi Inuwa2019-07-18Noct 6581 6294 2104 7618 99392019-07-18 LOIS ummilois2@gmail.com Abdullahi Inuwa